Agobend Univeristy: Kate's Hazing |
- Author - Mr. Brightside
- Rating -
   [ 3.61 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1285 of 2955
- Story Codes - analplay, bondage, electricity, humiliation, kidnapping, predicament, public, sensorydep, spanking, teen, toys, tricked
- Post Date - 7/2/2017
Author's Note: This is my first story ever, and it involved the introduction of Agobend University, a prestigious if secretive college where kinky adventures are a frequent occurrence among the students and faculty.
Kate was so excited to finally be attending Agobend University. She had to admit, she was kind of nervous. Kate had heard so many nasty rumors about this Agobend University, about the horrible, cruel, and usually sexual hazing rites that happened. But her parents insisted it was just rumors and hearsay, having attended the same college themselves. In fact, her father had been on the committee that welcomed her mother to University! It was what led to them eventually getting married. None of that stuff actually happened, there would be a huge outcry about it! It couldn't possibly be true, she told herself.
Kate was lazily unpacking the last of her things. As luck would have it, her dorm room was at the end of the hall, next to the back stairs. This also meant that this room was the last to be filled, and it just so happened that someone had decided to drop out before college even started, meaning Kate got this room all to herself! Kate had a lithe figure, and was rather short. While she took things out of moving boxes, she was dressed in bright red booty shorts that tightly hugged her ass, and a white tee shirt with very short sleeves.
She jumped in shock as a loud knock came from her door. Oh shit! She didn't have time to change. Oh well... She went to the door, opening it just slightly. On the other side was a young man, probably one of the other students. Kate was pushed back as the taller, more muscular man forcefully pushed the door wider. "Hi! I'm Alex! I'm part of the committee that welcomes new students! Mind if I come in?" Without waiting for an answer, Alex brushed right past Kate, taking note of her choice in attire with a raised eyebrow. Kate noticed Alex was carrying a large black duffel bag, which he dropped next to the bed.
Kate was mortified, and felt like her space was being unfairly invaded. "Hey! What gives? You can't just barge in here!" Alex laughed, apologizing. "Sorry! I just have a lot to do, and not much time in which to do it. I can get a little ahead of myself." Kate absent-mindedly closed the door behind him. "It's fine..." Kate said, in a tone that made it clear it was anything but. Alex, meanwhile, had opened his duffel bag and fumbling around inside it, finally pulling something out. "Again, sorry! But you need to get used to such things, you're at Agobend now. Speaking of privacy, do you mind turning around for a second?"
Kate decided to take the moral high ground and give the Senior a bit of privacy for.... whatever. Quick as a flash, Alex was up against Kate's back, wrenching her arms behind her. The "something" turned out to be a length of rope that Alex quickly looped around Kate's elbows, pulling them together before cinching it off in a quick and efficient manner. "HEY! What the fu-!" Kate's choice of swear words were muffled as Alex pushed the smaller woman to her knees, pressing her face against her own bed, silencing her cries. Alex brought one foot up to the back of Kate's head, gently but firmly keeping it in place while he used more rope to secure Kate's wrists together in the same, brutally efficient manner.
Alex's foot came up, and Kate was brought up again. Before she could cry out, her mouth was invaded by something long, slick, and rubbery. A cock gag! The rubber penis slowly snaked its way into Kate's throat. She tried to cough and gag, but it kept forcing its way down. How long was it? "That's it, take it all in, you slut." Alex cooed into Kate's ear. Alex weaved a web of straps around Kate's head, ensuring there was no way the cock could be spit out. No, Kate would just have to put up with it the unwelcome visitor for the time being.
Kate was dropped, and struggled in her bonds for a minute before she realized that Alex was getting undressed. No! It couldn't be, Alex wasn't going to rape her, was he? Kate squealed as Alex pulled her red booty shorts off and tossed them to the side, revealing Kate's pretty pink panties underneath. Alex pulled out a condom, to Kate's amazement. She didn't expect a rapist to be that considerate. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, having lubed up his rather impressive cock. He pulled Kate into his lap, with her hands being crushed between their two bodies, slick with sweat. Alex pulled Kate's legs way up, folding her neatly in two vertically, with her ass dangerously close to Derrick's throbbing erection.
Slowly, slowly, Alex lowered Kate down, her tight derriere making quite the tempting target, but he didn't want to take that from her - yet. She felt Alex pushing against her cunt from behind. To her shame, she was already growing slick with anticipation of what was coming. Hardly any resistance at all, and he was in. He went slow, as he didn't relish undue pain, taking his time with her. Kate whimpered into the rubber cock as Alex pulled her in close against his chest, as he began to bouncing her up and down, up and down. Alex grabbed Kate's ankles, pulling them down and to the side, ensuring she could offer no resistance to his merciless assault. Kate felt one hand cupping her throat, not constricting, but pulling him closer, while the other hand made it's way to her dainty chest.
Alex began whispering sweet nothings into her ear, much like a lover would. He complimented her on various parts of her body, insisting she was a beautiful woman. In spite of the clear assault on her body, Kate found herself responding well to the sudden kindness. As well, Alex seemed to be an expert on making Kate's body respond exactly the way he wanted it. She didn't want to, but her body's arousal was steadily skyrocketing against her wishes. She began pushing back against him, leaning into his body, grinding her hips against him, moaning with every bounce. Even the disgust she felt for herself upon realizing what she was doing was arousing in and of itself. He was turning her into a whore and she was enjoying it. Didn't that make her a whore? Didn't being a whore meant she SHOULD be enjoying this?
These thoughts and others ravaged her mind just as Alex ravaged her body. Kate was really getting into it now, her head leaning back against Alex's shoulder as her hands, even bound as they were, began to explore his rock-hard abs. Instinct took over as his pace increased, and Kate tensed up at the same time he did. Alex slammed her down hard onto his cock, driving deep into her, and they both came together in a mind blowing orgasm. He relaxed, laying back on the bed, pulling her down on top of him. She unconsciously nuzzled against his neck, then froze as he spoke again. "You know, I'm pretty sure I didn't give you permission to come. You'll have to be punished for that, and I think I have an idea or two for that."
With that, he finally pulled out, being careful not to spill any contents of the now-filled condom. Alex pushed Kate off to the side of the bed, where she mewled weakly, still caught up in post-orgasm bliss. Alex began emptying the forgotten duffel bag of it's contents, finally finding what he was looking for. He emptied the condom into a leather hood, depositing the cum inside. Kate groaned as she saw the hood rising up to her face, but Alex held her firm as he forced it on her head. The cum smeared all over her face, and she was forced to breath in his musky scent. The smell made her head swim with arousal once more.
Kate's punishment wasn't over yet. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, pulled Kate across his lap, face down, with her ass in the air. His hand came down on her bare ass, sending a loud SMACK ringing through the room. Down and down his hand came, alternating cheeks, as Kate desperately tried to squirm away. "I'll only stop when you tell me you want to be my dirty submissive little slut." Alex warned. Kate desperately tried to communicate, but it's hard to speak intelligibly with a rubber cock occupying your throat and a cum soaked leather hood keeping it there. Tears began streaming down her face, mixing with the salty semen to further make an absolute mess of her face. She was yelling into the gag about how she was his, and only his, desperate dirty submissive little cumslut, and she begged for his mercy, his cock, anything to get him to stop. Only after Alex's hand began to cramp from the rapid assault did he finally relent, when Kate's ass was as cherry red as her booty shorts.
Kate was almost relieved to feel a soothing coolness exploring her ass, except she realized Alex was pushing a large steel plug against her bottom. She tried to clench up, causing him to pause. "You really want to relax for this part. Trust me, if you're all tensed up, it'll hurt way worse." Reluctantly, Kate tried to relax, easing the tension in her butt cheeks. It was very difficult with her cheeks still stinging from the spanking, but it was better than before. Besides, the cool metal did help a little. The tip of the plug pushed in, making Kate gasp as she was invaded, deeper and deeper. Finally, it slid into place with a wet POP! Kate tried to adjust to this new violation as Alex helped her sit up. She was so focused on the plug that she didn't notice Alex retrieve a bullet vibe until he was pushing that inside her slit next. She was still exhausted from the rough fucking, but her body began responding naturally. Seemingly satisfied, Alex fetched her discarded booty shorts and put them back on her. Kate cursed the booty shorts, as the tight clothing now enforced the invading presences inside her.
Kate yelped as Alex pushed her face down again, though this time he began rechecking his rope work, and adding new rope to a growing collection that began to criss-cross Kate's entire body. Alex added a shibari harness that accentuated Kate's moderately sized cleavage nicely. Alex pushed a cordless wand vibrator right up against Kate's clit before tying it in place with a crotch rope connected to her hand. Experimenting, Kate figured out she could pull on the rope with her hands to put more pressure on her clit at the cost of driving the plug in her ass in deeper. Meanwhile, her legs were tied together at the thighs, above the knees, below the knees, the ankles, and finally her big toes. Another rope connected her ankles with the rope on her elbows, pulling her feet right up against her ass in a strenuous hogtie. A ring on the leather hood was likewise connected to her elbows, straining her head back to make sure she got no reprieve. As one final additional torment, Alex secured a small battery pack inside the ropework on her back, connecting it to handful of pads he placed on her ass.
Alex picked up a small remote, playing with the settings, activating his little toys of torment. The vibrators jumped to life, playing havoc on Kate's vagina while the pads sent electrical shocks through her rear. Kate squealed and squirmed again while the dirty toys did their work. Alex decided to have some more fun by grabbing her hips and tickling. Kate began to panic at this point, the cacophony of sensations roiling through her brain as her arousal soared. She simultaneously tried to scream, laugh, pant, and moan in ecstasy as the emotions conflicted inside her, and she began instinctively sucking on the rubber cock like it was a comforting pacifier. She reflexively tried to escape, but the bonds held her tightly. For the second time, her body shuddered and convulsed while she came hard moaning like a whore into the gag.
Satisfied with his work. Alex picked her up and gently laid her inside the empty duffel bag. He had to work the sides, for it was a tight fit, but he managed to cram her in the bag with fabric acting as another form of bondage compressing her body and adding further pressure. Kate tried to take in deep breaths through the nostril holes on the leather hood, and the smell of Alex's sweat intensified. He must use this bag for his dirty gym laundry! The thought repulsed and aroused Kate in equal measure. Alex cranked up the settings on the remote before tossing it in the bag with her, zipping it up afterwards to seal her in. A large sticker on the side proclaimed the bag and it's contents as "Property of Alex -."
Slinging the bag over one shoulder, Alex turned out the light on his way out the door, locking it behind him. It would be funny to see her ask the Hall Supervisor for their spare key in her current state of dress after she was finally released. The cum was already drying, gluing her face to the hood, and it would definitely be a humiliating mess whenever it came time to clean up. Making his way down to the University's central plaza where he planned to leave the bag and it's contents on an outside table for the night, he passed a few other upperclassmen "welcoming" their own charges in Agobend's unique way. Often, a male upperclassmen was welcoming a female, like with Alex & Kate. Other times it was a female welcoming a female, or a female welcoming a male. Sometimes even a male welcomed a male! It depended on the student's preference, as this way how upperclassmen gained ownership, or "Sponsorship" of an underclassmen.
Kate didn't realize it yet, but this was how her parents had really met. The entire stunt was silently approved on an annual basis by faculty. Agobend University only admitted students that had unknowingly passed a special psychology test that indicated they would be in favor of the events that happened at Agobend, whether they knew it yet or not. Unwritten rules were in place that kept the students from seriously harming each other, and ALL participants eventually came to love the activities. It was possible this was due to some form of Stockholm syndrome or brainwashing, but who could tell the difference? For her part, Kate would come to adore Alex, and she kept to her word of becoming his dirty submissive little slut. The two would eventually, like their parents before them, happily marry.
The End
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