Author's Note: This is an excerpt from my full-length novel, SubmissiveLand: Sorority Sister Competition. Denise and two of her sorority sisters have entered into a competition of submission; and the winner gets to be sorority president for their University chapter in the following semester. The following excerpt comes from day 4 of the competition, just about halfway through the book.
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If you like the story, please consider purchasing the full length book. It's only six bucks, and would go a long way to helping me finish the next book. You can find it on Amazon; just search "SubmissiveLand". It should come right up. Hugs and kisses to all who visit and post on this site. XOXO -BDreamer
"So Lauren, how many times did you finger yourself before you realized it only made it worse?"
"Worse for you maybe, Bianca. To me it just made the whole experience more interesting."
"You're messed up!" Replied the redhead with an undue amount of disgust. Denise felt like Bianca was trying to anger the blond by goading her. She had heard Bianca use that tone before, but never with such malice. The goading continued. "That's ok. I understand if you don't want to tell me."
"Ha! I have nothing to hide. Yesterday wasn't about cleaning, you midget bitch. It was about servicing men. I masturbated twice before I realized it would increase the stimulation . . ." Lauren slowly turned her head in Bianca's direction before finishing her sentence. " . . . and then twice more after that," she stated with fire in her eyes. "Have the two of you been tamed yet?" Bianca's cheeks flushed in rage, but before she could respond Denise piped up.
"I have." She said it matter-of-factly. Silence descended upon the three of them for a time while Lauren and Bianca digested her response, each in her own way. Something had changed in Denise since she had arrived at SubmissiveLand. Her body may have been sore and tender, but she was silently craving more sex and, most especially, more bondage. The whole competition still frightened her, but she was beginning to understand that her fear also excited her. The bottom line was she had never come so hard before. She had not had any idea that sex, or bondage, or both, could feel so good. It didn't matter that it was degrading, or that her body and mind were being subjected to the authority of others. Those things only excited her. She even liked it when it hurt, whatever it was. She sighed in relief when Mr. Rourke walked in with his entourage in tow.
"I give you sluts one simple task and you fuck it up! None of you managed to finish cleaning your suites. Now you will all be punished. Bondage virgin, step forward." Denise arose awkwardly and approached the bars with her head bent in a submissive posture. Mr. Rourke put three items at her feet just beyond her reach. "Tell me, which one of these do you think hurts the most?" On the ground were a paddle, a whip, and a fat-looking stick. The paddle was studded and covered in leather. The whip had a nasty looking tip on it that flared into several smaller strands. The stick simply looked boring and harmless. Denise silently pointed to the whip. Mr. Rourke kicked it away. "Which of these remaining two do you think hurts the most?" Denise was puzzled by the look in his eye. Was it anger or exuberance? She was afraid to give the wrong answer, and to her inexperienced mind the choice was obvious.
"The paddle, sir," she responded, meekly.
"Let it be known that the bondage virgin has chosen the cane. Each of you will be punished with five strokes. I'm going to go call the rest of the available staff. They'll want to see this, hehe." He chuckled to himself as he walked away. As soon as he was out of earshot Lauren stamped her foot and Bianca hissed at her.
"Denise! Don't you know the cane hurts the most?"
"No. I'm sorry, Bee!" But the assistants had already entered Bianca's cell and were ratcheting cuffs onto her wrists and ankles. Extra-large, single-strap ball-gags were stuffed into each of their mouths and the sorority sisters soon found themselves in a sub-basement not unlike an audience hall. The sisters were taken to a stage above the milling crowd which was engaged in soft conversation or the occasional snack or cup of coffee. While Denise and Lauren knelt beside each other, naked and trembling, Bianca was taken to center stage and forcibly bent forward into a pillory. This demonic steel device had vertical holes into which her neck and wrists were placed and horizontal ones for her ankles. She blushed facing the crowd that seemed to swell in numbers once she was locked in. There was a padded bar at her hips that forced her rump to stick out proudly behind her. Whining and nervous, the girls watched in alarm as a hooded figure with a long bamboo cane approached the redhead from stage right. The hooded brute caressed Bianca's doll-like face and fondled her breasts and ass before moving behind her and taking a measured swing with the cane. Bianca gave a blood-curdling shriek from behind her gag as the first blow was given. As the crowd in front of her chortled and chuckled at Bianca's pained expression, Mr. Rourke squatted discretely down beside Denise and softly spoke into her ear.
"You see, my dear, the cane is a very famous instrument. We like to use it on special occasions." Bianca screamed again at the second blow. Tears dropped from her eyes and she began to sob hysterically. Denise was horrified, but aroused as well. Even more so by the attention Mr. Rourke was giving her. "It is widely considered to be one of the most effective ways of dispensing pain. Personally, I find this fascinating because, when applied properly, it almost always leaves no permanent damage . . . other than a bruised ego, of course."
Bianca's screams were shrill and she looked like she might faint. The hooded man paused and some smelling salts were held under her nose. Bianca's head snapped to and fro, with her teary eyes wide open. "Mmnnnooooo! Mmflleeaassssee!" she cried behind her gag. "AAAARRRGGGGG!!!!!" her voice echoed within the chamber as another stoke was delivered. Mr. Rourke continued.
"I can't tell you how pleased I was when I discovered you were ignorant to this lifestyle!" Denise dared herself to look into his eyes. "So many clients come through our doors wanting things just their own way, like they're ordering a fucking hamburger or something. True submissives don't know what they really want. True submissives don't know anything . . . just like you. A true submissive doesn't think for herself or make decisions. She has no internal monologue. She merely cares for her master's or mistresses' needs by doing what she's told. That is the true beauty of power exchange. And it is beautiful, is it not? The perfect symbiotic relationship: the master cares for the submissive by making all those tiresome decisions for her and seeing to her basic needs; the submissive cares for the master by satisfying his desires. And when she is bad, like a child, she is punished." He reached out with his fingers to gently lift up her chin. Captured by his gaze Denise could barely contain her excitement and her desire to please. "Do you see the beauty?" he asked her. She could only nod as a single tear escaped her left eye. Denise hoped he understood that she was sincere and not afraid.
Bianca trembled as she was brought back to rest next to Lauren. Mr. Rourke backed away as Denise was lifted to the pillory. "See the beauty!" he commanded her. While the assistants locked her in place, Denise tried to prepare her mind. She allowed herself to cry out in pain, but she promised herself not to beg for mercy as Bianca had. Denise kept her promise.
The Sorority Sisters were slowly shuffled back to their cells after the last stroke was delivered to Lauren's behind, but they made a short pit stop for a quick enema, breakfast, and medical attention. After an omelet and some toast for carbs, a soothing balm was applied to each girls' backside to assist with swelling and general discomfort. When they were finally herded back home, as Denise was beginning to think of her cell, they each found a cart overflowing with bondage equipment that had been rolled into those cells. Each cart contained a vast array of cuffs, collars, gags, harnesses, and padlocks. Different types of chastity belts were also available. There were no keys.
"A real submissive could have quite a little self-bondage session with that collection," mused Mr. Rourke as each cell door banged closed. He paused and his natural smirk came to the fore once more. "I suppose you would each like to know how you are doing, yes? Thought we wouldn't tell you till it's over? Well that wouldn't be any fun, now would it?" Bianca's tears seemingly dried up in an instant and she gave Mr. Rourke her full attention. Lauren, too, seemed to drop her naturally defiant posture and knelt in the center of her cell, ears and eyes aimed at the incredulous Mr. Rourke. He continued: "Number 1," he announced as he pointed to Bianca, "has accumulated 47 points thus far. Number 3," and with his other hand he pointed to Lauren, "has 43. And that leaves Number 2," and again Denise felt the hypnotic stare of Mr. Rourke upon her form, "with just 22 points." He grinned at her, fiendishly.
Denise looked around. Bianca was absolutely beaming with pride, and she gave Denise the thumbs-up sign. Lauren was still as a statue, but didn't appear to be too upset. Resolved and motivated, perhaps, but not any more angry than she commonly was. Denise could only bow her head in shame at her low point total. She had given it her best shot and tried to be submissive, but it seemed as if the other two just wanted it more than she did. This tugged at her brain a bit, since it didn't quite make sense to her. Bianca and Lauren were killing her, but could it really be because they were more aggressive? Aggression and submission were not synonymous. 'A true submissive has no internal monologue,' she told herself and brushed the query away. Besides, she wasn't sure how much she really cared anymore. The sight of the bondage gear in her cell had gotten her heart racing again and she was hoping to be helpless soon. Her focus was brought back to attention in anticipation of Mr. Rourke's instructions for the day.
"Each of you should understand, however, that point totals are not definitive. They are no more than a factor that is used to declare the winner. They may be the biggest factor by far, but highest point total does not always signify the winner. So as we near the halfway point, be sure to give us your best effort and show us why you deserve to be president of your sorority." With that, he turned to leave.
Confusion filled the air. "But sir," Bianca called after him, "aren't you going to bind us?"
"Eh . . ." he responded with a casual wave, ". . . bind yourselves." The door slammed shut behind him and for the second day in a row, the 'Sisters' found themselves in a position of relative freedom. They were confined to their cells but, again, un-gagged and un-belted.
"Which cuffs should we use, you think?" asked Denise to the room as she sauntered up to her bondage cart.
"What, are you serious?" Bianca responded. "I'm not touching that stuff if I don't have to." She flopped onto her cot and tried to make herself comfortable, softly rubbing her behind. "I'd rather take a nap instead."
"You do that!" Lauren snapped back at her, and she made her way to her own cart. "And I'll take all the points."
"Christ! Not you too! Get off my back, mega-bitch! What? Like I'm not winning this game? You'd think a girl with the most points would know whether or not she has to tie herself up." Denise had to side with Lauren on this one. She and Bianca had been best friends, but that was in college. Bianca could be a real bitch sometimes, especially when she felt superior to others.
"A true submissive wouldn't assume anything like that," interjected Denise. In a way, she was trying to keep the peace. "And Mr. Rourke's exact words were: 'bind yourselves'. I really think we should, Bee." Bianca stared at her as if she had gone mad.
"I worry about you, Denise. You're starting to sound like you enjoy this perverted, nerd-boy, fantasy shit."
"I think I am." Denise replied, and she pulled out a painful looking ring gag and began to set it in her mouth. While Bianca only 'tsk'ed back at her and began examining the ends of her hair, Lauren silently examined Denise, as if seeing something surreal for the first time. After a few moments, her head bobbed back as if coming out of a revere, and she quickly found a panel gag and began to buckle it in place.
"I didn't want to talk to you bitches anyway," Bianca huffed from her cot. Denise and Lauren wasted no time in strictly binding themselves, and it quickly developed into a bit of a race. Not only did they hustle to be bound, they also consciously chose some of the harshest equipment they could find, convinced it would give them more points. Lauren's panel gag, for example, had an extremely large rubber ball behind the leather flap, and it stretched her mouth painfully and puffed out her cheeks a little once it was fully in place. Denise went one step further and managed to fit a large penis gag trainer into the ring and over the head straps she had already applied, thus giving her two gags to wear and lock into place. The head of the phallus nearly caused her to choke as she adjusted the buckle tightly. She then found a thick-strapped leather harness and began to put it on. She had to struggle to squeeze her large breasts through the loops at its front, and, once in place, her mammary glands reacted by swelling ever so slightly.
Lauren, in response to Denise's triumph with the gags, uncovered a chastity belt and found a sizable dildo that she quickly discovered could be attached to it. It was studded and she moaned softly behind her gag as it slid between the folds of her sex. Not to be outdone, Denise, likewise, found a chastity belt, but spent a few extra seconds finding and fitting the belt with the largest butt plug on her cart, thick as a beer bottle at its widest. The base was at least an inch. She had to spend many minutes applying lubrication to her rectum and stretching out the muscles with a couple fingers, but it was worth it in her mind. As Denise applied each new item or toy to her body, a sense of fulfillment nipped at her soul. Bondage was a whole new world for her, and each new piece of equipment seemed to bring with it an adventure all its own. She had no idea what many of the items on her cart even did, she just knew she wanted to try them all. If she could, she would have tried them all at once.
Bianca couldn't help looking over at the two of them whenever a few grunts of pleasure or discomfort got past their gags. Sensing the logic behind Denise's words, Bianca reluctantly got up, walked over to the cart, found a pair of handcuffs and some steel ankle cuffs, slapped them on her limbs and returned to her relaxed pose on her cot, again examining her hair and pretending not to notice the competition. After she saw Denise's mammoth butt plug slide home she huffed again and locked a small ball gag behind her teeth. Even if they were right, she concluded, she had a lead anyway, and could afford to slack a little.
Denise was treading gingerly after locking her chastity belt in place. Her eyes had clearly been bigger than her rectum and she wondered if she hadn't made a big mistake. Trying to ignore the discomfort, she plowed on and looked for more of the strictest gear she could find. She found an intimidating posture collar, but was concerned it would get in the way of more bondage application, so she set it on the floor close to her cot, intending on coming back to it. Both Denise and Lauren uncovered the leather-lined steel cuffs and locked them on. Lauren found a hood with only two nasal holes for breathing and, like Denise, set it aside to put on later. Sweat was beginning to flow down each of their brows, and despite Lauren's panel gag and both of Denise's gags, drool began to swing back and forth from each of their chins.
Their final positions had them helpless on the floor. Lauren had gone with a sort of sitting-frogtie. To increase the severity of it, she had managed to place a short spreader bar between her knees held in place by steel-banded thigh cuffs. Her ankle cuffs were connected by a short chain to her posture collar, also the strictest she could find, effectively bending her in half at her tummy but not at her neck. Once she had the hood on it was difficult for her to find the locks she had placed on the floor that she used to bind her wrists to a chain that hung from her collar behind her back. That took nearly a half-hour alone and was accompanied by many grunts of frustration, but she eventually managed it.
Denise had used a bit more forethought and cunning to put herself into a severe hogtie. She had found a hobble skirt that kept her legs neatly in line and showed off her hips. She discovered that her penis trainer gag had a D-ring that sat at the very top of her head. Once she had locked her ankles together she used only a 24-inch chain to attach them to the trainer gag at the top of her head. This bent her body backwards into an oval position. The strain that this caused on her neck made using the posture collar impossible; however, she did use a reasonably thick, spiked collar with an O-ring at the back. Instead of attaching a chain directly to this ring, Denise was able to thread a chain connected to her wrist cuffs through it. This allowed her to pull on the chain with her hands, even though they were bound together behind her back, and get a couple more inches of severity out of her "reverse prayer" position than Lauren was able to. Once she could pull no further she used a padlock she was holding to attach the chain to the one connecting her head to her ankles.
Each time Denise pulled against this tie the strain on the straps of her penis gag would cause the shaft in her mouth to wiggle up and down, and she lovingly began to run her tongue up and down its shape before she had even finished her tie. Denise had added one little detail that Lauren had not. Although it allowed Lauren to finish much sooner than she, Denise had decided it was worth the wait. After Lauren had applied her hood and could no longer cheat off Denise's ideas, Denise locked a thin chain to one of the eye bolts that held up her cot. Once her collar was on she attached it to the other end of the chain. It was more decorative than substantive, as it didn't add any severity to the finished position, and she was already locked in her cell, but in the picture in Denise's mind there was added symbolism in the concept that the bound slave on the floor was further prevented from freedom by being tethered to the wall. Icing on the cake, as it were.
Denise couldn't move at all! She could only wiggle and grunt in discomfort; and she had pointed herself in a random direction, toward the back corner of her cell and very close to the bars adjoined to Bianca's. She could just barely see her out of the corner of her eye. If she had been able to do it all over again, she would have pointed herself toward her cell door, so that she could appear to be patiently and submissively awaiting her master's return. 'Lesson learned,' she thought. 'God! That plug is huge!' With her head pulled back so harshly her breasts hung down her front like the udders of a bovine, sticky with drool and peppered with dirt from the floor. She felt so dirty and so horny! A virgin when she left home for college, Denise had only heard stories about things like vibrators or blindfolds. Of course she had known that things like leather cuffs existed and that people used them for sex games but this competition had blown her sheltered world apart. There was no sense in not diving in head first at this stage. And the deeper she went, the more her body responded. Although no stimulation was coming from the device on her clit, her hips were writhing against her will and an orgasm was building.
Bianca had been getting really sick of all the moaning. Maybe Denise needed to go the extra mile to catch up, but she, Bianca, certainly didn't appreciate all the back talk. She was fucking points leader! Not Denise! It was time for Denise to feel her wrath. She popped off her cot and snatched a couple of items from her own cart. She spit the ball gag out of her mouth (it had been buckled so loosely) and knelt down at the corner of her cell next to Denise's head. They were only separated by about a foot. The bars could not protect Denise.
"Having fun with your new best friend, Denise?" Denise flared her nostrils in fear. "When you're losing as bad as you are, I guess a girl will do just about anything to catch up. Won't you, you sick slut? Here, let me help you . . . ." Denise's eyes were pleading and she began to panic and scream as Bianca roughly placed a gas mask over her face and buckled the straps at the back of her head and neck. It had a long tube attached to the front of it and Denise began to feel breathless as she fought for air. She could still get oxygen but only at the end of a deeper breath than the short, aroused ones she had been taking. She tried to beg Bianca to remove it but her words were faint and nonsensical from behind her gags.
"What's that, best buddy? You want more? Here. Try these on." And Bianca harshly applied clamps to Denise's nipples. She was sure to make them extremely tight. The scream of pain that came from Denise was louder, but still hardly more than a mumble. "You're completely fucked now, you bitch! Cus after I win, I'm gonna keep you in the sorority house basement just like this. Thanks for nothing, 'friend'!" and with that, Bianca stood up, slipped a shackled leg through the bars and stomped down on Denise's rear. The plug inside her was roughly jostled and Denise felt its large, invasive presence anew.
At this point Denise could no longer hold back and she exploded in violent orgasm. The added adornments and the fear that Bianca had inspired in her put her way, way over the edge. Her bondage creaked and her chains jingled as her sex began to spasm. The molded cock in her mouth bobbed playfully up and down at the back of her throat. The mask and gag straps had cut her vision down to almost nothing and she was afraid that Bianca was still there, or about to abuse her further. This fear, combined with the restricted airflow, effectively prevented her orgasm from abating as she expected. It just continued . . . .
'OH . . . MY . . . GOD!!!' screamed Denise's mind as the chains and leather straps groaned under her violent, contracting efforts.
"Pervert!" Bianca taunted. Lauren seemed to sense something was going on, but could do nothing more than bob her head and grunt inquiringly. She tried to turn her head to better hear the faint screams coming from Denise.
Sixty seconds passed and Denise's orgasm showed no signs of slowing down. The phallus pressed deep down her throat also kept her screams soft, and fairly muted. Two minutes passed, and some of her muscles began to cramp. Her pussy would not stop throbbing! It was pleasure she had never known before, but the intensity and duration of it was maddening. Her mind receded from the situation and flirted, ever so slightly, with that mythical place that submissives call "sub-space". Denise existed in sub-space for a good five minutes of continual orgasmic bliss before a shortness of breath caused her to lose consciousness.
The performance had gotten Bianca a little horny, so she rummaged through her cart until she found a studded dildo, the same one that Lauren had used in her chastity belt, and pleasured herself with it a few times. She couldn't make it vibrate, and the cart didn't seem to have any of those on it, but the studs slipping in and out of her sex was not a bad substitute when combined with the delicacy of her own fingers on her clit. She sighed to herself after coming a second time and went back to examining her hair. Denise was breathing but still unconscious. Lauren's moans and grunts, on the other hand, had been growing with intensity over time. She was either very horny or very uncomfortable, but Bianca couldn't tell which. Another 30 minutes went by and Bianca got bored again, so she masturbated a third time, but this time with a small butt plug in her ass. Days 2 and 3 of the competition had reduced her overall fear and revulsion of anal stimulation. If she had to be truthful, she liked it too, but clearly not to the perverted extent that Denise did. She was glad her cellmates were blindfolded, and couldn't see her twist it around in her ass while she came.
Half a day went by with no sign of Mr. Rourke or any staff. Denise had woken up a few hours after passing out, and she whimpered in alarm when she realized she was still bound, filled, and clamped. Her muscles ached and it felt as if a football had been stuffed up her ass. The thought that she had done it to herself sent a shiver of excitement right back to her sticky, pungent cunt. The shame and humiliation of her previous performance was a surprising turn-on. What she must have looked like to Bianca!; humping the floor, helpless and unable to stop coming. She could hardly believe what was happening to her. A week ago she was a frigid pris who was waiting for that "special someone" to put out for. Now she entertained ongoing, lurid fantasies that, more often than not, involved a gag and Malcolm's long, thick cock in her ass. She had so much bondage equipment strapped to her body she couldn't move an inch. The constricting feel of it was impossible to ignore, and even more impossible to escape. Whatever fear or panic she felt only added to her arousal. With measured breaths she tried to calm down. In this way the gas mask helped her out a bit, because she had to breath slower just to get any oxygen. As she concentrated on her breathing she pondered why being bound got her so excited. She should have been bored stiff or enraged at Bianca's betrayal, but all she could think about was how good it felt to be so tightly bound, and how proud she was that she had done it to herself. Her jaw was throbbing painfully, and her muscles were screaming at her with soreness, but between the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, the hobble skirt enclosing her legs, the bondage harness that made her tits balloon, the clamps on her nipples, the phallus buried down her throat, the giant plug in her ass, and the painful position she had chained herself in, her pain was a blissful expression of submissive joy. Her sex tingled with excitement which provided a great distraction from her aches and pains.
Lauren had been waiting patiently for her clit torture to start or something of that nature. She cursed at herself behind the large ball in her mouth for binding herself so hastily. She wished now she had done it in different position. Her back was killing her! But bent forward as she was, she couldn't get the proper leverage to roll onto her side. She had tried and soon realized it was quite impossible with her hands in the reverse prayer position and her knees spread by a bar. Lauren had another problem as well. She had to lean forward every now and then so that she could stretch out the muscles in her lower back, but doing so drove the large studded dildo she had attached to her chastity belt further into her pussy by just a few millimeters. It would slide out again, ever so slightly, when she bent back. This frustrated her to no end. She would have welcomed the clit torture at this point. She might have been able to squeeze out a little orgasm if she'd had more slack to work with. Instead she spent the entire day forced to tease her sex a little bit at a time just to relieve the cramping in her back. It kept her sex sopping wet and thirsting for cock all afternoon and into the night.
Halfway through the day, the temptation to orgasm became too great for Denise and she wondered why she was holding back at all. She allowed her hips to writhe in place and secretly hoped Bianca would tease her or step on her ass again. The help didn't come, however, and Denise found it much harder to reach orgasm the second time around. 'If only I had stuffed my pussy as well!' she thought. Without any vaginal stimulation she would not have gotten there except for her aroused mind and imagination. After an hour of feebly humping the floor and leaking arousal from her soft love folds, it was the thought that a week ago she had been wearing white cotton panties every day and studying calculus, and now she was imprisoned like a heroine in a gothic novel gone bad that put her over the edge. "My reality has been altered," she realized, just as her vaginal muscles started to contract of their own accord. Just as before, once Denise's orgasm started she found she had no control over it and turned into a ten minute multiple, much to Bianca's amazement, before she blacked out again. The second time she awoke Denise concluded that asphyxiation definitely scared her, but it also intensified her pleasure, which, therefore, made her want to do it more often.
In the end, Bianca gave in and put on more bondage gear, but after changing her mind and going through the items on the cart, she quickly realized many of them were no longer possible to apply because of the cuffs she had already put on. In the end she settled for a chastity belt with a small dildo and a small plug. She also put on a zippered hood and a studded collar. She locked her ankle chain to the front of her belt and knelt next to her cot. After tethering her collar to one of the eyebolts of her cot by a short chain and zipping the eyelets of her hood closed, she padlocked her handcuffs to the front of her belt as well. It was nowhere near as strict as Lauren's or Denise's self-bondage, but she figured it was strict enough to keep her in the winner's circle for another day, which, by the end of day 4, was all that mattered to her anymore. She no longer considered Denise a friend, but she didn't consider her a threat either. Denise was an annoyance. Lauren was still number 1 on her shit-list.