Chapter 1
Who needs friends reunited?
Sitting in a bookshop is not normally where adventures begin but Caroline Gray's did that Saturday morning, Waterstones bookshop has big sofas and a coffee house which does amazing lattes.
It is a nice place to spend a wet dreary morning.
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Her life was going well she had decided the night before.
39 years old and still single but not chaise, a string of boyfriends and a nice flat overlooking the river in one of York's most expensive areas made her feel contented.
She was reading a magazine she had picked up when she looked up to sip her coffee and caught the eyes of someone she sort of recognised, his grey eyes were looking at her with the same sort of where do I know you expression.
She cast her mind back but couldn't remember who he was. She smiled at him and thought oh god he is coming over.
He was smartly dressed and had that designer stubble look that was either cultivated or just very casual. His hair had just a touch of grey at the temples.
He must be my age, maybe just a little older.
His eyes smiled before his lips and she found herself enchanted by the rich voice that boomed over the jazz that was being played over the speakers above her.
"Caroline Gray, well who would have thought it. His voice dropped a little. So still getting tied up in your dads barn?"
She looked at him again, confused and uncertain.
There was only one person who knew about that. No it couldn't be. Darren Brocket? Little, fat Daz?
The boy who did everything she asked of him due to his undying puppy love for her.
She used to play games with him, there always have has to be a hero and victim, she would be tied to a post and he would burst in to rescue her.
She hadn't worked out that side of her physic until late on in life, but had enjoyed all the feelings that went with the suffering. She had thought at the time she might become a actress.
She smiled at him.
"Darren! Is that really you?"
He nodded and grinned,
"Yep. Its I le Claire!" she laughed.
They had played the "Allo Allo" game a few times. She being Helga and him being Herr Flick of the Gestapo of course.
"How are you? You look well!" she asked taking him all in.
"All the better for seeing you!" he smiled at her and looking her up and down "you look great!"
"Flattery will get you everywhere" she grinned really pleased to see him.
His grey eyes sparkled.
"Even back in your dad's barn?"
Caroline found herself blushing. As she fought to recover she said "Dad sold up and moved to Spain last year. So I am the only Grey left here now!"
"Lonely?" he asked
"Yes a little she agreed. But I have a few good friends but no body from school. You?"
He grins and she finds it cute as she almost sees the old Darren. He has changed so much and for the better.
"Well I still live with my mum and dad, he pauses for effect, but they have a bungalow on the farm now.
"Does that mean you have the house then?" Caroline remembered the house, with its low ceilings and oak beams.
She grins at him. "And the Aga? I used to love coming to yours in the winter. Your mum used to make that flapjack."
"Yep and I have updated the house, I now have a shower"
A daft statement but when they hung around together his mum and dads farm was a little basic. Caroline grins at the private joke
"I not we" Caroline thinks as she looks at him.
"What you doing this afternoon he asks.
"Not much why?"
"Come and see the old place!"
"Are you sure? I don't have a car."
"I'll drop you back its no trouble." He smiled at her. I have just got to buy a book."
She waited while did so watching his gentle easy way he dealt with people.
"Where did you park?" she asked and he nodded towards Clifford's tower.
She watched him a lot as they walked together chatting; he had altered a lot in the last 23 years.
He was a lot better looking than she remembered and he had a nice air of calm.
He had been good with animals and with his hands; in more ways than one she smiled to herself. Although they hadn't been boyfriend and girlfriend lots of people had eluded to it.
She had, if she was truthful to herself, used him to fulfil her fantasies of being a prisoner.
Now here she is wandering with him, to his car thinking about when before they had kept everything between not a relationship and a secret between themselves.
He points to a new BMW5 series 4x4
"Nice" Caroline says as she gets in. "No money in farming!"
He grins back, "There isn't. it's my side line business that paid for this."
Caroline didn't ask what as she was looking at the dash board. She hadn't had a car for about 6 years.
Preferring to travel everywhere by train. This car was very nice.
Soft leather seats and as he started the engine classical music came out of the speakers.
Very soothing she thought as he slipped out of York towards Driffield. The X5 ate up the distance as he turned up towards the hills.
The farm was as she remembered it. The old house that looked out over the valley, the big Dutch barns and the two grain silos were in a dark green colour that blended with the tall Cyprus trees that she had seen planted all those years ago.
In the corner of the large yard the only thing that had really changed was a new bungalow.
"Mum and Dad live there, they moved out about a year ago. Dad runs the Diary herd with me.
He looked out at the cows eating in the field. We don't farm the arable land any more as we have leased it out."
Caroline looked round at the yard, its tidy straw stacks and the soft rustle of the leaves made her all nostalgic.
"God this brings back memories!" she smiles at him with genuine warmth. He walks her toward the farm house and she slips her arm into his.
Unlocking the door he waves her into the large pine kitchen.
"This is nice" she thinks as she sits in the chair he offers her. She catches him looking at her as she undoes her leather jacket and is pleased to see his eyes admiring her figure.
"So no Mrs Brocket?" she says looking at the pictures on the dresser in the corner.
"Nope I never bothered. Been quite a few nearly ones but they all lacked the right stuff.
He switches the coffee machine on and puts a pan on to warm some milk.
She nods, "There was a Mr, but he went a few years ago,
I have lived on my own for a couple of years now. Not quite at the cat owning age yet."
She grins ruefully at him.
"You look fine, well more than fine really. Do you remember the games we used to play?"
He came out with it quite teasingly but she could tell he was interested and wondered just how much he remembered of the times all those years ago!
"Oh yes! They were the good times. She smiled wistfully, Life was simple then!"
She pauses and continues "Me you and my dreams of being a damsel in distress, did you ever think of them?"
"Yes they made huge impact on my life."
"Really? Don't tell me the stud of year 5 pined after little old tubby Caroline?"
She giggled a little as she remembered the stick thin body she had before her breasts had decided to grow in late teens.
"I was hardly the stud. You was the only girl I got my hands on. You were a little different, that's why I liked you.
I missed you from the moment we stopped seeing each other" he looked a little sad as if he meant it.
He poured her coffee adding hot milk and a pinch of vanilla scrapings.
"Mmmm that's good coffee, she smiled at him. Are you saying I perverted you?"
"Yep" he grinned back at her. I do have you to thank for that. And well.... He stood up and poured the coffee into a thermos adding the milk. "Come on I want to show you something, leave your jacket. You will be warm enough."
Carrying her cup she followed him down the long stone hallway towards what used to be a side barn. "I extended the house when we got rid of the sheep.
The old lambing barn is now my workshop, its warm comfy and my favourite place on a cold evening." He grinned back at her as he opened the door with a massive old key.
"Hey I remember that key" Caroline exclaimed and smiled at him. We found it didn't we?"
He smiled and nodded. "In the old wood shed. The night we made that cage for you to be locked in so I could rescue you from. He pauses what was it now?"
Grinning at him she replies "the slave trade! We had been to the Wilberforce museum in Hull with school took me days to get the rust stains off my neck and wrists from those old chains we found in the shed with the key"
He grinned, "Did you realise then why it fascinated you or do you still not know"
She sees a little cheeky grin come to his face.
"Yes I know when I got to sixteen why I liked it. At what stage did you realise why I liked what we played at.
He smiles a huge grin. "Susan Watts" she looks quizzically at him.
"Well after you went to collage and then university I had to have someone to rescue. She seemed to like the same thing.
"Ah well she is married now but she still gets away now and then."
"You rogue!" Caroline says feeling a little jealous.
He opened the unlocked door and waited for her to go first.
The room is light and airy and she sees a large sweeping wooden stair case that goes up to another floor. The main parts of the left wall used to be wooden barn doors but are now large glass doors.
The conversion has been very well done she thinks. "Its nice, very nice. But why have you had it done? Isn't the house big enough for you?
"Well I needed a workshop and the old cow shed was okay but bloody cold in winter. So I had this done."
He walked to a large work bench in the corner; on it she could see loads of rolls and tools.
Then she got a whiff of something. "Is that leather? I can smell?
He looks round at her a taking hold of a cover that hangs over a rack, and whips it off with a flourish.
"See I told you that you had an influence on me!"
Caroline realises she is open mouthed. Placing her cup on his bench she walks over to the rack and picks up one of the items on it.
The thick but soft leather collar feels gentle but firm in her fingers as she holds it to the light looking at the gold stitching and the four gold rings sown into its middle band. The buckles, of which there are two, have got loops on them which takes her a while to realise are for a padlock or two to hold the collar on.
She realises he is watching.
"You made this?"
He nods and takes it from her. Handing her a pair of wrist cuffs he watches her as she looks at them and handles them with a reverence. As if they are works of art.
"I did leather work at collage and I made jackets and all sorts of stuff. Then I realised that there was a market for this stuff. A lot of it is sold as fashion. I do a cheap line and a high class line. Gay customers buy a lot but I do get s lot couples as well! His grin at her carried allsorts of meaning as he continued
"I tend to make a lot of special orders. Stuff that some of my rivals tend to not want to do due to time constraints. He smiles at her as she unbuckles one of the cuffs and wraps it round her wrist.
"There is a lot of tat made for the cheap market.
I try to give value for money. Here let me!" he buckles the other cuff onto her right wrist and smiles at her as she looks at them.
"These are great soft, but you know they have you, firm. Caroline realises she is a little affected by them. She looks at Darren.
He is grinning at her.
"It still does it for you? I have always thought about the stuff we used to do I missed you from the second we get separated."
He pauses and looks down at his feet. "I started to make this stuff with you in mind. And I tried to get in contact with you through your mum but she didn't seem that keen to pass my number on. I think you were married.
Caroline grinned at him.
"Well the last time she saw you we had cocked it up and used that chain and padlock to chain me too the old railway line at the back of the farm and you broke the key off in the lock. Remember?"
Laughing at his blush she took his hand and looked in his eyes. "I was bloody mad at you but at the same time immensely turned on.!"
She grinned. And said "If we both had known why we liked doing what we did we might have had a lot of fun."
"I was shy, but I knew why I did it! I hoped you would fall in love with me and I'd get the chance to do all those thingsa teenaged boy wants to do to a girl" he laughed and sipped at his coffee
"Your mother didn't see the romance in being rescued did she?"
Caroline winced.
"I was grounded for a month and then I went to Bishop Burton collage. So that's why I dropped out of sight, then I stayed of mum's way."
She watched him step behind her and felt him lifting up her hair and is almost transfixed as the collar wrapped round her neck and she feels the tug of the buckles as he gets the tightness just right. His fingers are warm as he tucks his little one down the side of the collar to check it's not too tight.
She leans the side of her face onto his hand almost without realising why or in fact that she had done so.
His smile as he steps round to the front to look at her makes her knees go a little weak. Then they both seem to snap out of the moment and Caroline as much to cover up the flash back in time in her mind as to be curious walks back over to the rack and takes a harness off the hanger.
She realises he is watching her as she plays with a leather harness and then catches sight of the two large rubber prongs that sit in the middle of the crotch peace.
Defiantly she looks up at him. "Is this for Susan Watts then?"
"Nope!" he grins at her "Not jealous are we?"
She is about to deny it when she thinks about what he has just said.
"Am I ?" she wonders and if so why? She shook her head.
"No just wondering!" thinking god the back one looks big. That must hurt; her fingers go down to the prong and grip the top to find its width. "Ouch"
Darren tries to ease her embarrassment by helping the subject along. "No that one is a trial run for a client in the Middle East. I've got to do all the tacking in gold thread and use a different type of leather but the harness is to his specifications."
"So I inspired all this?" she asks in a teasing voice.
"Well yes, in a way. This and more! Mum and dad think I make leather jackets. Which I do and I make them well. But this is my real passion."
He walks to her and taking her hands in his kisses her fingers, smiling he raises them to her neck and she feels a click and her hands are fastened tight underneath her chin. Grinning he stepped back and looked at her picking up a camera Said "Smile"
She did, and thought "You git!" she felt her loins tighten and she knew that he knew.
Reaching on to his desk her pushed a button and all the blinds on the big windows slowly cut out the light.
"Do I have to worry?" Caroline asked as she moved her body to follow his movements as he walked over to his desk, he pointed to a big leather armchair.
She walked over and with a little bit of shuffling sat down. He smiled at her and wandered over to the rack and picked up another pair of cuffs.
He kneels in front of her and buckles them round her ankles attaching a chain between them and clicking two padlocks onto the rings in the buckles, locking the cuffs on.
She watches him thinking. "Why am I doing this, more to the point why do I want him to do this?"
She smiled at him and looked quizzically.
"Just say no!" he steps back and touches her cheek with the tip of his fingers.
"Well I should. You have just made me your captive in a. she changes her accent to Scottish and says "In a old empty barn" sounding like Fraizer from dads army.
Daz laughs and points her to the corner.
She stands and moves over to the mirror with short stubbing steps and looks at her reflection. It doesn't look right she thought With her trousers sort of hanging down over her chains, my chains? Id be better in a skirt or naked. Shit this is moving fast. too fast? She wonders.
Darren pours them a coffee handing it to her and watching her struggle to drink it grins at her.
"So how does it feel to be back in my clutches?"
"What? I am weird or the situation?"
"No not that or you; Me!"
I haven't done anything like this since I got caught on the railway line by mum and here I am; you click me up with one catch and I am back in my teens again. I've fantasised and wished for this sort of thing but I have never even thought of doing it for real and all this time you have been carrying on with what I thought was my idea and my strangeness!" she shrugged and walked back over to him.
She enjoyed the way his eyes watched her keeping the cup from spilling on her white shirt. He hadn't changed that much.
Still I haven't seen him for years, but then again he knows my inner thoughts. Do I want to go down that route again?
As he took the cup from her she watched his hands, his eyes and then his mouth. He smiled at her and she decided
"Well why not!" He unclipped her wrists and bent down to unfasten her ankles.
"Darren you don't have to undo me. Lock my wrists behind me"
He did as asked and moved to her front. "You sure?"
"Yes but I am afraid that's it! For this weekend anyway; she smiled at him.
Taking her hands he placed them behind her back and clicked the cuffs together.
She was in a way relived that she was on her period. "I need a bit of thinking space I think!" she smiled at him when he said
"That's fine, if you fancy coming out again and having a bit of fun can I take you measurements? Then I can make you something that I have had in my mind for ages"
She smiled "Well I take it we may be rekindling our past then?"
"It never ended for me I have always had you here, and here!" he touched his head and heart.
Bugger he was good she thought. He made her go all gooey at that moment.
"Okay then why not." She thought and said it at the same time. Glancing at her reflection in the windows
Chapter 2
Caroline Grey sits and looks out over the river Ouse. The warmth of her apartment comforts her as she glances up at the clock for the tenth time that hour.
Looking down by her feet she sees the small bag she had packed for the weekend that is about to begin in fifteen minutes. That is if she decides to go through with it.
After Darren had dropped her back at her door last Saturday night she had done quite a lot of thinking. Her mind wandering back to her early teenage years and the time spent with Darren.
Last night she was really sure she wanted what Darren had to offer and now? Well she wasn't sure any more. But he has gone through all the trouble of making things just for you so the least you can do is try them she scolds herself.
Plus it might be fun!
Looking up she sees the time and wanders down to the door wondering if he would be in time as he had promised her he would be when he had confirmed her pick up time last night.
She had been away in London all week and they had chatted over the phone quite a bit and if she was truthful she was looking forward to his company. Her life was a little bereft of good male fun at the moment. And if he was as good as his word she might have a great time.
But then again she knew the cost of what it may bring. She had lost him once before. Do I really feel like this or is it a stupid crush? Old memories playing a last gasp grasp of what might have been.
She was being ridiculous he hadn't sought her out they had just met by chance. But then again why look a gift horse in the mouth she thought a little cynically.
She looked herself in the mirror admiring her scarf. She moved to the door and looked at herself full length. Her dress and shoes suited her and the long dark hair shone. Okay so I have made an effort. She smiled at herself and closed the door.
Darren was waiting for her and she grinned at his wolf whistle. "Have I still got it then?"
He kissed her hand and smiled "You always did. I fancied you like mad but didn't want to spoil what we were doing as I at least got the chance to rescue you and touch you! Now I know I should have taken charge and led us down a different path. But I was too young to realise that."
She buckled up and dropped her bag at her feet.
Feeling quite brave she undid her scarf and let him see the collar he had given her before she climbed out of the 4x4 last weekend.
"Wear this and I will know your game!" he had winked.
She knew he hadn't thought she would wear it. "Well not in public!"
"Ah you have thought it through then?"
Her smile answered his question.
"Yes just be gentle with me, I haven't done this for a while. But as I seemed to like it last weekend I'd like to try to rekindle lots of things again."
"Okay well mum and dad are away for the weekend so apart from the milk tanker driver we should be undisturbed."
A little frisson of excitement runs down her spine as he passes her a pair of the new type of handcuff the police use now.
"Its up to you do you want to wear them now or later. He pats her hand and asks if she has thought about any situations she would like to be placed in?
"Just leave me helpless and we will take it from there. It's your choice I used to make all the decisions its now up to you to come up with the scenario"
And with that she locked the handcuffs round each wrist. "This is fun!" was all she said as she looked out of the window.
She noticed him grinning in the reflection of the glass.
She was a little perturbed when he left her in the BMW while he did his shopping in Stamford Bridge leaving her in full view of anyone walking past the 4x4. Also she had to admit if she was honest, turned on.
His quiet smile as he got back in told her it was all part of the treatment.
They chatted as if it was completely normal for a woman to be wearing a set of handcuffs and a collar to be in a car travelling up Garrowby hill.
Caroline found herself looking forward to the rest of the weekend.
She snuggled into the leather upholstery and listened to Darren as he chatted via his blue tooth to a client who had ordered lots of harnesses for a film.
Her mind filled with long lost memories of their school days and she had to admit to herself that she had missed Darren and the fun they used to have. It had coloured her life and she realised that most of the men she had gone out with had no idea how much she wished she could have had the fun that she was about to have.
She watched detached and in a world of her own as they pulled up out side the barn and he jumped out opening the big door and then rejoined her and drove the 4x4 into the dark opening.
He opened the car door and helped her out. Her nostrils twitching, at the sweet smell of molasses and hay that filled the large open area.
Gently reaching across her he took a key from his pocket and unlocked her wrists and taking her hands pulled them behind her back and relocked them.
She shuddered and waited as he tapped her legs apart bending her over the bonnet of his 4x4 his fingers checking her body as if he was a police man inspecting a criminal.
Caroline shuddered and felt her insides go gooey. His next move surprised her even more as he pulled her up right and walked her over to the middle of the barn and stood her in the middle of a lit area.
He bent down and strapped a belt round her ankles pinning them tight together.
Another went round her knees and as she looked down at him she realised she was back where she belonged.
His next move was to unlock the cuffs and replace them with leather ones.
Caroline watched as he joined them together and attached them to a rope loop. A whirring sound followed and she watched with some detachment as a hook dropped down in front of her nose.
Holding a box in front of her nose he looked at her as he pressed the green button and smiled as she watched her hands being drawn up above her head. Then the way they went wide as she was lifted first to her tiptoes then into the air.
"My god!" she mouthed at him as she disappeared into dark recesses of the barn.
"I must be 20 feet up. She thought as the lifting stopped and the crane jerked her off above all the curious cattle who looked up in mid chew. Although she had a slight ache in her shoulders she realised that her wrists were not that strained.
Spinning her body in direction of travel she watched as the crane headed towards what looked like a solid wall.
Surely he doesn't mean me to slam into it? She opened her mouth to shout out when she stopped.
"This is even better than before."
The cattle were now back eating the silage and Darren was no longer there.
Where is he? She twisted her body so she could survey the shed. Nope, no sign of him her shoulders were just starting to ache .
A rumbling sound came from behind her as the crane jerked and she shot back towards the wall. With a yelp she realised she was now passing though the wall.
Some hard plastic flaps battered her body from behind and then the crane stopped suddenly leaving her swinging in the blackness.
Hands unfasten the straps round her legs as her mind flashes with a fantasy of being hauled up the yard arm of a pirate ship.
Her high heels are stripped off her body, still in darkness she feels leather cuffs being attached to her ankles and then separated and held shoulder width apart by something solid. "Oh god, a spreader bar!" she then thinks as another whirring starts and her body is drawn up by her ankles, soon her ankles are at the same height of her wrists. Her body is bent between the two points face down. As her ankles continue to go up she realises he is lowering her wrists until she is totally inverted.
Wiggling her body as she enjoys the experience she realised that her dress was sliding down her body exposing her legs and now her panties, soon it was sliding off her arms to the floor.
"You crafty git!" she murmured. His warm hand touched her back and pushed her gently. Her outstretched fingertips brushed her crumpled dress as she swung, "I am not that far up, funny how you get a false feeling"
He unfastened her wrists to let the straps of her dress and bra clear the blockage.
She hadn't even felt him unfasten her bra. She wondered if he could tell just how turned on she was as her nipples had stiffened.
She felt something cold against her thigh and heard a Snip followed by another one at the other side. He knows now she thought as his fingers took hold of the crotch piece and used it to wipe the excess juice from her lips.
"I didn't expect to be this naked this quick!" part of her mind said.
"But you was going to get naked at some point today" the other half said. And she felt herself blush.
She smelt her arousal on his fingers as he took her wrists and reattached them to the lifting hook and with a jerk her hands shot up in front of her again, "Oh well here we go again! I like all this handling she realised. As soon as her body was vertical again he lowered her just enough so she could stand on tiptoes.
A light clicked on and she saw that it was a small workshop.
"How am I doing?"
He asked looking at her naked body in what she saw was a semi lustful apprising way.
"Great keep on doing what you're doing. What's next?"
He grinned at her. "That's my old Caroline. He picked up what looked like a leather bag. "Want to try this. It's a bit extreme but I think you can handle it!"
He smiled at her and walked over fiddling with something on the bag.
"Is it the bag or what's in it I need to fear?" she smiled at him.
"It's a hood, a new model that I'd like to try out on you. You are my tester for a lot of new items this weekend. You have the choice of a gag, he paused. Well actually thinking about it I will use this!" he put the hood down and reached into a holdall and pulled out a bag.
Walking to her he pulled it over her head. The world went black as he drew it tight by a draw cord under her collar.
A little disappointed by the fact he hadn't gone with the hood and the gag sighed and shifted her weight a little.
A whirring sound and she was stood back flat on her naked soles. She noticed the gritty feeling and an air current that drifted in from her left. "It's amazing how much your body senses when you cannot see." She murmured.
A gentle tugging at her ankles then, she heard the button being pressed. She didn't go far but she realised that he had attached each ankle to the floor. So with the spreader bar between them and the tension of the arms she was solidly hanging in mid air.
She gasped as a cold liquid was poured over her shoulders and across the top of her chest.
Her skin puckered as it made its way downwards. More was poured and its southerly descent speeded up until it ran between her buttocks and over her mons at the front. She heard it start to drip onto what sounded like a tray.
"It's like being baisted as if I am going to be cooked by cannibals." Her mind went off to the old fashioned films she liked. The one where a girl was always tied up and looking for rescue.
This cooking oil smelt of cinnamon and spices.
Then she felt his warm hands. Starting at her shoulders he massaged the oil into them. The strength of his fingers kneading and plying her straining muscles began to turn her on even more. Then she noticed as her moved down her back that the oil had started to gently warm up. A little like muscle rub.
She was quivering by the time he finished her back. His fingers followed her buttocks but didn't linger, smoothing the oil down her thighs and down to her feet massaging all the way.
He then started on her front; she giggled as the oil was worked into her ribs and sighed with disappointment when he passed her breasts. Although he lifted them to get oil right up to the base of them didn't play with them.
"So that's your game!" she thought as he worked the oil into her stomach and thigh tops.
When his hands did touch her breasts it shot feelings down through her tummy straight to her clitoris. "Oh god your gooood!" she groaned as he manipulated the soft flesh. His thumbs rolled and pressed against the rock hardness of her nipples. She realised she was panting and almost about to come.
Then he was gone.
Hanging there she tried to reach for him, thrusting her chest out the best she could manage within the constraints of her bondage.
As she calmed down she listened for any sound of him. Nope! not a breath, the sound of cows munching and farting but not a sign of him.
She drifted off in to a fantasy, the pirate one where Johnny Depp has her strapped to the bow of the Black pearl.
The hands started to bay for her to be given to them as an offering. Johnny waves them to be quiet. "Aghh me hearties. She be mine and mine only" his eyes gleamed as he grinned at her and said out loud "But tomorrow she be yours to do with what you want!"
The hands cheered.
She moaned with frustration and sexual tension.
The hands were back. His hands! Working again on her breasts playing with her nipples, teasing them, elongating them; then she felt a dull squeezing on her left one. A crushing sensation that hurt but seemed to add to her horniness this was soon followed by the right nipple being treated the same.
Clamps, he was using clamps. She had seen them on web sites and nearly bought them for herself when she went through self bondage faze, which hadn't lasted long as there was no one to rescue her.
She felt them being attached to something and then her breasts stretched away from her body. It hurt a little but when they went taught it stopped her body from swaying. He had taken the last bit of movement from her. "Move and your nipples get it!" Johnny Depp said in her mind.
So when the fingers started on her clitoris and labia Caroline realised the predicament she was in.
She loved to move about and grind and roll her hips as her orgasms happened but now as his very clever fingers found her G spot and massaged it in time to her clit and labia she had to try to stay still. "Not fair!" she groaned.
"Oh nobody said I had to be fair!" Darren whispered in her ear and removed his fingers.
"Come back, finish me off. Please!"
Her mind raced. I need to come but here I am naked, hanging from a crane in a barn in the middle of nowhere and begging a man I haven't seen for years to let me come.
"Naked and extremely horny and the shame is adding to the whole sensation." her mind reminded her.
The heat in the oil was making every nerve hypersensitive. She felt his fingers wet with her juices start again.
Again and again he brought her to the edge always leaving her wanting more.
His clever hands ran all over her, tweaking her nipples rimming her bottom hole which made her stiffen, and he took advantage of the whole gamut of her movements to get her to her peak.
And he stopped. "You bastard!" she moaned and shook her body. The ache in her shoulders was growing and he still hadn't let her come.
She felt a shudder and she was lowered to the floor loosening the cords attached to her nipple clamps.
His hands took hold of hers and dropped them behind her back coupling them together and she felt a belt go round her elbows. The strain on her shoulders was increasing when he stopped and looped the belt into the gap between them locking them tight.
"What's next? Because your doing very well up to now"
He kissed her cheek through the cloth of the hood and whispered "So are you!"
The collar on her neck was loosened and the hood was drawn off her head.
He moved to her front and kissed her on the lips. "that's nice!" she purred and moved up to him rubbing her breast on his sweat shirt.
Pulling down on her wrist chains which made her head tilt back he kissed her hard.
Kissing him back she shuddered as he moved his hands and cupped her buttocks.
She ground herself against him.
He laughed and said "Slow down your here for the weekend"
Her body was hot from the rub he had applied and she was very aware of her nerve endings all pulsing and spasms of lust flashed up between her clitoris and nipples.
Pulling on her elbows he created space between them and as she stepped towards him for a hug he turned and picked up the other hood
"Open wide!"
When she did as he asked he took care slowly rolling the form fitting soft leather over her face. Positioning the nose holes in line with her nostrils he made sure the two small pipes popped into them.
This maintained her airways and stopped him worrying about suffocation.
Inserting the gag into her open mouth he watched her adjust her jaws to accommodate the rubber cock shaped gag. The base of it was recessed and allowed her teeth to close and hold it in place as the gag as sewn to the mouth peace of the hood.
She felt a little claustrophobic as she felt his kind hands smooth the hood underneath her chin.
This feeling intensified as he started to lace it tight down the back of the hood. A heavy thick metal collar locked the laces out of reach and tightened her jaw up against the gag .
Again she had to rely on her other senses. While at the same time she realised that her mouth and tongue was working on the inert cock.
The belt round her elbows was loosened and removed and she shivered as a cold metal belt was locked into place round her waist digging in. her wrists where soon enclosed in what she realised were manacles, raising her arms she realised they where chained to her belt at the front only allowing a six inch movement.
He was clapping her in irons. "God he knows me so well"
The weight of them all added to her feelings of desire. Ankle cuffs were then clicked into place.
She felt a click and then a tug at the front of the collar. A slight weight as if he had clipped something onto it, then a tug and she took little steps with her feet feeling with her toes. He pulled harder and she stumbled a little as the short chain between her manacles brought her up short.
Her mind flipped. She was between decks on the pirate ship and she had been prepared for Captain blue beards pleasure. His cabin boy was taking her to him for ravishment.
"Come my dear said the boy, I take ye to the master. I advise you not fight him let him take what ever comfort he wants from your body it may keep ye from walking the plank like that last one did." Caroline shuddered and had a mini orgasm.
The pulling stopped and she felt a draft on her toes. A door opened and she was again tugged forward.
The floor had changed from wood to chilly stone. The sound of the chain dragging on the stone just made her mind flip, She could hear the wind rushing round the outside of the room they were in, both added to her fantasy. They where on the deck now and she was been drawn to her ravishment.
Hearing a clink and a key being turned in a lock she stood waiting for what came next.
"You will have to kneel" the boys voice said in her head, her mind substituting Darren's voice with that of the cabin boys.
Using grace she didn't realise she had managed to bend down and ease to her knees.
"Shuffle forward but be careful there is a lip you need to lift your knees over!"
She felt cold steel at her knees and edged each one over it. She felt a slightly padded feeling under knees and then her toes as she shuffled forward.
God what am I doing she thought? What is this?"
Slowly she shuffled round realising that she was in a cage as her head bumped into the bars that surrounded her. Kneeling up her head touched the top of the cage. Hmm about four foot square and three foot high she thought as she moved her feet round she felt a pillow in the corner.
Edging round she laid down and placed her head on it and sucking on the gag thought about her day so far.
Soon she was asleep.
Chapter 3 (added: 2017/07/08)
Caroline woke up with a start and banged her head, "Bloody hell" she muttered with difficulty then her senses started to kick in.
Moving her arm's she realised that she couldn't move them far from her waist as her wrists were locked in metal cuffs and coupled to her waist.
Her mouth was full of a rubber cock and she couldn't see anything as her head was laced into a leather hood which it was attached to.
Not that she could go far either as her ankles where manacled with a short chain between them and as she felt around with her feet she was locked in a cage.
Rubbing her thighs together she thought about her short stay with Darren.
Rolling on to her front she struggled to kneel up but finally managed it
"Oh you're awake then!" Darren's voice came from behind her. She smiled inside the hood she liked the fact he was watching her naked body, watching over her again she wondered if he found her naked body attractive or not? She giggled, she still couldn't believe she was worried about that sort of thing at her age.
"Shuffle round to your left. She complied until he said stop and shuffle forward. Her knees hit the lip and as she exited the cage her knees felt the rough sand stone of the flags under them.
Her mind wondered how she looked, was her breasts still firm enough. Was the extra weight on her hips a turn off for him?
"Naked and chained" she thought "oh how I have wanted this."
A blush rushed through her body as she realised that she hadn't been naked before with Darren.
She had been in a bikini within the summer months but that was at least 20 years before.
Now here she was kneeling naked and stinking of her desire and sweat and admittedly a nice smell of what ever he had rubbed on her earlier.
"Do you want the hood off?" he asked as he placed his hands under her armpits and helped her to stand.
She shook her head and stood up straight.
"Need the toilet?" he asked as he led her off
"Pheese she sort of said though the side of her mouth round the curved edge of the cock that filled her mouth. And to be truthful she would like a drink but she wasn't sure how to ask.
He took his time walking her to where ever he was taking her, waiting patiently for her short steps to cover the distance. Again her mind raced off to its favourite place. Her vulnerability adding to the wetness between her thighs.
He stopped and she felt his hands on her shoulders and she moved in reverse reacting to the command of his hands.
Something cold touched the back of her knees and she gently lowered until her bottom hit the seat of the toilet.
She realised that she was blushing again as she started to pee and realised she hadn't even slept with Darren and now he had seen her pee.
She jumped as his hand slid between her thighs and he wiped her.
Shame, embarrassment and a strange feeling of intimacy flooded through her as he asked if she was finished. "uhu!!" she muttered and then nodded.
Helping her stand he led her into the kitchen, she knew this due to the warmth of the Aga and the smell of something cooking.
Helping her sit on a chair she felt her left leg being freed before refastened with the chain behind the leg of the chair. Oh god he gets this. I'm in heaven. I'm his prisoner held in captivity.
He unfastened her wrists from behind her but she felt him lock the cuffs which had held her hands behind her onto the chairs main back holding her waist locked to the chair.
Then the collar was removed from her neck and she felt the laces of the hood being loosened and slowly the hood was removed from her face. A rush of cold air hit her face and she realised just how hot and sweaty it was behind the leather.
The penis gag took some easing out as her jaw had sort of locked.
Darren massaged her jaw and neck from behind and she leans her wet hair against his stomach. He kisses her sweaty cheek and passed her a pair of normal handcuffs with the chain between the two cuffs.
She automatically locked her wrists into them. Smiling at him she said "thank you, this is fun!"
He bent down and kissed her on the lips and as he withdrew passing her a glass of iced water.
"So am I living up to your long wait to try this again?" The water seemed so sweet and the cold eased her jaw a little.
She watched as he opened the Aga door and brought out a casserole dish.
"Oh my god yes and so much more! That smells good I'm famished" she looked at the clock and was shocked to realise that it was just after 3pm.
"How long was I asleep?" she watched him place mashed potatoes and a pile of green beans onto a plate and dumped a huge ladle of stew onto top of it.
"About two hours. I watched you to make sure you wasn't going to choke on the gag and then came in here to make dinner"
Carrying the plate over Darren placed it on the table in front of her and picked her and the chair up moving it so her cuffed hands could reach.
It felt very weird now. Here she was about to tuck into a meal naked and chained to a chair in a very large kitchen. The blinds on the windows were wide open and as she looked at them rain lashed against them.
Darren looked up. "There is a storm coming, this is the edge of it. The power might go off soon. He grinned at her. At least we still have the Aga for warmth.
Caroline smiled at him. "And us two, we can make our own warmth!, I know I have been hot since I got here." she laughed, "Oh god Darren I sound like a slut. Its been two years since I slept with a man"
Using her fork to place a pile of mash and gravy into her mouth Caroline just smiled at him.
"Does this feel a little strange to you? She asked when she had swallowed. I mean we have only just met last week and already you have stripped me, bound me and made me come. She coughed and smiled. Well I suppose I can tell my mum that I've known you for years."
He looked up from his dinner saying,
"Its maybe a little early but you did say that I could do with you what I wanted.
We can stop if you want. Ill un cuff you now and we can slow it down. But I do have to admit you still look great in bondage.
It's like the years have gone by and now I get to play with you as maybe we should have done, he grins and laughs, well maybe not, can you imagine what your mother would have said if you had been naked on the railway line."
"God I would have been sent to a nunnery and you would have been banished from the young farmers." She giggled and ate another mouthful of food the beef was so tender. She reappraised him. Eyes still good, body a lot better than in the old days.
"Did you cook this or did your mum make it?" she asked
"Nope all my own hands work. He pointed at her belt and cuffs. Unlike those! Remember Simon Peterson?" he watched her eat and wondered if she realised she ate like a natural with her cuffed wrists.
"Err his dad used to make him work every weekend? Shoeing horse's wasn't it?"
"That's him. He makes all my steel stuff. I will show you some more of his work if you would like."
Caroline felt herself relaxing a little more even though she was naked and chained to his chair, and eating with her hands cuffed.
He was still the same Darren. He was probably one of the few people who understood her strange mind. But she wondered if this surreal weekend would make or break them.
"Id like to try some more of your work, I have had the most erotic ideas while you have bound me up I love these chains but I want to try all of it."
She paused and looking down and not catching his eye asked "Can I do something for you? I have had a load of orgasms and you have had none in return"
"Well thanks for the offer, he smiled at her. I will take you up on it later. I would like to take you out for tonight if you want so I think the moment will come later. I need a mannequin for a couple of things I'm doing so you might as well come into my lair and I'll use you! But first we need to milk the cows. He nodded at the window that looked into the fold-yard, she looked up and saw the cows all looking at her.
Laughing she quoted a girl in a film "You can use me any time for anything honey!"
He grinned at her and unlocked her waist cuffs from the chair and helping her stand slipped his arm through her and walked with her towards the door to the boot room.
Twenty minutes later they were both soaked to the skin bringing the cows in to milk. Caroline wearing a fetching set of blue one piece overalls and Wellington's and nothing underneath as her nipples foretold.
Darren's comment about why he never thought of having a wet overall competition ever entered his head but he knew she would win it made her grin and feel wanted. She admitted to herself she had missed this sort of intimacy.
Two hours later and almost blue with cold she told him that she had forgotten how hard milking was. His grin and offer of something to warm her up in a few minutes bode well for the rest of the night.
After mucking out the stalls they went back into the kitchen and while Caroline showered Darren made hot chocolate and some crumpets much to her delight.
Drinking the chocolate and wiping her chin to remove the butter running down it she asked him if this was an average Saturday.
He smiled and said he hoped it could be if she fancied making it so.
Smiling at him she dropped the bathrobe and said. "Okay I'm yours do your best."
Darren moved behind her and using steel handcuffs locked her arms behind her at her elbows and wrists.
"Did you bring any smart clothes?" he asked her as he kissed her neck and stood holding her breasts in his hands rolling her nipples, slowly extending them until she whimpered. He eased off and rubbed them.
Caroline ground her bum back on to his lap.
"Eh...?" she hadn't heard him, his hands were so distracting. His lips nibbled on her neck and he gently bit her ear.
"Clothes, did you bring any smart ones so we can go out?"
"Oh god do we have to? I'd prefer it if you just come in me! She smiled as his finger ran around her clitoral hood gently flicking it.
"No we are going out!" just as she was about to come he took hold of her arm and walked upstairs she was thinking great I'm going to get laid. At last.
Grinning he walked her into the large walk in shower. "What your kidding me!" she grinned at him. Turning it on he walked her in unlocked the cuffs and pointed. Slapping her bum he laughs and asks her, "can you go and get yourself ready, I'll provide your clothes for you, you'll need to wear your hair up. I'll see you in the workshop. "
He jumped out of the boot room shower and dressed quickly awaiting her arrival.
She was awhile and he wondered if she had finished herself off while getting ready. But to be fair he hadn't told her not to.
Caroline had spent a little time thinking about getting rid of the huge knot in her tummy that was her need to come. But he must have something planned so as she was really enjoying her weekend decided to see what was coming. She was hoping it would be both of them!
She did want him to have fun as well.
Fixing her hair and a little bit of lippy she wandered in on her high heels and lent on the door way and watched him opening a plastic bag and pulling a nice dress out and placing it on the rack with a flourish. She smiled at his back he cared or was it part of a dark plan for her even better. As he turned she watched his eyes travelling up and down her body.
She liked the way his eyes slightly widened. "Yep he likes me she thought.
Competition, I wonder how Susan Watts looks naked?"
"Come here darling!" he said and held an outstretched hand. "Darling, I like that!" she murmured and slowly walked towards him.
He grinned holding out a complicated looking set of buckles and a leather thin strapped harness.
Lifting it over her head he began to buckle the straps. Starting at her waist he asked her to breathe in, but not all the way and tightened it up. She became aware of the tension straight away, he then bent down and kissed her skin above the top of her pussy she groaned "I thought we were going out"
"We are. Just getting you ready. Spread your legs a little please. She did so and he placed a narrow strap either side of her pussy lips and buckled them on to the waist strap, leaving her, in her mind ominously available.
She was sort of thinking he might be sticking that large dildo in her that was attached to the one she had seen on the harness the first night she had seen his work.
"This leather is so soft" she said to him as he buckled a strap that ran under her armpits across the tops of her breasts.
"It is nice isn't it. it's designed to be worn for a long time."
"Oh thinking of keeping me are you?"
"In more ways than one!" he smiled with an evil grin that made her stomach flip.
He moved round her tightening her shoulder straps and the waist belt. She did notice in the mirror that there were small silver D rings on every strap and belt.
"Okay here's some stockings they attach to the clips from the belt like an old garter belt, can you put them on please. "she unbuckled her shoes and making a little show of it rolled them in place, finding it little harder than normal due to the restriction of the harness.
Clipping them on he passed her a pair of matching leather knickers, as she pulled them up she noticed they were a little heavier than she thought they should be.
It wasn't until she pulled them up she realised there was a lump that sat curved between her pussy lips and over her clitoris the knickers, and the two straps each side of her pussy meant her lips were parted already making the object in her knickers slide between them. The knickers then buckled on to the belt.
The next thing he gave her was odd looking. It was a bra but it looked like it totally covered her boobs. And it looked to Caroline like it was a size to big. Darren smiled. "This is a prototype!" he held out the bra and she saw it came in two parts. Two rings were attached to it the leather cups hung away from it.
"It will take us both to get it on you though" he smiled. He held the rings up to her breasts, okay pull on your nipples" reaching through the rings she did what he had asked and he eased the rings past the flesh until they were up against her chest wall. She let go of her nipples and the rings held her breasts in balls each tightening slightly as the blood struggled to return to her body. Her nipples smoothed out and she gasped. "Wow this is nice!"
"It gets better" he then pulled the cups of the leather totally encasing her breasts and she watched them tighten up more against the rings and she realised in the back strap had hidden elastic. He passed her the dress and as she slid it over her head he whistled. I had this idea in my head when I saw your body last weekend.
Looking in the mirror she decided she looked superb. It was a soft silk knee length. And with the boobs in bags as she had decided to call the new bra.
It emphasized her figure with the waist belt corset bit pulling it in and the bra thrusting her chest out, made her look a million dollars.
"Oh god Darren this makes me look so much better. Thank you!" she kissed him hard and used her tongue and pulled his head to her.
"Wow that was great! God you can kiss" Darren laughed. Come one lets go out before I ravish you!"
She held out her arm for him and he walked her out to a white high roofed Sprinter van.
She looked a little perplexed as he opened the passenger door for her like a limo.
"The X5 is not needed for tonight." it didn't smell and it was warm and dry if a little rocky in the wind so she quickly put it down to his quirkiness.
They chatted on the way to the Pub just normal stuff about old names and faces she might see as it was the local where all the old group from young farmers gathered, all the time though she was aware of the fact her boobs were gently throbbing in time to her pulse.
That and the fact the object between her legs was arousing her, it could be a really interesting night.
It was she met a load of really nice people some from her old days, some new ones as well.
Darren was well known and liked. It was great to be included in his friends. She had to admit to herself that since she had moved back up north after her divorce she hadn't bothered integrating much and did feel lonely.
She wondered if she and Darren got together would she be part of this group. The food was lovely. And she had enjoyed her night immensely.
The bra and knickers kept her on her toes and horny as hell. Now if only she could manage not to come until Darren had her back at the farm tonight, oh god she wanted him so much, she admitted to herself. As he helped her into the van.
He kissed her as she sat in the middle to be near him and enjoyed his hand on her thigh. After a few miles in what seemed a different direction they had come he pulled in a parking area on the old railway line.
Opening his door he pulled her out by her hand into the rain swept night.
"Where we going?" she laughed. And stopped as he slid open the side door on the van.
"In there!"
"Fuck me Darren you have a huge bed back in the house why in a van In the pouring rain" her jaw drops as in the dim light she can see some thing behind him
Darren pulled her in and pinned her up against the side of it kissing her hard. She responded and felt his hand undoing her buttons on the back of the dress. Looking over his shoulder her eyes widened.
There was a vaulting horse fixed in the middle of van with a huge pink cock standing up from it. He felt her stiffen and as her dress dropped to the floor of the van said. "AH yes your horse awaits you your Ladyship."
"Take your knickers off!" he put a tone in his voice making her look at him. She dropped her head getting into the roll play this could be fun she decided to roll with it.
He opened a stacker box and pulled out a head harness and a tube of lube, throwing the lube to her "Your ladyship may wish to add some to the cock. It is rather large and the journeys long!" he watched her use her hands to coat the dildo with the shiny lube and with long wanking motions with a horny look on her face as she worked it in, all the time thinking to herself, "after the things you have placed on and have done to my body I really don't need extra lube. But you're the boss.
Two blocks stood either side of the horse and he helped her straddle and he held the dildo as she lowered gently onto it groaning as it slipped in inch by inch. Though it was large she realised it was fairly soft and flexible oh god its so big. It filled her totally.
Darren then held the ball out and eased it behind her teeth and began fastening the straps all around her head, the nastiest was the one under her chin that made her bite onto the ball in her mouth. She was a little confused as to what the next move would be.
Reaching into the box he brought out colour coded bungee straps.
A red one attached to the roof of the van and onto the ring on the top of the harness. Holding her head up straight.
More were added from the front of her shoulder harness and the back of it. These went off at angles. Front and back these would stop her falling off on acceleration and braking two went from her ankles pulling them off the blocks out to the sides of the van.
This put more weight on her crotch. Forcing the dildo deeper and her clitoris area on to a series of small balls that were attached to the front of the dildo. She felt him clip one to each side of her waist and then to the sides of the van pulling downwards as well as out to the sides. This added to securing her in place.
Her wrists cuffs he had just buckled attached to the rear of the horse and the collar he buckled on had a bungee attached to the front. Slackening the bags off from her breasts he attached clips with weights to her swollen nipples.
"You okay with this?"
She nodded as much as she could and sighed as he rubbed her clit with his fingers pushing it down onto the balls god she was soaking, had he created a monster?
He pulled a leather bag over her head pulled the draw string tight and reaching down to the top of the battery pack clicked the vibe inside the dildo onto the medium setting kissed her shoulder and said "See you when we get home."
The last thing he heard was a long groan as he slid the door shut and climbed into the front. Smiling to himself, he laughed and thought about all the bumpy tracks he could use to get home. Reaching over he turned the video cameras on and looked at the screen. It was going to be a fun ride home. As long as plod didn't pull him over.
His load might take a bit of explaining.....
Chapter 4
Three weeks later.
Caroline is sitting in the workshop naked and wearing metal shackles on her ankles and that's all apart from a smile and some leather.
The past three weekends had been so much fun and she had finally got Daz to shag her. She had been too sore after the van ride and the number of orgasms had left her drained. So much so she hadn't been much good to him on Sunday.
Sleeping her way until tea time. So, they had waited until midweek before he tied her to his work bench and had her and it was worth the wait.
She doesn't need to wear them but Daz is using her body as a templet and she loves being at his mercy
He has a set of Saudi Clients coming over at the end of the month to collect and have a final fitting for some of his expensive top line bondage gear.
Caroline had already agreed to fit the Saudi women with the equipment as Daz could look but not touch the women. Chaperones would also be there. So, they were sat with a whiskey and a plate of sandwiches discussing the visit.
Daz seemed a little nervous to her and she was wondering if it was about the deal, they're was a lot of work. All the Saudis women where different sizes and he had to duplicate everything four time.
"What's up darling?" she asked.
"I was looking on a web site to see if I could advertise as I want this to be a larger part of the farms cash flow with Brexit coming up and all the farm subsidies coming to an end. And this was before I met you." He looked sheepish. And she almost saw the very young Daz of years ago when he realised she was aware he was feeling her up while he had her tied up.
"Go on" she grins.
"Well I saw a post for somewhere that offered a week's tied up tight type holiday.
I thought of the barn and the feed cellar. Make a couple of cells put some rings in and get Paul to put manacles and a few other things in. Make it sort of medieval type thing.
It's warm in the cellar so it wouldn't be a problem!"
Caroline smiles. "Women only I bet"
Daz laughs
"Of course. But even if they didn't want any sex I would respect it. Anyway, I put an ad in the sites UK page. I Heard little back, sort of a gentle probing really then nothing more. So, I upped the type offered still not expecting anything back from it."
"So, who has replied then? A Transsexual.... Best of both worlds??? Caroline laughs so hard she has to wipe away the tears.
He grins and holds up a Penis gag off the table "Careful"
She watches him as he opens a file on the desk. Handing it to her he shows her a picture "She's pretty" Caroline says looking at the Photo.
"Read the emails she has sent me. the moneys too good to turn down but I would feel guilty about us."
"I am not the jealous type. Not about the tying. Do you a deal I'm due a fortnights holiday I'll be off and if your tying her gets to you. You get to take me any hole any position. You can make her come if you want but I get. she points at Daz's crotch. Fred."
He grins a huge grin. "You sure?"
"Yup" Daz continues to work on the complicated breast harness on Caroline's breasts finishing the position of the screw nipple clamps and smiling to her as his fingers pulled her taught nipple through the flat bars of the clamp.
She continues reading the emails and looks at Daz "She seems a little above what we do. Can you give her what she wants?
She is offering a lot of money. She grins at him "hey we could get a sign put up. Daz n Caz BBND to the discerning customer Women only. "
"Bed breakfast and Bondage" she giggles at his eye roll.
How good's your rope work? And what's this she points at a sentence.
Predicament bondage? Have we done that?"
"Well babe I did tie you to a railway line!"
"Yes, but there hadn't been a train on it since 1976"
Daz smiles. "True. I think I can do it. Just stop me if you think I go too far with her."
Caroline laughs rereading the initial email.
"I don't think you can go too far with this one, she sounds a wild one!
Can you keep someone hidden from your mum and dad? They know about us being a couple but this will be different. Mores the point get her to sign a contract.
I will help you. I might even like it or let you tie us up together."
Daz smiles and wonders if life can get better.
"She comes the same week as the Saudi. I wonder if he wants an American white slave."
"He has enough, your kitting them all out. she pretends to think about it, how much would he pay for her or and me I wonder" she bursts out laughing at the look on Daz's face.
"I am not going to lose you to anyone" he tightens the screws on the nipple clamps making her gasp and groan.
Caroline sits in leather chair reading the clients wish list.
"Do you think you can be this harsh. I hurt or ache a little afterwards but you're always checking on me. I feel safe. This Janet on the other hand?"
All this about tie me tight make me feel helpless. Leave me for not hours, but days. She sounds a little scary. She pauses and grins. We need more rope."
"Yup we! Take me to the feed cellar."
They spend the next few hours looking at the cellar and deciding on what to get Paul to put in. I know it's an investment but just think darling you can also put me down here when you want some peace"
The next two weeks flew by. Caroline took over the correspondence with the client arranging everything. Letting Janet know what hotel to stay at the timing and the fees.
Sitting in the Premier Inn Janet Haliburton was a combination of hope fear and excitement.
It's had been a hell of a week. Over on business she had won the contract her company had sent her over for making her top of the pile.
Now was me time she had been wanting to try something like this for something like this for years.
It was going to cost her a hell of a lot of money. Most of her bonus from getting this concert.
And she hoped this British "hotel" would live up to expectations.
The advert looked good and the pictures that had been sent was a great teaser.
There was a Cellar and rope. No fancy dungeon stuff. He... had, well it was signed as Daz.
Was Daz a man's name? she grinned to herself she was in a totally different country going to a place she did not know where for a whole week.
A week of nonstop bondage and hopefully no sex. She decided it might end up with a little but as she wasn't after the orgasm to end all orgasm she wanted hard bondage.
Her experience wasn't that wide. She had played it with a few guys and even a girl. But nothing to serious. But boy now she did she want serious.
All the dreams and fantasy after dark dreams that ran through her mind had finally come down to this.
The risk, he might be a mass murderer.
A sicko. It wasn't like she knew him or even had recommendations on trip adviser.
You know 5 knots for bondage or 5 riding crops for superb use of a whip. She grinned at herself.
The long days of bondage to come gave her a huge knot in her stomach. Maybe in rope and chains for a bit locked in the cellar days of boredom. That was some of what she was looking forward to time to chill and contemplate.
Opening her laptop, she sent her boss an email to confirm all the detail and a copy of the contract she had got signed ending it by saying that she would be having a couple of weeks off and be out of contact for a while as she trekked round Europe.
A week of bondage and then a week of looking round Yorkshire was the truth but as no one in her world at present knew of her deepest feelings.
She re read the initial email.
My bondage will be such as I am unable to move about and I expect to be in constant restraint at all times. The tighter the better.
I don't require orgasm or sexual satisfaction.
While I agree to be used in most ways I must express that I am coming for the harshest of bondage.
I will expect not to be able to eat other than enough to keep me alive and well/.
Once in bondage I will have no safe word or any say in my bondage. It to be tight and unrelenting. Only being released on the final night.
The money as agreed will be £7000. Plus, a bonus I will pay you if I have my expectations met.
Looking forward the coming week please don't disappoint me with rubbish bondage.
The reply was concise and to the point.
Giving her instructions to which hotel to stop in and a text number to confirm she was in the room number they had booked for her.
Now sitting the slight turn of nerves was starting to burn in her stomach and she was watching the clock, showered she had shaved all her body hair off.
Her body quivered and she could feel herself moist and expectant. How would it be?
Hard and long she hoped.
There was a package waiting for her in reception. The premier inn chain was pleasantly clean and tidy. A lot better than some of the grotty motels she had stopped in back home.
The pub attached had provided her with good food and to be honest she looked forward to looking round the old wall and museums of the old town when she got back at the end of the week.
She had paid her bill and told reception she would be leaving early in the morning.
All packed and her bags ready to go.
So, shutting her laptop down she packed it in her hard case.
The taxi picked her up and she got the driver to wait while she went to the left luggage lockers and placed all her bags in one of the long-term ones. She paid for 10 days and collected the key. Making up a story to tell the young lady in the office that she had a rucksack and was going trekking round Europe for a week and didn't need all her stuff for that.
Back in the taxi. Her nerves kicked in and she went for a quick brandy in the bar.
She hardly slept and was up before her alarm.
Showered she opened the box. Her instructions that once she opened the box if she still wanted her time to start she should put her one outfit on the table by the door folded and on the top of it her phone. Battery and sim card taken out.
The door would open and if they were not on there the person collecting her would leave ending the contract there and then.
Taking out the first item she smiled. Good start. A ball gag. Quite a large one.
Then a soft cloth bag that had a draw cord. Then she stopped she knew the box was heavy but she was a little disappointed.
The rest of the box contained no rope only steel cuffs.
Damme, I want ropes! She thought. But she then thought these are quick to fasten on. So hopefully the rope is later.
The cloth bag contained something. Curious she took it out. Swimming goggles?
Placing them over the light she realised they were pitch black and no light showed thru at all.
Cool. Taking the cuffs out she noticed chain laid out in the bottom of the box with a list of instructions. Reading it she realised it's going to get real.
1 Insert ball gag. I expect everything to be tight.
2 Take chain thread small ring thru the large around your waist tighten until it cannot slip down and the large ring is central so you belly button is in the centre of the hole. The loose bit of the chain will go thru your pussy lips and be treaded up behind the waist chain and handcuffs with the two links between will be fed thru the small ring leaving them open.
3 Move over to far side of the bed so you cannot be seen from the door.
4 Lay out the other items on the bed as you will not be moving from that position. Sit with you back to the bed for support.
5 Use the fixed police cuffs on your ankles the small thumb cuffs are for your big toes.
It will now get tricky. I expect this to be done.
6 Place the goggles on your eyes.
7 The cloth bag will now go over your head with the draw cord lightly tied off.
8 Place the steel collar with the long length of chain at the front around your neck and lock into place.
9 Take the chain and lean forward until your chin is on your legs "You may bring them up until they touch your chin." Then wrap the chain behind your legs back thru the ring on your collar. Threading the loose end between your legs behind the chains encircling your legs.
10 The end of your chain goes down to your ankles and over the front of your ankle cuffs up behind and back up behind your leg chains up to your collar the small padlock will go thru the small ring at the end of the chain and the ring on your collar.
You may have to shuffle a bit to make it meet. But I expect this done.
11 place your hands behind your back and lock in the handcuffs.
You will notice there are no keys so once you start you cannot go back
12 Await your fate.
Oh god she thought well here we go.
It had been a long week leading up to the arrival of Janet planning and making sure they had enough rope and the plan to get her back to the farm.
Caroline did most of it and had come up with a cunning plan to get Janet out of the hotel on the night of picking her up she had booked the next room to Janet's and they had got into place early.
It was funny she said to Daz as they sat in the pub watching Janet eat her last meal of freedom.
She doesn't know us or want to, judging by her communications and in a few hours her life is in our hands. I mean she looks normal. Very pretty and she must hold a good job.
But she is placing herself in stranger's hands. We could be white slavers or murders. I'd imagine she has a backup plan. Someone who knows at least an email address!"
Daz smiled. I'm not sure but I think this one is a thrill seeker. She looks so calm. Still let's see how we go as I think we need her recommendation. Sort of a 4 ropes star guide." He grinned.
"you're looking forward to this." Caroline said grinning and looking away as Janet scanned the room.
"I won't deny it I am. I have a few things planed for her."
She leaned in and kissed him.
"Does Paul get to play with her?" he has asked to be allowed to see some of his work in use and know you won't let him see me."
"I hadn't thought of it but it's a possibility."
Soon it was time for bed and as they lay after made love Caroline whispered I hope this works for us as a business as well as a couple.
"Worried darling?"
"A little"
"Me too he said as he kissed her forehead.
Morning came. It was early, they dressed and Caroline got the spare key and gently opened Janet's door. Seeing her clothes on the table with her mobile phone broken down into its component parts she closed the door and went back into their room.
Nodding she took hold of the wheeled cases handle and opening her door stepped into the corridor. There were no cameras on this stretch and once she had shut their room door she listened.
No noise in any of the surrounding rooms so sliding the card into the lock she entered Janet's room. Switching the big light on she moved round to the other side of the bed. There naked, except for the hood and the chains sat Janet.
Moving the large shiny equipment case off the trolley it moved around on she unsnapped the locks on it. They had told reception it contained a mixing deck for Paul Greens disco. They had taken the names of a total stranger and used cash to book in saying they was doing a wedding disco and couldn't afford to have it stolen out of their van. The girl had seemed content but urged them not to scratch the walls and things.
A gentle knock and she let Daz in and they both stood looking at their guest. Daz gave her a thumb's up and smiled. She had done as asked.
Janet was using her toes to move her body up and down but she gave a little squeak as Daz rocked her onto one buttock and Caroline slid the edge of the box under her tilting it back so as Daz then pushed Janet's balled up self-bound body into the case gently her helped Caroline to lay the case back so the lid was on the top. Clamping it shut and placing small padlocks in to the locking eyes.
He placed the trolley under it and with a quick look out the door pushed it back into their room.
Meanwhile Caroline had cleaned up all Janet's remaining clothes and placed them with her mobile in the box the chains had come in. these went into the rucksack Janet had left out and slipping back into their room she quickly kissed Daz grinning.
"Stage one complete and it only took 10 mins" she grinned getting caught up in the adventure.
He kissed her hard back.
They had agreed to not leave to early so not to draw attention to themselves.
She felt the front of Daz's trousers. "OOer your hard. Does kidnapping naked women arouse you?" in her pseudo sexy voice reaching down she unbuttoned him and as quick stepped out of her trousers and knickers.
Pushing the case and its trolley over to the bed so it couldn't roll Caroline knelt over it and looking over her shoulder smiled.
"Well master. What are your waiting for?" she was determined to take his mind off Janet and her lithe body.
Daz wondered what Janet made of the short rocks her prison was making as he rammed into the groaning Caroline.
Showering the couple went off to breakfast.
Caroline asking for a price list and while the morning reception person went for one dropped Janet's key card into the box knowing that the cleaning staff always got a head start by doing the earlies before everyone else left was a clever distraction Daz thought.
Janet's room would be clean and ready for the next guest. Before she had even left the building.
After breakfast, they wandered back and collected their bags and the case. Wheeling, it down the corridor and out into the carpark. It was that easy.
Placing it on its edge so Janet was back on her bum and feet Daz strapped it to the van floor commenting that she was locked down x2 now. Caroline started the van and they drove off to the farm.
Daz looked over at Caroline laughing. "If someone had nicked the case while we were at breakfast that would have been two people very shocked on opening it."
Janet was turned on. she couldn't deny it her start to the adventure in her head had been a little let down by the lack of rope in the box.
The flurry of activity had calmed down almost straight away. Her self-bondage had been a struggle, getting the ring back up to her collar had taken some doing.
She was in a very tight ball tie. Whoever Daz was he was good, she was aching by the time she had the shock of her life when a hand had touched her shoulder and knee, tilting her enough to slide the box she was obviously pressed into. Then laid on her side she had felt the box moving.
The weird rocking that became obvious as she could hear a woman groaning in time to the short harsh rocks.
She had found this a turn on. Just the fact she was a turn on to her "kidnappers" helped her moving into her slave space. Then silence. Had they forgot about her. She wasn't worried. Well maybe a little. Today she would give them the bonus.
Well if I ever get out of here she teased herself.
More movement and she felt the case moving so she the right way up again followed by the faint sound of the van doors shutting gave her the final leap. Her pussy was moist and in the confines of the box she could drink in her smell.
Moving as much as the foam in the box and her bindings allowed her to she settled in for a long journey. Her mode of transport bounced along for ages and she could tell her box had been strapped down by the harshness of the ride.
Daz watched as Caroline backed the van into the barn. She could drive it well and he had a plan for the little vixen locked up in the case and the van. But now as they carried the case down the stairs into the cellar he worried about the next stage. He needed to give Janet one chance to walk away.
After that the week was going to fly by for him. The Saudi visit was going to take up a lot of time so her request to spend a long time in her bondage was going to make his life easier, if not hers.
Caroline had offered to help. So, it shouldn't be too bad a time for the business.
Lifting the case onto a wooden bench they unclipped the box lid and lifted its shiny top off.
The horny smell of hot woman hit their noses. And he saw Caroline's eyes widen and she gave him a big thumb's up.
The woman was obviously turned on, but he still needed an answer to his question.
Looking in at her he realised he would have to ease her out. So, he reclipped the lid and lay the box down so she was laying on it. Then they lifted the box off her leaving her laid out on the lid.
Janet's body glistened with sweat and her thighs gleamed with her arousal.
Running a finger up and into her pussy he felt her shudder.
Showing it to Caroline it dripped juice.
Rolling her back on to her bum he pressed hard on her shoulders so there was a little slack in the chain up from her ankles. Caroline unlocked the padlock and loosened the chain so he could lay her on her front.
Janet had a great body. He couldn't wait to tie her in positions he didn't want to put Caroline in as he cared to much for her. Janet meanwhile had sort of given him a blank canvas to work on.
Taking the collar off he felt the bag. Yes, the goggles still covered her eyes. then unfastened the bag and eased it off her sweaty face.
She seemed to be alright so let's get the show on the road he thought. He unfolded her out on the bed massaged her shoulders and then clipped the collar around her neck and this was then chained to the end of it . Caroline had already done the same to her ankles holding her in place. Face down on the bed.
They had bought a new type of rope. Caroline had seen it on a web page and said as Janet had demanded a harsh experience she would get one. Maybe more than she wanted but as there was £7000 bonus on offer they should give her the money's worth. It did seem to Daz that maybe there first client could be they're most demanding.
Caroline helped him hold her arms up away from her body as he took some of the rope out of the bag. He had cut it all to size on the day he had received it and tossed it into the farms large tumble drier to loosen the fibres on it to make it cling to the skin easier
The ropes fibre was rough and itchy.
More than the Japanese type most rigger used they had other surprises for her later in the week.
Starting on her elbows he treaded the rope through the loop he had made and none to gently pulled them until they touched. Wrapping the rope above and below the joint he then cinched it top to bottom stopping her effectively from being able to bend her arms. he then took off her wrist cuffs and tied her wrists the same making sure they were as solidly roped. He had felt a shudder run through as the elbow rope went on. nodding to Caroline they dropped her arms back onto her back.
Undoing the collar, he nodded to Caroline and they stood Janet up and hopped her to the middle of the cellar. Slipping the noose hanging there from the winch over her head he used the remote to take up the slack and he hand tightened it round her neck.
Janet gave a little gasp round the ball gag.
Daz looked at her and she did look a mess.
Most of the drool had been soaked up by the bag but enough had run into her hair.
He smiled and touched the remote two times. This made her rise onto her tiptoes.
Caroline was unfastening her waist chain noting the smell and drip of her arousal then unfastened her ankles from the cuffs.
Janet was in heaven. Her mind was absorbing the ache in her shoulders this was hopefully the start of it all. Now the noose scared her a little but fear was an aphrodisiac to her the fact nothing had been said. By anyone was adding to her mind state.
Her body was responding to it. She took her body weight on her toes and wondered what was next. The chain coming out of her pussy was a strange feeling as she had grown used to its pressure on her clit and anus.
She felt another rope laid over her shoulders and behind her neck. Then a tugging at her wrists and her arms was pulled up until if forced her body forward. This tightened her noose, shit she thought. Easing up more on her toes to loosen the pressure a bit.
The chest harness he placed on her started under her raised armpits. She knew when he dropped her arms it would really dig in.
It continued down her chest above and below her breasts the top rope cutting into her flesh making her boobs and nipples upturn. The rope under them went tight under the bottom side of them. Also lifting them.
Each tug on the rope made her sway and have to use her neck muscles to hold her up right. Her waist was pulled in by rings of rope. She had found it had started to itch a bit.
His hands eased her legs open and a rope went up between her lips tight his tugs pulling her nearly off her feet. She groaned.
Daz smiled at Caroline and she smiled back and she knew he had got a response.
Caroline watched as he quickly then tied her legs at thigh above the knees and her ankles. At one point, he had pulled a bit hard and Janet had been only supported by her neck, the rope that went around her feet in her instep was a slight over kill she thought but I have to admire him he is good.
Another rope went over her shoulders and she watched him start another harness this one went in places where there was bare skin.
The rope went over the top of her nipples crushing her breasts against her chest bulging her breast flesh against the ropes already in place. Two wraps as a waist rope and then through her legs attached to her waist rope. Then up to her breast harness tied off there it went up to the loop at the back of her neck. Pulling at all tight at the front.
Caroline noticed Janet was panting. Sweat dripping off her. Ill shower her tomorrow she thought.
Daz then lowered the noose and her arms he held Janet as he lowered onto her front.
Tying a rope to the last harness he had placed on her where her breast rope went over her nipples this he threaded over the top of her elbow bondage then down to her ankles Caroline helped him to force her ankles up and held them while he looped it back to the breast ropes. It had the effect of forcing her arms flat and putting pressure on her elbows he looped it twice more. Knotting it her then connected the hook from the winch to the thick collection of ropes.
Handing Caroline, the remote he pointed up. She pressed the button watching the ropes joining
Janet take the strain.
Daz held up his hand and she stopped it.
He repositioned the hook further forward and nodded. Up Janet went. Hanging slightly legs down Janet was gasping round the gag.
He nodded at Caroline and she stopped her at chest height. Passing him length of rope she had worn as a crotch rope for most of yesterday. Caroline unbuckled the ball gag and watched Daz hold out a sports bottle and squeeze water into Janet's mouth giving her a long drink
The rope was then double looped so the tape he had put on it to show the now dry wet patch was either side of her mouth. Then he pulled Janet's head back until she was straining her neck and tied it to her ankles.
Standing behind her he removed her goggles and holding her so she couldn't see them let Caroline take the trussed female for right up to the top of the winch. Her head only just stopping before the stone roof of the cellar.
Switching the lights off Caroline looked up and smiled god how can she enjoy this? She thought.
Janet's body hurt. A lot more than she thought it would. If fact the bondage was a lot more than she thought it could be. They and she know it was they and not just him had tied her so tight. And not a word spoken. She shuddered and let her mind drift. Slowly moving and tensing her muscles to ease the strain. Her breasts hurt the ropes dug in all around the orbs, but in her own way she was happy.
Did she not deserve this? She worked hard. Her break up with Norman last year had taken so much of her resilience out of her. She needed the challenge of this week.
Just to be able to move on. her strength would come from the suffering she would just have to put up with. Stoic and none complaining. She would suffer and she didn't doubt she would.
She had left a clause in the email to be opened only after day three of her stay. Her darkest dream, this would be her nemesis. Would they do it as she wanted. The bonus should cover their risk. But until then she was only 3 hours into her suffering.
Daz walked back into the cellar holding a bright torch light on to Janet. She had turned on the hook but not by much. It had been 5 hours.
She didn't look too distressed so closing the door he went up for another session finishing off the last of the harnesses.
"Daz. I'm worried." Caroline had cooked them a nice meal and had they had just finished eating. A plate of bread with butter and a little jam on it sat by the table along with a sports bottle of water.
"Why? she seemed okay when I left her."
"I know but it's been a long time and it's time to feed her."
Daz sighed.
"What about when we take her down to the tunnel she is going to be a long way from here for a full 18 hours while the Saudis are here, we need the cellar for his wives as he asked for them to be kept in restraint. For his satisfaction. Shit I forgot to ring Paul to see if he had got the stuff they wanted!"
"He has. I rang him this morning. Come on then let's go feed her then I can sleep well tonight"
They go down into the cellar. The torch shows her turned all the way to the door but with her head still up in the roof and the torch light Daz is content she cannot see who they are.
He keeps the light shining in her eyes until she is lowered enough to be turned away from them.
He quickly pulls the swimming goggles over eyes letting he rubber strap snap on to her skull.
Caroline wheels a stainless steel box underneath her and they ensure her hogtied body drops into
it so she is laid on her front with her neck in a cut out. Cutting the rope which had held her to the hook close to her harness her he quickly checks her for loss of circulation. The lid of the box with the other half of the neck cut out is then passed over to him and he leans on it compressing her body a little more until Caroline could snap the clips shut.
Janet's in a weird state, the agony of her hogtie is now compounded with the crush of the box and then the pressure on her knees as the box is stood on end and she hears clinking followed by a series of four snaps. Then the sound of a motor and she is lifted in the air. A slight sway and a tug as the ball gag strap is unbuckled.
It takes a bit of easing to get it out of her mouth. She works her jaw and awaits what's to come.
A soft hand eases her matted hair away from her face and she feels a warm flannel wipe all the dried up drool from round her chin. In reality she would have liked the full body wash. But this was her own doing. She wondered how she looked. Just her head sticking out of the box. She still didn't know she was been videoed.
A sports bottle is placed between her lips and gently squeezed. She drinks and then munches a nice slice of bread with what tasted like a nice jam. More water and then another slice of bread and jam followed.
She was horny again, they still hadn't said a word or asked if she was ok.
They would get todays bonus. She guessed it was still day one. The soft hand was replaced by a calloused one.
This hand held out something to her lips. She smelt rubber and leather, opening her mouth she felt a long rubber penis shaped gag pushed into it. It narrowed off at the base and she closed her jaw a little. The goggles came off but all she could see was the wall.
Then nothing as a leather hood was smoothed over her face and then a wait while her hair was pulled into a pony tail. Rubber bands snapped onto her hair pulling on her scalp and the not so gentle tugs as it was pulled through a ring in the back of her hood the hood totally covered her head. Down to the base of her neck at the top of the box. A collar was then buckled round her neck, and then the laces at the back tugged and pulled until her head felt it would shrink under the pressure.
Caroline looked at the customer and wondered if they had overdone it a bit. But she had chance to speak out and it not be so harsh for her.
She remembered her time in the hood and the cage. Actually she wanted it now. Pointing to the door she waited until they were outside with before whispering.
"I want to be fucked while strapped up and in a hood. I want to be strapped to her bed and I want you to fuck me hard master!"
Daz looked at her. "It's getting to you too is it!" she nods and he says "ill be right back."
He dashed upstairs to their play locker and grabbed a few things. It hadn't surprised him Caroline was getting more and more into it. He had to admit if she wasn't with him he would have got Janet to suck him off.
On his return Caroline was standing naked looking at the head sticking out of the box.
He quickly showed her the hood. This one had a smaller gag. But no laces. It had a harness over the leather.
Eye pads covered her eyes and she placed the gag in her mouth and the pads over her eyes and rolled the leather over her head. And stood.
The draw string at the base was tightly tightened up and the strap that covered her eyes pulled tight. Buckled in haste she didn't realise she would have black eyes in the morning. The gag strap was buckled tight to and she nearly gave her safe signal as it pulled the gag deep into her mouth.
She didn't as she realised that Daz was turned on as much she was. A collar bucked round her neck held the hood tight and as he took each of her wrists and pulled them up behind her in reverse prayer she felt her juice drip out of her.
His hands spun her and she heard a buckles clink and as he bent her forward a leather strap tightened at the base of her left breast and she felt the hard tug as Daz buckled it tighter than she had ever felt it before. Gasping around the penis in her mouth she thrust her chest out so he could get the right one done.
The throbbing in her breasts matched her heart beat and she heard the motor of the winch click a few times.
Daz grabbed her and dragged her over to the hanging box forcing her to bend over between the four chains until her breasts hung at the front and back of Janet's hooded head. Using rope around all four chains he held the bent over Caroline's body in place tightening it down until her sternum touched the top of Janet's head.
Caroline knew what he had done. The clever bastard she though. Just fuck me make me come. She tried to say through the gag. A squeal followed as a paddle struck her left bottom cheek, "Shit" she thought as another blow followed. She wondered what Janet thought or felt. Her ankles got grabbed and he thrust a stretcher bar between them forcing her lower onto Janet's head. She heard a moan from between her breasts and tried to take some pressure of Janet's neck.
Then a huge thrust and Daz was inside her. The rest was a blur. She knew she had come at least twice. He had come once. She was now laid on her breasts which were still bound strapped to the bed in the cellar and they hurt
like hell..
Now as she listened to the sound of the winch lowering the box into the hole in the floor she wondered if Daz would leave her like this for the night or take her upstairs and fuck her senseless again.
As the sound of the slab dropping into place above Janet's head echoed in the little confined space she tried to move to relive the hurt in her body but she couldn't really find any relief. She was so ecstatic. This was what she hoped for, well maybe a bit more. The smell of the woman's sweat and a sweet cinnamon smell had captivated her.
The way her had tied her so that the weight of the breasts pressed against her face and back of her head and the fact the woman had come so hard as her box had rocked in time with the man's trusts had given Janet her feeling of submission. These people were getting off on her helplessness.
And now this. Tied so tight she couldn't move. Then locked and a box and now by the sound of the silence after the unfastening of the chains and a solid cluck of stone being dropped above her head. She groaned to see what sounds came back. Just a faint echo, her mind went off into a space she had never knew it could. Happiness in her mind was hard to find and she knew this was what she was looking for.
Time to think time to grieve and time to rejuvenate, I needed this. She thinks and slowly even though she is in pain and hurting drifts off to sleep.
Caroline jerks awake, the house is quiet. The sound of the cows in the main yard all queuing up to be milked and the sound of Daz and his dad talking to them came in the open window.
She gently moves her arms and finds the key for the handcuffs on the bedside table.
The image of Janet and her tied body flash across her mind. And she is instantly aroused.
She wasn't as threatened by this set up as she thought she would have been unlocking herself she picks up the keys for her ankle cuffs and unlocks them.
She was excited. Daz was taking her and Janet to a place she had only heard of.
The land around the farm was all undulating and the old railway that ran from York to Bridlington ran under the chalk Wolds. Under Doctor Beaching's cuts the line had shut years ago and when she had been tied to the lines years ago there had been no real risk except discovery.
As the owners of the land Daz's father had the keys for the bricked-up tunnel and they used it to store machinery. His dad didn't get there much anymore and Daz said he had gone a lot deeper than they had normally gone. His dad been a believer in ghosts.
The contractors had used their silage trailers and it was now time to return them to the underground storage, and he planned to take Janet there in a trailer. She was going to be kept there until the Saudis had been and gone.
Showering Caroline quickly brought herself off. She couldn't think when she had ever been so horny before she re met Daz. She was lucky. She thought.
Paul was coming over to meet them. He had made the box Janet was placed in and was coming with them to show them a thing he had placed in the tunnels. Daz had found a cutting in the tunnel behind a steel locked door was a large space with work benches and tool lockers all rusted and dusty. But he had decided a while ago to turn into a play area.
He said he had Susan Watts in mind. But Caroline had now come into his life and now this thing with Janet had spiked his imagination.
The main thing was it was a place to store Janet. Caroline was going to spend the night there too.
He would then come for her in the morning so she could go with him to pick up the Saudi and his group. They had the Hilton in York booked and he was borrowing his dads Merc so with the BMW they could bring the group up the dirt lane so they could slip in and out without suspicion or the press getting wind of their visit .
Paul should be finishing the cellar off in the afternoon. He was drilling all the holes and mounting all the manacles. Maybe not to Janet's liking but she wasn't going to see a lot of the cellar from now on.
Caroline had breakfast cooked and smiled at Paul as he and Daz came in.
She could tell Paul was excited. He got to make stuff but not often did he get chance to see his goods in action.
They had stressed to him he couldn't speak at all and no way should he be seen with this client though others may want a bit more attention.
His making the box Janet was in now was a key factor. The Saudis had expressed a interest in one or more. He had been sent a set of measurements
For two of the women coming on the trip.
He wanted to see his new toys in action so he could see if there was a way to make it better.
His eyes went wide as Daz lifted the slab and held his fingers under her nose holes to check she was still breathing. It worried Daz a little. This could all go wrong but it was a risk he was willing to take.
The money she was offering was enough to help increase the herd without a bank loan and all the interest payments.
Clipping the hooks onto the box top he gave Paul the thumbs up and using the winch the box came out of the ground Daz noting that the head didn't seem that distressed considering she had been tied up for over 24 hours.
Caroline looked at the hood and shuddered.
She would be a wreck by now Janet would be in so much pain and her muscles must be screaming out. It would be easier if she was like me and wanted bondage but with orgasms and the semi freedom, this woman was hardcore!
It had been decided that she would be bathed before she went up the tunnel. If for their sake more than Janet's.
Pauls eyes went wide as they unlocked the box and lifted her body out. If Janet noticed that it was two sets of male hands on her she didn't show it. Pauls hands ran over her indented flesh. The rope had sunk into her skin.
Daz had a set of medical scissors and started to cut the rope from her body. He had decided to burn it.
As if anything did go wrong the DNA on it would incriminate them. Janet and the box stank of urine and excrement. Her arse cheeks and rope covered with dried on shit. Unfolding her leg's he cut the rope on her ankles working his way up cutting both harnesses off her.
He cut her wrist ropes and straight away put a Police pair of joined cuffs on her wrists. The elbow ropes got the same treatment. He then locked a pair of leg irons on her. Rolling her onto her back to let her get her breath back.
Paul was amazed at the rope marks on her body the way her skin reflected each twist and knot was like a mad plan of a huge road intersection. His fingers followed one over her sore looking nipples.
He gave it a tweak. Nothing. No response, he squeezed harder. She moved a little god she was tough.
Then she started to squirm as the blood started to get back into places it had only had a little access to. They stood watching her as she flexed and writhed.
Paul noticed Caroline's eyes had glazed over. She had a great body no wonder Daz was in love with her.
Looking down at Janet he noticed she was lithe. A runner maybe, pretty
Who knows. She stank though and as they helped her to her feet and walked her to the wet room he wondered how Daz was going to stop her seeing them.
He needn't of worried. Daz and he held her facing the wall and as the hood was unlaced by Caroline and pulled off her head Caroline pulled the swimming goggles out of her pocket and jammed them over the woman's head and over her head.
The penis gag came out now and a ring gag forced behind her teeth. Its elastic cutting into her mouth sides.
A noose placed over her head pulled her under the shower head and even though her legs were weak she had to stand.
It had been agreed that Caroline would clean her up while the boys got on with the cell building.
Janet stood waiting for the pain to stop as the blood forced its way round her body. The humiliation of being naked with all her body fluids encrusted to her skin was a turn on. the whole thing had gone well. This was better than she thought. The box and everything else was what she wanted if a little harsh for her but this had added to the excitement
Now she wondered what was about to come next.
Next was hot water lots of it. It felt so good, a sweet smelling shampoo was gently massaged into her scalp.
The hands felt small and it was and her hair was combed through the treatment her arse got wasn't so gentle the brush used was rough but soon she was clean. Her breasts had got a lot attention her nipples getting a lot of harsh treatment. Fingers started on her clit and two fingers dipped into her pussy.
It seemed to go on for ages. Janet was turned on she was right on the edge of coming when the rope was pulled higher the noose tightening making her gasp.
Caroline was turned on. This was superb the feeling of having to clean this woman up. Her life in her hands wondering how it felt for Janet. She tugged the rope tighter so Janet was stood on her toes.
Working harder on the woman pussy and clit doing all the things she liked. Hoping to bring her off. It had shocked her that the woman didn't seem to want orgasms.
She loved the feeling of them the bondage adding to the experience okay she was submissive but not to the extent this woman was.
Janet was panting. Her hips grinding on the fingers buried deep inside her.
Caroline was enjoying herself, was this what Daz felt when he brought her off. Tied her, used her? The woman's hips weaved and Caroline had three fingers inside her pumping as hard as she could. Almost punching her pussy.
Janet got to the point of orgasm and as she did Caroline pulled hard on the slack in the noose lifting her off the ground.
Janet's orgasm thundered through her and she was only just aware as she blacked out of the weight of her body been taken as she was lowered to the floor. The last thing she heard was deep male voice saying "What the fuck have you done to her?"
Chapter 5 (added: 2018/05/27)
Caroline sits in the coffee bar on her own. She has left Daz making a set of new harnesses for a new customer.
Her minds a whirl. This week so far has been so bloody weird.
She knew she was complex but the whole Janet thing was affecting her still.
Was she a lesbian. Well bi sexual. Well dominant. Well a sadist. A submissive?
Well, oh I don't fucking know!
She slams her cup down and looks out at the rain splattered street, at the local old cinema that was Advertising Pockfest a country music festival that Daz was taking her to on Saturday night.
She was looking for a bit of reality. Hoping for it if she was honest. Maybe a bit of Ward Thomas would make life better.
Hopefully life would get back to the way it was.
Well, until the next guest. She didn't know if she wanted another as this one had changed her a lot.
Well she thought it had and it worried her.
I still love being helpless.
I Still want Daz to tie me up and give me all those orgasms. I love him. But this is a whole new dynamic.
She was worried.
The orgasm she had got out of Janet as she pulled on the rope had solved a riddle. She was a masochist! Janet liked the pain and the suffering.
She didn't get why Janet didn't want what she did out of bondage, orgasms!
She had worried about Daz fucking Janet, but now three days after Janet had flown back she still felt weird about it.
It was her who had taken advantage of the customer not Daz.
She found the fact that Janet never said a word or made any sound apart from a few whimpers unnerving.
Caroline didn't have a wish to be a Dom.
Her life here had been all about being helpless, suffering and coming. I 've Never even thought
about sex with a woman.
"Hell!" she thought as she bought another coffee and looked at a tall blond woman, dressed in jeans and a short leather jacket walking calmly in the rain "Should I fancy her?"
Well maybe if she was tightly bound in rope with her tits...... NO fucking stop it! She looked at her reflection in the glass worried she would see a monster looking back at her.
Daz had walked in just as Janet had passed out. He had helped her to ease her on to the floor. And Caroline had told him the first lie since they had met .
"Janet had passed out during her orgasm." She did not mention taking the slack out of the noose rope and she had, lifted the woman off her feet!
She hoped Janet didn't mind that much and told on her.
Caroline might view it differently to Daz but she still wanted Janet to have fun.
Surely, she must need a sexual thrill out of it?
Daz did only see it as only a business deal. He had told her that much while gently making love to her that morning. Was he sensing her angst, she didn't know and he had told her She hadn't to worry they would have a debrief at the end of it and see how much bonus Janet paid them and if she recommended them to anyone.
"Word of mouth, so to speak!" he had smiled but they were still waiting for the debrief from Janet to arrive and any bonus.
But on the plus side Daz's libido had kicked in.
Yes, it seemed to have got him horny, so fucking horny, her too if she was honest. And the events the other day in the tunnel played on her mind as well.
"Oh god I'm turning into a slut!" She muttered to herself.
"Sorry dear?" the old lady sat at the window table opposite side to her.
"Oh did I say something out loud?"
The woman laughed it off. "I do it all the time, don't worry!"
Caroline smiled and looked out the window again.
The bit that worried her was after she had slackened the noose from round Janet's neck rolled her on her back.
Daz had left to go get the tractor to move her to her next place of keeping.
As she was already naked, she didn't want to get her clothes wet while showering Janet she waited until Janet had come to her senses a little and then squatted down and sat on her open mouth.
At first Janet didn't do much other than a gentle lapping.
Caroline realised the ring gag made it hard for her to reach her clit and so moved a bit to bring it into line with it. It felt weirdly soft, a lot gentler than when Daz had done it the other night.
Janet's breathing out of her nose was cooling the space between her arse cheeks, it was tickling her.
She laughed and ground down a bit more. Not caring that Janet's arms were being crushed under her body.
She had reached down and grabbed a breast and then the other. She hadn't ever felt another woman's breasts before so she began squeezing and pulling on the hard nipples.
Janet gasped. Moaning into her pussy.
That felt good. But so wrong. She slapped a breast and watched it roll back into place, she slapped the other each time hating herself but enjoying the feel of the flesh bouncing.
Janet lapped harder as if hoping to bring her off. Caroline set up a rhythm. Left breast right left right left right.
Janet's licking got more urgent and when Caroline came she flopped forward laying with her whole-body weight on her victim.
She remembered Janet's arms being trapped under her as she looked down at the woman's dripping pussy "so at least this excites her" she thought climbing up.
She had quickly realised she had to get Janet ready for transportation to the tunnel as Paul and Daz will be here soon and dressing quickly, she bent and putting her hands under Janet lifted her up.
They had decided to give Janet an hour to just get her circulation back and feed her so she was cutting into that time.
Daz also wanted to give her an enema. He had bought a couple of kits as it seemed people paid good money for being forced into having one.
He had also said to Caroline she would be getting one, one night as he need to practice on someone, and as she was his "muse."
They knew Janet wanted to be kept in one place in one tie for a few days and that was why Daz had said he wanted to use the tunnel.
Caroline was going to be in the tunnel with her. Paul had made a thing for Caroline to be fastened into she could keep a subtle eye on Janet and see how she was.
The fact that Paul was also going to get to see Caroline naked for the first time. She had to admit to being naked in front of him had both turned her on a little, and it also scared the shit out of her.
She loved Daz and the thing's they got to do.
She was lucky to have found him.
There was no worries about them as a couple.
But this whole thing was as like the elephant in the room. And the future? More of these type of customers?
There was no doubt about it, things had got weird.
Sipping at her coffee she now worried that Janet might knock a lot off the bonus for the day she sat on her face. Or the hanging thing.
She hadn't told Daz about it as she was worried about how he would see her.
Janet hadn't said anything as she had fed her the mashed Banana and then a bowl of Weetabix.
So maybe she thinks it's part of the experience she had thought at the time.
Now she had doubts, would Janet mention it when she commented on how much the bonus was going to be.
Now later on, the whole thing seems surreal to her and the normality of being in costa and with a day way from the farm to give her a bit of head space
Caroline hoped to see it to the end.
Caroline sighs and shuffles a bit.
Oh well I better go do some shopping. Hopefully a hour in Sainsbug's will clear my mind.
Janet was hurting. Her whole body ached and she didn't know when it would stop now at home she sat thinking back on the ending to her week.
She was happy. Yup very, very, happy. The pain from stiff limbs and the numbness of her position was adding to her state of mind.
Her ability to suffer was helping the recovery from the place she had allowed herself to get into before she had booked this experience as you couldn't really call it a holiday.
Her mind kept going back. The point where she had finally hit her dream.
The whole group of them had given her the best holiday ever, she knew there were three of them.
One was a woman, she knew that from the sex and the taste and the way she handled her.
She didn't mind it actually.
The orgasm was unexpected as was the bit where she was lifted of the ground by her neck.
Was it that or the fact the woman was practically fisting her. Something she had never tried. But whatever it was it worked.
The fact she had been used by her to have the favour returned was the special part. This whole thing was her thing, her being.
She didn't know why she was like this, but the three of them had got it right.
She guessed she had two days left.
She listened intently.
A faint draft of cold damp air drifted across her forehead and her breasts making her nipples stiffen again.
It was if a ghost was blowing on them.
After the shower she had been chained up in a cell for a hour or so. Not too harshly. She had hoped the woman hadn't gone soft or easy on her.
And then it began.
The two men and she was sure of it just by the calloused hands of the one who smelled of metal. And the first man who always smelt faintly of leather.
Where the woman had gone she didn't know.
They started to bind her.
She realised it was nylon bailer twine. Oh god she loved that part, they showed no mercy, her big toes were the start of it.
Then her ankles and the insteps.
Each wind pulled tight. It continued up her legs until mid thigh.
Stomach and ribs both were tightly wrapped pulling her waist down two sizes. She was dripping with sweat, arousal and fear as she had to really breathe deep to pull the air in.
Both her boobs got crushed to her chest, they grabbed her wrists and one of them held them tight while the other started at her shoulders and crushing her arms tighter than she had ever been tied put about twenty winds on then clinched. Repeating it down to the top of her wrists.
Her body hurt.
A rubber hood was forced to her brow and as the goggles whipped off her eyes the hood was pulled over and smoothed down until her whole head was covered except her nose.
She was then thrown over the shoulder of the metal smelling man, and they bounced up the stone steps she wondered where they were taking her.
To be truthful she didn't care.
She felt the cold damp air on her bare buttocks then a rough finger circled her vulva and slipped inside as she bounced on it.
Head down she felt cool rain on her bum and as she got used to the feeling he stopped and she felt him turn and her bum touched cold steel making her shiver hands eased her up and over his shoulder.
She was carried then laid down
The smell of grass hit her, and she was rolled over onto her front. The foot step's as the person walked away vibrated through her body and she knew she was in a trailer or a skip.
A loud boom and she heard a loud engine starting.
She felt the drizzle continue to fall on the bits of skin still exposed, she was rolled and bounced around as whatever she was in rolled slowly down what felt like bumpy track.
The rain picked up a little each drop adding to her slickness. She had rolled up to a steel wall and pushing her arms out behind her as much as she could she used them to stop rolling about.
It wasn't comfortable, but it did the trick.
The motion had eventually come to a stop and she could hear voices as the tractor started going backwards.
A voice sounding dull behind her hood was like someone guiding the tractor back.
It had seemed to go for a long way, the rain stopped and the sounds and feeling in the air around her changed. A different sound and the steel floor lifted.
She gave a little yip. Was she over a cess pit, were they just going to tip her out onto the floor and leave her?
It didn't go up much and as she felt some of the water that had pooled round her run to the rear of the trailer she knew why.
The front of the trailer dropped with a bang and the sound of its engine going away echoed. Was she in a shed.
The smell of the grass in the trailer and rain made her curious, where was she?
The echo of footsteps came down the side of the trailer and there is a banging, then the footsteps bounce down the trailer to her side.
She is lifted and carried none to gently down the trailer and lowered into someone's arms. Then she is carried for what seems ages. She smells damp air and the echo of the stones he kicks as he walks bounce back to her ears.
She isn't gagged but the hoods tight rubber holds her mouth shut.
Another set of footsteps are catching up and there is a crack and her left buttock cheek, which stung like hell.
The footsteps pass by her and the man carrying her disappearing into the distance.
Shit how far underground was this.
She heard a clunk and a boom in the distance. The sound and feel changes again.
"Shit we must be way down deep" she is lowered to the floor and the floor under her feet is not cold just the same temperature as the rest of her surroundings.
She feels a tugging on her wrists. Her body is picked up and she feels the top of a post under her buttocks as her legs are being tugged on. the sound of cling film as it is wrapped around the post and her legs echo's harshly around what place she is in.
Slowly her legs are welded to the post. She then hears a suppressed giggle followed by a thud.
Paul had gone dizzy and fallen over.
Daz couldn't help but laugh.
A hand strokes her face through the hood and she finds herself leaning into the caress.
She has to admit, she is a little scared.
The cool air on her shoulders and buttocks and the warmth of the fingers as they rub her shoulders and then stroke her buttocks is sort of needed as she has the feeling she might be alone here for a while.
Her arms are tugged on and she feels them lifted behind her then upwards to her shoulder height.
Tilting her body forward bending at the waist. She groans a little. As she feels chain being looped round her wrists and a squeal of the block and tackle as her arms are pulled up into a harsh strappardo position.
God this will hurt later she thinks and was right.
The warm hands run down her arms and onto the tightness of her shoulders.
She feels a presence in front of her and she know one of them is waiting for her to say No or something.
Let them wait she thinks. But almost changed her mind as the door squeals and then bangs and a lock is thudded home.
The faint sound of feet disappearing in the distance is the last things she hears.
Then the ache began. Her shoulders first. Then the rest of her body began to catch up.
Walking round Sainsburys Caroline has her mind on the job.
Food was needed and she wanted to cook something nice for Paul and Daz. They had done themselves proud.
The Saudi visit had gone very well.
The men had been very expensively dressed in suits. The watch one of them wore was more expensive than their Range Rovers when they had transferred over in the hotel carpark.
The women dressed conservatively in western dress,
Until they got to the farm all three went into the cellar and undressed.
They had all stayed together.
All three of them were beautiful and Caroline was surprised by how normal they seemed, all served the same man, they had been sweet and fun to be around
Caroline had enjoyed their company.
The giggles and laughter they shared as they stood and modelled the different harness for the Main man was amazing! They wasn't at all like she thought they would be all subservient and cowed.
They loved everything even the huge rubber dildos attached to the different harnesses.
The older of the three women who was about 40 came up with other ideas.
Daz sitting with the main man had to do drawings and ask Caroline to do some more measurements, some of the things cosmetic, some cruel
The younger taller one seemed to be the one who was going to suffer the most. But even the older one had come up with the placement of straps on a harness designed for herself.
They had a couple of drinks and then Paul was introduced and Caroline had to help again.
Paul had built some frames and a set of steel stocks and other exciting things and she had to help the younger girl into the cages and a head stock he had been asked to make she had also placed all three into boxes like the one Janet had been placed in.
These went down very well with the main man and he asked Paul about Dildo placement and can lashing loops be placed inside a box.
Caroline whispered to the older woman she would like the one in the corner. Its prototype was in the tunnel. And she had first hand experience.
The woman had smiled and asked her to describe its use. Caroline tried not blush as she explained its features.
It had started with Daz and Paul disappearing with Janet. They came back looking smug with themselves and she did wonder if Janet had sperm dropping out of all her holes.
She had ridden down on the last tractor load of trailers to be dropped in the tunnel. Then they had both looked at Caroline as she walked inside the tunnel.
Paul and Daz waited while Caroline stripped off and she was turned round and handcuffs locked on her wrists and elbows and the a pair of leg irons locked on her ankles. Her blushes as Paul looked at her breasts and bare pussy for the first time.. Oh god if mum could see me now. She thought.
All the feminist things she had been taught, she thought were now running away from her screaming for Germaine Greer to come and rescue her.
A leather hood was dropped over her head and she was walked between her them both a hand on each arm.
Caroline felt nervous as Paul had never seen her naked and wondered how he saw her.
She still didn't know how she had let Daz talk her into this as she hadn't seen the tunnel and wished they had the keys for it before when they were young.
Her mind went off into a fantasy of her been led off to her doom by two jailers being placed into a deep jail cell.
She counted the steps as she walked. The cool air of the tunnel making her nipples hard and the whole situation left her with slick thighs as the ankle chains links clinked loudly.
They had gone a long way when they stopped, a boom echoed down the tunnel as a door opened.
Her leg irons had been unlocked and her ankles had been pulled apart until she felt something rigid and wide locked round them.
She was then held by her arms and lent forward and the ankle cuffs swivelled until she was at 45 deg's and she felt her neck touch a half cup the hood was smoothed down over her neck and the rear part of the clamp folded round to encase her neck. She was nervous all her weight would be on her neck and her breath was laboured. She was glad someone was holding on to her arms.
Next the cuffs on her elbows and wrists being unfastened.
A metal waist belt tightened up making her shudder this was cold and each click indented her stomach. This took a lot of the weight off her throat
A pole was then placed across her chest locking into place across the frame and then the two clamps closed round her hanging breasts and squeezed each boob at the base of her chest into a tight ball.
Her arms were pulled out to the corners of the steel frame she was lent on and locked in cuffs attached to the frames top corners.
She felt hands on her breasts gently pulling and manipulating each one until her boobs skin didn't feel trapped.
Then two pairs of hand rubbed the oil that Daz liked onto her body making her feel relaxed and even more horny even though she wasn't gagged she didn't speak as she knew from what Daz had told her Janet wasn't far away.
She didn't have any worries about moaning though when both pair of hands worked the oil into her swollen breasts.
The rigidity of her nipples as strong fingers crushed and pulled at them almost making her come.
Would they both fuck her. Oh god' she thought a couple of months ago I was lonely and using my rabbit. But now I am a pervert she almost laughed as both set of hands dropped to her pussy lips and a thumb coated in oil plunged into her anus.
Caroline hadn't talked but had moaned and panted a lot as her orgasms ran through her body the two sets of fingers gave her.
Fingers worked deep in her pussy pulling and tugging at her clit and lips.
Something warm pushed against her anus kept pushing and retreating pushing and going deeper.
The fingers in her pussy kept bringing her to the edge and letting her calm down. As the thing in her bum kept fucking her.
Her gasps grew and then she felt whoever it was expand and come. Her mind going wild was it Daz or Paul.
It must have been one of them as another one entered her. Daz whispered in her ear "Don't forget your safe word!" nodding she felt the thrusting getting stronger as whoever was inside her grew.
She could feel the sweat dropping off her nipples and the hand on her pussy pinched her clit and a huge orgasm hit as the cock kept ploughing away at her. Her nipples shot fire through them as something pinched them.
The fucking continued, she decided there was no other way to describe it was as if she was just a set of holes.
Her mind turned over and a set of orgasms ripped through her and with a scream she passed out.
She could smell toast. Weird, she felt warm and seemed to be in a soft bed.
Opening her eyes, she was in their bedroom. Daz walked over to her and kissed her head. "You okay babe?" he touched her forehead stroking her hair from her eyes.
She moved her body and felt stiff and very sore. She looked down at her breasts.
Huge rings of bruise encircled the bases of them.
Her wrists had matching ones and no doubt so would everywhere else she had been restrained.
"how long have I been here?" she sipped from the offered glass of cold water and looked round for a clock.
"6hours pet. You gave Paul a huge fright he thought we had killed you!"
Smiling at him "Well they do call it the small death in France" she laughed.
"Well it was my first one too and your not worried about me being scarred" She laughed and pretended to look hurt as he kissed her mouth.
"Your a lot tougher than he is. Did you enjoy it?" he slid into bed with her and pulled her into his arms.
"It was amazing!, not something my old body could stand a lot of though.
Was you jealous of him fucking me?"
Caroline wasn't sure now it had happened how she felt.
"Ill worry about it later!"she thought and dropped to sleep in his arms.
She hadn't seen Janet for a couple of days as she needed to get back to work for a conference.
And by the time she came back it was the day of her freedom.
They had taken the van down the track to the tunnel entrance. This had become dryer as the last few days rain had stopped, Daz had been pleased to see her on her return from the conference and they had spent a few hours eating and catching up on the last few days.
Janet was still in the tunnel and Paul had been looking after her for the most of the time. With Daz supervising.
They had put her in the frame that Caroline had been locked in. introduced to a fucking machine and been made to orgasm for a long time and then placed back into another stress position. It was this what she was going to be taken out of and returned to her hotel.
Caroline had booked another room in the hotel where they had taken her from.
Caroline was shocked at the state of her. Her lower half was covered in mess and her body weight had dropped.
She looked knackered and zoned out. Caroline raised her eyebrow at Daz who just shrugged.
Daz carried her down the tunnel and laid her on a plastic sheet in the back of the van.
Roping her to the lash down eyes.
They drove her back to the farm and Daz cuffed her and then washed her off in a hot shower scrubbing her hard and cleaning her up.
She still didn't say a word as Caroline wrapped her in a towel robe and laid her on the sofa in front of the log fire.
A bowl of Heinz Tomato soup and home made bread was placed in front of her.
She ate slowly coming to life and looking round her. Daz had left to feed the cows and move them back to the barn.
Caroline just sat in front of her sipping a coffee and waiting if she wanted to say anything,
Janet just sat there and ate.
"Fuck we have broke her!" she though as Janet just ate and looked round.
"You have a choice. Caroline said. Go back to the hotel normally or in the box you came here. You will wear a blindfold but that's all if you go back normally!"
Janet just held out her wrists.
And that was that Janet had gone back the same way, Caroline had placed all her clothes in the wardrobe laid out all her documents and reconstructed her phone and put it on charge for her.
They had left her cuffed with the key for it frozen in ice.
And that was the last they saw or heard from her. They had been paid the set amount. Now they awaited the next contact.