1. The Castle
Segahay Castle cuts a dark and imposing image when viewed from the air and is seen contrasting against the bright and beautiful Scottish countryside surrounding it. However from the ground it is difficult to view at all in its full medieval majesty.
While most of the shire is wide open, quite flat or quietly sloping hillsides covered in heather and tufts of grass or at the worst, low level gorse bushes; for five miles in any direction around the Castle every tree, bush and shrub known to Scotland has thrived in Centuries of neglect to make Segahay a truly inhospitable and formidable place.
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Originally built in the fourteenth century as a place of remote peace and tranquillity for study and worship by the Nuns of the second order of Jesus; it miserably failed its purpose.
First it became a target for the hostile English soldiers raiding Scotland and raping and pillaging as they went. The Nuns were determined and devout in their belief and persevered as best they could; however the decades following the battle of Bannockburn were not kind to them either.
Then as the English re-imposed their superiority and rounded up and slaughtered the so called 'Clan-Kings' the Scot's become more and more demoralised; turning even against religion and they also preying upon the Nuns, young and old alike, at Segahay.
Finally and ironically it was the English that this time came to the Nuns rescue. Taking the moral and ethical higher ground over the Scots from their place of sovereignty the King and his leaders led by example and decreed that no Scottish man woman or child not taking arms up against the English would be harmed in any way; and taxes would be fare. Also, religion would not only be respected, it would be imposed. More likely than not, it was not actually high ethical morals being displayed by the English but fear of another Bannockburn and another William Wallace coming forward that drove this stance.
Whatever, it was the English during the fifteenth century that built the Castle and dug the moat to surround and protect the Nunnery for the Nuns of the second order of Jesus; and it is that relatively new Castle that still stands today and is maintained by National Heritage.
Unfortunately the Nuns of the second order of Jesus no longer exist. They were just too remote, just too devout; and basically could neither recruit nor reproduce. Again ironically, they were at their strongest over the years following being preyed upon and raped; it was the Castle walls built to protect them from this that effectively killed them.
2. Sarah, Liz and Emma; the 'Pussycat Club'
Sarah and Liz were so excited, just three more days until the end of term. They were already packed and ready to go; they had talked about nothing else for what seemed like simply forever.
Two summer weeks in a remote Scottish Castle; just them and Emma with the whole place to themselves to explore and play in.
At twenty one both Sarah and Liz were within one year of completing their studies at Oxford. Emma, the third and final member of the pussycat club had left Oxford the previous year having obtained her degree in Historical studies and was now on a two year work experience with National Heritage and placed at Segahay Castle where she studied and assisted the Castles only stewards and tenants John McAllister and his partner Ruth Wilson.
John and Ruth were about to take their summer holiday touring France and had agreed that Emma could invite her friends to stay for company; as long as they helped out and kept the place dusted and clean.
John had kept the two weeks clear of any National Heritage tourist dates so there would be no coach parties arriving to disturb them.
It was to be Sarah's first visit; Liz had already been up there visiting Emma over Easter and had loved it. She had returned a gibbering animated wreck unable to even form sentences she was so excited by her experience; and much to Sarah's dismay she refused to explain why, pathetically quoting "Pussycat club rules, what happens in Segahay Castle stays in Segahay Castle."
Sarah probed her and pushed her and while Liz would talk in rhymes, and cryptically, putting herself into fits of hysterics; she would not divulge anything meaningful. Sarah would just have to wait and see for herself.
Liz had stopped her from packing too much, just a small backpack, nothing more. Absolutely no heavy clothing, just short skirts and vests "there are only us girls going to be there, and it's not like we will be going out anywhere; Emma is getting all the food and drink we could possibly get through delivered and we only have to give her a hundred pounds each to cover it; take sun cream and sandals, not clothes!" Liz had explained enough times already; but just to be sure Sarah had got the message Liz had gone through Sarah's backpack on the Friday morning while Sarah was in her final class and removed all the stuff she wouldn't need, like underwear and nighties.
They travelled from Oxford to London on the Friday afternoon; pub-crawled their way across London to Euston for evening dinner before catching the slow overnight train to Edinburgh; sleeping off the alcohol on the way.
They arrived into Edinburgh at five forty five and in plenty of time for their connection to the highlands.
Emma picked them up at Aberdeen station and after the compulsory "high fives" and group hugs they were on their final leg of the journey in Emma's little Ford Fiesta.
The moment the car left the highway onto the gravel and dirt track road into the woods a strange silence came over them. At first Emma was making light of it through her familiarity with the road but in the end even she joined the uneasy sombre mood.
Coming out the other end of the dark woods and first seeing the imposing Castle structure and then almost bouncing across the draw bridge had them suddenly all laughing and joking again; probably a combination of relief and seeing the sunny blue sky again.
Emma left the engine running but hopped out and ran over to the side of the huge fortified wooden door and pulled a mighty steel ring on a chain out of the wall; a bell could be head clanging within the Castle grounds.
She had been returned to the car a good five minutes before one half of the door opened inwards and a tall slim man, obviously John McAllister, beckoned them in.
3. Nelly's Welcome
They were sat together in a long narrow room immediately off the kitchen. As with the rest of the old Nunnery the floor was grey stone and the walls sandstone. The polished old table they were sat at must have been thirty foot long but so narrow only two people max' could sit at either end.
Along the sides were benches and Sarah could just imagine all the Nuns in the old days sat around the table, with the head Nuns sat at the two ends while bowls of steaming broth were served.
Sarah was sat on the bench a few feet down the table and in front of her were two small holes in the table with strong white cord pushed through each in loops from underneath. She felt under the table and her fingers touched steel. She explored further thinking Emma, John and Liz were distracted and nobody was watching and discovered that it was a handle. She moved it the only way it would move and heard it ratchet and the cord dropped a little through the hole.
"Would you care to try it?" She heard from the kitchen door and turning with reflex caught Ruth smiling at her. She didn't know why, maybe because the rest of the group had gone quiet, but she blushed. "Er, I don't know; what is it, what does it do?"
Still smiling Ruth held her eyes, then slowly turned her head and indicated Sarah to look at the wall before her; it had five canes of varying thickness and length mounted horizontally one below the other.
She suddenly realised exactly what the bonds on the table were for and shrieked out "No! You're joking, surely not; they were Nuns for Christ's sake!"
"No, I am not joking, and any more blaspheming from you and you will get to try it and trust me, your bare bum will not like it; just ask Emma."
Sarah stared at Emma and she went bright red and hid her face in her hands.
Sarah asked "Emma, no, no way; you are not telling me you have been tied down on this table and had your bare bum caned?"
She slid her hands down and nodded "Yes, a dozen with Nelly, the slimmest of the canes; and yes, I was naked; and left here like that for hours afterwards until I had repented. I have tried the others too."
"But why?" Sarah asked; "who by, and why?"
"By Ruth, because I asked her to. I am here to study the history of Segahay and living it is the best way to learn from it. I must admit, it did sting a bit."
Ruth suddenly laughed "sting a bit, I must try a little harder next time; and you girl (addressing Sarah and turning serious), do not for one moment think I am joking. John and I are stewards, we make the laws in this Castle; blaspheme again or badly misbehave and I will tether you over this table and take little Nelly to your bum, understand?"
Poor Sarah felt like she was caught in a spotlight and didn't know how to respond, but suspected she was the butt of a joke and simply answered "yes Miss, I understand."
The girls kind of skirted this topic as they ate lunch and then John and Ruth went off to finish their packing while the girls washed up and then unpacked.
Liz and Sarah were shown to their rooms by Emma and they sat with each other in turn as they unpacked.
Sarah was first and kicked off when she realised half her clothes had been removed including all of her underwear; and all of the shorts had gone, and her jeans; and all the skirts swapped for even shorter ones.
Emma, laughing out loud, explained the nearest clothing store was over forty miles away and no, she couldn't borrow her car.
Liz was next and as she emptied her bag out onto the bed Sarah could see Liz had been just as severe with her own packing and had no underwear packed either. Even worse, Liz pulled her short skirt up that she had been wearing since Oxford to reveal she wasn't even wearing any!
Sarah was startled; and wondering just what was planned for the next two weeks asked "what's happening here? Are we some sort of submissive sluts to Emma, the Lady of the Castle or something? Are you two suddenly lesbians scheming to get me involved too?"
There was another of those short uneasy silences broken by Emma saying "Not entirely, other than similar clothing to what you have available to you I too have locked all of my clothes in a chest and hidden the key in John's car."
Smiling, but looking uncertain, she raised her skirt to reveal her naked pussy and added "but don't you worry Sarah, when it comes to sex and stuff we will not ask you to do anything you do not want to; we will only let you do what you beg to do."
"Oh" said Sarah, gulping, "well that's okay then."
Their bedrooms were not big; they were the original Nuns cells, each had only a single bed made of stone and set in the centre of the room with only two foot space either side and three behind and in front. Fortunately the beds had modern mattresses fitted.
There were steel eyebolts fitted into the stone bed at each of the corners and more set in the floor in front and behind the bed. The ceiling, all brick, was arched and again with more eyebolts along the sides, high enough to suspend a girl. There were chains and cuffs and pieces of cord hanging from hooks on the back wall and on the head wall another slim cane, and below it a wooden kneeling board with holes cut into it either side, possibly for the Nuns wrists Sarah guessed. The two rooms were identical in this way; and when they got there, Emma's too.
Emma could see Sarah taking it all in and explained "the Nuns of the second order were a particularly devout sect and believed very much in punishment and reward. The cane, or whip, or loss of liberty and clothing and food and sleep being some of the punishments; and being released to worship and find God through the love of your sisters the reward. I have tried quite a lot of what they done already and I get it, I am not religious but I do, I really get it; and that's not all, Liz gets it too."
Shocked by what she had just heard Sarah turned to Liz but before she could say her piece Liz said "I'll give it two days and I wager you a session on the dining table with Nelly that you agree, that the Pussycat club is in fact now the second order of the Pussycat club!"
Emma and Liz collapsed onto the bed in fits of giggles; Sarah just didn't know what to think.
Emma and Liz gave Sarah a whirlwind tour of the Nunnery and the Castle before getting washed for dinner; they couldn't exactly get dressed for it.
Sarah couldn't believe the sheer size of the Castle grounds. The Nunnery was quite a size and had three upper floors as well as underground passages and rooms; and was built in three sections in the shape of a horseshoe around a beautiful lawn surrounded by the Nunnery on three sides. The Castle walls stretched all around and into the distance. Emma explained that the Nuns had to be self-sustained and have the land to raise cattle and grow crops without leaving the safety of the Castle.
At dinner Sarah had another surprise, firstly that she was cooking it with the other two girls; and then another surprise at the dress of John and Ruth.
Both of them are tall and slim, well taller than any of the three girls with John over six foot and Ruth not far off six foot.
Ruth is ginger haired and willowy; like a young Nicole Kidman, even the same long hair. John also has long hair for a man, shoulder length and raven black parted in the centre and the two of them somehow suited the Castle as though they belonged there from a time past long ago.
However Sarah had expected them to be dressed in casual clothing, or maybe Scottish tartan or tweed; certainly not in leather; and totally in leather.
John had on black leather trousers over boots with a black leather T-shirt and waistcoat. Ruth was wearing green leather thigh boots with a short matching figure hugging mini-dress (and it was quite some figure it was hugging) and a green leather choker. They looked fantastic, just wrong somehow.
Emma and the two stewards sat and Liz and Sarah served dinner, poured the wine and joined them.
John and Ruth were excited about their sole yearly outing to France and spent dinner telling the girls their plans.
Emma and Liz cleared the plates and served desert, everybody now helping themselves to the wine.
As Sarah cleared the last of the dessert plates John explained that they would all breakfast together at eight and then they were off; driving all the way down to Dover to take the car through the tunnel on the euro-train, a first for them. It would be some drive but John enjoyed driving and Ruth is a good passenger and he was determined to make it down to Dover in the one day; stay overnight in a hotel they had booked and get the Monday morning crossing.
Sarah, high on three large glasses of red was just placing another two bottles of wine into the centre of the table as she heard this and commented "Jesus guys that's some drive, you wouldn't get me doing that."
Ruth's hand snapped down pinning Sarah's left wrist to the table and at the same time saying "John" and John likewise pinned Sarah's other hand down.
"What.........what are you doing?" Asked Sarah, suddenly frightened, confused by what was happening. As she was stretched along the table her hands were fed through the loops of cord and John turned the ratchet tightening the cord and trapping her there and Ruth explained "I clearly warned you about blaspheming just hours ago, I should have done this then but I gave you the benefit of your ignorance; but I did explain and you said you understood; you are obviously one that must learn the hard way."
"John, the ankle bar please" asked Ruth standing and moving behind Sarah. John felt under the table again and unhooked something and fed it down the table to Ruth.
"No you can't do this to me, you are winding me up right?" Sarah asked, turning red in embarrassment, she was sure they would be able to see her white pants and bum in this position; but there was no answer and she continued, now pleading "Liz, Emma, you can't just sit there and watch, do something!"
Liz did, getting up she said "it's okay Sarah, I'll help; Ruth, don't put that ankle bar on, not yet anyway." Moving around her she used both hands to lift Sarah's short dress right up her body and over her head exposing her breasts squashed against the table, Sarah screaming "No, no don't" as she did; and then on her way back down her body pulling her knickers down saying quietly, almost to herself "I was wondering how we were going to get these off you" and then to Ruth "thanks Ruth, you can carry on now."
There was a huge smile on Ruth's face as she forced Sarah's feet through the two loops of cord held apart by the six inches of wooden tube; the cord exiting through the centre between her ankles and drawn tight by John turning another handle, pulling her loin into the table end and presenting her bare buttocks for Nelly. All this as Liz returned to her seat across from Emma and poured everyone another glass of wine.
They all took their glasses and toasted Nelly over Sarah's now very naked body and then it begun.
Ruth's lips betrayed her inner joy at doing what she loves most as she offered the cane up to and across the two twitching buttocks, tapping twice. Sarah, now totally panicked and yelled "no, you can't YEOUCH! Oh oh oh for fucks sake that hurt!"
"Now now" said Ruth, trying her best not to laugh out loud, "I am only giving you a half dozen as it is your first time; so no more swearing or you will get the full dozen."
The second swish arrived and "OUCH! Jesus, no more, please no more, I am sorry, really I will not do it again, please."
"Still not learning, and blaspheming again even during your correction; the dozen it is then; I strongly recommend you keep your mouth well and truly shut, like tighter than your pussy."
Before Sarah had any chance for any retort the caning continued, watched eagerly by John, Liz and Emma, drinking their wine. She followed Ruth's harsh advice and managed, just, to keep her mouth shut except for the cries of pain and the sobbing between.
After the twelfth stroke Ruth presented the cane to Sarah and bid her to kiss it. Both Emma and Liz were nodding their heads vigorously and regardless of her pain and her sobs she took the hint and kissed it. Emma bent over and whispered in her ear "say thank you Miss for correcting me, thank you for the cane, and mean it."
Between what were now heaving sobs Sarah repeated this phrase out loud, and earnestly. Ruth put the cane back on the wall, but returned with a set of steel cuffs and a collar from a drawer below the canes and locked the cuffs on her wrists and the collar around her neck. It wasn't lost on Sarah that her dress was now between the cuffs and the cord.
As John released the wrist cords Ruth pulled the cuffs up and clipped them to the collar; leaving the dress on the table. The ankle cord was then released and her ankles freed.
Sarah's long blond hair was soaked in sweat and sticking to her tear stained face and Ruth ran her fingers through it freeing and tidying it for her. She then took Sarah's glass and offered it up to her lips letting her drink; and returning it again and again until it was quickly emptied.
"Emma, Liz, take your friend to the bathroom and prepare her for bed, I will be along shortly to tuck her in so to speak." Ruth, appearing very happy, relaxed, somehow contented, sat beside her partner and filled their glasses saying "John, I do think I like these friends of Emma, do we have to go away this year?"
Stroking her bare thigh as the girls led Sarah away Johns hand slid up to the naked pussy above, and feeling the heat, the moist softness of her lips he replied "The girls excite me too, but yes, we need a break from here, kind of, you know the plan; now do you fancy hitching your skirt up, threading your hands through those cords and taking five for the road? I do so love you bent over and helpless in those boots."
She did, and as he ratcheted the cord tight she asked "any chance you could round it up to the half dozen sweetheart?"
"Easy, just blaspheme or something and you can have the full dozen."
"John, you know I couldn't do that, even if Jesus was a cocksucker and I am an atheist" Ruth replied laughing.
Ten minutes later the girls could hear the click click click of Ruth's stiletto's walking down the corridor. They had already finished with Sarah in the old Nuns communal bathroom; washing her face, brushing her teeth and dabbing her pussy after she had peed in front of them. They had Sarah kneeling at the foot of the bed, almost peeing herself again in anxiety.
Ruth didn't mess about, she said "Sarah, you took your punishment well, very good for a cane virgin, and as long as you have learned from it then that is the end of the matter."
"Thank you Miss" Sarah shocked herself by saying out loud.
Ruth took her to her feet and helped her onto the bed, face down; and spreading her ankles she directed Emma as to which cuffs she wanted and cuffed her ankles to the corners on short chains.
She then repeated the process with her wrists, only releasing them one at a time from the collar as she secured them to the top corners of the stone bed.
Sarah wasn't stretched very tight, but tight enough and spread-eagle. Ruth removed the collar, kissed her on the cheek, said "take your time tonight repenting my child," slapped her once on the bum startling and making her cry out and walked out calling back "goodnight girls, thanks for a lovely meal and a wonderful evening; and Emma, look after her, you know where the cream is, frequent applications."
Once she knew Ruth was out of earshot Sarah started to give Emma and Liz a piece of her mind but the two girls took turns spanking her sore bottom until she shut up; seething, but quietly.
Emma asked "Sarah, have you ever heard of a scolds bridle?"
"Yes, of course I have you bitch."
"Well we have them here, plenty of them, and one in each of our cells, sorry, bedrooms; I am really tempted to lock yours on you so just keep whining and I won't feel too guilty fitting the lock."
She remained silent as they both massaged the cream into her sore bottom, she had to admit, it did feel very nice.
They both kissed her goodnight before leaving and closing the door. She had never experienced silence like this before. Being a City girl the remoteness of this place was totally alien to her, she could only hear her own breathing and she imagined the sound of her wildly beating heart. She couldn't believe that she had just been stripped naked and tied over a table and caned by another girl in front of her friends and a stranger, a man; or that she was now tied naked to a bed and had just had her naked bum massaged by her two friends, and their fingers did stray quite a lot. Even worse, that she actually felt more excited than mad!
It took her some time to drift off into sleep, she had so much to think about; but when she did, her dream was probably the first really erotic dream in her life.
Sarah was awoken by the passing of hands over her bum. The room was in total darkness but she could make out that it was Emma tending to her caned bum; using both hands to work the cream in and kneading her buttocks wide apart in the process. Sarah was helpless, she could only curl her toes and fingers up as the sensations ran through her. She tried to relax and just let Emma get on with it and before she knew it she was groaning out loud in obvious pleasure. It was Emma chuckling that made her aware she was even making a noise at all and she stopped, embarrassed.
"Don't worry" Emma told her, "it was only Nelly and Ruth took it very easy on you, no broken skin at all; that cane hurts more than it marks and even then it doesn't hurt all that bad, not really; more of a thrill if anything just being in that position and caned."
Sarah quietly asked a couple of questions about Emma and what else she had experienced here and Emma, still massaging, told her "I have tried all five canes, from slim lightweight Nelly right up to Master Will, the big long one. That one marked me for six weeks and hurt like hell. I have also tried pretty much everything in the dungeon as well as the stocks out on the lawn and I have tended the fields naked in a yoke as well as a few other things."
"What, there is a dungeon here?" Sarah asked.
"Well yes, it is a Castle silly, of course it has a dungeon oh look what you've made me do, I've spilt the cream now" Emma said excitedly putting her hand down to wipe all the cream off Sarah's butt-hole and pussy.
"EMMA" Sarah shouted; "sorry Sarah, really I am sorry, but I will have to rub it in or it will ruin the sheets."
Sarah groaned again, and again.
Sarah buried her face in the bed as Emma's fingers rubbed and massaged; she was horrified, thinking "this is so wrong, I cannot even do anything, not even close my legs; she spilt it on purpose I just know she did. She's meant to be my friend, has been for years; how could she do this? Oh but it feels so good, but I do not want it to, it shouldn't, it just shouldn't; this is so unfair. Oh shit, oh no, oh, oh, oh noooooooooo."
"Strange" Emma said aloud, "It should be all rubbed in by now but it seems to be getting wetter; oh you haven't have you? (Of course, she knew fine well she had, it had been her sole intention and she felt it run through her as she continued the massage). Oh dear me, yes you have; oh, well that's one for the Pussycats secret locker" Emma laughed.
She heard the door close again as Emma left, and crying, Sarah drifted off back into her erotic dreams.
The next time it was daylight and Sarah heard the door open. Looking over her shoulder she saw Liz walking in with the cream in her hand, she was naked. This didn't shock her, she had shared her room with her for years at college and they often saw each other naked but here and in these circumstances it felt very different.
"Morning Sarah, sleep well?" Liz asked.
"Very well, I suppose, considering" replied Sarah.
"It's seven am, breakfast at eight; I'll just get your early morning bum massage done and then it's up and at it, okay?"
"Liz, is it really necessary, I mean Emma says Ruth took it easy and Nelly doesn't really mark much if at all, I am sure I will be okay now if you just want to un-cuff me?"
"Sorry Sarah, but I have my orders, final massage then you can be released."
"Well okay then, but careful not to spill it like Emma did, probably on purpose I think."
"Did she? She always was the clumsy one, I am sure it was just an accident."
Kneeling between her legs Liz applied the cream and started her massage, talking all the time with Sarah; and as with Emma Liz got distracted and spilled some down the crack of her bum and down onto her pussy.
Liz said "oops" and Sarah felt it immediately, her head rose up and she venomously said "you bitch, you fucking done that on purpose; you and Emma, meant to be my best friends but you are just a pair of lesbian bitches!"
"Smack" as Liz's hand landed on her bare bum "Ouch!"
"Smack" again with another cry out from Sarah.
"Stop it, just stop with the smacking Ouch!" She really pulled on the cuffs until her wrists hurt but she was clearly helpless to resist.
"I am here doing you a favour, looking after you as friends do, but I can see it is not at all appreciated; but any more ingratitude from you and I will stop this massage and give you a proper spanking, okay?" Asked Liz, biting her lip to stop from laughing, and loving having her sexy friend in this position.
Sarah didn't even reply, just buried her face once again in the bed and hoped she wouldn't embarrass herself by coming again; well, at first anyway; but as the vaginal massage got going, as Liz's fingers glided softly over her lips and rubbed into her Pussy she was if anything trying to get her thighs to open wider, her bum to lift up and she was literally purring into the bed and loving it and crying with the mental admission she was making to herself.
"Ohhhhhhhh, yes, again; ahhhhhhh."
4. Farewell to the Stewards
Liz released Sarah's cuffs from the bed but left her to remove them from herself and put them back where they belong, telling Sarah to lay and compose herself for five minutes; that she had forty minutes before breakfast to get herself showered and dressed and when she was ready just to meet up in the kitchen.
Sarah laid there for more like fifteen minutes, glowing, deep breathing, relaxing and suffering spurts of crying; not knowing if she wanted to continue here with her two friends or to hitch a lift with John and Ruth down to the London area; or at least a train station.
She forced herself up and saw that the door was wide open, anybody could have seen her laying naked here. She grabbed the bath towel off the back of the door and rapping it around her made her way down the corridor to the communal bathroom.
It was all stone, floor and walls; and set in the middle was a huge bath, big enough for like twenty people; this must have been where all the Nun's bathed together. Fortunately she could see that showers had been installed the full length of one wall, but no courtesy screens. It made her think of those old prison movies but it didn't stop her dropping the towel and getting showered.
She trooped back to her room swinging the thick wooden door closed behind her; she was going to be late and had to hurry.
The short dress she had been wearing yesterday was folded on a shelf on the back wall and she slipped this on and then searched for her knickers but they were not there to be found.
She didn't have time to mess about and shrugging her shoulders she quickly brushed her hair and throwing the brush down opened the door to run to breakfast. Or she would have done, had there been a door handle on her side of the door!
It wasn't that the door was locked, just a complete absence of any means to open it from the inside. She rushed to the window, a small lead lined arched window that didn't open; but being two floors up it wouldn't have helped if it did.
She grabbed her mobile phone to give Liz a ring and explain she was locked in but she had absolutely no signal.
Short of any obvious alternative she picked her brush back up and started hammering on her door.
It took maybe just thirty seconds and the door opened and Ruth was stood there, hands on hips, facing Sarah and looking mad.
"Never, ever shout, knock or hammer to get out of your room. This is a place of silent worship and is honoured and maintained as such. If you are locked in then there is a reason for this, either yours, mine, your friends or Gods but a reason all the same. When the time is right you will be released; spend the interim time in silent reflection. I should give you correction for this, but as you were ignorant then against my better judgement, again, I will excuse you; now get to breakfast quickly."
"Yes Miss" Sarah whispered, scared, creeping out past her and running up the corridor, and on her way realising that they really were Nuns 'cells' that they were sleeping in.
It hadn't only been Ruth and her sour demeanour that had scared Sarah, but once again her dress. Ruth was wearing a black cardigan which was fair enough; it was the black leather corset, skirt and boots underneath that had done it. The skirt was high wasted and so ridiculously tight fitting, down to her knees and forcing her knees together like an old fashioned hobble skirt; she wondered how the hell you would walk in that thing?
They all had a marvellous cooked traditional Scottish breakfast together and not a word was said about last night, much to Sarah's relief; she didn't know herself yet how she felt about what had happened to her but had resolved to see it through with her friends. She didn't really want to burden John and Ruth with her company when they already had their plans; and she worried that if she left now she would effectively be saying "goodbye" to her friendship with Liz and Emma. She just determined that she would not have anything more to do with any of their lesbian shenanigans and would insist on the return of her knickers even if she did have to wash them every night.
At the same time as thinking all this, she was trying not to laugh at John and Ruth and their choice of travel clothes; John was dressed the same as last night and the two of them together in their matching black leathers was quite a sight.
Over breakfast John laid down the law; aiming it primarily at Emma but no doubt for the benefit of Liz and Sarah too.
"You will take no risks and damage no property; you will not leave lights burning; you will care for this nunnery building and the Castle; you will feed the little livestock we have and care for them; you will dust and clean as per the rota; you will not even try to enter any of our private rooms which will remain locked; you will not allow anybody, and I mean anybody at all into the Castle; the Castle gates and doors will remain locked at all times; if any of you go out then a minimum of one of you must remain on the premises."
"This is my greatest fear which we must always guard against; should one of those squatter groups get in here it would take months, possibly years to evict them; the Castle is the property of the resident whoever that may be and that is enshrined in the history of the Castle and its ancient laws. Do not forget Emma, this is not just a piece of National Heritage but our home and employment; I could not live easily without it. Do you understand and promise me you will abide by these rules?"
"Yes John" Emma promised, "please go and enjoy your holiday and do not worry for one moment about the Castle, you know how I love it too."
John appeared satisfied and finishing their breakfasts John and Ruth packed their car and the girls all waved them off through the gate, locking it behind them, and cheering!
They ran up the stairs to the kitchen to get the dishes all washed and put away so that they could start their own holiday in earnest.
Liz washed, Sarah dried and Emma put away. Sarah was handing the final cooking pot to Emma, a big heavy cast iron thing that took both her hands just to hold it; but instead of taking it immediately Emma slipped her hands under the pot and Sarah felt the cuffs ratchet around her wrists; only then did Emma take the pot before Sarah dropped it.
Sarah held her hands up to her face and saw that a key would be needed to release them and said "no Emma, last night was enough, now I am not going to wine about what happened, but that is it; no more. Now give me the key."
"Catch" Emma suddenly said and threw it over Sarah's head; Sarah was too slow and Liz caught it only to throw it back again before Sarah could even turn to face her. Piggy in the middle. They were all laughing, even Sarah as the key repeatedly passed over her but on about the eighth throw Sarah just got her fingertips to it, not enough to catch it and instead causing it to fly up and onto the high level corner kitchen cupboard. Still they all laughed.
This was followed by an argument over who would climb up onto the counter to get up and recover it. Liz lost and had to flash her bum getting up.
"What are these keys for?" Liz asked showing Emma a black leather key fob with three old, long keys attached.
"I don't know" replied Emma, "but the only doors I do not have the keys to are John and Ruth's bedroom, Ruth's hobby-room come workshop and their private storeroom. Three rooms locked, and three keys on that fob, coincidence?"
"Let's try and find out" said Liz, mischievously.
Emma sighed in exasperation "Liz, put them back, you just sat and listened to me promise John I wouldn't even try."
"Oh" replied Liz, "I see, but tell me, what is Ruth's hobby and why does she need a storeroom?"
"You know from last time you were here Liz, I don't know, she keeps it a secret."
"Well now is your chance to find out, just a little peek; won't hurt, go on, I dare you; Pussycat club dare!"
"Well just a little quick glance through the doorway then, but not actually entering; then the keys straight back here, okay?"
Liz hopped back down and Sarah held her hands up to her "oh, sorry Sarah, your key is still up there, sorry; get it later, come on!"
Both Emma and Liz ran out and as much as Sarah wanted those cuffs off she equally didn't want to miss out on seeing what this secret hobby of Ruth's was and quickly followed after them, cursing Liz all the way up the stairs to the top floor.
5. CastleBornRestraints.com
The second key opened the lock and turning the large steel ring the door glided easily open. The three of them stood there gaping. There were mannequins dressed in corsets, skirts, body harnesses, collars, cuffs. All sorts of leather and steel restraints decorated the walls. There were even two trapeze bars dangling from one of the overhead beams and beneath them rings set into the floor with cuffs attached.
Emma couldn't help herself and without saying a word she walked in, closely followed by her friends.
They split up and looked around the room. Sarah found a desk with a catalogue on top and shrieked when she opened it; Ruth was there, displayed in all her glory hanging from the trapeze with a leather corset on and a gag and collar, nothing else. As she turned the pages she found pictures of Ruth modelling everything in the room and more; even being physically penetrated by some of the items.
She shouted over and the other two also looked through the pictures. Turning to the back page they saw 'CastleBornRestraints.com' marked at the bottom and Liz said "this is not her hobby, it is her business, their business; I bet the storeroom is full of boxes of this stuff."
Emma agreed. They continued exploring.
Liz brought their attention to a mannequin that was only an upper torso but had a corset and skirt fitted, "recognise this from anywhere girls?" She asked.
Sarah immediately recognised it "yeah, that is exactly what Ruth was wearing this morning, I got a very good look at it."
"What's so special about that?" Asked Emma.
"Look inside the skirt" said Liz and both Sarah and Emma headed over for a closer look.
It was indeed a corset, reinforced with steel rods and the back closing over the fastening and a lock fitted; but it was the thick leather strap fitted to the corset below the waist, incorporating a large black rubber dildo and butt plug and fastening again to the rear of the corset that really held their attention.
"What, you really think she would travel all the way to Kent with that in her?" Asked Sarah; "you think she has much of a choice?" Replied Liz; Emma agreed, "yeah, from what I do know about and see in Ruth, it would probably be her idea."
Further inspection revealed that the hobble skirt had a built in belt with lock fastening as well; Ruth was in for a hell of a journey.
Sarah went back to the desk for another look at the catalogue, imagining herself in some of those images. She opened the drawer and found more A4 size photos, of Emma!
She called her over and showed her, she was shocked. Some were obviously long lensed images taken of her in the stocks on the lawn, probably from one of these windows or the roof gallery and some from around the gardens. She had tried the stocks out on numerous occasions, naked, as the Nuns would have been and had Ruth lock her in. Of course John had also seen her like this but she just felt this added to the experience.
However here were also photos of her restrained naked in the dungeon, but only when she was blindfolded or hooded; Ruth obviously has a silent camera.
As they continued exploring Emma thought about the photos but decided to leave the photo's where they were but she was annoyed; if Ruth had asked to take the photo's Emma would actually had let her as long as they were never displayed.
Walking out the whole wall to the left of the door held around ten chastity belts, all different styles, some leather, some steel; but modern styles not like the heavy old iron thing hanging in Sarah's room with the big sharp teeth covering the pussy. Sarah pointed at them and said "maybe I should lock one of those on myself, keep me safe from you two."
They all laughed and Liz said "don't forget you are still locked in cuffs, we could lock one on you now just for spite; what do you think Emma, should we?"
Emma, still laughing replied "oh I don't think so, not yet; let's leave it a couple of days until she is horny as hell for some pussy action and then lock her sex away; make her beg for it!"
"Dream on girls, just dream on" Sarah said walking out quickly, giggling, but also imagining what it would be like to have a belt like that locked on.
They locked up and had a quick peek in the storeroom and as suspected it was full of racks holding all the various items in various sizes as well as lots of packaging material and also sheets of leather and steel in a variety of cuts.
There was a forge workshop in the Castle grounds and Emma suspected John also played a large part in the business.
Without trying their private room they placed the keys back where Liz had found them and Sarah's cuffs were removed. Funny though, or at least Sarah thought so; she missed having the cuffs locked on.
They had an early lunch with wine and then spent the afternoon showing Sarah around the place properly. There were sixty Nuns cells over the second and third floors as well as communal rooms, a chapel and the ground floor offices, library and study. Sarah checked some of the Nuns cell doors; none had handles on the inside. They used the study computer to check out the CastleBornRestraints.com website and found exactly what they expected; Ruth in all her glory selling her 'hobby' items. They were impressed, it was a very well set up professional site and Ruth looked absolutely fantastic.
Then into the Castle grounds, and walking the inner wall. Every seventy yards the outer wall was strengthened with a stone tower on the inside containing a spiral staircase that led up and out onto standing observation platforms either side and the girls went up some of these to see the view. They were only walking slowly and messing about on the way but it took them well over an hour to get all the way around.
Sarah got to see all the barns and cattle and cattle pens, and the well and the forge on the way until finally returning over the central Nunnery lawn past the three rows of wooden stocks, twelve in all.
The stocks were well maintained and in full working order, Emma vouched for that. All had a steel spike to secure the hasp but also had padlocks hanging as a more secure option.
Sarah asked Emma what it was like, to be locked naked and left in one of these, secretly the thought excited her; she had dreamt of it through the night, amongst other things. Emma dared her to try for herself but she blushed and declined. Liz said she wasn't a Pussycat, but a scaredy-cat and Sarah responded "well I don't see you doing anything risky since we got here, it's all been me so far."
Liz slipped her dress off and threw it at Sarah and raising the top bar of the stocks beside her she placed her neck and hands in place and dared Sarah to lock it. Sarah just stared at her, and blushing said "no, I told you, I am not playing these lesbian games with you."
Emma jumped over and put her weight on the bar before Liz could back out and drove the spike home through the hasp keeping it there "I don't mind playing" she said, happily; then working Liz's ankles into the recesses in the wooden board and closing them in, legs apart.
"Come on Sarah" Emma said taking her arm, "there is wine to be drunk, and I have still to toast your arrival here properly with some Scottish Malt." They got ten foot away before Emma sped back and gave Liz a quick spanking, then kissed her and sped back to Sarah and walked on. "Bitches" they heard from behind them, making them both laugh.
As they arrived back at the Nunnery door Sarah asked if Emma was really leaving Liz there? Emma asked "if it were you locked in the stocks would Liz rush back for you or go upstairs for a drink?"
"Let's have that drink" replied Sarah, finally starting to enjoy herself and relax a little.
Half an hour later they were back with Liz; Liz was still locked in place, the girls had merely brought the party to her.
As they drank, and relaxed, and Emma tormented Liz by spanking her and tweaking her nipples Emma explained that she and Liz would be leaving Sarah for maybe a couple of hours later.
"What do you mean leaving me; I thought we were all stopping here?"
"We are, but Liz and I will be playing in the dungeon after dinner and you have made it clear you will not be joining in with any of that; but we have a good TV and plenty of DVD's to keep you entertained."
"Oh, I see, well, I will still be interested in seeing the dungeon so I can at least imagine what you will be doing in there."
"Sorry Sarah, but you can't go in the dungeon; you haven't done the entrance challenge."
"What entrance challenge, is this another wind-up?"
"No, I have done it, Liz witnessed it, and then Liz done it too; we said then it would be a rule that could not be broken so sorry, it's the TV for you."
It went quiet while Sarah stewed over this, and then asked "what is the entrance challenge?"
"Naked but for training shoes, with your hands tied behind you; you have to do a circuit of the Castle wall, the outside Castle wall."
Sarah paused, thought about it, and replied "Okay, I'll watch the TV then."
Sarah was now in a sulk, the chicken noises coming from Liz didn't help one bit.
Emma eventually released Liz and after a couple more drinks they headed back to the Nunnery to start on dinner.
Emma had the fridge and freezer well stocked with everything they could want and the larder off the kitchen was full of trays of Stella, red and white wine and most spirits imaginable; this was going to be some fortnight!
6. Two out of three is bad
After washing up they played a board game while chatting about their many school and college adventures together; toasting the better stories with straight Vodka shots. Then the time came to split and Emma showed Sarah to the TV and DVD cabinet. Emma explained to Sarah where the dungeon could be found just in case she needed them for anything; or in case they hadn't returned by ten in which case they had gotten themselves trapped in something and she may need to rescue them. They left her there drinking a beer, looking through the DVD collection and sulking with a big pet-lip.
Liz and Emma actually ran down to the dungeon, down to the ground floor corridor, through a steel door and further down a well-worn spiral stone stepped staircase to a large brown steel studded wooden door.
There were hooks on the brick wall opposite and they both removed their dresses and hung them, placing their shoes beneath. It was another of their rules, no clothing in the dungeon unless it was a Mistress and slave day; a forfeit game they played last time they had the Castle to themselves.
They didn't bother with lighting the torches but instead went for the more modern option of flicking the light switch. Liz was very familiar with the dungeon and went straight to the rack; Emma went to the suspension ropes and nominated them as her choice. All that was left was to flip the coin and the winner could restrain the loser in either or both of the chosen punishments. If the winner failed to make the loser beg to lick the others pussy before the sand-timer emptied twice (thirty minutes per turn) then the roles reversed.
Emma collected the ancient coin from the shelf and flicked it up, Liz called "tails" and won, and jumped and laughed and clapped, just a little tipsy.
She stuck with her first choice and put Emma on the rack.
She wrapped the leather straps around and around her wrists and ankles and buckled them. Then spreading her she attached the ropes to the rings and spun the wheel to remove the slack; then another six cogs just to start to make it interesting. Emma was just giggling in excitement at this stage.
Liz stood at Emma's feet and sensually smoothed her hands up and down the insides of Emma's legs, tickling slightly as she went and asked "Emma, why not save yourself a lot of grief and just beg me now, I will understand, I have been in your position and know how helpless it is?"
"Ha, fat chance bitch, no way; you always ask that at the start, why waste your breath?"
"You had your chance, you were warned."
She returned to the wheel and turned it another four cogs removing all slack and stretching her a little. Stretched fully Emma's body would be totally horizontal and hovering above the rack; the following turns would really hurt.
She returned to her feet, and started to massage them, obviously softening them for tickling. "Hey bitch" Emma interrupted, "the timer remember, you can just loosen me off and have a five minute recess while the timer catches up."
Liz huffed but went over and turned the timer; but returned and carried on straight back where she left off. "Hey, that's cheating" squealed Emma, "yeah, tough isn't it?" Liz laughed back at her.
So as Sarah was rapidly losing interest in watching Dirty Dancing and feeling extremely miffed and lonely Liz was laughing and tickling and Emma was squealing "stop, stop, please stop; I'll pee myself, you know I always pee myself when my feet are tickled like this!"
"So pee yourself, or beg; save the embarrassment, you are going to be eating my pussy anyway so take the easy option, beg" Liz teased, increasing her fingertip action on her souls.
She wouldn't beg, but she did pee, and very quickly and still giggled and squealed as she wet herself.
Liz turned the wheel another cog and turned her attention to Emma's nipples, stroking her long nails around them and over them; Emma screaming at the sensations running through her but Liz would not relent. Then strolling her hands around to her armpits and exposed ribs and tickling again getting some fantastic agonised facial expressions from poor Emma. Liz tightened the wheel again starting to lift her body from the bed of the rack and moved onto her taut pussy; rubbing around and over but stopping short of delivering the pleasure Emma now craved.
Then she turned the wheel again and again and once more, a final move of the cog to take Emma to her limit and totally elevate her. Emma was stretched like a tow rope hauling a full load up a steep hill; she felt her arms and legs could leave her and she screamed and begged and begged for mercy; but would not make the plea Liz needed to hear.
Liz massaged her hands down the full length of her body, feeling her, appreciating her beautiful toned body and with her lips took full advantage of her nipples; sucking up and licking one then the other.
Then walking to the wall she removed a leather flogger and let the strands dangle in Emma's face so that she would know what was coming.
She stepped back and prepared for the first swing and asked "last chance, like to beg for my pussy yet?"
Emma struggled to talk, but did manage the witty response "fuck you, bitch" and the first strike landed across her breasts. She howled, and as the strikes continued all over her body she almost burst her vocal cords in screams and yelps and more howling.
Liz knew she was close to breaking her and moved down below Emma's feet to get a clear strike right on the pussy; she raised the flogger and started the swing but was suddenly distracted by a quiet knocking coming from the door. She paused, looking at the door, flogger still raised; and there was another, louder knock. "What the hell?" Liz asked herself laying the flogger over Emma's legs and moving over to the door.
Sarah had refilled her glass and tried her best to get back into the movie but just couldn't. She was having flashbacks to her ordeals of yesterday and the massages Liz and Emma had given her; and the orgasms her body had responded with. The sight of Liz naked in the stocks; the thoughts she had enjoyed while walking about with those cuffs locked on; and the highly erotic dreams she had dreamt through the night while strapped down naked and spread-eagle. This moved her to close her eyes and imagine the dungeon and what games her two best friends were enjoying without her. She finally accepted that she was jealous; she had been denying her own desires and she wanted what they had; their experiences, their shared love as friends; and most of all, that feeling of helplessness through restraint and loss of control.
She had set off for the kitchen for a change of drink, maybe another Vodka but a large one with lemonade; but she had never got there and instead had headed down the stairs. She just couldn't not; maybe it wasn't too late to join in if she made the right promises; plus she had to know what they were doing, it was driving her mad not being a part of it.
As she opened the steel door down to the dungeon she could hear screams, maybe even howling. As she got closer she also heard laughter and possibly a whip being used. At the dungeon door she saw their shoes and clothes had been left outside, they were naked in there.
She sat on the bottom step and listened for minutes but couldn't manage to fit any images to the sounds other than the obvious, one of them in some way whipping the other with something.
Making her final decision she knocked quietly on the thick wooden door; gave it thirty seconds and knocked again, louder. The door didn't open but she heard something on the door sliding above her and she looked up. At face height there was a small square plate set in the wood but the plate had holes cut in it; she stood on her toes and looked through.
Liz slid the peep hole cover to the side and looked through as a head bobbed up, then Sarah appeared. "Sarah, what are you doing here, is everything all right?"
"Yes, yes, everything is fine, I was just wondering................."
"Wondering what, make it quick, we're busy?"
"Wondering............well.........is it too late to join you?"
"Sarah, you haven't done the challenge, you actually refused remember; and besides, you said you wanted nothing to do with our silly games."
"I know, I am sorry, I was wrong; if I promise to do the challenge tomorrow will you let me in now?"
"No, you have to do the challenge first, rules are rules, sorry."
"Please Liz, let me in; I promise I will do it; I will come in naked, and even be, well, like, your slave if you like."
Liz paused and said to wait a moment and the peep hole slid shut. She skipped over to Emma who was still in quite a bit of discomfort to say the least but she had heard it all and just shook her head.
The peep hole slid open and gaining eye contact again Liz said to Emma "sorry, but no; see you in an hour, goodbye" and it slid shut again.
Sarah really felt like crying, she was crestfallen; as she turned to go back up the steps she heard another strike of the whip and Emma scream out in pain; she only recognised the scream as Emma because she knew Liz wasn't the one tied up. In the kitchen she grabbed the lemonade and a fresh glass and sat beside the Vodka bottle, her new best friend.
Sarah really did feel close to tears as she sat there downing Vodka after Vodka; she was so upset that she was so upset, rather than grabbing the moral high ground and being proud. It was just so damned unusual for her to be the one on the outside; normally she was the centre of everything. All three of them were fit, slim, attractive; beautiful even but it was her that had the model girl looks, everybody said so. Long bright almost golden blonde hair, five nine so she wasn't short, not quite as tall as Emma but a couple of inches on Liz; and athletic but with boobs; all the guys loved her.
She was also the captain of the college rowing team which was very prestigious and the girls cross country champion; and the one with the real brains, the one chasing firsts in her subjects; the one the others joked that would one day make Prime minister.
The other two were very bright also, they wouldn't have studied at Oxford otherwise; but Sarah was tops, always.
Emma was five ten with short brown hair and almost triangular, chiselled features and had incredibly long legs for her body but lost out in the breast department. She had them, and made the most of them; but they weren't made for bouncing. Liz made up for this though, whilst the shortest of the three at five seven she was the biggest in the boob department and the bum department too come to that. With her long wavy dark hair and Mediterranean complexion and brown eyes she was a young Jennifer Lopez.
It had always been all three of them, or Sarah and Liz, or Sarah and Emma, never Liz and Emma and this is what was really upsetting her; frozen out of the centre for the first time ever with her friends; on the outside looking in; not the one holding the secrets, the power; not the centre of attention she had always known.
As she was drowning her sadness in Vodka, Liz had given up on the rack. She would have had her begging, she is positive of this; but Sarah's interruption had come at just the wrong time and then the sand timer had ran out and so she switched to the suspension ropes for the turning of the timer. Fastening Emma into the ropes and suspending her by the ankles, her legs wide apart and her wrists cuffed behind her.
Emma done remarkably well lasting around twenty minutes without begging to lick Liz; she nearly made it to turn the tables but when the funnel was forced into her bum she knew she would struggle to hold out much further. Once the cold water was poured in and then her feat tickled she just freaked out and begged; she didn't mean to, it just slipped out. If only she could have kept her mouth shut another five seconds she would have bared it but the ring gag didn't allow for that luxury.
She wasn't released either, just hoisted up higher until her loving tongue was at the right height. Then Liz motivated her further with a big hard dildo while Emma's tongue satisfied her. They may have been a little late up to Sarah; things just kind of developed between them.
7. Pussycat Club Castle Challenge
Sarah woke up in darkness and slowly come to her senses. She was in her bed, naked but under a sheet. It was mid-summer so just a sheet was sensible but that was the problem, she could not remember being sensible last night, she couldn't remember coming to bed last night but clearly she had.
She felt a little sick, dizzy still "doh! Far too much Vodka last night" she thought to herself closing her eyes again and turning over.
"No good" she thought, unable to sleep with the room turning so fast, "got to go" and she slipped her feet out of bed and kicked a bucket, fortunately an empty bucket and she could guess why it was there but she carried on almost running down the corridor to the bathroom and just made it in time.
She felt dreadful; and stayed and used the toilet more to steady herself and her head than any real urge and then cleaned her teeth to try to mask the foul taste.
She almost had a shower but decided against it, more sleep beckoned first. On the way back to her room she heard a slight snore noise coming from Emma's room and on the spur of the moment decided to get some degree of revenge on her for last night. She tip-toed over and eased the door closed; then again across the corridor and closed Liz's door too; they could wait and stew and be reliant on her to come to their rescue in the morning. She went to bed giggling, just a little bit happier.
Ten minutes to ten she surfaced next, first yawning and stretching, and then giggling as she remembered what she had done. Grabbing her towel and not bothering to cover herself she headed for a shower; stopping along the way to listen at her friends doors. No noise at all from Liz's room but it sounded like Emma was making her bed or something. She continued on for her shower, smiling.
Back in her room, or cell more like; she was about to slip her dress on and let her friends out when she suddenly had a mischievous thought "why shouldn't I have a peek in the dungeon, they would in my position?"
Being really adventurous she remained naked and walked all the way down barefoot; walking faster as she went getting more and more excited with every step. Stood in front of the door she could hardly contain herself and she stepped up and pushed "fuck it, locked!"
Now in her dress and kind of over the disappointment she opened Liz's door "morning Liz, breakfast time" she said into an empty room, the bed still made.
She strode across and opened Emma's door and stepped in, both were still in bed and Liz's wrists were bound with cord to the top of the bed. "Oh, sorry, er, yeah, sorry" and she turned, blushing and walked back out; went to walk back in but stopped, turned two or three times, paused; then headed quickly for the kitchen. She was sure she could hear laughter behind her. This was terrible; she just wanted to go home, and she wanted her bloody knickers back!
By the time Emma and Liz made it to the kitchen Sarah had cooked breakfast for all three of them and they sat and ate it first in silence and then in one or two word exchanges and finally as the knives and forks settled and they were just drinking coffee they actually had meaningful conversation; starting with Sarah saying she couldn't believe how mean they had been to her last night.
"What do you mean?" Asked Liz, "we told you each and every step of the way what our plans were, and you were welcome to join us but you chose not to do the challenge and so couldn't. I would have loved you to have been with us in the dungeon; you know you and Emma are my best friends alike."
"Me too" interrupted Emma, I love you both the same and always have and you know that fine well Sarah; I so hope you do the silly little challenge today so we don't have to separate again; it would be perfect with you joining in too."
"Emma I would love to join in" Sarah replied, "but I explained, I am not lesbian; I love you both too but like sisters not lovers."
"Neither are we" said Liz, "this is just fun, fooling around; using sex as a reward, and a punishment, and sometimes as a torture just for a thrill. This is Segahay and it stays in Segahay; you won't get me or Emma doing this anywhere else with each other or any other girl; men only for us away from here; please tell me you will do the challenge today?"
Sarah was made up a little, they both still loved her and wanted her friendship and company; and she very much wanted to be tied up again or cuffed like yesterday; she dreamt of nothing else but didn't want to admit it to them and so decided to appear reluctant.
"I don't know girls, I just don't know if being naked and tied up really does anything for me, but I do miss not joining in with you both, it is threatening to ruin this holiday for us, so let me think about it maybe after lunch."
"You don't know if it does anything for you?" Asked Liz, "really? Well how do you explain how we found you last night then?"
"What do you mean?" asks Sarah, already knowing something was funny about how she ended up in bed last night.
Emma took over, with a huge smile on her face "you were fast asleep stood and leaning over the Nuns old dining table."
"So what's the matter with that? I was drunk, it has been a long trip up here, I was bound to be tired."
"Well you were certainly bound" laughed Emma, "you were stark naked with your hands pushed through the cords and your bum up in the air; I was sorely tempted to tighten the cords and leave you there to sober up but we couldn't do that to you the state you were in; so we walked you to the bathroom and then put you to bed. All the time you were begging for us to cuff you to the bed again; are you sure it doesn't do anything for you?"
Sarah gulped "I don't remember anything about any of that, I must have been very drunk, I can only apologise for my behaviour." Then not knowing what else to say, how to explain being found like that; how to explain begging to be bound and blushing furiously she said the only thing she could think of to move the matter on "I will do the challenge, straight after lunch."
Liz and Emma looked at each other, shot their hands up in the air and cheered, then mobbed Sarah and hugged.
They had a printed set of tasks left by John and Ruth and decided to just take them from the top. Emma split the chores up between them and they dedicated the next two hours to getting the ground floor sparkling. Liz noted that the kitchen was next on the list, including all cupboards and external surfaces, so they would have found those hidden keys anyway.
After lunch was the big occasion, the Pussycat Club Castle Challenge. They were outside the front of the Nunnery by the picnic tables on the lawn with a long length of white cord lying on the table. Sarah had suddenly turned all coy but the girls were having none of it and stripped her dress from her. Sarah asked "Whatever did happen to my knickers anyway, if nothing else I will need them to get home in?"
"Oh I am sorry Sarah" explained Emma, "they are gone, buried in the refuse under all sorts of crap; you are a Pussycat commando now; shortly to be promoted to the second order; now quit stalling and put your hands behind your back."
Stood there blushing and covering herself as best she could she committed to it, figuring who the hell would see her anyway; and turned her back to Emma and held her hands out behind her.
Emma took the cord and wound it a couple of times around her left wrist pulling it tight and then put her wrist up to her right elbow and wound it a couple of times around her arm above the elbow; and then kept looping it around both her forearms from elbow to elbow and finishing off tying it around her right wrist and left elbow keeping her box tied to the rear.
Liz explained that they would help her warm up for the run. She didn't like the sound of this and liked it less when they had her on her back on the grass with her legs up in the air and wide apart as they pulled and stretched them; and then Liz held them over Sarah's head while Emma massaged and spanked her thighs legs and buttocks.
She knew it wasn't like any warm up exercise she had ever had before, but she was certainly well warmed up.
They led her to the gate, built into it was a single door opening and Emma unlocked this, stepped out and had a quick look around "coast is clear, good to go. Now Sarah, the record is held by me, thirty seven minutes and twenty four seconds; but you being the college cross country champion I expect you to hammer this so here's the deal, you must get back in thirty five minutes; for every minute you are late you will be locked in the stocks and caned and stuff, understand?"
"Emma no!" Sarah squealed, "nobody said anything about forfeits, and what do you mean "stuff", that could be anything!"
"Exactly, we will do anything we want with you, and the forfeit is none negotiable because you are already tied and helpless silly, now go; and don't think we won't be watching from the back wall to make sure you go all the way around without just doubling back to the gate."
Both girls counted out "three.......two..........one........Go" and go she did, jumping over the bottom wooden gate bar, turning left and sprinting into the distance, tits jiggling nicely and both girls stepping out to admire the toned buttocks pumping off out of sight.
Emma was right about Sarah "hammering" the record time, even without the use of her hands she could expect to make the circuit in under thirty minutes without even getting out of breath; and had it not been for the Japanese tourist family she would have done this.
She was so excited, exhilarated even; on a high with having the guts to go through with this and all around the first corner she was laughing out loud as she ran. She was trying to work out the odds of her encountering anyone, and applying pure mathematics she reckoned it was statistically more likely England would win the football world cup again than she would meet anyone on this run; so she was well safe.
Then around the second corner and almost at the half way point she spotted them, two adults, two young girls and a boy in maybe his middle teens. Fortunately they were walking away from her and so hadn't seen her. She dared to keep going and get closer, close enough to see that they looked Japanese before she leapt off the track behind a tree growing in the now dry moat. She had to think what to do. She tested the cords on her arms and knew she would never get free. She needed a plan.
She considered just sprinting past them and being away and around the next corner before they fully realised what they had seen but quickly discounted this; she was too thoughtful to want to expose young children to such a sight. She considered running back the way but if Liz and Emma hadn't already seen her pass would they discount her run?
Or even detouring into the woods beyond the moat and trying to run around them unseen? She didn't want to venture into those woods naked and helpless like this and discounted that option too.
She accepted her fate; she was going to get caned again. Well that last caning wasn't so bad. It had seemed it at the time but she had actually dreamt about it since, possibly the most erotic thing that has ever happened to her.
She would just run from tree to tree behind them and keep out of sight until she could get back into the Castle.
This plan worked, and fortunately the family weren't loitering; well not until they got to the gate anyway. They actually found and rang the bell and Emma opened the gate to them. They were very polite and accepted that they could not enter but hung around taking photos for like ages before they ambled off along the track into the woods.
One hour two minutes and sixteen seconds, the slowest time ever to do the challenge (well, it was only the third time ever recorded) meaning that if the punishment was the cane alone then she had twenty eight (they were bound to round up, not down) lashings to look forward to.
At least Sarah didn't need to explain her delay; they had seen it all from the Castle walls and thought it was priceless; Sarah wondered if this meant that a home team would one day win the world cup again? Maybe she would put a bet on.
Liz didn't even remove her bindings, but took her to and immediately locked Sarah into the same stocks she had been held in yesterday, but the neck and ankles only as the arms were still restrained just as Liz and Emma wanted. Then the fun began.
8. Lip service
They had obviously prepared because Liz and Emma already had Nelly the cane, a flogger and a switch hanging from the stocks behind. They had discussed what they were going to do with Sarah and agreed that having gotten her this far they didn't want to scare her off and would therefore take things easy with her until she was fully on board. Their only real objective was to get Sarah willingly using her tongue by the end of the night.
With Emma kneeling in front of Sarah and fondling her breasts and sucking on her nose she would try to kiss her on the mouth but Sarah would keep turning her mouth away. Then Liz would cane her, quite softly but enough to more than just get her attention and as she opened her mouth in pain Emma would snog her.
Every time she moved her mouth away and complained or objected the cane and then Emma's lips would land again until she learned not to pull out of the kiss.
They switched roles with Emma using the flogger and Liz snogging her and Sarah was doing more and more snogging now. They switched positions again and this time Sarah opened her mouth and accepted Emma's lips and tongue without any caning or flogging. Liz hung the flogger up and instead ran her fingers over Sarah's moist pussy. Sarah bucked her hips from side to side as well as she could but never escaping Liz's fingers; she never stopped kissing with Emma regardless of Liz's very successful technique but did pause, mouth wide open and groan as she came.
Emma and Liz stood back smiling and looking down on Sarah; it fully dawned on Sarah just what had happened and her face shone red in embarrassment and she closed her eyes. "Don't get all shy now you wanting hussy you, we are only just getting started with you and your pussy" laughed Emma.
After quite a few more simply wonderful orgasms Emma released her from the stocks and Liz locked a steel collar around her throat with a chain leash fitted. Liz led the way to the dungeon and Emma followed behind with the switch; giving her butt the odd switch as they walked, just to keep her on her toes.
They gave her a tour of the dungeon, all the torture and branding equipment; the suspension devices, rack, posture points, cages, Iron Maiden, interrogation chairs, posts, rape rack; and told her that she would get to use each and every one of them whether she begged for it or not. They then showed her the various sand timers and explained their little games. Sarah felt giddy but didn't know if it was excitement or fear.
They cuffed Sarah into a wooden frame, putting her on her back and cuffing her ankles to fixed rings set into posts above her and apart; then untying her 'box-tie' and cuffing her wrists to a ring set above and behind her head. Sarah was left with her sex wide open, vulnerable and helpless. She tested her bonds realising just how helpless she was but said nothing, just gulped and sweated. She knew her friends wouldn't really hurt her or do anything too nasty. Emma and Liz spun their coin again which resulted in Liz laughing and Emma throwing her little dress off.
Liz took Sarah's collar off and locked it on Emma. Then easing Sarah's bottom up she fed the chain from the collar through a hole beneath Sarah and left it dangling there with Emma stood facing her. Liz then cuffed Emma's ankles to the bottom of the posts that Sarah's ankles were cuffed to the top of.
Walking around behind Sarah Liz collected the chain and pulled it tight, pulling Emma over a wooden pole and face down into Sarah's wide open pussy. She then cuffed Emma's hands to the pole either side of her.
As Emma's face met with Sarah's wide open pussy Sarah objected "Liz, no, I said I wasn't doing the lesbian stuff; let Emma's face back off me."
She didn't reply, but instead bent over and kissed her full on the lips, and surprising even herself Sarah kissed back, and somehow; in spite of herself, enjoyed it.
As Liz pulled off something was slipped into Sarah's mouth, first into, then turning and pulling out but catching between the teeth forcing her mouth wide open, it was on a strap that buckled behind her head. Sarah felt with her tongue, it was like leather but rigid in the shape of a ring. Liz finished pulling the chain through and fastened it with Emma's face forced right into Sarah's pussy; Sarah just stared at her not knowing what to do; only knowing she couldn't actually do anything.
Liz explained "okay Sarah, as you can see Emma's face is fixed between your legs and her naked butt is sticking out nicely to receive whatever punishment I wish to reign upon it; and trust me I will. I am going to torture her bum for as long as it takes for her to make you come, and come noisily; understand?"
Sarah replied as best she could but struggled; however Liz got most of the swear words quite clearly.
Liz stripped off her own dress and collecting Emma's from where she had thrown it she threw them both out of the dungeon door. Collecting a long lash flogger on the way back she first tickled Sarah's feet a little, just to see how ticklish she was and she was well impressed by the scream; and then she rubbed Emma's proud bum, sliding her fingers up over her pussy lips on the way. Then standing back she counted "three, two, one, lick!"
The flogger landed with an impressive noise making Sarah wince and Emma lick; not that she really needed the flogging to encourage her but they felt that like this Sarah would more readily accept the scenario. She would see that Emma had no choice but to lick her, and nice Sarah would actually want to come to save Emma her flogging; a 'win win' as they say.
Within seconds Sarah was thinking "oh my God! Oh my, oh, oh, oh, yes, oh bloody hell yes that is so good; oh fuck me that is good!" She wrestled with her bonds, really tried to close her legs, even just a little but couldn't, then as she was starting to make regrettably embarrassing noises that could just possibly be construed as pleasure she tried in vain to close her mouth realising then what a devious position she and Emma were in.
It didn't take long at all before Sarah was singing through her ring gag as she came; singing sounds that were beautiful to Liz and Emma. Liz put the flogger away and released Emma, and then took her place.
Liz was locked in the exact same position and Sarah was just coming down from her fantastic first ever tongue orgasm, male or female, when Emma stepped up behind Liz with a dildo strapped on and entered it into Liz's pussy.
"Okay Sarah, same rules, round two" she said as she leant forward and fully into Liz and started to fuck her.
This time Sarah could not contain herself at all shouting and swearing and cursing and begging and screaming and groaning as she was brought to orgasm again; and Liz with her.
Sat up at the nuns dining table Sarah was still completely naked and her hands were cuffed behind her but the three of them laughed and joked as they drank their wine and ate their chicken casserole dinners. Of course Liz and Emma had to feed Sarah and she was using a straw to drink through but this just added to it all and Sarah could not believe how she felt.
With her legs cuffed wide apart first Emma and then Liz had licked her out and she had felt great; she actually felt happy about it. She hadn't had sex that many times, a total of three times with the same guy to be precise, and pure vanilla; this was the best it had ever been and she wanted more. She took it for granted that it would not always be receiving; at some point that she very much did not look forward to she was bound to have to give; but if this is what it took to be in the Pussycat Club of the second order then so be it.
Liz and Emma's strategy was working just fine.
Sarah had questioned why she was still naked and cuffed and Emma had explained that Pussycat club of the second order rules dictated a twenty four hour period of naked restraint for all new members so she would be kept naked and restrained through to tomorrow lunch time. Liz spat her wine back into the glass and nearly choked when she heard Emma say this and Sarah accused her of just making it up.
"Okay" admitted Emma, "so I made it up, but that's how rules get made; and anyway, not only can you not do anything about it but you seem to be enjoying it okay."
Sarah startled herself by first laughing, then nodding, then agreeing "yeah, actually I am enjoying it, I haven't had this much fun like ever; I think I do enjoy being tied up.
After dinner were more drinks while they done the dishes and tidied up. Sarah had her cuffs removed so she could wash but was chained by her ankle to a hook set in the floor.
Then it was back to the dungeon for more fun, they still had to get Sarah to use her tongue on them.
Liz had Emma strapped to the rack again but this time face down, and stretched. She was stood to the side with Willy, the next cane up from Nelly.
Sarah was locked into a wooden posture frame. She was kneeling with her ankles locked into a wooden board and her wrists through two holes in the same board behind her but above shoulder height forcing her head forward and down. She was facing a heavy wooden chair, her chin very nearly touching the seat.
Liz explained the rules; she would cane Emma until she begged to lick her pussy to orgasm, if she survived twenty strikes without begging then Liz would have to service Emma with her tongue, as many times as required until daylight tomorrow.
Sarah could not see exactly what was happening as the rack was almost behind her, she had peripheral vision only. She was waiting for Liz to explain her role in this game when she heard the first strike and Emma cry out in pain.
She shouted "wait, wait, what about me, what is my part in this?"
Liz paused and replied "nothing really Sarah, you see your part would have been the wild card, the joker so to speak, but you made it well clear you wouldn't volunteer for anything like lesbian so I am discounting you."
As she finished the sentence Sarah heard the cane strike again and Emma cry out again; the noise she made was almost like a cat being wounded she hurt so much.
"No, wait" pleaded Sarah, "if I were the wild card, the joker or whatever what would I do?"
Again Liz paused and explained "you could either offer to take Emma's place in which case you would receive a full twenty strikes but then have Emma at your own personal service through to daylight; or you could beg to be my pleasure slave for the night, totally subservient to any order I give you or returning for the twenty strikes should you disobey, and Emma too; if you begged successfully I would stop caning Emma."
Before Sarah even had time to take this in the cane landed again and Emma squealed.
"Stop, Liz, oh please stop. Just give me a minute to work this out, just one minute."
Liz's response was the cane landing again on Emma's poor tortured bum.
"Stop! Please, let me be your slave, please I beg you don't hit her again, I beg to be your slave."
The cane landed again and Emma sounded like she had been mortally wounded the shriek she let out "Stop, I begged, I did I begged, why are you still caning her?"
"You call that begging, hah! You didn't even promise any service, tempt me in any way to accept your plea; I think I am enjoying this too much to leave it now just to guess what you may do for me as my pleasure slave."
Sarah heard the cane whip back and begged "please Liz let me service you as your pleasure slave, I will do everything and anything you want, I will sleep with you, I will massage you; with my hands, fingers and my tongue; over and over until you can come no more, please I beg you."
Liz walked over to her and slid the cane over her exposed breasts, tapped it down her belly and then with the tip drew ever decreasing circles around her pussy. "Are you sure, is this what you really want, right through the night when Emma has only to beg to lick me enough for one orgasm and it will stop?"
"I will never beg, you sadistic bitch" shouted Emma.
"Yes, please this is what I want, I beg you, stop caning Emma before you really hurt her."
"Well okay, but before I go to all the bother of releasing you and Emma I will give you the opportunity to persuade me properly."
Walking away and hanging Willy up Liz strolled back and climbed into the seat Sarah's face was just about glued too and lifting her ankles over the armrests she slipped them into two leather cuffs and buckled them; then worked her bum down the seat and her pussy into Sarah's face.
"Well slave, do I have to order you or should I just get back to Emma's caning?"
This truly was alien to Sarah, the smell alone of Liz's now sweaty pussy making her pause; but she forced herself past this and her natural inhibitions and tentatively pushed on and touched home with the tip of her tongue.
"Is that it? Is that what you have stopped me for? Is this a joke of some kind? Liz roared and Sarah closed her eyes and licked her tongue all the way up Liz's lips.
She paused, she didn't die, found she hadn't choked, and done it again, and again and again. Then remembering how they had done her and done it so well she mimicked their technique and as Liz squirmed in her ankle cuffs she found she was enjoying it. She was the one totally restrained and helpless but she was pushing all the buttons, making Liz do the squirming. It took her only about three minutes and Liz was coming.
As Liz released her own ankle cuffs and pulled her bum back up the seat she looked down and saw that Sarah was straining to look up at her, and she was beaming; a huge grin right across her face. Liz couldn't help but smile back as she climbed out of the chair.
Liz loosened the wheel on the rack and released Emma; and hid the folded towel that had been on her bum and guided Emma into the chair and cuffed her ankles in place but then also her wrists to the top of the backrest. "Okay Sarah, you have suitably demonstrated your willingness to pleasure me, now show also that you will obey, make Emma come."
Liz shuffled Emma down the seat and without any hesitation Sarah was eager to show off her new found skill.
Their strategy worked, she was good, and the club was three strong.
They spent all evening in the dungeon, locked in various cages and positions. Sarah put in a St Andrews cross and flogged; Liz locked into prayer-stocks until they could stand her agonised pleading for release no more; Emma mounted on a phallic pole on her tip-toes with her hands cuffed out wide to the side.
Eventually they agreed to leave the dungeon much to Sarah's disappointment. Whatever the girls had that made them want to do this stuff, Sarah clearly had it the worst; maybe just her excitement at it all being so new to her, the feelings inside her included.
They had a drinks and snacks party in the lounge and once again Sarah the odd one out being the only one naked and restrained.
Every time there was a lull in their laughter or activity Sarah would be summonsed to service Liz or ordered by her to pleasure Emma.
At the end of the night Sarah slept blindfolded in Liz's room chained by the ankle to the bed and met her every need, which included the need for Sarah's first ever sixty nine.
Even through the night Sarah would be awoken with a kick and ordered to get on her knees and satisfy her before resuming the cuddle in the narrow bed. She loved the cuddling.
Even blindfolded Sarah knew it was morning as her head bobbed between the naked thighs. She also knew this was no longer Liz but that Liz and Emma had obviously swapped rooms through the night; did they really think she was that stupid that she couldn't tell one pussy from another? The substantial difference in bodies and tits made it bloody obvious anyway but the fragrance and taste of their pussies was so different she didn't need hands or eyes for this test.
Emma removed her blindfold and the three of them showered together which was just as well, with Sarah having her hands cuffed again she needed their help. As they towelled her off Sarah had a very quick sit-rep of her needs and concerns as college had taught. Running through a mental checklist she decided she was in heaven; her only concerns were her needs!
9. Pussycats caught playing
After another wonderful traditional Scottish breakfast they got cracking with their chores, all three of them attacking the kitchen and the Nuns dining room. Sarah still naked but cuffed loosely to the front so she could contribute.
This took them through to lunch and then fun and games. Emma had a board game that she had made herself that was in a circle and divided into little segments like a roulette wheel, but each segment having its own unique forfeit. Beside this she had made another smaller board with fourteen segments but only seven categories, Emma, Liz, Sarah, Emma and Liz, Emma and Sarah, Liz and Sarah, and Emma Liz and Sarah. Each category being listed twice. There were pointers mounted from the centre on a pin that could be spun. Emma had put a lot of thought and work into these boards and they looked very professional, made from wood and coloured and varnished. It was obvious to Sarah that Liz and Emma had taken her involvement for granted as these must have been made before her arrival, maybe last Easter.
Both board pointers would be spun together and the resulting choices followed through.
The first board stopped on a yellow segment, naked yoke circuit of the Castle; and the second board showed blue, Emma, Liz, Sarah.
"Yeah" shouted Liz and clapped, "all three of us, together, out in the wide wide world strutting our stuff and helpless, I love it!"
Sarah clapped too, not so much in excitement as in relief as she looked at some of the other forfeits the pointer had very nearly landed on.
"Not so fast" said Emma, seriously, "you all heard the steward's warnings about leaving the Castle unoccupied, either two of us can do it followed later by the third, or it will have to be the internal wall."
"Aw, but Emma, seriously" Liz complained, "the internal wall, where is the excitement in that? You know as well as I do nobody ever comes here unannounced; the Castle is well safe, we will just close the central gate door behind us on the latch, it will be okay."
The debate continued for some time but Emma refused to be moved; Sarah kept out of it happy to do the internal wall and she could appreciate Emma's position anyway, it was her job after all.
Technically, they should have been using the old heavy wooden yokes as had they not found the keys to Ruth's workshop studio this is all they would have had; but they knew Ruth had fancy and much lighter steel ones in the studio.
They grabbed the keys and the yokes and the little tool that locks the steel pins in the cuffs and collars and two pairs of handcuffs; Liz working out that they could cuff each other's internal wrists to the persons wrists in the middle and there would still be enough slack for them to release each other.
They did this and leaving the cuff-keys and the yoke release tool on the dining table they made their way outside into the beautiful sunshine; taking it easy as they were all barefoot.
Emma, the tallest was on the left, Sarah the next tallest was in the middle and her right wrist was cuffed to Liz's left. They quickly learned that they had to agree on everything or they wouldn't get very far; and even learned to just about march in step to Liz's pace as she had the shortest legs.
Also very quickly they learned that the fly's and midges they would normally swipe off without a thought were now a problem, and it was as though the fly's understood this. Around the side corner in the shade of a copse the trail passed through it looked like they were doing some sort of highland jig the way they jumped and pumped their legs. Poor Sarah in the middle was getting thrown about like a rag doll. Emma was getting sick of Liz screaming "oh my pussy, the pests are crawling all over me" but when Sarah of all people responded "lucky you, now just calm it before you break my wrist" she burst into laughter instead.
What a fantastic and erotic sight they made should anybody have been able to see these three young beautiful girls walking and laughing restrained like this in these fabulous surroundings. Totally vulnerable and helpless, presented like in a modelled pose, miles from their release and yet joking with each other as though they didn't have a care in the world; perfect. It would have been tantamount to a crime should they have never been observed and caught like this.
They continued their naked exploring, their rambling, in no hurry at all. It was pretty obvious all three of them were happy to have this experience last as long as it could. They found a nice piece of grass and sat down with their backs slightly elevated against a grass bank and just chatted about this and that. This developed into them exploring each other's bodies with their eyes and commenting on each other; each having to say what they liked about each other.
Liz went first and said she was jealous of both of the others height and really loved the thin brown pubic landing strip on Emma's pussy, possibly more than her own broad Brazilian; and her fantastic long legs; and that, well, she was just in awe of Sarah, she always had been, just like all the guys at college; she was stunning, perfect in every department but the best of the lot was her smile that always won everyone over; but she added that maybe a better trimmed bush would be needed now she was going around naked all the time.
The other girls laughed nervously at this and then Sarah went. "Emma, I have always been jealous of your athletic looks; I am the athlete but just standing beside you I look slow; those legs seem to go on forever but when they do end they become the perfect pert butt. You have like Scandinavian facial features that really work; you are beautiful and always stand out in any crowd. You Liz have the perfect sex-bod. Like a glamour model, has anybody ever told you that you look like Jenifer Lopez? Much younger of course but all the right curves in all the right places; you are great to cuddle with" she finished, blushing.
Emma was a little blunter "Sarah, you are stunning, live with it; but as Liz says, shave or trim that unruly bush. Liz, five things, your tits, your pussy, your butt, your face and your tits; to fucking die for!"
Sarah and Liz laughed out loud and then Liz responded "Emma, you said five things but you said tits twice."
"Yeah" replied Emma, "I like them twice as much as the rest of you, I am so jealous, especially with them in my hands; I so wish we weren't 'yoked up' right now and I could show you."
More laughter, but Sarah resolved to do a little trimming down under next chance she got; she had noticed the other girls Brazilians (obviously!) and had been a little embarrassed by her own bushy pubes.
They struggled giggling to their feet and rambled on, even walking a way through the shallow stream that passes through the Castle grounds before deciding to make their way back. Although Liz had predicted the internal wall walk would be boring they had all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and promised each other they would do it again soon.
As they walked across the lawn past the stocks to the Nunnery main entrance Emma suddenly stopped, surprising and jerking the others to a stop too "Fuck, their back."
"What? Sarah asked.
"John and Ruth, that's their car bonnet just poking out behind the barn" Emma explained.
"Fuck" said Liz.
"Oh shit" said Sarah, as it dawned on her that the stewards were probably sitting having coffee over their means of release; or even watching them out of a window right now.
"What do we do?" Asked Liz.
"What can we do?" replied Emma, "just go and ask them to release us I suppose."
"What naked? Like this? All three of us? Seriously? Asked Sarah, gulping at the stupidity of her questions.
"Come on then" said Emma, "let's get it over with."
John and Ruth were ecstatic, watching the slow resigned traipse of the young girls towards them they were laughing merrily; their plan had worked perfectly.
It had been Ruth's idea, not for all three girls but Emma, she was struggling with her corset and body harness creations and needed a fit young naked model hanging from her trapeze to work the fabric around and knowing how Emma seemed to get off on her supposed research into the Nuns and their bondage and punishment Ruth reckoned Emma could be recruited; even if she had to trick her into it. The other two girls were just a bonus if they played it right and John was well happy to give it a go.
John had predicted that once they found the keys then they would not be able to resist snooping in the rooms they were barred from; and once caught then punishments had to follow. They hadn't been anywhere near France, not even England but had spent a couple of nights in Edinburgh monitoring the hidden camera in Ruth's studio. As luck would have it they had heard on the radio that the French had pulled yet another road, rail and port block on channel crossings as well as an airport strike so travellers were being turned back from all the Kent exit points; a good excuse for them being back so soon.
As they come out sideways from the first floor doorway they formed naturally into their line formation and headed down the wide corridor to the kitchen in guilty silence. Ruth appeared at the doorway with a camera up to her face and was snapping off shots of them; they halted as one and all called for Ruth to stop but she just smiled and continued.
"Smile" she said, "smile for the camera, you were all loving it and beaming smiles out there we saw you, now you can smile for me; you won't be getting released until you do."
John appeared behind her and the girls tried to turn to spare their blushes as much as they could but this was clearly a lost cause.
With more threats Ruth got the photos she wanted and then they were guided into the dining room, the keys and the yoke tool were still where they had left them and the girls slid over and Liz dipped to try to retrieve them but John was far quicker and merely laughed. They were screwed and they knew it.
John moved them along the table and had them step over the bench seat and sit down; he wanted to give them a talking to.
10. All for one
Weirdly both John and Ruth appeared to be in the same clothes they had left in. All three girls were picturing the dildo and butt-plug locked into Ruth as she sat down slowly opposite them and they each did their best not to smile at the thought. A couple of the girls were wondering what it felt like, to have something locked in like that but Emma at least was trying not to fantasize and instead concentrate on the catastrophe at hand; Sarah just went ahead and fantasized, she couldn't help herself.
"Emma, we are so disappointed" John started, "you are effectively a steward in training; a young English girl training as a Scottish Castle steward, have you any idea just what a unique privilege that is?"
Emma opened her mouth to respond but John effectively closed it for her putting a finger in her face and saying "don't, just don't say a word until my blood stops boiling; I will do the talking."
John stared down at the table which was bloody difficult given the row of naked young girls in front of him; his hands curled into fists and his face actually started to turn red, he really looked to be seething.
"I gave you my trust, no, we gave you our trust. We took you into our home and shared our lives with you; employed you, fed you and looked after you and this is how you repay us. We left you in charge and didn't set many rules for you at all, mainly just not to abandon the Castle and not to enter our personal rooms, you must agree, not much to expect. Those yokes around your necks should be in Ruth's studio so your trespassing and breaking of the rules is a given."
He stared at each in turn and continued "you two, Liz, Sarah, you seem like nice girls. I do not hold either of you responsible for this; it is Emma that we laid our trust in. However you have both played a part in this and after today's punishment which you will receive then you can pack your bags and be away from here first thing in the morning, without breakfast. You Emma are a different matter. At this moment in time I am minded to treat you to all five canes, twenty five with Nelly, twenty with Willy, fifteen with old Ned, ten with the maidens stick and five with big Robert the Brave. The legendary seventy five as it is written in the Nuns chapters. However this would take some weeks to meet out as your bum would need to recover between punishments and I really want to phone National Heritage right now and terminate your employment and so I have a dilemma; but believe me I will punish you before you leave us. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Sarah waited for Emma's response but it wasn't coming, she looked to her left and saw the tears streaming down her face; she was crying so much she was almost choking on it but in eerie silence. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open but in a grimace and her chest was heaving; she was clearly distraught.
Sarah felt for her and answered in her stead "Sir, please, let me say something while Emma composes herself." John held up his hand but then appeared to reconsider and indicated for her to go on. "Yes, Emma is your trusted trainee and I feel very badly that we her two best friends have let you and her down and cost her so much; not just her job and the punishment to follow but more than that we have cost her your trust. Now I am not one for running away, and I beg you to please show clemency here; allow me to remain here with her for as long as it takes and to share in her punishment as I shared in the cause; and I promise you Emma and I will do anything asked of us, anything at all, and receive any punishment as you judge fit but please do not make that phone call, do not take her future off her, please."
"Me too" Liz piped up, "count me in on everything Sarah has just said, please Sir, please Ruth, give all of us the chance to earn your forgiveness and keep Emma here."
John was about to give his response but Emma found her voice between sobs "thank you, oh so very much thank you both of you but no, this is my doing, my fault, my burden. Please John, I have been stupid but I will learn from this I promise; let my two friends go as you intend but please do not dismiss me over this, I will make good, I promise you I will; I will take the seventy five and anything else you feel necessary but please do not punish my friends."
John and Ruth got up and wandered out solemnly to discuss it; once out through the kitchen and along the corridor a little they were 'high fiving' each other. They were never seriously intending on dismissing Emma, they needed her and had purposefully tricked her, this plan had been all about her; the only question was whether or not to take her friends along for the ride too. Also Ruth had feelings for Emma that went far beyond professional that she needed to satisfy.
They returned to their seats and John addressed the girls "against my better judgement, and you have Ruth to thank for this, she has pled your cause with me; you will all remain here and providing you accept your punishment, and show suitable regret at your dishonest actions then you Liz and Sarah may share Emma's punishment, twenty five strokes each but then continued punishment in the traditions of the Nuns of the second order of Jesus until the two of you must return south. You Emma will continue your punishments until you have once more earned our trust and providing you do so then National Heritage will not hear of this incident."
Emma breathed easier but argued "John, Ruth, thank you for this chance you are giving me but I cannot allow my friends to be punished for my wrongdoing, please may I go through this alone?"
"That had been my decision" explained John, "and to have you dismissed; but the love and emotion shown to you by your friends deserves reckoning and reward; for them to wrest with their consciences for the rest of their memories of this affair they deserve equal opportunity to make and share in your recompense. I have listened to them, fairly in my position of steward, and grant them their wish; as I have also listened to your regret and commitment to make good; this is my final decision.
Sarah and Liz were beaming, a strange reaction to being committed to weeks of punishment; perhaps that element of this hadn't quite sank in yet but it was very soon to do so.
"Ruth, prepare them for the cane" instructed John, "and while I administer the beginning of their discipline take their shoes and whatever other clothing they may have in their cells and lock them away, they won't be needing clothing for a while."
The girls were made to stand. A towel was draped across the dining table along the front of the ropes and then Sarah was bent over, taking the other girls with her because of the attached yokes and the ropes loosened until they fit over Sarah's head and then tightened.
As the ropes were meant for wrists this meant that Sarah had been pulled further up the table and her feet were off the floor, Emma's and Liz's too. They only just fit on the table alongside each other but Emma and Liz's outside legs kept falling off. Knowing this was opening up and exposing them further they struggled to keep their thighs on the table.
It was not lost on the girls that the towel was there to protect the table surface from the steel yokes; John didn't mind marking the girls' skin but would not mark the table.
"There you go girls" said Ruth, smacking each of the girls bums in turn to emphasise the point "repent and enjoy."
Liz thought she heard something and managed to twist her neck just enough to see Ruth walking about taking more photos of them, and smiling happily.
Ruth had gone, probably to get the rest of their clothes and John had not yet returned and so the girls whispered, Emma first "I am so sorry I have got you two into this, but thank you both; Sarah that stuff you said was brilliant, you are so brave given what is going to happen to us; Liz, you too, thanks."
"It's not your fault" whispered Liz, "not your fault you have a sadistic power mad bondage freak for a boss."
"Er Liz" added Sarah, "I seem to remember us being the bondage freaks, and both of you being at least a little sadistic with the cane; John didn't strip us and lock these yokes on us, we did that bit."
"Yeah, granted" replied Liz, "but we were just having a litt...............youch!" Cried Liz as the first strike from Nelly landed across both buttocks causing her leg to flop off the table.
Then Emma cried out and then Sarah immediately afterwards.
"Would you girls like to continue gossiping or should we make a start?"
"Make a start? I think you've started already, I don't want any more of them than I have to" said Liz and added "Ow!" As the cane landed again.
"No, Liz, I will let you know when I am going to start; something I should have explained, if you talk other than to thank me for the cane then I will cane you over and above the punishment; if you look back over your shoulder to see if I am about to cane you I will cane you as an extra. If I cane you and you do not thank me, and call me Sir, then the cane will not count; understand?
"Yes Sir" all three replied in unison.
"Okay, the punishment commences now."
Johns' first three strikes all landed square across Sarah's bum making her cry out, but each time remembering to thank him "thank you Sir" and sounding as though she meant it. The second and third strikes had taken her by surprise thinking they would take it in turns; and both the other girls had been clenching for each strike expecting it to be them. The fourth landed on Liz and the fifth on Emma and the next three back on Sarah again.
The next ten strokes were in rapid succession and shared between Emma and Liz only and Liz in particular was really crying out now but all three followed their orders and thanked John most earnestly.
All three of them had done the math's and expected eight strokes each with one unlucky recipient receiving a ninth to make the twenty five from Nelly but John had different ideas and so each extra stroke was a surprise as he rounded it up to ten strokes each, the last four strokes all being delivered to Sarah and making her squeal out loud.
John made each of them kiss the cane and then walked off but as he left the kitchen he called back "you can talk amongst yourselves, you all done well there."
They waited until his footsteps faded away and then Liz was first to complain "that bastard, he really got off on that I could tell; and I am sure he kept playing me to make my leg drop off the table and open my pussy and butt up for him to gawk at."
"Yeah" replied Emma, "I think there may have been some of that with me too, but I have been caned a lot worse with Nelly so he took it fairly easy with us; what about you Sarah, are you holding up okay?"
Sarah really was in a world of her own and just said what popped out naturally "I loved it."
"What?" Shrieked Liz.
"What?" Asked Sarah.
"You said you loved it, surprised us a little" said Emma, explaining and guessing Sarah hadn't realised what she had said out loud, a feeling shared secretly by Emma.
"Did I? Really did I? Oh how embarrassing, how, well, oh, well, well, yes; no, er yes I may as well be honest at least with my own feelings with my two best friends; I did, I really did enjoy that and I wish it hadn't stopped; and if you two weren't such big hypocrites you would admit you enjoyed it too like you do in the dungeon."
"Well thank you" a man's voice said, "that is so honest of you Sarah and nothing at all to be embarrassed about" added John stood right behind them, beside a laughing Ruth. Now Sarah really was embarrassed and clinching her eyes shut, cringing and blushing that John and Ruth had heard her kinky admission.
11. Stewards Rules
John loosened the ropes and Ruth helped them off the table back onto their feet. Sat on a kitchen chair she had the three of them stand in front of her and bend over. As John read them his rules Ruth massaged cream into their bums; not a position any of them had ever even dreamed of being in.
"First, I am the master here and you will all call me Sir; Ruth will be your mistress and you will call her Miss; punishments for failing to do so will be awarded. You will all share each other's punishments alike. The rest of the rules are simple, you will all do whatever you are told. If you are wearing a collar then you will not speak unless invited to do so. First thing each morning and last thing each night you will lock yourselves in your wooden prayer stocks in your cells and pray for forgiveness. There is only one other rule, you will be entirely honest in all that you say and do. Do you all understand?"
As one the girls replied "yes Sir."
With the cane still in his hand he asked "Sarah, did you really enjoy being caned?"
"Yes Sir, but not so much the cane but the whole experience, the enforced nudity, the helplessness in the yoke, the humiliation of being here like this and seen by a man and at your mercy, and the cane."
"Good, thank you for you honesty, you are still naked, yoked and helpless, would you like a little more from Nelly?"
There was a long pause while Sarah struggled with her feelings, she didn't want to embarrass herself further in front of her friends but she had a dilemma, she could tell the truth and be caned again because she wanted it; or lie and be caned more for lying. Eventually the truth won out "yes Sir, please, cane me more."
Ruth backed her chair out of the way and bending the girls over three more times the cane landed on Sarah's inviting bum, causing her to cry out each time but again thanking him for the cane each time. She kissed the cane.
"Emma" he asked next, "did you also enjoy the cane?"
"Yes Sir, I always enjoy the cane; more so when delivered as you did today but even when it really hurts but not at the time; but later as I come to terms with it."
"Thank you also for your honesty Emma, I have known for some time that you enjoyed the cane but not just the cane, everything that has ever happened to you here in your Nun re-enactments, the stocks, the dungeon, everything; haven't you?"
"Yes Sir."
He held the cane to her bum and asked "would you also like a little more?"
"Yes please Sir."
Three times the cane cracked across her buttocks and she did not cry out but held her mouth shut other than to thank her master. As she relaxed in the glow of the caning it landed a fourth time, and then a fifth and she cried out both times. She kissed the cane.
"Liz, how did you enjoy the cane?"
"I didn't, I may enjoy it for fun, with consent with my friends as Sarah kindly gave away before but I do not enjoy being punished when I have no say in it."
The cane landed and she cried out, and again and again and again "Liz" whispered Sarah, "thank him or they will not even count."
The cane landed again and then again and finally, with tears pouring Liz managed to blurt out "Thank you Sir."
Twice more she thanked him before the cane was put to her lips and she kissed it.
"That was for lying Liz; I am an expert in reading woman and their bodies and of the three of you it was you who enjoyed the caning the most; your body giving away your frustration each time the swish fell on another's bottom. Do not forget; each time you earn a punishment, that punishment will be shared."
Emma and Sarah received another three strikes each. All three then kissed the cane.
"Liz, tell me now how you feel about your bondage and the cane, and remember your friends will share any punishment should I feel you have failed to be entirely honest."
She paused, trying to work it out, not entirely sure she knew herself how she felt. "Sir, I do not know, not really; I prefer it with my friends and just my friends I think; but yes, I admit there is something about this very wrong that I am enjoying."
"Do you want a little more from Nelly?"
"No Sir, definitely not."
John laughed saying that Liz had finally been entirely honest; Ruth started her cream massaging over again.
John and Ruth sat and enjoyed a cool beer with the three girls stood up right in front of them. John explained he wanted them to get fully used to being naked in his company because that would be the norm from now on.
Ruth asked them "what did you think of my studio then, are you shocked Emma?"
It was directed at Emma and she made the reply "yes I was shocked, well a little anyway but I suppose subconsciously I kind of knew you were into something like that. I mean, you were always very keen, pushing me with my Nun experiences. You were always so excited when I asked you to lock me in stocks or the dungeon; I felt you couldn't take your eyes of me at times; I thought you either fancied me or wanted to be the one locked in and naked."
"Emma" Sarah shrieked, fearing the worst.
"Oh don't you worry Sarah, Emma is being honest and we don't punish that" added John laughing again.
"Go on" said Ruth gulping and blushing at something Emma had just said, "what about the studio?"
"It excites me" answered Emma, "all the modern stuff, so much nicer and more practicable than the old stuff, especially the chastity belts and these yokes; and those corsets and stuff, you actually make it yourself?"
"Yes, I love making the corsets, and wearing them; but I am struggling with the corsets; the mannequins just do not flex and move like a real body so it is taking me ages just to get a basic simple design finished."
"Why didn't you say? Didn't you consider asking me to model for you or am I too skinny Miss?"
It was Ruth's turn to blush and she did "I have thought about it so much, very nearly asking you lots of times but that is not why you are here, you are studious, always such a professional; you would make a perfect model for me but I feared your rejection."
There was an embarrassing pause while John refreshed their drinks but once seated again Emma asked Ruth "what about now, I mean now you know I am not so much the all-out studious professional; can I model for you and help in your studio? Not as a punishment, but because I want to?"
A beaming smile came over Ruths' face "Emma, there is nothing I would like more, thank you, thank you so much."
Sarah had been loving listening to this exchange, almost like two girls asking each other for a first date and she was so chuffed it had ended so well for both of them; she added "and me, can I model for at least one corset; I am a different size?"
"And me!" Spurted out Liz, "and I am a much different size!"
Ruth clapped her hands in excitement "yes, yes, yes all of you, oh this is so wonderful!"
Then John added the spoiler "but this doesn't change a thing about your punishment, now I am going to release Emma and Liz from those yokes and you are going to shower each other and come straight back here to get the dinner prepared; Ruth, you can take Sarah away to your studio and make her a little more presentable."
Emma and Liz were released but then had collars locked on and their hands cuffed in front of them with chains connecting them up to their collars. They were sent for their showers; Ruth had already taken Sarah away still in her yoke.
Walking up and down staircases and along corridors stark naked like this was feeling pretty perfect for Sarah, she absolutely loved the feeling of being displayed in the yoke; her perfect body just out there for all to see and nothing she could do about it. She could physically feel Ruth's eyes on her bum as she walked; Sarah could not help but smile at the way this Castle adventure had turned out. Not once ever would she had accepted that she would enjoy being caned by a man in bondage, naked; but much more than enjoy it she was finding that she loved it and knew now she would always crave it. Her life had changed so much and so quick her head was spinning in confusion; especially as she kept having flashbacks to licking her friends pussies and the orgasm's she had enjoyed from their tongues. To think, she had always been the straight dependable and sensible one!
As Emma and Liz were standing under the shower taking turns spreading the shower gel over each other in another part of the building Ruth was unlocking her studio door and ushering Sarah in.
Ruth had to stand for a few seconds to get her own feelings under control. She still had this tight leather hobble skirt locked on and the corset with the strap holding the dildo and butt-plug in place. Her interaction with these beautiful young girls and the positive signals Emma had given combined with the dildo's moving quietly within her and then following this naked gorgeous model of a girl through the Nunnery was having quite an effect.
Apart from relief through the night where she was routinely chained spread-eagle to the bed this had been her daily wear since leaving the Castle on Sunday. Today was the final day of this 'punishment' from John; tonight she would be allowed to actually touch herself before being locked in one of her own chastity belts in the morning and kept in it for the next four days.
This had been the routine for the past three years, ever since she had committed to John as his 'sub'. Four days of self-restraint for one night of self-release. It wasn't too bad, John gave her all the release she needed on the nights between.
This was the best they could come up with to make it work at the Castle. John and Ruth were not natural born lovers; they liked each other but would never feel love for each other, not sexual at any rate. The problem was Ruth, she is lesbian, not bisexual, not just anything goes sexual, but 100% pure lesbian with a humongous crush on Emma.
Both Ruth and John had high sex drives and they tried to make a relationship work in the orthodox way but it just didn't. After some rather direct honesty they came up with this as a solution. John would take control and Ruth would obey him. By keeping her hands off herself she would crave any touch, even a man's touch; and then on the fourth night she could play with herself and let her imagination run wild. She would have a chat with her 'Dom' and see if maybe they could let the chastity slip a little while these girls were here; she would promise him other favours in compensation.
Her breath back and her inner thighs behaving again Ruth pulled Sarah into the centre of the room, below the trapeze bar; Sarah liked the look of this but was worried, why had she been singled out and what was going to happen to her?
Ruth sat in an office chair, spun it around and in the process picked up a switch from the desk. It was a blue leather handled thing with an eighteen inch black plastic shaft tapering towards the end which had a two inch square of blue leather affixed to it.
She leant forward and ran the end over Sarahs' body, then with just a flick of the wrist it flicked her left nipple and Sarah cried out and stepped back.
Ruth smiled and motioned with her forefinger for Sarah to step forward again which she did "do not step back again."
"Yes Miss."
She did the same again and then flicked her right nipple. Sarah cried out but did not step back.
"Look at your nipples, they are fantastic." Sarah did look down although she didn't really need to, she could already feel the effect on her body but she was impressed all the same, her tits had a cartoon look about them the nipples were that erect.
The switch went down and started to play over her pubic mound "open your legs" Ruth instructed.
"Yes Miss" Sarah complied and stepped her feet apart, her whole body tingling in anticipation of the unknown yet to come.
The switch continued to play, and smacked softly onto her pussy making her close her eyes and groan at the feelings being ignited within.
"Any questions Sarah?" Asked Ruth, quietly, sensuously, still playing the leather tip of the switch over her.
"May I ask anything Miss?"
"That skirt and corset you are wearing, is it like the one on the mannequin, locked on with the other bits locked in you?"
"Yes, I made it, all of it."
"What is it like? To wear I mean, with those bits locked in you?"
"Unbelievable and unexplainable; every emotion you can imagine, one after the other with each mood change; you would have to try it yourself to find out; would this interest you Sarah?"
Still the switch played, the tip flicking her nipples and pussy and thighs and she was already very nearly coming this was such an erotic situation "yes, it excites and interests me; this is all so new to me but I seem to love being helpless, my choices being made for me."
Ruth appeared to ponder this confession as her switch played on. "Any other questions Sarah before we move on?"
"Er, yes, what are you going to do with me here Miss?"
"Ah, yes, I suppose I have had my fun, time to get back to work. I am going to help you with your appearance; would you like my help Sarah?"
"My appearance? I have always been praised on my appearance, told I have model looks and I do keep myself very fit; or do you mean my dress? Are we here for you to dress me? Yes, I would like that Miss?"
"No, it would be a crime to dress you, I am going to do something about the rather unfortunate state of your hair" she said, her switch combing Sarah's considerable blonde pubes in emphasis.
"Oh, er okay" she said but didn't mean.
Ruth was slightly taken aback by the readiness of Sarah to be shaved, such an intimate procedure. "Well, Sarah, you have finally surprised me, do you think so little of your pubic hair that you are actually keen for me to take a shaver to you?" Or are you just looking to prove your obedience to your acceptance of punishment commitment to impress me?"
"Neither, but both Liz and Emma have already made fun of my hairy patch so I was going to trim it back myself anyway; the fact you also feel it is that necessary just causes me even more embarrassment."
Ruth laughed "yeah, even John commented on it, he's ordered me to sort your pussy hair out."
Ruth walked off and returned with her personal grooming kit and opened it out on the desk, electric trimmer, a shaver and some waxing strips.
"Now I will give you a choice, and a chance to be adventurous; you can either be a copycat and just say "Liz" or "Emma" and I will cut yours into a broad Brazilian like Liz or a narrow Brazilian like Emma, although with your colouring a narrow landing strip would be lost on you; or you can say "Mistress" and I will make yours identical to my own, well in style anyway."
"But Miss, I don't know what style you have."
"Exactly, copycat or adventurous?"
"Mistress, please" Sarah said and smiling wildly as she did without even knowing really why.
Ruth was just getting to her feet as the door opened and in walked John.
"Ruth, a change of plan if you are quick enough; one chance only; a suspension of our standing arrangement for the duration of the three girls being here on the proviso that you commit to obeying me as they have and share in their punishment for the duration of their stay; If you are cuffed to that trapeze in five seconds we have a deal otherwise business as usual. Five............four..........."
There was a blur of activity as Ruth ran to a wall and collected two sets of handcuffs and had already locked one set onto each wrist before she got back to the trapeze and locked the other cuff-ends to the steel hoops either end of the trapeze.
"One........... well done Ruth, quick thinking; I hope you have made the right decision."
John turned to Sarah and smiled "she must love you girls very much to want to share in your punishment." He smoothed her long blonde hair behind her ears and looked into her eyes "you really are so incredibly beautiful; all of you, from your toes up; just perfect; and so helpless and naked; how does this make you feel, me being here holding you and Ruth being restrained; the other girls being chained in the kitchen; just me at liberty to do as I wish with any of you?"
Sarah hadn't thought of it that way, hadn't considered any danger from anywhere; and found that she still didn't; only excitement.
"It makes me feel very vulnerable, but also very excited; my whole body is tingling and I don't know why or what I want; I only know that I like this feeling."
John bent down and kissed her on the forehead "perfect, just perfect, and so honest, thank you."
He left Sarah and went to a wall and pressed a button and the trapeze was raised until Ruth was stretched onto her toes; then returned to Ruth and taking keys from his pockets he set about releasing and removing her corset and skirt, and with them the two intruders leaving her in just her boots. He said "while sharing their commitment you will still be their Mistress, the "head Nun" and moving around the Castle corridors you will wear shoes or boots, always with heels, and clothe yourself if and as you wish; and you will continue to punish any misdemeanours from them; but when the Castle sleeps you are mine to play with as I wish and at all times you will obey me; agreed?"
Ruth nodded her agreement, the happiest she had been in three years.
John hugged her and gripping her buttocks snogged her; then massaged his hands over her body before releasing her right wrist and placing the cuff-key in her free hand. He turned and left; glancing at Sarah and her hairy bush one last time.
As Ruth released her other wrist she turned to face Sarah and Sarah gasped looking at her; not only was she incredibly beautiful, the longest legs she had ever seen and tits to die for, but she had a completely shaven pussy!
"Yes" Ruth said, grinning, you have been truly adventurous."
Sarah wasn't overly keen on a shaven pussy, like some young pre-pubescent teen; but she had made her choice and was in no position to do anything about it; and besides, she had to admit Ruth looked bloody good completely shaven. She couldn't wait to see what it looked and felt like on her; and what the other girls would say.
Ruth put her on her bum facing away from her and going to the wall pressed a button and dropped the trapeze to the floor. Then fastening Sarah's ankles into the leather cuffs fixed to the trapeze she raised the trapeze bar until even Sarah's fingers had left the floor. Ruth tied cords from hooks in the floor to the hoops on Sarah's yoke and raised the trapeze another couple of inches stretching her. This left Sarah's pussy sticking up in the air and really taut. Then she set about shaving her.
The final wax strip being yanked off made Sarah squeal again but this pain was eased with Ruth rubbing some skin oil into her. Sarah couldn't believe how horny she was feeling; she had never had an experience like this and her total helplessness was making her want something to happen like never before. Being upside down just added to it.
"What is it Sarah? You are biting your lip; is something hurting you, have I done something wrong?" Ruth asked genuinely concerned as she worked the oil into the sensitive skin."
"No, nothing wrong, it's just" and she had to laugh out loud just to hide her embarrassment "I didn't know it would affect me like this."
"What, horny?"
"Ha, yeah, incredibly."
"Does this help?" Ruth asked allowing one of her fingers to pass over her sex, splitting the lips and as the palm worked the oil into the mound the fingers worked over her pussy.
Sarah gulped and closed her eyes, tears starting to fall slowly from the edges but was forced to nod her head "yes, that feels so good."
"You want more?"
She paused, knowing she was making a subconscious statement to herself and to Ruth but admitted "yes, please Miss; give me everything."
She was already groaning out loud in ecstasy before Ruth's tongue flicked across her lips and then entered and within what seemed only seconds she was coming and screaming out loud in pure pleasure. This was only heightened again when the battery operated intruder was entered into her and played like a fine musical instrument by Ruth. Never had she screamed like this in orgasm; she could only hope she would get the opportunity to be made to scream again like this many, many times in the future.
Ruth had her own shower in the studio and once released She and Sarah washed each other, Sarah was all over her in the shower and ended on her knees pleasuring Ruth as the shower water cascaded down over her. She loved the feel of her new shaven pussy; and she loved the taste of Ruth's.
Sarah was collared and cuffed by Ruth for her return to the kitchen but in her modern restraints, a smooth fitting slave collar and smooth metal cuffs on her ankles and wrists. Her wrists were locked together behind her and connected to the collar by a chain; there would be no hiding her new look pussy from the girls.
Ruth put her boots back on and then locked a black leather body harness of her own creation on, barely covering her nipples and pussy and little else.
Just outside the kitchen they could hear the other two girls working away and John giving them instructions and Ruth stopped Sarah, holding the chain going from her wrists to her collar in her left hand Ruth bent Sarah backwards slightly and snogged her, and as she did her right hand went down to her pussy and she played her fingers into her. She got exactly the reaction she was looking for with Sarah even sliding her thighs open to accommodate her touch. Ruth kept it going until she felt her fingers getting the juicy wetness she expected and only then did she pull out of the kiss and whispered "you know you are oozing sex, you are magnificent, when we walk in there hold your head up, smile, and flaunt it. They will stare at your shaven pussy, stand proud, feet apart, pussy out, chin up, arrogant; make your body dare them to say something."
They stepped into the kitchen and all went quiet, Liz and Emma stood speechless staring, at her pussy, at Ruth, at Sarah's face and back to her pussy. Emma, with her mouth wide open somehow managed to say "wow" and Liz glanced at Emma and back to Sarah, back at her naked pussy and said "Sarah, that looks so fucking good, oh I so want your pussy........shit! Did I just say that out loud? Say I didn't just say that out loud" and cringing she looked down at the floor but her eyes kept coming back to Sarah's stunning and moist pink lipped pussy.
"Good job Ruth" said John, sat to the side, "now get her ankle chained up and she can take over the cooking while you get the other girls into their cuffs and collars."
Fifteen minutes later Ruth was back with Liz and Emma and they both had on the same new smooth steel cuffs and collars. Their ankles were fastened to chains in the kitchen and then John told them they could talk and help themselves to any drinks they wanted. He took Ruth away and said to the girls that they had an hour to prepare to serve.
As everything was already in the Aga and cooking, and all the preparation dishes had been washed and the table was set John was basically saying they had an hour to play; and they did.
Ruth had inadvertently left the chain on the back of Sarah's collar with the clip-ring still attached and Liz and Emma took immediate advantage of this and between them forced Sarah's wrists up her back and clipped her cuffs to the ring. They then paid homage to her newly shaved and quite glorious pussy.
John and Ruth returned early to find a vodka party going on, vodka being the drink and Sarah being the party. Sarah, still cuffed, was on her back on the counter with Liz holding her left ankle and Emma her right, as wide as they could; with Liz with the bottle in her hand and pouring it into Sarah's pussy held open by Emma and then taking turns to lick it back out.
"What do you think you are doing?" Asked John, struggling not to laugh at the sight; the girls stopped, thinking they were in trouble; and seemingly from somewhere behind Sarah's voice popped up "they're doing shots, I think Liz is winning."
Everybody was reduced to laughter at Sarah's simple acceptance of being in this position and John instructed Emma "help Ruth serve, Liz, finish your last shot, lick her clean and release her, dinner is served."
Dinner was a surreal experience for the girls, stark naked but for their locked on cuffs and collars and no longer overly concerned about it. They all had wine with the meal and John sat at the head of the table with Liz and Sarah on one side and Ruth and Emma on the other, the remaining thirty foot of the table empty.
John decreed that as the girls had already received quite a caning and as it was now late in the day once the deserts and coffee were out of the way and the dishes washed then it would be a relaxing evening in the lounge with drinks; just as soon as he had given Ruth her share of the punishment.
"What do you mean my share of the punishment?" Ruth blurted out, spilling her wine.
"It's okay, you can keep your harness on, I don't want to completely embarrass you in front of the girls; I mean that thing won't exactly get in the way; but you committed to sharing their commitment and punishment, I reckon each of the girls have received at least fifteen strokes from Nelly so you need to catch up."
"John, that's hardly fair, that punishment was for stuff I had no part in, and before I made that promise."
"Fifteen to catch up, another five for calling me by my name and not Sir; and for the lack of obedience you are showing here you can also remove your body harness and remain naked until further notice; now how about you girls clearing away and serving desert?"
Eating desert there was only really John and Sarah talking. Ruth was seething that she was to be caned in front of the girls, but also, she had to admit, just a little excited that Emma was about to see her naked and restrained. Emma was quietly thinking the same thing, she already thought Ruth was beautiful, Nicole Kidman had always been her dream movie star and Ruth was a ringer for her; she thought she looked amazing in her boots and body harness and was so excited about seeing her naked at last. She so wished she could be the one to cane her; she had dreamt of caning her naked ever since she herself had been caned by Ruth. Liz was quiet because she was worried, she was getting off so much on all this that was happening to her and she had so nearly come when she had been caned by John; and was still so aroused from seeing Sarah's beautiful shaven pussy and drinking shots from it and now sitting right beside her naked she feared coming at the slightest thing; and being quite tipsy she was scared she would open her mouth and say something stupid, like telling Sarah she loves her.
The girls washed the dishes while John had Ruth remove her boots and harness and he escorted her back to her studio to put the clothes away. When they returned Ruth was completely naked but for the same collar and cuffs locked on as the girls. Ruth didn't need telling, she went straight to the dining table and pushed her wrists through the cords and waited. John fed her feet through the ankle cords and then tightened both the wrist and ankle ropes fixing her in position just in time for the girls returning from the kitchen.
John poured everybody but Ruth fresh drinks and they sat around Ruth drinking and chatting. Emma couldn't keep her eyes of Ruth's naked stretched body.
The girls were still sat around her drinking as John started the caning. She thanked him after every stroke but John played it evilly, teasing her, pretending to strike her but stopping short, then suddenly whipping the cane across her butt making her cry out. He made a real meal of it and even though she had been caned many times, often of her own asking; he was expert enough even with just lightweight Nelly to make her writhe and scream.
As traumatic as the girls would normally have found this, they all loved it; imagining themselves in the same helpless position and wishing it was them.
12. Goodnight prayer
Everything was tidied away and clean; Ruth was finally released and they all went down to the main lounge with their drinks and a few spare bottles of their chosen drink. All that John carried was Nelly, the thinnest of the canes. Liz started to say something and Johns cane flicked hard on her buttock making her cry out. She only then remembered that she needed permission to talk when wearing a collar and figured that the permission must end each time you leave a room. They made their way down in silence.
Once in the lounge they all sat, John in a grand high backed chair and the girls on the floor apart from Ruth who sat in the centre of a long couch. She had her bottle of cream with her and called the girls up one at a time to lay across her as she massaged the cream into their buttocks. She saved Emma until last and took the most time over her; but all the girls were quite tipsy by now and didn't think anything unusual in this.
Finishing with Emma Ruth stood and crossed to John and handing him the bottle she bent as far as she could over the arm of the chair across his lap.
John asked "would any of you girls like to tend to your Mistresses sore bum for her?"
All three girls, afraid to talk held their hands up. John appeared to deliberate and then holding Ruth in place by her hair he had her raise her wrists to the back of her neck and taking a spring-closing ring from his pocket he fastened her cuffs to the back of her collar. He asked Liz "Why should you be the one to have Ruth naked and helpless across your lap?"
Liz giggled and stared at her friends, as if for inspiration, and answered "well she has done it to me enough times now."
He asked Sarah the same question and she also thought about it before replying "Miss has been so good to me, massaging my caned bum but also taking the time to groom me so well; I will promise to take as much care tending to her now."
John nodded and replied "Thank you Sarah, a better response than Liz and it may be you; Emma, why should you be the one to tend Ruth?"
Emma laughed and blurted out "sorry Sir, I know she is yours but I have wanted to get my hands on her body for months, she is just stunning; so my reason is purely selfish, sexual, and wrong; but I promise not to get her pregnant and I will give her back when I am finished."
There was a tension as the room fell silent once more, John Liz and Sarah had all heard Ruth gasp out loud when Emma had basically confessed to fancying her and Liz and Sarah were guessing Emma had overstepped the mark treading on John's toes; so were totally shocked when John told Emma to take the seat.
John took another of the rings out of his pocket and placed it between Ruth's teeth and told her to go and kneel in front of Emma, deliver the ring for her ankle cuffs and beg her to massage her bum; but first to stand before him. She did.
Stood there facing him with her hands cuffed behind her neck she looked quite magnificent. Her face was flushed, either from the position she had been in or from knowing she was soon to be at Emma's mercy.
"Legs apart" ordered John and she stepped her feet very wide apart.
"Do not cry out, do not move" he ordered.
He leant over and recovered Nelly from the floor by his chair and holding it steady he hovered the end low between her legs.
All the girls were changing position and straining to see what was about to happen, and admiring this Amazon of a lady from behind, her athletic long body, her perfect toned bum and then the cane shot up and hit right between the lips of her vagina and stuck there.
The girls could see the pain, see the body raise up onto its toes and pause before settling back down again; but Ruth did not cry out. Twice more the cane landed with equal accuracy and twice more the pain was obvious to all and still she did not cry out. John returned the cane to the floor.
He had Ruth close her legs and then wedged the bottle of cream between her thighs before telling Ruth "Ruth, twice you have failed to address me as "Sir", and bent over my lap ready for me to tend your bum your whole body gave you away that you would prefer to have the hands of Emma on you than mine and so you have been punished. Emma, I am sorry but as well as her bum you will now have to also attend the rest of her injured body. Ruth go to Emma, girls, you may speak and help yourselves to drinks but do not distract Emma."
Ruth had to waddle across to Emma and push her hips out to her delivering the bottle of cream. She then knelt and bent forward delivering the steel locking ring. Once Emma had taken this Ruth stood and sped back to John and knelt and kissed his feet and said "Sir, thank you for correcting me, may I kiss the cane?"
He allowed her to do this and then she went back to Emma on her knees and kissed her feet and said "Emma, please I beg you, will you massage this unworthy girl?"
Emma couldn't hide the smile, she had found all of this so erotic, somehow just perfect for her first real sexual encounter with Ruth where she was 'on top', she didn't say anything, just held direct eye contact and patted her lap.
Ruth eagerly stood and spent a couple of seconds displaying her exposed body to Emma before climbing up onto her lap. Emma leant across and clipped Ruth's ankles together.
She deliberately poured far too much cream on and very slowly started massaging her body. Even though her ankles were cuffed Ruth parted her knees giving Emma easy access to her pussy.
As she came Ruth was in absolute heaven, so many times had she fantasised this dream. Emma's hands and fingers were a delight, the way they felt, the way they moved, entered, played, touched; Ruth had no doubt at all that it was much more than just a silly crush, it was love. Not really surprisingly, Emma was enjoying similar notions.
Liz, Sarah and John had watched, but Emma was oblivious to their attention as she was so concentrated on her manipulation of Ruth's body; and as one they felt guilty witnessing this. It was Sarah that asked "Sir, any chance you could give Liz and me a quick tour of the dungeon? I know we have seen it already but not with a man present, you know, from your perspective; how you could handle a girl in there?"
John jumped at the opportunity, not just to get these two gorgeous young things into the dungeon but to give Emma and Ruth the space they obviously needed.
Sarah's body felt electrified, walking naked holding Liz's hand down the steps to the dungeon with John following. Liz had got over her feelings from earlier where she was on the point of spontaneous orgasm, but having just watched Emma with Ruth and now being down here naked like this with John and Sarah she was so excited again that she knew it wouldn't take much to get her going.
Just following the naked girls with his cane in his hand had John's erection causing problems in his tight leather pants.
Once in the dungeon John walked them though and explained all his favourite positions of bondage; but said they wouldn't hang around in here, just give the girls upstairs a little peace for half an hour or so; the girls both giggled and agreed.
"What? Talking again, uninvited, in your collars? Right, a little punishment then."
John collected what looked like a large steel ball from a shelf and brought it over to a chain dangling from the ceiling. There was a ring fastened to the top of the ball and he connected it to the chain and then turned a handle on a post and the chain and ball raised until it was at a similar height to Liz's head. He rotated the ball and Sarah could see that it was like a ball within a ball and the internal part turned to make like a crash helmet opening at the front; only then did she see that there was a large hole on the bottom and she knew what was going to happen next.
John gestured Liz over and he placed the open side of the ball onto her head, drawing it on from the back and then rotating the inner ball back around. Sarah just heard a meek "please no" from Liz as the aperture fully closed and John clicked something to lock it.
It now looked as though Liz's head was a perfect steel ball, tight fitting to her neck and fully enclosed. He drew the chain up a little more not quite putting her on tip-toes.
"As long as you do not shout she will not be able to make out what we say" explained John, "now just a little fun."
He grabbed a spreader bar from the wall and forced and locked Liz's ankles apart, this stretched her further and she had to put her hands on top of the steel helmet to take the strain off her neck and her toes. He lowered the chain a notch to help give her a little relief knowing she had already had a long day.
Stepping behind her he placed his hands around and onto her breasts and massaged them, Liz's hands come down to force his off but he had anticipated this and caned her thighs softly. She moved her hands back to the helmet. He felt her tits again, twiddling the nipples and as her hands shot back down he caned her again, twice, until her hands went back up. He played with her nipples again and she kept her hands out of the way until he started just scratching the very tips of the nipples with his nails; this drove her crazy and her hands rushed to her defence only for the cane to land again across the backs of her legs. Liz knew now that whatever he done to her, she simply must keep her hands away.
Except it wasn't John this time, he beckoned Sarah over and had her play with Liz. She stood behind and fondled her breasts and then John took one of her hands and led it down to Liz's pussy encouraging her to play there also.
Sarah was loving it, she couldn't keep the mischievous smile off her as she played; but she also loved the feel of Liz's big tits and the fact that her pussy was already so wet. She knew she would have her coming in moments but obviously also did John and he stopped her.
He led Sarah away from Liz and over to some leather cuffs on chains set into the floor. It looked like the ankle and wrist cuffs were very close together but set eighteen inches apart so when Sarah was fastened into them it was as though she was touching her toes but with her legs apart.
"Oh, just another caning then I suppose, or is he planning on doing something more to me from behind?" She wondered to herself. However when he approached her she instinctively bobbed down and found she could rest on her knees or even sit if she liked; "this isn't exactly exciting" she thought, "how come Liz got the real good one?"
However John walked right past her to the wall beyond and started winding a handle. Sarah looked up above her and saw a chain descending with what looked like a 'U-Bend' of smooth steel with a rounded end attached, like a small steel ball set on a bent steel bar. "What the hell is this for?" She thought to herself, now just a little more worried.
The chain dropped almost to floor level and John took a bottle of something from a shelf and Sarah watched and knew he was lubricating the 'U-Bend' thing.
John pushed Sarah forward and her knees went outside her arms and holding her hair he took her head to the ground forcing her to push her bum up in the air. Holding her like this he worked the steel thing into her bum hole and she let rip, making him fully aware that she had never had anything in her bum in her life and that she was going to rip his balls off and make him eat them once she was free. To no avail though, still he worked it in until it was all the way home, one end in her and the other bent around and up the crack of her buttocks. She felt like she was stretched, inside, like nothing she had ever felt before.
He returned to the wall and raised the chain. The ass-hook done its job and she was forced into the most humiliating, degrading position she could possibly imagine. He only stopped when her heels were starting to leave the floor.
Sarah, to her credit, never spoke a word, but couldn't help a series of new sounds, gasps and groans leave her.
She felt so entirely vulnerable, violated in a way she didn't think possible; her legs taut, her toes shuffling the little they could to help alleviate the pressure from the steel ball and rod in her bum; her arms stretched, her head first straining up in anger and then down in resignation to the position and her complete helplessness of it; and then she got it; she smiled in spite of her position, and loved it. She started moving her weight from heel to heel and swaying her bum from side to side testing this new feel, this new experience within her; all she could think was "wow! What next?"
What was next was a ball gag. Clearly not an ancient Nun or dungeon gag but a bright red new one. Then Johns hands, all over her, massaging her tits and the rest of her body and still she loved it, even making all the right sounds to encourage him to continue; it could have been the drink, or the circumstances of her situation; or just some deep routed inner need but at that point she wanted him to fuck her from behind as she was held there totally helpless; but he didn't.
John went back and released Liz's ankles, and lowering her chain he released her from the helmet and asked her if she was okay and she said that she was; she was lying of course, she had been so close to coming so many times today and still had not got there that in her slightly drunken state she was anything but okay.
John apologised to her, he admitted that he had fondled her breasts "but only to give you the experience this dungeon demands" but that it had been Sarah that had played with her the most, had played with her pussy and stopped deliberately to deny her an orgasm, and it had been her that had caned her when his hands had been on her.
He handed her his cane and said "that handle over there (pointing) controls her chain, if you feel the need to cane her at all then putting her on her toes will add to the experience. I will leave her in your hands, she is yours to play with as you wish; I will be back in thirty minutes but not before and when I return I expect to find you both in that cage (pointing again) with the door closed, okay?"
Liz very quickly took it all in considering she had just returned from an isolated world of silent darkness but staring at Sarah's most beautiful dilemma she agreed "yes Sir, I will look after her."
John walked out leaving Liz to it, just as he knew of Ruth's crush on Emma and could see plainly that this was reciprocated by Emma he could see Liz's love for Sarah; however this was a test, a bit of a gamble because he could not see Sarah's true desires other than for this new found world of BDSM and he had no clue as to her sexual preference. He believed that for a moment there she had actually wanted his cock; but had also witnessed her being licked out on the counter on the kitchen by Liz and Emma; and could see clearly that she had some fascination with Ruth. Basically, he saw Sarah as a wildcard.
He returned to the kitchen and made a coffee to ponder his own feelings and future, he would have to make some decisions and in the morning, some phone calls. Alongside the coffee he also poured a healthy Jack Daniels, he needed some expert help with these important decisions.
As John sipped his coffee and drank his bourbon down in the dungeon the cane was landing on Sarah's bottom, and yes, she was straining on her tip-toes in a totally helpless position absolutely defenceless to the cane; and upstairs Emma was on the floor with Ruth. She had taken the ring from Ruth's ankles and clipped it onto the rear of her own collar along with her right cuff and was now back to back with Ruth allowing Ruth to fasten her left cuff also to the collar. They both wanted, needed to be 'sub's' to each other.
After his drink assisted deliberations John visited the lounge first and found Emma and Ruth in a special sixty nine position, both with knees wide apart going down on each other. They were oblivious to him and he stood and enjoyed the moment, a fresh whisky in hand. He even snapped a few shots on his phone knowing how Ruth loved photos of these scenes but let them get to finishing before interrupting them.
He released Ruth and told her to shower Emma and herself in the communal showers, and that two more would be arriving for showers in moments. Then to give the girls a quick nightcap and to put the three girls to prayer and meet him in the kitchen, naked; for a drink.
He went on down to the dungeon and found the girls in the small cage. He had picked this cage deliberately knowing they would have to climb on top of each other to close and lock the cage door. The only surprise was that Liz had taken some cuffs from the wall and cuffed Sarah's hands behind her before putting her in the cage. Liz was sitting on Sarah's face and by the look of it finally coming as John approached. He let them out and removing the cuffs Liz had put on Sarah he took two more rings out of his pocket and fastened their steel cuffs behind their collars and sent them to see Ruth in the shower room.
A little while later Ruth joined John in the kitchen having left all the girls in their cells 'at prayer'. She had shown Liz and Sarah (Emma was already very familiar with 'cell prayer') how to lock themselves into prayer; the wooden kneel board was in two parts. The top lifted up opening the wooden cuff holes and then a rope from one end passed around the back of the knees and clipped onto the other end; the wrists were pushed through the wooden holes all the way to the elbows before kneeling down again on the top board and forcing it down closing and locking the arms in place. As the arms up to the elbows were parallel to the floor this forced the bum high into the air and the legs apart.
John poured her a drink and sat her down and they talked.
John explained that he could see that there was a possibility of something special happening between Ruth and Emma, and that he couldn't come in the way of this. He was very impressed with Emma and had decided that tomorrow he was phoning National Heritage and accepting a job offer they had made for him to take over the stewardship of Edinburgh Castle on the condition that they promoted Ruth to his position, and replaced Ruth with Emma.
Ruth was shocked by this and begged him not to leave the job he loved on account of her relationship with Emma, whether it developed or not although she was now extremely optimistic, giving gushing smiles throughout this talk.
John said that this was only one aspect of his decision making, some months ago, not being happy with his forced relationship with her (Ruth) which was only ever a 'make do' arrangement he had given in to his real desires and visited a 'Dom' in Edinburgh and from this love had blossomed.
He had never intended on being submissive to a woman long term, he had just felt the need to explore these feelings and visiting 'Mistress Caprice' had opened his eyes to a whole new world.
This new world had led to him dating the beautiful Italian descended Caprice away from her studio and when alone in his hotel room she confessed to also wanting to be dominated by a man which he was really happy to do. She had explained that she really got off on dominating other woman and that all of her customers were female; and that John was the only man she had on her books and he had only been taken on in error; but her true love was with a man, under the control of a man, and John was that man.
He was therefore going to take up the position in Edinburgh, a promotion as this was the top job for any Scottish steward; and try to make a go of it with Caprice. However, he had fully enjoyed today but was extremely frustrated that he was surrounded by all these beautiful and naked and restrained women that were having orgasms all over the place and he wasn't having any himself and so before he committed to Caprice he was calling in Ruth's agreement and expected her to put the girls to bed, lock them in and be in his bed pronto.
"John" she replied, a smile in her eyes, standing up and taking one of those locking rings out of John's pockets; "The girls haven't had time to even start their prayers yet."
She clipped one hand behind her neck and had john clip the other and then spreading her legs bent over "trust me this isn't charity, I actually want your cock I am so sexually happy; please take me right here right now like this and then I will put the girls to bed; and then I will come to your bed and my pussy will eat your cock all night long and love it; then in the morning, right before breakfast you can tie me down and fuck me again, but that one will be a charity fuck for old time's sake; a thank you and goodbye fuck."
He didn't need asking twice.
Ruth took a large wooden paddle bat with her and she did the same with each of the girls, pulled their hair back and kissed them on the lips, then gave one hard slap on the buttocks with the paddle; rubbed some of the cream into their buttocks and released them with the instruction to be in prayer at the sound of the first bell. The only exception was Emma, as well as her buttocks she also played the cream into her waiting and expecting pussy until she was groaning in ecstasy on the point of orgasm but stopped there and then cuffed her to the bed so that she would not be able to use her fingers to bring herself off; also so that she would be in a suitable position to receive her in the morning.
She closed each of their cell doors as she went.
13. Stocks and Shares
In spite of herself and her love of Emma Ruth actually enjoyed herself that night with John. She gave herself fully to him, even eating his cock and swallowing; something she had never done willingly before with any man and only with John when locked in one of the dungeon devices with her mouth held open. John hadn't even used restraints on her, he had been lying in bed awaiting her and on entrance she had simply mounted him. The rest of the night was pure vanilla unrestrained sex.
Lying awake the following morning John had explained that he would phone National Heritage first thing and expecting that they would take some time to come back with an answer he would not hang around but would also phone Caprice and arrange to stay with her for a while until their futures were confirmed. However in return for giving Ruth this space and time with the girls he was requesting a favour.
He wanted to show Caprice around Segahay next Saturday and for it to be special. He asked that Ruth make Nuns costumes, Habits, for herself and the three girls. For them to look like the last known outfits the real Segahay Nuns wore but to be sexier. Shorter and sexier and capable of being removed even if the girls were in bondage and to wear them for Caprice's arrival; and to give Caprice a guided tour. He explained that he wanted the girls to make a special feast for the night and also for them all, including Ruth to be subservient to Caprice and him for the whole of the stay through into the Sunday.
Ruth said that none of this would be a problem, it may even be a lot of fun; but that she couldn't promise that she and the three girls could be subservient to Caprice as none of them had even met her and this was a personal thing; unless they were going to be restrained for the duration of her visit and routinely punished by her.
John just laughed and said "don't worry about that bit Ruth, Caprice will spend thirty minutes with you and you will be begging to please and obey her as long as she is here!"
"What?" Laughed Ruth, "you haven't fallen for a Russian shot-putter have you?"
"No, Caprice is actually shorter and slighter than any of you but she is a natural Dominatrix used to mastering women; and she has a very useful trick or two that guarantees your obedience to her."
Ruth laughed again but more in disbelief, figuring that John had some sort of idol worship going on with Caprice but she didn't argue as she didn't want to spoil his moment, instead just replying "really? Well I look forward to meeting her and I will make sure she loves it here."
John added "oh, and we will be wanting this bed, sorry. Could you move into one of the cells by the girls and change these sheets for me?"
"Master, your wish is my command" she replied with the happiest smile he had ever seen on her face; loving that this simple act signalled the end of their arrangement.
John went out for a run, three circuits around the Castle walls while Ruth rang the large tower bell and made her way down to Emma.
Her fingers put Emma through hell before she finally allowed her to come. Releasing her she sent her to release Sarah while Ruth released Liz and for all of them to meet in the showers.
Once there she clipped Liz's hands behind her and then had Emma clip Ruth's own hands behind her. Emma and Sarah had to do all the washing in the showers; Liz absolutely loved it, the feel of Sarah's hands spreading the soap all over her; so much so that she had to open her legs and close her eyes and grin the whole way through.
Heading up to the kitchen Ruth had to remind them "don't forget girls, no talking, none of us, not if there is a chance of John hearing us."
"I heard that!" A man's, John's voice boomed down the corridor.
Once in the kitchen the girls had to cook breakfast and Ruth had to touch her toes while Nelly gave some correction to her for speaking without permission.
Breakfast was served and John explained "okay girls you may speak, but only when spoken to by me, and I expect complete honesty. Lie, or hold anything back and I will take you to the dungeon, suspend you by your nipples and flog you; and then I will punish you." Sarah giggled and slapped her hand across her mouth and nearly choked on her bacon.
John tried to give Sarah a stern look but ended up laughing himself too. He started "I am leaving here today and apart from returning for dinner on Saturday I may be away some time. I will not tell you more about my plans other than I have met someone and I am going to spend some time with her to make a go of it. My relationship with Ruth has always been a mutual arrangement, nothing more; but I need to warn you girls because you are all beautiful and she is in need of loving, and she loves girls not men and as she will be in charge in my absence then I can only suggest you all run to her studio and lock those chastity belts on and hide the keys extremely well or she will have you."
Regardless of his warning all of them laughed out, even Ruth, and she looked at them and nodded in agreement.
"But seriously" he continued, "Ruth and I will always be friends but nothing more. Now I want to gauge how you girls feel about everything so far because I am sure you have not had the experience you were expecting, the run of the Castle to yourselves. Emma, you first, how are you doing?"
Just like Sarah before her she giggled and spurted her tea out choking on the question. After a protracted pause and more hiding behind the napkin than wiping herself with it she replied "Sir, you and Ruth have made this experience so special for me and my friends I thank you; you have given us feelings and emotions and experiences we could only have played at. We have learned more about ourselves in a couple of days than in years before. Being totally honest as I must I can say that I have always loved Segahay, I have found that I love bondage and even the cane and other trials and punishments that come with it; but even more I now understand my own true sexuality and sorry Liz, sorry Sarah, and sorry Ruth for embarrassing you here like this; and I direct this to you Sir as I may only speak to you; but if you do not want Ruth then I do, I am in love with her and think I have been for some time."
Emma at first hid her face in her hands at the silence that engulfed her, then she heard Ruth sob and she too burst into tears and standing she stepped out over the bench seat and ran away back to her cell and locked herself in. First Emma laid on the bed crying at her admission and then she locked herself in the prayer stocks and prayed for forgiveness for the embarrassment she had just caused.
Sarah and Liz looked at John, at Ruth and back to John again. Ruth had her face in her hands and she was sniffling and sobbing and tears were streaming from her. John directed her "Ruth, go and give that girl some correction for leaving the table without permission, then bring her back here."
"Yes Sir" she kind of managed to croak out, then standing and running after her.
Even in these circumstances Sarah couldn't but help admiring her backside as she sprinted away.
"Eat your breakfasts, Sarah, another pot of tea please; and not a word until they return" John ordered.
Ruth entered Emma's cell and saw her restrained in the prayer position, the sight of her gorgeous naked bum making her decision easy for her, correction first to help get the awkwardness out of the way.
She stood over her, Emma twisting to look up at her "not a word" Ruth said and then launched into one hell of a spanking session with her bare hand. She kept at it at some considerable rate until her bum was glowing and she was sobbing through the pain rather than her love felt emotions and only then did she stop and release her; besides her hands were hurting now too.
She stood her up but Emma could only look down; Ruth held her chin up forcing her to look into her eyes and she said "that must have been the weirdest declaration of love, the strangest chat-up line, the most perverse yet romantic moment of all time; I love you too and have since the day you walked into my life."
Her hands went around Emma's waist and her lips glued to Emma's and Emma's arms went around the back of Ruth's neck and they snogged and snogged and snogged.
Finally breaking for air their noses touched and they continued to say sweet things to each other and steel quick kisses until Ruth explained "we need to get back, they are waiting for us; hold your head up high and smile. I will continue to spank you all the way back so that your bum shows you have received your correction for leaving the table."
Ruth stopped Emma at the head of the table and turned her so that the others could see her glowing red bum; then they took their seats. "Thank you Ruth, it looks like you have been thorough as you will need to be should my plans bear fruit. There is fresh tea in the pot, please help yourselves. Liz, your turn, how are you doing?"
Liz had anticipated this and after getting over the shock of Emma's confession she had spent the ten or so minutes thinking over an answer; and had decided to be equally as bold "well Sir I also want to thank you, as Emma explained the experience you have given us has been simply brilliant and I do so love it here. You were quite right the other day, I did enjoy the cane probably more than Sarah or Emma but just don't understand why, I have always hated pain but in these helpless circumstances I appear to crave it. So far unlike Emma I have more questions about myself than I do answers. This biggest of these is also, like Emma, my sexuality. I have always liked and wanted the attention of men and my only experience of girls in a sexual way has been here, what I thought was just fooling around with Emma on my previous visit and now Emma, Sarah and Ruth on this visit. But I am very confused with my feelings and in particular Sarah, I cannot help it but I crave her touch. I do not know if it is love as I do not really know what love is meant to feel like but if it is what I feel in my heart and head and body every time I am with Sarah then yes this is love and I am in heaven."
She handled this better than Emma's hopeless display and sat there waiting for a response, some response, any response. Instead Sarah Emma and Ruth just stared at her in silence.
"Thank you Liz for your honesty and I am so pleased that Ruth and I have not ruined your holiday here at Segahay. Sarah, what are your feelings on Segahay?"
"Sir, brilliant, absolutely marvellously brilliant! What an experience, and I am still living this dream. I came here so naïve to my own sexuality, ignorant of bondage, ignorant to BDSM and all the emotions that come with it and every moment of every day I am learning and changing; I simply love it. It seems the more helpless I am the more I enjoy it. Last night suspended on that hook, put on my toes and caned and fingered by Liz was simply unbelievable; my body has never known pleasure like it and for all the wrong reasons which I suppose perversely make them all the right reasons. I know first Emma and now Liz have found, and declared openly that they have found love but I am sorry Liz I am not ready to go that far. This is a holiday to me, and one hell of a journey into the unknown; there is no way I could make any rational decision with all these conflicting and confusing signals buzzing about my body and head; my heart doesn't stand a chance of behaving normally.
I didn't want to do any of the bondage but now find I love it; I swore I would not get involved in anything lesbian but have tasted all three pussy's here and loved it; even found I have a little skill in that area. As for getting my own pussy licked by any of you girls, wow! Bring it on already! I was never a prude, but would never flash my bits in public, I have never even sunbathed topless but am now not only totally relaxed and at home naked but find I love showing my body off; and even more, having to be naked regardless of my wishes and modesty.
So Liz, thank you for your words, for your love, I cannot say they are not reciprocated because I do love you but as a friend; but I have also loved our special sexual moments together and look forward to more; but please be patient with me because I cannot promise anymore and wont until I am away from here and back in the real world."
Liz had tears streaming down her cheeks and Sarah put her arm around her and kissed her and held her. John continued "Ruth, out with it, your turn."
Ruth put her teacup down and made eye contact with Emma and smiled "what can I say? My world has suddenly cannoned off the blackball and is now spinning better than ever. However, regardless of the dramatic turn of events we have shared during this breakfast other than John leaving us it is business as usual; I will be in charge, you will all be naked and do as I say and I will treat you all the same. I feel the history of this place and the Nuns that lived here before us are conspiring to cause an effect and I like that effect; I am the happiest I have ever been, thank you Sir."
"Okay, my turn" said John; "I love that all four of you are not only four of the most beautiful girls in existence today, but that you are all naked and under my control. All of you are also a great deal of fun and you all have your own distinct characters which makes this next bit all the more exciting. Ruth, have the girls clear up and then lock them in the stocks; and then place yourself also in the stocks and await my attendance; I still have your original punishments to meet out and the canes are growing restless. None of you may talk."
Silently, and rather solemnly the girls rose as one and made their naked way out to the central lawn and the stocks. Ruth used the front row of stocks only and locked Emma into the first, then Liz, Sarah and placed herself into the final set in the row, letting the top beam bang down knowing this would enable the hasp to flop over and effectively locking herself in regardless of the spike not being pushed home. She had neither locked their ankles together in the centre holes nor wide apart in the outer holes but a foot apart in the middle setting.
They were there maybe ten minutes before John made his entrance, carrying in one hand all five canes from the dining room wall; Nelly, Willy, old Ned, the maidens stick and big Robert the Brave; and two bottles of cream and five blindfolds in his other hand, the bottles were the skin cream they used on caned bottoms to help relief, and a sun cream.
"Okay" he said, "as I am planning on leaving I will struggle to dish out these punishment canings as I had first intended so you will be pleased to know I am giving you a watered down softer version."
You could feel the tension leaving the girls, and the exhaling of breath in relief; until he continued "however this is just so I can give you the experience of all five canes in the one session."
The tension returned, Sarah manipulating the muscles in her buttocks, feeling the cool morning air blowing across her bare bum and understanding how helpless and now resigned to this she was, and she was not the only one having these thoughts and feelings.
As he spoke John hung the canes on the first set of stocks in the row behind and balanced the bottles on top. He made his way over to Ruth and pushed the spike into the clasp making sure she was locked in place and then checking each of the girls locks on the way back. Looking down the row of young naked bodies waiting for his attention, any attention he fancied; he knew he was going to enjoy this morning.
He really took his time, an hour at least filling his hands with sun cream and covering the girls bodies, massaging them all over. Ruth's body he was very familiar with, and Emma's body was very similar, just a little shorter and slightly smaller breasts. Sarah was a new experience for him, absolutely beautiful and perfectly proportioned. Liz was a dream come true, her tits bigger, fuller but yet firm and so lovely to hold and massage, he kept at them so long poor Liz was actually coming.
Each girl he kissed on the lips before fitting the blindfold in place.
"As you have all already received the punishment from Nelly I will just give you the one strike each, but a proper punishment strike, to show you what Nelly can deliver when used properly. Then five each from Willy, four from Old Ned, three from The Maidens Stick and just the two from big Robert the Brave; but don't fret too much, they will hurt as they cannot not, but these will not be real punishment strikes. After this I will have a little more fun with a few more random canings."
They were all straining their senses trying to work out if he was stood behind them but as he was walking deliberately quietly on grass they had no chance.
It seemed like time was standing still until eventually, finally, Liz cried out in pain as Nelly struck across her buttocks. All three of the others tensed their buttocks in anticipation but it was to be a long wait before Ruth next cried out.
Three long minutes were spent before Emma cried out, the cane totally surprising her and making her scream, she couldn't believe just how it hurt, this the same cane she had received so many times previously.
That he immediately then caned Sarah caught her totally off guard too sending her scream into the heavens.
He then stopped with the suspense and delivered five with Willy to each girl in turn, and then four with Old Ned and three with the Maidens stick. The girls could feel the difference as the canes got sturdier and heavier but he was obviously taking it easy because Nelly, the lightest, had hurt the most.
John paused to rub cream into each of the girl's bums and then nothing. Just simply nothing. It was as though he had disappeared, without a word or anything. The girls didn't know what to do, could it be a trick? Was he stood behind patiently waiting to cane the first to talk? None were brave enough to test the water. Plus maybe he had gone off for a drink or something, he could still return to find them talking so not one of them uttered a word; just locked there with their red bums stinging.
John had in fact gone off to phone National Heritage, and then locate any clothing at all available to the girls, even the outfits in Ruth's studio and lock them all in the store, even the locked chest he knew the three girls had locked their clothing in. He had then took Ruth's camera back out and took lots of close up and distant group photos for her before returning the camera, this would be a nice surprise for her.
Sarah was first to know John had returned as she was the first to experience big Robert the Brave, she felt this one in her bones and cried out but the hurt stayed there and she cried and cried and gasped as the second strike landed. Then Liz and she really fell to pieces, still howling as Emma received hers. Ruth had experienced Robert before at Johns hands but it didn't make this session any easier and she too was reduced to tears.
All of them were very grateful to feel his cream filled hands massaging them; and even happier when he spoke.
"Girls, I have some news. I phoned National Heritage first thing before breakfast, and have just phoned them back again; and surprisingly they have already made a decision. I am the new Edinburgh Castle Steward starting in two weeks' time. Ruth is the new Segahay Castle Steward and Emma; I decided it would be wrong of me not to report to them your performance here at Segahay."
"You Bastard" Emma thought, "after my commitment, after receiving all this punishment, and giving total obedience why the fuck did you dob me in you Scottish arsehole?"
Not caring about further caning for talking she opened her mouth to tell him exactly what she thought but John continued "Emma, in two weeks' you start full time as Ruth's assistant, her deputy. When I leave today I will only return for an overnight visit next Saturday, Ruth has the details but will keep this secret, a surprise for Saturday; and after that I will only ever be a casual visitor to catch up with you all as and when I get the chance. You may speak, but so may Nelly."
There was a silence as it all sank in and then Emma was first to say anything "John, congratulations and thank you so much for this opportunity, I will not let you or Ruth down, I promise."
"Thank you Emma" replied John, as Nelly whipped across Emma's bum.
It was nowhere near as hard as the first strike from Nelly and Emma spoke again "thank you Sir for correcting me."
Ruth was brave enough to go next "Congratulations John and I really hope it all works out for you; don't worry about Segahay it is in good hands with Emma here to help."
Again Nelly landed and Ruth also thanked him for correcting her.
Emma, no longer that worried because this was the type of caning she kind of enjoyed spoke up again inviting the cane "Ruth, partner, congratulations, I feel a celebration coming on."
Again she thanked John for the cane.
Liz started to feel she was missing out and she too started congratulating first John, then Ruth and finally Emma earning three strikes and then she started to sing the Cliff Richard "Congratulations" song earning repeated caning; john laughing out loud as he delivered the soft but frequent strikes in time to the song.
Sarah really didn't feel like more caning, the first strike with Nelly and then the two from Robert the Brave had frightened her and she feared her bum couldn't take any more but given what the others were taking she felt obliged to join in and very quickly in the one fast sentence congratulated all three hoping to get away with just the one further strike but three arrived. She was so relieved when she felt how soft they were in comparison to the others that she joined in with the singing.
What a fantastic sight the four beautiful naked girls made, locked in the stocks and singing as they were caned.
The cane was offered to each of their lips and they kissed it, and it was hung up with the others and once again the cream massaged in to their sore buttocks.
John removed their blindfolds and told them they could talk; he was going to get some Champagne to mark the moment.
Returning with the Champagne and the flutes and just one steel yoke John explained that he was still at this moment the Steward, and as per their commitment they would all agree to obey him totally, did they all agree?
Not one of them hesitated to confirm their obedience to him.
"Okay, it is a beautiful summer's day and we will spend it out here. I will release you from your restraints but none of you may return to the Nunnery or walk elsewhere without my permission. We are going to celebrate but unfortunately I will be driving later and so you girls may drink, I will only drink the celebration toast; you girls will provide my fun but only if you ask me. I am in control of the sun cream and only I will apply it. Should any of you feel you need this protection from those harmful sun's rays then come to me, locked in the yoke and if you beg then I may take pity on you. You will be released from the yoke if and when another girl needs it otherwise you will be the sub at everybody's mercy; okay?"
All four were quick, and smiling, keen to agree.
They were released and they headed over to the picnic tables at the front.
They made their toast, and then another, and then another and then John was on his way back to get a crate of wine and more glasses for the girls to have their party.
On his return Ruth was already locked in the yoke waiting for John's hands and the sun cream. The games begun in earnest.
John reiterated that the wine and the day off to party was the girls fun and rubbing the sun cream into their helpless bodies was his fun, "so be warned, you will orgasm at my hands."
It was too late for Ruth to back out, not that she wanted to anyway; being watched by the other girls as first she had the all-over massage and then was made to stand legs apart as his fingers went to work added to the fun and excitement of it.
Ruth was locked in the yoke and had to be fed wine by the other girls for a good hour before Emma also gave in and had to endure the embarrassment of begging John to massage the cream into her. He put her on her back across his legs to bring her to orgasm; she had eye contact with Ruth the whole time.
Sarah was next, she could feel the effects of the sun on her back and had to relent and beg John to put the cream on her.
She had to stand facing away from him towards the other girls as he massaged her from behind. She could not help but be excited, thrilled as he rubbed her nipples and slowly massaged her breasts in front of them; she couldn't keep the awkward smile off her face. Never did she imagine she would be in this position and it lit her up.
He made her stand with her legs as wide apart as she could as he played his fingers into her pussy and it only felt like seconds before she was coming and howling silently at the sun as she did.
It was quite a while after this before Liz gave in and this was the body John was looking forward to most. Locked in that yoke her tit's just hung so beautifully and he really made a meal of them, even nibbling on her nipples as he explored her pussy and her sweet spot. She couldn't help herself either and mid-way through just gave in to the moment and went with it; resulting in one fantastic orgasm that put so much pleasure on her face the other girls were actually jealous.
The other girls kept Liz locked in the yoke quite some time while they all played with her breasts; Liz protesting loudly but secretly loving it, especially when it was Sarah fondling her.
Pretty soon, as the wine flowed and the inhibitions dropped the girls were almost fighting over the yoke to take their turn with John.
It was after two pm before John stopped the party for lunch and some shade indoors for the girls.
After lunch he took the girls to Ruth's studios. It was almost time for John to leave and he wanted one last special moment, a photo of the four girls together all in yokes and all locked in chastity belts. Sarah jumped at this and Liz was not far behind her, the thought of wearing a chastity belt excited them both.
John had prepared this earlier and had four of the same modern design belts from the stockroom already in the studio with the yokes waiting for this moment.
First he locked them all in the yokes and then one by one he fitted the belts, making expert adjustments as he went. When he finished the four girls together looked amazing. Liz and Sarah giggling all the time added to the excitement of the moment and taking Ruth's camera he started getting them to pose in the Castle corridors and the dungeon and then finally out into the Castle grounds.
He had them wait there, by the main gate as he dashed back into the nunnery.
On his return he hugged and kissed each one in turn and bid them farewell, explaining he had hidden the keys and there was a note on the dining table explaining where the keys to the yokes could be found; and a note with these keys saying where the chastity belt keys were hidden.
He opened the gate and drove his car through and walking back in secured the main gate and waving to the girls left through the side gate locking it behind him, and fixing the notice on the gate to read "Segahay Castle and Nunnery closed, appointments with twenty four hours' notice by phone only."
The drunken girls, in their belts and yokes ran back into the Castle and found the first note directing them to the Chappell. They had to search the whole of the Chappell before Emma spotted the keys on top of another note on a raised window ledge. They had to manoeuvre a chair and a table over to stand on to retrieve the keys and as Ruth stretched to grab the keys the note fluttered to the ground.
Sarah picked it up and turned it to read "the keys to your belts are hidden in my car, see you Saturday. PS. This will help you get some bloody work done!"
The girls stood silent, unbelieving, their pussies locked away from even themselves for three whole nights until Ruth broke the spell saying "well it's only three nights, not the end of the world; I mean I've been wearing one daily for a couple of years now and it was only removed at night once my hands were restrained."
"What?" Asked Emma, you haven't touched your own pussy for two years, I don't believe you."
"Well apart from the last couple of days of course but it has been different with you three here" she explained, "but he would remove it without restraining me every fourth night for my own fun time so in comparison wearing it until Saturday to then be rid of it for good is certainly no real hardship."
"Well I think it is exciting, I am pleased he has done this to me" added Sarah. The other girls stared at her in disbelief, and then burst out laughing; it definitely lightened the mood.
14. Castle Routine
Ruth handed the keys to Emma and she released Ruth from her yoke first; and she immediately took the yoke and the keys and headed away back towards the door to their normal living area and the kitchen.
"Hey, Ruth, our yokes!" Shouted Liz.
"Yeah, you look lovely in them, see you all in the kitchen but clear the mess up in the garden first and fetch those canes back up, I will be needing one to remind you to address me properly Liz."
It was so frustrating for the girls, the strange feeling of the belts being locked on but not being able to even touch or play with them; but they left through the Chappell main doors and made the two journeys necessary to clear the bottles and glasses away.
Liz received three from Nelly and the yokes were removed; the rest of the day involved fighting with their new locked on underwear, cooking dinner and partying. Ruth explained that over the next three days they had a lot of work ahead. The Nunnery had to be cleaned top to bottom with all surfaces shining; Ruth would take one girl each day to model for her corset making; special clothing had to be made for Saturday night with John; and an absolute feast had to be planned for that night also. On top of this the grass in the central lawn needed cutting. So today they weren't doing any of that, they were relaxing and getting wasted!
The next morning none of them could remember exactly how or even when the night had finished but Emma woke up in Liz's bed and Sarah in Ruth's, and Sarah and Ruth's wrist cuffs were locked together.
They all showered together, quietly, and had very small breakfasts, just toast and juice; then got on with their chores. Ruth took Emma as her first model and Liz and Sarah were given the whole of the top floor to clean and polish.
Once up in the studio Ruth found another note from John on her desk explaining the material she would need for the Nun's habits was in a box under the table, the note explained he wanted the outfits to be short and sexy and easily removed even if the girl was restrained; to include the Nun's hoods and for all four girls to be wearing the four inch stiletto black locked on shoes that Ruth sells and to wear the stockings included in the box; also to wear their cuffs but not the collars; the collars should be placed in the dungeon for later in the evening.
Taking this in Ruth realised she would not have time to make corsets from scratch this week; it would be enough just to make the Nun's habits and adjust corsets she had already previously made to suit the girls and herself.
First she locked Emma's wrists into the leather trapeze cuffs and her ankles into the cuffs fixed to the floor and raised the trapeze stretching her.
Then as she fondled Emma's beautiful young helpless body she confided in her some of the plans for Saturday and that she needed her help.
Emma was just loving the moment, loving the position and her vulnerability and wishing she could be held like this without the steel belt fitted so Ruth's fingers could really explore.
Ruth took lots of measurements and retrieving one of her black leather corsets from the rack she started her alterations. While she worked she had released Emma and had her make drawings of how her research had shown the Nuns of the second order of Jesus to dress.
By the end of a very productive day she had a corset that fitted Emma fabulously, cut high on her hips with lace trim and the breast bones supporting the breast but not covering it; and the Nun's habit designed and the basic template made for each of the girls including herself.
Sarah and Liz had also finished their chores and so they all arrived at pretty much the same time for their evening meal and drinks.
The next days repeated this process but with a different model each day for Ruth to work on while also obtaining the necessary measurements for their own bespoke Nun's habits, without their knowledge.
Each night was pretty much a party, almost like they were making up in drink for what they were losing not having access to their pussies.
Surprisingly though none of the girls were complaining about the belts, well apart from the obvious toilet issues and the need for extra showers and even baths as not being used to the restrictions of the belt they were all paranoid about their personal cleanliness.
Secretly Sarah loved the belt, she would lay and stroke it at night and fantasise over who controlled the key and what she would have to do to earn release. She loved that she was being controlled by a guy a hundred miles away that probably wasn't even thinking about her; that something so basic, so important to her could be taken away by a man on a whim. If it was a man that she truly loved and wanted that held the key and would one day return and use it she would be in heaven. Her thoughts would build up the need for orgasm but she could never reach it, a previously unimaginable frustration; she was the horniest she had ever been in her life and she owed this to the belt.
All of the girls loved being restrained on the trapeze and having the corsets fitted; and they all committed to modelling for Ruth whenever she wanted them. For all three pussycat club members the corset was a unique experience, a relic from the olden days that the girls of today wouldn't consider for a second; corsets, Basque's, suspender belts, stockings; things maybe their mothers or even Grandmothers possibly wore but nobody today wore anything like that, surely?
The Saturday was a bit different. In the morning after breakfast Liz and Sarah were sent to mow the lawn and Ruth took Emma back to the studio. Ruth had Emma restrain her in the trapeze and measure her and fit a corset from the rack and with a piece of tailors chalk in Emma's hand Ruth instructed her on how to mark the necessary adjustments. She then told Emma to release her so that she could make the adjustments for a refit.
At this point Emma was just a little naughty, she spanked her instead, and licked and sucked on her vulnerable nipples and massaged her breasts and snogged her. Then she asked her "Ruth, I want you to promise me something, for as long as I work here, as long as I am your girlfriend and lover, if I want you to wear the belt then you will do so, without question?"
Ruth stared at her, eyeball to eyeball; she had been through this same ordeal with John and had at first loved it, but had grown to hate it. Lying in bed fantasising about Emma locked in her cell upstairs, possibly naked, sweating, moving her thighs, touching her pussy, and all the time with Ruth's own pussy locked away beyond touch. She would scream the frustration was so great.
"Yes Emma, I promise" she breathed out quietly, knowing now that she really did love this beautiful angel of a girl.
She was released and together they made the adjustments to the corset and then with Ruth teaching Emma as they went they completed the Nun's habits for them all.
Emma placed Ruth back on the trapeze for the final fitting of the corset and all being good removed it again. Then held her head in her hands and kissed her like she had never kissed anybody before. "Ruth, I promise you I will also wear the belt without question as you see fit, for the rest of my life if necessary, I truly love you" and they kissed again, Emma's hands roving all over her helpless body; both girls in tears of love and joy.
15. Caprice
The girls met for lunch and during this confirmed all their plans for dinner. It would be set for seven thirty; The roasts would be put in the oven at one with at least two girls starting the preparation for the rest of the feast at five; and starting the proper cooking from six.
John was expected at three pm, only Ruth knew of Caprice as John wanted this to be a surprise and also wanted the girls dressed and waiting to receive them and so she insisted they all meet for showers at two and hair and make-up at two fifteen for costume fitting at two thirty. Basically they could not hang around and spend the hours they normally would getting ready for an event. Ruth wanted it to be a rush so that the girls didn't have time to come to terms with their outfits and appearance before John was there.
It went like clockwork and before two thirty Ruth was lacing up Emma's corset on the trapeze and then swapping positions for Emma to lace up Ruth. Sarah and Liz arrived in the studio and Ruth looked after them while Emma arranged the shoes and stockings and hoods.
By two fifty all the girls had their corsets shoes and lace topped hold up stockings on and were taking turns admiring themselves in the mirror. Ruth removed and whisked their collars down to the dungeon before returning to her studio and the girls for the habit fittings.
John had left the material, a sheet of fine black cotton and a length of fine white cotton for the hoods, and four sheets of almost transparent black silky material.
Ruth had kept it simple, as simple as Emma's design had allowed. The girls would wear the cut piece of the near-transparent material wrapped around their body above the breast and overlapping at the back and fastening with just two buttons above each shoulder blade. This just covered the tops of their stockings and should they lean forward the loose material at the back would fall open revealing their bottoms and backs.
Emma had helped make the hoods; they fitted completely over their heads and only revealed the faces and were black with white trim around the face. From the face down the hood continued and opened out covering the neck and shoulders and the exposed skin above their habits so only the arms were showing. The rest of their bodies covered in black.
Looking at each other they all agreed, they looked fantastic; even the bloody Chastity belts!
The gate bell rang right on three and Ruth opened the side gate to admit John and taking the chastity belt keys off him she re-joined the other girls in the studio; removed all their belts much to their relief with the exception of Sarah who had kind of enjoyed being locked in the belt; and ordered the girls to keep their arms folded behind them at all times unless directed otherwise preventing them from rubbing their wanting, freshly released pussies. She and the girls made their way to the grand entrance hall and stood in a line, arms folded behind them.
John opened the main gates and drove in and parking up he secured the gates and gave Caprice a very quick tour of the Castle area around the Nunnery. She absolutely loved the stocks on the lawn.
Caprice had the looks of a young Kylie Minogue but with long straight jet black hair and a Mediterranean complexion. She had chosen a short red dress and matching high heeled boots for the occasion, and nothing else.
Opening the huge door and stepping into the entrance hall both John and Caprice froze; the sight of the four Nuns before them was simply breath-taking. Sarah and Liz in particular were struggling not to laugh at the effect they were causing. Ruth was taking in Caprice, effectively her replacement in John's life, and was smiling at just how totally opposite in looks they were.
Emma was thinking "does that guy not have anything else in his wardrobe?"
John, again, was in all black, and wearing his leather trousers.
The girls held position and John walked Caprice up and introduced them to her one at a time. After each introduction Caprice would step up and kiss the girl on her cheek. Ruth was last to be introduced and Caprice had to almost stretch to hold her head in her hands, kiss her and say "thank you for all you have done for John, he has told me all about you."
Stepping back Caprice added "and thank you all for going to so much effort for me coming here today, you all look absolutely fantastic, and sexy as hell!"
They all joined Caprice on a very quick tour of the Nunnery led by John, the girls keeping their arms crossed behind them at all times as though it was their normal practice.
They then had drinks out on the lawn, on the picnic table by the stocks.
John went and retrieved Ruth's camera and had Caprice lock the four girls in the stocks, their habits falling open behind them. With Caprice stood in front holding a cane in one hand and a glass of red in the other John took some shots. Trust me, these photos are fucking amazing!
From here John took Caprice and the girls to the dungeon, and having shown it off he left Caprice with Ruth and Sarah in the dungeon and took Liz and Emma back out to the lawn for more drinks.
A short while later Ruth and Sarah returned without Caprice and asked for Liz and Emma to help Caprice in the dungeon.
After thirty minutes or so Caprice and the two girls returned and they all continued their drinks and chatting. There was no apparent difference in the appearance of the girls, but each now had a steel collar locked around their throats underneath their extended hoods; and while they had been denied access to their own pussies, the leather flogger used by Caprice had suffered no such restriction and neither had her fingers. In the dungeon each of the girls had been spoken to at length by Caprice and had then presented their bare throats for the collars, and opened their legs and held up their habits and begged Caprice to flog between their legs.
Caprice had then kept them in that position while her hands played with the two pussies simultaneously, talking to them softly all the time, even as they were coming; and they certainly come!
Sarah felt amazing dressed like this, high heels, stockings and a corset, she was in love with this new life. Liz had similar thoughts going on.
None of the girls mentioned it, but immediately before leaving the dungeon one by one each of them had submitted to Caprice and tasted her pussy, but none of them really knew why?
It was soon five pm and Ruth sent Liz and Sarah up to the kitchen to start the preparations for dinner; explaining that she and Emma would be up at six to relieve them.
Ruth and Emma continued their drinks with John and Caprice and generally just chatted and enjoyed the evening sun. Ruth couldn't believe just how different Caprice was to how she had expected; so small and almost fragile looking compared to herself; but she really liked her, there was just something about her that automatically gained her trust and almost demanded her respect.
John excused himself and went up to explain to Liz how he wanted the table placements set. While he was away Caprice took her iphone out and asked Ruth if she would lock her in the stocks and take a few photos of her.
Ruth jumped at the chance, having had her pussy flogged by this stranger she was keen to get some revenge, even if just a spanking; but she wondered why she had just done that, why had she just called her Ma'am?
Putting their drinks down Caprice walked over to the stocks and raising the top bar and adjusting the foot board she put herself in position and Ruth closed the bar and locked the clasp with the spike, and trapped her legs into the middle setting. Her little skirt not completely covering her bum.
Ruth took the phone and started snapping shots of her. Caprice said for Emma to take the cane (Nelly) and stand behind her as though caning her. Like Ruth, Emma jumped to do this, and also weirdly called her Ma'am.
Having taken all the photos that Caprice wanted Ruth put the phone on the table and said "okay Ma'am, time for some payback, I think maybe five with Nelly should do the trick."
"Really, you think so?" Asked Caprice, "well okay, if that is what you want Ruth; come stand in front of me, now bend over and hold your ankles."
Again Ruth jumped to do this and as she bent over her Nuns habit fell apart from the neck down exposing her corseted back and her bare buttocks.
"Emma, go give your beautifully vulnerable girlfriend five with Nelly, nothing too hard, just enough to hurt a little."
Answering "yes Ma'am" Emma almost ran around the stocks, her high heels digging in the grass the only thing slowing her and stood to Ruth's left and held the cane onto her bum. Then taking her time she caned her, five times.
Ruth could not explain this, nor understand it. Why were her and Emma repeatedly calling her Ma'am, running to do her bidding when Caprice was the one in the stocks; and now holding her own ankles and allowing Emma to cane her when it was her that should be caning Caprice?
John returned in time to see the last three strikes and sat at the picnic table with his glass enjoying the view. When Emma finished her caning John asked "enjoying yourself Caprice?"
"This is wonderful, just perfect somehow" she answered, almost purring; "I could live here quite happily with you and the girls the rest of my life."
"Okay Emma, Ruth, up to the kitchen with you and give your sisters a hand" John instructed.
Emma hung the cane back up and with her arms folded behind her back she headed for the kitchen but Ruth stayed in position holding her ankles. "Ruth, release" said Caprice and Ruth stood and arms also folded behind her she followed Emma.
Walking around behind Caprice and raising her skirt up her back John asked "now what am I going to do with you for the next hour or so?"
Caprice giggled and replied "oh John, I do love these stocks, particularly in this fantastic setting, and especially with me locked in them; you could do quite anything with me, I suppose, I hope."
He raised the top bar just long enough to fully remove her dress and locked her back in place, and then using both of their phones he took more photos.
Then he had some fun.
16. Obedience over dinner
Ruth and Emma sat facing each other three places down the table, John and Caprice faced each other in the centre of the group and Liz and Sarah taking up the end of the table. They would be doing all the serving and so would have the easiest access to the bench seats.
They had just finished their Haggis starters and were enjoying wine while Liz and Sarah placed the plates of the cut roasts into the centre of the table followed by the potatoes and vegetables in their serving bowls and the gravies and sauces and other condiments. They could all help themselves to the feast and the wine as they chatted.
John and Caprice had been doing most of the talking, explaining to the girls how they had met (glossing over John being the sub) and what their plans were in Edinburgh. Ruth had then taken over giving Caprice a rundown on the Castle and the Nunnery and the Nuns of the second order of Jesus; and at John's prompting she also told her all about CastleBornRestraints.com. Caprice was instantly excited and said she must see what she has, and may even make a purchase or two.
Sarah and Liz started clearing the table ready for desert, sherry trifle and cream. Most of the feast was untouched, it had been wonderful, just far too much. Liz was starting to feel the effects of the stiletto shoes locked onto her, having been in bare feet all week these shoes were starting to hurt. Sarah was lighter on her feet but she also was struggling a little, she very rarely wore shoes like this but did like that they were locked on and loved the way she felt as she walked in them. Liz bless her, didn't quite carry the walk off as well as Sarah and this caused her tits to jiggle excessively and under this flimsy near transparent material they put on quite a show.
Ruth was still talking as the desert was served and Liz and Sarah retook their seats. "What I don't understand though, Ma'am, is just that, why do I feel I have to call you Ma'am and how come when you were locked in the stocks you could still make me bend over and take that caning from Emma?"
"I have already told you" explained Caprice, "I am a professional Dominatrix and I specialise in training women to obey me; why should you four be any different?"
Sarah and Liz's ears picked up at this, they were not aware of Caprice having been in the stocks or Ruth being caned again; and neither of them had called Caprice Ma'am, they hadn't called her anything over dinner.
Ruth ate more of her trifle and continued "but no, this is different, you were locked in stocks, helpless, and you have only just met me; you only had me down in the dungeon less than thirty minutes and yes you flogged me, and you know, done stuff but nothing like traumatic or life changing; why should I obey you when you are the one locked up Ma'am?"
Caprice smiled and looked to John for some sort of signal, he smiled back and said for her to go ahead and explain, it wasn't like any of them would ever meet any of her clients and spoil her little trick.
Caprice nodded, finished her last spoon of trifle and wiping her face with a napkin she explained "hypnotism. My father was a stage hypnotist and magician and growing up he taught me all he knew and when I was just sixteen I replaced my mother as his stage assistant. He retired when I was just into my twenties and I remodelled his show and made it my own and took it on tour. It didn't do fantastic in the theatres here in Britain but the holiday resorts loved me; especially in Spain and the Spanish islands where I made quite a name for myself. My final two years in that business I was resident at the Benidorm Palace and believe me when you are hypnotising people seven nights a week seven months a year it becomes so easy. It's simple, I hypnotised you to obey me."
Ruth stared at Emma, then at Sarah who was staring at Caprice; and then at Liz before returning to Caprice "no you didn't, you didn't do any hypnotism down there; you just flogged us and stuff which I won't go into at the dinner table."
"Really?" Asked Caprice, taking this as a challenge, and then went on "yes you will, you will tell us all exactly what I done to you, and you done to me down in the dungeon, and you will do it standing on your seat with your habit fully raised."
"Yes Ma'am" said Ruth getting up and standing on the bench and exposing herself to the room, much to the shock of the other three girls "first you told me to open my legs, stand tall and hold my habit up and taking the leather flogger from the wall you took turns from in front and behind flogging my pussy until I was begging you to stop. Then you used your fingers to play with me, masturbate me until I come; you were talking to me the whole time but I cannot remember a word you said. Then you had me present my neck for you to lock a steel collar on and then I begged to kneel and lick your pussy and you let me; and that was it."
Caprice had the other girls confirm that they had gone through the same ritual; and then went on explaining "you see Ruth, people think you have to wave your hands or spin a coin or something to hypnotise a person but you don't, it is all done with the mind, getting into and controlling the mind through speech. You begging to lick my pussy was the final indicator that the hypnotism had been accepted; how was it by the way, I order you to tell me, did you enjoy what we done in the dungeon?"
"Oh yes Ma'am, after the flogging your fingers were so appreciated I loved it, and I come so hard for you. Then your pussy, first finding you were not wearing pants and then seeing your beautiful pink shaven pussy, barely more than two thin lips over a slit which my tongue had to split to enter; and you smell and taste divine!"
Poor Emma actually ripped her napkin listening to this and was staring daggers at Caprice. Caprice noticed and seeing Emma's look she said "relax, be happy your girlfriend enjoyed herself, do not be jealous."
Emma's face instantly changed and she was smiling at Ruth and flattening out her torn napkin.
Caprice told Ruth "Ruth release, you may sit" and lowering her habit and looking very embarrassed glancing at Emma she sat and gulped her wine.
Sliding a key across the table Caprice asked John to remove Liz and Emma's collars and at the same time she removed Ruth's and Sarah's. Liz and Sarah cleared the table and returned with a plate of cheese, biscuits and grapes.
Before anybody reached for any of the cheese or grapes Caprice asked the girls "do you all believe me now that I hypnotised you and you will all obey me whatever I say?"
She was met with silence, just the girls looking at each other. Sarah was the brightest and thought she could figure it out, she certainly didn't feel hypnotised and had seen no proof that she was so she tested herself; she figured if she could call Caprice by her name and not Ma'am then she was not hypnotised and she went for it.
"Caprice" she started, testing the water, so far so good so she continued "I don't know, I certainly don't think you did enough down in the dungeon to make me obey you; that flogger did hurt but you didn't whip me or cane me or anything so much that you made me fear you, and I certainly don't fear you now, so no, I don't buy it; but I have just seen you make Ruth stand and display herself and make embarrassing admissions just by talking to her so while I don't buy it, a part of me is telling me not to discount it."
"What about you Liz, are you hypnotised?" Caprice asked.
Liz laughed, and replied "I have never been hypnotised in my life and there is no way I am standing up and making a display of myself like Ruth just has so don't even think it."
She was intending on asking Emma the same question but Liz's response had riled her a little and she replied to Liz "is that so? If I asked you, nicely, to remove your habit and climb up on this table, lay on your back and masturbate yourself while we all watched would you do that for me?"
Liz had just bitten on a grape and it spat back out as she coughed in shock at what Caprice had just suggested; "no fucking way!" She blurted out.
"Emma, Sarah, Ruth; if Liz did this for me would you believe you were all hypnotised?"
All three nodded their heads and agreed that yes that would do it. Liz was deadly silent wondering just what was about to happen but knowing that nothing would because she had not been hypnotised.
Caprice picked up a collar and asked "Liz, I have your collar here for you, please present yourself."
Liz immediately jumped up and rushed around the table holding her hood and hair up and out of the way to bare her neck. Caprice snapped the collar shut around her neck. "Liz dear, please do something for me, take your habit off and lay yourself on this table here and raise your knees up and apart nice and wide and masturbate yourself until you are coming for me."
"Yes Ma'am" replied Liz unbuttoning the habit and letting it fall from her as she mounted the table. John slid the cheese and biscuits out of the way as Liz laid herself on it and spreading her legs her hands went to work.
"Liz" Caprice added, "Smile, and keep your mouth open and do not hold any sounds of pleasure back."
"Yes Ma'am" she replied, smiling.
Sarah was thinking "oh my dear God, that could so easily have been me if Liz hadn't basically dared her."
Emma and Ruth were sharing the same thought, and just how hot Liz looked in the corset and stockings with those high heels locked on.
John was just loving it; and Caprice all the more for having this power and being prepared to use it; he wondered if he too were hypnotised and was kind of hoping that he was.
Meanwhile Liz had gone from whimpering, to groaning to a series of fast gasping and appeared right at the point of orgasm when Caprice said "Liz stop, hands behind your head but hold position" then turning to Emma and saying "Emma, I have your collar here for you, please present yourself."
Emma did and was told by Caprice "Emma, remove your habit and then climb onto the table and place five grapes into Liz's pussy."
Emma did this and while this was happening Caprice was locking the remaining collars back onto Sarah and Ruth and having them remove their habits too and then sit back down and watch.
"Ruth, do not be jealous over anything involving Emma tonight; but be pleased that she may be enjoying herself. Emma, remove those grapes with your tongue lips and mouth; only use your hands to support yourself; eat the grapes and enjoy what you are doing."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Liz, keep your mouth open and do not supress any sounds of pleasure, and let us all know when you are coming.
Down on all fours between Liz's legs Emma started. She had pushed the grapes in one after the other so they were going to take some working back out, but she was blessed with a long tongue.
As Liz's sounds got back to the rapid gasping stage Caprice ordered Sarah to play with Liz's left nipple with her mouth, and Ruth her right nipple.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Liz yelled, her bum squirming and her hips writhing.
"Sarah, Liz" Caprice said quietly, "snog each other passionately, lick each other's tongues."
Emma was still fishing the final grape out as Liz was coming, and it was epic, Liz had never come like this in her life; perhaps never will again it was that orgasmic. John was in a sweat just watching.
"Girls, back in your seats and remember every aspect of what has just happened here."
Once sat Caprice and John again removed their collars.
"Well girls" Caprice asked, "how do you feel?"
Silence, other than first Caprice and then John chuckling.
"Do you all now believe that you are hypnotised?"
No words, just defeated nods; but then Emma blurted out "oh Ruth I am so sorry, for what I have just done right in front of you."
"Emma, it's okay, I am not jealous and you appeared to enjoy yourself so I am happy for you and with you."
"But that's just it, I did enjoy myself and I shouldn't have."
"Don't be silly" replied Ruth, "you are hypnotised, we all are hypnotised."
More silence.
Sarah asked "but how does it work? I mean I really don't feel hypnotised but I clearly am; will I obey you forever, or just tonight, and have you made me love you or scared of you or what?"
Caprice answered "I do not know how long it will last, possibly years, possibly for life; but do not worry; I have made it so that it only works if I have locked a steel collar on you and that won't be happening again once I leave here so no need to worry if you bump into me in the street or anything; but I have also made it so that if I present a collar to you then you will automatically present your neck to me. You neither love me nor fear me but I have hypnotised you to respect me and obey me, and yearn to please me but only when collared; as you are now you are not under the influence of my hypnosis."
"Why bother with the collar, why not just hypnotise us to always obey you?" Emma asked her; and she explained "free will, it is so important in any relationship, remove the free will and what is left will never be love. Most of my clients now do not require the collar to obey me because they know they will do what I tell them anyway; and it means so much to me when somebody like Sarah for example does something for me that she normally wouldn't allow herself to do without the collar and I know it is not because of the hypnotism but because of her respect for me and her yearning to please me; it's a wonderful feeling training a girl to that level."
John interrupted and told Caprice "I am sorry but I need very much to take you to the dungeon, could you maybe tell the girls to sort all the dishes and store away what food they can for the next hour or so while you help me sort a problem out?"
Caprice's eyebrow went up in false intrigue "they aren't wearing their collars, you order them, it will be easier."
John laughed out loud and ordered the girls to sort it "and leave your habits on the table here, and the hoods; it's corsets stockings and heels only for the rest of the night, you girls look absolutely as sexy as hell; and thank you all for a wonderful dinner and for looking so good in your nun outfits and for going to so much trouble for us both. After you are finished here do your own thing until we return but stay out of the dungeon!"
17. Spicing it up
The girls had talked frantically none stop as they cleared the dining room and kitchen and took their drinks to the lounge. They were undecided on exactly what they thought about Caprice and having been hypnotised by her; each of them changing their own views and arguments for and against as the conversation developed. They all found it exciting; with some amazing opportunities being discussed but at the same time thought it wrong that she had just done it to them without any permission or warning.
Secretly Liz had already started daydreaming about how she would use Caprice's talent if she could; and to a lesser degree, Emma also.
What they did all agree on was that they liked Caprice.
Well over an hour later Caprice appeared at the door on her own. She had a steel collar locked on with a leather and chain lead attached but dangling; her high heeled boots but otherwise naked. She had four steel collars in her hands and she walked around the room locking them onto the girls.
As she walked around there were gasps from the girls as they saw the state of her back, bum and legs. Her skin was glowing red from ankles to shoulders and also covered in obvious cane marks.
She took Ruth out of the room and whispered in her ear; then returning to the room ordered the other three girls to follow Ruth's instructions until further notice; then made her way back down to the dungeon.
It was in the early hours of the morning that John and Caprice, still naked but for collar, lead and boots finally left the dungeon and went to the lounge; the girls weren't there. Caprice asked John to fix them drinks and she would get the girls.
Ten minutes later Caprice returned and handed John her lead in exchange for the whisky and said to take her to the Chappell, the girls were waiting for them.
The Chappell was well lit but entirely by candles; the girls had their Nuns Habits back on and were spread out in a line on the dais.
Caprice had John sit beside her on the front row of the pews and just whispered "watch" and nodded at the girls. Emma dashed to the side and done something and hurried back into line.
After a short pause music started playing, 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls, and the four girls broke into a synchronised dance routine mimicking the Spice Girls and really shaking their stuff. In their high heels stockings and sexy Nuns outfits they looked amazing and due to their hypnosis enhanced learning they were perfect to the video they had been working from for the past two hours. They nailed it; regardless of what John had just been doing most of the night to and with Caprice his erection was bigger than ever and hurting in those tight leather trousers.
Caprice shouted "release" and she and John clapped until their hands hurt and the girls, realising what they had just done mixed laughter with embarrassment.
Standing up and still applauding Caprice told them "excellent performance girls, well spicy; now on your sides, on the floor and in a circle lick each other until the last one comes; then hang your habits in your cells and join us in the lounge."
The girls were still excited and holding each-others hands as they approached the lounge but split up to enter.
John asked them to sit and Caprice went around serving them their favourite drinks; a final nightcap.
Caprice's skin had begun to regain its normal colour but still displayed evidence of her bum and tits having been caned. She had Ruth go and get the keys to all the girl's shoes and corsets and taking them from her she then removed the girl's collars.
John thanked them again for a wonderful time and Caprice explained her and John were saying "Goodnight"; their time was now their own and they would see them in the morning; but all cell doors must be shut before sleep.
Sarah asked Ruth "Ruth, any chance I can keep this corset on, you know, sleep in it if it is okay?"
Caprice answered for her "I am sorry girls, but I have all the keys, you will be sleeping as you are, even the shoes; I won't believe today has happened come tomorrow unless I see you dressed like this in the morning.
Looking down at their shoes Sarah was the only one smiling.
The girls partied on, even taking their drinks down to the dungeon and playing forfeit games. The sun was rising before they made it to each other's beds.
18. Farewell favours
After a late breakfast they were all sat out in the garden, nursing various levels of embarrassment from the previous night's antics as well as hangovers. Being in just their corsets and stockings and the knowledge Caprice could collar and control them on a whim put them all in a submissive frame of mind.
John, with Caprice dressed again but still on a lead addressed them "girls, you have made my visit here so special, absolutely fabulous; Caprice and I will remember yesterday for the rest of our lives. So in return if there is anything, anything at all that we can do for you in return then we will. I want you to think about it for an hour or so and then we will sit you one at a time and Caprice will collar you and ask you to tell truthfully what you wish; you will have no option but to ask for your true desires; not the impossible like winning the lottery or anything; but what is possible that you think is in our power to give; okay?"
The girls looked nervously at each other; only imagining what their own dark sides may come up with when compelled with the collar on and nodded their understanding.
An hour later Liz was sat in front of them and she presented her neck to Caprice.
Caprice asked "Liz, what can either John or I do for you?"
Liz answered "I am in love with Sarah, but she does not love me, well not in the way I want anyway. I want you to hypnotise her to love me for the rest of our lives."
Caprice didn't even pause "no, I will not do that, I will not take a person's free will like that for another to use."
"But you took mine!" Liz replied, quite aggressively.
"For myself to use and control yes" Caprice explained, "and with the collar as a control measure in the knowledge I would not be exercising that control other than for this one short visit; I will not use it to make a person love another against her wishes."
"Well how about you just do like you have with me, give me the power to collar her and have her obey me?" She countered.
"No, for the same reasons I have already explained; I am sorry but I will not do this; understand and put these ideas from your mind" she replied.
"No thank you John and Caprice, there is nothing you can do for me" Liz said, instantly forgetting her previous requests.
Emma was next up and she asked "Caprice, the power you hold over us with the collar, when you leave can you please give this power to Ruth, so that I must obey her?"
Caprice thought it was a far sweeter request than Liz's and from this request knew that Emma held true love for Ruth but she made a similar reply to that given to Liz and declined.
Emma then asked John to tell her the truth about what he had told National Heritage about her and he did; it was all glowing praise.
Ruth was next in the seat and she actually arrived holding her hair up ready for the collar. She made the exact same request to Caprice; to be made to obey Emma and was met with the exact same response. She had no other request.
Sarah shocked herself and John and Caprice with her request "John, you remember when you had me in the dungeon with me cuffed to the floor so that I was almost touching my toes with my feet apart, and a hook thing in my bum fastened to the ceiling?"
"Sarah, I could hardly forget that, it took tremendous willpower and restraint not to do more to you in that position" John laughed; but pleased that Caprice was here to hear that he had exercised that restraint with this absolutely drop-dead gorgeous girl at his mercy.
Sarah continued "well I would like you to put me back in that same position, dressed as I am and in these heels and raise me until I am stretched as Liz did; and then for you and Caprice to do absolutely anything you want with me; and I mean John, anything; and then leave me in that position and send one of the girls down, any one of them, with Nelly and instructions to enjoy themselves."
Sarah, as soon as it was out of her mouth, was totally shocked; this was a fantasy, and surely nothing more; totally not like anything prim and proper Sarah would ever have even dreamed of before Segahay and this newfound education she was receiving.
John looked to Caprice for guidance, not wanting to make her jealous in any way but Caprice was laughing silently, and simply nodded and said "go ahead John, I will be there with you, enjoy, I certainly will!"
"Okay" John replied to Sarah, "I think you and bondage and BDSM were all made for each other; it has taken you big-time; but yes, we can do this little thing for you."
Caprice removed Sarah's collar and remembering everything Sarah didn't know where to look and covering her face with her hands she said "I am so sorry, I am wasting your time; I obviously wouldn't want to actually do any of that stuff; please, just forget I said it."
It was Caprice that answered "Sarah, that was your true heartfelt wish and it would be wrong of us not to do this for you; now accompany John to the dungeon and wait there for me or I will put this collar on you and have you do things you really wouldn't want to. While John sets you up I will re-collar the other girls and give them a suitable distraction to keep them out of the way."
Sarah walked silently alongside John down to the dungeon, her arms crossed behind her as instructed. She could not believe what she was doing, reprimanding herself as she walked "what the hell did I tell them that for? Why oh why did I blurt this fucking stupid request out? She said I could ask any favour, absolutely anything; and I confessed to wanting restrained bent over with a hook up my ass? Is that really me? Is this like the most important thing in my world right now? My God it must be, I was hypnotised to ask for what I most wanted so this must be me and what I want in life; oh Fuck! Oh shit will John actually shag me? Actually take me in that most humiliating position? Oh shit he will won't he, of course he will and I as good as begged for it!"
She was actually starting to talk to herself out loud she was that nervous as she approached the entrance to the dungeon and John led her in.
He had already cuffed her wrists and ankles in position making her stand legs apart and almost touching her toes as Caprice walked in, naked. John was just lubricating the ass hook in preparation as Caprice knelt down behind Sarah and started licking her pussy.
It didn't take long at all for Sarah to come; probably because of the excitement of being in this position in these circumstances; and it was to get worse. As John was working the steel hook into her bum Caprice was manoeuvring herself under her with her legs running up Sara's back and forcing her pussy up and into Sarah's face. This was an incredibly uncomfortable position for Caprice with her back on the cold cement and her hips pushed up off the floor.
"John" she asked, "tie my ankles, fix it so my pussy is stuck in her face, then tie my arms out wide; then fuck her to your heart's content."
John didn't need telling twice.
Even as John was still gathering the ropes to secure Caprice's ankles Sarah had started licking Caprice, tasting her pussy and putting into practice all she had learned from her two friends. She just loved the helplessness of this situation; the cold metal in her bum pulling her up taut with her body splayed out wide. She had little movement at all open to her, just a slight sideways movement of her hips and nothing more; she was totally fucked and she knew it and loved it and knew then that she would always want this bondage in her life. Segahay was a new beginning for her, an awareness, a change in life.
She could hear Caprice groaning and feel her ecstasy as she nibbled and licked her pussy as John's cock entered her.
She hadn't been with a man for the best part of a year and as his penis pushed home she paused in her attention to Caprice and sighed in pleasure, that beautiful feeling of penetration engulfing her. John grabbed and spread her buttocks as he started rhythmically pounding into her, occasionally jerking the hook in her bum as he did.
Sarah was in heaven and somehow managed to resume her attention to Caprice and as John increased his momentum with Sarah so she did with Caprice.
All three climaxed within moments of each other; Sarah was totally satisfied, a new experience and her best ever sexual experience; John was still inside her, trying to keep it there as long as he could he loved her young body that much. Caprice however was jealous; she had never felt this before; she had always been the centre of sexual attention but even though she had both given and received oral sex with this beautiful young girl she knew John had just had an experience she could not compete with. She decided there and then; in her restraints with her pussy held in Sarah's face; that if her and John were going to work then this was the last intercourse either would have with another person; she just couldn't handle getting jealous over another girl.
Leaving Sarah in place John and Caprice dressed and having removed their collars they sat with Ruth and Emma and sent Liz down to the dungeon with Nelly and told her to take her time and enjoy herself; the least they could do for Liz having refused her special request.
Ruth and Emma were sat in just their corsets and stockings and the four of them had drinks in front of them and Caprice started the talking.
"You two have such love for each other that I am jealous; both of you, with your collars on and bound to make your most heartfelt requests wished to be made submissive to the other and that is just so beautiful."
Ruth and Emma's faces mirrored each other through their emotions at hearing this; they ended holding hands and blushing.
Caprice continued "your love is so strong, so mutually felt that it is obvious that no assistance from me is required here; you can just agree between yourselves on a daily, weekly or monthly basis who is Dom and who is Sub and set your own rules. However, what you have is special and if I can help I will; so talk it over and after lunch I will give you another request if you need it. I would love to hypnotise you both to love each other for the rest of time but I do not know if it would work or even be necessary; but think about it because this would seal your fates if my hypnotism did work."
John and Caprice withdrew to the kitchen to give the girls a little space for this to sink in and taking the leftover feast out of the fridge started preparing lunch.
Ruth and Emma sat gazing at each other, neither knowing what to say or do.
Liz on the other hand knew exactly what to do and with Nelly in hand started doing it. She told Sarah "I am not going to cane you hard, but I am going to cane you lots; and will not stop until you are begging to be my slave and pleasure me."
Sarah didn't even reply, she was still on such a high from what John and Caprice had done with her that she was floating, her mind on another plane; and she just giggled. Liz took this as an invitation and brought the cane down, and didn't stop to draw breath.
Ruth and Emma had finally gotten over their new found shyness and love inspired dizziness and managed to talk. They explored all the hypnosis induced options they could think of and agreed that it wasn't necessary; they were both good with what they had. They shared a quick kiss and went through to the kitchen to thank Caprice but turn down her offer. Emma walked ahead and Ruth just couldn't keep her eyes of that amazing naked butt bouncing on those heels ahead of her, wow!
They had spent a good hour plus talking and preparing lunch and had come to the conclusion that Sarah must need rescuing by now and Emma headed down. She stood in the dungeon doorway watching with a huge grin on her face; Liz and Sarah were locked in a small cage in an almost enforced sixty-nine with Sarah on top and seemingly doing most the work and obviously loving it. She walked over to them and even stood just feet away they were oblivious to her.
She said "now Sarah, don't let us make you do anything too lesbian now will you?"
Sarah glanced up, smiled, and said "just another few minutes, nearly there" and got straight back into Liz's pussy.
"Come on girls, lunch is ready" replied Emma opening the little cage door. Liz's hand stretched out, grabbed the door and pulled it shut locked again "didn't you hear her? She said a few more minutes, make it ten!" Liz shouted out.
Emma, laughing walked back out and made her report to the other three that they would have time to ferry the lunch outdoors, and explained why which received laughs and jokes from all.
Lunch wasn't taken outdoors; the three of them went down to the dungeon instead to catch the show. John even hoisted the cage up a few feet on its chain and spun it much to the girls delight, and still they continued their own erotic play.
After lunch John and Caprice said their farewells, the four girls back in their Nuns Habit outfits and stood at the gate to wave them off. Sarah in particular was sad to see them go she had enjoyed the experience so much, like nothing before and she couldn't help but regret that there was little chance of ever having anything like this again.
19. Segahay away
The girls worked hard the next week. The Castle was resuming business and the first National Heritage tour was to take place the following Monday; Ruth was determined to have everything shipshape and rehearsed and needed Emma totally up to speed with her new role. However this didn't get in the way of more fun and games and four pm each day was playtime.
Emma adapted her game board to include Ruth and each evening they would spin the pointers and live with the consequences.
They needed the game because otherwise Ruth would always be with Emma meaning Sarah and Liz were becoming a couple by proxy which suited Liz fine but not so much Sarah; she was still committed to leaving the girl on girl action in Segahay.
Any spare time they did get through the day Liz and Sarah spent cuffed to the trapeze's in Ruth's studio as Ruth worked on her corsets and Emma watched and copied Ruth learning the trade herself. They all loved this, Ruth and Emma having the two girls at their mercy; and the two girls loving being at their mercy.
However all good things do come to an end and all too soon Liz and Sarah were stood at the rail station waving at the back of Emma's car. Sarah wasn't even particularly bothered about making the return trip commando; she was more bothered that people on the train were looking at her and Liz and thinking "lesbians."
Life tried, as well as it could anyway, to return to normal. College studies, the rowing team, cross country running, boys.
Sarah and Liz still roomed together and Liz had tried to introduce bondage into their college life but Sarah resisted this, quoting the rather pathetic pussycat club Segahay quote.
Over the coming months Liz never took any boyfriends, nor girls either and she was extremely jealous every time Sarah had a boyfriend, and it seemed like a new one every week.
Sarah on the other hand was missing Segahay far too much and couldn't seem to settle with any boyfriend; they just didn't do it for her. She wanted a man, a real man, and bondage. She wanted to be taken and locked in a chastity belt and left to stew. Then freed from the belt, restrained and fucked like she had been in the Castle. She felt she would never have those experiences again and so very nearly gave in and climbed into Liz's bed with a pair of cuffs.
It was November when the invite landed in their pigeon holes. John and Ruth had kept in close contact and they had both decided to propose to their partners and were making arrangements for a week's leave in London between Christmas and New year to pop the question and get engaged; would Sarah and Liz like to join them? John had booked a three bedroom luxury suite overlooking the Thames to accommodate them all in anticipation.
Ruth and Emma were still totally loved up and Ruth was taking it as a given that Emma would accept her ring. John and Caprice had suffered a teething problem but were now well loved up. The problem had been Caprice's honesty, or initial lack of it.
It was just a week after Segahay that John and Caprice were out on the town in Edinburgh and having a meal in Giovanni's, her favourite Italian restaurant when she had a conscience attack and made her confession.
The conversation went something like this:
"John, I have something to tell you, something quite big; please promise me you won't shout or get mad with me; and at least finish this night with me before you make any decision on us."
"Oh, this sounds serious, I am fearing the worst already but no, I will try not to run off or anything; please, go ahead" John replied, gulping, taking a drink and fearing she was leaving him.
Caprice also took a drink of her wine before continuing "I have lied to you, well not really lied, but not been totally honest. You see, Caprice is my stage name, I am really called Janet, Janet Spriggs; I really should have told you much earlier but I didn't know I would fall in love with you."
"Janet Spriggs? That doesn't sound very Italian! John said, in the absence of knowing what else to say other than feeling his heart flutter at her confession of love for him.
Caprice laughed out loud and sipping her wine again added "that bit was a lie; the only Italian in me is the Pizza I have just swallowed. Will you forgive me?"
He asked "Tonight will you let me tie you up and do evil things to you again?"
She giggled and fluttered her eyes and replied "every night Master, you are so strong and you tie so tight."
John's erection was getting the better of him "what do I call you, Janet, or Caprice?"
"I prefer Caprice, if you agree I will change it by deed poll; or if you like just call me slave because that is what I want to be, your slave, Master."
That conversation and the night that followed defined their relationship and in further discussion they both agreed no more penetrative sex with any other person; they could look, and they could touch and play but John could not shag and Caprice couldn't get laid; they toasted their commitment.
Liz and Sarah accepted the invitation and on December 27th got to witness first John and then Ruth pop the questions at the Tower of London; both Caprice and Emma instantly accepted the proposals and were ecstatic; both bursting with joy.
They had a table booked at the Savoy for seven but that was hours away. Sarah said for the newly engaged couples to take a romantic walk up the embankment and find somewhere for a drink to celebrate; she and Liz would give them some space until the evening.
Taking Liz's hand Sarah walked her away and onto Tower Bridge stopping in the centre looking up the Thames. Liz was feeling giddy, Sarah had never held her hand like this in public, or at all come to think of it.
Turning her and looking into her eyes Sarah asked "Liz, I am still not certain if this is what I want so please don't read too much into this; you know with the others getting engaged and everything; but will you be my girlfriend? You know, my partner, go out with me? Oh I don't know I've never done this with a girl before; but do you still want me?"
Liz grabbed her and snogged her face off! The car horns were going mad passing by and a couple of choice comments were shouted out of car windows but their lips never parted.
"Fuck the others, let's go to bed!" Said Liz, gushing like never before and totally made up.
It was vanilla, but it tasted so good.
After a very special meal in the Savoy; even John had dressed up and was wearing proper trousers, they retired to the bar.
The banter had been brilliant all evening and now Caprice took over explaining that they had a special night ahead of them. She explained that her and John had brought some toys down with them and their apartment was well equipped with everything they needed for the perfect night; and courtesy of Ruth they had the Nun's Habits, stockings and corsets waiting for them and Caprice couldn't wait to see the Spice Girls routine again."
Sarah Liz and Emma all laughed nervously and Sarah commented "sorry Caprice but there is no way we could remember that routine; and do you really think we are all going to dress up as sexy Nun's again? You know, what happens in Segahay stays in Segahay and all that?"
With a smile on her face Caprice lifted four slim steel collars out of her bag and replied "oh, I think you will all put a terrific show on girls!"
The girls shrieked as one, but none of them were upset by this unseen development; they were excited. Two minutes later, collared, they were on their way to the bathroom to remove their underwear, each of them with a butt-plug in their hand; not really knowing why, just that Caprice wanted them to.
Back at the apartment the Nun's presentation of 'Wannabe' went down a storm and the group sex that followed took them right back to Segahay. They had to admit it; over five hundred years ago the Nuns of the second order of Jesus really knew what it was all about!
At the end of a spanking good week they all agreed to spend their summer holiday together back at Segahay during the Castle summer closure where this time there would be five Nuns and just the one Master. Sarah couldn't wait!