Author's Note: I apologize for borrowing the title from a Jennifer-Lopez-Movie. The writing style is different from most stories in this archive. Or maybe not. The Wedding Planner will be continued.
First Sequence
138d (Prologue)
Lights, camera, ACTION ...
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No, this is not a movie. But suddenly, there's light, brightening the room. Shanaa squints. It takes half a minute for her eyes to adjust. For the last few hours she has been sitting in constant darkness. But that's not new for her. The last month taught her to be patient.
She looks to her left, where Chun-Li is sitting. Like Shanaa, she's tied to a metal chair. The girls wrists are zip-tied to the arm rests, their ankles to the chair legs. Additional bondage like Shanaa's thighs, taped to the chair's seat, makes sure that they won't escape from the following event.
And they are gagged. Shanaa's mouth is filled with a wooden bit gag, made from a root, while Chun-Li's oral cavity is stuffed with a cloth which is secured by another cloth, wrapped around her mouth.
The root tastes like cilantro.
They are sitting in the first line of a ... Hard to say what where they are. Placed in front of the chairs is some kind of altar. Not the kind you know from churches. At each corner of the altar, chains with cuffs are bolted to the stone. It's more like a place for a sacrifice, even if Shanaa knows that nobody will be harmed today. Still, the altar is waiting. Later, a woman will lie on its surface, manacled, exposed and fucked.
Shanaa sighs. She is nude, except for her loin cloth which, of course, unveils more of her hips and private parts than it covers. In this point, Chin-Li is better off: She wears a black jacket (which ends above of her navel), no blouse, no bra, a very short skirt, almost denuding her vagina, no panties but white knee-high socks and shiny black heels. Maybe it's the eroticized version of a skirt suit or a school girl uniform. Who knows.
Voices. They come nearer. Both, Shanaa and Chin-Li turn their heads around, to the room's only door. Steps from at least two people. Gents'shoes and high heels.
The double door opens and they step into the room. First the marriage registrar. Her nods in Shanaas and Chun-Lis direction and says: „Well, the bridesmaids are already here. Oh, how lovely they look ..."
Shanaa and Chun-Li share a look in silence.
Pushing the bride in front of him, HE enters the room too.
The bride is incredibly sexy - as long you are attracted to submissive women in bondage. Her clothes are white and leave room for plenty of skin. High-heeled boots, made of white leather (or leatherette), knee-high. The heels and the platform sole lift the bride at least 6 inches up. Her thighs and the ass are uncovered, no skirt, no dress, no panties, but her upper body is stuck in a straitjacket, bolero style. Each step, the bride is forced to take, her augmented breasts (from B- to C-size) bounce up and down. With her arms tied in the straitjackets sleeves, she can't cover herself and shows the attendees her curves. And to the cctv.
Two straps secure the straitjacket between the bride's legs. HE isn't taking any risks.
Instead of a veil, a panel gag covers the bride's face. The panel is made of sheer plastic, exposing the brides tensed facial expression, especially her gaping mouth, filled with a huge red ball, secured by the panel.
Today, she has nothing to hide.
The bride and groom arrive at the altar. There she almost stumbles but is hold by him. The moment, she bends forwards, you can see the flared end of the butt plug in her rear.
But this is totally normal in this place. Shanaa's pussy is stuffed with a huge wooden dildo. And as long she's tied to her chair's seat, she won't escape from him.
The bride breathes heavily. Most time during the last four months, she has been tied. These few steps have exhausted her.
And her breasts weren't the only modification, she went through: Shanaa knows that the bride can't walk without high heels anymore. And even without the straps between her legs, she couldn't free herself from the sleeves. Not with amp...
„Today, we're all here to ..."
SHHHT! The registrar is talking. It must've been expensive to bribe him.
Shanaa closes her eyes. Reflects. Rethinks. The last four months ... Her captivity. Her humiliating enslavement. The punishment for her betrayal.
It has been ...
-0:37 (nightclub)
About half an hour later later, Jane and her two friends would be abducted. Of course, at this time the women had no clue.
It had been a great night at the club. But now, Jane felt dizzy. „Damn. I'm drunk", she said. „Must've been the Iced Tea."
„The one, the guy bought us? The guy from the bar? Hey ... where has he gone?"
„Don't know. And I don't care." Jane stood up from her chair. „I need to go to the ladies' room. Are you joining me?"
„No. I'm too drunk. I will wait for you."
„Okay ..."
So, two of the ladies left. They found their way through the club and shared a bathroom stall where they took a few lines. And used the toilet.
When they returned, their table had found new owners.
„Damn. Who are these bitches? I will ... Hey - where's she?"
„Don't know."
„Great. Now we must look for a new table AND for her."
The two women searched through the club but without results. Fortunately, they got help from a man. Still, no results.
„Maybe your friend has left the club", the stranger said. He was way older than Jane (25) or her friend, but well dressed with an expensive suit and a chic haircut.
„Why would she do that?"
„She's a non-smoker."
The stranger shrugged.
„Okay. Let's check the parking lot. Damn, too bad that this club banned mobile phones."
„I think, it's a good idea", the stranger said.
„Nobody asked you!"
For a moment, the expression in the man's face hardened.
„I'm sorry. Thank you for your help", Jane apologized instantly. What had started as a great after work party had degenerated into trouble.
„Forget about it. I have to check my car anyway. So, I can look for your missing friend too.
„Oh. You're here with a car?"
„Yes. A white van." He smiled.
„Maybe, she's is there too."
„I doubt it."
Jane thought: 'Isn't he the guy, who bought us the Long Island Iced Teas? I feel strange. Too much alcohol and cocaine. Hope, he can drive us home. I wonder if he's good in bed ...' She had found her prey for this night.
The first thing, Jane did when they left the club was to light a cigarette. Little did she know that this would be her last nonenforced action for a very long time.
Second Sequence (added: 2017/03/28)
45h 27min (Brazilian waxing)
Thump! Thump! Thump!
There was this noise. Something hammering against metal. Jane opened her eyes. She felt dizzy. No headache, no dry throat. Just ... dizzy. Numb.
Sie opened her eyes - dim light - and saw above her a grey concrete ceiling.
Jane thought: 'Where ... am I?'
The hammering continued. She raised her eyes and saw Maylin. Her friend. The woman was kicking at a metal door. And she was nude.
'This is strange.'
Maylin was small, sporty ... and sweaty. The kind of woman, men dream of then they are alone. Especially when they are into (...) women.
'Strange. Like I thought.'
Maylins straight black hair stuck at her head, giving her a very strict hairstyle.
Jane erected from the gurney, she was lying on. Warm air touched her skin.
'Oh no.' Jane realized that she was naked, too. Her blouse, her skirt, the heels ... gone. Someone had stripped her even from the bra and the c-string.
There had been this man. In the nightclub. He had bought her (and Maylin (and Sheryl!)) some drinks. Now she was nude. And inside of some kind of concrete dunge...
Maylin yelled: „C'mon! " Kick. „Break!" Kick. „Stupid door." Pause. „Please."
„What ... what's happened to us?" Janes voice was hoarse. Maylin calmed down. Still standing in front of the door, she looked over her shoulder to her friend and said: „I don't know. When I woke up, I saw this room. I tried to wake you up, but you did not respond. Maybe you took something."
'I definitely did. Three or four cocktails. And the Iced Tea.'
Maylin continued: „The door does not open. It's solid metal. I tried to break the lock, but ..." Once again, she kicked with her bare foot against the door, which responded with a long-drawn metallic sound. But it did not open.
When Jane stood up, her sight fall onto the skin between her legs.
„M o t h e r f u c k e r!"
Her pubic hair was gone.
„I'm shaved!" she screamed.
Maylin nodded. „Me too." She turned around, offering her bald pussy. Of course, Jane did not know, if her friend had been shaved before. But why would she lie to her?
„This must've been the guy from the club."
„The one, who ordered the drinks?"
„I saw him talking to the bartender. Maybe they drugged us. Do you know when we left the club?"
„No. But why should anybody ..."
The expression in Maylins face was contemptuous. She used her upper arms to squeeze her breasts and said: „Maybe business rivalry."
„And why we are barenaked?"
„To humiliate us even more."
Even if the air was warm, Janes brown nipples had hardened. She ran with her fingers through her curly, black hair and took a look through the dungeon. It was a small room of maybe 6 square meters. She saw two gurneys, covered with olive-green rubber mattresses and a ladies urinary, made of steel. Neon lights at the ceiling. Closed walls, except for the door and a vent slot.
And then there was ...
„This is a joke", she said
Maylin shook her head. „Not. It's not. At least not a funny one."
There was water, dripping from something that looked like a huge metal penis. The part of the penis, where would've been the balls, stuck in the wall. The water was dripping from the meatus. The penis shape was very realistic, even if it was bigger than any pe...
'No. I'm not thinking THAT!' Jane shook her head. Still, she stepped in front if IT and took a second look. On the ground, the water ran into a tiny hole and vanished.
„This must be a joke."
„Far as I know, this is our only water supply."
„No." Jane shook her head. „This is not something, I can accept." She took a deep breath and shout-ed: „Let us out!" Then she stopped. „Wait - where is Sheryl?"
45h 27min (douche)
She lay spread-eagled on her back, tied to a gyno chair. The feet where restrained to the feet rests. Thick ties, made of leather, strapped down her ankles, calves and thighs. Right and left to her head, her wrists stuck in hand cuffs, keeping her arms in an uncomfortable position. Beneath and above her breasts were straps too. All she could move, was her head.
The next time, the door to her dungeon opened, Sheryl lifted her head and screamed: „L'm'ooo!"
It was the same man, who had visited her the last time. He was tall. Something about 5 feet. Slim but muscular. Beneath his white coat, he wore an anthracite-colored three-piece suit.
And there was some kind of ... device with him.
Sheryl's captor came closer. He said: „Hi babe. I like the gag, you're wearing today."
Her tongue pushed against the ball inside of her mouth, but the buckle behind her head kept the gag in place. Her jaw ached. The sex toy was too big for her mouth.
Sheryl thought: 'Maybe something about 2 inches in diameter?'
It stuck there since night before yesterday
'And I'm not your babe! You did this to me. The bondage, the gag, the nudity ... bastard.'
With him was some kind of metal pole on wheels. A huge bag of water was dangling down from the upper end of the pole. Down from the water bag hung a sheer plastic tube and a nozzle.
Sheryl tried to ignore all of them.
But when he stood between her spreaded legs and she felt his fingers on her thighs, she took a deep breath. Her chest stretched the restrains. 'This is so humiliating.'
Then he touched Sheryl's pussy lips. During his last visit, he had shaven her. Maybe the man had a problem with pubic hair. Or he preferred bald pussies. Anyhow, right now he checked the result. His fingers slid down across the smooth skin. For a second, he touched her clit.
The fingers invaded her most priv...
„Mnnhhh! 'oooooo!"
Sheryl trashed into her bonds.
Of course, there was nothing, she could do. If he wanted to fuck her, all he had to do was ... you know. But then he hesitated. Maybe, this was a weak moment of indulgence but he drew his fingers back. Instead, he reached for the nozzle.
Sheryl knew what was coming. 'No! Not an enema! I can't take another one.' The restrains kept her ass in place, so there was no escape. Seconds later, his left hand spread her buttocks apart, while the other hand positioned the nozzle. It was huge (too huge), stretching the skin around her rose bud up to the maximum.
She built up some pressure too, not accepting IT inside of HER. But it did not help. The nozzle invaded Sheryl's tight anus. Deep. There was this feeling from flexible plastic on the inner surface of her bowels. Liquid floated her body.
'Nooo! Please. Someone ...'
He said: „You know why you're here, don't you? It was no coincidence that I choose you."
Sheryl moaned into her gag.
Her captor massaged her belly which helped. Still, she hated the touch of his hand on her skin.
He continued: „This is all new for you, isn't it? To lose control. You are ..." For a moment, he seemed to rethink his choice of words. „You lived a worthless life. By helping criminals, you flooded streets with deadly narcotics."
Sheryl's eyes widened.
„Yes, I know. Like I said, this is no coincidence. But this was your former life. Right now, your body gets cleansed from it. Don't fight it."
One gallon later, Sheryl's captor reached for the bottom end of the nozzle, the one which stick out of her body.
„When I've removed the nozzle, you're free to relief yourself. There's a metal bucket on the ground. Because of your bondage position, you can't see it. Just do me the favor and don't miss it. I don't want to clean the floor."
Sheryl nodded. All she wanted was to get rid of the liquid inside her.
„If I have to come back, we must practice. Again, and again. Enema after enema."
Third Sequence (added: 2017/10/16)
47h 59min (accept IT)
Jane was on her knees, with a big penis in front of her face. 'No. Not a penis.' It wasn't even a dil-do, despite of its almost identical shape. Jane was kneeling in front of a dripping faucet and the only water supply in her dungeon.
For the last few ... hours? Or days? Time had no meaning in this place. For the last few hours the two women had fought a futile battle against the door. Now they were defeated. Whoever had locked them into this room, had thought of metal that was stronger than fists and bare feet.
Jane felt exhausted. Her mouth was dry. When she closed her eyes, she relived the events at the nightclub. Tried to change them. All she had to do this time, was ...
When Jane opened her eyes the first thing she saw was the penis pointing at her mouth.
Sooner or later she had to drink. Jane thought: 'Yes, it's disgusting. But one gulp of water will give me the strength. And I will try not to think of the words "penis" or "swallow".' In her entire life, Jane had never given oral pleasures to anyone. 'Not to men and not to a piece of steel.'
A drop of water was falling from the faucet, down to the ground where it flowed into a runlet.
Jane felt Maylin's gaze on her bare skin. Her friend's body was sweat-covered, but she
insisted that she wasn't thirsty. Still, Maylin was curious enough to witness the desperate act of self-humiliation. Jane tried to cover her tits and her ass cheeks but she was aware that Maylin could see every inch of her hazel skin and her feminine curves. The left forearm was too slim to cover two
B-size breasts. Firm flesh and two very hard nipples.
She was naked and under surveillance.
Jane opened her mouth and moved her lips closer to the faucet. The sensitive skin sensed the cold metal. She asked herself how it would feel to suck cock.
Suddenly, Maylin said: "Don't!"
From her kneeling position, Jane looked up to her. "We need to drink."
"First, he comes in your mouth, then in your pussy."
"Fuck you!"
"No. Not me."
Jane breathed heavily, feeling her forearm moving back and forth along with her heaving breasts.
Maylin sat on one of the olive-green mattresses. Her knees were bent and the legs held in place by her folded arms, but when Jane looked right between Maylin's thighs, she could divine the vague outlines of her friend's bald labia.
„So, please - tell me what's your plan?"
But Maylin shook her head. Her look wandered across the dungeons walls. Of course, she was suspecting that the actions of two incarcerated and stripped women were recorded by hidden cameras. „Maybe we should search every inch of this room", Maylin said.
„And then? Are we still locked inside. We need to drink to keep our strength."
Maylin replied snippy: „You want to know what my plans are? I will tell you what they are not: To kneel in front of my abductors sex toy and suck it."
"It's not a sex toy, it's our only access to water."
"That depends on the POV." For a second, Maylin spread her legs apart and offered a look on her vagina.
Jane sighed. "Right now, we still can fight. Yes, we are naked and locked into this dungeon. But the moment this door opens, I will fight and escape. But to do so, we need to stand together. We drink. One of us sleeps, the other stays awake and keeps guard. The moment, we both fall asleep, we could find ourselves in awkward positions. Maybe handcuffed. Or hogtied. Or hogtied and gagged. Or hogtied and gagged and blindfolded. Or ho..."
"I GET IT!" Now it was Maylin who breathed heavily. You could see her upper body and her tits movin' behind her legs.
Jane thought: 'The main point remains the question: Where is HE? Does he watch us? Right in this moment? That would be understandable. That's what men do. They watch. A few years ago, I was part of the college cheerleader team. One day, we found out that the college football team had found a way to peep inside the girl's showers. You know, after the football matches. Of course, we felt embarrassed. But the girls were 18 years or older so the coach had no problem with this as long the football team was successful. But that's not the point. The point is ... there was plenty of water." Jane closed her eyes. Her arm sank down to her knees and exposed her hazel breasts and her chocolate-colored nipples. She opened her mouth, accepted the steel cock inside her started to suck.
"Urgh!" The water tasted bitter.
50h 59min (conversations with my owner)
One hour(?) later, Maylin was ready too. With a grin on her face Jane watched her fellow
captive when she kneeled in front of the "faucet" and tried to overcome her disgust
"I know that you are watching, bitch."
'I hope so. Suck it, babe. Deep and hard.' That's what Jane thought. But she kept her mouth shut and repressed her own urge to use the ladies urinal. "Fuck."
Maylin asked: "What?"
"I really need to pee."
"So, do it. Go right ahead. I won't tell anyone."
"I know. But ... No. First, you drink from the cock. C'mon, do it."
Jane watched Maylin taking a big gulp. "Ugh! That tasted bitter."
"I told you."
"Hello ladies."
And that was when they heard his voice. Janes muscles tensed.
"I'm glad to see that you ladies finally decided to trust me."
'See ... So, he IS watching us!' "Who are you?", Jane yelled. And: "Let us go! Or we will call the police."
Maylin's eyes had widened. The penis still stuck in her mouth.
He continued: "I guess, you've already realized that from now on you are slaves. My slaves, to be precise. And you will listen to your slave names: Chun-Li and Shanaa."
"You two girls will accept me as your owner. Especially you, Shanaa. You know - I've watched you for a while. When you were selling drugs to college students and yuppie couples. Which is, by the way, a cliché. The drug dealing, not the couples. I even installed hidden cameras in your condo to learn everything about your life."
"You are a disgusting pig."
"I watched you showering. And when you were working at your computer. Your e-mails. The names of your suppliers. So, think twice before you mention the police again."
"Fuck you. Let me go!!"
"Sorry, but that's not your decision anymore, Shanaa."
"It's Jane. J A N E!"
"Yes. Shanaa. Like I said."
"Awwwww!", Jane screamed furiously.
"Which leads me to Chun-Li."
By now, Maylin had stopped sucking the cock.
"Chun-Li is a lawyer, who defended - very successful - criminals in court. Your clients were drug dealers like Shanaa. Women, who spread addictive substances across the whole city. Even to a guy like me that's cold." He took a deep breath. "And Sheryl is an accountant for the people who supply drug dealers with cocaine. All of you brought woe and misery to this city. But the good thing is that I'm a responsible citizen. I'll do my part to keep the city's streets clean.
Don't worry - nobody will look for you in this place. While you enjoyed your last hours as free women in the night club I placed airline tickets in each of your condos which will lead the police to a country far, far away. And while you were drugged, we passed three borders. You're on your own. And from now on participants of my social adjustment program."
"Let! Us! Go! Motherf..."
"You'll be trained to become good, obedient slaves. You will learn to fulfill your owner needs and ..."
"He can't be serious." Both women were sitting in same posture with one hand covering their pubic area and one underarm covering their tits.
„ ... take as long as it needs. The point is: We have all the time in the world. I know, it will take some time for you to accept the new life's I've chosen for you. But in the end, you will see that it's for your own good."
Jane interrupted him by yelling: "Let. Me. Go! I'm not a slave. I'm born and bred in freedom and you can't turn me into some playtoy."
"I'm not insane. And this is not about sex. I will neither fuck you, Shanaa, or Chun-Li. Sheryl, on the other hand, is here to become a sex slave. But this has nothing to do with your training. Which, of course, will contain ongoing sexual and humiliating treatments. You've already seen the faucet and better get used to its shape. From now on, phallic objects will be a major part of your life's. For example: Can you imagine a hybrid between a tooth brush and a dildo, tightly clustered with bristles and with integrated toothpaste tube.
Furthermore, you will be penis-gagged, dildoed and butt-plugged. But we will talk about this later. Well - I will talk. To become good slaves, you will learn everything about gags. Casual cleave gags, jaw-stretching ball gags, dehumanizing bit gags ... you will enjoy the mouthfeel of each of them. And to make sure that you ..."
"Where's Sheryl?"
"Sheryl's fine, Shanaa. She's gagged too. Right now, your criminal friend lies on her back and is strapped to a gyno chair. Since her rude awakening, she's in a special treatment, which includes full nudity, bondage and enemas. Needless to say that Sheryl isn't very pleased about it. But I hope that this kind of treatment will lead her to the right path."
Jane asked: "Did you shave her too?"
Maylin looked at her with surprise. Jane was amazed too, for having found the courage to ask this
question. And even their abductor sounded disapproved when he answered: "Um ... I ... That's not your business, but ... All of you got a permanent hair removal treatment. Your pubes, your leg- and armpit hair is history. And don't give me that look."
Jane and Maylin stared at each other in horror. Until now they had been sure that they would escape from this place with no more harm than a few embarrassing memories. Now they realized that their bodies had changed forever, no matter what future was waiting for them.
He said: "This may not be the best moment to tell you, but the water you drank was mixed with a strong laxative. By now is has been absorbed by your stomach mucosa. In one hour, maybe less, you will fight like girls to place your cute little asses on the toilet ..."
52h 50min (suppression)
Sheryl lied on her back, strapped to a gyno chair and tried not to moan. Her spread-eagled and restrained thighs exposed her most intimate parts and left them at mercy of the sex toy between her legs. Her captor had called it The Tongue Tornado. "You know. Like in this movie with Tara Reid." It was a self-moisturizing piece of soft rubber, shaped like a tongue, which rotated around its own axis while rubbing her lower lips and the clit. Before turning on the sex toy the man had slathered Dream Cream on Sheryl's vagina. A very humiliating act. Two hours later, one part of her wanted the moan. The other part bit into the ball in her mouth and made her swear she'd never give him any satisfaction and that she would kill him.
She heard screams and insults. Two women were fighting aomewhere in this place. Maybe Maylin and Jane?
"Step aside, bitch."
"Step aside, or I will ..."
Of course, Sheryl had no orgasm. Not in her predicament. But her labia had turned into hot, quivering flesh. She pushed her tongue against the ball gag but the securing buckle was stronger. Everything in this place was stronger than Sheryl. The restrains, her abductor, the urge to orgasm ...
All she could do was taking a deep breath and stay silent.
53:50 (anesthetic)
The two women were exhausted. They had emptied the contents of their bowels into the urinal. Not the right place, indeed, but there hadn't been any other option. After two hours of belly cramps and shitting, Jane had found herself kneeling in front of the steel penis. The voice in the air had asserted, that the water was clean now, so Jane had sucked up roundabout 3.8 liters of sweet and fresh liquid.
Now she lay on one of the mattresses and was ready to sleep.
"Do you take the first watch?", she asked Maylin.
A few minutes later both slaves were asleep. That was when the door to their dungeon was opened. The man from the nightclub entered the room. Without any hesitation, he started to tie up his bare-naked captives.