Author's Note: Warning - if you are only interested in hard-core stories then this is NOT the story for you! This is something else, something beautiful.
This story explores the effect that reading Fifty Shades of Grey may have on a young woman; and follows her journey as she tests her boundaries in a bondage based relationship.
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This theme is a diversion from my usual writings but I am not trying to pass it off as an experiment or anything of the like, I know exactly what this story is; it is a work of love; just a beautiful bondage story.
This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
1. Imagination
I was sweating, and helpless; my wrists tied with string to the steel frame supporting the TV high above me. My short dress and bra had been pulled up and over my head; my skimpy pants removed.
This could not be happening to me, it just couldn't be.
It wasn't even my fault, my handbag had been stolen off the back of my chair; I would pay for the meal and drinks; I just didn't have it with me now; not my fault, they must see that.
They had kept me sitting until the bar was empty and closed, and then dragged me into the centre of the room and tied me. The Landlady stripping me and saying she would make sure I paid in full. She would take payment in kind.
They sat at a table before me, laughing; the old landlady, two bar-men and a waitress. They were playing cards, gambling over 'first licks'; establishing a pecking order for them to play with me.
After a series of cutting cards and much hilarity the taller, younger barman raised his hands in the air and exclaimed "Yes, you beauty, get in there!"
He kicked his chair back and approached me, a maniacal smile on his face, staring into my eyes whilst rubbing his hands in anticipation.
Without a word he put his hands on my bare hips, and then moved them slowly up, caressing the fine hairs on my body all the way up to my tits, and held them.
Taking my nipples between his fingers and thumbs he grinned and said "you are going to enjoy this"
I was petrified, shocked, I struggled to get my breath; refusing to believe this could be happening.
He twisted my nipples making me scream.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw the waitress come up behind me, something in her hands.
I closed my eyes
"Table fifteen, Scampi and chips with corn on the cob, is that you love?" I heard, breaking me from my dream. I opened my eyes and saw the bar was busy, and daylight was still playing through the windows; just another one of my many fantasies. I nodded at the waitress and thanked her as she served my meal.
I just sat there waiting for the usual slight tremors to pass through me, placing my hands in my lap and breathing deeply. I was sweating and flushed.
I was sick of it, sick of these constant fantasies, all sexual, and all involving bondage. Equally I was frustrated that they always stopped before they really got going.
One part of me loved them and couldn't wait for the next to hit me; the sensible part of me just hated them and my total inability to control them.
I already knew that my next fantasy would be on the tube on the way home, the same recurring fantasy that I have whenever I see those dangling leather straps.
I have lost track of how many times I have passed my own stop because of these fantasies.
I just make it down the stairs in time to jump onto into the carriage before the doors slide shut. The tube is busy and I have to stand and hold onto the leather straps above.
I enjoy the steady rhythm and bounce of the carriage and before I know it I am awakening to the fact that I had been sleeping; standing, holding the straps, but dozing.
I force my eyes open and give myself a shake and see that the carriage is now empty; I can take a seat.
I go to move but cannot; I am not holding the straps, they are holding me! My hands have passed through the straps and slim collars have been pulled down trapping my hands in the straps.
Confused I swivel around and see a young man on one side and an old lady on the other; nobody else.
We come to a stop and as the doors open the old lady stands and passes me; as she does she says "Don't worry my love, he never hurts his pets" and then pats my bum and steps out.
The doors close and we resume our journey; the man stands. He approaches me and slides his hands down my body. Taking hold of my dress he raises it up and over my head. He unbuckles my bra and that follows my dress. He smiles at me, almost nose to nose with me. He smells of stale beer. My legs are shaking.
He takes my pants and slides them down my legs, letting them drop to my ankles and leaving them there.
His hands slide slowly up my body, with his thumbs and fingers he takes hold of my nipples and says "you are going to enjoy this" and then twists them.
I scream!
The tube screams to a halt and looking out of the window I see the station name and this confirms what I already knew, I was two stops past my own and had to rush to get off to switch platforms and head back home. I hate these bloody fantasy dreams!
My most common fantasy has been at work. I have a desk on a large floor-plate in an office block. We sell shipping insurance and also help with the revenue, port tax and customs duties issues of trade ships entering and leaving Britain. I manage accounts and arrange payments and receipts.
All the desks are soulless, modern stuff not quite made out of real wood but not plastic either; just modern crap.
All of the desks that is, except one.
My manager, Mr Hawkins, has the original company table. It is a Captains chart table from the White Star shipping company; recovered and restored from a sister ship of the Titanic.
This table has real character. A deep oak stained from years under water. It is wide and deep and has a green leather pad inserted into the desk.
The legs are like snooker table legs and there are brass rails along the sides of the desk. Apparently this was to use cords to tie the navigation charts down in rough seas.
My desk faces it and I cannot help but be drawn to it.
Whenever I am between tasks and relaxing I just stare at it.
Damn! Why can I not just concentrate and get this finished? Mr Hawkins has been on my back all day about this. I was to have it finished by lunch and now it is four o'clock and I am starting another re-write!
Oh no, he has seen me and my distress!
"Miss Barnet, I have told you and I have told you, and I will not tell you again. You will stay here until you have finished this and will then place the finished paper on my desk, and assume the position until I am satisfied; is that clear?"
"Yes Sir Mr Hawkins" I reply, tears forming at the thought of what was to come.
One by one my colleagues tidy their desks and walk out past me, looking down on me in pity as they go. Only Mr Hawkins is remaining before I finally finish the paper.
I stand and smooth my skirt before collecting my paper from the printer and carrying it over to his desk.
I place it perfectly squarely before him then reach down and secure the leather straps from the table legs to my ankles; holding them wide apart.
I collect the two leather cuffs from the centre of the desk and fasten them to my wrists.
Without even looking at my paper he lifts it and places it in a side tray; and then drawing the leather straps through the brass side rails of the desk up into the far corners he pulls them taut and fastens them; forcing my torso down onto the green leather padding and stretched across his desk.
He stands and walks around the table, all the time criticising me and my work. Still berating me he collects the bottom of my long skirt and raises it up my legs and pulls it onto the desk and my back. I have black stockings and suspenders and white silk pants on and know that he is stood admiring the vulnerable sight before him.
I feel his hands at my waist and my pants are drawn down to my knees. I was not expecting this and pull on all my cuffs but am helpless; my naked bum feeling the draft across it making me even more sensitive to my helpless and exposed situation.
He continues to berate me.
He walks in front of me and takes a long thin cane from the wall behind his desk. He tries to look serious at me but I can see an evil smile lurking behind his eyes.
I hear two practice 'swishes' from behind me and my body reacts as though struck. I hear him chuckle.
"Miss Barnet, I will have discipline. From you I require speed, accuracy, attention to detail, reliability and efficiency; but above all else discipline. Let this be a lesson to you."
I feel the cane trace the contour of my legs up to and over my bum, and then a couple of taps. I look over my shoulder and see him draw the cane back behind him, ready to give me a full strike. He glances across from my naked bum to my face and I see excitement in his eyes; his arm flexes and the cane starts its journey of pain.
A phone rings.
My phone ringing startles me out of yet another replay of that same daydream.
I answer it and within seconds realise it is Richard at the desk across from mine playing a game. I hang up but he leaves his desk and comes over to me.
"Lois (I am actually called Sophie, Lois is his nick-name for me because I am the spit of Terri Hatcher when she played Lois Lane in the old Superman movies; unfortunately everybody else agrees and the name has stuck) what is the matter with you? You are doing it again; simply miles away. I've already told you, if it is anything erotic you have to confide in me; and the way you look, so vulnerable, mouth open and lips so lustrous it must be something horny."
I automatically blushed, making it worse, like he could see into my head or something. With my hands in my lap and my thighs quivering the blush only gets worse and I tell him to go away. I can feel my face sweating.
Richard is the office flirt, and gossip; I am sure he is gay. He's an odd sort; only in his twenties and six foot nine with a totally bald head and no eyebrows. Apparently he suffers from alopecia but he is so gangly we all fear he may be anorexic too.
2. Hooked on Holiday
This has got to stop! These thoughts are taking over my life just as she said they would. Tina predicted everything that has happened to me since my holiday.
I had always holidayed with three girlfriends, for years, or at least any three of us if one cried off.
This time two had already cried off, one pregnant and one all loved up; leaving just me and Debbie. Then three days before departure she cancelled too. She even asked me for her deposit back! No chance; I was determined to have my holiday, I went alone.
At Gatwick I was suddenly not so brave. I was sat in the departure lounge looking around and seeing everybody in their twos and various sized groups and started to worry. What do I do on holiday on my own? I have always been with somebody, talking and having fun. I can't just sleep or stay in my room or just people watch all the time; what do I do?
I started to look for other single travellers and saw that they did exist; and they were not looking lonely but either talking on a phone, looking at some electronic device or reading a book.
That's it! I thought, buy a book; a good book will become my new best friend.
I headed for WH Smith and perused the best seller board. They were all either thrillers or romance. I wasn't in the mood for romance, reading it and being alone would sicken me anyway; and the thrillers would scare me, alone every night and reading scary stuff, the nightmares would torture me.
Everywhere I looked I saw 'Fifty shades of Grey' and I had heard a lot about it. Well you couldn't not, could you? Not really anything that interested me, I mean all about some silly woman wanting to be tied up and spanked or something; bondage stuff, ridiculous.
I kept looking but couldn't find anything that really interested me. I saw on the board that my flight had been allocated a gate and in a slight panic I grabbed one of the Fifty shades books and suffered the embarrassment of being served at the check-out by a young, probably only sixteen year old girl that looked at my choice, then looked up at and into my face; her expression saying 'Really? At your age? Yuck!'
I could feel my face burning. I almost said to her "I'm only twenty eight, and I could have written this book!" But of course I would have been lying, not about my age though.
By the end of the first week I had read it twice and had started it again a third time. Reading it over breakfast; by the pool; over lunch; on the beach; over dinner, at the bar and before bed.
It was rubbish; I just couldn't put it down.
Then I met Tina.
I had seen her about. I had spotted all the single travellers but she had been on my flight and so I kept looking out for her. She was possibly a little older than me but I am crap with ages. I had her down as maybe young thirties, just older than me, possibly.
I thought she was ever so brave. On holiday on her own and she went topless by the pool and on the beach she only wore a thong or G-String bikini.
I was never that brave.
I was lying by the pool reading my book and Tina just happened to be on the sunbed next to me. She asked "What do you think then?"
I knew immediately that she meant the book but I was too embarrassed to answer; instead I avoided it and asked her "Oh, have you read it then? What did you think of it?"
She smiled, obviously knowing what I had done; but she was braver than me.
"Not a great book, not a classic by any means, but one hell of an effect. It has changed my life, I just cannot get it out of my head; you will be the same, you'll see."
"What do you mean, changed your life?"
"It causes you to think differently, it makes you, well, want. It has made me act differently; dress differently, made me want to be vulnerable somehow; certainly made me fantasize like all the time."
"Oh, wow, well I haven't had any of that yet."
"Oh, but you will, trust me."
We carried on talking, and had lunch together and carried on after that.
Over the next couple of days we spent a lot of time together.
Then Tina asked me "Because of that book, and how it has changed me; I really want to go to the next level but need somebody I can trust to help me; would you maybe help me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I tie myself up. Normally just at home but also here on holiday; you know, self-bondage. I am normally naked on my bed but have also done it in my garden and other places. I have researched ways of doing it and getting released without help but that is the thing, I always know I am going to be released without anything actually happening; I need to lose the control and be at the mercy of somebody else. Could you be that somebody else?"
That was so awkward! I squirmed as I giggled and made pathetic jokes but eventually I had to admit that those parts of the book had excited me and after much more talking around it I finally agreed to help her.
That night after we had left the bar Tina stripped naked and with leather straps and cuffs she had brought with her she fastened her ankles to the bottom legs of the bed and her left wrist to the top left leg of the bed.
She already had the cuff on her right wrist with just a few inches of strap hanging loose and another strap running from the last bed leg.
She explained she normally had the lights off and connected the two last loose pieces with a combination lock. Once sunrise arrived she could see the numbers to release herself.
She wanted me to use her suitcase padlock instead of the combination lock and take the key away with me; then return in the morning and release her.
I snapped on the lock as she had asked and then sat on the spare bed just looking at her. She looked marvellous.
She was taller than me and her legs were so long. She wasn't flat chested but had nothing like my tits. Her body was honed though; she obviously worked out a lot. I swim two or three times a week and go jogging with a club every Tuesday evening but have no muscle definition at all; but I could see the sinew on her hips and the muscles in her thighs and belly.
I was fixated on her pussy. She had shaved it but left a strip of blonde hair; it looked so good and had me closing my legs together thinking of the black bush I had between them.
We didn't speak, we just looked at each other. Me at her body, and her at my face and the key in my hand.
I got up and switched off the lights and opened the door to leave "don't forget to take my door key-card" she shouted after me. Lucky she did, I hadn't thought about getting back in, that would have been embarrassing!
As soon as I got back to my room I stripped off and looked at myself in the mirror, comparing myself to her. I was no longer certain she was older than me; just worldlier perhaps.
I copied her pubic hair, taking first scissors and then an electric grooming shaver and finally laying in the bath with a wet shave.
When I dried off and looked again in the mirror I liked it, I actually laughed out loud to myself that I had done this.
Lying on my bed I thought about her and her helpless position, and the key I had beside me. Coming was very easy that night.
I didn't mess about the next morning; I was embarrassed about what we had agreed and just went in but when I saw her there, naked and so vulnerable; I paused as a shiver went up my spine and I think I was just as nervous as her, I couldn't control my giggles. I unlocked her as fast as I could and said "see you at breakfast" and almost ran back out. I am sure I saw disappointment in her eyes and imagined she wasn't quite ready for release. It was only later I considered that it was maybe because she had hoped I would do something to her.
Lying on the beach together she asked if tonight I would like for her to return the favour. I said I wasn't quite ready for that yet and agreed to lock her in again but it certainly got me dreaming about being restrained like she had been.
This continued for another couple of days and then Tina brought up her fantasies of going to another level again, needing to find somebody that she could trust that would also take advantage of her bondage; obviously hinting that I wasn't doing enough for her.
The next morning I left it later. So far I had always been in her room and released her by eight o'clock; then we met for breakfast at eight thirty.
This time I left it until eight forty five and instead of entering I knocked three times on her door.
I left it thirty seconds and knocked again; obviously there was no answer and I imagined her sweating with worry.
I unlocked and opened the door and poked my head around, she was bricking herself! She was straining to see who was entering and the relief when she saw me!
She was breathing deeply and her head had flopped back onto her pillow; I attacked her feet; tickling and tormenting the souls and she was bouncing in her restraints; writhing and screaming uncontrollably. I had to grab a beach towel and stuff it under her as she started to pee herself!
In a fit of giggles I collapsed onto the bed beside her; lying on my left side. Our heads were a foot apart and we laughed into each other's faces.
I hadn't realised how much she had been straining as I tickled her but the muscles on her really stood out; her body glistened with sweat.
With a finger I started to trace the muscles on her abdomen, they were solid. Tina started to squirm a little and I stopped, leaving my hand flat on her stomach. I looked at her, she was magnificent; then up into her eyes and she was smiling but I could also see she was straining against her cuffs; the muscles on her arms taut with effort and the cuffs cutting into her wrists. Her legs were also straining but she could do nothing to close them.
Since I had joined her on the bed I had been in a different world and lost to the fact that she was still restrained. Now though it was back and my hand was still on her belly, softly petting her; the real helplessness of her position for the first time really sank home like a lightning bolt and my hand stopped.
It must have been something on my face or in my eyes as the realisation of our positions sank in but I saw a new panic in her eyes and she really put some effort into pulling on her straps.
She was helpless, her body open to my touch, completely at my mercy; I liked it.
These last five seconds had brought home the true feelings of bondage that I had failed to fully appreciate from the fifty shades book. I had control of another person, Tina was mine for the taking.
Smiling, I flipped my leg over and sat on her. Pussy to pussy, our mounds squirming against each other. She froze, staring up at me; eyes wide open.
I started with both hands on her belly; working my way up to and cupping her tits. I took her nipples between fingers and thumbs and twisted them back and forth as I like to do to myself in the shower.
I felt her body flex and buck under me and she let out a yelp just as there was a knock on the door "Room service."
Tina froze, I giggled.
There was another knock and then the door started to open.
"Five minutes please, could you come back later?" I shouted at the opening door.
The young maids face was around the door, she was staring at us, eyes wide open, speechless; then it was quickly gone and the door shut firmly.
I could hear rapid foreign talk and laughter from the corridor.
I looked down; I was still holding her nipples!
Jumping off I released her padlock and fled.
Later I was lying on my sunbed with my eyes closed dozing and Tina surprised me, she kissed me on my lips and said "thank you". That was it, all she said; and she settled down on her sunbed and dozed; a beautiful smile on her face. I was so jealous of her and her confidence.
3. Adventure
That was as far as we went, but we travelled back on the same flight and exchanged contact details, saying we would keep in touch and possibly meet up on holiday again.
All these fantasies have been hitting me since returning from that holiday; having read 'Fifty shades' the effect on me is exactly as Tina said it would be; I am following her experiences.
Sitting here now looking at Mr Hawkins desk, my thighs wet, I know that I have to do something to either make these ridiculous fantasies stop, or make them somehow become real. At the moment I would prefer the latter.
I take Tina's advice to keep with the stories, she couldn't name another decent book but had said she does her research on-line; looking at various restraints, methods of self-bondage and reading on-line bondage stories.
As soon as I got home from the office and had dinner I started. There is so much out there that I never knew existed; this is going to take me months!
I don't know how many times I had missed my tube station or had been tied across Mr Hawkins old desk before I stumbled across 'Dian Taylor - Oh My God!' but it was this story that helped motivate me into doing something more than just hopeless fantasising.
Her story so summed up how I was feeling. She got around it by going into a sex store to have a chastity belt fitted and ended up being a bondage model and basically a sex slave but to a guy she loved. I so wished I were Dian!
I decided to follow her lead, but walking into the sex store I turned around and walked straight back out. I couldn't do it.
I did though manage to find the courage to go into an 'alternative' fashion shop that specialised in erotic clothing.
There were no chastity belts or serious restraints but I spotted a pair of beautiful black brushed leather shoes with killer steel stiletto heels and locking ankle cuffs.
I asked to try them on and loved them. They didn't look bondage at all, just classy. They had a really small gold padlock on the cuff and were decorated with gold D-Rings that looked more like fashion dressing than restraint.
I made up my mind to buy them. At the till the sales lady asked if I was interested in the matching accessories; "what accessories?" I asked.
She showed me wrist cuffs in the same material and design and a collar also; all with the same gold locks and gold D-Rings, one key fitting all. Being adventurous and brave I tried them on, and loved them.
When the hell I would get to wear them I had no idea; probably just at home alone!
4. Court
More weeks passed, and more fantasies plagued me.
I awoke in my bed, the sun streaming through the window beside me. I laid there enjoying waking up for a long moment and went to scratch an itch on my nose. I froze, My right hand wouldn't move, it was tethered to the headboard. I looked up and saw that my left hand also was cuffed.
What is happening? How? Who did this to me? I have bought chains and cuffs but I have never had the courage to use them, have I? Did I do this to myself?
I look up and see a key dangling from a thread hung around the hour pointer of my wall clock but the time is wrong. It says three fifty. I somehow know the thread will fall off sometime after four but it is only morning. I must have set the clock wrong so it would say four pm and drop the key in the morning.
I try to sit up and find that my ankles are also cuffed. I look down and see that I am naked. Why have I done this to myself?
There is a loud bang that startles me, and then another and I see the top of some ladders bouncing on my window sill right by my bed. Oh shit! The window cleaner!
I struggle with my cuffs but they are far too strong, the ladders continue to bounce, he is climbing them! What can I do? Oh No. Oh No!
His hand comes into view, and then a sponge; I see the top of his head and I want to scream, I have to do something but I am helpless; I close my eyes......................
Opening my eyes I have just had that same bloody dream again, the window cleaner.
I hate this dream, this fantasy; it always leaves me feeling so helpless and horny; and I don't even have a bloody window cleaner! I live on the ground floor for Christ's sake! I don't even have a clock above my bed!
But just as the guy in the bar never actually does anything to me; nor the guy on the tube; and Mr Hawkins never actually gets to cane me; the window cleaner never actually gets to see me. This must be psychological or something. I am stopping just short of making the next step. I need to do a 'Dian', actually step up to the plate and make something happen.
Anyway I cannot hang around, I have court today; and not just any court but the Royal Courts of Justice; a famous London landmark that has always fascinated me.
It is a child custody issue and I am only a character witness for a friend but to actually get in there, wow!
Having arrived early I am sitting in the court canteen eating a light lunch when a guy with a tray comes up and asks "sorry to disturb you Miss, but is that seat free?"
I look up and wow! George Clooney eat your heart out! This is one chiselled smart looking sharp dressed guy!
"No, er, yes, er, sorry, yes you can sit there."
He does, and we talk, and talk, and he is gorgeous! It was only a little lunch but we must have talked for an hour and I loved it.
He pulls his seat back and says "Please excuse me but my name has just been called, they must need me in court; thank you for making my lunch such a special experience and if there is any justice in this world, if there is a God and fate does exist; I am sure we will meet again. I am Daniel, Daniel Stevens; so very pleased to have met you."
"Oh thank you" I reply, gushing, "No, the pleasure was mine, I really have enjoyed our lunch; I am Sophie, pleased to have met you too."
He smiled and made his exit, I drooled after him.
I had another coffee and then made my way down to court room four. After another short wait I was approached by the usher and told I was next on.
Standing in the witness box I swore an oath and then answered all the questions my friend's lawyer asked me, smiling at the Judge as I had been briefed to do.
The Judge asked "any questions from opposing Council?"
"Yes your honour, but only a couple, I won't keep the helpful witness long at all."
I could have fainted, the opposing lawyer was Daniel!
He was nice to me, speaking very softly and helping me with my answers.
Out on the street I felt dizzy, as though something had hit me; I swooned and had to stop and rest. My legs ached, mainly my thighs. I was out of breath standing still. Love at first sight? Really?
Over the following weeks Daniel was the traveller on the tube, the barman; the window cleaner; and once tied across the desk Daniel would walk in, walk all around me and say "I will take it from here Mr Hawkins."
Still I awoke from the fantasies without them ever going anywhere. How fucking frustrating!
I was on a girly night out with my three friends; all of us looking stunning; even Hillary in a pregnant sort of way.
We had gone Italian and were now working our way along Fleet Street on a pub-crawl and had reached the Knights Templar.
The girls grabbed a table while I took my turn at the bar.
I was loving my daring night out. I had finally gone for it. I was wearing my killer lock-on shoes, cuffs and collar. I had even bought a special dress to wear with them.
It was the same brushed look black as my accessories with gold thread weaved into it matching the D-Rings and locks.
It was shoulderless, the back fastening with lace like a corset, the front cups giving me the wonder-bra look.
The ankle length skirt was split from hem to high on my front left thigh but it wasn't a straight cut, it curved from the thigh down to the front encouraging it to gape and give flashes of my hold-up stockings as I walked or sat. Sexy, not trashy.
None of the girls had spotted or at least hadn't commented on my stuff being bondage gear; they all agreed I looked stunning; like a new person.
I thought with the added height in these heels I would get served quickly but I struggled.
Finally a barman was stood in front of me and I ordered two large glasses of red, a large medium white and a coke but realised the guy next to me was ordering at the same time.
I stared up at him in exasperation; he looked down on me and we were both speechless, just grinning; Daniel!
He insisted the barman serve me first and we chatted, and chatted, and my drinks came and he ordered, and we chatted; then his drinks arrived and still we chatted.
He handed drinks to his friends standing near him and still we chatted.
One of my friends joined me "Sophie, remember me? I am with the other two girls you come out with? Drinks?"
Daniel apologised for me "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to kidnap your friend but I just can't seem to let her go. May I be so bold as to keep her for just another couple of minutes whilst I ask a favour of her?"
I could see Debbie was smitten with him also; she actually gulped before replying, and called him 'Sir'!
Well the two minutes become ten; then the table beside us cleared and we sat; and the ten minutes become twenty.
As I sat my dress fell open revealing my stocking and just the briefest glimpse of my white thigh before I rescued the situation, crossed my legs and draping my skirt back over for modesty. It would slowly, ever so slowly creep and fall again and to be honest, I was letting it. I knew I had Daniel's attention.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see the friends I had ignored.
"Sophie we are moving on now, are you coming?"
I didn't want to; I wanted to go home with Daniel. Again Daniel answered for me.
"Ladies, it would be an injustice for you to leave now. It is the four of you that are lighting up this pub. It would be a very bland place without you. I do apologise most earnestly for interfering with your night out together and by way of apology would you accept a drink from me? Please take a seat and I will order; cocktails? Champagne? What would help me and Sophie out of this hole I have dug?"
I could see them hesitate but the promise of a free quality drink won them over and they moved around the table "Just as long as we get introduced properly" said Debbie sitting down and wanting some gossip.
Hillary had another coke (she's the pregnant one) and Debbie and Shaz shared a pitcher of something pink. I stuck with the red wine and Daniel got a large Malt.
Daniel's personality took over and he soon had all the girls in the palm of his hand as he explained how we had met.
The conversation moved on and the girls were engrossed with each other again, even gossiping in our presence about us, they just couldn't help themselves!
Daniel spoke quietly to me "Sophie, I have never before believed so strongly in fate as I do now. I never ply my trade in the Royal Courts of Justice; I work in criminal cases not family and civil cases; I was only there as a favour to a friend. I never eat in court café's, full of people talking about their cases and my being there could cause prejudice."
"Yet I attend that court the same day as you attend it for the first time ever. Fate. I visit the café and am forced to sit with you, fate."
"I question you in the witness box in a case I shouldn't even be presenting, fate!"
"I never ever come in here; the place is always full of lawyers talking shop and I avoid it like the plague. But tonight I am dragged in here and I end up right beside you at the bar, fate! A city of ten million people and the only girl I meet is you, twice; in places I do not go, fate!"
He takes out a card and places it into my hand "Please excuse me if I embarrass you, but I must see you again, soon. Please call me; all my contact details are on the card. Phone me, text me, email me; write me a letter, stand on top of a tall building and shout my name; or just lie in bed and whisper it; I will hear you; and I must hear my name on your lips again."
I blush and look down at the card. It is cream with a gold border and gold print etched into it. I don't think it is even card, it feels more like fabric; it is classy whatever it is.
He continues "If this appeals to you I would like to take you out for a meal here in town. I will take you home afterwards. Any restaurant of your choice or one of my favourites in you prefer, all I ask is that you come exactly as you are tonight; you are an absolute vision of beauty and I would be so proud to show you off looking as you are."
"Please do not answer now; I would hate to embarrass you further in front of your lovely friends; I will leave you now and prey to hear from you, goodnight."
He took my hand and kissed it, apologised again to the girls, said what good friends they were to give me this time with him and wait for her; and he returned to his friends. I felt like a schoolgirl with a crush.
The girls were straight onto me, like a heavy handed mob. It was easier in court!
We were interrupted by a barman, "Excuse me ladies but I have been asked to inform you that you now have a 'tab' behind the bar and all your drinks for the remainder of the night are taken care of courtesy of Daniel, and he asks that you please make full use of this further offer of apology and token of future friendship. No need to attend the bar, I will be serving on you."
Well this really won the girls over and any thoughts of moving on were instantly forgotten, the night was still young.
We all poured over his business card which read
Sir Daniel Stevens OBE LLB
Queens Council Barrister at Law
Pitt Chambers
44 Ludgate Hill
W1 0LD
0108 8423 365 / 07755 387679
The girls went ecstatic, especially finding he had been knighted and awarded the OBE; and a QC! Top Barrister, a 'Silk' in his trade! "Must be bloody loaded" said Debbie enviously. "Well he would have to be, just to pay for all these drinks we are going to hammer!" Added Shaz.
5. Wet Dreams
For the next few days I was floating, I was totally in love, or at least I was incredibly horny and infatuated.
My dreams got worse, or better, you decide.
I had continued with my on-line research and was feeling braver; I just wasn't showing it yet. I managed to pluck up the courage to go to a hardware store and buy some lengths of chain, and locks including a combination lock and other bits and pieces; and from another shop some leather straps which I made into cuffs.
One night I started to fasten the chain to the corners of my bed but half way through I felt really silly and stopped.
Instead I stripped off and flopped onto my bed and dreamt again of Daniel; I still hadn't phoned him yet and was kicking myself for being so cowardly.
I was in the witness box and I was sweating, the questions from Daniel seemed harder this time.
"I ask you again Miss Barnet, was it a red dress or white?"
"I keep telling you, the street was dark, I could not tell."
"Nonsense, absolute nonsense! You helped her to her feet, in Leicester Square, at seven pm, directly under a street lamp; and you could not tell red from white? Your honour, I move that this witness is lying; I make application to move her to the stocks."
"Granted, guards, have the witness stripped and placed in the stocks."
What? I looked down, I don't know how I could have missed them, but right in front of the jury, right below the Judge and in front of the public gallery were a set of wooden stocks, ankle restraints and everything.
Moments later I was naked with my ankles wrists and neck all locked in place; Daniel was standing to the side with a long thin cane.
I felt the cane caressing my rear, sliding up and down my buttocks and tapping on my thighs.
"Thank you your Honour; Miss Barnet, red or white?"
I just didn't know, it had been dark, I could strain my neck just enough to look up at the Judge "honestly, I swear, I do not know."
The Judge nodded and the cane left my bum as Daniel drew it back.
I was not worried, I knew this was a dream, and in my dreams it never actually comes. The Judge will stop him, or a phone will ring, or an alarm will sound and I will wake up to my alarm clock ringing. Whatever, this is a dream and nothing ever actually happens.
There was a frightening swish and the cane landed across my buttocks, pain engulfed me as though I had been burned with a hot poker. I opened my mouth and nothing came out as the shock and the pain rode my body together; my eyes closed and then I found my scream; a high pitched scream of pure pain.........
I was screaming, my own screaming had awakened me; and the pain, no, the pleasure? I was sweating, breathing hard, gasping for air; I had just been caned. No, my knees were high up off the bed, my feet apart. I lift myself up on my elbows and look down my naked sweaty body; I haven't been caned, I have come! I am coming! I am still gasping, I put my head back and scream again as my hand travels down and grips my pussy, my fingers entering me in disbelief and pure pleasure as I played and prolonged the effects of my wet dream.
Afterwards I still lay there, still gasping, but now glowing in the sensual after heat of the mind-shattering orgasm.
A wet dream? I haven't had a one of those since I was a young girl awakening to my new, alien feelings of sexual arousal.
I lay back still playing with myself, my eyes wide open; and I start laughing, and I just cannot stop.
It is not even midnight, I get up and wash and then finish fastening the chains to my bed.
Then as Tina had done on holiday, I fasten my limbs to the bed, closing the final combination lock with my right hand. I have no option now but to sleep until daylight gives me the means to escape but it seems hours before I calm myself into sleep.
Thinking about the caning had kept me awake, trying to work out why this dream had been different and had gone further. All I could come up with was that it was somehow in my sub-conscious that I was prepared to go further with Daniel; and the fantasy was telling me this.
6. An experience
On the strength of the orgasm alone I had to phone him, I had whispered his name many times in bed but he had not answered.
He said a taxi would be at my door at seven pm Friday, it would know where to take me.
I wore the same dress, well I had bought it just to go with these shoes and cuffs; and I again wore hold-up stockings, with a long lace trim. The only difference this time being my knickers, I had never worn anything but normal panties before but I went out and bought the most erotic black lace G-String I could find, it was minute and barely covered me. It felt weird, but exciting.
The taxi was due any moment and I had a dilemma, do I take the key to my shoes and cuffs with me?
I enjoyed the exciting thought of leaving it at home but what if he ended up taking me to bed and I couldn't take my shoes off?
I saw the taxi arrive, I dropped the key on my dresser and grabbed my coat and headed out.
The taxi took me to the Ritz. The driver said the bill was paid already; I tried to hand him a tip but he declined it "Thank you Ma'am, but Daniel has taken care of it."
He said it as though he knew him.
My door opened and Daniel was stood there with his hand ready to help me out, I couldn't stop (and didn't want to) my dress opening revealing my stockings as I stepped out.
We had a drink in the hotel bar before going up to the grill. The waiter took Daniels jacket and my coat and Daniel held my seat for me to sit. I had never been anywhere so posh, and Daniel was on first name terms with everyone!
We both ordered light, having salads to start and grilled fish for mains. We both declined desert but had the coffee.
We must have been in there nearly two hours but it passed in moments. Daniel seemed to do all the talking but as we sipped our coffee I realised we had only talked about me.
Finishing the coffee there was no bill, Daniel explained it would be added to his account. The waiter returned with our coats and Daniel stood and slipped his jacket on and then took my hand and drew my seat for me to stand.
I loved this treatment, what an absolute gentleman.
He held my coat and I stood and turned for him to help me into it.
Not knowing which arm first I put both behind me. He started to offer the coat up and I looked across the restaurant, taking it in, just in case I never saw it again, I certainly couldn't afford it.
My hands were drawn together and I felt a 'click', I knew immediately what he had done but tried to pull my wrists apart anyway. They were locked.
As I tried to turn to confront him he slipped my coat up onto my shoulders covering my locked cuffs and whispered in my ear "Shh, do you want to interrupt these nice people's meals and draw attention to your choice of accessories? Don't worry, it's just a bit of fun to make your night that little bit more memorable."
I stared at him but then his hand was in my back and guiding me out off the door. He slipped a wad of notes into the waiters' top pocket as we passed him "Thank you James, please thank the chef for an excellent meal" and we were out, down the stairs, through the bar and out of the hotel.
Out on the pavement there were throngs of people passing us, I stopped and faced him "Daniel, what have you just done to me? What are you doing to me? I thought I could trust you."
He put his hands on my waist, the feeling was electric; "You can trust me Sophie, and hopefully I will prove this and earn your trust; I am just having a little fun, I have put one of these (he held up a small brass oval ring with like a spring clip on the top) on your cuff rings to keep your hands out of the way, leaving your body open to me; (he moved his hands all the way up my body and then cupped my face) and now I am going to take advantage of you."
I opened my mouth to protest and he kissed me, and I just melted into him kissing back like my life depended on it.
We walked on, I was still cuffed but now I was also confused and just a little bit dizzy.
I couldn't believe I was walking straight past people with my hands cuffed. Every step I was flashing the lace on the top of my stocking; I would normally have my left hand holding the skirt on my thigh to stop this but now I couldn't.
I was blushing, and embarrassed, and tingling with excitement.
After a few minutes he guided me into another bar and through into the back where it was a little quieter, he guided me between two tables and onto a leather bench seat.
As I sat my dress fell completely open and I had to cross my legs quickly to stop my minute knickers showing. The whole of my bare thigh up to my hip was showing.
Fortunately the two tables either side of me was preventing everyone seeing, but Daniel was stood at the bar directly opposite me ordering the drinks and after he had placed his order he turned to look at me and his eyes almost popped.
He took his phone out and there was a bright flash as he took a photo.
Placing the drinks on one of the tables he reached behind me and removed the locking ring, and then placed my coat aside.
I was still speechless.
Daniel reached across and placed the ring in my hand "You can keep that if you like, a memento from our first evening together. I do hope I haven't spoiled things by overstepping the mark, but the moment I saw those cuffs and collar on you in the Knights Templar I knew you were interested in bondage; and I too share that passion and the way you look and interest me you excite my fantasies. How do you feel about what we have just done?"
I took a drink and thought about this, and I just didn't know. "I don't know if I want to slap your face and walk out and never see you again, or if I really did want and enjoy this, I just don't know; I am all over the place, this is all new to me, I have never been restrained by anybody before. I have certainly never sat in a pub flashing all my underwear off before. Can we please talk about something else while it all settles in and I think about it? But I reserve the right to slap you."
Daniel chuckled and changed the subject. Half way through he showed me my picture explaining he was saving it as my contact profile, I must admit I looked hot.
As we were finishing the drinks Daniel asked if I was happy here, or if I wanted to move on; or if I wanted to finish the evening if he had gone too far and he would taxi me home.
I played with the ring in my hands while I finished my drink and considered it. "Let's move on somewhere else; I like it here but I need some fresh air."
I stood and handed him my coat "Will you help me again? You will need this" I said handing him the locking ring and turning, my hands behind me. His smile was like a child in a sweet shop!
We walked on and I felt so alive being restrained like this, feeling so sexy and so with 'my man' and reliant on him. I could hardly string two words together I was so excited by events.
There was a theatre getting out ahead of us and I recognised Richard stepping out, well six nine and bald you couldn't miss him. He hadn't seen me but he was turning toward me.
"Daniel, you will have to release my wrists now."
"Why would I want to do that?"
"See the tall bald guy? I work with him; he cannot see me like this."
"Don't worry, live a little."
That was okay for him to say; but he did wrap his arm around my shoulder closing my coat a little and making my pose appear more natural.
As we neared him I saw another guy from the office, Kieran, walking alongside him, in fact holding hands with him. They laugh, and stop, and kiss, and walk on.
He finally spotted me and let go of Kieran's hand saying something to him and as we approached he said "Lois! Looking hot tonight, I didn't know you were on the dating circuit."
"Hi Richard, Daniel, these are Richard and Kieran, a couple of juveniles I have to work with, guys, meet Daniel."
They shook hands and said "Hi" to each other. Shaking Daniels hand Richard said "you must be the secret Lois has been keeping, the reason for all her day dreaming and mindless gazing; nice to meet you, excellent for the office gossip."
Still shaking his hand Daniel replied "Oh Dear me Richard, I so hope not, gossip is such an awful thing, I mean, imagine if Lois were to gossip about you two lovers in the office? Perish the thought; but nice to have met you, have a lovely night."
Richard looked a little worried as I smiled up at him on passing.
"Lois?" Daniel asked me.
"Er, a silly pet name he and some of the guys in the office have for me; they seem to think I resemble Terri Hatcher from the superman movies, when she was much younger of course."
Daniel had already noted her similarity to Terri Hatcher, he had almost made superman jokes himself and was now so pleased that he hadn't; he doubts he would have come up with anything original she hadn't already heard that she thought funny.
"I see, well I can see the resemblance, but you look more like a Supergirl to me."
We arrived at another bar and this time before I sat Daniel released my wrists.
Whether it was the drink, or his skill at questioning and getting to the truth I do not know but I told him everything. My holiday with Tina and helping her with her bondage; reading Fifty Shades; even my fantasies, to the point I told him about the bosses desk and its history and being spanked and caned across it.
He said he didn't want to push his luck with me and do too much on the first night; but would like to leave some mystery, some areas unexplored for another night; could he take me home?
I asked him to take me to just one more bar, just one more walk in my cuffs as I still couldn't believe it was happening.
I stood and handed him the ring but he said for me to keep it, he had plenty. He put his hand in his jacket pocket and showed me a dozen of them.
"Why did you bring all those?"
"Oh, just to keep my options open."
"But you don't have anything to lock me to, do you?"
"With imagination, there are always options."
This time in the bar, which was quiet, he found us a deserted corner and sat me down in a chair with my back to the bar; then reaching down quickly as I tried to cross my legs he clipped another ring onto my ankle cuffs and left me to squirm in my ever increasing exposure as my dress parted.
I hoped he would return before anybody else stumbled upon me. My new pants were for his eyes only!
Placing the drinks down he sat across from me, and with a huge grin on his face he took another photo. But for my minute covering of black lace and my stockings I was totally exposed from the waist down.
He sat and looked at me for a good five minutes before releasing me.
I thanked him sarcastically but took a drink and didn't adjust my dress, I just crossed my legs. He took another photo.
"I don't have that many telephone numbers for you to need contact photo's for."
"No, these are just for me, maybe for my wall when I frame them."
We stared at each other in silence, then burst into laughter together.
I am behaving like a real strumpet!
As we stood on the pavement waiting for the taxi he again clipped my hands behind me, and kept me like this in the taxi.
He must have already given my address to the driver because he set off without any instructions.
A short distance from my front door Daniel said to the driver "Mike, could you just drop us here please, and then do a slow drive around the block, picking me up in five?
"Certainly Daniel, I will approach the door only when you step out."
He must know all of these taxi drivers, this is a different world to the one I live in, I never get taxis.
Daniel helps me out of the taxi, me flashing again; and then walks me not to my door but just into the park beside us. He walks me up to the fence on the side and releases the ring from one of my hands, but then fixes another ring to the other and backing me onto the chain link fence he raises my hands high above me and clicks the rings onto the fence.
"You see, a little imagination, bondage opportunities everywhere."
I am now feeling a little bit worried, he cannot leave me like this.
His hands are on my waist again and leaning down he kisses me and my god it is good, this is everything I have dreamt of. The sheer feeling of helplessness, access to my body totally at his mercy; I cannot stop my hips squirming into him, searching for him. He just laughs and kisses my forehead.
He asks "do you have any plans for tomorrow?"
"Yes, I am going to spend it with you."
"Good answer; I do love a walk down the Thames on a bright summer's morning. I will be on the south embankment, outside the Globe Theatre from ten and will wait there all day if I have to for you to show. If you wear any of these accessories or anything similar bring your key with you. If you wear a short skirt, but no pants, I will even give you these back, well at some stage, maybe, eventually."
His hands went under my skirt and cupped my bare bum, my hips bucked giving away my yearning for him to go further; then hooking the straps with his thumbs he drew my G-String down to my feet and made me step out of them. He had kept eye contact with me throughout. He put my pants in his pocket.
All I could think to say was "you didn't look."
"No, I don't want to realise all of my dreams in one go; that is a pleasure I will wait for."
I was now naked under my dress and when he kissed me again I was wild with desire but somehow managed to contain myself, a little anyway.
He released my wrists from the fence locking them again behind me and walked me to my door. On the top step he turned me and kissed me again, his hands again on my bum but outside of my dress. He released me, kissed me again and said goodnight and thanked me for a wonderful evening.
I stripped off and lay on my bed and fingered myself to sleep. I awoke and this time cuffed myself to the bed, naked on the covers; but still awoke to a glorious wet dream once again being caned by Daniel in the centre of the Court.
7. Commando Saturday
Up, released, frigged and showered by eight I was dancing around the house I was that happy and excited. I have a boyfriend, a rich one!
My only real dilemma was just how long it would last if I made out too easily; but how long I would keep his interest if I didn't. I certainly wanted him.
I had tried on half a dozen different outfits; I know he wanted me in a short dress with no pants and this excited me but I have never gone 'commando' apart from the one time my elastic broke half way through a night out and it had made me feel so slutty.
I decided that if this was going to go anywhere he would have to accept me as I am and so I left the red vest top mini-dress on the bed and put on my casual beige shorts and light green t-shirt with some wedge sandals; a little gold jewellery and left for the tube into town. I had bra and pants on, stuff his naughty games.
I knew I still looked good by the admiring glances I was attracting.
I was approaching the station when two girls stepped out and walked in front of me. They looked so good, and so sexy that I was very average in comparison.
The guys were now looking past me at them. If Daniel had been there he would have done the same.
I turned and ran all the way back; stripped naked and almost threw the red dress on and hurried back out before my courage broke.
Approaching the station this time I was getting all the looks; and I was thinking that perhaps this dress is just a little too short for no pants; especially as the skirt billows in the wind and I will be walking along the river. Too late now!
I am there before ten and already Daniel is waiting for me. Adidas shorts and top and training shoes, all in dark blue and he looks real good. I am so excited and so holding my skirt down! My nipples are standing to attention and this dress is not hiding it. I am already blushing before I even get to him.
He kisses me and holds my hands and again kisses me and then steps back still holding my hands and takes me in, nipples and all!
"You look fantastic, thank you."
"Thank you for what?"
"For coming, for looking fantastic, for being so daring and for going with my fantasy."
"But, how? How could you know?"
"The way you were walking, the look on your face, your visible excitement."
My blush deepened.
We had a good walk up the south side to Waterloo and then back down the North side to Tower Bridge where we stopped under the bridge for coffee.
He said we would walk on and find lunch on the way to his place.
"Your place? I thought we would be spending the day out?"
"I live close to here, and if you want your little black pants back then we will have to go and get them; plus I would like to show you where I live, it is only fair as I have seen your place; well from outside anyway."
"Oh, okay."
After a sandwich and a glass of lager we were walking up a pedestrian route off Cannon Street past a huge office block when he stopped and pointing to the side asked "What do you think?"
There was a large four storey sandstone house, out of place nestled between massive office blocks. "What is it?"
"What?" I giggled; then looking up at him I saw he wasn't joking, he walked us towards it. "Which floor is your apartment on?"
"All of them, it isn't an apartment, it is my house."
"No way!"
It was big enough to house a dozen apartments at least and must be worth millions, lots of millions. To the right of the large recessed brown door there was a blue steel plaque on the wall, I stood under it and read 'Home of William Pitt the younger, British Prime Minister 1783 - 1801, 1804 - 1806'.
"I am a direct descendant; the house has always been in the family."
"But you are called Stevens?"
"Yes, my great grandfather had five daughters, but had to give up trying for a son. The eldest of the daughters inherited the home and she was married to Daniel Stevens, my namesake."
"This is where my real money comes from; a dozen generations of nobility, Lords and Ladies, great names in British history all taking their turn at gathering property and wealth. I am the end of the male line and stand to inherit an awful lot of London property; more than you could imagine. This house has already been gifted to me."
"But you are a Barrister, why did you bother working at all?"
"Ah, a canny father doing to me as his parents had done to him, no inheritance of any sort until thirty; best schools and colleges but no money; got to stand on my own feet and deserve the inheritance. Must say I agree, would do the same myself if I had children."
I was suddenly light headed; he was a bit more than just wealthy. He explained that the external features are protected under National Heritage but the inside isn't and had been totally renovated just last year.
Instead of a key he raised a pad by the door and typed in a code and the door clicked open. Then he entered another code into an alarm panel. "There is only us, two cleaning girls come in all day every Tuesday and clean and do the beds and laundry and everything; and a guy visits also every Tuesday to check on the pool and gym equipment, sauna and steam room; but otherwise there is only ever me here unless I have visitors.
He has a pool!
There was a large sweeping staircase, everything marble and glistening and the sunlight poured in through the giant windows. On the side wall a lift had been added, just a glass box set against the wall. He took me down one floor and as the lift descended I had a view of the large blue pool surrounded by Greek or Roman statues set around the walls.
There was a strip of matting and we walked to the far wall and the sauna and steam room. We stepped through an opening and he showed me the large shower and dressing area, with shelves full of fluffy white towels. It was all luxurious.
We went up to the third floor where he tended to live and he showed me around. It was so big I could get lost.
Daniel poured us a couple of drinks and asked if I enjoyed games walking us into a billiards and games room.
He showed me a wooden box and asked if I could open it. I examined it, there was no visible lock but it wouldn't open.
He explained the small tiles on the front moved to form a picture, once solved I could have my pants back!
I sat and played with it as we had our drinks and talked.
It took me about twenty minutes but I opened it, my pants were inside. Daniel said he collected these puzzles and has a cupboard full of them if I ever get board; but that I could use the bathroom should I wish to put my pants back on. I had actually forgotten I was commando and was suddenly closing my legs tighter and pulling on my skirt!
"Thanks Daniel, but no, I don't like putting on pants that I have worn" I lied, I didn't usually re-wear worn knickers but had he not been here they would have been on in a shot!
He asked me "Okay, I have a proposition; I don't want today to end, will you spend it with me? Will you allow me to treat you to dinner tonight and then stay over and we can enjoy more time together tomorrow?"
"Er, I would love to but this is all I have with me, I will need to go home and shower and change first and grab some toiletries and stuff."
"No need, let me take you shopping, my treat; in fact I insist."
I tried to argue but he had his way.
He showed me where I would be sleeping, on the fourth floor, more of a suite than a guest room, huge four poster bed and dressing room and bathroom.
I left the panties by the dressing table and we taxied to Harrods. Harrods! I had walked around here before but never shopped here; it was well out of my league.
We went around various departments looking for a dress, none of them even had prices displayed, it was frightening.
I was stood in front of a mannequin; I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was wearing a rust coloured soft leather corset type top, strapless and the bottom finishing in a 'V' bearing the hips. Then below it a skirt in the same material, asymmetrical with splits up both sides; not a miniskirt but finishing well above the knee.
The mannequin had a leather choker of the same material around the neck with a gold ring set in the front. This is perhaps what first grabbed my attention. The corset and the belt of the skirt also had good rings built in.
"Looks fantastic doesn't it?"
"Yes, if only I was that brave."
The sales girl approached us, I had noticed her and also jealously noted Daniel repeatedly glancing at her earlier; her dress looked like it was painted on and she was young and beautiful.
"Would Madam care to try the dress?" She asked.
"Oh no, thanks' but I don't think I have the figure for something this daring."
"Nonsense Madam, I wish I had your curvaceous figure then I would love to wear this dress. Other ladies have bought this and really they shouldn't have, but you will look amazing, please believe me, I have an eye for this."
"Yes, please, the lady will try the dress, won't you Sophie?" Daniel volunteered.
I had no choice, and anyway, I really wanted to try something like this on, just not in front of Daniel if I could help it.
The girl led me to a curtained lounge with a screened area for changing; Daniel followed and was seated in a plush armchair.
The girls was right, It felt and looked absolutely amazing on me. It was very soft and skin hugging but the top had something like rigid plastic strips stitched into it making it quite robust and restrictive. It fastened with wide flat leather laces leaving my spine exposed. The skirt hugged my bum and really showed it off.
The girl had helped me into it, there was no way I could have fastened the top up alone. She saw I had no underwear and when I blushed she whispered "Don't worry, me neither, you can't in these dresses."
Daniel's eyes nearly popped out "that's it then, job done, perfect. Do you have some suitable shoes to compliment the dress? Oh, and the choker the mannequin was wearing?"
"Certainly Sir, just the choker or the cuffs too?"
"Yes please, show us the full line."
Cuffs? I can see where this is going.
By the time we left I had the dress, ankle and wrist cuffs, choker, a brown suede tasselled 'Bolero' jacket and the most fantastic shoes; a high stiletto heel on like an ancient Roman Gladiator sandal, with leather thongs wrapping around my calf almost up to the knee. Oh, and a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and a small make-up kit.
I nearly died at the till, Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven pounds! Daniel didn't even blink; he just signed to add it to his account!
At this rate he was going to own me.
I floated back to his place.
It had taken a lot longer than expected and Daniel said for me to take my time but to go straight up to my room to shower and change and we would walk out.
He got out on his third floor and before the doors could close I suddenly said "Panties, we didn't get new panties."
"It's okay" he smiled, "I won't tell if you don't."
Daniel headed straight to his bedroom. Depressing and swivelling a collar on the bedpost he pressed the hidden button and a section of the wall behind the bed clicked and slid into the panic room behind, taking the headboard with it.
Daniel followed and quickly checked the screens to make sure Sophie was still upstairs.
Daniel had spent over a million last year renovating the house, including this panic room, alarm system, lift upgrade and hidden CCTV throughout the house.
One wall of the panic room was covered in TV screens. One fifty inch central screen with three smaller screens above and below, and two either side.
The ten surrounding screens were all split into four quarters enabling him to monitor all forty cameras spread throughout his house; and selecting any one for the main central big screen.
He tapped up the best view of Sophie into the centre and sat back in his reclining leather office chair and put his feet up. He turned the audio up but there was little sound.
She had just dumped her bags on the floor and dived onto the bed; and was just lying there, staring at the ceiling.
She put her hands on her face and then she drew her knees up, her legs apart.
Daniel changed lenses and zoomed in, her naked pussy and thin black Brazilian clearly exposed.
Daniel had to lift up and ease his shorts, his 'boner' too big for his pants.
Sophie fleetingly brushed a hand over her pussy and groaned; but climbed off the bed and whipped her dress off. The boner got bigger!
She removed her shoes and jewellery and headed into the bathroom, Daniel following every step on his cameras.
When she sat on the toilet he spun his chair around and looked away; he would give her this privacy.
He never watched anybody on the toilet, with the exception of his younger sister; and only then because she was a complete bitch always sniping at him and putting him down. He never bit, was always polite to her, and got his own back by watching her in this most vulnerable, degrading and demeaning of positions. The next time she was behaving like a spoilt bitch he would just look at her and picture her on the toilet; or strumming herself in the shower as she always did (most of his female guests did), or using her vibrator in bed; and keep quiet, and smile. He also knew her little secret, she slept in handcuffs.
He heard the shower start and swivelled back to watch. She took her time standing under the hot spray and he couldn't help it, he just had to jack-off. It was over far too fast and she was still showering.
He closed the door behind him and quickly went and showered and changed returning to the panic room as quickly as he could.
She had already done her hair and was just finishing her make-up; what little she put on.
Next he followed her into the dressing room and watched her first strap on the gladiator sandals and then lock on the wrist and ankle cuffs and the choker. She had been measured by the sales girl for all of these and they were self-locking. The ankle cuffs fitted over the sandal strap and being of the same material looked a part of the shoe but would prevent the shoe being removed.
Daniel had dropped four of his little locking rings into the bag at Harrods and so when Sophie found them she assumed they came with the cuffs.
Still naked she slipped one onto each of her wrist cuffs and walking over to the wall mirror she turned away and bending over connected them to her ankle cuffs, then opened her legs into a wide stance.
Looking between her legs she could see herself from behind and she gulped "Oh my God, what am I getting into here?" She actually said it out loud and Daniel instantly had his boner back hearing her.
She manoeuvred around and squatted and then sat and laid back, her cuffed wrists drawing her ankles up to her hips, and wide apart. She bobbed her head up and saw her helplessness in the mirror. She couldn't stop looking, and held that pose for a minute.
Daniel had to unzip and wank again into tissues.
She struggled onto her knees and finally managed to unclip herself and had to return to the bathroom for another quick wash, mainly her pussy; before dressing.
She managed the skirt okay but couldn't tighten the top. She had to just hold it in place and go look for Daniel to help. Grabbing the jacket she headed down.
Daniel was sat relaxed in his lounge area with a whisky; he had a glass of red wine waiting for her.
He complimented her on her look and fixed her top for her, she did indeed look stunning. She would turn some heads tonight.
Finishing our drinks Daniel helped me with my jacket, and yes, again he clipped my cuffs together behind me draping the jacket over my shoulders.
As we descended in the lift he cupped my bum and kissed me, I was so horny I didn't really want to go out, but just to stay here and let him play with me instead; but of course I didn't tell him this.
Once more I was on the streets of London in bondage; but this time in broad daylight and dressed to kill, and still commando.
We drank on the strand and then taxied across to Mayfair for dinner. Never had I attracted attention like this. Every movement I made people watched. I saw more than one man being slapped by his partner for gazing at me; I loved it!
Dinner probably cost more than I make in a week. It was strange conversation over dinner. First we talked about today, our day and the dress he had bought me. I mentioned the effect it seemed to have on everybody; he mentioned the effect it was having on me, how I walked taller, held my chin up more; oozed confidence. I thought about it, giggled, and had to agree, I loved it.
But then he asked me about Mr Hawkins old desk from my fantasies, asking me to tell him more about it, to describe it in detail. A weird fascination but he seemed somehow satisfied after I finished describing it and he moved the conversation on.
We walked to a couple of Mayfair bars and then to a nightclub; I couldn't believe the amount of celebrities we met, and Daniel was on friendly terms with quite a few of them. All the doormen and club managers knew him.
Jessie J come up to me and asked where I had got the dress, she had seen Rihanna wearing something similar and was interested in the look. She asked if the cuffs were real and loved the fact that they were. Daniel handed her some of his rings and invited her to play with me whilst he went to the bar. She did!
She fastened my wrists high behind to either side of my corset forcing my elbows out and my ankles together and stepped back and took me in.
Then she felt behind my choker to see if there were any more rings attached which there were; and transferred my wrists to either side of my neck forcing my elbows high up above me; she loved this look.
She felt me, I mean, physically felt me; moving her hands down my body, cupping my breasts to see how they felt through the soft leather, and then my bum.
Daniel came back and rescued me just in time.
"You like it?" He asked her.
"It and her both, where did you get the dress?"
"Harrods, Eros section."
I was still on display whilst they chatted about me.
"And the shoes and cuffs?"
"All of it."
"And her?" She asked smiling, and winking at me.
"No, she's made to order, you will have to find your own; but Laura the Saturday sales girl there is of interest and may be very accommodating if you go alone."
"Thanks, I'll take a look, I love it, but you really need a lead to finish it."
"Good suggestion, I'll look into it."
A lead! A fucking dog lead? Like yeah I'm really going to let myself be walked around on a lead like his pet or something!
Mind you, if he clipped one on now I couldn't really do much about it could I? Imagine being walked around this club like that! Wow!
She handed Daniel two tickets for her next gig "and here's a couple of back stage passes, as long as you bring her and she's dressed like that you can visit me before I go on, I always have a good bar stocked."
She stepped over and put her hands on my neck as though to release me, but instead drew me into a kiss and then patted my bum and left without releasing me.
Eventually Daniel did.
What a fantastic night!
We made it back to his place in the early hours. At the door Daniel showed me the key-code WPY1806, I couldn't forget it, it was on the plaque.
We had a nightcap and for just a couple of minutes he disappeared before returning and finishing our drinks. I was ready for more.
However, Daniel explained that he had to hit the sack, he didn't want to rush us or for me to think he expected anything to happen just because he had bought me a dress.
He had a meeting first thing in the morning at St Pauls; he was on the Cathedral care committee and they always met between ten and twelve on the first Sunday of the month.
If I could keep myself entertained, fix myself breakfast, look around the house, have a swim or sauna or use the gym or something he would be back at twelve fifteen prompt and would take me for Sunday lunch.
I thanked him but explained that obviously I didn't have a swimming costume with me, a shame as I love swimming.
"Oh don't worry about that, I never bother with a costume either, there is nobody else here. I will be out so you could even take the lift down naked if you dared, there are towels down there, just dump it in the laundry bin in the changing room when you are finished; nobody here to see or bother you.
I laughed thinking about being so daring in this big strange house.
Daniel put his arms around me and hugged and kissed me, we fell onto the couch and his hands were all over me; my hands wandered down to his pants but he caught them and cuffed them to the top of my skirt and I laid on top of him as we kissed and he groped my bum.
I could feel his rigid excitement and knew he wanted to take me, but instead he rolled me off him and kissed me once more before loosening the top lacing on my corset, un-cuffing me and patting my bum whilst putting me in the lift.
"Goodnight and thank you for a tremendous day."
"Goodnight Daniel, see you tomorrow."
Sophie went straight to her room and found a note on the bed "If you dare, I have fixed some cuffs to the posts and left you a combination lock as you explained. Do you dare?"
In his panic room Daniel watched Sophie read the note, then strip naked and read the note again and then walk around and inspect the cuffs and their fastenings. She was smiling.
She went and checked the door, it could lock and there was a key in the lock; she closed the door but left it unlocked.
She used the bathroom; again he turned away as she used the toilet; cleaned her teeth and went to bed.
She lay there for five or ten minutes, smiling all the time, at some points even giggling out loud then she cuffed her ankles and her left wrist.
She lay there thinking about it but flicked the lights off.
Switching to night vision Daniel could make out her fastening the final cuff.
8. A naked dare
I had lain there ages listening for him coming but he never did, or at least he didn't wake me when he did.
Twice through the night I had awoken, both times because of wet dreams. I was only covered with a satin sheet as it was so warm; I had removed the quilt before I went out last night, but still I sweated.
The second time I had awoken I was panicking; I had sobered up enough to realise that he hadn't left me the code to the lock in his note! When daylight came I would still be trapped. Was this his plan? For the first time in my life I truly was in bondage and memories of having Tina like this, and the realisation of her utter helplessness came flooding back to me, and excited me. I was grinding myself into the bed thinking about it.
Somehow I fell to sleep again and I needn't have worried; because when I awoke in daylight to another wet dream there was a note by my head "sorry, forgot to leave the code - 1234, have a good look around, back soon xxx".
He had been here! In the bedroom, right beside me with me naked under the sheet and helpless! Oh!
Releasing my right hand it went straight to my pussy with my other cuffs still fastened.
Having released myself and washed I decided I would dare. I went down and found the kitchen and fixed a little breakfast, naked. Then I cleaned my teeth and took the lift, naked in a glass box, down to the pool. This was really exciting, my whole body was tingling. I don't even walk around my own flat naked!
I was about to jump in when I thought I would really go for it, I hadn't used a diving board for years.
As I approached the board I saw another note on top of it beside some handcuffs.
If you have been adventurous, daring to be here naked, then one more dare. After you finish your swim or sauna or whatever, and shower; Lock your hands behind you and have your look around the house naked. Then go to the games room where you will find another puzzle box, slightly more difficult than yesterdays. It should take you around thirty to forty minutes. The key to the cuffs is inside. I will be home twelve fifteen prompt; do you dare, and if so how late do you dare leave the puzzle box?
Look forward to seeing you! Xxx
I dived into the pool laughing! Oh I would dare alright! Ever since my first daring adventure, buying that book at the airport I had never looked back; my life had been one fast dream. I would now dare to dare!
As I swam I wondered how late I would leave it. Say I took the full forty minutes then I need to start the puzzle by eleven thirty five at the latest. I will start at eleven thirty just to be safe. It is now nine twenty so I have plenty of time.
A good swim and a sauna and shower later I was tramping the house cuffed and naked.
I had a good exploration, the house was huge!
He had three bars, the games room, a lounge with a bar, basically a pub, and a function room that would accommodate at least fifty people. The gym was state of the art and massive; no wonder he looked so fit.
As well as the kitchen diner he had a separate dining room and the ground floor led out to a yard with barbeque and seating and a fire pit. There was a stone outhouse but this was locked.
He had a cinema, a library and an office. He even had a fully stocked wine cellar below the pool.
There were six bedrooms spread over the second and fourth floors, and his master bedroom on the third. The place was a palace.
I felt so adventurous dashing around his house naked like this, and wearing handcuffs
I saw a clock, eleven thirty, I couldn't leave it any later, I had to get started on the puzzle; really I should have done the puzzle first and then looked around but a dare is a dare!
I got to the games room and saw the puzzle box set out and a note on top of it.
Sorry, I forgot to mention, thirty to forty minutes WITHOUT your hands cuffed! Good luck xxx.
Worse than shit! The box is locked onto the top of a pedestal so I can't run off with it to my room! I look up at the clock, eleven forty already, shit!
I have to stand to move the small square tiles. I am quite flexible so at least I can reach around to work the puzzle at my side. I need to calm down, clear my head, concentrate. I can do this easy; it should take no time at all.
Daniel hadn't been at St Pauls today, he was on the committee, he hadn't lied about that, but the meeting had been last Sunday. He had been in his office on Ludgate Hill following Sophie's naked venture on his tablet and loving her more and more as he watched and drooled over her.
I hear a quiet wolf-whistle from the doorway and turn to see Daniel there, his phone flashes as I face him, bastard! I look at the clock, no! Twelve twenty five; I thought I had just started and had time but I have been at it forty minutes, he has even returned late to give me every chance.
I cannot cover myself; there is no point in running away because I would still have to come back for the key. I just stand there, blushing; I do not know where to look, I kind of turn sideways and cross my legs and probably look ridiculous.
"Hi Daniel, sorry, I got distracted and am running a bit late." A bit of very false bravado at getting caught and him seeing me naked like this.
"That's no problem; believe me, no problem at all" he said studying me, "I will just sit here quietly and watch. In fact to help you concentrate I will add some spice. Escape by twelve forty and we will go and eat. Otherwise come twelve forty I will take a slow walk up stairs and lock your door; you get to stay naked and we eat late."
"Daniel, that wasn't part of the dare, you're cheating."
"And you are wasting time."
Shit! I returned to my task.
All the time I was trying to solve it he was just taking photos of me struggling naked. He stood and walked around me taking more shots from different angles before pouring himself a drink and relaxing back in his chair watching me.
Twelve forty come and he stood "don't worry, I will take the stairs, and I will walk slowly."
Bastard! Panic!
He was just approaching the door as I fled past him and into the room laughing, and shut the door in his face.
I threw on my red dress and went down and found him sat at his bar with another whisky, a vodka orange waiting for me "a shame" he said, "would have been much more pleasurable with you still in your birthday dress."
He showed me around the parts of the house I hadn't yet seen. The outhouse is his workshop. For a hobby he likes to make things. In the library he showed me a hidden vault. He pulled a book out and pushed a button behind it and a section then pulled open like a door.
Behind it was a large steel door with a big steel wheel set in the front and a small computer display.
He entered GTS16OMG and the display turned green, he spun the wheel and the door clicked open and he effortlessly pulled it open.
The door must have been six inches of pure steel, and all the internal walls were also steel.
It was six foot square and shelved.
There were all sorts of boxes "jewellery, heirlooms, bonds, private documents, that sort of thing" he explained; and on the nearest left bottom shelf there were four stacks of bank notes, bundles of fifty pound notes.
"Oh my God Daniel, how much is there, I have never seen so much money?"
"Oh, fifty pound notes, a hundred in a bundle, five thousand a go; a hundred thousand pounds and pocket money."
"Daniel, there is more than that, can I count it?"
"I have never seen so much, I would just love the feel of counting it."
"Be my guest, just close the door and spin the wheel when you finish, and the false library door."
He walked away and left me with all this money!
I took it out onto a table and counted it, first all of one bundle to make sure it was five thousand, then I measured this bundle against the others to check they were the same, then I checked they were all bundles of fifty's. One hundred and thirty thousand pounds exactly. My God, this bloke is stinking rich; I mean who has money like this in the house? And he has just given me the codes to his front door, his alarm panel and his safe. Oh God!
I locked up as he had asked, making very sure it was done right and went up and found him.
"Daniel, that pocket money of yours is more than I earn in a year, thirty thousand over the hundred. What are you doing with all that in your home?"
"Oh, I have more, I have another hidden safe, just a little one, in my bedroom; there is probably another ten or fifteen thousand in that. If I ever confront a burglar that is the safe I will show them, they will fall for that."
"I helped a particularly rich Middle Eastern gentleman buy a premiership football club; he had quarter of a million delivered in cash as a bonus for my work. I gave a hundred to St Pauls and the rest is split between the safes less what I have spent. I don't really use cash that much so it should last a while."
"Well you will have to change all your codes now."
"Why, I trust you."
"If any goes missing now you will blame me."
"Sophie, if that little money means more to you than a possible future with me then take it and be gone; I mean it; I would rather know now and save the pain."
"Daniel, that is not a little money, that is five years wages to me, please change the codes."
"No, but do not worry, if anything happens with anything in that safe I promise I will not look to blame you; I want to share trust with you and it starts here, okay? If you want the money, take it. But please leave the jewellery, it goes back generations and means a lot to me."
I wasn't happy but I let it go. The money was awfully tempting though!
He took me for dinner and then I returned home, still pantie-less but at least I had them in my bag. I had left my new dress and stuff at his and promised to return on Friday to spend the weekend with him.
9. An awful long week
That Sunday night I spent in a dream state. My own life had just become my very own living fantasy. I took to walking around the apartment naked, constantly stopping in front of mirrors and posing; trying to see myself as he would see me.
Then I locked my shoes and collar and cuffs on and posed some more. I had a flash-back to Jessie J fastening my wrists to my collar in the middle of the club and fondling me; I closed my eyes and squealed out loud at the memory and shivered.
Never have I touched myself and masturbated so much!
There was nothing I could do to prevent it, but my library of erotic fantasies tripled. However they still all stopped just short of really starting apart from Daniels' cane landing just the once on my naked butt in that courtroom.
Richard and Kieran kind of gave me the cold shoulder at work over the first couple of days, but by Wednesday they had realised I wasn't dragging it up with them or gossiping at all and by Thursday they were asking me about Daniel. By Friday I was their new best friend!
At least once every day whilst I sat at my desk I fantasised I was made to 'assume the position' across Mr Hawkins old desk and almost caned; and twice I was yet again ribbed by Richard about my vacant but hot look. One of my tube rides took me a full seven stops past my own, and when I got up I was well wet!
That was a long week, full of frustration.
At the same time across town Daniel had been distracted to say the least.
Daniel had thought an awful lot over the past year about making a real effort about settling down and finding a wife. He is forty one now and his fortieth birthday made him realise he should stop acting like a young kid on heat.
Being incredibly rich, titled, successful and handsome had made him a target for all the party girls on the celebrity circuit and he had made the most of it; shagging a different girl every week.
However he had never seen any of them as long-term material because he knew they were just after his lifestyle and money. No sooner would he be married than he would be divorced and a cut of his money removed with it.
On his fortieth birthday, well the day after when he had sobered up; he had tried to make a list of what he wanted; the top ten 'musts' a girl had to have.
This was made up and ripped up many times.
He had become addicted to bondage and therefore a fondness for being tied up was number one. She also had to be (two) beautiful, (three) sexy, (four) fun, (five) intelligent, (six) young, (seven) quite tall, (eight) naturally polite, (nine) have a beautiful natural smile, (ten) adventurous, (eleven) sporty, (twelve) like travel, (thirteen) not be after his money, (fourteen) enjoy spanking, (fifteen) well you get the picture!
Over the year his priorities kept changing and he kept rewriting his list to the point that he had scrapped it. But what he did know was that Sophie was it; whatever she is, then that is his list. She ticks all the right boxes in all the right orders. It seemed obvious now that he could only have ever met his perfect woman by chance; because anybody else would be aware of his wealth and he would always have his doubts. Plus he had already shagged just about every decent looking woman he knew and it wasn't any of them!
He resolved to take his time over Sophie and make sure. The longer he could force himself to put off actually having sex with her the more he would be sure she was the one; making sure it wasn't just about the sex, the having, taking control, domination and self-satisfaction; not just a sexual relationship but an actual honest to God relationship. But of course, the bondage helps.
He had spent hours every night going through his CCTV recordings creating his 'best bits' file and had wanked himself silly in the process.
He planned their weekend.
Sophie also had plans that she hoped for this weekend, so much so that she had applied for leave Monday and Tuesday on the off-chance Daniel wasn't busy with work.
10. Dangerous dares
Sophie had convinced Daniel that she didn't want a Savoy or Ritz standard meal every time they ate and so they were having a simple meal in a local family run Greek restaurant instead.
During the meal Daniel said he had a surprise for her in the morning, he had built something for her, it had took him all week. Sophie pressed him for more but his lips were sealed.
Daniel surprised her in the bar afterwards by handing her a combination lock and saying "here, open this."
"But it's locked, and I don't know the code, how can I?"
"Sophie, work it out, impress me; this is necessary for something I have planned plus there is learning in it too, it is easy as one two three!"
She studied it, three reels of numbers, zero to nine. She set it to triple zero and pressed the release, then as quick as she could she moved it up a number each time heading for triple nine thinking that this was very silly.
When she got to two five zero the lock opened and she handed it back, smiling but confused.
"You see; when you or Tina lock yourselves in self-bondage using these locks you can, in reality, release yourself at any time. I timed that, it took you less than five minutes yet you were already a quarter the way through the possible solutions. Just over a second per attempt."
"Had you started at zero and the code had been triple nine you would still have solved it in under twenty minutes at the rate you were going; and I am sure you could have done that with your eyes shut or in the dark."
"Yes" I agreed, I could, but "so what?"
"Oh just something you need to appreciate, if you are going to take on another naked dare tomorrow."
My mood suddenly lightened again, I was up for another dare, especially if it involved handcuffs again; I must get myself a pair of them.
We went from bar to bar, Daniel had said he would like very much to get drunk with me tonight, so we could both see whether we were good drunks or bad.
He was casual tonight, the first time I had seen him wear jeans and he looked great, he wore them with a dress shirt and a sports jacket. I had dressed up; well by my cheap standards anyway. I had my locked-on shoes and accessories again and had left the key at Daniels and otherwise had a figure hugging blue dress on with bra, silk knickers and hold-up stockings. I felt sexy. I had also dropped an overnight bag at his place with amongst other things a couple of nighties, one sexy and one ridiculously almost not there sexy; a backless sheer baby-doll with key-hole G-String.
I deliberately hadn't packed any swimwear.
In the next bar I asked him about the dare, but he wouldn't tell me "No, not yet, I have to go out again in the morning, in fact Sunday morning as well, a couple of favours for people; I will leave you the dares then."
"But I want one now, they're fun!"
"Okay, I can see you have bra and pants on under that dress, go to the bathroom and return without them; well, without them on anyway."
I was getting very tipsy already and saying too much "But Daniel, I kind of hoped you may see me in them later; I just bought them special for you."
Daniel laughed, a genuine deep full body laugh "You can always put them back on and show me later."
I downed my drink, grabbed my bag and skipped to the loo!
Each time we walked between bars he would fasten my cuffs, and now my tits were bouncing as I walked in these high heels making him laugh again. I cannot believe what I do when I am with him.
In the next bar I dared him to do the same, to lose his pants, but he declined the dare "Sorry Sophie, I would get arrested if I took my pants off."
"Not your jeans pants silly, your pants pants!"
We were sat alongside each other and he took my hand and put it on his lap, then pushed my hand towards his zipper, except it wasn't a zipper, it was buttoned. He pushed my finger between the buttons and I felt pubic hair, and then his dick! I only had the one finger through but it felt the soft skin and curve of his penis and it was firm. I snatched my hand out and giggled "okay, I will let you off with the dare this time."
By the time we got back to his place we were slaughtered, and I am pleased to say we are both good, happy drunks.
He sorted out a couple of nightcaps and I dumped my bag in my room and changed into my underwear. Sounds strange that, changing into my underwear!
I quickly brushed my hair, checked myself in the mirror and headed back down.
I posed for him and he took some photos, on the pool table, playing snooker, throwing darts, behind the bar; but we were both falling down drunk by now. Daniel kissed me 'goodnight' and patted me off to bed. I took his hand and tried to drag him with me but he insisted I was worth waiting for, and he wanted to be fully sober when the time came. I couldn't argue and thought it was quite sweet.
I went up in the lift and then had to run back down again "Daniel, I can't sleep in these, they will rip your sheets!"
He handed me my key and I went to bed, the restraints were already fastened to the posts waiting for me.
I woke up to find he had again visited me through the night, and this time I was fully naked on top of the bed. There was a note by my head.
You look fantastic lying here. Code still 1234, if you dare, todays dare is at the pool again. Home not before twelve thirty xxx.
I looked at the clock, it was after nine already. I didn't bother with breakfast; I just grabbed a glass of juice on the way down to the pool. Again I found a note and cuffs on the diving board.
Handcuffs on behind, go to my study where a second dare awaits. First dare easy, less than thirty minutes, second could take from one minute to ninety depending on your luck. Leave here after ten thirty and you are pushing yours! Xxx
That gave me an hour to swim and sauna, perfect.
I headed up to his study in the lift, naked and cuffed as expected, and loving it.
Walking into the study I stopped in amazement, possibly shock. There in front of me was Mr Hawkins desk, or at least an identical copy. I had studied it enough and this could be the real thing. It also had the cuffs fitted to the legs and the brass side rails.
There was a long thin cane stood leaning against the far wall.
However, this wasn't my dare, the puzzle box on top was.
I attacked the puzzle and by ten fifty, ahead of schedule I was out of the handcuffs. Inside the box with the key was a four reel combination lock and another note which I read.
If you dare, remain naked, strap yourself to the desk and fasten the final cuff using the lock. I have set a number less than five thousand so the longest it should take you is ninety minutes. If you are still there at twelve thirty, you will be caned xxx
This time I hesitated, this is why he showed me that lock last night, this is the same type but with four reels of numbers. Did I really want to risk being caned? Really, actually caned?
I walked around the desk and took hold of the cane, it was little thicker than bamboo but far stronger, and very bendy. I tried a couple of swishes and it was frightening!
I moved it behind me and tapped my bum with it; didn't seem so bad but I wasn't swinging it!
What the hell, I somehow doubt Daniel would actually hurt me, well, not much anyway. I strapped my ankles wide, stretched over and fastened my left wrist in place and then clipped the lock through the ring on the end of my right cuff and really stretching pushed it through the last link on a chain fixed to the far corner and closed the lock. Shit! Why did I just do that?
I am now living the dream, but fully naked. I am there probably about ten minutes dreaming, breathing deeply, getting real horny with my bum pushed up and waiting when I suddenly remember I am going to get caned if I don't get to it!
I think about gambling, starting at five thousand and working down. Then I consider starting at two thousand and working up. I am just wasting time, I set the four reels to zero and start, zero zero zero one and push the button, then two, then three and ever upwards and onwards.
I push the button at one two three four and the lock clicks open, I am so disappointed! Not only is the number so predictable but I hadn't even started to panic, I actually feel robbed of the thrill. I look at the clock and see that it has taken me twenty five minutes, it is still only eleven thirty and he isn't home for another hour.
I wander about aimlessly feeling deflated and then go back and lock the handcuff key back in the puzzle box and reset the puzzle; I lock the cuffs back on and take the lift down for another dip in the pool and sauna.
I knew there were steps at one end so I could get in and out okay and have a lay and a float as best as I can, and then a sauna thinking that these cuffs are going to rust if Daniel doesn't dry them properly.
I stand under the shower and then struggle to dry even half of me with a towel before I am running for the lift, now I am in a panic; I have left it far too late.
I end up grabbing the puzzle box off the coffee table in his study and running for my bedroom but make it okay.
Daniel is watching all this on his tablet and laughing himself silly, he is convinced after last night and now seeing this that Sophie is the girl for him.
They have a lovely day out, one of the nicest Sophie has ever had. He treats her to lunch on a boat trip down the Thames with a Jazz band playing, then a tour of the Natural History Museum. They go back and get showered and changed, Sophie into her raunchy leather outfit with cuffs; and then dinner at the grapevine and an evening at the theatre seeing the Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's.
Compared to her normal life she is feeling like a princess!
They then head on to the Metropolitan and more drinks and dancing and she gets to meet a few more celebrities, how the hell does he know Taylor Swift? She gets to chat with her, also about her outfit; Taylor is lovely, really sweet and as Sophie loves her this really makes her night special.
Back home Daniel is once again packing her off to bed alone and she decides she has had enough of this, like Tina she wants to take things to the next level. First and foremost she wants to sleep with him, not alone, restrained and frustrated; she wants sex and she wants him. Secondly, when she is restrained she wants to be at the mercy of his wonderful hands.
Putting her drink on the bar she asks him "Daniel, what is it? Is there a problem? If there is I think you could tell me; I will understand; but you do fancy me, don't you? I mean, like, sleeping with me?"
Daniel also puts his whisky down and turns on his barstool to face her, he takes her hands, leans over and clips her wrist cuffs to her collar as Jessie J had done. "Sophie, I want nothing more right now than to take you to bed. When I first saw you in the Royal Courts I wanted to bed you; now I have gotten to know you I only want this more. That is my problem, ever since I was a kid I screwed any girl I took a fancy to; then I dumped her and moved onto the next. I have done that with every girl since. You are different, you are special. I want you so much I am not going to spoil it."
"I have set a rigid rule to prove it to myself, if I can 'court' you in the old fashioned sense without just having sex with you; but value you so much that I am prepared to put my rampant desires aside and suffer the greatest yearning and frustration of my life to wait for just the right moment to share that experience with you; it has to be a sober moment with me wanting you more than life itself and you completely giving yourself to me. It may sound silly to you but it means a great deal to me; will you be patient with me? For us?"
I was knocked for six, stunned; here was me just thinking of and wanting sex, and there was Daniel talking love! In that Metropolitan bar I am sure he could have had any girl he wanted, and shagged her; possibly even Taylor; but here he was with me, alone, turning aside an easy screw in the name of love! Oh I so wanted to hug him but with my hands held like this the best I could do was pop off my stool and go and kiss him.
We kissed, oh wow did we kiss! All the time he was loosening the leather lacing on my corset until it dropped away. Then my skirt followed it. I had no pants on so stood there naked whilst he kissed me and his hands flowed over my body; exploring all of me; I was ready to explode.
He took me up to my bed and releasing me he gave me just two minutes to pee and clean my teeth. He laid me on my bed and fastened my hands into the cuffs, and my ankles even wider than normal.
With his tongue in my mouth his hand and fingers worked their way down to my wet pussy and played, probing, massaging, loving; my hips bucked and I think I did actually explode it was that orgasmic.
My hands were tearing at the cuffs, my thighs writhing in ecstasy and I could not breathe; my mouth open in a silent scream as it thundered through me. I think I passed out.
I awoke to another note, pretty much the same as the last one. I felt as though I was sweating already, glowing still from yesterday. He would be back after one o'clock.
I again just had juice and went and enjoyed a long swim, pushing myself. Then laid in the sauna and thought about where this relationship was going, smiling in happiness and love.
I read the note and locked my hands in the cuffs; same as yesterday; go to the study. It was almost eleven am so I had two hours to complete a task that could take two hours, I had left it tight.
Again I opened the puzzle box ahead of time but today as well as the handcuff key and a note, there was a gag and a ball of foam.
If you dare, do as you did yesterday, but this time slightly different. I know this desk is your fantasy dream, and getting caned is part of it. If you do not escape but are not wearing the gag I will only spank you. If you dare to wear the gag then we both know that if you do not escape then you want spanked, and caned. I will cane you, it will hurt; but it is your fantasy and I will see it through. Feel free to make as much noise as you like and protest and shake your head, play out your fantasy, and I will ignore this and play my part. Do you dare to realise your deepest fantasy? Number below five thousand Xxx
Hell yes, I care to dare! It is only eleven twenty, I have an hour forty for a task that yesterday took twenty five minutes, I could do the whole five thousand in the time I have, quite a safe bet. I only hope it isn't as easy as yesterday.
Sophie forces the foam into her mouth and then fastens the gag in place and straps herself across the desk.
She lays there and enjoys the sensation for a couple of minutes, relaxing, getting real horny before she makes a start.
She starts again at zero and works her way through the numbers. She can see the time on the clock on the wall, she has plenty of time.
She gets to three thousand and it is twelve ten, she feels a slight panic, more of an excitement thanking him silently for making it more challenging but calculates she could go through the whole five thousand combinations by twelve forty so plenty of time still.
Passing four thousand she is panicking; has she screwed up? Forgotten to press the release button or jumped a number? Her bum and its nakedness and its vulnerability is more on her mind now, just like in her dream.
She gets to the final number, almost laughing, thinking "that bastard, last number, really making me sweat."
She enters it, and it doesn't open. She tries five thousand, still doesn't open; then on for another hundred, still locked! "Oh shit, sweet Jesus, oh shit, no, what the fuck have I done?"
She goes back to zero and starts again, it is twelve fifty five; she passes one thousand and still locked. She tries one two three four, then other random numbers; and finally lets go of the lock, her head collapsing on the soft green leather desk padding; she thinks about it, knows what is going to happen, knows she can do nothing; knows she is helpless; and cries.
Daniel has been watching again but this time from his panic room, he never left the house today. He knew the outcome before she even put the gag on. He knew she would take the dare. He also knew she would fail.
It is an identical lock but not the same lock as yesterday. Choosing the correct combination you press a small silver button and an internal spring pushes the locking clasp out. But not if somebody has very slightly bent the clasp; just enough so that you need the slightest of pulls to help the spring overcome the resistance of metal on metal.
With Sophie holding it one handed upright as she would have to then the chain rests on the body of the lock, it does not pull on the clasp and help the spring.
At a quarter past one Daniel walks into the study to meet Sophie's eyes staring at him in panic, shaking her head and trying her very best to get her words out, but failing miserably.
He likes what he sees, far better than on his big sreen but he will still record it for future entertainment.
"Well Miss Barnet, you continue to disappoint me, you know my standards; once again it has been necessary for you to assume the position."
Daniel walks around her, examining her, loving her.
He walks to the head of the desk with another lock in his hand, a padlock.
He locks the padlock into the same rings as the combination lock and then turns the combination lock upside down and as she watches he puts in the code, four two's.
The weight of the chain and the added weight of the padlock rest on the clasp and as he pushes the button it springs open and he removes and pockets it; it will not appear again.
Shit! Sophie shouts at herself, only just over two thousand, a little over half an hour; and he is late here; he has given me every chance and still I have screwed it up! He won't really cane me though, not really.
Daniel takes the chains holding her wrist cuffs and adjusts them, drawing her even tighter across the desk.
He walks around and places his hands on her back, and massaging her draws his hands around the side to her breasts; then down the sides of her body to her hips and finally onto her buttocks. "Slap!" He starts with the first spank.
I didn't think I could move but my thighs slam into the front of the desk when his hand strikes me. "Slap" Fuck that hurts! "Slap, slap, slap" the spanking continues. I am screaming, throwing my body about as much and as fast as I can although this is very little; I must make him realise I do not want this!
But then his slaps soften, but speed up; all over the back of me, my thighs, hips and of course my buttocks. He is not really hurting me, apart from the odd harder spank he delivers randomly. He slows, then speeds again; all over, round in a circle, then he stops.
"SLAP" Wholly Fuck Christ Shit that fucking hurt! My face is down on the table, I am seeing stars "SLAP" Oh fuck! Then softer faster spanks again; for ages; my bum isn't hurting or stinging that much, not really; but it is hot; glowing red hot.
Then he is soothing me, massaging his hands over me; Fuck I have never know helplessness like this; my dreams, fantasies, were well short of the mark.
Then his hands have left me and it all goes quiet. I realise I am crying but silently, not sobbing, just tears.
Daniel is stood back admiring his work, a beautiful scarlet bum staring up at him; and between those buttocks the most beautiful peach, juicy, ripe for the plucking. He slowly, softly, places his fingers onto, then into it.
"Oooohhhhhh!" "Ooooooooohhhhhh!" "Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
I was wrong, I do want this, I so want this, Yes Yes Yes Oh so fucking Yes!
I am still riding the orgasm when I realise his fingers have left me and from the corner of my eye I see him taking the cane from the wall. "Oh no no no no no please oh God no! Not that! Please no not that!
Just as in my dreams it starts with the cane tracing the line of my body; and then a couple of taps; and then "Aaaarrgghhhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck Aaaarrrgghhhhhh!"
Again and again it strikes me and it is like fire across my already burning ass; but then as quickly as it started it stops. Then returns but softly, and quicker, far quicker; and just as with the spanking, the odd real strike thrown in randomly.
He repeats the same process, softly massaging my bum and then my pussy and again I repeat the same process of orgasm; beautiful, magnificent dynamic orgasm, but this time with a stinging ass.
Then he is stood right behind me, his legs inside of mine; and I am positive it his naked dick I feel pushing up against my pussy, knocking on the door but not coming in. Please oh please just do it, fuck me! Right here! Right now! Right hard!!
I must have lain there five minutes before he returned. His hands are covered in something, some sort of lotion that I can smell and can almost recognise; and he massages my injured bum; it stings at first but Oh! That is oh so nice. But my bum so fucking hurts!
"I hope that is everything as you imagined Sophie; I must admit I was a little surprised to find you here like this; having a fantasy like this is one thing but actually wanting to realise it, especially with a cane, well I am impressed. You are far braver than me; I only hope I have done your fantasy justice and you have managed to enjoy it. I didn't think I would, I mean hitting you is not something I wanted; but I must admit I found it extremely erotic. The way you reacted, the strength of your orgasm's; the way your body moved; you are fantastic. Thank you for sharing this with me.
Should you ever wish to repeat this experience, or anything else like it then do not be afraid or ashamed to ask; it just proves to me how much you trust me which is beyond value to me. Thank you."
I felt my cuffs being released but didn't move. Even when the ankle cuffs were removed I stayed there. I don't think I could move without collapsing.
He helped me off the desk and half carried half walked me over to a couch and laid me down. I still had the gag in.
He looked down on me and whispered to himself "this will never do, you are worn out" and picked me up in his arms and carried me to my bed.
I finally awoke a little after seven. It felt strange waking up unrestrained, wrong somehow. The gag was on the bedside table.
I slipped on a dress but the material rubbed on my bum. I am sure it will be fine in an hour or so when I get used to it but not yet.
I stripped off and changed into my 'nearly there' baby-doll nighty, the G-String would not worry my bum.
I found him playing himself at snooker in the games room enjoying a whisky.
He instantly had his phone out and was taking pictures of me; I smiled and posed and bent over for the camera, my cane marks still very visible
I really didn't feel like going out for dinner and so Daniel had some food delivered and we ate in. I still don't see how I got that lock wrong but now, regardless of the pain, I am pleased that I did. I feel I have shared something special with Daniel that otherwise would never have happened; I mean there is no way Daniel would ever have done that to me had it not been my fantasy and had I not messed up with the lock. I don't feel like it right now but I wouldn't rule out doing that again, and I told him.
I thanked him, hugging and kissing him, for the experience; and going to all that trouble making the desk for me.
It was ten pm before Daniel organised a taxi to take me home; I hadn't told him I had the next two days off, I wanted to surprise him. I asked him what he was doing tomorrow, he said he will be in his chambers first thing but then has a meeting with the CPS and Police from one until two thirty, and will be back to work from home by three.
I have a plan.
11. Mistaken motives
I enter his house at twelve thirty and cancel his alarm; then take my bag up to my room and start to put my plan into place.
Daniel is in his meeting. He has a Detective Superintendent and a Detective Sergeant (both male) from Scotland Yard with him, and a senior Crown Prosecution Service lawyer (female) and her aid (male); as well as his own assistant (female).
They are discussing their prosecution strategy for the 'Kensington Killer' case, finally caught after seven murders in three years.
The tablet beside Daniel gives off two distinct bleeps informing him his home alarm has been deactivated. He swipes the screen and the hallway CCTV is displayed, he sees Sophie stood by the panel; she is in jeans and a jumper and has a sturdy canvas bag with her.
Daniel is confused as to why she would be there when she should be at work, especially as he told her just last night he was busy until three; and what is the bag is for? But he trusts her so he puts the tablet aside and continues with his meeting.
A little after two his tablet bleeps twice two times signalling his safe has been opened!
He swipes the screen again and sees her kneeling with her hands on the money; that fucking Bitch! That is what the bag is for! Oh that fucking Bitch! I just hope she leaves the jewellery; that is precious to me. She can have the money, I could tell the Superintendent now and he would catch her red handed but no, I will sort her out myself. Oh that Bitch, I really thought she was the one. Is it just the money? Or was it the caning and the money? Well better now than wasting more time on her going nowhere. Shit!
He continues with the meeting but his mood darkens. He is soon biting their heads off for the pettiest of things.
"What is it Daniel?" The Superintendent asks, "you have had bad news I take it."
"No, I am sorry, just this is such a prominent case, the whole world is watching, I must have it perfect; nothing left to doubt."
He continued and got worse.
His mobile phone pinged indicating a text message but seeing her contact image displayed he ignored it "probably just her gloating or something" he thought and carried on.
Whilst the others poured over some documents he finally gave in and looked at the message.
By the time you receive this I will have fastened the last cuff, I am naked on the bed. I have set my release for 4.30pm. My door is locked from the inside, but the key is in your safe, I have changed the code. You have a puzzle to solve to open the safe, go to the games room. It should take 1hr if you are really quick. Do not use the lift until directed or it will ruin the sequence and you will not solve the puzzle. Get to me before I escape and I am yours to do with as you please. If you accept this dare, run! Xxx
"You beautiful creature, how could I have doubted you?" He thinks to himself, his mood instantly jumping and excitement coursing through him.
He interrupts his meeting "I do apologise, and I apologise most earnestly; the Superintendent here was quite correct and I have been battling with a most personal issue of singular importance; I have allowed this to distract me and for my attitude to suffer. I am sorry."
"Please, can we suspend this meeting and reschedule for another day when I can give you the attention and service you fully deserve? As way of apology please allow me to treat you to lunch."
They are all relieved at this change in character and having agreed they follow him to the Savoy where Daniel seats them and arranges drinks all around, a small Malt for himself.
They study the menu and Daniel introduces Michael, the head waiter to them and explains "I apologise again but I must go; something pressing. Michael will look after you and please eat and drink as you desire, the bill is taken care of."
He slips four fifty pound notes off his money clip and palms it into Michael's hand "Please look after my guests for me Michael as you always do, see they want for nothing" and he rushed out.
"Well" said the Superintendent, "I have never seen Daniel anything but completely calm and relaxed before, even under the greatest of stresses; what could have gotten into him?"
Smiling, and raising a glass to her colleagues the lady prosecutor said "Only a woman can cause an effect like that!"
Oh so right she was!
12. Successful failure
He burst through his door at ten past three, the clock is ticking and he is late starting; he takes the steps two at a time.
On a table in the games room there is one of his puzzle boxes with a note on top; it is folded and stood on top of the box facing him.
1. EasyAs123
Open the box
He laughed at the 'Easy as 123' reference to what he had said to her when he had first handed her a combination lock.
It was one of Daniels favourite puzzle boxes and took no time at all, inside was another note.
2. Does this piece of wood go down in the penalty area?
The diving board! Four floors down and he jumped and ran all the way down to find his third clue.
3. Six points?
Six points? What the hell has six points? His head in his hands, breathing deeply from his exertion he suddenly realises "The pink ball, snooker" and sprints off and back up to the games room he had left moments before.
Entering the room he can see the pink through the netting of the pocket facing him and he goes straight to it and snatches it up.
Written on it in black felt tip is clue 4 telling him to try holding a Rose with no thorns?
"The wine cellar!" He sprints off again, already sick of the bloody steps.
The first bottle on the Rose rack has writing on it, clue 5 sending him all the way to the top floor.
For an hour he was directed all over the house, mainly top floor to bottom, he was sweaty, exhausted, distraught and determined; he would not fail.
Clue thirty read 'round up 10% of 147, these are what you need to achieve it'.
Easy! Back to the games room, fifteen red balls needed to be pocketed to achieve the snooker maximum of 147.
He ran around the pockets pulling all the reds onto the table, aligning them along one cushion. They all had three letters written on them.
lue hur heb ing ait nde rth eta int Fin ble ryI alc amw oxu
He saw immediately he would have to rearrange them into a meaningful sequence; he just had to calm down and relax and concentrate. Little by little he broke it down and solved it
Fin alc lue int heb oxu nde rth eta ble hur ryI amw ait ing
Final clue in the box under the table hurry I am waiting
"That fucking clever bitch" he thought seeing the box and taking it to the same table where he started all this stupid running around.
Pushing the other puzzle box aside he solved and opened this box, seeing it was already four thirty and he had probably failed already.
He opened the box and the note simple said 'I refer you to clue 1'.
"What? What the hell does she mean? The diving board?" Then his eye fell on the note that had first greeted him.
1. EasyAs123
Open the box
That cunning, evil, nasty manipulating Bitch! Easy as 123 open the box, open the safe! I had it all the time! Right from the word go; I'm going to fuck her regardless of the time for this!
Laughing he sprinted down the stairs yet again to the safe.
The code worked and the key was there, right on top of the money, he grabbed it and not even bothering to close the safe door he sprinted back up; four forty two, he could only hope her release mechanism wasn't precise.
Passing the empty lift on the third floor he was wondering why her text had said he couldn't use the lift without spoiling the sequence, it clearly had nothing to do with it! Bitch!
Leaping onto the fourth floor he spun into the corridor leading to her room and could see the door was slightly open, Shit!
He slowed, and stopped, hands on his hips, bending over, getting his breath back; too late.
"Shit Shit Shit Shit!"
She was probably in the bar drinking his scotch but he decided he had come this far he may as well check the room.
Pushing the door open he saw her; naked, on the bed, still restrained.
He was confused, who had opened the door?
He approached her and stood at the bottom of the bed, looking up between her raised knees at her smiling face.
She had brought her own chains and stuff, obviously what her bag had been for. She had thigh-cuffs on and had her ankles cuffed to her thighs; and the ankle cuffs chained to the bottom bed posts keeping her feet up by her bum and her legs wide apart. Perfect.
Her wrists were chained to the top bed posts and stretched her in her bondage. He saw that every cuff had a padlock fitted, not his, but new ones. He was very confused; how was she meant to escape?
"What took you, I was starting to think you weren't interested?"
Daniel struggled with his breathing and even struggling to laugh he sat in the bed side chair, wiping the dripping sweat from his brow.
"Traffic was bad, but I made it. How come the door is open?"
"It was never closed, just in case you couldn't open the safe."
Now he really did laugh!
"So I didn't even have to do any of that challenge? You were waiting here all the time like this with the door wide open?"
"Well, you men aren't always that reliable."
"Where is the key to your locks?"
"On the dresser over there."
"So how were you going to release yourself?"
"I can't, I never could."
"Why couldn't I use the lift?"
"If you are going to have your wicked way with me, you are going to work for it."
Now it was obvious to Daniel that this was no challenge at all, just a teasing trick and Sophie was always here like this with the door open waiting for him and he couldn't possibly have been late and screwed up.
He couldn't control it any longer and stood and screamed far louder than Tarzan had ever managed and beat his chest and punched the air. He approached her and took her ankles in his hands; and then got a smell of his own stale sweat.
"Just you wait here while I close the safe and grab a very quick shower, I am stinking."
"What, you left the safe wide open, with all that money and stuff; just on the off-chance you would get to shag me? That's priceless!"
"No Sophie, that is all just like you say, stuff, replaceable stuff; it is you that is priceless and it is time I took you as my own."
He headed out leaving her there, the happiest he had ever been.
Not ten minutes later a clean smelling Daniel was working up another sweat; and taking the Tuesday off he kept her in variant modes of bondage whilst he screwed her every which way but loose in every room in the house; over the snooker table, on the gym equipment, in the pool; in the yard, everywhere.
He was everything she had dreamed of and more. All his desires were made out and then some.
It was love.
The next weekend they moved Sophie in, cleared her flat and put it up for rent. They were engaged.
13. Obedience is bliss
It was a short engagement, just seven months and the big day had arrived. She had her three best friends as bridesmaids and Tina as the Maid of honour.
During their brief engagement they had grown to know each other much more, their own strange ways, their various personal likes and dislikes; and what they found only made their love stronger.
Daniel had never insisted upon it but Sophie was determined to give him complete obedience. This had been a surprise to her that she loved and craved his discipline; and Daniel was pleased to give it.
She had insisted on the old fashioned wedding vows, love honour and obey, and said that the emphasis would be on the 'obey'.
The need she felt to obey had really struck home with her following their first tiff; a pathetic little squabble over breakfast about something which wasn't even that important to either of them.
They had both left for work without resolving the tiff and Sophie stewed on it all day, even crying over it. Not the tiff, but the fact she had fallen out with Daniel over something so trivial.
She was home before him and left him a note saying she would be in the study if he wanted to make up.
Daniel had gone straight up to the study and found her naked over the old desk, gagged and cuffed, and the cuffs fastened with padlocks and the keys out of reach.
The cane was standing up and resting between her open buttocks with a note stuck to the top of it.
Daniel I am so sorry. I so want to make you the perfect wife but I am obviously struggling to obey you as you deserve. I have no excuse for this morning. Please, use this cane and teach me some obedience; enough to make me think twice before I argue with you again. The better the lesson the greater my love for you will be xxxx
Daniel had also felt awful that they had finally had their first tiff and had brought flowers and chocolates home for her and had intended on making a full apology; but he was far happier with Sophie's arrangement. His apology could wait; his first duty was to make his future wife happy again.
He spanked and caned her, well. Then forgave her and this time when his cock was knocking on her door it did go in, many times!
The sheer bliss Sophie felt having him inside of her in this totally vulnerable position immediately after the caning, still so sore and sensitive from it but her orgasms all the greater for it; she knew this was what she now wanted from life. Dorian Grey had been hard done by; he had just met the wrong woman!
She still routinely wore her locked on cuffs and shoes when they went out at night; this is where it had started with him and it was still her favourite thrill being cuffed in public and at his mercy.
Daniel had progressed this little kink of theirs and had a favourite alley that led down to the bank of the Thames.
There was a chain-link fence at the bottom and he would fasten her cuffs high above her to it then lift her legs around him and clip the ankle cuffs together. She would ride him with the boats and barges passing them by in the night with all of London lit behind as their backdrop.
Sophie took to wearing dresses that buttoned down the front so that Daniel could open the dress and have her displayed naked whilst he sat on the low wall and appreciated the view.
She loved this, being helpless, being displayed, his control of her.
Daniel had Sophie's computer codes and routinely accessed her account and her Facebook pages.
He had found a draft email to Tina that Sophie had created shortly after he had first met Sophie; before they started dating. In the draft Sophie was asking Tina to holiday again, and promising that this time she would be more adventurous in bondage, both giving and receiving; but it never went any further and had never been sent; nor any other version.
Daniel had rectified this; he had contacted Tina and explained who he was, his relationship with Sophie and that he would love for Sophie to holiday with her again in the future.
This had built into a frequent dialogue between the two and Daniel even meeting with Tina for lunch on occasion. Not for anything sexual, Daniel was totally committed and faithful to Sophie and he made this clear from the outset. No, these meetings were for Sophie albeit in her ignorance. Daniel had plans and they involved Tina.
14. The Wedding Day
It was to be a glorious wedding; three pm in St Pauls Cathedral! It doesn't come any more glorious than that! Over three hundred wedding guests and only forty two were her friends and family; but Daniel had a lot of friends.
A top magazine was covering the wedding, interviews and all; and the service was being filmed for the BBC news.
The eve of the wedding they had stayed the night in the Savoy, sharing a room; or at least they set off sharing it.
After a lovely meal they walked out to a couple of their favourite bars, and down their favourite little alley for their favourite past-time and Daniels favourite view. Then back to the Savoy for a nightcap before an early night in bed.
Once back in their room Daniel stripped Sophie and had her cuffed to the four posts of the bed; stretched so tight she could hardly move.
"Sophie, you have made a big deal of how you want to give me your total obedience. Well tomorrow you will be making that a vow, but do you vow to cancel your last night of freedom here and now and obey me without question tonight?"
"Daniel, of course, that is all I want from life now."
"Will you obey every instruction you receive in this room tonight, without question and completely?"
Sophie giggled at this "Daniel, chained down like this I am hardly in a position to do anything else; but yes, whatever I am told I will do."
Daniel nodded, satisfied, and kissed her.
He wandered over to a wardrobe and removed a case and then went and opened the door "Don't worry Sophie, you won't be alone long" and left, the door closing behind him.
Sophie was totally confused, what was all that about? Why has he just walked out and left her after all that? What was in his case?
Just two or three minutes later the door opens again and Tina walks in, wheeling another case. Sophie is speechless but as the door swings closed Tina runs over, dives on the bed and hugs and kisses her "Sophie! Surprise!"
"What....What are you doing in here? Daniel will be back any second; he mustn't find you in here like this."
"Sophie you idiot, it was Daniel that let me in, he gave me the key. He is down in the bar with his best man having drinks and a laugh. This is my room for the night; then tomorrow I have to get you ready for the big event."
"What! He didn't tell me about any of this; well you will have to sleep on the other side and release me; I'm getting married tomorrow."
"Of course you are getting married, what have I just said? Why do you think I am here? As for releasing you, I don't think so; I owe you a bloody good bed wetting tickle and more."
"No way, don't you dare touch me!"
"Sophie, you have just made a vow to Daniel that you would obey every word in this room tonight; do you think that little of your future husband that you break that vow so casually?"
Oh Shit! Sophie thought, I've totally been set up!
Of course she kept her vow; and as it turned out, loved every finger licking moment of it.
Tina didn't keep her up too late, well not all night; and done everything with her, kissing, touching, licking, baby oil massage, strap-on sex, butt-plug, nipple clamps, ring gag; everything; and equally had Sophie do it all to her.
They slept naked in each other's embrace; both happy, both content.
They had breakfast in bed (couldn't risk seeing Daniel before the service) and then Tina had Sophie restrained again, two pairs of handcuffs with each hand cuffed to her arms above the elbow behind her.
She took Sophie into the bathroom and shared a shower with her and then laying her in the bath she shaved her, totally.
"Tina! No! Not that, what will Daniel think? He may not like it shaved; I may not like it shaved!"
Tina just laughed and continued soaping her up "Sophie you idiot, I am your Maid of Honour, it is up to me to prepare and dress you; it is Daniel that wants you shaved, a new start; like consummating an innocent pussy."
"Have you two been talking?"
Tina's fit of laughter was piercing!
She loved her wedding dress, part her idea, part Daniels.
The top half was a replica of the rust coloured leather corset top he had bought her in Harrods, but in startling white. It had been custom made for her. The skirt was silk with lace but fitted onto the corset as though the whole thing was a complete dress. She had white hold-up stockings but no pants. The same locked on cuffs, collar and shoes as she first bought and wore for him but again in white and with an even taller killer-steel stiletto heel.
A lace veil and a gold tiara to finish the look.
Scrutinised in the magazine it would be obvious she was wearing bondage accessories but Daniel was neither embarrassed nor ashamed by this getting out into the public arena. They had already been interviewed ahead of the wedding and told the editor about honouring the old vows and the accessories being a visual confirmation of her future obedience. The Editor reckoned that once published and 'Out there' this could set a trend; she loved that her article would get the kudos for all this.
The wedding went off without a hitch, her friends looked beautiful in their pale blue dresses, and all wearing the same collars and cuffs and shoes as her but all in blue. None of them had realised it was bondage dressing until they saw the locks and went wild with shrieks, but loved it; they would have some fun that night!
The reception was again at the Savoy. A formal dinner with speeches and presentations and then into the grand hall for dancing. Jessie J was a guest performer.
At nine pm Daniel took his wife and they slipped out unnoticed; being chauffeured attired in their wedding dress back to St Pauls.
Once in the wedding car Daniel slipped the locking ring onto her wrist cuffs and she smiled and kissed him; still floating from all these events of the day.
Daniel made a quick phone call and as they alighted from the back of the car the side door to the Cathedral was opening and the Bishop stepped out to great them.
Pleasantries were exchanged, congratulations on a fine wedding ceremony; and then the Bishop confirmed that the Cathedral was empty and would be free of visitors and he left as Daniel and Sophie entered. She had no clue what was happening, why they had left their own wedding reception, but she was excited, so very excited; she could feel the electricity in the air.
There were only a few candles lit in the great hall of the Cathedral giving the place an eerie feel. Her wrists still restrained Daniel walked her into the centre of the hall and bid her stay there. He walked over to the wall and turned a handle causing a great chandelier above Sophie to lower until it was just above her.
A single decorative golden chain dangled from the centre. He clipped this to her wrist cuffs and returned to the wall and raised the chandelier. As it rose her wrists were forced up and in turn forcing her to bend over until her wrists were almost painfully raised above her, she had to spread her legs to retain balance.
Daniel lifted her skirts up and over her back and without any foreplay entered her.
In the eerie silence he consummated the marriage. The sound of his thrusting into her wet pussy resonating around the hall, echoing back like a choir quietly humming in support of their love making; then picking up the tempo of the melody and a soprano coming in with the high notes as Sophie wailed in ecstasy and come.
Sophie felt that something truly religious had just occurred; that God himself had witnessed the consummation.
The chandelier was lowered, Sophie's cuffs released but just to be re-cuffed to the front and fixed once again to the chain and raised above her.
Daniel unbuttons the skirts and removes them leaving her stretched in just her leather corset and white stockings and shoes.
He walks slowly around the Cathedral hall lighting more candles, stopping to take photos from various angles in varying shades of light; her body looking different as the lighting changes.
Finally he returns to her, she thinks maybe he has just been playing for time, waiting to regain an erection, and she's right. He brushes her shaved pussy with his hand, loving the smooth feel of his wife; loving the innocent and naked look.
He gets down on his knees and kisses her shaven mound, just once. She loves the romance of the occasion.
He kisses her hard and long and whispers his love to her; then as he does in the alley most nights he hitches her legs around him and clips her ankles together, locking her there; making her defenceless to his wishes and desires; and slowly, softly enters her.
With patient, soft emotion he takes her slowly; his skin and her inner vaginal throat like silk feathering each other and loving each other and building and building until the desire becomes urgent and with echoing, simultaneous screams of ecstasy they come, and come and fall into each other's faces in exhaustion.
Breath-taking exhaustion.
Released, her skirts back in place, they snuffed the candles and made their way on foot back to their reception.
Walking out of the Cathedral with Daniels arm around her Sophie felt like a Princess; she was physically glowing. She could not stop smiling, and she was smiling like never before. As he locked her wrists behind her again for the walk she felt different, she felt like a lucky Princess; she was living a fairy-tale she hoped would never end.
They went straight up to the wedding suite and showered and changed. Not that Sophie changed much; just swapping her silk and lace wedding skirt for a white leather copy of her Harrods skirt. She kept the tiara on; the veil had been lost after the ceremony photos.
15. 'O'
The wedding presents were just plain ridiculous, including a Bentley, a suite at the Emirates, and a holiday home in the Seychelles! But Sophie's favourite present was received from Tina, and this was just a hard backed book, 'The Story of 'O'', and a steel collar and a key.
The note with it said she would love the book, and it could change her life again; but to try the collar now, immediately, before reading on.
She studied it, just a plain silver collar with a steel ring at the front. The collar was self-locking. She placed it around her neck and closed it; the snap of the lock causing her to close her eyes and shiver.
She picked the note back up and turned it over to read the other side. It said she could throw the key away, it fitted an old trinket box Tina no longer had, but not her collar. She had given the real key to Daniel as his wedding present together with her chastity belt!
Sophie just smiled at the joke and fingered the removable collar as she started to wonder what it will be like to have a chastity belt locked on.
This gifted book was to become Sophie's bible, she adopted all the practices of obedience that she read and loved; she determined to become the best wife Daniel could ever have dreamt of.
Following the honeymoon, which was simply awesome; Sophie resigned from her work and took over accountancy duties at Pitt Chambers.
Daniel then gave her his wedding gift, another holiday.
He had insisted on packing light, they would only be taking the one case.
She put what she wanted with her on a bed and left the packing to Daniel, he had insisted.
They flew out to Mexico and checked into their all-inclusive hotel; not something Daniel had ever done, an 'all-inclusive' package but he said he wanted it to be informal and friendly; just a couple of weeks of 'dumbing down' on the beach.
As soon as they entered the room Daniel ordered Sophie to strip and go to the bathroom, he followed her and chained her to a pipe by one wrist, using a combination lock he said "release yourself and come to bed."
She loved the drama, the excitement, the obvious surprise that was to follow. She got more than she bargained for!
She released herself and yanked the door wide open and leapt out "Fuck! What are you doing here?"
There, naked and cuffed spread-eagle to the bed was Tina!
"Hi Sophie, Daniel has left a note on the unit over there."
Sophie immediately reads it.
Sophie, this is your present, not mine. I have therefore delivered you safely and will return to escort you home in two weeks' time. Have a great holiday and be adventurous; make up for all the things you didn't do with Tina last time.
First, repeat whatever the two of you done on your wedding preparation night together; then release Tina and together open your case and read my second letter. I love you Mrs Stevens x x x x x
We did, absolutely everything just the same, with the exception of the strap-on, the nipple clamps and the gags that we didn't have with us; and then we opened my case.
It had none of the clothing that I had put out to be packed. Instead there were just dresses and skirts, nothing longer than a mini-skirt. No underwear but this didn't surprise me. Since 'O' I no longer wear underwear, apart from the sexy lingerie that dresses around and compliments my intimate parts rather than covering them. The bikini's had been replaced with thong and G-String bikini's with no tops; well this will be a first for me on the beach!
The missing components were there, the strap-on, clamps, gags, cuffs, a little whip, and lots of toys; and two wrapped presents, one marked Tina, the other for me.
We opened them together and they were almost identical. Daniel had bought new lock-on shoes, cuffs and collars for us both, mine in red and Tina's in blue. There were red and blue sexy dresses packed to match.
In Tina's there was a note; she read it aloud.
Girls, please have a fantastic no holds barred holiday and explore your limits and then go beyond them. What happens on holiday stays on holiday, I do not need to know, and you can take it that I consent.
All of your locks are opened with the same key, and there is only the one key; whoever holds this is the master and the other must obey; but play nice, take it in turns until your dominance and submissiveness determines otherwise.
Get to it, obey! Xxxx
"But I don't understand" said Sophie, searching through her presents; "There isn't a key here."
"You mean like this one?" Asked Tina holding a key up and waving it at Sophie; "On your knees Bitch, and lock those cuffs on."
Immediately after the engagement Daniel had shown Sophie the panic room. All the TV's were off and he explained that they stayed off; whilst the cameras always recorded pretty much everywhere throughout the house the recordings were overwritten every thirty days so that should they be burgled or anything then it would be captured for the police. The TV's would only be used should either of them have to actually use the panic room for real.
He did admit though that he used the panic room when his horrible sister was in the house, and how and why.
Sophie agreed that his sister was an absolute bitch and looked down her nose at her too. She made a habit of joining Daniel in the panic room whenever sister stayed over!
She felt fairly certain that Daniel must have watched her too; and probably still does but she kind of likes the idea of this.
The Jessie J concert was brilliant, especially the after-show party where she and Jessie had made out in their matching dresses and the young girl from Harrods had sat and watched.
In her role as the Pitt Chambers accountant she has also taken over responsibility for preparing Daniels personal accounts. He wasn't exaggerating about the family inheritance; he isn't a millionaire, he is a Billionaire, and he stands to triple his fortune when his parents pass on.
All things considered, those fifty shades were her best investment ever, well worth a good caning!