Author's Note: This is a continuation of Kelly's story in to bondage. I published the first 12 chapters in 2012 but have sense re-written much of it and thankfully fixed the grammar and spelling. The story is very long but each chapter can stand on it's own. Enjoy and please leave comments about the story. I enjoyed my time writing Kelly's and David's story and I hope you will as well.
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Chapter 1 - The Bar
The day was slowing down. It always did around this time, the lunch rush was over and only the odd soccer mom or business person came in for a quick afternoon pick me up. Sure we had the regulars using the free wifi, like the young university student Debby.
She usually came in around 1:30pm, ordered a large double espresso with cream, then would sit for the next couple hours doing work and texting on her phone. Nice girl but not great for business.
The day was cloudy and with the rain this was going to be a long afternoon.
Right on time Rob announced.
Kelly I'm going for lunch.
This really meant a quick smoke and then a walk down to Chapters to see his future girl friend.
Last month he came back late from lunch and was all weird. Finally after a couple of hours he told me about this girl at Chapters. He really liked her look, you know the love at first sight thing.
I told him just go up to her and say hi, my name is Rob and would you like to go for a coffee but no. He's to afraid. So now he just goes everyday and stalks her. God men are such wimps!
Excuse me miss.
Dam, caught day dreaming.
Yes, what can I get for you?
Two large latte's with extra milk please.
I hated that when that happened. I mean how hard is it to make coffee. Turn the mind off, watch for customers, try to guess what they want and stay moving cleaning tables and restocking coffee cups.
Is that all or would you like to try some fresh apple pie?
No thanks, how much?
As he was pulling a ten dollar bill out of his wallet I got my first glance at it.
It never failed to amaze me. I have the worst obsession for bracelets. I mean its really bad. Like to the point if the store was robbed I would have a better chance of describing the perps bracelet then their clothes.
For as long as I could remember I have been obsessed with bracelets. I just love to see people wearing them. I do have some limits like the gold linked bracelets that guys wear or the cheap junk that older women buy from Sears but without fail if someone has one on, I will be able to tell you what it is. I don't know why but bracelets make me horny.
It took me years to figure it out but I have an unusual problem. My wrists are my g-spot. If you want to make my night, make sure you spend time licking my wrists as much as you lick my cunt. Yes, we all have our issues.
I didn't get a good look at it, his jacket was covering it but dam it looked interesting. Definitely it was silver, solid and I think it was a bangle. Dam sexy.
Okay pull yourself together and stop standing here like Homer Simpson.
He was sitting at my favourite table in the corner by the front window with a female. Was she his wife, girl friend or just a friend? God relax. I know it was slow and you haven't had a live partner in months but it was just a bracelet. I didn't even know if he's cute. He's definitely not ugly, but is he 30, 40 or 50? I'll just go over and clean some tables and have a closer look.
Frak here comes 4 more customers. Sometimes it's like everyone waits outside till there's a good size group and then they all come in at once. I always said to Rob, looks like the bus just pulled up.
The next 45 minutes was a blur of making expresso's, latte's and up selling the apple pie. When possible I would look over and dam, does she have one on as well. What the frak? By the time Rob returned from Chapters, my bracelet man was gone. Dam!
The rest of the day went by as usual. Miss internet left at 4pm, Fred,I shouldn't but make it a large, came in. I think he has the hots for me. No thanks!
Rob confessed that he was still doing the Monty Python at the book store. He said he was reading up on how to be a C+ programer today.
After the bracelet guy and it was about mid month on the calendar, I spent the rest of the day wondering if I would visit my local sex store and see if they have any new toys.
My obsession comes and goes like my fraking period. At the start of the month I'm okay but as we hit week three I get more and more horny. It's like I get hyper sensitive to anything sexual. I started to wear more bracelets, doing more internet searches, anything to try to relieve my simmering sex. I finally peak a day before the classic, out of season, monthly period. Being the 14th of the month I'm starting my monthly, never-ending cycle a little early.
Heading home I found the local sex store didn't have anything new, not really a surprise based on my substantial collection of BDSM gear so I settled for Chinese food. The streets were still wet but the rain was done. I had already decided that tonight would be a play night and after bracelet guy firing me up today it was going to be excessive.
I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment just off the club district. It's clean and only a 2 story walkup. The main room has large front windows that let's in the morning sun, hardwood floors and the exposed beams very handy from when it was an old warehouse. The neighbours are younger then my 37 years but for the most part it's quiet and clean.
Arriving at the apartment and feeling how horny I am and thinking the bracelet guy today didn't help. Time for some self bondage. I put the food on the counter and head to the bedroom. Tonight would be more then the usual play and I was starting to have some rather disturbing idea's.
Off came my work clothes, then bra and under pants. Off came my 3 heavy steel bangles, my favourite items for later in the month, the clanking noise makes me crazy. I don't usually wear any other jewelry, sometime a ring or necklace but they didn't do much for me.
Standing their naked I looked in the full length mirror admiring the shape of my five foot five inch body. I started working out a year ago, twice a week to the gym and 4 days running. I was up to 5km in under 30 minutes. Not bad if I do say so. It's a long way from the 2 minutes, falling down dead run when I started.
Out from the closet came the bag of goodies. The bag seemed to get heavier every month, which was true with all my cuffs, locks and other bondage gear.
Dinner was getting cold so I took out the handcuffs. I had bought the real ones with the safety lock but I had cut the connecting chain off. The 3 link standard chain is to restrictive and I like to have the option of chain lengths or if I want to separate my arms in other positions.
God I love the feel of the steel around my wrists. I put one handcuff around my left wrist. Slowly I closed the cuff trying to count each click of the lock. 1, 2 , 3 and 4 together then 5. Moving the cuff up and down my wrist made my sex wake up and say hello. Okay stop. Move on.
Picking up the second cuff, feeling the weight and slowly placed it around my right wrist. Again 1, 2, 3, 4, and then 5. God do they feel great. Posing in the mirror with both wrists extended over my head. The cuff slide down, or is it up, my arms, I then dropped my wrist to my side and felt the weight of the cuff slide to the base of my hands. Yes that worked.
Okay, dinner girl. Using the 6 inch chain with the quick release attachments I connected the cuffs in front of my body. This would make doing everything else some what restrictive. Feeling hungry I went back to the kitchen and started to prepare the Chinese food.
Reaching for a plate in the cupboard I was forced to use both hands the cuffs sliding up and down my wrists with the chain singing it's clanking song. I wished I could wear them all the time. They felt so good and looked great.
The chain was from a choker style dog collar. It took some experimenting with chains at the local Home Depot to realized nothing would meet my standard and it was only when I went to Pet Smart did I find that the quality of the dog collar chain to be perfect. I also found the steel links of the chain style dog leashes worked great for longer lengths.
It's amazing how one must adjust when wearing handcuffs. Each movement needs to be pre-planned. Don't use to much force when opening the bag or my wrists will fly apart and the cuffs will dig into my skin. When using both hands to open the drawer to get a knife and fork, so make sure the bag is balanced and won't fall over when I let go.
Spin the wine bottle as I turn the corkscrew so the chain won't get tangled. Can I carry both the wine glass and plate together? I was making myself so horny I could just touch myself and cum, but no. Control. It would be a long Friday night.
It took two trips to the coffee table with my wine and the plate of food. Move the wine glass out of the way so the chain doesn't knock it over, reach for the remote with both hands, select channel 42 and yes the usual auction show is on.
Stabbed the food, making sure the chain doesn't touch the food, use both hands to bring it to my mouth, feel the handcuffs slide down my arms, lower arms to get more food, feel cuffs slide up to my hands. Repeat.
Reaching for wine glass with both hands, bring the glass to mouth, drink, lower wine glass, enjoy the cuffs as they slide up and down my wrists. Yes it's going to be a very long night.
I've been turned on by bondage all my life. From as early as seven or eight, I enjoyed wrestling with my brother and dad. I would always fight like hell but would make sure to maneuver my body so they would pin my arms behind my back. They woulds hold my wrists together and I would struggle to get free but I was really getting excited by being helpless.
One day our neighbour Timmy showed up with handcuffs. We were maybe 12 years old and everyone was acting like Bart and Lisa Simpson. About si of us always got together and did whatever it was kids did back then. Today Timmy had handcuffs and that was different. They were the cheap ones with the safety release on the side but what did we know.
At first everyone was too cool to try them on but I could see the fascination in everyones eyes. Finally after the usual horse play, Greg was conned into putting them on. It was the first time I heard the click. It was all I could hear. Just the click, click, click of the handcuffs.
It made me feel different. I wasn't naive about sex, I mean it wasn't like I knew what it was, Cathy and I had talk about it after she had her first period. I don't know why but hearing the click of the handcuffs did something to me. Made me feel warm inside, like the first time Bobby had held my hand and it made me feel different.
Anyway the day continued and the handcuffs were shared and the usual fights and teasing took place, but being a girl I was excluded from their use. But it was the first time I heard and felt the click, click, click. It was the sound that would live with me to this day.
Time to get busy.
Two trips back to the kitchen. Refilling the wine glass and back to the bedroom.
Okay so the plan was to put on leather wrist and ankle cuffs, corset, vibrating butt plug, benwa balls, chastity belt and then get dressed and go out to the local pub for some more wine. Ya nothing like a little self bondage and public outing to get ones fire burning.
I wished I could wear the handcuffs but they were to bulky to fit under my sweat shirt so I unhooked the key from the double ended clasp. The handcuff key was the only accessory that I didn't like. It was to small. I have a thing against loose buttons, earrings, jacket pins and a mix of other weird items. Again it's just me.
Insert the key into the outward facing keyhole, turn key up and remove left cuff. Hold loose cuff in right hand, insert key, turn and remove right cuff. Place still connected cuffs into bondage bag.
Resist urge to lie down on the bed and turn on mister dildo.
Reaching into the bag, I pulled out the slim style leather cuffs. First the wrist and then ankle cuffs. I laid them down on the bed. Next, the butt plug and wireless remote. Check battery, no check that, change batteries, lets really screw with the night. Find benwa balls and finally at the bottom of the bag, the very expensive steel chastity belt.
Seeing everything on the bed made me feel horny and disgusted at the same time. I had a small fortune in gear just to make me orgasm. The look and smell of the leather was almost overwhelming. I couldn't wait to feel it on my body but how I also wanted to share it with a man.
To be his sex slave. To loose control and spend the night as his instrument of pleasure. To be helpless, tied down, whipped and made to cum and then denied the same. To have pleasure mixed with pain so that I can't be sure of which. In short to experience pleasure that doesn't last the usual 30 minutes with the wham bam thank you mam, it's time to leave sex.
But no. All I seem to get are the nice guys. Guys that already have our next 20 years all plained out, from meeting the parents, to the wedding to the names of our 2.3 kids, all this before they even get up the courage to say hi. I needed a real fracking MAN.
I love my wrist cuffs. I found them at a leather shop in Stratford. The big difference between my regular cuffs and these are the way they lock. They use a post and hole design, eliminating the bulky buckle. I use them for my light self bondage and for my public foray's as they fit nicely under a sweat shirt.
Choosing a wrist cuff I wrapped it around my left wrist. It felt so good. Because I was going out I used the tighter second hole for the post. Next is the mastercraft lock. I slipped it through the post and closed it with the now I've done it click. The cuff feels so good that I wished I could wear them 24 7. I left the locked side of the cuff on the inside of my wrist as the small d-loop makes a lower profile under my sweat shirt.
Next is the other wrist cuff. The second hole is tighter on my right wrist and I debate between the looser hole 3 and the tighter hole 2. I decided that I would go for the tighter fit now and change it when I got home. Again the padlock was slipped through the post and clicked shut.
My ankles were next. Again I decided on the slim cuff's. Sitting on the bed I wrapped the cuff around my left ankle. Hole 3 worked the best and I could see the wear marks from all it's use. In the past I've kept them on 24 7 for up to a week. I turned the cuff so the lock was on the outside of my ankle and then I took a second lock and attached it to the d-loop.
The second lock is different from the mastercraft. It's longer and uses a plastic card with specific holes as the key. I added these to my ankle cuffs as they would swing around and bang into my ankles and made what I considered a loud noise when walking.
They felt great and looking at my wrist cuffs was making my sex swell. Okay keep going. Next was my right ankle. Down goes my left ankle with the satisfying feeling of the sliding cuff and the clinking sound of the lock. Taking my right ankle and I again wrapped the cuff around my soft skin. Selecting the third hole for the post and attached the padlock then I turned the cuff and attached the second lock to the d-loop.
I paused in the full length mirror and looked at the black cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I wondered why I couldn't find a man to share these moments with. I looked so hot. I took a moment to close my eyes and fantasize by putting my hands behind my back and spreading my feet.
Thinking of my master cuffing my wrists and then using a spreader bar on my ankles. I'm forced to stand like this as he sat and watched tv. I feel humiliated as he plays with my clit one minute and ignores me the next. I could imagine the frustration of not being allowed to cum, of being teased to the point of cumming only to hear the imaginary words.
Not yet Kelly.
Snapping out of it I reached for my corset on it's hanger in the closet. I loved how this makes me feel. It's an all leather half push design with steel reinforced ribs. It has drawstrings in the back and clasps in the front. I kept the strings at the back done up as it was to hard to pull and tie the corset tight. Again the need for a man. Frak.
Wrapping the corset around my body and beginning with the middle clasp I started to pull it tightly around me. I worked closing the clasps towards the bottom, sucking in my stomach, feeling the leather and steel transform my body. Next I started to work up to my tits. I felt my ribs being pressed into my lungs with the resulting restriction in my breathing. The top clasp was always the hardest. Sucking in my breath as much as possible and pushing my tits up I felt the clasp snap shut.
I made one modification to the corset. Because I couldn't find a man to share my bondage with, I was forced to buy a corset that could be done up from the front. The problem with this is I could undo it. To solve this self bondage dilemma I added 3 posts and hole fasteners, similar to my slim cuffs. The posts slid through holes in the overlapping leather making it possible do attach the locking padlocks. Home Depot is a wonderful source of bondage accessories.
I never got tired of how this felt. My tits were pushed up and out, my slouch was replaced with a dancers perfect straight posture. My breathing was restricted. I loved it. Now for the three mastercraft padlocks locking me in. Click, click and click.
Time for another look in the mirror. God I look hot. I slowly turn around to look at my ass. It looked fantastic with the black leather of the corset. Time for another fantasy.
Going over to the bed, taking 2 pillows and moved down to the foot of the bed. Placing the pillows on top of each other then I spread my legs apart. Bending over onto the pillows I place my hands behind my back holding my cuffed wrists. Closing my eyes, imagining my master having my ankles tied to the bed post with my wrists locked behind me. He has the riding crop out and is whipping my ass for being a bad girl. I must count each stroke and ask for another. I imagined the burning of the crop. The feeling of the burning welts spreading across my skin until my whole ass felt like it's on fire. I imagined the pain and the humiliation of having to ask for more. It makes me so hot. I could cum with one rub of my finger but no, wait dam it. No cumming till tomorrow morning. This was becoming very difficult.
The clock showed it was 8:30 and time to get going. Taking some deep breaths and getting a little head rush I moved back to the side of the bed. Taking the 2 benwa balls and slid them easily into my cunt. Contracting my vagina muscles, feeling them slide deeper into my sex. Next was the vibrating butt plug. I was so wet I just used my pussy juices to lube the plug. With the usual discomfort I forced it up my ass. As I adjusted to the intrusion I took hold of my crowning piece of equipment.
The steel and leather chastity belt had cost me a fortune. Its from a local shop and I had it custom fitted. I wrapped the steel with the leather padded waist band around my waist just below the corset, slipping the d-loop through the locking hole. Using a padlock I slipped it through the d-loop and left it open.
The corset made reaching through my legs a challenge. As I brought the steel strap up between my legs it pushed the butt plug further in to my anus. Removing the padlock off the belt I slipped the strap onto the d-loop and replaced the padlock. Taking a deep breath, Okay, what would be a deep breath without a corset, I closed the lock with the resounding click. Now my sex and ass was out of my reach for the next 18 hours or so. Already the pressure of the butt plug and Benwa balls was driving me crazy.
Okay all done. Another look in the mirror and frack I looked good. With the steel band running between my legs, my gap looks fantastic. God I wish a man would notice.
I was fracking horny but now I couldn't do anything about it. Why do I do this?
Time to finish.
Into the washroom for the usual hair and makeup. I loved walking with my ankle cuffs on. The dangling lock swinging around making clinking noises and bang into my ankles.
My makeup was minimal. I have the girl next door look with high cheekbones and long dark brown hair so a little blush, lip stick and brush through the hair and I'm good to go.
I loved the look of the leather cuff and the corset in the mirror. Seeing the locks on the cuffs just added to my excitement. Giving my pelvic muscle a flex and felt the balls move. Almost cumming, I fought back the sensation. Once again I thought that this will be a long night.
Back in the bedroom I put on my favourite jeans, t-shirt and Roots sweatshirt. Shoes with a small heels and I was on my way. Well not yet.
My tight jeans increased the pressure on the butt plug and I felt the balls move as my sex contracted. Doing a double check in the mirror, making sure my ankle cuff with the dangling locks weren't showing. The chastity belt showed above my jeans but the t-shirt and bulky sweatshirt covered it. My wrist cuffs were similarly covered but nothing could hide my tits. They looked twice as large as normal and I could almost see my hard nipples through the thick material.
Time to get to the pub before it got to busy.
First I gathered up all the keys to the padlocks and wrapped them in saran rap and then place them in a metal water bottle. Filling the bottle with water I placed it beside the other 2 bottles that were already frozen in the freezer. One bottle had a key with a 4 foot string attached which would come into play later. I took the other bottle and placed it on the counter by the door.
Okay so that's all for the preparation. Giving the bedroom one last check and moved the bondage bag back to the closet after taking out the leather blindfold. Checking that the chains were positioned on the four corners of the bed correctly and that three of the chains had quick release snaps. On the nightstand was the 6 inch chain and the final padlock, the one that would seal my fate for the night.
Okay that was it. Walking across the apartment, my ankle locks sounded insanely loud. My last act before leaving the apartment was to switch on the vibrating butt plug with the remote control. It started a slow and constant vibration that went right through my sex to the Benwa balls. It was pure torture. The vibrations kept everything moving in side my vagina, making me horny as hell but not enough to bring on a climax.
Taking the water bottle off the counter I went out and locked the door. Going down the stairs all I could hear were the fraking ankle locks banging away. Their sound and the Benwa balls jumping around was enough for me to question my insane logic on how to have a fun Friday night.
Now for the final definitive steps. The spare key for my apartment door went in to my mail box with a clink. Next the water bottle went in the newspaper rack, under all the unread copies of the Metro newspaper. It should be safe there for the next 4 hours. If not then it will be a very uncomfortable knock on the neighbours door. Can you sing the little ship set sail for a three hour tour. Yup, hello Gilligan.
The 10 minute walk to the pub was uneventful. Okay as uneventful as a girl wearing leather cuffs, a corset, a butt plug bussing in her ass and shackles banging on her ankles. Looking at my reflection in shop windows I wondered if I was the only one dressed, or is it accessorized like this tonight. Yes, who else was this crazy? But if there was someone else, I sure would like to meet them.
I got the usual looks from the passing men and one girl seemed to hear the ankle locks as I went by. She was smoking and did a double take and looked down at my feet.
Walking with the Benwa balls was not for the faint of heart. They moved around with every step and I could feel them vibrate with the butt plug and bang together. My cunt was being assaulted from with in and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Each step caused a new sensation and my vagina was starting to pulse. Lets not have an orgasm in the middle of the fracking street please.
Okay, try not to think about my self induced plight. Randomly think of any non sexual thought. Things like what day is it today? Friday. What will the weather be like for the weekend? Clear but cool. What is Rob up to tonight and will he ever talk to the book store girl? Don't care and someday. What kind of bracelet did the guy have on today? Frak, that's not good.
Isn't that how all this started. Some random guy orders a coffee and my obsessive bracelet fascination goes crazy.
Okay enough. Just walk, dam the benwa balls, to the fraking pub. My body is wrapped in leather and steel with five, no eight, no ten fraking padlocks, my ass is stretched and buzzing, my cunt is being assaulted by two bouncing steel balls and I sounded like a Tap Dancer with broken shoes. Just let me get to the pub, sit the frak down and have a drink!
Finally I could see the Grey Owl.
It's a nice neighbourhood pub. I can't stand those chain restaurant/bars. This place has a great personality and the staff make you feel at home, which in my case may not be the best thing if you know what I mean.
The doorman said.
Hi Kelly, your a little late tonight.
Ya Mitch, was tied up at home for a bit, is Mary working the bar tonight?
Heading in I saw the place was still on the quiet side with most of the customers out on the deck. The temperature was still comfortable but it would be chilly in the next hour or so. I headed for my usual seat at the far end of the bar.
Most girls shy away from sitting at the bar but I like it. Sure more guy's hit on you but I find the conversation to be more random and entertaining. It's also the best place for getting to know the staff, which is usually a good thing at a busy pub.
Before I could get to the bar stool, Mary called out.
A glass of wine? Sorry but no pop tonight or I'm not serving you.
Red wine sounds good and no it's not a pop night, had a bit of a week.
Sitting down on the bar stool I added.
I'm a little worked up and need to unwind tonight.
Mary answered back.
No worries, had a week myself, I forgot our dam anniversary Wednesday. Peter was pissed. I mean isn't it usually the other way around? I got home around 10pm, stayed late to do some studying at the university and he has the table all set for dinner. I mean, what a guy but can you believe it?
No way, he made dinner for you?
Yup, well almost, ribs from the Smoked Hog but somehow he made a cake. Can you believe it. He made a cake for our second first date anniversary and it's just sitting on the table. He even went to the trouble of finding a candle that said I love you!
Your kidding? Oh you must really feel bad.
Yup, I started crying but he was so upset that as of today he won't even do make up sex. He's slept on the couch last night. To tell you the truth I'm almost afraid, he's so pissed I may end up in a world of hurt if he takes it out on me.
No, Peter would never lay a hand on you. It's Peter!
Mary said blushing.
No, not that way it's Peter. God I wouldn't be going out with him if that was remotely possible. No what I mean, well I shouldn't tell you this but what the fuck. Peter likes to have, I mean he likes to have, well I mean he likes trying kinky stuff.
Kinky? Like what ...food? Positions? Anal? Places?
I'm really just trying to goat Mary along because this conversation was killing me. If the straightest girl I knew says her boy friend is into bondage then I'll need to hurt someone.
Mary said with a quiet and disgusted voice.
No, well, he likes to tie me up.
You got to be fracking kidding me. No fracking way. Peter is the man all girls dream about. Tall, athletic, smart, good looking, I mean he has it all. Good god he not only remembered their second anniversary but made a surprise fracking dinner.
I'm sitting with a vibrating butt plug being pushed up my ass, more pad locks on my body then a hardware store and miss Mary fraking Poppins has superman wanting to tie her up and fuck her silly. Life really isn't fair.
Trying to hide my contempt I said.
Really? That's terrible.
Mary whispered.
I don't want to go into It but I let him tie me up every six months or so. I keep hoping he will get over it but just the other day I was using his laptop to do a search on google and you know how previous searches show up when your typing?
Mary looked around to make sure no one could hear and said.
In the drop down as I'm typing bonus I see bondage.
I said with guarded sarcasm.
Mary said with some excitement.
Yes. So I quickly did a scan of his history and it's full of bondage sites with tied up girls and on-line stores full of the kinkiest stuff I have ever seen. Do you believe it. My mister right is into female bondage. He gets his socks of seeing woman tied up and, and, and well whatever.
Mary some guys are just into that. Have you talked to him about it?
After Wednesday, no way. I mean, I will, but not until he's in a better mood.
With that Mary was pulled away by a large group coming in.
Well that was a good distraction. At least for the last two minutes I forgot about my tormented body. Now sitting with my wine, I really started to feel the butt plug being forced deeper into my anus.
The more it penetrated my ass, the more it pressed on my vagina. This had a double effect of making my sex fill full, which was bad, but worse was the increase in the vibrations being transferred to the benwa balls.
The balls had really started to drive me crazy. As I sat there I could slowly feel my sex getting hotter. Frak not here, not now! But thinking about trying to stop it only made it worse. I could feel my pelvic muscles starting to tense. Christ I was about to have my first orgasm of the night sitting on a bar stool with 30 people all a round me. Frak
Slowly feeling my orgasm building, my breathing was becoming short and with the added restriction from the corset that wasn't a good thing. I tried shifting my position on the stool. Wrong choice. I moved left and the butt plug moved right and nailed a benwa ball. The sudden increase in vibration just about made me cry out. The orgasm was exceptional. My pelvic muscle spasmed and the resulting pleasure wave was insane.
Holding on to the edge of the bar for dear life as my body shook with pleasure. I tried to look around to see if anyone noticed my discomfort. Not sure that's the right adverb but wholly shit I felt it. My body was hit with repeated contractions of pleasure. It seemed like each contraction moved the benwa balls to a new location in my vagina and that would start another contraction.
Please God make it stop.
Closing my eye's and tried not to move but my body was on auto pilot. Oh, here comes another one. Ya that's just about enough to drop me to the floor. Oh come on, stop I can't take anymore. I needed to hold on, to let the orgasm run out, to let my body come back to earth. Oh that was just to much. What a night, what a place to cum, god what was I thinking.
Finally as the contraction subsided I leaned forward and the corset pushed up on my tits and the pain brought me back to my twisted reality.
Okay Kelly, easy, look around and see if all 30 people are looking at you. Okay, a quick scan didn't reveal any unwanted attention. God this is crazy but what an orgasm.
Next I checked my clothes. Sleeves check, no sign of my wrist cuffs. Looking down I could see my right pant leg was up. Dam I must have caught it on the stool leg and now the cuff and lock were in full view. Quick, reach down and fix it. Oops, that almost made me loose my right tit. Okay, that won't work. Okay brush the pant against the stool leg. Good that worked.
Frak, can I go home yet?
I've been at the Grey Owl for less then 30 minutes and I had already been subjected to finding out that the bartenders boy friend was into bondage, had an orgasm and was now physically exhausted. I shouldn't say it but, how much worse can the night get?
Time to go to the washroom. Just getting off the stool was an effort. My pussy was still recovering from the assault and I wasn't moving to well. As I was getting off the stool one of the benwa balls slid down my vagina, almost coming out and resting against the chastity belt. Almost going to my knees contracting my pelvic muscles to force it back into my over work pleasure dome.
Walking to the washroom seemed to take forever. The locks on my ankles were smashing about and my corset was making breathing a challenge. The stall at the far end of the washroom was empty and I closed the door. I thought about just spending the next 4 hours hiding in here, waiting for the ice to melt and release my apartment key.
I was so hot, as in temperature, not sex, well that too, okay enough. The air felt refreshing as I removed my sweat shirt to cool down. The dam corset was so hot. I was sweating and all I could smell was the leather mixed with body odour and a faint smell of my sex juices. For me that was a turn on. My wrist cuffs were also feeling tight and hot. Trying to cool down I removed my T-shirt.
At this point I should've run for home and thrown all my bondage gear in the garbage because what happened next defies reality. A magical power, higher then the reality we know, it's like the ancient Greek Gods had decided to use me for their personal entertainment for the night. Whatever it was, my night was about to go very sideways.
I was standing, because sitting on the toilet when dressed in a very tight corset was problematic. That was when two somewhat intoxicated girls came into the washroom. It sounded like it was one of the girls 18th birthday. From the slurred and loud speech she was in what I would call birthday shape. Not really an issue as I was safely in my locked stall but then the birthday girl did a dance step, lost her balance and crashed through the stall door. Holy Frack.
The door hit me, pushing me back on to the toilet. She went down on her back with her head between my feet. Her friend came rushing over to help and stopped as she saw me dressed as Miss Bondage USA. Frak! Next the birthday girl tried to roll over and in the process ended up on her knees with her head firmly planted in my crotch.
So their I am. Sitting on a toilet wearing a leather corset and locked leather cuffs in a bar with two drunk 18 year olds that are having a birthday party. I'll go out on a limb and say that some Greek God's were laughing themselves silly.
The friend, seeing how I'm dressed, doesn't know what to say. The birthday girl finally pulled her head out of my crotch and said.
Did you just cum? Because you sure smell like it.
I said.
Thanks, are you Okay?
The friend said.
Sorry, it's her 18th birthday and we've had a couple of drinks.
Then she added.
You look amazing!
Thanks, but could you help her up.
Ya sure, oh are those leather cuffs, the look great.
Gathering the birthday girl the friend departed with.
Sorry Miss.
Really. I'm a fraking Miss now. You have got to be kidding me. Yup, this night is just going great.
Standing up and closing the stall door I took stock. My sweat and T shirts were on the ground but I seem to be okay other then my tits had taken another beating. All I could hear is the dam butt plug vibrating. Why did I use fresh batteries, Okay lets get dressed again.
Using all the grace of a 3 year old ballet dancer I knelt down to get my shirts.
So much for taking a moment alone and regrouping. Now I needed to see if the whole bar was waiting for my reappearance from the washroom.
Cursing at how stupid this had become I headed back out. Scanning the crowd I thanked God no-one seems to be waiting for the bondage girl.
Getting back on the bar stool I noticed that the chastity belt was starting to rub on my hips. Oh well shit happens.
Lets just sit and enjoy the sensation of the vibrating butt plug and play with the benwa balls. Yes that was better.
Time to do what I do best. People watch. The bar was starting to fill up with 20 and 30 year olds. A group of 4 young blonde girls were ordering Jager bombs. Oh to be that young and stupid again. One girl had a large gold watch and a silver ball bracelet on her left wrist. Unfortunately the look has run it's course and is out of style. To bad, I loved the look. The other girls all had a mixture of bracelets, a leather necklace wrapped twice around the wrist, some plastic bangles and a pho spiked leather bracelet.
It's amazing to me how many young girls are getting tattoos. Of the four girls, three have most of their arms covered in ink. It looked good now but man in 10 years it will look pretty bad when they're driving a minivan to their kids soccer practice.
The usual older guys were here. One looked interesting but the others have the look of desperation. For sure all were divorced.
I usually left around 10pm as the morning always arrived to early so I missed out on the late crowd. Mary loved to fill me in on all the hot guys that come in later and is constantly bugging me to stay and meet someone. I'm sure that day will come but unfortunately not right now.
It was time for a little pelvic flexing and butt plug relocation. Shifting around on my bar stool I started to relax and enjoy the night.
The corset was great for maintaining a good posture, no slouching here. I did wish it wouldn't push so hard on the chastity belt but I didn't want to stand just yet. Gripping my left wrist with my right hand I reached under the sweatshirt and played with the lock. Using my thumb I pushed the lock around, feeling it hit the cuff, knowing that I couldn't do anything about it, that it was on until I could release it sometime tomorrow. I may even leave it on all weekend.
Using some force twisting the cuff around my wrist, I did wish that I had used the third hole. Being this snug and warm from the nights activity was making the cuff a little uncomfortable, but on the other hand wasn't that the point.
The benwa balls were feeling great and it was time for a second glass of wine. Looking around I saw a new group of 4 coming through the door. They looked to be in their mid to late thirty's and I had a brief moment of envy. Why couldn't I have normal friends?
All I seem to get is young girls and old men talking to me and I don't consider them true friends. I mean I know a lot of people but I can't seem to make into the friends category. You know the group that goes to the cottage together, goes camping, take weekend shopping trips together, that kind of thing.
The four young girls were starting to flirt with Mike, one of the bartenders. He's a good looking guy and gets the usual kitty litter hitting on him every Friday night. Mike has a good heart and saves the usual bar lays for older girls who understand the game. I thought of taking a run at him, he was hinting at it but as this is my home bar, not a chance. I did that once and it didn't go as planned and that's why I'm now at this bar.
It was time to tune out for a bit. Closing my eyes and started to move my hips causing the butt plug to have an impact on different areas in my anus. Now for some pelvic contractions. Yes, that worked. Fantasizing about my Master sitting with me. Ordering me to sit up straight with both hands on my wine glass. I wasn't to move as he slowly started to move his hand between my legs. He told me to move my knees apart so he could push on the chastity belt that is pressing against my clit.
He leans over and whispers what he is going to do with me later.
When we get home I want you to go to the bedroom and take all your clothes off. Then I want you to face the bed with your legs apart and your hands behind your back. Your not to move.
Yes Master.
When I'm ready I'll come and touch you but your not to move.
I could feel another orgasm coming on. Slowly rotated my hips, feeling the corset against my body. Pressing my wrists down on the bar top and felt the cuffs. I took a quick look around the bar for any unwanted attention and then I heard my imaginary master say.
Then I'll put the blindfold on you and you'll hear the click of the lock sealing off any light until I decide when you can see again.
That did it. Bending forward as much as I could and felt the waves of pleasure coursing through my body.
I know, I looked like I'm cumming. My mouth was half open and I had the obvious physical disconnect from those around me but I didn't care. My body was alive and I could feel my bondage and it felt so good. It felt so out of the norm and I just loved it.
Okay Kelly, that was number two for the night. Very nice but it's only 9:45, still along way to go.
The butt plug was starting to bother me. The constant vibration was becoming irritating and I couldn't get it into a comfortable position. The batteries usually last two hours, so let see, On about 8:30 or was it 9, dam I'm not sure? No it was about 9 so another hour to go. Dam.
Time to walk around.
Ordering another glass of wine so that it was obvious I was still sitting here and I asked Mary to save my place.
I decided to hit the washroom again. I felt the need to pee coming on and I should check how much of a mess was between my legs. Here we go again, stall number 3.
The corset made pulling down my pants a struggle but I finally got it done. Sitting on the toilet I could see that my upper thigh was damp with my sex juices.
I leaned as far forward as I could and started to pee. With the fraking chastity belt it was always such a mess. I felt the spreading warmth as the pee leaked all over my ass and thighs. Again I wondered why I did this but I quickly called up my imaginary master saying.
Because I told you to!
Yes, and once again I thought, we all have issues, some just bigger then others.
I finished and was wiping up the mess, but the fraking toilet paper kept falling apart like it's Roseanne Bar on Letterman. What a pain in the ass. Okay, not really, as I did have a real pain in my fraking ass.
I was trying to pull my pants up when I heard two girls come in to the washroom. Not wanting to come out of the stall with others around I stood still.
The first girl said.
Did he show you?
The second girl said.
No not yet, I think he knows you told me, He seems a little off.
First girl.
I hope not, he would be pissed and thats not good for later tonight.
Second girl.
I know but it's killing me. I want it so bad. I've done everything he wanted and he always does it when the session is finished doesn't he?
First girl.
Yes and we're here to celebrate. Lets just enjoy ourselves and see what happens later.
Second girl.
Okay but let me see it again.
A pause and then.
Oh it looks so good, I can't wait to get mine on.
First girl.
Enjoy the freedom, it's the last night you'll have a bare wrist. It's amazing how you always know it's there.
Second girl.
I know and I want one so bad, it looks so good on everyone and I just love how it feels.
First girl.
Okay, lets get back, shots our on me this time.
I think, what the frak was that, as I heard them leave the washroom.
Just when the night was settling down to my version of normal, it's off to the wonderful world of oz again.
What was that? I know I have a one track mind but frak that sounded way off side. It sounded crazy. What did she mean when she said it's the last time your wrist will be bare?
My mind was spinning as I did the once over in the mirror. Hair was just okay, make up was looking a little tired but overall I look good for a girl with two orgasms under her belt, or is that under her chastity belt. Smiling, I thought how I cracked myself up.
Nothing unwanted was showing, time to check out the deck and see if I could figure out who those two girls were. I really wanted to know what they were talking about.
Leaving the washroom I saw the place was getting crowded. Getting outside to the deck through the bar was a challenge. Several time's I was pressed against people, one being a girl that did a double take as I'm sure she felt my corset. I really was taking a big risk tonight, much bigger then just going for a walk or grocery shopping.
The cool air felt refreshing as I found a place to stand on the upper deck. I noticed the usual quick looks and nods from the guys and the dismissive looks from some of the girls, mainly the ones with partners.
Don't worry girls, your guys are safe tonight from the bondage queen. Another smile.
I started to look for the washroom girls when I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard.
Your showing.
Turning I looked up to see a six foot 1 inch, dark haired, blue eyed stunningly good looking man. I mean George Clooney gorgeous.
Struggling to find words I said.
Excuse me?
He said.
Your shirt is up at the back and your chastity belt is showing.
Oh frak. I quickly reached for my sweat shirt and as I felt my face turning red, I said.
Thanks and it's not a chastity belt.
Ya that sounded convincing. What a night. Is it a full moon or have I finally overdone it with my self bondage? Truly I didn't really give a frak right now, all I wanted to do was run for the door and hide somewhere.
The man then said.
Relax, your Kelly, right? I'm David.
Excuse me?
I thought, how does this guy know my name? Okay now I'm getting scared as the night just went completely sideways.
The man said.
It's okay I'm here with some friends, you may want to meet them.
Turning, I saw two attractive girls, as he went on.
Would you like to join us?
Looking at the coveted outdoor sitting area, under the window were two girls, both are holding up wine glasses and have big smiles on their faces.
Chapters 2 - Caught (added: 2017/03/03)
Trish called.
David, she's coming out and she looks a little flustered.
I like it when the night goes random. Seeing Kelly here was a bonus that made up for learning that Patti had leaked the nights details to Trish. I wasn't really surprised, Trish had just finished her training and we were out celebrating but still it wasn't a slaves position to discuss such things.
Life is strange and today's events was an example of how weird it can get. Patti and I had met for coffee earlier in the day at a new coffee shop that had opened in the neighbourhood. The name, Some Like It Hot had caught my attention and I thought it appropriate for discussing tonights agenda.
The attractive girl behind the counter had looked startled when I had asked for a latte, she had recovered well, that is until I went to pay. She did the usual second look that I had seen hundreds of times. The look of someone seeing my bracelet for the first time. They try to be discreet about looking at it. Most take a surprised glance as it's unusual to see a guy wearing a solid steel bracelet but occasionally I'll see the look of fascination.
Today, Kelly had the fascination look in spades, I thought she would spill the latte's, she was so focused on my wrist. Patti said she stared at me the whole time we were at the coffee shop. Several times I caught her staring at me but then she would quickly look away. Watching her, I decided that she rated further attention. Just to see if she really was a candidate for the club, I had Patti flash her bracelet so she would see it. After a couple of minutes, Kelly saw it and had the predictable double take and almost dropped another coffee.
On the way out of the coffee shop we ran into a guy with the shop's logo on his black shirt and I asked him about the coffee shop. Rob, as I would learn said it was owned by a girl named Kelly and she had opened it after moving from Vancouver. Rob went on to say that he had to get back to work but Kelly was working if we wanted to talk to her.
I said thanks but we needed to get going.
I had already decided that I would be back.
Patti and Trish had come to the Grey Owl together, I had asked that they get here early to claim the prime outdoor sitting area. The Grey Owl had been the neighbourhood dive bar, with the usual bad food and ugly regulars. It had closed down about 8 months ago and had just been reopened under new management. They had spent a ton of cash to make it into an up scale 30's something bar and restaurant. The food was excellent, the deck had been rebuilt and the staff were friendly and professional.
It was a good thing as I knew the owners from my regular bar. They had assured me that I would like what they had done to the place and I should give it a chance. That was about six months ago and yes it was a good place to go on a Friday night. I still went to my regular bar and would complained to the owners, mostly just for a laugh and to get an occasional free glass of wine for my troubles.
In truth, I didn't really have a choice about coming here, as my favourite bartender Mary had been given the job of making sure the service was up to par. Besides being friends with her boy friend Peter, I had promised Mary that I would drop by and make sure she was okay.
I had been a little late getting to the bar as traffic was insane. It was shaping up to be a big night as Trish would have a final light play session and then would receive her bracelet. Both Patti and I were very pleased that she had completed the initiation period and would be joining the club. It had been a long three weeks but she held up like cold nipples in December.
So far the night was going as planned, I was giving the girls some attitude because it was obvious that the two had discussed some of the nights agenda. I wasn't pissed but it was an opportunity to make them worry about the consequences.
I was halfway through my first glass of wine when Patti had said.
Well look at that, David your coffee shop girl just sat down.
At first I had no idea what she meant but pointing through the window
Patti said.
I'm sure that's the girl who owns that new coffee shop from today.
I love it when life becomes random.
Taking a closer look I saw her looking down. I stood up to look and I saw her leather cuffed ankle. You've got to be kidding me! She looked like the coffee shop girl and yes I was going to check her out after her fascination today, but really, here at the bar with leather cuffs. Dam I liked that.
Now it was my turn to be fascinated. I had two beautiful females with me, laughing and getting ready for a special session later but all I could really think about is the girl in the window. After a few minutes our attention was taken by the two party girls returning from inside. Their group was leaving and the girls were laughing and saying that they had just seen a lady in a corset and other bondage stuff in the washroom.
Turning and saw that Kelly was missing. I was willing to go out on the limb and say tonight had gone random.
It was six years ago that I had started the bracelet club. Shortly after my divorce I had decided to follow my gut and to be honest with woman about my sexual enjoyment.
I like several things about sex. The first are females. I just love the feel of slim, attractive girls. One's that have self confidence, a sense of humour, which usually is a sign of intelligence and understand that sex should be enjoyed.
That agreed with me that being single, having sex isn't the same as making love to your married partner.
That introducing kink into having sex adds to the enjoyment.
That making your sexual excitement last for an hour, a day or week or whatever is better then the standard 20 minutes most people spend.
Since I was 18 my longer term girls friends and then my wife, had enjoyed kinky sex. Some enjoyed it more then others but now that I was older I had decided that I would explore my true passion and find partners that were of similar minds.
I explored the traditional kinky scene and in short I found the quality of the people to be lacking. It seemed that the clubs and web sites that catered to the bondage crowd were full of gay, tattooed covered, over weight people that I didn't want to be associated with.
Realizing that I couldn't be the only one thinking this way I decided that I would look for signs from other normal people. People that showed signs of wanting more and were into kink. I would look for women that liked bracelets, dressed with a certain flare, that responded to suggestive comments. I would just go out on a limb and see what would happen.
Did the bondage flood gates open? No, we still live in reality and people don't just Kim Kardashian their feelings. It took time but I slowly made advances to possible like minded individuals and with the usual ninety percent rejection rate I finally had some success and the bracelet club was started.
That was over six years ago, and now I or should I say, we, have a nice group of David kinksters of just over twenty people. I have two rules. First you must be single. I respect the act of marriage and so should you. Second, membership is by invitation only. No websites, no ads, no munches.
Coming back to the conversation with Patti and Trish I watched for Kelly to return to the stool. I'm not sure but I noticed I wanted her to come back. Wanted, as in if she didn't, would I go looking for her?
Thinking to myself, come on David, it's Trish's special night get your head back in the dam game.
I had met Patti over a year ago at an opening night for another function of some sort. If I remember correctly she was wearing an attractive dress and with her athletic body was turning heads. What made me really notice her was her collection of bangle bracelets and high heeled shoes.
Both area's were attractive but slightly out of place for a formal evening. The Tiffany bangles and silver cuffs were too bold for the look of the dress. Watching her, she seemed to be bored and was playing with her bracelets. Her heels were again out of place. At about 4 inches and with a heavy leather ankle cuffs they looked good but again out of place with the rest of the outfit.
Making a long story short I asked some friends about her and learned she was a top pharmaceutical sales director and had recently relocated from Calgary. One thing led to another and we connected and shortly afterwards she joined the bracelet club.
Tonight she looked great. Dressed in tight jeans and a white blouse she looked sexy without the need to show off her body. Oh and the bracelet and watch combo just added the classic cherry on top.
Trish had come on the scene in a similar manner about 3 or 4 months ago. After so many years I was getting experienced at spotting candidates and she was a text book example. Patti had met her on a business trip and had arranged a get together so I could meet her and after the usual conversations and background checks she agreed to become a member.
Looking again to the window I was rewarded with seeing Kelly. Not knowing what would happen next I started to think about how to connect with this lost soul.
My preoccupation was starting to upset the girls and that wasn't fair to Trish. If I didn't smarten up I would be the one on the short end of the night. For the next hour or so we all had some laughs and I watched as Patti teased Trish by playing with her bare wrists.
I had told Trish she wasn't allowed to wear any items on her wrists and for the last 3 weeks she had repeatedly told me that it wasn't fair. She had always worn bracelets and heavy watches and now felt naked without them. Twice I had to punish her after she confessed to cheating. Tonight Patti was playing the roll of tormenter with exceptional talent.
Seeing Kelly move off the bar stool I had an idea which I must say even surprised me with the creativity.
Turning to the girls I said.
I have a problem and would you two like to take a side trip from the nights activity and help me out?
Patti answered.
Let me guess, it has something to do with the girl in the window that has you all screwed up tonight?
Giving her a mock disapproving look I said.
Okay smart ass yes it does but please be a good slave and hear me out. I want you two to see if the coffee shop girl has gone to the washroom. If she has, follow her in and let her over hear you talking about tonight. No details just do what you do best and lets see her reaction.
Patti said.
Sounds good but lets not forget about tonight.
Trish adding.
I'm game but please David I can't take much more of this.
To be honest, I'm making this up as I go along but it's still your night and I promise we will finish it. I just think we are about to have one of my crazy nights. I'm getting that famous, It can only happen to me, feelings.
Patti said with a smile.
And you wonder why we love you. Let's go Trish and do as our master commands.
Ten minutes later the two exceptionally good looking girls returned, laughing and saying mission accomplished master. God I knew how to have fun. Now lets see how she deals with that. Expecting to see Kelly return to the bar stool I was shocked to see her walking passed us on the deck.
Dam she looked good. Almost a cross between Patti's athletic figure and Trish's fuller figure. Looking at her back I immediately noticed her exceptional gap. I mean a solid 4 inches between her thighs.
Okay smart one, what's next? I thought.
Getting up I saw that her sweat shirt was up, so I thought, let's go all in and I said.
Hi, your chastity belt is showing.
And then it happened. Kelly turned to face me and I felt my whole body reacting. God she was beautiful. I mean knock my socks off. Wholly shit beautiful. What a look. Her dam eye's just were fantastic. I mean a real cry your eye's out Hollywood movie moment. It was a moment I knew that would be with me forever.
Did the night just go random? I think it just did a lot more then that. I had the feeling my whole life had just tumbled down the dam Alice and Wonderland's rabbit hole.
It was Patti calling my name.
Sorry, just had a moment. Patti, Trish meet Kelly.
I went on.
It's okay Kelly, have a seat and I'll buy you a glass of wine.
I could see the confusion in Kelly's eyes but she accepted the single deck chair that we had been holding for this moment.
Before sitting down I tapped on the window to get Mary's attention. Pointing to Kelly I signed that she was with us and could we get another round.
I heard Kelly.
Do you know Mary?
Yes, Mary and I go back a bit, I know her through her boy friend Rob.
At that I watched Kelly cover her mouth, causing her left leather cuff to pop out from under her sleeve.
Patti said pointing.
Kelly, you may want to fix your wrist before Mary comes out.
I watched as Kelly saw that the cuff was visible and struggled to return it to it's hiding place and all I could think was how dam beautiful she was.
I thought, was this that bullshit love at first sight? If it is, and I was thinking it was, then what? Dam, Dam, Dam.
Chapter 3 - Meeting Friends
Okay, I really needed to go. Holy frack!
I heard Patti, or was it Trish, frak I don't know, say.
Kelly, I know it's a bit much to take in all at once but we really are harmless, just give us a few minutes to explain.
I think, harmless, really, first you know my name, next it looks like your waiting for me, your friends with my girl friends bondage boy friend and now my fraking leather cuff does a Full Monty. Holy Frak!
My head was spinning. How did my simple public bondage become a community event? Who are these people and how do they know my fraking name? This was fraked and now I'm sitting in this dam deck chair with my corset pushing my tits up to my ears.
Just as I was about to say frack this, I saw it. Patti was raising her wine glass and on her left wrist was the silver bangle. It was between her hand and the mid size guys silver Rolex watch. Holy Frak this was the same girl from my coffee shop, what the frak is going on?
Patti then said.
Do you like my watch or the bangle?
Flustered I said.
I don't know, I'm sorry this is just a lot to take in, do you mind if I stand.
Patti turning to David.
Her corset must be killing her, can we move to a taller table?
Looking around David said.
Looks like that may take a while, Kelly it's okay to stand and I'll see what I can do.
Just then Mary arrived with a fresh round of drinks.
She said.
I didn't know that you knew each other. Kelly are you feeling okay?
Yes it's just something I ate, it feels better if I stand. Any chance of scoring us a table?
Mary did a quick look around the deck. The only two tall tables that were suitable were occupied with couples eating dinner.
Looking back.
I don't think so, maybe in half an hour?
Dam. I felt like an idiot standing here but I really needed to learn more about what was going on with these three.
David then said, with outstretched arms.
Kelly, sorry about this, maybe we should just get together when you're more comfortable?
Then the night firmly crossed in to the twilight zone.
On his right wrist, is a solid silver bracelet. The same bracelet that Patti has on, the same bracelets as earlier today. What the frak is going on?
Deciding that it was time to take some control over this chaos.
Looking at David I said.
Okay, first are you two the couple from my coffee shop today?
David answered.
We're not a couple but yes we were at the coffee shop today.
Did you follow me here?
No, it was pure chance meeting you here.
How do you know my name?
I asked on the way out of the coffee shop, I think his name was Rob.
Why what?
Please don't frak with me David, Why did you ask Rob for my fraking name?
At this the older lady at the closest table turned her head in my direction.
David said.
I noticed your heavy steel bangles, how they banged when you moved and I noticed how you were staring at my bracelet. I'm sure we sound crazy right now but if you give the three of us a few minutes to explain I think you'll understand.
David continued.
Patti please show Kelly your bracelet.
Patti stood up and offered her wrist to me.
I've had it on for just over a year. A year and 4 days but who's counting.
Looking at the bracelet, I turn her wrist over looking for a catch. I saw two joints but I couldn't see how it would come off.
Its on permanently. Twenty-four seven three hundred sixty-five days a year and I love it.
Offering his wrist, David then said.
It was 6 years July 14th I was banded.
Holy frak. Both are beautiful and what a turn on. Okay not now but, well maybe as I felt the butt plug finally stop it's vibrations.
The fit have the bracelet was loose without being sloppy, it clearly would not slide over their hands but it wasn't tight and restrictive. David's was a little wider then Patti's, both were made from stainless steel and had a brushed finish look with David's showing more wear and tear.
They felt great in my hand and when I slid them on their wrists I felt the heavy solid feel. David's wore it plain on his right wrist and it would move only about 2 inches up his arm, Patti's was on her left wrist and looked fraking amazing with the silver Rolex watch. God they were a turn on and I wanted one so bad.
Now what. All three were looking at me. It's my move. Sitting isn't an option with my corset. Leaving was even less appealing, think Kelly?
I open my mouth and I couldn't believe what came out.
Okay, I want to know more about what is going on. Today is turning into a Frak show but you have my attention but my dam corset is killing me. We could find somewhere else to go or you could?
Looking at Patti.
Could help me get the dam thing off?
What the frak. Really Kelly? I just asked a complete stranger to help me out of my bondage gear. Have I lost my mind, was I dreaming or did I just confess my 20 plus year secret? One thing is for sure to night was not going as planned.
Patti gave David, a lets do it look, and he said.
Sounds like a plan. Trish why don't you help out if that's okay with Kelly?
Nodding, the three of us headed to the washroom.
On the way I started to have second thoughts as I realized that Patti and Trish would see all my locks, would see my secret. It was all happening so fast. I'm about to let two strangers into a world that I have kept secret for 20 years and it's happening right fraking now.
I saw the exit and briefly considered about just walking out the door and running away from this new reality but before I could get that thought from my brain to my feet we're inside the washroom. Thank God for small miracles as it's empty and having the three of us in a stall was not on my to do list. I try to keep to just one stall meeting a night.
Patti saw me smiling and asked.
You Okay?
Yes, sorry just cracking myself up.
I do that to, Trish can you block the door?
No problem. I don't think anyone wants to see my sister being sick.
Okay, let see this corset Kelly.
Here was the moment of truth.
Pulling off my T and sweat shirts. Patti saying.
Holy shit girl.
She quickly added.
No not the gear, your body. Why the hell are you wearing a sweat shirt.
Trish adding.
Girl you are smoking hot. Look at you. The corset is fantastic and your breasts, wow! Even your leather cuffs look so hot. I'm not into women but your one hot babe.
Touching a corset lock, Patti said.
One little problem here, I'm assuming you have the key?
Sorry but no. What is public bondage if you bring the key to free yourself?
Turning around I said.
We can get it off this way.
Right, and with that Patti started to undue the tightly tied drawstring on the back of the corset.
Leaning forward placing my hands on the top of the stall door. I felt Patti undoing the string and the corset loosening. Starting from the top I felt the leather separating from my body. The cool air felt fantastic and after a few more eye holes my tits were able to fall back to their normal position.
For a brief moment I returned to reality, to what is really happening, to separate this from my fantasy. I was in a bar's washroom with two hot women undoing my locked corset. Holy frak.
Then the corset is off.
Holding the corset Patti said.
Okay, lets have a look at you.
Turning around to face them I heard Trish say through a crack in the door.
Just a minute my sister isn't feeling well and you don't want to see this.
Facing them with my bare and expose top I felt more naked then my last physical.
Patti said.
Yes your good, look at the marks from the corset.
Trish said.
My God girl you have a killer body. Come here and show me those cuffs.
Feeling better and starting to warm to my new found friends, I moved forward and let Trish take hold of my right cuff.
These are so cool. I love the way the look, there so slim without a buckle. Patti, look at the way they lock. Where did you get these?
With that Patti took my left wrist. She slowly started to move the cuff around. Not good. I felt my sex starting to come alive. I'm half naked with two girls holding my locked leather cuffs. I noticed that both are slowly moving my cuffs and not saying anything. What the frak. I should do something but it felt so good. Losing myself I close my eyes and flexed my pelvic muscles. The benwa balls did a little jump and I felt my sex coming alive.
Then I heard.
Kelly, that's enough, just wanted to give you a small reward for being so brave.
That was off side. I was about to cum with two strangers holding my cuffed wrists.
Blushing I said.
Frak I'm sorry but it's been a strange day.
Patti answering.
First of many I think. What else do you have on girl.
Getting into it, I undid my pants and showed them the chastity belt. Patti turned me around and rubbed her fingers along the edge of the steel, electrifying my skin, trying to slip her finger between the belt and my skin and said.
Thats tight, do you have any toys inside?
Before I can stop my embarrassment I answered.
A vibrating but plug and Benwa balls.
Patti said.
Very nice.
Looking down she added.
And your ankles?
Lifting my pant leg, exposing my right leather cuff. Twisting it back and forth I show the two locks. The twisting action causes the dangling lock to sing it's clinking song.
Trish said, looking at Patti.
Thats the noise I've been hearing, very cool.
I added.
The noise and banging makes walking with them on a whole new challenge.
Patti asked.
And the key to all the locks?
In a block of ice at home.
Trish breaking in.
Okay you two, time to get dressed and back to David, I don't need him pissed again. I went through crap to get here tonight and I don't want to screw it up.
Well that went better then I thought and I was starting to like these two girls. Patti is a little taller then me at maybe 5' 8". Has a slim athletic build that makes me think beach volleyball. Odd but hey. She has natural blonde hair, perfect teeth and bright blue eye's. Guessing I would say she's in her late 30's but less then 40.
I liked her straight forward personality, the kind of girl that thinks of doing something and then just goes about getting it done.
Trish is about the same height as Patti but with a heavier build. Still attractive but has the look of needing to watch her weight. She has my colour hair and about the same size breasts, which I'm happy to say are much bigger then Patti's. So far she is more reserved then the other two but that could be from this little understood three week session she just finished.
Patti smiled as my ankle locks were clearly audible as we left the washroom.
The place is really filling up. I tried not to touch anyone with my wet corset as we headed through the bar to the deck and back to the nights Twilight Zone conversation. I hoped Rob has things at the coffee shop under control tomorrow because I didn't think I would be of any use after tonight.
The cool air fills great on my body and sitting down without my tits being pushed to new heights was wonderful. I sat down to Davids left on the deck couch.
David had ordered another glass of wine and was looking at Patti with the questioning, did everything go all right look?
Taking the initiative, I answered.
That was fun, thanks for the help girls, I feel much better.
Patti took the deck chair on my left and Trish took the one to David's right.
Sipping on my glass of wine and tucking the corset in beside me, I decided that it was time for some hard facts. Enough of being self conscious, I needed to know what the frack was going on.
So what's the real story here? I mean none of this is normal and yet you all seem to be very comfortable with finding a stranger parading around in bondage gear at the local pub. In 20 minutes I went from having a private bondage session to having a complete stranger undress me in a public washroom. So what gives?
Both Patti and Trish looked at David and he said.
Sometimes random events converge, and tonight is one of those times. First your among friends so please trust me when I say that we are only interested in pleasure. The type of pleasure I believe many people seek but that very few find. For me it was over six years ago.
David went on to tell his story about wanting more sexual pleasure then he was getting from the accepted 20 minute in and out sessions. I asked some questions and occasionally Patti would add some details from a women's perspective. We talked a little about ourselves but for the most part it stayed to just small talk. Trish was being very quite so I thought I would throw a curve ball and asked her what the 3 week session she just finished was all about?
Trish went beet red and looked at David for guidance. Not wanting a male twist, I stayed focused on Trish, wanting to hear what she had to say.
I saw that David was staring at me out of the corner of my eye and then I saw him look at Trish with an approving nod.
Trish was not sure what to say and after a couple of tries finally said
David had talked to me at one of Patti's parties. I knew of David through Patti but one of the rules of the Bracelet Club is David does all the recruiting. This means a member like Patti can't come right out and say I'm in a bondage club and would you like to join. Try that and your the one that will be out of the club.
She continued.
David and Patti had a feeling I was liked them so when the time was right David simply asked me if I was into wanting more of a sexual experience, if I liked kinky sex and if I liked bondage. It took me a while to decide and both David and Patti never pushed the issue or even asked again. After about 3 weeks, let me think, yes it was July 1.
Turning to Patti.
Had the party and it was the gallery opening just before the August long weekend that I saw you,
Turning to David.
So about 3 weeks.
I'll be honest with you Kelly. I was so dam sexually frustrated with shitty sex, to never cumming, to hoping for something more, that I was welling to try anything.
Hell girl your not the only one with padlocks and blocks of ice. What David said to me that night was true and it was harmless and after the last 3 weeks I wouldn't trade this new past time for the world. I mean someday I may change, but it sure isn't today. When was the last time you felt this alive? In the last hour your whole sexual life just went sideways and It's bloody amazing.
Yes that was a true statement. Less then an hour ago I was worried about anyone seeing me in bondage gear and now I'm discussing it openly with three strangers.
Trish I can't disagree with you, I've never felt more comfortable talking about something as personal as my secret sexual experience's as I do with you right now. I think its amazing but you didn't answer my question about the session.
With that, David took over.
Okay girls it's getting late and we still have a ceremony to preform.
I guess I hit a nerve with that last statement.
David turned to me.
I don't mean to be secretive but we do have rules about the club and it's getting late. I can't express how delightful it has been to have met you tonight Kelly.
I think, really he's going to blow me off just like that? No phone numbers, no next date, no fraking way!
But I have something I would like you to do for me.
Being caught off guard I choke out.
To return to the washroom and have Patti and Trish put your corset back on.
Holy frak, where did that come from?
I'm frozen in place. I don't know what the hell to do.
Just as I'm about to say that's crazy, David leans over a whispers into my ear.
I have never met such a beautiful and confident girl as you, Kelly your something special and it would be an honour if you would consider joining our crazy little group.
It was the way he said my name, he made me feel like the only girl on the planet. At that moment I knew there was no going back, that my sexual life was now different and I wanted it more then I had wanted anything in a very long time.
I pulled back and looked into those blue eyes and I knew I wanted more. My body and mind had suddenly come alive and I wasn't going to lose that feeling. No more bullshit day dreams of meeting the right guy, no more wondering why I don't have real friends.
No, dam it, tonight, with it's insane random events, I was finally going to let the cosmic forces that shape the world to take control of my life. I wasn't going to do the usual, I wasn't going to take control of the evening and retreat to the safety of being normal. I wasn't going to do the Spock logic. No, not this time.
Looking at David I reached for my corset and stood up. Placing it under my arm, I first reached for Trish and then Patti. It was time.
Chapter 4 - Found
I could hardly breathe. Patti had spent 5 minutes pulling on the corset drawstrings. At one point I thought she was going to ask me to lie down so she could stand on my back and do a King Kong. Holy frack I needed to breathe.
Going back to that fraking washroom was the best decision I had made in a long time. Trish had started us all laughing as she cracked herself up.
For some reason, all she good think about was that we were the three little pigs. She started to laugh and tried to say something about the three little pigs went to the market. It must have been the tension release because we all started to laugh and then everything was funny.
I was crying from laughing so hard and Patti just went right along pulling the dam drawstrings. She pulled the corset so tight I thought I would pass out.
By the time we had made it to the parking lot we had all calmed down. David had a big smile seeing the three of us getting along so well.
After exchanging numbers, Patti and Trish got into David's Audi SUV. I turned and David was standing waiting for me. The night suddenly went very quite, all I good hear was my breathing.
David said that was a great night and then he leaned towards me. Holding my face with both of his hands he kissed me on the lips. Not to light and not to hard but just right. I melted.
Next he took my wrists and placed them behind my back and held them together with one hand, with the other he held the back of my neck and then he kissed me again. This time we both wanted more and our tongues explored each others mouths.
David leaned in to me and I could feel his hard penis. My sex was exploding. I wanted him so bad. I went to touch him but he held my wrists firmly behind my back and said softly.
Not to night Kelly, we will have lots of time later.
And with that he was gone. All I saw was Trish waving from the back seat and I was alone again. After the last 2 hours, I don't think I have ever felt that alone. I was going to cry. I felt empty. What a fraking night.
Starting the slow walk home, it was about midnight and the water would be close to being thawed. All I knew was that going back into the bar was not an option and neither was going back to my old life. I wanted more.
I could feel the corset pressing in on my body and the ankle locks were banging but I really wasn't enjoying them. I felt empty and I had lost the desire. I just wanted to get home and out of my gear and get into bed.
I was a block from my apartment when I sensed a car pulling up behind me. Not wanting to look I just kept walking but the lights on the side walk matched my pace.
Now what I thought? Turning to tell the driver to frak off I saw David, Patti and Trish all getting out of the car.
Patti started.
Oh look at the poor girl.
Trish added.
She looks so sad.
David said.
Like she doesn't have anyone to play with.
Holy frak is all I can think and running and jumping in to their arms.
David said.
Okay girls rules are rules and I'm not breaking them just because we're all so dam happy. Trish, if it's all right we would like to tuck you into bed?
I can't believe this. I'm so happy.
I started to say.
But I don't know if the water has melted.
And then think about my bed and the chains I added.
And the place is a mess.
With that they all started at once.
I'm guessing the neighbour has a back up key.
Yes thats what I would do.
And the bed has ropes or chains.
And for sure the release key is in the freezer.
With that they all start laughing and soon I joined in the humour and we all headed to the apartment.
Chapter 5 - The Test
The ice was for the most part melted and after a few encouraging arm whips the key had emerged from the water bottle. Now we were standing in Kelly's apartment. Trish was pouring 3 glasses of wine and Patti was saying how nice the place looked.
It did look nice but come on David it's a rented two story walkup in the entertainment district. Why was I here? I had left this lifestyle twenty, no thirty years ago. Living pay check to pay check. Always trying to pay all the bills and then getting hit with some expense that screwed everything up. Now I'm standing in the middle of my past, I must be nuts.
Patti had said it in the SUV.
You've fallen for her.
When I didn't answer, couldn't answer because she was right, she added
The famous David Bartlett has finally fallen for one of his girls, I can't believe it.
Shit, shit, shit I thought. Why was I turning around? We hadn't gone more then a block and I already missed her, I want to know more about her, I wanted to see those eyes and hear that voice. I wanted to hold her again and smell her, to kiss her, oh that kiss.
Heading back to Dorchester Street I said to the girls.
Are you okay with a quick stop?
Trish said confused.
Is everything okay? You look pissed.
Patti quickly added.
It's Kelly, I think the boy has a crush.
Oh, and then, oh really, David, Our David, this night really has gone off the rails.
Was I pissed? Dam right I was. Of all the girls, why Kelly and why now. Of all the women, the CEO's, the millionaire divorcees, the multi-million dollar penthouses, the estates that they called cottages, even the gifts of sports cars and holidays with the use of a private jets. I had all that and now I was looking for a girl that owned a coffee shop and lived here.
I didn't need anyones money, I had made my own fortune by day trading. It wasn't always easy but I finally figured it out and the money started to flow. It's one of the reasons I had started this club. I was getting bored and needed another challenge and this was true to my heart and that was that. Now six years later I find myself looking at a complete stranger that threatens to take all that away.
She was laughing with the girls but had the nervous, what the fuck was going on look on her face. She looked so good, those eye's were killing me and the way she had handled herself to night was amazing. Any other girl, and I have seen a lot of other girls wouldn't, couldn't, have dealt with this crazy night.
I have never had a girl that didn't run away and need to think about the club but this girl, this one of a kind beautiful woman had not only dealt with her secret self bondage being exposed but had taken control of the event. I had never been so surprised as when she asked for help removing her corset.
I was even more surprised when she had agreed to have it put back on. I was really just screwing with her, to test her resolve. I also wanted to take back the control of the evening by having her backdown, and for a brief moment I thought she would refuse but then I saw her expression change, her eyes said yes I will play along, yes I want to be in the club. Go ahead David and try but no-one, not even you can scare me.
At that moment I knew I wanted her more then any other women I had met. She had more self confidents then club members that controlled billion dollar companies and now I was standing in her $1,000.00 a month rented apartment and I've never been so nervous or so happy.
Putting my fear aside I said.
Kelly is that your bedroom?
Her eye's exploded. One second looking at me and then her room. Did I see panic? and then it was gone.
Yes it is, why?
Do you mine if I have a look?
Suit yourself David.
The room was the standard size room, painted in the usual pale tan colour of rentals. She had two landscape pictures above the bed and a iPod clock on the side stand.
On the bed where four short chains and the sheets were pulled back. Kelly obviously had more self bondage planned for tonight. On the pillow was a leather blindfold and a Mastercraft padlock with a short 4 inch length of chain with a quick release clasp beside the clock. Looking in her closet I found the bondage bag.
Placing it on the bed and went through her gear. She had no shortage of ankle and wrist restraints, again all top quality and all showed signs of use. Digging around I pulled out a zip lock baggy with several different length chains, again all top quality. She also had the usual assortment of clothes pins, nipple clamps and different sized dildos.
Surprised not to find it, I checked the rest of the bag and in the side pocket was what I had been looking for, a collar. Pulling it out I saw it was 1 ½ inches wide, nicely padded with three D-loops and had a locking buckle.
Just touching it was making me hard. I imagined her head bowed, submitting to my will, to being collared, of putting it around her neck and then the click of the padlock.
Okay David enough, that would have to wait. Placing everything back in the bag and then dropping the bag in the closet I decided to see just how far she would go.
She was trying not to stare as I came out of the bedroom but the conversation had stopped so I knew she was nervous about what I had seen. I had made sure to drop the bag in the closet so she would hear it and looking at her questioning, embarrassed eyes, she had.
Okay Kelly, time to see just how far your willing to go.
Girls we need to get going. This has been fun but it's still Trish's special night and we haven't been very fair to her.
Looking at the questioning stares I started to the door.
Just as I was about to stop and throw my twist into the night I heard.
Kelly said.
Really just like that? You come in here and go through my stuff and then leave?
Seeing where this was going I shot back.
And just how would you like this evening to end, Kelly?
For the first time I saw Kelly taken back, not sure what to do. She looked at Patti for help and then lowered her head.
Perfect, I had her.
Okay then, as I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted, I have a suggestion but I need to talk with Kelly alone for a minute.
Heading to Kelly's bedroom for the second time, I reached out my hand. I held my breath hoping, wanting, needing her to take it.
Her touch was electrifying. It was like touching a red hot iron, the warmth spread through my whole body and my penis started to move. Holy shit.
Not daring to look at her we headed to the bedroom.
Inside the bedroom.
Kelly are you willing to trust me?
She didn't respond and just continued to look down.
I don't really know what to say but I think, no I know your special. The way you have handled tonight defies any reaction I have ever seen.
Slowly I lifted her chin and said.
I didn't know your name 12 hours ago and now I can't spend ten minutes away from you.
Seeing her eyes open I went on and said.
In the last 3 hours you went from a girl in a bar to the most beautiful person I have every met.
Seeing tears in her eyes I finished with.
Kelly, may I please kiss you?
She nodded and I slowly touched her lips. The touch was like heaven. I was consumed by her touch, pressing harder, tasting more, felling more. I felt her pushing back, her arms around my shoulders, my arms pulling her closer, feeling her corset, feeling her breasts and finally feeling her tears on my face.
Pulling back, she said.
Your making my world very difficult. You're making me cry and I don't do that.
After kissing her again I said.
Do you trust me?
I will never hurt you.
I know.
Are you ready.
Yes, David.
Wiping away a tear on Kelly's cheek I said.
Please trust me.
This is on the far side of normal even for me. All I want to do is close the door and take Kelly to bed. Seeing her crying was killing me. Seeing those eye's filled with water looking up at me was ripping my heart open. I just wanted to hold her and make everything okay in her life and yet I was about to do the complete opposite.
God help me.
Going over to the pillow I picked up the blindfold and walked back to Kelly. Looking at her and thinking how much I wanted to stare into those eye's tonight, Slowly raised the blindfold. Kelly looked directly at me and slowly turned. I position the blindfold over her eyes and slowly pulled the strap tight, closing off her vision.
Leaving her, I went out and said to Patti and Trish.
Okay girls, as you know the night is a little fucked up but I need you to stay with me a little longer.
Turning to Trish I said.
Sorry for the delay but your next.
I know David and I trust you but if I may, please take your time tonight, I can wait.
Thank you.
Turning to Patti I said.
Can I please have your shirt?
Patti took it off without hesitation and handed it to me.
Chapter 6 - Taken
Going back into the bedroom I took a moment to look at Kelly. She hasn't moved a muscle. I can only imagine what thoughts are running through her mind and just how different her world is about to become.
Slowly walking towards her, trying not to make a sound. I reached out and touch her cheek and she gave a jerk that quickly stopped. She's trying so hard not to move, to play a long, to do what's expected. Passing the shirt under her nose so she would smell Patti and be confused who was in the room.
Taking hold of her T and sweat shirts I lift them over her head, the sleeves turning inside out as they catch on the cuffs. Her body is beyond description. The corset is so tight her waist must be less the 16 inches and her breasts are firm with rock hard nipples.
I slowly reached for her breasts and lightly rubbed the left nipple. She moaned at the touch but didn't move. Next moving to her pants and undid the clasp. Sliding the pants down over her hips I saw her lips part slightly.
My erection was so hard I needed to take a second and adjust myself.
Kneeling down I lifted her left and then right ankle out of her pants. The secondary lock clinked with the movement. Getting up and standing back a step I took time to look at the naked person before me. She was all consuming, she filled me with an overwhelming sense of desirer. I wanted, no needed, to reach out and hold her, to comfort her, to become one with her, to feel her warmth take over my body.
Okay David, get your mind back into the game!
I turned her to face the bottom of the bed. Then I reached for the chain that she had laid out. It was for her ankles but I had a different use.
Feeling the cold steel links sliding through my hand. I reached for her left wrist and clicked the quick release to the small d-loop on her leather cuff.
Next was her right wrist. Pulling her slightly I heard the ankle locks clink and then the sound of the second quick release being attached to her leather cuff. Now she was bound and helpless to the end of her bed, unable to see or even to be sure if it was me or one of the girls.
Seeing her like this was taking me beyond my usual level of consciousness. I was fighting with my emotions to stay in control, she is so beautiful and I was filled with an overwhelming desirer, but No! Stay to the plan.
I started to undo the corset. As much as it looked fantastic, the way it framed her body, as incredible as her ass looked I needed to remove it. Very slowly pulling the drawstrings from the eye holes. With each release I watched as she adjusted to the freedom. Watched her pull on the chains holding her wrists, listened to her breathing quicken and the slight movement of her hips as she played with the benwa balls. What a moment.
I took the wet corset and hung it in the closet. As I turned back I saw the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Her chained and almost naked, blindfolded body standing at the foot of her bed. She was licking her lips and pulling on her bonds. It was simply beautiful, she looked so helpless. It was the best single moment of my 6 year odyssey of bondage and pleasure.
Moving back to her, resisting the urge to hold her from behind, knowing that if I touched her with my penis it would explode like a 17 year old kid getting to first base for the first time.
I could see she was trying to maintain control but the sounds of the chains and ankle locks told a different story.
Moving close to her I lightly blew on her neck and see her stiffen, pulling on wrist chains and quicken her breathing.
I whispered.
Are you okay?
Oh David it's you, it's really you, oh David. Yes I'm okay, better now that your the one. What can I do to please you Master?
Surprised I said.
I'm not your Master yet so please it's just David.
Oh god I'm sorry, oh no.
Kelly its okay, no worries you will learn more as we go along and if it helps I'm having difficulties myself. Are you ready for more?
Good, but before we go on, you need a safe word.
Seeing her nod I went on.
If you want to have a break because your uncomfortable or you don't like whats happening then the safe word is yellow.
Another nod.
Good, now if you want to stop the session and I mean stop everything and return to normal then the safe word is Red. It's important that if you use red then you are untied and we leave, the night is over and we may or may not contact you again. Do you understand the meaning of saying Red?
Yes David, Red will end what we have started and I may or may not ever see you again.
Correct and Yellow?
If I feel uncomfortable or need a moment we will stop and begin again after a short break.
Correct. Are you ready for more?
Pulling on her chains again she whispered.
With hesitation but knowing I needed to move forward, I unlocked her left and then right wrists. Guiding her by the shoulders, I moved her to the side of the bed. The only noise in the room was her breathing and the clinking of the ankle locks.
Turning her to face me, I gently touched her lips with mine, just for a brief but heart stopping moment and then I laid her down on the bed. It took all my self control not to climb in beside her.
After adjusting her position ,I then went around the right side of the bed taking her right wrist. I pulled it to the corner of the bed. Holding it for a moment I attached the quick release clasp at the end of the chain to her leather cuff. As I let go she wrapped her fingers and held on to the chain.
Next was her right ankle. She knew what is coming so she extended it towards the bottom corner of the bed. Seeing her like this I couldn't help but touch her. My hand went out to her thigh and I slid my finger down her leg and around the leather cuff. She was trying not to react but I saw the increased tension on the attached wrist chain and a small thrust of her hips.
Easy Kelly, no cheating.
And what did I see, but her giving me a fake pout. What a girl. With everything that has happened, none of it even close to normal, she still has a sense of humour.
I shook my head and smiled at how special this girl really was.
Moving across the foot of the bed I reached for her left ankle cuff. She let me move it down and out. Picking up the chain I again felt the excitement of the smooth steel links sliding through my hand. Opening the last quick release I inserted it through the d-loop on the ankle cuff. The clink of is snapping shut resounded in the room.
Looking down at the bound and helpless girl I felt my penis give a jump, her skin is so perfect, every contour of her legs, her hips, her breasts, were perfect. The only imperfection is the locked chastity belt. Although in this particular moment I'm grateful for it. Having access to her vagina would be very problematic right now.
I lightly touched her ankle and slowly ran my fingers up the inside of her leg. As I touched her upper thigh she tried to pull away but the ankle chain put a stop to that. I knew my touch tickled and then became sexual.
Moving to the edge of the chastity belt between her legs. So close and yet still so far. As I tried to move my finger under the steel inclosure, Kelly pushed her hips towards me but the belt was doing it's job, her sex was safely out of my reach.
As I moved up to play with the chastity belt on her hip she whispered.
And then I saw her relax her hips and the tension on her three restrained appendages.
The belt has some play along her hips but with the padlock attached it's still to tight to be removed. Taking hold of the lock I asked.
Do you have another key for this?
She answered.
No, I really didn't see my night going this way, if you know what I mean?
She was still making jokes.
Coming to her breast I lost some of my cool. Even lying on her back, her breasts still retained their impressive shape. They looked so dam good. Using both hands I started to massage her left breast. It felt so good as I slowly rubbed and squeezed the tender skin. Moving to the right breast I attacked the nipple with a pinch. Nothing better then some pain with the pleasure.
Again Kelly pulled her right cuffed hand, her legs were moving up and down, bending a little at the knees as the chains clink there restraint.
Now for the final, no turning back moment.
Taking the padlock and length of chain from the side stand I decided that it was time for a little humiliation. Lets see how she deals with this?
I said.
Can you show me how you manage the final lock?
Really, now? David your such a, okay fine! You need to put the lock and chain on my stomach and is the other chain still on the bed?
Putting the items on her flat stomach I answered.
Kelly quickly moved her free left hand to the chain on her stomach. She picked it up and moved the chain up to her restrained right hand. She opened the clasp using her thumb and forefinger on her right hand and in one motion slipped it through the d-loop on her left wrist. Apparently, this wasn't her first time.
Moving back to her stomach she took the lock and slid the steel loop on the lock through the last link in the chain. She did this very quickly and it looked a bit like she was hooking a fish with the in and out motion.
Holding the lock upside down between her thumb and forefinger, Kelly pulled the chain taut. Moving up and out to her left, she found the chain attached to the bed post. She again did the hooking the fish move and speared the third link from the end of the chain.
Still holding the lock upside down she repositioned her fingers over the steel loop and the bottom of the lock and started to twist both parts for the defining locking moment.
Stopping her, I took hold of the lock and said.
That was very impressive but can I do the honour?
I paused to give her time to think about what was about to happen. She could have easily used her freed left hand to open all the quick release locks but once this last lock was closed she would be truly helpless. Not only helpless but helpless with 3 strangers that would have absolute control over her.
Kelly are you ready for this?
I don't really know? Now that this is becoming real I'm scared. One second I'm so horny and the next I think what the frak am I doing?
Going on she pleaded.
David what should I do?
You're not alone. When fantasy becomes reality it can be very uncomfortable. It's not scary but at the same time it's not like the fantasy.
Yes, thats how I feel.
Thats normal. That's why we stopped, to separate the fantasy from our reality because this is as real as it gets. Once this lock is closed your truly helpless. I want you to think about that for a minute.
Not touching her was hard but she had to make this decision on her own.
I watched as she weighed the events, the consequences, her future. I prayed for the answer to be yes.
I didn't really know what I would do if she said no. That can't be the answer, no please no. Kelly you must say yes!
Then she said.
I have one request before I decide, will you kiss me as you close the lock?
Oh god I loved this woman. Almost crying with relief I said.
Yes Kelly.
I'm ready.
With that I bent over and touched her lips and gave her the lightest softest kiss in the history of kisses. As I did, the room filled with the sound of the padlock going, click.
Chapter 7 - Submitting
The kiss was perfect, I've never been so happy and excited and that was saying a lot for a girl that had just lost complete control of her life. What a fraking night.
When David was going through my bondage bag I didn't know what to do. What nerve, who did he think he was? I was pissed but I was so happy they were back that I didn't want to start anything. I had gone from feeling so empty and alone to being so excited.
Turning around to tell the driver to frak off and instead to be rewarded with seeing David getting out of the SUV was, was unbelievable, then I heard Trish and Patti yelling and hugging and kissing it was nuts.
Going up stairs was when I started to get a little scared and when Patti made a joke about my ankle locks and the noise I thought I had made a mistake but once inside the apartment I started to feel better. I think mostly because Trish started talking and frack is she funny.
David was a little standoffish and then he went into my room and went through my bondage bag. When he threw it back into the closet I didn't know what to do. I was embarrassed about him seeing my secrets and at the same time pissed because he thought he had the right to see them.
Then when he started to leave, I mean what the frak is that bullshit. I was pissed and I lost control and yelled at him.
Then he counters with
So how would you like the night to end Kelly?
Hell I don't know, hell I was just out for a self bondage drink and now I have 3 people in my apartment going through my life long secret. Frak!
Then it turns out he was playing me! Frak did he ever, leading me into my bedroom, talking to me like that, my head was spinning. I really didn't have a clue about what to do next. I really didn't and then he lifted my head and that was it.
Looking in to his eyes I saw the same confusion, the same pain and joy I was feeling. He was truly in pain and lust, not sure what he should do. God those wonderful eyes. They looked so caring, so wanting, I knew then I would do anything to be with him.
I wanted to play my role, to play a true sex slave to my master, to make him proud. The blindfold was that moment, I didn't say a word. Feeling the leather on my face, closing my eyes, standing still, doing just like the slaves in the bondage stories I had orgasmed over.
Even when he left the room, I was still able to be brave, to think I was strong, to be ready to please. Ya I was strong right up to the point I felt someone touching me. As my shirts came off I started to doubt who was here with me. Had David told Patti and Trish to undress me? I could smell Patti's perfume but could I smell David as well? Were all three in my room, undressing me? Oh god I was starting to loose it. What have I done?
I tried not to jump when I felt my right nipple being rubbed, I was scared but my sex came to life. A small wave in my sex and the benwa balls moved. Oh god whats next?
Then my pants were being removed. Stepping out of my pants I was totally naked, well almost if I don't count my leather cuffs, chastity belt and corset. The cool air chilled my body and then I felt hands on my shoulders, are they David's or Patti's, dam blindfold. I was turned and I heard my ankle locks sing out and my vagina gave another pulse.
I tried to stay orientated as I felt someone take hold of my left wrist, why couldn't someone say something, who was doing this to me? My wrist was pulled out from my body and then I heard the sound of a chain. Of frak this was it. Then I felt and heard the steel clasp being attached to my cuff. I was so scared but my vagina was starting to pulsate and the benwa balls weren't helping. How could one moment be full of such contradictions. My fear, my sex, my straining for sound.
I was at the foot of my bed and they, her, him were chaining me to my bed! Holly frack, I was scared. They were using the ankle chains I had attached for tonights self bondage. I felt the second click of the clasp. Oh god. I pulled on both wrists, knowing what would happen but hoping for the impossible, but neither wrists move more then a couple of inches before I felt the stopping pressure of my leather cuffs.
I was really chained to my bed, I couldn't get away, I was helpless and my fracking vagina was starting to go crazy. The benwa balls were dancing and I could feel an orgasm coming on. I pulled on the chains and heard the steel links sing out. I lifted my right leg to adjust my sex and the benwa balls bang together in my vagina. The wave of pleasure was building. Oh frak I was so close and then I froze.
I sensed someone behind me, I felt them breathing on my neck, oh frak, I was about to cum, chained to my bed with possibly 3 strangers watching me. How did this happen? I pulled on the wrist cuffs, and only heard the chains clinking there song of helplessness. I pulled a little harder and enjoyed the captured feeling, of being blind and held as a sex slave. I heard movement but who was it? What were they doing? Oh frak, I was so excited but so scared. What a feeling!
Then I felt the corset being removed and it was the first refreshing event of the last 10 minutes. I hadn't realized just how tight Patti had put it on me until now. The air was cool. Almost cold as it hit my sweat covered skin. With it halfway off my tits had finally returned to their proper position and then my constricted waist was released. I'm not a big girl but frack, being released from that torture device felt good.
My sex was in over drive. All my sense's were going crazy, my skin was reporting any touch, real or imaginary, my vagina was playing with the Benwa balls and the pressure on the wrist cuffs were driving me crazy. It felt so good, to pull and twist the cuffs, feeling the chain holding them out from my body. If only I was alone I would fix this fantasy and cum my brains out.
Then my reality came crashing down. Pulling on my chains I realized how helpless I was. Then ecstasy. It's David.
After all this time I heard his voice. I wanted to turn and hug him but my chains held my wrists and I remembered my position, my position as his sex slave, the loss, of control, but it had been him all along, playing with me. Okay thank god. I couldn't stop it as I heard myself say.
Yes Master.
And again my emotions were crashed as quickly as an episode of Mayday.
I heard him say.
I'm not your Master and don't call me that.
Okay how could I screw all this up now. Frack no!
Then I heard him say everything was okay. My poor mind. One minute I'm up the next I'm down and then I'm all around. Can someone just beam me up?
Hearing his voice brought me back. I heard some of the words but it was the sound of his voice that I really heard. At first I thought he was crying. He sounded so concerned, so caring, so real. Why can't I just hug him, kiss him, make love to him. God, did I just say love?
No not for real, it's just stories that two people fall in love this fast. No, not to me. Not the control freak. Not the one everyone turns to when the shit hits the fan. Not the girl that gave up a seven figure income to open a coffee shop. No, No, No!
Then I heard his voice again and I knew I was screwed. As I pulled on my chains, I heard David explain safe words and what they meant. I panicked slightly about the consequences of saying red, of him leaving and never seeing him again but I knew in my heart that would never happen. I would never use red and I knew he would make sure I never needed to. I wanted him and I think he wants me. What a fracking night.
For the first time I pulled for real on the cuffs, I wanted to hold him so bad. I knew if I pulled hard enough the eye screws would pull out from the footboard. I was so tempted but I controlled myself and remembered my new role, to finally really be a sex slave. To finally loose control and enjoy the feeling of having others controlling my fate.
I felt him taking my cuffs and undoing the clasp and moving me. All I heard was my breathing and the ankle locks but all I could think was how badly I wanted him inside me. Then I felt his lips, my heart stopping and my sex going wild. He was kissing me, oh joy and then, what, why did it stop. No David, not now. Kiss me dam it! I needed you to kiss me! But instead I felt his strong hands laying me down and moving me to the middle of my bed.
Okay Kelly, be brave this was getting real again. If I thought standing naked made me feel self conscious, try lying down on a bed, blindfolded, with someone standing over you, it was ten times worse.
Putting myself doubts aside and knowing what was coming, I stretched out my wrists and ankles. David started with my right wrist. His touch felt so fantastic. Needing to move over slightly as he pulled my wrist and then I heard the chain and then the click as the clasp was attached. As he released my wrist, I pulled on the cuff and yes I was chained again.
Jumping as he touched my leg and the Benwa balls banged together setting my sex on fire again. This was starting to be a problem. He kept bringing me within a fraction of an inch of an orgasm, only to stop and either scare the shit out of me or to make me so fracking happy I wanted to marry him. God help me. What had I done? Why him and why the frak now!
Now both my ankles were chained to the bed. I could sense him walking around looking at me, almost helpless, almost naked and almost having an orgasm. Nice first date.
Oh don't do that David, swallowing hard as he started to play with my left ankle. My sex went into over drive and now he was trying to get his fingers under my chastity belt!
Come on David try harder, you can do it, just one touch to my clit and I'll have fraking Niagara Falls between my legs. No, no, go back, try again, please, Frak, I'm really starting to hate this guy.
Then he said.
Do you have another key for the chastity belt?
If I had another key I would have pulled the dam chains out of the bed, taken the fraking chastity belt off and fucked his brains out by now. Did I have another key? What an ass. And what did he want it for, just to torture me with it? I love my chastity belt but after tonight it may end up on Ebay.
Next he decided my tits were fair game. Okay Frak, here we go again. What a touch. Can you just keep doing that? Just for another minute as I played with my sex. But no, frak! He went from playing with my tits to doing a purple nurble on my nipple. Dam that hurt. I jumped and my sex hit the next level of pleasure as the butt plug and benwa balls did another dance.
Come on David just keep playing with me, touch me dam it. I needed to cum before I went fraking insane. But no he stopped yet again. Again my sex was denied any relieve.
Men, do they just frak with us for fun, play games and drive us crazy, and then I realized that answer was yes. Men are just big fraking boys.
Just as I was getting my mind around all of this I heard him telling me to finish off my on bondage. What the Frak was that!
You've seen me naked, played with my mind, made me almost cum about a thousand times and now you want to watch me lock myself to the fraking bed. Frak I'm really starting to not like this man! The problem is the more I thought that, the more my sex went crazy. Men? Frak!
Okay Kelly just get it over with, I felt so humiliated doing this and just as I'm about to close the lock and seal my bondage, he again turn my world upside down.
It was the sound of his voice. The caring, the concern, the reality of it. It fills me. And then he brings me back to the present and makes me consider exactly what I was about to do, to realize what that next click, really meant.
This was the big leagues. No more four hour self bondage sessions. No more waiting for the ice to melt. No more sexual fantasies that could be replayed and adjusted until the correct mixture was reached for an orgasm. No this was real. Of being chained to my bed, having my freedom controlled by others, having real pain and pleasure delivered as they saw fit. With the sound of that final lock being closed, I would become their sex slave. To be truly helpless.
It's said that some fantasy's shouldn't come true and thats properly true but on the other hand, if one doesn't have dreams then whats the point of life.
I simply said.
David Kiss me, and thought, I'm all ready yours.
Chapter 8 - Trish
Time to take the night to a whole new level. I mean Star Trek high.
Getting up from the bed I paused, looking down at Kelly. She was truly helpless and insanely gorgeous. Dam that chastity belt. I was still processing the fact that as of 12 hours ago I didn't know she existed and now I couldn't stand to be more then 3 feet away from her.
Looking at her blindfolded face, the way she was licking her lips, she was just so dam perfect. Six years of looking and can this finally be the one? Did I finally find my partner? This gorgeous, self confident girl? I didn't even know her last name, who she was, Christ I didn't even know how old she was? God help me!
After watching for a minute I turned away with the sight of Kelly pulling on her chains and moving the benwa balls around. Enjoy.
Time to step it up. Going back out to the main living room I said.
Are you two into a change of plans?
Patti said.
David we still need to finish with Trish. It's her final night.
Trish added.
It's okay. Looking at Patti
Turning to David, she went on.
Whatever you want David.
Thanks Trish, I'm still willing to head back to my place if you don't like my idea.
Going on.
I'm thinking is that we complete Trish's final ceremony here and include Kelly. I think it would be fun to give Trish her first slave on her first night.
Looking at the girls.
I mean it would be a first, what do you think?
I could see Trish was liking the idea but was defaulting to Patti.
Patti looked at Trish and then to me and said with a big smile.
We are here to please you, Master.
Then she and Trish both kissed my cheeks.
Watching the girls getting naked was always a good moment.
Going over to Trish and taking hold of her wrists, I asked.
Have you decided?
Yes David, the left one please.
Good choice.
Slowly licking the soft inside of her wrist, watching as she shut her eyes and rocked her hips.
I continued.
It's the last time it will ever be bare, are you sure?
She answered.
I've never wanted anything more then this, yes Master I'm ready.
Trish then reached for my bracelet and asked.
May I?
God I loved it when this happened. Trish slowly raised my right hand, lightly holding my bracelet. My erection started to grow again, dam thing was a yo yo tonight.
Looking at me with those sexy eye's, Trish slowly started to lick my wrist and bracelet. With her other hand she started to rub my groin. This was going to be a long night.
Now what, God, Patti started to get into the act. I felt her hands moving under my shirt to my nipples. Once there she gave them a light rub and then a pinch. Add in her tongue assaulting my ear and I was in trouble.
Pushing them away I said.
Okay girls, thats enough.
Looking at the two of them hugging each other with fake pouts I added.
I need to get something special out of the SUV. Now can the two of you behave and keep Kelly company until I'm back?
Slapping both on the ass I headed out the apartment door.
After moving my Audi to a better spot I took the case out of the glove box. The case was made from stainless steel with her name and todays date engraved on the top. Inside was the bracelet for Trish. It was custom made to fit only her wrist, not to tight and not to loose. In the fitting process, Trish had worn a test one to make sure the size was right and after some adjustments she had settled on six and three-eighths inches.
The 6mm wide stainless steel band had a light brushed finish that toned down the shine and had the added benefit of hiding scratches. It looked so good. I pulled my sleeve up and compared it to mine.
After 6 years, mine was showing its age but it still looked good. The shine was mostly gone and at just over 10mm was a little wider. That was my only regret. I would have gone to 8mm, 10mm was just a little to big on my seven and one half inch wrist.
For six years it had been on my right wrist. It was there for every handshake, for every trip through an airport, for every swim and still I felt it's weight every day. After the first month I thought I would get used to it, but nope. Every morning I felt it, every time it banged on a desk I heard it, after six years I felt it every minute of every day.
Okay David enough day dreaming I thought, you have three naked women up stairs to deal with.
Putting the case on the kitchen counter I headed into see the girls and what a sight. Kelly was sandwiched between Patti and Trish. Both were teasing the hell out of her. Poor Kelly was pleading for them to let her cum. She was crying out, first to let her cum and then for them to stop hurting her. What a night.
Okay you two thats enough. Did I give you permission to play with Kelly?
The girls stopped moving and lowered their eye's.
Good, time to take control of this free for all.
Patti go and stand in that corner, and Trish in that one.
Lying down beside Kelly I whispered.
Are you okay?
She answered.
Oh David, yes, I just didn't know where you were, if you were watching or what?
I'm here now, but your okay? I mean with this?
Yes, I'm okay, but tomorrow I'm checking my fraking horoscope.
Really, still making jokes. I was so happy it almost hurt.
Regrouping I said.
Okay tonight will be different, just remember your safe words.
No worries mister, I'm a big girl, lets have some fun.
All right then.
Patti, Kelly said she would like her chains a little tighter, on second thought, get some rope out of the bag in the closet and switch out those chains.
Looking down at Kelly I finished with.
She may be pulling a little harder then normal tonight.
Turning to Trish.
Trish, can you get a set of cuffs out of the bag in the closet? Thanks.
Trish asked.
Do you want the collar?
I answering, a bit to quickly.
No that's fine, bring the cuffs here.
Looking at Trish.
Tonight will be a little different then planned, are you still okay with that?
Yes Master, I'm all yours.
Chapter 9 - On Forever
Watching Patti redo Kelly's restraints I took hold of Trish's right wrist and wrapped the soft leather cuff around it. What a feeling. The cuffs were two inches wide and made from top quality leather. Kelly had good taste. Doing up the buckle I placed the d-ring to the inside of her wrist. Next I bent down and attached the same style cuff around both her ankles, pausing to finger her vagina. Nothing like a little tease.
Standing back up I took her left wrist and kissed the soft and sensitive inside. Looking at her I said
Welcome to the club.
I then took the final cuff and wrapped it around her left wrist. Stepping back I took a long look at her accessorized body and what a sight.
I turned Trish to face the bottom of the bed and then I took the chain that had held Kelly's ankle and attached it to her right wrist. Moving around I did the same to her left. Now she was chained and helpless to the bottom of the bed just as Kelly was earlier.
Taking some rope out of the bondage bag I slipped it through her right ankle cuff and made a quick bowline knot. I then pulled her leg out to the side and tied it off on the bottom of the bed post. Moving to the left I tied another knot in the left cuff and then started to pull her leg out.
I wanted Trish to be uncomfortable and feel her legs spread wide so I continued to pull and watched her reposition herself and then pulled some more. I could see the strain in her calf muscles and when she finally bent over the end of the bed to take the weight off her legs I tied the final knot.
Standing behind her, Trish was forced to bend over the bed with her legs spread and ass up in the air. She was fighting with the wrist chains to move her hands for more support but wasn't having any luck. Finally she settled on reaching out and holding on to Kelly's ankle cuffs. What a view for both of us, just what the doctor had ordered.
I gave her ass a medium hard slap.
I then turned to Patti as she finished with Kelly's last wrist restraint.
Do you think you could find some clamps for Trish as I get undressed?
Patti loved to play the dominate slave when we had our group sessions. She liked to be in control of others but still wanted the secure feeling of being told what to do. A nice and comfortable middle ground. When I was in the mood, she was the one that I would surrender to. She was very good at making a slave suffer both mentally and physically.
Out came the nipple clamps, ropes and some clothes pins, Patti was having fun.
Standing back as I finished undressing, Patti went over to Trish and pinched her already hard nipple. Trish yelped and tried to pull back, asking Patti not to be so mean. Patti just gave her a kiss on the lips and then pressed the clamp onto Trish's right nipple. Trying to pull back Trish pulled on her cuff restraints and Patti asked.
Going somewhere my little sex slave?
She then took the other connected clamp and squeezed it on to Trish's left nipple.
Patti asked.
Now thats a start, would you like more?
Trish knowing what would happen if she said no, answered.
Yes please, Mistress.
Patti responded
Very good slave.
Patti then added the clothes pins to Trish's tits, making a spiked ring of 4 around each nipple. Next she took the rope and moved to the bottom of the bed, she tied one end to Kelly's ankle cuff, passed it through the chain connecting the nipple clamps and then going around Trish she pulled the rope through Kelly's other ankle cuff.
The effect of the rope made Trish stay bent over to stop the rope from pulling on her clamps. I could see Trish trying to get comfortable but every time she moved the rope would pull on the clamps and then her nipples. I could see sweat starting to spread across her body. Nice work Patti. She had managed to connect the two girls together and I was very interested to see what she would do next.
Patti walked behind her and said.
Oh, my poor girl, you look so uncomfortable, maybe this will help!
And with that Patti raised her arm and slapped Trish's ass. Not being ready for it, Trish moved her hips forward which made her torso rise. Not a good idea. The rope went tight between Kelly's ankles and then the left nipple clamp pulled off Trish's left breast. This caused her to cry out in pain and pull on her cuffs. Well done Patti.
Patti said.
Oh dear, look what happened, let me get that for you.
After reattaching the clamp to the crying Trish, Patti then started to tickle Kelly's left foot. This caused Kelly to pull her leg up and this caused the rope attached to the nipple clamps to tighten. Not being able to move her foot very far,Kelly started twisting and pulling on both ankle restraints. This caused the rope to be repeatedly pulled and poor Trish was moving back and forth trying to stop the torture on her tits.
Kelly on the other hand couldn't see what was happening and started crying out for the tickling to stop. Well done Patti. With in seconds you had both girls pleading. The room was filled with the cry's of both girls. Dam what a sound. But she wasn't done yet. God what a mind. She went out and then returned to the bedroom with a wooden spoon.
Patti then said to Trish.
I want you to tickle Kelly's feet. If you stop then you will get one of these.
And with that she hits Trish's left ass cheek with the wooden spoon.
Again Trish pulled up on her tits and she yelled out as she corrected just in time to stop the clamps from pulling loose.
Poor Trish didn't know what to do. Was the pain of the spoon worse then the assault on her nipples? She pleaded for Patti to stop but with another smack of the wooden spoon, on the same spot as the first, she started to tickle.
Now Kelly joined the noise, and hearing the commands to Trish from Patti, she yelled first to Trish and then Patti to stop the tickle torture. What a work of art. Both girls chained together, forced to torture each other. The room was filled with the smell of sweat and sex and the tormented cry's of two new slaves.
I love it when the night goes random. All this and we still had the whole night together.
Coming over to Patti. I pulled her into my arms and said.
Well done my little Mistress.
Kissing her I added.
Are you sure you don't want to be a top?
As she started to stroked my rock hard cock, she said.
I've been learning from the master but I will always be your sex slave.
Okay then, can you play with Kelly for a minute, maybe she needs a taste? I need to see to Trish.
Turning to leave, Patti held me and knelt down, pulling my throbbing cock into her mouth.
I was forced to close my eye's, dam it felt way to good. Using every ounce of self control I pushed her away and said.
You'll pay for that missy.
Retrieving the bracelet case from the kitchen I returned to the bedroom. After putting on a condom I went behind Trish and asked.
Are you ready?
I reached between her legs and felt her very wet vagina.
I went on.
I see you're enjoying the night. Do you mind if I join in?
I then placed the stainless steel case on the bed in front of her.
She said.
Oh David, thank you.
I opened the case and took out the bracelet.
Trish said.
It's so beautiful, oh I love it. May I hold it?
Putting it into her right hand I said.
Welcome to the bracelet club. You deserve this and I'm very pleased to have you as a member. I think your just wonderful.
Patti joined in.
Welcome to the club kiddo.
And with that Patti reached out with her own bracelet and touched Trish's.
The clinking sound was the clubs unofficial greeting between men and woman, usually between Master and Slave but girl friends usually did the same.
An other one to the club, this makes 22 active members, 8 men and 14 women. Not bad if I do say so myself.
I broke the moment by saying.
Shall we continue?
Taking the bracelet from Trish I reached down and slid it to the base of my cock. This was a risk as the 2 haves could come apart if the connecting tape got to wet. With that I pressed my penis against her vagina and slowly penetrated her sex. Oh it felt so good. I pressed against her and we could both feel the steel loop touching our sexes. Holding her I inhaled her sweat and felt her curves. Pausing for just a moment, taking in the three naked and beautiful girls before me, smiling as I had a random thought, Brad Pitt didn't have a thing on me right now.
Trish said.
Oh David I want you so bad, I'm so happy, Thank you for everything.
She bucked against me and I almost came.
Grabbing her hips I stopped her bucking and pushed her against the foot of the bed. It felt so good to just rest inside her. She had a great vagina, not to big, not to small and over the last 3 weeks her muscle contractions had become exceptional, unfortunately for me, she was using them now and that would make for a very early night.
Reaching around her and pulled on her right nipple clamp and said.
Lets not be a bad girl.
She stopped and we both stood, joined together, soaking wet and watched as Patti went to work on Kelly.
First Patti played with the chastity belt, pulling and pushing her fingers where ever she could find a space between the steel and Kelly's flesh. Kelly started to buck and twist her hips in a vain effort to get relief to her very tortured sex.
God it was great to see her pull on the ropes, to see her helpless, to listen to her cry out is frustration.
Poor Trish wasn't doing much better. As Kelly moved it caused the rope to pull on Trish's nipple clamps. Soon she was moving around on my cock as she tried to stop the tit torture. Soon both were pleading to cum. Dam it sounded great.
Next Patti moved to Kelly's tits and slowly started to squeeze her nipples. At first Kelly took the pain, I could see her tighten her body and pull on the restraints. She also had the sexiest way of licking her lips. Hard to explain but she would tilt her head and then lick her upper lip and it just looked so dam good.
Watching this I started to move inside Trish and dam did it feel good. She sensed my pleasure and started her own movements. Closing my eye's, I just went with the building sensation, it felt so good and the added sensation of the steel bracelet acting as a cock ring. Heaven. But no, not yet.
Again I pushed her against the bed and pulled on her nipple, saying.
Not so fast slave.
Patti had stopped Kelly's tit torture and was whispering in her ear. There was a pause and then Patti kissed Kelly on the lips. God can this night get any better? Just seeing that was enough for me to cum.
It always seemed that the best nights happen when nothing is planned. When you try to have a special night, everyone try's to hard and it sucks and then you have a night without plans, just a quiet night, a couple of drinks and the next thing you know it's a killer night. A insane night that goes off the rails and has everyone talking about it for the next year.
Tonight was one if those nights, and I was loving it!
A night with three girls and a bracelet. I had Trish bound and mounted and now Patti takes the night to a new level with my new love, spread eagled on her own bed.
Not believing it, we watched as Patti climbed on top of Kelly and with some care maneuvered her sex towards Kelly's mouth. At the same time Patti started to lick and bite the inside of Kelly's thighs. Oh my god.
This was really happening and then I saw Kelly lift her head and start to lick Patti's sex.
This was to much. Seeing the two of them. Kelly bound spread eagle, Patti bucking against Kelly's face, Kelly bucking her hips against Patti's face. The two of them asking for more, yelling their pleasure. What a night!
Then we got into the game, Trish started going into overdrive with her muscle contractions and I finally relented and started to ride her. Dam it felt good. She was bucking and I was riding, a great combination. We were both breathing hard and I was getting ready to cum like no tomorrow.
Adding to her excitement I reached around and started to twist off the nipple clamps and then each of the eight clothes pins. With each painful removal she called out and rammed her ass against me.
I looked down in time to see Patti looking up at me with her knowing grin and then bury her head into Kelly's crotch as she reached out and pulled on Kelly's cuffed ankles. Both girls started to slow their bucking and went quiet as they both came. What a sight.
I could feel Trish cumming and heard her crying out but I held back. Tonight was the night I needed to preform. It was membership night.
I held my ground and let Trish cum. Her bucking slowed till that final hard and deep push against my hips and then the pause as her sex let go, followed by the collapse on the bed and the deep breathing.
Standing with my erection still inside Trish, I looked at the cornucopia of female sex in front of me. Kelly tied to the bed with Patti's vagina in her face, Patti's face in between Kelly's beet red thighs and Trish speared with my cock and tied spread eagle with her view limited to Patti and Kelly screwing each other.
Time for the final stage of the night.
I reached over and took hold of the chain holding Trish's left wrist. Sliding my hand down I unclipped the quick release clasp freeing her wrist. Trish started to move but I said.
Not so fast, its time.
I went on and said.
Patti are you ready? It's time for Trish to join us and receive her bracelet.
Patti raised her head and said.
Why do we always have these offside nights with you? Yes I'm ready. Lets make her one of us.
Then Kelly spoke out.
Hey guys, what about me, can't I watch?
Answering I said.
No, it's not aloud for non club members to see the final ceremony.
Kelly said.
Are you fracking kidding me. It's my fracking place and your telling me I can't see what's going on?
Patti will you please control your slave?
With that, Patti gave the inside of Kelly's thigh a savage twist and then pressed her ass against Kelly's face to stifle her cry.
Finishing with.
Kelly, we have rules so please learn to obey and the pain will stop.
Pausing I thought how many times I would say that to her, how many times I would need to hold back my true emotions, my natural response to protect her, to stop anyone from hurting her. God this was not a good thing.
Quickly I added.
This is your last warning.
Okay time to get back in the game. Dam Kelly.
Pulling Trish's left hand behind her back and slowly unbuckled the leather cuff. Again the feel of the leather and the sound of the buckle was so sexy. Holding on to her bare wrist I quickly pulled my penis out of her sex and removed the bracelet. Trish gave a start and then gasped as I pushed my shaft back in to her over sensitive vagina.
I said.
This is the last moments of your freedom.
I then placed the bracelet in her hand.
Time for the final step.
I reached around her and took the loctite liquid weld bond bottle from under the velvet cloth in the stainless steel case. This loctite weld bond was unbelievable stuff. It looked like glue but in less then five minute it harden like steel. I had used it 6 years ago on my bracelet and I tried to pull it apart almost every day and it was still on my wrist.
The other change I made to the club bracelet was a one way locking mechanism. The bracelet was designed as two separate half's. Each looking like a half moon and with a female and male connector on either end. The design was very similar to the famous Cartier Love Bracelet. The change I made was to eliminate the screws of the Love bracelet and make mine a permeant steel band on the wears wrist.
On the inside of the female end I had the jeweller manufacture a small lever. This lever would slide into the corresponding hole in the male connector and it was designed that once inserted it could not come apart. With this one way lock and the weld bond the only way to remove the bracelet was to destroy it by cutting it off.
This design also eliminated almost any physical signs that the bracelet wasn't one continuos piece. The two joints were almost invisible. This feature added to my compulsive nature to make everything perfect and looking at the girls before me, I was doing all right.
I took the bracelet from Trish and pulled the two half's apart and checked that the protective plastic tab were removed from the locking mechanism. Then I added a drop of weld bond to each of the female connector ends.
Time for the final act.
As I whispered into Trish's ear I started to ride her. Pushing harder with every line, making this her last free fuck.
I said.
Look at your wrist.
I pushed deep inside her.
Feel your wrist.
I pulled almost all the way out.
For as of tonight.
I rammed into her again.
I will forever own your wrist.
I quickened my pace.
You will be marked by this bracelet as one of the chosen few.
Now I started to close the two half's around her wrist.
I was so close to exploding but I held my climax in check.
Continuing to ride her I went on.
As of tonight you will show the world your banded wrist. You will feel the weight, you will see it on your wrist, you will try to take it off, you will play with it, you will know that it will always be there.
Coming to the end of my endurance and listening to her screaming with pleasure I rammed deeper in side her, pausing for just a moment, using all my powers to hold off cumming for one more.
That it will be seen by the world, that people will ask about it, that you will show it off to some and feel embarrassed by others.
Then I closed the two halves. The metal forever joined, encircling her wrist, marking her as a bracelet club member.
With a final thrust, we both started to cum. Both crying out in pleasure. Oh what a moment.
After several seconds I collapsed on to her back, feeling her hot sweaty skin. I then whispered.
But the one thing you will never get used to is the way people look at it for the first time. That look is the one thing that will always remind you that you belong to me.
With that, her vagina did a final contraction and she moaned and collapsed onto the bed.
Chapter 10 - With the Girls
Now what, frak was that my apartment door? I could still hear the girls so that was good. Well maybe that's good? Where was David going?
Then Patti said.
Look what we have here Trish, a new slave to play with. Don't worry Kelly we don't bite.
And with a laugh, Trish added.
Well not to hard.
Oh frak. I pulled on my cuffs but nothing good happened of course.
What were they going to do to me and where was David? Then I felt them getting on the bed beside me. I felt so helpless, spread eagled on my own bed with two girls I didn't know. This was not one of my fantasies and differently not on the schedule for tonights self bondage.
I pulled again on my wrist and ankle restraints and all I got for my efforts was Patti asking.
Going somewhere slave?
I felt my breath quicken and then Patti started to touch the inside of my thighs. Oh that felt good and then my tits were being massaged. I started to roll my hips to get the benwa balls into the action and for a moment I put reality in the closet. My sex was just starting it's road to an orgasm for what seemed like the millionth time tonight and then ouch, Trish gave my right nipple a Hulk Hogan twist.
I cried out.
Dam that hurt.
Trish answered.
Be quiet slave, you're here to please me tonight.
Oh shit what did I get myself into and where the frak was David?
I started to say
Please stop. But my mouth was filled with something soft and all what came out was a muffled cry.
Next I felt fingers seeking away into my imprisoned sex. Oh it felt good. I pushed back against the probing fingers but they just couldn't make it under the steel chastity belt. Frak.
My tits were again being massaged and I felt hands all over my body. I tried to move, to help them to touch me but all I could hear was breathing and the sound of my chains. I pulled on my wrist cuffs, first one then the other trying to make my fingers magically touch my clit.
Then my mouth was emptied and replaced by lips. I knew they were one of the girls but I kissed them back, my reality was again taking a back seat tonight.
Oh yes please touch me more, Yes try again to get to my clit, Oh that works, press on the chastity belt. Please push harder, faster, yes kiss me, play with my ear, play with my tits, yes I'm yours just please I beg of you, please make me cum. Oh It felt so good, I was so close to finally cumming and then Frak.
Both my nipples were almost ripped from my tits and the inside of my thigh was on fire from one of them, Patti I think, biting or pinching the skin. Holy frak that hurt and adding to my pain I heard both girls laughing like school kids.
I pulled on my restraints. I so wanted to get up and return the favour. I even thought of pulling the chains out of the footboard and for a moment I thought I had.
What was I thinking? What had I done tonight? Was I really a sleep and was my subconscious just fracking with me? My sex was still on fire but it was on it's way out like Smokey The Bear. I couldn't to a thing to protect myself from the on-slot of pain from the girls.
I was crying out for the girls to stop when I heard David. Oh thank you, oh David.
Frak Kelly, get a hold of yourself. What's with Oh David? Like he's some Knight in Shining Armour? He started all this or can't you remember that. I'm really not liking this anymore. Can I please just go back to my nice and simple self bondage?
Then he's beside me asking if everything is okay. Dam him and that voice. I found myself back to wanting him and feeling slightly ashamed at having sex with two girls. Frak reality can be such a bitch.
David started to tell the girls what he wanted and then I felt Patti undoing the quick release on my right wrist cuff and replacing it with a rope. Oh how I loved the feeling of the rope sliding through the d-loop.
It was one of the few feelings I really missed from being tied up by someone. The feeling of the ropes vibration as it's fed through the cuff and then the pull as the knot is made. I shouldn't have been so happy with this development as I realized my emergency escape route had just been revoked.
I pulled on the newly restraint cuff and felt that it wasn't going anywhere. The night had just entered a new faze.
I could hear David dealing with Trish and the room still smelt of girls sweat and perfume. Patti was back to playing with my tits which was not the same turn on now that David was back in the picture. I was feeling a little self conscious about being touched by a female. Tonight was my first time for a lot of unexpected events, as in a space shuttle check list of first times and having female sex was at the top of the list.
Patti was massaging my left tit with one hand and now she was back to playing with my thighs with her other. Dam her, she did have the touch. She was making it very hard not to enjoy what she was doing. I found myself again moving to her touch, to my sex again starting it's ascent, useless but still ascending.
She stopped, like what else is new and I felt the rope sliding through my right ankle cuff. Frak I missed that feeling. It really did set the night for me. Then it was my left ankle cuff. I was really screwed now.
Oh now she starts again with my thigh. Come on girl just dig in under the fraking steel and get to my clit. Starting to cry out and was met with a painful pinch on my thigh. Okay I get the message. I could also hear David and Trish. It sounded like he was reusing the ankle chains on her and then it was confirmed as she grabbed my ankle cuffs.
Patti again started to play with my tits. It felt very good. She new just the right amount of pressure to use, to rub the tops of my nipples, to pause and then start again. Her other hand was playing with my face and ears. She did have skill. I was once again getting lost in the moment.
Oh yes, squeeze just a little harder. Yes thats it. Oh that feels so good on my ear. What a touch, so soft, so right. Oh that's good to, fingers on my face, outlining my covered eyes, touching my lips.
Yes I'll lick them, Oh you taste so good. I again twisted and pulled, trying anything to make my vagina to climax. Okay it feel so fracking good and then it just stopped.
You've got to be kidding me. Really again!
Then I felt her slipping the final rope through my last cuff and that was it. I'm just lying there, spread eagled before three strangers with a burning vagina. I mean Moses with the burning bush hot.
Dam this fraking blindfold. I had three strangers in my apartment in various stages of bondage and I was deprived of seeing what the frak was going on. I could hear that Trish was having issues and I could feel her grip tighten on my ankles as she would cry out. All I could do was pull on my cuffs and listen to the commands, pleading for it to stop.
For the first time in a very long time I didn't need my imagination to create a fantasy. Nope, I had a full blown real event happening in my own bedroom. I started to pull on my restraints, to feel their restrictions, to know I was truly helpless. Oh it felt so good.
I pulled and twisted my wrists. I pulled lightly and then harder, I held on to the ropes and pulled but I wasn't getting free tonight. No safety release, no four hour wait for the ice to melt, no replaying a fantasy and then reaching down with the dildo for a self inflicted climax.
No, I was a true sex slave tonight. I had somehow entered a world where my pleasure, pain and freedom was in the hands of others. Others that I didn't even know. How fraking crazy was this but oh frak I was getting excited again.
I pulled on my wrist and twisted my hips to get the benwa balls back into the game. Yes that was working, feel the cuffs, feel the tight left wrist cuff, block out the noise and pull on your ankles, feel Trish holding them, it feels so very good.
I was so close to cumming, to finally having one part of my body to feel freedom.
Oh yes just a little more Kelly, That's it feel the cuff, smell the sweat, pull up on your ankle cuffs, twist your ankle and feel the cuff. Oh yes, oh yes, feel the butt plug pushing against the benwa balls, Oh it felt so good and then.
Oh come the frak on, God I'm going to go fraking crazy. How the frak can they know I was about to cum? How can they keep doing this to me? Oh my vagina was starting to ache and now I have someone tickling my dam feet.
No one can touch my fraking feet. It drives me nuts. I can't stand the feeling of someone touching them, it's like finger nails on a chalkboard. I was so fraking horny and about the only thing that could abort my takeoff was this. Will you please stop tickling my fraking feet.
I started to cry out and for a moment it stopped. Oh thank God. I could hear Trish breathing and recovering from her screams. The rest period was brief and then I heard a swish and a smack followed by Trish crying out again. Then I heard Patti telling her to tickle my feet again.
Screaming out.
Please no, please you don't understand, please stop, Trish? Patti? Please I can't do this.
But after a second smack, Trish started to tickle my feet again. Oh Frak. I tried to get away but that just meant I could move my feet about 6 inches. I was screaming for Patti to stop Trish but nothing. I was just trying to move my feet away from her hands but the more I moved the more Trish would scream out for me to stop.
For the first time in my life, a life of fantasy sex, I was truly helpless. I pulled on the wrist cuffs, remembering they were the slim ones and I didn't want to break them but much more of this torture and I would be all to willing to do a nascar on them. Even my sex was ignoring my plight. All I wanted to do was run away, please not my feet I pleaded.
Finally the tickling stopped and I could hear David talking with the exhausted Trish. I was breathing so hard and with my enhanced senses caused from the blindfold that it sounded like a jet engine.
I heard Trish.
It's beautiful, I want it so bad.
Then Patti joined in and I guessed they were looking at Trish's new bracelet.
Then I heard Trish give out a cry of pleasure that usually signalled penetration. That lucky girl, To have a real cock inside her. Yes frak. Here I am, tied to my bed with a man just a few feet away and I may as well be on a deserted fraking island.
I could feel Patti once again starting on my body, to play with my steel jail, to push and pull. I started to respond to her touch by slowly moving my hips, to pull on my ankle restraints. I didn't want to do this anymore, after being so tormented all I wanted was to go on strike, to stop the insanity but no, my fraking sex started to come alive again.
I can't believe this, how can ones body be so weak and fall for the same trick over and over again? But she did have the touch. She knew just the right amount of pressure to apply, when to pause, when to go on, when to use her lips and how to push my dam sex into overdrive.
Oh it felt fantastic, she was being more caring this time, she was moving with my hips, touching me just right. Pulling on the cuffs, feeling the leather, of being helpless. Of having Patti be my Master and I just accepted what she was willing to give. Slowly submitting to her touch, to her power over me, to my helplessness over my own body.
Oh it felt so fraking good to submit. Even when she moved to play with my tits I didn't care. Patti was in control and I was simply her canvas to be painted with pleasure or pain. I tried to be her slave, to do as I was told but she was really pinching my tits and I cried out again.
Then Patti whispered in my ear.
I want us to cum at the same time but you need to wait until I say it's time, I'm going to make you do something over the top and I'm guessing it will freak you out but are you willing to trust me?
Patti I'm your slave and will do what ever you want.
With that I felt Patti moving on top of me. It felt strange and it was about to be another first. Add it to the checklist. It was the first time I had tits touching my tits, but then I was confused? I was expecting to feel Patti's lips but instead I was getting a very strong smell of her sex and then I felt her lips kissing my fraking hip by the chastity belt. Oh frak she was doing a female 69 on me. Oh frak.
I pulled on my wrist cuffs again, I was fighting for control over my fear, of doing what I never thought I would ever do, of touching, no correction, that was being to kind, of eating another girls pussy!
You have got to be fraking crazy. Really after all this, I was about to add a new number one item on the fraking checklist. I thought, Oh Kelly are you sure about this?
But then I felt Patti's tongue licking my thigh, then she was trying to push under my steel prison to reach my sex. Oh yes Patti, god did that feel could. Her fingers were playing with my ankle cuffs and I could feel Trish joining in. Oh girls, what a moment.
Sensing Patti's sex was now very close to my face and with both of them making me feel so good I lifted my head, stuck out my tongue and in I went.
I could feel Patti stiffen and then give a little cry. She was so wet, so swollen and she tasted so fracking good. I was so horny, I just wanted to make her cum, to make her cry out in pleasure, to be her sex slave and make my master happy.
She tasted so sweet, her sex juices flowed from her vagina. I was loosing the ability to separate all the senses that were assaulting my body. I was aware of Patti licking my thighs, of her fingers dancing, from her pushing on my steel sex jail, to pulling on my ankles. I could feel Trish also pulling on my ankles and heard her cries of pleasure.
Then everything stopped again. Say it's not so, but it was just David announcing that Trish was about to receive her bracelet. I called out to have the blindfold removed so I could see but I was quickly punished and then warned not to talk out of place.
Then Patti was back at my sex and I went back to servicing her, remembering I was the slave and I needed to learn my place. Oh yes, please lets not stop. I could hear Patti breathing, I could hear David and Trish moans of pleasure, I could feel my own sex starting to contract.
Oh no, Kelly not yet, slow the contractions, push the climax back, oh it was so fraking hard. I pushed my hips up into Patti's dancing tongue, please keep going, it felt so good. My body was alive, every nerve ending was hyper sensitive. I could feel her tongue darting from my hip to my thigh, her fingers pulling on my chastity belt, reaching under it on my hip, pushing the steel covering my sex making the benwa balls dance. Oh I was in heaven.
Pushing my tongue deep into her sex, I so wanted my hands to help tease her, oh I pulled but the results were always the same so I flicked my tongue, hitting her clit, feeling her jump. Oh yes Patti I have you now. I again pushing my tongue in as deep as I could and then pulled it out and sucked on her vagina lips. That resulted in a cry and a light bite on my inner thigh, causing me to stop sucking and to cry out.
We were both riding and bucking like a couple of tangled mountain goats. The room filled with the sound of pleasure and the smell of sex. I was licking, biting, sucking anything to get my master to cum. Patti was beginning to moan and slow her pelvic thrusts. Her sex was starting to flow, her orgasm was starting to arrive.
I could also feel my sex starting it's first contractions but I still managed to pull on my ankle cuffs and feel the ropes controlling any movement. Oh they felt so good, to feel the leather, to know I was tied to the bed, helpless, a true sex slave.
I finally had my freedom taken away from me, I was finally being forced to take orders and not give them. I pulled again on my wrist cuffs and bit down on Patti's lips. I was so excited and so conscious, so in the moment.
Feeling the sweat pouring off Patti, I could hear her every breath, her every cry, Time my tongue movements to her next moan and pelvic thrust. I tried to pull my hands just to touch any part of her body but it was in vain. Oh, I needed to touch her, to feel her hot skin and sweat. I was hit with my first orgasm wave. Oh it felt so fraking good, was so long over do, it was so powerful.
Thinking, not yet Kelly, Patti hasn't given permission to cum, hold on girl. I was trying so hard but I could tell Patti was also starting to climax. Her sex was a river, her pelvic movements had slowed and she was moaning.
Taking stock one last time, I felt my restraints, felt helpless, listened to Patti moaning, trying to out last me, to David panting, to Trish moaning and crying. Oh yes what a moment.
Then unable to wait any longer, my body was taking care of it's self and I was just along for the ride. Holy frak. I screamed into Patti's vagina and was greeted with a flood of sex juices. She also pushed her mouth against my thigh and cried out in pleasure, finishing with a painful bite.
My whole body was shaking from the force of the orgasm. Oh it was unfraking believable. I cried out again, pushed my sex up and into Patti, muffling her cry's of pleasure. My god I had never felt such a powerful orgasm. It just went on and on.
I cried out again and each time I pushed my mouth against her sex and she would then cry out and pull on my ankles and bite down on my thigh.
This went on and on and after what felt like forever we both started to come down. My breathing was slowing and I could feel Patti also shaking with after shocks. Our bodies felt welded together, our stomachs locked together with our sweat, her head resting on my left thigh, my head back on the pillow with her sex juices flowing down my chest and neck. Oh I felt so good, I tried to open my eyes to see the room, to see the sex but I was reminded that I had lost control over my sight.
Afraid to move, to breathe, I was scared my body would break if I experienced one more second of pleasure, if one more of my senses overloaded. I laid there listening to David and Trish. They were still going, by the sounds of it, they were just about to cum. I could finally hear David, now that Patti was quiet.
I heard him say with a strained voice.
That it will be seen by the world, That people will ask about it, that you will show it off to some and feel embarrassed by others.
Followed by.
But the one thing you will never get used to, is the way people look at it for the first time. That look is the one thing that will always remind you that you belong to me.
Well that did it and I felt my over worked vagina contract again. Oh it felt wonderful. It was slow and not over the top, one that I could really enjoy. I helped it along by pulling again on my wrist cuffs, by moving my legs and feeling the ropes come to an end. To feel Patti slowly return, to feel her pull herself up, to feel our body separate and the cool air rush in on to our stomachs. Oh I felt so fraking good, I was so happy, I just wanted to get up and hug and kiss everyone.
But that wasn't going to happen as David announced the next stage of this wonderful and random night. Holy frak
Chapter 11: Her Reward
Good god man, does it get any better then this! Six years of the best sex I have ever experienced and tonight tops it all. All my senses were in hyper active mode. My cock is still rock hard, my nose is filled with the smell of sweat and sex but best of all was the sight of Kelly spread eagled on the bed. Even with Patti collapsed on top of her, she still looked amazing.
Just looking at her made me want to start round two. Pulling myself up I felt the air hit my sweat covered skin. Now for the hard part, slowly pulled my cock out of Trish's sex. It always made my super sensitive dick jump as it pulled out of it's warm and wet temporary home.
Taking a moment to listen to the girls breathing, to hear them slowly return to reality, to hear the chains clanking, to listen for the first sounds of release.
Deciding to break the silence and I said.
Well done girls, that was fantastic and Trish welcome to the club.
Trish responded with.
Oh David that was unbelievable and thank you so much.
Well the nights not over yet Trish, I still have one more surprise.
Patti added.
Really? What a surprise coming from you.
I reached over and unsnapped Trish's right cuff and then knelt down and freed her ankles. She stood up with a sigh of relieve. Looking up I saw her holding her new bracelet. Smiling as she started to move it around on her wrist. She looked so happy.
I asked.
How does it feel?
Trish answered.
Oh David, I can't believe it, it feels so good and it's really on and I can't take it off. Oh I don't know what to say.
Enjoy my dear. It's an honour to see it on your wrist.
Patti had climbed off Kelly and came over to see the bracelet.
She said.
Oh Trish it looks fantastic and reached out with her own wrist and touched bracelets.
And added.
Welcome to the club sister.
Just watching them was enough to make my cock bob up and down.
Patti commenting.
Having a moment David?
You two just look so dam good, I could jump both of you right now.
Patti said.
That would be nice!
Trish said
I thought we just did that?
Leave it to Trish to make us all laugh, well almost everyone.
Kelly called out.
Hello, forgetting about me guys?
Unfortunately that just added to our laughter.
Patti said.
You were great tonight, I can see that you will fit in just fine with our crazy little club, thanks for being so much fun.
I said.
Time for a switch, Trish can you look after Kelly and Patti please stand over here.
As Trish started to play with Kelly I reached in to the bondage bag and pulled out a set of handcuffs.
Walking over to Patti I said these should do the trick, turn around, hands behind your back slave.
Patti did as she was told and turned her back to me.
I love handcuffs, nothing makes one feel as helpless as having cold, solid steel being locked on your wrist. These were of top quality and I liked the addition of the extra length chain connecting them.
Taking Patti's left wrist I first pushed her bracelet up her arm and then slowly encircled her wrist with the steel cuff. Loving the sound of the lock clicking shut. They looked so good. I then did the same with her right wrist. Now she was truly helpless for the first time to night.
Turning her around and pushing her ass against the end of the bed. She looked fantastic. So small, so helpless, so wanting to please. I started to play with her nipples, first rubbing then lightly and then pinching. She shut her eyes and began to moan and her body began to rock.
Enjoying yourself?
Yes Master.
Continuing to play with her body, to explore her lips, her ears, her vagina, taking time to let her feel my hands caressing her body, to feel my touch, to give pleasure with little moments of pain.
I wish I could say I was as completely focused on Patti but I was distracted by Trish playing with Kelly. First she climbed on to the bed, moving between Kelly's bound legs. She then started to play with her chastity belt, first trying to push her fingers under the steel and then resorting to licking Kelly's inner thighs. Nice work girl. Poor Kelly was moaning and crying out for more. Her hips were going up and down like an elevator in a two storey apartment building.
Then I heard.
Patti had caught me looking at Kelly and was pissed.
Refocusing I gave her right nipple a savage pinch in a failed effort to reestablish my authority.
I thought, Okay David get your head back in the game, Dam that Kelly, why was I so , so what? Dam was I really falling for her. Dam, Dam, Dam!
Turning Patti around and bending her over the end of the bed. With her hands cuffed behind her back, her tits and head were forced right down on to the bed and Trish had to move over and make room or Patti would have ended up with a foot in her face.
Okay, even with the distraction of Trish and Kelly, Patti still had the best ass in the room and with her wrists incased in steel she looked exceptional. She had spread her legs in anticipation of what she hoped would come next but I didn't think I should be so easily swayed.
Stepping back I said.
Really? Did you think I would just slip inside you and all would be good? I think you need a reminder of your position, slave. I think 10 is a good number, please count.
With that I picked up the wooden spoon that Patti had used on Trish and with a swish I hit Patti's right ass cheek with a smack. She jumped and after a muffled fuck I heard a weak.
I knew she hated to be tortured in front of others, she was such a control freak that she looked at being abused as a weakness. Unfortunately her body didn't agree with her mind and her sex started to pulsate.
Again I raised the spoon and I hit her left cheek with another smack. Again she jumped and repeated.
She was trying to move her hands to cover her ass so I gripped the connecting chain and pulled her arms towards the ceiling. This made her bend further into the bed and I could see the strain in her upper arms and back as she tried to relieve the pain.
Not tonight my dear.
I took my time with the next three hits, pausing to play with her vagina, making sure she was remembering who was boss. With each hit she would try to raise her upper body but that only made her raised arms hurt more. Dam this was fun and my cock once again started it's up and down wagging.
It seemed I wasn't the only one having fun. Trish was now lying beside Kelly and the two were in full make out mode. My god I loved watching women kiss each other, what a turn on. Kelly was pulling on her ropes desperately trying to touch Trish, to push her sex against her, to do anything to cum. Trish had her hands moving all over Kelly's body, from her imprisoned clit, to her tits, to her hair, dam that girl had moves.
Okay, seeing them playing was sending me over the top, screw Patti's punishment. I released her handcuffs, letting her arms fall against her sweat covered back. Then I replaced the condom and slid my cock against her vagina and with one move I pushed my throbbing cock all the way in to her, forcing her against the bottom of the bed with my weight. She cried out in pain and pleasure and pushed back against my body.
I was passed carrying about her needs and started to ride her, pushing in and out, slapping her ass and pulling on her cuffs.
She responded by screaming out.
Come on David, harder dam it, harder!
I redoubled my efforts and moved my hands around her hips, pulling her off the floor.
Crying out.
Come on bitch, ride this!
Between breaths Patti said.
Fuck you, come on, harder!
Then I heard Trish and Kelly crying out with pleasure and the whole room was again filled with the sound of sex, of pleasure, of people doing what they were meant to do, to enjoy each other, to just have sex, to enjoy our basic need for pleasure, to experience the one thing all people have in common the pleasure of sex.
After holding off cumming with Trish I was in a free for all mode with Patti. Her body felt great, so trim, so fit. Ramming her, going in as deep as I could. I could feel my orgasm starting, to feel the cum once again to start it's travel.
I took my right hand a grabbed her metal cuffs. They felt so good and it made my body shutter as I thought how helpless she was. She was my sex slave, cuffed and submissive. An instrument for my sexual pleasure, in my complete control. She was screaming with pleasure, bucking against me. Her cuffed hands were reaching for anything, pulling against my hold. I looked down and saw her bracelet, her cuffed wrists and saw my own bracelet, my permanent bondage. Oh it looked fantastic. Oh what a moment!
Seeing and hearing Kelly crying out and pulling on her bonds. She looked amazing, spread eagled with Trish riding her thigh, squeezing her nipples, tongues darting in and out. Her wrists covered in black leather, her ankles pulling on the ropes as she tried to roll against Trish. Oh what a sight! Even her blindfold was a turn on as I thought how the night, the sound, the physical contact would be twisted.
Yes, yes, yes I called out as my cock ejected. All my energy expended in one last push and then I was done.
We all came at the same time and the room went from a cacophony of noise to the silence of heavy breathing. I was so spent I wasn't sure I could get off of Patti. It seemed all I was capable of doing was lying on her and trying to breathe.
Finally pulling myself up and then I helped Patti off the bed. Turning her around and leaning her on the end of the bed. She had yet to open her eyes and with her cuffed hands I didn't need her to fall over. I looked down and saw that Trish was starting to move but poor Kelly she was still tied to the bed, unable to do anything but pull on her leather cuffs.
After finding the handcuff keys I sent the girls out of the room to get cleaned up. It was about time we ended the night. I went in to the en-suite washroom, to get cleaned up and to decide if I should really do what I had been thinking of for most of the night. Looking in the mirror I really wasn't sure about going this far, this fast, but sometimes it was good to push the limits and see what happened.
Okay I said to myself, this was it.
Standing over her, she looked so beautiful, so perfect and so helpless. She was trying to be still but she was slowly moving her arms and legs and dam if she wasn't licking her lips. Okay just do it dam it.
Having already taking the frozen water bottle from the freezer and now going around the bed and switched the rope restraints with the original chains. One by one the clasps clicked closed, returning Kelly back to her original fantasy.
Just touching her skin was more then I could take. She was so helpless but so trusting. Her sight deprived mind must have been going crazy but she didn't move away or make a sound. I was about to be such an ass, god help me!
Time to cross the line and see what happens.
With all my self control I said.
Kelly, how are you doing?
She answered.
Oh David, what a night, that was fraking unbelievable.
I could see her pulling on the cuffs, trying to touch me and how I wanted her too, to feel her body against mine to hold her and kiss her all night, but no dam it, I needed to stay to my plan.
She went on and said.
Can you untie me and take this dam blindfold off?
Oh god, here I go.
I'm sorry Kelly but not tonight, you need to finish your play session.
At first she didn't say anything, she didn't move, nothing and then I saw the tears coming from under the blindfold.
Oh god what have I done, what an ass. Dam, Dam.
Suppressing my self doubts I said.
I tied the string to the chain on your left wrist and you should be able to get free in a couple of hours. I'll come by the coffee shop in a few days and we can talk.
I could see her mouth moving but nothing came out, she just continued to stare at me from behind that dam blindfold and her tears just kept sliding off her face. What an ass I was, how could I be doing this?
Finally she said in a quiet and controlled voice.
David, can you please kiss me before you go?
Oh god, I just about lost it. Unfraking believable. Oh, yes I do love her, dam, dam , dam!
Finally breaking down, this was to much and to hell with the plan. Reaching behind her head and with trouble I undid the dam blindfold. Pulling it off, she blinked several times and then just looked up at me.
Oh those eyes, such beauty, so perfect. Gently wiping her tears and looked, no, praying to see what they would show, had I gone to far, was I right, was I wrong? Oh please god? Holding my breath, afraid to move and then the most beautiful thing I have ever seen happened, she smiled.
Kelly said.
Oh David, please hold me, I so want to be with you.
I took her head and slowly I kissed her, soft and carrying at first then I was absorbed by the passion and the two of us explored each other, our tongues darting back and forth, words mumbled together, our breathing getting faster. Oh what a girl and yes I was screwed and I didn't give a rats ass.
Finally we parted and I just looked down at her. God I wanted her, to untie her and hold her but I knew I couldn't. I had to stay to what I knew was right and that was breaking my heart. I needed to preform one last deed, one that I had done once already tonight, one that I couldn't return from.
I reached for the blindfold with a shaking hand and held it up. She turn her head away and then shut her eye's, a small tear escaping, and then she turned and looked directly at me and nodded. Oh god, was I really doing this? Was I crazy? Oh please forgive me and then I placed it over her eyes for the second time that night. Slowly reaching behind her head and doing up the buckle, once more leaving her sightless.
Gently touching her lips one last time and a tear dropped from my face on to her cheek and then I needed to go. To go before I did what I so badly wanted to do. Collecting the girls and walking out of the apartment I thought to myself.
My dear Kelly, who are you and what just happened. I looked back one last time and then the three of us were gone.
Chapter 12: Left
I pulled again and the results were the same. I was alone, chained, helpless and my mind was spinning. What the hell just happened? Why was I still chained to my bed? What happened to David? Was this real?
Exhausted, confused, sore and my mind was spinning. One moment I had thought I would finally get to hold David, to feel his muscles, to touch his lips and then the next I was blind, chained and helpless.
I so wanted to pull the chains out of the wood bed posts but David had said that I needed to finish my self bondage, but really, after tonight?
Arguing with myself about what to do. To obey his command and be the good slave or go with my self doubts and end this. I mean, I wasn't in the mood for anymore sex, my shoulders and hips were starting to hurt. My vagina was still trapped by the steel chastity belt and the constant pressure was hurting my inner thighs.
Pulling again on my wrists, hoping that this time I would be magically freed, to get some relief from my pain but again I was rewarded with the sound of the chains and the same unforgiving body position.
I didn't know what to do. Every time I tried to think what had happened, all I could see was David. He had looked so sad, so concerned, so frighten? Oh I don't know? I just stopped thinking and tried to get comfortable.
I had woken to the feeling of not knowing where I was, of pulling on my wrists, of forgetting I was chained to my bed, to having that momentary fear of the unknown. Of being helpless, of experiencing the fantasy of being tied up by someone well I slept. Oh, I loved that feeling!
It lasted only a moment and then I was back to my reality, well almost. Forgetting about the blindfold and kept looking over at the clock to see the time. It took a moment of confusion trying to answer why my bedroom was so dark and then I remembered my special situation.
It felt like I had been a sleep for an hour or so but I really didn't know. I hoped it was longer but all I could really think about was David. Dam that man. My life was just fine before tonight and now I have this fraking man's face pasted to the inside of my eye balls.
The way he had looked at me, the concern in his eye's when he had removed the blindfold. It was so, so, Oh I don't know. It was just perfect and it was a sight that would live with me forever.
Thinking, Okay Kelly, time for a reality check.
Reaching out with my left hand, feeling for the string. I knew it was there but I always had that moment of fear, of it not being there, of being trapped, but right on schedule I felt it. I moved my practiced fingers and slowly pulled on the string, feeling for the release of the key, hoping that the time had passed. But no! The dam string went tight. Frak this whole night was turning into an Apollo 13 disaster.
Trying again to look at the clock so I could figure out when my captivity would end and again I was reminded that I was sightless.
Pulling on the chains, crying in frustration. Screw this Kelly I thought, pull the chains out and end this. Yes, that's what I should do. I mean, it was why I had set the chains up like this. To be able to escape if I needed to, so I wouldn't be found as a decomposing corpse after a failed bondage session.
Come on Kelly, do it now, just one good pull and it would be over. But no, I couldn't. All I could hear in my troubled mind was David saying that I needed to finish my session. Dam him.
Again, I looked for the clock, but caught myself.
So now what?
Pulling on my ankle and wrist cuffs in a failed exercise to find a new body position, moving my ass about six inches. Like that made a difference other then the benwa balls did a jump in my dead and dark vagina.
Pulling on the string again without any luck, moving my shoulders in an attempt to relief the building pain.
Wondering how long had I been tied up? 2, 3, 4 hours? Dam this blindfold. At least I knew how long my fraking sessions would last when it was just me.
So now what? Just lie here and wait? Yup that was about it.
Moving again, feeling the ankle cuffs pulling on my cramping legs and started to think about the night. About how Trish was so excited about getting her bracelet. She was so happy and asked me to pull on it as we enjoyed each other. It felt so good on her wrist, so solid, so perfect, oh how I wanted to see it, to have one of my own.
She had been very good at playing with my body, softer then Patti and had used her tongue with more skill. Not that I was experienced at kissing a girl, but she was very good at giving just the right amount of pressure, of pausing and then starting again.
Looking back I was surprised that she was able to make me cum again. I thought that after Patti my body was done for the night. I mean, a girl can only take so much of a good thing and after all the earlier orgasms my vagina had all the power of New Jersey after hurricane Sandy.
I had resigned myself to being Trish's sex slave, to do what she had asked but I thought I would be separated from her sexual enjoyment. Her touch had been excellent and pulling on her freshly imprisoned wrist bracelet had resulted in some sparks but what had really made the power come back on was hearing David and Patti.
I mean holy frak did they go at it. From the earlier calm and controlled sex of David and Trish to the fuck me to the moon scream of Patti. Even with Trish on top of me I could feel the bed moving to the two of them pounding, to the two of them calling out insults, to their sounds of their enjoyment. God how I wished it was me on the end of his cock.
To my complete disbelieve I had felt my sex come alive again. Can you say we need an Olympic gold medal for the number of orgasms in one fraking night! This time it was mixed with pleasure and pain at the same time.
I had started to move my hips against Trish, to push harder against her, pulling on my restraints, to screaming my pleasure as I had cum yet again. Our voices once again blended together and for a brief moment I thought about my neighbours as we all seemed to be crying out. Oh it was so good.
But that was then and now I was left chained to my bed, a prisoner in my own home, not knowing when it would end. Frak did time go slow.
Again I had tried pulling the string but again I was met with rejection. Frak. It was really starting to sink in that I was in a world of hurt. My body was cramping, I was blind and I didn't have any idea when this torture would end.
Guessing I had fallen a sleep again as I workup with a start, pulling on my wrist cuffs and with heavy breathing.
Okay Kelly I thought, lets try again and see if my self induced hell would end.
Slowly, reaching for the string and I began to pull. Come on dam it, come free. I felt the string go tight and then, thank the gods, I felt the key slip through the last of the ice.
I was so relieved that I almost let the string drop, but no, I managed to pull the key all the way up. Yes I finally had the key in my fingers, now to pull off the saran wrap and unlock myself. This was easier said then done but after a few failed attempts I felt the key turn and heard the lock click open. I was free!
Quickly releasing my right wrist and with some pain from my shoulders I was able to see again. It took a moment to adjust to the light coming through the open bedroom door from the kitchen but I could finally take a look around my room and see the aftermath of a night of bondage.
Bending down, releasing my ankle cuffs and with some pain, I moved to sit on the side of the bed. Frak was I sore. My shoulders were stiff and would need an hour with the massage therapist to fix. My hips beginning to feel better now that my legs weren't being held apart for the world to see my sex, but my ass and vagina. Wholly shit was I in trouble.
The dam butt plug felt huge and my ass hole was on fire that only worsened as I sat up. But what really had me concerned was my thighs. They screamed out in protest with any movement. Looking down, seeing the bright red glow of my tortured skin and the edge of the chastity belt felt like a knife.
This was not good, not at all. Looking at the clock it was almost 4 am and I had to be at my coffee shop for the afternoon rush. God how was I to walk? Oh frak this was not good.
Touching my skin wasn't a good idea. I could feel the heat from my upper thigh and my touch only made it worse.
Now what smart girl? Welcome to the fraking world of bondage. Yes maybe it was true that it was better that some fantasies didn't come true!
Okay, enough of thinking about what you couldn't fix, lets get moving and fix what you could.
Standing sent a bolt of pain from my tortured thighs. Okay girl just spread your legs and get to the bathroom, time for a pee.
What a pretty sight I must have made, seeing me walking like a broken robot with my ankle locks clanking away. Very sexy.
Life didn't get any better as I almost screamed when my warm piss hit my thighs, oh frak did that hurt.
Doing my best to get cleaned up and then making my why out to the kitchen. Still encased in steel and leather and needing to get the last water bottle out of the freezer.
Again cursing my creativity. To eliminate cheating with myself bondage, I had rigged the conventional water bottle ice trick. To solve the quick microwave oven ice melt cheat, I had started to use metal drinking bottles. This solved the obvious microwave issue but the smaller opening of the drinking bottle also stopped the ice from sliding out as with a drinking glass.
My next ice prison lesson was adding saran rap.
With the metal water bottle I was able to speed the ice melting by heating the bottle on the oven burner. Again my fraking perfection obsession deemed this unacceptable and a solution had to be found.
After many nights of thought I had come up with rapping the keys in saran rap. I figured that if I boiled the water, the keys would fall to the bottom of the water bottle and the saran rap would melt from the heat. If that happened then the keys would be incased in plastic and useless.
Yup, I even made myself worried at times.
So now I'm in the kitchen, unable to stand, in exceptional pain and all I could to was slowly warm the bottle in a pan of warm water and hope I didn't pass out.
All I could think was, be careful what you wish for.
I spent the next hour playing with my leather cuffs and putting cream on my tortured thighs.
Finally the ice melted and the keys came out and I was free. The sound of the locks clicking open had never sounded so good.
First was the chastity belt followed by the extraction of the of the butt plug and benwa balls. Next I released the tight left wrist cuff but as I started to undo the right cuff, I stopped.
What the frak was I thinking? It was now 6am, I had to be at the coffee shop by 2 or maybe 3 at the latest and I was still playing? How fraking crazy was that.
The next thing I realized was I was rapping my left wrist in leather again. Oh come on Kelly, get a grip, but then I imagined David commanding me to leave them on and to stop complaining.
This time I used the looser hole 3 on the cuff and with very little hesitation the lock closed with the sound of the click breaking the early morning silence.
Okay now what?
I needed sleep so I waddled back to my bedroom, set the iPhone alarm for noon and fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter 13: Baking
The weekend had finally ended and Monday was my one day away from the coffee shop. Rob and his sister were a great find and they did an excellent job of taking some of the new business headaches off my shoulders.
Looking back I'm not sure how I had made it through Saturday. My thighs were still sore to the touch. I had even broken down and used a taxi for my 3 block commute. Rob hadn't said anything but I saw him looking at me with an odd look as I tried to walk around the shop. Thank god it had been slow and I spent most of Saturday and Sunday doing paper work.
Sitting was a good thing, other then it gave me time to play with my cuffs and think about David. I really was going over the edge and had left the ankle and wrist cuffs on all weekend, they just felt so good. The one concession to reality was removing the extra locks on the ankle cuffs. The constant banging and noise was just too much.
I spent the day doing more paper work, paying bills, catching up on cleaning and shopping. Of course I was still shackled and whenever I was at home I had used a 12 inch chain on my ankles and a 6 inch one with my wrists. I was still very sore so my self orgasms were few and far between but David was constantly on my mind.
Who was he, where did he come from and would I ever see him again? I hated when I wasn't in control. I didn't even know his last name so the doing the google creep was off the table. All I could do was sit back and wait for him to make the next move.
Tuesday's were the slowest day of the week so I did the 5 to 7 shift on my own. I didn't like having only one person in the shop for security reasons but Tuesday's were so slow that it didn't make sense to have two people standing around.
My thighs were better and I could walk without to much discomfort. The day had been the fortunately predictable slow pace which was bad for the bank account but I it gave me time to prep the shop for the rest of the week.
It was 15 minutes to close and then I would have another two or three hours of baking and restocking. I had finally switched my wrist cuffs for my heavy steel bangles. Wearing heavy long sleeve shirts to cover the cuffs could only go unanswered for so long.
Staring at the clock and then the door, playing with my bangles when I saw an Audi R8 pull up out front.
Frak thinking, please don't come in, I'm closing. Double frak, it was a couple and I could see through the street lights that they were looking this way. Frak, I guessed that my night was going to be a little longer as I never asked customers to leave at close, I just thought that was bad business.
Turning away from the door and thinking, Okay Kelly, put on your best customer smile and see if they would stay or go.
On cue I turned and looked up as the door opened and standing there was David. Wholly frak. What should I do, why now? My mind raced as he moved closer. Was he really here or was it a flash back from the other night?
Think Kelly, say something but what, something funny? Something smart? Oh hell I didn't know so I settled on saying
He stopped and just stood there. He was dressed in a suit and tie with a cashmere overcoat. He looked like a million dollars. From the cut of his hair to his fit body to the polish on his shoes. What a sight.
I just stood looking at him, my only movement was the automated clutching of the tea towel between my hands.
Wanting to go to him, to hold him, to feel his lips against mine. To never let him go but I was frozen, to scared to move, to say anything. Frak what the hell was happening to me?
Finally the silence was broken by Patti.
Hello Kelly, just thought we would stop by.
Turning to David and giving him a nudge she added
Right David?
With that, the moment was broken.
Looking down to clean some imagined mess and I heard him saying.
Ya, um yes, that's right, we just wanted to stop by and see how you were getting along.
Looking up I said with a poorly controlled voice.
Just fine thanks and how are you?
My heart was racing and I could feel tears starting but I thought, no dam it, you will not be a typical woman and cry. Taking a breath and commanded myself to stop, to stay in control, to hold my emotions in check, not to show weakness.
Staring at him as he stared back, both of us fighting for control over our own emotions. The silence was deafening but then Patti rescued the moment, saying.
Will you to stop the bull shit and hug each other. God it's like watching Gone with the Wind for christ's sake.
Throwing down the towel, I moved around the counter and started to go to him. I thought to myself, easy girl, go slow, let him make the first move but my feet wouldn't listen and I started to move faster. Oh how I wanted to hold him, to feel his body.
Taking a chance looking up in to his eye's and I saw them change from a questioning look to one of joy. He moved forward and we were together. He felt so good, so fit even with the heavy coat and suit on. My lips met his and we inhaled each other, our hands reaching, seeking out the others body, from hair to neck to waist, Oh I was so fraking happy.
Trying to talk but his lips wouldn't take time to let my words come out. He held me like a vise, almost picking me up off my feet. I could hear him saying.
Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry, are you okay, do you forgive me?
I didn't care about how the other night had ended I just wanted to see him so much, to smell him again, to hear that voice. I was over joyed and just wanted to consume his whole body.
Between kisses.
Oh David, yes I'm fine, I was worried I wouldn't see you again.
Tears were starting to form and even tho I was so happy I still didn't want to be the poor crying girl so I pushed him back, saying.
You were an ass the other night, how could you leave me like that.
Seeing David's face change to one of shock was all I needed to stop my tears and I quickly hugged and between kisses and said.
You can do what ever you want with me but next time the chastity belt stays in the bag.
With that he laughed and Patti joined in. She came over and we all had a group hug.
Backing up a step but still looking at David, asking.
So what's going on, your both dressed to the nines and look fantastic.
Patti answered for David.
We're going to a gallery opening but David insisted that we stop by and check on you. I'm not really surprised as we are already an hour late and David is never late.
With a smirk and sarcasm she added.
I think he's had you on his mind girl.
Trying to hide my disappointment of the pending short visit but filled with the elation of hearing David was thinking of me, I answered.
That sounds like fun and thanks for stopping by, can I get you a coffee before you go?
With that David finally spoke up.
Patti can you do me a very big favour? Can you go on without me, I think I'll stay here for a bit. You can take my car home and we will figure it out tomorrow.
Before Patti answered I interrupted.
No, David, go, I have a ton of work to get done tonight, I really don't have a choice.
As I continued to say why he couldn't stay I watched as he gave the keys to Patti, gave her a kiss and start to take off his coat.
His next words started my tear train again.
Kelly I would rather be here with you and I can do dishes, clean tables or whatever else you need help with so stop wasting time and lets get busy.
Oh god was this really happening? What should I do? Dam this was complicated.
Taking a minute to regroup and to say goodbye to Patti I rebooted my mind and went to work.
Okay mister, first you need to loose the suit and put on one of these, as I handed him Robs baking smock.
Watching as he removed his suit jacket, undid his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves. What a body! His tight neck slid perfectly in to his broad shoulders then down to a muscular chest and finished at his slim athletic waist.
My sex was going nuts and when he turned around my heart did a jump at the sight of his ass. Even through his tailored dress pants I could see how tight it was and all I could think of was jumping his bones.
As he turned back to me he started to take off his silver Rolex and for a moment I thought of him handcuffed and my sex again pulsed. I just stared at his bracelet, as if seeing it for the first time and thought first how I would like to see him handcuffed and second how would I feel if he put one on my wrist. This was going to be a challenging night I thought.
David brought me back to reality when he said.
Okay Kelly, what needs to be done tonight so we can get out of here?
Well first I'll take the rest of your clothes off and after we're done fucking I'll still need to bake 50 cupcakes, 3 chocolate cakes, 75 muffins, restock all the sugar, milk and cream and finish by mopping the floors and taking out the garbage.
David said with a smile and a laugh.
Lets leave my clothes on for now and lets get started. How long does this normally take?
On a good night about two to three hours.
Okay then lets get going, where do you need me first?
My happy scale was hitting the redline as he kissed me on the cheek and walked into the kitchen.
Chapter 14: Alone Together
I was so insanely happy as we walked to my apartment. Other then the sexual tension David and I had work together as two peas in a pod. At least that's what my mother would have said.
As it turned out David had worked in several coffee shops in one of his passed lives, at least that's how he quantified his history. At first I thought he was doing a Shirley MacLaine on me but he saw my confused expression and quickly explained that because of his diverse history, it was the easiest way of explaining his past careers.
After the initial self-conscious period in the kitchen, we had both relaxed and started talking as we worked. The sexual tension was still there but it slowly changed to a very comfortable feeling of just enjoying each others company without the usual painful silences or silly laughs.
After some initial deflection of my questions about his past, David had gone on to tell me about himself. He had spent time living in the United States, worked as a hand glider instructor, a fashion photographer, professional sport sailor and is currently a successful day trader and still enjoyed sailing. Not bad if I do say so myself and yes his last name is Bartlett.
Thinking about how shy and modest he had been about the things he had done. I mean I thought I had a good sounding past but this guy rocked it out. It had taken some pushing to get him to open up and tell me.
At first he would just turn my questions back on me but after calling him out on it, he made a surrendering wave of the dish towel, kissing me and explained that he was nervous about sounding like a bull shitter. Explaining that that had happened to him before and he didn't want to lie to me but at the same time he had worried about what I would think.
Telling him that I wanted the truth and nothing but the truth. That I could smell bull shit from a thousand yards and I wouldn't feel this way about someone that I thought was that type of person. Thankfully, that had broken the ice and he had started telling stories about his past lives and the more he talked, the better the night had gone.
The only real negative to the night had been when he had asked and then insisted on knowing my past. I had tried to deflect the subject back to him, to get him to tell me more about his sisters and family life but after he repeatedly circled back to me.
It was far to early in our relationship and far to raw of a memory to tell him. Being only two years since that horrible day that changed my life, that it still filled me with such emotion. No I had decided, that if I had to tell him it wasn't going to be tonight, that I wasn't going to trust myself or was it I wasn't going to trust David with my past. No not tonight.
Looking at him, standing there with flour on his expensive shoes, his dress shirt sleeves rolled up, those blue eye's and I had told him that I had just needed a change in my life, and that this was it. As I did, I thought of what a hypocrite I was and if it would just make things worse?
He had laughed when I told him that I have a older brother and he answered that explained a lot. He received a chocolate chip in the face for that. He had two sisters, one married and living in England and the other single and an eye doctor living in Sydney.
I had enjoyed his company and loved the way he looked working in the kitchen. The night had flown by and it only took two hour to finish.
The night had cooled down and David had put his suit coat on me and was doing the human shield thing by opening his over coat and rapping me inside it as we walked.
I was so happy but a bit nervous what would happen at my place but I set my worries aside as he smelt so good and it felt amazing to be this comfortable with someone this fast. We walked in silence, the type of silence that is comfortable, words not needed, just the joy of each others company.
As we walked, I wondered if this was really possible, that I was really feeling this comfortable with him, that tonight wasn't just a one off, that we really were connecting and enjoying each other. Oh how I hoped it was.
Looking up and into his eye's and asked.
You okay?
Watching him closely, his eyes refocusing answering.
If I can be blunt Kelly? I'm scared shitless but at the same time I've never felt this good being with someone.
Going on after an examining pause.
I'm not a big believer in fate but as I told you from what has happen to me in the past, I do believe that sometimes one must acknowledge some events happen for a reason.
Stopping and turning so we where face to face.
If I had met you two years ago, or even just six months earlier this wouldn't be happening. I wasn't ready. I was still doing other things but that had changed and now your here.
Hugging me tightly, talking over my shoulder.
All I know is how I feel, if it was some weird twist of fate that we had stopped at your coffee shop or not, I don't really care.
Pulling back, looking at me with tears in his eye's.
That for the first time in a very long time I have felt alive and happy and it's all because of you. My only worry is whether you feel the same way and if you don't then how hard will I need to work to change your mind?
Oh, that did it. My eye's opening up, the tears starting to stream down my face. I was crying like a little baby, telling him that I felt the same way, that I was so scared that he wouldn't and then we were kissing, talking, kissing oh it was so perfect.
After a minute or so we pulled ourselves together and started down the street. As we walked and talked and had some timely laughs to lighten the mood, David pulled out a linen handkerchief, wiping my tears.
Replaying what he had said. It took a few times and then I realized that it wasn't his words that made me so comfortable, it was in the way he had said them. It was in his raw emotions, in his honesty and his tears. Just thinking about it gave me goose bumps.
Looking up at him as we walked and thought how hard it must be for him to be this open, to be this trusting, to tell a complete stranger his true feelings? Could I be that strong? Could I be the one that put their emotions and therefore themselves out on the limb?
The limb that he had just climbed out on? I didn't have an answer, at least not one that I could trust, one that I could really believe in and after a pause, I thought, that was my real answer, wasn't it?
Shivering as he pulled me tighter, I wondered if I was really ready for him? Had I had enough time to put my passed behind me? Was I ready to be with someone again? Was I able to trust him, David with who I really was?
We made it to my apartment and David through his over coat on the couch and then took his suit jacket off my shoulders and hung it in the front closet.
I was a little nervous about what would happen next but he seemed to be his cool and controlled self. Feeding off his confidents, feeling better and suggested a glass of wine.
He answered.
That would be nice but first I need you to come with me.
Taking his hand, my heart stoping for a second and my vagina did a jump. His touch was again electric, filling me with warmth and sexual anticipation. Looking down at his wrist, looking for his bracelet and thinking of the day I would have my own. Thinking of the day that when we held hands it would look like we were joined as one.
As we entered my bedroom, stopping at the end of my bed, David commanded.
Kelly please remove your clothes.
Oh god here we go. Time for the night to go off side again. My heart started to race as I slowly took off my shirt. My nipples were already hard and my vagina was beginning to warm.
Thinking how I wanted to finally feel his naked body, to rub my hands on his muscles, to finally have a real cock inside me.
I was just about to undo my pants when he said.
Stop, now don't move a muscle.
Oh frak here we go again, start and then stop, I forgot that this seemed to be his normal. I wasn't sure if I could do another session like Friday, my poor mind and body just wanted to throw him on the fraking bed and spend the next hour screwing and screaming.
Commanding my body to obey, watching as he went and retrieved my bondage bag and placed it on the bed. My mind whispering, no not another night, not another night like Friday. But my sex screamed, please yes, please make me want it, make me your sex slave.
Looking at him, looking at my bag, the reality of what was happening, oh god!
Coming over to me.
I'm assuming that we can have a little foreplay tonight?
Nodding, wanting, afraid.
He took my right wrist and slid my bangles off, saying.
I like these on you but we may need to go shopping and find you something new, something from me.
My clit did another dance. His touch amazing and seeing him take control was driving my sex crazy. Already feeling my juices flowing and my clit swelling. My only worry was how long would it be before my sexual wants would be fulfilled?
Watching as he reached into the bag and pulled out my leather wrist cuffs. He had selected the ones with the locking buckle, the ones that I used when I didn't do the public thing.
Turning to me.
Very nice, right wrist please.
Oh frak here we go. Holding out my wrist and he slowly wrapped it in leather. Oh how I had missed that feeling, the feeling of surrendering, of having someone shackle my wrist. Just the sight of it was enough to make me orgasm. Watching his fingers slide the buckle closed and spin the d-loop to the inside of my wrist.
Next please, he commanded.
Watching again in silence as he took the other wrist and buckled the cuff, encasing my left wrist in leather.
Yes, that was working as my sex grew hotter and my heart raced. Taking a moment to see myself, to see my half dressed body with black leather on my wrists, to see David standing before me, his sleeves still rolled up, his silver incased wrists.
How long had I waited for this moment? Waited to find a man that was this handsome, this caring, this dominant? A man that made me feel so good, so comfortable, a man that I would willing surrender to?
Next he pulled out a six inch length of chain with quick release ends, attaching the clasp first to my right and then my left cuff. The sound of the metal closing was loud and final.
That's better, I like it when your a little bit helpless but I think we need a little more, don't you agree?
Answering in a whisper and remembering not to say master.
Yes, please.
Nodding, he again went to the bag, pulling out my ankle cuffs. This time he attached a 12 inch chain before he added them to my body.
Bending down he pulled off my shoes and socks and wrapped both my ankles in leather. God did it feel good. Looking at him standing up I thought of how helpless I had just become.
Pulling lightly on my wrist cuffs, feeling the chain go taught. The leather feeling so good on my wrists and to finally have an actual man in my room and not in my mind was making my sex go into overdrive. I wanted to just yell out. Come on David just fuck me already but I remembered my position and obeyed his commands.
Watching as he searched for something in the bag and thought now what? I'm already shackled. Watching him intensify his search, wondering why my pants were still on, afraid that it was it a sign of repeating the other night's frustration. After a moment my breath stopped as he turn smiling. In his hand was my wireless vibrating egg. Oh frak no!
I started to say.
No David please.
But he cut me off with a stern.
Kelly, please don't make me gag you. Speak only when given permission.
Dropping my eye's letting my silence be his answer.
My body shivering as he put the device down on the bed moving towards me. Wanting to flee, my mind screaming to run, to not go through another session like Friday, my sex wet, alive, forcing it's will over my body. Telling it to be still, to submit to his wishes, to let this man bring me pleasure and pain. Oh god, this was so hard.
I pulled on my cuffed wrists again as his lips lightly touched my skin, my nerve endings feeling every drop of moisture, every movement of air, sending the impulses screaming up to my brain, over whelming my pleasure centre.
Pushing my head back, adding a warning not to move as my self preservation reflex twisted my neck and shoulder to ward-off future assaults. My mind ping ponging between the over whelming pleasure of his touch and my frustration of being helpless.
Frak did he have the touch.
My pants loosing, David commanding in a soft voice..
Legs apart please.
Moving the restricted 12 inches, his hand pushing down and then my vagina doing a flip as he slipped the egg inside me. Almost dropping to the ground but his finger caught me by finding and rubbing my clit. My vagina did a contraction and I felt the combined pleasures of the egg sliding in deeper and his finger.
Reaching up with my cuffed wrists for support finding his chest. Oh did that feel good. My fingers digging in, feeling his muscles tighten. Closing my eyes, licking my lips, enjoying the moment of being this close to him.
My senses coming alive as I became aware of the sound of my wrist chain clinking and of my gasp's as he played with my sex.
Seeing what he sensed, David warned
Your not to cum until I say you can. Understand?
It took a moment but I answered.
Yes David.
My god I was enjoying this, of wondering what would be next, when he would be inside me. Oh please.
He was clearly enjoying himself at my expense as I enjoyed watching him.
His ease of movement, from the giver of pleasure to the inflictor of pain but he always had that soft and caring look in the back of his eye. The look that made me feel safe with him, to give myself to him, to let him take control over the what, where and how I would experience either his pleasure or pain. Oh how I wanted this man.
My mouth so close to him, wanting to close the gap to touch his skin as he did up my pants. Holding back, playing my part, waiting for him to touch me. God yes, please. My sex on fire, my wrists wrapped in leather, David here, now. His lips on mine, my tongue seeking his, finally getting what I had wanted all night.
His hands on me, on my breasts, playing with my nipples, a cry as he pinched, my hands moving up, enjoying there bondage, of feeling the chain holding them back as I failed to reach around him, trying to undress him, trying to seduce the man I was afraid I was falling in love with.
He pulled back, my eyes closed, waiting for his return, his touch, but then.
Are you coming, I could really do with a glass of wine.
Fuck no!, Really! My sex on fire, my bed right the there, my mind still screaming out since Friday. Fuck me!
In complete frustration I said to myself.
Fraking rush hour.
He turned back.
What was that?
Looking up, knowing I was in trouble.
What, nothing?
Really because I thought you said something?
Watching him reach for my nipples I answered.
Okay, sorry but it's like a fucking rush hour with you. All this stop and go. It's driving me crazy.
Smiling, he gave a small laugh.
So your not enjoying yourself then?
Yes, but come on, this is the second time you've been here and it's the second time my sex is going insane with your teasing and I'm just not sure I can take much more of it.
Okay Kelly. You broke a little early but I'm not surprised and I mean that in a good way. Normally I can screw with someone for a week or so before they call me on it but with you I'm a little surprised it took this long.
If you weren't so stubborn on Friday about being able to take my teasing in front of Patti and Trish, I would have bet you would have questioned me then, just like you did at the bar earlier that night.
Moving, his hands on my arms, his voice soft, caring, my own anger missing with regret.
It's one of the many reasons I like you so much. You want, or possibly need to be in control but at the same time you enjoy the feeling of being told what to do. It's like your brain needs a rest and your body needs the feeling of being helpless.
Our lips touching, his finger guiding my chin upwards.
Whispering an apology.
Sorry but you do know how to screw with me.
Come on and lets have that glass of wine.
As he turned away I thought how much I wanted to be with him. How he seemed to understand how I felt better then I did. I mean here I was with a gorgeous, smart, kinky man in my apartment.
Shackled at my wrists and ankles, half naked, my sex on fire and somehow this was okay. Yes, somehow I knew my life was changing, changing right now, changing in a way that only time would tell if it was for the good or a repeat of my past.
In a moment of defiance, racing forward, contemplating of jumping on his back but rejecting it as to risky given my accessories and settling on squeezing his tight ass.
He jumped forward and we both began laughing as he tried without success to tell me to behave.
Thanks for being here and thanks for all the help at the coffee shop.
Pushing into me, his rock hard penis against my waist.
No problem Kelly. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.
Filling with joy.
Me to.
Kissing, I mean a real kiss, one of happiness, of caring, of being comfortable with each other.
Moving to the kitchen island, I pulled out a bottle of red wine from the wine rack. I could feel his stare as he let me work the wine cork. His attention was making me feel so sexy, my concentration on the corkscrew but my pulsing sex becoming a very big distraction.
As the chain clinked repeatedly against the bottle, David asked.
Having trouble?
Yes, as a matter of fact.
Pushing the still corked wine bottle over to him.
I'll get the wine glasses.
I was really enjoying the moment. Finally, I was shackled in my apartment with a man, a man that I was falling for, a man that had just worked for two hours helping bake, a man that I so wanted to be with.
I had fantasized about this moment for years, of meeting someone that enjoyed my deviant mind, that would appreciate seeing me in my comfort zone, of excepting a girl wearing bondage gear as being perfectly normal.
Turning back towards him taking in his expression, he looked so happy and so comfortable.
Are you enjoying tonight?
Kelly you look fantastic. I don't think I've ever seen a better sight then you reaching up for the wine glasses.
Thank you for doing this, for being here.
Are you kidding? This is fantastic but come on and have some wine and tell me more about the coffee industry.
Dam he was good. How he could take a mushy moment, add to it and then change the subject without the usual pregnant pause.
Sitting on the island stool across from him we enjoyed some wine and talked. I did the usual and moved around the kitchen getting some munchies and putting away some dishes. As I did, David would randomly turn on the vibrating bullet.
He was such a tease that he would wait till just the right moment to turn it on. Like when I was climbing on to the stool, taking a sip of wine or any other random moment. He would do it without any change in expression, just like it was an everyday event and it was driving my sex crazy.
After the second glass of wine David asked.
Okay Kelly shall we continue?
Continue? I wasn't aware we had stopped. Would you like to feel my sex as proof?
I'm guessing that you have used those beams but I can't see any attachments.
He went over to the open living area, looking up at the exposed wood beams on the ceiling.
Yes I have but the eye screws are here.
Going to the kitchen drawer.
I take them out after a play, they look a little out of place.
Rattling across the floor to the broom closet by the front door and pulled out the step ladder.
David came over a took the eye screws and ladder.
Where to they go?
I thought how crazy this was, to be showing him how I did my private self bondage but I was acutely aware of how good and natural it felt.
Going back to the island and my wine, I directed him to the correct location, the location of my impending confinement I guessed.
After the eye screws were installed David went to the bondage bag and took out an eight foot length of rope. He put one end through the first eye screw then spanned the 4 foot gap to the second eye screw. He then put the step ladder off to the side and took a moment to pull the rope down so the two hanging ends were equally balanced.
My guess was obviously correct as he then said.
Kelly could you please come here.
Taking one last pull on my wine and with a pace that was far to eager for my impending discomfort I went to him.
David moved forward, putting one hand behind my back and the other on the back of my head and gave me a kiss. My cuffed hands were trapped between us as his tongue explored my mouth. Responding with the same, taking advantage of my hand position I reached for and found his hard cock.
Okay god I thought how I wanted, no correction, how I needed that inside me. I could feel it's warmth and David gasped as I managed to give it a rub. It was rewarding to finally give back some of his teasing.
Ignoring his pleas, my hands continued, rubbing, feeling his cock pulse to my touch, his breathing slowing.
He finally pulled his face away from mine.
Kelly, I really suggest that you control yourself or two things will happen. First I'll cum all over my pants and second I'll tie you to your bed and have you go through the Friday night hell again.
Okay, I get your point.
Watching as he moved back, his face distorting as he reached down and adjusted his cock.
Need any help?
No thank you, I think you've done enough.
Raising my cuffed hands to my mouth and gave a blowing action.
I think that's enough Kelly, please be a good girl and turn around.
Being a smart ass and knowing I would pay dearly for the disobedience, I spun a full 360 degree's.
Trying to stop his defeatist smile and laughing out.
Kelly, Dam it girl your killing me.
Seeing that I had made my point I obediently turned around and faced the kitchen and gave him time to regroup.
Hearing him say.
Screw this followed by the sound of him sitting down on the couch.
My body was almost physically shaking from my excitement, thinking of what would happen next. Looking down and pulling on my leather cuffs, enjoying how they felt, of how they looked. David had even put them on the way I liked with the buckle on the underside of my wrist.
Hearing him moving and I gasped as his naked body touched mine.Feeling every inch of his body, processing the feeling with the speed of a super computer. Even through my pants I could feel his hot and hard cock against my ass checks, his chest against my shoulder blades, his hands holding my tits, and finally his breath on my neck.
He said.
You look fantastic and I so want to fuck you right now but I believe you need to be punished for being a bad girl.
Closing my eye's, my mind struggling with the inordinate amount of information from his touch, my sex going wild, of being his sex slave, of being so powerless.
Thinking of how badly I wanted him to bend me over the back of the couch and take me from behind, to hear him cry out in pleasure as he orgasmed, as he pounded my sex, as he filled me with his hot cum.
Oh frak David, please just fuck me.
Breathing into my ear.
Soon Kelly, soon.
Your killing me. Cant we just.
Spinning me around, kissing my mouth before any more words could come out, stopping my rant.
He moved away slightly and lifting my wrists above my head. I was expecting the connecting chain to be removed but he took both ends of the rope and pulled them through the chain restraining. My arms now held above my head. Moving again, David knelt, removing the twelve inch chain connecting my ankles.
Smiling he said.
Now that's better.
Chapter 15: First Sleep
I watched his naked body walk across to the island and take a sip of wine.
What a body, fully muscled with very little body fat, long legs, great calf muscles but what was really the centre of my attention was his cock. God it looked huge. Oh frak how I wanted it in me. It was fully erect and bouncing up and down as he moved. It looked so hot, so inviting and so intimidating.
Taking in the moment, a moment I had fantasized over. Laying in bed and thinking of how it would feel to be bound to the beam, to be helpless in front of the man I loved.
Yes, I had played out this fantasy dozens of times in the last year. Imagining how the leather cuffs would feel, how my arms would strain holding my weight, of being naked in helpless, of being the source of entertainment for my lover.
I had tied myself up in this position several times but the feeling was always a hollow one. It was like all myself bondage. I would fantasize about a scenario but eventually my imagination wasn't strong enough to suppress my sense of reality.
It was like trying to hold back a flood. At first it would seem under control but slowly the water would find a way passed the dam. A new fantasy would be nothing more then a straight process to an orgasm. My sex would obey my mind, to feel the imagined bondage but with each repeated session, reality would invade and my body would slow it's reaction.
I would reboot the scenario, trying to hold back the reality, to make my sex obey my fantasy but once my imagination weakened I could either start a new fictional scenario or act out my current but failing one.
The choice usually rested with the time of month and the physical limitations of the fantasy. Acting it out would work for a while but eventually I would need to start a new fantasy and the process would repeat the same frustrating cycle.
I thought about how all this had begun. Of acting out by going to the bar as the bondage queen, of making my fantasy a twisted reality. Part real, part fantasy, my mind requiring more, my sex needing more. Needing to mix the real world with my fantasy world.
The need to do more then close my eye's and play. Friday was just that. My sex, my orgasm needing the reality of being at the bar, of being in bondage. My mind able to do the rest, able to pretend I was there with my master, there with someone that knew, with someone that carried.
Now it was really happening. Looking at him, thinking of how long I had waited, wanting this day to come. Truly at the point I figured it never would, that I would always be an outsider, my sexual desires unfulfilled.
Life did have a way of operating in stage ways, to have been through what I had gone through, to being sexually frustrated for so long and now, in just a few short, altho it felt like forever, days, here I was, a sex slave to a man that was, was just, just something.
Feeling my arms being held over my head, feeling the leather cuffs against my skin, the chain between my fingers. Pulling on the cuffs, of being helpless, the futility of resisting his commands, of being naked as my sex did another jump.
Staring at him with a mixture emotions, one of fear, one of the unknown but mostly feeling the lust I had for his body. Watching as he stood, looking at me, as he sipped his wine, at his silver bracelet. I wanted him so badly, to feel his cock inside me, to feel his bracelet in my hand, to make him cum, to have my own bracelet imprison my wrist, to be his sex slave.
Finally, unable to hold back.
Are you enjoying yourself?
With that he reached for the remote and set my egg to full vibrate.
My eye's closing, hearing his humour.
I am now.
Frak, I was having a moment. Sweat broking out on my body as I pulled on my suspended wrists, moving my hips in a failed effort to induce the vibrating eggs orgasmic affect.
Remember, no cumming until I give you permission.
His words only making it worse as I switched to stopping my vagina from pulsating.
Now spread my legs.
What? I can't I thought. I was already fighting gravity as it pulled on the egg and considering that Niagara Falls was starting its flow. Dam this guy.
Spreading my feet, hoping that it was enough but knowing different.
Staring back at him.
I can't.
Yes, you can and don't let the egg fallout.
David, come on, please.
Watching as he walked towards me, his cock bouncing.
Yes, you can and yes you will!
My body shaking with pleasure, with my efforts to obey. Moving my feet wider, feeling the rope starting to pull on my wrist cuffs, the egg sliding down my sex. Oh frak I was about to cum. No, not now. Oh please.
He demanded.
Kelly, wider!
Oh frak, that was it. The egg was just inside my vagina, my clit feeling the direct effects, my arms taking on most of my weight.
Closing my eye's to concentrate, hearing David's command.
Wider bitch!
Everything happening at once, shocked at him calling me a bitch, at moving my feet out the last 2 available inches, of the weight on my leather cuffs as the vibrating egg slid out of my vagina. The feeling of the first of my contractions beginning, helpless to obey.
I felt David's arm around my back, of his hand between my legs, of the vibrating egg against my clit, his lips on mine, of screaming out my pleasure.
Pulling, kissing, crying out as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body.Trying to breathe,my body contracting, every muscle tensing, sweat pouring, of my vagina spilling out it's juices, of David's body holding me, his muscles flexing, his lips darting. Oh god I was lost in pleasure, in the moment.
It felt unfraking believable as it just went on and on, my body convulsing in pleasure, wave after wave, each one getting stronger, threatening to rip me apart. Oh please stop, I thought, it's killing me, it's to much, no more please?
Finally my energy exhausted, all my efforts spent, my warp core ejected as I collapsed into David's arms, my legs giving out, my arms slack, their strength gone.
Finding it hard to breathe and harder to think, my eye's opening to David looking down at me. In his arms and then his hand was above my head, my cuffed wrists falling onto his back, of being pickup and carried.
I was slightly aware of movement and then my back touch something soft.
I took a moment and slowly came back to life. I was in my bed and David was looking down on me, wiping the sweat off my forehead. Frak what a moment, what a look, one that needed to be filed in the do not destroy section of my brain.
Starting to say.
Oh David, that was.
But he stopped me with a finger to my lips.
Stopping, relaxing my body, enjoyed his touch. I laid still as my body and mind recovered, as David left and returned with a cloth to clean me. At first I thought of stopping him from touching me between my legs, of cleaning such a personal area but from his comfortable expression, deciding to just go with it.
After a few minutes of being pampered I finally felt strong enough to move, to rejoin the living. He saw me returning from the dead and leaning closer so my cuffed and chained wrists could rap around his body.
We kissed and then held each other, enjoying the moment, his body against mine, I took in his smell, feeling his strength. Rubbing his back as I heard my chains sing out, not caring as I just carried on feeling him, to feel him for the first time, feel every ripple of muscle, every imperfection, every hair, every movement of his body. I just wanting to be with him for ever, for this moment to never end.
Moving my legs to get closer, I felt my left ankle cuff catch against his foot and felt his hard cock against my stomach and reality returned like an exploding bomb. I just had the best orgasm in my fraking life and David was still as hard as a rock. My mind screaming, Oh no, this was all wrong.
I tried to pull my hands around to do what I needed to do but they were trapped behind his back, I tried to move, to surround his cock with my sex but he held me tight. In frustration, finally whispering.
Oh David, I'm sorry,
Tears starting from my over loaded emotions.
Please let me touch you, let me take care of you, oh I'm so sorry.
Struggling to free my hands as David took hold.
Kelly, it's okay, we have all night, I'm just fine, relax for a bit. I'm just enjoying your body.
Like that would stop my tears. Was he for real? Could he really make me feel so good, so special?
Accepting my new reality, taking his advice, I relaxed my body, stretching my arms above my head. Feeling his fingers exploring my body. Feeling them move from my forehead, to my lips, back to my ears, down my neck, spending time on my breasts with special attention going to my erect nipples.
Calling out once as he did a little pinch and was met with a laugh and a fake promise not to do it again.
Then he was at my thighs. Oh that was trouble. My vagina was immediately resurrected. I mean from a black bear in January sleep to a full bore come and get me mode in 1.8 seconds.
His touch was magical, it felt so good, so sexual.
Moving as he responded by moving his hand a little higher. Leaning up, I took his mouth with mine. I wanted him inside me so badly, my vagina was already in full go mode. Moving my hands on to his back, wishing they were free as one of them would find his cock and make his life difficult for a change but that wasn't in the cards.
His finger touching my clit as I whispered.
Please not that, not now.
Taking a breath.
I want you.
With that he pulled my cuffed wrists back over my head and moved on top of me. I saw his chest muscles tighten as his elbows took his weight. Moving my legs apart, feeling the tip of his cock touch my sex lips.
I gave a little gasp at the feeling of his heat, of the impending penetration. Watching as he shut his eye's at the touch, at the his slack mouth, then feeling my sex beginning to spread, his mouth tightened and he gasped.
My body tensing as my sex widen, as the heat increased as he entered me. Oh christ I thought as his pressure increased, his width parting me. I was being split open by him, could I take it, hold on Kelly I thought. Relax and take it and with just a little more pressure he was inside me.
Oh Yes, finally, heaven. His cock filling me, almost painfully but my sex adjusting, filling with pleasure, feeling his power, his warmth, of finally having a real cock the source of such pleasure.
Trying to move my hands, to touch him but he held the chain, stopping me. Pulling on my cuffs anyways, enjoying my bondage, my confinement, my pleasure.
He pulled his cock back slightly and with a grunt he pushed back into me. His cock spreading me further, it pulsating, filling me, hitting the top of my sex. Calling out in surprise, in pleasure, in pain as he pulled his cock back and pushed it in again.
My sex was going crazy.
Crying out.
Oh yes David, take me.
He shut his eye's and smiled as he moved his hands to take his weight, to reposition his body, to quicken his pace. Moving my hands to his back, to feel his muscles, to feel his power. His cock was ramming me, the pleasure and pain was taking my sex to a new level.
Pulling my hands apart to feel their bondage, to pulling the chain across his back. He responding by crying out, quickening his pace again. Lost in my own feelings and joining his cry's of pleasure, of my vagina starting to contract, to start a new orgasm.
Feeling his cock beginning to shake, to pulsate, his pace slowing, pushing deeper, harder, his cry's becoming more strained, softer. His body sweating, shaking, his grunts deeper.
Oh that was it. Starting to cum, my vagina squeezing against his cock, my hands pulling on his back, my legs locked with his.
Crying out.
Oh David, Yes dam it, fuck me, dam it. Fuck me now.
Pulling harder on my cuffs, pushing him in deeper, pushing up with my hips, bucking against his force.
Crying out again.
More, I want more.
Then going silent as my body shook with the power of my sex.
Orgasming with such strength, it feeling like I was going to rip me in half. My head feeling like it was exploding, being ripped from my body. Good god was this my first time? Was this what it really felt like, and if it was, god I wanted more.
David adding to my pleasure, grunting out a prolonged, oh fuck, and then pushing one last time, his cum hit the top of my vagina with such force that it made my sex contract one last impossible time. My body shaking from head to toe, my sex was pulsating, contracting, just going crazy as it sent a flood of information to my overloaded pleasure centre. Oh my god. Fuck.
Collapsing on top of me, making breathing difficult, all my energy gone as our two bodies became one. Each breathing was as one, each movement together, it was just perfect. I had never had an orgasm that intense, that powerful, that consuming. It was simply perfect.
We laid there, both either afraid or unable to move. The seconds slipping by, my mind so happy, my sex in love with his cock. Finally he moved to my left, reducing his body weight so we could both breathe again.
He was still inside me, still hard but beginning to shrink. My sex was also starting it's cool down, feeling my juices mixed with David's cum making its trip down my thigh. Normally I would be worried about the mess, but not tonight. God no, as the actions needed were clearly impossible, clearly beyond any possible reaction.
No, tonight I just wanted to be with him as long as possible, to feel every movement, every breath. He moved his arms so I could move my cuffed hands lower on his back, pulling him closer to me, holding his cock inside me, feeling it getting softer, feeling him stirring, getting ready to pull away.
Pulling a little harder, trying to make the moment last one more second, to smell him just that little bit longer, to put off the end of the night for just a little longer.
I thought, please stay the night, please share my bed. Let me feel you beside me, to feel your breath on the back of my neck, to feel your arms holding me as I went to sleep, Oh please god don't let the night end like before.
Dam my mind. I was letting my pass and self-doubt to write a bad ending to what had just finished being the best fuck I had ever had. Dam it Kelly get a grip.
Looking up, expecting to see a him with the classic that was nice but I need to get going look. I slowly lifted my head off his chest to see his face, my heart stopping. David was already looking down at me with a big smile. His teeth perfect and the wrinkles around his eyes sharing my joy.
Kelly, that was just unbelievable.
I smiled , blushing.
Thanks, but I'm guessing you...
David put a finger on my lips, kissed me on the forehead.
Kelly I was wondering if I could stay the night?
I knew I looked liked an idiot with my dumb smile but I was so happy. I pulled him closer, answering.
I think that would be okay.
Are you sure? Do you need to think about it?
Very funny, you can be such a smartass.
I know but I do like to crack myself up.
Funny, I seem to be hearing a lot of that these days.
Moving, his cock sliding out of my sex and it was back to reality. I smiled as I thought it was finally more then just my sex juices this time.
I need to get to the bathroom.
Cleaning myself up I called out from the washroom asking if it would be okay to take off the chain connecting my wrist cuffs but he answered.
No, I like to hear you moving around.
Thinking, really, thanks, it's a pleasure to be your source of entertainment.
I gave the cuffs a shake to highlight the point.
Taking a last look in the mirror and seeing my flat hair and worn out make up, unable to fix much other then a quick brush through my hair. Walking back to the bed, David watching my every step. I felt so self-conscious, him looking at me, my cuffed wrist in front of me, chain clinking away.
Pulling me into the bed.
Dam you look fantastic.
Putting my cuffed hands above my head, answering.
You don't look so bad either, mister.
Thanks, now let me takeoff that chain.
Thanks, does make it a little easier.
I do want the cuffs to stay on you tonight. They look so good on you and I figured you would leave them on anyway.
I'm glad you like them and yes I would.
Bringing the conversation back to current events.
I do need to be at work for 10am.
That's okay. My morning is free so we can share a taxi if you want.
That would work but what about these?
As I held out my leather cuffs
I'll release you in the morning but I may have a few idea's about adding some accessories for you to wear.
Really and what would they be?
Oh I don't know yet.
Bullshit, David you already have it all planned out.
Maybe but you will just need to wait and see, won't you? Or should I put the chain back on and tie you to the headboard?
Frak, your a pain, but no I'm just fine, thank you.
Kissing me, I took his lead, turning on my left side and felt him spoon in behind me. His right arm around my chest, his body pressing against my back. I wasn't sure how much I would sleep or even if I wanted to.
Reaching up, I felt for his bracelet. Finding it, holding it, feeling it's power, it's beauty. I moved it to my mouth and slowly started to lick his skin, my tongue darting between his wrist and the steel.
I felt him try to pull his wrist away so I slid my little finger under his bracelet, putting a stop to that.
Feeling him tense then relax, my body follow his, to finally unwind after four very stress filled days. Smiling as my eyes closed.
Chapter 16: Morning
Dam she was something. The night had been totally random and as usual was over the top, a night full of exceptional memories.
I had really had fallen for her and as scary as that sounded I really didn't give a dam. I knew from that first night that I needed to be with her. To be ready, to anticipate her next witty reply, her next reality twisting observation, her next look of doubt followed by self confidence. Yes, I wanted her, all of her. Dam she made me happy, that deep, inside happy feeling of wanting more.
My mind raced as I found the coffee, making a fresh pot well replaying last few nights events. From seeing her in the coffee shop, to walking her home. I was feeling so happy. Last night I had to control myself from just going to her and telling her how much I had missed her, how I wanted to be with her, to never let her go.
She had looked so beautiful even in her apron and work shirt. Her look of confusion, how she tried to explain the night away and then her composure returning and I fell for her all over again.
The night just continued to get better. Working with her in the kitchen was so pleasant, so relaxing it was like we had been doing it for years. The walk back to her apartment was absent of the usual tension, of small talk and silly laughs. Even when I broke down and confessed how I felt, baring my sole to someone I had just met. Her response only made my heart want her more.
Trying to be quiet as I poured a cup of fresh coffee, sitting naked at the kitchen island and found myself thinking of how she had made me laugh last night. How she looked when she a had turned around and smiled. God I almost came right there. Just thinking about it was making my cock grow. Yes, she really was something, and yes I was in love and right now I was very happy with that.
The sun was coming through the window as a new day began. I watched the light hit the couch.
Closing my eye's and thinking how perfect her body had felt. The warmth of her skin, the curve of her tits, how she had licked her lips and those insanely beautiful green eyes. Replaying seeing her fighting to keep the egg inside her, watching her spread her legs, seeing the strain on her arms. Oh it had been just so fucking amazing.
She had felt so light in my arms as I had carried her to bed, to finally lay beside her, to feel her without that dam chastity belt in the way.
My cock was definitely coming to life as I thought how good she had felt, how tight she was, the look of pleasure on her face. How she had moved on my cock, how she fought her bonds, how good her lips felt. Yes, it had been simply perfect.
I was just taking another sip of my coffee when the morning took a left turn
Good morning, I see you still have some energy left.
Oh fuck.
Kelly had somehow made it from the bedroom to the kitchen without making a sound and was now holding my rock hard cock. I tried to maintain control as I looked into those smiling eye's. She did have the ability to peel my onion.
Oh don't look so shocked, it's not often I find a naked man in my kitchen with a hard on.
I started to respond but her lips stopped any sound. Standing up, pulling her to me, feeling my cock sliding between her legs, her tits against my chest, her tongue dancing in my mouth. Even her morning breath was okay. All I wanted to do was mount her on the island and fuck her brains out.
Pulling away, looking at her stilled cuffed body.
You look beautiful Kelly.
She blushed and went to the coffee pot.
Ya right, like a million dollars. You on the other hand look pretty good and I like whats between you legs.
Now it was my turn to blush.
How was your sleep? I just got up about 20 minutes ago and I thought you were still out.
Watching as she poured and added.
What time do you need to go and do you mind if I have a quick shower?
I still have a couple of hours and would you like some company?
Dam that girl. My poor cock was now standing at attention as I looked at her perfect body. Watching as she leaned against the counter with her legs slightly crossed, her arms drawn up to hold the coffee cup with both hands. My eye's consumed her body, her exceptional tits, her mile long legs, the black leather cuffs still around her wrists and ankles. Yes, she really was beautiful.
If you're up for it, yes I could do with some company but please forgive me if I last all of eight and a half seconds, you just make me so dam horny.
Smiling and laughing softly, replying.
Don't worry I'm not sure I can even wait until the water is hot.
Putting down the coffee cups I took her to the bathroom and started the shower.
Turning to her.
You don't want these to get wet.
After removing her cuffs I pulled her into the shower.
Putting her under the water, watching as the water flowed over her hair. After a minute she turned to face me and my heart stopped. Oh, she was absolutely stunning, her silk hair, her glistening tits, her raw beauty but what really stopped me, I mean fall down dead was her eye's. They were so stunningly beautiful.
Her eye's were big but not overpowering on her small face. Their shape wasn't round but not slitted either. No, they were somewhere in between, just perfect ovals, a perfect size and looked so dam good.
Reaching up with my right hand to touch her cheek, looking at her eye's. Taking in how white the whites were and how the green seemed to pop. I leaning down, feeling for her lips, tasting her, feeling her softness. My cock hard and I wanted her so badly but I needed to slowdown, to enjoy just being with her.
Kelly seemed to be of a similar mind and after using the bar of soap I found my cock in a cloud of foam.
Easy girl. You don't want to get in to trouble?
Kelly responding with.
Oh I think it's about time you had some of your own medicine.
Yup. Tun around, hands on the wall.
Thinking, fuck really as I turned and did as I was told.
She reached around my body and continued to soap my cock. This was not what the doctor had order at all.
Then she said.
Now remember no cumming until I say you can.
Okay Kelly lets not get carried away.
But this was met with a squeeze of my balls and a command to be quite and not move.
Her left hand made it's way up to my nipple and she began to pull and pinch as her right hand did a number on my straining cock. Dam she had talent. Sliding her hand slowly up and down my shaft, pausing and then continuing. Changing how hard she squeezed and then she rubbed her the palm against the end of my cock.
That was to much, reaching for her wrists and turning to face her.
Thats about enough Kelly.
She looked up at me with a smile.
Just having a little fun. You don't really think you will always be in charge, do you?
My heart jumped as I thought if she was always so quick with the joke, if she was always so sure of herself? She really did make me feel different then any of the other girls.
Maybe this would feel better.
With that I turned her around and lowering myself, bent her forward, guiding my cock into her soaking wet vagina.
The love making was fast and powerful. I held her hands against the shower wall and pushed deep inside her. She pushed back and called out in pleasure, asking for more, to push deeper, to go faster. She felt so tight, so warm and before we knew it I was cumming and she was collapsed against the wall.
After recovering she washed my hair and then I let her finish her shower and returned to my abbreviated morning routine of getting ready for the new day.
Now It was time to figure out what I would have Kelly wear for the next day or two.
Well she was still in the bathroom a had a look through the bondage bag and unfortunately nothing really did the trick for me. I mean she has lots of gear and doing the chastity belt or ankle cuffs would be easy but to simple, no real imagination. Well I had a solution but it would have to wait till later.
I finished getting dress and called a taxi as Kelly emerged from the bedroom. She had that questioning, do I look all right look, on her face so I said.
Hi beautiful, you look great.
Ya right, stunning in my work shirt and jeans.
Going to her.
I do believe you would look great anywhere, and time to me miss.
Thanks and you look pretty good yourself.
Taking a seat at the Island.
So seriously, when can I see you again? And I don't mean between 11pm and 7 am but when can I take you out for dinner so we can have a real night of it?
David thats just so hard for me right now. I have just got things going and I'm not willing to screw that up. It's important and I really hope you understand?
Okay, cards on the table. Kelly, I've been there, been where you are right now so I completely understand. If we are going to make this work between us, I want you to know that I place your business and what your doing ahead of us. I'm not going to get upset if we can't see each other all the time, no I'm just asking that you try to set some time aside for us to get to know each other.
As I said my speech I watched her expression go from being timid to one of consideration and understanding. I was hoping for smiles but appreciated the seriousness of the subject.
Going to her, putting my left hand behind her head, feeling her damp hair I added.
If I had my choice I would pick you up and carry you to a tropical island.
Looking into her green eye's I went on.
But what I like about you is more then just how you look. It's more then that, much more.
Moving back slightly and holding both her shoulders.
It's about what you're doing with your life and I just want to be part of it. I'm not asking to be all of it.
Finally she smiled and hugging me, saying.
Do you do this all the time?
And what would that be?
Knowing what I'm thinking?
No, but sometimes it's not hard as I'm usually thinking the same thing.
I'm glad you understand about how important my business is to me. I know it's small compared to what you do but it's mine and it's important to me.
Yes, I understand and remember, size isn't everything, it's what you do with it that matters.
Smiling she pulled back.
Really, now?
Sorry girl but you opened the door on that one. But seriously I do understand and I'm here for you. Okay?
Her eye's started to water.
Yes and thank you.
Reaching for a tissue.
It's been hard the last couple of years and I was scared that you wouldn't understand.
Pulling her tight to me.
Oh, I do and I'm here for you, through the good and the bad but please remember to make time for both of us. Believe me it's just as important to the business as everything else is.
We finished getting ready and the Taxi driver called from the street. After a quiet five minute ride she said.
I heard what you said this morning and I'll talk to Rob and call you later.
As she was getting out of the taxi I said.
Okay, but I may stop by this afternoon, you may have forgotten about my promise from last night but I haven't.
The door closed to her confused look.
Chapter 17: Visit
The ride back to my condo was short and quiet as I thought about what I needed to do today. I found it odd to actually go into my building through the lobby, it had been a longtime since I had last done that.
Taking the elevator up to the condo my phone buzzed and it was Patti making sure I had made it home. After deflecting the anticipated questions about last night I asked if she was available to help with a little shopping around noon. She answered yes and we agreed to meet for lunch.
The rest of the morning was a blur as I checked the market, closed out two positions and tried to concentrate on anything but Kelly. After a couple of distracted hours I decided to go for a run. It was the only way to stop my dam cock from getting hard. It was going to be a rough day.
Patti was waiting at the restaurant and I explained that I needed something special for Kelly. She gave me her "Oh David" look and then a warning about falling so fast and so hard for someone. I returned her look with my standard "I know what I'm doing" smile. She responded with a confession that she was a bit jealous but very happy to see I was in love.
As we walked through the mall I thought how serious it had sounded to hear Patti say I was in love. It was one thing to think it, it was another to say it and it was almost scary to hear it.
I said to Patti.
I am, aren't I?
She looked over, answering.
Do you mean in love? Oh David, your so in love it's surprising your not married already. I saw it in your eyes that first night. You looked like a lost puppy that had just found it's way home. Trish and I even tried to joke about it, but they just went right over your head.
Stopping me.
Look, I have already talked to Trish and we are behind you all the way, we both think she is fantastic but, and this is a big but, if we think she is wrong for you we will say so. We will not let you get hurt by this one.
Thinking about what she had said, it was painful but true. Entering the jewelry store I thought of how hard this was on Patti and how much I really did owe her. She had said it once that she felt like my big sister and it was amazing that I hadn't screwed up more without her.
Leaning over, kissing her, saying thanks sis, you're the best.
Braking the moment Patti said.
Ok, little brother what do you have in mind and what is my budget?
I'm thinking a watch and a couple of bracelets.
Patti was being very funny at my expense but after several different combinations we finally settled on a Tag Heuer, Carrera with a black and silver bracelet and a leather Double Tour bracelet from Hermes and a two solid silver bangles.
The combination looking fantastic on Patti's wrist. The stacked bracelets with the sport watch, yes, nice. The silver and black playing off each other, the leather just adding it's own touch. My only worry was if Kelly would also like it, if she even liked wearing a watch, bracelets yes, but I hadn't seen any watches at her place.
Patti saw my concern look.
David it's perfect, has class with being sporty and just a little touch of kink. I think she will love it.
Putting aside my self doubts I told the sales girl I would take it all.
After Patti had taken everything off and the sales girl was doing her thing I took the Tiffany Locks bangle we had looked at. The bangle was silver with a fake keyhole in the middle. I liked the design but Patti didn't like the look with the watch so it was discarded from Kelly's collection.
Taking hold of Patti's left wrist I slid on the bangle and said to the girl to add it to the bill.
Patti said.
David, no, really it's to much.
It's not nearly enough big sister. I don't know what I would do without you.
Smiling Patti said.
You do know me, don't you?
Holding out her wrist.
I do like it. Thank you David, your the best little brother any girl can have.
It did look great with her silver Rolex Daytona and silver bracelet.
Traffic was the usual mini races from traffic light to traffic light. I was listening to the Rolling Stones Satisfaction when I looked over at the gift bag on the passenger seat and had some second thoughts, if I was moving to fast, if I would scare Kelly off. I thought of calling Patti to ask but I stopped, if she thought I was doing the wrong thing she would have said so.
I thought, come on David, do you want her or not?
My heart was beating a little faster as I found a place to park, reminding myself to look both ways as I crossed the road to the store front.
Ok, one last check if everything was still in the bag and in I went.
The place was busy and Kelly was behind the counter with 3 people waiting in line. I looked for Rob but he was gone. Dam, my timing was off.
I had thought I would ask Rob to cover for a minute well I took Kelly into the back office but now what. Think dam it, but then I was pushed aside by five college kids as they headed to the counter. Oh boy, now she has a problem. All the tables were full and the line was getting long and she was here alone.
Without thinking I went around the back of the counter, put the bag down and all most caught a lap full of coffee.
Kelly looked up in surprise and anger.
Sorry but you can't....
Then registering that it was me, the anger changing to confusion.
David! What are you doing here?
Looking around for a spoon for the mug she said
I'm sorry but it's a little crazy right now and.....
Stopping her with a finger to her lips.
I can see that, look I'll work the cash and you do the coffee's Ok?
With that I went past her and asked the young girl what she had ordered and if she knew what it cost.
With more attitude then I liked she answered and so it began.
Kelly kept looking over at me and with a few helpful suggestions we tagged teamed the line. The line that didn't seem to end. For the next ninety minutes or so the pace was none stop.
Just as it would look like we would get a break and Kelly would go for more stock another group would come through the door. By the end I was pretty good at the cash and had learned most of the touch screen combinations. Kelly only had to rescue me when a girl ordered a half expresso, half moca, quarter cream and one brown sugar. When did making coffee require a degree?
Finally we had a break and Kelly again asked what the hell I was doing here?
Pulling her into the back.
I was just coming by to fulfill my threat from last night, but are you ok? Where's Rob?
He had to go home sick and the place went crazy just after he left.
Kelly had a quick look out the door and turned back
Your really here and you really just worked the cash? I'm sorry but I'm still processing.
With a smile she added.
Thank you. Are you really my knight in shining armour?
Funny girl. No I'm just a man that keeps his promises. Stay right here.
With that I went back out behind the counter and after refilling one normal coffee I went back to Kelly with the bag.
I bought you something to wear.
Not knowing what it was, I could see her troubled expression.
No it's not like that. Here hold this.
As she took the bag I took her left wrist and removed her three silver bangles.
Okay. Open the big one first.
As expected her expression was a mix of apprehension and anticipation. Slowly she removed the gift rapping and took a moment when she saw the Tag Heuer logo. I watched her face as she opened the box. For a moment I saw disappointment then she said Oh, it's beautiful.
Before she could go on I said.
Easy Kelly, it's not what you thought but here let me put it on you.
It was already sized from Patti trying it on.
Holding out her wrist the watch slid down to her hand. The sizing was perfect as it was loose without letting the face spin on her wrist.
She said.
God it's heavy, it's been a long time since I wore a watch.
Pulling out the Hermes box I said.
Okay, next.
With less apprehension she pulled the wrapping off and opened the box.
Okay David, you nailed it this time. I love these.
Again taking her left wrist, I slowly wrapped the leather bracelet around her wrist, between her hand and her watch.
Oh it looks amazing and with that she gave me a hug and a kiss.
Just one more.
Kelly quickly opened the last box and pulled out the 2 silver bangles. One was 8 millimeters wide and the other was just 3 millimeters. They slid over her hand and finished off the stack perfectly. The silver of the two bangles contrasted perfectly with the black and silver of the watch and the tan leather of the Hermes adding some muted colour.
Holding out her wrist.
Oh David, they look fantastic, but really its to much.
I could see in her eye's that she really liked the look, teasing.
Well maybe your right, I'll take them back.
She pulling her wrist back..
Over my dead body. They look amazing and then with a softer voice, I'm already so horny from you and the weight of my new gifts on my wrist.
Wrapped in a hug, she whispered in my ear.
I want to fuck your brains out right now. What are you doing later?
I could stop by but I think you need some alone time.
Pulling away.
Your kidding right? I'm mean really?
Remember what you said this morning, about your business, about your life? If I keep coming by every night then your business will suffer, so yes, I mean no, I can't come over tonight.
David you really are an ass. I don't know if I'm more pissed at you, or at myself. Frak.
Easy Kelly, look, lets just slow down for today and see what tomorrow brings.
Looking around I went on.
Rob's out for today, I don't have any plans so how about I stay and work the shop with you for the rest of the day?
Not seeing her face respond I added, it will be good for your business if you show me how you do things, I can serve and you can look after the million other things that always need doing?
Pausing to let her think and after a few seconds I saw her playing with her new bracelets. They would either come off in anger or stay on in acceptance.
Slowly she turned to face me, her green eye's showing defeat and then joy as she accepted my proposal to stay.
Once more I was being squeezed in a hug with Kelly saying.
Your a pain in the ass David. Your right, but take this as a warning, never show up with gifts again and then throw my own words back in my face. Remember I am a girl and we are always right, even when we are wrong. Okay mister.
Reaching for a dish towel, waving it in surrender
I consider my self warned. Now let me change my shirt.
As I changed into a spare work shirt, I watched as Kelly played with her wrist. Watched as she tested the weight of the watch, the clasp of the leather bracelet, moved the silver bracelets to the front and then behind the watch. The combination looks so good on her athletic body. Patti had been right again. I stood watching her my cock stirred. Not good, and I saying to myself, okay lets get to work.
Chapter 18: Doubt
What a morning, or for that matter what a week. Since Friday night my life had been one roller coaster trip after another and right smack in the middle of it was David.
I mean last week I was bored with by personal life, sexually frustrated and wondering just what was I doing. It was just the same routine of work, go home, fantasize, back to work and repeat. Nice, simple and boring but now I had this guy turning my life upside down.
From the insane sex of last night, to the painful silence of the taxi ride this morning, to him appearing out of fraking nowhere today and saving my ass. I mean what the frak is going on?
Listening to him work the customers out front I thought of how much he was affecting my daily routine and if we were going to fraking fast. I really didn't need the emotional pain of another failed relationship.
Playing with my new watch I let my always present self doubt raise it's voice. Let it question the price of being so happy, of having a great guy, of having sex again. The voice was asking what would be the cost?
So far at my young 37 years of age, my life had been what Jerry Seinfeld called even. Never to high, never to low and when life went one way to far it would swing back the other way. Well almost.
I was never a big fan of the show but I still remembered that episode. To proof the theory, Jerry looses $20 by throwing it out the window and then finds $20 in a jacket he hadn't worn for years and then does the Jerry, I told you so bit.
Was I right to be scared or was I overreacting? And if so was that the reason this wouldn't workout? Frak Kelly I thought, get a hold of yourself. I made the break with my past, to reset my life and now as things are working out you start to freakout again. Frak no! Not this time!
This time I would let life play out and see what happens. I thought of Friday again and how I had gone with the flow? Right? Well yes and no. I did do the corset thing with the girls and that seemed to spin the night into chaos but I was good about letting the situation develop? Right?
Okay, frak girl get a fraking grip! God now your arguing with yourself. Stop and get your head back into the game!
Looking again at the spreadsheet on the screen and calculating the same set of numbers yet again as I listened to David sweet talk the customers. God he was good.
Listening, I could hear him disarm the customer with a friendly hello and maybe a comment about the weather. If they responded he would drop in a question or two about how their day was going. Yup the all round nice guy.
Moving the mouse and starting typing a new set of numbers, I felt my new accessorized wrist bang against the laptop. Dam this watch was fraking heavy but dam did it look great. The silver and black casing looked simply amazing and the face was just that right size of being big without being over powering.
How did he know it was just what I wanted? It was almost scary, his insight, his timing. Even today was nuts, just showing up at the right time, when I needed help.
Playing with the Hermes bracelet, twisting the lock back and forth. It was so beautiful and so kinky. I thought of how my sex had jumped when he wrapped it around my wrist, how I had hoped for him to pull out a padlock, to claim me as his. My sex was again coming to life thinking about the moment, his touch, his power over me.
I thought again that I needed to stop day dreaming, to get some work done well I had the chance. If Rob was sick tomorrow I was in trouble and his sister wasn't able to come in until Friday. It was time to deal with some real life problems, time to deal with growing my business.
The next three hours passed in a blur of numbers, sending out purchase orders, checking stock and posting help wanted ads. In the background was David with a steady stream of conversations with my customers.
I would take a mental break and listen to David as he would ask customers if it was their first time at the shop, what they liked and how they had heard about it.
I heard him ask one couple if it was their first time here. The guy answered that they usually went down the street but last Wednesday the owner, who they thought was named Isabel, had really helped out his girl friend. The girl went on and said she had thought someone was following her and if she could use a phone to call her boy friend as she had forgot hers at home.
The guy jumped in and said he was at work and didn't know the number so he didn't answer. The girl then said the owner, a pretty lady, had one of her staff, Rob walk me down to the other coffee shop and then sit with me until Peter had shown up.
The guy who is obviously Peter said at first I was wondering what was up, if Rob was hitting on her. Anyway, now this will be our new hangout. Is the owner around? We would like to tell her thank you.
This led to a quick meet and greet with Peter and Jennifer. I straightened out my name with minimal embarrassment and afterwards, was rewarded with a brief but loving kiss from David.
Back at the computer, I was shocked at the increase in business. Looking back through the previous 3 months and sales were up 32 percent. Dam not bad. I was lost in the numbers when I heard the lock click on the front door. What, and then I looked at the time and it was 8:10 already.
Reality came charging back as I realized David had spent all day working my coffee shop. Oh frak. Quickly shutting down my computer and going out front to see him moping the floor.
Oh David, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot what time it was, I'm so sorry.
Looking over.
I know and the pay sucks.
Are you okay? I ruined your whole day.
Nothing of the sort. It was fun to do an honest days work again. Your place rocks, did you hear what the customers were saying? Holy Kelly, you have a gold mine here. They love the food, the coffee and you and Rob.
I think you may have a following yourself after today but thanks, it's been tough. I wasn't sure it would workout but the last three months have finally been okay.
Look, I need to close the debit and cash and then I'm done. Can I buy you dinner?
Sure but I do owe you for two chocolate chip muffins.
Very funny big guy.
I do have a creative idea. What if we order some Chinese food and head back to your place, my legs are killing me, it's been a long time since I stood all day.
I thought you didn't want to come over tonight?
No Kelly, what I said was it was best if I didn't come over, not that I didn't want to.
God, are you sure your not a fraking lawyer?
Dam girl you make it difficult. Look lets just pick up some food and head to your place, today was great, I'm assuming you got a lot done and tomorrow should be okay?
Yes David, I can't tell you how much you helped out and I'm in good shape for tomorrow even if Rob can't make it.
Okay it's settled then. I'll order and you finish up.
He had his Audio R8 and it was a short drive to the bank as the cash receipts were triple a normal Wednesday and I wasn't leaving that in the store.
Then it was a quick stop at my Chinese restaurant were the oner, an old Chinese man Richard gave me a questioning look and asked if I had a special friend. Richard was my father away from home and had taken a liking to me. I came in so often he started to look after me like a daughter.
Getting back in the car I realized just how much I dislike it. Sitting there with the bags of hot food on my lap was not high on the end of the days check list.
David, can I say something? I mean I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I really don't like this car. Don't be mad but it really bothers me.
Oh your funny. No I'm not upset and you'll laugh when I tell you about it but lets get to your place first.
In my apartment I watched as David opened the wine and I threw a mixture of noodles on my plate. I watched him twist the wine cork and looked at his bracelet. God it looked good on him. The thought made me think of my own wrist and I enjoyed the feel of the watch moving back and forth as I ate.
A penny for your thoughts?
Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking about the last week and how comfortable I am being around you. I can't believe that it's only been a couple of days since we met.
Funny I have been having the same thoughts.
Then with caution.
I don't want to wreck this but I really do like you. I like the way I feel when I'm around you. Even today, which should have been a disaster was so, oh I don't know how to explain it other then it was fun. It feels so natural, I mean other then when did coffee become a words-smith exercise?
Feeling my face reddening and I tried to hide by looking down at my food but then his hand was on my chin, lifting my face.
Kelly I think your special, I think everything your doing is fantastic, I love the way you look, the way you think, what you do and how you do it. I know this is going to far but dam you make me happy.
Going all in I finished with.
God girl where did you get those eye's? They drive me frigging crazy.
Frak here I go again, my eye's were filling with tears, I was so tired, so emotionally beaten down and now the flood gates were opening. I thought of running, to go and hide to give my brain time to reboot, to find the strength, to regain control but the tears had started.
Reaching for the paper towels, my first sob escaped. Hearing it only made me cry harder. I stood to run but then David had his arms around me. I tried to move away, I didn't want him to see weakness, not from me, I couldn't let this wreck everything, not now. But his hold was to strong and I found my arms going around his neck, holding him, feeling his strength and my mind felt the release and I cried, sobbed and tried to say I was sorry.
Chapter 19: Love You
Holding her, feeling her body go through it's cleansing, to cycle through all her bent up emotions, to expel the past to make room for the future. I knew because it had happened to me more then once. I knew she needed this, I was shocked but was happy she was doing it with me. Mine had been alone, very alone as my wife was just up stairs and didn't know enough to come to me. To come and tell me it was okay.
I didn't need to say anything, there was nothing to say. I held her and felt our love for each other build, to focus on the moment, to feel her tears on my face and neck, feel her body shake, to feel the ebb followed by the a renewed wave of emotions pouring out of her.
Finally after several false starts, she pulled away to blow her nose and wipe her face. I sat down to give her some space and still said nothing. She turned her back to me and I knew she was thinking what to do next by the sound of the blowing.
What the frak had just happened I thought. I mean what the frak, he says he's happy and that he likes me and I start to cry like a little baby.
God how can I face him now. Why couldn't I just be alone again, alone and safe. Okay think girl, stall, blow your fraking nose again, like that makes you look any better. Frak!
Then I felt his hands on my shoulders. I froze waiting, as he turned me around I looked down, trying to hide. His arms went around my body and he pulled me close. Waiting for him to tell me it was over, to say that he was leaving, that I'm not who he thought, not what he wanted.
I thought bravely, it's okay, I'll understand and then my tears started again. My arms went around his body and I pulled him in and I waited. Crying, waiting.
Seeing she was coming back, to see she was thinking about me, to see my reaction. I stood up, moving to her, turning her and holding her, That would be my reaction, to simply to be here, to ask nothing but to hold her and share the moment.
She started to cry again but it was softer this time, feeling the squeeze of her arms relaxing. Okay time for the big moment. Pulling away and looking down at her face. Waiting.
I could just hold him for ever. How could he be this good, to be here, to just wait? I could feel my control returning and I had already held him to long, Okay Kelly, I thought time to see what's next. Pulling back, feeling his arms loosen and his hands moving to my shoulders. I slowly looked up, looking for him, to see if he was still here or was it time for him to go?
Slowly I looked and then I saw his lips move. Oh please God, and I heard.
Kelly it's all okay, I'm here.
My heart leapt and I could feel tears coming again but these were happy tears. His mouth went to mine, kissing, lightly at first then I just wanted to consume him. My hands moving over his body as my lips pressed against his, and when that wasn't enough it was his cheeks, ears, neck, anywhere and everywhere.
In between I heard myself saying thank you and I'm sorry and thank you again.
I heard back, it's okay Kelly, I'm right here.
Finally we pulled apart.
Oh David, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean I don't know and then his finger went to my lips.
Kelly it's okay, I've been there. Your still the most beautiful person I have ever met, I'm not going anywhere and then he paused.
Looking at his face, seeing him looking down, thinking, unsure and then he looked up and said.
I love you.
And as my heart started dancing again, he looked at me with his piercing blue eye's and whispered.
I do, I really do, dam it girl I love everything about you and I still don't know anything about who you are but I know I need to be with you.
There I thought, I said it. God after less then a week and I'm telling this girl that I love her. Nice, just like a fraking teenager but dam it.
It was true and to hell with what you should do. To wait and be the mystery man, to hide your emotions. Well fuck that, it's said.
Oh God he said it. No please not now not here. feeling my body stiffen, my mouth open, Oh god he said it, thinking again. My flight instincts were sending S O S signals to my brain but no dam it.
Looking at him, his hands on my shoulder holding us apart. seeing the a mixture of self confidence and want in his eye's and I knew it was true, he was true, that it could, did just happened.
She just stood there looking, no staring, not moving, come on girl you know I'm right, do your dam processing and come to me. I'm not wrong!
And then she was, her arms around my neck, squeezing me so tight I was almost worried and then she said.
I do to, I love you David and it scares me. It's so fast, so wrong but so right. I do, I love you, I do, I really do.
Kissing and hugging, my heart pounding, feeling her tears again on my neck, as we kissed and then my forward thinking brain took over, pushing its way to the front of this emotional roller coasted and I said.
So much for not seeing you tonight, next time I have another great idea that goes sideways, lets try to keep the drama to a minimum.
Pulling back from him asking.
You really love me?
Yup and that's, that girl.
Frak he was so dam self confident, so sure of himself.
Looking at her, measuring my answer I said.
I know how I feel but do you really feel the same? I know we're going way to fast and it's okay if your not sure but I know I feel better for saying it.
Her eyes fixed on me, answering.
David Bartlett, are you just trying to make me go insane, to screw with me, to make my life a living hell? No mister I'm sorry but I fell for you that first fraking night and yes I love you.
There, now I had really said it and after a moment, after I had heard it, really heard it from my own mouth my body again felt another wave of emotions building and I needed to hold him. To really hold on to him and never let go.
Feeling him, holding his body, feeling my own body physically collapsing into his, to feel that I did love him, he felt so right, so perfect. Thinking, this is real, this was actually happening, here, now..
She came to me, her arms around my waist, her head against my chest. She was silent, not moving. I listened to our breathing, feeling her, knowing I needed her, wanted her, needing to be with her and I thought, yes, Kelly Anderson I do love you.
After several minutes I pulled away and wiped the last of my tears. Looking up at David I saw his eye's were also wet and I reached up and wiped his cheek.
God David this is complicated.
I feel the same and after a pause, but it feels so right.
Thinking, that I didn't need to be alone, that I did want him with me, that I was safe, that he wanted the same things in life and I didn't need to hide from him.
Leaning towards him, kissing his cheek.
David I do love you. You make me feel whole.
Pausing, feeling what must be a face covered in mascara.
Can I have a minute to clean up a little bit?
Watching as she turned and went to the bedroom, thinking that my life was about to change again but this time it was for the better, to finally find someone I really wanted to be with.
To have her with me when I was tired and just wanted to watch Sunday afternoon TV and have a nap. Someone to go for a long drive with, to take a last minute vacation to an island, to leave for a three week sail up. I thought she really was the one.
Chapter 20: My Turn
After finishing dinner it was already 9pm. Turning on the Tv, we both sat on the couch as I settled in against his body with his left arm around me. I was just starting to enjoy the moment when he said.
You realize what this has done, what you have done to me?
She felt great in my arms, to feel her smooth skin and smell her body but as she took hold of my bracelet I thought about the club, about last Friday night, about the sex. How would Kelly feel the next time she had to watch me fuck Patti or Trish or any of the other 10 girls and for that matter how would I feel doing it?
Um, yes and no, is it good or bad?
Depends on how you look at it. I'm talking about the club, about Friday night, about when I'm having sex with other women.
Oh Christ David, can't you just turn that dam mind off once in a while.
He was right of course but I didn't want to move, to react, I just wanted to stay like I was and enjoy the night.
David it's been a long day and tomorrow wont be any better, can we revisit this later?
Yes Kelly, sorry and he gave me a squeeze and lightly rubbed and massaged my shoulder.
The show ended and I started to play with his bracelet, to move it around on his wrist, to really look at it for the first time.
You've had it on for six years? Never taken it off?
Six years and counting and it can't come off without breaking it. God knows I pull at it almost every day.
Does it bother you?
No, not really, it's just that some days I feel it more then others. I also wondered how it would feel to have it off. What about you? You still want one?
Looking at yours and after Trish getting hers, yes more then ever.
Thinking how I had orgasmed over replaying the night Trish had received hers, having imagining David inside me, slowly sealing the silver band around my wrist.
Are you worried about us being together and the club?
I see what you mean, I don't know how I would feel watching you fuck Patti or Trish after tonight.
Then I thought, why, what's the difference after tonight, sex for pleasure is totally different then for love and who am I to change what he had created over the last six years.
I stayed in his arms answering.
Let me think about it. I'm not sure but I still really enjoy sex and maybe knowing your with me may make it even better, to see you with one of them, knowing that your really with me.
Then I thought and before I could stop I said.
Do I get to have sex with other men?
Now that was a question that I hadn't even asked myself. It wasn't a new question to the rules of the club but as the unattached leader, it always applied to someone else.
We've had several couples meet and become serious, some had left but the club was founded on the enjoyment of kinky sex and therefore it was up to each couple to decide for them self. The only hard rule I had, was once they were married sharing partners was over.
Two or three times I had to play the heavy as some couples had argued that they were fine with sharing but it went against what I believed and as the dictator of the club, they had to choose between staying monogamist or leaving.
Now however it was being asked of me, it wasn't marriage yet but as the leader it was my role to find new members, to lead the training sessions and to perform the final ceremony. This was going to be very complicated.
Finally answering.
Do you want to?
His answer just threw the my question back at me, thanks.
Thinking, Did I? Last week the answer was easy, yes, but now? To be honest I don't know. One half of me saying yes, that it would be so powerful to have another man with there you watching and the other half saying no, all I want is you.
Truly David, I don't know. I love being with you and truthfully I'm to dam tired to think about now.
His arm pulling me closer, his silence his answer. The news showing the weather, my body wanting sleep.
I'm done David?
Leaving the question of where he was spending the night open.
Me to. Do you mind if I stay?
After all the drama of the last couple of hours I was happy to finally have a simple question.
I was hoping you would.
Me to, but I have one condition, no more hard questions, lets just enjoy each other, okay?
Okay, that works for me.
Walking to the bedroom, I watched as he took off his shirt and decided to have a little fun.
Going to the closet I pulled out a length of rope.
Just what is that for little lady?
Oh I just thought I would have some fun, now turn around.
Really, you want me to turn around.
Yes and I don't mean like I did.
That's better now hands please.
I doubled the rope and looped it around his left wrist and was about to do the same to the right when I stopped, saying.
Now isn't this handy.
I slipped the rope through his bracelet, pulled his wrists together and tied a knot.
Turning him back to face me.
That was easy. How does it feel?
It had been several months since Patti had been the boss and feeling my bound wrists, my cock coming to life.
Kelly stood looking at me with a smile on her face and began to undo my belt. My cock growing at an alarming rate as she undid my pants, saying.
Now what do we have here? I think I'll have a closer look.
She pushed my pants and underwear down. Kneeling she had me pull my feet out of my pants.
Now spread your legs please.
Really, I thought and then her hands were around my balls giving them a light pull and repeated the command.
Next with my feet apart she began to lick my cock, oh dam did that feel good, my hips moving towards her. She pulled again on my balls and said.
Easy David, I'm in charge.
Fighting for control as she then went to work on the sensitive tip of my cock, first licking then flicking with her tongue. My cock pulsating as she took just the tip in her mouth first sucking then blowing then nippling with her teeth.
Trying to pull back, the pain from my balls stopping the effort. Moving my hands to block her assault without any luck. My right wrist was beginning to hurt as my bracelet dug into my flesh, forcing an end to my struggle.
Looking down, seeing her tongue darting out to play with my cock, seeing her wrist still encased with my presents. The sight fantastic as she stroked my shaft, her two bangles banging together.
Kelly saying.
Just relax David and remember no cumming until I give you permission.
Then she began to take more of my shaft into her mouth. Her tongue, lips and teeth doing a hell of a job and controlling my embedding early ejection becoming an serious issue.
Sucking, then licking with the occasional light bite on the end or draging her teeth along my shaft. Adding to my discomfort was how she was playing with my balls.
As she sucked on my cock, she would tickle my balls then switch to pulling on them. She was very skilled at mixing pain with pleasure and the effect was driving me nuts.
Come on Kelly,please. God, come on,I'm going to cum.
That resulted in a painful bite to the end of my shaft and a knee bending squeeze of my balls.
Oh, that won't happen for a while David. Please control yourself or I'll be forced to punish you.
Thinking, your fraking kidding me right. I just worked my ass of for her, then told her I love her and now she was playing the dominatrix on me. Well, based on my cock pulsing she was doing all the right thing.
She was sucking again and I felt my orgasm building and then she made me jump as her finger pushed against my asshole. Were did that come from. The more she pushed the more I moved towards her and the deeper I went into her mouth.
The feeling was unbelievable as I fought for self control.
Calling out.
Kelly please stop. I can't do this, please.
Her answer was to push harder on my asshole, my cook jumping, her teeth closing on my sensitive end. My orgasm building then nothing as she let go, stopping.
Thinking. God that was fraking off side girl.
Seeing him like this was just to much, to have him standing before me helpless, his cock straining for release, to feel my power over him. My emotions were in overdrive, feeling my damp sex.
Turn around.
As I slid the rope from his bracelet I saw the redness and marks on his skin. Note to self, lets not do that again.
Leaving the rope around his left wrist, turning him around to face me. Looking into his eye's I asked.
Are you ready for more?
I'm all yours Kelly but remember pay back can be a bitch.
With that as a warning, which just made my sex pulse even more I took his right wrist and quickly tied it to the left. It was a basic tie, one loop around his left wrist then two loose loops around both, finishing with splitting the two ends of the doubled up rope and rapping them between his wrist so the loops pulled tight.
Dam, it would seem you know what your doing, now I'm starting to get scared.
Oh, you should be worried, all right.
Looking at him, at his solid chest, his muscles straining against the rope, his rock hard cock standing straight up. Frak, all I wanted was to push him down and ride his cock to an orgasm but not yet Kelly. It was time to make him want it, to take his control away, to let him enjoy the unknown. Time for a little pain and pleasure for mister David Bartlett.
Dam she was good, apparently she had spent more time playing then I had thought. The rope was comfortable around my wrists, not to tight but I wasn't getting free on my own. I had been worried when she had started, afraid of her possible inexperience, as the rope tie had started so loose but she had finished the tie perfectly, my wrists surrounded by a cocoon of rope.
Time for some self indulgence. Taking either ends of the rope, wrapping them around his waist, making his hands all but useless. Standing back and looking at my new sex slave, at his straining cock, his bound hands and thought how long it had been since I last tied up a man and how much it made my sex go wild.
Walking around I took in his fantastic ass. Davids ass cheeks had the muscular definition of a runner and his back was a wall of flexing muscles. I was trying not to touch him, to make him want, to wait for any reward but he was to much and my hands went to his body. Oh what a touch, it was electric, sending waves of pleasures right though my sex.
Feeling my new watch slide on my wrists and the look of the black, silver and tan against his skin sent another pleasure wave through my body. Oh how I liked my new accessories, the colours, the weight, that David had given them to me.
Leaning in to him, feeling my tits against his skin and my mouth went to his ears.
I began to lick his ear lobes and then softly said.
You make me so happy David. I do love you.
Then my hands went around his body finding his hard nipples. David moaning as I rubbed the sensitive ends and my mouth continued to play with his ears.
I thought, I love you Kelly as she overwhelmed my senses with her attack on my ears and nipples. She had the touch, thats for sure. I felt completely helpless and was loving every moment of it. Feeling her body against mine, her lips on my ears and neck, her hands moving from my nipples, across my body and on to my cock. Dam she made me feel so good.
Kelly whispering.
Are you ready for more, to keep playing slave?
Slave, even Patti didn't have the balls to call me that but hearing it from Kelly only made me pull harder on my bonds and for my cock to strain even further. Much more of this and I would need to see a doctor. I could just see that.
What happened? He would ask?
I was tied up and sexually assaulted by a beautiful brunette and my cock just kept on growing and now its 2 feet long.
My humour was cut short as she untied the rope and pushed me onto the bed.
Was I going to far? Was this what he wanted? Oh Kelly just look at him, look at his smile, look at his cock, I would guess he doesn't have any complaints.
Spreading my legs as I sat on his chest, taking the rope, slipping it through the wood slat in the headboard and finishing by tying a knot back between his wrists. He wasn't going anywhere without my say so.
Getting off the bed I said.
Frak you look good like that.
Thanks but don't get to used to it my dear.
Oh I don't know, reaching down to stroke is cock, adding.
This seems to be enjoying it self.
With that I began to do a slow strip tease, at least I thought it was slow, as all I really wanted was that mountain of a cock inside me.
She was really liking this, having me bound and helpless as her sex toy in her. Thinking, chock this night up to another random set of events.
My hands were useless above my head, her touching my cock, making it difficult to maintain my cool and controlled exterior. She just looked so dam good and doing a strip tease reminding me of an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
I pulled on the ropes but they just pulled back against my wrists as I felt my hips slowly buck in a vain attempt for sexual release.
Come on girl and just come ride my cock I thought, calling out.
Your driving me a little nuts here.
She finished undressing.
Your not alone on that road.
Watching as she climbed on to the bed and then lowering her head, swallowing my cock. Pushing up against her, feeling her tongue and teeth dancing on my sex. Oh god the feeling unbelievable.
Come on Kelly, let me inside you.
Looking up, smiling, continuing to assault my cock, then my inner thigh and to tickle my hips. Pulling on the dam rope, disparately wanting to take hold of her and fuck her silly but I was trapped, helpless.
Sliding up my body, stopping, her fingers going to work on my nipples and her tits rubbing my cock. Oh fuck, I was close to the point of no return. My cock was starting to give in to her, to start to cum. Come on David, control and then she stopped. Oh thank god for small miracles.
Then through closed eye's, I heard.
Oh look, are we having a little problem here? Seems like you have sprung a leak.
Seeing her satisfied smile.
And just what would you expect? Your frigging killing me here. Come on, just let me inside.
Oh, I don't know if I'm ready? Maybe I need some more wine first?
I watched as he pulled on the rope, as he closed his eye's to concentrate, feeling my own sex going wild. To finally have a man, a man I loved, bound and helpless in my bed, under my control. Oh, his cock felt so big, so hot I was almost afraid to ride it but my sex wanted it so bad. I was so swollen even moving on the bed was teasing my clit.
Bending over and licking the small amount of cum juice off his cock. It tasted too good but it was a warning. A warning that he was close to loosing it, close to shooting his cum all over my bed.
No, not yet, I wanted him to have much more then a blow job tonight. I wanted him to have a night to remember.
So you want me then, do you?
Yes Kelly I so badly do.
Ok then.
Lifting my self, positioning his cock at my sex. Oh frak, almost cumming as he touched me. Oh, yes, as I slowly began to slide down. It was so fraking large, bigger then last night when he took me. Oh god I cried out as it felt like I was splitting in two.
I had to lift up, just for a moment and then I started down again, his sex beginning to fill me. Crying out again in a half scream, half muzzled sound of ecstasy as his cock penetrated, filling me, filling me to the point of pain mixed with pleasure. My hands clawing at his chest as I lifted up for relief and then pushing down again for the pleasure.
Oh David. Dam, as I adjusted to his size, to feel the resistance weaken. Of wanting more.
Looking down.
Yes, come on dam it, push. I want you David. Fuck me dam it.
I pulled against the rope as she cried out.
Dam you Kelly. Come on just a little more.
Oh David fuck me, fuck me now.
More Kelly, more, don't stop, make me cum inside you.
More, I need more dam it as I dug my nails deeper into his chest.
The pain was real now as she rode me. Her vagina felt so tight, so small, so fucking perfect. Her nails in my chest, the ropes around my wrists.
Thinking, don't stop, keep going. Let me make you cum.
Yes more dam it, I want you, I love you.
I could feel my cock starting to fill with sperm, to feel it's release.
Oh god, fuck, yes
The joy of my pending release, my body ready, my breathing slowing, my mind filling with pleasure, waiting, wanting the release, the rush, the joy, oh fuck.
My orgasm ripping me apart. My vagina in full spasm mode, every nerve ending transmitting both pleasure and pain. My body shaking as I leaned back, enjoying every milli-second, enjoying the pleasure, the overwhelming joy of cumming. Oh frak, I loved this so much.
Lifting, pushing down one last time, my body shaking, my sex pulsating, each one deeper and further apart. David moving, my sex tightening again, feeling his cock. Oh fuck it felt so fraking good. Oh god as another contraction went through my body.
She stopped, falling on me just as I was about to cum. God you have got to be kidding. I was tempted to thrust, to finish but that would unfair to her. No, just be still and feel her body, listen to her. Share her enjoyment, her release. Enjoy being the one that was not in control for once, enjoy the role as her sex slave, as her play thing.
Oh David that was just, just, oh god I love making love with you.
After a minute, she began to reach for my bounds, to free me, but not yet.
I need you to be your slave for just another minute or two.
With a surprised look.
If your up to it, I'm not finished yet.
Her look of surprise, mixed with her disbelieve, almost made me laugh.
If you can take your sex slave servicing you one more time that is?
Can you just untie my hands from the headboard?
Okay, but really?
My cock enjoying her moving, my hands together but free to move. Taking care to hold her, to roll over without slipping out, it was close but yes.
Now this was better I thought, looking down into her beautiful green eye's. I knew she was still in recovery mode so asking the impossible, I tried not to move my cock. She just felt so dam good.
My hands were trapped behind her as I began by kissing her, first on her lips, her tongue, her hands on my back, my cock inside her. To feel how good she felt in my arms, her sweat on my skin, the taste of her neck, the softness of her ear lobes.
It was all to much as I began to move, to cautiously test her sex, to see if she was ready for more?
David started to move, my sex protesting for just a moment, protesting just against the first parting move, then I felt the pleasure of his cock pulsing, sliding. Feeling his weight on top of me, feeling his power, knowing he was still tied, still mine, knowing I was his, knowing that we were one.
Giving permission.
Take me slave, take me now, your free to cum.
That almost did it, those words, fuck, she was unreal.
The effect making what was going to be a short ride even shorter as my cock was already filling, the pressure building.
Pushing hard, hearing her cry out with pleasure ,feeling her muscles tightening around my cock, trying to hold it. Pulling back, my cock almost all the way out of her sex, then holding for what felt like forever and then pushing back in, going all the way, arching my back, thrusting with my hips.
The pleasure overwhelming, she felt so tight, Her lips and teeth on my shoulder as she tried to stifle another scream, my bound hands reminding me that I was her sex slave. Thinking how much I loved her, how my life finally felt complete, that she really was the one.
Opening my eyes to she, knowing I was close, very close to cumming but wanting just a little more, slowing my pace and looking down at Kelly, looking into those beautiful eye's, touching her perfect lips with a loving kiss. She really was the most beautiful girl I had ever meet.
Wanting to reach up with my hand to touch her face, to move her hair, to feel her skin. Yes, I thought I could be her sex slave, to service her, to have her, to give her either pain or pleasure. Yes, I would be willing to do anything to be with her.
She cried out again.
David oh, god, oh that's, oh fuck.
Looking down as she shut her eye's in another orgasm.
Pulling back halfway, my cock contracting, my sperm escaping, I pushed back into her, filling her, her sex around mine, my release, endless, my breathing stopped, my pleasure overwhelming, my bound arms pulling her into me, wanting her, wanting this to never end.
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Chapter 21: Man of the Year(added: 2017/04/15)
The next several days were a blur of seeing David and working at the coffee shop. I took a moment to play with my new bangles as I thought of him again. How he was so special, had been so understanding about my limited free time.
I was getting comfortable with the weight of the watch and I had moved the Hermes leather bracelet to my right wrist leaving the two silver bangles on my left. Rob had asked about my new gifts and on hearing the answer had asked if they were from someone special?
I had answered that he was special, that he made me happy and it felt right.
After more then a year of working together Rob was like my baby brother, so it was funny to hear him warn me about men and to threaten to take care of David if he hurt me.
I had answered that I was okay and that ended the conversation.
Rob and his sister Jennifer had agreed to help me out and look after the coffee shop for Friday afternoon and all day Saturday so I could take some time off. At first Rob was hesitant but after I told him that David ad wanted to take me out to an event he had agreed. The timing also had worked with Jennifer as she had just finished finals and had the next week off and needed the hours.
The phone rang and Rob said it was someone calling about the job posting. Picking up the line it was a girl friend of Jennifer’s and she was interested in the position. She said her name was Judy and she had just finished University and was looking for full time work until she found a job in her field of Mathematics. I asked if she was okay for working Saturday? She agreed and I told Rob about it and made a schedule for training her.
The phone rang again and it was David. My heart always quickened when he called and hearing his voice made me smile.
Hi Kelly, how’s your day.
Okay, looks like I found a new employee.
Excellent. Are we still on for Friday?
Yes, Rob and Jennifer agreed to look after the place but they do have demands.
Oh really and what would they be?
They want to meet you.
Smiling, wanted to show him off but with my limited social circle it was Rob or no one.
David answering.
Do I need to present myself before Friday or can it wait?
I didn’t ask but I think so?
Friday will be difficult so why don’t I come by now?
Now? My heart leapt. Sure, wondering if he was just joking?
Okay, just a second Kelly.
Then I heard a muffled hello from the phone and at the same time I heard Rob from the counter.
It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kelly can’t stop talking about you.
Turning I looked out the office door and there he was with a big smile on his face shaking Robs hand.
Well, I’ve heard a lot about you and your sister. Thanks for this Friday and Saturday.
No worries.
You’ve done a great job here. Everyone is always asking about you when your off. If I were you I’d ask for a raise.
Rob laughed and called for me adding.
Your friend is here.
David winked at me as I came through the door and said.
Thanks again and I’ll put in a good word about the raise.
Thanks and it’s nice to finally meet you.
David your such a shit disturber, next you’ll be getting Rob to form a union.
Just trying to keep you honest and its my social right to fight for the working man.
Leaning in, taking my hands he went on.
I was in the neighbourhood and just needed to see you.
I could feel my cheeks redden.
I missed you to but about Friday, can I please have the what, where, and when rundown.
Going in to the office, David answering.
Then, pulling me into his arms and we kissed.
It had been 3 days since we had last been together and his kiss made my sex come to life. I just loved kissing him, he had such a soft touch, so light and simple. It was like he was asking for permission as he moved his lips and his tongue, caressing mine.
My sex continued its acceleration which wasn't a good thing as I still had a very full day ahead of me.
Pulling back.
Ok David I really need some details.
As he sat on the edge of my desk.
It’s a bit of a formal thing, cocktail party, dinner and then I was thinking we could either go to an after party or maybe to my place?
I smiled as I thought how he could be so self assured one minute and then so unsure the next.
David your such a baby sometimes. So it’s formal and you have given me 2 days notice. Nice. You’ve seen my place, my wardrobe. Formal? Ok, I’ll think of something.
Looking at my nails I went on.
And I’ll need to get these done and my hair, as I put my hands up to run my fingers through it. God I haven’t had my hair done in weeks. Oh, David you really are an ass.
Taking my hands
Look I’m sorry for the short notice, if its going to stress you out then don’t worry about it.
Don’t worry about it, frak he was pissing me off. Our first real night out and he’s blowing it off!
My anger then changed to tears as he said.
We can just spend the night together, doing what ever you want, I rather be with you then….
His voice trailed off.
David Bartlett, your drive me crazy. Then in a softer tone and reaching for him. Friday will be just fine, I’ll make some calls and see if Rob can come in for 11.
Thanks Kelly, I love you and Friday is kind of important, then he paused, then said. Anyways look, um how about if I look after a dress for you.
Starting to protest but he went on.
I really would like to, to make Friday a fun night and it’s something of a thank you.
It had been just under two weeks since that first Friday night at the Owl and now he was buying me a dress? I thought just how weird this was but at the same time how natural it felt.
Giving in, asking.
And just how will you know my size? What I like? I’ll need shoes as well.
He pulled me close.
Do you make everything this difficult? Or should I punish you later?
No and I have work to do and with a kiss and a smile I added, You need to go and my dress size is a one and my shoe size is an eight.
For the next two days I juggled ordering supplies for the weekend, baking extra everything for the shop as Saturday was out.
I had to stop my mind from wondering about Friday, David seemed to change each time I mentioned it. Also he had said it was a thank you or something when he had talked about the dress.
Last night was difficult as it had taken over an hour to get my nails done. They were stick-on nails and felt insanely long. Looking up from my day dream to hear Rob laughing at my expense. He was laughing because I was afraid to touch anything for fear of breaking one.
Rob had come in early and Jennifer was set to be in by 12. I was good to go for tonight other then I had nothing to wear and had a hair appointment for 2. Looking at the clock I saw it was already 11:30 and still nothing. Why do men think a girl can just be ready to go at a moments notice?
I thought, David don’t screw with me, not today. Just as I was about to call him, an older man in a suit came through the door with several boxes.
Rob asked if he needed any help and the man said with a British accent.
I’m here to see a Miss Kelly Anderson.
I answered and motioned for him to the office.
He said.
It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Anderson. I have a number of items for you from Mr Bartlett.
The dress box said Chanel, the shoes were Fendi and in the Holts bag were several smaller jewelry boxes.
I’m sure the dress will look stunning on you but if you could just take a moment to try the shoes?
I guess this was the way David did things. A little over the top but I could get used to it.
Asking the man’s name. He answered, Mr Wallace but please call me John.
As I tried on the second pair of shoes, John went on.
I have a car waiting for you outside. It’s at you disposal for the day and David has asked that I look after any issues you may have outstanding before tonight's awards dinner.
I thought. What, car, man servant and it’s an awards dinner?
John please, this is a little much, your here to look after me? I have a car? And tonight is what exactly?
Oh my dear girl, that’s just like David. Yes, I’m here to, let me see, how did David put it? To make sure Kelly isn’t stressed out. He said something about you having a, well putting it delicately, a way of dealing with issues in a rather aggressive way. I’m not really clear exactly what that means but it’s David’s wish that you enjoy your day.
Okay, so your here to make sure I get ready, but again, tonights what? John.
His face remained the same passive but inviting expression as he began.
Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to discuss the details of the evening events, other then David well be picking you up at your residents at eight pm sharp.
John, that isn’t very helpful.
My apologies Ms Anderson.
Not taking him at his word but pushing further was just rude. Just one more thing to put on the list. I hope this wasn't how David did thing?
The second pair of shoes were a perfect fit. David had good taste. The ankle strap was leather, about a third of an inch wide and wrapped three times around my ankle and used a locking clasp like my Hermes bracelet. Elegant with a slight edge to them. Just my style.
Moving to open the dress box.
John interrupted.
If I may Miss Anderson, it would be best if you tried it on at home.
Following his gaze around the office and the mess form cooking and everything else that happens in a coffee shop I had to agree and I reined in my excitement.
John picked up the boxes and announced.
Right then, I’ll be in the car waiting on your leave Ms Anderson.
As he went out the door Rob looked at me, smiling, saying. Now that was something. Time for you to go, don’t worry, Jennifer and I will take care of everything.
The rest of the day was a blur, the dress was perfect, a tight fitting black number that went to mid thigh. The shoes had an aggressive 4 inch heel that would take some getting used to. The jewelry was a mix of gold and silver bracelets and a stunning women's Cartier watch. He finished it off with a pair of diamond studs that were huge.
My hair appointment had gone well. It sure felt nice to have my hair done, I had forgotten that being a girl once and a while did feel good. I liked the look with the fresh highlights.
We had stopped at the mall as I realized I needed a coat as the weather was getting cooler at night and I picked up a new purse. John had insisted on paying for everything, explaining he was just following orders.
The dress did an excellent job of showing off my body and the silver and gold accessories looked great against the black sleeves. My heart raced slightly as I thought of David and if he would like how I looked. I thought, Kelly you look great, relax.
My cell rang and it was David.
Hi Kelly, I’m just parking downstairs, are you ready to go?
Looking at my watch.
Yes, are you coming up or do you want me to come down?
I’ll come up, how’s the dress?
I think it’s perfect but I’ll wait to see what you say.
Looking one last time in the mirror, spraying on some perfume then I stood waiting and as he came through the door.
His eye’s sparkled and with a smile.
Kelly you look simply fantastic, no better then that, you look perfect.
Blushing, answering.
Well you did a good job at picking out my outfit, or should I say Patti did?
She helped but I really did pick the dress, she had picked a sexy red dress but I didn’t like it.
Coming to me, looking me up and down. The dress had a high collar at the front with an open back. The sleeves went to my wrists and I had the Cartier watch and two silver bangles on my left wrist and two gold and one silver bangle on my right.
You do look amazing Kelly.
You don’t look so bad your self mister Bartlett.
He had on a custom fitted black suit with a dark grey shirt and a dull red tie.
We kissed and I felt his fingers touching my ears and the diamond earrings.
I hope you like these he asked. I know your not a big earring girl but they do look great on you.
I was still getting used to the weight on my ears but they did look amazing with my hair.
Yes, they’re just perfect, a wee bit on the large size but I can live with them.
Sorry about that.
We both laughed, then he added.
If it’s not to much I have one more present for you.
Pulling out a jewelry box from his coat and handed it to me.
Taking it from him, I slowly opened the blue box and it was a diamond pendant on a silver chain.
Oh David, this is to much, it’s beautiful but really it’s worth a fortune.
Do you like it?
Yes, I’m still a girl and diamonds are still a girls best friend.
Good then it’s settled.
With that he took the necklace out of the box and stepping behind me and put it on.
My heart racing as I reached up for it, enjoying the sexual moment of him touching me, of putting on something so beautiful, of feeling him claiming me.
Going to the bedroom to see it.
If you make me cry David we will be late as I redo my makeup.
Looking in the mirror the diamond seemed to be floating on my chest. It looked amazing and with the dress, the length of the thin chain holding the diamond just at the top of my breasts.
Turning slightly to check that everything was in the correct position as David came in the bedroom behind me. I did look fantastic with my black dress showing off my body, my accessorized wrists highlighted with a mix of gold and silver, my heels adding just a bit of kink.
His hands went to my shoulders as he lightly kissed my right ear.
I love you Kelly.
I love you David.
Our lips touched, his hands guiding me, me love for him growing. After a moment of indulging, pulling back.
Come on lets get going before I start to cry. You left the car at home I hope.
He had explained the Audi R8 had been a gift from Patty. He had laughed as he said he really didn’t like it either but it was a gift. He usually only drove it when he was going out with her or felt like being a show off.
David answered.
No, he said John is driving tonight.
As we drove to the Arts Centre in a black limo that David had rented I asked about tonight. He was evasive about the details, not looking me in the eyes and acting different.
He went on and explaining.
It’s kind of a big thing tonight, there will be some celebrities and other important people. If you feel out of place, just stay close to me and I’ll take care of you. Patti and Trish will also be there.
Thank god for that. At least I would know someone.
As we got closer I could see spot lights cutting through the air and as we turned the final corner, my heart stopped. Out front of the Art Centre were hundreds of people. The police had the street closed down, photographers cameras were flashing and the general public were queued up behind crowd control barricades.
Feeling my heart speeding up.
David, just what is all this? You have got to be kidding.
Looking at all the commotion, my heart racing. David reached over, taking my hand.
Just stay with me. It’s always a big deal going in and then it’s fine. You look great and just remember to smile and be happy.
Stopping as John showed a pass to the police officer and we were waved through.
Oh, god I thought as the limo came to a stop at the red carpet. I felt panic as my heart raced.
David said as he opened his door.
Just stay in the car, I’ll come around and get you.
With that he was out the door and lost in the blinding light of camera flashes. It was so bright I had to look down and then the door opened and David took my hand, saying.
Remember to smile, to own the moment and you’ll be just fine. I’m here with you.
Lights were flashing everywhere and I almost stumbled as I forgot about my foot wear and then David had his arm around me.
Smile, own it, you look fantastic.
With that I snapped back to reality and I found myself smiling, giving a small wave and feeling like it was perfectly normal. I thought how good I looked as I held David’s arm, thought of how I had been the centre of attention before, made speeches in front of hundreds of people. David was right, just get into the role, own it and play the part.
The paparazzi photographers were yelling Davids name, asking for him to look this way and then that way. We stopped and faced the wall of light.
Wanting to put my hand up but remembering that I was role playing and I needed to pose for the camera, to be David’s accessory, so I look the part back and smile like I had been doing it all my life.
Little did they know my heart was pounding in my chest and I had never felt so self-conscious. It was awful.
Halfway up the carpet a news woman stopped David.
David Bartlett how does it feel to be the Man of the Year.
I thought, What?
David answered and then the woman said.
And is this the new love of you life that everyone has been talking about?
The cameraman turning towards me.
Oh, god, help is all I could think of. I wasn’t ready for this. The noise of the crowd, the light on the camera blinding me, people calling out to David.
I felt David holding my waist as the woman focused on me. I could see her lips moving but it was like being in slow motion and the words weren't in sync. I heard her say.
How does it feel to be on the arm of the cities' number one bachelor? Have you been seeing each other long?
I said something back but David stepped in.
It’s an honour to be recognized tonight and it wouldn’t be possible without the hundreds of volunteers that give their time and money so generously.
The camera moved back to David as I watched him answering questions, his hand giving mine a reassuring squeeze and then we were inside.
Turning to him.
David Bartlett I’m either going to throw up or kill you.
We both maintained a smile as he whispered back.
Sorry about that but you did great and I didn’t know how to explain what would happen? I’m really sorry but I’m so happy your here with me.
Squeezing my hand, he continued.
That was the hard part, now it’s just a boring night of small talk. Just watch out for the barbie doll wives, they love to gossip and you will unfortunately receive some of their attention tonight.
The lobby was full of people wearing expensive clothes with the smell of perfume almost overwhelming. A four piece band played in one corner and the cocktail bar was in the other. A large ice sculpture of a boy kicking a soccer ball occupied the middle of the room, surrounded by finger food and people making small talk.
As a young girl took our coats, I turned to David asking.
Your the man of the year? What the hell does that mean? You said tonight was a big deal but this is a lot more then that.
David turned, starting to say something when a hand went around his shoulder.
his turned to see who it was.
You made it, Dam it’s good to see you again.
The man said.
I wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s about time they recognized what you have accomplished.
Then with a smile.
You look better then the last time I saw you.
David answering.
Lets not go there please.
Turning towards me, David said.
Please meet Kiefer Sutherland.
Going on.
This is Kiefer Sutherland. He helped me out a few years ago in Africa.
I stood there, in complete shock. What the hell should I say? It was Kiefer Sutherland.
David broke the spell with. Kiefer this is the girl I told you about.
Kiefer took my hand.
Hi Kelly, David said you were beautiful and he’s right, your much to good looking for this old run down bum.
Thank you Kiefer, but he looks okay, maybe a little grey at the edges but still I think he will do.
Kiefer smiled, still holding my hand, turning to David.
Yup, good looking and smart, David my friend you are in a world of hurt.
Turning his attention back to me.
You’re far to good for him this old man.
Then back to David, finishing.
Well done David, about tonight and for finding Kelly, I like her already. Look, I’ll let you do the thing and we can talk about the race at dinner.
Thanks for coming, you donated, right?
Nodding his head.
Always buddy.
With that he was gone.
Looking at David.
That was really Kiefer Sutherland? You’re certainly are full of surprises.
My mind was racing, processing what was happening. Kiefer Sutherland was David’s friend, as in knew him.
Then my heart stopped, realizing Kiefer had said David had talked to him about me. Holly frak. My mind was spinning and just as I reached for David he was pulled away by another fan wanting his time.
Not now, I needed him. I needed someone to tell me just what the hell was going on. Who was this David Bartlett, why did Kiefer Sutherland know him, why was he the man of the fraking year.
Looking around the room, suddenly feeling everyone looking at me, some staring, some glancing away, others with questioning expressions. I heard laughing and felt embarrassed. I needed to leave, to regain control. Looking for David but he was surrounded by men in black suits and women with way to much make up.
What should I do? Just stand her like an idiot, should I leave and ruin the night? Leave David on his night? I couldn’t do that, but what could I do?
Looking around again and just as I was about to head off to the restroom to regroup, I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning it was Patti.
Oh, thank god your here.
I felt another hand and it was Trish.
Kelly you look like a lost puppy standing here, but don’t worry as the sex slaves will save you.
What a relieve to see these two, to have someone to talk to, to answer my questions. I looked at both of them as a drowning man looks at a rescue helicopter. My mind was spinning and I let the girls usher me over to a table.
Patti asking.
So are you pissed, confused or just looking to punch David in the mouth and go home.
I just looked at her, searching for words but all I felt were tears starting to form. This was just to dam much. From the way he had told me about tonight, if I remember correctly he had said, oh it’s not a big deal and we don’t need to go if it’s a problem.
To rushing to get the shop ready for the weekend and getting my hair and nails done for tonight. And lets not forget about the car and driver with my dress and shoes.
Yes, tonight's just a fracking casual get together with a thousand of my closes friends. Oh and by the way they’re the elite of the fraking elite. Fraking David.
Kelly, are you okay?
Patti broke my thought and wiping a tear..
I don’t know, lets get a drink and can one of you please tell me what the fuck is going on.
Patti had on a tight black and red sleeveless dress. It looked great on her and I looked and saw her bracelet and Rolex Daytona combo. It looked so dam good on her wrist, I wanted one so bad.
She added her standard kinky look by wearing a loose silk ribbon that was tied in the back. Patti’s other wrist was bare but she had on four and half inch red stiletto shoes and each ankle was surrounded by gold chains.
Only Patti could pull of that look.
You look amazing, what an outfit, love the silk ribbon.
Patti did a spin.
The ribbon is a nice touch but this is what your really after.
She held out her left wrist to show off her bracelet to me.
Yes it is but you do look fantastic.
Trish jumped in.
And what am I? Just some newly minted sex slave?
With that she reached out and touched her bracelet against Patti’s.
God how I wanted to be able to do that.
Trish had on a more conservative baby blue full length dress with a dull gray silk scarf that she wore as a belt to break up the blue. It looked okay but to traditional for me. On the other hand her bracelet looked fantastic with the other black and gold bangles.
Asking her.
So now that it’s been a few days, how does it feel?
Trish took hold of the bracelet with her right hand.
It’s fucking amazing to feel it all the time. It makes me so dam horny. When I’m driving, in the shower or when I’m working out, god it’s always there. It’s just so dam nice. I’m so happy.
She finishing.
Don’t worry Kelly you’ll have one soon enough.
Trish headed over to the bar and Patti started.
This is all for David. He is receiving the Man of the Year award for his work with underprivileged youth. In fairness he has turned it down the last three years but finally excepted once they agreed that it had to be a non-profit fund raiser with 100% of the table fee’s going to charity, no bullshit admin fee’s or other hands in the pie. He even agreed to pay for the catering and wine when they started to complain about the cost.
So your telling me that tonight is all for him? Looking around going on, that all this is just for him? Holy frak!
Looking at Patti, hoping for what, I didn’t know but when the Twilight Zone comes calling, one can only hope for sanity in the middle of all the chaos.
Patti looked at me sheepishly as Trish handed me a rye and ginger.
Not only is this all for him but, and please don’t throw up, but it’s also your coming out party.
Excuse me, my fraking what?
David has been, and I will use the word, been, the most sought after bachelor in the city for years and tonight he is letting the world know that he has finally found his girl. That he has fallen for you, that your the one and all the other rich princess should finally get the hint and fuck off.
I was trying to process when I felt a commotion behind me and heard David.
Kelly, oh finally, I’m sorry but and he trailed off as he took my hands and lightly kissed my cheek. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to loose you, I’m truly sorry.
Then looking around he added.
But I see my always beautiful and charming companions had my back once again.
With that both girls leaned over and gave David the customary double fake cheek kiss. I saw Patti whispered into David’s ear, causing him to look with some fear in my direction.
My mind was still spinning and I was having a hard time focusing on anyone or for that matter anything. The noise suddenly seemed deafening and all I could see were people moving, their lips going up and down, some pulling at me, others at David. David’s face moving back and forth and all I wanted to do was run, to get away from this insanity, this fraking twilight episode.
Just as I was about to bolt I felt David’s hand gripping my arm. I tried to pull away but he held on and started to move us through the crowd and then with a quick chat with an official looking man we were through the doors and in to a hallway. I looked back at the crowd as the doors closed and the bussing noise of a hundred voices turned off.
I felt nothing, as if my body had shutdown to protect it’s self, to fight off the repeated assaults from the week. I just stood there, staring at the doors, at what was on the other side.
Kelly I’m so very sorry, I’m such an ass for tonight.
Turning to look at him, to see his face, to see his concern, his naked helplessness. Still not moving, not computing what was happening I stood, stood for what seemed to be an eternity, just looking at him and then like a subway train coming into the station I felt my body coming back, to smell his cologne that was now contaminated with a hundred different perfumes. To see his eyes, how they were seeking, looking for me to react.
Looking passed him, noticing the colours in the art work hanging on the wall and thought the purple tone was just a shade to dark. Then my mind started to come back to life, to connect with my body, to find power moving down my back and then the tears started. Oh frak did they come pouring out.
It had been the same, the same feeling of abandonment, of being humiliated, of being tricked and played. It had been over 2 years since that day, since my last love turned on me, turned in to a mean and spiteful son of a bitch.
I heard David.
Kelly do you forgive me, I’m so sorry that I left you back there, that I didn’t tell you more about to night. I was just afraid that with all that has happened in the last 2 weeks that you would have been frightened off, that you would think of me as some bull shitting asshole. I’m so very sorry.
I felt his arms tighten, pulling me closer.
Pulling back, looking for something to wipe my tears, David handing me a handkerchief. I looked at the black smudges and new my face was a mess and that just started more tears as I thought of all those people waiting to laugh at me.
I didn’t really know what to say, my mind was spinning and all I could see was everyone laughing, pointing and looking at me in disgust. Oh how could I let this happen again.
Then I heard a voice.
No, really this isn’t me. It was his idea, I was just trying to make Paul happy. No please stop.
Then I felt a slap on my cheek.
Kelly, it’s me, its okay. No one else can see us. It’s just me.
God what was happening to her? When I had found her in the lobby I could see something was wrong. Her eye’s were darting back and forth, her skin was white and her face was clammy to the touch.
I knew I had to get her out of there but now to see this distant look and listening to her confused panicked rant. Who was Paul and what did he do? What had happen to my poor little girl that I had so fallen in love with? Who would ever hurt such a beautiful and wonderful person?
Afraid that security would come through the doors from her screaming I slapped her. It was more a reflex then a thought and now I was full of regret but she did seem to be coming back, to focusing on the here and now.
It was like jumping from the commercial break back to the movie climax as I saw David again. Oh god what had just happened, what happened to all the people, all my friends, my coworkers? I looked around and it was just David.
I started.
Oh David I’m sorry, it was just so, so, oh god it just felt like it was happening again.
Again? Kelly what happened? Who did this to you?
My mind was coming back to full strength, well okay maybe it was just beginning working again but I knew this wasn’t the time or place for what needed to be said.
David, it was a long time ago and well I guess I just was a little overwhelmed out there. I’m really sorry.
I hated lying to him but it was his night and I needed to get back to playing my part. To being his girl friend and not some crazy psycho.
His eyes told me that he didn’t believe or understand my lie.
David saying.
It’s okay, Kelly. As he pulled me close.
Don’t worry, I’m here, we can talk about it tomorrow, but are you okay, I mean now, for tonight?
I was really worried about her but the sparkle was back in her eyes and now wasn’t the time to push the issue. I knew her mind would be doing her processing thing and that would result in the need for action, so I went with her lead.
He really was fraking good. Like Kim Kardashian’s timing for getting the latest cover photo on People magazine.
Reaching around his back, finding my new bangles on my wrists and squeezed him.
I don’t know how you do it, or why you put up with this screwed up person but I do love you.
And I love you Kelly and we can deal with your imperfections later.
Imperfections? Really and your fraking perfect?
My mind was back and I went on.
Just a small get together, not a big deal, we can blow it off if you want. I think someone has a little explaining to do, Mister.
As I pulled back from him, checking his shoulder and collar for any marks from my flowing makeup.
Looking at the stained handkerchief I had a renew bout of anxiety. I must look horrible, my face must look like Mike Tyson's. Frak. I can’t go back out there, back to all those people looking at me, those hundreds of judging eye’s.
Looking down the hallway, saying.
David I need somewhere to get cleaned up.
Ok just stay here and I’ll be right back.
David slipped back through the doors to the lobby and after just enough time for me to get worked up again he was back and much to my relief Patti and Trish followed.
Patti turned to David.
You and I will have a talk about keeping surprises later.
Turning to me she went on.
Oh Kelly, looks like we need to do a little fixing of that face of yours.
With that the three of us went down the hall and found an employee washroom off to the right. David following silently behind.
Good god girl what the hell happened? Are you okay?
Looking back at Patti.
It’s a long story that will require a girls night out and a lot of wine but yes I’m okay now, I’m more worried about David and his night.
Trish said.
David can wait, well, what I mean, he’s more worried about you then he is about tonight. He loves you, you know.
Then she just started going on as Patti and I worked on my face.
Did you see all those people staring at you and David, oh god Patti did you see the look and Alison's face, it was perfect. That stuck up bitch and her boy toys and she thought she had a chance with David. Screw her.
Kelly you did amazing on the red carpet. Where the hell did you get that look.? God I wanted to jump you right there and then. You sure know how to make people notice you and what an out fit. Where did you find those shoes? They’re just perfect. That Hermes buckle is to die for.
Listening to Trish, was beginning to bring me back into tonight, to replay the positive and push aside the negatives. I took a moment to look at my diamond necklace and to remember the feeling of David putting it around my neck. To smell his cologne, to see those bright blue eyes. Reaching up and lightly touched the pendant and thinking of him, of how much I loved him.
Okay Kelly let me have a look at you.
Turning Patti and Trish stood back and after one adjustment of the dress they deemed me ready.
Patti opened the door and then both her and Trish stood aside as I came through to see David. I looked, hoping that he was still okay, that he wasn’t mad or disappointed in me. That I had just turned his night upside down and had embarrassed him in front of all his friends and business contacts.
She had been in the fraking washroom for what seemed like hours but my watch told the truth that it had only been five minutes. I had heard Trish but couldn’t make out what she was saying, but more to the point I couldn’t hear Kelly. God what a night so far. I really was an ass for not telling, for not giving her a chance to get ready for the night, to let her do her processing. God I hope she’s okay and that she doesn't just leave.
I stopped, looked at him, waiting for his reaction, to see just how bad I had screwed his night.
David broke the silence.
Kelly are you okay? I’m really sorry about all this. I can be such a self centred ass sometimes.
He moved towards me and I did the same.
He started to say something but my lips put an end to that. I kissed him and he kissed me back, his arms going around my waist and then up to the back of my neck. God I loved it when he did that. To take such control, to feel his strength. My arms going around his neck as I twisted to say I love you and yes I’m okay and I’m sorry.
He said back through more kisses that he was just worried about me.
Leave it to Patti to be the referee, the voice of reason.
Okay you two that’s enough or we will skip tonight and make it a foursome.
David took my hand and led the way back to the lobby. Pausing at the door and said.
Are you sure your ready for this?
With you beside me, you bet I am, bring it on!
Chapter 22: Dinner
Please stop I thought. Not here and not now. David was at the podium delivering his acceptance speech. He looked fantastic and the speech was very good. It had started with some thank you’s to the volunteers followed with some funny jokes at the expense of certain people in attendance. He had just shifted to a slideshow showing smiling kids from around the world.
I was however having a very difficult time as Patti and Trish had pulled my wrists under the table. Patti had moved into David’s chair so I had my fellow sex slaves on either side of me. Both were slowly playing with the insides of my wrists and it was driving me crazy.
I watched helplessly as Patti licked her finger and was now lightly rubbing the inside of my wrist. My sex was starting to come a live. I stifled a groan, smiling at the other two couples at the table. Thankfully their attention was on David making comments to Kiefer.
God why was she doing this now.Trying to pull my wrist away, but she wasn’t letting that happen.
Patti leaned over as the crowd began to clap.
Kelly please be a good sex slave and behave yourself or I’ll hogtie you later and whip the hell out of your feet.
My hips shifted in a vain attempt to relief my sex. God she was going to make me cum in the middle of David speech. This was nuts. Pulling again as she pinched my wrist and quietly said.
Then Trish was pulling on my bracelets. She was pulling, then sliding them up and down my wrist.
Trish whispering.
Soon you’ll have one of these as I heard the clinking of her permanent steel band against my bracelets.
My sex did another jump as I fought to keep my eye’s open. Silently pleading for them to stop, to stop my torture. Shifting again as my sex continued to warm. This really wasn’t fair. Looking over at Trish as she tightened her grip on my wrist and slowly licked her lips, closing her eye’s. Oh frak that was just off side. Glancing over at the other couples and Kiefer to see if they were aware of my discomfort but thankfully they were focused on David.
Patti then upped the ante as she switched hands. Her left hand pulling my wrist over to her lap and her right started to stroke my thigh. Frak was she crazy, here, now, frak, we’re the centre of attention, everyone looking at us, at me, at the new girl friend of the most eligible bachelor in the fraking city.
My sex was now at 80 percent, begging for relief, to climax with pleasure. It was taking all my self control not to cry-out, not to moan with pleasure, not to plead for her to slide her fingers in to my sex, to pull against my bracelets that were now my bonds. My sex was on fire and I was sure that I could smell it.
Her hand then pushed my imprisoned hand down into her crotch. Come on Patti this was going to far as I crossed my legs. I could feel the heat from her sex and heard her give a little gasp. I added to her pleasure by slowly stroking her bare sex with my fingers but I was quickly rewarded with a painful pinch on my wrist and another the warning.
Trish leaned over as the music began playing on a new video.
I want you to lick your fingers and think about me licking your sex as your spreadeagled on your bed.
I thought you have got to be crazy as she released my wrist and watched as I took my first two fingers and lightly touched them to my lips. Frak my sex was screaming for release, to have David’s cock filling me, having Patti whipping my tits.
I was silently pleading for it to end and just as myself control was failing David finished to a standing applause. Oh thank god as Patti released my wrist and stood to join the crowd.
Looking up at David, standing, conscious that I was the last to do so at the table. He was looking right at me with a huge smile. My legs were weak and standing was an issue as he came down off the stage and made his way to our table.
The crowd had remained standing clapping as he came over to me. He took my face in both his hands and kissed me on the lips. God my body filled with joy as I heard some calls of.
Well done David!
Sitting back down, I thought of just how lucky I was to be here, to be with David, to finally find a man and I mean a real man. He looked so handsome, so composed, so appreciative of the others around him.
Thankfully my sex was cooling even as Trish continued to tease by licking her fingers and showing off her bracelet.
We all sat and the conversation centred on the children’s programs and David began telling a story about helping a village in Kenya.
He said how the kids were really the same all over the world. Well they were almost the same, here the kids had more trouble with drugs where as in Kenya the kids spent most of the time finding food and clean water.
He paused, taking a sip of wine.
But in either place, all it took was a soccer ball to see the same innocent smiles and to hear their laughter.
Looking down, reaching for David’s hand. It was so high school. I watched as he rocked his wrist to make his bracelet clink against mine. Starring at it, looking at how it fit his wrist, at it’s scratches, at how it had aged, at how sexy it looked on him. Looking up as he smiled and rocked his wrist again and quietly said.
Love you.
My heart skipped a beat.
I love you to. Thanks for having me.
Kelly, I can’t tell you how happy your making me. To see you here, tto be here to share this moment, it’s, well, I just , It just wouldn't be the same if you weren’t here.
Squeezing my hand..
I really do love you Miss Anderson.
Twisting my hand, taking hold of his bracelet.
And I really do love you Mr. Bartlett.
Thankfully the evening ended without any further drama. We spent the last hour or so talking with other guests, all were very complimentary about David’s work and of course he made sure they had all donated to the charity and had promised to help out in the future.
David was being funny because he wouldn’t let go of my hand, even when Patti, Trish and I wanted to freshen up, he made me promise to come right back.
Chapter 23: New Cuffs
So I finally get to see your place.
I was a bit nervous about going to his condo. Since moving here I hadn’t slept away from my apartment and I was a creature of habit.
Asking. Should I be worried?
Only if your afraid of being alone with me. But no, seriously I hope you like the place.
Somehow I’m not worried about that, but being alone with you, now thats what really concerns me.
Catching John smiling in the review mirror, David saying.
I’ll try to be on my best behaviour and if you want, John can join us.
With that John’s eye’s return to the road.
Turning to David, whispering.
I hope you wont be to well behaved tonight because I want to fuck you silly.
The elevator opened into David’s condo and all I could think of saying. You call this a condo?
The main living room was two stories and had floor to ceiling windows that over looked the lake. The furniture was white leather with black trim. The floor was a dark grey marble with a white carpet used to separate the living room from the open kitchen.
It took my breath away. I had been in some nice places, including my own but this was unbelievable.
Finally saying.
This really is something David.
I have three guilty pleasures. The one you already know about, the second is my home and the third is my boat. Then with a laugh. Other then that I’m just your average joe.
Looking at him as he hung up our coats.
Ya, right. Just your average guy that is man of the year, knows movie stars, lives here and oh lets not forget is the CEO of the bracelet club.
His smile faded as he turned and I could see my joke didn’t go over very well.
Quickly adding.
And is the man that I love.
He moved towards the kitchen as I continued, pulling my foot out of my mouth.
Sorry about that. It’s just a lot to take in when I’m around you. Sorry.
He stopped.
It’s not your fault, it’s just when I hear it, I sometimes get embarrassed. That it’s the things I have that people like about me.
Well, since I fell for you at a bar, dressed as a bondage queen, then was tied to a bed with 2 other women, I think it’s safe to say I love you for you and not what you have.
David turned.
You do make me one happy guy. Now would you like anything anything to eat or should we just a glass of wine?
After tonight I would love a glass, one that I can drink without worrying about people calling me a lush.
Laughing, David pulled a bottle of red from the wine cabinet.
Yes that was some kind of night. Did you see Mary Trainman eyeing you? I thought she was going to drink the whole tray of champagne. You sure did look amazing and thanks again for coming, even if I was a stupid ass.
Enough of the thank you’s, please and yes Patti and Trish had several laughs at my expense. It would seem that you had a big, shall I say fan club.
Yup and most of them stuck up, rich house wives that are now bored with their perfect little live's.
Looking around the kitchen. It was an open concept, open to the living room with a large centre island that I guessed would have problems fitting in my apartment.
It had the same clean white look with accents of dark wood and a light coloured granite counter top. All the appliances were stainless steel of course. He had one regular oven top and one that was a gas barbecue with a large stainless steel vent. This was in the centre of the island and on either side David had pots, pans and various utensils hanging from steel racking.
David broke the silence with.
So Miss Anderson, please tell me your off tomorrow?
Yes, and Rob has ordered me not to be in the shop before noon on Sunday. I think he’s trying to keep me away as he forms that union.
Very funny but that’s great news, so I can keep you all day tomorrow and tomorrow night then?
My body tingled as he said it.
Yes, that is if you don’t have other plans or get bored with me.
Oh, somehow I think getting bored wont be a problem. Do you think you could do me a favour?
That depends.
Remove your dress.
Oh god here we go I thought.
I looked at him without moving and he said.
I enjoyed seeing you naked the other night at your apartment.
Thinking back to the other night after the coffee shop. How I had been shackled by the ankles and wrists. Of him looking at me, my sex going crazy as he repeatedly triggered the remote vibrating egg in my vagina.
Oh you did, did you?
Answering he opened a drawer and removing a set of shiny steel shackles.
My heart skipped and my sex jumped at the sight. They were the kind I’ve seen on the internet. They were about two inches wide with a built-in padlock. At the end of the month when my sex was driving me crazy I would come across them when doing internet searches.
My favourite were pictures and a five minute video of a beautiful girl wearing them in public. I had cum several times to the fantasy of being her, of being paraded in public by my master in chains, of seeing the public staring at me.
At one point in the video, which is in Amsterdam or some other northern European country, she was called over by the police to make sure she was okay.
So I guess you did a little planning for tonight?
Yes, and to be honest with you, I’m having a hard time not just taking you to bed right now. You have been driving me nuts since I saw you at your apartment. You look so sexy in that outfit.
Moving closer, finishing with.
So, ready for a bit of a play?
Well since you put it that way, I started to pull my dress off.
Now your jewelry.
I was standing naked with my dress on the back of the couch and my accessories on the counter.
Wrist please he demanded.
Holding out my right wrist, David slowly took the metal cuff and slipped on the o-ring attachment, the steel surrounding my wrist. It felt amazing, feeling the cold steel circle my wrist, to see David taking me his sex slave. My sex beginning to warm as he squeezed the gold padlock closed with a click.
Dropping my right hand, feeling the weight of the cuff slide on my wrist. I thought how long it would be imprisoned, how long he would keep me as his personal play thing. I hoped it was forever but certainly until Sunday morning.
I watched as she raised her left wrist, looking at those incredible green eye’s and thought how much I wanted her. To bend her over the couch and take her right then and there.
She said.
Having a bit of an issue are we.
I followed her gaze and saw my pants tented and replied.
Please only speak when told to.
As a warning I reached over and finger flicked her erect nipple.
She bit her lip at the pain but she remained silent and continued to hold out her left wrist.
Dam that hurt and seeing his cock threatening to rip through his pants was having it’s predictable effect on my sex. I watched as he took and surrounded my free wrist with the other shackle. God did it feel fantastic. It fit perfectly. The o-ring was on the inside and it clinked as I moved.
I was afraid to speak but braved his punishment.
You really do know how to get me going.
Not seeing disapproval I went on.
These are beautiful David and they feel fantastic.
They do look good and I’m glad they fit so well. I bought them just for you and was worried that they wouldn’t arrive in time.
As he said it he took both of my wrists by the cuffs and played with them.
Okay, up on the counter please.
The steel cuff banged on the granite counter as David helped.
Ankle please.
Raising my right ankle as he readied the next cuff. Again he slowly placed the silver steel around my ankle, adding the o-rind attachment, the lock clicking as it closed.
The ankle shackle were a little bit wider then the wrist cuffs and I could really feel their weight. Looking at my new restraint, the oval shape, the gold integrated padlock, the o-ring attachment, yes, these were unbelievable, simply perfect.
Thinking about my leather cuffs, at how I would wear for a few days or even week at a time. How I would need to remove them before showering and thought how these could be on forever. To be permanently bound as David’s sex slave.
David took my other ankle and when he finished encasing it in steel he then took what looked like an eight inch chain and using quick release clasps joined my ankles.
He then took an other chain and connected both of my wrists about six inches apart.
Now that’s better Kelly, another glass of wine perhaps.
Thinking, David you’re such a tease. My sex is on fire, your cock looks like the Washington Monument and all I want to do is fuck you.
Sure that would be fine. Answering with my best fake smile.
Careful Kelly or else I may just leave you like this all weekend.
Oh please, yes, wanting his threat, wanting to feel the weight of my new cuffs, to feel helpless, unable to remove them, the steel, so solid, so permanent. The chaining clinking softly, my arms feeling the weight, the cool steel against my skin, so different from my leather. The finish almost suitable to pass as normal jewellery. Okay, maybe not, but dam I wished.
Playing my role, responding to David’s threat.
I’m sorry David I will try to behave.
Other then my handcuffs this was my first time wearing steal shackles. The weight surprisingly heavy and as I pulled on the chain. They felt and looked so permanent. Looking at the cuffs, moving them around, my sex doing a little contraction. They looked and felt so good, so real, so helpless.
These really are something David. They feel amazing. Thank you for getting them for me. They’re so special.
I’m glad you approve. They look fantastic on you. In fact, they look so good could you please walk around the living-room for me.
By now, I knew when David used the word, please, it was really synonymous for a command.
Conscious of being naked and chained, I asked.
Can anyone see in through the windows?
Only if they’re on a boat with really good binoculars.
Okay, then hell, how do I get off the counter? The chain held back my wrists, so using the normal two handed push off was out of the question. Looking at David, he's smile telling me he had already figured I had an issue.
Now slave, what type of master would I be if I came to your rescue every time you had a problem?
I could just hop down but? Turning to my side, my cuffed hands just able to touch the counter top, with one motion, I lifted and pushed, spinning, the chain clanking loud against the marble floor. Success. Well almost as the ankle cuffs hit my ankle bone.
Regaining my composure, the pain from my ankles not as bad as I first thought, straightening.
No master, just getting used to my new gifts.
His smile telling all, his enjoyment obvious. My own thoughts however a mix of wanting to say he was an ass and at the same time, my sex enjoying my new role and my confinement.
The steel feeling so different, so solid, the chain not having any give as with my leather cuffs. With these, my movement stopped as soon as the chain went taught, my leather bondage would have a little give, a little warning that I had maxed out my confinement.
No, these stopped, stoping any extra movement, the feeling of strength, of the steel, of my limits. Wow, my sex loving it, my mind processing, looking at the cuffs, at the steel, at how final they were, how permanent, at just how helpless they made me.
Walk please.
My analyzing time over, it was time to get back to having some fun, having my first real night with David, here at his place, with my new gifts.
My first step was cut short as the chain became taught, reminding me again, the cuffs feeling uncomfortable as they tried to spin.
Okay Kelly, I thought lets try again and lets give David a show.
Stepping again, this time with an exaggerated swing of my hips and almost tripping as the chain again pulled on my ankle, stopping my step without warning.
Nice try girl but please just walk normally or you will hurt yourself.
Being more conservative I took another step, feeling for the chain. Still it pulled sooner then I had anticipated and the cuff twisted uncomfortably on my ankle again. They may look fantastic but they weren’t as forgiving as my leather cuffs. These would take some getting used to. My next step was better and the chain was less distracting on the carpet then the hardwood floor.
That’s better, you’ll find your limits.
I held my tongue as I thought how I would like to see Mr. Bartlett doing the bondage walk.
Now stop.
Turn and face me.
I turned, looking at David staring at me. Feeling how naked I was, shackled and helpless in the middle of his living room. Standing motionless waiting for his next command. He slowly took another sip of his wine, making me feel my nakedness, my confinement, my vulnerability to his wishes.
After years of self bondage scenario's here I was standing chained, helpless before the man of my dreams. I pulled on my wrist cuffs and felt my sex pulse. How I wanted him to take me, to have David play with my body, helpless to stop him, to feel his cock inside me, to scream out in pleasure.
I looked down at my new cuffs. At how the steel reflected the lights of the apartment. At how they felt so permanent, locked on my wrists, at the chain holding them together. They looked so dam good encasing my wrists. God I hoped he would leave them on forever, to make me go to work with them, to feel the weight on my wrists and ankles.
My sex was really starting to go into overdrive as I shifted my hips to find some relief.
Don’t to that Kelly.
His voice commanding.
Really, I thought. Frak this was driving me crazy. I bit my lip and resumed my position.
Hands behind your neck.
Slowly raising my hands, looking at David as they went over my head, feeling the chain against my neck, interlocking my fingers. It was hard to believe but I now felt even more venerable. feeling so naked, my tits sticking out, my exposed sex, swelling with each second. My sex was on fire, waiting for that one touch for relief.
So tell me how horny you are?
Staring back, looking at David, my mind screaming what? You want me to speak, to say what? How horny I am? Standing here like this. God no.
Now please.
Please, again frak. The words coming out
I feel completely naked, embarrassed, helpless. I want you, I want this but.
Looking away.
But this is what, very uncomfortable, I feel on display, I feel.
You feel like what? His voice low, steady.
I feel like a sex slave, I feel helpless. I want you David, I do but.
And what would you do if I said that wasn’t going to happen tonight? That I was going to chain you spread eagled at the foot of my bed. That I was just going to watch you suffer as my sex slave.
Frak this was just to much, feeling tears starting. I thought, David how can you do this to me. Do this after tonight. Was this my punishment for freaking out, was this his payback?
Crying out.
Please David, I can’t take much more of this. Please I want you, please can I touch you, make you happy.
Oh, but you are, just standing there is enough, thinking of you looking down at me as I slept. I may even call Patti and Trish over, to fuck them as you’re bound helpless and made to watch.
I couldn’t take it any more, collapsing to my knees. My sex cool, my arms were sore and all I could think off was another night of praying to feel David’s cock inside me.
Closing my eye’s as I bent over wondering if this was what I wanted. My mind was screaming for it to end but my sex unsure. One second I thought how naked I was, how wrong this was and the next I would feel my cuffs, feel that this is what I wanted. Wanting to be here with David, shackled, his sex slave.
But like this?
Kelly are you okay I heard David saying.
It had taking her longer then I thought, but with Kelly, was I really surprised. She was so stubborn, so singled minded. She wanted control but desired the feeling of being helpless.
All night I had fought with my self doubts about doing this to her. To make her experience being a true sex slave. As hard as this was I could tell she was fighting to be my sex slave and I was fighting just as hard to maintain my role as master.
To hurt the woman I loved, to take her down the path of a sex slave, to have her truly experience bondage, the lack of control, to make it reality and not a fantasy that would end with a self induced orgasm.
Seeing her with the new cuffs was a moment. The sight of her holding out her wrist, the steel wrapping around it, the click of the lock. I was so happy that the cuffs had fit so well, not to tight, not to loose. To see her tiny wrists in cased in steel was almost overwhelming.
Then watching her walking shackled, trying to play the part was just fantastic. I could see her nervousness turn to enjoyment followed by embarrassment and confusion.
I knew having her put her hands behind her head would be the tipping point. Of her feeling completely naked and helpless before me. To be nothing more then a shackled, naked person standing in a living room with no where to hide from my staring eye’s.
I was about to end it when Kelly finally gave in and had collapsed to the floor. As much as I had done this with other women this time it was with Kelly and my enjoyment was being severely contaminated with the pain of hurting her, of just wanting to go to her, to take her, to stop her pain.
I had been close to stopping but if we were to grow as Master and Slave, as boy friend and girl friend I knew I had to push her. To make her climb through all the different experiences that bondage had to offer.
The climb being the true secret to the bracelet club. The adding of new experiences that would forever separate not only the lifetime of fantasies but to make love making a whole new way of life. That sex could be more then a thirty minute bedroom exercise but could become a lifetime of simple sexual experiences that the average person would never experience.
I let her stay on the floor as I removed my jacket and shirt. I needed her to process her feelings, to regroup and be with in herself for a moment. As I undid my pants I looked at my bracelet and thought of my own self imposed journey into bondage. Of how it was a constant reminder of my sexual freedom. How at anytime, day or night it would slide on my wrist, I would see it or see the expression of someone else noticing it for the first time.
Business meetings were always the most interesting. Guys usually thought it meant I was gay and would drop a gay reference at some point but women usually found it attractive and I would catch them staring at it. It was always a turn on when they would find the moment to comment on it, to ask why I wore it, to ask to see it and be turned on as I told them it was permanent, unable to come off and had been on for years.
Time to finish the night, to bring Kelly back to her fantasy, to love the girl I loved.
Chapter 24: Shackled
I went to her, kneeling down, holding her shoulders, waiting, her crying ending, a roller coaster of emotions.
Are you okay? I pushed you pretty hard but you did great.
Oh David, you do know how to make this real, to make my mind split in two.
Come Kelly, lets have another glass of wine and enjoy the night.
I let him help me up as the ankle chain defeated my own attempt. Standing, looking at him, looking at the man I had surrendered to and wondering just how far he would take me. Just how hard it would be to control myself, to not only please him but to learn to enjoy my role.
My sex had cooled but as I looked at his naked body, at his blue eye’s, at his bracelet I could feel the heat building again.
So can I please be me again or I’m I still the object of your pleasure?
That almost hurt, answeing.
That was just a bit of training, a little insight to what you will need to experience before you get your own bracelet.
He took a sip of wine as I thought about that. This was going to be interesting, difficult but very interesting as I thought how I had just felt.
I think I understand what your doing but I have a problem and that is knowing when I’m in training verses just being with you. I know you have done this with other women but I’m guessing this time it’s a bit different. I mean the way you feel about me, about how I feel about you?
She was good and dam did she see things quickly and yes this was different for me and for the second time tonight I had screwed up.
You do amaze me Kelly, and yes this is different so lets talk about it.
Oh thank god he thought the same. I hadn’t meant to question him but speaking my mind was how I usually addressed my problems.
What if we used a word or phrase when my training session was beginning and finishing?
Nodding, liking the idea.
Interesting and what should it be?
God I liked this better, to be simply talking with him. I mean I still loved being in bondage but just acting normal was such a turn on.
How about.
Pausing to think, to give back some of what I had just taken.
How about it’s time for a little training sex slave?
Okay, not bad, we may need to work on it and I won’t promise to always warn you but yes I agree that we need a beginning and an end.
Looking at her as she smiled, sipping her wine, at her cuffed wrists moving together. She really did make me happy.
Reaching over, taking her right cuff.
So how do they feel?
The feel unbelievable, I hope they’re staying on for a while.
They really do look fantastic on you and yes I was thinking of keeping you locked up, that is unless we need to go out in public.
The chain clinked as my feet shifted, feeling the steel pulling on my ankles.
I really do like being like this with you David. It feels so natural, so sexual.
Well I agree with you there. You look incredible in your new cuffs. They really do fit you nicely.
Letting go of her wrist cuff as she took another sip of wine. It was time to start enjoying the night. Moving around behind her I let my cock press against her ass, to feel her warmth. My hands went to her tits and I gently rubbed her nipples with my palms. She groaned softly , adding to her pleasure by blowing softly on her right ear.
As she pushed back against me, my cock pulsed, closing my eye’s to her touch.
He was driving me nuts, teasing me with his body. I so wanted him, to touch him but this felt so good, his hands on my breasts, his lips playing with my ears and his cock pressed against my ass.
I felt the cuffs slide down my wrists and heard the chain on the granite counter top. Oh this was just to much, my sex was back up to full power as I thought of how he was playing with me, making me so aroused after his usual cool down and now heating me up again. He and his fraking rush hour traffic.
Leaning forward, pushing the wine glasses aside, offering my sex to him. Please David, please slide inside me. My sex contracting as I thought of him, his blue eye’s, that million dollar smile, his arm muscles touching me.
David I want you.
He answered by lightly squeezing my left nipple followed by sliding his right hand down to my sex and feeling for my clit. My eyes closing, feeling my sex contract and groaned out my pleasure.
David your killing me, please, I want you.
This resulted in him pushing his cock against my ass and sliding a finger inside me. Dropping my head to my hands, feeling the solid steel of my wrist cuffs on my forehead. God he was driving me crazy, my sex was so hot, so excited. I so wanted to cum, so needed to cum after tonight.
Once again I tried to move my legs a part, to will him inside me and again felt my ankle cuffs pull against the restraining chain. I couldn’t take much more of this, my sex contracting again as I bucked my hips.
Fuck David, thinking I was going to cum if he moved his fingers against my clit. It feeling so good but I wanted to feel him, to feel his cock spreading me, forcing me open like the first time, to feel the pleasure mixed with the pain, to be one with him.
I bucked again as he slid his cock between my legs, rubbing my swollen lips. I was so close to cumming. Biting down on my hand to distract my mind from the contractions of my sex, of my body going into automatic mode of orgasming.
David please stop, I want you, I’m going to cum.
With that I felt the head of his cock press against my sex, of it spreading me open, of it’s heat against my open flesh. He pushed and for a moment I felt the discomfort, then the pleasure as he began to fill me, his cock feeling so unbelievably good.
Crying out.
Oh, yes, please, god yes!.
Feeling his cock pulling back, almost coming all the way out and then pushing in again. Feeling every inch of his shaft sliding in, filling me, my sex contracting against his cock. It was unbelievable as he pushed me against the counter, his hands on my hips, forcing himself deeper.
I cried out, as he grunted with pleasure, moving faster, my sex was starting it’s path to an orgasm. He slammed into me again, my sex contracting, the muscles tightening around his cock, trying to hold it in, to feel it, every ridge, every bump, oh frak David. I pushed back, wanting him deeper, to fill me, to take complete control of my sex, to make it his.
Crying out again.
David, oh fuck.
My sex beginning to climax, first one contraction then another. Breathing not an option as time seemed to stand still. He pulled back once more and then pushed deep inside me. My sex exploding with pleasure sending waves after wave of the most intense feelings of pleasure, of release.
Hearing him grunting, feeling him pushing, and then he exploded inside me. His hot sperm pounding against the top of my vagina. My sex contracting again. This time it was so intense, so prolonged that I was unable to move, my whole body tensed and my head felt like it was ripping open.
My screams mixed with Davids cry’s of pleasure. Again feeling his sperm jetting into me, filling me with his heat. I gasped as yet another impossible contraction racked my body. Oh god this was almost to much.
The stress of the last week, tonight's dinner sexual assaults, the girls looking so sexy, my new cuffs, the steel, the chains, all being released in one exhausting ecstasy of orgasms. I was being overwhelmed with waves of pleasure, of such complete bliss. Good god no one should feel such euphoria from another human being.
After a moment I could feel David’s body pressing down on me, of his sweat mixing with mine, of the granite cooling my over heated body. If one could stop time this would be one of those moments. To just stay like this, to feel so completely fulfilled, so happy, so perfect.
Chapter 25: His Bed
So much for tonight’s plan of taking Kelly to bed and making slow and passionate love to her. No I had turned the night into a five minute fucking session on my kitchen counter.
God David you can be such an ass sometimes I thought, looking down at her sweating body. Watching as her back raised with each breath, her hair damp, her cuffed wrists stretched above her head. I listened to her soft moans, her chains clinking as she began to move.
My cock was starting it’s forecasted shrinking after one of the best orgasms I had ever had. She was just so tight, so incredibly beautiful, so perfect.
Oh David that was unbelievable. I just love feeling you inside me.
Using my hands to lift off of her.
I think that makes two of us.
I could feel his cock shrinking and that wasn’t a good thing.
I think I need a little help here David. Do you have a towel or something?
Hang on, just move with me, I have a dish towel in the drawer.
Moving wasn’t easy but the mess wouldn’t be pretty if he pulled out of my sex right now.
David reached over and undid the quick release clasps and handed the towel to me.
Standing, saying.
I felt him pull back, his cock pulling out as I used the towel to stop the flood of sex juices.
David saw my need.
Just a second, then knelt down unfastening my ankle chains.
The washroom is down the hall to the right.
Looking in the mirror at my sweat soaked hair and for the second time in one night, my less then perfect makeup. Well, at least this time it had been worth it I thought.
Cleaning myself up, I looked at my new cuffs in the mirror and thought how great they looked, at the silver and gold against my skin, at how permeant they looked.
For the first time I tried moving them on my wrists, to see and feel just how they fit. I tried twisting them, to move the o-ring from the inside to the outside of my wrist but the oval shape of the cuff would not comply.
They weren’t tight, loose enough to slide a few inches up my arm. Holding my right cuff, playing with it, feeling the weight, looking at how the padlock fit into the cuff, at the removable o-ring attachment. Yes the look and feel was just so perfect.
The ankle cuffs were the same as I played with them as I sat on the toilet. The cuffs again fit perfectly. Loose enough to let me walk without discomfort but impossible to twist or remove without the key. They sat just above my ankle bone and I wondered if that would be a problem, if they would start to hurt.
Walking back down the hall I noticed the removable o-ring attachment made a clinking sound, just like my leather cuffs with the added lock. That is so cool. Feeling their weight, how they felt so different from my leather cuffs, less forgiving, more there, moving more, the worry about my ankle bone not appearing to be an issue.
Everything okay Kelly? David called.
Thinking of how could tonight be any better, answering.
I think I’ll live and you?
With a smile.
Better now that you have returned. God you look great.
Sitting at the island again, taking a moment to look at him, at his muscular body, his dirty blonde hair, those blue eyes and yes, his silver bracelet.
You really do know how to rock my world Mr. Bartlett.
We talked for the next hour or so and then the night finally caught up with me.
David noticing.
Shall we call it a night?
That sounds good.
He took my hand and as we headed down the hallway and then up a set of stairs when it finally hit me that we would finally be sleeping together after two weeks. Oh how I had missed him beside me. As we climbed the stairs I listened to my ankle cuffs clinking and thought how natural this felt. To be his, to be shackled, to be his sex slave. Smiling at the thought.
The feeling of being his slave, to playing my role, to so enjoy being like this. It was an odd feeling of being his sex slave but at the same time we were equals, that he would never hurt me, never let anything bad happen but at the same time I was a slave to his demands.
Allowing him to control my freedom, that he had the right to make me do as he wanted. To keep me shackled, to tease me, to make me stand naked before him, to be his object of sexual pleasure.
My moment of self reflection was interrupted.
Why the smile?
Oh, I was just thinking how happy you make me feel. I do love you David.
He turned, hugging me.
And I love you Kelly.
The bedroom was huge, as big as my whole apartment. Again the windows were floor to ceiling. The bed was a rot-iron and off set to one side and the walls were nicely painted a mid tone tan colour with darker accents. Closest to the door was a stationary bike and an all in one weight setup. On the far end of the room was a wood book case filled with sailing trophies and framed photographs of sailboats and a whole section of David posing with under privileged kids.
David led me to the on-suite bathroom.
I picked up some supplies for you, if thats okay?
On the counter were a selection of hair brushes and a packaged toothbrush.
He went on.
Patti also picked up some makeup and other supplies.
Next was the walk in closet. It had David’s suits on one side, shoes on the back wall and every day clothes on the other. On the dresser in the middle of the room were a stack of folded clothes.
Patti also picked up some clothes for you.
I turned and looked at David.
You really do think a head, thank you for a fantastic night and I’m sorry about my little fit.
After kiss, I added.
You really do make me happy.
Raising my wrists, hitting my cuffs together.
Even when I’m your sex slave.
Well thank you for coming tonight, and again I’m sorry for not telling you.
David.please, I’m the one that should be apologizing.
His hands taking my wrists, moving them behind my back, his body against mine.
Either way little one, I’m so happy your here with me now, that you like your new accessories and you like playing with me.
I like nothing more, being with you, able to act like this, to have you give me these, I love it, and I love you.
His lips touching mine, feeling him, feeling his touch, his hands holding me hands, then releasing them, freeing me to touch him, to enjoy being with him.
Finally, after a minute or so
Come on and lets get some sleep. I have a big day planned for tomorrow.
Then with some hesitation.
You don’t get sea sick?
No, and just what do you have planned?
Nothing much, just thought we would take advantage of the nice weather and go for a sail.
Oh that’s all, just a little sail? David are you trying to make me fall in love with you?
With a pause.
Because it’s to late but yes I would love to go sailing with the master sailer David Bartlett.
God Kelly do you ever have a try sense of humour. It’s very British.
Thanks I guess?
No, I love it.
With that he took me to bed.
I watched as she climbed in to my bed. I had been waiting for what seemed like forever to see her. What a body, perfect tits, an athletic shape, smart as a whip and seeing her with her new cuffs was just fantastic.
Lying down and looking into her green eye’s I thought of just how lucky I was. She was truly beautiful. Pulling her close, feeling her body, her tits against my chest, my growing cock against her legs. Just being with her was making me horny again, it really was like being a teenager, one touch and presto I would have a hard on.
You seem to be having a problem Kelly said.
Yes, and that problem would be you.
Oh really and would you like me to do something about it?
That would be a possibility.
With that Kelly slid down and put her lips around my cock.
Oh god did that feel good, to feel her lips sliding up and down my shaft, to feel it growing, straining at her touch.
God Kelly that feels good. I whispered.
Her hands went to my balls and with one finger she lightly pressed and then tickled the back of them. With her lips and teeth playing havoc with my cock and with this new feeling on my balls I knew I wouldn’t last much longer but I let her play, it just felt so fucking good.
She switched between dragging her teeth along my cock then her warm and wet lips attacking my overly sensitive head, switching between flicks of her tongue, rubbing with her finger, softly biting and finally blowing on it.
Arching my back, groaning.
God woman that’s feels fantastic.
Her fingernails were scratching the insides of my thighs, her hand was stroking my cock and her teeth were biting it’s hyper sensitive head.
That was just to much as I reached down and with some effort pulled her head up.
What’s the matter David, I was just doing as ordered and fixing your problem.
Looking at that smiling face
I’m not sure that’s what I would call fixing the problem.
With her fake pout she said.
Well maybe this would work better.
I watched as she slid up the bed and raised her hips above my straining cock and with a steading hand she dropped down on it.
Arching again at the pressure of her cunt, at it’s warmth surrounding my cock. My hands going to her tits, feeling the soft flesh as she raised up with a groan and dropped down again.
Pushing back, wanting to fill her as she gasped in pleasure, my cock deep inside her. She took my wrists, pulling them above my head as she took control of the event. Her breathing quickened as she repeatedly raised and lowered herself on my cock, each time with a gasp, a pause and then up and down again.
I tried to pull loose from her grip but she wasn’t letting that happen as she continued her sexual assault. Her eye’s shut, her focus on her pleasure, her body riding my cock, God she was beautiful. Her perfect tit’s bouncing, her hard nipples sticking straight out and those green eye surrounded by her brown hair.
Her breathing was getting quicker and her pace was becoming frantic.
Egging her on.
Come on Kelly, fuck me, fuck me you sex slave.
Groaning out an oh fuck and I felt her sex spasm as her body tensed. I waited a second and then pushed deeper into her and she yelled out.
Oh fuck, oh, oh.
With her eye’s closed, her sweat covered body collapsed on top of me. My hands finally free to wrap around her, holding her, giving her the time to recover, to enjoy her pleasure, to let her know I loved her.
After a minute or so her breathing returning to normal, she turned her head kissing me.
God David that was just to good, holy frack. Are you okay? I mean that was fantastic but you didn’t cum.
Don’t worry about me, it was great to see you enjoying the moment.
What Kelly didn’t know was that I never orgasmed when the girl was on top, I always needed to be in control to cum. It had become my secret weapon if you like. I could let her ride me all night and nothing would change.
I was waiting for her to recover, to realize that my cock was still hard, for her to move and to feel it still inside her. To realize that our love making wasn’t going to end just yet.
Kelly finally began to move, her eye’s widen as she felt my cock.
Oh David, oh god.
Kissing her lips.
It’s okay, relax, just enjoy the feeling.
She started to rise but bit her lip and stopped.
Don’t rush Kelly, take your time, I’m not going anywhere, that is if you can keep going?
Kissing me, following with.
If your up to it.
Again she moved and I could feel our body parts separate as she gasped.
She whispered.
Just go slow, I may need a minute or two.
No worries as I pulled her tight and did the love making roll over, positioning myself on top of her.
She felt so good, so tight, she even still smelled fantastic.
Are you okay.
Yes, just go slow. I can’t believe your still so hard.
Nothing like a little ego boost I thought.
Okay but dam this feels good.
I took her cuffed wrists and returned the favour of holding her arms above her head and slowly started to rock back and forth. Kelly shut her eyes, groaning softly as I felt her sex coming back to life.
Slowly thrusting back into her, not all the way, just a little tease then almost pulling all the way out, paused and then sliding back in. She responded with another groan and an upward thrust of her sex. So she was back, time to play.
Taking both her wrist cuffs and slipping my index finger through the o-ring , moving my freed left hand down and gently massaged her tit, followed by sucking and lightly biting of her nipple. She pulled on her cuffs and tried and to lift her head to kiss me but she was my sex slave again and that wasn’t allowed.
I said.
Not so fast Kelly.
But I want you David.
God I loved it when she said that.
Responding with.
Not yet my little prisoner.
I pinched her nipple as a warning and then moved my hand down to her sex feeling for her clit. At the same time I stopped moving my cock.
She whispered with some distress.
David, please don’t stop.
Slowly I found her clit and started to rub. Kelly gasping.
No, please I’m to sensitive.
I knew she would be but answered.
Your not telling me what to do are you?
Was he for real? How was he still so fraking hard after I had ridden him like that and now he’s playing with me like this? I pulled again on my cuffed wrist without any results so I pushed up to make his dam cock move inside me. Frak just fuck me David I thought.
Not so fast Kelly, please be a good girl I heard David saying as he again attacked my clit. Each touch sending waves of pleasure through my body. I moaned again as he bit down on my nipple. It felt so good to be his, to have him inside me and then he fraking does it again. God dam his stop and go playing I thought as he pulled his cock out of my sex.
David please I begged.
I so wanted his cock inside me but no! Frak and I felt him pushing against my sex, sliding in two fingers. His touch was like magic as he massaged my insides and somehow continued to rub my clit. My sex was again on fire for the third time tonight and I could feel my contractions to an orgasm beginning.
Begging again.
David I want you, please.
He was teasing me so close to an orgasm but just wouldn’t finish. I loved it but at the same time dam, can’t you just fuck me?
I had decided that I wasn’t going to cum without his cock inside me. If he was going to be such an ass then screw him.
I felt him playing, his finger sliding in and out, rubbing me.My sex contracting but no dam it I wasn’t cumming without his cock inside me, No!
Then he let go of my wrist cuffs and slid down my body. Where the frak was he going, no my mind screamed, just put your fraking cock inside me so I can cum.
Time to see just how much she good handle.
Kelly, please grab hold of the headboard and don’t let go.
What? no, really. Frak, Obeying in silence.
Her juices were leaking out of her sex and her lips were so swollen, what a sight. Reached down, pulling her cuffed ankles up to her ass, her knees bent out to the side, leaving her sex wide open to my tongue.
Okay Kelly try this on for size I thought.
Making sure to hold her ankles cuffs, I lightly licked her swollen lips, and listening to her groan of pleasure. She fought back by moving her legs but her hands stayed out of my way. With my left hand I secured her ankles by the O-ring on her shackles. Time to see just how much you can take. With my freed right hand I slowly pushed one and then a second finger into her sex.
Was he insane? Frak David I thought as my hands tightening around the headboard bars. God it felt so good but the pleasure was almost painful as he slid his fingers inside me. Come, please just fuck me. Oh god I called out as he bit my inner thigh and then blew on my sex. I tried to move my ankles, to fight back, to protect myself but he wasn’t letting that happen.
Finally, unable to take the pleasure, my hands left the headboard going to the top of his head.
David, I’m sorry but your driving crazy.
Well I guess you need a little help obeying my wishes.
I knew she couldn’t take much more teasing, her overly sensitive sex unable to deal with my attack. My plan, my wish coming true.
I guess you require some assistance, some restraints so I can finish playing with my sex slave.
Her eyes wide, her legs still bent, her hands moving back above her head.
Please don’t move.
My bag of toys were in the wooden chest at the foot of the bed. It held much the same toys as Kelly’s, leather cuffs, ropes, different style hand cuffs, chains, and for when I was in the mood, a couple fleshlights.
Oh frak, here we go again. I hoping he would, would add some restrains, take control, to play with me. Watching him move, his cock hard, wet, going to the wooden chest at the foot of the bed. Pulling out a bag.
Your not the only one with one of these.
Oh frak, I thought.
Watching as he pulled out a length of chain, he said looking at me with a smile.
I think this will do.
Moving above me, the chain clinking against the steel headboard as he used a small padlock to fasten the chain. Seeing it, seeing the lock, I knew my escape was becoming impossible.
Next, using two clasps he took first one wrist then the other, attaching them to the chain. At first I thought I could reach the clasp and freedom but as I reached, twisting my hands, it was clear that my wrists were to close together, that as much as I tried my fingers could’t reach the clasps. No I was once again his prisoner, yes, a happy little sex slave.
Moving back.
Now that should solve that problem, if not, I do have a whip or two I could use.
Pulling on the chain, the slack allowing for a foot or so of movement before I felt the steel combine to hold my wrists just above my head. My sex was screaming in delight at being truly helpless, the feeling of being in bondage, the steel around my wrists, the chain locked, holding helpless before the man I loved.
Now for these.
Watching as he again went to the bag and after a moment of moving things around, he stood with what looked like a leather belt and two short lengths of chains.
Could you left your waist up?
Lifting up my waist, fascinated as to what he was up to, watching as he slid the belt under me, pulling the leather tight around my waist. Dam was I enjoying this.
Next he took one of the chains and connected it to the d-loop on the left side of the belt. My eye’s followed as he did the same to the right side.
His touch was like magic, my body buzzing as he took such control, playing with me, smiling as he went about his business.
Now, ankle please.
Understanding what he had done, I moved my right ankle to his hand, watching as he took the chain, clipping it to my ankle shackle, repeating the process with my left ankle.
Now thats much better, comfortable?
The chains from the belt were about six inches long and with them connected to my ankle cuffs, made me bend my legs up and out, the steel unforgiving as I tried to move, My legs all but useless, my sex now fully exposed.
His smile broadcasting his satisfaction.
My hands held above me head, a three inch leather belt around my waist, which I could see had a locking buckle, my ankles pulled up, my legs out to the side and my sex open, helpless before him.
Was I comfortable, hell yes. My sex pulsing, waiting for his attack, waiting to feel him.
Yes master, I see you had this planned for a while.
Actually no, but I do love it when a plan comes together. You look amazing.
Thanks, and you look pretty good to.
Does the cuffs hurt at all?
No, they feel amazing, the steel is so different from the leather, I think I could get very used to these.
Good, I was a little worried, but god do they look fantastic on you.
Thanks, maybe they could stay on for a bit.
Oh they will my love, now I believe you had rudely interrupted me as I was just getting somewhere.
His finger touching my sex as he spoke, my body jumping to his touch, my sex loving it, my mind afraid of what was coming.
She looked so good, so perfect. The steel cuffs were driving me crazy as I watched her move, finding the limits of her bonded, her confinement. The steel around her wrists and ankles, the chains holding her, the leather belt around her thin waist. Oh god, she did the lick the lips thing again.
I so wanted to just go to her, slid inside, so take her but no, not yet, it was time for her reward, to play with her, to have her enjoy the moment, to remember tonight.
Go a head Kelly try to fight, you belong to me now, I thought. Time to play.
Moving down between her legs, her sex open, helpless before me. My tongue touching, her sex juices wet, fresh, her lips swollen, large, sensitive. The chains clinking as she pulled, my touch soft, wanting her, pleasing her.
Please control yourself or I’ll stop.
Stop, oh that would be good but not a fraking chance as I relaxed my fighting, my sex pulsing. God how much longer good I hold off cumming. This was just to much.
Okay Kelly I thought as I took my thumb and slowly pressed against her anus, using her sex juices as lubricant to push inside.
This was met with.
No, David, please not there.
Sorry girl I thought, my two fingers slipping into her sex, feeling her warmth, her excitement. My tongue flicking her clit, my fingers pushing, feeling for my thumb, massaging, teasing, listening to her groans, feeling her movements as her mind processed her pleasure.
My own mind processing my pleasure, my cock jumping like a little puppy dog as I felt her sex pulse, her body starting to tense. Just a little more as I brought my tongue to her sex, continuing to massage her insides.
Oh god, frak David. My pleasure centre was being over run with signals from my sex.
Calling out.
Oh fuck.
Oh god.
Stop please.
Then he did something else and I was unable to breathe. Oh god what was he doing to me, I couldn’t take it anymore but what? My hands helpless, the steel holding my wrists, the chain taught, my ankles useless, my legs held open, the steel and chains clinking as I tried anything to protect myself, my sex exploding, my orgasm so close.
David, please, I want you, I want you inside me, please!
Looking up at her sweating body, her tits raising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. Pausing to give her a minute.
So enjoying yourself?
I was trying to breathe, to let my body catchup with my mind or was it the other way around.
David Bartlett are you just trying to kill me or what?
Just making sure your enjoying our first date. We could just stop if you want?
Moving up, kissing her lips, her touch electrifying.
Kelly answering.
I just want you inside me.
Then lets move a bit.
Lifting her, turning her hips, letting her reposition in her chains, her ass up in the air, her knees below her, her feet held up by the chains and belt. I wanted her from behind, to feel her, to see her like this.
Oh god, like this, oh god. My hands held to gather, the cuffs looking as good as they felt. My feet useless, my knees taking my weight, my ass up, ready for him. Oh please David, please make love to me.
My cock against her sex, slowly sliding in side her. Dam did that feel good. She felt so warm, so wet as I began to move back and forth. It was my time to cum and I started to thrust deeper inside her, pulling back and then forcefully pushing in.
The sensation so fantastic, to be with her, to both giving and receiving such pleasure, such a overwhelming feeling of ecstasy, of pure love, of wanting nothing more then the here and now.
Closing my eye’s and fantasizing of her chained to my bed, her steel cuffs on her wrists and ankles, her crying out as I fucked her. I thought back to putting the cuffs on her, of the excitement of wrapping her wrists in steel, of the click of the lock, of claiming her as my sex slave.
I wanted her so badly, to see her licking her lips, her eye’s sparkling when she smiled, of how beautiful she had looked tonight at the awards dinner, at how helpless she had been in my living room.
I pushed deep in side her.
Oh Kelly.
Oh god.
My slave.
I could feel the end was near, my orgasm building deep inside my groin. I thrust forward, deep inside her and paused as I felt my orgasm building. God how I loved that feeling, the pressure, the single minded focus. I groaned as I felt my first contraction, pulling back and then pushing in deep again.
Again, his cock spreading me, my sex so tight, feeling every millimetre of his cock, my heart stopping as he pulled almost out, then pushed back, deep, filling me, my sex exploding at his touch at such pleasure. My mind dealing with my new position, to have him taking me from behind. His cock feeling bigger, his thrusts more powerful, my bondage more complete.
My pleasure building, overwhelming, my cock feeling the spam filling it, the pressure. God please! Her body in my hands, pulling her hips, her cries. My sex releasing as I orgasmed. My whole body contracting, my cum jetting into Kelly, my body one with her, Kelly crying out with pleasure, my sex pulsating as I emptied my sperm inside her.
Groaning out.
Oh fuck.
Oh yes.
Trying to breathe, to feel such all consuming pleasure, to be one with the moment, of truly in joying the humans race basic pleasure of life. God it was simply fantastic.
It took us several minutes to recover, of me holding her, kissing Kelly’s lips, of looking at those beautiful green eye’s. I felt so happy, so complete. God I really do love this girl.
My ankles freed, his arms around me, my sex overwhelmed, my mind content, David my love, holding me.
Chapter 26: Sailing
Really, a helicopter?
Kelly looked great in her jeans and wool sweater as we walked across the tarmac to the helicopter.
I know it’s a bit much but I called in a favour and my friend Dan set it up for us. I told him it was a last minute thing but it was important.
Well, David let me just confessed that I’m impressed.
The morning had come quickly, to quickly as I was enjoying the feeling of David’s body against mine, of waking up to being in his bed, to feeling him, to the smell of his body. I thought of last night and my sex protested as I replayed the evening, of how the night had started with my dress, of putting on my new bracelets, of David putting on my diamond necklace, of how much fun dinner had been, with the exception of my moment I touched my steel cuff as I replayed David wrapping it around my wrist.
They still felt so solid, so heavy, so beautiful, so sexy as I thought of standing naked before him. God what a night. The sex was just perfect, to finally really cum with a man that I loved. To feel my body rocked with so many orgasms, to be so completely overwhelmed with pleasure from so many different sources. It truly was a night to remember.
David had made a light breakfast and I had thought about trying out the stationary bike but had quickly changed my mined after feeling the discomfort of my sex and had settled for a long hot shower.
Again my sex had come alive as I had played with my new wrist cuffs, thinking about how I need to remove my leather cuffs before my showers, but not anymore. Nope, these could stay on for as long as David wanted, to stay on when I showered, slept, worked, went for a jog, which I thought would be interesting to feel. To feel the weight on my ankles, of how I would hide my wrists or would I just say screw it and run with them showing.
Over breakfast David had removed the O-rings from my ankle and wrist cuffs. My heart jumping at the sound of the locks clicking shut and at how incredible my new cuffs looked. The seamless silver surrounding the outside of my wrists and the integrated gold lock on the inside. Yes, they did look good and god I loved them already.
As we walked to the helicopter I took a moment to look down to see how well the wool sweater was hiding my wrist cuffs and was pleased to see that a little bit of silver was showing out on each wrist.
In the helicopter David had explained that it belonged to his friend Dan Young, that he had hit it big with an internet start up that David had funded. As a thank you Dan had agreed to keep David’s sail boat at his cottage and from time to time let him use the helicopter to avoid the traffic on long weekends or as in this case when the season was ending and the normal two hour drive would waste to much of the shortened daylight.
As I looked out the window I thought of just how much my life had changed. From an excessive night of self bondage, to sex with two girls, to being with the man of the year and now flying in a helicopter to a sailboat. I hoped this wasn’t just some sick joke. That Rod Sterling wouldn’t appear with his classic opening to the Twilight Zone.
Through the headphones David had pointed out Dan’s cottage and several others as we circled the bay before landing. Apparently this was a little known spot on Georgian Bay that the rich and not so famous had found and had been coming to since the early 40’s.
Unlike the other famous cottage area’s this one had escaped the attention of the press and was therefore unknown by much of the world. As David had said it was like the last Great Gatsby, where everyone knew each other and had the means to enjoy life.
Looking out at what David called cottage’s I would agree that the owners definitely had the financial means and the bay looked amazing. The bay was opened to Georgian Bay on the north and surrounded by high tree covered slopes on the East, West and South. The water was a crystal clear blue with a snow white beach running across the southern shore. The East and West shores had cottages built closer to the water and many had large docks or boat houses. It really was beautiful.
The helicopter landed in a clearing behind one of the cottages on the West shore and as the blades slowed, David pointed.
That’s Dan.
A tall good looking man, obviously athletic stood by the wooden gate with a yellow windbreaker and a golf hat on and waved.
So thanks for the heads up buddy, you know you made me drive up here this morning Dan said as he shook David’s hand.
I know but what are friends for? But I really do appreciate it and we’re still good to use it tomorrow morning?
Yes, but you really owe me one. Do you still need to be gone by nine tomorrow?
Yes, unfortunately Kelly needs to be at her coffee shop by noon and forgive me but this is Kelly Anderson, Kelly this is Dan Young.
Dan reached out his hand and as I shook it, my mind skipped as he had one on too.
Yes Kelly Dan said, I’m also one of the members, looking at David he went on, it’s been what? Three and a half years now?
David joked back.
Yes, about that long and god knows it seems like for ever with all the girls complaining about you.
Dan shot back.
About me? Well, now that your life has become complicated I guess someone has to be the focus of all the complaints.
Still holding my hand Dan said.
It’s a pleasure to meet you again Kelly. Seeing my blank look Dan added.
We met briefly last night.
Oh, I’m sorry and as Dan released my hand I added.
It’s a pleasure to meet you again and thank you for all your help today.
It’s my pleasure. It’s nice to finally see the man of the year with a lady as attractive as you. Leaning in he said.
To tell you the truth we were starting to wonder if David really liked girls or was?
David interrupted with a punch to Dan’s shoulder and said.
Ok, that’s enough and if I remember correctly weren't you the one that was going to Bangkok all the time?
Okay David you win but seriously Kelly it’s a pleasure to meet you and please take care of David for us, god knows he needs it.
We all had a little laugh as we walked across the road to the cottage.
Dan said to David.
The Coast Guard said the weather should hold for the day, with winds out of the South about 10 to 15 knots and clear for he next three days.
That’s great, we’re just going out to Beckwith Island for a few hours and then taking her in to Penetang and we’ll be back here around six or so. Did you arrange for a car to pick us up?
Yes, Peter said he will go in and get you.
Okay, I’ll call when we’re an hour out so he won’t be left waiting.
Okay buddy, have a great day and I’ll see both of you later. The double B is already to go and Mary made you both lunch.
Thanks again, David finishing and Dan was off.
We walked around the side of the cottage and passed an olympic sized swimming pool and then down to the dock. David’s sail boat looked big from the air but now looked huge sitting at the end of the dock.
Oh David she’s beautiful.
It’s a C&C 45. She’s a bit old but is one of the best cruising sailboats ever made. I did a complete refit two years ago and I just love sailing her, fast but with all the comforts of home.
The inside was a beautiful mix of teak and stainless steel. David pointed out the washroom which is called a Head. The master cabin was in the back or once again I was corrected to the aft. The dining area, or and this will take some getting used to is called the galley. I could already tell David was serious about boating as he continued by using nautical terms, forward, port, starboard as he showed me the boat.
We went back outside to the cockpit after David explained how everything worked, like I could remember what he said.
I just need to talk with Dan for a minute, I’ll be right back.
The sailboat was beautiful and I went back inside to look around and figured out where basic items like cups, plates and the fridge were.
After about 10 minutes David called down as he came through the hatch.
Okay, shall we get under sail?
Oh David you really are a kid at heart, you must have loved playing a pirate as a kid.
He looked taken back so I added.
Just kidding, and with a salute, finished with, I’m at your beck and call captain.
David picked up a case off the chart table and I followed him out to the cockpit. He took two iPads out of the case, mounting them in front of the huge steering wheel or as corrected, just the wheel. What is with all the foreign language I thought? Of how everything normal became complicated once you put a man in charge.
With a few instructions David had me untie the boat and we were off with the mainsail ascending the mast. David said something about it being a perfect wind and smiled, like I had a clue what he was talking about. On the other hand the feeling of the BB moving through the water, how she leaned over with the wind, as she accelerated as the jib played out.
I thought you had to run around pulling on ropes and stuff to do this?
I had all that automated and now I control it all with the iPad. It’s pretty cool and makes it a lot easier to sail. I can even take her out alone if the wind is right. Come on and give her a try.
With that I stepped in front of the wheel with David behind me.
He explained.
It’s just like a car, turn the wheel right or as we say starboard and she will go right and to the left, or to port and she will turn left. The real difference is she doesn’t have any brakes and you need to watch the wind.
He reached around me.
See how the sail starts to luff as we start to come up into the wind. That’s not good and that will stall the boat. I guessed luff meant when the sail flaps.
He turned the wheel to starboard and said.
Now as we head down with the wind I can either let out the sail or as you can see the sail started to luff again. The secret to a good coxswain is to keep a balance between the wind, the sail and the direction you want to go.
He stepped back and put his hands on my shoulders.
See that white cottage with the blue roof at the end of the shore?
Looking out I saw it.
Okay, now move over this way and line up the starboard hatch with the cottage.
Doing as instructed I moved over to the right and looked at the hatch and up to the cottage which was moving to the left behind the mast. Turning the wheel and the cottage moved back to be in line with the hatch and then just kept on going. Quickly I turned the wheel to the right and the cottage went zipping by the hatch and behind the mast.
Okay Kelly, just slow down. The key is to move the wheel as little as possible and have patience as she responds to your commands. She weights about 9 tons so it takes a second or two.
Moving the wheel again, David putting his hand on mine.
That’s enough, just let her come to you.
Slowly the cottage moved across the mast and just as it lined up with the hatch David said.
Now just bring the wheel back a little to steady her and there you have it.
With David behind me, I concentrated on steering and slowly relaxed as I was able to keep the hatch and the cottage in line. It really felt amazing to be controlling something this big, to feel the power of the wind, to feel the boat moving through the water, to feel David’s hands on my waist. Yes, this really was enjoyable.
David broke the silence with.
Okay, it looks like you have the hang of it. Just keep going I need to do a walk around and will be right back.
I watched as David easily maneuvered around the deck. He looked so at home as he checked the lines and looked up at the sails. The BB was holding her course and I took the time to look around and noticed how beautiful it was. The blue water against the fall colours of the leaves, the blue sky without any clouds. It was absolutely beautiful, no wonder David loved sailing.
The boat gently moved up and down as the wave’s became bigger and occasionally the spray from the bow would blow in my face and then it hit me. The one obvious sensation was how quiet it was. I corrected my course slightly and listened. All I could hear was the wind and the water rushing against the boat, no engine noise, no smell of exhaust. I slowly took it all in, appreciating the beauty, the simplicity, the nature of it. God it was electrifying.
As David came back down the deck he called out.
Enjoying yourself?
Oh David this is just fantastic, I love it.
He smiled and moved behind me again.
I’m glad you like it.
It’s absolutely beautiful David, no wonder you love sailing.
It really is my first love or should I say my second love now.
My body tingled as he leaned in, kissing my neck.
For a brief moment my mind went back to wondering what this would cost me, back to my insecurity, back to thinking about what the cost would be for being so happy, to wondering what would go wrong, what would be my payment.
Breaking my self doubt David said.
I’m glad you like it because I would love to spend more time with you here, maybe once your business is rolling we could spend a couple of weeks sailing next summer?
Frak I thought as all the problems of the coffee shop came flooding back, that I hadn’t even called Rob to see if everything was okay, if it was busy, if he needed anything, if he was okay doing a bank deposit tonight. God I was such a girl as I felt tears coming again.
David must have sensed something as he turned me.
What’s wrong?
I just looked at him as my eyes teared up.
Kelly, what’s wrong!
I put my head on his chest.
Nothing, oh I don’t know, everything. This is just all so fantastic, I’ve never been happier but I’m so scared it will all end, I just know it can’t last, it never does but I love you David, I love all of this, I love being with you, how caring you are, how you enjoy just being you, at how I feel being with you. Oh David I’m just scared it will end.
Kelly I’m not going anywhere, I love you to and I know you have been hurt before and I understand that but I’m here for the long haul, to be with you. I can’t really express how happy you have made me feel.
From that first night, as crazy as it was I knew I had to be with you, that night you changed my life. I finally feel complete, that for all my friends, for all my material wealth I always felt something was missing, something that made me smile, made me want to get out of bed, that gave meaning to my life and that something is you Kelly.
I don’t want to scare you but in the last two weeks you have made me the happiest guy in the world and I swear to you that I will never hurt you, that I will always support you and I will do everything I can to make you happy.
Pulling her head off my shoulder and looking in to those stunning green eye’s.
Kelly Anderson, I love you with all my heart. You can have your self doubts but I will do anything to proof to you over time that this isn’t going to end, that your a good person, the best I have ever met and I will always be your friend.
Seeing her starting to smile I added.
And thats whether you like it or not because I love you Kelly.
God he was just so loving, so honest, so naked at times. Maybe he was right and I would finally be happy again, that after the last two years I could be close to someone again, that my life cycle of good followed by bad would finally end.
David I love you too, reaching up and kissed him softly on the lips.
The kiss that followed, the passion starting my sex to wake but now wasn’t the time but I did want to see him naked again before the night was done.
Chapter 27: Confession
Okay that’s it, put her in reverse and give it a little throttle.
David was on the bow watching the anchor and had somehow had persuaded me to drive the boat. I was shaking like a leaf but dam, was it exhilarating to control her and so far he had said that I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Okay Kelly it looks like we’re set, kill the throttle and put her in neutral.
As David walked back to me.
Well done first mate, I do believe you’re a natural, how about we set sail for Florida, we could be there by Christmas.
Very funny but thanks, this is a lot of fun, no wonder you love it.
I helped David unpack the lunch Dan had provided, learning the ways of the galley, that the microwave didn’t work without the generator running, that the fridge was somehow cooled using propane, that David had cheated and still used propane for the stove and not the authorized alcohol.
We sat in the cockpit and the day had warmed so I had removed the sweater and had on just a long sleeve shirt. David had also removed his jacket and with his sleeves pushed up I caught myself looking at his silver encased wrists.
He looked so hansom with his Rolex on his left wrist and his bracelet on his right. I looked down to look at my own and once again smiled at my cuffs. The sun shining off them, the weight as they moved back and forth on my wrists.
So what do you think David said breaking my day dream.
Looking up.
I could get used to this, what a perfect day, it’s surprising how warm it is for October.
David smiled.
Yes, it’s almost warm enough for a swim.
Oh that may be pushing it a little bit, but feel free to go a head.
I could go for seeing him in a bathing suit right about now I thought.
David answering.
After you and we both laughed.
He then asked.
So do you feel like a play.
My sex jumped at the though.
Sure, what were you thinking?
Well I would like to see your wrists chained and your top off as we cleaned up.
You do like having me under your control don’t you.
David answering.
No, other then I also like having you in control.
With that David went down in to the cabin and brought back a length of chain and the O-ring attachments. Taking my right wrist he used the key to undo the padlock and then slipped the O-ring in place and with the sensual click re-locked the cuff. He repeated the same with my left cuff and then added a six inch chain to both O-rings.
The day just got better my little sex slave.
He said it so casually that I had to ask.
Does this mean we just started another session?
Oh no, sorry I didn’t mean it that way. No lets just have some fun.
I pulled on my wrist chain and my sex responded. I just loved being like this with him.
Be careful going down the ladder and I’ll hand you the plates.
The lunch had been ham and cheddar cheese sandwiches with a caesar salad.
David was right about the stairs. The were very steep and without being able to hold the side railing I found the safest way down was turning around and going backwards. I smiled as my chain clinked on the stairs and I looked up to hear David.
That looks like an interesting position.
He handed me the dishes and came down to the galley.
We started to do the dishes with me washing and him drying and putting everything away.
David was quiet for a minute or so and then said.
So can I ask what happened to you? I mean about what you said last night.
I knew this moment would come, that he had to know about my past. I knew I should have started the conversation, to come clean, to finish what I had started last night.
Pausing as I thought and then just started talking.
It was a couple of years ago and I was climbing the corporate ladder at Mackenzie Financial. It’s an investment firm and I had been there seven years. Anyways I started a to see one of the senior vice presidents. His name was Mark, a nice guy, was single and just two years older then myself.
We had been on several business trips together over the last few years and started to hit it off together and on one trip to Arizona we found are selfs staying a couple of days longer then the rest of the team to work on a clients portfolio. It wasn’t anything unusual and over dinner he came on to me and I guess I did the same to him and that’s how it all started.
Over the next couple of months he would arrange for the two of us to go on more trips and I began to fall for him. I mean we were both financially stable, he had made it in the company and I was getting promoted through different departments and had made it to the position of the North American Small Business Director.
Everything was pretty good between us, but because he was technically my boss we played down our relationship at work. On top of that I wasn’t exactly honest about my sexual tendencies. If I can be blunt?
Please do. David said as he stopped putting the dishes away and just listened.
The sex was good but I was becoming bored and frustrated with the repetitive love making of him on top for five minutes and then the two minute forced cuddle. So in a moment of frustration or stupidity I had told him that it would be okay to try something different, to be more adventurous and had said something about being tied up or to role play a little bit.
At first he didn’t know what I meant but after a few hints and suggestions he said that he was willing to try something. At first it was just some harmless holding and dirty talk and everything seemed to be okay. He seemed to be into it, I mean other then he didn’t have a clue about what to do but he seemed to enjoy the change.
So after a couple of months of this I decided to open up about how I really felt and again he seemed good with it. I mean he didn’t run away or stop seeing me. We started to use some ropes and I showed him how to use some toy’s and the sex was better.
Anyways to make a long story short we had a business trip planned to Las Vegas and I thought it would be a good place to take our sex making to the next level so I packed some of my bondage gear. I mean what happens in Vegas, stay’s in Vegas right? So on the second night at dinner I said that I had a surprise waiting for him up in the hotel room and he should give me half an hour and then come up.
I went up and tied myself to the bed spread eagled using my leather cuffs and ropes. I put on a blindfold and had a couple of toys on the night table.
Glancing at David and realizing where the conversation was headed.
I’ll skip the details as I have already said to much and I’m sorry.
Please Kelly, I’m listening, tell me as much as you want to, I want to know.
Well he didn’t really know what to do when he came in. I could tell from the way he touched me, his surprised voice and breathing that he was shocked, confused and I don’t know but maybe disgusted. I knew I had made a mistake but he did play with me and afterwards he said it was great.
As he untied me he said that he needed to learn more about bondage but he liked it. I wasn’t so sure but being desperate for better sex and his reassurances that it was okay I convinced myself that we could do this again.
Well, in hind sight I should have listened to my gut. After the business trip he was different but I just figured it was work as it was the end of the year and it could get very busy with year end tax issues.
Anyways the company Christmas party was a few weeks later and Mike thought we should go together which was a real shock as we had been playing down the relationship at work.
David wasn’t saying anything, just listening, looking at me. God I hope this doesn’t ruin everything, that he doesn’t think I’m a complete fool.
I contemplated not finishing the story, feeling my tears starting as I remembered that night, the memory that had haunted me for so long. Looking down, seeing my wrists and thinking how it was all happening again, that I was about to ruin another relationship and again I was dressed in bondage gear.
Kelly it’s okay I’m listening, tell me what happened.
Looking up at David, not knowing if I wanted to hold him or to run away and hide. I took a deep breath and decided that it was all or nothing. Frak this was hard. I hadn’t told this to anyone. I looked again at his blue eyes and continued.
On the Saturday of the christmas party, he came at my place with a corset and asked if I would wear it under my dress to the party. At the time, I thought I had been wrong about Vegas and he really wanted to do the bondage thing.
I managed to get it on and the dress did an okay job of hiding it. It was a cheap one from Victoria Secrets, it was just made out of silk and with the addition of a shawl we headed off to the party.
As you can imagine the whole company, close to two hundred people were there and because of Mike’s position I was meeting all the companies top executives from the CEO on down.
At first everything was fine. I was a bit uncomfortable as we were seated at the head table with the CEO and the other VP’s but the conversation was friendly and I let Mike do much of the talking. The night continued okay with the President giving a corporate speech followed by dancing. That’s when things started to go wrong.
Mike began drinking more then he should, I mean sometimes that happens at corporate functions but he was a senior executive. I tried to say something to him but he brushed me off. It wasn’t long before I could see that his drinking was being noticed so I managed to get him away from the table and on to the dance floor.
I saw David look away and new I was rambling. Frak, just say what the hell happened.
Thankfully it was a slow song and he seemed to be okay but then Peter from my department asked if he could have the next dance.
This was it, the moment of truth, god I hoped David was ready for this. I looked away and went on.
Well, Mike goes crazy. He starts to yell at the poor guy to fuck off, that I was his fucking girl friend.
Wiping away the tears and again feeling my cuffs I couldn’t believe I was telling David the story like this, not here, not with him, oh god I thought as the tears really started to flow as I relived that moment.
Now everyone is starting to look at us and Mike yells out.
Yes this is my fucking girl friend, my fucking bondage whore that wants to be tied up and fucked. Now everyone has stopped dancing, everyone at the tables surrounding the dance floor stops talking and are staring at us, at me.
Mike’s president came over and told him to settle down but Mike only got louder. He points to me and says you all think it’s funny that I fell for the company slut, that I’m an idiot, the company fool.
I was crying so hard that I was having trouble talking, that it felt like I was back in that room with hundreds of people looking at me. It didn’t matter which way I looked, everyone was pointing, staring, oh god David make it stop. I knew I was in a boat but all I could see was that night, that moment, that horrible moment that changed everything.
I felt Davids arms holding me but it was to late to stop, to late to forget, through gasps and my tears I went on.
And that’s when he turned to me and yelled whore and ripped open my dress.
Oh god David it was horrible. There I was trying to hold my dress together, to hide my fucking corset and there was Mike yelling, see what a slut she is, see what she wants to wear.
The tears were to much and I needed to breathe, to catch my breath, I tried to wipe my eye’s but my fraking hands were trapped against David’s body and that only made me cry harder. Oh god how can this be happening again. Was I really sick, was Mike really right? Twice I had fallen for a man and twice my bondage obsession had ruined it. God Kelly I thought how could you have let it happen again?
I tried to push David away but he was too strong and wouldn’t let me go. My mind was screaming to run away, to say fuck to all of this, to go back to my isolated life where it was safe.
Kelly it’s okay. It’s me, your here with just me and I love you.
Oh god it was David, he was holding me, talking to me. My tears, a stream and I was gasping for breath.
I’m sorry David, I’m so sorry for everything, for lying to you.
David just held me, not letting me go and after a minute I surrendered, waiting for his attack, to hear the man I love tell me that it was over, that he didn’t want a whore for a girl friend. Waiting, my tears slowing, catching my breath, waiting for David.
Kelly, as he pulled me to face him, our bodies moving apart, him holding my shoulders in a vice like grip. This was it I thought, thanks for the fuck but see you later. I couldn’t look at him, I couldn’t open my eye’s but I heard his voice like a thousand needles shooting into my skin.
Kelly, I’m not going anywhere, I love you, I love you for how you are. Oh Kelly I’m so sorry.
The words didn’t make sense. He wasn’t yelling at me, wasn’t calling me horrible names, wasn’t walking away. What was he doing? Holding me, telling me that he loved me. No he can’t, no one does, not after that. No!
Kelly I love you was all I could hear as he pulled me close in a hug. I love you and always will.
Really? No it’s a trick, he was just saying it because of the boat, that he had nowhere to go.
I’m right here Kelly, I love you and I’m so sorry for what happened. I can’t believe that. Oh Kelly I’m so very sorry. God and I took you to the awards dinner, putting you on display, oh Kelly I’m so sorry, please forgive me.
As he wiped my cheeks I looked up at him, at his eye’s watering with tears.
Kelly I’ll never let that happen to you again, I love you. He pulled me close and held me. Moving, letting me put my shackled arms up and over his body.
Was this for real, was David really holding me, did he still love me after this? I waited for him to move, to say that it was over but he just held me. Still crying, needing to blow my nose but I stayed still waiting.
I told you the other night Kelly when we first went back to your apartment that I knew I loved you, that I would do everything to win your love, that you could tell me to fuckoff but that I would always be there for you and I meant it then and I really mean it now.
I’ve seen and heard a lot but I’ve never heard anything as bad as that. God Kelly I’m so sorry.
I could feel his strength and love as he held me, feel his tears on my neck. He really did love me and I really did love him, that it was okay, that I had finally confessed to my past, that I had someone I could tell. Oh god I thought of how important he was, that he knew my darkest, deepest secret and hadn’t pushed me away. Was this what true love was?
Squeezing him tighter as I felt joy filling my body and all I could say was.
David I love you so very much.
Chapter 28: I’m Here
The kiss was long and as delicate as a rose peddle. His lips moving gently against mine, the tip of his tongue brushing lightly against my lips. I cried at being so happy, looking to see his tears, to see him looking at me with such love, such caring, my tears of sadness becoming tears of happiness.
God Kelly I had no idea of what you have been through. He had unhooked my cuff chain and we were back in the cockpit with a fresh glass of wine.
I was so afraid of what you would think about me, that it would ruin us.
I watched as he took another sip of wine.
Nothing could be further from the truth Kelly, that was just so sad and I’m still having trouble with that asshole being such a spineless prick.
That’s putting it nicely but on the other hand it’s why I moved to Toronto.
I paused before going on, wondering if it was a good idea to tell all but I felt so much better now that it was out in the open.
To finish the story, I began.
The President told both of us to leave, like I was going to stay. I basically ran from the room but when I got down to the lobby I realized I didn’t have my purse with the coatroom ticket and it was freezing out but what could I do, go back?
Mike had followed me down to the lobby, at first I thought he was going to do something, but he just yelled at me and left.
I was just about to walk out and hope a taxi would be around when my assistant Mary came down with my purse. She said something but I wasn’t listening so I just got my coat and left, called a cab and went home and cried.
The next morning was worse as I realized the gravity of last night. I mean to be called such names, to be so embarrassed in front of the whole company, god what a mess.
Anyways I realized that I was finished at the company, that there was no way I could work there again, that’s if I wasn’t already fired. I mean the fucking CEO was there. Sorry for the french but fuck I was so screwed.
Seven years of eighty hour weeks, of all the bullshit from the old boys club, of being the only girl at dinners, in meetings, of never missing a day of work or complaining when all you wanted to do was scream that I was a girl as some chauvinistic asshole would tell another hooker joke.
Seven years gone, gone because I trusted a god dam fagot asshole that didn’t know how to fuck a girl.
I knew I was ranting, that I was going too far.
I’m sorry David it’s just.
No, please go on, I’m listening, I want to hear everything, I need to.
Looking at him, sitting, listening to my hell. Here, on his boat, on a beautiful day. God how? His hand coming to mine, his eyes, holding mine, telling me to trust him, to stay, that he really cared, that he was feeling my pain, wanting to share, wanting the true me.
Your sure?
Yes, Kelly, I’m here for you, I need to know, I need you.
My heart sang, tears returning, loving him.
After another sip of wine, hoping he was ready for the rest.
I had cried and slept and ate and thought about how to fix it, about finding a new job, that going to work Monday really wasn’t an option. That I needed to get my shit together and figure all this out but then the real bullshit started.
Oh come on, oh Kelly what?
When I checked my Blackberry I had like a hundred emails and they were all from family and friends. I had thought, oh this isn’t good and when I had checked it was about a link to Youtube, someone had posted the whole thing on the fraking internet. There I was standing, crying, my dress ripped with Mike screaming those awful things, the President telling us to leave. Oh god it was unbelievable.
Wiping away my tears, seeing if David had finally heard enough, had finally heard my true hell.
His hand closed on mine, his arm moving around me, pulling me closer as my tears began flowing again, flowing as my mind replayed how my life had been turned upside down, at how all my hard work had meant nothing, at how my friends had left me.
I’m here.
God this was so hard, but he was here, holding me, continuing.
So after I cried some more I realized that some of the emails were from some of my contacts at other firms that I thought I could get a job and well obviously that was now fucked.
I was fighting to stay in control, that I was swearing to much but at least I wasn’t raising my voice.
Anyways, I new I was finished in the financial field, that this would follow me where ever I went and the last thing a top tier financial company would hire was a middle manager that had been outed for being a slut.
Kelly, you’re not, please. David said quietly.
I know but when you boil it down, it was my fault. If I wasn’t so turned on by these then I would still be there.
And if you weren't so turned on by these.
David said as he took hold of both of my cuffs.
Then you wouldn’t be here.
I paused to hear his words and again he was just so good at reading the situation, to take something bad and make it good.
I smiled, looking at him.
That’s true but it was a little different at the time.
I’m sorry, go on, I’ll be quiet.
David your such, oh I don’t know.
Pausing as I thought, running through what had happened in the last the hour. To see him, feel him holding me. God. Okay girl just finish.
So to finish the story. On Monday I resigned. Going back into that building, to get in to the elevator and walking across the office floor with everyone watching was one of the hardest things I had ever done.
My boss didn’t say a thing as he read the letter and only called security to escort me back to my office and to watch as I packed up my things and in less then fifteen minutes it was all over. Seven years gone without even a good by.
God it had been so incredibly hard, to see everyone either staring or looking away as we made eye contact. I mean god David, these were people that I had spent seven years working with, and just like that, gone, over, like I didn’t exist.
His touch holding me, telling me go on.
I of course had no idea what to do. I mean what does a girl do that only knows finance but can’t work in that field ever again. I thought about moving to Europe and starting over there but the financial world at that level is so small that it was only a matter of time before it all came out.
So I just sat and thought about what else I could do. I had money in the bank and the condo was worth twice what I owed on the mortgage so that wasn’t a problem, thank god.
Looking at David and then the changing leaves, at the blue water of the bay. God this was so different, so far from where I had been. Taking a sip of wine, looking at David, at those blue eyes. I paused to process where I was, to be with him here, to tell him my nightmare.
He just starred back, his hand holding mine and thought, okay Kelly that was the bad part so lets just finish this and hope he really does love me and that he will except me for who I am.
I’ve never been able to just sit at home, I always needed to get up in the morning and go somewhere so I started to go to a local coffee shop and surf the internet looking for something I could do.
This went on for a couple of weeks and then it hit me that I enjoyed going there, that the staff was really nice, would have my coffee ready when I came through the door, that Suzanne and Tom would always ask how I was doing and tell me about their day.
It was like having a little family, a family that cared about you, it was really nice. I would sit for hours, sometimes just thinking and other times working on a resume but mainly just hoping that some great new idea would come to mind.
David poured me another glass of wine and I knew I should to finish.
So, to finally make a long story even longer, I finally realized that I enjoyed being at the coffee shop, that everyone was so friendly, that they weren't working sixteen hour days, that they weren't checking their emails every ten-seconds, that when they laughed it was for real and not because your boss had made another stupid joke and you needed to kiss
Chapter 29 - On the Way
"That's it, okay reverse."
I was once again at the helm as David brought in the anchor. I felt so much better now that he knew my story, that I didn't need to hide it anymore.
He came back to the cockpit.
"So ready to take her under sail."
With a questioning tone.
"Okay, and what do I do?"
"Head her for the middle of the opening, okay now push the up button on the iPad by the main sail."
I did and the main sail started it's ascent and the BB listed slightly to port as the wind filled the sail.
"Good, okay let go and kill the engine. I did and he said and now do the same with the jib."
I watched as she stood behind the wheel. I was still in shock about her story, about what a complete ass this Mike guy was. As I made a fresh pot of coffee, I thought if I would make some calls and see if I could find him, if I should make his life a living hell.
It was almost unbelievable but life does work in an odd way and if he hadn't been a spineless wimp then she wouldn't be here right now and I couldn't imagine that his fucking life was a bed of roses either. No it would be best to just forget about him and let it lie.
I poured two fresh cups of coffee and thought about the rest of the day. We still had a two hour sail at our current fifteen knots to the marina, that should get us to the marina by five which was cutting it close before it was dark. Then it would be a thirty minute drive back to Dan's and then, and then what David I thought. Was she okay to go through with tonight? Was she mentally ready to start her journey into the club? Was I going too fast or should I call it off?
I watched her through the cabin hatch and wonder just how strong she was, if she was ready?
"Are you okay?" Kelly asked.
"Oh, ya just thinking."
Her expression showed her concern.
And would that be about me, or something important?
As I climbed the stairs I answered.
I loved her smile, her eye's lighting up. Going to her, watching as she took a sip of her coffee.
"Your right about that coffee pot, this is really good, maybe I can steal your secret?"
:It's all yours, of course I'll only demand a small royalty."
She laughed, asking.
"How am I doing?"
"Just fine, it should warm up a bit once we get behind Giants Tomb."
I took a sip of my coffee as I thought about how to deal with tonight and decided that asking her was probably the best call.
"Um, I have a bit of a situation and after today I need to tell you something."
"Okay, should I be scared?"
"No, it's, well okay I'll just say it."
I turned, looking at her.
"Tonight was going to be your first night of training for your bracelet."
I saw the surprise and excitement in her eye's.
"But after today I'm not so sure it's a good idea."
"Okay, but why not, you know I want one, to be one of the club."
"Well it's not really that simple. Look, the first night is a big deal. Right now all but three of the members are at Dan's cottage waiting for you."
Her look changed to surprise mixed with fear.
"What, no, really I don't understand?"
"Okay, let me explain. For a members first night, we all get together so the group can meet the new candidate and with everyone in town for last nights dinner, I thought it would be a good time for them to meet you."
She still looked puzzled.
"It's not just a cocktail party, it's a bit more then that."
"I'm assuming you have read the Story of O."
"Well tonight is a take off of O's first night."
Her eye's widened and she hesitantly asking.
"I cannot tell you all the details as it wouldn't be fair to everyone else but I worried that after your story today it would be to much for you."
I watched as she processed and after a moment she asked.
"Will I be naked?"
"Will I be forced to have sex?"
"No, never, but sex is the theme."
"Will Patti and Trish be there?"
"Did they go through it?"
"Patti was one of the first, it was a little different but yes. Trish went through it. She also had her first night at Dan's cottage."
"I know this is a stupid question but will you be there?"
"Are you okay with me going through it, I mean like we talked, it's different for you this time."
David took a moment and then answered.
"I'd be lying if I said no, but Yes I'm okay with it. Remember it's just us doing what we like to do, no one gets hurt or does anything they don't enjoy."
Again she looked away and took a sip of her coffee.
"Yes, tonight."
"Everyone will be there?"
"Yes, there will be eighteen people including us."
"After three weeks I get one of those?" Pointing to my bracelet.
"And you'll be the one putting it on me?"
"Oh yes."
She paused again and looking me right in the eye's.
"Okay then, I'm all right with tonight."
She paused again and then hugging me.
"God David nothing is simple with you is it? So much for the next three weeks, but afterwards I think it will be your turn to be under my control for a little bit."
My cock sprang to life under my pants at the thought of her getting her revenge on me but first she would have to deal with the next three weeks.
"You do amaze me Miss Anderson and welcome to the club, that is if you can hack it."
She put both hands on the wheel and bent over.
"Oh I think I can take anything you can dish out Mr. Bartlett."
Chapter 30 - It Begins
Trish and Patti met us as we went through the doors to Dan's cottage. The rest of the sail to the marina had been uneventful as we were both thinking about tonight. With me knowing what would happen and her guessing.
I was shocked but pleased that she didn't ask anymore questions as I wouldn't, couldn't tell her. On the drive back she did finally confess that she was scared but excited and then had returned to her silence.
Trish and Patti were both dressed in a loose take off of how the slave girls in the Story of O were dressed. They wore leather cuffs on their wrists and ankles and a leather collar with D-rings at the front and sides. Attached to their collars were long flowing gowns that were open at the front leaving their bodies all but naked.
We were all standing in the front entrance way and I could hear music from behind the french doors on the right.
Patti kissed me.
Addressing both of us.
"David, I must admit that I'm a little surprised at how soon this is but on the other hand I'm surprised David you didn't start after the first night together."
I could see the apprehension on Kelly's face.
"Oh don't worry Kelly, Trish said. They make it out to be a big deal but it's really just a fun night of playing."
Patti took over.
"David can we have the keys to her cuffs and it's time for you to leave."
I turned and looked at Kelly, her eye's wide with the unknown.
"I love you Kelly. Just remember that it's all in fun and I'll see you shortly."
I watched as she was led down the hall, the girls heels clicking on the tile floor and felt my heart being torn between protecting her and at the same time wanting her to experience tonight's ceremony. She was right about one thing I thought, this was going to be as difficult for me as it was going to be for her.
"Oh Kelly this is so exciting," Trish said.
"Your so lucky, I had such a good time my first night, everyone is so nice, so much fun, god it was just great."
We went down a set off stairs and Patti opened the door to a small room. I looked around, the walls were painted a dark red with black cloth hanging like window drapes from each corner that framed large black and white photographs of women in bondage positions. To the left was a raised Jacuzzi tub and to the right was a sitting area with two dark leather love seats.
Patti said.
"From now on your not aloud to talk unless told to, okay?"
"Yes", as I wondered what I had agreed to with David, if tonight was what I had thought it would be?
Patti went on.
"Trish please measure her and Kelly please undress."
As I took off my sweater and jeans, Patti used the key and removed my cuffed wrists and ankles.
"These are beautiful Kelly, David does have excellent taste sometimes."
Like in the Story of O, Trish measured my ankles, wrists and neck and then went to the large wooden vestibule and returned with five leather cuffs.
Patti said.
"Your right wrist please."
Holding out my wrist as Patti circled it with the leather cuff. On one side was a D-ring and on the ends were a locking system just like the cuffs used on O. One end had two brass hooks and the other had the lock embedded into the leather so when she closed it all that was visible was the brass keyhole.
Patti checked the fit by twisting the two inch wide cuff around my wrist. It moved easily, it was snug without being tight.
She did the same to my left wrist and then both ankles. Even with my apprehension of what would follow tonight my sex was coming alive.
"Now kneel please," Patti ordered.
I knelt before her.
"Hands behind your back."
I did as I was told.
She moved around behind me and continued.
"Whenever your asked to kneel this is the proper position, hands behind your back, your back straight and head bowed."
Taking the hint I straightened my back and lowered my head.
"Very good Kelly, now for your collar."
My sex jumping at the words. I loved being collared, I had even bought one from my favourite bondage store but I wore it very seldom. I loved the feel of leather around my neck but I had a mental issue with wearing one.
The web was full of stories about girls being collared by their masters, that it was the final symbol of being one's sex slave. I had fantasized repeatedly about the act and unfortunately that was my issue.
I so wanted to be collared, to be taken by a master that I had trouble wearing one without the complete act being executed with a master. Of not having a master to put it on, of not having someone to surrender to. I had thought about asking David to use my collar but it had seemed wrong to ask such a thing.
I felt Patti lift my hair and then saw her move the black leather down around my neck. My sex was alive and I realized I was holding my breath as the leather touched my skin. It felt so good, so sexual to have someone touching me this way. Closing my eye's as the leather tightened around my neck and then with some pressure I heard the click of the lock.
Patti ordered.
I felt a little head rush from what had just happened.
Trish said.
"Very nice, now your almost one of us Kelly. Here look in the mirror."
I turned around and looked in the full length mirror that she had spun around on it's wheels. Oh god did I look amazing. Black leather surrounding my wrists, ankles and now my neck. Patti and Trish moving beside me and we all looked, taking in our own bound bodies. I looked down at my wrists and just loved the look of the seamless leather cuffs, turning my wrist over to see the simple silver d-ring that extended from the leather.
"Beautiful aren't they?" Patti said.
"Yes, absolutely fantastic."
They were lighter then my steel cuffs but there really wasn't anything that replaced the feel of leather on my skin. I raised my hands to the collar, touching it. It also felt fantastic, the leather moving as I breathed, being tight without being restrictive, of looking like a choker with silver accents.
Looking again in the mirror, taking in the three of us. We all looked so sexy, so sensual. It was perfect, but then I saw their silver bracelets, the silver standing out in contrast to the black leather on their left wrists.
Trish saw my look.
"Soon my little sex slave and as she raised her wrist to show me added. Have patience and leaned over and kissed my cheek."
Patti said.
"Yes you will need all your patience my girl, it will be a very long three weeks, now lets get you into your robe."
I continued to look in the mirror as Trish went and brought back the dark red robe. Patti took it and attached the clips to my collar.
Standing back.
"Now that's better, you look amazing Kelly. Trish the shoes please."
Trish again returned with black leather stiletto's that had a good five inch heel.
I raised my right foot as Patti held me and Trish knelt to slip it on. Pointing my toes as she wrapped the leather buckle around my ankle, realizing just how high they were. Switching feet I suddenly grew five inches and I was now back at my accustom height with Patti.
Trish stood.
"Now your ready for tonight."
Looking in the mirror at the three of us I realized that it wasn't like the other night, just the four of us playing in my apartment. As crazy as that first night was, and it had been off the scale of any bondage sex I had ever had, tonight was about to be, what I thought, better? Worse? and I felt a wave of panic.
Patti said.
"Kelly it will be okay, we have all been through the first night. I can't tell you what will happen, only that if you relax and remember we are all friends, that no one will hurt you, that we all have the same goal of just enjoying sex in our own kinky way, to trust David and you will have one of the most exciting nights of your life."
I heard her words but god I was scared.
With caution I asked.
"Okay, it's just everything has happened so fast, You two wouldn't lie to me?"
"God no", they both said.
Patti contining.
"God no Kelly, yes will you have a moment or two, yes but once you start to trust us, you will see that it's all role playing, all about the experience."
Trish finishing with.
"Besides Kelly, David loves you. God help anyone that does something out of line, fuck he'll throw them out of the cottage in less then eight and a half seconds."
Patti then turned.
"Okay, lets begin. From now on your our sex slave and will do whatever we want."
I nodded
Good as she took my wrists and using a double ended clasp attached my wrists to my collar at the middle d-ring. It was uncomfortable with my hands up at my chin, at the sudden weight on my neck.
I did so with some help from Trish.
With that Patti and Trish both went to the door. Patti pressed some buttons and the room went dark and then a blinding spot light was in my eye's, hiding the room from my view.
As I heard the door shut, kneeling, afraid to move, afraid to breathe, afraid of what was next.
I waited, feeling the weight on my knees on the carpet, of the weight on my collar, of fighting to keep my back straight. The room was silent as I listened for any sounds, if I was alone or was I being tested. I thought of the Story of O and how she was forced to have anal sex, that she had been whipped that first night.
God was that going to happen to me? Was this just a plan to make me David's obedient sex slave? No, I answered myself, David wouldn't let that happen to me, that this was meant to be fun but so had that first night after the bar and David had left me bound and helpless. Left to suffer through the night alone.
He had, blindfolding me, returning me to my made up fantasy, but hadn't I enjoyed it. Of being helpless in my own bed, my arms and legs cramping from the restraints, of not being able to walk the next day. Yes he had left me and I had enjoyed it.
How long had it been, five minutes, ten? My knees were becoming sore and I could feel the strain on my back but I wasn't going to move a muscle. If they wanted me as a slave then that's what I would be.
I waited, listening for any sounds. I felt my left wrist cuff and thought how beautiful they were. The leather covering the lock making it look like it was sealed on my wrist. It felt so smooth without the usual buckle and padlock of my own wrist cuff's. I wondered if these were mine, if I could take them home and wear them for my self bondage fantasies.
I tried to look around the room but the dam light hid it from me. Was this just a room used for preparing new slaves or was it a play room with hidden chains, ropes and whips?
With that thought I wondered about being whipped. What would it feel like? I had orgasmed to the thought of being whipped, had watched countless video's of girls crying out in pain. My sex warmed at the thought, that tonight I could be whipped, to truly feel what those girls had felt. God lets just get on with the night I quietly said to myself.
I jumped as a male voice behind me said.
"I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I were you."
I almost asked who was there but remembered I was the slave and needed to follow the rules.
I couldn't see anyone but I heard a chain being moved off to my right were I thought the vestibule was.
"Hi Kelly, it's Dan. You look absolutely amazing. Poor David is up stairs, a nervous wreck by the way. I've never seen him like this."
I tried to look past the light and thought of David and wanted so badly to ask if he was okay, to go to him and show him I was alright but I stayed motionless, head down, back straight and waited.
"So Kelly, before we go up stairs to meet the group I need to ask you some questions."
Holding my position as Dan began.
"Do you want to have sex with other people other then David?"
Then rethinking, correcting.
"No that's not true, yes I would like to but only if I can say yes or no to the person."
"Is it okay if David has sex with other woman?"
"Yes," as I thought about or conversation at my apartment.
"Can you be blindfolded?"
"Can you be gagged?"
"Can the members use your mouth for sexual pleasure?"
That was a good question?
After a moment Dan asked.
"Yes or no?"
I thought of Trish and Patti, answering.
"Will you follow commands of the members?"
"Will you do your best to sexually satisfy the members."
"Can you be whipped?"
I paused at hearing what I had been fantasying about for years. To be actually whipped. What would the pain be like? Could I takeout? Would I like it? Oh god.
But If I say no, then what happens? Does this end? David? No Kelly, it was time to go all in, to trust David, to do what I have never done before.
"Okay Kelly. Now for the Bracelet Club rules."
"First and without exception any fighting with another member results in expulsion. All sex must be consensual, if not then it will result in expulsion. You cannot discuss what happens at our meetings with any nonmembers, again any violations will result in expulsion. Finally you will be required to have a sexual exam if you have any sexual relations with any nonmembers. The Doctors report must be provided before you may have sex with any Bracelet Club members and may I add that this includes sexual relations at non-club events."
Dan then added.
"Now please stand."
Replacing the spot light with the room lights.
I wobbled slightly as my legs were weak from kneeling and with my hands bound at my neck.
Dan was dressed in black tights and a dark red vest. As my eye's adjusted I was shocked to see that his tights were missing there front, that they looked more like chaps and his cock and balls were swinging free. God this was getting real wasn't I thought.
"Are you ready to continue?"
With a swallow.
Dan came forward and clipped a steel chain leash to my collar.
As we went out of the room through a back door Dan said.
"A lot will happen tonight but you can stop it at anytime by saying, I'm calling Red. If you do however then you will be giving up your application to the Bracelet Club. You can still use the safe word yellow if you need a break but calling red will result in you leaving the meeting and ending your application."
We climbed a set of stairs and entered a large room. I could hear voices on the other side of the curtain that separated Dan and I from the rest of the room. Dan led me to between two columns that went from the floor to the ceiling in the middle of the room. He motioned for me to step up on the raised platform as he dropped my leash.
He went over to my right side, facing me, raising my right wrist out and above my head to the waiting chain.
Oh god, this was really happening I thought. It was just like that first night with David as I simply gave myself to him without any questions, any resistance.
I heard the click of the clasp and Dan moved to my left attaching my left wrist.
My mind was screaming for my body to run but it had it's own idea's and I could feel my sex coming to life.
My feet were next, being pulled apart, two short chains from either column attached to my ankle cuffs.
Oh frack this was really happening. Pulling on my wrist cuffs, feeling the strain on my arms. I tried moving my feet, to lessen the coming pain in my arms and legs starting without any results. I was truly bound, helpless with a room full of strangers only twenty feet away. What was I doing?
Dan moving behind me, my robe being removed, watching as he went to the curtain, pausing to say.
"We'll be with you in a moment Kelly, don't go anywhere."
I watched as he slipped around the side. Looking around the room. It was oval in shape with a domed ceiling. The walls were painted white and were divided by white roman styled columns. On the walls between each column was a large black and white framed picture of girls in various bondage positions similar to the other room.
Below each photograph was a love seat covered in the same red leather as the curtain separating the room. In all there were six stations that I assumed would be used for viewing me as I was what?
God, now I was so scared, but also so excited about what would happen next.
Trying again to move but all I accomplished was making the chains clink slightly. God David, please take care of me.
Listening as the other room became quiet and then I heard David saying.
"Okay everyone it's time to meet our newest Bracelet Club candidate, Kelly Anderson."
The curtain began to retract and by reflex I tried to get away, to hide from my impending humiliation but the bonds held me in place for all to see.
Slowly the curtain moved as I began to see the faces from the other side, complete strangers looking at me. They just stared without moving, without talking. Oh god, David help me, my mind screaming out.
I watched as first one and then another girl moved forward, their gowns open to their front showing their breasts and sex. They all had leather cuffs around their ankles, wrists and neck. I watched as the first girl came forward and said.
"Hi Kelly, welcome, I'm Amy."
The next said.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kelly, I'm Loren."
I felt so humiliated as each girl introduced herself and moved on. To be bound like this in front of them, helpless and naked. This wasn't like any bondage fantasy I had ever had. To be on display, to be bound, naked and helpless before so many strangers. I could feel my heart racing, the sweat on my body, at trying to breathe. My mind screaming, what the fuck had I done?
Again I tried to move as my shoulders began to feel the strain of my raised arms but it was hopeless. If I moved my feet further apart it would just result in more weight on my arms so I stop trying and took the time to look around at the collection of strange faces.
Slowly they passed, welcoming me and then taking a seat on the floor or on a love seat. I looked for David who was standing behind Dan and two other men. Thank god he was here, here to protect me.
Looking at him and he mouthed.
"It's okay, relax," his head nodding.
Seeing him did make me relax slightly and I started to process what was happening. To see the other girls naked and bound before me, to see their smiles, to hear their friendly tones.
All the girls looked amazing and one in particular caught my eye. As she approached I took in her flaming red hair. She was at least six feet tall and with her stiletto shoes she seemed to be as tall as I was even with the raised stage that I was bound too.
Her long flowing hair framed her porcelain white face with bright blue eye's. Her breasts were full and round and had each nipple pierced with a heavy silver hoop. Attached to each hoop were bells that jingled as she walked. Her hands were behind her back, I assumed bound and a silver leash was attached to her collar. A hansom man held the leash and walked beside and slightly behind her.
"Hi Kelly, I'm Cathy," she said.
"And I'm Tim, it's a pleasure to meet you and good luck with your membership."
Tim was a tall blonde haired athletic man with a well worn dark tan. They turned and Tim sat on a love seat and Cathy took her position on the floor.
Next were two more men and then Dan.
"Hi again, how are you doing?"
He gestured to the rest of the room and finished with.
"This is the gang for the most part, welcome."
Then it was David, Trish and Patti.
Patti came up and climbed the platform and gave me a light kiss on my lips, whispering.
"See Kelly, we're all harmless so try to enjoy the night."
Stepping away, making room for Trish.
"Hi girl, enjoy."
God seeing them did make me feel better, that tonight was okay, that they were here to protect me.
Then I looked at David, his blue eyes fixed, staring at me, those beautiful blue eyes, his red vest pushed to the side by his chest, his limp cock and balls against the black of his tights, his silver bracelet.
"Hi Kelly, welcome. Almost everyone is here, with the exception of a few members that unfortunately couldn't make it."
Looking at him, so wanting to hold him, for him to hold me but I was helpless to move, to do anything, to do anything but to stand here, held on display, naked, bound.
He turned and began talking to the other members.
"As you all know this is Kelly Anderson. She has expressed interest in joining our little club. As most of you know, Kelly and I are romantically involved already. I have only known her for a short time but I'm confident that she meets our criteria for membership."
"However if any of you have a concern and wish to vote against her application please feel free to come forward."
He looked around the room for either acknowledgement or disagreements. I also looked and of those I could see were all nodding their heads.
"Okay then." David continued.
"Kelly was a top executive in the financial industry. She resigned two years ago and for the past eighteen months, she has successfully owned and operated a coffee shop in the entertainment district called, and you'll like this, Some Like It Hot. I highly recommend the chocolate cake. Tonight she begins her three week training session that we have all been through."
Turning back to me.
" And as most of you may remember is now standing here wondering just what the hell is going on."
That caused a few to speak out and one girl saying.
"She shitting her self if that's what you mean."
That made everyone laugh and several comments were sent around the room.
"Not me, I loved it."
"Sure until the blindfold."
"Remember Jimmy?"
"Ya, and I still owe you Jacquelyn."
"You can fuck me up the ass anytime sweetheart."
That was met with around of laughter and even David cracked a smile.
The friendly banter was making me feel more comfortable, that this was okay, that Dan and Patti were right to tell me to relax and just enjoy the experience.
David then broke in.
"Okay everyone, I take it no one has an issue with Kelly's application?"
A few no's were voiced and then a round of clapping broke out with several encouraging words.
"Welcome to the club."
"She looks fantastic."
"What was the name of the coffee shop? I can't wait to go."
I listened to the voices, listening to my new friends and my heart raced at the thought of it all. Of finally not being a lone, of my life becoming normal again. I smiled as I thought, yes this is normal isn't it?
I saw her smile and new she was starting to relax.
"So how are you now?"
"How? David this is something else, not exactly what I thought but I'm okay, I guess."
"Your sure?"
"You mean other then bound spread eagled in front of complete strangers? Normally I try to keep my exhibitions to smaller groups."
God, even now she had a sense of humour, I've seen several of the girls and even one guy breakdown crying by now and here she was making jokes. I looked into those green eye's and thought of how lucky I was, how much I loved her.
Stepping up on the platform, kissing her, wanting to release her, to feel her arms around me. Yes, this was going to be difficult for both of us.
Dan broke the moment with.
"Shall we get this party started?"
Taking a step back, knowing what I needed to do, how I had looked forward to this moment in the past but as I looked at Kelly, bound, helpless before me, I wondered if this was what I wanted.
The rest of the group were either watching Kelly or pairing off as usual. I smiled as Howard had Loren bent over on the floor and was riding her from behind. Amy had moved onto the love seat and had opened her legs so Loren's mouth could assault her sex.
I called out.
"Howard can't you wait and have a little respect for Kelly?"
Howard started to answer but Loren cut him off.
"Don't worry, he never lasts more then a 30 seconds."
Everyone laughed and then right on cue Howard grunted out.
"Oh fuck, and collapsed on Loren's back."
That made everyone really start to laugh.
"God, he really can't control himself," then thinking it was time for Kelly to have some fun.
"Patti, Trish if you would be so kind?"
Patti climbed onto the stage and began to play with Kelly's nipples, first rubbing and then sucking until they were sticking straight out. Trish going to her knee's, playing with her sex. My own sex starting to come alive as it began to fill with blood, to start it's erection.
Looking at David, his eye's on me, his cock starting to rise. Oh please come to me I thought, please fuck me here in front of everyone, bound, helpless as my sex was coming to life from Patti and Trish, the groans of pleasure and pain filling the room.
I tried to move but my restraints weren't allowing it. Swallowing as Patti began to twist my nipples and Trish found my clit with her tongue. God, this was surreal, here, now, David looking at me, looking at my bound and naked body, the room full of strangers, looking at me, seeing all of me.
Pulling, the leather, the chains holding, spreading me, my body open for all to see, so naked, My sex screaming, pleasure, mixing, taking over, David moving, the girls touching, pain from my nipples, pleasure from my sex, oh god, this was recalling happening.
"Kelly, so? Enjoying yourself?"
"I think so, god, this is so, so, not what I thought."
David's face changing from concern to a smile.
"No, it never is. Everyone here said pretty much the same thing."
Cathy commenting.
"I loved it, now Jacquelyn here cried like a little baby."
"I did not."
"Okay maybe, but hell you guys were scaring the shit out of me."
David then cut in.
"See Kelly, everyone has their own story, some liked it more then others, especially our bondage queen Cathy."
"David, just call me what I am, a bondage slut."
"Thats for sure," someone said, followed by someone else saying, "isn't that the truth."
Cathy shot back.
"Would you have me another way?"
Oh it felt amazing to be here, to be surrounded by so many like minded people. My fear being replaced with the feeling of happiness, of a growing warmth, that this was going to be a fantastic journey, a journey with a man that I so wanted to be with.
Patti's tongue bring me back, her lips sucking on my nipple, knowing it wouldn't be long before the pleasure turned to pain. Then feeling Trish at my sex. Her hands on my thighs, her fingers dancing on my skin but not touching my sex. God she was such a tease, softer then Patti but just as frustrating in her own way.
Patti taking a moment, standing, looking at me. I leaned forward, our lips touching, our tongues dancing, touching each other, feeling the softness that only another woman can give. I held my place as she squeezed my nipples. The pain increased as she pulled on them, her tongue deep in my mouth.
My sex juices were beginning to flow as Trish added her fingers to my sex, slowly exploring my opening, her tongue licking my clit. Frak this was so fucking hot, so fantastic and I felt my sex pulse as a finger slid inside me.
My hips bucked with little effect and Patti's mouth moved to my right ear as Trish pushed a finger against my anus. I groaned with pleasure, adding my own voice to the room. I was so close to an orgasm, come on Trish just a little more, add a second finger I thought as she played.
"Oh yes," I whispered as she found my g-spot, "Please more. Yes please. Thats it. Yes there. Again. More. More. Oh fuck yes."
I was so close, my mind filled with the physical and audible pleasures. I moved my hips to make Trish's finger move quicker, to make my sex orgasm, to feel the sexual release and then everything stopped.
I called out.
David answering.
"Excuse me slave, what did you say?"
Oh frack I thought, my eye's to David.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."
"Didn't mean what, that you didn't want the girls to stop fucking you?"
I didn't know what to say, my head lowered as my sex screamed for relief.
"I think you need to be reminded that your a sex slave, here for our pleasure, not yours."
I watched as Trish went around the corner to the other room and returned with a leather riding crop. David took it and came closer.
"I think you need to learn a lesson."
The crop raising.
"What do you think Patti?"
"Oh I think ten would be the correct number for her first time."
"Yes, but I was thinking more like twenty."
Dan moved beside David and said nodding his head.
"Yes, the standard punishment is twenty strokes."
My heart was thumping in my chest as I looked at David, at the riding crop. Oh god I was really going to be whipped. My sex sprang to life at the thought, of seeing so many girls being whipped and now it was happening to me.
I pulled on my wrists, to move away from what was coming.
David continued.
"Since this is your first time you can ask for it to be harder or softer but you will receive twenty strokes and I expect you to count and don't think that I will listen if you say it's to hard when I know it's not. That would result in another five strokes. Understand?"
I tried to answer but all I could do was nod as I watched David move behind me.
I tensed for the first blow, to feel the sting, the heat that I had read about. Oh god I was so excited and so fracking scared.
Listening for the sound of the crop through the air, anticipating the blow but nothing happened. What was he doing and then I heard a smack as the crop hit my ass. I tried to move forward to cushion the blow but I moved far to late, my chains holding.
I felt the sting and then the warmth spreading across my cheeks. Oh my god I was actually being whipped my mind screamed. It felt so bad and so dam good as my sex went wild from the pain, my mind adding to the moment, picturing myself bound here in this room.
Then David hit me again. Oh fuck did it hurt, my ass screaming in pain as it felt like I was cut, blood running down my body. Pulling on my restraints to get away, not sure if I wanted more but my sex was now on fire, screaming for release.
Then I heard David.
"Kelly I could do this all night."
God no I thought, I couldn't take that, I didn't even know if I could take the twenty he had called for and then I realized that I hadn't counted the blows. I quickly called out.
"Two? Really and what happened to one?"
Oh fuck he was such an ass.
"I think we will just start over and please try to get it right this time."
I felt my face turning red with humiliation as I looked around the room. Everyone had stopped their own sexual activities to watch me getting whipped, to watch me count out my blows, to be tortured by the one I loved.
I felt the crop for the third time, gasping in the pain, tears starting to form from both the pain and the humiliation, calling out.
"Thats better now please keep count or we will need to start again."
Tensing for the next blow, my sex now cooling slightly as the pain became real, the fantasy becoming reality.
The next blow was higher up on my ass, the pain spreading to my back, calling out two. I felt a tear break loose and role down my cheek. The next three blows going lower across my ass which now felt like it was on fire, that it was cut open with blood running down my legs.
"Calling out five," adding, "David it really hurts, I don't know if I can take much more."
Feeling his hand on my whipped ass, his heat adding to mine.
"Oh Kelly they were just love taps, please be a good slave and take your punishment."
Patti interrupting.
"Maybe she needs a little diversion."
"Okay, but please be quick about it."
Watching as Patti left, returning with a large dildo and a small vibrator.
My arms still spread, my ass on fire, the smooth chains in my fingers. Was this what I wanted? Was this what I had prayed for for so many years? God, please?
She knelt before me, watching, feeling, as she used her fingers to collect some of my sex juices to lubricate the black cock.
My sex being pushed open as she maneuvered the dildo, feeling it slip in side. Rolling my hips, feeling it filling me and then I gasped as the small vibrator touched my clit.
The pleasure, the sensation, pulling on my bounds, oh god how, how could this be so fantastic, so unbelievably sexual?
Calling out.
"Oh fuck."
As the dildo went deeper, my clit screaming.
Just as I said the words David hit me with the riding crop again. Pushing forward, away from the blow, the dildo ramming into my sex. Oh frak this was crazy, the pain of the crop, the heat from my ass, the feeling of my skin being ripped apart, the pleasure from my sex, the dildo filling me, the vibrator attacking my clit.
Lost in my own world, my world of pleasure, pain, remembering just in time, screaming out six just before the next blow.
David warning.
"That was very close slave, now please pay attention."
Fracking attention, what an asshole I thought. He's whipping me as hard as he can, my ass is on fire and now my fucking sex is about to cum all over the place. Pay fucking attention to this.
Patti held the dildo steady, letting me do all the work as the next four strokes hit my ass, then moving to the back of my thighs. I didn't know what to do, what to feel as my mind began to be overloaded with sensations.
Pulling on my cuffs, twisting my ass, screaming out the blows. My sex was on fire, screaming for release, my every move sending wave after wave of pleasure, every strike confusing my mind with pain, the two becoming lost, my mind going, lost, finding somewhere new, some where I had never been, somewhere I so perfect, so surreal.
Oh, come on Patti, push that dam thing into me. Oh, go, yes, more, again, fuck, let me cum you bastards. Fuck did that hurt, god stop it, no hit me again, push it in deeper dam it, Yes that's it again, fuck me harder, let me cum dam it.
Let me cum, chained, spread, open, helpless. God yes, the leather, the chains, the people. Yes, more, do more, I want more.
Crying out as the crop hit my thighs.
"Oh fuck! Oh please, please!"
David pausing at ten, asking.
"So enjoying yourself?"
I was covered in sweat, trying to breathe, my body aching from so many different places. Oh god this was, was what?
David went on.
"Now remember as my sex slave that is on probation, you're not aloud to cum without permission."
Moving closer to my left ear.
"If you do, then I will be force to start again."
I was so exhausted from just ten, well twelve strokes that another twenty was impossible. I felt the dildo moving slightly in my sex which was crying out for relief that all I wanted to do was thrust my hips over it. Taking a breath, answering.
"I understand."
I hated whipping her, to see her pain, to hear her cries but I knew it had to be done, to take her into the world of bondage.
I looked at Patti as she nodded and I stood back, raising my arm, aiming just below the last red mark on her thighs. She bucked forward again and cried out eleven. I knew she was close to cumming, that her body was flooding her mind with sensations that she had never felt before. I wanted her so badly as I hit her again, and again, and again as she called out.
"Nineteen, please can I cum?"
Aiming for the middle of her ass, hitting her with the hardest blow yet, answering.
She screamed out, twenty and then she buck back and forth on the dildo as Patti vibrated her clit. I watched as she slowed and then tensed as she came. Her juices jetting out around the dildo as Patti pushed it into her.
"Oh god, oh fuck."
Hearing myself screaming as my sex contracted. My whole body shook from the effort, convulsing from the pain and the pleasure. My sex contracting over and over, my ass and legs on fire from the whipping, my arms cramping from the strain and my feet screaming for release.
"Oh god, Yes, Yes, Oh fuck, yes!"
Trying to breathe, to come back to the here and now, to feel my sweat covered body, to see that I was still a sex slave, bound for everyones pleasure. God that was unbelievable, my mind trying to process, my body still screaming.
What had happened? Was it real, my god that was unreal. Holy fuck I thought. I wanted more but was afraid if I had another I would have a heart attack. That was just simply amazing.
I hung from my chains as my body reset it self, realizing that I had just been whipped, Holy frack I had been whipped. Fuck did that feel amazing. I mean at first it hurt like hell but then with Patti fucking me, holy fuck that was just fucking amazing.
To feel the pain and the pleasure combined as one, to be so completely consumed by such opposite physical and mental stimulus, to have my mind so completely overwhelmed.
I now understood why so many video's had girls being whipped, to have the pain turn into such overwhelming pleasure.
I looked at David as he came around to face me. He was also sweating, his arms glistening under the light. His eye's showing his concern.
"David that was simply unbelievable, god I had no idea I could feel this way, it felt so amazing. Thank you."
His concern turning to a smile.
"Your sure your okay? That was pretty intense for your first time."
"Oh, I feel fantastic."
"Well done girl," as he reached up and undid my wrist restraints as Patti did the same to my ankles. I tried to take a step towards him but found myself stumbling into Davids arms.
"Easy girl, let me help you."
David held me as Patti reattached my robe and we moved to the love seat. I noticed the other members nodding their approval with Cathy saying.
"Well done Kelly, you looked amazing."
Jimmy then cut in, saying to Cathy.
"Would you like a turn?"
Cathy answered.
"From you, not a chance. I have to go to LA tomorrow."
They both laughed.
I cringed as I sat down, feeling the pain, realizing this was going to be a problem tomorrow.
"David I'm wondering just how long before I can sit without pain."
"Oh, usually it's a day or two but I didn't hit you very hard."
"What, really I thought," shifting my weight, "really, that wasn't hard?"
"No, well the last one was but after a few times you get used to it. Loren for example takes just about everything I have."
As she walked past, led by Howard holding a leash she said.
"Oh David that's not true, you just need to man up and not be such a baby."
"Watch it girl or Jimmy and I will have way with you."
Hooting back.
"Oh how I wish."
The party was moving to the other side of the curtain. The room was much larger then I had first thought. The décor was a continuation of this room with columns, love seats and photographs but it also had several bondage stations. An X-cross, several stocks of different configurations, chains hanging from the ceiling all surrounded by various whips and other bondage gear on shelves or in vestibules.
God David this is just a cornucopia of kinky sexual fun. I watched as Cathy was moved over and then chained by her wrist at one station. A large ball gag was pushed into her mouth and the various buckles were fastened. She looked over at me, her eye's partially hidden by the strap running up over her nose and buckled at the back of her head. I think she smiled but I couldn't really tell. Then she was assaulted from behind by Tim as Amy attacked her sex. God this was unbelievable. Everyone having so much fun together, enjoying what I had always kept secret. It was wonderful.
I watched as she looked around the room, taking it all in, her eye's wide then she did that lick the lips thing she did. God I liked it when she did that. She looked so innocent, like a little girl wanting an ice cream cone.
Leaning in, kissing her, feeling her arms moving on my shoulders, her breasts on my chest.
"God, I love you Kelly."
"And I love you David Bartlett, this is something else."
Looking around.
"Yes it is, Dan built this place about four years ago and now it's one of our main play places. Dan likes to be the centre of attention, he has a similar setup in the city."
Looking back at her sweat covered body.
"Are you feeling better, would you like to have a drink or go to the washroom?"
"The washroom would be a good idea. Can I ask what happens next?"
"Yes, that was your introduction to the group, I make it a formal event so everyone can meet you on the first night and you can get a feel for the group. Now you are still on probation for the next three weeks and then you will be a full member. Until then you are at the beck and call by any of the members."
Seeing the surprise in her eye's I added.
"It's not that big of a deal, most of them like to be the sub and won't bother you but if someone tells you to do something then you have to obey. As for tonight you are free to walk around and get to know everyone, think of it like a weird cocktail party."
"Okay, and yes weird is definitely the right word."
I helped her up on to her feet and watched as she went off to the bathroom. I wasn't surprised to see Trish and Patti following.
Chapter 31 - Bent Over
"Holy shit Kelly, you were fucking amazing up there."
Looking at Trish in mirror.
"Thanks, was it the same for you?"
"Pretty much, less Patti, but other then that, yes. They, or we always do twenty strokes, usually it takes longer, but you didn't beg and cry like some of the others."
Seeing my hair a mess, thankful I hadn't put on much make up this morning. I pulled my robe out of the way to see my ass and was shocked that it was only red, I had expected to see it covered in red welts.
Patti ran a cloth under cold water.
"Here, this will make it feel better. Was that really your first time being whipped?"
I watched as she touched my skin, flinching at the cold.
"Yes, my first time."
"You did great, god I cried like a little baby."
Patti slowly moved the cloth and I could feel the heat leaving my abused body.
"Does everyone have to go through that?"
"Oh yes, I think only David, George and Lynda haven't as they were the first members. They where together then but now have split. Lynda would normally be here but she's in China on business."
"So what happens now? David said I could walk around and meet everyone."
Trish answered.
"Don't worry, we will show you around, this place is great, lots of different things to tryout. Dan just loves it when we come up and spend a couple of days. He always has something new for us to try. To bad the summer's over, it's a great place for the long weekends."
Patti pulled the cloth away and I looked at my ass again.
"God I can't believe that I don't have any real marks, it felt like I was bleeding after the first stroke."
Patti answered as she put the cloth away.
"It takes more then that to mark you, and truly it's not allowed on less you ask for it to be harder. Most of the girls have vanilla boy friends and explaining their ass covered by welts from being whipped would be a problem."
Touching my ass, feeling a few raised areas but the heat was basically gone.
"God I'm surprised, how long before it's okay to sit?"
Patti answering.
"Oh by tomorrow you'll be fine, it will just hurt a bit if your sitting for a while. I usually wear a dress the next day."
I thought about tomorrow and how that would be a problem.
I looked in the mirror, asking.
"So do we get to keep these?"
As I touched my collar.
Trish said as she played with her breasts.
"Unfortunately no, if you go to Dan's place in the city then you'll get another set."
Dam I thought, I could have tried to wear the collar under a turtle neck or scarf, it felt amazing.
"Ya, I like them too, but Dan can be a little weird about somethings, anyway Miss Bondage Queen you were wearing some great leather cuffs on that first night, I loved how they looked."
I thought of that first night we had met, my cuffs clinking, my corset, my ass and vagina filled, yes that was some night.
Patti adding.
"Besides newbie, your on probation and I'm guessing David has something special planned for you."
Yes, he did, thinking of my new steel cuffs and if I would get to wear them again.
"Okay girls shall we go and enjoy our selfs?" Patti finished.
Trish turning.
"I would love to tryout that new fucking bench, maybe you could whip me?"
"I'm not sure I'm qualified but I could give it a try."
Back in the room the love making was in full swing.
Asking Patti.
"Can we have a drink."
"Yes, but no alcohol is aloud until your finished playing."
"Okay, can I get a coke?"
We walked past several stations to the bar. I believe that it's was Amy that was on her knee's between to wooden posts. Her arms were spread out, chained to up and above her head. She had a ball gag in her mouth with the straps surrounding her head. I watched as another girl, I didn't know her name was attaching nipple clamps and my sex pulsed as Amy cried out in pain. God this was just unbelievable.
Patti handed me a glass with ice and coke as I continued to watch Amy struggle. She was trying to move and then I noticed that her feet were off the ground. I moved over to see and both her ankles were chained together and another chain went from her collar to her ankles.
I watched and thought of how much her knee's must hurt in that position, to have all her weight on her knee's. The other girl took some thin ropes and proceeded to stretch Amy's nipples by attaching the ropes to the nipple clamps and then pulling them tight by tying the rope to the wooden posts.
Amy cried out again as the nipple clamps squeezed her nipples every time she moved.
Asking Patti.
"Who is that girl with Amy?"
Oh, that's Britney. The two of them always play together. Usually Amy starts as the slave but by the end of the night she will have Britney bound with her asshole stretched with a huge dildo. Britney loves to have her ass fucked.
Looking on and thought of how normal all this seemed to be, talking about ass fucking, whipping, god two weeks ago I would clear my web browser history just incase someone would find out I watched porn.
Now I was surrounded by women torturing each other and the men having sex with anyone they wanted. So much for my crazy public bondage, this was a whole new level.
I continued to watch as Britney took a thin leather whip from the hook on the wall and began to hit Amy with it. I thought that Britney wasn't hitting her very hard but each time the whip hit Amy she moved and cried out in pain.
"Patti, that doesn't seem to bad to me?"
Patti watched for a moment and then answered.
"Oh no that little whip hurts like a son of a bitch. Watch as she moves her hand, see how it's just the end of the whip hitting Amy."
"Yes, but still?"
"No, keep watching, see how the end moves, see how fast it goes, the speed and the fact it's so thin. It feels like it's cutting you open and it can be aimed to hit just about anywhere on your body."
I watched as Britney flicked the handle and saw the end of the whip hit Amy just under her arm pit. Amy pulled away in pain but her arms and nipple restraints didn't let her go far. She screamed out in pain through the ball gag.
Patti said.
"Ouch, that hurt, Britney better take it easy or David will get involved. He's not into someone getting hurt and is usually pretty quick to tell them to relax."
At the mention of his name, I looked around the room, wondering what he would be doing and to whom he would be doing it with but I could see him.
"Trish, where's David?"
"Oh. I don't know. I did see him and Dan going towards the kitchen earlier, it's just through that door and down the hall."
From her answer I assumed it was okay if I went looking but as a new slave I thought it best to ask.
"Is it okay for me to go look?"
"Oh, sure, just don't get lost, this place is huge."
I watched as Patti went over to a bench, paused as Trish removed her robe and hung it on the wall and then leaned down on her stomach. Trish quickly fastening Patti's cuffs to the waiting chains leaving her ass up in the air, legs spread and helpless to Trish's imagination. God this was just so much fun.
I went over and slapped my hand on Patti's ass and said to Trish.
"Save some for me, I'll be right back."
Trish smiled as she took a nasty looking anal hook off the wall.
"Don't be to long?"
Laughing as I headed down the hallway. I found the kitchen but no David so I went down the other hallway towards the back of the cottage, passing several doors but didn't think it was proper to go looking in every room. I was just about to give up and head back to the bondage room when I heard a females voice from behind the second door from the end.
I stood still, listening and after a moment I heard it again. It sounded like a scream but it wasn't coming from the group but from behind the door. I thought fuck it and opened the door and saw it led down to the basement, god this place was big.
Now I definitely heard a girl talking and then I thought I heard David. I wasn't sure about going down, it felt like I was spying or something but after a moment and then hearing David again I thought screw it.
At the bottom of the stairs I could see a door partially opened at the end of the hall and now I could hear Dan saying.
"You better not cum, bitch."
Oh frack I thought, that seemed a little excessive and then hearing David.
"This is what you wanted so stop crying and suck it up."
My David, talking like that, what the hell was going on. Rules or no rules I needed to know.
Looking through the door and there was Dan and David torturing the red head I had seen earlier. I stopped and looked as Cathy was bent like a pretzel. Her back was against a wooden wall with a thick steel collar around her neck that was bolted to the wall. Her legs were bent above her head with her ankles also bolted with steel cuffs to the wall. Her arms were somehow pulled out to the side with her legs in behind her elbows. Her wrists had the same steel cuffs as the rest also bolted to the wall.
She was just hanging there, bent over in an impossible position. I mean I had seen crazy things on the internet but god she was bent in half, no more then that, I mean how many girls can bend so far that their legs can go behind their arms and head?
Her screams were being muffled by a leather hood and I assumed a very large ball gag. David was standing to one side and had a whip made up of several thick leather straps. Dan was on the other side holding a large vibrator against her sex. Both were yelling at her, come on bitch hold it longer, if you cum now we will start again.
David hit her with the whip and I mean hit her hard and Cathy screamed and bucked. Come on bitch, this is what you wanted, can't handle it now?
I looked on, watching as Dan reached over and turned on the fucking machine. It had a big black dildo attached and as Dan turned the knob it started the attached arm to slowly move forwards and then back. I looked and saw that the it wasn't pointed at her sex but was spreading her asshole.
Cathy again cried out and tried to move as the dildo repeatedly filled her ass, as David whipped her again and again, yelling.
"Come on slut, are you going to cum? Are you going to let me fuck your mouth? Do you want to stop?"
At that I saw her head shake side to side, that she was saying no. I noticed Dan reach over and check Cathy's left hand and then looked at David with a nod.
"Ok, then slut, David said and moved to whip her feet as Dan assaulted her breasts."
Wholly shit I thought as I looked on as the two of them went to work on her. I stood there transfixed at what I was seeing, at how could a girl take such pain, to be willing to endure being so helpless under such an assault.
I reached up to my collar and felt the leather and thought of how the steel must feel against Cathy's neck. To have felt the vibrations of the bolts going in to the wood, to being bent in to such a stressful position, being completely helpless to escape.
Watching her, my other hand moving to my sex, to my breathing quickening as I watched her ass being penetrated, at the sound of her muffled cry's. I shut my eye's as I thought of being gagged and then the hood being put on. To think how hot it must be, how it would sound, of not knowing what was coming next.
My hand went from my collar to my right nipple, twisting as I listened to Cathy. My other hand at my sex, slowly at first then faster pushing in two fingers. I listened as Cathy screamed out that she wanted to cum, at David yelling back at her at Dan egging her on.
I took in the sounds, feeling my sex.
A muffled, "please let me cum?"
"Fuck you, don't you dare."
Slap went a hand.
A scream.
The sound of the whip against flesh.
More screams and begging to cum.
The fucking machine speeding up.
More slaps, more whips, more screams, finding my self bent over as my sex exploded. Oh my god I thought as I took a breath, opened my eye's. Oh my god had I just done that? Had I just made myself orgasm to Cathy's torture? Oh god what had I done?
Looking up, expecting to see David and Dan looking at me in disgust but they were still engrossed with Cathy. Oh thank god for that. God what had I done?
Pulling myself together, I slowly backed through the door and made my way down the hall trying to muffle my stiletto's as they clicked on the tile floor. Oh god that was stupid I thought as I came into the kitchen but what had I just seen? God David was whipping her so hard, yelling at her, to have her shackled to the wall like that. I couldn't imagining the pain of being twisted like that.
"So there you are?"
I just about fell down as Trish had appeared from behind the refrigerator's open door.
I stopped, turning but didn't, couldn't say anything.
Trish looked over and said.
"Are you all right? You look as white as a ghost."
Stumbling out.
"Ya, I mean no, I'm fine I was just looking for the bathroom."
"Oh, it's just off the main room, did you find David?"
Responding to loudly.
"No. I mean no, I didn't but I guess he could be anywhere, this place is just so big."
Trish had a glass butt plug that I guessed was frozen by the way she moved it from hand to hand.
I know but you will get used to it after you've been here a few times. Did you want to come and have some fun with Patti? I thought I would freeze her ass and then warm it up with a big fact dildo.
As we returned to the playroom I looked around and saw Jacquelyn chained spread eagled and Amy was setting up a large vibrator with a tripod. I watched as she added some ropes and stepped back as Jacquelyn began to moan. I guess it was her revenge as she simply came over to us and said hi as she poured herself a coke and sat on one of the love seats.
Trish still had Patti tied to the bench, she was covered in sweat, her hair pulled back and tied to the rope belt Trish had made around Patti's waist. Her head was bent back by the tie and she had an o-ring mouth gag hanging around her neck.
I asked Patti.
"So having fun?"
Patti looked up with her eye's, answering.
"Sure, if you like having every toy known to man placed up your ass."
Trish answering.
"Oh, my poor girl, life can be so hard sometimes and look I have, a new present for you."
Patti started to say no and then just shut her eye's as Trish held out the frozen butt plug.
Trish continued.
"I have an idea."
She took a chair from the side of the room and placed it in front of Patti's prone body.
"Kelly, why don't you have a seat? I'd rather Patti screams were muffled with your sex then that gag."
I sat down and moved my sex to Patti's mouth as Trish moved in behind, saying.
"This may be a little cold but don't worry as I have something to warm you up after."
Patti screamed into my still damp sex as Trish pushed the frozen glass dildo into her ass.
My sex was still tender from my earlier moment down stairs and Patti's scream fuelled breath felt very refreshing. Moving in closer, my sex covering her mouth as Trish pulled the glass dildo back out of her ass.
I felt her relax slightly and then screaming again as the plug was again forced into her. God it felt great and my sex began to pulse, my juice's flowing for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
Moving back so Patti could catch her breath, she calling out.
"Please Trish, it hurts it's so cold."
"Oh it is? Well would like me to warm you up by fucking your ass?"
I watched as Patti closed her eye's answering.
"Yes what?" Trish commanded.
"Yes, please, mistress."
"That's better my little sex slave."
Patti's face reddened and I remembered David telling me about how Patti had a love hate relationship with being the bottom. Of how she loved the freedom but hated the humiliation and Trish was doing a very good job of the former.
Deciding to add to her discomfort.
"I'm waiting slave."
Patti opened her eyes with a hateful look.
"Asking?, do we have a problem?"
She hesitated, weighing her options and then lowered her eyes and began to lick and suck my lips and clit.
God, Thinking at how different a girls mouth felt to a man's. I shifted my hips as I remembered how David had done the same to me last night, how my sex had gone wild at the thought of him between my legs.
His touch was excellent but Patti was somehow softer, more caring as she moved her tongue and lips on my swollen sex. Looking at Trish as she played with the frozen butt plug on Patti's skin, thinking of just how much I had started to like love making with other women. The touch different, softer, the timing better, teasing, playing.
Closing my eye's, enjoying, my mind thinking of how life is so full of surprises and so far this month, I had more then all of my 37 years combined.
Trish put down the butt plug, spitting on Patti's asshole.
"I hope you're ready for this?"
She positioned the large black dildo and began to push into Patti's ass.
Patti tensed, closing her eyes. I watched as she moved her hips to take the pressure, Trish calling out for her to relax.
Patti cried out.
"Oh fuck that's big."
"The biggest yet my dear, now please relax."
Trish pulled back, adding more lubrication from a bottle, saying.
"Relax, let me in."
Patti relaxed her body, her weight increasing on the bench as she blew out a breath.
Trish steady the dildo with one hand and held Patti's hip with the other and pushed.
Patti's face contorted with pain as the dildo slid inside.
Trish commenting
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it? I thought you had been told to work your ass by David?"
Patti was silent as Trish began to move the dildo back and forth.
What a sight, to watch Trish take such control, to see Patti so humiliated, to have two new members controlling her like this. I pushed my sex back to her mouth and commanded.
"You can continue. Please be so kind as to pleasure me, slave."
I knew that was pushing it, and that her pay back would be a moment but what the frak, this was just to much fun.
I slid my hand down to my sex, adding to my pleasure and watched as Trish quickened her pace, going in and out, closing her eyes as her sex began to boil. I played with my clit as Patti forced her tongue in to me. Oh frak did that feel fantastic.
"That's it keep going."
"That's it, suck on my lips."
"Oh I like the soft biting."
"Oh yes."
"More girl."
Feeling her mouth pushing against my sex in time to Trish riding Patti's ass. Trish pushing harder into her, the tempo increasing, all three of us moaning our pleasure, wanting more, needing more.
"God yes I called out."
"That's it slave."
"Don't stop."
As Trish pounded Patti's ass, her cry's of pleasure, of the sound of her hand slapping Patti's ass, at Patti moaning, sucking, blowing on my sex, begging out to cum.
That was it, oh fuck I called out to Patti pleading. My sex contracting, to orgasm over and over again, at my juices covering Patti's face, at the sound of Trish breathing, calling out.
"Oh yes, oh fucking yes."
Patti through deep breath's saying.
"Oh fuck, Oh fuck."
Then we all became quiet with our own pleasure, our own thoughts. Oh it was just so fantastic.
After a moment, opening my eye's and sitting up, looking at the sex before me, at Trish slowly removing her silicone appendage from Patti's ass, at Patti's head being held up by her bound hair. I took a breath, moving to wipe some of my mess off Patti's face. She looked up with her eye's and said.
"You'll pay for this newbie."
Looking back.
"Oh, I know but after that first night I thought you could do with a little pay back."
She smiled.
"Ya, that was a little over the top for your first night."
She tried to look back.
"Okay miss fucking dildo queen can I please get out of this?"
Trish answered.
"Working on it", as she untied the rope waist belt and moved to the knot in Patti's hair.
I helped by releasing her wrist cuffs and both Trish and I helped Patti stand up.
Patti said to Trish.
"God that was a little excessive but holy shit when did you become such a dominatrix?"
"Oh, I don't know, just thought I would give you back some of your own medicine after the last month or so."
Patti paused and then smiled.
"Well that was fucking amazing and I can't wait to see what other surprises you have waiting."
Trish answered.
"I still owe you for getting me into the club and I would be more then happy to tie you up again."
She leaned in and kissed Patti on the lips.
I watched and thought of how normal all this seemed to be, how natural it was, to feel so free, to behave so naturally and throw off the accepted norms of society, to just experience love, friendship and pleasure as it was meant to be.
Chapter 32 - Collar
We were sitting on a love seat when I saw David and Dan come in from the kitchen.
We had decided that our night of playing was over and had poured three tall glasses of red wine. Only Jacquelyn and Amy were still at it. Jacquelyn was still spread eagled and Amy was covering her body with red welts from a thin cane as the vibrator assaulted her sex.
David came over.
"So Kelly how was your first night?"
"Let's just say it was different."
I thought of him downstairs and asked.
"And how are you? Thought I would see a little more of you?"
"I'm sorry but something came up that Dan and I had to deal with, sorry but it couldn't wait."
I again thought of him whipping Cathy and decided that conversation could wait.
I saw David look at Patti but she just starred back and took another sip of wine.
David said.
"I'll be right back."
Trish turned to Patti, asking.
"What was that all about?"
Patti paused and then dismissed the question with.
"Oh, nothing, he can just be such an ass sometimes."
Changing the subject Patti went on.
"How about a quick dip in the hot tub and then we can get dressed for dinner?"
"Sounds good to me, lead the way slave."
Patti answered Trish with.
"Lets not get carried away with that or you'll regret it."
Trish smiled.
"Oh, promises, promises."
We all laughed as we headed to the hot tub.
Tim, Loren and Jimmy were already there, drinks in hand and laughing.
"I paused and asked."
Is it okay to go in with our leather cuffs.
Patti answered.
"No, the night's play was over."
She took a small key off a counter and unlocked all of our cuffs.
"To bad, I like these."
"Oh I know, so do I but Dan would flip if we wore them in the hot tub. The chlorine isn't good for the leather or the brass lock."
I watched as she placed each set on separate towels and then said.
"Remember which are yours, they need to go back down stairs."
We joined the others and had some laughs, mostly at Patti's expense as her tender asshole didn't like the hot water.
Jimmy turned out to be a very funny guy, about fifty maybe and had an Australian accent. He first met David in Kenya. He had been there on vacation and had crossed paths at the hotel. Later they had both sailed in two Sidney to Hobart sailing races.
He had retired from the insurance company that he owned and now spent of most of his time working with charities as an angle investor. Apparently he had also made a small fortune when Dan's company went public.
As expected I was asked about my past as they wanted to get to know the new Bracelet Club member. It was the usual questions about family, were I had grown up and such.
Jimmy asked about my work history and when I told him I had been in finance he pressed for which firm. I tried to deflect the question but he wouldn't let it go. I finally said Mackenzie and I thought I saw a knowing eyebrow rise at the answer. Great I thought, my past just wouldn't go away.
Patti sensing my discomfort, changed the subject by asking Jimmy about his last visit to Africa. She slid her hand over to mine and gave it a squeeze. Thank god she was here, watching my back.
I wondered if David had said something to her earlier tonight? About my story, about what had happened with David in the boat today? I thought and realized I didn't care, that I would tell her and Trish all about it later, that I would truly trust them as new friends.
The laughs continued and as the wine poured, the conversation became less forced and more reactive. It was great to be here, to be around people that seemed to care for each other, that had something so personal in common.
I looked at each of them, at the playful interactions. It was so refreshing from my past where what I called friends where just business associates. Where I was usually the only girl and the conversations were more about trying to impress the others with bullshit stories and looking for away to get something negative on the others to be used later.
Only Jimmy seemed to look at me a little odd. I noticed a couple of times that he was just staring at me. I figured I was being paranoid and if he did know something what could I do about it?
Afterwards we showered and changed back into our regular clothes and went out to the large sun room that over looked the bay. The sun had set long ago but the moon was almost full and after a few minutes, my eye's adjusted to see a few lights from other cottages and the moonlight reflecting on the calm water.
Both David and Dan appeared, Dan announcing that dinner would be ready in thirty minutes. I asked Patti for the time and it was already 8:30 and I realized just how hungry I was.
David came over and kissed me on the lips.
I pulled away and asked with a smile.
"Sorry but, who are you?"
"I know Kelly, I'm sorry to keep disappearing but I'm all yours for the rest of the night."
He was back in his regular clothes and looked great.
"Um, where are we sleeping tonight and was there anywhere I could freshen up?"
"Oh, sure, we're in the cottage that is back across the street, come on and I'll show you the way."
The cottage was across the road, the lit path climbing the hill to the entrance at the back. Over to the left was the helicopter and I wondered were the pilots were. David opened the door and wow what a place.
I could tell it had just been built by how fresh everything looked. It had a vaulted ceiling with exposed beams. The floor to ceiling windows over looked the main cottage and had a fantastic view of the water. The kitchen was off to the left and the main living area was divided by a huge circular stone fireplace.
"Dam this is gorgeous David."
David answered as he led me around to the right and up the stairs.
"Yes, I like it almost better then the main cottage. It's more of how a cottage should be. I actually had to fight with Dan about keeping it simple, he so into making everything look like it's so Roman, like he's Caesar or something."
At the top of the stairs we turned left and followed the open hallway to the last door. Again I was taken back. The front room had a small kitchenette and sitting area. Again the windows were floor to ceiling and over looked the lake. It had a stone fire place that was on and a large flat screen television.
David led the way through another door to the bedroom. It also had a sitting area and the bathroom was huge with a stand up shower and a separate Jacuzzi bathtub that could easily fit three people.
"So what do you think?"
"Oh I could get very used to this David."
"Ya it's one of my favourite places, very relaxing and just so you know, Patti, Trish, Britney and Amy are also staying in the other rooms."
"Oh," as I was caught off guard and then thought of how much fun it would to be here for a few days with them.
David took my hand.
He led me back into the bedroom and on the dresser by the window I saw my silver cuffs.
He took me over to them.
"Would you like them back on?"
I thought for a moment, thought of being at dinner with everyone, that I would be shackled.
I saw her pause, saw her concern but she really didn't have a choice. If she wanted to be part of this world she had to except all of it and not just pick and choose her moments.
I truly had been surprised that she had done so well so far. To except being the object of everyones attention, to spend time in the playroom, thank god for Patti and Trish. That she was interacting with everyone and that so far everyone had told me how much they liked her. After hearing her story earlier today I had worried that she would have a relapse like last night.
I felt bad about leaving her but Dan had insisted on giving Cathy her promised session. It wasn't something I liked doing, to give anyone such a severe session but she had earned it, had wanted it, had insisted on being taken to a new level. It had happened twice before, that a member had built up a tolerance to the traditional play sessions and wanted more.
Dan being Dan had based the room on one of the porn sites he liked, had designed it with wood walls and floor so a person could be confined in any position he could think of. He had a complete inventory of shackles, pipes that could be configured into any shape, pulleys and just about any other type of toy and device he had ever seen on the internet.
Cathy had been begging for the longest time to have a special session and Dan had lost a bet and had promised that the next time we were together she would get her wish.
The timing was terrible being that it was Kelly's first night. But with everyone in town, and wanting her to become a member I wanted to wait, to do Cathy's session later, but a bet is a bet and I really couldn't say no.
I had told Patti about what had happened on the boat and then about my Cathy problem. She a had been pissed. Saying that after last night that I was an asshole, that I was being so unfair to her.
She had finally agreed to watch Kelly for me but that I owed her and Kelly for being an ass. I knew I would either pay her with money or more likely pain and after seeing the way she looked at me in the playroom, and I was pretty sure it was both.
But now I was free to be with her. To enjoying being with her, with her here with my friends, to show her off a little. For the first time to be with someone that I had real feelings for, someone that I so wanted to be with, that made me smile overtime I thought of her.
I watched as she did the lick the lips thing and said.
"Sure David, what the hell we're all friends and I do love them."
That's my girl I thought.
I saw the approval in his eye's and held out my right wrist, pulling up my sweater's sleeve. That if I'm the only one accessorized then thats their lost.
I watched as he took the cuff, wrapping it around my wrist, feeling the cold steel, feeling the weight as he attached the o-ring and pushed the lock closed with a click. God did it feel fantastic, so heavy, so solid, so permanent.
He repeated the act of cuffing my left wrist and then had me sit on the bed as he did both ankles. With each click of the lock, with each look at the steel surrounding my body, with the feel of the weight, my sex pulsed. It was like being a teenaged girl out on her first date.
"Thank you", I said standing.
He didn't say anything and just looked at me with those blue eye's.
He then reached up, touching my neck.
I would like to give you one more thing, but before I do, I want you to know that it means a great deal to me, to do this.
I didn't know what to say, he was being so honest, so open. I had a terrible thought, god no he isn't proposing, not here, not now, fuck no, don't do that David my mind screamed.
I watched without breathing as he turned and opened the top drawer in the dresser. My heart stopped. God David please don't pull out a little blue box, fuck no!
He reached in and then pulled out a silver cuff. Thank god it's not a ring.
He turned.
"I would be honoured if you would wear this tonight."
I looked, still wondering what it was, what it was for and then I saw the size, saw how big it was and my hand went to my neck. Oh David, it's a collar. Oh god he wanted to fit me with my own collar, to take me, to own me. Oh god yes.
Looking up.
"Oh, David, yes! I would love to wear this for you."
He smiled.
"Thank you Kelly. I really do love you."
We stood looking at each other. I looked at the collar, at what it meant, to have David placing it around my neck. To touching my neck again.
"Let me get this out of the way."
I quickly took off the sweater so the turtle neck wasn't in the way and threw it on the bed.
He stood before me and raised the collar over my head and I reached back to move my hair out of the way. I could feel it touching the back of my neck, feel the steel closing, surrounding my neck, to already feeling the weight, oh god David. My sex was now fully up to speed.
I watched his eye's as they focused on attaching the o-ring and closing the lock. I waited, listening as he fumbled for a moment and then I heard. Click.
Oh god it was really on, I had finally been collared, to be made a true sex slave. My hands went to it, to feel it's seamless surface, to feel the weight pressing down on my neck, to pulling lightly on the o-ring and to feel the collar move, feeling the steel against my skin, Oh fracking god this was just fantastic.
"Oh David, oh it feels so good."
He stood back, watching and after a moment.
"God, does that look amazing on you."
She looked simply amazing. The collar fit perfectly around her neck. It looked like a thick steel choker, the silver and gold against her skin.
I reached up, fingering the o-ring, thinking of what it would be like to attach a leash to it, to lead her around by it, but mostly I just loved looking at her with it on, to claim her as mine.
He touched the o-ring and just looked at me, at his sex slave.
"What are you thinking?"
"Just how much you mean to me, just how happy you make me."
Going to him, kissing his lips.
"Yes and you do the same to me David, I do love you."
My sex was going nuts and I could see David's cock trying to escape his pants.
"You know we could be a few minutes late for dinner?"
David smiled and answered by taking off his shirt.
We both undressed between kisses. To finally feel his body again, to feel his muscles, to have his cock against my body.
He pushed me on to the bed and followed. We weren't going to play this time as he positioned his cock and I reached down to direct it against my wet sex. He pushed in to me, splitting me open once again and slid inside. My sex was already on fire and I knew this would be over in seconds as I cried out with pleasure.
"Oh David."
"Yes fuck me,"
"Oh god yes,"
He was groaning as he repeatedly rammed in to me, to push with more force then he had in the past, to fill me with each stroke.
"Oh yes."
"Oh fuck."
"Harder David."
"I love you."
My sex began to orgasm as I reached around his back, to feel my wrist cuffs, to feel him in side me, to feel my new collar.
My sex contracting as I felt his cum jetting into me.
"Oh David."
"Oh Kelly."
"Oh fuck yes."
"Oh fuck."
As David pushed one last time and held. I could feel his contractions matching mine as we both held our breath.
"Oh David."
"Oh Kelly."
"And then slowly."
"I love you."
"And I love you."
Chapter 33 - After Dinner
I looked at myself in the mirror, my neck encased in steel, at my wrist cuffs sliding as I brushed my hair. Good god what a weekend and it was only Saturday night.
David had just finished a quick shower and was behind me drying off. What a body as my gaze switched to him. To see him naked, to see his silver bracelet on his wrist. He stopped and said with a smile.
I smiled back.
"You better go into the other room or we will need to do that again."
He laughed.
"Okay, I'm good with that, screw dinner."
"Come on, we're already late."
Somehow our overnight bags had been taken to the room and the clothes put away. I had changed into my black jeans, a white blouse with a black camisole and a red leather dinner jacket.
I had looked in the full length mirror, looking at my new collar and how it stood out. I had briefly felt self-conscious at the look but then David came up behind me and said.
"Kelly you look absolutely amazing."
I did look good I thought.
"Your okay with me wearing this tonight", as I touched the collar.
"I think it looks fantastic on you."
Then he paused and continued.
"It looks great but if."
I knew what he was going to say, stopping him.
"I love it and if I could I would never take it off."
He smiled.
The dining-room was very formal and as David had said earlier it had a Roman style look. Along the walls which were painted white were floor to ceiling columns. In between were tables with stone carvings of ancient sailing boats and other art reproduction from the early first century. I thought that it looked good but not what I would do at a cottage on Georgian bay.
As we became noticed by the others the room became quiet, everyone turning towards us.
David said.
"Sorry for being late but."
Patti cut him off and said aloud.
"Congratulations Kelly, you look fantastic."
This started a series of comments as we made our way to our seats.
Cathy said.
"You look amazing, love the collar."
Trish added.
"Dam girl, we just need that corset back on you."
Amy went on.
"You and I need to play together next time."
I felt my cheeks redden as Patti pointed out my chair.
"I love the jacket, maybe you and I need to do a little shopping together" and then she smiled an added, "David owes me a day with his credit card."
I was surprised that I was seated with Patti and David was at the other end of the table with the guys but I quickly figured that was for the best as the girls all started to talk over each other. I joined in, taking a glass of wine, feeling discomfort from my bottom.
Looking down at David, seeing him smiling and Dan looking over at me and nodding. God this was truly fantastic, to finally have friends, to finally feel accepted.
I looked around the room, at everyone laughing, talking, having fun. Trish and Patti kidding each other, Cathy doing the one up on everyone, my ass becoming less of an issue as my wine glass emptied. The only part of the evening that wasn't perfect was when I noticed the one thing that everyone was wearing, the one thing I still wanted.
Dinner was served by three young girls from a local catering company Dan had hired. I asked Patti about them, about what they would say seeing me like this, about the sexual nature of the conversations and she had answered that they were paid to be discrete and really what could they do? I thought about it and she was right. Even if they told there friends, what would it mean to us?
As the night continued I began to feel the weight of my collar, to feel it pressing down on my neck muscles. As I touched it, lifting it up for some relief Patti commented.
"Is it starting to hurt?"
"Yes, a little."
"It will for a few days, that is if he tells you to leave it on. It looks great but it does look heavy."
"I didn't know it would be this uncomfortable, it will take some getting used to."
Patti switched the conversation.
"I think I will have a go with one of the helicopter pilots tonight."
Looking at her.
"Really? Which one and isn't that against the rules?"
"Oh no, they have been here before and as long as he uses a condom it's okay. The blonde one has a huge cock and lasts forever."
I looked over and saw him smiling at us.
Patti raised her glass in return.
After dinner, we all went back to the sunroom for drinks and I met everyone for the second time. They were all very friendly and asked about the coffee shop and wished me luck over the next three weeks. Even the blonde pilot, Mitch, came over with Patti in-tow to say hi.
It felt great to be with everyone, to finally meet them in a proper setting and have some laughs. It was only when they would comment on my accessories did I realize that I was still in bondage.
That I was once again dressed as the bondage queen, that I was once again doing a public bondage session but this time I wasn't hiding it. No this time I was on display for everyone to see, to comment, to touch and see me as a sex slave.
I looked at David and smiled.
He looked and asked.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh yes, couldn't be better."
He pulled me close and said into my ear.
"That makes two of us, you look fantastic."
"This is so much fun and I guess Patti has found someone to play with tonight as we looked in her direction."
David turned.
"She does love to be with a man after a play session. I just hope he's up for it after what Trish did to her today."
I thought about her on the bench, her ass up in the air as Trish and I played with her. I thought of her needing to feel in control again, about how we had humiliated her.
Turning back to David.
"Is she okay to use the playroom?"
"Only if you have someone that hasn't been drinking in the session. It's a safety thing so no one gets accidentally hurt."
I thought back to our first night and asked.
"But we did."
"Well we broke the rules a little bit but I had stop drinking earlier in the night and I had only two glasses of wine and we didn't have any whips near by."
We continued to watch the room, to see some start to pair off and others laughing. I felt my neck, at the weight of the collar and David noticed as I moved it up for so relief.
"Becoming sore?"
I looked back at him, not wanting to tell him the truth, to disappoint him.
"It is, isn't it?"
I nodded.
"I'm not surprised as it's heavier then I thought. How about we call it a night, you have a long day tomorrow."
At his words, I felt how tired I was, at how crazy it had been since yesterday afternoon.
"That sounds like a good idea, let me say good night to Patti and Trish."
I watched as she undressed, to see her naked body, to see the steel cuffs locked on her body.
"You do look good with those on."
She did a sexy pose and answered.
"Any thing for you."
She paused then continued.
"When do I start calling you Master by the way?"
"Oh, you can start now if you like my little sex slave."
She did that lick the lips thing and said.
"How can I please you tonight Master?"
"Come here and kneel."
She did as she was told, kneeling, her back straight, her hands behind her back with her head bowed.
"Very good slave."
I continued to undress as she stayed still, not moving. I knew that we shouldn't really play as I had been drinking but I did like seeing her like this. I thought of what I could do and settled on a light session using the posts of the four posted bed. It had decorative attachment points at various location for playing. They weren't obvious as the cottage was used by non-members and to have it full of bondage furniture would be some what problematic to say the least.
I went to the closet, pulling a chest and removed four chains after opening the combination lock.
She still hadn't moved, she was trying to play her part, to be my slave.
I ordered.
"Come here."
God did she look sexy as she stood and walked over to the bed. Her head still lowered, her hands behind her back.
Turning her, placing her between the posts. I took her right wrist and attached the chain with the quick release clasp and raised her arm up and secured her to the post.
I did the same to her other cuffed wrist and stood back to see her standing with her arms out stretched, to see her helpless again.
I knelt and pulled her feet apart, securing them with chains to the posts. Now she was truly helpless. Stepping back, looking at her, at how beautiful she was, the curve of her hips, her perfect breasts, her erect nipples, to see her licking her lips, at those green eye's looking back at me.
I felt my cock beginning it's erection, that I just wanted to be with her, to make her cum with my cock inside her.
Going to her I said.
She answered.
I slowly began to touch her, to run one finger across her breasts, to trace her body down to her sex. She tried to move, to pull away as my touch tickled her, to her moan slightly at my touch. I continued to touch her, to feel her, to watch her move, to hear her groans of pleasure, to see her helpless in her new steel cuffs.
"Would you like this off?," touching her collar.
She looked back at me.
"No, not yet master."
I kissed her, feeling her body against mine, my hands going to her collar, feeling it's strength, at how solid it was. I moved it up and down so she could feel it, to know that only I could remove it.
My tongue touching her ear. Whispering.
"How does it feel to be collared?"
She leaned in, trying for my ear.
"I love it, I love having you as my Master."
My cock bouncing at that, at her breath on my ear. My hands went to her ass as I pushed against her, my cock swelling against her body.
"I do like you like this Kelly, to see you at dinner with your steel cuffs, to have you here helpless, to play with your body."
We kissed, our tongue's exploring each other, my hands dancing on her body, touching her collar, reaching up to her wrist cuffs. God this was heaven. I continued kissing, moving to her neck, licking her skin along the edge of the collar, my hands moving to her sex, finding her clit, hearing her moan, feeling her body tense at my touch.
"Oh David."
"I want you."
"Oh please fuck me Master."
"Oh yes."
"More please."
"God I love you David."
"God yes."
I felt her sex juices escaping from her sex as I slid two fingers in to her. She pulled away and then returned as I pushed deeper into her.
"Oh David."
'Please fuck me."
"I want you inside me."
"Oh god."
"Yes. More."
"Please cum inside me."
Stopping, standing back to watch her pull on her chains, to see her silver encased limbs stretched out before me. To see her helpless, to move, to hope for release. Her hips moving against nothing, hoping for something, what a sight I thought.
I went to her and slowly pushed my cock against her sex. She gasped as I entered her, her body raising up. I pushed in part way and felt her lower herself over the rest of my shaft. God did it feel good to be in her, to feel her warmth on my sex, to feel her body against mine.
Yes, this is what life should be about. To find someone that enjoyed our basic pleasures, to experience each others joy, to submit to being helpless, to trust, to simply receive pleasure without control, to become lost in the experience.
I held myself still, just feeling her as she tried to move.
"Easy Kelly."
She stopped, opening her eye's.
"Easy girl, lets me feel you."
We kissed again, my hands exploring her body, my fingers dancing down her back, my mouth on her ears, her body moving as she tried to escape. Touching her, touching her breasts, playing with her nipples, reaching out and holding her hands, to feel her confinement.
She groaned.
"Please stop teasing me."
"God I want you."
"Oh god."
"More please."
"I want you."
"Oh yes."
I started to move inside her. Her cry's over ruling my plan of licking her sex, to make her cry out for relief.
This was just too perfect to wait any longer. I pulled back and then slid into her, filling her sex with my cock. Good god did that feel unbelievable. Kissing her, pulling us together, hearing the chains clink as we both moved. I thought of her at dinner. Her neck surrounded in steel. Her cuffs showing as she ate and drank. Her smile, her eyes.
"Oh Kelly."
"Be my sex slave."
"Be mine."
She answered.
"Yes Master."
"I'm yours."
"Oh god yes."
I thought of whipping her and slapping her ass.
"Is that what you want?"
"Feel my whip."
"Oh god Kelly."
I new the end was near.
"Yes Master."
"Whip me."
"I'm yours."
"Oh god yes."
"Oh I'm yours."
I felt her body tense and her sex contract.
That was it for me and I pushed once more deep inside her. Pulling her, forcing myself in to her as my cock paused, holding my breath and then I felt my release, felt my cock contracting, my sperm releasing, flowing into her, her silence followed by.
"Oh god David."
"Oh fuck Kelly."
Our bodies together, her sweat mixing with mine, her heart beating against my chest. Her weight on my cock. Oh god yes, what a moment. Yes, it was fantastic to feel this way, to feel her, to hear her, to feel such raw pleasure.
My sex contracting as I felt his sperm filling me, to listen to his groans of pleasure. I tried so hard to put my hands around him, to feel his body but I was helpless, helpless to be fucked by my master and I as his sex slave. Oh how I loved this man.
I watched as he released my bonds, to feel our sex juices on my thighs. God I just loved making love to him, to be with him, to be his sex slave.
I felt the weight of the collar as I washed, feeling a headache beginning. It does look fantastic but it would take some getting used too, I thought.
David was checking his messages as I came back into the room. Dam does he look good, even with a limp cock between his legs.
"David, I think we need to take this off, sorry," my hand touching my collar.
He took the key of the desk.
"Does it hurt?"
"Yes and I think it's giving me a headache."
"Oh, sorry."
I felt the lock open followed by the relief from the weight reduction on my neck muscles. Moved my head to stretch, I looked at the collar in David's hands. It looked so good, I so wanted it back on, to always wear it but frack did it hurt.
"I'm sorry David."
Please, don't worry about it Kelly. I appreciate that you left it on for so long. It's not meant to be a torture device and if we take it slow, to give your body a chance to adjust then you will be able to keep it on longer.
"Now these," he added as he took hold of my wrist cuffs, "can stay on for a lot longer, like say for all of next week.
Looking down at the gold and silver, feeling the steel, thinking. Oh yes they can.
"Oh David you do know how to make me happy or is that horny."
"Both I hope. Now lets get some sleep."
He slid in behind me, pulling up the duvet, his arm moving around my body, his hand on my steel cuff as I closed my eye's to thinking how happy I was, to be with him, wondering how long before this happened every night, fading off to sleep.
Chapter 34 - Famous
Rob was serving a table and looked up with that goofy smile.
"So? Did you have a good time?"
"It was fun, but how are you doing, did everything go okay?"
"Well other then everyone asking about you, yes. I didn't know I was working for a celebrity."
Looking around, checking on the tables, seeing they were all occupied. It took me a second to process.
"Kelly you're all over the entertainment shows."
What was he talking about?
"What? You haven't seen the news?"
"No, we were up north."
Rob paused and as I looked around the shop again, I noticed some of the customers were looking at me.
"You were on the news from that Friday nights awards dinner thing. Even Entertainment Tonight had you on."
Asking again, not understanding.
Rob followed me behind the counter.
"I just about choked on my dinner last night. I was flipping around and their you were getting out of a limo with David. Apparently your the mystery woman."
I felt my heart start to race as I looked back at him.
"Then you were on the news, standing beside David as he talked about his charity."
Oh god I thought as I processed what Rob was saying.
He saw the look on my face.
"Oh ya Kelly, you were really on the news, apparently David is like famous, has done all kinds of work here in the city and in Africa."
Starring back.
"Ya, Kelly."
Rob went on as he realized I was not getting it, not understanding.
"Your like famous. Ton's of people have been asking about you. Even a news crew showed up yesterday looking for you."
You have got to be kidding I thought as I went to my chair. What the fuck was going on? Holy shit!
Rob sensing my confusion, my distress.
"Other then that, everything is just fine. Judy is working out great and Jennifer came in early to help to get ready for today because yesterday was super busy."
Holy shit, on the fracking news? What the fuck.
Looking down, I was horrified to see my cuffs partly uncovered on my wrists. Oh god, a news crew and here I am with steel shackles on my wrists and ankles. Sliding my sweat shirt back over the cuffs, I reached for the phone, dialling Davids cell.
"Did you know we were on the news? That I was on the news? That a fracking news crew came to the shop to see me?"
"It's okay Kelly, easy, breathe."
"It's okay? okay!"
Then in a whisper.
"I still have my cuffs on."
"Kelly it's okay. I get the same thing after these dinners. It makes the news and then two days later they forget about it. It's one of the reasons we went north, to get away from it."
Pausing, then.
"Really? Well it would have been nice if you had said something. Fuck David I'm freaking out right now."
"Look I'm sorry, I just thought, well I just forgot. I'm just used to it, that's why I try to get away for a couple of days, to let the bullshit die down. Kelly, look I'm really sorry, I love you."
I heard his tone and realized it wasn't his fault.
"I'm sorry David, it's just that Rob was all over me and half of my customers were staring at me. I wasn't ready for this."
I felt my left cuff slide as I switched hands with the phone.
"And I have my cuffs on."
"Look, I can come right back and take them off."
I could hear David moving and thought of him taking them off.
"No! You wanted them on and so do I. No I can deal with it David."
Then in a softer tone.
"Thank god we took off the collar, now that would have been a real problem."
I heard the relief in his voice as my hand went to my neck.
"Are you sure? I don't mind. I don't want to freak you out."
"No, I want them on. I love them."
Finishing with.
"I love you David but good god you are such a pain in the ass sometimes. We really need to work on your communication skills."
I could hear the laughter in his voice.
"I love you to, and then with a pause, oh I think I can be a little more then a pain in your ass."
I felt my sex pulse, thinking of him touching me.
"I love you, but I have to go, I'll call you later tonight, Okay?"
"Love you to."
So much for a quiet day I thought, sitting down at the computer. No, I guess not.
I felt my wrist cuffs and knew they would be an issue today. I had thought it would be a normal day, that I could spend most of it at my desk but that wasn't going to happen. No it was only a 11:45 and already the place was full.
Well what the fuck as I stood and put on my cooking apron. My sweater would make for a warm day but what choice did I have?
Going out to the till, thinking that at-least my ass had stopped hurting from last night. I smiled as I thought about it, that it had only been a few hours ago, of being naked and being whipped by David and now here I was, back to reality.
Rob called through the doorway.
"I did the bank deposit last night."
Taking a moment to remember I had a business to run.
"Oh good."
"I left the paper work on your desk, it was a pretty big day."
Come on Kelly, get your head back in the game, focus. Turning to Rob.
"Really? How big?"
Try twenty-five hundred.
It took a second.
"Twenty-five? Really? God, that's double our usual Saturday. Nice going, it must have been crazy?"
"Oh, it had it's moments, especially when the channel 4 news truck pulled up front."
Rob was smiling at me, taking pleasure from my discomfort.
"They were here for about an hour hoping you would show. I hope you don't mind that I let them film the place?"
"They what?"
"They said something about needing footage for a story they want to run on Wednesday."
I just starred at Rob.
"Yup, sounds like your new boy friend is someone special."
With that Rob went to take care of some new customers.
Oh god, I really hope David was right about things dying down in a couple of days. Then I thought about my past, if they would find the video, Oh god, fuck no!
I saw that a line was starting to form at the door, that the place was filling up but I had to talk to David.
"Hi again, are you okay?"
"David, Rob just told me that channel 4 is doing a story about me, what if they find out about me, if they find my youtube video?"
Then I thought.
"Oh David what will happen to you? Oh David, fuck, this is a disaster!"
"Kelly, relax. They wont run a story if they don't have a story to run. Look you said they came by yesterday?"
"Yes, but David?"
"Easy, look if they come by today, just be pleasant, tell them that we've just started seeing each other. Just be pleasant and keep your answers short, don't give them anything interesting to follow up on. They're just looking to see if there's a story, so just make sure they don't get one and they will forget all about us."
"David are you sure, I'm so scared."
"Kelly I love you, just trust me on this. They're just looking for a story and we wont give them one. It will all be over by tomorrow."
"Okay, but Jesus David you do make my life difficult."
I could hear his concern as he answered.
"I know but just think about how much fun we're having. I'll call you later but if anything happens give me a call."
"Okay, love you."
Hanging up I looked for a place to pull over.
Dam, I needed to make sure this doesn't get out of hand. Dealing with the media was always a double edge sword. I needed them for the charity, to cover events, to give rich housewives something to talk about but at the same time it made my personal life a story. The rich and not so famous David Bartlett was fair game, was good for a headline or two on a slow news day.
Over the years I had become used to the attention, knew that my life was free of scandal, that I didn't make for interesting news, that Hollywood was full of million dollar screw-ups that were far better for ratings.
I pulled in to a parking lot and dialed.
"Hi Christy, it's David Bartlett."
"Your welcome and thanks for Saturday night, look I have a favour to ask. It's about Kelly."
"I know, yes she is something, anyway she had one of your news crews come by her coffee shop and she's a little freaked out."
"No. No. It's not a big deal. I know they were just looking for a quick story but I was hoping that you could cut her some slack, I would conceder it a personal favour."
"No not that kind, yes I'm kind of serious."
"Thanks a million, I owe you one."
Okay I thought, that should take care of that, Kelly would have enough to worry about for the next couple of weeks.
Chapter 35 (added: 2020/04/13)
This was becoming painful, all I wanted to do was take my sweater off. The place was nuts. Every time I thought there would be a break, another group would come through the door.
Rob, Jennifer and the new girl Judy were doing great but I had to help with the cash and restocking the bake goods. Everything was getting low and that was becoming a problem.
Already I was sold out of chocolate cake and carrot and chocolate chip cupcakes and with my cuffs locked around my wrists I was helpless to do anything about it with them here.
It was going to be a very long three weeks as I again said thank you to a new customer. All day people had come by to tell me they had seen me on TV. At first I didn't known what to say, to say thank you or what? But now I just smiled, nodded or said thanks.
My self pity was interrupted by Rob. "Is it okay if Judy takes off at six?" She and some friends had planned on going to a movie.
Looking up at Rob.
"Sure, it should slow down soon, how are you and Jennifer doing?"
"We're okay, how are you? You look kind of hot in that sweater."
"Ya, I had thought I would just be doing paper work and not going crazy."
Rob offered.
"Well it looks like it's slowing down and Jennifer and I can hold the fort if you wanted to take off?"
I scanned the shop and for the first time all day a couple of tables were empty. Thank god for that I said to myself. It was Five-thirty, an hour and a half to close. What a day, what a weekend.
Walking up the stairs to my apartment I looked at my wrist to check the time and was rewarded with nothing but my steel cuff. I had taken care of some backroom issues and the night deposit as Rob and Jennifer had cleaned up the front.
My hair was a mess as I looked in the mirror. My body ached and all I wanted was to take a bath and go to bed. The days receipts were just shy of two thousand dollars so I had treated myself to a cab and picked up Chinese food again.
Dam did they look good, looking at my reflection, at my steel encased wrists. I touched them and thought of David putting them on me, of the click of the lock, of how I was helpless to take them off.
Removing the rest of my clothes I thought of how my life had changed. At what had been a self pity night of public bondage had morphed into me standing here, standing as a shackled sex slave of a man I loved. I pulled off my jeans and felt my ankle cuffs. Felt the weight on my ankle bone, of how they almost hurt and realized that they would be a serious problem if I went jogging.
Standing up, my hand went to my throat as I thought of my missing collar. At how fantastic it looked, at the weight, at David putting it on. God what a moment. David and his life. Of his friends, his boat, his charity and how he just lived life. Never showing off, never pushing his weight around, of his non-stop caring for those around him, of his smile when he looked at me. Oh god I missed him already.
Starting the bath I was aware of my sex coming to life, of how for the first time I was really being held in bondage by a man, a man that loved me, a man that I loved.
I resisted the temptation to figure out how to attach a chain to my shackles and slipped into the warm bubbles of my bath and felt my body relax. To close my eyes and replay some of the past weeks, of what had happened over the weekend. Of being chained and then whipped for the first time. At everyone I had met, at how we all shared the same socially unacceptable love of kinky sex. At how mature they were about it, at how fun, at how exciting it was.
I slid my right hand to my sex and using my toes I played with my ankle cuffs as my body relaxed and the memories of the last two days worked on my mind.
I saw David standing before me with the riding crop, of Patti on her knees playing with my sex, of her filling my ass. My fingers starting to dance in my sex as I thought of the whip striking my ass, of David embarrassing me for not counting, of everyone watching me, of a life time of my deepest secrets being displayed to a room full of strangers.
My fingers slid deeper into my sex and I felt my wrist cuff touch my inner thigh. Oh frak my sex was on fire, my sex verging on it's first contraction.
I thought of David and saw him on the sail boat. The feeling of him standing behind me, holding me as the BB cut through the the water. Thought of how right everything had felt, of how real it was, that it would last.
I moved my left hand around to find my asshole and heard the cuff bounce off the bottom of the tub.
Oh David I thought, how much I loved you, how much I loved the feeling of you inside me, of you holding me, telling me what to do, of making me obey your words, of how much you cared for me.
Pushing a finger into my asshole and two fingers deeper into my sex.
Oh David I thought as my sex contracted, as I held my breath at the sexual release, of my mind being assaulted by wave after wave of pleasure. I pushed deeper with both set of fingers, feeling them almost touching, with just the wall of skin separating my sex from my ass. Another contraction went through my body, oh god yes, oh frak did that fill fantastic. My toe touching my ankle cuff, my wrist cuff hitting bottom of the tub.
Oh frak that felt good as my sex contracted again. I thought of being in bondage, of not being able to remove my cuffs as I pushed against my g-spot. Of how long David would make me wear them, of how hard it had been today with them on.
My sex contracted again as I pulled my finger out from my ass and pushed deeper with my other hand into my sex. Oh David, I love you so much as my body shaking from the final wave of contractions.
God please don't let this end, I thought as the recovery process began. Please make this real, please don't let me do anything to fuck this up. Please give me this new life after all the shit of the last 2 years, of wasting the last 7 years of being someone I wasn't, of playing the corporate game, of making the rich, richer. Of not being true to myself, of doing what I knew was wrong, of not being me, of not being honest about what really made me happy. Oh please god don't let this end, please let this be real.
My eye's closing as I slowly removed my fingers, of feeling the warmth of the water, at my body feeling the afterglow of my sexual release.
Okay Kelly, I thought, lets just lie here for now and relax, to think about the next week, about how you will deal with the shop and if this business spike would continue. About what to do about staffing, about out sourcing some of the baking, about finally making money.
Finally the water cooled and I began the nightly routine of reheating dinner and finding something mindless on the television.
I was just getting a second glass of milk when my cell came alive with David's ring tone. Rushing back to my bedroom I answered with a smile.
"Hi handsome."
"Hi beautiful, how are you doing and how was the day?"
Looking at my left cuff.
"Ok, busy, and hot because of you."
"Really, I wish I could say that I was sorry, but I'm not."
"David your such an ass sometimes."
"Yes I can be, my sex slave. I'm downstairs, okay if I come up?"
I paused as I processed David was here.
"Sure love come on up. I was just having something to eat."
"Okay, see you in a minute."
I thought about what to put on, as my current dress of being naked was properly not very appropriate. I settled on my oversize Old Navy sweat shirt and today's panties.
David knocked and I thought that I should have a spare set of key's made.
He looked amazing in his jeans and white and blue striped dress shirt. Going to him as my heart racing, feeling his arms around me, hugging him, feeling his body against mine, the feeling for the first time in my life, of being so complete with another person.
I turned her head up to mine and looked into those green eyes, god I loved them, to see something so perfect, to be so taken by their beauty, to have the same reaction each and every time I saw them.
"Hi beautiful, hope I'm not imposing?"
"Well I was just about to have dinner, but I guess I can make time for you."
Looking at her smile, at how fast she was with a sarcastic comment. She really did make my day. To be the complete deal. Of being so dam beautiful both inside and out.
Looking past her I saw the bag of chinese food and the empty glass on the counter.
"Sorry for for the timing love. Go sit down and I'll bring you dinner."
"Oh, David that's okay, I'll get it."
"No love go sit and relax, I'll get it. for you."
I watched her go to the couch, at her legs, at the silver around her ankles, at her cuff sliding on her wrist as she played with her damp hair. God she was so beautiful, so perfect.
I put a mix of food from the three foil containers on the plate and helped myself to a mouthful of noodles. Patti and Dan had cautioned me about the next three weeks, that maybe I wasn't the best person for the job, that I was to close to her to do what had to be done.
I had listened, had even considered it but no. I told them that this was going to be different for both of us, that I was the only one that could see her through her training. They agreed and I conceded that I would keep their concerns in mind.
Sitting down beside her.
"So kiddo we will need to discuss what is expected of you over the next three weeks."
She paused with a fork full of food.
"You will be asked to do somethings that you my not like, that you may not be comfortable with but you will need to do as your told. To obey my commands, those and the commands of the others. Do you think that will be a problem?"
"Well lets see David, I've been tied to my own bed and teased too with in an inch of my life, repeatedly bound by you including a whipping in front of twenty strangers and I'm sitting here, still shackled all day at work that included the possibility of a live tv interview. So do you think I'm capable? I mean just what more could you possibly do to me?"
God, I loved this girl. Always ready with the come back, never afraid, never worried about speaking her mind. God it was so refreshing. I so enjoyed he unpredictability, her complete disregard to who I was, to finally have a girl hat spoke her mind and didn't just respond with words they thought I wanted to her.
"Okay then," I started.
"As of now you can not orgasm unless told to. That means no self play sessions, no middle of the night quickie, no playing with your bag of goodies."
I good see the change in her eye's, changing as what I had said started to sink in.
"That's right Kelly, as of now your sex belongs to me. Me and only me. Understand?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes," and with a pause. "Yes master?"
Oh fuck was he kidding? I mean I almost masturbate every day, god and I had just finished coming what 15 minutes ago and now he's telling me that I could only come when he said I could.
"David, is this for real? I mean do I call you master for the next three weeks? Do I really need to play the sex slave the whole time?"
"No and yes. Yes in that you need to understand that I will be demanding things of you, that it's my responsibility to see if you will fit into the club. I'm saying that it's my job to take your sexual pleasure to new levels, to have you experience things beyond your fantasies, beyond what you my be comfortable with."
"Think of it like a kind of hazing. A hazing that we have all gone through, something that we all have in common. The club is more then this steel cuff, its a way of life. A life style that we all find insanely enjoyable, a life style that links all of us together."
I looked at her, looked as she processed and then she simple said.
"And no."
Confused I asked.
"No as in yes and no."
"Oh god girl you do drive me nuts."
"What, why? You said yes and no so what is the no?"
"I know what I said, but most, if not all normal people that have just heard what I had said would have questions like say, what do have planned for me, how will you know if I masturbate? You know, simple straight forward concerns."
"David, first I'm not one of other people and I still don't know if I need to call you fracking master for the next three parking weeks."
She so rocked my boat, so made my mind work. I could see her anger, her frustration and thought of how much I loved her, how much she was my equal.
"David! Will you answer me or are you just going to sit there?"
"Your so easy sometimes Kelly. And no you do not need to call me master unless we are role playing."
I could see the anger being replaced with self doubt.
"God Kelly, your so pig headed sometimes, always trying to get to the end of the book."
I watched as she first tried to defend her position and then smiled as she knew she had lost.
I rewarded her with a kiss and she whispered.
"I love you David and I'll call you master anytime you want."
God how I wanted to make love her right then and there but no, not now, remembering Patti's warning. What had she said. All she needs to do is show you her pretty green eyes and you'll both be fucking like rabbits.
Pulling away, cursing that she knew me so dam well.
Regaining some sense of control I continued.
"No Masturbating, if you do, you will be punished."
"Next I need to take those off."
Pointing to her cuffs.
"For the next three weeks you cannot, and I repeat cannot wear anything on your wrists, no bangles, no watch, nothing, as in bare."
"When asked you will wear whatever I ask, you will do what ever I say, you will need to make yourself available to Patti or Dan if asked. You will need to be available from 10pm Friday to 10pm Sunday for the next three weekends, so you will need to figure out staffing for the store but I do have a possible solution that we can talk about later."
"You will spend almost all of the next three weeks sexually frustrated and you will want to kill me most of the time. So with all that said just how badly to you want one of these."
With that I pulled a new bracelet out of my pants pocket and held it before her.
What a mind fuck. From finding out I had just lost control over my own sex, to needing to restructure my business, to seeing the most beautiful thing in the world.
Reaching for it, David letting go. It felt so perfect, so solid, god I wanted it so badly on my wrist.
Looking in to his blue eyes.
"For this and for you, I'll do what ever you want. But I do have one condition."
"And what would that be?"
"That you do what you need to do, no holding back or I'll be pissed."
She so rocked my world. So beautiful, so self assured, so confident, so very smart. Yes, she was ready for what was coming, ready for what would be three weeks of hell. Three weeks of being sexually frustrated, of being humiliated, of being at the sexual peck and call of people she had just met.
Looking at her, playing with the bracelet, not knowing what was coming, of how hard it was going to be, of how she would be tested, forced to do things she had never thought of, never fantasied about. To be pushed to her limits, pushed again and again, pushed to her breaking point.
"Yes my dear Kelly, your world was about to change, to change for ever, to be a life that you had always wanted, alway hoped for. I just hope you're ready, ready for this, ready to do this with me."
"Can I try this on?"
Her question bring me back.
"No, my love, not yet. First we have the three weeks to deal with. Are you sure your ready? "
Her eye's locking on mine.
"Truly, I don't know. But I do know what I want, and I want you and I want this and everything it means. After last night, after meeting everyone, after what you did to me, after what happened to me, god David I want this more then anything."
"So am I ready? I don't know but I don't care. I want you, I want this, I want last night, and if my next three weeks suck, then so what, as long as I get this and I get you."
"Kelly, you already have me. You don't need to do the next three weeks for me."
"I know, well I hope so, but you are this. God, David, that was the best weekend of my life, being with you, your friend, god, I love you, I loved yesterday, so please David. Please do your best, make my three week trail or training or what ever you call it the best, the hardest one that you have ever done. I want it as much as I want you."
"God Kelly, I do love you. You so, just so make me happy."
"You do the same to me. Now do I call you master?"
Chapter 36 - First Night
"Please David, please can I cum?"
"No, come on you can take it."
"No really David I can't. I'm going to cum, I need to cum."
I looked at her sweat covered body, watching as she struggled against her bonds, her swollen clit, her sex juices leaking down her thigh.
I moved the large vibrator against her sex again.
"Oh fuck, oh , oh, fuck!"
"Come on bitch, you can take it."
"David I can't. Please?"
Pulling it away, no my sex slave, you need to learn some self control.
Fuck was all she said.
God I could kill him already. All I wanted, no, all I needed was to fucking cum but no! He and that dam vibrator. It was driving me fucking crazy. My sex was on fire but every time I was starting to orgasm, he pull the dam thing away and then hit me with the fracking riding crop. Oh god I could kill him right now.
Let see, how did it start. I had finished dinner and thought after his talk, well, really his agenda for my next three weeks, I had hoped that we would just sit and cuddle before bed, but no. He began by ordering me to strip and stand before him naked as he slowly played with my thigh and sex.
Even that wasn't so bad as he had placed his fingers inside me followed by gently kissing, licking and sucking on my sex. God it had felt good, felt so sexual as I had looked down at him, his head between my legs. His arms holding me to him, his tongue dance, his finger playing with my holes.
Yes David. that's it, just a little more, yes my love, frak that feels amazing. Then just as I was about to have my first orgasm he does a fracking David and stops.
My sex was on fire and all I wanted was him inside me but he just gets up and walks into my bedroom, returning with my fracking blindfold.
David please, lets just have one more night together, let me make love too you before we start. Please David I had begged but he had simply told me to assume the position and after I had knelt, back straight, hands behind my back, as he slipped the blindfold over my eyes.
I had waited, I don't know how long and then I felt him beside me and then the awful sound of him removing my ankle cuffs.
"Please David, please leave them on, I love them, I'm your sex slave."
He didn't say a word as he continued to remove all four of my cuffs. God did I feel naked without them. I so wanted them to be on forever. To show the world I was his but no. Not with my fracking David. No
Next he helped me to the bedroom and proceeded to wrap my wrists and ankles in my leather cuff. I just loved the feeling of him touching me, the leather around my wrist, the sound of the lock clicking shut.
I could hear and feel everything. My senses were on overdrive, my sex on fire, I could feel my clit lips swelling as he spread my legs putting on the ankle cuffs.
"David please, please just let me hold you, let me hold your body, oh frack, David I so love you."
Then I was on my bed. First he moved my left wrist up and out from my body then he did the same with my right wrist. I could here the click of the lock and felt the chain through my fingers.
Next he pulled my body down towards the bottom of the bed and then fastened my right and then left ankle, spreading my legs apart, leaving my sex open for him to play with.
He left me like this, still blindfolded for what seemed forever. I had pulled on my bonds, feeling them, testing them and slowly I began to realize that he had chained me with my own self bondage set up, just as he had done that first night. Oh frack I had thought, here we go again, had he done it again, made me so fracking horny only to leave me helpless in my own bed.
I felt for the string, for the release key and felt nothing. I knew I hadn't frozen the key in the water bottle so I should be able to release my self if I could feel the string. What the hell was he doing?
Then he had started, that fracking vibrator. Oh god did it feel good. At first it simply brought my sex back to life. Softly vibrating my sex, him moving it around, pressing hard then softly. I had tried to move my hips but my bonds held. I tried pulling, moving my body, anything to push against the vibrator but no, and David just added to my torture by mixing in the riding crop.
She was suffering now. Kelly was bucking her hips, crying out to cum but that wasn't going to happen tonight, or tomorrow or for the next five or six days.
She looked so dam good, her body covered in sweat, her nipples erected, her arms and legs stretched out from her body. Her wrists and ankles wrapped in leather cuffs, her eyes covered by the blind fold. Dam she just did the lick the lips thing.
I so wanted to fuck her silly right now but no I couldn't do that now could I as I thought of Patti, could almost feel her watching us. No I had to play my role just as Kelly needed to learn her role.
She cried out again and did what ever she could to push her sex against the vibrator that I had brought in form the car. It was one of several toys I had in my bag, toys that would make Kelly wonder if meeting me had been such a good idea.
Pulling the vibrator away, then flicking the crop against her right nipple. She yelped at the pain, pulling on her right cuff, twisting her body slightly.
"Take it Kelly, remember no cumming."
I flicked at both tits, slowly saying.
"Your," flick, "my sex," flick, "slave, no," flick, "cumming, until I," flick, "say so," flick.
"David please, this is so unfair."
"Unfair, but my little sex slave we have just begun. You have three more weeks of this, three weeks as in 21 days."
"Oh David I don't know if I can do it."
"Oh you will do it my dear. You'll do it for the club, for Saturday night, for me, for your bracelet."
"Oh fuck David, Please just let me cum this one time, please?"
"Oh maybe just this once."
"Really? Really David? Oh thank you."
I looked down at her, at her perfect body, at how completely helpless she was before me as I raised the crop about a foot above her swollen sex and with some remorse I flicked the crop down.
The pain went right through my body, like a magnitude 10 shockwave. My sex screaming in pain. I pulled on my bonds to cover my body, my right wrist restraint coming loose.
Yelling out.
"What the fuck was that David! Fuck, fuck, fuck."
Then the tears as the pain settled through my body, my sex feeling like it was on fire.
I felt for any signs of damage with my now freed hand.
Holy fuck did that hurt. The pain was unreal, like nothing I had felt before. Good god, fuck, moving my finger to my sex, to feel the damage. Touching my self softly, feeling, waiting for the horror. I could feel the loose chain sliding down my thigh as I pressed further with my first two fingers.
I moved them gently, feeling my swollen lips, wet from my sex juice. Still the pain remained but I could also feel the pleasure that had been there. The pleasure to make me beg.
My fingers went a little deeper into my sex and then as if they had a mind of they're own, they pushed further in, moving twisting, trying for my g-spot as the pleasure came flooding back.
"Oh fuck, yes, let me come, Oh yes, oh fucking yes."
Oh, it was surreal, the pleasure, the pain as my sex exploded with feelings, good, bad, all mixed together, all overwhelming my brain.
Oh yes dam it, I pulled on my left wrist, feeling the leather, feeling the confinement. I pulled on my ankles, beginning to feel the first signs of discomfort in my hips. Oh yes, this was unbelievable.
It was harder then I thought it would be and seeing her reaction scared me a bit. The chain had pulled loose from the headboard and her scream was a little loud. I'm sure the neighbours heard it as I looked down at her.
I thought, yes Kelly that was just the first step, the first of many, the only real question was when you would final stop walking.
I watched as her fingers went deeper into her sex, watching as her pain mixed with the pleasure. Watched as she did what I was to have done for her but with her free hand she was doing it for me. I watched as her fingers went deeper, listened as she gasped, watching as her hips bucked.
Yes that's good, yes feel the pain, feel the pleasure, become confused. That's it girl push deeper, think of what your doing, think about what just happened, feel the pleasure, feel it explode, feel it going to a new level.
I watched and waited and just as she was starting to slow, starting to orgasm.
The crop came down again, hitting her hand and thigh. Her hand jerking away, crying out again. But was the cry from pain or pleasure?
"Fuck, David stop hitting me dam it."
I answered with a flick to her left nipple.
"David fuck!"
I answered again with the crop to her thigh.
I could tell that one hurt as she moved her hand in a late attempt to block the blow and again cried out followed by a sob as tears started to escape the blindfold.
Softer she said.
"Please David, please let me cum, please stop hitting me."
"Is that how a sex slave speaks to her master?"
She swallowed.
"Thats better now maybe we should call it a night."
"Oh David, sorry, master I want you, I need to be with you."
The sight of her was tearing me apart, to see her so helpless, crying, begging to be with me. I so wanted to hold her, to protect her, to make love to her but that wasn't going to happen for a while.
Looking over at the clock, the time 10:30, just enough time to finish the night, finish what would be a series of nights, of tests, of learning just how far the mind could go, how far it needed to go.
I could sense him moving around the bed, the riding crop touching my body, sliding up my stomach and over my tits. I was afraid to speak, afraid to move, afraid of the crop hitting.
My freed arm was being pulled back to the bedpost and after a moment it was once again secured.
God now what, was he going to leave me here? I could still feel my sex, feel it wanting, wanting more, more pleasure and the more, I thought, more pain?
My hips rolled at the very thought of what had just happened, at the crazy pleasure mixed with pain. The pain of the crop, the pleasure of my fingers. Oh frak I thought as I pulled on my bonds, pulled to do whatever I could to satisfy me sex. Oh god this was killing me.
I softly called out,
"Yes Kelly."
Taking a breath.
"Master I'm yours. I'm sorry for not being a good slave, please forgive me."
I couldn't believe I had just said those words, to really submit to the man I loved.
I heard her, saw the tears, saw her sweat covered body and I wanted to believe her, but as with the others it was far to early. They still had no idea how much the mind and body could take, wanted to take. She was far from being the sex slave she thought she was.
Thinking, no Kelly, I think just a little more tonight and then we can talk. I even thought about letting her cum, it was to soon but it was Kelly and she did process events faster then most. Well let start again and see what happens. One thing for sure I thought, I needed to call Patti tonight and get this dam cock dealt with.
I waited, silent, waiting for his responds, waiting for my master to answer. I could hear him breathing, shuffling and then I felt him on the bed and heard the fracking vibrator start again. Oh fuck no, not again, but yes please, touch me, even hit me, please more, no stop, please, more, my mind screamed.
The first touch felt like a thousand pins, I jumped, pulling on my bonds, the chains holding, feeling the leather, oh fuck. Oh it hurt then it didn't, it felt so nice. I could feel the vibrator sliding, feel my juices, feel my sex wanting more. Oh yes, please, oh yes, more, crying.
Then my tit was on fire as the crop flicking my nipple. Crying out again as the pain resinated through my body.
I thought, yes, hit me again as I tried to push against the vibrator. Oh fuck yes, again I thought and as if he could hear me my other nipple was set on fire. Oh god did that hurt, oh god did that feel fantastic.
Crying out.
"Oh David please more, please."
The riding crop striking my inner thigh as the vibrator pulled away. Oh, fuck no my hips bucking.
Crying out.
His answer.
"More what?"
"More, please!"
God I wanted to say hit me again but I was to embarrassed, to afraid.
"More what?"
My voice betraying me.
"More Master, more of both, more please."
The vibrator again pushed, pushing hard against my sex. The vibrations flowing through me. Oh frak did it feel unbelievable, my sex so close to an orgasm and then both tits were again assaulted by the crop. I pulled on my cuffs, bucking my hips, calling out.
"Yes, oh yes, more please!"
My sex began to contract.
"Oh god, please David more, I need more."
My sex going crazy as the vibrator slid up to my clit, the crop striking me. Striking all over. Flicking down on my tits, against my nipples, my stomach, my legs. Oh yes, the blows moving over my arms, my sides,
Crying out.
"Oh yes David, oh fuck yes."
The pain everywhere, the pleasure everywhere. My body jumping from the blows, my arms pulling on my chains, my ankles pulling tight, my thighs trying to force the vibrator against my sex.
"Oh yes, oh fucking yes."
The crop everywhere, flicking, covering me with pain, pain but pleasure, Oh fuck more, yes, more. I needed more.
Yelling out.
"I'm yours Master."
This was it, I was either going to allow her to cum or I needed to stop. She was going crazy, her body jumping from the crop, her sex juices running down her thighs, her screams for more.
I hit her again, moving the vibrator up and down her sex, watching as she struggled against the chains. Oh fuck this was what it was all about, too see a person reach a new level of pleasure, to see them lost in the moment, to have the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelm their senses.
She cried out again as the crop made a welt on her tit. Yes, she was going to cum, to cum like she had never thought possible. No I wasn't stopping now. Pushing harder on the vibrator, flicking the crop under her arm, making her dance in her bonds, making her loose herself in the pleasure, in the pain.
That's it girl, pull, cry out, beg for more. My own sex was hard as a rock as I watched, controlling her. Hitting her again, then asking.
"More Kelly, do you want more, do you want the crop?"
She cried back.
"Oh, fuck, yes David, oh yes, more, I want you, I want more."
I snapped the riding crop again and again, moving from her arms, tits, then down to her legs, I hit her, leaving red welts in places, watching as she moved from the strikes, crying out in pain. In pleasure.
That's it girl I thought, live it, feel it. Loose your self in it. I looked at her arms, at the leather cuffs, hearing the clinking of the chains, looking at how helpless she was. Lost in my control, lost to defend her self, lost to do anything but take what I gave her. Oh Kelly, you do make me so fucking happy.
Sweat pouring off her body, her hair matted down, her tears escaping the blind fold, her cries becoming louder, less controlled. Oh yes Kelly, orgasm, yes bitch orgasm as if for the first time. Orgasm from the pleasure, the pleasure from the pain. Loose your self to it. Yes girl, oh yes.
The end was coming.
Calling out to her.
"More slave."
Then louder.
"Do you want more?"
She cried back.
"Oh yes, oh fuck yes! "
With that, I hit both her tits with the hardest blows yet, then dropping the crop, sliding two fingers past the vibrator and into her sex.
Her body going wildly, lifting her hips, crying out, pulling on her chains.
Pushing hard, feeling for her g-spot, the vibrator against her clit.
She cried out,
"Oh, oh, oh, oh fuck!"
She raised her hips up, holding them, her sex contracting her sex juices squirting passed my fingers. Still she stayed, still her sex contracting, still I held my fingers, the vibrator still against her, not moving, letting her have her moment, have her orgasm.
Chapter 37 - Week One
Clean it, make it dirty and clean it again, the never ending cycle, god I wish it would stop. Well not really, I just wish it was someone else doing it for me.
Stopping, leaning over the sink, feeling how tired I was, how I just needed a good night sleep but no, fracking David and this fracking chastity belt. Oh how I wanted to kill him.
Five days of being locked in this thing, five days of complete torture, five days of not even being able to go to the fracking washroom normally. All I wanted to do was get it off and burn the dam thing. Five days since he had locked it on me. God yes I so wanted payback for this.
After Sunday and the insane orgasm, David had decided to spend the night, which at the time seemed fantastic. I figured I would wake him up in the morning by riding his cock and telling him to hold it, to not to cum, to make him suffer. I was even hoping to try and tie him to my headboard and tease the living shit out of him but no, no fracking no!
After a quick shower we had climbed into bed and what does he do but rewraps my wrists in leather and attaches them to one of the headboard chains. Frack really, I finally get to sleep with him again and he makes me his sex slave, makes me helpless.
I mean it was such a turn on, to be in bondage, to have my wrists bound in leather, to be helpless as he cuddled up be hind me, do feel his cock against my ass. Yes I did love it, to be helpless with the man I loved.
But soon the joy was replaced with agony, my sex coming back to life, to wanting to ride his cock, to feel him inside me again. I had begged, had wiggled my hips, had talked dirty, I tried everything but he wasn't playing. Finally he had threatened me with my fracking ball gag if I didn't stop and go to sleep. He had even retrieved it from my bondage bag and after 10 minutes of having it forced into my mouth I had mumbled my surrender.
He had then played with my sex and tits as punishment for not obeying him. Yes, it had just been the beginning of a sleepless, sexually frustrating week. God I was really starting to hate the man.
The next morning, after not sleeping all night he then took off my shackles and followed me into the shower. Okay, that had seemed like a good thing after all there was no way he could resist me now? Or so I had thought. But nope.
He had first tied my wrists together then proceed to to wash me, to wash my hair, to rub his hands all over my body, to make me so fracking horny. Yes it had been good as his cock was hard as a rock and there was no way he wasn't going to put it in side me. Not in the shower, not after not cuming last night, no he had to fuck me right?
But again no. Frack, no. I couldn't believe it as he then ordered me to give him a blow job. A fucking blow job in the fracking shower. We're both naked, both horny as hell and he tells me to kneel down and suck his cock. Fuck!
So I had. My wrists bound, on my knees and one huge cock. Well I did have some fun with it. Playing with his balls, teasing the end of his cock, of biting down just enough to make him worried. Yes I had sucked him off like a pro and when I finally let him cum, did he cum. I tried to catch it all but there was no way I could swallow that much sperm, no way as he unloaded over my mouth and face.
Yes it had been a good moment, maybe the last good moment of the whole fracking week.
Rob walked by, asking?
"Everything okay Kelly?"
"Oh ya, just tired that's all."
"Ya, you've been a little off all week, are you sure your feeling okay?"
"I'm fine, it's just been one of those weeks and I just need a good night sleep."
"Well it's almost the end of the day, what do you and David have planned for the weekend?"
"Oh, I don't know? David said it was a surprise."
Ya, a surprise as to which whip he'll use I thought.
"Well I hope you get some rest and feel better."
"Thanks, so do I."
Like that was going to fracking happen, I said to myself as Rob went back to the front with a load of coffee mugs.
I pulled a the chastity belt again as I figured it would be coming off for the weekend and maybe, just fracking maybe I could go to the bathroom as a normal adult.
Right from that first morning, from when David had attached that fracking hose to the shower head and then ordered me to turn around and bend over. What the fuck was that? He then forces the dam end of the hose, the end with a stainless steal tip in to my ass. I mean really, I just made him cum and now he was giving me a fracking enema. I couldn't believe it.
I had felt so naked, so embarrassed. Bent over, bound and then the cold water started to fill me. Oh god what a weird feeling. At first I want to just push back, to shit the water out but David made it clear that I was not to do that. No, he had ordered me to relax, to just take it in.
Really, just relax as my ass was filled with water. At first it wasn't to bad but after a moment I could feel the cold and then the first little cramp as my body fought for relief.
David had said it was necessary and that he would be doing this each day before I went to work. And for the last four days he had indeed done just that. Yes, I just love this fracking chastity belt. Such a fun and sexual device. So fracking fun that I never wanted to see another one again!
Yes, after all the water and shit had exploded from my ass followed by a second rinse, David had informed me about my impending prison. He had even smiled as he had took it out of the closet and without any fanfare had locked me in it.
Fuck am I pissed I thought.
So for each of the following days he would either stay over night and torture me or show up in the morning to flush my ass and clean the dam thing. Every fracking morning! Then like a kid with a new toy he would cover my torso with baby powder and lock me back in it.
God I hated it but I must confess it did feel kind of good this morning. The cold water filling me, waiting for the cramps to began, the cold water squirting out, the feeling of being filled the second time, holding it longer and longer with less cramps. Yes it did feel interesting but I still hated this dam thing.
I bet I haven't gone this long without an orgasm since I was 12 years old. I mean come on and it was past the middle of the fracking month.
At night when he wasn't there I would think about my wrists bound in leather or back in my steel cuffs. I would try everything to touch my sex, my sex that was on fire from the time I got home until I walk through the shops door the next day.
I would look every morning at the cuffs on my dresser, even play with them, feel there weight, look at them against my wrist. Oh how I wanted them on. Really anything on my wrists I thought as I looked down at them. Down at my bare wrists, no three bangles making me happy, no Tag watch mixed with David's gifts. No, just empty, bare, boring.
Yup, this has been one hell of a week so far, fracking David and that first night.
"Excuse me Kelly, I was thinking about starting the cherry cupcakes."
"Oh, um, sure Adam, sounds good."
It had only taken two days for him to stop calling me Ms. Anderson.
He was David's answer for my required three weekends off. He was Dan's nephew and had finished chef school and was looking for a full time job. At first I wasn't sure about him, about him doing the baking, he looked so young, but he did a few samples and I was convinced.
He was very polite, quiet as a mouse and very clean. Apparently he had started out to be a head chef but after working co-op and realizing the hours, he had switch his focus to baking. As he had said the first day. It's easier to get up at 4 am then to try and go to bed at 4 am.
Looking over as he started to mix the cup cakes and thought that it was nice to see someone else do the grunt work. That and he was really good at it. He had politely suggest some new menu items. Reluctantly I had tried them and dam were they good. I'm not a fan of cheese cake but he did a chocolate version that was out of this world.
Wiping my hands, thinking that the place was in good hands over the weekend.
"Okay Rob, I'm going to take off. Call if you have any problems and good luck."
"No worries Kelly, we've got this. Go and have some fun and say hi to David for me."
"Okay," taking my coat and going out the door and who is standing there but David.
"Hi Kelly, I was just coming in to see if you wanted a ride."
Followed by a kiss.
"I thought I had until 10 tonight before."
Before what? I thought as my voice trailed off.
"Relax love, I was just driving by and thought I would say hi and see what was up. If you wanted to go for dinner before the night started?"
Thinking, all I wanted to do was go home and try to sleep for an hour or so.
"I don't know David, I was hoping to just relax for a bit."
He looked a little taken back.
"Okay, look let me drive you home at least."
We drove in silence, the type of silence that screams, say something, but I was to tired. All I wanted was a good night sleep after a good bath and an orgasm.
"Kelly, look I know this is hard."
David said as he parked.
"How about I come up and take your chastity belt off so you can have a shower and rest before we go?"
Looking at him, looking at those blue eyes. I knew I should say no, that I was his sex slave, that I was in training and didn't deserve special treatment but god how was I to get through tonight or the weekend for that matter.
"David, you shouldn't."
Looking at her, looking at her face, at how tired she looked.
It had been a long week, a long and painful week. I had trained the other girls, had pushed them but not like this, not as hard, not without a day or two off. No, with her I had pushed her. Pushed her to see if she would break but as usual my stubborn Kelly refused to.
She had become angry, had begged for relief from the training but she hadn't resorted to calling the safe word yellow. No she had simply submitted to my demands. Yes, she was special and I did love her so very much.
"Look Kelly I'm coming up and that's that."
She looked at me for a moment then looked away.
I had taken the belt off as she wiped the last of her tears. She had stood there, silent as I had unlocked the two pad locks, freeing her for the first time in five days of it's torture. She had said nothing as I watched as she took it and hung it in her closet and began packing for the weekend.
I took a bottle of wine out of the cabinet and pour half a glass.
I knew she was close to breaking, of being so tired, of needing to orgasm. I thought of what Patti had said last night. That I needed to push her, that she needed to be pushed more then any of the other girls, that she was different and I need to stay the course.
I knew she was right. I had called every time after a session, called her to make sure I was doing the right thing. I so loved her also. She was so levelled headed about this stuff. I mean she was the first one to have a drunken, sex filled night but she knew people. Knew how to read them as well as I.
We had talked about the chastity belt, had debated if I should do it to her, to do it for her first week and Patti had warned me it would be hard on her. Not so much from the lack of sex, all the girls had done that, no it would be hard because of the discomfort, the lack of sleep, the torment of the morning cleaning.
I had figured it would be difficult but I hadn't thought of the need to go to the washroom and what that meant with one of those on. Patti had said the only way you could keep her in it for that long was to clean her every morning. Clean her so she didn't make a mess at work so we had settled on the enema solution.
That had been something that first morning. To see Kelly bent over, her stomach cramping, her ass violated like that. She had almost looked scared that first time. Sitting naked, her ass exploding, embarrassed by the smell. With that said, she had done well, truly done a Kelly. Had processed what was happening, had excepted it and projected her "Give me more, I can take it" attitude.
I had left her alone that second night but had played with her again on Tuesday and Wednesday. Not to hard, mostly simple play stuff. I had shackled her in leather, tied her spread eagled to the beam and worked some flexibility ties in.
She had cried and begged for me to fuck her, to let her cum. She had yelled and pleaded to be released from hard hog ties, from severe arm binds, from extend periods with the ball gag.
I had played with her sex, teasing it so close to an orgasm only to replace it with pain, pain from the crop, pain from an ass plug, from a dildo, from nipple clamps. Yes it had been a week of pain and pleasure.
A week of playing with her, breaking her down, mixing the pain with the pleasure, mixing it at such a level that the two became hard to differentiate. To feel that they were the same, to make the mind want both, to make the body need both.
She was getting there but like the others, she thought it was the control or lack there of that made them so horny and to some degree she's correct. The feel of the leather on your wrist, the pull of the chain, the lack of control. Yes, it was all a turn on but it had limits.
We had all started this way, had all tied our self up, had moved on to handcuffs and then leather bondage gear. Yes, we had all found it exciting to go in to our first sex shop, had all orgasmed to web videos. But after we had tried all that, then what?
The what was the next step, the next level that we all needed. Unfortunately it also required a second person. Now that is a big step, one that few are willing to take.
To take that next step required the telling of your life long secret. To bare your soul, to be held out for judgement. It was also hard to decide who you should tell. Should it be a friend? But what if they outed you? What if the were assholes and started telling your other friends?
Should it be a stranger? But again who and how could you trust them not to hurt you?
Should it be with the one your with, to bomb shell them that you liked kinky sex? But what if they didn't like it, thought you were weird, that it ended your relationship?
I thought of Kelly's story, of how it had gone so terribly wrong, at what an ass Paul had been.
Yes Kelly was a the stage she needed to share her love of bondage with others. To continue that natural path of sexual fulfillment that had begun years ago with a simple rope.
The week had been hard and she had made it through it. Made it through it better then most and had taken far more then they. Yes she did deserve a few hours rest before we started again. Yes she did.
I saw that she had already climbed into bed when as I went into the bedroom.
Cautiously I asked.
"Feeling better?"
"Yes, I'm just so tiered, I just need to rest for an hour if that's okay?"
Moving towards her, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I know Kelly."
Stroking her damp hair.
"Sleep for bit, I'll stay and make sure your okay."
Her eye's looked up, still not there usual filled with life.
"Thanks and I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what my love?"
"Sorry for being such a bitch tonight."
"No worries love, just get some rest."
She shut her eye's and was a sleep before she heard me.
I love you girl, you make me so proud, you make me so happy.
Chapter 38 - First Weekend
What a difference a few hours of sleep can make. I should have been mad at David for letting me sleep for so long but he was the boss and if that's what he wanted then I was only to happy to obey.
I looked at the clock in the Audi, 10:32 pm, we had been on the road for about thirty minutes, heading west along the lake.
I broke the silence now that I was awake.
"So where are we going?"
"Well hello there my love, feeling better?"
"Better then I had all week, especially with that dam chastity belt off. God David that was just to much. I have already listed it on eBay."
"Very funny but it did serve it's purpose."
"Really and what was that, for me not to sleep for five days?"
"That and to make sure you were ready for the weekend. I didn't want you playing any games."
Just the hint of having sex made me tingle.
"I would have been a good girl."
"Really, after I had teased you, made you beg, after you had offer to do anything for me if I would let you cum?"
"Well if you hadn't been such an ass, teasing me like that and then finishing it by whipping me or some other torture."
"I wish I could say sorry, but I'm not and if it matters I've been good all week to."
I turned and looked at him. I knew I would've had orgasmed after our sessions. He left me so fracking horny I would have used anything to get off on. A pen, a dildo, a bowling pin, I mean anything so I can't believe he had that much self control.
"Come on David, I saw you, saw how hard you were. You really didn't take care of it, didn't call Patty?"
"Oh believe me I wanted to, just driving home was almost impossible but no, I haven't, I've been good all week, all week waiting for you."
My hand went out to his.
"Oh David, I can't believe you would do that for me. Thanks, thinking it through, so do we get to have sex tonight?"
"Oh yes we do, he answered with a huge smile."
My hand slid between his legs and I felt his cock pulse.
"You know we could just pull over and take care of this right now."
"Easy girl, remember your still in training and the girls are waiting for you."
"Oh, they are, are they? Well I hope they have the chains ready to stop me from attacking you."
"Very funny."
"So what is up for the weekend? If the girls are there then I'm assuming we're heading to Dan's place. Is it another group get together?"
"Not everyone will be there, it's more an open weekend, come as you please. Pardon the pun."
"And for me?"
Your still on trial or training as some call it, but for the most part last week was the real hard part. This week end is mostly to build on what we have started."
"And just what was that?"
"Well part of it was building your obedience to commands, which I will confess feels more like your approval then obedience, but that's a different matter. But what last week was really about was the expectancy of pain as a reward."
I looked at him.
"What do you mean, pain as a reward?"
"It's a long story but you'll start to see what I mean this weekend."
Looking back out of the window, thinking about what he had just said. Pain as a reward?
After a minute of silence David broke my train of thought.
"We're almost there, do you want to stop and get anything first?"
"You mean like a taxi home? No David."
Slipping my little finger through his bracelet.
"No, I think I have everything I need right here."
"Really, and you don't want me to throw up?"
"David I'm serious."
"I know, Kelly and I love you too."
The driveway had the expected iron gates and impersonal, talk to me box, which after a moment a voice let us proceed. Old fashion gas street lights lit the way to the front of an impressive front entrance. As expected the huge double doors was bordered by two marble columns.
Patti and Trish both appeared in the doorway as David, always the gentleman opened my door. They were both naked except for the steel around their left wrists.
Looks like you have some friends wanting to see you. David said as we walked up the stairs. A valet appeared out of no where and took David's keys.
The girls called out together.
"Hi Kelly. HI my sex slave."
"What am I?"
David said.
"Already forgotten?"
"Dear David."
Patti answering.
"I didn't know you had such thin skin."
"We'll see who has thin skin later missy."
"Love you, to David."
I smiled as both gave David a hug and kisses.
They both did look so good, such great bodies, always so full of life.
They finished with David and came at me.
"Hello love, how has this evil man been treating you this week?"
"Very evil but over all not to bad. That is if you like that sort of thing."
Patti smiled at David.
"Well we have all weekend to plot our revenge."
"Dream on beautiful, if I remember correctly you belong to Dan tomorrow."
"Yes she does,""" Dan said from just inside the entrance, and that may not be so good for you old sport on Sunday as I think she will be looking for some payback.
"That's just great," turning to the girls, David adding, "maybe we should just go now."
"Not a chance mister, we're in this together." I smiled back.
"I say your in a world of hurt buddy," Dan finished.
Pulling on my hand Patti said.
"Come on girl, we were just about to go for a swim. Lets hurry as I'm freezing out here."
"Is that okay David?"
I didn't know the rules and thought I was still his slave for the weekend.
David looked helplessly at Patti and Trish and simply answered.
"Like I have a choice with these two here? Go and have some fun and I'll see you later."
He leaned in, kissing me.
"Love you"
"You too"
I watched as the three of them headed down the hall. I loved how Trish and Patty had taken her under their wing.
"Drink old boy?"
Jimmy asked as he walked up with two beers
"Sure and anymore on the race."
"Your going to like this, the boat is the Brindabella."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Nope, I made a call to Jim Cooney and after last years problems he was looking to upgrade the crew for this year."
"Yup and it gets better. He's okay with Sutherland coming."
"No fucking way, really?"
"Ya, as it turns out he's a big fan and would love to meet him."
"That's unbelievable news!"
"Just leave it to me old buddy, the master of the deal."
"Now let's not get carried away."
"Carried away? I just landed us on one of the best boats in the race, got Kiefer a ride and you say that's not magic."
"Okay, it's pretty dam good. So when do we need to get down there?"
"Serious training starts December 1."
Dan interrupted. "Sure? What about Kelly?"
"Oh shit, um, I'm sure she'll be okay with it?"
Jimmy sensing the problem voiced.
"Really? We leave in five weeks and the race is boxing day."
Turning, "I know, fuck, maybe she could come down for it?"
"You wouldn't know what Adam is up to over Christmas?"
Dan answered.
"Not sure, I'll ask his parents if they have family plans, I think they usually go skiing out west, but let me check."
"Thanks, I sure would like her to come down for it, Sydney is beautiful."
"So how come we're not all in chains? I thought I would spend the night as everyones personal sex slave."
Patti took a towel off the rack.
"We can get into it later but generally we just relax and play on Fridays, besides after the week you just went through, I thought you would enjoy some freedom."
"Oh, believe me I am, but to be honest I'm horny as hell and would do anything right now to have David's cock inside me."
"Really," Trish laughed, "Well maybe Patti and I could help you along."
I looked at her as she headed for the pool.
"Come on Kelly, the waters really warm," Patti said as she followed Trish.
"Well if it can't be David then they would do," I thought as I hung up my clothes.
The night air was cold as I stepped outside.
"Hurry up girl and get in the water," Trish called.
The water felt great as I came up next to Patti.
"So, how does it feel to be free of your chastity belt?"
Looking at her.
"I hate the fucking thing."
I watched as she laughed.
"I knew you would, it had taken me a while to convinced David to make you where it.
You should have seen his face when I told him about cleaning you out every morning."
"You bitch," I hissed. I thought it was his idea.
"Nope, thought you needed a little extra torment for your first week."
"Well thanks a lot, the fracking thing just about killed me and thanks for the daily cleaning, that wasn't too embarrassing."
"Your welcome, now come here and let me apologize."
"Do I have too?" As I slid closer.
"Yes my love."
Her lips touched mine, softly, fully.
We pulled back and then I shut my eyes as we touched again.
Her tongue exploring my mouth, her hands on my body. Oh god did it feel fantastic.
"Oh, yes," moaning as my hands found her perfect breasts.
I pushed my tongue deeper into her mouth, my right hand sliding down to her sex, my finger pushing gently into her.
"Oh, Kelly," she whispered.
"Yes," I responded as her finger squeezed my nipple.
"Oh, god, yes, play with me, touch me."
I felt Trish behind me, rubbing her hips against mine, her hands on my stomach, sliding up to my breasts.
"Oh, oh I moaned."
A hand went to my sex, gently teasing my lips apart.
"Oh, yes, please deeper."
Trish lips found my neck, kissing, lightly biting, her hands rubbing then pinching my nipples.
"Oh, yes, harder please."
My mouth moved down to Patty's breast, finding her nipple, sucking, biting.
She moaned as her fingers started to dance in my sex.
"Oh, yes, oh."
I pushed my hips to force her fingers deeper.
"Oh, oh"
My mouth attacking her neck, my hand again on her breast, my two fingers pushing deeper into her sex.
"Oh, Patty, oh, oh yes."
My legs parted as Trish found my asshole.
I pushed backwards, feeling her finger break through, feeling the pressure, feeling the warm water. My hand went to Patty's face as I pulled back, looking at her, feeling her touching me. This was truly fantastic, so comfortable as I kissed her and turned to Trish, pulling her to me, touching her lips, feeling her body against mine.
My sex was alive, the warm water teasing my swollen lips, oh how I wanted to cum, to finely have a true orgasm. Oh yes girls play with me, touch me, hurt me.
I reached for Trish's bracelet, holding it, pulling her hand behind her back. Squeezing
her right nipple with my free hand.
"Ouch, easy."
Squeezing harder.
"Fuck. Easy girl."
I felt my sex jump, feeling the joy in hurting her, wanting, hoping she would respond.
Patty cut in.
"Your still our slave Kelly, as she reached around and pulled on my left nipple."
I hissed at the shock, at the pain. feeling Trish pull on her trapped hand, her lips on mine.
"Oh yes."
The feeling of Patty finding my ass, rubbing my breast, Trish's tongue deep in my mouth, her breathing, her bracelet in my hand.
Oh god did it feel fracking amazing.
I whispered between kisses.
"I want you, I want both of you."
Patty lips on my ear, her finger pushing deeper, Trish finding my sex, my finger finding hers.
I pushed against Trish, her finger sliding deeper, my sex starting to explode as I felt both of their fingers inside me, moving, dancing.
"Oh yes."
"Fuck yes."
"Be mine."
"Oh, oh. Yes."
I felt Trish starting to contract, listening to her breathing, listening to her gasp.
"Oh Kelly, Oh yes, more, harder, more, oh fuck yes."
My sex starting its own dance, starting to pulse.
"Oh, oh Trish. more. Patty, harder deeper."
I was lost, my body covered in hands, lips, teeth, sounds.
I pushed back against Patty and then forward to Trish.
Trish silent in orgasm. Her sex hot, pulsing, my fingers deep and still, holding her with pleasure.
"Oh god," she hissed out, "oh god yes."
I went to her, but Patty pulled turning me.
"My turn, my little sex slave."
I looked at her and felt my will and body bending to her command.
She moved us to the built-in stairs, her sitting on the second from the top, the cold air on her body, the water vapour rising.
Her hands guiding my head down, down to her sex that was just above the water.
My tongue tasted the salt water, moved to her sex, licking her swollen lips.
"That's it girl."
Pushing deeper, tasting her, feeling the cold on my back, her warmth on my face.
I knelt on the stairs, moving my hands to her thighs, waiting to play with her sex.
Not so fast coffee queen. Trish commanded as she took both wrists, moving them behind my back.
She held them in one hand, the other reaching between my legs, touching my sex.
Oh, yes, I thought closing my eyes to the pleasure.
"Oh yes."
She played with my lips, rubbing, teasing.
My mouth went to Patty, sucking and then blowing against her sex. Her hands on my head, pushing it against her.
"Yes, more, harder."
I tried to free my hands but Trish held her grip.
Patty moaning.
"That's it girl."
"Oh yes."
Her hands pushed on my head and Trish added her own weight as my mouth was filled by Patty's sex.
I licked, lightly biting, forcing my tongue deeper.
"Fuck Yes girl."
I jumped forward as Trish spanked my ass.
Patty calling.
"Oh, oh god, yes"
Her finger pushing pass my face, playing with her own clit.
"Oh fuck yes."
"Come on my sex slave."
Again I felt my ass being slapped, then again and again. The pain changing to a burn.
Trish's fingers moving from my sex to asshole as Patty began to orgasm.
Her sex juices flowing into my mouth.
Oh fucking yes she called as her hands held my face against her.
"Oh, god yes."
"Oh, oh, oh."
Her body tensing in a final contraction.
I held my tongue still, feeling Trish fingering my ass.
Wishing, come on girl, move to my sex and please spank me again.
"Oh god that was nice," Patty said as she released my head.
My turn answered Trish.
"Really? What about me?" I voiced.
"Your turn will come," Patty answering. "Trish come sit, pointing to the stairs between her feet."
I stood to let them reposition, Trish sitting with Patty behind her on the stairs. I watched as Patty's hand moved over Trish's body, moved to her nipples, her sex, watching as Patty's lips touched Trish's neck and then ears.
My hand went to my sex as I watched the two of them play, to see the silver on their wrists move, to hear Trish moaning, to Patty telling her what she planed to do to her tomorrow. Oh fuck yes as my finger slid inside my sex, my other hand on my breast. I shut my eye's as my finger squeezed my nipple. Oh god.
The warm water around my waist, the cool air penetrating my hair, the sound of Trish, the dirty talk from Patty. Oh yes, tie me up like that, yes, tighter, no but yes to the riding crop. Yes hit me, yes make me helpless, make me yours.
"Ouch," I called as my free nipple was pulled.
Looking it was Trish.
"I believe I require your services."
I followed her eyes to her sex.
"Yes please slave."
Frack me, I thought, adding.
"Come on girls, I thought it was a free night."
"It is, well almost, your still in training and Trish has kindly asked that you assist her."
I stared at Patty then Trish. God dam them and their bracelet as I once again knelt, my head lowered, the smell of sex. Yes I was their sex slave I thought as my tongue touched her lips.
"Oh, oh yes, thats a good girl."Chapter 39 Cathy
"So how was your swim?" David asked as Patty and Trish smiled from across the room.
"Just wonderful," I lied.
Patty commented as she walked by.
"I'd watch it if I we're you, she may just be ready to explode."
I shook my head at her back, wanting to pull her hair and do her bodily damage.
"What was that all about?"
"Nothing, they just made sure my week ended with a bang."
Going on.
"Maybe you should just put my chastity belt back on."
"Kelly, what? What happened, are you okay?"
Taking a breath and turning to him.
"Yes, it's just the week is getting to me and, and, well, nothing."
"I'm guessing they had a play with you?"
You could say that, I thought as I looked around the room. After Trish had cum in my face Patty had announced it was time to get back to the party. Sure, why not I had thought. My sex was on fire, I had the taste of cum from both of them still in my mouth and now we had to get back to the party. Sounds just fracking perfect.
David squeezing my hand.
"Are you sure your okay?"
I could feel tears starting.
"Sure, well maybe, it's just been a long week."
He turned me, looking at me.
"Oh Kelly as he wiped a tear. Come on, we can just go?"
"No David it's fine, really. I just need a minute, just a minute to relax, to not be, to not be the centre of attention."
"Okay, look lets have a drink and just sit for a bit."
My heart was breaking seeing her like this. Tonight was meant to be fun, to relax for a night, to be normal and the girls had already fucked with it. I felt my anger building. What the fuck. They both knew what her week had been like, that I had pushed her further then either of them and now they pull this!
"David it's okay, really."
"What? Sorry what did you say?"
"David I'm fine, please don't get mad."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are, I can tell your upset when you start clinching your jaw."
She traced her finger along my jawbone.
"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just they shouldn't have played with you and I should have stopped them when we had arrived."
"David, you didn't know and look, really no harm done. I just need a minute. Look, let's get a couple of drink's and join them."
She really was amazing. She looked great. From her messy hair to her tight jeans. She just looked fantastic. I looked at her as she went to Trish, Patty and Dan. Her fit body, great legs, my favourite combination of blue jeans and white blouse. Yes she did crank me up. The only thing missing was a silver band around her wrist.
The basement was simply amazing. First it was huge with floor to ceiling glass windows and sliding doors all along the south side over looking the tiered grounds and the lake.
Real gas street lights lit the path from the first garden and deck level down to the second tier with a second larger pool and continued down to a tennis court. Looking past our reflections in the glass I could see the distance lights that could be Niagara on the Lake.
A large movie area filled the east side of the room, the back wall was dominated by a stand up bar and cooking area and the west side was filled with two full size pool tables. Even with all that, the main area still had room for couches, a sitting area and three card tables. Yes this was what I called a basement.
True to Dan's fantasies, the decor had a roman feel, less then the cottage but still visible in the trim work and the many sunken wall display features. Thankfully these held a mixture of pictures, flowers and trophies, not busts of Caesar and Roman gods.
Looking around the room I noticed a series of stainless steel tracks imbedded in the ceiling. On they're own it wasn't a big deal but I noticed they all converged at the same spot where the ceiling met the wall by the movie viewing area. It was odd in that the tracks, and I counted a total of ten, all appeared to start from behind the wall and then fan out across the ceiling ending at different parts of the basement.
"So what do you think?"
I almost spilled my drink as Dan pulled me back to the here and now. Swallowing my drink and then remembering David's comment at the cottage.
"Oh, Dan, it's beautiful. I just love it, what a view and so open, I can't wait to see the rest of the house."
I could see he's self-satisfaction and knew I had pushed the right buttons. I mean the place was fantastic but I had seen this type of self indulgence and material excess so many times in my past life. A life that I had no intentions of ever going back to.
"I can't believe that you have two swimming pools." Which was true, even that was a wow for me.
"I know, don't you love it? The one upstairs is more private and when I have some friends over, the other one, his hand motioning to the backyard, is for bigger parties. The really cool thing is it," still pointing out back, "turns into a hockey rink."
"Ya, it's so cool, it's not huge but I let the neighbourhood kids use it."
"Thats great."
I took another sip of my rum and coke, "um what's with the tract's in the ceiling?"
"You really don't miss much do you? Well I could tell you, but I think it would be more interesting if you were to see what they're for on your own, which if I'm hearing correctly could be later tonight."
His gaze shifted to a tall blonde man and the red headed girl, Cathy that I had seen Dan and David with at the cottage.
"That's Tim."
"Yes, I met him at the cottage."
"Well, he's been away for the last couple of weeks and I think Cathy has missed him."
We watched as the two of them talked, unaware of the rest of the room.
"You're new and I'm sure David hasn't told you about Cathy, but she is a bit of a handful. We all like our kink but Cathy really loves her's if you know what I mean?"
Looking at her I thought, after what I had seen at the cottage, I'd say she loves it like Tiger Woods loves Vegas.
The next few hours flew by, everyone was again so nice, asking about the coffee shop, where I had lived, what was Vancouver like, did I ski and we should get together over the winter at Whistler for a ski vacation.
Again I just loved how everyone was so open, so supportive of each other, the friendly jokes, many aimed at David but also a fair amount aimed at Tim and Dan. Trish was her witty self, dropping one liners that had everyone laughing.
At one point they had all ganged up on Tim, Dan and David. Apparently the three of them had rented a sail boat in the Bahamas and on the third night had run it aground on a sandbar. I found my self crying with laughter as the three tried to defend themselves when telling the part of when the tide had started to come in and the boat was close to sinking.
God it felt so good to be around such a great group. To feel so comfortable, to see such honesty, to see everyones steel incased wrists. Yes I had waited a lifetime to be part of this, had wished for it for so long, had thought I would find it in the financial world, that multimillionaires would be that kind of people but instead I had found my true happiness with a bunch of people that loved kinky sex.
She looked so happy, her eye's full of life, smiling, laughing. I looked at her and just enjoyed how happy she made me feel, watching at how she moved, talked, smiled, laughed. Oh God, did I love her.
David you were staring.
"Sorry," shaking my head. Moving closer to her and whispered.
"Sorry, your just so beautiful and you make me so happy."
She first pulled away and then moved back, kissing me.
"And you do the same to me."
"Come on, lets get some air."
I took her hand and found the backyard. Just holding her hand made me feel like a kid. I loved the way she looked, the way she carried herself, the way she smelled, yes she did make me happy.
I switched on the heating lamps and turned her to me.
"Hi back."
"Enjoying yourself?"
"Yes, I didn't know Tim was so funny and that you have been friends for so long."
"We go back aways, we lost touch for a few years, you know, the marriage and kids thing. He got divorced six or seven years ago but still see's the kids every second weekend."
"So whats the plan for the rest of the night?"
"We can do what ever you want but usually we just drink, laugh, tell bad stories and play cards."
I led her down the path to the second level, the breeze was cool but I just wanted to spend some normal time with her.
"Tell me, how's Adam doing?"
"He seems okay, he just started on Tuesday but seems to know his stuff. I think he likes it."
"Do you think you can bring him on full time? It would really help you to have some free time and not work eighty hour weeks."
"I don't know. I guess if we stay this busy I'll need someone to help in the kitchen. I mean business has been crazy busy since your awards night, it's up almost sixty percent and for the first time I'm making some profit, not a lot, but something is better then nothing."
"That's great girl, so when do you start the expansion."
"Very funny David, I think I'll just try to make this one work first."
"Come here Missy," wrapping my arms around her.
Whispering into her ear.
"You do make me so very happy Kelly Anderson."
"You do the same David."
I kissed her, feeling her lips, touching her body, she felt so good, her lips so soft, her tongue touching mine. Oh yes I do love being with her.
After the embrace, "come on and lets get back, you must be freezing?"
"In a minute, I just want to be with you a little longer. I just want to be with you."
I reached up and kissed him again. Feeling his warmth, his strength, oh he made me feel so good, so lucky to be with him. God, yes.
I moved my hand to his sex.
"Have you really been good all week?"
I could feel life in my hand as he answered.
"As hard as it was, yes. Trust me, all I wanted was to call someone but then I would think of you."
"So what would you like me to do about it?"
"I was thinking we would play a few rounds of Euchre and then go to bed and get to know each other again."
My sex pulsed at just the thought of David's cock inside me.
"Do we really need to wait that long?"
"Trust me, I would love to just take you right here and now but lets go and have some laughs first and then we can play."
Dan was setting up three card tables as we came back into the heat of the basement.
"Nice of the two of you to join us."
David answered.
"Okay, Kelly and I will take all comers."
Then he turned to me and asked quietly,
"You do know how to play Euchre?"
"I'm a little rusty but I was the dorm champ at University."
"Excellent, okay how about Dan and Patty against us?"
Drinks were poured and the banter continued as the teams were set.
Us against Patty and Dan. Peter and Trish against Dale and Amy. Howard and Jacquelyn versus George and Lynda. Tim and Cathy had gone off and they didn't seem to be into playing anyways.
I was a little slow for the first few hands but with some insider talk from David I began to remember how to play.
It was weird to play with Peter, to see the silver on his wrist, to know Marry didn't have any idea that this was what Peter did without her.
After some liquid courage I thought, what the fuck.
"So Peter, hows Marry?"
"I was wondering when you would ask about that."
I pass, he called, as the decision for trump passed to David.
"I tried to get her into this but she wasn't into it. I still love her and everything but it's not her thing."
"Do you feel it's still okay to do this and see her?"
"Would I rather that she was here, absolutely but at the same time I was into this long before we had meet. I really like her and I would love it to last but at the same time I just love this group and doing what we do."
Well put, I thought but at the same time I felt sorry for Marry. She was so in love with him but at the same time I could understand were he was coming from.
"One question, how come I haven't noticed your bracelet before?"
As Peter looked at his wrist, he explained, "Oh right, I had been in rehab from breaking my wrist skiing last winter. With that and the cast I had to have it removed. Pissed me off as I had had it on for almost two years"
"Hearts it is," Peter called, ending the conversation.
David took the third trick and Euchred Peter and Trish. Tim and Cathy came back.
Tim asked to no one and everyone. "You guys okay if we play a little?"
Dan answered after a pause. "Sure but just go easy, you have both been drinking."
"Sure thing, just thought it would be fun to do a tie session and give you all something to watch."
Patty called out, "Cathy you really are a bondage slut."
Cathy answering back as she started to undress, "jealousy will get you no where my dear."
As Tim pressed a switch on the pad mounted on the wall, I heard a bussing and watched as part of the wall opened and a steel ring on a track began to slide out. It moved on one of the many embedded steel tracks that I had noticed earlier.
I watched as the ring slid along the ceiling to a spot in the middle of the room. Tim then took a small remote control unit and pressed a button, the ring then began to lower on a scissor like track.
Now that's cool I thought.
Tim then went into a back room and returned with a large box on wheels. I watched in fascination as Cathy finished undressing and Tim opened the top shelve and produced a coil of rope.
"Oh, right, um trump?"
I threw out a useless 10 of spades and continued to watch.
"Tim, your fucking up our card game," David called out.
Tim answered with a sarcastic, "sorry."
Peter said to the group, "Kelly, just finish this hand and we can take a break."
"Oh, sure, sorry."
I could feel my face redden as I seemed to be the only one watching the two of them.
Cathy now naked moved under the silver ring that was just above her head. Tim took the rope and began to tie her wrists together. I watched as he did a loose double tie and then wrapped the ends around the rope that separated the space between her wrists. He finished leaving Cathy's wrists helpless with about a six inch gap between them.
"Oh, sure" and threw an ace of diamonds.
"Thats yours."
Fuck I thought and threw a jack of clubs as the lead.
"Nice" I heard David say.
My sex was stirring, watching, wishing, wanting to be her.
David threw in the last two cards, saying, "point, now lets take a break, Kelly another rye and coke?"
Tim now took another piece of rope and tied it between Cathy's wrist and then raised her hands as he tied the other end to the silver ring. God did she look fantastic. Standing there, naked, helpless to move.
David returned with my drink.
"Like what you see?"
"Oh, um, I guess you could say that."
Cathy looked at me and said.
"Enjoy, tomorrow this could be you."
I rolled my hips at the thought. The thought of earlier in the week when David had tied me in a similar position using my beams. Thought of him touching me, of him touching my sex, of the pleasure, of the pain.
Tim again pushed a button on the remote and the ring slowly raised, pulling Cathy's arms up. He held the button and I watched as Cathy was forced to move her feet together. He continued to hold the button, to raise her arms higher until she was left on her toes.
Dam that would start to hurt in a minute I thought. Her arms pulled upward, the rope biting into her wrists. Oh, yes , as I watched her bend her knees, putting all her weight on her wrists.
"Come on Tim," she called.
"Relax, I'm just getting started. God your such a bitch."
"Then spank me."
"Oh you'll get more then that in a minute."
Tim then took some more rope and proceeded to wrap it around Cathy's body, first above and then below her breasts. I watched as the rope dug into her body. Lifting her tits slightly.
He then took a shorter rope and wrapped it four times around her neck.
David calling, "easy there."
Just thought she looked better with a collar.
"Okay, just keep it loose."
My hand went to my throat, feeling for my own collar. God did it look hot. Seeing her like this, seeing the rope around her neck. I felt my sex pulse and again rolled my hips in a useless attempt at relieve.
I sensed David moving behind me and then felt his hand on my neck.
"Oh, David."
Then he slipped them under my blouse and found my breasts.
My sex jumped as my hand went to his wrist, feeling for his bracelet, urging him on.
"Oh, David, that feels nice."
He didn't respond as I watched Tim take another coil of robe and lifting Cathy's right foot up behind her, tie the rope around her ankle. He then reached up to the ring, passing the rope through and then ran it back down. He then passed the double ends of the rope through her legs and up to the robes between her breasts.
He looped it around both sets of ropes that were wrapped around her body, above and below her breasts. This pulled the two sets of ropes together, squeezing her tits in a tight tit tie. It looked amazing, seeing her tits squeezed, seeing her suspended leg pulling on the rope as it went over her sex. Oh yes she was truly helpless and with her leg getting tired, pulling down, would pull on the robe, adding pressure to her sex. The tie resulting in her own self inflecting pain.
Oh, fuck yes.
David moved his hand and touched my hard nipples, rubbing and lightly pinching.
Oh, frack yes, my sex alive, one hand on his wrist, the other wanting to touch my sex but remaining on my untouched drink.
Tim knelt and adjusted the rope were it ran between Cathy's legs. I watched as he pulled her swollen sex lips to the outside of the ropes, watched as the rope was then free to dig deeper into her sex.
I loved the creativity of his tie, loved how he had made her responsible for her own pain. To see this beautiful girl tied with her hands above her head, her right leg suspended behind her. To watch as she fought the pain in her toes, in her arms, the rope biting into her wrists. Oh fuck yes. I watched as she struggled to hold her leg up, to ease the pain of the rope digging into her sex. Oh fuck I wanted to be her.
"There, how's that my sex slave."
I was ready to applaud but then Cathy said.
"Really Tim, I thought you had more imagination."
"God girl you're nuts."
I wanted to be her but frack I would be begging to be freed already.
Tim responded with a savage twist on her nipple and then taking the remote, pressing the button and I watched in dismay as he picked Cathy up off the floor.
My hips rolled again at the thought of the pain, at the rope digging into her sex, at her right leg pulled up behind her, at her own weight adding to her pain.
Her eyes shut and she moaned out, "fuck."
Then I heard David.
"Easy you too, remember you have been drinking."
Tim hit the other switch and Cathy's left foot returned to the floor.
"Sorry about that," Tim answered.
"Stop being such a party pooper," came from Cathy.
"Look girl, we have rules for a reason, and I have no intention of you wreaking my night because you got hurt from wanting to get off. Save it for tomorrow. Then he added more forcefully, or you can stop playing, right know."
Cathy sheepishly answered.
"Sorry, we'll be good."
"Okay, just saying, thats all."
The mood had broken and I finally took a sip of my drink.
"Well since cards are off the table, maybe I'll have a little fun," Peter said from the bar.
"Do you mind if I help," he asked Tim.
"Be my guest."
With that Tim took the remote and once again Cathy found herself on tip toes.
"Thats better now for a few of these," Peter announced as he took a bag of nasty looking clamps from the cart.
"Lets see how much you like these slave?"
They looked like the type of small metal clamps that I would use for holding paper work together.
He used two fingers on her left breast, squeezed and attached one clamp. Cathy blew out a breath at the pain. Frak, yes they would hurt. The metal edges digging in, squeezing the flesh around the nipple. Oh god.
As if reading my mind, David started to squeeze both my nipples, I shut my eyes as he squeezed a little harder and then pulled.
"Oh, David."
I moved my hands to the arms of the chair, pretending my wrists were bound.
"Do you like that?" he whispered in my ear.
"Oh, yes, master, I do."
"Very good, maybe I'll remember that for later as he let go and then lightly rubbed the now sensitive ends."
Opening my eye's and continued to watch Peter go to work. He had already created a circle of clamps around Cathy's left nipple and was doing the same to her right. I watched her wince in pain, watching as she tried to take her weight off her arms, saw the ropes digging into wrists.
Oh god yes. My sex was alive as I relived some of last week. Remembered David tying me, forcing my body into different positions, of the pain, of the pleasure. My hand moving down to my sex, to rub my swollen lips. Oh fuck, oh god please.
Tim moved behind her and after receiving a nod from David raised and then lowered a thin wooden stick against Cathy's up raised foot.
Cathy calling out.
"Oh fuck, fuck that hurt."
I watched, spell bound as he hit her foot again, watched the resulting rope tighten in her sex adding to her pain, watched as she pulled herself up to find relieve, watched as the clamps danced on her nipples.
"Oh, god, oh David," I whispered.
"Beautiful isn't it."
"Oh yes, oh god."
My hand pressed harder into my sex, my other hand moving to my neck, feeling for my collar, wanting for David to be inside me.
Peter had moved from her breasts and was now attaching clamps to Cathy's arms, to the sensitive skin on the back of her arms from the elbow to shoulder. With each clamp, Cathy blew out a breath and danced on her one foot. Sweat had appeared on her, making her glow in the light but still she tried to remain silent, tried to be the good sex slave. Yes she really did like pain, liked to be the centre of attention, like to be pushed, liked that night at the cottage.
Tim hit her foot one last time and then went to the bar and stood, watching as we all watched Peter attaching a last row of clamps from Cathy's arm pit to her waste. He had ten or more clamps biting into her skin along the side of her body.
God how that must hurt, god could I do that? I thought. I moved my hand and squeezed my skin just under my own arm pit and felt the pain. Oh god, oh god that must kill. I squeezed again and knew I would never be able to take the punishment she was taking.
Peter asking.
She looked at him as he moved to the bar and picked up his drink.
"I can't hear you."
She danced, turning towards him. Her mouth clenched.
I could see her pain, see her trying to take her weight off her one foot, see her skin pull tight as she pulled on her bound wrist, seeing her try to bend her leg to ease the pain in her sex. Yes I watched as she hung their, helpless, helpless to escape, helpless to stop the pain. helpless not to move, not to make the pain worse.
Tim asking.
"So are you happy now, happy that we had a play tonight, happy that you just couldn't wait until tomorrow? What do you think guys, should we all go for a swim and come back later?"
Cathy must have lost her mind because she called out.
"So is this it? Is this all you fagots can do?"
Oh my god, for real I thought. Even that was to much for me, my sex settled and my hand went to David's.
I felt her body tense, and her hand on mine.
Thinking, yes this was a little over the top but Cathy had done this several times, had pushed the group, had pushed herself. I mean my cock was hard as a rock and after last week all I wanted to do was take Kelly upstairs and fuck the shit out of her.
"It's okay Kelly. It's what she likes, trust me, if the boys had gone to far I would have stepped in."
"Really, but god David, the pain."
"It's all good and to prove his point," stepping forward.
"Well I can think of one or two more things."
Cathy almost jumped at his voice.
"First I need Jacquelyn and I need some of this."
He opened a shelve on the cart and pulled out a ball of string.
For a moment I saw fear in Cathy's eyes and then she returned to her cool demeanour.
Jacky can you please get her ready, David asking as he handed her a large vibrator. It was just like the one he had teased me with all week.
"Sure," Jacky answered and then to Cathy, "it will be my pleasure."
Jacky moved in behind her and slowly started to touch her sex, to move the head of the vibrator against her thighs, then her ass and then her sex.
Cathy tried to say nothing, to play the role of super slave, that she felt nothing, that she was better then this but slowly I could see her struggle, to see her gasp, to let slip a moan. To try and not to move, to feel the pleasure without the pain. The pain that came with every movement of her body, the pain that was caused by the pleasure.
Again my sex came to life as I watched her, watched as she struggled, fought what I wanted so badly, wanting the pleasure, needing the pain, needing to be helpless, to have someone control the what and the when, to control me, to make me their slave.
I watched as Jacquelyn went to work, playing with her, playing with the vibrator, kissing her neck, sucking her ears. Oh yes she was good as I watched. Oh yes.
I stood to see her better and felt someone behind me, felt their hand taking mine and putting it on their sex and then felt lips on my neck and knew it was Trish. Oh yes girl, I'm here for you I thought as her free hand found my sex.
I felt her, watching as David threaded the last of the string through the clamps. One string went through the clamps on her arm and the other through the ones on her rib cage. Oh god I thought. He can't do that. No, frak no that would kill.
I watched as David paused as Dale knelt in front of Cathy and brought his mouth to her sex. She groaned, "Oh fuck, Of fuck."
This started the rest of the group to converge, for hands to cover her body, to feel her, to touch, to kiss. I found myself touching her, feeling her sweat covered skin, feel her breathing. Oh how I wanted to be her, to feel what she was feeling.
Oh god someone moaned.
"Oh yes."
"Don't stop."
"Oh yes."
"Oh yes."
My sex was on fire, my mouth drooling with desire, my hand touching, touching her, touching others, hands touching me.
"Oh god, yes."
My hand found her sex, forcing two fingers up her wet cunt. Her sex juices flowing down my arm.
My sex on fire, feeling someone touching my breast and then a hand spreading my legs, pushing against my jeans.
"Oh god, please, I want more."
Voices filling the room. Cathy crying out, David urging her on, Dan behind me, close to my ear. Is this what you want? Is this what you have waited for?
"I answered, Oh god yes."
Oh David, I thought, I want you so badly. Oh please lets go and make love. Oh god does that feel fantastic.
I moved my own fingers to the movement of those pushing on me. I could make out Cathy calling out, Harder, more, fuck all of you!
Pushing deeper, feeling her lips being pinched by my hand and the ropes. The ropes pull tighter as her foot pulled down putting even more pressure on her sensitive sex.
Then she screamed. Screamed so loud, in such destress, it frightened me. Oh Cathy I thought and stopped moving my fingers.
Oh god no, as I felt my own sex become still. Oh don't stop but oh Cathy.
I held still, feeling the pain in her body, feeling my own climax halted, feeling her sex contract, contracting so hard it almost hurt my fingers. Again and again her sex squeezed, her sex juices squirting, spraying out of her body.
I looked up to see David had pulled the clamps. Had ripped both strings from her body.
Oh my god I thought as I looked at Cathy hanging there. Her body limp, her head bowed, her chest heaving from effort.
I removed my fingers, standing back, looking at her, hanging, her body exhausted. I looked at her up stretched arms, at her limp leg, pulling on the rope, the rope that had disappeared in to her still dripping sex. God did she look sexy, so hot, so completely spent. Oh god I wanted to be her, to finally cum like that, to cum after all the torture of the last five days.
To cum like I had that first night at the cottage, to be bound, controlled, to feel the pain, to wish for the pleasure, to loose the ability to know the difference. Oh god, David, I so need you, so need to finally cum, to finally be complete.
I looked and then I heard a laugh, and then comments.
"Holly shit that was unreal."
"Just fantastic."
"Leave it to Cathy and Tim."
What the hell was going on.
Then I looked as Cathy raised her head, saw her smile and then she weakly said.
"You guys rock. That was fucking amazing."
She looked at me, saw my disbelieve.
"Kelly girl, don't look so shocked."
With that she looked down at my hand. I follow and saw it was covered in her sex juices.
"Thanks girl, you made my night."
Everyone laughed and David came to my side.
"Come on girl and have a drink, I'm sure that's all the entertainment for tonight and with that Tim, Jacquelyn and Amy began to untie Cathy and the laughter and jokes continued at the bar."