Part 1
"Hi," James smiled as he walked up to the woman at the front desk, "How you doing?"
The woman pushed back her long dark hair, her expression changing from one of boredom to one of slightly more interested.
"It's quiet here today."
"It's always like this mid-week,"
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He read her name badge. 'Belinda' was cute, but hours of selling entry tickets for the old gaol and museum appeared to be taking its toll. At least now she was smiling.
"There are no tours today, but you're very welcome to look around on your own."
"It's never as much fun on your own."
"Maybe I can book a private tour?"
Belinda looked up at the guy who was so obviously flirting with her. He looked every bit like a model, tall dark and handsome and dressed in a designer suit with the top few buttons on his blue shirt undone. He was certainly not her usual midweek visitor. Shit, she'd already looked at him for a moment too long and quickly looked away and reached for a map. Looking up at him once more, she started her sales pitch on the route to follow and the sights to see. The guy was now learning on the counter looking thoughtfully down at the map.
James was in town on business for a couple of days and with a few hours off between meetings, had decided to visit the old gaol. It was one of the town's better attractions and one that caught James's fascination with the macabre. So far the place wasn't disappointing him.
"So I start this way?" he asked, deliberately pointing in completely the wrong direction.
"No, over there."
She knew he was playing with her, but she was more than happy to play along. The guy was still looking confused and was now pointing towards the toilets.
"Here, let me show you."
With no other guests expected late on a Wednesday afternoon, Belinda walked out from behind her desk and led the way towards the first cell block.
"Okay, so this jail was built in 1850 and was open for over a hundred years and during that time no-one ever escaped alive," she explained.
"Is is possible to escape dead?"
"Not from here..."
She gave him a certain look that reminded him of his old school teacher before continuing down the stone corridor. James hung back for a few seconds to admire her figure. She must have been at least thirty five, but still looked good in her grey fitted knee length dress. The dress wasn't exactly tight, but it certainly emphasised the curves between her waist and hips. She may not have been James's typical stick thin type, but he found her naturally voluptuous figure surprisingly attractive. Lost in thought, he followed the woman as she disappeared inside the first cell
"Hello?" she repeated. Shit, he hadn't heard a word she'd said.
"Yes, that's interesting."
With her hands now on her hips, she gave him another school teacher stare.
"As I was saying, this is where they kept prisoners with no sense of direction... and no attention span."
Okay, he wasn't going to fool her, he thought to himself as he looked around the tiny six foot by ten foot space enclosed by concrete walls and ceiling. The cell only had one small barred window which made for a very claustrophobic feel. Spending a life sentence inside this place must have been hell.
"You did want the full experience, didn't you?" Belinda asked as she walked back towards the steel door and out into the corridor.
"I guess..."
James watched through the small grill in the top of the door as she pushed it closed towards him. There was a surprisingly loud clang as the door banged home, followed by a grating noise as she slid the heavy bolt across. Her big brown eyes were now watching him intently through the grille.
"One person spent almost sixty years inside one of these cells and only allowed out for a few minutes a day," Belinda continued in a slower, more breathy voice, "A whole lifetime spent inside this concrete and steel box."
Just the thought of spending years in the cell was having an effect on him and he'd only been locked up for a couple of minutes, "Wow..." he replied.
"And he wasn't even guilty of bad chat up lines."
James stopped and gave her an apologetic smile through the grille. Damn, where were all the dumb bimbos when he needed them.
"Couldn't he have escaped somehow?" he asked, trying to break her knowing stare.
"There's no way to escape from inside there," Belinda replied, shaking her head and jostling her hair as she spoke, "If I don't unlock this door, you'll be in there for sixty years too."
A shiver ran through James body, now she was playing with him.
Belinda felt a similar excitement run though her body. Even as a girl she'd had a fascination with prisons. She'd turned one of the rooms in her dolls house into a jail where several of her dollies had languished. She'd never shared this with anyone then and it was remained a secret hidden behind her beguiling smile.
There was silence until Belinda finally spoke.
"I'll let you out... this time."
She pulled back the heavy bolt and heaved open the steel door. She waited expectantly, but James remained in the middle of cell.
"This place really blows your mind."
"I'm glad you're enjoying the tour."
She gently touched his arm as she walked back to the front desk and then returned moments later with a very large key ring jingling from her bent elbow.
"And this is one of the punishment boxes," she explained, pulling open a solid steel door to reveal a three foot square space behind.
"Wow that's small."
"Mmm, imagine that tiny space being your whole world..."
"Do I get to try this one too?" James asked.
"If you like... and I have the key to lock this one," she said ominously.
Belinda's chest gave away her deep breathing as she held open the door. As James stepped into the cell, their bodies brushed past each other and he could smell her perfume. She placed her hand on his shoulder encouraging him to keep walking.
James was both aroused and afraid as Belinda pushed the heavy door closed and almost deafened him with the clang and then half scared him to death with the sound of the large key turning in the lock. The tiny space inside was cold and pitch black and totally disorientating.
"Now imagine what would happen if I just left you in there," she called, her soft voice echoing through the thick steel.
"Shit, don't say that."
"I could just leave... with the key."
"Fuck!" James stepped forward and walked into the door. His cock was now hard and he had to reach inside his suit trousers to free it. He was also terrified. She'd locked him away from the world and he might never be found. She could just leave him for dead.
He sat down on the concrete floor as he tried to make sense of the conflicting emotions. The longer he sat, the calmer he became and the more he started to enjoy the feeling of being trapped, of being totally under someone else's control. Belinda was now looming large in his mind, her face, her body, her scent, her words now all consuming.
Belinda was standing inches away on the other side of the door with a smile on her face. The guide had once locked her inside the punishment cell and she had been terrified, and it was the thought of that terror that now gave her a strange thrill. She leaned against the locked door and imagined the thoughts now going through this sexy guy's head.
"Belinda?" James's muffled words were followed by a clang as he accidentally walked into the solid steel.
She pushed her body against the door to feel the vibrations coming from inside. The cold steel was both chilling her body and making her hot. The cool sexy guy didn't seem so cool now, nor did he seem so untouchable. She had to keep this professional, at least for now, and so waited only another minute before unlocking and opening the door.
"Imagine how 'you' would feel after days locked inside there," she breathed.
James noticed that her words were phrased about 'him' and not 'the prisoner'. It was just as well this woman was cute, as she seemed to be getting off on locking him up.
"It's certainly dark in there," James said, trying to sound cool
"You scared of the dark?"
"No," James replied, aware that she was teasing him.
"Do you want to go back inside then?"
Belinda took one step closer to him and was now on the edge of his personal zone. He could step back, but that would put him in the cell. She could now smell his aftershave and appreciate his full height and see close up his narrow waist that curved up inside his suit jacket to an uber sexy chest.
They held eye contact for slightly too long.
"Maybe later?" James replied breaking the silence.
Belinda closed the now empty cell, relocked the door and walked off to the exercise yard. James followed, once again checking out her body as it moved. He watched her hips and butt sway as she walked, trying to visualise what might be underneath her dress.
The exercise yard was a small open air area covered with heavy wire mesh designed to prevent any escape. The steel and concrete did little to give an atmosphere of space, but it was still better than being locked in the punishment cell. James walked over to one of the wall and was reading the names that had been carved into the stone when he heard a voice above him.
"This is where the guards stood with their rifles," Belinda called down from the mesh platform that ran around the edge of the yard, "Able to take anyone down."
James stood transfixed as she walked directly above where he stood, the wire mesh of the guard's platform doing little to hide the view up her dress. James watched as her skimpy blue underwear swayed from side to side between her round tanned cheeks. She paused for a moment and then continued around the platform and back down the steps into the yard.
"Can you show me the guard thing again?" James smiled as he moved closer.
Belinda smiled shyly, "What do you mean?"
Just then there was a call from the entrance and Belinda hurried back towards the front desk. James followed her back.
"You're not leaving yet are you?" she asked.
"Is there more?"
Belinda stopped and looked at the teasing smile across his chiselled face. "Yes, you can be an exhibit," she replied, pushing him backwards into the nearest cell."
"Don't I need a costume or something?"
Belinda had now closed the door and slid the bolt across and was looking in at him through the small observation window. "Stay!"
James prowled around his new cell getting increasingly aroused thinking about the cute woman who flashed her butt and liked to lock people in cells. He took a run up and pushed his shoulder against the door. Nothing moved. He sat down by the door and touched his hard cock through his suit trousers. Too bad that those blue panties were the other side of the locked door; he was starting to get interested.
Belinda's smiling face reappeared by the grille. "How's my exhibit?" she whispered.
"Don't you usually use manikins?"
"This is much more fun."
They could hear voices coming into the cell block. "What happens if other visitors come in and find me here?"
"They won't come in," Belinda replied holding up a large padlock.
Fuck, the blue panties were getting even further out of reach, he thought as he peered through the grille to see her apply this new level of security. He rested both hands on the heavy steel door.
"Why do I keep ending up on the wrong side of a locked cell door?"
Belinda looked through the grille to give him another of her school mistress looks. "Bad chat up lines, looking up my dress, do I need go on?"
"Is this my sentence?"
"Part of it... I haven't shown you the torture area yet... Sssh they're coming."
Belinda closed James's observation window and locked it with another key and then quickly walked away just as the other visitors arrived. James's cell was the only one that was locked which drew the interest of the young couple, but fortunately there was no way for them to get in passed the padlocked door. They continued to follow the route out into the yard from where James could watch them discretely through his small barred window.
"Cute girl isn't she?"
James jumped and turned to see Belinda's face through the grill. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to the door.
"Not as cute as you," he replied smoothly.
James listened to the jangle of keys as Belinda unlocked the door and slid back the bolt to release him. He watched her carefully, focusing on her expressions and mannerisms and then stepped forward and kissed her gently on the lips. Caught by surprise, Belinda breathed in sharply and then giggled.
His lips felt amazing, hard and soft at the same time. She had separated from her husband five years ago and had barely kissed anyone since. Life now revolved around working and caring for her daughter and men just didn't feature. Despite taking care of herself and dressing as well as she could, she rarely felt sexy or aroused. The silk underwear she was wearing today had never been seen by male eyes until just now when she had teased James. But it had worked.
"What would my sentence be if I kissed you again?" he asked.
Belinda could feel the heat building in her face as she looked up at this amazing guy. "Kiss me again and I'll lock you in the punishment cell for the next hour while I go home and change."
"And then?"
Her confidence was returning as her dormant sex drive kicked in. "And then you'll have to take me to dinner."
James threw his hands over her head and slowly brought her into him. She was shaking slightly, but her eyes were wide with arousal and her breathing was quickening. He touched her lips and as before she reacted with a jolt. The large key ring was still hanging from her arm and jangling noisily. His tongue touched her lips and again she reacted and cried out. That what enough to overcome her inhibitions and she upped the pace as she kissed him back. Her passion had been switched on and her tongue matched his until they both needed to breathe.
That gave James the chance to lower his hands and touch her round butt through her dress. They kissed again, pushing their bodies closer to each other until Belinda once again had to pull away to breathe.
"You don't have to wait in the cell," she smiled, wiping her hair from her eyes.
"I want to."
"You want to spend time in there?" she laughed, "You're crazy!"
"If that's what it takes to buy you dinner."
"You sure?" Belinda grinned.
James walked back into the three foot square black hole. "You will come back for me?"
"Of course I will!"
Belinda stepped in and kissed him again, feeling more like a twenty year old than the thirty five year old she was. The kiss ended and she shook the key ring down from her elbow and caught it in her hand.
"You're really really sure?"
"If it earns me the right to have dinner with you."
Feeling giggly and bouncy, Belinda pushed the heavy steel door closed and turned the key in the lock. Now nobody could get him out of that cell which made him completely hers. She ran her hands over the cold steel door and the empty key hole as if they were his body. Her breath was warming the steel, just as it would warm him once he was released.
The prison was eerily quiet which left James in both complete darkness and complete silence. He could still taste her and still recall the feel of her body and her seductive smile. He loved how she had been so excited to lock him up. It made him feel wanted and protected, as if he was her plaything, ready to be released when she was ready. His mind was back on her body and that butt, and he had to lean against the cold steel door to cool down.
It was an hour and a half later when Belinda parked her car and slipped quietly back into the gaol. She'd never been here in the evening before and even with the lights on, the place had a ghostly feel.
She was wearing a black satin body hugging dress that modestly covered her breasts and reached almost to the knee. The dress and her black heels combined to make for a slow walk through the cell block. The red fitted cardigan that she wore over the top was doing little keep out the chill. Finally the clipping and jangling arrived outside the locked punishment cell.
"Good evening prisoner."
James climbed to his feet and squinted into the light. "Wow, you look fantastic."
"And you are crazy, I should never have left you locked in here."
"It was worth it."
James kissed her and reached his hands around Belinda's waist and down to her tight silky butt. The material was hugging her body creating small creases as it pulled tight around her.
She playfully slapped his hands. "Hey, be patient or I'll lock you back inside."
James didn't heed her warning and kissed her again. Belinda took her time enjoying this next kiss before pushing him back into the tiny cell. James was now giving her the cutest look of innocence as she closed and locked the cell door. She pulled out the key and tucked it into the front of her dress as she considered her next move.
"Maybe I should leave you there all night?"
"You'll miss out on dinner..." James replied into the solid steel door.
It worked. The door opened and the school teacher look that James was beginning to find so beguiling was back. She would certainly be an interesting woman to get to know, even if these games were making him feel like a teenager.
"Behave or I'll shackle you," she smiled.
"I can deal with it."
"Believe me, the shackles we have here could really cramp your style this evening."
James took the risk of kissing her one more time before taking her hand and leading her to the restaurant.
James had chosen an upmarket restaurant and Belinda seemed impressed and a little nervous as they sat down. She jumped as the waiter placed her napkin in her lap, her body already excited and aroused.
"Thanks for letting me out, it would have been a long night."
"You're welcome," she replied, her wine glass still pressed to her lips.
"But I should warn you that I plan to break the conditions of my parole."
Belinda's eyes widened and she leaned even further forward. James met her halfway and kissed her red lips.
"You look even more beautiful when you're not the other side of a locked jail door, and much easier to kiss."
"Is it frustrating being locked up... all alone?" she purred.
"Locked away from your blue panties? Fuck yeah."
Their lips were still touching and their breath warm on each other's faces.
"Maybe I shouldn't have shown you them?"
"Maybe you should show me again..."
Neither James nor Belinda were feeling particularly hungry and they left the restaurant after only a quick meal.
"Have you ever been at the gaol at night?" James asked.
"No, but we could..."
Belinda took James by the hand and pulled him down the driveway to the old building. Both feeling like teenagers, they ran towards the large wooden front door where Belinda used her key to let them inside into the dark imposing entrance hall. They grabbed some blankets from behind the counter and the cushions from the sofa in the reception area and ran laughing down to the cell block.
Belinda ran into one of the cells and positioned the cushions and blankets on the stone floor.
"Your bed," she giggled.
"Our bed?"
"I have to get back for the babysitter."
"I'm sure have time..."
James pushed her up against the wall, pinned her hands above her head and kissed her. With one hand now securing both of hers, James reached behind and unzipped her dress and watched as it slinked off her body.
"The blue panties... again."
He stepped back, stripped off and then pushed his hard cock back against her body. Belinda had made short work of her underwear which now lay on the cold stone floor and so James gently pushed inside her and was treated to cries and moans that were amplified by the confines of the cell.
Belinda climaxed and he picked her up with one hand around her soft thighs and lowered her on to the makeshift mattress. He brushed away her hair that was lying untidily around her face and then moved down to kiss her bare breasts. Her body was processing the natural high and was once again returning to life. First her eyes, which were now beaming, and then her strong body as it fought to untangle itself from James's arms.
"Come with me!" she panted.
Dressed only in her skimpy blue underwear and with her breasts totally free, Belinda led James back into the museum. With his strong hand held tightly in hers, she led him over to the old timber stocks and lifted the top.
"Lie on your back," Belinda breathed, eager to explore yet another fantasy.
The timber was ancient and as hard of steel, but the two halves still lined up perfectly. There was no way that James was going to pull out either his hands or head without the stocks being opened and that seemed unlikely as Belinda had placed one foot on top and was standing determinedly with her hands on her hips.
"I don't even need a padlock for these," she breathed as she now sat down on the stocks
With her legs wide apart, James could see the narrow strip of blue fabric running between her legs, with all but the most intimate parts of her crotch still revealed. He could see the intricate detail of the woman's body, especially her thighs which looked even stronger from his vantage point. He tensed the muscles in his throat and tried to sit up.
"No chance," she breathed, the situation turning her on like crazy and the proximity of James's lips all too tempting.
"How can I kiss you if you keep me trapped down here?"
Belinda's hips were straining as her legs opened further. "Where would you like to kiss me?"
"Pretty much everywhere..."
Belinda closed the hasp on the stocks before edging forward and down on to James's face. Even when she was sitting on his face she wanted to make sure he stayed locked in place.
One second James was kissing the blue fabric and the next he was inside it, taking his first taste of her scent. She never been kissed down there, her ex-husband had never offered and it wasn't her place to suggest. Fuck, it felt nice and she was brought to the limit just too quickly. She sat back on the stocks grinning like a virgin.
James was hard, but with Belinda sitting on the stocks there was little he could do about it. She was slowly recovering from high number two, but it was now getting late and she was running out of time. She had to get back to relieve the babysitter and with her daughter at home, it would be too complicated if James came with her.
"I really have to go," she said, her long hair constantly falling across her face as she looked down between her legs.
"Well I guess I'd better let you out," he joked while rattling his trapped wrists.
"You're welcome to stay here."
"In the stocks?"
"No, I'll find you a nice cosy cell... it will be fun."
"Locked cell?"
"I may lock it..."
She gave him her most alluring smile. "I've always wanted to keep someone here overnight..."
Her sexy body was still sitting above him, taunting him.
"Alone?" he asked.
"Are you scared?"
"Me?" he replied. If the prisoners could live here for sixty years, then surely he could manage one night. He would have preferred to spend the night with her, but the idea of her locking him in a cell was turning him on, plus it would guarantee him the chance to see Belinda again in the morning.
"Good, so you're up for it?" she checked, her hands on her hips.
Only after James agreed, Belinda stood up and opened the stocks. Walking on the balls of her feet and still almost naked with her breasts and butt bouncing, she pulled another exhibit from the museum display and led him back to the cell
"What is that?" James asked.
"I thought you wanted the full tour?"
Belinda was still almost naked as she laid out the jumble of heavy chains. James sat on the makeshift bed as the naked brunette positioned two heavy cuffs around his ankles and then two more around his wrists. All four cuffs were connected to each other with modest lengths of heavy chains. There was still one more chain attached.
"Where does that go?" James asked apprehensively.
"Just here."
Belinda had taken the last chain and placed it around a metal ring that was fixed into the cell wall.
"You're chaining me to the wall?" James exclaimed.
"Standard for dangerous prisoners..."
"Am I dangerous?"
"You are to me."
James reached for Belinda's bottom, which was now bouncing above him and with hand around her hips, he pulled it closes enough to kiss.
"Hey, what you doing?" she shrieked.
"As you're going to leave me in jail all night, the least you can do is let me kiss your bottom."
"I don't think that's a legal right!"
"Isn't it?"
"You really want to kiss my bottom?"
Fuck, why did he make her feel like a schoolgirl? She pushed him back on to the bed and kept him down by sitting on his face, his features completely obliterated beneath her.
"Good, at least this will also keep you in place while I screw up your cuffs."
Belinda's butt would have distracted James from pretty much anything and he gently kissed her most intimate areas as she used the unique key to tighten the locking screws on all the cuffs. Unfortunately for her prisoner, her sexual energy translated into extra strength in her hands as they turned and tightened the steel bolts. His shackles were fully locked down and her vagina was fully open, two events that were more than a little related.
"That's it, you're shackled," she purred.
James wrists were only two inches apart and so were his ankles and the short chain connecting the two meant he couldn't lift his hands above his waist. He climbed awkwardly to his feet and shuffled across to her until he was jerked back by the chain locked to the wall. Belinda was beaming with the key held tightly in her hand.
"Do I get to keep the key?"
She shook her head and bit her lip.
"Well at least the condemned man gets one last request, right?"
Belinda pushed him backwards on to the cushions and dropped down on top of him. He was rock hard and Belinda easily eased him inside her and started to move rhythmically up and down.
Belinda sat astride him, breathing fast.
"That's the first time I've made love in chains," James said, spotting the cuff key lying just out of reach on the floor.
"That's the first time I've fucked an inmate."
"I can assure you that you won't escape tonight."
James was ready to go again and positioned himself inside her and thrust upwards making Belinda cry out in pleasure. She may have shackled him, but he was in control when they made love. Belinda cried out again, leaving no doubt about what he was doing to her body until she came and flopped down exhausted on top of him.
Her dosing eyes opened and tried to focus on James's watch. She groaned as she climbed off his warm body and picked up her figure hugging dress from the stone floor. She stepped in and turned to face the opposite wall so that James could zip her in. James struggled to his feet lifting with him a tonne of steel, but the restraints stopped him from reaching up high enough to zip.
"Mmm, I must remember to let you zip be in before I shackle you," she giggled as she twisted and stretched behind to reach the zip.
"You could unlock me?"
"And spoil all your fun?"
"Or maybe you could not put your dress back on?"
"Kids, babysitters!" she replied, frustrated that the real world was interfering with her fantasy.
She stepped into her high heels and only just managed to stay on her feet. She pulled on her red cardigan and gave James the briefest of goodnight kisses before picking up the keys and walking over to the doorway. James tried to shuffle after her, to kiss her one more time, but his leash was too short. Belinda just stood in the doorway in her figure hugging dress, jingling keys in her hand.
"All night locked in the cell... and I have all the keys."
She was no longer hiding the fact that his plight aroused her and was now using the keys to massage the front of her dress.
"Can I give you my order for breakfast?" James smiled, his shackled naked body with an obvious erection still straining to reach her.
"You will come back for me in the morning?"
"We'll see."
Belinda so wanted to play all night, but she was already very late for her babysitter. She pushed the heavy door closed, slid across the bolt across and quickly and efficiently padlocked it in place.
James shuffled over to the door and looked at her smouldering brown eyes through the grille. Her eyes were aroused and there was no doubt that she was turned on by seeing him inside the tiny cell. He had no possible way to escape from those eyes until she decided.
"What does it feel like?" she breathed.
"Fucking sexy."
That only encouraged her and she reached down and hitched up her dress. Her pussy was so damp that she barely needed to touch.
"Oh that's cruel," James moaned as he watched her obvious excitement through the grille.
"I can close the grille if that will help?"
"What's your problem? My panties are locked in the cell with you."
James shuffled forward and pushed himself against the steel door.
"No way out, until I let you out..." Belinda moaned, hair flying everywhere.
She pulled her dress back down to seal herself up and her breathing finally slowed.
"Would you let me out if I asked?" James said.
Her lips didn't need to respond as the answer was already in her eyes. She blew him a kiss, sneaked one more look at her gorgeous guy and then closed and locked the grille.
James listened to the jingling and tapping disappear into the distance after which the whole building was silent and plunged into darkness. He shuffled over to the small barred window and looked out into the empty courtyard. The place had an eerie and supernatural feel and he felt better knowing that she had padlocked door. At least he was safe inside. He looked up through the barred window, passed the grille to the lights from the distant city.
He thought back to what she'd said about the guy who had spent sixty years in this cell. He imagined how it would feel to watch your life disappear while locked in a tiny jail cell. If only you could get to the other side of the door then you would be free. If only someone hadn't turned the key in the shackles and hadn't pushed home the bolt.
Tonight he was just at trapped as they had been, but his fear of incarceration was easily outweighed by the thrill of being Belinda's prisoner. By taking away his freedom, Belinda had also taken away his stress and by taking away his phone, she had also put him on a much needed technology detox. No emails, no work and absolutely he could do until the morning.
He shuffled back to the makeshift bed and pulled the blankets over him. Belinda had deliberately left her panties and he held them to his face and enjoyed their warm silky touch. He held them to his nose, closed his eyes and started to relive the evening.
A few miles away, Belinda tiptoed into the small second bedroom and kissed her sleeping daughter. She crept back out and closed her daughter's door; she smiled, it was the second door she'd closed that night. She unzipped and stepped out of the dress and into the shower. She hadn't buzzed like this for a long time and it took gallons of hot water to calm her down.
She slipped on an old polyester nightdress; with no one to sleep with she hadn't invested in silk. She was still too turned on to sleep, even the cheap manmade material seemed to be stimulating her body with its touch. The keys were safely with her under the duvet, where they would stay all night.
James had slept well. Loving making and the relaxing touch of Belinda's body had had a wonderful effect on him and somehow had overcome the discomfort of the shackles. He climbed to his feet and started to think about how what he would do if he had to escape. Okay, it was unlikely, but the look on Belinda's face would be priceless.
First he had to get out of the shackles as they chained him to the wall. No way to squeeze his hands or feet out, so he would have to unlock them. There was a strange shape bolt that had been screwed down tightly inside each of the metal cuffs. That would need to be undone, but he couldn't reach it with his fingers and even if he could, he had no doubt that Belinda had tightened it far too tightly for him to turn.
He tried to pull the shackles in the hope that they would somehow burst free from the wall. They didn't. No doubt some people had spent years locked in these cuffs. People who must have had nightmares about watching their jailer turn the key, locking them up and condemning them to a life of shuffling around, unable to do the most basic tasks. James hadn't even seen his jailer turn the key as she'd been sitting on his face and he'd been too busy kissing her butt.
The end game was the same though, he had been shackled and condemned to a very subservient existence. Without the key James would never escape the heavy steel shackles and without someone unlocking and sliding back the bolt on the door there was no way out of the small concrete cell. It felt strange to be totally dependent on others for his survival. He lay down on the stone floor, still wrapped in the hard steel restraints and waited for his jailer to return.
Belinda was in the shower covered in soap. Warm soapy water was dripping from her long hair, down between her breasts, down between her legs and away. It had been so long since she'd made love that her body was still enjoying the after effects. She had been as horny as hell for most of the night, which had made sleep near impossible. She smiled to herself, despite being locked in prison, James was still having an overpowering effect on her body. She pulled on her second favourite pair of underwear, her favourite pair was with her prisoner at the jail, and then covered them with a red fitted top, blue jeans and ankle high black leather boots.
There was still an hour to go before she could drop her daughter off at school and she sat on a stool in her kitchen impatiently waiting for her daughter to get herself ready. She'd taken the gaol keys off the stupidly large key ring and they were now in her jeans pocket, ready to unlock the world's sexiest guy from her jail. She watched with growing frustration as time ticked slowly on.
Belinda's boots echoed as she walked through the cell block to cell number five. The door was still closed and padlocked and so at least he hadn't escaped. She opened the observation grille to see James sitting up on the cushions. She put down the tray of coffees, pulled the key from her pocket and unlocked the padlock. She heaved back the heavy bolt and pulled open the door.
"Good morning James!"
"You remembered me."
"Yes, you made quite an impression."
"Nice jeans."
"You'll particularly like the back..."
She turned around to show James both her attractive round butt and the key to the cuffs, which could be seen in her back pocket.
"The key, fantastic! These things are totally debilitating!"
"I know..."
"And I couldn't quite open them by hand."
"They're shackles," Belinda's giggled, "They can only be opened with the key, that kind of the point!"
James held out his chained hands to let Belinda do just that, but instead she just sat down next to him on the makeshift bed.
"Oh, did you want me to unlock you?"
"No, no," he smiled, rolling his eyes.
"Good, then drink your coffee," she giggled as she put a cup into his manacled hands.
She held her own cup to her mouth and watched him drink. James may have been a tall, slim, stunning guy and very intimidating at first sight, but underneath he was kind and funny and totally happy to be in her control. She'd never met a guy like that, someone who didn't want to dominate her. In this little game, James seemed to have no desire to take over. She leaned over and kissed his warm coffee lip.
"Well I have to open the gaol soon," she sighed.
"Yes and I have to get to my meeting and then I'm flying back home tonight."
"You can't go like that..."
"I was hoping you might unlock me."
Belinda leaned across, kissed him and then ran her nose down James's bare chest far enough to see he was again aroused.
"Or I could leave you naked and chained and locked in the punishment cell all day," she purred, "No one would ever know you were inside..."
"Please don't tempt me."
"You can even kiss my bottom."
James looked torn. "I'll be back in town next week."
"But for now I really need that key!"
Belinda grudgingly leaned to one side so that she could slide her hand into her pocket and retrieve the key. Then between kisses, she slowly unscrewed the locks on his manacles. James stood up, redressed and used his hands to brush the dust from his suit. They walked back to the front desk and Belinda opened the front door to let him out. James pushed passed a small group of people who were waiting for the jail to open and walked back to his hotel.
Part 2 (added: 2017/01/29)
"I'm here for the tour," James said with his dangerously addictive smile.
Belinda looked up from the reception desk of the old gaol. He was wearing a different suit, this one wasn't covered in dust, but otherwise he looked just as good. The punishment she'd inflicted on him on his last visit didn't seem to have affected his confidence as he sat on her desk and continued to flirt. Even the growing queue of people forming behind him didn't stop him from leaning over the desk and kissing her.
"Stop it! I need to serve these people!" she whispered urgently.
With James still sitting there, Belinda self-consciously served the queue before getting up and walking around the desk to confront her sexy guy. "What you doing!"
"I missed you."
"You want another tour then?" she teased as she playfully slapped his hand that was wondering around the back of her fitted blue jeans.
There was still an hour before the gaol closed, but she'd already planned his punishment and his constant flirting and attempts to kiss gave her a good excused to try this particular idea. She started to lead James towards a part of the cell block that was closed to visitors, when halfway there he reached around her waist and kissed her lips.
Belinda instinctively cried out in pleasure before looking around nervously to check that no one had heard. "I'm working!" she scolded in her best school teacher voice, but then kissed him back anyway.
This time, she grabbed his wrist and quickly pulled him to the area that was out of bounds to regular guests and where she had hidden some of the exhibits from the gaol's museum.
"Your kisses are too much of a distraction," Belinda announced excitedly, "so Ta-Da!"
"What is it?"
"A scold's bridle. A medieval device used to stop women gossiping."
"I'm not a woman."
"... also used to stop men kissing," she smiled.
The device was a metal frame that fitted snugly around the head like a mask. The wearer could still see and hear, but the steel that covered the lower part of the face also had a three inch long metal prone that protruded into the mouth, pinning the tongue in place.
The original purpose had been to stop the wearer from talking, but it was also very effective in prevented the wearer from kissing. It may have been a replica of the real thing but as it was made out of steel and not iron, and locked with a modern high security lock, it was probably more secure than the original.
"You want to stop me kissing?" James checked.
"Only temporarily..."
James's hands had already slipped down from her grey woollen top to her blue jeans and appeared to have no intension of stopping there.
"Can't you close up early?" James asked.
"No... but I can close you up instead..."
"And lose access to these lips?" James replied as he touched his lips against her's.
"They're far too dangerous to be left unrestrained."
Belinda picked up the scold's bridle and focused on positioning the prone into his mouth and closing the device up around his head. It was a tight fit and she could only just close the hasp. James's speech was now completely incoherent, but yet somehow Belinda understood what he'd just said.
"Oh, I think I do need to lock it sweetheart," she replied, patting the back pocket of her jeans to make sure she had the key before locking the padlock shut.
James's lips were now hidden behind a steel cover and in a pointless act of defiance he placed that gently against Belinda's red lips. In return, Belinda simply opened her mouth a little and ran her tongue around her lips.
"Perfect, your tongue will stay locked away until I let it out."
James soon realised how cruel Belinda had been in her choice of toy. The scold's bridle was an amazingly intimidating device; he couldn't talk, couldn't eat and couldn't go anywhere where he might be seen by others. He couldn't squeeze out of its steel bars and his attempt to retrieve the padlock key from Belinda's pocket only ended up with a slap on the hand.
"Let's hope no one sees you like that," Belinda teased.
James made a strange noise that meant nothing to anyone, followed by a look of frustration in his big brown eyes that showed between the steel bars. He was frustrated he couldn't speak, but mainly frustrated that he couldn't kiss or make love to his crazy brunette.
"Would you like to wait for me in a cosy and private cell?"
James grabbed her butt again, now very horny and desperate to make out.
"Do I need to shackle you as well?"
He let go immediately. If this sexy brunette was going to lock him in a cell for the next hour, he might need to touch himself to stay sane, it might be the only way he'd survive. He let Belinda lead him to the nearest cell, but just as she was closing the door she noticed his erection through his suit trousers.
"I hope you're going to wait for me..."
James nodded, but Belinda wasn't convinced and left the cell to collect another toy. He watched her cute butt walk away, leaving the cell unlocked. He thought about escaping and hiding, that would be fun, but no sooner had he thought it than she returned.
"Irish 8s, the perfect tool for preventing masturbation."
Fuck, this woman was always two steps ahead of him. He placed his hands together halfway up his back and listened for the inevitable single 'click' as the tight rigid cuffs closed. The click was as good as a chastity belt, completely removing all chance of masturbation. Belinda spun him around and touched his cock through the expensive black suit material.
She kissed him on the lips, "Think of your cock as my property."
His face was consumed with frustrated lust.
"Would you like me to put these keys in my panties," she panted, now using her hips to pin his body up against the cell wall, feeling his cock despite the fact that they were both fully dressed, "One hour and I'll release you."
Her hips released him from the wall, turned, swayed and walked away, locking the cell door as they left. James wriggled and fought with the cuffs, but he had no way to reach his cock. He leaned against the wall and looked out through the small barred window. He rubbed himself from side to side and pushed, but had no way to stimulate himself enough. He continued to pace back and forth in the tiny locked cell, until he slumped to the floor and waited for her to return.
At five minutes past five, with all the guests gone and the front door of the gaol safely locked, Belinda unlocked James's cell and walked inside, her black leather boots echoing on the stone floor.
"I daren't unlock you from the bridle or you'll tell me what a bitch I've been."
"Aaaaaaa," James dribbled.
He was breathing deeply, so ready to make love that he was almost in a trance. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her lips all over his chest and then unbuttoned and removed his trousers.
"I'm sorry if this seems cruel, but I've had almost a week to plan what do to you when you returned. I would say that you are free to leave, but you're not."
She was slowly popping the buttons on her jeans and easing them down to reveal her blue underwear which she rubbed erotically against her hand.
"You slept with these panties against your face and now they're back against my pussy."
They both looked as though they had just run a race, yet they'd barely started. James could do little but look at her through damp eyes. His hands were still cuffed behind his back and his mouth was still locked in the bridle. Belinda's underwear was not very damp and James's excitement was starting to seep through.
"Let's not rush things today," she purred, popping open the Irish 8 handcuffs.
James pointed at the steel bridle still locked around his head and inside his mouth. Belinda smiled teasingly as she slowly re-buttoned her jeans tightly around her waist.
"That key stays with me.... for now."
James cried out some unintelligible sound and held out his hand which Belinda playfully slapped away. He then reached for the bridle and tried to shake it off.
They looked into each other's eyes, well aware of James's predicament. The scold's bridle would keep its wearer mute until the key was returned. James took hold of her denim covered butt and pulled her towards him.
"Do you want the key?" she moaned.
James nodded, loosened her belt and slowly popped open the top button of her jeans, followed by another. Now he could slide his hand tenderly inside the front of her underwear and across her clit.
"Oh fuck!"
James's hand continued down pass her vagina and on towards her crotch where the key to the bridle was hiding. He massaged her with the slightest of touches as he reached the warm key and pulled it out.
"Is that all I get?" she said disappointedly.
James was already trying to fit the key into the padlock that secured the bridle around his head, but struggled as he couldn't see the hole. After a few failed attempts, he gave the key to Belinda who immediately slipped it back inside the front of her panties.
Belinda freed her long dark hair from its hair elastic and shook it free around her cute face, "You'll have to get it again," she giggled.
James reached back inside her damp underwear and once more stroked her clit. Belinda's eyes were dilated and she was breathing faster and faster. Only once she had climaxed did James remove the key for a second time and again handed it to Belinda who immediately dropped it back inside her panties.
"Okay!" she laughed, "I'll unlock you."
She retrieved the key, unlocked the scold's bridle and kissed James on the lips. Still fizzing, she led him out of the cell and into the museum.
"Look at this macabre thing," Belinda grinned, "it's called the brazen bull and it's for cooking people alive! Wanna try?"
"You really should have gone into sales!"
Belinda climbed on to the life sized steel bull and was sitting on it like a horse, her jeans and cute ankle boots giving her a cowgirl look. She was now leaning forward and hugging the bull around the neck.
"Just under me is the way in," she continued as she slid backward to reveal a hinged door on the top of the steel bull, "The victim goes inside here, this hatch is closed and locked and then a fire is lit underneath."
This woman was a bad influence on him. Thanks to her, he was now finding this brutal torture device erotic. The opening was positioned and shaped like a saddle on the bull and James had to contort so that he could just fit inside the body of the steel animal. Almost a perfect fit with almost zero room to move.
"And now what are you going to do," Belinda breathed as she closed the steel doorway and slid forward so that her jeans were again sitting on the hatch, her thighs hugging either side of the bull's shiny steel body.
"Are you sitting on the hatch?"
Belinda pushed her hips back and forth pretending to ride the bull, squeezing her knees tightly against his steel coffin, "Shall I light the fire?"
"You might get a burnt butt."
"Don't you like it down there?"
James's cock was throbbing as Belinda continued to thrust her hips forward, pushing herself against the seam of her jeans. That wasn't enough, so she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her jeans and pushed her hand inside. Living out a long held cowgirl fantasy, she pushed forward against her hand, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
"Think you can get out of there," she cried.
James was evidently trying to move in the confined space beneath her as his body clanged against the inside of the steel box sending vibrations up through Belinda's body.
Belinda relaxed back into the saddle and buttoned up her jeans. She pulled her long hair back behind over her shoulders and straightened her woven top. She sat on the hatch feeling a little self conscious.
"I'm sorry, but that was so much fun."
"I enjoyed listening," James replied, his voice echoing loudly inside the steel bull.
"Good... if I let you out you won't be cross?"
"Go again if you want."
Belinda slid to the back of the bull and opened the hatch. James lifted up his head and looked out from between her knees. This brunette was bringing out his submissive side and he was really falling under her spell.
"You may have some twisted fantasies, but fuck you're a sexy woman.
"Oh don't encourage me, or I'll do it again."
"Same sexy high pitched cries?" he asked with a teasing smile.
Belinda blushed and put her hand to her mouth. She needn't worry, this guy was as twisted as she was and while she wasn't quite ready to go again she did like the idea of putting him back inside.
"Down you go," she cried, lowering the curved steel hatch down on top of his head.
James's head was now holding the lid open by a couple of inches.
"Your head against my butt, are you sure you wanna do that?" she asked.
Belinda only waited a couple of seconds before gently lowering her jeans on to the lid and as expected, there was little resistance as the lid pushed closed, once again becoming flush with the rest of the shiny animal. In celebration, Belinda stood up, as if on the stirrups and then dropped down on to the hatch, sitting up straight with her back arched.
Belinda climbed off the brazen bull and helped James ease out from its interior. It was now six o'clock and they had two hours before the restaurant booking. Again Belinda had to pick up her daughter, cook her dinner and wait until the babysitter arrived. Again James could wait for her at the hotel, or play some more of her games.
"What do you want to do?" Belinda asked, squeezing his butt and kissing him.
James thought back to the week before. Sitting across a candle lit table from a beautiful woman who had kept him locked in a prison cell had been a thrill, knowing that her playful flirting eyes could have just as easily chosen to keep him helplessly incarcerated. Judging from the look in Belinda's eyes, she shared the thrill.
"More of the tour, please," he smiled.
Belinda led him back to the cell block and unlocked the tiny punishment cell. Laid out on the floor were cushions and the hand and foot shackles that she'd used on him the week before.
"I like a girl who's prepared," James teased condescendingly.
"Mmm, do you know that the lock to this cell has eight levers? It's more like a vault."
"I'd better sneak in a hairclip."
"And there's no keyhole on the inside..."
This conversation continued while Belinda locked the cuffs around James's hands and feet, leaving him standing in manacles in the middle of the tiny cell.
"Maybe you'd like to sit down," Belinda mused as she critiqued her chosen restraints.
"Not sure I'll be able to get up again."
"No you won't..."she replied as she used a padlock to shorten the chain between his handcuffs and his foot cuffs from three feet to three inches, so that his four limbs were effectively now one.
James explored what little movement he had left following Belinda's many locks, "Your panties will certainly be jingling!"
"My pocket will be fine," she replied a little embarrassed as she crouched down and hugged him into her body. "I promise tonight will be so much fun!"
She left the cell and locked the heavy door which now looked ominous with its empty keyhole. The race was now on to pick up her daughter, make herself look fantastic and get back to release her lover.
Belinda was hugging her daughter and waiting for the thermometer to give its reading. It was probably nothing, but she didn't want to leave her with the babysitter until she was sure.
All of her keys were in one pocket of her jeans and her phone was in another. She knew she had to stay with her daughter, unfortunately James would have to wait. She started to text.
'Hi James, you okay?'
'Good. U ready?'
She flicked back her hair, bit her lips and started to type an update.
'Stay there. I can sleep here' he replied.
"Can't leave you like that all night!"
'I'll be fine, loving being under your L & K!'
Belinda smiled. 'U sure u don't need anything?'
'Tips on escaping?'
'Get the keys!'
It was just after midnight when Belinda crept silently out of her house and locked the door behind her. Her daughter's temperature was gone and she was fast asleep. Still dressed in jeans and jumper, she slid into her small sedan and wriggled nervously in her seat as its engine roared loudly into life. Minutes later, Belinda's boots clipped noisily down the concrete cell block floor and the key clattered as she turned it and pulled open the punishment cell.
"I'm so sorry, I've ruined this evening!" she cried as she kissed him in a desperate attempt to make up. She couldn't believe how much she'd missed his touch.
"It's okay, I'm still here."
"Well I know that!"
Belinda pulled out a cardboard container of noodles and two small candles from her bag and arranged them around the punishment cell's concrete floor. James was now sitting on the cushions, leaning against the concrete walls of the small cell. His feet were together and his hands were in his lap because the chain that connected them to the foot cuffs wouldn't let him raise them any higher.
She pulled the heavy door closed behind her. Although the main lock could only be operated from the keyhole on the outside of the door, there was a hasp that allowed the heavy steel door to be locked from the inside. Belinda pushed a large padlock through the hasp, locking them both inside.
"These are the only keys that can get us out of this cell," she breathed deeply, turned on like mad at the thought of being incarcerated with James. She pushed them into the back pocket of her jeans and tapped her butt, bouncing it up and down, to check where the keys had come to rest.
"Do I get to touch your butt too?"
Belinda smiled, "Let's pretend that that we don't have these keys and that we are both prisoners."
"Easy for me, as I don't have any of the keys."
James rattled the heavy manacles that she had locked around his wrists and ankles and which now shimmered in the candle light.
"It's very private," Belinda said, now trembling with excitement as she sat astride his waist, pinning his hands beneath her.
She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He smelt and tasted so nice, he always did, and she unbuttoned his blue shirt and started to play with his chest.
"I guess I get to make love in shackles?"
Belinda nodded, "You're my dangerous prisoner... I don't want you going anywhere."
"No chance of that, I can't even get out from under your body."
Belinda's reply tailed off as she kissed him, unzipped his suit trousers and reached inside and took hold of his cock.
"Mmm, I'm impressed."
She stood up and stripped off her jeans and panties and dropped them to the floor. "Now I don't have the key on me... we really are prisoners now."
James undressed more slowly, struggling to pull his trousers down while locked in the shackles. With his trousers now down by his knees, Belinda squatted down over his lap and gently eased him inside her. The feeling was fantastic and she unconsciously crushed her thighs around his waist as he slid deeper inside of her. Her full weight was now back on his lap and his manacles hands were squirming around beneath her, massaging her bottom as best they could.
"I've missed this," she purred.
James tried to reply, but her lips were pushed too hard against his.
Their cries echoed loudly around the cell as they came again and again. James was now lying on his back in the centre of the small cell with Belinda's totally naked body lying on top.
"Just a minute," James panted after the third time, his cock still inside her.
"Prisoners do what I say."
Belinda sat up and slid across his strong body until she was sitting astride his neck, her curves moulding intimately around his shoulders and neck. He had no chance of getting up with her sitting on top of him and the very thought made her tingle.
She snuggled her crotch further into his face and almost by magic his tongue seemed to slip inside. She slowly tightened her thighs around his head, partly to hold herself steady, but also as a way to claim him. She felt like a girl holding jealously to her favourite doll. She owned this guy, at least for tonight, and she would make sure no one took him away.
"Just there!" she cried, her thighs gripping tighter as she orgasmed again, "Keep it there..."
Belinda loved to keep James's cock inside her long after she came, the aftershocks were magical, and the same was true when he used his tongue. It made for a one sided post love chat.
'Wow, that was amazing... fuck, I'm keeping you locked in here forever... I'm really sorry about tonight...' all with no reply.
She continued to sit on him and brought her legs closer together so that his eyes were covered by the back of her thighs. His tongue was still inside her. No one would be taking her doll.
As she came down from her natural high, reality returned. She'd already been away from her daughter for over an hour. She was worried about leaving her any longer, but really didn't want to leave James or remove her legs from around his head. Their skin was now tacky with sweat and she had to lift up a little to break the bond before she could slide back down on to his chest.
"I'm really sorry tonight didn't work out," Belinda said, looping her long dark hair back inside a hair band.
"Tonight was amazing," James kissed her knee, which was all he could reach with Belinda still sitting on him, "You've made up for the cramped conditions."
"And the chains and incarceration?" she giggled.
"All of that."
Belinda looked around the small dark punishment cell with the closed door, "What's it like to be really locked in here?"
"Amazing, some sexy brunette keeps coming in and fucking me."
"You know I left the key in the door. If someone walked by and turned it..."
"We could make love all night," James smiled, finishing her thought.
But with no one to lock them in, Belinda knew she had to get back. She also knew that taking a guy back to her house, particularly at this hour, would raise too many questions with her daughter and the neighbours. Grudgingly, she climbed to her feet and wobbled a little on the cushions as she pulled up her favourite blue panties and jeans.
"You want to sleep here tonight?" she asked.
"Did they really give prisoners the choice?"
"I can understand the confusion, but you're not actually my prisoner."
"Oh," James said with mock disappointment, "then maybe I can use the toilet?"
"Opps, yes you'd better go before I lock you in."
Belinda unlocked the heavy cell door and was disappointed to find that no one had turned the key from the outside. She stepped out into the corridor and watched as James tried to walk; bent double with his hands and feet only inches apart and with his trousers around his ankles.
"You must be kidding!" he said, craning his head up to see her.
"It's just over there."
"You're not going to unlock me just a little?"
"Nah, can be bothered to get the keys out of my pocket."
"Can I?"
With the giggles coming back, Belinda stood with her back to him and gave him a chance to retrieve the keys. James tried but could only reach as high as her mid thigh, her pockets just out of reach.
"I didn't want them anyway," he smiled as he hobbled away.
Belinda was still standing by the open doorway when James returned. He slowly hobbled back inside and collapsed on the old cushions. Only then did he notice the silver ball shaped object in her hands.
"Thought you might like a blindfold... you know, to stop the light from keeping you awake."
Belinda smiled sweetly as she opened the two halves of the heavy steel ball to demonstrate how someone's head could be placed inside. James was about to become the man in the iron mask. The device closed tightly around the neck, with a single hole for the mouth and a small grille by the nose.
"Can't you can blindfold me with your panties instead?" James asked.
Belinda smiled and put down the mask. She slipped off her boots and unbuttoned her jeans. She pulled her blue underwear down over her hips and placed them, still warm, over James's head. She let down her hair and used the hair elastic to tie the seams of the underwear together behind his head.
"Now they can't be removed without ripping them," she warned, "and you wouldn't want a jailer with ripped panties!"
"No Miss."
"And now for the mask!"
James looked out at the blue tinted world, a little apprehensive about being unable to see. He looked again at Belinda's big brown eyes to remind himself of the woman would hold all this power over him.
Belinda was buzzing, she'd always eyed this device in the gaol museum and was so keen to try it out. It was so cruel, so debilitating and placed so much power in the hands of the key holder that the very thought made her damp. Her hands were tacky from perspiration as she turned the unique key to tighten the screws to close the two halves together around James's head. Her beautiful doll was now safely in its box.
"You will let me out, won't you Belinda?"
She could hear slight fear in his voice, "Don't you trust me?" she whispered.
She gently ran her nails across his stomach, making him cry out in surprise. His cock was rock hard and she moved from his chest to his waist and eased it inside her. She listened to his cries of pleasure filter through her used underwear and out through the single hole in the mask.
The cries tailed off and James, who could see absolutely nothing, rested his hands on her warm thighs.
"You okay to sleep in that mask?" she asked.
"Would that turn you on?"
"Mmm, maybe a little," she replied bashfully.
"Can we make love again first?"
"I have to get back to my daughter."
"We'll see."
She hugged him one more time before leaving the cell and closing and locking the door on him. On a high from love making, and more in love than she wanted to admit, Belinda's boots clipped her back up the cell block. Her body glowed. She loved the feel of wearing no underwear, it let her butt bounce up and down. She was also without her bra and her breasts were moving. She knew James would sleep well in his vault. Now she just had to calm herself so that she would have a chance to sleep.
Part 2
Belinda rushed home to check on her daughter who was still sleeping soundly. She walked back into her own bedroom and locked the door behind her. She took the key from the lock and pushed it into her front jeans pocket where it jangled against the keys from the jail. 'We're both locked up tonight Jamie', she whispered to herself as she removed her boots, her jeans and her top. Underneath she was naked, having left her underwear with James inside the locked cell.
She lit a small candle and turned off the lights; the flame flickering around her small bedroom. She could still smell James's scent on her body. It was on her arms and on her breasts. She sat on the bed and smelt her legs where his aftershave was particularly strong on her inner thighs. She flicked her head forward, her long dark hair covering her face, and looked down at her bare crotch. She was so hot and so desperate to feel his touch again.
Belinda climbed off the bed and tiptoed back to her bedroom door, her bare body bouncing with each step. She turned the handle and tried to open the door. The door rattled slightly in its frame, but was secure, sending a shiver of excitement down her spine. She peered through the keyhole and out into the hallway. She ran her fingertips around the edge of the empty keyhole as she fantasised about being trapped.
She wasn't really trapped. The keys were in her discarded jeans and she could retrieve them at anytime. James didn't have that luxury. He was locked in a maximum security cell, his hands and feet cuffed and his head locked inside a steel mask... and the keys to his locks were also in the pocket of her jeans.
She picked up her used jeans, folded them carefully and put away in her underwear drawer. This drawer also had a lock and she turned the key to make her imprisonment just a little more real. She closed her eyes and tossed the drawer key over her shoulder. It wouldn't take long to find in her small room, but for now at least, she had no idea where it had landed. She lay back on her bed and opened her legs.
Throughout her life, men had tried to control her and leave her with little control. She had pandering to 'their' desires. Now she had complete control over one of the most amazing guys and one who seemed happy to pander to her desires. There was at least one guy in the world who was doing nothing but waiting for her tonight and that thought made her feel strong and important.
'Fuck!' her fingertips were firing so much electricity into her thighs that she almost daren't touch between her legs. Fuck, if only she had James's lips to touch her instead. Ha, she did have his lips, together with the rest of his fucking sexy body. It was all hers, she'd just put her toys away for the night.
She touched herself and cried out from inside her locked room. Fuck, that was awesome and it wouldn't be the last time the crazed up brunette would touch herself before morning.
She relaxed and rolled over on to her side. 'Opps!' She reached down and picked up the key to James's steel mask that had fallen out of her pocket. On her bedside table was a roll of sticky tape that she'd used to wrap her daughter's birthday presents. She placed the small strangely shaped key high up on her inner thigh and used a strip of tape to stick it in place.
She lay on her side and closed her womanly legs together, burying the small key somewhere deep inside. 'You won't be escaping that mask tonight Jamie,' she purred into her pillow, feeling the key between her thighs, 'and you sure as hell won't be getting at that key without me waking... my super sensitive clit is on guard...'
Belinda hadn't slept much, but she still felt fantastic as she left her house the next morning. Leaving her daughter with her mum, she drove to the gaol and was soon walking back down the empty, echoing cell block and standing outside the tiny punishment cell.
She was wearing a black fitted blouse and a mid thigh length gray skirt with heels. The outfit was tighter and dressier than she usually wore to work, but the thought of James in the cell made her feel too sexy to wear anything else. Plus she wanted to look good for when she finally gave James back his sight.
She crouched down outside the cell door to make sure the skirt allowed her to do that and also to feel the sexy touch of the material as it pulled tight around her hips and thighs. With the skirt pulled taut, she could barely open her thighs. 'Perfect,' she thought, knowing that the key to James's mask was still taped to her inner thigh.
Inside the cell, James had spent a surreal night. From the moment Belinda had turned the key he knew he had no chance of escape, but it was the other restraints that she'd chosen for him that were really playing with his mind. The cuffs that she had locked on his hands and feet meant her. He was now disorientated and vulnerable.
He listened as the key turned in the lock and footsteps entered, "Who is it?"
Belinda knelt down, her skirt pulling tight, and watched his sightless head turn left and then right.
"It's the bitch who owns the key to your mask."
"Belinda! What time is it?"
"Time has no meaning to you my darling," she purred, "just do as I say."
James's exposed cock was hard and Belinda could feel moisture building between her legs. She pulled up her skirt, pulled her panties to one side and lowered herself down on to his erect cock. Very slowly and gently at first, but soon she was sitting astride him with her full weight bearing down. Trapped beneath her, hands and feet chained together and pinned down under her butt, sightless and confused, James could do nothing but enjoy the pure pleasure of sex.
She knew he was bewildered and disorientated, but that only added to her feeling of power. It felt like she was taking her dolly out of the box, ready to play with. He'd still barely spoken a word by the time they orgasmed again.
"Belinda? Belinda?"
"This mask is driving me crazy," James panted. He had tried everything to pick the small screw like lock, desperate for just a moment's reprieve.
"Not enjoying the scent of my panties?"
"That's all I can smell."
"Good... but I'm not going to return your sight quite yet... first you have to do something for me..."
Belinda stood up, repositioned her underwear and pulled her skirt back down. She stood with one high heeled shoe either side of his neck as she explained the cost of freedom. She had a tour group arriving and he would be her model. He would play the part a real life prisoner, bringing the tour to life and no doubt bringing her close to sexual orgasm.
She unlocked the cuffs on his hands and feet and took him by the hand and led her sightless man out of the cell and down the cell black corridor. He now had no idea where he was, which way he was pointing or who was there.
"You're usually trying to touch my body by now," Belinda said, taking his hands and placing them on the tight skirt that encircled her hips.
"Fuck, you feel fantastic!"
James knelt down and pressed his tight fitting metal mask against the front of her skirt, hoping to feel her warmth, "Oh fuck, I want you!"
"Just obey me... and you will have me."
"What about the group?"
"It's okay, I'll look after you darling," Belinda whispered as she squeezed his hand and locked him into one of the empty cells.
Belinda walked out to fetch the group of French students that comprised five women aged between eighteen and twenty one. They were on a three week trip to learn the language and also to learn something about the country they were visiting. They were evidently interested both in the old gaol and, in particular, the athletic physique of the 'prisoner' that they took turns to peer at through the grille in the cell door.
Belinda explained how the mask was used to punish prisoners.
"Wow, can he really not remove it?" one asked.
"No," Belinda smiled, feeling the key still attached to her thigh.
She continued to explain about the prison and the cell and then handed the key to the cell door to one of the group.
"Tell him to lie down with his hands behind his back," Belinda advised, "only then unlock the door."
Being ordered to lie face down on the floor by an eighteen year woman was embarrassing, but he knew Belinda wanted him to do it, plus it was the only way that his sexy brunette would let him out of the mask. Seconds later the door was opened and four women rushed in to hold him to the ground while the fifth tried to lock cuffs on both his hands and feet him.
James decided to have some fun by pulling his arms away and trying to stand up. He was strong, but much outnumbered. Plus any chance of escape was pretty much removed when one of the girls sat on the steel ball that contained his head, her thighs gripping it tightly. With his head immobilised, he gave up and let them chain his hands and feet.
"Does someone want to look after the key to the cuffs?" Belinda asked.
A blonde at the front was the first to respond and within seconds it disappeared inside the pocket of her jeans.
"Just don't lose it," Belinda replied, "there isn't a spare."
"Can't I keep it as a souvenir?"
"Mmm, that might limit his life options."
"Would he mind?" the blonde smiled seductively.
James's shuddered as he felt a hand touch his hard cock. Fuck, this was humiliating. There was laughter, quickly spoken French and then another hand. Oh fuck, 'Belinda get me out of this' he shuddered.
"Okay, get him up," Belinda ordered and five pairs of hands, less one errant hand, pulled him to his feet.
The girls cruelly faced James towards a concrete wall and laughed as he walked straight into it.
"Now bring him out of the cell and you can experience what it would have been like to be locked up here," Belinda hissed.
The girls were less enthusiastic about this, but dutifully let James go and stayed inside the cell as Belinda closed the door on them, slid the bolt across and closed the viewing grille.
"I so sorry," she giggled to James, "but your cock really is very hard."
"I can't help it!"
Belinda hugged him, although her giggles gave away her obvious enjoyment.
"Do you want me to lock you in the cell with them and leave you there?" she breathed, "I wonder if you'd survive."
She unzipped his trousers and took hold of his cock, while James could only stand there helplessly, breathing hard, every breath filtered through Belinda's underwear.
There was excited chatter as Belinda unlocked cell door and freed her group. She could tell from the look in some of the girls' eyes that the experience of being locked up hadn't been too unpleasant. She stood to the side as they filed out of the cell and then led them along the cell block. Two of the girls guided James as he shuffled in his foot cuffs, amusing themselves by touching his cock at regular intervals.
With her group still more interested in James's body, Belinda continued to explain the routine of prison life and stories about failed escape attempts. They moved on to the old wooden stocks and the girls were more than happy to force James to his knees and shut his neck inside the heavy structure. There was no need to lock his hands in the stocks as they were still cuffed behind his back.
There was also no need to padlock the stocks as three of the five girls were now using the top edge of the stocks as a temporary seat as Belinda continued her talk. James couldn't see anything, but guessed that they must be sitting on top of him by the whispered French and the constant tapping of their shoes and boots against his steel head.
With the tour now over, Belinda led the group back to reception and then returned to her prisoner who was still kneeling, slumped inside the stocks. She had expected him to get out from the stocks, but then noticed that one of the girls had flipped down the padlock hasp, trapping James inside.
""Well done darling! You definitely get your reward."
"Maybe let me out of this mask?"
Belinda sat down on top of the stocks, hitched up her skirt and peeled off the sticky tape from her thigh to free the key. Spreading her legs, she rubbed its tip against her panties, spelling out little messages for James that he had no chance of reading. The key having done its important work, Belinda inserted it into the lock and effortlessly opened the mask. She then untied and freed him from her damp panties
"Thank you!" he gasped, blinking up at her, "any chance getting out of the stocks."
"Not with me sitting on them," she replied, running her hand through his dark hair and guiding his lips against her thigh, "Kiss me..."
Belinda watched James kiss her as if worshipping her inner thigh. Her power had reduced him to this, "If I was to stand up and unlock you, will you take me back to your hotel and make love to me?"
"What do you think?" James replied, his cock now longing for her warm soft body to counteract all the steel and concrete.
She stood up and opened the stocks. She inspected the cuffs; the girls had done well, there was no way he was going to get out of them. One click in each lock and he was free, standing back up to his full height and stretching out his back.
"So did you enjoy that tour?" she asked, as he took hold of her arms, backed her up against the nearest wall and kissed her tenderly.
"Yes," he breathed between kisses, "I'm volunteering for tomorrow's."
"I'm now yours for the whole day," she smiled sweetly, her bobbing ponytail now looking quite innocent.
"And tonight?"
She shook her head, knowing she couldn't introduce him to her daughter, at least not yet, "But don't worry. After a day with me you'll be so exhausted you'll be begging me to lock you back in the tiny punishment cell for some rest."
"Oh really?" James smiled as he playfully slapped her butt and led them out of the gaol and back to his hotel.
James and Belinda had spent the day in James's hotel room, naked and barely moving from the bed. James was now on top of her naked wriggling body, lying head to toe so that his head was between her legs. Between fits of giggles, Belinda fought to free herself, but his strong body held her securely to the bed. She loved being trapped beneath him, even if the feel of his lips on her vagina was almost too much to take.
She grabbed his thighs and pulled them closer until they touched against the sides of her face. Mmm, she was now trapped between them and unable to move her head. Moments later though, she regretted her decision as his lips again kissed between her legs and now she was even more restrained and even less able to fight back against the waves of pleasure.
"Every kiss earns you another hour in the punishment cell," she shrieked uncontrollably, now in pleasure overload. James immediately kissed her again, "I mean it!"
"Promise?" he replied.
"Yes and you're heading for a life sentence!"
"I mean it! Without sex... me and my panties will be the wrong side of the door!"
"No panties?"
Belinda cried out in delight, trying desperately not to climax again, "And you're going straight back in that mask. Locked up, no escape! No way for you to kiss my clit!"
"You really want that?"
Belinda let herself go and enjoyed the thrill of the climax. She lay exhausted on the fresh white sheets, her legs flopped wide apart, James's head lying peacefully between them.
"You can move your head," she smiled.
"Stay there too long and I'll put my panties back on with your head inside."
James was exhausted and lay there enjoying her scent as Belinda wriggled around beneath him, found her blue underwear and eased it up between her legs. James opened one eye and watched as it came closer and closer and then pulled up and stretched tight over his head.
"Ha! Now I've got you."
Belinda rolled him over so that they lay head to toe on their sides with James's head and Belinda's butt sharing the same pair of panties, pulled tight to accommodate them both.
"I told you that you wouldn't survive a day with me," Belinda smiled, "and now look at you. Passed out inside my panties."
James opened his eyes and reached for the frilly hem of the blue satin underwear.
"Hey!" Belinda cried, slapping his hand.
"You don't escape the gaol cell until I say so... so why should you escape my panties before I say so."
"You're using your underwear as a form of state imprisonment?"
James lay with his face against her clit, breathing in her scent; his breathing blowing warm air across her clit and sending tingles through her body.
Belinda lifted the frilled elastic hem so that James could remove his head. However, before he could turn around, she pulled him towards her and wrapped her strong thighs around his head. James tried to prise them open but soon gave up.
"Fuck, Belinda you don't need the jail, you can just use your legs," he half laughed, half mumbled into her body.
Belinda opened up for a millisecond so she could position James even more tightly between her curvy legs, so that his nose was now pushing between her cheeks. Her body now engulfed James's eyes, nose, mouth and ears, leaving him in a helpless Belinda world.
"Just think of my legs as your jail cell... you wouldn't try and escape from the cell, so don't try and escape from my legs."
Belinda stroked his dark hair, his face nuzzling up to between her legs, his eyes all but hidden from view.
"That's right honey, you are mine until I release you," her voice soothing, her words menacing.
James was exhausted, both from the thrill of spending the night in the cell and the excitement and exertions of a day making love to Belinda. In his mind she had changed from the cute woman on the front desk to a woman whom he loved and a woman whom he must obey. 'Once between Belinda's thighs, always between Belinda's thighs," he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm soft confinement of her legs. Maybe he could escape, but he had no intentions of doing so until she released him from her embrace.
Later that afternoon, James and Belinda lay in bed eating room service. They were lovers with an extra special relationship. Belinda looked into his dark eyes, overhung by dishevelled hair, but it wasn't only his athletic physique that made him so gorgeous. She kissed his firm lips and then pointed down to her open her legs. Within seconds he had slid down the bed and placed his head between them.
Belinda rolled on to her side and closed her legs. James looked out from beneath the weight of her upper thigh towards her big brown eyes and the impossibly cute lips that were now out of his reach.
"Good boy," she purred.
"Do all men fall under your spell so easily?"
"I'm glad to see you accepting your fate."
"Will you let me go?"
"No," she breathed, "you belongs to me."
She shook her head and stretched out on the mattress, her thighs tightened around his neck. She glowed with the feeling of power as James touched and massaged her body. He could do whatever he liked to her, as long as he didn't remove his head from between her legs.
The longer she waited and the longer James remained trapped, the more the feeling of power consumed her. When it became too much for her body to take, she would simply order him to kiss her and take her back to that special place.
They made love yet again and then took the longest shower. They redressed, James in blue shirt and tan chinos and Belinda in a short blue dress and heels. They went out for an early dinner and then returned to the gaol. They walked through the dark, echoing cell block and into a cell which Belinda had already prepared with sofa cushions, covered with a white sheet, and candles.
James loved the anticipation of once again becoming Belinda's prisoner and he pushed her back against the concrete wall and swept her hair out of her eyes. He tilted her head up and kissed her expectant lips.
"Tonight I'm going to be a prisoner too," she spoke excitedly.
James looked enquiringly down at her.
"I have a friend who will lock us in," Belinda explained, "I once locked her up and now she's agreed to do the same to me."
"Does she know about me?" James asked.
"Unfortunately not, it's all too hard. You'll have to remain my beautiful secret."
James looked puzzled, "How will she not see me?"
Belinda bent down and pushed the cushions to the other side of the small cell. Underneath was a heavy steel grate covering a small opening in the cell floor, about half a metre square. She crouched down and heaved it up to reveal a small space below.
"This is both the cell toilet and your hidey-hole."
"You're kidding?"
"It's the only way I can smuggle you in."
James peered through the opening. It was effectively a large pipe that quickly turned into a much smaller pipe which then disappeared into the darkness.
"They actually used it as a means of punishment," Belinda explained, as usual the expert on torture techniques, "prisoners would be locked down there and then urinated on... but don't worry, I don't need to pee."
"You sure?!"
"Well you did keep pouring the champagne..."
Slightly concerned that Belinda had yet another fetish that he wasn't aware of, James wriggled feet first into the pipe until his head was directly below the opening. His champagne loving woman lowered the grate down on top of him, giving him an all access view up her dress.
"I hope you don't need the toilet?" James joked.
"Well actually," she purred, crouching down on the grate with her legs apart.
Having teased him, Belinda turned around and started to light the candles. James now had a perfect view of her skimpy underwear that did little to cover her butt and decided that he could have more fun without a heavy set of bars between them. He pushed up and opened the grate.
"No, Kate will be here soon!"
Belinda gave him her school teacher stare and stood back on top of the grate which quickly banged back down under her weight, "Do I really need to lock you in?" she asked rhetorically before locking the grate in place with a padlock, "Now stay!"
She pulled the cushions back over the grille and sat down on top of them, fidgeting nervously, crossing her legs back and forth and picking at her nails. A couple of inches below her, James waited in the dark, hoping that this mysterious Kate wouldn't be long.
"Make sure you have the key to this padlock before Kate locks us in," James called from beneath her."
That brought a smile to her lips, "Mmm, that wouldn't be good for either of us."
Ten minutes later Belinda heard footsteps in the cell block and a few seconds later the sound also filtered down into James's insulated cell.
Like Belinda, Kate also worked part time at the gaol. She was in her early forties and had also separated from her husband. She and Belinda had much in common and often confided in each other about work, families, men and more recently fantasies, although Belinda had yet to tell Kate about James.
The women shared a common fascination with the gaol and the fact that so many men had been locked up there. Both women had known many men that they'd have liked to lock up and throw away the key. Unfortunately, just working at the old gaol and museum didn't give you the right to lock up male fuckwits.
Kate appeared at the open cell door in white t-shirt, faded blue jeans and boots. Her jeans moulded to her having been ground into her shape, beaten down by numerous wears. Her clothes, together with her long wild blonde hair and small tattoos on her wrists gave her a rock chick look.
"This is very cosy Bel," Kate said in her husky Irish accent as she sat on the cushions next to Belinda, you sure you're not expecting company?"
"Did you bring any cute men with you?"
Kate smiled and shook her head, "So who are you going to fantasise about when I lock you in?"
"Just you my pervy friend," Belinda replied.
Both women heard a clang following by a moan as James moved slightly in the pipe beneath them.
"What was that?" Kate asked, now up on her knees and trying to move the cushions, "Move Bel!"
Belinda knew the game was up, "Okay, okay, I may have some company."
"You bitch, he's gorgeous," Kate cried as both women looked down through the grate.
"This is James, my little secret."
James tried to introduce himself, but Kate had other priorities.
"Now hand over the key to the grate Belinda."
Still feeling guilty about hiding this from her friend, Belinda placed the padlock key into Kate's waiting hand and from there it disappeared into Kate's waiting pocket.
"Enjoy your night in here," Kate smiled.
"No Kate, you can't!"
Kate was already at the cell door and seconds later she swung it shut and locked it. Belinda pushed pointlessly at the locked door, both angry and embarrassed.
"Bel, you should know better than anyone that there's no way out of these cells."
Belinda tried to reach thought the bars of the small observation window, her fingers only reaching as far as Kate's low cut top.
"It's in the back pocket of my jeans," Kate said in her naturally sexy voice, "but touch my breasts if you like."
"I know I should have told you about James." Belinda was still playing with Kate's top.
Kate's eyes were smiling, "Right now I'm so jealous... I'm certainly not unlocking this cell until tomorrow."
Belinda's big pleading eyes looked at her through the bars.
"But I'm not a complete bitch," Kate breathed as she stuck her hands into her back pocket and gave Belinda the warm key, "I wouldn't want to deprive him of your cute body. Unlock him and give me this key back."
Belinda looked confused, but did as Kate asked and unlocked the padlock and passed the key back through the bars to Kate's waiting hand and waiting pocket.
"Perfect," Kate had teasing smile on her face, "now before I release you in the morning, your sexy guy must be locked back inside his hole."
"But you have the key?"
Kate blew her friend a kiss and closed the viewing window, "Sleep well, sweetheart... you too Jamie," she smiled as she walked away leaving the lovers locked inside.
"Why did you make so much noise?" Belinda scolded, "I'm almost tempted to lock you in and leave you to Kate's mercy!"
"Fuck Kate," James breathed excitedly, "it's just you and me locked up together for the night."
Belinda was smiling again and quickly removed the padlock and helped James up. She was shaking with excitement as she pushed against the door that Kate had locked, "There really is no way to get out. I don't even have a phone."
She turned around so find James's lips waiting for her. His hands were exploring beneath her short dress and he even removed her black silk underwear without breaking the kiss. Seconds later and he had unzipped her dress which landed on the floor next to her bra. She was now naked and locked in a cell with a sexy guy. She couldn't control herself as she shivered and panted.
"What shall I do to you first?" James asked, having kicked off his boxer shorts.
Belinda dipped out from under his arms and ran to the other side of the cell, shivering with excitement. James walked towards her and again she dodged him and ran towards the locked door.
"There's no way out," he smiled, his muscles glinting in the candle light.
Belinda was too keyed up to reply.
He approached her again, took her hand and lay her down on the white sheet. Despite the strength of his body and his provocative body language, James was amazingly gentle. His head was between her legs, kissing her tenderly. She felt so safe knowing that he would obey her. She closed her thighs around James's head and he immediately relaxed, just stroking her legs, waiting for her to release him.
Only when she was ready did he lie on top of her and ease himself inside. It took neither of them more than a few seconds, the excitement of being there having already taken them most of the way. They lay together in the candle light before going again.
They hadn't been asleep for long when the sun started to shine through the small barred window. James woke to find Belinda's head on his chest and her arms still around him. He always slept well in captivity and evidently so did she.
"Kate will be here soon," Belinda groaned, "I need to put you back in the drain."
"Was she serious about that?"
"Believe me, she was... I'm not the only one around here with twisted fetishes."
"Wanna come in with me?"
"No, now get in!" Belinda cried.
They dressed and James slid back inside the pipe while Belinda sat on the edge of the opening and dangled her feet against his head.
"Is this Kate's idea or yours?" James asked, kissing Belinda's toes one by one.
His kisses tickled, "Is there any part of my body that you're not obsessed with," she giggled as she tried to take the tickling punishment without kicking him in the face.
When the tickling became too much, Belinda lowered the grate and sat on it with her legs wide apart. Now James lips focused on her bottom and between her legs which he kissed as best he could through the grate.
"Our jailer's coming, behave!" Belinda whispered as she locked the grate in position with the padlock.
Kate's footsteps approached and the rock chick looked in, "How are my prisoners?"
Kate was impressed. Not only was Belinda confident enough to indulge in kinky games, but she also had the cheek to smuggle in a guy. The way she'd hidden him in the sewer and sat on top of him was so cool.
Locking them in together had been fun and had been the highlight of Kate's otherwise shitty day. The ideas of being helpless aroused her and Kate was already toying with the idea of asking Belinda to return the favour.
Kate looked in to see Belinda sitting crossed legged on top of the grate with a strangely demure look on her face. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her dress was sitting neatly on her body, even if it did little to cover her legs. Between Belinda's open legs she could just make out James's head and the locked padlock. Kate blushed, she had that key!
She quickly unlocked the cell door and walked in with a tray of coffees and muffins.
"You guys have fun?" Kate asked in her Irish lilt.
"You put him back in his box."
James started to talk to Kate, but Belinda jealously shuffled her butt forward slightly and put her legs together to block him from sight. The women started to sip their drinks while James's coffee stood untouched on the edge of the grate.
Belinda played with the locked padlock while Kate tried to see past Belinda's legs to catch a glimpse of James. Knowing that they couldn't do much without the key in Kate's pocket, Belinda finally opened her legs so that James and Kate could make eye contact.
"I hope you don't think I'm a bitch for making you go back in there, Jamie, but I knew Bel wasn't going to introduce us otherwise," Kate purred.
"Not at all, I love sewers."
Having failed to stop James and Kate from meeting, Belinda stood up and walked off to use the bathroom.
"Any chance you can unlock me?" James asked.
Kate stood above him, aimlessly poking her boot through the grate, "Yeah..." she replied absentmindedly.
Belinda returned to find James still beneath the grate.
"May I?" Belinda asked as she reached into the back pocket of Kate's jeans and pulled out the key.
"What?" Kate was miles away.
"You okay?"
Belinda crouched down and released James from his cell. Kate was still distracted and was now pulling at her faded jeans that seemed to be hugging her more tightly. She looked around at Belinda, her pupils dilated.
"Can you leave me in the cell?" Kate asked uncertainly.
Belinda and James watched as Kate undressed and bundled up her clothes. Belinda took the warm clothes and held them to her face for a moment at she breathed in. James studied the look between the two women with interest.
"Have fun," James smiled as he kissed Kate on the cheek and then turned to find that Belinda had already left the cell and locked the door.
Belinda reopened the door so that James could leave and then closed and relocked it, this time with just Kate inside. The gaol would be open to the public later that day, but no-one would ever know that there was a naked rock chick blonde in the last cell, touching herself and waiting for Belinda to return.
In the cool air and early morning light of the new morning, Belinda seemed conspicuously overdressed. Her short blue dress clung to her soft curves just as tightly as it had done the night before and still sprayed out and stopped midway down her tanned thighs. The silky dress and high heels still made her legs look long and crazily sexy.
Belinda was trembling as she clipped up the cell block, her mind yet to fully process the event of the night. Kate was one of her closest friends and during many hours together on the front desk of the gaol they had talked about incarceration. Little by little they had admitted to both themselves and each other their fascination of being locked up and locking people up. The friends had never experimented, despite having many cells at their disposal, but had talked at length with both Belinda and Kate careful to hide their real interest and growing arousal.
So it had been easy enough for Belinda to ask Kate to lock her in a cell for the night. That alone would have been exciting for Belinda, the feel of captivity and helplessness at the hand of her crazy blonde friend. Having James hidden in the cell with her had made the situation even more thrilling, even if she hadn't planned on Kate finding out about her secret male companion.
But now the floodgates were open, she knew that Kate would ask her to return the favour and it was no surprise that Kate had asked to be locked up naked. She'd confided that fantasy to Belinda on multiple occasions, but still it felt strange seeing Kate's slim exposed body inside the locked cell. She was no longer her slightly crazy colleague, she was now a sexy kinky woman over which she had total power.
James started to follow Belinda back out through the cell block, but his curiosity got the better of him and he walked back to Kate's locked cell. He opened the small observation window to see her sitting on the cushions, her knees drawn up into her body, her long crinkly blonde hair lying wildly around her slim face. She was still naked, Belinda having taken every last stitch of her clothing, and she had made no attempt to cover herself with the white sheet.
Upon seeing James's face, Kate smiled, rolled up on to her bare feet and crept like a predator across the concrete floor. Ironically she looked in full control, a sexually dominant woman, her pert breasts bouncing modestly, her hair lying wildly around her face.
"You must think I crazy to want to be locked up completely naked," Kate breathed, her face now almost touching the bars.
"Not necessarily," James replied.
"Bel and I were playing around with fantasies.... and this was mine."
"On your own?"
Kate looked slightly solemn, "You wanna want to join me?"
"Belinda has the key... I'm as unable to get in and you are to get out."
"There's more of the world on your side of the door..." Kate breathed, "This tiny concrete box is all I have."
"You want me to feel sorry for you?" James replied, amused by Kate's seemingly selective memory, "You locked us in here last night!"
Kate pushed her naked body up against the cold door and pulled at the bars of the small observation window with a look of aroused frustration across her dilated blue eyes. She could see why Belinda liked this guy, his shining brown eyes were making summersaults inside her body.
"Do you want to know what I did after I locked you away last night?" Kate breathed.
"What you're doing right now?"
Kate smiled, her arousal covering any slight embarrassment.
James studied her surprisingly attractive face and thought back to last night. She had forced Belinda to lock him back in the drain and she had taken pleasure in standing on the grate and teasing him, enjoying her position as the all powerful key holder. But now she was helplessly locked up herself and yet was still aroused to distraction
"You must be this cell most willing inhabitant," James remarked as Kate licked her lips.
"Until I lock you back in here tonight," Kate panted.
"Big talk for someone so helpless, Belinda may not let you out."
"I'll handcuff you as well," Kate's eyes were losing focus as she gazed through the small observation grille.
"Chain me spreadeagle and you can make me do anything," James suggested, teasing her by touching his tongue against his lips.
Kate's eyes immediately came back into focus and her cries became louder. She tried to kiss him through the bars, but came tantalisingly short. James watched on with interest as the cries subsided and then blew the crazy blonde a kiss and closed up her window.
Kate stared at the steel plate that had blocked the small window. Fuck, those sexy brown eyes had disappeared far too quickly, but she was still on a high from the thrill of being locked up and the risk of being found naked in her cell. The fact that James was outside only added to the pleasure, even though Belinda would probably have him locked safely away before releasing her from her cell.
James returned to the front desk to see Belinda neatly folding Kate's clothes and placing them in her locker. Given the care which with Belinda had folded Kate's world possessions, it didn't seem that poor Kate would be leaving the jail anytime soon.
"So even if she escapes the cell, she'll have no clothes," James smiled as he playfully slapped Belinda's bottom and tried to lead her towards the front door.
"Feeling sorry for her?"
"How can I feel sorry for someone trapped under your lock and key?" James rolled his eyes.
"Mmm, well I won't be unlocking her cell door and fucking her... and neither will you!"
"Oh yeah, that reminds me..."
James reached around Belinda's waist and pulled her towards him. Belinda tried to resist, aware that she had to change out of her flirty dress and take her daughter to school, but she had no way to break James's insistent grip and his overwhelming desire to kiss her. At least she didn't have to open the gaol to the public until midday.
"Let's go for breakfast," James said, his arms still holding tightly around Belinda's waist.
It was amazing how cocky and confident James could be when he wasn't inside a locked cell.
"Breakfast... in handcuffs," Belinda announced as she broke free and smoothed down her short dress as far as it would go.
"I don't think I've seen that movie."
"Oh you should," she replied as she double locked high security hinged cuffs tightly around his wrists, "the guy does exactly what he'd told... for fear of Holly, played by me, tossing away the cuffs keys."
"Did you watch the same movie as me?"
Belinda playfully poked out her tongue. "And believe me, you'll love the ending..."
They closed the front door of the gaol with Kate still up locked inside with no possible chance of human interaction. Belinda, however, walked side by side with her gorgeous man, one arm wrapped around his sexy waist. The jacket draped over his manacled hands hid the handcuffs from view, but still the cuffs were having the desired effect on them both.
James felt the usual excitement of being owned by this voluptuous woman. His eyes darting between her smouldering brown eyes, to her tight dress and to her legs. This was exciting. She may have been able to inflict higher security at the gaol, but now they were in public, with Belinda having the power to reveal his plight or just to leave him on a street corner totally unable to free himself.
Belinda had James's undivided attention and was enjoying the feeling of his manacled hands as they reached across and continued their never ending quest to explore her body. This was perfect, by locking him in cuffs, she had taken their games, and his seemingly unending obsession for her, into the real world. She knew questions would be asked, but she didn't care as she pulled into her driveway and led James into her small suburban house.
"Breakfast in handcuffs... at your place?" James smiled as he looked around her small untidy kitchen.
"I know it's untidy..."
"I love it... does it have a bedroom?"
"Don't!" Belinda groaned, her daydreams suddenly interrupted by reality, "I have to pick up my daughter!"
"That's okay I'll wait."
"Glad to hear it," Belinda giggled, "cos' I don't suggest you wonder too far from me while you're in those cuffs."
"Oh they're staying on?"
"Aha, until you're back in jail."
Belinda was slipping out of her short blue dress and straight into a tight sleeveless white top and blue jeans that she pulled from a basket of clean washing on the kitchen table. Belinda was an amazing woman, her late thirties body had never been trained in the gym, but yet seemed to fill perfectly whatever she wore.
She discretely pushed the cuff keys into the back pocket of her jeans so that James wouldn't see it and talk her into unlocking him and making love. She pulled her long hair back into a ponytail, pushed her feet into black ankle boots and within seconds had transformed back into a respectable 'mum'.
"I don't remember seeing these cuffs in the museum," James observed.
Belinda's smile turned into a giggle.
"There's not are they? They're some sort of uber secure thing you bought on the internet?"
"You'd better wait for me then," Belinda grinned as she left.
As the 'soccer mum' backed her car back out of the driveway, James retrieved Belinda's tight blue dress from the floor and held the soft material to his face. Fuck, last night had been fun, locked away with this nymphomaniac brunette. He enjoyed her scent once more and then walked upstairs and hung her dress carefully in her aging wardrobe. The doors didn't even close and the whole thing was leaning to the side. A modest place for a sexual goddess to hang her clothes.
Hindered by the hinged cuffs, James proceeded to make her bed, tidy her bedroom and then moved on to the rest of her small house. Apart from lingering longer than he should on her clothes and lingerie, he worked quickly and had finished tidying most of the small two bedroom house by the time Belinda returned.
"Oh my god! Thank you," Belinda cried as she walked in, "No one's ever done that for me before!" In her mind, James tidying her house seemed erotic.
"My pleasure."
"You didn't have to."
"I thought it might be wise," James smiled as he held up his wrists.
"Oh your wrists!" she cried, inspecting the red marks from the cuffs.
"Turns out its hard to make a double bed while wearing hinged cuffs."
"Oh god, let me loosen them for you."
The key was already out of her pocket and almost in the first keyhole before James could grab her hand and push it back behind her waist.
"Put it back darling."
As he kissed her lips, they quickly changed from worried and pursed to open and smiling. Fuck, he called her 'darling'. This guy tidied her house and called her 'darling'! Her jeans may have been buttoned tightly around her waist, but somehow he'd managed to make crazy things happen inside. She had to get them off.
"Think you can unbutton my jeans while wearing cuffs?" she asked.
Belinda's small shower was the perfect size for two people who didn't want to be apart. They were now naked except for James's white shirt which he couldn't remove while locked in the handcuffs. She ducked inside his chained hands and pushed her bouncing breasts up against his chest to pin him against the old white tiles.
James dropped his conjoined hands down to her round butt and squeezed as he rubbed his hard cock against her. Belinda's arms were locked equally tightly around James's neck giving him no chance of escaping her lips or the gaze of her watchful brown eyes.
With the water pouring down on top of them, she felt him enter her and accidentally bit down on his lip that had been dangerously positioned between her teeth. Neither noticed.
They redressed, James in trousers and wet shirt that still clung to his chest. Belinda was wearing a tight sleeveless white top and blue jeans that her late thirties body seemed to fill perfectly.
It was almost time for Belinda to open the gaol for the afternoon session and so breakfast was downgraded to just coffee and a piece of toast in Belinda's kitchen and less than an hour later, Belinda and James were back at the gaol.
"Maybe I can run some tours this afternoon," James suggested, "after all I've experienced most things here."
The thought of working with James was exciting, but she knew he would be flirting with every woman who came in. Anyway, she had something else to try.
"I have another job for you," she replied.
Belinda had already dragged an old iron box that from the storeroom and positioned it behind her desk. It was about three foot in all directions and very old and heavy. The top could be lifted up on squeaky hinges to reveal a small space inside. Other than a small grille in the top, the box was completely solid and airtight.
"It's a torture box!" Belinda said switching into her guide voice, "Prisoners were locked inside, particularly in hot weather, and often left to die. And this one can double as my seat for the afternoon."
"So I may not get much air through this tiny grille then?"
"Depends what I had for breakfast," Belinda giggled.
The thought of locking James in the tiny box and sitting on him while she worked had Belinda buzzing. If the afternoon was quiet, then maybe she could even remove her jeans and underwear and sit on him naked. He wouldn't be able to touch her through the heavy grilled mesh, but maybe he could blow air at her, or maybe even the vibrations of his sexy voice would stimulate her.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
Shit, she needed to get him locked safely inside before she started to daydream. She heaved up the heavy lid and held it with two hands as James climbed in. It would probably have been easier if she removed his handcuffs, but the key felt too good in her back pocket. James was inside, just, and she lowered the lid down with an unintentional bang.
"Now security comes in two parts," she explained, "this padlock and my bottom."
Belinda laughed at her own joke as she sat down on the box.
The box was hugely tight and claustrophobic and from the moment Belinda sat down, it was also completely dark. James felt the unusual thrill of being imprisoned by the beautiful woman, this time amplified by the tight space. His emotions were on a knife edge; focus on the gorgeous woman sitting on top of him and he had a sexual rush, but focus solely on the locked box and he would panic. As a result, Belinda had complete control over both his body and his mind. Any length of time in here and he would become an even more subservient slave.
Belinda stood up and walked over to open the front door of the gaol and put out the welcome signs. Inside the box there was a small glimmer of light and a release of some of the hot air that had built up inside. The cool draft felt nice, but within minutes he heard the boots clipping back and felt the jeans sitting down.
James listened to the banal conversations. "Two tickets.... are you paying by credit card... enjoy your visit...."
There had been a number of guests and Belinda had served them all knowing that the temperature would be building again inside the box. At last, the reception was empty and she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them halfway down her thighs. She slid back on the box so that her crotch was above the small grille.
"Now remember, I'm the one with the key..." she breathed, not needing to finish the sentence.
"Oh fuck, if only," James cried, trying to force his smallest finger through the heavy mesh, "it's impossible."
"Do you really want to disappoint the girl with the key?"
"Fucking hell, Belinda, I'm fucking desperate to push my tongue into your vagina!"
"Mmm, the girl with the key would love that."
"You have to unlock this box!"
"The girl with the key wants to feel your tongue inside her first..."
James twisted his head and gazed lustfully at the black silk underwear that caressed and hugged her crotch. He positioned his lips and blew, in the hope that she might feel the air. Maybe she had, as she pulled her underwear to one side and James blew again. Maybe she could feel something.
She was now touching herself and working her own fingers into her vagina. Once wet, she gently pushed a key inside her and attached what looked like dental floss to the end, presumably so that she could remove it again. With the key now completely submerged, she let her underwear pull back into place. James then watched helplessly as she pulled her jeans back over her hips and buttoned them up tightly.
"I really has the key now," Belinda breathed, evidently still enjoying the feeling inside her.
With the prognosis of imminent freedom very poor, James reached down and within a minute had brought himself to orgasm.
It was already dark when the last of the visitors left the gaol and Belinda locked the door behind them. With no one around to see her, she stood in the middle of the entrance hall and removed her top, jeans and underwear. It felt exciting to be naked in a usually public place and she couldn't help herself from running bare foot into the nearest cell and closing the door behind her. At the other end of the cell block, Kate was in exactly the same position, apart from Kate's cell door was locked.
Merely the thought of being trapped naked inside the cell was sending bolts of energy through Belinda's body. Goose bumps were appearing everywhere. Fuck, Kate was on to a good thing. Maybe she should let Kate out so that Kate could lock her inside instead.
Belinda crept back to reception and pulled a short pink flowery dress, white underwear and black heels from her handbag. She then clipped into the toilets and took her time with her makeup and hair. Her lips were now bright red and her hair hanging loose and it was this provocative woman that clipped back and sat down on James's box.
"Wow, I love that dress and that perfume," James spluttered, overcome by Belinda's scent.
"Mmm, the girl with the key likes nice words."
"Is the girl with the key ever going to use the key?"
"I haven't felt you between my legs yet..."
The teasing, captivity and subservience were driving James crazy. "Oh fuck, you are the most gorgeous woman ever. I just want your body."
Belinda felt her body trembling. "Hold that thought darling, I first need to release Katie."
Belinda stood up and floated through the cell block and peered into Kate's cell.
"Hi Katie."
"Belinda, oh my god!"
"Goddess actual," she smiled, "Do you want me to release you?"
Kate nodded. Solitary confinement had started to play with her mind. After a day of being exposed and having nothing to play with other than her own body, she was spent. She'd listened to the voices of the visitors as they toured the gaol, imagining what they might look like and what would happen if they somehow came into her cell. Now she had to beg for her freedom from her tarty friend.
"Give me one good reason why I should turn this key."
"I'll do anything to you... I mean for you" Kate whispered, kneeling in the middle of the cell.
Belinda studied Kate's eyes that were large, blue and begging. She turned the key once and watched excitement replace frustration.
"Oh thank you!"
"Intense feeling isn't it," Belinda smiled as she walked in and ran her fingers through Kate's tangled blonde hair.
Kate's face was now against Belinda's inner thigh, but somehow it seemed totally natural. She pushed her head underneath Belinda's short dress and felt the soft warmth of Belinda's smooth skin sink into her face.
"Oh that feels so nice..." Kate breathed. She had spent the whole day desperately wanting to feel another body, even if it was her colleague's.
"Kiss me!" Belinda ordered.
Kate still spellbound kissed the woman's thigh.
"I think I'll lock you up until the morning."
Kate looked bewildered, unable to move as Belinda walked back out of the cell, pulled the door closed and turned the key. She withdrew the key and ran it between her painted lips.
Kate felt giddy, on an amazing high, and she dropped to all fours to steady herself.
"I may unlock you tomorrow or the day after," Belinda purred, "or I might leave you here forever."
Kate was both scared and as aroused as she'd ever been. She rolled onto her side and touched herself to finish what was all too inevitable. She cried out in delight, her head spinning wildly. The blonde looked almost drunk as she fought to refocus and staggered to her feet and over to the door.
"Please Belinda, I'll do anything to you! "I'll kiss your thigh again or anywhere you want..."
Belinda knew that the moment was right to end Kate's first experience and so unlocked the cell, walked in and gave her friend a hug. Kate was now laughing, with tears running down her mascara stained face.
"Fuck! I've never felt anything like it," Kate panted, steadying herself against her friend, "fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"Intense isn't it... I'm just looking forward to you kissing me 'anywhere'."
"What? Oh," Kate stammered as Belinda put an arm around her shoulders and led her naked friend back to reception.
A flood of emotions made Kate wobbly and uncoordinated as she dressed. After a day or wearing nothing, her jeans seemed to pull even more tightly around her butt and she pulled at the fabric trying to work out what had changed.
"Where is James?" she asked, pulling on her second boot.
Belinda pointed to the torture box come chair.
"Wow! Hello Jamie, you really are fucked in there," Kate exclaimed.
"Says the woman who spent the whole day naked in a cell!" James replied.
"Touché," Kate smiled back as she sat down on the box, "but at least I can do this."
"And there was me thinking you'd let me out."
"The only way out is to shrink down and squeeze through this mesh," Kate breathed, imitating the way Belinda had teased her earlier.
"Mmm, I might do that."
"Good, then I'd put you straight inside my jeans," Kate smiled.
"You horny bitch."
"Would you prefer to be confined in this box or my jeans," Kate continued, "my jeans would be infinite more secure and it'll be warm deep inside my panties..."
With Kate still bouncing up and down on the box, Belinda left to pick up Vietnamese takeaway and when she returned, the women ate the food at the desk with Kate still sitting on the box. Only once they had finished, did Belinda unlock the torture box and release James. He then spent several minutes stretching out his sore body before eating the remains of the food.
The three of them were now sitting around the desk with the women sharing some private joke.
"Okay, what's the plan tonight?" James asked slightly nervously, the two women having successfully removed his natural confidence.
"I'll tell you once they're on," Belinda replied, gesturing him to lie done of the floor.
"When what's on?"
"Umm..." Belinda paused before telling him, "I thought I might use some rivet to create you a pair of permanent shackles."
James could feel an erection building. Fuck, what had Belinda done to his sense of reason?
"They used rivet to permanently lock shackles around long term prisoners who would be spending the rest of their lives in jail. I assume they buried them with the shackles still on," Belinda giggled.
Fuck, Belinda looked sexy, that dress, those legs. James kissed her and lay down on his back on the stone floor. He lifted up his head so that he could see Belinda as she arranged some heavy chains.
"Honey, perhaps it'll be better if you don't watch," Belinda said, a little concerned that she would mess this up or bash her fingers with the hammer.
"Kate, can you..."
Kate let out an inadvertent giggle of excitement as she circled the prostrate man and sat down on his chest. She edged forward until his chiselled chin was nestled into the crotch of her faded jeans and his strong face was framed by her thighs.
"I like your games Bel," Kate smiled, her eyes locked on to James's.
"Just keep your pants on sweetheart," Belinda warned.
James's could still picture Kate's vulnerable, slim, naked body helplessly locked up in the cell and it seemed almost impossible that she could be exerting quite so much force on his neck.
Kate was aroused. It was either his presence or the atmosphere in the cell, and it was no secret that she would have preferred to be sitting on him naked. Her thighs had tightened around his head, holding him still as she subtly thrust her hips forward. The crotch seam of her worn blue jeans was now resting on his mouth and pushed up against his nose.
Meanwhile, Belinda had removed James's trousers and boxer shorts and was swinging the hammer and sending vibrations around the entrance hall. James mumbled something into Kate's crotch but neither woman understood. He wanted to see and tried to sit up, but Kate matched his movements and kept herself balanced on his neck. He remained trapped beneath Kate's butt for the few minutes that it took Belinda to finish her work.
"You can let him go now," Belinda announced as she walked around and crouched down above James's head that was still framed by Kate's legs. Belinda's pink summer dress was revealing at the best of time, but now crouched above him, did nothing to hide her body.
"Permanent shackles," Belinda smiled seductively, "How do they feel 'darling'?"
James looked up at her, aware that he had used the same term only a few hours earlier. The thrill of the situation had made him hard; the only question was whether he could rip Belinda's clothes off in time.
"Kate you can let him go now!"
Kate slowly climbed off James's body so that James could inspect the hugely heavy shackles that connected his feet leaving only a few inches between them. Belinda had hammered the rivets perfectly with the top mushrooming out, prevented it from opening.
Belinda stood above him, looking at the shackles that she had permanently hammered around her lover's ankles. The power was intoxicating, a couple of hits from her hammer and James was trapped, permanently riveted into the shackles. There was no going back until the shops opened in the morning and she could buy a hacksaw or whatever she needed to undo the simple taps of her hammer.
"That's it," she said, her voice raspy with emotion, "We can't get you out of them."
"And your room is waiting," Kate interrupted as she stole a quick kiss from James lips.
Belinda led the way, followed by James and then Kate along the cell block to a small metal door. She unlocked the door, leaving the key in the lock and led them down a narrow flight of steps on which James's foot shackles clanged loudly, through a second steel door and into a small underground cell.
Belinda had already prepared the cell exactly as it had been in her daydreams, with a single mattress, beautifully made with white sheets, candles, a bottle of champagne and a bucket with a lid in case required.
"Wow," James replied struck by the both intimidating and romantic atmosphere.
Belinda was giggly with excitement as she unlocked his handcuffs and then placed both the cuffs and the keys in the corner of the small cell. "I may need them later..." she purred.
"Now you two get to be on the wrong side of a locked door," Kate panted as she kissed Belinda's cheek and James lips.
Belinda and James stood motionless as Kate closed the small metal door and turned the key in the lock. Her sexually exhausted body climbed the steep stairs and pushed closed the second door. With a sense of satisfaction, she turned the second key and pulled it from the lock. With the keys in her pocket and her body desperate for sleep, she cut the lights and closed the gaols for the night.
"It just you and me until the morning," Belinda breathed as she took James's hand and pulled him down on to the bed."
Part 3 (added: 2017/07/08)
Kate had just locked them in the prison cell.
James looked across at Belinda's big brown eyes that were filled with a mixture of lust and excitement. Only the slight wrinkles beneath her eyes gave away her age, suggesting that she should be dressed in jeans and jumper and, spending time with her family, as opposed to being dressed in the shortest of short dresses and locked in an underground prison cell with a man she barely knew.
"I knew you'd appreciate the privacy and security," Belinda breathed, "There's no way we can escape and I doubt they'd even hear our cries for help from down here."
"Let's hope that Kate takes her time."
"Oh she will... judging by the look in her eyes she'll sleep for hours."
James looked around the ten foot square cell. It was an almost cube shaped concrete box with no windows and only two tiny grilles at the top on either side to let in the minimum air needed to survive. He checked out the solid steel door and pushed against it with shoulder. It was as solid as the concrete walls; nothing moved.
"We don't even have a keyhole," James stated.
"That's okay, we don't a key..." Belinda smiled.
"Mmm, that's with you colleague... at least she'd now put her clothes back on."
Belinda ignored the comment about Kate being naked and walked over to the locked door. "The key engages bolts that lock the door into its frame," she explained with her never ending knowledge about the gaol, "It's more like a vault door that a cell door. It has all sorts of security measures that will permanently lock the bolts in place if anything other than the key is pushed into the keyhole."
"Did you tell Kate all this?" James asked.
"Yep, she was very interested."
"Mmm, at least she knows how fucked we are without her key..."
James's mind turned to Kate, her cute face and her ridiculously sexy jeans. Her twisted mind would have really loved the idea of locking them inside something so secure and so inescapable. He'd be surprised if Kate was sleeping. She'd be too high from the events of the day and be lying naked on her bed thinking only of his and Belinda's predicament. Eventually she'd have to fall asleep and only once her exhausted body had had its sleep would she wake up and let them out. Belinda was right, they would be inside there for a while.
Belinda was now lying on her back on the mattress, her dress resting up on her spread legs and a 'please fuck me' look in her eyes. James shuffled over with his heavy riveted shackles dragging loudly on the stone floor. Struggling against the leg shackles, he eased himself down so that he was sitting astride her thighs.
"So you're the woman who permanently locked me in shackles," he said in his best gravely voice.
"Opps," Belinda giggled, one hand pulling his naked body down on top of her and the other hand easing his hard cock inside her.
"So does that make me your life long slave?"
"If you want to be..." Belinda breathed, losing focus and thrusting her hips into his.
"Mmm, we could have a jail cell in the basement..."
"Fuck, yeah!" she cried.
"And we could do this every night..."
"Yes! Fuck, yes!"
Their conversation and their helpless predicament made the first time short and intense and James rolled off her trembling body and hugged her tightly. Belinda lay next to him, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms. She hadn't known James for long, but she already felt terrified about losing him. Maybe that was why she had locked him in more and more secure restraints in the hope that she could somehow physically stop him from leaving her.
Although she wouldn't admit it, her life was hard. She was a single working mother bringing up her daughter, with limited money and little time for herself. She was closer to forty than thirty and until now had never met a man who seemed capable of loving or caring for her.
With James she not only felt safe and loved, but also powerful and in control. There was no better feeling that making love to him, having him worship her body and then leaving him under her lock and key. The sound of the locking door, the feel of wearing no underwear and the feel of the keys in her hand made her float. She glanced down at James's riveted shackles and wished as hard as she could that there was no way that they could ever be removed.
"Let's play find the key on my body," Belinda said as she reached over for the hinged handcuffs.
"Mmm, I do need more practice at that."
James rolled over and let Belinda lock and double lock his hands behind his back.
"Yes, you're terrible at that! Okay, you only had your mouth, but last time it took you an hour to find the key... and there weren't many hiding places as I was only wearing panties!"
This time Belinda placed the cuff key between her bare breasts and the tight pink material that encircled them, lay down and closed her big eyes. James was kissing her feet and his nose was tickling her toes.
"How can I hide a key on my bare feet!" she shrieked with laugher.
Ten minutes later and he'd only reached her thighs and as on previous occasions, that was Belinda's cue to roll on to her side and wrapped her legs around his head. Belinda strong thighs were more than capable of holding anyone between them, particularly a handcuffed man, who seemed to have to ambition to escape.
"The clock's ticking," she giggled.
She released his head to reveal his big teasing eyes manoeuvring themself in her crotch. He breached her silky white underwear with his tongue and pushed inside.
"The key's not in there today... but please keep looking!" Belinda cried louder and louder as his tongue brought her to orgasm.
James was now lying on his front between her open legs as he continued to kiss her vagina lips. Belinda placed her legs on top of his back and cross them behind his head to hold him deeply and tightly in place.
James brought her to orgasm a second time and then lifted his head up as far as possible in an attempt to see Belinda's eyes and beg for them to release him from the inescapable leg lock.
"Mmm?" she said.
James pulled his tongue out of her body so that he could talk. "I've still got half of your body to search?"
"You wouldn't make a very good policeman," she laughed, you'd take far too look to search the suspects.
"You'd be a great policewoman with an amazingly effective combination of cuffs and legs."
"Oh are you trapped?"
James rolled his eyes and decided not to continue this unwinnable conversation. In return, Belinda uncrossed her legs, but then turned over so that James's face sunk into her panty covered butt. Searching that took another ten minutes before James was allowed to escape and wriggle further up her thirty something body and kiss her breasts.
James finally found the keys, still pinned in place, and picked them up with his lips.
"Congratulations, that took you even longer than last time!"
"It the result that counts," he smiled, rolling around on the floor passing the key from his lips to his hands.
"You do know the keyholes are facing the wrong way for you!"
What 'darling'?" Belinda corrected, "That's if you want me to unlock you."
"Please 'darling'?" James asked.
"Mmm, go back between my legs and we'll see..."
James's lips brought her to orgasm yet again and he lay there kissing the inside of her inner thighs. All of his emotions seemed to be amplified by this woman. Funny was funnier, exciting was more exciting, scary was more scary and sexy was a hell of a lot sexier. The thought of plain vanilla sex with a plain vanilla woman no longer appealed.
"I'm moving to this city," he announced, still kissing her thigh.
"What!" Belinda sat up.
"Maybe we can see more of each other."
"You've seen quite a lot of me tonight," Belinda giggled excitedly.
"I want to see this much every night."
Belinda moved down and kissed his lips.
"Does that news get me out of these cuffs?" James asked, frustratingly unable to hug her.
"You're going to learn so much about me... and then you won't ask such silly questions."
Belinda's smiling eyes were damp, but still just as teasing and still just as determined to keep him chained. He kissed her again and again and watched as more moisture glistened in her beautiful brown eyes.
"Okay," she eventually smiled, "I'm just going to re-hide the key on my body..."
James and Belinda made love for hours and then fell asleep. They woke with only one candle still alight and now had no idea whether it was day or night. James shuffled over and pushed hard against the door.
"Still locked."
"What did you expect?" Belinda was sitting cross legged on the mattress, her short pink dress back on and her unbrushed hair pulled back over her shoulders, "We're prisoners of the horny, exhausted Irish girl and who know when she'll return."
Kate was still fast asleep and dreaming. She lived alone in an apartment where the double glazed windows and thick curtains kept out the world and as it was Sunday, she hadn't set an alarm. She rolled over in her sleep, breathed into her pillow, tensed and then relaxed her legs and then drifted back into deep sleep.
Little by little she slipped from dream world into reality. Yesterday had been amazing, locked up completely naked in a prison cell. 'Mmm', she stretched out under the white sheet and relived the feeling. She was now returning the favour with Belinda and James locked inside the underground cell. Returning the favour was also having an effect on her; her body was hot and the white underwear that stretched between her legs was damp.
She felt around for the keys. They'd been with her when she fell asleep and so must be somewhere nearby. She found the large cell key, the only one of its kind, and put it back where it had started the night between her legs.
She slowly climbed out of bed and took a long shower. She spent her time washing and brushing her wild blonde hair and took extra time with her makeup. Why rush when the tingling between her legs was so nice? She put on a fresh cream top and squeezed back into the same old blue jeans and boots. With the keys safely stowed, she left home and walked to the nearby cafe.
"Belinda not with you today?" the barista asked.
"No chance of that," Kate replied with a smile.
The barista gave her a quizzically look, but Kate ignored him, the feeling of power giving her such a rush. There was no way anyone other than her could free Belinda and James from beneath the gaol's solid stone floor. They were hers until she chose otherwise.
She sighed contentedly as her jeans rested on the wooden stool and she crossed her legs. Mmm, if anyone tried to pick that lock then the cell door would be permanently sealed leaving those locked behind it in big trouble. She recrossed her legs and felt the tight denim pull her underwear to one side. They were locked inside until she returned and she decided to release them and she wanted another coffee first.
Kate walk down the steep steps and arrived at the solid cell door. She tapped on the steel and shouted, "You guys okay?"
Kate smiled at the excitement in their voices. "Just checking," she called, "See you tomorrow."
"No please Katie!"
Kate reached down between her legs and listened to their pleading. This was fun. She finally pushed the large key into the door and used two hands to turn it and pushed open the door. She smiled as she realised that both candles had burnt out.
"How long have you been in the dark?"
"Hard to say," James replied, blinking at the light shining in from the small hallway.
"I see the permanent shackles are still on," Kate smiled helpfully.
"They go with my outfit," James joked.
"But honey, you're naked," Kate replied.
Belinda ignored the banter and kissed James reassuringly on the lips, "Don't worry darling, I'm sure there's a way to get them off," she mused, "We'll go to the hardware store straight after the cafe."
"How can I go to breakfast like this?"
"Mmm, good point, you'd better stay here darling."
As the women turned to leave, Kate saw the hinged cuffs on the floor, "Please can I Bel?" she asked in her sweetest Irish lilt.
"Sure, just make sure you double lock them," Belinda replied as she left the cell.
Kate was buzzing as she walked up to James, the handcuffs dangling teasingly from her hand.
"Don't I get a say?" James asked.
"Please?" Kate asked with her best puppy dog eyes.
Despite her worldly looks, Kate always seemed vulnerable. She'd looked vulnerable when she'd been locked up naked in the cell and she was now, even though James was naked and she held the handcuffs. It was endearing and not for the first time allowed her to get her own way with a guy.
"Okay, I guess I have nothing to lose... and if you bring me back a coffee."
Kate beamed and pointed to the floor in front of her, "There's just one more thing your hands have to do before I lock them together."
James was now kneeling in front of her and running his hands up the outside of her legs and across her butt. She felt a shiver run up her spine and pushed her hips forward until her crotch touched his face. Another jolt of electricity and in her mind her naked pussy was connecting with James's lips, her jeans and underwear having magically disappeared.
"You know I have seen you naked," James breathed, her scent wafting from the warm, soft denim and into his nose and mouth.
Fuck, was he imagining the same thing as her?
"What did you think?"
"Belinda wouldn't approve if I said more."
Kate looked behind her, unsure of whether Belinda was still in the hallway outside, "Shall I unbutton my jeans and remind you?" she asked.
"Better to keep them on," James replied, his feelings for Belinda too strong.
Kate was disappointed, but at least James's hands were still exploring her body. She lifted one leg over his shoulder and used it to wrap his head into her body. Despite his strength, she soon had him pinned between her thighs, those eyes and those lips now trapped tantalisingly close to where she wanted them. She steadied herself against the cold stone wall and listened careful to the noises in the corridor outside. If Belinda didn't return, then maybe she could continue to massage her clit against James's face.
"Next time, we do this I'll be in panties and the next time... naked."
This time James couldn't protest, his mouth was pushed too hard against her jeans.
With James's features still in her denim deadlock, she pushed James's hands behind his back, reached down and closed the hinged cuffs around his wrists. Now he was doubly caught, his wrists in the handcuffs and his head between her legs. Only once the cuffs were closed did she release her legs and step back.
"That's tight," James breathed, his cock conspicuously erect.
"The cuffs... or my legs?" she smiled, "Either way, your cock liked it."
James struggled to his feet and breathed in her perfume as they gazed at each other, their eyes only inches apart. Kate's blue eyes were dilated and aroused with a hint of a smile as she ratcheted his cuffs even tighter.
"No more...please Kate."
More clicking echoed around the tiny cell.
"Wait until it's your turn to be locked up," he warned.
"Mmm, I know... why do think I'm being so mean?"
Kate engaged the double locks and slowly placed the key in each of her pockets in turn until she settled on the left back pocket.
"You'd better not move or the cuffs will cut you," she whispered as she placed one of her boots on the short chain that connected his foot shackles and took hold of his cock.
James jumped but remained silent, desperately hoping that Belinda wouldn't hear. Kate's lips were now dangerously close to his, but there was little he could do as she had him pushed up against the wall. She was standing on his shackles and his hands were locked behind him. If he moved he would fall to the stone floor at which point he would become even more helpless with Kate sitting on top of him.
Kate squeezed his cock in her hand and waited for his lips to open before kissing them. He half kissed her back with a look of trepidation in his eyes. She then dropped to her knees and slipped his cock into her mouth.
"Fuck, no Kate!"
Kate didn't reply, but just sucked gently. James felt uneasy, but knew he couldn't move while she had his cock deep in her throat; it would be all too easy for Kate to bite down on him if she chose. Although seconds later he was willing her to continue as the feeling of her mouth stripped him of all logical thought.
He climaxed and watched as Kate swallowed the evidence. She stepped back and James dropped down on to mattress and sat propped up against the wall.
"Our little secret," Kate whispered as she crouched down to gazed again into his sexy brown eyes, "unless, I decide to tell Bel."
"Please don't..."
Kate was buzzing with power as she watched the sexy stud look pleadingly up at her. She had just handcuffed him and was about to lock him inside an ultra secure underground cell, but most of all she had the power to blackmail him to the woman who he obviously loved.
"Don't worry, I won't..." she smiled as she kissed him one last time and stood up.
James sighed with relief and kissed her pert denim covered butt in gratitude as she turned to leave. Kate immediately stopped and let him enjoy her bottom. He pushed his mouth in between her cheeks and studied the tiny red 'Levi' label on the side of the pocket. The label spent its life following the crazy blonde around and got crushed beneath her every time she sat down. Right then, James felt every bit as used.
"You do have a cute body," James breathed, now exhausted physically, sexually and emotionally.
"Thank you! Maybe we can snatch some more moments together... when I'm not in these jeans..."
James looked on disappointedly as the slim blonde and the tiny red label walked out of the cell. She blew him a kiss and then hauled the heavy steel door closed behind her. Everything inside the cell was pitch black, which made the sound of Kate turning the key even louder. James didn't need to shuffle across the cell to check, he knew from the clinking sound that Kate had locked him in. He lay down on his front and tried to clear the image of Kate's butt from his mind so he could daydream about Belinda.
Belinda's short flirty pink dress looked out of place as she sat on her kitchen stool with the morning sun streaming in through the window. Her body still hadn't processed the endorphins from making love the night before and still glowed despite the cooler temperature.
Kate was sitting opposite her in the small tidy kitchen and although there was no one else in the house, they leaned in close so they wouldn't be overheard.
"James's moving to town," Belinda buzzed.
"Mmm and we have plenty of free accommodation... all with locks on the doors and bars on the windows," Kate replied in a hush voice.
Belinda looked wishfully, not focusing on anything in particular, "Every evening when he returns from work... 'click'! And weekends will be 'click' 'click'... two whole days for his gorgeous eyes to look out from chains and cages. Well that's my fantasy."
"Let's do it!" Kate blurted, her long nails tapping on the worktop, "we already have him in the cells!" Kate pulled the keys from her jeans pocket and waived them in front of her friend's face, "We don't ever have to let him out."
"I think that's called wrongful imprisonment!" Belinda replied with a smile, pulling the keys from Kate's hand and placed them down on the table between them.
"No one will ever find him in that underground cell," Kate giggled as she grabbed the keys and pushed them back into her pocket.
"Give them to me Kate!"
"No! You need someone to help you get what you want."
"I'm going to let him out now."
"Good luck with that," Kate laughed as she darted from her stool.
She was halfway across the room when Belinda pulled her down on to the sofa and placed one knee on Kate's shoulder to hold her in place as she playfully searched for the keys. Her knee slipped and Belinda's bare thigh was now against the side of Kate's face with Belinda's dress covering most of Kate's face. Both women stopped.
"I can see why James likes you," Kate whispered, the warmth from Belinda's thigh seeping into her face.
"The keys or your life, sweetie," Belinda giggled as she deliberately slipped further down, tightening her grip around the blonde's neck. Kate's nose had now sunk deep into the front of Belinda's panties.
Kate tried to stop Belinda taking the keys, desperate for Belinda to pin her down for as long as possible. Belinda's hand slipped inside her pocket which felt nice, but all too soon she had the keys and Belinda released her and returned to the kitchen stool.
A few minutes later, a sheepish Kate, with untidy hair, followed.
It was late Friday afternoon when James returned to the gaol and was immediately met with a hug from Belinda. She was dressed in a tight, shoulderless white sports top, black and grey yoga pants and trainers. Her hair was up and she was bouncing as if she had a need to expend energy.
James, as usual wore designer chinos and white shirt and sunglasses that he now held in his hand. However, this time things were different. He'd transferred offices and was now based in the city. His firm had offered to put him up in a top hotel until he found somewhere to live, but he'd turned it down in favour of Belinda's offer.
"I can't believe you're here," Belinda exclaimed, skipping around from behind the desk.
"Neither can I," James replied with a wry smile.
"You'll love it here so so much... you may never leave."
"Yes, I believe other have suffered the same fate here."
"Oh darling, I'm going to make your stay much much more special..."
Belinda took James by the hand and led him to a small section at the far side of the gaol that wasn't open to visitors.
"Home, sweet home," she announced as she unlocked a solid steel door and then a second barred door just behind.
Inside was a segregated part of the gaol that consisted of a small area from which led two very small cells and a toilet and shower room. There was only one tiny, barred window high up in entrance area, but despite its lack of natural light, Belinda had made it look like homely with a mattress and new sheets, some basic furniture and lamps, cushions, rugs and throws from her house to soften the stark concrete walls.
"It's cool," James said, genuinely impressed.
"Just like a regular apartment, apart from once I lock the door you stay home until I decide."
"Just as well you can't keep your hands off me," James replied, slipping his fingers inside the waist of her pants to pull her towards him.
"Maybe..." Belinda blushed, "but when I'm not 'fucking' you, you'll be locked in this tiny windowless cell... I mean your bedroom. You won't be able to drive woman to distraction from in there."
James looked inside the tiny cell to see her blue panties folded neatly on his pillow.
"Oh... thought you might like them?" Belinda replied bashfully.
"Clean or dirty?"
"Stop it!"
Belinda knew he was teasing her and it was working as she felt herself redden."
"Would you like me to unpack for you?"
"You checking for contraband?"
"If you like...."
Belinda led him into the second of the two tiny cells where there was a chain hanging down from a pulley on the ceiling. She whipped a pair of handcuffs from inside the waistband of her yoga pants and placed her body against his as she locked his hands behind his back. She then padlocked the cuffs to the heavy chain.
Standing in front of James, as if they were friends talking in the street, Belinda pulled down on the other chain and James's cuffed hands immediately lifted up behind his back.
"It looks like everything's going up," Belinda smiled, already aroused.
James tried to pull his hands back down, but the pulley gave Belinda a two to one advantage, so instead he kissed her teasing lips while he still could.
"Guess what happens when your hands go up and up."
"My body hurts?"
"Yes... and your head goes down."
One more pull of Belinda's chain and James had lost his height advantage over the sexy brunette.
"For once I feel tall next to you," she breathed, nuzzling her lips around his features.
More clicks of the chain as it ran through the pulley and James's hands pulled up further and were now at the same height as his head, which was also the same height as Belinda's breasts.
"Nice top," he observed, unable to avoid her breasts which she had positioned to fill his entire field of view.
"Thanks... you wanna continue the tour of my body?"
"Do I have a choice?" he asked rattling his tightly locked handcuffs, seemingly amazed by quite how powerless he'd become.
"I thought you came here for 'the tour'?"
"Its lucky I trust you," he panted.
Belinda ratcheted his hands up above his head, forcing James to bend such that his head was now level with her waist.
"Think we'll leave you there and padlock everything just where it is."
She slipped a padlock through both the chain that went up and the chain that came down so that the pulley was fixed in place.
"This is cruel," James panted, his body aching, his eyes totally aroused.
"Mmm and I can leave you here for as long as I like."
Belinda turned around to give him a full three sixty view.
"What do you think of these yoga pants," she asked, "I know some men find them inappropriate.
"Oh fuck, they're gorgeous, but so is what's inside."
Once again his words were putting her emotions on steroids. She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair and watched his lips desperately try to pull the tight Lycra material from her body.
It was moments like these that thought back to when they had first met him. She'd been so intimidated by this cool, attractive man who was now infatuated with her and loved to please her in any way he could. If she could design her own man, James would be it.
"Everything comes to he who waits," she replied silkily, "and you, my darling, have no choice but to wait."
Belinda let him bury his face into her butt one more time and then walked away with her butt moving from side to side in the Lycra as she walked. She casually pushed shut the cell door which locked automatically the second it hit home.
His first suitcase contained his expensive suits that she hung on her makeshift clothes rail. Everything had James's gorgeous scent and she held her face against the smooth material and breathed in. She took her time and finished unpacking both suitcases before returning to the second small cell where James was still hanging painfully from the chain.
"I'm glad to see you didn't try to smuggle in a hacksaw," she said, rubbing her silky legs against his head.
"It would take more than a hacksaw to get out of here."
"Oh, you having problems with those cuffs?"
She pushed him down a little further so that she could straddle his prostrate head, which slipped in between her legs so that her butt was resting gently on the back of his head. James's body was now straining to hold the position that she was forcing on him.
"Death by yoga pants," she giggled as her thighs closed like a Lycra vice around his head.
"Oh fuck, I want you so much!"
"So near, but yet so far," she breathed, the struggles of the straining man juddering beneath her.
James tried to move his head left and right as Belinda tightened up and rode his movements like a bull rider.
"Don't even bother trying to get out of that, darling."
"Fuck this feels good," James panted, the pain mixing with the helplessness mixing with the feel of Belinda's legs.
"You think it's nice for you... you have no idea what your head is doing to my pussy."
James tried again to shake free and again wasn't even close to getting out. He paused to get his breath.
"Can't stop now," Belinda purred, "you need to finish what you've started."
"Fuck this is hard."
"Even harder if I bend my legs and snap you in two."
Belinda bent her legs slightly and felt her butt mould even more to the shape of James's head, "I used to love horse riding, but this is even more fun."
James fought again, trying to free his hands from the cuffs and his head from Belinda's thighs, until sweat was forming on his forehead.
"Now, I think you should bow this low every time you see me," Belinda giggled, "I'll even put your head down between my legs if I need to."
"Yes sweetheart," James panted, now willing to do or say whatever was required to make love to her.
Belinda finally climbed off his head and slowly eased down her yoga pants so that James could bury his kisses directly into her black thong, his lips playing with her like nothing she'd ever experienced. She stretched up to remove her top and bra and then down to kick off her trainers, yoga pants and underwear.
"Oh I love you in this position," Belinda moaned, his lips now exploring her naked crotch.
"Fuck I want you!" James cried, now fighting against the cuffs.
"You'll never escape those cuffs unless I unlock them, darling... so keep kissing."
"Fuck, I love you!"
Belinda felt his words melt through her. She had planned to keep him chained for longer, teasing him, maybe even leaving him alone in his locked cell, but it was clear that neither of them could wait. She fetched the handcuff keys from her handbag and unlocked James's first wrist so that James could finally twist around and stand up straight.
Before she could unlock the second, James reached down to unbutton his chinos and free his hard cock. The handcuff keys went flying across the jail cell as James used his one free hand to pull the naked brunette towards him and eased himself inside.
"Fuck I need you," he cried, one hand still locked above his head.
Belinda's reply was no more than cries of pleasure that echoed noisily around the concrete cell as he pushed inside. They finished and hugged each other until they were composed enough to stand on their own.
Belinda wobbled a little as she picked up her clothes and squeezed back into the Lycra.
"I really must go... have to meet with my daughter's teacher before yoga and then drinks with the girls."
"Sounds fun..."
James's left wrist was still cuffed to the chain hanging from the ceiling, frustrating his best efforts to reach her before the yoga pants hid everything from view. He managed to lightly brush his hand across her bare thigh before everything was once again encased.
"Maybe I should leave you hanging," Belinda teased as she playfully dodged out of his reach.
James could feel the surge of excitement as he imagined being left chained to the ceiling by this cute school mum.
"Want to lock my other hand back in the cuffs?" he asked.
"I would, but unfortunately I have to leave you here until the morning. If I cuff your hands above your head you'll be hating me by 3am."
"Maybe not?"
"Plus, I want you to sleep in the small cell that I prepared specially for you... and I want you to close that door behind you."
"Let me guess, if I do that it won't open again."
"Not without my keys..."
"So you want me locked inside an even tinier concrete box?"
Belinda smiled coyly as she unlocked his second wrist and went to pour James a glass of whisky from the small makeshift kitchen.
"Oh I really don't want to leave," she moaned, her arms once more wrapped around James's neck.
"Can you get the teacher to come here instead?"
Belinda laughed as she tried to put her long hair into a ponytail. The elastic snapped and shot across the cell and she had to hunt through her handbag for a second.
James picked up the broken elastic, "I thought you were going to snap me as well," he joked.
Belinda playfully stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed about the amount of pain her turned on body had inflicted.
"Is your own fault for being so sexy..." she replied.
James ran his hands over her butt, "I know I'm completely to blame, but maybe next time you can make it harder?"
"Maybe I will!"
"I hope you'll still be saying that when I'm sitting hard on you," she smiled teasingly.
Belinda walked back through the small entrance area and then out through the barred door, which provided the first of two inescapable barriers. Reluctantly, she pulled it closed with James still inside. With one hand she turned the key in the lock, while the other reached through the bars so she could stay in contact with his body.
She zipped the key into the small secret pocket at the back of her yoga pants and kissed him again through the bars. While lost in her eyes, James reached through the bars to find the empty keyhole.
"Bel, where's the key? Let's go one more time!"
"Stop it, I'm late already!"
"Please?" he shook the bars pointlessly.
Without breaking lip contact, Belinda reached her hand through his open fly and massaged his cock. Within minutes she's brought him to climax and James's body slumped against the bars and he buried his face into her cheek.
"That really is it!"
She moaned, desperate to get out before he tempted her to strip naked again. She leaned forward and placed her trembling lips against his and closed her eyes to focus once more on his touch.
James felt her lips pull away and the bars frustrated any hope he had to follow her. Next, her silky yoga pants slipped through his hands. Belinda reached behind her and pushed open the solid steel door that enclosed his little 'apartment'. She spun around, skipped through the opening and without a word, pulled it closed. The steel door was just too far from the barred door for James to reach and he could only stand and listen as Belinda turned the key to lock him in.
At around the same time that Belinda's black thong and yoga pants sat down on the hard school chair, James was reaching through the bars and running his fingers over the empty keyhole. At the time Belinda started her yoga class, James walked into his cell and pushed the door closed behind him. Now there were three high security jail doors between him and freedom and Belinda had the keys for all three.
At the time Belinda and her friends sat down at the bar, James was lying on his bed, naked, his nose buried inside Belinda's blue panties. He now knew that they were dirty. At the time Belinda stripped out of her yoga pants, showered and lay down naked in bed, James was asleep in his concrete box, with nothing else to do but wait for her to return in the morning.
Saturday morning and Belinda rolled over in bed, arched her back and pushed her unbrushed dark hair out of her eyes. Still only half awake, she reached out a hand and fumbled for her phone which she pulled back under her warm duvet.
"Good morning sleepy," she purred into her phone in her gravelly, pre-coffee morning voice.
"Hi darling," James replied.
"What a beautiful sunny day," she teased, knowing full well that James was locked in a high security, windowless prison cell.
"Is it?"
"Oh, hasn't your prison guard let you out yet?"
"It sounds as though she's still in bed... amusing herself."
"Mmm she is and she's naked."
"Nothing I haven't seen before," James replied, trying to compete with the beautiful woman's teasing.
"Then you know what you're missing."
James sat up and tried to clear Belinda's body from his every thought, "I'm ready to lie on top of some beautiful woman, pin her to the bed and make love."
There was silence for a moment and James smiled at what he thought was a minor victory, but then Belinda giggled into the phone and moaned out loud, taken aback by her own touch.
"Nice try sweetie, but I think I'll lie here for another hour or so... just because I can."
James was now on his feet, naked in his locked concrete box. He leaned against the steel door of his six foot by six foot cell with Belinda once again filling his every thought.
"One wrong word from you my darling and you'll stay locked up in your box all weekend," she breathed, her words melting into his ear.
His warm breath touched the cold steel door. He loved how Belinda could so easily put him under her spell and how she made fucking with his mind seem so natural.
"Did I show you my teddy bear?" Belinda's purr continued, "Well now 'he's' under my duvet and kissing me everywhere."
"Bel, I need you! Please let me out of this cell, I beg you!"
"Mmm that's better," she drawled, "Once I've had a long, long hot shower I'll release you... temporarily at least."
It was ten o'clock when Belinda finally walked into the gaol and smiled at Kate who was talking to visitors at the front desk. Belinda was attracting discrete glances in her short, blue flower print summer dress, with its plunging neck line and hem that rode up whenever she turned. As she turned the corner at the end of the cell block, it flicked up revealing much of her thighs and a little of her flower print satin underwear beneath. Her long dark hair was down, freshly washed and shiny. The only clues to her kinky secret were the leather bangles on her wrists and her sandals with their leather straps that crisscrossed up her feet and ankles.
Making sure no one was watching, she unlocked a door, clipped along a corridor that was closed to the public and arrived at James's 'home'. Without putting down the tray of takeaway coffees, she pulled a large key ring from her small brown handbag and unlocked the first steel door and then the second barred door.
The small entrance area was empty as James was still locked inside one of the two small cells. However, he'd heard her arrive and was now pushing his body against the cell door, his fingers trying pointlessly to open its small grilled observation window.
There was no reply.
"Belinda?" Fuck this tiny cell made him feel helpless.
The small observation window eventually clicked open and Belinda stepped back to give him an uninterrupted view of her drop dead gorgeous dress.
"Wow, you look fantastic," James gasped with envy through the tiny grille.
Belinda sipped her coffee and watched his sexy eyes that glistened from inside the locked cell. She turned and felt her dress spin and lift off her body. James watched carefully, now looking like a caged lion, prowling inside his cage.
"You going to let me out?"
"Not yet... I want to see you try and escape."
Belinda tried not to smile, but couldn't stop her lips from curving upwards, which made James laugh, which in turn made Belinda giggle.
Seemingly unable to say no to anything she asked him, James lifted his foot and slammed it into the door and when that didn't work he rammed it with his shoulder. Within minutes he was exhausted, still helplessly trapped in the cell and Belinda was giggling behind her coffee cup.
"That was so cute," she said, as if talking to a kitten.
"I'm still locked in here..."
"Oh, I'm sorry... here allow me."
Belinda stepped forward and simply unlocked the cell door.
James stepped out wearing only ripped designer jeans. Despite his strength he handled her so gently, pushing her up against the wall, pinning her hands above her head and kissing her lips.
"I want to take you for a picnic," he said with his gravelly dry throat.
Belinda giggled and nodded enthusiastically; she couldn't remember a guy inviting her for a picnic before.
"I assume it's sunny?" he asked.
"It's a beautiful day," she giggled, "where have you been?"
By midday, James had bought the picnic and a new picnic rug and they had found a secluded spot beneath a tree at the far end of the park. They lay side by side on the rug with the mottled sun shining down through the branches. James ran his fingers down her hot body, detouring up under her short dress on the way back up.
"I'm glad you gave me day release," he smiled.
"Guess it would have been a shame to spend all day in the cell."
Belinda had popped his shirt buttons and was now working on his jeans that wouldn't be around his waist for very long.
"When does my curfew start?"
"Six o'clock this evening," Belinda looked pained, "I have to pick up my daughter and we have a family get together, but you don't have to be locked up then...."
"That's okay, I feel bad taking you away from your daughter."
"So you want to spend a beautiful evening alone in a jail cell?"
"I wish you could be there, but you have other things you must do."
Belinda was grinning like a school girl; this guy was just too cute and seemed to understand. Maybe her fantasy was coming true.
By the time they returned, the gaol had just closed for the day and Kate was tidying up before she left. Kate had never been one to dress up for work and as usual was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and boots.
"Hi Katie, I see you're still using the torture box as a seat," Belinda remarked as she saw the blonde sitting on the ancient torture device.
"I find it very comfortable," Kate replied.
"And the person inside?"
"They get to enjoy a lovely feeling of security."
"Security? Locked up and sat on by a crazy Irish woman?"
"Same thing..."
With neither James nor Belinda offering to become an integral part of Kate's chair, Kate changed tack and followed them through the cell block and into their special private area.
"There's a little game that I would love to try," Kate said in her most alluring Irish lilt.
Belinda looked at James, who looked at Kate and they were still looking back and forth with no one making a decision when Kate picked up two sets of handcuffs and snapped them far too tightly around both James's and Belinda's wrists so that their hands were locked behind their back.
"Guess we are in," Belinda said.
"You are now," Kate replied, as she used a large padlock to attach Belinda's cuffs to a metal ring fixed at about waist height on one side of the cell. She then locked James's cuffs to a ring on the opposite side of the cell, so that they were standing facing each other about five feet apart.
Kate grinned as her brown boots and worn jeans paced up and down between them, the clip of her ankle boots the only noise in the tiny space. She then walked up to James and kissed him on the lips.
"You bitch," Belinda called, strangely aroused by the situation.
"Chill sweetie, I won't forget you."
Kate walked over to Belinda, gently cupped her face in her hands and kissed her on the lips. At the same time, she pushed her right leg between Belinda's thighs and reached up under her skirt.
"Bitch!" Belinda breathed.
"But you're not even struggling to get out of the cuffs," Kate whispered into Belinda's ear, "Is that because you know you can't or because....?"
Kate left the sentence unfinished as she knelt down and kissed Belinda's feet and then worked her way slowly up Belinda's legs. Goosebumps were forming on Belinda's skin as Kate's lips slid up inside her dress.
"What's she doing?" James called, taken aback by the girl on girl action.
James could only watch as Kate's head with its wild blonde hair disappeared beneath Belinda's dress. His only hints were Belinda's closed eyes, trembling body and quiet moaning.
"It's hot in here," Kate breathed as her jean clad legs shuffled around so that her head could pass between Belinda's legs, legs that opened a little further to accommodate their guest.
Belinda's eyes were still closed when Kate's head reappeared and started to explore the rest of Belinda's body.
"Kate?" James called.
Kate looked around, stepped across to his side of the cell and placed her finger on his lips. She then reached behind him and squeezed his cuffs closed even more tightly.
"This is my turn," she purred.
She reached down and felt his cock that was straining inside his jeans. She kissed him on the lips and pushed her tongue inside. She had him flustered, her confident gaze making it clear that he had no choice but to comply. Sensing that James was reluctant to kiss her back, Kate pulled the handcuff keys from pocket and dangled them in front of him.
"Do you really want me to double lock them and leave you in them all night?"
James's lips parted and the blonde's mouth returned to enjoy their touch. The feel of James's tongue inside her made her melt away and completely forget where she was. Kate was aroused as hell and had to use all her will power to stop herself making out with both of her prisoners.
"I'll leave you two lovers to enjoy each other while I finish tidying up," she breathed, leaving the small cell and locking the door behind her.
Belinda and James stared into each other's eyes, breathing heavily.
"Fucking hell!" James cried, "What was she doing?"
"Don't ask," Belinda replied, "That girl's got issues."
"She's also got the handcuff keys?"
"Yeah, but it's kind of fun and we need her help to hide our little games."
James returned Belinda's look of longing desire as they stood helplessly looking at each other, desperate to get free and make out.
The lock turned and Kate walked back into their cell, the handcuff keys spinning around her slim fingers. She kissed James one more time and then walked over and brushed against Belinda's dress.
"Sweetie, you'd better be careful what you wish for," Belinda whispered into her ear, "What you did to me down there... I can make you do one hundred fold."
A shiver of excitement ran through Kate's body and she had to control her hands in order to get the handcuff key into the hole. Even once she had freed Belinda, she stood in front of her blocking her way, not wanting to move.
"Ladies?" James called, feeling somewhat left out.
Kate turned and smiled as she saw James's expectant look, "Sorry Jamie, you don't get unlocked..." She placed the keys in Belinda's waiting hand, blew him a kiss and left the cell.
"Bel?" he asked hopefully.
Belinda was lost in thought, she didn't go for girls, but Kate's touch had felt weirdly nice. She knew she had to keep Kate on side and maybe she could have some fun doing so.
"These cuffs?"
Belinda simply opened her hand and let the cuff keys drop noisily to the concrete floor. She freed her hair, shook it out and slinked across to James. He was about to ask her again when she gently bit his lip and then kissed it better. She unbuttoned his jeans, pulled his cock towards her and eased him inside, crushing his body against the hard wall. It was quick, but wonderful and afterwards Belinda kept him inside her and hugged him tightly. It was several minutes before either of them could speak.
"I'm sorry, Kate kinda got me in the 'evil bitch' mood," Belinda smiled apologetically as she picked up the keys to the cuffs.
"So I see! What was she doing to you?"
Belinda stopped and her school mistress look returned, making it clear that too many questions and he would stay intimately connected with the cuffs.
"I'm sorry."
James looked around the cell as Belinda released his hands. When she'd first shown him around his new 'home', James hadn't noticed the metal rings attached to the walls of the second small cell.
"What do you use these for?" he asked, finally free of Kate's overly tight cuffs.
"They used to chain prisoners to the wall as punishment for bad behaviour," Belinda replied, her cute summer dress so out of place in the concrete and steel prison cell.
"Sounds kinda fun..."
"What? Being chained to the wall or the 'bad behaviour'?"
"We could try both?"
"If I chain you to the wall you won't be capable of bad behaviour."
"Yeah... but if you don't chain me up quickly, I'll be very bad," James teased.
He grabbed her around the waist and carried her to the corner of the cell and kissed her incessantly.
"Okay, okay,' she shrieked.
"I've only just started."
In fits of giggles, Belinda ducted down beneath his arms and started sorting through a box of old steel shackles and padlocks. After first stripping James of all his clothes, she closed the first shackle around James's neck and threaded a large padlock through both ends and through a metal ring embedded into the wall.
"I love these old padlocks that need the key to 'lock' them," she buzzed, already high from the clanging metal.
"Do they also need the key to 'unlock'?"
"What do you think?"
"Dunno..." he teased.
Belinda looked at him indignantly, "Yes, 'deadlock' padlocks do need keys to unlock them."
James continued to tease her as she locked James's, wrists, ankles and even his waist to the wall. Within minutes it was as if he had been glued in place and every attempt to move was accompanied with clangs.
"Do you want to ask the girl who has all the keys any more silly questions?" Belinda asked as she explored yet again every inch of her sexy muscled guy, "Wow you're gorgeous when you're chained to the wall!" she cried in delight, "And you can't stop me from doing anything..."
She ran her lips around his nipples and giggled as he moaned. She touched his waist and was delighted by quite how tickly and sensitive he found her touch. His eyes may have been begging for her to stop, but his cock was hard and soon drew her attention. James was now reacting to her every touch with a moan or tensing of his muscles, his mind unsure whether this was heaven or hell.
"You know if I don't unlock you, your skeleton would hang in those shackles forever..." Belinda smiled in her usual cute, slightly teasing way.
"Mmm?" she replied, playing absentmindedly with his cock.
James moaned.
"Ask me to unlock you."
James was now shivering from emotional overload, "Umm... please can you unlock me Bel?"
"No, I won't unlock you darling," Belinda repeated, her eyes losing focus as she touched herself between her legs.
With no possible way to squeeze his hands out from the tight shackles, James pulled against them with his full strength. The padlock that secured his left wrist moved slightly.
"Is that all you've got?" Belinda breathed, her quivering lips touching his, "so I guess you can't stop me doing this..."
Belinda spun around to give James another glimpse of her upper thighs and then stepped in closer and positioned his cock underneath her dress.
Within a minute they had climaxed.
"Oh my god!" Belinda cried repeatedly as she held tightly to James for support, "Oh my god!"
"Let's go again," he panted.
She looked up from beneath a jumble of brown hair and smiled as she pushed him back inside.
Belinda was already late to pick up her daughter and she knew she had to pull herself away. She let go of James and balanced unsteadily as she smoothed down her dress and touched her eyes to see quite how much her make up had run.
"I should probably release you now," Belinda smiled, keys dangling from her painted fingers, "... or I could slip back once my daughter's asleep... and make up for this uber cruel imprisonment."
"How will you make it up?"
"However you want..."
Belinda couldn't stop herself trembling with sexual excitement as she looked at James's perfect male body chained motionless against the wall, she had never owned someone so totally. Everything about him was so perfect and he had the ability to give her everything she'd ever wanted.
With James's gorgeous eyes looking on helplessly, Belinda collected up the keys and dropped them one by one into her small black handbag.
"I love that dress," James breathed.
"Two hours max," she breathed, "the dress will be back."
"You can come two," he smiled.
Belinda paused for a moment and then walked outside to fetch the scold's bridle which she positioned around James's head.
"Any last requests?" she asked as closed it, directing the steel prong deep into his mouth.
She slipped the bridle padlock in place and also looped it around yet another ring attached to the wall before closing the padlock and turning the old key.
James was panting from both the natural endorphins and the metal prong. The look in his eyes was one of pure aroused surrender. Belinda leaned in closer and gently wiped a hair from his eyes.
"I'd forgotten how much the bridle affects you," she purred.
Belinda turned and leaned over to pick up her handbag so that her dress lifted to show off her flowery white satin underwear that been stretched around her all day. She caught James watching.
Her dress lifted yet again as she turned to leave and pulled the cell door closed behind her. Back through the barred door and then back through the outer steel door, all of which she locked behind her. She jogged down the cell block, keys jangling and echoing and out to her waiting car.
Part 4 (added: 2017/09/08)
The sound of Belinda locking doors, turning and jangling keys had almost brought James to climax. Almost. He just needed to touch himself, but unfortunately that was impossible while his whole body was tightly shackled to the wall.
His excitement was heightened by an edge of fear. Belinda had been right, if she chose never to release him, his skeleton would hang from the chains forever. Even his immediate survival was now in her hands. If she chose not to unlock him, or if she just forgot, he probably wouldn't survive for more than a day or so. Weirdly, James's aroused mind couldn't appreciate the danger; he just found her power over him wildly exciting.
Belinda returned less than an hour later, the sound of keys jangling in locks getting louder, until the door to his cell swung open. Belinda walked in, her makeup perfect, her hair in a bun, and wearing her favourite short blue cocktail dress. The top plunged dramatically down between her breasts, with a telltale key shaped pendant hanging provocatively against her skin. The dress was tight around her waist, but sprayed out such that a spin or pirouette would reveal her upper thighs and possibly more.
She had stepped out from the family meal at the restaurant and only had a few minutes before she would be missed, desperate to see her naked lover who she'd left helplessly chained to the cell wall. Even his head was locked inside the scold's bridle with its metal prong protruding inside his mouth, pinning down his tongue.
"Hi darling," Belinda panted, her face close, her warm breathe scented with perfume and wine blowing through the bars of the bridle.
James's tongue fought against the bridle, but he could only moan incoherently.
"Your life is just ticking away while you hang helplessly from those chains," Belinda breathed, "and I'm not going to let you go..." She shivered as arousal swept her body and she opened her mouth to try to bite his bare chest.
The sight of Belinda was also overloading James's emotions and he tried to step forward and hug her, but the shackles on his neck, wrists and ankles held him rigidly in place. His frustration was making him shiver, wanting nothing more than to hold her.
"Tick, tock," Belinda moaned, "More of your life slipping away...."
She reached behind her and unzipped the cocktail dress and let it slip from her body. She then unhooked her bra and let her blue satin panties slide to the floor.
"Two naked lovers, all alone..." she panted, rubbing herself against his hard cock, "so many possibilities..."
She wrapped her arms around James shoulders, pulled herself up and then down, allowing his cock to slip inside her. They stood face to face, motionless, letting the feeling trickle through their bodies, before Belinda started to gently work her hips forward and back to take them to climax as slowly and erotically as possible.
"Did you see this?" Belinda panted as she stepped back, "these must be the most wonderful panties in the world... they unlock my lover."
She picked up her blue satin underwear and held it close to James's nose. Attached to the crotch by a small key ring was a single silver key, "The only key to the bridle and all of the chains that are locking you to the wall," she smiled proudly as the blue panties made their way back up her long legs and snugged into place, the key now safely inside. Seconds later and the cocktail dress was also back in place.
"Now even if the police tried to free you," she giggled, holding out her empty hands, "I don't have the key..."
James used his chained hands to point between Belinda's legs.
"Sorry office, neither of us knows where the key might be," she continued her little tease.
James's manacles rattled as he tried to reach her giggling, twirling body.
"Time for dessert," she said, kissing him through the bars of the bridle.
James could only watch helplessly as Belinda turned on her heels and skipped out of the cell, locking the door behind her. To James it had been almost surreal. Locked in a cell, chained so cruelly that he could bare move a muscle and then his jailer had appeared. She'd kissed him, stripped naked and made the most wonderful love. Minutes later she'd redressed and left with the only key, with him still helplessly chained to the wall where he would stay until she returned.
Another two hours of James's life had passed before the jangling returned and the brunette in the flirty cocktail dress returned.
"How was your evening," she giggled, giddy on both wine and power, "Oh yes, you can't talk can you... now where is that key?"
Belinda pulled her hair from its bun, shook it free and started to pepper James's face with kisses between the bars of the bridle. Her fingers played with the padlock securing the bridle and she gave a look of mock frustration as she tried to release his head without first removing the high security lock, "Oh dear, we really need the key..."
The look of aroused frustration in James's eyes was to die for and Belinda's lips started to pepper him with more kisses.
"I'd give anything for that damn key!" she smiled.
If James hadn't been thinking about Belinda's crotch then he was now.
"Okay, okay, I have it," she cried, her hands reaching up inside her dress to retrieve her underwear. She held the warm key against James's face and pushed the warm blue fabric against his nose before pushing the key into the lock and removing the bridle.
"Bel, I am so going to fuck you, sweetheart, as soon as soon as I get out of these fucking chains," James cried as soon as tongue was free.
"You promise?"
"Just let me out and see!"
Belinda smiled teasingly and then stepped back and slid her underwear, with the key still attached, back up inside her dress.
"No!" James cried, straining at the shackles.
"If only we had the key!"
"Belinda!" There were almost tears in James's brown eyes.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, "We can still kiss," she purred, her tongue pushing into his mouth and, just like the bridle, preventing him from speaking.
Belinda kept glancing at his chest and arms, excitement building as she daydreamed about what his body would do to her as soon as it was released. With her anticipation just too much, she relented and retrieved the all important key from inside her damp underwear.
Even once she'd unlocked his hands and feet, she threw the key to the far side of the cell and kissed him some more with his neck still shackled to the wall. Only once she'd unlocked the final padlock could he take charge and carry her giggling, back into the other cell and on to the waiting bed.
They had made love and James was now sitting astride the exhausted brunette's waist as she smiled and panted beneath him. The bottle of champagne was almost empty and Belinda knew she had less than an hour before she had to leave.
"Ever heard of 'Immurement'?" she smiled sweetly, finishing her glass in one gulp.
James hadn't, but he followed the brunette's lead as she pulled on her underwear and then zipped herself back into her dress. She swung her hips and pulled the hem of her dress to one side in a cute pose. James pulled on his jeans and his unbuttoned white cotton shirt and followed her out of the cell.
Belinda's heels echoed as she took his hand and led him out of his cell, through the cell block and into the gaol's museum. In one corner was a heavy wooden trunk, four foot long, three foot wide and two foot high. Although a replica, it looked authentic with thick oak with rusty iron supports.
"Immurement is a form of confined imprisonment, usually for life, in a box or coffin," Belinda explained as she closed and sat on the heavy lid, "just like this," she smiled seductively as she closed the padlock hasps on both sides of the old trunk.
James crouched down to get a better view of both the trunk and Belinda's legs.
"Once the box was locked it would never be unlocked," Belinda smiled, blowing a stray hair from her mouth.
Belinda pointed between her ankles to a four inch square hole in the front of the box that was reinforced around its edges with steel. The hole could be closed from the outside with a hinged steel cover that locked into place.
"And this tiny hole is the prisoner's only view out, used for passing in tiny amounts of food and water and passing out, well you know what," Belinda playfully stuck out her tongue.
"And if the cover is closed?"
"Then maybe not such a great day for the prisoner," she winked.
"I guess you'd want to avoid sadistic jailers then?"
"Yeah, you lucked out there," she giggled.
"And how long did people spent how long in here?" he checked, discretely working his lips along the inside of her thigh.
"Only life... as soon as the prisoner was declared dead the padlocks were unlocked," she flicked up one of the hasps to demonstrate and used her other hand to pull James's head deeper between her open legs.
"And my sentence?"
"I haven't decided..." Belinda was now fluttering her eyelids, "life-ish maybe?"
"Your puppy dog eyes are going to be a lot more menacing when I'm peering out of that hole."
"More beautiful, surely, as your life will depend on what they're thinking," she playfully reached between her legs and closed the steel cover, plunging the inside of the box into darkness, "Will these eyes chose to lock your tiny window on the world... will they ever feed you again?"
Belinda's pupils were fully dilated and she was breathing faster. James took her hand, pulled her to her feet. He unbuttoned his trousers, lifted her cocktail dress and eased himself inside the already aroused woman. It was quick and intense and seemed to leave Belinda wobbly on her feet. He released his arms from around her waist and she flopped down, smiling, on to the lid of the box.
"Aren't I supposed to be inside before you sit on it?" he said, catching his breath.
"You really want to?" she looked up sheepishly.
"Well I like what just 'thinking' about it does to you."
James had to pull the grinning girl to her feet again so he could lift the heavy lid and climb inside. He even had to close the box himself, so that she could drop back down on to the lid.
"Mmm, that was so nice," she giggled, still on the high.
James pushed his face as close as possible to the hole in the front of the box and tried to look up at her. Only able to see her legs, he then tried to push up on the underside of the lid. Her weight ensured that nothing moved.
"Think you've passed the point of no return, darling," she purred.
"I'm in for the night?"
"Yes, to start with..." her voice was still very dreamy.
James had the same surge of excitement that he'd had when she's first locked him in the cell and he had to control his breathe as he lay on his side, on the blankets, with his knees drawn up inside the tight space. He focused on the sounds as Belinda pushed down the steel hasps and clicked home the padlocks which then clattered against the side of the trunk as she let them go.
"Imagine what that sound would be like if you really were sentenced to life in this box," Belinda said, her shoe playing with one of the padlocks.
James reached one hand out through the hole and pulled at the same padlock before her shoe kicked him away, "So near and yet so far," he said, "it must have driven the prisoners mad."
"Mmm, what they would have given for this key."
"Guess I don't get it?" James asked, now realising that with Belinda sitting on the box he could reach right up and under her dress.
"No darling," she breathed, her legs wide, her head back, enjoying his gentle touch.
His fingers stroked the front of her panties and were about to go further, "This would be so much easier and less painful if you let me out," he panted.
Belinda grabbed his wrist, pulled it further on to the lid and sat down on the back of his hand. James tried to pull his hand free, but the awkward angle and aching muscles were no match for the weight of her butt.
"That's cruel," he cried, now contorted inside the box.
"I thought you liked cruel..."
James didn't want to admit it, but being trapped in the box beneath her, the ache in his arm and the feel of her butt on his hand was bringing James close again. If she kept him here for much longer she would have to pass in some tissues.
Belinda finally tilted to one side freeing James's hand which he quickly pulled back inside the box. Then seconds later, she removed her heels and placed the sole of her right foot against the hole.
"Oh thank you darling!" James exclaimed, "My only window on the world, filled with your foot?"
"So many ways to tease you," she giggled.
"Guess no more fresh air?"
"Kiss it... or I may leave you inside for the rest of your life," she breathed, goose bumps now forming on her thighs.
"Bel, your words are really scary from in here," James panted between kisses.
Belinda didn't reply.
"I know what you're doing up there," James called, now working on her toes and picturing Belinda's touch against her own body."
"And it's all happening only inches from your head," she breathed, her shiny dress sliding against the smooth lid as she thrust her hips.
"Move your foot and maybe I can help..."
Belinda left James to kiss her foot for several more minutes before she moved. She shuffled a little further forward so that James's muscled arm could twist and stretch and reached her clit.
"How gorgeous, my very own box slave... his only role to touch me right there... oh yeah!" Belinda was floating again.
When she'd calmed down, she passed a few tissues in through the hole.
"How did you know," James replied from the darkness beneath her.
Belinda placed a low stool by the hole, smoothed her dress and sat down with her knees together to one side.
James pushed his face against the small hole, "This is so frustrating having you out there and me in here."
The four inch square hole was only large enough for either an eye to see out or an arm to reach out, and James shuffled noisily around inside the box alternating between the two. He pushed an arm through the hole and ran his hand up Belinda's smooth bare legs. That felt nice, but then he couldn't see her beautiful eyes and so he had to bring his arm back in and put his face to the hole again.
"The hole just isn't big enough, is it?" Belinda giggled as she flicked her hair back and shuffled her stool even closer, "and at anytime I can do this," she purred as she closed the steel cover and turned the catch to lock it in place.
"No!" James cried, pushing against the inside of the steel cover.
"The cover's not locked darling," she teased as she stood up, already late to pick up her daughter, "anyone on this side can open it... maybe in the morning you can ask one of the early visitors to open it for you."
"Yes?" She opened the cover for one last look of her gorgeous guy, "I can lock you in the cell instead if this is too much," she offered.
"All I want is a kiss."
Belinda beamed, he still loved their games. She knelt down and her lips met his through the small hole. She pulled away first, but his disappointed eyes were just too cute and she couldn't help but kiss him again.
Finally she stood, reached up under her dress to retrieve her blue underwear.
"Maybe if I gave you my panties every night then you'd agree to say in there forever," she asked modestly, tossing her used underwear inside, "Now they'll ensure that the box is filled with my scent until morning."
James breathed it in and watched from his cramp cell as Belinda closed the cover and her heels and swaying hips clipped away.
While they wouldn't admit it, neither was in any hurry to change their current arrangements of the nightly lockup. The excitement of being Belinda's prisoner would take James from a sexual high, through a gorgeous feeling of being helplessly loved and owned, and on into a deep sleep.
For Belinda, once the key was turned she would also be aroused. She would smile as she put her daughter to bed and wash the dishes. Once inside her room, she would lie on her bed and play with the keys and think about her gorgeous man. She'd be unable to focus on anything but him and would soon resort to her vibrator as midnight would come and go and she'd still be awake, still daydreaming about her next trip to the gaol.
The next morning James was woken by the sound of the first visitors to the gaol's museum. He'd slept surprisingly well in the locked box, but the atmosphere inside was now increasingly hot and stuffy. With Belinda closing the four inch square access hole, the only air he had was via a tiny heavy grille at the back of the box; designed to keep the prisoner alive, but nothing more.
The scent from Belinda's used underwear was now all pervading, but then he had held them to his face as he slept. Now he needed air and at the very least he needed someone to open the metal cover that closed off the small access hole. As Belinda had not yet arrived, he would have to ask one of the visitors for help.
Two women had already walked past his box and James had overheard some of their conversation. From the sound of women's shoes on the concrete floor, it sounded as though they had split up and just one pair of female shoes was now approaching.
"Hi! Hello?" he called.
The footsteps stopped.
"I'm in the box."
As the footsteps tentatively approached, he knew he needed a story.
"We have a competition on today," James called out, "Students have to find pretend 'prisoners' in the gaol. Makes learning more fun. Unfortunately I was volunteered to be one of the 'prisoners' for this morning."
"Oh... okay," the woman sounded confused.
"But my friend who locked me in here should have left the access window open, otherwise you bake in here... could you make my morning by opening it for me?"
She was close now, but still hadn't opened the cover.
There was a click and the cover swung open, with James's face already in place to breathe in the cold fresh air.
"Oh my god, what's it like in there?" she woman cried, her blonde hair held back by a pair of sunglasses.
"Fine... all for a good cause."
"I guess."
James looked up only to realise that he was looking right up inside her white cotton shorts and could see a little too much of her underwear.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking away, "Just a little awkward from down here."
"Hey, I should close you back up for that!" the woman joked, making no effort to move.
"No, no, please I'm not looking."
She giggled as she sat down on the lid, crossed her legs and closed the cover. Beneath her was the sound the cramped guy trying to move and some increasingly desperate pleading.
"I'm really sorry!"
She held her hand to her mouth to suppress laughter.
"Please... just for a minute?" he begged.
The woman put on her sunglasses and crouched down by the hole with her legs apart and unclipped the cover. She watched with amusement as James looked out and then quickly looked away when faced with a close up of her crotch.
"You looked again," she laughed, slamming the cover closed again.
James pushed up on the underside of the lid in a pointless bid for freedom as he listened as the girl in the shorts walk off; her cruelty making him feel very claustrophobic. However, less than a minute later the footsteps returned.
"Okay, but you've got to admit that was kinda fun," she laughed out loud as she opened the cover. She then walked away, with frequent looks back to the box and the sexy eyes peering out from its dark confined interior.
'Where's Belinda?' James thought, reaching through the hole and grabbing the padlock for the hundredth time. He yanked the silver lock and then twisted it as hard as he could, but knew he wasn't even close to breaking it.
With no one in the museum, he risked some kicks against the end of the box, but the solid dull thud told him that that was also pointless. He pushed up on the lid in frustration, 'fucking padlocks!' He placed his face back up against the small hole and looked longing at the outside world.
"You sure you're alright?"
Fuck, he hadn't realised the blonde was still in the museum.
"I'm fine... and thanks for opening this hole," he panted back.
The woman was now crouching down by the box, again giving James a close up of her shorts.
"Tell me where the key is and maybe I'll let you out for a bit," the woman offered.
"Oh I think she's taken it with her."
"That's a bit dangerous," she replied disappointedly, "What if you wanted to get out?"
"I guess I don't have that choice."
"Too bad," the blonde replied, as she stood up and walked away.
James finished drinking his water and then carefully pissed into the empty bottle. He lay back down on the soft blankets and closed his eyes. Belinda had found the most physiologically cruel form of imprisonment ever. Where was Belinda? Where were the keys?
It was just after eleven in the morning when Belinda returned.
"I see someone opened your hole," her voice was unmistakable.
There was clattering from inside the box and James's face appeared at the single small opening.
"Am I glad to see you!" he exclaimed.
"Sorry darling, I promised to take my daughter for breakfast," she smiled sweetly.
Wearing a white gym top, gray yoga pants and trainers, Belinda crouched down by the hole, bouncing as if warming up for exercise.
"That's okay," James replied in a voice that portrayed desperation.
"A little frustrated are we?"
James sighed out loud, "This is insanely cruel, I can't believe people had to live like this."
Belinda's big brown eyes were smiling even more than usual as she watched James desperately try to peer out through the tiny opening. She sipped from her water bottle and just kept smiling.
"You have the key?" he asked.
Belinda nodded.
"Great, I've got this place I want to try for lunch," James said, although his words sounded more like a question.
Belinda was still smiling and still sipping water, "Sure, but I'm going to the gym first,"
"A late lunch then?"
"Sure," she replied as she turned to leave.
"Yes?" she answered, her lips pursed, her eyebrows raised.
"These padlocks?" James was reaching through the hole and rattling one of the locks.
"What about them?"
"They're locked," James replied, stating the obvious.
"I know, I locked them."
James reached through and rattled one of the locks again before retrieving his arm and peering hopefully through the tiny hole.
"Just imagine what it will feel like when I finally let you out," she purred, "when you make out with the woman who kept you so cruelly immured."
"Fuck I want you so much!" he cried.
"Keep that thought darling..." she called as she walked away.
Belinda returned just after 1pm. The gaol had just closed to the public and Kate was ushering out the remaining visitors as she arrived. Belinda had endured a spin class and had run back to the gaol and was still perspiring and panting as she walked back into the museum.
Belinda peered in at James's hopeful face, which had the expression of someone who had been in long term imprisonment and was desperate to please his captor in any way he could; desperate to be shown some mercy.
"Belinda, this box is driving me insane, I so want you," James cried, close to both breaking down and orgasm.
"What if I left you in there for another day?" she puffed, stripping off her damp gym top and unclipping her sports bra.
Belinda's glowing breasts had James's full attention.
She kicked off her trainers and slowly peeled her wet yoga pants and thong from her body. She removed her keys from the pocket of her yoga pants and then, completely naked, crouched down and started to feed her perspiration soaked gym outfit through the small opening. With all of her damp clothing now inside the box, she closed the cover to seal in her scent.
Belinda sat on the box, listening carefully to the moans of pleasure beneath her, desperately hoping that this was turning James on as much as it was her.
"I could leave you in there forever," she panted, her legs apart, her fingertips on her thighs, "and just stuff in more and more of my used underwear..."
James banged on the lid, knowing that the beautiful woman was only an inch away, "Oh fuck!" he cried, his head spinning.
"Your life spent inside my box," she breathed.
James moaned, his head inside Belinda's damp yoga pants, "I feel like a bloodhound that's just been shown the scent."
Belinda was trembling with excitement, "Well maybe I should let you off your leash."
She touched herself again, aroused like hell by the banging beneath her.
When she could take no more, she reached down and unlocked the two padlocks, but stayed sitting on the lid as James's strong body fought to escape. Her naked butt was still holding the lid closed with the vibrations only bringing her closer.
Finally, she jumped up and watched the lid flip up and her sexy, naked man clamber out. She shrieked and ran out of the museum and along the cell block. She could hear James giving chase, his footsteps catching her. She cried out in excitement as she stopped and turned and was gathered up in his arms.
They made love quickly, but with intensity that justified over fifteen hours inside the box. James then took Belinda by the hand and led her back to his private cell where they showered and changed. He then took her for lunch and it was after five in the afternoon when they returned to the gaol and to the bed in James's cell.
Belinda was sitting astride James's waist with his cock deep inside her. Neither of them moved as they focused only on the feeling.
"So how did it feel to keep me locked in the box for all that time?" James asked breathlessly.
Belinda looked down at him bashfully, but didn't reply.
"Do you know what it was like for me, looking at your gorgeous body through that tiny window?"
Belinda was now moaning and shaking and pushing against his body. Seconds later they climaxed and Belinda flopped down on to his chest and into his waiting arms.
The time had come for James to meet Belinda's family and Belinda was both nervous and excited. She'd dressed conservatively in a white blouse, black cotton trousers and casual black jacket. Her hair was down and her makeup discrete. Her trousers finished above the ankle and she wore understated gray flats.
She arrived at the gaol and walked quickly to James's cell. She unlocked the first door and walked up to the bars of the second cell door. James looked gorgeous in tan chinos and a black jumper over a white cotton shirt. They kissed through the bars before James turned around ready to be handcuffed.
"Really!" she laughed, "I can't introduce you to my family in handcuffs."
"Okay... you can take them off before we go into the restaurant."
Belinda giggled as she dug through her handbag and pulled out a pair of hinged handcuffs.
"How did I know you had handcuffs in there," James joked as he felt her gentle hands lock and double lock the cuffs behind his back.
"You know we may never make it to the restaurant," she breathed, kissing him again through the bars, "You know I can't resist a man in handcuffs."
Belinda dug through her handbag and eventually retrieved the only key to the barred cell door so she could release her date. With her arm around James's waist, they left the gaol and walked up the long driveway back to the main road. They were now less than two hundred metres from the restaurant and walking towards them was Belinda's mother and Belinda's daughter.
"Oh my god, they're coming!" Belinda exclaimed, as she dug around in her handbag for the key, "... it's too dark, can you shine your phone this way?"
"Belinda, I'm handcuffed!"
"Oh yeah!"
She placed her bag on her knee and rummaged through until she found the single key that would release James's wrists, but her daughter and her mum were now only metres away.
"Hi... I really been looking forward to meeting you," James called in his usual easy way, even though his hands were still chained behind his back.
Belinda furiously unlocked the cuffs just in time for James to greet her family as if nothing had happened.
"Next time keep the key in your pocket," James giggled into Belinda's ear as they walked into the restaurant.
"Or just keep you locked in your cell," she whispered back, smiling as they all sat down.
James and Belinda were sitting on one side of the table with her daughter and her mum on the other side. James's charm was having the same effect on Belinda's family as it had had on Belinda herself and they were both listening intently as he broke the ice.
As they talked, James discretely took the handcuff key and pushed it into the front pocket of Belinda's black cotton trousers. Without breaking eye contact with the others, his fingers moved deeper into her pocket and slid down the inside of Belinda's thigh and then pushed across her clit. He rubbed back and forth and then left the key inside as he pulled out his hand.
A few minutes later James retrieved the key and with the long tablecloth giving the perfect cover, he popped the top button of Belinda's trousers and pushed the key down inside the front of Belinda's underwear. Belinda could only sit transfixed, delighted that her family loved her new guy and aroused as hell by the feel of James's hand inside her panties.
They finished their meal and Belinda and James left the restaurant and ran back to the top of the gaol's driveway, laughing like kids. Once there, and behind the cover of the nearest trees, she forcefully handcuffed his hands behind his back and pushed her tongue inside his mouth.
"That was so bad!" she cried, "and so fucking sexy!"
"I think we should go out with your family more often."
"Well next time I'm going to leave the handcuffs on and tell them you're a real prisoner... what you did in the restaurant was almost enough to get you locked up!"
"Well if the key's fallen out then we may not have much choice."
"It's okay, I can feel it," Belinda giggled as she took his arm and led him away.
They reached the gaol and locked the heavy front door behind them. Belinda flicked her hair back over her shoulders and stood in the middle of the entrance hall with her hands on her hips.
"Well you put the key in there... so you're getting it out,"
James walked up to her and gently kissed her red lips.
"Well that won't get the key out of my panties," she purred.
Next he knelt down on the cold stone floor and ran his lips up the front of Belinda's trousers.
"You're getting warmer, but that won't free the key," she breathed.
"No, but it'll drive you crazy," James looked up at the woman who was now impatient for his touch.
"Now!" she shrieked with laughter.
James's lips negotiated the single button that kept the black cotton material secured around her slim waist and then moved on to the zip. His kisses combined with her jiggling eased the cotton material down over her hips where it pooled by her ankles.
Next his lips kissed and played with her clit through the sheer material of her black silk underwear and then his tongue pushed inside. He kissed and massaged her to orgasm before the key was finally freed and fell to the floor.
With Belinda's eyes now dreamy and barely focusing, she unbuttoned James's trousers and slid him inside her. She was now even dreamier as she picked up the key and led James through the large echoing entrance hall, through the cell block and back to James's cell.
"Now we're official, I'm going to miss locking you up at night in this gaol," Belinda said, as James brushed passed her and into his cell.
James buried his face beneath her long dark hair and was kissing her neck,
"There's no rush to change," he replied, "I still love having you as my jailer."
"Maybe I'll get an immurement box for my bedroom," she daydreamed, "Some nights we sleep together, other nights I lock you in the box.
They kissed again.
"And I decide when you go in and when you come out...." her voice was breathy and aroused as she closed and locked the barred inner door.
"So one night I might go in and never come out?" James panted, leaning against the bars and pushing deep into the cute brunette's mouth.
"Mmm, you can spend your life looking at my butt through a tiny hole, desperately hoping I let you kiss it."
James leaned heavily against the locked barred door, "Fuck Belinda, I want you."
"And I want a heavy cage in the lounge, low down by the sofa, where you will spend your evenings," she purred between kisses, "We can talk, play games, watch movies... and I'll have the only key to let you out."
"So I'll have to seduce my way out," he replied, "Should be easy... a few kisses and a foot massage maybe?"
"Hard to massage my feet when your hands are chained behind your back," she replied.
"I'll kiss your feet then."
"Mmm... you may have many places to kiss..."
Belinda was drifting off into her happy place and knew she had to get back to her daughter before it was too late. She stepped back from the bars and out of James's reach.
James dropped playfully to his knees and looked up, "One more kiss?" he begged.
Belinda slid off a shoe and pushed her bare foot through the bars. 'Very funny' he smiled as he kissed her foot. Belinda stepped back outside the outer door.
"Hey, I'm still in these cuffs," he called.
"You'll be pleased to know that the key's in my pocket darling," she giggled, tapping the front of her trousers, "and I'm sure you can imagine where it'll end up."
Belinda stepped back through the outer door, blew James one final kiss and then slammed it shut and turned the high security key in the lock. She pulled at the handle to experience the beautiful feel of a locked cell door; one where her lover was inside and she had the key. It had been a wonderful evening and she'd even made plans for their future, a future where she would be worshipped like a princess by the man of her dreams.
The sexual energy that Belinda had left inside the cell had made James cum once more and he lay slumped against the bars. He climbed to his feet and collapsed blissfully on to his bed to daydream some more about Belinda.