Author's Note: This is not so much a story as an account of one of my bondage fantasies.
The woman smiles to herself as she prepares her female slave for an evening of erotic bondage. She is a dominatrix and uses her slave not only for her personal pleasure but also as an instrument of sexual stimulation when satisfying her clients. She prefers to think of these as her 'victims', men who are prepared to reward her for bringing them to orgasm in the most frustrating scenarios she can imagine.
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Her slave lives with her and has all her needs catered for - and most of her wants - on the condition that she submits without resistance to the woman's demands, however extreme or unpleasant. This suits the girl, as she is naturally submissive, and although she dislikes some of the tasks she is ordered to fulfil - particularly those involved in satisfying men - she undertakes them without complaint out of a strong, masochistic love for her mistress.
The girl is short and plump, and as a badge of her servitude has her head completely shaved; indeed, apart from her eyelashes, her entire body is hairless. Her mistress enjoys clothing her in constricting garments that emphasise her sexual anatomy, and for that evening's activities she has been squeezed into an extremely tight, black rubber corset which emphasises the full curves of her torso, and from which her unconstrained flesh escapes in pneumatic mounds. The corset has six large suspenders attached, stretched down the girl's plump thighs to the tops of a pair of ridiculously short black, fully-fashioned nylons. The glossy tops start only just above her knees, but are pulled high up her thighs by the stout suspenders, the taut nylon forcing her soft flesh into bulging white cushions. Amid these - and framed by the black of her corset, suspenders and stocking tops - her gently rounded, naked pubis nestles invitingly.
The corset encloses the girl's torso to her neck, but with apertures at the front through which her copious breasts spill. Her arms are bound tightly together behind her - from her hands to her elbows - in a leather single sleeve, which pulls her shoulders right back and lifts her breasts so that they project forward with their large nipples jutting. The high neck of the corset is reinforced to hold the wearer's head upright and immobile, rather like a neck brace, with a small ring attached at the front. The girl is pretty in a rather baby-faced fashion, with full lips and innocent blue eyes; with appropriate make-up she would look very attractive. She is not wearing any tonight, however, as she will be masked.
The woman instructs her slave to sit and wait while she prepares her victim for the evening. The girl is happy to comply as she is strapped into shoes with six inch heels, and the small size of her feet necessitates her standing virtually on the tips of her toes; this strains her calves and makes balancing difficult. As she sits and waits she knows that she will have to wear even more bondage garments, and is also well aware that she will be abused to excite her mistress's client. Perversely, that knowledge gives her a small tingle inside and a dampness between her thighs.
Before entering the bondage room - where her 'victim' awaits her - the woman reviews her appearance in the full length mirror in her changing room. It certainly reflects her role as a dominatrix, which is aided by her height and imposing figure; these are further emphasised by six inch heeled, red patent court shoes. She also wears a corset dress in scarlet rubber, accentuating her waist, hips and not inconsiderable breasts, which are held in tight fitting rubber cups that hide no details of their shape - or her prominent nipples - while supporting them so that they thrust forward provocatively. The flared skirt falls to her knees, below which her athletic legs are sheathed in fully-fashioned nylons, a little darker than flesh tone but with excitingly darker seams and fashioning. Her arms are clad in tight, glossy black rubber gloves to just past her elbows.
She never allows her clients to see her face uncovered and presently wears a black half-hood that leaves only her nose, chin and bright red lips exposed. He auburn hair escapes through an opening in the back and cascades to her shoulders, while her dark eyes stare disdainfully through almond shaped slits in the gleaming rubber. She looks suitably intimidating.
Satisfied, she steps into the bondage room, which is surprisingly light and airy; this is no gloomy dungeon. The décor is almost clinical; white painted walls lined with numerous metal racks containing a wide range of bondage equipment, and a rail of restraining garments, mainly in functional black rubber. The floor is grey composite, which is easy to keep clean and also resonates nicely when walked on in steel-tipped heels.
The centre piece of her bondage room is a low single bed, but unlike any standard bed; for a start it is upholstered entirely in heavy-duty black rubber. It is a little longer than an average bed and has a narrower extension at one end, the right dimensions to support someone's head; that this is its intended purpose is obvious from the rigid neck rest where the extension joins to the bed. Running down the centre of the bed is a double row of regularly spaced leather straps, designed to imprison a person on it.
That person will soon be the woman's current 'victim'. He sits impatiently on one of the plastic covered upright chairs provided, but stands when she enters; his penis also rises, confirming the effectiveness of her costume. The man wears only a thick, black rubber corset, completely enclosing his torso, with pale, fully-fashioned nylons stretched onto the eight short suspenders. Wearing stockings augments his arousal, and his preference is that anyone involved in sexual activity - whether male or female - should wear them.
"Let's get you ready," the woman says, matter-of-factly, though her words generate a thrill inside the man. Apart from his stipulation that they must all wear nylons, he prefers to let the woman decide what should be done to him, the uncertainty lending his anticipation an exciting edge of nervousness. She crosses to the racks of bondage equipment lining one wall and selects a handful of items.
She instructs him to stand beside the low bed in the centre of the room and to bend forward, supporting his weight on his arms. He complies without comment; he never speaks to the woman and obeys her directions without argument. Their relationship is not so much one of mistress and slave, more of doctor and patient; whatever she does to him he accepts passively. He feels excitingly vulnerable as she stands behind him, acutely conscious of his exposed buttocks and genitals, that feeling heightened when she tells him to spread his legs. He is certain that she is about to abuse his personal anatomy in some fashion but is unsure how, generating in him a fluttery apprehension.
She loops a cord around his testicles, tying it tightly, and then continues to bind it around and around until his scrotum is constricted into a long rigid stalk with his testicles a compact, slightly painful package on the end. The woman knows that a degree of pain in certain erogenous areas can increase arousal, and is also aware that binding the man's testicles will hinder ejaculation, promoting extra frustration. She helps him to step into a pair of pants, which she works up his stockinged legs with some difficulty as they are very tight, fashioned from thick, unyeilding rubber. They are high waisted, with a small hole in the front for his penis and a moderately sized dildo projecting up from the gusset inside. A short tube hanging below the pants, ending in a small rubber bulb, suggests that once in place the dildo can be enlarged.
The man tenses slightly as the woman's gloved finger, slippery with grease, probes his anus, preparing the passage. He braces himself as the dildo is pressed against his anal ring, stretching it painfully. He almost cries out in protest, but his burning ring is stretched no further, and a wave of masochistic satisfaction washes over him as he feels the rubber penis invade his rectum, sliding deep into him.
The woman grasps his rigid shaft and pushes it through the hole in the front of the pants. The tight rubber ring grips the man's foreskin and as it is worked along his shaft to the root, drags the skin back to expose his glans; he emits an involuntary gasping cry at the pang of mixed pain and pleasure. He is told to stand upright again and the clinging pants are pulled up onto his hips. The woman jerks them firmly into place and the man gasps again as the dildo is pushed even deeper into him. His testicles are squashed between his thighs and the constricting ring has made his penis swell and throb, his exposed glans glistening darkly like a ripe plum.
"Fold your arms in front of you and hold them forward away from your body," the woman tells him. He obeys and she winds a length of rubber bandage - applied under tension - around his forearms from just above one elbow to just past the other, and then back again for good measure, binding them securely together. The man is beginning to feel deliciously helpless, his excitement intensified by the certainty that he will be even more strictly constrained before he is allowed any release.
The woman fetches a torso bag from the rail of rubber clothing, but before fitting it on the man, snaps metal clips onto his nipples. He lets out little cries of distress as the metal bites into his sensitive flesh, but absorbs the pain as the sharp stabs of agony in his chest rouse reciprocal spasms of pleasurable excitement in his lower abdomen and throbbing penis.
The heavy rubber torso bag is then fitted over his shoulders from the front; it has no sleeves and closes at the rear with a strong zip from the waist to the high collar. It is extremely constricting, crushing his folded arms against his body as the woman struggles to pull up the zip; when it is finally closed all the way up, he is encased in tight rubber from his waist to his chin. He is beginning to feel slightly unreal and breathless from his heightened state of arousal.
He is told to sit on the bed - an uncomfortable exercise with that large dildo inside him - while the woman collects a black rubber hood and pulls it over his head. It zips closed at the back and fits very snugly, with small holes for his eyes, mouth and nostrils. He is told to open his mouth, which he does with nervous anticipation, guessing that he is about to be gagged.
The woman pushes an inflatable gag into his mouth and tightens the holding straps around his neck and over his head. She then squeezes the small bulb on the end of the short tube projecting from the gag, pumping air into it; the rubber balloon in the man's mouth quickly swells to fill it, making swallowing difficult. Suddenly afraid that he might choke he tries to protest, though all that emerges is a strangled gargle which the woman calmly ignores, continuing her steady pumping until the gag is hard and his jaws stretched wide. The man's excitement is now tinged with mild fear.
The woman knows that the thrill of bondage can be considerably enhanced by adding extra elements that are superfluous to practical requirements but underline the victim's inability to escape. She loops a stiff leather collar around the man's neck and laces it closed, holding his head up high and preventing his turning it easily.
"The collar covers the zip tags of the hood and torso bag," she taunts him. "Neither can be unzipped without first removing the collar, and to prevent that, the laces are hidden under a leather flap secured with this little padlock, so!" She clicks the lock shut. "Now the laces cannot be undone and the collar removed without a key. Unfortunately for you, the only key to this lock is shut away in the safe in my dressing room, which is on a time-lock and cannot be opened for another two hours."
As the implications of her words sink in - that he is trapped inside that constricting rubber cocoon for at least two hours with no hope of early release - the man is almost overwhelmed by a potent mixture of excitement and anxiety. Small rivulets of moisture run down his body inside the clinging rubber, unable to escape; by the time he is freed he will be soaking in a bath of sweat.
The woman instructs him to stand again and adds even more unnecessary bondage, fastening a broad leather belt around his waist - also secured with a padlock - and another strap which she pulls really tight around his folded arms and chest. She then assists him down onto the low bed, positioning him between the two rows of straps. His stockinged legs are still free, and feel excitingly exposed and naked in contrast to his rubber packaged head and torso. This is quickly rectified by the woman, who pushes a pair of ballet boots onto his feet and laces them tightly, stretching his toes down and pulling his calves taut. When she straps his ankles, knees and thighs together - with even an extra strap around the feet of his boots - he can barely move his legs at all.
Before she fastens him down onto the bed she rolls him onto his side to add to his torment. The free ends of the cord binding his scrotum protrude like a short tail from a small hole in the back of the pants; the woman feeds these through a ring attached to the man's belt and pulls on them hard - stretching his scrotum back between his thighs - before tying off the ends. The man's testicles throb in mild agony, and the tension on his already straining penis is intensified. A muffled groan gurgles behind his gag.
Through the melee of conflicting sensations he becomes aware of a stirring in his anus; the woman is pumping up the dildo inside him. It gradually enlarges to fill his rectum with inflated rubber and probes up into his intestines, causing small spasms of exquisite discomfort. When fully hard it is much bigger and longer than any living penis and the man can do nothing but accept this artificial rape of his anus!
He attempts to compose himself into a suitably submissive frame of mind as the woman rolls him onto his back again prior to fixing him to the bed. His head is placed over the neck support and a padded strap secured across his throat. He is staring up at the ceiling a little beyond the end of the bed and cannot move his head at all. Further straps are tightened across his body at frequent intervals, pinning him immobile to the bed. He feels faint from the intensity of his excitement, underscored with surges of dull pain, apprehension and sexual craving.
Satisfied that her victim is ready for the next stage of her plan, the woman leaves the room to fetch her slave. When she returns, the man can tell that two people have entered by the different sounds of their heels on the composite floor, though he cannot see them where they stand near the door.
The woman quickly adds a few finishing touches to her slave's attire.
The apertures in the front of the girl's corset have drawstrings around them; her mistress now tightens these, squeezing the base of her breasts so that they are forced into taut globes and begin to darken as her blood supply is constricted. Her nipples swell and harden, ready for the adjustable steel clamps that the woman fixes onto them, screwing them down until the girl whimpers with pain. The two clamps are linked by a short chain with a small hook in the centre; the woman hauls this up and clips it onto the ring on her slave's collar, lifting the weight of her large breasts by her clamped nipples.
Tears well up in the girl's eyes at the pain but she makes no complaint. The woman fetches a tissue and wipes the tears away with surprising tenderness; she is actually very fond of her slave, though she demonstrates her affection in harsh love. With a gloved finger she traces a circle around one of the girl's tortured nipples, relishing her visible distress and aroused by it.
To complete her slave's preparations she adds a full face mask, moulded from rigid black plastic and padded inside with rubber; it has nostril holes - but no eye holes - and a circular mouth opening with a projecting plastic ring mechanism that lends it the appearance of a short snout. Inside the mask, the mouth aperture - which is just large enough to accommodate a man's penis - extends in a short rigid tube back into the wearer's mouth. The woman forces this between the girl's jaws, stretching them open and preventing their closure; the mask smothers her face and is secured with straps pulled tight around her shaved head. The girl is now anonymous, no longer a person but an extreme fetish object, and the woman smiles at the thought of her pretty little slave being used as an erotic device to enhance the man's sexual satisfaction.
The woman guides this human sex toy - tottering unsteadily on her six inch heels as she cannot see - to the head end of the low bed. She is positioned just above the man's head and his view of her accentuates the voluptuous billows of pale flesh escaping the confines of her costume. Above him, suspended by the torturing clamps, hang the full globes of her taut breasts, now a delicate shade of pinkish-purple traced with darker veins. Allowing him a few minutes to enjoy what he sees - increasing his arousal - the woman then turns the girl so that he can appreciate her back view.
She instructs the girl to stand with her feet apart and then bend forward slightly. To maintain her balance on her spindly heels the girl bends her knees a little, projecting her buttocks back above the man's head. His view of her is now even more exciting, and his gaze follows the black lines of her stocking seams up to the padded expanse of her upper thighs and buttocks. Half hidden in the shadow between them is her most personal anatomy.
This last veil of modesty that the shadow allows the girl is stripped away by the woman reaching down to click a switch on a small, upward pointing spotlight fitted to the bed just above the man's head. Its bright beam floodlights the undersides of the girl's parted thighs, highlighting every intimate detail of her hairless genitals. The man groans in frustration, unable to relieve his intense craving with any physical stimulation.
The woman smiles cruelly and increases the erotic titillation - and her slave's torment - with a pair of large rubber dildos attached to a narrow leather strap. One of the dildos is large, the other enormous, and each sports a short tail of rubber tubing culminating in small bulb; evidently they can be pumped up even larger! The man is sceptical that the poor girl can accommodate them.
The woman knows otherwise! She guides the head of the larger dildo - well larded with lubricant - into the girl's vagina and works it upwards. To prevent herself falling forward as her mistress pushes it up inside her, she has to lean backwards, impaling herself upon it. Slowly the huge plug is inserted until most of it is inside the girl and she begins to whimper with the hurt.
The woman pauses, but only to press the tip of the other dildo against the girl's tight anal rosebud. Reluctantly, it opens to admit the intruder, and the woman pushes the whole length of that substantial shaft into the girl's anus. Her whimpers become short sobs, which her mistress ignores, forcing home the rest of the great dildo in her vagina. The woman then threads the ends of the strap linking the dildos through buckles at the front and back of the girl's corset, pulling it as tight as she can; the strap cuts into the girl's labia and ensures that both dildos are fully embedded.
Watching this extreme abuse of the girl's orifices raises the man's urgent craving for orgasm to an almost unbearable pitch, but the woman continues to titillate him by transforming her slave's extreme discomfort into real torment. Slowly and deliberately she squeezes each of the rubber bulbs in turn, steadily forcing air into the dildos until they are fully inflated. The girl's abdomen is so stretched and packed with hard rubber that tears run down the inside of her mask; yet she submits to the abuse - despite its unpleasantness - because it feeds her masochistic devotion to her mistress.
The woman smiles at the man's yearning stare. "As you've observed, both her pussy and her sweet little arse have been plugged, so the only way she can take you now is in her mouth."
The man gives out a shuddering groan at the thought of his penis in the warm wetness of the girl's mouth. It is almost more than he can endure and his head swims as he watches the woman lead her slave towards the foot of the bed to turn that overwhelming erotic longing into reality.
The girl is made to kneel on the bed, astride the man's lower legs, facing his head. Her mistress then wheels an empty clothes rail across to the bed and positions it above the girl's back. The single sleeve that she wears has a metal ring attached at the hand end; the woman grasps this and pulls it up to clip it to the rail. This forces the girl forward and down, so that she sinks her weight onto the man's legs with her breast spilling over his thighs; the 'snout' of her mask is directly above his groin, though his rigid penis has been pulled down by the extreme tension on his testicles to point towards his feet. He gives a strangled grunt as the woman pulls it upright and slides a plastic ring down its length to the base. This ring has straps attached, and when she pulls these taut, fixing them to the sides of the bed, the man's penis is held pointing straight up and completely immobile. It is now dark and swollen with blood, knotted with veins, and his glans enormous, purple and glistening like polished stone. Another desperate groan from its owner invokes another smile from his tormentress.
The man's rigid shaft now points directly towards the hole in the girl's mask, and the woman guides her head down onto it. She has to apply a little pressure to force the narrow tube over the man's enlarged glans, but the girl's head goes down, taking in the full length. The woman twists the locking ring on the 'snout' of the girl's mask, locking it to the ring around the base of the man's penis; a surge of pleasure overcomes him as his sensitive glans probes the girl's throat, signalling the start of his rise to orgasm.
For the girl, however, this is anything but a pleasurable situation. She submits without complaint to everything that her mistresses makes her do, but this is one situation that she dislikes intensely: to have a man's penis locked into her mouth with no hope of release before it explodes into her throat. The tightness of the mask across her face and its snug fit around the base of the intruder ensure that the only way she can get rid of anything deposited in her mouth is by swallowing it. Despite the inevitability of her fate she is determined to postpone that dreaded moment for as long as she can by holding her head as still as possible.
The man surrenders himself to the urgent sensations consuming his body, but soon discovers that although orgasm feels to be very near, the minimal stimulation provided by the occasional accidental caress of his glans by the girl's tongue and throat are not enough to bring him to climax. He can neither achieve his desperately sought goal nor halt the process, but must endure the unsatisfied craving that the girl's intermittent ministrations prolong.
Satisfied with her machinations, the woman moves to the head of the bed to taunt her victim with one final provocation. She stands astride his head, facing away from him, and his gaze is immediately hijacked by the glossy highlights on her stockinged legs and the fascinating lines of the darker seams disappearing up into her flared skirt. The spotlight beam affords him tantalising glimpses of stocking top, suspender and white flesh as she slowly gyrates her hips, and his highly aroused state renders her erotic teasing even more frustrating. His breathing grows faster and more ragged - accompanied by hoarse grunts - as he struggles with intense sensations that he normally experiences only in a fleeting crescendo to orgasm, but which are now drawn out unbearably.
After a few minutes the woman turns to face her victim - still astride his head - and slowly gathers her skirt up onto her hips; the man is transfixed as the exciting curves of her stockinged thighs are gradually revealed to his hungry gaze. The spotlight between her legs illuminates everything formerly hidden by her skirt, and the man - fixed helplessly beneath her - stares up in desperate craving at the enticing curves of her inner thighs where they swell gently over the tops of her taut nylons, framed by the dark stocking tops and heavy-duty black suspenders.
The woman's brief knickers are also black, but so sheer that they barely conceal the details of her shaven pubis and her labia. She hooks her thumbs through each side of this final covering and provocatively eases it down her thighs to the level of her stocking tops; stretched between her parted legs, the thin material partially screens from the man's view her otherwise completely exposed genitals. To be subjected to such a blatantly sexual exhibition without any means of indulging his craving is too much for him to bear; his grunts become muffled screams behind his gag as each surge of ecstasy forces him a fraction nearer the edge of ejaculating but leaves him hovering there, fully charged.
The man's eyes glaze as he withdraws into a semi-trance state, drowning in the tsunami of sensations building inexorably inside him. The woman knows that he cannot sustain that state of extreme arousal for long without collapse into painful anticlimax, so she quickly strips off her knickers and squats down on her victim's face, smothering him with her buttocks and moist labia. He is engulfed in musky darkness, unable to see and struggling to breath, which adds a sharp note of panic to his already overwhelming desperation.
The woman reaches forward and presses down hard on the girl's head, forcing her face into the man's groin and his penis deeper into her throat. Retching, she struggles violently to free herself, and when the restraining hand is removed, jerks her head up as far as the locking mechanism allows. Her mistress forces her down again, choking her on the man's hard swollen glans before releasing her again.
The extra stimulation of the girl's frantic movements on the man's penis trigger the climax that she has dreaded. He begins to shudder violently and snort for breath, then bellows a muffled scream as he ejaculates fiercely into the girl's mouth. The woman pushes her slave's head down and holds it there for a few moments to ensure that the man's semen is squirted deep into the girl's throat for her to swallow. He convulses violently in his bonds, the sensations so intense that he almost loses consciousness; he coughs out harsh panting sobs as he surrenders to painful ecstasy and pumps the essence of his being into the girl.
Eventually he subsides into shivering after-shock, and the woman lifts herself from his face - also removing his gag - so that he can breath more freely. She does not immediately unlock the girl from his penis, wanting to ensure that her slave consumes every drop of ejaculate. The girl is resigned to what she must do, and now that the worst part is over for her, sets about ending her ordeal as quickly as possible by cleaning the man's bloated glans - still oozing slimy liquid - with her tongue.
The man is weak and faint from his exertions - even though he could move very little - and hurts in many places. Twinges in nearly all his muscles from his convulsions form a background chorus to the main complainants: his aching jaws and testicles, in concert with his burning nipples and anus. Perversely, these painful mementoes of physical abuse only enhance his joy at having experienced such mind-blowing ecstatic sensations; he will enjoy mentally replaying that sexual indulgence for quite some time.
The woman looks down fondly at her slave - still locked in that obscene oral embrace with the man's penis - and is highly aroused by the girl's humiliation at having to perform such unwelcome sexual degradation. The after-taste of semen still lingers in the girl's mouth, which will soon be put to use again - once the woman's well satisfied client has departed - providing her mistress with a now urgently desired orgasm. The woman smiles to herself in anticipation.