Author's Note: The Internet of things - why not integrate that with bondage? The technology is already there to make this device, I think it is more a question of liability and other legal issues. But technically absolutely doable.
Chapter 1, the Test Ride
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Lucy could barely wait - but she had to. After delivery, the BMF required substantial setup. It also required ploughing through a lot of documentation, but eventually all was in order and system tests were complete. The new Bondage Master Frame was ready for its first ride.
It was not something that could be hidden away in a cupboard, in fact, it took all of her spare bedroom, and it only fitted in after she removed all other furniture. The shiny stainless steel, the leather pads, the leg rests, seat, and armrests - it all looked very ominous. And extremely thrilling.
Lucy had never met a man that could control her. So when she saw the ad for the Bondage Master Frame, she just knew she had to get it. I mean really had to get it. Like nothing else mattered more. It took her a good six months to raise the 29 999 dollars that the Mark IV model cost.
She was trembling with anticipation as she pressed the ON switch. The big LCD screen lit up, ran through some self-tests and presented her with a menu. She touched the "Setup" icon.
Half an hour later, she was done with setup. The frame - or rather the computer controlling the frame - now knew about her size, kinks, limits and medical conditions as well as an emergency contact to call. The first screen after setup just had one button: "Test Run". The instructions had said she had to be fully naked, so she stripped before her shaking hand touched the button.
"Put on your cuffs!" The male voice was deep and loaded with authority. "Yes, Master," she responded as by reflex. With shaking hands, she put cuffs on her ankles and wrists. She had chosen "male dominant" in the setup.
"Put on your hood!" She reached for the heavy hood that came with the frame and slid it on her head. It shut out all light and sound. It had a compartment for her long hair in the neck, so she had already gathered it in a bun.
"Test ride commencing!"
She heard five clicks and realized that her cuffs and the helmet now had been locked on. She had a screen in front of her eyes, and for the moment, the screen showed what she would normally see.
"Mount the frame!" The voice was now inside her helmet, and very loud, something that did not lessen the authority of it at all. She sat on the frame and her cuffs and the collar of the hood snapped into place, leaving her well restrained, arms to the side, feet together and straight.
She heard a softer female voice: "Oh dear, it looks like you fell for it, well now you are in for a ride, and there is nothing you can do about that. May I suggest that you just relax and enjoy things? The test ride only lasts for an hour, so it will not be that bad. In your order, you wanted unrelenting control. In the setup, you, despite three warnings, disabled the safe word option. It is time to live the consequences girl. Open wide!"
She opened her mouth and a big, penis shaped gag was pushed in, and then inflated until she could barely breathe. At the same time, the screen went black and her ears were filled with white noise. Then nothing happened. She was kept immobile, blinded and with ears filled with white noise. Her legs were moved to the side, stretching her into a split wider than she had imagined she could manage herself. It was hurting. But then again nothing more happened for a long while.
"Oh my god, it has malfunctioned - I am going to die like this," she said behind the gag, but it sounded more like "o ai od eh ah ahunkeh - a ae oheehe ou ai aih ich". There was no give anywhere. Nothing happened. More nothing. Even more nothing. She started screaming, but no sound escaped the hood.
She was crying, mumbling pleas for release behind the gag. Her nose started clogging up from the tears, making it even harder to breathe. Panic overtook her, but yielded no release. Eventually she slumped down, defeated. There was nothing more she could do. The realization that she was well and thoroughly helpless, and at the mercy of a machine, actually made her aroused. If only she could get some physical stimulation where it mattered...
She had no idea of how long she was kept immobile. The passivity was broken when a vibrator was applied directly to the area above her clit. The vibrations drove her arousal level through the roof in minutes, she came and slumped back, but the vibrations never stopped. She was pushed from orgasm to orgasm, getting sorer each time. She screamed, begged, cursed, but the machine never relented. She could take no more; still she had to endure more. And more. And more. Her breath was ragged, she struggled for air, and her fingers were clawing at the armrests. Her legs were shaking and her body was covered by sweat.
A powerful electric zap hit both her thighs. She screamed out in pain. She was zapped again and again and again. Her arousal plummeted. She felt only searing pain. She cried, cursed and shook. Still she was held perfectly in her white noise darkness. The vibrator on her clit started again. Against her will, she was driven to another orgasm. And then another. After the last one, she was babbling incoherently into her gag. When the vibrator failed to stop, she cursed and screamed, because it was no longer bringing her pleasure, just pain from her most sensitive body part.
Then it all stopped. The female voice sounded again inside the helmet:
"You wanted lack of control. You got a feel for that. But just a feel. When locked in, the frame operates based on what you have set as your limits. You should therefore carefully examine your settings before your next ride. You have only experienced a fraction of what this device is capable of. It will get really interesting next time when you will be allowed to place yourself available on our web site. There are some pretty perverted men - and women - out there. You will be fully at their mercy for as long as you set your timer, subject of course to any limits you have set on the frame. This brings up a consideration though: Those with many limits are less interesting for the users to play with than those with fewer limits. So choose carefully in the setup menu.
You will now enter the cooldown period that follows every session. You are still aroused. The cooldown period ends when you have - well - cooled down".
Her legs were moved together. The gag deflated. Then it was quiet a long time. She drifted in and out of sleep until she heard a buzz and her cuffs and helmet were unlocked from the frame.
She got up, very unsteady. She removed the cuffs and the helmet.
"Whow, this has been insane," she mumbled to herself. She had been fully out of control. Her body hurt, and her clit was a throbbing centre of pain. It was exactly as she had hoped. She checked the time; she had been on the frame for a good three hours. Therefore, it must have taken her two hours to cool down.
She pressed the touch screen and a message appeared: "Frame action initiation blocked for 20 hours. (Hard-coded, non-overrideable). You may enter setup to set limits for the next session.
Lucy did not know if she was relieved or not. But thinking of it, another session would be pure hell - maybe more hell than she wanted. Maybe the timeout was sensible. On the other hand, she really wanted to abandon control again, to place herself at the mercy of the web surfers. Tomorrow it would be Friday, and she had a day off. Monday was a holiday. What if she set up a single session to last the entire extended weekend... ?
Chapter 2, First time on the net (added: 2016/11/19)
The display on her Bondage Master Frame (BMF) was counting down. Only thirty more minutes to go. Lucy had reviewed limits, she was confident that she could almost take whatever the frame would unleash on her. She really wanted the fun of being taken beyond what she could endure.
For intensity and duration, she had chosen "Medium, Random" for all settings, except duration. There she had set 24 hours, only to see it revert to 6 hours. She tried several times, but each time it rubber-banded back. 6 hours was all she was going to get. She considered logging a support call, but decided against that.
Finally, the countdown started its last minute. She put on the cuffs and hood. Soon she heard the familiar clicks indication that they had locked. Her view-plate showed the room normally. She carefully placed herself on the frame, only now realizing how sore she was from the test run of yesterday.
"Get on the frame NOW, cunt!" The computer voice of the frame reverberated inside the helmet. She jumped and hurried to place herself on the frame. The cuffs and hood attached to the frame. She sighed, expecting a period of calmness like last time.
Instead the entire frame sprang to life, pulling her legs out in a split and arms far out to the side. Inside the helmet, black metal music sounded at full blast. The message "Connecting to the web, looking for players" appeared on her view-screen before it went blank. The music stopped.
She heard faint voices, talking. The voices approached, so did a light on her view-screen. She floated through the light and the voices became clear.
"Oh look here, fresh meat!" she heard from her left.
"Indeed - another sucker bought a BMF. I am so glad I bought stock in that company. The suckers are buying the frames like their life depended on it!" came from the right.
"Now let us have a look at the limits of this one, probably another chicken, rich housewife tired of her husband's floppydick."
There were laughter from many persons. The image changed: In front of her was the image of a woman, bent over a frame, being spanked with a crop over her stretched buttocks.
"Meet Linda. She made a slight error in specifying limits on the number of spanks. She input 1000. Well, even 100 would have been a stretch. We are teaching her to be more careful in the future. By the way, it is not really her you see; it is her avatar in here. But the spanks are very real, she is on a BMF and am getting each of them - at random strength," the first voice informed Lucy.
The person being spanked was twitching and sobbing. Lucy suddenly realized she had not been gagged: perhaps she could talk herself?"
"Hi, I am Lucy, and this is my first time here and..."
"Oh we know it is your first time. For starters, your serial number indicates that your frame was completed as late as last week. Secondly - looking at your limits or rather lack thereof - it is obvious that you have not been on the frame on the network before. Jeeves, didn't you read those warnings about limits?"
Lucy felt herself blush.
"There was so much to read, I may have missed some details," she meekly responded.
Then people from all around her started chatting. From the fragments she could pick up, it was herself, her limits and her session settings that were discussed. She heard laughter.
"Hey, please stop..." The gag cut her short as it forced its way into her mouth. "...akng ao eh" was all that was heard of the rest of the sentence.
"I think Sir Ronan is the right one to break in this virgin," a female voice said. "After all, the max size she specified for plug diameter will make child birth seem like a stroll on the beach. Poor thing, she probably confused inches and centimetres."
Lucy was desperately pulling on her restraints. She was very terrified now. Was the measurements in inches? She had really believed they were in centimetres. She was mumbling incoherently into her gag. The image of the caned woman in front of her now showed the woman convulsing in pain. The spanking had stopped, and soon the image faded to blackness.
A searing pain hit the inside of her left thigh, then her right, then her left, then her right. It was on a steady phase, evenly timed, evenly spread out. She screamed into her gag. The flogger then started on her breasts. Again, she screamed. The flogging resumed on the inside of her thighs. Another scream brought them back to her breasts. She had a choice, breasts or thighs. Both equally painful. She trashed as much as her bindings allowed, which was not much. Soon she was screaming all the time. Finally the flogger rested.
She was gasping for air. Sweat was running into her eyes inside the helmet.
"My name is Sir Ronan, Master Ronan to you. You have already met my faithful flogger. I call him "Mister Motivator". How are you today, slut? And please do your best to respond or I may have to call on the services of Mister Motivator again".
"Ak hoo ashter. Erl ich ine," she mumbled behind the gag.
"Oh, a gag virgin - well, that will not last. I will give you a three for attempt - out of a total of ten. You must really work on your articulation. From your profile, I see that you seem to be less than average interested in the male sexual organ. As a slut, you should learn to worship it."
The blackness in front of her eyes broke to show a parade of male penises, flaccid and erect, small and large, shaven and not shaven, cut and uncut. She closed her eyes, disgusted. A strong zap hit the insides of her thighs and kept zapping her until she again opened her eyes.
"We can see if you shut your eyes. Never shut them again unless given permission," Master Ronan said. She was stuck watching the endless parade of penises. Soon she felt gentle vibrations from a vibrator that pressed against her clit.
"Oh great, they are conditioning me to enjoy watching penises," she mumbled behind her gag, but no understandable words escaped.
She had no track of time. The vibrator ramped up. Then settled down. Then another high, each time driving her to near orgasm before either it shut down or she received pain enough to pull her from the brink of orgasm. The penis images continued. She dared not close her eyes. She was so aroused she was crying, begging and cursing to be taken over the brink. Then all stimulations stopped. The penis images faded into blackness.
"Grunt once if you want to cum," said the voice of Master Ronan. Lucy grunted once. The frame moved her legs painfully out to the sides in a split while tilting her body backwards. Then nothing. She could feel the air over her soaking pussy and the chill from the air moving over her damp inner thighs. She could hear some gears moving followed by a blistering pain as a huge dildo was brutally pushed into her pussy.
The penis shaped object started thrusting in and out, slow at first, then faster and faster. She screamed into her gag as the pain from the stretching mixed with pleasure from the fucking. She felt an orgasm building, but it was cut short as several electrical shocks hit her most sensitive spots. The thrusting continued. She was building up again only to once more be cut off at the very brink of a big orgasm.
The pattern repeated itself many times. Lucy was trashing, screaming and cursing. She heard laughter inside her helmet.
"What a slut! She will be very easy to condition. Soon she will be begging to suck cock," said a
voice she had not heard before. "But Sir Ronan, why are you going easy on her? Look at her profile, this one is a pain slut. Clearly. Max up the settings, she can take it."
"Good point," responded Sir Ronan. Moments later, she was being fucked and shocked at the same time.
"Use your safeword if it is too much," Said Sir Ronan. With a rush of fear, she realized that she, despite numerous warnings, had disabled the safeword. She tried to tell him, but no intelligent noise came out of her gagged mouth.
At this point, she started cramping. The sensory overload was just too high; she lost control over her muscles. She was shaking and snorting while the dildo relentlessly brought her towards the orgasm she had so been wanting, ever since Sir Ronan took control of her. As she neared orgasm, her air supply was cut off, triggering a panic attach, adding to her arousal.
"Security protocol number two triggered, sensory overload detected, safety mode engaged, switching to cool-down, remote control revoked, removing client from web access," said a slightly metallic female voice inside her helmet. Lucy screamed in frustration as the dildo was withdrawn, her breathing restored and her legs brought together. Then there was just darkness and silence, apart from her own breathing and sobs. She had been so close. Her pussy was so swollen it hurt. She was held immobile, unable to touch her sensitive parts, unable to finish what the machine had started. She groaned behind the gag, knowing that there would be no release from the frame until she had cooled down.
When she was finally released from the frame, she was unable to stand. Her fingers were too uncoordinated to release the helmet. She crawled into the bathroom and into the shower. After the first seconds of ice-cold water, warm water started soothing her acing limbs. As she regained control, she tried to finger herself to an orgasm, but found she was much too sore for that to work.
She tried once more to get the hood off, but failed. She just could not make out the straps, besides the gag was no longer in her mouth and she felt more like sleep than anything else. She towelled herself off, feeling the touch of the towel almost painful, staggered into her bedroom, found her bed after kicking the bedframe twice before she fell down on the bed and went to sleep.
Much later, she was woken from her disturbed sleep with a beeping inside her hood.
"Ah, there you are, you must have passed out," said a gentle female voice. "We do not take lightly to people that do not deliver the performance our web surfers expect. Until you place yourself back on the frame, the hood stays on. Now rest, and when you feel ready for it, get back on the frame. You have served 92 minutes of a total of 360. Cool-down time does not count."
Lucy cried out in misery, and immediately felt the penis gag pressed against her mouth. She tried meekly to resist, but soon gave up. She was gagged again.
She cried, she begged, but in the end she relented, put on her cuffs and placed herself into the frame again. She had no idea what to expect, she just knew that unless she wanted to go naked and hooded to her neighbour for help, she had to serve the remaining time on the frame.
The moment the locks clicked shut, she heard Sir Ronan's voice again:
"Now that was not very nice of you, dropping out like that! You had made me very aroused, and I was left just hanging there, not knowing if you would return. We here have had a vote. Your sentence is to serve out the rest of your time in pain, suitable for your crime. Personally, I hope to never see you again in here. There is a substantial used market for the Master Bondage Frames you know. You can sell yours on Amazon."
The frame sprang to life. She was shocked, penetrated and whipped. She pleaded and begged, but there was no mercy shown. Images of tortured women flashed in front of her eyes. The word "Shame" was whispered in the background as well as flashed on the screen. A cane hit her breasts, then her thighs, then up between her legs. She felt a whip on her shoulders. And her back. She cried and begged. In between, she realized that the intensity of the pain was less. The Bondage Master Frame must have adjusted her limits down. Still, the pain was always there, burning, stinging.
She had no idea of time. Eventually the pains stopped and the frame moved her legs closer. She felt something sprinkled over herself. It just took her seconds to realize that she had been sprinkled with itching powder. Within minutes, the itching brought her to the point where she strongly believed she would lose her mind. The entire front of her body was itching, but she could not scratch the itch. It seemed like her armpits had gotten a special dose of the powder. She squirmed and pulled so hard that for a moment she thought she could pull free. However, in the end she was left to endure her itchy torment.
She woke in a haze. The itching had stopped. She assumed that the itching powder must have been short lived. She was still on the frame, but no longer restrained. She got up, removed the hood and the cuffs and went in search of a clock. The one in the kitchen showed 04:30 and it was dark outside. She stumbled into her office, and looked at the date on the computer. It was Sunday.
She spent the next hour in her shower. After towelling herself, she dried and combed her hair before she went into the room with the frame. She got a bucket and some rags and started cleaning the wet floor beneath it, wiped off all the pads and the huge dildo attachment and cleaned the hood and cuffs as well.
Lucy was very unsure if she would ever use the frame again. It had been too much. Too intense. It had been just what she wanted, but maybe she had wanted more than she could handle. That guy, Sir Ronan, had been quite something, and it seemed like he was the "leader of the flock" in there. He was clearly a true sadist - and very full of ego. He scared her more than any man had scared her before. If he had walked into her apartment, she would have dropped to her knees without hesitation had he so demanded.
After she put away the cleaning materials, she pulled out a chair and looked at the control screen. Without really looking, she flipped through the setup screens, randomly adjusting some settings down. She also reduced maximum duration to 3 hours and disabled breath control. She considered turning on safeword, but then changed her mind and let it be off.
In one of the menus, she found an ability to enter people on a blacklist. After a bit of searching, she found Sir Ronan, added him to the list, but did not press "Save". She left the menu, only to return and do the same again. She could still not bring herself to press "Save".
One menu caught her attention - "Chastity belt program". She had ordered the chastity belt option, and below the actual frame assembly, there was a locker of sorts. She opened it and found all the extras she had ordered, but almost forgotten in her eagerness to have the frame mounted up and ready.
The chastity belt was beautiful, and looked extremely secure. A dome over the area of her clit made sure there was no direct contact with her sensitive bud. She just had to try it on.
The belt fitted perfectly. The waistband would be locked when the front shield was positioned properly. She held the front shield up and admired herself in the mirror. She had ordered the carbon fibre option. It was much stronger than steel. A small plug would go into her pussy. She knew from the design that the plug contained a high-energy battery, one that would be charged when she was on the frame. She slid the front shield into place and it locked.
"Chastity belt locked, but no wearer safeword set. Belt can therefore only be unlocked while secured to the frame and then only by a VIP member of the web site," said the frame's female voice. Lucy cursed. She had expected some keys, at least a menu on the interface. She searched and found no menu.
Finally, she relented and went to the safeword menu. The options were all greyed out. She tried to click on the greyed "New Safeword" button, but got a message informing her that this button was only active when the chastity belt was not locked on.
She sighed deeply and started going through the documentation. There was much to read. It did mention - more than once - that one should always set a password, and always before putting on any of the restraints.
She surfed to their web site and logged on as a normal user. The chat was busy, and four "frame-sitters" were being played. Sir Ronan was nowhere to be seen. She joined the chatter and made some creative suggestions, all resulting in great discomfort or frustration for the frame locked ones.
She was amazed to see that when people were on their frames, they were also present as lifelike avatars, and the movement of their avatars seemed to correspond to how they most likely moved on their frames. Seeing one woman driven from orgasm to orgasm, trashing, screaming and pleading, nearly had Lucy rig up and jump on her own frame. She checked the status, and she would still be locked out for another twelve hours. The sight of the woman driven from orgasm to orgasm made her head feel hot and all flushed. Her hand went down to rub her clit, but was stopped by the slick carbon covering her pussy. Lucy logged off the web site.
Lucy needed some sleep. She crawled into her soft bed, between the satin sheets, pulled the duvet over her body, absentmindedly letting her hands drift down to stroke her clit. She cursed long and hard when she felt only the chastity belt.
Sleep first, then some food, then another session on the frame. She would absolutely be back. If just her body had not been so sore and exhausted.
Chapter 3, Reset (added: 2017/03/28)
Lucy actually stayed off the frame for two full weeks. The chastity belt was rather comfortable, although it gave her an itch she could not scratch. Several times she had put on cuffs and the helmet, but re-considered. She never sat on the frame. So the chastity belt remained locked.
This weekend Lucy had made up her mind, she was going to try the frame again. Absolutely. But first there was one small matter to attend to. She used the console to call up the menu, selecting the "Blacklist" button and entering Master Ronan's name. That perverted sadist was not going to be playing with her again.
Before she engaged the frame, she looked through the storage area, as she had ordered a few extras that she had not seen yet. One was the breast covers. Quite simply they were domes that covered her breasts in the same unyielding carbon material as her chastity belt. She had gone for the non-pierced version as she did not have any nipple piercings.
The domes had a padded base ring. They shaped her breasts beautifully, and had an artificial nipple that was pointing slightly up. Applying a lot of lubricant, she slid one breast into the dome. Soon the entire breast was covered with unyielding material. She just loved stroking the surface, feeling nothing. She put on the other dome and sighed. There were bands that went up her shoulders and down to a band that circled her body. The bands snapped in place. Finally, she placed the middle part between her breasts and pushed her dome clad breasts together. There was a loud click, and she screamed out in pain. Clamps inside the domes had caught her nipples and held them in a relentless grip. She clawed at the domes, hyperventilating, crying, falling to the floor.
It took her a few minutes to calm down. The pain went from searing to strong to unpleasant to a dull ache. She had seen the clamps before she put on the domes, but she had not realized they would engage automatically.
She sat on the frame, the cuffs and the hood locked and her entire world went dark. She heard sounds of nature and could swear she felt wind on her skin. But nothing else happened. She felt the strange mix of fear and restlessness washing through her body.
There was a strong light, far away, it was slowly approaching. Her gag pressed on her mouth and she opened up. The light engulfed her and she drifted into a huge room with twenty people strapped to their Bondage Master Frames. All was quiet, no chatter from the other players.
"I'm BACK!" - it was the voice of Master Ronan. Her heart skipped several beats, and without thinking and without realizing the futility of her efforts, she desperately squirmed to pull free from the frame.
"So you tried to block me - well - good luck with that. Heard about hacking? In short: You can't block me, but you can make me mighty pissed off by trying!"
Her nipple clamps tightened to the point where the pain threatened to have her pass out.
"Now this is interesting, you have limited the session to 3 hours. Quite a challenge for me to make those three hours something to remember. You disabled breath control? Are you serious? Don't you realize that breath control is one of the nicer ways I can play with you? The frame will always let you breathe before it becomes dangerous. You should rather have disabled electro-whipping! Ah - you don't know what it is? Well - it is simply wires from the frame laid out in contact with your body, wires I can send signals through. With the right signals, you will feel like you are being whipped to death with a bullwhip - except that there are no marks, no blood and no actual impact. I love the electro-whipping. Most that try it set the limit to 1 of 10. You have set no limit."
Lucy was absolutely terrified, her breath was ragged, she was sweating all over her body and pulled desperately on her restraints.
"Let me try it at a setting of three," said Master Ronan. Lucy felt an intense burning across her belly, accompanied by the sound of a whip crack. Her mind exploded, she had never felt pain on this level before. She inhaled fully, but had problems exhaling. The pain stopped.
"Ten lashes with the bullwhip is the appropriate punishment for trying to block me. I will give you an hour to contemplate your sins before the punishment starts. I have decided on a level between four and eight."
Her viewscreen went blank and her ears were filled with white noise. She tried all she could to wriggle loose. But nothing gave even an inch. She sobbed, pleaded, cried. She wet herself when she thought she heard a voice.
When her vision returned, she cried out in horror. The scene in front of her was of a woman strung out between two vertical poles. Two men were whipping her with long single tailed whips. Her entire body was covered in welts and sweat. She was shaking uncontrollably.
"Ready? I will go easy on you and count for you."
Lucy heard a crack and both her domed breasts felt like they were on fire.
"Oh, sorry, forgot to adjust the level, that was a two".
The next pain came from her tummy. It was much stronger, and she felt unable to breathe.
"One", said Master Ronan.
The next ones were spread out over her body, even her face was getting the imaginary whip lashes. She was terrified and quite convinced she had been badly scarred.
"Abuse detected - switching to safety mode, entering cooldown," said a female voice inside her helmet. The viewscreen went blank, but the intense pain from all over her body stayed with her.
"Please no, that only makes things worse," she tried to say, but all that could be heard was "eah mo eh ooake et orsch".
The pain eventually faded away and she drifted off to sleep. A buzzer woke her up, the helmet and the cuffs were unlocked. She stood up from the frame. She barely noticed that the chastity belt and the bra were still on.
A careful inspection in the mirror showed that her electro-whipping had left no marks. She heard a lot of beeps from the frame and staggered back to it.
"URGENT - Contact Customer Support!" was flashing on the screen. She did not feel like chatting with customer support. She felt like reporting abuse to the police. But what could she report? Nobody forced her on the frame, no marks were left, she had herself agreed to going online.
The beeping intensified. She hit the ENTER key. The face of a woman appeared on the screen. It showed real concern.
"Oh I am so glad you finally responded! Please, hear us out. The person you have met - Master Ronan - he is a hacker. We have some very strong security built into the frames, but obviously not strong enough. Ronan has bullied the more normal users away, and managed to change key settings on a high number of frames. The end result is that he does more or less what he wants. Thankfully the emergency mode is hard-coded into the units, and after entering emergency mode, a communication is always opened to an operator. This communication stays open for 6 hours. Unfortunately, many users sleep more than that after a ride on the frame. We managed to contact you with some 5 minutes left."
"OK?" Lucy typed.
"May I enable voice, it is easier?" asked the operator.
"OK,'"typed Lucy.
"As long as we communicate, this session will not be closed. So now to the more practical things: From what we can see you are wearing the breast domes and a chastity belt. We can unlock both. You need to find a wire, it is in the storage area, it plugs into the devices you are wearing and into the side of the console. This is again hard-wired and safe. Please find it and plug it in, and we will release you."
"Sure thing," Lucy responded, found the wire and plugged it into the chastity belt. She was sceptical, but this was just a wire, she could always yank it out.
Her chastity belt snapped open. She suddenly felt very naked.
"OK, that is taken care of, now the bra." Lucy replugged the cable. Her nipples flared in searing pain as the clamps released.
"Unlock the fucking domes now!" she screamed, clawing at the domes to try to still the pain.
"That would not be advisable before the worst of the pain is gone," answered the operator. Lucy considered unplugging the wire, but what good would that do? Perhaps the clamps would re-engage?
The pain slowly faded, and the domes were unlocked by the operator.
"Now you are free, I will re-set the frame to factory settings, load some patches and you can set it up from the beginning again. If you want, I can stay with you and give you some advice. The key reason Ronan was able to ensnare you so easy, is that you have set way too many security functions to off. Shall we get started setting everything up from scratch again?"
Two hours later the operator logged off. Lucy was relieved, but not entirely happy. One of her key purposes of buying the frame was to lose control. A safeword defied that. She went back in and disabled the safeword, then hit SAVE and headed for her bed. With the chastity belt off, she wanted to finger herself to a mind blowing orgasm, but her body was much too sore. So she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of bondage of course.
She started the next day, a Saturday, with contacting the customer support desk of The Bondage Master Frame. After being put on hold for a while, she got in contact with the lady from the day before.
"Obviously the actions of Master Ronan are unacceptable. He has been blocked from all our systems, we have upgraded security and patched all that remains of known vulnerabilities. Clearly, his actions are selfish, unacceptable and in no way condoned by the BMF company or any of its affiliates, we ..."
Lucy cut her short: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Bullshit, more bullshit and some pigeon droppings. Honestly - you screwed up royally, this could have been foreseen. I am not sure I trust you any more."
"I am sorry to hear that. If you want, you can return the frame, and we will give you a full refund. We are really very sorry. We want you to be a happy customer, but we fully understand the trauma you have been subject to. Do you want us to arrange for pickup of the frame?"
Lucy had never thought about that option. A return? After all she had sacrificed to get the frame? After her many nights waking up drenched in sweat after having dreams about the frame? No way! But it sounded like she had obtained a barging position.
"Well, I might be able to re-gain confidence in the frame..."
"That would be fantastic. Is there anything we can do to help?"
"Keep Ronan out for starters - and maybe provide a more secured environment, not the general web access?"
"Funny you should say so, because we have just finished such a project, we call it "The Rotary".
"Rotary? A rotating fuck machine?"
"Not quite, it is better to experience it than for me to explain it. I tell you what, when you are ready, search for "The Rotary" on your frame's computer, and chose it as your destination, and we will talk later, OK?"
Even as she disconnected from the chat session, Lucy just knew that sooner or later, she would try the rotary. So she made it "sooner". The instructions came up on the screen. Wear the bra, wear the chastitybelt, wear all the cuffs, the helmet, the gags. Set your timer. Strap in and enjoy. The last sentence was followed by a smiley.
The locks engaged, her vision went dark, the noises from the background vanished in a hiss of white noise. The gag pressed its way into her mouth, the BMF spread her out in an X-shape, tightly, then tilted her to a standing position. She was hanging from her arms, but able to touch the floor with her toes.
The frame gently shook, as if it was moving. Her vision showed a corridor, she was traveling down that corridor. At the end, doors blocked her vision, but as she approached the doors, they slid apart with a hiss, revealing a large, circular room.
Around the room, she could see five other people on frames, all extended like she was. One was a man, the others were women. The man was slim, almost fragile. The women were all in their twenties, varying body builds, but they all seemed fit. Two were blondes, one brunette, a red-headed one. One of the blondes had a short, boyish haircut, while the other one had ample hair cascading over her shoulders, falling all the way down to her hips. The brunette and the red-headed one both had long hair falling halfway down their backs.
Lucy's frame moved to take up the last vacant space. The others were shifting uneasily on their frames, and Lucy realized she was doing the same. From behind her she heard steel heels approaching on the steel floor. Whoever was approaching stopped. The short-haired blonde started pulling desperately on her restraints. It looked very much like she wanted to be somewhere else, and she kept trashing in her restraints, even more so when the person behind Lucy started to approach again.
"Oh Jen, how nice to see you again! It looks like you have missed me," said a female voice from behind Lucy. The short haired blonde was violently shaking her head.
The unknown one with stilettos passed Lucy, and she saw her for the first time. She was a mirage in black leather with stiletto boots disappearing under her cape, shiny long black hair cascading down her back, reaching the small of her back.
"Listen up pathetic people, I am Mistress Demona, your host for the evening. I will, like it or not, take you on an all-night ride of pleasure and pain, more of the later than the first. You can beg as much as you want, it will have no effect, and in the real world, you are all gagged, so what I will hear are incoherent sounds anyhow. Now usually it is ladies first, but since we just have one man here tonight, I will start with him, and you can all watch while you thank your creator that you are not men!"
Mistress Demona walked up to the man. His penis was rock hard and pointing up. She hit it with a short crop, the man screamed and trashed, but soon the penis was pointing to the floor.
"That is good, remember, no getting erect without permission. It is simply rude." She was standing close to him, fondling his balls and penis with one hand. He soon got erect again, something she corrected quickly with the crop. Again, the man was trashing and screaming, and they could see tears running down his cheeks. He tried to pull away from the caresses, but the frame held him well. The crop met his balls and penis for the third time. He slumped forwards, sobbing.
Mistress Demona turned away and walked towards Janet, the short haired blonde who was still struggling with all she had to get off her frame. Demona stood in front of her, fondling her breasts.
"You cut your hair after our last session. You look like a boy. Shame. I guess tying you by your hair left an impression. It does however make it easier to hood you."
The Mistress walked over to a small table, heels clicking. She returned with a thick leather hood that she pulled over Jenny's head and fastened with straps. Taking one step back, she hit Jenny with the cane five times. Jenny bucked and heaped but could not pull free from the frame. The Mistress turned around and looked at Lucy.
"What do we have here? Fresh meat? Oh nice, I have been waiting to meet you Lucy. Pain slut. Bondage freak. Well, not all turn out to be real pain sluts you know..."
Lucy barely heard the crop before it hit her right between her legs, sending a searing pain from her clit straight through her outstretched limbs. Her legs crumbled and she hang down by her arms.
"How is that for a warmup, slut?"
Lucy tried to make protesting sounds, but could not as she was still gasping for air. To more strokes of the cane hit her, each finding one of her nipples. Lucy felt panic raising, she could not exhale. Her nose started filling with tears and snot. And her mouth was packed with the gag. She felt her head start swooning, but eventually managed to relax and exhale.
"Not bad for a beginner, I was expecting you to pass out," said Mistress Demona. "Maybe you are a pain slut after all. Don't worry, we will find out."
She now addressed herself to the redhead on the frame next to Lucy. Lucy just hung slumped in her restraints. Her body was on fire, but through the pain, she could feel her arousal building. Through a haze, she saw Mistress Demona walking around, addressing each of them, using her crop, pinching, squeezing, stroking, teasing and tormenting.
She attached weights to the man's penis and balls. He was fighting with all his strength to get free, which sent the weights swinging. She added nipple clamps and added a short chain to connect them with the ball weights. Then she disappeared for a while and came back with a cat who took great pleasure in playing with the swinging weights. The man soon was covered in sweat, his hands were opening and closing - and suddenly he spurted semen halfway across the room. It did not slow down the cat, and soon the man was trashing in pain again.
The Mistress only approached Lucy again towards the end of the session. She felt two gloved fingers slide into her, and the Mistress expertly fingered her to an orgasm. Then the lights dimmed and a voice informed Lucy that she had entered cooldown mode.
Hours later she was free. The chastity belt was on, but her chastity bra was not. Her clit and her breasts were burning, so she looked in the mirror, fearing she had been scarred. The mirror showed her breasts to be unmarked. That did not lessen the burning though. But even worse, she was really aroused, and the chastity belt did not allow her any stimulation that could have sent her over the edge. Frustrated, she threw herself on the bed, sobbing. Soon she drifted off to sleep and some insane erotic dreams.
Chapter 4, getting serious (added: 2017/06/17)
The chastity belt stayed on, but Lucy stayed off the frame. More than once was she tempted to do another run, and more than once did she chicken out just before the cuffs would engage and lock her in. At work, her mind drifted. Was she addicted to the BMF?
She finally pulled all items out of the locker in the base of the BMF. A vibrating egg, wires, more wires, a butt plug, a ring gag and a soft leather hood with a small, plastic box at the top of the head.
The helmet she wore on the frame had a hard outer shell like a motorbike helmet, but a soft inner hood. The hood was put on first, then the helmet. Sometimes she referred to the whole thing as a helmet, but mostly as a hood, because it was the inside hood that was in contact with her face. Once on the frame, the hard shell helmet made itself very little felt.
Friday came, and Lucy decided that she had to try the frame again, or get rid of it. Having decided to try at least once more, she made her preparations. She set electro-whipping limit at 2, re-enabled breath control. Looked at all the menus and all the settings, verified that Sir Ronan was still on the blacksilst. Twice she enabled, then disenabled her safeword. It would not be the same if she had any level of control. Besides, after wearing the chastity belt since her last session, she was very eager to finally have an orgasm. After her electro-whipping, she had certainly deserved one.
She punched in "General availability" as destination, put on the hood, slid the helmet on and locked it in all place. The cuffs were easy, she had put them on and taken them off so many times. She looked at the chastity bra, decided against it, changed her mind again and put it on. The clamps bit hard on her nipples, but she was determined. She wanted the ride of her life. Seconds later she was locked in place and her viewscreen went blank.
At the same time there was a knock on the door to the apartment, but she never heard that.
Susan knocked loudly a few times. She had keys, but she did not want to barge in unannounced. Lucy had probably forgotten all about the keys she had given Susan "just in case". When she heard no answer, she hesitated a bit. She really did not want to intrude or anything, but Lucy had been slacking at work, something was bothering her, and Susan was determined to find out before her dear friend lost her job.
At that very moment she heard the first rumbles of an approaching thunderstorm. Remaining out in the rain, she would get soaked as there was no roof over the front door to Lucy's apartment. Any doubts she may have had about locking herself in disappeared with the approaching wall of rain.
"Hello," she called before entering. Getting no response, she closed the door behind her as big drops of water splashed down on the sidewalk behind her. She heard some noises from one of the rooms.
"Jeeves, she is with a man, and I am walking in on them, I better leave quietly," Susan whispered to no one in special. But as she turned towards the outer door, she heard some metallic noises and heard hissing, like from some pneumatic tool. She realized that the sounds did not come from the bedroom, but from the spare room. She approached and carefully pushed open the door. Her jaw dropped.
"Whow - she got one of those frames, no wonder she has been so distracted. Shit, this is serious stuff! Insanely expensive, so that is why she has been so willing to work overtime," Susan muttered to herself. She entered the room, slipped off her heels and went barefoot in, trying to make as little sound as possible.
Her friend was stretched out in a tight X, wearing a metal looking bra, chastity belt and cuffs. Her breath was rapid, and ever so often did she jerk to one side or another. Her body was covered in sweat. From the helmet, she could hear muffled sounds, but no understandable words.
Susan stopped in front of the console. It was logged in. She could not resist looking at the menus. It took her just minutes to figure them out. One showed progress. Lucy was barely 30 minutes into a 3 hours program. The next listed event was "whipping". Susan giggled and changed it to "tickling", knowing fully well how ticklish her friend was. An error message stated that "tickling" was not yet installed. Susan quickly found the profile settings, added tickling as a possible event.
"Downloading tickle software, please wait!" the computer responded. The download took some ten minutes, but finally Susan managed to change the next session to be tickling.
Lucy was breathing hard after the initial onslaught of a mix of stimulation and shocking. She had nearly cum three times, but it was not enough. She had been in a room full of people, with two units being passed around. One stimulated her, one shocked her. People pressed the buttons as they pleased, but only one button was active at any given time.
Her frame seemed to move, she was taken out of the room and down a corridor. As the doors to the new room opened, she screamed! The room was full of feathers, and even as she was moved into position, the feathers touched her and had her breaking out in hysteric laughter.
A figure entered the room, almost outside her field of vision, but soon moved in front of her.
"Lucy! I am so glad to see you! How do you like my feather costume?" said the woman, dressed from head to toes in various feathers. Lucy's response was to scream in pure terror. She pulled on her restraints, cried, sobbed, pleaded and cursed. She was terrified.
Susan smiled as she saw her friend desperately trying to free herself. Two arms swung out from the machine, and she could hear hissing of air emerging from the ends of the arms. They slowly moved over her body, gently blowing, and from Lucy's reaction obviously creating a tickling feeling. Lucy's body twitched and bucked, hands opening and closing, and from deep inside the helmet, Susan could hear muffled cries of terror.
Lucy entered tickle hell when she felt feathers move gently up and down her armpits. She shrieked and thrashed, begged and cursed, cried and sobbed. Lucy was, unknown to all her friends, so ticklish that she feared being tickled more than anything else on Earth. For her, tickling was total sensory overload, and she was absolutely sure she had not downloaded the tickle module for the BMF. Still, she was in tickle hell.
The feather clad woman was moving slowly around her, bring feathers in contact with Lucy's skin ever so often, causing her to jump and trash each time. Lucy giggled and tried to pull away, but she was held in a relentless grip. Soon her breath was strained and ragged. She felt she was not getting enough air, but in reality she was hyperventilating.
Susan heard a beep from the console. A popup window appeared: "Warning, subject hyperventilating! Restricting air supply."
"She really loves this," Susan said to herself as she browsed through the menus. "I will extend this to a full hour. What is this? Oh - I can vibe her? That will be fun with tickling. Let-me-see, levels 1 to 10. 10 will do I guess, only the best for my dear friend."
Lucy felt her air supply being restricted. She knew she had to calm down, breathe slowly, get the panic under control, but she could not. The tickling was just too intense. As she felt breathing get harder and harder, she totally lost it and lapsed into an uncontrolled state of babbling, pleading and ineffective movement of her limbs. At that very time, the vibrator started on her clit, full blast, like nothing she had never felt before. It was so intense, it burned and hurt. She tried to scream, but could not press enough air out of her lungs to make an effective scream.
The buzzing on her clit was way beyond anything even remotely pleasant, It was just pain. Terrible pain. Like someone had aimed a blowtorch at her most sensitive body part. She tried again and again to scream, but only muffled sounds came out. She had to pee, she peed, she pleaded - and then she passed out.
Susan saw her friend dumping the contents of her bladder, then right after go totally limp in her restraints. A new window popped up: "Over-stimulation detected, entering cooldown. Safety mode NOT triggered, monitoring vitals, cancelling remaining program."
The screen showed pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and respiration rate. The pulse was 190, but it started dropping fast. Oxygen saturation was 100%. Respiration rate was 100 breaths a minute. Blood pressure was 160 over 115. Heart rhythm was strong,
Susan tried to gain control over the console again, but could not. It seemed like the system had shut her out to bring Lucy down from whatever high she had been on. She giggled, thinking of the experience Lucy must have had. Well, as long as she was breathing, her pulse and blood pressure were calming, and she seemed asleep, there was little else Susan could do but study the frame. First she needed to do some housecleaning and get the pee off the floor before it started seeping through the floor.
After finishing her mopping with cleaning stuff she found in a cupboard in the kitchen, the room was no longer smelling of urine and sweat, but rather of castor soap and pines. On the side of the frame, she saw a thick book, the operations manual for the frame, printed on over nearly 1000 pages. As it seemed like her friend was in for a long sleep, she started reading from the start.
Lucy woke up nearly three hours later. Her hands went up to remove her outer helmet, but she only felt the leather hood. Someone had removed the outer helmet and left her with the inner hood on. But wait, it did not feel like her inner hood. It was a different hood, it was dry inside, and she had no eye openings at all! It was that other hood she had found in the locker!
She examined the hood with her fingers. There were no straps she could get to, just a flap in the back, secured to a collar with a solid padlock. She remembered that all the straps were under that flap, inaccessible to her fingers. She could not remember the padlock though.
She needed the padlock keys, a knife or some other cutting tools, and she needed to find those without being stopped by whoever placed the hood on her. Which led her to the key question: Who placed the hood on her? She remembered the vibrator going off insanely. She remembered the tickle torture that she absolutely had not downloaded. It had to be Sir Ronan. He was a hacker. He could have done it. He could have hacked their databases. He could have found her home address. Her outer door was no match for a skilled lock-picker. She was at the mercy of Sir Ronan! A muffled scream tried to get past the mouth stuffing and the well-padded hood, but from the outside, it sounded more like a sigh. Lucy slumped down on the floor. There was nothing she could do just now.
She had to wait until Sir Ronan was close, then somehow knock him out. She had to be very careful and time things exactly right, because she was very unlikely to get more than one chance. With Sir Ronan incapacitated, she could make her way out on the street and scream for help. It was not like she was naked. Her chastity belt and chastity bra made her more than decent. Besides, people were more likely to notice the hood more than a woman in a steel bikini. They would call the police. They could free her from the hood. They could arrest Sir Ronan! Now all she needed to do was to knock him out!
Revenge - or not? (added: 2017/11/11)
She had to wait until Sir Ronan was close, then somehow knock him out. She had to be very careful and time things exactly right, because she was very unlikely to get more than one chance. With Sir Ronan incapacitated, she could make her way out on the street and scream for help. It was not like she was naked. Her chastity belt and chastity bra made her more than decent. Besides, people were more likely to notice the hood more than a woman in a steel bikini. They would call the police. They could free her from the hood. They could arrest Sir Ronan! Now all she needed to do was to knock him out!
Lucy pretended to be asleep. She was on her bed, curled up with her duvet pulled tightly around her body. She heard someone approaching, felt the mattress pressed down by the weight of another person. The hood dulled all senses, but still she could feel how the other person was leaning over her.
Even blinded by the hood, she moved with amazing speed and precision, bringing out the frying pan she had been hiding under the duvet. It hit the unknown person on the head, and she felt the person's body fall limp on top of her. She had no way to know how effective her blow had been, so she wasted no time. While she had been waiting, a plan had developed, and the key element of that plan was revenge.
She grabbed the limp body and immediately discovered it was a woman! She had heard of voice changing software. Sir Ronan must be a woman pretending to be a man. Oh, great, this just got better. While she had no real idea how to rig a man to the BMF, a woman was an entirely different story. She checked the pulse of the woman and found it normal.
It took a lot of effort, but she managed to drag the limp body into the room with the frame. After undressing the woman, she fumbled around and found the cuffs, the other leather hood and the outer helmet. Soon the unconscious woman was all rigged and ready for the frame.
Lucy knew the menus by heart. Using her hands, she felt for the screen, found the keyboard below it and pushed the F1 key to enter command mode. Now she could select pre-defined programs using the other function keys. Unless she remembered wrong, she had programmed a very nasty and intensive program on the F8 key. She heard the frame spring to life and slumped down on the floor. She now had the upper hand, but she was still naked and hooded. She had no idea what time it was and did not want to venture out on the street without sight. She was sure the hood keys must be somewhere.
Susan felt the big padlock again to get an idea about the size of the key she would be feeling around for, but quickly realized it was a combination lock. And it was a darn 5 digit combination lock, so the number of possible combinations was 100000. If she managed to try one per second, that was 3600 per hour and that meant 27 hours to try them all. But wait? Could she really manage one per second? No, it was more like one per every two seconds, and she needed to have some breaks in between. By statistical chance, she should find the right combination after trying half of the possibilities. So great, it would most likely take her between 27 and 54 hours to open the lock.
Having her options limited, she had but one thing to do: She drew a deep breath and started to scream at the top of her lungs, but was abruptly cut short by a searing pain from four places around her neck. She fell to her knees, working hard to supress another scream, or even a sob. Oh great, the collar of the hood was set to shock on voice. She had read something about that. The "safe mode" of the hood. And she remembered some more: In safe mode, the hood was tamper proof. If she started cutting at it, she would get more shocks. That was absolutely not an option. The only way to get it off would be to open the combination lock.
She needed some kind of strategy, a plan. Having a strong interest in anything that could be used to lock a human body, she had been studying locking mechanisms. She remembered reading about strategies to open combination locks. Humans were the weak link. Tests had shown that when mixing the numbers after locking, they only moved the rollers a little. That was it. She had to think carefully and not just blindly try.
She moved the first tumbler one notch, two, three, four -and she felt something happen inside the lock. She must have hit a right number. The number of possibilities dropped from 100 000 to 10 000. She was on a winning track.
She carefully moved the second tumbler while she counted to 10. She had expected another reaction like on the first tumbler, but felt nothing move. Whatever happened on the first, never repeated itself. She tried the third tumbler, and had no reaction on any of the 10 numbers. The same was the case with the fourth and fifth tumbler.
"Great," Lucy thought. "Whatever weakness the lock has, it only worked on the first tumbler. I have a long job ahead.
Susan woke up startled, with a blistering headache, totally disoriented and unable to move her limbs. Worse, something was vibrating her clit, and no matter what she tried, she could not get away from it. And it was really hurting, because the vibrations were way stronger than just stimulating. It felt like her clit was attacked by fire ants.
Her mouth was stuffed full, and her attempts to cry out were muffled. She absolutely freaked out, pulling and bucking, trying to slip free, but achieving absolutely nothing. Then id dawned on her: She had been put into the BMF! "Ohmygawd. No please not!" she mumbled inside the hood.
Unknown to Susan, the frame was busy testing her limits, as it had detected a new occupant on the frame, and a very severe program had been initiated. She was tickled, vibrated, shocked, spanked, stretched, whipped, rotated, while the frame was carefully recording her responses in preparation for the main program, the big "All Out Agony" - AAA program. The purpose of the program was simple: To take the user of the frame to their absolute limits - and keep them there for as long as possible.
"Starting module 1 of 20, ass rape endurance" - a voice sounded. It felt like it was inside Susan's head. Something pressed on her anus, then the pressure increased until it slipped in. Susan was shaking and protesting. The anal intruder started to expand, and pain shot through her body. She could not possibly take more, the intruder was splitting her! Just as the pain overcame her and she was about to pass out, the expansion stopped, but the intruder started moving in and out, ass raping her anus that was already stretched to its limit. There was no way she could take this. But she had to.
Susan had no idea how long it had lasted. She felt her anus had been ripped apart and just longed for some time to get recovered, but she was given none.
"Starting Module 2 of 20, pussy rape endurance". Another intruder brutally pushed its way into her pussy and started expanding. Susan cried and cried, but it kept on expanding until she was on the edge of passing out. It then shrank a little, before it started ramming her pussy hard. There was nothing erotic about it at all, she was in pure agony.
She again came to the edge of passing out. The pumping stopped. The vaginal plug was withdrawn.
"Starting module 3 of 20, caning endurance". What felt like cane strokes started raining down on her widely spread thighs. Her skin was on fire, she pleaded and sobbed. The strokes moved to her tummy, then her breasts. She was caned on her butt, between her legs, on her back, under her armpits. When it stopped, Susan was sobbing hysterically inside her hood, struggling to get air through her partially clogged nose. She was sure she had been permanently marked by the cane, because her body was hurting so badly.
Three hours passed before module 20 was reached. By now Susan's body was a mess of pain and she was blabbering incoherently. Module 20 was tickling, but the touch of feathers, fur and tickling fingers just produced more pain. She jerked and twitched, but there was little energy in her fight. The program ended, her legs were brought together, and she entered cooldown mode.
The combination lock snapped open, and Lucy let out a yelp of surprize. Her fingers were numb after the many tries to open the lock, so she waited a bit, stretching and flexing her fingers, but then got the lock off, lifted the flap and found the button inside that disengaged the safety mode of the hood. With a big sigh, she pulled it off her head and with stiff fingers dug the leather pad gag out of her mouth. The fresh air made her dizzy, and she was blinking against the relatively sharp light.
She quickly got her bearings. It was three in the afternoon. She checked the frame, and saw the woman still well restrained, but the screen said she was in cooldown mode with another hour to go. Lucy extended cooldown mode by three hours, then headed for the shower herself.
Lucy ate well, even had a bottle of red wine, relaxed and enjoyed life. The woman on the frame was waking up, but would go nowhere. Lucy surfed the BMF website, and noticed a new service. Frame owners could earn money by placing themselves on their frames, set their limits and have people bid for the right to operate their frames for a period of 1, 2 and 3 hours. The pay really looked good, a 3 hours contract was already up to 1000 USD. Money that would be paid to the owner of the frame, she saw and snickered. It said nothing about the occupant of the frame. Perfect. Time for "Sir Ronan" or whoever that woman on the frame was, to be working for the utility bill!
Lucy made a program with few restrictions, and those that were there were just to prevent overload. She submitted it to the website for a 3 hours run, and the bidding went insane. 30 minutes later 3000 USD were on its way into her PayPal account and the frame activated again with its occupant screaming from the top of her lungs - without being heard.
Three hours later, the frame settled down and its occupant slumped down in her restraints. Sweat was running from all over her body, muscles were trembling and her breath was ragged.
Lucy looked at the exhausted body and noticed that the person had a tattoo on her ankle that looked just like the tattoo her friend Susan had in the same place. Come to think of it, she had the same type of body as Susan, and the long hair flowing out of the hood and helmet was the same auburn colour as Susan's...
"SHIT! O SHIT! OH SHIT! It is Susan, for crying out loud! What the fuck is she doing here? Well - apart from being well and thoroughly fucked, that is! Oh my gawd - she had a key, she locked herself in, she found me on the frame - and I nearly broke her skull with a frying pan!"
As Susan was in her cooldown phase, she could not be released yet, so Lucy was left to ponder exactly what had happened. One thing was for sure, they had a lot of talking to do. And Susan may just not be in the mode for talking after the treatment she had been through. Although the pain was simulated and no marks were left, the last Lucy needed was a visit from the police.
Chapter 5, Reverse (added: 2018/01/26)
Susan finally woke up and blinked in the sharp light. The hood and the helmet were gone. The cuffs were off and she was in a bed, snuggling up under a comfortable duvet. She was also naked. Having adjusted her eyes to the light, she carefully looked around the bedroom.
Her bladder was full, so she made a visit to the bathroom a priority. Having completed her business, she went to the kitchen where she found a table with food on and a note from her friend Lucy:
"Dear, dear, dear friend.
I am so, so, so, so sorry for hitting you on the head with a frying pan. I really believed you were an imposter, and I was only defending myself. Because of the hood, I could not see it was you. Hint, hint, hint: 12345 is not a safe combination on a combination lock. Not that it mattered, I was blind as a bat and had no way of seeing the digits. Anyhow, I only got out of the hood after well and thoroughly letting you experience the pleasure and pains of the BMF. I know it can be pretty darn intensive, but it does not leave any marks, even if you feel like the flesh is whipped from your body.
Anyhow - I am sorry. Please don't be too angry. As a peace offering, you will find me strapped to the frame. I can't get free on my own. There is a timer, set at 24 hours. You can leave me on the frame, unlock me or go for revenge. It is up to you. Please, please, please forgive me!!!!! ***KISSES from LUCY ***"
Susan spurted out in laughter. Silly Lucy! But what an opportunity! She had her consent in writing to do whatever she wanted with her that the frame would allow for 24 hours. She purred like a satisfied cat as she entered the frame room.
This time she took her time going through the menus. She found a "history" menu and it revealed that Lucy must be extremely ticklish because of her strong reactions to tickling torture. Now that could be fun!
Searching through the menus she found a list of pre-made programs. One caught her attention: "3 hours of tickle hell". It was graded as "Extreme". Susan added it to the playlist. "Gorean whipping" sounded like fun, she added that too. "3 hours of nonstop double penetration" went in the playlist. The Gorean whipping program was just one hour. She had 7 hours of fun set up for Lucy. That sounded like a plan for revenge. She could always add more later.
Lucy felt the frame move. She saw a corridor on her visor, and the frame was moving towards the door. The moment she could look inside the next room, she screamed. The room was full of feathers and fur. Her frame came to rest in the middle of the room and all sorts of implements started moving in on her.
The feathers made contact with the soles of her feet first. She screamed, first in protest, then more hysterical as the feather moved over her sensitive foot soles. She screamed and pulled at her feet restraints with more power than a frail girl like her was believed to have. The tickling was driving her insane, she had problems breathing, she screamed into the gag, hands opening and closing, legs twitching and turning like they had a spastic worm inside. Sweat was pouring from all over her body. She was in absolute agony! Then another set of feathers started stroking her armpits.
If there had been a single weakness in the straps holding Lucy or a poor weld in the metal, she would have broken free. But the frame held her perfectly, ever so often moving her body a little so the feathers could make contact. They were everywhere, arms, armpits, breasts, back, tummy, thighs, legs and fete. She fought with all she had, but there were no escape.
Eventually, her hyperventilation caused her to pass out. She came to a few minutes later. Her breath slowed. The tickle torture was over. She was so relieved. She was crying from relief inside her hood, sucking on the penis gag to be able to swallow, blowing her nose to clear it. She was so glad the tickle torture was over. She was going to delete all tickle programs from the memory of the frame. She finally relaxed. Then the tickling started yet again...
After three hours, Lucy would not be able to make coherent speech, even without her gag. With her gag, the only sounds she made were vowels, but she was making a lot of them. She sounded like a baby. The feathers retraced and the frame moved out of the feather room. She was so relieved she cried. That was a bad idea as her nose started clogging up.
In the corridor, her frame headed straight for another door. As it approached the door, the glistering metal turned into wood, and soon she found herself tightly restrained by coarse rope to a solid frame made of logs. She could even smell the scent of pine. The door flew open, she saw a forest with a clearing. The frame stopped in the middle of the clearing with a thud.
"The slave has displeased its Master. I should have it slain, but it would be a waste of good slave meat. Instead I will teach it a lesson it will never forget. The Gorean Master's whip will see to that." The voice came from behind her. She tried to turn around, but she was perfectly held. She had been tied by a Gorean Master.
The first blow fell without a warning and landed firmly on her left butt. She jumped in her restraints, but her body barely moved. Then the blows kept coming at a steady pace. She counted initially, but lost her counting in the intense burning pain. Even if the tickling had left her near exhausted, she now managed to put up a fight again, but it did her no good at all. The whip-lashes kept on raining all over her body. Then they stopped. She was left hanging by her wrists while her body burned like she was on fire. She cried from relief that it was all over. But then it started again.
She had a total of six rounds. She knew deep down that she would find no marks on her body after the ordeal, but she still felt like her skin had been stripped off. She had tried to let go and drift into subspace, but that escape was for some reason denied her. Maybe the BMF knew her too well, maybe it would not give her the relief of subspace.
At some time, she was moved out of the forest, but her frame still maintained its wooden structure, although now the wood was dark and polished. Extra supports were added to immobilize her further with her legs wide spread. The new room the frame entered had red velvet and black leather decorations. The frame stood out from the rest there. It tilted down so her head was at crotch level. A ring gag replaced her ball gag. Her mouth was wide open, her pussy was stretched open, and she could feel lube sprayed on her pussy and her ass hole. Right after, two plugs pressed their way into her bottom holes while a huge penis shaped plug pressed past her ring gag, nearly choking her.
The three way fucking started. There was no mercy. She was being pumped and pumped and pumped She tried closing her legs, but all it did was cramp her thighs. She tried pleading between each time the artificial penis entered her mouth, but barely got past a simple "umph" before she had to swallow to avoid gagging. The three dildos were fucking her again and again, totally ignoring her struggles. She noticed that the penetrations became deeper and deeper. From trying to ignore the pain, she went to fighting for every breath of air, never getting quite enough, never getting so little that she would pass out. Tears welled up in her eyes, she screamed as the pussy dilldo hit the bottom of her vagina, stretching her so much that she feared she may be torn in two. By now she was silently cursing Susan and deeply regretting putting herself on the frame with a carte blance on what to do with her. She had no idea of time, but it felt like she must have exceeded the 24 hours she had programmed as her limit. Susan must really be very mad at her! Darkness finally engulfed her, finally and more as a blessing than a threat. She had no idea if it was lack of air, the pain or the struggling.
When she woke up she was a wreck, hurting everywhere, in constant pain. Still no sign of the liberating subspace. Still tightly held with her hood and helmet on. Still unable to call for help or plead to be freed. She started crying. Gentle hands touched her. Her cuffs were loosened from the frame, but the arm cuffs were reattached behind her back. Someone clipped a leash on her and gently pulled. She knew her apartment and knew she was lead to the bathroom. It took some time to empty her bladder and her bowels, but when she was done, she was lead into the sower. Her collar was clipped to the eyebolt in the shower, and ice cold water came splashing down on her from all sides. She gasped for air and tried to pull away, but got nowhere. She was scrubbed with a brush. Her chastity belt and bra got as good a rinse as possible, using a handheld shower head, delivering ice cold water. When she was well washed, she was towelled dry with a fluffy bathroom towel. She almost felt good again.
Hearing Susan's voice was quite a shock. "Dear, you gave me quite a terrible experience. I could have killed you for revenge, it was that bad. I really was totally and utterly mad and quite ready to go to the police when I found your note and changed my mind. Revenge can be sweet, but we are not yet even you know, you still have to suffer from the bump you gave me on the head with the frying pan. I will keep you collared and cuffed until I have figured out how to repay you for the bump. The chastity belt and the bra stays on, I like how they look! But I will be kind, for now I take off the helmet and the hood, may be a good idea to have that hair washed and cared for. You keep the shock collar on, and if you try to utter a single word, you will be shocked for 30 seconds at setting 7. I would highly recommend keeping quiet. Nod your head if you understand"
Lucy nodded. Susan proceeded to remove the hood and helmet. Lucy blinked in the sharp light as she was pulled towards the bathroom, by now really wondering what her friend was up to next.