- Author - Arkane
- Rating -
   [ 3.81 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2378 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, M-f, M-mf, bondage, latex
- Post Date - 11/6/2016
Please keep in mind I'm not writing in my mother tongue, so it's quite possible weird syntax or grammar errors will be here.
Her name, or nickname, was Vicky, she was a french woman in her thirties. Very fun and friendly in our chat conversations.
Her fantasy was shared by her husband: to submit as a couple. My contacts with the man were minimal, finalized to state his limits in the game (it was devised by the woman) and his consent.
I was to dominate Vicky and have sex with her, but first we were to make sure that he could not interfere with our exertions.
So, this guy wanted to be cuckolded, tied and dominated. I had no taste for any sex with him, but clearly the wife was happy to make a good part of the job of reducing her man to an helpless status, so I gave my OK. Once the cuckold guy was in bondage, Vicky would also submit to me. This was the part of the meeting I looked forward to.
On the stated day, I went to their home, a beautiful solitary villa outside the town. Vicky was a tall, blonde woman, with small breasts and a beautiful smile. She received me in lingerie: a thong backed white bottom, completely transparent, showed me a perfectly shaved pubis. Vicky's body was fit and slim. I admired her muscular, toned butt. The top was just slightly transparent, revealing her large areolas.
"I have all the rope and straps and every equipment you need ready in the play room" she said. Shortly after, I saw the preparations she made.
The husband was lying on a narrow gym bench, standing on four metal legs, in the shape of two inverted Vs.. These were set in a slanted configuration, making his ass higher than the rest of his body. Arms and legs were untied, but resting on the bench's metal legs. Three large strap tied his body to the bench at waist, hip and chest level.
He wore a latex corset, and latex stockings that covered his legs from the groin down. A black ballerina tutu, too short to give him any decency, framed the view of two buttocks and male genitalia dangling over the side of the bench.
He was a tall, decently fit man, but I didn't want to talk to him or to watch his face. Vicky knew that, she had prevented any of this, blindfolding him an giving him a strict silence order.
She gave me the rope with a smile, and with joyful enthusiasm. "Let's start to tie him!" she chortled.
He was perfectly still while his limbs were made useless with rope. Vicky, instructed by me, tied her knots far from the man's fingers.
While I was busy on the legs, she started to fill her husband's mouth with cotton cloth. When he grunted she laughed, and pressed on. Finally she tied a bandana across his mouth, gagging him.
"It's the first time for you?" I asked. I suspected this was a well-rehearsed pastime for them. But it was not: Vicky explained that she had planned in detail her husband's domination, and shared every fantasy with him, but this was the first cuckolding experiment. She was enjoying the fulfillment of a long desired dream. Sure her enthusiasm was palpable when she took two canes, giving one to me.
"Time to show the victim what happen to dominated men, I guess" I said.
"Absolutely!" she laughed. "Before starting our own fun, we need to entertain this bound ballerina."
She gestured to me to make me start. I gave a moderate stroke, just under the right buttock. She surprised me with a savage, swishing attack across her husband's ass.
He groaned and tried to move, without success. My next hit was more effective, and again the wife exceeded my efforts inflicting a violent stroke on the upper thighs. This time the man wailings were very high in volume and desperate in tone.
"It's time to stifle his voice," Vicky said, "we don't want the neighbors to hear his screams, don't we?" I nodded, even if there was no neighborhood to speak of.
She gave me a roll of vet wrap. I started enveloping the man's head, covering with blue vet wrap gag and blindfold. I insisted on his mouth to put some layers of muffling material on, but after that I enclosed his entire head.
"Now we have a chance to talk, Pete" I said during the work, calling the husband by the name he gave me in our internet conversations. "Now, I don't know you, and I'm no gay or into men at all, but I was ready to take part in your game to get the chance to fuck your beautiful wife, and this is what you want, or what she made you to want."
He grunted. Our conversation was, obviously, one sided.
"I discovered that I like this. Not having gay sex, but the idea of tying a man to get his woman" I went on. "Maybe we'll meet again, but I think it's better that we don't see each other in the face... after all, you are a fantasy for me, and I am the same for you. It would be awkward to discover that we both like fishing, or to know you as a man I don't really feel I am superior to."
This said, the vet wrap roll was used up, but Vicky slipped a rubber hood on her man, and locked a collar around his neck.
"Now you'll be quiet!" she said. And immediately she hit him again on the buttocks. His scream was barely heard. Now he was an anonymized doll with a rubber mannequin head.
"Well, man, I want you to know that the heavier strikes are coming from her" I said, but I followed these words with a powerful hit. His ass was starting to turn very red.
I took a thin rope and went near his helpless backside. Tying up his genitals was something he had indicated as 'desirable' in his checklist. Curiosity overcame my usual aversion about being around another man's cock and I started winding the rope around the base of the penis and between the balls, separating them. When I left him, his penis was having a raging hard on.
"Oh, he likes it" Vicky said, smiling.
After another couple of strokes, the woman took another rope. She clasped the penis with her fingers, exerting a strong pressure, slowly killing of his erection. When this was done, Vicky used the rope on his soft glans, separating it from the shaft of his penis by a couple of very stringent loops. I winced and clasped a hand on my own groin, instinctively solidarizing with the cuckold's lot.
Vicky was laughing and whistling, patting Pete's ass, adding rope after rope. The penis was reduced to a mass of tortured, purple, blood engorged meat, where one could not tell what exactly the male flesh showing was, glans of testicles, scrotum or shaft. Pete tried to express his dissatisfaction but his voice was almost muted. His breath was ragged and quick, he clenched and unclenched his fists, but he couldn't move his body from the bench, so Vicky's work could proceed unchecked.
"Et voilą!" she said after completing the last knot. She giggled, using her fingers to make her husband's genitals bounce around, a small round mass of tied flesh.
"Just the last touch, then I'll be ready for you," she said. I knew what this was about, because I had noticed the big black dildo on a table near the gym bench. It was large, sure a real challenge. Vicky coated the tip of the dildo with lubricant, then she made the same with her husband's sphincter.
"Now this is going in!" she said, pushing the dildo on. She parted his ass cheeks, and forced him to accept the dildo. Pete manifested his disagreement with a low moan, that became more acute and frantic as the largest part of the toy started to split his rectum. Vicky continued her assault without mercy, so finally the widest section of the dildo went in, and he could close around the thin stem connecting the dildo to its wide base.
"There!" Vicky commented, with three slaps on the unprotected buttocks. "Now I'm all yours. And my husband will be able to hear."
We moved to a nearby sofa. "How do you want me?" She asked.
"Keep your lingerie," I said. "Sit, and start tying up your ankles."
I threw a bundle of rope to Vicky. She caught it in midair and watched it with an uncertain smile.
"Should I tie myself?" she asked.
"This will do as a starter" I answered.
She didn't object. Sitting on the sofa, she busied herself cinching and tightening the rope around her slender ankles. I could see she was good, thorough and meticulous. At the same time, I kept an eye on Pete, trying to imagine his pain at having cock and balls tormented by the thin ropes' unrelenting assault. Probably the sex toy embedded in his rectum was just a little nuisance compared with that.
I ordered Vicky to tie up her own legs below and above the knees, then her thighs. At this point, I made her join hands behind her back. I tied her wrists while she kept them palm to palm, I wound the rope up her arms and joined her elbows before making a tie just above them.
"Hmm..." she commented, "this should hold me."
I had imagined some pain and torture for the woman, but I could contain myself no more. I gagged her with a white cloth, making a tie in the middle and putting it in her mouth. She accepted the gag willingly. She was still curious and amused, not afraid or submissive at all in her demeanor, even if she complied with my orders.
I took out my clothes and took my pleasure after blindfolding her. Shifting aside the material of her thong, I uncovered her pussy and forced myself in, with her legs still closed. Vicky groaned, but she was willing and ready, so I got in. It was a quick affair, my pleasure surged very quickly and could not be contained.
After ejaculating in her pussy, I untied her. Pete was silent during our lovemaking although our exertions were not without sounds, and he sure could understand everything. He writhed slowly in his bondage, unable to get any relief.
After refreshing herself with a quick trip to the bathroom Vicky reemerged happy as before.
"It was quick but intense" she said while preparing some coffee. She noticed her husband's existence just to flick a couple of nasty fingers hits to his bound sexual organs. I was uncomfortable seeing his torture going on, so I entered the subject.
"We should do this again" I said. "I hope Pete will agree."
"Sure he had a lot of fun" Vicky said while giving me a cup of coffee. "He wanted me to be more dominant, at the same time was curious about sharing his wife. He got both his wishes today."
"It's time to untie him, maybe?" I asked.
Vicky shook her head. "I'll do it. Later. Now I think maybe I should find if you have another load for me."
She left her coffee cup on the table and knelt before me. I was still naked, so she had no difficulty taking hold of my cock and massaging it to erection, then she put it in her mouth.
She was noisy, she wanted Pete to hear. He was tied and helpless just inches from us. When she felt I was near my climax she put a hand on her husband's face and squeezed his latex covered nose, closing off any access to his nostrils. Probably she wanted a reaction from him, at all costs, and obviously she got one, the bound man starting to fight urgently and without any result his bondage. In these circumstances I came. Vicky kept his nose shut while she was licking my sperm, then she let him breathe.
I slowly put my clothes on, hearing Pete's breathing returning back to normal. Vicky was caressing his back, tapping her fingers on the base of the butt plug, checking his ropes.
Taking my leave I walked through the main door, Vicky greeting me.
I was almost out of the garden area and near my car when, out of curiosity, I turned toward the house again. I could see Vicky past the great window, near her beloved husband, swishing a cane in the air.