I am a slave. Let me clarify, I am a 24/7 consensual slave with my husband.
I was ordered to write this by my Master, who happens to be my husband, Alex. (I am changing the names to protect the innocent...well, to keep a little anonymity that is). This 'story' is a history of our relationship to see the gradual change. You will see that I have gone from a completely independent woman, with a job and a career, needing no one, to a completely submissive slave that has permanent shackles on her neck and limbs in a few years. All in a progression of baby steps and wanting more and more as we BOTH grew into a BDSM relationship.
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I hope you enjoy my story.
Chapter 1 - Let us Begin
Well we have to start the story somewhere, so let start who I am and where I came from.
My name is Jessica and grew up in a typical suburban household outside of Austin, Texas. Nothing out of the ordinary. I had no siblings as my parents were unable to have more than one kid. So, well they loved me and even spoiled me a little. Luckily, for everyone else, not too much. So I grew up just like millions of other kids. I played softball till I was in drill team in high school. I was even voted one of the most popular in my school. I say this because some people always remember differently of their exploits in high school...I believe I was well-liked. I was not obnoxious and I treated everyone basically the same.
I left high school and went to college in California. I think it was a child's typical rebellious wanting to escape mom and dad. Not because they were over bearing or evil. Nothing like that. I believe it was really just me wanting to experience life and a new adventure entirely on my own.
By this time I finally filled out a little bit. When I was in high school, I was taller, and more muscular. I had not yet entirely filled out cleavage wise, as well as the womanly figure. Well, when I got to college I went from a B to a D cup, and my frame itself, seemed to become a bit more feminine. My long black hair was always present. I never really liked anything, and still don't, other than my below shoulder length hair. It's not too long, and not too short, I think perfect.
So, in college I started studying Mathematics and Statistics. I know, I am NOT a typical female here. It was quite amazing how many females were NOT in those classes. I thought that with those skills, I could find some good jobs in accounting firms or with large mega corps. They always need people with those types of business skills.
My college experience was pretty typical as well. Nothing of any note. I dated some guys, broke up with them all. All in all, good experiences and I got Summa Cum Laude for my grades. I am not a huge people person. Not a snob, but do like my 'personal time'....which is most of the time. So I don't have really any close friends from college. Which is fine by me. Once I graduate and move to a new city for a new job, I can really start looking.
This is when tragedy hit. My parents were killed in a car accident. Not when crossing the country to visit me. No, they flew into California. They had already visited the hotel, dropped their luggage off, and when they were actually on their way to visit me at my apartment, a drunk driver t-boned them just 3 blocks from my apartment. It killed them on contact. Apparently the guy 'just went out for a quick drink.' His blood alcohol level was 4 times the legal limit.
I was crushed. I loved, and still love my parents. They were the most caring people I have known. I was lost for some time. I had no family. My grandparents were all gone. Both my parents were only children. So I had no family, at all. I honestly didn't know what to do.
My only thought was to go back to Austin and bury my parents there. That is where I was born, and I guessed that is where they wanted to be buried. So I did. All my parent's neighbors and friends came by the house, with food and their condolences. It was odd. Normally with an event like this, you have a family member, or close friend to lean on. I had no one but a few friends from high school that I had grown apart from to talk to, no one I really wished to talk to, but I had no choice.
After the funeral, a gentleman in a suit came by the house and wanted to speak to me privately. He introduced himself as my parent's lawyer. I never knew they had a lawyer. He sat me down, and after giving me his condolences started explaining to me my parents last will and their finances.
Evidently, my dad, prepared for this, he was always prepared. He had an insurance policy on him and mom for me, let alone all his investments and properties. All in all, my parents left me somewhere around $1.5 million including the insurance payments and the real estate. I was stunned. I never knew, at all we had money. I knew we were not poor, but no idea...
At that time, I knew I had millions of options but I had no idea what to do. I worked with the lawyer and explained to him I had to take time off, for myself. He understood and we organized a way to communicate while I did a little traveling. He also would handle legal correspondence and possible responses to mail while was I was gone.
I left Austin and went to Europe for about 2 months. I am not covering what I did there much here as frankly, I didn't do much. All the touristy things. While there I experienced art, music, opera, beaches etc. It was fun and beautiful, but I was alone there. I was ok being alone, but at that time, I would have loved to have a close friend to talk, swim, explore with.
I went back to Austin and was surprised to see that I actually had some job opportunities actually waiting in my mailbox. They were from all around the US in locations I have never been.
I called the one in Portland, Oregon. It was a small law firm, Wilson and Strahan. I called the firm and talked to them discussing options. They actually understood the situation as my lawyer called them to explain. They still had the position open, for a part-time legal assistance, part-time financial analyst. I took the job.
I organized the estate sale of anything in the house I did not keep and shipped the rest to a location in Portland. I packed up and left two weeks after accepting the job.
My new life would start now.
Chapter 2 - Enter Alex
I moved to Portland, Oregon from Austin, Texas. I started my new job as a dual-role person at the law firm. I lived in a small apartment while I was there as I didn't want to get into buying a house too soon without learning about the neighborhoods around the city.
I had been in the city for about 3 months and was just starting to get my feet under me. My job was going well. I had a skill for finding financial inconsistencies and the like in people's books. My bosses were loving my inquisitive and ruthless nature when it came to the job.
I went out after work one night to a bar near my office when I met Alex. He was not a friend of any of my co-workers, he just came up to me and wanted to chat, offering to buy me a drink of course. I accepted and the rest is history. Alex is tall, handsome, strong, and smart. To me, he was perfect.
Alex worked in Portland as well. He was a Venture Capitalist at the age of 27. What that means to most people is, he takes money from a bunch of rich people, and invests it in small companies that need it to grow. The company could fail, and the investors lose their money, or it goes well, and the investors get a lot back for their initial investment. From what I already knew, he was pretty good at what he did, and had a good amount of money already, probably more than me. Not that I told him I had any money.
For months we dated with no strings attached. He was a man that wanted to get to know someone before it went farther. We both took our time, and with my history, I mentally decided I needed to take time before I jumped into anything. Alex was a perfect gentleman and we enjoyed each other's company in every way we could. Before Alex, I lost my virginity in college, but had only one partner, for a short time.
Our first time was an intimate atmosphere. He involved slow music, roses, dinner, dancing. It was a textbook score if I must say so. He lured me in and we made love as much as two could possibly do. It was perfect and slow and lasted all night.
We dated for just over two years. I believe Alex wanted to propose earlier, but he wanted to make sure I had the time I needed to heal for the loss of my parents. Similar to our first night together, he planned another perfect evening, ending with a ring and a proposal. A few days after the proposal, I came clean on having some money. He smiled and entirely understood as to why she kept it hidden.
We talked for weeks on how to handle the wedding. We both decided that we would elope with some personal friends in attendance at a remote location. We set the date and met with a few personal friends in Hawaii to get married.
Our ceremony was ... what can I say, perfect. It was quiet, warm, friendly, romantic and well...perfect. We were married two years and six months after going on our first date.
When we arrived back in Portland I was promoted for the third time. I was now in charge of the entire forensic accounting department, which was only 2 other people, but was also the boss of the accounting department as well which was 3 people. I was going places and I was only 25 years old. Alex was going places too. He had organized his next great deal and pulled in about 2.5 million in 1996. We no longer needed to worry about money as long as we were not stupid or overly risky with it.
Our home life was great. He was 4 years older than me, 29, and me 25 when we were married. We had moved into his house that he had purchased while we were dating. He claims he bought the house knowing I was going to move it after we were married. I believe him, but love to jib him about it.
The first year in the marriage was growth experience for us both I believe. I grew to depend on another person, Alex. Alex grew to have someone depend on him, outside of the working environment. This is where I believe the foundation of our current relationship started, the reliance on another in an intimate and trusting way.
This is also where we experienced a little bit of kinky fun for the first time as well. In the bedroom, we started to have a number of erotic and strong experiences involving handcuffs before, during and after making love.
Tragedy struck again.
Chapter 3 - Tragedy Again
About a year after we were married, we were having the time of our lives. We had moved into his house, and were starting to be 'that suburban' couple trying to have kids. I then went to the lady doctor for a regular checkup as we were looking to have kids, and I wanted to make sure the plumbing was right. I had noticed something was off, I didn't get my regular period.
When I was waiting in the doctors office I knew something was wrong as I didn't 'feel right' and they seemed to be taking too long. Well the doctor came in and sat down with me. She explained that I have a genetic illness that some consider a blessing, especially when young. I was unable to have children, and I would no longer have a period. It was a genetic abnormality that usually manifests around the mid 20's and is extremely rare. To put it simply, my uterus turned off, permanently.
I was crushed. For two weeks I stayed home, and sulked. I was sad, yes, who wouldn't be. I wanted the next chapter in my life to be a child from me and my husband. I heard all the blessings of adoption, surrogacy, etc, but I knew it was not from me. If it was not from my womb, it was not for me. Alex was with me, and all in all, he was my salvation. His caring attitude and patience was what brought me back to life.
This is where we took our next step. I had two weeks off after my diagnosis and all the doctors gave me pills, exams and the like, but the blessing of the illness was that it didn't even have much in the way of any debilitating side effects. On the last day of my day off, I decided to pay tribute to Alex. As I have stated, and can't possibly describe any better than this, he was the reason I kept going. So I devoted a day entirely to him. I had planned it the day before, but when Alex woke up I was waiting for him, dressed up in a latex French Maids outfit and 6 inch patent leather heels. This outfit was black and white and clear in spots and barely covered my nipples with its huge plunging neck line. The latex thigh highs were held up by garters built into the underside of the skirt that stuck out about 8 inches in all directions. It also barely covered my ass and crotch, the latex underwear did that. He had never seen it before (I had secretly purchased it before the diagnosis).
His eyes bulged out his head was the only reaction I got from him. The shock of waking up and starting to roll out of bed and me standing there was amazing. I have never felt better in my life, then seeing the wheels turning in his head after the cobwebs started to burn away.
"Darling?" was all he said with a huge grin, and obviously a bit of confusion. I leaned over, and of course this gave him an 'in your face' view of my barely hidden cleavage, kissed him on his forehead and spoke.
"As your servant, I am here to inform you that you are not needed at work today. You are currently 'under the weather' as far as your office is concerned and I am tasked with making your every desire come true today. Would you like me to get you your morning coffee?" I said in a really bad fake French accent.
He grinned from ear to ear and leaned back in his bed and said, "Yes please, by the way, what is your name my dear?" he retorted with a little snark to it. I was terrified for a moment, as I had not even thought of playing a character that had a name. I responded quickly with the first name, not sure where the hell it came from, "Lolita sir." I responded and gave him a curtsy. I finished the curtsy and while taking very small steps and also trying to cause my skirt to bounce a little, went to the kitchen to get his coffee.
When I came back he was smiling still. "Sir, your coffee" as I held a silver serving tray up to him with his 'Fuck Mondays' coffee mug. HEY! It's his mug! It would NOT have been right to make him use a small coffee cup, he needs to be appreciated here and he likes his damn mug!
"Sir, would you like me to draw you a bath, or maybe breakfast, or should I start my house chores like the laundry?" I said smiling at him. He looked at me quizzically.
"Well.....LOLITA....I guess since I am not feeling well and work knows I will not be in, I probably could use some breakfast." He said, making sure to enunciate LOLITA very specifically to me.
"Of course sir. Your breakfast will take about 15 minutes and I will bring it here if you wish or to the table if you move there." I said with a smile, curtsyed, and turned to venture into the kitchen.
I cooked him a light breakfast of some sausage and eggs and delivered it to him at the table while he drank his coffee and read the paper. He responded with a "Thank you Lolita." When he started eating and started walking around the house picking up laundry and performing chores, making sure to check up with him every 2-3 minutes if he needed anything.
Fast forward a little bit, he finished breakfast and I ushered him over to his comfy chair having him sit down. I then knelt in front of him, with his staring at me and I started to massage his feet slowly and methodically taking my time. It took ten minutes before I got to his thighs where his shorts were starting to interfere.
"Sir, if you wish it, I will be happy to make sure you are more relaxed if you wish it." I asked and waited for his reaction/permission.
"Well Lolita yes, I would like to be more relaxed." he said with an impish grin and started to maneuver to help Lolita remove his shorts and underwear.
"Please relax Master and I will attend to you."
You will notice here, I used the term Master. We played once or twice before when I used it. It was all in the scope of playing. This time, in all seriousness, I meant it. He was the Master of me at that moment and I would have, no joke, done anything. He has been the single brightest point in my life and I would never want the light extinguished, so I would do anything to fuel the fire to make it brighter. Alex heard me call him Master as well.
Within moments he was leaning back with me on him pleasuring him till he exploded into my mouth. As I stated earlier, I had changed a little bit. From the moment he woke up, it was all about him and his explosion into my mouth tasted like the most delicious chocolate to me at that moment.
"Thank you for allowing me to pleasure you sir." I said demurely as I sat back on my heels.
"You performed perfectly Lolita. Although I have called in sick today, I have about 30 minutes of work I must attend to. Go perform your chores and I will come and get you once I complete them."
"Yes sir." I stood, and started performing chores.
You may find this a bit odd, the give and take that we just had. I read this a little bit and I generally agree. But here is the thing, I enjoyed it, I mean I really enjoyed it.
As I was performing some chores I had a thought, and wanted to try something a little different. I entered our room (as he was in his office typing on his computer) and I laid out ropes, handcuffs and a ballgag we used once before. I removed my latex panties and then tied my ankles to the corners of the bed. I must say, this was virtually impossible to do without killing myself. From there, I then tied the ropes to a pair of handcuffs. I locked the cuffs on. I had not put the gag in. I was now bent over the edge of the bed with my bare ass/pussy for him to see and get to under my latex skirt. I waited there quietly for about 10 minutes and he didn't show up. Honestly, I got a little impatient and yelled in a standard 'hurry your ass up' voice, not the submissive French Maid voice.
"Master I need you in the bedroom."
A moment or two later he was in the room behind me.
"Well Lolita, I see with that attitude you need to be taught a lesson. You are to never call for me in that tone of voice." He said with mock anger. This somewhat woke me up realizing I broke character.
"Sir, my apolo..." was all I got out before he put the ball gag in my mouth somewhat roughly.
"No more talking Lolita. That rough non-ladylike voice should never be heard again." He retorted. "Wait here, I need to get some things..." and he disappeared out of the room. I waited there, getting a little hot with the way he was treating me all of a sudden for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes.
"We have talked about this for some time and you wanted me to try this on you, but I was not willing to. Well, you convinced me of it."
I tried to turn my head and as I was about to see what he had, he pulled a blindfold over my head.
"No peaking. Now, you have the most beautiful ass I have ever seen for a maid, but you need more adornment."
I then felt him smearing something on my asshole under all the latex ruffles. Feeling something then pushing on my sphincter I realized he was trying to put a butt plug in me. I started to melt with some anticipation. We had never tried it before and he was always hesitant...but now it was obvious that hesitancy was gone. He pushed and I winced as he finally pushed the plug all the way into me. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was over and once again, realized I was wet and horny for my husband, my Master.
"Now Lolita, after working for 45 minutes I need to be relaxed a bit more. Would you mind if you relaxed me some more?" he said, not really asking but saying....ordering. I nodded. I felt his shaft slowly penetrate me and start pumping into me over and over. I orgasmed twice to his once and it was by far, the best sex I had ever had. With the addition of the plug, I think it increased my sensitivity to him, making the orgasm's more powerful. I think Alex enjoyed himself as well.
"Lolita, have you learned your lesson for speaking out to me? Also, what I need to help relax me?"
"Uh huh" was all I could say while still gagged.
"I think you need to learn your place and wait here for a bit so I can take a shower. I will release you when I am done." He left me tied bent over on the bed, ball gagged and plugged. I was extremely excited and anxious at the same time. I believe he took one of his shorter showers as he was concerned for me. He was out and removed the handcuffs, helping me up as he removed the rope from my ankles.
"Are you ok Jessica?" he said with true caring, as he used my name.
"Yes Sir, Lolita is just fine. My legs are a little wobbly, but that is what I get, punishment, for demanding you to do something. I apologize."
He reached his hand under my chin, raising it and kissed me. "Yes Lolita, all is forgiven if you remember your place."
The rest of the day I finished chores and serviced him a few more times in various places. Each time was different and the same. Different as it was a different experience, the same, as I was willing to do it, however he wanted it, regardless of my wants. My wants WERE his wants.
Chapter 4 - Growth
That day that I served him at home was better than our wedding day I hate to say. The powerful union I had with Alex at that time was enormous. We both felt it. The next day was a weekend and when we both woke up something called for me to go get his coffee. I brought it in, this time nothing 'special' about it. I was wearing my sleep shirt and shorts as I normally do. I get to him and said "Morning my dearest husband", kissed him on his forehead and walked into the bathroom.
Later that day, we talked about what occurred and why. Why I suddenly was cheerful. Why I wanted to serve him. He listened intently on all that I told him, nodding, smiling and listening some more. I believe in about a 4 hours conversation, he talked for 10 minutes. I gushed to him. Every sudden kink, want, desire, dream (known or unknown) was emptied out into him. I was concerned that all the blabbing and complete word vomit pushed him away. The self-conscious girl decided to come out at that time.
At the end of the day, Alex approached me, grabbing my hands and held them in front of me. What he said I still remember today.
"Jessica. You are my wife. You are my soulmate. We are different people that were meant to be together. If you wish to evolve our relationship you and I will both enter the cocoons that will soon blossom into butterflies. I have some ideas on our evolution, and I am sure you do as well. As long as we talk, there is nothing WE cannot work thru. You have had some tragedies in your life. I was only there to experience one. It affected me as well. We persevere, you and I. I love you with all my heart and soul dearest one."
He pulled me in and hugged me powerfully. I knew then, only at that moment everything would be ok, and we were about to really experience our lives together.
I started going back to work that week and as satisfying as work was, it never seemed as gratifying as it was before. It seemed hollow. I was able to do it, and the staff at the law office were supportive of the issues that occurred. But life goes on and so did I. So work really didn't change much, at home, it was a different story.
The evolution began. We started, cooperatively of course, making rules that we, mostly me, had to live by. It is hard to describe this evolution but I will do my best.
First, I was ordered that unless there was company coming to the house, I was to only be dressed in some type of lingerie, nothing more. This meant that when I got home, I was wearing only articles of clothing like thigh highs, garter belts, panties, bra-like tops, corsets, etc. I have at this now, an entire closet of nothing but lingerie like clothing. I actually have more lingerie, than I do regular clothing. This went on for about six months. We both enjoyed it. The amount of people I accidentally flashed in some way was countless. Our neighbors especially. It became a running joke between Alex and I.
I was also ordered to never wear pants again. I was to always be in a skirt and heels when outside. The only exception would be when the activities are not possible in a skirt. For instance, if we were swimming, going to the beach, hiking, etc...
Bondage sessions became more frequent during this time as well. I was tied up for whatever reason about 3 times a week. Usually for sex, or for me to pleasure him. I loved it.
Next came my steel shackles and collar. We had seen cheap collars and shackles online but they looked terrible. Alex ordered for me in secret, per a conversation we had, stainless steel ankle and wrist shackles along with a collar from the SM Factory website. I was ordered once I got home, and changed into my lingerie, to also put on my collar and shackles. Only Alex had the key and could remove them. They would be removed every morning when I went to work. Those shackles allowed Alex to increase his Mastery of me. The bondage increased a little bit in frequency, but started to grow in session length.
This was the first time that Alex also introduced a flogger. We both found out together, he was a little bit of a sadist, and I was a masochist. A perfect match. After the first few sessions with the flogger, new impact toys were being purchased and shipped to our house from all over the world.
I found that we were changing at this time. It had been a year since the butterfly discussion. I have grown a little despondent at work. Little did I know, Alex was as well. We were always talking about how we were at home, that we neglected to talk about our lives at work in a more descriptive fashion.
Over the past few years, Alex earned millions, on top of what I already had. We technically didn't need to work anymore. In the course of a two hour conversation, Alex is in suit and tie, just arriving home from work, and me in a black and white corset, matching panties and thigh highs with my collar and cuffs on top, decided we were both going to resign our positions to look for other opportunities.
We did. It was liberating to no longer have to serve anyone by Alex. We also decided it was time to move to a new location to expand our playroom. We don't have the room for it here in this house, it was time to move.
We found a nice plot of land in southern Oregon, not really near anyone. Perfect. Alex owned the entire house build and told me that I did not need to know, as it was not my place. I was pleased about that. Plus, there was a surprise for me.
It took a year for the house to be built and we finally moved. This finalized the evolution.
Chapter 5 - Cocoon Opens, My New Rules
We sold our house and finally moved to the new house. I was completely in the dark as to the design of the house and its contents. Alex ran the house build completely. He spent a few days each month at the new house organizing its design while I stayed at home. Now it was time to see it.
When we drove up for the first time to the new house I was amazed. The house was a two story stone house of a German classical design. The landscaping was minimal but immaculate. The house sat on the top of a hill overlooking the ocean with hundreds of acres of land around it. The forest was a few hundred feet from the front door.
"Wait till you get inside, there are a few secrets and surprises for you." He said grinning evilly. We drove down the long driveway and parked in front of the house in front of the double doors. I was bouncing in my seat as I jumped out of the car to run to the front door.
"Wait!" he yelled at me as I had reached the front door and I stopped and turned to him wanting an explanation.
"Well, before we enter we need to work on another agreement." He said while smiling at me. I could tell he was excited as well.
"Over a year ago, you wanted to become a Butterfly. I agreed and joined you in the cocoon. Well, I think we are now closer to the end of the process. That being said, I believe it is time to up the agreements. You will understand why, when we go inside.
My sweet, you are not working and have the ability to now do all you wished to do before. I will keep you in comfort as we agreed when we were married, and because I love you. We have money now, and I will continue to work when I find something new. Just like you, I must do what makes me happy, and work does, although that job got stale. Time for me to find something new, although, you and I will enjoy this house significantly before then." He then reached out and kissed me on my forehead with a smile.
"First, you must change before you go in. You are forbidden from even wearing anything but lingerie in this house. Only in extreme circumstances, with my explicit permission are you allowed wear anything else, and even then you are required to wear lingerie under it. Of course, you can be nude." He retorted with a smile. I grinned from ear to ear, as he knew, when we headed over here, I was wearing no lingerie. Looking around for a second or two, I ripped my shirt off and then my shorts, followed by my panties and bra. I stood there in front of Alex completely nude. I think he got my answer.
"I accept Rule One."
"Second, you are required to find new and exciting lingerie and costumes on a regular basis. No less than 4 times a month are you wear something completely new. If it's a costume, you are required to play the character you are dressed as." I stared at him for a moment, a little perplexed then smiled as it somewhat registered. He wanted something new, at least lingerie or costume on a regular basis and to role play it. He wanted more spice, more fun.
"I accept Rule Two. By the way, when can I go shopping?" I said with a twinkle in my eye and a grin on my face.
"Oh brother, what have I gotten myself into...." he retorted feigning exasperation.
"Third" he pulled out the collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, holding them out in front of me. "This" he said holding up the collar, "is a new collar like what you already have, but with one change. It does not unlock. The latch, once closed, will not open, ever. The wrist and ankle cuffs are your standard ones. You need the ability to remove them to put on stockings, cloths, etc. But again, the collar, once it is on, does not come off. Do you understand?"
I looked at the collar in his hands for a moment realizing this rules implications. I hesitated and looked around for a moment not sure when I realized, this IS what I wanted! For a full year, I was on a trajectory for this. The eager panic this brought was exhilarating in the sheer seconds I thought of all this meant.
I stepped forward and turned around, pulling my hair above my neck. I stated confidently and slowly, to make sure it was clear as day. "I accept Rule Three."
I wasn't looking at him to see his reaction, but I felt the collar placed around my neck and heard a click. I flinched a bit when I heard it. I reached up and felt the collar, running my fingers along its seamless exterior, realizing, this collar was going to be on my neck for the rest of my life.
I held my hands up in the air for him to put the cuffs on my wrists and he did, once again with the audible clicks. Just after, he bent down and put the ankle shackles on as well, locking them on. I turned around to stare at him as he stood up.
"Fourth" he said with less serious a smile, "You will be pierced as we talked about. One on each nipple and one or more down there. I will decide the final amount. Plus....one on your tongue."
I was a bit shocked, I was not sure about the tongue, never really wanted one, but it was something he thought he might like, so I did the only thing I could do, "I accept the Fourth Rule."
"Fifth, you will start Yoga, 5 days a week. I have hired you an instructor that will come HERE to train you for six months. After that, we will see from there." I was really stunned on this one, it came out of left field. Not sure why, then I thought about it....Yoga, good for stretching bending and contorting....ohhhhhhhh.
"What about my clothing when the instructor arrives?" I asked with a concern.
"You will do it naked or in a leotard, as doing it with thigh highs would not be good. The instructors already knows and is prepared."
"Well then, I guess I agree with Rule Five as well, sounds like fun." I said.
"Six, you will at some time in the future get a tattoo on your right shoulder going down your arm. No words, just decorative, and you will pick it." He smiled at the last words.
"I accept Rule Six." I retorted. I always wanted a tattoo, but was never really brave enough to get one. Well, that ended that one....How many of these are left.
"Lastly, whether in this house or outside it, you will always refer to me as Master. You now already wear my collar that cannot be removed, you might as well complete the transformation."
"I accept your Final Rule...Master."
The world seemed complete to me and I was so excited and terrified of the future I acrobatically jumped up and hugged him kissing his neck saying thank you over and over again.
"Jessica you are most welcome, let's see our new house."
I ran inside and started scanning room to room. The house was huge and immaculate. It had a cross between German style interior but with a larger footprint and a more open floor plan. In the kitchen, Alex found me just ogling the magnificent appliances.
"We can see upstairs later, but I need to punish you." He said sternly looking at me.
"What did I do wrong....Master?" I said, almost forgetting it.
"You entered the house before me."
I put my head down, "sorry master, I will never do it again. Do with me as you feel appropriate." He approached me and turned me around, grabbing my wrists and placing them behind me. I felt that they were now locked together.
"Follow me" was all he said as I felt him attach a leash to the D-ring that hung from my now permanent collar. Where was he taking me? This place was huge!
"Stairs going down, one step after another, I will be here to catch you, but be careful."
I started taking steps down, gradually step after step I went. After turning a corner, I saw a large metal door. Alex pulled out a large key and unlocked it. Opening the door he entered and I followed.
I was in awe. He built a full dungeon. The room was decorated the part of an old time Middle-Ages dungeon. There were even torch sconces on the wall! Inside the room there were chains everywhere, countless pieces of furniture and racks to hold people...wait....me. It hit me. He built an entire dungeon, to use on me....to use on me... I stared in a foggy haze of wonder and terror as to what all these pieces of furniture were used for as well as the countless cabinets around the room that obviously contained items to use.
"Jessica, slave, do you like it?" he inquired with a smile.
"Master, this is....amazing. I have never seen anything like this. Even online I haven't seen anything quite this, in depth. I don't even know what some of these things are for!" I exclaimed.
"Well my little pet, we have plenty time to explore them together, one by one. Now, to your punishment." I sighed and followed him deeper inside the room. He approached a cage that was the outline of a human figure, and it was hanging from the ceiling. He unlocked my wrists from each other.
"Get in," he said sternly as he opened the 'door' to the human shaped cage. I turned around and faced him, then carefully stepped backwards into the cage. He closed the cage, and locked it. Inside the cage, it looked to have been designed for me. The cage itself was about a quarter of an inch around my body. I was unable to move significantly in the cage. He walked to each side of the cage, locking my cuffs to the side, no longer allowing me to move my hands anywhere. He also locked the front of my collar to the front of the cage, merging me with it.
"Now, I am not truly mad, but I wish you to have a little fun as well. He first applied a pair of clover nipple clamps to my nipples, getting a squeal from me as he did so.
"One more thing for you..." was all he said as I was forced to watch as he moved to a cabinet, and pulled out....what looked like a Hitachi!
With the hands that looked like an expert he attached the Hitachi to what was something akin to a cup that the Hitachi was inserted into. It was obviously meant to be used for this exact purpose. The placement of the Hitachi, placed it just outside of my pussy, so I would have to try to push myself onto it for pleasure. He turned it on... The cage rattled a bit and he looked at me.
"I have things to do upstairs, you have 2 hours to orgasm 10 times. If you do not achieve ten times, you WILL be punished....I am starting my watch now. Enjoy my sweet." As he walked away, he gave the cage a big push and the cage, with me in it swung back and forth from its connection on the ceiling as I saw him exit the room, with me not able to follow.
I started pushing my pelvis as close to the Hitachi as much as I could and that is when I realized this was going to be torture, as it barely made contact with me. 10 orgasms in 2 hours....this is going to be rough. I pushed up to it as best as I could to begin...
Chapter 6 - My New Life - Day 182
The previous 4 chapters I have written were all in the past. A summation of events on how I got here. Everything after the first 4 chapters are now from my private blogs that I am required to write, day by day from my Master.
Day 182 from Butterfly Effect
I try to scratch my cheek because of an itch, only to realize I cannot. When the confusion of sleep starts to wane from my head I realize where I am and my predicament. Well, it was my own fault....
Last night I gave Alex, my husband, my Master, attitude. A lot of it. I won't go into it too much, but I was demanding sexual satisfaction from him... So he decided he was not going to let me sleep in the bed for the night. Instead, I was locked in my floor cage under the bed wearing my chastity belt with my wrists and ankles locked to the edges of the cage. To give you some more details as it might be confusing. Our bed, or should I say Masters bed, that I usually join him in, is a king sized bed built on a platform. This platform is actually my cage, under the bed. So my cage, is exactly the same size of the frame of the king size bed with 4 feet of vertical room. The sides of my cage are narrow steel bars with only one opening at the foot the middle. Also, on the sides, my Master can actually close wooden shutters to make it completely, and I mean completely dark in my cage and it also hides for anyone that might enter the room, that it is actually a cage, it looks like a platform before with storage under it. No need for blindfolds here. Well back to me, I am laying on my back in a spread eagle position, with my wrists and ankles chained to the corners of my cage.
The worst part of this, besides not begin able to scratch my cheek, is the constant buzzing from my chastity belt. Now, because last night, I was demanding some sex from my husband...I mean my Master, I was to be punished. Overnight, I was equipped with my steel chastity belt that had a built in vibrating dildo\vaginal and anal plugs. All night, the dildo and anal plug would kick in buzzing, keeping me aroused with no chance to orgasm. It was a VERY long night. I don't know if I actually slept or not. Plus, my arms and legs hurt from being put in a pretty strenuous position for hours. Since I cannot see, I have no idea what time it is. I am just trying to relax as best as I can with the constant torment in my crotch.
I believe I was just starting to doze off during one of the moments the plugs were silent when the shutters to my cage opened up slowly.
"Jessica my darling it is time to wake up." He opened the cage and unlocked the chains from the corners of the cage allowing me to move for the first time in probably at least 8 hours. I crawled out of the box with my jello-like limbs, wrists and ankles trailing the chains. After I exited the cage I knelt by Master's feet and hugged his ankles.
"I am sorry Master for being obnoxious last night."
He reached down and pulled the electric plug out from my belt that powered the plugs all night and remove the chains that were still attached to my wrists and ankles.
"Very well pumpkin, you need to get ready for Yoga and I need to leave for work" he said as he reached down, and kissed the top of my head, then helped me stand up.
"Master can you remove the belt so I can put on my leotard for Yoga?"
"Of course"
He pulled out a key and unlocked the belt allowing me to actually remove the plugs at my own pace. I walked over to the bathroom and slowly started to pull both plugs from my holes. The sensation was a bit erotically tortuous as for hours I have been mechanically stimulated in both holes. Pulling them out I clinched my teeth as the anal plug popped out suddenly giving me that relief, with the vaginal plug sliding easily out of me. I placed the belt in my personal sink and walked over to the toilet and sat down to relieve myself....oh...the relief. I have been holding it from both holes I believe for an hour or two...
Back to the sink I proceeded to clean the plugs and belt as was my required job. It was my fault he had to use it on me, so I needed to clean them properly. I took a quick shower and then put on a leotard that I was allowed to wear during yoga. It was amazing, in the six months since I started Yoga, I had become so extremely limber. Granted I always was but this Yoga teacher Master got me, was amazing.
After putting on my leotard and putting a scrunchy in my hair I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the 1 inch tall shiny silver collar on my neck and stared at it. It had been six months since we moved into the house and I accepted a permanent steel, irremovable collar. I still, six months later, stare at it, fingering its almost seamless surface. The only item that 'marred' its perfect shiny surface was actually the D-ring that was attached to it just in the front center.
Yoga as always was wonderful. Tired as I was when I went into it because of the lack of sleep, I still enjoyed myself. My Yoga instructor evidentially is into BDSM and has no problem with me, the lifestyle or the collar, which makes things a bit simpler.
After Yoga, I was required to change and put on lingerie, and I did, a simple black and red teddy, garter belt and thigh-highs. It's a little amusing that even though Master is not here, I still change into lingerie as required. I love it, as I love lingerie, but deeper, I know he loves it. I just about do anything he wants me to do.
I went to the kitchen and made myself a quick salad and wondered what the rest of the day had in store for me. Lately, with errands and other things, I was a bit busy, but that was the exception, not the rule. Today, at this point in time, I had no plans. I decided today was a day I would wear one of my required outfits for my Master.
I had purchased something really unique a few weeks ago and it finally arrived. You would think, after the last six months, I have put on real clothes probably numbering 20 times, that I would be past any sort of embarrassment of clothing, how it looks etc... But alas, it still sometimes makes me a little nervous just because some, in my own mind are so much more erotic and sensual than others.
While in my cage, I needed to make it up to Master. I had plenty of time to think, so I thought of a number of things. I wanted to make things up to Master without me getting the sexual satisfaction that I so grossly wanted. Who knows, he may be so happy by my activities, that he WILL give me the satisfaction I crave.
First, I made a call to a local grocery store that would deliver for a price. I called them up for some specific finger foods. They would be delivered no later than 4pm. Cutting it close since Master gets home usually at 5 pm.
Second, I grabbed all my clothing items and brought them down to the dungeon. He already had all his toys there. I picked up some clothes for him as well and placed them on the kitchen counter. He always comes here first to drop off his briefcase first if I don't meet him at the door.
Third, I sat down at the table with pen and paper to write him the following note:
My apologies for not meeting you at the door, I know I will be punished for that. To start things out for you, please come to the dungeon downstairs as I have already started punishing myself.
Also, please understand I am extremely sorry for my rebellious attitude last night and I only blame myself for the discipline you needed to inflict on me because of it. I am the one to blame and I know it.
I have also prepared myself so you have enjoy yourself without me having any sexual satisfaction as well.
NOTE: I am unable to free myself, so until you come down and free me, I am trapped there being punished relentlessly.
Love, your rubber/latex pain slut.
I folded it up and placed it in an enveloped then kissed the front of it, leaving some lipstick on it.
At about 3 pm I called Master and explained I had something planned for him. In a non-ordering way, I explained I needed him home at 5pm, as I would be 'detained' from any further action till he arrived. I could hear him smile on the other end of the phone. My call to him, if you didn't get the subtext was an agreement with him we made a year or two back in the old house. If I was ever to enter into any self-bondage where I could not free myself, the 'detained' commentary in a phone call would be used. It's our signal to each other of bondage occurring. I know.....It is not smart. What was to happen if he was to get into a car accident on the way home and I am chained and unable to free myself. Well. We try to minimize it as best we can, but there is an element of risk here. When that type of commentary is used, he will text me when he is leaving the office and then when he pulls into the long driveway. This gives me an added few minutes to finalize things. I usually to not click the final lock of any inescapable self-bondage until I get that text. Today will be one of those days where I will be taking more risk than usual. I believe my Master deserves it.
I went downstairs with the food and put it in the refrigerator for later. Yes we have one down here....water, Gatorade, ice cubes, whipped cream, you name it. It all needs to be kept cold or frozen.
I created an elaborate plan while in may cage. I will try to describe it.
First, I will be dressing in an extremely tight, latex see thru bodysuit. This body suit has only holes for my crotch and breasts, but stops at my neck. The permanent collar can sometimes be a pain in clothing accessorizing. For my head, I had a matching see thru latex mask with holes for the mouth, eyes and nose. It can be slowly tucked in under the collar. On top of it was a black and red under bust latex/rubber corset. This corset is tight and durable. You would think, being latex and rubber it would tear, nope, this won't. On my legs, I had to then put on another pair of matching (to the corset) black and red latex thigh highs attached to the built-in garters from the corset. I also purchased some knee high ballet boots. These are leather boots where the only part of the foot touching the ground is the toes, with something close to a 9 inch heel on it. I have tried it a few times, almost impossible to walk in (by me). I also had matching (to the corset) latex/rubber gloves that went up past my elbow.
Now, it will take me some time to actually get dressed, as putting on latex and rubber, takes a lot of time, especially by myself. That I scheduled to do around 3pm.
The restraints I created for myself I think will have Master pleased. It will leave me open to him, as well as be painful for myself. My only way of orgasming will be if he wishes it to happen.
I am not sure what to call it, but here is how I will be restrained. Overall I will be chained to a platform that is similar to a spanking bench/platform. It's is a box that is roughly two feet tall. In the center of it is a small ledge where my chest will sit, it will be positioned between my breasts. A larger leather strap will weld my torso to that ledge. My ankles, locked to the corners via my shackles. Just below my knees will be a leather strap and same for my thighs. This ensure my torso and lower body can't really move. My wrists, since I cannot put them in the typical spot on the side of the box, will have to be rigged. I rigged it by attaching very short chains to the side of the box. So when I am entirely in place, I can attach the chain already on my wrist shackle, with the same hand, to the big O-ring there. Oh, I forgot, my collar will be locked to the ledge as well.
Now, for the torture that I will setup ahead of me completely locking myself into the device. The torture consists of numerous parts. I know Master will be pleased by this.
First, I will have my chastity belt on, on top of the latex. This will lock the vaginal and butt plugs in me. I will connect it up and have the plugs, not to arouse, but to punish. They will emit random shocks to my privates. Very painful, but amazingly erotic at the same time. These shocks will be completely random and of an intensity that goes from a really mild shock that will get no reaction to one that would cause you to jump and scream in pain. On my nipples, I will attach very strong clover clamps. The ones that tighten when pulled on. These will have weights attached to them. I am going on faith that I can handle them, as I am going to put on more than I have done before. Last, was the gag harness and the punishment I will get from it. The harness locks on but ends with a large ring gag. As I lay on the ledge with my head pointing down, there will be a fuck machine pointing up to my ring gag. It will fuck me....relentlessly till it is turned off. My locked collar will prevent me from moving out of the way.
That is my plan. To lock myself in those pieces of clothing, and to lock myself to the table to be tortured mechanically, till Master frees me. This is the most extreme I have gone in my setting of myself up for Self-Bondage that was inescapable for Master. I was extremely nervous of this setup, but I decided I had misbehaved last night and I needed to make it up to him. He will decide where to go from there, as I will, assuming it is delivered on time, have finger foods that he and I can eat without having to cook.
3 PM hit and I started getting dressed. I decided to add a little more extreme bondage to it. I added wax earplugs under my latex hood. I could still hear a little, but not much. I also planned on added a blindfold, so for the most part, my only sensation will be touch....I was getting turned on by it already. Because I had been so turned on last night I decided I needed to get at least into my chastity belt so I would not do anything Master would not approve of. I put on the bodysuit, mask, corset, thigh highs and chastity belt with a significant amount of trouble. I was exhausted by the time I realized it was 4pm. I went to the front door, and saw the food I ordered was waiting on my table just outside my door, I retrieved it and placed it in the fridge downstairs.
It was time. I placed my cell phone right in front of me, with the keys, just in case. I put the boots on and got into place on the platform, locking my ankles, calves and thighs in place. I also attached the connections from the electrical unit to my plugs. I set the device to wait 15 minutes before starting.
I see a text on my phone that Master was on his way. I can now continue. Pulling the torso strap I tighten it down to me. Only a few things left. I put on the nipples clamps with a squeal and the put my blindfold on, then ring gag. Three more items now....
I lock my collar in place and verify the fuck machine is where it needs to be. I lock one of my wrists to the platform. One last chance to get out of this. I reached down with my free hand, turn on the fuck machine. It starts to rape my mouth and before I can decide otherwise, I lock away last chance of escape.
Done. I am stuck. I am in deep shit if something happens to Master on the way home.
I waited in the silent dark, with weights on my nipples and having my mouth rapes over and over. I could tell streams of drool were coming out of my mouth. I thought to myself, I might have overdone it.
Fifteen minutes in, when the shocks started hitting me, it got substantially worse. Every time I got a shock of a medium size or more, I would violently shake and pull at my restraints. This was pain unto itself, but it caused the nipple clamps to swing and pull on my nipples more.
I have no idea, none at all how long I was there. I no longer could hear anything other than the fucking of my mouth, the gagging sound I was generating and the scream/squeals I was creating from the shocks and the pull on my nipples. I had in fact already entered sub-space as I never ever realized Master had in fact, come home and was watching me and circling me in amazement.
Later on I would find out I was there for a solid hour as Master left me there for a bit because I was not waiting for him at the front door. I only knew he must have been home when the fucking machine turned off and it was pulled from my mouth. The shocking in my bottom holes then ceased. The nipple clamps were removed. When they were, I screamed bloody murder as they had been tortured for so long.
I laid there, as if I could go anywhere, silent after I recovered from the removal of the clamps. I heard some faint noises from behind the mask and the earplugs, but I could not be certain it was him or my own imagination as I started to come back to a conscious state from sub-space.
I felt my belt being removed and the plugs pulled from my body. Master got a groan from me as he removed the anal plug with a pop. Surprisingly my ring gag harness was removed as well.
"Thanks Master" was all I got out after the ring gags removal when I heard him yell.
"No more talk', as he slammed a ball gag into my mouth. I groaned and complained from behind the ball with as much energy as I could muster.
Again, there was a quiet few moments where nothing occurred until I felt Master slam his cock into my asshole. I screamed as it hurt like hell and he rammed me over and over. It stopped hurting after a time only to start hurting again when I heard him scream out with a triumphant groan as he came in my ass. After his climax he pulled out and it became quiet again. I was thankful Master had used me for his pleasure. I was hoping that he would pleasure me as well, but he was the focus here.
He once again removed the ball gag and yelled to me.
"It is time you get some pleasure, although you might regret it." He retorted.
"Thank you Master" came out from me when I felt the fucking machine starting to penetrate my pussy and a sharp pain was felt on my breast causing me to scream.
I realized he was hitting my breast with a flogger in rhythm with the fucking machine. Every time the machine penetrated me, one of my breast was hit with the flogger. Over and over it happened the screams coming from me and the pleasure from my cunt. I was unable to speak or think as the pleasure and pain mixed together to paralyze me.
With a powerful scream I yelled out the words "Yessssssss!" as I orgasmed and the tit tortured was timed perfectly. My climax seemed to be the longest and most drawn out one I ever had. I don't know, but it could have actually lasted about 20 seconds. For those 20 seconds, I saw a bright light, could feel nothing else and violently and unconsciously thrashed in my restraints.
When it was over, the fucking machine was turned off and I laid there, panting like a dog, sweat and drool coming out of my ungagged mouth.
"Happy now slave?" he yelled to me.
"Master, that was........amazing.....beyond amazing"
The restraints welding me to the platform soon were removed and I felt a large set of hands pick me up and lay me in the bed we had in the dungeon. My eyes were still closed as I didn't think I had enough energy to open them. Thru the haze, I felt his hands slowly removing the mask, earplugs, boots, thigh highs and corset. When I finally became coherent I realized I was still in the latex suit, but Master was laying with me on the bed, cuddling me, avoiding touching my battered breasts.
"Master?" I asked with a somewhat confused childish tone.
"Darlin, you punished yourself far more than I ever would have. You are forgiven. I must say, I was amazed by your ingenuity you showed. I am quite impressed. I want you to rest. Are you comfortable?" he asked with loving concern.
"Well yes, since you are here." I said with a smile slowly hugging him. "That was so intense Master. We have played before, but that took me over the previous high."
"Good, I was pretty entertained as well. I think we crossed another boundary with you. I knew you liked a little bit of pain, but that was way past any I had inflicted on you. I am not sure to be happy or concerned. By the way, I love the outfit, I can only assume it was a nightmare to get on." he said with a smirk.
"As I have said before, this body and mind belongs to you and no other. You can use me as you wish. Yes, it was hard. I believe it took me about an hour to get into it."
We spent the rest of the night, talking and eating the finger foods from the tray I ordered right there in the dungeon.
Chapter 7 - My New Life - Day 293 - Part 1
Day 293 from Butterfly Effect
I woke all cuddled up to Master in our bed as was typical. I was always naked in bed, as was he. I of course was naked because he willed it, not because I liked it. I slowly started stretching as the alarm clock went off telling us both it was time to wake up.
We both stirred and tried to figure out what day it was. Master slowly rolled over and unlocked the chain that had me attached to the vicinity of the bed.
"Please get us coffee and breakfast, but get dressed first, I am going to get a shower." He said while actually yawning.
"Yes Master" was my only response as I exited the bed and went to my walk-in lingerie closet. Yes, I have an entire closet of lingerie. I looked around and decided today might be a baby doll kind of day. I found a silky peach baby doll that I have worn only a few times. It was beautiful. It might be considered more a camisole or bustier....but alas, I am too sleepy to decide. I sat on the couch in my closet and started pulling up my thigh highs that matched it. The only panties that matched this set, were crotch less, so Master would get a nice little show as I made breakfast. Putting them on, I attached the garters and added a set of 4 inch heels. Time for coffee and breakfast. I don't want to keep him waiting.
I exited the room and went to the kitchen starting the coffee just how he likes it, as well as prepared to make some chorizo breakfast tacos with egg, bacon and cheese. He loved my Tex-Mex recipes, so I enjoyed making them for him.
Just as I poured his coffee and added the other ingredients he liked, he showed up in the kitchen.
"Wow you are a stunner Jess. How did I ever deserve to get you!?" he said with a smile while accepted a kiss on the cheek and his 'Fuck Monday's' coffee mug.
I smiled innocently and retorted, "Well Master, you told me you deserved me and here I am and Thank you for the compliment." I said in a smile turning around and bending over to pick up an accidentally dropped towel.
"Wow.....Now that is a nice view my little housemaid. Do you cleanup and cook around here often?" he retorted to my gratuitous crotch less panty shot.
"Why yes Master, every day. If you wish it, we can go over my work schedule later." I said as I worked over the stove.
A few minutes later, after another cup of coffee for him and one for myself, I finished breakfast and served him at the table. I waited for him to taste it and he smiled and told me to join him, I did so after being given permission.
"Jess, do you know what today is?" he asked inquisitively staring at me.
"No Master, I do not as I never really know what date it is anymore, I am sorry." I replied feeling a bit of panic.
"It is our wedding anniversary and I am taking you out!" he explained happily.
"I am so sorry Master I forgot! Please forgive me." I said in a sorrowful and meek tone.
"It is ok, I know how time fly's! But I have plans for us, and actually have been planning this for some time."
"We are going out?" I said something nervous, running my fingers over the collar that could not be removed.
"Yes we are and I have planned everything my sweet. No reason to get nervous. I know how you can still get a bit nervous with your collar. I actually planned on that. So after breakfast, I want you to go upstairs and take a bath, not a shower and clean and relax. I have to run out and put a few items up for out night out. When I get back, we BOTH will get dressed and leave for our anniversary."
"Understood Master." I said still a bit unsure of what was to come.
After breakfast she cleaned the kitchen as Master left to house to run some errands. She was a bit concerned that she had completely forgotten her own anniversary. This also made her a bit concerned as she actually had no idea what was going on in the outside world, at all. She never watched television and very rarely exited the house because of her collar. Pushing past that concern she went upstairs stripped and jumped into the glorious bathtub as ordered. There she soaked and actually fell asleep till Master woke her up.
"Awaken my sleepy head, it is time we both got ready for our anniversary." He said with a smile. He helped her out of the bathtub and assisted her in drying off.
"Where are we going" I inquired.
"That is for me to know and you to do nothing but accompany me. No I will not tell you." He said smartly play spanking her bottom.
"Very well Master." I responded, sounding dejected.
"Now, I bought both of us new numerous outfits for our anniversary. Some are already packed downstairs in some luggage. We each have one outfit here. This is what we will be wearing to out tonight. I nodded...still a little nervous. He held up a garment bag for me to unzip it. I did, and inside I was amazed, delighted and absolutely dumbfounded.
Inside was a white and silver ball gown. A hand beaded and ornate over bust corset of white background with massive silver embroidery and detailing. It was amazing to look at. From there it went down into numerous layers of silks and satin. It looked like a wedding dress.....
"It is beautiful Master!" was my initial reaction. I remembered my collar, reaching up and touching it. "But.."
"No buts about it. When you put on the dress, you will understand. Now, I did NOT get you any lingerie, as I figured you might have something you could wear under this. One rule. You better be accessible to me......" he said looking at her closely, obviously she was not yet comprehending. It suddenly hit her that she was to wear no or crotchless underwear under it.
"Of course, I believe I have a few things that might even match" I retorted with a smile.
After frantically searching for my 'wedding lingerie costume' that I had purchased a few months ago, I looked and realized it was perfect. As with most of my lingerie, I was required to wear 4 new pieces a month at the house. Ironically, this is one I have never had a chance to wear, so this was perfect. I slipped on the white and silver crotchless panties feeling good, as they have yet to ever be worn. Holding a finger out for Master to wait, I then pulled out a white and silver threaded bustier as well as the matching white and silver threaded thigh highs. I held them up to him inquiring, waiting for his approval.
"Perfect. Now that I mention it....I have never seen those before. Do you have an entire store in here that I don't even know about?" he said with a chuckle.
"Well, Yes Master." I said with a blush. "I have this whole section, prepared for a unique costume for you, at a moments notice. This one was for a 'wedding night' scene I figured we could play."
"Well my little vixen, we will be playing the scene, entirely, today."
I looked at him inquisitively, and he would not budge in explaining what was happening. I shrugged and proceeded to put on the bustier and thigh highs. Vixen-like, I walked over to Alex and asked, while batting my eye lashes at him.
"Would you please attach my garters and tighten up the bustier please sir?"
He snickered out loud, "How could I possibly refuse." He did as asked and then my eyes went to the dress.
"Now there are a few secrets to this dress my darling that you will approve of....I think" he said with a smile. "First, let us get you in it, and I can explain." He held the dress up and I entered it from the bottom and he assisted me getting into it. I didn't realize it, but it was a long sleeved dress as well.
"Now, it is obviously a corset dress, so I will help you tighten up in a moment. First, we need to address your collar. I know you are not ashamed of it, but it still makes you nervous wearing it out in public. So I have done one thing to the dress to help." He smiled and reached down the front of my dress, grabbed feel of one of my breasts and then pulled out what he was actually down there looking for.
"Sorry, had to." He said with an impish grin. "Now, when I had the dress made, I explained the situation and they understood. Well, at least the claimed they did. Who knows if they did as long as it looks good. He pulled a strap, a connection to the top of the corset, that she never knew was there and pulled it through the D-ring in her collar and snapped it together. I looked at the mirror and then realized what had been done. First, the dress was not really white and silver, it was white and 'steel'. It was the exact collar of my collar. Second, the buckle to my collar, made the collar look as though it was part of the dress itself! By the design, color and cut, my collar actually looked like it was part of my dress! I was amazed at the handiwork and detail.
"Ok what do you think of the collar now?" he said smiling.
"This is amazing! Frankly the dress itself is beautiful, and I can only imagine how much it cost...
"Any cost if worth it to see your face my beloved."
"Thank you sir! This is one of the most beautiful garments I have ever seen!"
"Now, I got you a few other things for you. Another present. Hold out your wrists, and close your eyes....I said CLOSE THEM." He repeated when I tried to peak. I felt him put some sort of bracelet on each wrist and worked on them for a few seconds each.
"Open" he said and I looked. He had placed highly ornate shackles on my wrists. These were different than my collar, first they could come off with some sort of a screw driver. Second, they included some masterful scrollwork that matched the sleeves and the dress. Third, they actually were integrated into the dress.
"Oh wow. These are incredible!" I said as I admired their handiwork on how they were designed to be part of the dress.
"I am glad you feel better about going out. Now I have a few other surprises you are going to want to kill me for" he said grinning evilly. "Part of it is punishment for not yet picking a tattoo that you were to have picked, part of it is fun."
"Punishment? I am sorry, I have not been able to decide."
"That is fine, from this moment on, you have 1 month to decide, and since you have not decided, I got you some jewelry. I should have done this before you got dressed but I will have to make do, please sit down."
"Master?" she said with fear.
"Please sit down my dear."
I did and he pulled a small blindfold over my eyes.
"This was just in case your curiosity decides to get the best of you. Put your hands behind your back and do not move them till I say so, understood?" he said sternly.
"Yes Master." I did as was asked. When I did I felt him pulling my corset down as well as the bustier, from one single breast. When he did, I felt him pinching and pulling, not entirely unpleasant, but not pleasant, just different. After a few moments I felt my nipple slowly being pulled tight. He did the same for the other breast as well.
"Now you may look." I removed my blindfold to see the area around my nipple in a solid metal ring. This ring, had nuts that sat under some new nipple rings. They were all in one piece as I looked at it, and my guess was that it was designed to extend my nipple farther from my breast.
"Master what is it?" I asked with concern.
"This is a little punishment and fun. They are called nipple stretchers. These are completely integrated into the ring itself and cannot be removed without a special tool." He smiled. "Do they hurt?" he asked inquisitively.
"Well no, not really but"
"Well then good, as long as they don't hurt, the other purpose will be understood later on." He exclaimed cutting me off not wanting to hear more. "I have one last item for you. Once again, I am doing this entirely out of order, but we will make do. Open it." He ordered handing me a box. When I opened the beautiful box I looked at what was in it.
"Master I don't even know what it is, but it sure it pretty." I responded confusedly.
He picked up the small device. It was rounded L shaped solid gem with a solid silver decorative side to it.
"I will explain after we put it on. Lift your dress please." He told me as he sat down on the ground in front of the layers of silk. As I did, he essentially crawled under my dress...surprising since I was shorter than he was. All I saw was his legs sticking out from under the dress.
"Do Not Move at all. Understand?" He yelled from under me while I was thinking he had a good view, although it might be dark. I heard a click and I realized he had a freaking flashing under my dress! Where did he get that!?!!?
I felt something being slowly pushed into my pussy and then up touching my clit. He then started threading the lacing of the device thru my piercings and up my backside and around my thighs.
After he was done he popped back out.
"There, you are properly adorned down there with a scarab clitoris g-string. It's designed to stimulate you but not complete it. Plus it is gorgeous."
I stood there staring at him completely dumbfounded.
"I .... I...."
"Don't know what to say?" he said with a smirk. "Say nothing, we will talk about that piece later. Let's get you all buttoned up now. I assume you have shoes here somewhere..." he said with some humor as he skulked into my closet with his flashlight as though he was hunting a lion.
"Yes I do Master." I pointed to some 4 inch heels that actually matched my lingerie, and therefore the dress. He grabbed them and then came behind me and pushed me over to a wall to grab onto. He started tightening the laces on the dress. Minutes later after I was gasping for air, he finished and I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Master....this is wonderful" I yelled and turned to him and gave him a hug.
"You are more than worth it. Now, you need to adjust your makeup, and I need to get dressed real quick. I won't take nearly as long as you." He ran from the room and I continued to look in the mirror, amazed by the detail the dress had. As soon as I started moving around the room to get my shoes and apply a small amount of makeup, I realized the purpose of the jewelry.
In minutes, the protruding nipples and the blue onyx finger were working in concert to arouse me as I walked around inside the bathroom. The nipples were being aroused simply by the movement of the corset and bustier, the scarab, by my hip movement.
"What an evil man you are!" I screamed out to him while in front of the mirror.
In the distance I heard a retort, "Yes, Yes I am!"
Chapter 8 - My New Life - Day 293 - Part 2
Day 293 from Butterfly Effect
I was finishing my touch ups to my makeup despite the tortuous scarab and nipple stretchers.
"How the hell am I going to last all day like this!?" I asked myself. Finishing up, I grabbed a handful of my dress and slowly made it downstairs to see Alex standing in the doorway wearing an elaborate tuxedo that seemed to have touches of a historical aspect to it. I could not place it. But I could see that the offsetting color on his black tux, was steel. I smiled seeing the amount of work he put into this.
He walked up to me, grabbed my hands and said while kissing them, "You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen my love. I hope you enjoy this evening. I spent a lot of time trying to organize it along with your dress. You are my dream and my life, I want you to always remember that Jessica."
By this time, I was about to cry from joy. Alex was always good with words. But for some reason today was special. It was the first anniversary since we exited the cocoon together. "Thank you Master. I want you to know, ever before this house just after we were married, you have always been my salvation. I can't ask for anything more. I love you more than you can possibly know. You look extremely handsome by the way." I said with a smile, while holding back my tears.
"Well thank you. We need to leave, we are late. Come with me." He held out his arm and I took it, and we left the house together. Waiting for us was a limo and I smiled, obviously Master went all out for this evening. He opened the door for me, guided me to a seat, than entered the limo on the other side.
"So my love, how are your nipples?" he said with an evil grin just looking forward, trying not to give me the attention that he was actually doing.
"You are so mean. You already know how sensitive I am then you do this. They are alive and talking with every movement I perform Master." I said with fake disdain. He chuckled at me while holding my hand.
'Where are we going?" I asked inquisitively to him.
"Well, I guess I can tell you now. We are going to formal masquerade ball. You will need this..." he handed me a mask that matched my dress. I held it in my hands to examine it ant it was incredible. This mask was not one that was held, but was strapped around the head to allow the wearer not to have to hold it all night. It was extremely ornate with feathers, stitching and covered about half my face. It was black and silver, matching both my dress and his tux. The stitching, stones, glitter and feathers all blended together into a single elaborate mask of incredible detail. It also fit perfectly when I held it up to my face.
"Really?" I asked exclaimed eagerly. "Who will be there? When did you organize this as you work quite a bit?"
"Ahh my love, it's a Masquerade Ball, you don't know who will be there. Don't you know the rules? No names will be exchanged but for tonight, you will be known as Lolita." He said with an impish grin.
"Lolita? Oh...you still remember. I think I can remember that, and what is your name tonight, if for some reason it must come up?" I asked happily and inquisitively.
"I will be Arturo, your shining knight, and I have this." He pulled out a mask that was steel in color, very ornate that matched her wrist shackles.
"Oh that is so pretty! I matches me!" I exclaimed holding up her wrists to his head.
"Yes it does my love. There is a surprise that will occur there, I will not tell you, I want your curiosity to stew for a while more." He said with a chuckle.
"Evil man!" I exclaimed then leaned over a bit, as much as I could while wearing a tight corset, putting my head on his shoulder. He turned to embrace me and held me there as we were driven to the party.
The drive took about an hour to get there, along the way we had small pockets of conversation and along the way I realized on how much a shut-in I had become in the house. In almost a year, I had ventured out maybe once 10-15 days, only to get a few miscellaneous items. I decided damn other people, I am getting out more. I have not even explored my own property. On our next free day, I was taking Master out and were going to explore the large property. I may even have to buy a four-wheeler she thought to herself, it was a big property....
We arrived at their destination and I looked out the window to see a huge property that seemed to extend as far as the eye could see. There were acres of gardens it looked like and by the number of people I saw from a distance, this ball was huge. Our limo pulled into a line of other sports cars, towncars and limos and we waited out turn in line to be let out at the carpet.
"Now Lolita, while here, you are a courtesan named Lolita, and I am Arturo. Tonight, we are on even ground here till we leave. No Master here tonight, just Arturo who is in love with his courtesan named Lolita." He smiled warmly. I knew the last statement, he meant.
"Of course Master..." I said, holding my hand up to stop him. "That will be the last time tonight. And by the way, this courtesan does love Arturo." I said with complete honesty to him. I leaned over and gave him a small reserved peck on the cheek, not wanting to smear my lipstick on either of us. He assisted me putting on my mask, adjusting hair and the like to get the best fit and look, and I did with him.
The limo pulled up to the carpet, our exit. Arturo exited his side of the limo and opened my door. He held out his formally gloved hand and slowly helped me out of the limo. That was a bit hard in this large gown while wearing the rigid corset. He took my arm in his own and whispered to me,
"Enjoy yourself Lolita, I know I will."
"I imagine I will Arturo." I retorted quickly and started to look at my surroundings.
The front of the house, or should I call a mansion, was ornate and well lit. The help who escorted me and Arturo from the car were decked out in something like palace guards from the 1600's or so. They performed their tasks with perfect grace and skill.
We walked, arms locked together into the wonderful house to see a massive room and stopped. I saw that Arturo was watching my reaction, enjoying my enjoyment of it. I felt I needed to say something.
"Arturo, this is a fantastic beginning to a wonderful evening. Thank you for bringing me." I said and I squeezed his arm. I looked around and I saw costume after costume, most in some period dating. I am not the history major so I am not sure, I am guessing France or England somewhere in the 1600's or so. There must have been a few hundred people here and it was obvious, it was a not a snobby atmosphere. I did see a few people not in any historically accurate dresses and tuxes, but only a few. I realized Arturo and I were in some sort of a hybrid. Between his tux and my ornate dress, we had certain aspects that matched the historical ones, as well as more modern designs.
"Arturo, who is it that is putting on this fantastic gala?" I said in a somewhat exaggerated North eastern accent...not sure what other accent to actually use here. He leaned over and whispered to me.
"It's a yearly event put on by the Masquerade Ball of America. People come from all over the states to this event. Don't ask me how I found it....long story."
We continued walking and as I started to feel more comfortable here. As we started moving more than a few steps, I realized my nipples and clit were being teased, causing me to get a little wet as we walked and I continued to move. I leaned over to Arturo.
"Damn you, how am I to last the evening with these torture devices on...I am wet already." I explained embarrassingly to him. He looked back at me with a sideways grin.
"Oh really? I guess we will have to go for a dance to warm you up even more." He said with an evil cackle.
"You wouldn't dare!" I exclaimed...realizing the moment I said it, yes....yes he would. I heard the cackle emanating from him as he leaped out in front of me, dragging me from the main room we were in out to a massive plaza, outside, containing the dance floor. There were hundreds of people around all in their dresses and costumes. Servants with silver tray bringing beverages around the plaza and even hundreds of torches and plants across the area to light it up, as there was no electrical lighting from what I could tell...unless it was uniquely hidden. The dance floor, was just outside the main doors from the house we exited and to our surprise, they were playing pop power ballads from the 80's!
Arturo dragged me, to the middle of the floor and whipped me around to a proper dancing position.
"My dearest Lolita, let us cut a little rug..." he said with a humorous snicker. The joke here is, he really cannot dance....
The song by the 80's group, Wham, named 'Careless Whisper' started playing and he started to lead in his inept and wonderful way. A strange thought came to my mind as Arturo failed in keeping the beet to the song. He cannot keep the beet while dancing, but a while ago, he absolutely kept the rhythm to the fucking machine penetrating me and hitting me with the flogger on my breasts...What a strange thought to have now...
We danced in silence, just holding each other, as a man and wife would, in complete quiet, ignoring all around us. It actually was perfect. Including the consistent sensations I was getting from my wet pussy and my nipples. They actually added to the 'perfection' that was the moment.
"Let us go for a walk Lolita. I hear the garden is beautiful." He said as the song ended and he held his arm out for me, I took it and we started a stroll from the plaza into what I was astounded to see, a hedge maze! A Hedge Maze in the US!? I didn't know there were any here, let alone two hours from my house.
"We have an option here, try to brave the hedge maze, its rather large from all I understand, or walk around it. A woman in your current condition, may not make it through the maze." He said with an evil grin.
I smiled, and retorted.
"You know you are probably right. Right now...." I paused, looking around to see if anyone was close enough to see me talking, "I am about as wet as a swimming pool. I have no idea, how I will possibly last for the evening." I blushed admitting the statement to him.
"Who said anything about my courtesan having to wait?" he chuckled grabbing her hand and taking her into the maze.
"But the maze is too big!" I shouted. He was evidently determined and was not going to be deterred. We walked for a few minutes, but with the torturers inside my dress, it seemed like forever. They never seemed to stop, but they never seemed to be able to do an adequate job of putting me over the edge.
Surprising to me, we turned a corner, and faced a dead end, but in this dead end, there, I kid you not, was a small cottage...something that was 10 foot by 10 foot. Arturo looked at me and winked, pulled me up to the door, pulled out a key and unlocked the door.
"Where did you get that Key!?!" I shouted almost hysterical with humor and excitement. He opened the door, and pulled me in violently, closing the door behind me.
The only items in the cottage, a single bed, a chest of drawers and a large candle.
Arturo pushed me to the side of the bed, smiled and dove to the floor and dug under my dress. I had no time to react! A moment ago I was outside a small cottage, now, I am inside, my butt leaning on the bed frame with Arturo under my dress....teasing me.
He was good. He knew my buttons. Only seconds went by with his tongue as well as his fingers and hands manipulating the scarab and my clit. I became entangled in whatever pleasure spell he wove. I believe it was only a few minutes, but I was brought to a climax, that I believe was delayed by him, my corset, my wobbling legs, my nipple stretchers, the mask, you name it. My entire situation, pushed me to a limit and held me there on the edge for longer than I thought possible. I exploded and fell back onto the bed to avoid collapsing on top of Arturo.
Arturo popped out from under my canopy of silk and satin, with a complete grin on his face. He walked over to the drawers and pulled out a small towel....How did he know it was there!?! From there, he jumped under my gown once again and wiped me down, cleaning me up a bit.
"I see you see to be a bit winded my dear. Do you need a beverage?" he said smiling.
"Oh.......Oh....My.....What?" That was all I could get out...
"Let's leave and get you something to drink in the plaza." He reached down and slowly helped me up to stand, knowing with the corset on I probably would not be able to. We handed me a towel and I blotted my face carefully to not disturb my makeup.
"Ready?" he asked and held out his hand once more. We exited the small cottage which he locked up and we headed into the maze once more. I could not figure it out, but he didn't even bat an eye as to where he should go. He never looked confused, he never looked to me, and we never actually hit a dead end, aside from the cottage. Minutes later, we emerged from the maze, just feet from where we started. The entire time, my nipples and pussy were already starting to get me aroused....
"How did you know!?" I yelled out, not being so polite and or soft spoken. "Oh wait...you set this all up...you already memorized the path!"
He looked at me with an amusing and dismissive gesture.
"It was all pure luck Miss Lolita...all luck. Now, I believe we needed to get you some refreshments." He pointed to an open table, as a gentleman would, he pulled the chair our and helped me to sit comfortably without creating a mess out of my dress. Like magic, a steward appeared and took our orders for refreshment. We waited patiently and watching the dancing currently going on to an 80's power ballad by Journey.
Our drinks were delivered and for a time, Arturo and I just chatted, pointing out the architectural uniqueness of the building and plaza, the clothing everyone was wearing and the detailed plant designs that were scattered around the plaza. We stood and danced many more times to songs we knew, and some we did not. What did amuse us, was there we many that came from the southern United States and they were of course dressed up like the rest, many of them were wearing boots, and requested slow songs for doing something called the 'two-step', 'three-step', or even a waltz, to country songs. Amazingly, they were all damn good.
We were in each other arms for the majority of the evening near the damn floor either dancing or cooling off at our table, which I didn't realize at first had a card that said, 'reserved.' What all did he do for us tonight?
The rhythm of the night was suddenly called to a halt when a song ended and another did not start. An announcer started talking to everyone.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I would like you all to make your way to the plaza as we have a unique and welcome experience for you all." I smiled looking forward to whatever this event was going to be, when I noticed Arturo stood up and adjusted his vest, tie jacket, etc... He took a few steps onto the dance floor and was halted by my inquisitive question.
"Arturo..where are you going?" I asked inquiring...
He took the steps back to me, kissed my hand and said softly, "Lolita, just wait here for a moment, you will understand in due time."
She watched as he left her alone and walked to the center of the plaza dance floor where he met someone with a microphone....
"Oh God....." I exclaimed with my hand in front of my mouth.
"Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you for letting me interrupt this beautiful event. Ten Six years ago I was the King of my own Castle. I had a good job, I had friends, and I even had money. I thought I was complete. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe that I was far from it till I met Lolita." He pointed to her and gestured for her to join him. Froze, I could do nothing when two stewards were on each side of me assisting me to stand. I barely could walk with suddenly all the attention on me, but I stared at him and took small steps, concentrating on each one till I arrived in front of him.
"My dearest Lolita, the beauty and grace I live for. Lolita, the calm and control I give in return. We lived thru tragedy. We lived thru triumph. No matter the circumstances of our union, you are and always are the single brightest point in my sky forever more."
I started crying...Once again, I knew he was good with words, but never usually expressed feelings like this in public. Containing those raw emotions (while being aroused) was impossible and the tears flowed beneath my mask.
He dropped to one knee, causing me to take a step back....
"Lolita, we have been married for 5 years now. I dream for another 500 more. Will you in all your perfect grace accept me once again to be your husband, to love and to keep for all time?" He held up a small box with a large ring in it.
All I could get out was "Yes" in the only meek voice I could find. I stepped forward to meet him on the dance floor for the world's greatest hug that could possibly be given. One made not in sexual tension or emotional stress, but one made entirely of endless, uncontainable love.
The crowd screamed, hooted and hollered while clapping came in thunderous abounds. Arturo released me and slid a new silver strange looking ring on my finger. I could not place it but it looked a bit strange, and out of sorts. While I looked at it, he whispered to me in my ear.
"Don't let people look to carefully at it, it is for your nose."
I almost fell over as he whispered this to me in laughter and shock.