- Author - Neil Smith
- Rating -
   [ 3.63 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2154 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, analplay, bondage, cross-dressing
- Post Date - 11/3/2016
Author's Note: Please enjoy and any females interested in chatting please feel free to email me
Ok so this happened to me a couple of years ago and I have never really had the chance to tell this story as it is not something that is socially acceptable. Before I start I must say the following events did take place I just have changed names and the slight chronological order so it all fits in.
I was living in my flat not long after my ex and I split. She moved out so I stayed and kept the place as she was the one that left me. Anyway we where into bondage and had quite a good supply of gear which I also seemed to be awarded custody of.
I was part taking in regular self bondage sessions after work and was plodding on with my life .
I had a good friend if mine kath who was apx 11 years older than me but we got on like a house on fire. I explained to her one day via txt that I was quite low and I missed dating etc.
She was sweet and offered to go on a date with me and for a few drinks. We ended up having a great night and stayed out till about 2 am both very drunk we headed back to my place .
I know this sounds like a typical bloke thing to say but I had never noticed how attractive Kath was before and yes being drunk doesn't help matters I get that. She was in her 30's long jet black her almost down to her bum average build she had a few curves but I liked that about her. I am not very fond of very slim women. Anyway we where in place and I offered to sleep on the couch and offered her the bed.
She said she thought we should get pizza before we bedded down . I knew my local place and said they won't deliver after two but are open till three I will walk down be back in a bout half an hour.
I arrived back with pizza etc starting to sober up from my walk and the fresh air and came into my flat I couldn't see cath in lounge and noticed bathroom door open and she wasn't in there, so she must have gone to bed. I was a bit annoyed as I had walked to the pizza place and now she wasn't going to eat it. I went up passageway to bedroom just to check on her and noticed the light on, I popped my head round the door and what I saw made my heart sink. I had left my bondage stuff out from earlier on. Kath was sitting holding handcuffs up looking at me " what's all this shit you have in here " I tried to explain , she said we have been friends for years and I had no idea you where into this sort of thing. I was tripping over my words whilst trying to tidy up around her , trying to explain it was not what it looked like etc etc.
She said it's ok you have nothing to be embarrassed about I have done much worse than this. I stopped in my tracks, much worse ? What do you mean ?. She said when her and her ex where together she used to tie him up in her clothes. I was like really ? You have shocked me now I didn't think you had it in you. Can I ask though kath, why did he wear your clothes ? I used to get him to it was a real turn on like a power thing, he became the women almost like a role reversal. I had stopped tidying and lay on the bed next to her, she was obviously being so open and honest because she was drunk but never the less I was intreagued. Anyway she said why is there a strap on in that bag over there? I had let my guard down now and started being honest, we bought it but never tried it I never had the guts to go through with it. She laughed and made some comments about me being a wimp etc. She paused and looked over at me. Do you still have any of her clothes here ?. I thought about it for a minute knowing almost instantly what she was hinting at. I also was aware that the only thing that was here was a school girls outfit which she ordered but was to big for her so was left in a bag in the spare room. If I admitted to kath that it was there then I knew it would end up me wearing it and that was just to weird. During this she was looking at me and said you have got her stuff I can tell. I came clean and she insisted I go get it and change into it. I protested and said I felt stupid etc she just ignored me and started to undress, she said iam not arguing you will do as your told and further more you will enjoy it.
I was soon stood in the doorway back to feeling horrendously embarrassed wearing white over the knee socks a pleated skirt and white blouse. Kath just looked up and said that's better now follow me. She was wearing black lace underwear stocking and a bra and had put her heels back on. I asked her why she was wearing such underwear when she knew she was out with me. She said don't flatter yourself I am wearing it because I ordered it and it came today the temptation was to much so I wore it tonight, but as it happens iam glad I did . Because she was so accepting of these crazy circumstances we where now in, it calmed me down and I began to feel so relaxed around her almost forgetting what was about to happen between us.
I followed her back to my lounge where there was a big oak coffee table in the middle of the room she spun round and grabbed me and we kissed. It was so strange but felt so right, she broke away from me and said right kneel down and bend over the table with a wicked grin on her face. I followed instructions and watched her work almost professionally as she tied each wrist to each leg of the table then lined my thighs up with the two legs at the other end and secured them she then crossed my ankles which was slightly uncomfortable and tied them finally lashings of rope under the table and over my back firmly securing me bent over the table. I looked at her and she admired her handy work she then produced a big red ball gag, any last words ? I said erm yeah let me go. She laughed and buckled it tight round my head then proceeded to spank my bum several times seemingly enjoying watching me jolt and pull on my restraints. She run her hand under my skirt and stroked my cock very gently that's when the reality set in of what was happening, kath had me dressed as a schoolgirl tied down and was now stroking my very erect cock. I tried to calm myself and enjoy it thinking well that's are friendship out the window I couldn't look her in the face again after this surly.
I felt my skirt ride up and her saliva running between my but cheeks I thought, no... She wouldn't, oh christ she has, I felt her fingers in my ass as I jolted groaned and pulled on my ropes this seem to excite her more as she twisted them and began sliding In and out of me. In fairness she was very gentle and it Was only two fingers. She told me to relax as if I tensed it would hurt. I listened and then felt a wave of pleasure come over me I allowed my body to rock with the motion of her fingers thinking this Is what it's like for a women to have someone inside you, what a strange but seriously pleasureable experience. She started spanking me with her other hand quite sudden and sharp sending me mixed messaged I didn't know weather I was crying out from under my gag with pleasure or pain. She slowed to a stop then playfully tapped me on the bum and said I will be back in a sec. She returned and stood in front of me donning the strap on. I looked at her and shook my head as if to say no. Now I must be honest I was quite serious when I was shaking my head I gave her a genuine look as if to say no kath that's to far I tried to speak but the gag was effective. The strap on was only a small one maybe four to five inches not that wide either but the thought was enough . She smiled and her actual words where it's easier to say sorry than ask for permission. Then she knelt behind me and dripped lube all over my ass. I really kicked off started shouting and pulling I was not happy about this at all. I felt it breaching my anus slowly but surly filling my hole. I finally gave in and subjected myself to being violated she slid in and out very slow at first I had to accept it and once I had I started to enjoy it. Before long I found myself backing into her and she built her speed up I was almost growling like a wild animal as my cock was being pounded against the side of the table and I exploded on myself shaking violently an experience I have never had before maybe it was the male orgasm my whole body spasomd and tightened and I seemed to cum for a lot longer than normal.
I felt her back away and the ropes loosen around my various limbs once I was free I fell sideways onto the floor and lay there. She came and lay alongside me her strap on rubbing on my back. So.. She said what do you think ?
I said I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
The End
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