Author's Note: Gillian, a top female Barrister puts herself into Bondage to trap her Detective; A wager he reluctantly accepts. Who will win?
1. The Plan
I could not have chosen a better day to put my plan into action. It was at least 80° and not a cloud in the sky.
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It was Thursday and so none of the usual weekend walkers or general tourists were about; and this lake, whilst being extremely scenic and lovely to walk around; it tended to get overlooked because of the more famous lake nearby that had all the usual tourist shops and café's and car parking that people like.
The lake is a good five miles to walk around and was perfect for my plan, the far side of the lake that is surrounded by woodland and therefore once around the lake and into the trees you can see other walkers coming half an hour before they get there.
A wise precaution if you plan on being naked with a man between your legs.
I was with my boyfriend, well I say boyfriend, but he doesn't actually know that yet; he is a bit in awe of me, out of his depth, nervous.
He is a Detective Constable that I encountered in Crown Court a few weeks back when I had the good fortune to question him in the witness box. You see I am quite a famous Prosecution Barrister; quite famous because of my age and looks.
At only 28 I am one of the youngest ever to make Barrister and I am the youngest ever to make 'Silk'; the top of my profession. I am also apparently quite a bit of a 'looker', well the papers seem to think so anyway and I tend to agree.
Kick-starting my career I was extremely lucky; thirteen weeks into a fifteen week murder trial at the Old Bailey the lead Barrister had a massive heart attack and died; Not so lucky for him but great news for me.
I had been assisting him as his junior and therefore was the only prosecution Lawyer equipped and in position to replace him without the need for a retrial.
It was an extremely complex case relying solely on circumstantial evidence but I brought home a unanimous guilty verdict, attracting considerable TV News coverage and tabloid interest.
I was front page for a number of days; the papers seemed to love my picture and printed it at every opportunity. Ever since they have followed all of my cases and having a tremendous run of success I am getting a cult status in the press.
To make it as a Barrister I have had to sacrifice my social life; and now struggle to have one because of my fame and possibly my looks.
You see I have no interest in the hoity toity Judges and Lawyers I work with, they tend to be too full of themselves and too old; I want a real man my own age. However I tend to scare them off because, apparently, according to those I have dated, I have become a bit too 'stuck up' and 'full of myself' as well!
According to my suitors I tend to be bossy and expect perfection; I have somehow cultivated a voice posher than the Queen; I set standards too high, and I can be aloof. Basically I am a spoiled rich bitch, or at least that is how I am perceived.
Well that isn't going to get me screwed hard and today I am doing something about it, I am redressing the balance.
I fancy this DC Chris Shaw and I have to get him past his nerves and into my pants. He is always excessively polite and far too respectful to me; he even sometimes calls me Ma'am!
I appreciate it is a bit awkward for him as his head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Mike Cardew, has tried his luck with me a couple of times only for me to knock him back; too old and chubby and his breath smells. Also Chris has disclosed to me that there is a wager in CID with a substantial pot going to the first Detective to shag me; but that so far only the Detective Inspectors and above with the exception of two Sergeants had put money in. One of them is a woman!
A couple of days ago when I asked Chris out on this 'date' and told him to put his money in the pot he laughed (and blushed which was kinda cute) and said he would never gamble on such a thing, especially as I was out of his league.
I told him to make the wager, that he had far more chance than anyone else he worked with.
After the trial verdict comes in it is traditional for the prosecution team to celebrate a good result and to go straight to the pub and it was here I got chatting again with Chris.
We met up for the sentencing and had another drink after Court and I really enjoyed his company, although the guys with him were getting in the way and so I mentioned another pub to him and asked him, only him, to meet me there in an hour so we wouldn't be seen leaving together, or even soon leaving after each other.
He did, and it was good, and we met again the following weekend; it was here I made my decision and asked him if he would like to join me for a walk around this lake for a picnic; he could provide the picnic and do the driving.
He was very bashful but hesitantly agreed.
So here we are, and I must admit I am getting very nervous which surprises me as I am always confident but I have never done anything like this before. I have to lower myself in his sights, take the initiative and break down the class barrier between us. I have a plan.
2. Laying the Trap
I am wearing a casual, comfortable but sexy outfit. I am in a maroon mini-dress which has an elasticated boob-tube top sewn into a short billowy cotton skirt; no bra, white thong and sensible flat sandals for the walk.
I only have a very small hand-bag with me on a long thin leather shoulder strap. Chris has on a checked short sleeve shirt and some blue shorts and trainers; and a black back-pack holding the picnic hung over one shoulder. He looks dishy!
We have been walking the best part of an hour and are just approaching the wooded area of the lake. I have kept watching and have seen nobody else walking either way around the lake, and there are no boats moving. I am satisfied we are alone out here. There is a well worn but only narrow path around the lake and at some points bushes and fences slow you down so it isn't that suitable for joggers either; I was happy to move the plan on to the next stage.
I had held Chris's hand at various points of the walk but could tell this caused him embarrassment.
I talked to him about this and how we could possibly progress our relationship; that he should be trying to snog me and feel me up not revere me! He said he couldn't believe he was here with me and repeated that I was out of his league; that 'we' couldn't work.
Well we'll see about that.
We found a nice small clearing in the woods looking down onto the lake and I spotted a suitable tree; a thin trunk with no branches below six foot and a nice, flat, slightly grassed carpet in front of it.
I asked Chris to set up the picnic down towards the lake, somewhere flat with a nice view.
Twenty seconds later he stopped, turned and stared when he heard the handcuffs ratchet shut, a sound he was very familiar with.
"Gillian, what the hell are you doing? I don't have my 'cuff keys with me!"
"It's okay" I explained, "I have got mine with me."
With his back turned I had slipped my handcuffs and key out of my bag, dropped the bag, backed up to the tree and put my hands above and behind me around the tree trunk and closed the 'cuffs around my wrists. I had stuck the handcuff key through a ring on the front of my right second finger. I was chancing that he would see my open hands and assume the key was elsewhere.
"Okay Gillian, very funny; and yes, you do look hot cuffed up like that, but where is the key before someone finds us like this?"
"Take a look around the lake Chris, there is nobody to find us, we would see them nearly an hour before they get here, there is just you and me; Detective Shaw I am at your mercy. As for the key, well that is your challenge, find it and free me."
3. Search Me!
Chris picked up my bag and started searching it. "It isn't in my bag, on the floor or hidden elsewhere around here. I have it in (I emphasised the 'in') or on my body. I promise you it is hidden on me; all I will tell you is it isn't in my mouth or nose; and I will not tell you where it is even under torture; you will either have to find it or leave me here."
He just stood there. I would love to know what he was thinking, but he just stood and stared at me; and then walked down to the bank and stared across the lake. He come back and picked my bag up again then dropped it and looked me up and down. He lifted his hands and dropped them again, then held his head and ruffled his hair and turned around in frustration. "Okay Gillian, he laughed, it's a dirty job but somebody has got to do it."
I think he fell for my open hands because he started by taking my sandals off, to no avail of course. Then even though my legs were bare he enclosed his hands around my left leg and 'smoothed' my skin up to the bottom of my skirt; and repeated this on my right leg. Maybe he was checking for a skin coloured plaster or something but he didn't find anything.
Then I got lucky because he stood up and repeated this technique on my arms from the handcuffs down ignoring my hands.
I liked the feel of his hands on me; it's been a long while since I got this kind of attention.
He smiled, hesitated, smiled again obviously making a decision and started with the flats of his palms and fingers feeling my body through my dress but ignoring all the most interesting places.
Obviously again with no success (well not for him but I was enjoying it).
He knelt down and slid his right hand up the back of my dress and searched my lower back; then with both hands searched the tops of my thighs and my buttocks. He initially paused when he felt my bare bum and must have thought I was out 'commando' but moved on and found the top of my thong (I think I sensed a disappointment when he found I did have pants on).
I loved my bum in his hands and actually had to close my eyes and felt a shiver down my spine; I don't think this was lost on him either.
He stepped back and breathed heavily; he turned and kicked the ground and put his hands on his head and stood and stared and reappraised me. He checked across the lake for any movement; satisfied himself we were still alone and looked me in the face and asked "You sure you want me to continue, it will get a bit intrusive from here in?"
"I'm telling you nothing copper, do your worst!" I joked.
He did, well he made a start anyway. With both hands he felt my tits, his thumbs riding under them, his fingers fluttering across and around my nipples, and then feeling the hollow of my cleavage. Still no key, nothing; just a thrill for me.
"You're not much of a Detective are you? Here you are molesting me with your dirty big hands and you haven't even considered the key may be secreted within the material of my dress. Or more likely you did consider this but just wanted to feel me up instead in case you found the key too quick and missed out on molesting me? If you pulled this dress down off me you wouldn't have to touch me up would you? You could search my dress and see my body without even touching me; you're just chancing your luck aren't you copper."
He stood back again and I didn't know what he was thinking. Had I hurt his feelings? Confused him? Embarrassed him? Had I gone too far with him?
I mean he iss a Police Officer so should have something about him, but he is only a Constable I suppose.
"Sorry Chris, am I embarrassing you? Do you not like this game? I thought it would break the ice and speed things up a little between us but if you are not ready for this I will give you the key and we will forget it."
"Don't you dare! I will find that key and rescue you from yourself if it is the last thing I do; if I want to take my time and enjoy it well you will just have to take it."
My dress was pulled right down around my ankles and my feet lifted to release it. He took it away and searched it then put it on top of the picnic blanket he had laid out before. Then he come back and sat in front of me. Not searching, just looking. It was my turn to blush! Like I said I have never done anything like this before and now I found that I was stuck like this with my breasts on display, and with the raised position of my arms my tits were putting their best show on and I was powerless to do anything to cover them. I looked down and saw that my nipples were sticking out enough to put someone's eye out! Double blush!
"The challenge remains, I must push on;" and with this Chris stood up and immediately and without ceremony eased my pants down my legs and off.
Before even trying to search my thong he again sat in front of me and enjoyed the view. I am clean shaven and so apart from the handcuffs I was now completely naked and had instinctively closed my legs together.
He searched the lining of my thong he asked "Are these pants particularly expensive or dear to you?"
What a stupid question, what is he on about? A pair of knickers dear to me? Of course they bloody aren't!
"No, er, not particularly, no." I answered.
"Good" He replied. He picked up a small rock, put my pants on them, tied the sides together to keep them on the rock and tossed it into the lake! "I guess you won't miss them then."
My God! I didn't see that coming. I came here a Barrister, I am going home a Commando! I start to laugh, I cannot help it, good for you Chris, you've taken control.
"Are you telling me the truth? You definitely have the key in or on you?"
"I am telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
Chris searched me from top to bottom, again ignoring my open hands. He felt my scalp through my hair, my neck and shoulders, my breasts, a really good thorough search of my breasts again just to be sure, my back, my bum, pulled my buttocks apart and checked my 'bum cleavage'; and pulled my legs apart and checked between my legs and an inch into my pussy. I could easily have come, I so do like this game!
"Okay Gillian (What, he's quitting already?) that's the initial search complete, now for the proper full cavity intrusive search. I've completed a dynamic risk assessment on your health and safety (He's joking, surely?) and consider that laying you down will be the least dangerous option for you."
He moved my dress onto his bag and moved the blanket up and under my feet; then put his left arm behind my knees and his right around the base of my back and quite effortlessly picked me up and causing me to drop my arms and 'cuffs down the other side of the tree laid me down on the blanket. I just smiled up at him, this was going ever so well.
4. Screwed
He twisted my body so that I was rested on my right hip and then lifted my left leg straight up in the air and held it there. Then using his shoulder to keep my leg raised and giving him better access to my pussy and bum he held my butt-cheeks even further apart and shoved a finger up my bum and felt around as best he could.
Oh my fucking God! I hadn't even thought about him doing this to me; I let out a shriek and he paused, with his finger still up my butt; "Everything okay down there?" He wiggled his finger getting more helpless cries and shrieks out of me. "Yes, Yes, I'm fine" I managed to cry out.
Well this is a new experience, I'm sure the newspapers would love this photo for their front pages!
He put me back down but opened my legs and knelt between them. "I am sorry Gillian" he said as he loosened and pulled down his shorts, he was naked beneath; "But I will need something longer than my fingers to conduct this search thoroughly" and without further ado he was in me. My legs were over his shoulders, he had my butt raised inches off the floor and he was leaning into me with his hips hammering his big cock into me. I was gripping the tree trunk for all it was worth, totally helpless.
I had manipulated this, all of it, and now I was totally at his mercy, and how I loved it. Sorry to all the birds that my screams made take flight; sorry to the fish that probably dove for deeper waters and drowned. Sorry to the little bunny rabbits that now know how fucking is done for real, and Oh my dear fucking God, Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh so fucking Yes! I could have sang like fucking Julie Andrews, Yes the hills are bloody alive, Twat; I'm so fucking coming! We're so fucking coming!!!
Oh my God that was unbelievable! Again, again, please!
5. Happily Duped
Chris stood up and checked around for any signs of movement; he had his shorts back up. He come back and looked down on me and smiled such a lovely smile; the face of a conqueror. I was still getting my breath back but smiled up at him and asked "Well big boy, did you find it?"
"I found what I wanted to find, all of it; come on, let's take a break for our picnic and relax a little, then maybe I'll give you your dress back."
He walked around the tree and took the key out from under my ring and un-cuffed my left wrist. "How come you find it now?" I ask; Chris steps in front of me and 'cuffs my hands together in front of me "Your hand turned just a little when I was taking your sandals off and I just happened to glance it, which was very lucky otherwise I would have found it when I searched your arms and hands and spoiled everything; obviously I knew then not to search your hands." (Oh, he's not such a poor Detective after all then).
"You shit, you typical fucking dishonest Detective; you knew where it was all the time yet you still went on to molest and screw me, and I was fucking helpless and trusted you."
"You typical fucking control freak Barrister knew where it was all the time and still chose to be screwed, wanted to be screwed, and got well and truly fucking screwed."
We both burst out laughing and he laid with me and silenced me with his kisses.
It was only dawning on me that he had re-cuffed me and I was still naked.
Perhaps I was getting more than I had wagered on and this wasn't yet over; he was certainly now fully in control, and apparently always had been.
We had a good 'petting' session and then he checked once more for any unplanned visitors and brought the picnic over. A fancy pre-packed selection of cheese and biscuits, strawberries, chocolates and white wine in crystal flutes, perfect.
I asked where my dress was explaining that even with my hands cuffed like this I could put it back on, and he pointed upwards over his shoulder; he had thrown it over a branch!
"How are you going to get that back down?" I asked.
"Is it particularly expensive or dear to you?" He asked.
"No way, no fucking way! I am not risking walking all the way back to the car naked; if somebody recognises me and the press get a photo I will be finished, a laughing stock."
"Then I suggest you do everything I say Ma'am."
He's got me there, I don't have an answer. I get up and try jumping for my dress but don't get anywhere near; all I achieve is another good show for Chris who is squirming on the floor in laughter at me and my bouncing tits.
6. Hungry for Seconds
I try to relax and we finish our snack and wine and talk. I explain to him why I did what I did, that I am sick of not having a meaningful relationship because of my celebrity status and all the people I would be interested in putting me on a pedestal and being afraid to ask me for a date.
That if he wasn't going to be able to come to terms with me earning more in a month than he did in a year, and me living in a million pound flat and all that comes with it then I didn't have time to waste waiting for him to 'possibly' snap out of it and take me.
That I had to force things so that he could see me as his girlfriend in public and his slut in private; to make something happen; and I hoped and believed that it may have worked.
Chris still had his doubts though; "I don't know Gillian, it's all fine and dandy out here and alone together, but in a couple of days or a week or so when we are together with all your posh high placed friends I may just feel like your hanger-on; not good enough for you and out of place."
"No way, if that is the case then do something about it now, fuck me again, maybe from behind or something; just make me yours."
"Okay, thought you'd never ask, but the thought had crossed my mind."
7. In Control
Chris stood me up and backed me onto the same tree; he then loosened my 'cuffs from one wrist, pushed my hands behind me and re-cuffed me behind the tree trunk.
He walked over and retrieved my handbag and put me on my knees, my ankles either side and behind the tree.
With the long narrow leather strap of my bag he bound my ankles together leaving me kneeling there upright and helpless.
His shorts come down and he briefly played with his cock just to get a rise out of it, then it was in my mouth. I could taste myself on him. I had never had a cock in my mouth, not something I had ever fancied and so I didn't really know what to do. I just kind of used my lips and tongue to work his cock and made it up as I went along.
Different techniques achieved different noises of satisfaction from him; clearly he was guiding me and very soon I was getting the hang of it and taking control of the action. I was unable to move with my hands and ankles restrained behind the tree and so it was all about my head and I put it to good use; the more I sensed him enjoying it the more I relaxed and enjoyed it and the better I got. Amazingly, I really did start to enjoy it, the feeling of power, control; it was weird, he had me tied up and his cock forced into my mouth but I was in control. Go figure!
Then all too soon he took control back from me. I could feel it building then his knob pushed to the back of my throat and exploded hot come straight into me; it pumped and it pumped, I couldn't believe how hot it was; I was gagging.
He withdrew but with his hand closed my mouth "If you want me to accept you as my partner, swallow. If you want to be my slut, swallow. If you want your dress back, swallow." I think he was joking about the dress bit, but I got the picture, I understood what this was about, I swallowed. It wasn't so bad either, I could get used to it, if I'm lucky!
He poured another glass of wine, he hadn't drank much, he was driving, and held this up to my lips and let me drink. Was this a kindly act to help take the taste away or was it to make certain I had swallowed? I will never know, I won't ask him; he's the boss I will just do what is expected of me and like it, or even love it maybe.
He unbound my ankles and lifted my legs back the right side of the tree and then pulled me down the blanket until my cuffed arms were straining behind me; I really did feel helpless now. He poured the last of the glass of wine over and into my pussy. The attention and pleasure his tongue gave me was unbelievable; I have never had this before; 28 years old and having my pussy licked for the first time and believe me, about bloody time!
Amazing, pure, total pleasure. The awkward position of my restrained and stretched arms totally forgotten, I was in Heaven. It started with him forcing my legs apart, it finished with me stretching my own legs apart; I just couldn't get enough.
Yes, Yes, Oh fucking Yes you magnificent beast! Dear orgasm you deserve worship, you are a thing of true beauty! Sing to me but sing louder! Oh so fucking yes!
Eventually his impersonation of Marine Boy gave out and he come up for air. Thank you oh thank you oh thank you.
8. To Be Sue, To Be Sure
He once again cuffed me to the front and packed all the gear away into his back-pack and lifted me up onto his shoulders so that I could get my dress back down from the branch.
Still cuffed I put my sandals and dress back on and putting my arms over his shoulders and around his waist I pretty much snogged his face off. He took full advantage of my bare bum and my hands being cuffed around his back.
He said that if it wasn't so soon after the blow-job and he could get a rise he would have wrapped my legs around him and 'humped' me part of the way on through the wood. I offered to wait as long as it took but he said he had other plans. Something about a point worth making is worth repeating just to underline it.
With obvious skill, experience and training he un-cuffed me, spun me around and re-cuffed me to the rear. He pulled my top down to my waist and then rolled it to take up my skirt leaving me naked again; then put my bag over the back of my head and looped the strap around my neck and used the slack as a lead to drag me through the woods. My God the guy is a control freak, I think I'm in love!
We walked on, me naked, him whistling in contentment and holding my lead. Just before we left the last of the woods we could see two people heading around the lake in our direction; we would probably meet them in about twenty minutes or so.
Chris took the bag and strap off me, I assumed he was releasing and dressing me for the rest of the walk. He put me on my knees, dropped his shorts, looked me in my eyes and said "Do me again, and swallow; or stand up and I will take the 'cuffs off, your choice, nothing changes either way, I'm happy; just whatever you want."
I swallowed.
With the handcuffs off and my dress and bag back on we walked past the other walkers, a young couple; looking just as we had when we first arrived here, well as long as you didn't look too closely at my wrists for the marks the 'cuffs had left.
They looked a nice couple; young and inexperienced but possibly in love. I was tempted to offer them my handcuffs but would miss them if I did.
9. Bonding
Back in London Chris drove us to his house and dropped his car off. He wanted to take me for a nice meal and a couple of drinks and promised to see me home. Thursday nights tend to be the best nights out in London; not so many 'weekend trippers' but still busy with Londoners with the 'Pay Day Thursday' mentality even though they now all get paid in the bank monthly. Plus neither of us had any work until Monday.
We had a great night; another first for me, twenty eight years old and first time ever out on the town 'Commando'; I mentioned it so many times to Chris he dared me to stay 'full Commando' the whole weekend. If I took the challenge he would stick with me the weekend just to check on me with regular inspections. I accepted.
He took me home on the Tube, I haven't used the tube for years as I tend to taxi everywhere and I had forgotten just how steep and draughty some of the escalators are. Not ideal for this short billowy skirt when you've got a bare ass and pussy!
He walked me to my flat and was kissing me goodnight and intending on going home when I reminded him he couldn't go yet, he had as good as promised to "cuff my hands around his back, wrap my legs around him and 'hump' me whilst he walked" was he going to chicken out?
He done better than that, he tied my ankles behind his back. God it was good. He did though, unfortunately, leave me and go home but we met again the following lunch and he stayed over the next two nights.
The sex was unbelievable. We had spent the afternoon in a sex store and I had made several investments and tried them all out over the weekend. Even finding myself naked outside on the balcony with my wrists and ankles in a spreader bar with a throbbing Dildo in my pussy, a plug in my butt and a ball gag strapped in whilst Chris had got the lift down and was sat outside the bar across the street with a beer looking up at me and smiling. He and everybody else would be able to see my face looking down through the railings, if they looked; but only he knew my predicament behind the face.
This become a regular thing, Chris was well and truly relaxed with being my partner now and we were even considering moving into my place together and letting his place out.
10. A Wager Shared
A few weeks after this, nearly three months since our little wooded adventure I was at a Crown Prosecution Service function on the Strand. It was a partner's invited do but Chris was working a late shift.
I was at the bar chatting with colleagues and their partners and I like to think looking hot; a sexy red cocktail dress showing lots of cleavage and split up the front high enough to see my stocking tops, my long blonde hair loose and cascading down my back; and yes, I was 'Commando' again of course when Det' Ch'Super Mike Cardew come over and started with his bad breath small talk.
He had a couple of his guys with him, a DCI and a DI, and a female DCI. They were all ogling me, even the woman, she must have been the one that put the money in the pot and I remember now once having a drink with her after a case and her being 'very friendly'.
I was chatting with them all when Chris arrived and come over, rather than interrupt he stood just to the side. Cardew spotted him and asked "What is it Shaw? Murder or something? Am I needed?"
"No Sir, I've been working a late shift and just arrived for the function." Chris explained.
"Well you can't be here boy" Cardew continued, mildly upset, "I issued the instruction DI's and above only to attend."
I interrupted him and his inflated ego "No, Chris is here with me; he's my 'plus one', my partner."
"What? Constable Shaw your partner? You're joking, surely."
"No I'm not joking, why should I be? Detective Chris Shaw is my partner and I am very fortunate to have such a good and real man; I consider myself very lucky to have Chris as my partner." I was getting angry at this point at his rudeness to Chris.
Cardew almost ranted "I know what this is about, and for such a top Barrister I am surprised how easily you have been deceived, some of the guys at the station apparently have a wager in place, quite a sum of money, to be the first to gain your affection if you know what I mean; I don't approve of such a thing of course but boys will be boys, and Shaw here no doubt is trying to collect on his bet; I know for a fact that nearly three months ago he put his money in the pot, the only Constable with the impudence and audacity to do so."
In my poshest voice I said "Well if that is the case Cardew, then Chris has won the wager; two weekends ago (I lied) he took me to Walthamstow woods, hand-cuffed me naked to a tree and fucked me and my brains out. As I was still a virgin (I lied again) he is clearly the winner. When he collects his winnings I am sure he will treat me to something really nice to help take the taste of this crude conversation away; goodnight."
The look on Cardew's face was priceless; a bright red colour and seething hatred. The two guys with him were just appraising Chris and smiling; the woman gave me a lovely smile and winked, she may have lost her bet but seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed the moment and the gossip she knew would follow.
I took Chris's hand and he led me to the bar with his other hand on my butt.
I'd just gone out on a limb and used my tongue to lie for him; so tonight he could wear the handcuffs and use his tongue for me.
I do love law and order!