Author's Note: This is the continuing story of Paul/Paula, Janine and Layla
Chapter 1
Following all the excitement of Paula going on her first shopping trip, and her becoming a Mistress, with two Subbie slaves, Paul, Janine and Layla decided to take thing easy for a week or two. So they didn't play any games and Paula stayed out of sight, in fact Janine and Layla took a short break holiday to Paris. When Paul heard the news he moaned about having to work while they went off enjoying themselves, but the fact he was smiling spoiled the effect slightly.
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When the girls got back they called Paul and arranged to have lunch at the apartment together. The girls got to the apartment first and started to prepare lunch for Paul and themselves. As soon as Paul arrived they started lunch, over the meal Janine and Layla told Paul all the things they had got up to in Paris, lunch was soon over and as soon as the dishes were cleared Paul asked if they had enjoyed the holiday, they both said they had, but they had missed him not being with them, and they promised the next time they went away, it would be the three of them together
Paul smiled and went to the two girls and kissed them both, when he sat down again, Janine coughed and said,
"Paul, Layla and I spent some time, while we were away, talking about the relationship the three of us have."
Paul's smile faded and was replaced by a worried expression, as he thought Janine was about to say they wanted to stop playing their games together, but before he could say anything she continued,
"You and I have spoken together before, and we agreed we wanted Layla to always be part of our life, and we have talked about asking her to move in with us as a permanent guest. So while we were away I asked Layla if she wanted to live with us and be our guest, she refused!"
Paul's face showed his shock, and he looked at Layla, he always thought Layla liked both of them, and would want to be with them, always, again Janine continued before he could say anything. Layla stood up and walked over to him and kissed him, as she broke away, Janine continued,
" But she did say if we let her pay a third of the value of our country place and the apartment, she would move in tomorrow."
Paul realised they had been winding him up, but the relief was so great that for a moment he was unable to speak, finally he said
" My dear, dear friends I though you were going to say you want to keep our games to just the two of you, but this, I, I, I, can't tell you how happy it makes me feel. I'm going to be living with a crazy ditsy bimbo blonde and an evil calculating brunette, but also with the two most wonderful women in the world."
This time both Layla and Janine ran over to Paul, and kiss him. after a few minutes hugging and kissing, and a few tears of happiness, the three settled down again. Janine and Layla now sitting together and holding hands and Paul sitting opposite them, Janine spoke first,
"Well if that's settled, Layla you can put your place up for sale, or do you want to let it out? And Paul can get the legal people moving to get your name on the deeds for this place, and the country house. OK."
Paul nodded and said,
"I'm really pleased your want to move in and become a permanent part of the family, or are we becoming part of yours?, doesn't matter I'm just so happy and relieved, but there is something else I want to talk about, with both of you. When we had our last game and went shopping, do you remember we spoke to Hazel, in the shop, FETWORLD, about joining us in our games, and there was the young woman who delivered the food the first night we were here.
So I've been thinking, what if we had a dinner party here, and invited both of them to dinner, one of us could be the slave and serve the meal to the other two and the two guests, then see if they want to play together, or if you are both happy maybe ask if they want to join in our game, for that night."
Layla and Janine looked at each other and Layla spoke first,
"So Paul are you proposing turning our trio into a quintet?"
Paul shook his head and said,
"No, No, No. No way I'm talking about seeing if we can help two people to meet and become friends, the sort of friends we are, but I definitely do not want to add anybody to our trio, as you put it. Hell I've only just found out Paula has a Domme side! The thought of bringing strangers into our family is too much to ever consider."
Janine coughed and then poked at Layla before she said,
"Well it seems you have been thinking about this idea quite a bit, while we were away but I think Layla and I need time to think it through and workout exactly what we would be happy doing with these two extra females."
Paul nodded and said,
"That seem fair enough, you're right I've had nearly a week to think about it but I've just dropped it on you two, so take your time and talk it over, if either of you decide you don't want to do it, then it's a dead idea."
Janine looked at Layla, who gave a slight nod, and Janine spoke,
"Now there's one question left to be dealt with. What are we going to do tonight?
Layla and I thought we might play a little, but we don't want to have that vicious bitch, Paula as our Mistress."
Paul looked disappointed and said,
"So Paula's days as a Mistress are over, ah well it was nice while it lasted, shall I go and get Paula to come and serve her two Mistresses?"
Layla replied straight away,
"No we have another idea, and Paula will get to be a Mistress again, but not tonight. Tonight we were thinking Master Paul might like to punish his two errant slut slaves. So you get off back to the office and Janine and I will go and change into some suitable slave outfits for your enjoyment later, and when you get back here after work, you can put on something suitable for a Master to wear. OK."
Paul did a double take at Layla's news, but quickly recovered and went off to the office, leaving the two girls giggling together, after a few minutes the girls decided that they should get moving, or their Master would be very displeased. They dashed off to get changed and when they were just ready the two girls decided to enjoy each others company for the rest of the afternoon.
The girls didn't keep a track of the time and it was turned six before they knew it, they heard Paul coming up in the elevator, they dashed back into the living room and dropped straight to their knees in front of Paul, who was carrying a package. The girls had opted for similar outfits, Janine was wearing a short black PVC maids dress, and black strappy stilettos, Layla was in a black latex skaters skirt and a white latex blouse and black ankle boots. Paul looked the girls over and walked around them examining them from all angles, satisfied he pulled Janine to her feet and ordered her into the kitchen and told her to make some coffee. He then ordered Layla to make up an order for dinner, and ring it through to the restaurant, then he went off to change into his Master's outfit, which was in the package under his arm.
In the bedroom he opened the package to reveal a black leather catsuit, he'd left the office early and gone to Hazel's shop, FETWORLD, and asked her what she had in the way of a Masters outfit. She had gone straight to a rack in the back of the shop and showed him the catsuit. It was a wonderfully soft leather with a deep dull shine, he didn't hesitate for a moment, but told her to wrap it, she also suggested a pair of western style boots, which he also bought, the boots were calf high in a very fancy design of black and white leather.
He quickly undressed and pulled on the catsuit and zipped it up, he then pulled on the boots and checked himself out in the full length wardrobe mirror, satisfied he went back to the living room. As he entered Janine came out of the kitchen carrying a coffee pot, sugar and cream jug and a cup on a tray, Layla was just hanging up the phone, after ringing the dinner order through. She immediately dropped to her knees and Janine put the tray down on a side table and joined her kneeling, Paula looked at both of them and said,
"Am I expected to pour my own coffee? What sort of servants are you two?"
Janine scrambled to her feet and quickly poured a cup of coffee and added cream and sugar stirred it and walked to Paul, dropped to her knees and held the cup out to him, he took the cup, sipped it, pulled a face and said,
" Passable, but only just. You will have to do a lot better or you will be spending a lot of time in bondage, with some nice weights, hanging from your nipples and your pussy lips. This place is a mess, when I left after lunch I expected the two of you to clean the place, but no, nothing has been done. Judging by the odour in the bedroom, you two spent the afternoon playing your girl on girl sex games. You are nothing but a pair of dirty lesbian bitches, but I'm not putting up with this sort of lax behaviour.
So, slut Layla get up off your knees and fetch me the box of rope, and two large ring gags from the guest room. Slave Janine, on your feet, if you're wearing any knickers loose them quickly, then lie on the floor with your ankles crossed."
Janine quickly stood up and reached under her skirt and pulled down the pair of black and white frilly PVC knickers and put them on a side table and then lay down on the floor and crossed her ankles. Layla returned a few minutes later carrying a large box, which she put on the floor in front of Paul, he opened the box and selected a handful of ropes. He then squatted down at Janine's feet, and quickly tied a rope around her ankle, he then rolled her over, onto her front, and pulled her wrist behind her back and tied them with another rope, he added another rope, binding her elbows tightly, when he finished her elbows were only a few inches apart, this forced her chest forward and her breasts were only just contained by the dress. A final rope attached her wrists and ankles, and Paul pulled her into tight hogtie, and with her ankles crossed the hogtie pulled her knees apart and exposed her pussy. He then forced a ring gag behind her teeth and fastened the strap behind her head.
Paul then turned his attention to Layla saying,
"You can get your knickers off as well, and get down on the floor next to your bitch lover and cross you're ankles as well."
He then repeated the rope work he had tied on Janine to tie Layla. When he was finished tying her he forced the second ring gag into Layla's mouth. He then hitched up her skaters skirt and pulled Layla around until her face was roughly level with Janine's crotch and Janine's face was level with Layla's crotch. Paula then slipped a rope around both girls waists and pulled the rope tight forcing the two girls together. He then added a rope behind Janine's neck and around the top of Layla's thighs, pulled the rope tight forcing Janine's face deep into Layla's crotch, another rope around the back of Layla's neck and Janine's thighs, to pull Layla's face into Janine's crotch, leaving the girls tied in a hogtie 69 position. Paul then squatted by the two girls and said,
"Right, so I have two lesbian slut slaves, well now you can show me how good you are at satisfying each other. You are now going to spend some time eating each others pussies, in fact you will be in competition with each other. You will stay tied as you are until you have both come three times, but the one who brings the other off three times first will be the winner. Then I'll release you from the 69 position, and then I'll releases the winner completely and she will get to serve me dinner and I'll even let her eat her dinner at my feet.
The looser will stay tied and the only thing she will get to eat will be my cock, when a shove it through her gag and down her throat. Then I'll take the winner to bed and the looser will be get tied to the foot of the bed and I'll clip her nipples and pussy lips and hang some weights from the clips and leave her there all night, so she can watch her girlfriend being fucked by her Master.
Oh, and in case you're thinking of trying to cheat me out of punishing one of you, if I think you are not trying to win the contest, then I'll punish both of you. I'll leave you both tied and put you in your chastity belts with the electric shock vibrators fitted and turn them on to random pattern and leave you both all night to learn the error of your ways.
Now the contest starts when I say GO, so 3, 2, 1, GO."
Neither girl moved for a few seconds, then the realisation of what Paul would do to them both dawned on them and they each started to lick and probe the other girl with their tongues. As they were both still a little excited from their activities during the afternoon, it wasn't long before both girls were moaning between their attempts to bring the other to a climax. Layla suddenly let out a cry and her body stiffened as she hit her first orgasm, she quickly forced her head even deeper into Janine's crotch and a few second later Janine hit her own orgasm. Both girls needed a few minutes to regain control, and when they did resume their activities both were panting, partly from their exertions and partly from the results of those exertions.
Soon the panting was replaced by moans of pleasure, from both girls, as they again neared their orgasms. This time Janine came first, shaking her head and trying to thrash about, but the bondage kept her in position, after a minute she resume her licking and probing of Layla's pussy and very soon Layla again hit her climax. Again both girls took some time to recover and eventually they returned to their mutual stimulation, trying to bring the other to a third orgasm. Paul started to worry a little, as he had intended for Janine to win, but it now looked like it might be Layla, and he didn't want to upset Janine by fucking her best friend, in front of her, but equally he didn't want to offend Layla, by not rewarding her as he had said the winner would be rewarded.
As the girls activities intensified even more their moans got louder and louder, until the inevitable happened, Janine screamed and tried to arch her back as she hit a massive shuddering orgasm. Layla stopped working on Janine and Janine collapsed, from the massive high of her third orgasm, Layla had won the contest, and that gave Paul a problem!
Chapter 2 (added: 2016/08/10)
Paul decided to stop the game and call it a night he started to release the girls, first untying the ropes holding them together, then releasing their hogties, and their ankle ropes. By the time he had untied the wrist and elbow ropes both girls were able to get unsteadily to their feet, and Paul removed their gags and sent them off to the bathroom to tidy themselves up. Janine was the first to return and Paul called her over and kissed her before he said,
"OK, the games over for tonight, dinner should be delivered soon and we can eat and relax before bed."
Before he could say anything else Janine spoke,
"What about Layla's reward, she did win the contest, and you promised the winner food and a fuck! Are you backing out?"
Paul looked embarrassed but after a moment he said,
"Jan I can't take Layla to bed, she's your best friend, and your my Wife, for Gods sake. I know what I said when we started playing, but I expected you to win, then I'd have punished Layla while you and I made love, then I'd have set her free and the three of us could have gone to bed. But now I'm the one who's fucked, but there's no way I'm messing up our marriage by taking Layla to bed, with or without you watching."
Janine shook her head and then kissed her husband again before saying,
"Paul, I know you love me and you know I love you, but listen to me, as your Mistress, your slave, your wife and your friend. You know I'm bi, and Layla is my, as you put it, lesbian slut lover, what you don't know is why I'm bi. It started when every boy and man I dated seemed to think making love only meant enjoyment for him. It usually consisted of jumping into bed a few quick thrusts with their cocks into my pussy, and then wiping their cock on the bed linen and falling asleep, with no thought, what so ever,for my needs or feelings. Then a girlfriend stayed over in my place one night and after a few too many drinks we ended up in bed together and I found out what making love should feel like.
I still liked men but wanted more consideration from them in bed. Then you came along, we both know we married for our own selfish reasons, but when you took me to bed I found a man who knew how to please a woman. Our first love making was amazing, you spent more time in foreplay, teasing my breast and nipples, playing with my pussy with your fingers, stroking me, and all the other things you did, you spent longer in foreplay than my previous partners had spent fucking me. Then when you did actually start making love you were more considerate of my needs than you were of your own, well almost. So I fell in love with you, but I wanted the best of both worlds, so when Layla and I stayed in town one night, well things happened, again after a few drinks.
Now we have a new development, Layla is going to be a permanent member of our family, she is my friend and lover, as are you, so isn't it right that Layla should be your lover, after all she is already your friend. You accept Layla as my lover, so I should accept her a your lover as well. Think of it as a marriage threesome, one husband, two wives, three pairs of lovers."
Paul stood up and walked around the room eventually he said,
"Look I'm still not happy with the idea of screwing Layla while you watch, but then I have just watched the two of you doing the same thing. So I'll go along with the idea,this one time, and then see how we all feel tomorrow, although that does raise another question, how does Layla feel about me taking her to bed?"
Janine laughed, then walked over to Paul and kissed him, then she said,
"Well I've told Layla what a great lover you are, and she has said in the past that she would like to see for herself, but she never made a move because of how I might react, and also she might offend you. Tonight you gave her the chance, you said the winner would be taken to bed and fucked, she won, partly because I let her. Even then she was still unhappy about the idea, because of not wanting to upset me, but I told her pretty much what I've told you and she is willing to go along with your plan. So there are no reasons why we can't go ahead right after dinner, although I'm not going to get anything to eat, except your cock. That's what you said the looser would get isn't it."
Just then Layla came out of the bathroom and rejoined her two friends she was about to speak when the intercom chimed, Paul picked up the phone and listened then said,
"That's fine, just wait by the elevator and I'll send someone down to collect the food and settle the bill."after he hung up he turned to Janine and said,
"That was the dinner delivery, so slave Janine, since you lost the contest, slut, you can go down to the car park and collect the food and pay the girl. First though we need to get you ready to meet people, so fetch me a set of handcuffs, a padlock and your ring gag, come on hurry up.
Janine dashed off and quickly returned holding a pair of handcuffs a padlock and the ring gag she had worn earlier, Paul took them from her, and walked behind her. He pulled her hands behind her back and put the handcuffs around her wrist, then he held the gag up to her mouth and when she opened it he pushed the ring behind her teeth and fastened the strap, and slipped the padlock through one of the holes in the strap. Satisfied he stepped back and checked her appearance, nodding his head he pulled out his wallet and took some money out and folded it up and slipped it between Janine's breasts, then he said,
"Right now you are ready, you've got the money, and be sure to give the girl a tip, so get in the elevator and I'll send you down to meet her. Move yourself, you lazy little bitch, I'm hungry and I want to get started on your punishment as soon as possible."
Janine walked, a little reluctantly, over to the elevator, and Paul pressed the button to send her down to the car park, to collect the dinner order. As the elevator started down Layla spoke,
"Master Paul, has slave Janine spoken to you about my reward? I'm a little unhappy about being fucked in front of her, as I don't want to risk our friendship by doing anything to upset her, or you."
Paul looked at her befriend replying,
"Slave Layla, slave Janine has spoken to me, at great length, concerning your reward, and she has convinced me that it is her sincere wish that you share my bed this evening.
However, like you I still have some reservations, but I think we have to give it a chance, and if any of us is not happy in the morning, then we have to sit down and deal with the mater.
I sent her down for the food, so we could have this conversation, and also to let her meet the young woman who does the deliveries, she's the one I talked about inviting to dinner, with Hazel. It also gives the delivery girl a chance to see some if the thing we get up to, I know she was very interested in Paula's situation, now she can see Janine's as well.
Now, slut, I think you should be getting the table ready, so you can serve me my dinner, when slave Janine gets back."
Layla said nothing, but smiled at Paul and went off to the kitchen for plates, glasses and cutlery, she quickly returned and began to set the table for one. When she had finished Paul inspected the table and expressed his satisfaction, he then sent Layla off to fetch three dogs bowls, in which he would put her portion of the food, when she returned with the bowls he told her to put them on the floor, by the table. He then sent her off to fetch two sets of handcuff.
Meanwhile the elevator had arrived at the car park, as the doors opened Janine had her first sight of the delivery girl, Paul had spoken about, and the girl had her first sight of Janine in restraints. Janine saw the packages of food stacked up on the floor of the parking bay, with her hands cuffed behind her she was unable to pick up the food, so she tried to ask the girl to put the food in the elevator, but the gag made that difficult as well, her request came out as,
" Leas an u ut de ood in de ift or ee. De uny is eteen i oobs. Er is a ip as ell"
The delivery girl quickly recovered from her initial shock and said,
"I'm sorry I don't understand, can I take that thing out of your mouth?"
As the girl moved to remove the gag Janine turned round so the girl could see the handcuffs and the padlock on the gag, the girl stopped and said,
"Oh I see, it's not coming off is it. OK lets see if I can work it out. I can see you can't put the food in the elevator, so do you want me to do it for you? That's what you were trying to say isn't it, 'Please put the food in the lift', now I get it. So what was the second part, erm, hang on, you need to pay me, so something about money, yes. So we're is the money?"
Janine had nodded her head when the girl got the first part of the message and again when she worked out the second part of the message, now she pushed her breasts out towards the girl and dropped her chin down to try and show the girl the money. Initially the girl stepped back , but then caught sight of the notes tucked between Janine's breasts, and she said,
"Got it, you said, 'the money was between you boobs'. But what was the last bit?"
While she was talking, the girl had pulled the money out of Janine's cleavage, and looked at the bill, and started to get the change due, Janine started making noises and shaking her head , until the girl stopped. Then Janine turned around and opened her hands and pushed them at the girl, who realised Janine wanted the money, so put it in her hands. Janine then pushed her hands at the girl so she would take the money, when she did Janine gave a thumbs up, and the girl said,
"OK. I take the money, but it's more than the bill..., Oh I get it the rest is a tip, right?"
Janine turned back to face the girl and nodded, and tried to smile around the gag. The girl giggled and started putting the food in the elevator, when she had all the food stacked she said,
"You know I'm really getting to see a whole new way of life when I make a delivery here. Last time I met Paula, he, sorry, she told me a bit about the things you get up to, so I assume you are one of her Mistresses, who is now a slave.
Just looking at you, with the gag and handcuffs, is getting me a bit hot and bothered. Tell me do you enjoy being in bondage as much as Paula said she did?"
Janine gave a vigorous nod and pulled her hands around her side and gave another thumbs up, the girl continued saying,
"Paula did say she would talk to her two Mistresses about maybe letting me visit when you were playing, has she said anything to you."
Janine nodded again then tried wobbling her head, and the girl said,
"Is that a maybe?
Janine nodded and the girl continued,
"Well I really hope you let me visit sometime. Looking at you, and remembering Paula, it looks like it would be real fun, if a little scary. Paula has my number, please give me a call if you think you could allow me to share your fun, even if it was only once. Well I'd better be going, more orders to deliver, thanks for the tip, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening."
As the girl climbed into the van and drove off Janine walked into the elevator and backed up to the control panel and managed to press the up button, the doors closed and the elevator start backup to the apartment. When it reached the apartment the doors opened and Janine stepped out and shouted for Layla, her friend came to her quickly and Janine indicated the food and Layla started to unload the packages. She carried the food to the kitchen and opened the various packs and started putting the food on serving dishes and carried the first course into Paul, who was sitting at the table, and served him. He started the meal and very soon he was finishing the desert course, when Layla served the coffee he ordered her to fill her three dog bowls with food, one bowl for each course, and fetch the filled bowls to the table.
When she put the three filled bowls on the table, Paul picked up the two pairs of handcuffs, Layla had fetched earlier. Paul checked the bowls and then put them on the floor next to the table. Paul ordered her to turn around and cuffed her right wrist then pulled her right wrist up to her left upper arm and put the other cuff of the set around her left upper arm and snapped it shut. He repeated the cuffing with her left wrist and right upper arm, with Layla now restrained to his satisfaction, Paul said, "Right slut Layla, you won my little competition, and part of your prize was dinner, so bitch get down on the floor and eat her dinner, from the dog bowls, as befits a dirty lesbian bitch. While your eating your dinner, your lesbian slut lover can begin her punishment, by eating her dinner, slut Janine get over here and on your knees. I'm going to give you your dinner , it's my cum, I'm going to fuck your face, and you'll give me a blow job, and you'll swallow every drop of cum I shoot down your throat. See that you do swallow it all, and the blow job better be very good, or I'll add further suffering to your planned punishment."
While he had been speaking Paul had been opening the crotch zip, on his catsuit, with the zip open, he pulled his semi hard cock out and gently stroked it. As it hardened he moved in front of Janine and pushed it through the ring of Janine's gag, and began to slowly thrust in and out of her mouth. Almost immediately Janine started moving her head in sync with Paula's thrusts, pulling his cock deeper into her mouth and throat. At the same times she was flicking her tongue along, and around his shaft and sucking on his cock. Within a few minutes Paul was groaning quietly and he quickened the speed of his thrusts, all too soon he cried out as he came in Janine's mouth, she greedily sucked his cock and swallowed every drop of semen he shot in to her mouth and down her throat
As his cock softened he slowly pulled out of Janine's mouth, as he did so she eagerly licked his cock, cleaning it of any remaining semen. When his cock finally popped out of her mouth, Janine ran her tongue around the ring of the gag and across her lips, savouring the final drops of Paul's cum. Paul pulled a paper tissue from a box on a side table and wiped his cock and pushed it back into his catsuit and pulled up the zip. He looked around to find Layla had nearly finished her meal and was watching him 'punishing' Janine, he walked over to Layla and picked up the dog bowls and ordered both girls to get up and go into the bedroom. He then took the bowls to the kitchen and washed them out and left them to dry, then he said to himself, 'right now it's time to punish my slut slave wife'.
Chapter 3 (added: 2016/09/12)
Paul collected the various pieces of bondage, and punishment equipment he felt he needed to use to punish Janine, and a few items to use on Layla as well. He then went to the bedroom and walked in on his two slut slaves, both were kneeling at the side of the bed with their heads bowed. Paul tossed the equipment, he had chosen, on to the bed he then grabbed Janine by the hair and pulled her to her feet, and then dragged her to the foot of the bed. He then unlocked the handcuffs and ordered her to strip, while she was undressing he picked up some rope, from the bed, and waited. When she was naked he tied a rope around her right wrist, and a second rope around her left, each time leaving about 3 feet of rope after tying the knots. He then picked up Janine's chastity belt and showed her the two vibrators attached, her eyes widened when she saw the size of the anal vibrator, it was over 6 inches long and about 2 inches thick. It was the biggest anal dildo that could be fitted to the belt, and a lot bigger then anything Janine had experienced before. The vibrator for her pussy was also the largest available, 10 inches long and 3 inches thick, but Janine had been fitted with this vibrator before, and knew she could cope with it, although she did wonder how long her Master intended her to wear it for.
Paul fitted the waist belt and fastened it tightly around Janine, but he left the crotch belt, with the vibrators hanging between her legs, he then tied ropes around each ankle, in a similar fashion to the wrist ropes. He then pulled one of Janine's arms out toward the corner of the bed and tied the attached rope off to the bed, he repeated the exercise with her other arm and then went back and forth tightening the two ropes until Janine's arms were pulled as wide as possible and she had very little slack in the ropes to allow her movement. Pausing for a moment he played with her breasts and nipples rolling them between his fingers, before giving them a hard pinch and then releasing them.
He then pulled her legs to the corners of the bed and tied off the ankle ropes, he again went back and forth tightening the two ropes until Janine was in an extreme spread eagle position. He then pulled the belt's crotch belt up between Janine's legs until the vibrators were pushing gently against her two holes, he then slowly pulled the crotch belt tighter and tighter, slowly forcing the two vibrators deeper and deeper into Janine. As the twin invaders were pushed deeper into her two holes Janine began to moan and then she tried to grind her hips, but the spread eagle position prevented her from moving to any real extent, so she was left with moaning as her only relief.
When the vibrators were buried as deeply as Paul could manage he fastened, and locked, the crotch strap, sealing them inside Janine. Paul then called Layla over, he unlocked the sets of handcuffs from her wrists and arms and ordered her to strip. When she was naked he ordered her to help him with the next stage, of Janine's punishment, he ordered Layla to hold one of Janine's breasts and pull it slightly away from her body, he then slipped a rope around the base of the breasts and wound several loops of rope tightly, around the breast. He then tied the rope off and ordered Layla to hold Janine's other breast and repeated the breast binding on the second breast. He then played with Janine's nipples, gently pinching and rolling them, until they hardened, when he picked up a set of clover clamps and attached them to Janine's nipples. He then gave the connecting chain a light tug, producing a squeal from Janine, satisfied he ordered Layla up onto the bed and told her to get on all fours, kneeling and resting on her hands, facing Janine.
When she was in position Paul stripped off the catsuit and climbed onto the bed behind Layla, he reached around her head and Layla found a large rubber pear being pushed into her mouth. When the widest part of the pear slid past her teeth, they snapped shut on the gag and Paul fastened the strap behind her head, he then squeezed a blob of lubricant on to his fingers and slid them into Layla's pussy. When he was satisfied her pussy was well greased, he squeezed another blob of grease onto his fingers and slid them into her arse and greased that hole as well. All this activity and penetration had started to turn Layla on, and she was moaning quietly and pushing her pelvis back onto Paul's fingers, to try and increase the penetration. When he had finished greasing her Paul went to the bathroom and cleaned the rest of the grease off, he then returned to the bed. Once there he picked up a second pair of clover clamps and quickly clipped them to Layla's nipples, and said,
"Well now we are ready, I'm going to fuck, slut Layla's brains out, and you slut Janine are going to watch, but Layla will be watching you as well, because those two little probes you have stuffed inside you will be buzzing away on a random cycle. Also before I start on Layla I've one more bit of equipment to fit, this is it,"
Paul held up a length of silver chain, with a clip attached to each end, he continued speaking,
"I'm going to attach one end of this chain to your nipple clamp chain, and the other end I'll clip to Layla's nipple clamps. Then when either of you moves away from the other you will hurt your own nipples, but also your lesbian lovers as well. It will be nice to see you both trying not to move apart, but when I'm fucking Layla she will be forced to rock back and forth, and those vibrators you're enjoying will cause you to move as well. So it will be great fun, for me at least, watching you both struggle trying to keep control of your movements."
As he finished speaking he reached out and clipped one end of the silver chain to the connecting chain on Janine's camps, he then ordered Layla to move towards Janine until he could clip the silver chain to Layla's clamp chain. With both girls now linked by the silver chain he gave it a light tug, pulling on both sets of nipple clamps, and producing cries from both girls. Paul then took up position behind Layla and started to push his cock gently against her pussy lips. He let the tip of his cock enter her, then pulled back and slid it back in, a little deeper, he continued in this manor, until he was thrusting his whole length into Layla. She in turn was moaning with pleasure and doing her best to thrust her pelvis back trying to drive his cock deeper still into her, unfortunately this movement caused her to pull on the chain linking her to Janine, causing both girls to moan in pain.
As he began to thrust faster, and deeper into Layla, Paul noticed Janine, her eyes were gleaming, as she watched her husband fucking her best friend, doggie fashion. Paul activated the vibrators on Janine's belt, which, combined with the sight before her, soon had Janine moaning in frustration. The vibrators were not quite enough to bring her to a climax, but combined with the action on the bed, was pushing her close to coming, as Paul's thrusting increased Layla too neared her climax. As Paul neared his own climax, he tried to find a few deeper thrusts, and as he climax, Layla suddenly stiffened as she came, she let out a scream and collapsed face down on the bed, pulling on the silver chain and in turn on Janine's nipples, this extra pain pushed Janine's over the edge, and she screamed as she too came.
Paul lay on the bed recovering, and both girls were panting as they too recovered, Janine calmed down first, but her bondage prevented her doing anything for the others. Paul soon rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed, he looked at Janine, who gave him a slight nod and a smile, to show she was happy with what had just happened. He then lent over the bed and gave Layla a swat on her rear, producing a squeal and making her jump. An action that produced another squeal from both girls, as the linking chain pulled on their nipple clamps. Layla quickly rolled over nearer to Janine to give them both a little bit of slack in the chain, Paul the rolled over to lie along side the kneeling Layla and said,
"That was fun, I hope you two butches enjoyed it too, but I'm ready for a second helping, but this time, Layla, I'm going to give your other hole a good seeing to. However I want to show you, both, what a kind and generous Master you have, so I'll remove the silver chain, so you can move about, without causing your lover pain. I'm going to leave the clamps themselves in place, then if either of you does something to displease me I've got something to tug on to get your attention."
As he finished speaking he gently reached out for the silver chain and released the clip from Janine's clamp chain and then released the end of the chain from Layla's. He then ordered Layla back upon to her knees and again moved behind her, he pushed the tip of his cock against her arse and gently pushed the tip inside her. As he penetrated her arse Layla moaned softly, and Paul again looked at his wife's face, and saw the same gleam of excitement he had seen earlier, he also noted her breathing was quickening. He moved forward, pushing his semi hard cock further into Layla and felt her sphincter tighten and squeeze his cock he started to slowly withdraw and the squeezing of his cock increased, causing it to rapidly harden, he then began to slowly fuck Layla's rear, each thrust produced a moan from Layla and she started to respond by again pushing herself back onto his cock as he drove forward into her.
He slowly increased the speed of his fucking, and at the some time reached around Layla's front and started playing with her nipple clamps, this produced a mixture of moans, of pleasure, and squeals, of pain. Paul was very soon hammering away at Layla's rear, driving the full length of his cock into her arse and tugging on her nipple clamps, as he neared his second climax, he felt Layla stiffen, and she screamed as she climaxed. Paul continued to fuck her rear for a few more minutes before he too climaxed. Both Paul and Layla fell onto their sides, whilst still coupled, and both lay spent and panting, from their exertions. As they lay recovering, Janine continued to be stimulated by the two vibrators on her belt, she did her best to try and increase the effects and try to achieve another orgasm, but her bondage and the settings of the vibrators kept her orgasm just out of reach. All she could do was moan in frustration.
Paul eventually recovered enough to slip out of Layla and sit up, her heard his wife's moans and looked over at her and saw tears of frustration in her eyes. He quickly got off the bed and went to her, he unfastened her gag, but before he could do anything else she said,
"Master. Please let me cum, please."
Paul didn't bother trying to release her bondage, he simple moved behind her and put one hand between her legs and started rubbing her crotch strap hard, pushing the vibrators deeper into her and then he increased the vibrators speed to their highest setting, and in a few seconds Janine let out a scream and a massive shudder ran through her body, as she climaxed. Paul quickly shut down the vibrators and started to release Janine, as he untied her wrists, she fell forward onto the bed, he then released her ankles and picked her feet up and swung her whole body up onto the bed. Layla was starting to move around on the bed, so Paul left both girls to fully recover, while he went to the kitchen to make some coffee and sandwiches, to revive them all.
By the time Paul got back to the bedroom, with the coffee and food, both girls had recovered, and we're sitting on the bed chatting, they had removed the nipple clamps and Layla had also removed her gag. As Paul walked in, with the tray, both girls slid off the bed and dropped to their knees, Paul laughed and said,
"OK, OK the games over for tonight. You can stop playing the subbie sluts, which we all know your not!
Now I want to be serious for a moment. I want the truth from both of you. My question is, were you both OK with all that happened tonight? You being my slaves, me playing the Master? and most importantly of all, what happened here on the bed?"
Both girls looked at each other, eventually Janine shrugged her shoulders, and nodded to Layla to go first. Layla took a deep breath and said,
"Well to answer your questions. YES, YES, YES and WOW."
Then she started to laugh Janine gave her friend a playful slap on the rear and turned to Paul, who was looking a little worried, and said,
"Paul before you came in just now, we were talking about events. Playing your subbie slaves was a real turn on, for both of us. We really enjoyed your punishments, and the contest, to get us to bring each other to orgasm, I suspect you did that so you could watch some girl on girl action, but I digress.
I told you earlier that I was happy to see you and Layla enjoying each other, sexually, and I meant it, and still do. I felt it had to happen, if for no other reason,than Layla and I enjoy each other, and you and I enjoy each other, well now that Layla has agreed to become a permanent member of this family you and she should be able to enjoy each other. Layla had told me she fancied you, and I'd told her how considerate, and good you were in bed, and I think you find Layla attractive, so why the hell shouldn't you see if you enjoy fucking together. Incidentally Layla has just told me you are the best fella she has ever been to bed with, and just to put your mind at total ease, I got one hell of a kick out if being forced to watch the two of you going at it while I was tied up, and being teased by those bloody vibrators you stuck up me.
As far as Layla and I are concerned there are now three pair in this relationship, Paul and Janine, Layla and Janine and Paul and Layla, and Paula is in there somewhere as well, and depending on circumstances any combination is OK. So unless you have anything else you want to say, can we eat?"
Paul walked over to Janine and kissed his wife, he broke the kiss and turned to Layla and kissed her the same way. Then the three of them sat on the bed and enjoyed the food Paul had prepared, when they had nearly finished, Paul coughed and said,
"Well ladies I have had a very, very enjoyable, but tiring, evening, and it seems you have enjoyed things as well. So can I ask if you have had any thoughts on my idea of a dinner party, Janine, you've met the delivery girl yourself now, what do you think? Do you think she would like to see, and maybe experience some of our games, with her playing with Hazel, from Fetworld?"
Janine took a sip of coffee and replied,
"I think you might be right about the delivery girl, she certainly seemed interested, and a little excited, when she saw me, cuffed and gagged. She did mention her meeting with you and the possibility of joining us, we already know that Hazel is looking for a new friend. So I think your idea may be a way to introduce the two of them, and show off how we play. I vote yes we go ahead, what do you say Layla?"
Layla finished the mouthful of food she was eating and said,
"Well I don't know the delivery girl, but I agree that Hazel is looking for special a friend, and if you both think this girl would fit the bill, then I say go ahead, have the dinner party."
Paul started to tidy the remains of the food away and as he walked out of the bedroom he said,
"OK, we'll sort out a date tomorrow, and give our two guests a call to invite them. In the meantime I suggest you two get ready for bed, I'll join you as soon as I've washed these things and tidied up in the kitchen.
Chapter 4 (added: 2016/09/12)
The following morning Janine, Layla and Paul, all slept late, it was after 10 before Layla slid out of the bed, leaving her two friends sleeping, and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. She started the coffee maker and poured three bowls of cereal and started making a mound of toast. By the time the coffee was ready she had got a tray ready, with the bowls of cereal, cups for the coffee, milk, sugar, butter and two racks of toast. When she returned to the bedroom, Janine and Paul were still asleep, Layla gently woke Janine and whispered something in her ear, Janine giggled and nodded. She got out of the bed and went round to the other side, looked at Layla and nodded, then they both dived on top of the sleeping Paul.
Paul woke up to find himself, tangled up in the bed sheets, and under attack from two very attractive naked ladies, from opposite directions. After few minutes of trying to fight them off Paul gave up and collapsed back on the bed, eventually the girls gave up attacking Paul and the three of them settled down to the breakfast Layla had prepared. While they ate Paul said,
"Now ladies, and I use the term loosely, if we are going to hold this dinner party we need to do a bit of planning. To start, when, we need to set a date, how does next Saturday sound? Or the weekend after?
Then we need to think about food, then there's the after dinner games, I don't think we should reveal too much of what we normally get up to, say just stick to a bit of bondage and light punishment. How does that sound to you two?"
Both girls nodded and Layla said,
"Yes we need to sort the date, I think we should do the food ourselves, and I definitely don't want to put on a show for our guests, so bondage and a bit of spanking sounds about right. Janine, are you OK, with everything?"
Janine replied,
"I think that's all fine. Just one question, are we going to tell our two guests what to expect, and that they should dress fetish. Oh and are we going to let them join in with us, or just suggest they pair up and do their thing together? So that's two questions."
Paul and Layla both said together,
Paul stopped and Layla continued to say,
"I don't think they should join in our games, I mean it's OK for them to order the maid about, but if they want to play, then it has to be with each other.
If one of us is going to be the maid, and serve the meal, we need to decide who it will be, and then they can sort out their outfit, or buy something new if they need to."
Janine jumped in and said,
"As usual you're right Layla, unless someone wants to be the maid I think the only fair thing is to draw lots to decide. So I'll fetch the cards and we can cut for it, low man, whoops, that should be low person, is the maid for the dinner party."
She climbed off the bed and went off to, the livingroom to find a pack of cards, she was back in a few minutes with the cards. She shuffled the pack and put them on the bed, both Layla and Paul indicated Janine should cut first, she cut the pack and turned over a 10. Layla told Paul to take his turn next, Paul cut and turned over a 3, and said,
"So I'm going to be the maid, pity Paula was looking forward to wearing her Mistress dress again."
Layla cut the cards and said,
"You might not be the maid, I've still got to show my card."
She turned overhear card to reveal a 2, and said,
"Shit. Just my fucking luck, me and my big mouth. Well Paul you're not the maid, and Paula will get to wear her Mistress dress. Still I'm sure you two will find lots of things for you're maid servant to do, as well as serving dinner, and seeing to you're guests needs."
The three of them laughed at the thought of Layla's trials to come, but Layla soon stopped and said,
"Well I better get in some practice, by tidying up the breakfast things, and letting you two take a shower and get dressed."
As good as her word, she picked up the breakfast dishes and put them back in the tray and went off to the kitchen to wash up.
Later they drove back to the country house, by the evening the girls had finalised the menu as they sat down to dinner together Paul asked if they had decided on a date for the party, Janine said,
"Yes. We thought a week on Friday, at the city apartment, that gives us plenty of time to sort the food and also gives our guests time to make any special arrangements they need to make.
Layla wants to get a maids outfit for the occasion too, so we're going to look through the mail order sites on the Internet for something suitable. You said you were going to wear your Mistress dress, and I've got a couple of Domme outfits to choose from, so you and I are sorted, and Layla will be by tomorrow as well. Do you want to ring our would be guests, or do you want me to do it?"
Paul replied,
"I'll leave you to do the invites, and I'll leave you both to your shopping for Layla's maids dress, keep it as a surprise for me on the night."
The following morning, after breakfast Paul went back to work in the city, Layla joined Janine and they began looking through the Internet to find Layla's maid's outfit. After about an hour they found what Layla was looking for and they placed an order, Janine then decided to phone their dinner guests and invite them to the party.
First she rang Hazel, at her shop Fetworld, when the phone was picked up Janine said,
"Oh hi, is Hazel there please. Oh it's you Hazel, sorry I didn't recognise your voice, this is Janine, don't know if you remember me, we came in...You do remember, well we were wondering if you would like to come to our city pad for dinner, it's just going to be Mistress Paula and myself, Mistress Janine, with our maid, slave Layla serving the meal, plus you and another young woman, who has expressed interest in our lifestyle. The party is for Friday of next week, the 24th, at our city apartment, we will be dressed in fetish, so if you want to join in it will be fine, but it's not compulsory."
Janine listened to, Hazel for a minute and then said,
"Oh that's great. We look forward to seeing you again, if you give me your email I'll send the details, date, time, address etc. to you."
Janine grabbed a pen and wrote down the email address Hazel gave her, when she had read it back to Hazel to check it was correct she said goodbye and hung up. She turned to Layla and said,
"Well Hazel is coming, so we have one guest, now let's see if our delivery girl is really interested or just a nosey parker type. Janine dialled the mobile number the girl had given to Paula, the phone rang five times before someone answered, and Janine said,
"Hello is this the young woman who delivers food for the Gourmet restaurant? It is good, my names Janine, you met me a few days ago, and you met a my CD maid, Paula before that, oh you remember us, good. Well I'm ringing you to see if you want to come to a small dinner party we are hosting, at our apartment. You would love to come, well that's fine, but I'd better give you the details before you say yes. The party is on Friday the 24th, the address you know, the hosts are Mistress Paula and myself, Mistress Janine, there will be one other guest, a young woman called Hazel, and the meal will be served by our maid, slave Layla, who you haven't met. Paula, Layla and I will all be wearing fetish outfits, if you have something of your own in that line, you are welcome to wear it, but it's not a requirement. You will come, oh I'm so glad, look give me your email address and I'll send you all the details for confirmation, hang on a second, OK go ahead.
Janine grabbed the pen again and scribbled down the email address the girl gave her, she then said,
" Right got that, I think that's all I need, oh hang on you better tell me your name, Sam. OK Sam we look forward to your company at the party."
Janine put the phone down and then wrote an email with the details and sent it to both guests.
The girls spent the next few days waiting for Layla's outfit to arrive, they also practised the various recipes for the dinner, and eventually told Paul they were ready for the big night. Layla's outfit arrived two days before the party, but she took the package to her room, and told Paul and Janine they would have to wait to see her in it. With every thing in place they drove into the city early on the morning of the 24th and while Paul sorted the wine and drinks for the night, the girls set about preparing the food.
Janine checked her email around 3.00pm and found an email from each of their guests, when she read the first email, from Hazel, she started to smile, when she read Sam's email she let out a long whistle, and said,
"WOW, our guests just sent me some details of their outfits for tonight, Paul you are going to be panting, and drooling all evening, but remember your manners. I know we are going to play some games, but we agreed to limit them to punishing our slut maid, and the guests can watch, and I want us to stick to that.
However judging by these two emails, both of our guests have picked up on the hints I gave in the emails I sent them, about the relative natures of each other, and I think they are planning on trying to get the other guest to play with them. Hazel's outfit sounds quite Domme and Mistressy, and SAMs is definitely Subbie, but you will have to wait to see what I mean. They will both be here between 7 and 7.30, so Layla and I better get the food on the go, then we can all go and get dressed about 6.30, and Layla can get into character, as our maid before the guests arrive."
The rest of the day past quickly and by 6.30 every thing was finished, so Janine and Paul went to their bedroom to change while Layla went to one of the guests bedrooms to get into her outfit and into character. Paula laid out her red and black latex Mistress dress and a set of black lace underwear, consisting of a thong, a half cup bra and a steel boned, under bust corset with suspenders. When she had dressed in the underwear she asked Janine to tighten the cosset laces and tie them off, Paula then slipped a pair of seamed stockings on and fastened the suspenders. She unzipped the dress and stepped into it, pulled it up and slid her arms into the sleeves and Janine zipped up the dress for her. The final item in Paula's outfit was a pair of over the knee pirate stiletto boots.
Janine's outfit was a catsuit, with a peplum skirt and wide flared bottoms on the legs, in style it was rather like the suits the girls in ABBA wore in the 70's, but Janine's suit was in scarlet PVC, with a wide belt at the waist, from which she hung a crop and a pair of handcuffs. She completed the outfit with a pair black fishnet tights and a pair of red stilettos, with 2" platform soles and 7" heels. Paula and Janine checked their appearance and each other and both nodded and walked out of the bedroom and moved back to the livingroom. Once there Janine shouted,
"Mistress Paula we are going to have to do something about our slut maid, her level of service is deplorable. Slave Layla, were the hell are you? Your Mistresses are waiting for a drink. Get in here NOW."
A few moments later Layla came hurrying into the room trying to smooth the creases out of her outfit, Paula took one look at the maids dress and gave a low whistle. Layla's outfit was loosely based on a French maids dress, it was made of black latex, the bodice was low cut, exposing half of Layla's breasts, as she wore no underwear her nipples could be clearly seen poking into the latex. At the mid point between her breasts the bodice was open and held together with lacing, like a medieval serving wench and little capped sleeves. The skirt was very short, bearly covering her arse and there were several layers of white, stiffened latex acting as underskirts and holding the outer skirt out. All the edges of the outfit were finished in white latex, which had been gathered so it formed frills, the whole thing was finished off by a frilly little latex apron and cap. Layla too had opted for fishnet stockings and her shoes were black patent leather 4" stilettos with ankle straps which were locked with small padlocks.
Layla dashed over to her two Mistresses and bobbed a curtsy and dropped to her knees and said,
"Your slut slave apologises, for her tardiness, and begs her Mistresses forgiveness.
How may I serve you?"
Janine walked around Layla before saying,
"Even if I wanted to show you some forgiveness I couldn't. Your behaviour is beyond belief, we are expecting guests shortly for dinner, and you are hardly ready to serve us never mind them.
You can fetch Mistress Paula and myself a couple of glasses of wine, but first you need a reminder if your position. So lean forward and rest your forehead on the floor, then lift your skirt and underskirt, up at the back. When I punish you, you will count the hits and thank me for each one, now get into position."
When Layla had done as Janine ordered, revealing she had omitted to wear knickers, as well as the bra, Janine unclipped the crop from her belt and snapped it across Layla's exposed arse, the first blow produced a hiss, followed by a quick 'one, thank you Mistress', from Layla. Janine continued cropping her and Layla continued counting and thanking Janine for each stroke. Janine stopped at ten, and said,
"Right Layla, get up and fetch the wine, and while you are about it fetch your chastity belt, and the two electric shock vibrators, as well, you can wear them, for the evening, as a further punishment."
Layla got up and left the room, rubbing her rear, she returned in a few minutes carrying a tray on which she had placed, two glasses of white wine and a metal chastity belt and two vibrators. She served Paula first, then she went to Janine, who took her wine and placed the glass on a table, then she picked up the belt and vibrators. Janine then ordered Layla to stand straight and lift her skirt, when Layla obeyed Janine passed the belt around Layla's waist, while she was fastening the belt she said,
"Mistress Paula would you mind helping me, could you please grease the vibrators and hand them to me when you have."
Paula picked up the two vibrators and went back to the bedroom to find the lubricant, she returned a short time later and passed the vibrators to Janine who fitted them on the crotch belt and then pulled the belt slowly up between Layla's thighs, forcing the vibrators into Layla's waiting holes. As the probes slid into her Layla let out a quiet groan when they were fully inserted, and the crotch belt was pulled tight, fastened and locked in place, then Janine said,
"There now, that should make for an interesting time for our little slut maid this evening. We can leave the vibrators on a low speed random cycle, and if she makes a mistake we can give her a short sharp shock. Quite literally, since the vibs can deliver an electric shock, or we can override the random programme and ramp up the speed of the vibs, to see how she copes with trying to serve, us and our guests, with her two holes being stimulated.
What do you think Mistress Paula?"
Paula smiled, and passed a remote control unit to Janine and said,
"I think it's a wonderful idea, we can have some fun, watching the slut trying to keep control of herself, and not spill anything. You really do have an evil mind, and I love you for it."
Layla didn't look quite as keen on this latest development, but she knew any complaints from her would earn further punishment, so she wisely kept quiet. Paula pressed a few buttons on her remote control and the vibrators came to life, causing Layla to let out another groan, but before she could adjust to the activity, under her skirt, the door intercom signalled the arrival of a visitor. Janine walked over to the intercom phone and said,
"Paula will you finish off our little slut, fix the programme for the vibrators, while I see who's at the door. Then we can send the slut to meet and greet our guest and escort them up to the apartment."
Paula picked up her remote control and pressed a couple of buttons and the two vibrators settled I to allow speed random cycle. Janine picked up the intercom, said hello, and asked who was there, she listened and then said,
"OK, that's fine your right on time, just wait by the elevator and I'll send our maid down to greet you and bring you up."
She hung up the intercom and called Layla over and told her to go down in the elevator and meet Hazel and bring her up to the apartment, Layla bobbed a little curtsy and went into the elevator and started it down to the carpark. When the elevator doors opened Layla saw Hazel standing waiting for her, Layla almost whistled at the sight she saw.
Hazel was in full on Mistress mode, her outfit was stunning, it consisted of a full length skirt, with a short train and a slit at the side running from hip to floor, and a full, over the bust, corset. The whole thing was made up in a hi gloss scarlet leather, with black leather piping around all the edges of the skirt and corset. The corset also featured gold studding decoration along all the boned panels and there was also a gold chain belt at her waist, from which hung a small flogger and a pair of handcuffs. Her make up was heavy and she wore deep scarlet lipstick, and her hair was piled up on her head, as Layla took in the sight an evil smile spread over Hazels face and she said,
"Well now you're Layla if I remember righty, and you're Janine's and Paula's maid, and slut slave. Am I right?"
Layla shook herself and swallowed before replying,
"Yes you're correct I'm slave Layla. Mistress Janine sent me down to greet you, and to take you up to meet your hosts for this evening. May I say that outfit is wonderful, and you look beautiful in it. Please forgive this ignorant slave, but how do you wish to be addressed this evening."
Hazel looked at Layla, who was no longer looking at her, but was standing with her eyes down cast, in a suitable submissive pose, Hazel walked around Layla looking her over before she said,
"As this is the first time we have met, in these roles, I will forgive your ignorance, and your general behaviour. You will address me as Mistress Hazel, at all times, by the way your dress is quite appealing, I'm sure it will prove quite an asset later this evening, now you may take me up to your Mistresses."
As Layla turned to follow Hazel into the elevator there was a shout from the carpark, Layla turned back and saw a young woman trotting toward her. When the girl arrived, slightly out of breath she said,
"Hi I'm Sam, I hope I'm not late, bit of a problem with my transport but I'm here now."
Layla curtsied to the new arrival and said,
"I'm slave Layla, and I'm your maid this evening. I'll take you up to meet your hosts , my Mistresses, Janine and Paula. This is Mistress Hazel, she is the other guest, Mistress Hazel this is my Mistresses other guest, Sam."
Hazel looked Sam over, she saw a young woman, in her mid twenties wearing a very short black PVC mini skirt and a white latex blouse, fishnet stockings and a pair of 5" stiletto heeled shoes. Hazel licked her lips and said,
"Hello Sam, it's nice to meet you. You may call me Mistress Hazel this evening, you look like a submissive to me, so unless you say other wise I will call you slave Sam. Do you have any objections?"
Sam looked a little shocked but quickly replied,
"Mistress Hazel it's nice to meet you, I've never really thought about my, err, preference, I suppose I do tend to be more submissive than dominant, so OK, I'll play along and be slave Sam for the evening."
Before either guest could say more Layla said,
"Mistress Hazel, slave Sam, please come into the elevator and I'll take you to meet your hosts."
The two guests walked into the elevator and Layla closed the doors and started it on its ride to the apartment. When the doors opened Layla lead the two guests into the living room and over to her two Mistresses and said,
"Mistress Janine, Mistress Paula, may I introduce your guests, this is Mistress Hazel and this is slave Sam, Mistress Hazel, slave Sam, these are your hosts this evening, Mistresses Janine and Paula."
Janine and Paula stood up and greeted their guests and after a few minutes of the usual small talk Hazel said to her hosts,
"I just wanted to tell you both, your maid is a very forward slave, she past a comment on my outfit and gave me some very envious looks when she came down to greet me. I told her I forgave her but I though you should know."
Janine shook her head and called Layla over, when she arrived at Janine's side she said,
"I'm told you were discourteous to our guest, Mistress Hazel, when you went to greet her, speaking out of turn, about her clothes and looking at her with envy. Is this true slut?"
Layla looked a little scared, but managed to say a very quiet 'yes'. Janine picked up her remote control and said,
"You know what happens to slaves that fail to please, or embarrass, their Mistress don't you, they get punished."
As she finished speaking she pressed a button on the remote and Layla cried out and dropped to her knees, twice more Janine pressed the button, producing two further cries from Layla. Janine gave Layla a few moments to recover before ordering her back to her feet, when she was again standing Janine called Hazel and Sam over to her and said to her slave,
"Now slut I want you to show our guests what you are wearing under your maids dress, and why you were crying out, so lift that skirt and show them."
Layla slowly lifted the hem of the skirt and revealed the chastity belt she was wearing. When both guests were looking at it Janine explained,
"Paula and I find it far better to deliver a punishment as soon as possible after the misbehaviour, so our slave wears a chastity belt, which is also a means of punishment. I'm sure Hazel knows what I mean, since she supplied the belt, but for your education Sam, I'll explain. The belt has provision for two probes, one fits into the wearers pussy and the second into their arse, there are a selection of probes that can be fitted, from simple vibrators, or vibrators that can change size, or the ones Layla is trying to deal with now. These probes vibrate, but they also can deliver and electric shock, like this."
As she finished speaking, Janine again pressed the remote and delivered another shock to Layla's pussy and arse, and Layla again cried out in pain and her knees buckled, but she managed to stay on her feet. Hazel smiled, but Sam looked shocked and said,
"I had no idea you did this sort of thing to each other, I mean that belt is really hurting Layla, and you, Janine, are actually causing the pain, why? I thought the three if you were friends."
Janine looked at Sam and took her hand and said,
"We are friends, very special friends. I'm sure any one of us would risk our own lives to save either of the other two, if it were ever necessary. Come with me, sit down on the couch and I'll explain, come on."
Janine led Sam to a couch and the two of them sat and Janine continued speaking,
"You might think I'm being a real bitch treating Layla like this, giving her electric shocks to her more sensitive parts. Well I'm not, this is all play, but it's also real. I mean we are all playing roles, but while we are playing, things are real for all of us, we all have a safe word, if anyone says that word, the game stops immediately. I should tell you nobody has ever used the safe word.
There are three of us in this relationship, Paul / Paula and I are married, Layla is our neighbour, make that was, the three of us now share a house. That means there are 12 combinations of Master/Mistress/Slave possible, and we have tried them all and whoever is the Master or Mistress punishes the Slave, so whatever I do to Layla tonight, you can bet she has done to me before, or will do in the future. We all have limits and we all respect those limits. Now I might be causing slave Layla some pain, but she is also enjoying it, in a perverse way, if you get into this life style you'll find out what I mean.
Now I thinks it's time we sat down to eat."
Janine stood and moved toward to dinning area and Sam and Hazel followed, Paula brought up the rear and Layla showed the guests to their seats at the table. The meal progressed well with both Hazel and Sam quizzing there hosts on their experiences in BDSM, and also each other on their own experiences. It turned out very much as Janine, Paul and Layla had imagined, Hazel was quite experienced, she had been a submissive to a couple of boyfriends, and a Mistress to a few others, and she felt happier as a Mistress. Sam on the other hand was very much a novice, she had only been a sub for one boyfriend, but she had flat shared with a couple of girls who, had been into the scene and they had used her as a Subbie slave, and she had found she quite liked being forced to be their lesbian love slave.
Layla managed to do a good job as maid and avoided any further punishment, but as the coffee was served Paula introduced the topic of after dinner games.
Chapter 5 (added: 2016/10/20)
Layla was busy clearing away the remains of the meal, and washing the dishes in the kitchen, so was unaware of the conversation between the guests and the hosts, which was probably a good thing.
Paula had started the conversation off by asking what the guests thought of the food, and more importantly the relationship between the hosts and their maid. When both guests had expressed their enjoyment of the dinner and agreed that how people chose to live, and enjoy themselves, was up to them, as long as those involved were all happy, Janine joined in by saying,
"Well now that's interesting, you see we, that is myself, Paula and Layla would fully agree with you. So this evening we are going to put on a little show for you both, this will consist of Mistress Paula and myself, putting our maid into bondage and then punishing her for any failures, real or imagined, in her serving us. Now we did discuss this before you arrived to night and we felt it would not be appropriate to let either of you join in with this punishment but we did think that maybe you two might like to try some similar activities, but with each other.
It looks to us as if Hazel considers herself to be a Mistress, and Sam has already admitted to being more Sub than Domme. So if the two of you are happy to play those rolls with each other then it's OK with us. If you do play along, then you need to agree a set of limits to your activities and also set a safe word, and a safe sound, in case you can't speak. We use Happy Birthday, and if you're gagged and can't speak then you hum Happy Birthday to You. If the safe word is used you stop all activity immediately and release the slave, is that all understood and do you two want to play together, or just be spectators and watch the three of us?"
Hazel was the first to reply and said,
"Speaking for myself, I think you three are being very kind, to allow us to even watch, and I wouldn't expect to be allowed to join in your play, after all we are virtual strangers. However I would be very happy to play along with Sam, but only if Sam is happy as well.
I think Sam and I should take a little break and go and discuss your plan, do you mind if we take a few minutes to chat together and see if we are both OK with playing together."
Janine and Paula both nodded their agreement, and Hazel and Sam stood up and went over to a couch, in the corner and began to quietly discuss their plans for the rest of the evening. While they were busy Janine called Layla from the kitchen and said,
"Right bitch, our guests are talking over what they want to do for the rest of the evening. Sadly Mistress Paula and I have already decided on your activities, and I can tell you, they involve a great deal of pain and pleasure. Pain for you and pleasure for us.
Now go to the playroom and fetch a set of prison restraints, a collar and a gag, you may choose the collar and gag, but if they are not to Mistress Paula's and my liking you will receive extra punishment for your failure. Now go and get back here before our guests finish their conversation, MOVE BITCH."
Layla quickly left the others and went to fetch the things Janine had ordered. In the playroom she quickly selected a set of prison restraints, consisting of a wide leather waist belt, with a long chain attached, on the other end of the chain were a set of leg irons. Also attached to the belt were a set of handcuffs, there was also a padlock, so that the belt could be locked on once it was fastened around the waist.
Layla then opened a cupboard and rummaged through the selection of collars hanging from the door, she chose two collars, a heavy 2" wide dog collar, and a 4" wide padded posture collar, like the waist belt both collars were fitted with padlocks. Finally she selected a gag, remembering Janine's warning Layla selected a particularly stringent gag, it was a full head harness with a 4" penis gag. The gag was a hard rubber penis with an outer coating of soft silicone , it was extremely life like. There was a central opening running right through the gag and a series of smaller holes around the central one . The purpose of the central hole was to allow the wearer to be force fed liquids and the smaller holes allowed easy breathing. Layla hated this gag, and knew Janine and Paula would pump any fluid they chose through the gag and she would have to swallow it, but she also knew if she chose a smaller gag Janine would add to her punishment. Sighing Layla gathered the restraints up and carried them back to her waiting Mistresses.
When she returned to the others, she found Hazel and Sam had rejoined her Mistresses, although Sam was obviously going to be Hazel's slave, as she was kneeling at the side of the chair Hazel was sitting in. Layla walked to Janine and dropped to her knees and held out the items, of bondage equipment, she had selected, Janine took a quick look and immediately delivered a slap to Layla's face, knocking her over onto her side, and said,
"You stupid bitch. I told you to select A COLLAR, one, so you fetch two. That's going to earn you extra punishment. If you'd fetched the dog collar, I'd probable have let you wear it, especially as you picked the gag you hate.
So you try to suck up by bringing two collars. So you get to wear the gag you hate and the high posture collar."
As she finished speaking she pulled Layla back up onto her knees, when Layla was kneeling Janine Picked up the collar and the gag and walked behind her maid. She slid the collar around Layla's neck and tightened it as much as possible and fitted the padlock. She then held the gag in front of Layla's mouth and when she opened her mouth Janine pushed the gag deep into Layla's mouth and then fastened the strap and locked it on. As she picked up the prison restraints Hazel said,
"Just before you put your slave into restraints may I ask to borrow some rope and a gag, so I can give my new slave her first experience of bondage."
Paula quickly said,
" I'm sorry Mistress Hazel we didn't think. Of course you may have some of our bondage equipment. Are you happy with rope, or would you prefer, cuffs or straps maybe, and what sort of a gag do you want, ring, ball, full harness, or maybe tape and VetWrap. Just tell our slave slut what you want and she will get it, if we have it here."
Hazel smiled evilly and said,
"Well slave Sam is a real novice, and I agreed not to push her limits too far, so I'll stick with rope, say 10 hanks of various lengths, as to a gag I think a ring gag would be best for what I have in mind for my new slut slave. Oh do you have a simple vibrator, and nipple clamps, I could use as well."
Janine ordered Layla to her feet and said,
"You heard what Mistress Hazel wants, so move your arse and fetch the things she asked for."
When Layla had dashed off to collect the things Hazel asked for, Paula turned to Hazel and said,
"You seem to have a plan for your play with Sam, I take it you two have agreed a safe word. Also has Sam agreed to what your thinking of doing with, or should that be doing to, her?"
Hazel walked over to the kneeling Sam and stood behind her and reached around Sam's front and gave her slaves breast a squeeze and then said,
"Don"t worry Mistress Paula, this slut is happy for me to use, and abuse, her.
We have agreed a safe word, we took Mistress Janine's advice and borrowed yours, we are using Happy Birthday, and humming the tune if the slut is gagged. As I said already the slave and I have agreed her limits, and she has accepted that I might exceed them, slightly, on odd occasions."
While Hazel was speaking Layla returned with the things Hazel had asked for, she quickly dropped to her knees, at Paula's side and held out an armful of rope, a ring gag, and a set of nipple clamps and a vibrator. Looking down at Layla, Paula said,
"Well it seems our maid has collected the items you asked for, if there is anything else you find you would like to borrow please don't hesitate to ask.
Now Layla put those things down in front of slave Sam and then get over to Mistress Janine, who is waiting to start you punishment."
Layla quickly dropped the bundle of rope on the floor in front of Sam and added the other items on top of the rope. She then stood up and quickly walked over to Janine and dropped to her knees in front of her Mistress. Janine picked up the prison restraints and ordered Layla to her feet and pulled her arms behind her and fastened the handcuffs on Layla's wrists. She then knelt and closed the leg irons on Layla's ankles, then she fastened the waist belt and closed the padlock on the belt.
Satisfied with Layla's Bondage and the gag and collar, Janine pulled Layla over to an armchair and ordered her to bend over the arm and when Layla obeyed Janine pulled the maids skirt up revealing Layla's arse and the chastity belt. Janine then spent some time stroking, rubbing and squeezing Layla's arse, producing a few low moans from Layla. Janine then pulled the crop from her belt and flicked it lightly across Layla's rear, producing a muffled cry from the bound girl, Janine then took up position and started to deliver a cropping to Layla's arse.
By the time Janine had delivered the first six strokes Layla was crying, wriggling and jumping about on the chair arm. Paula looked over at Hazel to see how she and Sam were taking the sight of Layla's punishment. As she looked at their guests she saw Hazel watching intensely, her eyes gleaming and she licked her lips as Layla's arse grew red from the cropped. Sam was also watching but she had her hand under her skirt and she was obviously rubbing her pussy while Layla cried out. Paula walked quietly around behind Hazel and gently touched her on the shoulder, when she looked around Paula pointed to Sam, when she saw what her new slave was doing she grabbed her by the hair and shouted,
"What the fuck do you think you're doing you selfish little slut. You kneel there watching a slave being punished and you decide to play with your self. Did I give you permission to touch your self, did I?.
Well since you seem to enjoy punishment I think it's about time you received some of your own, and our hosts can watch you being taught what happens to slut bitches that disobey their Mistress. On you feet, now bitch."
Janine had stopped her cropping of Layla when Hazel started shouting and pulled Layla off the chair and pushed her to her knees. She then sat in the vacated chair, to watch Hazel in action. Sam got quickly to her feet and stood with her head bowed. Hazel stood up and said,
"Right slut, pickup the rope and other things our hosts have offered me and put them all on the chair."
When Sam had obeyed Hazel continued speaking,
"Well at least you're quick to obey, but that won't save you from being punished. First get your knickers off and put them on the chair as well."
Sam hesitated for moment, and blushing furiously she then reluctantly slipped her hands under her skirt and tugged her damp panties down and placed them in the chair, her face still bright red with embarrassment she stood by the chair head bowed. Hazel picked up a small hank of rope and walked behind Sam and pulled her arms behind her back and looped the rope around Sam's wrists and quickly bound them tightly together. Hazel picked up a second rope and looped it around Sam's elbows and then put her arm around Sam's arms and pulled them together then tightened the rope and continued to tighten the rope until Sam's elbows almost touched, she then cinched the rope. This rope caused Sam shoulder to be pulled back and in turn push her breast forward, Sam tried to ease her position, but found it impossible. Hazel looped a third rope around Sam's waist and then ran the ends down and through Sam's legs, back to the waist rope back through her legs and pulled the crotch rope as tight as she could and tied it off to the waist rope. As the crotch rope was tightened it lifted Sam's skirt revealing her pussy. Sam also rose up onto her toes trying to loosen the ropes crushing into her pussy. Satisfied with her start Hazel said,
"Right bitch how do you enjoy bondage? Before you answer remember I'm only just starting your restraints."
Sam swallowed and tried to relax, but found it impossible to ease her position, eventually she replied,
"Mistress I've been tied up before, but never as tightly as this. I will try and bear the bondage you place me in and accept the punishment, I know I deserve."
Hazel patted her slave on the head before she said,
"Well said slave, but I think those will be your last words for the rest of the evening, that way you won't say anything to get you in to trouble."
As she finished speaking, Hazel put her hand under her own skirt and pulled her own knicker down and stepped out of them. She rolled her knickers into a ball, she then picked up Sam's damp knickers and rolled them around her own knickers and held them up to Sam's mouth. Sam slowly opened her mouth and Hazel pushed the ball of fabric into her slave's mouth. She then picked up the ring gag and forced the ring behind Sam's teeth and then fastened the gag strap, forcing the panties deeper into her mouth. Sam rolled her eyes and looked at Hazel trying to plead for forgiveness, it, of course did her no good at all.
Chapter 6 (added: 2016/12/18)
Hazel then sat down in the chair, she patted her knee and said,
"All right slut I want you face down over my knee, then you will get a real hand spanking, and if my hand gets tired I'm sure our hosts have a nice paddle they could lend me."
Sam bent her knees and slowly lay across her Mistress's lap as she settled in position Hazel pulled her fully onto her lap and then worked Sam's skirt up under the crotch rope to expose her rear. Before Sam could get set Hazel delivered a full blooded slap to Sam's arse, causing her to jump and squirm. Hazel continued to deliver slap after slap, picking her target carefully slapping alternative cheeks and occasionally switching to Sam's inner thighs. By the time Hazel had delivered a dozen slaps, Sam was squirming around on her Mistress's lap and sobbing into her gag.
Hazel stopped the spanking and pulled Sam to her feet, tears were running down Sam's cheeks, and for a moment the three Mistresses wondered if Sam wanted to end the night. Hazel turned the girl to face her and said,
"I'll ask this once and once only. Have I gone too far, do you want to stop the game, don't bother with your safe word just nod if you want to stop."
As Hazel finished speaking, Sam walked up to her and lay her head on Hazel's shoulder and tried to speak,
"Uh sanking urt, ut I ant u arry on. Lease I ant u e ur lave."
Hazel smiled and looked at her hosts and said,
"I think I understood most of that. Your bum hurts but you don't want to stop, in fact you want to be a slave. Right?"
Sam nodded and Hazel smiled at her and then pulled Sam into a hug and kissed the bound slave hard on her gagged mouth. When she broke the kiss Hazel said,
"Your safe word still works slave, but I haven't finished your punishment yet. So you just stand there while I sort out you next tribulation."
Hazel walked over to Paula and Janine and said,
"Mistresses, do you have a ceiling hook in your home by any chance. I want to teach my new slave about pleasing her Mistress, so I'm thinking of putting her into a strapado and then giving her a few more swats on the rear. Then I'll take her gag out and she can use her mouth to pleasure me. If that's all OK with both of you?"
Janine covered her mouth with a hand and was trying to hide a smile, so Paula answered Hazel,
"Yes Hazel we do have a hook, and you are welcome to us it, although it might be a bit hard on your slave. So keep an ear for 'Happy Birthday' OK. We weren't thinking of sharing any actual sex tonight but if you are both happy then it's OK with me, although I don't know what Janine finds so funny. Maybe she will share the joke!"
Janine dabbed her eyes and managed to get control of herself and said,
"I'm OK, and I will share the joke, as Paula asked. When slave Layla and I are playing here on our own, just Mistress and slave, you know, we both enjoy doing exactly as you are suggesting Hazel. We've both been strung up by our wrists and had our faces buried in our Mistress's pussy, once Mistress Layla made me her slave, and I had to service her for an hour with my mouth, I don't know how many times I made her come, but it wasn't enough for her as I still got a good paddling afterwards.
So I say if Sam is OK with your plan then it's OK with me too.
I'll, show you the hook, it's in a guests bedroom, which we have converted into a mini, dungeon, and somewhere to store our toys. Come on, see if it suits your needs."
Paula quickly stopped them and said,
"Hazel let me show you the hook, and while we're away Janine can see what other punishment we might want to subject slave Layla to. Maybe we could put Layla into a strapado position as well, think about it Jan, I'll be back when I've shown Hazel the hook she's interested in."
Paula led Hazel out of the dinning room and through to the bedroom dungeon, as they walked away Janine turned to Layla and released the gag,then she grabbed Layla's hair and pulled her head back and said,
"Well bitch would you like to be strung up in a nice strapado? We could give you a really good cropping on you arse in that position. Well bitch answer me."
Layla looked up at her Mistress and spoke quietly,
"Mistress Janine, if it is the wish of you or Mistress Paula to punish me in that way then I will try to accept the punishment, and not disgrace either of you.
If a slave may make a suggestion, you could put both slave Sam and me in strapado together and Hazel could punish Sam while Paula and you punish me. Also since Hazel and Sam are prepared to show us a bit of sex then we could do the same, as a matter of fact you told Hazel that you and I already indulged in that sort of activity."
Janine looked at her slave and after releasing her hair she said,
"I think Mistress Paula was thinking of something similar after I let slip about our activities. So if you are OK with it, we could string you both up then give you both a good spanking,or cropping. Then each of you could use your mouths and tongues to serve your Mistress, in your case I think it would be best if it was me you served, and Paula could be a spectator."
Suddenly Janine heard a humphing sound from Sam, she walked over to the bound slave and said,
"Are you OK, was that your safe word?"
Sam shook her head and tried to smile round her gag, then she wriggled her hands around to her side and gave a thumbs up. Janine nodded and said,
" OK then. If you're alright what was it you were trying to say, you heard what Hazel has planned for you, and you heard slave Layla and I talking about her being treated the same, are you unhappy with the plan?"
Again Sam shook her head, then nodded her head towards Layla and again gave a thumbs up, Janine smiled and continued speaking,
"Are you trying to say you're happy to be punished alongside my slave?"
Sam nodded, Janine patted Sam on her head and said,
"OK, in that case I think I better get my slut slave ready. So both of you get to your feet, you Sam get over to Layla and stand be her side."
Both slaves scrambled to their feet and Sam walked quickly over to stand beside Layla. Janine gathered up the rope Hazel had not used on Sam and joined the two slaves and ordered Layla to turn her back to her Mistress. Janine then quickly unlocked the handcuffs and the leg irons, and finally unlocked the waist belt. She then picked up a length of rope and tied Layla's wrists behind her back, she then looped a second rope around Layla's elbows and pulled the loop tight drawing her elbows together. When they were a few inches apart Janine cinched the elbow tie and tied off the ends she then untied the lacing holding the bodice of Layla's dress closed, as she removed the lacing the top of the dress started to gape and Layla's breasts were on the point of being exposed. Janine stopped, unlacing, and slid her hand into the top of Layla's dress and eased one of her breasts out and then pulled the other breast free, Layla blushed slightly, being exposed in front of a stranger.
Satisfied with her slave's appearance Janine ordered both slave's to their knees, as the two bound girls were getting down on the floor, Hazel and Paula returned and Paula took in the scene and said,
"Well that's a very nice sight, I see you have been busy while we've been away. Janine, Hazel is very happy with the equipment in the dungeon. I take it you have decided to go along with my suggestion that Layla should be treated the same as Sam."
Janine nodded and said,
"Yes, our slave even suggested we should punish her along side Sam. I have thought of a novel addition to the plan, but we'll come to that later. Right now I suggest we get these two sluts into the dungeon and get them nice and comfortable in a strapado."
As she finished speaking she picked up the penis gag and held it upto Layla's mouth Layla opened her mouth Janine pushed the gag in, and fastened the strap tightly, forcing the penis gag deep into Layla's mouth and almost touching the back of her throat. When she was happy Janine nodded to Hazel and both Mistresses grabbed their respective slaves and pulled them to their feet and marched them off to the hosts dungeon. As they left
Paula glanced around and collected the items Janine and Hazel had not yet used, and then followed them to the dungeon.
When Paula entered the dungeon Janine and Hazel were busy positioning the two bound slaves under the ceiling hook. The prisoners were stood side by side, but facing in opposite directions,Janine spoke to Paula and said,
"Paula, as I said before, I've got a little idea, can you rig up a rope, I want it just putting over the hook, don't tie it off, I want it to run free over the hook.
I see you've brought the extra rope and the other toys from the dinning room, I'm sure they'll come in very useful."
Paula pulled a chair over and climbed on to the seat and looped a rope over the hook and left the two ends hanging. While Paula was busy Hazel opened Sam's blouse and pulled her breasts out, both slaves now stood under the ceiling hook, gagged with their wrists and elbows tightly bound, with Sam also crotch roped and Layla in a chastity belt. Hazel tied one end of the ceiling rope to Sam's wrist rope and then pulled the other end of the rope lifting Sam's arms into the air and forcing her to bend forward to reduce the strain on her shoulders.
When she was happy with Sam's position Hazel handed the ceiling rope to Janine, who passed the end of the rope between Layla's wrist. Janine then pulled the end of the rope, forcing Layla in to a similar position to Sam, when she was satisfied Janine slackened the rope a few inches and then tied the rope off to Layla's arms, Janine then said,
"OK you two bitches, you're strung up in a nice tight strapado, and as an added bit of fun your arms are pulled up by opposite ends of the same rope. This means that if either of you tries to straighten up a little the other will have their arms pulled higher. So each of you will be hurting the other if you try and ease your own position."
Janine gently pulled Layla slightly more upright and this produced a squeal from Sam, Janine quickly returned Layla to her original position, she then continued speaking,
"Now I'm going to put a nice pair of clover clamps on my little slut's nipples and then Mistress Hazel can do the same to Sam, we will of course inter twine the chains linking the clamps, so again if either of you moves you will inflict on yourselves some pain, but you will also cause your fellow slave the same pain."
As she finished speaking Janine picked up the two pairs of clamps and bent down and attached one set to Layla's nipples, she stood up and handed the second set of clamps to Hazel. Who quickly passed the connecting chain through Layla's clamps and then clamped Sam's nipples.
With both slaves now in position, Janine and Hazel took up their positions, standing behind, and to the side of their own slave. Janine again pulled her crop from her belt and Hazel unclipped the flogger that hung from her own belt, both Mistresses looked at each other and nodded.
Janine struck first, slashing a harsh cut across Layla's arse, this produced a muffled shriek from Layla and she moved a little forward and tried to straighten up. This in turn caused Sam to bend lower and cry out herself, all the movements just succeeded in causing both slaves considerable pain. When they had both returned to their original positions, Hazel delivered her first blow with her flogger to Sam's rear, and this time Sam tried to move away from the flogger and again both girls caused each other additional pain. The punishment session continued in this manor, with the Mistresses taking it in turns to hit their slaves rear ends, after about a dozen blows each the two slaves were both howling through their gags in pain and both had tears and drool dripping from their faces.
Both Mistresses hung their weapons back on their belts and then Janine said,
"Paula could you fetch two of the low steps we use sometimes. I think Hazel and I could each stand on one and we would be at the ideal height for our slave's to satisfy us with their mouths. While you're fetching the steps Hazel and I will take the gags off these two slut's and clean their faces, are you OK with that Hazel, or do you have something else in mind?"
Paula was already on her way to fetch the steps before Hazel could answer, she said,
"I think your suggestion is ideal, although I'm not sure how, as you say, the two sluts feel about it."
As she finished speaking Hazel grabbed Sam by the hair and said,
"How do you feel bitch. Would you like to have your gag removed and then serve me with your mouth?"
Sam did her best to nod her head, satisfied with the response Hazel let go of Sam's hair and started to unfasten the ring gag, when Hazel pulled it out, Sam managed to push the balled up panties out of her mouth, and said,
"Mistress, thank you for my punishment, which I'm sure I deserved. Please may your humble slave have a drink of water, before I satisfy you with my mouth."
While Hazel had been dealing with Sam, Janine was busy removing Layla's gag, and posture collar, as she pulled the gag free, she pushed a handful of tissues over Layla's mouth to catch the mouthful of drool that spilt from Layla's mouth. When she was able to talk Layla said,
"Mistress Janine thank you for my cropping, I know I must have failed to please you during the evening. I will try to do better in future, and especially when I try to satisfy you soon."
Janine smiled at Layla and said,
"Well said slut, now before we move on to the next stage of your, and Sam's punishment, do you want a drink of water, you can share Sam 's bottle?"
Layla nodded her head and Janine called over to Hazel,
"Hazel can you toss the bottle of water over, when Sam is finished, this bitch wants a drink too."
Chapter 7(added: 2017/01/29)
When both slaves had, had a drink Janine turned to Paula and Hazel and said,
"Our two little sluts are ready to pleasure their Mistresses, but I think it would be a nice little touch if we gave them a little bit of happiness. I can turn on my sluts twin invaders to occupy her mind while she pleases me, but, Hazel, you'll have to use a hand held vibe to give your slut something to think about. We've got a nice little bullet you could shove inside her pussy and then use a hand held wand vibe to keep her hot. What do you say Hazel, if you think it might be a bit difficult for you to keep the vibe in position, we could ask Paula to do the necessary while the sluts service us? What do you say Hazel?"
Hazel gave an evil smile and said,
"Well my little slave is an anal virgin, and we agreed her limits would not violate that, but we didn't say anything about using a vibe in her pussy. So I'm all for it, as long as Paula is happy to play along, and we all follow the safe word rules."
While Hazel was speaking, Paula had gone off to fetch the bullet vibe and also pick up the wand vibrator they had provided for Hazel earlier. When she returned she found the two Mistresses waiting and the two slaves looking a little apprehensive. Paula passed the bullet to Hazel who noted it was well lubbed and quickly bent down and slid it into Sam's pussy and turned it on to a low setting. Meanwhile Janine had retrieved the remote for Layla's belt vibes and had selected random cycle, and switched the two probes on, satisfied with the preparations, Janine said,
"Now I think the two slut bitches are ready so Hazel we should take up our positions and let them serve us with their tongues and mouths. While they're busy doing that the vibes in them will keep them on their toes, and Paula can add to Sam's torment with the wand and also use her hands to play with Layla's crotch to enhance the action of her two probes.
Now how many times do we want them to please us before we release them, should we say three climaxes each?, and how about a little bonus, the first one to bring her Mistress off three time gets released and the looser has to then please the winning slave. After all they will both be begging for a bit of relief from those vibes by then. Paula, Hazel, are you both OK with those arrangements?"
Hazel smiled and nodded her agreement and Paula said,
"Sounds fine to me. I think I'm going to enjoy sitting between these two, playing with their pussies, while they try to please you two Mistresses, although not as much as you two will enjoy yourselves. Still I'm sure Janine will see to it that I get a bit more pleasure, as a bonus, later.
Now I think we have had enough talking, it's time we started punishing these two sluts, shall we begin. Hazel, if you and Janine will get in position, then I can sort out were I'll be and then the sluts can start using their mouths for something other than complaining."
When Paula had finished, Janine removed her knickers and both Mistresses moved to stand in front of their respective slave and each took a hold of the slaves hair and pulled their heads up, so their faces were directly in line with their Mistress's crotch. Paula sat on the floor between the two slaves and gave Layla's crotch a hard rub, producing a low moan of frustration from the bound girl, she then picked up the wand vibrator and turned it on to a medium setting and ran it over Sam's pussy, giving her clit a little more teasing. Paula then checked the bullet already inside Sam's pussy, this produced another moan, this time from Sam. As she settle in position Paula said,
"Mistress Hazel, I think you should know your little slut has a soaking pussy, she is very obviously turned on by the attention she has been getting from you. I'm going to have to be careful I don't bring the slut off while I'm playing with her, after all this exercise is to provide pleasure to you and Mistress Janine, not these two bitches."
As she finished speaking Paula started rubbing Layla's crotchbelt and also played the wand vibe over Sam's crotch, both bound girls tried to push back to try and increase the stimulation they were receiving. Janine and Hazel took up their positions in front of their own slave, and at a signal from Paula both Mistresses grabbed a handful of their slaves hair and pulled the slaves face into their own pussies.
Both slaves quickly began licking and sucking on their Mistresses pussies, and at the same time tried to ignore the activities of Paula on their own crotches. Layla's greater experience soon showed and Janine was soon moaning and thrusting her hips towards her slave's mouth. After a few more minutes Sam cought up with Layla and Hazel too began to moan, but Layla increased her activities and a few minutes later Janine cried out and grabbed Layla's hair and pulled her face deep into her pussy. In pulling Layla slightly forward Janine caused the intertwined nipple clamps to pull on the two slaves, producing a squeal from Sam, but Sam quickly returned to her action on Hazel's crotch, and was soon rewarded by Hazel reaching her first climax.
Both slaves were given a few minutes to recover, then the activities resumed. This time Sam brought Hazel to her second climax, before Janine reached her orgasm mainly because Sam was still hot from her first climax. Again both slaves, and Mistresses took a short break to recover, but the slaves were soon forced back into action, and the race was on to see who would reach the third orgasm first. Now Paula's action was telling on both slaves, and they were both near to their own orgasms, this distraction proved to be Sam's undoing. Layla being a little more used to these sort of games, serving her Mistress while being stimulated herself, she managed to last out longer than Sam. So when the neophyte succumbed to Paula's activities and stopped her own efforts to please Hazel, Layla continued to work on Janine and was rewarded by her Mistress reaching her third orgasm before Hazel.
Almost as soon as Janine exploded into her third climax Layla hit her own due to Paula, both slaves were struggling to remain on their feet, as their legs were giving out under the influence of their orgasms. The two Mistresses staggered over to a couch and dropped onto it, and took some time to recover from their sexual excess. While they did so Paula released the two slaves from their strapado, and both slaves collapsed on the floor, as she was the only one still on her feet Paula spent the time making some drinks for the other four.
When the four participants had recovered enough to be able to stand unaided, Paula fetched a tray of coffee, and while the two Mistresses served themselves she untied the slaves wrist and elbows. The slaves were then allowed a short break from their servitude to get a coffee, when the other four were all drinking, Paula poured a cup for herself and sat with the two Mistresses, while Sam and Layla knelt on the floor near their respective Mistress. While they drank the coffee Paula said,
"Jan, Hazel, we have a winner of our little game, but before we allow her to collect her prize I think it would be an idea to get the two slut's to tell us how they felt during the game. If you agree shall we start with our newbie, Sam".
Both Mistresses nodded their agreement and Hazel turned to Sam and said,
"Well slave Sam you heard what Mistress Paula said. So off you go we want to hear all the horrible details of your experience, off you go".
Sam looked a little unsure of herself, but took a deep breath and said,
"Thank you Mistresses for the opportunity to tell you of my feelings this evening. I must start by thanking, Mistresses Janine and Paula, and slave Layla, for inviting me this evening and for allowing me to take part in their games. I also want to thank them for introducing me to my 'New' Mistress, Hazel, and thank her for accepting me as her slave.
Now as to my feelings during the game we have just played. At first I was very nervous, not being quite sure what was going to happen, but I felt I could trust all the Mistresses not to do anything that was to extreme. I know I said I had a little experience of being a submissive, I have never experienced anything so intense as tonight. As I said I felt I could trust you all to look after me. When I was tied up and pulled into the strapado, is that what you call it, I felt completely helpless, and excited at the thought of being completely exposed for all to see, then I was faced, literally, by my Mistress's pussy, suddenly I felt very excited. Being forced to serve my Mistress with my mouth, or face more punishment, with no way out. I felt a thrill run through my whole body. Then just when I felt things had reached a peak, Mistress Paula started to tease my pussy with the bullet vib and the magic wand.
It was very difficult to try and concentrate on what I was trying to do with my mouth, whilst I was being teased toward my own climax, and knowing that every time I, or slave Layla moved we were causing the other pain and suffering, due to the position we were tied in, and the linked nipple clamps.Then Layla gave her Mistress her first orgasm and I felt like I'd failed my Mistress and decided I would not disappoint her again. So when we resumed the game I made an extra effort to give my Mistress her orgasm first, even though I'm far less experienced than slave Layla , and I managed to win the second round, that gave me a very warm feeling.
Sadly it didn't last, Mistress Paula is very expert at teasing a slave and when we started the third round of the game she quickly had me on the edge of my climax, and as a result I lost concentration and slave Layla won the game.
Now I'm a little afraid, again, as I know I have to please slave Layla, and I may be due some further punishment from my Mistress for failing to win the game. I think that's all I have to say".
Hazel looked at Sam and gently stroked her slaves hair and said,
"That was quite a speech slave, and I have to add my own thanks to our hosts, and their slave, for my invitation, and also for introducing me to a new slave, you may lack a little experience, but that just means more pleasure for me in training you to my ways. As to getting more punishment for failing to win the game, I don't think that is needed, I think you did your best, but your lack of experience told against you. I think slave Layla here is a lot more experienced, and more used to these sort of games than you, but you did loose so you have to pay your forfeit and please Layla, which I'm sure she is looking forward to after her exertions to night, but she can tell us herself".
Layla smiled and began to speak,
"I would like to start by thanking my two evil Mistresses for this evening, like my fellow slave, Sam, I have really enjoyed it. Especially meeting her for the first time, and meeting Mistress Hazel in a social environment. I think Sam is going to be a very lucky slave to have such a very experienced Mistress to train her in the arts of pleasure.
I enjoyed the game our three Mistresses devised, although like slave Sam, I too was a little nervous at the start, and even more so when Sam won the second round, I began to think I might be the one holding the loosing hand, so to speak. I too was very near to a climax due to Mistress Paula's effort with her hand, in my case, as I was still in my chastity belt, but I think my greater experience came to my rescue.
Lastly I'm looking forward, as I hope slave Sam is, to my own reward, I think Mistress Hazel might show her kinder side to her new slave, and allow her some pleasure later in the evening".
When Layla finished speaking she noticed the others all smiling, even Sam, but before anyone else could speak Sam coughed, and everyone looked at her and she said,
"May a slave add something to her statement?".
As nobody tried to stop her Sam continued,
"Slave Layla is right, as well as being a little worried about pleasing her I'm also quite excited at the prospect.
As I have admitted I've a little experience of bondage and Sub/Dom, but nothing like tonight I now realise that I'm a full on submissive and I need a strong Mistress to take my on and train me as a slave. I hope Mistress Hazel will be that Mistress, as although I have only just met her I feel a bond with her, and would be happy to serve her for the rest of my life. So I offer myself to you Mistress Hazel, will you accept me as your slave, to do with as you wish?".
For a moment Hazel looked a little shocked and taken aback, but she quickly recovered and relied,
"Slave Sam, your offer is very generous one, but one I can't accept",
Before Hazel could continue Sam's face crumpled and tears appeared at the corner of her eyes, Hazel quickly went to her slave and put an arm around her and continued speaking,
"Sam please don't cry, I can't accept your offer, yet, but I will accept you as a slave to train, and if as we get to know each other better, you still feel the same and want to sign on as a slave for life then I will reconsider your offer. I can see that our three hosts all approve of my decision, and I hope you understand it as well.
You certainly do seem to be a very submissive person, and I have definite feelings toward you, but I think we should take things slowly at first, to ensure we are both happy, and enjoy each other as we seem to have done tonight.
Incidentally, slave Layla was right, I do intend to see you get quite a lot of pleasure later tonight, if you are willing to come back to my home when we leave here".
Sam was still crying, but she wore a big grin, showing they were tears of happiness, and as she snuggled into Hazel she said,
"Oh Mistress you have made me so happy. Of course I will come home with you tonight, as your slave, what else could I do. Yes I do understand your decision to take things slowly, I was being a little pushy wanting to commit to you for life.
But I do still think I'll be very happy as your slave, so I hope you will eventually accept me as your slave for life".
Paula then gave a little cough, and said,
"I think I can add our, that is Janine, Layla and myself, thanks to both of you for your delightful company this evening. Now as it is getting a little late, I think it might be time for Sam to pay her forfeit to Layla and then our guests can leave, to enjoy what ever pleasures, Hazel has planned for the rest of the night.
Slave Layla will you come over and lie on the couch, and then Sam can have easy access to you, once I remove your belt that is".
Layla got to her feet and stood by the couch while Paula unlocked the chastity belt and removed the two probes, she then handed Layla some tissues and ordered her to clean herself. While Layla was doing so she said,
"Mistress Hazel, Mistress Janine and slave Sam, thank you in advance for my reward, but I would like to share it with Sam. She was under a great disadvantage, tonight as, owing to my greater experience. So with the permission of all present, I would like to propose, Sam and I pleasure each other, in the classic '69 position'. Would you all be happy with such an arrangement?".
The three Mistresses all looked at each other and each gave a slight nod, and Hazel turned to Sam, who was turning a very right red, and said,
"Well slave you have to pleasure Layla, do you want her to please you in a similar way, looking at you bright red face, I can't decide if your embarrassed by the idea itself, or by the though of being excited by the prospect".
Sam, was turning even brighter red, but managed to swallow and said,
" Mistresses, and slave Layla, Mistress Hazel is right I am excited at the idea of 'doing a 69' with Layla. I would be honoured to pay my debit to Layla by pleasing her, and even more honoured to receive the same pleasure from her. So with my Mistress's permission I willingly accept Layla's offer".
Janine broke the short silence, after Sam's speech, by saying,
"Well I think that settles it, our two slaves will perform a classic '69', as Layla called it, for the edification of their three Mistresses, as wells themselves.
Hazel, Paula shall we spread ourselves around the chairs and leave the couch to our two performers, and when we are all comfortable they can begin".
The threeMistresses each took a chair and after a little rearranging settled down to watch the entertainment, Layla sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her and looked at Sam. Sam quickly took the hint and joined Layla on the couch, Layla then began playing with Sam's breasts, gently stroking them and rolling the nipples. Sam responded with a series of low moans and when Layla took Sam's hands and placed them on her own breasts, Sam quickly started gently massaging Layla's breasts in return.
Soon both slaves were moaning, and when Sam moved her hand from Layla's breast to her crotch and began rubbing Layla's pussy gently Layla nearly exploded, but she managed to save herself and moved Sam's hand away. She then moved around so the two girls were in the 69 position, with Sam under Layla, Sam then wrapped her arms around Layla's waist and pulled her crotch down to Sam's mouth, at the same time Layla lowered her head to Sam's pussy, and both girls began to lick and probe the others pussy.
The moans increased in volume and intensity, and very soon both girls were writhing in the throws of their own orgasms. Suddenly Sam's body went rigid and she let out a, slightly muffled, scream as she came, seconds later Layla convulsed as she too hit her own orgasm, both girls collapsed into a tangled heap as they slowly comedown from their climaxes. Layla recovered lightly faster than Sam and gently rolled off her fellow slave and sat up on the end of the couch, Sam took a little longer to fully recover but eventually she too sat up.
Both slaves smiled shyly at each other and Layla started to speak, but was quickly silenced by Janine shouting,
"STOP. Neither of you say a word. It is very obvious to your Mistresses that you both enjoyed that 'experiment' immensely, and I can say, I think without any chance of being contradicted, that your audience enjoyed watching you both going at it almost as much.
Sam you claim to be a 'novice' at these sort of games, but your performance with Layla says otherwise, and I think Hazel might be in for a few very nice surprises, and she might just be regretting her decision to delay the two of you becoming permanent Mistress and slave.
Sadly it is getting quite late and I think it is time to call an end to the evening's activities. So if you all agree, we can have a last drink, or coffee if you prefere. Then Sam can get herself dressed and she and Hazel can go back to Hazel's home, and continue their newfound friendship. Anybody object, or have another suggestion?".
Hazel quickly said,
"I think my slave and I will stick to coffee, I'm driving, and if my slave and I are going to continue our 'new found relationship' back at my home I'd prefere it if my slave was sober, at least enough to obey my orders. Also, I don't think Sam should get dressed, in fact, with our hosts permission, I'd like to borrow some restraints, a couple of pairs of handcuffs, a gag, a pair of leg irons and that little bullet vib, would be ideal. That way my new slave can get used to being restrained, and also on display in public, I will make one concession to her modesty I have a raincoat down in my car, she can wear it to hide her nudity, I'll go down to the parking area and get it".
As Hazel stood up Paula said,
"Hold on a minute Hazel, we can send slave Layla down to fetch the coat, after all what are slaves for, if not to save their Mistresses time".
While the conversation had been going on, Janine had gone to fetch a pot of coffee and fresh cups. When she returned the five friends sat, the Mistresses on chairs and the slaves on the floor, and drank the coffee, when Layla put her cup down Paula said,
"Right Hazel, if you give slave Layla your car keys and tell her were to find the coat she can go and fetch it while you get slaveSam ready for the trip to your home".
Hazel rummaged in her purse and tossed a set of keys to Layla, and said,
"My car is a red sports car, if you press the remote on the fob it will beep at you. The coat is in the boot, you can't miss it".
Layla trotted off to the lift and went down to the parking area, while she was away Janine fetched the cuffs Hazel had asked to borrow, she offered Hazel two pairs of handcuffs with a short chain between the cuffs and a pair of leg irons with a two foot chain. Hazel nodded her approval and said she would use the ring gag, and the two pairs of knickers, that Sam had worn earlier, for the gag.
Sam was then ordered to go to the toilet and fix her make up when she was ready she was to return to the Mistresses wearing nothing but her shoes, and carrying the rest of her clothes. Sam ran off to the bathroom and just as she arrived back in the living room the lift chimed and Layla stepped out, carrying a bulky coat. As she walked toward the others Layla unfurled the coat to reveal a full length heavy weight latex raincoat. The coat was a gleaming black and as Layla held the coat open they could all see it was also lined with latex, this time a bright flame red.
Sam was ordered to turn around and Hazel cuffed her wrists behind her back, she used the second pair of handcuffs to fasten Sam's elbows and then slipped the leg irons around Sam's ankles. Hazel then held the still damp wad of knickers, Sam had worn earlier, up to Sam's mouth and as she opened her mouth the knickers were pushed in and Hazel then pushed the ring gag behind Sam's teeth, and fastened the straps.
Satisfied with the bondage, Hazel took the coat from Layla and draped it over Sam's shoulders, as the cool latex touched her skin Sam gave a shiver, but it was rather obvious, to all present, that Sam was enjoying the experience. Hazel fastened the buttons on the coat, and as the buttons came together the top of the coat became a very tight fit, but the buttons only reached to the waste of the coat and the coat skirt was open, but very full.
Hazel then tucked the empty sleeves of the coat into the pockets and Sam was then ordered to walk around,to get used to moving in her restraints and in the heavy coat. As she moved around the room the latex lining rubbed against Sam's breasts and caused her to become slightly aroused. When she started to push her chest out, to increase the stimulation, Hazel called to her to stop and return to the others and kneel. Sam quickly obeyed and as she knelt it was very obvious from her slight panting that she was very excited by her position and enjoying it immensely.
Satisfied with her slaves position, Hazel said it was time for them to leave, she went over to Janine and Paula and said her good-byes, thanking them again for their hospitality, and giving each a long kiss and a hug. She ordered Sam other feet and as the two girls moved toward the lift Janine called out to wait a moment then she said,
"Kayla you can start tidying our toys and things away, and while you are doing that Paula and I will godown to the car park with Hazel and see her, and her slave safely on their way".
Layla quickly started picking up the lengths of rope and expertly coiled them, Paula and Janine walked over to the lift and opened the doors, Hazel and Sam walked into the lift and their two hosts followed them. When the lift reached the parking area the four occupants walked out and Hazel indicated were her caress parked. She used the key fob to unlock the doors and guided Sam to the passenger side and ushered her into the car, with Sam seated Hazel reached across her and pulled the seatbelt across her chest and waste. She adjusted the belt so it was resting between Sam's breasts and would provide a little stimulation to the bound girl. Hazel then slid her hand under the coat and slid the vibrator into Sam's pussy, she turned the vib on and adjusted the seatbelt so it rested across Sam's waste, and would hold the vib in place.
By the time Hazel had walked around to the drivers door and climbed in Sam was moaning and panting, from the effects of her position. Janine and Paula both lent into the passenger side of the car and each gave Sam a long kiss and wished her good luck for her future, the car doors were closed and Hazel drove away, waving to her two hosts. Paula and Janine returned to the penthouse, to find Layla had finished putting their toys away and had started waging the dishes. They called for hero join them, and when she did, Paula said,
"I think we can say our game is over for tonight, so no more slave and Mistress, we will all help with the washing up and any other bits if jobs that need doing.
I also think this evening was a very resounding success. We seem to have introduced a Mistress to a very eager 'new' slave, do you two think, Hazel and Sam will be a permanent couple?".
Janine nodded her agreement, and Layla said,
"I'm sure of it. You two didn't get to experience Sam's talents, but for someone who claims to be a novice I can tell you she is a natural, Hazel will be a very lucky Mistress to have such a charming, and willing slave, and Sam will be lucky to have a caring Mistress".
The other two nodded their agreement and then all three tidied up and retired for the night.