Chapter 1
The faint sounds of a familiar song echoed all around me. The world was dark and out of focus as I rolled away from the noisy pest. Soon enough the tune became more and more difficult to ignore, snapping me out of my daze. 'Alright, alright just stop you...' I stretched over to what now seemed to be a screeching torrent of noise and LEDs. 'When did he change it to this crap?' The noise finally stopped and I was plunged back into darkness.
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I rolled off to the side of the bed and looked towards my window. The street lights were already on and the road below was filled with impatient taxi drivers waiting to pick up students for another busy Friday night.
'So late already?' I dragged my hand down my now furrowed brow. 'What the hell is wrong with you?' Questioning myself aloud, as if expecting an apology for falling asleep in the middle of the day. Lazily I jabbed the wall next to the bed to find the light switch, then instantly regretting it as the resultant flash proceeded to blind me for a few moments.
Groggy, I turned back to my bed and reached for my now silent phone and tapped on its screen. Eighteen messages from Nicola. What a surprise. And as usual all but the first were emoticon faces:
Lily were r you hun! You sed you were comin out with me xXxX
Im missin you Lil B XD
'Sorry, not tonight Nicky. I have a promise to keep.' I sighed to myself as I put together a text to put me out of any of little miss paranoia's plans for the evening. Tossing the phone back on the bed I turned back to the gathering masses of pre-drunk students. Glancing back across the room I stared aimlessly at the full length mirror on the dorm room's wall.
My hair was showing the signs of my impromptu 4 hour nap, but wouldn't take much to tame as I've always kept it shorter than most, just shy of touching my shoulder. The t-shirt I spent way too much on at a music gig from the first week at university and my oldest pair of jeans were faring much better. I'd never been that into the "girly" side of fashion. I knew what I felt comfortable in and didn't see the point of following everyone else into the city in 6 inch heels or low cut tops every other night. I wasn't a total tomboy, but I could probably count the number of dresses and high heels I've bought in my life on one hand.
Besides, plenty of guys appreciate my petite frame and unique style. At least that's what I thought to myself whenever I'd think about my choice in attire. Though one of the guys I've met since coming to university has some really unique tastes themselves.
'Speaking of which...' thinking aloud again, an unfortunate habit I've picked up since moving out of my "cozy", shared room at home to my more private room on campus. I glanced over at the clock on the wall of the bathroom. 'Five past seven' I whispered to myself as I fumbled through my draws for a hairbrush and began carelessly taming my unruly hair. Maybe he was just messing with me. We were pretty drunk, and it may have gotten into too much information territory when he started coming up with his plan. He wasn't serious about that though...Right?
A knock on the door snapped me out of my daydream and sent my heart racing. I was frozen mid brush, staring at my reflection in the mirror. After what felt like an eternity looking at the human equivalent of a deer in headlights a voice called out from the outside of the room.
'Lily? You in there? Are you sleeping?'
Snapping out of my stupor I rushed over, almost catapulting myself across the room, towards the door. The familiar voice didn't stop me from peeking through the spy hole, a habit I forced myself into after a close call with involving the cleaner and a smaller than average towel. Outside stood what some might call an arty looking young man (though I prefer calling him hipster), with one rucksack on his back and another clutched under his arm.
Throwing the door open, before realising how it looked without me uttering a word, I feigned a look of indifference and greeted my guest. 'Oh Aaron, what's up?' deliberately tracing my eyes down towards the rucksack under his arm. 'What's with the bags? Coming from the studio?'
'Well Miss Bianchi,' Aaron's face drew into a unmistakable smirk as he eased the rucksack off his shoulder. 'I think you're going to like them. Gonna let me in or do you want to see them here?'
'No!' may expression, as forced as it may have been, quickly turned to one of fear. 'Come inside first. Geez, are you trying to make me die of embarrassment?' snatching at Aaron as he made a grab for the zip on the smaller of the bags.
'I spent quite some time out of hours in the studio to put these together for you.' slipping past my attempt to catch him, Aaron made his way into my room.
I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks following Aaron's teasing, leaving me flustered as I span round to lock the door behind me. 'Then the least you can do is let me see them before you go flaunting to everyone wandering around the dorms.' My brow furrowed as I turned from genuine annoyance this time.
'Don't think I've ever put this much effort in for a girl before.' Aaron flopped back on the bed staring up at the ceiling. The rucksacks he carried sat cradled between his legs that hung from the side of the mattress.
'Yeah? How much time did you waste on me then?' My gaze fixed on Aaron in an attempt to hide my obvious anticipation of his gift.
'More than you'd like, less than you hoped.' He quipped as he lifted up the smaller of the bags with one foot and flung it towards me.
'Oh haha.' I snapped back while clumsy clutching at the bag he had thrown my way.
'What part of out of hours did you miss? That takes real effort. I barely work in class.' Aaron swung himself into a sitting position. 'Now stop stalling, I can see it written all over you. And I'm looking forward to seeing it to. Go put it on.' Aaron's smile seemed to grow wider as he said each word.
'Don't tell me what to do...' I halfheartedly protested to his pressuring approach, which was met with little more than a sigh from my guest.
'It's not exactly the same as the one I showed you, but I took some artistic license. Now get to it. I don't have all night!' Aaron hopped up and ushered me towards the bathroom.
'Alright. Okay! I'm going!' Even as I accepted my fate, Aaron had grabbed my shoulders and spun me towards the half open bathroom door.
I slipped through the opening, and before I had time to attempt a more authoritative reply to his insistence, Aaron had closed the door behind me. For whatever reason I stood like a lost lamb waiting for some direction as I stared towards the door.
'Come on Lily Bee.' Aaron called out knowingly that I would react to that name. 'I can't hear any undressing going on in there. Strip.'
'Don't call me that!' I whined through the door with a rather indignant stamp of my feet as if I had become a nine year old.
'Will you just get changed and stop making excuses. If you don't I'll come in there and do it myself.' He replied with a stern tone as if reprimanding a naughty child.
'Yea...yeah well it...you were the one who started it.' I stumbled over my words as the threat sent a tingle down my spine and a hot rush across my face. 'Just, give me a few minutes. And stop being mean!'
I heard a short laugh and Aaron's footsteps pacing away from the door. 'I'll be right out here if you need me.'
Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I placed the bag down into the sink and started to remove my jeans. Working the well-worn denim down my legs, I quickly pushed them to one side of the room with my foot and soon my top joined its discarded comrade in a ball by the door.
Reaching down to my now exposed panties I placed my hand firmly between my legs. My mind had latched onto a fantasy of being undressed by force. Soon my fingers were tracing up and down my pussy, going over the role I would play in the scenario.
Again taking a deep breath to focus, slowly I slipped my fingers to from between my legs to my hips and slid off my underwear. The panties, which had just enough of my wetness left from my arousal, came down my legs quickly and were bundled into the slowly growing pile of my discarded clothing.
Finally, I reached back and unhooked my bra, slipping one arm out of the strap out and across my breasts as the garment slid down the opposite arm to the floor in front of me.
The urge to release my arousal was hard to ignore, my hand again tracing my moistened lips and my legs twitching with anticipation. I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts. Delving into the bag Aaron had given me my hands caught hold of a slick, soft material. Curious, I slowly lifted the item up in front of me.
As I turned over the rubbery garment in my hands it reminded me of a one piece swimsuit, but with a zip running about half way down the back from the very high neckline. The arms had some sort of detailing at the cuffs, like a wavy trim or frill, but made from the same material as the rest of the outfit.
This same flourish sat above the leg openings but joined together low across the front and back with what looked like a pocket of some sort over the crotch. The whole piece had a high glossy finish that seemed to dance at the slightest movement. Inside the material was even more slick and slippery, like it had been covered in lubricant.
'Not the same is right,' I murmured quizzically. 'At least tell which way it should go on.' The urge began building again. Deep breathing wasn't helping anymore and in seconds of handling the rubber outfit my hand slipped down between my legs, this time pressing just a little inside of my now exposed mound. A moan of pleasure escaped me, as I pushed deep inside myself, daydreaming of all the images I had been looking at since the drunken evening spent with Aaron looking at his favorite fetish sites.
The moment was cut short, once again, by an abrupt knocking on the door behind me.
'Lily, you okay? Are you having trouble with it?' Aaron's voice passed through the light door with no issues, just as mine must have when I was playing with myself. 'It should slip right on. There's more than enough dressing aid on there.'
'No! Nothing I'm...I...I'll be out in a minute it's just harder than I thought.' My words cracked and wavered as I tried to compose myself. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
I brought the opening of the suit down towards my feet and quickly stepped inside. Once both feet were through the openings I pulled the slick, black latex up my legs and up over my rear. The material squeaked and stretched over my curves, and with every movement of the rubber my heart would beat a little bit faster.
Passing my arm through the long sleeve of the suit, I could feel the slick lubricant covering my hand as it made its way through. With some effort, my hand emerged at the end and I could feel the snug cuff hidden under the black frills covering it. Working my other arm in the same manner I managed to flex the main body up over my breasts.
The smooth material caressed as it matched my curves, hugging every inch of my body. Putting on clothes was such a mundane thing I very really thought about, but this was the first time getting dressed actually excited me.
Finally I reached for the zip around my back, and pulled the suit tight together. Slowly, I teased the zip up with the whole outfit closing around my breasts and neck, high up at the back of my neck. With that one final movement I looked down at my now rubber clad body.
The surface danced and shimmered after each breath, which only excited me more. My not so enormous 32C cups seemed to fill out the latex more so than I would have expected, even as I groped at the squeaking material over my chest. Sliding down past my waist, my butt felt even more inviting for a squeeze, I thought with a self-satisfied grin.
Taking one last breath to calm my nerves, I took hold of the handle and opened the door to my waiting guest.
'So?' Stepping through the doorway I placed one hand on my hip and kept the other on the door frame, striking what was as close to a pose from one of the few images I remembered. 'How's it look?'
'Oooh look at the vision that has appeared before me!' Aaron theatrically threw himself off the bed. 'My perfect little model.'
Again heat rushed across my cheeks from Aaron's flattery. 'Come on...' I sulked, crossing my arms over my new attire. 'You said you wouldn't tease me anymore.'
'No I'm serious.' His hands clasped my shoulders firmly. 'Why would I lie about it? I'm giving you a serious fetish experience and getting nothing in return.' Aaron's arms slid down the soft rubber, taking my hands into his and lifting them up towards him. 'The least you can do is let me admire my work.'
'Your work?'
'Okay, our work.' Aaron stifled a smile. 'Like seventy thirty to me.'
'Shuddup you idiot.' Playfully I pushed him back with a snicker. 'Or that giant head of your's will get even bigger.'
'Don't you worry about me sweetie.' Aaron led us over to the bed, spun me around and ushered me on to the mattress. 'It's yourself you should be worrying about.'
'Oh is that so?' Pushing myself further back on the bed till my back was against the wall, a smirk creeping across my lips. 'What would I have to worry about?'
Sitting back I watched as Aaron picked up the second bag and proceed to empty its contents on the floor. Out fell a bundle of what looked like leather belts, along with a large red ball between a pair of straps attached to either side. This I recognized instantly.
Biting my lip in anticipation I slid back to the edge off the bed. 'Well looks like you've come prepared. So I guess you plan on tying me up with all that then?' Indignantly crossing my arms. 'Well don't think I'm gonna just stand there at let you have your kinky little way with me.'
As I raised myself from the mattress, I noticed Aaron spring towards me. Without time to react he had pushed me face down on to the bed in one quick movement. Within seconds my hands had been pulled together behind my back and lashed together with one of the belts.
The urge to struggle back against my captor filled me as I began to push back against Aaron. As soon as I moved I felt his arm wrap around me followed by my arms constricting as he looped another, longer, belt around my arms just below my breast forcing me to catch my breath. I felt the belt tighten, letting out a satisfying combination of leather and latex sounds as it did.
Aaron stepped away from me for a moment allowing me time to roll over to my back, which took some effort in my helpless state. Pulling at my bonds with all my might was fruitless; my arms were pinned behind my back with no means to escape. The reality of the situation quickly dawned on me and my heart began to race. I was seriously turned on, but could do little about it. This only drove my arousal higher as I strained against the unyielding belts now holding me prisoner.
Peering over at my assailant, Aaron had begun separating the remaining belts and items from the bundle. 'I this really the way you treat a girl?' I probed between quickened breaths. 'A little rough don't you think?'
Sauntering over, with the now ordered bindings in hand, Aaron drew his face directly in front of mine. 'Well my pretty little prisoner,' A devilish grin grew across his face as he placed the remaining contents of the bag beside me. 'I could have played nicely you know. But you had to make a scene of it. And besides,' Aaron's hand grasped under my chin, forcing my head straight up directly into eye contact with him. 'You sound like the kind of girl who wants me to have my kinky little way with you.'
The sudden feeling of helplessness and Aaron's dominant performance overcame me, and a soft gasp of pleasure escaped my lips. I could feel my whole body growing anxious and tight with each passing moment that he held me there, completely under his control. The belts holding my wrists tightly together creaked as I steadied myself in his grasp.
'Now you know what this is,' Aaron dangled the rubbery, red ball to the side of my face. 'And you know what is coming next right?'
With my head held firmly in his hand, all I could do was turn my eyes to the ball gag that was now hanging, tauntingly almost, close to my restrained frame. Regardless, I let out a disapproving grunt and darted my eyes away to keep up the act. 'Would it help if I said no?'
'I'm afraid not.' Aaron gave a feigned sigh. 'You don't get a say in this anymore.' Letting go of my jaw, Aaron drop down beside me on the bed. Instinctively I turned myself away, but made no moves to escape my fate.
The bed shifted as Aaron moved towards me, bringing his arms over my head. I gazed up as the gag came into my vision, and traced its movement till it came to rest an inch or so from my lips. My breathing had shorted and my heart was racing again as the seconds passed in silence.
'Come on now Lily.' Aaron pressed the rubber ball against my lips, and his tone became more serious. 'You don't want me to force you.'
Giving in, I slowly opened my lips to the intruder. Aaron continued to plug the gag further into my mouth, till my head jerked back and the rubber ball found purchase between my teeth.
'Uhgmmmf!' A grunt was all I could manage with the ball that filled my mouth.
'There, see?' Aaron said with a condescending tone. 'Easy if you behave.' The straps tightened around my cheeks and I could feel as Aaron pressing on the back of my neck. A few seconds later, Aaron stood up from the bed and stepped in front of me.
'Mmnggh!' Pushing against the ball between my lips, there was no movement at all as it held tight rendering my words a garbled mess. Aaron looked on with a smile of self-satisfaction plastered on his face.
'I hope you're having fun. I know I am.'
'Hrrmmm! Grrh.' I threw myself back on the mattress, fighting hard against my bonds. The frustration fed my growing arousal, but I had no way to deal with it other than helplessly thrashing from side to side.
'Don't get yourself all tired out already.' With these words, I felt my legs pulled together and held in place. Lifting my head as much as I could, I watched as a belt was being strapped just under my knees. Another had already been tightened around my ankles. 'One more to go.' Aaron let out a breathlessly.
'Agghhn! Ghfp!' My plea muffled by the gag, I tried to kick at Aaron out of irritation at his smug face more than anything else. I found my legs were just as useless as my arms, my attack little more than a thrust of my hips and squeaking latex as Aaron applied the final belt around my thighs.
Aaron stepped back out of my sight as I began to toss and turn in my bonds. The unyielding belts held me as I bucked and rolled on the bed, grunts of frustration from my gagged mouth drove me into a frenzy of pushing and pulling, twisting and turning all with no results. Well, other than sweating from every pore on my body, especially inside the rubber and between my legs. No matter what I did, my predicament was the same.
My writing came to a stop and I lay on my front, feet in the air and gasping for breath around the gag. I could feel trickles of spit tracing down my chin, a feeling that I never understood being sexy until that moment. I began to gyrate my hips, trying to find some traction on the mattress to quell the desire in my pussy.
Suddenly, Aaron's hands grabbed my restrained form and flipped me over on to my back. Holding me down he looked to be admiring his work, tracing his eyes along my body. His grin seemed to have widened even more, with the mischievous look he gets in his eye when he gets his way.
'Well, you already look like you're having fun,' Aaron's hand left my shoulder and slipped behind him in a single, smooth motion. 'So I think it's time for me to leave you my little captive, but not before I give you one last gift.'
From behind Aaron came a suspicious looking object, a pink device just a few inches long with a slight curve. It had an unusual looking surface, textured but not overtly so. Attached with a thin wire was a little rectangular box, its edges rounded off and seemingly covered in the same pinkish material.
'Well if I'm being honest it's a gift from Cynthia. She thought that you'd enjoy this little guy while you were like this.' Aaron's hand lay on my crotch, sending a momentary shock through me as I recoiled from his touch. 'She even had me add the pouch up front to keep it all in place.'
Lifting my head as much as my restraints would allow I watched Aaron pull back the rubber covering my crotch exposing my mound to the cool air in the room. Taking the small device in his free hand, he pressed it against my moist lips and slowly edged inside. The excitement that had built inside me began to stir again, as my moans of pleasure stifled by the rubber ball between my teeth. I felt the intruder creep along inside, each movement causing my breathing to become more labored and forced.
'Hold on there sweetie. Don't want you going over the edge with a little penetration now.' The panel of rubber snapped back into place, holding the toy inside me, as he pulled his hands out from beneath it. 'Haven't got to the fun part yet either.'
Catching what respite I could I turned my head to see that the cable trailed from under the frills at my waist and into the box in Aaron's hand. Pressing an indent on the box a little light appeared on top. In that instant I had an uncontrollable urge to scream, as a pulse of what I thought must be pure bliss inside my pussy rocked me for just a second. Catching Aaron's gaze, I could see he enjoyed every second of my torment.
'I'm guessing you felt that? It's quite powerful despite its size.' Kneeling at the side of the bed, He shuffled towards my face, holding the box in my eye line. 'But that's not the best part.' Like a jubilant child at Christmas, Aaron's excitement gushed from each word. Pressing the indent a couple more times, he turned the box to my face again and then waited.
A few moments passed, and I couldn't shake the feeling that the next move I made I'd regret. The anticipation on Aaron's face was obvious. I figured he wanted me to 'speak' so I, begrudgingly, obliged.
'Gghaff...Hggnmmm!' As the unintelligible grunt passed my pursed lips, the vibrations kicked in growing inside me. Breathlessly I moaned and protested, as the device seemed to have a mind of its own ebbing and growing more violent seemingly at random.
'See. Told you.' Aaron gloated, noticeably quieter than he had been up to this point.
He stood, taking the device from my face, and moved back towards the end of the bed. Though my head was still rolling in the pleasure of the vibrations, I could feel them start to subside. As I felt Aaron's hand on me again, I arched myself to see the box was now nestled in between my legs and the belts just above my knees.
In a soft, almost whispering, tone Aaron spoke again. 'In case you didn't catch it, this little baby gets stronger with the more noise you make.' Even as hushed as he was, the vibrations still pulsed through me but at a much lower intensity. 'Cynthia thought it was a great way to keep you entertained. She's pretty bummed she didn't get to see you like this herself.'
Carefully, Aaron collected the bags he had brought with him and stored them in the bathroom. The clattering of the door as it closed sent a sharp pulse through me that caught me unaware, a moan escaping my mouth leading to another round of torment from the toy as I tried to calm myself down.
Off to the side I saw Aaron stifle a laugh as I concentrated on slowing my breathing and keeping the noise I made down. I also noticed he was holding my phone.
'This is where I love and leave you Lily Bee. But don't you worry; I'll keep in touch tonight. Cynthia and I will be sending plenty of messages to keep you occupied.'
Aaron turned and headed towards the door, placing the phone on a shelf above my desk a few feet from my bed. 'Wouldn't want you having any clever ideas like turning it off now do we.'
I had to fight the urge to yell at him, knowing too well that was exactly what he wanted. I lay, motionless, a leather and latex prisoner in my own room afraid to make a sound less I have my sex rocked by a vibrating devil stuck inside me. The thought was both infuriating and at the same time so very exhilarating.
Aaron made his way back over to the bed and crouched down in front of me, placing his hand on my shoulder. 'I'll be back later tonight at some point. I won't tell you when, or else it will spoil the fun.' His tone was playful, yet tender as he seemed intent on making me feel safe. 'You okay to do this? You want to continue?'
I took a moment looking into his eyes, pondering the ridiculousness of the situation for what it was. Seeing the real concern in his face, and after some more seconds passed, I nodded a sign of approval and his face warmed back into the mischievous little boy again.
'That's good. Well then,' As he stood, his hand moved from my shoulder and onto my breast. 'Good luck sweetie.' With that Aaron grabbed my breast, squeezing down hard. I let out a squeal and hopped up in my prone, bound state. The device jumped back into a frenzy of vibrations, sending waves of pleasure through me. With what little control I had left I gazed towards the door watching as Aaron backed away from the bed, that big stupid grin on his face, till he was out of site around the wall. A few seconds later, as I was just getting back in control, the door slammed and the shock from my pussy was unreal.
Without Aaron watching over me, my inhibitions were released and I flipped over to my front. I began gyrating and moaning into the gag. The vibrations inside me began to multiply and I could feel the toy get stronger as my throes of pleasure intensified. I quickly became lost in moment, time seeming to stop as I edged closer and closer to climax. Suddenly a loud ringing made my heart jump, but I had no time to think about what it was, my little intruder cranked up a couple of gears. I could feel the muscle in my pelvis all move as one as I hit the top of my ride and began bucking my hips in time with the waves of pleasure.
As quickly as it started, the feeling began to subside. I could still feel the little device inside buzzing away, but it had become little more than background noise as I gasped for breath around the gag. I rolled over to my side to better catch my breath, feeling the hair stuck to my face from the sweat dripping from me.
Silence finally fell over the room, my breathing controlled and my body kept perfectly still. I tilted my head ever so slightly to look down at myself once more. My chest slowly rising and falling with each breath, the latex shimmering in the light. I finally had time to think about what the hell I was doing, and the thought gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. Maybe this was going too far. It was too late now though.
Cutting through my chain of thought was a loud chime like a ringing bell. With it, came the pulse between my legs. My body was still recovering from the last round of vibrations, so this one hit me hard. My eyes began to water from the uncomfortable cramps in my pelvic muscles. Aaron you dick, the very first thought to cross my mind. Couldn't he give me a second to think?
Another bell tone and another pulse of pleasure emanated from between my legs. I winced in a combination of pain and bliss, trying to stretch out my body to overcome the cramps. Another. And another. Soon I was back to heavy breathing and pathetic gagged moaning as the device had me under its spell once more.
It didn't take long my mind to go back to the realm of fantasy. I imagined Aaron sending wave after wave to torment his helpless captive, breaking my will and forcing me into his willing slave. Cliché, I know, but it's what did it for me at the time. Garbled moans of pleasure and the squeaking of latex filled the room once more as I was brought back to climax by the devil between my legs, the image of the evil fantasy Aaron in my mind laughing at every shock of pleasure sent through me pushed me over the edge once more.
A few minutes passed before I had enough sense about me to realize I laid face down with my butt held high in the air following my last bout of ecstasy. I flopped over to my side and looked out into my room. As I surveyed my mundane surrounding in my rather unusual state I noticed something that should not have been there. I sat up as best as I could with my back against the backboard of the bed and focused in on the foreign object. I was sure of it. There on the desk was Aaron's phone. I stared into space for a moment before it dawned on me why it was so odd. If his phone was here, who has just been using me as their plaything?
Once more the tone rang out, the wave subdued somewhat by my positioning and the fact I had already been through the ringer twice at this point, and was feeling exhausted. Definitely not Aaron he wouldn't go out of his way to get another phone. After another tone, it dawned on me in a very sobering way that it wasn't my message tone that I had been hearing. I was the notification for an upload of a photo to a shared photo album. One that I shared with only one person in particular. My head rolled back as the realization it wasn't Aaron tormenting my pussy. It was Nicola.
Completely bound and gagged, in a rubber one piece outfit, having my pussy tormented (unknowingly of course) by my best friend sharing photos of her night out that I completely ducked out of. She was getting back at me ditching her without even knowing it. I slunk back onto my front, screaming through my gag into the pillow as the intruder took control once more, knowing I'd be trapped till Aaron decided I've had enough, or at least remembers he left his phone here. Even then he wouldn't have known what was happening with Nicky and the phone with the gag in my mouth.
Testing my bonds once more it was clear that there was no way I would be able to escape my restraints. I was completely and utterly helpless. My heart sank, as another round of notifications rang out, playing with me once more. My mind and most of my body had enough pleasure at that point, but the one part of me was in complete control right now.
All I could do was laugh at my situation. Well I could have if only Nicky and that bloody vibrator had given me a chance to...
Chapter 2(added: 2016/11/19)
Leaves flew swiftly as the wind whipped through the trees, the shades of orange and red filling the autumn air. Sunlight danced through the branches and the few leaves that remained, an unusually warm October afternoon.
With a determined stride, I made my way down the quiet suburban street. There were a few others making thing there way here and there, it was still early afternoon after all. The imposing houses that lined the way left me envious of those who could afford to live here. Which happened to include the person I was visiting today.
Taking a moment to double check the address Aaron had text me, I looked upon the dazzling white walls of the home he and Cynthia shared. It too was grand in stature, with meticulous detail spent on the path leading from the pavement. Each stone paver grew in size as they approached the door, till they met the large porch shaded by a beautiful ivy covered canopy.
This was my first time visiting their home, and honestly I had no idea what to expect. I knew that Aaron and Cynthia were pretty well off, the size of the house was evidence enough for that. Cynthia had been a well known fashion designer for years before meeting Aaron at a fashion shoot 3 years ago. They had a whirlwind romance soon after bonding over their shared passion for fashion, amongst other more intimate subjects that Aaron and I share a common interest in too.
As I approached the hefty looking front door, my heart began to race. I'd met Cynthia quite a few times now at the design studio on campus.Sometimes during class as a local expert in modern design, other times after class to meet Aaron for some extra curricular activities in the supply closet, which I have had the misfortune to discover more than once. This time though I was the guest, and it wasn't just a friendly visit. I was here with a purpose.
Pressing the button to the side of the door I could hear the faint chime from the other side of the door. A few moments passed before the door slowly opened. On the other side, in a deep red body con dress, stood Cynthia. Her champagne coloured hair draped across her right shoulder, and a warm smile emanated from her immaculately made up face.
"Lily my darling!" Stepping forward she pulled me into an embrace. "I was worried you wouldn't get her in time! So sorry to rush you on such short notice."
"No, it's fine Cyn I understand." She stood much taller than me, especially in the imposing heels she was wearing, making the hug feel a little like a doting mother with her child. "Your work has to come first after all, right?"
"Oh I wish it didn't have to be that way flower." Letting go of me Cynthia had a look of utter disappointment, her hazel eyes appearing to be tearing up as we spoke. "You don't know how much I was looking forward to this weekend. Please come in, I have a little bit of time before I have to go."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to miss your flight."
"It's fine!" Taking hold of my hand she lead me inside through the threshold, closing the door behind me. "I'll get us something to drink alright? You go have a seat in the lounge." Pointing through the doorway to her right Cynthia again lead me part way through the doorway with her hand before hurrying away down the hall.
The room had a warm feeling to it, the walls adorned with paintings and trinkets alike. Two large chocolate coloured leather sofas sat at an angle both facing each other, and a large marble fireplace at the far end of the room. Taking a place on the seating, I was again astonished at the size of these buildings. The windows seemed to go the whole length of the room, bathing the lilac walls and dark furniture in sunlight.
"Here we go petal." Gripping two large glasses in one hand, and a large bottle of red wine in the other, Cynthia seemed to glide into the room and take a seat next to me. "Now how about we have a few glasses of this gorgeous red and have a little chat before I go?"
It had been a while since I first met Cynthia and we had shared a drink or two before. We didn't exactly click at first, seemingly having very little in common from our conversations other than we both knew Aaron. Following Aaron and my little play time some months ago, however, our conversations had taken a slightly different tone.
Cynthia was in love with the world of BDSM. It's style, it's attitude. Everything about it had her on the edge of her seat, a child-like wonder in her eyes when discovering anything new in her dives into the fetish world. Aaron and her shared a passion for bondage and many other kinks, but one thing was missing.
As much as they both adored all the kinky toys and erotic clothing that came with the BDSM world, neither were a great fan of playing the submissive role. With all the will in the world Cynthia was not one to let someone else take control of the situation, be it sexual or otherwise. Aaron, likewise, was very much a dominant player in the bedroom. So until very recently, the didn't have anyone who was a willing participant in their fetish fueled fantasy. Of course, that's where I come in.
The conversation moved from topic to topic, some mundane others far more risqué. Suffice to say Cynthia was very interested in my tastes in a number of aspects of BDSM. I could see her face light up with every probing question, her mind devising all the ways in which she could put the knowledge to use. It didn't take very long before the topic moved onto the reason I had come visiting today.
"Well why don't I just let you take it with you now?" Cyn sprung forward in her seat. "It'll just be sitting here all weekend otherwise." I could see the spark of imagination in her eyes, it was obvious she was not willing to take no for an answer now.
After another sip from my glass, I took a moment to slowly trace my eyes across the room as if I had to contemplate her offer. "I guess that I could..." Posturing that I had some reservations about the suggestion. "It wouldn't be an issue taking it home with me, would it?"
"No no!" She lept to her feet and darted towards the stairs. "I've got it all ready to go. I can get it all in a dress bag for you. And the rest will fit in my other carry on..." At this point Cyn had climbed half the staircase before realising I hadn't moved. She turned, "Why are you still sitting there?"
"I haven't finished." Raising the wine glass to my lips I took the tiniest sip I could manage, all while trying to keep a straight face.
"Can you not see we are in motion?" Throwing her arms wide to emphasise the word. "No time for drinking. Up. Now." With that she turned and swiftly proceeded upstairs.
Placing down the glass, I quietly moved over to the bottom of the stairs. With one hand on the balustrade I lent forward, arching my neck to see up to the next floor, hearing the rustling of clothes and the clattering of closet doors. Not saying a word I waited on her reaction with a smirk.
"Lily? Liillly? Are you coming?" The expectancy in her tone came through each syllable.
"No." Sniggering at the petulant reply, I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself cracking up.
"Lily!" Cyn bawled like a spoilt child "Get your butt up here and see the pretty dress I made! It. Is. Literally the reason you are here. You're gonna make me late."
Giggling like a naughty school kid, I hurried up the stairs and into the brightly lit room Cyn was standing in. She had quite the stern look on her face, although her body language completely gave away her exaggerated annoyance.
"Do you always act like this?" Cyn inquired, shaking her head ever so slightly.
Putting on a theatrical sigh shaking her head, "You are so much like Aaron it's scary." Turning towards a pile of materials, that appeared to have avalanched from the closet they sat in front of, Cyn began rummaging through all kinds of bolts and weaves in search of something. "Gimme a sec. I left my bag in here like....I wanna say a year ago. Just sit for a minute."
Looking round, I was obviously in Aaron and Cynthia's studio. An abundance of materials, cloth and other more interesting synthetics on large rolls adorned two of the walls. Storage closets, like the one Cyn was diving head first into, covered a third wall right up to the door I entered. The final 'wall' was simply a floor to ceiling window, with mighty impressive blinds along their length. All kinds of sewing and dressmaking equipment were arranged along a bench in front of the windows looking out onto the city. A pair of unfinished outfits sat on a pair of dressmaker mannequins, with another three 'naked' in the corner beside the enormous windows.
"It so big," the wonder in my voice lifted the words an octave than I would normally go. "There's so much going on in here."
Cynthia turned herself from the mountain of materials she had been excavating. "Too much. I've told Aaron we need to extend it into our bedroom."
"But...where would you sleep?"
She looked back at me, perplexed, before quipping "In the studio," As I raised my eyebrows in bemusement she continued, "He can keep the bed if it makes him feel better." Cyn rose from the mess with a relatively small carry on case. "Here. It'll be enough for the shoes and accessories."
"Accessories? Wait, shoes? It thought it was a dress?" Interrogating her as she passed by.
"Just a dress?" Cyn span towards me with a melodramatic flair only she would think appropriate for the role of the wronged artist.
"I didn't even actually say that." I responded dryly.
"Just. A. Dress." Repeating her protest and misquoting me again she clutched the bag to her chest and looked away. "You wound me with such aspersion of my craft!"
"You see. That's annoying. Way worse than what I did."
Cynthia broke out into wild laughter, moving on towards a large desk in the centre of the room. Following the cackling fool, I looked down at the table surface. Strewn across it were sketches, photos and composite images of a vast array of their designs. Most notably a theme of maids, both real and fictional, seemed to be the focus of the majority of them.
Wiping tears from her own self induced hesterity Cyn motioned towards the designs. "It's not always like this, I'm usually a lot more spread out on my inspiration." Leaving the bag on the desk she motioned me to follow her to a covered mannequin on the far side of the studio. "Pretty focused on this one. It's a bit of a....fixation of mine." she chuckled at her own choice of words. "I guess that's what I like to call a fetish within a fetish."
We stood in front of the hidden garment, the red silken shroud lightly billowing from the slight breeze flowing through the door. My anticipation had begun to build from the pomp and circumstance of the reveal.
"Just so you know the sheet isn't to do some big awesome reveal." Cynthia admitted with a hint of guilt in her voice. "It's to stop the sun from damaging the rubber."
"Oh. Yeah, no, of course I didn't..." My heart fluttered at the admission. Was I so easy to read?
"Wow don't sound so disappointed." some...... "I wasn't trying to deflate you flower. This will cheer you up!' With one smooth motion she flipped back the sheet and revealed the mannequin below.
Underneath lay Cyn's handiwork, a fabulously flamboyant and frilled maid dress in the most shocking pink I had ever seen. The soft light from the windows glistened off the polished rubber emphasising the exaggerated puffed sleeves and flared skirt, which from the look of it would barely be long enough to cover my behind. Pure white layers of silk billowed just below the dress keeping the skirt in its position.
Over this, a white apron with perfectly ruffled edges made of a stiffer heavier latex adorned the front of the dress, arching over the sleeves and around the waist. Around the back the apron met in an oversized bow that was far too large to actually be part of the apron. With this, I noticed a number of other smaller bows on the trims of the dress. It was definitely not done in a subtle way, but I imagine that Cynthia had no intention of making it subtle.
"Wow." The first word to come to my lips hardly conveyed my thoughts, but would have to do. "It's really.."
"Pink?" Cynthia cut in to finish my thought.
"Well, yeah but I wasn't gonna say that." Flustered I swallowed down before continuing on. "My first thought is it's very...girly?"
"Sweetie it's a dress." Placing her hand on the front of the dress, Cyn began to unzip the back of the outfit.
"No I mean it's super frilly and bows and.."
"It's everything you want in a dress but can't admit because you're such a clichéd tomboy." Lifting the dress off the mannequin, she looked at me with a smug smile.
"Hey! Come on, that's mean." Her words cut me a little deeper than I had expected. It wasn't that what she said was true, but it had a few tinges of truth spread about it.
"Oh I am sorry. Maybe you don't want to take this then?"
"N...I mean." Answered that way to quickly, gave away the game without as much as a fight.
Cynthia stifled another titter of laughter, "I know flower, don't worry. I wouldn't do that to you my beauty." Making her way over to the table, she placed her hand against my cheek. "I just want you to be pretty for me. And besides, you wrapped up with a cute little bow sounds like a wonderful idea."
My heart fluttered at Cynthia's caress as she moved on. There was something different about Cyn's way of playing the dominant game. Aaron definitely had his work cut out for him. I was already at her mercy and she wasn't even serious yet.
Snapping out my daze, I turned to see Cyn placing the dress in a bag in one effortless motion. Next to her were a collection of pink and white garments that must have been the accessories she was talking about. Stepping over to table I shifted through the items.
Long white gloves, pink panties and bra with white trims and bows and two long latex stockings made up the majority of the bundle. One piece, surprisingly in the same pink/white combo caught my attention as it seemed to be just one strip of latex. I picked up the piece of rubber to take a closer look.
"That's the headpiece sweetie, goes I. Your hair like this," Without a second of hesitation, Cynthia took the item from my hand and stepped behind me. I felt her hands place the piece on my head, and with clips at either end fixed it to my hair. "Easy see?"
As Cynthia turned me towards the mirrored wall, I saw the headpiece now attached to my head. To be honest, it looked a little silly with my jeans and tank top. But, it sure had me thinking about how kinky I'd look dressed in the rest of it. My cheeks were burning red, and a dumb little smile was plastered on my face. I was so easy to mess with, and Cyn knew just how to play me.
Turning back to Cynthia I watched her place the last of the accessories in the floral bag on the table top. In her hands were a pair of 5 inch heels in the same colour as the dress.
"Hope you don't expect me to be wearing those implements of torture." I scoffed, reaching up to return the headpiece for packing.
"Ah ah ahh!" Snapping at me Cyn waved the shoes from side to side in lieu of her finger to stop me in my tracks. "Don't you dare take that off."
"What?" I let my hands fall to shoulder height. "You want me to keep it on?"
"Thats right." Placing the shoes carefully into the bag, Cyn quickly zipped the bag closed. "As your punishment for insulting my dress."
"Oh come on I'm not wearing this thing home. Are you crazy?" What was she thinking? She knew I couldn't wear that thing on the bus home. If I met anyone I knew I would have died of embarrassment.
"No Lily I'm not. Here." I reacted quickly catching what she threw at me.
"A baseball cap?" I couldn't believe what she was thinking.
"Don't worry you won't ruin it. It'll be perfectly fine once you take it off after you get home." Cynthia took the bags from the table and made her way downstairs.
"Cyn I ca..."
"No dress. Unless you wear it all the way home." The ultimatum emanated from the living room. "Simple as that flower."
That dreadful feeling of being stuck between a rock and a hard place sunk in. After all this I wasn't leaving without that dress. And I knew she was serious. With a sigh, I pulled the cap down over the headpiece. Fixing my hair I looked into the mirror. It wasn't perfect, the sides that clipped into my hair were still fairly obvious as they were so bright. This was going to be such a bad idea.
Heading downstairs, I met eyes with Cynthia, who was standing at the door arms stretched out waiting for me to take the bags from her. "Good girl. It's a short journey anyways. Nobody will notice it." The sly smile on her face made it clear she could see the headpiece under the cap as much as I feared.
"This is so embarrassing Cyn." Pleading with my eyes, I hoped she would have a change of heart.
"It's fine sweetie. As long as you don't meet any of your friends you'll be fine." Bundling the bags into my arms, Cynthia embraced me for a moment. "I'm so glad we found you flower. We are going to have such a wonderful time together."
"Thanks Cyn." I felt a little weird, like a child being praised by a doting parent. It was nice, I kind of wanted to stay in her arms a little longer. "I'm gonna go. Have a nice trip, stay safe okay?"
Opening the door for me Cyn turned with a warm smile, "I will petal. I'll be missing you though. Make sure you try everything in there okay? I want it to be perfect for when I come back and we play a game of 'A Maid and her Mistress'."
Stepping out the door, my mind raced at her words. Damn she was good at this. I couldn't wait till she was back. "Well we'll see. Don't get your hopes up." Lying through my teeth I made my way down the driveway and headed towards the bus stop. This would be one long trip...
Riding the bus home was a trip full of anticipation and anxiety. I held tight to the bags containing my new gifts, eager to return to my room and begin my private fashion show. There was, however, the nagging worry that my journey would be interrupted by someone I knew or at the very least knew me. A dress bag and floral matching hold all weren't exactly my usual style, but the pink latex headpiece would definitely rouse their curiosity as to what I could possibly be carrying home with me. At each stop my heart was in my throat, expecting to see a familiar face hop on and discover me.
"Please," A strained whisper managed to pass my lips, "Just don't let it be Nicky!"
After what seemed like hours, really it was barely 20 minutes, the bus pulled up outside the apartment building on Campus. I had been mentally preparing myself, reciting the most effective route to my room, to avoid anyone who may be around at this time of the day. Throwing the bags under my arm, hiding them the best I could, I sheepishly exited the vehicle and made my way to the side entrance of the building.
As I thought, most of my fellow students were still on campus. Darting up the stairs I fumbled with my keys preemptively to make getting into my room as painless as possible. In one smooth motion, I unlocked the door and squeezed through with my prize possessions in tow. Pushing the door closed, I finally let out a sigh of relief. Looking down at the bags huddled in front of me, I couldn't help the smile beaming across my face. "Finally."
Anxiety had all but abated at this point, leaving only the excitement of what was to come. I had my orders to check out the dress and make sure everything fit, but that wasn't enough. On the way over a devious idea had popped up into my head. Cynthia deserved a thank you for her wonderful gift, and to make up for her making me wear that headpiece all the way home.
Hanging the large dress bag on the door I quickly moved towards the window, placing the hold all on my bed as I made my way. Pulling the curtains to, I turned with a self-satisfied grin to the garments hidden in the bags.
Standing over the smaller, patterned bag I took little time to open it up and empty the contents onto my duvet. After a quick check that it was all there I dropped the bag to the floor and quickly stripped out of my clothes. In a moment I stood nude, save for the pink and white piece fixed to my hair, surveying the assorted latex items that lay in front of me.
Before I became too focused on Cynthia's handy work, I had one more thing to do. With some reluctance, I had been practising my makeup skills since my play sessions with Aaron. It's not something I ever cared about before and I had the basic techniques down, I couldn't avoid it regardless of how much of a 'tomboy' I could be. Tonight wasn't about subtlety. I was playing a role, and my makeup would have to match the rest of my costume.
My collection of cosmetics wasn't exactly extravagant, but there was certainly enough to get the job done. Throwing on my nightgown hanging nearby, I took my seat in front of the mirror and began the task of preparing myself for my plan.
Pink, of course, was the colour of choice. My lips, blush and eye shadow all had to match the tone. The gloss on my lips left them sticky, which while not unpleasant kept reminding me that this wasn't something I was used to. Some false eyelashes I had covertly 'borrowed' from Nicky were somewhat difficult to apply, especially with my limited experience, but soon sat neatly giving me a flutter that would sure have Nicky giggling with glee if she could see me like this.
After what seemed like forever, I sat back at my desk and looked at my handiwork. Though not exactly a work of art, it certainly had me smiling as it was such a departure for me. Fake lashes and glossy lips were Nicky's domain, but I had to say I liked the look of them on me. Not that I'd admit that out loud or anything.
Jumping up from my desk, I made a quick move to my bed to get myself ready. Latex had become a much easier task for me over the last few weeks, so I found the process of lubing up and slipping into the pink undergarments much less of a chore this time round. The panties had a laced tried opening up front, its use fairly obvious to anyone who's been to a lingerie store. Sneaking a quick look in the mirror, I have to admit that the look of latex on my legs and butt was really starting to grow on me, plus the bra was probably the most comfortable one I've ever worn. Cynthia really knows her stuff.
Next was the main attraction. Taking the wonderfully exuberant dress in hands I flipped it from side to side, watching all the layers of rubber flow and frolic. Taking hold of the zip at the back of the dress, I pulled it all the way down to the largest of all the bows at the top of the skirt itself. Inside, the dress was a perfectly smooth layer of white latex lining the whole dress.
I lowered the dress to the floor, and took a step into the garment. My latex covered leg slipped in with a high pitch squeaking through the dress lining and into the soft layers of lace. Working my next leg through I pulled the latex up over my hips into place, then traced around to zip the whole thing securely in place. At the top of the zip, I noticed a set of hard rings that seemed to close around the zip as it fully closed.
The tightness of the dress had me breathing a little faster than I had before, or at least made me notice it more so than I had before hand. The gloves were a little tricky, especially the second one as the added thickness around my fingers left me a little less dexterous than before. After some effort to rub all the creases out of the gloves, I had one last piece to add to my ensemble.
Taking a seat on the bed, I took the high heeled shoes from my side and placed them on the floor. Pressing my toes into the footwear, both slipped on without much effort, something that took me somewhat by surprise. Strapping the heels closed, the hard leather of the heels bit into the latex around my feet. The feeling gave me a shiver of excitement I hadn't felt since my last play time with Aaron.
Standing up, I took a glance up at the pretty pink doll looking back at me from within the mirror. It was so surreal. With Aaron's outfit, it was just regular old Lily in a kinky swimsuit when I looked at myself in the mirror. Now, it was a prissy maid ready to serve. Her plump pink lips and rosy cheeks, her fluttering eyelashes and her fetish fueled outfit aroused the hell out of me.
"You..." Pressing my gloved hand against the flared skirt until I could feel the tingling sensation growing between my legs. "You are such a naughty girl." The words that came from the doll in the mirror filled me with giddy excitement, and left me aching to get underneath the billowing petticoat to my moist mound hidden below.
An uncontrollable giggle overtook me as I swayed and sashayed towards the mirror, making every effort to send the skirt and petticoat below rippling and dancing with each twist. The heels were difficult to say the least, but I was on my own so my less than graceful steps could be overlooked.
"Okay missy, you've got a date with the camera lens." The sticky, pink lips mouthing my words in my reflection brought a little smile to my face. She was going to love this. Cynthia would be ecstatic if she knew what I was doing, I imagined she wouldn't be able to hold back her enthusiasm with me playing along so willingly.
Carefully, with delicately placed steps in my unconventional footwear, I made my way across to my cluttered desk. Waking up my laptop I logged into that social media site and quickly searched through my messenger contacts. "Perfect." I proclaimed quietly, spotting Cyn was still on the ground and available to send messages. All my hard work was about to pay off. Clicking on her name a small window popped up to commence the chat application. She wouldn't get a notification till I sent something first. Opening the draw directly below the desk, I grabbed my camera and got to work.
Sufficed to say, I was not the selfie taking type. However, I had a very close friend who specialised in two things over sharing, and sending me her photos on a near minute to minute basis. Holding the camera high to get the selfie angle that always makes you look better than you really do, I made a playful little pout as best I could and took some snaps of me in my 'uniform'. Flicking through the results I soon found one that was perfect. Eyes mid flutter, lips glistening in a sexy pout and the costume hugging me all over in its rubbery embrace. That was the one I'd send her.
Spinning back towards the computer I fiddled with the camera cable, I much more difficult task than it first appeared in latex gloves. After some fumbling and swearing under my breath, I managed to open the little door covering the port and plug it in. Scrolling through I found the photo I had decided on and dragged it into the little chat window. In less than a second the photo had been uploaded, and a preview sat in the chat window. My heart raced as I began to anticipate her response.
At this point I was somewhat aware of the odd situation I had found myself in once again. Dolled up in a fetish french maid outfit, hunched over a laptop awaiting a response to a selfie I had sent my friend's fiance. Life was pretty weird. Not that it wasn't kind of weird before or wouldn't get a whole lot weirder soon enough, but that's for another story...
The incoming message tone made me jump, making the ruffled latex squeak as it came into contact with itself. I quickly read her reply:
>Cyndi: OMG flower. You are stunning!
>Cyndi: I knew pink bows and frills would suit sweetie.
The flattery wasn't required, but certainly wasn't unwanted. Made the whole thing feel a little less silly that I wasn't just playing dress up on my own. A few more messages popped up on the screen:
>Cyndi: Just a little heads up next time babe
>Cyndi: Sitting in the departure lounge when i opened your pic
>Cyndi: Definitely nsfw!
Oh shit. I didn't even think about that. What if someone else saw it? What if the knew me?
>L.Bianchi: Sorry! Should have warned you before
Damn. I was really worried about the picture, like wishing I could go back and not send it at all. I didn't take long for me to have a change of heart though. I mean, who the hell would even notice? All the stuff people look at on their phones these days, how would someone make the connection to me from some random woman waiting to go on plane? I was worried over nothing.
>L.Bianchi: Glad you like it though. Really fun to wear
>Cyndi: I LOVE IT.
>Cyndi: Hahaha. How about some pictures from the back??
With a smirk I moved back over to the light turned my back to the mirror. Taking a few snaps I made my best effort to show off the skirt and bow as much as possible, kicking my leg back to get that in motion pose. After a few tries, I found the perfect shot and quickly set about sending it to Cynthia.
>L.Bianchi: Like this?
>Cyndi: Yes just like that. You look magnificent petal.
The conversation rapidly evolved into me gushing over the design and fit of the dress and Cyn showering me with compliments on my look in the outfit and makeup. After a few more choice close ups, she asked quite the unexpected question:
>Cyndi: Flower have you found my surprise yet?
I could feel the skin crinkle at the top of my nose as I read her message. What surprise? Teetering over to the floral holdall I turned the bag upside down and shook it gently. Nothing. Seemed like I had got everything, though the bag did feel a little heavy despite it being empty.
Reaching into the bag I felt something odd, a bulge that wasn't obvious from the outside. After rustling around for a few moments the bottom of the bag came away, revealing a hidden panel beneath. Again, I turned the bag out to remove the secret items stashed inside.
I looked on as a set of four white circular objects rolled their way out of the bag and landed almost silently on my bed sheets. Along with the large items, a few smaller metallic objects had made their way out of the bag as well. Lifting one of the smaller items I could now see it was a little heart shaped padlock, at most ¾ of an inch across, in a rose gold colour. Somewhat flustered I hopped back to the computer to reply.
>L.Bianchi: Just found them now. What's it all for?
>Cyndi: For the you petal. Its part of your uniform ; ) you need to try it for me
Reaching back to the zip at my neck, I felt the set of three rings in a row I had pondered over earlier. Coming to the realisation of their purpose, the loops would let a padlock slide through and lock the zip in position.
My imagination raced at the thought. Locked in this outfit? That was certainly an exciting thought, one that I had not spent much time thinking about before rushing back over to the bundle of locks. Lifting the first lock that came to my hand, the urge to clasp it on right away was overwhelming. That feeling that takes over you to jump when standing on the edge of a precipice filled me. This was a bad idea.
Shaking my head to come to my senses, I brought the lock back to the computer.
>L.Bianchi: The locks are cute. Where are the keys?
>Cyndi: They are aren't they!
>Cyndi: The key is with me and Aaron has a set too
>Cyndi: All the locks are the same
>Cyndi: Now be a good girl and put them on. Aaron will come by later and let you out
She was definitely in a rush to get me locked up, with little time left before her flight. And to be honest, I wasn't in much need of convincing in my current state of mind. Arching forward, I found the set of loops at the back of my neck and carefully fed the little lock though.
What was I thinking? I couldn't do this. Locking the dress on without the key would be stupid. I'd be stuck like this till Aaron came by tonight. Hours in this kinky get up waiting for Aaron to come save me. I couldn't go through with it.
"Oh...shit." I had gone through with it. My hand moved on its own, making the decision for me. Tugging at the zip, I felt it hold tight. The rattling of the small lock my only reward. It was really stuck. I was stuck.
Grabbing the camera, I took a shot from behind to get a better look. Flicking to the shot of the lock, my heart began to flutter. The image of the padlock holding tight to the loops hit me much harder than I imagined. The dress had changed from a set of clothes into my own personal cage. No way I could go anywhere like this. I was trapped in my own room. This time by my own hand.
>L.Bianchi: Well hope you weren't lying
I attached the photo of the lock and sent it to Cyn, then waited patiently for the reply.
>Cyndi: Wow!
>Cyndi: I didn't expect you to do it
>Cyndi: You are so naughty
This game we were playing had really started to turn me on. With one hand I caressed the lock holding me in my new uniform, and with the other I rubbed hard on my rubber panties.
>Cyndi: This is not fair flower. I'm getting real hot here but can't do much with all these people!
Biting hard on my lower lip I turned to the leather cuffs on the bed. The rustling off rubber became louder and more rapid with every stroke across my pussy. A real twisted thought came into my head. I smirked at the ridiculous nature of my plan, but knew I had to go through with it. Hell, wasn't like I could do much else now.
Begrudgingly, I stopped pleasuring myself and made my way back to the cuffs. If the thought of me locked in the dress was getting Cynthia excited, I knew just the way to get her really going. Taking the cuffs in hand one by one, I strapped them tight around my wrists and ankles. The satisfying squeak of rubber and stretching of leather as each cuff tightened on my limbs made me legs feel weak. The metal rings on each side of the cuffs clattered and clanked with each movement.
Self bondage had become my new guilty pleasure, something I had started practicing almost daily since that night with Aaron. This was far more elaborate than my zip ties and tape, no way I'll be cutting my way out of this.
With the cuffs secured I carefully collected the locks from the bed, and placed one into each of the cuffs clasps. Taking in a deep breath, I slowly closed each lock, one by one. With each click, my heart beat faster and faster. With the last lock closed I clasped both hands between my legs and began to press through the rubber into pussy.
The fantasy had taken over by this point, I hadn't finished but already my mind rolled in dreams of being forced into servitude to a strict Mistress. Bound and gagged in a humiliating dress I would be forced to do degrading chores while she punished and belittled me. It took quite some mental strength to hold back from going completely over the edge.
Breathing heavily I forced my hands to my sides, and tried to calm myself down. It wasn't easy, but after a few moments I composed myself enough to get back to my original plan. The first thing to do was to find the one missing piece if this scene.
Dropping to my knees I shifted myself to the side of my bed. Stretching my hand underneath I grabbed hold of the shoe box I had placed there only recently. Inside I kept the tools of my new 'hobby'. Handcuffs, zip ties, a vibrating wand, different rolls of tape along with the ball gag Aaron had used on me the first time we played. Lifting it out of the box I could feel the smile grow across my face.
If there was one aspect of bondage that I had to describe as my favourite, gags would be a real contender. The power a gag has when used always gets me excited. If the videos and images I looked at online didn't have a gag, I always felt there was something missing. Even in my own self bondage, being gagged was something I couldn't do without. The helpless feeling they provide amplifies the experience tenfold, and the look of a ball gagged man or woman instantly gets my sex itching for more.
With the final piece of the puzzle collected. I went to work preparing myself for Cynthia's big surprise. Looking over to the bed, I saw the few locks that still remained. Taking one of the locks in hand, dropping the gag off for the moment, I looked down at my feet.
Placing my ankles together and overlapping the metal rings on the side, I saw that the locks would be able to bind the cuffs without any other components. Placing the lock between the interlocking loops, I made one motion that resulted in a satisfactory click. With that my ankles had been clasped together.
Testing the restraints with a few steps across my room, I found that the locks reduced my already limited stride to a petite shuffling. I wouldn't be going anywhere fast, even if I wanted to. Satisfied, I made my way, slowly, back to the bed and lowered myself onto the mattress.
Taking the leather strap in hand, I brought the large red ball to rest just in front of my lips. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I drew the ball into my mouth. The clinical taste of rubber on the tip of my tongue sent a familiar shiver down my spine. Further and further the ball travelled until it found its place behind my teeth. With some fumbling I managed to latch the straps behind my head, keeping my new accessory held firmly between my sticky coated lips.
Hobbling my way back to the computer, lock in hand, I set about the final stage of my plan.
>L.Bianchi: Cyn. Think you can go somewhere private?
The gag had begun it's magic. That feeling of the first trickles of saliva finding their way to the corners of my mouth. I began biting down into my gag ever so slightly as I waited for her response.
>Cyndi: private!?
>L.Bianchi: Yeah, I have something you'll want to see. But it's for your eyes only
I barely finished the message before I had slipped on of my hands beneath the layers of rubber and lace resting on my crotch to alleviate some of the frustration building between my legs.
>Cyndi: Give me 2 minutes. You are so bad ;)
Shuffling over to my bed, my heart beating faster with every tiny step, I took another dive into my box of secrets. Taking hold of the vibrating wand, I placed it by my side and plugged the device into the wall outlet. It was important that I had entertainment while I awaited Aaron for my release.
Making the short trip to the laptop, I made preparations to have the perfect view of my new outfit for Cynthia. Moving the camera to get the best view of my room and bed took a little more effort with my ankles stopping me from moving back and forth effectively, but I eventually had the perfect shot. Just in time too, as Cyn had just opened a video call with me. Stepping out of view of the camera, I answered the call.
"Hello Lily? Lily? Where are you petal?" Cynthia's voice came through the computer's speakers slightly echoed. She had probably made the call from a bathroom stall.
Taking the final lock in hand, I looped the lock through the rings on my wrist cuffs. With a bit of twisting and turning, I managed to align all the pieces of the puzzle and lock my hands together with a satisfactory clank on steel.
"I can hear you sweetie. Why are you hiding? It's not like you were shy before in those photos."
"Mmnph mpf." Answering her teasing, as best I could with my mouth full of rubber, I tiptoed over to my bed in full view of the camera.
"Oh Lily!" Cynthia's eyes were wide and her cheeks were glowing red, either from my appearance or from the heat in the bathroom stall she had holed up in. "You are a vision sweetie."
Doing my best to spin around to give Cyn a look at my whole get up I grunted a response to her flattery.
"Now that I didn't give you." A smirk played across Cynthia's face as she traced a finger across her lips. "You should have said you wanted a gag petal, I have the perfect one to go with that outfit."
Bouncing over to the monitor I leaned in towards the screen to respond. "Hmmgh?"
"Lily, babe." Cyn was biting her lip and breathing heavily on the screen. "You can't do this to me! I'm getting on a flight for 8 hours and you are turning me on so bad right now."
The whole situation was getting me pretty excited too. The drool from my gag had made it's way to my chin, and the latex panties had begun to stick to me as the wetness spread from my pussy. I fluttered my false lashes and moaned into the gag theatrically to tease Cynthia a bit more.
"You bad, bad girl. Look what you've done." Panning her phone down, Cynthia had her skirt and panties pulled around her knees as she sat on the toilet seat. Her hand pressed in and out of her pussy as she continued. "You've got me playing with myself here of all places. You are being so naughty!"
Cynthia's voice sounded breathless, but commanding at the same time. Hopping back from the screen, I playfully pulled at my bonds and protested through the gag. The feeling of being watched like this was really getting me hot and sweaty, but I guess the layers of latex could be a culpable too. Regardless, my predicament was giving me plenty to fantasise about even without my audience.
"Ah ah ah Lily. This is not a situation you can wriggle your way out of." Looking back at the screen I could see Cynthia's eyes were laser focused on me. Her image was shifting back and forth on the screen ever so slightly, she was obviously continuing to pleasure herself as she chastised me. "Sit!"
Her order shook me to attention, her glare chilling me even through the computer screen. With my head held low, I shuffled forward to the chair in front of the screen and placed myself down.
"Now then." Cyn raised the camera high so that I could get a view of her touching herself again. "I think that you know that you need to be punished for getting me in such a state."
The vision of one of my closest friends playing with her pussy because of me was quite the odd turn on I admit. Cyn was attractive, sure, but I didn't think about her like that. Hell I wouldn't have thought I'd be watching her touch herself while I was bound and gagged in a fetish maid costume, so I guess the feelings between my legs and in my chest weren't the craziest thing happening tonight.
"Now I know you weren't going to be doing your homework dressed like that." Her voice took a more sadistic tone as she sat back in the stall she had taken refuge in. "So how did you plan to masturbate with your hands tied behind you?"
"Mmnph?" The question took me by surprise, although really I shouldn't have been so shocked after all. I'm sure Aaron has let her in on my self bondage antics over the last few weeks. "Mmmn mgh mmrgh..." Shaking my head I attempted to protest my ignorance.
"Quiet!" Her words thundered from the speakers, forcing me to shrink back into my chair. "I don't have time to listen to a garbled excuse for you finger fucking yourself. What were you going to use?"
I wasn't prepared for her to be so candid, it kind of stung a little. I looked across at the wand I had left on the bed for after my little game with Cyn had ended. I hadn't expected this whole thing to end up with me being scolded by a woman masturbating in an airport bathroom.
"Lily! Did you hear me? I said go get it now."
The commanding timbre had me up out of the chair immediately. The sound of my shoes squeaking as they rubbed together was unbearable, leaving me unbalanced for a moment. I hobbled to the bed as best I could and collected the vibrator, my head still hung low as if a naughty school child being chastised by a teacher, returning to the computer I showed Cynthia the toy.
"Mmmmm...you were going to use that, huh?" The delight in her voice was palpable, even without looking at the smirk plastered on her face.
I nodded slowly, looking away from her glower.
"So you thought you would vibrate your little latex covered clit for awhile hmmm? And then wait for Aaron to come and unlock you? I'm right aren't I?" Her blunt delivery undermined her warm smile as she cocked her head to the side awaiting my answer.
Looking at my feet, I couldn't will myself to answer her. Even a denial wouldn't form as I stood silently, sex toy still in hand, waiting for what I should do next. She wasn't just playing with me anymore. Cyn was in complete control. I felt a heavy realisation that I was being dominated so effortlessly, despite her not even being in the room. Exposed, despite being completely hidden away from most of the world. It was an amazing feeling that I struggle even now to understand.
"Well. That's not how it's going to work my dear." Leaning in towards her phone Cynthia's face filled the screen, her presence growing over me as she did. "Turn it on."
Following her order I pressed the switch on the device, and it instantly roared into life. The rhythm of the vibrations was a familiar sensation to me now. Many nights of web surfing culminated with this little devil bringing me to climax.
"Okay then my little pet, I want you to take a seat on that chair." Taking a deep breath, Cynthia had a sinister grin on her face. "But, you're also going to get that toy nice and tight against your pussy."
The thumping of my heart against my chest became unbearable for a moment. The action wasn't something I hadn't already planned on doing, but now I would have an audience. Shuffling my way over to the chair, I held the wand to my side as I lowered myself towards the seat. With my hands bound as close as they were, the process of getting the vibrator in position would be a little less than straightforward.
Positioning the head of the wand as far back on the chair as I could, I sat down over top and allowed the toy to find its place nestled between my legs. I knew it was in the right place when my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't help but let out a pleasure files moan through my gag.
"Comfortable?" Cyn's voice was laced with irony.
"Mmghf." Nodding my head, in time with the pulses of the wand.
"Well, for your sake you better hope. Since you're going to stay there until Aaron comes to let you out."
The rhythmic vibrations against my sex had taken my attention by this time. I took a few moments to realise what she'd had just said. Waiting like this for Aaron didn't seem like the worse idea right now, but how long would that be? I shook my head side to side, with little conviction, in response to her decree.
"No discussion I'm afraid flower." Her tone returned to the playful teasing we shared earlier. "You are to sit and be a good girl until Aaron gets there. Do you understand?"
"Mmmhhnn!" Grunting with frustration, I struggled to keep my composure as the wand had me gyrating my hips already.
"I'll take that as a yes." Cynthia's side of the video was erratic for a few moments as she pulled up her clothes and brushed back her rustled hair. "Don't worry sweetie, he'll be there in the next hour or two."
Hours? I'd be lucky if I could hold on five minutes with how turned on I was. This was going to be a challenge of endurance. I couldn't stay like this for that long. The latex panties were starting to stick to my juices, I could feel each and every stroke on the vibrators head bringing me closer and closer to climax.
"Now I would love to watch that cute little face cumming for me but I have to get moving." Cynthia had left the stall now, placing her phone down I heard water rushing as she appeared to wash her hands. "So while I can't watch you, I'll be listening to you till I get on the flight."
The fact that she wouldn't see me at the height of climax had a very odd effect on me. I was both massively relieved, but also a tiny bit disappointed if I'm to be honest. Cynthia watching me in my helpless state and ordering me around was a major part of my arousal. I really wanted her to see me at my most vulnerable.
"So I expect to hear some lovely gagged moans and groans from my beautiful bound maid." Whispering into the mic, Cyn made her way out of the bathroom. "Oh and just incase you get any ideas petal, Aaron knows that I've told you to stay just as you are. If he finds you've moved even an inch I've told him you are to be severely punished." Her beaming smile filled the screen once more. "So be a good girl and enjoy yourself my pretty little Lily. Kisses."
With that, the sound from the speakers cut and the screen was suddenly darkened. I was alone. The sound of the wand humming and my chair slightly creaking as I rocked back and forth now the only noise to keep me company.
I knew that Aaron would just love an excuse to torment me. I knew that if he had a chance to punish me he would damn well take it. But it wasn't like I could wait like this for him to turn up. I was already reaching my limit. I could feel my muscles tense as the vibrations rolled their way through me.
My mind began to wander and my breath shortened. The feeling of the bonds holding me tight excited me even more, my whole body rocking back and forth on the wand.
My whole body felt hot, and I could feel sweat building all over. The latex layers stretched and squeaked as I moved, giving me no respite from the heat I was feeling. My chin was soaked in spittle rushing down my face, while my jaw started to ache with a dull pain. The burning sensation in my sex continued to grow with every passing second, the rush had my heart racing.
The waves of pleasure took hold of me, I couldn't hold out much longer. All I could think was Cynthia listening to the groans and creaking coming over the call and laughing to herself at my torment. I was just about ready to go.
What? Who was that?
Aaron? Why was he knocking? And he's so early. It didn't matter. I was too far gone at that point. There was no stopping it.
Pulses of orgasmic bliss crashed over me, my hips shooting back and forth across the head of the vibrator. Grunting with each stroke, my eyes closed tight with the intense contractions. Biting hard on the rubber ball in my mouth I let out one last sigh of ecstasy before slumping down into a sweaty, breathless heap.
The glow that accompanied my climax felt extra warm, my latex outfit clinging to every inch of me felt like an extra kinky embrace. The humming sound of the wand, while still present, no longer tormented me. Most likely it had fallen off the chair in my throes of pleasure. Guess I was a little too energetic in my gyrating. Though still a little dazed from the orgasm, I knew I had to make sure that I was prepared for Aaron. Didn't want him turning up and seeing this as an excuse to mess with me.
A sudden cold chill run down my spine. That voice. It couldn't be. How?
"Lily, what the hell are you doing?!"
Slowly opening my eyes, I turned to the door. My eyes made contact with the figure standing there, and my heart sank so far into the pit of my stomach, that I felt I could die there and then.
Standing in the hallway, with one hand on her mouth and the other across her chest, was Nicky. Her eyes wide open as she stared straight ahead at me. The look of bewilderment would have been a treat if I had not been the cause.
Almost instinctively, I jumped up out my seat and leaped towards my bed. With my heart racing from being discovered, I made it over to my mattress before falling face first into my duvet. Whatever I was thinking at the time is a blur looking back, but all wanted to do was crawl into a very deep, very dark hole and stay their for a very long time.
"What are you doing?" Nicky rushed in behind and stood over me. "Are you okay?"
Rolling over and meeting her gaze, my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Nicky was towering over me, more so than she usually did. Her long blonde hair pulled back leaving her icy blue eyes clear to pierce through me in my helpless state.
"Mmnph mn mmgghf." My attempt to communicate with Nicky was completely ruined by the gag.
"I...I don't know what you're saying." Her face looked puzzled at my garbled babbling.
"Mmggh." Gesturing as best I could to her with the gag to get her to remove it. "Mmggh. Mmggh!"
"Oh!" Getting my message this time, Nicky leaned over me placing her hand around my head. "How does it..."
Turning myself slightly, so that she could find the clasp, Nicky soon managed to find the straps. After some awkward shifting and pulling from the both of us she eased the ball out of my mouth.
Nicky sat herself down beside me, as I shuffled myself to the edge of the bed. The silence between the two of us was pretty awkward, but the damn vibrator humming away was making this terrible situation worse.
"Uhh...I'm sorry could you...could you unplug that." Sheepishly I broke the silence to try and save myself from the humiliating sound of my vibrator going crazy on the floor.
"Ye...yeah sure." Jumping in reaction to my words Nicky let go of the gag and reached over to pull the plug from the wall, shutting the device up and leaving the two of us in silence again.
After what felt like an eternity I took a deep breath and turned myself, as best I could, towards Nicky. "I can explain this."
"Lil," Shaking her head with a look of disbelief, "You better because I have no idea what the hell is happening right now."
Feeling a foot shorter than a few minutes ago I continued, "How much did you see?"
"Enough to know what your O face looks like." Nicky's voice faltered as she replied. "Sorry! I mean...Jesus Lil. What the fuck?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were there..." Looking down at the floor, I had hoped that she wasn't in the room when I climaxed. That was the absolute worst possible outcome of this whole thing. Not like I could explain the bondage or the latex, but at least she wouldn't have seen me orgasm.
"But why are you dressed like that? Where did you get those clothes? Did someone do this to you? Did they hurt you" Filled with concern, Nicky was frantic, barely able to keep herself in her seat.
"No Nic, listen. I...I did this."
"What?" Nicky stopped in her tracks, jaw wide open. "YOU did this?"
"Yes. I did this to myself. I got all this stuff from Cynthia. "
"Cynthia?" Nicky's nose scrunched as she thought about the name. "Aaron's girlfriend?"
"Yeah. She made all this. For me." Gesturing down at my dress.
"Why is she making you...what is this?" Leaning in towards me, Nicky placed her hand on my chest. "Rubber?"
For the first time since she arrived, Nicky's mouth curled into a smile. Running her hand down my body, following the layers of latex, bows and lacy trims down to the end of the skirt.
"Oh!" Pulling her hands away before they reached my legs. "Sorry. It's just soo...kinky" Nicky let out a mischievous giggle.
My face burned with embarrassment once more. "Okay yes it's a little...kinky..."
"Lily you wouldn't even come to a costume party at Halloween because you don't like dressing up. Hell you won't wear a dress to go out at night!" Nicky leapt up from her seat. "Now your dressing in goddamn latex outfits in your bedroom with balls in your mouth and cuffs and chains and shit!"
"Shhh! Would you shut up!" Chastising her with a hushed tone. "It's bad enough you know, I don't need everyone in the dorm finding out."
"Sorry okay it's just...a lot to process. Want me take the handcuffs off? Where's the keys for the locks?" Her eyes darting around the room in search of the keys to my freedom.
My heart jumped once more when the realisation dawned on me. I'd have to tell her. "They're... they're not here." Looking away from Nicky before she could make eye contact.
"What do mean 'not here'?" Nicky looked puzzled at my admission.
"I don't have them." My heart was in my throat. I didn't want to tell her, she might take it the wrong way.
"Well how the hell do you get out of them then?" Stepping towards me she took hold of the cuffs around my ankles. "These need a key. Who has it?"
"Aaron? He has the keys?"
"Yeah. He's gonna come by later and unlock them."
"Wait. He has the keys for the locks. And Cynthia made the clothes and cuffs." Nicky stopped for a moment, taking time to look me in the eye before continuing. "Are you, like, their sex slave or something?"
"What the fuck?"
"Are you their bondage slave then or, I don't know, something weird like that?"
"Nicky no! What the hell. It's not like that!"
"I mean it's like you're letting them lock you up and then getting off..."
"Fucking hell Nicky I'm not a sex slave. I...I just have Aaron hold the keys so..." Admittedly saying it out loud did make me sound a little weird, but I was certainly not a sex slave for Aaron and Cynthia. "So when I tie myself up I can't get out until someone comes to untie me."
"But it's you who decides that?"
"Nicky. Please stop. I'm not being forced by anyone. I did this today. I did it to myself the last time and the time before that." My agitation was clear by now.
"Okay. Okay. Don't get your panties in a knot. Wait..." Nicky lifted my skirt without warning. "Holy...they're rubber too."
"Nicky!" Nudging my body forward I did my best to push her away from me.
"Oh come on. You have to admit it's pretty weird. Give me some slack." Dropping down on the bed once more, Nicky rifled through her pocket. "Anyway can't miss an opportunity like this."
Before I had a chance to ask what she was up to, I saw the tell tale rose gold back of Nicky's phone. A moment later the flash from the device's LED caused me to wince, as the all too familiar sound of the camera going off.
"Nicky no!" Hopping to my feet I made a feeble attempt to get her to stop snapping me like this.
"Oooh bouncy!" Nicky stepped back up and away from my slow advance. "Looking good Lily."
"Come on Nicky stop it!" I felt ridiculous, chasing after her with my ankles locked tight together, taking tiny hops to keep myself from falling over.
"Awww, but I'll never get a chance to see you like this. Come here a sec." Nicky stepped in and wrapped her arm around me, pulling me close as I wobbled to keep my balance. "Smile Lil!" Catching sight of myself in the phone's screen, I realised that the photos that Nicky had in her possession could absolutely never leave this room.
"Nice pout. Got myself a new background." Giggling to herself Nicky let go of me and headed towards the door.
"Don't you dare!" Shuffling around to face her, I scowled, "Get rid of those Nicky, I'm serious."
"Please! There's no chance that's happening." Clinging her phone to her chest Nicky backed up towards the door. "So I'm gonna keep these for leverage. We can talk about them later okay."
"So this is great and all, but I think it's best I leave." Turning her back to me Nicky took hold of the front door handle. "I'm sure that you don't want me here when Aaron comes to let you go. I don't want to have to answer some weird questions."
"Nicky. Please don't tell anyone!"
Letting go of the door Nicky made her way back to me, placing her hand on my cheek. "Lily, I would never do that to you. Well, as long as you..."
"As long as I what?"
With a sly smile on her face, Nicky's hand left my face. Stepping back without a word, she gave a wink and made for the door.
"Nicky, what do you mean?"
"Don't worry, you'll find out. See you tomorrow!" Nicky in one smooth motion exited my room, but not without blowing a kiss and laughing to herself first.
And with that I was alone once more. I stood in disbelief at what had just happened. The cuffs around my wrists and ankles had started to bite into my skin, a sensation I had been distracted from for the last few minutes with Nicky's appearance. The tightness of my latex outfit was also more apparent than it had done since this whole situation started, creaking with the each minor movement.
I couldn't believe it. My secret little obsession revealed to my best friend in the most embarrassing way possible. Worse than that she had photographic evidence of it too, something she was bound to bring up the next time I saw her. I was not excited about finding out what she had in store for me.
Hopping back to my bed I plopped myself down with a sigh, a mixture of relief and fatigue from my ordeal. As I shifted my weight I could hear the noise of the latex sticking to my skin again, especially around my pussy. The smell of rubber mixed with sweat and sexual juices filled the room. What must Nicky think of me? A closet latex freak with a kinky obsession for self bondage.
The more I thought about Nicky discovering me dressed like a BDSM french maid Barbie, the hotter and more frustrated I grew. The feeling between my legs had subsided for awhile, but the absurd nature of what just happened had really got me turned on all over again. Pulling at the cuffs forced them further into my wrists, a delicious burning sensation following each tug and pull.
It was a missed opportunity not asking Nicky to put the gag back in before she left, a large grin spawned across my face, I would have loved to see her reaction to me being so brazen about my predicament.
I'd be in for some extra punishment when Aaron turned up, and how exactly I'd explain how the gag was removed without bringing up Nicky was a ordeal in its own right. Maybe the little breather was just what I needed after this whole mess.
Shame then that all I could think about at the time was if I could get the wand back on before Aaron arrived?