The Oasis is the resort cover name for the female exclusive enclave of Ultra Femina ruled by Comtessa Maddo Rouchard located near the Allegheny Mountains of western Pennsylvania. The extensive properties were acquired by the Rouchard family as a haven against a possible revolution in France when nearby Fort Duquesne existed and in the expectation that the territory would become french. But the fort changed hands and became Fort Pitt the territory became British and the Rouchard holdings were confiscated. Later vital intelligence supplied by Madeline Rouchard, General Cornwallis 's mistress and Pierre (hot lips) Rouchard, Admiral Graves cabin boy enabled the decisive Colonial victory at Yorktown. The Rouchard holdings were gratefully returned and in fact, doubled in size. With added provisos that the territory could practically be ruled as a sovereign nation, without regard to external laws, so long as a member of the Rouchard family was in charge. It unfortunately didn't save most of the aristocratic Rouchards from having their heads lopped off during the subsequent French Revolution. Most of the surviving members relocated to their estates in western Pennsylvania. It was Comtessa Maddo, for a time, a very discreet but highly respected dominatrix who accepted only the wealthy and powerful as her clients at her ornate mansion in Washington DC, who made substantial changes. She created the female exclusive independent realm of Ultra Femina sometimes alternatively called "Femdomia". A covert realm under the facade of a female exclusive resort called the "Oasis" The former proviso still in effect is augmented and further protected by her powerful friends in DC.
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Harry had heard hot rumors about the Oasis and was determined to get inside for a look. He had driven up from Pittsburgh and undeterred by the numerous and occasionally ominous signs forbidding male entry. He had managed to bypass a detection device and breech the high fence. Hoping to see nubile nudes at poolside or lake he pressed on toward some nearby buildings..What he saw caused him to drop his jaw in amazement. It was a large poster of Comtessa Maddo astride a white unicorn and firmly in control. She was beautiful and naked under a full length sable coat. Her shoulder length blonde hair cascaded down from under her sable kubanka. Her bare breasts were magnificent and her naked legs were long firm and golden She had a commanding demeaner and a haughty imperious look. The motto of her realm "The world is ours to command" was displayed above her.
Harry's elongated cock tented his shorts and began staining them with pre cum. Without thinking he lowered his shorts and started tugging his drooling cock. A snapping twig startled him. Though there was no further disturbance he pushed his stiff tool back in his pants. He rashly and without thinking removed the poster, rolled it up and put in his knapsack. He followed a distant feminine voice further down the path. His eyes bulged at what he saw on the open glen. At least 20 very fit, tawny, nubile young women stretched and bent into a changing series of unintentionally erotic yoga poses. Most wore tight curve hunging yoga pants, bisecting and molding their tight, round bottoms most seductively. Their tiny form fitting tops also left little to the imagination. A few were completely nude. Their tight toned bodies moist and glistening in the warm sunshine.
Harry set his mini binoculars on high power and watched in close up. Now the urge was beyond undeniable and and he dropped his pants and tugged and pulled his dripping cock. His breathing speeded up as his loose fist worked his upcurved cock which glistened wet with pre cum. He was close focused on particularly delightful full, round, bisected globes of girl ass ensconced in obscenely tight yoga pants and now bent and protuberant for his pleasure. He was just past the point of no return and his cock began throbbing when a hard gnarly hand grasped his scrotum just above his balls and pulled down painfully hard. This stopped Harry's orgasm in its tracks. His frustrated cock jolted and jumped but only managed to dribble out a few meager driblets of jizz. Perry groaned with pain and helpless frustration. The hand released his balls but swept his feet from under him and he landed hard on his plump posterior. His hands were leather cuffed behind him and his ankles cuffed and linked by a length of chain. Another gnarly hand painfully stretched his balls and looped thin rope tightly around his scrotum pulling his balls down a bit over 3 inches. The loose end of the rope was attached to chain between his ankles. He was easily lifted to his feet by the buiky, muscular raven haired female security guard. Another slimmer redhead guardess snapped shut her stopwatch. "Roped, cuffed, shackled and balldangled in less than 30 seconds!" If you would've branded his bottom it would be a new record, Carla!" Carla smiled and surveyed her prey. "Maybe I'll still get my chance!" She cut away Harry's clothes, leaving him totally naked. Then she cinched a chain around his midsection and attached it to a long cord that she used as a sort of leash to pull him behind her. Both women wore black police style uniforms with heavy boots, billed caps and belts clipped with various instruments of painful persuasion.
Harry groans in agony as he wrenches his swollen balls most painfully attempting to straighten his legs.The rope attaching his tied balls to his ankle chain is to short and he has to sort of waddle forward with his knees bent as Carla leads him onto the open field. Tall redhead guard, Connie is examining the contents of his wallet. She giggles and feigns mock sympathy to his predicament. "Awww, poor Harry! Carla didn't leave quite enough rope for you to straighten out. Oh, that must hurt awfully! Keep bending those knees, now!" (Giggle) Harry protests and pleads to be released but the threatening crackle of Carla's cattle prod under his balls silences him.In spite of his pain and rough handling the pressure of the portion of rope coiled around both his cock and balls combined with his prior ruined orgasm keeps his cock in an elongated tumescent state. It bobs up and down in front of him as he is led cuffed, tied and naked in front of the exuberant hooting, whistling, catcalling yoga girls.
"Look what we found girls!" Connie holds up his binoculars as Carla hauls Harry into view. "He had his pants down and he was having a nice wank watching you doing your yoga exercises." The hoots and catcalls became even more boisterous and some of the girls teasingly flashed Harry their wobbly boobs or posed and exhibited their full, round yoga pant clad bottoms. Poor Harry turns crimso red but his cock stiffens further and a line of pre cum descends from its tip." Oh this won't do at all!" Such a nasty exhibitionist you are, Harry!" Connie sharply smacks his pointy cock and the yoga girls cheer and hoot. She spanks it several more times and Harry groans in agony as his stiff cock sways to and fro but it doesn't deflate much to the delight of the raucus yoga girls. Carla further amuses the girls when she pushes Harry's cock down to his balls and then releases it. It quickly sproings back up and bobs up and down. They torment Harry's poor frustrated penis a few minutes more until a small white van arrives."Oh drat! Its the prison van come to spoil our fun!" Rides here, Harry!" They lead him to the van. Speeding up his careful wadding with sharp snaps with their crops to his plump protuberant bottom.Once inside, Harry sighs with relief. His sore, swollen balls get a temporary reprieve as he's seated. But the hard wooden bench is liberaly sprinkled with sharp gravel which abrades his naked bottom, making his ride on the rough, bumpy road quite awful.
The prison intake unit has three rather heavyset white uniformed women who process Harry. They are all rather severe looking, in their late 40's with their dark hair almost identicaly worn up in tight buns. Harry yelps loudly from the sudden agony of having circulation returning to his tightly tied balls as the rope is unraveled. They purge him with a high volume enema, shave all his body hair save for a medium stubble of his ginger dark reddish-brown hair atop his head. They weigh and measure him, carefully recording everything. Harry is good looking a bit over average height, slim but for a plump somewhat protuberant bottom and with a now very frustrated cock measuring just over 7 inches hard. Then they give him a thorough washing displaying tight evil smiles as they energetically scrub his red abraded bottom and his tender anus with harsh soap and rough cloths and brushes. They squeeze , pull and twist his sore swollen balls, as well. Mostly to keep his frustrated cock from ejaculating in case of excess stimulation.
Later Harry is seated in a small interrogation room. His wrists and anklies are strapped to the chair and he is naked. The door opens and a dream entrrs. She is tall and her curled blonde hair cascades onto her shoulders. She is wearing a sleeveless white top open wide upfront showiing her deep, golden volumptuousness. Her black skirt is is short and tight and she is wearing the shearist garter belted black hosiery and black spiked high heels. "Hello Harry" She smiles slightly as his cock begins to rise and she circles around him. Her spike heels click clacking on the hardwood floor."What are you going to do with me?" He stammers out as she rubs her fingers along the bristly stubble on his head and giggles. We want you to sign a confession and read a recorded statement that you are a thief and a part of a plot to undermime and overthrow Queen Maddo.""Whaa!! But I didn't. .." "Silence!" She touches her finger to his lips. "Its best that you cooperate, Harry. We found the poster of Queen Maddo in your knapsack and you were recordedon security cam attempting to defile her with your foul expulsions". Now will you sign the confession and make the agreed statement?" Harry hesitates. "What will happen to me?" She smiles slightly and lloks down at him. " You will be given a trial which should last about an hour. Then you will be convicted and sentenced to a short regimen of punishment by our staff of disciplinary mistresses before beginning the second part of your sentence which will be 25 years of hard labor." Harry can't believe it. "You've gotta be kidding!" She displays an amused smile and shakes her head slightly "Uh uh" Harry gets a little frantic. "Oh no! I made the worst mistake of my life! Please save my life! Think of my family! My sister needs me!" Arabella laughs at his outburst "Cool it Harry! I can see you have more pressing problems. She's smiling and looking at Harrys erect cock glistening with pre cum. "You do want to cum, don't you Harry? We can take care of that if you sign." Harry hesitates at the same time Arabell's phone vibrates. She speaks then presses a button on a small remote. A guard enters. "He's being obstinate. Cane him and make him uncomfortable. I'll be back later.
Poor Harry is strapped across a trestle. His fleshy bottom is raised high and thrusting outward. Two young women are on either side of him holding thin whippy canes. They are two dark haired beauties with their hair worn back and out of the way. Both tall and very fit they are wearing pussy high, tight form fitting shorts and light sleeveless tops allowing maximum freedom of motion."Such an inviting target isn't it ,Melanie? " melanie swishes her cane in the air. "Oh yeah, Ashley! " And he's been such a naughty boy!" "Thats right, Harry! You've been very bad! Lets just see if you still feel like wanking after we skin your chubby ass raw!" The fierce guard girls tear into Harrys quivering cheeks with savage ferocity. Alternating in rapid fire cadence on both sides as Harry howls and yelps and almost comically tries to shake off the stingiing viper bites.
Its near dawn and Harry is seated most uncomfortably on dozens of plastic spikes lining the reversed rubber mat atop his hard wooden chair. His ass is heavily striped and welted and he is wearing a straightjacket. He is strapped in place on the chair and an inflated cockgag is in his mouth. His cock and balls were in tight bondage with particular emphasis on his balls They had been pulled down and strectched and tightly seperated. The same two girls who caned him had later soothed his burning bottom with lotion and used greasy fingers to prod,poke, tickle and tease his anus, cock and balls. But never giving him quite enough stimulation to cum. They continued to enjoy their game of teasing and tormenting him after they had bound him on the chair. Cruelly denied release Harrys aching balls were hurting him worse than his hard belabored ass. They were bluish purple, super sensitive and now the size of tennis balls when Arabella walke in.
She marvelled at the size of his bloated, seperated balls. "Gee Harry, they got so biig and purple! And they look really, really sore and sensitive! " She giggled at Harrys muffled howls of agony when she prodded and squeezed each one individually. She toyed with them for a while then she got naked and teased him some more. She asked him if he was ready to sign. He shook his head frantically yesss!! She smiled and released his balls.His shrieking howl could be heard ouside the room as his circulation rushed painfully back in. She gave him a moment then removed his cockgag and straddled his face. "Heres something better Harry! Lick it! Lick my pussy!" She pressed Harrys face into her snatch and horny, frustrated Harry licked her wet snatch like Hagen Daz special reserve pistachio on a hot august night! She had one earth shattering climax after another till she was nearly out of breath. Harrys face glistened with her juices. "I know you like my ass, Harry! How'd you like a closeup view!" She spreads her soft cheeks and pushes them into Harrys sticky face. His hot tongue finds her tiny pink asshole and he licks her out like a porn star. She fingers herself off to two more wave crashing orgasms then she looks after Harry. First she painfully squeezes and pulls down on his balls to take the hair trigger edge off his long denied cock. Then she exhibits her exemplary skills as masturbatrix sencuously working Harrys cock for longer than both of them thought possible unti it finally explodes showering the room with long ropey salvos of white jizz. Harry nearly passes out from brief but intense pleasure. Arabella allows him to sleep for several hours before he completed his part of the bargain. Harrys confession and admission that he was part of a plot to overthrow Queen Maddo was circulated through various channels though not through the mass media. The general public, if aware at all, still thought the Oasis was an exclusive spa and resort for women and not a sovereign territory ruled by a Queen.
Harry remained incommunicado for several days and inexplicably provided with a number of amenities including cable tv and a well stocked refrigerator to make his detention more comfortable. Then a week later Harry was escorted by two guards at midnight to an underground garage where they took him by car the far eastern end of the territory There they met Isabella, Arabellas step sister and daughter of Maddo's previously married and now deceased husband. She was a gorgeous raven haired voluptuous woman who exuded avarice and disdain. She was accompanied by an older military looking man wearing camo. He speaks to one of the guards "Is this the guy?" They push Harry out to center circle. "Got the diamonds Isabella? " "Yes, and they are not to very comfortable! " Lets get this over with." The man levels a walther ppk at Harrys head. "Nothing personal Harry just tying up loose ends."
The last thing Harry remembered was the flash/bang of a stun grenade. He thought the gun had gone off and it was check out time. But he awoke in a bed with Arabella by his side. A doctor had just given him an injection and he was beginning to feel quite good."You did a great job helping us Harry and I'm so grateful.Sorry we were so hard on you but we had to play it to the hilt to make it believable." Harry was perplexed and Arabella takes him by elevator to the lower level and explains. Isabella who had always hated Arabella and Maddo had plotted to abscond with Queen Maddy's fabulous collection of diamonds and jewels and then have the Queen assasinated. Allied with a rogue element of the intelligence community who would have contract Blackriver private mercenaries to take over the realm and install Isabell as puppet Queen. She would use fake documents and evidence to prove that Arabella had carried out the assassination and stolen the jewels and that she was the legitimate heir to the throne. Rogue elements would have their own private nation on American soil to carry out illicit activities. And they intended to take over Maddy's own intelligence service and use the highly trained women as expendable assassin's, blackmailers and extortionists.
Arabella knew the essence of the plot but needed to use Harry to force their hand and make them act too soon. The operation was so compartmentalized they didn't know if he was part of the original plan or some rival plot. In any case he had to be eliminated quickly. It was a close run thing but the important plotters were captured and had given up the details of the intended coup. "But what happened to Isabella? Did she escape with the jewels?" Arabella takes Harry to a windowed backroom. A smiling heavyset woman who looks like Lon Chaney jr has just exited and is peeling off greasy latex gloves. She sees Arabella and shows her a large ziploc bag with a smaller bag. inside "I got all of them Arabella" I know it could've been done painlessly and much quicker with an anesthetic and a vacuum device" She flexes her very large hamlike fist "But sometimes the old ways are so much more fun!" She chuckles delightedly as she walks away. Arabella and Harry peer through the window. Naked Isabella is sobbing and moaning quite audibly. Her legs are spread wide and up in stirrups. A large pool of grease has pooled under her ass. More is flowing out of her gaping anus.It has been obscenely stretched to nearly the size of a fruit jar lid! Arabella smiles and watches for a moment then she leads Harry back upstairs. They enter the elevator.
"You're of course free to leave at any time. But if you'd care to stay I'd like to show you around our little country." "You...you want me to stay?" "Well, mother won't be back from the south of France for another month and..." Impulsively she reaches her hand down and rubs Harrys cock and squeezes his balls. "I thought you might want to get tied up again Harry. I know you liked it!" She squeezes his balls harder and his cock stiffens against her hand. Harry knows that he would jump at any chance to make Arabella happy.