Author's Note: Savanna finds an advert for a unique chair on the internet. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she aims to acquire the chair. Little does she realise that she is leading herself to become its unwilling occupant and slave to its owner.
Part 1
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Savanna loves surfing the net looking for rare items. She has made a tidy profit from buying and selling these items on eBay. On a new website that she has never seen before she came across a torture chair that looked simply ingenious and it caught her interest immediately. The item was advertised as a unique one only item but had to be collected and it was going for just $10. The seller indicated that he had inherited the piece and just wanted to get rid of it.
Savanna just knew that she had to acquire it, even it she decided not to sell it on. She quickly sent and email and received an acknowledgement half an hour later with an address. She replied confirming that she would drop by to inspect the item and arrange for its transport the next day.
The next day, an excited Savanna left straight from work to inspect her new find. The address was out in the country and looking up Google Maps determined that it would be an two hour drive so she left work early to avoid the rush hour traffic.
The location seemed quite remote and well away from the city and the main roads. Following her GPS, she made her way along country roads which grew more and more deserted the further from the highway that she went.
Eventually she spots an isolated farm at the end of the road that she was following. Pulling around the front of the main farmhouse, Savanna kills the engine, surveys the surroundings which is dark now except for the lights in the house and stepped out of the car and walked up to the house.
Knocking on the door, she is met by a middle aged man who invites her in and leads her into the living room. He introduces himself as Joe and asks "can I offer you a drink, coffee or tea perhaps?. It is a bit out of the way And you must be thirsty". He explains that he just inherited the farm from a his father and had been sorting things out when he came across the chair in question. He says that he is uncomfortable just imaging what it was used for and hence decided to get rid of it. Savanna smiles inwardly to herself know full well what it was used for and how many individuals had the pleasure of occupying it. After some chit chat, he excuses himself saying that he would get them both some coffee and disappears for a while before returning with two mugs of coffee and some biscuits.
Savanna accepts the hot cup of coffee before continuing to engage Joe in polite conversation. Gradually the conversation returns to the subject of the chair and Savanna notices that he is becoming more and more forthright about its function which he seems to be describing in more graphic detail. Savanna is a bit surprised at the gradual change in Joes demeanour and she seems unable to concentrate on what he is saying. Her eyes grow heavy and she hears him saying that he would be glad to give her a demonstration of the capabilities of the chair...... '
Savanna knows that something is not right but she seems unable to keep her eyes open and slowly a drowsy darkness overtakes her.......
Savanna eventually regains her senses and her head is throbbing. She opens her eyes in unfamiliar surroundings and immediately knows that things are wrong, badly wrong. Daylight streams in through a window and she feels cool air on her skin! Her head is wrapped in a latex hood that covers her head leaving only her face exposed. To her shock she realises that she is naked except for a tight thin leather G string and with a start she tried to sit up and realises that a wide leather band is wrapped around her mouth and numerous straps are straddling her head rendering unable to speak. She is unable to move her head freely as a thick leather posture collar is secured around her neck.
She looks over to see Joe sitting on a chair watching her. She tries to remove the leather mask that is wrapped around the lower half of her head around her mouth, feeling the straps that are around her chin and and forehead but finds that she cannot remove them as they are strapped on tight and locked in place.
Joe gets up and walks casually towards her grabbing her hands and stands her upright and drags her over to the chair that she had come to inspect. He shoves her roughly into the chair sitting her down as she struggles.
Using handcuffs she secures her hands awkwardly over her head to the back of the chair effectively cutting off her only means to fight back.
With Savanna unable to get up he starts to apply the numerous straps that she has seen in the picture of the chair. First a wide scrap is wrapped around her waist and tightened. This further restricts her movements and she is now unable to even get her ass off the chair.
Next he lifts up the broad vertical straps attached to the front of the belt and pulls them over her exposed breasts. He tightens a horizontal belt which is attached to the two vertical belts above her breasts forcing her backwards and secures her onto the back of the chair.
He finishes tightening the vertical straps so that she can no longer move the upper half of her body and then then stands back to admire his handiwork.
Savanna is struggling and thrashing in her bonds to no avail. She is trapped. With her upper body now firmly strapped in place and with her hands pulled up above either side of her head and cuffed to the top of the back of the chair, she is not going anywhere soon.
She glares at him swearing behind her gagged mouth making only meaningless sounds. With her upper body now restrained he moves to secure her legs with the leather straps on the front legs of the chair securing them tightly in place. Savanna fights him trying her best to kick at him with her still unbound legs. Joe merely laughs grabbing one ankle and strapping it tightly leaving her exerting what remaining freedom she has with her other leg flailing away uselessly. With ease he grabs the other free leg and straps it to the leg of the chair removing her last freedom of movement of her limbs.
Having immobilised Savanna, Joe now takes his time to refine the chairs bindings. He uncuffs her right wrist. Savanna mistakenly thinks that he has had enough and is about to free her but she is mistaken.
Holding her wrist he lays her hand along the length of the arm of the chair and then secures it in place with the strap on the end of arm of the chair. In quick order he does the same to her left hand.
Still hopeful, Savanna keeps pulling at her wrists and thrashes her whole body in a vain effort to get out of her bondage.
Savanna's efforts leave her panting heavily through her nose, gagged the way she is. Her exertions are futile and she is starting to sweat profusely which only adds to her discomfort and humiliation.
Joes hums away as he adjusts the vertical straps pulling them slightly between her breasts to reveal Savanna's pierced nipples and further tightens them adding to her distress.
He completes her "outfit" by tightening further the broad leather belt above Savanna's ample breasts and wraps it back over the belt buckle neatly.
Savanna stops her struggles momentarily as she tries to comprehend what is happening to her. Her chest and breasts are rising and falling from her heavy breathing as droplets of sweat form on her face and her helpless body.
She tries to plead with him with her eyes and meaningless moaning behind her dildo gag which is getting increasingly uncomfortable tipped back into entrance of her throat. She cannot comprehend how she let herself get conned into her predicament all for the sake of a stupid chair. Her bindings are so tight that they are really biting hard into her soft smooth skin.
If Savanna thought that her torment is over, she is mistaken. Joe explains that the chair has been in his family for ages and was conceived and constructed by her grandfather during a time when the farm was totally isolated. Many were the wenches through time who had occupied the very same chair being subjected to the perils that Savanna is now being exposed to.
Joe explains that he had never entertained any intention to part with this family heirloom but was surprised how easily it was to find a replacement for Savanna's predecessor whom he had sold to a slave trader when he and his crew had tired for her.
He smirks when he mentioned his crew apologising for not telling her about his two sons and three ranch hands who he is sure is going to be delighted with the replacement after going a week without any entertainment.
As he leaves her to ponder his words, Joes causally reaches for the remaining leather straps beneath Savanna's thighs and begins to strap and tighten them around her creamy white thighs.Totally immobilised, she groans at the extremely tight and confining bondage. She is totally unable to move a single inch of her luscious body.
Savanna continues to struggle away even though she knows how futile her efforts are. Joe walks away and returns a moment later holding up a mirror to the bound and helpless Savanna and holds it up to her so that she can see herself in the mirror.
Starring back at her is a bound figure with strapped immobile into the chair that she had come to see never once suspecting that she would be its imprisoned occupant.
He tells the trapped Savanna that he is nearly finished. She cannot imagine what else is to be done to her. He informs her that the boys will be back from the day's work in a few hours and he has messaged them that he has a new play thing for them. As he speaks he walks behind the chair out of Savanna's sight. Already drenched in sweat she makes another concerted effort to free herself pulling her arms legs and shaking her body even though she knows it is futile.
Savanna hears the sound of something scrapping the floor behind her but is unable to even turn her head due to the restrictive posture collar. Then to her horror she feels something probing her rear between her ass cheeks pushed up from beneath through a hidden slot in the chair. It eventually rests at the entrance of her ass hole. For a moment she breathes a sigh of relief knowing that she is wearing a leather G string. But unbeknownst to her, the slender leather strap in the crevice of her ass cheeks has a slit in the middle of the band and parts easily as Joe pushes what is obviously a large rubber dildo further up through the hidden slot in the chair.
Pressure builds as Savanna attempts to tighten her ass hole in a vain attempt to stop the invader as she moans through her gag. But is it a futile gesture as the head of the dildo enters her unlubricated rear channel inflicting a burst of pain causing her to try to lift herself off the seat of the chair to no avail.
Pain engulfs her entire rear as the head of the dildo inches its way slowly up into her defenceless ass and Savanna lets out a low howl of pain. Mercifully Joe stops forcing the invader up her ass which is now tightly wrapped around her rubber lover.
Savanna is panting heavily now, sweat pouring down her face and all over her body. But Joe is not yet finished. Walking back into her sight, he shows her a set of vibrating eggs which Savanna knows all too well it's intended function. Joe bends down and pushes the smaller of the two eggs against her now swollen pussy. Savanna knows that the tiny covering over her pussy must have a similar hidden slit and she is right as the first egg parts the slit as Joe pushes it into her pussy.
Thankfully Savanna is wet between her legs from all the sexual stimulation already and it slips in easily. The second much larger egg encounters some resistance as Joe uses his fingers to part the slit pushing the larger egg in. Savanna screams begging that it is too big but only makes meaningless sounds of protest as Joe wriggles and pushes on the egg until it slips past her pussy lips and disappears inside her with a plop as the slit closes in on itself sealing the two eggs into her trapping them inside with only the cord of the controller hanging out through the slit.
With her mouth gagged and a dildo down her throat and now having her other two orifices stuffed full, Savanna is tearing from the humiliation. But Joe has one last humiliation producing two large and very strong industrial clamps and holds them up to Savanna's now pleading eyes as she does not have to even guess what they are for.
Effortlessly Joes applies the clamps one after another to Savanna's hardened nipples. She cries out a muffled scream as her nipples and breasts explode in pain.
As Savanna heaves and thrashes on the chair Joe tells her that the boys are not particularly good at foreplay and he is just warming her up so that they can get straight into her upon their return.
Then to her absolute terror, he tells Savanna that the dildo in her ass is not a simple static artificial cock but is attached to a machine whose function she is going to learn in a moment. He picks up the controller for the eggs and turns it and the eggs embedded deep in her pussy start to vibrate.
Savanna slams her body back against the back of the chair shocked by the strength of the vibrations. It sends shivers between her legs as she tries desperately to come to terms with the unwanted stimulation deep inside her pussy.
But even this is nothing compared to the sudden pain of the thrusting of the dildo in and out of her unlubricated ass when Joe flicks the switch of the machine on. It starts slowly at first but she has no time to accommodate its vile invasion of her rear hole as it begins to pick up speed. Savanna is soon bouncing up and down in sheer distress with each thrust of the dildo deep into her ass. She is drooling copious amounts of saliva escaping from the edges of her confining deep throating dildo gag.
She is in a world of alternating pleasure and pain and helpless to do anything about it except to cum again and again as she awaits the return of the ranch hands. Through the haze of her sexual torture Joe tells her to get used to the chair as she will be bound to it during the day time. She is told that the boys will obviously release her from her chair in order to fuck her every night. When they are satisfied she will be left in chains to sleep with whoever is the last man standing for the night and will be returned to the be bound to the chair when the gang leaves for work in the morning.
Even upon hearing of her fate, Savanna is unable to take a moment to come to terms with her desperate situation of being a bondage prisoner of the chair by day and a fuck toy by night. Consumed by the combination of the rubber cock relentlessly slamming in and out of her ass, the unceasing vibrations deep in her pussy and the dildo gag lodged in her throat, she can only emit a gagged throaty cry begging for mercy. Surely this cannot be the purpose for her existence from now onwards. NNOOOOOOOOOOO..... she cries.
Part 2 (added: 2016/10/20)
The chair proves to be a horrifying device with the accompanying vibrating eggs and mechanical lover in Savanna's ass. After an hour being pounded in her ass and suffering one shattering orgasm after another, Savanna is exhausted but knows that she still has to face five sex starved ranch hands.
To her great relief, Joe ends her immediate torment switching off the instruments of her torture. She is now completely drenched in sweat with her head hanging down still encased in her leather bound harness. He leaves her to ponder her fate and tells her to rest a while to await her unknown suitors.
Savanna closes her eyes knowing that there is nothing to do but wait in dreaded anticipation snatching some much needed rest despite her tight bondage.
She is woken from her brief slumber by the sound of feet descending down the dungeon stairs as 5 burly men file in one by one. Lifting her head up she looks up at them as they circle her making rude and obscene remarks as they move menacingly towards her. In short order they are mauling her breasts and pinching her nipples all the time announcing out loud how much they are going to enjoy breaking in the new prisoner.
Savanna is under no disillusionment that she will service all of them before the night is over. Together they reach down and start to unbuckle the straps that have held her prisoner and lift her roughly off the chair and the dildo that has kept her company for the hours before their return. She slips off the invader with a lewd unceremonious plop and and is made to stand unsteadily on her two feet.
Stripped bare of all the straps that have at least hidden her partially, she stands vulnerable and naked before them except for her head harness and gag. Her hands are held behind her by one of the men as another slowly starts to remove her head harness. She enjoys her brief respite moving her jaws to ease the stiffness from her mouth from being kept wide open for hours since her capture.
Savanna has only ever been impartial to giving blow jobs in the past. She has always felt that it was rather degrading but had agreed to give some of her selected lovers the pleasure but only on her terms.
But in her helpless and defenceless position with five virile cocks waiting to be serviced, she despairs at the thought of being forced to service all five men.
Savanna is forced onto a bed in the room, face upwards with her head hanging just over the edge of the mattress. The men are holding her arms and legs down and one of them steps over to the side of the bed hanging his erect cock over her face. She resists keeping her mouth tightly shut knowing what they want of her.
The men toy with her and one of them places his hand under her chin and I uses his thumb and index finger as a wedge on either side of her mouth forces her jaws apart. She fights a loosing battle as her mouth is slowly pried open to allow the waiting man to push the head of he cock into her resisting mouth.
Once it is inside with her lips surrounding the girth of his hardened cock, he starts to pump away in and out of her mouth making lewd sucking sounds as saliva builds in her mouth.
Without any consideration for her, he pounds away vigorously slamming his balls over and unto her nose as saliva drools from the edges of her lips around the plunging cock. His violent rapid pounding brings him quickly to his ejaculation even as he continues his fucking of her mouth without respite. Unable to swallow as quickly as he is shoots out his load some of his hot sticky cum escapes her lips and slides down her cheeks.
When he pulls out suddenly she tries to gasp for air only to find her mouth and lips around another hard cock taking the place of the first cock repeating the same process.
The cocks are being fed to her one after another in quick succession each of different lengths and girths, some stretching her lips while the longer ones entering her throat causing her to gag and choke involuntarily expelling more saliva and sperm that flow and cover her face and eyes.
By the time she finishes being face fucked by the 5th man, the first is ready for seconds and the cycle is repeated all over again until all the men have emptied themselves twice each into her mouth.
Savanna is spluttering saliva and cum which covers her entire face and eyes drenching even her hair. She is an utter mess of cum and saliva panting and breathing heavily as she struggles to regain her breath after the violent rape of her mouth. She is revolted by the amount of cum that she has been forced to consume and is almost at the point retching but is prevented from doing so as a hand is placed over her mouth to stop her from expelling any of the vile seed that has been dumped into her mouth and stomach.
To add insult to injury, the men wipe the remaining moisture of saliva and sperm down her face sweeping it into her hair like shampoo wetting it completely and then sit her up with her cum soaked hair falling over her breasts and her back.
By the time the men are sated, Savanna is a slobbering mess covered in cum and sweat. They carry her limp body over to what looks to her like a saddle. As she nears the saddle her heart sinks as she recognises what it is - a Sybian. Savanna had viewed videos online of bondage subjects ridding one of these.
Their effect was always intense depending how they were used. In her circumstances Savanna knows that it will not be pleasant.
The long large dildo sitting on top of the Sybian beckons her as the men carry her to it as she struggles meekly begging them not to have her sit on it but they all just laugh at her.
Lifting her up easily they spread her legs apart and lower her unto the machine slowly. Her struggles are to no avail as they place her on top of the upright dildo lowering her onto it. Savanna grunts as it slips into her wet pussy inch by inch until it is completely inside her with her pussy resting on the ribbed clit stimulator extending from the dildo.
With her legs spread on either side of the saddle, they pull her legs up tying them behind her to the Sybian so that her full weight now rests on top of the Sybian with the knees just off the floor.
They push the Sybian towards a massive pillar so that its back is facing the pillar. Then they pull her arms behind her clasping her wrists to metal cuffs on the sides of the pillar causing her shoulder joints to ache painfully as she is forced to bend slightly forward forcing her clit further onto the clit stimulator.
Then the wrap rope around her neck and using the two loose ends starts to wrap them around the base of her breasts causing her breasts to bulge out in a hardened engorged state. Using the remainder of the rope they thread the rope behind her back to give her a rope breast bondage bra.
Standing back to admire their work, Joe appears to announce that dinner is ready. Slowly they all file out of the dungeon leaving Savanna bound up with the dildo to keep her company telling her that they will return after dinner for their dessert entertainment as they switch the light out plunging her into darkness to ponder her fate.