- Author - FenderBender18
- Rating -
    [ 4.07 actual ]
- Site Rank - 789 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, consensual, non-consensual, reluctant, bondage, chastity, humiliation, tricked
- Post Date - 8/11/2016
Author's Note: This is just the first chapter of the story, if people enjoy it I will post the second chapter and so on and so fourth. Thanks.
Chapter 1: One small step for thought, one giant leap for pleasure.
Kristen looked at her own reflection in the mirror trying to mentally convince her to go through with her plan. She had always been interested in the world of bdsm and even fantasized about it often, but her experience so far had been very limited and for the most part, unsatisfying. That is what she hoped to change when she heard about a local group in town that hosts an annual bdsm retreat at a local hotel. Kristen had read reviews about the event online and after reading some personal stories from past attendees she was more than ready to check in out this year herself.
First Kristen did her homework on the event, she read all the rules and all the suggestions that the group leading the event had put on their website. There were quite a few but Kristen mainly focused on the important ones that she knew she wouldn't want to forget. These were also in her mind the simplest ones:
1.) Every sub/slave will rent a collar, there will be three distinctly different choices, the first being for the sub who is into very light (mostly sensual) play such as light bondage, teasing, tickling, light impact play and so on. The second will be for the subs who crave a bit more control; these will be used for subs interested in the general aspects of bdsm play and what most of the subs will be using. The third collar will be for the slaves, it signifies that the wearer is a true no-limits slave and anything is fair game as long as it does not violate the rest of the house rules.
2.) All subs/slaves are required to wear their collars at all times, if a sub/slave is attending with an owner/dominant the dominant partner must have a tag on the subs/slaves collar showing that they are attending with another person and that other attendees must have permission from the dominant partner before interacting with that sub/slave. If attending alone, the sub/slave is not required to wear a tag and permission to interact with them will be at the discretion of the sub/slave.
3.) The event will be separated into three sectors, male only, female only, and male/female, if attendee is a male, interacting with a female in the female only sector is strictly forbidden, and vice-versa. This will also be indicated on a subs/slaves collar or on a dominant's wristband.
4.) Things that are off-limits with no exceptions: anyone under age 18 will not be allowed in the hotel during the event, nothing illegal may take place, no contact can be made with a attendee after the attendee has stated that they're not interested, all attendees must register a credit card at the front desk when arriving (this will be billed for any room, toys, clothing, food, or any other items sold at the event by multiple vendors), the organizers of the event have rented the entire hotel for five days, during which all sexual acts in public are okay and every attendee will sign a waiver saying so, however at the end of the fifth day please be advised this will end and event organizers will not be liable for any situations thereafter.
5.) Have fun and be a good boy/girl/pet/slave/whatever you want.
After memorizing the rules, Kristen set about her next phase of the plan, getting the right outfit to wear. First she started thinking about going in just her normal street clothes but decided against it, thinking she might stand out as a newbie and she didn't want to advertise that to the other patrons. Looking at herself in the mirror she studied her own 22 year old body in her bathrobe and tried to imagine how others might see her, she had never really considered herself to be all that "hot"; she mainly thought of herself as being "cute". If she had to describe herself she would say that she was your typical tomboyish girl. Her hair was perfectly straight and raven black, her face was cute with a few freckles and deep brown eyes and a lot of the boys she met told her she chipmunk cheeks when she smiled. Her body matched that of her tomboyish appearance, standing at 5'5" she wasn't exactly tall, and was just around 115 lbs. Her friends had stated on several times that she was just skin, bones, and muscle; which she liked. Kristen worked out often and was proud of her figure, her breasts where nothing spectacular but they were perky and firm, and even if she wasn't a knock-out in the looks department her athletically toned arms and legs mean she could make up for it in energy and stamina, which in Kristen's mind was way better to have than looks anyway.
As Kristen was looking at the mirror and thinking she heard her alarm clock go off from the other room signaling it was time for her to get ready. She headed out of her the her bathroom and into the bedroom where she had laid out her outfit earlier, she had decided on pair of leather short shorts that she had worn as a Halloween costume when she had gone as punk rocker chick, they were very tight but also the only leather bottoms that she had and Kristen didn't want to look out of place at the hotel. After taking off her bathrobe, she slipped on pair of her laciest panties and grabbed the leather shorts. She started with her left leg first and then her right, but when she got the garment to her knees she had to lay on her bed to get enough leverage to squeeze the tight things past, with that done she then slipped the shorts up her thighs and around her waist, only to remember that leather shrinks in the wash and that her shorts no longer fit with her panties on. Kristen didn't know what to do at this point, her options where not very inspiring, she could either not wear the shorts or not wear the panties. She really wanted to wear the shorts but the idea of not wearing any underwear at a semi-public event was a bit too slutty for her; however the more she thought about it the more she thought that fitting in with the correct outfit would be better than maybe getting a little embarrassed if she did meet someone to play with.
Having decided to forgo the panties, Kristen quickly slid them off and with ease got the leather shorts back up to her waist, zipped them up and buttoned the top up. Getting up off the bed Kristen could tell that the shorts where still a bit too tight and that they semi restricted her leg movements, but this feeling also excited her a little bit also and she decided to continue with her upper garment. The top she had chosen was basically a simple leather vest that she had picked up at the local second-hand clothing shop. It looked like something a female biker would wear, it was a standard vest but someone had cut it into a diamond shape with a V-neck top. As Kristen slipped it on over her head and pulled it down tight against her skin she couldn't help but notice the effect the material had on her bare nipples as her breasts started to tingle a bit and she made a very slight gasp. Next where her boots that she had picked out, these were also part of her old Halloween costume and matched her shorts perfectly, they were black biker boots that came up to Kristen's mid-thigh. She pulled on a pair of her long socks and then slid the boots on one at a time. After lacing up the boots Kristen stood and looked at herself in the full-length mirror and saw a leather-clad vixen staring back at her. The leather shorts looked tight, almost as if they were painted on and the leather vest perfectly exposed just enough of what cleavage Kristen had and enough of her toned midriff and cute belly button. The boots completed the look and she was more confident now than when she had started her adventure. In fact if someone didn't know better they might think she was a one of the dommes at the event, but Kristen had decided early on that since she was new to this it would be better to learn as sub than to try and domme someone with her very limited experience.
Just as Kristen was turning around to look at her backside, the alarm in her room went off again letting her know it was time to head to the hotel. She quickly grabbed the only three things she would need for hopefully the next five days, her credit card with the highest limit she could get which was $80,000 thanks to her wealthy parents as co-signers (she planned to spend hardly any of it though), I.D., and her long coat for the walk to the hotel three miles away. As Kristen exited her apartment building she was glad that the doors had digital-key code locks as opposed to mechanical keys, this way she didn't have to worry about bringing or losing her key while at the hotel. Her walk to the hotel was uneventful, but she did notice that the weight of the heavy boots and the tightness of her shorts made her legs fairly tired by the time she saw the entrance to the hotel
Once at the hotel entrance her heartbeats quicken a bit and she stopped for a moment and looked around for other people entering, she saw for the most part ordinary people wearing coats much like Kristen herself was. She then decided it was time to go inside, and see what was occurring inside the event.
Immediately upon entering Kristen was stopped by a pretty woman with dirty blonde hair in her mid-thirties.
"May I see your I.D. and credit card please, Ma'am?" She asked.
"Oh yes, of course" Kristen replied while pulling out her I.D. and credit card and handing them over to the blond lady with her hand shaking ever so slightly.
"First time?" asked the reception lady.
"Uh, yeah" Kristen replied nervously.
"Ah don't worry, you're gonna love it, sweetheart." She said.
"Thanks, I hope so" Kristen replied.
"Okay, so what collar would you like, I'm assuming you're attending as a sub, correct?" She asked.
"Yeah, um..." Kristen wanted to answer the woman but her brain had stopped working, she was too excited and nervous to think at this point.
The receptionist lady let Kristen stand there for a few moments before grabbing a collar from behind her and held it out to the young dumbstruck woman in front of her,
"This is the sub level 2 collar, it is made from leather and flexible, it is also the general collar that most subs here will be wearing, it basically signifies that limits and safe words have to be agreed upon by both the sub and his or her dominate partner in order for play to occur." She said while holding the collar open and out to Kristen.
"Ok, sounds good" Kristen replied, she was just about to reach out and grab it when the woman slapped her Kristen's hand away, wondering what was going on Kristen looked up at the woman .
"A good sub never puts on or takes off their own collar, sweetheart" The woman said.
"Oh, okay, sorry, Ma'am" Kristen said as she pulled back her hair so it was out of the way and leaned forward so that the woman could easily wrap the collar around her neck.
"That's a good, girl" The older woman said while closing the collar around Kristen's neck. As the woman threaded the leather through the buckle Kristen became aware that the butterflies in her stomach had moved lower into her womanhood and she was becoming slightly aroused, at least she was until she felt and heard the click of the mechanical buckle on the collar shut, and Kristen let out an involuntary gasp as her pussy betrayed her brain and her mind realized she was beyond slightly aroused. The older woman in front of Kristen also noticed this.
"Oh yeah, you're gonna have the time of your life here, girly. Now what sector do you want to be in?" She asked.
"Um..." Again Kristen couldn't speak
"Well how about the female only, then you won't have a bunch of horny men trying to get you just to bend over for them. Plus then you'll be in the same sector as me" She stated.
"Ok." Kristen replied.
"Good girl, also you probably around know this, but the collars are upgradable but not downgrade able, meaning you could go up to a full on slave collar from here, but not down to a sub level 1 collar. Understood, girly?" The woman asked.
"Yes, Ma'am" Kristen couldn't help but notice that both times when the woman had called her a good girl, it sent a pleasant shiver up her spine. She also noticed how the woman had at first called her ma'am then sweetheart, and now it was girly. Kristen deducted that this meant the woman was a domme and she was used to talking down to subs like Kristen. The older woman than put two a pink sticker on Kristen's collar and pressed on it quite hard which surprised Kristen.
"There, now you're all set to go in, girly, oh and one more thing, your code for your credit card to be charged is 0722." She said.
"Thank You, Ma'am" Kristen said realizing after she said it that she was fishing around for another good girl comment from the woman.
"You're welcome, girly, not get that cute ass in there" she said and as Kristen just starting walking past her, the woman gave her a quick slap on the ass of her leather shorts.
"And if you're not with someone by the end of the night, I'm gonna claim you as my own little slutty sub, girly" The woman said with sincere face. Kristen didn't know why but the combination of the slap to her ass and comment of the woman was enough to send her pussy into full swing, she even knew that had there not been a bunch of other people around she would have cum right then and there.