Prologue: The Package
David studied the lengthy wooden crate that now lay on the tiled floor of the large rustic kitchen. He liked this room in the mornings; when the sun shone through the expansive windows that gave a panoramic view of the trees and mountains behind the property. At that time of day, the rays cast shadows over the light oak table he'd installed in the centre of the room. It was his favourite place for studying the overnight financial news whilst eating breakfast.
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It was late afternoon now though and he was nervous, a little pensive even, as he gazed at the signs stuck to the wooden container. "Fragile - This Side Up" was the largest of them, printed in unmissable red lettering on the top lid. Smaller notices, also in red, warned people to "Handle With Care". Perhaps the strangest was the black stamp placed directly on the wood of the crate indicating that the delivery had been cleared by Customs. Given what he believed to be the contents he knew a genuine representative of the government couldn't possibly have inspected it. He smiled ruefully to himself, tapping the wooden lid with the head of the screwdriver he held in his right hand. It had been a long day and he was at the end of a much longer process.
When he'd set out on this mission he'd been full of enthusiasm for how it might end. As that end had drawn closer he'd started to have doubts. At first the doubts were centred on whether this was actually genuine, would he really take delivery of a person at the end or was it just a scheme to part him from what, admittedly, had been some relatively easily obtained cash. As he'd continued down the road he had chosen, and everything began to seem real, his doubts became more about the morality of what he was doing. These doubts hadn't stopped him proceeding though; the prize at the end was just too enticing to pass up.
There was no turning back now. Taking a glass from one of the cupboards in the room he filled it with cold water directly from the tap and sipped it slowly as he continued staring at the crate, visualising in his mind the contents within. A small smile crossed his face as he considered how the day had gone.
Two weeks earlier, he had completed the procurement process. The period since had been a time for either nervously contemplating delivery or worrying, unduly as it turned out, about what might go wrong. After completing his purchase he'd heard nothing for ten days. Finally, just as he was beginning to believe the whole thing was a sham, he'd received an e-mail identifying five potential delivery locations and asking him to name his preference. The next two hours had been spent researching the options with more than a tinge of anticipation
The locations were spread across the country and each was characterised by its remoteness and isolation. Assessing each one carefully, he ended up picking the one closest to the ranch he now lived in; it was still a two hundred and eighty mile journey north of his new home. Being the closest wasn't the only criteria that appealed to him. His chosen delivery location was at the foot of a mountain range with many small trails meandering over the surrounding area. There were no main roads leading to the location and he felt that he was less likely to meet anyone whilst he conducted his business. There was also less likelihood of him being caught out in the open with his prize.
The only potential alternative was a desert location that would have involved a round trip of close on two thousand miles. Whilst the isolation there was even greater, so was the risk of discovery on the return journey. He replied to the e-mail and received a terse confirmation the following day. It stated the package would be available in precisely three days from 10:00am. He was not to arrive before that time; nor should he leave collection later than 11:00am. The instructions were very succinct and he had immediately started to plan the detail of the journey.
That journey was now complete. He'd risen at 3:00am that morning. After copious amounts of coffee to wake him, he was on the road an hour later having first removed the rear seats of his SUV. By 9:00am he was within ten miles of the location. After filling up the SUV and drinking two more cups of coffee, he'd left the gas station a tad before 10:00am driving straight to the delivery point. Twenty minutes later his heart was pounding against his rib cage as the SUV bounced down a dirt road that was barely as wide as the vehicle he was driving. As he rounded each bend his eyes were intent as he searched for his objective. He wondered whether or not he would recognise what he was looking for. The track was climbing slowly with the vegetation sparse on either side, just small clumps of tufted grass growing next to insipid looking grey stones. He came to a bend where a particularly large rock jutted out in front of him obscuring the view and he had to take to the even rougher ground that bordered the track to get around it. The road straightened then and he could see something maybe quarter of a mile away. He drove slowly towards the object, his eyes darting left and right as he searched for any sign that anyone else might be in the area, that anyone might be watching him. His concentration was fierce but he saw no sign that he was anything other than alone in this barren place; he couldn't even hear a bird sing. Even before he pulled up carefully along side he knew that this was what he had come for; the large wooden crate so obviously didn't fit in with the surrounding landscape. He put the brake in park and got out to examine the delivery.
The hardest part was getting the crate into the SUV. He'd had to reverse up to it with the rear door open. When he first lifted the crate he couldn't get it to the height of the floor of the vehicle. In the end he'd had to balance one end precariously on the vehicle jack, lift it onto the lip of the vehicle then climb in to the rear and pull it a couple of inches until he could rest the lip of the crate on the carpeted floor. Once he'd had one end in, it was easier to lift the other and push the whole thing into the body of the SUV. With a last look around he'd closed the rear door, turned the SUV around and driven slowly back the way he had come. He didn't truly believe he'd done it until he turned onto the track that led to his ranch some five hours later. No one had stopped him on the return journey, the vehicle hadn't broken down and any number of things that he had worried might have happened had not. The end was close.
Now, he was alone with his delivery. The crate was some seven feet long and three feet wide. It was heavy and awkward to lift by himself. He had considered opening it outside but the air was already starting to cool in the late afternoon. Instead, he'd spent forty minutes wrestling it from the SUV into the kitchen where he could take his time and open it in relative warmth. The lid was held down by two rows of cross-headed screws that gleamed dully in the fading light. He took a deep breath. He wanted to open the crate, but he also wanted to savour this moment. It was the end of a long and protracted process, and also, he hoped, the start of a much longer and more enjoyable experience. He sat and gazed a while longer before standing and stretching his legs. Finally, the growing nervousness and excitement he felt in the pit of his stomach got the better of him. He picked up a screwdriver and slowly started to loosen the lid, eager to lay eyes at last on his most recent purchase.
Chapter 1: A Previous Life
There was a secret to selecting a slave girl; it wasn't possible just to snatch someone off the street. Well, that was possible, but it wasn't the most effective way of proceeding. You needed someone who wouldn't be missed too much, someone who could be trained and moulded, someone who was marketable. The latter was essential. If the girl wasn't presentable then the market for her would be drastically reduced and the corresponding rewards would be less, often considerably so.
This would be the eleventh girl "The Provider", as he liked to be known to his "guests", would have procured for training. He'd learned, from his mistakes with the previous ten, the best way of doing this. The tenth was still being trained but the other nine had been moved on, not all of them successfully. He'd never met the people who had set him up to do this work. His only contact had been an Asian man of indeterminable age who had directed him at the beginning. He had guided "The Provider" to the location he should use, provided money for set-up costs and had also provided the technical equipment through which business was transacted. "The Provider" himself had purchased the other equipment that he used for the fundamentals of the business; there was a lot of it. Now, as he examined the photographs that lay scattered around him, he was giving some consideration as to how he might exit the life he had been leading. He had been incredibly successful and knew this success would not last forever. Another three, maybe four trainees and he would be done, there was more than enough money in the bank to last two life times. He could give up now but the truth was, he enjoyed the challenge. As he went back and forth over the photographs he smiled to himself as he remembered previous captives; and also how naïve he had been at the beginning.
The first girl had been delivered to order, as had the second. Neither had required a great deal of training; that hadn't been the point. The main objective of the exercise had been to prove that he could successfully capture someone, hold that person for a while then ship the captive to the required location. There had been some minor problems with the process but, by and large, he was pleased with the way things went. That changed with girl number three, she had been an absolute disaster. Eventually, she had been discretely passed on to a prostitution ring somewhere in Asia at no charge. It was not a good result for someone who was trying to build a reputation within the circle of his chosen operation, never mind the effort that had been expended; and had eventually gone to waste.
After that experience, he'd taken time to refine the selection process. The secret was research, the first step likely candidates. He culled these from a number of sources. Adverts on websites looking for BDSM partners was a good start. He figured that those who already fantasised about being captured and bound would be easier to train than someone with absolutely no interest in that kind of activity. Captive number three, a slim highly attractive blonde girl named Helen had convinced him of that.
Helen was single and well educated, a career girl whose interests had included dancing and keep fit but, crucially as it transpired, not bondage, domination, spanking or any remotely similar activity. He'd taken her in January the year before last and she had fought every step of the way until August when he finally had to admit that it wasn't going to work. She would never be somebody's obedient plaything. Admitting defeat in itself had been a problem. It wasn't like he could let her go, her disappearance had made front-page headlines, if only for a week until the next disaster had diverted the press's attention. Also, the experiences he had inflicted on her, in the effort to get her to bend to his will, meant that she would surely engage whatever resources she could to find him if she were free to do so. He pondered her fate for nearly a week before finally contacting the organisation that normally disposed of his goods and asking advice. Some terse questions followed via e-mail. Whilst there was no direct threat the undertone was obvious; the organisation didn't tolerate fuck-ups. After three exchanges he received instructions as to where to deliver the girl. He strapped her up, packed her in a crate and left her in the nominated place, an abandoned warehouse on an equally underused industrial estate. Once the delivery was made he sent a text message to the number that he had been given. That was supposed to be the end of it, he was to leave the girl there; she would be collected later. He couldn't do that though. He felt a little guilty and at least wanted to confirm that somebody took delivery. A six-hour wait ensued, watching the warehouse from a vantage point in another abandoned building; it was a risk he was willing to take to appease his conscience. Eventually a tattered van arrived and a number of men of Asian origin disembarked. Two of the men stood watch while the remainder went inside. A few minutes later he watched as they emerged with the crate that was loaded into the van. The men climbed in also and the vehicle disappeared into the night. Goodbye Helen, he thought to himself, an unmitigated disaster that he didn't want to repeat. Thus, he resolved to scrutinise his potential guests more carefully
"The Provider" was adept with technology and his skills were well suited to this new approach. One excellent source of information was web sites selling bondage gear and sex toys. He managed to hack into a number of these obtaining not only client names and addresses but also lists of the items they purchased. This helped to understand their fantasies and desires and it was from these various sources that he pulled together his target list.
He also nosed around some of the many bondage chat sites. This was less successful in identifying potential targets because it was harder to put real names to the people who frequented those places. He could befriend them on the site but there was always the chance that the intended target would talk about him to others. That was a risk he couldn't really control so he shied away from too much personal contact. Nevertheless it sometimes gave him ideas for further research.
Once he had a list the next step was physically identifying the targets, taking photographs and gaining some basic information about the women he was surveying. Wives and mothers he crossed off immediately, the furore surrounding their disappearance would be far greater than that of a girl living alone. He also crossed off the ones that, in his opinion, were downright unattractive. People would only pay the sort of price that rewarded his efforts for someone they considered special.
The final step was to distribute the photographs to potential clients and see which ones generated the most interest. He did this through the technology provided by the organisation. They fed back the results indicating the best potential targets and these were the ones he did the detailed research on.
This detailed research was now complete on the two girls that had topped his last list of potential targets and it was their photographs that were littered around him. The first was Elizabeth Clarke. She was 24 years old, single, a good-looking girl with short blonde hair, a gorgeous figure but a surprisingly uneventful social life. She worked in a supermarket and lived alone in a small one bed-roomed flat. He'd broken into that flat and placed a program on her computer so that he could track her activities. He'd also installed a tiny remote camera in her bedroom so he could watch her there as well.
Elizabeth had attracted his interest because of her purchases on one of the web sites he had hacked. These had included paddles, nipple clamps, handcuffs, a book on self-bondage and a number of dildos and vibrators. In all the time he'd watched her though, he'd never seen her practice self-bondage, never seen her with a partner. He had watched her handcuff her hands in front of her body while she pleasured herself with one of her toys. Sometimes she spent three or four hours on her own, teasing herself to orgasm after orgasm. She spent a lot of time on bondage chat rooms and seemed willing to take both male and female partners. Her fantasies involved tight bondage, fetish clothing and being taken in every orifice while she was helpless. He'd read the scripts of conversations, scenes, she'd enjoyed with others. The previous week he'd broken into her flat again to remove the camera and all the evidence from her computer. He had the information he needed. Yes he thought, Elizabeth was an excellent candidate. She would be popular with a number of potential clients and would fetch a good price, of that he was sure. But, for now, he was going to pass on sweet sexy looking Elizabeth.
He laid her photo on the couch and lifted one of the second girl he was considering, gazing at it intently. This was the one he thought. The feedback on her had been good though not as good as Elizabeth's, primarily he thought, because she was older. Arabs in particular liked their girls young. But her lifestyle was exactly what he was looking for. She seemed to possess a great desire for bondage related activities without completely achieving her dreams. He was sure that, with training, she would be the ideal candidate. He smiled to himself as he laid her photograph on top of Elizabeth's. The decision was made in his mind; girl number eleven would be Tegan Coulter.
Tegan had also caught his eye because of her purchases through one of the web sites he had managed to infiltrate. He'd almost passed on her because of her age; she was in her mid-thirties. As luck would have it though, there was another prospect that lived in the same area and it took very little additional effort to check them both. He was also thorough in his work and so, one Wednesday morning around 11:30am, he found himself in a parked car close to where Tegan worked, a camera with a large telephoto lens resting in his lap. He'd not been disappointed.
The girl who had stepped out onto the pavement after he'd been there around an hour was stunning. She wore a simple white dress that was tight enough across her breasts to show them off to their best advantage without being vulgar. She was about five feet ten with long dark hair that framed a soft face and flowed down her back. A flat stomach, long legs with shapely calves and a certain grace when she walked, no doubt helped by the heels she was wearing, gave the overall impression of a very polished lady. "The Provider" discreetly snapped a hundred or so pictures as she walked to a car parked almost opposite his on the other side of the road before driving off to find his second engagement.
Melissa Steven, his other planned research target that day, was something of a disappointment after Tegan. She was good looking enough but it was obvious that she was lacking a certain quality that Tegan exuded. He snapped another hundred or so pictures but his instinct told him that this one wouldn't go anywhere. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he just knew that Tegan was right. He'd smiled to himself as he drove the considerable distance back to his hideaway. In his mind he was already planning the seizure that would irrevocably change her life.
Over the next few weeks he carried out more detailed research on Tegan. Although he had no set criteria, everything he discovered about her seemed to fit his idea of who the perfect victim would be. She was currently single and living alone. She worked hard at a local estate agent's and seemed to be successful judging by the number of appointments she kept. Her house was in an isolated location and she had few visitors. All this he found out before breaking into that house while she was working. Whilst installing the small camera in her bedroom and the Trojan software on her computer he also had a quick look around. He'd noted her purchases on the web site and found many of them in her bedroom. There were many toys but also ropes, leather straps, handcuffs and fetish clothing. Tegan had an array of corsets, long leather boots, leather gloves a collection of heels and much more stored in her wardrobes and in boxes under her king sized bed. He wondered how often she used them.
The answer came over the next few weeks as he watched the feed from the camera, intercepted her e-mails and studied the web sites she visited. The feed from the camera was most revealing. Some nights she would collapse into bed exhausted from a day's work and just sleep. But these nights were in the minority. Often she would spend some time on the computer when she got home. Some of her favourite web sites were those with stories of bondage, sex, and often kidnap and slavery. Having spent time reading some stories there was a sort of pattern to what would happen next. She would strip naked and bathe, often teasing herself gently. Then she would dry herself before retiring with one or two of her favourite toys. Slowly she would bring herself to a crescendo, often purring sexily as she built up her orgasm. When she came she moaned or screamed, her hips bucking as she forced the toys deeper inside her trying to extract every last ounce of pleasure from the experience; it was some show. It was the day's when she didn't work though that "The Provider" witnessed the most interesting behaviour.
When not working, Tegan would often run early in the morning, bathing on her return. Some days she then dressed and went out, these were of little interest. It was the days when she donned fetish clothing and then tied herself up that he watched on his screen with most interest. On these occasions, after bathing, she would make her preparations, laying out clothes, toys, ropes and other items she needed on the bed. He would watch as she donned corsets, boots or other items. She often added nipple clamps. Invariably, she would insert one of her toys then strap her legs together with coil after coil of rope. She was ingenious when it came to tying her arms. She would strap her already tied legs to the bed then slip her wrists into ratchet devices she could tighten with her fingers. Release devices that were timed complimented these; she often used ice for this purpose. He'd watched her helpless on the bed, often for hours at a time, experiencing orgasm upon orgasm as she fought her self inflicted bindings, waiting for the ice to melt so she could free herself. It was a strange dichotomy he thought. Here was a self assured, successful career woman who obviously had a deep desire to not be in control. His final step had been to circulate the pictures of Tegan, together with five other possible targets, to potential clients and gauge the response. But all along he thought, he'd made his choice the first time he saw her step out onto the street.
Now, as he laid the picture of Tegan Coulter on top of Elizabeth Clarke's, who would probably be victim number twelve, he considered how he would effect her kidnap. The initial capture, and subsequent transport to the remote house where he carried out all the training, was the riskiest part of the whole process. He couldn't afford the slightest hint of a witness, couldn't leave any trace of the abduction or the method he used. To this end, he owned a small non-descript dark blue Ford van, the commercial type with no windows in the back. The hard part was getting the non-compliant victim into that van with the minimum of fuss. He went over Tegan's routine considering the options. The obvious place to start was a bogus appointment to view a property. He considered this carefully. He could select an empty property, break in and make preparations, then call and make an appointment to view. He would have to give false details. There was a risk to that; there would be a trail for the police when they eventually started their enquiries, albeit a small one. He could take her on one of her morning run's, possibly set up a fake accident to entice her close, or even just grab her and overpower her as she went by. But, there were risks to that approach too. He doubted she would just allow herself to be taken without putting up a fight and that could leave evidence that might eventually be found. He needed to take her when her ability to respond, to fight back was as little as possible, or totally non-existent. After some thought he kicked himself, the solution was obvious. He made his own preparations.
Tegan's regular day off appeared to be a Tuesday. She always seemed to work Saturday's, and often Sundays as well, but not working on the second day of the week appeared to be a well-established routine. And so it was that, for the next three Tuesday's, he found himself in the blue van parked in a small shaded copse off the road within a short distance of Tegan's house, laptop on his knee. Having already removed his monitoring devices on completion of his research, he'd had to break in again to re-install the camera. The first two Tuesday's he watched as Tegan had risen in the morning, gone for her run then bathed, changed and gone out. He'd been careful in the copse keeping an eye out for anyone who might wander past and accidentally discover him, an open map on the seat next to him with a town about ten miles away marked just in case he'd had to explain his presence. It was quiet though and he hadn't been troubled. The first two Tuesday's he'd left the area by 11:00am. He'd been quite relaxed. Early in the day, on each of those mornings, it had been obvious that this wasn't going to be the day. It was on the 3rd Tuesday that the tension built inside him. Tegan had gone for her normal run at a very early hour. Now, as he watched the small screen on his laptop pick up the fuzzy wireless signal from the camera, he saw her walk naked into the bedroom and lay some ropes across the bed. This was going to be the day he thought. She disappeared out of shot for a while. When she came back into view, she'd already donned a leather corset that pushed up her breasts accentuating her gorgeous figure. Her legs were covered thigh high leather boots that matched the corset. He figured they must be favourites of hers. He watched the shaky picture as she inserted a toy inside herself and, also strapped a large ball gag into her mouth. Then, using two of the coils of rope Tegan tied her legs tightly together. Next she stood on the bed reaching up towards the ceiling. The camera didn't allow him to see exactly what she was doing but it wasn't long before a number of ropes were hanging down. There were loops in the end of these ropes that Tegan slipped around her legs, then, reaching behind herself she slipped her wrists into the remaining coils that dangled down from above. He watched as she knelt on the bed, seeming to check that everything was how she wanted it to be. His eyes were glued to the small screen as she eased herself backwards on her knees and then allowed her body to fall forward onto the bed. This action drew her arms behind her and also pulled her legs up in what was an ingenious hogtie. It was obvious that she was now quite helpless until whatever release mechanism she had employed allowed her to escape.
This was the moment "The Provider" had been waiting for. He donned a pair of shapeless overalls he had stowed in the back of the van then picked up a leather hood. In the weeks that would follow this capture Tegan would never see his face, would never know who had taken her and subjected her to the torment and training she was about to go through. He picked up a second hood and four rolls of duct tape which he slipped in a small canvas bag. Then he left the van and quietly eased through the woods the short distance to Tegan's house. He would capture and secure her first then return for his vehicle so that the van was outside the house for the minimum of time possible. There was always the chance that a visitor might discover her whilst he went back for the van but he figured that Tegan wasn't expecting visitors otherwise she wouldn't have chosen that day to indulge in her passion for bondage. Bag in hand he soon emerged from the wood and slipped across the drive to Tegan's door. He's already picked this lock twice and he was inside within 15 seconds. Stepping quietly through the house, he pulled the leather hood over his head before softly opening her bedroom door. He smiled as he gazed down at the helpless girl on the bed.
Tegan loved the days when she could indulge in her passion for bondage. She'd been particularly looking forward to this opportunity today. Most times, she tied herself spread-eagled to the bed but, recently, she had discovered a technique whereby she could try to hogtie herself quite tightly. It had taken some time to learn the sequence of the loops of rope she had had to set up and also get the lengths just right so that, when she fell on the bed, everything tightened up just right. She thought she'd been quite successful. The ropes had pulled her legs back quite firmly and the pressure on her wrists was tight but comfortable. She would have liked to tighten a rope around her upper arms as well; maybe she could try that next time. For now she lay there enjoying the feeling of helplessness she had managed to create. The vibrator inside her had been set on the lowest speed but already she could feel the heat in her pussy building. She wriggled on the bed trying to keep comfortable. She had calculated that the escape mechanism she had rigged on the ceiling, ice in a large plastic bottle would last about three hours before it started to loosen. It would probably take another 30 minutes or so then to escape. The incentive once the mechanism started to ease was to escape quickly as the cold water dripped on her from the melting ice. She'd set the speed of the vibrator with a view to experiencing her first orgasm after around 90 minutes. The rate that orgasm was now building inside her was making her revise that view; she would be lucky if she lasted half that time. Nevertheless she already loved this scenario, the tightness of the ropes and the anticipation of the first orgasm. After that the pleasure would be derived from the inability to stop further orgasms on a regular basis. She knew that, by the time she was free, she would be physically and probably mentally exhausted. She flexed her arms against the ropes and clenched her pussy around the toy inside her; a little tremor ran through her as she did; this experience was going to be one to savour.
How long had she been helpless so far, she couldn't tell. Ten minutes, an hour, she wasn't sure. As often happened when she tied herself up her mind wandered as she flexed against the ropes. The anticipation of being found was something that played on her mind. It was one of the things that made this so exiting. She fought the ropes as this particular fantasy developed in her mind. Who would she like to find her and take advantage of her? Who would she love to be fucked by while she couldn't respond? She bit down on the gag in her mouth her pussy squeezing tighter around the toy that was slowly bringing her to the boil. She imagined her girlfriends finding her and teasing her. Imagined what it would be like if a stranger, someone delivering a parcel maybe, or even a burglar possibly, found her and fucked her. She imagined what it would be like being forced to suck a man's cock while she was helpless. Maybe two men would find her and she would have to suck one whilst the other fucked and fucked her, all the while her arms bound tightly behind her. Her first orgasm was close.
The bedroom door creaked softly. Tegan was brought instantly back from her reverie. She was sure she had closed the door. Was it the door she had heard, or was it just her mind playing tricks on her. She strained her ears. There was a slight rustle of the breeze from outside. She could hear the birds tweeting their late morning songs. There was nothing else. She strained again, keeping still, her orgasm forgotten for a moment. She could hear the ticking of the clock in the living room she thought. She tensed. For all her fantasies she didn't want to be found like this by anyone who knew her. If it was a delivery person; a mailman; a canvasser, that might be slightly more palatable. But truthfully, she didn't really want anyone to know her deepest desires. There was one person she would have liked to share her fantasies with. If he were to find her, to tease her, to fuck her, that would be fine. But he was in another country. No, she wanted to keep this desire she had a secret. She remained tense, listening hard for minutes on end. It was the toy inside her now soaking wet pussy that swayed her. It's incessant throbbing slowly relaxed her. The tension in her muscles eased and she sank into the covers of the bed, remembering where she was. No one would find her here; no one knew her little secret. She flexed her wrists against the ropes and started to concentrate on her orgasm once more. Then the world went dark and she screamed into the gag.
As he stood at the door the girl had stilled. Maybe she had heard him. "The Provider" stood there watching. He silently moved right behind her. Even if she turned her head she wouldn't be able to see him there. He looked up at the escape device she had used; it was really quite ingenious. He'd definitely made the right choice he thought; this girl was truly a bondage enthusiast. Very quietly, he took the rolls of tape and laid them on the floor at the foot of the bed, except for one. He took that and the hood and waited. He watched as the helpless girl relaxed. Now was the moment. Still moving quietly he moved up the side of the bed reached up with the hood and pulled it sharply down over the Tegan's head. Now he was committed.
Tegan immediately started struggling against the ropes but she'd tied herself well, there wasn't much she could do. First, he started winding tape around the bottom of the hood, increasing the effectiveness of the gag and, at the same time, ensuring the hood would not come off. Tegan was screaming into the gag but the sound was slowly muffled until she could hardly make a noise. Next, he took more tape and bound her legs together from toe to thigh. He liked tape for this purpose. It wasn't aesthetically pleasing but it was very effective for quick, tight inescapable bondage. This was what he needed right now. He used more tape to bind her arms tightly together, pulling her elbows close. It was easy enough even though she struggled. Finally, he used the last roll of tape to bind her arms to her body. He left her then, helpless on the bed and removed the camera. He also left the ropes that Tegan had used in place for now; it would keep her on the bed while he fetched the van. Already she was struggling less, obviously realising the helplessness of the situation. He removed the leather hood and took a deep breath; there was no chance of her seeing him now. One last look to make sure she was secure then he left, slipping out of the house and running through the woods to collect the van and complete, what was in his mind, the hardest part of the whole process.
When her world went dark Tegan tried not to panic. She fought and heaved against her bonds as she felt he hood tightened around her. She guessed her assailant was using tape but who was it? Who had found her? She screamed into the gag but she couldn't make much noise. Already it was hot inside the hood. When she breathed through her nose the material pressed against her nostrils. That made breathing even harder. She was starting to feel light headed. She felt her legs bound tightly together, then her arms. Oh god she thought. Despite her predicament, the thrill that cursed through her when her arms were tightened behind her back was immense. She loved the feel of being bound so tightly. More tape bound her arms to her body. Then it was quiet. She struggled, more to enjoy the tightness of her captivity than anything else. She knew there was no escape. But who in hell had found her? It was someone she knew, she was convinced of that. Someone had discovered her little secret. It was scary, but it was also thrilling. She fought the bonds, her breathing ragged. Then she came. Her orgasm was immense but her cries into the gag were stifled and barely a moan escaped. She rocked on the bed but it was hard to breath now, and so hot inside that hood. She stilled herself to try and slow her breathing down. This was so scary and so exciting. Who the hell had found her? God, she hoped whoever it was would fuck her senseless.
"The Provider" reached the van and removed his overalls, throwing them in the back. There were other items there, some tools, a few old ropes, a few covers. He started the engine and drove back to Tegan's house parking right outside the door. This was the riskiest part of the process. If anyone came now he would have to drive off and abandon the kidnap. There was a chance then that he might be caught. Certainly the van would be evidence against him. Tegan's penchant for tight bondage however would mask the truth. She would know someone else had been there although she might not know the ultimate aim. There was always the possibility she would just keep quiet about it. It would be embarrassing for her to explain her predicament. He would work fast.
Taking a knife he slipped back inside the house. Tegan was exactly where he'd left her. He cut the ropes that had held her in the original hogtie then manoeuvred her to the edge of the bed. It was hard manhandling that dead weight and she started struggling again. He leant in and whispered quietly, softly, in her ear "Stop it", the first words he had spoken to her. She struggled more. His hand reached for her face and felt for her nose. Then he simply squeezed her nostrils together. "Stop it now", he repeated quietly. Tegan bucked and writhed on the bed for a short while and then became still. When he let go her body shuddered. With some difficulty he pulled the helpless girl into an upright position balancing her on her knees that sank into the mattress. Then he whispered quietly again. "If you struggle and I drop you, it will be worse for you. Nod if you understand". There was no movement. He pressed her nostrils together again and she immediately started shaking her head but he held them easily. When she stilled, he let go once more. "Let's make this clear," he continued in a soft quiet voice, "if you struggle again, I will hold your nose until you pass out, nod if you understand". Tegan moved her head slowly in agreement. "Now, you are not to struggle. Nod again if you understand". Once more, Tegan gave a small almost imperceptible nod. "Good" he said, "just do as you're told and everything will be fine". Give them hope he thought to himself, it was always easier if they had hope. With hope they were more manageable, always thinking there was a way out. He needed Tegan to think she had possibilities of escape until he got her back to his own place. She would realise quickly enough then that her previous life was over. Always give them hope to start with, tell them everything will be all right. With that thought, he bent and pulled her onto his shoulder carrying her outside to the van.
Tegan was scared now. During his absence, she'd convinced herself that this was a he and she was going to fulfil a dream of being fucked whilst bound, all sort of scenarios had run through her head. She'd thought of a number of possible captors and was eager to see exactly who it was that had discovered her secret. She'd anticipated his return and quivered when he had come back, cutting the ropes. She's started to struggle when he'd pulled her to the edge of the bed. Then the soft voice in her ear "Stop it". It was quiet, almost feminine she thought. She didn't know anyone with a voice like that. When he'd squeezed her nostril, the game had suddenly changed. She fought for a moment then stopped. She struggled as he pulled her upright; panicked when he spoke again, prevented her breathing again. But that soft voice had said everything would be fine. Who owned that voice, how had they found out? As she was carried from her bed, she wondered just what sort of game her new captor had in mind.
When he got the van, "The Provider" manhandled her inside, following her in and closing the doors behind him. This was the most dangerous part. If someone should stumble across them now there was very little he could do to disguise what was happening. There were eyes in the floor of the van for securing crates and he used these to strap the securely bound Tegan face down on the metal floor. He pulled her legs up securing them in the hogtie position once more then threw the tarpaulins over her putting the tools on top of the tarps to hold them in place. She struggled a little but there was not much she could do. The gag and tape kept her silent. When she was secure, he went inside the house once more. There were no signs of a struggle but the cut ropes were on the bed and the escape device was dripping. He removed all the ropes and the escape device and threw them in the back of the van too. He also collected as much of Tegan's bondage equipment as he could find. It might take a while but, eventually, someone would report her missing. Some time after that, depending on how seriously the police took her disappearance at first, someone would search her house looking for evidence of her whereabouts. They would find lots of interesting devices there that Tegan had used to satisfy herself. "The Provider" reasoned that, if he could hide or disguise her penchant for bondage, it might make it a little harder to determine what had happened to her. With a last look around, he closed and locked her door. Climbing into the van he started the engine and set off on the long drive home. It would take him some six hours to drive to his place of abode and get Tegan safely ensconced in her cell. He would drive carefully, safely. He had a clean motoring record and had never caused the police to pay attention to him whilst he was driving. With Tegan securely tied and bound in the back of the van, this would not be a good time for that record to be broken.
Tegan felt the hard floor beneath her. She felt the ropes secure her and the coverings thrown on top of her. She wasn't sure where she was now. She was scared, but it was more with anticipation. Whoever had found her must have planned this carefully she thought. They must have kept it secret from her. Who was it? Was it someone from the office? Had they discovered her secret and watched her all the time whilst planning this little escapade. She didn't think so, but she couldn't think of anyone else. The vibrator was still humming inside her but it was slowing now. It was starting to get uncomfortable too. Then she heard the engine and, moments later, the motion as the van pulled away. "What the fuck is going on?" she thought to herself.
She lost track of time. She was uncomfortable now. She also needed to pee. Her arms were sore. Her hips were sore. Her pussy was sore. The vehicle had bounced around for a while but the ride was much smoother now, they must be on a main road. She tried to move, to stretch, to ease her aching limbs but it was all to no avail. Her joints were aching. This was no longer fun. Whoever had done this had gone too far. She no longer cared about her secret being discovered; whoever was doing this would feel the wrath of her anger once she was free. She'd been here hours. The vibrator had almost stopped but now it hurt. She wanted it out of her pussy. God, she so needed the toilet. The more she thought about it the worse it got. Eventually she had to let go and she felt the warmth spread from between her legs. "Please, let me go now, it's no longer a pleasure" she pleaded in her mind. She started to cry a little, god she was so sore. Then another thought crossed her mind. What if this is for real? What if it's not somebody I know. It was hard to imagine that scenario but it helped her to stop feeling sorry for herself. She now had something else far more worrying to consider.
The journey proved to be uneventful and it was with a feeling of relief that "The Provider" finally pulled up in front of his house some five and a half hours after leaving Tegan's home. Her ex-home he thought, this is her new home now, for a while anyway. His abode, Tegan's future prison, was in a remote area in a wood, away from prying eyes and he knew he was safe, another kidnapping successfully completed. He opened the shabby front door and went inside, returning with a trolley. Opening the van, he removed the tarps then released the ropes holding Tegan to the floor. He could smell the unmistakeable scent of urine. This was good he thought. The first part of the process would be to break any spirit she might have. With his first two victims he'd done that over a period of time. After his experience with Helen, he'd decided to concentrate on breaking them right at the start. That had worked well with everyone he'd taken since; Tegan would be no exception
He pulled Tegan from the van dumping her bound body on the trolley. There was no need for any pretence now. She wasn't going to escape. Her previous life was gone. He was going to spend the next few weeks training her to become obedient to the demands of her master. Her master would be the person who bid the most for her when he decided she was ready. And he would make a tidy sum for his efforts as well. But before that there was work to be done.
He guided Tegan into the house on the trolley to a secure room at the back. The room was a simple closet, approximately 6 feet square; no windows. He didn't untie her, didn't offer her anything to eat or drink after their journey. The weaker, more disoriented she was the next day, the easier it would be to bend her to his will. He hoped he could break her quickly. In truth, he didn't particularly enjoy this part of the process. The next day, he would put her through more pain and misery then she could have possibly imagined. If she didn't succumb that day, he would do the same again the day after. Once she was broken, training became easier. Only with Helen had it been necessary to repeat the ordeal time and time again. With Tegan, there would always be the threat if she didn't do as he said. But there were also rewards once proper training started, rewards he thought Tegan would enjoy. He was hopeful of completing the process of her training quite rapidly. "Training starts at 6:00am Tegan" he whispered to her before closing the door. He stretched then went downstairs to the basement to check on Karen. Karen was the tenth girl he had taken, seven weeks previously. She was a petite brunette with a wonderful figure and was the first girl whose picture he had circulated to potential buyers before kidnapping her. He'd found her to be easy enough to train but, as it transpired, she wasn't the brightest of girls. She was willing enough; it just took a little time for her to understand what was required. He was pondering using her as part of Tegan's training. He found her asleep in her small room and left her there. He needed a bath, something to eat and an early night. He had to be up before 6:00am.
It was quiet. Tegan was listening but there were no sounds. She had no idea where she was. The floor was hard; her body ached. Her pussy was sore; it was hard to breathe with that damned hood the material of which kept the hot air pressed against her face. She was hungry and her mouth was so dry. She was also angry. The gag, which she had only recently purchased, felt like it filled her whole head, not just her mouth. "Who the fuck had done this too her?"
The minutes passed in silence. "Training starts at 6:00am Tegan"; whose voice had said that? Whoever it was knew her name. How much else did he know about her? She played the words over and over in her mind. "Be strong", she kept telling herself, "be strong". But she ached, how had this happened to her. What had happened to her? Whatever it was, the notion that this was a game was no longer in her thoughts. This was very much for real and she was the victim. She felt the need to urinate again and fought it but there was no respite. She fought her bonds; they were equally unforgiving. Slowly her anger dissipated as she recognised the helplessness of her situation. When, eventually, she was forced to succumb to the demands of her bladder she tried not to cry. She had an iron will, and she almost succeeded.
Chapter 2: Receipt Of Goods(added: 2016/08/10)
As dusk fell David went to work on the crate. Almost immediately he remembered what a pain in the ass cross-headed screws could be. His screwdriver kept slipping out of the groove and, not for the first time since he had started living at the ranch, he promised himself an electrically powered device for future jobs of this ilk. It was going to take a while to remove the lid. As he worked, his mind mulled over the many events that had combined to lead to this moment.
He considered himself an ordinary guy who enjoyed the kind of things in life that most other men would have identified with; watching sport, going to the pub, eyeing good looking women from a distance and fantasising about having sex with them. He would probably have continued that way his whole life if it hadn't been for the Internet. The Internet changed his life. It didn't just change it. It turned it inside out, upside down and shook the hell out of it. David was an ideas person, a fantasist. There were lots of things he would like to do, but he never knew how he might go about achieving them. When he found the Internet he started getting answers. These answers caused him to ask more questions. His fantasies morphed into ambitions. It was a little like a never-ending treadmill, once he got on, he couldn't stop and get off.
Two things in particular had set off the train of events that had eventually led to this day. The first was the discovery that he wasn't the only person in the world who liked to see women tied up. He'd thought those people must have been few and far between. The Internet allowed him to discover the fact that there were actually lots of people who shared his love of a helplessly bound female. What was even more of a surprise was the discovery that there were an awful lot of women who wanted to be tied up. All he had to do was find one and he would be able to fulfil many of the fantasies he dreamt about. Those fantasies became more detailed, more complex. He had the ideas, what he lacked was the means. It was his second Internet discovery that led to him gaining those means and allowed him the freedom to pursue his dreams. David's life changed completely when he discovered Internet Option's Trading.
David had always had an understanding of Finances. He'd even invested small sums that had grown over time. His gains were minimal though; he was never going to make a fortune. He'd never even considered the possibility. That was until he received a promotional letter in the mail. The letter had highlighted the benefits to be made trading options and using leveraged positions. He dismissed it almost out of hand. He knew he must be on some kind of mailing list. He received many letters and e-mails offering get rich quick schemes. He particularly enjoyed the e-mails from long lost cousins, all of whom had huge sums of money, half of which would be his if he just provided his bank account details so they could transfer it out of Nigeria. People must fall for that he thought, or why do it. The particular letter on options trading was forgotten until he mentioned it whilst sitting in the pub one evening with a few friends. The topic of conversation had got around to how easy it was to part some people from their money. When he'd mentioned his recent letter however, two of his friends had suggested that there was money to be made if he got it right. More research was in order.
A couple of weeks later, he sold his small portfolio of stocks, and threw it all into an Options account. He got lucky in his first month and made money. Oblivious to the downside risks of what he was doing, he continually re-invested the profits he made each month. His risk grew exponentially but so did his return. By the time he finally understood the perils of his approach it didn't matter, he'd made more than enough money to start considering how he might enable some of his other fantasies. The timing had been important and this was where his luck had held. He'd invested in a time of rising stock market prices. By the time prices peaked he knew what he was doing. When the market fell capriciously, he knew all about risk management and made a further profit as markets hit new lows. The only question then was deciding how to reward himself for his efforts.
David looked around his kitchen as he lay another screw on the table; he'd removed about a quarter of them now' it was slow work and his hands were aching a little. It was dark outside and he was starting to feel hungry. Still he wanted to open the crate before he ate and he set to work once more. His lips curled upward in a small smile as he remembered previous events. He'd admitted numerous times to himself that he'd been lucky. If he were to start now he could never repeat what he had done, the risks were just too great. Sometimes, ignorance can be really good he acknowledged.
He hadn't had an overall plan, just an idea that evolved. He wanted an isolated home where he could indulge in his fantasies privately. Having made that decision, he spent six months looking for what he believed might be the perfect place to live. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for; he just had an unerring belief that he would know the right place when he found it. He liked the idea of living somewhere that had proper seasons, not the seemingly perpetual rain that blighted any sort of outdoors living in his current home. He looked at many types of abode scattered across different countries. Agencies provided a barrage of information to him on potential properties. People looking to spend the sort of money he was spending were few and far between. They were all keen for his business. He saw some nice places but there was always something not quite right. The biggest advantage of all these viewings was identifying things he didn't like. This helped him to narrow the potential list of properties whilst at the same time widening the search.
When he first saw the ranch that he eventually purchased, he knew it was the right place. He'd visited it on his own. It was some distance from the nearest small town, in excess of forty miles, and the realtor had just given him the key. It had been vacant for some years and was not in the best condition. He loved the isolated location, a fact that seemed to have hindered previous prospective purchasers. The nearest paved road was twenty miles distant. A dirt road bounded by wooden fencing on either side was the only indication of a route to the property from that highway. Mountains, the lower part covered in trees, rose from the rear of the property and formed a natural barrier. To the front were the plains that seemed to stretch for miles upon miles, certainly as far as the eye could see.
The ranch itself was a single storey property sprawled across the landscape. The rooms were well sized and ample for his purposes. Most of all, he liked the huge basement the property possessed. It was split into a number of rooms all accessed by a single stairway. He had just the idea for that huge basement. An offer not too far from the asking price was accepted and two months later he was the proud owner of a ranch in the middle of nowhere. This was going to be the place where his fantasies came to life.
Having purchased the property he spent a considerable amount of time and money decorating the rooms and converting the basements. He tackled the work with enthusiasm performing a lot of the tasks himself. Where he did have to employ craftsmen, he was careful not to let them see some of the more interesting modifications that he had made. As the renovations approached completion, he started to give some thought to how he was going to realise the purpose of buying this remote home in the first place. This proved to be more of a problem than he had anticipated
David went back to the tool that had served him so well, the Internet. He made a few contacts and met one or two potential partners who might share the delights of his home with him. He had little success though; indeed he'd been a little naïve to think that everyone he met was truthful regarding who they were.
Meeting people who had the same interests as he did was a long and protracted process. He started using chat rooms, web sites with personal ads and also sites where people took on alternate personalities. Making initial contact was easy enough but weeding out genuine prospects proved to be really hit of miss. The first lady he met went by the screen name of Lacie. After some weeks getting to know each other they exchanged photographs; Lacie was an attractive girl he thought. After six months they arranged to meet at a hotel in Denver. David arrived for the meeting, Lacie didn't; he never saw her on-line again. Others followed.
He drove several hundred miles to meet a lady who called herself Belle. They met in a bar in a small town near Atlanta. David didn't recognise the large woman who approached him in the bar, primarily because the photograph Belle had sent him was actually her sister. He didn't really understand why she thought he would ignore this lie and go with her anyway.
Then there was Claire. Her photograph was of a very attractive professional lady in her early thirties. They met in a hotel in a small town South of Chicago where David booked a room for the night. Over dinner they found a lot to talk about and long before the final course Claire indicated that she was more than willing to stay the night and see what David had brought with him in his "Little Bag".
His "Little Bag" was actually a large one packed with ropes and a few other items. After tying Claire up in a couple of different positions with her clothes on she allowed him to tie her naked to the bed and use some toys that she had brought with her. He did this with Claire in a tight hogtie. After she'd recovered from this experience, and at her insistence, he tied her spread-eagled to the bed and fucked her hard. It was sheer bliss and exactly what David had been looking for. They met again four weeks later, this time staying for the weekend; they hardly left the room.
David was already starting to consider how he should approach inviting her to the ranch as the agreed date of there next meeting approached. The day before this next tryst Claire e-mailed him to cancel citing pressure at work. They arranged another date and Claire cancelled this one as well; David was starting to wonder. When she cancelled again three weeks later David pressured her as to the real reason why she didn't want to meet. It turned out that Claire was exactly who she portrayed herself to be with one huge exception, she was married with three children. She went on to tell him how she had dreamed of being tied up since a very early age but her partner showed no interest. She also told him that the two sessions they had shared were better than she could ever have anticipated. When he asked her now many men had tied her up her reply was "Just the one". David was sympathetic to her desires and largely understood why she had done as she had; it did little to help him achieve his own aims though. They remained in contact for a short while after but they never met again.
As well as the time involved there was a considerable emotional investment that went into each of these relationships and David was rapidly losing enthusiasm for his idea. It was quite draining pouring himself into these on-line relationships only for them to end just when he thought he was making progress. "There must be a better way," he thought to himself. As fate was about to prove, there was.
He was aimlessly loitering in one of his favoured chat rooms when a short ping alerted him to a delivery in his e-mail box. The text of the message was quite subtle, asking if he was interested in domestic servants whilst suggesting that these servants would ensure that none of his personal needs went unaddressed. He didn't know whether the e-mail was as the result of something he had done or was just a standard mail-shot. He responded expressing some interest and asking for more details; what harm could it do. A number of further exchanges only served to increase his interest, they were almost certainly intended to do just that, and David found himself making an appointment to meet an agent of the company to learn more.
Some weeks later he found himself sat in a cafe in a small town fifty miles from his home opposite a middle aged lady of Asian origin who explained what would happen if he chose to continue. The basics were simple. For an agreed fee, servants could be provided who would look after all his needs. Although it wasn't spelt out directly in the conversation it was made clear that all his needs would include any particular type of gratification he was looking for. David had smiled at the round-a-bout way the lady had explained this. However, when he asked the direct question about services that were personal in nature, she in turn had just smiled and said that the servants would not require payment but he would have to provide them with food and accommodation.
After leaving the initial meeting he considered the options. It was apparent to him that he may well be dealing with illegal immigrants or possibly prostitution rings. If that were the case they would almost certainly be organised criminal gangs. He knew very little about this sort of thing and was wary that he might suddenly become the victim rather than the customer. He'd started this process though so why stop at the first sign of possible risk.
After weighing up the options he continued the discussion negotiating a fee during two subsequent meetings. The first of these was in the same cafe. For the second he had to travel to the closest city that was actually some 350 miles away. It was two weeks following, this latter meeting, that he again arrived in the small town to meet the Asian Lady. He'd started to think of her as Mrs. Lee, for no other reason than the fact that he had watched some Bruce Lee films in his youth. She was still the only employee of the organisation that he had met. At this meeting he was introduced to Naima. After the introductions were completed Mrs. Lee departed and he was left in the small town with his first slave girl.
Within a half hour he was wondering how he was going to make this work. Naima looked to be of African origin. She was dark skinned and would probably be a fine looking girl except that she was so thin. She had huge brown eyes that he liked. She could hardly speak any English and that wasn't so good. She seemed awfully young. That was probably not so good either. Her clothes were drab and she looked like she needed a wash. Every time he had asked her a question, she either responded "Yes Sir" or just stayed silent. He wondered if her silence was deliberate or was it that she just didn't understand what he was saying. The drive back to the ranch was quiet as he pondered the problem. Every time he looked at her she lowered her eyes to the floor. He couldn't work out whether or not she was being respectful or was just plain scared. He suspected the latter. Back at the ranch he'd fed her and then let her bathe; she'd seemed to be truly surprised at that. He'd then shown her to the room that was to be hers. The look on her face had turned from surprise to astonishment. He left her in her room then. He'd already convinced himself that this had been a mistake. Thirty minutes later, he was reading in the living room when she stepped through the door naked and knelt at his feet. He studied her thin body, her small breasts. This was obviously part of her training; she hadn't spoken a word. He'd kissed her gently on the forehead and taken her back to the room. She seemed disappointed then; or perhaps he was mistaken. Perhaps she was worried that he didn't like her and would return her from where she came.
It was another problem to give some thought to over the next few days. He was fairly certain the girl had been taken from her home, probably against her will, and brought here specifically to be sold. When he asked her questions though, her replies were polite but were rarely more than two words. A sentence seemed impossibly out of reach. Naima had obviously had some basic training in how to behave. It appeared that she had also been told that she would be expected to share her employers' bed; she had offered herself to him each evening since her arrival. She was happy doing the basic chores he gave her, ate her meals quietly but voraciously and enjoyed washing herself each day. She seemed desperate to please him. On the fourth day when she offered himself to him, he'd taken her to his bed. He'd done it partly because of the look on her face the previous evenings when he'd not taken advantage of her. She'd lain there while he fucked her, wrapping her arms and legs around him, looking at him with her big eyes. When he came she'd smiled kissed him and said simply "Thank-you Master". Then she had let go and waited for him to instruct her as to what she should do next. Whilst not unhappy with her David thought the whole thing was turning out to be rather impersonal and not what he had envisaged. Late that evening, after Naima had returned to her own room, he sent another e-mail.
A week later, David was sitting in the town with Mrs. Lee once more. He'd left Naima at the ranch with strict instructions for cleaning various rooms. This time he explained his requirements to Mrs Lee in a lot more detail. There were two things he was very specific about. He wanted a girl with whom he could indulge in his passion for bondage, and he also wanted her to speak English. Mrs. Lee had smiled and told him that finding a girl to fulfil his needs would not be a problem. The price however would be double what he had negotiated for Naima. He argued the price with Mrs Lee for a while. It wasn't that he didn't have the money; he had more than enough now. He just didn't want the woman to know that price was really not a problem. Eventually, Mrs Lee made a small reduction to the fee because he was a "good customer". The whole deal had been negotiated and agreed at that single meeting. Five weeks later, he returned to his ranch with Kalina.
Kalina spoke good English and thought she was about 26 years old. On the journey from the town she told David about herself. She had been born in Hong Kong but couldn't remember her parents. She'd been a beggar in the slums of Kowloon from a young age and had been taken off the streets by a supposedly charitable organisation. They had fed her and schooled her until she became a young woman. Then she was expected to entertain clients if she wished to remain. Given that the only alternative was to return to the slums of Kowloon, she became a sex slave. She couldn't remember how long she had been employed. She did know she had been sold to new owners on numerous occasions. Some owners treated her fairly well; most did not. She was a commodity and was treated as such.
When she was given the opportunity to start a new life away from Hong Kong, she hadn't hesitated even though she had no idea where she would end up. She'd answered his frequent questions with a smile and had said she was looking forward to her stay with him however long that might be. When he asked her directly about coming to live with someone she didn't know her reply surprised him. She said that it would be much better than living in the slums of her own country where she probably would have died some years ago. She was glad to have been taken away from all that. She hoped he, as her new Master would be kind and wouldn't hurt her too much. Then she had smiled and told him he would enjoy her company; she was very skilled when it came to sex.
And so it proved to be. Kalina was a petite attractive girl and was very enthusiastic when she shared his bed. She also gave excellent massages that he found very relaxing. She seemed to get on well with Naima and it wasn't long before he had Kalina teaching her English. Naima proved to be a good learner and picked up new words quickly. Occasionally he would share his bed with both of them. After six months Naima was speaking good English and Kalina was sharing his bed most nights. He was content, but there was still something missing.
He had introduced Kalina to bondage slowly. He'd started just tying her hands behind her back then slowly built up the amount of rope he'd use. He also started introducing her to fetish clothing and bondage wear. She looked quite stunning in a tightly laced corset and he often dressed her in this fashion before tying her up. Then he would tie her to the bed and fuck her, or get her to suck his cock, an act she proved herself to be extremely proficient at. The problem for him was that, when it came to ropes, she didn't really participate, she just passively allowed him to do what he wanted. In this respect, although she willingly let him bind her, he didn't consider her an active partner. Once more he found himself composing another e-mail in order to obtain a further appointment with Mrs. Lee
David paused from his task of removing the screws from the lid of the crate. His hands were getting stiff now and he had still only removed about half of them. He flexed his fingers and went to get a glass of water before continuing. He'd originally thought he'd have the crate open in thirty minutes. It would take him at least another hour he estimated. The butterflies were still fluttering in his stomach though. Another hour and he would be looking at his purchase. He set to work again remembering the conversation with Mrs. Lee that had led to this crate sitting on his kitchen floor.
"You want white girl", she had said to him when he had explained his issue with Kalina. He'd told her that, whilst he was very happy with Naima and Kalina, he still felt that there was something else, that little extra, the icing on the cake. "White Girls very very expensive, very hard to obtain" she had told him. Nevertheless, he had asked her how he might pursue his interest. She in turn had explained that they did not supply white girls but she would make enquiries and be in touch. He drove back to the ranch wondering if anything would come from the meeting and what would he do if nothing happened.
Some weeks later, out of the blue, he received an e-mail. The instructions were quite explicit. Create an e-mail address using one of the global providers. That address should be used for the sole use of these private communications. Log that e-mail address at the IP address given. David followed the instructions exactly. Two hours after logging his newly created e-mail address, he received a single short correspondence saying his application was being considered. Any further communication would be to the address just created. He checked his new e-mail address constantly. Two weeks after the first contact he received another curt e-mail saying his application had been accepted and he had been allocated a buyer number ZTW169372. He wondered what he had been accepted for. There were two other items of information contained in the e-mail. The first was a standard notice warning the reader not to respond to this e-mail, it was an automated service and replies would not be read. The second said simply Sale Catalogue 0912B To Be Issued 24th August. He looked at his calendar. It told him he'd have just over two weeks to wait.
He tried not to log on to that e-mail address in the intervening period. After four days he gave it a quick check. There was nothing in the inbox. He logged on again with 5 days remaining and every day after that. On the 24th August, after he had entered his password the message said, "Unread emails 1". He opened it.
Sale Catalogue 0912B consisted of three pages. On page one, there were pictures of three young women, each identified by their first name above the photograph. At the top was Hannah. Hannah was displayed naked tied to a pole, the ropes criss-crossing her body. He could see how tight the ropes were by the way they pressed into her skin. She had pert breasts, long blonde hair that half covered her breasts and almost reached her stomach. A wide leather gag that also concealed her lips covered her mouth. Beneath the photograph was a very brief description which simply said "Age : 22 Height : 5' 4" Nationality : English Training Grade : B-". There was also a tick box next to the description.
The second photograph was also of a girl with long blonde hair; her name was Rachel. She too was pictured naked, tied to a pole and gagged in much the same manner as Hannah. Her brief description below the photograph also identified her as English, 24 years old and 5' 6" tall. Rachel's Training Grade was A. The last picture on the page was considerable different. This girl had short orangey red hair, much larger breasts than either of the first two and had a fierce look in her eye. She was dressed in long thigh length boots, a very tight leather corset and had been strapped spread-eagled to a cross. An extremely large black ball gag filled her mouth, her lips curled around it. The caption above the picture gave her name as Mary. The description underneath identified her as 19 years of age, 5' 10" tall and Irish. Her training grade was a C. Beneath the pictures were some brief instructions. It gave the Sale Date as 10th September and asked for expressions of interest. It seemed that expressions of interest would be achieved simply by putting a cross in the tick box by the picture. A further note informed the reader that bidding instructions would be issued on the morning of the sale.
David studied the photographs, sensing a stirring in the groin as he did so. All three girls were good looking and their attraction was definitely enhanced by the tight bondage that each had been subjected too. This was certainly the kind of thing he was interested in, the sort of girl he might be interested in. He considered ticking all three boxes then decided to look at what the rest of the Catalogue contained first. He clicked to move to Page 2.
There were six photographs on this page, each of young women in everyday environments. Each picture was simply accompanied with a name and a tick box. He thought all six of the women were attractive. One girl in particular, identified in the Catalogue as Hayley, stood out. She was pictured in a skimpy blouse and jeans and had sandals on her feet. Her dark hair curled down to gently brush across her shoulders. The picture had caught her looking over her shoulder, as she was about to step across a road. The photographer had done a good job in highlighting her high cheekbones and taut, slim figure. He studied the six photographs on the screen for a while then clicked to the final page of the document. The last page had four more pictures followed by brief instructions similar to those on the first page; expressions of interest should be noted via the tick box and the document returned. He went through the whole document once more then closed it and considered what he should do for the rest of the day.
That evening he despatched Naima and Kalina to their own rooms before settling down in the room he used as an office to study the catalogue again. After much deliberation, he clicked two of the boxes indicating an expression of interest, that of Hayley on Page 2 and a girl on Page 3 identified as Melissa. He's chosen Melissa purely because she had been photographed with a big smile on her face that he'd found rather disarming. He decided not tick the box of any of the three girls who were obviously going to be sold; he was hoping to understand the process a little more first. Having identified the girls that had caught his eye, he responded to the e-mail then closed down his machine.
During the day, he'd given more thought to what was behind the e-mail. There was obviously an organisation engaged in obtaining young ladies, he wasn't quite sure how, training them and then selling them to people who could afford such luxuries. It was hard for him to think that he was now one of those people, someone who could indulge in this sort of fantasy. He'd also given some thought as to the girl's he'd seen in the catalogue. Who were they really, why had they been chosen, would they be missed. What would he do with one after 6 months? Supposing he got bored, then what would happen? He decided these questions were too hard to answer at present. It was different with Naima and Kalina. They were both quite happy to be with him their lives considerably improved from where they had originated. It was unlikely to be the same for what Mrs. Lee had described simply as "A white girl".
After finishing in the office he went to fetch Kalina, taking her to his own room, tying her to his bed then fucking her until he fell asleep. As he plunged his cock into her tight pussy, he tried to imagine what it would be like if it were Hayley or Melissa tied to his bed instead.
The next day there was another message waiting in his "Inbox". It was short and to the point. It thanked him for the interest he had shown and informed him that the next catalogue would be issued on the 22nd November. He closed his machine down and started to think properly about what he was going to do.
A few days later, he called Naima and Kalina into the kitchen. Naima in particular was a completely different girl to the one that had arrived. Thanks to Kalina's teaching, her English was very passable and her writing, whilst not brilliant, was at least adequate. He told them both he was going to let them go. Their immediate reaction had been to beg him to let them stay, neither wanted to return to their previous lives. However when he explained his plan, their excitement grew. He'd would set them up in the location of their choice and supply them with documents and sufficient money that they would be able to provide for themselves more than adequately in the future. As he said this, he wasn't actually sure how he would go about providing the paperwork. However, he figured that if he could manage to purchase a "white girl", then he could surely set up two girls in a home in a city with passable documents. Two hours later they came back and told him they would both like to live in the south where it was warm. They also wanted to live in the same city so that they would have each other for support. Both girls were excited and also a little wary; they wondered if this was some kind of trick. He assured them it wasn't. That evening the two girls shared his bed. Their new enthusiasm for their future was reflected in a vigorous performance that left David exhausted. As he drifted off to sleep, he again though about sharing this bed with a helplessly bound Hayley; and maybe a helplessly bound Melissa as well. He slept well that night.
The following days confirmed his growing view that anything was possible if you had money and an Internet connection. Arranging the documents proved to much easier than he had anticipated; the key was having a social security number. Once he'd found someone who could supply one, together with background documentation including a birth certificate, the rest was easy. Within six week both girls had ID's Passports, Driving Licences, Social Security Numbers and Birth Certificates. They also had Bank Accounts. He'd wanted to test the documentation so arranged for them all to fly to the city of their choice. Everything worked with no hitches. Whilst visiting, they started looking for accommodation. Three days later he made down payments on two condominiums in a gated community a few miles south of the city centre.
During this period he regularly checked his "Inbox". On the 10th September he'd been disappointed not to receive any bidding instructions. He concluded that these were only sent to those who expressed an interest. That was a lesson he would remember for next time.
In late October, the sale process for the apartments was completed and the girls arranged to leave. He deposited significant sums of money in each of their accounts. The evening before they left he arranged a small dinner and wished them well. The next day he took them to the airport and saw them onto their flights with instructions to contact him if they ever needed anything. He watched them board the aircraft with a hint of sadness, he would miss their company around the house and he figured it might be some months before he had anyone else to share the delights of ranch living with him.
David sat now looking at the crate. Finally, all the screws had been removed and placed in a pile on the kitchen worktop. His nerves had grown the closer he had gotten to the end of this task. It had been quite a long process to get to this point, but he'd given very little thought as to what would happen once he had been successful in his aim. What was the reaction going to be when he lifted the lid? Was there really a girl inside this crate? If there was a girl inside the crate, he had no idea what he would do if there wasn't, would it be the girl that had so filled his thoughts since he'd first seen that picture. What would he do if it was the wrong girl? If the crate was empty well, that would be a huge disappointment, but that was all. He was more worried now in case the crate did not contain the contents he believed he had purchased.
On the 22nd of November he received his first e-mail since September, Sale Catalogue E192D. He was excited as he opened it, wondering if he would find Hayley or Melissa in there. He was disappointed. The first page had only two pictures. Picture one was of a young girl named as Jacqueline. The description underneath identified Jacqueline as 26 years of age, 5' 6" tall and of French nationality. Her training grade was B. Jacqueline was wearing a basque, stockings and heels. Her arms were bound tightly behind her and her ankles were hobbled. There was a collar around her neck with a lead that disappeared out of the top of the photograph. Jacqueline had short dark hair that was cut in a spiky modern kind of way. The girl in the second picture looked to be quite tall with long arms and legs. It was difficult to tell though as all her limbs had been pulled behind her in a tight hogtie. Her mouth was fitted with a ring gag and her head was pulled up and back by a rope that attached the straps of the ring gag to her toes. She had very short cropped blonde hair and looked extremely uncomfortable. Her description confirmed his view that she was tall, 6' 1". Her name was Myleene, 22 years of age and American. Myleene's training grade was a C+. She was the first non-European to appear and this led him to re-think the size of the organisation he was dealing with.
The sale date noted below the pictures was 10th December with instructions to be issued on the morning of the sale. The process was consistent with the last catalogue he thought. He clicked both boxes to express an interest then turned the page. Page 2 listed eight photographs this time, each of a pretty girl doing something normal. He tried to work out the logic here. Perhaps, he thought, these are potential girls for sale, and they only take forward the ones that are popular. He wasn't far from the truth. He studied all the pictures before clicking onto the third page.
The number of truly life changing moments that might affect a person are very rare indeed; most people could measure them on the fingers of one hand. David had one of those moments when he looked at the third page of the document. The girl in the third photograph down almost leapt of the screen, he thought she was stunning. She looked tall and had long dark hair that had been caught by the wind, blowing it away from a face that he could only describe as beautiful. Even from the photograph, he could see the sparkle in her eyes. She wore a simple white dress that hugged her shapely figure, the material hiding the gentle swell of her breast. The garment fell to mid thigh and the photographer had also caught her shapely legs, the curve of her calf no doubt assisted by the heels she was wearing. The picture was taken as she walked along a high street past a row of shops. There were other people in the background but it was not possible to identify them. It was possible, however, to note that many of the heads behind her were half turned. The description underneath the picture said simply, Tegan.
David looked at the photograph for a long time. This was the one it was as simple as that. He couldn't place his finger on one particular thing. But, if he was going to buy a "White Girl" this was the one he was going to have. She was perfect; everything about her was right in a way he just couldn't explain. His disappointment at not finding either Hayley or Melissa in the catalogue had subsided completely. He suddenly noticed he was hard. Whilst looking at the picture, he had unconsciously been caressing the length of his cock through his trousers. He shook himself down, checked the small box by Tegan's photograph and returned the document. That night he went to bed alone, the picture of Tegan emblazoned in his mind. For the first time, he missed not having some company in the ranch and had to satisfy his desire himself. The next day he received the same confirmation thanking him for his interest and informing him that the next catalogue would be issued on 14th February the following year.
On the 10th December he was up early hoping to find out more about the organisation that supplied these girls. He had no contact with them apart from e-mails so, at the very least, he thought he would watch his inbox and see when the sale details arrived. This plan soon fell apart though. When he opened his mailbox, the instructions were already there; they were simple. The e-mail contained a web address and would be open from 3:45pm for viewing. Bidding would commence at 4:00pm. It also gave some brief details as to what the successful bidder should do. Half the agreed sum should be deposited within 24 hours of the auction being completed; the details as to where the payment would be made would only go to successful bidders. On receipt of payment, further details would be sent regarding the purchase. Once the payment was processed, delivery details would be agreed. The remaining sum would then be paid as agreement for the delivery terms. If any of the criteria were not met, the bidder would be removed from the client list and would receive no further catalogues. It was all very succinct. For the first time, he wondered how much he might have to pay to secure a purchase. How much would a girl like Tegan cost him? He hoped it would not be out of his league.
The day passed slowly. At 3:30pm, he sat behind his screen. At 3:46pm, he clicked on the link provided. After a few seconds a screen appeared. He tried to take it in. In the top left and bottom left quarters of the screen were "live" pictures of the two girls that he had seen in the catalogue Jacqueline and Myleene. Both were dressed in corsets and stockings. Both were heavily bound to St Andrew's crosses, a myriad of ropes holding their limbs secure. Both were gagged. It also appeared that both had vibrators strapped to their thighs with the business end pressed against their wet pussies. The "feed" obviously included sound and he could quite clearly hear the buzz of the toys and the moans of the girls as the devices teased them. To the right of the screen at the top a small clock was counting down the seconds to zero when bidding would commence. Each girls name was to the right of their "feed" with a box indicating the current bid. Below that was a box where the bidder could enter his or her next bid. It was starkly simple. He could click on each picture if he desired so that it filled most of his screen. Myleene seemed to be making more of a noise so he expanded her picture. He could see the ropes biting into her, holding her tight and firm. She was moaning incessantly into her gag, the moans growing louder and seeming to reach a crescendo before dying off again. He could see her struggling against her bonds to no avail. He found it quite erotic. He clicked back to the original view. The clock counted down to zero then changed. A new countdown started and the screen informed him that bidding would end in 2 hours. He watched.
As the clock ticked down it was apparent that Myleene was struggling to control herself. Whereas Jacqueline was relatively quiet, Myleene's moans were constant, the vibrator bringing her to at least two orgasms as he watched. It was a great way to encourage bids he thought, but, after 20 minutes, nothing had been registered. He really didn't want to enter a bid before anyone else. He had no idea of value. But he also wanted to see how the process might work. He looked again at Myleene's feed, she was a little quieter now. He figured she was worth more than he had paid for either Naima or Kalina. He also figured that the first bid would not win the auction. He entered $250,000 into the box and pressed enter. There was a delay of around 10 seconds before the Current Bid field was updated with the amount he had entered; it was good to know about that delay he thought. Nothing happened for a further 10 minutes then the figure $175,000 appeared by Jacqueline's feed. So, I'm in the ballpark he muttered quietly to himself. The minutes ticked by. Jacqueline was nosier now, the vibrator bringing her to what appeared to be a massive climax. As she writhed against her bonds, her groans changed to muffled screams, her head rocking back and forth. The vibrator continued whirring even after she had come and he assumed that her sensitivity in those post orgasmic moments had increased to the point as to make the ever-present stimulation almost unbearable.
Jacqueline's noisy orgasm also seemed to stimulate the interest of the bidders. The price displayed in the box slowly ticked up, mostly in leaps of $10,000 or $20,000 dollars. On at least one occasion though, the price leapt $120,000 in a single move. It wasn't possible to tell whether this was the result of one bid or a number of bids very close together. He watched the process intently. Jacqueline's price had risen to $635,000. Almost unnoticed, Myleene's fee has also increased from his original bid and now stood at $580,000. There were 18 minutes of the auction left.
The clock ticked down to 4 and a half minutes remaining before there was a further flurry of activity. Both prices rose quickly and were in excess of $1,000,000 with two minutes remaining. After a delay of about a minute, both prices ticked up again in short leaps. With 30 seconds remaining Myleene's price was $1,107,200 and Jacqueline's slightly more at $1,113,000. With ten seconds remaining, Myleene's ticked up again by an additional $30,000. There was no further movement in either price. When the clock reached zero the boxes on the right hand side of the screen changed, the winning bid being displayed next to each picture. Jacqueline was still writhing against the ropes moaning into her gag. She had sold for $1,113,000. Myleene was a lot quieter now and seemed to be hanging limply in her bonds. Her sale price was $1,137,000. The feed continued for two minutes after the bidding ended and then the screen went blank. He sat back and drew breath. He'd just watched and participated, albeit in a small way, in his first auction. He'd found it interesting and also quite erotic. He started to wonder about who might have purchased Jacqueline and Myleene and then dismissed those thoughts from his mind. It was something he had no influence over so wasn't worth thinking about. He did have some idea however about how much cash he would have to set aside for Tegan. He started to plan ahead.
The time before the next catalogue arrived seemed to pass slowly. He busied himself doing jobs around the ranch and also re-arranging the basement. He's decided to turn it into a kind of bondage paradise, researching the sort of equipment he might install. There were many bondage furniture makers on the web and through them he arranged the design of a number of items to be delivered over the coming months. He spent Christmas alone in the ranch but it wasn't really a problem for him. Whereas the summer had been hot, the winter was extremely cold with almost eight feet of snow on the ground two days after Christmas Day. Well, he had wanted to live in a place with proper seasons.
On 14th February, Catalogue W042B arrived. He opened it hoping to see Hayley or Melissa in the first section. Both were, together with two other girls. Hayley was identified as being 21 years old, 5' 8" tall and Canadian. Her Training Grade was B. Melissa was also 21 years old, 5' 2" tall and American. Her training grade was D-. It got him to thinking what type of girl would only manage a D-. Did that make her harder to manage, harder to control, or just more challenging, more fun? There was a lot he didn't know and couldn't hope too. The two other girls in the first part of the catalogue were both blonde. One was American and one Australian. All four girls were pictured tightly bound to various objects. All were naked. This time there were three additional pages with a total of 14 women pictured. None of them matched Tegan he thought. He went back to the first page and ticked the boxes next to Hayley, Melissa and also the Australian girl whose name was given as Cindy. He returned the mail. The next day he got the standard reply thanking him for his interest. The next catalogue would be issued on May 29th. It seemed a long time to wait.
The Sale Date identified in Catalogue W042B was 1st March. When he logged on that morning the link had already been sent to him. The times were exactly the same as the previous sale. At 3:45pm that day he logged in again and clicked the link. All four girls were displayed in various forms of dress, each strapped tightly to a St Andrews Cross, each gagged and each with a vibrator pressed against their pussy. That seemed to be the way girls were presented for sale. When bidding commenced, he took a more active part making bids against all four girls. It was interesting to note that his bid for the American Girl, Kathryn, was accepted even though he hadn't ticked her box when he had returned the Catalogue. All four girls seemed to orgasm at some point during the bidding process. Fifteen minutes before the auction was due to end he increased the bid on Hayley to $1,100,000. He wanted to see what would happen after that. He figured that if he ended up purchasing Hayley it wasn't a disaster. More importantly, he wanted to ensure that he was taken as a serious bidder by whoever was running, and presumable monitoring, the process. He thought his bid was going to be successful. There was only a minute left when it was topped by a bid of £1,150,000. That bid in turn was topped in the last 15 seconds. Hayley sold for $1,195,000. Melissa didn't reach the Million Dollar mark selling for $889,000. Both the blonde girls sold for sums in excess of $2,000,000. After the sale had ended he tried to find out something else about the process. He entered some of the information he had regarding the organisation that was selling these girls, IP addresses, Sale Catalogue Numbers and even some of the girls' names. He hadn't found any worthwhile information when he closed down his machine some four hours after the sale had ended.
He spent the next few weeks working on his basement, general maintenance around the ranch and also sprucing up his portfolio. He'd spotted one particular Company where the share price had soared dramatically over a period of 6 months and he couldn't figure out why. After some research he purchased $200,000 dollars worth of long dated Puts. Two weeks before the next Sales Catalogue was issued, that Company issued their interim quarterly report. Not only did they miss their earnings target, they also had to significantly reduce guidance for the remainder of the year. The stock price plummeted over 35% netting him close on two million dollars in a single transaction. He was looking forward to the next Auction. He was well positioned to ensure that Tegan would be his.
On the 29th May he opened the catalogue with great anticipation. His disappointment was crushing. There were four girls for sale; Tegan wasn't one of them. One of the girls he recognised from the second catalogue he had received, the others were unfamiliar. The remaining pages contained pictures of a further ten women. He flicked through them but could find little interest in what he was looking at. He shut down his computer. Two hours later, he re-opened the Catalogue, clicked on one girls photograph on the second page and submitted it. He wanted to maintain some continuity and make certain that he was informed of the date the next Catalogue would be available. The e-mail that was delivered into his Inbox the following day duly informed him that Catalogue A165D would be issued on 18th August. He smiled ruefully to himself. That date marked almost a full year since he had received the first one. If he'd thought it through properly he would have realised it was likely to be a long and protracted process; perhaps he would have kept Naima or Kalina a while longer, the lack of sex in particular was starting to weigh on his mind.
Over the next couple of days he pondered what he would do if Tegan wasn't in the next catalogue. It was a depressing thought. If Tegan's photograph hadn't appeared when it did, he would probably have bid more for Hayley. More importantly, if he selected a girl from the second or third pages of the next catalogue, he knew it would likely be at least six months before she appeared in the sale section. He was quite a patient man but it was a long time to wait. He decided it was time to treat himself for all the hard work he'd done in the ranch.
He was particularly pleased with how the basement was turning out. There were now six rooms down there plus a bathroom and a small kitchenette. One of the rooms he'd turned into a very secure cell. Three of the others were now filled with bondage furniture that had been designed, delivered and fitted. There had been no need to conceal the purpose of the rooms from the craftsman that had arrived to install this equipment. They all fully understood the motives as to why it was being installed. Their assumption of course was that the occupant or occupants in these rooms would be there of their own free will. In David's instance, that would probably not be the case. Yes he thought, a treat was definitely in order.
Four weeks in a junior suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas improved his mood immensely. Vegas was definitely a place to visit when you had money; money could buy you almost anything you wanted there. Once the staff identified him as someone with resources to dispose of they allocated him a casino host. It was the host's job to provide whatever he wanted, the best restaurants, the best show tickets, access to the most exclusive clubs, it was all available. One day he discreetly enquired about company. That evening a gorgeous woman arrived at his suite and spent the night. He soon found out that if he wanted two or even three women that was not a problem either. For a short while Tegan was forgotten. In the fifth week he got carried away and dropped $100,000 in just over an hour at one of the elite blackjack tables that were available in the opulently decorated high-stakes room. He enjoyed that room. He'd shared drinks with some well-known celebrities in that room and hadn't felt out of place. It was a different world. But he knew it couldn't last. After his loss he decided it was time to return to the ranch. He started to think about Tegan again. It was ridiculous really, he'd only seen one photograph but he'd managed to convince himself that this was the girl he wanted. It didn't make a lot of sense, but he instinctively knew he was right. The next day he bade farewell to the glitter and glamour of Las Vegas and headed back to what was now home.
It was hot during the summer at the ranch, the temperature often soaring in excess of 100% and he was less inclined to work in that heat. Nevertheless by August he had completed one more room in the basement and painted most of the exterior of the ranch. It was the 17th August. That night sleep was hard. The atmosphere was thick with an oppressive heat and the air conditioning system was having trouble coping. He tossed and turned wondering what he would do the next day if he opened the catalogue and Tegan wasn't there. At 6:00am he sat in front of his machine and opened his e-mail; Catalogue A165D was waiting. He almost didn't want to look as he opened it.
There were three girls in the first section of the Catalogue; the girl at the top was Tegan. Tegan was naked and bound to a pole. Ropes crossed her body above and below her breasts, across her stomach, hips and all the way down her legs. The photographer had stood off to one side and he could see that her arms had been bound tightly to the pole at elbow, forearm and wrist. Her long dark hair had been brushed over one shoulder and fell down her front masking one breast. The other breast looked firm, the nipple hard; almost as if being bound so tightly excited her. A large red ball-gag filled her mouth. He thought she looked gorgeous. The description below Tegan's photograph said Age : 32, Height : 5' 10", Nationality : Australian, Training Grade : A. The relief washed over him. Finally, he thought, his plan was coming together.
The second girl was named Karen and was bound and displayed in a very similar manner to Tegan. She was shorter at 5' 3" but was also Australian. The description said Karen was 28 and she too had achieved a Training Grade of A. The third girl was called Shelley. Shelley was also naked but there the similarity ended She was hogtied and displayed on a luxurious looking sheepskin rug, her limbs bound tightly behind her, her head pulled back, a large black gag filling her mouth. Shelley was even taller than Tegan at 5' 11". The description said she was 22 years of age from New Zealand. Her training grade was C-. David looked at all three photographs for a long time then clicked each one of them. He quickly checked out the remaining pages but didn't express an interest in any of those girls. If he didn't succeed in purchasing Tegan then he would re-visit the process later; but he already knew he was going to spend whatever it took to bring Tegan to his ranch. He submitted the Catalogue. The next day he received confirmation of the sale date, 1st September. The next catalogue would be issued on November 20th; he hoped he wouldn't have to be interested in its contents. He closed his computer and set about the tasks he'd organised for that week. He wanted everything to be ready when it was needed.
On the 1st September at 6:30am, a hot Thursday morning with the temperature already in excess of 75 degrees, he logged on to his machine. The link for the sale was already there. He closed his machine down again and took a long leisurely bath. The minutes ticked by slowly that morning. After a light lunch he went for a walk in the heat outside. It wasn't something he did often during the day, but he was taking every precaution to ensure he was ready when the sale started. The last thing he wanted to do was sit down in a comfy chair, fall asleep and miss the auction. When he returned he had a cold shower then dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. At 3:40pm he went and fired up his computer, clicking the link as the clock ticked past 3:45pm. His screen filled within a few sections. It was the standard layout, the feed for the three girls on the left hand side, the boxes for entering the bids on the right. All three girls were tied spread-eagled to St Andrew's crosses, each was gagged and each had a vibrator strapped to their thigh, the business end of the device pressed against their pussies. He clicked on Tegan's picture and it filled his screen.
Tegan was bound tightly to the cross; he could see how the ropes bit into her skin. Each of her limbs was held at five separate points along their length. Her body was encased in a corset that seemed to cinch her waist impossibly thin. Ropes were wrapped around her waist that were obviously holding her firm against the centre of the cross. Thigh high boots encased her long legs, supported on long thin heels which were possibly five or six inches in length, it was hard to tell from the screen. Tegan had a large black leather gag stretched across her face that covered her lips. Her hair fell loose over her shoulders. The vibrator was held to her thigh by four straps, the head pressed into her pussy, the wire running away from the bottom of the device, between her legs then out of shot. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly, almost purring he thought. This was the first "live" picture he had seen of Tegan, and, indeed the first time he had heard her. He liked what he heard and, more importantly, he liked what he saw. She looked every bit as beautiful as she had in the photograph he had seen. He studied the picture a while before returning to the main screen and watching the clock tick down to the start of the auction.
All three girls were in varying states of arousal by the time the screen changed indicating that the auction had commenced. He'd already worked out his bidding strategy. Within five minutes of the auction commencing, he had registered bids of $175,000 and $165,000 against Karen and Shelley. After 20 minutes there had been no further bids. He entered £95,000 by the side of Tegan's feed and pressed 'ENTER'. He felt a great excitement when his bid was registered on the screen some 10 seconds later. After 30 minutes he was the only person who had entered a bid. He studied each of the feeds. Shelley was moaning and writhing against her bonds close to her first orgasm. Her head was moving back and forth, her long hair whipping her shoulders. Of the three girls Karen was the quietest. She seemed to be hanging limply, her weight borne by the ropes that held her. Her eyes were open but her head was down. It was almost as if she was resigned to whatever fate awaited her. By contrast, Tegan was neither writhing in her bonds nor was she slumped down. Her eyes were still closed and she seemed to be swaying gently in time with the toy that was providing her stimulation. It was almost, he thought, as if she were controlling it, as if she were building herself up to her orgasm. Tegan appeared to be enjoying the experience. It was a nearly an hour into the auction before the next transaction was logged, this in response to the sound of Shelley experiencing a huge climax. Her price rose quickly in the next 10 minutes. His bids for both Tegan and Karen were also exceeded and he felt nervous as their prices too started to climb. At 5:30pm, with thirty minutes remaining the bid against Shelley was already $1,620,400. This was over double Tegan's that had risen to $860,000. Karen was still lagging on $550,000. He was very nervous now. He'd anticipated that Shelley's price would be somewhere between two and three million dollars. She was young and blond and that seemed to attract the most bidders. He'd been hoping that Karen would also fetch a high price, distracting other bidders from Tegan. That didn't seem to be the way it was panning out. He had planned for Tegan's price to be just short of two million dollars and had based his bidding strategy on that assumption. At 5:45 Tegan came loudly. Her muffled groans as the waves of pleasure washed over her were like music to his ears. He immediately entered a bid of $1,000,000 against her name. This was soon topped however and, at 5:50pm Tegan's price had risen to $1,220,000. As he'd anticipated, Shelley's price was now over two million dollars. Karen's price had also passed the million-dollar mark. He shifted in his chair and concentrated on Tegan, the critical point of the auction had now been reached. He'd waited a long time for this moment and he didn't want to fuck it up at the end. At 5:52pm he entered a bid of $1,300,000 against Tegan's name. He also prepared the next bid that he was going to enter inside the last minute. At 5:58pm Tegan's price increased to $1,350,000. Three further bids in that minute saw her price rise to $1,425,500. He was so nervous he had to force himself not to enter his final bid immediately. The tension was excruciating. It was 5:59pm, less than a minute remaining and his hands were shaking. He wanted to make sure he would blow all the other bidders out of the water. This was the only chance he was going to get; there wouldn't be another. The clock ticked down. With 20 seconds remaining he entered a bid of $2,660,500. The seconds ticked down, each one seeming like an eternity. With eleven seconds left on the clock his bid was registered. The clock continued to tick down; he could barely look. His fists were clenched; his knuckles were white. His stomach was churning like the Atlantic Ocean in a storm force wind. He watched the clock tick down to zero and then the entry box disappeared. He looked at Tegan's feed and next to it was his bid of $2,660,500. He watched feeling sure the number would change, felt certain there would be a last minute bid. The number stayed the same. It looked huge on the screen. It was his bid; he'd done it. He felt euphoric; Tegan was his. As he watched the screen suddenly went blank. He collapsed in his chair, the tension leaving him. Then the screen came to life again. This time Tegan's feed re-appeared in the centre of the screen. The camera angle had changed slightly; she appeared to be closer to the lens. Underneath her picture was a simple statement. "You're bid to purchase Tegan has been accepted. Payment details and further instructions will be sent within the next hour". He looked at Tegan's feed again. Her eyes were open now and she was looking directly at the camera. There was a glint there that almost seemed to say, "You won't be disappointed". It was his imagination of that he was sure. He could see her breasts heaving against the corset that still constricted her. All that stimulation must have left her pretty exhausted he thought. Almost unconsciously, he reached forward and ran his fingers down the screen, caressing the tips of his fingers across the image of the gorgeous girl he had just purchased. Then the screen went blank again.
He felt a little weak when he stood up and went to get a drink and something to eat then sat outside for a while as the heat slowly started to abate. He watched the sun crawl towards the horizon as the cool of the evening started to chase away the day. White contrails from jet aircraft were spread around the sky taking people here and there. He wondered for the first time how Tegan would be delivered to him. When he returned to his computer there was an e-mail waiting for him. He opened it and read the contents. The instructions, as usual, were basic and simple. His next step was to wire £1,330,250 to a bank in the Grand Cayman. He would arrange that in the morning. The instruction was quite clear. If this wasn't completed within 24 hours there would be no further contact with the organisation. On receipt of the funds he would be sent further details regarding his purchase. He closed down his machine and went to watch TV. He didn't think he would be able to sleep so put on one of his favourite films. The tension seeped out of him. He awoke just before dawn, his limbs and backside stiff and sore from the awkward sleeping position, the TV screen a mass of white interference. He turned it off, got a drink and went to bed sleeping for another four hours.
By midday the next day the funds had been wired. It was Saturday however before he received the next e-mail. Over the following three days, he received a number of e-mails most of it providing information on Tegan. There was a document which provided a written summary of her training. He hadn't really thought much about that. Supporting the document were numerous photographs and video files. He worked his way through them all. The videos were very useful in showing the training that Tegan had been put through. She was becoming a real person to him now, not just a photograph and a feed on a computer. Included in the videos were some of the punishments that had been inflicted upon her. There was one particular file that showed her begging her captor for mercy, saying she would do anything if the punishment would just stop. Tegan was not just begging, she was screaming for the torture to stop. He found it rather traumatic, the poor girl begging her unseen captor not to continue. The videos were referenced in Tegan's training summary and he saw that this particular incident had taken place almost right at the start. There had been other punishments later in the process but this early one had certainly been the harshest. He went through all the photographs and videos which documented the process she had been through. The Training Grade seen in the sales catalogue made more sense now. He felt a surge of pride knowing that his Tegan had achieved an A. He wasn't quite sure why.
A second set of videos was also sent to him. The quality of these was not as good but the content was still easily visible. A number of these videos showed Tegan pleasuring herself with a vibrator. Others showed her tying herself up on a bed. The accompanying document noted that these had been taken before Tegan's training had commenced. It didn't say "these videos were taken before we kidnapped Tegan" but it wasn't hard to work that bit out. This was something of a bonus for David, he'd purchased a girl that liked bondage and had done something about it. He became even more convinced that he had found the ideal girl. The most important information he received though was the delivery date. Tegan would be delivered two weeks after final payment had been cleared. He'd made that payment a week later, just two weeks ago.
And here she was, in a crate on his kitchen floor, it was so hard to comprehend. David took a deep breath then lifted the lid off the container. Beneath the lid was a cover made of neoprene rubber. It was much like the cover you would see in any crate apart from the material it was made of. This was it, he thought, this is the moment you've dreamt about. This is why you bought this place. The neoprene rubber was a tight fit and he had to work it up with his fingers. It took him all of five minutes before he released one end. He lifted it up. Through the gap he could see some straps across what looked like ankles. It was such a rush. He quickly pulled the rest of the cover clear and tossed it to one side before cautiously looking into the crate. For the first time, he laid eyes on Tegan in real life. Two grey/green eyes looked back at him, there was a tear running out of the corner of one. The base of the crate was another neoprene rubber casing into which Tegan had been snugly fitted. She lay on her back, her arms by her side. She had been dressed in loose fitting clothing. There were at least a dozen wide straps across her body holding her firmly in the base of the crate. A large gag filled her mouth. Her dark hair had been brushed away from her face and caressed the base of the crate. She looked every bit as gorgeous in real life as she had done in the pictures and videos he'd watched. In the preceding days he'd given much thought as to what he was going to say when he finally opened the crate. All that went out of his head as he gazed down at the girl helplessly restrained below him. He looked at her for a moment then reached into the crate and gently brushed the tears away from her eye with his fingertips. He smiled as he did this. "Hello Tegan", he said softly.
Tegan looked back up at the man. This was only the second time she had seen anyone's face apart from Karen since she had been kidnapped. She'd grown to like Karen during her enforced captivity and training. Karen was the only person who had shown her any empathy. How long ago was that now, six months, a year, she really had no idea how much time had passed since she had been taken. She had no idea where she was, no idea how long she had been in the crate. "The Provider" had told her it might be as much as twenty-four hours after she had woken before the crate would be opened. He told her this just before he'd given her the injection to put her to sleep. He'd also revealed himself to her just before he'd given her that injection. That had been something of a shock but there was nothing she could do about it now.
Tegan thought she'd been awake for about ten hours. It had taken her a while to come to her senses in the pitch darkness. For a while nothing had happened and she flexed against the straps that held her tight. There was no sound in the crate and she'd started to get nervous. It was something of a relief when she felt a sudden abrupt movement; at least she hadn't been left alone. After a few minutes the movement stopped and then became gentler and she correctly guessed she was in a vehicle of some sort.
She was thirsty and her mouth was dry. She chewed on the gag as she started to think about what would happen to her now. She also went over the last instructions "The Provider" had given her. Her fate if she failed to follow them had been made very clear to her. Time passed slowly inside the crate. She had no idea how long the journey had taken but further jarring movement indicated that the crate was being unloaded from the vehicle.
There had been no movement for a long time now and she wondered if she had arrived at her destination wherever that was. There had been no clue as to where she was being sent, she had been told little about her fate. During her training though, "The Provider" had threatened her with horror stories relating to some of the slaves that had been sold. She had dreaded an African or Middle Eastern Master although she had kept her fears to herself. "The Provider" had been very good at probing any weakness she displayed. She desperately wanted the lid to be removed now so that she could come to terms with whatever was likely to happen to her next.
Tegan had almost fallen asleep when there was a sudden noise, a creaking sound as the lid was finally removed. She was still in darkness but her senses where heightened once more. There seemed to be a shimmer of light down by her feet, she thought she could here music as well. Then suddenly the light poured in. She closed her eyes then opened them once more and found herself looking into a pair of kind blue eyes. It took her a moment to realise that he was speaking her name. She moaned softly into the gag in response as the man reached down and brushed the tips of his fingers across her face.
She knew not to make too much of this but her initial fears abated. The man who looked down at her now at least had a nice smile, and a soft touch. He also looked quite handsome. A strange feeling came over her. She wanted him to like her, to treat her well. She was also hoping she would like him. This was the sort of thing she had fantasised about. "Is this the man to tie me up and make my dreams come true" she thought to herself. This thought frightened her. The reality of being a bondage slave had been considerably harsher than any fantasies she had considered but would that continue? What sort of future awaited her now? Would this man be kind to her? He certainly didn't look threatening.
Tegan closed her eyes. The reality was there now and she was scared. She didn't want to suffer any treatment of the kind she'd been put through when she'd first been captured. She felt the man's fingers brush her cheek again and knew that more tears were flowing from her eyes. She couldn't stop them as she hoped for something better for herself, and remembered the tortures that had been inflicted upon her in the early days of her imprisonment.
Chapter 3: Torturous Times (added: 2016/08/29)
As her first night of captivity drew on, Tegan tried to convince herself that this ordeal was just someone's idea of a joke, and a very poor idea at that. She was so sore. The combination of her bonds, the hard floor, the dampness of her clothing, the difficulty breathing through the hood, the gag that filled her mouth, that bloody vibrator that was still stuffed in her pussy; made her very aware off the helplessness of her situation. She ran the words she had heard earlier over and over in her mind, "Training starts at 6:00am Tegan". Who had taken her? Who was putting her through this ordeal? Who had found out her secret? She tried to clear her mind and get some rest but it was impossible. The questions wouldn't go away. She didn't want to think that she had been kidnapped for real; she still wanted to believe that this was someone she knew. As the hours passed though, her doubts rose. No one she knew would treat her like this, not if they expected to remain in her circle of friends afterwards.
She tested her bondage again, flexing her arms against the bonds that held them tight behind her. She had made a good job of binding herself so many hours ago and the additional tape applied by her captor just served to accentuate her complete helplessness. She stopped struggling as the wet hood clung against her face once more, her breathing heavy from her vain attempt to escape. She had fantasised so many times about being taken and bound, of being fucked whilst she was helpless. In her fantasies she had never considered being treated like this, being tied then dumped in the most uncomfortable of circumstances, being left hungry and isolated with no clue as to what was happening, having to pee in her clothes.
At that thought the tears started again. She felt so miserable. To add to that misery, her eyes were starting to hurt, feeling gritty from a lack of sleep. The hood was retaining more moisture, a combination of her tears and the spittle dripping from her gagged mouth. Now when she breathed it was harder to draw air through the rough cloth. Even worse, Tegan was feeling the first vestige of a headache, brought on by a combination of the heat inside the hood and her lack of both water and sleep. For a short while she mentally submitted to her position before purposefully steeling herself. "Be strong, be strong", she said to herself. "This will all be over soon. I will not let anyone get the better of me." She started to feel a little better but soon the fear was flowing in her veins once more; Tegan heard the door open Perhaps now she would start to get the answer to some of the questions that had plagued her since she had been dumped in wherever she was now. She hoped those answers wouldn't drive her deeper into the despair she had been feeling only moments earlier
In contrast to Tegan, "The Provider" slept well. He rose at 5:00am; it was going to be a busy day. As he showered, then dressed in baggy overalls, he went over, in his mind, how he was going to tackle the start of Tegan's training. He would hit her hard. He would scare her enough in those first few hours that it would make her more pliant and anxious to please. Once in that state he imagined the rest of her training would go more easily for both of them. He checked his overalls then had a light breakfast. After eating it was time to see how Karen was progressing.
Karen was in her eighth week of training. Taking her had been relatively easy. Wildlife had been one of Karen's interests and she often went camping alone so that she could view the animals in their natural habitat. One night he had simply followed her and taken her while she slept in her small tent. She had struggled little and it had been easy to bind her and get her into his trusty blue van. He'd also removed all traces of her camp, taking all her equipment as well. The next day, thirty minutes after her training had started; she would have done anything for him. It was this success that he was hoping to repeat with Tegan. In truth, he expected a tougher battle with Tegan. Karen had proved to be extremely submissive. Indeed, he had been surprised at just how easily she had succumbed. She seemed to have accepted her fate readily, appeared content to be a prisoner. He had puzzled over why this was and not come up with any answers. Perhaps it was the fact that, in an obtuse kind of way, she enjoyed the attention. Perhaps her life had been so mundane that this was an improvement. He didn't think that was possible but couldn't be sure. The only problem with Karen was that she was slow on the uptake. He had to explain things a number of times before she understood. At first he put this down to her being difficult and she underwent a couple of torturous sessions as a result. Her pleading and tears during these sessions eventually convinced him that she was trying her best; she just found some things hard to comprehend.
He pulled the hood over his head then went to her room. Throughout Karen's time in training she had never seen his face. He wore loose baggy overalls whenever he saw her so that it gave nothing away about him, who he was, how tall he was, how strong he might be. His watchword throughout the whole process was security. Tegan would be treated the same way. When he opened the door Karen immediately slid off the bed and knelt on the floor her eyes cast down on the threadbare carpet. She was naked except for the collar around her neck by which she was chained and padlocked to a ringbolt in the floor. There was enough slack in the chain to allow her to move all around the room and also visit the small bathroom off to the side. "Permission to speak Master" she said when he entered the room. He ran his fingers through her hair as she knelt and granted her the permission she sought. "Good morning Master" she said. "I am ready for the day's training. What would you wish me to do?" A smile spread across his lips, unseen by Karen because of the hood as he gave her instructions for the day. A training day for Karen would normally involve some exercise, a test and a number of hours in tight restrictive bondage. However, he explained, today would be a little different. He was starting another girl's training that morning and might require Karens' assistance with that later in the day. He had an idea that he hoped would help speed up Tegan's training. Karen repeated his instructions to him then thanked him for his attention. He wished all the girls were as easily handled as Karen. Unchaining Karen from the ringbolt, he also removed her collar then left her to get on with her instructions. He was not worried about her escaping. There was only a single stairway to the basement area where he has imprisoned Karen and he locked and bolted the door to this on the way out. It was also something of a test for Karen. He wanted to see if she was a pliant as she seemed or was it just show, would she try and overpower him. He thought this unlikely but carried a small Taser in his pocket just in case she should prove troublesome. Smiling, he opened a second door and strolled down the corridor, it was time to engage with his new trainee.
The original purpose of the small room he had left Tegan in was unclear. Perhaps it had been meant as a small study or a storeroom. With its' solid door and lack of windows, it was an ideal cell. When he opened the door, the faint smell of urine caressed his nostrils. Tegan was on the floor, tightly bound much as he had left her. He knelt down by her, her body tensing as he spoke softly to her. "Good morning Tegan, I hope you're ready to start your training." He watched her tense as he spoke. "Today", he continued "you are going to learn discipline. Once you have mastered that, we will start with your training properly. Now listen carefully Tegan. There will be rewards for progress. Your reward for today, if you pass, will be some food, something to drink and a bath. The quicker you pass this first session, the less you will suffer; and trust me Tegan, you will not find this pleasant. Now, I'm going to remove the bonds from your legs. Do as you are told and your pain will be kept to a minimum. Anger me Tegan, and you will suffer. Do you understand? Nod your head if you do." There was a groan from beneath the hood and then Tegan's head moved indicating she did indeed understand. He took a small knife from his pocket, opened the blade and started to cut the tape from Tegan's legs.
Tegan listened to the soft words with disbelief, this couldn't be happening to her surely. During the night she had almost convinced herself that this would end soon, her captor would reveal himself and all would be well. She'd also worried about the reason she'd been taken. If her captor turned out to be a stranger, what was his purpose? Was she going to be ransomed? It seemed unlikely. What were the alternatives? Was this some kind of sex fiend? If so, her situation would be dire. Tegan had tried to put those thoughts out of her mind.
She nodded when he asked if she understood, without really understanding. Then she felt the tape being removed. If didn't take long before her legs were freed. Her captor cut the tapes and the ropes then also removed the thigh high boots she had donned the previous day; that seemed so long ago now. He told her to kneel and used the ropes binding her to help manoeuvre her into that position then he hauled her to her feet. The muscles in her legs screamed at her as she rose and she was a little unsteady at first. Once the initial stiffness subsided though she was glad of the chance to get off the floor and exercise her lower limbs.
Tegan was aching all over and the movement helped ease that a little. Her captor guided her, holding her upper arms firmly, pulling her one way then another. She had no idea what was happening but, after a short walk he stopped her. She felt a hand between her legs and the vibrator was removed, that was such a relief. The same soft voice sounded in her ear. "You won't be needing this for a while Tegan". She felt almost embarrassed. This wasn't someone she knew. Surely no-one she knew would treat her like this. She was starting to get scared again. Then she felt herself pushed into a chair. She felt her ankles taped tightly to the chair legs. Then her legs were pulled apart and she was bound just below each knee. More tape went over her thighs, binding her upper legs to the seat of the chair. Her pussy felt open and vulnerable. The chair was hard and uncomfortable. She groaned into the gag. Next, she felt the bindings around her arms being loosened, the tape cut away. As each arm was freed though, the wrist was immediately taped to the back of the chair. She felt fingers working on the laces of the corset. As the device was loosened she started to draw deep breaths, only for the hood to get sucked into her nostrils once more. She shook her head then felt hands on her face holding her still. Finally the corset was removed, she felt it pulled away. She started to pull on the tape binding her wrists but she couldn't free herself. Now more tape was binding her body to the back of the chair. One wrist was freed, pulled behind the chair then tightly strapped in place again. The other wrist followed. Just as quickly as her limbs were freed they were bound again, except now she was naked. She still had no idea where she was but she started to notice things. The room was cold, not horrendously so, but she felt the goose bumps rise on her arms. She was just trying to assemble her thoughts when she felt hands on her breasts kneading them, fingers brushing her nipples teasing them. She groaned into the gag and fought the bonds that held her firm. Despite herself, she felt her nipples harden slightly, experienced a hollow tightness in her groin. A low chuckle filled her ears. "Very nice Tegan, very nice indeed." the soft voice praised. Tegan was embarrassed that her captor had read her emotions so easily. Then she felt the pain as her nipples were trapped in clamps that bit hard into the soft, tender skin. She groaned loudly into the gag, her emotions were awash. She didn't think this was someone she knew but hoped she was wrong. She was still hoping that this was all a game. It was, after all, one of her much loved fantasies, to be held against her will, to be bound naked for someone's amusement. To be fucked hard. To be forced to suck cock while she was helpless. To be forced to swallow her captor's cum. She wanted to feel horny, wanted to enjoy this not be scared of it. She tried to think positively. She wanted to be wet. She wanted her pussy juices to be running onto the chair. She wanted to be fucked. What she got was the soft voice once more telling her what was going to happen next.
"The Provider" studied Tegan. He'd used almost two rolls of tape and now she was helplessly bound in the high backed chair, arms strapped behind her, shoulders pulled back, unable to move. He spent a couple of moments preparing the equipment and then spoke quietly to her. "Now Tegan, I'm going to remove the hood and gag and let you have a drink of water. You will say nothing. If you speak without permission you will be punished. The punishment will be severe. Do not doubt this Tegan. If you want to speak you will say "Permission to speak please, Master". You will always refer to me as Master until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand"? The Provider watched as Tegan nodded. Then he started unwinding the tape that held the hood in place.
Tegan tested her bonds as she felt the tape unwind. They were secure, she couldn't move. She stayed still as she felt the tape being removed. Moments later the hood was pulled from her head. She screwed her eyes; red rimmed from her tears, tight for a moment against the light and drew in a deep breath through her nose. It was a big relief to get rid of the hood. She took another deep breath enjoying the cool air on her face; then she opened her eyes. She was in a bathroom, quite a large one. To the left of her was a large Jacuzzi tub big enough for two, to the right a toilet and a bidet. The walls were covered in tiles of a soft cream colour. The chair on which she was helplessly bound sat on grey tiles that were cold under her bare feet. In front of her was her captor. He was wearing a blue hood and blue overalls that looked about five sizes too big. On his feet he wore a pair of off-white running shoes. The only part of his body visible to Tegan was the two green eyes that surveyed her. The hood covered the man's nose and mouth. He had thin plastic gloves covering long fingers. His hands looked a little on the small side. On the floor was a plastic cup full of water with a straw. Her captor reached around the back of her head loosening the straps that held the gag in place. He picked up the cup of water then, with his free hand, eased the gag out of her mouth".
"Let me go now you sick fuck" Tegan spat at him. He just shook his head. "Oh dear Tegan, I thought we had an understanding" he replied softly then threw the water in her face. It was ice cold. "You bastard, you fuck, you won't get away with this", Tegan screamed vehemently at him. He slipped behind her for a moment and Tegan tried to turn her head to see what he was up to. She was about to give him another volley of abuse when he pulled a gas mask over her head, pulling the straps taught so that it fit securely around her face. There was a long tube moulded into the base of the mask that ran down and behind her. She looked out from behind the plastic window of the mask. She was still screaming at her captor, struggling against her bonds, the sound muffled by the device. Then the mask started to fill with cold water.
A panic button immediately went off in Tegan's brain. This was no joke, this was serious; she really had been kidnapped. She struggled fiercely but the mask filled quickly. The water was in her mouth, covered her nostrils. She tried to drink some. She couldn't breath. She bucked in the chair, her head thrashing about now trying to get the mask off her face. All of a sudden she was terrified. Her vision started to blur but she could see the man watching her. Dear god, she was going to die in this room. Water was in her throat, she couldn't breathe. She tried to cough; the water was getting into her lungs. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't breath, she couldn't breath. Then the water disappeared as her captor pulled the mask off her face.
Tegan was coughing, spluttering, crying. No one could treat her like this. The man was speaking but she wasn't taking in what he was saying. Her mind was still trying to cope with what he had just done to her. Then the mask was over her face again. She had the presence of mind to take in a deep breath before the water covered her nose and mouth once more. Her eyes were wide with terror as she looked through the mask at her captor. His lips were moving but she still wasn't registering what he was saying. She couldn't hold her breath much longer. Her lungs were burning, she had to breathe. She started thrashing in the chair once more but her bonds were tight and effective. She had to breathe. Water was getting in her lungs again. He was going to drown her. She took a breath and started coughing. The water was running down her naked body as her captor lifted the mask once more. Then almost immediately the mask was covering her face again. "God please no", she shouted into the mask. Water was trickling into it slowly now. This time the voice registered in her mind "You must ask for permission to speak Tegan". The mask was filling slowly. It was starting to cover her mouth. She breathed through her nose until she sucked in some water. That made her cough and the panic set in again; her lungs were filling with water once more. She knew she was going to die in that chair. Then the mask was off her face again. Tegan heaved and coughed, she was terrified now. She fought to get air into her lungs. "Please, no more she coughed". Almost immediately, the mask was back over her face filling with water. She'd hardly had time to recover from the last ordeal. Water filled her lungs once more. She felt more relaxed this time she was passing out. This was it.
"The Provider" pulled the mask from her face as her body went limp, the water draining down her neck between her breasts and onto the floor. He would give her some time to recover now before continuing. Tegan was coughing even though she was barely conscious, mists of water being sprayed from her mouth. After a moment she appeared to relax her breathing becoming more regulated. He slapped her face hard repeating her name until her eyes opened. She looked at him. "No more please" she sighed; so did the Provider. "You must ask for permission to speak Tegan. Do you understand?" Tegan looked at him then he pulled the mask down over her face once more. Tegan was screaming now as he repeated the instruction. "Ask for permission to speak Tegan". Once more the mask started to fill with water.
"The Provider" repeated the torture for nearly two hours, varying the length of time it took for the water to fill the mask, varying the length of time he let her struggle before removing the mask. He was beginning to think she didn't understand. Every time he removed the mask, if she was able to speak, she begged him not to do it again. She cried, she pleaded, she fought against her bonds, but each time she spoke she didn't conform to the instruction. He'd first tried this treatment on Karen. She had succumbed within 30 minutes and she wasn't too bright. He was just beginning to think he would have to make this even harder when Tegan managed to splutter the words out of her mouth "Permission to speak please". Her eyes were begging him to stop as she spoke. All he had said was "You must address me as Master every time you speak to me" and pulled the mask over her face again. Tegan was terrified now, screaming and begging each time he pulled the mask over her face, heaving hard against her bindings. On the third occasion that he pulled the mask from her face she wretched and coughed for nearly five minutes. As she tried to compose herself, her voice wracked with pain, her lungs burning trying to eject all the water she managed to utter "Permission to speak please Master". "Permission granted Tegan" he replied. "Please, no more", she said. The provider shook his head. You must address me as Master at all times Tegan. With that, he pulled the mask over her head once more.
Six hours later, he released a distressed Tegan from the chair, tightly binding her wrists behind her with tape. She was improving but there were still mistakes. Every time she forgot to ask for permission to speak, every time she forgot to add Master, he pulled the mask over her head once more. At once stage she managed to go thirty minutes without a mistake. When she made one, he mercilessly pulled the mask over her again despite her desperate pleas. She'd had enough for the day now; she was making mistakes because she was tired and scared. He would let her think about her ordeal now, let it prey on her mind for a while. Tegan's imagination would be her undoing. If he left her alone the anticipation of when the torture would recommence would wear her down. He snapped a collar around her neck, hauled her to her feet, then gagged her and pulled the same damp hood over her head once more. As a final touch he added a lead to the collar then guided her back to the small room. Once there he pushed her to the floor, taped her legs together and told her they would continue the next day. Tegan was left to the sound of the door slamming shut, her captor's words ringing in her ears in the ensuing silence.
Tegan spent the night crying in the room. The day's events had terrorised her. She could not believe that someone could treat a person the way she had been treated. She had tried her best to conform but every mistake had been punished. She was hungry. She was tired. She dreaded the next day. She wanted to sleep but didn't want to wake up to the horror she had faced in the past few hours. The minutes ticked by. She didn't know what time it was when fury took over. Suddenly she started to fight the bonds that held her, thrashing around the floor like a fish out of water as she tried to escape. It was a useless attempt to free herself and her bindings seemed even tighter when she eventually succumbed to exhaustion.
When her captor opened the door the next morning, removing the hood and gag so that she could at least drink some water, she had begged him not to repeat the torture with the mask. It had been a mistake. He merely chided her for not getting permission to speak before pulling the hood over her head once more. She'd tried to fight her passage to the bathroom but her spirit was already broken. He'd merely attached a lead to her collar and dragged her to her destination on her knees. He'd almost choked her in an effort to get her in to the chair then, once she was helplessly bound he gave her the water treatment for an hour as punishment before even listening to her.
After that he was deliberately harsh. Every tiny mistake was punished. At one stage he filled the Jacuzzi and threatened to drown her in it. Tegan had no doubts now that he would do something like that. All the while, his soft spoken voice nagged at her. He never raised his voice, never changed the tone. At the end of the second day, as he locked her in the small room once more, he removed the hood and gag leaving her a plastic cup full of water and half a loaf of bread on the floor in front of her. It was the first food she had been offered since she had arrived. It was difficult though, with her arms taped behind her back and her legs manacled together. She managed to nibble at the bread, eventually eating most of it. The water she knocked over trying to get her mouth around the lip of the cup. She was so tired that, despite her discomfort she cried herself to sleep in her dismal surroundings
The third day of her captivity was spent in much the same manner as the first two. Every tiny mistake was punished. Tegan cried, begged, pleaded and screamed not to have that mask strapped over her face. After what appeared to Tegan to be an eternity she could take no more and started begging her captor to fuck her. She would do anything, absolutely anything not to suffer any more. "Fuck me please Master" she begged after first remembering to ask permission to speak. He started calling her a slut then, a cock sucking slut and she readily agreed with him. "I'm your cock-sucking slut Master, you can fuck me Master, please Master take me, fuck me, fuck my pussy, fuck my ass, please, please" she pleaded "do whatever you want, but please Master, no more of this".
"The Provider" used the mask on her twice more that day for minor aberrations but he was pleased, not that he let Tegan know it. She was all but broken now. The next day he would start her training properly. When he returned her to her small closet of a room there was another half loaf of bread and another glass of water on the floor. This time though he had left a straw with the water. Tegan ate and drank then cried herself to sleep on the hard floor once more.
Tegan had no idea what time she woke. She was already struggling to recall how many days it had been since she had been kidnapped; keeping track of time was impossible. She recognised completely now that this was a kidnapping. No game would have gone on this long. There was no-one she knew, even slightly, who would treat her the way she had been treated. She didn't know why she had been taken yet or what the purpose was of putting her through this misery. Her captor had scared her badly, treated her with contempt but he hadn't raped her or abused her sexually in any way at all. That might come later of course but she sensed there was a purpose behind her captor's method. His insistence on absolute perfection in the manner in which she addressed him and his earlier comment regarding her training suggested that there was a plan to all this. Tegan took some small comfort from that fact. If there was a plan then at least she was going to survive this ordeal. As Tegan waited for her captor to return she thought about her own plan of action. How was she going to escape from this nightmare? The very fact that escaping came into her mind cheered her up a little. Sometime in the future there would be a chance to make a getaway, and she would have to be ready. She would have to be prepared. To do this, she had to minimise the toll this torture was taking on her, give herself time to recover. The best way of achieving that would be to do everything "The Provider" wanted. She would concentrate her efforts, not give him an excuse to torture her for not following the rules. She went over and over what she would say when her captor returned. When the door opened and she looked at her self-appointed Master again, clothed in the hood and those ridiculously large overalls, she was ready.
"Permission to speak Master" she uttered as he entered the room. "The Provider" could not resist a smile, an act hidden from Tegan by the hood. "Good Morning Tegan", he replied "Permission to speak is granted." "Please Master", Tegan continued, "I will be your slut, your slave, anything you want Master. You can beat me, tie me, fuck me, come in my mouth, you can do all those things Master, but please, please Master, don't make me wear that mask again". When she'd finished speaking Tegan manoeuvred herself onto her knees in front of her captor and knelt forward lowering her head until her forehead almost touched the floor. She grimaced as she felt the hard floor on her knees but kept silent as she heard her captor come close to her. Then she felt his hand ruffle her hair; she thought he had a surprisingly light touch. His equally soft voice however was filled with potential menace. "Good girl Tegan", she heard him say, "now, look up and tell me you're a cock-sucking slut who needs to be punished". Tegan raised her head slowly and looked at her captor swallowing hard. "I'm......" she started then stopped suddenly, a cold sweat breaking over her body. "Permission to speak please Master" she requested again hoping against hope that he would overlook this minor transgression. "The Provider" waited an interminable thirty seconds before telling her to continue and it was with great relief that Tegan croaked softly "I'm a cock-sucking slut Master" as she fought back the tears. Again the wait before "The Provider" spoke seemed interminable. "Head on the floor Tegan" he eventually commanded and she once more bent over until her forehead was touching the cold floor. "We shall start you training properly today" he continued. "Now, stay in this position until I return and do not move". As Tegan uttered the words "Yes Master", her captor left the room.
It was the waiting that was worst. As the time passed Tegan started to feel the pain in her knees, feel the other aches her body was tormenting her with. She tried to think of happier times. She thought of the times when she had tied herself up on her own bed and how different the reality was to her fantasy. She wondered if this would have happened to her if she didn't like bondage. Had her love of ropes and straps and toys been the reason her captor had chosen her and, if so, how had he known. All these questions ran through her mind. More than anything, she wanted to avoid another tortuous session with the gas mask. The longer she was made to wait, the harder it was to remain in position. She didn't dare move though. She had no idea if her captor was hiding just out of her view, watching her, waiting for his opportunity to criticise her for not doing as she was told, to punish her once more for her misdemeanours. It was with some relief that she heard the creak of the door opening and her captor returning.
"Look up Tegan" came the soft voice. Tegan struggled to lay her eyes on her captor once more, her joints aching as she straightened. He was carrying a number of objects which he laid on the floor in front of her. Tegan was familiar with all of them. There was a large black leather penis gag that he fitted into her mouth, pulling her hair from between the strap and her head before buckling it tightly in place. Tegan bit down on the part of the gag that protruded into her mouth. Keeping her in the kneeling position "The Provider" stood over her and cut away the tape binding her arms together. Her freedom was short lived though as he quickly produced a pair of handcuffs and bound her arms in front of her body before snapping a lead onto her collar and helping her to her feet. Finally, he pulled a hood loosely over her head before cutting the remaining tape from her legs. "Follow me Tegan" the soft voice continued. She felt a tug on her collar. She stepped off after him allowing the pull of the lead on the collar to dictate where she went. After a short distance she was pushed into a chair. She felt a sense of panic then, expecting to feel the tape binding her to the chair as a prelude to yet more torture. She moaned into the gag, an act which was greeted by a sharp tug on her collar and a curt command to keep quiet. Then the soft voice came in her ear once more. "Now pay attention and listen carefully Tegan. When I remove the hood and gag you will not speak, you will remain completely silent. If I hear one word you will spend the rest of the day in the company of the gas mask, do you understand". Tegan shivered at the mention of the gas mask and nodded her compliance. With that she felt another light tug on the lead followed by the click of a lock. "You have 30 minutes Tegan" came the soft voice once more. Then the hood was lifted and the gag removed.
As she lay strapped in the crate looking up into the blue eyes of a man she didn't know, she pondered the similarities between that moment, when she ate her first proper meal in captivity, and the situation she found herself in now. When "The Provider" had removed the hood and gag she had found herself sat at a table in a small kitchen. The windows were covered so she could not see outside and the only light came from a grubby looking overhead fluorescent tube. For all she knew it was nighttime in any case. Before her on the table was a selection of breads, cheeses and meats. It was the first time real food had been offered too her since she had been taken. Looking at the food she realised how famished she was.
Now, having been strapped in this crate for god knows how long she felt similar pangs of hunger and also a similar trepidation as to what was going to happen next. She lay there quietly as the man started to remove the straps that held her in place. The room she was in now also seemed to be a kitchen, a much bigger one than that which she had known during her training. She could make out a large window and beyond that the night sky. Having barely seen daylight since she had been kidnapped that was nothing new, she'd grown used to the dark.
That moment when she had been taken from her home seemed to be in the dim and distant past now. She ran over in her mind the instructions she had been given as to what she should do when she was released from the crate. She had thought about those instructions a lot as she had lain helpless in this portable prison. She would follow them to the letter; avoid, if she could, any animosity from her new Master. She would watch and learn, assess her situation and make her plans accordingly. Her intention was still to escape. During her training there had not been one single moment when she was free to even consider making a getaway. She hoped an opportunity would present itself in this new environment. Little did she know how soon that chance would come; and how its aftermath would lead to a significant change in her circumstances.
Chapter 4: Escape To Hard Times (added: 2016/08/29)
David spent a moment wiping the tears from the corners of Tegan's eyes before studying the straps that held her in place. "We'll have you out of this shortly Tegan" he told her then added kindly, "and get you something to drink." The very mention of drink reminded Tegan that she had been bound in this crate a long time. She felt an immediate dryness in her mouth and also pangs of hunger. She nodded as best she could in agreement to his words. It wasn't easy communicating whilst she was strapped and gagged in the container.
David had a quick look up and down the length of the crate. He was going to remove her gag first so she could better answer him but he noticed a cardboard box at the bottom of the container by Tegan's feet. A white notice affixed to the top of the box stated clearly and simply "SLAVE INSTRUCTIONS". The letters were about an inch high. Beneath that statement, in much smaller type he read "Do not allow the slave to see the contents of this box until the moment of your choosing". Intrigued, he removed the box to the kitchen table and opened it. There were two items inside. The first was two sheets of white paper with typed instructions. He read through both pages; they were more guidelines than instructions. The first sheet gave brief details of when Tegan had been strapped into the crate, what he should do if she was still unconscious when the crate was opened and the likely after affects of the drug she had been given prior to her transportation. It also suggested how she should be restrained once she was removed from her transport container. The second sheet highlighted what was expected of Tegan when she was released from the crate, the instruction she had been given and what he should do if those instructions were not followed.
The second item in the crate was the equipment it was suggested he used if Tegan didn't follow instructions, a gas mask with a long rubber hose attached to the base. He recognised the device from the videos he has seen of Tegan's training. He also remembered her terrified reaction when it had been used on her. The intention was obvious; that he should continue that terror to ensure Tegan remained obedient to his will. He read the instructions again then returned them to the box. He pondered a moment then put the box and its contents in one of the kitchen cupboards. The instructions suggested that Tegan should be restrained at all times. For that purpose, he slipped out of the room, returning with some rope and a set of hand cuffs. These items he left on the kitchen table before returning to the crate.
Tegan lay there patiently, her grey green eyes looking back at him. As he moved around, her eyes followed him. She appeared calm, a mark for her he thought given the likely length of her incarceration in this box. The large gag covered her mouth keeping her silent. There were a dozen straps across her body holding her in position, her legs slightly apart, her arms down by her sides. She wore a simple white blouse. It reminded him of the first picture he had seen of her in the white dress which hugged her figure. The blouse was a lot looser. She also wore a pair of light brown shorts. Her arms, legs and feet were bare. He smiled as a thought crossed his mind. He had lots of ropes and bondage equipment with which Tegan could be restrained but nothing for her to wear. That was something that would have to be rectified.
Tegan watched as best she could as David moved around the crate; her vision being somewhat restricted by the sides of the container. She flexed against the straps; she was sore and stiff. She tried to focus on her new environment. It was so strange. She remembered her nervousness as "The Provider" had strapped her in to this box, wondering what was going to happen to her next. She still remembered her absolute shock when "The Provider" had removed his hood and revealed himself, that in answer to her question about why he had never fucked her throughout her training. She'd already been gagged by then and had been unable to voice her shock. Her captor had explained the transportation process and then injected her. She'd woken in darkness, feeling the occasional comforting movement; at least she wasn't alone and forgotten.
Waking gave her a new enemy, time; time to think, time to worry. She'd worried about where she was going, worried about what would happen to her when she got there. How was she going to get out of this mess? The fact that the moving had ceased, that she was potentially at her destination, had dawned on her slowly. She'd listened as the screws were removed, wondering what sort of person she would see when the lid was lifted. Now she just tried to take everything in, and to remember her training. A smile crossed her new Master's face. It was a nice smile; it went all the way to his eyes. It made her wonder what he was thinking about.
David set to work on the straps. Each was buckled in place and loosening them was a much simpler task than removing the lid of the crate had proved to be. He freed her legs first. After removing the straps he lifted each leg and gently massaged the limbs. Tegan, who had remained quiet, murmured her appreciation softly into the gag. David then removed the rest of the straps. Again he massaged her arms. As he did so, Tegan stretched her legs and also flexed her arms enjoying the ability to move after such a lengthy period trapped in the crate. She watched him the whole time and couldn't prevent a small groan of disappointment when he picked the steel bracelets from the table and cuffed her hands in front of her. Then he put his hands under her shoulders and helped her into the sitting position. Tegan moaned as he helped her up. She felt so stiff. David massaged her shoulders and back for a few minutes and she relaxed into his touch. It felt good. It also reminded her of the times that Karen had bathed or massaged her during her training. She felt a slight pang of regret then that she would never see Karen again. Her new Master's voice bought her quickly back to the present as he encouraged her to stand. She did so a little unsteadily and then he supported her as she stepped out of the box. She looked around the room quickly but then her Master was standing in front of her once more. He brushed his fingers through her hair so it hung down her back then reached behind and loosened the gag. Carefully, he eased the device from her mouth and placed it on the table. Mentally, Tegan had prepared herself, remembering her weeks of training.
Immediately she was able Tegan opened and closed her mouth, exercising the muscles. Her jaw was stiff and her mouth dry. When she spoke her voice was weak and croaky. "Permission to speak please Master" she uttered quietly. David placed a finger on her lips. "Not yet Tegan". She just stood there silently looking at him cocking her head slightly, a little quizzically it seemed, as if to say "Why wouldn't you give me permission Master". Inside David's stomach was churning a little. According to the instructions he had read Tegan had said exactly what she was expected to say. He also knew what was coming next. It was dawning on him that this was for real. He was stood in his kitchen with a gorgeous girl that he had purchased and would treat him as her Master. He'd thought about this so much but it was just a fantasy. Had he really expected this to actually happen? It was so real it seemed, well, unreal.
He removed his finger. Tegan watched him, still silent, as he took a glass, filled it with water and offered it to her. Tegan took the glass and sipped slowly then gave it him back looking at him, waiting for his lead. He looked back at her, reaching forward and brushing the hair back from her face behind her ears. He was captivated by her eyes, they were so deep. Even though she had spent god knows how long in the crate, he still thought she looked gorgeous. The white blouse hung loosely over her. The material was thin and it was obvious that she had no underwear. He could see the curve of her breast, the darkness of areola that surrounded her nipples. They were both quiet for a while, just looking at each other, almost sizing each other up, before he spoke "You wanted to say something Tegan". "Permission to speak please Master" she repeated. David remembered then the catalogue he had received a few weeks ago and, in particular, Tegan's training grade, an A. She was obviously going to follow the instructions she had been given to the letter, intent on avoiding any lapses, any punishment, so soon after meeting her new Master. He looked at her and answered. "You have my permission to speak Tegan". Inside his stomach was churning. He'd read the instructions. Would she follow them? It was hard to believe though that this girl who he had only laid eyes on such a short time ago would say the words. What would he do if she didn't? Would he have to start the relationship off by punishing her? The tension and excitement welled inside him. He didn't have to wait more than a few seconds for his answer.
When Tegan spoke again, her voice was a little stronger. "Please Master; may I have permission to suck your cock? Your slave would very much like to have you come in her mouth". After she spoke, she knelt in front of him, a little unsteadily, then pressed her cheek into his groin. "Please let me suck your cock Master" she repeated, lifting her head to look up at him "I'm your cock-sucking slut Master and I want to please you". The wording was not quite as the instructions had said but the intent was exactly what he had expected. The part about being his cock-sucking slut was completely ad-libbed. He quite liked the way she had said it. Reading the instructions and knowing what to expect had given him time to reflect on what he would do. He'd thought about saying no and approaching her arrival differently. He already knew a lot about Tegan. In particular, he knew a lot about her love of bondage. Ultimately, he was hoping to share a relationship with Tegan that was based on their mutual pleasure. He had to admit that he was still no closer to working out how he was going to achieve that. Taking advantage of her now might not be conducive to what he hoped to achieve.
The other side of the argument was that he needed to assert his authority over her immediately. That was clearly the thrust of the instructions; subjugate the slave as soon as possible, make it clear who is in charge. Even as she spoke the words he hadn't made his mind up. What persuaded him was the heat of her breath against his crotch, the way she breathes the words "cock-sucking slut" and the fact that he was already extremely hard inside his pants. "Yes Tegan" he replied, reaching down to run his fingers through her hair as he spoke, "you may suck my cock immediately".
Tegan let out a soft purr then loosened the zip of his pants. It was a little awkward with her hands manacled in front of her but her efforts were soon rewarded when his cock sprang free. She immediately sucked the head into her mouth, running her tongue over the glands whilst gently teasing the vein with her teeth. At the same time, she wrapped her hand around the base of his member and started to pump gently. The other hand she forced inside his pants, cupping his balls and squeezing. Then she started to slowly move her head up and down over his shaft, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow. David groaned. It had been a long time since he had last enjoyed the company of a woman and Tegan's expert attentions soon had him close. Tegan sensed this and she teased him with her tongue for a while. When she felt his hand twist in her hair she squeezed his balls harder eliciting louder groans and breathy comments of "God yes", and "That feels good Tegan". When she felt his hand pressing her onto him she changed technique, taking the head of his cock into the back of her throat continually until, with a loud shout, he came pressing her head into his groin as he did. When his pleasure subsided, and he stopped pressing with her hands, she swallowed then slowly licked his cock clean with her tongue. When she'd finished, she released it from her mouth and tucked it back in David's pants, taking care that she didn't trap the loose skin in his zip. Then she looked up and said "Thank you Master" before kneeling in front of him once more eyes lowered to the floor.
David stood for a while his back resting against the table as he enjoyed the aftermath of his orgasm. He couldn't remember a time in his whole life when he'd received such expert attention. This was some start he thought to himself as he looked down at her stroking his fingers idly through her hair. Tegan showed no reaction to what had just taken place remaining quiet whilst she waited for her next instruction. The kitchen window rattled slightly; the wind was rising outside. It was the end of September just over four weeks since he had been successful in his bid for Tegan. The days were still warm but the nights were cold. Tonight looked like it was going to be one of those cold nights, a sign that winter was coming. He smiled to himself then stooped and kissed the top of his new slaves' head. "No, thank you Tegan" he said softly. Then he helped her to her feet.
He sat Tegan at the table then made them both something to eat. They listened to the wind as they ate in silence. It was now accompanied by the patter of rain that ran down the outside of the large window. David kept looking at the girl sat at his table, Tegan, for the most part kept her eyes on her plate. Strangely, David was starting to feel a little tongue-tied and embarrassed, a feeling he hadn't had since his school days. A couple of times he asked her simple questions but he couldn't imagine how to start a deep conversation. Part of the reason for this was Tegan's curt but polite replies. Whenever he asked her a question she always asked him for permission to speak before replying. Invariable the answer was either "Yes Master" or "No Master". It was obviously a reflection of the training she had had, and the punishments she had received when she hadn't conformed. However, it didn't lead to stimulating conversation. For the present, he was at something of a loss. All his thinking had been focussed on getting Tegan to the ranch. Now that aim had been achieved, he realised he hadn't given anywhere near enough thought as to what he should do next. The purpose of getting her here was to have a partner with whom he could share his love of bondage. He knew Tegan loved bondage but it was patently obvious already that there was a huge difference between a slave and a partner. He was going to have to give a lot of thought as to how that gap would be bridged.
After eating he offered her a bath that she readily accepted after first obtaining the required permission to speak. The process was already starting to bore David a little. True he wanted Tegan to be submissive and obedient, but only when he wanted to play. At other times he wanted a normal person he could share his life with. Only now was he starting to see the huge holes in his plan.
He told her to take as long as she wanted and Tegan luxuriated in the bathroom for almost two hours. It was nice to experience this kind of comfort once more. The only thing that prevented this from being normal was the fact that her hands were still cuffed together in front of her. As she lay soaking in the bath, allowing the hot water to relax her and soothe her muscles, Tegan pondered her circumstances yet again. It was something she had done almost daily since she had been kidnapped. The bath was a large Jacuzzi with jets and also lights. In some ways, it was very similar to the bath in the room where she had suffered so badly. So far though this was oh so different from her experiences at the hands of "The Provider".
During her training, she was constantly reminded of her position as a slave. Now she had been shipped to her new owner she hadn't known what to expect, just more of the same she's imagined. It was still early days but her new Master, David he'd introduced himself as, had treated her well so far. He hadn't threatened to beat her, torture her. He was currently washing the only two items of clothing she possessed. He liked her, that was obvious from the way he looked at her. She wondered what had possessed him to go down the path he had. She had expected her new owner to be abhorrent but, actually he seemed nice. He was certainly attractive, if a little older than she would normally have considered. He spoke English with an English accent. She wondered if that was where she was now. It was hard to imagine that she was half a world from her home. That thought almost brought tears to her eyes. What kind of organisation could kidnap a woman train her and transport her half way around the world. She stopped thinking about it. Every time she tried to think of answers she created more questions. When he'd returned with her clothes freshly laundered she'd dried herself leisurely. The only downside had been there was no hairdryer for her long hair. He'd promised to rectify that and also get her some clothes.
After her bath he'd shown her to her room, she'd had to work really hard to keep the surprise from her face. Tegan had expected to be bound in a cell. Instead she was in an ordinary room. There was a double bed, dressing table and wardrobes and a small en-suite. There was also a large window, currently covered by thick curtains. She'd thanked him and asked him if there was anything she could do for him. In particularly she had gone to her knees and offered to suck his cock once more. He'd kissed her gently on the forehead and told her that she needed some rest first before they "discussed" her role at the ranch. The very fact that he used the word discuss made her wonder. Then he left her in the same shorts and blouse she had arrived in, her hands still cuffed together. The cuffs, and the faint sound as he sniped the lock on the bedroom door where the only clues that she was a prisoner in this place.
Tegan sat on the bed and listened to the wind and rain outside. It had been quite insistent earlier but now seemed to be dying away. She couldn't understand why she wasn't helplessly bound somewhere. Was she secretly disappointed that she wasn't securely tied up at the mercy of her new Master. She rose from the bed, opened the curtains slightly and looked out of the window. There were no lights outside that she could see, no streetlights, no lights from other residences nearby, no lights from any passing vehicles. There weren't even any stars visible, just complete darkness. She wondered if this bedroom was at the front of back of the property. Her mind went into overdrive. Never since her initial capture had she had such an opportunity to escape.
Tegan thought quickly then tested the window. It opened from the bottom and moved about a foot. Could she squeeze through that gap? Yes, she probably could. She could feel the wind outside now that the window was ajar. How far was she from safety she wondered, how far would she have to run before she was found by anybody. Should she risk it? If she circled the property would she see any lights on the other side? Was this just a trick to test her? Could she escape with her hands still cuffed together? Would her new Master be waiting for her, waiting to punish her if she tried to get away? Even as she was thinking, Tegan found herself clambering head first through the window; she might never get another opportunity, she had to take it. She was halfway out when her shorts caught on something, probably the window catch she thought. She had to be quick. She tugged once shifting her body. When she didn't move she wriggled and tugged again. She felt her shorts tear then she came loose. Now she couldn't prevent her descent. As she fell from the window she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She instinctively put her hands in front of her. The drop from the window was further than she thought and she felt another pain in her wrist as she fell heavily onto the wet sodden earth, the edge of the cuffs jarring her bone. Then she was on her feet running away from the property, she couldn't believe it, she was free.
Tegan ran for a short distance before a sharp pain in her foot forced her to slow to a walk. She had no idea what sort of surface she was on and now gingerly put one bare foot in front of the other as she slowly progressed away from the building. She was already thinking she should have spent a little more time planning this but she couldn't go back now. Tegan could barely see in front of her. The pain in her wrist had subsided but there was a nagging throb in her thigh. She put her hand down and it felt sticky, she was obviously bleeding. She looked back behind her. She could see the silhouette of the property and decided to follow it around until she came to whatever access road the building had. She tried to speed up a little, half walking, half jogging, aware of the dull ache in her feet. She thought she could see a fence, was that a road? In the darkness it was hard to tell. She was about to make for what she thought was the exit when she made out another shape. It looked like a vehicle. If she could make her escape in that she would surely be safe. She approached the object.
Her eyes were getting accustomed to the dark now and she thought she could make out the shape of an SUV. Now she was more aware of the wind, it seemed to have picked up strength and blew straight through her flimsy top, she was already cold. She approached the rear of the vehicle; she could make out the Chrysler badge on the rear now. She was starting to get excited now. There was a fence to her right, she was sure, that had to be the exit. The SUV was almost in touching distance when light suddenly flooded the area in front of the ranch. Tegan turned and fled towards the fence she had seen moments earlier. It was an impulsive reaction; she didn't want to be caught now. There was no doubt in her mind that capture now would bring with it severe punishment. Her thigh was hurting more, a throbbing pain. Her feet were also sore. The cuffs prevented her from swinging her arms which made running more difficult. As she got away from the building the wind blew more fiercely. She saw the fence and started to limp alongside it.
The fence bordered a gravel drive and she set off down it, the wind blowing directly into her face. She wanted to turn and go the other way, put the wind at her back, but she knew she couldn't, she had to keep going. She felt a drop of rain on her arm, then another. Within moments the skies opened, the storm dousing her, her blouse soaked, her tattered wet shorts clinging to her legs. She kept going looking back over her shoulder. She had started to put some distance between herself and the property. She thought she saw a light moving some way behind her and decided to climb over the fence and walk on the other side. The ground was rougher there but she'd almost forgotten the pain in her feet. "Be strong" she kept saying to herself, "Be strong Tegan". She was ice cold now, her wet clothes gripping her skin. The pain in her leg was growing, the cold eating into it. For all the good her blouse did, she might as well have been naked from the waist up. How long had she been outside, 30 minutes, an hour? She was starting to slow and felt tears of despair; she wasn't going to make it. "If I could just reach a road" she kept saying to herself trying to drive herself on.
She heard the sound of a vehicle starting up and looked over her shoulder. She could see headlights swing round in the darkness then heading towards her. She instantly fell to the ground pressing herself into the wet earth. The vehicle went past her about 20 yards to the left and carried on. She tried to get up again; it took all her strength now just to stand. The rain was easing but the wind was so cold. She wasn't going to make it. Tegan wanted to cry. Ever since she had been taken, she'd thought about escape. Now she'd messed up her opportunity instead of just thinking about it first. She was so, so cold. Her thigh was numb and her feet ached. Sharp drops of rain were being driven into her face by the wind. There was very little choice now. Reluctantly, Tegan turned and headed for the gravel drive. Her new Master, David, was looking for her. She wasn't going to make it to the road; her fear now was that she died of exposure. She moved back toward the fence and scrambled over it onto the uneven gravel surface with difficulty. She hoped that he would find her; if he didn't then she was really in trouble. She might still be in trouble but at least she'd be alive; how stupid had she been to think she could escape so easily.
Tegan turned and started to walk slowly back towards the property, it was slow going even though the wind was now at her back. The rain had increased in intensity once more and it plastered her hair to her face. She tried to force herself further but she just needed a moment to rest. She fell to the wet grass at the side of the drive and draped one hand over the lower bar of the fence to support herself. She just needed to recover a moment, and then she would have the energy to continue. She was numb with cold. She thought she could hear the sound of an engine behind her and forced herself to turn around. Immediately the rain lashed into her face and she had to shield her eyes with her free hand. Through the rain she saw the headlights coming towards her, her new Master was returning. With a huge effort she hauled herself to her feet, clinging onto the top of the fence to keep herself upright. The lights approached slowly and she started to wave her free arm. When she judged it was close enough she let go of the fence and staggered in front of it, waving her arms as she collapsed in a heap bathed in the light halogen bulbs that highlighted the rain beating down upon her.
When he'd heard the banging outside, David thought it was just the weather. The wind was howling when he'd donned a thick coat and boots before going to look for the source of the noise. A quick circle of the ranch had led to the discovery of the open window, the curtains billowing through the gap in the wind, the frame banging against the wall. A brief inspection revealed a broken catch with strands of brown fibres caught in it. There was also a spatter of blood on the wood frame and the broken catch. The earth beneath the window was slightly flattened. He continually cursed himself as he shone the flashlight into the darkness
He was concerned on two counts. The less likely one was that Tegan made it to one of his neighbours, or the road, and managed to get to the authorities. That would cause him more than a problem or too. It was unlikely though that this would happen such was the isolation of the place he had chosen. Of greater concern was her survival. It was not a warm night and she had the skimpiest of clothing. He tried not to think too hard about that scenario. He would need to be quick though, he had no idea how long it was since she'd made her escape. Still cursing himself he made a quick circuit of the ranch the beam of his flashlight casting shadows and bathing dark corners in light. There were no obvious signs of where she might be. He checked the single outhouse, a large barnlike structure but that was empty. Then he completed a slower tour of the property. That also revealed nothing.
David tried to think as Tegan might have. She would either have gone directly out from the ranch into the plain, in which case she could be anywhere. Alternatively, she could have followed the gravel road out. That would make sense as she would have had the fence to guide her. She had no idea how remote the location was. He decided to start with the road primarily because it was easier. If that failed he would return and search slowly outwards from the ranch into the plain and hope he got lucky. It would be easier to find her in daylight; she would have to be extremely lucky to reach assistance before then. The problem with waiting until morning was he didn't think she would survive that long in the open. He went back inside for the keys to his SUV and some blankets.
Starting the SUV, he drove up the dirt track towards the highway, his mind mulling over the possibilities. It was two hours since he'd left her. Given it would have taken her a while to work out how to get out; he figured the maximum distance she could have run was about five miles. He set off up the track to the highway, his lights on main beam. The biggest question in his mind was, "What would he do if he couldn't find her?" He mulled over the possible answers. The worst scenario was that he didn't find her and the authorities didn't turn up to question him. The tension of the wait would be unbearable and the guilt would weigh on him terribly. If she did make it to civilisation he would need a story to explain how she came to be there. That would be preferable. The best option by far however was to find her. On at least three occasions he thought he saw something and slowed, the light from his powerful flash lamp piercing the darkness on each side of the road but there was no success. After six miles he stopped turned around in the road and started back slowly.
The lights on the vehicle were halogen and created a wide arc of brightness. As he drove slowly back down the road shone the flash lamp back and forth. Two miles from the ranch he was starting to worry that he might have missed something when he caught a glimpse of white just to the right of the fence. His heart started thumping faster as he accelerated the vehicle towards the point and he had to step hard on the brakes as Tegan fell into the drive in front of him, the vehicle sliding slightly sideways before the tyres gripped and the vehicle came to a halt.
Relief flowed through him as he mentally cursed himself again; he was so pissed with himself. When he'd left Tegan in her bedroom for the night, David had not, for one moment, thought she would try and escape. In his mind, he was treating her as he had treated Naima and Kalina before her. Neither girl had ever shown any inclination to leave. As he opened the door and stepped out of the SUV into the rain he cursed his own ineptitude. Of course she had tried to escape. Her circumstances were a lot different from those of Naima and Kalina. Tegan was not the sort of girl who would give up her freedom so readily, if at all. He cursed himself again as he knelt by the inert body of his newly purchased slave girl.
He put his hand on her neck. Her skin was ice cold but he could feel a pulse. It seemed a little flaky, but at least she alive. He turned her over then pulled her into a sitting position, slapping her face none too gently and saying her name. Tegan groaned and muttered something; he couldn't make out what it was. Her head lolled as he pulled her too her feet. Slipping his arms under hers he managed to get her to the SUV. He opened the rear door, picked her up and half pushed, half poured her into the back seat. Deciding that the best course of action would be to get her back inside as soon as possible he covered her with the blankets, jumped behind the wheel and gunned the SUV up the wet drive back to the ranch.
Tegan had recovered slightly as he parked and helped her out of the rear of the vehicle and she kept apologising as he half carried her up the steps. In the end to told her curtly to keep quiet and he felt her stiffen immediately in his arms as he guided her through the front door. Once inside he made her stand then grasped the chain of the cuffs still binding her wrists and led her down the hall to the bathroom leaving a damp trail of water on the dark polished wooden floor as they progressed. Tegan resisted as he pulled her through the door onto the tiled bathroom floor. " No please, please no I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she babbled as he forced her inside. This time David forcefully told her to shut up threatening her with severe punishment if she disobeyed. It had the desired affect as Tegan cowered away from him shivering violently.
It took him a moment to realise she was shivering because she was so cold. He pulled her across the room and made her sit on the toilet so that he could examine her. He was prepared for her to resist but she seemed to succumb willingly. "Keep quiet now Tegan while I have a look at you" he told her firmly. She looked at him through scared eyes and just nodded her compliance; she was still shivering violently. The worst injury was a large cut on her thigh that was caked in dried blood. Her feet were covered in scratches and small cuts and wet soil marks covered her skin. Her shorts were torn in multiple places and the wet blouse was see through so flimsy was the material. Of most concern though was the fact that the shivering seemed to be getting worse. David gripped her chin, holding her face still as he looked into her eyes. "Don't move while I go and get the first aid kit. If you're not sat on this toilet when I return you will be in severe trouble, understand?" Tegan nodded her head imperceptibly as her shoulders shook. David could tell she was badly scared now. It made him feel a little guilty but he knew that he would have to play on her terror for a while whilst he decided how he was going to move the situation forward.
He stared at her for a few moments then abruptly left the room to look for the small first aid box he kept in the kitchen. This contained a small thermometer with a red line marking normal body temperature. He also picked up a pair of scissors. On the way back he paid a visit to the basement picking up a collar, padlock and lead. Tegan looked at him meekly when he re-entered the bathroom. "Please, I'm so sorry" she murmured quietly. This time he was more gentle with her telling her not to worry as he started to remove her clothes.
The shorts were ruined and he used the scissors to cut them away from her still shaking body. Next he told her he was going to check her temperature. For some strange reason, he remembered that the most effective way of doing this was anally He made Tegan kneel on the tiles and spread her legs. Disregarding her groans he pushed the thermometer up her rear passage. Whilst he waited for the device to register Tegan's temperature he cut away her wet blouse then checked her pulse once more. It seemed slow but also seemed a little steadier. Then he checked her temperature; the gauge said 93 degrees. He didn't think that was too bad but it was obvious that she needed warming up. He decided a warm bath would be a good start and left to turn on the taps. Warm water could start the heating process. It would also allow him to clean her and check the wound on her leg properly. While the water was running he helped her get to her feet. Her body was still shaking but it felt firm. Strangely, despite the close proximity of such a gorgeous girl, her good looks were the last thing on his mind. When the bath was full he made sure the water wasn't too hot then helped her in, putting her feet in first then sliding her down the white enamel side of the bath. She stared silently at him as the water rose to cover her and he got a soft sponge to clean her wound. The gash on her leg was quite deep and Tegan groaned in pain as he cleaned it. Blood also started to appear once more. He wrapped a wet towel around it to stem the flow then cleaned her other wounds. Apart from her thigh and the cuts to her feet, she appeared unmarked. He washed her gently then left her in the bath with strict instructions not to move while he made her a hot drink. She sipped it slowly, silently. Every now and then David topped up the water, slowly increasing the heat. It was almost two hours before the shivering had stopped completely.
He helped her out of the bath, sitting her on the rim and wrapping two huge fluffy towels around her before rubbing her dry vigorously and rechecking the wound in her thigh. The bleeding had stopped so he bandaged it up. When she was dry he made her kneel on the tiles and checked her temperature again. It has risen by possibly two degrees; it was hard to tell the marks were so close. She still needed heat but he thought the worst was behind her.
Satisfied that no permanent damage hand been done, he padlocked the collar around Tegan's neck and attached the chain before leading her down the stairs to the basement. Tegan followed him without resistance, her bare feet padding lightly on the staircase. At the bottom, he turned left and opened the door to the first room they came to. The room was sparse containing only a sink, a toilet and an iron bed. David padlocked the other end of the chain to the frame then told Tegan to kneel on the floor and wait for him to return. She slid into the position without question. David returned five minutes later with extra sheets and blankets laying them on the mattress. "Get yourself a good nights sleep Tegan" he told her. "Tomorrow I'll decide what I'm going to do with you". With that he left the room, bolting the door behind him.
At the foot of the stairs he leaned back against the wall taking deep breaths. He could hear Tegan crying in the small room and had to exercise considerable restraint not to go back and comfort her. He thought he'd found her in time but had no clue as to what he was going to do next, best to let Tegan think he was really pissed with her while he figured out a course of action. He listened to Tegan for nearly an hour, sat at the bottom of the stairs. Eventually the crying ceased and when he risked a glance through the small door window he could see she was asleep on the bed. He went quietly up the stairs, showered and then went to bed himself. Needless to say, he found sleep difficult as he played through the days' events over and over again in his mind. It had been a long day and dawn was breaking when he finally drifted off into his own dreamless sleep.
Chapter 5: A Binding Agreement (added: 2016/08/29)
David slept fitfully and rose just before 9:00am the following day. His eyes were gritty and he took a cold shower to try and make himself feel more human. It had a temporary effect and he felt a little brighter as he wrapped a towel around his waist and went down to the basement to check on his slave. Tegan appeared to be asleep and he quietly made his way back to his own bedroom where he slipped on a t-shirt and some jogging bottoms. Normally, he would go for a run early in the morning and enjoy the clean air. In summer it was too hot to run outside much after 9:00am. At this time of year though, he liked the feel of the cold early morning air hitting his lungs as he took his exercise. Today he would put off exercise until later, there was just too much on his mind.
He made breakfast and ate whilst having a quick look at the overnight financial news on his office computer. There was one particular food company that had suffered recently. He had taken a position hoping all its troubles were now aired and the stock would start to recover. That was not proving to be the case. It was something he would have to pay attention to later in the day but wasn't the most important thing on his mind right now; the girl held captive in his basement was dominating his thoughts; how was he going to deal with the situation now?
He poured a second coffee and closed down his financial charts, his attention falling on the folder where he kept the video files he'd been sent after his successful purchase. The files he was most interested in were the ones where Tegan had tied herself up, videos filmed before she had been kidnapped. The bondage and the escape mechanisms were intricate. She wouldn't have gone to that much trouble he thought, unless she really enjoyed the feeling of helplessness it gave her. The outline of a plan, a way forward, formed in his mind.
He downed the dregs of his coffee then went to check on Tegan again. She was still sleeping; probably a sign of her improving health and the traumatic journey she had undergone. Quietly he entered another room in the basement, leaning against the wall and surveying some of the bondage equipment he had installed in that particular room. He had a lot of bondage furniture in place and masses of rope of different lengths. He also had gags, cuffs, spreader bars and a large number of leather straps, most of which he'd purchased when he had Kalina. He had very little "Made to Measure" equipment' something he had intended to rectify. It had always been his plan to purchase these items after Tegan's arrival. Armbinders, corsets, items of that nature; he wanted them to be individually made to fit Tegan precisely. There was enough in his current collection of restraints however to bind someone very stringently and very effectively. He stayed in the room for a long time staring at the restraints as he tried to figure out a plan of action.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a noise from outside the room and he went to investigate. Tegan was awake, sitting on the edge of the bed. As he entered the room, she slipped to the floor. Head bowed, eyes down a soft sound escaped her lips followed by an even quieter voice "Permission to speak please Master". After having permission granted, she continued "Please Master, please forgive this slave for trying to escape. I wasn't thinking properly. I promise not to do it again". David thought for a moment before telling her he would deal with that later. Instructing her to get back on the bed, he took the bandage off her leg and checked her wound. It was an angry looking red but a scab had started to form and there was no sign of infection. He applied a fresh bandage. Throughout the whole process Tegan was silent. When he'd finished she asked him for permission to speak once more. When he granted permission, Tegan slipped to the floor, thanked him for looking after her leg then asked again for his forgiveness. David found it hard to collect his thoughts and concentrate on what he needed to do. Having a gorgeous naked girl prostrate herself at his feet was not conducive to clear thinking. He tried to ignore Tegan's obvious attributes for a moment and concentrated on the simple things. He needed more time to think. "I'll get you some Breakfast" he announced suddenly and left the room
Tegan watched him leave; she was a little confused. Again she had been expecting some harsh punishment. This was oh so different from her time with "The Provider". Every day of her training had been filled with some kind of activity. If she wasn't sleeping or eating, she was either practising one of her training activities, undergoing intense bondage training, being punished for some minor misdemeanour or taking one of her forced exercise sessions. She had got used to her routine, even enjoyed some of it. Life under her new Master was perplexing. He hadn't abused her, hadn't treated her badly, hadn't punished her. Why wasn't she being punished now for escaping? She didn't understand. If this had been "The Provider" she was convinced that she would have spent the day being tortured with the gas mask and the water. He would have made her life a misery. She shuddered at the thought, remembering how that experience had scared her. She heard the door and David was back in the room. She slipped to her knees once more, keen to do anything she could to ensure that retribution for her escape attempt was kept to a minimum. . He merely placed a tray on the bed, told her to enjoy her breakfast and said he would be back later to check on her. Then he left once more. Tegan was puzzled, but she was also hungry. She ate then poured coffee into a large mug and stared at the door as she drank it. For a fleeting moment she considered not drinking the coffee, retaining it for the purpose of throwing it into David's face when he returned. Quickly though, she realised that this would be a desperate move with very little chance of escape at the end of it. She put the mug down and stood to stretch her legs, the chain clinking as she moved around the room. Such was her familiarity with being bound or restrained that she hadn't even thought it strange when she woke with the collar around her neck, the chain keeping her from straying too far.
Her thoughts turned to the previous day and she tried to recall some detail of her failed escape. In particular, Tegan wondered where she might be. She had seen little on her sojourn outside but the ground had appeared sparse, almost like scrubland. There was a possibility that she was no longer in Australia. England perhaps; she was convinced that David's accent was English. She wondered what he was thinking now as her eyes strayed around the bare room; what was in store for her next.
For all that had happened to her during her training there were things she had enjoyed. Yes, she had hated the torture, hated the way "The Provider" had treated her like a commodity. Some of the bondage she had endured however was such a turn on. She had spent many a helpless hour during her training unable to move. The intensity of some of the positions she had been restrained in had made her pussy so wet. On some occasions, she had been subjected to so many forced orgasms she had passed out. Other times, such release had been held back and she would scream her need into whatever filled her mouth, her pussy aching with desire as she sought the release that was being denied to her. Even now, staring at the blank walls, she felt damp between the legs as she thought about those moments. Would that treatment continue in this place? There was no sign of David. She placed the tray on the floor and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling as she continued her thoughts. There was little she could do until her new captor returned.
After leaving Tegan's breakfast David had busied himself with some odd jobs while he thought. In his mind he went over the many tapes of Tegan he had viewed. Bondage was the key he thought to himself. Bondage would work, it was just a case of getting the approach right. After an hour of pottering around he'd driven to the town to get some supplies and check his mail. He didn't get much mail, hardly any in fact. There were some things though that required this sort of delivery. When he was in the process of purchasing the ranch he'd set up a PO Box in the town. It was little used now but proved handy for items that couldn't be delivered direct to the ranch by FedEx, UPS or some other carrier. The journey allowed him to think more. By the time he'd done his shopping and checked the mail, his PO Box was empty; he had formulated a rough idea of what he needed to do. He evaluated the idea as he drove home. He decided not to plan too far ahead. To a certain extent, it would be more an experiment than a plan. He would just try things, judge Tegan's reaction, and change to suit whatever circumstances arose. It was a flexible idea but, in all honesty he thought, not much of a plan, more a suck it an see approach. By the time he returned to the ranch it was mid afternoon. He checked on Tegan; she was asleep once more. He smiled. It was nearly 24 hours since she had arrived and nothing had really gone the way he had imagined it would. He was sure of one thing though, Tegan was the right choice for him.
He left her sleeping in the basement, taking the breakfast tray with him. In the kitchen he brewed more coffee, collected two large mugs, milk and sugar, gathered it all on the tray and returned to the small bare room where his captive awaited. Tegan was still sleeping on top of the bed half wrapped in a blanket. He put the tray down on the floor once more then gently shook Tegans shoulder. She groaned and rolled on the bed, the covering falling away exposing her breasts. David had to contain himself. He wanted to feel the firmness of her in his hands, to stroke his fingers over her nipples and feel them harden to his touch. More than that though, he wanted her tied and helpless. He wanted her to experience some of the pleasures she might expect at the ranch. He shook her shoulder gently once more whispering in her ear "Tegan, wake up". There was a groan from her mouth and then her deep green/grey eyes opened.
Tegan took a moment to focus as she shook off the remnants of sleep. When she realised what was happening she tried to slide off the bed onto her knees. More than anything, she wanted to avoid punishment for her failed escape attempt. David placed a firm hand on her shoulder and told her to remain sat on the bed. He found it hard to take his eyes of her bare breasts as he handed her a mug of coffee. He told her to keep quiet then picked up his own mug and sat on the closed toilet seat. They stared at each other over steaming mugs as they drank in silence, David weighing the options, Tegan nervously wondering what was going to happen to her next.
It was David who eventually put down his empty mug and broke the silence; his words took her totally by surprise. "If I let you go, what would you do?" he asked her in a quiet voice. She just stared at him blankly. "Well?" he asked questioningly after a short silence. Tegan cleared her throat then moved off the bed, dropping to her knees and staring at him. "Permission to speak please Master", she asked him softly. David gave a tired sigh. "Forget this permission stuff for now, just get back on the bed Tegan and answer the question". The look of puzzlement grew on Tegan's face as she slowly rose and sat on the edge of the mattress. For some reason she was suddenly very aware of her nakedness and drew one of the blankets over her breasts to cover herself. She coughed lightly then matched his gaze, staring into his blue eyes. "This is a trick, isn't it?" she queried. David half smiled and shook his head. "It's no trick Tegan, just answer the question". Another silence ensued as they looked at each other. Eventually Tegan looked at the floor. "I don't know, I haven't thought about it", she told him lamely. David shifted on the toilet seat. "What would you have done last night if you'd been successful?" he pressed. Tegan met his gaze for an instant then returned to staring at the floor. "I don't know" she repeated, her voice betraying the fact that she was scared.
The silence grew once more. David watched as Tegan's shoulders rose and fell. "Stop crying Tegan", he told her sternly. Tegan raised her head slowly and turned to face him once more. "I'm not crying" she told him defiantly even as she wiped her face with the backs of her hands. David got to his feet and placed a hand on her bare shoulder. "I'll bring you something to eat later, think about the answer while I'm gone" he told her then left the room. Tegan looked up as the door closed behind him then stared at the wall. Eventually she stood, went to the small sink and splashed cold water over her face. There was no towel so she wiped the water away with the corner of the blanket before lying down on the mattress once more and started to think about what answer she would give him when he returned.
David spent the next couple of hours in his office but couldn't concentrate long enough to do any work; his mind kept consistently returning to the girl in his basement. He didn't think he was handling things very well but couldn't come up with any sort of solution to the issue; it was not a scenario he had contemplated in the previous weeks.. Again he found himself looking at the files of Tegan; Tegan in the white dress walking down the street, Tegan tying herself up in her own bedroom, Tegan being tortured with the gas mask. She was a stunning looking lady who shared his passion for bondage, he would just have to play on that, it shouldn't be hard. He grinned to himself and shut down his laptop. "Let's just tie the girl up and see how she responds," he thought as he headed for the kitchen.
Half an hour later he delivered another tray to Tegan. He wasn't the world's greatest cook. There were some things he could manage quite well but this time he's just thrown a shop bought lasagne in the oven together with some garlic bread. She was sat on the bed, blanket around her shoulders, when he opened the door but was silent as he placed the tray beside her. "I'll be back in an hour" he told her and turned to leave. Tegan spoke softly, quietly. "Thank you Master", she said simply. David turned and looked at her. She was sat on the bed her hair tousled and tumbling over her shoulders. The white bandage stood out on her bare legs and he could see the swell of her breast, the hint of a nipple beneath the blanket. He felt himself harden and drew a deep breath. "You're welcome Tegan" he managed to say in a firm voice that didn't betray his sudden desire before quickly leaving.
Just over an hour later they were staring at each other over steaming cups of coffee once more. Tegans plate had been wiped clean and lay on the tray by the door. David studied her and she returned his gaze evenly. She had grey/green eyes that David thought he could lose himself in; he was a sucker for eyes. He chose that compliment to start the conversation.
"You have gorgeous eyes Tegan" he told her letting a friendly smile cross his face. Tegan immediately lowered them to the floor then slid off the bed onto her knees, the chain clinking lightly on the frame of the bed as she moved. "Permission to speak please Master" she murmured. David looked at her, silent, her head bowed. This might be a significant moment he thought to himself as he let the silence fall over them. This time he waited. He wanted to see how long it would be before Tegan spoke again. The silence grew like a monster between them. After five minutes David decided this approach wasn't getting him anywhere. "You've been well trained Tegan" he told her; there was still no response as she waited for him to answer the question. He drew a deep breath "Permission granted" Tegan he told her. "Thank you Master" she said simply.
It took David a moment to realise she was answering his first question and he carefully considered what he was going to say next; unfortunately, his mind was blank and he couldn't come up with anything dramatic. "Get on the bed Tegan, forget asking for permission, I told you that this morning didn't I". "You did Master", she replied as she slowly rose from the floor, her eyes making contact with his once more. "Your slave apologises for forgetting her Masters instructions", she added. Her voice was quite firm now and David irrationally wondered if she was taking the piss out of him. He shifted uncomfortably on the toilet seat he had occupied once more.
"Did you think about an answer to the question I asked this morning" he continued. Tegan still held his gaze, it seemed almost as if she was sizing him up to see what she could get away with. "I did", she answered after a short pause. Another silence ensued. This time there was a hint of impatience in David's voice when he finally broke it. "Well?" he queried. This time Tegan's voice was a little softer when she answered. "Where am I?" she asked. David replied that she was in his basement, that was all she needed to know for now. "It affects my answer" she continued. When he asked her why she straightened on the bed sitting erect as if this gave her more courage to continue. "Well, if I'm in Australia or England, or New Zealand" she added after a pause, "I'd go to the police. If I was in. let's say China, then I might do something different". David nodded. Going to the police was the answer he had expected; the additional details interested him. "You're not in China" he told her with half a smile "but that's all I'm going to tell you for now, you understand why?" Tegan told him she thought she did and another silence ensued. David was finding it hard going trying to make headway. One moment she had appeared quite confident, now she seemed scared again, he couldn't judge her properly.
"Why do you like being tied up Tegan?" The question caught her by surprise and she just stared back at him. "Tell me honestly Tegan, what is it about being tied up that turns you on so much". She turned away from him then her eyes reverting to the floor. "How do you know I like bondage?" she asked him but she feared she already knew the answer. She knew nothing about this man; he knew everything about her it seemed. "You arranged all this didn't you?" she said to him accusingly. "You had me captured and tortured didn't you?" The tears started to flow again then. This time David couldn't just ignore her. He sat next to her and placed a comforting arm around her shoulder. She tried to pull away from him but he just squeezed her tighter. "What happened to you, was nothing to do with me Tegan" he told her softly. It wasn't quite true but it was a good enough explanation for this moment. "Why should I believe you?" she asked him tearfully. "There's no reason why you should" David conceded "but it's irrelevant at the moment, you're here, you're my slave and I asked you a question, would you like to answer it?"
Tegan wiped her eyes with the blanket then looked at him. Her face was pale and there were obvious signs of tears. She sucked in a lungful of air and let it out slowly. "I love the feel of not being able to move, it makes me, I don't know, it makes me feel secure. I love the progression of it, movement being slowly taken from me as the ropes are wrapped around me. I love the anticipation of being bound, I love the uncertainty of when I'm going to be released and I just love............." Her voice suddenly trailed off and she covered her face with her hands. "Go on" David said softly, encouraging her to continue. Tegan shook her head in her hands. Eventually, David took her wrists gently and prised them apart. "Look at me Tegan" he said gently. When her gaze finally met his he continued "You just love what Tegan". She bit her lip, it was almost like she was steeling herself. "I can't she said, I don't know you, I can't tell you anymore, I just can't". David thought back to all the videos he'd seen remembering what had frightened her, more importantly remembering what she had enjoyed; it was time to take a chance. "You just love being fucked when you're bound don't you Tegan, you love being made to come when you're helpless don't you?" He was still holding her wrists staring into her eyes. She couldn't hold his gaze and just nodded. "Yes" she said softly, tearfully.
After a while David released her wrists wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. He felt her body shake as she sobbed in his arms. "I don't know what's happened to me", he heard her say more than once. He just held her, rubbing her bare back gently with one hand. It seemed an age before Tegan suddenly pushed him off her. She straightened on the bed and shook herself, almost as if she was trying to divest herself of a moment of weakness. David stood up. "Get some sleep Tegan, we'll talk some more tomorrow". He went to leave but, as he opened the door, Tegan found her voice once more.
"Please" she said quietly. David turned in the doorway. "Please don't leave me down here on my own" she said in her soft voice. "Please", she repeated. "Please, I'd like a bath, I feel dirty and I don't want to be on my own staring at these walls anymore. I promise I'll behave" she added as an afterthought. David made a pretence of thinking about it but, in reality, there was nothing to consider. He took a key from his pocket and released the chain from the bed then led her upstairs.
It was already dark outside as he guided her into the bathroom. Producing a pair of steel hand-cuffs he bound her wrists together in front of her then released the collar from her neck. He made a point of opening the bathroom window speaking as he did so. "You understand there's nowhere to go if you decide to climb out again don't you Tegan?" He turned to look at her. She was standing naked by the bath and once more her beauty struck him. He couldn't work her out. Sometimes she seemed scared, sometimes confident. She seemed quite at ease now even though she was laid bare before him. "I promised I'll behave and I will" she told him. "Call me when you're finished" he told her and closed the door leaving her alone.
Tegan studied the door behind him then turned and started to fill the bath. There was half a bottle of bath oil in a plastic container. She considered for a moment whether to use it or not then poured it all in. She got the water as hot as she could then sank in to it's embrace; it felt really good. As she lay there allowing herself to relax she ran over the events since she had been released from the crate. She still had no idea where she was. She stared at the window for a while. "What would happen if I jumped out again", she thought to herself. "Nothing good" she concluded very quickly and discarded the though, turning her attention instead to the man who lived in this place. To Tegan he was something of an enigma. She assumed it was him, David, that had purchased her. She had envisaged being held in slavery, being used and abused but this wasn't the case. Uppermost in her mind was how he had held her earlier while she sobbed. She had experienced very little tenderness in the last god knows how long; his caring touch had been a nice experience. She thought about how she had suddenly shaken him off, embarrassed by how she had felt. She discarded those thoughts for the moment as well; best not to linger too much on what she didn't understand. The problem was, there was an awful lot she didn't understand.
Her thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door opened. An arm appeared, and dropped some towels on the floor. "Some clean towels for you Tegan" his voice said. "Thank you Master" she replied automatically before she could stop herself; she could have sworn she heard a chuckle as the door closed once more. She spent another half hour soaking in the hot water before wrapping the towels around herself and exiting the bathroom. David was sat in a chair reading a book which he folded away when she came out. "Better Tegan" he asked her. She nodded then thought of a question of her own. "What do I call you if you don't want me to address you as Master?". "You can call me Dave or David" he answered with a smile. "Well, I feel much better thank you David" she told him; he seemed pleased as he led her to the same bedroom she had escaped from. "I've had to nail the window closed for now until I can buy a new catch" he told her. Tegan didn't know what to say so kept quiet. On the bed was a collar with a chain attached. The other end disappeared under the top of the mattress and she assumed it was securely fixed to the bed frame. "You'll understand I have to take some precautions he told her" as he padlocked the collar around his neck. Again Tegan didn't speak, just nodded as fitted the device then leant in and kissed her very lightly on the cheek. "We'll continue out discussion tomorrow" he told her. "You're not going to hurt me are you?" Tegan suddenly blurted out. "We'll talk tomorrow" he repeated "but your right, I'm not going to hurt you". He opened the door to leave then turned; there was a broad smile on his face. "Only if you ask me to" he told her and left her alone once more. Again, Tegan found herself staring at a door. She didn't want to be alone but this was better than the bare room in the basement. She climbed under the covers, listening to the wind outside. Later she heard the rain beat a pattern on the window, it helped her finally pass into the world of sleep.
David showered then did a couple of hours work on his portfolio before he too went to bed to the accompaniment of the rain beating it presence on the window. All in all, he thought, things hadn't gone too badly. He lay in bed thinking of his plans for Tegan the next day and wondering if they would have the desired affect. He was starting to think they just might.
The following morning Tegan was woken by a knock at her door, it was David delivering breakfast. She blearily told him to come in, a little confused that he should essentially ask her permission before entering. She was still anticipating some harsh punishment for her attempt at escape even though he had said he wouldn't hurt her. Again she thought how perplexing life was under her new Master. She was sure she kept thinking exactly the same thing time and time again. The strange thing was, she thought she was missing the routine of her captivity. Her training had given her life some structure, something to achieve. Now her life just seemed to be in limbo.
Her thoughts were interrupted when David returned with her breakfast, smiling at her as he put the tray on the dresser. "Did you sleep well Tegan?" he enquired. "I did thank-you" she told him then paused. "Am I calling you David or Master today?" she queried. David gave her a wide smile; again she noted the fact that it lit up his eyes. "David is fine" he told her, "I'll tell you when Master is appropriate". She looked at him a little quizzically and his smile broadened even more. "Don't worry Tegan, nothing unpleasant is going to happen to you" he told her reassuringly. "Unless I ask you to beat me" she added appalled that the words came out of her mouth. "God did I really say that" she thought to herself. She immediately apologised. "I'm sorry, sometimes I speak first and think later"; David just shook his head. "It's fine Tegan" he said chuckling to himself. I'll be back in an hour or so to continue our discussion" he added and left her alone once more.
Tegan eyed the tray and realised she was very hungry. She ate the cereal and toast he had left then poured coffee into a large mug and looked out of the window as she drank it. The chain clinked as she moved around the room. Such was her familiarity with being bound or restrained that she didn't give it any thought as she studied the scene outside the window. The ground was sparse, almost like scrubland leading to the tree line some way away. Behind the trees, a range of hills rose sharply. The sky was blue, the leaves on the trees were turning, a mass of colour. Wherever she was, it was Autumn. This wasn't Australia. She still thought England possibly; she was convinced that David's accent was English. But the view out of the window seemed to contradict her image of what England would look like. As she watched she saw the odd bird in the sky. She envied it its freedom, or did she? For all that had happened to her during her training there were things she had enjoyed. Yes, she had hated the torture, hated the way "The Provider" had treated her like a commodity. Some of the bondage she had endured however was such a turn on. She had spent many a helpless hour during her training unable to move. The intensity of some of the positions she had been restrained in had made her pussy so wet. On some occasions then, she had been subjected to so many forced orgasms she had passed out. Other times, such release had been held back and she would scream her need into whatever filled her mouth, her pussy aching with desire as she sought the release that was being denied to her. Even now, looking out of the window, she felt damp between the legs as she thought about those moments.
Tegan listened to the sounds outside. By and large it was quiet though at one point she thought she heard the sound of a vehicle. She strained her ears but the sound wasn't repeated and she decided it must have been her imagination. She sat for a while thinking then decided she needed to do something. She was not used to having free time. Tegan rose from her seat at the window and checked the length of the chain. It easily allowed her access to the en-suite. There was a large tub in there that she filled. A quick search of the room revealed some lemon salts that she poured into the water; this was definitely a man's bathroom. When the tub was full she turned on the water jets and spent an half an hour soaking in the hot water. It made her feel good, the heat seeping into her body similar to the previous evening; this was even better though.
She would have stayed there longer but David had told her he would be back in an hour. The room has thick bath towels. She dried herself with one then wrapped another around her body. She had just finished running her fingers through her hair, there was no brush in the room, when the door opened. She came out of the bathroom to see David dropping an enormous blue bag on the floor; it was so large it seemed that he had barely been able to carry it. The zip was half open and Tegan's heart skipped a beat when she saw what was in the bag, a mass of soft white rope. She stared at the bag and then looked at David. "You're going to tie me up?" she stated more than asked. David just nodded. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing Tegan?" he asked her. Tegan felt an involuntary clench between her legs as her eyes surveyed the bag once more. Being helpless was exactly what she had been thinking about that morning, there was only one thing she missed more than being bound and perhaps that was on the menu as well. "It's a good thing I think," she told him as she let the towel fall to the floor.
David stood there for a moment admiring his naked captive then removed the cuffs that held her hands in front of her. "Turn around please Tegan and hold your hands behind your back" he told her. With a reply of "Yes Master" Tegan complied standing erect and pulling her shoulders back, lowering her eyes as she had been taught. She instinctively knew that it should be Master rather than David now. David lifted the bag of ropes and heaved it on to the bed with some effort. Taking up a position behind Tegan, he lightly grasped her wrists and pulled them together. "Now Tegan, you are not to speak unless I ask you a question, understand?" "Yes Master" came the soft reply once more. David let go of her wrists and Tegan dropped her hands loosely to her side once more as he picked out one of the ropes from the bag. He trailed the end of the rope down the curve of her spine then pulled her wrists behind her once more, this time binding them tightly together and cinching the coils that held her limbs in place. He though he heard a gasp from Tegan when he tightened the knot but she didn't speak. Next he used another rope to pull her elbows together and cinched that one in place as well. One of the things he enjoyed about bondage was the aesthetic appeal of a bound woman. To satisfy this he took care with the ropes, laying one coil on top of another, making sure the ties were neat. He applied more ropes, tying Tegan's forearms and also tying a rope as far up her arms as he could. With her arms helplessly bound he turned her to face him.
Tegan looked back at him. There was a glint in his blue eyes as he took another rope. Her emotions were all askew. She loved the feel of the ropes holding her arms immobile behind her. Already she felt the dampness in her pussy which would betray her feelings. She would have craved this sort of activity before she had been kidnapped. Now she was, effectively, a prisoner, naked and being bound by a man she didn't know. It was a strange dichotomy. Tegan both loved and hated what was happening to her now. She studied him as he worked trying not to give away her emotions. She was certain of one thing; his motives were entirely different from those of "the Provider". Throughout her training, she had had a nagging fear for her safety. She didn't think her new Master was going to hurt her; he was much more interested in her welfare than her previous captor. "The Provider" would have had her screaming for mercy by now following her failed attempt at escape. Another short gasp escaped her lips as David bound her breasts. He wrapped thin coils of rope around each orb as close as he could to her chest. Her breast seemed to swell outward, her nipples hardening. The ropes made her so sensitive there. As she was getting used to the feeling her senses were assaulted again. He wrapped more ropes around her body, binding her upper arms against her, the coils of rope resting where the swell of her breast started. More ropes were applied below her breasts and then around her waist, binding her lower arms to her body. She was helpless now, god she so loved this feeling. She tested her bonds and found them tight and firm, she couldn't move her arms even a tiny amount. She'd closed her eyes now and the touch of his fingers bought a sharp gasp from her mouth as he caressed them over her nipples and then squeezed each gently between his thumb and forefinger. She heard his voice drift over her "You like this don't you Tegan". She had nodded her agreement and murmured "Yes Master" as she lost herself in her emotions.
David smiled; he was starting to enjoy himself. A lot of his ideas had changed in the past twenty four hours but binding Tegan was a pleasure. She was so receptive. He'd wanted a woman who would enjoy bondage as much as he did. Tegan was surely that person. He wanted to see what her reaction was to being bound. He knew, from the videos that she would enjoy it, he hadn't realised how much. As he continued to apply the ropes he started to feel happier. This will turn out OK he thought. He didn't know how, he just had a belief that it would. By the time he's finished binding her upper body, Tegan's eyes had closed. He'd caressed her nipples to bring her back to the present. She'd gasped and he knew this was turning her on. Time to give her some pleasure he thought.
He guided Tegan over to the bed and eased her on to it. He pulled a couple of pillows into the centre of the bed and lay her over them face down so that it lifted her ass into the air slightly. Tegan moaned ever so softly as he bent each leg at the knee and tied her ankles to her thighs. Then he spread her legs, wrapped more ropes around each limb and then tied each rope off at the bedposts so that her legs were held open. He sat back for a moment. He was going to use more ropes to strap Tegan to the bed then remembered something else. He had some cargo straps that had three inch wide webbing. More importantly, they were long enough to wrap around the bed and could be ratcheted tight. He laid the palm of his hand lightly across Tegan's ass, which was slightly raised by the pillows and looked really inviting, told her not to go away and slipped into the basement to look for the straps. It took him ten minutes to find them. When he got back to the bedroom he stood at the door admiring Tegan's bound and naked body. He had five webbing straps and used them all, passing each under the bed and across Tegan's body. The first was over her shoulders, the second he forced between her bound arms and body just below the elbow. The third he placed over her ass. The fourth he forced between her bent legs so that it ran over her upper thighs. The last he placed just above her knee. When he had them all placed he passed the free ends into the ratchet mechanisms and tightened each until there was slight tension on all the straps. Then he took out the small metal rod which allowed each to be tensioned and methodically tightened each one working from top to bottom and then upward again. Tegan was slowly cinched tightly onto the bed. She groaned as the straps pressed her down into the mattress. After a couple of minutes she couldn't move at all. Each time she thought it couldn't get any tighter David tweaked the ratchet and she felt more pressure. She was sure her pussy was dripping. All thought of her experiences to date were forgotten as Tegan enjoyed her helplessness. She moaned almost continually now. She had so wanted these experiences, to be helpless, to be teased and fucked whilst she was unable to move. Her pussy was aching. Every time she tested her bonds and found them unyielding her pussy seemed to clench that little bit more. Despite her predicament, despite everything that had happened to her, there was only one thing on her mind that would help her current situation.
"Please fuck me Master", Tegan uttered quietly, forgetting the previous instruction to remain silent. David, who was still trying to eke out every last millimetre of tension in the straps, was surprised. He was surprised at how effortlessly she seemed to be aroused, and that she should so blatantly ask to be fucked. Bondage must be even more of a turn on for her than it is for me he thought. He climbed onto the bed and stroked her naked bound body for a short while. Then he rolled on top of her, using his bodyweight on top of her to accentuate her helplessness, the completeness of her bondage even more. "I told you not to speak Tegan" he whispered softly into her ear. "Tegan blew out a breath of air, almost in exasperation it seemed then quietly uttered "I'm sorry Master but your slave is feeling so horny. Please fuck me Master". It was like music to David's ears. He sat up on top of her so that his weight was pressing on her ass then reached behind with his hand his fingers skimming lightly over her soft skin until they found the wetness of her pussy. He plunged two fingers inside her hot, wet pussy and Tegan screamed her delight. "Oh god Master, please, that feels good". David stroked his fingers until they were wet with Tegan's juices then withdrew them and lay once more on top of her. "This really does turn you on doesn't it Tegan". Tegan moaned her agreement. "Taste yourself Tegan" he said as he stroked his wet fingers across her lips. Tegan turned her head and sucked them into her mouth, her tongue coiling around him. He played with her while whispering in her ear. "You're not very good at obeying instructions are you Tegan". Tegan just groaned and continued running her tongue over his fingers, licking her juices of him. "So I don't think you deserve to be fucked yet Tegan". Tegans' groans turned to moans of protest around his fingers. "Anyway, I didn't tie you up in a very good position to fuck you Tegan", he continued, "unless you want me to fuck your ass that is?" His fingers remained in her mouth, stifling her protests as he continued. "So, here's another instruction for you Tegan. You are not to come until I give you permission, do you understand?" Again, her agreement was muffled. He kissed her on the back of the neck then, just above the collar, before removing his fingers, telling her to be quiet. Then he rolled off her and sat next to her ass.
He'd bound her in such a way that fucking her in this position was not really practical. Instead he started stoking his fingers up and down her wet slit. Tegan was soon panting at the attention begging him to fuck her. He started sliding his fingers in and out of her, teasing her clit and telling her not to come. All the while he did this, he plunged his fingers deeper and harder. "Don't come until I give you permission Tegan". All she could say was "Please fuck me Master" as she did her best to comply. He teased her and tormented her then used a finger from his other hand also. When he had it nice and wet, he pulled it out of her pussy and pushed it slowly into her ass, working it inside. Tegan was well practised at controlling her orgasms but this new sensation sent her over the edge. With a scream, she came hard, her body shuddering against the bonds which served only to intensify the pleasure. Screams of god, fuck and oh, yes filled the room and David kept teasing her as her orgasm flowed through her then slowly withdrew allowing her to come down from her pleasurable heights and catch her breath. When the panting had slowed he said to her in a teasing voice "I told you not to come until you had permission Tegan". Tegan took a deep breath. Then, rather than asking for permission to speak she said "May your slave have permission to speak freely Master". David laughed and ran his fingers over her bare ass as he said yes. Tegan dropped turned her head and laid it on the bed before speaking again. "There's only so much a girl can take before she explodes Master. I tried not to come, but you just wouldn't let me comply." David leant down and kissed her bare bum. "I know Tegan" he smiled. He looked at her for a moment. He wasn't going to say anything else but the sunlight that flickered through the window onto her naked bound body was such a gorgeous sight he thought she should know. "You know Tegan" he said after a short pause "You do look lovely, all helpless and vulnerable like this. I have a feeling you are a special lady". Tegan wasn't sure how to reply. After her own short pause she said simply "Thank you Master"
He sat there for a while longer just stroking his fingers over her bound and helpless body. Tegan, for her part, was quiet enjoying the attention and also the aftermath of her orgasm. Then she felt him move and he was brushing her hair from her neck and talking softly in her ear. "I'm going to leave you tied up for a while Tegan, let you enjoy the experience. I'll be back later and we'll move things on some more". Tegan just thanked him again and he left the room. She flexed against her bonds but movement was impossible. Her pussy was still throbbing and she ached for something to fill it. It was a real disappointment that he hadn't fucked her and she didn't quite understand why. She hadn't been fucked since her kidnapping. During her captivity she had always been bound or restrained in some way, had never been free for a moment. Some of these experiences, including the last hour or so, she had enjoyed immensely. It was hard to marry the fact that she could enjoy something whilst she was, effectively, a prisoner. Questions like this had tormented her throughout her captivity.
Her thoughts turned to what he had said to her when he left and she wondered what he meant by moving things forward. Always questions, questions, never any answers; she sighed and thought about calling him back but didn't. Instead she just remembered what she had learned during her captivity and settled in for a long wait. I would have preferred a gag she thought to herself, a nice ring gag or penis gag to complete the feeling of helplessness. Suddenly frustrated she buried her head in the duvet and fought against the ropes and straps that held her so tight, it was a futile attempt at freedom. Just as quickly, the fight drained out of her and she settled down once more to enjoy the feeling of helplessness,
It was growing dark outside when David returned. She was lost in her thoughts when he came in and she didn't notice his presence until the pressure from the straps eased as he released the ratchets. Next he untied her legs asking her if she was OK. She told him she was but needed to use the bathroom. When her legs were free, he helped her to first sit on the edge of the bed then stand. He didn't untie any of the other ropes and Tegan had to use the toilet with her arms were still tightly welded behind her. When she came out he unlocked the chain from the bed and then led her through the ranch until she found herself in the kitchen once more. There was a chair pulled back from the kitchen table. Facing the chair, resting on the table was a large laptop. Also on the table was a pile of rope. David guided her to the chair and sat her in it. Then he took one of the lengths of rope and bound her body to the chair. Taking another rope, he bound her ankles together then pulled them underneath the chair and tied the rope off on the support that ran under the chair. It was a little uncomfortable but Tegan remained quiet wondering what the purpose of this was. He offered her a drink and held a glass of water to her lips while she sipped. When she'd indicated that she'd had enough, he put the glass in the sink then pushed her chair closer to the table. She watched as he removed a cardboard box from one of the kitchen cupboards. This he put on the table behind the laptop. She couldn't see the contents but she was fairly sure the label on the top said "SLAVE INSTRUCTIONS". David pulled up a chair close to hers so he could look at her and also operate the laptop. When he started to speak, he looked serious.
"Tegan", he began. "Whatever has happened to you, whatever instructions you have received, whatever you have been taught to do. I want you to forget. I want you to speak openly and truthfully. I'm not your Master now; I want you to forget that for the present. Just call me David. Are we clear?" Tegan drew in a breath. This was not what she had anticipated. Indeed, it was so out of context with what had happened to her that she was again assailed by a feeling of bemusement. When he repeated her name she looked at him. "Sorry Master, you caught me off guard err, yes I understand. Sorry, yes I understand David". She felt confused but there was the flicker of a smile on his face as she corrected herself then he was serious again. "You love being tied up don't you Tegan?" he asked her. She had to agree and told him so. She wanted to say more but something, instinct, told her to say as little as possible. She flexed against the bonds holding her to the chair and her resolve to remain silent disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. "These ropes could be a lot tighter" she told him before adding "and a gag wouldn't come amiss either". David just stared at her for a few seconds before reaching across to the laptop on the table. "Watch the screen Tegan". He pressed a button and the screen came to life.
There was a short pause while the file loaded and then a picture appeared. There was a woman tied to a chair. There was a gas mask on her face. As she watched, a figure in blue overalls and a hood appeared and removed the mask from the girls face. Tegan watched herself beg for mercy on the screen promising anything for the torture not to be repeated. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she remembered those moments. Her begging and pleading was interrupted as the blue figure pulled the mask over her head once more. The movie on the screen ran for about two minutes then went blank. When Tegan looked at David he saw a different person. She was scared. "That was you wasn't it Tegan?" Tegan couldn't reply she just nodded her head. "You tried to escape Tegan". He said the words softly; it was more a statement than an accusation. It was all flooding back to her now "The Provider" had never raised his voice either, those same soft tones as he had berated her for her failings. Tegan was choking back the tears now. "I'm so sorry Master, please forgive me, I won't do it again, I promise Master, I will always do as you say in future Master".
David almost winced at the words. He had no desire to frighten her, but he couldn't think of a better way of explaining things. Now that he'd started there was no point stopping. He stood up and started to open the box. "There are strict instructions for dealing with disobedient slaves Tegan". He pulled the gas mask out of the box and tossed it on the table next to the laptop. When he looked at Tegan her eyes were wide and tears were flowing down her cheeks. She looked back at him imploringly, fighting her bonds trying to move away from the table and the mask. "Please no, please Master. I'll be good, honestly, don't' no, no." He watched her as she begged. It made him feel bad inside but he hoped the results would justify the means. He let her continue for a short while then got up and stood in front of her.
"Tegan", he said softly. She appeared either not to hear him or ignore him. He said her name again, this time sharply. As he did so, he gripped her face in the palms of his hands and forced her to look at him. "Tegan, stop it, listen to me" he commanded. Slowly the tears stopped and he found himself looking into two scared grey/green eyes. "Are you listening Tegan" he said firmly, loudly. Tegan nodded fearfully and he lowered the tone. "You need to understand some things now. I don't blame you for trying to escape; it was just a natural reaction. I'm not going to hurt you like that either. I like bondage. I'll beat you if it's part of something that we agree beforehand but I won't torture you Tegan; I won't make your life so miserable that you beg for mercy through fear. Do you understand that?" Tegan looked back at him. She wanted to believe what he was saying but she felt so vulnerable now. She was tied and helpless. He could pull that mask over her head and she couldn't stop him. She so wanted to believe he wouldn't but she was so scared in case he did. All she could say was "Please........".
He held her face for a moment then let go. He picked up the mask and took it to the sink. Tegan watched him fearfully. He took a large pair of scissors from the draw and tried to cut into the rubber. When he failed to make much impression he got a carving knife and tried to cut it in half. He still didn't have much success. In frustration he dropped it on the floor and stamped on it. There was a crack as one side of the mask broke, a jagged line appearing in the eyeglass. Still it didn't break though. In the end he just tossed it in the bin then went back and sat in front of Tegan once more. She'd stopped crying now and he held her face lightly in his hands once more. "I won't hurt you Tegan, not like that, I promise. Not at all. Ok?" Tegan swallowed and nodded. She couldn't find it in herself to speak. She so wanted to believe what he said she just didn't want the disappointment of finding out it wasn't true.
He gently caressed her face for a moment then sat. "I have another video Tegan, ready?" She nodded somewhat fearfully and he pressed the button once more. The second video showed Tegan tying herself up in her own home. It was too much. The memories of that previous life came flooding back to her and she started sobbing. David stopped the video and put his arms around her. It was a bit awkward as she was tied to the chair but he ran his fingers through her mane of dark hair and gently held her. When she eventually stopped there were huge wet marks on his t-shirt where her tears had soaked in. "You've made my t-shirt all wet" he told her with a smile attempting to lighten the mood. Tegan just tried to apologise and he placed a finger on her lips and told her not to speak
David looked at her for a while until he was sure the tears had ceased. "Can you talk now Tegan" he asked her. Again she just nodded without speaking. He sat in his chair once more pulling it closer to her so he could put his hands on her knees. He stroked her gently. "I have a question OK?" She looked at him with a little puzzlement on her face. There had never been any thought in her mind that it wasn't OK, that she wouldn't answer his questions. "What would you like to know" she eventually answered her voice very low. She'd lowered her head once more and he leaned forward and raised it gently so he could look into her eyes once more. "Tegan, is that your real name?" She looked at him as she sucked in a lungful of air "Yes, Tegan's my real name. Tegan Coulter". She spoke quietly as if she were remembering who she really was. "Well Tegan Coulter" he said, "I have an idea. First though, I want to know all about you. If I untie you now, will you tell me? We can eat while we're talking. Then I'll tell you whatever you want to know about me. How does that sound Tegan?" Tegan stared at him. He was smiling at her now, that lovely smile that went all the way to his eyes. She studied those eyes as she thought back to what he had said earlier. He wanted her to forget what she had been taught. That wouldn't be easy; she'd had it drilled into her during her training. It would be so nice though if she were to be free for a while, if she could eat without being restrained, if she could have a proper conversation once more without worrying about the tiniest slip-up. Of course it could be a trick but she didn't think so. She drew in another deep breath before answering. "You're not going to punish me for trying to escape?" His smile seemed to grow wider. "No, I'm not Tegan; I'm not going to punish you for that" he told her gently. "You're just going to untie me and let me be free, just like that" she queried. David nodded. "You're not worried that I might escape" she continued. David's smile widened. "There's nowhere for you to go Tegan" he told her somewhat bluntly. "It would be nice to be free" she conceded and David's smile widened even more.
He spent the next five minutes removing all the ropes that held her to the chair and a further ten minutes removing the bonds from her upper body and breasts. It was, Tegan thought, the first time that she had been without any kind of restraint since she had been kidnapped and she told him that. He smiled as he gently massaged her arms, the many rope marks testament to her recent bondage. Then he considered the next problem; clothes. Tegan didn't have any. David fetched her an old t-shirt and a pair of jogging pants with a drawstring waist and she pulled them on. He told her he thought she looked very sexy in his old clothes and she smiled. When he also commented on how nice she was when she smiled Tegan had had to fight hard to stop the tears flowing again; it had been an awful long time since she had been able to smile. The t-shirt David had given her to wear was from an old rock concert. The words Led Zeppelin were above a picture of four men, presumably the band. Underneath the picture it said Knebworth 1979. "Where you there?" she asked him. When he told her he was she smiled wistfully. "I was three years old then" she informed him. "They were good days" he informed her.
While they ate, Tegan told him something of her background. She kept it brief and, for the most part David just listened asking the occasional question. She told him about her youth, her work, what she did for recreation. After a little persuading from David she told him about her love of bondage. She couldn't explain how it had started, just how it felt now and how much she enjoyed that feeling of helplessness, of power transfer. Then he got her to go into detail about her capture and training. She was reluctant at first; it was upsetting to talk about it. They had finished eating by this stage and he took her into a small sitting room. It was almost midnight and he lit the room with candles. He sat Tegan on a comfy couch, slipped beside her, put an arm around her and pulled her close to him. It was a cosy, safe environment and slowly Tegan told him the story of her capture and training. Again, for the most part, he just listened, holding her tight against him whilst she talked. By three in the morning he had most of the story. When she'd got to the stage where she was being strapped into the crate, when she told him about the identity of "The Provider", he'd looked back at her. "Really" he'd asked seeking confirmation of what she had just said. Then he'd been thoughtful for a while and they had sat there in silence, the light from the flickering flames dancing over them.
The silence was broken when he leant down, tilted her head towards his and placed a very light kiss on her lips then wrapped his arms around her. She kissed him back lightly and snuggled into him. For the first time in a long time she felt safe; it was such a good feeling. After a while, they both fell asleep.
When David awoke some hours later the candles were extinguished and daylight flooded through the window. Tegan was still asleep splayed across his lap. He was stiff and sore, the chair was not the most comfortable place to sleep, and he tried to move without waking her. He failed, Tegan's eyes opening with a groan as she stirred from her slumber. "Good morning" he said softly and she smiled back at him; it was a good start to his day. He eased her off his lap so he could stand and stretch then offered her his hand that she took. Helping her up too he led her into the kitchen and got the coffee going. This time they shared their coffee across the kitchen table perched in the tall stools. Tegan studied him across the rim of her mug then cleared her throat. The first thing she wanted to know was whether his instructions from the previous evening were the same was she still free to speak her mind. When he said yes, the questions started. "Where are we?" was the first of these. She was a little surprised when he told her they were in Wyoming. There was also a slight feeling of dismay as well; it was still a long way from home. "But you are English?" she had queried. When he confirmed that he was indeed from England she looked at him, studied him as she composed her next question in her mind. He was quiet while she considered what she was going to say. Eventually Tegan looked at him. She had asked him the question once already but she wanted to be sure. "What I really want to know is, did you arrange all this? Did you arrange to have me kidnapped and tortured? Did you plan all this? He had smiled and shaken his head. "I had nothing to do with that Tegan". Then he too thought for a moment. "Well, maybe just the slightest influence. Let me tell you everything I know". Tegan thought that was a very good idea.
David started by telling her briefly about himself, where he had come from and why he had purchased the ranch. When he explained to her about his love of bondage many of the things he said struck a chord with her also. As he talked about his time at the ranch he went into more detail. He told Tegan about Mrs Lee, about Naima and Kalina, about how he'd let them go. Then he told her about how Mrs Lee had suggested he bought a "white girl". Next he fired up his laptop on the kitchen table and showed Tegan the sales catalogues. When he showed her the second catalogue she choked at the sight of her own photograph. "I remember that day", she told him. "We were trying to win the contract to market a whole development. I bought that dress especially for the meeting. It's really frightening to think that this process was taking place then". David sighed. "I ticked that box Tegan. If I had any involvement at all in your kidnap, it was because I ticked that box". Then he turned and looked into her eyes "I'm sorry Tegan, I didn't really give it a lot of thought at the time. I was just struck by how gorgeous you looked in that dress". Tegan looked back at him. She wanted to believe that he meant her no harm and she thought she could see the sincerity in his eyes. She pondered her next question carefully. "David, if you hadn't ticked that box, would all this still have happened?" "I don't honestly know for certain Tegan", he replied "but I think the answer is yes, you still would have been taken, you'd just be somewhere else now". Tegan got up then and walked over to the window. She looked out of the window then turned and looked back at him. "Then I'm glad you did tick the box" she said softly.
After a break David continued. He showed her the other catalogues. In particular he showed her the catalogue where she was offered for sale, her naked body tightly bound to the pole. She saw Karen's picture beneath hers and told him about how Karen had been with her through her training. Tegan was shocked at the number of girls offered in the catalogues. Finally, he told her about how he had purchased her during the auction. "I know how much you paid" she said. "I watched the bidding whilst I was tied to that cross. That was actually one of the better days during my training. I had trouble believing that someone would pay all that money. It makes a little more sense now" she said then looked at him and added "but I still have trouble believing it." David nodded; he was near the end of the tale now. When he was done with the story, and Tegan had finished asking questions they ate. It was late afternoon once more. After they had polished off the meal and David had put the dishes in the washer Tegan posed the question "So, what happens now?" "Mmmmmmmm, that's a good question" he mused "Look, I've been thinking".
He sat down next to her and tapped the table with his fingers. "First, if you want to go home, I can probably arrange that. I can't admit to purchasing you but I could drive you to say Los Angeles. It would take two or three days but there are plenty of crackpots in LA. If you were to wander into a police station there and say you'd been kidnapped in Australia and escaped to find yourself here, well, it's unusual for most places but in LA, no-ones going to question too hard. We'd just have to make sure the story was watertight". The very fact that he had suggested letting her go came as a huge surprise to Tegan. She was still having trouble adjusting her mindset from a person who was a slave to one who had had some limited freedom returned.
"You're really willing to let me go, after all the trouble you went to, after all it's cost you, you'll let me go, just like that". David agreed that he would. Tegan sat back at the kitchen table and looked around. She thought about everything he had told her, how he had purchased this ranch, how he had already had two girls and let them go, how he had found her. He would give all that up and let her go; that was very strange. "There's something else" she thought, "there has to be". Why go to all that effort and just give it up. There's something else she repeated in her mind. The strange thing was, she wanted to hear it. This place had been built for bondage, something she loved. Would she regret it if she left? It was hard to imagine her ever getting a better opportunity to live out her fantasies. She looked at him, sizing him up. He shared her passion, he seemed kind, he was attractive; OK he was a little older then men she had been with in the past but why should that matter. Most of all, she loved that smile. It was worth exploring the opportunities she thought. Out loud she asked "There's an alternative though isn't there? You have something else in mind haven't you? "
He smiled. "I know this is going to sound a bit mad but; you'll like it here. I've not shown you around the ranch yet, I know you'd love the basement. Look, almost the first thing you did when I got you out of the crate was suck my cock. Yesterday I tied you up and made you come. You enjoyed it. I wanted to share this ranch with someone and you're a perfect fit Tegan. And anyway, I have this idea." David stood up then wandered up and down for a moment then took Tegan's hand and pulled her to her feet. He slipped his hands gently on her hips and held her next to him while he explained what he wanted to do.
When he'd finished, Tegan looked at him incredulously. "That's crazy, absolutely fucking insane, you want me to stay here and share this ranch with you and help you put this plan into action?" David nodded. She put her hands on his shoulders "You really think we'd have a chance of pulling it off?" He shrugged "I don't know until we try, in fact I think I might regret suggesting it but hell, the alternative is to let you go and besides I'd really like you to stay" he finished quietly. Tegan cocked her head slightly and gently sucked on her bottom lip as she thought. She might have felt differently if he'd told her to stay but he was leaving the choice to her. She looked into his blue eyes. He wasn't smiling now, just gazing at her. She thought she knew what the answer was going to be but couldn't bring herself to commit immediately. "If I agree to stay, there will be times when I want to be me, and times when I want to be your slave, when I will want to be at the mercy of my Master. You'll let me be both?" she asked. "Yes Tegan, you can be both" he said "I will treat you properly and I know you'll enjoy it, and so will I." Tegan stared into his eyes then slipped her hands from his shoulders to coil around his neck. As she pulled his lips onto hers she whispered "Then I must be as fucking crazy as you are David, because I'm in". She felt his hands slide around her waist, felt him pull her close against him as she kissed him hard, her tongue coiling around his. This was not what she had been prepared for during her training.
Chapter 6: Training and Development (added: 2016/08/29)
Tegan's training commenced after her first proper meal in captivity. Chained to the table, she had eaten mostly bread and cheese. The meats that had been presented before her looked a little like reconstructed ham and the one she tried was quite tasteless. There was nothing to drink but water. After 20 minutes she had had her fill and waited nervously for her captor to return. When "The Provider" had re-entered he had asked her if she was vegetarian. Tegan had remained silent until he had given her permission to speak then answered in the negative.
With the meal finished "The Provider" inserted the penis gag back in her mouth and pulled the hood over her head once more. With a tug on the lead he'd forced her to stand and led her to another room. She felt what was becoming a familiar sense of disorientation, as she followed the pull of lead unable to see where she was being directed. When she was commanded to stop, the floor felt cold to her touch and she recognised the familiarity of the bathroom tiles pressed against her feet. Tegan had to fight to suppress the panic that rose inside her and she couldn't prevent a moan escaping her gagged mouth. Another sharp tug on her lead and a further command to keep quiet followed. She listened silently, gagged and hooded, her hands cuffed in front of her. She heard water running into a tub; she was so scared of what was going to happen next; time seemed to slow down. Tegan had no idea how long she had been standing there when the soft voice sounded in her ear. "You are not to make a sound Tegan, you are not to try and communicate at all. If you try to communicate I will punish you severely, do you understand?" Tegan answered with a nod of her head fearful that, when the hood was removed, she would see the chair and that awful mask. Her nerves were almost shattered by the tension. "Remember Tegan, I will be watching" the voice added. Then the hood was pulled from her head.
As the light hit Tegan's eyes she recognised immediately the bathroom where she had been so mercilessly treated. Her heart was pounding. A quick glance confirmed that there was no chair in the room this time to strap her too. The tub was also filled, the foamy bubbles reaching to the brim. Such was Tegan's relief that it took a further few seconds before she realised there was another person in the room besides "The Provider". "This is Karen", her captor told her. Tegan found herself looking at a girl who was also naked except for a leather collar around her neck. A chain to an eyelet in the floor secured the collar. The chain itself was coiled up on the floor and looked like it would allow Karen to move a considerable distance. "Karen will prepare you for your first training session. You are not to try and communicate with her Tegan let me be absolutely clear about that. Karen will tell me if you do". "The Provider" then half turned to look at the new girl and added, "Won't you Karen". "Yes Master" Karen replied, her eyes cast down to the floor. "I expect her to be ready in two hours" he added and then left the room.
As he departed Tegan cast her green/grey eyes over the girl he had introduced as Karen. She was considerably shorter than Tegan, about 5ft 3" in her bare feet. Her brunette hair was also cut short in a neat bob that framed her face and fell just short of her shoulders. She had brown eyes, a small nose and large red lips that looked like they would easily break out into a smile. She had a fine figure. Slender shoulders and small pert breasts with large nipples led to a thin waist and firm hips. Her legs were slender and her feet were perfectly formed with dainty toes. Her pussy was shaved clean. Overall Tegan thought Karen was a very cute and attractive girl.
Tegan made this appraisal in seconds. As she did Karen approached her and took hold of her left arm. "You need to get in the bath Tegan, let me help you". Karen's voice was very soft, very quiet. She appeared to be a very submissive girl and Tegan correctly assumed that she too was a captive of "The Provider". Tegan stepped into the bath and allowed Karen to help her as she lowered herself into the water. The cuffs made it a more difficult task but soon Tegan was soaking in the hot liquid. The tub was quite deep and the water covered her shoulders; it was a nice feeling. Without another word, Karen knelt by the bath and started to wash Tegan with a large loofah. She worked without speaking and Tegan watched her through cautious eyes, chewing on the gag as she felt the caress of Karen's hands on her skin. Tegan started to relax a little, started to feel human once more. She even started to enjoy the attention; under different circumstances it might even have made her feel horny. After twenty or so minutes Karen asked her to sit on the rim of the tub and spread her legs. Almost apologetically, she explained that Tegan had to be shaved. Wary of whether or not she was being watched, and also because she realised that Karen had probably suffered the same treatment as her, Tegan complied. Karen proved to be very efficient and soon Tegan's pussy was as bare as the day she had been born. It wasn't something that was new to Tegan but it still left her feeling more naked, a little more exposed than she had previously.
Karen sat her back in the bath then and got Tegan to tip her head back. She then spent another fifteen minutes washing Tegans hair. Tegan closed her eyes enjoying the feel of Karen's fingers working over her scalp. She started to give some thought to her training; what exactly was she being trained for, what sort of things would she be expected to do. Given her love of bondage Tegan was familiar with the concept of slave training. There were any number of things that she might be asked to do. Her one concern as she enjoyed Karen's attention was to ensure that she performed well and avoided punishment. She would play this game and bide her time hoping for an opportunity to escape at some stage.
When Karen eventually asked her to step out of the bath Tegan stood quietly on the cold floor while Karen towelled her down. She combed through Tegans long hair then slipped the hood over Tegan's head once more. Tegan followed the tugs on the lead as she was taken from the bathroom. After only a short distance Karen told her to stop. The hood was removed and Tegan saw she was in a small bedroom. A single bed ran the length of one wall. There was also a dressing table with a mirror and a chair. On the dressing table were a hair dryer and a white plastic bottle with no discernable markings. Karen sat Tegan in the chair and dried her hair, combing it so it hung loosely down her back. She then asked Tegan to stand once more. The plastic bottle proved to be talcum powder and Karen spread it liberally over Tegan's body rubbing it gently into the skin. When she had finished the hood was pulled over Tegan's head yet again.
Bathed and dried, Tegan was guided to another room. She had no idea where she was, just that the floor was warmer on her feet. The room was a little further and, as she walked, she heard the soft clink of Karen's chain. When Karen asked her to stand still once more she heard the sound of a heavier chain. A cuff was strapped around her left wrist; it felt large and sturdy against her skin. She felt the handcuffs being removed then her arms were spread apart. Another cuff was strapped around her right wrist. Now the sound of the chain came again only this time, her arms were drawn slowly above her head. When she was stretched, the sound stopped and all was quiet. Tegan breathed slowly into the hood. She felt extremely vulnerable; a state accentuated by the fact that the air seemed cold on her newly shaved pussy. There was no sound. The position wasn't uncomfortable. Although she was stretched her feet were still flat on the warm floor. She waited and time passed. There was still no sound and she wondered if Karen had left the room. The waiting was the worst, always wondering what was going to happen next. Tegan tried not to let her mind wander too far. She concentrated on her time with Karen. She had enjoyed the attention; it made her feel less like she was a worthless plaything. She wondered about Karen's predicament. Had she suffered as Tegan had suffered? How long had she been here? Tegan was soon lost in her thoughts.
A hand caressing Tegan's pussy bought her back to the present with a moan, a finger sliding across her lips spreading them slightly. "Nice work Karen". Tegan heard "The Providers" soft voice and wondered how long he had been there. The hand continued to caress her pussy. She tried to keep still. Something in her mind told her not to respond to this stimulation. She felt another hand on her hips, caressing her gently. Then both hands slid to her breasts, cupping them kneading them. She felt her nipples pinched. It wasn't hard, just enough to cause a little pain. Despite herself Tegan's nipples hardened. She pulled on the cuffs lifting her slightly. She felt more caressing, more attention to her nipples and couldn't help a soft moan escaping her lips. "That's right Tegan" came the soft voice, "let yourself go". She felt a third hand on her stomach. Was it Karen or was it someone else? The hands continued to work her breasts. Her nipples were hard now aching for attention. She knew her pussy was wet. She felt the third hand working in small circles around her stomach. Slowly the hand went lower. Tegan couldn't help herself. She started thrusting her hips forward trying to encourage the hand over her pussy. She felt her nipples pinched hard. It was painful but it also made her pussy clench. She was swaying in the cuffs now, her legs growing weaker. More and more of her weight was being transferred to her arms as she started to lose herself in the expert ministrations that were assaulting her body. The attention to her breasts and nipples was constant. She felt another hand between her legs. She was aching for something to be thrust into her pussy. She moaned into the gag, squealing her frustration as the hand moved away from her pussy. There were four hands now, two on her breasts, one caressing her pubis just above her wet lips, another stroking her ass. She felt a finger against her ass hole and pushed herself forward. The hands kept teasing, caressing. Her head was filled now with her own moans of pleasure. The air inside her hood was hot. She needed to come now and thrust her hips trying to lift her pussy into the hand that was teasing her. Then everything happened at once. She felt her nipples pinched hard. At the same moment she felt something, almost certainly a finger, slide into her ass. As her ass was penetrated, more fingers were thrust in her pussy. She felt her clit pinched hard. The pain shot through her but it was so exquisite. He pussy was flooding now, her senses assaulted. She tried to force herself onto the fingers and they in turn were thrust deep inside her. Her nipples were being held tight now; her breasts were burning fires. The finger in her ass forced her forward; helped her push down further on the fingers inside her sex. Tegan came hard crying out into the gag. Her orgasm was overwhelming. She shook in her bonds, her eyes closed; the waves washing over her. It was one of the most crushing orgasms she had ever had.
Tegan hung limply in the cuffs as the pleasure slowly ebbed; unaware of what was around her. She didn't really notice as her nipples were released, as fingers were withdrawn from her most private places. It was the soft sound of "The Provider's" voice that bought her back to the present once more. "Very receptive Tegan, very receptive indeed, I can see your training proceeding very well. I think you will prove to be a very popular lady". Tegan wondered what that meant. Who was going to find her popular? Her immediate thought was that she was going to be trained as a prostitute to be used by all and sundry. She shivered and again started to worry about her predicament. "The Providers" next words did nothing to confirm or quell Tegans new fears. "We will start today with posture and cock training Tegan. Later we'll commence exercise and heel training. Do well today Tegan and you'll be rewarded with something to eat and a bed tonight. Perform poorly and you will sleep on the floor again. Disobey my instructions and you will be severely punished. Do you understand me Tegan?" Once more Tegan nodded and hoped the hood did nothing to mask her consent. It must have worked because she heard "The Provider" say "Good, then let's begin. A good posture Tegan means standing straight, arms held back, waist accentuated. Let's see how good your posture is".
Tegan nodded again but there was no reply. She could hear some noises and at one point thought she heard the sound of a zip. She stood patiently waiting her arms still held aloft. She had pretty much recovered from her orgasm and was able to stand without wavering. There was a little scuffling and then she felt something pressed against her body. She soon recognised it to be a corset. It felt like leather with hard ribs running the length of the garment. It was the sort that supported rather than covered her breast and she felt them pushed up as the corset was wrapped around her. Then the garment started to tighten. Tegan was very proud of her body. She worked hard to maintain herself in good condition and was always careful about what she ate. Her fashion sense was also very good and she prided herself on wearing clothes that accentuated her fine figure. Much of what made Tegan so visually beautiful was her full firm breasts and slim waist. She had worn corsets before and they emphasised her curves superbly. What she had never done was wear a corset so tight as to have trouble breathing. The bones of this one crushed her body inwards. She gasped as the material tightened around her. Her breasts were forced upwards and the ribs sewn into the garment held her rigidly. The corsets Tegan had worn were zipped at the front. This one was obviously laced at the back. She panted in short shallow breaths at she felt it tighten around her. The base of the corset pressed below her stomach but above her pussy. He must be using a tightening tool she thought. She concentrated on breathing. After a short while she heard the sound of the chain and her arms were lowered. She couldn't move her body or bend in any way at all.
"Concentrate on breathing Tegan". The soft voice sounded in her ear. It wasn't easy with the hood and the gag in her mouth. Tegan tried to forget everything else and focussed on breathing through her nose. She tried to regulate each breath. Such was her concentration she hardly noticed when the cuffs were removed from her wrists. Her arms were pulled behind her. She felt more material around her arms as soft leather encased her limbs. Arm binders she thought to herself. She focussed on breathing, on standing still. Soft leather wrapped around her wrists and they were welded together. Slowly, she felt her arms pulled together behind her as the arm binders were laced in position. Her elbows were inexplorably drawn together, her shoulders pulled back. A thought crossed her mind. She had never before been bound so tightly, but she had dreamt of such restraint often. This was what her dreams felt like. She flexed her arms. They were immovably welded together. As she tested her bonds she felt her shoulders pulled back even further, her joints aching as a result. As she stood there helpless a voice said "Excellent". Then the hood was removed from her head.
Once more Tegan found herself looking around a room she hadn't seen before. This one was significantly different. The walls were all mirrored and Tegan could see her reflection on each side. She gasped into the gag as she stared at herself. Her waist was wasp like thin in the corset; her arms were bound so tightly behind her. She could see in the mirror the lacing and the heavy buckles at various points. A small metal bar ran across the top of the arm binders from shoulder to shoulder. It was hard to tell but it seemed like there was a tensioner in the centre and that had been used to pull back her shoulders. Tegan had to admit in her own mind that her bondage made her look incredibly sexy.
Above her she could see the cuffs on a spreader bar that had held her arms above her head. In one corner of the room was a stand. It looked like a microphone except the top was shaped like a man's penis, and a very large penis at that. A small tube ran from the back of the penis down to the large base. A further lead ran from the base to a socket in the wall. On the other side of the room was a treadmill. It was heavy duty and similar to many that she had seen in gyms she had frequented. A number of corsets hung from a rack in another corner. Next to that, was a further rack with arm binders, straps, and other items dangling down. Paddles, nipple clamps, dildos and floggers were some of the items she recognised. There were other items whose use was unclear. An array of leather boots and high heel shoes were in a line beneath the racks. Stood in front of her holding the hood that had just been removed from her head was "The Provider". Tegan saw the same green eyes in the face hidden by his hood, the same baggy blue overalls covering his body. She lowered her head and cast her eyes to the floor; it seemed the right thing to do. "The Provider" also thought so and told her.
"You'll be bound like this for four hours a day Tegan" he informed her. "After a while you won't notice the corset and we'll probably get another two inches out of that waist." Tegan didn't think that was possible but didn't argue. "You will be dressed like this when you do your cock training and heel exercises. Now, and this is important Tegan, you will not be gagged whilst you do those exercises. You are not to talk at all. If Karen enters the room you are not to speak to her, even if she speaks to you. Non-compliance will be met with severe punishment. Do you understand Tegan?" Again, Tegan nodded her assent; she was getting used to the threat of severe punishment and was determined not to give her captor any reason to mistreat her. "Good", he continued.
"Now then, cock training. You have to be able to satisfy a man with your mouth Tegan. You need to be able to take him all the way into your throat. If he comes, you need to be able to take that too and also remember to clean him with your tongue afterwards." With that, "The Provider" took Tegan's chain and led her over to the stand. There was a cushion on the floor and he instructed her to kneel on it. It was difficult in the corset as she was unable to bend at the waist. In the end, Tegan just aimed her knees at the cushion and dropped onto it. She was expecting a jolt of pain but the cushion proved to be well padded and she sank into it without any adverse affects. "Now Tegan, let's see what you're made of" came the soft voice once more. The stand was adjustable and "The Provider" positioned it until the penis was level with Tegan's mouth. Then he turned on the device at the wall switch. There was a gentle electric hum from the base but not much else. "The Provider" loosened the gag in Tegan's mouth. "Remember", he reminded her "no talking". With that, he eased the gag out of her mouth. Then, he placed his hand at the back of her head and forced her lips around the rubber penis in front of her. There were two things Tegan noticed as she attempted to wrap her lips around the device. The first was that it was warm. It was also quite soft, not like a vibrator or dildo at all. Whatever the material was it felt very much like a man's cock. The second thing she noticed was its size. Tegan actually enjoyed taking a man in her mouth and pleasuring him. She'd never had a man with a cock as big as this though. She tried not to gag. "The Provider" gave her no time to adjust, forcing her head forward so that the cock sank deep into her mouth. She struggled to take it. Tegan knew she could do it; she just needed time to adjust. The tight corset didn't help though. It made it difficult for Tegan to get her breathing right and she was soon in real trouble fighting trying to pull her head away. The pressure on the back of her head from her captors hand increased. However she managed to force her head backwards and get the cock out of her mouth. She then collapsed forward, falling to the floor coughing and retching. "The Provider" was not amused. Tegan felt a sharp pain in her ass then he was pulling her onto her knees again. She coughed and spluttered. In between her coughing she managed to get out the words "Permission to speak Master". Tegan felt the sharp pain on her ass again and now saw the paddle "The Provider" had in his hand. "I said no talking Tegan". The voice was still low, still soft but it sounded angry. Tegan knew she would never be able to take the device in her mouth if he forced her onto it. She had to be able to do it in her own time. Nervously she repeated "Permission to speak please Master." A hand gripped her jaw, holding her face so she could look into the green eyes inside the hood. "Permission granted Tegan but do not vex me girl". It seemed a strange thing to say but Tegan continued. "Please Master, I've never had a cock that big before. I can take it, but please let me do so in my own time. I promise Master I'll do as you ask, I just need to prepare." "Don't disappoint me Tegan" came the reply. "If you do, you will suffer." A quiet reply of "No Master" answered the threat.
Tegan looked at the penis in front of her composing herself. As she did so, an idea came into her mind. She took as deep a breath as the corset would allow then leaned forward and covered the head with her lips. She licked it slowly, seductively with her tongue. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a real man in front of her. Her head started to bob on the device. She would take it into her mouth then withdraw again. She sucked and licked. It did feel like a cock. It was warm. The only thing it didn't do was harden as she sucked. She slid it to the back of her throat, holding her breath then pulled back. Although her eyes were closed she knew she was being watched, she was determined to put on a show. She sucked and licked. After around 10 minutes warm liquid spilled out of the end of the device. It was thick but had no taste. She swallowed it then licked around the device cleaning it then she pulled away, opened her eyes and looked at her captor. "Please continue Tegan", he said. Tegan took the device in her mouth once more. It slid into her mouth easier now it was wet with her saliva. She would lick and suck at it for a while then take it into the back of her throat. Every 10 minutes or so, the thick liquid would spew out of the end and she would swallow it and lick the shaft clean. It was obviously meant to simulate a man ejaculating in her mouth; the main difference was there no warning. A man's cock would jump around as he was about to come, this one just spurted liquid into her mouth. Nevertheless she managed repeating the process five or six time before she heard a voice in her ear. "Enough for now Tegan". She pulled her mouth off the device and looked at the man. As she did so she remembered her plan. She wanted to try and get inside his head. She ran her tongue slowly across her moist lips then lowered her eyes "Permission to speak Master" she said quietly. When permission was granted she turned her head and looked directly into his green eyes. "Please Master, this toy is such a waste, I would much rather suck a real cock. Please let me suck your cock Master, please let me swallow your cum." She watched the green eyes for a moment then lowered her head once more. There was silence. Then she felt a hand in her hair. Her head was pulled back and "The Provider" was looking at her. "Your such a little slut aren't you Tegan". "Yes Master" she replied. He held her for a moment longer looking at her then said "I don't think you need much cock training Tegan, you're a natural. Let's see how you are with heels."
Tegan was disappointed that he hadn't succumbed to her invitation. Instead, he took hold of her chain and used it to help her balance while she got to her feet. Tegan was then led over to the treadmill. Karen had returned to the room, her chain clinking softly on the floor. "The Provider" held Tegan whilst Karen found a pair of heels. It took a couple of attempts before she found a pair that fitted and buckled them onto Tegan's feet. Then Tegan was told to step onto the treadmill. She managed this fairly easily. She was used to wearing heels although she never walked far in them. She guessed these were about three inches. "The Provider" attached the end of her chain to the front of the treadmill. He pressed a couple of buttons and the rubber carpet started moving over the rollers. He set a steady speed and Tegan had to match it. When she asked for permission to speak he denied it and told her to remain silent until the exercise period had finished. The speed display said 5km per hour. Tegan thought she could do that but the heels didn't help. When the Provider pressed another button, the incline display went to 3%. Tegan knew that walking up hill in heels would be a lot harder, especially when her breathing was hampered by such a tight corset. "Today you will do 90 minutes Tegan". The Provider's quiet voice was sounding in her ear again". "By the time we have finished your training, I expect you to climb a 6% gradient in 6" heels and keep that up for two hours. Let's see if your posture is as good as your cock sucking shall we. Be careful not to fall Tegan" he added then took hold of Karen's chain and led her from the room.
Tegan didn't think she would be able to manage this in six-inch heels. She had to concentrate to keep her balance. With her body held rigidly in the corset and her arms welded behind her she knew that she would be unable to recover from any slip. She strode out at a steady pace keeping close to the bar that ran across the front of the machine. After five minutes her calves started to ache. She knew from the times she had spent in the gym though that this would ease the longer she went on. She focussed on her image in the mirror in front of her. She had to admit to herself that she look good, her waist cinched tight in the corset, her arms welded behind her, her shoulders pulled back which forced her to keep her head up. After a while the pain in her legs went unnoticed. Once she had got into a rhythm the hardest part was the boredom of it. On the few occasions she ran in the gym, Tegan much preferred running outdoors, she had her mp3 player to provide a distraction from the steady thump of her feet on the rubber road that rolled beneath her feet. She tried numerous mind games to keep her occupied; counting 500 steps before she looked at the timer on the machine to see how many minutes had passed since she had last viewed it; singing a song in her head; thinking about a TV episode she could remember. Even with these distractions though, the time crawled by. Just over an hour in she lost concentration and stumbled. She just managed to support herself enough to recover her balance and, for the remaining twenty odd minutes, concentrated fiercely on the timer. It slowly ticked up to the ninety-minute mark. As the digital display hit ninety minutes the speed halved and the incline dropped to 1.5%. Tegan relaxed and paced for a further two minutes until the machine stopped all together. There was a sheen of perspiration on Tegan's legs and she felt so hot now inside the corset. She had no idea what was going to happen next and, unsure what to do, she just stood on the treadmill, flexing her legs at the knees to try and ease the pain in her calves.
After ten minutes waiting she saw Karen enter the room through the door behind her, her image reflected in the mirrors. Karen took hold of Tegan's chain and guided her off the treadmill. As Tegan turned to face her, Karen placed a finger on her lips, reminding her to remain silent. The look on Karen's face seemed to say she would talk if she could but now was not the time. Karen knelt and removed the heels from Tegan's feet; it was nice to be able to place them flat on the floor once more. The next thing she did was remove the lead from Tegan's collar and replace it with a chain similar to the one attached to her own neck. Then Karen removed the arm binders and the corset leaving Tegan naked and sweaty from her exertions. Throughout the whole process Karen didn't speak and Tegan just went along with it. For all she knew, "The Provider" was watching their every move. When she was naked Karen led her from the room into a long hallway. This was the first time Tegan had been anywhere without a hood restricting her vision. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot to see. The hall was quite long, about forty or fifty feet Tegan thought. The room with the treadmill was at the end. There was a door immediately to the right that was closed. To the left, stretching down the corridor were a further three doors on the left hand side. At the end of the corridor lay another door. The right hand side of the corridor was just a wall. There were no windows, just three bare electric bulbs at equal distances down the corridor.
Karen led her down the corridor. The next room was a small kitchen, the third the tiny bedroom where Karen had dried Tegan earlier, the fourth room was the bathroom where Tegan had suffered so much. Karen guided Tegan to the small bedroom and told her to kneel on the floor the left. Once more Tegan was waiting for something to happen. It was fifteen minutes before "The Provider" entered the room and looked at her, his soft voice assailing her ears once more. "Your chain allows you to reach all the rooms in this corridor Tegan. Here are the rules. You may use the bathroom and kitchen freely when you are not engaged in training activities. You will be ready for training at 7:00am each morning. By ready, I mean you will have breakfasted, be clean and will be in this room on your knees waiting for my arrival. You are not to speak unless permission is first given. You are not to wander from this corridor. If you do Tegan, your punishment will be long and cruel. Make sure you rest well tonight Tegan, tomorrow will be a much longer day. You will find reading material in the drawer of the dressing table if you want it. Have I made myself clear Tegan?" Tegan asked for permission to speak; she was getting used to prefacing everything she said with those words, informed him that she did indeed understand. She was about to ask how she would know the time but "The Provider" left a small alarm clock on the dresser. "7:00am Tegan, makes sure you are prepared" he said before departing.
Tegan was left on her knees looking around the room. The clock said 5:27pm. She rose from the floor and sat on the bed. The mattress was soft and she sank into it. She noted that the end of the chain was attached to a ring in the floor at the foot of her bed. She tugged on the padlock holding it but it was firm. The padlock holding it to her collar was also firm. There was a brush and a hair dryer on the dresser. She pulled open the draw to have a look at the reading material and found a pile of bondage material. There were magazines, bondage books and also stories that had been printed. She picked up a magazine with the title "Mechanised Restraint" written across the cover in metallic lettering. Underneath the title a picture displayed a girl clamped into some type of metal framework, bands of iron holding her immobile. A large dildo on a pole was plunged into her mouth and also one in her ass. She leafed through the pages. Most of the pictures were of a similar nature showing girls strapped into metal contraptions, their mouths, pussies and assess stuffed with various devices. One particular girl caught her attention. She was strapped face down on a bench with metal bands starting at her shoulders and covering her at short intervals to her hips. The bands had been tightened with a spanner and she could see how the lining, which looked like rubber, pressed into her white skin. The girl's arms were pulled behind her back and raised up about forty-five degrees. Her wrists and elbows were firmly clamped by more bands of the grey/silvery metal. Her ankles were also pulled up behind her and clamped into two rings. The girl had short cropped dark hair which looked like it was wet from sweat. What was different about this one was the look of pleasure on the girls face. A man was stood in front of her, his cock buried in her mouth. Another man stood behind her, his cock stuffed in her pussy to the hilt. A third person in the picture, a woman in a tight leather suit, her hair pulled back severely from her face, was laying a flogger across the captive girls ass. The woman bound to the bench looked like she was enjoying every moment.
Tegan felt that familiar clench in her pussy as she laid the magazine back in the drawer. Memories of her crushing orgasm earlier in the day also came back to her. She could feel the wetness in her pussy and, for a moment, considered lying on the bed and satisfying herself with her fingers. She decided against it purely because she didn't know if she was still being watched. Instead, Tegan wandered into the small kitchen. There was a microwave and a small fridge. She opened a drawer and found a couple of spoons but no other cutlery. The fridge had butter, cheese, a few meats, some milk and two cartons of fruit juice. There was also some microwave meals, spaghetti bolognese, lasagne, a chicken curry and a meal that looked Chinese in a packet that had no markings. In the cupboard she found a bowl of fruit, apples, bananas and grapes, a loaf of brown bread and some cereal. It wasn't a lot to choose from. Tegan poured a glass of milk and heated up the spaghetti. She sat at the table and ate it with one of the spoons and wondered about the strangeness of her situation.
After eating she went back to the bedroom and leafed through another magazine. This one was simply called "Tight". In it were more women immovably bound in impossible positions. Some were naked, some were corseted, some in rubber suits. As she leafed through the pages she could feel the wetness in her pussy. Still fearful that someone might be watching she slid under the sheets of the bed and ran her hand over her stomach. She tried to remain still in bed as she teased a finger over her clit then pushed two inside herself. She'd done this many times before though in much different circumstances. She imagined herself helplessly bound a cock in her mouth as she was fucked hard at the same time. She tried to remain still but couldn't stop the occasional thrust of her hips against her fingers. When she came, she stuffed her left hand in her mouth to quell the squeal of delight.
For a while Tegan had managed to forget where she was. After her orgasm, reality came crashing back to her and she started to feel guilty for teasing herself. She should really be thinking about how she was going to escape from this predicament. She turned on her side and looked at the clock. It said 7:13pm. Tegan didn't want to look at any more bondage pictures so she closed her eyes hoping to get some rest. She didn't think she would succeed but sleep came surprisingly easily.
The next few days fell together like leaves would fall from a tree in autumn. Tegan woke each morning bathed herself then ate in the little kitchen. She made sure she was always ready well before the 7:00am deadline. Most days "The Provider" collected her, fitted the hood and led her off to some other room in her prison. Occasionally the first person she saw was Karen. When Karen collected her it was normally so that she could be fitted with the corset, arm binders and heels and she knew that the first session of the day would be either cock training or heel training. Every day, at some point, she spent at least 90 minutes on the treadmill clamped in the corset and tethered by the arm binders. The heels had already been raised and, whilst her legs always hurt, she never had much trouble completing the allotted time. Boredom was the biggest problem on the treadmill. She was getting used to breathing in the tight corset and her shoulders didn't hurt so much in the arm binders.
On the second day "The Provider" started introducing different sessions. The first of these was corporal punishment. Tegan had been led hooded into a room and had been strapped face down spead-eagled on a large padded table. When she heard the sound of chains, and felt herself stretched out she realised she was on a rack. After the stretching was completed, a further wide strap was placed over the small of her back and buckled tightly pulling her firmly down onto the table. This made it impossible for her to lift her body off the surface. "The Provider" explained to her exactly what he expected of her. After each strike, she was to shout out the number and say "Thank you Master". She was not to squeal in pain and had to learn to control herself. "Tegan had said "Yes Master" indicating that she understood the rules. She was familiar with this sort of scenario even though she hadn't experienced it before herself. She steeled herself for the first blow and completely underestimated the pain that shot through her as the paddle struck her ass firmly. The strap prevented any effort to move her naked vulnerable ass away from the paddle and the shock caused her to let out a stifled scream. "The Provider" had gripped her jaw in his hands and told her to control herself or face more severe punishment. Tegan had promised to do better and was then forced to wait almost ten minutes before the second blow sent an equally painful shock through her ass. Though gritted teeth she managed to say "Two", and after drawing breath added "Thank you Master". Three minutes later, minutes that seemed like hours, blow three fell. Blows' four and five came in rapid succession. Tegan then spent nearly twenty minutes feeling the fire spread from her ass before the sixth blow. She suffered through ten blows before "The Provider" laid down his paddle. "We'll have you up to twenty by the time training is finished Tegan" he said before there was silence. Tegan spent the next fifteen minutes fearing another blow before she felt cool hands on her ass. She groaned as she felt soft palms work some ointment into her ass that quelled the fire there. Her groans turned to moans as the hand slipped between her legs. Soon expert hands were teasing her pussy. Fingers were sliding in and out of both her holes. Fingertips teased her clit. Despite her pain, Tegan felt yet another orgasm building. She tried to keep quiet, tried to stifle her moans but this was the kind of thing she had always fantasised about; to be bound and helpless while she was forced to come. Tegan bit her lip but when she came she couldn't suppress a squeal of delight. She felt the fingers withdrawn slowly, felt a soft caress on her ass that ran up her spine. Then the hood was pulled from her head and a finger placed on her lips. Tegan saw Karen's cute face smiling back at her. "A present from me" Karen said quietly before removing her finger. Then Karen leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips before pulling the hood back over her head. Tegan found the treadmill hard that day, each step reminded her of the fire in her ass. When she lay in bed that night though, she fondly remembered Karen's soft and expert touch.
Other scenarios were introduced in the days that followed. Forced orgasms alternated with orgasm control. Tegan's bondage on these exercises was exactly the same. The arm binders were used to strap her arms behind her and pull her shoulders back. She was then bent over a padded bench about three feet in height and her body was strapped to it. Her bound arms were pulled up and away from her by a rope that hung from a pulley in the ceiling and was tied off somewhere behind her. This had the effect of forcing her harder onto the bench. Tegan's legs were then spread and her ankles were strapped to the legs of the bench; her pussy and ass vulnerable and exposed from behind. Tegan soon knew which to expect by the size of the vibrator inserted in her pussy and the speed by which it pulsed. The larger vibrator was used when orgasm denial was being practised. The huge tool would slide in and out of Tegan's pussy at a sedate pace bringing her slowly to the boil. Then "The Provider"; who was always present for these sessions; would tell her she wasn't allowed to come. The tool would keep her permanently on edge. Tegan's control came from knowing that all she had to do to come was use her muscles to clamp her pussy around the device. It took a lot of will power to refrain from doing just that. On some occasions "The Provider" combined Orgasm Control with Corporal Punishment and Tegan would have to fight the many different stimuli as she tried to keep the count and remember to thank her Master for each stroke. For the first two Orgasm Control sessions, Tegan's mouth was packed with a larger red ball gag. For the third session, when Tegan was also subjected to the feel of the paddle on her ass, the gag was removed so that she could keep the count. Tegan was never gagged again during an Orgasm Control session. At the end of one, whilst she was still strapped to the table and feeling incredibly horny and unfulfilled, she asked for permission to speak and then, when it was granted begged "The Provider" to fuck her and quell the fire between her legs. "The Provider had just ruffled his hand through her hair and called her a slut. At following sessions, Tegan regularly begged to be fucked and was always denied. She didn't really understand why he never took advantage of her.
By contrast, forced orgasms left Tegan weak and exhausted. A smaller phallus was used which plunged in and out of Tegan's pussy at much greater speed. Often, "The Provider" would also insert an electric plug in her ass which pulsed regularly and made her clench involuntarily. Every time she felt the electrical pulse it was like having something huge inserted in her ass. Tegan would be bought to her first orgasm and then the machine would be speeded up, the pulses would quicken. Even as she was coming down from one orgasm the toys would be driving her on to her next. Strangely, Tegan preferred the Orgasm Control sessions. Forced orgasms were OK for the first two or three. Sometimes she was forced into a dozen or more. She was always gagged for these sessions and each left her exhausted. On one occasion she was taken straight from a forced orgasm session, strapped into the corset and forced to do ninety minutes on the treadmill. To add to her discomfort on that occasion, the ball gag was left in her mouth. The 90 minutes felt more like 90 hours to Tegan although she managed to get through it. That night she collapsed on the bed and slept without eating she was so tired.
More and more Tegan found herself spending part or all of the day in tight bondage. Sometimes, at the start of the day, she was led to a new room and the hood would be removed to reveal a new scenario. She was left in stocks, strapped to poles, tied to crosses. Sometimes she was strapped face up on the rack and stretched. Occasionally, she found herself tightly hogtied on the floor. Tegan didn't understand exactly what she was being trained for. Nevertheless, she noticed that whilst the bondage seemed to be getting tighter and tighter, it also seemed easier to withstand. One night, instead of being allowed back to her bed, she was strapped in a crate and left overnight. This became a regular occurrence. The first time it happened she hardly slept. That was a mistake. The next day she still had to complete a full days training that had culminated in two hours on the treadmill. She struggled to be ready in time the following morning and made it with seconds to spare. After that she tried to sleep every time she was strapped in the crate. The length of time she spent in there was gradually extended. On one occasion, she was left in there for so long she had no option but to soil herself. She feared punishment when she was release but "The Provider" just made her clean the mess. After that, she was never placed in the crate without having a catheter inserted in her pussy and a tube pushed into her ass.
Tegan became used to the routine of her life in captivity. She would wake, bathe, and prepare herself for the exercises of the day. She never knew what was coming each day but at the end, unless she was strapped in the crate, she was chained back in her room where she could feed herself and bathe again if she wanted too. For the most part, she had surprisingly little trouble sleeping. Some of it was boring; some of it was even pleasurable. Some of it was difficult but she was always sure to do the best she could and avoid the serious punishment that seemed to be threatened less and less as time progressed. There was one particular incident that re-inforced her need to obey the rules.
After waking one morning and completing heel training on the treadmill, Tegan was hooded and led to one of the downstairs rooms. When the hood was removed she found herself facing Karen. Karen was naked and bound securely to a St Andrews Cross. Indeed, Tegan recognised it as the very cross she had spent the best part of six hours strapped too only a couple of days earlier. The cross had eyelets running the length of each limb and Karen's arms and legs were secured to it for their entire length. Tegan could see the ropes were really tight. A large ball gag filled Karen's mouth and her brown eyes looked back at Tegan.
"Well Tegan", "The Provider" said to her "You've shown how good you are with a cock in your mouth but can you make a woman come as well? You're to make Karen come with your mouth". Tegan's eyes flicked from "The Provider" to Karen and then back. "Yes Master" she said simply then knelt before the bound girl. Tegan had never pleasured a woman before but she tried to think about what she enjoyed. She started lightly kissing the inside of Karen's creamy thighs, teasing the skin with her teeth. She continued by running her tongue over Karen's shaved pussy then started kissing her thighs once more. She heard Karen moan softly into the gag and Tegan could smell the pheromones as Karen's pussy started to flood. She pressed her face into Karen's sex and forced her tongue inside. Tegan had never tasted a woman before, she was surprised at how sweet Karen's juices were on her tongue. She forced her face further into Karen's sweet tasting sex. When she found what she thought was the nub of Karen's clit she played over it with her tongue. She could feel Karen's excitement grow. Tegan buried her face into Karen's soft thighs and managed to suck Karen's clit into her mouth. She felt Karen spasm. She also heard "The Providers" voice telling Karen not to come. Tegan let Karen's clit slip from her mouth and pulled back from her pussy; she didn't want to get Karen into trouble. Immediately, she felt the sting of the paddle on her thigh and "The Provider" commanded her to make Karen come. "Satisfy her Tegan or you will be punished" Tegan was reluctant to continue. She forced her face into Karen's sex once more parting her lips with her tongue. Karen moaned again but without the same intensity as she had before. "Harder Tegan, make her come" "the Provider" instructed once more. Tegan was caught in a dilemma. Karen was always nice to her and she didn't want to see her punished. She also realised that the "The Provider" had purposely engineered a no-win situation. She plunged her tongue back into Karen's sex, sucked her clit into her mouth once more and worked her as hard as she could. Tegan would make her come and play it from there. If it wasn't for "The Provider's" constant instruction to Karen not to come Tegan would have enjoyed it. Karen's pussy was sweet and inviting and Tegan also enjoyed the warm feel of the girl's thighs pressed against her face. Tegan's own pussy was moist as she licked and sucked. She teased Karen's clit gently in her teeth scraping her tongue across the end. She felt Karen's thigh tremor, heard her moans and knew that Karen was coming. She continued for a short while then withdrew, kissing Karen's pussy softly before she pulled her face away, Karens juices slick around her mouth. Tegan couldn't bring herself to look at Karen's face as she heard "The Provider" tell her that he would deal with her later. Then the hood was pulled over Tegan's face and she was led away.
Normally, in Tegan's small bedroom there was silence. Unless the wind was blowing or the rain was falling there were no sounds other than the occasional cry of an owl or croak of some other animal. There were no traffic sounds, no aeroplanes overhead. She never even heard the sound of a TV or a radio. That night, when Tegan was lying in her bed, she heard Karen's screams from the bathroom next door; her voice pitched high begging for mercy. She knew that Karen was being treated to a session with the gas mask. Tegan buried her head in the pillow and cried herself to sleep. It was the worst she had felt since the first few days of her captivity.
Two days later the position had been reversed and it was Tegan tied immovably to the Cross, ropes curling around her four limbs holding her tight against the wooden construction, a large penis gag stuffed in her mouth. She had been tied in this manner for some three hours when "The Provider" led Karen into the room naked, her arms bound tightly behind her in a single glove, a collar around her neck. "Make Tegan come Karen" had been the instruction. Karen had looked up into Tegan's eyes before kneeling in front of her and burying her face into Tegan's pussy. Unfortunately, Karen's expertise with her tongue was sadly lacking. The girl who had previously brought Tegan to orgasm so expertly with her hands and fingers just couldn't repeat the performance with her mouth. After twenty minutes Tegan was barely aroused and "The Provider" was threatening Karen with all sorts of punishment if she failed. Tegan tried to help, thrusting her hips forward as best she could, trying to move her pussy on Karen's mouth so that she would find the right spot to excite her and bring her off. It was difficult though, Tegan's tight bonds restricted any assistance to an absolute minimum. After a further twenty minutes Tegan knew it wouldn't work. Karen was licking frantically with her tongue not really paying any attention to what she was doing, driven only by "The Provider's" constant threats. Tegan did the only other thing she could think of to help, she started moaning in encouragement, closing her eyes and throwing her head back. She allowed her moans to grow louder and, five minutes later, faked an orgasm, screaming into the gag that filled her mouth.
"The Provider" had given Tegan no instruction about not coming and she was feeling quite pleased with the solution she had found as Karen was led from the room. Tegan spent a further three hours tied to the Cross before "The Provider" released her, manacled her hands behind her back, pulled the hood over her head and led her to another room. Tegan started to worry when she recognised the familiar feel of the cold bathroom tiles on her feet. She felt a tug on the lead and was forced to step to the rear, her progress halted when she felt the tiled wall against her arms that were still manacled behind her. The lead was tied off somewhere and Tegan couldn't move off the wall. Then the hood was removed from her head and Tegan's heart sank. Karen was tied in the chair naked, a myriad of ropes holding her firm. Her eyes were wide, her mouth packed with a red ball gag. Tegan was forced to watch as "The Provider" removed the gag and she listened to Karen's immediate pleas for mercy with growing despair. "The Provider" tortured Karen for nearly an hour with the gas mask. Karen's sobs and pleas echoed in the small room. To Tegan, that hour seemed like an eternity. When "The Provider" was finished with Karen, and he released her from the chair, she fell sobbing on the floor. The hood was pulled over Tegan's head once more. She felt the pressure around her neck subside as the lead was untied and then she was pulled across the floor and thrust into the chair. Like on previous occasions "The Provider" used duct tape to bind her tightly and immovably. When the hood was pulled from her head once more Tegan could see Karen. The girl was huddled in the corner of the room, her arms around her knees which were pulled up to her chest. She was still naked and looked like a frightened rabbit. Tegan couldn't see any form of restrain holding Karen in place. "This punishment is because you tried to trick me Tegan". Tegan's attention was brought back to "the Provider" when she heard those soft words and she steeled herself for what she knew was coming. There was one slight difference from the last time she suffered this punishment. When he'd first tortured her in this manner she had no idea what to expect and no clear view of her future. Now, whatever else happened, she was sure she had a value to "The Provider; he wouldn't allow her to die. As the gag was removed from her mouth and the gas mask pulled over her head, Tegan defiantly made her mind up not to beg and plead. She would show "The Provider" she was strong, show him she was right to try and help her fellow captive. The mask filled. Tegan took a deep breath and held it. When eventually the mask was pulled from her head, she shook in the chair as she coughed up the water that had entered her lungs. When she'd recovered sufficiently, she lifted her head and stared back at "The Provider" not saying anything. Karen was watching her with wide eyes. It seemed to Tegan like the girl was willing her on. The mask was pulled over her head once more. It wasn't until the fifth time that the mask was removed that Tegan begged for mercy. "The Provider" pulled the mask over her head twice after that before leaving a beaten Tegan slumped in the chair coughing and spluttering as he turned, pulled Karen up from her position in the corner and led her from the room. Tegan was left taped into the chair for a further hour before "The Provider" returned. She feared the punishment might continue but "The Provider" just attached the long chain to her collar then cut her free. As he left her to feed and sleep he told her not to try and fool him again. "The punishment will be far worse next time Tegan" he said her before leaving her for the night. Despite her display of bravery earlier, Tegan knew in her heart that she would do anything to avoid being punished again.
Tegan's daily grind of heel training, tight bondage and other activities continued. She didn't see Karen for a number of days and wondered what might have happened to her. Then one day, the hood was pulled from her head and she found herself looking into Karen's shining eyes.
This event occurred during one of her tight bondage sessions. As the weeks of training had passed, her bondage had become more and more stringent. On this occasion, the day had started with heel training and the corset and arm binders had been applied. She had completed two hours on the treadmill in six inch heels at 4% incline and was confident that the additional two percent required would not be a problem. Without really noticing, Tegan's figure had been honed almost to perfection. Her waist was smaller, her calves firmer, her muscles stronger from all the exercise. These small changes accentuated her firm breasts and taught ass. As she pounded the treadmill, Tegan gained some pleasure from her reflection in the mirror. That pleasure though was somewhat nullified by thought of who might see the fruits of her efforts. After this particular session she had been led to a room with a large padded table upon which she had been placed face down. She had then been roped tightly to the table. Her legs were tied together and pulled forward, her ankles bound just above her wrist in an extremely tight hogtie. A rope had been attached to a D-ring on the rear of her gag and her head had been pulled back. Tegan couldn't move and her muscles were stretched. As time passed, she flexed against her immovable bonds. These were easy sessions for Tegan and, despite her overall predicament, she enjoyed the times when she was helplessly restrained. Her thoughts would wander as she struggled. The only thing missing on these occasions was the feel of a man's cock deep inside her. "The Provider" had never shown any intention of satisfying his desires at Tegan's expense. The only logical conclusion that Tegan could come to was that he preferred other men.
Now she found herself looking into Karen's smiling brown eyes. Karen was apologising for getting her in trouble and Tegan was trying to shake her head and tell Karen it wasn't her fault. Communication in such tight bondage was difficult though. Karen was stroking her face now. "I got an A Grade", she told Tegan her face lit with pleasure. "It hurt but I thought about you and how brave you were while I was being tested. You really helped me Tegan; I just wanted to let you know." Tegan could only grunt a reply as Karen kissed her on the bridge of the nose". "I think you're going to be tested soon" Karen added as she pulled the hood back over Tegan's head. "I know you'll do well" the girl added. There was another kiss, this one placed through the hood and then silence. Tegan was released from the hogtie an hour later and had to complete an hours' cock training before she was returned to her room. She pondered Karen's words as she ate and again while she bathed herself before bed. Tegan had found that a hot bath was very effective in easing the rigours a tight bondage session inflicted on her body. That night she fell asleep wondering what she was being tested for and how that testing might be conducted.
The following day she again carried out her heel testing straight after breakfast. For the first time she completed the 6% gradient in 6" heels. As she stood on the treadmill waiting to be collected, she heard the soft clink of a chain in the hall. Then, through the mirror, she saw Karen enter the room. Apart from the chain, and a gag that covered Karen's lips and was padlocked in place behind her head, there appeared to be no other restraints to her movement. Tegan had learnt that silence was always the best option and she just smiled as Karen padlocked a chain to Tegan's own collar. Tegan's opportunity to speak was then removed as Karen buckled a penis gag into her mouth as well. The girl continued, removing the arm binders and corset until Tegan too was naked. Karen took her hand and led her out of the room and back to the small bedroom.
Tegan made her bed each morning before 7:00am; it was part of her routine. The bed was still as she'd left it. On top of the sheets was a large double ended dildo. Tegan looked at Karen a little puzzled but the girl just smiled and indicated that Tegan should lie on the bed. Karen sat next to her and gently started to massage her shoulders. When Tegan tried to rise, Karen just shook her head and pushed her back onto the bed. Wary of what had happened to Karen the last time, Tegan lay back and accepted the attention. Karen started to massage her. She worked her hands over Tegan's stomach then up to her breasts. As Karen cupped and squeezed, Tegan laid her own hands lightly on top of Karen's. When Karen didn't object she started to run her hands over Karen's smooth skin. Soon each girl was caressing the others breasts. Tegan had never before felt any inclination whatsoever to have a woman as a partner. With Karen however, it just seemed natural. She wished she wasn't gagged so she could taste Karen's soft lips. Instead, she ran her hands through Karen's hair, which was thick in her fingers, then pulled her head down between her breast. Karen's hands found their way between Tegan's legs and Tegan was soon panting into the gag. Tegan could already feel her orgasm building when Karen climbed off her for a moment, retrieved the dildo, and slowly eased it deep into Tegan's pussy. Tegan clenched around it as Karen impaled herself on the other end before falling back on top of Tegan. Karen seemed to come almost immediately, throwing her head back and moaning into the gag. Then she started to lift her hips and pump on the tool, her hands resting on Tegan's shoulders pressing her into the bed as she rode her. Tegan for her part pushed back with her hips. Reaching up with her hands she held Karen's face gently in her palms looking deep into her eyes as she came hard. As Tegan's orgasm slowly faded away she kept hold of Karen's face. Karen was still humping away and as she came again Tegan held her harder. When Karen collapsed on top of her, Tegan wrapped her arms around her and held her tight.
After they had lain there a while, Karen rose and left the room. Tegan heard the taps running in the bathroom. After ten minutes, Karen returned, took Tegan's hand in hers and led her to the bathroom. Karen then washed and bathed her much as she had done the day her training started. When Tegan was back in the bedroom, her hair dried and combed, her body fresh, dry and covered in talc, Karen caressed her face before pulling the hood over her head. Tegan's hands were cuffed in front of her and she felt Karen squeeze them before she left the room. As Tegan sat there waiting for whatever was going to happen next she found herself wondering how Karen came to be there. Had she been kidnapped as Tegan had? The biggest question in her mind however had been a strange one, one that she would never have considered before she herself had been taken. She wondered what it would be like if she ever got the opportunity to kiss Karen properly, what would it be like to share a lovers kiss with another woman. She was still thinking about it when "The Provider" came and led her away to her next session.
Once more, Tegan found herself in a room she hadn't seen before. There was a bench with some camera equipment and a computer screen. A larger screen adorned one wall. To the left of the bench was a St Andrews Cross. It was similar in design to the one she had been tied to in another room but this one looked much meatier. In the centre was a silver pole about three inches in diameter that ran from floor to ceiling. To the right of the pole was another St Andrew Cross which looked identical to the first. Tegan was led over to that pole. Her arms were pulled behind her and her wrists were securely bound to the pole with rope, one wrist on each side, the rope wrapping around her wrists and the pole before cinches were applied at each side. As with all the bondage that "The Provider" applied to her, it was firm and secure. More ropes were used to bind her elbows and then even more applied to her fore and upper arms. With her arms securely tied "The Provider" turned his attention to her legs. He bound them together at ankle knee and thigh. When that was complete, more rope was used to tie Tegan securely to the pole, the ropes criss-crossing her body holding her tight and firm. The penis gag was replaced with a red ball gag and "The Provider" also ran a brush through her hair so it fell over her shoulder. Tegan's hair had grown so long that it completely covered one breast and almost reached her hips. "The Provider" squeezed her nipples, teasing them erect. He studied her for a moment and seemed satisfied. Picking a camera off the bench he started shooting pictures from various angles. After ten minutes, he changed cameras and went through the same angles again. When he'd finished he left Tegan tied to the pole and disappeared from the room.
Tegan did her normal flexing against the ropes; she was so used to being restrained now. Her pussy was still tingling from her session with Karen and she closed her eyes to better imagine that sweet face, those big brown eyes looking at her. She didn't hear "The Provider" return until a soft voice whispered in her ear "Are you with us Tegan". She came too with a start, almost embarrassed that "The Provider" had discovered her thinking about intimate moments. He had untied her and led her back to her bedroom.
The next day Tegan was collected after breakfast and taken to yet another room she hadn't seen before. A strange looking machine dominated the room. The base of the machine was a thick circular steel plate from which a pole, very similar to the one she had been tied to the day before, rose to a height of about seven feet. At the back of the machine was a weighty industrial square thread that ran from top to bottom parallel to the pole. Mounted on the thread was a large holder. Tegan thought it looked a little like a large toilet roll holder. Instead of toilet roll though, the holder contained a roll of industrial saran wrap some ten inches in diameter. It was obvious to Tegan that the body of the machine would move up and down as the thread turned. Mounted around the machine were two vertical rows of lamps.
"The Provider methodically tied Tegan to the pole in much the same manner as she had been tied the previous day. Her arms were welded to the pole, and her legs tied together. Further ropes were used to strap her body to the pole. When that was complete, "The Provider" pulled some saran wrap away from the roll and wrapped it loosely around Tegan's ankles and calves. The width of the roll was such that it covered almost all her leg below the knee. He checked a few things that Tegan couldn't see then, happy, he pressed a button on the machine. The steel plate started to rotate slowly, with Tegan, tightly tied to the pole, also turning. The wrap cinched around Tegan's lower legs binding them even tighter to the pole. As the plate rotated, the body of the machine started to rise slowly driven by the turning thread. After ten minutes, Tegan's legs were covered in industrial saran wrap. She could feel the tension on the material as the plate turned, the tightness that was achieved by the slow rotation and the friction as it was pulled from the roll. Tegan bit on the gag in her mouth, she loved this sensation. The body of the machine crawled slowly up the side of the pole. As it rose, Tegan's upper body was methodically crushed against the pole. It felt tighter than the corset. Tegan could only breath in small shallow pants. It took thirty minutes before her whole body was wrapped tightly to the pole. "The Provider" stopped the machine then checked a few things, flicked a switch and started it once more. This time, the body of the machine travelled down the screw thread. More saran wrap was applied. Tegan didn't think it could get any tighter. Despite her predicament, Tegan could feel the juices flowing in her pussy. This feeling of absolute helplessness was one she enjoyed so much. She tried not to let her feeling show on her face but she was sure "The Provider" must have noticed.
Overall, the machine travelled up and down Tegan's body four times. When it finally stopped, the roll of saran wrap was almost exhausted. During this whole process "The Provider" had not spoken a word to her. Now he looked at her and she could make out his two soft green eyes under the hood. "Enjoy today Tegan," he said. "Tomorrow your testing starts. I expect you to perform well Tegan, you're a natural at this". He stepped away from this and bent over. There was the sound of a switch and then the lights came on. Tegan recognised immediately, the glare of heat lamps. Then "The Provider" was gone.
It grew hot inside the saran wrap very quickly and Tegan was soon sweating profusely. The heat had another effect though. The plastic based saran wrap was tightening even more as it tried to shrink around her. It was like her whole body was held in an immovable vice. The material sank into every crevice of her body, holding her squeezing her. She loved it. The only thing lacking was something to quell the fire that was building between her legs. She didn't know how long it was but, eventually, the heat lamps clicked off. Tegan did her usual flexing knowing that she couldn't move and then relaxed into her bondage. She loved how she felt when she was so tightly and utterly restrained. Testing would start tomorrow. The testing didn't worry her, but she did wonder what would happen after that. She closed her eyes and thought about Karen. Karen had told her she got an A. Tegan was sure she would be able to perform just as well.
Chapter 7: A Ranch In Wyoming (added: 2016/08/29)
As David returned Tegan's kiss, pulling her against him, feeling the curves of her body meld with his, he felt euphoric. He couldn't imagine a scenario where things could have turned out better. He felt his cock harden and press against the material of his pants. He broke the kiss briefly so he could draw a breath sliding his hands up Tegan's side. He cupped her face lightly in the palms of his hands then drew her to him and pressed his lips against hers once more. This time, as he kissed her, he ran his fingers through her long hair. How lucky he was he mused as he felt Tegan's breasts pressed against his chest. Even through the over large t-shirt she was wearing, and his own garment, he could feel the hardness of her nipples. He thought it best not to over-analyse how things had gone for now and just enjoy the company of this gorgeous girl. It was Tegan who broke the kiss this time, pulling her head back a little so she could look into his own blue eyes. There was half a smile on her face as she spoke.
"So Master", she said softly, her voice quiet, so quiet it was almost masked as David breathed heavily. She said the word Master teasingly as if she were baiting him to fulfil that role. "So", she started again after a short pause then stopped once more. Tegan looked at him sucking on her lip slightly as she did so. She was still pressed against him and could feel for herself how she excited him. David guessed she was struggling for the right words and gently brushed her long hair behind one ear with his fingers, his other arm still wrapped around her waist. "Take your time Tegan", he said trying to help and encourage her. She dropped her eyes to look at his chest for a moment. "I'm sorry," she apologised, "I wasn't expecting to be on this position, it's all a bit confusing". David wrapped his arms a little tighter around her. He was a little unsure what to say himself and a short silence ensued.
"Equal partners" Tegan said still wrestling with her thoughts. Then she looked up at him again and this time her voice was stronger. "So, whatever this turns out to be, and we don't know what that is yet but, whatever it is; is this making sense?" David nodded and said "sort of". "So whatever this is" she repeated, "we're going to be equal partners, is that right?" David looked at her smiling "Equal partners Tegan, and we'll take it as it comes".
She returned his gaze, seemingly sizing him up and then continued "So, as an equal partner, I can ask you to do things for me as well as me doing things for you, I have a say in this don't I?" David nodded again wondering where this was going. "Yes Tegan, you have a say, though don't ask me what happens if we don't agree, I haven't thought that far yet". I haven't thought it through at all really he also thought to himself but didn't add. Tegan looked at him again, her arms still around his neck. "Good". She said simply then continued "I have a request David". He smiled at her. He loved the feel of her firm body pressed against his, her gorgeous face turned towards him, her green/grey eyes looking earnestly into his. Again, he wouldn't have admitted the truth but she could ask him anything and he would probably have agreed at that moment. He wanted Tegan to be happy to stay there. "Ask away Tegan", he said softly. The request she came up with was not what he was expecting.
"Fuck me please David" she said softly before kissing him. She broke the kiss when his response didn't seem right. His face was a picture and Tegan couldn't help but laugh. "You've not had a sudden change of heart have you?" she asked then slid her hand down his body, pushing it between his legs and cupping his hard cock. "No, no change of heart there" she said answering her own question. She squeezed his cock then and he moaned. "It's not what I was expecting you to ask, my turn to be confused" he said lamely. Tegan's face had been half teasing and it turned more serious then. "What date is it today" she asked him. It suddenly occurred to her that she knew where she was but not what date it was, or even what day it was for that matter. The question, and complete change of topic, caught him off guard again and he stumbled over the answer. "It's Monday" he said "It's er... Monday 4th October". After a pause he added "That would be Monday 4th October 2010 Tegan". It was the first time it had occurred to him that Tegan might not know what day it was"
Tegan had to choke back a sob. She remembered the date she had been kidnapped, the 16th February that year. She'd been in captivity almost eight months. She felt David's arms tighten around her. It felt good to have someone who seemed to care about what happened to her. For the last eight months, Karen had been the only person who had shown any sort of compassion or concern for her welfare. She knew that David wouldn't understand this, or why she so badly needed to be fucked. She hoped she could explain it. She looked into his warm face once more. It helped.
"Eight months David," she began, "eight months I've been held a prisoner. I've been tortured, bound, exercised, trained. I've told you a lot of the detail already. You also know that I like bondage, you know I love being tied up, I've told you that too. The last eight months David, I've been a toy, a plaything. But I've also had things done to me that I've enjoyed. I was tied up and made to come. I enjoyed it, but it made me feel empty inside as well. Eight months I've ached inside." Tegan swallowed hard and then continued. "More than anything David, I've missed the company of a man. There have been times in the last eight months when I've ached to feel a man's cock. I can't explain the feeling. It's like I've not been a woman". Tegan looked up at him earnestly then "Look, I know this might not make sense, and I've no idea what the future holds, but I want to feel like a woman again, I want to feel like a real person. So please, David, please, fuck me, help me feel whole again". She looked at him longingly then added another soft "Please".
In that moment, David thought he would have moved the earth for her. The enormity of this whole thing was coming crashing down on him. He felt guilty for thinking it was alright to buy a woman for personal pleasure. How could you just ignore someone else's hopes and desires? He'd been so lucky that Tegan enjoyed the things he also enjoyed. He looked at her, stared into her eyes. She was, he had to admit, almost the perfect woman for him. It was probably a foolish thought; but he still had an unerring belief that things would work out. He smiled back at her still squeezing her tight to him. "I know the perfect place" he said softly as he pressed his lips to hers once more.
David took Tegan's hand in his and led her from the kitchen into the hall where they turned right. She was starting to understand the topology of the ranch now and recognised the bathroom and the bedroom from which she had previously escaped as they walked past. She also noted the stairway that led down to the basement; it was located between the kitchen and the bathroom. She thought that was where David was going to take her but he led her straight past. At the end of the hall was a window through which Tegan could see the plains stretching out to the left and the tree covered mountains disappearing into the distance to the right. On the left were double doors which led to a large lounge but David squeezed her hand and guided her to the right. The hall was extended here a short distance and ended at a doorway. The door was closed. He turned and slipped one arm around Tegan's waist again pulling her closer to him as he reached for the handle; Tegan's stomach was churning with anticipation as he did so. The door was unusual in that it opened out into the corridor. As Tegan looked in, she could see why. The room was situated at the corner of the ranch and was quite small in size, no more than ten feet square. Despite the size, the room was light and airy. This effect was achieved by large windows that ran almost the entire length of the two walls that made the far corner. Through each window, Tegan could see clearly the trees and mountains that rose to the rear and the prairie that ran to the side. The windows though were not the main feature of the room. The floor was entirely covered in furs. In some areas, the pile of furs almost reached the sill of the windows. There seemed to be no particular order to how they were distributed. Some were small, some were large and thick. It looked really inviting. Tegan placed one foot in the room and felt the softness of the furs on her ankles as her foot sank in to the deep pile. She pulled her foot back and just looked at the room, snuggling closed to David as she did so. Then, almost as if she was just remembering the purpose of him leading her there she turned, reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck once more. There was a soft smile on her face. "It's beautiful, perfect. It's like you knew all along what I would need". She stood on her toes then raising her mouth to his and kissing him softly. "Fuck me please Master" she said, her voice quiet and breathy. "Fuck me in this perfect place."
David didn't say anything. Looking into her deep eyes he ran his hands slowly down her sides, hooking his fingers underneath the hem of the t-shirt he had given her to wear. It was loose and he easily drew it back up her body. Tegan met his gaze as she lifted her arms so he could pull it over her head. He tossed the garment on the floor then pulled on the drawstring holding up the jogging pants that were also too big for her. Once the drawstring was loose, gravity took over, the bottoms falling from her shapely figure and pooling at her ankles. He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, massaging them softly with his strong fingers. As he held her gaze in his, he slowly started to explore her body with his hands. He ran his palms slowly down her arms then followed the curve of her waist with his fingers. He drew his hand across her stomach feeling the hardness there, created by all the exercise she had been put through during her imprisonment. Then he slowly ran his hands upwards cupping her firm soft breasts. When he caressed her nipples Tegan let out a soft groan, her eyes half closing, her mouth opening slightly. He continued to tease her and Tegan eyes closed fully as she wallowed in the sensations.
When he stopped a small groan of frustration escaped from her lips. She reached up then to try and grip his wrists, pulling his hands back onto her but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he twisted his hands to free them again then pulled his own shirt over his head. He kept looking into her eyes as he slid his pants and boxers down his legs. Only when he was naked did he reach out and cup her breasts again, his thumbs playing over her nipples, pressing and flicking the hard nubs as Tegan groaned again. "Fuck me please David" she breathed softly as he continued his teasing. He gave her nipples a squeeze as she spoke then leant down and slid a hand under her ass. The other hand went around her back as he picked her up.
Tegan's own hand went around his neck and she held on to him, her eyes never leaving his as he carried her into the room. It was only a few feet before he let her down again, her feet sinking into the furs. She was slightly higher than him now and could look straight into his eyes, her arms still wrapped around his neck for support. They kissed hard. Tegan felt his hands wrap around her, felt his hard cock press against her as they melded together. As they kissed, David lowered her to the floor and they both sank into the furs. David broke the kiss as he straddled her.
Tegan was going to ask him to fuck her again but there was no need, she could see the intent in his eyes. Her hands went to his broad shoulders as she felt him manoeuvre on top of her. It was a little awkward in the furs and David was having some trouble positioning himself. Tegan had to slip her hand down until she could grip his hard cock and guide it into her. They both moaned then, Tegan as the void inside her was filled, David as he felt the heat of Tegan's pussy envelop his cock. He lifted his body up on his arms so he could look into her eyes once more as he slowly eased himself inside her. Her hair seemed to blend in with the furs which framed her face and shoulders. He lowered himself slightly so he could feel her hard nipples press against his chest as he lifted his ass then slowly sank inside her once more.
David wanted to savour every stroke, to slowly bring her to a crescendo of pleasure but his gentleness was too much for Tegan at that moment. She gripped his shoulders with her fingers, her knuckles white as she squeezed his flesh. "Fuck me, fuck me hard" she uttered breathlessly. When he continued his slow steady face she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck so she could pull her face to his and kiss him hard. "Please David, I won't break, fuck me hard, I want to feel you bury yourself inside me, please". She kissed him again then allowed herself to sink back into the furs, her hands now cupping his face. "Please" she added again then groaned as she felt him quicken. "Mmmmmmmmm, yes, that's what I need babe, fuck me, fuck me hard" she continued as he started to force himself deeper inside her.
He didn't speak but his eyes never left hers as he started to thrust harder. Soon his breathing was ragged and laboured and Tegan's screams of pleasure were filling the room as she tightened her muscles, her pussy gripping his cock. It heightened the pleasure for both of them. For Tegan, who had been so used to having to control her pleasure and orgasm to order, it was such a relief to be able to abandon herself to the moment. The waves of pleasure were suddenly there. She found herself screaming David's name as she came almost oblivious to her surroundings. David too came hard, his final moments brought on by Tegans' vocal pleasure. When he collapsed on top of her they both lay there for many minutes without moving, each enjoying the comfort of the other's body pressed against them as their breathing subsided to something close to normality once more.
It was Tegan who broke the silence after first rolling slightly, easing David off her so that she could lie next to him as she spoke. She caressed his face with her fingertips and felt his hand slide onto her hip as she did so. "Is it really over, am I really free again?" she asked. David looked at her and smiled, it seemed like a rhetorical question to him. "Yes Tegan, you are" he said simply, his hand now making slow circles on her hip. Tegan looked at him and they both lay there a while longer in silence.
Her next words caught him a little by surprise; Tegan was making a habit of surprising him. "You could tie me up in here" she said, "tie me up and leave me here always ready to please you whenever you wanted". David pulled her closer against him. The thought of tying her up was enough to make him think about wanting her again and his cock twitched against Tegan's thigh. Tegan smiled at him "Mmmmmmm, you like that idea too" she said as she moved closer to him. After a moment, she reached out and pulled one of the large furs over them both then snuggled against him kissing his bare chest. "I could stay here forever David" she added quietly. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her, then kissed her on the side of the head, her long hair tickling his nose. "We could arrange that" he said with a smile and felt her push even tighter against him.
They lay there for some time, pressed against each other. It was warm under the furs, almost hot and, after a while, Tegan had to pull the furs on top of them down a bit. "Where did you get this idea from?" she asked. It wasn't an easy question to answer. "I don't know", he replied "it's a mixture of things. When I was young, I used to watch westerns. I liked the beds the Indians used. They were often covered in furs and, at night, you could lie there watching the stars. Sometimes, they tied their captive women on them. I've always liked a girl helpless in furs" he added with smile. "So, when I first came here, I got some furs and put them on the bench on the veranda out front. Occasionally I'd sit there at night and watch the stars. When it got too cold I had the idea of piling them in here so I could lie here in the warmth and still see the stars at night. So, I just kept buying them until I thought I had enough."
Tegan listened quietly as he talked. She liked listening to his voice and it was also good to understand the way he thought. Outside, the sky was blue and clear. "The stars will be out tonight" she heard him say "we can come back later". Tegan snuggled close to him again; she didn't really want to leave. She looked up at him then kissed him. "That would be nice; and maybe," she added, "maybe I can be your Indian squaw and you can tie me up in the furs under the stars." David squeezed her close; another of Tegan's ideas that he liked the sound of he thought.
Sometime later they showered and ate. Tegan donned David's old T-shirt and training pants again. David suggested he take her into town sometime soon and buy her some clothes. Tegan readily agreed. After eating Tegan questioned him about the other doors she had seen in the basement and he smiled. "I should give you a tour shouldn't I" he replied and took her hand. He showed her around the upstairs first.
The ranch was airy and spacious, the rooms large and well furnished. The living room had a large stone fireplace surrounded by wood. The floor had a thick wool carpet that felt luxurious under her feet and there were fur rugs dotted all over. One huge sofa sat opposite the fire and other armchairs were placed around the room. As well as the furniture, there were also nods to the technical age; a large flat screen TV on one wall, a music centre in one corner and speakers mounted in all four corners of the room. Large windows at the front and side gave a panoramic view of the world outside.
Tegan smiled ruefully as she studied the view. "I was never going to get away was I?" she mused falling back into her earlier thought patterns. David had to agree but he slipped his arms around her again. "Forget the past Tegan" he said. "We've both come on a journey and, however we've done it, we are where we are. We can't change what's already happened so let's just accept out luck and concentrate on where we go now". Tegan nodded. "It's good advice" she said "and believe me I'll try, but you're asking me to forget my life up to now and that won't happen. But, your right about taking things as they come and we'll see where we go" she smiled.
He showed her the other rooms in the ranch. There was a well laid out office, with two laptops and a desktop. One wall was packed with books that all seemed to be related to trading stocks. He also showed her a second smaller shower room, a nicely laid out dining room and took her out on the veranda that ran across the entire front elevation of the ranch. They sat for a while on one of the benches watching the sun slowly sink towards the horizon then went back inside. The final room he showed her was a small gymnasium. It had four machines, one of which was a robust treadmill. Tegan surprised herself by telling him he might like to tie her up and exercise her on it. Although the heel training she had undergone wasn't particularly enjoyable, she did appreciate the toned results it had given her. She wanted to maintain the look she had worked so hard to achieve, even if it hadn't been her choice to begin with. She took his arm and let him lead her out of the room and they soon found themselves outside the kitchen once more, the stairway leading down to the left.
Tegan stared at the staircase and David hesitated thinking a visit to the basement might be too much given her previous experience. "Are you OK with this?" he questioned. "The route to the dungeons" Tegan responded a little uncertainly. She allowed her gaze to linger a short while then took in a deep breath. "I'm good" she told him, "lead on". David squeezed her hand and hit a light switch. Tegan could immediately see that the stairway went halfway down then turned back on itself, a small landing in the middle; she hadn't been paying close attention the last time she had travelled this route. She followed him down to a door at the bottom He opened the door and led her into a passage in the basement flicking another switch. Although it wasn't cold Tegan shivered slightly. The passage ran the length of the Ranch and was lit by lights that were mounted on the wall down each side. Although it wasn't the same, it did remind her a little of the rooms where she had been kept prisoner for so long. She told David this so he would understand if she suddenly decided she wanted to leave and he squeezed her hand again. There were doors at each end in the centre and doors down each side. In reply to a question, David told her there were twelve rooms down there in total. "Eleven bondage rooms?" she asked him smiling. He told her to stop asking question and wait and see. After a quick discussion he decided to show her each room in succession and they started to the left of the staircase.
David opened the first door on the left and allowed Tegan to look inside; she found the room to be a bit of a disappointment. It was approximately ten feet square with a wooden floor and bare walls. There was nothing else in there whatsoever. David explained that he had made the room ready but hadn't decided what he wanted to put in there yet. She nodded and he moved onto the next room. Whilst the first room had a wooden door the second was metal with three bolts securing it. David pulled back the bolts and opened the door to reveal the cell where he had kept Tegan after her escape. Tegan wondered if he had built the room specifically for her or someone like her. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer at that particular moment, but asked the question anyway; David shrugged. "I thought it might be a good idea, then thought it might be a waste of space. The other night was the first time I've used it" he added. "I don't like it", she told him bluntly. "It reminds me too much of my captivity." "We'll put some bondage equipment in there instead, I'll let you pick it", he told her with a smile. Tegan agreed that that was a much better use for the space.
The third room contained a toilet and shower and was of a similar size to the other two. It was only when David opened the wooden door to the fourth room that Tegan got an idea of what life at the ranch might entail. The room was at the end of the corridor and was considerably larger than the other three. Again the floor was wood, the walls painted a soft shade of magnolia. This room however was full of bondage equipment, each item of restraint being reflected in two large mirrors that adorned the far wall. A St Andrews Cross was mounted on the left wall. Its dark wood was solid, the front covered with leather padding. As with many devices of this type, silver eyelets ran the length of each limb.
"You're going to tell me that's similar to the cross you were tied to when you were sold aren't you" David said to her. Tegan agreed that it was but, she explained to him, it didn't make her think of her captivity, it just made her think of being helplessly tied. She went over to the cross and pulled on it but it was rigid and firm. "I like these" she told him, "I like being tied to things where I can also be fucked" she added with a smile, it raised a question in David's mind and he thought for a moment of how to phrase it. "You know what you want don't you Tegan?" She smiled her agreement as she ran her fingers over the polished wood. "You have lots of experience don't you Tegan," he continued. Tegan leant against the cross and made a point of studying it while she thought. "I've had lots of experience in the last eight months" she told him softly.
It wasn't answering the question uppermost in David's mind and he stopped trying to be diplomatic in asking the question. "Just how many times have you been fucked whilst tied up Tegan?" She stared at him. The truth was that she'd only trusted one man, Kevin, enough to let him bind and fuck her and it had been entirely unsatisfactory. It had made her question her whole attitude to bondage. Self-bondage and dildos were OK but she had always hoped for something better; the experience with Kevin had dented her hopes severely.
She didn't want David to know this. Looking around the room now, she just knew that her experience in this place would be everything she had dreamt about. Here was a man who truly understood what bondage was about, he would not let her down of that she was certain. All this went through her mind as she let go of the cross, stepped slowly across the room and wrapped herself around him looking up at him with a smile. "Not nearly enough" she told him coyly; her answer brought a wide smile to his face
He quickly showed her the rest of the room. In the centre was a wooden table. It was about eight feet long and three feet wide. The padded leather covering on the table matched that of the cross, as did the silver eyelets that ran all around it. On the right hand side of the room a square column ran from floor to ceiling. That too was covered in leather padding and also had eyelets. These matched those of the other two devices but were larger and only situated at the top and bottom. In one corner of the room was a box about three feet square and the same in depth. It was full of white ropes. The room was softly lit by four lamps around the walls. Tegan tried to imagine what it would be like tied and helpless in this room and smiled. "Nice room" she said simply to him as he led her to the next, closing the door behind him.
The fifth door was the first on the far wall working back towards the stairs. The wooden door opened onto a room that was not as large as the previous one but still larger than those on the other side of the corridor. The floor was the same wood construction and the walls the same magnolia. The equipment in this room was significantly different. Tegan counted eight metal frames of various design. Six of these were bolted onto the floor. Two further devices were bolted to the wall one at each end of the room. Each of the machines was made of brushed silver and gave off a dull sheen in the soft light of four covered bulbs mounted on the walls. Thick dark fur rugs were scattered on the floor around the machines and Tegan thought it all looked very inviting. On most of the machines it was easy to work out how a person would be held captive. There were two machines on the left of the room that looked so complex Tegan wondered if they might restrain more than one person. David explained how all the machines had been design and manufactured by a German company that specialised in metallic restraint. She fingered the equipment for a while then asked to see the next room.
Room number six was classical bondage containing wooden stocks, a pommel horse with more silver eyelets running down each leg, two floor to ceiling poles that ran parallel to each other about five feet apart and a circular metal cage that also ran the same height as the poles. The cage had what appeared to be a rubber internal lining and there was a large box at the bottom connected to a socket in the wall. On one wall leather covered slats ran horizontally at one foot intervals from floor to ceiling. It was easy to imagine being roped immovably to those padded slats. A number of ropes also ran from hooks in the floor to pulleys bolted into the ceiling. Dangling from the other end of the ropes were cuffs and spreader bars. There was another large mirror adorning the far wall and more fur rugs were scattered around the floor. Beneath the mirror was a rack which held numerous leather straps and a selection of floggers and paddles. A pile of white rope was heaped in one of the corners.
Tegan stepped into the room and ran her hand over the smooth wood of the stocks. She gazed around the room taking in the content before posing David a question. "Are all the remaining rooms like this one?" "Three of them are equipped," he replied, "the other two are still empty". She pondered this information as she wandered over to the horse, pressing her hand into the soft leather padding on the top. It felt firm and Tegan imagined herself strapped over the top of it, her legs spread, pussy open and vulnerable. When she turned to look at David there was a look of need on her face. She gave him a soft coy smile. "I've seen enough for now and its making me feel queasy inside. I thought you might like to make good on your earlier promise." David was leaning on the door jamb watching her. Even wearing his clothes he could see the outline of her figure beneath, her breasts firm and inviting, her long hair almost reaching the curve of her finely formed ass. He pushed off the door frame and strolled over to the corner. Tegan watched him as he lifted a pile of rope from the mound in the corner then walked towards her, laying it over the horse. Tegan's smile grew. She held his gaze as, in one smooth motion; she pulled the t-shirt over her head. The action lifted her hair and as she shook it free, it fell randomly over her shoulders framing her face. She slid the joggers down her legs never taking her eyes from his as she did so and stood before him naked once more. Then she stepped up to him placing her hands lightly on his shoulders. "I like it tight", she said then lifted her head and brushed her lips across his. "Really tight" she murmured as she felt him respond.
David kissed her, placing his hands on her shoulders. As he tasted her he massaged her shoulders then broke the kiss and pushed her back, holding her at arm's length. "Really tight" he smiled echoing her words of a moment before. Tegan just nodded as he slid a hand down her right arm then gripped her wrist and pulled it out in front of her. He selected a rope off the horse and tied one end around her wrist. He then let her wrist fall, taking her left arm and tying the end of another rope around that. When he was done he lifted both her arms and looked at her. Both ropes trailed onto the floor. He studied her planning in his mind how he wanted her restrained. He contemplated tying her to the slats on the wall, he could make that as tight as tight could be. But, he'd promised her she would see the stars. Retraining her in the room with all the furs would be harder because there was nothing he could tighten her against. This time, he also wanted to make sure he could fuck her whilst she was helpless. He came to a decision and smiled. "If the lady wants really tight, then really tight the lady gets" he announced. Tegan started to reply but he placed a finger on her lips. "No talking now Tegan, you can't disturb a Master at work." Tegan smiled at him whilst wondering in what context he was using the word Master. "Yes Master", she said quietly, almost playfully.
David took her right arm and bent it at the elbow. He pushed her forearm up under her breasts then pulled the rope around her back. He then draped the rope over her right shoulder. The rope was long enough to hang almost to the floor. He then pulled her left arm over her right, passing the rope over her left shoulder. He pulled both the ropes together then tightened them, before wrapping the ends around Tegan's forearms and tying them together. Tegan's wrists were held tight to her sides, her forearms acting a little like an under bra, pushing her breasts up. David pulled on the ropes getting them as tight as he could before tying off the ends. The ropes weren't excruciatingly tight but they held Tegan's arms in the position he wanted. He took a further rope, folded it in half creating a loop and passed that under her arms near one elbow. He passed the free end through the loop then tightened the rope until at bound one wrist firmly to the other arm near the elbow. Then he started to wrap the remaining length of rope around both her forearms welding them together.
As he wrapped the rope around her arms his hands rubbed the underside of her breast, occasionally flicking off he nipples. Every time he did this, Tegan gave him a soft moan of encouragement. When he got to her other elbow he tied the ends above her elbow to prevent the rope loosening. Tegan's arms were now a rope covered mass supporting her breasts. He quickly took another rope and used it to wrap around her body, binding her upper arms against her. That rope he tied off at her back around the first ropes he had put in place. Once her upper body was tied he placed a finger on her lips reminding her to keep quiet. Then he started teasing her nipples with his fingers. He was gentle at first caressing and squeezing until they were hard. When he looked into her face, Tegan's eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open as she moaned softly, enjoying the sensations. "Come with me gorgeous" he said as he took hold of one of the ropes binding her and steered her out of the room. On the way out, he picked up more ropes. Tegan followed him as he guided her up the stairs and along the corridor once more. As she padded after him, keeping quiet as instructed, she pondered how natural it seemed to wander about the ranch naked and tied. There was something about the place, something about David that made her feel like she belonged there. It was so strange after what she had been through.
David stopped at the door to room with all the furs. In her mind she was already thinking of it as the "Star Room". He left her at the door while he re-arranged part of the pile of furs in the centre of the room creating a kind of bed. When that was done he led Tegan into the room and lowered her onto her back. Taking one of the ropes he'd brought with him, he folded that in half, lifted her slightly and eased it behind her back. Outside the room evening had arrived and Tegan could see the sky turning a darker blue. She watched as David positioned the rope. Happy that he had it in the right place, he lifted Tegan's legs pulling them apart and bending her almost double. At first she thought he was preparing to thrust himself inside her but he didn't. Instead, he passed the loop over her upper legs above the knee and fed the free ends through. Then he drew on the rope pulling it tighter and tighter. Tegan could hardly breathe as he used his weight to press her legs down and get the rope as tight as he could. Holding her in place, he looped the ropes around her body once more. It was a little awkward but eventually he managed. When the ropes were tied off Tegan was almost bent double.
She was well aware that her pussy was exposed and available. It was hard to breath in that position but it didn't prevent her from getting excited. She was about to ask David to fuck her when she felt his hand on her ankle. Lying on her back, her feet almost over her head, she felt him bend her left leg back towards her thighs. It tensed all her muscles and each of the ropes holding her seemed to tighten; to dig in. Tegan groaned. She'd asked it to be tight but this was way more than that.
David used another rope to tie her ankle against her thigh. He kept her legs apart as best he could as he repeated the process with the other leg. Tegan could feel the ropes biting into her. It was so hard now just to draw breath. "Tight enough for you Tegan" she heard him say. She wanted to say no, just because she didn't like to give in too easily. The truth was she couldn't move and didn't think she'd be able to take this for too long. "Fuck me" she panted in reply. The words seemed to be expelled from her mouth rather than spoken.
Now that she was helpless David took time to run his hands over her bum. He felt the heat from her pussy and Tegan moaned when he pushed a finger into that warm, wet, receptive orifice. He thought Tegan said "Oh yes" but her words were indistinct. He smiled and rearranged the furs by her side pulling some away and creating a small hollow. Then he simply rolled Tegan into the space he'd created so that she was on her knees, her face buried into the soft mass of material, her bum in the air, pussy exposed.
Tegan felt so wonderfully helpless. She couldn't move. Her face was buried in the furs and she struggled to turn her head to the side and make it easier to breathe. "Please fuck me" she panted again. It was slightly easier now as her body weight was pressing her down and relieving the pressure of the ropes ever so slightly. She wasn't used to having her hands and arms tied in front of her but she had to admit it was extremely effective. With her body scrunched up and her bum in the air the focus was very much on her pussy. "Please fuck me Master" she uttered again. She moaned as David took his clothes off behind her. She had no idea what was happening until she felt his hands on her waist steadying her, or was he steadying himself. She felt the head of his cock touch her between her ass cheeks and wondered for a moment which hole he was going to use to satisfy himself. "Pussy," she murmured her voice stifled by the furs. "Fuck my pussy Master". She didn't even think about the words she was using, she just wanted to feel him inside her. She worried that she wasn't ready if he decided to fuck her ass but she needn't have. She felt his thumbs open her and then buried her face in the furs once more, screaming her delight as she felt his cock sink inside her.
David slid into her slowly, enjoying, as he always did, the feel of a hot wet pussy enveloping him. It was such a great position he thought. With Tegan doubled in front of him, her bum in the air, he had complete access to her. He held her hips to keep them both steady withdrew and thrust again, this time enjoying Tegan's cries of pleasure. He could plunge himself deep inside her and made sure he did, taking care with each stroke to ensure he went all the way, withdrawing slowly then plunging hard feeling his pelvis press against her smooth skin with each stroke. Tegan was screaming now, helpless in front of him as he fucked her with a degree of control he had not used earlier. As her cries grew louder so he slowed down, wanting to make it last. "Fuck me harder" she screamed after he had almost stopped. Tegan was trying to rock back against him but it was easy to hold her off with his hands. He thrust and pulled back, thrust and pulled back, keeping a steady pace. When Tegan started to scream that she was coming, her reached to her back and grabbed a fistful of her long hair, pulling her head back as she came. Her cries of pleasure filled the room but he kept going and she kept encouraging him. Tegan loved the feel of helplessness. He was pulling her head back hard now and it stifled her cries somewhat. She tightened her pussy around his cock, she wanted to feel him pulse inside of her, wanted to feel his hands gripping her as his own needs where sated. The strokes were coming harder now. She tried to push against him, to meet his thrusts with her own. She felt her second orgasm coming and kept shouting "harder, harder, harder". Then they were both lost in their own desires. Tegan came again and as she did so, the heat and tightness of her pussy also took David over the top. With a last thrust he held himself insider her as his cock spasmed. To Tegan, it felt like she could feel his cum as it burst against her inner walls. Then she felt his weight on top of her, pushing her deep into the furs, his breathing deep and rapid.
Tegan remained quiet as long as she could. She felt him shrink inside her as both their orgasms subsided. Her own breathing was flat and quick. In her pleasure, she had forgotten how tightly the ropes held her. Now, with the addition of his body weight pressing her down into the furs, her position was becoming impractical. "I can't breathe David", she eventually said reluctantly. David moved off her straight away and quickly loosened the ropes holding her legs to her body. There were angry red marks behind her knees and he massaged her legs a while as she stretched in the furs. Then he removed the rest of the ropes binding her. Once free, Tegan wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him and apologised for not being able to maintain the position longer. He smiled, told her not to be daft and got them both some water.
It was dark now and David re-arranged the pile of furs once more, this time making a mound close to the window so that the pile was a little like an arm chair. He sat and then pulled Tegan in front of him, her back pressed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him and they lay in the furs watching the night sky. To begin with Tegan could only see a few stars. As time wore on, and her eyes got used to the darkness, it seemed as if the sky slowly filled until it was a mass of small pinpricks of light. Every now and then, one of them would point out something they had noticed but, for the most part, they were silent. Tegan in particular let her mind wander over the events of the past few days. Despite everything that had happened to her, it seemed to be completely natural to be lying here in this cosy warm bed of furs looking at the night sky.
She tried to order her thoughts but couldn't. At one point, she felt David's arms tighten around her and she snuggled against him. His arms around her felt so comforting. She lifted a hand to her lips and kissed it lightly before letting go. Some hours later, it might have been one, it might have been four, she felt an urge inside her once more. She had turned in his arms and kissed him, unable to see his face clearly in the darkness. Slowly, she had worked her way down his body planting small kisses on his neck, his chest and his stomach. She felt his hands in her hair, heard his soft words of encouragement. When she reached his hips, she bent and took his cock into her mouth. She teased and sucked until he was hard once more, the pressure of his fingers more urgent.
When he was ready, she pulled some of the furs away from behind him, pushed him backwards then mounted him; riding him until they both shared another noisy, pleasure filled moment. Afterwards, she lay beside him watching the stars some more. Soon Tegan could hear David's steady breathing and realised he had fallen asleep. She rose carefully and slipped out of the room to get a drink and something to eat. She still felt a little sore from the ropes he had bound so tightly around her earlier. She sat for a while in the kitchen listening to the silence of the night. Again she found herself thinking about what had happened to her.
Four days ago; was it four she wondered; her life had not been her own. Now she had it back and, with it, she had an opportunity to fulfil a dream she had always had. Could it really be that simple she thought, could it really have happened that way. How lucky am I that I wasn't bought by someone else. Tegan shuddered at that thought. It was ridiculous to think she had been lucky. How could anyone who had been kidnapped and imprisoned think that they were lucky? As always on these occasions, Tegan couldn't get her thoughts properly in order, it was just too much to ask that she could understand everything that had happened and how it made her feel. She got up and wandered through the darkness of the ranch.
None of the curtains were closed and she could just about pick her way by the moonlight that seeped through the windows. She wandered into the living room and stared out of the window. She could see David's SUV parked near the door. She could escape now; there was nothing to stop her. She knew the keys were in the kitchen. All through her captivity she had thought about escape and never once did she get the opportunity. Now, it was there on a plate. She smiled a smile that no one would ever see. She could escape, but actually, she wanted to stay. There was something here for her she thought, she could make something of this. There would be some things she would need to discuss with David, some conditions she would have to get him to agree to but she didn't think that would be a problem.
She still wasn't tired. She checked that David was still asleep then wandered off again. Without really thinking about it she found herself in the basement. She opened the door to the room with all the metal furniture and studied them for a short while imagining what it would be like when these devices were holding her immobile. She felt a small thrill run through her at the thought of trying them all out. She left that room and chose, at random, one of the rooms she hadn't seen.
The contraption in there was strange. On the floor was something that she could only describe as a huge Perspex box. It was easily eight feet in length and three, maybe three and a half feet in width. The walls of the box were probably three quarters on an inch thick. The only material she could think of that was similar was the windows of a commercial airliner. There was a thin ledge about two inches high running around the base of the box and vertical runner at each corner. These runners guided another Perspex box of similar construction inside the first. The top of the second box extended from the larger one by approximately four inches and there were holes drilled around it in a line, some three inches from the top at 6 inch intervals. There was nothing else in the room. There was a simplicity to it that Tegan liked but it's immediate use wasn't apparent.
Tegan left the room and considered examining the others.
She was starting feel a little chilly though so instead, she padded back to the Star Room. David was still sleeping and she slipped down by his side. He rolled in his sleep and his arms seemed to wrap around her automatically. She snuggled into him, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his body against hers. "Thank you for choosing me David" she said very softly, kissing him before she turned slightly so she could look out of the window and feel him against her at the same time. After a while Tegan closed her eyes. Her thoughts were still awry, flitting between her first few days in the ranch and her final days in the hands of "The Provider" when her future was such a mystery to her. It was the memories of her final weeks in captivity that filled her mind as tiredness eventually won the day and she too fell asleep in the furs
Chapter 8: The Highest Bidder (added: 2016/08/29)
The day testing commenced Tegan was on her knees naked at 6:45am waiting for someone to enter the room. She hoped it would be Karen. It was always nice to see her friendly face in the morning rather than "The Providers" oversized blue overalls and hood. He had kept her tied to the pole all day the previous day. Overall, Tegan had enjoyed it. She'd loved the tight feel of the saran wrap as it shrank around her, loved the feeling of complete containment. The only thing missing was something inside her pussy to fill the void she felt there. By the time "The Provider" had cut away the plastic cocoon, removed the ropes and returned her to her room it read 7:28pm on her little clock. Tegan had eaten lightly, bathed and gone straight to bed, mindful of putting on a good performance the following day.
At 7:00am precisely, "The Provider" entered the room, placed the hood over her head and led her away. Tegan was nervous. The tests themselves didn't worry her. She presumed they would be based on the activities that she was regularly required to do. It was what came after the tests that concerned her. What was going to happen to her then? She followed the tug of the lead until she was told to stop. She could feel the edge of a table against her thigh and suspected that her first session was going to be corporal punishment. She was right. "The Provider" instructed her to lie face down on the padded leather top of the table and her wrists and ankles were swiftly manacled in tight fitting padded leather cuffs. The sound of the heavy chains came next as she was stretched out on the table, her limbs spread towards the corners of the device and pulled tight, the leather strap buckled over the small of her back to restrict her movement and force her hips onto the table. Finally, the hood was removed.
Once she was helpless, "The Providers" soft voice filled her ears. "You know the rules Tegan. Twenty strokes is a pass. However many you can manage after that without making a mistake will increase your grade." Tegan had no time to reply. Immediately he had finished speaking, "The Provider" laid the flogger across Tegan's naked cheeks. The immediate pain was intense but Tegan fought through it then firmly said "One, thank you Master".
There had been occasions when he had taken most of the day to get to twenty but this wasn't one of them. The first ten strokes came at a pace of roughly one every minute. Tegan had always thought the waiting was worse, never knowing how long it would be before the next stroke. Now she was mentally begging "The Provider" to slow down. Her bum was a fiery furnace and she didn't think she could take much more without letting out a scream or other sound which would effectively end the session. "Be strong, be strong Tegan" she kept saying to herself. Strokes eleven and twelve landed in quick succession and Tegan panted out the count, sucking in deep breaths on each occasion. She didn't think she could manage any more. The next stroke would surely have her screaming enough. "The Provider" laid the paddle across the centre of her cheeks and she waited for him to lift it and bring it crashing down on the fire that was now engulfing her.
She felt two little taps, as if he was preparing the point at which he was going to strike next. The contact was broken and, in her mind, she saw him raise the flogger above his head preparing to bring it crashing down on her and end her resistance. She tensed, her body as she steeled herself for the next blow, her taut muscles aching, the pain causing her to perspire freely. She counted to herself in her head, repeating what she was going to say when the flogger fell.
There were only eight more strokes to go before she passed the test. "Karen got an A" she said to herself. "If Karen got an A so can I". She waited. Still the next blow hadn't fallen. She was used to this. From previous experience she knew not to relax fully. "The Provider" would wait and strike without warning. During her training there had been occasions when he had allowed two hours or more between strokes. She suspected one of the reasons was to make it more difficult to remember the count. Always though, when the flogger had finally fallen again, it had been without warning. Invariably the sudden blow would cause her to emit an involuntary scream. It mustn't happen this time she thought. She slowly let the tension ease from her stretched body. Her breathing was steadier now and the fire in her ass was more of a hot glow. She concentrated on steady breaths then jolted when she felt the flogger touch her bum once more. It wasn't a blow, the device was just resting on her skin but is was enough to have Tegan straining every muscle again. Then she heard the familiar soft voice.
"Let's make this more interesting for you shall we Tegan". Surprises were one thing Tegan didn't want at this juncture but her negotiating position was non-existent. "Yes Master" she replied firmly, determined to make it to at least twenty stokes. There was a moment of quiet then she felt the cooling ointment being rubbed on her ass. She wondered if this was Karen. The hand on her ass was firm but soft. It didn't feel like a man's hand and anyway, "The Provider" always wore gloves. She hadn't heard anyone enter the room; perhaps Karen had been there all the time. The hand was focussing on her asshole now; lubricating her. She wanted to try and turn her head to see but didn't. Instead she focussed her eyes firmly a spot on the wall and waited. A finger worked inside her ass and she bit her lip. Was she going to be tested for orgasm denial as well she wondered? She had always been strapped to the horse for that in the past. It wasn't long before the mystery of her immediate future was resolved.
The finger left her hole and rubbed gently on her ass for a moment. Then Tegan felt pressure as something was pressed down onto her bum. Her asshole was stretched wide and she felt a plug slide in slowly. Tegan didn't object to having her ass played with but it always felt better when she was in the right mood. This wasn't one of those occasions. She tried hard to relax and not fight the intrusion. When she wasn't in the mood everything felt so much bigger, so much harder to accommodate. She thought this was too big, didn't think she would stretch far enough to manage this plug. She wanted to squeeze her muscles and try to eject the device but, even as these thoughts were flashing through her mind, she felt the flange of the device against her skin and knew it was fully home. Her breathing had once more become erratic and she fought to control it again.
There was another short delay and then she started feeling little electrical pulses in her ass. The pulses came at regular intervals, the intensity of each pulse slowly increasing. It felt like the device was growing and shrinking inside her. As the pulses increased in strength so her ass felt fuller until Tegan was sure she was being torn apart. She was breathing rapidly again when the intensity started to subside. She knew that "The Provider" was trying to take her mind off the flogger. Tegan forced herself to concentrate. She was almost willing "The Provider" to strike her so that she could shout out the number and thank him. It would be a release from the tension that was building inside her although she knew that the tension would start to rise again immediately. Over and over in her mind she kept saying the number thirteen. She thought of Karen again. Karen was almost certainly watching her now, willing her on. "Karen got an A" she repeated to herself. She had given Karen strength. Karen had thought about her during her own testing. She would do this for Karen.
The pulses were almost at a maximum when the thirteenth blow of the flogger came crashing down on her ass. Tegan had no idea how long he had kept her waiting. She felt the fire spread from the blow but it lacked the intensity of the first twelve. Her mind was half on the flogger and half on the pulses that were now dying away again. She stifled a scream, drew in a breath and spoke firmly "Thirteen, thank you Master". She was almost sure she heard a chuckle. What she did hear was "The Provider's" soft voice once more. "This is too easy for you Tegan isn't it?" Tegan wanted to reply no but kept silence. She felt the strap across her waist tighten, the leather digging into her skin. Then she heard a couple of clicks as the rack was turned. Her already aching limbs were stretched even tighter. This was almost impossible now. The pulses were building again and she just wanted to scream.
The flogger fell on her ass once more. She hardly noticed the pain now there were so many other sensations she had to deal with. "Fourteen Master, thank you Master" she shouted then almost froze. It was a small mistake, a tiny error. She wanted to scream her frustration but managed to hold her tongue. The flogger fell again quickly. It was almost as if "The Provider" didn't want her to make a mistake, didn't want to end this trial. No sooner had she said "Fifteen, thank you Master" than the flogger fell again.
After blow nineteen Tegan felt like she was coming apart. Her ass was a fiery furnace once more, the muscles in her arms and legs ached beyond belief and the plug in her ass felt like it was burning a hole through her. Despite all this, the biggest problem she had was the void between her legs. Her pussy kept clenching but there was nothing there for her to grip, nothing to help her take her mind off everything else. "One more stroke Tegan, one more stroke" she kept saying to herself. She knew though that she would need more than that. Twenty strokes was a pass but that wasn't good enough for Tegan. She wanted an A. She didn't dare ask herself why she wanted an A. Why did it matter so much to her? Was she trying to prove something to "The Provider" or was she just trying to equal Karen. Or was it just that she was so competitive, so stubborn.
"The Provider" had chosen this moment for another break. Tegan panted as she waited for the last blow. The pulses were still rising and falling in intensity but she didn't notice now. She was starting to get numb to all the sensory input. When the twentieth blow eventually fell Tegan took it in her stride. "Twenty, thank you Master" she shouted. "The Provider" raised the flogger and hit her again almost immediately. Tegan continued counting and thanking him as he struck her every 15 seconds or so.
The pain didn't matter to her now. She was not going to give in, she would not scream or beg. She could take whatever "The Provider" could give her. On the thirtieth stroke, after she had shouted out the number and thanked her Master again she felt a hand stroke her ass. Her breath was laboured now and she was soaked in sweat. She didn't really notice that the pulses had stopped until she felt the plug pulled slowly from her ass. As it popped free, she felt a strange sensation. It was almost as if the air rushed inside her and filled every part of her. She felt the strap holding down her waist loosen and then the pressure on her arms and legs was released as the rack was turned back a couple of notches. A hand went into her long hair and her head was pulled up slightly. The same soft voice that she had heard throughout her captivity sounded in her ear.
"Outstanding Tegan" he said, "a definite A plus for that effort." Despite herself predicament Tegan felt good. "I've taken the best you've got to offer" she thought to herself "you won't get the better of me". Out loud she said simply "Thank you Master".
She felt the hand leave her hair and then the hood was pulled over her head. Then nothing happened. Tegan was used to long periods when she was left bound and unattended but this was different. Her inner bravado at beating "The Provider" was rapidly dissipating. She was still helpless, still a prisoner. Her body ached, her ass was on fire. As quickly as she had felt the surge of euphoria she now felt despair at her position. She needed someone to tend her now, needed something to quell the fire. The pain was becoming intense. Although the rack had been loosened slightly she was still firmly in its grip. She wanted to rub herself, to be able to stretch her limbs and ease her aching muscles. How long did she have to suffer now before "The Provider" freed her from this device. She started with quiet tears but it wasn't long before the sound of Tegan's sob's filled the room.
It was some time later that Tegan heard the sound of a door closing. She was still crying a little and fought to stop; she just didn't want to give "the Provider" the pleasure of seeing her so upset. However, it was soft hands that she felt on her backside, smoothing in the soothing ointment. Karen had done this so many times before that she recognised the way she eased the oils into her skin. She wanted to say something but didn't; afraid that "The Provider" was present as well. After oiling her bum, Karen went on to massage the whole of her body, starting with her back and shoulders then working on down her back and onto her legs. Tegan lay there enjoying Karen's soothing touch.
Throughout the whole process not a word was spoken. When the massage was over, Tegan's wrists and ankles were freed from the cuffs holding her to the rack. She slid herself off the device and followed the tug of the lead as she was taken elsewhere. Tegan feared that she would be strapped into the corset and arm binders then forced to spend two hours on the treadmill. She didn't think she would be able to cope with that right now. However, when she was told to kneel and the hood was removed; she found herself back in her bedroom, "The Provider" standing over her. There was no sign of Karen. "Training continues at 7:00am tomorrow Tegan" he told her before closing the door as he left.
Tegan looked at the clock. It was 4:12pm, just over nine hours since she had left the room. In some ways it seemed nine minutes ago; and in others nine years. She left her room and padded naked up and down the corridor, her chain clinking softly on the floor. She was hoping to find Karen in one of the other rooms but they were all empty. She made a drink then ran a bath making the water as hot as she could possibly stand.
An hour in the water eased the aches in her body. She wrapped a towel around herself, made something to eat then ran another bath and repeated the process. At 7:30pm she was sat on her bed feeling a lot better and wondering what the next day would bring. She lay down on the bed but found she couldn't sleep. She went to the drawer in the dresser and selected one of the magazines in there. "The Provider" continually changed the selection available to her but they were always BDSM oriented. She leafed through a title called "Hogtied". All the models featured were tightly bound and gagged, their arms behind them ankles pulled to wrists in classic poses.
The pictures were printed in series, each showing a similar progression from initial capture to a tightly bound hogtie. Two of the series of pictures had stories to go with them. One of the stories was entitled "Rope Princess". The model, a blonde with enormous breasts, had begged her boyfriend to tie her up as tightly as he could. The pictures captured the progress of her restraint.
Her legs and arms were restrained with coil upon coil of rope, so much in fact that, in the final pictures of the series, her face, feet and hands were the only parts of her body still visible, her boyfriend standing over her triumphantly. Tegan read the story and started to feel a stirring between her legs; it was the kind of bondage that she would love to endure. She wasn't in the mood to take care of her own needs though and closed the magazine before she got too involved in the story.
She still wasn't sleepy so she got up and wandered down the corridor to one of the doors. She had an urge to open it and see what was on the other side. She had never been through either of the doors without a hood over her head. Immediately the thought entered her head she turned and went to the other end of the corridor. It wasn't worth giving in to curiosity when the end of her stay here was potentially in the offing.
She checked all the four rooms in her area again, still hoping to find Karen in one, but she was alone. The last room she checked was the room with the treadmill. On a whim, she found a pair of six inch heels and strapped them to her feet. She checked the treadmill was plugged in, jumped on it and set the timer for an hour. She half expected it not to work but, when she pressed the button, it burst into life. She set the angle at 6% and walked for an hour. Without the corset and arm binders it was easy. When her time was finished, she took off the heels, reset the timer and then ran for a further thirty minutes.
She'd never run on a treadmill naked before and soon found that it wasn't easy without a sports bra. She slowed the speed until running was comfortable, just speeding up towards the end. She still felt the pain in her ass from the day's beating but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been. After the run she went and had a third bath. It was just short of 11:00pm when she finally returned to her bed. This time sleep came much more easily.
The little alarm on her dresser woke her at 5:30am as it did every day. Tegan washed then tidied her little room before eating lightly. It was a routine she quickly got into when she realised that she was never going to know what exercise she would be put through until it was about to happen. She'd had less sleep than normal and was still feeling the effects of the previous day when the "The Provider" collected her at 7:00am.
The hood was pulled over her head and she followed the lead once more. When she was instructed to stop a few minutes later, "The Provider" told her to put her arms behind her back. She stood there silently as she felt her wrists tightly bound behind her. Her arms were pulled together and another rope was wrapped around her just above the elbow and tightened. Tegan was so limber now from all the times she had been restrained that she was comfortable in her bondage even when her elbows were pressed together. She felt more ropes being applied, tying her arms tightly to her body. Out of habit, she tested the ropes, making sure they were firm and would hold her; she so enjoyed the feeling of tight bondage. She allowed her thoughts to wander, imagining previous moments of restraint and was only brought back to the present when "The Provider" removed her hood.
"Today is your power bondage test Tegan. Let's see just how tight it has to be before you beg to be released." Tegan adjusted her eyes to the sudden light and looked around the room. It was another place she hadn't seen before. There was a table with ropes and straps piled on top. On the floor was some kind of machine. It had a complicated looking steel chassis inside of which was a row of cylinders with rods at the top. These rods connected to a padded leather top which ran the length of the device. Straps were attached to the top of the steel chassis on one side, spaced apart four inches apart for its entire length. There were some dials and knobs at the front and a tube that ran from beneath the dials to an air compressor that was sat by one wall.
Tegan replied "Yes Master", her eyes concentrating on the device on the floor. She was led over to the machine and instructed to straddle it and sit which she did. She was then pushed forward until she was lying face down, her head hanging over the front. There were two small hollows in the padded leather top and "The Provider" adjusted Tegan's position until her breasts filled those hollows. "The Provider then started to apply the straps.
Each of the straps was pulled over Tegan's body and threaded through a corresponding latch on the other side. They were then pulled tight. It only took a few moments before Tegan was helplessly bound to the top of the machine. She felt her ankles and knees tied together and then bent up into a hogtie position. It made her think of the magazine she had looked at the previous evening and she wondered if "The Provider" had placed it there deliberately. More straps were pulled over her legs to hold them in position and then her captor tightened each of the straps again further accentuating her restraint. She felt them bite into her body as she was welded tightly and immovably onto the device. Next, there was a tug on her hair and her head was pulled back. She couldn't see what "The Provider" had done but her head was held firm. It was a tight immovable bondage position and Tegan felt a familiar ache in her pussy. She couldn't imagine how this could be made any tighter and waited to see what else "The Provider" had in store. He didn't keep her waiting long.
"Are you comfortable Tegan" he asked her when he had finished tying her. Tegan couldn't remember a previous occasion when he had enquired as to how she felt. "Yes Master" she replied a little nervously. "The Provider" turned a switch on the compressor and it rumbled into life. Then he knelt in front of Tegan and twiddled with the dials on the machine. "This is quite simple Tegan. I'll press this button and the compressor will fill the machine. The straps will tighten and hold for thirty seconds until the valve releases the pressure. All you have to do is tell me when the pressure gets too much. 25 PSI is a pass Tegan but you won't be able to see the dials. Are you ready?".
Tegan repeated the words "Yes Master". There wasn't much she could do to prepare herself in any case she thought, she couldn't move as it was. "We'll start with 10 PSI Tegan and see how you cope" he said and pressed the button. Tegan heard air flow into the machine and the straps tightened around her. It felt like she was being crushed. The air filled the cylinders pushing the rods out, This had the effect of pushing the leather top of the machine away from the steel frame forcing Tegan against the straps that held her. The top move barely half an inch but Tegan was unprepared for the intense pressure that created. She couldn't draw breath, couldn't speak. She felt the life squeezed out of her. It seemed like an eternity before she heard a blast of air escape from a valve somewhere in the machine and the pressure eased.
Tegan let out a grunt and sucked air into her lungs as best she could. She heard the soft voice of "The Provider". "You weren't prepared for that where you Tegan". She couldn't find the breath to reply. "12 PSI now" he said and pressed the button once more. Tegan still hadn't recovered from the first bout of pressure. As the straps squeezed around her again she tried to blow the air out of her lungs and hold her breath. The extra 2 PSI didn't seem to make a significant difference. The straps bit into her as her body was once more crushed onto the machine. The grip was absolutely vice like.
She didn't need to flex her muscles to know she couldn't move at all. She was starting to feel light-headed when the valve blew off again and the pressure decreased. She immediately sucked air into her lungs through her nose. She tried to take deep steady breaths. She could see "The Providers" eyes through the hood watching her. She didn't speak, instead focussing on controlling her breath.
When "The Provider" announced 14 PSI and pressed the button again she was ready. As the straps tightened she let the air slowly out of her lungs. She tried to count in her mind from one to thirty and control the rate at which she breathed out. When she got to sixteen there was nothing left. She tried to breath in through her nose and couldn't, the straps were just too tight. She held her breath waiting for the sound of the air escaping from the valve once more. Again, the light headedness was present when the pressure eventually eased. She concentrated on breathing through her nose. It was easier than trying to take gulps of air through her mouth.
Her captor continued to press the button at regular intervals. She thought it might be her imagination but it felt as if he were allowing her more time to recover between each press. At 22 PSI Tegan stated to feel a pain behind her knees, the result of her ankles being crushed into the backs of her thighs. At 24 PSI her vision blurred and she thought she might have passed out for a few seconds; she couldn't remember the valve blowing off, she just suddenly became aware that the pressure had eased. She heard her captor announce 26 PSI and the straps tightened around her once more. She couldn't focus now. Breathing was impossible when the straps tightened. The strange thing was, it didn't frighten her. She would breath out as slowly as possible and then just wait for the light-headedness. She was barely aware of what was happening too her when he announced 28PSI and the straps tightened once more.
When Tegan next became aware of anything there was a strange pungent smell in her nose. Her captor was holding some smelling salts in front of her. She coughed and spluttered as consciousness returned. "The Provider" put the salts down as Tegan's eyes flickered open. "That's a pass Tegan, B+" he said then added "You might be interested to know that Karen got to 36 PSI before she passed out". Tegan was still trying to clear her head; she couldn't imagine how that was remotely possible.
His soft voice continued "Now we have the second part of your bondage test Tegan, one hour at 6 PSI, ready?" He asked the question but didn't wait for an answer, instead pressing the button as he finished speaking. Tegan felt the vice like grip of the straps once more. She concentrated on breathing. It was hard, she could barely draw breath, but concentrated on sucking air through her nose. The first five minutes were the worst. She couldn't imagine how she would survive this position for an hour but slowly, she got her breathing regulated and it became easier. There was no clock to tell her how time was passing so Tegan closed her eyes and settled into her bondage. During her captivity she had got used to being put into tight immovable positions but this was something else. The straps held her so firmly, digging into her body, her skin bulging around the edges of the webbing as it bit into her. If only a third of the straps that now held her had been used she still wouldn't have been able to move a muscle. This was bondage overkill.
She breathed steadily, small shallow breaths. She tried to rock her body against the straps but it was impossible to move. This was the sort of bondage she had craved when she was tying herself in her bedroom at home. Maybe it was a little too tight but that didn't matter to her much. Always when she tied herself there was that nagging feeling that she wanted it tighter, more secure; that it would feel so much better if she were absolutely helpless. Now she had what she'd always desired. The only thing missing was someone to satisfy the urge she always felt between her legs when she was held like this.
Tegan's mind started to wander and she was soon lost in her thoughts. She loved bondage. She imagined all sorts of scenarios where she was taken captive and held immovably. There was such a strange dichotomy in this situation. It seemed so natural to fantasise about what was actually happening to her that it made it really strange. She rocked and flexed against her bonds. She had everything under control now. Despite the intensity of her bondage her breathing was almost normal. Tegan enjoyed her captivity and time became inconsequential.
It was almost a disappointment when Tegan's reverie was broken by the sound of the valve blowing off, the air escaping into the room with a hiss, the straps slackening slightly. The tie holding her head back was removed and she flexed her neck muscles easing the dull ache there, her hair falling towards the floor. She felt the straps removed then hands on her shoulders helping her to sit. "The Provider" instructed her to stand and she did, wobbling a little at first.
The whole of her body ached from the intensity of the position, the pain made worse as her circulation was restored. She felt pins and needles in her fingers and feet. Her arms were left bound to her body as "The Provider" pulled the hood over her head once more. There was one particular ache that Tegan needed satisfying but she remained silent. She had learned from bitter experience that it was always best to let her captor initiate conversations. Her opportunity came almost immediately as "The Provider's" soft firm voice rang in her ear, the sound muffled slightly by the hood.
"A+ for that part of the session Tegan, I do believe you enjoyed that didn't you". "Yes Master" she replied quietly then added "Please may I make a request Master". She heard a soft laugh and then his voice came again "Don't ask me to fuck you Tegan, it's not going to happen". Tegan felt a little despondent. Was she so easy to read now? Was she so desperate for some sexual gratification that her captor knew what she was thinking even before she asked.
Yes, it was true, Tegan did long for the feel a man's cock buried in her pussy; but it was becoming more than that now. Why wouldn't her captor take advantage of her? What was wrong with her? Even before she'd been captured she had a body that would turn most men's heads. The constant exercising she had undergone since she had been taken had toned her almost to perfection. Tegan knew she looked good naked. She looked exceptional in the corset, her firm breasts and hips emphasised by the narrow waist. Men would fall over themselves to be with her she thought. Even Karen seemed smitten with her although that was a different type of relationship. Why did the one person who could have her whenever he wanted not take advantage of that opportunity. It was almost like a slap in the face for her. Nevertheless, Tegan swallowed her pride and just replied in the same quiet voice "Yes Master".
Tegan felt the tug on her lead and she followed obediently. When the hood was next removed she found herself in a familiar room, the padded bench in front of her. With her arms still tied tightly behind her, Tegan was bent over the bench and strapped to it. This was slightly different from previous occasions but the effect was the same. Her legs were spread and manacled and the next three hours were spent on Orgasm Control.
Tegan found it really hard. The power bondage session had already left her with that nagging need in the pit of her stomach. Having a huge vibrator steadily thrust inside her just increased that feeling of unfullfillment. At first Tegan found it quite enjoyable. She was tightly bound again and this time her needs were being met. However, the closer she was taken to the edge the harder it became not to grip her pussy tightly around the toy and spill herself over the top. The pleasure soon gave way to an intense ache as her pussy throbbed and tingled. "The Provider" had told her she had to last two hours for a pass but then didn't give her any indication of how time was progressing.
The huge tool slid slowly in and out of her. There was no gag to quieten her growing cries of frustration, no beats of the paddle on her ass to take her mind off the heat being generated between her legs. Tegan tried to focus on other things, anything non-sexual that might take her mind off the stimulation that was being applied to her. It was so hard not to grip the vibrator with her pussy and fall into those waves of pleasure she ached for.
She tried some of the mental tricks she had started to use when the passage of time was so slow in relation to what she had to achieve. She would count to 100 then count slowly backwards to one. If she really focussed on that then the feeling in her pussy would go away for a while. If she kept the count steady it would take three minutes. If she did that forty times before she came then she would pass. It was hard just doing it once though.
She sang songs in her head, thought of people she didn't like. She even spent ten minutes imagining she was being tortured with the gas mask. That was quite effective in quelling the fire for a short while. Eventually though, the constant thrust of the man made penis in her pussy came to the fore again and she could take it no more. There was no doubt in her mind that she was going to fail this task. She tightened her pussy around the device and moments later had the most exquisite orgasm. It was such a relief that she couldn't help but scream her pleasure even though she knew "The Provider" would be watching. As she came down from the high she felt the cool air on her as as the dildo was removed, a hand patting her backside lightly "Two hours forty-eight minutes Tegan, another A. You really are a natural aren't you".
Tegan couldn't believe that so much time had passed. She had felt certain that she had fallen early on this task. Now she was annoyed that she had gone on so long. When she'd recovered enough to speak she merely replied "Yes Master", the words falling quietly from her mouth. "Aren't you going to beg me to fuck you Tegan". "The Provider's voice was quiet and somewhat mocking. This time Tegan replied "No Master". Her captor laughed quietly, released her, pulled the hood over her head once more and returned her to her room. The little clock said 5:57pm.
The next morning Tegan was strapped into the corset and arm binders. She was so used to these sessions now that completing them rarely caused her a problem. She loved the look when her shoulders were pulled back and her waist was cinched impossibly tight. The six inch heels hurt her calves when she was on the floor. On the raised incline of the treadmill however, it was actually easier on her legs. She completed her two hours on the treadmill and did an additional thirty minutes just to ensure a higher grade. She then spent a further ninety minutes on the cock trainer.
During previous sessions, "The Provider" had taken to altering the interval between each ejaculation from the head of the toy. During the test, she admitted defeat only when the stream of liquid emanating from the device was almost constant and she couldn't keep it at the back of her throat long enough. The final session of the day was one of forced orgasms. A penis gag was strapped into her mouth and she was bound tightly over the bench. "The Provider" told her that a pass was twelve orgasms. Tegan screamed her pleasure as she fought her way to fifteen before the device was withdrawn. It was 6:30pm when Tegan was returned to her room and her captor told her she had passed the test with an A Grade. He also told her that she need not be ready until midday the next day. Tegan didn't let it show but, inwardly, she was pleased with herself. She had no trouble sleeping that night.
Tegan didn't set the alarm when she went to bed but still woke up only slightly later than normal the next day. She bathed and ate as she normally would then tidied her room. At 7:00am she was sat on the bed naked, her chain dangling down to the floor wondering what she should do next. At 7:30am she wandered into the room with the treadmill and ran lightly for an hour before returning to her bedroom. There was nothing else to do so she chose one of the magazines from the drawer and opened it. The pages were full of intricate drawings describing the tales of Gwendolyn.
Gwendolyn had long flowing curly blonde hair and was invariably strapped into an impossibly tight corset and bound in numerous different positions. There was often some Master or Mistress also present in these tales administering punishment to the bound girl with various canes, whips and floggers. Tegan had no trouble imagining herself in the same positions Gwendolyn found herself subjected too. She read the magazine from cover to cover then went and bathed again to pass the time.
When "The Provider" arrived at midday she asked for, and was granted, permission to speak.
"Please Master," she began, "if I am to be allowed more time to myself, may I have some sports clothing so that I can exercise in the mornings and also some different reading material". "The Provider" said he would look into it. She was then hooded and taken away.
When they reached the day's destination Tegan was strapped into a corset. She was so used to this process now that she didn't even have to be asked to blow the air out of her lungs as the garment was tightened behind her. With the corset in place, "The Provider removed her hood.
Tegan saw that she was in the room with the cameras and computer screens. The two St Andrews Crosses stood solid behind her, the floor to ceiling pole between them. She saw that "The Provider" was holding another garment. These proved to be soft thigh high leather boots with a four inch heel. He led her over to a table and leant her over it while he fitted the boots to her legs. Each laced up at the back and was tightly applied. Tegan thought they felt quite sensual.
When she was dressed "The Provider" led her over to one of the crosses and strapped her to it tightly. He started by binding her body to the central hub then spreading her arms and tying rope tightly around her wrists. Further ropes were tied at various intervals down her upper limbs until her arms were bound flat against the legs of the cross. He then spread her legs and tied them to the lower limbs of the cross in similar fashion. A leather penis gag was strapped tightly across her mouth covering her lips and then a vibrator was tied to her left leg, the head of it pressed against her pussy. "The Provider's" instructions were simpler. "Just go with the flow Tegan and come whenever you want. I would suggest three or four orgasms in the next two hours". With that, he turned the vibrator on and left the room.
This was different from Tegan's previous experiences in the hands of "The Provider". She flexed against the ropes holding her. They were good and tight and she felt a familiar stirring in her loins. The room was filled with the gentle humming sound from the toy strapped to her thigh. It was one of the models with a large bulbous head and was pressed against her pussy lips rather than pushed inside her. She would have preferred the latter but still found the constant buzz from this one quite stimulating. Her clit was tingling as she tried to press her pussy against the tool. She wanted to feel it deeper, harder. It brought her slowly to the edge.
It was like being on a conveyor belt, steadily travelling towards your destination, unable to speed up or slow down, just continuing on waiting for the inevitable to happen; and it did. Tegan bit into the gag as her first orgasm hit. She threw her head back as the orgasm pulsed through her. This was a different kind of climax. It didn't explode inside her, didn't grab her and shake her. Instead it washed over her like gentle waves on a sandy beach that left small ripples behind it. Tegan relaxed as the feelings ebbed away.
For a while she felt very little, just listened to the slow hum as the tool buzzed away. She continued to test her restraints, her eyes closed. At some stage she felt the stirring in her pussy once more. Slowly and surely, she was brought to another climax. More gently waves washed over her. This time, as the orgasm subsided, she found the toy somewhat annoying. She didn't feel the need for continued stimulation and started to fight against the ropes trying to shake the tool away. Her pussy was really sensitive now and she spent at least ten minutes fighting hard before she gave in. The ropes were just too secure. As she relaxed however, the feeling went away and she started that slow journey along the path to pleasure once more. She had two more gentle orgasms before "The Provider" released her and returned her to her room.
Tegan's little clock said 5:31pm. He instructed her to eat and bathe if she wanted to, telling her he would be back at 8:00pm to collect her. At 7:55pm Tegan was kneeling on the floor waiting and wondering what was going to happen; he had never taken her anywhere at this time of the evening before. "The Provider" was there prompt at 8:00pm, pulled the hood over her head and led her away. When the hood was removed a few minutes later Tegan was in a room with two crates. One was empty, one was covered with the lid. She had been tied in these before and knew what to expect.
Tegan was fitted with a catheter and then laid in the crate. The straps were pulled across her and tightened. The bottom of the crate was made of a soft rubbery compound. It was relatively comfortable but she did tend to sweat after she had been tied there a while. The straps prevented her moving but didn't dig into her. The position was relatively comfortable. A penis gag was strapped into her mouth then Tegan watched as an inner liner was fitted cutting out the light. It was also very effective at reducing sound. She closed her eyes. She would sleep as best she could and wait until she was released. Of all the activities she was put through, this was probably the worst in terms of boredom. Alone in the darkness time lost its meaning. There was nothing to take her mind off her predicament and she knew she could be left in this container for a considerable period.
During her imprisonment and training Tegan had given considerable thought to the purpose of it all. She had never voiced her thoughts, or fears, to "The Provider" but she guessed, correctly as it so happened, that she was being prepared prior to transition to another location where she would be somebody's trained slave. She had pondered whether that person would be someone she knew or not. Little titbits of information she had picked up led her towards believing her eventual owner would be somebody new. It might not even be someone in Australia. She had no idea how the transition would take place. For all she knew, her future had already been decided. What she was fairly certain of was that, wherever she ended up, she would be packaged and sent there in this crate or one very similar to it.
Tegan slept fitfully. She would wake and listen, occasionally thinking she had heard something. When she was awake she stared into the inky blackness. Although she had never been in one before, she imagined that this might be very similar to a sensory deprivation chamber. They were supposed to be incredibly relaxing. Sadly, she didn't find lying in this crate particularly restful. She remembered one occasion when she had been strapped in this crate and had suffered a cramp in her calf. It had been absolute agony and she had screamed into her gag in pain. When the pain had eventually ebbed away the relief had been overwhelming. She hoped that wouldn't happen again.
She lost all track of time. The gag eventually made her mouth feel dry and she would chew on it to try and ease the cardboard feeling in her mouth. At one stage she felt the crate move. It felt as if the whole thing had been lifted and was swinging gently in the air. After a while, there was a bump as it hit the floor again. Tegan didn't have to wait too long after that before the lid was removed and light flooded in to her tiny prison again.
"The Provider" was there undoing the straps and easing her out of the box. Tegan always found the first few moments after such restraint difficult and she teetered on unsteady legs for a while before her circulation returned sufficiently for her to walk. The hood was pulled over her head and she was led away. Tegan thought she was being taken back to her room but, when the hood was removed, she found herself in the room with computers, the screens and the St Andrews Crosses. "The Provider" dressed her in the corset and thigh high boots and then she was once more tied to the cross, the large bulbous vibrator strapped to her leg and pressed against her pussy.
As on the previous day, her captor left the room and she was alone, the air filled with the quiet hum of the toy pressed against her sex. After a night strapped in the crate, Tegan wasn't really in the mood for this type of exercise and found the stimulation between her legs more annoying than erotic. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a man standing in front of her, teasing her, preparing her for the moment when he would plunge his cock deep into her pussy. She flexed against her bonds. The feel of tight bondage always caused her stomach to squirm. Slowly her mood changed. She started to moan softly into the gag, her head swaying gently. She could feel her pussy starting to clench.
Just as things were starting to work for her she heard the creak of the door as someone entered the room. Her eyes flicked open and she watched as "The Provider" led Karen into the room. Karen was dressed in the same fashion as Tegan, her body wrapped in a tight fitting corset, thigh high heeled boots covering her legs. As she was led over to the second cross, Karen turned and looked at Tegan smiling at her with her eyes. Tegan could only communicate back to her by nodding her head. She watched as Karen was bound tightly to the cross and a vibrator strapped to her thigh.
Tegan and Karen spent the next two hours casting glances at each other as the noise of two vibrators filled the room. It became a friendly competition between them to see who could come first, who could moan the loudest, who could recover quickest. Tegan found it quite erotic to listen to the other girl's stifled cries of delight. Seeing Karen again made her feel good inside. It made her feel like she didn't have to face this whole ordeal alone. She started to moan louder into the gag herself to see if that helped Karen. The pleasurable moans of both girls grew as they raced each other to orgasm.
Tegan came first. She accentuated her cries and this encouraged Karen whose moans grew louder. She rocked her head back and tried to thrust her thighs forward, milking the moment. As she recovered she listened to Karen. She was still moaning loudly but it seemed that she just didn't have the same ability to push herself over the top. Indeed, Tegan was close to her second orgasm when she eventually heard Karen's cries deepen. The sound of her coming was enough to drive Tegan to the edge once more. Tegan came three more times before "The Provider" released her. Her legs felt weak as she was led from the room, Karen's moans filling her ears as she left.
Back in her bedroom there was also a small surprise waiting for her when the hood was removed. Laying on her bed was a white sports bra, a pair of shorts, some socks and a pair of indoor running shoes. She asked for permission to speak then thanked her hooded captor. He merely told her to be ready for midday the following day. Once more, Tegan slept well when she lay down on her bed.
The following day Tegan woke early, disturbed by an enormous storm which seemed to be almost directly overhead. She lay in the bed listening to the sound of rain beating on the outside of her room. At one stage she thought the storm was moving away and jumped when an enormous clap of thunder exploded in the immediate proximity. It reminded her that there was a world outside of this place and she wondered if she would ever see it again.
She decided not to linger on such thoughts, it would only make her feel despondent. Instead she donned her new running clothes then pounded the treadmill for nearly two hours. It was good to feel the air in her lungs, good to stretch her legs and pump her arms as she strode over the rolling rubber carpet. Shortly after she started, she had to stop and tie her long hair back. Then she watched herself in the mirrors as she ran, listening to the rain drum down on the roof. The only slight downside was the thin silver chain that hung from the collar around her neck and trailed out of the door to the ring set in the floor of her bedroom.
After the run she bathed and ate. "The Provider" collected her at midday and she spent the afternoon bound to the cross in her corset and boots, the vibrator playing it's merry dance on her sex. Karen was already bound on her cross when Tegan arrived. They exchanged smouldering glances before Tegan was prepared. On this occasion though, "The Provider" remained in the room during their captivity working on one of the computers. Neither Tegan nor Karen reached that heights they had the day before, their enthusiasm for another friendly competition dampened by his presence.
Tegan was returned to her room just before 6:00pm with instructions to be ready again at nine. She ate lightly and prepared herself for another night strapped in the crate. The rain was still falling and the air was a little humid. Conditions in her rooms rarely changed much. It was always a reasonable temperature, the humidity well regulated. There were vents in the wall but no obvious signs of air conditioning. Tegan didn't know how the environment retained its consistency. The storm outside was obviously something exceptional for it to change.
The first hint that the night might contain something different was when "The Provider" arrived to collect her. He first told her to open her mouth and filled it with a large penis gag, strapping it tightly beneath her hair. A hood was then pulled over her head. This was nothing unusual but the heavy cuffs that where then fitted around her wrists and ankles was a departure from what was usual. Tegan was normally taken to the place where she was to be tied before further restraints were applied. The cuffs were fleece lined and fit very snugly and very tightly. The ones on her wrist seemed particularly large, covering not only the top of her hand but also running half way up her forearms.
Tegan felt a tug on her lead and followed obediently. She listened as doors opened and closed. She had long given up trying to work out the topology of the house where she was being kept. She chewed on the gag as she walked. More often than not of late, "The Provider" had chosen to silence her with a penis gag rather than a ball gag or some other option. She wondered if this were also part of her training; get her used to the feel of a man's member in her mouth. She never commented to her captor, if asked, she would have admitted to preferring the penis gag for the extended lengths of time that she was silenced. Ball-gags and ring gags stretched her jaw that little bit further and caused her mouth to ache after a while. The penis gag left her mouth dryer but was overall more comfortable to wear for long periods. She continued to follow the tug of the lead wondering what was going to happen next.
The second hint of something different came when a door opened and the sound of the rain grew in intensity. Tegan felt large drops on her skin as she was led outside. She wondered what was happening. Had she been sold, was she being transported somewhere else. If that was so, why had she spent so much time strapped in a crate. She also found it a little exciting; this was the first time she had been outside since her capture.
The rain was heavy and, after a few steps, she was soaking wet. She continued to walk and soon felt wet grass under her bare feet. Tegan immediately started thinking about the possibilities of escape but those thoughts were given little time to gestate. "The Provider" told her to halt and then she felt him connect something to her wrist cuffs. She shook her arms and heard the clank of chains. She also received a sharp slap on her naked ass and an instruction to remain still. She felt more chains attached to her ankles. There followed the sound of a ratchet and her arms were slowly drawn apart over her head. She could feel the cuffs on her wrist take the weight as she was raised from the floor, her feet losing contact with the wet grass. She couldn't remember a whole time during her captivity when she had been suspended like this.
Almost as soon as she was off the ground she felt her legs drawn apart. She could feel the pressure on the muscles of her inner thighs as she was stretched, the ache in her shoulders as she hung from her wrists. When the sound of the chains ceased she was helplessly suspended, the rain continuing to beat down on her bare skin.
Tegan was already soaked but she didn't find it unpleasant as she hung there. The night was humid and the water was refreshing. The wet hood was pulled from her head. The light was poor but she managed to make out about thirty feet of grass in front of her which led to a line of trees. The foliage was a dense mass and she couldn't see what was beyond. She raised her eyes and saw the top of the frame she was suspended from. It was a fairly simple but solid rectangular iron framework with supports on either side that sank into the ground. It reminded Tegan of a frame that might support two or three children's swings.
The chains that held her aloft ran inside the framework exiting through holes close to each vertical pole. Looking down at her feet, she could see two more chains running from her ankles to holes close to the base of each of the supporting legs. There were handles on each of the vertical poles supporting the frameworks and Tegan assumed that these were the ratchet for tightening the chains. She waited for instructions from "The Provider". She wanted to turn and look over her shoulder but kept her curiosity under control. There was little to be gained by incurring "The Provider's" wrath.
Above the trees the dark skies lit up for a second as a jagged bolt of lightning arced its way to the ground. A few seconds later the accompanying sound of thunder rumbled through the night. The rain was heavy but steady. Water streamed down her naked body dripping off her feet onto the wet grass. Her long dark hair was plastered to her back. Rivulets of water ran down her face and she had to shake her head and screw her eyes closed occasionally just to prevent water getting in them and blurring her vision. She tested the chains that held her and swung slightly from her arms as she did so. Another bolt of lightning lit up the sky. She had a vague memory about counting in thousands in order to work out how far away the centre of the storm was. She started in her head, one thousand, two thousand, three thousand. She got to nine thousand before the low grumbling sound of the thunder came again. Nine miles she thought, nine miles away from the centre of all that power.
There was no sound behind her and she wondered what she was doing out there. At any moment she might hear her captor's voice in her ear or feel the sharp stroke of a paddle or flogger on her bare wet ass. She strained to listen but there was only the sound of the rain falling on the trees, the grass, on the house behind her. Eventually she turned her head unable to contain her curiosity. Over her left shoulder she could see a dark low building that seemed to meld into the trees that curved around to meet the structure. She strained her neck as far as she could but couldn't make out anything else. She turned to look over her right shoulder.
Just as she did so, the skies lit up again. The same sprawling structure ran behind her to her right. On this side the trees stopped short of the building and she could see a track that ran in front of the building. For the most part, it appeared to be single storey but there was a small section that rose above the ground floor. What light there was came from a bare window on the upper floor. It was only then she realised there were no ground floor windows, not any that she could see that was.
There was no sign of her captor. She twisted back the other way and waited for the next flash to light up the sky. When it did, it just confirmed that both sides of the dwelling behind her were similar. There were no windows. It appeared to be made of brick and wood. It was obviously large and there could be many rooms. There was no clue as to the distance between the front and the rear of the property. Even her assumption that this was the rear of the house might not be correct.
Her neck was starting to hurt so she looked to her front once more. She watched the rain in the darkness as it pattered on the trees. She was feeling a little cooler now but it still wasn't unpleasant. After the next flash she only got to four thousand before the thunder rumbled around. It was much closer and the frame seemed to shake a little. She shook her head as more water ran down her. The rain seemed heavier now, the lightning strikes closer together, the thunder much louder. Suddenly the skies seemed to light up as if it were day and the thunder followed almost immediately, a huge clap that caught Tegan by surprise; much as she had been surprised earlier in the day.
She jumped; the chains shaking as she moved. Four or five times the skies lit up, the thunder close behind. She was in a downpour now; it was like being in a shower. She could hear the rain striking the leaves of the trees, the large drops of water beating a tattoo on the mass of green vegetation. She could hear the patter of rain on the roof of the building. She hoped that there was a large structure nearby; concerned that the metal frame in which she was suspended might prove to be the path of least resistance for a bolt of lightning if one were to explode directly overhead.
Just as her concern was growing though, the storm seemed to move away, the intensity of the rain dropping to the same level of earlier. She noticed that her shoulders and the insides of her thighs were starting to ache now and wondered how long she was going to be left there. Water was streaming off her body now and the weight of her wet hair made it more difficult for her to move her head. She hung in her bonds waiting for something to happen. When she next saw a flash in the sky it was over to her left and behind her. The low grumble that followed some fourteen seconds later lacked completely the intensity of the moments when the storm was overhead. Tegan hung in her bonds waiting; dripping. Her eyes were closed, her head drooped down as she tried to relax.
When the hood was suddenly pulled over her head the surprise made her scream into her gag. She heard the clank of the chains as she was lowered, her feet soon touching the wet grass. The relief in her muscles was overwhelming. She struggled a little to keep her balance as the chains were removed and stumbled when she felt the pull on her collar. She had to move her feet quickly on the wet grass to prevent herself from falling over. Her feet left the grass and she felt a small amount of paving before she stepped through the door and back inside. She wondered what sort of trail she was leaving as she padded after her captor. "The Provider" instructed her to stop and she stood obediently. The cuffs were removed and then his voice told her to be ready the next day at 7:00pm.
When the hood was removed she was back in her small bedroom. The little clock on her dresser told her it was 3:47am. She watched "The Provider" leave and heard the door in the corridor open and close. She was still wet so went to the bathroom, ran a bath and soaked herself for another thirty minutes in the hot water. She was tired now. She dried her body quickly then wrapped her wet hair in one of the large towels. She would sleep now and sort herself out when she woke. As she lay in the bed, the towel wrapped around her head, she pondered what would happen at 7:00pm tomorrow. As she closed her eyes, she also thought about what she had just experienced. It had been nice to go outside and feel the fresh air on her face, feel the rain on her body. What was the purpose of it though? Tegan drifted into a deep sleep as she tried to figure it out.
Tegan's routine over the next few days followed a similar pattern. Her bondage sessions became entirely oriented around being tied to the cross, the vibrator strapped to her thigh working its magic. Invariably, when she was bound to the cross, Karen was also there restrained to the cross that sat on the other side of the pole. The gags always prevented them talking and the only communication they got to share during these periods of restraint was the occasional smouldering glance. The trip outside the house was not repeated. Tegan spent alternate nights strapped in the crate and the rest of her time chained in her living area. She had more time to exercise and more time to read. She even started to eat a little more to help pass the time of day. The training sessions had ceased and her restlessness increased. There was more time to think and it was obvious to her that she was now being prepared for something else.
Things became clearer when, one morning, "The Provider" removed her hood and she found herself somewhere new for the first time in quite a while. The small room she was in was dominated by a large table covered in black padded leather. There were numerous slots in the table that covered its entire length. Most of these slots were currently empty but some supported metal bands that rose in hoops from the table. Tegan was laid on her back on the table. Her wrists and ankles were pushed through four of the hoops which were then tightened from below holding her spread-eagled. The inside of the hoops were coated in a thick neoprene rubber and held her firm. Tegan could hear the ratchet as the metal bands were tightened around her limbs. Once she was secure, "The Provider" set to work inserting more of the hoops. Five held each of her legs, a further four her arms. A large band was tightened over her hips, one below her breast and one across her shoulders. A final band stretched across her forehead.
After each band was applied, "The Provider" would bend under the table and Tegan would hear the sound of the ratchet. The band would press against her skin tight, forcing her hard against the table. When all the bands were applied, Tegan found herself in a familiar position, helpless and unable to move a muscle. A penis gag was inserted in her mouth. The straps were long enough that they too could be passed through the slots and buckled under the table. Another device was then attached to the table between her legs and Tegan felt the bulbous head of a vibrator pressed against her pussy. When everything was set "The Provider" whispered softly in her ear.
"I hope you are comfortable Tegan". Tegan moaned into the gag as her captor continued. "Tomorrow is sale day Tegan and I want all the bidders to know what a hot little slut you are. So, today, I'm going to make sure you are hot, horny and in the mood. Enjoy your day". With that, "The Provider" pressed a switch somewhere beneath the table and the toy buzzed into life.
Tegan was just thinking about "Sale Day" and what that might entail when the device between her legs distracted her. The machine was quite powerful, the vibrations strong and Tegan was soon enjoying the sensation of the movement against her clit. She groaned into the gag. The combination of her tight, immovable restraint and the teasing toy pressed between her legs was ideal for Tegan. This was just the sort of exquisite torture she got off on. She was just riding the wave, her first orgasm already close when the toy stopped. She moaned her frustration loudly into the gag as she heard a soft laugh escape "The Provider's" oversized hood.
"And now you see the point of the days exercise Tegan." "The Provider" told her somewhat mockingly. "Hot and horny tomorrow means teasing and frustration today. You will not be allowed to come today girl, enjoy the experience." With that, Tegan heard the door open and close. The silence that followed lasted about ten minutes and was broken when the vibrator kicked into life again. Tegan tried to force her pussy down on the device but even the slightest movement was impossible, the metal bands held her so firmly. She strained for a while, beads of perspiration breaking out over her skin. She rocked against the metal bands, flexed her muscles, anything to try and increase the pressure on her clit and push her over the edge. Just when it seemed she might be close though, the machine turned itself off and left Tegan screaming into the gag once more.
After some ninety minutes Tegan was exhausted but the session continued. Tegan was continually brought almost to the point of no return and then left hanging. The machine would turn off and the sensation would slowly dissipate; too slowly; agonisingly slowly. Tegan would moan and twist as she sought release. Eventually, the aching in her loins would subside to a bearable level and Tegan would get her emotions under control; then the machine would start again.
After three hours, Tegan was a mess. She had never felt so hot and horny, never felt that empty ache in her pussy so much as she did now. She both loved and hated the experience. The hate came from knowing that she had absolutely no control over the sensations that assaulted her, had no control over when she might experience that feeling of satisfaction again. The love came from knowing that she would be allowed to come eventually and, when she did, the pleasure, the relief would be like nothing she had ever experienced before. Her whole world became centred on when she might have her next orgasm.
It was nearly seven hours before "The Provider" came and released her. When she was released, it was five minutes before Tegan could stand and another ten before she could walk back to her bedroom. She was given two hours to bathe eat and be ready for the next session. She was also given strict orders not to play with herself. Surprisingly, it wasn't a hard order to follow. Despite a day of denial, she was just too tired.
Again, she thought about Sale Day. Would she be paraded before an audience of buyers? Would she have to perform for them? Who would buy her? Where would she end up? Despite her tiredness, she could feel the nervousness in her stomach. Her time here in this place was drawing to an end, her future unknown. She washed and dried her hair then went and ate lightly.
When "The Provider" returned she was lead to the room with the crates and spent the night strapped in the darkness. As she dozed off her mind was still on what might happen the next day. That night, despite the many potential scenarios that were still flooding through her mind, she slept the whole night in the crate without waking. It was the first time that had ever happened.
Tegan was still asleep when the lid of the crate was removed and the light flooded in. The face she saw as she came too was not the blue hood of "The Provider" but that of Karen her smiling eyes bright, her mouth covered by a wide gag. Karen helped Tegan out of the box then pulled the hood over her head and led her back to her rooms. Tegan's own gag was removed by the girl and a finger placed over her lips. Tegan nodded and Karen pointed to the bathroom.
Tegan ran a bath, bathed and washed her hair again. It was so long and thick now. Ordinarily, Tegan would have had it cut way before it got anywhere near this length, she just wouldn't have had the time to look after it. Now she had more than enough time and washing, drying and brushing her hair helped pass the hours. Her dark locks framed her face, curled gently over her shoulders and ran down her body. She could brush it behind her and it ran almost to the top of her legs. She could brush it over her shoulders so it ran down and covered one or both breasts. She could pile it high on her head or just let it fall naturally like a shimmering curtain. On this occasion she opted for the latter letting it fall around her. She ate breakfast while Karen bathed. Then the hood was pulled over her head and she was led away once more.
When the hood was removed Karen was gone. She was in the room with the St Andrews Crosses once more, "The Provider" looking her over and nodding his approval. She was dressed in the corset and thigh high boots once more, the leather penis gag strapped over her mouth. "The Provider" took every care to ensure that the corset fitted properly, the boots were laced up straight and the gag didn't interrupt the fall of her hair over her shoulders. When she was bound to the cross once more he seemed to take extra care again, ensuring the coils of rope were tight and laid on top of each other, the knots neat and tidy. Once Tegan was bound and helpless "The Provider" left the room returning moments later with Karen in tow. Karen was also dressed in a corset and thigh high boots and Tegan watched as she too strapped tightly to the second cross. The girls cast glances at each other and Tegan moaned softly into the gag. "The Provider" warned her to save the moaning until later.
After both girls were tied "The Provider" started moving some of the equipment. Devices that looked like small cameras were pointed at each girl and then he played with a laptop for a short while. Tegan noticed that their captor was continually checking his watch. "The Provider" then left the room and Tegan and Karen took the opportunity exchange furtive glances and little teasing moans. When their captor returned he strapped the vibrators to each girls left thigh. He brushed Tegan's hair with his fingers then looked her over. Tegan could see his bright green eyes beneath the hood and she held them in her own. He appeared satisfied and checked Karen out in a similar manner before returning to his laptop. Tegan moaned again softly pleadingly, it was almost a purr. She wanted the vibrator to start, wanted to feel the sensation against her clit once more. She wanted to come so badly. The previous day's event, which had slipped to the back of her mind, came to the fore so strongly. She heard "The Provider's" soft chuckle once more, his voice teasing her for being such a slut. She watched as he left his seat and came before her, smiling to herself as the toy was switched on. Karens' vibrator was also turned on. "The Provider" returned to his laptop and, moments later, the large screen on the wall burst into life.
Tegan was already on the road to her first orgasm; moaning softly; when the screen lit up. The picture jumped around a little at first then became clear. There were three girls shown bound to crosses on the left of the screen. The screen to the right was empty apart from a clock that was counting down. The writing before it indicated that bidding would commence in fifteen minutes. It was easy for Tegan to see that the girl at the top of the screen was herself and the feed was "live". She could see her own head rocking slightly as the toy continued its teasing taking her close to the precipice she desperately needed to experience. She could also see that the girl at the bottom of the screen was Karen.
Karen's eyes were closed and her head was slumped forward a little. It was almost as if she had come already and was trying to recover. Tegan didn't recognise the girl in the middle. She had long blonde hair and the caption above her feed identified her as Shelley. Tegan could see that Shelley was bound exactly the same as herself and Karen. Tegan closed her eyes and listened to the girls moans coming through the speakers. She was listening to the girl when she came suddenly. Despite the torment of the previous day the orgasm didn't rock her, it was more like a soothing wave that engulfed her from head to toe. Tegan relaxed in her bonds as the sensations flowed through her. The continued buzzing of the vibrator just seemed to extend the pleasure and the orgasm just seemed to carry on and on. She shook on the cross, her head whipping backwards and forwards. When she finally opened her eyes the toy was already driving her towards her next pleasurable moment of ecstasy.
It also quickly became apparent that bidding had started. Tegan could see that the display on the screen had changed. There were figures next to Karen's' name and Shelley's name. A clock at the top of the screen was also ticking down indicating that bidding would continue for another one hour and forty five minutes. So, this was how they do it she thought to herself then closed her eyes again as another soft orgasm coursed through her. When she opened her eyes again there was a figure or $95,000 against her name.
Tegan watched the screen for a while but nothing happened. She had another quiet orgasm. Her thoughts were everywhere. It was hard to get her head around the fact that she was actually being sold at that very moment. That contrasted with the constant stimulation and her inner need that had so expertly been induced the previous day. Add to that the clinging corset, the thigh high boots and the impossibly tight ropes; she thought she could be in heaven or hell or anywhere in between.
The sound of huge orgasm caused Tegan to open her eyes and look at the screen once more. She watched Shelley's head rock back and forth on the screen and this seemed to stimulate a flurry of activity. The figures next to all three girls started to rise. Tegan closed her eyes once more. This time, she tried to hold off her next orgasm. Perversely, she wanted to put on a performance now, wanted to show her would be purchaser that she was all woman. Who were the invisible people who were watching her at this very moment? Her head swayed in time with the toy, her moans filled the room.
Slowly, she allowed the pleasure to build inside her, holding it off and holding it off in much the same way as she had done during her orgasm denial sessions. Maybe there had been a point to all that training she thought. She set herself a target. She would not allow herself to come until fifteen minutes before the end of bidding. Every now and then she checked the screen. With sixteen minutes left she relaxed her body and allowed the sensations to flow over her once more. It was amazing she thought, how she could now control when she wanted an orgasm and when she wanted to hold off to increase the pleasure.
Tegan came hard, moaning loudly, fighting her bonds as the tremors shook through her. As the orgasm subsided she opened her eyes and watch the screen. The price against her name was $1,000,000 but, even as she watched it ticked upwards. She watched the process with morbid fascination. This was her future that was being decided and she had no idea about who her would be purchasers might be. It was scary but it was also exciting. She had had fantasies about exactly this sort of scenario, being purchased by someone unknown who would tie her up and fuck her into oblivion. She hoped her would be purchaser had very similar fantasies.
The bidding was nearly at an end now and the price against Tegan's name was $1,425,500. Karen's was also over $1,000,000 but Shelley had proved to be the most expensive girl. Her price had risen to $2,450,000. The clock was ticking down now, there was less than a minute left. Another $150,000 was added to Karen's price and Shelley's had also risen to $2,900,000. Tegan watched the price against her name. The clock ticked slowly down and she writhed against her bonds trying to encourage another bid. Just as she thought the bidding had finished the price next to her name jumped to $2,660,500. It was an astonishing leap and she felt perversely pleased with herself. Then the clock ticked down to zero and the screen went blank.
"The Provider" rose from his chair and quickly adjusted two of the cameras moving them closer to the two girls bound to the crosses. When the screen came up again the image of Tegan bound to the cross, her chest still heaving from the exertion of being bound and tormented by the vibrator; filled the screen. Tegan stared into the camera wondering if her purchaser was still watching. She took deep lungful's of air through her nose trying to control her breathing once more, trying to look composed. Then the screen went blank again.
Some moments later, an image of Karen filled the screen. Tegan looked at her friend bound to the cross. She too looked exhausted, her body limp her eyes half closed, her head falling to one side. The picture remained on the screen for another minute and then went blank. Tegan found herself wondering what had happened to the third girl, Shelley. Was she somewhere else in this building as well? How many girls were being held here? She had always surmised that it was just herself and Karen, now she wasn't so sure.
She was still thinking about this when "The Provider" started the process or releasing her from the cross. He seemed in a particularly good mood. "Someone has really taken a shine to you Tegan" he commented as he removed the boots and corset before pulling the hood over her head and leading her back to her room. When she was kneeling on the floor back in her bedroom, the hood removed, "The Provider" about to leave she asked for permission to speak. She didn't even have to think about it now, the words came so naturally to her.
"What happens to me now Master?" she asked after permission had been granted. "We wait Tegan", he replied, "we wait until the transaction is approved and the money paid and then you will be despatched." "The process takes about two weeks" he responded in answer to her next question. He turned to leave and then turned back looking at her through the two holes in his blue hood. "You've done well Tegan, it's been a very profitable transaction, you were a good choice. Be ready for 7:00pm tomorrow night" he added before leaving her on her own once more. Her little clock said 2:47pm.
When "The Provider" collected her at 7:00pm the next night she was almost relieved. Time passed slowly on her own with no exercises to complete. She had spent three hours running on the treadmill, bathed four times, masturbated three times after reading some of the magazines and eaten three times as well. She genuinely missed being tied up. Despite herself, she had grown accustomed to her captivity. She loved the feel of ropes and straps holding her in place. She loved the look of herself in the mirror, especially when she was in the corset that emphasised so well the curves of her body. She loved the mass of dark hair that fell around her, especially when she was naked.
The only thing she really missed was the feel of a man's throbbing cock buried deep in her pussy, the weight of a man on top of her as he thrust inside her, the feel of his breath of her face as he strove to meet her desires. She thought about it often as she slipped her fingers inside herself, teasing her clit or pushing them deep down then pulling them out and sucking them into her mouth. Thoughts such as these were nearly always followed by puzzlement. Why didn't her captor take advantage of her? Perhaps impotency was the issue. Or maybe it was just that he was fucking Karen instead. She searched for the answers as she padded after him, the hood over her head obscuring the view of her surroundings.
That night, and every night onwards, she spent strapped in the crate. "The Provider" would collect her at 7:00pm and return her to her bedroom the following morning. She would bathe, sleep if she needed too and eat during the day. She used the treadmill frequently and leafed through the bondage magazines in the drawer when there was nothing else to fill the time. This always made her feel horny and she frequently brought herself to orgasm during these reading sessions. She lost count of the number of days that this routine continued.
Sometime into the second week she read a particularly poignant story about a girl who was sold into bondage by her parents and the adventures she experienced. It was not totally dissimilar to her own situation. As she read the story, she teased herself, first caressing and pinching her nipples then slowly running her hands down her flat stomach, teasing her clit before thrusting her fingers inside herself. She would have preferred a vibrator, the length and girth were much more satisfying than two or even three or her fingers. Nevertheless, the story provided the basis for a familiar fantasy and she lost herself in her own mind crying out when the orgasm eventually shook through her.
Her reverie was almost immediately shattered as she heard the soft voice of "The Provider" mocking her. "Once again Tegan behaves like the slut she really is" he said almost laughingly. Tegan tumbled off the bed, falling to her knees; she felt like a child who had been caught doing something sinful by a parent. How long has he been watching me she thought to herself. She managed to spill out the words "Yes Master", hanging her head as she did do. The soft laugh came again and he merely told her to be ready at 5:00pm instead of 7:00pm. "Yes Master" she replied again, her voice still quiet as she continued to wrestle with her own embarrassment.
The session in the crate that night seemed extra long but there was a surprise waiting for her when she was returned to her room in the morning. The hood was removed and she found herself looking at Karen kneeling on the floor in her small bedroom. A bag of sex toys lay open on the bed. "The Provider" told her to kneel next to Karen and she complied. "Be ready for 9:00am tomorrow morning Tegan and you Karen. I'm sure you can find enough to keep yourselves amused until then." He turned to leave then added at the door "Make sure you say goodbye properly the pair of you; you're both being shipped tomorrow". He left the room and Tegan heard the sound of the door in the corridor open and closed.
She took a deep breath then turned to look at Karen. The girl kneeling next to her was crying softly and Tegan put an arm around her pulling her close. "What's the matter Karen?" she asked softly. Karen looked back at her with tearful eyes. "I'm scared Tegan" she said "what's going to happen to us?" Tegan looked into her eyes then squeezed her arms tightly around her pulling her even closer". "I don't know babe, I just don't know" she said softly running her fingers soothingly through Karen's short thick hair as she held her.
The sobbing eventually subsided. Tegan eased herself away from Karen and looked at her tear stained face. In that moment she knew she would have to take charge. She reached forward and stroked her fingers down Karen's cheek then leaned in to her and placed a gentle soft kiss on her lips. It occurred to her that this was the first time they had both been free to talk to each other. "We should make the most of the day Karen, enjoy ourselves a little." Karen looked back at her and nodded.
Tegan stood up and offered her hand to Karen who took it and rose beside her. Tegan led her into the bathroom, the twin chains from the collars on their necks dragging softly on the floor. She ran a bath and they shared it together, soaping each other, running their fingers over each other's bodies. Afterwards, they dried each other, using the thick towels to clear the waters off soft velvety skin. As Tegan rubbed the towel over Karen's head she smiled back. It seemed she had recovered from her earlier tearful episode.
Tegan leaned forward and kissed her again. She started gently but when Karen let out a satisfied moan she pressed harder, searching pressing with her tongue until Karen opened her mouth to accept her. Tegan dropped the towel and slipped her arms around the girl, feeling Karen do the same to her. Then they were in a tight embrace kissing hard. It wasn't long before fingers started exploring and caressing and soon both girls were breathing heavily. After a while, Tegan took Karen's hand and led her back to the bedroom.
Karen wanted to kiss Tegan again but she held off, instead sitting Karen in the small chair by the dressing table and running the dryer over her hair, combing it until all the moisture was gone. She then told Karen to do the same for her. Only then did Tegan take the girl in her arms again and kiss her hard. In a tight embrace they edged over to the bed, falling on the mattress. Tegan pushed Karen onto her back then started to explore the girl with her mouth. She could feel Karen's fingers in her hair as she sucked a nipple into her mouth, heard the sharp intake of breath, the moans of encouragement that came from her lips. Tegan worked her way slowly down to the girl's bare pussy. She had never had a female partner before but this just seemed so natural she didn't give it much thought. She heard Karen gasp loudly as she plunged her tongue into her wet pussy and sucked hard trying to find the girl's clit. When she did, she sucked and rolled her tongue over it, took it gently in her teeth and shook her head pressing down hard as she felt Karen's body buck and roll beneath her.
Tegan was so lost in the act that it took a while for Karen's words to pierce her mind "Fuck me, fuck me, please fuck me Tegan" the girl was saying. They were words she had never considered anyone would say to her, words that were normally reserved for when Tegan wanted a man to plunge his cock inside her. She raised her head from Karen's pussy and looked into her eyes. Need was emblazoned across the girls face. The bag had been knocked off the bed, its contents spilled on the floor.
Tegan recognised immediately a double ended strap on dildo. They spent three laughter filled minutes trying to figure out exactly how to wear it but eventually Tegan had one end of it safely embedded in her pussy, straps around her waist and thighs holding it in place. She climbed on top of Karen again who took the dildo in her hand and guided the tip against the lips of her pussy.
"Fuck me Tegan, fuck me please" she said her brown eyes looking at Tegan imploringly. Tegan wanted to plunge the toy inside her but something told her to wait. "Say please Karen" she said. The words surprised Tegan as they came out of her mouth. Where had that come from she thought. She looked at Karen who was pleading for her to push the toy inside her. "Please, please fuck me Tegan, please".
Tegan lowered herself down onto the prostrate girl and felt her groan in satisfaction. Moments later she was thrusting the toy inside her and Karen was screaming her joy. Tegan quickly found that the motion also worked for her but not with the same intensity. Where as the one end of the dildo was thrust in and out of Karens' pussy, for Tegan it just went an inch or so deeper when she thrust and then came out again. Karen quickly came to the point of no return when Tegan was nowhere close. Karen gripped her hips as she came screaming her joy and Tegan just continued to fuck her. For a moment after she came, Karen wanted her to stop but she just carried on with the same motion and soon Karen was bucking beneath her again. She came four more times before Tegan's own joy was celebrated by a loud scream of satisfaction and the two girls collapsed on the bed bathed in sweat.
They recovered slowly, stroking each other gently, looking into each other's eyes. Now that she had had her first proper experience with a woman Tegan was feeling a little strange. Karen however seemed to have no qualms at all. They talked a little, mostly about how nice it was to share an experience with another person. Before the conversation got too deep, Karen unbuckled the strap-on from around Tegan's waist and thighs. She kissed Tegan lightly and told her to stay on the bed while she slipped out of the room.
Tegan heard the sound of water running from the bathroom. A few minutes later Karen returned with the strap-on wrapped around her own body and climbed on top of Tegan. "My turn" she said simply, her fingers finding their way to Tegan's' pussy once more. Tegan already knew from experience that Karen was good with her fingers. When Karen eventually plunged the strap-on inside Tegan she was so ready, mirroring Karen's earlier words and screaming to be fucked.
Tegan loved the feel of Karen's breasts pressed against her, loved the feel of her nipples brushing against her skin. Karen had prepared her well and she was soon screaming through the joy of another orgasm. Tegan came twice more before Karen also succumbed and they collapsed on the bed once more. "You're as good as a man" Tegan told her encouragingly. It wasn't quite true but Tegan wanted Karen to feel good about herself. They held each other and both dozed off.
Tegan woke first, her little clock informing her that it was 4:41pm. She gently shook Karen awake. Karen came too with a start almost screaming before she remembered where she was. She looked at Tegan then wrapped an arm around her neck and kissed her. "What's next?" she asked questioningly. Tegan suggested they ate and chatted and Karen readily agreed. In the little kitchen they heated up ready meals of spaghetti bolognese and washed it down with apple juice.
While they ate Karen told her a little about herself. There wasn't much to say. She was twenty eight years old, had never married and had lived on her own in a small town some 100 miles north of Sydney. She'd never got on well with her parents, hadn't done particularly well at school and had left at 16 years of age. She'd worked in a small hardware store in the town where she now lived, had lived she corrected, and her only real interest had been camping and wildlife; and bondage she added as an afterthought with a smile.
A previous boyfriend had wanted to tie her up and she had agreed. The boyfriend had long gone but it had left her with a hankering for restraint that had never gone away. She'd been captured on a week-end camping trip. She often took to the bush at week-ends. She enjoyed the solitude, the quiet, the sounds of the animals as they made their life in the unforgiving wilderness. She didn't remember much about it, just remembered being overpowered, tied up and waking to find herself where she was now. She couldn't remember how long ago she had been taken but thought it must be at least a year ago and maybe as much as two.
Tegan had a number of questions which she answered. She normally lived in a room in the cellar, it was much bigger than the room Tegan lived in. She often did chores as directed by "The Provider", yes that was the name that she knew him by as well. She had never seen his face, he had never fucked her, she had never asked him too. When she was chained upstairs the length of her chain allowed her to see a lot of the house but she had never seen an "upstairs". She thought there were in excess of fifty rooms in the property. Tegan found that hard to believe but it did make a kind odd sense. She had no idea where they were except that they were still in Australia. She knew this because of some of the animals she had seen outside. Yes, she was allowed outside quite frequently. She had, in the past, seen two other girls in the property and, yes, they had both been captives. She hadn't seen either of them since Tegan had arrived and assumed they were no longer there. She hadn't seen anyone else apart from Tegan since Tegan had arrived.
When Karen had finished and Tegan had asked her questions Tegan told her about herself. By the time they returned to the bedroom it was just after 9:00pm. They were due to be collected in another twelve hours. It was Karen who suggested a farewell fuck and Tegan agreed, a smile on her face. They took turns satisfying each other with the strap-on, their cries of passion filling the room and the corridor outside.
When they had finished, Karen fell asleep in Tegan's arms but Tegan found that sleep wouldn't come. She looked at the girl beside her as she thought about what might happen next. Karen slept peacefully and looked contented, almost like a child. Tegan wondered what was in store for both of them. Who would pay so much money for a girl, who could afford to do that sort of thing. She stroked Karen's cheek. Strangely, she was more worried for Karen than she was for herself. She was a sweet girl but seemed totally unprepared to face the world. She hoped her new Master would treat her well but, in truth, the future for either of them was far from certain.
It was well after midnight and sleep still wouldn't come. Tegan slipped out of Karen's arms and wandered into the kitchen. She made a drink and listened to the night noises from outside. Mostly there was just silence. She went back to bed and wrapped her arms around Karen who moaned in her sleep and snuggled into her. Tegan closed her eyes but still rest wouldn't come.
At 2:00am she got up, switched on the lamp by the bed and read one of the bondage magazines from cover to cover. A story ran through the magazine. It was stereotypical of the kind of situation in which a girl might find herself tied and helpless. Three sisters, all young with exceedingly good bodies and; obviously from the turn of the story, not an ounce of sense between them; took turns to tease the members of a local motorcycle gang. Eventually, the gang members had enough and captured all three of them, taking them to their local hideaway where all three were subjected to scenes of bondage, rape and depravity. The story ended with the three girls deciding to stay and become part of the gang they enjoyed it so much. That bit, thought Tegan, might just contain an element of truth about it.
Tegan gave up on sleep. She was too nervous now thinking about where she was going to be shipped to, what was going to happen to her next. The tension inside her was growing. Whenever Tegan felt like this she tried a hot bath; it was the only thing she found here that helped her relax. Today was no exception. She slipped off the bed again and ran the hot water, once more enjoying the feel as she lowered herself into it. She washed her hair again just to pass the time. When she'd finished she wrapped a towel around herself, took the dryer from her room and went into the room with the treadmill. She eyed the treadmill and the dormant post with the dildo shaped like a man's penis on top. Already, the cock and heel training that she had endured seemed as if it was in the distant past.
She dried and brushed her hair once more. She did this so often now her hair shimmered in the artificial light from the bulb. When she was finished she went and had another drink. At 6:00am she still wasn't tired. She went back to her bedroom, Karen was sleeping like a baby. She had to be ready in three hours, time enough she thought for one last fling. She wrapped the strap-on around her then climbed onto the bed and kissed Karen gently teasing her until her eyes flickered open. Karen sleepily wished her good morning as her arms wrapped around Tegan's neck.
Tegan rubbed the palm of her hand over Karen's breast and was soon teasing her nipples erect. Within ten minutes of waking Karen was in the throes of her first orgasm, screaming Tegan's name at the top of her voice. The fact that she could give this girl so much pleasure made Tegan feel good.
When both their cravings were satisfied once more Tegan made breakfast while Karen bathed herself. Karen was wide awake and bright eyed now but Tegan was feeling a little jaded after a night without sleep. At 8:30am Tegan went back into the bedroom and tidied it; this is the last time I'll do this she thought. At 8:50am, both girls were on their knees next to each other waiting for their captor. It was Karen who broke the silence that had descended between them. She turned to Tegan and cupped her face in her hands. "Thank you Tegan" she said "I'll never forget our time together and I'll always love you for it". She kissed Tegan softly then and Tegan had to choke back a sob, the girl was so sincere. She looked into Karen's brown eyes trying not to cry.
Outside the room she heard a door open, "The Provider" on his way to collect them no doubt. She didn't want him to see how much she might miss Karen so she quickly slipped a hand to the back of the girl's head, pulled their lips close and kissed her hard briefly. "Take care and look after yourself Karen" she said as she broke the kiss and tried to compose herself. When she looked up "The Provider" was at the door. He told Tegan to stand and cuffed her hands behind her back before removing the chain from her collar and adding a short lead instead. "Follow me, no talking" he commanded as he led her from the room. Tegan turned to look as Karen as she followed him out. She was sure she could see a tear trickle down her cheek as her eyes followed Tegan's exit. At the door she mouthed the words "Love you" in her direction and blew her a kiss. Then she was out of sight.
Tegan followed her captor through the door to the left of the corridor. It was another first for Tegan, the first time she had seen the walkways and corridors that linked all the rooms. She padded after "The Provider" naked. It was so strange how she had got used to being naked everywhere she went. He led her down a corridor with numerous doors on either side and into a hallway. Tegan's mind was still on Karen but she managed to look around as she followed taking in some of the new sights.
The place was a dull brown and definitely in need of a decorators touch. Paint peeled off the walls and there was no furniture. She followed him along until they reached an entrance. There were windows either side of the door and she could see a blue van outside. Here though "The Provider" turned to his right and led her past a staircase deeper into the house. They went through a further door into another long hallway. The décor was still much the same, the walls brown and tatty and in need of a coat of paint. They passed numerous closed doors before her captor finally opened one and led her inside. It was a room she had seen before and the two crates on the floor were more than familiar, they were like old friends. The rooms, she thought, were in much better condition than the corridors.
There was a wooden chair there and "The Provider" told her to sit. He un-cuffed her hands only to re-cuff them in front of her. He then gave her a piece of paper with an instruction to learn the words off by heart. Tegan read paper, it was very simple. The first sentence said "Permission to speak please Master". When you have permission, recite the following "Please Master; may I have permission to suck your cock? Your slave would really enjoy it if you were to come in her mouth". Underneath that, in smaller letters it said "Failure to obey these instructions will meet with immediate and harsh punishment."
Tegan read the instructions again and then a third time. The fourth time she recited them in her mind then checked to make sure she had it right. "The Provider" was busying himself with the straps in the crate so she waited a few moments then read the instructions again before repeating the phrase over and over in her mind. Her captor finished his preparations with the crate and took the paper off her.
"Do you understand your instructions Tegan?" he asked her. She nodded "Yes Master". "Repeat them too me". Tegan asked for permission to speak then recited the lines. "The Provider" nodded. "Do not forget them" he advised her. "These are the first words you should say when your new Master releases you from this crate. You know the kind of punishment that will await you if you don't follow the instructions". Again Tegan nodded her understanding and replied "Yes Master". "Good" he replied before attaching another chain to her collar and then removing the cuffs. "Put these on then get in the crate" he said. "Make sure you are comfortable". He handed her a thin white blouse and a pair of brown shorts. Tegan pulled the shorts on first and then slipped her arms into the blouse and fastened the buttons. Both garments were a little too big for her.
Once dressed, she stepped into the crate and lay down, fidgeting until she was comfortable. The rubber lining was firm but not uncomfortable. She made sure she didn't trap her hair under her body, pulling it up and allowing it to spill around her head. She waited quietly as her captor began the process of strapping her in. As she was being restrained she thought fondly of her time the previous night with Karen and the pleasure they had shared with each other. She had enjoyed it and would always feel a fondness for the girl she had left with a tear on her cheek. She still didn't understand though why "The Provider" hadn't taken advantage of her.
He had finished strapping her in the crate now; she was firmly held once more. He had removed the chain and also the collar from around her neck. Tegan felt the coolness on her skin. She'd worn the collar almost since the day she arrived. She noticed the penis gag in his hands and knew that this would be her last opportunity to resolve the puzzle in her mind "Permission to speak please Master" she uttered as he bent over the crate to insert the gag. "Permission is granted Tegan" he said in that familiar soft quiet voice. "Please Master" she continued "I don't understand. Why wouldn't you fuck me Master, am I not to your liking? Is there something wrong with me?" she questioned.
Tegan was surprised by the loud guffaw that came from the hood. She could almost see the mirth in the two green eyes that looked down at her. "Does it offend you Tegan that I don't want to fuck you. Does it make my little slut feel unwanted and worthless?". Tegan looked at him. "No Master," she half lied, "I just don't understand why you didn't take advantage of me when you so easily could have". The two green eyes surveyed her and for a moment there was silence. When he spoke again, his voice seemed slightly different. "You really haven't figured it out have you Tegan" he said. "No Master" she replied, puzzled as to what she had missed.
"The Provider" leaned forward and eased the gag into Tegan's mouth, pulling the strap behind her head and buckling it firmly in place at the side. He looked at her a moment longer now that she was silenced, then reached up and pulled the hood slowly from his head. Tegan watched in total shock as a mass of blonde hair spilled out of the hood. She found herself looking not at the firm sharp features of a man but the delicate face of a woman who, at most, was in her late twenties. Her long hair framed a face that was showing great amusement at Tegan's wide eyes. There must have been something in the hood that masked her voice Tegan thought because, when she spoke again, the sound was totally feminine.
"You see Tegan, it's not Master, it's Mistress and beautiful as you are, and you are gorgeous Tegan, I just don't like the taste of pussy. If it's any consolation Tegan, if I did like women, I would keep you. Your new Master is a very lucky person indeed." She then kissed her fingers and touched the gag lightly.
Tegan found this very hard to comprehend. How had this girl managed to capture her in the first place. How had she managed to maintain the façade throughout her time in captivity. How had Tegan not seen this coming. She looked back at the girl. She had an extremely attractive face. It seemed very gentle and totally at odds with some of the things that had been done to her. Was this girl really responsible for putting her through all that torture with the gas mask. She moaned into the gag wanting to ask more questions but the girl just shook her head, her long blonde hair shimmering as she did so.
"Quiet now Tegan and listen carefully. In a moment I will give you an injection that will make you sleep for about 60 hours. When you wake it may be another twenty four hours or so before you are released from the crate. It may be less. The longer you sleep the less time it will be but the drug works differently for different people. The drug has no long term effects but it may it may put you in a light coma. There will be instructions for your new Master that will tell him what to do if you are still unconscious when you arrive at your destination. You will arrive safely though Tegan. After that, well, that will be up to your new Master. Now, blink if you understand". Tegan did as she was requested, squeezing her eyes closed then opening them again. "Good girl" her captor told her. She disappeared for a moment returning with a syringe. Tegan moaned into her gag again but the girl ignored her protests, rubbing her neck to make a vein rise then injecting the clear liquid into her bloodstream. "Be a good girl for you new Master Tegan" she said. Tegan tried to nod back but the drug was already taking effect. She kept her eyes focussed on the girl's face until her body finally succumbed and she sank into a deep sleep.
Chapter 9 - Pussy Training (added: 2016/10/20)
When Tegan woke she found herself alone. The sun was streaming in through the windows and the bright morning light hurt her still sleepy eyes. She covered them with her hand as she quickly surveyed the room. The furs felt warm and cosy around her. She could still see the indent of David's body in the lush inviting carpet of warmth next to her. She sighed turned on her stomach to further avert the bright light and snuggled down into the sensuous bed once more. The soft caress of the material against her skin felt good; it was almost as if she were treating herself, rewarding herself after all the hardship she had suffered. She still found it difficult to believe she was free after months of captivity. It was hard not to believe that, at any moment, she would once more be treated like a prisoner, a serf, someone whose opinion didn't matter, someone who was only there for the pleasure of others.
The thoughts took the edge of her good mood. Now the fact that she was on her own was a little discomforting. She had woken by herself so many times in the past few months, fearful of what she might be asked to do that day. She wriggled and squirmed in the sumptuous material trying to re-capture her waking moment; she didn't want to be alone if there was a choice. She had already decided she was going to get up when the smell reached her. The aroma was weak but she was sure it was fresh coffee; some of her previous good mood returned. She got to her feet and looked around for the clothes David had given her. She couldn't see them immediately so, instead, picked up one of the furs and draped it around her shoulders; it didn't conceal a great deal.
Following her nose Tegan found herself, not unsurprisingly, in the kitchen. There was a fresh pot of coffee percolating on one of the worktops and a note on the table which said simply "Gone shopping, be back early afternoon. Make yourself at home sexy". The letter was signed D and there were two small kisses after the initial. Tegan smiled to herself and poured a mug of coffee. She would have preferred it if he had been there; she felt the need to talk over some of thoughts that were still cluttering her mind. Part of that need, she thought, came from her recent captivity. She had been isolated from the world and, for the most part, from contact with other people. For the past eight months Karen had been the only person to give her a sympathetic ear and those opportunities had been sporadic. As she poured the hot liquid into a mug a sudden realisation came over her; "He trusts me". It made her smile.
Sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee her thoughts turned to the only other person she had seen during her captivity. She could still see vividly in her mind the mass of blonde hair falling around the young face as her captor had finally removed her hood. Tegan has always been wary of falling foul of the rules, wary of what punishment might await her if she did something wrong. It was the main reason she had adopted an attitude of compliance during her enforced confinement. Would she have done the same if she had known the true nature of her captor? Probably not she thought as she played with her mug before draining it and getting up to pour another. It was hard to judge just from the quick look she had had of the girl's face but her lasting memory had been of a soft face, not a face that portrayed any great strength, power or ill-will. Tegan was sure she would have been a match for her in the right circumstances. The girl had captured her and manhandled her into some transport. That couldn't have been easy, If Tegan had known the true nature of her captor she would have been cautious, but she would have had hope. She would have put a lot more effort into planning her escape.
Tegan finished her second cup and banged the mug down on the table, the noise making her jump a little. She was annoyed now, annoyed at her own error in accepting her captivity so easily. She couldn't have known though, couldn't have imagined the reality from the course of events that had taken place. She sighed, and stood up. She wished David had not left her by herself. Even though she was no longer a captive the feeling inside her was very similar to that she had felt when she was alone in her small bedroom. She had spent so much time naked, the long thin silver chain attached to the collar around her neck, wondering what she should do next. Although the current circumstances were different, the thoughts were the same, what do I do now. She'd known David a little over three days and she already missed his company; something else she would have to talk to him about. She had spent enough time on her own.
It was quite warm in the kitchen. Tegan could see a cloudless blue sky through the large window. She slipped the fur from her shoulders and held it across her arm as she padded naked back to the Star Room and dropped it in a heap with all the others. She had a search around the room but still couldn't find the clothes that David had given her. She gave up the search, went to find the bathroom and had a long hot shower to wake herself properly. After drying her hair the best she could she wandered back into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. A clock on the wall that she hadn't noticed earlier told her it was ten minutes before noon. That made her feel a little better. He'll be back soon she thought to herself as she looked in the fridge. There was plenty of food but she didn't fancy cooking with no clothes on. Instead, she found a packet of Alpen and poured it into a bowl before adding milk and eating it at the table. Then she poured another coffee and sat and thought for a while.
The note had said "Make yourself at home". Again she started thinking about the man with the easy smile and the English accent; her new Master; except that he didn't really act like a Master. Yes it was obvious that he liked the same things that she did; he'd even built a home to accommodate his fantasy. He'd paid for her to be delivered there. They were all signs that he would do anything to have a bondage and sex slave. Then, once he's achieved his aim, he'd told her she could go free if that was what she desired. Would he have really let her go free? Or had he read her so easily that he knew she would want to stay? "Did she want to stay?" she asked herself. Tegan had to admit to herself that she did. She wanted to be tied and bound and at the mercy of someone who take advantage of her for his own satisfaction. "Was he not Master enough for her?" she thought. Could it be that she actually enjoyed the way "The Provider" had treated her; as a commodity to be trained and sold on. She had to admit there something about her captivity that she missed, the daily stringent bondage, the tight corset and high heels, the forced orgasms, Karen. Her heart missed a beat as she had a sudden vivid memory of her last night with Karen, a memory of looking into the girls face as she called out Tegan's name in the throes of her orgasm. Tegan had to choke back a sob as she pictured Karen's smiling face in her mind. Where was she now? How well was she being treated? She threw back her coffee and stood up. It was no good letting thoughts about something she could no longer influence distract her. Now was the time to think about herself. What did she want out of this?
The questions played on her mind as she wandered, naked, into the Living Room. Tegan collapsed onto a soft couch and found the remote control for the large TV mounted on the wall. Turning it on, she started idly flicking through the channels. How long had it been since she'd watched a TV? It felt so good doing something normal. She clicked through the channels until she found something she recognised; it was a film about Dracula. She watched for a few minutes remembering the story and then the adverts came on. They seemed to last an age before the film continued. After ten more minutes the adverts interrupted the flow of the story again. Tegan turned to the next channel; she didn't want to watch adverts for mops or the latest cleaning fluids. There were a number of sports channels which she went through rapidly. She had no interest in baseball, the game which seemed to occupy the majority of those channels. The news channels held more interest. She watched one for a short while but it was all gloom and doom and she was soon flicking on once more. When she reached the channels where you could phone in and bid for items she flicked the off button, got off the sofa and stretched. She wouldn't be watching much TV if that was the standard she thought.
Tegan wandered back into the kitchen but there was still no sign of David. She looked out of the window while she considered what to do while she waited. Ten minutes later, she was at the bottom of the basement stairs looking at the two ranks of closed doors, a feeling of excitement in her stomach. Bondage was why she wanted to stay here; it was an opportunity to live out her fantasies. Once she'd decided that, whilst staring out of the kitchen window at the cloudless blue sky, she couldn't resist the lure of the rooms in the basement. OK, so he wasn't here to tie her up right now, but that didn't stop her looking in the rooms again and imagining what it would be like to be captive in these enticing places.
As she studied the doors wondering which one to open an idea crossed her mind. It would be fun if the doors were labelled she thought. A room with an "E" on the door would contain equipment that was easy to cope with. The bondage would be tight but endurable. A room with an "A" however would present a challenge. The equipment would be extreme, the bondage tight and difficult. She would pick the room she wanted dependent on her mood and David would do the rest. He would have to configure the rooms without her knowledge; that would be part of the fun, not knowing what she was letting herself in for. She made a mental note to mention the idea to him when he returned.
Tegan opened the door to a room on the right. It was large and empty, the walls painted in the same shade of magnolia as all the others. The room next to it was also empty and Tegan felt a tinge of disappointment. She wanted to see what delights were in store for her, wanted to see what David's imagination had planned for her. The third room she ventured in held the Perspex boxes she had seen the previous night while David had been sleeping. She studied them again trying to figure out their use. The smaller of the boxes was big enough that she could lie flat on its base, her arms and legs spread. With the one box inside the other, the lip was about four and a half feet off the ground. How easy would it be to climb inside she thought. She stepped up to the side, planted her left leg firmly on the floor and then swung her right leg out and up testing the height. She had to lift her leg above the horizontal but she was very limber now and found it easy to rest her instep on the rim of the inner box. She held the position for a moment checking her balance then placed her hands firmly on the lip. Again she checked her balance then pressed down with her left leg before springing upwards, transferring her weight to her hands and lifting her body over the side. As she came over the top, she pressed again with her right leg then swung both legs over and down her weight still on her hands as she landed lightly inside. As she did she heard the sound of two hands clapping.
She turned sharply, somewhat embarrassed. David was leaning against the open doorframe watching her that easy warming smile on his face. Tegan felt her own face redden. She didn't know why, it wasn't like she shouldn't be there. Perhaps it was just the fact that she hadn't heard him return. She looked into his eyes unable to think of anything to say at that precise moment. Then, strangely considering all her recent experiences, she tried to cover her naked breasts with her hands. This made David's smile widen. "It's a little late for modesty Tegan" he told her pushing off the door frame and walking into the room. On hearing his words Tegans' embarrassment evaporated. He had such a kind voice, such a nice smile. How could she feel so at home here already? She didn't have the answers but she did drop her hands to her side, smiling back at him and thrusting her chest forward a little. "I guess so" she replied. "I guess so Master" he corrected her.
Tegan looked at him hard. His voice was still quiet; the smile was still in his eyes. Had the rules changed suddenly? Perhaps he wasn't the person she thought he was; that seemed unlikely though. Surely he was just playing with her, teasing her. She held his eyes for maybe thirty seconds then lowered her eyes and replied "I guess so Master". She continued to look at the floor of the Perspex box as she waited for him to speak. She could feel it flex slightly under her weight. She could feel his eyes studying her. Most of all, she could feel the sense of excitement in the pit of her stomach, her pussy clenching as she wondered what was going to happen next. The silence continued.
David had woken early that morning. He'd watched the skies lighten through the large windows as dawn arrived but his attention had really been on Tegan asleep beside him. Naked in the furs, her long hair draped over her body he'd got an instant erection the moment his eyes fell on her. The fact that she was sleeping peacefully, a serene look on her face, just made her even more attractive. The furs caressed her skin. He could see one bare shoulder and one long leg; the rest of her was covered. Almost absent mindedly his hand caressed the length of his cock and he thought about waking her and fucking her immediately. As the light grew though he decided against it. There would be no lack of opportunity to live his fantasies and there were things that needed to be done. He would let her sleep for now.
That said he still had the most enormous hard-on and concentrating on anything else would be difficult. He stroked his cock gently as he looked at her. He didn't have to wake her to enjoy her. Women in fur had been a fantasy of his ever since he could remember and as his eyes roamed over her, taking in every last detail of her body, his strokes became longer and quicker. He imagined her lips around his cock, imagined her tightly bound and buried in the furs as he fucked her. He was stroking hard and fast when Tegan gave a small sexy purr in her sleep. He came almost immediately stifling his groans so that he didn't wake her enjoying the feel of the furs caressing his back and legs. He lay there for a couple of minutes thinking about what pleasures he might share with the girl asleep beside him before finally rising and finding the shower.
Twenty minutes of cold water pouring over him sated his desire for further relief and woke him up properly. He dried and put the coffee pot on, started his laptop and drank two cups while he checked the overnight financial news. Recession was in full swing, seemingly across the world. He knew he would have to find time that day to go over his portfolio and check his risk exposure. There didn't seem to be anything that required immediate attention though.
Turning off his laptop he went to the master bedroom, donned his running gear and went outside, performing some stretches before setting off at an easy pace. He had a number of routes that he liked to use dependent on how much time he had. On this occasion he ran towards the trees until he picked up a small path that wound through the edge of the woods. It was slightly uphill to start with and he was soon sweating freely. As the path levelled out he increased the pace and was soon enjoying the mildly cold air in his lungs. He covered the six miles in just under an hour, returning to his kitchen and pouring another coffee whilst his breathing returned to normal.
He checked Tegan was still asleep then showered once more before eating a bowl of cereal. It was just after 8:00am when he wrote a note for her, picked up the keys to the SUV and set off on the two hour journey to the nearest town. There were small pockets of population closer but he wanted shops. In particular, he wanted to buy Tegan some clothes. He was considering taking her to the City in the not too distant future but she would need something just to travel. There was a Wal-Mart's in the town, he was pretty sure he could get everything he needed immediately there.
He thought he'd be back about 2:30pm but it was just after 1:45pm when he pulled up on the rough gravel in front of the ranch once more. During the drive to the town and back he gave some thought as to what he would do with Tegan on his return. He recalled some of the videos he'd seen of her training. There were times when she appeared like a natural submissive. There were also times when she appeared to rail against that position. He smiled to himself; she was a submissive who liked to get her own way. She would probably make a good Mistress as well he thought. Well, she wasn't going to get that kind of opportunity this early in the relationship. On the drive back he decided on his approach. Soon, maybe tomorrow, he'd introduce her to the world again. She could cloth herself, get her hair done. They would find somewhere nice to eat and they would probably stay over. He wondered how Tegan would react to being able to partake in something normal once more.
A trip to the city and a stay in a hotel had it's downside though, there would be little opportunity for the kind of heavy bondage they both seemed to thrive on. So, the rest of today, and possibly night, would be bondage time. He would give her something of what he thought she would enjoy. As he covered the final miles he settled on a scenario in his mind; the anticipation growing all the while.
Now, he lifted the his shopping bags from the SUV and went inside leaving them on the kitchen table as he went looking for Tegan. He didn't know why he went to search the basement first but his instinct had been right and he'd admired her naked body as she swung herself into the Perspex boxes. The look on her face when he'd announced his presence had been priceless. He composed himself as he watched her, ready to put his scenario into action.
"Have you had breakfast Tegan" he finally asked her breaking the warm afternoon silence. She raised her head and looked at him through cautious hooded eyes. She was pretty sure that this was a game but there was a certain uncertainty as well. It made her remember the day "The Provider" had taken her. She had thought that was a game too at first. She lowered her eyes and answered quietly "Yes Master". He asked her some more questions, could she manage to climb out of the box, did she need the bathroom, had she showered that morning. Tegan patiently answered "Yes Master" to each question and wondered where this was leading. "Look at me Tegan" he said finally, the questions over. Tegan raised her head and watched him walk over to the Perspex boxes. He gripped the edge of the box, his arms about three feet apart then spread his legs the same distance. "I want you to prepare yourself Tegan, do whatever you need to do. I'll return in ten minutes. When I come back, I want to find you stood as I am now in this position do you understand?" Tegan answered quietly in the affirmative. Her stomach was in knots. She still didn't know where this was leading but she was sure he would have something planned. Was he going to fuck her, tie her, beat her? Was he going to do all three? The anticipation welled inside her and she could already feel her pussy moisten. God she loved this. "Make sure you're ready Tegan" he said to her then turned and left the room.
Tegan watched him go before repeating the earlier process this time to climb out of the box. The drop was slightly further than before and she took care not to do anything stupid like break an ankle. He'd told her to prepare herself but there was not much to do. She didn't really know what she was preparing herself for either. She remembered the bathroom to the left of the staircase and quickly decided that a visit would be prudent. There were a few toiletries in the room and she ran water over her hands and face then used a brush to comb out her hair making sure there were no knots. As she left the bathroom she heard footsteps on the stairs and rapidly re-entered the room with the boxes taking up the position she had been instructed to. Her heart was pounding with anticipation and she was sure her pussy was dripping on the polished wooden floor. She fought an urge to look down though as she heard the door squeak on it hinges. She focussed on a spot on the wall and waited for whatever he had planned. She was good at this she thought. I'll show him just how good a slave girl I can be.
As David came down the stairs he saw Tegan exit the bathroom and stopped to give her a moment to get in the position he had instructed. He had collected some items whilst he had been away, a soft leather blindfold, four pieces of white rope each about four metres long, a metal ring gag and a dildo around six inches long. The latter item had a length of wire attached to the bottom. At the base of the wire was a plate on which five round weights were balanced. He held all the items now as he pushed the door open and looked at Tegan's back. He loved the way her long dark hair curled down over her ass. She had a fine body he thought, curves in all the right places. He entered the room quietly and stood behind her listening to her breathe. He thought she was panting just a little and that made him smile. It was so obvious that she enjoyed this. He laid the items on the floor behind her then reached out and ran his fingers through her hair.
Tegan groaned at the touch. "Keep quiet Tegan" he spoke firmly and Tegan uttered an almost silent "Yes Master". He stroked a hand up and down her back feeling the hard undulating bone of her spine against the tips of his fingers. At the same time her soft hair caressed the back of his hand. Tegan moaned slightly as he pulled his hand away and he stepped back slightly and laid the palm of his hand on her ass. It wasn't a full blooded smack, more of a warning tap and he repeated the command to remain quiet. "Don't make a sound unless I ask you a question Tegan". Tegan remained tight lipped and nodded her head. She was anxious, expectant and excited all at the same time.
David continued to stroke her back, his hand gradually working lower. When finally, he slipped it between her legs he immediately felt the heat emanating from her wet pussy. One gentle caress of her lips and his fingers were moist. Tegan was gripping the lip of the box tightly; her knuckles white and she had to strangle a cry as she felt his hand caress her. "Permission to speak Master" she said breathlessly. The words fell naturally from her lips but the response was a harder slap across her rear. "No talking Tegan" he said firmly as he continued to caress the lips of her wet pussy, parting them slightly but deliberately not pushing inside her. Tegan started to writhe a little and push down onto David's hand and this earned her another slap on the ass. "Keep still too Tegan" he said quietly. Another groan was stifled as he slid his hand back a little. He played his hands lightly over her ass hole then ran his hands up her side, pressing his body against her back, his fingers resting lightly on her shoulders. "You love this Tegan don't you?" he whispered in her ear, his breath caressing her skin. "Yes Master" Tegan replied weakly hoping he would tease her pussy some more. "You want to feel me inside you Tegan don't you?" "Oh God yes," she replied unable to conceal her desire. "You're such a sweet slut aren't you Tegan". His words breathed desire inside her.
The words he chose, calling her a slut, in some way reminded her of her previous captor. The way he said them was so different though. She could almost feel his desire reaching out to her. "I'm your sweet slut Master" she replied, the words breathy and rapid. "Do what you want with me Master" she added encouraging him. She was so ready to be fucked. She felt his hand trail down her spine once more. His weight moved slightly to one side as he re-positioned himself to allow easier access to her pussy and she groaned again as she felt his finger trace the entrance between her legs. "Do you want to be tied up and fucked Tegan, do you want to come while your helpless my sweet little bondage slut" he asked her. Tegan had to choke back the desire. "Oh God yes Master" she panted adding a hopeful "Please" at the end of the sentence.
David continued to stroke her pussy and also covered her asshole with his thumb pressing against the soft yielding hole gently. Tegan squeaked as she tried to keep quiet. It was a sign that her desire was overcoming her ability to remain silent as he had commanded. "Tell me what you are Tegan" he asked her quietly. "I'm your sweet slut Master" she answered quickly. She sensed it was close to the moment when he would take her. "What kind of sweet slut are you Tegan" he asked. "I'm your sweet...... oh god" she murmured as she felt the tip of his thumb slide into her ass. "I'm your sweet bondage slut Master" she eventually answered. "What would you like now Tegan?" he continued. "Oh please fuck me hard Master" she cried her voice rising. "Please fuck your slut Master". The need in her voice was clear and David smiled to himself. This girl was so receptive; how lucky he'd been.
Instead of answering her though, he bent down and picked up the soft leather blindfold and fitted it over her eyes. Tegan groaned as she felt his hands leave her sex and received another sharp slap on her luscious arse. "Keep quiet now Tegan" He commanded again and Tegan bit her lip. She wanted to ask him if he was going to fuck her but knew enough to remain silent until he spoke. The blindfold was comfortable and she felt his breath warm on the back of her neck as he slipped the strap underneath her hair as best he could and buckled it in place behind her head. "Now Tegan, today, if you want a fucking, you're going to have to earn it" he whispered in her ear. She moaned softly.
She loved the tease and hated being made to wait before she was satisfied. She still had the presence of mind to ask him "How will your sweet slut earn this fucking she so deserves Master?". She almost heard him smile as he answered. "A little test I think Tegan, are you pussy trained?". Tegan was puzzled by the question and replied that she didn't really understand what he was asking. David reached between her legs and prised the lips of her pussy apart before thrusting two of his fingers inside her. "Tegan groaned. "Now Tegan, grip my fingers as hard as you can". She did as she was told, squeezing her pussy muscles around him. She had good control but couldn't prevent him from easing his fingers out of her. "Mmmm, I think you can do better than that Tegan" he said "we shall have to see how good you really are."
Tegan just stood there and agreed. She had relaxed her grip on the edge of the Perspex box and pondered what was coming next. Her eyes blinked behind the blindfold. She knew it was her imagination but she thought she could see pinpricks of white light. The orders, the darkness, it was all familiar to her, but it was also different. There was a thrill doing this with David that she just hadn't had during her previous captivity. This was more a shared experience.
"Let's see how flexible your are shall we Tegan" were his next words. "Give me your left hand". Tegan released the edge and held her arm behind her. She felt David loop a rope around her wrist. Then he lifted her arm and twisted it up behind her back until her hand was vertical beneath her shoulder blades. Tegan groaned a little but he ignored it and asked for her right arm. She held that to the rear as well. He gripped her wrist and twisted her other arm up her back until her forearms were parallel, her wrists pressed together. He quickly looped the rope a couple of times around her wrists, added a single cinch then threw the two rope ends over her shoulders one each side of her neck so that they dropped into the box. He then reached around her and grabbed the ropes holding her wrists in place so they wouldn't drop.
"Can you manage this position Tegan" he asked her. Tegan flexed gently against the rope "A reverse prayer, yes Master I can manage that. It will be easier once you have more ropes holding me, it spreads the pressure," she added knowledgably. David just smiled to himself again. "Tell me when this is too much Tegan. Reaching around her he gently pulled on the ropes. The cinch around her wrists tightened and her hands were drawn further towards her shoulder blades. As he pulled on the rope he gently pushed her elbows as well. "Enough Master please" Tegans uttered as the tension built in her shoulders. She wanted to impress but she didn't want to be a heroine and take on something so hard that she would regret it. She had no idea how long David would keep her tied.
David let her wrists drop about half an inch then held the tension in the ropes. He pulled the free ends out of the box so they fell at her feet then reached down and pulled them tight between her legs. The ropes ran between the cheeks of her ass as he fed them back up to her elbow. There was sufficient length left in the rope that he could loop them around her arms just below the elbow five times before tying them off and leaving Tegans upper limbs quite firmly welded behind her. As soon as he'd finished Tegan automatically tested the tightness of the ropes. Her arms wouldn't move.
She was going to compliment David on a nice tie but he was already speaking. "Gag time Tegan" were the next words she heard. She replied dutifully "Yes Master" then opened her mouth to accommodate whatever he wanted to put there. She instantly recognised the ring gag as he eased it into her mouth and slotted it behind her teeth so that it held her jaw wide. Her pussy clenched again as she felt him tighten the strap underneath her hair. Of all the gags you could choose these were her favourite. She loved the thought of her jaw being stretched while David forced his cock inside her open mouth. She felt a little weak at the knees now. Any further communication of her desires would have to be done by pitiful squeaks, grunts or sighs; it wouldn't be easy.
With her speech removed David took the other two ropes and bound her arms tightly to her body, one rope above and one rope below her breasts. He noted that her nipples were hard and firm and elicited a groan from her when he teased them with his fingers. When the two ropes were tied off Tegan was quite helpless. He turned her now so that her back was against the Perspex box then ran his fingers over her pussy as he bent down and picked up the dildo. He removed the weights and then pressed the tip against her lower lips. He pushed and Tegan let out a loud expectant moan as the device slid inside her wet receptive sex. When it was fully home he whispered in her ear. "Ready for your first test Tegan". She nodded wondering what was going on. "Can you hold the toy inside you Tegan." She clenched her pussy around the device and nodded. Even though she was so slick and wet it was easy enough. When he asked her if she could walk at the same time she again nodded that she could. Then David added a weight to the plate attached top the bottom of the device.
Tegan felt a gentle tug on the walls of her pussy. It was hard to tell whether the device was moving or not. When David added a second weigh she could feel it start to slip. She tightened and tried to use her muscles to suck it back inside her. She thought she was succeeding but then another weight was added. The device slipped again but she squeezed hard around it. Keeping the toy inside her required effort now. She couldn't relax, every time she did she could feel it slip a little more. She thought she was managing but the fourth weight was too much. Despite her best efforts, she felt the device slowly slide down until it was gone and she heard the dull sound as it hit the wooden floor. She felt David's fingers on her inner thigh and moaned what she hoped he would take as an apology into the gag. When she heard his voice is seemed quite light and unconcerned.
"Well Tegan, we definitely need to improve there don't we. Looks like plenty of pussy training will be appropriate". Tegan felt him insert the device into her pussy again. She gripped it hard but there was no need, he'd taken the weights off. She felt his body press against hers, his warm hands press gently against her cheeks holding her head still. His tongue traced the edge of the ring gag and she pushed hers out to meet his, moaning and thrusting her hips forward against him. If she could have spoken, she would have begged him to pull the device back out and fuck her. As it was, she could only moan her request around the gag that held her jaw wide open. "Keep squeezing Tegan, keep that toy inside you. I'm going to take you to another room in a moment, I expect that toy to still be in your pussy when we get there."
She nodded her agreement as she felt him move away and take one of her bound arms. He guided her away from the box and she followed the pull on her arm. She was both excited and apprehensive wondering what was going to happen next. She felt him turn her and guessed they were in the corridor. She concentrated on keeping her pussy muscles tight as she was turned again. She heard the creak of a door and wondered which room she was being taken into. When David finally stopped, he turned her by placing his hands on her shoulders. When he moved her backwards she felt the caress of leather against her back.
Tegan remembered a room with leather slats across the wall and thought she knew where she was. She felt David kneel by her feet. He told her to spread her legs which she did. The toy slipped a little and she squeezed down on it to stop it moving further. Then he forced something behind each foot, it felt like blocks. When he stood, he told her to step back one foot at a time. She did so, raising each foot in turn. As she lifted the first she felt the toy slide again. It was hard to hold it and step back onto the blocks and she couldn't prevent it slipping out of her sex once more as she lifted the other foot. When her feet were firmly planted, David pushed her body against the leather wall. "Stand still now Tegan" he told her and she obeyed. She was surprised that he hadn't said anything about losing the toy once more. Her shoulders were feeling a little sore now but her pussy was clenching air and she stood there quietly hoping he'd fill it with his cock.
David looked at her as he started taking ropes out of the box in the corner of the room and laid them at the floor between Tegan's feet. Then he commenced tying her to the wall. As he worked he talked to her, telling her how sexy she looked telling her how tight he was going to tie her, telling her how helpless she would be. As he worked Tegan moaned her satisfaction. She so loved tight bondage. Even in captivity she'd enjoyed the bondage "The Provider" had put her in. He'd never spoken to her the way David did though. He constantly told her how good she looked, how tight her bondage was going to be. He didn't stop as her body was slowly encased in ropes.
He started with ropes around her waist and upper thighs, threading them behind the slats and pulling them back between her legs, over her pelvic bone and around her body. He looped the ropes on each side of her legs three or four times, always lifting them up and over the slat behind her so that her weight would be supported. Once her ass was tightly secured against the leather wall he applied more ropes around her upper body and around the slats. These too were pulled as tight as he could get them and Tegan moaned as her upper body was crushed against the leather behind her. She felt a rope crush her breasts just below the nipple. She felt another pull her shoulders back hard against the wall, her arms and hands helplessly trapped behind her. He forced ropes under each arm; it wasn't easy as they were welded to her side, and these were wrapped around slats level with her head. A rope across her forehead held her head still.
When her upper body was secure, he moved to her legs, binding her in the spread eagled position. Tegan could feel the moistness in her pussy grow as he worked. Each leg was bound tightly to the slats behind her. He started at her ankles and worked upwards. As each coil of rope was tightened around her, Tegan felt a little thrill run through her. She was in a familiar position, unable to move a fraction. When he reached the top of her thighs his fingers caressed her pussy and she groaned as loudly as she could into her gag trying to encourage him to continue. Instead he just kicked away the blocks under her feet and the ropes tensioned even more as they took her full weight.
As she tried to relax into her bondage she felt his fingers teasing her nipples once more and this elicited more moans. These moans turned to groans as he placed clamps on those now hard nubs. Then she felt his fingers around her head and, with a little bit of cajoling her blindfold was removed.
Tegan immediately gasped into her gag as she caught her reflection in the mirrors around the room. It looked like she was hanging from the wall, a mass of white rope around her.
Automatically, she flexed against her bonds but there was no give, no movement whatsoever. It took a while for her to realise that David was speaking to her again. He was telling her that she needed pussy training and this was the start. She felt the toy slide back inside her and she gripped it. It was much harder with her legs spread apart. He placed a weight on the toy and she gripped harder, trying to suck the toy inside her once more. When he placed another weight on top of the first Tegan found herself straining hard to keep the toy there. He stood then and gently pulled on the nipple clamps to make sure he had her attention. "Pussy training will last four hours Tegan" he told her before giving the clamps another tweak then brushing his lips lightly across hers. "You do look gorgeous all bound and helpless like this" he added before turning and heading to the door. He stopped in the doorway and turned to look at her again. "Don't let the toy drop this time Tegan" he smiled. "It the toy is there when I return you'll get the reward you deserve". Then she listened as the sound of his footsteps quickly faded away.
Tegan already felt tired. Her pussy was clamped tight around the toy and her upper thighs were already starting to ache. Her shoulders were sore and she couldn't even wiggle her fingers which were crushed between her shoulder blades and the leather slats behind her. Very slowly she tried to relax, ready to tense again if she felt even the slightest movement of the toy stuffed in her pussy. She took deep breaths of air through her nose and looked at her image reflected in the mirrors. She could see how the ropes bit into her skin, how the flesh bulged around those soft white coils where they held her really tight.
David was right she thought, bondage did suit her. She remembered all the pictures she had seen in the magazines she'd read during her captivity. Bound as she was, she wouldn't have looked out of place on any of those pages. She felt a slight movement; or was it her imagination.
Automatically, she clamped her pussy tight around the toy once more. Four hours she thought, four hours of tight inescapable bondage. She could do that, she'd been trained to be tied. The thought made her smile inwardly. I'm a fully trained bondage slut she said to herself, and a good one too. She closed her eyes, her mind drifting off only to clamp her muscles around the toy yet again as she thought she detected more movement. Yes, the bondage would be easy; but keeping that toy in her soaking wet pussy, that was an entirely different matter.
David fired up his laptop; it was time to do some work. He set an alarm for 7:06pm, the time when Tegans' four hours would be up. As his screen came to life he made a mental note to look into remote cameras in the rooms downstairs. It would be good to keep an eye on her while he was working; or would that just distract him. It probably would but it was still something worth doing.
The market was already closed for the day and he logged on to his main account and spent an hour going through his positions. He pondered going down to check on Tegan after he had done that then decided against it. He had to be disciplined himself. Maintaining his good financial standing was essential to support the ranch and everything he wanted out of it. He got a bottle of water from the fridge, stretched his legs then sat behind the screen once more and started to read some of the financial commentaries.
The market had been down considerably that day and there was much discussion that, if it fell heavily again, support levels would be broken and that could signify more losses over the coming days. This was good for a number of short positions he had and he entered stops against them. That would guarantee most of the profits on those positions should the commentaries be wrong and the market rise. He went through his other positions.
Three long positions had fallen through their stops and the orders had been actioned. He entered new orders below the current price so that the position would be re-instated should the market continue to fall. Selling stocks and buying them back cheaper always made him feel good. Finally, he checked his option positions but there was not much to do there; options expiry for that month was still three weeks away. He spent another twenty minutes on his favourite business web site reading opinion on various companies, their prospects and how to trade that news.
He was reading about a technology company that was failing to deliver; and in which he'd so far taken a sizeable loss, when the alarm sounded. He finished the article, did a final once over of his positions and the trades he had submitted for the next day then closed his machine down once more. Stretching his legs once more he filled a glass with cold water, added a straw then padded downstairs to see how his captive was doing. When he entered the room Tegans' eyes flicked open and followed him. He could see some apprehensiveness in those lovely green/grey orbs, the cause of which was immediately apparent. The toy, with its two weights, was resting on the floor between Tegans' legs.
Tegan was pissed with herself. She had so wanted to please David by keeping the toy inside her. For the first hour or so she'd held it easily but her attention had started to waver. The ropes were so tight, her muscles so sore, that she had to relax a little. She had done so carefully, clenching again as soon as she thought she felt movement. She was getting good at it too. The periods of relaxation, which initially only lasted thirty seconds or so were slowly getting longer, she thought at least five minutes or possibly more. She would close her eyes and try to relax her muscles, particularly her shoulders, whilst still gripping the device. As soon as she felt movement she would squeeze her pussy close around the toy once more. It reminded her of her orgasm control training.
It only took once mistake though and she'd made it after about three and a half hours. She had been so close. Nevertheless, the toy was gone. She hadn't even felt it slide out of her. Her eyes had been closed and she was enjoying the feel of the ropes when her reverie had been broken by the sound of the toy hitting the floor. Her eyes had flashed open in an instant as she understood what had happened and the disappointment had welled up inside her. She had failed, what would he do to her? There was nothing to do to recover the situation though so she decided to relax and concentrate on enjoying the helplessness of the position she was in.
She'd tensed again when she heard the creak of the hinges as the door opened and now she watched him cautiously as he walked towards her. He placed the glass of water on the table in the room then bent and picked the toy off the floor, examining it before looking at her. "Lots more pussy training needed for you Tegan" he smiled as he pushed the blocks under her feet and set to work loosening the ropes.
Tegan didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed. Did she really want to be punished for failing? She had done her best, should she tell him? As she felt the ropes loosen she decided to say nothing, assuming of course that he removed the gag. There was a large pile of ropes on the floor now as David finished removing the ropes holding her to the slatted wall. He helped her step off the blocks. She was sore and immediately she was able she sank to her knees. She did it partly because she didn't know if she could stand straight away, partly so she could nuzzle her head into David's groin which she tried to do. She felt his hands in her hair loosening the strap to her gag then he was kneeling in front of her.
He placed a finger over her mouth then removed the gag, putting the finger back across her lips as he offered her the straw. She drank the water, her eyes on his the whole time. When she'd finished she indicated so and he put the glass down. She flexed her jaw to remove the stiffness and he just watched her. Eventually she said quietly "Permission to speak Master". He smiled back at her, leant forward and kissed her softly then said "Game's over for today Tegan". She nodded without saying anything and he started to release the ropes holding her arms behind her back. Removing the ropes was easy but she moaned in pain as he helped her straighten her arms, they were so stiff. That pain was accentuated when he removed the nipple clamps. He continued to massage her arms and soon the pain became a dull ache. When she was able, she slipped her arms around his neck, pulled herself to him and kissed him slowly. "Thank you David" she said softly into his mouth and she felt his arms slide around her and hold her tight.
David continued to massage her gently until she said she was alright and then he led her upstairs. In the kitchen, still on the table in large bags were the clothes he'd bought for her earlier in the day. "You can't continue to walk around naked all the time Tegan" he'd told her and she'd smiled and told him she would if that was what he wanted. "Anyway", he said to her, "you need something to wear so I can take you into the city tomorrow, then you can pick your own clothes".
Tegan went to shower and change whilst he cooked. The clothes he'd purchased for her were basic. The trainers and socks were OK, the jeans slightly too big. He'd bought her black and white t-shirts. The black one was too big, the white one slightly too small. She donned the white one and combed her hair down her back. The garment followed all of her curves. "You look good in that" he'd told her when she returned commenting particularly on the way her nipples stood out against the soft cotton material. She smiled "I bet that's why you bought me a bra at least two sizes too small" she teased.
After they had eaten they sat outside on the veranda watching the night sky. Tegan confessed that she was nervous about going into the city, it had been so long since she had seen anyone or done anything normal like shop. David held her and told her it would be fine. To take her mind off it he talked a little about what he wanted to do with the ranch and how he wanted her to help him choose some of the equipment for the remaining rooms. "After all, you'll be testing it" he grinned. She was keen to make a start on that.
When it became too cold to stay outside, they sat in the living room for a while. They were soon kissing and caressing and Tegan told him she wanted to spend the night in the Star Room again lost in the furs. When they were naked, she kissed and teased him with her tongue. When he was ready, she pushed him back into the furs and mounted him. Instead of riding him though she gripped his hard cock with her pussy and squeezed slowly.
He moaned beneath her, his hands all over her, his tongue urgent in her mouth as he tried to thrust inside her. She told him to behave, it was her turn now. He lay back in the furs as she kissed him. Then she lifted herself, palms of her hands on his chest as she threw her head back, her mane of dark hair flowing over her body. She flexed and squeezed around him. Slowly, he edged towards his peak.
Occasionally, Tegan would give a little teasing thrust and then go back to simply squeezing her pussy around his hard cock. His moans grew increasingly loud and soon it was him begging her to fuck him. Still she continued with the flexing and squeezing. When he was close she fell on top of him, her breasts pressed into his chest. Only then did she lift her hips until just the tip of his cock was inside her, continuing with minute little thrusts around the head of his cock. He came with an urgency and passion she hadn't seen before and it was only as he thrust inside her that she clamped herself around him once more and sucked his seed into her. She lay on top of him as he recovered, his eyes glazed. When she thought he was sufficiently aware, she leaned down and kissed him softly. "You see", she said in a quiet teasing voice "I don't need that much pussy training do I?"
Chapter 10 - A Semblance Of Normality (added: 2017/06/17)
David woke first again the following morning and could tell by the light in the room that he had slept much later than he had the day before. Tegan was curled on the furs still asleep and he felt the same urge to wake her as he had had just over twenty-four hours previously. He rose carefully so as not to disturb her immediately and slipped out of the room.
After ten minutes under the shower and a quick towel down he was back at the door watching her, the towel wrapped around his waist. He let it slide to the floor and stepped over the furs, lying down next to the sleeping girl. A fur was draped across Tegan’s middle and it did little to conceal her own nakedness. David moved it slowly off her skin then played his fingertips over her flat stomach. He stroked her gently until he heard a soft moan then moved further down caressing her thigh.
Tegan groaned in her sleep and rolled slightly ending on her back. David couldn’t resist the lure of her firm breasts and nipples that seemed to harden even as she slept. He leaned over her and took one in his mouth, sucking it between his teeth and running his tongue over the ever hardening nub. In tandem, he slid a finger inside her. It was immediately coated with her juices.
Tegan moaned again and he thrust his finger deeper as he transferred his mouth to her other nipple and gave that similar attention. Given her reaction he didn’t believe she could still be asleep and the feeling of her fingers sliding into his hair and pressing his head down against her told him he was right. He sucked for a few moments longer before lifting his head against the pressure of her hand and looking into her eyes. They were closed but Tegan had thrown her head back as she savoured her waking moments.
He pulled his finger out and moved up her body kissing her neck. As he did so she groaned again, this time in annoyance. Reaching down, Tegan grabbed his wrist and tried to push his hand back towards her pussy. At that David stopped kissing her, swinging his leg over her body so that he could sit astride her. He twisted his arm free then grabbed her wrists pushing them into the furs and pinning them above her head. This lowered him towards her and elicited more murmurs of encouragement from her as, still holding her wrists tight, he kissed her hard.
She was fully awake now and struggled teasingly beneath him; he just held her tighter, slowly moving his legs straighter until he could lift them and re-position them between Tegans. Using his knees he slowly forced her limbs apart. Tegan allowed him to do so willingly. She had stopped struggling now and was just looking into his face. She didn’t speak but mouthed the words “Fuck Me” at him. He leant down to kiss her fiercely once more, trying to enter her as he did so. It took two attempts before he felt the warmth of her pussy wrap around his cock.
When he was deep inside her, he felt her legs curl around his waist and lock tight. Now as he moved to fuck her he lifted her with him, crushing her back into the furs when he thrust down. Tegan groaned her satisfaction and tried to free her wrists so she could wrap them around his strong neck but he held her firm. She didn’t mind, it was a little like having her hands tied. Instead she just squeezed her legs tighter around him and flexed her muscles once more. “Fuck me harder”, she murmured breathlessly between kisses, her words rewarded as he drove her deeper into the furs. Her cries spurred him on and she felt his grip on her wrists tighten as he came. She clenched her pussy hard around him then and thrust to meet him as he slowed. Her own orgasm followed close behind as she felt his body fall onto her.
After a while, he lifted himself again and she found herself looking into his blue eyes, his face warm and smiling. She tried to lift her head to kiss him but couldn’t reach. Instead she wriggled a little wanting him to let her go so she could wrap her arms around him. He loosened his grip slightly but still held her beneath him. She looked at him silently until a question formed in her mind. “Why do guys always wake up horny?” she asked him finally, breaking the easy silence that had fallen over them. He laughed then and kissed her gently before letting go; he didn’t have an answer for that one.
Two hours later they were on the road. Tegan had dressed in the clothes he had purchased for her the day before, this time choosing the larger black t-shirt. She’d turned and knelt in the passenger seat of the SUV as they drove up the dirt road, her arms draped around the back, chin resting against the headrest as she watched the ranch disappear. The mountains and trees behind the ranch receded. By the time they reached the tarmac road, the vehicle rocking slightly as they turned right up the small ramp onto the smoother surface, the land around them was mostly dry, undulating and earthy with small patches of grass. There were no obvious signs that a large dwelling lay beneath the mountains at the end of the track they had just navigated and she wondered how the organisation that had taken her had managed to deliver her to such an isolated place without drawing any attention. She pondered the question as the dirt road also disappeared into the distance then turned and sat properly in the passenger seat, snapping on the belt and looking at the road ahead, the puzzle of her arrival still foremost in her mind. "How did I get here?" she asked as the vehicle picked up speed.
Keeping his eyes on the road, David ran through the day he driven almost 300 miles to the foot of the mountains to pick up his prize. Tegan was silent as he gave her the details and that silence remained long after he had finished the story. He glanced at her a couple of times as he drove; Tegan was staring vacantly at the road that stretched out in front of them. Eventually he reached across and slipped his right hand beneath her hair, gently massaging her neck as he drove one-handed.
"It really is all over Tegan" he told her reassuringly as he continued to gently knead the skin of her neck with his strong fingers. Tegan blew out a long deep sigh collapsing back into the seat. "It's so desolate out here" she said her eyes still on the road. "That's one of the reasons why I chose the ranch" David told her. "We haven't even seen another vehicle yet," Tegan added. David was silent now wondering where the conversation was going; he didn't have to wait long for the answer as Tegan shifted in her seat so she could look at him.
"What would have happened to me if you hadn't found the crate" she suddenly asked him. Her voice was soft, quiet, almost scared. It was David's turn to draw in a deep breath as he thought about his answer. The truth was he didn't know; the thought hadn't even occurred to him. There were plenty of possibilities that he could postulate over but neither of them would ever know the one that might have been fact. In these circumstances, the truth was always the best he thought. "I've absolutely no idea," he told her then added with a smile "but I did so don't worry about something that didn't happen". Tegan wanted to take his advice but there was something unconcerting about the thought of being abandoned in a crate in the middle of nowhere. She turned to face the road in front of them while thinking about the possibility. After five minutes of silence she was suddenly thrust forward in her seat-belt as David braked hard to a sudden halt.
"If you're not comfortable with this we can go back to the ranch" he told her as he turned in his seat to face her placing a reassuring hand on her leg as he did so. Tegan wasn't sure she could speak as she returned his gaze. She took in his smiling blue eyes, there seemed to be a real concern for her there and it helped her to put the crazy thoughts she'd just been having to the back of her mind. "No, I'm good" she whispered to him. David gave her leg a squeeze then put pressed the accelerator pedal and they took off up the road once more. He wasn't convinced she was telling the truth.
Tegan was still silent as they ate up mile after mile of barren country side. It was some forty minutes before Tegan saw the first sign of civilisation, a small town called Glenrock. Here David turned east and they travelled a short while until they reached a second town, Douglas, where they turned north again. The land was grassier now and Tegan noticed they were entering the Thunder Basin National Grassland. She didn’t know why but it made her smile. It also brought her out of her reverie and they chatted for a while as they drove, the conversation interspersed with periods of silence as they sped along the road. There was the odd signed turn-off, directing travellers to places with names like Buffalo, Hot Springs, Casper and Gillette. She also noted a number of dirt roads that led off into the wilderness. On some, the ranch at the end of the road was visible but most of these tracks just disappeared from view. Tegan pondered how many of these ranches might hold a secret similar to theirs.
David stopped in Gillette to refuel and they ate lunch in a small diner. The waitress belonged in the forties but was pleasant enough. She drooled over David’s accent and told Tegan she had a fine man. If only she knew the truth Tegan thought. There were only two other customers, two ageing males who looked like they had spent many years outside in the hot sun, their skin wrinkled and dry. Both men ignored them.
It was only after they left the diner and were back on the road again that two things struck Tegan. It was the first time she had seen anyone other than Karen, David and her Captor since she had been taken. She had felt quite nervous the previous night about going out into the world again. When the moment had happened, she hadn’t even given it a thought. The other thing concerned David. “You weren’t worried that I would make a scene, tell them I’d been kidnapped, and get them to call the police?” she said to him as they left the town behind them. He’d looked at her and smiled. “Nope”, he’d replied simply. “Why not?” she pressed. He didn’t answer immediately, instead slowing down for a second time until he could pull in off the side of the road.
Once the vehicle was stopped he turned to face her, putting his hands on the back of the seat and resting his chin on his forearm as he looked at her. “I’m not worried babe”, he said “because you’re my bondage and sex slave and I trust you. OK”, he added quietly watching her. She looked back into his eyes for a moment then nodded and smiled “OK” she replied. He reached out then, took her hand in his and squeezed. “Good” he said before turning back in his seat, shifting the gear lever into “Drive” and moving onto the road once more. “And besides” he added as they pulled away, “for the most gorgeous girl on the planet, a little risk is worth taking”. Tegan watched him as the vehicle got up to speed again. She wondered if he was joking and eventually decided that he probably wasn’t. It wasn’t true, that was for sure, but the fact that he said it made her feel good inside.
They continued on the road heading east again. There was more traffic now and soon Tegan was seeing signs for Spearfish and Rapid City, their destination. It had just gone 6:00pm when David pulled into the courtyard of the Fairfield Inn and Suites. It was obvious that he had been there before and, ten minutes after arriving, they were ensconced in a Suite on the top floor.
Tegan didn’t yet have a change of clothes so he phoned the reception and asked if they had any swimsuits. The answer was yes and they both took advantage of the heated indoor pool, Jacuzzi and steam room to ease the rigours of the day. Later they ate in the in-house restaurant then sat outside listening to the traffic on the main through route some quarter of a mile away. Again there was an easy silence between them. David had his arm around her holding her close in the cool night air. It took him a few minutes of silence to realise Tegan was crying quietly, her emotions finally catching up with her. Gently he brushed away the tears with his fingertips then took her back to the room. Once in bed he held her against him brushing his fingers through her hair until he realised she was asleep. As he looked at her he realised that it would only work long term if she got her life back. He fell asleep pondering how they might achieve that.
The next day they had their first argument. Tegan had woken in a much better frame of mind and after breakfast they had hit the malls. They’d returned to the hotel just before lunch with their morning haul and had loaded it all in the back of the SUV. David was ready to hit the shops once more but Tegan was less keen. "I don't want to be a kept woman" she told him fiercely while they were eating lunch. Eventually she had to submit to reason; there was no immediate alternative to David funding their lifestyle and Tegan reluctantly agreed to let him continue.
David saw the wry side of their lunchtime conversation late in the day when, already struggling with a large number of bags, they came upon a "Victoria's Secret" store; Tegan had to look inside. Whilst she was browsing the store David sat outside surrounded by their afternoon purchases. His eyes fell on the large pictures of models dressed in sexy lingerie which advertised the shop that had caught Tegan's attention. The image that really struck him was a girl with long dark hair dressed in a corset and suspenders with white angels wings spread out behind her. There was a beauty about her that was haunting but all David could think of was how Tegan would look in similar attire, he was certain that she would be an improvement.
His reverie was broken when he felt a tap on the shoulder. Tegan was smiling at him telling him that he needed to go to the Cashier and pay for the goods she had left at the counter. He did briefly think of bringing up her desire to make her own way but quickly cast those thoughts aside; there was little to be gained in stirring up turbulent waters. He had to smile to himself though as he handed over his credit card to the perky young blonde girl behind the till. The bill came to a shade over $600 for the three bags the assistant handed over. "I hope you enjoy them as much as your wife," she told him as he left bags in hand. David wondered what Tegan had told the girl that gave her that impression.
After returning to the hotel with their afternoon shopping in tow they again availed themselves of the hotel pool and sauna before dressing and finding a restaurant followed by a late night visit to the cinema. It was well past midnight when they finally collapsed in bed back at the hotel too tired to do more than sleep in each others arms; overall David thought the trip had been quite successful and well worth it.
The following morning David dropped Tegan off at a hairdressers whilst he visited a couple more stores. He wanted to buy Tegan a laptop and also visit a hardware store to get some items he needed for the ranch; top of that list was a replacement window catch for the one Tegan had broken during her ill-fated attempt to escape. "Or not so ill-fated" he thought to himself considering how things had turned out. He was so confident in their growing relationship that he never once considered it a risk to leave Tegan on her own.
On the way to the local electronic store he passed "Angie's Adult Superstore". He smiled at the name but, as he drove an idea formed in his mind. After purchasing the laptop he returned to the sex shop buying a number of items which he carried out in a large plain white bag. The visit to the hardware store took slightly longer than he anticipated; he'd added a few items to his shopping list; but the smile on his face as he returned to the hairdressers indicated that he was well pleased with his mornings shopping.
Tegan was still inside and he found a rock station on the radio and settled down to wait. There was one moment of uncertainty when a police cruiser drove slowly past. It stopped for a few seconds outside the store and David had a fleeting moment of doubt before it moved off again and he let out a sigh of relief.
Tegan stepped out some twenty minutes later and he was reminded of the first photograph he had seen of her as she crossed the road a smile lighting up her face as she saw him waiting for her. Her hair was shorter, but not by much, and the light breeze blew it back off her face. She was wearing a white t-shirt that hugged her curves and loose fitting light blue shorts which did little to conceal her long bare legs. White sandals completed her outfit. She stopped in front of the SUV and posed for him, her smile widening, before she climbed into the passenger seat and leant across to kiss him lightly. "You like ?" she asked him running her fingers through her freshly coiffured hair. "You look gorgeous" he told her meaning every word of it.
Once more they lunched at the hotel before making use of the pool, partly because David enjoyed watching Tegan in her newly purchased bikini. She thought they were staying another night but David told her he'd changed the plans slightly. "I've had an idea," he said with more than a wicked glint in his eye. It was late afternoon when they checked out of the hotel and started the long journey home.
After the first few miles the traffic thinned out and, by the time the sun was close to the horizon, they were pretty much on their own on the road. The radio was tuned into a Classic Rock station playing David's favoured kind of music and Tegan had been silently watching the countryside go by when the engine note changed and she felt the vehicle slowing. She looked forward as David pulled into a parking area that was hidden from the road by a thicket of trees. After turning off the engine he removed his seat belt and turned to look at his passenger. Tegan could see by the smile that spread across his face that this wasn't just a toilet stop and she half turned in the seat as well so she could look into his blue eyes.
"How did you enjoy your taste of normal life ?" he asked her. Tegan looked at him with a hint of suspicion. "You didn't stop here just to ask me that did you?" she queried responding to his question with one of her own. David just looked into her eyes not answering. He reached out with his left hand and brushed her long hair back behind one ear his fingertips trailing softly over her smooth skin. Tegan returned his gaze expectantly.
"I did some shopping while you were getting your hair done" he suddenly announced then opened the door and climbed out of the vehicle. Tegan turned again in her seat her eyes following him as he opened the rear door of the SUV. She couldn't see what he picked out and he held whatever it was behind his back as he appeared by the passenger door. "Step out of the vehicle please Ma'am" he said authoritatively as he rapped his knuckles on the window pane. Tegan giggled as she opened the door and did as he commanded. "You sound like a Policeman," she laughed then added "I hope you haven't forgotten your handcuffs". David ignored the comment. "Turn around please, hands on the vehicle legs apart," he told her firmly. "Someone's been watching too many TV programmes," Tegan told him but nevertheless complied with his order. When she was positioned as he had instructed, David placed the plain white bag on the floor at her feet then stepped in close behind her his hands resting on her hips.
"Don't move" he whispered to her as he started to caress her. He ran his hands in small circles down her legs as if he was frisking her. Then he moved to her hips and side enjoying the feel of her firm body through the light blouse she was wearing. He couldn't see Tegan close her eyes but heard a gasp of pleasure when he pressed against her, cupping her breasts and burying his face in her long hair. "You don't seem to be armed but you still might be dangerous, I think some restraint is in order," he told her softly.
Tegan felt a familiar thrill on hearing the word restraint; she loved this game and encouraged him to do exactly as he suggested. "Yes", she breathed softly, "I might attack you while you're driving and cause a crash". She paused a moment then added for good measure "You should make sure I'm really tightly secured, no point taking any risk is there". She thought she heard a soft laugh behind her in response.
The sun had dropped below the horizon and there was a slight chill in the air. Tegan didn't notice the growing cold as she allowed David to take both her arms and pull them behind her back. She leaned against the SUV, her eyes looking up to the darkening skies, as she felt rope being looped around her wrists. She didn't have to look to know that David would be laying one coil neatly on top of the other and there was a feeling of satisfaction when she felt him apply the cinch which welded her arms immovably behind her. Tegan expected to feel the tug on her shoulders next as he tied her elbows together and was surprised when it was his hands there instead, turning her to face him. In his right hand he held a simple black ball-gag. David didn't say anything and neither did Tegan, she just opened her mouth wide allowing him to push the device in and buckle it tightly behind her head.
Tegan absent-mindedly tugged on the rope binding her wrists as David loosened her shorts and pushed them down to her knees. Then he turned her around and pushed her up against the SUV once more. She was trembling now waiting to see what he did next. After a moments pause, while she heard him rustle around in the bag, she felt his hands on her hips once more, this time tugging down her panties. He gently eased her legs apart and she thought he was going to take her from behind, it made her pussy clench in anticipation. She groaned loudly as she felt his hand between her legs caressing her most intimate parts, anticipating his cock pressing against her lips at any moment. Instead, what she felt was a vibrator being pushed into her sex instead. Another pause followed and then further pressure, this time on her asshole, as David commenced the process of inserting a butt plug in her rear passage. She moaned again as she tried to relax. As was often the case, the plug felt huge inside her and her past experiences had taught her that relaxation was the best method of accommodating these devices, Nevertheless, she was relieved when she felt the flange of the plug against her butt cheeks indicating that the device was fully home.
David pulled her panties and shorts back up again, reaching around her to fasten the waist buttons that held them in place. She tried to stay still as he adjusted her clothing, pulling her blouse out of the waist band of her shorts where the material had been caught. What she didn't see was David adjusting the wires of the two devices he had inserted so that they fell from the small of her back down towards her feet. Now he did turn her to face him once more, his face a study of concentration as he opened the passenger door and eased her onto the seat her legs dangling out of the doorway. She wiggled in the seat as he pulled her feet together, sliding off her sandals and throwing them into the foot well. A visit to the bag produced the next item to contribute to her bondage; a pair of nylon tights. He pulled them out of the packet then eased both of Tegan's feet into one leg. The material stretched enough to allow him to pull the garment up her shapely calves and over just over her knees, the unused leg dangling towards the floor.
Tegans first thought was that this was a bit of a sloppy way of binding her legs and not David's style at all. Her view soon changed as the next item appeared in his hand, a roll of duct tape. David pulled a foot or so off the roll and placed it across her ankles. He then proceeded to use the whole roll to bind her legs from ankle to just below the knee. Tegan enjoyed the way her legs were slowly encased until there was no way she could separate them. He used another roll to bind her upper legs together. This was a little harder as, each time he passed the roll underneath he had to lift her legs and pull it through without it getting caught. By the time he was finished, her legs were encased in black tape and she could feel the pressure on the toys inside her, particularly the vibrator stuffed into her pussy. Although she couldn't see the wires she knew that David would have a way of turning the toys on once she was bound to his satisfaction. She shivered a little in anticipation of the event as he lifted her legs into the vehicle so that she was sat facing forward.
She heard a sound that slowly got louder. The night sky lightened to her left as a vehicle thundered by, unseen through the trees that separated the road from the rest area they were parked in. It distracted her from what David was doing for a moment but her thoughts quickly returned to her bondage as David tied her ankles to the frame of the seat and then commenced binding her body. He'd climbed into the rear of the vehicle and was now using more tape to bind her tightly and immovably to her seat. He started at her shoulders, pulling them back against the fabric of the seat with circle upon circle of tape. With her shoulders immobile he wrapped more tape below her breasts. She felt her elbows snugly held, her arms trapped behind her as more tape was applied, this time crushing her breasts. There was a pause for a moment while he climbed out of the vehicle and she thought that maybe he was finished; it wasn't the case. He returned with more rolls of tape selected from the bag that he'd left outside and used more tape to bind her lower body to the seat as well.
By the time he'd finished Tegan could only move her head and take shallow breaths, her bonds were so tight. That last small modicum of movement was soon taken from her when David adjusted the headrest before using more tape to bind her forehead back so that all she could do was look ahead through the windscreen. She wanted to tell him that it would hurt when he ripped it off but all she could do was grunt into the gag. She heard the rear door close and then the trunk. Moments later, David climbed into the drivers seat. Tegan couldn't turn her head to see what he was doing. She tensed waiting for the moment when the toys would be turned on and did what she always did when she couldn't move, tested the security on her bondage. The tape held her immovably to the passenger seat and she felt an inner glow as she enjoyed the helplessness of the situation she was in.
David looked at the helpless girl next to him as he adjusted the wires that were attached to the toys inside her. He saw her eyes twitch as she tried to look towards him and he just sat and drank in the beauty of a gorgeous girl bound and helpless. He couldn't think of any better sight. The only thing that broke the silence was another vehicle going past on the road and a gentle mewing that came from Tegan's gagged mouth. This mewing grew louder when he turned on both toys leaving the setting on low. Then he put the key in the ignition and started the engine. Thirty seconds later they were picking up speed on the dark tarmac that stretched out into the night before them.
After ten minutes on the road Tegan was starting to get frustrated. The plug in her ass was pulsing every twenty seconds or so but it was quite mild and she soon got used to it. The vibrator provided the bare minimum of stimulation which could be increased a little if she clamped her pussy tightly around the intruding toy. This took effort though and she kept having to relax just to regulate her breathing. Tightly strapped into the passenger seat she felt every little bump in the road as it was transmitted through the vehicle into her body. She stared at the road ahead. the headlights picking out their path through the darkness. The radio was still tuned to David's usual Classic Rock station and, worst of all, he hadn't said anything to her since he'd started taping her to the seat. She had no idea what his plan was for the rest of the journey but she knew it would take around six hours before they were back at the ranch, that was way too long to suffer this torturous stimulation. She started mewing loudly into the gag.
"Is that the sound of frustration I can hear?" David asked finally breaking the long silence. A loud "Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm" came from Tegan's gagged mouth, and a small smile crossed David's face as his eyes remained on the cone of light the headlights carved out of the darkness. "Enough of the noise now Tegan" he told her and, after a final defeated groan, she fell silent. He turned the radio down and after a few seconds where the only noise was the sound of the tyres eating up the road, he half glanced in her direction.
"So, what shall we do with you now babe, shall we let you come?". His question was met with more affirmative moans and he slowed the vehicle whilst he felt for the controls of the toys with his fingers. Locating one he turned it up and Tegan squealed into the gag as the pulses in her ass increased in both number and intensity. David kept his hand on the control as he asked her "Which one, pussy?". Tegan's reply was a stifled no which came out as "Nnnnnn". "Ass then" he queried. This time Tegan's response was louder and her cries increased as David turned it up a little more. Next he located the other control, this time turning it up only a little bit.
If Tegan could have moved she would have squirmed in her seat. The pulses in her ass were quite intense and, whilst the vibrations in her pussy had increased in intensity, she still didn't think it was enough to come. She moaned once more and David again told her to keep quiet. After she had been silent for a few seconds he released the controls and his eyes returned to the road. "Here's the rules" he said speaking as much to the open road as the helpless girl beside him. "You need to keep silent for the next two hours. If you can manage that then I'll let you come. If you make a noise then the two hours starts again, understand?". Tegan didn't make a sound. Already she was mentally preparing herself for two hours of torture. The clock on the dashboard said 19:58. This would be easy enough she thought to herself and settled into her bondage. David cast a glance across then his eyes returned to the road. "Good girl," he said softly and turned the volume back up on the radio.
The tyres thrummed on the road as the SUV ate up the miles on their return journey and they had the road more or less to themselves.. Tegan was happy. There was something entirely satisfying about this little cocoon she found herself in. Her helplessness was accentuated by the darkness that surrounded them. It was like they were the only two people on the planet moving along a continuous ribbon towards their destination. By the time the little clock on the dashboard read 21:58 only one vehicle had passed them travelling in the opposite direction.
Tegan had spent the first thirty minutes of the two hours getting control of her body, it was something she had become very adept at. First she controlled her breathing, filling her lungs through her nose and expelling the air in the same way. She very quickly fell into a pattern, timing her breaths with the pulses in her ass. It was harder managing the vibrator in her pussy; the stimulation was not that intense and quickly became irritating. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore it but couldn't. Eventually, she changed the focus of her breathing, clamping her pussy around the vibrator with each breath, releasing when she breathed out and trying to ignore the butt plug.
This proved to be easier and she was alright as long as nothing interrupted her concentration. There were two main distractions, a growing numbness in her ass and the occasional bump in the road. After one particularly large pothole she had to work hard to suppress the grunt that almost escaped her lips then start the process of controlling herself all over. It did extract an apology from David for failing to avoid the aberration in the road surface though. Eventually, everything seemed to meld into everything else and Tegan just kept flexing her body against her bonds and enjoyed the feeling of helplessness and isolation.
Now the two hours was up and she waited to see what David would do. She thought he would tease her for a while but he said nothing. Out of the corner of her eye though, she saw his hand reach for the controls of the toys that were keeping her simmering. She didn't see the quick twist of his fingers but the result was immediate torment as the vibrations in both her orifices increased dramatically. Tegan screamed into the gag and clamped her pussy tight around the device inside her as her senses were suddenly overcome. She tried to bounce in the seat to drive the toy deeper but the mass of tape holding her in place allowed her no movement. By contrast to the pleasure she was feeling in her pussy, the vibrator in her ass was quite painful. The electrical pulses seemed to grow in her ass before exploding then dying before the cycle started again. It was enough to slow her approaching orgasm and she strained her pussy muscles gripping the other toy as hard as she could in an effort to drive her over the top. The gag suppressed her constant scream which changed in pitch when she eventually came.
What followed was extreme pleasure that was quickly replaced by extreme pain as the toys continued to stimulate her now over sensitive pussy. She screamed and fought her bonds, her eyes closed. The pain in her ass seemed to reach a new extremes, Now, instead of trying to force the vibrator deeper, she tried to expel it; an impossible task. There was no control now, she was just a mess. Bound and helpless she just fought and fought. She hoped another orgasm would come but there was just pain. She changed the pitch of her screams, trying to convey to David how this was no longer enjoyable but nothing changed. It was a huge relief when the vibrations suddenly ceased. She kept her eyes closed as she settled suddenly becoming aware of the music on the radio once more. When she eventually opened her eyes the clock on the dashboard indicated that it was 22:14. She couldn't believe that her torment had been for such a short amount of time. David didn't speak and, after a few moments she closed her eyes again, flexing against her bonds seeking the enjoyment of being bound and helpless once more.
Tegan anticipated David turning on the toys again at some point and she tensed against the moment; it didn't happen. She kept her eyes closed, the movement of the vehicle slowly helping her to relax. Occasionally David hummed along to a song on the radio but, for the most part, he too was quiet, his focus on the road ahead. Her mind wandered aimlessly on the events since she had been taken, since she had arrived at the ranch. In many ways, the events that had unfolded in her immediate past now seemed entirely unreal. Occasionally she would fight her bonds, just to remind herself how tightly she was restrained, it was a wonderful feeling. Eventually she fell asleep.
She was woken by the vehicle bouncing on its springs as David turned off the tarmac onto the rough gravel road that led to the ranch. In her immediate wakening she fought fearfully against the tightness of the restraints before remembering where she was. According to the clock on the dashboard it was 3:07am and the radio was silent. She could only assume that David had thoughtfully turned it off so as not to disturb her. She grunted into the gag and moments later felt David's hand on her thigh. "Sleep well babe?" he asked. She grunted what she hoped sounded like an affirmation into the gag and heard a soft chuckle to her left. "Good, you'll have lots of energy now" he told her. Once more Tegan felt that familiar thrill run through her as she realised he had something else planned.
Minutes later the headlights lit up the ranch and David pulled up on the wide expanse of gravel in front of the veranda. There followed a frustrating ten minutes or so as he took all their bags inside. She watched helplessly as he opened the door to the ranch walking in and out of her sight line as he transferred their purchases from the rear of the vehicle to somewhere inside. She knew he was finished when, after the sixth bag laden trip, he appeared at the passenger door with a glass of water. "Not a sound Tegan" he warned as he opened the door, placed the glass on the dash, tore off the tape holding her head then gently removed the gag before proffering the glass to her lips. She drank greedily, only now realising how thirsty she was, and emptied the glass with little spillage. David immediately gagged her again, strapping the device tightly in place. Tegan took the opportunity to stretch her neck muscles. It was only at that point that she realised that the act of ripping off the tape hadn't hurt at all.
David had disappeared again leaving the door open. Tegan could feel the coolness of the outside air fighting to overcome the warmth in the SUV now that the engine was no longer running. A thrill of anticipation that had nothing to do with the growing cold ran down her spine when David reappeared holding a pair of safety scissors in his hand. He deftly sliced through the tape binding her to the seat and, in less than a minute had her out of the vehicle and over his shoulder as he carried her up the steps of the verandah and into the relative warmth of the ranch. She noted the bags piled on the kitchen table as he carried her through to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. In less time than it had taken him to free her from the SUV, he cut the tape from her legs, pulled the nylon stocking away then removed her shorts and knickers. He eased the toys out of her, the vibrator slipping out easily the butt plug requiring a little more effort, before sitting her back down on the toilet seat.
"Pee" he told her rather uncommunicatively; she thought he was being unusually abrupt but did as instructed staring at him as she complied. She wondered what was in store for her next. The floor of the bathroom was littered with used tape and the only thing still restraining her was the rope binding her wrists. She bit on the gag as she waited her eyes remaining on him the whole time. His eyes locked on her; it seemed like he was drinking her in. If he had been closer she would have leaned into him. She wanted to rest her head against his firm body, indicate to him that whatever he wanted to do was fine with her, she was his to do with as he pleased.
It almost seemed as though he read her mind; instructing her to stand and leading her into his bedroom; she felt a slight tinge of disappointment that he hadn't chosen the Star Room for their nocturnal activities. She tugged on the ropes binding her wrists as he sat her on the end of the bed. There were four cuffs on the bed each with a length of rope attached to the D-Ring each cuff sported. There was also a sturdy metal bar about two feet long and half an inch in diameter. She recognised the cuffs as the kind that would normally be used for suspension and this caused her to look up and study the ceiling; there were no obvious attachments that she could see and her gaze returned to David as he picked up two of the cuffs. He knelt and applied them to her ankles, pulling the straps as tightly as he could then laying the rope out on the floor.
Tegan wiggled her feet slightly and the loose ropes shimmied on the floor; she still didn't see where he was going. She was somewhat surprised when David climbed onto the bed behind her and removed the ropes binding her wrists. He told her to raise her arms and then lifted the blouse over her head before deftly removing her bra. She sat there quietly as he loosened the strap of her gag, making sure her hair hung free then tightened it again and buckled it in place. Next he pulled each of her arms behind her in turn, strapping on the two remaining cuffs before pulling her naked body into the centre of the bed and laying her on her back.
Tegan's eyes followed him as he stretched out her left arm and looped the rope around the bedpost, pulling her arm taught and tying off the rope. He did the same with her right arm then turned his attention to her legs. She watched as he pulled her left leg towards the bedpost and laid the rope around it. Instead of tying it though he took the end of the rope and looped it then tied a bowline knot creating a loop at the end of the rope. He pulled it around the bedpost and across the bottom of the bed. It was a little short of halfway and she saw a smile of satisfaction. He did the same with the other rope and after pulling that around the bedpost as well he was left with the two loops about twelve inches apart.
He still wasn't saying much and Tegan was slightly bemused; she put it down to the late hour. He was obviously way too tired to tie her as tightly as he normally did. Tegan was entirely wrong.
David was on the bed again now. He had three pillows which he placed under her ass, lifting her off the bed while he positioned them; it made her feel more exposed. As he climbed off he picked up the metal bar smiling at her as he did so. She thought she heard a little hum of satisfaction as he threaded the iron bar through the two loops and tried to lift her head to see what he was doing. She couldn't see past her raised hips but felt the ropes tighten as David twisted the rod. With some effort, he turned the rod towards the vertical, pulling the tow looped ends together and tensioning the ropes.
Tegan shrieked into the gag as her limbs were slowly pulled tight. David let off the pressure slightly so he could push the loops on the rod closer together then twisted again. The bar went past the vertical and it was easy then to turn it another half revolution. Once it was vertical again he used a short rope to tie the bar to the foot rail on the bed so it wouldn't rotate back then checked his captive.
"How's that babe ?", he asked her softly as he stroked the inside of her thigh. He could feel how taut her muscles were, how tight her limbs were stretched. Tegan just rocked her head back and forth as he stroked her mewling into the gag. His method had taken her completely by surprise. Normally he would have used a mass of ropes to tie her and the fact that he had rendered her helpless with only four was totally unexpected; she just hadn't seen it coming. The fact that he had used suspension cuffs should have given her a clue she thought as she struggled to move; she couldn't. She felt some pain in her shoulders and groin, she was stretched so tightly. Her muscles seemed to spasm as he ran his fingers down her thigh. Even though she had spent the last seven hours or so with toys stuffed inside her she ached to feel something in her pussy now.
David trailed his fingers up over her stomach and she tried to thrust herself upward. David flattened the palm of his hand just below her naval and pushed her down. "I think it could be a little tighter" he mused, more to himself than to her. He untied the rope holding the iron bar and turned it three more times before tying it off again. He seemed satisfied but, to Tegan, there was no noticeable difference. That changed slightly when he found a long luggage strap, threw it across her and the bed then pushed one end under the bed. He knelt on the floor to pull the end through to the other side and pass it through the ratchet before placing it across her hips and then ratcheting her as hard as he could onto the bed. Her ass was pressed into the pillows and she groaned as the additional pressure was applied to her body. The volume and intensity of the groans increased as David stood up and started removing his clothes.
Tegan was pleased to see his cock was rock hard and unwavering as he climbed onto the bed; she knew he was ready to fuck her. Kneeling between her legs he started placing suckling little kisses on her naval working his way slowly up between her breasts to her neck. Tegan loved the attention. Her groans turned to muted sighs of satisfaction, the dull pain in her body almost forgotten as his attention turned to her breasts and nipples. He teased them slowly with his mouth flicking the hardening nubs with his tongue then taking them gently between his teeth and shaking them. When her moans increased once more he worked his way up towards her neck, taking tiny little bites of her skin which made her shiver in anticipation of the final act.
Frustratingly for Tegan, he then climbed off the bed, loosened the tie holding the bar in place and rotated it once more. She didn't see how many times he turned the bar before tying it in place again but she could feel the ach in her groin, her hips and her shoulders so tightly was she strapped to the bed. She let out another loud moan as he re-joined her on the bed. Now he was tracing light circles on her inner thighs and around the lips of her sex; her frustration built rapidly and she tried to thrust to meet his touch; she couldn't.
David seemed to be in a mood to tease her endlessly and she closed her eyes trying to focus on his delicate touch. Her body was on fire now. Despite the endless torment on the way home she couldn't believe she was so ready for him to plunge himself inside her, so ready for him to take advantage of her helplessness. This was true submission she thought; she loved it.
She lost all sense of where she was, she was just an object tied to the bed being teased and tormented. Her eyes still closed she was now mewling continuously as she waited for him to pick his moment to take her. Every touch was amplified, every part of her body seemed to tingle with desire. In that moment she had no idea where she was; it had no meaning. She was a servant, a slave who could only lie there immovable bound and helpless waiting for her Master to enjoy his pleasure. When David eventually decided he'd teased her enough, positioning himself above her and allowing his weight to press her down harder as he slid inside her, she came immediately.
As he entered her Tegan moaned loudly her head rocking from side to side; it gave him a warm feeling inside as he felt her pussy grip him almost involuntarily as he buried himself in his own particular heaven. He felt good; the last couple of days had gone well; but he was tired. This had the wonderful effect of delaying his own orgasm and he savoured the beauty of his helpless captive has he rhythmically fucked her, her moans rising and falling, spurring him on. He too became lost in the moment, it was just him and Tegan, fucking themselves into oblivion. He could feel the heat from her body as he pressed himself against her. For a while he watched her face as he kept his stokes long and slow. There was a serenity there as she seemed to let herself go, allowing the moment to flood over her. Her hair, spread out on the bed framed her face beautifully, a sight he thought he would never grow tired of. Eventually he quickened the pace, burying his face in her hair and savouring her scent as his strokes became quicker, shorter. He thought he could go on forever but when Tegan's pussy suddenly clamped tighter around him he came almost immediately his cries of joy joining Tegan's moans and lifting to a crescendo before he collapsed on top of her spent and fulfilled. The room fell silent as Tegan's moans also ceased. Within five minutes a new softer sound reached Tegan's ears, the slow rhythmic sound of her Master's breath as he drifted off into a contented sleep.
It took Tegan a while to realise that David was done. She had lost count of the number of times she had come; it seemed at one stage he was never going to finish, not that she hadn't enjoyed it, quite the opposite. To be bound and helpless as she was fucked and fucked and fucked was living her dream. The pain in her body, the tightness of her bonds had been completely forgotten as she had submitted herself to the man who was bringing all her dreams to fruition
Now, as she lay there recovering, the weight of David's body pressed on top of her, the aches were returning. She was starting to realise how taught her body was being held, how tightly her limbs had been stretched. She thought about the way he had tied her, how he had used the iron bar to first tension the ropes and then slowly tighten them. A memory of her childhood flashed into her mind. There had been a rope swing in the family garden with a wooden seat. Like many other children she imagined, she had sat in that swing twisting it so that the ropes that held it became entwined as if they were being plaited. She would twist the swing until the tips of her toes barely touched the floor before allowing it to unwind, spinning her making her dizzy. The speed of the spin would take it past the centre and when it stopped she would twist it the other way, repeating the process until she was so disoriented she almost forgot where she was. She smiled inwardly to herself as she thought about how the principle of that childhood game had been turned into an act that had driven her almost insane with desire and pleasure.
She took a deep breath as she became more aware of where she was, returning slowly from that exquisite paradise that David had taken her too. The pain in her shoulders in particular was becoming increasingly unbearable. She was also aware that David seemed to have fallen asleep on top of her. She tried to wriggle but couldn't. She "umphed" into the gag but still couldn't wake him. Eventually she moved the only thing she could, her head. Taking a deep breath the moaned as loudly as she could into the gag whilst at the same time pushing her head against David's. It took three attempts before David stirred and another two before he woke, lifted his head and looked into her eyes.
She "umphed" again shaking her head violently whilst holding his gaze then lowering her eyes in an effort to point them at the gag. Eventually he got the message and eased it out of her mouth. "You need to let me go" she croaked softly. David nodded kissed her gently and climbed off the bed. The simplicity of her bondage allowed him to free her quickly and in no time at all he was back on the bed holding her in his arms ""That was exquisite" she told him as she buried her face into his chest. She felt his arms wrap around her as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. "You are exquisite" he told her softly. She smiled an unseen smile and snuggled tighter against him. The room was silent as, together, they fell into a deep sleep of satisfaction.
Author's Note: The continuing story of Tegan's adventures in bondage and restraint
Chapter 11 - Bound and Helpless
"We need bondage furniture, anything you can find that you fancy, anything that seems a little bit different to what we have; anything you think looks like something interesting you would like to be tied to." David stopped to draw breath and Tegan shifted slightly on the armchair in which she was sat. She had a notepad in her hand but wasn't writing anything. The end of the pen she held in her other hand was placed seductively between her lips as she listened to him. Her bare legs were tucked beneath her on the chair, her body covered by one of David's shirts that hung loosely over her shoulders. Her long dark hair cascaded down and half covered her face. On a small table in front of the chair sat the laptop that David had purchased for her during their trip. Tegan allowed a small smile to cross her face as she waited for David to continue.
They had both woken late that morning and it had taken them a while to get going. Tegan was surprised at how fresh she felt given her extended period of bondage the previous day. She had moved all the bags of clothes from the kitchen into the bedroom but elected to throw one of David's shirts on rather than something she had purchased. She intended to sort through the shopping later in the day. David had mentioned that he wanted her to look for bondage equipment and furniture while he did some work, it was something she was keen to get on with.
She brushed the hair from her face as she sat in the chair. David was looking at her but still hadn't continued. She pulled the tip of the pen from her lips and allowed her smile to widen. "Anything else babe?" she asked him breaking the silence. "Anything you particularly like? Anything you'd especially want to see me tied to? What's your favourite fantasy?" she teased. David just looked at her and drew another deep breath blowing the air out as he thought. He was sat in a second armchair next to the one on which Tegan was ensconced. When he didn't answer Tegan unfolded her legs. Placing the notebook and pen on the keyboard of the laptop she slipped off the chair and knelt on the floor between David's legs, pushing his knees apart and resting her head on his thigh. "Cat got your tongue?" she asked him in a quiet seductive tone. She felt his hand in her hair and moved to unbutton the fly of the shorts he was wearing. "Would you like your slave to suck your cock Master?" she added teasingly. His grip in her hair tightened and he pulled her head back so he could see her eyes. At the same time, she felt his other hand grip her wrist firmly and move it away from his groin. There was a smile on his face. It was a smile she liked, it always went to his eyes. "You are my favourite fantasy", he told her. "And, much as I'd like to sit here and let you satisfy me, I need to get some work done first babe so I'll take a rain check for now". He slipped off the chair and kissed her softly. "Just see what you can come up with babe, we'll go through it later OK." He smiled and kissed her again then went to the door before turning and looking back at her. "I love women in fur," he told her. "You helplessly bound in fur and me fucking you, that would be my favourite fantasy at the moment. But it will change depending on my mood" he added his smile widening. He blew her a kiss and was about to leave the room before another thought crossed his mind and he turned again. "By the way, that shirt looks way better on you than it does on me" he added.
Tegan listened as his footsteps faded down the corridor then looked around the room. It was a warm living space and she felt a slight emptiness that he had not chosen to stay with her. He has good willpower she thought as she returned to the armchair and picked up the laptop. I'll just have to try harder next time she resolved as she typed "Bondage Furniture" into her favourite search engine and settled down to her own task.
Some three hours later she had nine pages of notes relating to items that had piqued her interest and felt the need for coffee. She stretched her legs out easing the slight stiffness that had built up from sitting in the chair for so long and wandered to the kitchen. Whilst making two mugs of coffee she decided to continue by inspecting the basement in greater detail. It would be good to reduce the size of the list by removing items that were similar to what was already installed. She took the two steaming mugs and wandered into the room David used as an office. He seemed a bit pre-occupied but smiled as she entered and took the coffee gratefully.
Tegan sipped her coffee quietly looking around the room whilst he watched the end of a newscast on the monitor placed on the large desk that dominated the area. The young female presenter on the screen was talking animatedly about Greek debt and the impact it was having on banks around the world. Tegan put her mug on the table and gently massaged David's shoulders until the broadcast ended and a studio panel continued the discussion. She felt him relax into the chair his hands reaching up to caress her arms as she worked the tension out of his shoulders. She asked him how it was going. "I've still got quite a bit to do," he told her pointing to the two laptops that were both running. One was displaying a chart, the other a mass of ever changing numbers that scrolled up the screen. She told him how she was getting on and her intention to spend some time in the basement. He agreed that that was a good idea. With mugs empty, she kissed him, returned them to the kitchen then wandered down the stairs to begin her detailed study of what they already had.
The first room Tegan entered was the large one at the end of or the corridor to the left of the stairs. She looked at her reflection in the two large mirrors on the far wall as she studied the equipment. The St. Andrews Cross that was mounted on the left hand wall was firm and sturdy. The wood was a highly polished deep brown and the whole of the centre was covered in a soft firmly padded leather covering. The straps on the device matched the central covering. The large table in the centre of the room was covered in the same padded leather. There were many slits in the table through which ropes or straps could be passed. Tegan sat on the table then lay on it stretching her arms and legs to the corners. It was easy to imagine being held spread eagled and helpless on the large table top and Tegan knew that the very thought of being tied to this table was making her pussy moisten, making the tips or her nipples tingle. She climbed down from the table and studied the final piece of furniture in the room, the square leather covered column that ran from floor to ceiling. She trailed her fingertips over the soft leather as she imagined being bound to the column from head to foot. She could be bound with ropes, leather straps, saran wrap, duct tape; the possibilities were many. All in all, she didn't think there was much that could be done to improve this space.
Tegan left the room, closing the door quietly behind her and stood in the corridor contemplating the other entrances. She walked slowly past the stairs and entered the room with the Perspex boxes once more. The smaller box sat snugly inside the larger of the two, the clear walls of each gleaming in the light of the single covered overhead bulb that hung in the centre of the ceiling. Once more she studied them trying to figure out their purpose. She imagined being bound hand and foot sat in the box. Perhaps the box could then be filled with sand or some other material that could be poured in. It didn't explain why two boxes were required though. She left the room once more, resolving to ask David for a demonstration, and entered the room to the immediate right. It was empty except for another Perspex box. This one was lying on its side. It was about five and a half feet in length and four feet square.
Tegan closed the door and leant against the wall. There was plenty of scope for improvements here she thought. The next two rooms were both empty and she went back up the corridor to look in the room with all the metal contraptions. There were eleven in all; one in particular caught her eye. It was a long bench, about two feet longer than she was tall, and at least three feet wide. There was a familiar padded leather top about two feet in height and a matching leather pillow at one end. What made the device interesting were the nine attachments. Two metal runners ran underneath the bench top for its entire length. Each of the attachments was connected to the runners by eight circular wheels, four on each side. It reminded Tegan of the type of wheels that would hold a roller coaster on its track.
Each of the nine attachments were the same. A length of smooth brushed metal curved up from the base. The angle was slightly over ninety degrees so that the top of the length was more or less over the centre of the table. Each of these lengths had two attachments. The first was an arm that was connected on a steel pin close to the tabletop and curved over the bench. The arm could be lifted and dropped. The bottom of the arm was covered in firm neoprene rubber. The top of the arm had a groove that ran it's entire length. Connected to the top of the upright leg of the attachment was another arm. Again this was hinged on a pin but this one had an adjuster that screwed through the centre of the arm. At the bottom of the adjuster was a conical attachment. It was obvious to Tegan that the tip of the conical attachment was meant to run in the groove of the lower arm. Tegan tried to slide one of the attachments along the bench. The runners were well lubricated and the metal arm slid quietly and easily the full length. She gripped the top of the attachment and gave it an experimental tug. There was no movement, an indication that the machine had been constructed with very fine tolerances; she was intrigued.
Tegan positioned the attachment in the centre of the bench then sat on the soft leather. Lifting the lower arm, she swung her legs beneath it her bare skin resting on the cool surface. She lowered the arm across her thighs then pulled the upper arm down onto the lower one. There was no pressure on her thighs. Tegan lifted the upper arm and rotated the adjuster five turns. This time there was an audible click when she pulled the upper arm onto the lower one. The tip of the cone located in the groove of the lower arm. As the upper arm was lowered, the cone passed over the slight curve in the lower arm and formed a geometric lock. The neoprene rubber that lined the underside of the lower arm pressed her thighs lightly onto the bench. Tegan lifted the upper arm once more and gave the adjuster another two full turns. This time the click when she pulled it down was much louder and her thighs were pressed firmly onto the bench. Tegan felt a small thrill run through her as she imagined all nine attachments pressing her body firmly and immovably onto the bench. She had to try this properly.
Tegan loosened the attachment, pushed it back to the bottom of the bench with all the others then stood. She brushed both hands through her long tresses, pushing her hair off her face, then pulled the hem of the shirt down so it wasn't rumpled. Slipping out of the room and up the stairs she wondering if David had finished his work.
Entering the office she could see that he was still at it, studying a spreadsheet with a host of numbers littered across the page. She stood there silently for a moment then stepped behind him and gently started to massage his shoulders. She remained silent hoping he would start the conversation. He relaxed into the chair and she knew she had his attention when a soft sign of satisfaction escaped his lips. "How's it going gorgeous?" he asked her, his eyes still on the screen. She squeezed his shoulders as she answered. There wasn't any point in beating about the bush so she got straight down to what was intriguing her. "There's a couple of things I'd like to try" she said speaking softly, her fingers still working a certain type of magic on David's shoulders. She couldn't see the smile that crossed his face. "And they would be?" he asked still looking at the screen. There was no turning back now so Tegan continued. "Well, the Perspex boxes interest me, I want to see how they work. But.........". Tegan paused for a moment pursing her lips before continuing. "There's a silver bench in one of the rooms with lots of attachments that slide along rails. It looks really interesting". "Ahh, the work of Stefan Schaeffer" David mused in reply. Tegan wasn't sure what he meant so she remained silent. She could feel the looseness in his shoulders now but she continued to massage them waiting for David to speak again. After a moments silence he reached up and gripped her wrists lifting them off his shoulders. He let go then and turned in the swivel chair to look at her. His cock pulsed involuntarily. He was going to put her off again but looking at her now, the mass of tousled hair tumbling around her, the bottom on his oversize shirt barely reaching the creamy whiteness of the top of her thighs, the look of excited expectation in her eyes, he knew he was going to play.
David studied the girl stood in front of him. Tegan held his eyes then slowly lowered them under the scrutiny; looking at the floor. She didn't know he'd already made his mind up and added a soft "Please Master". Again, she missed the smile on his face. He let the silence linger a while longer before issuing his instructions. "Stand and face the wall Tegan. Hold your nose to the wall and your hands behind your back, palms together. Don't speak and don't turn around until I give you permission to move. Do you understand?" Tegan's stomach was coiled in anticipation, her pussy moist. It seemed she was going to get her wish. "Yes Master" she answered. There was a slight tremor in her voice. Tegan turned to face the wall as directed. She pressed against it and held her arms behind her waiting expectantly. The chair creaked and she knew David had risen from it. The moistness in her pussy grew as she waited for his touch. The expectation; the anticipation was almost as good as the actual event.
It was quiet. Tegan strained to hear him behind her but the only sounds were her breath on the wall, her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to turn and look but that would not be in compliance with what he had told her to do. He might be watching, just waiting for her to make a mistake like that. She doubled her resolve and waited patiently. Five minutes passed; five minutes that seemed like an hour. She pressed her nose against the wall keen to do exactly as she had been told. She convinced herself that he wasn't there. Did he have a camera in here somewhere that allowed him to watch her she wondered? Then the rope went around her wrists. She almost squealed but managed to suppress it. It came out as a suppressed gasp. "Weren't expecting that were you Tegan," he whispered in her ear, his breath hot on her skin. "I wasn't Master" she replied breathlessly as he wound the rope around her wrists, cinched the tie tight and tied off the ends. None of this she could see but when she felt him step back her wrists were welded tightly behind her. There was a creak and then a short silence before she heard the click of fingers on a keyboard. Tegan was instantly confused, what the fuck was he up to. She raised her head looking to the ceiling, waiting to see if the clicking stopped but it continued. She wondered what to do next; she certainly didn't fancy standing there staring at the wall. She waited a couple more interminable minutes before risking his annoyance.
"Master?" she asked questioningly. "Yes Tegan" he replied. His voice sounded normal, pleasant, it seemed unlikely that he was pissed with her for any reason. She thought carefully about what she wanted to say next. How was she going to get what she wanted without appearing too demanding; not the behaviour of a bondage slave. A gentle reminder should suffice. "Perspex boxes, Stefan Schaffer" she said enquiringly "you were going to give me a demonstration". "No Tegan, you said you'd like to try them and I did say earlier that I had work to do. I've still got work to do so...........". He allowed his voice to tail away and moments later Tegan heard the clacking of the keyboard once more. She sighed staring at the wall. After a few more moments she asked him "Is there anything your bondage slave can do to change your mind Master?" She said it teasingly, breathlessly, trying to entice him down the stairs to the basement.
The clacking continued interrupted by David's voice. "Well Tegan, if you think you can encourage me to change my mind feel free, just remember the risk of punishment if you annoy me". More silence followed, broken only by the incessant clack of the keyboard. Tegan took a deep breath through her nose as she considered what to do next. Is he serious or is he just teasing me? She quickly came to a conclusion. If he was being serious he would have chained her to something, gagged her so that she couldn't disturb him. He was playing with her. He wanted her to try something. Was she sure about this? The answer was no she wasn't, but trying something certainly beat staring at the wall. And she knew exactly what to try.
Having made her decision, Tegan waited a few moments listening to the clack of David's fingers. Satisfied that his attention was on the keyboard she turned slowly and looked at him. She gave an experimental tug on the ropes binding her just to remind herself of her position then cleared her throat. David looked up and their eyes locked. She ran her tongue seductively over her lower lip then stepped towards him, maintaining eye contact all the time. She tugged on the ropes binding her again; it made her pussy tingle, then knelt finally breaking eye contact so that she could look under the desk. There was plenty of room and no cables running on the floor. She looked back at David, smiled broadly then bent her head and eased herself into space. It proved to be a little harder than she had imagined and she banged against his legs and the chair more than once before she was able to kneel in front of him. She lowered her head further, forcing his knees apart then edged forward so that she could get her mouth into his crotch. She could see the pulse of his cock even through the material of his shorts. She pressed her face into the material and tried to loosen the fastening of his fly with her teeth. Try as she might, she couldn't get the right purchase that would enable her to slip the button through the long thin hole. She kept trying, pushing and cajoling with her teeth and tongue and gave out more than one moan of frustration. It was warm under the table and she was soon perspiring and getting nowhere. She could feel his cock pulsing beneath the material; it's demanding to be released she thought. After a futile five minutes she wriggled against his thighs then laid her head on his warm skin. "Help me out here please Master," she muttered in exasperation. A soft laugh came from above and she felt his fingers weave softly through her hair. She was watching as his fingers moved to release the button. Instantly, his cock sprang free from its confinement. "Thank you Master" she uttered as she lifted her head and closed her lips around its head and sucked him into her mouth.
He wasn't completely hard and, once again, Tegan had the pleasure of feeling him grow in her mouth, hearing the sound of a soft moan as she worked her lips, teeth and tongue over the head of his cock. She teased the helmet for a while before sinking her head onto him and taking his length into her throat, holding him there a while before lifting and taking a deep breath. Then she sank on him again, his groans of pleasure louder now, music to her ears. She flexed her wrists against the ropes as she worked him with her mouth. Being bound, if only so simply, made it more enjoyable for her as well. She felt his fingers in her hair once more. He was getting more excited; already she found it easy to read him. His fingers would caress through her hair gently. As he got more excited, his grip would get stronger. He would force her on to him. When he was about to come, he would press her head onto his hard member and hold her there as he pumped his seed into the back of her throat. She felt her own pussy moisten as all these thoughts went through her mind. She continued bobbing her head on his cock. She worked slowly and steadily keeping an even pace, wary of banging the back of her head on the underside of the desk. Then stopping that motion she worked on the head for a while, teasing the large vein with her teeth. His grip was stronger now. He was moaning her name softly. "God Tegan that feels so good" she heard him say. She shuffled closer sucking his cock fully into her mouth again. He was pushing her head onto him now and she knew he was close. She kept her stokes long and slow savouring each moment that the head of his cock pushed into the back of her throat. His groans were constant now. If she could have looked up she would have seen that he had thrown his head back in the chair. She felt him thrust into her as his hands pushed her head down. He was in control now; he was dictating the pace. She relaxed allowing him to move her head up and down his cock. Each time he pushed her down she tightened her mouth around him increasing the pressure on his swollen member. He groaned loudly as he came holding her down as his seed entered her throat. She swallowed as best she could. This was always the hardest part but she was good, holding her breath until the pressure relaxed slightly and she could take a breath through her nose. Now she could feel the gentle stroking of his hands in her hair again as he came down from his high. His cock shrank in her mouth and she started licking it, cleaning it. When she could feel it loose and floppy against her tongue she lifted her head easily overcoming the light pressure of his fingers. His cock slipped out of her mouth. She kissed it then eased her head back so she could look up toward his face. She ran her tongue along her lips as if she were taking a last taste of him then smiled as sexily as she could given her position. "Was Master's slave persuasive enough?" she asked in the teasing voice he was beginning to recognise. She saw him smile. "I think you've earned a small reward Tegan," he told her. That brought a smile to her face as well.
David moved the chair back from the desk allowing her to stand up. A little surprisingly he turned her around and untied her wrists then gave her a kiss. He told her to prepare herself for at least four hours of tight inescapable bondage; Tegan loved the way he said tight, inescapable. She kissed him back taking a glance at the monitors as she made her way out of the room. One of the screens was completely covered in random letters as if someone had been typing garbage on the screen. "The fucker was just teasing me, pretending he was working" she thought to herself. It was a happy thought though, it made her smile as she went to complete her preparations.
David to had a quick look at the monitors then buttoned up the fly of his shorts. He was familiar with the machine Tegan wanted to try and knew there was very little preparation he needed to complete. He'd already decided that, whilst Tegan was immobilised, he was going to complete the work required so that the Perspex boxes could also be put to use. He wandered into the kitchen. Tegan was there getting a glass of water. She smiled at him then drank before disappearing down the stairs. She didn't speak but David could see the look of anticipation on her face. He followed her down to the basement. Tegan entered the bathroom and David went to the room where he had tied her during the pussy training session. There was a small rack with a selection of vibrators and he picked three at random. He also picked up a butt plug and a jar of Vaseline. The selection of the butt plug was not random. It was around four inches long and constructed of five balls welded together in a line. These in turn were mounted on a spreader plate which would rest against the recipients skin preventing the device entering too far. A circle on the other end would allow the device to be pulled free when that time came. The balls were quite wide and the whole device looked rather intimidating, it was ideal for what he wanted. He left the room and went next door, sitting on the bench of the machine that had captured Tegan's imagination. He laid the devices on the soft leather top and waited for her to enter.
Tegan stepped through the door about two minutes later. There was a look of expectation on her face which faded slightly when she saw the four toys lined on the bench. She had run a brush through her hair and it shone in the gleam of the four wall lights that lit the room. David still couldn't get over how gorgeous she was. She looked at the toys then questioningly at David. She managed to convey her thoughts without speaking; the look on her face said everything that was needed. David laugh and rose from his seat on the bench. "Don't worry, we're only using two of them Tegan. Now, take off the shirt and bend over. Put your hands on the bench, spread your legs and show me your ass". Tegan looked at him then slowly peeled the shirt of over her head. Her hair caught up in the garment then tumbled around her as she pulled it free. She shook her head as it fell then walked over to the bench maintaining eye contact as she went. When she reached the bench she spread her legs wide. She was still watching him as she leaned forward and placed her palms on the bench, her hands about three feet apart. She felt exposed now, knowing he had a clear view of her wet expectant pussy. It just increased the thrill that ran through her. She turned her head and looked down at the bench. When she finally replied "Ready Master", her voice was quivering with anticipation.
David opened the Vaseline jar then picked up the butt plug. He coated the balls liberally with the viscous substance then ran his fingers over Tegan's ass. She groaned when he allowed his finger to slip a little and brush her pussy. It was wet, as he'd anticipated and he leaned forward and kissed her in the small of the back. "You're such a slut Tegan, what are you?" he asked her. "I'm you bondage slut Master and I love it" she replied panting a little. David's soft laugh filled the room. "Yes, you do don't you" he agreed as he took the plug and pressed it against her ass. "It's too big Master," she panted as he eased her ass open with the end of the toy. "It's not Tegan just relax and you will be fine" he told her. Tegan tried to do as he asked. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. She imagined his cock in her mouth and it helped. The first ball went past the centre and her ass seemed to suck it in. "That's good Tegan", she heard him say. "Just relax babe". He massaged her back with one hand while he pushed with the other. Tegan felt the second ball enter her, felt the device slide into her ass. He was right, she could do this but it didn't alter the fact that the device felt huge inside her. "Good girl" she heard him say and realised that the plug was fully in. "Now Tegan, pick which vibrator you want, you can set it and put it in yourself. Make sure you set it to a level you can cope with, your going to be bound to this for a while.
Tegan looked at the three toys he had placed on the bench. Two were simple vibrating dildos. The third had additional appendages for greater stimulation. She was quite familiar with that type of model and picked it up. She turned it on to check the battery, set it between low and medium and pushed it slowly into her pussy. It slipped in easily but gave Tegan a feeling of being totally stuffed. She presumed it was the butt plug that was responsible for that. Without being asked she lay down on her back on the bench, her feet either side and adjusted the toy so she was comfortable. She closed her eyes already enjoying the sensations. She lifted her arm and pulled it through her hair so that it all fell to one side of the bench and she settled her head on the leather pillow. She took her time, telling David she was ready when she felt comfortable. "Tuck your arms beneath you Tegan if you can" he told her. Tegan lifted her torso and did as she was asked pushing her arms between the bench and her body. The most comfortable position was with her arms in the small of her back. She pulled them in, wriggled around to get comfortable then lowered her torso once more. "Ready Tegan" he asked her and she replied that she was. "No gags today Tegan I want to here my slut's screams of pleasure". "Yes Master" she replied resolving not to scream at all just to prove she could. "Ok, lets get you restrained" he said and slid the first of the attachments over her body. Tegan shivered.
David positioned the first of the attachments so that the rubber on the lower arm rested across Tegan's shoulders. He wound the adjustment then pulled the upper arm down on top of the lower arm. The cone slid in the groove over the slight rise, the geometric lock clicked into place and the lower arm pressed down lightly on Tegan's shoulders holding her onto the bench. David didn't seem satisfied. He lifted the upper arm wound the adjuster round nearly two full turns then pulled it down again. This time he needed more force to pull the upper arm down and the sound when the geometric lock clicked into place was more audible. Most importantly, Tegan felt like someone was sat on her shoulders so firmly and tightly were they pressed against the bench "God yes" she murmured as David slid the second attachment up the rails. He positioned it just above her breasts adjusted it and clicked it into place. The third attachment was positioned just below her breasts. When David clicked that into place Tegan's upper body was already welded to the bench and she found it harder to breath. "Oh God yes" she murmured again almost to herself. She knew her first orgasm wasn't far away. Despite her experiences of self-bondage, she'd set the vibe in her pussy way to fast; she should have put it on the lowest level. She wasn't sure what was making her so exited. Was it the large butt plug that was increasing the intensity of the vibrations, or was it just the ingenuity of the machine she was now being bound to that was causing her excitement. "Slower, please Master slower" she begged as the fourth attachment was locked in place over her stomach. David ignored her and placed the fifth over her hips. He wound the adjuster down and pulled the upper arm down. It seemed to Tegan that this one was extra tight, pressing her hips down hard onto the bench. It also seemed to accentuate the vibrations of the toy inside her and she came suddenly, unexpectedly. Despite the resolution she had made only a few minutes ago she screamed her joy into the room.
David didn't pause. He pulled her legs together on the bench, attachment six trapping her upper thighs securely against the soft leather surface. Attachments seven and eight were placed above and below the knee. When the last of the attachments secured her ankles, Tegan was already in the throes of her second orgasm, her head thrashing from side to side. Tegan didn't see David leave the room or return a couple of minutes later with a roll of duct tape. The first she was aware was when he gripped her head and held it so she was looking at the ceiling. Then he wound the tape around her forehead and the bench until her head was also securely held. Enjoy babe he said kissing her and leaving once more. Tegan barely noticed as she battled her third orgasm in ten minutes. "Fuck, please" she begged as the waves rocked through her body. The arms pressed her into the bench so tightly, so firmly; it was another intense bondage experience. She couldn't believe how effective it was, how excited it made her. She'd been bound here barely fifteen minutes; surely he couldn't leave her there for four hours as he had promised earlier. She struggled but couldn't move. She tried to shake her head but he must have used plenty of tape, she couldn't do that either. She was absolutely helpless, just as she had always craved. It added to her excitement. She could feel her next orgasm already. She'd pass out surely, she couldn't take this. Her screams filled the room once more. David watched her from the door. It was something of a strange sight; a gorgeous girl clamped securely in a mass of dull, gleaming brushed steel. It was strange and exceedingly effective. He watched her for another couple of minutes before slipping out to get the items he needed for his next task.
Two hours later the hardest part of the work to get the Perspex boxes functional had been completed. The boxes had been pushed into one corner. He's also moved the single long box into the room from next door. Midway between the light in the centre of the room and the left hand wall he'd attached a very sturdy plate to the ceiling. The plate sported an equally sturdy hook from which he had hung the body of an electric winch. That had taken about an hour. He'd spent a further hour running an electric cable from the winch into the ceiling and down to the light switch on the wall. That part of the task had not been as easy as he had planned but everything was now connected. He'd worked to the sound of Tegan's cries and pleas floating down the corridor; he'd left the doors open to both rooms to facilitate this. Now he wandered back down to the room to check on her. Tegan was moaning softly, her eyes closed. He figured she was OK and went to get a drink of water before continuing. He pushed the two Perspex boxes beneath the winch then lowed the winch cable until the hook was just above the boxes. Next he passed a thick rope through a hole in the upper Perspex box near to one corner. He tied it in place then ran it diagonally over the winch hook to the other corner and tied that end as well. He repeated the process for the other corners then went to the wall and clicked the switch. The winch hummed into life, the cable was retracted into the body of the winch and the inner box was lifted slowly clear of the outer one. When the base of the smaller winch cleared the outer box he stopped the winch and turned the box then lowered it. Now the smaller box rested across the upper one. There was still a large space available to facilitate someone climbing into the lower box. David turned off the winch, happy that it had worked. The boxes weren't heavy but lifting one in and out of the other was impossible for one person. The final activity was to stand the Perspex box he'd bought in from the other room on its base. This he did positioning it on the other side of the room. Satisfied he sat on the floor for a moment to admire his handiwork. It was quiet in the room and he looked at his watch pondering what to do next.
It was quiet; the significance suddenly dawned on him. Tegan's cries were no longer filtering down the hallway into the room. David leapt to his feet and made his way quickly to the room where she was bound. Tegan was moaning softly, "please, no more, too much, too much". He could see her naked body was bathed in sweat. Her eyes were closed. He knelt and touched her, her eyes opening as he did so. "Please, I can't take it" she whispered hoarsely to him. "OK babe" he told her standing and breaking the locks on all the attachments. The good thing about the machine was it's simplicity and thus, the ease with which he could release her. It only took fifteen seconds to free all the locks and a further thirty to slide all the attachments to the bottom of the bench. Tegan groaned. It took longer to free her head; he had to nip up the stairs and get a pair of scissors. At the same time he brought her a glass of water.
Even when he'd cut the tape free Tegan couldn't move. Her body was stiff and sore; her arms were numb and she couldn't pull them from beneath her. She couldn't even move her legs off the bench. David did that for her. He gently lowered her right leg then her left before reaching in and slowly easing the vibrator from her pussy. Tegan moaned as he did so and he apologised. The tender skin looked red and sore, it was easy to see he had left her there way too long. He debated in his own mind for a moment then eased out the butt plug as well telling her to relax when she asked him to stop. It took some thirty seconds before the device came out with something of a plop and Tegan moaned in pain. He helped her to sit up and then massaged her arms until the feeling came back. Again this was something of a painful process for Tegan, the attack of pins and needles preceding the return of a decent flow of blood to her limbs. He held the glass for her and let her drink the cold water slowly before wrapping his arms around her and gently rubbing her back whilst she recovered. After ten minutes he asked her if she could stand, she couldn't. He lay her down on the bench once more and told her he would go and run a hot bath for her. When he returned he helped her to her feet. With his arm around her waist, and hers around his neck, he helped her slowly up the stairs and into the bathroom. Tegan sank gratefully into the hot water and he left her there while he went to make something to eat. When he returned to the bathroom he thought she was asleep but when he knelt by the bath she spoke softly. "No more vibrators for a while please babe" she told him her eyes closed. He apologised again and she reached out to put a wet hand on his arm. "It's ok", she told him. "The first hour or so was fantastic, we'll just have to take it slower next time." He leaned in to kiss her and she wrapped another wet arm around his neck opening her eyes. They looked tired but there was a satisfied smile on her face. "I've told you before babe, I won't break." David couldn't help but smile too. "I guess you did at that," he told her.
Tegan spent an hour in the bath, ate one of the pile of sandwiches he'd made then went to bed. David did some more work then sat on the front porch watching the clear night sky before he too retired. Tegan moaned when he snuggled up to her in the bed but didn't wake. David fell asleep as he brushed his fingers through her lustrous hair.
The next day David had already breakfasted when Tegan woke and joined him in the kitchen. He noted how clear and bright her eyes were compared with the previous evening; a good night's sleep had worked wonders. They started the day as they had done the previous morning, David working on his portfolio while Tegan searched the web for bondage equipment. He'd been in the office for about an hour when she appeared at the door carrying her laptop. Her eyes were shining and it was obvious that she had found something of interest. "What do you think of this?" she asked him as she laid the device on the table so he could see what she was looking at.
David found himself staring at a sturdy looking machine. It had a solid base on which a pole had been mounted. From the circular platform at the base of the pole he surmised that the whole assembly rotated on the base. Attached to the side of the base was another column, this one with a screw thread. Mounted on the thread was a sizeable role of saran wrap. Again it was obvious that, as the thread rotated, the saran wrap would move up and down the length of the pole. He read the description on the web page and this confirmed his understanding of how it would work. The machine was called "The Girl Wrapper" and was marketed by a website that went by the name "Bondage Dreams".
He read the description again then looked at Tegan. "You want one of these? It looks pretty good," he added. Tegan smiled. "I'd love one" she said "but that's not why I'm showing it to you." David looked at her waiting for her continue. "How many people do you think make a machine like this?" she asked him changing the course of the conversation slightly. David studied the machine once more then clicked on the button that said "About Us".
"Bondage Dreams" claimed to be purveyors of original and traditional bondage wear and furniture. "They're probably the only people who make it" he surmised answering Tegan's question at the same time. "That's what I thought too," she told him. "So, do you want one?" he asked her again. Tegan shook her head. "Yes I do," she told him, but that's not why I'm showing it to you". David looked puzzled. She looked at him expectantly waiting to see if he said anything. When he didn't she tapped the screen "I've been tied to one of these" she told him. "And you really enjoyed it" he said looking at her.
Tegan let out something of an exasperated sigh. "Well, yes, it was really good actually, but where do you think I was when I was tied to it?" she said trying to encourage him to put the pieces together for himself. David looked at her as the thoughts went through his brain. "You've got one at home?" he asked her immediately realising it was a stupid thought. Tegan just snorted a no. "You were...". He stopped in mid sentence and looked at the device again. It was the sort of thing only a bondage enthusiast would purchase, or maybe a bondage professional. A thought struck him "You were tied to one of these during your training" he said slowly looking at the screen and then at Tegan.
She smiled and nodded her head. "Go on" she encouraged. David glanced between her and the picture of the machine. He tried to imagine how Tegan would look welded to the device; it was an attractive thought. The penny still hadn't dropped. "You've been tied to one, you like it, you want one" he said running through his thoughts. He looked at her. "My captor had one of those machines," she told him leading him towards the same conclusion she had reached. He nodded as Tegan continued "and if the only place that makes it are these Bondage Dreams people then.........". "There's a good chance we know where he, I mean she bought it from," David said finishing her sentence. "That's right; finally," Tegan added, a big grin spreading across her face. David looked at her and smiled to. "I wonder what we can find out" he mused.
They spent the next two hours going through every page of the website collecting information. It was obvious that the proprietors were bondage enthusiasts and some of the machines they sold were absolutely ingenious. As well as machines and furniture they also sold bondage equipment and clothing; it was almost a one-stop bondage shop.
After gleaning as much information as they could, David phoned a number listed on the site. After listening to a pre-recorded message indicating that the services available were of a specific nature, and that he should hang up if he was likely to be offended, he was put through to a representative who introduced herself as Susan. He introduced himself and explained that he was interested in some of the equipment advertised.
Initially, the conversation went slowly; it was almost as if Susan was trying to work out whether she was speaking to a genuine potential customer. As David started explaining his ideas though, it became obvious that he was not a time waster and Susan became much more receptive. The fact that he explained he was willing to pay a sizeable deposit helped immensely. The call lasted almost ninety minutes before David gave her his own phone number and Susan said they would review his requirements and call back with a proposal in the next couple of days. Just before the call ended David asked if they had any references, any customers they could contact. Susan said that might be possible but the reference would have to be contacted first, they would not release details of clients for confidential reasons. David told her he quite understood and they both hung up. "Now we wait", he said to Tegan who had sat there patiently the whole time listening to half the conversation.
That night they ate and retired early; Tegan was still a little sore from the previous days activities. They were both quite excited about the website and also hopeful that it would lead to further information. Neither of them had any idea where that information might take them. Tegan also talked a little about how she felt living at the ranch. She couldn't believe how easily she had slipped into the lifestyle that was offered and the sharp contrast it made with her desire to have her own life back, at least in terms of her identity. They talked around ideas for achieving that as well but none seemed to have any weight or hope of success. Tegan found it good just to talk about it though.
The following morning gave a glimpse of what the ranch might be like through the winter. The skies were grey and the rain was heavy and incessant. It was the gloomiest day Tegan had seen since her arrival and she wasn't impressed. Nevertheless she was in a good mood; David had agreed over breakfast to demonstrate the use of the Perspex boxes and she was preparing herself for another strident bondage session. He had instructed her to meet him in the room naked at 10:00am by which time he would have everything ready. As she entered Tegan saw he was sat on the floor with his back against the box waiting for her. She had a quick look around the room to see what had changed. The winch was in place and one box rested on top of the other. The lower box also had a large number of furs thrown in the bottom, a fact that didn't surprise her. Some short lengths of rope were laid over the rim of the box. "You do like your ropes and furs don't you Master" she said ready to play the game once again as she watched him get to her feet.
He smiled as he rose looking at her. As usual, she looked gorgeous, long dark hair tumbling over soft naked skin. His arousal was obvious as he stood. "I do but no games today Tegan" he told her. "I've not tried this before, I'll need you to tell me it gets too much". In reply she stepped up to him, put one hand on the back of his neck and kissed him lightly, the palm of her other hand pressed against his groin. "It will be tight though won't it" she teased. David smacked her lightly on the ass as he broke free of the kiss. "When has it ever been anything but" he said as he invited her to step into the box. Tegan couldn't disagree with that statement.
When she climbed into the box, she noted that Davis had laid an airbed on the floor and covered it with a layer of furs. There was a gap of about eighteen inches between the end of the airbed and shortest wall of the box. That space allowed Tegan to see the polished wooden floor of the room through the clear Perspex. David bound her wrists together behind her back and also bound her ankles. Then he helped her lay face down on the furs, her head hanging over the space so she could stare at the floor. Tegan wriggled around to get comfy while David started taking more furs and laying them on top of her. Commencing at her ankles he covered her with the soft material. He used more around her legs, a little less over her body. When he'd finished Tegan was covered and the top layer was more or less level. He threw a leg over the wall and climbed out went to the winch and lifted the upper box slightly. Turning the box, he positioned it then lowered it inside the box where Tegan was bound. He ran the winch until the base of the smaller box rested on the furs covering Tegan then let it continue for another couple of seconds until there was slack in the cable. When he turned it off an expectant silence filled the room.
David knelt at the front of the box so he could look at Tegan. "OK so far?" he asked her. Tegan nodded indicating she was. She couldn't see a great deal. The furs pressed around her but the weight of the box was reasonably light. She wondered what was going to happen next. "Do you understand Tegan?" she heard him say and realised she had drifted off. "Sorry babe, say that again please" she said and heard him laugh. "Tell me when it gets too much Tegan, don't be a hero, I won't be able to get you out of this quickly so don't push the boundaries. We can build up the pressure as you get used to it OK." "That would be heroine", she replied correcting him, "and don't worry, I'll be good". Her voice drifted up the gap between the two boxes but David nodded also, he could hear her quite clearly. "Here we go then" he said and disappeared from Tegan's view.
Tegan waited. At first nothing appeared to be happening. She flexed her muscles; it seemed she couldn't move quite as easily as before. She flexed again; yes things were definitely tighter. She tried to move her legs but the furs pressed down on them. Now the sensuous material seemed to be pressing into every part of her body. "OK so far?" She heard David's voice drifting down to her ears and told him she was fine. It was getting harder to breathe now; she couldn't take deep breaths any more, just small shallow ones. She flexed again just to be sure. The furs were pressing around her now. She tried to lift her body but couldn't; she couldn't even wriggle anymore. The only thing she could move was her head. Again David's voice filtered down asking her if she was ok. She called out for him to stop whatever it was he was doing whilst she took stock of her predicament. Movement was absolutely impossible but she felt quite comfortable pressed into the furs. There was a familiar clenching between her legs and she wished there was something there to fill the void, even knowing she was still sore from her previous restraint. Apart from that she felt good, helpless and relaxed. "What have you done?" she called out. "I'll show you later" came the reply, "do you want more?" The question seemed at odds with his previous instruction not to push it too far but she couldn't resist the invitation. "Just a little" she called out. A couple of minutes later David was sat in front of the box watching her. There had been no discernable increase in the pressure around her. She was still absolutely helpless though. She lifted her head so she could look at him through the Perspex. He smiled back at her and told her to tell him when she had had enough. "I could stay here all day", she told him. "It would be better with a vibrator," she added. David just laughed and told her he loved the fact that she was such a slut. She couldn't disagree.
It was closer to three hours than a day before Tegan asked David to set her free. Tegan had spent the time alternating between relaxing and trying to move. She particularly liked the way her hips, thighs and the small of her back were pressed down, the way her shoulders and arms were firmly held, the way she couldn't even move her fingers or toes. It seemed like there was a great weight holding her down and the bondage was absolute. Eventually though the pressure of only being able to take short breaths took it's toll and she asked to be released. That was the strangest part, the slow way in which the pressure on her was relieved. Twenty minutes after requesting her freedom she was standing naked by the boxes stretching her muscles as David explained what he had done. The premise was quite simple. He'd run a hose from the basement bathroom to the boxes and simply filled the smaller one with water. The weight of eight inches of water was more than enough to render Tegan helpless. When she asked to be released, he simply hooked the hose to a small electric pump and the water flowed back out of the box and into the bath. The time he'd taken making the furs more or less level had ensured that the weight was reasonable evenly distributed. Tegan went into the basement bathroom. "What gave you the idea?" she asked him; always keen to try and understand his thinking. "Well," he explained, "I have this idea of having you helplessly bound in a display case. Imagine being bound and supported somehow in the middle of the box and being surrounded by a clear fluid that solidified holding you in place. I've no idea how I might do that yet but this is along those lines." Tegan nodded. "I'll give it some thought as well" she smiled as she turned on the bath taps.
Tegan spent the rest of the day sorting out her clothes and other shopping whilst David worked in the office. It was early evening when he took a call; it was Susan. She told him that she had been discussing his requirements with the Designers and would it be possible to pay him a visit. "An understanding of the environment will help us with the design work" she told him. "It would also be good to discuss requirements in detail." David agreed. "Would the day after tomorrow, Thursday, be too early for him?" she asked. He told her that would be fine and they arranged the visit for 10:00am on that day. David told Tegan whilst they were sat on the porch after dinner. The rain had stopped and the skies had cleared but they both were wearing coats to keep out the cold. "I love the isolation of this place," she told him as she looked out into the darkness. David squeezed her tighter too him and agreed. "It could be improved though," she continued. "It would be nice if there was a lake". "A lake would be good" David agreed again wondering where the conversation was going. "Is this leading to something?" he asked her. "No, just thinking aloud babe" Tegan told him as she snuggled closer. It was cold and she really wanted to go back inside. David seemed to enjoy breathing in the cold air though. Indeed so did she, it was nice to take deep breaths of cold fresh unpolluted air. "Don't you like the cold then?" he asked her. Tegan smiled. "Only when there's snow to go with it". He told her that, the previous year, he'd been snowed in for six weeks so she would probably get her wish. She gave him another smile, unseen in the darkness, and there was a period of silence. It was broken when Tegan whispered one word to him "Alaska". "I've always had this thing about Alaska she told him", "the cold, the isolation, the long dark winter nights, the long summer days". They were quiet again for a while. This time it was David who broke the silence. "A log cabin, by a lake, surrounded by trees, lots of rope, fur and bondage equipment; just me and you and the Alaskan snow" he mused. Tegan snuggled even closer to him "Sounds like heaven to me David" she said wistfully.
The cold finally drove them indoors. After they'd removed their coats Tegan told David she wanted him to go and wait for her in the Star Room. "Take your clothes off, get comfy and I'll be there in thirty minutes or so". David teased her. "Getting all Mistress on me Tegan" he asked her smiling. "Just do it" she said punching him lightly in the chest and pushing him away. Tegan disappeared into the bedroom and David wandered to the bathroom. He stripped naked as she'd asked and, leaving his clothes in the bath, he wandered into the Star Room; arranging a pile of furs so he could get comfortable while he waited. His cock was almost completely hard just thinking about Tegan naked and bound; it was a good feeling. He lay down in the furs and stroked his member slowly then stopped, placing his hands behind his head. He didn't want to be tempted into wasting an orgasm on his thoughts.
He studied the stars instead, trying to make out the constellations. He recognised Orion, or was it the Great Bear. The patterns were familiar as were the names. Matching the right name to the right pattern was not one of his strengths. He went to check the time and realised he'd taken his watch off as well. He was feeling tired and wondered about going to get a drink of water to keep himself awake. He thought he heard a noise though so waited instead. Ten minutes later he decided he hadn't heard anything but when he turned his head to look out of the room Tegan was there, framed in the doorway by the light from the hall. "Wow" he said to himself as she stepped into the room.
Tegan looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a white bodice that just covered her nipples but left the rise of her breasts and her shoulders bare. The bodice had small black stripes at the side that ran into a wide black belt made of silk around her waist. The belt was tied in a bow at the front. The bodice continued into a short skirt that just covered the tops of her thighs. The skirt has a lace covering and a black band that matched the belt ran around the skirt about an inch above the hem. Tegan's long legs were covered by dark silk stockings that ended just above the ankle; no doubt held beneath the skirt by suspenders David thought. She was wearing black and silver heels, which seemed incredibly long to him, and lace gloves covered her wrists and top of each hand. Around her neck was a silk collar that matched the belt and emphasised the lighter skin of her neck.
She stepped into the room, treading carefully as the furs moved beneath her feet, and stopped at his feet looking down at him. "You look absolutely gorgeous Tegan," he told her. She smiled at him and knelt between his legs. "You can thank Victoria's Secret for that" she told him as she placed her hands on his thighs and leaned forward to wrap her lips around his cock. She started to sink her mouth onto him when she felt his hand in her hair and was a little surprised when he pulled her head off his already throbbing cock. He held her head back so that he could look into her eyes. There was a wry smile on his face as he asked her "I hope your not wearing any panties under that skirt Tegan". "Of course not Master," she told him sensing that the game had begun once more. "Would you like to check?" David told her he would. Tegan rose a little unsteadily to her feet and turned around then stepped backwards carefully not wanting to stand on him in her long heels. When she was stood across his chest she lowered herself down, first sitting on his chest then pushing her hands forward and lifting her ass so that she could thrust it towards his face. "Does that meet with your satisfaction Master?" she asked him. He stroked his hands over her creamy thighs as he looked at her pussy. He could already see it glistening as Tegan's anticipation grew. "Yes it does," he told her as he gripped her hips and then slowly pulled her down on top of him, drawing her pussy to his hungry mouth. "She tastes so sweet" he thought as he pushed his tongue into the warm wetness.
Tegan groaned as she felt his tongue part her lips, felt him seek her clit with his mouth. She pushed onto him as she also fell on his cock once more sucking it into her mouth and working it with her tongue. She heard his muffled groans between her legs and wriggled, pushing herself harder against him as she sought to satisfy him with her mouth. She sucked, cajoled, bobbed and worked on him with a sense of urgency. She felt his arms tighten around her pulling her hard against him. She could feel him teasing her clit and it made her buck against his mouth. He had nowhere near the control she had though and soon his technique disappeared as his orgasm overwhelmed him and he came in her mouth. She didn't stop, just kept sucking as his cock lost its hardness. He was over sensitive now and she felt him fight her. She let his cock slip out of her mouth and kissed it lightly then told him to relax; told him she wanted him to make her come with his mouth. Soon he'd found her clit again, his hands caressing her. She started sucking his cock again. It took a while but eventually he was hard once more. By this time Tegan was panting as her orgasm built inside her. He worked his tongue and teeth over her pussy concentrating on her clit and soon she was rocking on top of him, her orgasm flowing over her.
It wasn't as intense as when he fucked her, it was more an enveloping feeling, a feeling of calm descending on her as the pleasure flowed through her. As she came he clamped his arms tight around her, holding her hard against him; it just increased the pleasure, to feel his strong arms hold her inescapably to him. She stopped sucking on his cock and, soon noticed that he too had stopped. She lay on him a short while then rose, turned around and sat on him again this time sinking her pussy around his cock. She leaned back, placed her hands on his thighs and slowly rocked her body on him. He reached up and caressed her through the dress. They didn't speak, just slowly bought each other to another pleasure filled crescendo. When it was over, Tegan fell forward so he could wrap his arms around her. Once more they slept in the warmth of the furs.
Chapter 12 - Visitors
By the time Tegan wandered in to the kitchen in the morning David has the coffee machine in full flow and was just pouring the steaming hot liquid into two mugs. He looked up as she entered and his cock pulsed. She was still wearing the clothes from the night before and her hair was all messed from sleep. If anything, the naturalness just enhanced her good looks. He left the coffee for a moment so he could slip his arms around her waist. In her heels she was slightly taller than he was and he had to look up to catch her eye. This made his cock pulse again and he wasn’t quite sure why. He kissed her good morning and asked her how she managed to look so damn good when she woke up. She just smiled and kissed him back wrapping her arms lazily around his neck. He kissed her again, giving her a light squeeze, then handed her one of the mugs. Tegan sipped the hot coffee, taking a moment to read the motto on the side of the mug. It said, “There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t”. She noted David’s mug also had a motto. His said “Multi-Storey Car Park Crime – It’s wrong on so many different levels”. “I can see it’s going to be a long day” she commented as she settled into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “What are we going to do today anyway?” she asked him. David sat next to her as he gave the question some thought before answering. “Well, we have guests tomorrow, so I need to prepare for that; but that’s not much effort so…..”
He paused for a moment before looking at Tegan, a broad smile lighting up his face. “I think we can make sure you spend most of the day in restraint”. Tegan’s face lit up as well as he continued. “We can try a few sessions today, in fact, I know just the thing to start with”. Tegan finished her coffee and placed the empty mug on the table. “I’ll go and get ready then” she told him but David shook his head. “No, I want to tie you up just the way you are” he smiled, you’ve got ten minutes to do anything you need to do then I want you back in here stood by the table, hands behind your back”. Tegan pouted. “Can’t I have a bath first please Master?” Again David shook his head. “No Tegan, you’re going to have to earn your treats today. You can have a bath if you pass this mornings test.” Tegan looked at him studiously trying to read his mind. She really wanted a bath so she could freshen up and get out of the clothes she’d used to entice him the previous evening. Already though, she felt she knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t going to change his mind once he’d decided on a course of action. There would be other topics more worthy of negotiation she thought. Tegan rose from the chair and kissed him lightly. “I’ll be ten minutes” she whispered and left the room.
Eight minutes later Tegan was back in the kitchen stood by the table, her hands held behind her back. The only discernable change in her appearance was the fact that she had quickly run a brush through her long tresses. David was still sat in the chair looking at her. He rose slowly and walked behind her. Tegan expected the feel of rope around her wrists but instead felt his arm weave its way into her long hair. He twisted it around his forearms gently until his hand was close to her head then gripped it firmly in his fingers and pulled her head back. Tegan felt yet another small thrill run through her body and an oh so familiar dampness between her legs. She felt his cheek against hers, catching a glimpse of him as he whispered in her ear “Ready for your first test Tegan?” She murmured a breathless “Yes Master” as the anticipation ran through her once more. David held her firmly and guided her down the stairs to the basement. When she moved her hands from behind her back he spanked her lightly on the ass with his free hand and told her to put them back. She quickly complied. In the basement corridor he stopped, holding her still as he studied the doors. “We’ll start with some more pussy training I think Tegan” he announced. Tegan had to stifle a groan. She didn’t mind the pussy training but would have much preferred something where David took a more active part. Expecting to be led into the room with the slats along the wall, she was a little surprised when, instead, he led her into the room with the St. Andrews Cross, the Bondage Table and the leather-covered column. He led her straight over to the cross then slowly unwound his arm from her hair. Tegan`s eyes took in the solid wooden construction of the Cross. The rows of silver eyelets on each arm and leg of the device gleamed in the artificial light of the bulbs in the room. The thick padded leather centre with the matching leather straps looked inviting. By the time David had found a small step to place at the foot of the cross and told her to turn around and stand with her back pressed against the centre Tegan was sure she was leaving a trail of her pussy juices dripping on the floor. David told her to remain quiet and commenced the process of strapping her to the Cross.
There were a number of soft leather straps attached to the main body of the cross. Two of these he pulled between Tegan’s legs then separated them pulling one over each hip and back to the cross. He slipped the ends through the matching buckles then pulled each strap as tight as he could taking care not to trap the material of the clothes she was wearing. The tension spread Tegan`s legs slightly, the soft leather pressing deep into the tops of her thighs. Tegan let out a soft moan and was cautioned by David who pressed a finger against her lips and looked her directly in the eye. She stared back at him for maybe ten seconds and then nodded imperceptibly understanding the requirement to be silent. The next strap was pulled tight directly across Tegan’s hips and pressed her hard into the soft leather padding. She had to work hard to stifle another moan. David ran his fingers gently up her sides then pulled another strap across her ribs just below her breasts. He told her to breathe out, pulled the strap tight then asked her to raise her arms. When the final strap was tightened in place just below her shoulders, Tegan’s body was firmly strapped to the cross. David went to the box in the corner of the room and lifted out an armful of rope which he dropped on the floor by Tegan’s feet. He told her to raise her left arm and then threaded the rope over her arm at the shoulder and through the eyelets on either side. He pulled the rope through the eyelets until it was centred and then crossed the ropes and fed them through the next eyelet in line. In this manner he laced her arm tightly to the cross tying the knot at her wrist. Taking a second rope he laced her right arm to the cross in the same manner. With her arms secured he repeated the process for each leg, spreading them apart and lacing them tightly to the polished wood. When he’d finished Tegan was welded to the cross, the ropes sinking into her limbs. Between each coil of rope her skin bulged a little, a clear indication of how tightly she was held. David applied the final touch, a penis gag that filled her mouth, covered her lips and was strapped tightly in place beneath her hair. “Now you can make as much noise as you want Tegan,” he said with a smile. The comment was met with stifled groans from her stuffed mouth.
As if to emphasis the comment, David pulled the step out from under Tegan’s feet and stood on it, pressing himself against the bound and helpless girl. “Do you like being helpless and at my mercy Tegan?” he said softly as he gently kissed her neck, his breath hot on her skin. Tegan moaned her answer into the gag as he slipped her hand between her legs caressing the soft skin around the straps that held her thighs. Tegan’s moans increased and then she threw her head back as two of his fingers slipped inside her hot, wet pussy. “You love this don’t you Tegan?” he said as he worked his fingers in and out, his skin soon slick with her juices that seeped over the straps and ran down her thigh. David continued to tease her with his voice and his fingers until her head was rocking and her moans constant. He spoke to her quietly softly, telling her she was gorgeous, telling her she was a slut, asking her if she wanted to be fucked; a question that always increased the volume of her moans. All the while his fingers caressed her pussy and teased her clit. He kept this up until Tegan’s eyes were closed, her pleas into the gag more a reaction to his ministrations. When he judged that she was close to her first orgasm, he whispered “and stop” then pulled his fingers away. Tegan`s cries increased in intensity as she squealed her frustration. Her eyes flew open and she pleaded with them for him to continue. Instead he smiled and kissed the gag covering her lips. “You have to earn your orgasms as well as your baths,” he told her “and now that you’re all wet, slick and horny we can begin”.
Tegan tried to look at him fiercely as he moved away but is was difficult to portray how she felt at that moment when she could only move her head. She had to settle for swearing at him but the gag just made it sound like more intense muffled cries. David fished around in a box on the far side of the room and returned with the dildo and weights he had used a couple of days previously. He slipped it inside her pussy and immediately added two of the weights. He laid a third weight on the step in front of her. Tegan had to clench hard to keep the device inside her and she groaned in frustration once more. Now, instead of an orgasm she had to mentally prepare herself to prevent the dildo slipping from her pussy. She was confident she could do it; it was just that she had been so close to coming her body was still dancing along that pleasure filled path hoping to get to the end. She humphed into the gag as he told her he would be back in two hours to check on her progress; then he was gone. She clamped her pussy around the toy and closed her eyes determined to earn her reward and also cursing him for not giving her the orgasm she had been so close too.
David trotted up the stairs checking his watch as he went. It said 9:14am. What a great way to begin the day he thought to himself, bondage for breakfast. He started to think about the visitors who would arrive the next day; he needed to have some idea of his requirements. David thought best when he was running. He changed quickly and stepped onto the front veranda; it was raining again. He shrugged and set off; the weather didn’t really worry him unless it was really cold and he enjoyed the feel of the water on his skin. He kept away from the trees though, running in a slow arc around the back of the ranch until he picked up a small trail. He followed this for around four miles as it zig-zagged through the sparse undergrowth. It was a trail he knew well. As he ran, he thought about the rooms, how he wanted them fitted out, what sort of devices he would like. His mind also kept wandering back to his last vision of Tegan strapped to the cross; she had looked so good it has been hard not to just stop what he was doing and just give her the fucking he knew she would have wanted. Being a Master wasn’t that easy he thought to himself smiling as he ran through the rain.
At four miles he left the track and picked his way carefully through the thicker grass. Fifty yards later he came to the fence that ran alongside the dusty road linking the ranch to the highway. He climbed it and increased speed as he ran back towards the place where he’d left his girl tied and helpless. Seventy-five minutes after he’d set off he arrived back at the ranch drenched to the skin from the steady rain. He trotted around to the back of the ranch and entered the kitchen leaving a damp trail as he went to the bathroom for a towel. He rubbed himself down as he returned to the kitchen, got a glass of grapefruit juice then went to see how Tegan was coping with her training. He opened the door and watched her from the doorway. She stared back at him. Even from the doorway he could see the fire in her eyes; it seemed he had touched a nerve leaving her in a state of high arousal. He made a point of looking at his watch. “Thirty minutes to go Tegan he told her” then left the room. He could hear her muffled protests as he went up the stairs. Nevertheless he was pleased, the dildo was still firmly held in her pussy. Twenty-five minutes later he was going down the staircase once more. He was freshly showered, his hair still damp as he entered the room and stood in front of his helpless pleading slut.
“Four minutes left Tegan” he told her as he picked up the weight he’d left on the step. She nodded looking at him not really thinking about the time, her eyes were on the weight. He smiled and stood on the step close to her. “Your chance to earn a bonus Tegan” he whispered to her. She took a deep breath. The task had been relatively easy and she had enjoyed the tightness of her restraints. She hadn’t really appreciated being left alone though and the time had passed slowly. She moaned into the gag. She was happy for the session to continue as long as he stayed in the room. David counted down the minutes for her, “three minutes left Tegan, two and a half minutes left Tegan”. With thirty seconds left he told her the rules for the bonus; “keep the dildo in your pussy with the extra weight for ten minutes Tegan” he told her. She looked at him and nodded, that didn’t seem too bad. He counted the last ten second down and then bent and placed the extra weight on the toy. Tegan tightened her pussy around the device. It didn’t move. This will be ok she thought; then she felt David’s hands on her breasts. She moaned as he started to caress her, her nipples instantly becoming erect.
Immediately she was aware of her helplessness, anything he wants to do he can, her pussy flooded. She had to concentrate now, squeezing harder to keep the toy in. She started fighting the ropes. He was kissing her neck now as his fingers teased her nipples. He trailed his tongue over her throat then eased the top of her nightdress down exposing her nipples. He immediately bent and clamped one into his mouth, reaching up with his hand and pinching the other between thumb and forefinger. Tegan groaned as the pain spread through her breast. After a while he changed nipples, sucking the one he had pinched while his hand went to the other. Tegan threw her head back, the gag stifling her moans. Now he was kissing her neck again, as he pinched both nipples hard. With his face pushed under her chin it restricted her ability to move her own head. The pain was intense but is also gave her a deep heated feeling inside. Now he was caressing her breasts and kissing the gag that covered her lips. His hand moved to her sides and ran up and down. She fought hard against her bonds trying to concentrate but it was impossible. She was on fire now, her nerves so sensitised she thought she was going to come. She squeezed down onto the dildo not realising it was already slipping out. Alarm suddenly spread through her and she tried to suck it back in but it was too late. Her heart sank as she heard the sound of the weights crash onto the floor. She looked at David as he moved away slightly, his hands lightly on her hips. Slowly he brought his hand up so he could look at his watch, then he lowered it to her hip once more. Reaching behind her he loosened the strap that held the gag, removing it then leaning in and kissing her softly. When he broke the kiss he looked at her seriously. She stared back at him. After nearly thirty seconds of silence, Tegan highly conscious of the fact that she was still helplessly bound, a small smile crossed his face. “Over thirteen minutes Tegan, well done.” She just looked at him, a feeling of relief mixed with something else she couldn’t quite identify. She didn’t even know what the bonus was she thought. Then she allowed half a smile to cross her face. “That bonus better be worth it you bastard,” she told him. It made him laugh.
After he released her, Tegan spent nearly forty minutes soaking in the bath. It took her another forty-five to wash and dry her hair. She ate a light lunch naked except for a towel wrapped around her shoulders. Two hours later she was in the basement once more ready for the next session. This time David led her back to the room with the Perspex boxes. He’d removed the airbed from the base and this time there was just a layer of furs nearly a foot high. “What about my bonus?” she asked him as she climbed into the box. In answer, David produces a large remote controlled vibrator from a box and held it in front of her. “Your bonus, my lovely sweet slut, is that this time I’m going to keep you entertained while your helpless”. Tegan looked at the device and sucked on her lower lip. The device had a knurled body with an attachment designed to stimulate the clitoris. There was also a smaller attachment that curved from the body of the device that looked like it would push slightly into her ass. She studied the device some and then looked at David. “I’d rather you fucked me Master,” she said softly. “Later babe” he said kissing her then instructing her to lie face down on the furs. Tegan snuggled down into the soft bed. This time the furs covered the whole of the base of the Perspex box and she turned her head so she could rest her cheek in the dense thickness. Deciding not to tie her limbs, David placed her arms by her side about a foot from each hip, palms facing up. He spread her legs and inserted the vibrator deep into her pussy. The attachment sank further into her ass than she had thought it would. “It will help to keep it in place” he told her. Unseen by Tegan, David plugged an electrical wire into the device and ran the cable across the furs and hung it over the side of the box. Then he covered Tegan`s naked body with a thick layer of furs before climbing out of the box and running the winch to lower the smaller box inside the larger. He told Tegan to remain still during the process. When the smaller box was fully home he ran the hose from the bathroom and started to fill it with water once more.
David sat in front of the box talking to Tegan whilst the water flowed, checking she was OK, that she could breath, that the pressure was not too much. After the water reached a level of eight inches he asked Tegan if she could move, she couldn’t. Once more she was assailed by a feeling of absolute helplessness. If anything the feeling was even better than last time. With her arms and legs spread, each limb seemed as if it was pinned in place by some enormous force, Tegan didn’t even seem able to move her fingers or her toes.
He allowed the flow of water to continue for another five minutes before he went to the bathroom and turned off the taps. Returning to the room he picked up the remote control for the vibrator, plugged in the electrical wire and sat on the wooden floor cross-legged so he could look at the helpless Tegan inside the box once more.
“Comfortable babe?” he asked her. Tegan struggled to move and couldn’t. The pressure was intense but not unbearable. Indeed, it felt quite cosy trapped in this luxurious prison. The weight pressed down on her. She felt it most on her shoulders, hips and thighs. There was no way she could even try and gain any leverage to test whether she could move or not. She nuzzled into the furs feeling the softness on her cheek. She felt good. “I’m fine Master” she replied softly, her voice slightly distorted as it drifted out between the walls of the two boxes. “Can you move at all?” he asked her. Again Tegan tried to wriggle and couldn’t. “I can’t move at all Master,” she told him. “Good” replied David and turned the dial on the little remote control. Tegan’s world was suddenly turned upside down.
Tegan loved bondage. There was something about being helpless that made her stomach squirm and her pussy clench every time she thought about it. She had had many dreams about being helpless, about having orgasms forced on her when there was nothing she could do about it. Her favourite fantasies always involved tight bondage and forced orgasms. She had become quite proficient at self-bondage, tying herself up and setting a device to tease her to orgasm whilst she was bound. Whilst she had always enjoyed those moments she always knew, at the bottom of her heart, that the positions she put herself in were manufactured, that she would eventually get free.
There was no such insurance now; the length of her captivity was completely beyond her control. Her bondage was absolutely complete; apart from tossing her head movement was impossible. There were only her feelings and the toy working inside her. That too was beyond her control. The teasing toy made her want to move. She wanted to reduce the intense pleasure the toy inflicted on her. The fact that she couldn’t just accentuated the pleasure. All she could do was lie there and take what was given to her. The toy felt huge inside her. The body felt like it was turning, the knurls rubbing the soft tender inner walls of her slick wet pussy. The small attachment at the front was pressed hard against her clit and seemed to be giving her small shocks as well as vibrating against her pleasure centre. The attachment in her ass was also pulsing. The air around her was filled with noise and she realised it was her own voice screaming “fuck, fuck, fuck” as the intensity grew.
The pain from the shocks in her ass contrasted sharply with the pleasure she felt in her pussy and clit. She thought she was coming but her senses were so overwhelmed that she couldn’t tell. The intensity was still increasing. The small space between the boxes was filled with her cries; then everything died away and Tegan was left panting trying to catch her breath. It was some time before she realised the David was asking her a question.
“Are you ready to hear the rules Tegan?” he repeated for the third time. For his part; the fact that Tegan’s immediate pleasure-filled future was completely under his control was a huge source of satisfaction. He had enjoyed listening to her screams as she fought her own senses. Now he’d turned the controller down to minimum so he could make the whole experience a little more interesting. “Rules Tegan” he repeated. This time his words registered and he heard a groan as Tegan’s breathless voice drifted out of the box. “Oh not more fucking rules before I can come” she moaned in reply adding, after a moments pause, “Yes Master, please tell me the rules sir”. He smiled to himself enjoying her frustration. He knew that was soon going to change. “The rules are simple Tegan. You may beg, scream, come, shout obscenities, whatever you like but it will not affect the speed of the toy inside you; that will be purely down to me. Now, here’s the challenge Tegan. You will spend forty minutes in the box while I control the toy. You may ask for one three-minute respite during that time. If you shout the word yellow the speed will be reduced to the minimum as it is now. You will only get one respite. If you cannot cope later you may shout the word red. If you shout red I will stop and immediately set you free. However, if you shout red there will be a subsequent forfeit of my choosing. Do you understand the rules Tegan?” Tegan replied that she understood. “Are you ready?” he asked. Tegan`s response was to ask a question. “Is this my bonus for this morning Master?” “Indeed it is” he replied, “Do you have any other questions?” “It’s not much of a bonus is it” she protested. David had to smile “Tegan, you’re going to come like crazy, it’s a superb bonus; ready?” Tegan told him she was and he turned the button halfway.
Six minutes later Tegan was screaming yellow at the top of her voice. She had just been coming down off her second orgasm in as many minutes when he had turned the speed up to full. Now the device was on minimum speed once more and she lay there panting as she tried to recover. Her pussy was really sensitive and she couldn’t equate the quite separate feelings of contentment, pain, pleasure and helplessness. She imagined that this would be what it was like if she was placed in a liquid that the solidified around her so that movement was impossible. When she was finally able to speak she turned and lifted her head as best she could given her confinement. She could just about catch David’s face through the Perspex. “That was so unfair” she told him a touch of annoyance in her voice. “Why is that Tegan” he asked her. “You can’t just wind it up to full as I’ve had my orgasm, its just not giving me a chance to recover.” She saw him shake his head. “Tegan, your helpless and I have the controls, I can do what I want. You have thirty five seconds of recovery time left.” “Bastard” she said quietly repeating the accusation she had made in the morning. Inwardly though, she felt a warm glow; the truth was she didn’t want him to make it easy for her, she wanted to be challenged, to be pushed to her limits and then past them. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for the next assault on her senses.
David spent the next twenty minutes varying the intensity of the device buried in Tegan`s pussy. He was now very good at recognising Tegan’s words and expressions when she was about to come and used those indications well. Tegan came a further four times in that period. For the first three orgasms he teased her as she went through that pleasure filled period but didn’t push her too hard. On the fourth orgasm, just as he thought she was coming down, he wound the device up to full once more. The action was met with some intense screaming from inside the box. Tegan was determined not to give in.
Screaming as loud as she could was the best method she could think of for taking her mind off the agony between her legs. It seemed to last a lifetime but, slowly, the pain dissipated and a wonderful warm glow filled her once more. She knew then that she was going to complete the exercise whatever he did. She heard him tell her there were ten minutes left but, by then, she was in a another world. He extracted another three orgasms from her but she was on a different level mentally, it could have been thirty. She heard him tell her she was a good girl but, even then, she didn’t realise that the forty minutes was up. She just lay there with her eyes closed accepting the inevitable.
She was vaguely aware that the device was no longer functioning, that the pressure on her was decreasing. She didn’t hear the winch when it raised the inner box but felt the movement when David climbed into the box. She just lay still as he removed the furs from on top of her. He was asking her a question but she couldn’t understand what he was saying. She felt his strong arms turn her over onto her back and she lay on the furs, her eyes closed. She couldn’t summon up the strength to move. The palm of his hand brushed lightly on her cheek and she forced herself to open her eyes; did she detect a look of concern on his face? Finally, she figured out that he was asking her if she was all right. She took a deep breath, blowing the air from her lungs quite forcefully then looked at him again; the focus was a little sharper. “I’m good babe”, she told him tiredly, “I’m totally and utterly fucked, but I’m good”. She closed her eyes again and felt his lips brush across hers. She couldn’t summon the energy to respond.
David climbed out of the box and looked at her. He’d already planned the next session; he intended to put her in a really tight hogtie on the bondage table for a couple of hours. Looking at her now though, he thought he might need to give her some time to recover. He went upstairs returning with a glass of water. He thought she’d fallen asleep but, when he climbed in the box once more he heard her give a contented soft moan. He helped her to sit upright while she drank, she felt limp in his arms. After taking in the water she smiled weakly at him. He could barely get her to stand, let alone climb out of the box. Tegan felt like her arms and legs were made of jelly. “I’m still fucked Master” she told him. “Too fucked to climb out of the box and make it to the next session” he questioned, a smile on his face. “You could always carry me,” she said.
David did give it some consideration but ended up with a neat compromise, he hogtied her in the box. Collecting some ropes and a shiny silver metal hook, he turned her back on her stomach. Using plenty of rope, he bound her arms tightly behind her back at wrist and elbow before turning her on her back and wrapping rope around her breasts. Rolling her back on her stomach once more he took the silver hook and pushed the curved end into Tegan`s ass. She moaned as he did it, more because the metal felt cold. Once the butt hook was in place he bound her legs together at ankle knee and thigh before pulling her ankles up and tying them tightly to her wrists. Tegan was moaning a little more now, but her ignored her and took a handful of her long hair. He twisted it into a kind of plait then forced it through the large ring at the other end of the butt hook. He pulled her hair through the hole pulling her head back and also forcing the butt hook slightly deeper into her ass. Rather than knot her hair he used some twine to bind it so it couldn’t slip back through the hole. Lastly, he took the penis gag and filled her mouth with it once more. Patting her on the rump he left her in the box tied in the furs. Tegan struggled in her bonds. It was nice to be able to move a little and wriggle in the furs. She was still dog-tired after the previous session but felt warm and content inside. She flexed against the ropes enjoying the feeling of constraint then nuzzled tiredly into the furs settling down to enjoy the experience of helpless bondage once more. There was no point struggling to try and free herself; she knew the ropes would be tight and firm. She let her head fall forward feeling the pull of the hook in her ass, another neat bondage twist she thought. She closed her eyes and savoured her captivity as she heard David’s footsteps going up the stairs once more.
When he checked on her half an hour later she was asleep. He wasn’t sure at first and spoke her name quietly. There was no response but her breathing was even. He checked her bonds then left her again. Upstairs he had a bite to eat and checked his watch; it was still early afternoon. He thought about the mornings` events and resolved a couple of things in his mind. He needed to assess her limits better so that the sessions could be longer; he’d tired her out completely in a morning. Also, he was going to have to install cameras; it would be so much better if he could monitor Tegan from his laptop when she was bound. Not only was it safer for her, it would make for interesting viewing as well.
He got some paper and spent a couple of hours documenting some thoughts for the following days visitors. He had clear views about some of the things he wanted but was also hoping his visitors would come up with ideas he hadn’t thought of. He finished by drawing up an initial list of requirements then went down to the basement again. Tegan was awake when he returned and watched him as he climbed into the box and slowly freed her from her afternoon’s bondage. The last thing he did was turn her on her back, remove the ropes around her breasts and take out the gag. He leant down to kiss her and felt her arms wrap around his neck as she responded. He kissed her softly, feeling her hands run down his side then under his shirt and caress his bare skin. They didn’t speak, just kissed and caressed.
It wasn’t long before David’s hands were drawn to her breasts and her fingers were loosening his buttons, drawing his shirt over his head, pushing his pants down over his hips. They made love slowly, gently Tegan drawing him into her and squeezing herself around him. When he came she wrapped her arms tightly around him enjoying the weight of his body on top of her. Afterwards she still found it difficult to climb out of the Perspex box even with David supporting her.
They ate in the armchairs in the living room. The cushions were cosy and Tegan felt her strength returning as she picked her way through the pasta dish that David had hastily pulled together. Afterwards David told her he had planned one more session for the day. She agreed with little hesitation and once more found herself being led naked down to the basement. He took her back to the same room they had been in that morning and started the session by tying her arms behind her back at wrist and elbow with some soft cotton rope. “Tight enough for you Tegan?” he asked her as he led her over to the bondage table. “As always Master” she replied seductively then in a lower voice, “please fuck me Master, your slut needs to feel your cock inside her wet pussy again”. David’s response was to silence her with a ring gag and Tegan glared at him once it was in place. It was rapidly becoming her favourite game to play, trying to seduce him and get him to fuck her before he had planned. The results so far had been mixed.
He led her to the edge of the table but, rather than place her on it, he pulled her legs apart and tied her ankles as close to each leg as he could get them. The table had a wooden slat connecting the legs. Using more rope, he bound Tegan`s thighs to the table where they crossed the slats. Next he bent her over the leather surface of the table top. The table had been designed with long slits in the top that allowed ropes or straps to be passed through. Making use of the slits at Tegan`s waist, he took a four inch wide leather strap, passed it down one slit under the table, up the other side of Tegan`s body then buckled it tightly over the small of her back. In this manner, Tegan could move her torso a little but, from the waist down, she was securely held. More importantly, from David’s point of view, her pussy was wide open and easily accessible. David added the final touch for the moment inserting the metal hook in her ass once more. This time he used a rope to secure Tegan`s wrists to the ring at the top of the hook. David pulled the rope as tight as he could, the hook sinking deep into her ass. The ring gag muffled Tegan’s complaints. Unseen by Tegan, David took a wooden paddle that was dangling from a hook beneath the table. Then he removed the gag.
“I do believe you came without permission earlier Tegan” he told her as he stroked the paddle gently over her vulnerable ass. Tegan’s reply was incredulous. “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” she panted trying to push her arms down at the same time to relieve the pressure in her ass. Her reply was met with a sharp smack of the paddle on her left cheek. It caused her to jump and pull on the hook, which, in turn, drove it deeper. This caused another cry of pain. “You have got to be kidding me Master” David told her reminding her of the proper etiquette. Tegan repeated the sentence adding Master somewhat sarcastically at the end. She couldn’t see the smile it brought to his face. “So what do we prefer Tegan?” he asked her changing the topic, “this?” he said as he brought the paddle down again eliciting another cry “or this?” he asked as he thrust two fingers into her pussy. Tegan moaned again. She was trying desperately to remain still so she didn’t pull on the hook. It wasn’t easy. “You’re not being fair Master” she panted. David laughed. “That’s my prerogative,” he told her “and I don’t want to hear any more” he finished, forcing the ring gag back into Tegan’s mouth despite her protestations. He spent the next fifteen minutes beating her ass with the paddle. The strokes weren’t too hard although, occasionally, he would use a little extra force. When he did this, he could see her arms tense and pull on the hook, the volume of noise from her gagged mouth increasing.
When both her cheeks were bright red, he laid the paddle on the floor and knelt behind her, running first his fingers and then his tongue up and down her exposed pussy. The tone of Tegan’s moans changed and soon her head was shaking from side to side as he teased her. He kept this up for a while enjoying the taste of her. Finally though, the pressure of his hard cock trapped inside his pants became too much. He simply dropped them around his ankles and pushed his cock inside her. The feel of her hot pussy enveloping him caused him to moan also. “You’re such a hot slut,” he told her as he started to fuck her. He moved slowly at first enjoying watching her struggle not to move too much. It wasn’t long though before he was gripping her hips and pounding into her. He came with a groan that was lost in Tegan’s own screams.
Later that evening they lay in David’s king sized double bed, David’s arms wrapped around her, Tegan`s fingers running softly over his chest as they discussed the day, what had gone well and what could be improved. Tegan was feeling pleased with herself. He had challenged her limits and she had fought her way through, and enjoyed it for the most part. She told him she was happy. “How many girls get that many orgasms in a day?” she teased. There was silence for a moment which was broken when her turned to look into her eyes.
“You can’t meet our visitors tomorrow Tegan” he told her quietly. Tegan stopped caressing his chest and looked at him unable to keep the surprise from her face. David caught the look and quickly continued before she could respond. “You can’t meet them because, if we ever manage to get you home, it’s going to make the news and there’s a real danger they will recognise you.” Tegan immediately challenged him. “You took me to the city, we stayed in a hotel, went shopping, what’s different. Don’t you trust me?”
David studied her for a long moment. He could see the disappointment in her face and felt guilty for approaching the topic in entirely the wrong manner. Nevertheless it was a risk he thought needed to be dealt with and he had to pick his words carefully. He pulled her close to him and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “It’s not a matter of trust Tegan it’s too risky. Look, I know we went to the city and everything but that was different. You were just a face in the crowd, a beautiful face yes but just one of thousands they see every day. The people visiting tomorrow are bondage professionals. They will remember you clearly, they will get to know something about us both but they will not forget the girl with the gorgeous figure, the mass of tumbling dark hair and the face of an angel.
They won’t forget you Tegan and if something were to happen later they could very easily put two and two together so, I’m sorry, but they can’t see you. You’re way too memorable” he finished with a smile hoping to ease her disappointment. Tegan looked away for a moment while she thought. She realised she had been looking forward to being a hostess for their guests more than she had thought. She could see the point of his argument though even though a return to her previous life seemed as unlikely as a trip to the moon. She turned back but looked at his chest rather than into his eyes. “If I never go back it’s not a problem” she said quietly but there was a lack of conviction in her words. David pulled her closer stroking his fingers through her hair. “But you’re not ready to give that option up yet are you babe?” he whispered too her. Tegan had to agree that she wasn’t.
They lay there for a few minutes not speaking before Tegan broke the silence once more. “They’ll want to take measurements, for corsets, hoods, arm-binders, all the things we were going to order, what will happen about that?” She was still talking to his chest rather than his face but when she finished speaking she looked up at him. “Do you just want me to hide for the day?” David smiled. “Well, actually, I was going to tie you up, put a hood on your head and just tell them that was how my slave had to spend the day. If I tie you to the St. Andrews Cross or the slats they’ll still be able to get the measurements they need”.
Tegan thought about it a while longer. Finally she looked up at him again. The disappointment in her face had been replaced by something else that David couldn’t quite figure out. It soon became clear though that Tegan was in a mood to negotiate her position. “OK” she told him “I’ll agree to what you say but there are some conditions you have to agree to if you want me to co-operate”. As Tegan spoke she tapped his chest with her finger to make her point. David smiled. In truth he was a little relieved, he didn’t want her to be disappointed. “How many conditions?” he asked her a little warily. She told him three and he pretended to think about it. Tegan gave him a playful punch in the chest. “Come on David don’t piss about, you know you want to hear them”. David laughed quietly. “Ok babe, you saw right through that, tell me what your conditions are.”
Tegan took a breath. “First, you don’t tie me up naked tomorrow, you tie me with some clothes on. I’m your bondage slut not theirs, I don’t want people I’ve never met seeing me naked”. David readily agreed. “Second” she continued “I have a list of things I want to purchase, I’ll write this list in the morning and you can give it to them.” “That’s not a problem,” he told her “ you can tell me now if you like”. Tegan shook her head “No, you’re not to see the list, this is stuff I want to buy.” Tegan thought before adding, “It’s like the stuff I got from Victoria’s Secret. You didn’t see it until I wore it and that was part of the pleasure.” “I still haven’t seen most of it,” he said interrupting. “You will babe,” she promised. “Do you agree?” David nodded. Tegan smiled and continued.
“OK, finally, my last condition. You’re going to let me tie you up for at least six hours sometime in the next seven days.” David was about to protest but she put a finger to his lips. “It’s important David,” she told him “I need to know that you trust me”. She took her finger away. David lay there looking at the gorgeous girl lying next to him. Her request had come as a complete shock to him; it was something he had never considered. He rapidly tried to assess the risk in his mind then stopped. She was right of course and, more importantly to him, he wanted her to be happy sharing the ranch with him. He had no option really. “OK” he told her “I agree to all three conditions”. His reward was to see joy light up Tegan’s face. “She smiled and leaned forward. “The deal is sealed with a kiss,” she murmured as she pressed her lips against his and enjoyed the feel of his arms tightening around her.
Tegan was up at 6:00am in the morning and had the list written and sealed in an envelope before 7:00am. David still hadn’t surfaced so she brewed a coffee and took it into the bedroom; waking him with a kiss and handing him the mug. While he showered she went through her wardrobe trying to decide what she wanted to wear while she was bound. Was she going to go with something sexy or something simple? She looked at a few outfits on the hangers before deciding she would go for something sexy; jeans and a t-shirt weren’t going to cut it she thought. She laid her chosen outfit on the bed and followed David into the shower. When she came back he was looking at the skimpy outfit she had placed on the bed. It was a matching set of bra, panties, garters and stockings. “I thought you didn’t want our visitors to see you naked?” he told her when she walked in. Tegan smiled seductively “I just wanted to look sexy; for you Master” she added. David approved. They anticipated their visitors arriving at 10:00am. At nine, Tegan put on the outfit she had chosen adding the large heels she had worn the day before last. Just after 9:30am David had finished binding her to the St. Andrews Cross. He had used a mass of rope and once more she was securely held, her feet off the floor, her body supported only by the ropes that held her. He’d tied her hair back and now had a black hood made of silk and a penis gag in his hands. He kissed her gently on the lips and smiled. “You look good, gorgeous,” he said “as usual”. Tegan smiled back at him and mouthed a thank-you. He kissed her again then slipped the gag into her mouth. “I’ll check on you later sexy,” he told her. Tegan humphed as he pulled the silk hood over her head and tied it loosely around her neck. Then he ran his hands over her soft skin before kissing her once more then returning to the kitchen.
Just before 10:00am a red convertible Mustang pulled up on the gravel in front of the ranch and two people climbed out. David went outside to greet them; they seemed an odd couple. The woman introduced herself as Susan and they shook hands. She was petit, David guessed five feet two inches at most, and probably in her early thirties. She had dark straight hair that was cut quite short and was dressed simply in blue Levi jeans and a white t-shirt that was loose and hid any body shape she might have had.
By contrast the man, who Susan introduced as their head designer Bradley, was tall, he had a good four inches on David. Whilst Susan was petit David could only think of Bradley as skinny. He was painfully thin and looked like a person in desperate need of a meal. His handshake was firm though. They both spoke with a drawl, which even David, with his limited experience of American accents, recognised as southern. Until now David hadn’t thought to look at where the organisation he was dealing with was based. He led them into kitchen for coffee.
The first thing Susan asked was whether there was a lady in the house. David told them he would introduce his “Slave” later. He’d already decided that, for the purposes of the visit, he would portray his relationship with Tegan as very much one of Master and Slave. They quickly got down to business. First David took them through the list of requirements he had compiled and they discussed them at some length. David made special mention of his interest in "The Girl Wrapper" in the hope of eliciting more information later. After an hour, and more coffee, he gave them a tour of the main ranch. Susan was particularly taken by the Star Room. David also noted that, for the most part, Bradley hardly said a word, he just seemed to absorb information.
He came to life though when David showed them around the basement. His enthusiasm surfaced when David took them to the room with all the metallic frames and contraptions. “The work of Stefan Schaeffer, he is a very fine engineer” Bradley commented as he fingered the machine that had so caught Tegan`s attention previously. They went from room to room until there was only one left, the room where Tegan had been left bound. Before they entered David explained that Tegan was being punished for a misdemeanour he didn’t want to detail. They were not to talk to her but could, if they wished, take any measurements. This was readily agreed and they entered the room.
Neither of the guests commented on Tegan although she did make quite a sight, tightly bound and semi naked. At Susan’s request, David took most of the measurements that were required. Susan’s only involvement was to hold the end of the tape when he asked. “We really need some measurements with her arms behind her back as well” Susan commented. “We also need to know how flexible she is, can she touch her elbows for instance.” David told her he would arrange for those details to be provided. Susan and Bradley completed their survey and left the room. David followed them out but not before taking a quick moment to whisper in Tegan`s ear “Good girl.” A “Humph” emanated from inside the hood.
David offered the visitor’s lunch and they ate whilst discussing their findings. After lunch Bradley indicated that he wanted to check around the exterior of the ranch. He wanted to get an understanding about how some of the things that David had mentioned might be delivered into the basement. They also wanted to visit some of the rooms in the basement again. David told then that, whilst they were outside, he would see to his “Slave” and make arrangements for the remaining measurements to be taken.
As soon as Susan and Bradley went outside he went down to see Tegan. Entering the room he immediately removed the hood and gag. “How are you doing babe?” he asked her as he pulled the gag from her mouth. Tegan stretched her jaw before answering. “I’m bored”, she told him, “and horny” she added with a smile. “You owe me big time for this you know.” David nodded and started to release the ropes holding her to the cross.
“What’s happening now?” she asked him. “I heard the conversation, you need some more measurements.” Again David nodded removing the last of the ropes and helping her down off the step he had pushed back beneath her. “Hungry?” he asked her slipping is arms around her waist. “Thirsty too” she told him. “OK, I’m going to put you in the bedroom until they leave then I’ll fill you in on how things have gone. Tegan kissed him the allowed him to tie her hands behind her back. He put a collar around her neck, slipped a rope through the D-Ring at the front then pulled the hood back over her head. “Just in case we meet our visitors on the way up,” he told her as he pulled on the rope and led her out of the room.
As it happened, Bradley and Susan were still outside. Once they were in the bedroom David removed Tegan’s bonds again then went to get her some lunch and a drink. As he was preparing the food Susan and Bradley returned. He asked them what other measurements they needed and told them they were free to go anywhere in the basement they needed too.
Having got the information he needed he took Tegan lunch while the visitors continued their assessment in the basement. Before he allowed her to eat he tied her wrists and elbows behind her once more. While she was bound he took a number of measurements around her body then released her and left her to eat a late lunch whilst he went to see how his guests were getting on. They asked a few questions to clarify his requirements. These he answered also giving them the measurements he had just taken. It wasn’t long before they found themselves back in the kitchen drinking coffee once more.
Susan asked him how he wanted to move things forward. They agreed that Susan, with Bradley’s help, would write a full proposal indicating what they would propose and where the equipment would be located. They would detail the costs and provide him with full implementation details including likely timescales. She told him that, once approved, they could start work immediately and the first deliveries would be within five weeks. Asked if that was acceptable, David told her that it was. He’d actually thought it would take a lot longer and was pleased that they could get moving fairly quickly.
It was also his suggestion that he paid a deposit to cover cost and show good faith. Both Susan and Bradley were delighted when he arranged an electronic transfer of $20,000. They did however decline his offer to stay for dinner, something else he was actually happy about; they wanted to try and catch the late flight back. The last thing he did before they left was give them the envelope Tegan had prepared that morning. Susan told him that she hoped they could meet her at some stage in the future. David was non-committal.
He watched from the veranda as the lights of the convertible disappeared up the dirt road back to the highway. He was a little annoyed that he hadn't thought of a way of eliciting more information regarding customers who had purchased the "Girl Wrapper" without raising any kind of suspicion as to why he wanted the information. When he went inside Tegan was stood in the kitchen still wearing the sexy outfit she had donned that morning. “God you look good,” he told her. She smiled then asked him a question. “Did you give them the envelope?” He told her he had. “Did you open the envelope and read it first?” This time he shook his head. “To be honest Tegan, it never even crossed my mind”. She smiled then, stepping close to him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him lightly.
“You know, you’re the most unlikely person to be doing this, you’re so trusting”. David looked at her slightly puzzled and she could see it in his eyes. “You do realise” she continued, “that you could just have delivered a note that detailed everything about my captivity. The police could be here in hours”. David smiled and shook his head. “They won’t be,” he said confidently. “How can you be so sure?” she asked him. “He smiled at her then. “Because I trust you babe”. That made Tegan smile too. “Good” she replied wrapping her arms around him. As he held her he whispered in her ear “Does that mean I don’t have to prove I trust you any more”. Tegan, understanding the reason for the comment, pulled back slightly so she could look into his eyes. “Not a chance, your mine for a day and that’s none negotiable”. “Not a day Tegan, we agreed six hours”. Tegan grinned and wrapped her arms around him again “Yes, but it’ll seem like a day to you” she told him teasingly. “I’ve no doubt” he responded as he held her talking more to himself than anything else.
Over dinner David gave her a summary of the day and told her he thought it had gone pretty well. Once the meal was over they took what was becoming a customary visit to the veranda, wrapping themselves in warm clothing so that they could watch the stars. It was a cold, cloudless night and they huddled together on the wooden bench. “So what’s next?” Tegan asked him after they had sat there for a while. “What are we going to do to fill the day tomorrow?” “I’ve not given it any thought yet” he replied as he stared at the stars. Then he turned to look at her. “If I was a gambling man though, I would bet that bondage might play a part in the day” he told her with a grin. She just gave him a playful smack and they were quiet again. Later she broke the silence again. “It’s like we’re on our own planet here, just me and you and nothing else. I love being here”. David sighed a little wistfully. “This was my dream for ages you know, sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s happened”. Tegan’s turned and kissed him then. “I hope we never wake up then” she said when she broke the kiss. Unknown to them at that moment, as they watched the stars in the night sky, the wake-up call was just around the corner.
Chapter 13 - The Best Laid Plans (added: 2017/07/08)
Five days after the visit of Susan and Bradley David was sat in front of his laptop thinking hard. It was just after 3:00pm in the afternoon and Tegan was sleeping after an arduous morning of bondage. He had hogtied tightly her on the bondage table then used a vibrator to bring her to orgasm upon orgasm whilst she had begged him to stop. Eventually, she had been forced to use the safe word they had agreed to end the session. It was something she had wanted to do, be pushed beyond her limits to see how far they could be extended.
The first three days after the visitors had left had been an orgy of bondage, pain and sex. He'd kept her tied up for the majority of each day, teasing her, fucking her, pushing her as far as she could go. Tegan had been vibed, spanked, paddled and fucked whilst she'd been totally and utterly helpless. The session that morning was the third in which she had been forced to use a safe word. On each occasion he had stopped, released her then helped her recover, either by massaging her, bathing her or, as was the case this day, just allowing her to sleep.
To a large extent they were experimenting, trying to find out what was enjoyable and what wasn't. They were both quite surprised, and also quite pleased, that most things seemed to work. It was fun, but also tiring, particularly for Tegan. It was David that had decided they would only do one session that day. Tegan had agreed after a half-hearted debate. She had protested that they should carry on as they had on the previous days but both of them knew they couldn't keep up the pace they had set. The fact that she was now sleeping soundly was testament that she needed more time to recover. Now, as she slept, he had a decision to make.
David flicked through the catalogue once more; it had arrived in his "Inbox" that morning. He moved in his chair, his feet catching one of the five packages that had been delivered earlier in the day as well. Two were addressed to him but three were addressed, quite interestingly, to "The Lady Of The House". A delivery note affixed to one told him that they had been despatched from Susan. The two addressed to him contained an early delivery of some clothing. There was no indication as to what the other packages held. He moved the package under the table with his foot and turned his attention back to the catalogue.
There were three girls for sale. He hadn't opened the mail with the intention of looking for another girl, he had just been hoping that it might give him some information, maybe an idea of how he could return Tegan to a proper life. Now, as he looked at the pictures of the three girls, all tightly bound in various positions, his interest had been piqued. One of these girls he was sure he had seen before.
The caption under the picture of a girl with short dark hair who was bound tightly to a pole read "Karen, Age : 28, Height : 5' 3", Nationality : Australian, Training Grade : A". He was certain that she had featured in the same catalogue as Tegan. He quickly searched his hard drive and soon had the catalogue that featured Tegan on the screen. He was right; it was the same girl and the same picture. "Now how can that be?" he thought to himself.
The two other girls in the picture were both Europeans. The picture at the top was of an attractive blonde Norwegian girl tied naked to a cross. The other girl on the page was a young dark haired Italian. He could see the Latin fire in her eyes and wasn't surprised to see that her training grade was D+. Even from the picture he could imagine what a handful she would be. The question he now wrestled with was should he tell Tegan? She never mentioned her captivity unless David brought up the topic. However, he was aware that she had developed a bit of a soft spot for Karen during her enforced imprisonment. He looked at the pictures not really seeing them then closed all the files down. He would have to tell her. This could be the catalyst to get things moving. He would tell her and they would sit down and work out properly what they were going to do. He still wasn't convinced that they could come up with a plan.
His intention was to tell her when she woke but events took a twist. It was past five-o-clock when Tegan made an appearance, freshly showered, and asked him if he had any plans for the evening. He told her about the packages and her eyes lit up. "Can I have them now please? I need to check the contents," she told him. "You are expecting something then?" he asked her. Tegan just smiled and asked again if she could have the packages. He gave them too her and she took them into the bedroom. Ten minutes later she returned to the kitchen. "Sit down please" she said to him as she walked in. David looked at her and sat on one of the stools, his elbows resting on the table.
"Remember our agreement?" she asked him. David told her that he did and asked if the packages were anything to do with it. Tegan just smiled and ignored the question. "Good", Tegan continued. "Now this is what's going to happen. Tonight you'll sleep alone; I will be in the spare room. Tomorrow you will be in the room with the bondage table at 10:00am. You will be naked and you will wait there for my instructions. You will obey my instructions without question until 4:00pm. Do you understand?" Again David asked her if the packages were anything to do with it and once more she ignored the question. "Do you understand?" Tegan repeated. He told her that he did. Tegan came around to where he was sat then and kissed him lightly. "Then I'll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00am" she told him and turned to leave. "At the door she looked back at him, a small smile on her face "And tomorrow morning, when you answer my questions, you will refer to me as Mistress Tegan". She blew him a kiss and he listened to her footsteps fade up the hall. He would have to tell her about Karen tomorrow now.
He ate a quick meal then decided to watch a film on TV; Tegan was nowhere to be seen. He half-heartedly paid attention as Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood took on half the German Reich; his mind wasn't really on the movie. In the end he turned it off and went to bed early, he had a nagging feeling that he was going to need the rest. By contrast, Tegan was relaxed in the spare room. Laptop on her knee, she was researching various bondage techniques on the Internet. Despite her extensive experience, the only person she had ever tied up previously had been herself. She wanted to make sure she was well prepared for the following day.
David woke early in the morning and looked out of the picturesque window. It was barely 5:30am and the night sky was just beginning to give way to the dawn of a new day. He lay in bed for maybe ten minutes before deciding that no more sleep would come. He rose and wandered into the kitchen. It was beautifully quiet at that early hour and he decided to go for a run. Ten minutes later he was striding out towards the trees as the dawn light fought away the darkness. The air was cold and he enjoyed the chill on his lungs as he went. Sixty minutes later he was back in the kitchen eating breakfast before he went for a shower. There was still no sign of Tegan. He looked at the clock on the wall, 7:10am. Already it was a long morning. He took his coffee into the office and fired up his laptop.
The US markets were forecasting a sharp rise on the open; it was a move he was well positioned for. Markets had been moving steadily upward for some time, it was probably time to purchase some protection he thought. He waited for the opening bell and sat whilst the market went through the usual morning turmoil. Thirty minutes later the market settled and he studied the option prices then purchased a large quantity of "Out of the money" S&P puts. Now, if the markets fell, he would offset any losses on the positions he already had. He looked at his watch again; it was 8:30am. His stomach was tight and he realised he was nervous; it was not a feeling he was used too. He wondered if this was how Tegan felt before their sessions, the anticipation churning her inside. It was good that he was going through this experience he thought, it gave him a better understanding of what it might be like for her. He shut down his laptop and went for a long bath.
At ten minutes to ten he was stood in the room in the basement next to the bondage table. He still hadn't seen any sign of Tegan that morning. He looked around the room taking in the equipment, the pile of ropes in the corner, his image in the large mirror. Slowly he removed his clothes, folding them in a small pile then pushing them under the table with his foot. He took off his watch, bent and lay it on top of the pile then stood with his legs slightly apart moving his hands behind his back and clasping his left wrist in his right hand. He blew out a deep breath then lowered his head, looked at the table and waited. It seemed like an age before he heard the creak of the door behind him. He looked up and saw Tegan in the mirror as she closed the door behind her. It was only then that he noticed his cock was already rock hard.
Since she had given him notice the previous evening, Tegan had made sure they didn't meet. She had wanted time to think and time to prepare. She had been more than a little surprised when David had agreed to her conditions and had hastily added some items to the note she had written for Susan the following morning. The packages had contained exactly what she had asked for. Now, as she stepped into the room she felt ready.
She had dressed in another of her outfits from Victoria's Secret; a black bodice that zipped up the front and lifted her breasts. The soft leather knee-high boots with small heels she wore had arrived the previous day in one of the packages. In her hand she carried a small switch, also delivered the day before. Her hair fell in long tresses framing her body. She looked at David's back, at his muscled shoulders, at the line of his spine that led down to firm buttocks and well defined thighs. She was going to enjoy this she thought as she lifted the switch and tapped him lightly on the ass.
"Turn around slave, no talking" she commanded. Her voice sounded strong and firm; it wasn't the way she felt inside. It gave her confidence though, a bit like a singer as she belted out the first lines of a live concert. A good start meant everything. David turned around silently and looked at her, his erect cock pointing towards her. She tapped it with the switch. "I can see you're ready for a good work out" she said with a smile looking at his throbbing member, then she looked up to his face; "and your going to get one too. Turn around and put your arms behind you and remain silent." David turned to face the table once more trying to look at her image in the mirror. As usual, he thought she looked incredibly gorgeous in the outfit she had chosen. This time though, he didn't tell her. He saw her step behind him and felt the switch run across his shoulders. Then her hands were on his arms. She bent both his arms behind his back so his forearms were parallel with the floor. "Remain still slave" she told him as she walked over to the box, picked up a number of coils of rope and laid them on the table. Then she went to work.
Tegan used short ropes to tie each of his wrists to opposing elbows. When that was done she used a slightly longer rope to tie his forearms together. Next she got a long rope and wound it first around his upper arms and then around his body. When the rope was in place, and the ends tied off, his arms were as securely bound as hers ever had been. "Turn around slave" she told him once more. When he turned to face her his cock was straining. Tegan stroked the head of his cock.
"We're going to have to do something about this aren't we?" she said softly looking into his eyes. It was a trap he fell right into. "Yes we are," he told her. Tegan immediately released his cock, picked up the switch and brought it down sharply on his erect member. David gasped, "Fuck me" he responded looking at her before she had a chance to speak. She hit him again with the switch this time on his left side. The switch hit his flesh with a resounding smack leaving a red mark. "It's Mistress Tegan slave, say it now". David had something of a shocked look on his face. He recovered his poise and looked at her "Fuck me Mistress" he said. Tegan could see the hint of a smile on his face. She hit him again; harder. "Not Mistress, Mistress Tegan" she told him sternly.
David sucked in a breath. This was a little unexpected. "Fuck me Mistress Tegan" he said. Tegan could see him pulling on the ropes. "You won't get free," she told him. "Now remain quiet, I can see you need some training in obedience." She took another rope and tied his legs together at ankle, knee and thigh; it took her only a few moments. When she was done she took the switch and hooked it under his cock and balls, lifting them as she ran her hand in his hair, gripping it and pulling his head back. "You won't come until I give you permission, is that understood slave?" David's eyes moved in his head. She was way better at this than he had anticipated. He found it scary and exciting all at the same time. It also gave him a clue as to how Tegan felt when she was helpless. "Yes Mistress Tegan" he responded. He was still trying to prevent the smile from spreading on his face. "Good; on the table slave" she commanded.
It was a little awkward but he managed to get his ass on the table. Once he'd done that it was easy for Tegan to pull him over into the centre and lay him down on the leather top. When he was in position she started selecting soft leather straps that matched the table laying them over his body at regular intervals passing each end of the strap through the slats. Next she went beneath the table, matched the ends and buckled each strap up as tightly as possible. It took her nearly twenty minutes before the work was complete and eleven straps held David securely and immovably to the table. She'd made certain that one strap was placed over his forehead so that no movement was possible.
"Can you move slave?" she asked him. David struggled against the straps before responding "No Mistress Tegan". She smiled. "You're a quick learner but now I need to make sure you remain silent." Without giving him an opportunity to reply she leaned over the table and forced a ring gag into his mouth adding a second strap so that it too could be buckled beneath the table. The whole process had taken little more than thirty minutes. She leaned across the table, gripped his cock and stroked it gently with her cool fingers. David groaned and she waved the switch over his head. "Keep quiet or you will suffer slave. Now, I just have to get a few things. Don't go away, I'll be back shortly. Tegan left the room, David's eyes following her as best he could. When she was gone he took stock. He couldn't move and his cock was hard and aching to be enveloped in pussy. It wasn't a scenario he would have chosen but it gave him new respect for the girl who allowed him to do this to her all the time. He studied the ceiling and waited for her to return.
Outside the door Tegan took a deep breath and leant against the door she had just closed. So far so good she thought. She had been so nervous before they started and it was only now, now that she had completed the first part of David's captivity that her nervousness was leaking away. She was pleased that he hadn't backed out on the agreement, she could truly do whatever she liked now. It was a clear indication of his faith and trust in her. She pushed off the door and went upstairs to the spare room to collect the package she needed. Whilst there she also peeled off the black bodice and boots, she didn't need to be encumbered by clothes for the next part of the session. Package in hand she returned to the room, placing the package on the table close to David's feet and reaching out to stroke his cock once more.
David let out a soft "Mmmmmmmm" as her long cool fingers closed around him and stroked him. His erection had dissipated while she had been out of the room. The sight of her naked, and her cool fingers, quickly had him hard again. Tegan laughed. "Would my slave like to come?" she asked him, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. He groaned an intelligible answer into the gag and Tegan laughed again as she leaned in and said softly in his ear, "You should know this better than anyone, pleasure has to be earned."
She walked down to the bottom of the table, trailing her fingers over his body. Selecting something from the package Tegan then hoisted herself up onto the table. She bent and laid a kiss on his knee then slowly worked upwards, along his thigh and hips. She took care not to touch his hard cock as she continued over his stomach trailing her long hair over his body. By the time she got to his mouth he was moaning heavily. "You really want me now don't you slave," she said quietly as she planted little kisses on his lips. Once more he groaned his response. She looked down at him. "That really didn't sound like Yes Mistress you know". David groaned again, his eyes rolling upwards. "Make me come slave," Tegan commanded as she turned and straddled him, pressing her palms down on his chest as she lowered her wet pussy onto his gagged mouth.
David moaned as he watched her pussy move towards him. Normally this would have been something he would have enjoyed, the caress of her soft thighs on his face and cheeks as he buried his tongue inside her. The fact that he couldn't move changed that. As he felt her weight on his face he struggled to get a deep breath. He thrust out his tongue into that sweetness but the gag hampered him. His cock was also aching. Tegan was moving around on top of him, grinding her pussy down on him. He tried to find her sweet spot but he could only tease what was presented to him. He felt her hands pressing on his rib cage, the weight of her increasing on him. He tried to suck her clit into his mouth but couldn't, his cock was on fire. He could hear her voice, a voice muffled by her thighs, as she encouraged him to work harder. He fought against the ropes and straps but knew there was going to be no escape until she decided he'd had enough. He had no idea how long he had been trying to please her when she raised her ass. He did know his mouth ached from the effort and his cock ached from the need to come.
Tegan ground down on him but he wasn't getting her anywhere near close to an orgasm. This was unusual; he was normally good with his mouth and tongue. She moved around on him for a while, studiously ignoring his erect cock. She was starting to get frustrated though. She lifted her pussy from his face then climbed off the table. She stood at the head stroking her fingers through his hair watching his chest heave as he breathed hard. "You need to do better than that slave" she told him. She ignored his groans. "Lets makes this easier for you" she said "but be aware, if you utter a single word I will take that switch and beat the shit out of you, understood."
She took his "humph" as a yes and reached under the table to loosen the straps holding his head in place. Then she climbed on the table once more. "Remember slave, no talking" she instructed as she removed the gag. David licked his lips and stretched his jaw as Tegan looked at him. She just smiled then turned, straddled him and pushed her pussy onto his mouth once more. Now his performance was much improved as he moved his head to find her clit and sucked on it. Soon she was groaning herself as his tongue slowly took her down the path she wanted. She started to stroke his cock and the ferocity of his ministrations increased. He sucked and caressed her pussy and clit with his mouth and tongue. She came hard sitting upright so she could force his tongue as far inside her as he was capable, her weight pressing down on his head. His ministrations increased in urgency and when she finally lifted herself off him he was panting hard.
As he recovered his breath she forced the ring gag back into his mouth before he could say anything. Then she climbed off the table and used the straps to secure his head once more. When she climbed back on the table she straddled his legs sitting on his thighs. "Not bad slave, but I'm sure you can do better," she told him. "But you did make me come, eventually. I suppose a small reward is in order." Tegan took a handful of her own hair and started stroking his cock with it. The touch was extremely light and soon David was thrusting against the straps trying for something more satisfying. His cock was straining. "Patience slave" Tegan told him. She stroked him for a while then lowered her mouth onto his cock; a sigh of relief from David filled the room. She lifted her head. "You like this slave?" A loud groan gave her the answer she wanted and she lowered herself onto his cock again.
She wrapped a hand around the shaft; she could feel such heat in her palm. She pumped it with her hand as she sucked, the intensity of his groans increased in volume and she knew he was about to come. She stopped pumping and lifted her head "Would my slave like to come now?" The question was answered by emphatic and frantic groans. His cock was throbbing. She lowered herself onto him once more, took him once into the back of her throat then lifted and took the object she had taken from the package, a cock ring, lowered it over the head of his cock and forced it down the shaft to the base. It was a tight fit and took some effort. When she had finished the moans had changed. It almost seemed like a low growl coming from his chest, it was like he was commanding her to finish him.
Tegan climbed off the table, picked up the switch and hit his erect cock with it. "Quiet" she commanded. The growl turned to a loud moan of pain and she hit him again. "I said quiet slave". She watched as he struggled to control himself. His eyes were darting in his head. When, eventually, the room was filled with silence she spoke again. "Your performance has not been acceptable slave so I'm going to leave you alone for a while now to think about your failure. When I come back, you will make me come again in a satisfactory manner. If you do then I might give some consideration to your own pleasure." Tegan laid the switch on the table and left the room before he could start groaning again.
David watched her leave and spent the next few minutes exhausting himself as he fought against the straps. Never before had he been so desperate to come, his groin was aching with the need to force his seed out into the world; or better, Tegan's pussy. Slowly his struggles slowed. He was tightly bound and the realisation that he wasn't going to escape filled him. The urge to come hardly dissipated at all. He lay there trying to come to terms with the incredible frustration he felt and waited for his tormentor to return.
Tegan went to get a bite to eat. She sat naked at the kitchen table as she worked her way through a small salad. She had got so used to being naked she never gave it a thought. When she'd finished she filled a small glass of water and went back to the basement. David started moaning as soon as she entered and she picked up the switch, threatening him with a beating if he didn't remain quiet. "Would you like a drink slave?" she asked him when he was silent. Without waiting for an answer she held the glass over his mouth and poured water slowly through the gag and into his throat. He coughed and struggled but managed to drink it. When he was done she sat astride him once more. "Now lets see if your performance can improve shall we," she told him smiling sweetly as she lowered herself onto his cock.
Tegan started riding him slowly. She slid up and down his cock, enjoying the feel of him inside her. She ignored his groans, his eyes wide as he looked at her. She was surprised at how much she was enjoying being the one in control. She leaned forward so she could place her palms on his chest and rode him pushing down on him and taking her pleasure. She paced herself allowing her orgasm to slowly build until she was ready, sinking onto him and throwing her head back as she came hard, her eyes closed. When she opened them she saw angry red marks on his chest from her fingernails. "Looks like your Mistress got carried away" she told him, leaning forward and kissing him. Then she added in a lower voice, "That was better slave". All she got was a tired groan.
She eased herself off him, his cock slick with her juices. He was still rock hard, the cock ring restricting any opportunity for his own pleasure. She quickly checked him, tapping his cock with her fingers. She didn't want the ring to cause any damage. He moaned and she figured he was all right for a while longer. Once more she left him alone bound and helpless.
David struggled in his bonds as the door closed. His cock was aching with the need to come; he was sure he was going to burst. He had been on the edge almost the entire time Tegan had been fucking him but couldn't crest the rise. His chest was sore because of her fingernails digging into him and he wanted to rub his skin but couldn't. He wondered how long he'd been there, how much of this was there left to endure. God he needed to come. He tried not to think about it as he waited for her to return once more.
Tegan pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of light blue denim jeans and ran a brush through her hair. She drank a glass of water, took a deep breath then returned to the basement. It was just past 1:30pm, the time seemed to be flying by for her; she knew it wasn't the same for David. Each time she left him, the minutes would seem like hours. Now as she looked at him, helpless on the table, she smiled. Reaching across him, she eased the ring off his cock. It wasn't an easy job pulling it up his engorged shaft and the volume of his moans trebled as she pulled it over the head. "Relax slave," she said to him in a quiet tone as the stroked him gently with her fingertips. "I bet you'd like to come now wouldn't you David?" she teased. He blinked at her.
She left him and took a large item out of the box. "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine" she grinned. "Meet Venus". The device was a hollow Perspex cylinder with a loose latex lining inside. It had an air pipe running from the base to a small box. There was a small dial on the box. Tegan plugged the box into the wall then placed the device over the length of his cock. "So this is how it works," she told him. I turn this on and the air pumps in and out of the tube causing it to stroke your cock. I control the speed and length of stroke. Let's see how close we can keep you to coming without allowing you over the top shall we. More groans greeted her suggestion She turned the machine on and set the dial at four. There was a low hum and hiss of air as the device sucked his cock into the body of the machine and slowly brought him towards orgasm. "Do you like that slave" Tegan teased him. David gurgled into the gag. Tegan smiled. "You need to ask for permission to come slave," she told him, "now how are you going to manage that?" She judged he was close and turned it down to just below two. The frequency of the strokes reduced to about one every ten seconds. She could see the straps straining at David's body as he fought to thrust against the device and get some relief. She laughed then reached in and stroked his cheek. "Is my slave feeling horny?" she giggled, eliciting more frustrated moans. "Well, as you can't ask for permission to come, you'll just have to suffer won't you."
Tegan continued to tease him, winding the dial up then back to two when he was about to come. Her timing was impeccable and the room was filled with loud groans. After twenty minutes she kissed him through the gap, then checked the straps holding him, tightening them wherever she had the strength. She wound the machine up once more; brought him close then wound it down to between one and two. Once more she left him. David lay there as the device stroked his cock about once every fifteen seconds. It kept him rock hard but was nowhere near enough to allow him to come. David lay and tried to enjoy the torture, but the overwhelming urge in his groin didn't really allow him to do that. Every few minutes he had to moan his frustration into the gag just to take his mind off the ache below his stomach. He wondered what time it was now.
It was an hour before Tegan returned. The machine was still purring away and his cock was still rock hard inside it. It was orgasm denial at its best; she knew just how it felt. She stroked her fingers through his hair then increased the speed of the machine slightly. Next she reached under the bench and loosened the straps holding the gag and his head. When she stood up again and looked at him, the switch was in her hand. "Now then slave, any misdemeanour then the gag goes back in and you'll suffer some more, understood?" David nodded and Tegan removed the gag. David licked his lips. When he spoke his voice was croaky "Please Mistress Tegan, please let me come", he moaned. Tegan leant down and traced her tongue over his lips. "You need to ask permission properly slave, this is your last chance."
David gulped in some air then looked at her. "Please Mistress Tegan, may I have permission to come?" She saw the longing, the need, in his eyes and heard it in his voice. She kissed him again then stood and picked up the controller. "I'll tell you when slave". She slowly turned up the dial, the frequency of the strokes increasing. David started groaning. "Please Mistress" he uttered. Tegan wound the dial up to six. The noise of the machine grew louder; David's head was rocking back and forth. She knew he would come even if she denied him permission; he would have no choice. She could have said no then punished him when he came but she had something even worse in mind.
She turned the machine up another notch. David was past the point where he had any choice in the matter. "You may come slave," she told him. Seconds later he gave a roar of pleasure as his cock spasmed. His orgasm lasted maybe thirty seconds as his seed filled the body of the device. Just as his groans started to decrease in intensity Tegan wound the machine up to ten. David immediately cried out as the machine abused his now highly sensitive cock. "God please turn it off Tegan" he bellowed. Tegan kept the machine on full. "Stop, stop, please stop", he shouted, his head rocking. Tegan kept his pleas going for nearly a minute before winding the dial down to one. Then she turned it off and lifted the device off him. His semi-hard cock wavered in the air as his erection slowly dissipated. "Thank fuck for that" she heard him say. "Such a foul mouth" Tegan said and forced the ring gag into his mouth once more. Then she left him alone with his thoughts.
Thirty minutes later she returned. David's eyes were closed and she thought he might be asleep but, when she touched his arm, his eyes flickered open. He turned his head to look at her. She smiled at him and slowly peeled off her clothes. Climbing onto the table she took his flaccid cock in her hand and slowly pumped him. Once more a soft moan escaped him but his cock started to harden in her hand. Tegan released him and removed the gag, placing a finger on his lips so he didn't speak. She kissed him, lowering herself onto him once more, her pussy sinking slowly and enveloping him. She fucked him quietly for a while kissing him as she did so. She could feel his tongue responding urgently. When she was close she stopped, pulling away from his mouth and looking at him. He stared back at her. "Permission to come please Mistress Tegan" he said quietly; his voice sounded unsteady. She said nothing at first, kissing him again then looking at him, a smile on her face. "It's ten past four," she told him simply. He looked at her "I still want to come again" he said softly. "So do I?" she told him as she covered his lips with hers and started humping him again. It was easy for her to work it so they came together.
Afterwards she lay on top of him for a while before rolling off. It took her fifteen minutes to release him. She wondered if, once he was free, he would seek immediate retribution. The first thing he did was rush to the bathroom. "Well?" she asked him when he returned to the room. He smiled. "I think you'd make a good Mistress," he told her. "I wouldn't want to take that too often though" he added "it wasn't easy. ""It wasn't meant to be" she smiled then kissed him. "Thank you for trusting me" she added. He smiled and kissed her back.
Tegan cooked an early dinner while David showered and dressed. Now that it was over she wondered what would happen next. Would he treat her differently? Would he be easier on her or would future sessions be harder. She thought she had a hankering for the latter. David came in and sat at one of the stools whilst she finished cooking and dished out two meals. He opened a bottle of red and they talked about the day. David told her he already had a love/hate relationship with Venus, it made Tegan laugh. She was a little surprised when he admitted that he might let her do it again. "Any activity that gets me naked with you is worth doing," he smiled.
Tegan had anticipated an early night after the meal was over but David told her he had something to show her. "I wanted to show you yesterday" he told her "but events kind of took over". He could see the look of expectancy on her face; this was going to be harder than he expected. He had to prime her first. "Don't get the wrong impression," he told her "but this isn't part of a game now, this is quite real." Tegan looked at him, her smile gone. "Are you going to spoil a wonderful day?" she questioned unable to imagine what he was about to reveal. "I hope not" he told her taking her hand and leading her into the office.
Ten minutes later Tegan was leafing through the pages of the catalogue again whilst David stood behind her gently massaging her shoulders. She studied three pages of young women in various settings, in cars, on the pavement, in cafes; two were photographed in gardens. Then she flicked back to the first page and studied the three pictures of bound women. Finally she turned and looked at David. "I remember when my photograph was taken, I was bound just like that". There was more than a hint of sadness in her voice. "I was there when she was sold. How can she be there again?"
David shrugged "The day I purchased you....." David stopped; it seemed so strange now, to think he had effectively bought Tegan on the Internet. Not strange, he thought, outrageous. He started again. "The day I purchased you I got an e-mail when the bidding was complete. It gave me a strict timescale for making payments. I can only assume that Karen's buyer failed to meet the requirements and now she's being sold again". "Could be something else though," he added as an afterthought. She turned back to the picture. "Is there anything we can do to help her?" she asked over her shoulder. "Could you buy her?" Tegan turned to look at him again, her grey green eyes piercing him. "Please, we must do something".
David returned her imploring gaze. Then he leaned forward, clicked on the box beside Karen's name indicating his interest and returned the e-mail. With Tegan still sat there, he shut down his laptop then wrapped his arms around her from behind, his face pressed into her hair. He breathed deeply enjoying the feel of her against him. "I'm sorry I've spoilt your day babe," he told her softly. Tegan gently rubbed her hand over his forearm still staring at the now blank screen in front of her. "You haven't," she told him but David thought she wasn't being honest. "Are you tired?" he asked her suddenly. She told him she was fine. "Give me an hour," he told her "I need to think. I'll see you in the Living Room later on OK? " "OK" she replied and quietly left.
An hour later Tegan was sat in an armchair in the living room listening to, but not really hearing, a CD of classical music. She was feeling quite miserable, her thoughts awry. It had been such a good day she had all but forgotten how she had ended up at the ranch in the first place. Seeing Karen in the catalogue had brought back to her all the thoughts she had had during her captivity. She was free but really she was still a captive. She looked up when David walked in. He sat on the arm of her chair and took her hand. His was warm. He also looked quite relaxed and alert, not bad considering the way she had treated him during the day.
"I don't think buying her is the right way to go," he told her. Tegan nodded. In her own mind she knew that wasn't the answer. David was surprised; he thought she might have argued the point. He paused for a moment. Tegan took advantage of the moment's silence. "Do you have a solution?" she asked him. She sounded resigned. David studied her face; he knew she was upset even if she wasn't showing it much. He pulled her too her feet. "Not a solution as such, but I do have an idea. It's ....". He started then stopped. "I'll just explain it to you and let you pick holes.
He led her back to the office. He'd pulled two chairs in and she sat in one. His laptop was also fired up but he'd connected it to a large screen which was filled by a map of Australia. She looked at him waiting for him to start. She had no idea why but looking at the map of her homeland did two things. It instantly made her realise how much she missed it; but there was something else as well. Looking at the large map on screen, she just had a feeling of hope, a hope that she was going to see it again. She reached out, took his hand in hers and waited for him to start.
"Right," he began, "show me where you lived". Tegan pointed to a small town on the map near the coast below Brisbane. "OK", he continued. "Now you were taken from the house, and bundled into a vehicle, any idea what type of vehicle it was?" Tegan shook her head. "Were you tied on a seat, bundled in the trunk of a car?" Tegan pondered for a moment then had a thought. "The floor was hard, it wasn't a seat and it wasn't the boot of a car because I was stretched out. It could have been an estate, but I think it was a van. I remember seeing a blue van the day I was put in the crate and sent to you." She looked at him then. "It might have been a van, but I'm not sure".
David nodded then thought for a moment. "So, how long were you in the van?" Again Tegan took a few moments before replying. "It's strange you know, I don't really remember a great deal about it." "Try and think", he urged her, "anything at all that might be useful." She looked at him as she racked her brains. "I wet myself," she said finally. "I wet myself in the van and again that night in the cell or where ever I was. So I reckon it was at least five hours in the van and no more than eight, say ten to be sure". David squeezed her hand and looked at the map. "How far do you think that would get you in each direction?" he asked.
Tegan looked at the map. "To the south somewhere around of Sydney, to the east Cunnamulla or maybe a little further, but actually there isn't much there, to the north Gladstone, Rockhampton; that would probably be the limit." David looked at the places on the map then drew an arc with his finger. "So, somewhere inside there?" Tegan looked at him and nodded. "Yes, but that's a fucking big area David and I might be wrong". David agreed. "So we narrow it down" he said.
"I'm sorry," she said. "Look, I know you're trying to help but how the fuck are we going to do that?" David shrugged. "And I know this isn't going to be an exact science but we aren't doing any harm talking it through". "That's true" Tegan conceded. David nodded. "OK, tell me anything you can about where you were held." "Like what?" she asked. "Well, what could you hear for instance? Was there much traffic?" Tegan told him she never heard any traffic. "So you weren't in Brisbane," he stated. Tegan nodded. "OK, I see where you're going".
She thought for a while. "I heard owls, birds, toads, no traffic. The house was surrounded by trees, well the back was anyway. We could have been in a wood or forest. It was a big house as well, it was big enough to be a hotel". David looked at the map. "So given that, which way did you go?" Tegan thought about it. Now she remembered the night she had been tied to a frame in the garden during the thunderstorm. The night had been warm and sticky, somewhat tropical. She looked at him "We went North West," she said and told him why she thought that. Mostly it came down to the vegetation and temperature the night she had been tied up outdoors. "David smiled. "That's good Tegan, now this is what I want you to do".
He switched the map to a satellite view. "You need to go over the map inch by inch and note any location that looks like it might be a large house in the trees. Just make a list of everything that might be the place where you were held". Tegan looked at him then at the map. It was a long shot but right at that moment she couldn't think of a better idea. She nodded then was silent for a moment before giving him a weak smile.
"OK, I'll look for the needle in the haystack, what are you going to do?" David took a deep breath. "I'm going to hack into the "Bondage Dreams" database and see if I can't narrow down the search by finding out if they delivered one of those machines in that area". Tegan looked at him questioningly "Can you do that?" David smiled "No, I can't; but I think I can find someone who could". Tegan was less than convinced but didn't say anything; it was the best they could come up with.
Tegan was ready to start straight away but David wasn't. "I've had a bloody hard day," he protested with a smile on his face. Tegan laughed, "You're just a beginner" she told him teasingly. She still joined him on the veranda and later, when it got too cold outside, in the Star Room. As they lay naked in the furs looking out at the night sky they held each other close. David thought he was too tired for anything else but Tegan had other ideas. She started kissing him, stroking him gently, teasing and cajoling then rolling on top of him when he responded. They made love softly; Tegan moving slowly on top of him, their tongues entwining. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room. It was a slow journey that reached a mighty crescendo when they came within moments of each other. Afterwards David fell asleep almost immediately. Tegan lay there listening to his slow steady breathing and wondered what the future held now. Was she really going to get the chance to go home again? How would it work? There were so many unanswered questions; she felt like she did when she had first been taken. She looked at David and envied the fact that he could sleep so peacefully. She snuggled into him and closed her eyes. Dawn was breaking before sleep finally came for her.
David woke early in the morning. Tegan was still sleeping soundly and he had similar thoughts to those she had had the previous evening, "I wish I could sleep as well as she seems to". He showered and had a quick breakfast then wrote Tegan a short note to tell her he had gone into town. His first stop was an electronics store where he purchased four pay as you go mobile phones, two blue and two pink. He then went to a Wal-Mart store and purchased a thousand minutes for each of them. That done he fired one up and dialled a number he hadn't used for some time. There he left a message saying he required some services and gave his newly acquired number. He was driving back to the ranch when the phone rang and a female voice asked him what service he required. He gave the woman the name and address quoted on the "Bondage Dreams" website and told the her what he wanted from there. On the spur of the moment he gave an additional request. Would it be possible to have a live package transferred to the East Coast of Australia; the exact details to be supplied later. After a pause the voice asked him if the package would be compliant; he told her it would. The call ended with the woman informing him that they would assess the requirement and contact him. The line went dead and he wondered what he might be getting them into.
When David got back to the ranch Tegan was up and had already started her search. When he asked her how she was getting on she showed him a list that already contained twenty locations. He kissed her and gave her the two pink phones, "Pink!" she exclaimed. David smiled "Just so I didn't mix them up". One phone already had a number in it, his. "This phone is so you can contact me. Don't use it for anything else. If you need to contact anyone other than me, use the other phone. I have a phone just for contacting you". Tegan nodded and asked him why. David told her it was a security measure. When she pressed him he said "Well, that's what they do in films". Tegan thought for a moment but decided not to push it any further. She hoped he was joking and didn't want to know if he wasn't.
Tegan was sat in the Living Room, laptop on her knee. David fetched his, firing it up and joining her. He put some soft classical music on for background and set to work. The first thing he did was set up a new e-mail account with a different global provider to those he already had. Once he'd got it validated, he started looking for possible locations. They exchanged occasional comments on their finding but mostly the only sound in the room was the music, the clicking of the mouse and the tapping of the keys.
At lunchtime Tegan made sandwiches for them both and they ate them in the living room while they worked. It was a vast contrast from their activities the previous day. It was 4:00pm when Tegan put down the laptop and stretched. "I need a break from the computer," she told him then, with a smile, added, "bondage beats this hands down". David followed her into the kitchen. He was about to suggest a longer break when his cell phone rang; it sounded like the same woman he had spoken too earlier in the day.
"The file can be delivered on payment of $5,000," she told him. David asked her when the file could be delivered. Her answer was the same, when the payment had been made. He figured they already had the information; this was good news. He hadn't imagined that it would be so easy. She gave him payment details which he noted on a scrap of paper. When he confirmed that he understood the woman moved on to the package. "We will need seven days notice accompanied by full payment. You will need to supply the pick-up and delivery locations. The fee for delivery of the package to your chosen location will be $125,000".
David told the woman to hold just a moment. He looked at Tegan. She was watching him intently. He thought for barely ten seconds then asked, "Can I confirm the seven days notice today and supply the locations tomorrow?" The woman told him that notice would commence once the payment had been take. The details for this payment were the same. The woman concluded the call by telling him that he would not hear from them again unless a payment was received. The line went dead and he laid the phone on the table and looked at Tegan.
He thought about giving her a summary of what had just happened. There were many questions to be answered though and he didn't have those answers yet; things could get complicated. He studied her, taking in her expectant expression; she was waiting for him to tell her something. Eventually, he reached across the table and took her hand in his. "How much do you want to go home?" he asked her. Tegan paused for a moment then answered "Very much in-deed". He squeezed her hand then continued "Look, I've no idea what this will involve or how it will work out but we can set the wheels in motion if you're sure you want to do this". Tegan just nodded.
He stood up then and went into the Living Room. Tegan followed him and watched as he followed the brief instructions he'd written down and made an electronic payment for the amount the woman had requested. "What happens next?" she asked him when he'd finished. He shrugged his shoulders "I guess we wait for the next call". Tegan's next question was more pertinent. "Who are these people, can we trust them?" David lifted his eyes and looked at her. "All I can say is that everything I've paid for in the past has been delivered", He stood up then and put his arms around her. "Don't worry, if you're not happy with something we'll just can the idea". He felt her arms around him her body pressed against his; she seemed to be shaking, trembling. "It just seems a bit scary all of a sudden," she whispered. David could understand that, he had his own doubts.
Those doubts were allayed slightly about four hours later when the phone rang again. The same voice told him curtly that payment had been accepted. The woman asked for an e-mail address and David gave her the one he had set up earlier in the day. "The files you requested will be delivered within the next hour" she informed him. "Do you have pick-up and delivery locations?" was her next question. Again, David asked if he could supply them the next day. "I will call at 5:00pm EST tomorrow" she informed him "have the details by then".
David replied that he would but it went unheard, the woman had already hung-up. They both sat in front of the computer waiting for the file to be delivered. Every now and then one of them would refresh the screen. Fifty minutes after the call had ended the mail appeared in the "Inbox". They looked at each other then David clicked on message. There was no header and no text in a mail that consisted of six files. David downloaded them; it took less than a minute. "Lets see what we've got then" he said to Tegan and opened the first file. They both studied the screen.
The first file was a list of items for sale and contained over three hundred entries. Each item had a reference number, description, price and lead-time. They scrolled down the list until they found the "The Girl Wrapper" and noted the reference number. There were two, HB724-37N and HB724-37D. One was priced at $8,999 and the other was slightly more expensive at $9,499. "It must be the De-luxe model" Tegan commented. The device was described as an ideal way to secure a slave for longer-term restraint. "Lets see if we can find out who wanted one of these besides us" David said. Tegan squeezed his arm in agreement as they opened the next file.
The second file was comma delimited and it took David a few minutes to load and make sense of it. The file contained a list of customers. Again each customer had a reference number. There was also a name and address for each entry as well as a customer rating number. This file contained over seven thousand entries. "More than I thought" David commented. He scanned the first few addresses. "It's going to take a while to sort these, the whole address is in one field." Tegan shook her head. "Let me" she said to him and David moved so she could sit in front of the machine. David watched as she saved the file then opened the Macro menu item from the drop-down list. Five minutes later the seven thousand odd entries had been reduced to just over three hundred. She wrote a further macro to quickly group the customers by location. Over two hundred of them were from major cities, cities, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth. A further one hundred and twenty seven records were from elsewhere on the continent. Most of these were in ones or twos. Tegan saved the file then looked at David. "Assuming that we're right, we need to find out who purchased one of the machines and compare it with this list". David agreed. "I didn't realise you were so talented" he said with a smile. Tegan laughed, "Why are you so surprised after yesterday?" she asked. "Point to you" David said also smiling.
He let Tegan stay in front of the machine and she opened the next file. The file had over thirty thousand entries. At first the content was unclear but they quickly worked out that it was an order file. The data included the reference numbers of both equipment and customer and gave order and delivery dates. Some of the delivery dates were missing and they made the assumption that they were open orders. Tegan sorted the file by equipment reference number then scrolled down to HB724. She copied all those orders into a separate file, there were forty-seven of them. "Popular device" David commented with a smile. "Do you have a memory stick?" Tegan asked him. David fished around on the desk and found one which she plugged into his laptop, making a copy of the file she had just created. Then she closed it and opened up the file of Australian Customers that they had just created.
Next she went to retrieve her own laptop, fired it up and loaded the file with all the "Girl Wrapper" orders. "I'll read out the references of the customers who ordered the item, you see if they are on our list" Tegan told him. David nodded. Half an hour later they had a list of seven customers in Australia who had purchased one of the machines. Three were in Sydney, one in Perth, one in Brisbane and one in Melbourne. Tegan however was more interested in the last entry on the list, a PO Box in Chinchilla. "Of all the places, that would be the one with the quietest surroundings" she told him.
"The house where you were held had a lot of equipment didn't it?" he said. He was more thinking aloud than asking a question. Tegan told him it did but he wasn't really listening to the answer, he was back in the order file. Two minutes later he had the answer he was looking for. "Seventeen orders have gone to that address," he told her. They both looked at each other, smiling but not wanting to get carried away. "It's still a big area" Tegan said "and we're taking a lot for granted". David agreed. "Call me nuts though" he said "but it feels right." There was one more check he wanted to do. He fired up Google Maps and used it to work out the distance between that location and where Tegan lived.
The travel time between the two was just under six hours. Tegan looked at him then looked at the map. There was a large forest area north of the town. "That could be a possible area, we should search there". They did and identified twenty-three possible locations from the satellite map before they called it a day. They both felt good and thought they had made significant progress. It had been a long day and neither of them wanted to do anything but sleep that night.
The following morning some of the euphoria of the previous day had disappeared. In the cold light of day, their thinking seemed a little more far-fetched. They breakfasted and then went through everything again. They couldn't fault their own logic though and some of the previous day's optimism returned. They searched for more possible locations and went over the ones they had already identified. David was somewhat surprised when his cell phone rang; he hadn't noticed how quickly the day had passed. It was the same female voice. She spoke before he could give the departure and location details that he and Tegan had agreed that day. "There is a departure in four days" she told him "transport will leave from San Diego. Can you deliver the package?" David looked at Tegan. "You can leave from San Diego in four days" he repeated. There wasn't time to discuss it; Tegan just nodded her agreement. "Yes we can do that," David told the woman. When she asked him the delivery location David told her Dalby, Queensland, Australia. "I will call back in one hour with confirmation," she told him and the line went dead.
While they were waiting, David looked at the time it would take them to get to San Diego; it was nearly twenty-four hours by road. "We need to leave the day after tomorrow," he told Tegan. Again she just nodded; it was hard to believe that this was happening. Exactly an hour later the phone rang again. This time the woman confirmed the transport details; the journey was to take eight days. She gave him an address in San Diego and told him to be there at 10:00pm on Sunday night. If he wasn't that would be the end of the matter. The package would be delivered at the main entrance in Dalby Shopping World eight days later at 6:00pm on the Wednesday. David repeated the address and then closed the call and went over the details of the conversation with Tegan; there wasn't a great deal to say.
She stood up and wrapped her arms around him. "So when do we leave?" she asked snuggling into him. "Friday morning", he replied, "We'll get an early start. If we drive ten hours Friday and ten hours Saturday we should get there around lunchtime Sunday, give us time to find the address and check it out". Tegan tightened her grip on him; she was starting to get nervous. "And what will you do?" David thought for a moment. "Once you're safely on your way, I'll drive to LA, get a flight to Brisbane, hire a vehicle and start checking out those locations. You never know, I might have found it by the time you get there." Tegan smiled then and kissed him "and pigs might fly". David smiled too.
They ate then sat on the veranda as night fell. They were quiet for a long time before Tegan spoke. "It's Wednesday today isn't it?" David said it was. "And we leave on Friday?" David wrapped an arm tightly around her. "If you want to change your mind you can babe?" Tegan shook her head, and David watched her hair fall around her as she did. "I was just thinking," she said softly; "I was just thinking we could have a really good days bondage tomorrow before we go".
David liked that idea a lot and squeezed her tight to him. After another long silence, their breath turning white as cold gripped the night, Tegan snuggled into him. "Fuck, are we really going to do this?" she whispered to him. "Only if you want to," David said trying to be reassuring. Another silence followed before Tegan spoke again "Fuck, we really are going to do this aren't we?" she said. Suddenly they were both laughing for no particular reason other than that seemed the appropriate response to the plausibility of their suddenly acquired plan.
Chapter 14 - A New Journey Begins
David woke a little bleary eyed the next morning and left Tegan sleeping whilst he sorted himself out. He set the coffee maker going and started making travel plans. His initial intention was to fly to Brisbane but, after some thought he booked a flight to Sydney instead. The flight times were such that he could hire a car and drive overnight to the area they were going to search. It took him thirty minutes to arrange the flight and another twenty to obtain an electronic visa. He also booked a Utility Vehicle for pick up at the airport. He would use it not only for travel but also as a place for him and Tegan, when she arrived, to sleep. He didn't want to chance any hotel staff remembering an Englishman accompanied by a gorgeous looking Australian girl with a mass of dark hair. If they were to be successful Tegan couldn't be recognised.
By the time he was done he could hear Tegan in the shower. He took her a coffee and started to pack a case. When Tegan came in the bedroom, a towel wrapped around her, he was almost done. He looked at her, her hair tousled from sleep falling around her, the towel barely covering her body and displaying all of her long firm legs. Tegan allowed a smile to cross her face as she returned his gaze, posing for him. "You want me don't you?" she enquired teasingly. "God yes," David confirmed getting up and kissing her then adding quietly "Don't get dressed just yet." He told her to wait for him in the kitchen whilst he finished packing then made some quick preparations. When he joined her in the kitchen she was sat on one of the stools drinking coffee and eating toast. The towel was still wrapped around her body but the bottom had fallen away revealing the full length of her leg. "Whenever your ready" he said to her as he admired the view.
Tegan drained her coffee and stood up, the towel falling away from her, the sight of her naked body making David go just a little weak at the knees. He knew it was something he would always savour. "I'm ready Master" she said softly holding her hands out in front of her, wrists held together, an indication of her desire to submit to his ways once again. He stepped towards her and gently took her wrist in his hands placing them at her side. It was then that she noticed that he also had a gag in his hand. She cocked her head slightly and looked at him quizzically. Then, without being asked, she just opened her mouth wide. David smiled. "You were born for this Tegan," he told her as he pushed the penis gag into her mouth and tightened the strap behind her head.
As was usual when he gagged her, he took care to make sure her hair wasn't trapped and he combed it down her face with his fingers. He ran his hands over her shoulders and they soon found their way to her breasts. He cupped then and stroked them gently, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. He started massaging her nipples with his thumbs and Tegan's eyes opened a little wider. She pushed herself forward against him moaning softly; already starting to feel horny. When his hands slid off her breasts towards her stomach she lifted her own hands, grabbing David's wrists and pulling his hands hard onto her as she pushed against him. She moaned and ground her nipples into his palms keen for some relief from the pleasant ache that was already growing inside her.
She started to pull one of his hands down towards her pussy where the real fire was building but he stopped her, twisting his arms to break her grip and then grasping hers and pulling her limbs down to her side again. "Patience Tegan patience" he said to her smiling. His words were met by a low soft moan and Tegan moved forwards trying to press her body against his. He released her wrists, placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her away from him. "Just be still Tegan," he told her. "I'm going to tie you up and fuck you if you're good. If you're not I'll just tie you up and leave you frustrated understand?" Tegan groaned what he considered to be a yes into the gag and he whispered "Good girl" into her ear before stepping back slightly so he could look at her from behind.
His eyes roamed over her body. He loved the way her hair fell over her shoulders and down her back. It covered the soft creamy skin of her neck and fell like a waterfall along her spine. It flowed over the small of her back and slowly tapered to the ends which fell against her superbly formed ass. He reached out and stroked his fingers through the curtain of thickness enjoying the feel on his hands. The touch reminded him of two days ago when she had used her hair to softly and gently tease his cock and his groin responded to the memory. He reached forward and parted the curtain with his fingers, trailing the tips over the soft white skin and brushing over her shoulder blades.
He saw a slight tremor as she shivered but she remained quiet; she was trying to be good. That made him smile; she was being good to ensure he fucked her. He stepped up behind her again; resting his hands lightly on her shoulders, and very gently placed a kiss on her neck. "Are you ready for some proper restraint Tegan?" he whispered in her ear. His question was met with a soft moan that escaped her gagged mouth. His words, his hot breath on her neck made her go all weak and she felt her whole body tingling. She knew David well enough now that, when he said 'proper restraint', that normally meant rope; lots of it. She couldn't reply so just "Mmmmmm'd" some encouragement into the gag. Then she felt his hand and arm weave into her hair and he was guiding her out of the room.
Tegan imagined he would be leading her down the stairs into the basement and was a little surprised when David guided her into the bedroom instead. The room was different than when she had left him packing a case. Now there were three piles on the bed. The first pile was a mass of soft white rope coiled on the duvet. Tegan loved rope and she shivered at the thought of all that gorgeous material being wrapped tightly around her. There was a second larger pile of furs. The smallest pile looked like a heap of luggage straps. It gave Tegan a good idea of what David had planned for her.
"Don't move," he whispered, placing another gentle bite on her shoulder as he released his grip on her hair. "Put your hands on your hips" he continued as he picked up one of the lengths of rope from the pile on the bed. As Tegan moved her hands into the position he had instructed David looped the two ends of the rope together then pulled it through his fingers until he had the centre. Teasingly, he stroked the two rope ends across the top of her neck moving her hair so that if fell forward over her right shoulder baring her elbows. Then he started wrapping the rope around her upper arms.
He passed the free ends between the centre loop that he held in his fingers and then pulled the rope through. Holding the loop in place between her elbows he kept feeding the ends through until the material tightened around her upper arms pulling them closer. He only put a slight tension on the rope then wrapped it around her upper arms again the soft coils pressing into her arms holding them in place. Tegan felt the thrill run through her as he tightened the rope and then looped it around her again. She remembered her previous experiences when he had tied her. He always took care to ensure the ropes looked neat and tidy, each coil sitting on the next, and she tried to remain still as he worked. He passed the rope around her upper arms again then started wrapping the rope between her arms around the loops he had just made. When he was done he tied off the ends. Tegan's upper arms were held in place, her elbows approximately six inches apart. She couldn't pull her arms apart and the rope wrapped around the coils prevented her from moving them together.
He turned her then to face him, taking a thinner rope and wrapping it first around one breast then the other. Tegan moaned softly as the ropes squashed into the mound of her breast pushing them out. Her nipples hardened as he worked. By the time he tied that rope off there were five coils around each breast and her pussy was soaking. She loved it when he bound her like this. He played with her nipples for a moment eliciting more moans then took a further rope. Again he halved it, found the centre then wrapped it around her body and upper arms. Once more he passed the ends through the loop and started to tighten the rope. When it was pressed lightly against her skin he adjusted the coils so that one was above her nipples, the other below, then he pulled the rope really tight, the white firm material crushing her breasts. The rope was wrapped around her again, the second coils lying snug with the first. Then he tied off the ends behind her back. Tegan was moaning softly into the gag now. Her upper arms were firmly and tightly held, her blood-filled and now very sensitive breasts crushed. Her hands had left her hips now and were dangling loosely behind her. David placed them back on her hips and told her quite sternly to keep them there. He stood behind her once more reaching around her and toying with her hard nipples again.
"Feeling horny yet babe?" he asked in the soft teasing voice he used when he knew her ability to respond was limited. She tried to purr through the gag then pushed back against him, grinding her ass into his groin hoping to do a little teasing of her own. In reply he gently pinched her nipples introducing a little more heat as he whispered "I'll take that as a yes sexy". Tegan's purr turned to yet another groan as she felt the heat from his touch. Her nipples felt like little furnaces and she was convinced her pussy was dripping on the floor. He gave her nipples another squeeze then turned her to face the bed. Leaving her alone for a moment he pulled the pile of ropes and straps onto the floor. He spread one of the furs out on the bed. The rest followed the ropes and straps onto the floor. Then he turned and looked at Tegan. "Face down on the bed Tegan and keep your hands on your hips" he told her. Tegan dutifully walked to the edge of the bed. Lifting her knees she climbed on and wriggled her way into the centre. Then she allowed herself to fall forward into the soft fur.
David wasted no time; taking four ropes off the floor and climbing onto the bed. He positioned Tegan in the centre then took the first of the ropes. Bending her left leg he doubled this rope before passing it beneath the leg and sliding the ends through the loop once more. He pulled the rope as tight as he could then wrapped it around her upper thigh and ankle until about two feet of rope remained. This he used to cinch the rope making the tie even tighter. He took a second rope and wound this around her upper and lower leg about four inches above the knee. After he'd cinched that one in place as well he paused for a moments breath before repeating the process with her right leg. When he'd finished he paused and looked at her. The white rope dug into her legs and he could see the muscles in her thighs and calf stand out against the tightness of her bindings. Throughout the whole process Tegan had remained pretty quiet, just the odd moan escaping the gag. He put both hands on her knees and pushed her legs apart. Her pussy glistened and he reached forward to stroke the wetness with his fingers. Tegan moaned loudly and bucked against him, her hands leaving her hips as she tried to touch his arms. He easily evaded her, climbing off the bed and getting six more ropes. The first he wrapped around her right wrist. Then he tied the wrist to the ropes close to her knees. The second rope he wrapped around her lower arm, just below the elbow, and her feet. He coiled the rope around her arm and the soles of her feet five times before cinching that in place as well. Just for good measure he wrapped another rope around her forearm and bound legs. When he was done, her lower arm was bound securely bound parallel against her previously tied legs. He repeated the process with her left arm and leg. When he was done Tegan was completely helpless once more.
He stroked her exposed pussy again encouraging more moans from the helplessly bound girl. "Nearly there now Tegan" he told her as he moved her to the side of the bed. It was easy just to lift her at the knees and move her around. He took the furs and laid them in a pile in the centre of the bed making a mound of softness. That done he lifted Tegan again, this time laying her body over the furs. The mound had the effect of presenting her pussy at a height where he would easily be able to kneel between her legs and fuck her. It also forced her face into the fur he had spread onto the bed. David took two more short ropes. He tied one end of each to the ropes binding her wrists to her knees. The other ends went to the bedposts at the foot of the bed. He pulled on the first, drawing her left knee towards the corner of the bed then tied it off. When he repeated the process with her right knee, her legs were inexorably drawn apart, her pussy even more exposed for his enjoyment. "Nearly done now Tegan," he told her again as he picked up the straps. He used four, placing them across her shoulders, back and the small of her back. The last one he got as close over her ass as the ropes binding her would allow. He passed the longer end of each strap under the bed. Next he pulled her hair from beneath the straps and laid it over her back. The straps were designed for tightening luggage and each had a ratchet. He simply passed each strap end through each ratchet and started to tighten them. It took five minutes before the four straps held Tegan immovably pressed onto the bed. He tightened each in turn until he couldn't move the ratchet any more. As a final check he put his hand on Tegan's ass and shook her. She hardly moved and it seemed that the whole bed wanted to move with her. He could see the way her skin was whiter where the straps held her immobile; he didn't think he could tie her any tighter.
"God you look good all tied and naked like that" he told her as he climbed off the bed. Tegan moaned loudly into the gag now. She couldn't believe how horny she felt. At first she'd thought he wasn't going to tie her that tightly because he'd not bound her arms behind her like he usually did; how wrong she'd been. Her pussy felt like a volcano about to erupt and she prayed it wouldn't be too long before he paid her some serious intention. She could still move her head and she nuzzled her face into the furs as she moaned loudly trying to encourage him to do something. She couldn't see him taking off his clothes but she felt the mattress move as he climbed back onto the bed, felt his hands on her feet as he positioned himself, felt the head of his cock pressing against her pussy. She screamed as loudly as she could into the gag; she so wanted to feel him inside her. She tried to push back against his cock but any sort of movement was impossible. As always, the ropes and straps did their job and there was nothing she could do but wait. She started moaning incessantly now. She could feel his hands on her stoking her legs then her buttocks. She felt his finger open her ass a little and screamed her encouragement into the gag. "Fuck me, fuck me, push you big cock in me" she said in her mind and into the gag. She both loved and hated this at the same time. She so desperately wanted him inside her but, at the same time, she loved the anticipation of the event. She was so hot, so wet, so ready. All David heard was some intelligible mumbling. The end of this particular torment came unexpectedly and she screamed once more when David plunged inside her.
It was perhaps the best part for him, the moment when he sank his cock into her hot tight pussy and felt her heat around him. Sometimes he liked to do it slowly, savouring the moment. At other times he favoured the method he had just used, teasing her then suddenly thrusting inside her, enjoying the sound of her gag suppressed moans and screams. He fucked her slowly, sliding in and out using her bound legs for support as he knelt behind her. Occasionally, he would release her and press a finger or a thumb against her ass. Each time he did it her moans and squeals increased. Now Tegan was panting hard into the gag and he knew she was close to coming. He increased the speed of his thrusts and felt her pussy tighten around his shaft. It was perhaps the only thing she had left to control, the tightness with which she held him inside her. He slowed the pace teasing her some more and watched as her head shook in frustration her hair rising and falling over her bound body. He kept the pace slow for a while enjoying her. He stroked his hands over her bound limbs then reached forward and placed his palms in the small of her back, his weight moving forward as he changed the position slightly. It was obviously working because Tegan's moans increased again. He kept pumping watching her, listening to her. When the gagged sounds were almost incessant he reached forward, grabbed a handful of her thick hair and pulled her head back hard as he started pounding into her once more. He came hard, calling out her name as he held himself inside her. He felt her grip him tightly and then suddenly loosen and knew she was coming as well. He thrust a couple more times then held himself deep inside her again. He enjoyed the remnants of his orgasm. When it was over he slowly released his grip on her hair and her head sank unmoving into the furs. Her pussy didn't grip his cock anymore and he knew she was spent as well.
David looked down on her, stroking her softly as his erection subsided. Bound and naked beneath him she looked gorgeous. The moans had stopped, but her breathing was heavy and he knew she was trying to recover as well. He gently ran his fingers over her ass as he lost himself in his thoughts. A question had suddenly come into his mind. Did he prefer making love to Tegan or did he prefer fucking her? Until now he'd have said they were one and the same thing. His experiences with Tegan now made him believe he knew the difference.
He had just fucked her; that was very clear in his mind. They hadn't made love; they'd fucked. He was sure Tegan would agree. He was also certain she would have enjoyed it just as much as he had. He also understood that the difference wasn't just the bondage. Sometimes they made love when she was bound; sometimes they fucked when she wasn't. The difference, he thought, was probably in how they shared the experience. There was less sharing when he fucked her, less intimacy. When they made love her would tease her first, caress her, get her worked up until she was begging him to take her. Then he would look into her eyes and see the pleasure there as he took her. But you teased her now he argued with himself, you made sure she enjoyed herself, made sure she came. Perhaps the difference wasn't as clear as when the thought had first popped into his head; he knew there was a difference though. Maybe he would ask her later.
Slowly he pulled out of her and eased himself off the bed. He sat on it again near the headboard and Tegan turned her head to look at him. He stroked his fingers across her cheek then started to loosen the gag. Just as he pulled it out of her mouth another thought came to him. He had been going to free her from the ropes and straps but now he thought he'd push her limits some. "Ready for some more?" he asked her as he brushed the hair from her face. "Always Master" Tegan replied a little croakily. He leaned in and kissed her then. It was a little awkward and he had to settle for lightly brushing her lips with his before he left the room. In only a few minutes he returned with a glass of water, a straw, a jar of vaseline and two very large vibrators.
He let Tegan drink and when she was done he placed the empty glass by the bed. He didn't put the gag back in. "Now I'm going to fuck your ass and fuck your pussy Tegan," he told her. "Oh god yes please" she panted as she fought against the bonds. He took the vaseline and smeared it over her asshole and then over the smaller of the two vibrators. Slowly, he pushed the toy in her ass. "Please, please, please, oh god it's so fucking big," begged Tegan as it went in. She didn't ask him to stop and he pushed it all in then turned it on. "This caused a howl of joy from Tegan and another exaltation of "Oh god" then "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" as she continued the futile battle against the ropes and straps that held her.
He teased her pussy with his fingers; she was so wet again. Her arms, her legs, her whole body was tense against the bonds that held her. David took his fingers out and thrust the vibrator into her pussy. "You have permission to come Tegan," he told her, "but make sure you tell me when you do, I want to hear you count". Tegan screamed "Yes Master" and I'm coming" almost in the same breath. He kept fucking her with the toy as she came. After some harsh panting Tegan shouted "One" and he continued. Once again the music that was her screams of joy filled the room. David smiled to himself as he started pushing the toy inside her faster.
Tegan called yellow after her third orgasm. David gave her a minute to recover then slowly pull the toy out of her ass. He was hard again. "I'm going to fuck your ass now Tegan," he told her. "Oh please fuck my ass Master," she cried in response, eager to please him, eager for the pleasure to continue. David let go of the vibe in her pussy and knelt behind her, placing the head of his cock against her ass hole. Slowly, very slowly, he tried to push inside her. Tegan screamed and cried as he forced his way in but kept begging him to continue. Her ass was really tight and he only managed to get a couple of inches inside her. Her muscles quivered around his cock. He tried to move in and out but it was hard. Her ass gripped him much tighter than her pussy and, even though he had used plenty of Vaseline, the wetness wasn't as accommodating for him. He gripped the vibe and started fucking her with it again.
Now her screams of "Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard" were incessant and almost animalistic. Once he started fucking her with the vibe Tegan's own muscles did most of the rest. They seemed to squeeze around his cock. Occasionally he gave a little thrust. After a while he closed his eyes and listened to her. Tegan shouted "Four, fuck me, fuck me fuck my ass please" and he thrust again. His orgasm surprised him and his screams echoed those of his bound slave. He collapsed on top of her and silence fell, the only sound being the pair of them panting hard. As the minutes ticked by those sounds slowly dissipated as well until the room was quiet.
When, eventually, David summoned up the will to move his cock slipped easily out of Tegan's ass. He wanted to stay exactly where he was, enjoying Tegan's warm body pressed against his and it took more than a little effort to pull himself away. He didn't move far though laying down on the bed and stroking her cheek gently as she looked at him with soft eyes. Her face showed a satisfied, sated smile as she returned his gaze, purring slightly as his fingers brushed over her soft skin. She liked these shared moments, when there was no need for words. The ropes and straps still held her tightly bound to the bed and she savoured the constraint waiting for what was going to happen next. He might decide to let her go, he might fuck her again, he might just ream her ass with the vibrator once more.
She would have enjoyed any of the alternatives; the pleasure came from having to accept whatever decision he took. She hoped he would let her go though, she was starting to feel a little sore and was mindful of the long journey they were about to undertake. Her last orgasm had completely subsided and it suddenly occurred to her that she hadn't articulated her final moment of pleasure, mainly due to the fact that David had been somewhat lost in his own enjoyment. Her smile grew as she looked into his eyes and, somewhat tiredly, mouthed the word "Five". She watched as his face changed, his own smile lighting up his eyes. His hand tightened around her head as he moved to kiss her and she opened her mouth to accept him. They kissed softly then lay there a while longer in an easy silence.
It was almost an hour later when David started removing all the straps and ropes. He spent ten minutes untying Tegan and another twenty massaging the life back into her stiff limbs. Tegan purred her satisfaction as his strong hands worked her muscles, she felt so totally relaxed. This was something else she took real pleasure in, the way he looked after her once the game was over. It made her feel like she was someone special in his eyes.
"You know what might be nice?" she murmured softly as his hands worked their little piece of magic. "What?" he asked as his fingers massaged slowly up her spine. Tegan sighed with pleasure. "This feels really good David," she told him. David gave her an unseen smile as he worked his way towards her neck and shoulders. "You were saying," he reminded her. "I was thinking out loud" she told him then turned on her back so that she could look at him, resting her hands on his forearms as he continued to gently work his fingers around her shoulders. "I just had an idea that maybe it would be nice to be helpless with each other. No idea how we might do that, as I said, I'm just thinking aloud".
David stopped massaging her shoulders and looked at her. She looked back at him, a quizzical look crossing her face. "I'm just thinking aloud," she said again a little defensively. David leant down and kissed her then. "You've really bought in to this whole thing haven't you, you just want to push the boundaries as much as you can". Tegan didn't speak; she just nodded her agreement holding his gaze. She couldn't keep the impish smile off her face though and David smiled too. "I love it," he said after a long pause then kissed her again "And I'll see what we can come up with," he added as he kissed her once more. Tegan circled her arms around his neck her smile still wide "Thank you Master" she said. There was more than a hint of teasing in her voice.
It was still well before noon but they both showered and ate, the morning's activities had given them an appetite. An hour after lunch they were watching a fairly poor TV Movie together whilst they decided what to do next. The movie was boring Tegan. "I'd rather watch a bondage movie than this" she said laughing. "Want to be tied up for the afternoon then?" David asked her. He was pretty sure he already knew what the answer was going to be. "There's something I want to try," he told her. Tegan was more than willing and, this time, he did lead her down to the basement.
The room he took her into this time was one of the smaller ones she hadn't visited before. The furniture was simple but elegant. To the left of the door was a wooden bench about seven feet long and two feet wide. It was covered in an inviting layer of soft white fur with a matching fur pillow at the far end. To the right there were two items. Furthest from the door was a large box approximately two feet square and two feet high. The box was full to the brim with circular weights. In front of that was a stand around four feet in height and the same in length with a rail running between the ends. Draped over the rail were numerous soft black leather straps. The straps weren't long, probably no more than four feet. The ends of each strap had metal wires with circular plates.
Tegan thought she understood what was about to happen but remained quiet for the moment. All the equipment sat on a polished wooden floor the centre of which was covered by a fur rug that matched the fur on the bench. She was wearing a tight-fitting white t-shirt and faded denim jeans. He feet were bare and she'd brushed her hair so that it fell loosely over one shoulder. She walked onto the rug enjoying the feel as her toes sank into the soft luscious material. When she turned to look at David she could see something in his eyes that she recognised; lust. She smiled sexily and moved back towards him
David could see her nipples clearly in the t-shirt and knew she wasn't wearing anything underneath; he could feel the urge to take her start to rise inside him once more and she seemed to sense it. Tegan stepped to him, wrapping an arm around his neck and pressing her free hand into his groin.
Despite the fact that they had previously decided that the afternoon would be just about bondage, she couldn't resist teasing him. "Are you going to strap me to this bench and exhaust me again Master? Why don't you just fuck me yourself?" she asked him pressing her hand hard on his hardening cock. David didn't answer her; he just reached down looking for the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it over her head. Her hair fell everywhere as he did so. Still looking into her eyes, he loosened the belt of her jeans and eased it down over her hips. She wasn't wearing panties either. Only when she was naked did he give her a passionate kiss.
Tegan felt him harden in her hand as their tongues duelled and suddenly she wasn't teasing any more, she wanted him again. Her hand tried to loosen his fly and that was when he stopped her. "You're incorrigible," he told her and she gave him an innocent look that dripped sexuality.
"You can see how this is going to work can't you," he said to her as he stroked his fingers down her bare arms. Tegan cast her eyes over all the equipment once more then met his gaze again. "I think so," she told him. "Face up or face down?" he asked her. Tegan looked at him, then at the bench, then at the box of weights. "How heavy are the weights?" David told her they were 5kg each. "And there are about a dozen straps" she said more to herself than David. She did a bit of mental reckoning then said "Face down please, I'll be able to take more weight that way". David kissed her "I love the way you think" he told her.
Whilst a naked Tegan settled herself on the bench David slipped out of the room returning with a length of rope. On his return he watched as she wriggled onto the fur cover getting comfortable. She couldn't get it quite right and ended up throwing the pillow on the floor. It was easier to settle into a comfortable position then and she told him she was ready. The first thing he did was tie her wrists together behind her back. Then he started placing the straps across her body.
He started at her feet placing the first just above her heel. Tegan bent her feet so her toes sank into the fur. He put the rest of the straps in place at her calf, behind her knee, mid thigh, the top of her thigh, across her buttocks, the small of her back, two across her back and the final strap across her shoulders. Tegan lay there quietly while he worked. When all the straps were positioned David started lifting weights out of the box. Tegan watched him lay weights down each side of the bench. It took him around ten minutes before he was satisfied that he had enough. Again starting at her feet he put the weights on in pairs. Tegan felt the snugness as he applied them, fitting each one over the metal rod at the end of the strap and allowing them to sit on the plate at the bottom. He would push the strap into Tegan's body to hold it in place then apply a weight each side.
It didn't take long before weights had been applied to each of the ten straps draped across her. "OK Tegan?" he asked her. She wriggled a little. Movement wasn't impossible but she felt quite snug. "I'm fine" she told him. David kissed her on the back of the head and started applying a second weight to each strap. Tegan moaned softly as the weight started to press her down. When he'd finished placing the second set of weights she couldn't move. That didn't stop him adding a third set and soon there was 300 kg of weight holding her on the bench. He asked her if she could move, she couldn't. He still added more weights, another 40kg across her shoulders, her back and her buttocks; "Just to emphasise the helplessness" he told her.
By the time he patted her on the ass and told her he'd finished the weight holding her down on the bench had increased to almost 500kg. Tegan felt good and told him so then added surprisingly "If I manage to escape what's my reward?". David thought she was joking and said so. "So, if I manage to escape I can name it myself?" she asked him questioningly. "Don't forget we're leaving at six in the morning" he told her then added "Not that that matters, you're not going to escape". "Come back in two hours" Tegan challenged. If I've escaped then I have a rain check on whatever I want. If I'm still here, well you do what you want anyway but I'll let you do something even if I don't like it". "Like what?" David asked her. Tegan laughed. "That's for you to think about", she told him. "Do we have a deal?" David looked at her then at all the weights holding her in place. He couldn't see how she was going anywhere. "We have a deal Tegan" he said making his decision then getting to his feet. He kissed the back of her neck then opened the door. "I'll be back in two hours" he told her closing the door behind him.
Tegan waited until his footsteps faded on the stairs then took stock. It was true she couldn't move her whole body but she thought she could move bits of it. She took a few minutes to compose herself then set to work. First she took a huge deep breath to see if she could. She felt her body rise imperceptibly as the air filled her lungs. Next she pressed her knees hard into the furs to see if she could just lift her ass slightly. It was hard but she reckoned she managed to move maybe quarter of an inch before she had to succumb to the weights. Finally, she pressed her face into the furs and tried to lift her shoulders. She couldn't move them in that manner so instead tried to flex her upper arms. The imperceptible movement was there again.
It was harder than she had imagined and Tegan relaxed for a couple of minutes before her next experiment, she tried to rock from side to side on the bench. She felt the weights over her shoulders and back start to swing slightly although the straps didn't seem to move. After another short rest she tried rocking and lifting her shoulders together. It wasn't easy but she thought she felt the strap move slightly and this gave her encouragement to try harder. After ten minutes of rocking and lifting she took another rest then tried something different.
She tried to lift her ass by moving her shoulders backward a little bit. She figured that if she could lift herself a little she might be able to bend at the waist and start to draw her legs up under her body. Tegan moved maybe an inch then started rocking again. The strap over her shoulders definitely slipped a little. Now she tried to move forward, flexing her muscles and stretching first the left hand side of her body then her right. Slowly she eked her way forward. Progress was slow but; after another ten minutes, she had progressed enough that her head was over the edge of the bench. She couldn't go much further because of the wall but she figured if she could manage another three inches she could lower her shoulder and shake the strap over her shoulders loose.
It was getting easier to make progress now but the effort was causing her to perspire profusely. She started rocking again. Her head was touching the wall now and she couldn't move forward any more. She was getting frustrated now and this made her try harder. She felt the strap slip a little and also move forward. She flexed the muscles in her upper arms and this helped that movement. She lowered her head as far as she could. The strap across her shoulders was definitely moving now. There was a moment of panic when it slipped onto her neck but the weights touched the floor and the pressure was released somewhat. Now she started to use the same motion but this time moving backwards. It was slow going but eventually she managed to move enough that the strap passed over her head and feel to the floor. Now things became easier.
Tegan started to rock again this time lifting her shoulders and flexing her arms. Slowly the two straps across her back slid towards her waist. Now her upper body was almost free and she started to turn. As she twisted she managed to lift the weights on one side, the weights on the other side touching the floor. When they did there was more slack to work with. She stopped for a moment and took stock then started wriggling down the bench once more. The furs caressed her soft skin as she moved slowly. Soon her feet were over the bottom of the bench and she managed to loose the strap around her ankles. This allowed her to lift her legs and the strap around her calves slipped to her knees.
She was close now she thought. She started to turn again and eventually managed to rotate onto her back. She edged down the bench until her lower legs were free and she could bend her knees. After another surge in effort the straps around her knees fell, the weights crashing to the floor. It seemed the noise was almost deafening and she thought David would appear at any moment to see what was happening. She waited five minutes but he didn’t come. The rest was easy. She managed to sit up, using her bound wrists to push into the fur and lever herself into a sitting position. Then she moved her ass to the end of the bench and just shook the straps free. There was more noise as the weights fell to the floor. Tegan fell back onto the bench and rested a moment.
The final part of her escape was freeing her hands. She couldn't quite lower her arms enough to slip her feet through the gap. She thought about going into another room and looking for something sharp then had another idea. Placing one foot on the floor she knelt on the bench with the other, pushing her foot into her ass. Now she leaned backwards and managed to hook her toes through the gap. It took a few minutes of pulling and pushing before she managed to squeeze her foot through. With her hand now tied between her legs she took another moments rest before repeating the process with her other foot. With her hands in front of her she found she could pick the knot with her teeth and soon her wrists were free. She sank back on the bench for a moment feeling really pleased with herself. Then she went to look for David.
Tegan went up the staircase quietly; she was hoping to surprise him. There was no sign of him from the top of the stairs and she padded naked down the hall figuring, correctly, that he was likely to be in the office. The door to the room was open and she could see his back as he poured over the screen engrossed in some numbers. Tegan crept quietly up behind him, reaching around and covering his mouth and eyes with her hands. "You should really stick to rope you know, it's a much more effective way of keeping a girl under control" she whispered in his ear. David went to turn around but she tightened her grip on him and told him to stay there. "You owe me big time David" she told him and felt him nod. Then she allowed him to turn. He looked at her taking in her nakedness once more and feeling his cock harden "Impressive Tegan" was all he could say. "Thank-you" she replied and kissed him; she felt really good. "And I won't make that mistake again" he told her "only Triple A Grade restraint for you from now on". Tegan smiled, that made her feel even better.
It was still mid-afternoon. David closed down his lap-top and asked her what she wanted to do next. Her answer surprised him. "I'd like to go for a run, it's been ages since I've stretched my legs like that. You do run don't you?" she added. Forty minutes later they were striding away from the ranch towards the woods. David let Tegan set the pace while he directed her. David thought it was good weather for running; just over 60 degrees and a light breeze. Tegan would have preferred it warmer. As they got closer to the trees the path became littered with dead leaves; winter was approaching in this part of the world. He told her to follow a route in front of the trees and Tegan turned, increasing her stride.
It had been hard initially but she was getting her second wind now. She looked around as she ran. She could see the rear of the ranch; there were a couple of out buildings that she hadn't noticed before. Indeed, this was the first time she had seen the rear of the building from outdoors. The trees offered the best view. The leaves had turned to multi-coloured layers of orange, brown, gold and red and many had started to fall. She imagined that, in a few weeks time, a lot of those tall trees would be bare, growing like skeletons in front of the mountains that rose behind them. The path was wider now and David had joined her at her side, matching his stride with hers.
They smiled but neither spoke, each concentrating on the activity. She was starting to tire when they came to a fork in the path and Tegan took the route to the left that curved around back towards the ranch. Some twenty minutes later they arrived at the veranda and Tegan stood bent with her hands on her knees as she recovered her breath. David checked she was OK then left her to recover while he went to use the shower first. When she finally went indoors it was starting to get dark. David was just coming out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her waist. He kissed her as he passed on his way to the kitchen to organise food.
For the first time since Tegan's arrival they had dinner in the dining room. David had lit the room with candles and they had both dressed for their last evening meal at the ranch for the foreseeable future. Indeed, Tegan couldn't remember a previous occasion when she had seen David wearing a tie. Neither broached the subject of when they might eat there again but both privately harboured thoughts that it might never happen. It was an unspoken fear but it didn't blight the evening. Indeed, a lot of the talk was about what they might do when Tegan returned. Later, on the veranda, they talked about the journey they were about to undertake. They discussed what David would do while he waited for her, the areas he would search, how he would keep a low profile and other issues of a general nature.
They briefly considered what they might do if they couldn't find the place they were looking for and also what they might do if they did. In either eventuality the way forward wasn't clear. They only thing they recognised was that, whatever happened, it needed to be done before Karen was sold and delivered to her purchaser. They had entirely different reasons for this but they didn't talk about that either. They didn't really discuss the lunacy of the idea, an idea that had just fallen into place in no time at all. Perhaps it was best that way; not to spend too much time thinking about it. After everything that had already taken place they both felt it was just a natural progression in their relationship.
It was early when they retired, spending the night in the Star Room. It was a cold, cloudless night and moonlight flooded into the room as they made love in the furs, the silver beams washing over their naked entwined flesh. As he slipped inside her and looked into her eyes, slowly bringing her to her peak; David remembered his earlier thoughts about fucking and making love. This occasion was very much the latter. Tegan's cries of pleasure were quieter; her kisses deeper and more passionate. When he caressed her breasts and nipples her purrs were more personal. When they eventually came together they held each other as tight as any ropes and straps could. Not for the first time they fell asleep in each other's arms.
It was just after 6:00am the next morning when they left the ranch. As they drove up the dirt track towards the road Tegan turned in her seat and looked back as the ranch slowly faded from view. She had arrived there unknowingly and was leaving to face a future that was equally as unknown at that moment. She glanced at David, whose eyes were on the road ahead, then back at the ranch. Despite the manner of her arrival she was going to miss this place. If she had known about it prior to her capture; had met David in some other capacity and he had explained it to her; she thought she would have gone there quite willingly. In terms of her fantasies it pretty much hit the mark for most of them.
She watched as the ranch faded from view then eventually turned to look at the road ahead, the road to her future. "OK Tegan?" David asked her. Tegan looked at him and smiled. She loved the way he always showed his concern for her. "I'm good" she replied settling into the seat for the long journey ahead. "San Diego here we come" she added cheerfully displaying a bravado she didn't really feel.
The SUV bounced around a little until they reached the paved highway where David turned left before setting the cruise control at sixty. They started to eat up the miles. Traffic was light and two hours later they stopped for fuel and coffee before hitting the interstate at a small town called Rawlins.
They were delayed for a while in the morning rush hour but, once free of that, traffic was again lighter and David could increase the cruising speed to seventy. After two hours they stopped again for coffee then drove for a further three. As the miles passed Tegan played with the radio; there were plenty of stations to choose from. David enjoyed the Classic Rock stations that she occasionally found. He would sing along to tunes she had never heard of and totally ruin them with his off-key voice. It made her laugh and she told him to shut up on more than one occasion.
Not long after lunch at an isolated diner they passed the state boundary into Utah. Already they had completed over three hundred miles, almost a quarter of the journey. They had covered a further 100 miles, by-passing Salt Lake City, when David stopped on the outskirts of another small town, Provo. It was just after 3:00pm in the afternoon and the signs were telling them it was 380 miles to Las Vegas. He had pulled off the road into a wooded rest area and, for a moment, Tegan wondered if he was about to pull out the duct tape.
That wasn't the reason for the break. David stretched in the seat "If we can make Las Vegas tonight" he told her, "that makes for an easy drive tomorrow. I reckon another six hours will do it. I need a break first though; a couple of hours should do." Tegan was quite happy for him to do whatever he wanted. For her part she decided to stretch her legs so set off through the woods while David pushed the seat back and closed his eyes.
Tegan listened to the hum of the traffic as she strolled. It was much warmer here than it had been at the ranch and she enjoyed the heat; she was very much a warm-blooded person. The path she was on wound slowly upwards. After some thirty minutes of walking through the trees the forest suddenly ended and she found herself at the top of a hill, the countryside opening out before her.
There was a huge lake in the distance that shimmered blue in the sun. The symmetry of it suggested it was man-made. She could see a small township built by the lakeside. Beyond the lake the land stretched out brown and uninviting; it looked like the start of a desert. There were a number of benches laid out in a half- circle and she sat on the centre one taking in the view. The sound of the traffic was almost non-existent here; indeed it was almost as quiet as the ranch. She watched a hawk circle over the trees. It hovered in the sky then suddenly dived out of sight towards its unsuspecting prey. She sat a while waiting for it to re-appear but the skies were now empty.
She sighed softly and wondered if, at the end of the journey she had now embarked on, she would be as free as the bird she had just seen. She sat another ten minutes gazing on the blue waters below and then wandered back into the trees. She walked slowly down the path hearing the occasional rustle in the grass beneath the trees. Other than that it was still quiet, there were no other people around.
When she got back to the SUV David was dozing behind the wheel. To the left of the vehicle was a toilet block and an alcove covering a row of vending machines. Quietly, she opened the door of the SUV and rummaged through the front looking for change. She found enough to get two coffees then woke David with a gently kiss and shake on the shoulder. He drank the coffee then went and threw cold water on his face in the toilets. Fifteen minutes later they were back on the interstate.
Traffic was still light and they made good time, slowing only when they drove through a brief rainstorm. It came suddenly. One minute they were cruising at seventy, two minutes later they could barely see in front of them. Five minutes after driving into the storm they drove out the other side. After a further five minutes the evening sun shone on them once more and it was hard to believe that the road had been awash with water only minutes earlier. As night replaced the evening Tegan fell asleep. The rhythmic sound of the engine and the hum of the tyres on the road was incredibly soothing. There was nothing to see now apart from the lights of other vehicles travelling in the opposite direction.
Tegan dreamt that she was captured by aliens dressed in blue suits. She was taken to a facility and stripped naked. Tubes were inserted in her orifices and probes attached to her skin. There were strange alien hands all over her body applying a clear liquid that turned solid when it touched her skin. When she was covered in the liquid she found it impossible to move. The material tightened around her as the aliens quizzed her. The problem was she didn't understand what they wanted. Because she couldn't answer their questions the material kept tightening around her. She could hear the noise of the machine that was controlling the material; it was getting louder.
She wanted the aliens to go away but she liked the material; it wrapped tightly around her and made her feel safe even though she couldn't move. She closed her eyes. The material was impossibly tight but she wanted it tighter. It was squeezing her smaller, she didn't understand why she could still breathe; why didn't it hurt more. The aliens had gone now it was just her and the machine. She wanted to be free, she didn't want to be on her own. Now she was fighting the material and the whole thing was starting to vibrate. She started screaming. The material seemed to have a mind of it's own now and it moved to cover her mouth. She screamed louder and fought harder, her left arm hurt, the noise was increasing, the machine was humming loudly, she couldn't breathe but she was still functioning. She screamed once and woke up.
It took her a moment to realise she was still in the SUV. David was shaking her arm gently. She placed her hand on his to stop him. "I'm OK" she told him, her mouth dry. "Bad dreams?" he asked and she nodded before sitting up in the seat, rubbing her eyes then looking out of the window. "A really weird dream" she told him. "I was ........" she started then stopped. "No, I can't explain it she told him, I'm OK now though".
The traffic was much heavier than it had been and the sky glowed behind the dark shape of the hills in front of them. "How long have I been sleeping" she asked him as she rubbed her eyes again. When he told her about three hours she was surprised. "Where are we?" was the next question she asked as she took a long drink from a bottle of water. "We're nearly there" he told her and Tegan searched for the clock on the dashboard. It was nearly 11:00pm. "You should have woken me earlier" she told him "but thank-you" she added, running her hand along his leg as she spoke. It was the kind of moment when they both thought there was something extra special about the person sat next to them.
Ten minutes later the road crested the hill and the lights of Las Vegas appeared before them. They drove in silence for a while both a little awestruck by the sight. Thirty minutes after first seeing the night lit up they were leaving the car with the valet at the Bellagio hotel. David's name was on their list of priority guests from his previous visit and they were given a corner suite on the 35th floor. The accommodation was enormous.
The Living Room had a bar, a large dining table and comfy couches in front of a sixty-inch plasma TV. Through the floor to ceiling windows that filled one wall they had a perfect view of the lake and fountains at the front of the hotel. The bedroom was a similar size with more picture windows that looked across and down the strip. Further around was a double Jacuzzi, a bathroom and a steam room all covered in marble. The Jacuzzi was next to the window which gave a view down the strip towards the Stratosphere. David couldn't resist the temptation to sit in it with a glass of champagne. Tegan didn't take much persuading to join him.
Later they ordered room service. It was 1:00am when they took a wander downstairs. They played a couple of the games with no success and generally enjoyed the atmosphere. It has been a long day though and, when David looked like he might be dozing off at a Pai Gow table Tegan suggested they went to bed.
Back in the room David was first in the bed while Tegan was in the bathroom. When she wandered back into the room naked he was already asleep. She lay next to him for a while but sleep wouldn't come for Tegan. She was starting to give some serious thought to what lay ahead. She was going home. She knew where she would be a week on Wednesday but how that journey was going to be completed was an absolute mystery. It played on her mind for a while. She wanted to talk to David about it; she needed him to tell her it was going to be OK; but she didn't want to wake him.
Eventually Tegan gave up on sleep, climbed out of bed and dressed again. She looked for the chips they still had from earlier in the evening and went down to the casino floor once more. After wandering through the crowds for a while; the floor was still hugely busy, she sat down at a Blackjack table and started playing.
There were two other people at the table, a rather drunk Chinese man and a young Chinese girl who could have been his daughter but was acting like his lover. Tegan wondered if she had been paid to be there, they didn't seem like a couple. Slowly the table filled up. Without really paying much attention to what she was doing she started winning.
A girl with exceptionally long legs came to the table and Tegan ordered a Margarita, tipping the waitress when she returned. The first guy hit on her after about forty minutes; she politely turned him down. A second guy started on her ten minutes later. He was persistent even when she told him her partner was sleeping upstairs. Eventually, she asked the dealer if she could have him removed from the table. Guy number two went off in a huff before security arrived but not before telling her he thought she was a prick-teasing bitch. She was about to get up and defend herself when she thought about David. He would want her to keep a low profile. She swallowed her pride, ordered another drink and carried on playing.
Players came and went through the night but Tegan didn't move from her spot. She played quietly, not saying much, just occasionally ordering drinks. The dealers rotated every twenty minutes or so and her pile of chips grew. There were no clocks and she lost track of time; it was only when she finally stood up for a comfort break that she realised that, not only was she tired she'd also drunk way too much.
She looked around for the Cashiers desk and slowly made her way through the fruit machines towards it. The pile of chips she presented to the young girl behind the wire mesh came to over $13,000; she couldn't quite believe it. "I'm living again" she thought to herself, "this is why I'm going back, so that I can live again properly". After stopping for a coffee and a bagel, which she ate in a small café, she went back upstairs to the room. She felt good but also tired now.
When Tegan entered she was surprised to see daylight flooding into the Living Room. The clock on the TV told her it was 7:15am; she didn't feel like she'd been up all night. The bedroom was still dark, the heavy curtains pulled across the windows, and David was sleeping soundly. Tegan peeled off her clothes, pulled the sheets back and climbed in beside him. She was still feeling the effects of the alcohol she had drunk but her tiredness had given way to something else; she was feeling horny.
She trailed her fingertips over his chest and down his stomach before taking his member in her hand and stroking it. He moaned in his sleep and she felt his cock come to life in her hand. He grew a little and then stopped. She knelt over him and trailed little kisses down his body until her mouth hovered over him. She lifted his cock with her fingers and sucked him into her mouth. He groaned and tried to turn but she put her hands on his hips to hold him still. He hardened in her mouth, soft moans coming escaping his lips. He even said her name softly in his sleep.
She released him from her mouth and moved up his body, straddling him and lowering herself onto him. She started to rock gently with him inside her, bending forward and pressing her breasts into his chest as she covered his mouth with hers. She wasn't sure at what point he woke up but she felt his arms wrap around her, one around her waist the other wound into her hair. Neither of them spoke, they just lost themselves in the moment. Tegan cried out when she came and she felt his arms tighten around her pressing her against him.
When he came quietly, he had a vice like grip on her which he didn't release for some time afterwards. Once they were still Tegan buried her head in his shoulders. It was some minutes before he rolled her off him so that he could see her face. His blue eyes were sleepy as he looked at her "Good morning gorgeous" he said to her softly. Tegan snuggled into him. "Good night my handsome man" she replied and closed her eyes, her face sporting an extremely satisfied smile. She was asleep in seconds. David held her close and soon went back to sleep as well. As sleep overcame him, he wondered how long it would be before he next shared a bed with the gorgeous girl he now considered his own.
Chapter 15 - Return To Oz (added: 2017/09/08)
The SUV rolled slowly to a stop over the cinder surface of the car park, the tyres making a scrunching sound as the auto halted; it was nearly four in the morning and there were no other vehicles around. David stretched then relaxed into his seat and turned his gaze to Tegan. She had fallen asleep in the last hour and he had driven the previous fifty miles or so with only the radio on low for company.
They had left the comfort of the hotel the previous evening and driven through the night. It was messing up their body clocks but neither of them thought that would matter over the coming days. Now they were only thirty miles from their destination and the uncertainty that was going to follow. The sign on the road a mile earlier had promised "The Best Breakfast In California, Open 24 Hours". It would be another two hours before the sun rose and David was hungry. He gently shook Tegan awake and, after she had got her bearings, they wandered into the rather run-down restaurant.
Both were quiet while they ate; the food was OK but David thought the sign he had seen was definitely a stretch of the imagination. The uncertain nature of their plans was starting to play on both their minds. It was scary but David, if pressed, would have admitted a certain amount of excitement at the thought of what was to come. Tegan was very nervous of the unknown.
Lingering over breakfast, they eventually returned to the SUV as the sky was lightening to the east.
A few miles from their food stop David found a small road that meandered in the direction of the rising sun. He followed a weather battered sign into an abandoned quarry and parked under a large shaded overhang. Lowering the rear seats flat they both tried to sleep but neither could manage much in the way of rest. They talked quietly for a while then made love, the vehicle rocking on the springs as their lovemaking started gently but grew fiercely, the quarry filling with the noise of their abandoned union. Afterwards they found sleep a little easier to come by.
David drove the SUV out of their makeshift sleeping place early in the afternoon, primarily because it was becoming unbearably hot, and drove into the city. Searching the streets carefully in somewhat heavy Sunday traffic, it took over two hours to find the address that David had been given. It turned out to be a Unit on a large Industrial Park. The roads were narrow and the metal constructed buildings were tall, most with a crazed network of fire escapes that climbed three or four floors. In contrast to the city they had driven through, Sunday afternoon was quiet here, the park deserted. It was an ideal location for the meeting; and a disastrous place to be if something went wrong.
They drove around the area for fifteen minutes then David stopped the vehicle at the park entrance. They looked at each other, their individual fears floating between them. It was Tegan who broke the silence as she leant into him and wrapped her arms around him. "Tell me something encouraging," she said softly. His arms encircled her and he ran his fingers through her hair, something he really enjoyed doing. When he hadn't spoken for about thirty seconds Tegan added in a quiet voice "and please don't take too long about it".
His arms squeezed tighter around her as he found his voice. "If they just want to rip us off, they won't turn up. They've had their money so, if they turn up they'll deliver, they have before". Tegan wanted to ask him when he'd used their services previously but this wasn't the time; she just snuggled into his shoulder and enjoyed the calming feel of his fingers as he stroked her.
After a short while he spoke again. "The alternative is I can take you to LA and drop you off close to a police station". Tegan moved away from him so she could look in his face. She could see the concern for her in his eyes. She reached out and pressed the palm of her hand against his cheek. "Thank you but no, we're going to do this," she said forcing a smile on her face. David touched her hand then lifted it from his cheek and kissed her palm. Without saying anything, he started the SUV and drove away from the Industrial Park.
They headed to a shopping mall and visited a Target store where they purchased a small bag, some toiletries and a change of clothes for Tegan. David also purchased her a lightweight jacket and a baseball cap. "We need to hide your good looks as best we can," he told her then added "that won't be easy you know". It made Tegan smile. Next they drove to a run-down motel and David left Tegan in the van while he booked a room for one night, paying in cash.
The room was brown and dingy but it allowed both of them to bathe and change. Tegan dressed in her new clothes, baggy jeans, cotton t-shirt and trainers. She tied her hair back and wore its length beneath the t-shirt before donning the lightweight jacket and baseball cap. David didn't think it did anything to hide her looks but it made her less noticeable. They left the motel at eight and ate in a fast-food restaurant, lingering over the cheap food as long as they could.
Time seemed to slow down now and neither of them had much to say. They went back to the motel for half an hour and watched a pretty dreadful game show just to pass the time. At 9:30pm they were in the SUV outside the Industrial Park; it looked completely different now that night had fallen. Sodium lights lit up some areas with their bright yellow glare but there were many dark shadows where the lights failed to penetrate. They both took a deep breath as David edged the vehicle slowly inside. For some strange reason it reminded him of a scene from a film, a band of colonial marines edging inside an alien environment. "I hope we fare better than they did," he thought to himself.
They waited outside the specified unit as the seconds ticked away. The only noise that could be heard was the rasp of their anxious breath and the atmosphere inside the SUV was thick with tension and anticipation. David strained his ears for the sound of another vehicle approaching but there was nothing. The digits of the display on the SUV dash ticked away so slowly. At the numbers rolled over to 22:00 they looked at each other then looked around. "They should be here," David said stating the obvious if only to try and ease the pressure a little.
He was about to get out of the SUV when a small door opened in the unit next but one and a figure appeared. The figure took about ten steps towards the SUV and stopped, waiting. David told Tegan to stay where she was and opened the door. "Wait until I give you a signal," he told her and slid out of the vehicle. He walked slowly towards the figure and stopped about ten feet away; his legs felt weak with nerves.
When the man spoke his English was heavily accented. "You have ze package?" the man asked. David studied him. He was small, no more than five feet six, and young; early twenties David guessed. His skin was dark, how dark it was difficult to see under the sodium lights, probably Mexican. David didn't answer; he just nodded to the man then signalled Tegan to join him. He watched the man as he heard the SUV door open and close behind him. Moments later he felt Tegan wrap herself around his left arm, standing slightly behind. "We're ready to go" he told the man and felt Tegan squeeze his arm tighter.
The man turned his head looking back at the door and made a signal. Immediately, a larger door slid open. After maybe ten seconds they heard a vehicle start and moments later a battered pick-up edged out of the building. It was the kind with two rows of bench seats in the cab. The body had numerous dents and scratches and the back was filled with straw. The vehicle pulled up beside the man and a second figure emerged from the cab leaving the pick-up empty with the engine idling. The two men spoke rapidly in Spanish then the first turned back and looked at David. "We are ready too," he told him in his heavily accented tone.
David turned and looked at Tegan. He was going to say something but she didn't give him the opportunity. Tegan kissed him hard then let go and walked purposefully over to the pick-up. The second man opened the rear door and she climbed inside. It was only as she raised herself up onto the seat that she saw there was a third occupant in the pick-up, a young girl probably no more than seventeen. The girl smiled at Tegan but didn't speak. Tegan smiled back; she immediately felt a little better, a little safer in the knowledge that there was another girl there.
Tegan wound down the window as the two men climbed into the pick-up. The driver put the vehicle into gear and it moved forward slowly. She smiled at David as they rolled past. "See you in Oz Master," she said blowing him a kiss then winding the window up and looking through the windscreen. She found it hard not to cry and even harder not to look back. With steely determination, she managed both.
David watched as the taillights of the pick-up disappeared around the corner. He hadn't known what to expect and the speed with which the transfer had been made had caught him by surprise. Now he felt a lump in his own throat. He had to admire the resolution of the girl he had grown so used to having around. He would miss her good looks, her easy smile, her passion for bondage that more than matched his own.
He stood there under the sodium light for maybe five minutes thinking about Tegan before a clang of metal made him jump; someone had closed the large door behind him. All of a sudden he felt exposed; this was not a place he wanted to be in the dead of night. He climbed back in the SUV and started the engine. He waited for maybe another thirty seconds his mind going over the events that had just taken place once again. "See you in Oz babe" he said to himself as he slid the gear lever into drive and left the Industrial Park for the last time.
Three and a half hours later he was cursing in the SUV as he looked for a long-term parking lot as Los Angeles International Airport. He had already asked three people for directions and none seemed to understand what he wanted; he was finding it hard to find someone who spoke English. As he turned the vehicle in the road once more he caught site of the entrance to the Marriott Hotel. A sign advertised "Valet Parking While You Are Away". He drove in and handed the keys to a young man dressed in a white jacket and booked a room and two weeks parking. Once in the room he took a long bath then ordered room service. It was 3:00am when the food arrived and he thought constantly of Tegan while he ate. Was she OK? Where was she now? What would happen next? The meal had little taste.
His flight was at 1:10pm the next day. He wasn't tired and didn't want to sleep anyway; there would be plenty of time for sleeping on the plane. He left the room and took the lift up two floors to the hospitality suite. The room was empty and he helped himself to a large drink and some of the nibbles that were provided before sitting behind one of the terminals in one corner of the room. He checked his flight details then spent the next two hours idly surfing the net.
Despite his desire not to sleep he dozed off in front of the screen; only to be woken when someone banged the door loudly as they entered the room. David came too with a start forgetting where he was for a moment before everything flooded back into his mind. When he looked at the screen he found it displaying a well padded St. Andrews Cross on the "Bondage Dreams" web site; he didn't even remember logging on. The new arrival in the room was a large red-faced man who was complaining vociferously about the lack of hot coffee. David closed the machine down and slipped quietly out of the door.
It was still only 7:00am but he checked out of the hotel and took the courtesy transport to the International Terminal. Having booked a First Class seat, he breezed through check-in and security and was soon sat in the First Class lounge drinking coffee. He asked the hostess on the desk if she could procure him a pack of sleeping pills then logged on to another terminal, this time to check his finances. He spent the next three hours drinking coffee and checking his positions. Normally he would have enjoyed the activity but, on this occasion, the intricacies of the markets held little pleasure for him. An hour before the flight he took four of the sleeping pills the hostess had procured for him and washed them down with a large Jack Daniels. He didn't worry too much about whether it was good for him, he just wanted to make sure he slept well on the plane. Thirty minutes later he boarded the stretch 747 with a large red kangaroo on the tail. He was offered another drink and used it to wash down the remaining sleeping pills. Then he strapped himself into his seat and waited.
It was a seventeen-hour flight and it started with the four engines roaring as the jet lumbered down the runway gaining speed. The large aircraft clawed its way into the sky and still seemed awfully low when it made a steep turn and headed out over a sparkling blue ocean. David watched the display on his entertainment system as they slowly climbed to their initial cruising altitude of 32,000 feet. Even when they reached that level the sea seemed awfully close.
He declined the meal and drink that was offered to him then; instead adjusting his seat until it was flat then donning the sleep mask that was provided in the rather posh leather pouch. He pulled it over his eyes and laid down getting comfy; waiting for the pills to take effect. The drone of the engines sounded softly in his ears as he thought about Tegan again. The sound was comforting and it didn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep.
Three hours into Tegan's journey the truck was bouncing along an unseen dirt track and she was holding the strap hanging from above the door tightly to avoid being thrown around the cab. The girl sat next to her did the same. She still hadn't spoken since Tegan had climbed into the vehicle. The two men in the front interspersed long periods of silence with occasional rapid exchanges in a language that Tegan guessed was Spanish. The last exchange had been around ten minutes ago just before they had veered off the highway into the unlit scrubland that they were now traversing.
It was pitch black to the rear and Tegan could no longer see the occasional headlight on the road they had left. She too had been silent since they had left, her thoughts a mixture of trepidation and regret. The regret came because David was no longer there to watch out for her. She was a very independent person and, normally, that would not have worried her. These circumstances were different from anything she had previously experienced though. "No they aren't" she reminded herself. "It reminds me of when I was kidnapped". It wasn't a thought that made her feel better. Tegan was feeling nervous now and needed to know what was happening. The doubts had grown since they had left the city. Now, as they bounced along, the weak headlights barely cutting a path through the darkness in front of them, she found her voice.
"Where are we going?" she asked leaning forward so that the driver and front seat passenger would hear her clearly. The two young men immediately started a rapid conversation in Spanish; neither of them seemed to pause for breath. Tegan tried to wait patiently but her frustration soon got the better of her. "Speak English damn you" she told them both. For the first time, the young girl in the back spoke. She exchanged maybe thirty seconds of conversation with the men before turning and resting a hand on Tegan's knee.
"We are going to Mexico" she said in perfect, slightly accented English. "Armando"; she pointed to the driver, "will get us over the border. We will drive to a small village and someone else will be waiting to take you to Bahia Tortugas. I will also come with you; my home is there. I am Sara," the young girl added as an afterthought. Tegan relaxed back into the seat waiting a few moments before asking "Isn't it dangerous; crossing the border like this?" Sara smiled. "Much more so going to America, we will be safe, Armando has done this many times".
Tegan let out a breath she hadn't realised she had been holding as the tension drained from her. After another short silence she held her hand out towards the girl "Tegan" she said with a smile. The girl took it and smiled back. "Don't worry Tegan, we will get you there safely. Tegan asked a few more questions but the only thing Sara could tell her was that they would arrive by evening the next day. She didn't know what the arrangements were once they got there.
The truck was still bouncing along the narrow dusty track and Tegan grimly hung on to the door strap. Apart from the occasional rapid-fire exchange of the two men in the front they travelled in silence. For a while the road disappeared completely and the men doused the headlights as they crawled along. Tegan wondered how well the area was patrolled by the authorities of both countries. She felt sure her travelling companions knew what they were doing but still found herself looking for lights that might indicate an official vehicle that had noticed them.
It was about an hour later when Sara next spoke. "We are in Mexico Tegan, we will be at the village shortly". Tegan nodded her understanding and looked out of the window into the blackness; there was nothing to see but she felt a little relief at the news. Fifteen minutes later the truck came to a halt. They waited in silence and, after a couple of minutes, a figure appeared out of the darkness. Armando wound down the window and they exchanged a few words. The he turned and spoke to Sara who nodded, opened her own door and beckoned Tegan to follow. Tegan climbed out of the vehicle to see another young man stood there. He led them to a parked Mercedes that looked new and Sara opened the rear door for Tegan to get in. Sara climbed in beside her and they were under way again, this time in considerably greater comfort.
Sara had a long conversation with the driver then turned in her seat so she could update Tegan. "This is Juan, he will take us to Bahia Tortugas. There you will take a boat to the Island where a plane will be waiting. They will tell you more then. Juan is a good driver, we will get there safely tomorrow evening OK". There were lots of questions Tegan wanted to ask but it seemed wise not to complicate things. Instead she just smiled and thanked the girl. "Juan is a good driver," she repeated, you should sleep if you can.
Tegan tried but sleep wouldn't come so she just stared out of the window into the darkness. She'd never been to Mexico before, had never even considered it as a destination. To be there now seemed totally unreal. There was no other traffic, no lights nothing to indicate where they might be. She had a flash back to the time David had taken her to the city and tied her in the seat on the way home. Tegan closed her eyes; she so wished he was with her now.
A soft Australian voice and gentle shake of the shoulder bought David out of a deep slumber. He murmured "Hi gorgeous," as he woke then opened his eyes and realised it wasn't Tegan. He immediately apologised to the young blonde Flight Attendant who, to her credit, took it in her stride with a smile of her own. "Sorry to wake you Sir but we will be landing in two hours, I thought you might like to freshen up and have something to eat before we arrived".
Davis looked puzzled. "Landing in two hours?" He repeated her words as a question and her smile widened. "Yes, you slept well and I'd love to know what you were dreaming about," she added, an obvious reference to his waking comment. David rubbed his eyes; it gave him a few more moments to shake off sleep. "Something to eat would be great, thank you Lisa," he said noting the name on her lapel badge. She left him returning thirty seconds later with a mug of coffee. He drank it looking out of the window into the night sky, then went to the toilet to splash water on his face.
On his return Lisa gave him a tray of eggs, bacon, sausage and more coffee. He ate it hungrily.
An hour later the big aircraft hit the runway with a jolt, the engines roaring in reverse thrust to slow it down. Lisa gave him a huge smile as he left the jet and headed for customs. She seemed a little disappointed when he ignored the subtle but clear invitation to further their acquaintance. He was second in the immigration queue and, after a quick grilling on the reason for his visit, he was picking up his luggage and clearing Customs. He'd booked a hotel at the airport and checked in at the desk.
After taking a long bath he checked out again telling the bemused receptionist that he couldn't sleep, the time zones and all that; it was a story she'd heard before. Four hours after landing on Australian soil he was driving a large rental SUV, very similar to the one he had left at the airport in Los Angeles, north towards Chinchilla. He would have been amused to know that some of his thoughts were very similar to Tegan's. She had never been to Mexico before, this was his first time in Australia; it just didn't seem real.
Once he'd negotiated the suburbs of Sydney David twiddled with the radio until he found a station playing rock music. There was little traffic and he drove through the night with a feeling of anticipation and eagerness. He was confident he would find what he had come for. As he sang along to an AC/DC song on the radio he wondered how Tegan was faring on her journey.
At the moment David was negotiating the suburbs of Sydney Tegan was in the rear seat of a small propeller driven seaplane that was bouncing all over the sky. The drive through Mexico had been boring and uneventful. They had stopped twice for food which Tegan ate even though it was not particularly to her liking. For the most part they had travelled in silence, Tegan staring out of the window at the dirty brush countryside. The majority of the journey was on a two-lane blacktop but, on at least three occasions, they had taken to the sandy dirt track roads. Sara had explained to her that they were skirting towns or villages where there was a danger of drug related gang violence that was ever present in the country. They were very keen to get Tegan to her destination safely. Tegan didn't ask why but took comfort from their objective.
There was little to see and Tegan closed her eyes on many occasions only to find that sleep wouldn't come. Instead, she played over the events of the past few months in her mind, concentrating on the good times at the ranch. She thought of the times David had tied her so tightly, had made her come, had fucked her, had made love to her. She let her imagination conjure up other scenarios they could try at some later date. She thought of tight ropes and straps holding her down, of sensuous furs caressing her skin, of David's strong hands moulding her with his many restraints. Sara saw the slight smile on Tegan's face as she sat there eyes closed and relaxed. She put it down to a pleasant dream; which, in many ways, it was.
They started seeing signs for their destination over one hundred and fifty kilometres away. Those last three hours of the journey, as the hot afternoon passed into an equally sticky evening, seemed the longest of all.
Bahia Tortugas was an old dry town. They passed through narrow empty streets eventually stopping outside a ramshackle wooden building with a small porch. An old man was sat there in a rocking chair; obviously expecting their arrival from the manner in which he greeted Juan. The driver gave the old man a friendly hug then pointed to Tegan and Sara before disappearing into the house they had stopped outside. Sara and the old man exchanged a few words and then Sara informed Tegan that he would take her in a boat to the island where a plane would be waiting. While she was talking the old man gave her a toothy leer.
After a hug from Sara, Tegan found herself left in the man's company. He continued to leer at her, making her feel somewhat uncomfortable, then got up and pointed down the road before setting off with a shambling gait. She followed him for nearly a quarter of a mile to a dock where he directed her, again by the simple means of pointing, to a small motorboat tied at the bottom of a ladder. There was little choice. She climbed carefully down into the boat and sat there while the man followed. It seemed a little unstable when he started the small outboard motor and, minutes later; Tegan was clinging tightly to the side as the boat beat its way through the waves.
It was obvious that the man spoke no English so she grimaced and hung on. Forty minutes later they pulled into a cove on the leeward side of a large island. A small jetty jutted out from the shore and, tied to it, was an ancient looking seaplane. As the small boat drew level with the wooden jetty Tegan saw yet another young man dressed in shirt and shorts leaning against the tail of the plane. He greeted the old man then helped Tegan out of the boat, directing her into the rear seat of his craft.
It was a small space and Tegan struggled to strap herself in whilst the two men spoke rapidly. Then, with little preamble, the pilot climbed in, started the engine and directed the plane towards the setting sun. Tegan was struck by the wonderful sunset colour of the sky as they rose into the air. This feeling soon gave way to trepidation as darkness fell. She did not like aeroplanes much, particularly these small things that seemed so fragile. Once more she sat in silence with nothing to see. The pilot made no attempt to engage her in conversation, busying himself with his instruments.
After two hours they descended, Tegan feeling a sudden lurch in her stomach as their speed slowed and the small craft headed towards the water. At first Tegan couldn't see anything below but, as the seaplane started to circle, she made out the outline of a fair sized ship. The plane landed in a light swell and the drone of the engine ceased. They had been floating on the waves for no more than two minutes when a small light appeared and an inflatable Gemini craft pulled alongside.
Tegan climbed from the plane into the boat, noting as she did so, the warmth of the night. There were two men in the boat but neither spoke although one helped her in and gave her a life jacket.
As the other gunned the outboard motor, and the little boat headed towards the far larger shape, she heard the plane start up behind them. Almost immediately the engine noise increased and the aircraft took off unseen into the night. Another leg of her journey was complete. Tegan studied the two men as they sped towards the waiting ship. The spray created from the bow of the boat as it carved its way through the water was refreshing and Tegan lifted her face to the night so she could feel it on her skin and taste the saltiness in the air. Yet another strange thought crossed her mind; she was an awful long way from the helplessness of the Perspex boxes in David's basement. Would she ever see them again?
The engine noise fell to a murmur as the boat pulled up to the hull of the ship. One man grabbed the ladder that ran diagonally like a staircase up the side of the ship whilst the other helped Tegan out of the inflatable. She climbed some forty steps and was a little out of breath when she got to the top and stepped onto the main deck. There she was met by a young dark skinned boy who told her, in broken English to "Follow, follow, me follow". She did as she was asked, trailing after him down three levels into the depths of the ship where she was shown to a small cabin. The room was about ten feet square housing a table, a chair and a bed. "Stay, stay" the youngster told her as he left.
Forty minutes later she was just at the point of leaving the room when the door opened and a man with a black jacket and white cap entered. The young boy stood behind him. He held out his hand and introduced himself as Graham, the captain of the vessel, which carried cargo between the many islands in the Pacific Ocean. What pleased Tegan most was the man's soft Australian accent and the tension she had felt until now drained from her; at last she felt safe.
He explained that the young boy would look after her and make sure she was fed. He also showed her the small room next door, which contained a toilet and a basin where she could wash. He apologised in advance for the fact that she would have to spend most of the journey in this room. The boat was crewed mainly by young Filipino men and he didn't want her presence on board to be widely known; you never know how these guys will react he told her with a smile. "I'll try and arrange for you to come up on deck for an hour or so in the night if at all possible" he informed her.
When she asked him where they were taking her he told her that he would be dropping her off somewhere near the Solomon Islands in ten days time where someone would be waiting to take her on the next leg of her journey. She decided she didn't want to ask him how many times he had done this before. Finally, he gave her a bag that contained a number of battered paperbacks. "Just to help you relieve the boredom," he told her with an easy smile.
After declining his offer of food but accepting one for coffee, Graham left her in the care of the young boy whose name was Darius, an unusual name for someone from the Philippines Tegan thought. Ten minutes later she was drinking steaming hot coffee. Thirty minutes later she was asleep on the surprisingly comfortable bed having briefly pondered how slowly the next seven days were going to pass.
After just over seven days in Australia, David was more than a little depressed. The initial euphoria he had felt as he drove from Sydney to Chinchilla had evaporated after many hours of fruitless searching of the areas he and Tegan had mapped out before they'd left. He'd spent the first four days driving around the huge forest to the North of the town. Two much smaller areas to the east and west had been covered the following day and the last two days he'd spent searching to the south. The problem was, he had no real idea what he was looking for. The plan that had seemed somewhat plausible back in Wyoming now seemed like a ridiculous product of fantasy.
It was after 10:00am on a Tuesday morning as he sipped a coffee in a small café opposite the town Post Office. It was very hot and there were few people out of doors. He'd taken great care during his time there not to draw attention to himself. He'd slept in the vehicle he'd rented and never went to the same shop, café or restaurant more than once. The only highlight on the horizon was Tegan's expected arrival the following evening.
He tried not to depress himself further by thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong during her journey. He was already formulating a Plan B. He and Tegan would spend a few days searching. If nothing came of it then he would suggest that he left her naked somewhere close to the road. She could make up a story about escaping while she was being transferred in a vehicle. It was flimsy and he hoped that he would think of something better by the time they were re-acquainted.
He drained his cup and studied the map that was open on the table in front of him. The "Bondage Dreams" goods had been delivered to a PO Box at the Building across the street. "What had happened then?" he'd questioned to himself. The items would have been bulky, how would they have been transferred to their final destination. He'd started to consider the possibility that they might be dealing with more than one person; that could be a huge problem.
David had visited the Post Office to buy some stamps a few days earlier just to see the layout. There was a Counter with a grill at one end but most of the shop was filled with shelves selling greetings cards, stationary, books, magazines and confectionary. There were no boxes on view and he assumed that they were to the rear of the premises; he couldn't think of a valid reason to get into that area to have a look
He pondered these problems whilst watching as an old yellow car travelled slowly down the main street from right to left. As it passed out of view he heard it stop at a cross roads then carry on again. Moments later a blue van appeared travelling in the opposite direction. It passed the Café he was sitting in and continued down the road pulling into a parking slot around three hundred yards away. He paid it no more attention.
The waitress appeared and he ordered another coffee then returned to his map. He decided to spend the next few hours searching to the South East and folded the map to show that area. The door opened and he looked up as the waitress re-appeared with his coffee. His eye also caught sight of a woman with long blonde hair walking up the pavement on the other side of the street. For a moment his attention was lost and he suddenly realised the waitress was talking to him, asking him if he wanted anything else. He shook his head, his eyes still following the woman across the street; she disappeared into a grocery store next door to the Post Office.
He paid the waitress and downed the coffee quickly, never taking his eyes of the door of the grocery store. He hadn't noticed who was driving the van as it went past and he wasn't going to get his hopes up. Tegan had mentioned a blue van though, and the fact that her captor had long blonde hair. He smiled to himself. It was highly unlikely that this was one and the same person but it was as good a shot as driving blindly around the local countryside.
The girl still hadn't re-appeared. He walked the twenty or so yards to where his own vehicle was parked, climbed in and opened the map out on the seat. The girl came out of the shop and sauntered across the road to the café he had just vacated. Rather than draw attention to himself, he started the engine of the SUV, did a U-turn in the road and drove down past where the blue van was parked. He continued for another 100 yards before parking up once more and settling down to watch the blue van in his rear view mirror.
Forty-five minutes later the girl returned to her vehicle. She loaded some bags onto the passenger seat then climbed in and started the engine, heading west back the way she had come. David did another U-Turn in the road and followed the blue van. The roads were straight with hardly any traffic and he stayed as far back as he could. They travelled nearly forty kilometres down the highway before the van took a left turn and headed south. David was nearly a mile behind and he put his foot down to get to the junction.
Turning left there was no sign of the blue van. His heart was in his mouth as he sped around the first bend only to find the vehicle pottering along some 300 yards or so in front. Not wanting to draw suspicion now by lagging back, he followed the van through a series of bends, overtaking on the first straight piece of road. He caught a glimpse of the girl as he passed and sped away. The road was long and straight now and he could easily see the van in his rear view mirror as he motored down the tarmac. Once he was around a mile in front he slowed down so he could maintain that distance.
He drove steadily regularly checking his rear view mirror. After covering twelve miles he checked the mirror and saw that the van was no longer behind him; it had been there seconds earlier. He bought his own SUV to a halt and turned it around on the hot tarmac strip. Slowly he edged back down the road until he came to a single-track road that led off to a forest of trees about three quarters of a mile away. He couldn't see the van but he could see the dust settling on the road, a clear indication that a vehicle had recently passed.
He could feel the hope rise inside him and cautioned himself again not to get over excited. However, there were three elements now in place, a blue van, a girl with long blonde hair and a wood. He smiled inwardly as he put the SUV in gear and drove three hundred yards further down the highway to the next turn. He took it, parking up once the main road was no longer in sight, and considered what to do next.
David studied the map. There was nothing to indicate any kind of building in the forest but he could see no other track entering those trees for a considerable distance. He didn't want to drive down the dusty track; it might arouse suspicion. Nor did he want to just walk down in the open. He pondered the problem for a few minutes then started his SUV, returned to the main road and drove back the way he had come. Just over a mile later he came to a lay-by. He parked and locked his vehicle then hopped over a wooden fence and trotted maybe half a mile over open grass until he came to the tree line. He entered the outskirts of the forest then turned left and headed back towards the single-track road under cover.
The ground was uneven with a thick covering of damp leaves and he had to be careful of his footing; it took him nearly forty minutes to cover the mile back to where the road entered the forest. This time he turned right and followed the road once more staying in the tree line. He'd been walking for ten minutes when he came to a gap in the trees. The road cut across the open space for one hundred or so yards before disappearing into the trees again. He crouched down listening. He could hear nothing and made his decision, rising up and sprinting across the open gap. Twenty seconds later he was back under cover of the trees again. He checked his watch; it was just after 1:00pm.
He decided to walk up the road for three hours. If he didn't find anything, he'd return to his vehicle, take the risk and drive the length of the road instead. As luck would have it, he had only been walking for thirty minutes when he came to a junction. The track continued on and a small rutted road led off to the right. David's instinct was to follow the smaller road and it proved to be right. Some two hundred yards along that path the forest widened into a copse. As he edged further he could see the corner of what appeared to be an ill-kept building.
Continuing to creep slowly forward through the trees a large structure came gradually into view. It looked a little like a single storey motel apart from the centre of the building where a second floor existed. All the ground floor windows were boarded up but he could see a row of three windows on the higher level. It gave the impression that the upper part of the building had not been built at the same time as the ground floor of the property. However, the most heartening thing David saw was the blue van parked by a tired brown door.
More and more he was convincing himself that this was the place. It was still quiet and he could see no sign of life in the building; he decided it would be worth examining the rear of the structure. He worked his way through the trees once more, staying a little deeper just in case there were any security measures; although non were obvious. Once at the rear, he could see a large lawn that led more or less from the house to the trees. There was also a large metal structure built on the lawn about fifteen yards from the building. David smiled again becoming more confident that he had found what he came for. He thought of the tale Tegan had told him about being bound outside at night in a thunderstorm. "This has to be the place," he said to himself as he continued moving.
It took him almost an hour to circle the building; there was still no sign of life. Now he was at the front again staring at the structure from the other side of the rutted track. The next problem was, how was he going to get inside; or entice the occupant out? "Was there more than one occupant?" he wondered. There were no obvious points of entry; could he just knock on the door and say he was lost; it was doubtful whether such an approach would prove successful. He pondered the problem as he slipped back into the trees and returned to his vehicle.
This time he felt more confident using the proper roads. Once he reached the dusty single-track road he jogged back to the highway then along to his car. Thirty-five minutes later he was driving back to Chinchilla. During the journey he surmised that there was nothing more to be done until Tegan arrived. She would need to confirm that this was the place then they would put whatever plan they came up with into operation.
Determining that his best course of action now was to remain as anonymous as possible he passed through Chinchilla and headed towards Brisbane. Four hours later he booked a room at the large Hilton in the centre of the city, took a shower and collapsed into the oversized bed. The following day he was due to pick up Tegan; now the main thing he had to worry about was whether or not she would be there.
At the very moment that David was checking into the hotel, Tegan was in a much smaller craft than the ship that had taken her across the Pacific, heading towards the eastern coastline of her homeland. The seven days aboard the ship had passed much quicker than she had anticipated. She had slept a lot, read four paperbacks and eaten well although the food, whilst edible, had not been very enticing and had lacked diversity.
She'd also spent a lot of time thinking about David and the ranch. She thought of ropes and Perspex boxes, of furs and chains, of all the things she hadn't tried yet. She tried to remember how she used to fantasise about such things when she had learned how to tie herself up. The trouble with self-bondage was that she always knew that, eventually, she would escape. Bondage at the ranch had offered no such assurances and thus she found it so much more satisfying. Her fantasies prior to her kidnap in no way matched the ones she had now, now that she had experienced the real thrill of being helpless. It made her wet just thinking about it. There was one particular experience that she played over in her mind again and again, the day that David had introduced her to the device he called "The Iron Maiden".
It was a few days after their visit to Rapid City. They had woken in the Star Room early, the sun pouring through the windows, and David wanted to complete some maintenance outside. By now Tegan knew the score; David working on something meant a session of tight bondage for her whilst he was busy. "It's time we tried something new", he told her over breakfast. The anticipation was almost overwhelming as he led her naked down to the basement and into a room on the immediate right of the stairs.
When she entered, Tegan found herself looking across the floor at a large object that seemed like a giant metal cabinet; it dominated the room. Two matching chests rested against the wall to the right. Between the cabinet and the chests a set of spreader bars dangled from a sturdy fixing in the ceiling. "What do you think?" David asked as she took in the contents of the room. Tegan tossed her head back, her hair lifting and falling like snow over her shoulders as she crossed the floor to get a closer view.
The cabinet was about eight feet in height and very solid. The metal was a mottled matt black. Tegan reached out and pushed it experimentally with her hand. It didn't budge. She pushed a little harder; still it didn't move. She leant against it and pressed with all her might. Nothing. The cabinet was solidly attached to the floor, either that or it weighed about two tons! She examined it more closely.
Cabinet was not really the right word to describe it. It was a large, very solid, metal box. Down each side Tegan could see a small line, an indication of where the box would open. On the left side four heavy-duty hinges, each some five inches long, held the two halves of the box together. On the opposite side four equally heavy-duty clasps kept the box locked tightly in the closed position. Between the second and third clasps there was also a device that looked a little like a ratchet. A narrow split at the front of the box some 18 inches from the top was just high enough that she couldn't quite crane her neck far enough to see what was inside.
Tegan studied the box for a moment longer then turned and looked at David. "It's exciting", she told him answering his previous question. "Can I open it?" she asked, a smile on her face which betrayed her inquisitiveness. She looked at him sweetly, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth a little. David crossed the room to her side and slipped an arm around her waist, squeezing her against him. "Would you like to see how it works?".
Tegan turned and kissed him lightly, brushing her lips against his, at the same time slipping her hand between his legs her fingers squeezing his crotch. "Mmmmmmmmm, do you really need to ask a question like that," she murmured, pressing herself against him and giving her hips a little shake. "You really are incorrigible," he told her smiling. Instead of opening the curious device though, he led her across the room and stood her beneath the spreader bar. "We need to do a little preparation first," he told her, his ever present smile widening.
The spreader was dangling from a pulley in the ceiling and the rope ran down to the ground where it was tied through a small but extremely solid looking metal ring set into the floor. David took Tegan's left hand in his. He raised her hand to his lips, kissing the back gently, letting his tongue slide over her soft skin then lifting it above her head. Reaching up with his own hand, he hooked the cuff at the end of the bar and wrapped it around Tegan's wrist. Tegan turned her head to watch as David clamped the cuff tightly around her wrist and then fastened each of the three buckles. He pulled the first buckle tight, made sure the cuff was properly in place then tightened the other two.
Once he was happy the cuff was firmly in place, he tightened each buckle again in turn.
As he reached up Tegan leaned forward, turning her head slightly, and kissed his arm. "Do you have any idea what you do to me David". She spoke softly, quietly, her voice sounding slightly distant. David finished buckling the cuff and trailed his fingers down her arm, over her shoulder around her neck. "Some" he said as he trailed his fingers along her other arm, then took her right hand and brought it to his lips. "I certainly know what I'm going to do to you now," he smiled.
As he kissed her hand, he looked into her face thinking how radiant she looked, her dark hair falling over the creamy skin of her shoulders. Then he raised her arm up towards the second cuff. Tegan grinned and lowered her other arm a bit, tilting the spreader and raising the second cuff out of David's reach. He looked at her then smiled. Holding her one hand still, he lowered it, stepped to the left a bit, put his free hand on her other elbow and pushed her arm up again. As he stepped back across her and raised her free hand once more Tegan lowered her other hand again trying really hard not to giggle.
David watched as the cuff was raised out of his reach once more then let go of her hand. Dave tried to look at her sternly but Tegan started laughing and that just made him smile. "Mmmm, I can see some negative Brownie Points being scored here," he said. Still smiling, he lifted the arm with the cuff attached but this time slid his fingers across the bar until he was holding the opposite end. Tegan smiled too but, when he raised her free arm again, she stood still while he buckled it into the cuff. Again, he took some time to ensure it was seated properly on her wrist before buckling it really tightly in place. With the spreader bar in position, Tegan's arms were held firmly apart. Next, he loosened the rope from the ring in the floor and slowly pulled, raising her arms taught above her head.
"Oh please, yes, yes" Tegan murmured as she felt herself stretched. David pulled on the rope until he could feel her weight fully on the bar, see her feet almost leaving the ground then lowered the bar slightly until Tegan could stand with her feet flat on the floor. Happy that she was stretched, but also in a position that was not too extreme, David tied off the rope. He kissed her then, returning, standing in front of her and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her too him as his lips covered hers, her own lips parting to allow his tongue to caress hers. They enjoyed a lingering moment, David with his arms around her, Tegan with hers stretched above her head.
When David finally broke the kiss and looked into her eyes Tegan smiled softly. "And now that you've got me honey, what are you going to do with me". David's eyes locked onto hers for a moment and then he slowly turned his head towards the large metal box. Tegan craned her head, trying to turn around and look too. When she turned her head back, David was already looking into her eyes again. "Well", he said with a smile, "I'm going to prepare you for the Iron Maiden".
"The Iron Maiden," Tegan repeated, "that's what that big metal box is, the Iron Maiden?". Dave smiled and nodded. "Indeed it is Tegan, I think your going to like it". Tegan thought about it for a moment. The box had looked harmless enough, but the name Iron Maiden conjured up images of torture and captivity. She smiled at him. "I know I'll like it" she said. As she spoke, she pressed her thighs together, not exactly certain that she wanted David to see how wet she was already; anticipation did that too her most times.
David kissed her lightly and stepped away, Tegan's eyes following him as he walked over to the metal chests. Lifting both lids, he rummaged around inside, picking up a number of items before returning to where Tegan was secured. He smiled as he looked at the graceful curves of her body. Stretched out as she was, David could see the fine lines of her muscles in her arms, her thighs, her calves. Her breasts were firm and pert, the raised arms accentuating their shape. A sudden thought crossed his mind; nipple rings would be a lovely adornment for such beautiful breasts. He filed the thought away as a future possibility.
He was starting to feel a familiar aching as he laid the implements he had selected on the floor. Tegan watched him intently as he placed the toys at her feet; a black ball gag, a paddle about 12 inches long and four inches wide, the rich polished wood on one side contrasting with a thick layer of black fur on the other. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth again, David thought she looked so cute when she did that, as he laid out two nipple clamps attached by a thin silver chain. She sucked in her breath when he laid down the black leather collar with D-rings at the front and back. After laying the items down, he came back to her, slipping his arms around her waist and squeezed her tightly. "Just going to get some more things babe" he smiled, kissing her on the nose then departing through the door. "I won't be long" he shouted over his shoulder.
Tegan watched him leave, rubbing her thighs together, feeling a small ache starting to grow in the depths of her loins. She tested the cuffs, letting the bar take her weight as she lifted her feet of the floor and hung for a moment by her arms, swinging gently as if she were a flower in a light summers breeze. She placed her feet on the floor again, aware of the slight ache in her shoulders and imagining what David might have in store for her. She turned slightly and her eyes fell on the Iron Maiden.
Now that she knew its name it looked a little more foreboding. When she had been sliding her fingertips over the smooth metal earlier, it was just a box. Now it was an instrument of medieval torture. She wondered what the slit near the top was for, wondered also about the curve in the metal just below the centre that she now noticed. She was still wondering when David returned. Now that he was back, she hoped she wouldn't have long to wait to find out.
As he stepped through the door Tegan saw the black leather in his hand and her face changed. "Is that a corset?" she thought to herself, "is he going to strap me up in a corset and then tie me". She felt almost dizzy as he laid the garment on the floor. She loved the thought of the soft leather squeezing her body tight in an enormous, never ending hug, the garment pressing against the underside of her breasts, squeezing her ribs making it difficult to breath, flattening her stomach, the laces pressing against the length of her spine. She noticed also, that he'd had something else in his hand, a spreader bar with black leather cuffs which he laid at her feet. She watched as he picked up the collar and lifted it to her neck, positioning it so that the D-rings were at the front and back.
"I thought you might like that" he smiled his eyes glancing towards the corset as he buckled the collar in place around her neck. Tegan's eyes had been firmly fixed on the garment but the gentle touch of David's fingers on her skin focussed her attention on her captivity once more.
The leather was surprisingly soft around her neck and made her skin feel both warm and cool at the same time. David slipped a finger between the collar and the smooth creamy skin making sure the black garment didn't restrict her breathing at all. Then he lifted his arm and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, moving it slowly down from her temple to her jaw then softly back again. Tegan purred quietly, tilting her head and pressing her cheek into his skin. "Mmmmmmmmm" she purred again. A gentle smile crossed David's face. He loved that soft sensual sound she made when she was starting to get aroused. He brushed his lips gently across hers then picked up the nipple clamps, the silver chain flowing over his fingers.
Unfastening one clamp from the end of the chain, he passed the fine links through the D-ring at the front of the collar and then re-attached the chain to the clamp. For the moment, he left the clamps dangling from her neck. Tegan looked at him, her eyes seeming to smoulder and again, David felt an incredible urge just to wrap his arms around her, tear off his clothes and take her right then. Tegan seemed to read his mind and, smiling wickedly, she tossed her head back, her hair lifting and falling over her shoulders, flowing down her back. Then she looked straight back into his eyes and uttered, in an incredibly delicately feminine and alluring voice, "You know you can have me now whenever you want David, I can't stop you, I don't want to stop you". As she finished speaking, she licked her lips teasingly then tossed her head again, her hair flaying down her back, the nipple clamps clinking gently together between her breasts.
David had been about to pick up the corset but instead, he stopped, slipping his arms around her waist again. "I know," he said with a smile, "I know". He kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers, his fingers lightly caressing her left breast until they came in contact with the nipple. David started to flick the hard nub up and down with his finger and soon Tegan was moaning softly into the kiss. After sucking at her bottom lip for some moments, his tongue chasing and duelling with hers, he broke the kiss tracing a course down her body with his lips, over her chin, over the collar, down the swell of her breast until his lips met his own fingers. Then, he sucked the nipple into his mouth wrapping his arms around her and pressing her against him as his tongue brushed teasingly over the tip of her bud, his mouth sucking hard, his teeth biting tenderly into the flesh.
Tegan moaned and pressed herself against him, her nipple starting to ache with the attention. David stopped sucking and started flicking the nipple with his tongue, feeling it harden at his touch. Then he pulled away, holding her breast with his hand while he took one of the nipple clamps, pressed the ends to open the jaws and closed it over her delicate flesh. "Oh god, please no, oh no, ahhhhhhhh", Tegan moaned, the sound turning more into a cry as David turned the small knurled nut that tightened the jaws on her flesh. "Oh please god, please don't, please, please". Tegan was writhing now, pulling hard against the chains as the fire surged through her nipple.
David stopped winding the nut as he saw the jaws tighten onto the flesh and was sure Tegan could not shake it loose. He looked up into her eyes, which were now closed, then turned his attention to her second nipple, teasing that with his teeth and tongue until that too was hard. As he closed the jaws of the second clamp around the dark flesh Tegan tried to pull away from him crying out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. His hands followed her movement though and he tightened the second clamp in place as she twisted and turned as best she could. When he'd positioned the clamps, he pulled the chains linking the two slowly tight until all the slack was gone and the chain was just starting to lift her breast. Then he tightened the chain too, reached up to stroke her cheek and kissed her once more as she opened her eyes.
Tegan looked at him, her eyes locking on his as she just formed the word "Please" on her lips, a plea that made David reach up with his hand and gently lift the chain with his fingers. Tegan threw her head back, closing her eyes again as she felt the dull throb in her nipples. The pressure eased slightly as David released the chain and, and then she felt his hands on her ankles. She felt the soft caress of the leather as he tightened the cuffs of the spreader bar around her, clamping one firmly on her right leg then spreading her wide and tightening the second cuff firmly in place on her left. She moaned as she felt his touch, felt his hands on her legs forcing them apart, felt the strain in her groin as her limbs were stretched by the bar. She tossed her head back and felt the pull on her nipples as the chain was tugged slightly by the movement of her collar, jogging the memory of the dull ache in her breasts. The ache in her groin didn't just come from her legs either.
Her pussy felt like it was on fire and she thought that she must be dripping now. She thrust her hips forward but there was nothing there for her to touch, nothing there for her to thrust against and she groaned with a growing frustration. Her nipples ached, her shoulders were starting to hurt as, more and more, her legs became less able to support her. Her groin felt stretched. She opened her eyes and looked up to where the rope that held the spreader passed through the pulley in the ceiling. She felt so open, so displayed, so hot, so horny, so frustrated, so helpless. Yes, that was what really got to her now, her absolute helplessness to prevent him doing anything he wanted.
Best of all though, she felt safe in his hands, trusted him with her body, trusted him with her very soul. She closed her eyes once more trying to come to terms with the myriad of emotions that flowed through her. When she opened them again, her eyes found David's looking back at her, a smile on his face, the corset in his hands. She couldn't help but smile as she saw the look of pleasure, the look of satisfaction in his face. "You bastard" she said in a quiet voice, closing her eyes again and waiting.
David opened the corset out in his hands as his eyes roamed over her body, not for the first time thinking how lucky he was as he admired the girl bound in front of him. He couldn't quite put his finger on what it was that made him think the way he did, but he knew that he was with someone special. He wondered if she realised the effect she had on him, wondered if she realised how much her trust was worth to him. His smile widened as she cursed him and he stepped forward pressing the corset against her, positioning it under her breasts.
The garment was made of the softest leather; the girl in the store in Rapid City had assured him it was of the highest quality; with ribs built into the side and it moulded over her skin. Tegan murmured her approval softly as he lifted the garment slightly, the top piece running between her breasts and ending in two straps. There were no other items adorning the garment, just the holes along the back for the laces.
David spread garment over and around her, placing his hand on the front and holding it in place whilst he moved to her side. He took the lace and started to thread it through all the eyelets loosely taking care to keep the ends even. When all the holes were done he started to tug the lacing a little tighter, using one hand to pull out the slack. Once he had worked his way to the bottom of the corset the garment rested on her body. It wasn't tight but it was firm enough that he could let go at the front and walk behind her completely. He placed his hands on Tegan's shoulders and started to massage them gently. She groaned in response, standing on her tiptoes so she could push into his touch. "Mmmmmmm, that's lovely babe, please don't stop".
David smiled and continued for a few moments then slipped his hand beneath her hair and lifted, pulling it out from beneath the corset and allowing it to flow down her back. Then he ran his fingers over her arms for a moment before his hands returned to the corset lace. Tegan groaned loudly as he started to pull the garment really tightly around her, hooking the laces with his fingers, pulling them hard then working down to the next one. The corset squeezed Tegan's ribs together, hugged her stomach, and seemed to mould itself into her skin. She kept her eyes closed, moaning slightly as she rocked her head from side to side, lost now in a world of her own.
Suddenly she became aware that he was whispering her name in her ear "Tegan, Tegan" he was saying to her quietly. "Mmmmmmmm, yes babe" she replied dreamily. "I want you to take three deep breaths Tegan, and on the last one blow the air out as hard as you can" David stroked her hair as he spoke and she smiled. "Mmmmmm, anything for you babe," she replied and took the first deep breath. She felt the corset tighten against her skin as her lungs expanded then she slowly breathed out and in again. On the third breath, she blew the air out as hard as she could. As she did, David pulled hard on the laces and she felt the garment suddenly constrict around her. She kept blowing for a moment then tried to take another deep breath but couldn't.
"Blow" she heard David saying, a touch sharply she thought, and she blew out once more, again feeling the corset tighten, this time around her waist, as he pulled hard. Tegan tried to breath in and but could only manage a short gasp, the corset constricting her really tightly now. Wanting to please, she tried to blow out one more time, starting to feel slightly dizzy through lack of oxygen. As she did, she felt the garment squeeze her hips. David pulled on the last of the laces near the bottom then tied the knot to keep them in place. He thought he could probably have got the corset a little tighter but he wanted her to be able to breath without any difficulty, to just use the corset as a reminder of her captivity.
Finally, he lifted the small piece at the front between her breasts, passing the two straps over the top of each one before slipping them through the buckles and tightening them down over the soft flesh. Tegan groaned as she felt the straps bite into her skin, the pressure raising her nipples a little. She struggled a little before feeling his hands on her shoulders again. "Relax babe" he was whispering in her ear "Just let yourself go". She could only take short shallow breaths now and in her excitement, she realised she was panting quite heavily. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on David's gentle, soothing touch. Slowly, her breathing settled.
She started taking small lungfuls of air, each one accompanied by the pressure of the corset as her chest expanded even a little. She closed her eyes feeling the tightness around her body once more, a constricting pressure much different from the ropes that had held her so often. David's fingers were easing the muscles in her shoulders and soon she found that her breathing had settled and her body was quite relaxed. Indeed, Tegan felt so relaxed that, without realising it, her legs were hardly supporting her now, her body quite limp as she dangled from the spreader bar by her wrists.
David smiled, seeing her go limp. Slowly, he ran his hands down her back, caressing her spine through the soft leather. He watched her body flinch a little as his hands left the leather and caressed the firm skin of her ass. Slowly, he trailed his fingers over her bum then, dropping to his knees behind her, he held her hips and slowly traced the rim of her asshole with his tongue, feeling her whole body shake. "Oh David", he heard her whisper restlessly, her breath starting to come in short gasps again. He licked her ass for a moment longer then ran his fingers around to her inner thighs again.
Slowly, he feathered his fingertips over her soft creamy flesh then, reaching forward, he stroked it the length of her pussy, feeling her wetness. "OH GOD PLEASE.............." Tegan cried out, and then, more quietly, more softly, "Please, please, please". David continued to stroke her for a moment then stopped, rising to his feet again. "No, please, please don't stop," Tegan pleaded with him. He walked around to the front of her, trailing his fingers over her body as he did so then gently touching the chain and flicking it, the vibration teasing at her nipples. "Oh David," Tegan murmured, closing her eyes again, "Please, I ache so much David, please, Oh God". Her mind seemed to drift off for a moment and David reached down and picked up the double-sided paddle raising the side with the fur to her face.
He started stroking her cheek and this elicited more soft moans from Tegan as she pressed her face back into the paddle her eyes still firmly closed. David continued to caress her cheeks for a while, her head following the motion of his hand. As her eyes seemed to tighten, and her mind seemed to drift further away, he moved the paddle stroking the smooth, soft, sensuous material over her arms, her shoulders, caressed it over the swell of her breasts trying not to catch the chain, occasionally failing causing it to tug on her nipple, a constant reminder of the dull pain in her breasts.
He ran it down the front of the corset and Tegan moaned loudly as he pressed it between her legs, stroking the fur over the soft tender skin at the top of her thigh. Tegan bucked then, thrusting her hips, trying to lower herself to get some relief for her pussy. David moved a little closer to her, placing his left hand on the small of her back, holding her in place and turning the toy around in his hand. Then, the paddle came alive in his hand as he began a rhythm on the tender skin of her inner thigh, lifting the implement some three inches from her body then bringing it down with a smart smack five times in quick succession.
"AHHHHH, PLEASE, AHHHHHHH, NO, NO, OHHH GODDDDDDD". Tegans's voice was above a moan now, much more than a simple plea as the wood bit into her skin. David turned the paddle over and started stroking the fur over her reddening flesh again. "Oohhhhhhhhh, PLEASEEEEE" Tegan groaned, her voice rising, a bead of perspiration trickling down her cheek now. David lowered his hand and started stroking her buttocks, squeezing the firm flesh in his fingers. Tegan groaned once more and then she was shouting again as David turned the paddle again and smacked her five more times the wooden instrument beating a rapid tattoo on her thigh.
As soon as he stopped and turned the paddle over again, he lifted his hand and brought his palm down on her ass in a short, sharp smack, repeating the action three times. Tegan's hips bucked against the paddle as she fought to move away from David's hand. "Oh shit", she moaned again as she fought to control the sensations. He clenched her cheeks in his hand, squeezing quickly and then releasing her and moving to the other side, stroking the fur against the inner thigh of her other leg. Tegan tensed now, knowing what to expect and David felt this. He squeezed her firmly but gently with his fingers then lifted the paddle and smacked her once.
Tegan jumped and yelped as he started stroking her again, turning the paddle in his hand, As he stroked, he raised his hand and bought the palm down sharply on her ass again with a loud thwack. "AAHHHHHHHHH" Tegan shouted breathlessly. David lifted his fingers to her cheek then, turning her face to his and kissing her deeply. Tegan responded passionately sucking his tongue into her mouth pressing her face to his. When he broke the kiss, David slid the paddle back between her legs and then, looking into her eyes, he lifted the implement and thwacked it onto her inner thigh again. "AAAHHH" Tegan moaned again, closing her eyes then looking back at David dreamily.
He thwacked her again and she flinched but this time didn't say anything. Two more thwacks on her thigh, neither of which elicited a response, told David she was in control of herself and he leaned forward and kissed her once more. She responded to this kiss as fervently as she had the last and groaned loudly when he moved away from her a little, gradually breaking the contact between their lips. "Oh please, please" Tegan spoke quietly, her eyes closing as David knelt again, trailing his fingers slowly down her body, over her stomach and finally between her legs.
Placing the paddle on the floor, he slowly traced a line over the lips of her pussy then eased them apart and pressed forward running his tongue the entire length of her sex before teasing her clit, sucking the nub between his teeth and very gently shaking his head. Tegan shouted out then and tried to grind her moistness against his mouth. Moistness wasn't the right word. David couldn't believe how wet she was. He splayed his fingers over her inner thighs and pushed her back slightly. "OH GOD PLEASE, PLEASE," she panted now. "Please let me come David, please," and then, in a much softer voice she moaned "Please David, please, I need to come, please don't tease me any more".
David was struck not only by the softness and sensuality of her voice but also the very real desire. He scraped his fingers down her inner thigh then reached down and picked up the paddle again raising it up between her legs and stroking the wood surface over her smooth butt. Tegan tensed at the touch, her muscles tightening her hips swaying forward again only to be met by David's fingers pressing lightly on her lips. He ran them slowly along the length of her sex once more and then pushed gently, his fingers slipping easily inside her and immediately becoming coated with her juices.
It felt a bit like sliding his fingers into a furnace. As he pushed inside her, he swung the paddle, bringing it down sharply, but not with any great force, across her ass. Tegan jerked forward groaning, the motion forcing David's fingers deeper inside her. "Oh god yes" she purred, the purr turning to a moan as David drew back the paddle and smacked her again driving her even more forcefully onto him. Soon, Tegan was bucking and writhing on his fingers as he continued to bring the paddle down on her ass. Her juices flowed over his hand, her moans turning to cries as David's thumb eventually found its way to her clit, his nail scraping against the tender flesh.
"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God yes, yes" Tegan panted, her breathing made all the more difficult by the tightness of the corset. "OHHH GOOODDDDDD" she screamed again and then she exploded on his fingers, her whole frame tensing as the orgasm drove through her body seeming to tingle her toes and her fingertips at the very same time. Her body stiffened as a second wave of pleasure flowed through her like an ever expanding ripple of water. David dropped the paddle as she bucked and writhed, wrapping his arm around her bum, his fingers still deep inside her pussy as she thrust her hips against his hand once more. "Oh my, oh God," she purred as, slowly, her body came to rest. He hugged her tight then, leaving his fingers inside her but not moving them, his other arm wrapped around her, resting his head against her thigh, feeling the little spasms through his cheek as slowly, Tegan first settled and then hung limp from the cuffs.
David hugged her until she hadn't moved for a few moments then slowly withdrew his fingers and stood up, looking into her face. Tegan's eyes were closed and there was a contented look on her face. He traced his fingers across her lips and she moaned, leaning her head forward a little to lick David's fingers, to taste herself. She purred quietly as she did this, her eyes remaining closed. David kissed her cheek then stroked his fingers down the side of her face. Then he kissed her on the lips before leaning forward and whispering in her ear "I think it's time we got you inside the Iron Maiden beautiful". Tegan's eyes stayed shut but the corners of her mouth turned up slightly as she smiled and a small gasp escaped from her lips. "Mmmmmm, yes please honey," she murmured.
David bent down and loosened the rope holding the spreader above her head then, holding the rope taught so she didn't fall, stepped back against her, wrapping an arm around her before slowly lowering the cuffs. Tegan didn't try to stand, and David took hold of her as he allowed the spreader to fall. When he released the rope, Tegan's arms fell over his head, the spreader falling into his lower back, her head resting on his shoulder. David, held her like that for a few moments, his arms tight around her hugging her close. Then, he kissed the top of her head gently before leading her over to the two metal boxes by the wall.
Ducking out from under her, he lowered her down gently onto the box and leant her against the wall. Her arms fell limp, the spreader bar resting on her thighs. He stroked his hands down her back, his fingers caressing the soft leather of the corset and then he knelt and removed the spreader bar from her ankles, carefully loosening the cuffs and then easing it away from her feet. He stroked her legs gently and then eased the second spreader off her wrists. He kissed the top of her head again running his fingers through her hair. "Just stay there and rest a moment babe" he smiled. Tegan purred quietly, only too happy to remain still and catch her breath, highly aware of the corset constricting her lungs.
With that, David placed the spreaders on the floor and pulled another garment from the second container. He laid his hands on her shoulders and lifted her body, encouraging her to stand. As she rose, Tegan looked at him and smiled, her eyes falling on the garment in his hands. She could see the black leather was a match for the corset she was wearing, could see the straps and laces covering the material but it's use didn't dawn on her immediately.
"What's that" she asked with a smile, the twinkle returning to her eyes. David could tell she was recovering from the spreaders and smiled. "These are your arm binders Tegan" he said with a smile opening the material out in his arms. She smiled softly. "Mmmmmm, of course they are," she said with a grin then stood up a little straighter and clasped her hands behind her back, an act which thrust her breasts forward a little. "Show me please babe" she said in a quiet voice.
There it was again thought David, that low throaty sensual whisper that made his knees go weak with desire. He brushed his lips against hers then moved behind her and lowered the sleeve, slipping her hands inside the top and then using the straps to pull the garment up. The soft leather caressed her skin as he fitted it over her arms. The lacings were quite loose and he soon had the binder loosely wrapped around her limbs, the soft leather covering her all the way from her upper arms right down to her wrists.
Passing the leather straps over her shoulder, he crossed them under the chain and between her breasts, wrapped them around her sides and then buckled them behind her, securing the sleeve in position. Next he started to tighten the laces. Beginning at her wrists, he pulled on the thin cords, first welding her pretty wrists together and then slowly working his way up her arms, drawing them together as he pulled on the thin cords. Tegan felt the tightness develop slowly in her shoulders.
The sheathe spread the load all along her arms and initially it didn't feel like she was being tied at all. As David drew the cords over her elbows however, she tried to flex her arms and found that there was absolutely no give at all. The feeling was wonderful. The corset and the sheathe held her so tightly and yet she felt like she could stay in that position for hours and hours. "Maybe that's what he has in mind" she smiled to herself and shivered as the thought grew in her mind. Already, she was starting to feel horny again.
David continued working the laces tighter and tighter before finally tying them off near the shoulders. The straps came next. There were six of them the length of the sleeve and he pulled the first one across the laces around her wrists, slipped it through the buckle and pulled it tight. Two more straps were tightened across her forearms and Tegan groaned as she felt the fourth one pulled just below her elbows. The fifth strap was locked just above her elbows and the final strap around her upper arms completed the picture.
David combed his fingers through her hair straightening it down her back so it flowed over her bound arms once more and then ran his hands over her cute butt before finally placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her to face him. Again he looked into her eyes and then kissed her gently. "You know I think you're gorgeous don't you," he said softly. Tegan smiled back at him and lifted her eyes to look across the room. "The Iron Maiden" she said softly, a smile on her lips. David kissed her again. "Of course" he smiled back hooking his little finger around the chain attached to the nipple clamps. "Let me introduce you" he said with a grin as he guided her slowly across the room.
As they walked across the room, David directing her by simple tugs on the chain with his finger, Tegan kept her eyes on the large metal box. It loomed like a monolith and she could feel the wetness between her legs once more as David guided her to the front and slightly to one side of it before slipping his finger off the chain and kissing her for the umpteenth time.
Tegan took as deep a breath as the corset would allow and flexed her arms against the sheathe that held them. There was no give whatsoever and she smiled to herself. She hadn't expected any, indeed, she thought she would have been a little disappointed if there had been some small movement there. As it was, she couldn't move her arms apart at all and she moistened her lips with her tongue, her pussy tingling, as she watched David loosen the four heavy duty latches then unscrew the ratchet a little before moving the bulbous end out of the spigot. Slowly he pulled the door open.
Tegan craned her neck to get a better look inside. At first glance, all she could see was a mass of fur. She stepped forward, her arms straining at the soft leather that held them, and David moved to one side so she could get a better look. The box was in two equal halves and each was filled with soft white fur from top to bottom. The door appeared to be nothing but fur. The body, however, had a mass of black leather straps which were obviously attached into the metal somewhere behind the sensuous white material. Tegan thought she counted about fourteen sets of straps mounted from top to bottom and it wasn't difficult to see that they were arranged in the outline of the body.
She moved closer to see if she could determine exactly how the straps were fixed but the fur was too deep. She leaned forward and rubbed her face gently in the fur, shivering at the soft gentle caress of the material then turning her head and pressing harder. Her face sank into the fur a little but it was obvious that there was a much firmer material behind it. She rubbed her head up and down, a little like a cat would graze its head against a person's hand. Finally, she turned, leaning back against the fur and looking at David. "Show me how it works please," she said, running her tongue over her lips again.
David kissed her, placing his hands on her shoulders and standing her straight, her back still facing the rear of the Maiden, her feet about a foot in front. "You know the Iron Maiden was an instrument of medieval torture don't you babe" ha said with a smile. Tegan nodded, biting gently on her lower lip, her natural curiosity overcoming her slight apprehension at the words medieval torture. "Well" he continued "this is a similar concept but, instead of torturing you to extract a confession, this is more of a sexual torture. Let's see what you think" he said with a smile.
Tegan remained quiet feeling more than just a little weak at the knees. "Now just relax and give me you foot," he said kneeling by her feet and wrapping a hand around her right ankle. Tegan did just that and David lifted her foot up and back, positioning it on the fur covered base of the device. Tegan felt the soft material against her leg and sighed, once more closing her eyes and trying to get her thoughts in order. She felt David in front of her again wrapping his arms around her and heard his soft voice in her ear. "Now just bend forward and let me take your weight then place your other leg inside babe".
Again Tegan complied, feeling the same soft caress on her other ankle and David pushed her slowly back into the device, keeping her bent forward a little. Her legs sank into the fur at the back and she could feel the soft caress on the backs of her calves and thighs as he positioned her. Then she let out a surprised squeal. As her bum sank into the fur, she felt a hardness against her ass. "Just relax babe" David whispered quietly, slipping his hand between her legs and positioning the device she had just touched, a thin dildo, and manoeuvred the tip against her ass hole, guiding it with his fingers. Then he slowly eased her onto the device.
Tegan moaned as she felt the thin probe penetrate her ass and she tried to relax as it sank inside her. David gently pushed her until her ass was hard against the fur then lifted her shoulders until they too were pressed into the soft white blanket, brushing her hair around her face as he did so. Then, he pulled one of the straps across her chest, "Just so you don't fall forward babe", he said in a gentle voice.
Tegan wriggled, still trying to get used to the phallic like object now buried deep in her ass. She was surrounded by fur but her body was not flush with the edge of the box. It suddenly dawned on her that, sooner or later, David would be closing the door and she would have all the material at the front pressing on her too. She tried, and failed, to imagine what that pressure was going to be like. "Oh God" she said silently to herself.
She was convinced her pussy must be dripping like a tap with a faulty washer now. She felt David's fingers on her right foot and another pulse went through her as he wrapped the soft strap around her ankle, slipping the end through the buckle and pulling it tight. There were more straps, one around her calf, one just below her knee, one above the knee, one around the middle of her thigh and a final one around the top of her thigh, pulling her bum a little more onto the toy. Then he was working his way up the other leg and she just sighed as she felt his practiced fingers tighten the straps around her legs.
With her legs tightly strapped in place, David laid the next strap over her hips and pulled it tight. Tegan felt the softness of the fur, a sharp contrast to the hardness of the toy inside her. As he slipped the hip strap through the buckle Tegan tried to move, just a fraction. She couldn't. The straps held the lower half of her body so firmly into the fur she could have been part of the box. The straps around her hips and upper thighs held her cute butt firmly on the toy mounted on the back of the box. Her arms, already tightly strapped behind her, she could still move a little but, as David tightened the next strap around her waist, even that small element of freedom was denied too her.
The next two straps, the first just below her breasts, the second already in place above her chest on the swell of her breast, which David tightened a couple of notches, completed her captivity. She felt the pull of the soft material on her arms, felt the softness of the fur on her back even through the corset. She moaned quietly as she flexed her muscles against her bonds. There was no movement, no flexibility at all. The corset, the sheathe, the straps, all combined to hold her completely and utterly immobile in a soft white sea of sensuality.
She was just bathing in that sea of tranquillity, just relaxing, coming to terms with her captivity, coming to terms with the fact that, once again, she had given herself to him so freely, when she felt a fire through her loins. "Ohhhhhhhhh GODDDDDDDD" she moaned as David stroked her pussy with his fingers, shaking her head and straining against the straps. She clenched her butt around the toy that was so deliciously heating up her rear, shaking her head as, once more, she felt him teasing her clit. "Oh please, that feels so good, don't stop, please, please". David continued to stroke his fingers up and down for a short while then stood on his toes to kiss her gently.
The base of the Maiden meant that she stood slightly taller than him now and he pondered for a moment then slipped to his knees, withdrew his finger and pressed his head into her wet crotch. He ran his tongue slowly over the lips of her sex before pushing it inside her, trying to find her clit with the tip. Tegan moaned again, shaking her head from side to side. If there was ever a perfect place, she thought as she fought against her bonds, this was probably it.
Her head rocked too and fro and she gasped as David's fingers grazed over her thigh, his tongue finding her clit, his face wet with her juices. In seconds Tegan was gasping for breath, the fire spreading through her. "Oh yes yes, oh god yes" she panted the pants turning into a loud groan as once more her orgasm exploded inside her, the intensity increased by the bonds which prevented her from moving. That was the hardest part. She couldn't respond to his touch, couldn't move even the slightest amount to change the point of contact, to change the way in which the fire flowed through her. She just had to accept whatever she was given.
She groaned again as the little aftershocks teased through her and then he was kissing her and she was tasting herself, sucking on his lips, responding as fiercely as she could. "Oh baby" she murmured when he finally moved his mouth away from hers. "Oh baby, you just don't know what you do to me". He said nothing, just kissed her lightly then slipped over to the other side of the room. Tegan sighed watching his back as he went to pick the ball-gag off the floor, returning with a smile on his face. "Last thing honey" he whispered and she opened her mouth allowing him to seat the ball gag just behind her teeth.
Instead of buckling it behind her neck however, he fastened each strap to two small straps mounted in the back of the box either side of her head. When he pulled them tight, Tegans last vestige of movement was taken from her. The straps pulled the back of her head into the fur, made her look straight forward and, completed her absolute captivity. She struggled again, not because she wanted to escape but because her pussy was already on fire once more.
David looked at her then stood on his toes and kissed her nose. "Mmmmm, you look so cute like this he smiled. Tegan couldn't do anything except look back at him. He stroked her cheeks then gave the chain a light tug, reminding her of the clamps around her nipples. "I'll have to take these off now babe, so I can close the door. He didn't wait for an answer he knew she couldn't give and, with practiced fingers, he loosened the clamps, removing them then slipping one off the chain so he could pull it out from the ring in the collar.
The ache in her breasts was intense and Tegan moaned loudly into the gag, her eyes rolling in her head at the pain of the circulation returning. As the pain eased though, the feeling changed to one of fire, matching the aching in her pussy. Tegan groaned again, partly from the pain, partly from the growing fire within her but, mostly, from the sheer frustration of being bound and helpless, unable to do anything about her plight. David took a little sympathy on her then, raising his hands to rub her nipples with his palms, pressing them strongly with his hands.
Tegan tried to force herself forward at his most welcome of touches but, of course, she couldn't move a muscle. She groaned again making big eyes at him. Finally, he stopped and spoke quietly to her. "I'm going to close the door now babe and once it's closed you'll hardly be able to hear anything so, when you see my eyes through the viewer, every time you see my eyes through the viewer, blink twice to let me know you are ok. Try it now babe". Tegan blinked her eyes twice then looked at him. He smiled and kissed her again. "Good girl" he said gently. "Just keep blinking if you're in trouble at all and I will let you out, ok". Tegan blinked twice again then just looked at him once more. With a final kiss, David stepped back and slowly swung the door closed on her.
The first thing Tegan noticed as the door pressed against her was the way the fur seemed to find it's way into every little crevice of her body, caressing and stroking her. The second thing she noticed was the hardness that suddenly pressed against her pussy. There was something there, something in the door. "Oh shit no" she thought to herself. "I'm going to be a wreck when he's finished with me". With the fur pressing against her body, the door still had another four inches or so to travel before if closed completely. She felt rather than saw David's arm inside the box as he seemed to position the second toy so the tip was just parting the lips of her pussy. Then the arm disappeared again and the door slowly started to inch forward the rest of the way.
Dave smiled to himself as he turned the ratchet. He had positioned the toy so that, as the door closed, it would press inside her pussy. Then he had flicked the ratchet back over the door and was now winding it closed. He could never have closed the door without it. Inside, behind the thick layers of fur was a lining of neoprene rubber. It had some give in it but not much. It would press against every part of her body holding her so firm, so tight. Even without the arm binders and the straps, she would have been totally immobile once the door had closed. Now he wound the handle and the door inched its way shut.
Tegan was helpless, unable to move as the door closed on her. The pressure was fantastic but not overly so that she didn't feel quite safe. The fur pressed against every part of her body. It seemed to pin her shoulders back and mould itself around the sides of her face. There was a lighter pressure on her forehead and nothing around her eyes. As the door closed, she found herself able to look out of the slit and see something of the room outside. She could see the spreader on the floor and the boxes quite clearly. If she moved her eyes, she could just about make out part of the door into the room. But mostly, she could feel the toy slowly forcing it's way into her pussy. "There's nothing like this feeling in the world," she thought to herself as the door inched shut.
David turned the handle until the two halves of the device met and then he slipped the four heavy-duty clasps into place. Locking them in position he stood on his toes once more and looked through the slit. He smiled as he saw two eyes blink twice at him. Going around the back of the box, he pressed a small button then returned to the front and looked through the window again. As the two eyes blinked again he pressed a second button. Then, he blew her a kiss, turned and sat on one of the boxes.
Tegan wished she could turn her head to see the gap disappearing as the door closed but the only real indication she had as too how much further there was to go was the lack of light coming in from the side. The toy, whatever it was, was deep inside her pussy now. The furs pressed tightly into every part of her body. She didn't even have to support her own weight anymore. She was just there, bound, trapped, and unable to move once more. The door was closed now, she could tell because the toy wasn't penetrating any further into her pussy.
The pressure on her was fantastic but also comforting. She saw David's face through the slit and blinked twice as he had requested earlier, trying to convey her feelings to him through that simple gesture. Then he was gone. Moments later she felt the vibration in her butt. It was more a shaking then anything else as the toy buried in her ass seemed to crawl into life like a lorry climbing up a hill in first gear. It didn't move, just seemed to shake a little and the warmth of that feeling soon spread through her.
It was very difficult not being able to move, to have things done for you, to have absolutely no control over what happened to you but it was also the most incredibly satisfying experience that she had ever had. Tegan settled into the motion of the butt plug, trying to relax and enjoy the delicious torture. She saw his face at the slit again and blinked twice more. He disappeared from sight and moments later the vibe in her pussy started a similar vibrating motion. Tegan tensed at the suddenness of this further assault on her already over extended senses and, almost immediately, the orgasm was on top of her.
She watched through the window as David blew her a kiss and then sat on the box but her mind was really elsewhere. As yet another orgasm tore through her; she felt so helpless. She could not move, could not react, could not do anything other than accept the torture the toys brought her and it was exquisite. She clenched her pussy muscles around the toy but this only seemed to heighten the intensity of the vibrations. She was coming again, despite the fact that she was still getting over the previous one. She moaned into the gag, closed her eyes and tried to alternatively grip first the toy in her ass and then the one in her pussy. Then she gave up trying to do anything and just allowed herself to go completely limp. She didn't move. She was totally relaxed and her position hadn't changed at all.
The straps and the pressure of the door kept her firmly in place and the toys teased her unmercifully. She discovered, however that she could control the intensity. The toys held her in a pleasurably delicate balance. When totally relaxed the toys kept her simmering like a pan of water. All she had to do was increase the pressure by clenching her pussy muscles and, within seconds, the toys drove her to further orgasmic pleasure. She quickly came twice more then closed her eyes. She wondered if this was what it was like to be weightless, to drift in space totally relaxed. When she opened her eyes again she saw David peering in at her through the slit. She immediately blinked twice and saw a somewhat relieved look on his face. She tried to smile. She saw him hold up five fingers and blinked twice again then watched as he sat on the boxes once more.
She closed her eyes and drifted away again. This was heaven, this was bliss. She clenched her pussy muscles tight around the toy once more and within seconds a further orgasm rocked through her body. She was starting to feel a little weak now and she allowed herself to relax once more. It was almost perfect. She couldn't move, she was completely helpless and totally reliant on someone else. If she wanted to be critical, the only slight downside to all this was that he wasn't in this cocoon with her, but the she supposed, he really was. She opened her eyes, looked out of the slit. David was no longer sat on the box and she watched for his return. As she thought about him, and what he had done to her, she felt her loins stir again. As she clenched her pussy muscles around the toy once more she idly wondered to herself what sort of state she would be in when he eventually released her from this most exquisite torture.
A siren went off somewhere in the bowels of the ship and it bought Tegan out of her reverie. After ten seconds the sound ceased and all was quiet again. She closed her eyes and tried to summon the memory back but it wasn't quite the same now that she had been disturbed. She did remember how David had released her after an hour that had seemed like a day. It had taken her a day to recover from that one but it was, she thought, the most complete bondage experience she had ever had. The maintenance that David had planned that day was still unfinished when they had left the ranch.
Tegan got up and did some gentle stretches for a few minutes then made herself a coffee and settled down with one of the battered paperbacks on the table beside the bed. She dozed off thinking, as usual, of ropes and furs.
She had not met Graham again during the voyage but, each night, Darius had appeared and offered to escort her to the deck. The only night she had declined was when the ship had been battling through a squall and she had spent the best part of the dark hours bringing up her evening meal as the vessel bucked and rocked. Darius also bought her food during the day; she wondered when he slept. Tegan quickly learned that there was no point in trying to engage him in conversation so she just smiled whenever he bought her food, escorted her on deck or removed the dirty cutlery and plates from previous meals.
There was no TV or radio to listen to but she was glad of the solitude, it helped her get her thoughts in order. On the last night, she had been transferred to a motor launch and it was in this that they were now knifing their way through the choppy seas. The boat was crewed by two young men who, for the most part, completely ignored her. She'd been given some sandwiches and a bottle of water about three hours into this part of the journey and had been pointed towards a small hatch when she had enquired about toilet facilities. She'd not been amused to find only a bucket in a small cupboard and could almost feel the mocking grins of the two men on the other side of the door while she used it. Now she sat in the rear of the craft looking behind at the wake that was slowly becoming visible as dawn arrived.
As daylight grew, the two men spent more time watching a small radar screen and making a steady series of course adjustments; probably ensuring they avoided any patrolling Customs and Excise vessels she surmised. There was little to be seen though except the grey/blue water through which they sped. Tegan pulled the yellow life jacket they had given her when she first boarded this boat tighter around her shoulders, tugged the baseball cap she had worn almost continuously since she left San Diego down over her face and closed her eyes. She had no idea where they were or how long this phase of her journey would take.
She was getting very good though at passing the time, thinking of ropes and furs and all the things, both good and bad, that had happened to her since that fateful day when the Provider had broken into her house and spirited her away. As she neared what she assumed would be the end of her journey, she thought more about what David had been up to, what he might have achieved. She didn't really expect him to find the place they were looking for and had tried, without success, to think of an alternative option. She hadn't come up with anything workable.
She dismissed these thoughts from her mind and, instead, concentrated on the times when she had been bound and helpless. These memories always made her pussy tingle; it was a nice feeling. She allowed herself a small smile, breathing the salty air deep into her lungs. Then she settled into the bottom of the boat and allowed her mind to wander deeper into the world she has so recently left behind. She imagined herself tied so tightly she couldn't move, David teasing her with his fingers, his toys, bringing her to the edge of orgasm then leaving her high.
Her own fingers snaked towards her pussy and she gave a soft moan then snapped her eyes open remembering where she was. She felt hot, partly because the temperature was rising, but mostly because of what she had been thinking. She hoped the two men hadn't noticed, it would have been so embarrassing. However, they still seemed intent on their gauges and were paying her no attention. She drew her knees up to her chest and hugged them watching the water churn as the boat passed, putting all thoughts or rope out of her mind. She wanted to stay alert.
The sun was high in the sky when the two men dug out more sandwiches and gave her two with a bottle of water. She smiled her thanks but they showed no inclination to engage in conversation. It was about an hour later when she thought she could make out land in the direction the vessel was heading. Slowly the coastline took shape. She could see rocky bays with hills rising in the background. Soon land filled the vista in front of them and she could feel the excitement growing inside her, she was almost home.
The men piloted the boat to within two hundred yards of the beach before shutting off the engine and lowering a small inflatable into the water. They helped Tegan in then one stayed with the launch whilst the other fired up the small outboard and headed for the beach driving the craft through the water and onto a shore that was mainly small pebbles; they grated on the hull. Tegan felt another thrill curse through her as she stepped onto land. The area seemed isolated, as she would have expected.
The man told her to wait, ordering her to "Stay" a bit like one would tell a dog, and set off at a trot towards some large rocks that formed a natural barrier to what lay beyond. She looked around the deserted beach, putting his terse command down to a lack of understanding of the language. The day was really hot and she was starting to perspire heavily, it made her feel uncomfortable. After a couple of minutes shifting her feet the man reappeared and beckoned her to him.
She walked slowly to where he was standing realising, when she got there, that the man had company, an old woman who looked at least seventy and might have been older. "Go" the man said simply pointing at the woman. "Go, go" he repeated then left them both. They both watched him silently as he tugged the inflatable back into the water, re-started the engine and headed out to sea. The craft was no longer visible when the old woman broke the silence. "Shall we get you to Dalby then dear?" she asked in a friendly voice. Tegan turned and smiled at her. "Yes please" she said returning the woman's smile with a warm one of her own.
The journey was a long one in the woman's old Ford, which rattled and shook whenever the road was more than slightly uneven. Tegan didn't mind though; she felt good just being on home soil once more. The old woman talked incessantly and there was little need for Tegan to say anything, she just nodded or gave a short comment at appropriate moments. They had landed some one hundred kilometres north of Cairns and drove non-stop for four hours before stopping at a garage to refuel.
Tegan declined the offer of another sandwich and they drove for another three hours before the woman pulled off the road in the middle of nowhere. "We'll rest here for the night and get an early start in the morning" the woman told her. She opened the boot of the car and pulled out a couple of sleeping bags passing one to Tegan. The next item out of the car was a small stove that she lit. Half an hour later Tegan was eating a piping hot stew, which tasted delicious, and sipping strong hot coffee. The food slowed down the rate at which the old woman could talk and they ate in relative silence.
After the meal the woman threw the tins she had used back in the boot of the Ford and then curled up in her sleeping bag wishing Tegan a good nights sleep. Tegan snuggled into her bag as well then lay on her back looking up at the sky. The night was warm and clear. As she studied the heavens the stars appeared. The longer she looked the more she could see. It made her think of the Star Room at the ranch. Once more her mind was full of ropes and furs, of David's naked body pressed against hers. She realised she was missing it more than she had thought.
The old woman was snoring lightly and Tegan's thoughts turned to her. What road had she taken that had ended in her being part of Tegan's journey? How many times had she done this before? What memories would she have of Tegan after her journey had ended? They were questions that, in all likelihood, would never be answered. Tegan closed her eyes and was soon sleeping herself under the warm night sky.
She woke to the smell of coffee. The old woman, she wouldn't tell Tegan her name, had brewed a potent concoction and she handed Tegan a mug. "Drink this dear and be ready to go in fifteen minutes" she smiled. Tegan took a sip and found it almost undrinkable. She smiled at the woman and slipped behind a rock where she poured most of it away before taking a pee. There was nowhere to wash and when she returned with an almost empty mug she saw that everything had already been packed away and the woman was sat in the car waiting for her.
Tegan climbed into the passenger seat and they set off. It was barely 6:00am on the last day of her journey; she wondered what the day would bring. Most of all, she was looking forward to seeing David again. She found it hard to believe that this part of the plan had worked. For most of the journey she had kept telling herself not to get her hopes up; just take each day as it came and hope things worked out. Now, finally she could see an end in sight, it made this part of the journey seem longer. They stopped twice for food and petrol and the old woman kept up her incessant chatter as they ate up the miles.
Just after 5:00pm Dalby started appearing on road signs and Tegan started to feel nervous. Would David really be there and, if he was, what would happen later? Twelve minutes before the hour the old woman turned the ageing Ford into the Dalby Shopping World car park and pulled up close to the entrance. The car park was almost empty and the sliding entrance doors were closed. The old woman smiled and patted Tegan on the knee. "Good luck dear" she smiled.
Tegan smiled back and thanked her, opening the door and stepping into the warm evening air. She took a deep breath and closed the door to the Ford which pulled away immediately. The old woman didn't even look back as the vehicle disappeared onto the road again. "That's it" Tegan thought, "I'm home". She felt almost numb as she walked to the sliding doors of the entrance that remained closed. The sign on the door told her that Opening Hours for a Wednesday were 9:00am to 5:30pm. She laughed quietly to herself as she turned and looked at the now empty car park. All she could do now was wait and see what turned up.
As David drove into Dalby his nerves were on edge, his heart racing; would Tegan be there and, if she wasn't, what would he do? That morning he'd left the hotel and spent a couple of hours shopping. In particular, he'd purchased a dozen rolls of duct tape from seven different locations, two torches and also two black cotton bags with drawstrings to close them. They were the kind of bags a child might use to take their sports kit to school but he had an entirely different idea for their use.
He was now at the end of a leisurely drive following the local signs for Dalby Shopping World. A wave of disappointment came over him as he turned into the Car Park and saw it was empty; he had been anticipating a large quantity of vehicles enabling him to enter and leave fairly anonymously. He reversed back to read the sign at the entrance, only then noticing the closing time; the Centre had been closed for over half an hour. His eyes roamed the area but he couldn't see anyone. Slowly he drove into the deserted Car Park following the perimeter road to the first building on the left then slowly driving along the brick wall that indicated the rear of the shops inside.
As he approached the entrance he saw a figure hunched by the wall leaning against the glass of the door, baseball hat pulled down so he couldn't identify who it was. The tension left him though; it could only be Tegan. He stopped by the kerb next to the entrance and lowered the passenger window so that he would be visible to the person. Tegan stood there for a few moments not moving and he was just starting to think he'd got it wrong when she raised her head, pushed off the wall and walked towards him.
The elation David felt as she opened the door and climbed into the vehicle was like nothing he had ever felt before; it left him speechless. Neither of them spoke as he put the vehicle into gear and slowly exited the Centre, turning right and heading out of town. "We've done it" he kept thinking to himself as he drove, A mile down the road there was a parking area and he pulled into it, turning the ignition off then turning to look at Tegan.
"I can't believe we've done it," he said as he gazed at her gorgeous face. His own smile was broad across his face. Tegan returned his gaze and they were silent for maybe thirty seconds before he reached out and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him. He felt her arms around his neck as he held her tight. They stayed in each other's arms for a number of minutes before Tegan whispered to him, "You were five minutes late you bastard". He pushed back so he could look into her eyes. Then they both burst out laughing more out of relief than anything else.
When the laughter died they looked at each other again then shared a deep kiss. Tegan's mood improved even more when David whispered to her, "There's something I want you to see". "You've found it?" she asked her eyes gleaming. David couldn't keep the smile of satisfaction off his face. "I think so," he told her as he ran his fingers gently over her cheek. "Well show me" she smiled before adding "and then I need a bath". They both laughed again then David started the engine and headed towards Chinchilla.
Chapter 16 - Prison Revisited
The journey was an ideal time to exchange tales of their individual travels and the two hours it took them to get to their destination flew by. When David pulled up into the same parking area he had used the previous day dusk was upon them, the last embers of the sun dying in the west. David gave Tegan one of the flashlights and they set off over the fields towards the forest. This time David stopped just short of the trees and their progress towards the dirt track road was a little quicker as they picked their way through the long grass.
There was very little conversation as they walked, both of them taking care where they placed their feet; a twisted ankle or worse would be a disaster after the effort they had expended getting to this point. David had explained as they drove what the journey would entail and Tegan was prepared for a long hike. By the time they got to the dirt road night had fallen and the moon was rising in the sky. David turned on his flashlight and they followed the dusty track between the trees listening out for any approaching vehicle that might cause them to quickly look for cover. The only sound was the myriad of animals that called to each other as the night enveloped them.
They crossed the gap in the woods quickly and soon came to the junction with the overgrown rutted track. Now they did take to the trees, David holding Tegan's hand as he led her through the undergrowth. The moon was higher in the sky and soon the silhouette of the building was in view. Tegan was trembling with excitement and nervousness. "Was this really the place where I was held captive?" she pondered as they progressed. David stopped and crouched on his haunches, turning off his flash lamp. Tegan sank down behind him. "What do you think, do you recognise anything?" he whispered to her. Tegan studied the building in the growing moonlight. There was a similarity but she couldn't be certain. "Can we get round and see the back?" she asked softly in reply. David nodded and led the way quietly through the trees once more.
The next time he stopped and asked Tegan to look she could hardly contain the excitement that welled inside her as she found herself studying the frame on the rear lawn. She squeezed his hand hard. "This is the place, I'm sure of it," she said. "How sure are you?" he asked her in a soft voice his gaze on the building. Tegan studied the structure where they thought she had been a prisoner. The house itself had a certain familiarity but the angle was different and she couldn't be sure. She was almost certain though that the frame on the lawn was the one she had been tied too. "I'm 95% sure," she told him. "I can't believe that this is it," she added in a somewhat incredulous tone. "Was I really held captive here; we need to see inside".
Her thoughts came tumbling out, the pitch of her voice rising and David turned to face her putting his finger to his lips. "Sorry," she whispered controlling herself, "it's just so hard to take in". David understood giving her hand another comforting squeeze before leading her back to the front of the house once more. "There's no sign of the van," he whispered to her as he surveyed the gravel area in front of the entrance. "What do we do now?" she responded; it was a good question. Should they go in now or should they wait. The lack of any visible transport could mean the occupier was out, it would be an ideal time to gain entry. Or it could just be that the vehicle was under cover somewhere.
He turned to look at Tegan. "The tape and the bags are in the SUV, we should go now and come back when we're rested". Tegan agreed and they started to edge away but then Tegan stopped. "Listen" she said sharply. David strained his ears but couldn't hear anything. "It's just....," he started to say only to be shushed by Tegan who mimicked his previous action putting her finger to her lips. He fell silent and listened harder; was that an engine? The sounds grew louder; it was definitely a vehicle. They both sank lower to the ground, an almost automatic response to the noise, making sure they were well hidden. They could clearly hear an engine now and the odd grate of a gearbox. It was obvious a vehicle was slowing down and speeding up again negotiating the bumpy road.
They listened as the sound grew closer; the air was thick with tension. Suddenly the rutted track leading to the building was lit by two beams of white light. They both watched as a blue van came into view, headed to the house and stopped in front of the door. The lights died and moments later the engine ceased. The silence that enveloped them just emphasised the isolation of this prison. The wait before the vehicle door opened seemed interminable but, finally, a figure climbed out of the vehicle. They heard the soft clunk as the door closed and the click of a central locking system. They could only see the silhouette of the driver as she moved towards the house. It wasn't until the door opened and the inside light fell on the shadowy figure that David recognised the blond girl he'd seen the previous day. At the same time there was a loud gasp behind him.
"I'm sure that's her," Tegan whispered fiercely. She was squeezing his hand so hard it was painful. They heard the clunk as the door closed and then only the sound of each of them breathing hard in the ensuing silence. Slowly, they became aware of the soft sounds of the forest once more and David eased his hand out of Tegan's grip before turning to look at her. He couldn't keep the broad smile off his face. "I think we've done it Tegan, I think we've found your friend". Tegan just nodded. She couldn't quite believe it and her emotions were running riot. She reached out and brushed her fingers across his cheek, not trusting herself to speak. David took her hand, kissed her palm then led her back through the trees the way they had come.
It took them just on four hours to drive back to the hotel in Brisbane. Tegan questioned why he wanted to go so far. His explanation was simple, anonymity. During the drive they discussed how they would approach the next step. David explained the germ of an idea and they tossed their thoughts back and forth. By the time they reached the city they had a broad plan of what they were going to do, they were just a little short on detail; they both felt a certain sense of deja-vu. David stopped before the hotel and gave Tegan his key card so they could enter separately. She slipped out of the SUV, walked to a side entrance and disappeared from view.
David drove to the front of the hotel and left his vehicle with the valet before walking through the foyer to the lift; it was just after 1:00am in the morning and he was hungry. Thoughts of food were quickly quashed when he knocked on the door to his room. Tegan opened the door naked and he was struck with a vision of creamy white skin and a mass of dark hair tumbling around her. "God, I've missed you," he said as she grabbed his lapel, pulled him inside and kissed him hard. "I've wanted to do this since Dalby," Tegan breathed as she forced her tongue into his mouth with an urgency and passion that seemed to overwhelm them both.
They fucked hard on the king sized bed. Tegan was more demanding than she had ever been before, screaming her pleasure with no regard for anyone who might be in the adjoining rooms. They fucked with David on top then Tegan forced him on his back and rode him. He twisted her nipples in his fingers and she screamed, not for him to stop, more demanding that he did it harder. He took her from behind; she covered his mouth with her pussy whilst sucking his cock hard again after he'd come the first time. On two occasions he'd had to lay the palm of his hand over her full luscious lips to soften the noise her screams were so loud. Eventually they collapsed exhausted in each other's arms; Tegan was grinning like a Cheshire cat and David had a drained look of satisfaction. "It's good to see you again," Tegan whispered and she felt his arms pull her closer to him. "I was worried you wouldn't be there," David confessed and he felt Tegan snuggle closer. Sleep came quickly for them both.
They woke late; it was almost midday when they stirred. David ordered a large breakfast to be sent to the room and Tegan luxuriated in a long hot bath before they both ate and discussed their plans. They agreed a simple approach would be best. After they'd eaten David took the lift to the garage returning with the two black bags he'd purchased. He pulled the drawstrings as wide as possible before tucking one bag inside the other. "It we can surprise the girl, and I can get these bags over her head and pull the drawstring tight, then it should give us enough advantage to restrain her fairly easily". Tegan wasn't convinced and made him practice on her.
He walked up behind her, thrust the bags over her head and pulled the drawstring tight. It was effective in impairing her vision; she couldn't see through the black material at all, but it was relatively easy to slip her fingers between her neck and the bags and pull them open once more. They tried it five times. On the last occasion she had the bags off in five seconds. It would give them an advantage if it worked but neither of them were convinced it would be enough.
They pondered the problem for a few minutes before Tegan smiled. "We need those plastic things, the ones the police use," she announced. "Zip ties?" David questioned. Tegan nodded. "Yes, Zip ties. We can replace the drawstring with a zip tie. It might be slightly harder to tighten but it won't come off easily once it's on". She looked at David expectantly. "Can you buy them that large?" he queried. Tegan was sure they could. David was pensive for a few moments then looked at Tegan. "Well, let's go and find some," he said then added "and then we can go and see if we can capture a kidnapper." The answer he received from Tegan was a big kiss.
Tegan left the hotel first while David checked out and he picked her up around the corner. Stopping at a large hardware store on the edge of the city, they found a whole array of zip ties and he bought a dozen at thirty inches and a dozen at thirty-six inches. As they drove Tegan cut the drawstrings and removed them from the hem of the bags, replacing them with the longer zip ties. When they stopped again she got David to try it out, it worked a treat. He pulled the bags over her head then simply pulled on the free end of the tie. It closed with a rasping sound tight around Tegan's soft neck and there was no way she could remove it.
The only downside was that they didn't have a pair of scissors. They drove for twenty miles with the bags over Tegan's head before David could purchase a pair from a service station. They were only small and it took him another five careful minutes to cut through the ties and free her without damaging the bags. When they were close to their destination, David stopped at a convenience store and purchased sandwiches and bottles of water. They had agreed their plan of action as they drove; the only uncertainty was how long they might have to wait. It was just on dusk when, once more, David parked in the lay-by and they split the sandwiches and rolls of duct tape into two carrier bags. David took the two black bags, with fresh zip ties, and they hopped over the fence and set off for the tree line once more.
By the time they reached their destination it was dark, the moon rising once more. The night was warm, the sky clear, as they sat in the trees together looking out at the blue van parked in front of the building. Having already agreed that they would not try and enter the house they sat together in the moist undergrowth and waited, occasionally sipping water. The blue van was the only sign that anyone was home. They decided to take turns keeping watch with David resting first.
It was nearly midnight when one of the lights came on upstairs and Tegan shook his shoulder gently. They were both instantly alert and sat watching for twenty minutes, the weight of anticipation high until the light was extinguished. They looked at each other a little disappointed; it seemed apparent that the occupants were settled for the night. Again they quietly discussed and rejected the idea of trying to break into the property. This time Tegan settled into the undergrowth and closed her eyes. David watched for another couple of hours before he too tried to get some sleep.
They both rested fitfully and were awake with the dawn, eating sandwiches and drinking the last of their water. It was four hours later, just as their attention was starting to wane with the boredom, when the front door opened and the blonde girl appeared. She climbed into the van and the engine started moments later. They watched from deep in the trees as the vehicle reversed then bounced its way down the rutted track towards the road. "This is it" David announced as the sound died away. They quietly went over their plan once more before David gave Tegan a kiss and skipped quickly across the road to wait on the other side. They had no idea when the van might return and were prepared to wait all day.
Three hours later David flexed his legs and moved, rustling the grass at the base of the trees that surrounded him. He was waiting on the end of the tree line now and the tension was getting to him. Every little sound had him wondering if this was the van returning, if this was the moment when their plans would either work or fall apart at the seams. He looked across the gravel in front of the building towards where he knew Tegan would be and wondered how her nerves were holding up; his were almost shot. He stretched once more then leant against a tree and shook his legs to get the blood flowing. As he did so he thought he heard a sound above the rustling of the grass. He crouched once more the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
The sound grew, it was an engine. He felt sure Tegan must have heard it too; she seemed to have a much more sensitive ear than he. His hair stood on end, his fingers and toes tingling as the sound grew louder. His stomach felt like it was turning inside out. He clenched the two bags in his hands, the necks open, the zip-ties threaded ready to be pulled. One of the plastic bags containing three rolls of duct tape hung from the belt loop of his trousers, Tegan had the remaining rolls in a similar bag of her own. The sound was much louder now; he could hear the crunch of the tyres on the gravel.
He took a deep breath trying to control himself and the blue van came into view. He crouched low as it came to a stop. When the sound of the engine ceased he moved slowly forward. The driver's door was on the far side of the track, Tegan's side; he could use the vehicle as cover. He heard the door open then saw the blonde head of the girl as she stepped out of the van. Remaining crouched he started to move out into the open trying not to crunch his soles on the gravel. He heard the door close and there was silence for a moment; then he heard Tegan's voice ring out in the quiet of the late morning.
Tegan too was a bag of nerves as she listened to the vehicle drive towards the ranch. She watched as the vehicle pulled up and rose from her hiding place as the door opened. The blonde girl got out of the van and didn't immediately see Tegan as she concentrated on lifting a bag from the passenger seat. It was only as she closed the door and half turned that she saw Tegan walking brazenly towards her.
"Remember me bitch?" Tegan's voice rang out firm and clear in the silence belying her nervousness. They were committed now and she hoped David was ready. The blonde girl's jaw dropped in recognition and she stared back at Tegan momentarily paralysed by surprise. "You weren't expecting to see me were you bitch," Tegan called to her as she approached. She saw a flash of movement behind the girl as David approached and fought to keep her eyes on the blonde, she didn't want to give away the fact that David was coming up behind her. The girl came to her senses quickly, dropping the bag and straightening before stepping towards Tegan. "Come on bitch, let's see what you've got," Tegan shouted challengingly. She could see that David was coming around the van now; she just had to keep the girls attention for a few more moments.
"Tegan," the blonde girl mouthed, "how the fuck," she started to say and then heard the footsteps behind her. She span around just as David reached her and pulled the bags down over her head. As her world went dark she swung hard with her arm catching David heavily in the side. She heard a grunt of pain and followed it with a kick to where she thought his groin would be, her foot sinking into soft flesh. David was lucky, he'd half turned from the pain of the first blow and took the kick on his hip; it still hurt like hell. Despite his nervousness he'd had the presence of mind to hang on to the end of the zip-tie and he pulled hard, hearing a satisfying sound as it tightened around her neck.
The girl swung her arm again. He saw it coming but could only duck into it as she caught him on the side of the head. He released the zip-tie and rolled onto the floor and away from the girl to gain his bearings. As he did so he saw Tegan move in and kick the girl on her arse. She staggered forward banging her shoulder against the side of the van. She used it to hold herself up and swung wildly behind her but Tegan hadn't followed up and her fist just found thin air. Tegan looked at David who was on his hands and knees on the floor slowly getting to his feet "OK" she mouthed to him, momentarily taking her eyes off the girl. David just nodded and eased himself painfully to his feet looking at the girl by the van.
They'd grossly underestimated how strong she was, how well she might fight. David saw that she now had her back to the van as her fingers scrabbled at her neck to release the zip tie. Realising it wouldn't work she started to try and tear the bag. The first one gave way with a rending sound; he moved quickly. As she fought to rip the second bag he raced forward, bringing his knee up and driving it into the girl's stomach. Even as he felt the satisfying sound of the air being blown from her lungs she swung another blow that again caught him on the side of the head. She swung again as he bought his knee up once more.
This time she twisted and took his blow on her thigh. It was a mistake. His knee caught the nerve and she felt her leg twinge a moment as it went dead. She started throwing blows wildly and David was forced to back away. Then she stopped, her hands going to the bag once more. She ripped the second bag just as David moved in again and didn't have time to react as David hit her with the full force of his body smashing her into the van. She grunted in pain trying to pull the bag away from her face as David wrapped his arms around her arms and body before pulling her to the floor on top of him.
He fell hard but managed to wrap his legs around the girls waist and hold her to him. She tried to clear the bag away from her mouth so she could bite him. David thought he would have to let go but then he saw the figure of Tegan bend over the top of them. She reached down and pulled the zip tie tighter around the girl's neck until the skin started to bulge. "Give up bitch," Tegan commanded. "Give up or I'll pull this so tight you won't be able to breath". Just to emphasise her words she tightened the zip-tie another couple of notches. David was looking directly into her eyes and thought he recognised the flash of annoyance and resignation that crossed her face. He held on to her tight not quite sure how to move forward. "Keep still" Tegan commanded again firmly and David felt the girl still in his arms.
David couldn't see what Tegan was doing but he heard the sound of duct tape being pulled from a roll. The girl didn't speak, just stared at David with cold blue eyes as Tegan bound her legs together with the tape. David kept his eyes on hers and tried to show no emotion. However the adrenalin was still coursing through his veins and his brain was full of thoughts. Mostly, he was finding it hard to believe that this girl went around kidnapping women, training them then selling them to the highest bidder she just looked so; so normal. He held her as tightly as he could as he listened to the sound of the tape being ripped off the roll.
The sound ceased and then Tegan appeared in his view once more. She pulled the girls arms behind her back and taped her wrists tightly together. The girls eyes didn't betray any emotion now and David kept his hold firm as Tegan bound her upper limbs. Only when she told him she was done did he ease his grip and release the blonde. Her eyes remained impassive but followed him as her rolled her off him and stood up. "Still in one piece?" Tegan asked him. David smiled drawing a deep breath. "Just a few bruises I think, nothing damaged," he told her then added with a wider smile, "You did well there babe, that was a lot harder than I thought it might have been". Tegan smiled back "We make a good team," she grinned then looked at the helpless girl on the floor. "Now lets get this one trussed up properly".
David's eyes fell on the helpless girl as well. She was now lying face down on the floor, the tattered rags of the bags still hanging around her neck, held in place by the zip-tie. Her long blonde hair was trapped between the tie and her neck and it was clear that she was having trouble breathing. He knelt, rolled the girl on her back then lifted her feet whilst Tegan used more duct tape to bind her legs tightly from ankle to thigh. When that was done David lowered her legs and lifted her into a sitting position. This time Tegan gave David a roll of the thick tape and he used the whole of it to bind the girl's arms to her body. Throughout the whole process she remained silent, staring at them both, her eyes narrow and intense.
Despite her silence, David picked up another roll and wound it tightly around the girl's mouth gagging her firmly. Her eyes widened and it was soon apparent that breathing was becoming more difficult for her. Her chest heaved as she fought for air and it made her breasts jiggle. For the first time David considered the bound girl in the same manner as he might have thought about Tegan. He quickly pushed the vision from his mind and knelt beside her. "Keep calm, stay still and we'll find something to remove the tie around your neck," he told her. Neither he nor Tegan had thought to bring anything with them to cut through the plastic band that was restricting her breathing.
David looked around then opened the door to the van. He had a quick search around but couldn't find anything sharp that he could use. He closed the door and knelt by the girl again, this time frisking her pockets and withdrawing a set of keys. The girl was still having trouble drawing breath but it wasn't getting any worse. David took the keys and went to the front door. The third key he tried opened the door noiselessly on well-oiled hinges and he had a quick look inside.
The door opened into a dingy hall with four doors and a staircase leading up. Each of the doors was closed and sported large padlocks to inhibit entry. A shabby brown carpet covered a wooden floor and fawn coloured wallpaper was peeling off the walls. He went back outside where Tegan was watching over the girl. With her help, and using the side of the van for leverage, they manhandled the blonde into a standing position before David bent and threw her over his shoulder. He carried her indoors and dropped her with a thump on the threadbare carpet, her grunt muffled by the duct tape around her mouth. Tegan followed him in and closed the front door behind them.
Inside, the hall was cool and gloomy. They both sat, Tegan on the floor next to the girl, David on the first step of the staircase, and paused to think. David felt a measure of control now and looked around. "Does this seem familiar?" he asked Tegan. She nodded as David studied the four doors with padlocks then looked up the stairs. "We need to get the SUV," he told her after a moments pause. "I'll get it, you keep an eye on her," Tegan said immediately. David sensed that Tegan needed to get out of the building that had been her prison and handed her the keys to the SUV. "Be careful," he told her needlessly as she slipped out of the front door and left him alone with her captor.
David took a deep breath as he took in his surroundings. The only sound now was the girls rasping breath and he studied her. She stared back at him impassively. "So this is where you bring the women you kidnap is it?" David asked the bound girl on the floor. It was a rhetorical question, the mass of tape around the girl's head preventing her from answering. He continued staring at her. She was red in the face, the perspiration dripping from her brow. "I need to get that tie from her neck," he thought bending down to check that the rest of her bonds were firm; they were. He stood and looked around the hall. There were four doors, one at the front right of the hall before the staircase, two doors at the rear of the hall facing each other and a sturdier door on the rear wall. The latter looked like it provided an exit to the rear of the property. The obvious place to start looking around was upstairs.
After a final check of the bound blonde he stepped cautiously up the staircase. It led to a landing with a single door. He paused took a breath then inched it open and looked carefully into the room. It was a simple living area with a couch, a table with two chairs and a TV on a wooden stand. A window looked out over the front of the property through which he could see the blue van. "We were right to be cautious and stay in the trees," he told himself.
Quickly he searched the rest of the area. Doors led to a sparsely furnished bedroom with a double bed, a bathroom and a small kitchen. He opened the wardrobes in the bedroom and found a few clothes. There were also two blue suits complete with blue hoods. Now he too was one hundred percent certain they had their girl. There was food in the kitchen, mostly ready meals and tins that would last. The whole area was remarkably normal. One of the drawers in the kitchen revealed a pair of scissors that he slipped into his pocket.
Having quickly determined the layout of what he assumed was the girl's living quarters and, more importantly, ensured that there was no one there, he set about a more thorough search. This revealed nothing to indicate whom the girl that was now helplessly bound downstairs might be and nothing to help him determine how many captives were currently being held. The only thing that he found that gave any kind of clue as to the nature of the girl he and Tegan had captured was a series of books in the living room about a Vampire Hunter called Anita Blake. He wondered if that had any bearing on anything.
Beneath the TV was an old VHS Video Recorder and a pile of blank videotapes. He picked one up, popped it into the video and turned on the TV. After pressing play the screen dissolved into a series of white lines. David half anticipated the screen filling with an image of a captive bound in some room in the house but when the white line dissolved into a picture it was to display the Paramount Pictures logo. David laughed when the title of the movie came on the screen and turned off the TV as it displayed the opening scenes of "Escape From Alcatraz". There were no further clues to be found upstairs and he returned to their bound captive in the hall.
The girl was lying red-faced on the floor exactly as he had left her. When he knelt and rolled her onto her stomach there was an audible muffled groan and her body heaved on the floor. "Keep still" he commanded as he tried to force the point of the knife beneath the tie around her neck. She stilled then as he worked the scissors against the tie, the cold metal pressing against her skin which turned white. They were old scissors and he had to force them a long way in before he could make the cut. The girl was obviously choking when he eventually managed to snip the plastic and she groaned and grunted on the floor drawing deep breaths into her lungs as the tie was finally freed.
David waited until the girl had settled before apologising for nearly choking her. There was no response and he rolled her onto her back so that he could look into her eyes. The trussed blonde stared back at him impassively. There seemed to be a little more fire in her eyes now that she could breathe more easily. He wondered what to say next. He'd never interrogated anyone before and had no idea of how to move forward now that they had completed their initial objective. He had a vague idea about building a rapport with the captive to make extracting information easier.
"You put up a good fight," he told the girl. The words didn't elicit any reaction and he decided to dive in and hope for the best. "How many girls are here now, how many captives are you keeping?" he asked quietly, "One, two, three?" He said the numbers slowly giving the blonde a chance to nod when he said the right number. She didn't move, just stared at him her eyes shining and alert. "No matter," he said and sat on the stairs once more. They stared at each other for a while, the girl taped and helpless, David pondering his next move. "I know you have a girl here called Karen," he said suddenly trying for a moment of surprise but there was no response. "You'll talk," he said eventually and smiled sweetly at her.
He didn't say anything else, just sat on the bottom step and studied the girl while he waited for Tegan to return. After fifteen minutes he decided to make himself useful. He took the bunch of keys he'd taken from the girl and started trying the locks. By the time he heard the SUV pull up on the gravel outside he'd opened all the doors except the large one at the rear. "Lets see what you've got to hide shall we," he told the bound girl as he opened the main entrance to let Tegan back into the place that had once been her prison.
Chapter 17 - A Surfeit Of Baondage
"We know there's at least one prisoner here, there's probably more. We don't want them to know what's happened so they can't see us. Well," he corrected, "they can't see me and they can't see you free so.......". David paused while he thought and Tegan studied him. They were both sat on the bottom of the step discussing what they should do next.
Tegan had not seen anyone while she was recovering the SUV and David had given her a quick synopsis of what he had found upstairs. Tegan looked at the bound girl. "Did you kidnap someone else after you got rid of me?" Tegan questioned. The girl, who had rolled back onto her stomach, was uncommunicative.
"This is the best I can come up with," David continued and Tegan turned her attention back to him. "Remember the blue suits you told me about; there's two upstairs. I'll put one on and if I find someone they'll hopefully think it's her". He pointed at the girl but Tegan shook her head. "It would be better if I put the suit on and carried out the search," she mused. "I'm pretty much the same size, it will work better. You can follow behind me or stay here and keep and eye on her. Best you watch her actually; if I find something I can't manage I'll come back," Tegan concluded. There was quiet resolution in her voice and David didn't argue.
They rose together and trotted up the stairs so that he could show her where the suits were. Tegan stripped down to her black lacy underwear and David watched admiringly as she slipped her long legs into a pair of the blue overalls. Then she shrugged the garment over her shoulders and zipped it up making sure her long hair remained inside. Finally, she picked up one of the blue hoods and they headed downstairs again. "Which door do you want to try first?" David asked. Tegan pointed to the one on the West wall at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm pretty sure this is the one that leads to where I was held, I'll take that one first," she told him and pulled the hood over her head. David opened the door for her and she gave him a smile he couldn't see. "Wish me luck," she said, her voice distorted by the hood, as she stepped through the opening and closed the door behind her.
Tegan leant back against the wooden door and took a deep breath to compose herself. She'd chosen this door first because she wanted to start with something familiar. Now she was wondering if that was the right choice. It felt incredibly strange to be in the lair of the person who had kidnapped her, to be wearing the suit that her captor had used to hide her identity. Barely two hours ago she had been hiding in the trees wondering how they would pull this off. That was all behind them now, they had completed something that seemed, the more she considered it, quite incredible. Her heart was still hammering in her chest though, what was she going to find next?
The corridor was dark and dingy. The windows to the right were all boarded up and what little light there was came from the tiny gaps around the boards; shafts of light that fell on more brown walls and threadbare carpeting. To the left were a number of doors at regular intervals; it looked very much like a hotel or motel corridor. At the bottom was a wall but Tegan knew there was a door to the left; she had walked this corridor before. This was the route she had followed the day she had been packed in the crate. Through the door at the bottom would be the area where she had been held for so long and she was going to go back there freely; it sent shivers through her body. "Focus", she told herself, drawing another deep breath and pushing off the door.
There were eleven entrances down the left hand side of the corridor; she stepped slowly to the first one, pushed the handle down carefully and cautiously entered the room. Again the only light came from the boarded up window. Tegan reached for the light switch and a bare bulb lit up revealing a largely empty area. Tegan felt a slight sense of disappointment, she had been expecting something more revealing. There were six large cardboard boxes stacked one on top of the other in the far corner. She lifted the flaps of the top box; coils of webbing were packed inside. She lifted one coil out of the box and examined it. It was standard webbing that might be used to strap down luggage on a roof rack; or strap a girl tightly to a table.
A slight tremor ran through her as she thought about being tightly strapped down; bondage never seemed to be far from her mind. All the boxes looked the same. She checked one more, it too was packed with webbing. After another quick glance around the room, she exited and moved to the next door. The second room was completely empty, four bare walls and a concrete floor. Tegan moved quickly along the corridor; the third room wasn't empty. As Tegan took in the contents hidden behind the door she felt her heart in her mouth, her knees weakening. She closed the door behind her and leant against the wall for support, memories of her captivity flooding back to her.
Tegan was looking at a pole on a circular plate with a large role of saran wrap mounted on an industrial thread at the rear of the machine. Tegan recognised it from the "Bondage Dreams" website, the Girl Wrapper. She remembered the day she had been bound so tightly to this device, remembered finding it on the web site while she was at the ranch. This was the device that had started the train of events that had led them to this point. Tegan looked at the machine breathing hard as all the memories flitted through her mind.
The two banks of heaters that had been used to shrink the plastic around her were pushed against the wall. She remembered how comforting it had felt, being held so tightly, it was the kind of bondage experience she had sought for so long while she was a free person. The fact that her dreams had been filled while she was a captive hadn't affected her enjoyment of some of the situations she had found herself in. Being tied to this device was one of the most enjoyable experiences she had had. She looked at the machine for a long time.
Eventually, she forced herself to move on; if she delayed too long David would start to worry about her. She went slowly and methodically through the remaining rooms. They were all the same size and most were empty. A few had piles of ropes; one room had a rack on the wall that was filled with dildos, vibrators, straps and floggers. The room containing the "Girl Wrapper" was the only one she recalled from her time in captivity. The eighth room contained a bondage bed with numerous straps and slits that reminded her of a similar item David had at the ranch.
There was a small air compressor in the room and, on top of the bed, a vacuum bag. The bag had a small, reinforced slit at one end to provide a means for the occupant to breathe. It was not one of the many scenarios that Tegan had been subjected too during her captivity but she couldn't help but wonder what if would be like. The last room had a wooden bench and a huge number of ropes piled on the floor. It didn't capture Tegan's attention for long and she soon found herself standing at the bottom of the corridor facing another entrance. She stood there breathing hard then forced herself to walk through to what she knew lay beyond.
The familiar corridor that connected the four rooms where she had spent her captivity was now spread out in front of her and, once more, her heart was hammering in her chest. She walked slowly to the first door, the bathroom, and looked into the place where she had been tortured with the gas mask. She stared at the white tiles, remembering, and then moved on. The bedroom was next. She peered around the door and jumped back in shock. It took all her will power to suppress the squeal that almost escaped her lips. Remembering she was now supposed to be playing the role of the captor she stood there composing herself once more as she stepped forward and stared into the room where she had slept during most of her captivity.
The girl in the room was naked and tied so tightly to the bed she almost disappeared into the mattress. Her arms were bound behind her at wrist, elbow and near her shoulders with more roped binding her arms to her body. Her legs too were bound by coils of rope at regular intervals then bent forward, her ankles pressed into her thighs, the classic hogtie. More ropes covered her from her shoulders to her knees binding her tightly to the bed. Her mouth was filled with a large black ball gag, the strap tight against her short blonde hair. A rope ran from the back of her gag to her feet pulling her head up so that Tegan found herself looking into two defiant blue eyes. If the girl was struggling Tegan couldn't see it so taut were the ropes.
She stared at the girl. She would have to have been bound like this before her captor left that morning, before she and David had overpowered her. That probably meant the girl had been helpless in this position for at least five hours already, probably more. Tegan felt a twinge between her legs. She was almost envious of the position this girl was in and imagined the thrill that she herself would feel if she was bound so helplessly. Set against this was the rigour of the position. Whilst Tegan found a tight hogtie extremely satisfying, they were hard to maintain and some sort of cramp invariably set in. The bound girl she was now looking at had certainly had a difficult morning.
Tegan stared at the girl remembering the role she was supposed to be playing. She had never been bound like this in this particular room and she wondered if this girl was being punished. More than that though, the ache in her groin was growing, how she loved it when David tied her up tightly like this. She studied the helpless female for a few minutes before forcing herself to check out the two remaining rooms.
Both were as she remembered them, the kitchen with its small table, cooker and wooden chair, the exercise room with the treadmill and the cock trainer. She tried the door at the end of the corridor but it was locked. Without looking at the bound girl, Tegan walked back up both corridors returning to the hall where David was waiting; sat on the stairs watching their own captive. Tegan pulled the hood from her head and looked at the girl on the floor before speaking. "There's one girl in there, very tightly tied so I assume she's a captive. She's in one of the rooms where I was held. The other rooms are empty apart from some with equipment". She didn't add at that moment that she had found the Girl Wrapper.
David asked her if she was OK and she wiped her forehead with her forearm. "I could do with a glass of water," she answered then added, almost as an afterthought, "that was harder than I imagined it would be". David stood then and gave her an encouraging hug before disappearing up the stairs. He returned with a glass of cold water that Tegan drank in one swallow. Then she smiled at him. "OK, I'll do the East Wing next, I'm fine," she said quietly.
David opened the door on the left hand wall and both of them looked down the corridor. This part of the house was dark with rooms on both sides of the passageway. Tegan turned on the light switch by the door and five bare bulbs lit the length of the passage. There were over twenty doors positioned the length of the corridor. Tegan looked at David with a smile. "This could take a while," she said ruefully and once more pulled the hood over her head. David left the door open and sat on the floor where he could watch their captive and also keep an eye on Tegan's progress.
It took her over an hour to view the twenty-three rooms on this side of the building. Many of them she had seen before during her captivity, the room where she had had to endure orgasm denial, the room where she had been photographed, the room where she had been sold, the room where she had been crated, the list went on. She stood looking at some of the equipment that she had been forced to endure during her captivity. In particular, she studied the power bondage machine, remembering how she had eventually passed out with the pressure of the ropes. As with the West Wing not all her memories were bad. "I'd really like to try that again," she thought as she studied the machine. She pondered whether she should ask David to tie her to it once more as she checked the other rooms; she was pretty sure she would.
Tegan was feeling mentally tired by the time she had worked her way down to the end of the corridor; there were three doors left. The one directly in front of her looked like an old fire exit that was now heavily boarded closed. She entered the room on the left and found it to be completely empty. With some relief she closed that door and stepped into the final room.
By contrast, this room was packed full of bondage equipment and her tiredness dissipated. There was a bondage bed and a bench with a mass of straps laid across it. Behind those were five more benches of varying sizes, one almost the size of the bed. All were covered with a sheet of black rubber and all had many straps. To one side of the room was a rack of full-length body suits most with hoods. With the exception of one, all were made of a thick rubber material. The odd suit was constructed of a black shiny leather. Tegan had no recollection of seeing this room before.
She gave the room a quick once over and turned to leave before something in the back of her mind stopped her. There was another bed at the back of the room upon which was a very heavy rubber suit with straps laid over the top in an orderly manner. Tegan studied it more closely. Whilst not exactly body shaped the suit was more than large enough to contain a person. Towards the left hand side of the bed three tubes protruded from the suit. She stepped closer then leant forward and gently pushed the rubber. The suit itself felt a little soft and spongy and she noted that there were many straps securing it to the bench.
She pushed again and, whilst she couldn't be certain, she thought she heard a noise through the tube. There was a faint smell of urine in the room and she saw that one of the tubes disappeared into a small plastic bucket beneath the bench; there was about half an inch of a golden coloured liquid in the bottom. She was fairly certain now that there was a person inside this suit firmly strapped to the bed. There was little to be done at that moment and she returned to the main hall to tell David what she had found.
As she related what she had discovered, whilst sipping another glass of cold water, Tegan also felt that the hall was warmer. Already it must be late afternoon she thought and there was still so much they needed to know. "What are we going to do with her?" she asked pointing to the girl who was still bound and helpless on the floor. Tegan hadn't seen her move, hadn't heard any sound from her and David told her she'd been like that all the while. "I don't like it," Tegan told him very quietly. "I don't think she's going to just give in so easily. She knows something we don't". "We'll question her later," David said. "If you check out the basement, I'll go and tie her in one of those rooms, then we can decide how to move forward". Tegan finished her drink, pulled the hood over her head once more. "Put her in the end room on the right," she told him, "and see if you can confirm that there's someone else tied in there". David smiled his agreement as Tegan opened the door to the steps that led to the basement. She disappeared into the darkness.
David watched Tegan go then turned his attention to their captive. With some difficulty he hauled her off the floor and threw her over his shoulder. She didn't struggle just remained still; it was like lifting a sack of potatoes. Once he had her balanced David carried her through the door and down the corridor opening the door to the room that Tegan had suggested. He looked around the room taking in the bed, the benches and the mass of straps.
Selecting the bench which he thought had the most straps, he laid the blonde face down on it then proceeded to secure her. He took no chances covering every inch of her body and pulling each strap as tight as he could get it. "I'm not taking any chance that you might free yourself," he told the girl as he clamped her in place. As he worked he thought how much more he would be enjoying this if it were Tegan he was restraining. By the time he'd finished the girl was helplessly strapped down and he knew she wouldn't escape. Throughout the whole process she hadn't uttered a sound. Once she was secure he took a few moments to look at the bench at the rear of the room. Like Tegan he was fairly certain that there was a person underneath all that rubber, it was something else they would have to deal with.
When he returned to the hall Tegan was already there, sat on the stair leading to the first floor. She gave him a brief summary of what she had found. There were only three rooms, a bedroom, a bathroom and a mini kitchen. "Karen's down there," she told him. "Which means there are at least three prisoners here," David mused. "Did you speak to her?" Tegan shook her head. "No. When she saw me she just got down on her knees and bowed her head. I presume she was waiting for instructions." She thought for a moment then continued. "After I was sold, I was strapped into one of those crates every night. Perhaps Karen is chained downstairs during the day and kept in a crate overnight. Or maybe it's completely different with her, I don't know".
Tegan's voice trailed off and she looked at David. She had lovely eyes and, right at that moment, David felt a pang in his chest. He would have loved to have taken her upstairs, tied her to the bed and fucked her. Instead he asked her if Karen would be OK left down there while they sorted out some other issues. "She's very obedient, I think she'll be fine," Tegan said before cocking her head slightly and continuing. "For a moment there babe, I thought you were going to suggest we went and fucked somewhere". David looked at her then laughed. "You know me better than I thought," he said in his mind. Out loud he suggested they got something to eat.
Ten minutes later they were in the upstairs kitchen eating ham sandwiches and discussing what to do next. The kitchen was well stocked but they had gone for something simple while they tossed ideas around. After ten minutes skirting the topic Tegan put her elbows on the table, rested her chin in the palms of her hands and looked at David. "We need to question the girl now," she stated. "We need to find out about the other captives and what's happening with Karen. If she's been sold again there'll be a delivery to make soon. Then we need to decide how we're going to end this". David took a bite out of his sandwich then laid it on the plate. "OK," he said then spent the next five minutes outlining an idea. When Tegan agreed he leant over the table and kissed her. "Let's get to work then gorgeous".
Tegan donned the blue suit once more, again stripping down to her bra and panties first so she would be cooler. David watched her admiringly as she covered her long legs with the blue material then shrugged the overalls over her shoulders. She pulled her hair inside the collar and felt if fall down her back as she buttoned the front hiding her body from view. Only when she'd finished did she meet David's gaze.
He'd pushed his chair away from the table ready to get up. She walked over to him, placed her hand on his chest to stop him rising then straddled him and sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his arms slide around her waist as she pulled her lips to his and kissed him hard. When they broke the kiss both were breathing heavily. "Promise me something," Tegan said huskily. David squeezed her tighter looking a little concerned "What?" he questioned softly. Tegan looked directly into his eyes. "Promise me, before you leave me in this place, promise me that you'll tie me up and fuck me hard so I have something good to remember. You'll do that for me won't you?" David held her as tight as he could, she sounded like she was about to burst into tears. "That would be a promise I'd love to make and keep," he smiled at her. She kissed him again then, murmuring "thank you," when their lips finally parted. Before David could say anything else she was on her feet heading for the door.
They entered the corridor to the East Wing first, Tegan to pick up some equipment she'd seen earlier, David to check on their captive. She was still helplessly bound and strapped to the bondage bench and he detected a slight smell. She's probably pissed herself by now he thought; it won't do her any harm to see what it's like from a prisoner's point of view. He also checked the bench at the back. Whoever was in there had been bound for some considerable time. There was little to do at present and he hoped she, he assumed it was a she, was surviving the ordeal.
Tegan was waiting for him when he returned to the corridor and, together they entered the West Wing of the house. Ignoring the doors in the main corridor they headed to the area where Tegan had lived during her captivity; it was the first time David had seen it. Keeping noise to a minimum, she showed him the bathroom then asked him to hold the hood, collar, cuffs and lead she had collected while she pulled the blue hood of her outfit over her head. Leaving David in the bathroom, she took a deep breath then entered the bedroom where the girl with the short blonde hair was hogtied and strapped to the bed.
The first time she'd seen the girl her eyes looked defiant, now she just looked tired, almost pleased to see someone. Tegan remembered the role she was supposed to be playing. She stared at the girl, composing herself, as she recalled the way the Provider had treated her when she was a captive. When she finally spoke she was pleased that her voice sounded commanding. "I'm going to undo some of your bonds now slave. You will not speak, you will not struggle, you will do as you are told. If you disobey me in any way you will be punished. Blink your eyes twice if you understand".
Tegan watched the girl. She took a few moments then blinked her eyes twice. Her obedience caught Tegan by surprise. "So this is what it's like to be the Master," she thought to herself, it wasn't an entirely bad feeling. Tegan stepped close to the bed. The first thing she did was release the rope that ran from the back of the gag to her elbows holding her head up. Immediately the girls face sank into the mattress and Tegan heard what she thought was a groan of relief through the gag. Next she started working on the ropes holding the girl on the bed. It took a while, some of the knots where really tight, but eventually there was a pile of rope on the floor.
Removing the rope holding the girls ankles against her buttocks was harder, it took Tegan almost fifteen minutes to free the knots. She had to admit that this girl's restraint had been to an excellently tight standard. The blonde groaned again when her legs where straightened and Tegan commanded her silence even as she knew how stiff and sore the girl must be. Next Tegan ordered her to sit on the edge of the bed. The girl tried to move, slowly edging her legs across until they dangled over the bed. With an effort, she rolled herself onto her back then huffed into the gag as she tried to raise her body. Her breasts heaved as she struggled.
With her legs still bound together and her arms tightly tied behind her she couldn't get enough leverage. Eventually Tegan grabbed her legs and pulled her around then reached forward to grip one of the ropes at her shoulder and hauled her into a sitting position. The girl looked at her through tired defeated eyes then lowered her head in a sign of obedience. She was breathing hard into the gag and Tegan could only feel pity for her. Nevertheless she had to continue. She strapped a collar around the girl's neck and attached the lead to it before pulling the hood over her head. With the girl unable to see Tegan left her for a moment and went to get David. Neither of them spoke, he just followed her into the room and looked around.
The room was sparsely furnished and he took it in quickly then let his eyes rest on the naked hooded figure bound on the bed. His immediate thought was that the ropes were expertly arranged and very tight; he could see how they bit into the girls skin. The girl was quiet and he wondered how hard it must have been for her to be tied so tightly for so long. Just as quickly he thought about the times he had tied Tegan just as tightly and how much they had both enjoyed it. He wondered if this girl enjoyed being bound as much as she did. He studied the girl a moment longer. She had a good figure and the tight ropes emphasised her small pert breasts, her trim waist and long legs. On another occasion he would have paid more attention to these attributes; now he exchanged a look with Tegan. She nodded imperceptibly and he knelt and started to remove the ropes binding the girl's legs. Once the first few knots were loosened he managed this quite quickly. When he was done the deep marks on her skin were the ropes had gripped her were clearly visible.
He stepped back and watched as Tegan gave a tug on the lead commanding the girl to stand. She teetered slightly then followed as Tegan led the girl into the bathroom. David remained in the bedroom until Tegan appeared at the door the girl in tow behind her. They exchanged another glance and he followed them both into the kitchen. Now they sat the girl in a chair. David tied her ankles to the legs before starting to release the ropes binding her arms. Throughout the whole process the girl was quiet, just the odd moan escaping from beneath the hood. When her arms were freed David cuffed her left arm to the chair then nodded to Tegan.
He leant against the wall and watched as Tegan went through the cupboard. She found a ready meal and put it in the microwave. She also found a carton of apple juice and put it on the table in front of the girl. When the microwave dinged she placed the meal next to the juice then spoke to the girl. "You will have fifteen minutes to eat. You will not speak when I remove the gag, if you do then you will be punished and spend the next forty eight hours in extremely tight bondage do you understand". They both watched as the girl nodded her agreement, the hood moving imperceptibly. Tegan felt pretty pleased. Although they had an overall plan of what they were going to do with the girl, Tegan was making the details up as they went along; so far it seemed to be working. David stepped out of the room and Tegan pulled the hood clear then unbuckled and removed the gag from the girl's mouth. "Eat" Tegan commanded simply.
The girl must have been hungry she didn't even turn to look at Tegan; she just picked up the spoon that Tegan had left on the table and ate hungrily. She finished the meal in less than five minutes as Tegan watched her from behind then drank juice directly from the carton. When it was empty she placed it back on the table and sat quietly waiting for the next instruction. Tegan thought for a moment. She could simply gag the girl again but it would be useful to gain some idea of how submissive she was.
"Have you finished slave?" she asked. Immediately the girl asked for permission to speak. "I'm finished Master," she said when Tegan granted the permission she had requested. Those words told Tegan an awful lot about where this girl was in her training. Quickly, she gagged the girl again then pulled the hood over her head before slipping in to the bedroom to update David who was waiting patiently for her. "She won't give us any problems," Tegan told him. "Good" he replied. "How about you?" Tegan blew the air out of her lungs and forced a smile. "It's really weird being back here pretending like this but I'll be OK," she told him. He smiled and gave her a hug then they both went back to the kitchen.
David removed the cuffs and tied the girl's wrists behind her back before releasing her ankles. Once she was free of the chair Tegan took the lead and they guided the girl through the corridors to the East Wing of the house. The third door on the left of the corridor contained two crates that both Tegan and David remembered well. David watched as Tegan guided the girl inside the crate using brief instructions. She made the girl sit while she strapped her legs down. When Tegan untied her hands the girl was docile as she was pushed flat. Tegan quickly completed the job by tightening the remaining straps over her body. Rather than screw the lid in place, they just left the hood over her head and, at Tegan's signal slipped out of the room. The first part of the plan had gone without a hitch. In the corridor they split up, Tegan to get out of the overalls and prep the bathroom whilst David went to get their captive once more.
The girl they had captured was exactly as he'd left her, he hadn't expected it to be any other way. The smell told him she'd definitely pissed herself; it made him think about the other person in the room and how she might be coping inside the rubber suit. Their captive was quiet as he removed the straps holding her down. It took him ten minutes to free her from the furniture and pull a hood over her head. Then he threw her over his shoulders once more and carried her through the house back to bathroom where Tegan had once been tied and tortured.
She was waiting there with a chair, a gas mask, two ball gags and four rolls of duct tape. They sat their captive in the chair. Rather than untie her and strip her naked, which had been David's original idea; he wanted to emulate what she had done to Tegan; they used three rolls of tape to bind her tightly to the chair. When they were done she was covered in tape from shoulders to ankle with no gaps.
Tegan had bought two gags, a ball gag and a penis gag. David removed the hood and stared into the girls green eyes as he ripped the tape from around her head. The girl winced as the tape was torn from her skin but remained silent. David wasted little time once her mouth was free, stuffing the penis gag in and buckling it tightly behind her head. Her eyes darted around the room. She knew where she was and probably could have guessed what was coming. Tegan watched as David fastened the gas mask over the girl's head then connected the hose to the tap. He turned the tap on then knelt in front of the girl and watched her eyes impassively as the mask filled with water.
At first the girl was still, trying to maintain her composure as the mask filled. As the water covered her mouth and nose she started to struggle, rocking her head back and forth, the chair legs grating on the tiles of the bathroom floor as she fought her bonds. David watched a few moments then grabbed her head and held it still so he could watch her eyes. He could see real fear there now as he maintained eye contact.
The girl struggled harder. The gag prevented her from closing her mouth and water was seeping in down her throat. After forty-five seconds her struggles lessened, her eyes rolling upward. David waited another fifteen seconds then pulled the mask off the unconscious girls head, unaware that Tegan was watching him with some concern. He started smacking the girl's cheeks to bring her round. He did this for half a minute as water trickled intermittently from her mouth. He was just about to pull the gag out when the girl jerked and tried to cough, the motion hampered by the gag in her mouth. Her eyes flickered open.
David grabbed her cheeks once more and commanded her to look at him. When he was sure she was paying attention, was certain that she understood what was going on around her once more, he spoke to her quietly. "Soon," he told her, "soon I'm going to start asking you questions. If I don't think the answers I'm getting are true, or if I think you are holding back, I'll stuff the gag back in your mouth, pull the mask over your head and keep the water running until you pass out. Once you pass out I'll bring you round again. You should understand that I've had no medical training to that revival process will be a bit hit and miss. We'll keep doing that until either you've answered all my questions to my satisfaction or I can't revive you. Do you understand?" The girl just stared back at him. "Think about it while I'm gone," he told her then pulled the hood over her head and stood up.
When he turned and looked at Tegan she stared back at him somewhat aghast. He put his finger to his lips then took her arm and led her out of the room and down the corridor. Just as they got to the door Tegan pulled out of his grip and shouted at him "Stop, wait". He turned and looked at her, he'd never seen her looking like she did now, he wasn't sure whether it was fear or anger; perhaps it was a little of both. She was trembling.
He stepped towards her and she backed away from him. "What?" he asked her a little angry himself now and also a little surprised by her actions. She stared back at him her face set hard. It took a while before she could finally ask the question that was troubling her. "Would you really kill her if she doesn't answer your questions?" David answered the question with one of his own. "Do you believe I'd do it Tegan?" he asked her quietly. She didn't answer immediately then spoke in a similar soft voice. "Until a few moments ago I would have said no, now I don't know".
He looked at her then half smiled and held out his hand. It was an agonising wait before she took it and he drew her into him. He brushed the hair from her face and held her tight then whispered quietly in her ear. "If we want her to give us information, then she has to be afraid that I will do something like that. If you believe I would, then she surely will." "What if she doesn't?" Tegan asked him her arms loosely around him. "I don't know," David admitted, "but don't worry, I'm not an ogre, I'll try and think of another approach but she'll still be alive whatever we do". He felt her arms tighten around him then "Good" was all she whispered as they held each other in the growing darkness of evening.
Back upstairs Tegan donned the blue overalls once more in preparation for the next phase of activity. First she went down to the basement to check on Karen who fell to her knees as soon as she appeared. Tegan just looked at her for a short while. Karen was chained in the bedroom in very similar fashion to how Tegan had been held, the long silver chain attached to her collar and fastened to a ring that was sunk into the floor. She didn't speak for fear that Karen might recognise her voice, just watched as the girl remained prone before her. She was naked but the only restraint was the chain. Tegan turned and left knowing that it would be safe to leave Karen for as long as they needed too. David was waiting for her in the hall and, together; they returned to the last room in the East Wing to learn something about the blonde girls final captive.
It was dark when they entered the room and David struggled to find the light switch. When he eventually did, weak light filled the room from a single bare bulb. They both examined the bonds holding the person bound in the rubber suit to the bench. The rubber suit was shapeless and spongy when pressed. It reminded Tegan of an over inflated inner tube; her fingers sank into it a little when she pressed then it felt firm. There were six wide elasticised rubber straps holding the rubber suit to the bench. The straps were held on hooks on either side of the bench but were stretched so tight that neither Tegan nor David could move them even when they combined their efforts.
After five minutes of futile effort they stopped. David started looking around for some kind of tool that might have been used to apply the straps but couldn't see anything remotely up to the task. It was Tegan who came up with the answer. She ran her hands over the rubber examining the suit. "It's full or air," she announced suddenly, "see if you can find a valve". They both studied the suit. Tegan felt around the neck and body, David the legs and feet. It was David who found the valve, pressed underneath a flap on the sole of the feet. It was a simple plug pushed into a reinforced hole but it didn't come out easily. He struggled to grip the plug at first but slowly he edged it out. The further it came the easier it was to grip and it released suddenly, the room filling with the sound of the air being expelled.
They allowed it to deflate for a short while and then the straps were easily removed. As the rubber suit collapsed it was possible to feel the person inside it. There was no sound though apart from the air being expelled and their own breathing. It wasn't immediately apparent how the suit was fitted but, when David rolled the person slightly, they uncovered a heavy-duty zip at the rear that ran from the neck to the buttocks. There were also three tubes that ran from the suit through holes in the bench. David looked beneath the bench.
The first two tubes extended an inch beneath the bench, one beneath the neck, one a foot lower. These were probably breathing tubes he thought, a main tube and a back up in case one became blocked. The third tube entered the bucket beneath the table. David and Tegan looked at each other. "Where you ever bound like this?" he asked her. Tegan shook her head. "This is long term restraint," David commented as he slid the zip down. The two sides of the suit parted. Inside he could see bare white skin covered by three black leather straps. The skin was warm to the touch and, perhaps a little surprisingly, there was still no noise.
David rolled the girl; he was still assuming it was a girl; onto her front. It appeared that the only way to remove the suit was to pull the top off the girl's head so that they could then slide it down her body. Tegan donned her own blue hood then David stretched the suit over the girl's head. It was a girl he thought now as a thick mass of short black hair was revealed, clamped down by a large rubber band that held a mask tightly against her face. There were no holes in the mask, the girl couldn't see anything, and the air tube ran from the base of the mask into the lining of the suit. The mask was obviously an integral part of the garment.
The straps that pinned the girl's arms to the side of her body could clearly be seen now; there were six of them. Tegan watched as David slowly pulled the suit off the girl. They were careful not to touch her at the same time as they wanted to maintain the illusion of only one captor being present. However David was starting to think that that didn't matter. The only thing that convinced him that she was alive was the heat emanating from her body and the fact that her skin was bathed in sweat. As he uncovered her ass he could see more straps binding her legs together. The girl was naked and a catheter had been inserted. This tube too was an integral part of the suit.
He removed the tube as gently as he could then pulled the suit from her legs. The whole process took about fifteen minutes. The straps were biting into the skin and David removed them. As he worked he thought about their own captive who had managed to capture and tie the girl they were now releasing, presumably, on her own; it made him wary. She was obviously a very resourceful woman and he still couldn't totally discount the possibility that she had a partner. He and Tegan would have to remain vigilant at all times.
The girl still didn't struggle. She was slim with firm young breasts, a flat stomach, shapely ass and long legs that ended in dainty feet. David rolled her onto her back and her arms flopped down by her side. He picked up one hand and placed his fingers across her wrist. Her pulse was slow but firm. He gave Tegan the thumbs up just to let her know the girl was alive then stepped out of the room.
Tegan eased the rubber strap holding the mask over the girl's head then peeled the device off her face. The edges were soft to form a seal against the skin, the centre more rigid. Tegan leant forward and pressed the mask against her hood-covered face then took a deep breath. The mask was very effective in shutting out the light but it was easy enough to draw air into her lungs even though the surface of the device was so close to her face. She put the mask down and studied the girl. Her eyes were closed; her short dark hair was wet and plastered to her head. Tegan could see her chest moving up and down rhythmically; at least she was alive.
She bent over the girl and gently patted her cheek. "Are you with us slave?" she asked once more remembering the role she was supposed to be playing. After a few moments the girl's eyes flickered open. When she saw Tegan a groan escaped her lips. "Permission to speak Master?" The girl croaked so softly that Tegan had to lean forward and ask her to repeat what she said. The girl repeated the words and Tegan granted the request. "Please, no more, please," the girl begged. Tegan almost choked inside the mask she felt so sorry for the girl and what she must have been through. She steeled herself and spoke carefully and quietly. "Just follow instructions slave and there will be no need to repeat this lesson". "Yes Master, thank you Master," the girl replied.
The girl could hardly move following her ordeal; it made Tegan wonder just how long she'd been inside the rubber suit. She helped the girl sit upright and swung her legs over the side of the bench. When she guided the girl off the bench however her legs gave way beneath her and she collapsed on the floor. Tegan commanded the girl to stand but her legs wouldn't take her weight. She collapsed again and burst into tears begging Tegan not to punish her. "Quiet slave," Tegan commanded while she pondered what to do. She looked around the room.
There was half a roll of duct tape lying on the floor, left by David earlier in the day. She bound the girl's wrists and ankles together then left the room to find David. He was sat on the floor just outside the door waiting for her. "She's not going to be any trouble at the moment but she needs some attention," Tegan told him. They discussed what to do. Tegan told him she could look after the girl while David questioned their captive. She reminded him how Karen had sometimes looked after her. "I can do the same for this girl if we prepare it properly". David though that was a good idea, it would speed up progress.
With that agreed they found a hood. Tegan returned to the girl and pulled it over her head then beckoned David into the room. He carried the girl through the corridor and up the stairs to their captive's quarters. He laid the girl down on the bed and checked with Tegan again that she would be OK. Then he headed back to their own captive and the main objective of the day, getting information from her. He walked past the bathroom where the blonde was held, his steps deliberately heavy on the floor so she would know someone was there. He filled a bottle of water in the kitchen, found a straw then returned to where the girl was bound to the chair, the gas mask still evident on the floor. Bringing in his own chair he placed it opposite her, sat down then reached forward and pulled the hood from her head, it was time to start the interrogation.
Chapter 18 - Probing For Answers
David unbuckled the gag and pulled it from the girl's mouth then offered her the straw. The girl looked at it then looked at David ignoring the proffered drink. "Your slut used to beg me to fuck her," she said in a quiet but defiant voice. David's immediate thought was that she sounded a lot like Tegan, the soft lilt of her accent lifting her words. He remained impassive though engaging the girl's eyes as he forced the gag back in her mouth, pulled the mask over her head and turned the water on.
This time, instead of watching her, he stood and left the room. Standing in the corridor he listened to the girl struggle. He had to convince her that he meant business. Surely if he left the room and didn't return until she was unconscious she would believe she had been left to die. He waited until the room was silent before returning. The girl's head was slumped forward and water plastered the tape that held her to the chair. He pulled the mask from her face and removed the gag then started the revival process.
He was no expert in medical matters and it was two minutes before the girl started coughing and a further three before she came around properly and opened her eyes. David stared at her for maybe a minute before offering her the straw once more. This time she sucked greedily on the small tube almost emptying the glass before she released it and looked at him. She was silent apart from the occasional cough; her hair, wet and lank from the water, falling over her face half covering her eyes. David brushed it back behind her ears and locked eyes again. Hers were green clear and intelligent and they studied each other intently, each gauging the other.
"What's your name?" David asked her quietly breaking the silence. She stared back at him her tongue brushing across her lower lip. When she finally spoke it wasn't to answer the question. "Would you like to fuck me?" she asked him. Her voice was firm, soft and very sensuous. For a moment it unnerved David; she really made it sound like she was aching to be taken by him. He looked at her for a long time before eventually recovering his poise, picking up the gas mask once more and giving an exaggerated sigh.
As he tried to pull it over her head she shook it, her wet hair spraying drops of water on his face. Now her voice had a hint of desperation. "No please; it's Lisa, my name is Lisa". David lowered the mask but kept it in his hands. "Lisa what?" he asked her. The girl looked at him through lowered eyelids. "Lisa Henderson," she told him in the same quiet voice. "Well Lisa Henderson," David said holding up the gas mask in front of her face "I can fuck you any time I want so your offer is pretty useless. Now, are we going to manage a conversation without me using this again?"
Lisa looked at the gas mask and then at David. There was something about him, a quiet determination; he wasn't going to be seduced into changing his mind. These thoughts went through her brain in seconds and she made her decision quickly. "I'll answer your questions if you feed me and let me use the bathroom". David shook his head. "No bargains Lisa. You answer all my questions then we'll decide what to do after that". Lisa cleared her throat then spat on the floor. "I've pissed myself, I've shit myself, I need the bathroom," she demanded. David just looked at her impassively and held the mask up in front of her face. "Later Lisa, now are you in a talking mood or a suffering mood". The girl sighed heavily and lowered her head. "Talking," she said, so quietly that David barely heard her. "That would be best" he replied and tossed the gas mask on the floor. "Tell me about the three girls you're holding captive here".
Over the next hour she told him everything he asked. David started with Karen because he knew something of her history from Tegan. He learnt that Karen, Karen Bale to give her full name, was in the final days of her captivity and was due to be shipped in two days time. She had been sold previously; David already knew this; but something had gone wrong during the transaction and she had been instructed to retain the girl and offer her for auction again. Lisa didn't know why the previous sale had fallen through. David made a mental note to find out how she received instructions and how girls were transported then asked about the blonde girl.
Her name was Elizabeth Clarke. Lisa had captured her after Tegan's training had been completed and she had been shipped. Her training was going well if a little slowly. She had been difficult to break initially but was now more compliant. "She enjoys being tightly tied up," Lisa told him "so she spends a lot of the time bound." David asked questions about her training and Lisa answered them all. It seemed it would be some time before she was ready for sale.
"The girl in the rubber suit with the dark hair, who's that?" David asked when he had enough information regarding Elizabeth. "That's Gillian Caufield," Lisa told him. Gill had been taken four weeks ago. She was young, only nineteen, but Lisa had been tracking her for nearly a year. David thought that was one of the most frightening aspects of this whole process, Gill had been targeted all that time ago and wouldn't have known anything about it until the day she was taken. David asked a few more questions about Gill.
Initially she had been difficult to break and Lisa had eventually elected to use the rubber suit. This was the second time Gill had been bound in the device. The first time she had been left in there for forty-eight hours. It was a sensory deprivation piece of apparatus and the forty-eight hours would seem like a lifetime. It was the second session that was designed to break them. Lisa would leave them there for another forty-eight hours and that session would always feel longer.
"You must have released her to be able to describe her," Lisa commented, "what did she say?" David studied her while he thought about whether he would answer the question. She seemed quite calm despite the fact that she was helplessly bound and at his mercy. "She might be really clever at getting inside my head," he thought, "or perhaps I'm just being paranoid". He answered the question because he wanted more information. "She begged not to be punished any more, I think the suit has done its job," he told her. Lisa just nodded her head in a knowing way as if that was exactly the answer she expected.
"So, what made you pick Gill?" he asked taking the conversation; he'd stopped thinking of it as an interrogation; in a new direction. What he really wanted to know was why she picked Tegan but he didn't want to be so direct. Showing an interest in a certain area might also show a weakness. Lisa saw right through him. "You mean why did I pick Tegan?" she said to him her face a half smile as she tilted her head ever so slightly. David was non-committal. "That works just as well", he told her.
Lisa looked up to the ceiling for a moment while she formulated her answer then met his eyes once more. "The girls have to be pretty so that they sell; that's the main criteria. I've learnt to pick girls who have a healthy interest in bondage or BDSM just because it makes them easier to train". She told him how she hacked into web sites to identify potential targets, how she scoped them out, how she got feedback on girls that would prove to be popular. When she'd finished she looked at him and smiled. "Look how much you paid for Tegan, the process works well. You did purchase Tegan didn't you?" It was an easy conclusion to come to and David didn't bother to deny it. "You paid more than you needed to you know," she told him.
David just shrugged; if she was trying to rile him, to get under his skin, he wasn't going to let it. "She must have made a hell of an impact on you," Lisa added with half a smile. David just grinned. "She did," he admitted as he picked up the gag and told her to open her mouth. She turned her head to one side. "You promised me food and the toilet," she protested. "Just do as your told Lisa," David responded. He was a little surprised when she turned her head back and allowed him to buckle the gag tightly in place.
He had every intention of washing and feeding the girl but, first, he wanted to update Tegan. As he climbed the stairs to what he assumed were Lisa's living quarters Tegan appeared at the top of the staircase. She'd removed the top of the blue suit and tied the arms around her waist. Her dark hair cascaded over her bare shoulders, her breasts pressing against the skimpy lace bra she was wearing. "God you look gorgeous," he told her. She put her finger to her lips and signalled him to go down again which he did.
At the bottom of the stairs she slid into his arms. "You're pleased to see me," she smiled as she felt his hardening cock press against her. David just nodded and kissed her hard. She responded in kind then broke the kiss and pressed her finger against his lips when he tried to kiss her again. "Later, we need to talk about the girl upstairs". David rested his hands on Tegans bare shoulders, her hair brushing the back of his hands; it was a simple thing that he got great satisfaction from.
"She's tied hand and foot on the bed upstairs." Tegan continued. "I've left the hood on but I'm not sure she's asleep. She needs checking out and I have an idea". It only took a few moments for Tegan to explain what she was thinking. David added what he had learned from Lisa to the conversation; it explained a lot to Tegan about why the girl upstairs, Gill, was so weak.
"It seems such an incongruous name," Tegan said suddenly. David was confused for a moment and she looked at him. "The girl, Lisa, I was expecting something more; oh I don't know; more exotic". David gave her a soft smile and squeezed her closer. She laid her head on his chest enjoying the moment. "You didn't hurt her did you?" she said softly and felt his arms tighten around her. David was a little surprised by the question; Lisa was the cause of all Tegan's woes and she was concerned about her. It was something he would probably never completely understand. "I didn't hurt her," he whispered in her ear and Tegan mouthed a "thank-you" against his chest. "Let's get to work," he said after a few moments. Tegan readily agreed.
It took them nearly an hour to find all the equipment they wanted. The main problem they had was finding the keys for the locks on the collars and long chains that they wanted to use. It was almost 10:00pm by the time they were ready. It had been a long day but they both wanted to press on. There was still an element of adrenaline driving them forward.
They took all the equipment to the West Wing, Tegan's Quarters as David had started calling that area of the building. Lisa watched them walk past the bathroom door and grunted into the gag; they both ignored her. Whilst Tegan laid out the equipment in the bedroom, David went into the kitchen and heated up one of the ready meals in the cupboard. He took a spoon from the draw then returned to the bathroom and sat himself in the chair opposite Lisa once more. He removed the gag then spooned the meal, a lasagne, into her mouth. Lisa eyed him carefully but didn't speak, just chewed and swallowed.
While he was feeding the bound girl Tegan came into the room to watch; a glass of water in her hand. What seemed to confuse Lisa was the fact that Tegan was naked. No one spoke. When David had finished Tegan allowed the girl to drink from the glass and then David gagged her once more. "I'll be back for you shortly and we can continue our discussion," he told her.
David locked one end of a long chain to the iron ring embedded in the bathroom floor then both he and Tegan returned to the bedroom. They were silent as David buckled and locked a leather collar around Tegan's neck and then attached the other end of the chain. When she was chained up he kissed her and asked her if she was OK. "This is the best way," she told him quietly. "Can you remember what to say?" she continued. David smiled a yes. "Then get going Master," she said, a wry smile on her own face. David blew her a kiss as he left the room and returned up the stairs to Lisa's living quarters. He went into the bedroom and studied the girl lying prostrate on the bed.
Gill looked like she was asleep but David knew she wasn't; he'd noticed her body stiffen at the sound of his footsteps when he'd entered the room.
He slipped a rubber mask over his face to mask his voice then reached out and touched the girl's shoulder. "Sit up slave," he commanded hoping his voice didn't sound so different from those she would have heard earlier. The girl scrabbled on the bed; she was having difficulty getting into the position David had demanded. He wasn't sure whether this was because she was bound hand and foot or had been rendered incapable by her previous experience in the rubber suit.
David grabbed her shoulders and helped her roughly into a sitting position. "You need to perform better than this slave," he told her, trying his best to stay in character. Gill was crying now, begging him not to punish her. In the end he slapped her hard with a curt command for silence. She struggled to get herself under control, her body wracked with sobs that slowly dissipated. When she was still David spoke to her sternly. "You will not be punished again slave unless you break the rules. Obey the rules and you will be fine, do you understand". "Oh yes, I understand, please don't hurt me anymore," the girl begged. David felt really sorry for her which only made the next slap he gave her even harder. "You must ask for permission to speak girl," he told her "am I to punish you again?"
Gill sobbed again but had the wits to make sure her next words were "Permission to speak Master". When David granted permission she promised to be good and pleaded with him not to punish her any more. "We shall see," he told her and fastened a lead to the collar locked around her neck. Next he ripped away the duct tape binding her ankles. "Can you walk slave?" he asked her. Again she had her wits about her, asking for permission to speak then telling him she thought so as she struggled, with David's help, to get to her feet.
"Follow me slave," David commanded as he took the lead and led her slowly out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He guided her carefully down each step then led her through the doors and corridors to Tegan's Quarters. Lisa eyed them as they walked past the bathroom and David mentally cursed himself for not putting the hood over her head. It might not make any difference in the long run but the less she knew about what he and Tegan were doing the better. He led Gill into the bedroom.
Tegan was sat on the bed waiting; she had heard him coming. She didn't speak. "Kneel slave," he commanded and Gill lowered herself with a bit of effort. David removed the lead from her collar then attached another of the long chains so that she would be able to move around. "Don't speak now slave, just nod if you understand". He watched her head move slowly then continued. "Another slave will be here shortly, she will look after you. She has been here a long time; you will do as she tells you. I will be watching you through the hidden cameras. You will obey this slave or I will punish you severely, do you understand these instructions?" Again the girl nodded.
"Excellent," David said. "Now, this slaves name is Tegan. You will tell Tegan that she is to have you ready for a training session by 11:00am tomorrow morning. If you are not ready then both of you will be punished, can you remember that slave?". David didn't look at Tegan as he spoke; he was suddenly overcome by an urge to laugh and he didn't think looking at Tegan would help him suppress that feeling. Instead he took two deep breaths as the kneeling girl nodded her compliance once more. "You will remain kneeling here until Tegan arrives in about fifteen minutes time, be good Gill," he told her. She remained still and, finally he met Tegan's eyes. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss then gave him the thumbs up. He blew a kiss back then left her with Gill, returning to the bathroom were Lisa remained helplessly bound to the chair.
He started to remove the tape holding Lisa to the chair but it was soon apparent that this would take too long. His second option, trying to carry Lisa and the chair, didn't work either, a girl bound to a chair was just too unwieldy an item. He sprinted back to the upstairs living quarters and dug around until he found a pair of scissors and used these to cut Lisa free from the chair.
Leaving the cut tape on the floor, he threw the girl over his shoulders once more and carried her slowly to the foot of the stairs. There he placed her on the bottom step then cut her legs free from ankle to knee. It wasn't enough to allow her to get up the stairs so he picked her up again then carefully climbed one step at a time. When he got to the top he set her on her feet then grabbed a fistful of hair and led her into the bedroom throwing her face down on the bed. She groaned into the gag a couple of times but that was the only hint of resistance she gave. He sat on her and started removing the tape with the scissors.
As he freed an area he bound it with something else. Mostly he used leather cuffs that they had found earlier but her knees and elbows he bound with white cotton rope. As he worked his way up her legs he started to encounter wet patches on the jeans she was wearing. Not wishing to soil the bed he made her hop into the bathroom where he continued to remove the tape. He also started cutting her clothes free as he went. It took forty minutes before he had Lisa bound and naked in the bath. He washed her then running soap and water over her body and also shampooing her hair.
He tried to ignore the fact that she was actually a good-looking girl. Her breasts were full and firm; David couldn't stop himself from thinking how they would look with rope wrapped tightly around them. Her long, thick blonde hair fell over smooth, blemish free shoulders and flowed down an equally smooth, muscular back. She had what he might have described as a swimmers body; there was no fat on her whatsoever. Her strong upper body narrowed to a shapely waist and her legs were equally long and muscular. "It's no wonder she fought so much better than I expected," he thought.
As he washed her he couldn't help but notice her bare shaved pussy. When he ran the sponge between her legs she tried to thrust against him. Although she couldn't speak and hadn't struggled a great deal it was obvious to David that she would keep trying, in a subtle way, to undermine him. He did his best to ignore her pussy and washed her clean. He also resolved, not for the first time, to take no chances and make sure he kept her tightly restrained at all times.
It was another forty minutes before he had her back in the bedroom sat bound on the bed, a large bath towel wrapped around her. His watch told him it was just past midnight and he considered putting off the next phase of the interrogation until the morning then decided against it. He couldn't take the chance that he wouldn't be back with Tegan and Gill by eleven-o-clock the next day. Despite all that they had already accomplished there was still much to do and the pressure of time would not make things any easier.
He filled two bottles full of water then found an armchair and dragged it to the bed. He sat Lisa upright against the head of the bed then wound some rope around her waist and the bed frame securing her in place. He took a drink of water then removed the gag from her mouth and offered her a drink as well. She slurped the whole bottle without a breath, some of the water escaping her mouth and trickling down her cheek. He wiped this away with a corner of one of the sheets on the bed then sat down in the chair and looked at her.
She smiled seductively at him "Are you going to fuck me now?" she asked him in the same sexy, sultry voice she had used earlier in the day. He didn't answer her, just locked eyes with her and studied her. Eventually, Lisa lowered her eyes then raised her head and looked back at him. "What are you going to do with me?" she asked him. Still he was silent. They looked at each other a while longer, Lisa testing the ropes and straps that held her at the same time. "There's a way we can all come out of this ahead," she said eventually. David shifted in his chair. "Maybe," he told her, "but first, tell me about how you get instructions and how girls are shipped, then we'll see what we're going to do". He settled back into his chair and waited for Lisa to start speaking.
It quickly became obvious to David that Lisa had decided to be cooperative and, initially, this made him suspicious. As she talked however it became clear that the organisation would remain something of a mystery. Lisa had never met any other member face to face, all contact was via some sort of secure e-mail system; very similar to how he himself had engaged with them. Lisa sent these unknown people pictures plus very basic information of potential victims and received feedback regarding how popular they were likely to be. David asked her if these were the pictures that appeared in the catalogue but Lisa had never seen it.
The kidnapping and training of the girls was entirely down to Lisa. When they were close to being ready she sent pictures of the girls in tight bondage to a web-address. This address changed every week so she always sent the pictures to the latest. She would get back dates when these girls were to be sold. It was her responsibility to prepare the girls for these sessions and also to move the cameras. On sale day she would log onto a link that was sent in the morning. Apart from hooking up the camera everything else was then handled remotely.
After a successful sale she would send any electronic documents she had to the latest web address she had received. The final communication in the process gave her the time, date and location where the girl should be handed over. Girls had to be handed over anonymously and in such a fashion that they couldn't see anything. Lisa elected to do this in crates that she had designed. Various companies built the crates in parts and Lisa assembled them when the individual items were delivered. It all seemed remarkably simple to David. "That's probably why the process is so successful," he thought.
David asked her a few questions based on his knowledge of the process from purchasing Tegan but there was little else she could add. When he was just about done he asked a final question. "You told me earlier that Karen was due to be delivered the day after tomorrow, Sunday. Where is she to be delivered?" Lisa told him the location, an isolated area about two hundred miles away from where they were.
"What happens if you don't turn up?" he asked. "You have to meet instructions," she told him. "If, for any reason, an instruction is not met then that's it, there's no further communication and you're no longer part of the organisation." David followed that to its logical conclusion. "So, it we don't turn up on Sunday then you're out and that's it". Lisa nodded. "What happens to the girls you have captive then?" Lisa shook her head "I haven't thought about it," she told him, "I've always followed instructions." "And you know nothing about the people you're dealing with?" David asked for confirmation. "That's right", she said "not a thing".
David was silent for a few moments, his immediate questions finished. He wanted to ask her how she had started this work, how she had managed to equip this isolated dwelling; there were lots of things he would like to have known. Lisa's past was irrelevant to their current objective though and he didn't want his curiosity to become a distraction; he figured that he could manage without knowing the answers. When he didn't speak Lisa asked him if there was anything else. He actually smiled at her. "Not for the moment," he told her. "Then I'd like to ask you a couple of things," she said. David considered her request. If he answered her questions it might help build a rapport that could be useful later, "OK Lisa" he told her, "What would you like to know?"
"How did you find me?" was Lisa's first question. "Some educated guesswork and a lot of good fortune," David answered. Lisa stared at him taking this information in. Eventually, she asked him "Why? Why did you put all this effort into finding me? Are you part of the organisation? Are you some sort of policeman?"
This was harder for David to answer. He didn't want to get too familiar with Lisa; which he suspected was what she was hoping for; and he didn't want to give her too much information about him and Tegan. "I'm not a policeman, I'm not part of any organisation. As for why we did it; well it just seemed the right thing to do". Lisa smiled seductively at him. "I'm the victim of a guilty conscience then." She said it as a statement more than a question. David shook his head and Lisa smiled again licking her lips.
"I am," she stated. "I kidnapped Tegan and you bought her, you're as guilty as I am". She said the words softly shrugging against the bonds that held her at the same time. Now it was David's turn to smile. "I'll let Tegan decide who's the guilty one and, as you can see, I think her decision is obvious". Lisa shrugged again and they were both silent for a moment looking at each other. In the silence she shook her body and the bath towel fell from her shoulders exposing her firm body. She shrugged her shoulders jiggling her breasts at him; her long blonde hair shimmered in the light of the single electric bulb in the room.
"Are you sure you wouldn't like to fuck me now, I promise I won't tell Tegan." The sultry sexy voice was back but David found it strangely easy to ignore. He rose from the armchair and picked up a ball-gag. Lisa watched him as he approached her then said softly, "One last question please David." He was a little surprised, it was the first time she had used his name. He paused with the gag. "One more question Lisa, what is it?"
"What are you going to do with me; are you going to kill me?" Her voice sounded small now and her body had tensed. David thought that this was probably a question she didn't really want to ask but had forced herself too. He wasn't surprised at this show of courage. Lisa struck him as a resourceful girl who was used to getting her own way. He told her to open her mouth and he strapped the gag tightly in place then lifted her chin with his fingers so he could look in her eyes. She was trying to be brave but he could tell she was scared now.
"I haven't decided what I'm going to do with you Lisa but I will promise you now that no-one is going to kill you". He watched as relief flowed into her body her tense shoulders relaxing; it was obviously something that had been weighing heavily on her mind. "Now I'm going to tie you up for the night, you will be good won't you?" Lisa nodded as David picked up a rope thinking about what he had told her. He had lied a little. He wasn't going to kill her or do her any permanent harm, but he knew exactly what he was going to do with Tegan's kidnapper. He smiled to himself as he started binding the girl tightly to the bed.
Tegan watched David disappear through the door then sat quietly keeping an eye on Gill and listening to the sounds from the bathroom. David had told Gill that Tegan would arrive in fifteen minutes. She watched the girl who remained motionless on her knees. When she heard David guiding Lisa up the corridor she rose silently from the bed and knelt by the girl gently touching her shoulder. The girl tensed and gave a stifled scream. "Shush baby it's alright" Tegan said to her softly as she gently removed the hood from the girl's head.
Gill looked at her through tear-streaked eyes. "I'm Tegan," Tegan said to her. "Let's start by getting this tape off your wrists". Gill knelt quietly, wincing as Tegan pulled the tape free from her skin. As soon as her arms were free she started scrabbling at the collar around her neck. Tegan grabbed her wrists and pulled them down. "Stop it Gill, you can't escape, just relax and let me help you". Gill looked at her then burst into tears. "It's OK baby, it's OK" Tegan said as she wrapped her arms around the girl and held her close. It took some time before the sobs stopped and Gill was still in her arms. Then Tegan felt the girl's arms loosely around her neck. She held her a while longer before whispering in her ear "how does a hot bath and some food sound Gill". She didn't answer but Tegan felt her head move against her shoulder and took it for a "Yes". She helped the girl to her feet and led her to the bathroom.
Over the next two hours Tegan bathed the girl, bathed herself and then cooked for them both in the simple kitchen. Gill's story came out in fits and starts during that time, her tale punctuated by many tears. It was only after Tegan told Gill her own story that the dark haired girl eventually relaxed enough to treat Tegan as a fellow captive rather than co-conspirator.
Gill was nineteen years of age and lived on her own on the Northern outskirts of Adelaide. She'd had a traumatic childhood. Her mother had come from a broken home that she had left at sixteen years of age, the year she got pregnant with Gill. Gill had no idea who her real father was. During her child hood her mother had had numerous partners none of whom had stayed long. When she was nine years of age her mother's beau at that time had tried to rape Gill after consuming the best part of two bottles of whiskey. Her mother was comatose on the couch at the time but her screams had been heard by neighbours who had alerted the police. The end result of this episode was that Gill had been taken into care.
She spent her adolescence flitting between care homes and foster parents. In the care homes she always appeared to be the odd one out, the loner, making no real friends. The foster homes were worse. There were often other siblings who she was expected to get on with; she didn't. When they talked to her she would ignore them, when they teased her she would sulk, when they lost patience and hit her she would either cry or fight back with a vengeance that was positively venomous. Twice she was returned to care homes by foster parents whose other children had ended up in accident and emergency.
In adolescence she preferred her own company. Despite the fact that she grew into an attractive young girl boys would ignore her; she frightened them. Other girls talked about her behind her back. The only thing Gill had going for her was her intelligence. She breezed through school and could easily have gone to university. However, her preference was to escape the social system at the earliest opportunity. At sixteen years of age, with the help of her social team, she got a job at a large bank.
The salary wasn't great but it allowed her to move into a small bedsit; at last she was on her own. She avoided the mistakes her mother made; refusing to have a boyfriend helped her in this. She worked hard at the bank and progressed quickly over the first two years. This allowed her to move from the bedsit into a much nicer one bedroom flat. She was just starting to get her life together when she had been taken. This latter revelation had been succeeded by another bout of tears.
Tegan listened to the girl, encouraging her when she felt Gill needed it, stroking her arm, touching her cheek or squeezing her hand. Now as she held her tight waiting for the current batch of tears to abate she knew there was something missing from the girl's story.
When Gill had quietened down again Tegan pulled her arms away and placed her hands lightly on the girl's shoulders. "I was kidnapped because I had a hankering to be tied up and our captor found out about it. Do you have a similar secret Gill?" Tears welled in the girl's eyes again but she nodded her head. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Tegan coaxed. For the first time the girl smiled. She nodded again as she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand and Tegan listened to the second part of the story.
Gill had no idea why she liked bondage, she just knew there was something comforting about being tied and helpless. Her first experiences were as a young child. Her mother spent many hours watching B-Movies on TV. Gill liked the ones where the young princess; bound and helpless; was rescued by the dashing prince, the girl tied to the railroad tracks was rescued by the sheriff, the girl kept in the dungeon by the evil count was rescued by the dashing knight. On days when her mother was soundly asleep, she would play out the part of the damsel in distress by lying on the carpet, grabbing a corner and rolling across the floor so that it wrapped around her. She felt snug and safe inside that carpet and dreamt of the moment when her prince would save her.
At twelve years of age she had convinced her slightly older foster brother to pretend he was an evil prince and tie her up. He had used a clothesline and tied her to the pole in the garden that it was normally attached too. Her foster mother had punished them both when she found them but Gill spent many a night afterwards reliving the feeling of her hands being held behind her, her shoulders being pulled back against the solidness of the pole. She couldn't explain the wetness between her legs, the feeling of bliss as the muscles there clenched and sent waves of pleasure through her body but that didn't stop her from enjoying those moments.
As she got older, and her understanding grew, she got more and more frustrated. The opportunities for bondage were few and far between. Being a loner helped a little but the snatched moments when she could use the sheets to tie her legs together or roll herself in some material were few and far between. Perhaps for the first time, while talking to Tegan, Gill admitted to herself that one of the reasons for opting to live alone at such an early age was so she could practice bondage on herself.
Tegan felt a pang of sorrow for the girl as Gill explained how she used to tie herself up, first in her bed-sit and later her flat. It reminded Tegan of how she had spent days planning her own restraint and how much she had enjoyed those moments. It also made her think about how much more satisfying the bondage was when someone else was doing it, how much more helpless she felt when David bound her with masses of restraint. She wondered if Gill would ever be lucky enough to find a partner as she had.
She shook those thoughts from her mind and listened as Gill told her how she had searched the web and amassed a wealth of toys and equipment with which she could practise her passion. Gill started simply with ropes and toys. It wasn't long though before she wanted a more complete experience. She purchased fetish clothing that she would use to encase her body. She purchased straps and ratchets that she could use to tie herself to her bed. She purchased gags, blindfolds and lots of other items that helped her enjoy her self-bondage experiences. Gills passion for bondage very much echoed Tegan's.
"How did you end up being kidnapped?" Tegan asked her in a moment of silence. By now the tears had stopped and Gill seemed much more comfortable in Tegan's company. The last part of the story was testament to the girl's loneliness. Gill had never had a man but this didn't worry her; it just made her wonder if she might prefer women. She had flirted with on-line dating. By now she had grown into an attractive young lady and had no shortage of potential suitors, particularly on-line. Four times she arranged dates and four times she lacked the courage to turn up. Then she met Michael.
Michael wooed her on-line for six months, he seemed the perfect fit. His photo suggested he was handsomely rugged and Gill was soon imagining him as her saviour prince, one of her favourite fantasies. The clincher for Gill was when he started talking about how nice it would be if he could rescue her from her life. He had fantasies about rescuing princesses. He would love to find a girl bound and helpless and rescue her from the evil wizard. Now the floodgates opened and Gill poured out her fantasies to this kind young man who seemed to be so in tune with her.
There was only one problem, he lived in Brisbane and she lived in Adelaide. It was Gill who suggested they met in Canberra, approximately halfway for both of them. Initially Michael appeared unsure but then suggested they met somewhere public. Eventually they settled on a McDonalds restaurant on the outskirts of the town.
The meeting was arranged for a Saturday. Gill, who had never before left Adelaide, took a train to Sydney on the Thursday and another to Canberra on the Friday. It was so exciting, all her dreams and fantasies were going to come true. On the Saturday morning she took a bus to the outskirts of Canberra and found the appointed restaurant ten minutes before midday, the time they were meant to meet. She purchased a coffee and sat at a table to wait; there was no sign of Michael. At one-o-clock she purchased a Big Mac and another coffee, telling herself that he would be here soon, there were so many things that could delay his journey. By two thirty she was fighting back the tears. Surely he wasn't going to leave her there after she had travelled so far. It was at that moment that the blonde woman had sat down at her table cursing.
"Men are such fucking bastards," the woman announced as she sat down opposite Gill who remained silent. "I've travelled all this fucking way and the bastard doesn't turn up, how I fucking well hate men," the woman continued. Gill looked up at her. This woman had been stood up as well but she wasn't taking it like Gill. Here was a woman who knew her own mind, no crying in her coffee, she was going to fight back. "Fucking wanker, I should have guessed, Michael is such a wimps name I should have known the fucker wouldn't show."
Gill perked at this piece of information and the woman seemed to look at her for the first time. "I'm sorry babe," the woman said placing her hand on Gills wrist. "I know I shouldn't swear so much but men are such wankers; the bastards always let you down". It was too much of a co-incidence not for Gill to comment. "I'm waiting for someone called Michael too, he was supposed to be here hours ago," she said still fighting back the tears. "Nooooooo, surely not," the woman said in astonishment. "Hey I'm Stephanie, Steph to my friends, let me buy you a coffee".
Steph didn't give Gill an opportunity to object, buying two coffees then sitting down next to her and promptly unloading her story. It soon became obvious to Gill that they had both been waiting for the same person. Steph too was looking for a prince. What she wanted that prince to do to her was way in excess of anything Gill had imagined. Steph talked about being tied up and fucked in every hole. It wasn't long before Gill was confessing similar dreams about being tied up. She wasn't sure about the sex though, having never experienced the pleasure of having a man enter any of her orifices.
Steph purchased more coffees and continued the conversation, dominating most of it. Gill had never heard so much profanity coming from a woman's mouth before and she was starting to like this blonde woman who had suffered like her. It was nearly 6:00pm when Steph looked at her watch and let out a deep sigh. "Well it doesn't look like the bastards coming and I drove all the way from fucking Port Lincoln". "I came by train from Adelaide," Gill confessed, "It took me two days". "Noooooo," Steph cried again grabbing Gill's wrist in shock. It took her less than two minutes to convince Gill to let her drive them both home.
It was a warm evening when she climbed into the passenger seat of Steph's blue van and set off for Adelaide. They'd been driving for about an hour, the traffic minimal when Steph stopped the van in an area of high brush. "All that coffee, I need to pee," she told Gill as she disappeared into the bush. It was about a minute later when Gill heard a high-pitched scream and then silence. She sat there wondering what to do.
She wound down the window and shouted "Are you all-right Steph?". There was no reply. Eventually she opened the door and left the safety of the van, stepping carefully into the bush. There was no sign of Steph. She called her name again; still no reply. Gill pushed further on. Then she saw a shoe; it was about ten feet away. She walked over to it and picked it up. "This must be Steph's," she thought staring at it and trying hard to remember what Steph had been wearing. She didn't realise someone was behind her until the cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth. She started to struggle but, in her shock, the first thing she did was take a deep breath. The chloroform bit into her nose, throat and lungs and she was already beaten, her struggles rapidly weakening until she collapsed.
"I woke up in this place tied up in a small room," she told Tegan. She then briefly described her experiences with the gas mask, the bondage table and the rubber suit. It seemed to Tegan that it had taken a long time to break Gill and make her pliant and ready for training. When Gill had finished her tale Tegan took her to the bedroom. "We need to sleep Gill" she told the young girl who nodded. "Thank you for being nice to me," Gill said to her as tears started to flow again. Tegan could only lie down next to her on the small bed and hold her tight hoping she would cry herself to sleep.
Some time later, when Gill was quiet, Tegan moved slightly so she could look at the girls face. Her eyes were closed but flicked open when she felt Tegan move. "I'm sure Steph's here as well," Gill confided to her in a soft, scared voice. "Have you seen anyone else?" Tegan gave her a comforting hug. "I've seen another slave whose name was Karen. I haven't seen anyone who meets your description of Stephanie." "I hope she's OK," Gill said and closed her eyes snuggling into Tegan. Within five minutes she was asleep.
Tegan lay there thinking about the girl's story. It was a sad tale but there were many similarities. Tegan related entirely to Gill's need for bondage, she knew just how fierce that longing could be. As for Stephanie, Tegan was certain Gill was right, she was here in this house, she just wasn't who Gill thought she was. Her thoughts turned to the events of that day. It had been a long one and sleep soon overcame her as well.
Chapter 19 - Making Preparations
David woke on the couch to sun streaming into the upstairs Living Room. At first he thought it must be late in the morning and hurriedly looked at his watch; relieved to see it was only just after 7:00am. He hadn't slept more than five hours but felt surprisingly refreshed. He swung his feet on to the floor then sat and listened. It was eerily quiet; he couldn't even hear any birdsong welcoming in the daylight. He used the bathroom then went to check on his captive.
He found Lisa exactly as he left her, naked and strapped tightly face down to the bed from shoulder to ankle. The girl was awake and her eyes followed him as he entered the room. He sat on the end of the bed and tapped her on the ankle. "Are you listening Lisa?" he asked. She nodded her head and David continued. "I'm going to let you use the bathroom and have some breakfast. When I take the gag out you won't speak, is that understood?" Again Lisa nodded and he started to undo the ropes and straps holding her to the bed.
It took him ten minutes to free her and release her legs so she could walk. He attached a collar around her neck; fixed a lead to the small D-ring at the front then led her to the bathroom. He let her use the toilet then gave her face a wipe with a damp cloth before guiding her into the small kitchen where he fed her breakfast. She complied with his instructions and remained silent throughout the whole process. It didn't seem long before David was strapping her back to the bed.
When she was helpless once more he sat next to her and gently stroked his fingers through her hair. "One question Lisa before I put the gag back in; I want the e-mail address and password you use when you're receiving instructions." He was a little surprised when she gave it to him without argument. "Are there any other passwords on the computers downstairs?" Again she gave him the start-up passwords, it was the same on all her laptops. He put the gag back in then patted her on her firm backside before going downstairs to see what he could learn.
As he fired up the three laptops, located in the room with the cameras and the St Andrew's Crosses, he tried to put himself in Lisa's shoes. She was being very co-operative. The obvious reason was that she was scared and wanted to avoid further punishment; David didn't think it was as straight forward as that. "Perhaps she knows there is help coming", he mused but that didn't seem likely. She certainly hadn't been able to let off any kind of alarm; he and Tegan had overpowered her before there was any opportunity to do that. The only other option was that she had missed some kind of communication that would have alerted the people she delivered for to a problem.
Given the cell like nature of that organisation this too seemed an unlikely scenario. Hopefully it was just the fact that they had taken her completely by surprise coupled with the fact that she had no opportunity to escape that that was keeping her compliant. Almost certainly she was waiting for such an opportunity and David reaffirmed to himself his resolve to be careful and vigilant with her at all times. All three laptops were now working and he started to peruse the contents of Lisa's e-mail hoping to find answers.
Two hours later he shut them all down again having found the information he needed. The first thing he confirmed was the delivery of a girl to the location Lisa had already told him about. The pick-up was scheduled for noon the next day and the information Lisa had provided was correct. There were only four e-mails in her in-box and all related to the delivery of the next package. The first was asking for dates, the second confirming when the next package would be ready. The third gave the suggested date time and location for the exchange and the fourth confirmed it. It was obvious that Lisa deleted e-mails on a regular basis.
David printed off a map of the delivery location then deleted the e-mails he had just read as well. Next he returned his attention to what was on the hard-drives of each machine. The first two laptops had no relevant information. On the third he found twelve data files. He opened one at random. Now a number of other folders could be viewed, "Sarah Training", "Sarah Home", Sarah Bondage", "Sarah Punishment", "Sarah Files", "Sarah Pictures", "Sarah Misc". He opened the "Sarah Bondage" file. It contained over two hundred jpeg files and he clicked on the one in the top left corner.
The screen displayed a picture of an attractive busty redhead tied tightly to a pole, her mouth filled with a large black ball gag. He could see fire in her eyes as she fought the tight ropes that restrained her. The ropes covered her at regular intervals from shoulder to ankle. The next three pictures displayed the same scenario. The fifth picture showed the girl from the rear. He could see how her arms were tightly bound to the pole, how the strap holding the gag was tightened around the pole holding her head in place. Her long red hair cascaded down to the middle of her back and partially obscured the ropes binding her arms and body to the pole.
David closed that file and picked another at random from the middle of the screen. The picture that came up displayed Sarah bent over a bondage table. Her legs were spread apart, her ankles tied to each leg. A leather strap held her hips firmly pressed down on the table and more straps were holding her down at waist, the middle of her back and shoulders. Her wrists were tied together, her arms pulled out in front of her, a rope fastened to the other end of the table holding them tightly in place. Her head was twisted to the side, her long red hair plastered across a face that was a picture of ecstasy.
The reason for this pleasure was the large plastic penis buried deep in her pussy. It was attached to a rod and, whilst the rest of the machine was not in the picture, it was clear that Sarah was being fucked until she dropped by some mechanical device. David selected one more file. It showed Sarah strapped in one of the crates, very similar to when he had first seen Tegan. He closed the whole folder and quickly opened the others.
They all had the same structure, it was just a different name at the front. The sixth file he opened displayed the name Tegan. He didn't really want to look at all her files without her knowledge so he selected the folder "Tegan Misc" and opened the first file. It was a picture of Tegan in a white dress, not the one he'd first seen in the catalogue but one very similar to it.
shut all three computers down and spent the next forty minutes removing the hard drive from each of them. As he was looking at the pictures he'd already decided he was going to destroy all the data. If all went well all the girls currently captive would soon have their freedom. There was nothing he could do about the women who had already been sold but he could prevent any chance of this information being made public; which it surely would if the press ever found out about it. With the drives removed he took them upstairs, checked that Lisa was still secure then looked at his watch. It was 10:50am, time to see how Tegan was getting on.
Tegan too had woken early that morning, but not by choice. Two people sleeping in the bed was not ideal and Gill was a fidgety sleeper. Even now the silence of the morning was broken by Gill's soft moans and occasional grunts and jerks. Tegan watched her with a mixture of pity and slight annoyance; she could have done with a more restful night. She rose quietly from the bed, showered and then ate breakfast. When she returned to the bedroom Gill was still sleeping; Tegan woke her gently.
"You need to be ready by eleven," Tegan told her. Gill immediately started worrying about what she might be subjected to that day. Tegan tried to calm her but her soothing words were ineffectual. In the end Tegan grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently. "Gill you need to stop," she told her quietly but firmly. "I've been here ages and there's no escape. Just be good and do as you're told. Don't argue. It won't be easy but you told me yesterday how you felt about being tied up, how you lusted for it. Just try and enjoy some of those moments, don't think about things too hard."
As a speech meant to give Gill a little courage Tegan didn't think it was particularly good. Gill calmed down a little though and nodded her head. "I'll try Tegan," she said meekly. Tegan made her breakfast while she showered and then they talked a little more. When it was half an hour before David was due Tegan took Gills hand and led her back to the bedroom.
Gill was initially reluctant to allow Tegan to tape her wrists together again but she insisted. "Look Gill, I'll tell the Master that you're not well and I should complete the training today but you need to be ready, I don't want to piss him off even if you don't care". The girl looked at Tegan then slowly held her arms behind her back allowing Tegan to bind them in place. Then Tegan pulled the hood over her head and made her kneel on the floor. She gripped her shoulders and squeezed them "Don't worry, things will be OK," she whispered encouragingly in Gills ear. They waited five minutes and then Tegan heard the corridor door open and close loudly indicating that someone was on the way. "Be brave Gill," she whispered giving her a final squeeze as she waited for David to put his head around the door.
"I hope you're ready slaves," David said in a loud voice as he wandered down the corridor. He didn't want to walk in the room before Tegan had prepared Gill; if she saw him that would be a huge problem. Tegan's soft voice announcing "Yes Master," told him that all was well. The two were knelt side by side as he entered and Tegan looked at him smiling.
"Permission to speak Master," she asked him playing her role perfectly. "What is it Tegan?" David asked trying to sound annoyed. Tegan lowered her head composing herself. It was hard doing this with him and, like David the previous day, the urge to laugh was strong. When she looked back up though she was under control.
"Master," she started, "slave Gill is not feeling well and needs to rest, you should take me for training today and leave her here, give her chance to recover from her ordeal." She looked at David nodding her head then added in a soft voice, "Please Master." David waited a few moments just to give Gill the impression he was thinking about it. Then he leant forward and whispered in Gill's ear, "I hope you appreciate Tegan volunteering Gill". The hood moved up and down and a weak "Yes Master" was uttered beneath the black material. "Don't move for fifteen minutes Gill," he told her then added "and make sure you make the most of your day off to recover understood?" Again the weak reply followed.
David considered reprimanding her for not asking permission to speak but didn't. Instead he patted her head then removed the tape binding her wrists before unlocking the chain around Tegan's collar. "Come with me Tegan," he announced for Gill's benefit then led her out of the room. Outside the door Tegan turned to kiss him but he shook his head pointing back at the room. She pouted then set off down the corridor and through the door.
David followed her watching her hips sway, her mane of dark hair bouncing against her back. He loved the way her hair curled around her ass, loved the way her muscles rippled as she walked. He could feel himself hardening as they made their way down the second corridor. Tegan turned again as they entered the hall. This time he kissed her hard, his hands running through her hair.
He felt her hands slide down his front, lifting his shirt and running over his skin then unfastening his pants. She broke the kiss and started pulling him up the stairs but David held her back, kissing her again. "No good upstairs," he panted as his hands roamed over her body. Tegan understood, taking his hand and leading him through into East Wing of the house.
She opened two doors before she found the room she wanted; the equipment in the room included one of the bondage tables. She kissed David hard again her arms snaking around his neck as his hands caressed and kneaded her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples. Then she was trying to pull his pants down over his hips. "Fuck me, fuck me as hard as you can," she breathed needily as her tongue duelled with his. She fought with his trousers a little longer then cursed, her hand in his groin squeezing his hard cock through the material. "Fuck me now David," she demanded, "god I need to feel you inside me".
With that she broke away from him, turning and bending over the bondage table. Her hair fell around her as she looked back over her shoulder. She spread her legs wide and shook her ass at him. "Come on David, fuck me now," she commanded. He took a deep breath and studied her as he removed his clothes. He took in her arse perfectly formed, her pussy wet and inviting. The urge to feel that heat around his cock was overwhelming.
He kicked off his pants, tore his shirt off then advanced on her, grabbing her hips with his hands, guiding his cock onto the lips of her sex then thrusting inside her. There was no finesse. He held her hips tight and slammed himself into her. Their cries and moans filled the room as he did what she asked, thrusting himself into her, slamming her hips against the table with his vigour. She rested her forearms on the table in front of her body and used them as leverage to thrust back against him. Her breasts bounced on the soft leather top as they threw themselves at each other.
"Oh god yes," she shouted then, "don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," as she felt her orgasm build. David came first but kept thrusting until Tegan crested the wave of pleasure as well. She collapsed on the table, David on top of her. Her breathing sounded raspy and David was panting from the exertion. It was some time before she felt the weight of him pressing on her lessen. As he stepped back she raised herself and turned. He was still staring at her with eyes that looked like they were filled with lust. She cupped his face with her hands and kissed him lightly. "Thank you babe," she murmured "you have no idea how much I needed that." David just held her close to him.
It was Tegan who eventually broke the embrace as she whispered in his ear "Do we need to get going?" David reluctantly agreed that they did and she gave him an update of her time with Gill. David then told her what he had learned from Lisa and also what he had discovered on the computers. "I'm going to destroy all that so no-one finds it," he told her. She didn't disagree. He kissed her again, gently this time, then dressed whilst Tegan went upstairs to find some clothes. By the time David arrived in the upstairs Living Room Tegan had donned one of the blue suits once more. "I'll check on the slaves," she told him "do you need to do anything." David told her he wanted to search a few rooms and then question Lisa one more time. "We need a plan now for the delivery," he told her. With a final kiss Tegan went to the basement to check on Karen and David started looking for anything that might be useful.
He commenced his search in Lisa's living area, casting an occasional eye on her as he rifled through the living room and kitchen. There was little of any value to be found. The only thing he retrieved from the small kitchen was a bucket that he filled with hot soapy water and carried downstairs. He went to the room where the computers were, dropping the hard drives into the bucket before checking the drawers of the single desk in the room. The two lower drawers contained a selection of leads and cables; the top one was locked. He tried a couple of keys but neither worked.
Leaving the desk for the moment he went through the other rooms in that wing of the house. Apart from the mass of bondage equipment there was little else that was informative, nothing there that was personnel to Lisa or any of the captives. Returning to the hall he opened the front door and went outside. It was a hot day and the heat momentarily took his breath. The van was not locked and he slipped into the driver's seat, the bunch of Lisa's keys jangling in his hand.
The heat inside the cab was stifling and David immediately broke out into a heavy sweat. He quickly checked the glove compartment and the side pockets; all were empty. Climbing over the seat he looked in the back. There was some rope and a bag of tools that revealed a large screwdriver which he pocketed. Quickly finding the key for the van's ignition he inserted it and checked the fuel gauge; it was three-quarters full. He didn't start the engine in case Tegan heard and thought they had visitors. Climbing out of the van, he closed the door on the stifling interior and looked around.
It was a hot day, the sun overhead shining directly on the gravel at the front of the building. He found it hard to think of it as a house or a home, it looked more like a motel. All the ground floor windows were boarded up and it would be easy to mistake the building as empty, abandoned. Only the van and the SUV parked in front gave any indication that there might be inhabitants. He stepped away from the front door so he could look upwards. He was looking for some indication of a communication device, an aerial or satellite dish, on the roof but couldn't see anything.
Moving anti-clockwise, he started to circle the building, the soles of his trainers crunching on the gravel. As he neared the side of the structure the gravel gave way to grass and the trees seemed to press in against the side of the house. The ground under his feet was softer and the branches scraped against his arm as he pushed past. At the rear of the building he studied the metal framework embedded in the grass. He pushed the frame, which didn't move, and studied the winch mechanism. As he did he tried to imagine Tegan naked and stretched on this device, the rain pouring over her body. The picture created an erotic image in his mind and he felt his cock harden; it made him smile. Thoughts of Tegan bound and helpless were never far from his mind it seemed.
He turned and looked back at the building. A door was visible and he walked over to it turning the handle. The door was locked. He continued on his way around the building. There was nothing of interest though and, five minutes later, he was back at the front door. He stepped into the hall, and peeked down each of the two long corridors. There was no sign of Tegan.
He walked down the East Wing to the room where they had left Elizabeth in the crate and put his ear to the door. He could hear no sound inside and opened the door slowly, popping his head into the gap only when he was certain that the room was empty. The crate was empty but otherwise the room was as he remembered it from the previous day. The screwdriver banged against his leg as he moved reminding him why he picked it up in the first place.
Returning to the room with desk he used it to jemmy the lock on the top drawer. With a little brute force it broke easily and David's eyes fell on the contents. Resting in the bottom of the drawer was a matt black 9mm Glock Pistol. Next to it were two magazines of ammunition. He drew in a breath as he lifted the weapon from the drawer and held it in the palm of his hand, this was not what he had expected to find. He pulled the slide back to see if there was a round in the breach, there wasn't, then eased it forward before placing the pistol back in the drawer and closing it. He wasn't sure whether this was a good find or a bad one, it was just something else to think about as the day wore on. He left the room and trotted up the stairs for another confrontation with Lisa.
David untied Lisa from the bed then loosened her legs so she could walk to the bathroom. He left her arms tightly bound and didn't remove the gag. She sat on the toilet whilst he filled the bath then he bathed her once more. All the while he did this he didn't speak; it gave him time to think. He wanted more detailed information regarding delivery without giving away his ultimate aim; in his mind he was thinking that Lisa would be more difficult to handle if she knew what was going to happen to her.
He helped the bound girl out of the bath, dried her and ran a brush through her wet hair. The now wet ropes bit into her arms and she gave the occasional wince as he manoeuvred her into the small kitchen, sitting her in a chair whilst he made her a drink and a sandwich. When it was ready he told her not to talk, removed the gag and fed her. Only when the whole process was finished did he turn the chair she was sat in side on to the table so he could sit in front of her.
"The delivery process," he began, "I know where, and I know when. How does it actually work, what part do you play in the process?" "It's quite simple," Lisa replied. "I arrive at the location about an hour before the allotted time, unload the crate and leave it. That's all I have to do. The location is always somewhere remote and there is very little danger of discovery. I always wear the blue overalls so that; if anyone is watching, I can't be recognised."
David looked into her eyes while he thought. They were clear, intelligent eyes and she held his gaze without any sign of fear. "You just deliver the crate and drive away?" he asked her eventually. Lisa nodded. "That's all I have to do. Normally I go back to the location three to four hours later just to make sure it's gone. Then I drive home. I always take a route where it's easy to see if anyone is following me," she added. "What if the crate is still there?" David asked and Lisa shook her head, her hair shimmering. "It's always gone," she told him.
He sat back in his chair and thought about what she'd told him. As she had suggested, the process was simple. Sometimes that's best he thought to himself, the simpler things are the less likely something would go wrong. He stood up and Lisa watched as he walked around the table to the sink, filled a glass with water and returned to her chair. He held the glass to her lips and she sipped the cold liquid. When he removed the glass he looked at her. "You wouldn't be lying about any of this would you Lisa?" he asked her quietly. She turned her head then and looked up at him. When she spoke though it wasn't to answer his question.
"There's a better way than this," she said to him quietly. As she spoke she moved in the chair trying to press herself against him. David was initially confused and it took him a moment to realise that she must have guessed his intentions. He moved to put the gag back in her mouth and she turned her head to the side. "Please, just listen a moment" she pleaded. When he didn't immediately respond she continued. "You've got thee gorgeous slaves here, you've got Tegan and now you've got me. Just think of the time you could have tying us all up and fucking us all whenever you wanted."
She looked up at him with what he could only describe as pleading puppy-dog eyes. He smiled back at her as he pushed the gag into her mouth once more and buckled it tight. Then he led her back to the bedroom, tied her legs together and strapped her to the bed once more.
This time he used a lot more rope and straps ensuring there was absolutely no possibility of escape. When she was bound and helpless once more he knelt by the side of the bed and stoked his fingers through her hair. "Much as your idea has its attractions Lisa, this is the only way that works for everyone," he told her. She stared back at him with wide eyes but made no sound into the gag. "So Lisa," he told her as he withdrew his hand, "I hope you were telling the truth because this time it's going to be you in the crate." She nodded imperceptibly then closed her eyes, her head sinking onto the bed. David stood and turned to find Tegan in the doorway watching them both.
"She has an idea?" Tegan asked him as he came out of the room taking her hand and leading her away from the door. Once again Tegan was wearing the suit up to her waist and had tied off the top with the arms. He turned and ran his fingers gently over her skin until he reached the strap of her flimsy lace bra. He toyed briefly with the idea of tearing it off but reached up and brushed her hair off her face. "She thinks I can stay here, keep all five of you tied up and just fuck you all whenever I want." Her grey green eyes filled with mischief then. "I'm not enough to keep you satisfied?" she teased pressing herself against him as she reached for his wrists, drew up his hands and pressed them against her breasts. David stroked her for a few moments before sliding his arms around her smiling. "More than enough," he told her looking into her flashing eyes. They kissed then, a gentle lingering kiss before he asked her about the other captives. Tegan sighed.
"Karen is fine but wonders why she's been left alone for so long. I told her to behave and not ask questions but I'm not happy doing it. She's scared now that something is wrong." David ran his fingers through her hair. "It won't be for much longer and she'll be all right when everything is resolved," he told her reassuringly and she sighed again. "I know," she replied, "I just don't want her to suffer more than she has too". "What about Elizabeth?" David asked, "I saw the empty crate". Tegan looked at him "She's fine," she told him coyly. It wasn't enough for David who wanted more details.
"Well," Tegan began a smile spreading across her face, "I got her out of the crate, cuffed her hands behind her then wasn't sure where to take her. In the end I went back to where we left Gill. Fortunately she was asleep on the bed so I could let Elizabeth use the bathroom and the kitchen. Then I took her back to the East Wing to tie her up again. I've strapped her in a body bag and hung it from a frame; she won't be going anywhere. You should come and have a look," she finished, "I think I've done quite a good job".
Tegan turned and headed down the stairs then looked back over her shoulder. "Well, come on then," she called to him and waited until he started down the stairs before continuing. David had to move briskly to catch her up as she went through the door. Tegan seemed in good humour and was obviously quite proud of her achievement; it made him smile.
She hurried up the corridor and opened the fourth door on the right. As he followed her in, David remembered that this was a room with lots of straps, metal frames and instruments. He recalled a bench but nothing else. He certainly didn't remember the sturdy metal tubular frame, approximately seven feet high and four feet wide. Suspended from the frame was the body bag containing Elizabeth. The bag resembled an inverted triangle with a rubber covered head at the top. The base of the triangle was where the shoulders would be. The base was straight and David assumed there was some sort of metal stiffened inside to keep it straight and rigid.
There were two D-Rings on either side of the head with short chains that attached the body bag to the upper cross member of the steel frame. The bag tapered slowly almost to a point at the feet that was some nine inches from the floor. There were sturdy leather straps at regular intervals strapped around the body inside the suit. David counted fourteen as he looked at the bound girl. He turned to say something to Tegan but she held a finger to her lips warning him to keep quiet. Instead he stepped forward and pushed gently where he thought the stomach might be. The girl swung gently back and forth on the chains and there was a muffled groan from the bag. He nodded and gave Tegan the thumbs up then they both stepped out of the room and closed the door.
"How did you manage that?" David asked Tegan as soon as the door was closed; she just gave him a knowing smile. "I'm a very resourceful lady," Tegan told him coyly. "Indeed you are," he told her then added "How long do you think we can leave her in there, will she give us any trouble?" Tegan shook her head. "We can leave her for six to eight hours then put her back in the crate, she'll be no trouble," she told him. It was David now who shook his head. "I don't think that will work time wise," he told her.
David spent the next ten minutes telling Tegan what he had been doing and what he had found out. Then he took her back to the room he had found the computers in and showed her the map of the delivery location. It was in a remote area just over two hundred miles north. The location was a map reference. The nearest named area to the reference was a place called Turtle Creek. "I think we need to leave at 4:00am so we'll have time to check out the area first," Tegan suggested.
David looked at his watch, it was just coming up to three in the afternoon. "We need to keep moving the slave girls around between now and then so that they don't spend too long tied up in one place," he suggested. "We should sleep now, get up late tonight and prepare the slaves for a long night then load Lisa into the crate and leave," Tegan added with a smile. "I'm not really that sleepy, I'm not sure that will work," David told her. Tegan smiled seductively at him. "I've got an answer for that too." she said softly while she nibbled on his ear. He laughed quietly and kissed her. "Where?" he said simply.
Tegan took his hand and led him, in silence, out to the corridor guiding him to the room where they had found Gill bound in the rubber suit. She led him straight over to the bondage bed then turned, resting her ass on the edge of the rubber covered device as she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and gazed into his laughing blue eyes. "Here" she said softly, almost wantonly, as she brushed her lips across his.
David returned her gaze as he slid his hand down and pulled the sleeved of the blue coveralls free from her waist and pushed the garment down over her hips. Her panties followed and he kept his eyes locked on hers as he reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Her arms tightened a little around his neck and she moved to kiss him again but her stopped her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her to sit her firmly on the table. The soft rubber was warm against her skin and she moaned softly as his fingers ran up her side and along her arms before he gently grasped her wrists, removing her arms from his neck and holding them down by her waist. "I've got a better idea," he said softly, a smile crossing his face slowly.
Just like that the atmosphere changed. Tegan had been in a teasing mood, now she felt that familiar clenching sensation between her legs. The bed she was sat on contained a number of heavy leather straps as did many of the benches in the room. Her eyes flicked around. There were ropes piled on the floor and straps hung on the wall. She could still see the rubber suit that they had found Gill in, the garment crumpled on the floor just as they had left it the previous day. "What would it be like to be bound like that," she thought. Her eyes returned to David's and she felt a tremor of anticipation run through her as her tongue traced a seductive line across her lips. She wondered what was going through his mind and knew she would enjoy whatever he was thinking. She didn't speak, just nodded her assent, her hair trembling, the air escaping her mouth in little gasps, the butterflies in her stomach growing as she watched him move from her and pick some ropes off the floor.
Ninety minutes later her mouth was dry from all the begging and pleading she had done and Tegan was wondering how long he was going to tease her before allowing her to come. He had started by tying her wrists behind her back to opposing elbows then laid her face down on the bed and tied each ankle to the corresponding thigh. They were the only ropes he had used before rolling her onto her back and strapping her to the bondage bed. The bed was soft and firm in the middle and she seemed to sink into the rubber surface that pressed against her skin. It also seemed to hold her in place, the material gripping against her skin and not allowing her to slide. He had used only two straps to hold her down on the bed, one across her shoulders, the second across her hips so she couldn't thrust up at him. The soft rubber gripped her legs ensuring she couldn't close them to conceal her already dripping pussy. Then he'd gone to work.
He'd started with little kisses to her face and neck. When she raised her head to try and respond he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her back down, exposing her throat to his mouth and tongue. He bit her gently, very gently and breathed hot air on her skin. Tegan moaned and bucked against the straps that held her down. As she got hotter the rubber held her body even more firmly and she found it increasingly difficult to move at all. He held her head back whilst he licked and kissed her shoulders then released her so he could move down her body.
Tegan's soft moans became louder, more insistent as he teased her with his mouth. Her nipples ached; her pussy demanded attention and she relayed this to David with increasing demands for him to fuck her. He ignored her cries, and her aching breasts, as his lips moved over her stomach. Again he placed little kisses on her soft skin, biting her gently and burying his face in her firm flesh; he could feel her pulse against him as he teased her. He moved lower and her moans grew, changing to frustrated groans as he carefully kissed around her pussy. He teased her inner thighs then slowly worked down her legs, kissing each knee before kneeling upright and looking at her.
"Tell me what you want Tegan," he said to her softly. Tegan cursed at him. "You know what I want, I've been begging you almost since you started". He just smiled lowered his head and started the return journey, kissing and suckling against her warm flesh once more avoiding her pussy and breasts. When he finally reached her neck he gripped her hair again holding her while he looked into her eyes. She stared back at him. She'd long since stopped begging him to fuck her, she knew he would get to it in his own good time.
Her body was a furnace now though and she did her best to return his gaze with wide pleading eyes. "Please fuck me Master," she mouthed and he kissed her hard. Tegan thought he'd capitulate then and give her what she wanted so badly but she was wrong. He started massaging her instead, his strong fingers kneading her skin, working into her muscles. It was erotic and relaxing at the same time. Once more he worked his way down her body to her knees and back to her shoulders. Now Tegan just murmured contentedly as his fingers worked a little magic on her body. Her nipples still ached and the fire was still there between her legs but the rest of her was glowing as well, it felt more than good.
It was only when he placed his hand on her between her naval and her pussy and started rubbing in wide circles, pressing down hard, that her desire started to overcome her again. "Oh, God please," she said almost indistinctly, her eyes closed as she savoured his touch. After five minutes of this exquisite torture it felt like his hand was inside her. The circles he was tracing changed subtly but she didn't notice until he lowered his head and blew warm air on her wet, sensitive pussy.
"Oh you fucker" she half moaned, half squealed then the pleas for him to fuck her hard started up again. He teased the soft skin at the top of her thighs with his teeth and tongue to a cacophony of Tegans growing moans. Holding her legs wide apart with his hands he carefully skirted around her pussy, occasionally blowing air on her hot mound but otherwise ignored her aching sex. Each time he did this her pleas renewed in vigour and she bucked and heaved in a futile battle against the straps. David just smiled to himself and carried on teasing, her begging falling on deaf ears.
Tegan seemed to tire after a while and settled into a spell of soft moaning. She still flexed against the ropes and straps but she knew it was useless. Eyes closed, she imagined his cock filling her and wondered if it would be possible to come without him thrusting himself inside her. Her reverie was broken when she felt his teeth on her nipples. Her eyes flashed open with a start; she hadn't realised he'd moved. Her nipples were erect and hard and her moans increased in volume again as he teased and caressed her breasts. Without warning he clamped her nipples with little crocodile clips, the jagged little edges biting into her tender flesh. She screamed and shook her body, her breasts bouncing up and down as she did so. "Oh god please fuck me you bastard," she pleaded with him but he went back to kissing and teasing her skin, it seemed like he was going to keep her on edge for ever.
Her body was sore and her pleadings had been reduced to almost nothing when he whispered quietly in her ear, "beg me to fuck you hard Tegan and you might get your wish." She turned her head and opened her eyes looking deeply into his. "Fuck me hard Master," she said softly then added after a short pause, "please." He teased the lobe of her ear with his tongue and she turned her head to get it away from his mouth. "Please fuck me for gods sake, I'm going to explode if I don't feel your cock inside me soon." David moved on top of her and kissed her hard, smothering her cries as he pushed easily inside her.
She was so hot; her wetness enveloped him. Her mouth moved against his. She fought to turn her head, to break the kiss and cry out but he held her in his hands pressing his mouth hard on hers as he thrust in and out. She was ready for him. Her first orgasm came quickly and she was fighting the ropes and straps again as he continued thrusting inside her. She screamed into his mouth and came again and then again. The unbroken waves of pleasure only came to an end when David too spent himself and collapsed on top of her.
Later he released her and she wrapped her arms around him. Looking into his eyes she could see a satisfied glow on his face, a look of extreme contentment and there was something else. She snuggled into him, burying her face in his chest. "What are you thinking?" she asked as she kissed his soft skin then looked into his eyes again. He smiled and just shook his head gently. "What?" Tegan pressed, her voice more firm, demanding an answer. Again he just shook his head, his smile growing wider.
Feigning anger she rolled him onto his back and straddled him. He allowed her to grab his wrist and pin them over his head. "Tell me," Tegan demanded her voice rising as she wriggled on top of him. He was laughing now and she released one of his wrists so that she could punch him lightly on the shoulder. He controlled his laughter and met her gaze. Her hair fell down her body brushing across her firm breasts and emphasized her slim waist and shapely hips. She looked absolutely gorgeous and he told her so. She smiled then, releasing his other hand and lay down on top of him, kissing him as he wrapped his arms around her once more.
"Thank you babe," she said to him softly as she made herself comfortable. After a few moments of silence she raised her head again. "What were you really thinking?" she asked softly. She felt his fingers in her hair. "I told you Tegan, I was just thinking how gorgeous you were," he replied. She smiled to herself then and settled back down. "And" she whispered softly.
She felt rather than heard him chuckle and his hand stopped stroking her hair. Gently, he tilted her head up so he could look into her eyes. "And," he continued, "I was just thinking you had the sweetest tasting pussy I've ever known". She tried to playfully thump him again then and it was his turn to hold her wrists, throwing her onto her back and pinning her down. She struggled against him, but not too hard. When she stopped he released her wrists and they snuggled down on the bed once more. Tegan lay there enjoying the feel of his arms holding her close. At first his embrace was hard and firm but it relaxed after a short while and she realised he'd dozed off. She knew she should try and sleep as well but she wanted to enjoy the moment. She was tired and her body was sore in places but, with David's arms wrapped around her, and his words still playing in her mind, she felt as content as she could remember. She wanted to savour that feeling for a long time.
Chapter 20 - Slave Manoeuvres (added: 2017/12/04)
They slept until almost eleven-o-clock that night then rose, showered together and set to work. Lisa watched them from the bed as David strapped a collar around Tegan's neck and attached a chain to the D-ring. She humphed into the gag trying to attract their attention and they both simultaneously told her to be quiet then grinned at each other. This time David donned the blue suit and they made their way to the West Wing. As they entered Tegans old living quarters, David took hold of the chain and led her into the bedroom.
Their intention was to feed Gill then tie her in a manner that would cause the least discomfort for her whilst they were away; those plans went completely out of the window as they entered. Gill launched herself at David screaming loudly, her arms flailing like sails on a windmill as she attacked him. It was completely unexpected and caught both Tegan and David totally off guard. Tegan stood open mouthed as David stumbled under the weight of the assault, lifting his arms to fend off the blows that were reigning down on him. "Let me go you bastard," Gill screamed as she started to pummel her fists on his back.
Davis crouched on one knee for a moment gathering himself. It was fortunate that Gill had no idea how to fight. Her poorly aimed blows were largely ineffective and, already, the intensity of the attach was diminishing as Gill started to tire. David took a deep breath. He was ready to rise and confront Gill when he spotted the chain attached to her collar. He grabbed it in one hand and pulled as hard as he could. Gill screamed and fell on top of him. David twisted so that she slid onto the floor then stood and stepped slightly away from the screaming girl. Gill pushed herself off the floor and started to rise. David had recovered from the shock and watched her carefully, her eyes wide as she stood. He waited until she was almost fully up, her body unprotected then stepped towards her and drove his fist as hard as he could into her stomach. Gill collapsed in a heap on the floor, her arms clutching to her belly as the breath was driven from her lungs.
David followed her down, rolling her roughly onto her stomach and pulling her arms behind her then sitting on her to keep her still. The fight in Gill had dissipated and her screams were replaced by loud wracking sobs. He looked at Tegan who shrugged her shoulders slightly as if to say "what the fuck should we do now."; David thought quickly.
"Tegan come here and restrain this errant slave, quickly now," he commanded. Immediately recognising the role she had to play Tegan replied "Yes Master"; the reply she got off David shocked her. "ASK FOR PERMISSION TO SPEAK," he bellowed at her, "have you forgotten all your training". Now Tegan's mouth was hanging open again; it took her a few seconds to come to her senses and realise it was important to keep up appearances; she lowered her head. "Permission to speak please Master," she said quietly. "That's better Tegan, now remember your place here or you will suffer. Permission is granted". "Thank you Master, I'm sorry Master," Tegan replied and knelt to change places, sitting on Gills petit ass and gripping her wrists. As David rose, he placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing her gently and kissing the top of her head. Then he quickly left the room.
Tegan too
k stock. Barely a minute ago they had a plan and things were going swimmingly well. Now she was holding Gill down wondering what the fuck was going on. Gill's sobs had turned into whimpers and all the fight had gone out of her. She turned her head to try and look at Tegan who tightened her grip on the distraught girl. "Help me Tegan, help me please, why are you doing this?" Gill pleaded suddenly. It was all Tegan could do not to burst into tears herself she felt so badly for the girl. "There's no escape for any of us Gill, you just need to do as your told," Tegan said quietly; she was relieved when David returned quickly carrying two rolls of tape and a hood.
There was no need for them to tell each other what to do. Tegan held Gills arms whilst David taped her wrists tightly together. Next he pulled the hood over Gills head, applying tape as a makeshift gag that both quietened Gills sobs and held the hood in place. Finally, he used the rest of the first roll of tape to bind Gill's her ankles. Motioning Tegan to stand, he grabbed Gill's feet and pulled them up, using much of the second roll to bind her wrist to her ankles. It was pretty make-shift but the result was Gill was helpless on the floor. David stood up looked at Tegan and pointed to the door. She followed him out of the door and up the corridor.
Only when they were through the second door and in the main corridor did David stop, pulling the blue hood from his head and pulling Tegan too him; he stroked his fingers gently through her hair. "You OK," he asked softly. Tegan gave him a pale smile. "I'm OK, just a bit shocked," she told him, "I would never have thought she would do anything like that." David took a deep breath then wrapped his arms around Tegan as she leant her head against his chest. "Poor Gill," she murmured softly. David just squeezed her tight while he thought; he quickly made up his mind.
"You get one of the other suits then go and deal with Karen, I'll see to Gill," David told her as he continued to run his fingers soothingly through her hair. Tegan didn't reply. He held her a little longer then whispered "We'll deal with them all together shall we?". "I like that idea better," she told him. They held each other for maybe another thirty seconds before Tegan asked what they were going to do with Gill; David considered his answer.
"Her behaviour should warrant some punishment if we're to keep up appearances," he eventually told her. Tegan reluctantly agreed but neither of them had much of an appetite for torturing the poor girl; they quickly discussed alternatives. Eventually, they decided to take her back to the room where they had originally found her. "We'll strap her to one of the bondage beds where she can see the rubber suit and threaten her with that again if she doesn't behave". Tegan thought that was a pretty good solution and went to prepare the room whilst David collected Gill.
Even though he'd left her tightly bound he still entered the room warily, his caution raised because of their recent experience. The dark-haired girl was as he'd left her, helpless on the floor. He quickly tore away the tape binding her wrists to her ankles, made sure the tape holding her arms behind her back was firm then ripped away the tape binding her ankles as well before hauling her onto her feet.
"Please don't hurt me anymore," Gill pleaded weakly. David told her to shut up, grabbed one of her bound arms and guided her into the room with the treadmill and the cock-trainer. He led her into the corner and forced her to stand facing the walls while he removed the chain. That highlighted a second problem, he couldn't remember what they had done with the key.
He leant forward and whispered in the girls ear, "Don't move from this position slave, I will be watching you. If you remain still I might reduce your punishment, do you understand?". Gill weakly told him that she did and would do as he said. It was the second time that she had spoken without permission but David didn't really care about the little niceties now; there was still a lot to do and time was ticking.
He stepped out of the room backwards, his eyes on the naked girl, the black tape binding her wrists a sharp contrast to her pale skin, the thick black cloth hood covering her head and partially concealing the collar around her neck from which the thin steel chain dangled to the floor then trailed past him into the corridor and on to the eyelet in the bathroom. He studied her from the door for a few seconds. She stood still shivering slightly and he figured that she would do as she was told. He turned and ran through the house to where Tegan was preparing for Gills bondage.
It took them fifteen precious minutes to find the right key, it was on the table in Lisa's living room. David both sighed with relief and cursed their stupidity for not being more careful. Lisa humphed venomously into the gag when they appeared upstairs and they largely ignored her. "Your turn will come soon Lisa," David told her as he left the room clutching the key in his hand.
Gill was still standing in the corner when David returned; he was relieved that she had behaved and not added to what was becoming a more complex and risky activity. "That's better slave," he told her as he unlocked the chain. Rather than look for a lead he also removed the collar from her neck preferring to direct her through the corridors by holding her upper arm again. Gill was largely silent as she walked, the only noise being her breath rasping inside the hood.
They entered the room where he and Tegan had originally discovered Gill and David guided her to the back of the room standing her against one of the bondage beds. Tegan had collected a whole array of ropes and straps which she'd placed on the bed in an orderly fashion. David placed his finger to his lips and Tegan nodded. "Now then slave," he said turning his attention back to Gill. "I'm going to hogtie you to this bed and leave you to contemplate your actions earlier. If you're behaviour doesn't change I'm going to put you back in the rubber suit and leave you there for twice the time. Do you understand slave?". A weak "Yes Master," emanated from beneath the cloth hood and again David ignored the transgression of protocol, he just wanted to get Gill bound so that he could sort out the other three girls. "Good," he replied simply and set to work.
David studied the various straps, cuffs and ropes that Tegan had laid out and decided that the softer cuffs and straps would be best for binding Gill for a long period. He started with two four inch leather cuffs which he buckled onto Gills upper arms ensuring the D-Rings were pointed inwards. Next he picked up a metal clip and pulled Gills elbows together allowing him to attach the clip through both D-rings holding her upper arms in place. She winced when her elbows touched but kept quiet.
With her upper arms secure David ripped away the tape binding her wrists. This time Gill emitted a whelp of pain and was once more told to be silent. She whimpered a little but did as she was told. He replaced the tape with padded wrist cuffs that were joined together with really heavy stitching buckling them as tight as he could. He completed her arms with a two inch strap just below her elbows.
Tegan sat behind them near the door watching David work and thinking how much she would enjoy this herself. As he applied straps above and below Gills breasts, David too was thinking how much more he would enjoy this if it was Tegan he was strapping to the table. He forced those thoughts from his mind as he strapped a belt around Gill's waist then started binding her legs.
The advantage of using the wide straps was speed. It took no time at all for him to bind Gills legs together using five of the two inch wide straps. A steady low whimper was emanating from beneath the hood and David guessed that Gill was crying but trying to suppress it. He wondered what she must be thinking as she was slowly losing the ability to move. She had told Tegan how much she enjoyed being tied up; it didn't seem like she was getting much pleasure from her current situation. In David's mind the only consolation was that, if things went to plan, it wouldn't be long before Gill and the other two girls would be free, their ordeal a bad memory. It was a shame he couldn't tell them that.
David swept the remaining straps off the bondage bed then lifted Gill onto it face down. "No no, please don't hurt me anymore," she pleaded quietly as he positioned her in the centre of the bed. There wasn't a lot David could say now apart from warn her regarding her behaviour and the girl was suffering enough so he just ignored her, selecting some of the longer straps and securing her to the bed.
It was a routine he'd done so many times with Tegan, immobilising her completely, that he knew just where to put the straps, how to position them through the slits in the bondage bed, how to pull them as tight as possible and, probably most importantly, how to get the strap buckled without losing any of the tightness of the restraint. Soon straps covered Gill across her shoulders, her back, her waist, her buttocks and her thighs, each tightly buckled affording Gill no movement. He completed her bondage by bending her legs, using a small strap to buckle her wrists to her ankles and finally adding three straps over her bent legs and through the slits before tightening them below the table.
By the time he was done Gill was silent once more and he stepped back to study the girl for a moment. It was a good job he thought. The straps were wide and imposing, the bondage heavy. Gill would be totally helpless for as long as they needed. He felt Tegan behind him, her head resting on his back between his shoulder blades, her arms encircling his waist. "I'm jealous," she whispered to him very quietly. It made David smile and lightened their mood a little.
David turned to look into her lovely grey/green eyes. He wanted to kiss her but the blue hood covered his lips. Instead he brushed her hair behind her ears with his fingers and motioned her outside. Tegan gave him a wondrous smile, one he hadn't seen for some considerable time, then left the room; there was one more thing David wanted to do.
He'd debated leaving Gill as she was; there was no chance of escape; but, somewhat reluctantly, he felt he had to keep up the pretence of punishment. Checking that his own blue hood was secure, he pulled Gill's dark hood from her head and looked into her eyes. They were tear streaked and showed resignation and defeat. He cupped her chin in his hands and lifted her head so he could look into her eyes making sure she could see the rubber suit on the bench behind him. "Do you want to go in the suit again slave?" he asked her quietly and felt an imperceptible shake of the head in reply. "Good," David replied releasing her and looking around. He knew he'd seen a gag somewhere and quickly found a box of six underneath another of the bondage beds. He selected one that came with a head harness and returned to his captive.
David smoothed Gill's hair back from her face with his fingers, then slid the harness over her head. It buckled beneath her chin and behind her head; he pulled both of the fastenings tight. Next he lifted her head by pulling the strap over her crown up and forced the ball-gag into her mouth, strapping it tight using the buckles on each side of her head. He slipped a final strap through the D-ring at the back and around the cuffs holding her upper arms slowly pulling it tight and lifting her head so she was forced to look at the rubber suit; now her bondage was complete.
He returned to the head of the table looking into her eyes. As he spoke to her he ran his fingers through her hair; it was wet with perspiration. "Now Gill, I'm going to leave you here to consider you're behaviour; it will be a while before I come back. Think about your actions today. When I return to release you, you will behave. If you don't, I'll put you in the suit; I hope you understand your predicament."
David didn't wait for a reply that Gill couldn't give. He stood straight and ran his fingers through her wet hair once more before walking to the door. Halfway there he was struck by one last thought and turned to look at the girl. She was naked and helpless. If it had been Tegan he would have been hard as a rock and Tegan would have been murmuring her approval into the gag hoping he would find a way to fuck her or use some other method to make her come. Gill naked and bound was also a pretty sight and David's curiosity got the better of him. He returned to the bound girl and slipped his hand between her legs eliciting a muffled groan from Gill. Her hair may have been wet but her pussy was dry, there was little enjoyment there.
Poor girl thought David once more as he left the room, closing the door behind him and smiling at his girl who was waiting for him in the corridor. Pulling the hood from his head he pulled her too him and wrapped his arms around her. "You really are special," he told her squeezing her hard against him. Tegan snuggled in against him enjoying the feel of his tight embrace. Much as she wanted to stay there she knew there was a lot to do. "It's really late," she whispered to him eliciting a deep sigh that seemed to emanate from his very soul. "No rest for the wicked," he joked lamely as he let her go and they set about their next task.
Two doors down, on the opposite side of the corridor, was the room where they had left Elizabeth suspended in the bag. After a quick discussion Tegan went back to the West Wing to prepare something for the girl to eat whilst David collected her. He stood in the room looking at the bag considering his options. The easiest, and safest, was to carry her in the bag and he'd already had enough surprises.
He went up to her, gripped her around the waist and simply lifted her with one arm, using the other to remove the links that held the bag dangling in the frame. As soon as he touched her muffled groans emanated from the bag and the girl started struggling. It was an ineffective protest of her captivity and David just slung her over her shoulders and carried her out of the room and through the corridors to where Tegan was waiting.
As he walked his mind wandered, thinking about the number of times he had carried bound women in this manner since he and Tegan had been re-united, thinking about what Lisa had said to him earlier. The thought of having beautiful women bound and available for his pleasure was certainly an attractive one. Strangely though, it wasn't one he entertained seriously even for a moment. He wondered if his thinking would have been different if he hadn't met Tegan. Then again, if it hadn't been for Tegan he wouldn't have been in this position in the first place. He smiled to himself as he considered how well things had turned out.
The smile was still on his face when he entered the small kitchen and Tegan noticed. "What are you smiling about?" she asked him her own face a picture of amusement. David scowled at her as he pointed to the bag and Tegan cursed herself mouthing a "sorry" to him. He lay the bag carefully on the floor, their captive groaning once more, then motioned Tegan to follow him. He led her to the bathroom and spoke in hushed tones as she entered, his finger to his lips.
Tegan slipped into his arms and whispered "sorry," into his ear once more. Her hot breath on his flesh made him suddenly hard and she felt it against her. "Sorry again," she giggled and any annoyance that David had felt at her earlier error just drained away. He gave her a squeeze but, when he spoke, he was all business. "It's getting late, time's pressing," he told her somewhat reluctantly. He had a schedule in his mind and didn't want to be distracted. Tegan sighed in his arms but she also had a warm feeling inside. "I love the way you look out for me," she told him. David thought it was a strange moment for her to make a comment like that but he just squeezed her harder, it made him feel good too.
Despite their earlier decision to do everything together they decided to split up. Tegan went off to check on Karen with the intention of strapping her to one of the St. Andrews Crosses while they were gone. David returned to the bound girl strapped in the leather bondage bag.
The bag looked like an inverted triangle with the head at the top and the feet wedged into the base. A heavy duty zip ran from the neck and stopped some three inched from the bottom. Straps at regular interval covered the zip. There were fourteen of them, each pulled tight through a solid brass buckle, the free end tucked into a matching eyelet. The hood was attached at the back of the bag and pulled over the girls head. Two smaller zips, one on each side fastened the front of the hood to the body of the bag. There were no holes in the hood, either for the eyes or the nostrils, just a small opening where all the zips met around the throat area. David set to work releasing Elizabeth from her most recent bondage predicament.
The straps loosened easily, it was just the quantity of them that took the time. Still, it wasn't long before David was pulling the heavy duty zip down revealing the naked girl inside. The first thing he noticed was the smell, a somewhat pungent mixture of sweat and urine. Tegan had done an excellent job binding her but they had both neglected some of natures basic requirements.
He slid the zip down slowly, not wanting to catch the girl's skin and cause her more discomfort than was necessary. He uncovered straps binding the girls arms to her sides. Her breasts were pert, her nipples erect, he didn't know if this was because she was sexually aroused or just a by product of the heat inside the suit; Elizabeth was soaked in sweat. She was also very quiet and this started to worry him.
Working as fast as he could, he pulled the zip down to her ankles revealing more straps binding her legs together; more evidence of Tegan's expertise in bondage. Now that the suit was largely open the stench was unmistakable, the poor girl had been unable to control her bladder. He bent her legs slightly so that he could remove her feet which were wedged into the suit, the base of which acted like a single shoe. Once that was done it was easy to pull the hood from the girls head.
Elizabeth's eyes were closed and he had a moment of panic before she moaned into the leather gag that covered her lips. Her short blonde hair was plastered to her head and her face was red; they had left her in severe bondage for way to long. Elizabeth moaned again; at least she was alive. They would have to find something less strenuous for her whilst he and Tegan were away.
Leaving her bound on the floor he went and ran a bath filling it with luke-warm water. Whilst the tap was running he went to one of the rooms to pick up some rope and a hood which he left on the tiled floor by the bath. Returning to the kitchen he lifted the helpless girl off the floor and carried her into the bathroom, lowering her gently into the water. Her eyes flickered open as he started to wash her and she watched him warily as he worked. She didn't make a sound though.
David removed the straps binding Elizabeth's legs so he could clean her better. As he washed between her legs she grunted a small sound of protest into the gag but was otherwise compliant. By the time he had finished there seemed to be a little more life in the blonde girl. He hoped she would have enough strength to endure another long session of bondage; there was no alternative if he and Tegan were to finish what they had started.
He spread a couple of large towels on the floor then eased the girl out of the bath, laying her face down on the material. He told her firmly to be silent whilst he dried her as best he could. She complied until he sat on her ass, pinning her to the floor as he removed the straps immobilising her arms. This elicited some deep groans which he ignored as he pulled her arms behind her back, binding her wrists tightly together with some of the rope he'd left on the floor. Apart from the groans Elizabeth wasn't putting up any kind of struggle; David wasn't taking any more chances though. He coiled the rope around her slim wrists five times before cinching and tying off the loose ends. Finally, he pulled the hood over her head before lifting her onto her feet.
He wondered how Tegan was getting on with Karen as he led Elizabeth into the kitchen, sitting her on one of the chairs. "I should have done this first," he thought to himself as he filled a plastic cup with cold water, placing it on the table. There were only two meals left in the fridge, a spaghetti dish and a ham and mushroom tagliatelle; both took five minutes in a microwave.
He chose the tagliatelle purely because, according to the box, it had more calories. David new little about nutrition but figured the additional calories would sustain Elizabeth better during her upcoming confinement. Whilst the microwave was working he pulled the hood from Elizabeth's head then loosened the gag.
Picking up the plastic cup he eased the gag out of the girls mouth then lifted the cup too her lips. Elizabeth pressed her head forward trying to drink greedily and much of the contents spilled over her mouth, running down her chin and splashing on her pert breasts. "Slowly, slowly," David told her, refilling the cup and proffering it too her once more. This time she sipped less greedily but still managed to empty the contents of the container in one go. "More please," she whispered huskily.
David briefly considered punishing the girl for not asking permission before speaking and quickly rejected the notion; she'd been through enough. As he refilled the cup he was suddenly overcome with an insane urge to tell her everything would be alright. He felt guilty for leaving her for so long in the suit and knew he was going to have to subject her to more long term bondage before her ordeal was over.
He found it harder to reject this idea as he slipped a hand on the back of the girls neck and raised the cup to her lips once more. She drank this more slowly but still finished the drink, her eyes turning too him as he placed the empty cup on the table. "Thank you," she murmured softly. He wanted to hug her now, tell her everything would be fine. Her clear eyes held him steadily but she looked scared, worried about what would happen to her next probably. He stared back into her eyes, his fingers gently massaging the back of her neck. Elizabeth closed her eyes and leaned her head back into his touch. A soft "mmmmmmmmmm" escaped her mouth.
David studied her as he gently massaged her neck. Now any sign of worry was gone. With her eyes closed she looked serene. With her arms pulled behind her back her breasts pressed forward, firm and pert. Her nipples were still erect and David wondered what it would be like to suck one into his mouth. She groaned again, a more sensuous sound this time. David's eyes followed the trail of water down her breasts, small rivulets running over the skin towards her flat belly. There wasn't an ounce of fat on the girl. A slim waist gave way to wider smooth hips. Her legs too were slim, disappearing under the table to dainty feet. Her pussy was bare and David wondered if she was wet. He lifted his hand almost ready to slide it between her legs; only the loud ding of the microwave brought him back too his senses.
Feeling a little guilty, David removed the meal and sat back at the table. Elizabeth's eyes remained on him as he spooned the food into her mouth. Even with the hood on he felt that the girl could see right through the material, see exactly who he really was, it was becoming unnerving. What had started as a simple task, feeding and confining the slaves, was becoming a much more personal challenge.
When the meal was finished Elizabeth drank another cup of water before David re-inserted the gag; he didn't want to risk any kind of conversation with the girl. She accepted the gag, meekly opening her mouth while he pushed it in; he wondered what she was thinking. It was almost a relief when he pulled the hood over her head so she could no longer stare at him; the whole process had been somewhat unnerving.
As he led her out of the room and down the corridor, he pondered what to do with her next. There was a plethora of devices available to bind the girl but he wanted something that would put the least strain on her body. He thought about leaving her in the bedroom with the long chain attached to her collar but rejected the idea; it just didn't seem right. "Why take any chances," he thought as he led Elizabeth through the doors, across the hall and into the East Wing.
He hadn't bothered putting a collar on the girl so led her down the corridor by the arm, opening doors as he went to refresh his memory regarding the contents of each room. He had a stroke of luck when he opened the fourth door; Tegan was in there binding Karen to one of the St. Andrews Crosses. It was fortunate that Karen's head was covered with a large black hood and couldn't see two people dressed in baggy blue suits with blue hoods covering their faces. Tegan put a finger to lips he couldn't see and he nodded, gripping Elizabeth's arm tight as he watched her work.
Apart from the black hood Karen was naked, bound to the pole with a myriad of white rope. Five coils of rope held each wrist near the top or the cross. Two further coils of rope looped between each wrist and the dark polished wood cinching the main binding tight. Further coils of rope, again each set cinched, held her above and below the elbow and just above the shoulders. Another two sets of rope, one above the breasts, the other below, bound the girls upper body to the bulky mid section of the cross. A third rope tightened over the first two and also crossed between Karen's breasts, each of which was lifted by the ropes binding her.
More ropes bound her at stomach and hips, her body completely immobilised by the strong white material. His eyes followed down the bound girls body to her legs. These were bound in similar fashion too her arms. Cinched ropes held her legs apart at the ankle and more bound her above and below the knee. Tegan was just in the process of adding more ropes around the girls thighs and David watched her finish Karen's bondage. The bound girl was certainly an enticing sight.
When Tegan stood up and turned to look at him he gave her the thumbs up then led Elizabeth back out of the room. The girl hadn't made a sound while he was watching Tegan and remained silent while he looked for somewhere to bind her and leave her. The third door he opened after leaving Tegan found him in one of the rooms that held numerous bondage tables and benches as well as piles of rope and racks of straps and toys. "This is as good a place as any," he said to himself as he carefully led the girl past two of the tables to one of the benches.
He freed the girls wrists with the intention of tying them by her side once she was on the bench. Now, as he lowered the girl down so she was prostrate on the furniture, Elizabeth did start to make a noise, moaning into the gag as he laid her flat. David ignored the protest and started lifting straps off one of the racks, laying them on the floor beside the prostrate girl. Starting at her feet he laid one of the straps over her limbs and passed one end beneath the bench pulling it up the other side and slipping it through the buckle. He pulled it tight and slipped the prong into one of the holes.
Taking the next belt he laid it next to the first so that it overlapped a little then buckled that one in tightly in place as well. In less than ten minutes, the whole of Elisabeth's lower body was strapped to the bench, her legs totally covered by the many straps binding her too the bench.
There was a small leather pillow in one of the boxes and he placed this under the girls head before laying her arms by her side. This time he took a longer strap and laid it over the girls shoulders strapping them tightly to the bench so she couldn't try and lift herself up. She moaned louder as her freedom was reduced and he warned her to keep quiet. She was breathing rapidly, her chest heaving up and down and he placed a hand on her flat stomach. "Calm down Elizabeth, nothing bad will happen to you if you just relax," he told her.
Her moans slowed but her breathing didn't. There was little he could do apart from continue applying the girls restraint. Fifteen minutes later the girl was helplessly strapped to the bench from shoulder to ankle. The only part of her body that could be seen was a small flash of neck, her feet and her breasts that protruded between two straps. Satisfied that the many straps would keep her in captivity until he and Tegan returned from their up and coming trip he told her to be good and left the room.
Tegan was waiting for him at the foot of the stairs, the blue hood she had been wearing in her hands. She smiled as he came through the door. "All good?" she questioned as David removed his own hood; he smiled at her. "All good," he replied and kissed her softly. With all three slave girls bound and helpless they headed upstairs and turned their attention to Lisa.
The first thing David did was remove the gag from her mouth. "Bathroom please," Lisa croaked as soon as she was able. They released the ropes and straps holding her to the bed then carried her to the bathroom before freeing her legs. "You're not going to watch," she snorted in disgust when they both stood there. David just nodded "Get on with it Lisa," he told her. Tegan ran the bath while she used the toilet. David gave her a drink then stuffed a gag back in her mouth while they bathed her and washed her hair.
They dried her body then sat her on a chair in the living room while Tegan dried and combed her hair. She studied them both with dark eyes but sat quietly, the wet ropes once more biting into her arms and holding them tightly behind her back. When Tegan was done she flicked her head up and down, her hair shimmying, as she indicated that she wanted one of them to take the gag out. It was Tegan who unbuckled the device and tossed it on the sofa. Lisa licked her lips and looked at them both, her eyes falling first on David before resting on Tegan.
It was Tegan she finally addressed. Lisa held her gaze, her eyes piercing showing no sign that she might be afraid. "Can we negotiate Tegan," Lisa asked in a soft but firm voice. Tegan just looked at her without answering whilst David watched the pair of them. He remained quiet figuring that this was something Tegan would want to work out for herself. The silence between the three of them grew. Lisa's attention turned to David. She stared at him then back at Tegan. When she spoke again a half-smile appeared on her face.
"I know your secrets Tegan, you got what you wanted out of this. You can let me go, I won't make a fuss, I'll just disappear." Tegan stared back at the girl then, silently, picked up the gag and buckled it tightly in her mouth once more. Once Lisa was silenced Tegan placed her hands on the girl's shoulders pushing her into the back of the seat. "You're going in the crate Lisa so you know what it's like. If it works out for you as well as it did for me then fine but you're going to experience something of what I did, then we're even." Lisa nodded imperceptibly, an indication of resignation. Tegan looked at David and he too gave her a slight nod of agreement. Without a word she found the collar and buckled it around Lisa's neck, attached the chain and pulled the girl to her feet.
Twenty minutes later Lisa was bound immovably in the crate, the leather straps pressing down on her naked skin at regular intervals. Tegan had been silent through the whole process and left the room once the girl was ensconced in the wooden box. Lisa stared up as David crouched over her a syringe in his hand. He leant down and removed the gag from her mouth. "You understand what's going to happen now Lisa?" he questioned; she just nodded her acknowledgement. "You understand that, if what you've said isn't true, you'll never get out of this crate?" He couldn't quite bring himself to say she would die in the crate if she had lied but the meaning was clear. "I understand," she mouthed, "and I've told you the truth". David just nodded.
"This will make you sleep?" he asked holding up the syringe. "You know how to use it?" Lisa asked in response. "He admitted he didn't and Lisa gave him instructions; "Wouldn't want to die because you don't know how to inject someone," she said a smile crossing her face. David was slightly puzzled. "This doesn't frighten you?" he asked her. Lisa's smile widened. "You have no idea about my life," she told him, "this is just one more adventure". David went to put the gag back in her mouth and she gave a little shake of the head. "I'll find you, I'll find you both, then we'll have some fun". She was almost laughing as David gagged the girl again then picked up the syringe. He felt a little strange inside, almost sorry for the girl as he injected the clear liquid into her veins. "Good luck Lisa", he said quite sincerely. She held his gaze as long as he could but her eyes slowly drooped closed as the drug took effect. David looked at the naked girl a moment then lifted the lid into place and started to screw it in place.
He'd been going about ten minutes when Tegan returned to help him. They completed the job in silence. David sensed that something was troubling Tegan. When they had finished he put a hand on her arm and pulled her too him, holding her tight. He felt a little shudder and thought she might be crying but, when he eventually let go there was no sign of tears. "You OK?" he enquired softly. She just nodded and allowed him to hold her a while longer. "We need to go," he told her eventually. She nodded again silently and eased herself from his embrace. They carried the crate outside and loaded it into the blue van.
"How did she do this on her own?" Tegan questioned as she closed the rear door, it was a question that had been troubling David as well. "Maybe she had help; but I don't see any evidence of it". He looked around as he spoke. It was almost dawn and he could make out the shapes of the trees surrounding the property as light started to break. They both stood there behind the van lost in their own thoughts. Tegan looked tired and David reached out to take her hand, squeezing it gently. "Are you sure everything's all right?" he asked her. She looked at him, sighed then gave him a tired smile. "I'm sorry David" she told him.
She paused then before sitting on the ground and leaning back against the rear of the van. She picked up a small pebble and idly tossed it into the trees before looking at David. He was watching her with concern in his eyes. "I'm sorry," she repeated "we're so close now to this whole thing being over, I just feel kind of strange". David nodded as she spoke, he felt a little the same way himself and told her so. She studied him carefully then, wondering if he was just saying that to make her feel better then decided he wasn't. "Let's go then," she said eventually holding out her hand. David took it, pulling her to her feet once more. "I'll just get my things," she added as she walked passed him. David watched her go through the door then leaned against the van. The air was fresh but he could already feel how hot it was going to be. Eventually, he tapped his hand on the side of the van then followed her inside.