Author's Note: Further updates will be coming - not all story codes are applicable to Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 - The Massage
Jeff drove to the resort while Gina turned down the radio to talk. "I don't understand what it is you don't like about a massage. How can you not like massages when you've never even had one?" It was a conversation they had repeated several times over the last few weeks. Gina had been pushing Jeff to join her for a couples' massage for weeks. He finally agreed, much to her excitement.
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"I just don't like the idea of a stranger rubbing and touching me. It seems like an intimate thing and you're paying a stranger to do it to you. It just doesn't sit right with me." Jeff had only agreed because Gina had peppered him with requests and even seemed upset he didn't want to engage in a couples' massage. He still didn't like the idea, but he didn't like upsetting his girlfriend of nearly a year. It might be okay if she was just a few feet away; then he wouldn't be self-conscious about the masseuse doing something inappropriate. He also wouldn't have to worry about Gina getting jealous that another woman was touching him. He was NOT getting a massage from a man.
The resort was a rather famous one, but Jeff and Gina lived less than half an hour away from it. Just outside of Ojai, California, it had a reputation for luxury and first-class service. Jeff was looking forward to making use of the facility, since it seemed very relaxing. He hoped the massage wouldn't spoil his mood and that Gina wouldn't catch on he still wasn't keen on the idea.
As they walked in, they were greeted by a cheerful receptionist. Gina slipped their reservation paperwork to her. Jeff was busy looking at the vaulted ceilings and huge windows, so he didn't pay much attention to what Gina and the receptionist said. He was finally snapped from his reverie.
He snapped his head back to the two girls embarrassed. The receptionist had a sly grin but said nothing. Another host walked up to escort the two to their respective locker rooms.
"Locker rooms?" Jeff was thoroughly confused.
"Honey, you have to change out of your clothes before the massage."
Having left his cell phone, clothes, and shoes in a locker, Jeff donned the short robe and left the locker room and was greeted by both Gina and his masseuse, Sophie. She was a bit older, probably mid-thirties, but still definitely attractive. Jeff began to wonder if Gina suspected he had ulterior motives for requesting a female masseuse. Truthfully, he would have preferred a much older woman, just to avoid either Gina's suspicion or the possibility of inadvertently becoming excited by an attractive woman rubbing his body up and down.
As he entered the room, Jeff was confused. There was only the one bed, and clearly no room for more than he and Sophie. He looked behind him to Gina quizzically. "I'm sorry, Sweetie. They were out of double rooms. But don't worry, I trust you!"
Jeff silently moaned. This was not shaping up as planned. He would never cheat on Gina, but the idea of a beautiful woman with her wandering hands all over his body in a private room was already making Jeff excited. Sophie showed a grin similar to the receptionist. Jeff got the feeling that everyone knew something he didn't, but he assumed Gina told them both he was bashful about this whole thing.
Sophie told Jeff she would give him a few minutes to disrobe and lie face down on the table. He was to use the sheet to cover himself, but that everything was to come off including his boxers. Jeff, thankful for the minute of privacy, leapt onto the sheet and covered himself as quickly as he could. After what seemed an eternity, Sophie returned giggling.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, I was just chatting with your girlfriend."
"I suppose she told you I wasn't really looking forward to this. I'm trying to be a good sport, but I'm pretty nervous."
Well don't worry, you're not my first customer with special needs." Jeff pondered that briefly, but opted to stop the conversation for fear he would say something rude.
Sophie was working his neck and shoulders for at least ten minutes, constantly rubbing oils onto his muscles. Although Jeff had managed to relax, he still wasn't enjoying the experience. Abruptly, Sophie moved to his feet and hiked up the sheet, uncovering his legs right up to his privates. At this point Jeff's tension jumped up a notch. Something else jumped up, too. Jeff's member was getting stiff, or at least trying to. He was lying flat on his stomach, and his penis had no room to get hard. Jeff finally decided to lift his midsection enough to give it room.
"Anything wrong?"
"No, I just needed to make an adjustment."
Jeff returned his arms to the rest directly beneath his head. The table had an opening for his face, but there was a mesh webbing beneath the hole, and he couldn't see the hand rest or bottom of the table. As Sophie began to massage near his buttocks, Jeff started to relax more than he thought possible. Perhaps it was the soothing music, scented candles, or Sophie's expert hands. As she worked her way from his shoulders to his feet again (with generous massages of his upper thighs), Jeff wondered how long the massage would be. Gina had given him no details about the spa or the rest of the weekend.
The door opened and someone else came in. Jeff thought it was Gina coming to check on him. He didn't even lift his head to talk to her because he was so relaxed. When the new arrival spoke, he realized it was another female staffer.
"Here's the basket requested for your client. Is he ready?"
"I suspect. Let's get started."
Jeff was curious, but still relaxed. He assumed they must have planned to use hot towels or hot stones or something.
"OK, Jeff. I'm going to ask you to relax now." Relax? He probably had never been more relaxed in his life. But that state didn't last long. He heard the sound of what sounded like a leather belt being pulled from a pair of jeans, when he felt a strap grab both his wrists, pinning them to the massage table's front stanchion. He tried to pick himself up off the table, but his arms wouldn't budge. While he was focused on his arms, Sophie had secured his feet with ropes. When she pulled them tight to the corners of the table, he was completely immobilized. Terrified, Jeff buckled and writhed trying to get free. He began to yell, which turned out to be a mistake.
The new arrival, whose face he still had not seen, grabbed him by the hair, yanking his head back violently. As if on cue, Sophie reappeared in front of Jeff and jammed something in his mouth. Just as quickly his head was pushed back down onto the headrest. He could feel Sophie behind him buckling a series of straps as he struggled to expel the intruder from his mouth. The head harness secure, Sophie secured his head to the headrest with straps he hadn't noticed tethered to the bottom of the headrest.
Jeff was horrified. He was naked and afraid. He was prisoner to two insane women and he had no idea what they wanted from him. He wondered if Gina was going through this hell, too. How could this be happening?
"I told you that you're not my first customer with special needs." Jeff struggled to catch his breath, which was complicated by the fact his mouth was pretty well sealed. As he struggled with the gag, he arrived at the conclusion it must have been a penis gag. Jeff and Gina had played bondage games before and watch some S&M porn, but they didn't have any toys like a penis gag! And what the hell kind of "special needs" was Sophie referring to?
The sheet now discarded, Sophie returned to her massage duties. Jeff struggled to understand what was happening. Relaxation was a lost cause now. Nevertheless, she methodically rubbed him from shoulder to foot as though nothing were wrong. The only change was that now she openly massaged his rear and his testicles without regard to any sense of modesty or decorum. Twice she poked his anus, eliciting a mild and terrified squeal. Meanwhile, the candles burned, the soothing music played, and the second staff member stood by silently.
After twenty minutes of being strapped down and forcibly massaged, Jeff began to relax again. It wasn't because he was comfortable, but he had no strength left and no other options available. Sophie and the staffer, who still had not introduced herself, seemed to notice. Sophie spoke first.
"I've got probably another 45 minutes with him. He's obviously going to need more work. This must be his first time." Jeff swore in his head and lamented that this was also his last time, assuming they didn't kill him when they were done with him.
The staffer promised to return and left as quietly as she entered. Jeff tried to scream through the gag while the door was briefly open, which got Sophie's attention. Not in a good way.
"That sort of behavior will not be tolerated. Good behavior gets rewarded, but bad behavior warrants corrections." Two minutes earlier, Jeff didn't think he could be more afraid. He now knew a new level of fear. "I prefer to give rewards, but I have no problem issuing corrections. Are you going to behave?" Jeff didn't respond. Suddenly, his world exploded into pain from the neck down. He didn't know where the pain was coming from, but it was so intense he couldn't breathe. When it finally ceased, he was near the point of blacking out.
"That was the collar I put around your neck earlier. It's a shock collar. That was Level 4. It goes to 10. I'll ask the question again. Are you going to behave?" Jeff nodded his head in agreement, as must as he could with it pinned to the headrest. He silently swore he was going to get free and get revenge. He also silently wondered what the hell was happening and why.
Sophie continued administering the massage. Roughly 15 minutes after his electrocution, she explained he was going to be rolled onto his back, and warned to cooperate. Jeff thought this would be his only chance at escape, but he was worried Sophie had already considered this, or she wouldn't have let him know what was about to happen. Sophie clarified the situation as soon as he thought about making a break for it. He felt Sophie working with his genitals.
"This is a small version of the shock collar currently on your neck. It has the exact some power. The only difference is the remote for this one actuates for a minimum of 30 seconds - and it's currently set for the highest jolt. Am I going to have any problems with you?" Jeff panicked. Thirty seconds of that on his balls would probably kill him. After a brief delay, he mumbled his consent through his gag. "Good, boy."
Sophie released the straps holding his head to the massage table. Jeff was grateful to be able to lift his head again, but the instant he did, he was plunged back into darkness as Sophie slid a hood over his head. Jeff noted that it covered his eyes and ears. He thought he knew what it might be - a sensory deprivation hood. Sophie spent about a minute fastening the straps, of which there were apparently five. "This is just a little insurance, so you don't get any ideas." Jeff couldn't believe this was happening. What doorway to an alternate reality had he stepped through to get here? He felt a last tug pulling his head away from his shoulders and up the table.
"Your hood is hooked to the end of the table. You can rotate, but you won't be able to get off the table." Jeff finally understood as Sophie first released his feet, and then his hands. He was blind and still pinned to the table. Resistance would not be wise. "OK, boy. Roll over." She even used a voice one might use when trying to coax a dog to cooperate. Jeff was humiliated. He could have easily overpowered this woman, but here he was cooperating with his own imprisonment. Once he was on his back, Sophie maneuvered each of his arms into a loop under the table near his waist. When she tightened the loop on his right wrist he began to reconsider. When she resecured his feet, he began to panic. When she went to secure his left wrist, he lost control. But it was useless. With only one free arm, he didn't stand a chance.
"I warned you that bad behavior would be punished. I realize that resistance is part of the package you paid for, but you promised not to give me trouble." Jeff was now even more afraid. What was this about his package? Did she think he wanted this? He didn't even want the massage!
The thought of more punishment was making Jeff panic. He was trying to brace himself for the punishment that was coming. She promised the device on his scrotum was set at full power. He didn't think he could stand 30 seconds of that - surely that kind of electricity could induce heart failure. He wasn't trying to be uncooperative; it was a fight or flight response. When his punishment began, it wasn't at all what he was expecting.
Sophie was massaging his genitals. This was definitely unexpected. She was massaging his shaft and gently working her hands all over his manhood. Despite how pleasurable it felt, Jeff didn't trust what was happening. He knew he had erred, and he knew she was going to make him pay for that mistake. So why was she doing this?
The answer came in a blast of icy water. Sophie had dumped a cup - or perhaps a 5-gallon bucket - of ice water on his crotch. The shock was almost as intense as if it were electric. Despite the sudden freeze, Jeff still thought he got off lucky. It took a moment for him to realize that Sophie was still occupied with his genitals, which seemed a waste of effort.
"You probably can't feel it yet, but I just locked a chastity device on you. If you get excited, you'll probably regret it. Consider that if you had been good, this would have ended differently." She leaned in close to his hood-covered ear and whispered lustfully, "Very differently." Despite the padding of the hood, Jeff clearly understood.
With Jeff now bound head, hand, and foot to the massage table, Sophie continued her administrations. His chest massage was rigorous. He managed to relax as Sophie worked his thighs and down to his feet, then worked her way back up to his chest before finishing.
"Well, my work is done for now, lover. I'm still upset with you for fighting me, so I'm going to give you one last torment." Jeff again tried to brace himself for the shock, but was again surprised as Sophie began to suck his right nipple while pinching his left. Almost as quickly as that started, she was using her right hand on his balls again. It took Jeff a few seconds before he remembered the chastity device, which was now beginning to exert its influence. Jeff's moans turned from moans of pleasure to moans of pain. This only made Sophie work his nipples and balls harder. Jeff was starting to cry behind his hood and his penis gag.
Sophie slowed her assault on his balls and stopped pinching his left nipple. As she straightened up, she licked the right nipple several times in succession. Leaning back down by his head, she spoke directly into his muffled ear, "I'm going to enjoy breaking you and making you my bitch."
Chapter 2 - Transformation (added: 2016/06/24)
Jeff couldn't tell how long he had been left alone, strapped to the table, his head encased in a leather hood. It felt like hours, but the left side of his brain told him it was probably only 15 minutes since Sophie had threatened him on her way out the door. He was still trying to figure out why they thought he had paid for a special package that involved chastity belts, shock collars, and heavy restraints from a sadistic masseuse. Another question he pondered, was Gina being subjected to the same torments or was it just his paperwork that got horribly confused. Perhaps the client who paid for this "special package" would complain to the management and everyone would figure this out.
As he fantasized about management apologizing for this alarming mistake, he heard the door open and another staffer cheerfully enter. She introduced herself as Jennifer and bubbly addressed him as though nothing were wrong. "Good morning, sir! I trust you're comfortable and enjoying your stay so far." Jeff tried to adjust to the incredible nature of all this. How could a staff member come into a massage room, find the client hooded and strapped down to the massage table like an interrogation subject in a foreign intelligence compound, and not think something was off? The more he thought about it, the more he hoped Gina was OK and would soon come to his rescue.
"It's time for Phase 2. I'm afraid this won't be pleasant, but I'll try to make it as painless as possible." Jeff silently swore to himself. If she's telling him it's going to hurt, she was probably right. But what could Jeff do? He already struggled against the restraints and lost. All he could do was grin and bear it. Actually, all he could do was bear it. The penis gag prevented him from grinning.
Jennifer had been bustling around for a few minutes when she finally approached him. She was humming to herself in time with the music and began to spread a warm liquid over his chest, right between the nipples. Jeff felt her press down as she gave him instructions. "OK, Jeff, take a deep breath, and then let it out." Jeff did his best to comply, but the gag and the hood made this challenging. Just as he was nearly out of air, Jennifer ripped the hair removal strip from Jeff's chest. He wasn't prepared for it, but perhaps that was a good thing.
"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Jeff nodded his agreement and grunted. "If I remove your gag, will you promise to be good?" Jeff nodded as vigorously as he could considering that his head was still strapped down to the table. "OK, but I've got both remotes, so no funny business." At this point Jeff was just grateful for the idea of having the invader out of his mouth. Jennifer disconnected his hood from the table and began working the straps. She loosened the hood enough to pull the gag out before tightening the hood straps back down. It wasn't much, but it was enough to help Jeff relax.
"I'm sure that feels better, but we do have more work to do." Jennifer spread more wax on his chest and Jeff slowly came back to the realization that his chest was being waxed. The repeated the process several times. Jennifer would spread the wax and rub a strip into his chest or shoulder, he would take a deep breath in and let it out. As he was exhaling, Jennifer ripped the strip off to remove the hair. It hurt, but it was certainly manageable pain and didn't last very long. He had actually wanted to try this for a couple of years. He hated chest hair and thought he might look better at the pool or beach with a clean chest.
After about 20 minutes of waxing, Jeff's chest, stomach, and shoulders were hair free. Then his next shock came. Jennifer started applying wax to his left thigh. Jeff, conscious of his vulnerability, made a grunting question through the hood. Jennifer responded in her near-teenage way, "Yep, it's ALL coming off." The same process continued, but Jeff had now given up on controlling his breathing. Fortunately, the hair removal from his legs seemed painless by comparison.
After about 45 minutes of pulling hairs, Jennifer gave Jeff the bad news. "So, you remember I told you earlier it's all coming off, right?" Jeff was confused. He realized she would need him to roll over to get the backs of his legs and his back, but this sounded like he was expected to understand and he didn't. Finally, she started gently rubbing her fingertips across his balls. Jeff's heart sank. Jennifer never threatened to put the gag back in, and Jeff never promised not to scream through the hood.
Ninety minutes later, Jeff had been flipped over, had his back waxed, his legs finished, and even the hair from his anus removed. By far, the worst had been the anus. It was no contest.
Jennifer flipped him over one more time, then broke the news to him. "All right, Sweetie. We've got one thing left to do. And for that, the hood has to come off." Jeff was filled with dread and hope at the same time. Getting the hood off sounded wonderful, but what would she do to his head. He felt after braving the last ninety minutes of hair removal, he could handle whatever else might be coming, and so nodded his agreement despite the fact Jennifer hadn't asked him a question yet.
As Jennifer loosened the hood, she warned him. "I've set your collar to audible. If you even make a whisper, you'll regret it. Understand?" Jeff nodded, knowing better than to test the sensitivity of the collar. He had only been shocked by it once so far, but that was enough. Once the hood was off, Jeff only had a moment to relax before Jennifer started to work on his eyebrows. Jeff was even more horrified and Jennifer took pity on him. "Oh, don't worry. I'm just cleaning them up and doing some mild shaping. They'll look perfectly natural when I'm done - just very clean." That put his mind at ease. Sure enough, when she held up a mirror for him to inspect his newly sharpened eyebrows, they just seemed cleaned and with a slight arch. If he had woken up like this, he wouldn't have noticed the difference.
Done with waxing his eyebrows, Jennifer retrieved a shaving kit. As she lathered up his face, Jeff again began to forget the fact that he was essentially a victim of kidnapping and assault. Jennifer lathered his face, and gently shaved him clean as a whistle using a straight razor. She was quick and efficient, and finished up in less than 10 minutes. The hot towel rubbed into his face felt nice, and Jennifer smiled, satisfied with her own work.
True to the day's activities, things went south from there. Jennifer retrieved an electric trimmer from her bag. Jeff didn't say anything, but his confusion was obvious. "For your hair, Sweetie." Without waiting for consent (which she obviously didn't need as he was still bound to the table), Jennifer proceeded to remove the hair from Jeff's head, shaving it down to about a quarter of an inch all the way around. He was angry enough to boil an egg on his freshly shaved head, but held his tongue. He didn't have long hair when this sleigh ride started, but he was beyond annoyed at this point and couldn't even vocalize his frustration at having asked for none of this.
"You did really well, Sweetie! I'd give you a little reward, but you're locked up down there and I don't have the key. But I promise you'll like the next part much better, so keep that in mind." With that, she collected her stuff and walked out. Jeff lay on the table, still strapped down hand and foot, naked, with shock collars around his neck and scrotum, and completely hairless from the neck down.
After being trapped and lost in thought for a few minutes, Sophie returned. "I heard you're doing much better now. I'm glad to hear it. Now we're going to get you ready for the mud bath, which means we have to change rooms. So let's get you ready to move." Sophie quickly replaced the leather hood on his head, plunging him back into darkness, and began fastening the straps that went from back to front. Once the hood was back on his head and secure, she released his feet, but placed leather cuffs on each ankle. He felt her connecting his ankles with a length of chain. Based on the resistance he felt, the chain was heavy. Next she placed similar cuffs around his wrists. As she released each wrist to let him off the table, he took a moment to feel the leather hood. Sophie didn't seem to mind, and even guided his right hand to the buckles. "See here, it's got locking buckles. So even if your hands are free, you can't take it off!" She acted like she was discussing a feature of a new car while describing his bondage.
As he stood and adjusted to being upright again, Sophie connected a chain to his left cuff, pulling his left hand up behind his back. The other end of the chain fastened to the back of his collar. She repeated the process with his right hand and Jeff was effectively helpless again. He wondered if he should have made a break for it when his hands were temporarily free, but it was too late to worry about that now. Exploring the cuffs, Jeff realized these were also fastened with padlocks. His bondage was inescapable.
"You've been really good, so I think you've earned credit for that." Speaking sincerely, she removed the chastity device from his cock, which resulted in little Jeff immediately springing to life. "Ooooo! Having a good time, now, are we?" Jeff was grateful for the head that hid his blushing. He didn't understand why he had such a powerful erection, but he was definitely excited and didn't try to deny it. "Maybe we can do something to make your walk to the mud room more enjoyable." Jeff foolishly thought Sophie was going to give him a robe or even remove the hood. No such luck. After a minute or so, he could feel Sophie behind him, putting pressure on his anus. He jerked hard on his restraints as he came to the realization she was putting a vibrator or something up his rear. He tried to turn his body, but to no avail as she just grabbed the chains connecting the back of his neck to his wrists. He couldn't tell how long the invader was, but eventually it finished its journey.
Sophie moved back to in front of him and rubbed her fingers up and down his chest slowly, teasingly. She gently flicked his left nipple a couple of times as he squirmed. "That collar is still set to respond to your sounds, so don't moan too much." With that, the invader came alive and started vibrating. As Jeff collected himself, he realized it wasn't just vibrating - it was pulsing. Something in the vibrator was running up and down its length. Jeff had never tried any kind of anal sex before, but could barely stand. The combination of bondage, isolation, and anal stimulation was almost too much for him. He thought he would come right there. Then Sophie gently began caressing his cock. Not enough to make him cum, but enough to make him want to so bad that he was thrusting at empty air without even realizing it. Then it all stopped, leaving Jeff almost breathless inside his sensory deprivation hood.
He felt Sophie connect a chain to his collar. Her instructions were simple. "OK, let's go." He felt a tug on his neck and followed in that direction. He didn't give a single thought to the fact she was leading him through the spa wearing nothing but a hood, cuffs, and chains. He had to adjust to walking with the plug in his anus, but Sophie went slowly, which was necessary since the chain connecting his ankles was only about a foot in length. Jeff expected to hear wild laughter as the other patrons saw the bound, naked man led through the spa on a collar and leash with a plug up his ass, but there was no indication anyone else was there.
Finally he was led into the mud room, and heard the door close and lock behind him. Sophie was still pulling the chain connected to his collar, so there must have been someone else in the room or at least at the door. Sophie had him stand in one place while she prepared his tank. "So the restraints will be off while you're in your mud bath, but I think we're getting to a place where we can trust each other. Besides, if you give me any trouble, I'll just activate both of your collars until it's quitting time, understand?" Jeff nodded in agreement, cognizant of the fact any sound might shock him into unconsciousness and conceivably a head injury from his subsequent fall. Sophie pushed Jeff backwards a few steps until he felt something at his thighs. She then removed his ankle cuffs.
"Sit back." Jeff leaned backward cautiously, unaware of what was behind him. He could tell the surface was concave, and with Sophie's help he was rolled onto his still-plugged bottom. There was a plastic sheet with what felt like oil or grease, causing him to slide a bit as he settled in. Sophie released his left wrist, and moved it to left side of the tank, and looped a rope around the wrist, repeating the process with his right wrist then guiding him down to a flat position. Once he was laying down, he felt something come down across his neck and heard Sophie lock it in place. "I hope I didn't get your hopes too high. Bondage is part of the experience."
Once she had him secure in the tank, she began to smooth the mud all over his body. After having all of the hair ripped off from every square inch of skin, this felt completely amazing. It was warm and tingly and soothing all at the same time, not at all what he imagined. Once Sophie finished applying the mud, she pulled another piece of plastic across the top of him. With the plastic cocoon in place, she lowered the lid of the tub, locking it down and leaving only his hooded head exposed. With that, she turned on the music, leaving him alone and locked down in the mud bath. Suddenly, the vibrator came to life again. Jeff tried to reach his cock with either hand, but she was too thorough. He couldn't reach his cock or his vibrator.
An hour of frustration later, Sophie returned. Jeff had been squirming and sweating nonstop in his plastic enclosed mud bath. The vibrator finally ceased its ministrations, much to Jeff's frustration and gratitude. Sophie lifted the lid and removed the upper layer of plastic. Examining the raging hard on, she smiled and asked "Having a good time now, are we?" Jeff couldn't deny he was enjoying this. He still wanted his freedom and to complain furiously to the staff and the management, but he was also more turned on than he had ever been in his most erotic dreams. Probably the only thing he wanted more than to get free was to finish himself off.
Sophie used what felt like a veggie sprayer and removed all the mud, lifting him from left to right to get all the mud from underneath him. Once satisfied, she removed the pillory-like device holding his neck down and helped him back up. She toweled off her docile client, had him stand, and massaged lotion all over his body. With the exception of the sensory deprivation hood, Jeff was in heaven.
"OK, lover. Time to get you dressed." Jeff breathed a long sigh of relief. Finally, this "adventure" was coming to an end. Sophie led him to the center of the room and had him stand there. He felt her tugging on the hood, but the straps didn't come off. If anything, it felt like she was applying more. After she finished, he realized what she had done. His head was now secured to chains coming down from the ceiling and attaching to his hood at the top and sides. He couldn't move or turn. And once again, everything was locked in place. Once that was done, she cuffed his hands behind his back using simple handcuffs. "Don't worry, these won't be on long."
Jeff heard Sophie doing something, but he couldn't tell what. She finally walked back up to in front of his bound form. "OK, you need to hold still while I do this." With that, he felt her push something against his chest. She pushed hard enough that the tension against the chains holding his head was greatly increased. She held him fast for several minutes before letting go. When she did, he felt something was still on his chest. "I hope you like big boobs, Doll, because you have your own double-D's, now!" Jeff didn't know what to think. What the hell was happening here? How long was this spa treatment going to last? Why were they turning him into a woman?
After oiling up his body some more, Sophie helped Jeff into a skin-tight latex catsuit. Before covering his cock and balls, she removed his vibrator, but then iced down his cock and locked it back into the chastity device. "Sorry, Lover. You've been good, but we can't have any unsightly or unwanted bulges in what you'll be wearing. It wouldn't be lady-like." He could hear her chuckle to herself as she said this. Jeff would have thrown his head back in frustration, but the chains held his head firmly in place. She released his hands and finished dressing him in the catsuit. As she finished zipping the back, he wondered what could be going on.
Next Sophie cuffed his hands above his hands, such that the chain coming down from the ceiling kept him from lowering them. Then he felt her wrap something large around his waist. As she tightened it down, he realized she was lacing him into a corset. He had fantasized about lacing Gina into a corset, but was never able to work up the nerve to tell her. Now it was happening, but to him. And where was Gina?
Jeff was worried Sophie was going to tighten the corset such that he could barely breathe. To his surprise, she did not. It was snug and he was sure it had done its job at shaping his waist, but it wasn't uncomfortable. As she finished cinching him down, he let out the tiniest grunt. Big mistake. The shock was brief, but was powerful enough for an elephant to feel it. He managed to catch himself before choking to death. Sophie seemed genuinely surprised. "I guess we don't need that on anymore." He felt her do something with the collar, but couldn't tell what. "It's OK now, it won't go off on its own."
Satisfied that his form was complete, Sophie released his right wrist, but not before cuffing the left wrist to the chain from the ceiling so he couldn't lower his left hand. After wrapping a wide cuff around his right wrist, she secured it to his side. Apparently the corset had attachment points. She then repeated the process with his left wrist. With his wrists now at his side, Jeff had limited use of his hands. He could tell that the corset was latex or rubber, and that it was seriously sturdy. He could also tell she had put him in a latex skirt of unknown length - he couldn't feel the bottom of the skirt, so he didn't know how long it was.
"Time for shoes!" Sophie seemed very excited at the prospect of helping him put his shoes on. "These boots go up to your knees, so it will take me a few minutes to lace each on up." She lifted his right foot, and shoved the boot onto his foot. As he put his foot down, something didn't feel right. Jeff had expected the shoes to be high heels, based on the fact Sophie was turning him into a woman. But when he shifted his weight back onto the heel, there wasn't any support there. As long as he had his weight on the ball of his foot, the boot was stable.
"Other foot now!" Jeff obediently lifted his left foot, but carefully. He still worried about losing his balance. Sophie quickly maneuvered his foot into the boot and set it back down to help his balance. As she finished lacing his boot up, she stood and rubbed her breasts against the front of her helpless captive's skirt. Jeff grunted inside the hood a bit. Sophie leaned in close to his ear, standing on her tip toes to adjust to his change in height. "I don't know if you're going to like this next part or not. But I really hope do and I know I will." As she spoke, she was gently massaging his crotch, causing his cock to gorge with blood inside its cage.
With that, she moved behind him and began the process of removing the hood. Five locks and straps later, Jeff's head was again free and he had the use of his eyes. Sophie wasted no time, though. She slipped a latex open-face hood over his head and around the shock collar still in place. She then grabbed a bit gag and shoved it forcefully in his mouth, fastening it along with a head harness that included blinders on either side. Jeff was only vaguely aware that pony play was a thing. It wasn't his thing; he didn't understand it. But apparently it was going to be his thing for today. Sophie finished strapping him into the head harness, complete with locking all the buckles, and stepped back to admire her handiwork.
As she gazed at him in his pony gear, she smiled seductively. She slowly walked up to him, tracing her fingers from his neck, down his new breasts, across his long corset, and finally under his little skirt, fondling his chastity device hidden under the layers of latex. She leaned in close against Jeff's face, cheek to cheek, feeling his breath quicken as he struggled to deal with the erection betraying him - the erection fighting against its cage.
"Oh, I'm glad you came here this weekend. We're going to have fun." Jeff hesitated. He loved Gina, but he was genuinely excited. He was excited in ways he couldn't understand or express. He was putty in this woman's hands and he knew it. She was awakening feelings in him he never knew existed.
Backing away, she clipped another chain to his collar and led him across the room to a mirror. As Jeff turned to face his reflect, he saw something his eyes couldn't believe. Standing before him was a woman in the most erotic outfit he had ever seen. From the head harness with ears and blinders, to the bit gag causing him to drool all over his new latex-covered breasts, to the corset shaping his new waist, to the latex skirt hiding his dirty little secret, to the latex-clad legs, to the pony-boots with no heel making him five inches taller, he was a picture of bound, dominated, feminine beauty. With the exception of the face, he looked like he was heading for a porn set.
Next to him stood this beautiful thirty-something masseuse who had turned him into her submissive, feminine pony and toy. As she held the chain to his collar fast in one hand and massaged his butt in the other, Jeff decided he no longer cared about getting out of this. He was in heaven, and hoped that Gina would rescue him, but later.
Chapter 3 - Earning His Keep
Jeff was transfixed on the image of a ponygirl in front of him; a ponygirl by outward appearance only. Except for his own face, which was barely noticeable given all the hardware surrounding it, he was the image of a latex wet dream. He was wearing a locking head harness with bit gag and attached reins. He was wearing a skintight black latex catsuit that covered him from neck to toes. He had huge false breasts that were being accentuated by the locking black latex corset. His black latex skirt hid the chastity device he still hadn't seen yet, but he could feel as it limited the ability of his cock to stiffen. And his feet were encased in lace-up, knee high latex boots shaped like a cross between a horse hoof and a high heel shoe. And now his hands were being worked into latex gloves by his tormentress, Sophie.
Finishing up his other hand, Sophie grabbed his leash and started pulling him toward the door. With his feet in these four-inch heels with no heel, Jeff had to take short steps. With each step, he could hear the "clop" of the metal horseshoes on the hard tile floor. After making it to the door, Jeff froze. This door wasn't the same one he came in, and led to the outside. Despite the fact he was unrecognizable, Jeff froze. Sophie turned slowly to face him, clearly displeased. She stood and faced him. Despite the fact that she had to look up to him due to his being taller and his height increased by four inches, she was the one in control and neither one of them had any doubt who was going to win this fight. Sophie grabbed the leash just below where it was connected to his collar and tugged him down so their eyes were level.
She spoke slowly. "Listen to me. I really like you, and you've been doing better than I expected. This insubordination will not be tolerated. You're going through this door, and you're not going to hesitate anymore when I want you to do something."
Her eyes and her voice were cold, but Jeff's heart was pounding with fear. It was one thing to be dressed this way and sadistically controlled by this woman, but to be exposed outside in such a submissive manner was more than he could comprehend. He knew what Sophie could do to him for refusing instructions, but his fear beat down all the logic centers of his brain. So far his only response had been to breathe heavily behind his gag, hopeful that she would relent.
Instead, she lifted her other hand, holding a remote control with two buttons. "I don't even know which remote this is, but if you don't come through this door right now, we'll both find out." Jeff thought he might start to cry, but instead Sophie jerked sharply on the leash, snapping him out of the fear-induced trance and starting him forward. He slowly put one foot in front of the other until he was at the door. As he reached the door, Sophie pushed a button at head height, causing a latch to audibly snap and the door to swing open. Accepting his fate, he let himself be led into the yard. Reaching a pen, he was handed off to yet another woman.
She was dressed in riding clothes. Jeff wasn't an equestrian, but her attire made it obvious. She had a small, tight round hat with her long blonde hair in a ponytail. She wore a crisp white shirt, khaki jodhpurs, and black boots with a modest heel. She led him to the edge of the pen, disconnected the leash from his collar, and attached long reins to his head harness. Then she disconnected the chain connecting his ankles. Satisfied he was ready, she walked to the center of the pen, and snapped a long whip such that it cracked right behind him. Startled, Jeff started forward. She kept snapping the whip, renewing his motivation every time he slowed down. As Jeff gained more practice, his strides became smoother, which was apparently the point. Periodically, she would snap the whip in front of him and force him to change direction.
Based on the sun, Jeff thought it was nearly noon when they started. The sun was making him hot due to nearly every inch of his body being encased in black latex. When his trainer finally motioned for him to stop, Jeff was grateful since he thought he might collapse soon. She reconnected his leash and led him to shade where there was a stool. She never said a word, she merely pointed at the stool, which Jeff interpreted as direction to sit. She then retrieved a bottle of water from a cooler. After unceremoniously removing his bit gag, she turned the bottle upside down in his mouth. "Drink," was all she said, and Jeff downed the water as fast as he could. With the bottle empty, the trainer restored the gag, tied his leach off to a post, and walked out of sight.
Jeff was allowed to sit for 30 minutes to recuperate and cool off in the shade. When the trainer returned, she repeated the process of making him drink a bottle of water. When she was finished, she yanked his chain to return him to a standing position. Moving behind him, she ran the zipper opening the rear of the catsuit exposing his bottom, then brought the zipper around the front side exposing his chastity device and imprisoned genitals. Next, she kicked his legs slightly apart and barked at him, "Pee." It took Jeff a minute, but he realized he did need to go. Seeing no options, he relieved himself while the trainer washed him with a hose. The water was cold, but that really didn't matter to him at the moment.
After zipping him back up, the trainer flipped the blinders over, blocking most of Jeff's vision. It wasn't as effective as a blindfold, but the only things Jeff could see where directly in front of his feet. This vision proved useful as the trainer grabbed his reins and started leading him out of the pen. After walking a few hundred yards (he guessed), they paused. Jeff was now standing on a paved path resembling a golf cart path. The trainer had positioned him in the middle of the path and then went behind him. A minute later, he heard something wheeling up behind him, and found a handle shoved into each hand. Subsequently, locks were used to fasten the handles to his wrists; even if he let go of the handles, he was still connected to whatever was behind him. Suddenly he was able to guess what it was.
He began to hear some chattering of women behind him, but between the collar and blinders, he couldn't turn his head enough to see what was going on. Apparently there was a gathering area or waiting area that he couldn't see due to his approach and the blinders he wore. He felt the cart shift as a rider climbed aboard and was handed his reins and his blinders were straightened. Again, the familiar whip cracked behind him, and Jeff marched forward. Jeff followed the path, and at each fork the rider used the reins to indicate which direction to follow. Jeff pulled his rider through what appeared to be a vineyard. The path wound up and down several hills that would have ordinarily proved no challenge but required great effort due to his gag, corset, heels, and rider.
As he pulled his rider, he noted several other ponygirls around the complex. He never got close enough to tell if any of the other ponygirls were really ponyboys in disguise, but all of them were similarly dressed and equipped. All were strictly dressed in latex corsets and catsuits with bit gags and pony shoes. He counted at least seven of them, always pulling one rider. He wondered if Gina was one of the other ponygirls. He still hoped she would rescue him. All the while, his metal pony shoes clopped along the path beneath him.
Reaching the top of a hill on the far side of the vineyard, his rider motioned for him to stop and climbed off the carriage. She walked around for a minute, enjoying the view and taking a few pictures, which gave Jeff his first chance to see her. Jeff stood stoically, but did note that the view was impressive. It was a sweeping, hilly landscape dotted with trees and covered in vines. His rider turned and walked up to him, eyeing him carefully and with lust in her eyes. She was nearly as tall as Jeff, despite his high heeled pony shoes, so she must have been at least 6 feet tall without heels. She had magnificent curly long red hair, tanned skin, and a body to die for. Her breasts must have been a solid C cup, but the rest of her was toned and shapely. Jeff guessed she was either a model or an athlete.
She clearly found his form attractive as well. She rubbed her right hand up and down his side, tracing a line from his false breasts down to his mid-thigh. Making her way back up, she fondled under his skirt with interest until she reached his chastity device. Upon feeling it, she was clearly disappointed. "Aw, I was really hoping you were available." For only the second time in his life, but also the second time in a few hours, Jeff strongly considered the merits of being faithful. He was incredibly turned on, his cock straining inside its cage. "But, I know the rules," was all she said as she lowered his skirt and climbed back on the carriage.
Twenty minutes later they were back at the starting point, and his rider disembarked and was replaced by another. Jeff carried four riders that afternoon all over the vineyard. Occasionally, they got close enough to a road that he could hear traffic, but never within sight of any cars. He never saw any workers in the vineyard, but it was obviously active. None of his other riders showed their faces or even said a word to him. But all of them had their own path they wanted to follow, stopping at various points to drink in the views.
After his fourth rider, Jeff was overheated and exhausted. His legs were cramping and he was having trouble going in straight lines. He sighed with relief when the carriage was disconnected from his restraints. The trainer from the beginning of the day led him to another stool, giving him more water. After he finished the second bottle, Sophie returned to retrieve him.
"You did well this afternoon, lover. That's worth a reward." Jeff could only bow his head due to exhaustion. He didn't know what kind of reward she had in mind, but all he really wanted to do right now was to lie down for a nap. Grabbing his reins and pulling him behind her she said "Come along, Girl." Jeff didn't know why, but being called "Girl" seemed to give him some renewed vigor. Not much, as he was still physically exhausted, but enough that he hopped off the stool and followed as quickly as his tired legs and arched feet allowed.
Back inside and in yet another room, his collar was clipped to a chain hanging from above. His head harness and latex hood were removed. The corset was loosened then hung on the wall. The catsuit was unzipped. His hands were disconnected from his corset, and reconnected to chains from the walls with his arms outstretched after extracting them from the catsuit. His shoes were removed, which elicited a deep sigh of relief. His chastity device was removed, causing his cock to spring to life once more. This time Sophie ignored his engorged manhood and finished stripping him bare.
She then retrieved something from behind him. Not offering any explanation, she began wrapping his arms in plastic. Unlike the plastic from his mud bath, this was more like a food wrapping or shrink wrap, thin and pliable. Once she had his right arm wrapped from shoulder to wrist, she tore it and repeated the process with his left arm and then each leg. The layers were so thick and tight he was barely be able to move any limb. Each limb covered, Sophie began wrapping his torso, including his large fake breasts, as tightly as if she were lacing him into the most severe corset imaginable. His breathing became labored, as she deliberately waited until he exhaled to make a pass around his chest, like a python suffocating its prey.
Satisfied that every necessary square inch was covered, she removed the cuff from his left wrist, pinned it to his side, and wrapped some more, effectively immobilizing his left arm. She repeated the process with his right arm and then removed the collar and wrapped his neck and head. When she was finished, his only exposed parts were his genitals, eyes, mouth, and feet. After opening a door, she grabbed him by both shoulders from behind and started pushing him into the hall. Jeff complied without question this time, but was unable to move quickly due to being unable to bend at the knee.
Sophie led him three doors down and into another room, where there were two benches and an inversion table. Sophie led him to the inversion table and helped him onto it, securing his ankles to the bottom of the table frame. She then ran a couple of straps across the table, keeping him pinned to it. Confident his bound form was secure, she tilted the table back until his head was well below his waistline, but not completely upside down - Jeff guessed about a 45 degree angle.
"Time for your reward," was all she said. Jeff looked up in confusion. Sophie showed him a long satin sash, about four inches wide. Silently, she began wrapping the sash around his cock, slowly increasing the pressure on his shaft. Jeff's heart pumped faster and faster as his excitement grew. He had never been stimulated in this manner before - the constantly increasing pressure on his cock pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Still afraid to make a single sound, Jeff began breathing harder and faster in his plastic prison, constantly maintaining eye contact with this beauty who was punishing and pleasuring him simultaneously. She used a free hand to trace the line of her bust and then cup one of her breasts as she licked her lips and tilted her head back. It was too much.
Jeff felt the orgasm coming. He felt his balls contracting closer to his body. He felt the discharge at the tip emerging. He felt the crushing pressure of shrink wrap all over his body. Then he felt something he hadn't expected. He came, hard. And while he had been focused on Sophie's bust, he should have been focused on his own cock. Sophie had angled it such that his ejaculate went straight at his left eye and then his own mouth. Ordinarily, he would have been horrified at the thought of coming into his own mouth, but the pain in his eye quashed any feelings related to humiliation or revulsion. This was PAIN. The burning was like nothing he had ever imagined. Although he was grateful Sophie allowed him to come, the climax was completely ruined by the feeling of acid in his eye that would burn for the next two hours.
As he began to calm down, he heard Sophie laughing at his plight. "That's for wanting to cheat on Gina. You were thrusting so vulgarly this morning after I introduced you to the vibrator, I knew you needed to be reminded to be faithful." Her words were laced with venom this time, and Jeff couldn't understand why Sophie was angry. She was the one who had been sexually teasing and torturing him. He didn't ask for this "reward." All he really wanted was to know that Gina was okay and to get out of here. He was a victim in all of this. This was the same woman who promised to break him and make him into her bitch!
She brought the table to a level position, then began wrapping him with a much wider wrap. This was a black, thick pallet wrap. The roll was over a foot long, and she quickly made several passes that pinned him to the table. When she finished, only his mouth was exposed. She even pulled the wrap directly over his cock, which made him wince as it grabbed unforgivingly at his skin.
"I'm going to give you some time to consider what you've done while I get your next chore ready. But before I go, I'm going to punish you so you'll know that you need to give some thought to your cheating ways." With that, she slapped her hand over his mouth, cutting off his air. Jeff began to struggle inside the wrappings. It was hopeless, but his body fought regardless. If he had known what she was going to do, he could have prepared himself. He was a good swimmer and could hold his breath for longer than most, but he wasn't ready and Sophie knew it. After thirty seconds, she released her hand, giving Jeff a chance at precious oxygen. After a couple of short gasps, she cut off his air supply again. She repeated this for several minutes, making air a gift to be savored.
At long last, she gave him a chance to catch his breath. Jeff thought she was finally done, but Sophie had one last torment for him. She told him to take a deep breath, and then used the pallet wrap around his head three times, this time covering his mouth. Jeff couldn't believe what was happening. He was doing his best to be still, but he was seriously concerned Sophie was going to kill him - either intentionally or accidentally. He was fighting hard against the burning in his lungs. Soon he was groaning as he tried to get air in. He could let air out, but none ever came back.
At long last, Sophie poked a hole in the covering over his mouth, allowing sweet oxygen to flow to Jeff's lungs again. The pain in his left eye was now secondary to the pain in his lungs and the fear in his mind.
Sophie leaned close to his right ear. "I'll be back in half an hour. Think about what you've done. I expect better from you in the future." Jeff decided not to fight with her. He really wasn't in a position to argue anyway. Sophie was right; he had thought about cheating. He probably would have jumped at the chance. He let another woman make him come without hesitation. He hadn't made a premeditated choice to cheat, but he had been a willing participant, at least on some level. Jeff began to feel shame.
Thirty minutes later, Sophie returned. Jeff assumed it was thirty minutes - it could have been three minutes or three hours for all he could tell. As Sophie removed the wrap from his head, she wiped the dried cum from his face and then glared at him. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
Jeff paused to collect himself and frame his thoughts. He certainly didn't want to piss her off as he was still wearing shock collars around his neck and scrotum. "You're right. I did want to cheat. I've spent much of the day more excited than I've ever been in my whole life, which is weird because I've never even dreamed of doing anything like this. And I'm sorry for wanting to cheat on Gina. I love her and would never want to hurt her. I got carried away in all this."
"Well, if you're enjoying yourself, maybe you'll enjoy your next chore. We don't have much time to get you ready." With that, Sophie applied a locking latex posture collar with three D-rings. She turned the table upright, and removed the wrappings pinning him to the table. Attaching a leash to his new collar, she walked him to a shower room. Once there, she secured his collar to another chain hanging from the ceiling and removed the plastic holding his arms to his sides and the rest from his body, thus continuing the ritual of keeping either his head or his body bound at all times so as to keep him controlled at all times.
"Get yourself cleaned up. You have ten minutes." Jeff felt the collar and realized it was locked on and the collar was connected to the chain with a lock, so he wasn't going anywhere until Sophie came for him. Abandoning hope of escape, Jeff quickly ran the water and used the soap from the dispenser attached to the wall to clean himself up. By the time Sophie returned with a towel, he was clean of the sweat from the day's exertions. She bound his hands behind him with handcuffs, slipped on a simple blindfold, then swapped the chains on his collar again.
He was led into a dressing room, although he couldn't see it. Sophie had him sit on a bench, and secured his handcuffs to the wall behind him. Once she removed his blindfold, Jeff looked around at the unremarkable dressing room. The room was furnished only with a vanity, a few benches, and a couple of closets. Sophie unlocked and removed Jeff's collar and told him to close his eyes, as she wanted this next part to be a surprise. Jeff did as he was told. He heard a drawer open and Sophie come back to standing in front of him.
"I could gag you, but that would disrupt the look and I don't want that. Instead, I'm going to turn your shock collar back on such that it responds when you speak. Do you understand?" Jeff nodded his agreement. With that, he felt something pulled over his face and head. It felt like the leather hood he had been locked into earlier, but much closer fitting and definitely a different material. When Jeff opened his eyes, he was surprised to be able to see, albeit not very clearly. It seemed like he was looking through plastic. Sophie angled his head downward and finished lacing his hood to the bottom. Once complete, she applied yet another collar.
This collar was larger and much stiffer. It kept his head held high and completely immobilized; if he wanted to look to the left or right, he was going to have to turn his whole body. Unhooking his handcuffs from the wall, she led him to the center of the room. She positioned him such that he couldn't see his reflection in any of the mirrors, then linked his collar to another chain from the ceiling. Then she uncuffed his hands, but immediately recuffed them to either side of this collar.
With his hands tucked out of the way, Sophie retreated to the closet and returned with ruffled, black satin panties and a black satin corset. Sophie wasted no time and pulled the panties up his legs, then began lacing him into the corset. She was more aggressive this time, shrinking his waist by a full four inches rather than just tightening and enhancing his figure. Jeff was finding it difficult to breathe, but Sophie didn't seem to notice (or perhaps she didn't care). Finishing the lacing, Jeff heard the distinctive sound of locks being closed and guessed this corset wasn't coming off until Sophie let him out of it.
Next she pulled a pair of stockings from a drawer. One at a time, she had him left a foot and drew the nylon up his legs, fastening them to eight suspenders attached to the corset. After each suspender was connected, she took up the slack to make it taut. Each time she tightened a suspender, it sent an electric charge through Jeff's body. Sophie noticed halfway through, and thereafter began pulling them and letting them snap back against his leg, increasing his excitement and teasing him further.
His corset, stockings, and panties complete, Sophie retrieved a bra. Jeff thought this odd. The false breasts he wore were solidly glued to his chest. The corset was pushing them up, much like a bra would. But it didn't matter, since it was obvious he wasn't going to be dressing himself. After fastening the rear of the bra (black satin seemed to be the order of the day), Sophie unhooked the shoulder straps, and reconnected them in place, thus putting him in a bra without even releasing his hands.
Next, his hands were disconnected from his collar to allow the dress to be put on. Sophie had him step into the dress, then slowly, teasingly, slid the dress up his body. It was all satin, and she took every opportunity to brush the smooth fabric against any of his bare skin and his stocking-clad legs. After maneuvering his arms into the sleeves, she zipped the dress up as far as his collar would permit. With the dress in place, she told him he wasn't quite done yet. She had him lift his legs again so he could step into the petticoat. Drawing that up, she slid the petticoat under the dress to fill out the lower portion of the dress. All the while, Jeff was feeling the smoothness of the satin caressing his body.
Noticing his wandering hands, Sophie decided it was time to restrict his hands' movements. She pulled a wide, leather bondage belt from the closet and wrapped it around Jeff's waste, locking it in place over the locked-on corset. Then she put leather cuffs on each wrist, attaching them to the belt. Jeff had only a few inches of movement with either hand, and not enough that either hand could touch the other.
With his hands suitably restrained, Sophie put white satin gloves on each of Jeff's hands to hide his man-nails. "We'll get you a manicure tomorrow; these will do for tonight." The comment about tomorrow renewed Jeff's concerns about how long this was going to last. Satisfied that his hands were useless, she removed his collar to finish zipping up the dress. Once the zipper was at the top of the neck, he heard another tiny lock fasten shut. So his corset was locked on, the dress was locked on, and the belt was locked on. He had to wonder how they kept all these locks straight, or perhaps all the locks had one key.
From another drawer, Sophie retrieved a long, dark wig. Jeff guessed the hair would come down to the middle of his back. Sophie smeared some adhesive over the inside of the wig, and then set it on his head. She took great care to smooth the crown out and adjust the many curls. This morning Jeff had started out with light brown hair. Then his head was shaved. Now he had long, jet-black hair.
"On the bench." Jeff dutifully moved to the bench and sat down while Sophie stepped back into the closet. When she returned, Jeff noticed she had the only thing missing from his outfit - shoes. They were black PVC and had a modest heel - probably three or four inches. After the practice in the pony shoes, Jeff doubted these would be any trouble. After fastening the strap, Sophie completed his bondage by applying ankle cuffs with straps that ran under the heel, locking the shoes to his feet. Jeff thought this pointless, as it was impossible for him to remove the shoes with his hands bound to his waist, but he had to admit that the black PVC straps on the black PVC shoes made a definite statement. Unfortunately for Jeff, that statement was that he was owned.
Sophie had him stand, tied a pinafore around his waist, and led him to a mirror. What Jeff saw in the mirror defied belief. The maid's uniform was a deep purple satin with black lace accents. The hem of the dress only came down to just below his backside; any time he bent over for any reason he would be showing his panties to the world. The black petticoat helped hide his panties slightly. The black stockings accentuated his legs, which he found surprisingly shapely for a man's legs. The PVC Mary Jane shoes had a hint of innocence to them. But his face took his breath way. He was wearing some sort of latex mask that gave the illusion of a demure Asian woman. It was almost realistic, with soft tones and smooth features. The pink lips, rosy cheeks, and dark eyes blended perfectly with the long, brunette locks.
"Well, I don't think 'Jeff' suits you anymore. From now on you'll be Jess, but for tonight you'll simply be Maid 5."
Sophie grabbed a hook on the front of Jess' bondage belt and pulled her toward the hallway. Once outside, she pointed Jess down the hallway and gave her directions to the ballroom. "You're already late, so you better hurry." With that, she went back into the dressing room and closed the door, locking it with a dead bolt.
Jeff, now Jess, made her way through the halls. She passed a couple of resort staffers, who didn't seem to notice her. With every step, her high heels made a sharp tap on the floor that echoed down the halls. Finally reaching the ballroom, a side door opened and she was forcibly dragged inside by another staffer. "You're late!" Jess recalled that the collar was set to shock her if she spoke, and made no sound. The staffer handed her a tray and explained her duties. "Your job tonight is easy. You'll make rounds of the room with drinks, then hors d'oeuvres, alternating with each round. You'll collect empty glasses whenever you have room on your tray. Got it?"
Jess nodded her head in understanding. A tray was shoved in her hand and a staffer put a combination of red and white wines on it. Jess was lead into the ballroom and began making a pass around the room. Inside were about a hundred men and women, all drinking and chatting. A jazz trio played in the corner. There were about a dozen other maids, all dressed in different colors, some in bondage and some not. Most of the maids appeared to be women, but one of them was definitely a guy and two wore masks similar to Jess, so they were likely guys, too.
About halfway across the room, she finally spotted Gina, who was chatting with three other girls, all of them dressed to the nines. She began to make her way toward the four girls, remembering to collect empty glasses as she went. When she got within 20 feet of Gina, she felt the genital shock ring give a short burst. Jess realized someone must be watching her, and changed directions. When all her drinks were gone, she turned and made her way back to the kitchen. As she entered, she was grabbed by the pony trainer from the morning who pushed her against the wall.
Her eyes were steely and cold. She obviously meant business. She stared at Jess for several seconds before finally speaking. "What was the plan, were you going to talk to her? That wouldn't be advisable given the shock collar you're wearing." Jess hadn't considered that. Despite her anger, the trainer had likely just saved Jess from a monumental pain. "Do your job, nothing else."
Jess nodded slowly.
"Back to work."
Jess went to a station where a staffer unloaded the glasses and loaded up hors d'oeuvres, since her hands were useless. She then made her way back into the ballroom. She completed a circuit of the room, stopping politely at each grouping of people to let them take an appetizer or drop off an empty plate. The process was repeated several times over the next hour. Once as she passed Gina, this time unintentionally, she heard Gina discussing how great the resort was and how much she was enjoying the amenities, with no mention of Jeff. She also didn't mention the peculiar nature of the maid staff which included maids in bondage and wearing masks. Instead, she commented on the wonderful massage, mud baths, pools, and fitness center. It seemed Gina hadn't noticed this place doubled as a prison.
Later, dinner began. Jess was assigned as helper to basically bus tables, as she was unable to speak. She helped the servers bring out plates, and cleaned up plates as the guests finished. On any other day, bussing tables would have been no big deal. But she was viciously laced into a corset, wearing high heels, and trapped behind an anonymizing mask that limited her vision. Once while taking a load of plates back to the kitchen, she overheard Gina talking to her friends. "I wonder what happened to Jeff. I haven't seen him since this morning." Jeff's hopes sprang to life. He wasn't forgotten. Unfortunately, he couldn't stick around. He felt sure he was still under surveillance and besides, the collar would prevent him from speaking to Gina.
By the next time Jess emerged from the kitchen, guests were starting to depart. Gina and her friends were nowhere to be seen, along with that whole table. Jess' heart sank.
Within an hour of Gina's departure, all the guests were gone, and cleanup was in full swing. Jess and the other maids were each given tasks to get the room restored. She and Yellow Maid steadily cleaned off the remaining tables, while other maids cleaned dishes and gathered tablecloths. Finally a staffer shoved a vacuum in Jess' hands. She and Pink Maid, who was obviously a well-endowed woman, set about vacuuming the room. Pink Maid would move chairs and tables while Jess vacuumed. The other maids were finishing in the kitchen. By the time they were done, it was nearly eleven. Pink Maid, who was not bound in any way, wound up the vacuum cord and returned the vacuum to a closet.
Jess was spent. Her calves ached, her toes ached. All her muscles were tired. The corset was crushing her torso. The night was over; maybe the nightmare would end soon.
The maids all waited in the kitchen as the staff evaluated their work. Satisfied that everything was in order, most of the maids - the maids who were not bound - were dismissed and told to return to their rooms. A different staff member grabbed each of the remaining maids, including Jess. Jess was led to a small room with a couple of wardrobes, and left with a chain connecting her bondage belt to the ceiling.
A few minutes later, Sophie returned. "OK, lover. Time to prepare you for sleep." Sophie performed most of the dressing process in reverse, getting Jess' neck exposed and back in a locking collar hooked to the ceiling, then removing the rest of her bonds, the heels, the bondage belt, and maid uniform. Jess expected the corset and stockings to come off, but was disappointed. Instead, she stood wearing stockings, panties, a corset, and a bra while chained by the neck to the ceiling as Sophie collected some gear from one of the wardrobes in the back of the room.
Sophie walked up behind Jess, and had her lift each leg into something. Jess felt some kind of material being drawn up her legs. As the material reached her waist, her arms were guided into some kind of sleeves, and the garment's ascension began again, finally reaching her shoulders. As Sophie stepped in front of Jess and began zipping up the front, Jess realized she was being put into a sleepsack. As the sleepsack had internal sleeves, two things were certain: escape was impossible and she would not be pleasuring herself tonight, despite the lack of a chastity device.
With the sleepsack zipped up to Jess' neck, Sophie began tightening a series of straps from the feet up, further emphasizing Jess' bondage. Only the chain connected to her neck was keeping her stable at this point; if Jess fell over she'd likely choke. But Sophie just kept tightening the straps. Once Sophie reached Jess' ample bosom, she opened the other wardrobe and wheeled something out and behind Jess. After removing the collar, Sophie pushed Jess back onto a gurney of sorts, using straps to secure her captive to the gurney. With her captive fully restrained, she unceremoniously shoved another penis gag into her mouth, then pulled a sensory deprivation hood down over her head. The hood was then attached to the gurney with several straps to completely immobilize Jess' head.
The gurney was upright, with the wheels being at the foot so the patient can be wheeled about while standing, rather than lying down. Sophie carefully pushed the gurney back into the wardrobe and locked the gurney in place using fasteners on either side. The door was then closed and locked. Jess nearly jumped out of her skin when Sophie's voice penetrated the hood as if it were not there.
"You'll be sleeping here tonight. The closet is climate controlled to keep you comfortable. Good night!"
Then the world went silent. Jess concluded there must be headphones in the hood. She was trying to understand whether this was a joke. Before she could put much thought into it, she was fast asleep.
Chapter 4 - Someone Else's Fantasy (added: 2017/01/29)
Jess awoke with a start. She had heard something. Was it in her mind? Was she only dreaming? As she started to drift back into dreamland, a voice penetrated her fog. "Jeff, can you hear me?"
Gina! Jeff couldn't believe he was actually hearing her voice. His breath became even shorter than it already was through the sensory deprivation hood and the corset. He was incredibly grateful she had finally found him. But she hadn't just found him, she was all over him.
Gina's hands traced up and down the lines of Jeff's body, from his stocking-covered knees, up his black satin corset, then back down to his exposed cock. She leaned in close to his ear. "So, how fun is this place?" Her voice was an erotic whisper. She was more than turned on, she was steamy.
Now she had practically climbed on his immobilized form. She was climbing on him like a spider over her prey. She was licking him and biting him at ten places at once. He could do nothing to stop her, and nothing to help her.
He could feel her loosening the hood. He started shaking his head vigorously as if to help Gina pull the thing off of his head. Then, as the hood finally came off and light flooded back into his eyes, he was immediately plunged back into darkness.
Jess moved with a start. She was still restrained. She was still captive. She was still in darkness. Gina wasn't there; it was only a dream.
Jess struggled against her bonds with renewed vigor. The sleepsack allowed little movement - not nearly enough to reach her engorged cock that was screaming to be touched. Jess tried generating any friction she could against the sleepsack; she needed release so bad she couldn't stand it. But nothing worked, and eventually she drifted back to sleep.
When she awoke next, it was to Jennifer's bubbly voice.
"Good morning, Sleepyhead! It's only 5 A.M. but we have a big day, today."
A moment later, Jess felt herself being wheeled out of the closet where she had spent the last six hours. After getting carted to the middle of the room, the sleep sack was exchanged for a contoured chair that left Jess in a reclined position and more restraints. Jess's ankles and knees were strapped down with leather cuffs and a wide belt. Her hands were pulled down toward the ground and pulled taut by chains attached to wrist cuffs. She was still wearing the bra, corset, and panties, but a pleasant spongebath, which was both welcome and exciting, cleaned all her exposed skin. Jennifer spent some extra time in all the sensitive areas, but only enough to get Jess excited.
"First things first, we have a treat in store for you. Something I think you'll love. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm eager to."
Jess waited expectantly. She was still bound, but now without either a chastity device or a shock collar, gag, or hood. The room looked like the same one where this sleigh ride began with a massage, but now seemed more intimidating. Jess exercised her jaw and glanced down alarmingly at her chest. She had forgotten about the massive globes superglued to her chest. While studying her impressive bust, Jennifer retrieved a small cart with some equipment on it and wheeled it up behind Jess, who tried to maneuver her head to see but couldn't get a good look at what was going on. Jennifer came up on Jess' left side with what looked like an expensive VR headset.
"It's important not to move too much."
"Well, I'm pretty well tied down."
Chuckling a bit, Jennifer clarified. "No, Sweetie. You need to keep your head fairly still. You can move your head and look around, but do it slowly. Understand?"
"No, but I'm fine if you want to get started."
With Jess' acquiescence, Jennifer smiled and put the headset on Jess' head. The headset was snugged up and a strap run under her chin. The headset had a border that blocked out all light and earbuds that Jennifer inserted into her ears. With those inserted, she lowered muffs that blocked out any remaining sound. Going to check the restraints one more time, she traced her fingers down Jess's side, seductively tickling her as she traced the lines of her bra and corset, rubbing her palms up and down her stocking-clad legs, before gently tracing the outline of the engorged cock in her panties. Jess buckled against her restraints at the touch. She imagined Jennifer was laughing at her predicament, but couldn't be sure. As pre-cum started to ooze through her panties, it all stopped.
"Can you her me clearly?" Jennifer's voice was coming through the earbuds. When Jess answered, her own voice seemed muffled and distant.
"Yes, I hear you."
"We have to calibrate the VR rig. I'm going to put a controller in each of your hands. The right hand controls the intensity of the display, and the left hand controls the volume. The headset ran a series of scenes, and Jess was told to adjust the brightness and volume such that she could see and hear but not go blind or deaf. Finally, the diagnostic stopped, and Jess found herself standing on a beach.
As she moved her head around to gain her bearings, she felt disoriented. Then she realized it was because her eyes were telling her she was standing up, but her inner ear still knew she was laying down. As she looked around, she saw she was standing on a pristine white sand beach with lush green mountains and the bluest water she had ever seen. She could hear the waves crashing and the birds chirping.
As she looked down, she saw a shapely, tan woman wearing a yellow bikini. With that realization, the woman started walking along the shore. Jess' jaw hung open as she assimilated all this from her restrained position. After a few minutes, she walked upon a small tiki hut, where a single plate was set out. The only seat at the hut had a view like nothing she had ever dreamed of. There was a majestic waterfall from a towering cliff onto a series of rocks that led to the ocean.
Her view returned to the plate, and she saw herself pick up the fork and a portion of the eggs. As the scene showed the camera person eating the eggs, Jess was at first shocked to find herself eating eggs in sync with the scene being played out in her headset. She concluded Jennifer must have a view of the scene on the monitor and was feeding her in time with the virtual reality breakfast. After a small, but welcome breakfast of eggs, toast and orange juice, the scene concluded.
Several more scenes progressed. Jess found herself a fashionista walking down Rodeo Drive wearing a smart leather skirt with a white flowing blouse. She got a chance to see her reflection in a shop window - that of a striking 30-year-old brunette with a dancer's legs. Next she was a businesswoman with a corner office in a skyscraper overlooking Manhattan. Her charcoal suit with a tight pencil skirt showing off her shapely rear and legs. In each scene, she was given several minutes of exploration time, and always was able to view herself in a mirror, running her hands up and down her own body seductively. As whomever she was viewing through the headset touched herself, Jess could feel a woman's hands touching her in the same way. Despite never being touched on her cock, she almost came from the electric charge of it all.
Her vision faded to black again, and came back into focus in what could only be described as a dungeon. But this was no medieval dungeon; this was a modern sex dungeon. There were many implements of restraint and torture on one side, but the other side was all lights, camera, and equipment. She was being interviewed by a small crew of two men and two women. The taller of the two men informed her the questions were over and they were ready to begin. The scene transitioned again, and Jess noted her avatar was restrained like she was, wearing the same bra, corset, panties, and stockings she was wearing.
The scene showed the two women staring at her; the blonde woman was at her feet and the redhead was standing at her shoulders, looking down on her. They had changed clothes and were now both wearing long, black satin robes. The blonde at her feet spoke first.
"How long do we have with her?"
"All day. They won't be coming to pick her up until the morning, so we get to abuse her for as long as we can stand it."
At this point, her avatar spoke up for the first time in a husky, but pleading voice. "Please, don't sell me! I'll double their price. I'll give you whatever you want, just let me go!"
With that the two girls laughed and Red spoke again. "Honey, we already have what we want - we have the money and we have you until tomorrow." Then Red shoved a ring gag in her mouth, making any further speech completely unintelligible. As the avatar was ring gagged, Jess was stunned to find a similar ring gag shoved in her mouth and violently buckled behind her head. Jess groaned in protest, but was ignored.
Taking stock of her situation, Jess was surprised, if that was still possible. She had an ample bosom and shapely, muscular legs. The black, satin corset shaped her waist into a perfect hourglass. The shiny nylon highlighted and accentuated her lovely legs. But her panties showed something that shouldn't be there. Jess quickly realized the model used in creating this visual and immersive fantasy must have been she-male, just like Jess.
The two women circled their captive slave, soon to be delivered to unknown parties for unknown reasons. As they circled about her, they fingered every inch of her. Her struggles were useless; Jess found herself similarly struggling against her own restraints which refused to budge. To Jess, it was as if she were entering the VR world, or maybe she was being controlled by what she saw and was compelled to follow the script of a story. Finally, the blonde stopped at her mid-section. Using both hands, she pulled down Jess' panties, and tucked the front under her aching testicles.
With her cock exposed and dripping with pre-cum, Jess was lost in the moment. Red continued to rub her hands across Jess' upper body and face, sensitively tracing curves and outlines, sometimes following the lines of her arms to tug on the restraints and remind Jess of her bondage. Jess couldn't handle the sensory overload; she was writhing and squirming, desperate to touch either herself or the two women and desperate to bring herself to climax - it was all that mattered at this point.
Jess looked down at the blonde currently ravishing her thighs and realized she had removed her robe. She was now wearing a purple latex bra with black trim and exposed nipples. Her panties, crotchless, matched the bra. Climbing onto the contoured chair at Jess' feet, she crawled up until their crotches were even. She lowered her torso onto Jess' and seductively traced Jess' ring gag with her tongue. Jess thought her eyes might roll back into her head at any moment. Then she inched up further, pressing her exposed nipple into Jess' forced-open mouth. At the same time, Red grabbed her nose, cutting off her air. Jess struggled with renewed vigor, but to no avail.
"Your tongue - my nipple. Figure it out." Jess started flicking the nipple through the ring gag. It wasn't much, but there wasn't much she could do. As she worked the nipple, she heard the blonde moan softly. It must have been enough, because she finally let up enough to let Jess get air, which she breathed in hungrily. The process repeated several times; Red would hold Jess' nose closed and her head still while the blonde would use the latex bra to seal her mouth from all air and only granting it after her nipple had been adequately stimulated.
Finally, the blonde backed down Jess' bound form and lowered herself onto Jess crotch, guiding the aching penis into her waiting pussy. Jess struggled. She didn't want to cheat on Gina, but she was completely helpless. Her stimulation was off the chart, and she was ready to come at any moment. She knew the blonde she was seeing wasn't really there, but she also knew her cock was in a stranger's pussy. Then things got worse.
Red slipped something over Jess' head so fast that Jess never even saw what it was. Instantly, whatever it was tightened about her neck, nearly cutting off the blood to her brain. Jess then saw the end of a long leather strap handed to the blonde still on top of her, still holding her cock hostage.
"We're going to play a little game. I'm going to start moving up and down your cock. Every time you take your eyes of mine, I'm going to pull this leash tighter. If you close your eyes, I pull this leash tighter. If you come before I do, I pull it as tight as I can and don't let go until I come. Understand?"
Jess nodded, but couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was on the verge of an orgasm right now. Jess tried to plead with her eyes to the blonde, since she still didn't have the use of her mouth. The blonde just raised her eyebrows, knowing she was already victorious. Jess turned her gaze to Red, now standing at her left and looking down with a wicked smile, sensually sucking on her right index finger. A jerk on the leash brought Jess' focus back to the blonde.
"The game has already begun, whether you understand the rules or not." Jess didn't know what to do, breathing was already a struggle and she was getting light-headed. No longer waiting for an answer, the blonde started to move up and down slowly. Her mouth now open as she began to breathe heavily, she got more excited as she exerted control over her victim.
Red knelt next to Jess on the left and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, she comes fast, especially when she's really excited. And nothing excites her more than making love to a slave she's about to sell. If you're good, you may convince her to keep you here for a few more days. We can always find someone else to take your place."
With this glimmer of hope, Jess cast her eyes toward Red, trying to determine if she was serious that the blonde might come soon. That prompted a sharp yank on the leash.
"Bad girl! This leash can only get tighter until I release the catch. You just cost yourself some blood flow. If you pass out before I come there will be hell to pay!"
Jess was now firmly staring at the blonde, determined not to let anything else distract her. The blonde was still moving up and down slowly enough that Jess wasn't pushed over the edge yet. But Jess knew she couldn't last much longer. Still staring into the blonde's blue eyes, Jess noticed Red move toward her waist and out of view. A cool breeze on her bum told Jess that the restraint chair had an opening at her ass, and that Red was putting it to use. With no warning, Jess felt a finger slide inside her anus and start probing.
Jess lost the battle. With the combination of the virtual reality experience, the cross-dressing, the restraints, the breathplay, and the combination of women rubbing her body and using her cock, she never had a chance. She exploded inside her captor and tormentress. Her screams through the ring gag lasted only a second before the blonde yanked even tighter on the leash, completely cutting off all air and choking Jess. Jess' hips bucked and bucked. Her limbs writhed in their restraints. The orgasm was more intense than anything she had ever felt. The cum seemed to have no limits; more and more kept spurting into the blonde woman's pussy.
When she was finally spent and no longer able to thrust with her exhausted hips, Jess opened her eyes to blackness. Only then did she remember this was primarily a virtual reality experience. She felt the leash around her neck loosened and thankfully released. Then she felt the muffs covering her ears removed, followed by the ear buds. Next the ring gag was taken out and set aside. Finally, she felt the harness for the VR headset being removed. As the headset was slowly lifted up, the world outside came back into view like the curtain being lifted on a stage. The blonde woman was still sitting atop her mid-section. Jess was able to see the tops of her purple latex panties, then her purple latex bra with nipple cutouts, just like in the VR fantasy. She saw the long blonde curls, which disappointed her since she hoped it was secretly Gina, who had brown hair. At this revelation, she closed her eyes. She didn't want to know who it was she cheated with. Despite the fact she had no control over the situation, she was ashamed.
As the headset was completely removed, she leaned her head back, eyes still shut in shame.
"You weren't supposed to come before me, that's grounds for punishment!"
Jess looked up in awe. It was Gina - wearing a long blonde wig to resemble the blonde in the fantasy video. Her look of awe turned to a look of bewilderment.
"Jennifer recorded the whole scene for us. I want to be able to relive this in the future."
Jess half-laughed in exhaustion, then passed out.