Part One
It was a little after four when the door of my hotel room opened. A perfectly manicured hand lifted the blindfold from the inner doorknob and quietly closed the door.
I put down the book I was reading: BILL, THE GALACTIC HERO, and waited.
She opened the door and confidently walked in, wearing the padded leather over her eyes. She pulled a small wheeled suitcase behind her. After locking the door, she quickly removed her blazer, blouse and skirt: carefully pacing them on top of her suitcase. Then she stood, facing the room....
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Along with the blindfold she wore a light yellow bra, panty and boring shoes.
Walking as quietly as I could, I stepped behind her and wrapped a black leather collar around her neck, taking care not to let my hands touch her skin.
Her left hand rubbed her collar and she unsuccessfully fought to contain a smile of contentment.
I didn't snap the leash to the collar until her hand had dropped. Then, with a few light pulls, I directed her to stand by the bed.
I saw her nostrils flare. She could smell the leather on the bed. The smell made her fidget, shifting her weight from one foot to another, clenching and unclenching her hands.
Soon my pet, I thought, but first you must be made ready. Using a quirt, I lifted the hair at the back of her head. Dutifully, she pulled her hair into a high ponytail, using a scrunchy she had worn on her wrist.
I arranged the straps of the harness gag in my hand before touching the ball to her lips. She greedily sucked it into her mouth, wriggling her jaw until the ball was properly set.
It was a challenge to strap the head harness on without touching her, but a simple gag strap might mark her flawless skin.
The main strap put the ball into her mouth. The straps that went over her head pulled the ball upward to the roof of her mouth. The chin strap made her mouth close around the ball. Although everything was secure, nothing had to be overly tight. It was impossible for her to expel the gag
By now she was dancing in anticipation. I could hear a soft squish as she rubbed her legs together. The air filled with the pungent aroma of her need.
With only the slightest pull on her leash, she jumped on the bed, trying to determine where she was supposed to lie down, but there were too many straps. I knew she was a leather lover and this would make her wet.
Very wet!
It was my restraint, designed and built by me. She would be taking its maiden voyage.
The bed was wrapped by a long strap, running from the head to the foot. A second strap had been riveted on top of this strap. The rivets were three inches apart. The spacing of the rivets on this double set of leather was made so I could add a strap going across. Actually, I added a lot of belts this way
Another double belt went around the bed at her shoulder height. I had created a cross of leather with twenty smaller straps to weld her to the mattress.
Using the quirt and leash I got her centered on the bed. She was huffing around the gag now, spittle flying from her mouth.
When she felt me pull the strap at her ankles, she immediately pressed her legs tightly together. I swiftly made my way up her legs, buckling the six straps that forced her legs two legs into one while they also held her to the bed. The straps that I closed from her hips to her underarms didn't really add to her bondage, they just felt nice.
Sometimes, that's enough.
Five straps per arm and I was done. She was now part of the bed. Her legs were pressed together and her arms were held outstretched. She couldn't see or call for help. She lay there, bound, gagged, unable to get the slightest stimulation for a pussy that was perfuming the room.
She was totally at my mercy. I could do anything I wanted and she couldn't stop me.
I went back to my book.
She began to explore what little freedom she had been left: finding a little slack here, some movement there. That was all by design. I didn't have to pull the straps tightly to hold her. She was a prisoner of a soft cage.
Glancing at the clock, I had an hour to wait before I could take the next step. How did I ever get started on this?
Oh yeah...
It started with a phone call from James.
"You free?"
"I'm never free but I'm always available." I said, stealing a line from Buck Godot.
"Good," he said, not getting the reference. "I got a job for you that requires discretion."
"I am always discreet."
"You ain't been this discreet. This lady doesn't want to know who's tying her. She doesn't want your name, your age, your gender, ANYTHING! She doesn't want to see you or hear you. You can't even touch her!"
He had my attention, Not because of the odd request, but because he called her a lady. James never uses the term lady. Fluff, bimbo, chick, slut or, if he really likes you, girl. But never lady.
"And this, this is the important part! He continued, "Do not, under any circumstances try to learn a thing about her! If she suspects you have invaded her privacy she will make you very sorry."
That was enough for me. "Sorry James, It's not worth it." He then told me how much she paid.
Suddenly it was very worth it!
James started by emailing me a list of everything that was forbidden. It was some list! Then he sent a contract that promised little and threatened much. I emailed my agreement back to James and soon received instructions, (And payment!) for our first meeting. I booked a room at an upscale hotel thirty miles away for the following Monday.
That day I arrived two hours early, emailed James the room number and laid out my equipment. After unlocking the door and placing the blindfold on the handle, I settled back to wait.
My book that day was STAR SMASHERS OF THE GALAXY RANGERS, where I learned that the best rocket fuel is made from cheese.
I wore rubber gloves so any inadvertent contact with her would not be actual touching. They made turning the pages of my book most difficult, but I endured.
She entered the room blindfolded and stripped. The lingerie she wore that day was white, expensive and boring.
I was used to talking to my clients as I bound them, so I had placed a strip of tape over my mouth preventing my accidentally saying anything. I had not thought to bring my quirt, so I used my book to position her as I needed.
Most marks on the skin faded in a few hours, but the best way to avoid any marks at all was a strait jacket. And for how much she was paying, she deserved leather, red leather.
Because I couldn't use crotch straps (Number 17 on the forbidden list), I decided on a Bolero jacket that ended a bit below her exposed breasts. Or in her case, bra.
I held the jacket before her and as soon as she felt the openings, her hands were thrust into the sleeves. I stepped back as she pulled the jacket on as best she could.
There was a narrow strap to close the collar and three wider straps for the body of the restraint. A strip of leather went between her breasts, ending in the waist strap. I secured all of these as she silently hurried me on.
Her arms were crossed under her bra, shaking a little. I couldn't tell if it was from impatience or excitement. I wrapped a strap around them, securing the arms to the waist belt. This only slowed the shaking. Nothing would stop it.
I finished the jacket by buckling the arms straps behind her back, forcing her to hug herself.
I hadn't given any thought on how to move her without touching. Should I whack her with my book again? Instead of moving her, I moved a chair behind her, lightly bumping the back of her legs. She got the hint and sat. Using short piece of rope, I tied the back straps to the slats of the chair.
I wrapped fur-lined cuffs around her ankles and tied each ankle to a chair leg.
The instructions said that she was to have an hour to enjoy her bondage, so I left her and went back to read about all the amazing uses of chedite.
I glanced to see how she was doing.
Her mouth was wide open! WIDE open!
Was she choking? Having an asthma attack? What was wrong?
Then it hit me, she wanted a gag. I doubted room service would be able to help, so I desperately looked into the bag of toys I had brought.
No gag, but I did have two pieces of cloth I had planned to use if I needed additional bondage.
I could make a cloth gag.
I HATED cloth gags. They're so....wrong.
Reluctantly, I made a large knot in the middle of the cloth, popped it into her waiting mouth, tying it behind her head. I took the other strip of cloth and wrapped it around her head a few times before tying it off.
What a way to ruin a masterpiece.
For the next hour she thrashed and fought her bonds without giving me the safeword...three grunts. I watched her for a bit, but frankly, my book was more interesting.
After an hour, it was time to finish the scene. I had to loosen her bondage so she would be able to escape on her own. I untied the ropes that attached her to the chair and unbuckled the collar and waist straps. I hoped she could pull her arms over her head and use her teeth to unbuckle the sleeves. Then she could just pull everything over her head.
I wasn't allowed to return to the room for three hours. Then I was to clean up and remove all traces of bondage. I could spend the night if I wished.
After a leisurely dinner, I found a movie that looked interesting. It was during the movie when I remembered the gag. If she couldn't use her teeth, would she be able to escape?
For some reason, I really didn't enjoy the rest of the movie.
After three hours, I reluctantly hurried back to the hotel, dreading what I was going to find.
What I found was my jacket on the floor, the gag in the trash and every towel soaking wet.
I put away the jacket, did a quick search for anything that might indicate what we had been doing, left a sizable tip for the maid and left.
Without a dry towel I wasn't about to stay.
At two the next day, I received am email from James that listed my mistakes.
She hated the gag, well...no argument there.
Hated the chair, she was afraid it would make too much noise when she tried to escape or even tip over.
Where was her collar?
The jacket was nice but she expected more than a half jacket and a pair of cuffs.
Why hadn't I left her water and some snacks?
Did I actually hit her with a book???
She hoped I would do better the next week.
She hadn't fired me, I was both relieved and disappointed.
She did add to the forbidden list. Number ninety-three. No cloth gags.
The following week I was in a new hotel, a new city and with a new book: PHULES COMPANY.
As soon as she walked in I had a gag in her mouth. A nice panel gag with a hard rubber ball to keep her amused. Then I added a one inch collar.
I trapped her middle in a six inch waist belt. Lots of D rings on the collar and belt. I would be using all of them.
I had brought both a leash and quirt and I used them to encourage her to sit on a chair.
I pulled off her shoe (Just touching the shoe) and put her feet into a pair of ankle boots.
Unlike her flats, these had serious heels. The boots had an inch wide strap going around the ankle that closed with a buckle but was designed to be locked, but rule twelve said no locks.
While she was sitting I added: ankle cuffs, thigh cuffs and elbow cuffs.
I didn't forget about her hands. I knew she would be expecting ordinary wrist cuffs, but she would get nothing so plain, so pedestrian, so common.
I had found a pair of hospital-approved bondage mittens. Once I secured the wrist strap her hand was transformed into a leather ping pong paddle. Two hard leather circles of leather trapping her naughty fingers between them. If she only wore the mittens and a gag she would still have been trapped. In those stiff mittens, she couldn't bend a finger or grab a hold of anything. The simplest knot would defeat her.
A single pull on the collar and she strolled to the bed. I had thought she would struggle to walk in those heels, but she obviously was used to walking in stilettos.
I had run six lengths of rope under the mattress. I used the first rope on her ankles. I tied one end to the D ring, then threaded the other end in the other D ring. As I shortened the rope, her legs were forced open. I worked up her body like this until she was pulled into a beautiful spread eagle.
Mythbusters had taught me that anything worth doing was worth overdoing. I ran a rope connecting her ankle cuffs. Wiggling her legs was no longer an option. All she could do was vibrate.
I went over her restraints, roping D ring to D ring, tying together whatever I could until she lay in a web of restraint.
I then left her to enjoy her predicament.
After her hour of struggle was up, I unbuckled her left hand from the mitten. It wouldn't be easy but she eventually would be able to free herself. I had noticed there was a library near the hotel so I left my book in the room. When I returned after three hours, she was gone, so were the boots.
And my book!
Tuesday I got my list. She didn't like the brand of water I had brought. Or the cookies. She also asked how much she owed me for the boots. She didn't mention the book.
That was how I spent my Mondays for the next seven months. Binding her on Mondays, Getting her critique on Tuesdays and searching catalogs the rest of the week for restraints that wouldn't violate any of her one hundred seventeen rules.
The wet spot on the bed would usually give me an idea on how she felt about that nights bondage.
One week I tied her in the shower.
Rule one hundred. No bondage in the bathroom!
Tuesday morn the mailman brought my latest purchase. Thigh high stiletto boots that laced ALL the way up. She was going to love them. As with all the other shoes I had used on her, I tucked the receipt in the left boot. If she kept them, she would happily pay.
Two pm came without my email from James. I knew she had loved the bondage. The wet spot covered half the bed! I had had to drive home that night because there wasn't a dry spot for me to sleep. (The maid got a monster tip!)
At four I called his office. After twenty rings I hung up. I tried emailing him. No reply.
I had no idea where his office was; All of our business was over the phone or internet.
The week passed by without any contact from James.
I didn't even know his last name.
Monday night I stayed home.
Part Two (added: 2016/07/21)
Even if she had fired me, James would have paid me for my last session. So something was stopping James from calling.
I had to find a way to contact her without James.
The only useful thing I knew about her was where she spent her Monday afternoons.
I would leave messages at the last three hotels I had used. If a woman wanted to contact the person who was in this room, call me at this number.
It was the only thing I could think of doing. Fortunately, she had the same thought. She called just after I had contacted the second hotel. She wasn't convinced it was me until I mentioned the title of the book she had borrowed.
We arranged to meet at a local park. I arrived early started reading a recent purchase: FOUR FROM PLANET 5. I found it amusing. I was reading a book from the author of FIRST CONTACT while waiting to make one.
I saw her approaching a few minutes later. She wore her typical power suit in one of those shades of blue. She carried a small paper bag.
She seemed to be ready to keep going, but I made her stop by asking if that was my book. With my bona fides confirmed, she sat and chatted. I learned that James liked to drive fast and didn't like seat belts.
The funeral had a closed casket.
After a few minutes she said, "I missed my bondage last week." I don't know why, but that really bothered me.
"You've been tied up many times, but you've never been in bondage." I retorted.
Her eyes hardened. Clearly she was not used to someone contradicting her. "Explain." She said tersely.
"Bondage means a loss of control. Where you are unable to stop or even affect the situation. Because of your ever-growing list, you've always been in control. It's called 'Topping from the bottom.' It's not really bondage."
She didn't respond, or even move for at least five minutes. Finally, she looked at me and said, "So, what is bondage?"
Without bothering to stand, I took off her coat. I positioned her hands behind her and closed the handcuffs around her wrists. Then I placed her coat around her shoulders, hiding most of her restraint.
I took a few steps towards my car, and looked back at her. "You coming?" I asked. I was hoping to hear something like,'No, but I'm close.' Instead she silently followed me.
Being a gentleman, I opened the door of my car for her and helped her in. I leaned across her body and, accidentally, got in a nice feel.
Sitting next to her, I asked, "Are the cuffs too tight?"
"No, they're," She paused, trying to find the right word. "Fine."
I opened the glove box for a padded leather blindfold. She leaned forward so I could readily buckle it on. I doubted she would be so cooperative with the gag.
I lightly held it to her lips, waiting for her to open her mouth. Her lips parted and I slid the stubby rubber cock into place before she could identify it.
She stiffened and tried to expel it, but I am a very fast buckler. She shook her head, trying to find a way of spitting it out, gave a shriek of frustration and threw herself deeply into her seat.
Then, slowly, she turned her leather-covered face at me and growled.
Displeasure duly noted.
My home was forty minutes away, which gave me ample time to watch her reaction to the bondage. I had purposely violated three items on her forbidden list. No public bondage, no touching and no penis gags. If she had cried or acted miserable on the drive I would have removed the gag and apologized.
Instead I watched as she rubbed her thighs together, perfuming the air with her lust. I was taking her into a new world, and she wanted more!
I waited for the garage door to fully close before I continued. I leaned in and nuzzled her neck. She purred in pleasure at my touch. A leather collar replaced my lips. She didn't try to stop me as I buckled it on, leaving it looser that usual. Snapping a leash to the D ring, I led her into my house.
Well, not the actual house, the basement. My dog was in the house and my captive did not need seventy pounds of Labrador saying hi.
We took the stairs very slowly. Without her arms to steady her, she could have easily stumbled.
I had her stop in the middle of the floor. She obediently stayed as I made the room ready. First I turned on the spotlights. Six Lekos, all focused on her. Even without a blindfold, she would only see what I allowed her to see.
Next to the light controls was a crank. I slowly turned it. Her head swiveled at the tiktiktik of the chains as they lowered the yoke. I stopped it when it was the right height.
This was the first piece I had bought with the money earned on our Monday sessions. Although it was all aluminum it was still heavy. Maybe I shouldn't have bought the largest one.
I had left her collar loose so this would fit higher on her neck. I closed the metal on her, making sure I didn't pinch her skin. She had to raise her chin a little so I could slide the restraining bolt into place. The hasp fit through the hole on the bottom of the bolt. With a sharp snap it was locked in place.
I took her coat off her shoulders and unlocked her handcuffs. "Strip for me." I requested.
It was a test. With her hands free she could easily remove the penis gag. Or she could remove her blouse.
She could also do a soft shoe routine, but I didn't think that was very likely.
In a few seconds she had unbuttoned her blouse and held it out for me. As I set it on her coat, she ...what's the word?...shimmied out of her bra and it landed on the pile.
I unbuckled her gag and eased it from her mouth. I used a paper towel to mop up the saliva flood before it touched her skirt.
"Thank you," She said, working her jaw to ease the stiffness. "That was quite....effective."
"I have my moments." I said, placing a wide metal band around her wrist. I then closed the end of the yoke around the metal band. It allowed her to twist her wrist without any hope of freedom.
Another locking bolt secured the cuff and a lock completed it. After securing her other hand, I unzipped her skirt and carefully removed it. I did not want the cleaning bill for her clothes!
A Dom has to respect his subs limits; otherwise he is just a brute. I was purposely ignoring hers, but for a good reason. She had become comfortable in her bonds. Comfortable but stagnant. For the past seven months she had been steadily reducing her bound experiences.
Eventually, she would have realized the perfect bondage scenario...and repeated it endlessly.
How boring.
I wanted to shock her out of the comfort zone. I needed her to...grow.
Instead of pulling her panties down, I cut them off with two snips of my scissors. I guess her trip home would be commando...no...I had a pair of rubber undies that should fit!
I would expand her horizons and compress her ass at the same time.
I really wanted to see her in ballet boots. But that would be too much for her first real day of bondage. A five inch stiletto should be properly conservative for her. The spreader bar nicely completed her outfit.
Well, almost.
"Do you have any gag preference" I asked. (Now THERE is a sentence I don't get to say often enough!)
"May I please have the cock gag again?" She asked somewhat shyly. "It," She paused, searching for the right word, "Affected me."
Obviously, she was enjoying her new boundaries. I offered the gag to her open mouth and she greedily sucked it in.
I picked up my battery-powered wand. It was far too big to be inserted, but its strong vibrations should drive her nicely insane.
I had it buzzing at the lowest setting and she jumped when I lightly touched her clit.
Well...not jumped, but she definitely shifted.
I touched her again. This time she leaned into the wand as much as she could, moaning in pleasure and desire.
Her first orgasm came quickly. The second was a bit slower and I had to use every trick I knew to get her to crest a third time. When I finished, we were both covered in sweat.
Well...Mine was all sweat, much of her moisture had a different origin.
I eased the well-chewed gag from her mouth.
"I could see you, you know." She said softly.
Say what?? The blindfold was still in place and I know it totally blocks all light.
"It started in the car, She continued. "I could see you watching me. I felt so protected. It was wonderful."
Son of a bitch, she had entered 'Sub Space.' "Can you still see me?" I asked.
"No." She said a touch sadly. "That all faded after my orgasms. Now I'm all warm and dark."
To be honest, I was honored. The only times I have heard of people entering sub space was to escape something bad, or to further enjoy something good.
"I still can't figure out that red box over there." She said conversationally.
Now I was freaked out. She was pointing directly at my bondage box! She couldn't have seen it and yet....
"My head pops out on top, but where do my hands go?"
I was at a loss to explain what was happening. But when it doubt, tie her up.
"Are you sure you want to find out?" I asked.
"I could really use a change of position." She admitted.
The spreader bar and yoke were soon unlocked. I led my still-blinded captive to the box.
My inspiration for this restraint came from a TV series that exposed the secrets of magicians. The show demonstrated how a girl was bound before being cut in half. I had no interest in slicing her, but the bondage was something I could modify for my own purpose.
The framing of the sides was a rectangle of one by threes, Wooden panels on the sides folded down to allow easy access. The floor was padded particle board. Her back was supported at a sixty degree angle by another padded board, but this one had a number of leather straps added. Her legs would stretch out the open front. But right now, all sides were closed at it looked like a box with a hole in the top and two holes at the front.
In short, a magic prop.
The box sat on a table with a step stool at the end. I removed her blindfold and let her have a good look at it.
She smiled. Then she made a confused frown as she rubbed the cheap vinyl that padded the top. It was out of place with the quality of the rest of the parts.
Feeling like a magician I quickly dismantled it. I offered her my hand. She accepted the help as she walked up the steps, turned, and sat in the box.
The first strap went under her breasts and held her in position on the back board. Upper and lower arms were restrained by four more pieces of leather.
She was helpless but I was just getting started. I lifted both her legs into the air with one hand as I pressed a piece of wood into place with the other. The, using both hands, I lowered her legs as I folded them into her body: her knees were against her breasts. Her ankles fit into the half moon cut outs in the wood.
I had freed her from my yoke, only to put her in my stocks.
I closed the side panels and picked up the top: the last piece of my box.
A cushioned half moon would finish binding her neck on one end, while a piece of wood on the bottom of the lid would complete her leg stocks. I slipped it into place, closed the six latches and her bondage was complete.
But this was not the same box she had just seen. The front panel that covered her pussy from view was not attached. She was on display for my pleasure. Although she was not wearing her blindfold, she was unable to see me as a bent to admire her naked body...well...a small part of it.
To start, I blew a stream of air on her clit. I was rewarded with a soft "Aaaahhhh" of pleasure. Then, using a gentle combination of lips, tongue and finger, I gave her a orgasm. It wasn't like the hard insistent cum she had felt from the vibrator, this one was slow and soft.
Afterwords, I climbed the steps and sat in front of her.
"You're naked." She commented.
"Really? How odd!" I answered. "I'm pretty sure I had pants on a minute ago." Whatever reply she had planned was interrupted by my cock sliding into her mouth. The reason I had used a cheap vinyl for the top of my box was..I needed it to be slippery! Her head couldn't move, so I had to!
The expert tongue job told me that mine wasn't the first cock she had sucked. All too soon I was painting her tonsils. I used a small hand towel to clean up a few spots on her face,
Handy things towels!
Believing she had enough bondage for one night, I opened two of the latches.
"Stop!" She commanded.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just..." She paused again, searching for the right way to express herself. "You know I like to be left tied up for a while."
"I've always wondered why." I confessed.
"It's better than a massage for relaxing. You should try it!"
"No." I said flatly. "But let me make you safe." I grabbed a long piece of rope which I used to secure the box to the table. She wouldn't be worrying about tipping over.
Rope...even more handy than towels!
She had closed her eyes and held her mouth open.
Subtle. The gag and blindfold were back in place.
I turned on a baby monitor and picked up my phone.
"Squeal in distress!" I told her. My phone buzzed loudly and flashed red when she did. "Any problems, just squeal."
I gathered my clothes and went upstairs to feed my starving (His opinion, not mine) Lab. He knows he is not allowed in the basement. Not after a full body harness became a chew toy.
I took a hot shower under his unblinking gaze.
Do they make blindfolds for dogs?
After dressing, I found the article I needed. Shutting the door in his face, I returned to find her still bound in the box. This time she didn't argue about being released.
There is something magical about helping a lady get dressed. I hooked her bra in place and handed her the piece I had brought to replace her destroyed undies.
"Rubber?" She said in confusion.
"Yup! Unless you'd rather enjoy a breeze..." I had to learn to talk faster. She was already wiggling them up her legs. They were black and high-waisted with a long white zipper running up the front. After assuring her they that it was not a hot water bottle, we managed to fully close the zipper.
She walked a few steps, enjoying the compression of the rubber. Her smile became a grimace when she bent to pick up her skirt.
"That's why I was going to powder you before putting it on."
"Point taken. But why did you cut off my panties? Do you know how much they cost?"
"They were boring. All your lingerie is. That rubber girdle costs a lot less yet it looks much better!"
She twisted, attempting to see her ass. "It does?"
"It makes you irresistible." To prove my point I grabbed her ass and pulled her to me. It seemed only natural that we kiss. The kiss lengthened, becoming at first passionate, then frantic.
The girdle that had been so difficult to get on was swiftly unzipped and removed.
"I haven't...I'm not..." She managed to stammer as I led her to a bed. There were a dozen restraints on or near the bed, but I didn't want them. I wanted her!
Pausing only to roll on a condom, we fell into each other. Her legs wrapped around me, pulling me deeper. We drew closer with every thrust. Our mouths were locked together, our hips moving in perfect rhythm.
Together we came and came and came.....
Later, so very later, we lay: her fingers playing with my chest, mine caressing her hair. I glanced down, admiring her, totally naked except for the collar.
That's when I saw the blood. I recoiled in horror. I had hurt her! I had to.....wait. Stop. Think.
"You're a virgin?"
"Was," She said, unable to hide her smile. "I've always been too driven, too busy....too fussy. It's the reason I needed to be bound weekly. It was my release."
The smile widened. "If I had known that all it took was a rubber panty..."
I stopped her ruminations with another kiss. We held each other for a long while until she said, "I really have to go."
She dressed a second time. (With powder) I reached to unbuckle her collar, but she covered it with her hand.
"No.....no. I'd rather keep it on. It feels ....proper."
There was a noise from overhead as we headed for the stairs.
"Is there someone else here?" She demanded.
"Well yeah, kinda....you're not the only one who wears a collar in my house." I could see her redden in anger as I opened the upstairs door.
And there, delighted to see me, stood my two year old Chocolate Labrador.
"Oh I am in love!" She gushed. "What's his name?"
"Theo? Did you name him after Van Gogh's brother?"
I shook my head. "Thio. Short for Thiotimoline."
She straightened. Looked at me, looked at Thio then back to me.
"Thiolimoline........ Thiotimoline........... Does he instantly know when he is going to get a bath?"
"YES!!" I shouted. Finally, someone got the reference!
She refused my offer of a ride home, preferring to use a taxi. I called one as she fussed over Thio. Soon, my phone buzzed, telling me the cab was here.
"My purse!" She cried and ran to the garage to fetch it.
Then, one last kiss and she was gone.
Wow was all I could think. That had been amazing. I strolled to my car to get my books. An envelope stuck out of PHULES COMPANY. On the outside she had written 'For lingerie." Inside of it was money....a LOT of money.
There was nothing in FOUR FROM PLANET 5. Because it was not there! She had stolen my book again!
I would buy her lingerie. I only had to make one phone call to get the perfect piece.
It would be made of metal and I was going to be the keyholder!