Author's Note: Preliminary chapter of a new fantasy story I am writing. Please leave any kind of feedback so I can improve!
I suppose my true story begins in 2015, but for you to all understand it better, a little back-story is required.
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Chapter One - A Life Changing Delivery
It began, like most things, with a crossroads. I was 17, fresh out of education and wondering what to do with my life. It was the summer of 09 and everyone seemed contempt with what was going on, me of course, I had no freaking idea! I considered myself pretty good looking, I'd had plenty of girlfriends whilst growing up so I guess I was right there. I stood at 6"6, short black hair an average physique, topped off with some decent muscles earned with sweat and tears from 4 years of
showing off at the gym. I was a virgin, by choice more than anything, most girls in school were either slutty, ugly or too quiet to have a nice chat with, let alone allowing me to get on top of them and pummel them with my cock (which by the way was my most prized asset.) I came close once, she was my best friend growing up and
secretly I always had a crush on her, but not wanting to ruin my best friendship I stayed silent. Thinking back, that wasn't my smartest move. Her name is Lucy, she's the same age as me with stunning, shoulder length red hair, if anyone ever made the mistake of calling her ginger they quickly regretted it, she was quick as a fox and seemed to have a strange pleasure in causing men to writhe in pain from a well timed kick to the crotch, being best friends she didnt get to hurt me in that way, although the glint in her eyes told me sometimes she would have loved it. Her chest was above average for someone our age, she was petite, with a gorgeous body that she let all the other boys lust on from day one yet, like me she was still a virgin. I should probably mention by now that my name is Riley Snow and I am about to tell you quite an incredible tale.
Now I mentioned about my close call with Lucy, I'm sure you would love to know all about it but really I must fast forward to where my life got a whole lot more interesting. It was the dawn of my 19th birthday, I always used to make a thing out of birthdays but after my 18th I vowed not to spend another birthday drunk, a vow I intended to keep! I was living alone in a 2 bedroom flat in Devon, I had booked 2 weeks off work to go visit family and catch up with Lucy, who I hadn't seen in almost a year. I arrived home to find a large parcel sitting on my doorstep, curious, I carried it inside and set it down in the center of the room. It weighed alot but there was nothing indicating what was inside on the outside, so I did what anyone in my situation would do, I opened it up and my heart stopped.
Inside was the finest array of sex toys you could imagine, now I had never been particularly interested in sex toys before but the sheer quantity of what was inside
amazed me. There were at least 4 different sized dildos the biggest, considerably larger than my own device, I couldn't see how anyone could even use. At least 18" in length, flesh colour, and as thick as my forearm with bulging veins, I picked it up, my curiosity got the better of me, I knew I shouldnt but I eagerly took it out the packaging and held it in my hand. It had a large suction cup at the base so I licked it and stuck it down on the table. It sagged to one side but stayed upright, I couldn't believe the size of the thing! After marvelling at it for a few moments a sudden thought entered my head, surprised I hadn't wondered this earlier but who the hell had sent me this? I thought it may have been a mistake and panicked that now I had opened one of them, I would have to pay for it. I wasn't exactly well off financially but then I remembered the hand written delivery name and address and realised someone had physically dropped this off outside my house, there was no postage label, somebody wanted me to have the contents of the box. I continued to unpack my new toys, in total I counted 5 dildos of various size and colour, only one of them smaller than my own and only just, I opened them all and layed them out in size order stuck to my table so it looked like I was promoting one of those kinky little stores you see in big cities tucked away down a side alley that everyone knew existed but pretended they didnt anyway. A huge bottle of
lube labelled Slide In, 3 butt plugs, only the black one looked like it could be used by anyone with a normal ass, it was attached to a pump so you anyone could easily fit it in and them pump away till you were completely full inside. The purple one was at least 2" in diameter at its widest point which looked painful, and finally the flesh coloured one looked like it would match the giant cock sitting on my table, it would surely get stuck inside anyone if they attempted to put it in. The widest point looking around 4" I couldn't imagine what that would do to my poor little ass. Now I have played around with anal before, never with another person but I must admit I did own a small 6" dildo that I have used on myself a few times. There were various instruments that looked like they could only belong in the hands of a kidnapper, coils of rope, rubber ball gags, leather hand and ankle cuffs, various whips and paddles, alot of items I didn't have the slightest idea what they were or what they could be used for. I opened everything up as I took it out the box and laid it on my table until the box was empty and my table was
overflowing with bondage equiptment, sex toys and fetish clothing. At the bottom, taped to the box was an envelope with my name on it. Of course by now I had completely forgotten anything I had learned before, I was so awestruck by what lay in front of me I couldnt help myself, I reached for the letter, my heart beating faster and faster, I tore open the letter and read the following;
I had no idea you were such a fucking whore! You didnt have to open the box, No! You certainly didnt have to take anything out of the box once you realised what was inside, but you did it anyway! HaHa! I'm so glad because we are going to have SO MUCH fun now!
Your probably wondering who I am? Well for now you can just call me Mistress, if your a well behaved little slut you may get to find out my identity at some point but you have to earn that my dear.
From now on, I own you! Whatever I tell you to do, you do it, you dont ask why, and you certainly dont refuse. You may be wondering why you would have to obey me?
Take a look up in the corners of your room, notice anything different? Thats right, Cameras! I'll be watching you open my gift from the comfort of my home and if I know you, which I do, you couldn't have helped yourself open all my lovely gifts to you, why I wouldn't be at all surprised if you even gave head to one of my toys so unless you want that video sent to all your friends and family, your mine!
I know deep down your actually really excited about this, you have always been a submissive little bitch, and now your my bitch! Personally I cannot wait to introduce myself to the new you but first you need to prove your worth my time. I'll give you a few minutes to let this sink in, I know its alot to find out you now belong to someone else so please, have some you time, you have 5 minutes, starting now. Remember, I'm watching you!
Once you are ready your second parcel is waiting for you by your back door, go and grab it bring it in here before you open it, I want to see your pretty little face when you open it.
Mistress XxX
I sat, staring at the note in my hand. My body stopped working, I couldnt breathe, I thought for a moment who it could possibly be that was trying to control my life, well I say trying she was completely right. I had opened up everything in the box and my face would have said it all, at least for now, I had to do as I was told. If this footage got around to my work colleagues, my family, my friends, that would be it. This was the lesser of two evils. I got up and smiled at the camera, then slowly walked to the back door.
Sitting on the back step was a smaller box, this one completely blank, I sheepishly picked it up, carried it inside back to my new prison, and set it down on the table. From inside the box, a phone started ringing. I took another look at the camera mounted on my wall and slit open the box. Inside was an iPhone, a flashy looking camera, a strange looking pair of hi-tech handcuffs and a metal casing in the shape of a small penis with a solid steel ring lined with rubber which opened in half along with a collection of padlocks and 2 keys.
I picked up the phone and a female voice spoke out to me. "Good my little slut, but in the future you are not to do anything except what I expressively tell you to do, I did not tell you to answer the phone so why have you?"
Silence followed as I was so dumbstruck that this was actually happening I forgot how to use my mouth. "This is how you answer me, please don't make me ask twice you whore!"
"S-s-sorry, I uh, dont really, er, who are you? why have you put cameras in my house? and why have you given me all this stuff?"
"That wasn't an answer, now you are going to learn fast that when I ask you a question, you answer it, perfectly, and instantly or this lovely live stream I have of your living room will find its way all over the fucking internet! Now tell me, why did you answer the phone?"
"Well it was ringing, I thought-"
"Don't think, answer me!"
"Im sorry, I uh, won't think anymore, please dont put this online, I can't have my family see me with all these, I will do whatever you want!"
"Thats better, but please don't take so long to answer me in the future, and believe me, we're going to have a long and, interesting future."
I couldn't believe it, this morning I had been an ordinary guy, going to work for my last shift before 2 beautiful weeks of doing absolutely nothing. I had a strong feeling that wasn't going to be remotely close to what was in store for me, and to make matters worse the longer this went on the more she would have on me to carry on doing this for as long as she felt like it. I was actually owned by women who i knew only over a brief phone call. I was powerless to act and as all this was going through my head my trousers started bulging until I was rock solid. Why, why would it do this to me now, this was hardly the time or the place, could it be that I was enjoying this? No, no of course not, I was being held prisoner in my own home and I was all alone, how was this even possible. My cock wouldn't go down and it was now more than obvious to the cameras that I was getting turned on. Shit, this was hardly helping my case, any moment now this woman would realise my-
"Hahahahahahahaha, I knew it! You are a little slut, oh this is going to be so much fun. Now, I want you to prepare yourself, go upstairs and shave yourself from neck to toe, I dont want a single piece of hair on my whore, gets in the way and looks awful. You have 1 hour and make sure you dont to anything else while your up there, your cock, like the rest of your worthless body belongs to me, if you touch it for any longer than necessary you will be severely punished. Oh and I will know, this isn't the only room in your house that I can tune into!"
I walked out the room looking at all the walls and corners to see if she was telling me the truth, in the hall I spotted another camera pointing right at me, 1 facing the door and another on the stairs. I went upstairs to see another camera in the hall, I didn't even bother checking any other rooms so I went ahead into the bathroom, stripped, grabbed my razor and stepped into the shower. I started shaving my face first, I didn't have much of a beard so that didn't take very long. I had shaved my legs a few times before and to be honest I keep my balls shaved anyway. I covered my chest with shaving cream and got to work making myself hairless.
After about 45 minutes I had finished my body, I looked up and saw yet another camera perched at the top of my shower, I really wasn't getting any privacy here and now this mystery woman had a lovely video of me shaving my entire body. I didn't exactly have a choice though, I didn't bother getting dressed as I had a feeling I would have to wear the clothes that had been bought for me instead of my own, I went back downstairs and instantly the phone rang.
"Very good bitch, back with time to spare! I do like an efficient slave."
"........." I couldn't speak, I couldn't believe this was really happening. I was held captive in my own home yet somehow, I was starting to turn to the idea. I thought back to when I was younger, when I would tie myself up in my room naked and just roll around. Never having the balls to leave myself completely helpless so the thrill kind of died off after a while, but this was different. I had no control this time, maybe this was secretely what I always wanted. The "Mistress" seems to know me, I wonder who it could be.
"In front of you there is a chastity cage, it was in the 2nd parcel, go and get it and put it on, your dicks shrunk again so do it fast before you get hard just thinking about all this. Put the phone on speaker!"
I did as I was told and retrieved the silver cage and examined it in my hands. I came apart in 2 pieces a reasonably small ring that I presumed was to lock around my balls, and a tiny cock shaped sleeve. I used a little lube on the metal and a touch on my cock then slid the sheath around my member and clamped it into place using the ring around my balls. A padlock from the table sealed the deal. It felt extremely strange, my cock all scrunched up inside a small metal contraption and my balls held tightly together.
"Now I want you to put 4 steel cuffs around each limb. Then pick out the leather blindfold and lock it on with the head harness inside"
I looked around and saw 4 circular pieces of metal with hinges allowing them to come apart and a selection of metal rings dotted around the edges. As I snapped each one around both my ankles and my wrists I locked them into place until I was a naked, shaved slaveboy. I looked at myself in the mirror and my cocked burst into pain. I was getting harder and harder and my cock was bursting into the sides of the metal. It pinched at my balls and shaft so much I had to try as hard as I could to think off my boner! Thanksfully it wasn't the first time ive ever had to quickly rush down an erection but never for reasons of pain.
"Ahh, hurts doesn't it. Yeah you're really not gonna want to get hard whilst I have you locked in that! I thought that would be best found out by yourself."
I went over and picked up the blindfold and looked around for the head harness. I noticed it eventually and gingerly strapped the blindfold into place and with difficulty managed to lock the head harness around my head and clicked the lock shut.
"Finally get a piece of rope and just tie your hands up behind your back. Don't lock yourself with a padlock your going to want to untie yourself when I tell you to."
Barely a minute after I put the final touches to my hands behind my back I heard a key in my door. I was stunned. It wasn't possible. I had just locked away my sight, my cock and my hands and now there was about to be a stranger in my house with all these sex toys infront of me and I couldn't see a thing. It would take me ages to try all the different keys I noticed earlier, and that was hoping that one of them would have been the right one.