Author's Note: My first story! There is a possibility of continuing it but that's not my intention at the moment.
Chapter 1
Vincent messaged me on Facebook.
Vincent: "Woof."
Me: "Huh?"
Vincent: "I found your puppy porn stash."
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Oh no! Was he making fun of me? Shit. Why hadn't I erased that before handing my laptop over to get fixed!?
Vincent: "Don't worry. I've seen way worse. You wouldn't believe what some people keep on their machines. Besides, puppy play is right up my alley. I've even invested a little bit of spare change into a few toys."
I respond with the obligatory "pics or it didn't happen!" and Vincent was happy to oblige. It definitely happened! I get to see all of his restraints, his cage, the ass plugs with various decorative tails attached, the gags, the food bowls. You name it and Vincent has it.
Hello, my name is Ashley but my puppy name is Midnight. I suppose it all kind of started where it finished, a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. After all, it was my new owner who had introduced me to kinky play back in high school. I was in my "goth" phase. So of course, I liked to talk the talk concerning kinky bedroom activities, even though I had never done much. I had the look down for sure though! My naturally jet black hair set against my pale complexion is what really sets me off! Not to mention, I had plenty of piercings and lots of ink for a high school girl, with even more now as an adult. I developed early where boobs and hips were concerned, but I have always been one of the shortest people in the room. Even as a fully grown woman, I'm only 1 inch above 5 feet.
Vincent, my new owner, was the first guy to really make me feel submissive. He was the kind of guy who wore band T's, usually metal, with a studded leather bracelet and some combat boots. He had medium length hair and his build was kind of thick all over in a strong "Don't fuck with me" kind of way. I always though he would be a bouncer later in life.
Now, up until this point, I have always considered my ultimate fantasy to be just a fantasy. I never though it could actually happen. That's when, after discovering my love of puppy related BDSM play while fixing my laptop, Vincent offered to train me. He's aware of my husband but assures me that he can be discreet and that he would stay fully clothed during my training.
I love my husband and he is very good at regular sex, but I'm not a vanilla kind of girl. I was happy keeping my urges under control with lots of porn until Vincent and I started talking again. I had some computer issues. It turns out Vincent wasn't a bouncer but actually has his own computer repair business. I was having some pretty serious computer issues so of course, like everyone else, I hit up my friend who is good with computers.
I sit for a bit with my adrenaline at maximum staring at Vincent's Facebook message. I want to say yes so badly but what if I get caught? I know Vincent and I know I can trust him but this is a big step. I half-jokingly blow him off without actually saying no. After being incredibly horny for a few days thinking of nothing but being Vincent's puppy slave, I realize there's no way to resist the inevitable. I'll never have a more trustworthy guy to do this with so it's now or never.
I'm working up the nerve to message him back when he takes the initiative and hits me up on Facebook. It goes something like this:
Vincent: Given anymore thought to what we were talking about
Ashley: Actually yea. Kind of a lot...
Vincent: And? Don't keep me in suspense
Ashley: Ok so you know my situation and you know I need complete discretion. Which includes this conversation and any others...? Right? I'd be in big trouble. This isn't like how it used to be in high school.
Vincent: You know me better than that. I was smart about it back then and I haven't changed.
Ashley: Ok so... the short answer is "Yes"
Vincent: Yes as in what?
Ashley: Yes as in I want to do it. Duh! What do you think we're talking about?
Vincent: And by "it" you mean...
Ashley: ...Are you really going to make me say it...?
Vincent: If you're too shy for this then what I have in mind for you would be a bit too extreme ;-)
Ashley: Fine! I want to be your puppy slave! Happy?
Vincent: You will be my puppy slave and I will be your owner. I just wanted you to say it. Find a time or make a time when you can get away from the hubby for an overnight stay at my place. I'll take care of the rest.
Ashley: Actually he's going on a business trip next weekend. Would that work? I'll have plenty of time.
Vincent: Yep! I'm pretty much ready to go whenever! Can you be here Friday afternoon around 6 and stay for the weekend?
Ashley: Uhh yea. I can do that. I just have a few things I wanted to discuss. Like... Limits and stuff... I'm not used to doing this sort of thing outside of my fantasies.
Vincent: I'll send you home safe and with no marks to give you away. If you're a good puppy you won't need to feel any pain. I won't be having sex with you. That's all I need you to know. Puppies don't get to ask questions or make demands of their owners. I'll see you soon.
Ashley: Ok I guess. Just nothing gross or weird! I'm not as experienced as you are based on your toy collection!
Vincent: I will be training you to be a good, obedient puppy. If you're prepared to be one, then show up at 6. No more questions. Goodnight.
That was it. I wasn't used to having guys who were interested in me giving me orders like that. It had me turned on in a way I could barely understand.
Over the next three days I had my hands down my pants whenever I had a moment alone! Each time, after I got off, I had a moment of clarity, nagging at me. This was a bad idea. I would debate going through with it or backing out. Maybe I could postpone? Have a little more time to think things over. Well, Friday arrived and I didn't have any private time during the day to take care of my urges. I was so horny that I didn't care anymore. Around five that afternoon I messaged Vincent with the obligatory "On my way" , and he immediately confirmed that he was ready. My hands were shaking and I instantly regretted sending the message. My nerves were getting the better of me. I couldn't back out now without offending him, and if I did that then I might miss my chance. As I had said to myself many times during this process, it was now or never. I got in the car and headed over.
The husband and I travel a lot for our jobs. There are no kids to consider and no pets either. It's just easier that way. I can head out and do pretty much whatever I want. I had never taken advantage of that fact quite like this however. I arrived at Vincent's house about 10 minutes late. Damn, I knew his house was private but I hadn't seen a single trace of wildlife for the last leg of my journey, save the rare squirrel or bird. It was so quiet here. Vincent was single but seemed to be doing pretty well for himself, judging by his nice house down a secluded, wooded road. As I park my car I notice his two huskies are outside in the large exterior playpen.
I remember Vincent mentioning to me that they were very expensive and pure bred. I wouldn't know anything about that but Vincent wasn't afraid to spend money on them from the looks of the enormous play pen. The dogs get very excited as I get out of my car. I'm glad that he had the forethought to put them outside before things get too intimate. Pets just get in the way during those moments, anyway. I take a deep breath and head up to the door to knock. I'm nervous beyond words. I'm mentally justifying what I'm doing over and over. There's no heading back now. How embarrassing would that be? I would look completely insane driving all the way out here and then running off. No choice left but to knock. So I do.
Vincent answers the door almost immediately. He's dressed in a very casual sort of way. A well worn black shirt with the logo from some band I've never heard of. Long black shorts, and combat boots. Same old Vincent. I expect him to have a huge smile and to want a hug as he usually does, but not this time. Now he has a more business like look on his face. "Hey, come in. You're a little late so let's get right to business," he says in a matter-of-fact way.
I start to reply but Vincent quickly makes a sharp loud noise to get my attention. The kind of noise someone uses to get a dogs attention. The gesture is not lost on me and I stop short of uttering a word. "The first rule is that you need to obey my commands with no hesitation. If you can follow orders then there's no need for any punishment! Now come in and get naked." he says firmly as he points to a spot just inside the door which I quickly move to. He closes the door behind me. His house is very nice, a sort of contemporary log cabin. It is clean and organized although it does smell a bit of his dogs. The living room, dining room, and kitchen all open into one great room on the ground floor. I can see a small flight of steps going up to what must be the bedroom on the other side. Not that I have much time to survey my surroundings since Vincent is standing next to me waiting for me to disrobe.
"Uh, yes Sir!" I say awkwardly, not really being sure what to say. "But do you mind if I use the restroom before we get started? It's kind of a long drive."
"I do mind." he says patiently. "Don't worry about that right now. Get naked, fold up your things, and put them in that duffle bag. Then get on your hands and knees."
Remembering his warning about obeying commands, promptly I do as I'm told. The black button up shirt is the first to go, then the bra. I'm very aware of Vincent watching me as I unbutton and unzip my jeans. Don't get me wrong. I've undressed in front of plenty of partners but it's different this time. This isn't pulling each others clothes off in the heat of the moment while drunk on the couch or in the car. This is very business like, but it's having an unusual effect on me all the same. I have the undeniable feeling of being under his control, of being vulnerable. I can feel my adrenaline pumping in a way that I haven't felt since I first discovered sex. Damn, I think I might even be blushing!
The feelings intensify even further as I unceremoniously drop trou and put everything in the duffle bag sitting next to the door. I cast him a quick glance as I start to get on my hands and knees, asking him with my eyes if I'm doing this right. He understands what's going through my head in an almost eerie way, and nods his approval. So, down on my hands and knees I go. I'm so preoccupied with controlling my now heavy breathing and adrenaline fueled shaking, that I don't have time to wonder what's going to happen next.
Vincent gently reaches down with his hand and strokes my hair. After the third stroke it dawns on me. He's petting me. Then Vincent said in a suddenly kind and approving tone "Good girl." I felt a shudder go through my body that was probably quite visible to Vincent as well.
This was heaven! What this man was able to do to my body by just stroking my hair and uttering two words was profound. I had no idea my reaction to what was happening would be so strong. I was aroused more thoroughly than I had ever known before. If you can be aroused on a spiritual level, to the furthest corners of your mind, this was it.
The next thing out of his mouth had an equally profound effect in a different way. "Stay." he says with the firm commanding tone suddenly back in his voice. I wasn't going to move an inch! He moves behind me and I can hear him putting my purse and car keys into the bag and then zipping it closed. He picks it up and walks over the hallway that must lead to his bedroom. I hear a door open and close before Vincent returns having stored my belongings in a room somewhere. It dawns on me that even if I did change my mind, which was not going to happen at this point, I wasn't leaving without his permission. The feeling of vulnerability and being under Vincent's control intensified. My phone, clothes, and keys were now his until he decided otherwise.
He takes a seat on the sofa on the far side of the living room. He immediately shouts "Come!" as he lies back to make himself comfortable. I start to get up to walk over to him when he quickly calls out to correct me. "Bad girl. That's not how puppies walk around. You know better than that." My heart sinks. That was an obvious mistake and I don't want him to think I'm being bad! It might sound silly but I really wanted him to tell me I was being good. I craved it and I was going to focus from now on.
"Oh uh, sorry..." I stammer out as I reassume my position on the floor.
"Don't apologize. Don't talk. Just obey the commands given to you immediately. You'll get the hang of it quickly. I can tell you want to be a good puppy!" he says in a kind yet firm voice. Once again, he seems to have an uncanny ability to tell what I'm thinking. No hiding from Vincent, even in my own head. I crawl as quickly possible across the hardwood floor into the living room. There is a giant stone fireplace that was previously hidden from view. I also notice a small pile of leather or vinyl equipment sitting next to Vincent on the sofa. I crawl to a stop directly in front of him and sit on my haunches looking up at him with anticipation.
"Left arm first" he says and picks up a bottle of what looks like baby powder from the coffee table.
"Uhh... well like I said it was a long ride and I just need to hit the bathroom for a second if that's ok before we get too involved." I mutter hesitantly trying not to sound too intimidated.
"Give me your left arm girly. I know what I'm doing." he says in a matter-of-fact tone. I remember what he said about not responding and obey his command. He rubs some powder all over my left hand and arm up to the shoulder. He picks up a black rubber ball and has me hold it in the palm of my hand. Then he slides a big rubber sleeve that I now recognize as a bondage mitten over my hand. The powder definitely helps things go smoothly. Next, he has me bend my elbow so he can slide a big rubber sleeve over my folded arm. Vincent has to pull the Velcro fasteners apart a couple of times to readjust things, and I can tell that it is really heavy duty stuff. My hand and arm are now encased in rubber and aren't going anywhere. Vincent repeats the process with the other arm. I'm doing a delicate balancing act in my head between being horny as hell and stomach wrenchingly nervous. The horny as hell side is winning, though.
"Go ahead and try to wiggle out of them." Vincent says with a bit of smugness in his voice. "No one has been able to do it yet." So I obey, but my hands are useless and my arms are trapped with no leverage. "You're not even trying!" he says, amused. "Go ahead and use your feet. Use your mouth. It won't work. The Velcro is industrial grade and really hard to pull apart with hands, let alone feet or by rubbing it on an object. And you'll notice the straps are under your arm and down by your elbow so you won't be using your mouth either." A quick examination proves him correct. These aren't just for show.
He has me lie on my back and my legs are powdered and encased in similar sleeves. My feet are left exposed, however.
"Ok. Roll over! It's time to try them out!" he says enthusiastically. It's a bit of a struggle but I eventually make it onto my hands and knees. Or rather, I'm on my elbows and knees. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that they have a little bit of give, so maneuvering around is a tad easier than expected. Also, the elbows and knees are well padded where they meet the floor, so it's fairly painless. I dare to venture around the room some and find my new arms and legs to be somewhat exhausting but tolerable. I'm not going anywhere quickly though, that's for sure.
My adventuring is short lived as Vincent calls me back over to him. I find my way back in front of him looking up eagerly just as before. He orders me to turn around and stick my butt up in the air. I do it as quickly as possible but I'm still pretty clumsy. Once my ass is up in the air and on display for him I hear him pick up what must be a bottle of lube. He squirts some out. A second later I feel the familiar cold sensation of fingers rubbing lube on my B-hole. I'm not the most experienced when it comes to that area and I contemplate begging for mercy. I decide to hold off until things actually start to hurt. Maybe I'll try whimpering like a sad puppy?
It never happens though. Vincent is patient and thorough. He works a well lubed finger inside of me suddenly. It's nothing that I can't handle. He spends several minutes getting me used to the intruder in my backside before adding a second. Vincent adds plenty of lube to the situation and is gentle yet forceful at the same time. Eventually he works me up to his third, thick finger and has gotten me accustomed to that. "Relax your hips and take deep relaxing breaths. It's time for your tail."
Once again I'm very worried. Like many girls I've had bad experiences with ass play at the hands of clumsy jerks that have no patience or experience. Vincent doesn't disappoint though. The butt plug he chooses has a rubber doggie tail protruding from it, as well as a thin rubber hose with a bulb at the end. It actually slides in a little too easy and I'm sure it will fall out at its earliest opportunity. The feeling does not last long however as Vincent begins to inflate the plug. No wonder it went in so easy! Now it feels enormous and getting bigger with each pump! Finally it's fully inflated. Vincent unhooks the hose completing the dog tail effect. It must be bigger than a fist at this point. It wants to naturally slide out when I relax but that just stretches me until I have no choice but to clench up tight and hold it inside as much as possible. It's going to be a bit distracting having this thing in place!
Vincent stands up and says "I am your owner and you are my pet. Your name is now Midnight. Do you understand?" I nod my consent. He continues "You don't speak. You communicate your needs in the way that a dog would communicate. So keeping that in mind, we're going to start on getting you housebroken. Now, how does a dog let its owner know that it needs to go to the bathroom?"
I can't believe what I'm hearing. What does he have planned? After a few long seconds, while I'm considering my options, I inadvertently let out an "Ummm..." while I'm looking around the room for clues. Vincent gives me a 'tsk tsk tsk' type of noise and taps his foot impatiently. I crawl around the room a bit looking for some kind of clue but come up empty. Eventually Vincent takes pity on me and my painfully full bladder and says, "I'll give you a hint. A housebroken puppy doesn't go in the house." He looks towards the sliding glass door that leads to the back yard. I finally understand even though I don't like where this is going. If you've gotta go you've gotta go, so what choice do I have? I crawl over to the door and paw at it with my elbow while looking up at Vincent, pleading to him with my eyes. "Give me a bark or two to make sure you get my attention." he says in a commanding tone which drives me wild. This is really happening.
"Bark!" I say meekly in an almost questioning tone.
"No. Dogs don't say the word 'bark'. You need to actually bark and do it with confidence. You're a pretty good sized puppy so speak up! Now try it again." he says in that same commanding voice.
I bark as best I can while pawing at the door. My second attempt must have been much more convincing because Vincent opens the door for me. I look up at him one more time to make sure we're really doing this. He wastes no time in ushering me out the door while he stands in the doorway watching me. Being naked outdoors and in such a compromising position is a very unusual feeling. I trust Vincent however, and a quick glance at my GPS on the drive over showed that there are no other houses around for almost a mile. As I crawl my way slowly towards the middle of the yard, I notice that the two huskies in the outdoor pen seem pretty worked up. They must be pretty confused by the intruder about to mark her territory in their space.
My wandering mind is brought back to reality by the requirements of my very full bladder. I figure this spot is as good as any other in the yard and try to get into the most practical position possible under the circumstances. If I didn't have to go so badly there may have been some stage fright, but no worries today. I take a deep breath and let it go. Although I have my back turned to Vincent, trying to pretend that he isn't watching me, my curiosity gets the best of me and I glance over my shoulder at him. Sure enough he is still standing in the doorway watching over me with the most satisfied smile on his face.
I'm completely sure that I'm blushing this time and it feels as though it's spread to the whole of my body. Of course it seems to take forever for me to finish.
Still unable to believe what I had just done, and blushing from head to toe, I awkwardly make my way back over to where he is standing. The dogs are still making a bit of a commotion in their pen until Vincent firmly says "Lakota! Snow! Heel!" using the now familiar tone of voice. Both of the boys immediately stop their commotion and sit quietly with their eyes on Vincent. He obviously knows what he's doing! "You guys will get a chance to come and play with the new girl in a bit, but only if you're good!" he says to the dogs in an off-handed way. Then he motions for me to follow him back inside.
Chapter 2
Once back inside, we spend a couple hours of him teaching me normal dog stuff. Typical tricks and games like fetch or tug of war. The worse part is that he apparently uses the same toys for me that the real dogs also use. I'm so incredibly horny that I don't care and try to be as obedient as possible hoping that Vincent will soon reward me with some sexual release! No such luck. Eventually he gives me a rest break and he goes into the kitchen to make himself something to eat.
I suddenly realize that I'm pretty damn hungry. I ponder how to let my owner know that I need something to eat. It dawns on me suddenly as I lie next to the sofa looking towards the kitchen and spy the dog bowls on the floor. This is going to be incredibly humiliating, but what else is new? I crawl over to my owners' feet and nudge the bowl with my nose. He notices of course. He pets me gently and once again tells me I'm a good girl, which still is doing wonders for my level of arousal.
He picks up the bowl and sets it on the counter. He opens the fridge and pulls out a can. I can't see what it is from my low-to-the-ground vantage point, but I hear him opening it and scraping out the contents into the bowl. I really don't like where this is going and my fears seem to be confirmed when he sets the bowl back down in front of me. It's filled with some grayish brown mush which must be actual dog food. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe some cut up hot dogs or something, but not this. I look from the bowl to Vincent. "Seriously?" I mutter to myself under my breath but he hears me. I regret it immediately.
Vincent immediately leans down and grabs a large handful of my hair and holds it very firmly so that I'm forced to look up at him. His face is very serious as he leans in close to chastise me. "No talking. You know better." he says in a steady, measured tone that is absolutely terrifying. "Do not break any more of the rules. This is your final warning. I still have you as my pet for quite a while and if you don't want to be chained up in the back yard for the remainder of your stay, then I would be more careful." He carefully pronounces each word and pauses in between each sentence as if he's explaining something to a child. I'm completely convinced that he is not fucking around. Up until this point, I felt like I was going along with things by choice and that I still had some measure of control. That wasn't the case, and any sense of that has just been removed. He really does own me. He has the entire time but it just hadn't sunk in.
He releases my hair and immediately points to the bowl of food sitting on the floor before me. "Eat. Now. All of it." is all he has to say. I don't even look up at him this time and do my best to obey without hesitation as I've been trained to do. I take the first small bite and realize it doesn't taste that bad! I maneuver myself to get a better angle since eating out of a dog bowl without your hands is actually really difficult. I get a few more good bites and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's very different that what I had imagined. In fact it doesn't even smell like dog food. "It's actually refried beans" he says to me as he watches me lick the bowl clean. "You might get some better treats later but this is a good first step."
Afterwards he wipes my face clean and calls me over to the living room. He turns on some lights as the sun is starting to set. I obediently follow, of course. He sits on the sofa and produces a thick, heavy duty collar from a drawer in the end table. He commands me to sit, so I do. He commands me to stay, so I stay as motionless as possible while my owner fastens the collar around my neck. The sensation of being collared makes me all warm and tingly inside. I'm so horny that the thought of humping his leg crosses my hormone soaked brain for a second.
My daydreams are interrupted by my owners' voice. "This is a special collar I had to order from Germany designed for dogs who bark too much. It's illegal here." he says as he grabs a little plastic object from the same drawer. Is it remote control? "It is a heavy duty shock collar. It's special though because it can be set to deliver a shock if a dog barks while wearing it. Of course I can also deliver a shock with the remote so let's test it out."
I actually let out a pretty respectable yelp as the collar does what it is supposed to do and shocks the crap out of me! That hurt way more than I could have anticipated! What was he going to do with this evil thing? "A real dog would have the benefit of some fur to insulate their neck so it's pretty painful for you." he says in a gentle tone while stroking my hair. "Don't worry. There won't be any need for you to get shocked if you behave. This next part of the training is usually the hardest part so try to pay attention." He goes on to teach me a new position. Basically I tuck my front legs beneath me then put my face down on the floor, keeping my butt up in the air. Face down, ass up more or less. He warns me that he's going to be letting Lakota and Snow, his huskies, inside to spend the night with me. The boys will be handling my training for the rest of the night while my owner takes care of some things around the house and relaxes.
"They are experienced with training new puppies and when either one of them approaches you and puts one of their paws on your back, then you are to assume the position and hold it until they walk away. If you don't do what they want, they will bark until you do." He says with an evil smirk on his face. "Of course that will set off the shock feature on your new collar, so I wouldn't make them wait long. Don't worry, I've trimmed their nails and they know to be relatively gentle with the new puppies. They won't maul you." he says barely containing his amusement at the stupefied look on my face as things start to fall into place. There is no way I'm sticking my ass up in the air for some horny dogs to go to town on me!
My owner has already walked to the door and has let the boys into the house. Of course, I am the immediate center of attention. Lakota licks my face while Snow sticks his nose directly into my lady parts! My owner resumes his seat on the couch to watch the boys get acquainted with his new pet. Snow gives my junk a few good licks and I'm once again reminded of how helpless I am when my efforts to protect myself completely fail. Lakota however, must be the alpha in this situation because with a subtle growl he chases Snow far enough away to have me all to himself.
Sure enough just a few seconds later he puts his paw on my back signaling for me to assume the position! I think to myself 'No way doggie!' and turn my backside away from him. Not really knowing what other options I have, and not wanting to speak, I growl at Lakota and do my best to put up a strong front. That was a bad idea. Lakota has evidently been down this road before and makes good on our owners promise to train me. He barks and I yelp. The shock is so bad that I'm seeing stars. I try barking back at him but this too was nothing new to my friend. He barks three more times and I almost fall over from the shocks.
"That collar has enough juice to shock you several hundred times. And the boys know it too. I wouldn't keep them waiting much longer or they might both start barking at you!" he says with a few chuckles added at the end to emphasize how much he is enjoying this part. Five more shocks and another tap on the back from Lakota's paw are all I need to give in. I hesitantly assume the position and before I'm even all the way down I'm being mounted. He wraps his front legs around my midsection, pulling my body back towards him. I can feel his member poking my thighs and ass but on the third or fourth try he drives it home. My many hours of extreme arousal have provided plenty of natural lubricant and he buries himself deep inside me. He's pretty big and just a bit too long and I start to worry. He, however, couldn't care less about our compatibility, and begins to really pound himself into me.
I'm horrified at what's happening. What the fuck am I doing here? Should I try to make Vincent stop what's happening? My new 'boyfriend' starts licking the side of my face while continuing to ferociously hump my brains out. The perverse slurping noise in my ear is overwhelming my senses. His body pushing against my 'tail' is driving the ass plug deeper into me and reminding me of its enormity. The bulk of which is adding to the painful tightness in my pussy. Despite myself I start to moan. I decide there's no way out and I've got to just take it like a good little bitch.
I grunt perversely along to the rhythm of his swelling cock. He must have his knot fully engorged now as I'm introduced to the alien sensation of having that shape thrust uncontrollably deep down inside of me. I know I'm going to cum as I feel the wave start to build on its way to washing over me with what is going to be devastating force. Just when I'm losing myself in the moment and starting to notice my release building, Lakota gives me one last thrust and releases his load into me. It hurts but it's a kind of good hurt. Lakota has swollen to the point of being much larger and thicker than anyone I've ever been with. He then pulls out immediately, which hurts as well, and strolls off to lick himself. Talk about wham-bam thank you ma'am! I now have a chance to see what was inside of me and I'm surprised it didn't hurt more than it did! I had heard of what happens to dogs during sex but seeing it firsthand was a new experience.
I haven't even maneuvered out of my position when Snow hops on top of me for his turn. He follows suit more or less in the same manner. This time I get maddeningly close before my partner finishes. At this point my owner excuses himself to his bedroom. "You all play nice! I'll see you in the morning!" he says as he walks up the short set of stairs. He closes a dog gate behind him and walks around the corner, and out of sight down the hallway.
I guess it's just me and the boys now. I'm pretty worn out despite being as unbelievably horny and incredibly frustrated as I've ever been. I can't really clean myself up, there are disgusting things leaking out of my cunt, and I've never felt like more of a slut. The extreme perversity of what was going on just adds to my state of arousal. The boys must have noticed too because they didn't need much rest before they were back to licking my tender areas and pawing me on the back. I still try to resist what's happening for the next few encounters. It's too shocking to just submit to being fucked by dogs all night. With my owner gone I try using whispered commands like "Heel" or "Down boy", but it just earns me more shocks, so some time between rounds three and four I just give in.
Lakota and Snow ride me like a rented mule all night. I lose count of how many times they've fucked me. I'm constantly kept right on the edge of an amazing orgasm but despite their enthusiasm they are only good for a minute or so each with a half hour of rest afterwards. I even attempted to get more attention from them during a few desperate moments. Shoving my ass right in Snow's face hoping he would go back to licking me. I even start cheering the boys on while they are having their way with me. I know I'm not supposed to talk, but I think I kept it quiet enough that my owner couldn't hear me begging the boys to give it to me harder.
Despite my best efforts, I eventually realize that it's useless. I'm stuck in sexual limbo being ferociously humped for brief periods of time over the course of several hours. Eventually all three of us pass out. I wouldn't have even thought it possible to sleep while being this aroused, but my exhaustion out weighs my need to get off and down I go.
Chapter 3
The next day, I'm woken by the stirring of the huskies with which I was sleeping comfortably on a blanket on the floor of the den. I get the impression that it's very late in the morning, and that we all must have slept in quite a bit. As I try to get up to move around, I notice that I'm very sore and my restraints have become particularly uncomfortable. I'm worried about things like muscle cramps and rashes.
As my owner returns to the living room, he once again displays his unusual knack of reading my thoughts. "I bet you're worn out after a night with these two. Aren't you, Midnight?" he says as the huskies energetically display their need to go outside. My owner opens the sliding glass door for them and signals for me to follow him out. "I bet you need to go out pretty bad right about now too, huh? Let's get you a little room to run around and stretch those legs huh? C'mon girl," he says in a friendly way. I slowly make my way crawling out into the back yard, my sore muscles fighting me all the way.
It's a beautiful day outside, and I've become accustomed to being naked outdoors to an extent. The sun feels good on my back as I crawl behind my owner. He leads me to a tree in the corner of the yard. I notice that there is a long chain around the base of it. He produces a padlock from his pocket and attaches the end of the chain to my collar. "Roll over!" he says and I comply rolling onto my back. He proceeds to remove all of my restraints, except for the collar, which is now tethering me to the tree. Stretching my limbs feels amazing. It hurts at first and I have to move slowly, but I'm so glad to be free of those things. "Up!" he says suddenly, ending my stretching. I get on my hands and knees. "I'm guessing you really want me to take this out right about now. Take care of your business and then we'll get you cleaned up."
With that he slowly deflates the butt plug and slides it out. I can only imagine how thoroughly it has managed to loosen up my rear passage over the course of the night. I can tell just from the ease with which it was removed, that I was substantially looser back there. There's little time to think about that however, and I go behind the tree quickly to take care of my bodily functions, which are now quite urgent. Afterwards, my owner meets me with a plastic bucket of soapy water and a scrub brush. He proceeds to scrub every inch of my body and doesn't miss a spot. It would be humiliating beyond belief any other time in my life, but today it was nothing new. He then leaves only to return with the hose, which was freezing, but thankfully brief.
Just as I think this is my opportunity to get myself off, he brings the mitts over to me and binds my hands again. After that, I'm left to my own devices chained to my tree for most of the day. My owner brings me food and water in my bowls. It's chopped up pieces of chicken for breakfast and some ground beef for lunch. No pseudo dog food this time. He cleans the huskies outdoor pen and bathes both of them as well. He plays catch with me for a while. The chain is about 30 feet long so it's just enough for me to crawl around. As the sun starts to set my owner tells me to roll over again and he begins the procedure of powdering and binding my limbs yet again. He removes the padlock and I'm back in puppy mode. It's not lost on me that I never had a moment of freedom. Even if I had wanted to get away, it was impossible. My owner is very thorough.
Back inside, he feeds the boys and me our dinner. Afterwards he calls me over to the sofa. "It's time for your second night of training. I'm going to give you a choice of which toy you want to play with tonight." He says as he produces two black sex toys. One of them I recognize as my "'tail'", but the other one is new, and immediately grabs my full attention. It's a big, fat, black dildo that looks to be equipped with an internal vibrator!
Oh, sweet heavens yes! Give it to me and turn it all the way up! This is the reward I have been working towards all weekend. I'm only half listening as my owner explains to me what the new toy is. As if I didn't already know. The only special thing about this is that it has a harness that holds it inside of my pussy so that I can go about my puppy business and have it stay securely in place. My owner holds up the toys and asks me to choose. It's a no-brainer, and I immediately gesture towards the massive vibrator. That inflatable plug has given my b-hole enough of a workout for one weekend. Now it's time to have some fun!
My owner lubes up the new toy and slides it into my painfully sensitive pussy. He presses the button and the vibrations come to life. The harness is secured around my waist, and then a leather patch is pulled around my body to secure it. It's like a heavy duty pair of panties that cover your crotch really tightly, but don't cover your ass. They do a very good job of holding the toy firmly inside of me though. The vibrations aren't much, and I know that they aren't going to be enough to get me to the Promised Land by themselves. I wine a bit but my owner seems to ignore my complaints.
Then he does something unexpected. He retrieves a jar with some sort of thick, pasty lubricant from across the room. He dips two fingers into it to produce a large blob of lube. My owner moves behind me, and proceeds to work several such blobs into and around my asshole. The two fingers slide all the way in with amazing ease showing that the ass plug really did an effective job of loosening me up yesterday.
He really works a lot of the lube in there. So much so that I can feel its unsettling presence filling me up. "You and the boys have fun tonight, Midnight. You get to go home in the morning as per our agreement," my owner says to me, as he makes his way back to his room. "The lube will help get you started but the boys will pump more than enough natural lubricant in there for the whole night. I'm surprised you picked that toy but Lakota and Snow will be really happy. They're definitely ass men."