Author's Note: Fiction? Perhaps, but more than likely an underground reality.
Part 1
Daria had become quickly bored with her husband Richard. Although he was was quite wealthy and heir, along with his younger sister,Penelope, to the Bottomly fortune it was being held in trust till his 25th birthday. She couldn't stand the thought of of spending another 7 months with him and acting the part of his trophy wife at fundraisers, corporate affairs, exclusive clubs and restaurants and at symphony and theatre engagements. For her, they were maddenly dull. Her taste was more for Vegas, the LA party scene, Cabo and in general a louder gaudier free spending lifestyle. She was a gorgeous blonde with the opulent body of a 50's Mamie Van Duren type blonde buxom bombshell. But with the morals and predatory instincts of a dangerous femme fatale out of darkest film noir. And she wanted it all. The entire Bottomly fortune and she wanted it now.
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With seemingly perfect timing she was contacted by a subsidiary of a large criminal enterprise known only by its acronym SPANCCIT repudedly the Society for the Propagation of Anarchy Nihilism Criminality Chaos Instability and Terrorism. The subsidiaries acronym was PUSSEES the Permanent Usurpation of Slave Sluts Excluded into Exile by Spouses. Discarded wealthy husbands were disposed of to the advantage of their generally younger avaricious wives. The price was half the illicitly acquired estate but once engaged the outcome was a fait accompli. The widow or redisgnated heir can delightedly plot what she'll do with all her plunder. Richard expected the busty Swedish blonde to be his masseuse at the "Rogue Male" sauna that Saturday afternoon but the big muscular Cuban, Manuel, began kneading and deep massaging his meaty ass cheeks as he lay naked on the table. . He turned to protest when smiling blonde Heiki entered the cubicle. Mesmerized by deep cleavage Rchard never saw the moist cloth that closed around his nose and mouth. All he remembered was the sharp, sour smell of chloroform fumes.
When his head began to clear he was naked and looking up at three hefty unpleasant looking women in white nurses uniforms with their light hair up in tight buns. They spoke to each other in German and proceeded to measure,weigh and categorize every part of his body.They even weighed each beefy buttcheek separately and together and did the same with his balls.He was amused when they vacuum pumped his cock to full erection and it measured 7 inches.They had injected him with an opiate based stimulant after he awakened, to nullfy the lingering effect of the drug and counteract the stiffnes and pain from the cramped in a crate journey he had undertaken.His amused demeanor didn't last as frau Eva strapped his knees above his chest and subjected him to a most humilating and excruciating high volume enema. The fat bulb was pumped up max size in his anus and the cramps he experienced for the 20 minutes retaining the 4 quart enema were akin to childbirth. When finally released to purge the nurses chuckled at his mad scamper ro the facility trying frantically to hold in the pressured contents behind his leaky anus.They finished by completely shaved him from head to toe leaving only a pad of ginger stubble on his head
He is delivered naked and hairless to the resident hut he will share with 3 other husbands, one of whom he knows. "Albert! My God! What are you doing here?" "Ritchie! I should have known you'd end up here after you married that cunning little tart of yours!" "Daria!? You're not saying. ....""It was our wives, Ritchie! Our scheming bitch wives who did this to us!" At that moment the door swings open and a lithe tiger like oriental women of Japanese extraction enters the room. Her uniform slacks are skintight and her dark blue shirt is fiorm fitting. She is wearing hightop black boots and duck billed officers cap and she is slapping her boot with a leather crop. A light skinned African girl in beige uniform and cap accompanies her. She pushes Richard to the side with her crop: "Today you watch and learn!" The 3 residents come to immdiate attention. Albert speaks: "The Woegiver enters! All rise!" The level of fear in the room is palpable and the 3 men begin to sweat. "Remove garments for inspection!" The men are all wearing only yellow thong like briefs that are easily removed by a waist snap and another under the cup.Albert is 30 and bald,pudgy and overweight. The woegiver twists,pulls and pinches his exposed nipples until he groans from the agony and tears roll from his eyes. She smiles with pleasure: "I love to hurt you and make you cry no.3. Its so fun and so easy." " Are you teaching the new boy all of your tricks?" She gves his nipples a vicious twist. "Only how to best please you,Madame." He stammers. She reaches down and savagely squeezes his fat dangling balls. He winces in agony and tries to stifle a deep groan. "And thats all you will teach him!" "Display!" The 3 men turn, bend and touch their toes. She weighs each pair of hanging balls in her gloved hand. She pulls back hard on Alberts balls, streching them most painfully. "You are a bit light no.3! Have you been masturbating again? Permission granted to speak" There is fear in his voice "Oh no, Madame. Not since you punished me last." She releases his agonized balls. "Perhaps you need a reminder. Present your corrupt American buttocks!" Albert bends and grasps his knees in front of the door.The woegiver fiercely slashes into his plump, fleshy ass 6 times with her crop.She lifts him with her crop under his chin, goes up close, smiles and licks a salty tear from his cheek. "Anything to say Albert?" Silence "I thought not!" She laughs and exits the hut with her companion.
Richard is handled relatively gently while his secrets are ferreted out.After his first week he is brought to a small sparse office and told Daria is in need of additional funds from his secret Swiss bank accounts. He is given documents to fill out and sign including a preliminary copy of a release giving Daria full control of his soon to be inherited portion of the Bottomly estate. He was also questioned as to his sister Penelope's whereabouts. He refuses on all counts and he is dragged away by a giggling bevy of dubious pre 20 yr old girls.They take great delght in painfully pulling and stretching Richards balls enough to clamp two heavy 3 inch wide weighted metal ball stretchers around his scrotum at the base of his balls.They hoist him up in a leather sling which runs under his bent knees and around his dangling torso. His ass and obscenely stretched balls hang well beneath his bent knees. They place a red glowing heating element close enough under his balls to cause considerable agony but not near enough to cause permanent damage. Another is placed, from a bending arm on a stand, to a similar safe but agonizing distance, just under his dangling ass and behind his balls.He doesn't feel much discomfort,at first, while the 18/19 yr old reprobate teasing teens flash tits and ass and pull and jerk his extending cock.They bring him to near clmax but then painfully squeeze his imprisoned balls and deny him. But now his swollen nuts are beginning to roast and his tender open anus is feeling the burn from the second heating element. Soon Richard begins to squirm in his bonds and trie fruilessly to raise his dangly parts away from the radiating waves of agonizing heat. A couple of the meaner girls add to his discomfort by painfully putting out their cigarettes on his beefy buttcheeks.They delight in his discomfort and mock him with giggling laughter and rude comments. "Aww, Ritchie do you have hot nuts for us?" Well it'll get your mind off your blue balls (giggle)" "Oh look how red his big fat ass is getting! I bet its really gonna be sore" "Oh look how red his winky asshole is,now hee hee!"
They still let him roast for several horrible minutes more after he frantically shook head yes. His drooling mouth had previously been ball gagged. They fell about laughing as he scrambled to jump into the ice water filled tub they had waiting for him. He signed away all the accounts and gave away Penelope but he still wouldn't sign the estate release. They could wait for that one. There was still plenty of time.Two days later was milking day Albert, Ritchie,Carter and Josh were all outdoors and atop a long shelf inside a barn. They were imprisoned in crate like cages with their meaty asses extending out the open end and their tumescent cocks and engorged balls dangling below. The grinning and quite buxom 20 something farmgirl milking crew approaches Richard first. A chunky blonde mid west farmgirl kneads and massages his cum swelled balls and pulls his hanging cock as if he was a bovine farm animal. Another girl inserts the blunt curved end of a t shaped probe into his greased asshole.She works it on his p-spot and "taint". Together they soon produce a gush of white creamy liquid that streams in a steady flow from Richards elongated cock.Another girl collects his lengthy load.This method effectively denies his frustrated cock an orgasm and he is kept in stall and done twice more that day
Two nights later a terribly frustrated Ritchie masturbates in his bunk fantasizing about the hot teasing sluts who tormented him in harness.It only took a few strokes produce a most copious ejaculation.He consumed his cum, scooping it off his chest and belly hoping to avoid detection. A late night inspection with infrared detected his gross infraction. He and Albert who was seen as instigator are bottoms up over a descending incline. Most of their weight is on their torso extending down the plane. With their heads and hands poking through a pillory like board at its base. Their legs are strapped apart in kneeling position and their balls are tied with cord and attached tautly to an iron ring to prevent movement. Several older matronly women are seated sipping wine and watching the proceedings. Two buxom matrons in sleeveless leather tops and short black leather skirts begin lashing their fleshy upturned asses with vicious 3 tongued tawses. The sharp stinging lashes cause them to groan but they manage to keep still. "Now that the warm up is complete....." The boys feel a sudden surge of anxiety as the 50ish matrons are replaced by the Woegiver and her partner. They are brandishing long thick leather straps and they tear into the big meaty mounds of shuddering ass flesh like two crazed banshees.Albert and Ritchie nearly wrench their balls off madly trying to avoid the blistering straps.They scream at the top of their lungs as the two ferocious gladiatrices savage their soft overfed asses with a fierce enthusiasm.The matronly managerial ladies are in silent respectful awe of the prowess of the two she devils. The two trade places and exchange their split straps for tawses and continue the epic whipping. Finally with no inch of assflesh left unscathed and their heavily welted posteriors near entirely bruised purple and black. The ladies replenish their beverages of choice and give the boys a brief break.
Reseated the entertainment continues as Ritchie and Albert are upended once more. This time with head and shoulders on the ground and legs and torsos straight up vertically." So you boys like to masturbate do you? Well lets you just show us how you do do it. Start now! And remember last to cum will be given "special duties"among other surprises." Ritchie and Albert both frantically begin to jerk off their dangling cocks. Each trying to best the other to avoid more agony.Each has a noseclip fastened on and they are forced to breath through open mouths as their loose fists race up and down their stiff down pointig boners.Mocking laughter and rude comments can be heard above the fap,fap sound of male masturbation. Some of the excited matrons fondle and finger each other. While others watch with amusement and haughty disdain. Its Richard who hoses out a quite copious load of sticky jizz into his gaspiing open mouth and all over his his frantic face. Much to the delight of the raucus, lewd, cat calling managerial women.Albert is a close second. But it didn't save him from being forced to orally service the sour snatch and rancid anus of the senior Headmistress of the camp. And then to suck off Richards cock and swallow his load in front of the raunchy,jeering women. He spent the rest of that horrble night on a sleeping cot in a punishment room with his knees strapped above his chest and a thick,hard ,plastic nobbed black dildo sprinkled with hot diablo sauce ensconced deeply in his ass. He can only imagine, as tears from the fiery anal agony run down his cheeks and past his semi inflated gag, the trials that next week will bring. But at least, Ritchie, that prick, will get his. It will be dreaded wives week. When their jet setting wives will take a break from spending their enslaved husbands fortunes and descend on the island to mock, humiliate, gloat and be served and entertained by their slavetoy spouses.
Part 2 - Update (2016/04/03)
The huge cock dangled in front of Ritchie's face. "Do it Ritchie! I want to see you take his cock in your mouth and suck him off now!" A sharp snap of the eager young red haired guards flat ended crop onto Richards swollen purple balls compels his compliance. Daria smiles with vindictive satisfaction. She has never looked better. Tan, feline fit and glowing with cruel delight in being in charge of Richards degredation over the next few days. She is also looking fotward to seeing Albert again. He had slept with her shortly after she and Richard were married.She would've divorced Richard and married him, at the time. He wasn't quite as rich but he was more her type. He strung her along for the sex but never intended to marry her. His wife, Rusty, was nearly as predatory as Daria and they had become fast friends. The large cock in Richards mouth belonged to Alonzo, a swarthy,well muscled "bull" Daria had picked up on Ibiza. Richard reluctantly sucked the large smelly phallus on hands and knees. He was naked and his balls were shackled into a wooden "humbler" which prevented him from rising or extending his legs. Daria smiled and gloated at his obvious displeasure and at his forced acceptance, and also at his bloated,purple balls and the fading welts on his prominent posterior. She knew he must obey her or their would be "consequences." The guard was a convenience but unnecessary. Daria dismissed her.
"Lick his balls, Ritchie" A man likes to have his balls licked." Alonzo lifted his tumescent cock and Ritchie grimaced and tongue pleasured his fetid, sweaty balls. They were huge, hairy and dangled low. Alonzo held his head in place and Daria snapped pictures. In an adjacent room Albert sat shackled naked to a chair. His frustrated cock and fat, swollen balls were locked in painfull spike lined metal chastity. The only key dangled from Rusty's neck, the only thing she was wearing at the moment. Her soft hands caressed Alberts exposed balls and teased his imprisoned cock to painful tumescence. He winced in agony and pleaded for blessed release. Rusty smiled as she smothered his tormented face with her soft bountiful boobs and grinded her buttery opulent ass on his spike tortured prick. Streaming pre cum practically gushed from the tip of his cocks metal helmut. She easily extracted the last of his secrets before standing naked astride his shoulders and grinding his face into her sopping firecunt. The evil redheaded vixen moaned in sublime ecstasy as his lust crazed tongue licked like it was Hagen Daz on a hot august night! She flung his face away as screamed out her last climax. Alberts frustrated face glistened with her juices.
Richards fouled face glistened with a different kind of juice.Daria sat in front of him. Her tight black skirt was unzipped at the side and pulled away. Her sheer black translucent hosiery was attached by garter belts, 4 snaps each thigh.She wasn't wearing panties and Richard could see her jasmine sweet snatch. She had kicked off her heels and extended each foot,in turn, scraping the fetid sticky jizz off Richards face and feeding it to him with her stinky toes.She laughed when she pushed all 5 toes into his mouth and he was made to swallow a very large gob of man goo. Surprisingly, a large puddle of pre cum had formed under Richards turgid cock.
Albert was on knees and elbows and strapped down on a low table. Rusty, now in a beige one piece summer dress sat a few feet n front of him. "A little surprise or no, a big surprise for you Albert." Naked Alonzo appeared in Alberts view. His enormous horsecock and huge hirsute balls dangled in front of him. Alonzo lifted his massive cock and pressed his acrid balls into Alberts lips."I want to see you lick his balls Albert! Now!" Albert balked and shook his head. "No, Rusty ,never. You've gone too far this time!" Rusty raised her cell. "Oh. Your playmate, little miss woegiver,I believe, was particularly interested in your unhesitant compliance. She said I needed to only push this one button and..." Albert instantly extended his tongue and rather expertly began pleasuring Alonzo's reeking balls. Rusty chuckled at her husbands obvious discomfort and fingered her moist snatch.
Now rock hard Alonzo takes position behind Alblert and begins greasing and finger probing his asshole. Rusty smiles at his frantic face. "Now the real fun begins!" Daria enters and sits next to her. "Have I missed anything"" No dear, nothing you haven't already seen." They both giggle like mean little girls. "Daria! What the...!" "We're good friends now Albert. She's told me everything. This was supposed to happen to poor Richard but Daria convinced me that you'd like it so much more!" They both burst out laughing and nudged each other repeatedly when Albert enunciated a high pitched and very effeminate scream as Alonzo's enormous knob pranged past his anus. The massive animal prick painfully pushed balls deep in his ass. They thoroughly enjoyed his prolonged anal agony as his punished ass was piston pounded furiously. Alonzo, at last, rammed his tool in balls deep and flooded Alberts guts with his hot greasy splooge.
The ladies were in evening wear later that night. Outside, at the top of the ornate stairs leading to the ballroom, were Albert and Richard at opposite ends.Lighting the way with the thick red candles protruding from their assholes. Rubber cock gagged,naked and strapped on hands and elbows, their prominent posteriors extending up high. Rusty was amused. She lit her cigarette with Alberts candle , as did Daria. "Having fun yet, Albert?" She painfully squeezed his chastity locked balls and stubbed out her cigarette on his fat bumcheek before lighting another and proceeding to the ballroom. Albert groaned into his gag as her mocking laughter rang in his ears.
An hour later Richard is enormously uncomfortable enduring having his sensitive humbler shackled balls and obscenely stretched anus boiled by the constant lava flow of hot wax. He hears a giggle and and feels an unusually gentle squeeze on his left bumcheek. Its little Sister, Penelope! "Oh, Richard however do you get yourself into these situations?!" Richard can only drool and mumble through his thick cock gag. "Oh, well I suppose you can answer that later. I warned you about that floozy Daria, but you wouldn't listen! Just a...well keep on doing what you're doing and don't let on that you know I'm here and I'll try to get you out of this.yecchhh!!" She wipes some drool from Richards chin on his bare bottom, lights her cigarette from the candle flame and scampers over to Albert. She tilts his candle slightly so that a big puddle of hot wax splashes down his ass crack and painfully paints his chastity locked balls. She smiles with delight at his muffled groan of agony.
Next day Richard, dressed in baggy tan shorts and loose fitting tropical shirt is brought to a small office. Tall, blonde bespectacled Penelope is seated behind a small desk. "Sit down Richard and sign this. Its for your own protection and concerns both our futures" He looks at the paper and the accompanying photo of a nerdy and somewhat goofy looking bespectacled brunette. "But this is a binding legal agreement to marry your friend Sharon Shlumberger! Isn't she that crazy birdwatcher?" Penelope is adamant. "Her avocation is ornithology but the reason is this Richard. We are broke. Daddy financially backed all those disasters like the urban helicopter car and the "beam me up to the office" corporate teleportation system. Then there was the market crash in 08' and he owed millions in back taxes and penalties. Add on what his accountants and Lawyers stole and we are flat broke. Something Daria or even you didn't know about.Sharon, for some God knows what unfathomable reason has always been crazy about you. Her family owns Shlumberger Investments and dozens of other things. Its our only chance to get our fortune back and besides your taste for predatory tarts always gets you in trouble" Richard is still aghast: " But what do I tell her? I haven't seen her in years!" And what about Daria?" Penelope slams a pen down on the photo. "Just tell her she blinded you with science or something. And you and Daria just got divorced!" Now sign!"
Hours later Richard and Penelope are sipping vintage champagne and winging it back to western Pennsylvania courtesy of Penelope's current lover, Remy. He also happened to be a high ranking executive of SPANCCIT and had previously deflected the snatch squad sent to pick up Penelope in Venice. He had also convinced the operations executive that it was a poinless expense to retain Richard any longer and that Daria owed them a considerable compensation for their investment and for misinforming them. Penelope turned to Richard and smiled: "Two can play at this game, Richard and I can outplay Daria anyday!" They clink glasses "Cheers" Richard gazes out the window and his cock begins to stiffen and elongate thinking about how Daria teased and tormented him back on the island.
In the hold of a large ponderous prop driven vintage 60's cargo plane was a managerie of squawking, screeching, excrement expelling animals from South America. They were bound for Africa. Also in the hold encosed in her own small cage is Daria. She was naked, cock gagged and in a straightjacket, strapped and sitting bolt upright on a metal highbacked stool. The strap that passes between her legs also holds in place a thick buttplug and her soft, tender bottom is seated most uncomfortably atop dozens of dulled tipped metal spikes. It was the cheapest flight obtainable by SPANCCIT, to transport Daria to their female re education facility on the African coast. There she will be well disciplined and trained as a service slave to be sold at considerable profit to one of the organizations diverse, discrete and very wealthy client members.Thereby repaying her considerable debt.