Author's Note: Hard bdsm
In the year 2026, after the economic collapse,the second civil war, limited nuclear wars and a myriad of natural disasters and nuclear power accidents, North America once again had a semblance of organization. A number of independent kingdoms had arisen alongside brutal territories ruled by ruthless warlords of both sexes. New Pittsburgh was a well defended kingdom where a large measure of culture and civilization was still preserved. Although the successor to its ailing king and the continuation of his enlightened rule was very much in doubt. Prince Eugene and his brother William were incorrigible louts who had spent most of the latter part of their 19/18 year old lives disgracing their father and the crown. Queen Charlotte had died suddenly and King Jon had a new Queen. He had recently married Arabella. She was a beautiful and cultured newcomer to the Kingdom. Her equally beautiful 18 yr old daughter Samantha was humiliated and harassed by the kings sons till Arabella elected to send her away. Her anger against the cruel,spoiled boys was barely held in check by the good natured king.
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Today the princes were half drunk and barreling down the wide open interstate highway in a red Lamborghini at 140+ .They were celebrating and had left their escort far behind. ."I' saw him this morning and he was ashen grey and ready for the boneyard. Soon we'll be in charge of the everything! " Willy laughed with smirking delight."But what about Arabella? We've just started with her" Eugene took a swig of scotch and passed the bottle to Willy. " oh we'll take good care of that bitch! And her little tart Samantha,too!" It was then that the supercharged Porsche blew past them like they were standing still. The top was down and the hot blondes long hair was blowing wildly in the breeze. "Hey what the...." Eugene accelerated in hot pursuit. They barely saw her turn off the exit in the distance and speed down a long stretch of two lane through a large field of bracken and into the deep woods beyond. Eugene followed at a slower pace. "That girls a fucking maniac!" Willy was worried. "Eugene, I think we're out of our territory and maybe even in the badlands. We best go back." "No worries,Willy. I know what I'm doing.
They found her parked by a picturesque lake. Laying in the sun wearing a supershort micro tennis skirt with matching lavender halter.Her long legs were silky smooth with a round,luscious bubble butt and perky, pop out boobies. The boys elongating cocks were tenting their shorts as they approached. "Samantha, you teasing little slut! Fancy finding you here!" "Hi, boys. It took you long enough. You drive real lame, Eugene but then everything about you is kinda lame." Eugene is smirking and angry. "I'll show you who's lame bitch! You ran off without putting out, little sister, but now your mommas far away. So you just take that little skirt and top off and give us a taste." She giggled and flashed light from a small compact. "Ha! No cavalry come to the rescue for you bitch, so get naked,now! "The shrill sound of sirens fills the air and Samantha smiles."Nevermind them, its just our belated escort" I won't tell you again,cunt!" Samantha stands and holds her arms akimbo. "Better look again boys. You're not in Kansas anymore." A thick,beefy,buxom female cop who bears a remarkable resemblance to Ernest Borgnine pulls up with her taller somewhat muscular female lover and partner on big Harley motorbikes. Samantha addresses her; "Did you call the slave wagon?" "Its on its way." The thick dark haired diesel dyke prods pokes Willies plump ass with her cattle prod. "Now you boys just be taking them little pants off and them t shirts too." Prince Eugene is irritated and becoming scared. "This is outrageous! Do you know who we are and what we can have done to you!"
Samantha silences the angry red faced amazon with a hand gesture, before she can speak. "You boys crossed over to the badlands. You're in Draconia, now. Its ruled by a very cruel Queen who hates men. I lured you two idiots into a trap now you're going to be held for a considerable ransom. Better hope daddy likes you cause its gonna be pricey! " Simultaneously they spit "You fucking, bitch!" at her.The hard blonde amazon pulls down Willies shorts and grabs his dangling balls from behind,squeezing and pulling them back hard."I said now,boy!" Willy yelps loud and quickly pulls off his shirt and kicks away his pants. Eugene fast follows suit. Samantha giggles at their bobbing, swaying cocks sticking out in front of them. "Foiled again, huh boys?" She delivers a short sharp kick to Eugenes balls and he crumples to ground groaning in agony. "No reason why you both shouldn't have sore blue balls. And that should cool you off a bit, huey." They silently clutch their battered balls as the Amazons march them up to the road. Samantha giggles watching their round, beefy, overfed asses jiggle slightly as they march away.
"Slave wagons gonna be late,Samantha." Samantha smiles at the two deflated royals sitting naked in the grass."What say we have a little fun,then. You boys always tried to make me dance naked for you, well..... Carla wrapped the ends of a short length of cord around both boys cocks and balls making them only 2 inches apart while Brenda handcuffed them placing their cuffed wrists around each others necks.She ran a cord down each cuff to tie around the opposite brothers balls. There was little play in the descending cord. They smiled and winked at each other then each stood behind a brother wieding thick,hard leather straps they took from their saddlebags. At Samanthas signal they.began wailing into the boys plump fleshy ass cheeks with fierce entusiasm. They danced painfully about trying to avoid the hard punishing straps. At the same time mashing their cocks together and twisting and wenching their balls most painfully.They howled in agony and screamed curses and threats at Samantha and the lesbian cops. This only encouraged the cruel femcops to ferociously punish their asses even harder. Samantha lay in the grass fingering herself to one blissfull climax after another as tears began running down the boys cheeks and they begged and pleaded for mercy. Finally they were cut loose and fell to the grass clutching their tortured balls and asses just as the slave van pulled in. The two muscular bearded men worked quickly. They silenced the protesting boys with short, thick penis gags and attached leather belts around each waist. A descending belt ran between their legs and connected again upfront. It had attached to it a short,thick buttplug which was painfully inserted in each brothers tight, virgin asshole. It also had a built in metal cockring upfront that each boys cock and.balls were uncomfortably pushed through. In addition a 2 inch wide elastic ball stretcher was attached. Their wrists were cuffed to the sides of the belt. Looking beaten and frightened they were both quickly hustled into the back of the van. Samantha giggled and fingered her hot clitty off to two more strong orgasms as she watched their plugged,welted,well beaten ,asses climb into the van. And she thought of how wonderfully awful the 4 hour trip down rough roads to the slave camp will be as they bounce painfully up and down on the hard wooden,stoney,stingy gravel covered bench.
The weeks went by with a monotonous sameness while ransom demands were initiated and a response was awaited. The boys were assigned duties in the main laundry hut where they laboriously wrung out prison garments while leaning over a trough in the sweltering hut.Except for an occasional hard swat from the big Ugandan guard mistresses huge wooden paddle on their chubby bent over bottoms the boys had yet to experience any real discipline or distress. And while the cruel predatory guards licked their lips and regarded them with particular hatred and disdain they seemed to be temporarily restrained. The boys were still quite uncomfortable in their primitive accommodations but although they were written up several times for insolence,complaining and unauthorized masturbation in their rooms no punishments had been carried out. Many of the hardened,predatory forced labor prisoners were very resentful of what they regarded as special treatment.Then one day it all changed abrubtly.A lithe athletic oriental guard in high boots,tight slacks and form fitting tight blouse walked into the hut and fiercely lashed her crop across Eugenes broud,overnourished ass. He howled loudly and bounded about the room , clutching his wounded cheeks."See that he reports to the punishment yard at 0600.Eugene was a handsome boy with dark hair and an average build though a bit overweight with a slight paunch and a rather plump and prominent posteterior. A trait he shared with his brother,though a bit more pronounced and more smooth, round and perhaps "gily" in boy Willies case, he also was attractive but had softer more feminine feature and long ginger hair. He was a bit slimmer than his brother, as well. Yu Lin examined him then bent him over and painfully probed his tight asshole with three of her long, gnarly fingers. "Take him to mod prep and start him on the program.The two muscular, bare chested male slaves smiled and hustled Willy away.Eugene who had invoked his father and asked about the ransom was ordered cockgagged and put back in harness again. The hardenen slaves did it roughly and Prince Eugene spent the the rest of the afternoon pounding clothes in the sweltering hut with a fat buttplug firmly enscoced in his ass. He is further humiliated being made to wear a double headed cockgag with a longer slimmer end protruding from his mouth.
Hours later Eugene is led away by two slim smiling oriental guards.Willy is straddling and strapped to a large cylinder. A large black faux phallus attached to a projecter like device is pistoning into his anus. Three oriental women are operating a console in a nearby cubicle. "Full dilation is nearly complete. Increase phallic diameter to 2 1/2 inches, increase penetration by two inches and increase speed by a third." Willies long ginger hair is now in pigtails. He is wearing red lip gloss and slutty makeup. A sign around his neck reads "Descendant of white imperialist dogs being trained in sodomy" Pneumatic air expands the phallus and its now pistonning fast and deep into Willies tormented asshole. His eyes bulge out and he looks distressed to the point of absurdity but he just moans and mews like a strangled kitten. He quit screaming several minutes ago. Prince Eugene has been strapped naked to long incline board.. The hard barebreasted daughters of a Japanese Yakuza chief are smiling as the board is positioned above a sewage cesspool. They are wearing tight pants and high boots and they are wielding long, leather whips. On command Williy is upended and slid down as the board is flipped and his head is dropped into the foul smelling horrible muck. At the same time the two Yakuza girls snap their vicious whips hard and fast into Eugenes upended ass.They deliver more than 20 savage snaps in less than a minute with unerring accuracy. Even delivering an agonizing snap onto Eugenes tender anus and painfully punishing his balls with two more . Eugene screams silently under the muck filling his mouth with putrid filth. He gags and coughs up chunks of unspeakable debris as they haul him out. He is quickly re harnessed, gagged and led away. His swollen ass is criss crossed with stripes and heavily welted.
And so it goes for more than a month. In a small room,Eugene hangs with his arms tied and spread wide. A leather sling supports his torso. A cruel buxom 40 something redhead in a tight leather skirt, black leather seatbelt corset and white blouse is fiercely strapping his fleshy ass with her 3 tongued tawse. His not unsubstantial 7 1/2 inch cock is tightly and painfully tied, elongated,stretched and tautly attached and pulled slightly forward by a cord to an iron ring on the floor.His balls are tied, painfully pulled with several attached 5 lb weights and obscenely stretched beneath him. When she finishes she strips and grinds Eugenes face into her sopping snatch. Pleasuring herself on his double headed dildo gag.His stretched prick is painfully pulled and the swaying weights agonizes his tormented balls. She clmaxes hard and leaves the prince with a thick lit candle uncomfortably protruding from his asshole. He winces as the first driplets of hot wax burn his tender anus."Ta Ta Prince, sweet dreams." Her receding laughter has a mocking, sadistic edge.In a nearby room several rough tatooed male slaves are stroking their big greasy cocks and standing in que to fuck Prince Willy. He is being spit roasted and has already taken at least 10 cocks in his obscenely stretched asshole. Other crude malodorous men are face fucking him and shooting their rancid loads in his face and hair or deep down his throat.They fondled and pulled his balls, twisted and pinched his tender nipples and whipped his jiggly ass hard with thick leather belts. Rough sweaty men pull his long ginger hair, slap his fleshy cheeks and pound his well used ass hard. They use him like a cheap two dollar whore.
After almost 6 weeks Samantha stopped in to see the youngest brother Willy. Willies hair was longer and once again in pigtails, red lip gloss and slutty makeup. His bruised, welted heavily striped ass was wider and more full and round than previously and under his magenta bra he appeared to be developing boobs! He was on his knees and held in place by a thick serrated metal pole penetrating several inches up his asshole.and the shackles around his ankles.His 6 inch cock was frustratedly sticking straight out after he was earlier injected with a powerful super form of viagra.A sign around his neck read: "Capitalist degenerate being educated in cocksucking." He has been charged with sucking 100 cocks and earning $100 by 6 pm or be disciplined by the vicious Madame Yu Wan. He has nearly $40 in a nearby glass and he is coated in a crusty glaze of jizz."Gee, Willy you have such a cute little cock and you look just like a nasty little slut! Wow! I think you're even growing boobs!" Willies eyes light up and look suddenly hopeful; "Oh Samantha, its been so horrible, you wouldn't believe! I'm so sorry for everything we did! Please get us out of here! What became of our ransom?" Samantha painfully prods Willies welted ass with her sharp toed shoe. Gee Willy, your fat ass looks soooo sore and its got such a big pole sticking in it hee hee!" Oh please Samantha,help us!" Oh we'll talk about it later. Right now I have a surprise" Two grinning, slutty tatted up dark haired female guards in their early 20's trot in Prince Eugene. He is plugged cock gagged and harnessed. His wrists are cuffed to his sides and his big cock is hanging out his metal cockring." You always said a family should be close and intimate so suck him,Willy! Suck him off ,now!" Willy hesitated and shook his head. "Oh please,Samantha, I can't." Sam took out a small control box, twisted the dial high and pushed a red button. A brief but agonizing jolt of electricity shot up Willies ass. EEEEEYYAGGGHH!!! Ok, ok I'll do it! I'll do it! Samantha giggled with a triumphant delight as Willy took Eugene's big cock in his mouth and sucked it like a cheap shameless slut.Just as he was about to cum Sam nodded to the grinning guard and she quickly extracted it from Willies mouth. She roughly jerked off the big cock and at the same time fisting Eugene's engorged balls most painfully. She quickly forced a most copious ejaculation which shot into Willies open mouth and splashed all over his slutty face. Samantha laughed delightedly then extracted the 40 dollars from the glass. "20th century dollars! So rare! I think I'll keep them. You don't mind, do you Willy?" Gee, Willy you're all jizzy and crusty! You're starting to look just like a big glazed donut! Hee Hee!" "Oh, no please Samantha! Don't go away! But all he got was the sound of her melodic lilting laughter receding down the outside hall.
It was week later when Arabella arrived. Draconia was a collection of the worst, most incorrigible and sadistically cruel female criminals from all parts of the world. Several sadistic young guards had been giving Prince Eugene quite a time of it today. They had teased and denied him time after time, bringing him to a boil only to smack his cock sharply and pull and sqeeze his balls most painfully, denying him release. They later took turns whipping,paddling and caning his protuberant ass till it was nearly raw. His double ended cock gag dripped with their pussy juices as they now lowered him slowly down on a long, very thick glass pole impregnated with electrodes. His ass and fat engorged balls hung well below his knees. His arms were raised and bound above his head and he dangled by slings under his knees and around his upper torso. They had been filming it all with small digital cameras. He winced and groaned as the greasy pointed tip pole violated his anus and the grinning girls used his weight to deeply impale his ass on the tall hard glass pole.
"Hello Eugene, long time no see" Arabella is stunningly beautiful. She is wearing a dark blue skirt and jacket over a pristine white blouse. Her blonde hair is tastefully coiffed. Her jewelry is expensive and minimal as is her makeup. Eugene struggles to speak through his gag. Samantha pops out of a side door and giggles when she sees the Prince. "Gee, Mother, look at how swollen and bruised his balls are! What have those nasty girls done to you!?" Samantha sharply smacks his fat balls several times and giggles as they swing to and fro. She smiles when she hears his garbled screams through the thick gag. "Oh Sam, you're being nasty. After all I have news for the boys. It seems your plans worked out and you did manage to murder your father with slow arsenic poisoning. You would've succeeded him too if you idiots hadn't wandered off and got lured in to Draconia. But it seems King John was still willing to pay a considerable ransom for your stupid,pathetic, fat asses. But he died just hours before the courier was about to deliver it. I of course, rescinded it. It will be far more lucrative for me to be the Queen of New Pittsburgh since Ursula, the Queen of Draconia is my mother So nasty of you boys to try and poison me,as well. Fortunately, my personal physician managed to detect it in my system. Your accomplices were all caught and hanged in Market Square but not before they gave up all the details of your involvement." Eugene squirmed most uncomfortably on the oily pole. "There still might have been a chance for you but it seems none of your family or anyone else wants to see you back again. So I suppose here you'll stay to amuse all the wild, nasty girls until I decide what to do with you.
"Oh yes,we have made a lucrative deal for Willy. He's in hospital now completing his hormonal injections and surgical enhancements for his shemale transformation. We've elected to leave his little cock intact to amuse his new owners but they did insist on having all his teeth pulled to make him a harmless and better cocksucker. He's to be the white sex slave of the ruler of a still savage tribe somewhere in the heart of Africa.They do apparently have plenty of gold." Well, toodles!" Samantha has set up a folding ladder. She climbs up to Eugene and jerks his big cock to near throbbing hardness. Arabella turns and calls out to her as she relinquishes the big cock and jumps down. "Samantha! " Sam smiles and motions to the red button on the wall next her Mother. Arabella smiles back and quickly strikes the button with the heel of her hand. Searing white lightning shoots up Prince Eugenes asshole and forces out a massive pent up ejaculation. Geysers of hot white jizz sail across the room and splatter to the floor. Arabellas smile widens as she hears Eugenes gagged scream even from 15 feet away.Beaten,humiliated and painfully penetrated Eugene dangles like a big limp noodle in his fetters. Samantha climbs up and whispers in his ear: "Well Huey, you did get what you always wanted. I mean you've been thoroughly and royally fucked by sister Samantha!" Hee Hee, bye now!" He watches her hot round ass sway in her tight skirt as she walks away and realizes that she took everything away from him.