Her name was Mary, but professionally she was Mistress Madeleine, she felt this touch of Frenchness suited her profession. She even talked with a phoney French accent when she was working with a client. She had started out as a normal girl, but a boyfriend, at university, changed all that, he persuaded her to tie him up and dominate him. Reluctant at first to do this, she eventually agreed, more for a laugh than for any serious reason, to her surprise she found she liked it. The feeling of power over another person, and the control where major turn on's for her. The boyfriend eventually disappeared, but her Domme character didn't, so after a number of career false starts she started advertising herself as Mistress Madeleine. She was amazed when the phone started ringing with men and a few women wanting to visit her for 'corrective training'.
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She had been a full time Pro Domme Mistress for over five years now, and had a long and varied client list, her income was well into 6 figures, and she had a beautiful home in the city and a country retreat, as well as her private dungeon, for work.
Chapter 1
Madeleine was siting at her desk in the office when the 'business' phone rang, she let it ring 5 times, no point in appearing eager, no need rush, when she answered it she used her French accent and simple said,
"Yes, what do you want?"
The caller hesitated for a few seconds, and she was just a out to hang up when he answered,
"I saw your ad in a magazine, it said 'Mistress Madeleine offers corrective training to selected individuals. I would like to book an appointment if you have any free time."
Madeleine cut him off before he said anything else, she said,
"My time is never free, I expect to be very well rewarded for my training, however I do have an hour available this evening, 8.00, do you want to come then?"
The man on the phones stuttered a little, then managed to say,
"Yes 8.00 would be fine. Apart from your fee do I need to bring anything else?"
Madeleine shook her head in disbelief at this idiot, he seemed to be a complete novice, but she could always use another client, so she said,
"If you have any particular activities, or interests you would like catered for then write out a list and bring that. Do not arrive early, and do not arrive late, when I say 8.00 I mean 8.00. Do you understand."
Again there a slight hesitation in his reply before he said,
Yes I understand, what is the address?"
Madeleine gave him the address and hung up. She spent the remainder of the day getting things ready for her 'new' client, at 7.55 she was seated in the office waiting for the door intercom to buzz. 3 minutes later the intercom buzzed, Madeleine did not rush to answer it, after all he was 2 minutes early, when she did press the button to answer she simply said,
Again there was the slight delay in his speaking, Madeleine believed this was a sign of the clients nerves, so she waited, she heard a sigh and then he spoke,
"Hi, I rang earlier, and booked a visit for 8.00, I hope that is still OK?"
She didn't answer she just pressed the button to release the door lock and heard him enter, when the door had closed she called out to him,
"Come up the stairs and turn left, I'm in the office at the end of the corridor, we can sort out the financial details, and deal with your own personal desires there and then go up to the training rooms for your session."
She heard him climbing the stairs and after a few moments there was a timid knock on the office door, Madeleine called out to him to come in, and she saw her new client for the first time, she was quite impressed, he was youngish, late 20's to early 30's, blond, tall and well built. He was carrying a small leather case and dressed in a leather jacket, dark polo neck shirt and black leather trousers and a pair of western cowboy boots. When he entered the office he also got a first look at Mistress Madeleine, she was in full on Domme Mistress mode, dressed in a shiny PVC cat suit, with a cut out section in the front that revealed most of her large breasts, and a pair of crotch high black and red lace up boots with 5" heels. The sight of Madeleine caused his jaw to drop and he just stood and looking at her a full minute, she let him look then said,
" In my presence slaves kneel, so on your knees NOW. My fee is 250 per hour with a minimum of two hours, so your bill is 500, for tonight, and have you brought the list of 'activities' you want to experience I told you to prepare? hand it over."
The man handed over a typed list of his requirements, and while Madeleine was looking it over he started fumbling with his wallet. Madeleine read the list and there was nothing unusual, to her, on it, he wanted to be tied up, humiliated, spanked and some light punishment, all pretty much the usual things men wanted her to do to them. She put the list down and looked up to see him holding out a wad of notes, her fee, as she took it, his attitude changed, he reached into his pocket and produced a pair of handcuff, stood up and said,
"Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, but I'm an undercover vice cop and your nicked on a number of vice charges. I hope you're not going to be difficult and just come quietly."
As he finished speaking he grabbed her right wrists and fastened one of the cuffs around it, before Madeleine could react he pulled her right arm behind her and then grabbed her left wrist and cuffed it as well. with her hands cuffed behind her Madeleine was helpless, but it didn't stop her exploding with anger,
"What the fuck do you mean I'm under arrest?, what I do isn't illegal, I advertise a corrective service, strictly NO sex with a client. I don't solicit on the streets for clients and I always stay strictly within the limits a client sets. So what fucking laws have I broken? I swear to God I'll make you and your bosses pay for this in court, you see if I don't."
Her tirade eventually ran down as she saw it was having no effect on the undercover cop, while she had been ranting he had spent the time looking around the office, opening draws and cupboards, and generally poking around. Seeing her threats were being ignored, Madeleine decided to try another angle, she tried to relax and put on a show of sexuality to attract the cop, when he looked at her she said,
"Look we seem to have got off to a bad start, why don't you take these cuff of and we could see what sort of fun we could have together? I mean if you were to simple turn a blind eye to what I do, even though it's all perfectly legal, I would be willing to show you how grateful I could be. What do you say?"
The cop looked at her before saying,
"What can you offer me that I can't take for myself with you cuffed as you are. I mean if I decided to fuck you, which is what you were offering just now, how do you intend to stop me? So why don't you just sit still while I get I with doing my job?"
Shocked at his reply Madeleine was just going to say something about reporting him when she realised something was wrong and said,
"What's going on here? you claim to be cop, but you haven't cautioned me and told me my rights and these cuffs aren't police issue, I have a couple of pairs like these myself. So what gives? You're not a cop at all are you? So get these fucking cuffs off me right now, before I call the real cops and have you arrested."
Her would be client simply laughed at her then said,
"OK you got me. You're right I'm not a cop, I'm actually a very successful thief. I target stupid young bitches like you working in the S&M world, I find one in the city and book an appointment, like this one, then do my vice cop routine, and by the time they realise I'm not a cop, they are cuffed and it's too late for them to stop me.
Of course they could go to the police, when I leave them, but none ever do, they don't want the publicity or to draw the attention of the police, or the tax man, to themselves, so they keep quiet and I get rich, and I usually get a couple of free fucks as well.
Now I'm going to finish tying you, to keep you out of my way while I search this place and collect any money you have stashed about the place. Then we can see about those free fucks I mentioned."
As he finished speaking he pushed Madeleine to the floor and pulled a length of thin nylon cord from his pocket and quickly tied her ankles, he then stood up and said,
"Now you just stay there and keep quiet while I search this place for any money or valuables you have squirreled away."
He gave her a slap across the rear and then walked out of the office. As soon as the was out of sight Madeleine started to fight the cuffs and cord but soon found that the cuffs might not be Police issue but they were more than strong enough to hold her. The nylon cord although thin was also extremely strong, and all she achieved for her struggles were a few scrapes and grazes to her wrists, while her boots saved her ankles. She could hear him rummaging around and by the sound of it trashing the place in his search for money, she wondered if he would find her hidden stash, and what he would do if he didn't.
Quite soon he returned, empty handed, apart from a selection of her bondage equipment, he threw a selection of ropes onto the floor, alongside her, and a couple of gags followed the rope. He knelt down and flipped her onto her front and then grabbed a rope and quickly looped it around her arms just above her elbows, he drew down on the rope tightening it until her elbows were only about 1" apart, which produced a groan from Madeleine, then he added a couple more loops of rope and then cinched it all down pulling her elbows tightly together. He then unlocked the cuffs and selected another rope, and despite Madeleine's attempts at struggling he easily looped the rope around her wrists and they, like her elbows, we're soon bound tightly together.
He pulled her into a sitting position and looped a rope around her waist and tied it off at her back, he then pushed her onto her side and passed the ends of the waist rope down between her legs, back up to the waist rope and repeated this several times before tightening the crotch rope till it cut deeply into her pussy. He then ran the last of the crotch rope back through her legs, pulled this last pass tight and tied the role off to her wrists. He pulled her back into a sitting position, and this caused the crotch rope to tighten further and bury its self even deeper into her sex, producing further moans from the bound girl.
He selected another rope and tied her legs just below her knees, finding herself now even more completely helpless, than before Madeleine finally realised her position was hopeless, and if she was to get out of this, relatively, unscathed then she was going to need help, she opened her mouth and screamed, before she could add a second scream, he slapped her across the face,and while she was still shocked he forced one of the gags he had tossed on the floor into her mouth and fastened it so tightly the leather straps cut into the corners of her mouth and her cheeks. The gag he used had a 3" hard rubber ball and her jaw was jacked so wide to accommodate the ball it was starting to ache before he had finished fastening the straps, behind her head.
Madeleine now admitted defeat, she was so tightly bound that any movement she tried to make was virtually nonexistent and just caused her further pain. Her shoulders ached, and felt on the verge of dislocation, due to the tight elbow rope, which caused the bones in her elbows to grind together as did the wrist tie. The crotch rope felt like she was being sawn in half, length ways, and the ropes at her ankles and knees were again so tight that her bones were again being ground together. The final problem was the huge gag, the ball was so large it not only silenced her completely, it also made breathing very difficult and jacked her jaw so wide that the ache caused was already unbearable.
Satisfied with the bondage, her captor grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back, so she was looking up and back into his face, he smiled and the slapped her face hard, causing another strangled scream from Madeleine. as he kept her head pulled back, she realised that she couldn't swallow the drool in her mouth and it was slowly trickling into her throat and blocking off what little air she could inhale, as she tried to struggle, she started making mewing noises at him and tried pleading with her eyes, he just continued to hold her head back and smile at her struggles. Eventually as she was on the point of passing out, due to lack of air,he released her head and she slumped forward and managed to get a few shallow breaths through her nose, the drool in her mouth now ran freely from her gapping lips and dribbled down her chin and onto the top of her breasts.
He left her to recover while he resumed his search or money, when her still came up blank he returned to Madeleine and said, "OK bitch, I can't find any cash, but I'm still sure it's here somewhere, do here's the deal, I'm going to give you a taste of what I can and will do to you, so you know I mean business And then I'll stop and take off the gag and you can tell me were the money, and any other valuables are, if you cooperate then I'll go easy on you, if you don't then the gag goes back in and I carry on torturing you, you understand?, just nod if you do."
Madeleine was terrified at what she had just heard, not only the details but the cold way he delivered the news, she nodded her head and tried again to get him to release her by making more mewing sounds, her efforts fell on stony ground. Her captor pushed her on to her side and then rolled her onto her front and the yanked her wrist up wards, as if trying to lift her by her wrist, this put even more strain on her shoulders and forced her head down, pressing her face into the floor. It also tightened the crotch rope another notch and caused a strangled scream of pain from her gagged mouth, he repeatedly pulled her wrist up and down, repeatedly causing her more and more pain.
He eventually stopped and again rolled onto her side, her face was a mess, tears were streaming from her eyes, and her nose was running with snot and this was causing her more breathing problems, her tears and snot were mixing and running over her lips and mixing again with the drool from her mouth. He left her for a moment while he grabbed a handful of tissues, from a box on her desk, and used them to wipe her nose then used more tissues to wipe the rest of her face, he then pushed her head down and unfastened the straps to the gag and then started to pull it out of her mouth. Finding it jammed behind her teeth, he pulled her lower jaw down as far as he could while at the same time pulling on the gag straps, eventually the ball started to move and as it cleared her teeth, her jaws snapped together, nearly causing her to bite her own tongue.
As the ball came free a torrent of drool followed it, spilling down her chin and over her breasts, Madeleine tried gulping it back into her mouth, but this just caused a coughing fit, which lasted a few minutes. The thief left her to recover and when she stopped coughing he said,
"OK. Now you know I mean business, and you have some idea of the pain I can, and will, cause you, if you don't tell me what I want to know. So this is your chance to save yourself a great deal of suffering. Were is the money, and any other valuables, like jewellery, hidden, around here, or is it at your home? Tell me or else."
Tears still ran down her cheeks but Madeleine managed to nod her agreement before saying,
"No...no more please, I can't take it, I'll tell you, only please no more.
The money is in a tin, hidden behind the wash basin pedestal in the bathroom, there's nothing else here, my jewellery is in a safe at home, there's more money there too. The house keys are in my bag in the desk draw, the address is 224 Winstone Drive over in Kingswood, the safe is in the master bed room, it's in the wall behind a painting of me in the nude, the combination is, 6,9,7,6,9. Please just untie me I won't try to stop you, I can't take any more punishment."
The crook looked at her and delivered a hard slap on her rear, causing her to jump and pull on the crotch rope, and producing more cries of pain from Madeleine. However he seemed to take pity on her, and said,
"You can forget being untied, you stay tied till I have the money and valuables then we have to think about those free fucks I mentioned. But I don't want to be a complete bastard, so here's what I'll do.
I'll go and get the money in the bathroom, then I'll regag you and if there is enough money in that tin, I'll untie the elbow rope and maybe the crotch rope. Then I'll put you in a hogtie and go off to your house for the rest of your money and things, if all goes well when I get back I'll think about untying some more of the ropes."
As he picked up the ball gag to push back into her mouth, Madeleine said,
"Please, not that gag, I can't breath with it in my mouth. Can't you use another gag, please, I'll even cooperate with the free fucks thing, I promise."
He looked at her and laughed, she thought he was going to push the gag back in her mouth, but he dropped it on the floor and went out of the office, he came back a minute later, with a roll of tape and a pair of her dirty panties. He wadded the panties up into a ball and held them to her mouth, she hardly hesitated before opening her mouth and accepting the wad of cloth. He then packed the panties into her mouth, filling her mouth and cheeks before telling her to close her mouth and keep her lips together. When she obeyed he pulled the tape off the roll and stuck it over her mouth and wound it completely around her head about 6 or 7 times, the layers of tape overlapped and covered her mouth from just under her nose to under her chin. He then produced a roll of Vet Wrap bandage and wound this over the layers of tape, leaving Madeleine just as heavily gagged as before, but considerably more comfortable.
The crook then pulled a knife from his picket, opened it and cut the rope around her elbows, as the rope parted, her arms sprang apart, easing her shoulders. The sudden change in position caused Madeleine more pain, as did the returning circulation to her arms, and she screamed long and hard into her pantie gag the gag did its job well, and very little noise escaped. He then used the knife to cut the crotch rope from her wrist and then he cut the rest of the crotch rope away, as he promised.
Finally he tied a rope to the thin nylon cord at her ankles and ran it up to the rope at her wrist, threaded it between her wrists and pulled her into a tight hogtie and then ran the rope back to her ankles and tied it off there. Although the hogtie was tight, her overall position was far easier and more comfortable than before and Madeleine was grateful for the changes.
The crook delivered another swat to her rear and then stood up and went out of the office, she heard him in the bathroom and
he soon returned with a wad of bank notes which he stuffed into his jacket pocket. He then opened the desk draws and found her bag took the house keys and said,
"I haven't counted the money, but it looks like about 2000 to me, so that's not a bad start. Now I'm off to your place, to see about that safe, you be a good little bitch and stay put, no trying to escape, because if I come back and find you with any of these ropes untied, or even, loosened, we go back to the elbow and crotch rope and I'll add two vibrators, I'm sure you can guess we're I'll put them, understand?"
Madeleine nodded her agreement, and the crook patted her on the top of her head and walked out if the office and she heard him go down the stairs and out if the front door.
Chapter 2
After the crook left Madeleine just lay as he had tied her, tying to regain some strength and recover from the pain and torture he had put her through. After about 10 minutes she started to feel a little better, although the hogtie she was in was causing her to feel a little stiff, so she tried to see how much movement she had, she found it wasn't much.
She could roll on to her sides or lie on her front, she could lower her legs a little, but this meant she had to raise her shoulders, so effectively she could rock back and forth on her hips. She could of course now roll her shoulders and move her arms a little, to kill some time, and to try and ease the cramps she was starting to feel she went through a series of rolling and rocking, she found this did ease the ramps and also seemed to help to maintain the blood circulation to her limbs.
While she was doing these exercises she suddenly found a knot under her fingers, her first instinct was to try and untie it to gain some freedom, then she remembered her captors warning about trying to get free and stopped. She spent a few minutes thinking things over and decided, if she could get free she could lock the door to stop the crooks return and then call the police to try and catch him, she quickly found the knot again, and began to try and untie it. It took her nearly 10 minutes to release the rope, when it came loose she found it was the rope holding her in the hogtie, with the rope gone her, level of movement was greatly increased. She could now roll onto her knees and then she managed to get up onto her feet and she could then move about quite freely if slowly, by bunny hopping.
She was still tied hand and foot, but she could now try and get to the desk and find the scissors she kept there, hopping over to the desk took a couple of minutes, as her balance was still effected by her bondage, and she nearly fell a couple of times. Getting to the desk she saw the scissors on top of the desk, but near the wall, to get them, she had to first turn round, so she had her back to the desk,then sit on it and finally lie down and then wriggle over to the scissors and get hold of them. When she had them she had to roll to the edge of the desk and then slide off on to her feet again, she then topped to her knees and managed to get the scissor blades behind the thin nylon cord, binding her ankles. After a couple of attempts she felt the nylon part and found her ankles were free, she tried repeating the trick with the rope at her knees, but this proved more difficult, as the rope was thicker, and there were more loops of it. I took sometime but she eventually managed to get the scissors behind a couple of loops and started to saw her way through them, when they parted it caused the rest to become looser, so she soon had the rest of the role cut and her legs free.
She had lost track of time and wasn't sure how much time she might have to finish freeing herself, before the
crooks return. She decided to try and lock the front door before trying to free her hands, she managed to get down the stairs, but no matter what she tried she could not reach the lock to engage it. She went back to the office, and tried to use the scissors to cut the wrist binding, but this proved too difficult, so she walked through to the small kitchen to try and find a knife to do the job. She found a small, and not very sharp, knife and after getting to her knees she pushed the handle between her ankles and threaded the blade between her arms and started to try and cut the rope. She found if she pushed too hard on the blade it would slip and drop between her legs, and she would have to stop and pull it back up to continue, eventually she settled on gentle pressure and a slower rate of cutting.
She felt a couple of strands of rope begin to part when she heard the key in the door, her captor had beaten her to her freedom, fearing the worst she tried to think of somewhere she could hide from him. Realising it would be impossible to avoid being found she decides to meet him at the head of the stairs, she got to her feet and walked quickly to the stairs. As she reached the top of the stairs he was about half way up them and glanced up as she stepped out, the smile on his face vanished when he saw her walking around nearly free. He threw the pillow case, he was carrying, with the spoils if his robbery of her home, at her and bounded after it grabbing her by the arm as she tried to show her submission to him.
He didn't bother with her actions he simple dragged her back into the office and almost threw her on to the floor by the desk. His anger was very clear to see and Madeleine was no longer frightened of what he would do to her, she was now terrified. He looked around the office he saw the cut ropes that Madeleine had left there when she freed herself, he the grabbed her wrist and examined the rope binding them, and saw it was partly cut, he let her go and said,
"I warned you bitch, not to try to escape, but you ignored me. Well here's another order, DON'T FUCKING MOVE. I'll be right back and deal with you then."
He charged out of the office and she heard him crashing about the place, he was back in a few minutes, carrying an armfuls of rope and several leather straps. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet, then he produced the knife he had used earlier, and spun her round do he was behind her and cut the wrist rope, freeing her completely. As her hands reached for the gag he gave her hair a yank, causing her to squeal into the gag, he then told her not to move an inch, or he would use the knife to cut her instead of rope. She didn't doubt him for a second and remained perfectly still. He spent a few minutes sorting through the rope he had collected and then turned to the terrified girl and said,
"You seem to think I'm joking when I give you an order and a warning, well I'm not and now you are going to find out what happens when a stupid little slut like you disobeys me.
He again pulled the knife out and slipped the point between her breasts, which bulged over the opening in the front of her catsuit. Madeleine closed her eyes and swallowed hard, and then she felt the blade slash down her front, between her breast, over her stomach and down to her crotch. She opened her eyes, expecting to see blood running down her front, only to see the slashed front of her catsuit, he then cut up the sleeves and then the collar, this left the suit hanging in tatters from her hips. He then told her to remove her boots, and when she had, he slashed the legs of the suit, leaving Madeleine standing naked with a small mound of tattered PVC at her feet.
He then picked up his handcuffs and recuffed her wrists behind her back, grabbing her hair again he pulled her out of the office and then in to the large room Madeleine used to play with her clients, once inside he again pushed her to the floor. He then went over to a series of cabinets, and opened them, the second cabinet revealed a selection of fetish wear item, including a very heavy rubber straight jacket, which he pulled out and tossed toward Madeleine. Further examination of the cabinets revealed a box full of vibrators and butt plugs, he pulled the box out and carried it back to his prisoner.
He seemed to have calmed down a little from his obvious anger at finding her nearly free, and he picked up the straight jacket and examined it, it was pretty standard, long sealed sleeves, a rear lace fastening, with a series of additional straps to reinforce the jacket constraints. The only unusual thing about it was the front had moulded breast cups with small holes at the tip which would allow the wearer's nipples to protrude.
He pulled Madeleine to her feet and then took two pieces of the nylon cord Madeleine had cut from her ankles and tied them tightly around each of her nipples, they were so tight in fact Madeleine feared the cord might cut through her nipples. He then picked up the jacket and threaded the ends of the cord through the nipple holes in the breast cups. He then unlocked the cuffs and quickly forced her hands into the sleeves of the jacket, and then fastened a couple of the rear straps pulling the jacket against her body. He then started pushing her breasts into the built in cups and when he finished her breasts were held tightly, and constricted by the cups. He then began pulling on the nylon cord he had threaded through the holes in the cups, slowly Madeleine's nipples were pulled through the holes, although it felt to her as if her nipples were being cut off. When they were finally fully through the holes he picked up his knife, and Madeleine held her breath, as he pulled the cord tight and carefully cut the cord around her nipples. Satisfied he released the rear straps and began lacing the jacket closed
He first threaded the lacing from bottom to top and then tightened it, starting at the bottom, he continued to repeat the tightening until the two edges of the jacket met, then he tied the lacing off at the top. The rear straps were next each was pulled as tight as possible and the fastened off, he threaded the top strap through the loops of the tied off lacing before he fastened it, and then tucked the ends of the lacing into the top of the jacket. She now expected him to pull her arms across her chest and thread the sleeves through the various loops on the body of the jacket, instead he pulled her arms behind her and then threaded the sleeves through the loops and fastened the straps on the ends of the sleeves in front. This meant she was in a form of box tie, wearing a straight jacket, next he picked up a large ring gag, he then used his knife to cut through the tape gag, first the Vet Wrap bandage and then the tape itself, he pulled the bandage away and the ripped the tape away, pulling some of her hair away with it, and producing a cry of pain from Madeleine. When he pulled the, now soaking wet, panties from her mouth, Madeleine immediately started trying to explain what had happened, and why she had tried to get free, he simply slapped her across the face and told her to keep quiet.
As she subsided into silence he grabbed her chin and pulled her mouth open and then forced the ring gag into her mouth and seated the ring behind her teeth. He then pulled the straps tight and fastened them off, pulling the ring deeper into her mouth. The ring was only slightly smaller than the ball gag he had used earlier to silence her, but because it was a ring she at least could breath without difficulty.
He then returned his attention to the straight jacket, he pulled the two crotch straps between her thighs and fastened them loosely, then he picked up a vibrator and a vibrating butt plug from the collection in the draw, with an evil smile on his lips he pushed the vibrator against her pussy and started to work it in to her, as it wasn't lubricated, and she was quite dry, this proved to be an uncomfortable experience for Madeleine. When it was finally fully inserted, he picked up the butt plug and repeated the insertion process, this was new territory for the girl, as she was an anal virgin, the butt plugs insertion caused Madeleine even more pain and discomfort than the vibrator had. She tried to get him to stop, by whimpering and shaking her head, but he continued pushing the intruder into her rear and by the time it was finally inside her, the whimpers had turned to screams of genuine pain.
When he was satisfied that both the invaders were fully buried inside Madeleine he went back to the crotch straps, he seated them over the two vibrators, and pulled them as tight as he could forcing the twin vibrators even deeper into Madeleine, and producing more screams from the girl. Tears were again running down her cheeks and he wiped them away with his hand, Madeleine tried to talk to him, to get him to remove the butt plug, but the ring gag made her speech garbled, and if he did understand her he chose to ignore her pleas.
The crook then picked up a thin leather strap and then crossed her ankles and used the strap to secure them, he then used more of the thin nylon cord to tie her little toes together, this prevented her from uncrossing her ankles. He then returned to the straight jacket, he first looped a rope around her upper arms and body, passing the rope around her body several times with loops above and below her breasts, he then tied it off at her back. He then passed another rope between her arms and body over the top of the chest rope then below it then over the top again, he drew the two ends of this rope behind her and pulled them as tight as he could, this cinched the chest rope and locked her upper arms tight to her sides.
Inside the jacket Madeleine could feel her body heating up, and she could also feel her perspiration building up and beginning to trickle down between her body and the jacket. He wasn't saying anything, and she was wondering what he planned on doing to her and dreading finding out, he then spent several minutes checking all the ropes were tight and then the straps, on the jacket, gag and at her ankles and managed to pull a couple of them one notch tighter. The tight fit of the jacket and the additional ropes the crook had used meant that Madeleine found her movements very restricted and even breathing was difficult as she could only take relatively shallow breaths, the crook then grabbed her breasts and began to squeeze them until she was whimpering into the gag, and shaking her head to try and get him to stop.
Chapter 3
As he continued to squeeze her breasts her discomfort grew and her whimpers turned to strangled cries of pain and again she shook her head and tried to pull away from him to get him to stop. To her great surprise he did stop, but only to rummage in his pockets and produce a pair of nipple clamps, but of a style she had never see before, they were two alligator clips, like those used in electronics to make temporary electrical connections. Each clip had a short length of chain hanging from the end and they were joined by a slightly longer piece of chain that attached to the clips by means of small snap hooks, the crook then held up the clips to her face and said,
"I love these special clips, I made them myself, sadly the women I've used them on didn't seem to enjoy them. Look at the jaws, as you can see they have tiny serrated teeth, normally these are quite blunt, but I took the time to sharpen the teeth of these clips so they are very sharp. I also replaced the usual spring, that holds the clips closed with a much stronger one, so the end effect is they have a real bite you might say.
Then of course there are the chains, the two pieces hanging from the clips can have weights attached so they pull on the nipples, and the linking piece can be pulled or used to chain you to a suitable object and hold you in position."
While had been speaking, Madeleine had become more and more afraid of what he was going to do, when he finished he grabbed her left breast and then started pulling her nipple. Realising he intended to clip her nipples, she frantically tried pulling away, but this only caused her more pain, as his grip was too strong, then she frantically shook her head and tried pleading and begging him not to use the clips, but the gag made her unintelligible. Before she could think of anything else to do he had positioned one of the awful clips on her nipple, he the slowly released it and she felt the tiny teeth, bite into her tender flesh, she started to scream, and continued to scream louder and louder as the clips as released.
When he finally released the clip he left her with the other clip dangling by the linking chain from her left nipple, the pain from her nipple caused Madeleine to move as best she could, but this only made the clip swing causing her even more pain. Tears were again running down her cheeks and as she looked down at her nipple , through her tears she saw tiny beads of blood forming on her nipple were the teeth had bitten through her skin. He gave her a few minutes to recover slightly then he grabbed her right nipple and positioned the other clip around it,this time he simply released the clip, letting the jaws snap closed.
Instead of the pain gradually building, as it did with her left nipple, the pain was immediate and intense. Madeleine went into a fresh series of screams and again she tried to move, but the pain simple stayed with her, and as her movement caused the chain to swing, the pain increased. As she managed to regain some control she lapsed into a moaning sobbing heap, vertically her whole body ached with the confinement of her bondage, but by far the worst were her nipples, they felt in fire, as if a hundred bees were stinging her nipples constantly. She tried to beg her tormentor to show her some pity and take the clips off her nipples, but all he did was pull lightly in the linking chain and send her into another screaming fit, eventually she managed to calm down and realised the crook was talking to her, she had missed some of what he said, but what she did hear sent a chill down her spine, he said,
"Now you see what happens when you abuse the trust I show you, I tied you up, not very stringently, and told you not to try to escape, and while I'm away what do you do, you get your legs free and tried, and nearly succeeded, to get your hands and arms free as well.
So obviously I can't trust you, and now I have to punish you, so you are tied up in a rubber straight jacket, sweating like the little pig you are, you've got your pussy and arse filled with vibrators and your nipples are clipped, now what else should I do to teach you obedience? Maybe I should just turn the vibrators on and leave you e joy yourself, but no I think I should attach the linking chain from your nipple clips to something, so you have to stay I one place, then attach some weights to each nipple clip and then turn on the vibrators. That way every time you move, because the vibrators are exciting you, you will pull on the linking chain and remind yourself of the clips, and also set the weights swinging, causing a further reminder of the clips, I think that would be a good idea, for a start, don't you?"
Madeleine knew he meant every word he had said, she also knew that nothing she could say or do would stop him, or change his mind, never the less she still slowly shook her head, trying to tell him he didn't want to experience weights being added to the torturous nipple clips. She dreaded the thought of what her pain and suffering would be like if he did as he had said, she was sure she would not be able to stand it. She was sure she would either go mad, and try to pull the clips off and tear her nipples to shreds in the process, or pass out and as she fell to the ground her nipples would suffer the same fate, only at least she would be unconscious, in the latter case.
He patted her on the head and walked around the room, examining the various pieces of bondage and torture equipment she had acquired. He stood in front of a rope, that hung from a pulley in the ceiling, for some time then started to smile. He walked back to Madeleine and pulled her to her feet and forced her to bunny hop over to the hanging rope, the series of hops caused the chains on the nipple clips to swing and this in turn caused a great deal of pain to her nipples. He pushed her close to the rope and pulled one end of the rope until the other end was hanging just below her breasts, then passed the rope around the chain linking the two clips together. Madeleine now knew what he was going to do, he slowly started pulling the rope back up and with it the chain, this caused the chain to pull on her nipples, she slowly started to rise up on to her toes, to try and ease the torture of her nipples. When he was satisfied that Madeleine was as high on her toes as she could be, with her ankles crossed and tied, and thus in a very strenuous, and painful position, he tied off the rope.
This meant she had to hold her position on her toes or face the only alternative, the further torture of her nipples if she moved or tried to drop to her heels. Within a few minutes she could feel her toes starting to cramp, and her ankles and calves we're starting to ache with the strain of standing on her toes in one position. Her tormentor watched her and then walked around her, and then fetched a chair over and sat down just to her side. She could just see him out of the corner of her eye, but couldn't risk turning her head for fear of slipping and ripping her nipples.
She then felt him start to stroke her side and then his hand moved to her crotch and she felt him pushing at the two vibrators inside her, suddenly she realised he was going to turn them on, as the twin invaders sprang into life she let out a shriek and almost lost her balance. With a desperate effort she managed to stay in position, but even so the movement caused her nipples further damage and her more suffering, now as well as her difficult position, she had to fight the effects of the two vibrators buzzing away inside her. After a further 5 minutes of this torture she could feel her legs starting to tremble as the muscles began to cramp up few minutes more and she felt her legs starting to give way and as she started to fall she screamed and as the clips bit deeper into her nipples, she passed out.
When she came to, she found the vibrators and the gag were gone, and her legs and feet were also free, although her nipples felt on fire the pain seemed less than before she passed out. When she looked at them she saw the clips too were gone and her nipples seemed to not too badly damaged, she looked around and saw the crook sitting watching her, when he saw her looking at him he said,
"OK. I hope that has taught you a lesson, if I give you an order you obey it. If you're wondering why your nipples are still attached to you tits, and aren't shredded,I'll tell you. I saw you struggling trying to hold your position, and I got ready, so when you started to fall I caught you just before you caused any real damage to yourself, although you still passed out, partly I'm sure, due to your fear of what was a out to happen.
Now I am a full on sadist and a real bastard when I want to be, but I didn't want you mutilated just yet, so like I say, I caught you and held you up so your nipples didn't get ripped and then I unclipped the chain and let it slip free from the rope and then laid you down on the floor. Then I tidied you up a bit, took off the gag and such and waited for you to come round.
Now as our relationship seems to have changed I think you should be a little more respectfully towards me don't you? So from now on when you speak to me you will call me either Master or Sir, if you don't then I'll replace the clips n your nipples, or I'll find some other little torture for you to experience. Do you understand? Well answer me bitch."
Madeleine slowly clambered to her knees and lowered her head and said,
"Yes Master I understand, and I will try very hard to obey you always, and always try to please you, but please, I beg you, don't use those horrible clips again, I don't think I could stand them a second time."
The crook stood up and walked over to her, he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so she was looking up at him and said,
"Very good, your behaviour is just what a slave should do, in the presence of their Master, I think I will expect the same behaviour at all times from now on. As to the clips being used again, I will decide if and when you are to be punished, and also what that punishment will be. So if I want to put the clips on your nipples I will, I might even decide to put them on your pussy lips or on your little clit, but it will be me who decides, you don't have any say in the matter understand?"
Madeleine had gone palest his suggestion of clipping her pussy and clit, but she managed to reply, nodding her head as she said,
"Yes Master, I understand. I am your slave, your property, to do with as you like, but I will try never to earn any punishment by displeasing you. May a slave ask her Master what his plans for her are?"
He still held her hair and as he released her he slapped her across the face, but not too hard, then he said,
"Slaves, do not ask questions, but you did ask if you could ask, so I will let you off a punishment for now, and I will even satisfy your curiosity.
My plans for you are quite simple, now that I have your money, jewellery and such all that you have left to offer me is yourself, so I'll stick around for a few days and fuck you as and when I like using which ever if your holes I like. Then when I'm ready to go I'll tie you up, in a very easily accessible, position and then ring around your client list and invite them here to enjoy themselves with their former Mistress, now their slave. I think they'll really enjoy having you at their mercy for a change."
Madeleine said nothing, but remained kneeling, and resumed her lowered head posture, when he let go of her hair. The crook then started to unfasten the straps in the back and crotch of the jacket, then he loosened the lacing and finally he released the straps holding her arms behind her. He then pulled her to her feet and told her to get out of the straight jacket and he watched her struggle to work the jacket loose from her body and then over her head and finally to shake her arms to free them and leave the jacket on the floor. Once free she again adopted her kneeling, head bowed, position, and waited for his next order.
She didn't have to wait long, he walked over to her and flicked the jacket with his foot and then ordered Madeleine to pick up the jacket and too the bathroom and wash it and take a shower herself and the to return to him in the play room. Madeleine quickly got to her feet and picked up the jacket and almost ran out of the room, very soon he could hear the sound of running water, as she washed the garment, and herself, after a few minutes the water was turned off and shortly Madeleine returned to the room and walked over to him and then knelt at his feet. He ordered her to her feet and then began to inspect the nude girl.
First he simple walked around her looking, then he grabbed her breasts and pinched her bruised nipples, producing a hiss of pain from her, then he gave her breasts a slap and turned his attention to her pussy. She received a couple of slaps between her legs and then he pushed a couple of fingers into her and worked them around inside her. When he removed his fingers he sniffed them and the held them out to her to see, she could see that his fingers were wet and she could smell her own sex on his fingers. When she lowered her head in shame he pushed her to her knees and then ordered her to open her mouth, he then pushed his wet fingers into her mouth s d ordered the girl to clean them with her tongue. Madeleine spent several minutes licking and sucking the fingers in her mouth, until he was satisfied that they were clean, and Madeleine was sufficiently degraded by her actions.
The crook then unzipped his trousers and pulled his semi erect cock out, he moved so as to be directly in front of Madeleine and ordered her to open her mouth, and keep it open, when she obeyed he pushed his cock into her mouth. Even in a semi erect state it, nearly filled her mouth, and she wondered if she would be able to cope with his cock when it was fully hard, he ordered her to suck and lick his cock, and he started to slowly pump it in and out of her mouth. As it became hard Madeleine started to have problems taking the full length in her mouth and she started to gag as his cock began to touch the back of her throat as he drove it into her mouth.
He ignored her difficulties and continued to pump into her mouth, Madeleine tried to get into rhyme with his thrusts and when she did get her timing right she found she could deal with his cock without chocking. As he neared his climax he started to grunt and drive deeper into her mouth, and as he exploded in her mouth, shooting his cum straight down her throat she sucked greedily on his cock, swallowing every drop of semen. After his climax she expected him to pull out of her mouth, but he didn't, he grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her onto his cock and thrust his hips forward, driving his cock as deep as he could into her mouth and down her throat, and ordered her to continue to suck and lick him.
As she did so she again started to gag, and as he started to harden again she found her breathing being restricted by his growing cock, luckily he started to pump in and out of her mouth again, and soon came again. This time, after he had forced her to suck and lick him clean, he pulled his cock out of her mouth and roughly pushed her to the floor, she lay there gasping slightly trying to get her breath back. By the time she had recovered and had managed to resume her kneeling position, he had pushed his cock back into his trousers and closed the zip. He looked at her and said,
"Not bad slut, in fact quite good, you show promise, as a slut slave, I think we will have a lot of fun over the next few days, before I leave.
Now I think it's about time for bed so I think I need to get you ready for the night, so get up and fetch some rope, oh and a gag and a blindfold, come on hurry up, or do you want me to get the things myself and then punish you for your disobedience?"
Madeleine quickly got to her feet and ran over to a cupboard and grabbed as armful of rope of various lengths and thickness, she went back to the crook and placed the ropes on the floor. Then she went to another cupboard and selected a harness ball gag, with an attached blindfold, and returned to him and added these things to the rope, she then resumed her kneeling position. He sorted the ropes, by length, and placed them into three piles, he then examined the gag and walked behind her, then told her to open her mouth, when she obeyed he pushed the ball into her mouth and fastened the strap behind her head, pulling the ball deeply into her mouth, followed by the chin strap and finished by pulling the strap over the top of her head and joining it to the main gag strap.He then said,
"A good choice of gag slut, and I'm glad to see you grabbed a good supply of rope, so now we need to make you comfortable, and safe for the night, so on your feet, and turn round so your backs to me."
She stood up and turned, so her back was to him, he selected a short length of thin rope and tossed it out and then doubled it and then gathered her wrists together behind her back. He quickly looped the doubled rope around her wrists and wrapped it around her wrists three times, then pushed the ends between her wrists and wrapped then across the wrist bindings and cinched the tie down tight. He then added a second rope around her forearms and again finished the tie by cinching it down,he then led her over to a heavy table with a variety of hooks screwed into the edge of the top. He lifted her onto the able and told her to lay down, when she had he fetched two more ropes and tied her ankles and added another rope above her knees. He then selected along rope and tied one end off to a hook at one corner of the table, and then started to criss cross her body with rope looping the rope around the various hooks on the table edge to anchor the rope in place, he finished off by tying the end of the rope to another corner hook.
He stood back and admired his handy work, the girl was securely tied hand and foot and then tied to the table with a spiders web of rope, he went round the table checking all the ropes were tight and secure, satisfied he looked down at Madeleine and said,
"Right slave, you are going to stay tied to that table for the night. Tomorrow we will have some more fun together, with you serving me as a slave and as a slut. I think I might take you to your house and continue our relationship their, after all it will be far more comfortable for me there. So Goodnight bitch, I'll see you in the morning."
As a final touch he attached the blindfold to the harness gag and then he then walked over to the door, she heard him turn the light off and go out closing the door and leaving Madeleine in total darkness.
Chapter 4
Madeleine spent a somewhat uncomfortable night, laying on her arms on the table, she had no idea of the passage of time, but eventually she dozed. She was woken by the sound of the door opening and she heard him walking across the floor towards her. She felt his hands stroking her body and then he started to untie the rope binding her to the table , when she was free of the table he pulled her down the table until her legs dangled over the table end . He then untied the ropes around her ankles and knees, sat her up and slid her off the table and on to her feet, she was then led across the room, and when they stopped she felt him pushing and pulling at her hands, she quickly realised he was tying a rope between her arms, when he finished he walked away and she herd him opening doors and rattling thing as he searched for something, shortly he returned and she felt him fastening something around her ankles. It felt like a pair of leather ankle cuffs, and when both were fitted to his satisfaction, he moved her feet apart and she herd some rattling as he did something to the cuffs, when he finished he told her to stand still, then he spoke to her saying,
"I hope you had a good nights sleep, because you're going to need it, with all I have planned for you today. I'm going to start you off easy, I've tied a rope from your pulley to your wrists. Shortly I'll pull it up and lift your arms with it, this will mean you have to bend over at the waist, putting you in a strapado, when you are bent over far enough I'll tie off the rope and leave you while I get some breakfast. Then when I come back I'll be in the mood for a good fuck, and with you so available.... well I'm sure you can work the rest out your self."
As he finished speaking he pulled on the rope and Madeleine felt her arms being pulled up behind her, as they rose in the air she was forced to bend over at the waist, or have her shoulders dislocated. As her arms rose she tried to move her feet to make her balance easier, but found she could not move her feet, then the meaning of his fiddling with the cuffs became clear, he had fitted a spreader bar between her ankles holding her feet apart. When she was bent at right angles at the waist he stopped pulling the rope and tied it off, which forced her to stay in position, she then heard him walk across the room and out of the door, all she could do was stand and wait for the crook to return.
As she waited she reviewed, in her mind, her position, she realised that bent over as she was all three of her holes were available to him, if he removed the gag he could force her to give him another blow job, or he could fuck her pussy, from the rear, or, her worst fear, he could use her arse. She had ever been fucked in the rear, in fact the only time her rear had ever been violated was when the crook had forced the butt plug into her the night before. She tried moving, too see how much freedom she had, and found it was very little, moving sideways was impossible, due to the spreader bar, and of she moved forwards or backwards, she could only move a few inches before the strain on her shoulders proved too painful.
She seemed to be waiting a long time, but it was only about 30 minutes, before she heard him returning, when he walked over to her he ran his hand over her rear and then delivered a hard slap across her arse cheeks. The shock caused her to squeal, and move forward, instinctively, this brought another louder squeal, from her, as her shoulders protested at the added strain, as she moved back into her original position she heard the sound of a zip opening. She then felt his fingers at her pussy, and felt him smearing something around her pussy lips, and then he pushed his fingers into her pussy and smeared something inside her pussy. The fact that his fingers slid around very easily inside her suggested he had spread grease over, and inside, her pussy, Madeleine breathed a sigh of relief at this as she now know he intended to fuck her pussy.
She then felt him behind her and his two hands on her hips, and then he pushed forward, and she felt his cock slide into her pussy, he started slowly, thrusting deeper and deeper into her and holding her hips and pulling her back, on to him. As he continued to fuck her his tempo increased, and Madeleine found herself responding to him, as her body betrayed her, as she did she felt as if his cock was getting bigger with each thrust. It seemed to Madeleine that it went on for ever but eventually he climaxed and shot his load in to her, she surprised, both him and, herself when she also climaxed a few seconds after he came. He pulled out of her quickly and she felt him releasing the gag straps he pulled the gag out of her mouth and she found herself looking directly at his softening cock, and he said,
"OK, bitch you know what to do, start sucking and licking, I want a nice clean cock to put back in my trousers, do a good job and I might let you have some breakfast."
Madeleine obediently took his cock in her mouth, and although her mouth was dry from wearing the gag all night, she did a good job of cleaning it, and when he was satisfied he pushed his cock back into his trousers. He then untied the ceiling rope and allowed Madeleine to lower her arms and straighten up, he then unclipped the spreader bar from her ankles, but left the cuffs in place. She was just about to drop to her knees when he grabbed a nipple and squeezed hard, producing a scream from Madeleine, he kept hold of her nipple and tugged it gently and she had no option but to follow as he led her by her nipple. He led her out of the play room and back to the office, once there he let go of her nipple and pushed her to the floor. Madeleine quickly scrambled to her knees and assumed her slave position, the crook sat down at her desk and watched her for a time, Madeleine tried to steal glances at him to try and see what he was doing, eventually he spoke,
"Now slut I'm nearly ready to move on, but I still want to have some fun, at your expense, so I'm going to look through your client list and decide which of them to invite over to come and play with you. They may think it's you summoning them, but when they get here they'll find you all trust up and naked waiting to give them what ever they want. So I need to decide where and how to tie you. I was thinking I might take some photos of you when I tie you, then send them to your guests, do they know your available for their pleasure, that might be a nice touch, don't you think?"
Madeleine had been waiting for this moment and she quickly replied,
"Sir you could do those things and I wouldn't fight you, you have proved to me that I'm not really a Mistress, but if a humble slave can make suggestion, I do have an alternative idea that you might enjoy, and it would definitely be more lucrative than leaving me to the mercy of my former clients."
When she mentioned a possible financial gain for him, he showed interest in what she was saying, and said,
"Alright slave, you have got my attention, with the mention of your idea getting me money, so you may continue with your idea,band if I think it would be of benefit to me I might consider going along with it. So off you go, what's your idea?"
Madeleine took a deep breath and began to explain her idea,
"Master if you too me with you, when you leave, you could use me to meet more mistresses and rob them, as you robbed me. When you contacted them you could say I was your slave, but you needed someone to help train me. Then when we got in to their dungeon, we could both attack her and then you could steal her money, jewellery and stuff.
Another option would be for you to offer me for sale, as a new slave, to a Mistress, that way you would be certain she would have money when we got there."
Before she could continue he interrupted her saying,
"Well now, you have been busy haven't you. I must say your ideas do interest me, but I don't see were I get any financial gain from them. After all I could stick to my usual method, as I did with you, and still take the money from them, and I wouldn't have you to feed and provide for you, or are you thinking you could offer me your body as a payment?"
Madeleine shook her head and said,
"No Sir I wasn't thinking that, at least not in terms of any financial gain for you. I realise that keeping me would be a cost to you, but the financial gain I was thinking about was from selling my property. I own this place outright and I only owe a few thousand on my house, which you have seen, and there's my car, that's paid for as well, if you sold all of it you would get about 800,000. That would be quite a bit more that you get from anyone job you pull, but if you didn't want to sell up you could rent out the house and let this place either as offices or as residential space, the choice would be yours.
I would either sign the properties over to you, and you could do what you wanted with them, or I could sell them and give you the money, again the choice would be yours. There is even another alternative, you could keep this place going, with me as a Mistress, to my clients, or if they wanted a Master, then you could see them, and if there were any other Masters, or Mistresses, then you could hire me out to them as a submissive slave."
The crook looked at her for a long to e before saying,
"Your ideas interest me, but I already have a house of my own, not in this part of the country, but I never operate my scam near my own home as far as the people who know me are concerned I'm a very successful player on the stock market. So the question is do I want to move home, to here, or just get you to sell up and take the money and run, or do I stick to my original plan. I think I need some time to think things through, in the meantime you need to be restrained, so I can think without you doing something stupid, like trying to escape again. So you stay right there while I get some rope and a couple of other things, for you to wear."
As he finished speaking he stood up and walked out of the office, Madeleine remained kneeling and waited for his return. When he walked back in he was carrying a large lead weight and an armful of ropes, he dropped this collection by the door. He then walked over to the desk and picked something up slipped it into his pocket and then returned to her, he ordered her to stand and then pushed her over to the door. He stood behind her and she felt him slip a rope around her ankles and then wrap it around several times, then cinch it and tie it off, he tied a second rope around he legs just above her knees. He then took something from his pocket, and dangled it in front of Madeleine's face, as she looked at it she saw it was the pair of nipple clips, with their linking chain, and a second length of chain. When she started to plead with him, not to use the clips again, he slapped her rear and told her to shut up, she lapsed into silence, fearing what he would do if she spoke again. He then took something else from his pocket, and showed her two large and one small bulldog clip which he had picked up from her desk.
Madeleine was really worried now as this intentions and was about to start begging again when he spoke,
"Now I know you don't want to wear these little clips again, so I have a couple of plastic covers, that fit over the jaws and then you just get pinched by them, rather than their bite. The bulldog clips are going to go on your pussy, the two big ones on the lips and the small one on your clit, then you are going to stand still here by the door, you'll find out why in a minute."
As he finished speaking he knelt in front of her and pulled her pussy lips apart and attached the one large bulldog clip to each lip, he then slipped the small clip over her clit and get it close. This produced a strangled cry from Madeleine and she continued to whimper as he clipped the chain to one of the large clips, then threaded it through the small clip and clipped the other end to the second large clip. He then tied a length of the thin nylon cord o the chain and pulled the lead weight over and tied the other end of the cord to the weight, he shortened the cord so Madeleine had to bend her knees to avoid the pull of the weight. He the stood up and slipped the plastic covers over the jaws of the nipple clips an attached them to her nipples, this again caused her to cry in pain. He tied another piece of the nylon cord to the nipple chain and tossed it over the top of the door and pulled it until Madeleine was starting to go up onto her toes, then he tied the cord off to the door handle, satisfied with the preparations he said,
"OK slut. I'm satisfied with your restraints, they should keep you busy, as I'm sure you have worked out you have a choice. You can stand on your toes and save your nipples from torture, but that means your pussy lips and clit suffer, or you stand flat on your feet, which means your pussy and clit are safe, but your nipples are stretched and tortured I'll leave you to decide which option you prefer. Now I'm going to sit down and sort out in my mind which, if any of the options you offered me, regarding your house etc. I'm going to take up, while I'm doing that you can stand there and keep quiet, if you don't, I'll come over and shorten both cords, so the torture will be worse. It should take me about half an hour to decide what I'm going to do, so you know how long you have to wait for me to release you."
The crook then walked back over to the desk and sat down pulled a pad in front of him and started to write. Madeleine tried to go up on her toes and save her nipples from further torture, but after a short time her legs started to cramp and her pussy felt as it were on fire. She dropped to her heels and the fire in her pussy diminished, but was immediately transferred to her nipples, because her nipples were already tender due to the earlier torture she had suffered, the pain in her nipples was almost unbearable so she quickly went back up on her toes. She continued to alternate between torturing her nipples or her pussy, clamping her jaws and grinding her teeth, to avoid making any noise, that would trigger the shortening of the two cords, she was nearing the limits of her endurance when the crook sighed pushed the pad away and tossed the pen onto the desk. He turned to her and said,
"Well I think I've made my mind up, but I think you would like to be let down before I tell you, wouldn't you?"
Madeleine quickly nodded her agreement and he walked over to her and began to untie the cord from her nipple clips, in doing so he gave the cord a couple of tugs and Madeleine could not avoid crying out in pain. When the cord was finally untied she dropped to her knees, and tears were running down her cheeks, he removed the three bulldog clips and each one brought a fresh cry from Madeleine. Finally he removed the nipple clip, and this time Madeleine couldn't help screaming as the blood flow returned to her nipples, she feel to her side and lay there crying softly. It took her several minutes to recover sufficiently to again adopt her kneeling position, when she was settled he said,
"Right, like I said I've reached a decision. I've decided to keep this place on and use it as a dungeon for Subbies, and as you suggested, they can come to see you, their Mistress, or see me, their Master, and I'll also rent you out as a slut slave to any other Masters, or Mistresses that want to use you.
I'll also take your house over and keep you there as my personal slave, so I can torture you and fuck you when ever I feel the urge, but you can keep your car, and I'll even split the fees, from any Subbies we see here, 50-50. So, if I ever get tired of you, or of living here, I can dissolve the partnership and move on and you will have enough money to live on for a while till you get things sorted. So we are going to be partners in a new business, Master and Mistress to clients, but Master and slave in private. Do you find that agreeable?"
Madeleine didn't hesitate before replying,
"Master if it what you want to do then your slaves agreement isn't needed, nor is it important. I am only here to serve you and try to please you, but if you are kind enough to allow me to be a partner, and to play at being Mistress, then I agree with all my heart, it is more than I expected or deserve."
He smiled at her reply and began to untie the remaining ropes, when she was free he pulled her to her feet and for the first time he kissed her, when they broke from the kiss he said,
"I liked your little speech, and you were right, your agreement wasn't important, what was important was that you knew your agreement wasn't needed. It proved to me that you really are my personal slave, I will make you two promises though, one as long as you are a good slave, and obey me at all times, I will treat you well your punishments will be, shall we say, mild, I'll hold off on the nipple clips and such. Secondly, if you ever try and double cross me, in any way, I will bring you here and hang you from the ceiling by your tits and pussy and leave you to die, in such pain as you can't even imagine. Now if you understand that I think we can leave for home, OK."
Although Madeleine had blanched at the threat, in his second promise to her she still managed to smile at her Master and say,
"I understand fully my position and I promise you, you will ever have cause to carry out your second promise, and I thank you for your promise not to use those horrible nipple clips me again, although I would like use them on one or two of my clients, with your permission of course. If you are happy then I too would like to go home, but I do have one final request, when we get home will you please tie me to the bed and fuck me again, and I will try and respond better this time I promise."
He again smiled and said,
"You really are going to be fun to have around, but before we leave I think you should put some clothes on, don't you?"
Madeleine looked down at her naked body and giggled, then dashed out of the office and he heard her opening doors and draws, she was back in less than 5 minutes, wearing a sweater top a pair of jeans and a pair of flat shoes. He picked up a handful of rope and took her arm and led her out of the office, down the stairs and out to her car, he opened the boot and ordered her to climb in. When she was lying in the boot he drew her hands behind her back and tied her wrist, and added an elbow rope, he then tied her ankles and knees and added a rope linking her wrists to her ankles, her the pulled her into a tight hogtie, finally he bent down and kissed her cheek before slamming the boot lid. He climbed into the drivers seat, started the car and drove off, to start their new lives together.