Author's Note: This is my first story with male on male. I am not an english major so please be nice with the grammar comments.
Chapter 1 - Boredom and Randomness
It was beautiful and sunny Friday morning. Golden beams of light cascaded across the hardwood floor and slowly creped across until it worked up the frame of the bed and snaked into the eyelids of J. Grunting and bringing his hands from the blanket he reached up to his face and slowly wiped his eyes and coaxed a tired set of eyelids open. This was the first day of a well earned four day weekend, and J really needed the break from work and the stresses associated with it. The bed felt empty as he was newly single, and adjusting to this new life,
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The first order of business was caffeine, a necessary dietary element for J. Moving his legs off the bed and standing up evoked a few pops and creaks from his knees and back. His sleeping apparel consisted of black boxer shorts and a worn out grey tee shirt with black lettering across the front spelling "ARMY". The unmistakable sound of metal clinking together was heard coming from the dog tags worn on a chain around his neck. A slow and groggy J walked across the room and made his way to the kitchen to start the morning brew of coffee.
Next came the realization of living in a quiet house alone. The next order of business as to power up his laptop computer for some YouTube streaming to kill some time. As the aroma of coffee had filled the space, J had picked up his cell phone and noticed a notification for a new email received from his former partner. This has spiked his curiosity, and he exited YouTube on the laptop in order to login to his email account. Taking a moment from the computer J had prepared a cup of coffee and sat down at the laptop to read the email message.
Clicking on the message, he had began to awaken with the aid of the hot drink. It had taken a moment for his eyes to adjust to reading the small print on the monitor. The email was not particularly a long one as it read:
"Hello J, I was thinking we could maybe meet tonight. I miss you and I wouldn't mind some company out on the town. I can imagine you could use some fresh air and maybe some fun? If you're okay with it, why not give me a call? Hope to talk to you later - M."
This had been an unexpected yet rather interesting email. J sat back in the chair and sipped the coffee mug for a few moments and pondered the option of accepting M's offer. He had been missing her company, and the prospect of some lighthearted fun with her began to look like a great idea for the evening. He had sat down his mug and began to dial her number on his cell phone. It had taken three rings before there was an answer.
" Hi J, you got my email I take it?" "I did he replied, I was a little surprised and taken back by it." He heard her next ask if he was interested in an evening outing in San Francisco, a night on the town as she had described it. J replied "Sure, I'm game", . "So, what's the plan, M?" Her reply had been a simple yet sweet, "Oh, I think spontaneity might be in order, let's just leave it at that".
They agreed to meet at his flat at noon, and ride together to the San Francisco in her car. When she arrived to J's flat, she made a few requests that J had thought were a little unusual. He decided out of shear curiosity to accommodate her unusual requests. The first order of business had come by way of her retrieving a letter from her purse. It had been carried in a standard full size yellow envelope to allow the letter to not be folded.
"This, J, is a legal document that I want you to read and sign before we do anything else. His former partner was an attorney, and J had thought this was a gag to play, or a weird role play on her job. Light heartedly, J agreed and signed the document without even reading it. Figuring it was just an act to go with the play that he figured would occur this evening, he dismissed the document. "Ok, what next?" he had asked her. She smiled from ear to ear with a shit eating grin that showcased her white toothed smile, as she carefully replaced the letter in the large yellow envelope. Not a word escaped her lips for another moment.
Once the envelope was secured in her large carry purse, she looked over to J and had replied that it was time to go soon. She asked J to shower while she made a few phone calls outside. J finished the shower and waited with only a towel wrapped around his waist until M returned inside a few moments later.
Upon returning into the flat, J had asked, "Can I ask if there will be a dress code required wherever we are going, M?". She smiled and had been carrying a full sized garment bag which she had retrieved from her car while outside on the phone, and handed it over to J. "Yes, I want you to wear this". she replied. J took the bag and hung it on the bathroom door. He next had opened the zipper to reveal several clothes hangers which contained several articles of clothing and accessories. To his surprise the bag contained a black miniskirt with an elastic waist band that was easily six inches tall and looked like it was constructed to tightly cinch a waistline. There was also a white long sleeved button up shirt with a collar and a black bow tie. Additionally there was a large bra with the breast material cut out, as well as a rubber panty girdle that, to J, looked like it meant business in the shaping department. There were a pair of black flats and black leggings at the bottom of the bag, as well as a three quarter sleeve length shrug. It was the next item that caught J''s eyes. There was a shoebox at the bottom of the bag, which seemed strange to J as the flats were already present. The shoebox was for men's shoes, in a size 12. J opened the box to find inside were two large prosthetic breasts with life like nipples and skin tones which eerily matched his own. " I hope you like them", M replied as he stared down into the box. Next to the breasts inside the box was a tube of non toxic adhesive which adheres the breasts to one's chest skin.
It then occurred to J, this was the custom outfit that M had taken him into San Francisco to be measured for about a month ago. As a matter of fact, it was the same week that she had accompanied him to both a dental cleaning as well as a doctor's appointment. He recalled vividly how long it seemed to take the alterations person to record the gazillion measurements which she recorded from his body. "Geez M, all those measurements for a skirt and dress shirt?" She looked over and replied, "Accuracy is key, right, Now let's get you dressed. Tonight I need a gal pal for our festivities, and I need you to fill that role, ok." J shrugged, "Okay M, I'll play along. It's San Francisco, nobody will care, right?" "That's right, bb, it'll just be a fun night for us both to unwind" J accepted that at face value and started dressing first with the girdle.
Upon his closer examination of the thick rubber girdle he realized this was no ordinary foundation garment. Whoever made this meant business for sure. The construction was triple layered rubber with double steel boning. This girdle did not close from the front, or even the side like most. Instead it had the grommet corset style lacing and over the lacing was an attached flap which had buckles on the opposing side which secured a rubber panel completely over the laces starting at the tailbone. J observed that the waist was a 4 four inch reinforced and heavily boned one which would require another person to help put it on. Before he could ask, he felt M standing behind him with her hands resting just above his hips. He began to slip his legs into the garment and began to slowly work up the girdle. He immediately ran into resistance as the garment was extremely tight. "Let me lube you up, J, that will help" M offered. M applied lubricant over J's legs, up to just under his breasts. Next J was able to slide up the garment with the help of M. As the girdle's seat began to tough J's bottom, he felt something peculiar in the seat itself. Unbeknownst to him was a hidden butt plug that started inside the girdle, and had three inches of insertable length. J felt the tip of the plug enter him and he grunted slightly. At this point, M stopped him, and instructed him to bend forward at the waist. Next she used a small plastic syringe and inserted it into the exterior of the girdle via a channel hidden in the bottom seat of the girdle. The plastic syringe penetrated three one way valves which were designed to hold in large quantities of fluid under high pressure. Next, once the syringe was inside the plug, she discharged the lubrication, and immediately, without warning, rammed the plug home. M knew that she had to work the plug in and adjust it promptly, there was little time for error with this step. Using one hand to keep pressure on J's bottom, she instructed him to work his penis and testicles through a small opening in the crotch of the girdle. J did so with some effort. Once completed, M instructed him to stand straight while she used both hands to work the waistline into place. It took M nearly twenty minutes to get the girdle laced completely closed. The reduction to J's waist was about four inches. Next she buckled the panel over the laces and without J's awareness had discretely placed and secured six small padlocks into place along the corresponding buckles. She placed the keys in her pocket while J's back was still turned toward her. "Wow, this is a way to go on a diet", J chuckled. "My bottom does not feel like it has a standard plug, is this a new type that I'm not privy to"? M smiled as J turned around to face her and replied, "It's actually a prototype that a friend sent me to try. See there's a group of toy engineers that look for people to try their gadgets and I thought you might enjoy this one". "Fair enough, but what does this one do"? She looked at J and just smiled ear to ear. "That is a surprise that you will see later, perhaps when we come back here. Come on let's get you dressed so we can get on the road". Over the girdle went another high waisted long leg girdle, but of black fabric material. This girdle covered the tops of J's thighs in molded legs and ran up to an inch below his breasts. This girdle was also heavily boned and reinforced with steel stays which ran horizontally and were spaced a half inch apart for the entire circumference of the garment from the top of the waist to just above the tailbone and hips. J was completely unable to bend at the waist at this point. When J asked if it was overkill, M just replied it was for keeping J's bits tucked under his crotch and held there, as well as maintaining a correct posture.
The next item was the prosthetic breasts. Sized DD they weighed a whopping five pounds each. J was instructed to use the adhesive to coat the entire under surface of each breast. Then M picked up the first one to place it on J. As her hands began to press the breast to his left peck, J noticed immediately that there was a slight hole in which his left nipple was immediately squeezed into as M's hands pressed and held the breast in place as the adhesive dried. J was mesmerized as he was feeling a pulling or perhaps suction at his nipple. it appeared to be getting completely sucked into the hole above it. The same thing happened with his right nipple. Once M was satisfied that the breasts were adhered, she replaced the cap on the tube of adhesive and tucked it away into her pocket, Her black slacks hung loosely off of her hips, and complimented her black turtleneck sweater. Next, M picked up the 44DD bra. This particular one had breast cutouts which exposed all of the prosthetic breasts. No need for securing by a bra when their adhered, she thought. Besides no cup coverage would be necessary, she thought. That thought brought a warm feeling across her along with another shit eating grin.
Next came the leggings, which were of course, crotch less. Then the skirt, shirt, bowtie, and flats. Once dressed, she applied makeup and a shoulder length blonde wig to her gal pal for the night. She thought to herself, He's ready for tonight.
"Ok J, time to head out. Are you excited?" A simple nod was given in reply. "Ok, bb, let's get out of here after all the city is calling us." With that, the two got into M's car and took off for the city by the bay. J felt a slight pressure around his rectum. but strangely this plug was smaller in length than any plug he had previously worn. Another sensation he felt which seemed unusual to him was that the plug seemed to be in a fixed position. J had experience with M forcing him to wear butt plugs for extended amounts of time, and they always seemed to have some wiggle and sliding motion whenever he would shift his weight and butt cheeks. J observed (correctly) that this plug seemed to not have any ability to slide around like the others. His mind began to wonder at the strange sensation of the solid yet small plug. More eerily he wondered what the purpose of the plug was and how M was going to play with him after they returned from the city.
He hoped and prayed M would not hit any potholes on the highway.
Chapters 2 - Tugging Points (added: 2017/03/02)
M pulled the car to the right and parked along the street. They were in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, and although a shady area it was still daylight out and safer to be there then versus after dark. As she turned the wheels to the curb she smiled at J and simply opened the door to dismount the car. J followed suit and M had walked around the back of the car to meet J at the passenger side of the car.
M took J's hand and led him into the familiar sex and bondage club which they had frequented. This particular club was known to be a raunchy hardcore bondage and sex club with many rooms, bondage furniture and a lot of horny and uninhibited observers. While walking up to the entrance J noticed just how heavy his newly glued breasts had felt but more importantly how every step evoked a boob bounce that pulled on the encased nipples which were securely glued into their airtight spaces.To J, it felt like his nipples were being tugged with every step.He also suddenly noticed just how much tighter his waistline felt under the girdle. He stopped just under midway to the club entrance and looked at M. M had noticed J's stare as He had told her that his stomach had began to feel more constricted. She smiled at J for a moment then she told him "oh, that's right bb, the girdle's latex is designed to compress down approximately another two inches below its waist size once your body temperature warms the latex.
"This will give you a six inch waist reduction, enjoy" Then she offered him a smile and motioned him to the door. Once inside the club, J noticed there were only a handful of people inside. The two paid their cover charge and made their way into the main floor lounge to have a seat and take in the ambiance of the club. It was a large building, with three floors of assorted play spaces for those who wished to engage in such festivities. The street level floor consisted of a dimly lit lounge area with various sofas and chairs. The seating arrangements allowed for a clear view at the lighted stage and catwalk which ran from the farthest wall from the door to about the middle of the room. This room served as the main lounge area as it had the largest seating area. J noticed the staircase that ran to the upper floor which was dimly lit and had contained several play spaces with various bondage equipment and furniture. As they made their way deeper into the bowels of the main room, a tall dark skinned muscular man passed by and when he had just passed by the right side of the two his hand smacked J hard on the left cheek of J's bottom. J turned around to see who the offender was but the man just kept walking as he blended into the people near him. J dismissed the action and returned his look back to the front only to notice M staring back at him with a mischievous smile. On the inside, her desire for the events to come had her on fire. She could feel the anticipation brewing as moisture began to make its way through into the front of her cotton panties. As J approached her he was massaging his cheek as it felt hot from the swat administered to it. "Come on J, let's have a seat and just take in the scene for a few.
The club began to get lively as more patrons began to enter. M and J were enjoying each other's conversations as other patrons were also conversing. A few feet away from them was a circle of men watching in unison some activity in the center of their circle. J looked over first, then pointed at the group for M to notice. Inside the circle was a younger couple, man and woman. The man was on top of the woman in a missionary position. Both were nude and engaged in raw and heavy intercourse. The circle of observers, mostly men, were all masturbating to the couple before them. M smiled over at J, and he returned his gaze back to her.
By this time music was blasting over loud conversations. The night was early and there was much for the them to see and experience. J was looking forward to some light play with M. It had been quite some time since the two had frequented the establishment. M looked over at J, " Let's walk upstairs and see what's going on." Without a reply J arose and followed M across the floor to the staircase at the far right side of the room. M was first up the staircase as J followed closely behind. This staircase allowed a clear view down into the lobby area. J looked down and back toward the couple on the floor. The man on top of the woman was pumping wildly like a oil rig in search of black liquid gold. M noticed J's distraction and while looking down and back at him, gave his bow tie a gentle pull toward her. Making their way away from the staircase they walked into a darkly lit area with several rooms. Each room was adorned with a bed or a various type of bondage implements.
M found a vacant two seat sofa near the rear of the hallway adjacent to the restroom. She motioned J to have a seat on her left side. J thought it was strange that M was looking at her watch. After all, who the hell actually bothers to wear a watch to a bondage and sex club? He dismissed the thought, she was a lawyer after all and rarely ever late for anything. The two sat and watched into a room directly across from the sofa they were perched on. In the room was a padded bondage spanking bench with a younger male bent over it with his ankles and wrists secured to D rings at each of the four legs of the bench. He was nude from the waist down, and was wearing a tight form fitting short sleeved black latex shirt. Bodybuilder, J thought to himself when he sized up the man. No lack of muscle, and a severe lack of fat rested with the bound man. His body was quivering and sweat poured off his forehead onto the floor below. His breaths were labored and shallow. Another man, also well built was standing directly behind the bound man. He wore black leather pants and knee high leather motorcycle boots. In his right hand was a heavy grade leather flogger. J sized up by the welts on the bound man's ass cheeks that the holder of the flogger had just put said flogger to good use.He sat the flogger down on a nearby table, and returned to the bound man at the bench. What happened next caught J by surprise, and left him feeling queasy. J had to look away, he could take no more of this sight before him.
The standing man removed a package from his font pocket, tore it open, and removed the condom from the wrapper. J turned his head away, unable to watch or imagine what was about to transpire in that room of ill repute. Unbeknownst to J, as his gaze was away from the room while M was enjoying the scene before her. Her shit eating grin spread ear to hear when she heard the bound man's groans which coincided with his lover's thrusts. The sound of a meaty slap was synchronous with the bound man's grunts. M began to feel warm, and fanned herself with her hand as the action played out before her. The thrusting increased in tempo, and the standing man reached forward and grabbed two handfuls of hips with his large framed hands as he began to work himself up to orgasm. M watched on, fascinated with the two. She could feel a tingling in her lower abdomen, and the unmistakable feeling of warm wetness between her legs. So caught up in the scene, she did not realize that her right hand was in between her legs rubbing slowly. Her breaths became shallow and her heart was racing. J was still looking away and distracted by a scene in an adjacent room.He was observing a Mistress equipped with a strap on dildo. She was tall, and athletically built. The slave before her was a shorter and skinnier guy. He was bent over the end of a mattress, without restraints holding him. The Mistress was applying lubricant to her girl cock and mimicking the motion of male masturbation with it. She taunted him. J could not hear her words but he did see her lips moving as she walked closer to the edge of the bed. J felt himself get excited when she began to insert the tip of her girl cock into the bound slave's ass. J could make out the tip being inserted, and then she just stopped. Standing in place she rested with just the tip of her cock resting just inside the man's sphincter. The slave had a look of pleading as he fixed his gaze back at her. She was unaffected as she leaned forward, grabbed the waist belt he was wearing at two points behind his back, and then pulled him back while thrusting deeply inside him. His reaction was instant as he bucked forward, hips against bed. He was pinned down, and unable to stop what was happening.
J looked back at M. Her head was cocked back. Her face was pointed to the ceiling and her eyes were closed. Her mouth was wide open and she was breathing heavily. J watched until her body stopped quaking and she opened her eyes. M just looked over at J, with a smile and not a single word spoken. "Enjoy that did you"? He looked at her with a wicked smile. She just returned a twisted smile, and reached over to his face with both hands. J felt her hands pulling him in for a kiss and he let her.
"Hey there, lovebirds." M and J broke off from their kiss and looked forward at the direction of the voice. " Hello", M returned with a smile. J nodded at the lady before him. She was petite, he observed. Standing no more than five foot six, J estimated she might weigh about one hundred pounds soaking wet. Her hair was long, and reached down to her tailbone. It was free flowing, but J noticed a scruncee near the point of her neck which kept her hair in place in a long thick rope like braid. She was light skinned. Her outfit suggested that she had an interest in fetish wear. A tight red latex top with three quarter inch sleeves adorned her upper body, and hugged her pert C cups. A matching red latex miniskirt covered her to just above her knees. Her calf muscles were balled up due to the black six inch heels on her feet. Her midsection is what caught J's gaze, a shapely hourglass waist accentuated by a black shiny latex corset.
"Ahem, I'm up here", she said as her gaze fell upon J. Embarrassed, and red faced J apologized. She chuckled as she looked back at him. J and M were still seated as she was standing in front of them. "I'm Tiffany, and you two look like really cute girlfriends". J was slightly confused at first with the comment. Looking down to process her words he quickly realized her rationale as he remembered what he was wearing. M replied a thanks back to Tiffany, and invited her to sit down on a nearby chair.
Tiffany sat down and looked at the couple. "So I've been looking for a model for a bondage scene. It will be here, and we need a person with the right height, weight, and flexibility in their waistline." She shifted her gaze toward M. "You're really pretty, do you tightlace, or wear a corset occasionally"? M looked at her and just shook her head side to side. "Sorry, not me, not my cup of tea". "That's okay, hun", replied Tiffany. Shifting her gaze to J, and his very nipped waist her eyes scanned him over. "What about you?" J looked at her and replied, "what about me?" Tiffany scooted her chair up directly in front of J, and reached out her left hand to touch his waist. "Looks like you are no stranger to waist training". J smiled and nodded. " I do tightlace, and wear several corsets on a regular basis". Tiffany grinned ear to ear, and raised both of her eyebrows at J. "How would you like to model some, ahem, restrictive wear and bondage equipment"? J paused, with mouth agape. He looked to his right at M with questioning eyes. "It's okay by me bb, I say go for it", M replied back at him with a smile. "Besides, it might fun for me to see you all trussed up and helpless". M winked at J, then nudged his elbow with her hand towards Tiffany. While his gaze was away from M and his back turned to her, she discretely nodded her head while she had raised her right eyebrow and smiled at Tiffany.Tiffany looked at the couple, "Shall we"?, Before J could respond, M did so by simply saying, "we shall", with a shit eating grin across her face.
Chapter 3 - Modeling for M
Tiffany took the lead and began her walk toward the end of the room . The continued on to the top of the staircase with M and J in tow. The three made their way down the stairs and into the main level room with the runway stage. J looked around to see the room was nearly packed, with the majority of patrons being men.Tiffany looked over to the left, near the entrance to the corridor closest to the entrance and nodded to one of the guys standing in the hallway. This action was unnoticed by J but M was also looking in the same direction as Tiffany.M wore a shit eating grin as she looked forward to see Tiffany staring back at her in some form of acknowledgment that J did not notice.M could not help looking slightly down towards M's skirt and pert ass.
Tiffany made her way to another set of stairs in a dimly lit hallway. J followed next with M close behind. As they made their way off the steps, Tiffany told the two to follow her closely, as the basement area was dimly lit and packed with people. J recognized the individual play rooms which lined the corridor on the right side of the hallway. Most of the rooms were in use with couples engaging in sex or other assorted kinky activities. One room in particular caught J by surprise. As he looked inside he observed two men, one rather largely built, and the other with a skinny frame. The larger man had the skinny one bent over a large padded foot stool in the center of the room. He was pumping his throbbing and hard member with a steady rhythm that kept his partner out of breath and starry eyed. The skinnier guy looked down at the padding under him as his body was sweaty and rocking back and forth with the rhythm of the pounding that he was receiving.J observed his shallow breaths and how he held his breath as his body shuddered. This went on for a moment then suddenly J witnessed a stream of semen begin to slowly exit the tip of the penis of the skinny guy on bottom. J felt dirty somehow, and shifted his gaze away from the scene. M was watching as the partner on top announced, "I'm going to cum!". With that his body shuddered as he pumped his hips wildly as he ejaculated into his partner. He then collapsed on top of his partners back for a moment. As he began to dismount his partner a steady stream of semen began dripping from his partner's ass."That's hella hot!" J looked over to see M smiling as she made that statement. "That's all you bb, no way I could do that, no way" replied J. M smiled at J and asked him, " how do you know? have you ever tried it?" J shuddered visibly at the question and said nothing.
Tiffany prompted both of their attention to a room in the center of the floor. It was equipped with a large bondage frame. The construction was simple enough, four by four posts making four legs, several four by four along the sides and the top. It was what was on the top center support that caught J's eye. He immediately recognized the cable and electric wench. The frame was sturdy, and there were metal d rings along the legs, top supports, and the side beams which ran front to back. As they walked into the room, Tiffany caught M's eye, then pointed over to a padded chair which was situated about five feet in front of the frame and centered. M took a seat and removed her high heels. She sat back in the chair and crossed her right knee over her left and watch onward.
Tiffany shifted her attention to J. "Okay, first thing is to remove your clothing, J, as we need to prep you for the rubber catsuit and corset. J hesitated for a moment, then slowly began to remove his clothes. First was the bowtie, then his shirt, followed by the skirt, outer girdle, pantyhose, and his heels. J went to remove the rubber girdle , it would not budge. He looked behind his back to see several small silver padlocks running in a column. He looked over at M with a questioning look. M simply smiled sweetly while waving her fingers on her right hand at J.
Tiffany walked to J, standing in front of him. M arise from her chair, retrieving the keys from her pocket. She handed half the keys to Tiffany and together they unlocked and removed the rubber girdle. He stood in between them, M at his back, and Tiffany in front of him. All that remained on J were the adhered breasts, and the specialty butt plug. Another female approached wheeling in a cart which contained quite a few items. J looked as he wondered what was all included in the cart. "Alright J, Let's get you lubricated for the catsuit first." Tiffany and M shared a bottle of clear lubricant as they began working it from J's feet to just over his breasts.
Next came the rubber catsuit. It was a quarter of an inch thick, it was made to cover from the feet to the neck. All the body below the neck would be firmly encased in its tight rubbery grip. This catsuit has some modifications which set it apart from ordinary ones. Starting with the feet. At the base of the feet, near the toes were several small drainage holes for perspiration to evacuate from. Moving up to the abdomen, the latex was slightly thinner and seemed to feel less tight to J than the remainder of the suit. The breast area had cutouts for J's glued on breasts to fit through..Around the base of each breast cutout was a rubber encased metal tube which was designed to sit at the person's chest and put a squeeze around the base of the breasts. The arms had molded gloves and the neck part ran up to and rested against J's chin.
M helped J balance as he stood on one leg, Tiffany took the left leg portion and began working J's foot into place. He was surprised how easily his skin slid inside the garment. He had thought that Tiffany would need to struggle. he did not know that this type rubber was a prototype which was designed to shrink and severely constrict the wearer upon warming to body temperature. As J was enjoying the feel of the rubber sliding up both of his legs, M was standing behind him preparing a container with some lubricant and readying a needle less syringe. Tiffany began to work the waist up J, then helping him work each hand then arms into the sleeves. Once J's breasts were settled through the cutouts, Tiffany worked the remainder of the suit in place. The last two steps were to align the rubber sheath which would contain J's testicles and an open ended rubber shaft which would encase his penis up to just behind the tip leaving the head of it exposed.Finally, the anal cutout was aligned to slip over the butt plug. At this point, M used the syringe to deliver lubricant to the area around the hole of the catsuit to endure it was seated over the hole which ran through the plug. The catsuit had a zipper which ran from just behind the testicles to just above the butt plug. M closed the zipper, and the catsuit was on J.
Next came the application of the suspension wrist cuffs. J stood quietly as M and Tiffany applied the cuffs and lowered a overhead spreader bar from the electric wench. Once the bar was lowered to the height of J's chest, Tiffany stopped the wench. M then attached the D rings on J's cuffs to the D rings on the spreader bar, each wrist attached to the furthest point out on the bar. Tiffany began to slowly reverse the wench, taking up the slack in the cable. J saw his arms begin to raise as the bar was now approaching a spot over his head. He then began to feel the stretching in his arms and shoulders. His feet left the floor and he looked down to see himself rise off the floor. Once his feet were a foot off the floor, Tiffany stopped the wench.
The assistant standing next to the cart then brought over a heavy grade rubber corset. It ran from J's hips to under his armpits and over his breasts. This too had cutouts for his breasts to fit through. Just prior to the application, M took her syringe and applied a generous coat of lube over the base of J's exposed breasts. The front of this corset lacked a busk opening. The rear of the corset had reinforced eyelets which were designed to take incredible loads and stress without popping off the garment. It was heavily boned, and designed to severely compress the wearer. The steel bones were encased between the layers of latex, and ran nearly side by side. The corset could stand up on its own as it was rigidly constructed. It took all three ladies to apply the corset to J. The assistant and M held the corset against J, while Tiffany began to work the thin bendable steel cable through the eyelets. She was sure to lace the corset so that at the waistline the laces formed handles at which to draw in the slack. This method allowed even pressure to be distributed from top to bottom, while pulling the waist in at the point where they are tied off.
J felt the garment around his body. As Tiffany had finished the running the lacing, she told the other ladies that they could have a seat and watch. Both did so and got comfortable in their chairs. J waited as he heard Tiffany's steps moving slightly away from him. He looked down and wondered how this corset seemed to fit all the contours of his body - and it had not even been drawn tight. J was looking at M, suddenly her face lit up and a smile crept from her lips. J thought it was directed at him. That was not the case as six very strong men approached J from behind. The moved around the front of J, along with Tiffany. "Now J, I need some help with your corset, and these guys were willing to step in. It's going to take about thirty minutes to get you all laced up. I do not have that much strength, so these gentlemen are going to work in teams of two to help me. Once you're laced in we will get your boots on, and the remainder of the bondage gear for you to model. I believe you are going to draw a large crowd as you seem to be a perfect for our apparel line".
Two men stood on each side of J and held his body while one man stood behind him to slowly draw in the laces. Wearing leather gloves to protect his hands from the cable laces, he steadily removed the slack working from the shoulder blades, then shifting to above the tailbone. After ten minutes, he achieved a two inch reduction. He was winded, and handed the lacing over to his replacement who had just donned a pair of leather work gloves. This process went on for nearly forty minutes, with a waist reduction of eight inches. J was panting heavily, and his body was sweating under the latex catsuit.Tiffany announced there would be a break of fifteen minutes to let J's body safely adjust to the compression. J opened his mouth to say something, but a few strips of strategically placed duct tape stopped any words from escaping his lips. Tiffany began to work the controls for the wench, raising J off the floor by three feet. Next his ankle straps were applied. The men attached a foot long chain to each ankle. The end of the chains away from J's body had large fixed hooks which resembled a J shape. From each hook the men hung a twenty five pound weight. This effectively stretched J from the top and bottom of his body. J felt the compression of the corset, the sweat on his body, and the lack of movement possible. J looked over at M. She walked over to J, and reassured him that the stretching was necessary and that he looked so hot right now. With that, she turned and walked back to her chair to take in the sight of J. The others left the area, presumably for a break.
The gang of seven returned at the fifteen minute mark. The assistant brought over a pair of thigh high ballet heeled boots. The weights, chains, and ankle cuffs were removed to accommodate the application of the steel boned boots. Once applied, J was lowered just enough for the tip of the boot toe and heels could just touch the floor, but not enough for him to stand enough to bear the weight of his body in those boots. Once applied, J was unable to bend his knees at all. His legs were held rigidly by the reinforced boots.
J was lowered all the way to the floor as two men stood at his side to keep him steadily balanced. Two other men removed the wrist cuffs from him. Next they applied the leather mitts that had lockable straps and a D ring at the end of the finger areas and centered. Tiffany applied locks to each mitt, and placed the keys in a large salad style stainless steel bowl. Similar locks were applied to the thigh high boots. Those keys were also placed into the bowl Once his arms and legs were held rigidly, Tiffany carefully removed the duct tape from J's mouth. "Now J, you agreed to model our apparel. You are doing a great job. I want you to know that you can keep what you are wearing after we show you off, deal?" J nodded. " Okay then, we need to finish your lacing and take in the last two inches, apply a special gag which will protect your teeth when we hoist you, then we will start the demonstration". J simply acknowledged with a nod. The D rings at the ends of his mitts were clipped to the lacing bar, this time his wrists were clipped closer to the center of the bar. Once again he was hoisted off the floor. He felt the constriction as the laces began to further constrict his waist. Unlike the last time where he was able to flex his abdominal muscles to slow down the lacing progress, he found he had lost that ability. His abdominal muscles had been stretched and fatigued. He tried to flex them with no success. That inability led to the man behind him having no resistance to the tightening. J's heart began to race. He felt the incredible pressure around him. With the increasing pressure his breasts were pushed further out of the garments and became more engorged with blood under the weight of the prosthetic breasts glued to him.
After what seemed like a long time to J, the man announced that the corset was closed. A ten inch reduction was attained. Small locks were applied in the space between the spaces inside the clasps and hooks, ensuring the corset cannot be unfastened without removing each lock, eight in all. The keys to the locks also went into the stainless steel salad bowl. Tiffany then grabbed a belt from the cart. This belt stood five inched tall, had a stainless steel exterior and it's interior was padded with a neoprene rubber. She opened the belt, and placed it around J. To him, it looked like a large hose clamp. It had D rings attached to all four sides. Tiffany placed the solid part in front of J, and the tightening mechanism part at his back. The concept was the same as a hose clamp. One of the men retrieved a ratchet with a socket on it, and placed it over the nut attached to the belt at the center of J's back. J heard the clicking of the ratchet and soon felt the compression of the belt on his already compressed waist. The belt was drawn in one inch. Tiffany then told the man with the ratchet, "Let's stop there we can adjust more later". J was surprised with the belt and asked Tiffany what the purpose of it was. She smiled at J, "It's a safety belt, we will have safety cables attached to the d rings in case any D rings rip away from your mitts or boots. No need for our model to get injured due to a lack of safety". J accepted that at face value.
Next came the gag. It was a gag available on the market advertised as a jaw exerciser. It had the appearance of an oversized pair of lips, with a solid plastic tube which goes in the mouth and just beyond the teeth. Tiffany coated the tube and inside of the gag with the lubricant to ease it's insertion. J caught a glimpse of the gag tube and observed that the inside looked like a silicone based tube with soft nubs all around the inside. He thought it was peculiar. M was sitting in her chair observing the bondage being applied. "This is going to be so good" she thought to herself.
After the gag was applied, Tiffany pressed it against J's mouth and asked him to hold still. After a minute she removed her hand. J realized there were no straps attached to the gag, and attempted to spit it out. Much to his horror the gag was firmly affixed to his mouth. Worse yet, he found that his tongue was unable to move under the tube. "Oh, I forgot to mention that all of the lubricant used on you today is actually an adhesive which requires a special solvent to remove. No need to worry though it's non toxic". Tiffany looked at J's facial reaction after she spoke, and saw the fear in his eyes at that realization.
Still suspended by his leather mitts, J started to struggle only to quickly stop as he fought for air under the strict compression. Two of the men walked over and lowered two steel cables near the end of the frame closest to J's feet. Two other men did the same for the end nearest J's head. While still suspended about a foot off the floor, J felt a pair of strong hands grab his waist and held him steady as another man clipped a steel cable to the D ring at the back of J's steel belt. Next his ankles were raised to have each clipped to the now hanging cables. At the same time his arms were lowered and all of his body was now horizontal. He was now facing the floor with his arms and legs both in a spread eagle positions in their respective steel cables.The cables were lowered in unison until J was about two and a half feet off of the floor.
Fully restrained, and unable to speak with the gag, J became nervous with this modeling idea. He tried to pull first his hands away from the spreader bar with no luck. His arms were stretched fully and so were his legs. His body was a suspended, and held rigidly by the bondage and apparel that adorned him.
M arose from her chair and approached J. She was now standing just in front of his head. She leaned down and grabbed a handful of J's hair, pulling up his head so that he could see her face. J noticed that she had a piece of paper in her other hand and she began to read it aloud.
"This contract is made to release M from any and all legal actions which may arise from activities occurring in the evening of June 12th through the morning of Monday June 15th, in the city of San Francisco. Both parties agree that each other will be free of liability and without threat of criminal charges for such activity".
"I the undersigned, J, agree to engage in activities as directed by M. I do so choose to participate in activities directed by M without threat, coercion, being of sound mind and body, and not under a state of duress. I agree to not hold M liable for any events which may transpire from the period of today, Friday June 12th, until Monday June 15th. With this contract I agree to engage in any and all activities as directed by M, and for the duration of the specified time and dates above. I hereby forfeit my right to contest M's decisions, and fully authorize her to have my body engaged in sexual activity, and consent to allowing her to choose what person or persons engages me in sexual activity".
"I will accept and perform any activity that M chooses for me. I agree to be bond in confining bondage which will leave me unable to move, bend, ambulate, walk, sit, or otherwise have unobstructed movement, and that I agree to remain in such condition for the above specified time I consent to being gagged, and so request to be during the specified times as indicated in this contract ".
" I also consent to M designating other persons of her choosing to assist her in determining such activities at her discretion. I further consent to not being permitted to use a safeword, and place my trust in M to ensure my physical safety will not be compromised."
Looking in his eyes she sensed his fear. "See Hunny, you really should have read the letter before you signed it. These fine people have been coordinating this with me for months. You remember your dental x rays last month, well the dentist was willing to sell me a copy of them for the right price. Notice how that gag seems to fit your mouth perfectly? It took two weeks to construct the gag, just for you sweetie. Oh, the doctor's appointment when I went with you, you remember your abdominal MRI, when you had that food poisoning? I needed a copy of that too for the corsetiere to know exactly where your ribs and lungs were. Did you notice how that corset feels like it was molded to you? When we went to buy your outfit last month, all the measurements taken were needed for what you are wearing now". M took a moment to let J process what she said. "I know you like the girls, sweetie, but that's really boring for me to watch. My friends here have been working for about six months to screen the people that you will be meeting this weekend. You can be assured that all of the participants are STD free. I have been amply compensated to allow my friends here to rent you for this four day weekend. I am going to stay a few hours to watch, but then I am going home for the weekend. Don't worry sweetheart, I appointed Tiffany to ensure your safety for the weekend while I am away". I will return to pick you up on Sunday morning.
M let go of J's hair as she gently let his head go back to its former position. She walked back to her chair and sat down once again facing him. Once she was situated, a man walked into the room holding a laptop computer. He stood next to M and showed her the screen. "This is the confirmation from our bank in Sweden to your bank in the Cayman Islands. As you can see the transaction for five hundred thousand dollars has left our account". M retrieved her cell phone from the left front pocket of her slacks and signed into an application. She verified the transaction posted to her account,, then thanked the gentleman standing next to her.
"Okay boys, he's all yours for the weekend!". M sat back and watched as Tiffany moved aside. Three men approached J at the same time. The first man stepped up directly behind J, the second man stepped up in front of J's face while the third man held the ratchet used for J's steel belt. J sat in horror as he processed the realization of what had happened. He turned his head to the side and looked at M. She smiled back and blew J a kiss. "I hope you enjoy this as much as I will hunny".With that, Tiffany counted the number of keys in the salad bowl, and chose the corresponding amount of participants. "Okay everyone, please take one key and hold on to it until Monday Morning. I will collect them at 9:00 a.m. sharp." With that, several of the participants left the club for the weekend, leaving J horrified and unable to do anything about his predicament.
J began to contemplate what might happen when suddenly he felt the sensation of cold lubricant and a building pressure against his sphincter. It started slowly at first. He strained as he felt the tip of a penis begin to work its way into his ass. Involuntarily, his sphincter and rectal muscles bared down in an attempt to force the invader out. It was a futile attempt as the muscular contraction actually relaxed the sphincter making the penetration much easier. The tip of the penis was now buried in J. He began to feel the warmth of the skin pressed up against his rectal walls. The realization hit him that this penis was without a condom. The man stood there for a moment. J felt the tip inside him but then the movement stopped. His stomach began to turn at the thought, which was interrupted by his hair being grabbed by a strong and large hand. As his face moved to a horizontal position he saw a very large and throbbing penis just inches from his face. He tried to pull his head back but the effort was useless.
He watched in horror as the penis began to enter the ribbed tunnel inside his gag.His thoughts of the gag were interrupted as he felt movement in his ass as the penis began to slowly push forward. J tried to move his body forward, but it was stretched taught in the bondage. This effort was noticed by the man behind him who grabbed around J's tiny waist. The man used J's waist as an anchor point and pulled J back onto his cock while he continued to slowly thrust his hips forward. J grunted into his gag, unable to say anything.Once the man was balls deep, he just held himself all the way into J and stood still for a moment.J's attention was once again brought to his front. The man standing before him began to slowly insert his well lubricated penis into the gag tube. J felt the tip of the penis in his mouth first, then felt it tapping the back of his throat. He nearly gagged from it.
In unison both men began a slow yet rhythmical pumping on both of J's holes. J was helpless. He felt the warmth of the cock slowly pumping and stretching his rectal walls. The pressure was unbelievable and J panted heavily as his ass was being stretched and pumped. The slow pumping in his mouth triggered a slight gag reflex and J had to concentrate on breathing without choking. The cock was long, and the top was touching the back of J's throat with every pump.
Then a strange sensation began to wash over him. The pumping in his ass reminded him of being pegged by M. He felt the speed increase and as it did he could feel heat building from the friction. Then he felt something that he never experienced or expected. The cock in his ass began to pulsate from back to the front. The pulsations passed his prostate with each pump. J began to feel a fire building in the pit of his stomach. His breathing became labored and his eyes were starting to glaze over. The sensations in his mouth were strangely turning him on. He began to feel tingly in his lower stomach....the orgasm was slowly building and J started to give into it. As he began to enter that happy place in his mind, he felt the pulsations increase in intensity and the speed and pressure of his ass pumping. Then it happened, J felt a stream of hot liquid exploding inside him. It felt like a tremendous amount of force in a concentrated stream of hot fluid filling his ass. The sensations were too much as J began to drip a trace of semen from the exposed tip of his penis. Next came the increase in the speed of the mouth pumping. J could not do anything to stop what he knew would happen next. The man who had just Pumped J's ass full stepped aside and another man quickly stepped up. He began to work his penis into J. J was leaking semen and the new man took advantage of the leak as a lubricant.
J was feeling the probing of the penis tip working its way into his ass when he began to hear the man in front of him starting to emit a few moans. Then it happened, His mouth was filled with a hot, sticky, and salty liquid. J tried to spit it out as best he could only to see another man quickly cover the outside of his gag with a piece of duct tape. J refused to swallow the mouthful of liquid. He breathed through his nose in defiance of swallowing. The man who had shot his load into J reached up and pinched J's nostrils closed. J felt the lack of air, his lungs screamed for it. J knew his options were limited, and in surrender he gulped the repulsive fluid down. M smiled ear to ear as she played witness to the activities..