- Author - Jebediah Smith
- Rating -
   [ 3.57 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1287 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, Other-f, non-consensual, analplay, bondage, humiliation, machine, sensorydep, suspension, torture, tricked
- Post Date - 12/22/2015
Author's Note: This story is a multi part story, that I write when I can't sleep. I plan on having multiple parts across time, featuring Alicia as a PI and as a naive space adventurer. If this receives enough attention, I may begin working on it in the day :) Also, this isn't by any way supposed to be historically correct, so just excuse any silliness/unrealism in the writing. I did my best to keep it plausible,however.
Chapter 1
Reginald and his wife Alicia were two of many British colonists selected to go to the New World, a great honour to be bestowed upon them. Though the colony life didn't appeal to Reginald, his wife loved living in the fort. Reginald, however was dissatisfied,and took to travelling with the traders and meeting the natives. During these travels, he found a large open field, perfect for what he had in mind for Alicia.
When he returned home, he started making measurements,claiming that he was going to give her a surprise. Alicia was a petite woman, with a moderate but impressive bust, and a beautiful 20 inch waist. She was blonde, but quite intelligent. She wasn't going to be fooled so easily. Every day,she nagged Reginald about what he was making for her. What he was making, however, wasn't what she had in mind. He was fed up with her going off and agreeing to things without him. He wanted control over her, and was making a machine to do just that. When the machine was complete, Reginald decided to do a test run on a dummy he had made. Everything ran perfectly.
He left a letter for his wife, telling her that, to see her surprise, it had to be night. She was to go West from the camp, following the path until she was in the center of a large field of wild grasses, past some hills that hid them. She would then see her surprise, and would know what it was. She followed these instructions, but, knowing she'd need to walk for some time, and sneak out of camp, she wore Reginald's clothing. She set off without any alarm, and the watchmen let her pass. She walked for a time, excited for her surprise, but after a time, the excitement wore off, and she began to worry about wild animals. She was just passing the hills when she saw a small candle, in what looked to be a shed. She knew that only Reginald would build a shed in the middle of a field for no apparent reason, and began to walk towards it, glad she had chosen to wear Reginald's trousers. She reached the shed, and stepped inside.
She was shocked with what she saw. It seemed to be some kind of torture device, or madman's toy. She was repulsed by it's many cogs, and odd protrusions. The only thing she could recognise was a cross, with manacles on each end, meant to hold a person her size in an X shape. The cross also had small places where the subject's feet would go, and small handholds over where the hands would go. There was a note attached to the centre of the cross. When Alicia leaned in to get a look at it, she felt a strand of string brush her face. The ground fell away beneath her, and she grabbed at anything she could. As she flailed, her had grasped a handle. She held on to it for dear life. Looking at the note, now inches from her face, she realized it was from Reginald.
It read "Hello, Alicia. You're probably quite confused. If all has gone to plan, you will be hanging off of my machine. There should be a lever somewhere to your left" -here Alicia looked to her left, and realized that she was hanging off of the lever- "and you should be in front of a cross. Rest assured this is perfectly safe, however, you should probably step onto the cross. Sadly, if you do not step onto the cross,you will be horribly mutilated, and we don't want that happening. Regards, Reginald"
Alicia was surprised and furious that Reginald would do such a thing, but also feared for her life. She cautiously stepped onto the cross. she realized that she should probably turn around. Moments after she did so, the manacles snapped shut around her ankles. As soon as this happened, a whirring noise started up. The legs of the cross began to widen, and Alicia was forced to grab onto the handholds. The cuffs snapped shut, and Alicia began to worry about what was going to happen. The legs continued to widen until they were about 120 degrees apart, then stopped moving. Alicia had never felt so exposed, even though she was fully clothed. Snapping out of her stupor, she began to shout. As she shouted, more circles closed around her thighs and forearms.
Soon after beginning to shout, a large object was moved over her face by the machine. It looked to her like some sort of bridle or waterskin. It was made of tanned hide, and had leather straps hanging off of it.. It began slowly moving towards her face, and she realized that it was a gag of some sort. She shut her mouth immediately, but it continued to move towards her. It also began to inflate, into a roughly spherical shape. She clamped her lips tightly, but the machine had other things in mind. Alicia felt something pressing against her waist, and realized a small razor had begun to slice her clothing off. It was calibrated perfectly to slice through the rough fabric, and right down to her girdle. She gasped as her shirt was cut off, and the gag was pushed firmly into her mouth.
The gag inflated quite a bit more, filling her mouth completely,and the razor continued cutting off her clothing. She watched as her clothing fell into the pit below. She had never felt so helpless, but now she was feeling enraged that Reginald would do such a thing to her. She began to thrash, as her underclothes were cut off, but to no avail. The machine held her tight. Soon, she was completely naked, and the machine started working in earnest.
First, two rings of metal circled around her waist, crossing over each other,and leather straps were slapped against her chest, above and below her breasts. These cinched tightly, pushing out her moderate bust. Then the machine moved a small object below her. It pushed up until it just barely touched her clit. Another contraption lowered in front of her. It looked like a spiked pinwheel.
The machine abruptly stopped moving, and the whole contraption began to descend into the pit. The candle was blown out, and Alicia was plunged into darkness.
Part 2 (added: 2016/01/03)
The machine hissed as it vented steam, appearing to shut down. Alicia looked around frantically, her eyes slowly adjusting to the twilight. She heard louder hiss as pneumatic pistons extended, pressing hard dry packing against the sides of her head. It felt like dry sponge was being shoved against her ears. A thick leather belt was passed over her eyes and encircled her head, plunging her into deeper darkness. She heard a dripping noise, and felt water dampening the sponge. It quickly expanded and filled her ears, deafening her. The belt around her head cinched tightly into place, forcing her to look straight ahead, unable to move her head. Then, unknown to her, the machine began it's true function.
Alicia felt the pinwheel press firmly against her skin, and made a muffled yelp in surprise. She tried pulling away reflexively, but the metal and leather held firm. The pinwheel began playing across her body, seemingly random at first, but then steadily in a figure-8 pattern around her breasts. It pinched, as one might imagine, but it wasn't the worst part of the machine.
The object below Alicia then began to move. It pumped up and down slowly, teasing Alicia. The gears pushing this rod, however, were not oiled very well as it seemed. The whole rod vibrated as it pumped up and down, getting stronger as the rod (as it became evident that it was a long smooth wooden rod) pumped faster. Reacting as most women would in this situation, Alicia began to get aroused. even the pain of the pinwheel began to feel good. But then, the rod slowed. Alicia moaned, wishing it would return, but then caught hold of herself. She wouldn't submit so easily!
Alicia began bucking hard, attempting to escape. Reginald watched with a smile of contempt, from the corner where he sat. He had relit the candle, and was playing his eyes across Alicia's (almost) naked form. When she began bucking, Reginald wasn't worried. It just added to the entertainment. His automated programming was finished however, and the machine had switched to manual mode. Reginald sat down at his console and got to work.
Alicia stopped bucking when she felt a sharp pain hit her left inner thigh. The pinwheel was back, and she had pushed right into it. She stopped wriggling as the pinwheel played across her thigh, following it up to her crotch, then over her vagina, then down her right thigh. It continued on like this, as another pinwheel lowered. She struggled to stay still as it began playing across her chest again. This time, it added a V-shape to the figure-8. After looping to the left between her breast, it continued down her left side until it reached her crotch, then went back up her right side until it looped around her right breast from the left and completed the figure-8.
The pinwheels continued to play across her body. She struggled to stay still, and not moan or shout into her gag, as to reduce the pain and embarrassment. Reginald watched her struggle. She was shaking slightly. He decided to relieve her slightly, and turned the lower pinwheel off. He did, however, reposition the (now lubricated) wooden shaft. He set the speed to low, and turned it on.
Alicia felt an immense relief as one of the pinwheels stopped. Her thighs were burning by now, and the pinwheel hadn't been helping. She yelped into the gag, as the shaft started pushing up her ass. She clenched, but couldn't fend off the shaft for long. It slowly went up, and down. Then, Alicia felt something different enter her vagina. It was softer than the wooden shaft, but she couldn't discern what it was. It continued for a few minutes, then left. Alicia moaned, wanting it back.
Reginald's plan was working. She was moaning, wishing for his dick. But she wouldn't get it. She would need more training. He shut down the pinwheel playing around her breasts and belly. He left the shaft on, however. He picked up a differently shaped gag, this one shaped more like a tube. Approaching Alicia cautiously, as not to alert her now that her senses weren't being overloaded, Reginald quickly pulled off her gag. She gasped for air and managed to say "He-" before he shoved the new gag in. He attached a tube to the end of the gag, and in Alicia's ear whispered "Feeding time".
Alicia was wracked with pain. The wooden shaft up her ass combined with the pinwheels was ruining her. She couldn't keep from trembling. Then, the pinwheels stopped. She heard a slight noise, she couldn't tell what, from in front of her. Then, her gag was removed. She began to say "Hello" but was cut off as a longer, thicker gag was roughly shoved in her mouth. She then felt the gag shake slightly, and heard a voice say "Feeding time" before a thick liquid began issuing into her throat. She choked on the first spurt, but struggled to drink the rest before she drowned in the stuff. Thus, her training begun.
Reginald kept her like this for a few days, releasing her to go to the washroom (still blindfolded and muffled) and feeding her. Eventually, Alicia figured out that it was Reginald, and eventually (though this took quite some time) began to submit to him. After she found it was Reginald, however, he released her from the machine. He began a more conservative training method, using whips, and tying her to the bedposts rather than an elaborate plan.
The shed, and it's contraptions, fell into disrepair, though the building and machine remained intact. Reginald never told anybody about the shed, explaining that he and Alicia had simply wanted a bit of time together.