Author's Note: Been reading stories on this site for years and thought I would try to write my own. I've never been much of a writer, but what the hell, right? It's all in good fun.
Chapter 1
"This place looks as good as any," Caleb thought to himself as he pulled into the truck stop around 2 a.m. He had been on the road now for nearly three days, having been assigned to take the goods he was hauling from San Diego, California all the way to Boston, Massachusetts. Caleb had dropped out of college six years ago after failing most of his classes sophomore year, and had taken on the truck driving career, thinking it would be a good way to see the country.
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Unfortunately, this proved to be a false ideal, as all he really ever saw were highways. Currently, he was smack dab in the middle of East Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania, and he was looking to get some rest, and of course, test out his new toy, who was currently passed out in his sleeper compartment. Given that Caleb had become completely bored with seeing nothing but highways, he needed to find something else to entertain him.
That something else came four years ago when he had found a woman stranded on the side of the road. Her car had broken down and her cell phone's battery had died. Caleb offered to take her to the next rest stop to get access to a phone.
Having not been with a woman since he dropped out of college due to the nature of his work, Caleb started making suggestive comments towards the woman, who began feel uncomfortable. When she asked for him to pull over and let her out, Caleb suddenly became overcome with rage. He pulled over, grabbed the woman, and threw her into his sleeper car. The woman tried to fight back, but Caleb, a 6 ft. 3 in. 225 lbs. former defenseman of his high school hockey team, easily overpowered her.
He proceeded to rape her multiple times, binding her with the few lengths of rope that he had, and decided to keep her as his own personal sex slave. After about a month or so, however, Caleb had grown bored with the woman. He no longer wanted to keep her, but did not want to release nor kill her either. He eventually met a man in Mexico during one of his international drives who sold slaves to wealthy men and women around the globe. They agreed upon a price and Caleb left Mexico with $5,000 and no sex slave.
Caleb repeated this process seven more times over the last four years, using the bonus funds to supply his growing bondage fetish and modify his sleeper into a mobile dungeon. Not an hour before, he had just picked up his ninth victim.
Dani stirred in the back of Caleb's sleeper, groggy and unable to focus. She felt her long, blonde hair falling down her face and she tried to blow it aside, only to realize that her mouth was filled with something that tasted of rubber, connected to a strap that went around her head. She immediately moved her hands to her face to remove the intruder, or at least she tried.
She found that her hands had been fused together behind her with leather cuffs. Upon attempting to move the rest of her body, she learned that her elbows, thighs, and ankles had all met the same fate, and her hands were presently connected to her feet. Dani saw in a nearby mirror that she was also wearing a red collar, with D rings in the front and back.
Soon after, Dani also realized that she was naked, aside from her bonds, and was feeling an odd, yet not unpleasant feeling in her lower abdomen. It was at that moment when she was horrified to find that both her pussy and virgin asshole had both been filled with large dildos.
"How had this happened?" she thought to herself, "I remember having broken down on the side of the road on my way back to start my junior year of college, and this black semi pulled over behind me." That semi, unluckily for Dani, happened to be driven by Caleb, who had charmingly offered to drive her to the nearest rest stop.
Caleb had seemed nice enough, but she was still reluctant to accept his offer, but she had no cell signal, so Dani saw no other choice. Caleb opened the passenger side door for her to get in, and the minute Dani had turned her back to him, Caleb grabbed a cloth out of his pocket and placed it over her mouth and nose, forcing her to inhale the chloroform in the rag. She passed out almost immediately.
Caleb carried her limp body to the sleeper compartment before stripping her completely, marveling at her fit body and 5 ft. 4 in. frame. Her ass and legs were perfectly toned after years of cross-country running, her stomach flat and firm. Caleb also noted her C cup breasts, thinking they were a little smaller than he was used to.
"I cannot wait to play with that ass," Caleb muttered to himself as he placed Dani's wrists, elbows, thighs, and ankles into leather cuffs and connecting her wrists and ankles to form a hogtie. He then placed an inflatable butterfly gag in her mouth, strapping it tightly behind her head and pumping it until her cheeks bulged around the strap. He left her on the floor to quickly dispose of her phone and clothes before driving off with his new prize.
Chapter 2
Caleb checked the clock, knowing that he was just ahead of the delivery schedule. He figured that he could get a late start tomorrow, and that he had an hour or two to play with his new slave. Standing from his driver's seat, he ducked through the door to find Dani beginning to squirm in her bonds and grunt into her gag.
"I see you've finally woken," Caleb said, slyly smirking at his victim. At the sound of his voice, Dani looked up, her bright blue eyes meeting his stormy grey. She mmphed into her gag, trying to ask what was going on.
Caleb chuckled and said, "In case you haven't already figured it out, I'm kidnapping you. I plan on fucking you to my heart's content, and when I'm bored with you, I'll sell you to a buddy of mine in Mexico for him to do God-knows-what with you. That sound good?" Dani, now starting to panic, increased her struggles at his words, desperate to somehow get free.
"It's no use," Caleb said, "You're all mine." With that, he disconnected her wrists from her ankles from her wrists and dragged her writhing body to the center of the compartment. He separates her wrists and elbows , then pulls her wrists together again in front of her, before lifting them above her head and connecting them to a hook that hung down from the ceiling. This forced Dani to hang by her wrists just inches off of the floor.
"Let's get you into a corset first," Caleb said, pulling a black corset up over her legs and 36 in. hips. He then methodically began to tighten it, then retighten it. Dani, tears streaming down her face, felt the air forced out of her lungs as her waist shrunk from 28 in. to 26 in. to 24 in.
"There we go," Caleb said, "Now for the ballet boots. The shoes you were wearing before were a size 8, if memory serves correctly." Caleb had purchased a pair of every size with all of the money he received from the Mexican human trafficker. He grabbed the correct pair off of a nearby shelf and began about his work by removing her ankle cuffs. Dani tried to kick at him, resulting in a sharp sting on her bottom.
"Now, now," Caleb said in his most condescending tone, "We can't have that. Do it again and I'll flog the skin off your ass." This was sufficient enough to scare Dani into cooperating and she allowed him to slide the black, knee-high boots onto her feet, forcing them into the en pointe position. He replaced the cuffs on her ankles this time inserting a 3 ft. spreader bar between them and placing a 1 ft. bar between the cuffs on her lower thighs.
Caleb lowered Dani onto the floor, holding her as she wobbled in the 7 in. ballet heels, the pain culminating in her toes almost making her wish that she was hanging from the ceiling again. Caleb undid her wrist cuffs and once again moved them behind her back, reconnecting her elbow cuffs as well. He then selected a black armbinder from his "goodies" chest, and pulled it up over Dani's already bound arms, fitting the straps over her shoulders and lacing it up tight, amplifying the effects that the previous bondage had on her breasts.
"I'm now going to remove your gag. If you make any attempt to scream, talk, or make any noise at all, I will make you feel more pain than you've ever known," Caleb growled menacingly. Dani nodded, thinking at this point, her only option would be to appease him in any way she could, earn his trust, and hope he slips up somehow. She felt the rubber bulb in her mouth deflate and the straps holding it in her mouth loosen. Soon it fell from her mouth and was tossed aside. Caleb replaced it immediately with a large ring gag, forcing Dani's mouth even wider then it had been before.
Dani grunted disapprovingly and Caleb said, "You better get used to it. I always keep my slave's mouth occupied, with one thing or another." With that Caleb rammed a cock-shaped plug into the center of the ring and to the back of Dani's throat. He then grabbed a length of rope, ran a lark's head knot through the end of the armbinder, and lifted it up to the hook in the ceiling. This forced Dani to bend at the waist until her torso was parallel to the floor, placing even more strain on her tortured toes.
"Now for the fun part," Caleb said with a wicked smile on his face. He began to undress, tossing his dirty clothes in a heap in the corner. His 8 in. cock was already erect from binding Dani into her current strappado position. He stood in front of her, slapping her face a few times with his cock. Dani was mortified, realizing how vulnerable all three of her holes were. Caleb moved behind her, removing the dildo from Dani's pussy.
Any relief Dani had felt upon the removal of the dildo was immediately dashed as Caleb thrust his cock straight into her cunt, starting off slow, but quickly building in rhythm. He continued to build tempo until he was forcefully pounding into her pussy, grunting all the while, as his balls smacked her hairless mound on every thrust. After what felt like an hour to Dani, Caleb finally came inside her, completing her feeling of revulsion and utter helplessness.
"Ahh," Caleb said as he pulled out, "It's been a while since last time. I came in only 10 minutes. I'll have to rebuild that lost stamina with you." Caleb then replaced the dildo in Dani's pussy, and began to remove the one in her ass. Dani began to struggle furiously at this, having never been fucked in her backdoor before.
"Don't worry," Caleb chuckled, "I'm not going to fuck your pretty, little ass. Not yet at least." With that, Caleb pressed the end of an anal hook to Dani's asshole, gently easing it in. He then took a short length of rope, braided it into her long, blonde hair, and tied it off to the hook. This forced Dani's head back, leaving her throat in a prime fucking position once the plug in the ring gag was removed. And fuck her throat Caleb did, often holding his cock down her throat, choking her, for a few seconds. He would then give her a second of air before plowing right back in.
After another 20 minutes, Caleb finally came again. Dani coughed and sputtered as his cum trickled down the back of her throat. Caleb gave her some water, then replaced the rubber cock plug in her mouth. He detached her armbinder from its overhead anchor, and Dani collapsed in a heap. Caleb then connected the ring at the base of her armbinder to the middle of the spreader bar, effectively hogtying her again.
"Get some sleep. You're in for another rough day tomorrow," Caleb said in an almost caring voice. Suddenly, Dani's world went dark, as Caleb placed a blindfold over her eyes. "Sleep tight," he said, laughing a little at his own horrible pun, before turning in for bed himself, dreaming of what he would do to her tomorrow.
Chapter 3
Dani struggled to find a half-decent position to sleep in, eventually giving up after 15 minutes. Slowly, she started to doze into a fitful and unfulfilling sleep. Too soon, the morning light began to pierce her eyelids. To her left, Dani heard Caleb stir in his bed.
"Good morning, slave," Caleb said with a yawn. He looked down and noticed his morning wood. "Well, we'll have to do something about this now won't we." Caleb got up and walked over to where Dani was laying. After pulling the cock-shaped plug from her ring gag, he lifted her up and placed her on his bed, her face now in line with his erection.
With a sudden start, Caleb thrust himself into Dani's mouth with all of his might. Dani immediately gagged, both from the cock in her throat and from the sweaty, vinegar-like taste of it. His balls had the same foul stench. Caleb apathetically continued to pump, going as fast as he could, grunting all the while, until he emptied the contents of his balls down the back of her throat. He quickly replaced the plug, leaving Dani with no choice but to swallow all of it.
"Ahhh, that hit the spot," Caleb said. "I'm going to go take a shower and get something to eat. You want anything? Oh, wait, don't bother trying to answer. I forgot that you just had your breakfast," Caleb said with a sly grin. "Before I go though..."
He walked over to his mini fridge and pulled out a gallon jug of water. He went back to Dani, turned her away from him, and removed the plug from her ass. Caleb then grabbed a hose with a large funnel at one end and a thin, one-way nozzle on the other. He hung the funnel end on the same chain that had held Dani the previous night, then inserted the nozzle in her ass.
"A little something to clean you out," Caleb murmured, half to himself, as he poured about a quart of water into the funnel, then mixed in a little soap. Dani felt the cramps almost immediately, and they felt almost as bad as her last period. "Be back in a bit, sweet heart," Caleb said before leaving her to her misery.
After an hour Caleb returned with a fresh set of clothes on. Dani had spent the entire hour in complete discomfort. Every part of her body was sore, but she wanted more than anything to have the soapy water expelled from her ass. Caleb grabbed a bucket from the corner of the room and casually strolled over to her. Placing the bucket down, he disconnected her armbinder from the spreader bar on her ankles, before removing both spreader bars completely.
"Kneel over the bucket," Caleb commanded, and at this point, Dani was more than happy to comply. Once she was in position, Caleb removed the nozzle, allowing the built up water to be pushed out of Dani's ass and into the bucket. "If you need to piss, do it now. Any mess you make on my floor, you will clean with your mouth."
Dani wisely relieved herself. When she was finished, Caleb took the bucket outside and emptied it. Upon his return, he removed her gag and gave her a quick drink of water. He then selected a cock gag with a panel that covered the lower half of Dani's face and tightly strapped it into place.
"Luckily for you, I need to spend most of the day driving, so I will not be able to fuck you again until tonight. Not so lucky for you, that gives me plenty of time to get your pretty little asshole as clean as possible," Caleb told her. With that, he took to straps and buckled her ballet booted calves to her thighs, and clipped her collar to a ring bolted to the floor, forcing her to bend over at the waist.
Caleb then re-inserted the nozzle back into her ass and poured another quart of water into the funnel. He then sat down in the driver's seat of his semi and proceeded to drive off. Throughout the remainder of the day, every few hours Caleb would stop to allow Dani to relieve herself and give her some water and food, before replacing the enema again.
When the clock struck 10 pm, Caleb decided it was time to turn in for the night, once he had a little more fun with his new toy. He pulled into the next truck stop he came across and found a secluded spot away from the other trucks. He rose from his seat and walked back into the sleeper compartment where Dani was still bound to the floor with an ass full of soapy water.
Caleb allowed her to relieve herself for a final time and emptied the bucket outside again. Not wanting to waste any time, he decided to fuck her in her frogtied position. Dripping a few drops of lubes onto her asshole, he slipped in a finger to spread it around the inside of her backdoor. After spreading a little more lube around his cock, he began to force his way inside, until all 8 inches of his manhood was buried in Dani's ass.
Slowly he begins to pump, dragging out the process as long as he could, savoring every inch of movement. Dani had fresh tears streaming down her face. Because of the earlier plugs and enemas, the ordeal she now faced did not cause her as much pain as she originally thought it would, but it still hurt nonetheless. She was being violated to the utter extreme, and had never felt so humiliated and degraded in her entire life.
After about 5 minutes of slow, deliberate strokes, Caleb suddenly maxed out his pace, his balls slapping Dani's pussy lips on each stroke. This sudden change of pace caught Dani by surprise, and the pain she felt increased quite a bit. Caleb was only able to hold on for a few more minutes before emptying his seed into her ass and pulling out.
Dani hoped that her torment would end there, but Caleb quickly proved her wrong. After shoving another large plug into her ass and releasing the clasp that held her by her collar to the floor, Caleb had her sit up straight and replaced her current penis gag with the same ring gag from earlier. He then proceeded to fuck her mouth, causing her to wretch and gag. Dani suddenly appreciated having her ass cleaned out by the enemas before, knowing that this new experience would be even more revolting than it already was had his dick been covered in her shit.
Caleb kept at this until he once again came, and Dani had no choice but to once again swallow the semen that flowed into the back of her throat. Then Caleb did something that surprised her: he removed the armbinder. Dani had a glimmer of hope for fighting back, only to realize that her arms were essentially useless, having been held in the armbinder for more than a day now.
"At least my shoulders can finally get some rest," Dani thought to herself, rolling her shoulders and trying to stretch. Her newfound freedom, however, was to be short-lived. Caleb attached the cuffs on her wrists together, then, upon undoing the straps that fused her calves and thighs, lifted them above her head and attached them to the hook hanging from the ceiling.
This left Dani standing, once again precariously balancing in the ballet boots. Caleb added a 2 ft. spreader bar to the cuffs on her ankles, leaving her in a very vulnerable position. He picked up a bullwhip from a rack on the wall and cast an evil smile in Dani's direction. Dani immediately began to struggle in her bonds with the tiny amount of strength she had left and tried to plead with Caleb, but her gag garbled her words.
"I'm going to hurt you," Jack calmly stated, ignoring her pleas, "not because you did anything wrong, but purely because I can." Dani was sobbing again. She could not understand how someone could be this sadistic and cruel. Caleb said, "To make things a little more interesting though, let's put a hood on you first."
Caleb searched through his bondage chest to find a thick, black leather hood with no eye holes and built-in ear plugs. He fitted it over Dani's head, making sure her ears were stuffed before lacing the hood up. Dani was now devoid of sight and sound, further increasing her panic levels. She now had no way of determining where or when each lash of the whip would come from, and that scared her more than actual bullwhip.
Without warning, Caleb struck her right breast right above the nipple. Dani screamed, and her mouth was immediately plugged with an inflatable bulb, which was quickly pumped to the max, further stretching Dani's jaw.
"Oops, forgot about that," Caleb murmured to himself, "Can't have anyone hearing you." He aimed his next strike at her left breast, this time hitting the nipple dead on. Dani's scream was effectively muffled, so Caleb continued.
He struck every sensitive part of her body at random, paying special attention to her ass and breasts, and occasionally striking her clit. Those were the absolute worst for Dani, who after 30 lashes hung limply in her bonds. After a further 10 strokes, Caleb decided that she had been tortured enough for the night.
He let her down from the ceiling hook and moved Dani's wrists behind her back, securing them along with her elbow cuffs. Caleb then crosses her ankles, binding them with a bit of rope. He had her sit up and then pulled her neck down as far as he could force it, then connected the front ring on Dani's collar to the rope on her bound ankles. Satisfied that the savage fold was uncomfortable enough, Caleb hopped into bed and quickly fell asleep. Dani, having no strength left, quickly followed suit.
Chapter 4
It was no more than a week after Caleb's kidnapping of Dani, and a routine had become established between the two. They day would start with Caleb fucking Dani's face, then he bind her in a high stress bondage pose, sometimes with an enema, and at night he would tie her up in another position before torturing her with a paddle, whip, or cane, then fucking any combination of her holes.
They were now currently in Florida, where Caleb had just finished a delivery, and was now back on the highway on egress out of the state. Dani was in a very strict hogtie on his bed in the sleeper compartment. Her ankle cuffs had been pulled back as far as her body would allow and attached to her elbow cuffs. She also wore a harness ballgag with a built-in blindfold, and the D ring on the top of the harness had been tied to the hook in her ass, forcing her head back.
The weather was beautiful, Guns 'n Roses Sweet Child o' Mine was blaring on the radio, and Caleb was hard-pressed to remember a time when he was more content. Then he saw flashing red and blue lights in his driver's side mirror.
"Aw, shit," he said under his breath as he pulled over to the shoulder. The officer stopped behind him, taking his time coming to up to the truck. "Good afternoon, Officer...Frazier," Caleb said squinting at the officer's nametag. "What seems to be the problem?"
"I tagged you going 80 in a 65 mph zone," the officer replied, "I'll need to see your license and registration."
"Of course, sir," Caleb said as respectfully as possible, handing the officer the required credentials, including a PBA card. His father had been a Minnesota state trooper. The officer took the items and walked back to his car. Dani, having wondered why they had stopped, now saw an opportunity to finally extricate herself from her current situation. She resolved to make as much noise as possible upon the officer's return.
When the officer did come back to resume his conversation with Caleb, she began thrashing about with all of her might and screaming as loud as she could. Unfortunately, between the gag and the truck's engine, her cries were effectively drowned out. Her thrashing around caused her to fall of the bed onto her side, resulting in a loud thump and knocking the wind out of her.
Caleb heard the thump, but continued his conversation with Officer Frazier, hoping that the cop had not noticed it.
"Thank you for letting me off with a warning, Officer," he said.
Officer Frazier, however, did seem to notice the noise. "What was that?" he asked.
"Hm? Oh, that thud. Something must have fallen off one of the shelves in my sleeper compartment," Caleb said, "It happens from time to time. Now that I think about it, I really should bolt some of the more fragile things down. It would be a shame if they broke."
The officer seemed to accept this answer and replied, "Whatever. Just make sure you keep it near the speed limit in the future."
"Will do, sir. Have a nice day," Caleb said. The officer grunted in response before walking back to his car and driving off. Caleb took a moment to collect himself, then strolled back into the sleeper compartment.
"You fucked up," Caleb said to Dani's bound form, "You fucked up real bad. I am going to make the rest of the day making your life a living hell. You will learn the true meaning of suffering." Had Dani not been wearing a blindfold, he would have seen a look of pure terror in her eyes. Caleb returned to the driver's seat and made his way to the next rest stop as quickly as he could, pulling into the most secluded spot.
He went back into the sleeper compartment and began to prepare Dani for a day of torture. He disconnected her elbows from her ankles and pulled the hook out of her ass. He then replaced the basic ankle cuffs with suspension cuffs. Dragging Dani to the center of the room, he lifts her by the ankles and connects them to the ceiling hook. He also pulls her arms down and ties them off to the ring bolted to the floor.
He then removed the blindfold/ballgag harness combo and replaced it with a penis gag and the hood from earlier in the week. Dani was now blind, deaf, and suspended by upside down by her ankles. Caleb did not stop there. He took out a TENS electric shock unit that he had rarely used before, as he reserved it for his most severe punishments.
He placed the attached 8 in. dildos into her pussy and ass and placed 4 shock pads on her breasts, one on each side of her nipples. Caleb also placed a pad on her clit, several on each buttock, and one on the soles of each foot. He adjusted the setting so that Dani would feel severe shocks to one area at a time for 10 seconds with rest intervals randomized to be between 5 and 15 seconds.
Caleb flicked the on switch and Dani immediately received a shock to the pads on her left buttock, causing her to shriek in agony. Caleb watched as the next few shocks hit her, the next one occurring in her asshole, and the following on the soles of her feet, which he knew would cause her the worst of the pain.
He then picked up his favorite cane and began striking the rest of her body during the rest intervals, focusing on her legs, back, sides, and stomach. He intended to cause her as much pain as possible. He continued this treatment of her for nearly an hour before he decided he needed to get back on the road. He left her in her suspended position with the TENS unit still on.
Dani spent the next 6 hours like this, and at some point during those 6 hours, she broke. Her will to fight back and her hope of escape were completely erased. The shocks and occasional beatings with the cane had made sure to that. When Caleb finally pulled into a rest stop for the night, she had stopped screaming in pain, now just silently accepting it as a reality of her situation.
Caleb knew this would happen, and it was why he never used the TENS unit unless he needed to apply the severe punishment. When he pulled off the hood, he saw the glassy stare in her eyes. He knew she was absolutely defeated. He removed the penis gag from her mouth and, without replacing it with the typical ring gag, he slid his cock in directly. As he suspected, she did not bite down, but instead began to faintly suck it.
"Alright, she's all yours," Caleb said, holding the $5,000 his Mexican slave trader contact, Paco, had just handed him. He had grown bored with Dani, and decided to sell her. With no fight in them, women were just never as fun to torture.
"She's just as broken as the others you've brought me. Another easy one to train." Paco replied, "When can I expect another one?"
"Depends on when I pick up my next slave," Caleb said, "Trust me, you'll probably have another before the end of the year." Caleb looked at the girl who he had been using as a slave for the last month. She was now ballgagged on all fours in a dog crate in which she barely fit, secured in the bed of Paco's pickup. Her eyes held the same glazed look that they had taken on 2 weeks ago.
"I look forward to it." Paco said. He jumped into his pickup and drove off. Caleb got back into his semi and began his trek back over the border. A week later, about a dozen miles out from his intended destination, he noticed a white sedan pulled over on the side of the road and a gorgeous redhead trying to flag him down.
"Excellent," Caleb said to himself, pulling over and adding fresh chloroform to the rag in his pocket.