Author's Note: This a shorter story which runs to a little over 2,100 words. Please note that the story includes an element of beastiality. As always I welcome constructive criticism and look forward to hearing what people think of it. I do not intend any updates.
Julie carefully locked the suitcase and slid it under her bed before placing the keys in her handbag. It wouldn't do for mum to find out what's in that suitcase she thought as she prepared to go to work. Aged nineteen Julie still lived with her mother. Her parents had got divorced some years earlier and so father no longer lived at the family home. The suitcase which she had so carefully locked contained her collection of bondage paraphernalia.
Julie first became interested in bondage and particularly self-bondage more than a year ago after she split up with her boyfriend Jack. She and Jack had dabbled in bondage, but it was only after Julie had dumped him that her interest in self-bondage had really taken off. She wasn't in a hurry to start a new relationship, but as a highly sexed young woman without a current sex partner, she needed to find some way of giving vent to her sexual tensions. Browsing the Internet she had become fascinated with the whole topic of self-bondage and inevitably started to experiment with self-bondage games of her own.
She loved her mum dearly and had a very warm and loving mother-daughter relationship with her. But her mum was of course of an earlier generation brought up in a pre-Internet era when attitudes to sex were totally different to the present day. There was no way that Julie could explain to her mum that she had become interested in self-bondage because it helped to fuel her fantasies and release her sexual tensions. Consequently, she would only dabble in self bondage at home when she knew that her mother was going to be away.
Julie was very definitely an animal lover. She had a job at the local pet shop and also volunteered at a dog rescue charity at weekends. She really enjoyed her job at the charity kennels, where she had a good relationship with the owner whose name was Deborah. It was not unusual for Deborah to leave Julie in charge when she needed to be away. The charity kennels were situated on the edge of town at the end of a secluded lane. The compound was securely fenced and gated, not only to keep the dogs in but also to keep unwanted visitors out. Another charity kennels some 20 miles away had been broken into by vandals who had caused much damage and also let loose a number of dogs. After that Deborah had increased security at her own compound.
That weekend, Julie was left in charge of the kennels as Deborah had gone away for the weekend. Other volunteers were around for a while but by late afternoon Julie was left on her own. Her work completed she sunbathed on one of the sun loungers that were out on a grassy area near to the admin building. She often sunbathed at the kennels, because when she sunbathed in the back garden at home she would see her neighbour leering at her out of his bedroom window. At the kennels it was so secluded that she often sunbathed topless.
As she lay there soaking up the sun, her mind wandered to the self-bondage games that she played at home when mum wasn't around. She'd always been very careful, conscious that if ever she got stuck in bondage it would be indescribably embarrassing when her mum eventually came back to find her. Despite being careful there had been one occasion when she very nearly got stuck. After that she had taken to using an ice lock. She knew that she had only to wait for the ice lock to thaw out and she would be free. Then as she lay there reliving some of her fantasies a tantalising idea began to form in her mind.
Two weeks later Julie was again at the kennels. Other volunteers had been around earlier, but had left leaving just Deborah and herself. It was Midsummer and the weather was glorious. It wouldn't be dark until almost 10 o'clock. By late afternoon Deborah wanted to leave. Julie who was sunbathing said that she would stay on for a little longer. "OK but don't stay too late" said Deborah. As Julie was going to be on her own Deborah locked the gates of the compound as she left.
Julie waited for a while to be sure that Deborah really had gone and then she began to put her plan into action. She'd been planning this little self-bondage game since the idea had first come to her two weeks earlier. She picked up her sun lounger and carried it round to one of the fenced off enclosures at the rear of the kennels. She had selected this particular enclosure because it could not be seen by anyone who happened to come to the gates of the kennels. The fact that the dogs in this particular enclosure were all male didn't influence her choice. Leaving the sun lounger just outside the locked gate of the enclosure she made her way to the admin building, an old house. There she picked up a sports bag which contained some of her self-bondage gear, and retrieved an ice lock which she had secreted in the ice compartment of the fridge.
Returning to the enclosure at the rear of the premises, she unlocked the gate and went inside taking with her the sun lounger, sports bag and ice lock. This is it she thought and with a mounting sense of excitement she began setting up for her little self-bondage game. She set up the sun lounger near the fence, reclining the back but also lowering the foot end. She tied the keys to her handcuffs at the end of a piece of string. Then she tied the other end to the fence so that the keys hung where she would easily be able to reach them when she was handcuffed to the sun lounger. Finally, using some hooks and the ice lock she secured the keys so that they were out of reach, but would be released when the ice lock melted. Once the ice melted, the keys would fall to hang in just the right position for her to reach them
One or two of the dogs wandered over curious to see what she was up to. But they soon got bored and wandered off again. Taking up position on the sun lounger Julie pulled the sports bag close to so that she could reach its contents. Removing her bikini briefs she tossed them aside. Then using ankle cuffs, chains and padlocks she secured her ankles on either side of the sun lounger returning her keys to the sports bag. Then she produced a bondage hood which had a mouth gag and a blindfold each of which could be secured in position with strong pop fasteners. Zipping closed the hood she secured its neck strap, making sure that the mouth gag and blindfold were within easy reach.
Reaching into the bag she produced three large aniseed balls and a jar of fluid. A day or so earlier she had dropped one of the large aniseed balls into the jar full of water. It had dissolved, producing a concentrated solution of aniseed. Now opening the jar she used some of the solution to moisten her pussy, spreading the remainder on her inner thighs and also her naked breasts. Then she inserted all three of the aniseed balls into her pussy, pushing them up as far as they would go. Nearly there she thought reaching for the blindfold. Positioning the blindfold on her hood she had to press hard to get the strong pop fasteners to pop into place. Then picking up the mouth gag she called to the dogs in the enclosure, before pushing the gag into her mouth and securing its pop fasteners. Finally, she lay back and reaching behind the sun lounger found the handcuffs that she had padlocked into position there.
Closing the handcuffs around her wrists she felt another surge of excitement. I hope this works she thought. Perhaps she should have called the dogs a second time. There she lay totally naked except for her bondage hood and restraints. Her legs were wide open as her feet were secured on either side of the sun lounger. The foot end of the sun lounger was turned down so that it started to slope away just below the point where her buttocks were resting. Basically, she wanted her pussy which was full of aniseed balls and moistened with aniseed solution to be easily accessible to the dogs. She hoped that once the dogs got wind of the aniseed they would lick her pussy enthusiastically not stopping until all the aniseed balls had gone. She thought that would take some time and that in the process she would have been licked into a state of orgasmic ecstasy.
She didn't have to wait long, soon she could feel that at least one dog was sniffing and licking between her legs. Whoopee its working she thought eagerly anticipating being licked for what might seem an eternity. Not being able to see because of her blindfold, she wasn't sure how many dogs or which dogs were sniffing and licking her. The intensity of the licking increased and at least one tongue was finding his way up inside her pussy. Oh that's rough she thought. She had forgotten that a dog's tongue is somewhat rougher than a human tongue. I hope my pussy isn't too sore when they've finished with me she thought.
The licking continued and soon other dogs were licking her breasts, which she had smeared with aniseed solution. Despite the roughness of the dog's tongues, her level of arousal increased rapidly and soon the first orgasm washed over her. Her licking continued relentlessly, giving rise to a variety of sensations. At times it tickled and she would have giggled loudly were not for the gag filling her mouth. Over the next forty-five minutes she lost count of how many orgasms she had. Her plan had certainly worked, never before in her entire life had she had so many orgasms in one afternoon. She'd have to do this again.
Then suddenly she felt a dog's front paws land on her chest just below her boobs. Don't scratch me was her first thought, but then she realised the significance of this development. One of the dogs was mounting her and was going to fuck her. Suddenly in a state of panic she tried to scream No! - but of course the gag effectively stifled her scream. She tried to wriggle in an attempt to throw him off, but securely fastened to the sun lounger as she was this was equally futile. As she felt the dogs member thrust against her pussy she felt a strange mixture of revulsion and arousal. I hope he doesn't make me pregnant she thought, not sure whether this was possible. The dog's member wasn't very big, but it was long enough and big enough to increase her arousal and soon she was cumming yet again.
The possibility that one of the dogs might mount her hadn't occurred to Julie. She'd chosen this enclosure full of male dogs because it couldn't be seen from the gates of the kennels. She'd thought that they would only be interested in the aniseed, but as they licked enthusiastically at her pussy the dogs could smell and taste that she was female. As her arousal increased and her juices flowed, the dogs were aware of her arousal and primitive animal instincts were awakened. Then with shock Julie realised that she was being mounted again. Suddenly, a horrible thought crossed Julie's mind. What if all the dogs in the enclosure decided to fuck her she thought. She felt a new wave of panic and frantically felt to check whether the keys to her handcuffs had fallen to where she could reach them. But despite the warm weather the ice lock had not yet melted. For the moment the keys to her handcuffs remained out of reach.
Then suddenly she heard a voice say "What on earth"? She recognised the voice as Deborah's. Deborah had left something behind when leaving earlier and she'd returned to collect it. Realising that Julie was still in the compound she had come to investigate. Inside her bondage hood Julie now felt panic of a different kind. It was bad enough that she was being fucked by dogs, but being discovered in her predicament by Deborah was an absolute disaster. How could she ever look Deborah in the eye again? Julie thought she would probably have to step down as a volunteer at the kennels, even if Deborah didn't actually ask her to go.
The End
The author has indicated there will be no future updates