Author's Note: This is a somewhat silly story, not to be taken too seriously. It probably maligns hypnotic therapy quite unjustly.
It started with the recipe metaphor but ended up with Lola Jones. I wasn't expecting that :)
It has no direct intercourse but I think the story touches on most sexual themes. I have flagged it as Consensual and Non-Consensual. It really is one or the other but I will leave it to you to decide which it is.
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Step 1: Assemble the Ingredients
Lola Jones stopped and looked at the office sign, confirming she was at the right place - 156 Commercial Road. The sign indicated that Dr. McGraw, Hypnotic Therapist, could be found on the second floor. In the main lobby Lola had a choice; take the stairs or the elevator, and as usual she chose the easy option and pressed the up button.
As Lola entered the office another woman was leaving. Lola gave her a quick once over and was somewhat disgusted. Imagine, wearing so little clothing - I mean, this is a doctor's office, not a house of ill repute. And why did she color her hair red, with a purple stripe? What's her problem? The woman took in Lola's judgment of her and allowed it to impact her not at all.
There wasn't anyone else in the office and the front desk had the standard "Ring Bell for Service". Lola rang the bell, co-incidentally licking her lips with some random saliva. A few minutes later a distinguished looking man entered the office and greeted Lola. "You must be Lola Jones. Thank you for being almost on time for our initial appointment. Please follow me." He opened an office door and ushered Lola inside.
Lola followed the Doctor and took a seat on the opposite side of the large desk, taking in the various degrees, proclamations, and certificates of accomplishments of the worthy Doctor. She definitely felt she was in the right place. Dr. McGraw radiated a confident charm that Lola liked.
"Well, Ms. Jones, let us talk for a bit to see just how I can help you. Your general practitioner referred you to me but I always like to discuss concerns directly with the client."
Lola began "Well Doctor, it is like this. I come from a small town, and am an only child. I think this only child syndrome led me to be insecure with my parents because they didn't hold me enough as a child 21 years ago. I think I suffer from extreme stress disorder which is why I weigh too much. Because of this I am still single despite my mother's efforts to make me find a man. I think my mother is jealous because at least I am working .... I wasn't hugged enough as a child ..... My GP mentioned things like anxiety disorder which just made me more anxious .... then there was the time I was creeped out by .... I get upset when I have to make decisions and it makes me want to throw up .... I hate my apartment as it is such an unpleasant color of emerald blue, or is it sky blue, well anyway ...."
Dr. McGraw let Lola go on for at least 15 minutes, as Lola ran through the litany of things wrong with her life, without quite getting to a point. Dr. McGraw had been frantically taking notes but stopped Lola when he ran out of paper. He raised a calming hand and waited for her to notice. Lola was well engrossed in her story and took a few minutes to pause. During that time Dr. McGraw had the opportunity to observe Lola, to really observe Lola. With a clinicians eye he could see the quite pretty features hiding under some chubbiness, bland clothes and great deal of lack of focus.
When Lola finally paused, the Doctor asked "Just which symptom did your General Practitioner send you here for, Ms. Jones? Hypnotic therapy can be helpful for many things, but all hypnosis is self hypnosis. In the end, you can only do what you want to do." At which point Lola continued her story for another 5 minutes, ending with "and those are all the reasons I have trouble sleeping. Can you help me?"
Dr. McGraw began "OK - Let's begin. Please sit still and listen to my voice, only my voice ..."
An hour later, a buoyant Lola left Dr. McGraw, bursting with energy. As she crossed the threshold of Dr. McGraw's office she remembered to note her weekly appointments with the good Doctor in her day planner.
Lola had some errands to do so it wasn't until later that evening that she returned to her apartment. As she entered her studio she realized how warm it was. Lola checked the thermostat, but it showed the normal temperature. Regardless, it was warm. Lola removed her jacket, as usual, but it didn't seem to help. She went into the kitchen to make dinner but could not shake how warm the apartment felt. Standing in front of the open fridge seemed to make no difference. All through dinner, Lola couldn't concentrate on her meal as it was just too warm. After putting away the dishes, Lola entered the only bedroom in her place. As she passed her dressing mirror, she realized why it was so warm. Turning to towards the mirror, she unbuttoned her jeans and let them drop to her ankles. As was her habit, the jeans got kicked into the corner. Better. Lola then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of her blouse, revealing a hint of bra and the cleavage she was much too modest to normally reveal. She then pulled the blouse up and over her head, causing her brown hair to go astray. Cooler still, but even in her bra and panties, it was still too hot. She looked in the mirror and for the first time, appreciated how fully her breasts filled the bra. As was usual for her, the bra was a minimizing one color, and her cotton panties were another. In the quest for comfort, Lola wriggled her panties to the floor, snagging her socks in the process. Standing shoulder width apart, she could just see part of her slit and the shaggy bush that surrounded it. Reaching behind her, she unclasped the bra, allowing it to slide off of her shoulders, to be caught by the crook of her elbows. The bra joined the jeans in the corner, and she stood buck naked in front of the mirror.
Lola was very good at finding her flaws and until very, very recently, not good at fixing them. Lola looked at herself and saw too many curves and too much baby fat. This wasn't new news, but the thought that she should diet and go to the gym was a revelation. Lola, without clothes in her apartment, felt very comfortable, and spent the rest of the day and night unclothed. She did face a dilemma the next morning - how to go to her secretaries job? She couldn't go naked as her employer had a strict dress code. Eventually she settled on toughing it out and put on her normal conservative office garb. The blouse and skirt were oppressively hot in the apartment, but once she left it got progressively better. All through the day it felt too warm, but bearable. It was only when she returned home that evening that the heat was oppressive and she felt the need to strip naked for comfort. She evolved a routine that week of going to work in the morning, hitting the gym on the way home, and then a rush home to the coolness of bare skin. Lola still had trouble sleeping, but Dr. McGraw had said it would take a while before things were better.
Step 2: Prepare the Meat
After work on Monday Lola had her appointment with the Doctor. Lola rang the bell as before; Dr. McGraw ushered her into the office, had her take the seat, and began the session with "Tell me how your week has been." Lola, being Lola, began a breathless explanation of all that had happened in the last week. "Well Doctor, I lost three pounds! .... That Kathy at work is such a bitch - you know she ... apartment thermostat is broken ...the superintendant of my building looks at me funny .... I'm still having trouble sleeping ..." This time, after only 10 minutes, Dr. McGraw interrupted with "Okay Lola, now I want you to sit back, relax, and close your eyes while we ..."
An hour later, Lola left Dr. McGraw's office, filled with rested energy, as if she had slept a whole night through. Lola didn't have a car and normally took public transit wherever she wanted to go. Today she decided that it was too nice a day to not walk the 20 minutes to her apartment, so she decided to walk via a new route.
About half way home, she passed a store she had never seen before, with the blunt, if descriptive, name of "Ye Olde Time Sex Shop." Lola had never before been in this type of store and on an apparent whim decided to enter. A part of her wanted to hide her face in shame for entering such a store but another part urged her in. She crossed the door threshold and was instantly amazed at the sights and thoughts that the store provided. Her first sight was a female mannequin dressed in a black and purple satin bustier. To the left was another mannequin wearing what Lola could only describe as "red fluff". On the right, was another mannequin in some kind of leather, strappy thing displaying a sign saying "Courtesy of our sister store Stern Discipline" in a dark, gothic script. A smiling woman looked up at Lola from behind the counter and told her "Let me know if you need anything." Lola could only nod, as she started on the right side and investigated the wonders that the store beheld.
Dildos and lubes over there. Kama Sutra stuff over there (and just what is Kama Sutra? Lola had no idea). Over there were gag novelties and over there were potions and scents to wake the dead. A different section had a selection of popular light "50 Shades of Grey" stuff - fuzzy handcuffs, nipple clamps, floggers, and the like. A rack held a dozen bustiers, bras and panties. Lola was pretty sure that the entire rack combined held less material than the outfit she was currently wearing. Despite it all, Lola homed in on a few items. She selected a 10 inch dildo "Formed from the mold of porn star Ricardo Hardona". From another rack she pulled down a pair of adjustable nipple clovers, from a shelf a set of red satin sheets, from a rack a red cup less bra, another rack provided 2 pairs of red fishnet stockings, and from a table she grabbed a large bottle of "JX" jelly lube.
Lola had her finds and now all she had to do was pay for it. Normally, natural brunettes don't blush easily but Lola's cheeks were in high red as she approached the clerk. Without making eye contact she put down her purchases on the counter. With glacial slowness, the clerk seemed to inspect all areas of the dildo, searching for the price. While the clerk was searching the lube for the price, Lola heard the front door open as another customer entered the store. If possible, Lola shrank even further into her embarrassment and her eyes fixated on the middle distance. The bra was held up for price inspection showing her wanton nature for all eyes to see. The sheets were not so bad but when the clerk couldn't find the price on the clover clamps, the clerk put the clamps down on the counter and said "be right back". During the time that the clerk checked the shelf for the price, the new customer found their purchase and stood behind Lola, waiting patiently. Lola was about ready to die of embarrassment and didn't have the nerve to turn around to even know if the customer was a man or a woman. Finally the clerk returned and offered Lola a sincere "sorry" with a smile, waved the clamps in a sympathy gesture, and completed the order entry.
"That will be $185.66, ma'am." Lola rapidly found 10 twenties in her purse and slapped them down on the counter. The clerk made the change and placed it and the receipt in Lola's outstretched, impatient hand. Upon receipt of the change, Lola quickly turned and made a beeline to the blissfully free of mortal embarrassment outside world. She was almost out the door when she realized she had forgotten her purchases! Turning around and keeping her eyes down, she slunk back to the counter, grabbed her bag, stuffed it in the purse, and made another beeline for the door all the while ignoring the looks of amusement on the clerk and customer's face.
Upon crossing the threshold of her apartment, the heat picked up. Lola rushed to the bedroom, shedding clothes as she went so that by the time she got there, she was her now usual naked self. Lola put down the bag, stripped the bed, and laid out her new red satin sheets on the queen mattress. Lola dumped the bag onto the bed and examined her new stuff to decide what to do with it all. Lola repositioned her large dressing mirror so it captured the space at the edge of the bed. She then took one of the stocking packages, opened it, and slowly put the red fishnet on each leg, carefully making sure the seams were straight. Next, she put on the cup less bra with its underwire shaping Lola's C cups, but not covering her nipples. Lola looked at herself in the mirror and began to fondle her nipples, pulling and twisting and circling her gradually erect nipples. After a few minutes of this nice soft, sensual gentleness, Lola demanded a contrast and quickly placed the clover clamps on each nipple, letting the connecting chain dangle down her loose stomach. She gasped as the clamp ends applied tight pressure to each engorged nipple, turning them from soft and happy to tight and painful.
Lola's lips tightened in pain as she bent over and began to rub her pussy, slowly then quickly. Her painted nails gradually moved inside, probing deeper and deeper, until her fingers were over her spot; she continued to circle, and circle, and circle as the sex began to take on a nice warm glow that was fully contrasted by the pain her nipples provided. After a while of this, Lola opened up the rest of her treasures and began to insert the lubed copy of Ricardo Hardona's Latin dick in and out of her now willing pussy. Lola wasn't a virgin, but she was quite inexperienced so the size of Ricardo Hardona was a very new experience for Lola as she pushed and stretched to take in the member, enjoying all the good spots that it hit along the way. Eventually, an exhausted Lola stopped and lay down breathless. She started to remove the tit clamps but something in her said no, wait and see just how long you can bear them. After another hour of just sitting there, staring at her naked reflection in the mirror, the pain overwhelmed her and she removed the tit clamps, one at a time, gently screaming as the blood returned in agony to her crushed nipples.
Over the next week, Lola repeated this scene every night as it became entrenched in her routine. She was quietly proud that she could now last over two hours and counting before she had to remove the clover clamps from her nipples, and that she always achieved orgasm with Ricardo Hardona's help.
Step 3: Choose the Cheese
Another Monday meant another session with the Doctor. Lola walked up for her third session feeling quite buoyant although she was still concerned that she wasn't sleeping well despite having lost more weight. She rang the bell as usual and entered the office. An hour later she left and, although it was drizzling, she decided to walk home and try a new, longer route.
After about 15 minutes she saw a store that looked "interesting", with a sign proudly declaring the name "Stern Discipline" in a dark, gothic script. Lola entered. If the "Olde Sex Shoppe" stressed Lola, "Stern Discipline" practically induced an anxiety attack. Many cows had made the ultimate sacrifice to stock this store. There was a rack of harnesses other there, racks of full leather clothing, for both he and she over there, a wall of whips on one wall, display cases and other stuff over there. Lola was approached by the store manager, a lovely lady with pink hair, two eyebrow piercings, a nose stud, and apparently a tongue one as well. The manager was wearing a leather strapless top that barely covered her nipples and a pair of harem pants. Red platform shoes and red leather arm spikes completed her outfit. The manager had a dubious look as she took in Lola's conservative attire and asked "Can I help you?"
Lola wasn't quite sure how to react but quickly pointed to one of the racks and said "I want to try one of those, but I do not know what size I need". "One of those" was a finely made, red leather open bust corset, with a price tag to match. The manager selected a few from the rack and beckoned Lola to the back. Once they were in the back, the manager drew a curtain across the door and told Lola to remove her top, skirt, and bra. Lola hesitated and the Manager's chided "We are all girls here. I can't size the corset without trying them on you." With that, Lola quickly removed all her clothes except the grey panties, all the while staring straight ahead at an absolutely fascinating spot on the wall.
The manager first put one pair, then another under Lola's exposed breasts to pick the one whose cup shape best matched Lola's breast shape. Although Lola had lost over 10 pounds since she started to see Dr. McGraw, she is one of the lucky women who can lose weight without affecting the breast size. Lola remained a nicely curved C cup. The manager eventually found a style that she liked and pushed its open cups under Lola's wide breasts, while asking Lola to hold the corset. Lola did, attempting to strategically place her arms in front of the shy nipples when she started to feel compression. Then some more, and more, and more until she was sure her left side and the right side were meeting at her spine. The corset no longer needed to be held as the manager guided Lola over to the mirror. Lola liked what she saw - her upper torso seemed bigger and she had curves where there had been flats before. The manager explained "I laced it in about an inch and a half. This style, when at its max, will compress about 4 inches". Lola's eyes widened as she thought "That's it? Only a little over an inch?" She felt like she had been vacuum pressed. "I have two questions. First, can I lace this myself and I am losing weight, how will this fit later?" The manager then patiently explained the over-under-sideways self lacing technique and recommended a longer set of laces. The manager then explained that this size would probably be good for another 10 pounds or so, and that then she will want the next size smaller, which they have in stock. Lola said "I will take both" and then tried to bend down to collect her clothes, but couldn't. Her body just would not bend at the waist with the corset on. She settled on squatting at the knees until she could reach her clothes. She took one look at her bra and thought "nope". Carefully she was able to put her blouse back on but her skirt stymied her. A very amused manager stepped forward to assist. "Will there be anything else?
Lola discretely stuffed her now surplus bra in her purse and cautiously returned to the main room where she selected a full head harness drool gag, posture collar, some high end wrist and ankle cuffs, assorted chains, locks and links, when her eyes were drawn to a display in the corner. "What is that?" she asked the manager about the shiny metal contraption with rings on the ends. "It is a self bondage ice lock" was the manager's response. Lola nodded as this was added to her selection. The manager then helped Lola size a pair of 4" inch heel shoes, the type with a little padlock on the ankle strap.
Lola, still wearing the corset, took the rest of her purchases to the front counter. The manager was quick and efficient and soon had the total for Lola, which made her gulp. Lola was young and underpaid and had very little in the way of savings. This was going to pretty much wipe out her meager savings but she boldly presented her debit card all the same. While the manager was putting her purchases in a big black bag, boldly marked "Stern Discipline", Lola nervously asked if there was a plainer bag. Unfortunately for Lola's modesty, the answer was no. Lola exited the store and resumed her rainy walk home, braless, but corseted.
Lola entered her building really hoping that she would not be seen. On the way in, she nodded hello to a silent Mr. Dumphries, the building sup. In the lobby, she again nodded to a smirking Alana Mitchell, the building manager. While waiting for the elevator, her next door neighbor, also waiting, seemed fixated on a spot in the far distance and to make matters complete for Lola, her neighbor down the hall and casual acquaintance, Trish, was exiting the car as she waited to enter. A quiet "Wow" escaped Trish's lips before she could cover, and she nodded a surprised hello to Lola. Lola and the neighbor rode up to the 10th floor in extreme silence, with Lola feeling hotter and hotter all the time, despite the apparent coolness of her quite wet, and partially see through blouse. Lola rarely moved as fast as she did as she darted down the hall to the seclusion of her apartment. As was her now ingrained habit, she shed her clothes as quickly as possible. Only the corset remained but as Lola reached for the corset strings she realized that she has cooled down rapidly and that obviously the corset was all right to wear.
Taking her stash to her bedroom, Lola spread them out on the satin sheets. Examining the locking cuffs, she found them quite sturdy as she locked them around her wrists and ankles. Next she took the drool gag and puzzled out the straps until she figured out how it would fit her face. She pushed the dribble ball into her mouth and tightened the straps around the back of her head, trying not to get her long brown hair caught in the works. Then she locked the straps under her chin and moved the upper straps up and over her head to be locked in place behind. Then the side straps were locked behind, ensuring that the gag was going to stay. Next, Lola took the posture collar and secured it around her slimming neck, after which she could move her head up, but not down or to the side. Given the newness of her corset, she did find it awkward to use her dildo in the manner she liked best. After a few awkward experiments, she discovered that if she spread her legs outstretched, she could rest her butt cheeks on the edge of the bed, giving her hands and Ricardo Hardona access to her vagina. This made achieving orgasm a challenge, especially with the way the clover clamp chain got in the way, but she was motivated to make it work.
Lola was very inexperienced with heels and it showed when she tried on the 4 inch heels later that evening. She stumbled 3 times in the first few minutes and had such an ugly duckling walk. Lola resolved that with practice she would get better. Her new, cool, "home" outfit became corset, stockings, heels, cuffs, collar and gag, covering everything but her sex and her breasts, almost like a reverse bikini. Lola felt like expanding her repertoire and later that evening made her first on line purchase. She found some things she liked at ExtremeBDSM.com and placed an order. The cost would pretty much max out her credit line, but Lola was eager for their arrival in 2 - 4 weeks. Lola also checked on line and figured out how that ice lock worked. It turned out to be very easy - fill with water, freeze. In use, the ice melts, freeing the opposite ends, releasing the poor, helpless captive. Lola was intrigued as she put the device in the freezer and looked forward to trying it out.
Step 4: Slice the Bun
Lola returned to Doctor McGraw's for her fourth visit. As she climbed the stairs to his office, she had a glance at herself as she passed a mirror, and liked what she saw. Although she was seeing the good Doctor for sleep problems, which she still had, she had lost 15 pounds since she had started to see him. She went to the gym every day and was told that if she lost another 15 pounds, she would be at her ideal weight. Her new nightly routine had helped with the curves - she now wore the corset from the time she got home until the time she got up in the morning. She could now constrict the original corset 3 inches and had hopes that she could switch to the smaller corset soon. Sleep still eluded her and she found the drool gag to be unpleasant. Initially, she always lost willpower and removed the gag in the night. To ensure she was disciplined, she now used the self bondage ice lock every night to secure herself spread eagle, gag in place, for all night. The ice lock let her free after about seven hours of very ragged and troubled sleep.
As usual, Dr. McGraw started off the session with the question, "How was your week?" expecting a barrage of information. Lola was still somewhat scattered but was getting better at focusing on the real issues. "...still having trouble sleeping ... I have lost 15 pounds, thank you! ... my boss is a real jerk - giving me a hard time about falling asleep at my desk ...". An hour later, a refreshed Lola bounded out of Dr. McGraw's office, eager to see what the day had in store. This day, Lola decided to take yet another route home to her downtown apartment. This particular route took her by a major mall, with the shortest way being through the inside. Lola window shopped as she went from one side of the mall to the other. One store, Victoria's Secret, caught her eye. She entered the world of lace and sex and beauty and more sex and as she crossed the threshold of the store, she realized that she wanted some of that too. On the spur of the moment, Lola decided that her existing granny bras and panties just would not do. She had been paid that day, so there was money in her account and "who needs to pay the cable company anyway? "
Lola wandered around the store, looking at one revealing teat halter after another, searching for the style that spoke to her. Unfortunately for Lola, she spoke English while the bras spoke Venetian. She had been there quite a while when a store clerk, returning from break, smelled fresh meat and approached. The clerk was probably the same age as Lola, but while Lola was beginning to look good, the clerk just shone. Her makeup was perfect, her clothes immaculate, and to top it all off, she was stacked. Not just big, but stacked. The clerk smiled at Lola, and purred "Can I help you" in a musical sing song that just made you want to hear it again.
Lola stared. As far as she knew, Lola was straight but, but, but, ... Lola couldn't take her eyes off the clerks chest. Hanging naked, those breasts would have been large and well shaped. But this was Victoria's Secret and those wondrous breasts had some of the best help money, or an employee discount could buy.
The clerk, whose name really was Virginia (of not for long fame) waited patiently. Eventually Lola's eyes raised and met Virginia's. Lola realized that she wanted Virginia's breast. Well, maybe not Virginia's, but having breasts as much like it as possible. Lola looked into Virginia's hazel eyes and stammered "I want some", and paused, realizing what she has just said.
Virginia smiled. She really smiled as she had seen this before. Virginia had just returned from Victoria's Secret's Presidents Club reward trip. Virginia wasn't just the best sales person in the store, or even the district, but the state. And Virginia loved her job - it paid very well and gave her lots of opportunity to look at naked women. While Lola was fairly certain she was straight, Virginia was absolutely certain she was not. Virginia had discovered very early in her teens that she disliked men but loved women in all their forms. Fat or thin, tall or short, blond or black, if it had breasts and a vagina, Virginia was willing to fuck it. Victoria's Secret paid her very well to live part of her fantasy. Life was very good.
Virginia knew that she had a fish in Lola and didn't hesitate to reel it in. She looked Lola in the eyes, batted her eyelashes just once, and purred "Some what?" Lola didn't know what to say - she waved her right arm vaguely in Virginia's direction, encompassing her hips, breast, face, everything.
Virginia made a twirling motion to Lola, so Lola twirled, slowly, while Virginia took in what she had to work with. Virginia thought not bad, licked her lips, and went to work. The next two hours was a whirlwind of activity to Lola. Virginia rushed through the store, making selections for Lola to try, beckoning for Lola to follow. Lola followed. In the change room, Lola removed her blouse, then her plain cotton bra as Virginia gestured. Virginia helped Lola try on a number of bras, of various colors and styles. The first batch wasn't to Virginia's liking, so with the instruction to "Stay", Virginia rushed off for the next batch, visions of dollar signs filling her mind. Lola waited, topless, while Virginia went out to complete Lola's transformation. Over the next two hours, Lola probably tried on 40 bras with Virginia being more helpful with each one. It really was a shame how clumsy Virginia was - it seemed no matter what she did she continually made contact with Lola's bare breasts. Eventually, Virginia found some bras that satisfied her, and so satisfied Lola. It is, of course, strictly coincidental that the black with pink lace "bombshell", add two cup size, extreme cleavage bra in her 34C size with matching thong panties was the highest margin item in the store and also a focus of a Victoria's Secret internal sales contest.
Next, Virginia started on the rest of Lola's wardrobe. For another half hour or so, Lola stood in various stages of dress/undress as Virginia brought various outfits for her to try.
Lola, until now, had paid very rudimentary attention to how she looked. She used just enough makeup to avoid being different, but really didn't know how to "pop". Virginia helped solve that. On the table, by the exit, was a large, very expensive train case that purported to have everything a sexy girl could want. As a bonus, it included a week's worth of makeup lessons by a "Victoria's Secret" photo shoot professional. This was added to the ever growing pile that was Lola's new wardrobe.
Eventually, Virginia couldn't find anything else to sell Lola and took her to the cash to settle up. Lola's eyes popped when Virginia gave her the total, but Virginia assured Lola that "You wanted some - now you got lots" with a wink and a winning smile. Lola hated to do it, but handed over her credit card, hoping to avoid an embarrassing moment. The transaction squeezed by her credit limit (barely) but now Lola owned her new wardrobe. As Lola gathered up her stuff, Virginia handed Lola a card - "If you ever need help with any of that, in any way, don't hesitate to call. That's got my personal number on it." Lola left, burdened with many, many VS bags, a whopping credit card bill, and a wonder about just what Virginia meant by "in any way".
When Lola got home, she shed her clothes as usual, and quickly went to her bedroom and gathered every single one of her old bras and panties and put it in a bag for donation. Upon further reflection, she decided that all she really did was go to work, go to the gym, or stay at home, so she really didn't need all the other clothes she no longer wore. These went into a second bag for donation.
Over the next week, Lola attended the Victoria's Secret beauty sessions and learned a great deal about the right colors for her, and lots of tricks and tips to bring out her inner, sexy beauty.
Step 5: Toast the Bun
The next Monday, Lola was very energetic as she went to see Doctor McGraw, climbing the stairs two at a time. Her gym and diet regime, combined with the push up bra and makeup techniques had led to a whole new perspective for Lola. She received compliments from all the guys in the Sales department at work and a couple of the interns had taken to stopping by her desk pretty much throughout the day.
She responded to Dr McGraw's typical greeting with "Things are well Doctor. I have now lost 25 lbs and people are starting to notice. I think my boss at work is becoming jealous. She stares at me and is very curt. Do you think she might be a lesbian?" Doctor McGraw took his usual notes and particularly noticed that Lola had become much more direct and focused in her problem solving. The session continued for less time than usual and after 45 minutes Lola was on her way. Similar to the previous week she decided to cut through the mall, window shopping as she went. When she saw the store, "Urban Clubwear" she just had to enter.
Either the sales lady was very good or Lola was an easy mark as when Lola left 3 hours later, she had five new dresses and three pairs of shoes to her name, despite already being behind in the rent. Lola had gotten good with 4" heels in the apartment, but though that might be too much for the office, so she settled instead for three inch heels, pumps in the colors gloss red, gloss black, and one strappy number in silver that wrapped her lower calf to the knee. Lola didn't fully understand why the sales lady referred to the latter pair as the ultimate in "CFM" but she needed to have them. The dresses were of similar style and conservativeness. Deep down, Lola was surprised at how she felt after the experience. She had tried on probably 30 dresses before choosing her final 5, and had solicited the sales lady's comments every step of the way. The sales lady had commented upon how the several of the dresses really showed off her nice firm breasts and clung to her supple thighs.
Lola took her belongings home and immediately stripped due to the usual unbearable heat she felt while clothed at home. She went into her drawers and closet, and created two new bags of clothes for donation, emptying her walk in closet. Lola had never owned very much, just clothes and some ratty furniture. With her last donation of clothes, all the clothes Lola owned had been bought since she started to see Dr. McGraw. It was a remarkable transformation from the drab clothes she previously wore. As an example, one of her new daytime work dresses was a semi strapless mid thigh little black dress with sequins in all the right places.
Lola got dressed for her stay at home - from experience she had learned the correct approach to her routine. First she put on her stay-up fishnets, then her 4 inch heels, then the wrist and ankle cuffs. Then, standing in front of her dressing mirror, she tightened her corset. She had been using the smaller corset and was pleased that she had gotten herself down to 2 inches of compression on that corset, with more to come. Using the over-under-sideways technique, she tightened the corset, row of strings by row of strings until she had as much narrowness of waist as she could. The cup less top of the corset did a real nice job of shaping the underside of her breasts, as the firm members hung down over the top of the corset. Later on, she would use the nipple clamps, but for now she settled for locking the posture collar in place and then attaching the drool gag. Sometimes she could watch herself in the mirror for hours, as the drool ran down her chin, eventually to drop off. She made a game of it, trying to catch the falling spittle with her bare nipple. Her nightly routine continued as usual.
Thursday contained mixed news for Lola. The bad news was that she received a verbal warning at work for failing to meet the company's dress code. She was told to take the Friday off as a "Time Out" and to think about whether she was ready to adhere to the company rules. Lola thought that it was because her boss was jealous of all the attention the guys were giving her in the office.
The good news was that her internet purchases had arrived. One of the boxes was light, but the other was quite heavy. She couldn't wait to get them opened.
Once in the apartment, Lola opened the lighter box first. She pulled the contents out and marveled at the special chastity belt. The label attached declared that it was "the latest technology" and that it was "The Hornifier - guaranteed to make you want it". Lola looked at the contents and determined that, in this case, the product was just what the internet promised. The device promised to always keep at least some degree of arousal while it was worn, with random peaks at least every two hours of wear that promised to stop just short of orgasm.
The heavy package was a time lock safe, about a foot cubed in volume. She placed it in the closet and programmed it to only be available to be open from 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm each day. Looking at the clock on the wall, she realized it was 6:00 pm. She quickly slid into the Hornifier and used the key to lock it in place. Lola then put the only key in the safe, closed the door and spun the dial. Lola had no control but to experience what the Hornifier had to offer until at least 5:30 the next day.
Within 5 minutes, Lola began to feel the impact of the Hornifier. The belt area began to vibrate and some heat was applied to her vagina. As her body responded to the stimulus, the bio feedback function learned more about what Lola liked. However, what Lola liked was to be used against her. The belt extended a thin straw like probe with a nub on the end that examined the depths of her slit, touching here, rubbing there, making things nice. Very nice. So nice that Lola began to breathe very deeply, and repeated "Oh my, Oh My, Oh MY" over and over. Lola's face flushed as she became very excited and could feel her body prepare for climax. The belt noticed this too - and stopped. In fact, the belt actively stimulating places that were unpleasant until Lola's was no longer on the brink. The belt then went active again, shortly bringing Lola back to the brink, only to ease off. Lola swore "Come 'on you fucking device, let me cum. Please!" as she reached down, and tried to manipulate her sex, but the belt was very well designed and denied access. This went on for another 5 minutes, with no climax for Lola.
Lola got desperate for climax - she moved over across the room to one of her remaining chairs. She tried humping the arm of the chair, but the metal of the belt prevented any sensation of her sex other than what the belt provided. Lola tried to wrench the belt off - no joy. Attempts to get fingers under the edge were thwarted by the belts tightness. Lola was able to slide a piece of paper (her overdue Visa bill by chance) under the belt but it just wasn't able to help any. In fact, the belt sensed the unauthorized extrusion and switched tactics, increasing the sensations in the very area Lola was trying to help. After another 15 minutes, the Hornifier decided that Lola had had enough, for now, and allowed her to come back down from the edge. Lola was still horny, still frustrated, but no longer frantic to climax.
Step 6: Toast Some More
Friday found the air conditioning in Lola's apartment cranked to the max, and a very hot and very bothered Lola eagerly awaiting the clock to hit 5:30. Lola's employer had intended Lola to spend her time out on Friday thinking about following their dress code. Instead, thanks to the Hornifier, Lola had spent much of the last 24 hours either desperate for an orgasm, wishing for an orgasm, thinking about an orgasm, remembering her last orgasm, or planning what she would do when she could next orgasm. This last activity was getting close to bear fruit as it was some time after 5:00 and she could almost taste the arrival of 5:30, which would give her access to her belt's key to turn the damn, fucking thing off.
Lola was in her normal home attire - the red leather open breast corset, red fishnets, high heels, and nothing else as she laid her toys out on the bed for the first moment she could access her clit. The Hardona was out and she had already lubed it up. The nipple clamps were laid out on her sheets and she was about to check the clock for the umpteenth time in the last hour when she heard a knock on the door. "Damn it" she thought "Not now. Go away." She made no move towards the door, praying for the unwanted interruption to go away. Then there was another knock, then banging on the door. "Go away" she mouthed. She froze as she heard the sounds of keys in the door and the turning of the deadbolt. She had just rushed into the living room, when the door opened and the head of Fred Dumphries, the building superintendant peered around the door. Fred's head stopped when he saw Lola. Lola froze when she remembered where she was and how she was dressed (or not).
Fred smiled and said "Oh there you are Lola. I knew you were in here but was concerned that you didn't answer the door. State law requires me to check on tenants that could be in danger - I am glad you are alright". Lola could just nod in both surprise and concern. Fred took that as an invitation to let himself in.
"Lola, the reason I had to talk to you is I have gotten some paperwork from the building owners. You are way behind in the rent and they are talking about evicting you. I was hoping to hear your side of the story to see if I could, perhaps, intercede on your behalf."
With one hand, Lola tried to hide her exposed breasts. The other shrugged as she explained "Well Sir, it's been a tough couple of months, lots of expenses, they cut my hours at work, really needful expenses, stuff that just had to happen, you know how .." Lola halted as Fred made a stopping motion with his hands.
"I see Lola. I am sure that all the new clothes I have seen you in, every day, are truly an urgent, top priority. I know how a pretty girl like you has to keep up appearances. Clothes make the man or the woman in your case. I truly understand but, if I am going to take your case to the boss, I will need your support."
Lola stared "I don't understand"
Fred tried again "I will need your moral support to provide the courage to face the boss with your tale."
Lola still didn't get it and it showed in the quizzical look on her face.
"You know, dressed like that, I want a freebie"
Lola's best answer was a "Huh?"
Fred's patience and love for cute (to him) innuendo was at an end as he stepped forward, making contact with Lola's nipples as he reached and grabbed her shoulders. Fred looked Lola straight in the eyes, and in a slow, metered pace explained "Blow me bitch or I evict you now".
That Lola understood. Once upon a time, Lola would have yelled, would have screamed, would have tried to pound her fists on Fred's head, anything to say no. But that Lola didn't wear leather corsets accompanied by the Hornifier. Instead, Lola slowly got down on her knees in front of Fred. She reached up and undid the end of Fred's belt and the button on his jeans. With her mouth, she reached up and pulled down the fly. Her eyes were at the perfect level to see the bulge beginning under Fred's briefs. Using her left hand she guided Fred's penis through the slit in the briefs, exposing his stiffening dick for her to see. She licked her red lips, slowly, once, twice and then moved the open mouth over Fred's member. Lola closed, and her tongue went to work, swirling, moving, licking, swirling as her mouth moved up and down his shaft. Lola moved quickly. Lola moved slowly. She varied the pace as she worked on Fred.
While Lola's mouth was working on Fred, Lola's belt was working on Lola. It had sensed unusual activity and turned up the heat. While Fred's penis was enjoying Lola's attentions, Lola was enjoying the stimulation of the nubs and vibration on her cunt. In fairly short order, Fred erupted, sending his sperm to cascade on the back of Lola's throat. Lola quickly prevented a swallow, and removed her mouth from Fred's penis. Lola looked around, trying to find something to spit out Fred's deposit on. Nothing came to Lola's limited view and she reluctantly swallowed.
Lola's task done, she just wanted Fred gone. Gone to stop the paperwork or anything else he might want to do. Just go she thought.
Fred stood there for many moments, looking down on the still kneeling woman. He took in her picture, her hair, her makeup, her breasts, her everything. He drunk it all in as a memory to remember, in beautiful detail. Once he was satiated, he turned and exit Lola's apartment, leaving Lola kneeling on the floor.
The instant the door was closed, Lola sprang up, raced to the door, locked it and did the high heel sprint to the bedroom closet, just in time to see the safe's digital lock face turn to 5:46. "Fuuuucccckkkk" screamed the frantic Lola as she grabbed the Hornifier, trying to will it off of her very ready cunt.
It was late afternoon on the next day, Saturday; a wired Lola was pacing her apartment as the Hornifier had continued its merciless assault on her tender feelings for the past 24 hours. She had double locked the front door and for good measure had moved a chair in front of the door. She moved gingerly because she had a very full bladder and really needed to use the toilet. But first things came first - she had to get off. If, when she got access to her vagina, the only thing handy was a rusty file, she probably would have used that. Fortunately she had other implements - the Hardona was double lubed and waiting patiently to satisfy his mistress.
Lola hovered over the safe, watching the minutes, then the seconds count down. The clock face hit 5:30, the ready light turned green, and Lola frantically punched in the access code, trying for the magic 6969. In her haste, she entered 6868, enter. The safe beeped and displayed a message "Invalid code. For security, wait one minute before trying again". Lola, in her haste failed to notice the message and entered 6969 and Enter. The safe beeped again and repeated - "Wait one minute before entering code. Final warning". Sadly, Lola wasn't interested in messages from dumb electronics at that moment in time and entered 6969 Enter with a triumphant flourish. Her hopes and expectations turned to dismay as the cheerful green light turned a bitter red. This time, Lola saw the message which said "Invalid Access Attempted. Skipping to Next Entry Cycle." "Fuuuucccckkkk" "FuuuuccCCKKKK" "FUUUUCCCCKKKK"
Twenty-four hours later, a very intense, very focused Lola however over the safe. On the bed, the mournful Hardona lay greased and ready. In the past 24 hours, Lola had read the instruction manual many times to the point that she probably knew its contents better than its writer. She had consumed no food and water since the previous day and all of her innards were ready to go at the slightest provocation. A slightly wild eyed but focused Lola kneeled in front of the safe, almost as if prayer. The clock face hit 5:30 and the light turned green, signifying the readiness of the safe to allow access to the glory within, so long as she got the code right. Lola typed a 6 ever so slowly. Then a 9. Then a 6. Then the last 9 and the ever important Enter. Lola stared at the green light, intently willing it to blink. Ages passed. Then she saw it - the blink. And then the click as the safe unlocked.
Lola moved quickly. She turned the handle and had the door open in a second. She reached in and grabbed the key, to disable and unlock her torment. She almost dropped the key but got it in its hole and turned the device mode to "Inactive". Her next action was to unlock the fastener, and the Hornifier dropped to the floor with a clunk.
Lola rushed over to the bed and grabbed the nipple clamps, placing them on each nipple, and giving them a hard pull. She straddled the bed as she grabbed Hardona's replica dick and started to insert it in her vagina, hard and fast. She had no need to worry about being ready as she had been ready for 48 hours, practically non-stop. Lola pushed the dildo in and out, in and out, faster and faster in tune with her ever demanding rhythm. In almost no time, she felt her pressure build and then explode in an orgasm that made her yell and collapse half off the bed on to the floor. She lay; unable to summon the energy to move for a good two minutes until her other needs got her attention. Lola crawled to the bathroom, and took care of the wondrous emptying of things that had been full for far too long. Lola had been so distracted that she had not noticed the clamps that she still wore - she removed them with the usual gust of pain.
A part of Lola told herself that she was free, and the ordeal was done. Another part of Lola, the louder part of Lola, countered that you only have 9 minutes of the safe's open cycle to go. That part won out as usual and while Lola wanted to spend the next hour in the shower, luxuriating between the hot and cold sensations, she didn't have time for that. She rushed through a quick, barely satisfying 3 minute shower and was back at the safe with little time to spare. She quickly returned the Hornifier to its evil position over her vagina and ass and snapped it shut.
Lola was moving quickly and failed to notice that she had moved a subtle internal dial inside the belt, from the Frontal to the Full position. Lola locked the belt shut, then locked it active and had the key in the safe, and locked just as the open cycle closed. Lola stared at the safe in wonder of what she had just done.
Step 7: Position Ingredients
Jennifer Mashita was at a total loss. Jennifer had managed probably 50 people, of all ages and genders, during the course of her 20 year career. And yet, she had never seen someone self destruct so completely and quickly as young Lola. Jennifer knew that when she hired Lola a year ago, that she wasn't perfect. She wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and could be scatterbrained, but she had tried hard and always completed her tasks. When she erred, she admitted it and was quick to find ways to fix it.
That was the old Lola. Jennifer didn't understand the new Lola who sat in front of her. Jennifer adjusted the sleeve of her blazer that was part of her smart, grey, businesslike pant suit that was appropriate for a partner in one of the state's top Engineering and Construction firms. Lola ... Well, Lola just wasn't in tune. Technically, Lola was properly or at least legally dressed. She was wearing a black crepe form fitting dress. That by itself might have been marginally OK except for the fact that this dress had great big white hearts over each breast and a smaller heart, in pink, lower down. Not all the way down, as the dress did end mid thigh, but close enough. Jennifer could tell that Lola's bra was bright pink with alternating fuchsia stripes, as this could be seen through the crepe and on the exposed bra straps. To top it all off, Lola was wearing those silver strapped, CFM high heels on her crossed legs.
Once upon a time Jennifer Mashita would have appreciated the free spirit and courage in the face of consequences that Lola was showing. But not today and not here. Jennifer had been talking to Lola for 10 minutes, re-explaining the company policies, and rules, again hoping to reach Lola. But Lola just sat there, nodding her exquisitely made up head now and then, slightly out of tune to the rhythm of the conversation. Jennifer just didn't get it.
Jennifer just didn't get it because there was a lot going on that she couldn't see. Lola's accidental triggering of the Full mode had instructed the Hornifier to consider anal sensations to be fair game, to Lola's considerable surprise when a probe extended up Lola's almost sleeping ass at 2:00 that morning. Needless to say, with all the new stimulation Lola had received, she hadn't gotten much sleep. She was working hard to focus on what Ms. Mashita was saying, despite the fact that the Hornifier was in one of its more active moods. Lola was mostly nodding in all the right places, but it was tough going.
" ...do you, Lola?" Ms. Mashita asked.
Lola stared - she hadn't heard the question. "Umm, Sorry Ma'am. Can you repeat your question again?"
With exaggerated patience, Jennifer repeated "I said, do you have a justification for failing to follow the dress code, do you Lola?"
Lola tried, she really tried, to explain "But this is what I feel like wearing Ma'am. It is the only clothing that I feel comfortable in, everything else is just too warm."
Jennifer was impressed with Lola's honesty and direct answer. She did remember a time whereby such a statement would have taken Lola five minutes, just to get started. In the end, it didn't matter.
"I am sorry Lola. We have our rules and our standard of employment here. If you can't meet the standard, we cannot have you working here. I am sorry but we must terminate your employment, effective now. I will escort you out - Anything we find in your desk will be sent to your home address."
Jennifer rose as Lola nodded. Lola then stood on the heels and followed Jennifer out the office and down the hall. A number of Lola co-workers, now ex-coworkers, stood as they walked by. Several of the sales guys held up their hands in the universal "Call Me" gesture. Some more of the men, and a few of the women, just stared as she was led through the office, in a rather odd walk of shame/arousal. Eventually she was out of the office with the door firmly closed behind her. She had no purpose, nothing to do. She had used her last bus token that morning and didn't have funds to buy another, so she walked home.
Lola lived four miles from her old office, and the walk, in heels took three hours. Three hours in which Lola had time to think deeply about her problems, her present, and future. She was aware of the attraction she garnered from most of the people she passed. Whereby once Lola would have worn fairly drab, shapeless clothes over her chubby form, this Lola had lost almost 30 pounds, almost none of it in her breasts. Her waist training was still a work in progress but she had pleasant curves even without the corset. Her hair was long and attractively styled to go with her Vogue like makeup. And of course her dress had hearts covering the strategic places on top of those shoes. Depending upon the gender, she either got a catcall followed by an invitation, or a look of disgust. Regardless, Lola's mind was on other things.
She was relieved that she had prepaid for Dr. McGraw's appointments for the next two weeks, although she wasn't thrilled that her appointment was from 5:30 - 6:30 that evening, so the Hornifier would have its way uncontested for another night. Lola really appreciated all the help that Dr. McGraw had given her. Although she still had trouble sleeping, she thought this had more to do with her desire to sleep with the drool gag on. She wondered if this could impact her sleeping patterns. Or perhaps it was sleeping spread eagle? She had always been a side sleeper when younger. Despite the walk, Lola was home by noon. In the lobby, she collected her mail. There were a number of envelopes, each more depressing than the last. Due to non-payment of her recent credit card bill, and the sudden maxing out of her credit limit, American Visa was cancelling her credit card, effective yesterday. Other bills were past due, and her cell phone had been disconnected. Lola was beginning to feel overwhelmed, first to be fired, then this stack of mail, surely somewhere there would be some good news?
Lola turned around to walk to the elevator when she saw her neighbor Trish, standing across the lobby, obviously waiting for her. Lola knew Trish as well as she knew anybody in town - which wasn't particularly well. Lola and Trish had multiple hallway/elevator conversations over the last year and had had one extended talk down at the pool about 6 months ago. Beyond the fact the fact that 6 months ago Trish was exiting a messy relationship, she didn't know much about her. Even her last name was a mystery.
Trish saw that she had Lola's attention and walked over. "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" Lola first thought that Trish was referring to the firing but realized that there was no way that Trish could know about that. Lola responded with her all too often "Pardon"? Trish responded with "The eviction notice on the door. I saw it and couldn't help but read it as I passed by."
"Ah shit. That Motherfucking Asswipe of a Sup. I knew I couldn't trust him" exclaimed a very pissed off Lola. Trish just nodded. "Is there anything I can do?" Lola, on the verge of tears, could only nod. Trish reached over and put a reassuring hand on Lola's arm, just above the leftmost Big White Heart and said "Who knows, maybe I can help. I do have to get to work now, but let's meet up later this week and we will see what's up. Okay?" Trish smiled and Lola gushed a "Sure thing" to the person who probably was the closest thing she had to a friend right then.
With dread, Lola entered the elevator car and took the long ride to her floor. She spotted the notice on her door from down the hall and it seemed to grow larger and larger as she approached. From 10 feet away she could see "Eviction Notice". From 5 feet she could make out her name and at 1 foot she could see the "Pay all moneys in arrears plus security deposit" and "or vacate in 2 weeks hence".
Lola entered her apartment and walked to the center of the room, surveying her meager belongings. Unless something changed, in two weeks she wouldn't even have them. She went into the bedroom, carefully folded her clothes as she removed them, and, naked but for the Hornifier, lay down on the bed and cried. Eventually she fell asleep.
About four hours later she awoke and realized that she needed to hustle to make her weekly hypnotist appointment. She quickly got dressed in the outfit she had removed earlier and walked to the good Doctor, arriving just in time for the appointment. She rang the bell as usual and was ushered into the office. Dr. McGraw took note of the hearts on the dress and began with the usual "Tell me about your week." What wasn't usual was Lola's response. She was to the point and started with "Well I was fired and received an eviction notice today. I think I have had better days but may have made a new friend. I am still not sleeping well but I don't think that is my real problem. My problem is I don't like making decisions, and so I make bad ones." With that, Lola stopped and waited for the Doctor, who started with "I see. Now I want you to sit back, relax and listen only ...."
It must have been a productive session thought Lola, as she checked her watch, realizing that a full 90 minutes had passed. Lola never remembered what was discussed in the sessions but she always left feeling refreshed. Today was no different as she strode home, with confidence that an improvement had to just be around the corner. She didn't even mind that she had missed her chance to Orgasm, after all tomorrow will still be there.
The next day, she did some Internet research. Her ISP had cut off her account the previous week, but she was able to lurk through a neighbor's Wi-Fi spot. She didn't know who "Hottie" of the "Hotties Den" wireless router was, but she was grateful they didn't know much about computer security. She sent some e-mails to firms offering to buy house contents "For Cash". Most of the firms weren't interested in what she had to offer. One did, offering what Lola thought was a low price, even for her stuff. She tried to push back, and got a message that reduced the offer and insisting on collection that afternoon, with a promise that tomorrow's price would be less. Lola hated to do it, but had no choice so she agreed.
That afternoon, Lola spent some time putting the stuff that she would be keeping in the walk in closet out of the way, and out of prying eyes. This didn't take long as it wasn't much, just the stuff she had bought recently - her sex toys, shoes, outfits and underwear, as well as her bondage treasures. She waited as long as she could and when the door knocked at 2:00, as scheduled, she threw on one of her dresses for modesty and rushed to answer the door. As usual, when clothed in her apartment it became unbearably hot. She opened the door and greeted the large burly mover with a nod and wave into the apartment.
Joe Morgan had been a mover for many years, and wasn't particularly proud of the direction his contents sale business had moved in. Competition had gotten very tough over the years, and although he didn't like it, he realized he had to be ruthless to stay in business. Being pushy and a hardnosed bargainer had become second nature to him as it was the only way to rationalize how little he could pay people for their belongings. He knew that there was never a good news story behind these sales but he didn't cause the situation.
Joe's tough exterior did hide a somewhat softer interior and that interior started to melt at the picture that invited him in. She was gorgeous and shapely and moved well. Joe's second glance took in the nature of her dress, and high heels and said "Oh - One of those." Lola was wearing the outfit that she hoped would be coolest - a purple fishnet with pink chiffon strategically placed to pretend at modesty. Like all concealment, it made the concealed more desirable.
Lola showed Joe the living room and then they stuck their heads in the bedroom, so that Joe could see the rest of the stuff he had agreed to buy. Joe told Lola that he was OK with what they had agreed to and that they could begin. Lola stated "Good - but please hurry as I have an appointment I need to keep". Joe made a mental bet as to the nature of the "appointment" and called down to the truck and asked Davy to bring up the dollies. Lola watched, as Davy and Joe moved her belongings down to the truck, one at a time. By the time her living room was bare, Lola couldn't stand the heat. It was just too hot and she was just in the middle of shedding her dress in the living room, when Davy and Joe walked in.
Joe realized he had won his mental bet as to what this girl did for a living as she stripped in front of them. Her back was turned to them but she had to know they were there as the dress pooled at her feet. Joe could hear a sigh that he took to be an invitation. He coughed and the girl in the bra and what he took to be a pair of panties turned with a look of surprise that could have been real.
Joe said "We just got a call from the boss. We gotta go to a rush job cross town. We will be back next week to pick up the rest of the stuff and pay you then. Sorry about that." and he started to turn to leave. Davy was a good actor. He knew that Joe owned the company and was the only boss. But, he had been in the business a long time, and knew how to play along. He chimed in a "Yeah, sorry" and started to turn in tandem with the boss.
Lola panicked. She really needed that money. "No wait. Let's do it now. I need the money". What Lola meant by "it" and what two somewhat horny movers with a mostly naked girl in front of them decided "it" meant were very different things. Lola's involved moving furniture. The mover's idea involved moving Lola. They walked forward and took positions on either side of Lola, spread their legs, and started to unbuckle their pants. Lola said "Wait - what are you doing". Joe had seen this act before - he knew some working girls whose ploy was that they were innocent. If it helped their customers to fantasize, so be it. Joe said "Okay sweetie, we can play it that way. We are two big bad moving men who are taking advantage of you. Now get down on your knees and blow us, just like you agreed. I'm the boss, so do me first. Once you make my boy Davy happy, we will take the rest your shit, pay up, and be gone."
Lola realized what they thought she had said, what they wanted, and what they could do if she declined. At best, they would leave, and she would have no money. She was figuratively, between a rock and a hard place. She sighed and got down on her knees, where she literally was between Joes rock like dick and Davy's very hard one. To start, she reached up and grabbed a dick in each hand, moving slowly back and forth. By the growing size of each member, she knew that this was going to be unpleasant, but not take very long. In short order she pulled Joe's dick downward a bit to reach it, and slid her moist lips over the very erect member. Her training with the drool gag served her well as Joe's dick slid in and out of her throat, hitting the back each time. Shortly she could feel the spasm of an impending eruption. Lola really didn't want to have to swallow, so she ducked back, freeing Joe from her mouth. Lola's choice wasn't necessarily the best as Joes long spasm started to land square between the eyes and worked upwards, messing her hair.
Once Lola blinked Joes deposit out of her immediate vision, she turned to Davy. Davy's turn went much like Joe's, except this time Lola decided not to wait so long before removing Davy's dick from her mouth. Again, the results weren't perfect as Davy's deposit landed squarely on Lola's cleavage and began to leak downwards, between the breasts and towards her nipples.
It took Joe and Davy 30 minutes to get the rest of Lola's stuff out of the apartment - everything in her bedroom, bed and all, old laptop, even the kitchen cutlery. Once they were done, Lola could sleep on the floor and eat off of paper plates based on what was left. While they worked, the mover's sperm leaked down her hair and her breasts until she felt like she was literally covered in the stuff. As Davy took the last box down to the truck, Joe stayed behind for a moment. "Ok - that's $300 cash for the stuff". He fetched his wallet and Lola counted as he reeled off fifties into her outstretched hand. One .. Two ..Three .. Four .. Five .. Six.. Seven.. Seven? Lola looked up at Joe. Joe said "What did you think? We weren't good for it? $20 for each one and I am throwing in a $10 tip. You have real talent. The way you looked disgusted when we cream pied you was a real work of art. You are a great actress." With that, Joe left, closing the door behind him, leaving Lola, covered in sperm and at least 2 hours away from being free of the belt and able to shower.
Step 8: Share the Recipe
Lola kept watch on the safe as it counted down to being open. Lola really wanted a shower and planned to take advantage of every minute she could under the hot water. When the green light shone its readiness, she quickly got the door open, and the key out. The Hornifier had been busy as usual and Lola really wanted release. But the movers cum was all over her, and she wanted the shower even more. She quickly stripped and unlocked the Hornifier. She knew she had to hurry if she was going to get back in time to re-lock the belt around her, and she knew, deep down that this was very important. She knew that she would be doing a bad thing if she allowed herself to be without the belt. Lola wasn't sure just why this was so but she was certain about it.
Naked, she rushed in the bathroom and turned on the shower, as hot as she could bear. She stepped in and grabbed her soap, pouring it liberally over her chest and over her now shiny body. She took a certain degree of interest as the soap bubbled and gravity brought the soap down to her nipples, where it eventually dropped from the semi erect sex organ. She moved her hands over her body, in rhythm to a beat only she heard. As the soap moved down her stomach, she hurried its descent to her pussy. It felt really, really good. Lola took her left hand and her index finger began to swirl the lather first around the pussy lips, then on the pussy lips, then between the pussy lips, Naturally, her finger had to follow the lather, swirling this way and that way, oh so good. Her index finger was joined by the middle finger, and together they swirled deeper, seeking the mystical G. They looked high, they looked low, and they looked marvelous. Lola was enjoying their quest and her breathing got deeper as her rhythm got more pronounced. Eventually her fingers found what they were so innocently seeking, and Lola began to buck as she her fingers continued their magic. Lola gasped several times as her head spun under the wonderfully warm water. Relaxed, but aware of the need for speed, Lola quickly ran the last of her shampoo through her hair, quickly lathered and rinsed off. She took her one remaining towel and dried her pelvic area on the run as she wanted to get back to the safe in plenty of time to replace her belt.
Unfortunately for Lola, her adventure in self-pleasure had taken longer than she thought. As she crossed the threshold of her closet, she saw the green light turn red, signifying she had lost her chance to regain the security and safety of the Hornifier. Although she hadn't had the belt for much more than a week, she had come to rely upon it. She found her decision making of late to be poor and who knows what she might decide to do without the safety of the belt. Her negligence for this failure really needed to punished, she thought. From the bowels of her deep self conscious, the perfect punishment arose. It wouldn't cost much and would be very appropriate.
Lola spent several minutes putting on one of her party dresses. In this case, a Hot Pink with black trim little number. She was able to walk the 3 blocks to the local Ace hardware store without any more incident than usual. When Lola went for a walk, people watched. In the store she was able to find her very innocent, but pervertable objects quickly and returned to her building. While waiting for the elevator, she was joined by Trish, who sidled up behind Lola with a Boo!
Lola jumped a couple of inches in surprise, landing badly on her heels. She stumbled, and grabbed the nearest object to steady her. In this case, the nearest object was Trish. Lola found herself draped over Trish in her efforts to stay upright. Basically Lola was hugging Trish in an unintended, but very non-platonic way. Lola found herself staring into Trish's blue eyes while some of Trish's blond bangs were interwoven with Lola's brunette. Lola's breasts and Trish's own fairly substantial ones were compressed as a result of the impromptu hug.
Totally embarrassed, Lola stepped back and started to apologize. Trish just smiled, held up a hand and said "No. Not at all. It was my fault. I surprised you totally and am glad you didn't fall. Why don't we go upstairs, grab a tea, and you can tell me how things have been?" Lola badly needed someone to share her woes with so she agreed.
Up in Trish's apartment, Lola looked around. She had never been in her neighbors pad before but she did approve of what she saw. The living/dining room was nicely decorated with modern upscale, but not over the top furnishings. A nice Berber carpet covered the 70's style hardwood floor that still disgraced Lola's place. Trish gestured to Lola to take a seat on the 3 seater couch and said "Have a seat - I will just duck into the kitchen and get the water going. Get comfy and what kind of tea do you prefer? I have all sorts."
Lola had always appreciated a good "Earl Grey" and responded as such. They split ways and Lola seated herself on the couch. Minutes later Trish arrived with two mugs of steaming tea, placing one in front of the each woman. Trish seated herself in the middle of the couch and faced Lola. "So - obviously much has gone on in your life since last we had a girl to girl chat. Spill it, Sister"
Lola was reluctant to share the details of her woe, but found the command to be irresistible. What she did say shows how far her state of mind had progressed. Whereby once she would have taken an hour to describe her troubles, going back to her lousy kindergarten teacher Mrs. Hamilton, all she said was "I lost my stupid job and I'm dead flat broke".
Trish took a sip of her tea before responding. "That's really shitty. Any hope of getting the old job back? Any interviews lined up". A slow, weary shake of the head was Lola's resigned response. Trish countered with "I am very, very surprised. A girl who looks like you should be able to switch places anytime time you want. If you want, I can recommend you to my boss. He is a sexist pig, of course, but they all are."
Lola liked the idea of a recommendation but something wasn't making sense. Slowly, she asked "Ummm, what is it you do?" Understanding dawned on Trish "I work at a rub n' tug a few blocks from here. I thought you knew." Lola vaguely recalled something about "massage" and "happy endings" from their discussion of months ago, but it hadn't made much impact on the very innocent Lola of six months ago. This Lola understood. "I don't know. I really haven't done anything like that". This time it was Trish who was surprised as "I figured, what with how you present yourself and all, that you were in the business. Doesn't matter - it's easy. I will teach you".
And with that, Trish pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, revealing her large, nicely shaped breasts. She reached behind her back and fumbled with her bra clasp. Once unlatched, she shrugged the bra free, revealing her very nice D cup breasts. She made shooing motions to Lola who stood. Trish rolled over on the couch, wiggled a moment to get comfy, and pillowed her arms under head. Lola stared at the bare backed woman as a faint voice instructed, "Now just massage".
Lola followed the instructions and lifted Trish's long tresses up and out of the way. She started to rub and knead Trish's bare shoulders, gently. Trish's muffled voice instructed "Harder" which resulted in Lola doing so. Lola started on the shoulders and worked her way down the back - first one side, then the other, paying particular attention to the area where Trish's bra had worked her fair skin. Lola got down towards the Trish's shorts and then started to work up towards the shoulders when Trish called "No. In this business, that's called being a tease. Once you start down a path, you must keep to it." Trish drew her knees up and underneath her pelvic region, pushing her ass up in the air. "Pull down the shorts". Lola slowly pulled down the sport shorts to Trish's knees, revealing the pretty pink thongs underneath. "Both Shorts" called a lightly exasperated, slightly amused Trish. Lola worked panty down to the knees and Trish stretched out again, leaving Lola to look at a nicely shaped firm butt. "Massage the butt Lola" was Trish's requirement and Lola began to rub one ass cheek and then the other. "Most guys like a little asshole action. Just a bit - never more unless they ask for it."
Uncertain, Lola gingerly moved her fingers into the area between Trish's ass cheeks, rubbing just the edges of the asshole, slowly and gently for a few minutes. Trish called out "Now for the payoff". And she lifted her ass up off of the couch, spreading her legs a bit as she did. "Go lower. Way lower" Lola was forward of Trish's butt and could only see the edge of the butt so as her hands reached over the butt, wriggling gently, she was expecting to find Trish's pussy lips. She was not expecting to find Trish's scrotum and stiffening penis. Her hand jerked back in surprise as an "Oooh" escaped from her lips. From the muffled couch "I told you that too remember? How I my name used to be Frank and I am working towards my final surgery". The new Lola vaguely recalled that to. The old Lola had been bewildered as to why Trish needed to talk so earnestly about her past. The fact that he had been Frank, rather than was being frank, had completely slipped past her.
Trish flipped over, allowing Lola a view of both Trish's penis and her large breasts. Trish said, "Go on. Show you stuff". Usually all you get paid for is the hand job. Sometimes they pay extra to blow them. And sometimes more. It's the more that's always tricky for me - for the first two they need never know who I once was. Show your stuff Lola."
So Lola showed her stuff. She moved the straps holding her dress off the shoulder, and it piled on the floor. Her "Bombshell" bra had a convenient front closure so she could quickly release the clasp. The sheer force of her breasts pushed both halves of the bra in an explosive sideways motion, as those large boobs escaped their teeny tiny enclosure. Wriggling her hips she caused her thong to drop to the floor where she stepped out of them. The long haired, brunette was only in her high heels. She knelt down beside the prone Trish. With her right hand, she began to massage Trish's breast. With her left, Trish's balls and cock. She moved slowly, deliberately as her left hand cupped each ball sac, lifting them, pulling them, rubbing them. All the while, her right hand was cupping each breast, lifting each breast, and rubbing each breast. Every so often, her left hand was allowed to brush gently against Trish's growing cock. Lola found it hard to get a separate rhythm going with each hand so decided to focus on her cock. Using first one hand, and then the other, Lola squeezed and ran her hands up the shaft, from base over head. First the left, then the right, then the left, ..... Trish's cock appreciated and was rock solid at attention. Lola climbed up over Trish, so that she was straddling the prone blond, facing towards Trish's feet.
Lola's ass presented its round firmness and if Trish's cleavage had eyes, it would have been able to see right up Lola's snatch. Lola focused more of her attention on Trish's cock as she squeezed it less, but switched to stroking the very rigid member. With every passing stoke, Trish's penis jerked. Trish's hands were rubbing Lola's ass in a gentle caress. Lola was leaning over, staring down over the cock, enjoying the penis movement. She was so intent, so focused, that she didn't hear Trish warn "It's ready. It's very ready. It's going to ..." when the penis exploded in a fountain of pent up gism, catching Lola right on the forehead.
Lola's first thought was "touchdown". The second thought was "I have got to learn to get out of the way" as some of Trish's deposit started to run down the bridge of her nose. Trish's hands reached up under Lola's arms and started to fondle Lola's breasts. Shortly, Trish's fingers pinched each nipple, and pulled down weakly. Lola followed and soon Trish's limp cock was nestled between Lola's large mounds. In doing so, this pushed Lola's ass up into the air and gave Trish access to Lola's vagina. Trish moved her hands back and started to fondle Lola's pussy lips, circling and kneading. Soon one finger, then two fingers, and then a third was working their way through Lola's inner organs. Lola was breathing heavy as Trish's fingers were removed, to be used to spread her pussy lips wide. Trish's fingers were replaced by Trish's tongue, a tongue that had a very useful stud. The contrast between the warm tongue and the cold stud was a revelation to Lola, as she felt this tongue and stud combination work its magic on her nub. In very little time, Lola was gasping and calling "Yikes" as her first girl (mostly) on girl orgasm was induced.
Lola collapsed on top of Trish's legs as the waves of pleasure pulsed through her body. She enjoyed the feel of skin on skin as Trish used her long fingernails to trace lazy S's on Lola's body. After a while, Trish shifted indicating that Lola's weight was no longer comfortable on her, and the two naked neighbors were soon seated on the couch, looking at each other. Trish was perfectly comfortable as she had vaguely sexual encounters multiple times every work day with people she knew much less well than Lola. Lola was far less comfortable - this was something that she had done on a whim, without proper thought or command. It wasn't the sex with a transsexual who she barely knew that bothered Lola; it was the untidiness of the circumstances that brought it about.
Trish broke the ice. "That cream pie would get you a major tip at the Golden Ending where I work. You don't need to go that far without an agreed price before hand. Do you want me to bring you to Diego? He's always hiring people who can do what you do?"
Lola thought hard for a moment. Nowhere in her career plans was a career as a sex worker. However, as she had told Trish earlier, she was broke, practically without belongings, and a week away from being evicted. Compared to all that, a career in sex work seemed to be a definite improvement in her prospects. But not tomorrow - she clearly could not be trusted in her decision making. She needed her chastity belt on to make the right choices. "After all, look what 3 hours without it had brought? " she thought as she wiped her sticky brow.
"I guess so, Trish, but not tomorrow. Let me start Friday" she stated. Trish nodded and said "I work the day shift. I will pick you up at your apartment at noon on Friday. I need a shower - want to help me?" Lola thought again, on this difficult subject. She did badly want a shower, but who knew what would happen if she took Trish up on the kind offer? And besides, she was way overdue for her punishment over failing to get the Hornifier in place on time as it was. This tryst just made it all worse. "No thanks Trish. I have got some stuff I have to get done today. Next time."
Trish's response of "Sure whenever" signaled that it was time to go. Lola started to get fully dressed and then thought, I am just going to undress 4 doors down anyway, why bother? So she slipped the dress over her bare skin, picked up her undies in her left hand and exited Trish's apartment. Just as she heard Trish's door close, another one opened up. "Oh, Hi Mrs. Macintosh" she said as the door opened up. Only two more doors to go - then the next neighbor's door too opened up. She nodded to Reverend Simons as she slipped past him, focusing on getting out of the hallway, and into a shower.
Once in the apartment, Lola stripped as usual, and did get to take her shower. Once she finished, she put on her standard nighttime garb, corset, gag, cuffs, collar, et al and opened up her package from the hardware store. Simple really - Just three dock rings, some screws, and a driver. She took them into the walk in closet and applied them. Two of the rings she screwed through the baseboard into the wall studs, both rings about shoulder width apart. Standing on the safe, she was able to screw the third ring into the ceiling stud about 2 ft out from the wall where she screwed in the other rings. She now had a three points of attachment in her closet. She fetched the ice lock from her freezer and was all set. She locked a chain to the ceiling ring and let it dangle. At about head height, she locked one end of the ice lock, and to the other end she locked another chain, letting it dangle as well. She got on her knees with her feet to the baseboard. Reaching back, she was able to use a double ended spring clip to connect each of her leg cuffs to a baseboard ring. She then placed all the keys to her locks on the front d-ring of her posture collar. Using one open lock, she threaded the shackle through the d-rings of her wrist cuffs and through the dangling chain up as far as she could reach on her knees. With a click, she ensured she would be in that position for at least seven hours until the ice-lock parted, allowing her to reach the keys on her neck for release.
Lola tried to sleep during her entrapment but was unable to. She found that she was forced to try to keep her body straight up. Slouching put great strain on the wrist cuffs, which hurt worse than the pressure of her knees on the hardwood. During the 7 hour exercise, she slept perhaps a half hour.
When the ice lock parted, Lola wasn't expecting it and fell forward with a crash as she collided with the opposite wall. She was quick to release her legs and walk around her barren apartment. She did not forget to refill the ice lock and place it in the freezer as Lola believed that she still had a penance to do for her failures. Thursday was spent doing very little - walking around the apartment, looking out the window, taking a nap on the living room floor and just plain killing time until the safe cycled again. Lola was quick to place herself back into the security of the belt at 5:31 and that night she once again assumed her penance position, this time sleeping perhaps an hour. She was waiting for her friend at the door when Trish knocked on Friday at noon.
Step 9: Slather Condiments
Trish was waiting patiently at the door when Lola opened it. Trish was becoming used to Lola's choice of clothes but had to admit this one was ideal for her interview/first day on the job. Trish knew her boss, and if he liked Lola, he would have her starting today. Trish figured her boss would certainly hire Lola as Lola's outfit was aimed to please. It was a fire engine red dress that ended mid thigh. Red fishnets peeked out from underneath the black lace lined hem. Up top, the dress was sleeveless but went all the way up to Lola's neck, accentuating Lola's slimness. Like almost everything else Trish had seen of Lola's, it seemed a size small as Lola was squeezed into it. The dress almost could have been classed as "just daring" except for the three concentric black lace rings that centered on where Trish's assumed Lola's nipples hid. Daring became Fuck Me very quickly.
Trish smiled at Lola and asked "Ready to go get that job?" Lola half smiled and nodded a yes as she locked the door. The two chatted about nothing much as Trish drove to her workplace, which really wasn't that far from their apartment. Trish's Lexus pulled up to her place of work and parked in the back. By all accounts, it looked like nothing special - no garish signs proclaiming "Happy Endings Here", no signs saying "Rub and Tub, sluts wanted" on the front door. Just a modest two story brick building, with frosted windows and a discrete sign in the door stating that this was the "Relaxation Spa - Members Only"
Trish led Lola through the back door and they immediately ran into Diego. Lola was expecting a swarthy, tough talking, hard as nails boss of a seedy business. Instead, Diego was wearing an impeccable cut suit, an expensive looking tie, and if he hit 5 feet tall, it was only while doing jumping jacks. He welcomed both women with a wide smile "Hello lovely ladies. Trish - I see you are here for your shift. Excellent. And who have you brought with you? All eyes must feast upon such loveliness"
Lola gave Diego her most winning of smiles and licked her lips slowly "My friend Trish says you are hiring. I need a job. Please." Diego examined Lola from head to toe. Once this type of scrutiny would have angered and embarrassed the old Lola. However this Lola was used to being treated like a piece of meat and looked back. Diego asked Trish "Does she know what we do here?"
Trish looked at Lola and remembered the few days before. "Oh yes - she is quite skilled."
With that, the shortest interview that Lola had ever heard of completed "Can you start today?" was all Lola was asked directly and with Lola's affirmative nod, Lola began her new career as a Rub n'Tugger. Lola wasn't exactly happy about what she had to do to earn her living, but hoped she would be able to do this long enough to make enough money to make everything right. Lola knew how much debt she owed and did not enjoy the thought.
Diego explained "All we offer here is a relaxing message. The house charges $50 to the client for a half hour message of which we give you $5. Per policy and State Law, that is all the Golden Ending offers and anything else that may happen is up to you. I am told that sometimes, on very rare occasions, customers ask for more intimate experiences. House policy is that all employees must decline such advances politely and courteously. I hear, strictly as outhouse rumor, that if you were to accede to the customers wishes, a happy ending is tipped at $40. A nude happy ending goes for $60. A blow job goes for $60 and a nude blow job goes for $80. Anything else is tipped at variable rates. Of course official policy is that all these activities are forbidden and grounds for dismissal. The Golden Ending's expects you to cut the house in for 30% of all tips".
With that, Diego smiled, asked Trish "to show Lola the ropes", and went upstairs to his office. Trish led Lola into a room with a bunch of soft chairs and explained "This is the waiting room. Often times our customers are here to work with specific girls. But for customers whose choice aren't on shift or are new here, we have a cattle call. Until you build up your clientele, that is how you will get your work. All the girls not busy strolls down the hallway to the customer greeting area, showing our stuff and basically making nice to the potential customers. After all the girls go by, the customer states who they want for the massage. Right now, we are the only two girls working, and I will do you a favor and make sure they pick you for a while. Don't expect this forever, but I was a newbie too once. Oh! That reminds me!" and with that comment, Trish rummaged through a drawer and brought out a bright pink silk flower that said "Be Gentle. I'm New." on it. She pinned this on Lola's dress above her left breast. "You should wear this for a while. It helps set the right expectations with our customers if you seem nervous or unsure."
In the first hour, Lola had one customer - Trish was busy with one of her regulars when the request for a cattle call came from the bouncer at the front door. Lola pranced down the hallway, smiling as she sashayed in front of the customer, spinning in her heels and wriggled her butt as she walked back down the hallway. She got about 3 steps back when she heard a call "Stop" as she was chosen for her first rub n'tug. As first times goes, it was quite uneventful - the customer was experienced and made it clear he wanted a hand job, forget this "massage" nonsense. This wasn't difficult for Lola and 10 minutes later a happy customer left, and Lola had two twenties in her hand.
Lola's second customer came an hour later, this time in a real cattle call as Trish was also free. Trish performed as promised, barely smiled as she walked down the hallway, and made the most minor of gestures. Lola pranced as before and was the winner of the contest. Lola's second customer was more demanding than the first. Lola led him down to the massage room and beckoned him in. As she closed the door, she nervously said "I'm Lola .. and you are ..?" to be greeted with a curt "Call me Joe. Let's start with a message and we will see where we go from there". Joe then stood, expectantly. Lola stared back, not what Joe was expecting. Joe quickly lost patience and explained "Undress me, you stupid cunt." Lola was aware that the customer was always right, but understandably wasn't happy. She unbuckled Joe's belt and unclasped his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. Joe didn't bother unlacing as he slid his feet out from the sneakers, and toe removed his socks. Joe held his arms out from his side to instruct what he wanted Lola to do next. Lola stepped up real close and unbuttoned Joe's shirt, which she then removed. Joe unbuttoned his own boxers, and hopped up onto the table, belly down. He stretched his arms out and waited.
Lola moved over to one of the side tables and applied generous amounts of lotion to her hands. Standing to one side of the naked Joe, she began to work his tight muscles, kneading the shoulder blades and the middle back. "Lower" called Joe and Lola began to work her way down the back and into Joe's butt checks. Lola started to work on the lower thigh when Joe called from his face down position - "Now you strip and get on top of me".
Lola complied - she peeled off her dress and undid her bra. There wasn't anything she could do about the Hornifier so she ignored it. She climbed up on the table with hers knees adjacent to Joe's hips. Perking her ass up in the air, she allowed her bare breasts to rest on Joe's back as she massaged his shoulders and upper arms. As she reached out to reach his lower arms, she allowed her breasts to make friction on Joe's back - as she moved; Joe could feel the weight of her breast move too. It was pleasant for both of them and Lola relaxed a bit, and her ass dropped.
The Hornifier did have a fabric cover, which was a prime reason Lola couldn't shower with it on. But underneath it was hard, cold, unyielding metal which Joe noticed as the outside of the Hornifier slapped down on Joe's bare ass. This startled Joe out of his relaxation state and he started to get up, turning partially. He saw the mostly naked Lola for the first time but mostly wasn't what he was paying for. "I said naked - take it all off". Lola shook her head no, hoping that would be enough. "No, I am paying for naked, and I want naked. Total. Take it off."
Lola climbed down and started to explain "Joe - sorry sir. I cannot. You see the key is at home and ..." Joe had heard enough and hollered "Diego. Diego. Get in here. Diego." Ten seconds passed and an impatient Joe repeated himself "Diego. Diego. Get your ass in here Diego." Another ten seconds passed, and Joe had gathered his breath for another round when there was a knock on the door. The now standing Joe barked "Enter" and glared at Diego has he entered the room, who took in the two standing mostly naked figures. Joe burst out with "I told this stupid cunt to get naked. She took most of her clothes off, except for that panty thing. The cunt refuses to take it off. What kind of a place do you run here anyway?"
Diego nodded to Lola to hear her side of the story "I am sorry sir. I cannot. It is locked on and I do not have the key." Long experience had made Diego think he had seen and heard everything. This was new. "Trish" he called. As Trish appeared immediately she had probably been listening outside the door. "Please pick up from where Lola has left off. Whatever he wants is on the house. Lola - Please follow me." Trish looked at Lola and made shooing motions and went over to Joe starting with "Hey Joe, it's been a couple of weeks - Sorry about that." Lola scooped up her clothes and didn't catch what was said next as once they were both out in the hallway; Diego closed the door on Joe and Trish.
Diego stepped close to Lola, talking softly. "Lola. Listen to me. I do not know what was going through your pretty yet stupid head when you decided to wear that thing down below. Regardless, you can't work here with it. And I don't want you here without it either, as clearly you make dumb decisions. Get dressed. Take the money from your first client and leave. Now. Don't come back." With that dismissal, Diego pointed to the exit with exaggerated patience. Lola quick donned her bra and dress, and hustled for the exit, lest the door slam shut behind her. Outside, she took a couple of deep breaths, wiped a tear from her eyes, and started the walk to her place which took about 2 hours. Lola had gotten used to attracting attention when she walked but her thoughts on her plight meant she barely noticed.
Lola spent the weekend in her new routine. Days were spent in the empty rooms trying to find a solution to her major problems. Lola realized that she was in the trap of the unemployed poor. She was willing to work, but as she had no money, so she couldn't afford the tools necessary to find the opportunities and get the job. She had no phone and no computer, so even if someone saw her resume, they couldn't contact her. She barely had enough money for a Rahman Noodles every night diet, let alone mailing resumes or even bus fare. Lola realized she was in deep, deep trouble and couldn't see how she could solve it. Of late, every decision she had made was backfiring and making things worse. Lola hated the choices she was making and didn't want the responsibility. Nights were spent in the closet, chained to wall and ceiling, waiting for the ice to melt, to provide additional time to reflect on her choices. The one and only upside to her days were her brief but highly satisfying encounter with Mr. Hardona at 5:30 every day.
Step 10: Consume Sub
The downside to the time she set with Dr. McGraw originally was that it conflicted with the open cycle she set on the time safe. For her last visit with the Doctor, she would have to forgo her self-pleasurement, one last time. She arrived just on time and looked around the waiting room, reflecting on how much had changed since she first started to visit the Doctor. On the plus side, she had lost over 40 pounds and was very pleased with how she looked. On the minus side, she was unemployed, broke, days from eviction, her belongings were almost exclusively sex related and in their entirety would fit in a large duffle bag. And she still wasn't sleeping. She did resolve to take this up with the Doctor on this last visit.
Thirty minutes later she left her last session feeling buoyant and with a sense of purpose. She knew that there was a job out there for her and once she had it, all her problems would be solved. She just had to find that job. More effort would lead to better results. In that spirit of optimism, she thought about what she hadn't tried. She had no funds to buy a paper for the want ads, but jobs were posted in other places too. She noticed a cluster of newspaper boxes that she usually ignored - these were the city's "free" newspapers - one for cars sales, one for new homes, one for employment, and the alternate "fringe" entertainment weekly. She collected one of each and decided to review them later.
Back in her empty rooms, she sprawled the papers over the living room floor, looking for jobs. Logically, she started with "Employment News" but found nothing except ads selling "Employment Training". She found nothing as expected in the "Auto Seller" or the "New Homes" circulars, but decided to try the fringe paper. She got very excited when she spotted an ad that seemed to be perfect - it offered a signing bonus in lieu of wages that was just enough to clear her debts, it offered room and board, on the job training and seemed to have a low decision making requirement. It seemed ideal - now all she had to do is get the job.
The ad specified a phone interview - which she could do. She quickly got dressed and walked the 4 blocks to the only remaining pay phone she knew of in the area. Nervously, she dialed the number and was relieved when a woman's voice answered the phone. She started with "Hello, my name is Lola Jones. I saw your ad in the Weekly Rainbow and wanted to apply for the job". The woman's voice responded "It is nice to meet you Lola. Let me begin with some questions". For the next 60 minutes, Lola had one of the strangest interviews she had ever heard of from the phone both. But in the end, she had a job offer - it even began the next day. She did have some required activities to complete before reporting for work the next day, precisely at 12:00.
That afternoon, Lola gathered all of her meager belongings on the floor of her bedroom. Leaving aside some of the things she would need for the next day, she was able to fit everything into one duffel bag. The only thing that she could not fit in the bag and would stay behind is the heavy time safe. She would leave it for the sup to deal with. At 5:30 the safe dutifully opened up its contents - Lola removed the Hornifier keys and instead replaced her good friend Hardona in the safe. Somehow she didn't think she should bring it with her to her new employment. She did find the thought of what the sup would think if they could somehow get the safe open to be quite amusing. That and her mounting points would certainly give the sup something to think about.
Lola spent her last night in the apartment the same as the last number of nights, on her knees, secured, and immobile until the ice melted. What was unique about this night was that Lola slept. The knowledge that she had a job, that her problems would be solved, and that she would have low responsibility banished the thoughts and angst that kept Lola from sleeping. Although she was far from comfortable, Lola slept the whole night through. When she awoke the next morning, she marveled at that simple fact. It had been years since she could remember the last time she had done so.
Around 9:00, Lola started to get ready. As she had the keys, she removed the Hornifier and took a long, hot, relaxing shower. She made up her face and hair as best she knew how. She put on her corset, tightened to its best size. Her standard fishnets were placed into her 4 inch heeled CFM's. Her top was one of things she had acquired the day before. From the thrift store, she purchased the cheapest, thinnest, most sparse t shirt she could find. The only one they had was a size 2x, so it did fit her literally like a dress, or perhaps a parachute. A highly see through dress as the stitching on the corset could be determined. There was no doubt the size of Lola areolas, as they too were on display under her "top".
Lola bent down and locked the Hornifier in place. She then locked on her ankle and wrist cuffs. Her final task was to lock on her posture collar and to gather all the keys. These keys she tied together and clipped to the d ring on her collar.
She figured it was about 10:00 - which was just in time. She had to walk to her new place of employment which was about 4 miles away. She picked up her duffle, slung it over her shoulder and exited the apartment without a last look. As she closed the door, she tossed the door key into the living room, and she heard the door click as it locked.
Lola was used to being the focus of attention when she walked, but today she was a sensation. To say she was dressed to thrill was something of an understatement as she walked to her new employment. Most women looked at Lola and then turned away. At least twice, mothers covered the eyes of young children to avoid them from having awkward questions to answer. Men, well most men, just stared. Several of those that didn't giggled and offered the encouragement of "You go girl".
Eventually, she arrived at her destination. She walked up the stairs, took a deep breath, and knocked.
Lola waitied. She wanted to knock again but that would be rude. She still wanted to re-knock but held off. The door opened, and a woman with dark red hair and a purple stripe took Lola in. "Yes?" Lola introduced herself "I'm Lola Jones. I am here for the Personal Subservient job". The red haired woman responded "I'm Mistress Dark Thoughts" and waited. Lola reached to her throat, and removed all her keys from the clasp and offered them to her Mistress. "These are yours."
Step 11: Savor the Flavor
The phone rang in Doctor McGraw's office. After three rings he picked it up with his standard "Doctor McGraw, Medical Hypnotist. How can I help you?"
"Hey Bro, it's your delightful Sister Deety. Just letting you know that Lola Jones has arrived in good order. I took her through again what will be expected of her and she has signed both the Employment and the Slave contract. She is currently stewing nicely in the Hornifier - I have set it to Extreme mode. She should be very ready for her coming out party on Saturday! I gotta ask, where *do* you find them?"
"Well Deety, sometimes they just come to me. I open the door, and they are there."
During Lola's phone interview, the following are the questions that Mistress Dark Thoughts asked of Lola.
How do you feel about bondage? How do you feel about sex as a profession?
In what way does discipline encourages excellence?
Are you willing to have sex with multiple partners? Per day? At a Time? Of someone else's choosing?
What is your favorite sex act? Why?
What is your pain tolerance?
Tell me about a time when you performed self bondage?
Are you willing to be available for work at all hours, for long shifts?
Tell me, does an employee ever have the right to say no?
Do you prefer your quarters to be a cell in the basement, or in the attic?