Author's Note: Again, I present you a piece of my imagination on long term metal bondage. This is the first time ever i used first person narrative. So please excuse for any grammatical mistakes as you know English is not my first or second language. The story is purely based on the torment and long term confinement of the character, there is no sexual encounter in the story. Please leave a comment at the end. Happy reading....
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Chapter 1
I woke up on a dirty floor. My head was throbbing with massive headache. It was feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I looked around and found a few other women looking at me. I looked outside and realized it was a police holding cell. I remembered everything from last night. Oh god, what a mess I have gotten myself into!
My grandmother came to my cell after sometime. "What the hell have you done this time? " . I cried as I told her everything that I remember
It was my 18th birthday. We were partying. We got drunk till we were no longer thinking straight . Another friend suggested I should try some cocaine. I tried it. It was an awesome feeling. Then we went outside that pub. As far as I could remember I took a metal rod and broke some car standing outside the hotel. then I passed out.
"It was a Lamborghini you idiot. Do you have any idea on how much does the car cost? They have booked so many charges against you. I cannot help you this time Arpita. " my grandmother told.
I cried loudly as she left. I was never a typical good girl, actually I loved being called bad. My mom and dad died in a car crash when I was just 10 years old. My grandmother took me in. I was a spoiled brat. I got a couple of warnings from juvenile court for drink and drive and bad behavior in public. But this time it was serious. I looked around. I could see two aged women in the cell. They looked dirty and uneducated.
"Ms Arpita, please come out" a lady police officer called me. I got up and walked out of the cell. The cell was dingy. I was happy to get out. I knew my grandmother will get me out of this mess. She loved me very much.
She gave me a board with my name and case no written on it. They took some mugshot. I was still wearing that short one piece birthday dress. All police officers were staring at my sexy legs. I felt good. If this dress worked in police station, this would work in court as well.
I was told that my lawyer would meet me in court. Then the lady officer came back with a pair of handcuffs .
" No no no, you don't need to handcuff me. I am not that sort of a girl. I am an educated and decent girl. " I told as I moved back from the table.
"you have assault charges against you. You are just a criminal for me,. Now come down here or I will call for help from male officers. "
I was stunned. How rudely she was behaving. I reluctantly came back and extended my hands to her. She took my left wrist roughly and closed one cuff around it. The metal was cold, it was a 'D' shaped cuff with a flat u shape in one side and a round straight bar with ratchet lock at the end of opening side. She closed the end of the bar and pushed it until it gets tightened over my wrists. She locked it with a key.
"This is really not necessary, please" I pleaded once again as he locked the second cuff on my right wrist. There were just three links of heavy chain between the two cuffs. When I removed my hands from the table, I was surprised with the weight of those cuffs. I could not move my wrists inside those. More than the weight, the humiliation of being cuffed like a criminal was bothering me. I did not want my friends to see me in cuffs.
She held my arms and marched me outside the door. I looked down as she lead me outside to a waiting van. I was pushed inside the van. I sat on the hard wooden bench as they closed the door and it started moving.
The van stopped at city court and I was taken out from it. I could see my grandma at the top of the staircase. She seemed truly shocked seeing me in handcuffs. I kept my cuffed hands near my belly. Tears ran down from her eyes as the guards took me away before I could say something.
I was taken into a small cell where several women were already sitting in two wooden benches. They all looked poor and dirty. I really hated sitting with them. The cell was even dirtier than the police station I was in this morning. The guards put me in and locked the cell. Two ladies tried to talk to me, but I didn't reply. They started commenting nasty about my dress, they asked me whether I was a prostitute. I ignored them.
A man dressed like a lawyer came near my cell and called my name. I went near the bars.
"They have got CCTV footage of your mayhem. You were also tested positive for drugs. We have got nothing here. We must plead guilty. So they will give you some community service and fine"
"ok, but how long I have to be here. Can't they take off these cuffs, these are awful. " I told.
"Please be patient, our turn will come. "
I was really pissed off as two hours passed. Finally I was taken from the cell to the courthouse.
The courthouse was nothing fancy as I had imagined. It was dirty too with an old judge sitting in a table. I was led to a sqare marked area. I could see my grandma on a chair but I could not see any of my friends who were there in the party with me yesterday. although there were no cases against them as CCTV footage showed only me rampaging the car. But they could have come to support me, I thoughts
"My lord. This is a case of destroying private property and assault on......... " two lawyers kept on talking. I was standing there for almost ten minutes .I was really frustrated and irritated.
"hey, just tell me how much I need to pay. I just need to get out of here. " I shouted.
"watch your mouth lady" do you know where you are standing? " The judge shouted. "I should punish you for condemnation of court. "
I kept quiet.
"The car cost is 40 million INR. The repairing cost is close to 30 million. Her grandma just have assets worth 4 million INR , how will she pay for damage? " the opponent lawyer asked.
My lawyer could not say anything. My grandmother started crying. The judge thought for a moment.
"she needs to repay the amount by selling all her grandma's property. Also she needs to be jailed for minimum 5 years. "
I could not believe my ears. 5 years in jail? I broke down immediately
"My lord my client have a proposal. Being a noble respected man in the society he doesn't want to take away everything from this old lady. So this girl can work in his company for next 7 years with minimum wage so we could recover some of the money. "
"We would love this idea, my lawyer told. I was happy too, anything better than going to jail. I wanted to see the owner of the car. But he already started walking towards the door. From behind he seemed old, but vey tall.
Judge also welcomed the move as I was taken to his table for signing up legal bond. I tried to tell the police officer to take off the cuffs from my wrists but he told me to sign them first. I was told to start working from tomorrow. They released those awful cuffs after I signed them all.
I went back home with my grandma. She scolded me for the entire journey. I didn't care. The decision was good for me. I also did not want to study anymore. Working would be fun, I thought.
Chapter 2
"Wake up Arpita, time to go to office" my grandma woke me up next morning. "Now stretch your left arm" she told.
I stretched my arm, she took a thin silver chain with some gemstones embedded on it and placed it on my arm. She adjusted the length and closed the end pin, locking it tightly around my arm.
"What is this shit. Its uncomfortable, remove it" I told.
"I consulted an astrologer yesterday. This religious amulet and gemstones will remove negativity from your life and bring you good luck "
"I don't believe in all these. Please granny, remove it" I told her.
"Wear it for my sake, please. Now get up and get ready "
I reluctantly got up and got ready. The extra chain dangling from the armlet was tickling near my elbow. I wore a jeans and a top. I took a bus to reach the office.
I looked at the huge building. Eastman groups limited was a very famous company. I walked inside . The security guy came to me and enquired about what I wanted.
"I will be working here from today. Call your MD and tell him I am here" I told him.
He spoke to someone over phone and lead me to 23 rd floor to MD Mr Prasad's room.
"I expect you to wear formal dress when you come to my company. Do you understand? "he told. I looked at the old man. I could not understand why that generation creep about dresses so much.
"Cool " I told. He called somebody and instructed me to take to my work place.
He took me to a room and gave me an uniform. It was labeled as 'Janitor '. I was furious when I saw it.
What the fuck? I am here to work in an office, not to clean toilets. Are you an idiot? I am an educated girl." I shouted.
"Look girl. You don't have any experience. Our MD feels this is where you suppose to work. "
"Fuck off " I told as I walked out of the place. I had decided that till they give me any other job I would not be working with them. I walked out of the office and head straight to a pub. What I definitely wanted at that moment was a chilled beer to refresh myself.
I returned home after a long refreshing session in the pub, parlor and a spa. I really needed the pampering after that awful night in jail. I rang the doorbell. My grandma opened the door. He looked very worried.
"Where have you been Arpita?" She asked furiously.
"In office " I lied and entered inside the house. To my surprise I saw two male and one female police officer waiting inside the room. The lady officer immediately got up and pushed me to the wall. The male officers also got up, grabbed my hands and pulled them behind my back.
"What the hell is going on. I have done nothing wrong today" I shouted. But they roughly put a handcuff on my wrists behind my back.
"It hurts" I cried out. But they showed no mercy. The metallic cuffs were tightly encircling my wrists, cutting down blood flow somehow.
"We are arresting you for breaking your contact with Eastman groups limited and for not honoring courts decision. " the female officer told in a robotic voice.
"they told me to clean toilets. Please listen to me" I cried. But they dragged me out of the house in handcuffs. My grandma cried as they marched me through the lawn. All my neighbors were standing the amd watching my predicament. I lowered my head. They threw me at the backseat of the police car. I cried in pain as I landed in my bound wrists. They took me to a bigger police station. They dragged me out of the car and lead me towards the front desk.
"Oh, this is the bitch?" The police women sitting on the front desk asked. I was really scared now. One officer was holding my arm and the female officer was holding me painfully by my hair.
"Take her to solitary confinement."she told and gave the male officers a big coil of rope. They again dragged me through numerous corridor and staircases. I realized that they were taking me floors under ground level. There were absolute silence except our footsteps.
"where are you talking me? I need to speak to my grandma " I pleaded but they continued walking. At the end of a long dark corridor they unlocked a heavy barred door and pushed me in. The smell in the air was heavy and awful. They pushed me on the dirty ground over my belly. They pulled my legs together and started binding them tightly with the rope.
"What.... Oh please nooo. I promise to cooperate, please , what are you doing? " I cried in despair. They pulled my bound legs towards my cuffed wrists behind my back and looped the ropes over the handcuffs.
"This is how we deal with bitches like you. You will get more treatment like this when you go to jail tomorrow. "the lady officer told. They walked out of the cell, closing the barred door.
I cried for help for a long time. I promised to be a good girl but there were none to listen to my cry. I was unable to move. The pain on my wrists and ankles were unbearable. I could not move a bit. I realized I was in a big mess.
Next 12 hours I spent in that solitary confinement. I cried for entire night. I did not get even a drop of water. I felt painful cramps on my shoulders and legs. I was terrified when I saw a big rat inside the cell. I cried and cried until I got no strength to cry anymore.
I heard footsteps as two officers unlocked the door. They released the ropes from my legs. I almost had no strength to get up. They pulled me up. My handcuffs remained locked on my wrists behind my back. I cried in pain when they pushed me towards the corridor again and after countless stairs we again reached the front desk. I could see bright daylight outside.
"Water" I could whisper. They gave me some water. Then they took me to a van. They drive me to the court again.
Chapter 3
"No respect for law, no respect for your grandma, no respect for anything. Shameless girl, this time you have done a big mess"
The judge was speaking. I stood in the square again.
"Eight years of strict imprisonment without a chance of early parole with 5 million INR fine for this nuisance of the society for destroying private property, assaulting the car owner and for not honoring court's order " he told. I broke down. I could not see my grandma in the crowd.
"My client still thinks she could be changed. I have another proposal from my client " the opposition lawyer told. He put some papers forward.
"Hmm, seven years working in farm. " the Judge told. "but what if she runs off again?"
"We purpose to keep her in some kind of restraints all the time. She will get food and all necessary facility there. But no wages this time. "
I did not understand what keep in restrains means. But anything was better than what I had experienced last night.
"Do you agree? " the judge asked me. I nodded in agreement.
"So this is my final decision, you will be sent to Mr. Bose's farm for seven years. You will work there. Any more disobedience will convert your punishment into jail term for 8 years. They can punish you for your behavior and work without damaging you in any permanent way. There should be no sexual contact. They can keep you restrained however they feel fit. You cannot meet any relatives during this years. A lady police officer will meet you every 6 months and will give court reports of your well being . If you agree you can sign these documents. "
They removed my cuffs. My hands were tumbling. My only regret was I would not be able to see my grandma anymore for seven years. But I could not bear the horror of going back to jail again.
I signed those papers quietly.my hands were shaking in pain. I was crying continuously. I was blaming myself.
I was again handcuffed behind my back as I was taken out of the courthouse. Grandma was standing outside. She was crying too.
"Believe in god, these years will be over soon. " She told.
My voice choked. I could not say anything. the police officers took me away. They took me to a van.
"you will be transferred to the farm now" she told.
"what? Now? I need to get my things from my house first. " I told
"Everything will be provided there."she told.
"At least give me my cell phone, and just remove these awful handcuffs. I am going nowhere "
"You are a prisoner. You cannot get a cellphone. The cuffs remain until we hand you over to the farm" she told.
I was stunned. How can I spend 7 years without a cell phone? The judge told about not meeting relatives, but nothing about cell phone or internet connection.
"I will discuss this with my employer tomorrow there. This women is acting bossy " I thought.
The van started. It drove for 12 hours. They stopped 2-3 times for food and washroom. They changed my handcuffs from back to front during loo break and for food but as soon as I finished my breaks they changed it behind my back again. They were treating me like a complete criminal. I was furious, but I kept quiet.
Chapter 4
It was already dark outside when we reached our destination. I could see very high boundary walls as we drove inside the huge gate. They stopped near a big house. As far as I could see there were only dark fields all around. There was a huge barn beside the house.
A fat lady and two big strong looking men received the officers. They looked like typical villagers. I even could smell cow dung from their dresses.
"This is the prisoner we are here to hand you over."the officer told. She unlocked my handcuff. I almost cried in pain as blood rushed to my shoulder blades.
"Sambhu, hold her" the fat lady instructed. One big strong man came near me and held my arm firmly.
"Ouch, I am not going anywhere. " I shouted at him. He did not say anything but stared me like he was going to eat me.
The police van drove away leaving me with them. The other man took a big key out and unlocked the big barn door as they lead me inside. The barn was even bigger than I thought.
They took me at the end of the barn. It was dark except a single bulb. They unlocked a door made of wire mesh.
"get inside" the lady instructed. I walked inside. The place was smelling bad. The roof was very low, I could barely stand there. I was wondering why we were there.
"you will stay here" she told.
"Are you crazy? What kind of joke is this?" I yelled at her. "I am just leaving this shitty place ".
Suddenly the man grabbed me from behind. I struggled to get out of his strong hands. Something cold touched my neck. He was holding my upper body so I could not bring my hands to my neck. I tried to bite his arm but he dodged easily. I heard a click behind my neck. He threw me to the heap of straw . I heard metallic jingle as I moved my hand to my neck. I found a thick steel chain encircled my neck. There was a large padlock locking it there. The other side of the long chain was padlocked to a ring on the wall.
"What the hell do you think you are doing. Release me immediately". I shouted loudly. The lady came near me and slapped me very hard. I felt like a thunderstorm had hit my face. I was stunned. Nobody in this world had slapped me like this. I was awestruck.
"Better check this tone of yours girl. I am the head of the farm here, so better talk to me properly. I have seen many spoilt brat like you, and I know how to deal with you. " she told.
They turned and started to leave. I cried out. "Please don't leave me here I am sorry, please. I cannot stay here. "
But nobody turned back. I kept on shouting. I was really very scared. How could somebody leave me chained alone to this god forsaken place. I tried to walk towards the door but the chain on my neck went taut just a few feet before the door. Frustrated, I pulled the chain with all my strength. It did not move an inch. I knew there were no one on this barn. I checked the padlock on my neck. It was a solid brass one. I had no way to get out of this bondage. Defeated, I sat on the heap of straw. I started crying hysterically. I was very tired. I did not sleep for almost 48 hours. I cried till I sleep.
I suddenly got up with rattling noise from the door. The lady unlocked the wire mesh door and came inside. I remembered the slap from last night. I did not move. There were faint daylight outside. My room was still dark.
"I brought you some cloths. You can change in them. Here is your breakfast. "
She handed me an old jeans shirt and a pair of shorts. She also put down a plate of bread soaked in milk.
" I want to get out of this place. Please. I am not an animal. You cannot chain me like this. This is inhuman and unlawful. " I told her.
"This is completely lawful. The judge had told to restrain you all the time. And you need to learn discipline in your life. "
"Please, I will work for the farm. You cannot just keep me here like an animal. " I told I was still crying.
" You will work for the farm. The blacksmith has taken leave, but he will be back by tomorrow. After that you can start working outside. For today you will clean your cell. I will punish you If you don't do it properly. "
She left me a broom and a bucket of water. I was still crying. I just could not bear with that chain on my neck . The police cuffs were bad but this was even worse. I looked around the room, or I can call it my cell. It looked filthy with old bird shit on the floor. I felt helpless. I did not want her to hit me again.
I first ate the food. I was hungry. Then I changed my dress. The top was a bit loose. It was sleeveless. The shorts were till my knees. The armlet given by my grandma was visible on my arm now. I decided to keep it on my arm. I folded my dresses and kept in a corner.
I had never cleaned a floor before. I was very tired even before I finished half the floor. The dangling chain from my neck was disturbing me. I rotated the padlock from front to back of my neck. I was wondering who this blacksmith was. Why he needed to come back so that I could go out from the cell?
I finished cleaning the floor. The lady came back after hours and gave me my lunch. Some awful curry and rice.
"A good luck armlet, I did not think you are religious type" she told when she saw the armlet.
"My grandma gave me this " I told
She gestured to keep that and took my old cloths.
"I need to pee badly. Please take me to toilet" I told her.
She pointed out a hole at the corner of the room.
"Nooo pleaseeeeee this is unhygienic . " I panicked.
"You are like a slave here. You will do exactly as I tell you" she told and left.
I waited till I could hold my bladder no more. I dragged my chain and peed on the hole. I felt awful. I used water to wash my pussy.
I sat on the floor for the entire day. In my mind I escaped thousand times. I cried almost entire day. The word 'slave' was really bothering me.
Chapter 5
Slowly two days passed. I did not get to do any more work. The lady just gave me food and water and left without a word. I was sleeping over the heap of straw. I was compelled to pee and dump in the corner hole.
Another man entered the cell at 3rd day morning with the lady. He told me to stand and checked my hands and legs. I wondered what he wanted until by evening he entered my cell again. This time with the other two strong men ( I named them Mr x and Mr y) . He was carrying a tool box and several length if heavy chains, just like the one on my neck. I panicked severely.
"Stand up and put your hands behind your head. " he commanded.
"why?" I asked in fear. I was sure something bad was going to happen to me.
Mr x and Mr y did not want to waste any more time. They held my arms and pulled me up. I was shivering in fear.
The blacksmith took a big oval ring, made by round black metal rod. There were several hinges on the ring. Some heavy chains were also dangling from a loop attached on the ring. He lowered my shorts a bit exposing my naval area. I still had no idea what they were trying to do but I was screaming in top of my lungs. The blacksmith rolled my shirt up a bit and then placed that big oval ring around my waist just above my naval like a belt. It was like a big cuff around the slimmest part of my waist. I cried as ot was tightened and the ends were shut together with a bolt and a nut on the right side. It wrapped my waist tightly and perfectly.it was pulling my waist down with weight of those chains hanging from it.
"what are you doing? Leave me?" I was still shouting loudly but it fall on deaf ears.
The loop with hanging chains were just in front of my naval. When he adjusted those chains I realized that there was one thick heavy chain passed through the loop. On each end of this chain there were two rings attached which were bigger in diameter than the loop on the belt. Each rings were attached with two more chains with cuff like structure at each end of it. Those were wide and thick silver cuffs, not like the police handcuffs.
I cried, struggled and tried to kick the blacksmith. But nothing stopped him from closing those cuffs around my ankles. I felt cold metals around my wrists too as he pulled my hands near my belly. Mr x was holding my head and my upper body so rigidly that I could not see what the blacksmith was doing. When he released my wrist from his grip I tried to pull my hands up. But those chains stopped my hands in just few inches as I felt the chains on my ankle got taut.
"Why are you putting me in this shackles? I am cooperating with you. Have you gone mad. I will complain to police" I kept on shouting. But they carried on.
They removed the neck chain from my neck, then I felt something solid and cold around my neck. I could do nothing as they locked this cuff around my neck too. They finished everything in just 15 minutes and dumped me on the floor. I quickly looked down on my wrists and ankles. They were now encircled by shiny steel wide cuffs. The wrists were separated by just six inches of thick and heavy chains which attached to the connecting chain to the chain on my ankles through the loop on the tight belt on my waist. I had to bend my legs to be able to get some slack to pull my cuffed wrists to my neck and mouth. I felt the metal piece around my neck. It was as solid as the cuffs around my wrists and ankles. It was very uncomfortable around my throat. The chain from the wall now hanged from this neck cuff by a padlock through a ring in front.
"pleaseeeeee come back, this is inhuman. " I screamed. My voice echoed through the barn. But nobody came back for me. I struggled against the bondage, tried to pull them open but nothing worked. I checked my cuffs. Those had keyholes built in them. The handcuffs were not very tight. But enough for not to slip over my hands. I tried to slip the waist belt down over my buttocks but it stayed tightly on. I was exhausted with the struggle. I got up once to see my limitations. It was difficult even to get up with so much of dead metal weight around my body. With loud clinking of chains I finally stood up. My hands got trapped on the waist belt as the connecting chain took out all the slack and I was unable to move my hands too far from the belt. I took a few steps. The 18 inch chain between the ankle cuffs reduced my walk into short hobble. I struggled with each step.
"In what mess I have gotten myself into " I thought as tears rolled down from my eyes .
I returned to my pile of straw and sat down. I grabbed the armlet and cried for a long time. I missed my grandma.
Mr x came to my cell the next day. I couldn't really sleep in such restrictive movement. The belt was digging painfully on my back. I was furious.
"You need to go outside today to work " he told.
"I will not go anywhere until you remove this chains. "I shouted back at him. He did not tell anything and left.
Within a minute there lady came to my cell. She was carrying a bull whip in his hand. I screamed and tired to move to the corner but could not move fast enough due to those awful chains. She started beating me mercilessly. I howled in pain. The whip was raining on my hands, breasts, legs .
"I am sorry, pleaseeeeee " I was pleading her to stop beating me. My whole body was on fire. She finally unlocked the wall chain and pulled me by it. I got up with loud clinking of chains. I was pulled by my neck chain. It was very difficult to walk in those legirons. I hobbled along as she lead me out of the barn.
I saw at least 50 people working in those fields. I was feeling really embarrassing being chained like an animal in front of all those villages people. They were also staring at me.
" You need to fill those hand carts with paddy and dump them inside the barn neatly. "
My anchoring chain was padlocked to the wooden handle of the cart. I was expecting that they would release me from those shackles . But they gestured to go ahead. I had no choice but to start working in chains. I pushed the cart near the pile of paddy plants. The neck chain had a slack of ten feet. I had to kneel down in order to grab a bunch . It was very difficult and tiresome. It took almost 20 minutes to take the first cart to the barn.
"We don't have all day, hurry up" Mr x shouted.
"I can't, at least not with those shackles on my limbs. "I cried out. I was already exhausted. The woman whispered something to Mr x. I panicked when he approached me. I still remembered the whipping from today morning.
"Don't hurt me please" I screamed.
He produced a key from his pocket and unlocked my wrists. The cuffs were still dangling from my waist belt. But at least I got freedom to use my hands properly.
"Now work faster, will you? "
"Please remove these leg irons it is hurting me " I told
"Shut the fuck up and start working, or your hands are going back in those cuffs. " he shouted.
I immediately stared working. I did not want to loose the tiny freedom I got.
I fall down several times during the trips. I was exhausted after sometime. They did not show me any mercy and gestured me to carry on.
"It's lunchtime " Mr x told me as he unlocked my neck chain from the cart. I was drenched in sweat and had no idea how much time had passed.
He held my hand and cuffed my wrists on my waist belt again. I did not struggle this time. I had no power to struggle anymore.
Beside the barn under a tree all those labors were having lunch. There were rice and curries kept in big utensils. Mr x left my neck chain and handed me a plate. There were two ladies serving everybody. I held my plate as they served some rice and curry in my plate. I realized I did not eat anything since morning. I was hungry.
The neck chain was dragging along with me. The other side was not locked to anything. I sat down on the grass to be able to pull my cuffed hands near my mouth.
"Hi I am Vimla, are you having problem in eating with those chains? " a labour lady sat near me and asked.
I did not want to answer. I concentrated on my food.
"I heard you will be kept in this farm from now onwards " she told as she touched my waist belt.
"Just get the fuck out of here or I will break your nose" I shouted I was really irritated everybody else looked at me.
"I was just trying to help you. Why are you bring so rude? " she told.
"I am allergic to you uneducated labors. Just don't irritate me"
" Come back vimla, she is fucking retarded" somebody told from the crowd. Everybody was murmuring about me. I cared a damn.
"Fucking Queen in chains" she joked and everybody laughed.
I wanted some more food, so I got up and hobbled to the table.
"Give me some rice"
"Please help yourself your highness" the lady serving there told. Everybody laughed again. I could not reach the utensil with my hands trapped to my waist belt. I came back and sat on the grass again. Tears rolled down from my eyes. I felt so helpless.
The break got over as all went back to work. Mr x came and held my neck chain and pulled me again.
"I am not a dog, don't pull me like this. You tell me where I need to go, I will go along with you. " I quipped. But my words had no effects as he kept on pulling me. I had no choice but to follow him.
My first day of labour was over by evening . I was panting, I was exhausted. I have never done so much of work in a day. My ankles were hurting like hell due to those legirons. Mr x release my neck chain from the cart after re-cuffing my wrists to my waist belt. I was taken to my cell again.
Chapter 6
To my wonder, the cell now got a new look. The old wire mash door was gone. It was replaced with solid iron barred gate, just like a jail cell. He opened the gate with loud noise and let me in.
Inside the cell a small partition was fixed on the left side where the pee and dumping hole was situated. I was happy to see a steel potty, fixed in the same place. The partition would hide me while I would answer nature's call. The straw bundles were also gone, instead there was a thick mattress on the floor.
I was feeling happy for the first time since I came to this farm. I was also a bit surprised when Mr x unlocked the existing chain from my collar. But all my hope of being free from the neck chain was dashed when he grabbed another chain from the floor which I had not noticed before. The other end was already padlocked to the ring on the wall.
This chain was thicker than my previous neck chain. It was silver in color and very shiny.
"I cannot go anywhere from this cell, then why do you need to chain me to the Wall? Please, this looks very heavy. It hurts my neck" I pleaded. But he padlocked it to my neck anyway.
I walked around my cell to see the new arrangement. At least they had given me some basic amenities. The new neck chain was longer and allowed me to walk till the barred gate. I noticed two small gate or horizontal openings in the gate, one near the hight of my waist and another one near the bottom of the gate. I was feeling like a real prisoner now. Mr x came back after few hours and passed a plate of food through the gate at the bottom of the gate.
I slept properly on my new bed for the first time. I was damn tired so I slept immediately.
"Wake up girl and get ready " the lady called me from outside the cell. I got up. My ankles were still very sore from yesterday's work.
"Come to the gate, Now" she ordered. As I reached the gate she took my hands through the gate and unlocked the cuffs on my wrist. Similarly she unlocked my legirons too through the bottom gate of the barred door. I just realized that those openings were made in the gate to be able to remove these cuffs without entering my cell. The opened cuffs and chains dangled from the waist belt. She passed a set of clothes and a towel through the opening.
"Take bath and get ready for work. " she told..
"Won't you take off this thing from my waist," I told as I showed her the metal round belt. "This hurts, please"
"That stays " she told and left.
I took the cloths and went behind the partition. The cloths given to me was nothing fancy, a jeans shirt, a pair of shorts and very basic looking undergarments. I kept them away ,removed my cloths and switched on the shower, the only luxury item inside my cell. The dangling chains from my waist belt was annoying me. I took bath, the cold water felt good on my skin.
The lady came back outside the cell after I finished dressing up. She commanded again to put my wrist through the gate. I was again shackled by my wrists and ankles.
She unlocked the cell door and by unlocking the wall chain from the collar she led me outside and chained my collar to the cart again.
I was really annoyed with the behaviour they were showing towards me. I mean, I was not a hard core criminal or murderer, than what's the meaning of keeping a girl in chains all the time.
My thoughts were interrupted as Mr x approached me and removed my handcuffs. I started my day's work of transporting grains. The labour girls were laughing at me as I struggled to walk in those legirons. I ignored them.
They also did not help me at the time of lunch. I struggled to reach the utensils to serve food myself but I managed somehow. I knew somehow I need to escape from this hell.
I felt sharp pain in my ass as I sat down on the grass to have my meal. It was a piece of metal wire. I was just going to throw it away when I suddenly thought of something. I looked around, nobody was watching me. I tugged it in my panty and continued with my meal.
By the end of the day I was again taken to my cell, handcuffed and legironed. I waited patiently until Mr x pushed my dinner plate through the barred gate. When I assured myself that nobody was going to come to my cell tonight I took out that piece of wire.
Chapter 7
I did many mischievous things in life. One of them was stealing money from my grandma's small safe. I learnt the trick of using wires tweaks to pick locks.
I twisted the wire head a little. Then I inserted it in the keyhole of my wrist cuffs. I tried my level best but I could not pick any of the inbuilt locks of the handcuffs and legirons. I was devastated. This was my last chance. I pulled my shackles in frustration.
I pulled the connecting chain towards my collar. I held the padlock which lock the wall chain to the collar around my throat, and inserted the wire. It was difficult as I could not see the padlock. It was just under my chin. I kept on trying.
Suddenly I heard a faint click. To my disbelief the padlock opened. I was thrilled. I wanted to run, escape from here. I ran towards the gate. I tried to reach for the big padlock locking the gate but it was impossible for me to reach it through the narrow bars of the gate with both of my hands. Dejected, I returned back to my bed. I knew I had to do something to make it happen, I have achieved the first step. Now it was time for the great escape.
"Get up and come down to the door" the lady asked next morning. I had already turned the collar 180 degree, so the tether chain was now dangling from the back of the neck from the open padlock, which was covered by my hair.
I had my plan ready, I knew this was the only time they unchain both my wrists and ankles.
"My ankles are badly hurt due to those legirons, please can you look at it? " I told her.
She unlocked the gate and entered. I was ready to hit her and run, but suddenly Mr x also appeared outside the cell. I just held myself back, I realized, I could not defeat them both.
"Madam, singhji came to meet you" He told.
She gestured at Mr x that she would be coming, meanwhile she checked my ankle.
"I don't see anything here. Nothing happened, so stop giving excuses for not working. " she told and walked away. Mr x was still waiting outside. She closed the door as I looked away. My plan very much failed, atleast for today.
I walked till the cell door and pushed it in frustration. To my disbelief the gate swang opened.
"She forgot to lock the door! " I was stunned and astonished. I unlocked the neck chain from the opened padlock from my collar and ran past the cell door. I knew I had to be very careful. I looked around. There was no one.I did not run towards the barn gates. I ran in the opposites side. It was not very easy to run with those chains dangling from my waist. I wrapped the dangling chains around my waist and ran.
I saw a small window at the other side of the wall. I climbed through it and then jumped outside the barn. I ran through the long plants. The metals around my waist was making ample sound, I held them as tightly as I could. I had no idea where I was going, I knew I had to run faster.
Suddenly I heard voices from the direction of the barn. "they must have realized that I escaped" I thought. I ran hard for next 20 minutes or so till I could run no more. I was exhausted. It was daylight and I could not see anybody around.
I realized, I had to hide somewhere till evening, and I could only escape at night. Otherwise in daylight anybody could have traced me. I was almost 3 kms away from the barn now. As far as I could see there were only green plantation.
Shortly I found a yard where big old straw bundles were stocked inside big holes on the ground. I took aside some straws from one hole to make enough room for me to hide inside.
Time passed as my stomach grumbled for food. It was hot outside. I did not dare to leave the hole. They might have been searching nearby. I tried my level best to slide the waist belt over my hips but it was impossible. I had no idea how I could hide so much of dangling chains from public eye if at all I escape from here. I might have hide those chains under my shirt, but what about the collar on my neck? And the sound of the chains? I was worried.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard footsteps nearby. I was scared to death. Through the straws I could see Mr x with five-six more men looking all around. They started searching in those straw holes as well.
"Oh god please please please, don't let them get me" I prayed, holding my lucky armlet. I closed my eyes in fear as one man approached my hole too.
"Hey I saw something moving there" somebody from the search team told. I opened my eyes in horror. To my relief he was pointing at the other side. Everybody ran towards that side. I sighed in relief.
I hid there for entire day. I was hungry, thirsty. But I lay there, unmoved. I would not go back to that hell again at any cost. I could never imagine being chained and alone for 7 years like that. I did not sign for this.
I moved out of the hole when it was dark. My mouth was dead dry. I found a pond and drank some water from it. I ran in one straight direction.
Suddenly I found a wall. It looked like a boundary wall. It was smooth and high. I tried to climb it but failed. I ran along the wall, hoping to get an opening somewhere. But I could find none. I was very tired. I knew I had to escape from this farm anyhow by tonight, but I could not walk even one step more. I sat down near a tree and closed my eyes.
Sun rays fall on my skin when I woke up again. "Oh shit, I could not get passed that wall by night " I thought. I was almost exhausted. My stomach was cramping due to hunger. I kept on walking along the high wall.
Suddenly I heard faint noise. There were dogs barking. "Oh no, they are using dogs to trace me". I ran for my life. I realized they were coming closer. I fall down several times.
"There she is" somebody shouted from behind. I was limping. I kept on running. Suddenly someone pushed me from behind. I fall down painfully. I was screaming in agony. Several hands grabbed me as I tried to get up one more time. I knew my attempt to escape had failed.
They unwrapped the chains from my waist as I screamed in frustration. They cuffed my wrists and ankles again. Then they made me walk with them. Two men were holding my arms tightly as I was almost dragged along with them. I realized that I was not very far from the farmhouse. all the labours stopped working as they saw me, dragging along in chains.
"let me go you bastards" I was still shouting on top of my lungs. I was expecting them to lead me towards the barn. But instead, they took me towards the backside of the barn where the labours used to eat their lunch. I could see a big metal structure in the middle of the place. I was horrified when I realized what it was. "A Cage? " I screamed!" I am not an animal, I am not going inside it" .I tried to struggle. But as chained and helpless as I was, I could do nothing. They dragged me towards it. Then they opened the gate and shoved me inside. I cried in pain as I fall on my cuffed wrists. They banged the gate closed and locked it with a big padlock.
The lady came near the cage. She didn't look at me. She called all the labours in front of my cage and addressed them.
"This bitch doesn't deserve civilized treatment. She is a spoiled brat and should be treated like a bitch. I will only provide her food and water at night, for the rest of the day she will be begging to you for food and water. And if you feel she is begging properly, you could always throw something in her cage floor for her to eat. She will be living in your mercy from now onwards "
I just couldn't believe what she told. I tried to force the door out, it didn't move an inch. I looked around. This cage was obviously not built for keeping human inside. It was crampy. It was rectangular, measuring around 5ft x 4ft with just 4 ft high. The bottom and top of the cage was made up of thick metal sheet, the sides were covered with heavy metal bars. I could barely move inside it. The worst part was, with my every movement the shackles around my body was hitting the metal floor of the cage, making loud unbearable metallic sound. I started screaming in frustration. I was feeling clustophobic.
I calmed down after some time. The anger gradually turned into fear as the day progressed. I knew this time it would be difficult to escape, but I had no idea how long they were planning to keep me in this cage. The cage metal surface started to become very hot in sun as the day progressed. I was sweating profusely. I was very hungry and thirsty. But begging from these labours was out of question. I was adamant, "if that madam wanted to torture me, I will endure it" I thought.
Lunch time started, and all those labors were having food around my cage. Vimla came near my cage, "Hey, you need food? " she asked. Everybody was laughing at my predicament.
"Not from you , just fuck off "I told.
My so called endurance got over within 6 -7 hours. I was shivering from hunger, my mouth was dead dry. I had never felt hunger like that before. I was feeling like vomiting, but nothing was coming out from inside because nothing was inside my stomach. I was not able to breathe properly due to thirst.
"Pleaseee, some water" I pleaded looking at Mr x. He completely ignored me. I had no choice but to move towards the labour side.
"Please give me some water. I will die from thirst, please"
My first plea was ignored by all.
"I am begging you, pleaseeeeee "
I was panting hard. A lady from that group came near my cage. She took a glass of water.
"Bark like a dog if you need water" she told.
Tears rolled down from my eyes. I desperately needed that glass of water.
"Bow bow" I told and broke down immediately She gave me the glass of water. I drank it. I wanted more.
My humiliation was not over yet. She took two pieces of bread and showed it to me.
"If you want these, kiss my feet. "
I wanted them. My mind could not think straight . I saw at her dirty feet. All I could think was , I was just one kiss away from food. I kissed her feet through the bars. Everybody laughed. I heard somebody telling from the crowd that this is the right punishment for a spoiled brat like me. She threw those breads on the cage floor. I moved with huge mettalic noise from my shackles to get them. I ate them without any hesitations.
All labours left by evening. It was very clear to me that they would be keeping me in this cage even at night. At night Mr x came with some rice and curry in a paper plate. He gave it through the bars.
"Please, let me get out of this cage. I won't try to escape again. I promise. " I pleaded.
He ignored me completely and stood there till I finish my food. Then he handed me a small bottle of drinking water.
"Goodnight... " he told as he left me alone there.
I had never spent night like this in the open. I was really scared. There were no one nearby. I pulled my handcuffs and legirons in frustration, they returned more jingling sound. I laid down on the hard metal floor of the cage. They awful metal belt on my waist was digging in painfully into my flesh. I could not find any comfortable position to sleep.
"oh god, what have I gotten myself into! "
Chapter 8
"Get up girl, time to fresh up " somebody shouted near my ears as I woke up suddenly. The jingling of my shackles made me remember how helpless I was once again. It was still dark outside. I could barely slept for a few hours. I could see Madam with two more ladies in front of the cage.
"sit near the bars this side," she instructed. I reluctantly sat near the bars when she produced a long shiny silver chain from the bag she was carrying. It looked like the same chain which used to connect my collar to the barn wall. She grabbed the ring on my collar and attached one end of the chain to it using a big high security padlock. This padlock did not look anything like the previous padlock which I picked by that wire. It was awfully heavy. She dropped the pile of chain inside the cage and then using another padlock she locked the other end to a far end bar. I had no idea why she was putting this yards of additional chains to an already caged girl untill she unlocked the cage door and instructed me to get out
The additional chains made more metallic sound as I crawled out of the cage. Two women held me by my arms as I stood up.
Madam took a scissor , a big one from the bag and approached me. Then without a word she started cutting my dress.
I started to thrash and jump in panic. "what the hell do you think you are doing?" I was shouting on top of my voice. The women were holding me very strongly. As chained as I was, I could not resist her from cutting my shirt and my shorts. Then to my horror she cut away my bra and panties as well.
There I was, standing in an open field, naked in front of three unknown women. I was so helplessly cuffed that I could not hide my private parts as well.
"Take bath with this bucket of water now. If you need to answer nature's call you can go behind that bush. Hurry up or later you have to do it in front of public eyes inside your cage.
I broke down in tears. "Please Madam I beg you, don't torture me anymore. I will never try to escape again. Please" but she ignored me completely. I had no other choice but to go behind the bush to pee and dump. I understood why she locked such a long chain on my collar. I felt humiliated, I felt degraded. I took bath when I returned near the cage again. one women took a 3 ft long piece of cloth, and by putting the middle part of the cloth behind my neck she pulled both the side down, covering my both breasts and clinched it behind my back with a tight knot. I realized this will my bra. It was uncomfortable.
"please madam, no need to use so much restrictions. I will not escape again, please, this is very uncomfortable. "
"You should have thought about it before you escaped from here "she told as they carried on with my new dress.
The top was like a vest with velcro on shoulders and sides. My exclusive dressing ended with a skirt up to my knees, also closed by velcro. There were no panties for me.
I wanted to shout at them for treating me like a hard core criminal. But I kept quiet. I realized they wouldn't open my cuffs even for a minute.
"That's your emergency toilet if you need it. " Madam told as she kept a small iron bucket inside the cage. She gestured me to get in the cage again. I could not move. I didn't want to get back to that crumpled space. I could only say"Please madam " with tearful eyes before they push me inside the cage again and lock the door.
Another day of torture begun for me. I started feeling hungry as the day progressed. I knew I had to beg for food and water but the humiliation of begging was far bigger than the food I received. They made me bark, they made me kiss their feet and scratch their asses. I got really small potions of food. The metallic noise from the new heavy chain on my neck was adding to my misery.
"Here is your dinner" A voice told me from behind. I turned and saw Vimla.it was already night. All the labours were already long gone. I was surprised to see her. I took the plate.
"Why are you here in this hour" I asked her as she sat down on the grass beside the cage while I ate. I was expecting a rude answer like "None of your business " but to my surprise she replied quite nicely.
"I stayed back to learn some chapters of my English textbook from Shambhu Bhai, but it seems he has other works today."
"Shambhu! That means Mr x! English? " I could not relate them.
"Shambhu, that villager, what he knows about English language? " I almost laughed.
"He is botany major, and very good in English "
"Then why he is working here in this village farm. He could get job at a good company! " I told
"He was an orphan, born and brought up in this farm. When he graduated, he rejected all offers from good company and came back to help madam. "
"And what do you study? "
"B. Sc 2nd year"
I was almost stunned. Those villagers ,whom I used to think as uneducated, were actually more educated than me.
"My parents don't afford to pay for my collage, madam pays my college fees. I go for morning collage and then work here to help my parents. " she told.
I already finished my dinner, she gave me a small bottle of drinking water.
"Goodnight " she told and was about to leave.
"Wait, can you tell me how long they are planning to keep me in this cage? Can't you tell them to release me from here? "
"I don't know " she told and left.
Next day started just like previous day. Before dawn I was again taken out from my cage for daily chorus. For entire day I begged for food and water. Vimla came and gave me some water by afternoon. She smiled at me. I started liking this girl.
Gradually seven days passed. I was never taken out of the cage except my morning chores. Vimla used to come at night with my dinner. We used to chat for long time. This was my only entertainment. Something was changing inside me. I was getting accustomed to this caged life. She used to rub my sore neck through the bars. At least somebody understood the pain of a chained girl.
"Why have you done that? That's horrible " vimla told as I told her why I was here. For the first time I felt ashamed. May be because the girl in front of me was struggling to get a better life and I had already ruined my good life. I had no answers of why I had done a crime. She paused for a minute.
"Don't worry, the days will pass" she told.
"But this is inhuman, keeping a girl in chains , inside a cage. "
"There must be some reason to it. Madam is very claver and caring" she told.
"Oh, please. She is treating me like an animal here. Do you have any idea how much these chains hurt? Those cuffs on my ankles hurt the most ." I showed the bruises under my steel cuffs
" Oh, that's nasty " she told.
"And I don't even have any fucking idea on why she needs such a long heavy chain for my neck. " I told as I rattled the chain loudly.
She laughed. I looked at her. "What's so funny? " I asked.
"My friends gave you a right name!" she was still laughing.
"What is that? " I asked angrily.
"NBQ - Nagging begging queen " she laughed loudly again.
I could not hold my laugh anymore. I giggled with her. I just realized how a true friend can make someone feel happy even in most tortured situation. It was a precious moment.
Chapter 9
Two weeks, that's the time they kept me in that cage. I was humiliated every day by those labors. At night Vimla used to feed me and we used to have long chat. Madam gave her my responsibility and she happily took it. She started staying in the farmhouse. She even started helping me in my daily chorus in morning. Although she was never given any key of my restrains.
After two torturous weeks Mr x came one night at the time of dinner. Mr. Y and Vimla also accompanied him. He unlocked the gate and told me to come out of the cage.
I crawled out. He unlocked the neck chain from the bar and gestured me to walk along.
Vimla held my arms and helped me to walk in those legirons. She was smiling.
"Where are they taking me now" I asked her.
"shhh, you will see "
I was lead to the barn again. I was getting excited."Are they going to let me back to my old cell? " I thought. I truly hated living in that cage.
I was taken to my old cell. They lead me inside and locked my neck chain to the ring on the wall again.
"Are you happy? " vimla asked.
"Are they going to put me back in the cage again tomorrow? " I asked in fear. I did not want to go back to that cage anymore.
"No, if you behave like a good girl " Mr x interrupted. I was truly happy.
"There is only one addition. " Mr x told as he dragged something from the corner of the room. It looked like a football sized black iron ball with a chain and a cuff attached to it. I did not feel good about that thing. It sounded heavy.
"Sit down on your bed" he told.
He took the cuff attached to the ball and chain and locked it on my left ankle below the already existing leg iron.
" You will wear it all the time when you are inside this cell"
"Come on now, see this lock on my collar. I can never break them, even with tools. Why do you need to torture me more? " I told in a crying voice.
"you know we should have put that ball and chain on your ankle before only, then you would have not got a chance to escape. " he told.
I could not argue more. They left me there and closed the barred gate.
Vimla came back after sometime with my dinner. She passed it through the bottom of the gate.
"Hey Arpita, come here and have your dinner.I wanted to tell a funny story. " she told.
She clearly wanted to cheer me up. I got up and tried to drag the ball with my left leg. It was heavy, about 4 KGs. Not easy to walk around. I couldn't pick the ball up by my hands also as they were firmly attached to my waist while I stood. I had to drag it.
"I tried to convince them not to put that ball and chain on your leg but they didn't listen to me. " she told in a meek voice .
"That's OK, I guess this is my punishment for running around freely. " I told. I sat down near the bars and ate my dinner. Nothing vimla said cheered me up as I kept looking at the ball and the chain.
"Get up sweetheart and come here" Vimla called as I woke up the next day. I really had a great sleep that night on the mattress. It felt like paradise compared to the metal floor of the cage. I thanked god that the period is over.
I dragged the ball to the cell door once again. Vimla unlocked my handcuffs and legirons through the bars.
"Won't you unlock the ball and chain? " I asked.
"They have not given me that key. That thing will be locked around your ankle the entire time you are in this room. " she told.
I cursed them in my mind. Then I carried on with my daily chorus. It was really not easy to work with a dead weight hanging from leg but I had no other choice. I did not want to go back to that cage anymore.
Mr x came to my cell after my breakfast and relocked my wrists and ankles to those shackles. Then finally he removed the ball and chain from my ankle. He unlocked my neck chain from the wall and took me outside the barn.
I was again chained to cart by my neck as he unlocked my wrists. I again started carrying grains to store them in barn.
The same routine continued. But there were also some welcoming change. I thought the labors would keep on humiliating me after the cage episode, but they welcomed me with open arms. They even started helping me with my work. I felt ashamed that I behaved badly with them in the past.
My life moved on slowly. I learnt my limitations well. I knew exactly how much should I lean or pull my shackled hands to avoid tugging my ever present chains painfully. Vimla gave me some pieces of clothes to wrap it under the ball and chain cuff to avoid bruises. She took care of me in every possible way. They also started involving me in their small celebrations and get together like Sunday's picnics or religious functions. But off course in chains.
I missed my old life like hell. I wanted to go back to my friends, have fun,booze. I used to cry almost every night10
Chapter 10
6 months of my sentence was over before I realized. The day came when a lady inspector met me at my cell. I had lots of complaints.
"They always keep me in those chains ma'am. And even punished me with two weeks in a crumpy cage. "
She took a sip of the tea. "There is nothing unusual in this. As per court order you need to be kept restrained. You should have been sent to jail at once for 10 years when you tried to escape. It was them who prevented you from going to jail"
I kept quiet. She asked some more questions and then left.
I knew it was hopeless. Court had no intentions to get me off so easily. I carried on.
It was a Sunday morning. Vimla went home, so Mr x came to my cell to give me my breakfast. He sat there while I had the food. He was talking to someone over phone.
"we are still ready to pay the amount, but why the person is not joining? If he is not available then atleast get me someone who knows 'Tally' properly.we are in a big mess here"
I understood that they need an accountant with a knowledge of 'Tally' software. I knew 'tally' very well. It was there in my school syllabus. But I was not sure whether to tell him that. There were only two people I used to hate in that farm.one was madam and the other one was Mr x. They were very rigid with me. Why would I help them then.
But then I again realize if I help them, I might get a proper office job rather than that tiring labour job I did everyday.
"I know tally! " I told Mr x when he finished his conversation. He looked at me in surprise.
"I am sorry, what? " he asked. .
"I said I know this software well. I can help you" I told again.
"This is not for school projects. This is for everyday accounting for the farm. Can you do it? "
"You can try me. I was good in this " I told I was desperate to get a better work than daily labor.
"OK, we will take a test today after your lunch. Then we will see" he told and left.
I tried to remember everything I knew from my school syllabus. After my lunchtime Mr x came to my cell and unlocked the ball and chain from my ankle. Next he removed the wall chain from my neck. Then for the first time since I was here, he did not lock a leash to pull me by my neck, instead he held my arm and lead me outside. I was happy with the change in behavior. I hoped it would stay this way .
For the first time ever I entered the farmhouse. It was like a big mansion. There was a big hall in the entrance with staircase to reach first floor. The office was on the right side of the hall. The office looked like any govt office in India. There were piles of files on the desks and a lone computer in one desk. He lead me towards it. I sat on that old wooden chair.
Madam also came to check my computer skills. She stood in a distance. There was only one big problem.
"I cannot reach the keyboard with those cuffs on my wrists. " I told as I clinked my handcuffs. Mr. X came back with the keys of my handcuffs. He unlocked my wrists .
" Just check these manual vouchers and enter them in tally." He told. I started working. I completed them in less than an hour. They did not move until I finished the work.
Mr x seemed satisfied. He was speaking to madam in low voice. I overheard them.
"She's doing good" he told madam.
"But what about this security issue? We cannot leave her with free hands. There wont be somebody always to watch her. There are so many equipments in the office,. What if she tries to use it for escaping? " she asked him.
"I will take care of that" Mr x told.
"I still don't like it " madam told and left.
I was really angry. Why she always had to behave like this with me? With those chains on my ankles where were I would have gone? I kept quiet. I needed this job badly. It was very hectic working in hot sun every day.
"I won't try to escape. My legs are anyway shackled " I tried to convince Mr x while returning to my cell. He didn't react anyway11
Chapter 11
"Congratulations, I heard a great news" Vimla shouted from outside of my cell. She was back on Monday morning to release me from my cuffs for my daily chorus.
"what's that? " I tried to hide my excitement.
"you will work in the farm office. Shambhu bhai told me." she seemed happy for me. I smiled too. Atleast I got a desk job now.
After an hour Mr x and Vimla came back again with my breakfast. I was surprised to see vimla's smile missing. I could not ask her what happened due to the presence of Mr x . After my breakfast he unlocked the ball and chain from my ankle as usual after relocking my handcuffs and legirons. This time he attached the humiliating leash to my collar and lead me out of my cell.
"what happened? " I whispered to Vimla. But she gestured me to be silent. We walked out of the barn. He lead me towards the backside of the farmhouse instead of the entrance. I looked at Vimla in surprise. She was silently following us.
Mr x took me to a small hut behind the mansion. I could see a fireplace and pieces of scrap material on the floor.the blacksmith was sitting on a stool near the fireplace.
"Please sit down" he told as he pointed towards a stool. I was feeling something bad was going to happen to me.
"Why are we here? " I asked, frightened. Nobody replied. Mr x gave a bunch of keys to the blacksmith. He approached me and started removing my existing cuffs from ankles and wrists. Then for the first time he removed my collar too. I touched the skin of my neck after many months. Then he took a wrench and started removing my ever present waist belt too. I was feeling so light after he took away all those restrictive metals from my body.
I looked at my waist. The mark of the belt was still present there. I felt it would stay there forever. I had no idea what was going on. I was too frightened to ask anything.
The blacksmith dragged another box and with loud clinking sound took out another set of shackles. I panicked as I realized that it looked much more enormous than my previous ones. Hr dropped it near my feet.
He untangled those chains and I soon found out it was a single network of chains where I could see five attached cuffs. The blacksmith pulled two cuffs from the bottom of the network. Those looked the heaviest of the lot. Even the chain between them looked much heavier than rest of the chains. I was really scared as he attempted to close those cuffs on my ankles.
" Are you even human? How will I walk in those heavy cuffs? " I kicked it and tried to get up. But I guess they were ready for my struggle. Mr x held my arms from behind and pinned me on the ground. I was shaking violently.
Vimla sat beside me and whispered "Don't hurt yourself, everything will be fine "
I was out of my breath. I knew they would put those chains on me forcefully anyway. I stopped struggling. But Mr x held me strongly anyway. I felt those cuffs been closed on my ankles. I immediately realized how heavy it was.
Next my hands were pulled in front and cuffs were closed on them as well. As I was pinned to the ground I could not see them.
The collar was next. It was almost same like the previous one. It was a snug fit. I felt there was some soft material under the metal.
I felt some cloths were wrapped around both my legs near ankle region as I immediately heard sparkling electrical sound and saw some lights. I was terrified. I was so feared that I couldn't move a bit.
I looked at Vimla and started crying . "what's happening? "I asked her.
"Nothing. Just close your eyes " she told. From her face I could understand she was worried of something. They carried on with their process.
When the blacksmith moved towards my belly region I could see that he was carrying a shouldering torch. He wrapped a wet cloth on my left wrist, above and below the cuff. Then he started welding something on the cuff.
I realized very late what the blacksmith was doing. "oh my god, they are welding those cuffs permanently on my wrists! " I screamed and started struggling again. Blacksmith stopped the torch and looked at vimla.
"I am sorry" vimla told as she put a piece of strange smelling cloth on my face. I immediately started feeling dizzy. I passed out within a minute.
Chapter 12
I woke up not remembering if it is day or night. My head was really heavy. I immediately got up and looked down.
The new set of shackles were now locked on my body. All chains were shiny silver in color. The handcuffs had a much longer chain of almost 12 inches now. The handcuffs were attached near my belly to a connecting chain running from my collar to the centre of the heavy legirons on my ankles. I immediately checked for keyholes on those cuffs. There were none. Those were closed by some bolts which were welded shut from the other side. Although the awful waist belt was gone, the total weight of chains were much more than the previous set. Also the cuffs were surprisingly comfortable as it had a leather like thin lining inside. The wall chain was still locked on my neck.
I tried to walk in those chains. It was difficult. Not as difficult as walking with the ball and chain but I surely could not walk even in normal pace with those heavy chains on my ankles . Running was out of question. I had no idea why they had put me in those permanent chains. The fear of being chained 24x7 was capturing my mind. I sat down on my mattress and cried for a long time.
"what have they done to me?" I screamed as I saw Vimla outside the grill.
She had tears in her eyes, "I am sorry Arpita, madam though it would be risky to leave you in the office with all stationary equipments. You might have used them to open those locks on your cuffs to escape. So she instructed to put permanent cuffs on you, so there will be no risk of picking of locks. "
"But how will I do my daily chorus? How will you unlock them daily?"
"it will not be unlocked. Those are anti rust stainless steel cuffs and chains. You have to do your daily chores wearing them. "
I broke down. It was not easy for me to accept that those would never be taken off.
"Look at the brighter side. You have got much more freedom then those previous chains. " she told.
"Have you seen those legirons? I can barely walk on these. You could have understood if those have been put on your ankles." I told angrily.
She kept quiet. She silently slipped some cloths through the gate.
"And how the hell would I change my dress? " I shouted again.
"Those are velcro type tops, bras and skirts what you used to wear during your cage time.I am sorry but you can't wear a panty now ". She also passed a pair of scissors to cut my existing clothes.
I cried for long time when she left. Those chains were really noisy. But atleast my hands were not confined to my waist any more. Though it was attached to the connecting chain near my belly but now I could reach till my breasts with my hands even in standing position.
"Are you ready? " Mr x asked as he opened my cell door next morning. I already took care of my daily chorus and had my breakfast. He unlocked my neck chain, held my arm and lead me to the farmhouse. I was taken to the office. I sat on the old wooden chair. Mr x gave me physical vouchers to enter in the software.
"The bathroom is this side" he pointed towards my left. Then he walked out leaving me alone there. I was really feeling different. For the first time I was not been chained to a wall or a cart. I understood why those heavy legirons were so important to them. I could never run while wearing them on my ankles.
I started my work. I finished them in 3 hours.then I got up and slowly walked towards the door. Suddenly Vimla entered the office with food in a tray. She looked surprised to see me walking towards the door
"Where are you going? " she asked.
"Just trying to escape " I told sarcastically.
It seemed she did not get the joke as she still looked surprised.
"I am joking dear. I can't even walk till the barn in those heavy chains before getting exhausted. These are nothing less than that ball and chain. "
"Oh thank god. I was really scared. Please never take any stupid step or else you will lose the privilege of working indoor again."
"You experience this chains once, and then advise me. " I told
" Well, I have a surprise for you, but can't tell now. "
I was tired of surprises which life was giving me. I just smiled at her.
By 6 o clock in the evening Mr x came back. He held my arm and led me towards the door. I was expecting to go towards the barn but to my surprise he took me towards the other side of the hall. He opened a door and pulled me inside. There was a staircase going downwards.
It was not easy to walk down the staircase with those heavy legirons. When I reached at the bottom of the staircase I saw vimla standing there with a big smile.
"Welcome to your new room " she told as she switched on the lights.
It was a big basement room. The left side corner of the room had been turned into a cell for me with bars till ceiling in two sides. The cell was covering one fourth of the basement. It was really looking like a jail cell, rather a big cage.
She unlocked a narrow gate and let me in. There was a steel cot on the right side with mattress. There was also a small wardrobe with mirror fixed in the wall. Also there was a partition like structure on the left side wall like a high box which I assumed to be my bathroom.
"you have an AC duct to keep you cool" she pointed out. "and also a roommate now"
I looked at her in surprise! She smiled and pointed out another bed, a table and a wardrobe on the other side of the basement, outside my cell. I did not understand anything. I looked at her.
" I will also be staying here you idiot. That is the surprise. " she told, giggling.
I could not react. There were so many things going inside my mind. I liked the new comfortable bed but I basically started liking my isolated barn room. That looked more like a room, this looked more like a cage. In this cell it looked like I was exposed to everybody who chose to come to basement. But I had no power to resist anyway.
Mr x meanwhile pulled a chain attached to the wall and locked it on my collar as usual. He took vimla out of my cell and locked the barred gate with a key and left.
"Did you not like the place? " she seemed so excited. I smiled at her childishness.
"I like it. " I told. "but you could have stayed with me inside the cell as a cell mate " I joked.
She sat on her bed,giggling. I also looked around. The bars were solid and round. I could easily reach till bathroom with the new length of neck chain. I looked at the full length mirror on the wardrobe. It was so pathetic to see myself chained like an animal.
"You need a haircut" vimla told from behind.
" If only my jailer Ms vimla permits." I told sarcastically. She smiled again.
I sat down and rubbed my sore ankles. Vimla came near my cell.
"Does it hurt?"
"All the time vimla. These limitations are so frustrating. " I told, tugging my chains loudly.
" Can I tell you a secret? " vimla asked.
"Go ahead " I told
" Please never tell this to anyone. Promise me you will not tell this to anyone. " she looked serious.
"Ok dear, not a word "
She went silent for some moments.
"Ever since you told me to try these chains I was really wanted to try them on, to understand the feeling " she told.
I was surprised like anything. Who in this world would want to try these awful shackles on? Especially when she could see me struggling in them .
"Are you mad? Do you know how painful it is to wear those dead metal weight all the time. You cannot move freely, you cannot even think freely. And the sound of clinking metal keep reminding you of your slave like status. I really don't want even my enemies to suffer this way. " I told
" Hey don't worry, I am not doing a crime to go to jail or something. I just wanted to feel the limitations. "she told
I was still confused. But I just thought it was nothing but plain curiosity.
"I would have given you these chains happily. Only problem is these are welded shut on my ankles and wrists. "
She laughed. We chatted for some more time and slept eventually. The bed was very comfortable.
A few days passed as I started getting used to my new cell. Vimla used to take good care of me. But it was either Mr x or Mr y who used to unlock me from the cell or lock me up after work everyday. Nobody else used to come to the basement. Vimla gave me some story books to read which became my favourite pastime.
Chapter 13
"Today I took something from blacksmith's room. " vimla told as she showed me a box.
"What is it? "
She opened the box. I was surprised to see my old waist belt and cuff network in it.
"Are you serious? Do you really want to do it? " I asked.
"Yes, only if it fits me. " she told.
She picked them up and tried to put the metal waist belt on her waist. It fitted perfectly. Only the bolt which used to lock it was missing.
She took out a small padlock from drawer. She tried to put the padlock through the loops to close it around her waist. But the belt was very heavy. She could not hold it and lock the padlock at the same time.
"I can help you if you come near the bars" I told her.
She came near the bars. She was holding the belt while I put the padlock through the loops. I locked it and took the key.
"its tight , and very heavy " she told.
"And I carried it on my waist for more than six months. "
She chuckled. Then untangled the chains attached to it.
"Here, let me help you"I told
She sat near the bars while I closed those legirons around her ankles. Then I closed the cuffs on her wrists. All those cuffs were closed by same key. I locked them.
"Oh god, this is uncomfortable " she told.
"You bet "
She tried to get up wearing them. She fall down at the first attempt. I laughed loudly. She stood up in her second attempt. The connecting chain between handcuffs and legirons went taut as she stood up fully. She was taller than me, that's why the slack got shorter and she was forced to stand with her legs closer to each other.
"It's heavy, but not as uncomfortable as I thought. " she told.
" Just walk for a few minutes to understand it "
She walked with those legirons and realized she could only take very tiny steps. She took almost double time to reach her bed.
"Now that hurts" she told while she sat on her bed and rubbed her sore ankles.
"Now imagine me walking all day wearing them on my ankles. And you cannot reach your mouth with your hands until you sit down in the ground or floor and bend your legs."
"Yes, that's inconvenient. And now I realized it is sooooo restrictive. " she told while checking her limitations.
She walked back near the bars again.
"Now remove them. I need to pee."
I just got a brilliant plan to torment her further.
"You cannot understand the restrictions fully if you don't wear it longer, so I am not giving you the keys yet "
She was shell shocked. She almost cried.
"Please Arpita, I don't want anybody to discover me like this. They will not let me stay here with you anymore. Please give me the keys "
"Don't worry, Mr x will only come by morning before my duty time, I will release you before that. "I told, smiling.
"I cannot stay chained all night, please,.I need to use the bathroom. Also I need to study " she was still pleading.
"I wore them 24x7 and did all my chores and labour in them. And I am still wearing a heavier version of the same. So you can also do your daily work. "
She pleaded some more time, but I was having fun, after being dominated for so long, I finally got a chance to dominate someone else . I knew she would never wear those chains again after today. I was laughing as she was fidgeting in those chains.
"I should have never trusted you" she told angrily.
"I know. thats why they keep me in chains, inside this cell "I laughed.
She shuffled to the bathroom with clinking noise from the shackles. I giggled imagining how she would have to struggle to unbutton her pants.
She came back from bathroom after a long time. She sat on her bed and pulled her feet on the bed in order to pull the connecting chain through the loop in the belt to get some slack to reach her books. She was not looking at me.
"Come on, it is not so difficult to study wearing handcuffs and legirons. At least your concentration is going nowhere. " I joked.
"Yes, it is very easy" she mocked me with a fake smile as she struggled to reach for a pen with both hands. I sat down on my bed. This was all a joke, but atleast she would understand what I go through every day. I laid down on my bed and slept gradually.
When I woke up there was daylight coming from the lone small window, high on the wall. I looked at the wall clock outside my cell and to my surprise it was already 8.30 in the morning. Generally everyday vimla used to wake me up by 7 o clock but today when I looked at her, she was still sleeping like a baby. She was still in those chains and cuffs.
"Wake up Vimla. Somebody would be here any moment. " I screamed as I walked towards the bars.
Vimla got up in hurry just to realize she was still chained.
"Come near the bars" I told as I waved her cuff keys. She stumbled towards my cell with huge clinking of chains.
"shit, shit. Shit.... Please hurry up" she was desperate to get out of those chains. I unlocked her handcuffs first and gave her the keys for her legirons. Next I removed her waist belt as she quickly removed her legirons. She gathered all the chains and put them inside the box and hid it in the cupboard. At the end of it we both were panting.
Just then Mr y unlocked the room and came inside with my breakfast. He looked at both of us.
"what happened? Why are you still looking sleepy? " she asked Vimla. She looked frightened.
" Nothing, she studied late night and overslept " I replied from the cell.
He dropped the tray and told me to get ready fast for work. I could not speak to Vimla anymore due to his presence. I just winked at her as I went to washroom for my daily chorus14
Chapter 14
"How did you overslept today? That too wearing those heavy chains? " I asked vimla as she got back to basement after the day's work. I was already locked in my cell by Mr x by then.
"I too still don't know" she still looked dazzled. "you know I had the most peaceful sleep in my entire life yesterday. I was feeling like I had given my worries to you and you will take care of me. " she added.
I had no idea what she was thinking. I could not sleep properly for almost a month when they put those chains on me.
"So you did like the feeling? " I was still surprised.
"Yes, I liked the feeling if being controlled by someone else. I can't make you believe how secure I was felling after those initial uneasiness" she told.
I had no idea what to say.
"you should have been in my situation. I fucking hate these. " I told as I clinked my chains loudly. "And then this wall chain on my neck. I mean I am no fucking Hudini."
She laughed at me and then started studying.
"hey,won't you continue your bondage session today? " I told.
She looked at me as if she was waiting for my encouragement only. I understood she was feeling embarrassed but I could surely say that she was willing to do it again.
"will you help me again? " she asked shyly.
I was enjoying my role as her tormentor. I was happy dominating her.
"in one condition. You have to bring the collar and a long chain which I used to wear on my neck. " I smiled.
She went out and after a long time came back with a big sack. She was panting. It looked heavy.
"I did not get any light chain. Finally I found these" she showed me some old heavy rusted chains.
"That will work" I told her. "first lock the collar around your neck. "
She took the collar and locked it around her neck with a padlock. Then she came to me with the entire network of chains. I helped her again to put those on her waist, wrist and ankle. Then I wrapped a length of chain over a single bar of my cell and locked out with a padlock given by her.
"now bend down and accept the chain on your collar. From now onwards you became my prisoner " I joked. She kneeled in front of my cell. I padlocked the chain on the ring of her collar. I realized that the chain was actually pretty heavy.
She took her time to stand up. She had to bend down a bit with the heavy chain on her neck.
"That's not pleasing at all. It hurts"she told.
"This chain will remind you that you are my prisoner now" I told as we both laughed together. The length of the chain was plenty for her to access bathroom. She struggled to reach her bed.
This time she had put an alarm clock to get up early.
Chapter 15
Days and months passed. There was no respite from my bondage and prison. My only entertainment was Vimla's role playing act at night. I had no idea what was happening in outside world and I did not want to know either. I became very aloof. I started reading more books. Even Mr x supplied me with a few good books. Everybody became a bit more friendly gradually except Madam. I used to work hard in the office and everybody appreciated the fact.
Vimla took care of me in every way possible. She was my companion, my friend, my entertainment. She used to share her beauty products with me. We did the role playing thing almost every night. Sometimes I used to chain her wrists behind her back, sometimes I kept her chained to the bars of my cell for entire night. She got used to my tortures. On Sundays Mr x used to allow me some free time off the cell. I was allowed to spend the day outside the cell with Vimla. We used to play chess, or watch a movie together either in the basement room or in the hall. Of course with my neck chain attached to some solid object.
I also got used to my permanent shackles. I knew my limitations and also got used to the weight. It did not really bother me anymore even when I used to join everybody else for Sunday picnics and religious functions at the farm.
They allowed me to speak to my grandmother once in every month after taking approval from court. I was happy. She used to cry over phone. But I always told her that I was happy here as I wanted her to stay happy back home.
I never tried to escape again. Neither did I get a chance. Specially with those heavy cuffs on my ankles there were no escape possible.
Gradually six years passed when Vimla one day gave me the shocking news. My grandmother had passed away. I cried a lot that day. I felt like I became orphan once again.
Chapter 16
"It's your release date" Vimla shouted in the morning. I knew it and I was waiting for it eagerly. Seven years of dreadful restraints and captivity was supposed to end today. Vimla was happy for me. She hugged me through the bars. There were tears in her eyes.
"You will be gone today. I will not be able to see you anymore" she told.
"I will miss you too dear" I told her as tears rolled down from my cheeks. I knew I would have gone insane in those 7 years if Vimla would have not been there.
Shortly Mr x came to my cell and released me from my neck chain. He lead me to the blacksmith's room. I remembered the day six and half years back when they welded those chains on my body. I sat down on a stool as the blacksmith used tools to cut those bolts which locked those cuffs for so long.
Soon those shackles fall off from my limbs and neck. I was felling so light but I had no idea what to do with my freed hands. I checked my wrists and ankles and realized the black marks of cuffs would stay with me forever. Mr x helped me to get up.
"I am truly sorry for all harsh treatment during your time here" he told with a smile. I could not reply back. Only tears kept on rolling from my eyes.
It was not easy to walk normally after being chained for so long. I was still limping. They helped me to walk towards the farmhouse. Madam was waiting for me at the hall.
"I hope you will start a new life from here. " she told. She handed me a envelop.
" We have given you an experience certificate from Eastman pvt limited as a farm accountant for seven years. This will help you in getting a new finance job in city. Also we have given you some remuneration for your work here. Hope that will help you. Your grandma had transferred her property in your name. You can live at your grandma's house. "
I was overwhelmed. I did not expect a job experience certificate and a remuneration. I wanted to thank her but she walked away before that.
"How typical of her", I thought.
Vimla packed some new dresses for me in a suitcase. I changed into one of them. She handed me over a diary once I was ready to leave.
"This is madam's diary. I want you to read the pages I marked. " she told in a low voice.
"Why? I don't want it" I told her. I still hated her. Why I would be interested in reading what she wrote? "
"Please read once dear" vimla told. I took it reluctantly. She hugged me tightly.
Mr x drove me to the city. The city looked so new. I could not recognize the streets and buildings at first. There were vehicle horns blowing everywhere. "Those were so loud, or have I got used to my silent cell? " I thought.
I reached home. I thanked Mr x as he dropped me and drove away. I walked through the path when I saw shiv uncle, our old neighbor.
"hi uncle, how are you? " I asked.
He looked at me as if he could not recognize me.
"I am Arpita ,don't you recognize me?"
"Oh yes! " he looked embarrassed. "how are you? Your jail time is over? " he asked.
"I was not in jail. I was working in a firm"
He did not look too interested. I walked inside the house. It was empty.it was so silent.
I took some time to fresh up. Then I went out. I wanted to visit old places, call my friends.
I went to a pub. My old usual place actually became so noisy. I could not find a single soul I knew. All teenagers were jumping around the dance stage. I did not feel I belong here. I paid the bill and walked out as soon as possible.
I needed a job. I had an experience certificate. I called up my old time best friend Nina from a phone booth .
"hi Nina, Arpi here, how are you darling? "
"who? " she asked again.
"Arpi, your old Pal dear"
"ohh" she didn't sound too excited. "you are out of jail? " she asked.
"I was never in jail. I was working in a farm. "
"Oh, OK" she did not sound any different.
"hey, I was hoping if you can arrange for a job, I have an experience certificate from.. " she started talking even before I finished.
"Hey listen, I don't think any company will give a job to a convicted person. You better change the city and search for a job. This is a small town and everybody knows your case here. You were in the newspaper. If you need anything else you can call me. " she hanged the phone.
I could not believe my ears. How could my best friend could treat me like that? she was also a part of the gang when I damaged the car. How could she turn her back on me now? I called up a few others and got similar response. I was so devastated. My world was crumbling.
I came back home and cried for a long time. There were not a single neighbor who came and me and asked how I was. Although I could see them gossiping and pointing at our house.
I was not able to sleep at night. I knew the small money I got from the farm and my grandma would be enough to sustain for may be a year, then what? I got up and sat on the chair.
Madam's diary, which was given to me by vimla, was kept on the table. I started reading the pages marked by vimla.
Page 1: we have got an opportunity to save a soul. A girl was sent to our farm by court. Such an innocent angel. I need to take great care to make her a better person. As per court's order we have to keep her restrained. I had kept her in our barn and locked a chain around her neck. God forgive me for what I am doing, but I need to transform her to be more responsible.
Page 5: I invited her grandmother and she saw her from a safe distance. She cried for a long time. Then urged me to take any necessary steps to transform her granddaughter from a spoilt brat to a good girl in future. She told me to keep her in chains, so that she could understand the real meaning of freedom. I felt bad for her. I told her to come down anytime whenever she wanted to see her granddaughter.
Page 12: The girl made a huge mistake. She tried to run away. She is still missing. Police department told us to turn her in. I won't. I don't want to spoil her life.
Page 13: I had a long argument with the police department. I told them we are not sending her to jail. Magistrate told us to punish her properly, else she would be forcefully sent to jail. I am sorry my angel, I need to keep you in that cage for 2 weeks. But this is what the magistrate decided and I have to follow the rules.
Page 50: I was so happy that she gave me an opportunity to shift her from her field work to office. I gave the news to her grandmother. She was happy too.
Page 168: l just came back from Arpita's grandmother's funeral, I was felling devastated. She became a very good friend of mine. But she went in peace as she knew her granddaughter is in good hands. She had grown up to become a well behaved, complete woman. I vouch to protect her in every way.
I could not read anymore. Tears rolled down from my cheeks as I realized the lady whom I hated the most was my biggest well wisher. I was felling so alone,so empty in this free world that I never ever felt during my last seven years. I was chained, but I was never so helpless.
It was already dawn. I did not want to waste anymore time. I packed my bags and left the house.
Chapter 19
I knocked the door. Vimla looked as if she had seen a ghost as she opened the door and looked at me.
"W.. What are you doing here? " she asked in a surprised tone.
" I need to meet madam" I told her.
Madam was sitting in her study. She was also very surprised to see me.
"I read your diary. I know whatever you did was to make me a better human being. I was spoiled, I was lost. You are the cause that I am not rotting in a jail right now"
I could not control myself. I held her hands and cried. She hugged me.
"I have come back, I want to stay here, I want to work here. I don't want to go back to the outside world anymore. Please let me stay. " I told
"My child, this is all yours. I would love to have you back here. " she told with a smile. "I would also like you to help me in another matter. After we had submitted your final report to the honorable judge, he was very happy. He gave us another opportunity to help a drug addict teenager who has been convicted for 5 years for vandalizing a shop. They have just dropped her to our farm. I know you are the best person to help her" she added.
"I would love to do that" I told
Mr x took me to the barn where I was first kept.
"Be careful with her, she tried to bite vimla when we took her here" he told.
I looked inside the barred gate. I saw a beautiful young girl struggling to get free from the neck chain which was attached to the wall. She was also handcuffed in front.
"Relax girl, struggling in that neck chain is not a good idea. It will chaff your skin and put permanent marks on your neck" I told her in a very calm voice.
"Bitch, let me out of this place at once, or I swear I will break your neck" she screamed.
"Don't you dare to talk to me like this, or I will whip you till you can stand no more." I shouted back. She did not expect me to shout back. She looked frightened.
I switched the light off and walked out of the barn, leaving the poor girl chained in the darkness. I knew surely by tomorrow she would start cooperating too.
The second innings of my life had just started........