Author's Note: This story is based on a captioned image that I found while browsing the internet. I also took some (read: a lot of) artistic freedom with it, but the basic idea is the same.
Chapter 1
Mariah awoke to the sound of the alarm on her phone going off. The heavy curtains drawn over her bedroom window gave no indication of the late morning sun they blocked out. Her room was dead quiet. A fan set up in the corner of the room sat idly by, waiting for even the faintest breeze to move its blades. The rest of the small house she shared with her roommate Brittany was equally still.
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She swore quietly to herself as she felt the sweat clinging to every inch of her body. Outside, the temperature had been reaching highs of over one hundred degrees. A massive heat wave had been hitting the city for weeks, and brownouts were becoming more and more common. Their city's aging infrastructure was simply unable to handle the increased electrical load of everybody using their air conditioning.
It had been nearly three whole days since the air conditioning had broken. Mariah had called numerous repair companies, but the story was the same. Other people had the same problem, and they had called first. No company could even give them an estimated date of repair. Even if the air conditioning worked, power would still have to be restored to their neighborhood before it could do any good.
The two teens had taken to some steps to ensure that the inside of their tiny house didn't become too much like an oven; windows were covered to ensure as little sunlight as possible came in, fans had been set up in every room, and they both drank at least a gallon of water a day. Despite their efforts, the temperatures inside were still well beyond comfortable.
Mariah stumbled groggily from the bed and to the bathroom across from her room. Using a towel, she wiped off the beads of sweat that fell from her naked body. Normally, she would at least sleep in a pair of underwear, but any kind of clothing was out of the question given the circumstances.
She looked over herself in the mirror. Her long, dirty blonde hair had become matted against one side of her head during her fitful sleep. The deep brown eyes that stared back at her were empty and dull, having gotten no true rest. Cracked dry lips finished the ensemble. She attended to her morning duties and drug herself back into her bedroom.
Mariah threw herself back on the bedsheets, feeling the large damp spot that had formed in her sleep. Her right hand quickly worked its way towards her crotch. It had been a tradition for years to wake herself up by masturbating, and a little heat wasn't going to ruin her streak of somewhere over a thousand straight days. Within moments her hand was sending waves of pleasure through her body as her fingers fucked slid in and out of her crotch. Her left hand toyed at her clit, spinning it in circles.
Mariah was nearly about to come when a knock at her door startled her from her thoughts.
"Hey Mariah?" the voice of her roommate Brittany prodded through the door.
"What's up?" Mariah mumbled back, semi-feigning a half-asleep tone.
"I'm gonna go out for the day, try and get out of the heat in here. I'll be back around six. You want me to get anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna try and sleep some more." Mariah added a fake yawn for emphasis.
"Okay, see you in a few hours."
With that, her roommate's footsteps receded down the hall. A few moments later and Mariah heard the sound of the front door opening, closing, and locking. The looming orgasm caused an idea to form in the back of her mind.
Even with the heat, what's a little bondage fun going to hurt? Mariah thought to herself. Opportunities to have the house completely to herself for any amount of time were a rarity, and shouldn't be wasted!
Excitedly, Mariah dove to the foot of her bed and drug out a large cardboard box. She heaved it onto the bed and started hastily digging through it. Over the past couple of years she had managed to amass quite a large collection of bondage implements. Though most items were bought online, a handy ex-boyfriend had helped her indulge in more than a few of her naughty pleasures by creating some more... unique... pieces.
Today, Mariah decided to settle for a classic setup that she had enjoyed for years. She dug through the box, pulling out a couple typical items: A basic red ball gag with a black leather strap, and a pair of tight latex panties with a built-in vibrating dildo that could be controlled by a remote.
Perhaps the most interesting of the objects she took from the box were a pair of solid metal tubes the length of her arms. Each tube had a heavy duty leather cuff attached on the inside of one end. When an arm was inserted, one end of the cuff could be pulled through a slot in the tube, tightening it around the wearer's wrist. A padlock could then be inserted in the cuff, preventing the cuff from going back through the slot and keeping the wearer's arm both trapped in the tube and locked at a 180 degree angle. There was just enough movement possible for someone to both lock themselves in and set themselves free.
The real centerpiece of this scenario was an electronic safe that would be used to store the keys to everything. It had a unique feature in that every time a number was entered, the glowing LED buttons would scramble, changing where each number was located. That way, anybody who was watching someone input the combination wouldn't be able to tell what the combination just from what buttons were pressed; they had to be up close and watching to see what numbers were put in. It was maybe a bit unnecessarily high security, but Mariah had purchased it during a massive closing sale at a security company for an unbeatable price.
Just as she was about to get started, a realization struck her. She had forgotten to put on her contacts! It really wouldn't matter much once she was back in her darkened room, but it was more the principle of the matter than anything. Still, she had never managed to forget something as important as putting in her contacts before. Maybe the heat was making her a bit loopy?
Once more Mariah made her way into the bathroom. She blindly fumbled in the cabinet for her box of contacts, and popped them into her eyes. They felt a little funny once they were in, but she chocked it up to her eyes being so dry.
Returning to the bedroom, she set about her task. First, she put in the ball gag. Its locking buckle remained empty, as soon enough the metal tubes would prevent her from being able to reach behind her head. Even though she was well aware of the gag's power, she still liked to make an attempt at intelligible speech every time she put it in. Not once had she ever been successful.
Up next was the pair of latex underwear. Its large ribbed cock needed no extra lube as Mariah slid it delicately into her waiting pussy. A gasp escaped her mouth as she felt it plunge far into her depths. The tight latex material ensured that the dildo would not be going anywhere without assistance. Coincidentally, her arms were just long enough that when they were locked into the tubes they would be unable to reach the underwear to take them off.
Mariah turned her attention to the locking box. She threw the keys to a set of padlocks inside and clicked the lid shut. Deep down, she knew there wasn't much of a point of locking the keys up. After all, she knew the combination by heart. With 1,000,000 possible combinations, changing the code to a random number and trying to guess the correct one was anything but a practical escape method. Rather, the heavy steel box just added an extra layer of excitement to the whole thing.
Finally, she grabbed the tubes. Though they were made out of heavy steel, they had a curious lightness to them. Their heavily polished steel reflected brightly, even in the low light. The straps of the attached cuffs hung limply from one end.
One benefit of the power outage was that Mariah was not shocked by cold metal suddenly engulfing her arms. Instead, the tubes were already almost at her body temperature. She slipped them up her arms like she had so many times before. As a test, she tried bending her arms. However, her ex-boyfriend had done too good of a job measuring and she was unable to bed her elbows in the slightest.
Before slipping the locks through the buckles' slots and sealing her arms in the tubes, Mariah went through a mental checklist for everything. Her tongue could feel the gag stuck in her mouth. The dildo's presence was obvious in her pussy, and its special features would be activated once the tubes were locked. So far, so good.
The keys to the cuff locks were secured in the lock box. Mariah couldn't help but notice that the backlit keypad seemed to be darker than normal. Maybe the batteries were dying? Oh well, if that happened there were spares in the kitchen and it working a screwdriver in her bondage wouldn't be too difficult.
Taking a deep breath, Mariah took the padlocks in hand and snapped them shut. She would now have to unlock the safe to get the keys out. It wasn't much of a deterrent, but more often than not her laziness tempted her into letting the vibrator work her up to a couple extra orgasms more than she would have allowed if the keys had simply been sitting around.
Mariah lay back onto her pillows and groped around for the dildo's remote. Working her arms to grab the remote with the tubes was a bit awkward, but not difficult. She set the dial to one of its most powerful settings and flung it across the room, far out of reach. Closing her eyes, she allowed the dildo's sensations to take over her body.
Moments later, the first orgasm was upon her. Her quick partial masturbation session earlier helped speed up the process significantly. Thoughts of beautiful women chained up and forcibly fucked ran through her mind. Soon enough the nameless and faceless women all started to change into Mariah. The dark backside of her eyelids made for the perfect canvas in which she was able to draw her fantasies on.
One of the only drawbacks of the tubes was that they prevented her from playing with either her erect nipples or her swollen clit. In fact, there was no part of her above the middle of her thigh that she could reach. For as simple as they were, the tubes were very effective restraints.
After nearly half an hour and an untold number of orgasms, Mariah decided that it was time to call it quits and face the rest of her day. A fine layer of sweat glistened all over her body, and her pussy was beginning to tire from the constant stimulation. Mariah dreamily opened her eyes as she came down from her last orgasm.
Instantly, she knew something was very, very wrong. What should have been a dimly lit room was instead pitch black. Even the glow of the lock box's electronic display was gone. Mariah waved a tubed arm as close to in front of her face as she could manage, but still she saw nothing. What the hell had happened!? There was no way that she could have gone completely blind in half an hour...
It quickly dawned on Mariah. Brittany, her roommate, had a very serious genetic disorder that resulted in her eyes being incredibly sensitive to light. Brittany's optometrist had prescribed her both special glasses and contacts that prevented any damage occurring from bright lights. Brittany hated wearing the glasses, but the contacts had a certain drawback to them.
See, the warmer they became, the more opaque they came. Anything around room temperature or colder was fine, but higher than room temperature and they would become completely impossible to see through. Wearing them in winter was no problem, but in the summer the heat was far too great and they were unusable.
Naturally, Mariah had accidentally grabbed Brittany's contacts.
Though it was incredibly warm in the house, the lens' solution had kept them from going opaque. Once they were exposed to the fresh air, they had begun to slowly change. Mariah had just barely caught the beginning of the process before she closed her eyes to fantasize as the dildo worked.
The helpless blonde began to thrash around on the bed and scream into the gag. Being blinded, there was absolutely no way to see the keypad on the lock box and thus there would be no way to open it and free herself. Of course, the metal tubes prevented her from reaching her eyes and taking the contacts out. She was trapped.
She cried and moaned as the dildo purred away inside her.
Chapter 2 (added: 2016/12/18)
Mariah laid motionless on her bed, listening idly to the sounds of the day going on without her. With her vision blacked out by the contact lenses there was no way to tell how long she had been hiding in her room. By now the sun was undoubtedly setting, though Mariah couldn't know for sure. Once or twice she had stumbled blindly through the house to pee and get a drink, but she always returned to her room out of fear of being seen naked and vulnerable through a window.
Every slight movement Mariah made reminded her of the dildo stuck in her crotch. The batteries had died some time ago, but the thick shaft still teased her insides. With the latex panties tightly hugging her thighs, there was no way she could wiggle the dildo out of her. It was going to remain there until she could get the lock box with the keys open. How exactly she planned on doing that remained to be seen (hah!), but it didn't look like she would be getting free any time soon.
Somewhere in the room sat the safe that Mariah had stupidly decided to use that morning. After several attempts at prying it open, she had thrown it across the room in a fit of rage. She wasn't too concerned about finding it, as there was no way she could open it without help.
And then there were the metal tubes. When Mariah had first put them on several hours ago, they weren't too bad; a little weighty, but bearable. Now, after wearing them most of the day, they might as well have been anchors. The constant weight pushing down on them had turned just lifting her arms off the bed into a difficult task. No amount of struggling had allowed Mariah to free her wrists from the leather cuffs keeping her arms trapped.
Mariah rolled around uncomfortably, trying to find a part of her mattress that wasn't damp from her sweat. The effort sent a tingle of pleasure through her as the dildo adjusted itself within her. She groaned as she felt her overstimulated pussy hopelessly beg for its violator to leave. With her arms trapped in their extended position, Mariah could do nothing to fix the problem.
A slam of the front door nearly gave Mariah a heart attack.
Shit, Brittany was back!
Mariah racked her brain trying to come up with an excuse for why she was dressed and bound the way she was in case Brittany saw her. She could hear as Brittany cussed up a storm and tromped through the house, angrily slamming things around. Whatever had happened during her shopping trip, Brittany was absolutely pissed.
Brittany's footsteps moved down the hall, heading towards the house's bedrooms. Mariah scrambled to grab one of her bedsheets and pull it up over her head, hiding her arm tubes and latex panties. She had just managed to cover everything important when her roommate barged in.
"Fuck, Mariah, you scared the crap out of me!" Brittany shrieked. "I didn't know you were in here, sorry!"
She paused a moment as she shone the flashlight on her phone around.
"Uhh, have you been in bed all day!?" she asked incredulously, walking towards Mariah's bed. "You know it's like, night time, right?"
Mariah gripped the sheets tightly.
"Yeah," she said, faking a yawn. "I felt pretty tired so I thought I'd go to bed early, or at least take a little nap."
"Oh," Brittany said quietly. "Well, I dropped and broke my glasses while I was out, and I was just looking for my backups. Sorry if I woke you up, but I was a little pissed that now I'm stuck having to wear my extra-dorky pair. Anyways, I was wondering if I had left them in here, like on your nightstand, on your dresser... or in your box of bondage gear lying on the bed..."
Before Mariah could process what her roommate had said, Brittany was on top of her, pinning her back to the bed and arms to her sides. She couldn't see what was happening but based on the proximity of Brittany's voice, her friend's head was very near.
"You know, Mariah, I really never thought you were one to be into kinky stuff," Brittany purred.
She ran her fingers gently along Mariah's shoulder, tickling the captive girl slightly.
"But then again, the smoking hot girls generally aren't. Plus, you always seemed like a bit of a goody-goody."
Mariah gaped at her friend.
"Did you just call me smoking hot?" Mariah asked.
"What, a girl can't have herself a little girl crush?
Brittany pinched Mariah's cheek and wiggled it around.
"You and I both know damn well that you're damn fine," she said with a wink. The dull light of the cell phone did not allow her to see that her friend's eyes were blacked out.
Her fingers found themselves toying with Mariah's bare breasts, taking extra time to play with her friend's hardened nipples. When she lost interest in Mariah's boobs, she started fondling lower and lower areas on Mariah's body. It wasn't long before her hand brushed along the metal of the tubes encasing Mariah's arms.
"Whoa, what the heck are these things?"
Mariah sighed, knowing there was no way to hide anything anymore.
"They're metal tubes you can lock your arms into. My last boyfriend made them for me."
"But how'd you get in them? And where's the key? And how do you get out of them?"
"It's a long story."
"Good thing we've got the time!" Brittany teased as she settled into a more comfortable position on Mariah's stomach.
Mariah explained everything to Brittany, from buying the safe to making the tubes to realizing she had accidentally put in the wrong contacts. Brittany listened intently as she caressed the metal tubes in her hands. She could feel a growing feeling of arousal as Mariah explained in detail how she came to be stuck. By the time
Mariah had finished Brittany could feel a distinct wet spot in her crotch.
"Wow... That's quite the story." Brittany found her hand deep inside her jeans, fondling her clit. Bondage was always something that she had wanted to try, but a lack of money or time had always put an end to those dreams. Now, she found herself arguing in her mind about whether to be a good person and let her friend go free, or be a real bitch to one of her longtime friends.
"The combination to the safe is 938687," said Mariah, "I threw the damn thing somewhere over there." Mariah pointed towards the corner.
Brittany hesitantly stood from the bed, freeing her friend from the grasp of her thighs. She made her way towards where Mariah had indicated, tripping a few times over various pieces of Mariah's dirty laundry. The box Mariah had spoken of sat a few inches from the wall, sporting a small ding where it had hit the drywall.
A feeling Brittany had never experienced surged through her as the tips of her fingers met the safe's handle. Holding such a small box with such important contents gave her such a feeling of... raw power. Without the keys inside, Mariah would remain trapped in her restraints... the restraints that she had locked herself in. Brittany could have just walked away right then and Mariah would be trapped until either Brittany returned or Mariah ran naked to the neighbors for help.
Brittany shuddered as she imagined herself in Mariah's place. It was truly a hard feeling to describe. For whatever reason, the thought of having to rely so dearly on someone else was just euphoric. She tried to envision what Mariah must have felt as she realized that she was going to be trapped indefinitely. How would it feel not knowing how or if she was going to escape?
And then there were the thoughts of keeping Mariah locked up. Knowing that she had almost complete control gave her such an erotic feeling. That was the only way Brittany could describe it. It felt as though she had just been allowed to drive alone for the first time; the entire world was open and there was nobody to stop her!
Mariah's soft voice broke Brittany's concentration.
"So, are you going to let me out or..?"
Brittany stammered, trying to find a response. Thoughts raced through her mind, going through every possible outcome of the situation again and again. Releasing Mariah was clearly the sensible thing to do, but every time she thought of keeping Mariah locked up she felt a distinct flutter in her crotch.
What came out of Brittany's mouth was a surprise to both girls.
There was an awkward pause as the gears in Mariah's head worked to process Brittany's response.
"What... what did you say?"
"I said no."
"What the hell do you mean no!?" A twinge of anger hid in Mariah's voice.
"I mean, I think maybe I like you being at my mercy. If I wanted to, I could just chain you up a bit more and leave you here. Nobody's expected to come over, so it would be a while before any of your friends notice you're missing. Since you're always doing freelance stuff, it's not like your boss is going to call in a couple days wondering where you are. If I don't say anything, nobody will ever know where you've gone."
Mariah started towards the edge of the bed, trying to run away before her roommate could do anything. Before she got far, Brittany had her pinned on her back with her arms to her sides and her legs straight. Brittany faced the large box of bondage toys sitting on the bed, rubbing her firm ass in Mariah's face.
"Hmm, before you get any more ideas like that, I think it'd be best if I restrained you a bit more..." Brittany thought aloud.
Reaching into the box, Brittany took out two more padlocks and a short length of chain. She could feel her friend struggling beneath her, but her strong legs had been toned by years of recreational gymnastics and kept Mariah firmly in place. Wrapping the chain tightly around Mariah's ankles, Brittany ensured the poor girl would be running nowhere fast with the click of a padlock.
Next Brittany flipped Mariah over and slipped the second lock through the hasps of the locks securing Mariah's wrists in the tubes. With the lock shut, the tubes served as makeshift handcuffs.
Brittany removed herself from the bed and gave Mariah some time to explore her new restraints. Mariah's blonde hair trashed as she struggled to roll over to face her captor. After a few minutes of intense struggling, a thick layer of sweat covered her nearly bare body and she breathed heavily.
"What do you want with me?" Mariah whimpered softly, tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Nothing much, really. I just want to have a little bit of friendly fun with you."
"Fun? What do you mean by..?" Mariah trailed off as it dawned on her exactly what kind of "fun" Brittany was talking about.
"Well, I thought it would be nice to get out of this damned inferno of a house for a few hours. Luckily for us, it's just about the time some of the night clubs around town to start really getting going."
Mariah gasped, shrieking "You can't possibly expect to take me out clubbing tonight! I would die of embarrassment if anybody I knew saw me like this!"
"Don't worry, we aren't gonna go to any nearby. There's a brand new one that opened across town a couple of weeks ago that I thought we'd try."
"And what, you're just going to take me dressed like this?" Mariah looked down at her exposed breasts and the latex underwear covering the dildo in her crotch.
"No, silly! But I do like the underwear, it suits you."
Brittany sat next to Mariah and idly tugged at the latex panties.
"Hmm, what's this we've got here?" Brittany asked playfully as she felt the dildo protruding from Mariah's aching pussy. "Seems like somebody left something out of their story!"
Mariah glared at Brittany as her underwear was pulled down her legs, letting the dildo drop onto the bed.
"Aww, poor Mariah!" Brittany teased. "The batteries are dead! I bet that must have been torture!"
She dug around in the bondage box for a moment before pulling out a fresh set of batteries.
"There, these should do the trick! Now you'll have lots of fun when we go out!" Brittany said as she screwed the base of the dildo back on.
Mariah didn't even try to resist as Brittany returned the dildo to her cunt and sealed it in with the latex underwear. She could feel as it once more buzzed inside her. Brittany had turned it down to a point where it would tease her, but keep her from being able to cum.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get your outfit, don't go anywhere!" Brittany jumped off the bed and bolted to her room.
Towards the back of her closet Brittany found the outfit she needed: A very short skirt that barely covered the wearer's ass, and a crop top that covered the breasts and upper back, but left the cleavage completely exposed. She had worn it frequently during her high school days of partying while underage, but it soon got rotated out and replaced with other outfits that were sluttier and got her fucked easier.
It was nothing too fancy; both pieces were made out of a super-shiny latex material that was designed specially to reflect the lights of a dance floor. Anyone who wore it would easily be the focus of everyone at the club. The incredibly tight cut of the material showed off every possible curve it could, leaving nothing to the imagination of the hundreds of horny young men that would see whoever wore it. As an added bonus, Brittany would be able to get both pieces onto her captive best friend without releasing Mariah from the restraints; the skirt unzipped fully, and the top had a series of hidden snap buttons.
From the bottom of her closet she grabbed a pair of shoes for Mariah to wear. They were nothing that fancy, just five inch stilettos with a thick ankle strap that prevented them from being kicked off easily. They were made of the same material that the outfit was, and would look incredibly sexy when paired with the near-nudity of Mariah's outfit.
Through a strange mishap with the online store, Brittany had accidentally been sent two pairs, but only been charged for one. They told her to just keep both.
Brittany returned to Mariah's room to find that not only had her friend not moved she was grinding her crotch rather violently into her bed in some desperate attempt to reach an orgasm. Sneaking over, Brittany slapped the girl hard on the ass, causing her to yell.
"What the hell did you do that for?" Mariah demanded.
"I won't have you doing any of that!" Brittany ordered. "You're to be a good girl, or I'll take all the keys and flush them down the toilet!"
"No, please don't!" begged Mariah.
"Can you behave?"
"Yes..." Mariah whimpered as the stinging in her ass died down.
"Yes what?"
"I think you'd best start showing me some respect if you expect me to let you out."
"So what do you want me to call you?"
Brittany thought it over for a second. On one hand, Mistress sounded a bit strong-handed, but at the same time commanded the respect she wanted.
"Miss," Brittany finally said. "I want you to call me Miss Brittany. No, actually, wait."
She thought again.
"Just Miss."
"Okay, then are we leaving soon or what's going on?"
"Miss!" Brittany yelled, spanking Mariah again. Mariah yelped as her rear started burning again.
"Are we leaving soon, Miss?"
"Much better!" Brittany cooed, patting Mariah's butt cheek gently where she had spanked it. "and yes, we'll be leaving soon, but we can't let you go outside with your boobs out for the world to see, can we?"
"No, I suppose not. Miss." Mariah rushed to add on the Miss, fearing another whack.
"I didn't think so! Now, lift up your ass!" Brittany had gone from friendly to commanding in half a second.
Mariah did as she was ordered, raising her ass as high as she could without the use of her arms. Brittany took the skirt, laying it beneath her friend. With a gentle nudge, she lowered Mariah onto it so that the ends were on both sides of her stomach. Wrapping the skirt around the girl's well-defined waist, she secured the snaps, forming a loop of latex material was supposedly a skirt but managed to cover nothing at all. The shiny latex panties Mariah wore beneath the skirt were still clearly visible, and the bulge of the dildo was noticeable, but not obvious.
The outfit's crop top took less cooperation from the bound woman. Within seconds, Brittany had secured the snaps in place. Rolling Mariah over, Brittany ensured that her friend's breasts were covered, albeit barely. The bottoms and the sides of Mariah's breasts were very visible, and the outline of her aroused nipples poked through the thin latex. Brittany then added the shoes, tickling her friend's feet lightly before buckling the ankle straps tightly.
Once the entire outfit was straightened out and secured, Brittany rolled Mariah back onto her stomach.
"I'll be back real quick, I can't have you going out looking better than me!"
Before Mariah could say anything, Brittany was already back in her room, digging
through her club clothes again. She had the perfect costume in mind! It was more or less a latex leotard, with the legs cut almost all the way up to her beasts on the side. The sleeves were full length, and a large cutout on the front exposed nearly all of the wearer's breasts. The only way in and out was a zipper that went down the back and through the crotch. She threw on the pair of shoes that matched the ones she had given Mariah.
Just as Brittany left the room, a thought came over her. Why should Mariah get to have
all the fun? Digging through the top drawer of her nightstand, she found exactly what she wanted: A small, V-shaped toy made of pink rubber. One of the arms of the V was pressed into a flat circle, while the other end was larger and more phallic. It was obvious which end would rest on her clit, and which one went right against her G-spot. Before putting on the leotard, she slid the toy in effortlessly with the help of her copious natural juices and closed the leotard's zipper.
Going to her cell phone, she opened up the app that had come with the toy. Brittany mused over the settings, thinking about what she wanted to do. She estimated that they would only be out about four hours, so she set the timer to run that long with a half-hour delay before the program started. Another click and she had set the toy to keep her horny but not frustrated the entire time. A final tap set the device to give her three orgasms, with the final one having a nearly ten-minute build up. Before turning her phone off, the app asked if she wanted to save the settings and lock them. Brittany clicked yes and the program beeped, informing her that there was now no way to change the settings. Satisfied, Brittany put the phone on her nightstand and returned to Mariah.
Once again, Mariah had not moved, but was not grinding her crotch into the bed this time.
"Good girl!" Brittany praised. "I knew I could teach you!"
She continued to talk to Mariah, distracting her with graphic details of everything she planned to do to the poor girl that night. With Mariah paying attention to Brittany's voice and not her actions, Brittany felt around in Mariah's toybox. A few moments later she had the items she wanted. Taking the collar, she fastened it securely around her neck, buckling it at the last notch before her breathing would be impaired. Using a small padlock, she both locked the collar shut and secured the zip to the collar. Without unlocking the collar, there was no way to remove the leotard - or the vibrator.
Next, Brittany wrapped the heavy leather cuffs she had gotten from the box around Mariah's ankles and locked them and went to look for the key to the lock keeping the chain around Mariah's ankles.
"Hey Mariah," Brittany asked, "where's the key to the big padlock?"
"It's still in my box, Miss. I didn't use it, so I didn't lock it in the safe."
Brittany dug around the box, moving various naughty things around until she found a small keyring. Taking it, she tried keys until the lock clicked open. Before Mariah could react, Brittany had used the chain to lock the cuffs on Mariah's ankles together. Now, Brittany's captive would not be able to take strides longer than about a foot. The cuffs also covered the straps to the high heels, effectively locking them on.
Finally, Brittany took the safe from the floor. What was the combination again? 938687? Brittany punched it in, and the safe lid sprung open.
"What was that noise?" Mariah asked. "Did you open the safe!?"
Mariah started flailing on the bed, struggling to find Brittany and somehow steal the keys from her. Hastily, Brittany reached into Mariah's toybox, grabbing every remaining key she could find. Throwing them all into the safe, Brittany slammed the lid shut, listening as the lock clicked. Mariah groaned, both out of frustration from the lid being locked and the dildo that shifted inside her.
"All right, I think it's time we got going, don't you?"
"Yes, Miss."
Brittany stood, pulling Mariah to her feet. With her arms locked behind her and her feet chained so closely together, Mariah could do little to help her roommate get her upright. Balancing on heels with such little control of her limbs was difficult, but Mariah managed. It also didn't help that Brittany had not removed the damned contact lenses, opting to keep poor Mariah blind. For how long she didn't know, but she hoped that Brittany would take some pity on her soon.
More and more, Mariah had come to regret her decision to tie herself up that day. It had started off so fun, but she had begun to regret everything as Brittany drug her out the front door. The warm breeze was welcome on her almost fully-exposed skin. She could tell from the air and the quieter sounds of the city that it was indeed night time.
A chirping noise alerted Brittany that her car was unlocked. Opening the passenger door, Brittany helped her prisoner into the car seat and buckled her in. Before closing the door, she leaned in close to her best friend's face.
"You know, Mariah," Brittany whispered.
"Yes, Miss?" Mariah replied weakly.
"I think we're going to have a fun night tonight."
Brittany moved her lips towards Mariah's, planting them firmly. The two shared an impassionate kiss, exploring the depths of each other's mouths with ferocity. Brittany played with Mariah's nipples, rolling them delicately in between her fingers. She relished in the bound girl's inability to stop her. Taking one of her hands from Mariah's nipple, Brittany reached between the blonde's legs, feeling for the dildo. As they kissed and she played with the girl's nipples, Mariah began to push the dildo in and out as much as she could. Moments later, Mariah moaned deeply as a surge of pleasure shot through her body. Brittany closed the car door and got into the driver's seat, setting off towards the club.
Mariah listened to the sounds of traffic going by, regretting her self-bondage adventure less and less by the minute.