- Author - Green Particle
- Rating -
    [ 4.11 actual ]
- Site Rank - 757 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, f-self, consensual, non-consensual, bondage, electricity, games, machine, self-bondage, torture, tricked
- Post Date - 7/10/2015
Author's Note: I think this story would actually be possible with current technology, but I have never made such a set up. In real life, it's hard to set the difficulty of a game. Too easy and the fun is over too quickly, but too hard and it stops being fun and turns into a painful slog. Fortunately, in the fantasy world of stories we can make it just right.
My boyfriend, John, is the best. I mean, he isn't into bondage himself, but he is a tinkerer. So even though he won't tie me up, he helps me set up really elaborate self-bondage schemes. Recently he made this wonderful bondage table with compute controlled attachments to it that is wicked fun. And it was a quiet Saturday and he was out of town and my best friend, Sarah, was too busy to go shopping, and so I decided to take it for another spin.
I went down to our basement playroom and booted up the computer, and launched the control program. Feeling rather hornier than usual I dialed up the intensity and length knobs and got dressed. Or that is, mostly I got undressed. Wearing nothing but a garter belt, thigh-high stockings, and my favorite strap on heels, I was ready to start the bondage. I strapped in my favorite ball gag, pulling it nice and tight so there was no slack for feisty tongues to be able to push anything out and then locked on a couple of secure but comfortable wrist cuffs. Finally I put on a harness which held the business end of a magic wand right against my clit.
Going to the end of our special table, I cuffed my ankles to the legs, which held my legs a couple of feet apart. I bent over, lying my tummy on the table, letting my breasts slip through the specially placed holes, and then buckled the wide leather belt around my waist which held me down and prevented me from wiggling my butt out of the way of the torture to come.
I reached under the table to get John's amazing computer controlled nipple clamps, and attached one to each nipple. Fortunately they squeezed very lightly, just strong enough to stay on, although that would change later. Then I attached the chained collar to my neck which gave my head only a few inches of room to move, and then reached towards the corners of the table where two short chains and a padlock were waiting to receive the D rings on my wrist cuffs.
Looking down through the hole in the table made for my face and looking at the monitor John put on the floor facing upward, I saw the program was ready and working, and quickly before I could try to change my mind, I clicked the wrist padlocks shut. Now I had to go through the program which would drop the key, held far above me on the ceiling with an electro-magnet, only when it was done.
I grabbled the button grips in convenient reach of my hands, and pressed both buttons, telling the computer it was time to start. The monitor flashed, "pattern length: 50. Spank intensity 9/10. Starting Program Now; Good Luck!". I took a deep breath, tried to clear my mind and stay calm even as the fire began to burn within, and released the buttons.
Thwack! Whack! Whack! The spinning whips behind me smacked into my buttocks. First left. Then right. Then right again. On and on , each lashing me with pain. For the first dozen strokes I was sure I had made a mistake going so high on spank intensity, but then as I started to feel stirrings down below I knew I would survive.
The whipping stopped, and it was time to repeat the pattern. I pushed the button with my left hand. Then my right. Then right again. Then left. After about 10, I lost track of where I was. So I pushed both buttons at the same time to start the sequence anew. Whack on the left! Thwack on the right! The computer repeated the pattern, and I tried to memorize as much as I could.
As I was going through the pattern this time, the magic wand came to life suddenly, and that startled me into pressing the left button a second time when I needed to press the right button. I hit both buttons to start over, the magic wand turned off, and the whack! whack! whack! started again. I was realizing that the way we had it set up the whips hit exactly the same part of my butt each time, and it was starting to get raw. I was able to shift ever so slightly half an inch to the side to expose a new part of skin to the whips, but this took my concentration off of memorizing the pattern. Reluctantly, immediately after the whips had finished their work I hit both buttons again, this time with my butt already adjusted the half-inch I could manage.
Now I was starting to regret the high spanking intensity, but it was too late now. The only way to the key was for me to memorize the pattern and repeat it. Fortunately, this time, I thought I had a pretty good handle on it. At the same place, the magic wand came on, vibrating at a low but pleasant level. I was ready for it, and I kept going with confidence. About 8 button presses later it turned off, but I kept going, and made it to the end of the pattern, but nothing happened. I had gotten it wrong somewhere.
This time pushing my butt half an inch to the left instead of the right, to expose a different piece of skin to the whips, and tried to figure out where I had memorized incorrectly. After 50 more twangs from the robotic whips, I was pretty sure I knew what to do, which was good, because I was really starting to get wet. I wanted to get this over with so I could give myself some real pussy stimulation rather than the teasing mechanical vibrations.
I punched out the pattern with confidence, and the vibrator started up with its teasing again, until about 10 button presses later suddenly the nipple clams bit down hard, sending a jolt of pain through my system. I squealed into my gag, which didn't matter, but I also instinctively pulled down on my arms, reflexively reaching towards my breasts to relieve the sudden intense pain. This was a mistake. My wrists weren't getting anywhere near my breasts because of the chains and cuffs, but at my insistence, John had put a pressure sensor on those chains. Meaning that if I pulled too hard on them, I would get a shock to one of my nipples, and when my left nipple lit on fire, this time I screamed into my gag.
It was a genius way to prevent me from trying too hard to slide my wrists through the cuffs and cheat my way to freedom. But this meant that the torture clamps, although only a couple of feet away from the fingers that could free them, were as far away as the moon. My body went through every motion it could think of, trying to pull my feet away from the table legs, trying to pull my waist off the table, trying to shake the clamps off my breasts, but nothing worked. The only thing that happened was more juices were flowing and I could feel them starting to drip out. Then I remember John had always set up for relief from everything by pressing and holding both buttons.
So the vibrators turned off, the clamps loosened up, and I tried to catch my breath as well as I could with my mouth stuffed full of implacable rubber. After a minute, I started to calm down, although I realized my legs were starting to get sore from the awkward position they were in. I knew from experience that the heels were there to stay so it wasn't even worth trying to kick them off. The only way out was to remember the pattern, so I let go the buttons yet again.
Whack! Ow! Thwack! Ouch! Whack! The whips lit into my tender buttocks yet again. Right. Right. Left. Once it was done with the familiar pattern, I again started to repeat. Again the vibrator started up low in the middle. This time when the nipple clamps bit down, I was mentally ready for it. Biting down hard on the rubber gag I plowed through the sequence, but only three steps latter, the vibrator went from a mild buzz to shaking like crazy.
I tried to focus on the pattern, but in my horniness, the insistent ministrations from my clitoris were too strong. Like a dam bursting, there was no way to stop it. All the masochistic frustration from the afternoon rushed over me and I orgasmed right there and then. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked my body, and all thought came temporarily to a stop. I vaguely cursed John because I'd told him the magic wand was never to go above low, and he must've changed the program.
After I recovered from coming, I submitted to the mechanical 50 spanks for one last time. The edge from my horniness being temporarily sated, I knew I could survive whatever other tricks John had in mind, and I had the left-right pattern pretty well memorized by now. I went through the pattern, and the clamps bit down, and the vibrator went on high again, but I made it to the end and got a musical "ta-da" sound from the computer's speakers. Instead of releasing the key, turning off the magic wand, or even releasing the pressure from my poor nipples, the monitor displayed a message:
"Congratulations! You win the game! However, naughty girls who play in self-bondage without a proper backup must be punished. Press button to continue!". Trying to ignore the sharp clamping on my nipples and the magic vibe going berserk down below, I pressed a button. "New feature for you! I put a microphone on your gag, and from now on if it senses sound, you get a shock! No more mmphing or trying to talk! Got it? Press button to continue!".
I was usually pretty quiet, even in intense self-bondage scenarios like this, so this microphone thing didn't bother me too much. Not nearly as much as the clamps squeezing the very life out of my nipples, making it hard to think. The next message read, simply, "Dialing...". And indeed, I heard ringing coming over the computer speaker. What happened next astonished me, and not in a good way.
"Hello," I heard Sarah's voice over the speaker. Then,
"Sarah, this is John. Listen, we have a situation here. We need you to come over to our house, use the key under the welcome mat, and come down into the basement, I can't say more now, sorry" and then a click.
Oh my god, not Sarah! I would literally die if she found me down here like this. The good news is that the magic wand turned off and the nipple clams loosened up. The bad news was the vibrator stayed on low and the nipple clamps were still at a somewhat painful tension. And those damn whips would flay me every minute or two while I waited.
Not that I was waiting quietly, I was using every ounce of my ingenuity to figure out how I was going to get out of being seen naked as a jaybird, bound by my own hand, and soaked in my own juices by my friend. Instead of fighting my bonds with brute force, I used sneakiness. I swung my hips as hard as I could to dislodge the magic wand. I twisted and pulled up on my feet so as to loosen the ankle cuffs and slide them through. I rotated my breasts to get the nipple clams to fall off from the centrifugal forces. Finally I used my ESP to loosen the buckles on the gag and the collar around my neck.
An hour later, I was exactly where I'd started, except the low rumbling of the vibrator was keeping warm, my legs were seriously tired from being held so far apart for so long, and the stripe of skin on my buttocks that kept getting hit felt like it was seriously on fire. And then I heard a car drive up. A minute later, from the entrance, Sarah's voice, "John? Dana?"
I heard her coming down the stairs, but I couldn't see her, although she must have had a great view of my rear end. "Dana? Oh my..."
She came around to the side of the table where I could sort of move my head to see her and she could see my bright red cheeks. "Did you ... are you okay?"
"Did John do this to you?"
"Did .. you do this to yourself?"
"How, uh, how do you get out?"
I tried as much as I could to look up at where the key was held. She jumped and I winced as suddenly the whips thwacked me twice. She looked over at the whip mechanism and then walked over to it, out of sight. Then I heard her walk somewhere else, and I realized she was by the computer when she called out, "Sarah Special! Free Key or Play Game Again! Which do you think I should choose?"
I immediately said "Free Key" which sounded like "mmee mmee nnngggghhh", because I just got a painful jolt of electricity in the right nipple.
Sarah, who was no longer my best friend, said "Let's play again! I want to see how this works." And as soon as she did, my long suffering buttocks were subjected to left and right smacks from the robotic leather straps, this time in a new pattern.
I followed the pattern as best as I could remember, but after a bit she commented, "I get it, you have to memorize the whole thing. And you're on the wrong track right now." So I hit both buttons and started the whipping routine yet again, but it stopped in the middle.
The next thing Sarah said made me groan, or would've if I was allowed to make noise. "It says here that the normal program turns up the vibrator and the nipple tension when you are trying to repeat the pattern. But what if we switched it around so they're on while you're trying to remember the pattern! Let's start over. I'll make the pattern only 40 long for you this time!"
Then in rapid succession, the nipple clamps bit down harder than they ever had before, a jolt of excitement shot directly from my nipples to my pussy, and it was met by the magic wand going on full tilt again. And then the leather straps starting biting into my rear flesh again. But the sensations were too intense for me to think, all I could do was feel, and endure. And suddenly it all stopped.
I just sat there stunned, I had no idea what even the first part of the pattern was this time. Sarah sounded amused but disappointed, "What, didn't get the pattern? Let's try again"
And again it started. But this time all the embarrassment, all the frustration, all the pain, all the soreness, and all the vibration reverberated throughout the core of my being, and I came again, straining my body as far as the bonds would allow. The electric shocks on my nipples only served to prolong this newer, intenser orgasm. I came and came and came, completely unable to do anything about anything. Eventually the spams of ecstasy ebbed away, and Sarah finally relented and let me loose, "poor baby..."
And that started a new chapter in our relationship, but that's a story for another time.
The End
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