Author's Note:Please be gentle. This is my first public submission and the first story I ever really took the time to flesh out.
As I wrote this, I figure that some folks will find that it proceeds a little slower than some other stories. I think some stories proceed too quickly or don't spend enough time exploring or explaining certain things and I may have tipped the balance a bit farther in the other direction.
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If it's well received or there is interest, I may submit a follow up.
There are probably no truly unique ideas here (if you find one, let me know) as this is just an expression of some fantasies that I find interesting enough to write in my own words.
This story has a touch of sci-fi, since the way some things work out in real life just isn't as much fun. Still, I try to keep things pretty down to earth, since this isn't meant to be a sci-fi focused story.
I hope you enjoy it and I welcome constructive criticism. Since it's my first I'm sure I have a lot I could improve...
This story revolves around the teenage girl, "Angel" and is told from her perspective. One day her parents decide to buy her a chastity belt and apply it during the night. She is not happy about this, as she is forced to continue day-to-day life with this new addition to her body. I have been deliberately non-specific about "Angel"'s age and that of her friends. Please assume that she is of legal consenting age (ie: 18 or 19, in spite of the story's non-consensual twist). As Angel gets older if this story continues, I'll probably be more specific later on, by this time she would probably be in her young twenties.
Part 1
The party had lasted until late, so I slept in since it was Sunday morning. When I finally woke up, I noticed a note on my bed... and a strange feeling between my legs. No, a strange feeling inside me.
What the hell...? I flung the covers away from my body, noticing I was naked but remembering going to bed with my PJs on - except I was wearing a metal-looking belt with a strap that ran between my legs - but I knew there was more than a strap there.
My first feelings were those of shock and horror. Who had done this to me? Upon moving more I knew something was inside me - in my vagina. It was hard.
It didn't hurt - I guess it might have ached a little bit, but that went away with time. In the back of my mind, I was a little turned on by the whole thing, but moreso I felt terribly violated in the excitement of the moment.
My hands immediately went to my waist to remove this intruder in my most intimate place but I could hardly get my thumb beneath it. It ran right along my skin like it was perfectly designed for my body. It was shiny and metallic.
I started to panic a little, and on further inspection I noticed a keyhole. I felt my chest sink down into my stomach as I tried various ways of pulling at the "belt" all to no avail. This thing would probably remain as it is - inside me - until I could find the key. For several minutes I just sat there thinking about the situation, wondering what I should do. I adjusted myself, feeling this new sensation... it was not unpleasant, really, but that wasn't the point.
I remembered there was a note on my bed. I snatched it up and began to read. My mouth dropped and my head swam.
The gist of it was, my parents had given me a birthday present - for my protection. This was a chastity belt, of sorts. I could not believe what I was reading. Out of concern for me, the belt will not be removed until my parents decided it was time - such as after college or the beginning of my successful career.
While I was very upset about the now possibly permanent object in my pussy, my immediate concern was how I was to manage going to the bathroom.
I examined the belt I was wearing a bit closer, feeling it over with my fingers and grabbing a mirror. It was frightening, but actually somewhat erotic to see myself locked into this thing. Where there should have been a small patch of dark amber-colored hair, there was nothing but a smooth, shiny surface.
There was a raised hole in the back which was naturally circular and a little larger than my small pink asshole and a very tiny raised hole in the front which must've been made with precision as it seemed aligned exactly to where I would urinate. There was no visible provision, however, for my vagina, clitoris or other sensitive areas. They were trapped by this thing.
The note went on to mention a butt plug - I was angry they even thought about it, but relieved it wasn't a permanent attachment - it was "optional" and could snap on if the "wearer" desired. I was feeling more like a prisoner. It was the ultimate solution to "safe sex" - no opportunity for sex at all, with or without consent.
But how would I relieve myself? I happened to have a rather strong sex drive - I was just beginning to masturbate rather regularly when I got the opportunity (I guess in some ways I was a late bloomer) and now that privilege had been taken from me. All these thoughts were actually turning me on - this I found rather horrifying, especially in a state where I could do nothing about it. Or could I?
I marched to my parents room after putting on a robe.
"Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke!" I demanded.
My parents woke up groggily and soon realized what they knew I'd be referring to. My father was silent and my mother spoke.
"Darling, we just want what's best for you..."
"This is bullshit! Where is the key!?"
"Honey, we love you, we think that..."
"Mom, please, give me the key to this thing... you can't do this..."
My father finally spoke, only to say, "Your mother and I have sacrificed dearly for this, not to mention the financial cost..."
"You what!?" I yelled.
My mother tried to comfort me, "Don't worry, only I and your personal doctor have seen anything. It's perfectly safe, and..."
"No, no, no..."
"...I'm sure you're wondering about things like masturbation and sexual relief..."
My cheeks flushed red and I slowed from talking.
"The vibrating part really does work and we weren't sure what to choose, but we'll turn it on for you..."
"The fuck!?" They were going to make this thing sexually stimulate me whenever they chose? They were insane... but what could I do?
"Are you uncomfortable at all?" she asked, genuinely.
"Uncomfortable?" I yelled, "I'm bloody uncomfortable with the whole damned thing! Mom, please..." I begged.
She shook her head, "I'm sorry honey, but the decision has been made. We knew you would be a little surprised..."
I felt lightheaded, I had to get away. I felt like I was going to explode. I walked back to my room, ignoring my mother, becoming aware every step of the feeling inside me.
I slumped down on my bed. Why I wasn't much more upset, I didn't know. My thoughts were a muddled pool of frustration and surprise. I also wanted very much to remove the my intimate intruder. It felt strange having anything inside me for this long... something I was subject to indefinitely...
Something I would have to go to school with - walk around in public with... I couldn't! It's not like the chastity belt required any sort of concentration on my part - so well attached to my body and deep within me. No matter how I moved, I could barely budge it.
I got up and tried walking and realized it would be difficult to get used to. The movement of my legs and swaying of my hips did have an erotic effect which I would have to get used to.
Without thinking to much of it, I continued to pace about in my room, pondering the whole thing, and suddenly I realized what was happening.
I was getting horny. Can you blame me? Who wouldn't, when it's right there... I placed my hand over the belt's strap and felt helpless.
I tried to focus on something else when my mother came in and I quickly closed my robe around me.
"Angel," she said softly, not knowing how to continue.
I went through a range of emotions, from rage, to sorrow to intrigue. Not exactly in that order, but I wasn't sure which it was.
Mom noticed my uneasy shifting in my abdominal area. I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Oh," she said, still speaking softly, though a hint of surprise in her voice, "Um, well, I guess it does take some getting used to..."
I glared at her.
She continued, "We thought maybe we shouldn't turn on the vibrations until you got used to it." She waited for a reaction from me.
"Turn on?" I said slowly, "Just turn it on and off, just like that. I can't believe you."
"Well, that's how it works," she replied, without any sarcasm. She then looked at me seriously, "Do you want me to turn it on for you?"
My eyes went wide - and straight to the floor. My face was now beat red.
"No!" I said, although it wasn't really true.
"We were going to ask you when you wanted..."
"You can't just control me like this! You can't do this to me!"
She sighed, "Ang, the decision has been made. What's done is done. We've thought about this for a long time. I guess you need some time - your father and I are aware that you actively masturbated before, so you'll want it eventually." she walked towards the doorway.
"It's MY body!"
"Well, when your body needs it let us know or we'll just use our intuition."
"You wouldn't."
"I couldn't let you just suffer, now could I? That would be cruel. Anyway, you have today to get used to it, tomorrow life begins again just as it was before."
"But this is completely and totally..." my voice trailed off as I realized she wasn't listening and walked out of the room.
I threw myself on the bed again. I might've liked to feel the vibrations, but not because she caused them to happen.
I didn't need to do anything today - I had the whole day off. That was good. I certainly didn't want to face Monday, though.
After lying there for probably half an hour I realized I was getting hungry for food. I got up, ever aware, and put on some clothes.
As I put on my panties, I noticed that it really didn't show at all. That was good. I dressed in a pair of jean cutoffs and a tshirt and headed to the kitchen.
My father was reading the paper on one side of the table, and I prepared a bowl of cereal opposite him.
"Ah," I said, sitting on the strap/dildo for the first time, feeling it press in me and immediately getting up again. My father acted like he didn't notice. I sat down again, still feeling impaled on by this thing and realized I wasn't much better off than I felt earlier. Still my arousal was very subtle.
The crunching of cereal and occasion crinkling of paper was the only noise to break the silence. I probably wouldn't speak to him for awhile. Maybe a really long time.
I tried crossing my legs and felt it shift slightly, which didn't help at all.
Soon I finished my breakfast and got up from the table. After washing up, I wondered whether I should go back to my room and sulk for a couple more hours. It was then that the phone rang.
My Dad looked at me knowingly and I slowly walked to answer it as he looked back at his oh-so-interesting paper.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Hey, Ang!" it was my friend, Kat.
"Oh, hey."
"Did you get enough beauty sleep?"
"Of course not." I said, though I really didn't feel tired.
"Well, I hope you didn't make any plans today, because me and you are going out!" she said enthusiastically.
My eyes widened in horror, sure I would have to go out eventually but I wanted to avoid it for every minute I had left.
"Ah, well, you know, I was just thinking of staying in today..."
"Nope, nope! You can't back out now, I'm already half way to your house, babe."
I panicked, my voice squeaked when it first came out, "Uh, what? Really, Kat, this is not the best --"
"Aw, something happen at the party? You seemed so happy to me. C'mon, the clothes you got weren't THAT bad."
She had no idea - although it wasn't clothing it certainly was something I wore.
"Kat, listen..."
She cut me off, "Be ready in 15! Gotta go, can't drive and talk! Love ya'!"
"Kat, no! Wait, Kat, please?" She had already hung up. My shoulders slumped and I noticed my dad looking at me.
"You should go out with your friend," he said.
"The hell I'm going out like this!" I retorted.
"It wasn't a question." he replied, "It's perfectly normal for you to go and hang out with Kathrine, and nothing has changed."
My eyes bulged, I glared at him for a solid minute and he didn't even look back at me. How could he always be so calm?
I stomped back to my room and slammed the door. Once inside, I sunk down to a sitting position that put very little pressure on my vagina.
I sighed dejectedly and grabbed my hairbrush from a nearby nightstand and began to work at my hair. It came down to about mid-back.
"Damn, damn, damn," I said through clenched teeth.
The sound of the doorbell brought me grudgingly to the door. Kathrine was always bouncy and energetic - as well as assuming. She often didn't give a second thought to what other people would think, but only out of naivety. In truth, I knew her to be a sweet social butterfly who meant well but was a little absent-minded.
She was wearing pig-tails and the same sort of clothing I wore, except hers was more of a jean skirt. Without a thought she moved to hug me, and I went along with it feeling ever self-conscious.
"Hi!" she said energetically.
"Hey," I said, trying but rather failing to imitate the same energy.
"Well, you ready to go?"
"Uh, you see..." at that, my mom came up behind me and was practically shoving me out the door.
"Have fun, honey, and don't be out too late!" the door shut behind me quickly. My doom was at hand.
We walked to the car and Kathrine began to chatter away about every imaginable subject with my brain trailing behind. While I felt like she could see right through me, she seemed completely oblivious. That was Kat for you.
"So, uh, where are we going, anyway?"
"You hungry?" Kat asked.
"Not really, I just had breakfast..."
"Wow, so late. OK, well we could hang out at the mall and..." It was something we often did together on Sunday. Sometimes we would go to the arcade and...
"...play that electronic dancing game?" Kat finished.
My mind barely registered the last two words, then they hit me like a load of bricks. This could not be a coincidence - but it was.
"No thanks, Kat, I don't feel up to it today."
"Really? You sick or something?"
"No, just don't feel like it." I couldn't imagine what that would be like. As fate would have it, I wouldn't be imagining, but experiencing.
When we arrived at the mall, Kathrine began practically power-walking in the direction of the arcade, with me in tow.
God, why is she so set on playing this game? It's a great game - it gives you a physical workout while entertaining you with stupid music and flashy graphics. Sure, it was a lot of fun, but not in my present condition.
Kat let go of my hand, leaving me standing still at the entrance and walked up to the counter.
All the walking was already getting to me, the constant shifting inside my vagina had not gone unnoticed. My intensely focusing on this fact made it that much worse.
Kat came back with two game-credit-cards. The only machine that used them were the new dancing machines.
"C'mon, you LOVE this game, and besides I just spent 50 bucks on these! It's part of your birthday present."
I tried to act grateful and in any other circumstance I would have been thrilled. Kathrine was undaunted and began dragging me to the nearest machine, still talking away. Something about a boy in 3rd period.
She slid both cards in and out of the machine and handed one to me, ignoring my protests.
"C'mon, we'll start with something easy to get you warmed up."
I sighed in resignation, I really didn't want to break her heart.
She picked an easy song with slower moves and I stepped onto the arrow pad where you have to put your feet on the right arrows in tune to the music.
As I started moving I tried to divert my attention away from between my legs. I took a glance at Kat, who was getting into it.
"You can do better than that!" she said to me.
I tried to hit the arrows a bit more accurately while being sensitive of aggravating myself inside. It didn't work too well.
Finally, the song ended and I started to sit down.
"Oh, no you don't." she grabbed my shoulders and placed me firmly back on the pad, "What's wrong with you?"
"N-nothing," I said, and feeling I had to kind of prove it now, I decided one more song wouldn't kill me.
"OK, then! Let's do something fun!"
"Fun..." I said, expecting the worst. She picked a faster song with more complicated moves. It started off slow and began to speed up.
Kathrine was bouncing up and down on the pad, thoroughly enjoying herself. I started doing some bouncing of my own, somewhat in time with her.
So did my boobs. It's a side-effect of playing this game, but you usually just ignore it... but right now I couldn't ignore anything.
Every move I made caused a new shift inside my vagina. To my horror, I was beginning to get aroused again.
I tried to focus on the song, but found that my pussy overrode my brains ability to think clearly. Kat had mentioned warming up earlier, and I was definitely warming up.
The song went into a series of rapid movements, and I started breathing harder but not just from the workout. I started to feel embarrassed, but surely no one could tell?
I noticed my nipples were hard and poking against my bra uncomfortably - and, oh god, I was starting to get wet.
The song seemed to last forever, constant movement in my pussy and nothing I did seemed to take away from the feeling.
Finally the song was over.
"Whew!" Kat said exuberantly, "Let's do another song!" before I could protest, she changed it to a faster even more difficult one than before.
"W-wait..." I said weakly. A small crowd had gathered to watch and was cheering us on. I wanted nothing more than for all of them to leave and me to vanish into thin air.
Again, the song started slow, but it didn't matter at this point. The shifting inside happened slightly more freely. My face turned red, but I'm sure everyone just thought it was from the workout.
Soon I noticed that I hadn't begun to sweat, but my panties were starting to feel damp. The rapid movements were getting to me. I started breathing harder and moving my legs closer together subconsciously.
I wanted to close my eyes but couldn't stop staring at the arrows. Why did Kat have to want to play this game today?
The song came to a point with a series of rapid, repetitive movements involving tapping either foot one after the other. Our bodies bounced to the rhythm, and I felt it so much more. It was ever so gently fucking me inside. I began to pant.
Finally, at long last, when I was sure I could go no farther without serious consequences, the song ended. I slumped into an awkward sitting position and exhaled deeply.
"So, up for another?" Kat asked, batting her eyes.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I said desperately, and began walking in that direction, my arousal unabating.
I made it to the stall, feeling like everyone in the arcade room must've been staring at me, but in reality it was just me.
I sat on the toilet after lowering the cutoffs and exposing the chastity belt. My nipples were still hard and my pussy was still wet.
I rubbed my legs together, which would normally put a stimulating pressure on my clit, but with the strap in place, did nothing but frustrate me. I couldn't possibly go back out in this condition.
I needed some relief. I stood up slowly and put my clothes back on and opened the stall door. Kat was there waiting for me.
"Hey, Kat, I'm feeling sick," I said, "I need to go home, I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you weren't doing so well out there," she replied sympathetically. She was finally getting the message and we went home in her car all the while I sat in the passenger seat with a new yearning between my legs and nothing I could do about it. Her talking did little to take my mind off of it.
Finally when I got in the door and Kat said goodbye and gave me a peck on the forehead, my mom watched me come in. She noticed my rosey cheeks and awkward movements.
"Oh my, Angel, are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah, mom, I'm fine."
"What did you girls do while you were out?"
"We went to the mall..."
"You played that dancing game?" Oh god. "Kat told me she wanted to take you on your birthday. I'm sorry babe, I guess that wasn't the best orientation for this. Or maybe it was..."
"Whatever!" I said angrily.
"I guess you must be tired from playing."
"I'm fine!" I said, walking to my room.
"Oh, then I guess it must be something else."
I ignored her statement and grabbed a towel from the linen closet. I needed some private time. I planned on taking a shower. My mom was watching me. Damn it, I wish she would leave me alone, I was in heat and I did NOT want her to know. After getting some fresh clothes from my bedroom, I headed back to the bathroom.
"Babe, you can just tell me..." A shower at six in the evening was quite unusual for me, which was probably why she was giving me such a hard time.
"It's NOT THAT!" I yelled.
She shook her head, "You're my baby, Ang, I know better." and with that she walked away before I could yell at her with all of my pent up frustration. I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothing. I stared at myself in the mirror slowly lowering my eyes past my chin...
I looked past my youthful, handful-sized breasts and my quarter-sized aerola with pointy erect pink nipples and down my slim tummy to where the my flesh could no longer be seen beneath the metallic device. I gave it one more pull and tug and sighed in exasperation.
Despite how violated and vulnerable I felt, after turning on the shower, the sound gave me a little more privacy. There was no way I would ever get used to this thing attached to my body. Ugh, I was so horny. I reached up and cupped my perky tits, which were more sensitive than normal. I really needed some relief, but even with my heightened arousal, my boobs weren't sensitive enough to get me off. I was starting to get wet again. I rubbed the outside of the chastity belt, up and down the crotch strap but was completely numb to any feelings generated by my movements.
The bathroom started to steam up, so I climbed into the tub. I felt the water splash over my body and watched as it ran down over the chastity device.
Suddenly, I felt something stirring inside my vagina. "Oh, my god..." I exclaimed, my shock and horror slowly abating as the pleasure from the powerful vibrator started to wash over my pussy.
It was purring along softly, but I had never felt anything like this before and the feeling of being trapped and forced to experience it - especially in my horny state - caused my legs to feel weak.
I half knelt, half collapsed onto the floor of the bathtub. For a split second the bottom of the chastity belt touched the bathtub surface, making a loud "BRRR!" noise and causing me to jump.
The vibrator got a little louder and the vibrations it made started to bring me closer to the possibility of an orgasm that wasn't altogether forced or unwanted.
"Ohhhh..." I moaned. I tried not to make too much noise, hoping that the sound of the water would cover my moaning. The vibrator was probably very quiet, too, but it was impossible to tell since I was the one carrying it inside me.
My pussy was soon dripping wet and my clitoris started to throb and ache. I noticed an odd feeling about my clit that had escaped me before - it felt constrained and squeezed beneath the chastity device, but there was no way for me to inspect why.
I grasped at my imprisoned crotch with one hand and played with my breasts with the other. I couldn't help myself. At this rate I would finally get the release that had been building up all day long.
My breathless exclamations started as a whisper, "Yes, yes..." and got slightly louder. Waves of pleasure washed over me. I would cum any second now!
My legs squeezed together tightly, making the sensations slightly more intense and my hands steadied myself against the wall... until the vibrations suddenly cut off.
"What!?" I exclaimed, a new feeling of confusing emotions took hold of me. I didn't want to be forced to cum but I needed it desperately. The walls in the house were thin, and as my head was leaning against the shower wall, I could just make out my father and mother talking.
"Well, that's probably long enough," my mother said, "If we keep this running the whole time she'll probably never come out of the shower."
"I'm glad you don't want to waste water," my father replied, possibly in an attempt at humor.
I was so frustrated in so many ways I wanted to cry. My pussy ached and the muscles in my vagina squeezed in utter futility against the rigid intruder. I decided to wait awhile before shutting off the water, just in case they were listening for it. I decided that I needed to get the remote control - or even better, to get the keys.
After toweling off and dressing in my pink cotton pajamas, I quietly looked around for where my mother and father might be. As luck would have it, they were in the living room watching an action flick. The volume was loud enough that my movements around the house were unlikely to be noticed. "Perfect!" I thought.
As quickly and quietly as I could manage, I rushed into their bedroom and looked frantically for anything that might resemble the remote control or the keys. After looking for about 15 minutes - that felt more like hours - I saw it across the room in plain view atop their dresser. This was too easy! In my horny state I could think of nothing but getting off and forgot all about looking for the keys.
From about 6 feet away I could see a small, solid and inviting green light on the remote control. As I tip-toed over to it, the light went from yellow, to red.
I wondered about this as I looked over the buttons. There were symbols that I couldn't guess their meaning to. One of them was clearly enough the vibration toggle, since it looked like a shaking, phallic object. I braced myself for the feelings to return in my nether regions and pressed the button, holding my breath.
Nothing happened, except that the red light blinked a few times and then returned to a solid state.
Maybe this remote wasn't for the chastity belt? I tried touching a few of the other buttons, but nothing happened. I flipped the small remote over - it wasn't much larger than a key fob.
I saw the words, "CHASTI-CORP", a model number, and in small cursive text, "Mini-Mote". I sighed softly, maybe there was some trick to it. I placed it down exactly where I'd found it and started anew the hunt for the keys - or possibly the instruction manual.
As I walked away from the remote, out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but notice the light returning from red to yellow and then green again. This definitely wasn't a coincidence, and I proved it by picking it up and putting it back down again. Somehow, the remote seemed to know when I was close by. Ideas flashed through my mind. I hurried over to my parents' closet and found a hanger. I could just see a medium-sized white box at the top of their large, walk-in closet that I had never seen before. Did that belong to the chastity belt? It had a fancy logo with the letters "CC" on the corner.
I placed myself as near as I could to the remote without the light turning yellow and tried to reach it with my arm outstretched, carrying the clothes hanger in my left hand.
In the midst of my concentration I heard the crashing of two dishes together. I practically jumped out of my skin and dropped the hanger on the floor.
"Oops! Sorry babe!" came my Dad's voice. I noticed that the sounds from the movie had changed from the random sounds of an action flick to the constant sound of music playing. I was running out of time fast.
Just hiding beneath my mother's jewelry box, I saw it - a small paper pamphlet with the same "CC" logo. I slide it out from underneath the box and hurried back to my room, hoping they wouldn't notice its absence. I was just in time since my father had started walking to the bedroom and I bumped into him in the hallway.
"Hi, sweetie. Are you still mad at me?" he asked, with a look of genuine concern.
I gave him the most intense 'death glare' that I could muster, trying to draw attention away from the pamphlet I held behind me, "Duh!" I said angrily.
As we parted I thought I could hear him whisper, "I thought that might've helped..."
After closing my bedroom door and locking it tight, I threw myself onto the bed and opened the pamphlet. There wasn't much to it in the form of useful instructions, really and much of it was in Chinese.
The chastity belt I wore was some sort of modular system, I gathered. It seemed like there were a lot of things it could do and in small, fine print there was a list of model numbers under the words "compatible accessories". There was a note about the battery - apparently it could recharge itself from my own movements and body heat, but not indefinitely.
I turned one of the pages and my eyes went wide. There were some scary looking pictures of attachments to the belt - most of which I couldn't guess as to their function. One of them was quite obviously a butt plug, but it had some kind of swinging motion and a panel that covered both the pee hole and the anal area when inserted. There was an asterisk next to the pictures which indicated that it was one of the modules included with the base package. "Oh, great, I hope they don't plan on using that on me..." I said aloud.
Knock! Knock! Knock! My heart felt as though it were jumping out of my chest as I heard the sound of my mother knocking at my bedroom door.
"Sweetie, are you OK?" she asked.
"No, mom." I yelled back.
"Do you want me to come in?"
"No!" I yelled back, "Just leave me alone."
"Okay. Goodnight, dear."
I didn't respond. I had been laying on my stomach as I studied the pamphlet intently. I flipped over on my back and peered over the last page. There was a note about some sort of proximity sensor, as I had guessed before. There was a way to turn it off - if you had the code - but otherwise it wouldn't work while I - or more specifically, while the device attached to my crotch - was too close to it.
I sighed and threw the pamphlet on the floor. I decided that I needed to try and find the keys while my parents were sleeping.
While waiting for time to pass, I thumbed through the many congratulatory notifications on my mobile phone. I wasn't the most popular girl, but I got plenty of attention at school.
I did an internet search for "Chasti-Corp", but most of the links returned by my search were spam or click-bait. They didn't even seem related to the company and there wasn't any contact information I could see on the pamphlet - except an address somewhere in asia.
I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.
When finally my father's loud snoring had rumbled through the house for some time, I snuck out again in search of my freedom. I found their car key rings and tried all of them and none of them worked. I spotted a golden key on the kitchen table with the letter "M" engraved on it. To my surprise, it slid home as I tried to push it into the chastity belt. With a loud "click!" I was able to turn it clockwise. I was getting excited that I might be able to get this thing off me, finally!
With the key still inside, I rushed back to my bedroom and turned a lamp on.
I tried pulling at the chastity belt to open it somehow, but it wouldn't budge. I tried tugging and the key and it something slowly began to pull away from my body - I felt the intruder in my vagina start to slowly slide out of me. I heard the sounds of footsteps walking through the house. It was my mom.
"Uh, oh," I heard her say. I heard the shuffling of miscellaneous items. Why wouldn't this thing move faster?
Finally, a dildo lurched out of me, attached to a panel that itself was latched onto the chastity belt, such that it was essentially swinging beneath me. If it swung back, it would enter me again. I noticed with shock that my pussy had been shaven completely clean.
"Angel?" I heard my mom call out. Oh no, did she find the key missing? I started pushing the latch back and felt the dildo sliding back into me. It was incredibly smooth and gave me a slight rush.
It wouldn't close with the key inside, so I fumbled and just managed to remove the key as my mother burst into my room - which I had forgotten to lock.
"Angel!" my mother looked irate, "I'm disappointed in you. I knew I forgot to put that key away."
"I don't want to wear this chastity belt!" I yelled, as I grabbed for the comforter on my bed to give myself some modesty and cover the dildo swinging between my legs and my naked, exposed pussy.
"Give me the key right now, dear." she said sternly, though yawning.
"No!" I responded, grasping it tightly. With one hand I held the blanket, with the other I tried to pull the chastity device off. Apparently this key could only work the dildo part of the device.
"Well, fine, then. That key really isn't very useful to you." she said. I noticed she was holding the mini-mote I had found earlier and pressed one of the buttons. I heard a clicking sound and then felt the latch start to raise up and push the dildo inside me again.
"No, no, no!" I exclaimed. I dropped the blanket and tried to pull the latch back down.
"You'd better not do that, honey, or you might pinch your fingers." she said sleepily.
In spite of my efforts, the latch closed again. I let out a sigh as the dildo slid deeply back into its warm home inside me.
Frantically, I started trying again to shove the key back into the chastity device.
"That's not going to work this time, dear." my mother said haughtily. She pressed another button and I found that I couldn't get the key in at all.
"Look honey," she said, "If you need something, you're just going to have to tell us. I think I understand, though. You're still horny, aren't you."
"No, I'm not!" I lied, my face flush with embarrassment. I covered my boobs with one arm and felt my erect nipples poking at my skin.
"A mommy knows when her daughter is lying to her. Okay, well, it's so late so I am going back to bed to give you some privacy. I wish you could be open with us so we can help with your needs." and with that, she turned and walked back out of my room, closing the door behind her.
I sank, crestfallen, onto my bed.
To my surprise, the vibrator turned itself back on inside me. This time the vibrations were more powerful than they had been in the shower. In my highly aroused and excited state, it didn't take long before I was panting and sighing. Lost in a sexual haze, I sank on my knees and forearms on the bed, my pussy high up in the air. I started to grind in the air and could feel my vaginal muscles clench the vibrator uncontrollably, each time intensifying the feelings rumbling in me.
"Ooooohhh!" I moaned, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum..."
I grabbed at fistfuls of bedsheets as I climbed higher and higher to climax. My pussy was dripping with my juices and finally with a loud cry my first orgasm washed over my body.
Only for a split second did I feel a sense of embarrassment and realized my parents undoubtedly heard the noise I had made. I was quickly distracted, though, since the vibrations in my pussy did not stop or slow down. "Aaaaahhh!" I exclaimed, a hand moving to my crotch as I continued to shake and shudder.
This was the release I had been craving all day long. Part of me was in heaven, while the rest of my brain was trying to puzzle out the helpless situation.
A second and third orgasm hit, as wave after wave of pleasure rocked my body. I knew that if this kept on much longer it would be far too intense. Just as the vibrations started to feel painful and the stimulation overwhelming I felt them stop abruptly. There was a damp spot on the bed beneath my pussy.
I heard my Dad's muffled voice across the house, "Is she done? Did you remember to turn it off?"
"I think so," came my mom's barely coherent reply, "I can't see it in the dark. Can you make sure?"
"Alright," my Dad responded reluctantly. After a few moments, I heard his voice again, "This remote has no screen. What does it mean if it's solid green?"
"Ooh!" I grabbed a mouthful of blanket as I felt the vibrator spring to life again, though dimly.
There came no reply to my father's last words. My mother was probably asleep already. My father must've given up as I heard his loud snores again minutes later.
The vibrator stopped, too, for a few minutes. I laid back down, feeling tingly and overstimulated. I stared at the ceiling until I was almost asleep and felt the vibrator dimly jump to life again.
"What the hell!?" I whispered. It had taken on a mind of its own! At seemingly random intervals it would start, run for a few moments and then stop for about half an hour. This made it incredibly difficult to sleep.
Part 2 (added: 2015/09/23)
Today is Monday. This is evidenced in part by the blaring alarm clock by the side of my bed. My sheets were still damp from my explosive and ultimately frustrating experience the night before. My whole pussy felt numb. Thankfully, the vibrations did eventually stop or slow down enough, allowing me precious hours of sleep before starting the week over.
As sleepy as I was, I woke up quickly. It might've been the sense of dread or the looming potential embarrassment I might face (however unlikely it actually was) that I might be discovered somehow by my classmates. As I pondered these thoughts I ran my fingers idly against the metallic crotch of my chastity belt and tapped it audibly with my fingernails. The click, click, clicking sound was interrupted by my Dad's voice.
"Angel, get out of bed!" my father called out.
"I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled back.
My parents - John and Sarah - were the overprotective type. They couldn't have children naturally, and had adopted me into their home as their daughter. They also often paid for everything I could possibly want and in their own sheltered way they gave me lots of opportunities and life experiences. This most recent development definitely ranked at the top of the list. Between my car, allowance and other periodic indulgences, some might say I was a bit spoiled, but I was certain that my present condition more than made up for it.
I heard my father's footsteps across the hallway as he made it back to my parent's bedroom. I slowly rolled out of bed and began preparing for the day...
As John walked back to their bedroom, he thought about how much he loved and adored the two women in his life. He had married his high school sweetheart, Sarah, when they were in their wild and early 20's. Sarah had introduced John to the concept of sexual chastity after they had become engaged. That was probably why her parents were more than happy to allow the two of them to sleep together, in the same bed, in their quaint home in the countryside, even before John had the ring picked out.
One night after their passionate kissing had escalated into aggressive fondling, she had stopped him to explain.
Initially, John was frustrated and even angry, but all of this melted away as Sarah gave him the best blow job of his entire life. She assured him that chastity was natural to her and a part of her family's legacy. Her sisters all had the same experience she did. One day her husband would receive the key to her chastity and she would be completely and totally devoted to him for life. Even though inwardly he felt conflicted and was unsure about the whole thing, he was obviously so turned on that Sarah didn't hesitate to start round two of servicing his erect cock.
Many years later after Angel had come into their life, Sarah brought up what she felt was a perfectly normal idea of putting her in chastity since she was of legal age. John initially refused to even entertain the idea, but although John controlled Sarah's body outwardly, it was Sarah who held the keys to his heart and soul.
John watched his sexy, loving and often submissive wife bend over to rummage through the sock basket, presenting her round, inviting and completely naked ass in his general direction. John had removed her chastity belt earlier in the midst of their lovemaking as he often did in the mornings. He was again having doubts about their decision and even as he watched Sarah wiggle her hips and turn around to smack one of her ass cheeks, he couldn't help but bring up that Angel didn't seem too happy about the new arrangement in their home.
"Dear, I'm just not sure about this whole thing," he continued.
"Oh honey, I'll take care of everything," Sarah assured him, "I'll help her understand how important this is. John, don't you feel secure in our relationship?"
John looked surprised for a moment, "Well, of course."
"You know that I wasn't a virgin when we were married, right?"
John laughed, "Well, you certainly knew what you were doing."
"Right, but you knew that one day I would be yours. Angel may not understand right now, but what we're doing is for her own good. Someday she'll understand and she can enjoy the same security we have. Trust me, baby. Even I get frustrated in my belt sometimes, but you don't seem to mind when I take my frustrations out on your cock."
John couldn't argue with that and as she walked over to him she pulled down the zipper on his pants and began to stroke him through his boxers.
"You still haven't told me where you got that fancy chastity belt from, John." she said as she finally stripped him half naked, "Or exactly how much it cost us."
John grimaced, "And I told you, you don't want to know."
Sarah frowned but continued to service him otherwise cheerfully...
After getting ready for school as I was making my way out I almost ran into my mother who was sipping at her first of what was sure to be many morning coffees. She was dressed in a blue pantsuit with a white undershirt that kept her C-cup breasts modestly tucked away. Her hair was held back in a tight, "all-business" ponytail and was hurrying to get out the door.
"Mom, please, don't make me wear this to school. Please!" I begged.
"Oh, Ang..." Mom sighed, "Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about your college plans. Have you decided what you'll be majoring in yet?"
Graduation was rapidly approaching. Some of my friends had already graduated last year. My parents reminded me early and often that they had high expectations for me.
"Mom, please. I'm serious. If anyone found out about this I would just die."
"Oh, dear, why would anyone find out?" She looked at me skeptically over her shoulder as she slung her briefcase over it.
"This is completely unfair."
Mom laughed at me, "Sweetheart, life is not fair, but we are more than fair to you."
"Anyway," Mom continued, "I have to go to work and you need to get your butt to school."
I noticed Mom stop for a moment and check her pockets.
"Oh, damn, John took the sedan today." I heard her mumble. She started rummaging through the contents of her briefcase. She threw it on the couch in the living-room and hurried off down the hallway.
I realized I needed to act fast and capitalize on this opportunity. If the remote was in her briefcase, I could take it with me to school! I kept one eye toward the hallway as I skimmed through her belongings.
"Angel! Have you seen Dad's keys?" she called out across the house.
"Uh, no, Mom, I haven't," I yelled back. I found the remote and tucked it away in the pocket of my denim jeans that accentuated my hips and ass, praying she wouldn't notice.
I hurried away from the scene leaving everything exactly as I found it just as she returned triumphantly from the bedroom.
I had to take the bus to school, which was humiliating to me because I would otherwise be driving my little red sports car if it wasn't in the shop. Every bump and jolt seemed to be magnified and transmitted directly deep inside me through the dildo I could not remove. I sat curled up against one of the windows and pulled the remote out of my pocket as inconspicuously as I could, not that anyone would recognize its purpose, though I certainly didn't want them reading the engraved text on the back of it.
"What's that for?" came a female voice that had me jumping out of my skin.
A girl with long blonde hair who was the same age I was sat next to me.
"N-nothing," I stammered.
"What's wrong with you?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.
"Nothing, just .. had a long weekend." I noted that my appearance was more ragged and tired than it usually was in the morning.
SCREECH! I heard the squealing of tires and felt gravity turn sideways as the bus abruptly came to a halt. The sudden force throwing me out of my seat caused my hand to knock against the window, causing me to drop the remote.
All of the blood drained out of my face as I exclaimed under my breath, "Shit!"
The blonde-haired girl next to me reached for it and for some reason though it had been blinking solid red the entire time I held it, in spite of our close proximity it turned green when she picked it up.
I reached to snatch it out of her hand but she dodged my frantic attempt to get the remote back in my possession.
"Woah, woah, what's got you all worked up?" she asked in a playful, teasing way. She flipped it over and started to make out the text on the back, causing me to redouble my efforts.
"Please, give it back." I asked in my most sincere, pleading voice, terrified that my secret might already be found out.
"Aren't you ... Angel? Didn't you have a big party recently?" she asked me, holding the remote just out of my reach. I was trying not to make a scene and thus far had been miraculously lucky. There weren't many passengers on this bus and those that were had been staring at the car that was the cause of the bus driver's frustration.
"Uh, yeah, I guess, but --"
"I'm Melissa."
I started to recognize her vaguely. She was some kind of transfer student or something.
"Ok, nice to meet you, please give me the remote back!"
"Why?" she asked, "You seem really anxious. What's so important about it?"
I saw her fingers press tightly against some of the buttons and my imagination ran wild. Was she pressing them? Would the vibrator come to life and humiliate me before I even had a chance to get to school? Bringing the remote had obviously been a terrible mistake. I could just see it now in my mind - getting called upon by a teacher to stand in front of the class, only for the vibrator to come roaring to life and for me to collapse on the floor in a screaming orgasm ...
"Ouch!" I yelped. The belt had shocked me between my legs causing me to jump up to a standing position. It wasn't actually that painful but it came as a big surprise.
"Please sit down, young lady." I heard the driver announce over the intercom.
Melissa looked at me quizzically, "You're weird."
"Please give it back!" I said through clenched teeth.
"Okay, I will, if you'll hang out with me after school."
"Err -- what? Why?"
"Because I want you to. If this is so important to you, you wont mind spending some time with me."
I was in no mood to negotiate and was pretty much willing to agree to anything to get the remote back. I replied, "Okay, fine, deal, now give it back!"
"No. I'm keeping it to make sure you keep your promise," Melissa said with a big, evil grin.
My situation was terrifying. I was at the mercy of a relative stranger who had no idea of the power over me she now had. At the same time, it was actually a bit exciting.
I spent the remainder of the bus ride - which was mercifully short - getting to know Melissa while simultaneously looking for any opportunity to wrest the object of my desire from her hands. At one point she put it into her purse, which she then kept out of my reach. I was at a significant disadvantage having chosen the window seat, effectively boxed in. In the end I made it inside the school building empty-handed.
Melissa and I had only two classes together. The first had her much closer to the front of the class than I was. My best friend Kathrine also shared this class and sat at the opposite side of the room from Melissa. I enjoyed sitting farther back and watching other students - but now I found myself constantly looking in her direction. Once in awhile she'd steal a glance back at me and give me that same evil smile or a wink. She was probably getting the wrong idea about me, thinking my interest was as much in her as it was the remote. While our teacher was distracted, she dangled the remote teasingly in my direction and blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes and held my head in my hands.
"Oh!" I gave a muffled cry, feeling another shock between my legs, shooting through my pussy and clit. Melissa had been playing with the remote idly. She gave me a look that I couldn't decypher and then looked away. I sat there praying she wouldn't put it together and somehow figure out my predicament. Even Kathrine turned to look at me with a hint of concern on her face and held up a finger to shush me. I was happy in my assurance that Kat would be very unlikely to discover the cause of my discomfort - she was so naive.
I drew in a quick gasp of air as I felt a very slight intermittent vibration inside my vagina. My senses were on high alert but I already had my hand over my mouth after my second shock. This time Melissa was staring at the remote and seemed oblivious to my reaction. She fumbled with it some more and I felt the vibrations get stronger.
I silently pleaded for Melissa to turn off the remote and gripped my desk with white-knuckled fingers as my legs squeezed together tightly. My body could not help but respond to the forced stimulation and my arousal continued to grow. The teacher began to drone on and on and I did my best to look interested but could think of nothing but the pleasurable feelings between my legs. I felt as though the entire class must've been watching me squirm in my seat. Minutes passed by like hours and I felt a warm, sensual glow spread throughout my body, enhanced by my embarrassment.
Again the vibrations intensified. I could sense my pussy starting to become wet and my nipples were hard against my push-up bra. My clit began to throb and ache for more direct attention in its small, confined space. I could no longer pay any attention to the teacher and tried to hide the rosy color of my cheeks behind my study book.
I was on the verge of excusing myself from the class when the vibrations stopped again. I gave an exasperated sigh. I had been reduced to a bundle of sexually charged, tingly nerves by the device between my legs and my panties were soaked from my arousal and sexual excitement.
I caught Melissa putting the remote away and was relieved that, as of yet, my fantasy about cumming in front of the whole class was not to come true, in spite of how turned on I was.
After the class was over, Melissa had hurried off in another direction and as I set about rearranging the belongings in my locker between classes, I overheard two young men discussing some of their exploits with their girlfriends. One of them was describing how his girlfriend loved to be spanked and how he would tie her up and tease her until she begged for sexual release. I closed my eyes tightly and fought off the temptation to imagine that I was that girl while I tried to distract myself with other thoughts.
As I walked to the next classroom the dildo in my vagina would shift ever so slightly and the attention I usually got just for being a pretty girl of legal age felt especially piercing.
At long last, lunch arrived and I scanned the cafeteria for the blonde girl that held the remote. I couldn't find her anywhere but a tall, athletic young man approached me and insistently tapped my shoulder.
I gave him my best, "I don't have time for this right now" stare but he was unfazed.
"Hey, this is from your friend." and he handed me a note in what must've been Melissa's fancy, curvy handwriting, written on a baby blue piece of paper like the sort you might tear from a steno pad.
"Hey, yourself - where is -- hey!" I exclaimed as he turned around and walked away.
I read the note quickly, which said, "Dear Angel, don't worry, I will take good care of your little toy and you'll get it back after school." She had signed it with a little heart next to her name. I swore under my breath and crumpled the note. Well, as long as the vibrator wasn't tormenting me, I reasoned that my situation wasn't all that bad.
I looked around the cafeteria and was surprised to find Kathrine sitting next to someone I was certain was one young men I had overheard earlier discussing their sexual exploits. He had his arm wrapped around her and I saw her giggling with a goofy smile on her face. Was she the submissive girlfriend from before? My mind raced. Was the whole world full of crazy, kinky people? I shook my head. She playfully pushed him away and he smiled and tousled her hair. I wasn't getting any threatening vibes from him or nervous and anxious vibes from her as I walked over and sat down.
"Hey, Ang, this is Ryan," Kathrine said excitedly.
"Hey, Ryan." I said in an almost monotone voice. He offered to shake my hand while looking directly at me with his brown eyes and big, white, confident smile. I pretended not to notice and pulled out my smart phone, looking as focused and intent on it as possible. He took his hand back and ran it through his short, black curls of hair.
"It's nice to meet you - Kat has told me so many things about you." he said as he completely failed to inconspicuously check me out with his wandering eyes.
"Oh, really?" I replied, sounding bored.
"Anyway!" Kathrine piped up, "So, Ryan's family has a vacation home in the mountains. He was telling me all about it."
I made a little more effort to seem interested in the conversation, although Ryan seemed more interested in Kathrine and checking out her cleavage and rubbing her back and Kathrine was happy to make more than enough idle chat for the three of us. Ryan eventually excused himself and stepped away and I leaned in close to Kat.
"Hey," I said with just enough volume to be heard, "Do you know Melissa from our first period?"
Kathrine looked very thoughtful for a moment before responding, "Nope. Why?"
"It's no big deal. She has something of mine that I lost and I was hoping to see her at lunch today."
"Oh, okay," Kat replied, her voice reflecting her cheery mood, "do you want me to help you find her?"
"Uh, it's fine. So... you seem pretty interested in Ryan..."
Kat looked over in his direction and with what almost sounded like a swooning sigh replied, "Yeah. He's pretty interesting. Maybe we can all go vacation together after graduation."
"Yeah, maybe." I replied.
After lunch was over I didn't see Melissa until after I had already sat down to our final class for the day and our only other class together. She arrived late and was reprimanded by the teacher and given a stern scolding that even though she was an adult, tardiness would not be tolerated. Melissa shrugged off the teacher's stern warnings and when the teacher's back was turned, I caught Melissa giving her the finger before she took her seat. I didn't see the remote with her and hoped she would leave it alone in this class. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't her plan.
Melissa sat behind me in this class, so there was no way for me to see whether she was playing with the remote and I almost fell out of my desk chair and gave a quiet whimper when the vibrator hummed to life. It didn't take long before my juices started to flow again and my state of arousal picked up right back where it had left off. A few times the vibrator would stop, but only for a few seconds, before starting again at a more powerful setting.
Finally I had had enough and could barely contain my moans and sighs from the pleasure radiating between my legs.
"Please, m-ma'am," I finally spoke up, "M-may I be excused, please?"
After looking me over and seeing my flushed cheeks, she said, "Angel, are you feeling okay?"
"Uh, y-yeah, I think so. I just need to be excused." I said as I got up and started walking towards the exit.
Melissa spoke up quickly, "May I be excused also? I really need to go..."
The teacher pursed her lips, unhappy at the interruption. Still, as we were adults that had almost graduated, she usually didn't refuse this sort of request and nodded an affirmative before returning to lecture the rest of the class.
Melissa followed me to the bathroom and I ducked into one of the stalls. As I swung the door shut, she caught it and held it open.
"Oh my god, I can't believe you!" Melissa exclaimed excitedly.
"Excuse me! Can I please have some p-privacy here?" I stammered, trying to keep my focus off of my arousal. My breathing was obviously heavier than normal.
"I knew you could be a tease but I never pegged you for someone that would be so kinky."
My eyes went wide and a look of surprise and disbelief spread across my face, "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on. Don't play stupid with me. I know what you've got under those tight, sexy jeans of yours. How does it work?" she asked, referring to the remote.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." I said hastily.
"Is that so?" Melissa asked, with a gleam in her eye, "Well, then I'm sure nothing will happen if I press this..."
The vibrator inside me roared to life. Its powerful vibrations rumbled throughout my insides. I started to pant and my legs felt like jello under me.
"Ohhh, god!" I gasped, slumping to the ground, clutching at my crotch, "Please, ok, turn it off!" I said weakly.
"I don't know, you seem like you're enjoying yourself, getting off like this at school."
"Ohhhh, it's so intense, please... I can't take it!" I moaned and writhed on my knees. At this rate it wouldn't be long before I started cumming.
"Don't you have a key?" she asked.
"I d-do but it d-doesn't w-work!"
"Hahaha, I don't believe you. You don't have to be shy about it."
I had only seconds left before the first orgasm would overtake me. My pussy clenched the vibrator tightly inside me.
"Please!" I said breathlessly, "You're going to make me ..."
With that, the vibrator stopped and I received a cruel series of shocks to the inside of my pussy again. My brain was frazzled - I had come so close to orgasm that now I needed it badly, but at the same time wasn't prepared to cum for or in front of this young woman I barely knew and certainly not in the women's stall at my school. Part of me was desperate to beg her to turn the vibrator back on and let me finish, but all I could do at that moment was sit there feeling as though I were a puddle of arousal.
"I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Here's what's going to happen. If you don't take off your jeans and show me, I'm going to turn back on the juice and just leave. If you show me, I'll give you the remote back like I promised."
I spent only a moment or two in hesitation and then started to strip my jeans off, followed by my pink cotton panties.
"I knew it!" Melissa exclaimed, and then commanded me to turn around and bend over.
"Ugh," I groaned unhappily. I did as I was told and put myself into the most embarrassing pose I could imagine, exposing the metal strap that ran tightly against my skin to her close inspection. I gave a surprised cry as I felt her fingers play over my skin.
"You have a really nice ass, Angel and you're practically soaked down there." she gave my ass a harsh and sudden spank.
"Ouch! Hey!" I yelped and gave her a death glare. Her spank and her dominant demeanour had only served to enhance my arousal. "Okay, that's enough, can I have the remote n--" I was cut short by the vibrator coming on again at full speed, "Ohh - Oh my god..."
"Take off your top." she said with an authoritative tone.
"Ohhh y-you're gonna make me c-cummm..." I gasped. From behind me I felt her unclasp my bra and pull up my top.
Melissa then reached around and held me in place and I felt the palms of her hands against my naked breasts. She gave them a squeeze and leaned over to where I could feel her hot breath against my ear and said, "cum for me, Angel, I know you need it so bad."
I lost all will and strength to protest as waves of pleasure crashed all over and throughout my body. My pussy walls began to spasm powerfully and I let out a loud moan. She continued to hold me tightly and it was all I could do not to fall. Each time I came she accentuated it by massaging my breasts and playing with my nipples. After the third or fourth orgasm I had had enough.
"M-melissa, p-please," I gasped, "Turn it off! Please turn it off! Please!"
Melissa let go of me and as she reached to turn off the vibrator she looked at me and said, "You really are a submissive little bitch, aren't you."
"No!" I protested weakly, trying to catch my breath.
The bell rang loudly throughout the school, signalling that it was time for us to go home.
"This isn't over!" Melissa said as she hurried out of the bathroom, dropping the remote next to me.
I felt light-headed as I scrambled to put my clothes back on.
Part 3 (added: 2016/05/18)
Melissa was a natural-born domme. Her first experiences with dominating another person were completely non-sexual, starting with a younger boy next door, who she would mercilessly tease and torment, though never causing any real physical or psychological harm.
Strangely enough, the boy would always come back to play with her and that worked out fine for Melissa.
There were times when she would wrestle with him and later tie him up to a tree, or in a chair. It was such a thrill for her to have so much power over another person.
Melissa's true interest and passion, she would later discover, was in dominating submissive women. She had a few secret girlfriends in school, and she always knew how to pick the girls who would do anything for her. They worshiped her, not purely out of lust or sexual desire, but also out of their need for her strong, unbending will.
One day, while she sat atop one of the most openly bratty but inwardly submissive girls she had ever met - a stereotypical cheerleader named Stacie - Melissa had a sexual awakening. She saw her pet not just as a plaything to be toyed with, but also as an object of lust and desire.
It started with rough kissing and playful biting - Melissa was often the one receiving kisses - and as their experimentation continued, eventually led to her discovery of the fascinating world of sexual bondage and discipline.
Their physical relationship had progressed fairly rapidly. Melissa would finger Stacie at the cinema with the thrill of the potential to get caught, and sometimes they would sneak into theatres that were completely empty, where Stacie would go down on Melissa and pleasure her until Melissa commanded her to stop or the risk of getting caught became too much to handle.
No matter where they were, whether that was a booth at a restaurant or just before the next stop at the subway, Melissa needed only to give Stacie a certain look, which Stacie knew to mean it was soon time for her to submit her body to whatever sexual thing Melissa needed her to do at that moment. Stacie both craved and dreaded that look, as to her it meant giving up herself into the arms of another person.
Melissa's darker fantasies led her to a habit of reading stories and watching videos of BDSM online, which gave her new ideas on how to further exploit her relationship with Stacie. First they played with ropes and toy handcuffs. Later she was able to obtain a vibrator, which she would use to bring Stacie to orgasm and then, as she held her down, continue to pleasure Stacie for hours while she begged Melissa to stop in between waves of pleasure. Melissa found it almost as pleasurable as Stacie did.
Early on in their relationship, they had established a safe word, at Melissa's insistence, though Stacie had never actually used it.
Sadly, their relationship came to an abrupt end when Melissa's parents, who supported her and in whose house she lived, were both laid off due to the struggling economy. It was under these circumstances that she found herself attending the same school as Angel.
Melissa found Angel irresistibly attractive, but never confronted her directly. Melissa would find herself fantasizing about Angel the same way she did her old submissive lover. There were nights when Melissa would feel an ache between her legs that Stacie used to satisfy and while she pleasured herself she imagined Angel's tongue or fingers bringing her to a satisfying climax. But, Melissa was not satisfied and instead was continually frustrated.
One day, she saw Angel get on the same bus that she took to school every day. There was something different in Angel's eyes that day - in the way that she walked, and the way she avoided the gaze of other classmates. Melissa instantly knew something was up but she couldn't put a finger on what it was. When Angel dropped the remote with a loud clatter, Melissa noticed the look of abject horror on Angel's face and she knew instantly how important it was to obtaining her deep desires. Melissa had seen that look before, countless times.
It had been all too easy to manipulate Angel through the rest of the day once she had the remote in her possession.
Melissa was thrilled to find that Angel had been wearing a chastity belt with a vibrator, and spent the rest of the day thinking of ways that she could dominate Angel and a few plans began to form and take shape in her mind...
After Melissa had left me panting in a puddle of my own juices in the bathroom, my mind was racing. As soon as I caught my breath, I did my best to clean myself up and make it look like I hadn't just cummed my brains out in the ladies room. I arrived home before my parents did, and began to wrestle with the idea of whether or not to put the remote in some hopefully inconspicuous location. My vagina felt raw and numb and for a little while I was immune to the ever-present feeling of the intruder inside my body.
I hoped to find a place where John and Sarah wouldn't find it immediately, but if or when they did, they would just assume it had been left there by mistake. While thinking about what to do, I played with it in my hands, feeling a sense of the power this little piece of plastic held over my body. I tried pushing some of the buttons again, but the colored LED just continued to light up red. I looked it over for some kind of opening - like a battery cover or some screws, but found none. It was obviously a polished and well-made design.
I changed into some more comfortable clothes as I tried to puzzle out and resolve my feelings concerning Melissa and the incredible pleasure I was helpless to vocalize and experience. I had had orgasms before, but nothing like that. While she held me, her hot breath against my ear, and commanded me to cum it had been so much more intense.
An irrational, but compelling idea came to me as I sat on the couch in our living room. I wanted to try and make the remote do something - anything. It wouldn't respond when I touched it, probably because it had some way to sense that I was the wearer or that the belt was too close to the remote. Maybe if I were far enough away from it, I could get it to respond to one of the buttons?
I grabbed the first thing in easy reach - a plastic cup that weighed hardly anything, and placed the remote across the room on the carpet. I walked a few steps away and almost stopped myself, but then threw the cup at the remote, hoping to strike one of the buttons.
The cup bounced harmlessly off the plastic and the LEDs remained lifeless. The remote slid across the floor a few inches before coming to a stop.
A part of me knew this was a foolish, crazy thing to do. There was no telling what feature I might activate if I succeeded, but for some reason I really wanted to try. I searched for something heavier.
A small book on foreign travel was sitting on the stand next to the couch. Once again, I ceremoniously setup the remote and threw the book at it. I heard the flip-flap of some of the pages and watched as the remote slid underneath the couch I had been sitting on just moments before.
Realizing that I was running out of time and playing with fire, I resolved to get the remote out from under the couch and stop throwing things at it, when the doorbell rang several times and I heard someone knock at the door.
I bit my lower lip - it was too early for Sarah to be home quite yet and John probably wouldn't be home until late into the evening just before dinner. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Melissa standing there, arms crossed.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry, this is not a good time..." I blurted out, starting to close the door but Melissa reached out and held it open. I took note of her considerable strength in spite of her feminine figure.
"I need to talk to you," Melissa said firmly. I was taken aback by her forceful demeanor and felt mentally disarmed in front of the only person at school that knew of the situation between my legs.
After a few moments with no further resistance, Melissa pushed her way in past me.
"This is a really nice house," she said, sitting down on the couch under which the remote lay hidden. I hoped she didn't understand the worried look that flashed across my face.
"My place is a dump compared to this," Melissa continued, "You probably know this already, but we just moved in a few blocks from you."
"What are you doing here? What do you want?" I demanded.
"Hanging out! You promised me, after all." she replied with a mischievous smile.
I rolled my eyes and gave an exasperated sigh, and responded, "Okay, but just for a few minutes."
"That hardly seems fair. I gave you back the remote, didn't I?"
"...after you took it from me."
"What were you thinking playing with something like that in the middle of everyone on the bus to school? But you know what, meeting an exhibitionist like yourself ... that's a real turn on for me."
"I'm NOT an exhibitionist," I insisted.
Melissa laughed. Her laugh was playful, but at the same time a bit condescending.
"Aren't you going to offer me something to drink? I'm so thirsty..." Melissa asked, playing with her blonde locks of hair.
"Aright," I thought to myself quietly, "I'll play your silly game for awhile longer so I can get this over with and get you out of my hair."
"We have water," I said flatly, "Or cola. Take your pick."
I fetched Melissa a cola, with "just a few ice cubes" and sat down on the love seat which was arranged perpendicular to the couch.
Melissa spent a few moments making small-talk about the weather and it wasn't long before I started to become impatient.
"Alright, let's just get to the point, okay? So, what do you want in return for promising you wont tell another soul what happened in the bathroom at school?" I asked Melissa.
She raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh-ho, you are so cute. I'm not here to take advantage of you, I'm here because you and I are kindred spirits. Some people believe in coincidences, I think all of this was meant to be."
Melissa shifted her weight on the couch and leaned closer in my direction, resting her chin on her hand and looking at me with piercing eyes. I felt naked in front of her and felt my cheeks flush hotly.
"I don't know what the hell you are talking about," I responded incredulously.
"Are you in a relationship with someone else? Do you already have a keyholder?"
"A what? No, I'm not and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no thanks, I'm not really looking to date anyone right now."
Melissa looked very, very pleased at my response, "So, what, you're just doing the 'self-bondage' thing? You ever tie yourself up or anything extravagant, or do you just wear that belt? You know, it's a lot safer with a partner you can trust, just like swimming."
"Uhm..." I fumbled. I found myself thinking about the intense pleasure I felt in the bathroom with her earlier. I had never felt anything like that before, it was like all my senses had gone into overdrive. I caught myself thinking that I actually wouldn't mind experiencing those feelings again ... sometime.
"Melissa, it's been real great hanging out with you, but I have some things I need to do..." I started to say, but she acted as though she didn't even hear me.
"When do your parents get home?"
"Any minute now, so..."
Melissa's next question caught me off guard, as again she stared at me with a very serious expression, "Are you wearing the belt right now?"
I let out a nervous laugh, the timing of which was all off and made it sound stupid and silly, "Uh, no."
Melissa smirked, "Don't lie to me, naughty girl, I'll ask you again - are you wearing it now or aren't you?"
I heard the sedan pull up into the driveway and the garage door opener's muffled rumble. Well, hiding the remote under the couch didn't seem like the worst place to put it. That was, after all, about where Sarah had left her briefcase before rushing to work. I decided to leave it there so as not to attract attention to it.
Melissa greeted mom with a big smile and introduced herself as one of my friends from school. I continued to play along. Mom saw this as a great opportunity to bond and, of course, invited Melissa to have dinner with the three of us, once John would get home.
The next few hours played out like any other time of having friends visit, with Melissa and mom chatting away and me getting the sense that I was the only one who felt like anything was out of the ordinary. Melissa was so polite and proper that my parents invited her to spend the night without even asking me.
"Aw, I'd love to! I'm all alone with my folks out of town and was so glad that Angel invited me over!" she replied.
Sarah and John looked at Melissa, fawning over her with pity. I rolled my eyes but no one else seemed to notice.
After everyone had their fill of Dad's chicken and dumpling casserole, my parents helped each other clean up the kitchen and quizzed Melissa about her own plans for college and the future.
I took this opportunity to slink over to the living room and take a quick look under the couch for the remote. As I searched, I felt someone bump up behind me, and turned around to see Melissa holding it in her hand, with a big grin.
"Looking for this? Wow, you are insatiable." she said.
I grabbed it, this time encountering no resistance from Melissa. She just giggled.
At that moment, John walked into the room and I quickly hid the remote behind my back.
"Okay, girls, I'm going to put Melissa's bed in Angel's room," he said, "Oh and Angel, you probably wont see me tomorrow."
"Why's that?" I asked, happy for the distraction.
"Well, work needs me to come in early. You know how it is. Anyway, I'll get you all set up, Melissa," he replied, and then left to go and do just that.
My heart was racing.
Mom came into the room just afterward, obviously looking for something.
I felt Melissa grab the remote from my hands, but hadn't put it away before Mom noticed her carrying it.
"Melissa, dear, where did you get that?"
Melissa's face showed a range of emotions, from surprise, to puzzlement, to curiosity. She decided to play dumb.
"Oh, you know, it was just laying around. Is this yours, Angel?"
It was Sarah's turn to laugh and she quickly interrupted Melissa, "Oh, no, dear, that's mine. I must've misplaced it. Hand it over, wont you?"
Melissa gave me a quick glance, but shrugged and handed it over, "Ah, okay, then."
Any moment now I knew Melissa would put two and two together and now once again I had lost possession of the remote control.
That night, after my parents had gone to sleep and the lights in the house were off, I heard Melissa's voice break the silence.
"Okay, so, why did your mom say the remote was hers?"
"Uh, must've been some kind of mistake ..." I struggled to think of any more plausible excuse, but failed miserably.
"Oh, come on. You're a terrible liar and I'm not stupid."
I didn't answer, and then she asked, "So, do you just wear that thing ... like ... all the time?"
"Well, there's a key and that remote, but the remote doesn't work for me and the key doesn't seem to work either, so ..."
I felt the bed shifting as she climbed into it and sat next to me, hovering over me. She waited patiently for my explanation.
When none came, Melissa spoke up again in a familiar, mischievous tone, "I might be willing to help you out..."
"In exchange for what, exactly?" I knew there would be a cost.
"I haven't really decided yet," she replied with an innocent tone that gave me an ominous, but surprisingly titillating feeling.
Melissa seemed to drift off to sleep fairly quickly, evidenced by her rather loud and unladylike snore. I just couldn't seem to fall asleep, tossing and turning before finally closing my eyes for the last time that night.
I had the craziest dreams. Melissa and Kat were there, and the boy Kat had met from school. For some reason, we were all stark naked, and in the middle of a forest! Well, except the ones that were tied up or otherwise restrained. It left me feeling very sensual with a heightened sense of arousal.
Melissa awoke before I did and while I was slumbering peacefully, she crept out of my bedroom and into the hallway. She heard my father drive away for work and my mother start to take a shower.
"This," she thought, "Is just too good of an opportunity to pass up!"
She snuck inside John and Sarah's bedroom, expecting to have at least a few minutes before she'd have to make a hasty retreat. The bedroom itself was rather unremarkable - although she did notice some restraints attached to the bed, and some leather gear in a pile next to it.
She walked over to their closet and opened it, her eyes almost immediately drawn to the box that I had found some time before.
Melissa stood on her tiptoes and could just barely reach it. It was still heavy and obviously not empty. She recognized the logo from the remote that she had had with her for almost an entire day from before.
In the master bathroom, Sarah finished her shower and started to blow-dry her hair. This provided Melissa plenty of cover to get the box down from the closet shelf, empty the contents, and place the empty box back where she'd found it.
It was only a minute or two afterward that I gradually woke up to feel the vibrator stirring inside me again, very softly, interrupting my sensual dream. Once again Melissa was hovering over me, except this time I could see her face clearly from the daylight streaming into my room.
"Oh, Angel, I have a surprise for you! Also, you're going to miss breakfast if you don't get up soon."
I turned over and threw the sheet over my head, muttering, "What's the surprise?"
I tried to ignore the sensations between my legs which seemed to stop and start intermittently.
Melissa came around the other side of my bed, and tore the blanket away. In her hand, she held a remote that looked very similar to the one I'd lost the day before.
My eyes went from droopy to wide open at once and I suddenly felt and sounded much more awake.
"Okay. How? Where did you find this?"
"In your parent's closet, of all places," she said, giving me a knowing and accusatory look.
I reached out to touch it and Melissa shoved my hand away.
"Oh, no, sweetie, I wouldn't touch this if I were you."
"Why not?"
"I'm tempted to let you find out the hard way, but let's just say if you do touch this, you'll get a nasty surprise between your legs."
I could see that the LCD screen on this remote was larger and colorful and obviously provided a lot more details as to what the functions were.
"This thing must've cost a fortune!" Melissa remarked, "I've never seen anything like it."
"Okay, great, so let's get this chastity belt off of me!" I exclaimed.
"Actually, I have a better idea..."
I made another grab at the remote and felt one of the shocks from the day before inside my pussy. It wasn't really painful, but enough to get me to let go.
"See, I told you," Melissa chided me.
I tried touching it again and felt another shock, this time with just a bit more intensity.
"Now, the way I see it, either I can put this right back where I found it, or you can cooperate and I get to have a little fun and then I might just be nice enough to push the buttons for you."
"Wont my parents notice it's missing, though?"
"I found this in a box in their closet, which I put right back where I found it. Your mom has the other remote now. I'm betting we are safe for now. Anyway, if you don't get your butt moving, we're going to be late."
The more awake I became, the more aroused I felt. Regardless, Melissa was right, we did need to prepare for school if we wanted to get there on time. Today was also the day I expected to pick up my car from the shop, but that would have to wait and I would have to endure another bus ride to school.
I locked the bathroom door behind me as I stripped off my clothes for a morning shower. My panties were damp with my arousal from the night before and the morning after. I felt the familiar frustration of being unable to touch or otherwise pleasure myself. The shiny surface of the chastity belt, which parted my legs and ran around the length of my waste, continued to defy my anxious fingers.
The bathroom started to steam up from the running hot water.
Before I had a chance to step inside, I felt the vibrator turn on again. At first it purred softly, the same as when Melissa had turned it on a few minutes ago.
I opened the door and looked in the direction of my bedroom.
"Melissa! Cut it out!" I called out, just loud enough that she should be able to hear.
My first response was for the vibrations to intensify which caused me to suck in my breath.
The vibrations cut off abruptly. I retreated back into the bathroom, locking it again and hurriedly started my cleansing ritual, feeling very horny and frustrated.
Melissa watch the display as the "vibration" indicator showed it was "OFF". She smiled, and thought about how much fun this was going to be. The whole situation was such a turn on for her, she was tempted to start playing with herself right there in the middle of the bedroom.
Suddenly, she noticed the vibrations turn back "ON". She hadn't pressed any buttons, though. She looked out into the hallway and just caught a glimpse of Sarah stuffing the remote into her purse as she walked into the kitchen to prepare her morning coffee.
"Ah, ha. I knew it!" she whispered under her breath, "This just gets better and better."
Melissa looked again at the remote and noticed the vibrations were almost at full power.
Meanwhile, I was holding onto the edge of the bathtub, white-knuckled as my poor pussy fell under the assault of the vibrator attached to the belt. One moment I was just standing there, washing my hair and trying to ignore my arousal, and the next moment my legs were giving way beneath me.
"Woah, what the hell..." I gasped, ending in a high-pitched squeak. At first all I could feel was the rumbling, overpowering sensation inside me. After only a few moments I was on a course that would eventually take me to an earth-shattering orgasm. It was all I could do to just clutch at the belt and moan helplessly.
On the other side of the bathroom door, Melissa could hear my stifled moans. She turned the vibrations back "OFF" and waited for me to finish my shower.
I was panting heavily by the time the vibrator cut off again. I felt my pussy pounding inside and the familiar feeling of my muscles clenching against the unyielding phallus.
I cut off the water and started to dry myself off. As I finished up, Melissa continued to covertly watch my mother in the kitchen.
Sarah looked at her watch and noticed the shower water didn't seem to be running any longer. She reached into her purse and hit the "vibration" toggle button on the remote.
"Melissa! Angel! Breakfast is on the stove, I'm off to work!" she yelled out.
Melissa checked the display on the remote she held again, noticing it was now back to "ON" again, but only softly.
Even on its low setting, in my state of arousal it was enough to drive me crazy. I hurried out of the bathroom, holding the towel in front of me, to come face-to-face with Melissa.
"Melissa, what the fuck!?" I demanded, glaring at her.
"Hey, this time it wasn't my fault. Someone's feeling awfully perky today, though." she noticed one of my stiffly erect nipples poking out from around the towel and reached out to give it a playful pinch.
The look of pure lust on my face betrayed my facade of righteous indignation. My brain was frazzled. I couldn't think straight and the soft vibrations in my nether regions kept me on edge. I had already suffered several orgasms from Melissa, and I desperately needed one now.
"Okay, well, just ... hurry up and finish me off so we can go to school."
Melissa laughed, this time in a condescending tone, "You're in no position to make demands, here. Go get dressed, I'll be waiting for you in the living room."
"What!? Just finish me off. I can't go to school like this!"
Melissa just shook her head and walked away.
"Dammit, Melissa at least turn off the vibrator! It's driving me crazy..."
"If you do as I say, I'll help you cum, but it'll be on my terms, not yours."
"C'mon," I decided to try a more diplomatic approach, since Melissa clearly had the upper hand here, "Please, just finish me off this one time..."
My words had no effect on her, so I stormed off to my bedroom to get dressed quickly. I started picking out some sensible clothes and noticed a thong and lacey push-up bra sitting on the bed waiting for me. A little note in Melissa's handwriting with a heart at the end said "put these on".
"You've got to be kidding me..." I mumbled, "No fucking way."
I tried my damnedest to ignore the soft, penetrating rumble of the vibrator and the yearning I felt. Having Melissa attempt to control me like this seemed to make it even worse.
I found two plates of food on the coffee table, Melissa had already started on one of them. I refused to sit down next to her and stood, crossing my arms, as well as my legs.
"Aren't you hungry?" asked Melissa, "It's almost time to leave, you better hurry up."
The remote sat next to the plates of food. I tried picking it up and felt a much stronger jolt inside my vagina and arcing through my clitoris causing me to cry out. The effect the shock had on me was like a splash of cold water on a raging fire. For a moment the flames of arousal died down, but it grew quickly thanks to the constant, endless torment of the vibrations in my pussy.
Melissa shook her head, "It's not like you didn't know that was going to happen."
"Please stop being such a bitch and just push the button, I need it really bad... This is totally unfair..."
Melissa set her fork down and cleared her throat.
"You have two choices. You can either follow my instructions from this point forward, or I will walk out of here and leave you with the remote and you can get your own damn orgasm. Sit down."
The pendulum in my brain swung wildly between the choice of whether or not to submit to this stubborn young woman in front of me who spoke so confidently. In the end, the ache for sexual release that pulsed through my body won out.
I started to obey and sit on the couch and she corrected me.
"No, thanks to your attitude, you can sit on the floor."
"C'mon, that's stupid--" I started to protest.
Melissa started to get up calmly, but, realizing she was serious, I hastily complied and sat on the floor on the opposite end of the coffee table. I felt the vibrations pierce me just a little deeper as I sat down, carefully trying to maneuver around the dildo and avoid pushing on the strap that ran between my legs.
"Do you know what 'submissive' means, Angel?" Melissa asked me with a serious tone in her voice.
I bit my tongue and held back the urge to give her a sassy reply, and simply said, "Yes. I know what it means."
"I don't think you do, but," she paused to take another bite of her breakfast, "I can show you what it means, if you have the patience to learn. Eat, so we can get going."
I was trying not to squirm and fidget on the floor with little success. I shoveled the food into my mouth, trying to show myself as compliant. Melissa finished her food before I finished mine and drew a deep breath.
"Let's see," Melissa began, "You seem to think you deserve an orgasm. You do seem really worked up this morning. Even so, you lied to me twice about the belt and about the remote, you called me a bitch just now and I bet you aren't even wearing those lovely clothes I picked out for you."
I looked at the floor and continued to eat, saying nothing.
"But I will cut you a little slack, since you are doing so well to stay silent and comply and I know just how badly you want it. Here's how this is going to work, the vibrator will stay on until we get to school. If you are on your best behavior, I'll ask you then if you want me to turn it off. If this is unacceptable to you, I can just leave right now. If you're a good little submissive, you can earn your orgasm, but there will also be punishment for disobedience."
I gave Melissa my most pitiful, pleading eyes, "Okay, fine, I'll be your submissive. I'm sorry I called you a bitch, I'll even go change into that bra and panties if that'll make you happy, but could you please either give me an orgasm or turn off the damn vibrator? Please?"
Melissa smiled knowingly, "Tell you what, I wont keep the vibrator on all day, but it'll cost you, and you better decide quick because we're out of time."
"Okay, what do you want?"
"You can either eat me out, right here on the couch or I can add a new accessory to your chastity device."
The look of surprise and shock on my face, was soon wiped away with my reply, "Fuck you, no way!"
Melissa laughed, "Okay, Angel, have it your way! Let's get to the bus."
I could see the bus outside from one of the windows, pulling up. Melissa hurried outside and I followed her close behind.
As we took our seats, I hoped that no one would notice the flushed look on my face.
I was restless as I sat on the bench, squirming and fidgeting. My nipples felt as though they were made of steel and my clitoris ached as it throbbed in its shiny metal prison. Now and again I would give the dildo inside me an impotent squeeze. It only made it worse, but I couldn't help it.
Melissa directed me to sit with her in the back of the bus, where it was unlikely that we would be seen. She gave anyone who looked as though they might sit next to us a "don't fuck with me" stare that seemed to deter them well enough.
Halfway on the route to school, Melissa leaned over and whispered in my ear, "If you finger me on the way, and you do a good enough job of it, I'll make things easier on you."
At this point, I figured, what the hell. I was so horny and desperately wanted to touch myself, maybe somehow touching Melissa, I could get some relief. I had kissed other girls before, even fondled them just for fun, but I had never fingered another girl.
I reached down with my hand nearest her thighs very slowly. Melissa moved my hand closer to her mound.
I felt the warmth beneath the fabric of her sweat pants and started to stroke up and down about where the folds of her labia would be.
This wasn't enough for Melissa, so she pulled her pants open and waited for me to put my hand inside. As I descended between layers of pants and panties, I felt a dampness there that rivaled my own. Apparently, my situation was really turning her on to the point her panties were practically soaked.
Melissa let out a sudden, muted gasp as I started stroking with only a thin layer of cotton between my fingers and her most sensitive erogenous zones.
We were lucky, our bus was not overly crowded, as many of the students from my area could afford their own means of transportation, or there might've been a much greater chance of getting caught.
I started to caress a little more purposefully in earnest and Melissa bit her lip to stay quiet. It seemed she had been holding back for a long while up to this point.
As I continued, Melissa reached into her purse and fumbled with something. I felt the vibrations inside me grow slightly more powerful.
"Hey!" I whispered, "If you turn that up too much more I might cum right here on this bus..."
"Good," Melissa whispered back, "Let's play a game. If you make me cum, I'll make you cum. If you keep me on edge, I'll keep you on edge. If you stop or do a poor job, I'll shock your pussy until you do it right."
"Like right now, you stopped, so..." Melissa pushed another button and I almost jumped out of my seat. One of the other adults on the bus turned around, but only for a moment.
"Okay, okay!" I resumed pleasuring Melissa, and as I did I felt the vibrations begin to rise again.
After awhile the the motions must've gotten repetitive or Melissa must've needed more stimulation, as I felt the vibrator start to slow down. I took this as a warning sign and started to speed up. Melissa shook her head and gave her panties a tug.
At first I didn't take the hint until I felt another shock right on the tip of my clit. In a moment of desperation I realized what she wanted and my hand plunged beneath her underwear.
I felt a trim bush, soaked and slick with her juices and warm and inviting to the touch. I found her love canal and started tracing circles with my finger around it delicately.
Melissa closed her eyes tightly and I felt the vibrator get a bit stronger again. I teased the opening to her vagina and ran my finger up and down her labial lips.
After awhile I saw her reach back into her purse, so I moved up to her clitoris and began giving it similar caresses, alternating between pussy and clit. What I had thought might lead to another shock, must've been the opposite, as suddenly the vibrator rose strongly inside me.
In my head it seemed like a loud, thundering sound that I was sure everyone on the buss would be able to hear, and this feeling only made it worse.
As much as I desperately needed to cum, I tried to fight it so I wouldn't scream out in pleasure in front of the whole bus, but the vibrator in my pussy was pushing me relentlessly over the edge.
I was drawing sharp, quick breaths as quietly as I could and had reached the precipice just before the orgasm. I was so distracted that I stopped pleasuring Melissa completely. For a moment, she looked disappointed, but then, with a big smile on her face she told me, "Well, done." and cut the vibrator off completely.
Through gritted teeth I hissed and grabbed a hold of the bench tightly, squeezing my legs together in intense frustration at the denial I had just experienced.
"Oh my god, you are such a bitch!" I whispered.
"Ha ha, I'll let that one slide," Melissa replied.
The rest of the day was spent with the vibrator either off or on very low to remind me it was still there and keep my pussy just teased enough so that I was texting Melissa every chance I got, begging her for the orgasm I craved.
She would only reply with smiley faces, hearts and "hugs and kisses". The only reply to break up the monotony was when she replied, "Trust me, it'll all be worth it if you earn it."
Melissa and I used one of those apps that gets you a ride to pick up my little red convertible. It wasn't anything fancy or terribly expensive, but it was the nicest thing I'd ever driven.
"Do you have anywhere else you need to go today?" Melissa asked me.
"No," I replied. After a full day of on and off teasing I was beyond all pretense, and continued, "but I need to cum so bad. Please... you can make me cum right here in this parking lot if you want.."
"Let's go to my place," Melissa answered, taking my phone and punching the address into the GPS application.
I gave a sigh but followed the instructions. Since I was driving, Melissa kept the vibrator off, but that didn't stop her from slowly masturbating while we sped down the highway on the way to her house.
Once inside, Melissa led me to her room, which had its own dead-bolt that she had to unlock first. Once inside, I could see why she had such privacy.
On display were a number of phallic objects, some attached to harnesses - both facing outward and some for penetrating the wearer. There was a device on the floor that would bend you over and hold you in place, presumably to be fucked doggy-style as long as your captor desired it. There were cuffs attached to various items, one set attached to an extendable metal bar. There were other devices of different shapes and sizes but I didn't recognize many of them. The rest of the room was filled with boxes, a dresser and a bed.
"Woah," I said breathlessly, in genuine admiration. My imagination ran wild with the possibilities.
"Having second thoughts?" Melissa asked.
I timidly shook my head no.
"You sure? The vibrator is off, I'll put the remote in your purse, your car is right outside. Last chance to back out."
"No," I said quietly.
Melissa shut the door behind us with a definitive "thunk" of the bolt sliding into place.
"Strip," Melissa commanded, "now."
I figured I wasn't going to get to cum in privacy, but I wondered if I would at least be able to keep some dignity.
"Must I?"
Melissa sighed, and touched a button on the remote. I felt a stinging jolt through my pussy.
I gave Melissa a dirty look but slowly started taking off my clothes, throwing them next to her bed. When I was down to just my bra and panties, Melissa had me stop for a second.
She got out a pair of scissors and quickly cut both articles of clothing off.
"Hey! Those are my clothes!" they were cheap, off-brand items I'd bought at Target, but still...
"...and for your disobedience this morning, you can go commando on the way home."
Now I was down to just the chastity belt and my quarter-sized nipples that stood at attention.
When I looked over at Melissa I noticed she had stripped down to a black matching set similar to what she had asked me to wear on the bed this morning.
"For calling me a bitch this morning, you can either eat me out - and depending on how well you do - I'll reduce your punishment, or you can bend over that bed right now and I'll give you part of your punishment now."
"Okay, I'll go down on you."
"Good girl," Melissa said approvingly. She sat on the bed, leaned back and waited.
I knelt down between her legs and looked first at the panties, then at her.
"Well, what are you waiting for? I can see you're going to need some instruction," Melissa said.
I reached for her panties and slowly pulled them around her curvy ass and down her strong but feminine thighs and continued until finally they were laying on the floor near my own cut up underwear.
Melissa grabbed some of my hair and slowly pulled me down to her bush of short blonde hair. I found the musky smell of her arousal intoxicating as I came closer and closer to her pussy.
With my fingers, I pulled her labia apart to reveal her enlarged clit, just waiting for me to suck, lick and caress it.
I started slow, around the edges, getting just a hint of the sweet taste of her love juices.
Melissa groaned approvingly and I began licking the inside of her outer lips, deliberately avoiding her clit and vaginal opening.
I felt the vibrator in my pussy spring to life again, which encouraged me to intensify my ministrations to Melissa's pussy.
"Oh, please, Melissa, I need it so bad, you've been teasing me all day..."
At first Melissa didn't reply, pushing my face down against her mound, and for awhile I kept licking her pussy.
In between the figure eights I traced around her vagina and clitoris, I continued to beg for my orgasm, or at least for her to turn up the vibrations in my own pussy.
Melissa suddenly pulled me away and said, "Stop for a second, turn around and bend over for me."
"What? Why?"
"Every time you hesitate and stop to ask questions, the chance of you cumming for me becomes a little less."
"Ugh, fine." I could still taste her nectar on my lips and tongue as I assumed the position and held my ankles with my hands.
Melissa kept the vibrator going and I felt it turn up a little more. I became excited at the idea that she might finally make me orgasm.
Melissa quickly attached the cuffs that were attached to the spreader bar to my ankles, and I happened to notice that the bar itself was linked to rings in the floor.
As I took stock of my new bondage situation, Melissa grabbed something else and got up behind me. I found that with my legs restrained, I could no longer turn around at will, but I did start to stand up. Melissa reached around and gave my nipples a rough tweak which caused me to cry out in pain.
"Ow! Why are you mmmfffmm!?" my cries became muffled as Melissa deftly inserted a ball gag into my mouth and locked it on to my head tightly.
As I fumbled with the gag and tried to pull it off, Melissa quickly attached two additional cuffs to either of my wrists, linked by a chain that was several feet in length.
Above my head, she attached the chain to a hook, which she then pulled a cord to raise it toward the ceiling.
"MMmmmmff!?!" I protested as loudly as I could, beneath the gag that seemed to absorb much of the sound.
"Shhh, I know, I know. This is all a bit sudden for you isn't it?"
I nodded my head enthusiastically.
"You still want to earn that orgasm don't you?"
I felt the vibrations continue to do their work on my throbbing pussy. Melissa turned them up a little higher. I didn't like the idea that I was still on my way to "earning" it, but I still nodded my head yes.
"Now I want you to be completely honest with me, Angel. Have you ever taken it up the ass before?"
I gave her a look of surprise. What did that have to do with anything? I tried to answer her with muffled speech underneath the gag, "MMmm, mmff, mmffff..."
"Yes, or no, have you ever had something inserted into your ass?"
I realized any other form of communication was fruitless and nodded affirmative.
"Okay, good. So, I found another piece or two of your chastity... and I've been wanting to try it..."
I shook my head vigorously.
"Oh, come on, let's be a little adventurous. It doesn't seem like you have much of a choice in this situation."
I shook my head again.
I felt the panel beneath the belt open and the dildo inside me start to slide out slowly. For a moment, the vibrations were intense against the edge of my pussy lips, reverberating all the way to my clitoris. I stared down in surprise as the panel swung freely between my legs.
I felt Melissa start to rub some lubricant on my asshole and clenched my ass cheeks and tried to close my legs together.
"This will go so much better if you just relax sweetie."
With another hand, Melissa reached around and put it flat against my mound. Just the feeling of flesh-on-flesh, something I hadn't felt in all too long, was intense. I leaned in toward her hand on my pussy and away from the one probing my anus.
"Maybe... if you're a really good submissive, I'll even let you out of the belt from time to time. I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
I nodded and as she caressed the outside of my pussy I started to relax against her slow, but determined lubricated fingers.
As Melissa continued to tease and distract me from the front, causing me to sigh and moan with lust, with her other hand she gradually penetrated my ass with her finger.
"Good girl," Melissa said softly.
It wasn't long before I felt my asshole stretch a little bit more to accommodate a second finger, and she continued to probe and gently work out the muscles inside while keeping me on edge.
Every time I started to get close, Melissa seemed to be able to sense it, and she would back off a bit, causing me to groan in frustration.
At this point I was openly begging her under the gag, "Please, please, please make me cum!" and she seemed to be able to take enough context clues from the situation to understand me, but just shook her head, "Not yet, sweetie."
Finally, Melissa started to withdraw.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed she had a few pieces of shiny material, similar to the sort the rest of my chastity belt was made out of. She took one of them and began spreading my ass-cheeks again.
"Hmmph??" I tried to ask her what it was, but received no verbal reply.
The belt beneath me felt just slightly heavier and I felt something snap into place. It remained there, dangling between my legs.
Melissa then walked in front of me, holding two small shiny conical objects.
"I bet these are really fun, too!" she said, as she reached to begin caressing and fondling my breasts.
My nipples were already hard, but she was in no hurry. As she groped, rubbed and squeezed my breasts, I found it purely frustrating as there was no way stimulating my boobs alone would finally push me over the edge and now I didn't even have the vibrator inside.
As she worked her way towards my nipples, she started to get rougher, eliciting audible protests from me. She started to pinch and tug against my sensitive skin both around the areola and inevitably my nipples as well.
If my nipples had been hard before, there was no way they would get any stiffer.
Melissa applied one of the conical objects to one of my breasts, centering it on the nipple. It was about two times the size of the areola in diameter. I felt my nipple being lined up with something inside of it.
Melissa pushed a button and something tightened around the stiff nipple flesh inside, allowing it to hang free on its own. With another button press I felt my nipple sucked into the device, which seemed to force it to expand inside. It was a very erotic feeling and I continued to squirm and writhe in my bonds.
Melissa applied the other device to the opposite breast in a similar fashion and now I had a matching set.
"Okay, now for the final touch, and you'll be ready to go," Melissa said.
She fumbled with the remote some more and I felt the panel begin to raise beneath me. My old friend, the pussy vibe, was pressing against my wet, hungry pussy, but there was also the new sensation of something pressing against my well-lubricated backdoor.
The two dildos began to push their way past my openings and I let out a sigh. Even after Melissa's preparations, the dildo pushing into my ass still felt very large.
I let out a groan as the largest part of the anal dildo pushed its way past my sphincter and felt my anus relax a little bit as it tapered off. The whole process moved along agonizingly slowly. It was all I could do to watch the panel rejoin with the rest of the belt, completely filling and sealing my two lower orifices.
It was a strange and sensual feeling, whenever I squeezed my anal sphincter I felt the resistance of the small end of the dildo against my asshole and an amazing sense of fullness I had never experienced before.
Melissa began to undo the cuffs around my hands and ankles and I rubbed the red marks they left behind. I gestured towards the ball gag and she shook her head.
"You were doing a great job just awhile ago with your tongue, but I have something else in mind for you."
Melissa brought one of the more harnesses from her collection of sex toys. This one criss-crossed around the wearer almost like webbing, and left an opening where the crotch was. She told me to put it on.
When I hesitated, I felt a jolt not just in my pussy, but also in my ass which made me jump.
I grumbled under the ball gag, but figured the harness looked pretty harmless and starting putting it on with some help from Melissa.
It was a bit tight and dug into my skin in places. My captive breasts were accentuated further as the spilled out from the leather that ran criss cross over my body. Melissa locked it on near the collar.
Melissa grabbed another dildo - this time somewhat lifelike - and started to attach it to the front of the harness. I was now standing there, with a fake, erect prick standing proudly on top of my imprisoned sex.
I started to get really impatient at this point and made it known via a muffled complaint.
"Here's the new game we're going to play," Melissa began.
I moaned in reply.
"It's getting late, and I'm sure both of us would love to finally cum our brains out. Well, even though you lied to me, you've been surprisingly obedient since we got here. For your good behavior, I'm going to give you a chance. If you can make me orgasm 5 times in the next hour without the use of your tongue, I will finally let you cum."
With that, Melissa lay on her back on the bed and beckoned me to follow. I watched her, wide-eyed.
"Oh, and," she continued, "Every 30 seconds, you'll feel a shock, followed by pleasure, just to keep things interesting."
I gave Melissa a pitiful look as she lay and watch me process this. I resolved to climb onto the bed and rather clumsily began to align the fake prick in front of me with her dripping wet vagina.
The first shock hit my forcibly erect nipples, causing me to bend over closer to her chest. The cones on my breasts touched her naked mounds of skin. The vibrator in my ass started up after that.
Fucking another girl was also a new experience for me, as I began to thrust, first in an awkward motion but soon got the hang of it.
Soon, I had Melissa moaning underneath me. I fucked her harder and faster as each sign of encouragement played across her face.
After a long day of teasing, followed by unrestrained fucking, it wasn't long before Melissa had her first orgasm. By that time I had received 10 shocks, and my own moans of pleasure complimented hers as the two vibrators continue to drill away at my insides. As her orgasm crested, I felt an insatiable urge to fuck her harder and harder, smashing my pussy against hers which did nothing to sate my cravings.
Melissa breathed a satisfied sigh, "The first one was easy. The rest wont be."
After a few moments rest, I started fucking Melissa again with the fake prick but it became obvious quickly that after her initial, satisfying orgasm, it was going to take a lot more than penetration to get her to cum a second time.
I started gyrating my hips in different ways and tried to angle for her g-spot. This earned an approving sigh and smile from Melissa, but wasn't enough to get her to the finish line.
Desperation became the slut of invention and I started to involve my fingers at the same time. I used some of the saliva now slowly dripping from the ball gag to lubricate my fingers, and started rubbing her clitoris while fucking her slowly.
"Oh, yeah! Good girl!" Melissa said.
It seemed ages before I found the right tempo and caress before I had her moaning and writhing on the verge of a second orgasm beneath me. At that moment another shock hit me, this time on all my sensitive spots, followed by some of the strongest vibrations I had felt yet.
I begged Melissa to let me cum and as I pleaded beneath the gag, the sound of my helplessness was enough to push her over.
"That's two, sweetie. You'd better hurry!"
I looked at the clock and saw that already 30 minutes had passed.
My legs were getting really tired and my whole body continued to throb and ache with need.
I started again, between gently fucking and pleasuring Melissa but her apparent pleasure continued to rise far slower than before.
I decided to pull out and spread her legs with my hands. Melissa looked very pleased at that.
I decided to use just my fingers now. I slide two of them into her cunt and used the other to trace circles around her clit.
I started to apply pressure on her g-spot and soon had Melissa moaning and sighing a third time. Towards the end I was furiously pounding her pussy with my fingers while rubbing her clitoris indirectly with the skin surrounding it.
Melissa let out a loud cry of pleasure and finally had orgasm number 3, with only 12 minutes left to go.
"Oh, sweetie, that was really wonderful, I give you an 'A' for effort, but it doesn't look like you're going to make it."
I was so frustrated an exhausted, I was on the verge of tears. Never had I felt so turned on and full of need and sexual tension.
"Are you going to give up?" she asked me playfully, "I'm pretty satisfied with your performance, so you can stop if you want! You wont get to cum, though..."
I was on a mission now but I knew nothing I had tried up to this point would get me two orgasms in less than 6 minutes each. I searched the room for something that could help.
I found one of the large back-massager shaped vibrators amidst Melissa's toys and decided I would use that to earn my orgasm.
"Hmm, that almost seems like cheating, but I'll allow it," Melissa teased playfully.
I turned it on and felt the powerful vibrations course through the rod attached to the vibrating head. I lined it up with her pussy and started in a circle around her vagina.
Melissa jumped, "Woah, I guess I'm a bit sensitive now. That's not going to make things any easier for you."
Every time I started to apply any real stimulation, Melissa would start squirming again.
At that point I decided it was time for me to get forceful with her. Fueled by sex-starved passion, I grabbed her and held her down, sitting atop her in a reverse-cowgirl position.
At first, Melissa didn't really struggle and laughed. I then applied the vibrator directly to her pussy and it was then she started to try and push me off.
"Oh, oh, wow, that's too much --- aaahh!" Melissa moaned and continued to squirm.
I was not going to be denied any longer and held her as tightly as I could, continuing to apply vibrations to her sensitive pussy.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Melissa exclaimed, "Okay, okay! I'm cumming!"
With a loud moan, Melissa came a fourth time and then started to jump and thrash.
"Okay! Okay! Too sensitive! I need a second to recover!"
But I didn't have that kind of time if I was going to win this game. I turned the vibrator to its highest setting and continued to massage her pussy forcefully. I grabbed both of her legs and held them together with the vibrator between them.
"Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Melissa cried out, trying to twist and turn her pelvis away from the vibrator trapped between her thighs.
"Too much, too much!" Melissa repeated over and over, but it was my only hope to push her over the edge one last time. Melissa grabbed the remote which was still in reach and frantically and pressed a few buttons. I felt the vibrators inside my own ass and pussy go into overdrive, and alternating, light shocks against either of my nipples.
A long, loud moan escaped her lips and with a surprised cry, she announced, "Ooooh, I'm going to cummmm!"
My own moans joined hers and I was almost in disbelief that I would finally, finally reach the orgasm I so desperately needed.
The first wave of pleasure washed over my body as the orgasm began to hit me. Even beneath the ball gag, my high pitched cry of release could no doubt be heard outside the house.
Melissa came too, and then pushed me off of her as I lost all my strength and continued to spasm, pant and moan.
My world was spinning, the pleasure seemed never ending, I felt dizzy as my whole body pulsed and throbbed with intense orgasmic pleasure.
Melissa continued to watch me cum while breathing heavily and with a very satisfied smile on her face.
My world was reduced to one long, unending chain of explosive orgasms to the point that I couldn't tell where the next one began or the first one ended.
It wasn't long before I passed out.
Melissa turned off the vibrators and shocks and unlocked the ball gag around my head, leaving the harness but taking off the fake prick. She diligently washed each of the toys we had used, being careful to sanitize them thoroughly.
She removed the anal intruder and the conical nipple attachments and for a moment, completely exhausted and hardly able to move, I opened my eyes and looked up at her.
While I was still dazed she gave me an intense full-on kiss.
"You have a half a dozen missed calls, and quite a few text messages," she chided me.
"Oh, shit..." I exclaimed.
"Don't worry, I told your parents you were out with me and we went to see a movie and that you'd be back home soon."
"Thanks," came my exhausted reply. I began to extract myself from her bed and then asked her about the harness that was still locked on me.
"It looks good on you. I'd like you to keep wearing it. Meet me tomorrow morning for school and I'll unlock it for you."
I started to put my clothes back on, sans the destroyed bra and panties. As long as my midriff wasn't showing and my collar kept up high enough, it might not be obvious what I wore underneath.
"I'll be keeping the remote control, but you'll be taking those accessories home with you. I may need you to wear them again sometime."
I gave Melissa a look, but had no strength for any retort. Melissa gave me plenty to drink to rehydrate myself and some fruit to restore some of my energy.
As I left her house, Melissa looked at me with a big smile, "This isn't over."
Melissa's parents were back in town the next day and we had finals shortly after that, so there wasn't much time for bondage games and both Melissa and my parents were pretty merciful as a result. Kat and Ryan started dating and somehow Melissa started sitting next to the three of us during our remaining school days in the cafeteria. It wouldn't be long before I'd get to know Ryan and some of his friends on a deep and intimate level. My parents would continue inviting Melissa over for dinner, which only seemed to make Kat that much happier when she came over to join us. I was certain it was only a matter of time before Kat found out about my arrangement with Melissa, but what I didn't know was what might happen as a result.