- Author - Salomé Reilly
- Rating -
   [ 3.65 actual ]
- Site Rank - 753 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, reluctant, analplay, bondage, latex, predicament, sensorydep, toys, tricked
- Post Date - 5/27/2015
Chapter 1
She wakes up, slowly regaining consciousness, feeling like she had a long hard night that made her sleep until the afternoon.
Right away she feels the overwhelming pressure from inside of her. The pressure is so high it doesn't remind her of anything she'd ever felt before, almost painful but most of all like she is going to burst. Also she feels very hot but there's no sweaty feeling or wet clothing on her skin. She pulls off the covers, trying to turn the heat down.
Then she realizes she wasn't just too lazy to open her eyes, they are covered with something. A bit of panic starts to kick in, waking her up completely. Then her senses start telling her about the extent of her predicament. She's covered in latex head to toe. Also she cannot separate her fingers, her hands are put in fist mittens. She has a tall posture collar and there seems to be a hood on top of it all. The pressure inside of her, however withstandable, becomes very painful when she tries to move, her muscles trying to expel whatever is causing the distress. There must be a hell of an insertable filling her pussy, as wide as a large fist. She almost doesn't notice what's going on with her feet - feels like she's wearing heels, they are catching on the bedding as she moves, but she can feel it more than she can hear it with the hood pressing against her ears.
She pats the back of her head, hoping she can find out more about the type of closure. Laces! There must be some loose ends she can pull even with mittens. She gets on her stomach and tries to grab something between her two fists, praying she doesn't pull the laces the wrong way and make a knot she cannot undo. After a couple of minutes with her pussy feeling like she's being fisted with every move she makes, she feels the pressure on her head starting to diminish. After a few more minutes, with the last strength she finally pulls the hood off. The bright light pierces her eyes. But she has something else on her face, she can tell. It's the same clammy material that's covering the rest of her. At least she can see now. She almost doesn't care that she has several 4'' wide strips of soft white adhesive tape over her face, from the nose to the posture collar. At least her mouth is empty, she thinks.
What she didn't know before she could see is that her feet were wrapped in cling film, on top of her high-heeled shoes. Her toes are hurting a bit from all the pressure and the straps digging in. But the pressure inside is getting so excruciating she realizes she better hurry up with trying to relieve it. As she gets up she sees a note on the table beside the bed. 'There's a key hidden somewhere in the room, I guess you'd wanna find it so I wish you good luck, with all the obstacles you're gonna run into'. 'A key?? What key? Is there a lock? Oh my god.' She looks in the mirror and sees that on her back the two sliders that open the catsuit in the crotch are joined and locked together. High on her back?? How the hell is she going to reach them?? Especially with the mittens on. No, it's impossible. If only she could remove the mittens somehow... She examines them and sees that they are also laced but the laces are tucked in so she can't undo them without something more precise than fists... Maybe with her teeth. She starts to frantically pull on the tape on her face, hoping that the friction will start getting it off. It's sticky as it is but on the latex hood it's even worse. She notices that a small part of a corner is taped to her face by the eye opening, she concentrates her efforts on that. She's trying not to clench her pelvic muscles and keep her lower part of the body relaxed. She can hear her heart beat in her head, a part of her doubting she'll ever be empty again.
She catches on the corner that came loose and manages to pull the entire piece off. Luckily they're overlapped. She starts trying to pull out the laces using her teeth, managing easily. She pulls the mittens off and doesn't even take a second to relax her hands, just realizes they are covered with latex gloves. Well at least her fingers aren't tied to each other any more. Did she sleep the full 8 hours wearing these?? She can take the posture collar off too, now that she can undo the buckle.
And finally the zipper pulls... It's going to be tricky with her hands just getting warmed up again. She manages to pull the sliders down on her pussy but the key is still missing...
At that stage she's getting pissed off as well as worried so she wrecks the room, pulling down the covers aggressively, hoping she'll hear the sound of metal hitting the wooden floor. She takes one glance at the table, there's nothing there except for some baby wipes and a can of Crisco ('what the hell??'). She's not wearing her contacts so she gets on all fours to examine the floor, whatever's filling her digs even deeper because of the zipper that's running all around her body, from the belly to the back of her neck. That's it. There's no key. Unless... she lifts the floor lamp and she sees it. She almost can't believe it's over! She can finally pull out and toss the huge tormentor inside of her.
She unlocks the padlock, feeling almost smug, thinking she probably did better than an average girl would. After all, she's been doing self bondage since she was very young.
What??!! There's more latex underneath the zipper?? Must be the protective lining that keeps her safe from the zipper. She pulls the hole open, trying to find the end of that latex piece. There isn't one. She unzips herself higher on her back and sees that she's wearing latex leggings underneath. So she has to remove the entire catsuit to get to the insertable!
'Okay', she thinks, 'the pain can't get much worse and there's nothing stopping me from taking the whole thing off. '
She looks in the mirror again, expecting to find a zipper pull right at the top of her neck. After a bit of stretching she manages to get her right arm higher by pulling it with her left one, catching the zipper slider hard enough so the lack of friction from the latex gloves doesn't make it get out of her grip.
She forgot about her feet, so she unwraps them, and removes the shoes. Those are some nice latex toe socks, she'd like them if she didn't wear them in such a predicament. The socks go underneath the catsuit so she proceeds with removing it. She pulls it off, as well as the sweaty hood. She joyously peels the leggings off, expecting to feel the thing pop out and free her from all this distress.
But of course... She sees that she's wrapped in cling film, secured with wide electrical tape, this time no edges showing on her skin, nothing she can grab and pull off. Well it will be easier with her gloves off, she thinks. She's glad her nails are short, she was close to getting them done two days ago but something told her to wait. The gloves are taped as well! She starts crying and banging on the door, begging to be released. 'This isn't fun anymore! I can feel my insides throbbing with pain! What if I have to pee, I can't even feel if I have to go!'
She gets back on the bed, disheartened, trying to relax to buy some time for her poor body.
After a minute or two she hears something slide underneath the door. Small scissors. 'Thank you, thank you!!' She yells and starts cutting her glove wraps, then proceeds with the tape around her hips. As she continues she realizes the severity of her beginning state - underneath the many layers of cling film there's some sort of girdle, squeezing her tight so the insertable can't be pushed out one single bit. The cotton-like fabric is thoroughly soaked with her sweat and whatever dripped out of her tormented pussy. But there isn't one huge fist-like insertable in her pussy. There's 'just' a large one, 2.5'' wide, but there's also one in her butt. Together they've been putting pressure on the thin wall between her pussy and her ass, and she can feel it throb. She wonders if it will hurt even more trying to remove them. She pulls out the one in her ass first, it hurts more and more as she reaches the widest point, and then it quickly plops out, followed by a huge dollop of what seems to be Crisco, that falls on the floor. Her ass feels numb, she's sure she could get fucked by a monster cock and don't feel bothered at all. Now the one in her pussy... that one comes out even easier, pulling a thick string of J-lube-like goo, that she saw frequently when she masturbated for a long time, but never in this quantity, never this thick... she tosses it next to the butt plug from her ass and lies down on the bed, relieved. She doesn't care that she's still wearing the toe socks, as long as they're the only thing on her right now. She doesn't even have to go to the bathroom, all that sweating must have dehydrated her.
After an hour or so, there's loud banging on the door. She wakes up, surprised she was asleep. Then a note flies underneath the door. She gets up to get it, almost steps on the butt plugs in the half-dried puddle, when it hits her what happened just an hour ago. She reads the note, hoping it's telling her when she'll be released.
It isn't.
She goes pale reading it.
'Honey, I'm afraid there's just one way you'll ever get out. And I'd really like you to do it because the house needs cleaning and the lunch isn't going to cook itself. But you know how much I enjoy watching you do the house work dressed as a gimp. So be a good girl and get everything back the way it was. I know, I know, cling film and tape won't be possible, but I'll forgive you. I hope you cleaned your large buddies with baby wipes I've left on the table, and if you laid it out nicely your catsuit should be dry by now. If not, well it will make things far more interesting for you. Oh, and another thing. I don't want you wearing that sweaty girdle again, so unsanitary... you're an XS girl with a huge mouth, I think it's better off as a gag. Yes, stuff it all in there and don't worry, the leather hood will keep it in place. I know you can't put the mittens on yourself, but you won't need them for the time being. Now hurry up or I'll think of another condition for your release!'