Author's Note: This story is about a Chastity Belt that looks like a thick diaper. It is not an adult baby story or diaper story. Instead, it it a 'beware of what you wish for' story.
Chapter 1
My brand new chastity belt finally arrived straight from the American 3-D CAD Printing Company. It was a beautiful lightweight design that strongly resembled a very thick adult diaper in every way. The only thing it did not do was crinkle. They told me they could make it smaller, slimmer and less noticeable, but I explained I really liked wearing thick diapers, so it would not be an issue. Besides, I also said I really wanted the chastity belt to be substantial so I could not feel anything between my legs. Besides, I secretly wanted everyone to think I was diapered all the time. So when the designer asked me how thick I wanted the hard chastity diaper, I told him to I wanted him to imagine it as thick as three over-night diapers designed for people who constantly wet. When he asked me if I was sure, I answered an enthusiastic, "Yes, I want to have a really big ass. I want my ass so big that I have to have special pants made to cover it."
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He just looked at me and said, "Have it your way, then. You're the costumer and the costumer is always right. Just know that it might be bigger than you want and once it is printed we cannot take it back or exchange it or remodel it. If you change your mind, you will have to purchase a new one."
"I'm sure it will be fine. Just go ahead. Oh, and if there is anything else you think should go into the design, go ahead and put it in. For example, if you can figure out how to do a GPS thing like the people under house arrest have, go ahead and put it in." I said laughing.
"You mean like the sex offenders use?" the designer asked.
"Yeah, that's what I mean."
"Got it. Sex offender protocol if possible. Anything else?"
"Anything you want. Look, as far as you're concerned, I'm a psycho and I need to be protected from myself and others. Once I put this on, I don't want to be able to get it off without a great deal of trouble and time."
"Fine, but please remember, if you are unsure about it, do not put the chastity diaper on because we may not be able to get it off you once it is locked on."
"That's fine and I am sure. I've thought about it a really long time and this has been on my bucket list since I first read about chastity belts and started using diapers."
"Okay sir, but If you think it is going to be too big, then. . ."
"Please. I know what I want. Make it at least the size of three really thick diapers. On second thought, I want you to make it even thicker. And can you also put an extra wide piece between the legs so it forces them apart so I have to waddle to walk, that would be even better!"
"Are you sure?"
"I have never been more sure of my life."
Several weeks later there was a bunch of papers to sign absolving all liability to the American 3D Printing Company and its employees. Should I decide to use my chastity diaper, as part of the agreement I had to use my computer to make a short film of my explaining why I wanted the chastity diaper and what I wanted to accomplish wearing my chastity diaper. This film needed to be created and sent in with the paperwork on a read only DVD. After a few minutes of thinking about it, I started the camera up and basically restated the conversation I had with the designer, that I had always wanted to wear a chastity device that I could not removed because I always seemed to be masturbating. I added that I was concerned masturbation might one day get me into trouble. Wearing the chastity diaper would make it less likely that I would do something stupid like accidentally propositioning an underage girl or prostitute or exposing myself in a parking lot. I then explained how I knew I needed more control over my life. I knew this chastity diaper would control me in ways that I could not do myself. I finished the film joking about being a sex pervert and stopped the camera. I then immediately recorded it to a dvd and stuck it in with the papers that I signed. Just to make sure I had signed everything correctly, I pulled out the paperwork and glanced through them once more. In addition to the liability agreement there was also a non-disclosure agreement and a bunch of medical forms giving consent in case I needed to be treated for anything concerning the chastity diaper. I put everything in the oversized padded envelope and took it to the post office and sent it off for next day delivery.
The chastity diaper opened like two halves of a clamshell. To put it on, I had to first open it completely up and set it down on a hard armchair. I lubricated the protruding butt plug and positioned myself over the plug with my hands and arms on the arms of the chair. With my butt elevated over the plug, I took a breath and sat down on the plug, forcing myself down while trying to relax my sphincter. The plug seemed a lot bigger than it looked and felt as though it would cause my sphincter to tear open. After several moments with my ass feeling as though it was on fire, the plug finally slide home. The pain subsided almost instantly. I felt very full but I was no longer in pain. I sat there sweating and resting. In a few moments, it felt almost natural. At that point, I felt the plug slide completely past my sphincter and both my butt cheeks were cupped directly on the inside of plastic diaper. The diaper was almost closed around my waist. The only thing stopping it was the role of fat around my waist. I realized now I seemed to be sitting about three inches higher than normal on the chair. As I looked down at it, this chastity belt really looked like a diaper really was thick, I thought. But that is what I asked for, I said to myself.
I looked down between my legs and looked one last time at my penis. It was now fully erect and I knew had to get it soft again if I wanted to get the chastity diaper on the rest of the way. So I grabbed some lubrication and proceeded to masturbate. Within moments I became really excited and ejaculated all over my hand and onto the inside front of the belt. I grabbed a towel and cleaned it off as fast as I could and then lubricated my penis again. I then lubricated the hollow sound and methodically inserted it into my urethra. I pushed it far enough that urine squirted out on the towel. I attached the end of the sound on to the inside front of the chastity belt and clicked into place. This forced my penis down and into a small tube that held the penis in place. Urine continued to flow out onto the floor through the little hole in the front of the chastity belt. I cursed to myself and tossed the towel onto the puddle. The urine stopped a couple moments later once my bladder was emptied. I knew I would have no trouble voiding with my belt on. All I had to do is to open the small valve on the front of the belt and urine would spray out of my bladder onto whatever was in front of me. The sound had a second, equally important function, it held my penis down and in the correct position inside the chastity belt. It kept my penis from moving around in the tube that kept me from getting an erection or getting any sensation from my penis.
I moved my ass around on the back of my belt sitting on the chair and thought about the plug now stretching my anus and how high I was sitting. As part of the design, the hollow butt plug allowed me to evacuate my colon whenever I opened it. Crossed wires on the opening would stop anything larger than a pencil from entering into my ass through the anus. Although the hole was fairly small, it still allowed me to give myself an enema when needed, but it also did the job of keeping me from using dildos or anything else to give myself any sort of sexual pleasure.
The one moving part on the belt was the specialized hinge between my legs. It looked quite weak and it really was. But the designer told me the hinge could only be fully opened once. Once the belt was locked on, the hinge was no longer functional except as an emergency. If something was wrong, I could pop open the belt at the hinge and the belt would need to be sent back to the printing company to be fixed. However, the agent said, once I was happy with the belt in every way, I could install the extra plate over the hinge. This plate, once installed, could not be removed. It would click into place and cover the hinge to both reinforce the belt and make it a single, solid entity.
I grasped the front of the chastity belt and guided the two halves together at the waist. It was an extremely tight fit over my fat role above the iliac crests of my pelvis. As designed, there was no locking mechanism except for the two arrow like devices that fit into slots on either side of the waist band. These slots squeezed together and then reopened up inside the band and could not be removed without breaking the hinge first. I heard the click of both hasps almost simultaneously as I breathed out and straightened my lower back. Then, before I could change my mind, I grabbed the solid u-shaped cover and inserted it over the hinge. It clicked in the back first, and then, as I blew my breath out once again, clicked in the front.
Now the intentionally designed weakest part of the belt was reinforced and could not be opened either. As I stood up, I immediately discovered this cover and the space between my legs were much wider than I remembered ordering. The spacer forced my legs unnaturally apart and I waddled as I walked around the room. I remembered telling the guy to make it bigger, but I was surprised how much bigger it really was and it scared me a little. I was now completely enclosed in a solid white hard plastic looking set of diapers that I could not remove and I had done it to myself. I tried to get pull it off. I tried to stick a finger into the band at my waist and then again between my legs. I explored the entire chastity diaper with my hands and then waddled over to the full mirror on my closet door. I checked out my ass and my front and both sides. It was only then that I understood the full magnitude and implications of what I had done to myself. I was never going to be able to take this diaper off without help. This diaper really was a chastity belt! It may have looked like a very thick oversized diaper, but it was going to be my companion for the rest of my life. I was not going to be able to go anywhere without it making my ass look huge. I was not going to be able to walk normally, or ride a bike, or do much of anything without this thing being in my way! I also had a bigger ass than any normal guy's size ass!
I also discovered my pants no longer fit. I tried on every pair of pants and it turned out the only thing that did fit was a pair of oversized sweat pants with a draw string. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I really looked like a bow-legged toddler now. Is this what I really wanted? I spent a great deal of money for this! Now I began to panic. Fantasy is always great, but reality is another story! I started hyperventilating, my pulse raced. I was sweating. What was I really going to do?
That's when the telephone rang. I got ahold of myself, took a couple breaths and waddled over to answer the phone.
"Is everything alright? We got an emergency signal that showed an elevated heart rate. Do you need an ambulance?"
"Huh? I mean, who is this and how did you know?"
"Sorry, this is Peter from the Printing Company. We got the message that you put your diaper on and then it showed your heart rate and respirations really high. Are you alright?"
"Yes, but how did you . . .""
"We installed a few added safety precautions. GPS, heart and breathing monitor, and the self bondage control device that you ordered with the belt. You do remember ordering that right?"
"Yes, but your designer said it probably couldn't be done."
"Well, he figured out how to do it and we put it in your belt. You didn't see the computer cable in the box?"
"Well, yes, but I thought that was for phase II of the chastity kit."
"We incorporated into your diaper instead. Now you never need to worry. You'll always be monitored and if you ever try to leave your designated area, the police will be summoned and you will be sent to the psychiatric hospital designated in the agreement you signed."
"Wait a minute. What do you mean? That was just a joke. I never ordered that!"
"I'm sorry sir, but you signed the contract and it has been notarized and sent off to your psychiatric medical facility. You said yourself the reason you wanted a chastity diaper was because you were afraid you would get into trouble and get arrested as a sexual predator if you didn't get your chastity device. We have you on video talking about your fantasies and the doctor agreed with you. If you get within 500 yards of a school or playground, the police will be summoned and you will be taken directly to our psychiatric facility for sexual predators."
"But that's not what I wanted. It was just a joke."
"Sir, being a sexual predator is not a joke. You stated you want a diaper on so thick that you could not feel your penis. You wanted the diaper made in such a way that you could not take it off. You wanted it so thick that you could not wear normal pants. You wanted to be forced to waddle like a toddler. You asked for a GPS system be incorporated so you could put yourself under house arrest. You signed a document, which we notarized and sent to our doctor, authorizing yourself to be placed into treatment for sexual predator if you violated standard child molester protocol. In your state that is five hundred yards from schools, playgrounds, or any other place designated as child safe havens. We have met all of our obligations and I am letting you know that your belt must be plugged into your computer for a minimum of one hour every day to recharge the batteries. If the batteries run down and are not recharged, the secondary battery will notify the police automatically via any wireless or GPS network. The police will then find you and probably arrest you for violation of your parole."
"My parole? What parole? I've never been arrested for anything. I'm not in violation of anything and I'm not on any parole!"
"Sir, once you signed our release, you have been on a state recognized medical parole program from the Sexual Predator's Workshop at the psychiatric hospital. I thought that was all explained to you at our last meeting."
"No, we were just talking and kidding around."
"But you signed the paperwork authorizing us to protect you from yourself and others."
"It was a bunch of paperwork. I didn't read it all. It said it was just a release from liabilities and stuff. I didn't authorize being put on a sex registry or predatory workshop or anything of the kind."
"And yet I have copies of the paperwork right here. If you would like, I can e-mail you a copy of the paperwork to you and you can see for yourself and then get back to me. By the way, did the diaper fit you alright?"
I could not believe what I was hearing! But instead of raising my voice I simply replied, "Yes it fits me perfectly." Then I added, "Yes, please send me a copy of the paperwork. There must be some way to get rid of that part about being on parole or being a sexual predator."
"Well, yes there is, but I'm not sure you want to follow up on that part of the contract."
"Yes, this is a binding contract in every sense of the word. Once you declared yourself as a sexual deviant and asked for the State to keep an eye on you, we no longer have anything to say about it. We cannot undo the contract without the doctor's consent. You will have to convince him you are no longer a sexual predator and no longer need the extraordinary control over your life. If you can convince him, then I suppose we can use our specialized tools to take your diaper off and you can get back to living lite as usual."
"Great, so how do I do that."
"You come to the hospital for sexual predators and check yourself in for a 72 hour evaluation."
"And at the end of that time, you'll take this chastity belt off me and we can start over with another one?"
"It might work that way. Or the doctor might decide you are a risk to yourself and others and keep you there indefinitely. There really is no way to know for sure."
"Isn't he on your payroll?"
"No, he's not. The doctor who signed your paperwork watched the video that you authorized us to send to him concerning your infatuation with being in a chastity device that looked like a giant diaper that you could not remove. You stated, I am sorry I am repeating myself, that you were afraid you might be tempted . . ."
"It was a joke. How many times do I have to tell you."
"Either way, the doctor signed the paperwork and you put the chastity diaper on, on your own free will. As soon as you did that, our hands were tied. If you really want it off, you will have to talk to the doctor yourself. I'll send off copies of the paperwork you signed as a PDF format. Will that be acceptable?"
"Yes, it will. Thank you." With that, I hung up the telephone and tried to push and pull the diaper off. All I managed to do was to put extra pressure on the plug in my ass and to twist my penis a bit inside its cocoon of plastic. Everything at my waist was now dead. What was I going to do? It was then I thought of my small, high speed hand held cutting tool. It had a variety of tools that could be snapped on and used to cut through just about anything, including the material this diaper was made of. It couldn't be that hard. I just needed to be sure not to cut or burn myself in the process. I grabbed the tool from my workbench and plugged it into the wall. Then I searched for the right tool for the cutting job and just before I started to cut, thought better about it and set the cutting tool down. I went to my computer to look for the paperwork. After downloaded the paperwork and printing it out, I soon discovered everything the guy said on the phone was correct. If I violated any part of the agreement, I would be picked up by the police and taken to the psych ward for a seventy-two hour observation and possible further incarceration. It was then that I noticed the caveat. Throughout the belt was an added security feature based on GPS systems for high risk house arrest. If any wire inside the plastic is cut, the GPS immediately calls the police. If I had cut through the plastic diaper, I'd be locked up in a cage for violating my medical parole by now. It was a good thing I waited to cut the belt to reread the paperwork first.
But now I didn't know what to do. It was then that the telephone rang again.
It was Peter again. "Sir, I might have a solution. If you can come back to our office on Monday, we might have a way for you to get out of this mess you've gotten yourself into. That is, if you are still interested."
"Hell yes I'm interested. What do I have to do?"
"I'm not a liberty to discuss it over the phone, but if you'll come down Monday, we'll tell you about it. But for now, plug yourself into your computer because I can see you are down to less than a ten percent charge. I don't want you to get into trouble with the police because your GPS monitor failed. So we'll see you about ten on Monday if that is acceptable."
"Yes, that'll be fine. I'll see you then."
"Great! Enjoy your chastity diaper and we'll see you then."