Author's Note: This story started life as a video script, I played Paula/Paula ans two young ladies played the Mistresses.
Paul went into investment banking straight from university, almost immediately he became a huge success, rapidly earning a fat salary with a huge annual bonus. As his reputation grew, he became more and more focused on work, when he reached the age of 40 he was approached by one of the banks partners who offered him a junior partnership, but suggested Paul needed a wife, if he wanted to progress further in the bank.
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Paul took the hint and he quickly acquired a young wife, very young in fact, she was only 21 when they married, he was 41. They had now been married for 4 years and despite the age gap they had a very happy marriage, although Paul had one secret he had never told her, or anyone at the bank, and never planned to, for almost all of Paul's adult life he had been Cross Dressing.
Chapter 1
It was Saturday morning and Paul was working in his home office, this was quotes large room, furnished with a desk/workstation and chair, a large soft leather couch with a couple of matching club style chairs, two end tables next to the couch and a low coffee table that was almost as long as the couch. Janine, his wife looked in on him to ask if he would be working all weekend or could they go out later. When she looked in Paul looked up and smiled at her, she asked him,
"Paul are you going to be busy all day, or are we going out tonight"
Paul continued to smile before answering,
"Well I've got a load of papers to read through then I've got some calls to make, so I think I'll be in here all day, so why don't you go into town, do some retail therapy then have dinner, even stay over night and I could join you tomorrow"
Janine thought for a moments then nodded and said,
" Well I was looking forward to your company, but if you really are busy then I might as well take up your offer, and spend some of your money. I'll stay at the flat, so if you do finish early then you'll know were I'll be."
She blew Paul a kiss and walked away, shortly he heard her in the hall and he walked over to the window and waved as she walked to the car and drove away. As the car disappeared he closed the window blinds and then closed the door and went to a locked cupboard in the office. He unlocked the cupboard and opened the doors to reveal a collection of Female clothes, silk underwear, dresses, skirts and tops, high heeled shoes and boots,including several pairs of thigh boots and several heads displaying wigs in various colours and styles.
Paul took a few minutes to admire the clothes then stripped off his men's clothes and began to dress as a woman. First he selected red and black bra and a pair of matching knickers,then a bright red under bust corset, with suspended straps. He quickly dressed in the underwear and then added a pair of fishnet stockings, which he attached to the corset, completing the underwear he to picked up a pair of breast forms and slipped them into the bra. Satisfied he ran his hands over his body and gave a slight shudder of delight, he then returned to the collection and looked over the dresses, he selected a long sleeved skaters dress in high gloss black PVC, with a very short skirt,which showed to top of the stockings.
He undid the zip and stepped into the dress and pulled it up his body and pushed his arms into the sleeves, when he had smoothed the dress to fit he pulled the zip up, he again ran his hands over the dress and did a spin, causing the skirt to swirl and lift to reveal the knickers he wore. He then went to his desk and opened a draw and took out a mirror and a make-up case, he sets up the mirror on the desk and then opens the case and started to apply make-up, it took him a little over ten minutes to finish, by which time he had altered his appearance and become his crossed dressed alter ego. Paul then reached behind his desk and found a switch on the wall, he flipped the switch and his computer screen came to life showing 6 views of the room he was sitting in. He typed in a password and then he had access to the video cameras he had fitted in the office to let him film his games to enjoy again later. The 6 cameras covering the whole room from various angles, they were fitted with motion sensors and could record everything that happened in the room simultaneously, so he had 6 views of every minute of his play.
Paul quickly set the zoom, and other parameters for each camera, including disabling a couple of the motion sensors so he had a static view from 2 of the cameras, he then positioned the desk chair were he wanted it, and checked the static cameras were set to view the chair, satisfied he returned to the desk and turned off the computer screen and flipped a second concealed switch which turned on a bank of hidden LED video lights with these arrangements complete he returned to his other preparations.
He went back to the cupboard and selected a long dark haired wig to match his make-up, he fitted the wig and then brushed it into style, then he picked up a pair of 2 inch platform shoes with 7 inch stiletto heels and ankle straps and slipped them on and fastened the straps, to complete his transformation. Paul walked around the room, getting used to the feel of the clothes and also the shoes, satisfied that every thing is OK, he went over to a filing cabinet and unlock it and opened the bottom draw, inside was a cardboard box full of lengths of rope and a second box containing a variety of gags.
Paul spent some time sorting through the rope box selected 7 pieces of rope of varying length, then he picked out a gag from the selection available, he choose a muzzle ball gag. He closed the cabinet draw and opened the next draw, this contained a selection of restraints, metal handcuffs and thumb cuffs, in a number of styles, metal leg irons, a prison restraint belt complete with handcuffs and leg iron, joined by chain, and a selection of leather cuffs and belts.
He selected a pair of standard police handcuffs, and carried his selection of restraints back to the desk. Paul sat on the desk chair and sorted the rope by length, he selected a length and opened it out and ran it through his hands to find the centre. He then laid the centre of the rope around his neck and pulled the two ends over his shoulders in front then passed the ends under his arms and wrapped them around her back and passed them back to her front. He passed the rope under his bust and then back around his body and then back across his front this time above the bust. He again passed the rope behind his body this time he passed the ends over his shoulders and down between his breasts, to the rope under his bust, he then passed the rope under this loop and then up and under the loop over his bust, he then pulled the two loops together, squeezing his bust, and finally tied the rope off between his breasts.
Paul quickly used a second rope to form a crotch rope, which he passed three times between his legs. The first time the two strands of rope run each side of his cock and separated his balls, the second and third passes ran directly over his cock pinning it in place, finally he pulled it tight before tying it off in front at the waist. He then tied his legs at the ankles, above and below the knees and at his thighs, the final length of rope he tied around his waist and the chair back, pinning himself to the chair this rope he tied off behind his back. He then picked up the gag and pushed the ball into his mouth and holding the muzzled over his filled mouth, he then passed the strap around his head and fastens it tightly.
He then opened the handcuffs and tossed the key across the room, then he locked one cuff around his right wrist tightened it down and used a paper clip to double lock the cuff. He then put his hands behind his back and then closed the second cuff around his left wrist and after tightening it again used the clip to double lock the cuff. Now fully restrained and unable to release himself, with out struggling to untie the rope holding him to the chair and then crawling over to the key and unlocking the handcuffs, Paul could enjoy his fantasy.
Paul spent a few minutes testing his bondage, which proved totally inescapable, without the handcuff key, on the floor on the other side of the room. Satisfied he then began imagining how he came to be tied, first he saw himself as an heiress who had been kidnapped, her kidnappers had left her struggling in her ropes while they deliver the ransom note to her family. Paul struggled trying to escape and when he found the ropes unyielding he tried shouting for help but the tight ball gag ensured he could only make unintelligible sound, which were not loud enough to be heard outside the room.
When he tired of struggling Paul decided to switch to his second fantasy, were he was a slave to an evil Mistress, who had for ed him to cross dress and then tied him as punishment for some slight mistake. He had just started this scenario in his mind when he heard a door closing and a voice shouting, for Janine, after a second Paul recognised the voice as their neighbour, Layla, a ditsy blond bimbo, recently divorced. Layla was a friend of Janine's and tended to pop in to visit unannounced, Paul began to panic, he know it would take him the best part of 15 minutes to free himself, and longer still to clean off the make-up and get dressed again, he also realised he had not locked the office door when he started, hr knew if Layla tried the door he would be discovered.
He tried to start freeing himself, without making a sound, but all the time he could hear Layla calling 'hello' and her voice getting louder. He had just managed to untie the knot in the rope holding him to the seat when there was a gentle knock on the door, and Layla's voice asking if there was anyone there. Paul held his breath but saw the door knob slowly turning, knowing he was going to be found in a few seconds he tried to think of some excuse to tell Layla for his state. Before any reasonable excuse came to mind the door opened slowly and a head appeared around the door, Layla took one look at the bound and gagged girl and rushed over to her, at the same time saying,
"Who are you? What the hell is that mad bastard up to? Does Janine know he's got a girl tied up in here. Wha..... Whoa, Paul, it is you isn't it? What's going on, did Janine do this? Is it dome kinky game the two of you play? You should have told me I could have joined in"
While this one way conversation had been going on, Layla had been examining the bondage, finally she saw the handcuff key on the floor and realised Paul's predicament was self imposed, she started to laugh before saying,
"You did this to yourself, didn't you? I'll bet Janine knows nothing about this side of your life, well she soon will, I think I'll just phone her and wait here till she get back. We can have some fun together while we wait. what do you say? Oh sorry youn can't say anything can you, with you wearing your nice gag"
Paul was still trying to think of a way out of the situation he was in, but Layla's behaviour suddenly brought him back to reality, he realised that he was totally at the mercy of his neighbour.
Sitting on his lap, Layla then started to rub his chest and then dropped a hand to his crotch and started to rub her own breasts with her other hand. Paul started to shout through the gag to try and get Layla to stop, but her response shocked him, she began to grind her own crotch into his, Paul tried to rock the chair to force her to rand up, but the ropes kept him tied tight to the chair, Layla started to moan and grind even harder into him, then she said,
"Paul, we are going to have some real fun together and just wait till Janine get here. She will be so shocked, she'll either throw you out or she'll really tie you up, and my money's on her joining in, so I'm going to find your hoard of clothes and the rest of your bondage gesso she can really tie you and then play with you."
She stood up and then looked around the room she went straight to the cupboard and opened it to reveal his wardrobe, she pulled out a number of his outfits and tossed them on the couch, Paul noticed Layla had selected the more kinky of his clothes the PVC and rubber items, also several pairs of thigh boots, she even held a couple of the dresses against herself and found that they were roughly her size and the boots were her size as well. Next she opened the desk draws but only found his make up case, then she turned her attention to the filling cabinets, the first one really was a filling cabinet, but the second one she checked was Paul's bondage collection. She found his ropes and then the cuffs and straps, the next draw she opened she found Paul's collection of serious complicated items, there were two leather arm binders and a full body binder, then she saw two straight jackets, one in leather, and the other in heavy weight rubber.
Layla picked up a bright red rubber mini dress and a pair of black patent thigh boots, she walked over to Paul and put her hand under his chin and lifted his head so they were looking straight at each other, she smiled and said,
"Sweetheart, I think this dress will fit me and these boots are perfect so I'm going to go and change into these things and then come back and get some of your bondage gear ready to use you when Jan gets here."
She walked out of the office and closed the door, as soon as the door closed Paul began to fight the ropes as hard as he could, trying to get free, but after 15 minutes he had made no progress and he heard Layla returning. As the door opened Paul saw a vision he couldn't believe, Layla was wearing the rubber dress, and it as so tight he could see she had no underwear on under it, and the boots finished the look perfectly, the clothes had turned her into his dream Mistress. When he had been indulging in his fantasies his cock had grown hard, but when he heard Layla arrive he had softened quickly with the fear of discovery, when Layla had started 'playing' with him he had again started to stiffen, but now the sight of her in red rubber dress and thigh boots sent his cock into overdrive, he could never remember it being so hard, and it was only the tight crotch rope holding it in that prevented he excitement being made obvious to Layla.
When she walked back into the room she came straight over to Paul and began checking the bondage to ensure he had not loosened any of the ropes. Satisfied he was still secure she went to the selection of restraints she had selected earlier, she picked a few items and examined them and eventually she selected a leather arm binder and several leather straps of various lengths, these she put to one side and put the rest of he things back in the cabinet. She then return to Paul, she again sat on his lap, but this time she sat across it and put her arm around his neck and said,
"You know if you had told me about your interests I could of helped you to enjoy yourself, and I know Jen would of been happy to play games as well. You really are a kinky bastard though, not only into cross dressing, and not only into kinky outfits in PVC, leather and rubber and thigh boots but also into bondage, and really heavy bondage by the look of some of these things. Now I think you and me should have a bit of fun before your wife gets back."
All the time she had been speaking she had also been running her hands over her body and squeezing her breasts through the rubber dress, her own excitement from the rubber and the squeezing was evident from her nipples hardening and pushing against the rubber, As she finished speaking she stopped rubbing herself and grabbed Paul's crotch and began to massage his bound cock. When it felt to Paul that he could not hold back any longer, she stopped and switched to squeezing his balls. Paul tried to force his cock and balls up, so her stroking and squeezing would be even more stimulating, but the ropes prevented him moving. Paul started moaning as loudly as the gag would allow and Layla noticed his attempts to 'help' her and said,
"Now, now,we don't want you coming all over your nice fancy knickers do we. If you continue to try to come, without my permission I'm going to have to punish you, but I get the impression you would like that. You would wouldn't you?"
Paul lowered his head so he was looking at the floor and nodded slightly, Layla laughed, and was just going to say something else when they both heard the sound of a car on the driveway it was Paul's wife, Janine, arriving back. Layla climbed off Paul's lap and said,
"Well looks like your troubles just got worse, I wonder what Jan is going t say when she see you well we won't have much longer to wait to find out."
As she finished speaking she walked over to the office door and walked out closing it behind her. Paul heard her walking away from the office and then heard Janine's voice and then Layla's answering, he know in a few moments he would have to face the consequences of his actions, when Layla brought her in to the office.
Chapter 2 (added: 2015/07/05)
Paul heard the two women talking just outside, Janine was obviously not happy with the way Layla was acting, he heard her say,
"Look if you dragged me back here just to show off your 'new' outfit, which by the way looks very sexy, if a bit too extreme, then there will be trouble."
"Well thank you for the opinion, but that was not why I called you back, I've got a hell of a surprise for you in Paul's office, so prepare yourself."
As she finished speaking, Layla opened the office door and Janine saw the bound and gagged figure. Her immediate reaction waspredictable, she rushed over to try and help the bound 'girl' at the same time saying to Layla,
"What the hell is going on? Where is Paul? Is this what you wanted me to see? Why didn't you untie the poor girl, when you found her?"
Layla, followed Janine into the office and replied,
"Why don't you take a closer look at the 'poor girl' as you call her, you might get another surprise."
Janine stopped for a second and looked again at the bound girl, Paul had lowered his head as far as he could and turned his face away from Janine. She simple grabbed his chin and turned and lifted his face so she could see it clearly, and Layla was right she did get another surprise, when she realised that the 'poor girl' she was trying to untie was her husband, she stepped back and said,
"What the fu.... Is this some sick joke? Layla did you do this?"
Layla grabbed Janine and turned her round and pushed her out of the office and closed the door. She continued to push her friend do the corridor and eventually into the kitchen before she spoke,
"To answer your questions. One, Paul is playing a game of sorts. Two, no it is not any sort of joke, sick or otherwise. Three, no I did not tie him up, he did it himself. Look this is what I think happened, some I know did happen as I was part of it, some I'm guessing at.
Paul is apparently into cross dressing and bondage, both in quite a big way, as you'll see later, let's call it his 'hobby'. When he got you out of the house he decided to enjoy his hobby and got himself dressed and put his make up on, to turn himself into a female, then he a there'd some rope, a gag and a pair of handcuffs and tied himself to the chair. Incidentally he tossed the key to the handcuffs into a corner of the office so he would have to work quit e hard to get himself free. Then I think he let's his mind wander and creates fantasy, such as he is a girl who has been kidnaped and is bound by her abductors while they send the ransom note, that sort of thing. Then when he has had enough he frees himself from the chair and hops, or crawls across the room over to the key and frees his hands then unites the rest of the ropes and cleans himself up and turns back into Paul. Only this time I wandered into the game and found him so now you have to decide what you are going to do about all this. Before you say anything listen to me, this may be Paul's secret, but just remember you have your own secret, I'll bet he doesn't know your bisexual, and you and I have been occasional lovers for the last three years well does he?"
Janine looked horrified at her friend before answering,
"No of course he doesn't know, you're not going to tell him are you?"
Layla shook her head before replying,
"No I'm not going to tell him, but maybe you should. Look you have a number of options ,
1. you could go back in there and untie him and tell him to pack a bag and get out then ring your lawyer and file for divorce.
2. you could untie him and say nothing about today and pretend it never happened and let him carry on playing when you're out.
3. you could untie him and talk everything out and see if you want to get involved with his games, maybe join in, become his
Mistress, or his slave, if he switches roles."
Janine looked at her friend and started walking around the kitchen, she suddenly stopped and turned to Layla and said,
"I know you won't believe this but I do love Paul, and I don't think I could ever divorce him, so.."
Before she could continue, Layla interrupted her, and said,
" Oh I believe you love Paul, and I know he loves you. You see when you first married and came to live here, everyone knew it was a marriage of convenience, for both of you. You got financial security, and a nice allowance to go shopping, and Paul got a trophy wife to show off at dinner parties, but I noticed that after about 6 months things changed and you both fell in love.
So I suppose you're telling me you don't want to get divorced, so you have two choices, forget what you've seen, or join in, which is it to be. I should tell you that I did tell Paul you would probably want to join in."
Janine's jaw dropped when she heard this, she eventually managed to say,
"How come you're suddenly so clever at all this, and do you really think I could join in with his games."
Layla replied,
"I'm not clever, I'm just being logical, and yes I do think you could join in with Paul, but the easy way is to try it once, and if you don't like it or enjoy it then you can stop, and I'll play with him. Don't go mad I'm joking, about playing with Paul, but If you wan't try a threesome, of some sort, then I'm game.
Look let's just go back in to Paul, untie him, and the two of you can talk things through."
The two girls walked back to the office and as they expected, Paul was still tied and looking even more worried, the two girls started to release Paul, while Janine unlocked the handcuffs, Layla unbuckled the gag, as soon as he could talk Paul started to babble an apology, and began begging Janine not to leave him promising he r he would give up cross dressing and bondage. Layla put her finger to his lips and told him to keep quiet till they had finished.
Paul stayed quiet while he was released, finally the only rope left was the crotch rope, Layla told Paul to stand up and to untie the crotch rope himself. When he was finally free Layla said,
"OK you two I'm going to leave you to talk, if you want me to come back later just give me a ring."
As Layla turned to leave both Paul and Janine called to her to stop, they looked at each other and Janine gestured for Paul to carry on, he nodded and said,
" Look Layla, I think we both need to talk, but it would be better if you stayed, after all you know what's been going on with me, and you seem to be able to calm Janine down to listen and to think about things."
Janine nodded in agreement, Layla shrugged and walked back in to the office and said,
"OK. Paul, why don't you start off, show us your collection, the cloths and the other things you have stored in here."
Janine interrupted her friend to say,
"Hang on a minute, I want to say something first. Look Paul, I know you feel ashamed about being found out and you secret being discovered. So I think it's only fair to tell you I have a secret too, I'm bisexual, you know I like girls as well as men, I've known I was bi since I was at college, when I had my first lesbian experience. Even after we got married I still fancied some girls, and even went with one girl... It's Layla, when we go into town to see a show and stay at the flat then we are lovers. So now you know my secret as well as me knowing you, so we start even."
Paul looked at his wife and then walked over to her and kissed her long and hard,then he broke away and walked over to Layla and kissed her almost a long, then broke away and said,
" Looks like the three of us should be together, and if you two don't mind me being involved with your activity, then I don't mind you two carrying on. So how about I give you the tour of my CD and bondage collection. So follow me."
Paul walked over to the cupboard, and opened the door, stepped back and let the girls see the clothes he used when he cross dressed. Janine and Layla looked inside, Janine was surprised at the number of outfits hanging in the cupboard and also the underwear and shoes and boots. Layla had of course already seen the clothes, but she still took the time to have a rummage, she then told Janine that the rubber dress and boots she was wearing were part of Paul's collection as well. Janine commented that the outfit looked incredibly sexy, and very kinky. Layla laughed and suggested Janine pick out something to wear herself,
Paul came and stood by the cupboard door to watch the girls and he asked Janine if she would wear something from the collection, as Layla had suggested. Janine looked at several items and seemed unsure what to do, Layla seeing her friends indecision, picked up a white blouse in rubber with a frilled front and a long black skirt in the same material, the skirt had a side slit which ran from the hem to mid thgh,she handed the items to Janine and said,
"These will suit you not to far out in style, but the rubber will give you something to think about. Don't put them on yet, you need to see the rest of Paul's equipment then you can get changed, I've got an idea for later, so just go along with anything I say, OK."
Janine took the clothes and put them on Paul's desk, Paul then showed Janine the collection of bondage equipment, that Layla had found earlier, while she was examining the things Paul said to Layla,
"What were you going to do with those things you picked out when you were waiting for Janine to come home."
" I was going to untie you gradually, then retie you with the things I picked out, but I decided that it would be best to leave you as you were till Janine had seen what you had done to yourself.", she replied.
When Janine had finished examining the bondage equipment, and had asked some questions about some of the things and seen how they were used, Layla suggested that she and Janine go off and she could help Janine to change into the skirt and blouse, as she picked up the clothes and walked to the door she turned to Paul and said,
"Paul your make up is a bit of a mess, what with your bondage and struggling and your near tears, so while we're away getting changed why don't you clean yourself up a put on a fresh face."
Paul nodded and when the two girls had gone he quickly reset the cameras and started them to record again, then he set to and repaired his make up. He was just putting the finishing touches to his lips when Layla returned, when he saw her Paul nearly collapsed, Layla was stilling wearing the red rubber dress and boots, but she had restyled her hair, pulling it back into to a severe style that really made look the part of a Mistress. Paul tried to look behind her for his wife, as he did so Layla spoke,
"If you are looking for Janine she will be along in a minute, she's just putting the finishing touches to her outfit. I wanted to have a word with you before she comes in, she has agreed to go along with your games to see how she feels, if she is OK with them she will help you, and she has agreed to let me join in a well.
Now we are going to be your Mistresses, so we get to tie you and do what we want to you until we decide to stop, you understand, you have no say in matters. Now I know enough about this sort of game to know you need a 'safe word', something you can say to indicate you are too uncomfortable to continue. So if we go beyond your limits you use your safe word and we stop, but you can only use it once, say it and we stop and the game ends, your safe word is, Birthday, if you are gagged and want to use it then hum 'Happy Birthday To You'. OK."
Paul couldn't believe what Layla had said, he was going to have two real Mistresses, be tied up in a CD outfit and used by the Mistresses as they wished, a dream come true, he nodded eagerly. Layla smiled at him and was just about to speak when there was light tap on the door, Layla's smile turned to a frown, she walked over to the door and opened it revealing Paul's wife standing in the door way.
Janine had also changed her appearance, as well as her clothes, her make up was now far heavier than normal and her hair was tied back, she too now looked far sterner. The blouse was a tight fit and the rubber moulded itself to her figure, revealing the absences of a bra, as Janine's nipples were straining against the fabric, and the constant rubbing seemed to have turned them into pebbles they were so hard, as Janine came in Layla spoke to Her,
"Jan your a Mistress now, you don't knock on doors, you come into a room and make an entrance, now I've spoken to Paul and he knows what to expect, so let's get on with it."
Layla turned back to face Paul and spoke in a totally different voice, a voice that gave the impression that she would take no nonsense from anyone,
"Right slut, you want to play games, and you like to be tied up, so we will oblige you, we are your two Mistresses, I am Mistress Layla, and this is Mistress Janine, you will address us by our full names at all times. Is that clear?"
Paul swallowed hard and quickly adopted a submissive mindset, and answered Layla,
"Yes Mistress Layla, I understand, I must address you as Mistress Layla and Mistress Janine"
Layla nodded and looked at Janine who gave a slight nod as well, Layla turned back to Paul and spoken in her 'Mistress' voice,
"Right then firstly, with you dressed as a slut we can't have you called Paul, so you are now Paula. You will do everything we tell you to do,and you'll do it immediately, or you will be punished severely. Now come and stand up and hold out your right hand, and make a fist."
When Paula had obeyed Layla picked up a 1" wide roll of black electricians tape and began wrapping the tape around the fist,
she continued to wind the tape till the whole of Paula's fist was covered several times, she the broke off the tape, and said
"Very good Paula, now put both of your hands behind your back. Janine while I deal with Paula's hands why don't you put her cock into the chastity device on the desk."
Janine picked up the cock cage and knelt in front of Paula and began to fit it to Paula, while she was doing so Layla pulled Paula's left hand not a cup and pushed the taped right hand into the palm, forming Paula's hands into a single ball shape, she then used the remainder of the tape to bind both of Paula's hands together and also cover both of them several times with the tape. When Layla had finished Paula knew she had lost the use of her hands and the only way she was getting her hands free was if someone unwound the tape or cut it off.
Janine was having some problems because Paula's cock was rapidly stiffening, so wouldn't fit the cage, Layla saw the problem
and said to Janine,
"Mistress J go and get some ice and put it on her cock to soften it, then put the cage on her, then we can get back to restraining our little bitch slave."
Janine quickly fetched some ice from the kitchen and held it on Paula's cock, causing Paula to whimper and gasp, but it worked quickly softening her, Janine then fitted the cock cage. Layla then picked up a leather armbinder, monoglove, which she had seen earlier, she pushed Paula's hands into the end of the glove and then waited for Janine to join her. When they were both ready Layla spoke to Paula,
"Bitch I want you to push you hands into the end of the glove and hold your arms stiff and straight, while we lace it up and fasten the straps."
Paula immediately pushed his hands deep into the end of the glove, and felt Janine pull the binder up to her shoulders, Layla then pulled the integral wrists strap around Paula's wrist and fastened it as tight as she could. Paula now found herself with her hands taped together and her wrist welded together, once the strap was fastened Layla turned her attention to the gloves laces, she pulled the lace at the bottom and then worked her way up the glove tightening the lace and pulling the edges of the glove together. When she got to the top of the glove she returned to the bottom and tightened the lace again, gradually pulling the edges of the glove, and Paula's arms together. Layla repeated this tightening until the edges of the glove met and Paula's arms were welded tightly together. Satisfied with the laces, she then fastened the two straps, one around Paula's forearms and the other just above her elbows. Janine then joined in and pulled the shoulder straps, at the top of the glove, under Paula's arms, across her chest and over the opposite shoulder and then fastened them to the buckles on the top front edge of the glove.
Paula was fidgeting slightly and Layla slapped her hard across her behind before saying,
"What are you trying to do bitch, did we tell you to move? No, so why are you fidgeting. Well, answer me."
Paula stopped fidgeting and answered,
"I'm sorry Mistress, but the cock cage is a little uncomfortable and I've never worn this armbinder before, and it is very tight."
"Do you think we care if your cock cage is hurting you, well we don't, and if you don't stop moaning and fidgeting, I'll make the armbinder even tighter, so stand still. You seem to have forgotten the instructions we gave you as well, when you answered me just now you called me Mistress, not Mistress Layla as you were told to. So that means punishment for you."
Was Layla's reply. Before Paula could apologise for her error, Layla turned to Janine and asked if she still had her knickers on, when Janine nodded Layla told her to take them off.
When Janine was holding her knickers in her hand Layla took them off her and when she felt how damp they were she said,
"Well it seems that it's not just Paula who is getting off on this, Janine you're a real little slut yourself. These knickers are soaking, which considering we're they are going to go isn't a bad thing,"
As she finished speaking she rolled the wet panties into a ball and thrust them into Paula's mouth, and held them there with her hand, then she picked up a ring gag and removed her hand and forced the ring into Paula's mouth and behind her teeth and then pulled the straps around her head and buckled them off pulling the ring deep into Paula's mouth, and the panties even deeper She then told Janine to fasten some leather cuffs to Paula' ankles, and while this was being done Layla went in search of something in the filing cabinet, finding what she was looking for she returned with a 2 foot long metal bar with clips at the ends, the clips were attached to the D rings on the cuffs and forced Paula to stand with her feet wide apart. Layla the picked up a length of rope and passed it around Paula's waist and tied it off, then she passed it through Paula's legs an up to the waist rope and then back through her legs before pulling everything tight, producing a groan from Paula, and then tying the rope off.
Layla then asked Janine to fetch the desk chair over to her and sat down, she then pulled the waist rope and Paula found herself trying to walk with her feet spread. She managed to get to Layla's side and was then pulled across Layla's lap and the skirt of her dress was lifted and Paula received a very hard hand spanking from her Mistress. By the fifth slap Paula was squirming around so much that Layla had to stop and wrap her own leg over Paula's to keep her still. She then delivered another thirteen slaps to Paula's rear, leaving Paula sniffing back tears and promising herself to be more carful in future to avoid punishment.
When the spanking was over Layla told Janine to fetch a butt plug and some grease from Paula's collection of toys, Janine returned with two plugs, both the same size but one was a straight butt plug and the other had a built in vibrator. Layla looked at both plugs and said,
"Well now, which do you suppose this slut would like to have inside her arse?"
Layla pick up the vibrating plug and switched it on and held it in front of Paula's face, who began to protest and shook her head trying to say no. Paula had used the simple plug on a few occasions, even wearing it once to work, but she had never been brave enough to fit the vibrating plug, although she had played it around her rear and over her crotch to see how it felt. When Paula started to protests out the plug, Layla gave her a slap across the face and said,
"I'm going to say this just once more, when Janine and I are discussing you, and what we will do with and to you,you don't get a say. We make the decisions and you just have to accept them, got it. Good. So, Jan as Paula doesn't want to wear the vibrating plug I think we will use that one, just to remind her that she has no say in what happens to her, we make all the decisions, also it will give this bitch something to occupy her while we leave her alone. Just put some grease on it will you."
Janine greased the plug and gave it to Layla. Layla then pulled the crotch rope to one side and the plug was then pushed against Paula's sphincter and then eased inside her. When it was pushed all the way in Layla released the crotch rope which held the plug firmly in place she the pushed Paula back to her feet, and said,
"Now bitch you stand there while we decide how long to leave you. You know Janine we could drop a rope over the top of the door and tie it to the end of the mono glove and pull her arms up behind her,what do you think.?"
Janine smiled evilly and said,
"Well we could, but why not use the ring in the ceiling? The previous owners had one of those hanging chairs, you know the type, but they took it with them but left the ring in the ceiling, it's over here look."
Janine showed Layla a heavy sliver ring set in the ceiling, quickly Layla pulled the desk chair over and climbed up and threaded a rope through the ring, she then dragged Paula over to stand under the ring and tied one end of the dangling rope to the D ring in the end of the glove, she then pulled the other end and Paula's arms were pulled up behind Her and she was forced to bend forward to easy the strain on her arms and shoulders. Layla continued to pull the rope until Paula was bent double and her arms were pointing straight up in the air, satisfied with the position, Layla tied the rope off to the leg of the desk. She then bent down and pulled Paula's head back and looked into her face an d said,
"There now, I'm sure you are really comfortable and Janine and I need some refreshments so we will leave you now, we should be back in....oh say half an hour. We'll leave the door open, so if you need us you can shout, if you do we might come, or we might not."
She let go of Paula and stood up and began to walk away then stopped and returned to Paula and switched on the butt plug vibrator, and turned up the speed dual to full power, this produced a howl from Paula and she tried to move away from the plug, this produced another howl as her arms were pulled even higher and she had to return to the position Layla had decided she should be in. The two girls laughed at Paula's discomfort and walked out of the office, leaving, as promised the door open.
Paula tried to ease her position, but no matter how she moved she could find no release from the strain on her shoulders, or the maddening buzzing coming from her arse, after a few minutes she resigned herself to trying to bear the punishment her Mistresses had decided to put her through, although she wondered if she could stand half an hour of this torture.
Chapter 3 (added: 2015/10/19)
The two girls walked to the kitchen in silence, although Janine's expression was slightly troubled, when they entered the kitchen she started to make some coffee for the both of them, whilst the coffee was brewing she said,
"Layla do you think we are being a bit extreme with Paul? He seem to be in quite a bit of discomfort, if not actual pain, in that position. Things are going a bit fast for me, although you seem to be quite at home playing the Mistress. Should one of us go back in and release him?"
Layla shook her head before replying,
"Well true Paul , or as we are calling her now Paula, is in some discomfort, that position, incidentally it's called a strapado, the Spanish Inquisition used it as a torture, is really hard on the individual in it, but when ever you play bondage, or S & M games you always need to have a 'safe word'. Before you ask a 'safe word' is a word or phrase, or sound, that the person tied up can say or make that means they are in trouble and want to be released immediately. Before we started I gave Paul a 'safe word' and he hasn't used it yet, so he still feels OK.
Now I don't mean to leave him alone at all let alone for half an hour, while you make the coffee I'll sit just out of sight outside the office and if he uses the safe word I'll get to him fast and release him. When you have the coffee ready, drink yours here and then bring mine along to the office, but don't say anything, then you stay by the door, on watch, and I'll come back here and drink my coffee. Then we will both go back in and start to release him. OK?"
Janine looked relieved at this news and was just turning back to the coffee when she stopped and turned to Layla and said,
"That's all reassuring, I just wish you'd told me before we started, but there is still one thing you need to tell me before I take your place on watch. What is the 'safe word'?"
Layla laughed and replied,
"Whoops, that would have been a problem, his 'safe word' is 'Birthday',or humming the tune 'Happy Birthday'. You hear either and you go in fast, yell for me and start to release him, now get your coffee and then bring me mine."
As she finished speaking she picked up a kitchen stool to sit on and walked out of the kitchen and headed for the office. As she drew near she could hear the rattle of the metal bar between Paula's ankles, as she tried to move to find a comfortable position. Layla could also hear the soft moans from her bound friend, and as she reached the door she neared the soft, but constant buzzing of the vibrator in Paula's rear. The noises continued for about ten minutes, and Paula was still moaning, although the moans were now louder, when Janine arrived to take her turning watch. Layla gave her friend an OK signal and slipped off the stool and went back the kitchen for her coffee.
When she finished the drink Layla washed the cup and collected a bottle of water from the fridge, then she joined Janine outside the office, Janine nodded and signalled all was OK inside. Both girls walked into the office, Paula was very much as they had left her, but now her breathing was rapid and she had a slightly glassy look in her eyes. When the girls first entered the office it was obvious that Paula was somewhere else, in a fantasy world of her own,and it wasn't until Layla laughed that Paula returned to the real world. Janine and Layla whispered to each other and then Janine said to Paula,
"Well now it seems our sexy little slut is enjoying herself, when she should be suffering, what do you think we should do about that Layla."
Layla walked over to Paula and stood behind her then reached between Paula's legs and grabbed her crotch, Paula let out a startled yelp and tried to move forward only to be stopped by the strapado rope, and she had to return to her original position and allow Layla to grope her, much to the apparent amusement of both Mistresses. Layla then said,
"Well I think the slut has been hanging around too long doing nothing, maybe we should let her down and give her some work to do."
As she finished speaking, Layla let go of Paula's crotch and walked over to the desk and untied the strapado rope and lowered Paula's arms,allowing her to stand upright again. As she straightened up Paula let a soft groan escape her gag as her the ache in her back and shoulders was eased. Layla the told Janine to remove the bar from between Paula's ankles and she unfastened the ring gag and pulled, the now,sopping wet panties from Paula's mouth, she then offered the bottle of water to Paula, who gratefully took a couple of gulps of water, allowing some to dribble down her bin on to her dress, Layla made a great fuss of mopping up the slight spill before speaking to Paula,
"Now I hope you have learned your lesson, and from now on you'll address us properly, no more 'Mistress' without our name. Now in a little while we will release you from all your restraints and the start your training as our slut maid. You will of course by subject to punishment for any lapses during your training. So you just stand still while Janine unfastens every thing and while she is doing that I'll just pick out something suitable for you to wear. Jan will you release our slut and if she gives you any trouble call me and we will deal with her together."
Layla walked over to the clothes cupboard and began to sort through various outfits,and Janine started to unfasten the straps and unlace the armbinder. When it was loose enough Janine pulled it down Paula's arms, and Paula let out a sigh of relief as the strain on her shoulders was relieved. Janine then used a pair of scissors to cut away the tape from her hands. With her hands and arms now free Paula spent a few minutes massaging her arms and shoulders to restore the feeling to them. The ankle cuffs were then removed and finally the butt plug and crotch rope were removed,when Paula was completely free Janine pushed her to the floor and ordered he to kneel with he head bowed and wait for an order from one of her Mistresses.
After a few minutes Layla came out of the cupboard with an outfit for Paula to wear, it was a French maids uniform, consisting of a very short black dress with a multi layered underskirt, a tiny white apron, a little frilly cap and a pair of very frilly knickers and push up bra. The whole outfit was made up in a medium weight rubber and had been polished to a high shine. Layla dropped the clothes on the desk and ordered Paula to strip out of the dress she had been wearing and get dressed in the maids outfit. Paula quickly shed her dress and changed into the maids clothes, as she pulled the dress up over her body she couldn't hide a shiver of excitement that ran through her, when she was ready she resumed her kneeling position.
Janine and Layla smiled at each other seeing how quickly Paula had learnt her place, Layla then looked around the room and said,
"This place is a mess, with all the rope you used before and the other things we used and now your dress, your first task as our maid is to tidy the room, put everything away, either back in the cupboard or in a box if it needs washing, or cleaning, before reuse. So you can get started on that while Janine and I go and have a talk about the rest of the of the work we can give you."
Paula got up and began to gather up the ropes and coil them up, Layla took Janine by the arm and they walked out of the office, Janine expected to head back to the kitchen, but Layla lead her upstairs to the bedrooms. Once there Layla turned round and said,
"These rubber clothes are great, it feels wonderful the way they gently rub your whole body and hug your figure and they look so sexy, but they do make you hot, can you unzip this and help me out of it, then I'll give you a hand with your outfit.
By the way did you notice Paula's reaction to the rubber maids uniform, that little shiver, I don't know if it was just the idea of being our maid or the rubber dress, though it was probably both, but she certainly enjoyed the experience."
Janine pulled down the zip and the pulled Layla's dress away from her front, and down her arms and body, when the dress was a crumpled heap on the floor, Layla stood naked in front of her friend, Janine licked her lips and then moved in front of her friend and delivered a long deep kiss, Layla responded immediately and kissed Janine back and rubbed her hands over Janine's rubber clad breasts, bringing a low moan from her friend. The two girls broke away, and Layla began to unbutton Janine's blouse and very soon both girls were naked, they again embraced and kissed, but Layla quickly broke away and said,
"I think we had better save that for later, I have an idea that Paula would like to see some girl girl action, maybe even join in, we can see if I'm right.
First I want to talk about was what to do for the rest of the day and also about the future, do you have any ideas Jan?"
Janine seemed to be deep in thought, but after a few moments, she answered her friend,
"Well if we are going to have Paul, sorry Paula, being our maid I suppose we need to sort out some jobs for her to do, cleaning up the office, as she is doing now, won't take her long. So what else can we tell her to do, fetch some drinks and make a snack for a start, I suppose. Then we could be really mean and send her outside to do some work in the garden, or even send her out to the shops, although not any of the local shops, she would be recognised and I don't mind you knowing about these games but I certainly don't want anybody else involved."
Layla looked at Janine and laughing replied,
"Well you have certainly changed your mind about things, the drinks is good and I like the gardening idea, maybe get her to cut some flowers and arrange them, but I think the shopping is a bit too soon, although it is certainly something for the future.
We could take her into town, stay at the flat and then go shopping ourselves with her there to carry the bags.
Also we could go to one of the shops she has been visiting, or using, to buy her clothes and the other items from and have a spend there ourselves, maybe get some more toys, or a better chastity device for her to wear. How do you feel about us spending the rest of the day in our underwear with Paula, in various levels of bondage acting as our maid, and finishing off with us forcing her to service both of us, say with her mouth, and then maybe us two getting together while she has to watch?"
Janine was smiling and giggling at the idea of Paula being ordered around and then being used and abused by her and Layla, she said,
"That all sound great fun and I think Paula will secretly e joy it as well, judging by the way she has reacted so far."
Both girls then selected a set of matching underwear and put them on, Layla kept the thigh boots, but Janine had to make do with a pair of he own shoes, as Paula's size was larger than hers. Satisfied with their plan for the rest of the days entertainment, they returned down stairs, carrying the rubber outfits they had been wearing to see how Paula was progressing with her work.
As they entered the office they found Paula kneeling on the floor with a small plastic box in front of her containing the gag, dress and underwear she had worn, all the other things had been returned to there storage place, Janine said,
"Well this place looks a bit tidier, I take it these things in the box for washing,so you can add our outfits to them. Then go to the kitchen and fetch some coffee and something to eat for your oh so loving Mistresses. Be careful though, because if you spill anything you will be punished, the levelled punishment will depend on what you spill and were it is spilt. So for example if you spill some coffee on the serving tray you will get an hand spanking from each of us. If it is spilt in a saucer we add a paddling to the spankings, spill it on the floor and we use a crop, and if it is spilt on either of us, well just don't do that, I don't think you could stand the pain.
We will give you your next job when you get back with the coffee, but hurry because lateness will also earn punishment."
Paula got quickly to her feet and walked quickly out of the office and the girls soon heard the sounds of cup and saucers being readied and the smell of coffee being brewed. About five minutes later they heard the rattle of crockery as Paula returned, she walked in to the office and carefully placed the tray on desk. She then poured two cups of coffee and put the coffee pot back on the tray, she picked up one cup and handed it to Janine and then picked up the second cup and was just about to give it to Layla, when Janine called out,
"Stop, look at the tray, there are two drips from the lip of the coffee pot on the tray, that's a spill, so you are in line for a double spanking. Now carry on and be more careful, unless you want to try for a paddling."
Paula resumed her serving duties and passed the second cup to Layla, Paula then passed each Mistress a side plate and then offered a plate of biscuits to both of them. When both girls were served Paula placed the biscuit plate back on the tray and resumed her kneeling position.
The girls took their time drinking the coffee and chatting to each other, finally finished they ordered Paula to remove the coffee things and go and do the washing up and then return to the office, Paula quickly picked up the tray and left for the kitchen. While she was away Layla and Janine got ready for Paula's double spanking, they decided that they would take it in turns to deliver the slaps, with Paula bending over the side of one of the club chairs.
The girls also decided to put Paula into some restraints for the spanking, they sorted through her collection of bondage equipment, and settled on the prison restraint belt with interlinked handcuffs and leg irons. They laid the belt and cuffs out on the hair seat and waited for Paula to return, they only had a few minutes to wait
before they heard her walking along the corridor to the office, they heard her stop outside the door and after a few moments Paula knocked in the door and Layla shouted to her to come in. Paula entered and went straight to her place by the desk and knelt down and placed her hands behind her back and bowed her head, in the classic slave position.
Janine walked over to her and ordered Paula to her feet and then called Layla over and asked her to bring the restraints. Paula stood passively while the two girls fastened the belt around her waist,with the buckle at her back a d the handcuffs at her front and then Janine knelt down and fastened the leg irons to her ankles whilst Layla cuffed her wrist. Paula was then lead over to the club chair and ordered to bend over the arm of the chair and lie across the seat resting her head on the other arm when she had settled herself in position, Janine lifted the skirt of the maid's dress and pulled Paula's frilly rubber knickers down to her knees.
Layla then pulled Paula's head up off the chair arm, so she was looking up at her Mistress, and said,
"Well you know what is going to happen now, don't you. You spilt some of the coffee and you are going to receive a spanking from both of us, we gave decided that your clumsiness deserves sixty swats on your ever so sweet rear. Mistress Janine will give you twenty to start, then I will give you another twenty, then a final ten from Janine's and I will then give you the last ten, making a total of sixty. You will remain in position throughout the spanking and you will count each swat and thank which ever of use delivered it. If you start making too much noise we will stop the punishment, gag you and then start the spanking all over again from zero, so you will get another sixty swats, even if you;re gagged you will continue to count and say thank you. Do you understand?"
Paula gave a slight nod and Layla released her hold on Paula's head and let it rest back on the chair arm, Janine then moved behind Paula and raised her hand and delivered the first hard slap to Paula's rear, Paula gave gasp and said,
"One. Thank you Mistress Janine."
As soon as Paula had spoken Janine delivered the second swat, Paula responded as before, with a count and a thank you. The spanking continued with a slap followed by Paula's response, although as the count rose Paula started to squirm on the chair arm, by the time Janine had delivered the first twenty swats, Paula could feel her rear heating up and it had turned a very bright red. Paula was given a few minutes to recover before Layla took her place behind Paula, before she started swatting Paula's rear she stroked it a few times and then suddenly she gave Paula's rear a vicious slap this produced a yelp of pain from Paula,but she managed to stay in position.
The spanking continued with Paula in more and more distress, but she managed to stay still and keep her cries to a series of low moans. When all sixty slaps had been delivered Paula was ordered to stand up and the two girls were shocked to see genuine tears running down her face, both Janine and Layla realised they had over done the spanking but before either if them could do anything Paula gulped back her tears and said, in a shaky voice, "Mistress Janine, Mistress Layla, thank you both for punishing me for my clumsiness when serving you coffee, I feel sure it will encourage me to be a better maid, and slave in future."
The girls looked at each other and Janine spoke,
"Your thanks are appreciated, and we both hope you have learned a lesson. However you did perform very well during your punishment, keeping quiet and remaining in position without complaint, and we think you deserve a little reward, for your fortitude."
When she finished she pulled a tissue, from a box on the table, walked over to Paula and gently blotted her tears and then took Paula's face in her hands and delivered a long kiss to the maid. When she broke the embrace she found Layla standing by her side and she quickly took Janine's place and also gave Paula a long kiss, this show of affection brought a smile to Paula's face, and a slight blush.
Paula retrieved the tissue from Janine and wiped her face free of tears, when she finished she started to kneel but before she could get down Layla said,
"I think you had better go and wash your face, and then fix your make up, because at the moment you do looks mess. When you are ready come back here and we will give you your next job."
Paula quickly grabbed her make up case and left the office, they soon heard water running in the bathroom and then the sound of splashing, as she washed her face. The girls took this time alone to discuss what had just happened, Layla spoke first saying,
"I think we overdid the spanking, it must have been very near Paula's limit, so we need to soft peddle on the punishment from now on, do you agree."
Janine nodded and said,
"To right we over did things, my fault as much as yours, I just got in to it too much and was enjoying the whole thing so much I forgot to consider how Paula was reacting. We definitely need to watch our selves in future, but I think Paula also got off on it, although she must be sore, and I think she really liked being kissed by both of us like that, at least judging by the smile the kissing produced.
Now we need to decide on her next job, are we sending her out in the garden to gather some flowers?"
Layla though for a moment before saying,
"Yes I think something gentle, like cutting flowers, would be best. If we send her into the rear garden she won't be seen, in her maids uniform, by anybody. It's a warm day and with her dressed in rubber she will soon get very warm, so we need to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get too hot, make sure she has some water to drink, that sort of thing. I suggest we give her that big flower basket you have and a pair of scissors a d a bottle of water,a d tell her to dead head the roses an d cut enough fresh flowers to fill a coup,e of vases. Then when she has done that we tell her to fetch the vases and arrange the flowers for the dining room table, you happy with that."
Janine quickly nodded her agreement and they waited for Paula to return. It was a short wait, as a few minutes later they heard the tinkling sound of the hobble chain on Paula's restraints as she walked along the corridor. When she entered the two girls told her she was going out in the garden and they led her out of the office and along to the conservatory, where they handed her a waste bag, a large flower basket and a pair of garden scissors. She was pushed out into the large flower garden and told her task was to go around and deadhead the roses, and any other dead flowers she found, and also to gather enough fresh flowers to fill two vases for the dining table later.
Before she started they also gave her a small bottle of water, which she was told she could drink during her gardening work, Paula walked a little nervously around the garden, keeping close to the open conservatory, in case she was seen, and she could dash back inside, after about ten minutes, Janine called out to her to move further away from the house as there were many more flowers in the garden needing attention. Reluctantly Paula obeyed the order from her Mistress, but as nobody was about, apart from her two Mistresses, gradually Paula's confidence grew and she began to enjoy the fresh air, but she also realised how warm the weather was, and how hot she was getting in the rubber dress. Soon she stopped and took a drink of the water, thankful for her Mistresses kindness and forethought, after about an hour Paula had gathered a large bag of dead flowers and a basketful of fresh flowers for the house.
Paula returned to the conservatory were the girls were laying on couches watching her working, they had also noticed that Paula's face had gone quite red and was also shinning, due to the perspiration generated by the warm day and by her working in a rubber dress. She deposited the dead flowers in a recycling bin to one side of the conservatory and then went inside and placed the basket of flowers on a table in front of Janine and then assumed her usual kneeling position. The girls got up and looked over the flowers and told Paula that she had done very well, but her work was not finished, as she should now fetch two vases, fill them with water and the arrange the flowers she had just cut in the vases and then take them to the dining room and put them on the table.
Paula clattered off, with her hobble chain rattling on the floor as she hurried to fetch the vases, she soon returned with two vases filled with water, but both well dried on the outside, so as not leave any spill marks which would earn her further punishment. She quickly started putting the flowers in the water and had soon finished two rather basic arrangements, she then stood back and was just about to ask Janine and Layla if the flowers were satisfactory when Layla stood up and walked over the the flowers and said,
"Not bad for a first effort at flower arranging, they look quite tidy, take them through to dining room and then come back here, so we can decide on your restraints for the rest of the day."
Paula picked up the flowers and carried them through to the dining room, she put the flowers on the table and then walked back to the conservatory. When she arrived Janine called her over and then unlocked the handcuffs and the leg irons, she then unlocked the waist belt and then refastened it so the handcuffs were at her back. Janine then pulled Paula's hands behind her and re locked the handcuffs, with Paul's hands behind her back, the leg irons were then also re locked, the two Mistresses then led Paula back into the house and told her they were all going up to the guests bedroom, were they were going to have some fun and games.
Chapter 4 (added: 2015/10/19)
Paula and her two Mistresses arrived at the guest bedroom and Janine opened the door and the three walked in, Paula was led over to a chair and told to sit, when she had settled herself, Layla produced a length of rope and used it to bind Paula to the chair, with the rope running over Paula's chest, around the chair back then over her thighs and under the chair seat. Satisfied, the rope was tied off in front at Paula's waist, the Layla then told Paula to struggle to test the bonds, when she had been trying for 5 minutes with out any success, the two girls were satisfied that Paula was staying in the chair. Paula had been in an almost constant state of arousal, only controlled by the cock cage she wore, due to the situation she found herself in. She was the CD slave to two Mistresses, who kept her in bondage, and punished her for any failure on her part, and she was also dressed permanently in PVC or rubber outfits, it seemed like dream come true.
The two girls then dragged the chair, and it's occupant across the room so Paula was close to the side of the bed. Then Layla removed her bra and discarded it on the floor and her panties quickly followed, she then climbed on the bed and began running her hands over her body, paying particular attention to stroking her breasts and crotch, and arching her back. This erotic display had Paula as aroused as Layla obviously was, and it was only being locked into a cock cage that prevented this arousal from being noticeable, even so she was starting to squirm on the chair and her breathing was getting a littler ragged. She then looked across the bed she saw Janine stripping off her bra and panties and she then climbing on the bed to join Layla, the two girls were soon in the throws of passionate love making with Janine sitting astride Layla's head and, Layla licking and gently biting Janine's clit.
As the love making gathered pace Janine started to cry out and suddenly her whole body stiffened and she screamed as she climaxed, then collapsed on top of her friend, Janine rolled off Layla and turned on the bed, so she could return the sexual favour for her friend. She lowered her face into Layla's crotch and began to use her mouth to quickly bring Layla to her own shuddering climax. Both girls collapsed on the bed and lay there panting as they slowly came down from their sexual highs, when both had recovered enough to again be in control, Layla said,
"Jan do you have your vibrating harness here, or is it in the flat".
Janine replied straight away saying,
"Yes it's here. I never leave it in the flat in case someone else finds it. Why? Do you want me to get it?"
Layla nodded, and said,
"Yes I want you to fetch it and use it but not on me. I think Paula deserves to have some pleasure, as well as us, so I was thinking, we could stretch her out on the bed and you could wear your 'toy' and give her a seeing to. How do you feel about doing that to her?"
Janine only hesitated for a moment before she was off the bed a going out the door saying,
"That's a great idea, I'm sure she will enjoy it. I'll just go and fetch it, why don't you get her ready, on the bed while I'm away, you might want to add a blindfold to stop her from knowing exactly what is going to happen."
Paula was listening to all this with a degree of optimism, mixed with a large dose of uncertainty, thinking about being given some pleasure, but also thinking about the proposed 'seeing to' Janine was going to be giving her. She hoped her optimism was going to win out, she realised that while she had been thinking, Layla had been speaking to her, she quickly put all thoughts of her own pleasure out of her head and listened to what Layla was saying,
"Right little 'Miss Enjoy Myself'' I'm going to get you ready for your own special pleasurable experience, from Mistress Janine. I'm going to fetch some more rope and then unlock your cuffs and tie you face down to the bed, in a spread eagle position, then add the blindfold, as Janine suggested, I might play with you a little while we wait for Janine to return, or I might not, we'll just have to wait and see."
Layla then walked out of the room leaving Paula to try to imagine what her 'pleasurable experience' was going to be, thinking about the position Layla had said she was to be put into on the bed, she began to doubt it was going to be very pleasurable after all. She was just trying to guess what the two Mistresses had planned for her when she heard Layla returning, and shouting to Janine, to take her time as she had thought of another idea for Paula to try.
Layla came into the bedroom and Paula saw she was carrying a number of items from Paula's bondage collection including a selection of ropes, a small plastic bag and a plastics sandwich box, that rattled when Layla tossed it and the rest of the things onto the bed and turned to Paula and said,
"OK bitch, shall we get you ready for some fun? That was a rhetorical question, so don't bother to answer, like I said before, I was going to tie you spread eagled on the bed but I found some things, in your collection, that mean there is a better way to play this game.
First off I am going to untie you from the chair and then stand you at the foot of the bed, then tie a rope around your waist and the foot board of the bed so you stay put, I'll put a folded blanket over the top of the foot board, as a bit of padding, as you will be bent over the bed end. Then you get to wear this gag, you see it's your penis gag, a nice 2 inch long penis tip goes in your mouth and the straps fastened to hold it in place, but look what we have on the outside of the gag strap, a nice thick 6 inch cock, so you look like you have a cock sticking out of your mouth. What happens then, is one of us, Jan or me that is, will get on the bed, with a couple of pillows to lift our crotches higher and you get to service one of your Mistresses with the cock in your mouth.
Of course you will be wearing a blindfold so you won't know which of us you are servicing, but that doesn't matter, does it? and while all that is going on the other Mistress will be enjoying herself playing with you, with Janine's mystery harness. We might even remove your cock cage so you can get a little bit of relief yourself. Doesn't that all sound divine? What do you say slut."
Paula swallowed, she still didn't understand exactly what was going to be done to her, but the though of being forced to service one of the girls with the penis gag was a real turn on, so she said,
"I think it all sound lovely, and I'm sure it will be very enjoyable, although I still don't know what is going to be done to me, or what this harness of Mistress Janine's is for. Although I'm sure if you both think it is a good idea, then I will like it too, and we will all enjoy the 'pleasurable experience' you have talked about."
Layla smiled at Paula and patted her on the head, she went to the wardrobe and selected three pillows and a blanket, she tossed the pillows onto the bed and folded the blanket several times and laid it over the top of the brass foot board . She then untied the rope holding Paula to the chair, with the rope free, she was told to comes and stand at the foot of the bed. With Paula in position Layla unlocked the handcuffs and leg irons and unfastened the waist belt, she tossed the set of prison restraints into the corner of the room. She then tied a rope tightly around Paula's waist and pulled the ends of the rope through the bars of the brass foot board and pulled Paula tightly against the end of the bed, satisfied Layla turned her attention to Paula's hands,these she gathered together behind Paula's back and folded right hand to left elbow, left hand to right elbow, she then used another rope to bind Paula's hands and forearms together, in a box tie.
Layla tied a rope to each of Paula's ankles and pulled her feet about 2 feet apart before tying the ropes off to the legs of the bed, she then checked all the ropes for any slack and when she was satisfied with the bondage she pulled the three pillows to the foot of the bed and lay them out on top of each other. She the told Paula to bend over the foot board and when she did so Layla adjusted the pillows so that when they were sat upon the sitters crotch would be directly under Paula's mouth, and of course the cock gag she would be wearing. Layla then told Paula to stand up and she rolled of the bed and picked up the gag and blindfold, moved behind Paula and pushed the gag against her lips and when she opened her mouth Layla pushed the gag into Paula's mouth and fastened it behind her head, she the slipped the blindfold over her head and adjusted it till it covered her eyes.
With Paula's bondage now complete Layla decided to give Paula a little relief, so she climbed back onto the bed and then reached through the bars of the foot board and again pulled Paula's rubber knickers down, she then unlocked Paula's cock cage and slipped it off, Paula gave a deep sigh of relief as her cock was freed. Almost immediately her cock hardened, but Layla had expected this reaction and was ready to act, she opened the sandwich box and took out a couple of ice cubes and quickly grabbed Paula's cock and held the ice against it. The sudden cold brought a shriek from Paula, and caused her to try and pull away from Layla's grip, but her bondage kept her in position and the ice had the desired effect, of softening her cock and make it flaccid. Layla then picked up the plastic bag and dropped a few more ice cubes into it, before slipping it over Paula's cock and balls, she then wrapped the bag around her cock so the ice cubes were held against it and prevented it from stiffening again, she then tied the bag loosely in place behind the base of her cock with a short piece of string, Layla then said,
"There now that should stop you getting too excited too quickly and spoiling things for us all. Now we can wait for Janine to get here and then we can start to all have some fun."
The wait was a short one as they both heard Janine walking down the corridor from her own room to the guests bedroom. When she walked in Layla saw she had put on the strap on harness they had been talking about and Janine had installed a smallish cock to the harness, Janine also carried a small tube of lubricant with which to grease the rubber invader. As she entered Janine saw what Layla had done to Paula she, looked at her friend and said,
"Well it seem you had a change of mind. Suppose you tell me what the new plan is, although I think I can see some of it,with the way Paula is tied."
Layla quickly pulled Janine out of the bedroom and back into the corridor,she pulled the door closed and then turned to Janine and said,
"You're right I did have a new idea and I wanted to act on it before you could talk me out of it.
OK here's the new plan, first off I though it would be an idea if one of us used the strap on you're wearing on Paula, then I thought what if we made her service one of us at the same time. I thought she could use her mouth, so I went to find a ring gag to hold her mouth open and some rope to tie her in place, but I found that penis gag in the collection, and realised it would be even better if she had to wear it and service one of us.
While I was coming back here I though up a new scheme, the idea is tie her to the bed, as you see, then pull her down so her head is I position to use the gag on one of us, and the other could wear your strap on and give Paula's rear a good seeing to. So I started to get her ready for the fun and everything is ready, as you can see. Now if you agree to the plan we can decide who is going to do what, do you fuck her rear and let her use her mouth to pleasure me, or do we switch round, and I fuck her and you get her to use her mouth.
So first things first, do you want to go with my idea."
Janine bit her lip, and looked a little worried, then she walked up and down the corridor after a few minutes she stopped and took a deep breath and nodded. Layla, who had been holding her breath, let it out with a whoosh and then resumed speaking,
"So you decide, which place do you want, do you want to use the strap on our do you want to use her mouth. Remember which ever you decide to do, she won't know which of us fucking her and which of us she is fucking because she's wearing the blindfold.
So take a moment and then decide which role you want yourself, and I'll take the other role"
Janine again looked uncertain then gave a sigh and shrugged her shoulders before saying,
"I figured you were thinking of one of us fucking Paula's arse, with my strap on, so I fitted it up with the small vibrating cock, so it wouldn't be too much for her. I think I'd prefer it if I was the one fucking her while she see's to you with that gag of hers.
Now let's get back in there and get started, before I loose my nerve, or just change my mind."
Layla gave her friend a hug and both girls started back into the bedroom, just before they opened the door Layla stopped and grabbed Janine's arm to stop her as well and said,
"One more thing, I nearly forgot. I've taken her cock cage off, and wrapped her cock up in a plastic bag, with a few ice cubes to keep her from getting too excited too fast. I think it should hold her back for 10-15 minutes, and the plastic bag will then stop her making any mess if she does manage to come."
Janine nodded and then opened the door and they both walked into the bedroom and over to Paula, they both stood behind the bound girl and Janine reached between Paula's legs and grabbed her cock, which despite the ice, was semi stiff, she gave it a couple of hard squeezes which brought a cry from Paula, and Layla said,
"Well bitch are you ready to please your Mistresses and have some pleasure yourself? Of course it doesn't matter if you are ready or not you don't have any say in the activities, so like I told you, you will be given the job of pleasuring one of us, using the cock gag you're wearing. Meanwhile the other Mistress will be enjoying herself by bringing a little pleasure into your existence, with Janine's special harness.
Now we all know how much you enjoyed having that nice vibrating butt plug in you earlier, so I'm sure you will enjoy the experience of something even more realistic! But we have talked long enough it's time to start the action, so from now on we will not speak, although you are free to scream if you feel the need, but it might earn you some more punishment."
When she finished speaking she moved away from Paula's rear and climbed onto the bed planting a kiss on Janine's mouth as she passed. Janine then spread a little of the lubricant on the strap on and stood close to Paula's rear. Layla had arranged herself on the pillows, and she then tossed a loop of rope around Paula's neck, but did not fasten it, she then lay back and pulled on the two ends of the neck rope, forcing Paula to bend at the waist and brought her head near to Layla's crotch. Janine passed the lubricant to her friend and Layla applied some to the penis gag.
Both girls checked their preparations were complete, looked at each other and nodded, Layla then pulled on the neck rope again and as Paula bent lower Layla adjusted her position so that the penis rot riding from Paula's mouth slipped into Layla's pussy. Layla then started to move her hips, effectively starting to fuck herself on Paula's penis gag. Paula realised what was happening and tried to cooperate as best she could, her difficulty was being blind she couldn't judge easily how far to pull back without pulling the penis gag completely out of Layla's pussy, but she soon managed to adjusted to the situation and was starting to time her thrust with Layla's.
Suddenly Paula felt something pushing, and vibrating, at her rear, and before she could do anything Janine pushed the tip of the strap on into her rear. Paula instinctively tried to pull away from the invader but her bondage prevented her moving, as the penis went deeper into her, Paula gave a low moan, but she tried to ignore the invasion and keep her timing with her fucking of Layla. As Janine increased the penetration Paula started to respond, she felt the penis, between her legs, hardening despite the remains of the ice cubes, Janine then started to withdraw the strap on and then repeat the thrust into Paula, and the fucking of Paula's arse started in earnest.
The double fucking action continued, and the pace and depth of all the penetrations seemed to increased, and all three participants were soon moaning loudly. Paula noticed that both her Mistresses seemed to have reached a level of synchronisation that she would not have believed possible, if she weren't experiencing it for herself. Each time she felt the Mistress on the bed pull back from her mouth, she also felt the Mistress fucking her rear thrust deeper into her, she tried as best she could to synchronise her own pushing and pulling to match that of the two Mistresses, with some success.
Paula also felt her own cock was harder than she could ever remember it being before, the ice had now melted completely and she knew she would soon be unable to holdback her own climax. Janine's fucking was also reaching a climax as well, the vibrating cock on the outside of the harness was matched by a slightly larger version which was buried deeply inside Janine's pussy. So each time she thrust into Paula she felt this second cock being pushed deep into her, and it's vibrations were bringing her to the brink of orgasm, Layla was also near to orgasm, her own thrust, combined with those of Paula were driving the vibrating cock gag deeply into her pussy and pushing her closer to a massive climax.
As all three felt themselves nearing their own climax the rate of thrusting increased even more until suddenly Janine could hold back no longer and she screamed as she thrust as deeply as she could and had a massive orgasm that seemed to last and last. This final thrust from Janine also pushed Paula to her own climax, as her penis erupted in its plastic bag. As she in turn collapsed on to the bed her penis gag was forced even deeper into Layla and she too screamed as she achieved the most massive orgasm she had ever achieved.
All three of them virtually collapsed into unconsciousness, Layla lay back on the bed, Paula lying over the foot of the bed and Janine lay across Paula. They all slowly came back down to earth, and Janine slowly climbed off Paula and she in turn pushed her self up off the bed and Layla rolled to the side of the bed and shakily got off the bed. Janine started to unfasten the strap on harness and Layla then began to release Paula from her bondage and when Paula was free, Janine told her to pick up the ropes and other items they had used. When she had picked everything up Layla sent her off to put the stuff away, or in the box of thing to be washed.
When she had left, the two Mistresses looked at each other and then fell into each others arms and hugged, they then waited for Paula to return, when she did Layla said,
"OK everyone games over, back to our real selves. Paul you go and clean yourself up, make up off and take a shower and put your own clothes on, or a robe, Janine you go and shower and put a dressing gown on, I'll have a shower in here, and borrow a robe. Then we all meet back in the kitchen down stairs, so off you two go. Move yourselves, come on."
Paul and Janine went back to their bedroom and Janine dashed into the bower while Paula took the maids outfit off and then spent 10 minutes cleaning off his make up, when he had finished Janine was just finishing in the shower and while she was drying herself, Paul took his shower. When they had both finished cleaning themselves and had put on bath robes, they walked down to the kitchen,they found Layla waiting for them, with coffee made and the table set with cups.
All three of them sat down and Paul poured coffee for them, then Layla said,
"Well that was fun, for me at least, but what did you two think of it, you first Jan."
Janine took a sip of coffee and replied,
"Yes it was fun, it was more than fun, I don't think I've ever had an orgasm like that before. The other things like playing the Mistress and having a CD slave was an experience as well I think I'd like to do it again, like we talked about Layla, you know the things we talked about doing with Paula. What about you Paul?"
Paul didn't hesitate for a moment before answering,
"Well I don't know we're to start. OK, from the start, Layla when I had tied myself up, incidentally you were right I do fantasise when I'm tied, I'm a kidnap victim, or a burglar has broken in and found me, that sort if thing, and then heard you calling out. I really panicked, I was terrified of what you would do if you found me, then when you did, you started to.... well tease me, instead of being shocked and disgusted you seemed to accept it, so I relaxed a bit. Then you called Janine and I panicked again.
I could just imagine her reaction to seeing me in CD mode, so to speak, but again you talked to her and got her to accept things, even to the extent of you two confessing your own secret, about being lovers. I expected you to release me and say nothing more about it, but you didn't. You kept me tied and used and abused me, the armbinder was wonderful, I've never been able to use it before, self bondage does have its limits, some of the bondage was more than I've ever managed before, the strapado, for example.
The punishments were a bit strong, those 60 swats really did hurt, and the butt plug , that nearly drove me mad. The cock cage was painful just because I was permanently being aroused but could never actually get an erection, making me you maid was wonderful, me with two evil Mistresses to serve! Then this last scene you two first off giving me a lesbian show then tying me to the bed and one of you fucking me in the arse while I had to service the other one with the penis gag, well like Jani the climax I had was like nothing I've experienced before.
Two thing though, first Jani you said you'd like to do this again and that you two had talked about doing things with Paula, I'd certainly be up for another game, but what had you got planned for Paula? and second, can I ask who was doing what in that last scene, which one of you was fucking me?
Layla started laughing, before answering,
"Well Paul, Janine, it looks like we three are going to be very close friends from now on. As for what we were planning on doing with Paula, well we talked about taking her out, sending her shopping, for example. We thought it would be an idea to go into town and then go to one of the shops Paula uses, say to buy her outfits, or her toys, with her as our slave/maid and buy some things and get her to try them out in the shop and then go back to the flat and play with her, like to day. What do you think Paul.
As to who was doing what just now, well I think that is something or us to know and you to ponder on, maybe Janine will tell you one day, who knows."
While Layla was speaking, Paul had closed his eyes and when she asked him the question, he took a couple of deep breaths, swallowed hard, opened his eyes and said, in a soft, but firm voice,
"I know Paula would be terrified of going out in public, but I also know she would love to serve her two Mistresses and would very much like to be taken shopping. Especially for some new outfits and toys and such.
I do want to ask one question though, how would either of you two feel if the situation was reversed, with either Paula or myself in charge and you as the slave?"
Janine was quick to reply,
"Well it seem that the three of us will be going shopping soon. As to switching roles, well Layla and I do that when we play together, sometimes I'm the dyke, sometimes it's her, and sometimes, like today we are both there for each other.
So I would be interested in playing the slave to your Master, or Paula's Mistress role. How do you feel Layla?"
Layla blushed slightly as she answered,
"You have probably guessed, that I've played these games before, but when I did I was always the submissive, this was my first time as a Mistress, and it was marvellous, but I would be happy to be a slave to either of you two wonderful people. So the only question left to ask and answer is,