Author's Note: My first attempt on this site. Please let me know if you like it and how to improve.
She was beautiful of course and had no idea what was in store for her today. As a high school senior she would never look twice at someone like me, but I was going to have fun today. Being a substitute teacher can be rough some days, but the sights of girls trying to impress the boys with their tight jeans, short skirts, and low cut tops can be a nice distraction. Even better is when you can plan things to have a little fun with a specific beauty. I had been here a few times before and Allison Cohen caught my eye.
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It is amazing how much information you can get from school records on the attendance screens. After a few clicks I had enough to do some detailed research at home. I found out that Ali as her friends call her like many teens had almost sexted her boyfriend. The pictures were quite risqué not just being nude, but her fingers were also pinching or penetrating herself as well. On some of the messages she sent to her friends and I was able to read claimed that she had chickened out and not sent them. However, she did not delete the automatically saved back ups that I was able to get my hands on. I also had her cell number, social security, bank account number, and social media passwords (never use password as a password). I was very glad of her poor cyber security.
Well the lesson plan for her class today was pretty simple as many are for subs. Many teachers don't think we have brains I guess. I do have enough acumen to count the number of students in the class and made sure only enough computers are working one for each student. I disabled some of the computers in the back corner so no one will sit there. It will allow a little privacy.
Anyway the students were working in a computer lab on projects so I was just there to babysit. The kids are all talking when they come in getting quick glance at who the sub is. Many recognize me and relax I'm known as an easy sub. A few are annoyed that the computers in the back aren't working but they find other computers. I let out a little breath of expectation as Ali walks in. I was so hoping she wouldn't skip. She was wearing a short dark green checked skirt with a deep red top that showed off her perky breasts. After the bell rings I begin, "Welcome I'm Mr. Muller and we both know you are working on projects today. So sign in get working and if you need help let me know. Remember I will be able to see what is on your screens so stay on topic. I'll be watching."
The computer program allowed me to look at each computer screen, and even give some limited commands. The one I give Ali's computer locked her screen. I then unlocked the computer in the back corner. After a few moments of frustration she raised her hand and I walked over. In her annoyance she had bit her bottom lip which was very cute.
"My computer's not working. It just froze."
"Let me see what I can do." I said in an assuring tone. I bent down right next to her to fiddle with the computer that I had locked. I wasn't able to fix it of course, but I was able to check out her assets from close range. Her breasts moved as she drew breath, and her legs were better than when they were in the pictures I had hacked."Sorry, let me checkout the ones in the back to see if I can get one of them working."
After a minute or two of really doing nothing I was ready. "Miss you can come back here this one is working." She was now isolated from the rest of the room, but I still had a nice view. Most of the kids had struck up a quite conversation while they working, and a few had taken out their cell phones. Their attention was devoted to one screen or another. I was not sure how much work they were doing, but I was getting paid either way. Plus the real reason for my job today was about to begin. Time to text.
Her phone wiggled in her skirt pocket. [Hello Ali, u don't know me. But we r going to become good friends. See the attached photos and think about if u wants others to see them] Her face was amazing when scared. As she looked at the photos I had sent from a prepaid cell phone I had acquired she became pale quickly and replied.
{Who R U} {How did you get these}
[Someone who can send these pictures to your friends. Now a box will appear on your computer it will be easier to type there]
She looked up quick and was still frantic, but quickly her attention was given back to the screen.
[Don't worry your pretty little head about how I got your beautiful pictures. Now as you can see I have hacked into the school computers, and I can send these pictures to your friends from your very own Facebook account.]
{What do you want?}
[Oh a few things. First call me master when you type or I may get upset little girl. Secondly reach down under the desk you will see a webcam, and a lunch bag. Reach down and turn on the webcam and point it up so it will get a view of the top of your legs, chest and face. Also pick up the lunch bag]
[Good now I can see you. You have very nice legs uncross them.]
[This is not going as quickly as I like. So now you can see a timer on your screen it says two minutes. It will not be reset. Each time you do not comply with an order it begins to count down to everyone seeing you pinch your own nipples. Uncross your legs.] (1:59)
[Good girl. Now open the lunch bag. Tell me what you find]
{There are three bottles of what looks like soda in here numbered 1 2 and 3, and a vibrator}
[You did not say master in your response. I will let it slide once. After that there will be a 5 second penalty that will double each time you forget. Open up the soda and drink the first one in 2 minutes, and tell me when you are done]
{Um master when I opened it up I smelled alcohol, I can't drink that in school.}
(1:58) (1:57) (1:56) (1:55)
{Master I started drinking}
[So you can drink alcohol in school. Good girl. Let me know when you finish.]
It was cute the watch her try and sneak the alcohol to make sure no one was watching, but then she knew she needed to finish it quick too. The rum and coke was about half rum and half coke. She had some difficulty slamming it down, but she did manage it before the two minutes were up.
{Master I am finished}
[show me the empty bottle marked number 1]
[Good girl. Now I want you to slip one of your hands under you skirt and panties and play with your clit] (1:54) (1:53) (1:52)
[Your hand is there now stimulate yourself and make sure the camera sees]
The view on the webcam was very nice. It was on a different device that I had in a desk drawer so I could hide it in case any students came to me. While she was not getting visibly wet in her panties having a girl masturbate just for me was very a great feeling.
[So why did you take those pictures of yourself?]
{I was going to give them to my boyfriend as a present, but he broke it off before I gave them to him}
(1:47)[He was a fool to leave you. Look at the camera, remove your finger and lick it. Then return it and continue to masturbate]
She complied and it was hot.
[Stop for now and drink your second soda. You have 2 minutes. Let me know when you are done.]
She once again looked around to try and be secretive in the back of class. It was obvious when I glanced at her that the drink was stronger than she was used to, and she was having difficulty finishing it. The ratio of coke was stronger in this bottle. I got distracted by some other students, which is a hazard of the job. When I realized she was over time. I started the timer, as she was looking around and choking down the second drink.
{I'm finished. Stop the timer}
[You forgot something]
{Master I'm sorry}
[You will be if that timer goes down to one. Now show me the empty bottle #2. How are you feeling?]
{Not so good master I am not used to this much alcohol.}
[It is time to make you feel better. Move your panties to the side and push the vibrator in your pussy]
(1:21) (1:20)
{Master please is there something else I can do instead}
(time paused)
[Yes. Drink the third bottle]
(1:19) (1:18)
I was rewarded be seeing the vibrator slide into her pussy and then be hidden by her panties. She tried to be silent, but she did make a bit of a commotion. A few students turned their heads, but none had a good view. I walked over to her. "Is everything okay?" I asked her
"Um yeah it's fine." She said to me. That is when I activated the vibrator via my smart phone on low. She jumped a bit, and a very low hum came from her crotch. I was standing a bit away closer than the other students and could barely hear it. I walked away towards the other students.
{Master, I need to leave. I need to go to the bathroom. The drinks and the vibrator is making me want to pee}
[You are not allowed to leave the computer until all the other students leave the lab. I guess you will just have to hold it. I will turn off the vibrator for now, but leave it in.]
{Thank you master that is better a bit}
[You have beautiful tits. I want you to free them take off your bra]
{Master let me go to the bathroom I will take off the bra and relieve myself}
[No. Take the bra off in class]
(1:17) (1:16) (1:15) (1:14)
She slides one arm into her top and does something, it is difficult to see on the cam and in the class. She is moving around quite a bit in fits and starts trying not to arouse suspicion. Eventually she gets out of her bra and slides it down her shirt. Now her nipples can bee seen clearly through the silky top she is wearing.
[Good girl. Place the bra in the lunch bag.]
{I have done it master}
[Now take off your panties and place them in the bag. Do not let the vibrator slide out]
She reaches down quickly, under her skirt and takes off her panties slowly keeping one hand on the vibrator so that it will stay inside her.
{Master I did it, but it is hard to keep the vibrator in me now}
[Now you have a choice of what to do first either turn the vibrator on or you can drink the third bottle]
{Is there any other option?}
[If you bring yourself to orgasm I will provide another option for you. Remember the next time you do not admit I am your master you lose 40 seconds. Would you like the vibrator on to help you orgasm? Is so what level?]
{Master please turn the vibrator on low.}
Some other kids started arguing, and I had to go take care of that so I missed some of her hand work. When I was able to watch both of her hands were under her skirt one holding and moving the vibrator, and one stimulating her clit. When I was able to watch she was moving her hips, but trying to be quiet about it. She was struggling with silence and trying to get over the edge. Her eyes and face were filled with dread and pleasure. Then she went over the edge and muffled her voice.
{Master I have cum, but I really need to pee now. May I go to the bathroom now?}
I turned the vibrator off.
[Do not worry I have thought ahead. Reach under your seat and you will find your salvation]
The look on her face was priceless when she understood what she grabbed.
[Put it on]
(:52) (:51) (:50)
{Master please do not make me do this. I will do something else. I can meet you after school}
(:49) (:48) (:47)
{please master}
(:46) (:45)
She was crying a bit now, but she unfolded the adult diaper and placed it on herself under her skirt.
{I have done it master}
[What have you done?]
{You saw master, I put a diaper on myself}
[Now I give you one last choice. You may either drink the last bottle which has more alcohol and less coke or you can pee yourself while I watch]
{I will drink}
[You have two minutes]
The drinks were getting to her, and I turned the vibrator back on at a slightly higher setting.
{Master please stop the vibrator. I need to pee}
[I will stop it when you have finished the drink]
I turned the vibrator up one more setting. If anyone walks back there she will need to do some explaining from the buzz. I need to make sure that does not happen. She upends the bottles and chokes down as much as she can. But it is almost all rum with just some coke for coloring. It takes her a while to finish it. She went a bit over on time.
{Master I have finished. Let me go to the bathroom now}
[As I have already said you leave after tall the students do. You just need to hold it, or not. I mean you have the diaper on]
Her responses on the computer have slowed. It seems she is quite drunk right now. Luckily this is the end of the day so she is going home soon. She struggles not to relieve herself, and crosses her legs.
[You are not allowed to cross your legs undo them now]
{Please master. I don't want to pee}
(:21) (:20)
She uncrosses her legs.
RING. The bell cuts through the chaos of the end of class. The students file out quickly. Ali is the last to get up, and she is a little bent over from the pressure on her bladder. I walk over to her.
"Are you sure you're okay your bent over and walking like a staggered drunk"
She responds, "I'm okay, I just need to go." As she tries to walk past me partly bent over. I reach out and grab her. "No you don't look okay, and do I smell alcohol on your breath?" Her look of fear is transparent. She is drunk, and scared and it has an obvious result as her bladder lets go. She cries in my arms. "Some freak made me do this. He made me drink and put on a diaper. Oh my god I just wet myself" The diaper held most of it in, but a bit spilled down her legs.
"Its okay I can help you. My car is just outside I can take you home and no one will find out about this."
I had to mostly hold her up, but an exit door was just around the corner. In the rush of kids it would be difficult to see who is who on the cameras in school, and since I was prepared I was able to keep her and my face off the cameras in the school and parking lot. She staggered to my car with my help, and I buckled her sleepy form in my car. I then went back to the room to retrieve my webcam, and trophy underwear. When I returned she was already asleep for the drive. I plan on having a lot more fun with my latest pet. Substitute teaching may not pay much, but it has its own rewards.