- Author - Poisoned Pigeon
- Rating -
    [ 4.10 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1974 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, analplay, bondage, humiliation, public
- Post Date - 4/22/2015
Chapter 1
"Not a single sound from you, is that understood? I hear anything from you and I will leave you standing where you are. Is that clear?"
I nodded my assent, I knew my Mistress too well already. Even though this was our first real face to face meeting, we had communicated a lot online and I was already very used to following her instructions. Once she had told me to be silent, Mistress would tolerate nothing other than absolute silence until she said otherwise.
We were in the carpark of a large supermarket, at the furthest end away from the store. It was late evening so it was dark, the few people who were in the carpark were a long way away. My Mistress stood in front of me, her dark straight hair around her shoulders framing a classic face of absorbing beauty. Her top and dress showing her curves off to their best advantage and in her heels, she looked me squarely in the face.
"Hands behind your head, eyes forward!"
I complied with the instruction, it was fairly simple. We were between her car and mine, so nobody was likely to see us. I felt her unzip my trousers and undo my belt. I dared not look down as I knew she would disapprove. I felt her warm hand around my balls, pulling them away from my body, then cold, hard steel ratcheting around my genitals.
Then my Mistress did my trousers back up again.
"Come with me slave!" I felt a very insistant tugging on my cock, taking me towards the store. I hesitated. Turning towards me, she looked me up and down. "Don't make me tell you again, slave. You can put your hands down now." Then my Mistress turned away again and started walking towards the store again.
Both my hands and my eyes fell. Out of the front of my trousers I saw a chain coming out of the zip, it ended at one end of a set of handcuffs, that my Mistress held in her right hand. I felt her draw me inexorably towards the supermarket.
A chill went through me as I realised my Mistress intended to take me inside. I couldn't help myself, I had to follow. I knew that if I made any objection, made any sound even, Mistress wouldn't hesitate to just walk off and leave me with the handcuffs locked around my cock. I had no key so I was already committed.
When we reached the entrance to the store I closed the gap between myself and my Mistress. If I kept close, I reasoned, the chances of anyone seeing anything, either up close or on cctv would be reduced.
My Mistress went round the store as if nothing was wrong. She collected a few items around the shop, none of which I really wanted to pay much attention to. Mistress hummed gently to herself as she collected, among other things, a cucumber, some masking tape, some tangerines and some olive oil. I had no idea why Mistress might want all these things. I had no idea if Mistress had anything planned. I just hoped that she knew what she was doing.
At the checkout, things only got worse for me. Instead of going for the the self checkout, which had no queue at all, Mistress chose a checkout that was manned by a young girl. She was in her late teens, maybe early twenties.
"Can I help you with your packing?" she said.
"That's ok," Mistress said, "my slave will do it."
The girl on the checkout paused, "Come again?" she said.
Mistress smiled and leaned in. "Take a look down below." She said.
Mistress jerked the handcuffs that were attached to my crotch. The checkout assistant went pale.
"Is he....?"
"Yes he is." Mistress was showing me off. "Are you interested?"
"I'm er, er, that'll be four pounds and thirty seven pence please." Resorting to her training, there was nothing further that she wanted to do, or get involved in.
"Pay the nice girl." Mistress said.
I paid the bill, hoping that this would be the end of my ordeal. I didn't realise that this was all preparation...
Heading back to the entrance, my relief at the upcoming end to the ordeal was shortlived. Instead of heading straight out of the store, Mistress stopped right outside of the toilets and turned to me.
"One last time, slave. Any noise out of you at all and I leave you where you stand. Is that clear?"
Again I nodded, I didn't really have any choice in the matter.
"Good boy. If you're really good and make it through to the end, I may just give you a reward."
Then, without any further warning, Mistress took me into the toilets. The ladies toilets. I didn't think my embarrassment could get any deeper, but I'm sure my cheeks got even redder. Leading me firmly by the crotch, Mistress led me towards the furthest cubicle and pulled me inside.
Like all toilet cubicles, there wasn't much space. There was the holder for the paper and the lavatory itself. This was one of the old fashioned type, with the cistern on the wall above the user and a pipe leading down to the seat below. To my horror, I watched as Mistress fixed the othe end of the handcuffs, the end that until now I had been led around by, to the pipe! By necessity I had to straddle the toilet seat so that I could be close enough to the pipe to be this firmly attached. I looked imploringly at my Mistress, begging with my eyes for her to let this end, but all she did was smile wickedly and press her finger to my lips, reminding me to stay silent. Then she disappeared behind me.
I felt, rather than saw Mistress pulling at my shirt and within moments, it was being pulled over my head. Now naked from the waist up, Mistress wasted no time in reaching round and rubbing my nipples. Pressing in close, she massaged and pinched and pulled at them. I smelled her delicious perfume and for the first time that evening, my cock started to pay attention. Then she was gone again.
Nothing more happened apart from hearing Mistress rummaging around somewhere.
"I didn't think they would have any in this shop, so I brought my own." And with that a set of nipple clamps appeared in front of me, joined by a short chain. The first one went on to my erect nipple and it was a feat of concentration not to make a sound as the pain went through me. Without warning, Mistress pressed her body into my back, forcing me further towards the pipe. I watched, almost in slow motion as the second clamp was threaded behind the pipe and then attached to my other nipple. Despite the pain, I knew I couldn't make a sound. I did not want to be left like this!
"That's better," she said, "now we can really get down to some something serious!"
"What could be worse than the situation I was already in?" I wondered, I was soon to find out.
"Arms behind your back, grab your elbows!" I complied with this instruction, wondering just what more could be done to humiliate me further. After a minute or two of hearing the rustling of plastic and some under the breath cursing from Mistress, I felt her start to wrap my two forearms together. The masking tape! Mistress was using it to bind my arms together. The noise of the tape sounded like it was echoing round the whole room to my oversensitive ears as wrap after wrap was made round my arms.
There was nobody in the toilets when we came in, I was desperately trying to think if anyone had come in since all this started. I couldn't remember.
It took about five minutes of continuous wrapping to completely cover my arms and hands, Mistress must have used the entire roll. A quick test confirmed that I couldn't separate my arms, they were welded together.
Now that my top half was sorted, Mistress wasted no time working her way down to the bottom half. My shoes and socks were removed in short order. My belt was quickly undone again and my trousers unzipped. Pulling my trousers down, Mistress took my underpants with them. I was instructed to lift my legs, one after the other so that they could be removed completely.
Now I was completely naked in the ladies toilets of a supermarket, arms hopelessly bound behind my back and attached to the toilet by my nipples and crotch. I didn't think I could be more humiliated if I tried, but Mistress wasn't finished yet!
"It looks like you're enjoying this, slave!" Sure enough, my cock was standing rigidly to attention. "Hold that thought, my slave. Stay quiet and you will get your reward." I watched briefly while my Mistress started to gently and deftly masturbate me. Desperately trying not to make any noise, I closed my eyes and leaned back into her, revelling in the pleasure she was giving me and how it joined with the extra pain in my nipples from the clamps.
Just as things started to come to the boil, Mistress stopped. Again, there was some rummaging behind me but no clue came from the sounds I heard.
"You may need some help keeping quiet for the next bit, so open wide!" I saw a large satsuma coming towards me in my Mistresses hand and I opened my mouth to try and accept it. I don't know how she got the fruit behind my teeth, it was so large and firm, but I soon found out as I felt and tasted the olive oil start to trickle down my throat.
Then I felt a very slippery finger at my anus. Gently applying pressure she eased one finger in. I breathed in sharply through my nose as her finger passed my inner sphincter, then relaxed into her gentle massage as she pushed a second and third finger in.
When I was deemed loose enough, I felt her fingers withdraw. They were quickly replaced by something a lot larger and harder. It felt like it was going to split me in two whatever it was! After a minute or two it was in past it's widest point, and then somehow wedged in place. Mistress reached round again and with her now very slippery hands proceeded to get be back to full arousal.
Getting the satsuma out of my mouth again proved tricky now that the oil had all but vanished down my throat and the limited space that was available. It took a finger from each hand behind the satsuma on either side of the mouth to push it out. Eventually it came out with a pop.
"You have done extremely well slave, how does the cucumber feel?"
I very nearly fell into her trap by answering her. It was only the prospect of being left stranded naked, attached to the toilet pipe by my cock and my nipples with a cucumber inserted in my backside and the knowledge that my Mistress wouldn't hesitate to leave me, even if I was goaded, that prevented me from making any noise!
"I'm impressed, slave, I nearly had you there. You deserve your reward!"
I heard the sound of tape coming off the role again.
"Your reward is to make me cum, slave. Show me what you can do with that tongue of yours. Of course, you haven't earned the privilidge of seeing me yet!" And with that, a piece of the masking tape appeared in front of my eyes.
After my eyes had been taped shut, I heard a lot of movement behind me. I felt her step up onto the toilet behind me. I felt Mistress position herself in fromt of me, legs either side of the nipple clamp chain. My nostrils were filled with her scent as her crotch was thrust into my face. I took a brief moment to fill my nose with her fragrance before diving in with my tongue. Immediately my tongue connected with her shaved pussy, I could tell it wouldn't take much to tip her over the edge. She was already very hot and wet and puffy. Mistress placed a leg over my shoulder, pressing her crotch closer in to my face so that I could get in deeper. Her weight also forced me further down on the cucumber, putting even more pressure on my over stuffed ass. The position I was in forced my legs behind me, so practically all my weight, and Mistress, was now carried on my poor abused asshole.
In no time at all, my Mistress was cumming all over my face, and despite her instructions to me, she was quite vocal. After giving herself a moment to gather herself, she released her grip on my head and lifted her leg over so the she could climb off. With much relief I straightened my legs again taking the weight off my poor ass, and glad that I could breath deeply again.
"You did very well slave, did you enjoy your reward?" I nodded my thanks, still not daring to say a word in case I got left there and then.
"It seems that you did!" She said, reaching round to my throbbing cock and giving it a few teasing strokes. "I think it's time that we sorted that out as well, don't you?"
I nodded my head vigorously, desperately hoping that I had pleased my Mistress well enough to at least earn some sort of release.
With deft and gentle hands, I felt Mistress stroke me and coax me, bringing me nearer and nearer to the point of no return. Then she stopped!
I felt her rub her hands all over my body, scraping her fingernails up my sides, down my back, flicking the clamps that still held my tortured nipples in their grasp. I was breathing quite heavily through my nose now, my senses fully awakened and aroused.
Again she returned to the rubbing and stroking of my engorged cock, rubbing and stroking and again bringing me to the point of ecstasy that I so desperately craved.
We both froze, neither of us having heard the door open. That single word from outside the cubicle stopping Mistress in her tracks.
"Hello, are you there?"