- Author - Corpus Anonymus
- Rating -
   [ 3.56 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1924 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, chastity, tricked
- Post Date - 3/27/2015
Author's Note: A short story about a guy, two women and some bad Karma
Something strange was going on.
I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I'm sure you've all experienced that unusual sense of discomfort as if your sixth sense was telling you to expect the unexpected.
Not that there were many clues. Today was just as any other day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Okay, I'm sure people would consider the piece of hardware between my legs somewhat odd if they'd notice it, but after six months, it no longer felt strange to me. That was just an inconvenience of me misbehaving. A consequence of my wife finding out that I was having an affair with the wife of her boss.
You can imagine the drama: she finding out about me banging the boss's lady while getting fired. I don't have to tell you those were some hefty moments. My ears still hurt from her endless nagging, blah blah...how could you....yady yady....out of a job....blah blah. What did she expect? After being married fifteen years to the same woman, a man is tempted to change his diet, wouldn't you agree? And anyway, her getting fired wasn't all that bad. No point denying it: my wife is exceptionally good at what she does professionally. She had little trouble getting a new job with better pay and better perspectives. Come to think of it, she should be grateful for me getting her fired!
So now, as part of my penance, she forces me to wear this metal chastity device around my balls and cock. Oh yeah, she went all out. The day she was told about my little fling, she hit the internet and a couple of weeks later presented me with my "gift". It was either that or a D...I...V.....and so on...I went along with her demands, mostly to avoid what might have turned out to be a seriously costly settlement.
It's not that bad. I only have to wear it when she's not around, so I'm in the clear during the week-ends and at night. It doesn't bother me much anymore during the daytime. Just the little irritable things like having to sit down to pee, or the occasional rattle while going up or down the stairs. That's from my ring banging against the cage. My Prince Albert jewelry. A remnant of the good old college days when a couple of beers were enough to act on a dare and prove your masculinity. I had some fun times with that piercing and never regretted getting it. Some of the ladies really loved that little extra while I was jamming their pussy. You know me: anything to please the ladies...
The only time that metal gadget is a pain in the butt is during my monthly visit to the capital. I live and work in New York as a creative director for a firm with a second office in D.C. My work requires me to make frequent week-long trips to Washington during which my wife insists I'd be locked. I'm sure many of you would find that quite annoying.
Especially after meeting Jo. Short for Joanna. Gorgeous looking newly divorcée. On the rebound, she fell for my overwhelming charm. She works in our Washington marketing department and was all but too happy to join me for a drink after I told her I too was recently divorced. Well, I did get close to getting one, didn't I? Of course, after a couple of trips, you want to do a bit more than just have a drink. That little cage would certainly have presented a challenge if not for the fact that I have the key....
Yes, that small contraption between my legs would have been very troublesome if I had actually worn it. My wife really should have hidden the keys a bit better. It's her own fault for providing me the opportunity to make copies. Like a good little, caged husband, I leave for work every morning to find myself taking that damn thing off as soon as I can hit the men's room. Then, before driving home, I put everything back into place and return like the well-behaved little boy I am. So, don't feel too sorry for me while I'm on my commute to Washington. As I said before, that cage doesn't really bother me...
Here I am once more, on my way to see Jo. As I've been doing the last couple of trips, I join her after work at her place. Occasionally we might go out but most of the time we tend to stay comfortably in her little warm nest, we dine, we talk, we fuck each other's brain out. I still have my hotel reservation to keep up appearances, but that bed doesn't see much action. I spend most of my nights at her place. Who wouldn't.
Nothing more but a knock at the door separates me from my delightful divorcée. Imagine my surprise when Susan answered the door.
"What the f.... are you doing here?", I uttered in disbelief.
Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention: Susan is my wife.
- "Won't you come in? We've been expecting you", she replied in a tranquil, freakishly nonchalant fashion.
Nailed to the ground, I was still trying to process what just happened. How did she get here? How did she find out? And what about Jo? Wait! Did she say:" We've been expecting you"?
"Oh dear, don't just stand there, come in! It's not like you don't know the place". Susan pulled my arm. I followed her sheepishly into the living room where, apparently, the two girls had been chatting over a glass of white wine.
-" Hi Andrew, had a nice trip?", Jo greeted me. Casually sitting in the sofa, she sipped her glass.
I must have looked like one of those cartoon characters you see with their jaw dropping to the floor. My sixth sense did warn me. Whatever this was, it wasn't good.
Susan put her arm around me.
"So honey, by now you must have figured out that we're both up to speed on your naughty little games. How foolish of you to think that the only precaution I took was that chastity device I made you wear. Sometimes a private eye can be such a great source of information. I must admit, it took me a little while to sort out that you duplicated the key to your cage, but don't worry, Jo and I found a solution to that problem"
-"You and Jo?", I stumbled.
"Yes we did!", answered Jo. "You see, obviously we both find you utterly despicable right now. However, your wife and I agree that you're quite a demon in the sack. Hell, apparently, that's the only reason why she didn't divorce you last time. So, we thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to keep you around and let you continue to satisfy us as you have been doing. Naturally, we have to get rid of your nasty habits, and teach you to be the wonderful gentleman and good little sex pet we'd like you to be. My new best friend Susan came up with a fabulous idea."
-"Oh yes dear! Allow me to explain. Before you think about running out on us, let me warn you
that I reassigned the majority of your financials. Internet banking is such a practical tool. I slowly transferred piece by piece what was in your accounts to my new, private ones and made it look like it was you who did it. How cool is that! I'm afraid you'll be a bit low on cash for a while. Oh, and Jo was thinking of what it would be like if she had a chat with your superiors using words like 'harassment' and 'sexual'. Allow me to show you what we've planned for you. For that I'll need your chastity device. Why don't you give it to me 'cause I'm sure you're not wearing it."
I was flabbergasted, abashed and dismayed, all at once. As if drugged, I took out the cage from my traveling bag and gave it to my wife.
She left me rooted in my spot with a mischievous "Thank you". Jo joined her and both started fiddling with the device, murmuring and giggling as they both stood in front of me.
Jo instructed me to drop my pants and stay still. I hesitated an instant. "Oh come on, don't be shy!". The girls kneeled in front of me. I saw how my wife took out a set of pliers and take out the ring through my piercing. What is that all about? She instructed Jo on how to put the chastity device on me. I felt Jo pulling out the key. Here I was, again, confined to sexual obedience. There was more. My view obstructed by the two women, I couldn't quite make out what was going on doing down there. I sensed Susan fiddling around in the cage and couldn't help but jerk a little when something went through my piercing. "Oh, stand still before I hurt you, will ya!", Susan snapped. I did recognise the unmistakable sound of another lock closing shut.
My two vixens were back on their feet admiring their work. Man! The surprises kept on showering down on me! Looking down, I not only saw my genitals trapped by the familiar steel, but a small, silver padlock passing through my dick clutching it to the cage.
When my wife first presented me with this device, I naturally tried to see if I could get it off. Though I succeeded in getting my cock in and out, my balls remained trapped between the ring and the cage. But with this, no way of getting anything out, let alone get that cage off without some serious workshop tools and a real risk of causing some permanent damage.
Susan looked straight at me with a 'don't mess with me'-attitude. "Here's how it works. Your device now has a brand new lock for the cage with a new set of keys and a second one going through your dick. I will keep the set of keys to one of the locks and Jo will have the other. You will keep on working as before, living with me when you're in New York and staying with Jo when you're in Washington. I'm sure you'll be able to convince your boss to extend your weekly trips to a fortnight. He'll be happy to oblige when you tell him you can cut down on hotel costs by staying here with 'family'. That way, Jo can have as much fun with you as I. I'm headed back to New York and I'll see you in two weeks time. If you try to remove the cage by other means than these keys, the next people you'll talk to will be our lawyers."
Susan grabbed a small suitcase sitting in a corner and wished Jo a lot of fun as they embraced each other amicably. A bit too affectionately if you ask me.
While she headed for the door, I regained the capacity to speak. "Wait a second! If you're gone, when or how am I getting out of this?". I pointed at my predicament.
- "Oh baby, if you really want to get out, I suggest you do as you're told and please the both of us as much as possible."
- "But if Jo is here, and you are in New York, it doesn't matter where I'll be, neither one of you can get me out without the keys of the other!"
- "Astute observation my poor little hubby!", she replied with a distinct mocking voice. "But you are a creative director, are you not?"
-"Yes. So?"
-"Well then, I suggest you be creative...". Susan walked out and shut the door behind her.
Speechless once more in utter disbelief, chills ran down my spine as Jo gazed at me with a most wicked grin on her face.