Author's Note: This is my third story on long term bondage and slavery. As English is not my first language so please excuse me for grammatical mistakes. The names of the counties /races used in the story are just for the sake of making the story feel real and not to hurt anyone's sentiments.
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P. S : Not all my stories get a happy ending......
"Happy Birthday to you once again" Sana told with a smile. "Thank you for coming to the party" Rohit told in a dizzy voice.
There was a loud party song played in the yacht. Plenty of alcohol and food was arranged and everybody was busy enjoying. Rohit was the only son of business tycoon Mr Mehra. It was his 23rd birthday and only very close friends were invited. The yacht was a gift from his daddy and Rohit took his friends for a big party far away from the busy seashore of Mumbai.
Sana met Rohit in collage just a few months back. Rohit liked her and Sana knew it too. There was no one prettier than Sana in collage. With her big eyes, hourglass figure she could blow anybody's mind. Sana was from a rich family too, although not as rich as Rohit's family. Rohit had a plan to propose Sana at the end of the party.
There were total ten boys and three girls at the party including Sana and Rohit. They planned to party till next morning.
" I say, we go further down the sea" a friend shouted. Almost all the boys joined him.
" Captain, i want you to take us further, at least 100 kilometers from Mumbai. " Rohit also told the captain. He was totally drunk.
" Sir, we can't go so far. We need to be inside border. If we go further, we may end up getting arrested. " he told.
" fuck you. Just sail" he commanded.
Captain started the engine. He drive the yacht further near international border.
It was a cold night. Sana sat on the dock alone and sipped on her drink. She knew just a few of the people there. She was anyway not that party animal type girl.
Suddenly a loud hooter broke all the silence as a bigger ship approached the little yacht.
" Stop the music and anchor the yacht " someone shouted from the ship over a loudspeaker.
" They must be from the border security force" a friend told.
" but i don't see a mark in the boat! " the captain told. He stopped the yacht anyway. A ladder came down from the ship. Two men climbed down to the yacht. One was Indian, anothr was a tall black man.
"what are you doing here? " the Indian man asked.
"it is a private party. " the captain told.
"We need to search the boat" the black man told.
"are you from Indian army? Can i see your identity card? " the captain asked.
"yes" the man smiled. He put his hands inside his pocket. Suddenly he pulled out a gun and shoot the captain right between his eyes.
The body fall on the floor with a loud sound. Everybody screamed loudly as blood started flowing from the body".
"everybody quiet" the man shouted. "remove all the jewelry and put down all the money here".
Meanwhile 3 more people climbed down on the yacht and pulled guns towards them. The guys emptied their pocket. The girls started removing their jewelry in fear.
Suddenly a man grabbed Sana from behind. She screamed in fear and tried to free herself from him. Rohit pushed the man in front of him and rushed towards Sana to help her. But another shot was fired and his limp body fall on the deck too. Everybody started crying in total panic.
" just grab the girls and enjoy " the tall man announced with a large smile. Two more guys grabbed the two other girls by hair and pulled them towards the sub deck.
" pleaseeeeee" they were shouting hysterically. But the guys showed no mercy and dragged Sana and other two girls to the sub deck. Sana was almost unconscious in panic. "please sir, my daddy will give you money, please leave me "
But the black man pushed her down on the floor and tore her clothes. He slapped her hard on her face. It hurt like hell. He pulled her skirt down. Another man also came out and held her hands above her head. The man took out his enormous cock to rape her.
" pleaseeeeee noooooo, i am a virgin " she was crying hysterically. The man suddenly stopped and looked at her. He then pushed her finger inside her vagina.
"skeep, come up here and check. We have got a virgin. " he shouted.
Sana heard several gun shot from the main deck. The tall black man emerged from the deck. He came near her and pushed his fingers inside Sana's pussy too. Sana was so panicked that she could not raise her voice in protest anymore. She looked at the other side. Two other men had already pushed their dick inside the other two struggling girls and were fucking them.
The black guy pulled her up by holding her hair. The torn top was dangling from her body. She was howling in pain. She had no idea why they did not rape her! They dragged her to the main deck again. She could not see anybody from her friends there, only blood stain on the floor. "where are my friends? " she asked.
" we did not need them " he told in a cold voice.
She vomited in panic and almost lost conciousness.
She could feel that they pulled her hands behind her back and tied a rope on her wrists. They also tied another raugh rope on her ankles, binding them together. Sana was too panic stricken to resist. Two men carried her to the big ship.
She was put down on the floor on the main deck. There was a very small cage made of wire mesh. They pushed her inside that. She had to bend her knees to her breasts to be able to squeeze herself in that crumpled space. They kicked her legs until she got into the cage fully,then they closed the door and padlocked it.
Sana's senses weakened by the sudden panic attack and she was too frightened to understand what is happening around her. She was crying hysterically. She could not even move an inch inside the tiny cage. She lost her conciousness within 5 minutes.
Sana slowly opened her eyes in the morning as cold breeze hit her naked body. "Good morning Rich Bitch" said a man holding his huge dick in front of Sana's cage. He started pissing all over her body. Sana was fully awake by then and started screaming in disgust. She could see 5 6 people standing around her cage, laughing at her. Her whole body was wet with urine. She tried to move away from the stream of urine but the crumpled cage did nor allow any space to move. Her hands were still bound behind her back with a rope. All other men also joined and pissed on her. She vomited twice in disgust.
" Enough" said the tall black man as he came near her cage. " take her out of the cage and clean her" He instructed.
Two men opened her cage door and dragged her out in the open. She tried to struggle but her captors were too powerful for her. A bucket of cold water was poured on her naked body as a man started applying soap all over her body. He was giving special attention to her breasts. Sana tried to kick the person with her bound leg. But the man slapped her hard and hit her on her belly. She was shivering in pain and humiliation. She was bleeding from her lips due to the hitting. Another bucket of water was thrown on her body and she was again dragged to the other side of the deck. She had no idea where were the other girls from the party. She was taken near a wooden pole .The leader came near her carrying a heavy black iron chain in his hand. He wrapped one end of the chain around the pole and fixed it there with a big padlock. Then by holding Sana by her arms he wrapped the other end of the chain on her neck and then locked it with another big padlock.
Sana was crying and pleading to stop the torment but there were no one to listen to her. The cold chain on her neck was unforgivingly heavy. She was lying on her belly with her hands bound behind her back and legs bound together with rope. The leader held her with his strong muscular hands and made her sit. Her back was resting on the pole.
" Listen to me bitch, if you throw any more tantrum here my men will cut you into pieces and throw you into the sea. If you want to stay alive for little more time be a good girl and do as we command." he told.
Sana was so panicked that she was unable to breath properly.
"pleaseeeeee sir, call my dad. He will give you money " Sana could only whisper.
The leader slapped her hard on her breast. Sana screamed in pain.
" Rich bitch, we have already got plenty of money selling your two bitch ass friends in Arab. The yacht also will fetch us more money. Now if you speak one more time i will cut your tongue. I need your body and cunt, not your tongue " he told as he drew a big knife.
Sana shut her mouth in fear. She was still sobbing heavily. She drew her knees on her breasts to hide her private parts a bit. Everybody walked away from her, leaving her alone, chained to the pole.
Sana looked at her sarrounding. It was a medium sized ship, probably old. She was so terrified from the torture in the morning she could not even think clearly on what to do next. She looked at the chain holding her to the pole. It was a old rusted iron chain with a heavy padlock dangling in front her neck. There was a slack of just two feet. She pulled it by her neck and realised even with a hacksaw she could never break it. She struggled to get her hands free from the rope. She freed her hands after a long time. But with the chain on her neck, she was not going anywhere. She untied the rope binding her legs together too. She tried to pull open the padlock in vain. Finally she set down near the pole.
A man came with a plate of stew and bread in the afternoon. Sana was hungry. But she refused the food.
After sometime the leader came near her. He had a whip in his hand. Without any words he started beating him mercilessly. Sana was screaming, shouting, pleading to stop but he didn't listen. Sana hid her private parts by her hands from the hitting.
"Chain her properly" he angrily commanded.
One man came back with network of old derby cuffs and chains. Two men held screaming Sana ,pulled her hands behind her back and cuffed her wrists. They also cuffed her ankles. The set had two chains connecting the handcuffs and legirons. They shortened the connecting chain with a padlock. When they got up leaving Sana on the floor. Sana realised she could not streight her legs anymore and it was bound closer to her wrists behind her back. She now would not be able to get up and sit, neither she would be able to hide her private parts.
The man again started whipping her. Then kicked the food near her mouth.
"eat" he commanded.
Sana immediately dragged herself to the plate and started eating by her mouth like an animal. Her skin was on fire with the whipping. She could not take it anymore.
" See, bitches like her need chain and whipping to obey orders" the leader told the other man. Sana was crying in pain and humiliation. The leader lifted her chin with his boot.
" listen to me very carefully. You will be whipped like this everyday from now onwards. If you disobey, you will be whipped, if you obey, you will still be whipped. You don't have any rights in your life anymore. And believe me i don't have any value of your life. If i need to kill you i will torture you for a very long time first. You will pray to die but it won't come very easily like your male friends in yacht".
Sana was stunned with what he just told. She really started believing that they could actually do everything he told. She had seen them killing her friends. She had no chances of escape from this boat in the middle of the sea. She was crying on her own predicament. Her body was still on fire from the whipping. She could not resist anything they attempt on her as her limbs were securely chained.
"I could have saved myself from these additional chains and whipping if i would have cooperated " she was blaming herself in her mind. All she could think now was how she could save herself from the torture.
All the men left her alone. She was still groaning in pain. She ate the remaining food from the plate by her mouth to save her from more pain.
Sana was still lying on the wood floor on her belly. She was feeling suffocated and dehydrated.
" Water please" she told in a meek voice. But nobody was nearby. After sometime she could see a man and desperately called out " sir please give me some water" .
The man turned and shouted in the other direction " Mei, give some water to this bitch. "
A lady walked in to the main deck where Sana was chained. She lifted her from the floor and made her sit with her back to the pole. She still had to fold her legs backwards due to the short chains connecting her wrists to ankles.
" Can you sit?" She asked
"yes" Sana nodded.
She held Sana's chin and poured some water from a bottle on her mouth.
"Thank you" she said meekly.
"Try to obey everything they command. I have seen too many young girls getting killed painfully" the old lady told.
"Are they planning to kill me too?" Sana asked in a shacken voice.
"Not now, really. But if you do not cooperate they might kill you anytime. And believe me, you don't really want to be tortured till you die. Its horrible. " The lady told.
"Please save me" Sana pleaded.
" Only you can save yourself by cooperating with them." she told.
" Are you also a prisoner here? "
" No, i am from the same village where almost all these pirates stay. I work for them. They pay me well"
"Mei, don't waste your time talking to the bitch. " a man shouted from behind. " just whip her if she gives you trouble ".
The lady stood up.
"Thank you madam " Sana told with tearful eyes.
"Call me Mei. I will come back after an hour. " she told and left.
Sana looked at her naked body. There were whip marks all over her body. The cuffs on her wrists and ankles were very heavy and tight. Specially the ankle cuffs were hurting her painfully. She had no idea how long she could survive in these chains and humiliation.
Sana sat on the same place all morning. By afternoon Mei came back again and gave her a plate of stew and rice on the floor.
" You have to eat by your mouth only i afraid" she told.
"i will be good Mei, please release my hands. " she told.
" I can't do that. I don't have keys of your cuffs " Mei told. She lay her down on the floor. Sana started eating the food slowly. She felt like a degraded animal. She finished her meal and thanked Mei.
Mei made her sit once again against the pole. Sana cried in pain as the cuffs again digged in her sore ankles.
"pleaseeeeee tell them to kill me Mei, these hurt too much. I cannot survive too long in these cuffs anyway. " she cried again.
"They might show some mercy if you obey them properly. Don't loose hope. " she told and left.
By evening the pain on her wrists became unbearable. She could not feel her ankles anymore. She lay down to ease her pain. She peed several times during the day and it flew over her thighs. Mei checked her two times after the lunch but did not speak to her.
After another humiliating meal at night the leader came to visit her. Sana was groaning in pain by then.
" So how did you enjoy your first day bitch?" he asked.
" Please forgive me sir. I won't repeat my mistakes" she told in a low voice.
"I don't think you have heard my speech in the morning properly. " he kicked her in her legs. Sana screamed out in pain.
"You are not a human anymore. So there is no 'I' anymore. You need to refer yourself as 'the bitch '. Do you understand?"
He kicked her again
"The bitch is really sorry sir " Sana screamed loudly in pain.
The leader smiled and unlocked the padlock which was shortening Sana's connecting chain between handcuffs and legirons. She could now streach her legs to ease the pain on her ankles.
"Thank you sir " she told in a low voice.
"bitches don't say thank you. They just lick Master's feet. "
Sana dragged herself to the man's feet and started licking his feet. She could do anything to ease the torture. She was hopeful that the leader might remove the cuffs. But he simply left after a minute. Sana cried for a long time. Then eventually fall asleep.
Sana woke up suddenly in the morning as she felt several hands grabbing her breasts and ass. She had no spirit left to fight anymore. She simply lay there letting several pirates manhandle her bare body. Two of them shagged in front of her and spread their semen all over her face. She could not even clean her face as she was still handcuffed behind her back. She vomited and lay there,unmoved. Those men left after sometime. Mei came and cleaned her face. She gave her some water.
" This bitch needs to dump" Sana told.
She remembered her lesson from the last night.
"Oh poor girl, you can speak to me normally. " Mei told. She gave her an iron bucket. She helped her to stand up by sliding her neck chain up over the pole. Sana sat on the bucket and finished her latrine routine. She was so numb being naked for so long that she did not mind.
She realized how helpless she was as Mei cleaned her ass with a piece of paper. She looked at her helplessly.
"it is better to clean your shit from your ass than cleaning blood from your dead body. Be good darling. Don't give them a reason to hurt you." Mei told.
Sana lay there all day. She was getting her food and water from Mei.
"where are they taking me? " Sana asked.
"To their village. They want to train you"
" What training? " she was surprised.
" can't give you anymore details dear" Mei told and left.
Sana was uncertain about her future. She clearly realised that as she was a virgin, she was not raped as of now. But whom were they saving her for? What was the training Mei was talking about? She was confused.
The leader came to her by afternoon. He was carrying a chain in his hand.
" let's take a walk bitch " he told as he opened the heavy padlock from her neck. The free end was now dangling from the pole. He wrapped a chain which he was carrying on her neck and relocked it with the same padlock. This chain was longer. He pulled the chain as leash, indicating her to follow. But she could not understand how she could walk in the cuffs on her ankles. She started talking small steps. The legirons had a 8 inch chain between the cuffs. The chains produced heavy metallic sound as she shuffled along.
The main deck where she was chained was situated high on the middle on the ship. It had a small staircase to go to sub decks. When they reached the edge of staircase she feared that she might fall from the top of staircase. She looked at the leader. He still gestured to move along. She sat on the edge of the staircase and swung her cuffed legs on the third stair. Then she pushed herself to the second stair. She continued the same process and came down. There were plenty on people laughing at her struggle. She stood up and continue walking with him. She could see atleast 20 people including the leader on the ship. All were looking at her naked body. She hung her head down in humiliation.
He moved around for ten minutes, pulling her like a dog. Then again he came near the stairs. This time two men grabbed her from sides and carried her up to the main deck.
The leader also came with them. He unlocked the leash from her neck and relocked the chain attached to the pole to her neck. Sana pushed her feet behind and rubbed her sore ankles.
"Don't worry, you will get proper chains once we reach our destination. " he told.
"Please sir, these chains hurt. This bitch will obey everything you say, please let this bitch out of these chains sir. " she was pleading.
" Chains and cuffs will be a part of your life from now onwards. You will wear them 24x7. So just try to get used to it " he smiled.
Sana lay down on the floor as he left. She cried for a long time and eventually slept.
The journey continued for seven more days. She was never unlocked from the pole again. She lay there awaiting her fate. The metal cuffs rubbed against her wrists and ankles, making them bruised and chafed. She realized that the cuff marks might stay permanently on her wrists and ankles. She was whipped almost every alternate day even without a reason. She learnt to obey every command without delay.
"We have reached the shore." Mei told Sana. It was tenth day morning of Sana's abduction. Two men came to Sana and unlocked her neck from the chain. The leader came forward and again locked the chain leash on her neck.
"come" he pulled her by the leash.
She was taken down to the sub deck from where she could see a flat wooden board, placed to climb down. From the edge of the board she could see at least 50 African people on the shore, mostly women and children. They cheered when they saw Sana, naked and chained. The leader led her to the board and finally climbed down to the shore. Sana was felling very humiliated being naked in front of so many people. She hung her head down in shame. She was also very surprised thinking how these women and children could be so happy seeing a girl in distress. How they could be so cruel.
She was marched till the village. It was really difficult for her to walk with sore ankles and chains. She was sobbing heavily.
The was a big tree in the middle of the village. The leader fixed her neck chain to a high branch so Sana had to stand upright. An old lady came near her and lifted her chin.
"She is more beautiful than any of your previous captives. "
Everybody cheered on her words. The leader unlocked her from the tree.
"Take her to John " he ordered as he handed over the leash to another man.
Some young women and some men followed her. Others moved back to their houses.
Sana looked around. It was a tiny village with 20 small huts max. The women wore handmade cloths. All the women had some visible piercings on their body. Some had septum pierced, some had lips and eyebrows pierced.
At the end of the road there was a bigger hut. They lead her inside. There was an old man sitting near a fireplace.
"John, you have got a beautiful bitch to dress up" a girl told.
Sana was happy on mind that finally they might give her something to wear.
John came near Sana and started measuring her waist , hips, thighs, neck and other parts of the body. After taking all measurements he told another man to lock her up in the next room. Two men led her to the next room and chained her to an iron pillar. Sana lay down on the ground. She was trying to scratch her nose with her knees when she started hearing a lot of metallic banging noise from the other room. She had no idea what was going on. She was too tired of walking so long in her shackles . She closed her eyes.
After couple of hours two men woke her up and made her stand. Then for the first time in nine days they unlocked her handcuffs. Sana screamed in pain as blood rushed through her numb shoulder blades. She was taken to the side wall .They raised her hands apart and locked manacles in her wrists which were already fixed high at the wall. They also removed her legirons and chained her legs further apart by two more manacles fixed on the floor. She was bound spread eagled.
"Please let me go" she was crying again.
Jhon entered the room followed by the other men and women. He was carrying some kind of a metal device. Sana was scared to death. She had no idea what it was. John came near her and sat between her legs. He first locked a steel band around her lower waist. It was really a tight fit around her abdomen. There were two thin chains fixed at the rear of the band which was attached to another bent steel plate. John pulled the plate between her legs to the front The chains were tightened over her ass cheeks. The chains met at the steel slender plate just before her pussy hole. The steel plate had an inner oval flat portion which was pushed inside her pussy lips, extending them a bit. Sana cried in pain. This plate had sieve like holes in the middle. The oval inner plate just filled the entry of the hole. The outer plate closed over the inner plate like a cap trapping the pussy lips inside. The outer plate also had sieve like structure similar to inner hole for flow of urine. But now it was impossible for anyone to access her pussy. Jhon fixed the end of the plate on her waistband in front and locked it with a heavy padlock. The metal completely covered her pussy. The device fitted her perfectly and it was impossible to remove or even readjust without the lock.
Sana was pleading them to stop during the fitting of the device. She was exhausted due to the struggle.
" girl, meet chastity belt. The device which will keep you from playing with your pussy. It will not stop your pussy's natural functions though. "
He also pulled out two 1/4 th inch thick steel rings.
"This are called slave rings dear. It will mark you as a slave here."
Two men unlocked her wrists from the dangling chains. Jhon slipped them into her wrists and relocked the manacles once again. He further slipped them till her arms. It was tightened around her biceps. There was a small tag dangling from each ring with "slave" written in it.
" Bring the chains " he told to another man. Two men carried heavy chains with lots of metallic noise.
" oh please noooooo " Sana was shouting.
Those men calmly kept the chains near Sana's feet. It seriously looked heavy with two inch links. It was a network of chains and cuffs welded together.
Jhon spread the chains on the floor. It had wide legirons with 15 inch chain between them, similar wide handcuffs with 12 inch chain and a collar. All three of them were linked together by a heavy chain. Other two men removed her existing leg cuffs which were binding her legs wide in the floor. The pused her legs closer.Jhon first pulled the legirons and fixed one cuff on her left leg. it was a custom fit. He repeated the process with her right leg.
Sana closed her eyes. She was so helpless that she could not even struggle as they put the chains on her body.
Meanwhile Jhon pulled the collar up. He cleared hair from her neck and pushed it over her neck. It had a hinge between two halves. He closed the other half around and pushed a screw up to lock it.
"Ahhhhhhh" Sana screamed as he released his hands from the collar. The total weight of the shackles were too much to bear for her poor neck. She felt as if a heavy rock was dangling from her neck. She kept on screaming in pain. Meanwhile they released her wrists from the dangling cuffs. She held her collar and sat down on the ground to ease the pain. Jhon told her to lay down on her side. She did so with great difficulty. But she realized that this would be the most comfortable position to ease the weight on her neck. Jhon pulled her left hand near her belly and locked a handcuff on her left wrist. He repeated the process with her right wrist. She was feeling so helpless and vulnerable. The band on her waist was digging into her flesh.
But her torment was not over yet. Two women carefully carried a small pot of hot liquid metal. Jhon put a wood block under her ankle cuff and dropped a few drops of metal on the other side of the locking screw to seal the locks permanently. He repeated the process with her handcuffs and collar too.
" Get up " Jhon commanded.
"I can't" Sana showed her chains. "It is so damn heavy. "
" You will be whipped if you don't " Jhon said angrily.
Sana sat down with difficulty. She held the connecting chain to ease pressure on her neck. Another man helped her to stand up.
"Sir, i cannot hold this chain with my hands for long. It is really heavy. Please have mercy. " Sana was pleading.
Jhon went away and returned with another chain. He wrapped it on her waist just above her chastity belt tightly. He locked it with a padlock behind her back. He locked the connecting chain on the waist chain with another padlock in front.
The weight of chain thus got distributed between her collar and waist chain easing pressure on her collar. But her handcuffs got attached to her waist now.
" Tell Amy to unlock this padlock at the time of training" he told to other girls showing the padlock linking her waist chain and connecting chain together.
They hold her arms and half carried her to the street.
Sana could not put steps properly. Though the chain between her ankles were bigger than her previous cuffs, but weight of shackles was her main issue. Everybody cheered on road when they saw fully shackled Sana.
They led her to a small building. It was a one storied common looking building. But it had a strong iron door in the front. Some guys opened it and took her inside.
There were just one room inside the house with no windows. Only two small exhaust holes up on the wall for ventilation. It had one big cell with bars in the front. They opened the barred gate and pushed her inside. She could not keep her balance and fall on the ground painfully. It had some straw on one side and a bucket on the other. They locked the barred gate and left.
Sana did not have any stamina left even to move a bit. She tried to push the chastity belt down but it did not move an inch.
" Enjoying your new jewelry? " somebody asked from behind. Sana rolled back and saw a red haired girl standing near the door.
" Please let me go. I cannot take this anymore. Oh god. This is inhuman " she was shouting.
" This is just the beginning. Your training starts from tomorrow. " she smiled.
" What training! I will do whatever you want me to do. Please release me from these chains" she was pleading.
" You anyway have to do whatever I tell you. Today is your free day. You can ask me questions. But from tomorrow you are not allowed to talk without permission. "
"Why are you keeping me here? " Sana asked.
" You are a precious little piece, you will be trained to satisfy men and women sexualy. You will be trained to carry out orders perfectly. To be a good slave. You also will be trained to cook Arabian food, to learn Arabian custom etc. Then by next year you will be sold to the highest bidder from gulf counties. "
Sana was stunned. She could not believe her ears. "This is illegal, you cannot do this. I am not an animal. Nobody can sell slaves anywhere in the world " she was sobbing. Amy smiled.
"They will keep you happy. In their private chamber. They don't like untrained bitches, or Sharmuta as they call them. The training is for your own good. It will help you to survive there. It will help you to endure pain" she told.
" But this is illegal to kidnap a person. Don't you have fear of law?"
" We make our own rules here. This village is situated in far corner of Ethiopia. The main town is taken by military. We need money and weapon to build a rebel force to take back our land. "
" but what have i done to deserve such punishment? "
" Nothing, you are unlucky"
" Please have mercy. Atleast take these chains off. I anyway cannot break this prison "
"Dear, you have to wear chains 24x7 from now onwards. Those Arabs likes to dominate chained girls. The chains you are wearing are permanent. Only John can remove them in workshop. "
" Please don't ruin my life. I can do anything to help you get back your city. This chains hurt. Pleaseeeeee. I cannot move in these chains. "
"You will get used to the chains. Those are not restrictive at all. "
" Please have mercy ma'am. This belt also hurt. Why do you need to bind me with so many heavy chains when you know i cannot even break a single one of them. And what is this device in my vagina? "
" You are a virgin. You will fetch millions of dollars. We need to protect you from even yourself dear. You can pee and shit but cannot touch your vagina "
Sana could not believe Amy. She seemed a good girl. But is this possible to turn a girl like her into slave? She wanted to get up. She sat up.
" I need to pee" she told Amy.
"Use the bucket " she told casually.
She stood up with great difficulty. She could not believe that she needed to carry all these chains for one year. She could barely walk on these leg cuffs.
"Even animals get better treatment" she told in a crying voice.
Amy unlocked the cell door and came inside. She helped here sit on the bucket.
"You will be treated worse than an animal dear. You will be whipped, put in a cage and humiliated. Be good and follow my instructions. You might get less pain. "
Sana was really blank in her mind. She was shivering in fear. Pee flew down through her chastity belt.
Amy took her to the corner of the cell. She took a chain from the floor and padlocked it in front of Sana's collar. The other end was already fixed to the wall.
Sana pulled her chains in frustration. She was now fully chained prisoner in a cell and also attached to the wall with a long chain. The chain was long enough to allow her to track the bucket and straws but not the cell door. She sat down on the floor.
" Another chain! Do you still think i will escape from this cell ? I don't believe it."
"This is a standard procedure here for slave training. "
Sana lay down on the floor. She had no idea how she could be free again. She was scared, angry, frustrated.
Amy took some bread and soup in a plate and brought it near Sana.
" I heard you are good in eating food without the use of your hands? I want to see it now. "
"I am not hungry " Sana told.
Amy suddenly went out and came back with a whip. Sana panicked and started eating the food by mouth.
"Don't ruin your day bitch. I don't want to hit you today " Amy told.
" Please let me wear something. You are also a woman. Please have mercy. " Sana told after the humiliating lunch.
"Slaves don't wear cloth. But if you are uncomfotable i can help you" Amy smiled.
She took off her own shirt and shorts. She then removed her undergarments too. She came closer to Amy and sat near her. She started touching Sana's brests.
"Pleaseeeeee, i am not a lesbian" Sana shouted.
"you don't need to be a lesbian to pleasure another girl. Understand very clearly, i will take care of you till you are here. So you have to make me happy to be able to survive here. Or else i will induce so much pain in your body that you shall wish to die everyday."
Sana closed her eyes in disgust. Amy kept on exploring her necked body. She kissed her on her lips, pinched her nipples and licked her inner thigh. Sana did not move. Amy left after sometimes keeping Sana alone, shackled and chained to the wall. Sana cried for a long time and eventually slept. She was given dinner at night as Amy left her alone again.
"Wake up lazy bitch " Amy kicked Sana hard on her back. It was early morning and Sana was sleeping deep due to last day's fatigue.
Sana woke up in pain and tried to get up. But due her chains she fall on the floor again with loud clinking of chains. She could not keep her from falling flat as her wrists were still bound to her waist.
" worthless bitch, kneel up " Amy shouted.
With lot of effort she kneeled up in front of Amy.
"Rule number one, whenever i enter this cell, i need you to take this position. Your knees should be apart, your breasts should be forward and your head should be down. " she kicked her knees "apart" and shouted.
Sana cried loudly in pain.
" Rule number 2, you need to call me mistress, Sir or madam to everyone else. And you should refer yourself as 'this bitch'. "
" Yes mistress " Sana told.
She was greeted with a big slap. She fall on the floor again, crying in pain.
" Rule no 3,don't utter a word until i give you permission to speak. You may nod in agreement. "
Sana got back to her kneeling position again.
Amy unlocked the wall chain from her neck and locked another chain in front of her collar. She was holding the other end in her hand.
"let's go for a walk. " she told.
Sana got up on her feet after a lot of effort. Amy pulled her by her neck. Sana started walking. There was loud clinking of chains with her every movement.
"Fast bitch, i don't have all day. " Amy shouted.
She lead her out of the house. Sana collapsed on the ground after walking for 5 minutes. She could not take the weight of heavy chains anymore. She was panting heavily.
"mistress pleaseeeeee. This bitch cannot walk anymore"
She was greeted with a slap on her cheeks. Amy kept on pulling her by the leash. She could only crowl on the ground.
"get up bitch. Or else i will whip you till you die " Amy was shouting.
Sana got up using her last strengths of her body. She was taken back to her cell. She was thrown on the floor and the anchoring chain was locked again on her collar. She could not move anymore.
She was not been tortured anymore for the rest of the day. Amy understood that Sana was too weak to even carry the chains. She gave her time to get her stamina back and to get use to her bondage.
Amy started giving her light training for a week like walking in chains inside the cell. She was given proper food. Slowly Sana regained her stamina to atleast carry her chains and walk.
Sana gradually started believing she could never be free again. She was trying to obey Amy to save herself from the torture.After a week Amy unlocked Sana's waist chain. It increased pressure on her neck but at least Sana got freedom to move her hands away from her body to some extent. But still being naked and chained all the time made her feel helpless. Amy gave her a thin matress to sleep inside her cell.
After a week Amy came inside Sana's cell with a black leather hood and a ball gag. Sana kneeled at her feet. She buckled the gag on her mouth and put the leather hood over her head. The hood was tight on her face. Sana panicked fearing she might be chocked inside it. She tried to remove it with her hands.
"How dare you" Amy shouted as she hit her naked back with a whip. Sana cried out in pain. She was gasping for air. Amy made two holes near her nostrails on the hood.
" Your proper training begins today. I will drop a coin on the floor. You need to listen to the dropping sound very carefully and need to pick up the coin within 10 seconds. Failing to do so will result in two strokes of whip in each attempt at the end of the training today. "
Sana was scared. She really feared the whip. It hurt really bad. She could see nothing due to the hood. Amy tossed a coin near her. She could hear that it was going towards her right side. She tried to move immediately. But as soon as she moved the metallic noise of her shackles and chains filled her ears loudly. She lost track of the coin sound. She was desperately searching for it on the floor but it was not easy with her chained hands. Amy counted ten and then kicked Sana on her belly.
"uffffffff" Sana cried in pain.
" Looks like you love whipping" Amy told.
Sana started learning the tricks. She realized that she needed to be still at the time of tossing the coin to be able to understand it's path of rolling. Or else the sound of her chains would overshadow the coin sound. Still she could only managed to collect the coin 8 times out of 20 times at the end of the training.
" It is whipping time! " Amy shouted.
" oooooooo fliffff " Sana was crying behind her ball gag.
The first whip landed on her back. Sana was crying hysterically. Due to her hood she had no idea in which way the whip was coming. She pulled her knees to her breasts and tried to save her private parts from whipping. Amy whipped her mercilessly. Whips landed on her legs, ass, face, back and thighs. Amy pulled her hood out after 24 strokes. Sana's face was in a mess with saliva, tears and sweat. Amy unlocked her ball gag too. Sana lay down on the floor, panting and gasping for breath.
The same training continued for 1 week. Sana improved her score but she got number of whip marks all over her body.
OnceThe pirate leader arrived after the training.
"Amy, don't damage the merchandise " he pointed at Sana's whip marks.
" The bitch did not learn quickly" Amy told.
" Eh, give her some break. We have a Christmas feast in the village. Bring her there. " the leader told and left.
Amy gave Sana a bucket of water to wash herself. Then by attaching a leash to her collar she pulled her out of the cell.
She was taken to the centre of the village. All villagers gathered around a large fire. They all cheered seeing Sana in chains. Amy locked the neck chain to a tree and told her to kneel. Sana did as she was told. She was feeling humiliating and ashamed being naked and chained in front of such a large crowd.
The pirate leader stood up and started telling stories about his recent piracy and how he captured Sana. Sana was shocked to hear that her two female friends had been sold to Arab sex market for a big sum.
Meanwhile children gathered around Sana and started poking her with tree branches. They were pulling her chains and throwing small stones at her. Sana did not react though it was hurting her. She knew reacting to this probably earn her another whipping.
Everybody was enjoying the picnic. A lady gave Sana some roasted chicken and bread in a plate. Sana sat on the ground and started eating.
After a brief moment again all attention came back to Sana as Amy started explaining about Sana's training.
"We should pierce her" somebody from the crowd suggested.
"I agree" told the pirate leader. "The last slave was appreciated due to her beautiful body piercings".
Sana started shivering in fear. They were planning to ruin her body permanently. She also had needle phobia since her childhood. She looked at Amy and started nodding her head in negative. Tears ran down from her eyes.
An old lady came to her with a box. She had at least 15 piercings on her face. Sana screamed as she came near her. She started moving away from her.
"Behave" Amy shouted from behind. But Sana tried to get up and move back. Two men ran towards her and hold her arms and pushed her down.
"Nooooooooooooo" Sana was shouting loudly. She was trying to escape from their grip. Meanwhile another man came and hold her head still.
"keep her still " the lady told as she pulled out a curved shaped needle from the box. The men were holding her so tightly that she could not even struggle. She kept on crying and screaming in fear. The lady first applied some cold liquid on the septum inside her nose. When she took the needle closer to her nose Sana closed her eyes. She was shivering in panic.
The lady put the needle through her septum with her expert hands in just a fraction of second. Sana howled in pain as the needle pierced her soft flesh. She vomited and almost got unconscious. But woke up immediately with a sharp pain as the lady removed the needle and inserted a large and thick silver ring through her septum. It was so big that it was resting on her upper lip.
Her torments were still far from over. The lady instructed the men to lay her flat on her back. Sana was still panting from the struggle. Those men pinned her down. The lady poured some liquid over both of her nipples. Sana had no strength to struggle anymore. She was just groaning like an animal. The nipples already grew harder by the touch of cold liquid. She screamed on top of her lungs when the lady put the needle through her left nipple. "kill me, pleaseeeeee " she was shouting. She passes out when the lady repeated the process with her right nipple.
Sana opened her eyes and found that she was back in her cell again. She suddenly remembered the piercing part and tried to touch her nipples in reflex. But sharp pain jolted her body and she cried out in pain as soon as she touched her breasts. The nipples were still very sore. She also heard high pitch bell sounds as soon as she moved. She got up and saw her new jewelry. Two thick silver rings were dangling from her nipples. Those were an inch in diameter and had little bunch of bells attached to it. The rings were seamless with joints sealed with metal.
Her septum ring was also permanently sealed with metal and was impossible to remove. She felt really like an animal now. The bells rang in high pitch whenever she tried to move a bit. Combined with the metallic noise of her chains these bells kept on reminding her how degraded she had become. The throbbing pain from her nose was also adding to it. She wanted to die at this very moment. She wrapped her anchoring chain on her neck and pulled by her cuffed hands, trying to strangle herself. But dying like this was never possible. She passed out much before she could strangle herself.
She found a plate of food when she woke up next day. She cried for a long time realising she was so helpless that he could not even kill herself. The nipple rings jingled and pulled her nipples whenever she moved. The septum ring was tickling her upper lip. She ate the food eventually as she was really hungry. Nobody came to her jail building that day. By evening she realized she had her periods.
"Mistress this bitch had her periods" she told in a low voice when Amy came to her cell to give her dinner.
Amy shook her head. "Pathetic bitch " she told. She went out of the building and came back with Sana's chastity belt key and one padlock. She first applied the padlock through the first links of each handcuff by bringing the wrists closed to each other. And then she put the padlock through the first chain link of her collar and closed it. Her wrists remained closely padlocked to her collar. She also had to bend her legs in front to accommodate the short chain slack. Then for the first time in two weeks her tight chastity belt was unlocked. Amy took a water hose and cleaned Sana with force of water. Then by laying her down, she put a pant style diaper with adhesive on her abdomen. She left Sana like that and left.
Sana realized she now could not get up. She lay on her sides and ate food. She had to crawl on the floor to reach the water bucket to wash her hands and face. The padlock on her collar and cuffs ensured that she could not reach her pussy while the chastity belt was off.
Sana was kept in the same bondage for five more days till her menstrual cycle was over. She had to crawl to any side wall to use it's support to be able to sit up for some time. She cried and screamed in frustration. The pain from the piercings gradually decreased. Her diapers were huge and bulky and could easily soak a full day's blood and piss. But the wetness made her very uncomfortable.
Sana was released from the padlock after 5 long days. She had to lick Amy's feet in gratitude. The chastity belt returned to her waist again and Amy restarted her training. This time she was given tougher schedule.
Every morning Sana was taken out for a 3 Km long walk. Punishment for not walking fast enough was shortening of leg irons by a padlock to 6 inches while walking back. It was painful and very tiresome to walk long distance with short legirons.
After returning from walk Sana used to get "stillness " training. Two heavy bricks were placed in her extended palms in front while she kneeled on the floor for 2 hours. She was instructed to be still while holding them. Any body movement would cause her nipple bells to tinker. Each time the bell tinkered,she was awarded two strokes of whip. Amy also made her learn Arabic language , food preparation etc.
One month passed. Sana was getting used to her slave life. There were numbers of whip marks all over her body. Her spirit was completely broken. She actually did not get time anymore to think about her past life. All she could think about was how to save herself from whipping and punishment.
Amy was happy with her progress. " Now it's time to start sex slave training" she thought.
Next day after her morning walk Amy put a ring gag on Sana's mouth. A black guy with a huge cock came in front of her.
"Put the cock inside your mouth and pleasure him, he should cum within three minutes." Amy told.
Sana never had oral sex before. She vomited as soon as the man entered her mouth.
"Worthless slut, what the fuck are you doing! " Amy shouted and kicked Sana on her belly.
"ohhhhhhhh, sana was crying. She got up once again and took the cock inside her mouth. The man was pushing the cock hard. It was choking her. She cough hard and almost vomited for 2nd time.
"Press your tongue and go back and forth. Lick his dick. Faster bitch" Amy was shouting.
Sana closed her eyes and did what she was told. Suddenly after several minutes the man released his cum inside her mouth. Sana could not hold it anymore and vomited again as soon as he withdrew his dick.
Amy gave her 10 lashes of whip for failing to swallow his cum. Also the gag was not removed for the rest of the day. She was not given any water as well and Sana had to stay with stale cum taste on her mouth for entire day.
The ring gag was removed at night as Amy told her to lick her pussy lips. Sana badly wanted some food and water. She sat between Amy's legs and pushed her tongue inside Amy's pussy lips. Amy was enjoying the sexual pleasure. She came after sometime. Sana realized that her slut training had begun and Amy would not spare her till she become a perfect sex slave.
Next day onwards oral sex became her training for the day. Failing to swallow cum would cause severe whipping. She also learnt to lick balls and use of hands to please a man. Sometimes in a day she used to please atleast 20 men.
At night everyday she had to please Amy before dinner. She learnt to put on strap on dildo to fuck Amy. Sana had to clean the dildo with her mouth after the sex. She become very numb after the prolonged torture she endured and started following every command without delay.
8 months passed. Sana really became an obedient slave. She could serve both men and women sexualy. She learnt Arabic language. She learnt to obey every command. She also learned to endure pain.
One fine day she was taken back to Jhon's workshop. Her ever present shackles were removed after almost 10 months. They pulled her hands behind her back and locked a short lockable handcuff. They also locked a short chained leg irons on her ankles. The chastity belt stayed on her waist.
She was then taken to the ship again. The leader of the pirates told that she was sold to a Sultan and they will deliver her to his mansion. Sana had no idea what future held for her. She only knew that there was no possibility of escape from here. She was put in a 4x4 cage and the ship moved on.
This time the journey was for 7 days. She was never unlocked from the shackles during the journey . She was given a bucket for her natural functions.
The ship anchored finally on sultan's private dock. The leader attached a leash on her neck and lead her down to coast.
She kneeled as sultan arrived with his guards. He came near Sana and tinkled her nipple rings.
"What is your name? " sultan asked in Arabic. She kept on exploring her naked body.
" A worthless slave my sultan " Sana replied with her head down. She remembered her training. "Hmmm a trained slave" sultan smiled.
The leader presented him with Sana's chastity belt key. Sultan was happy. He gestured his guards to take her away.
She was taken to sultans bedroom and was bound spread eagled on his bed with chains. Sultan entered the room after sometime.
"bitch, today is your lucky day. You will have your first sex of your life. Then from tomorrow onwards you will become one of my personal sex slaves. I would like to display your beautiful body, so i will keep you at my personal chamber where i discuss business with my ministers. You need to please everybody there. You will be chained with heavy permanent shackles tomorrow which will stay on your limbs until you die. I would like to whip you everyday while you please me orally. The long it takes to please me, the more whip you get. You will enjoy the privilege of being my chamber slave till i get another sexier virgin slave to replace you. Then you will be taken to one of my oil refineries. You will work there in chains till you die."
The sultan unlocked her chastity belt. He inserted her fingers to touch her still intact hymen. Sana looked away. Two drops of tear escaped from her beautiful eyes.