Chapter 1
Jon walks down the hall of his local college, looking a bit nervous. He's always been shy and never comfortable being around so many people. Going to his next class as he sees her out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, at this beautiful, tall, blonde, blue eyed girl. He couldn't figure out, what made him desire her so much. Always smiling, making him feel comfortable, each time he sees her. If it wasn't for being so shy, he'd already asked her out, doing it in his head about a hundred times. The question being, could he survive if she rejects him? Could they be friends? Only talking to her in passing. Coming up with ways to ask her out, but never having the nerve. Needing just that push to break the ice.
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Finally today he is ready, feeling more confident saying to himself, "It was time to man up, or shut up." Taking a deep breath he starts to walk toward her, seeing her turn the other way. Panicking, "Oh no, my nerve, my chance. I blew it! It might take weeks to build the confidence again." Not wanting to miss his opportunity, he Jogs over trying to say hi. Getting instead, a bump from behind, causing him to run into her and knocking her down. Her books flying everywhere as she turns to identify who pushed her. Seeing Jon standing over her like a tower, being nearly 6 foot 6. Having a on his face that she will never forget. "I'm sorry, Jenny. Are you okay?"
Holding his big hand out as he tells her, "Someone bumped into me."
Helping her up, noticing her wince. He was about to ask if she is ok, but before having a chance, she picks up her books, using her other hand. Then starts to walk away, turning long enough to say thank you. Heading to her next class, while thinking to herself, "He's always been so nice, but didn't seem to have any interest". He didn't speak but a few words and then he'd be off to his next class. Too bad, he's kind of cutie."
Feeling more relaxed, Jon turns to catch up with her, asking "Can I carry your books? Looks like you hurt your wrist."
Smiling at him, as he takes her books before she can answer. "How is the wrist by the way?" Seeing her rubbing it.
"It's ok, just hurts a little."
He sets her books down, saying "Here, let me take a look, I'm a volunteer firefighter. I'll evaluate it for you. See if you might need x-rays." He slides his fingers slowly up and down her wrist, pressing here and there. Then running his fingertips along the sides of her arm. His touch, so tender, surprisingly for a guy his size. It was starting to feel good. Having him rub her wrist and arm. Then she quickly pulls it away. "Its fine, I'm okay."
Smiling as he picks up the books and walks her to class, handing her books over as he says "Get some ice when you can. It feels a little swollen."
"Thank you, you are so sweet." She starts to walk into her class, when he takes a deep breath saying "I can check your arm after class. I mean, if you want me too."
She looks at him, smiling slightly "Really, I'm okay! But thanks anyway." Walking to her seat.
Jon turns, pounding his fist into his palm, "I'll check your arm!! Really! What was that?" Mad at himself for not coming out and asking her on a date. He head to his class, still mad, he didn't have the nerve. Instead, he knocks her down and injuries her.
Classes ended for the day, as Jon walks out of his building, seeing Jenny outside with a group of her friends. Noticing she's still favoring that wrist, but with her friends, he didn't feel comfortable, so he goes to his car.Realizing he forgot his keys back in the room. He tosses his books in the back seat and runs back in, grabbing them and walking out. He sees Jenny now sitting be herself, under a tree. Reading a book and rubbing her wrist. He decides he needs to make sure she was okay, being his fault, after all. "Looks like that wrist is still sore. Did you get ice on it?"
Looking up, trying to hide her wrist as she says, "No, it's good. I'm just reading while I wait for my friend. She is talking to her instructor, then giving me a ride home."
"Really? I saw you rubbing it. Besides you are using your less dominant hand to hold the book."
"Ok, Maybe a little, but it's no big deal. I don't need you fussing over it!"
"Well, tell you what, let me take another look and if it's not swollen I'll leave you alone." He reaches down, running his hands over her soft skin. Making her tingle again. She tries to pull it away, but he holds her tight. Clamping down, so she can't get away. Pressing and prodding then lifting her up as he walks her to his car. "Hey! Where are you taking me?"
With no choice, but to follow as he informs her "To my car, you need to get ice on that arm."
"I said I am fine!"
"And I say you are not! Now let me help you. Trust me, I won't hurt you." He pulls her next to his car, reaching in for his bag while she tries to pull away. He catches her good arm and pulls her back. "Did I say you could go?" Her eyes gazing at him, his Dominance starting to set in. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was in control right now and she just needs to be still.
Taking her arm, he starts to slowly wrap an ace bandage. "What is that? You said I need ice" "It's an ace wrap, to help with your swelling. You need to stop the swelling with compression and ice."
Continuing to wrap her wrist as it tightens, with each one. Pulling it and ensuring it was tight, but not overly tight. Then tucking it under the last wrap, to hold it in place. She couldn't stop thinking, if it was only rope or a bandanna he was using. Imagining him taking control of her, tying her up tight and having his way with her. Deep in her thoughts, when he repeats his question, "Is that too tight?"
"No, Sir! I mean Jon. It feels good. Thank you." He pulls out an ice pack, breaking the seal inside and shaking it until it was cold. Placing it on her wrist, while looking into her eyes. He sees something he's never seen before. A passion of sorts. Or submission. The way she is looking at him, was like the women he's seen in magazines. The ones he has hidden in his room, with women tied in different poses or kneeling looking up into their Master's eyes. He pictures Jenny kneeling and wanting him to dominate her. How beautiful she would look, silk or rope wrapped around her wrist and ankles. Wanting to be tied by his hand and needing to be controlled completely. He shakes the idea off, thinking it's only in the movies and magazines. Real women don't want to be tied up.
Both standing next to his car, his big hand holding the ice on her wrist, when Claire walks up, "There you are, I've been looking for you. Oh my, what happen?"
Pulling her arm back and holding the ice for herself. "I, um fell and he was kind enough to help me wrap it and get some ice."
"Awwwwww, that was nice of him. Well, we have to get going!" Claire pulls at Jenny. "Thanks again Jon." Turning to follow her friend.
"Make sure you keep ice on it for 24 hours. It should feel better soon." watching her walk away, his eyes unable to stop checking out her bottom. Being caught while she turns to smile, giving her bottom a wiggle. He wasn't sure if it was a tease, but he sure liked it. He puts his bag away and gets into the front seat, grabbing the steering wheel with both hands. Sucking air in as he can't stop thinking about that submissive look. Could she be? She even called me Sir. He drives up beside her, rolling the window down, "Here, this is my phone number, give me a call if you need anything."
Jenny grins, taking the piece of paper and thanking him again.
Going their separate ways, unable to get the thoughts of the afternoon out of their heads. Wondering where it would go from here.
Lying in bed, thinking about him bumping into her and how he cared for her. Daydreaming as she rubs her sore, wrapped wrist. Wondering how he will react if she flirts with him. Hinting about the desires she's had all her life, but keeps them hidden. Not understanding why she needs to feel helpless. Though he seems shy, there was that moment he took control of the situation. Telling her he didn't give her permission to move. Was he hinting or testing her. Only one way to find out, push to see if he is dominate. Not knowing a lot about her passion, but looking for someone who can help her understand it more. She tries to relax, getting excited as she tosses and turns in her bed. Imagining the things he can do to her and considering how she will react.
The next day, she sees him walking along the school grounds. Coming up too him with a warm smile, "Thanks for taking such good care of my wrist yesterday, Jon." Giving him a thank you hug. "I'll give your bandage back at the end of the day."
"Oh, no, you keep it. I've got others." Looking into her blue eyes.
"Actually, I wanted you to take another look at it, after school?"
"If it's bothering you, maybe the school nurse can have a look. Just in case you need an x-ray."
Jenny gives him a look. Her hint not working, wanting to give him to look at her wrist, while she flirts with him. "Oh, I don't think I need the nurse. Maybe you can just check it when I give your bandage back?"
"Umm, sure, fine, whatever. See you then." He was trying to remain calm. But inside, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Seeing his ace wrap on her wrist, like a binding. His mind swirling with thoughts of tying her tight, instead of just wrapping a wrist. He tries to forget these feelings as they can't be normal. Even though he's been drawn to bondage since he was very young. The desire was like no other. Having to play with rope, practicing his knot tying, until he couldn't take it. Then lying in bed, looking at bondage magazines, while he gets his release. A calm washing over him, letting him feel normal again, until the desire builds up again.
Seeing her in between classes, wearing his ace bandage, turning him on. Sure, not exactly like wearing his ring or varsity jacket, but it was something. Unsure if she was flirting, or just being friendly this morning, as yesterday she didn't want him fussing about it. While today she needs him to check her wrist again. Maybe he's just over thinking this whole thing. Though, she did say, it didn't hurt bad enough to go see the nurse. He wonders if he flirts back, push her a little, how will she react. What's the worst that could happen?
After her last class, she spots him and detaches from her friends. Wanting to get him alone and to open up a little more without so many witnesses. It might be a little less intimidating, and more intimate as she stands behind him, taping his shoulder. "Oh, hey there. How's your wrist?"
"It's better, but would you mind having a look?" Smiling back.
He unwrapped her bandage, taking her wrist in his large, powerful, yet gentle and sensitive hands. Checking it over, while being deliberate and delicate, like her wrist might actually break just by being handled too roughly.
"It feels much better today, but I ran into a different problem last night."
"Oh? What was that?" Still rubbing her arm softly.
"Well, I kept forgetting it was sore, and kept trying to do things I normally do and it would hurt. I need something to remind me not to use my hand so it can heal. Like a cast or something."
"I don't have anything like that."
"I know you don't have a cast, but isn't there something you could use to keep my hand out of harm's way? So I don't forget and just automatically reach out with it? I just want to keep my hand 'off limits' and give it a chance to rest and heal. What do you think?"
"Well, what you'd need, besides a cast, is a splint, to hold the arm immobile."
"If you think that will help, give it a try." A big smile crosses her face.
Soon he was wrapping the ace bandage around her wrist and forearm again.
"No, I can still reach out with my arm. I mean, my wrist is immobile, but I'd still react by reaching for things. That's what hurt me last night. Can't you keep my hand out of the way somehow?"
He looks at her, "Well, Jenny, I can't do much else, except pin your arm to your body."
"That might help. What could we use? Another bandage? Or my belt!"
He laughs "I don't know what good that will do, but I'll try it." She takes off her belt and starts to hand it over. "Well, usually we use a 6 inch ace bandage to do this. But I don't have one right now, so I guess this will work. Besides, we do this for a short period of time, until they get to the hospital, where they do the cast, if they need it."
He wraps it around her bandaged wrist and torso. Pulling the end through the buckle as he makes sure it's snug, trapping her arm to her side.
He steps back having a look at her, as though he is tying her in a way. Feeling a burning in his groin, imagining her bound and gagged. If only she was into bondage.
She could tell he was starting to loosen up and enjoy this. Wondering if she flirts a little, would he be willing to bind her more. Thinking about the thoughts she had last night, "I guess I should be grateful, I only landed on one wrist. If I'd hurt both of them, needing them to be wrapped, I couldn't even eat! But then again, I also couldn't do any homework, so it's not all bad."
"You can eat, you still have a mouth. I could feed you." He smiles.
"Is that part of your patient care? Feeding the injured? How sweet."
"I wouldn't let you starve, especially if I was the cause of your injuries."
She giggles.
"What's funny now?" Looking at her and the belt, binding her arm.
"Well, if you had to wrap my wrist because I fell on it, then it's a good thing I didn't bite my tongue!"
"Hmmm, not a bad idea. I do have another bandage here." Jon starts to reach in, playing and testing her.
She laughs. "Can you imagine Mr. Cuffman seeing me with my mouth wrapped?" It would be like his dream come true!"
He laughs. "True! You do talk a lot in his class, but they have devises that keep people quite."
"Devises? Do you mean gags?" Gazing up at him and then quickly looking away. Maybe that was too much of a hint, but it was too late now.
Smiling, as his confidence grows, "Gags is just the start, there is so much more than that, to keep a girl quiet!"
Feeling the conversation swinging to his favor, like he was taking control. She decides to pursue her desire more and see if he will take more control over her. "Isn't this first aid training? How many patients do you gag?"
He chuckles, "Usually none, but then again, you're not a normal patient I run on."
"Ok, what would you really do if I'd bitten my tongue or cut my mouth or something like that?"
"We normally just try to get the injured person to medical attention as quickly and painlessly as possible. But for someone who has trouble keeping quiet, I'd take this gauze and." Holding up a roll of gauze and smiling, "I think this would do the trick."
Without thinking it through, she automatically opens her mouth as though she was asked or ordered too.
Taking it as an invitation, he continues to say, "I'd pack the wound. In this case the mouth, to control the bleeding as much as possible." He gently, but firmly pushes the gauze into her mouth. Pinning her tongue as the gauze fills it. Picking up another Ace bandage, he wraps it around her head. Covering her lips, over and over, so the gauze didn't fall out. Sealing her mouth under layer after layer of bandages, until my lower face was encased.
"This has the added benefit of muffling any screams or moans the victim makes, which adds to their sense of panic, as well as the others nearby. In a triage situation, the most vital thing is to keep everyone calm. Hard to do with people screaming and crying."
She gives a pretend scream to test her bandage gag and is surprised at how well the gauze and bandage muffles her. Watching as she pulls out her phone, taking a 'selfie' pic of her gagged face. Then turning so he was also in the picture, snuggling against, while snapping a picture of both.
He laughs. "I think your insurance company will need more evidence than that, to cover your claim." Being so close, he pulls her onto his lap, so the next selfie has them both in the frame.
Satisfied with her pics, she wriggles her ass around his lap. Deliberately and teasingly, pretending to get comfortable. Feeling him "showing his interest" through the butt of her jeans.
He wraps his left arm around, pulling her to his chest, and pinning her free arm. He holds her tight while tickling her sides. Screaming into her gag while she struggles, finding herself to be helpless. He was just too strong for her. Her squirming, making him harder as she wiggles more on his lap. Her squirms and moans pushing his desire, while his power over her increases his excitement. Continuing to tickle her, running his hand up and down her side. Listening to her muffled screams of frustration. Seeing her free ankles, kicking in the air as she tries to get away. He stops tickling. Sitting her up slightly, as she catches her breath. Her nose flaring, trying to breath quickly, for her mouth is sealed tight. Looking at her with a serious look, "What if you had injured both your legs in the fall? Do you know what I'd have to do?"
Shaking her head no as he pulls out a padded long board. "This goes between your legs and bandages would be wrapped around both." Seeing her smile behind the gag as she lifts her legs up together playfully. He places the board from her mid-thigh to her ankles. Wrapping one ace bandage around her thighs, down to her knees. Then another, binding her lower legs.
The feeling was incredible! Both legs bound together tight, unable to bend or move and totally helpless. She watches him intently as he moves the last ace bandage to her ankles. The feeling was unreal, making her more turned on than ever before.A type of submission, wanting him to take complete control over her. She wiggles slightly, as he wraps her ankles slowly, moving it up her legs. Finally finishing his wrapping and securing it.
His eyes look different to her, like there was a flame burning inside. His groin really pressing, as he tries to block it from view. She can tell he really enjoys being in control and having her bound and gagged.
He turns slightly as he stands over her, trying to shield his excitement as he looks her up and down. Being more beautiful than the other girls in school. So fine and better yet, bound in his bandages. Unable to go anywhere. He watches as she reaches up to remove the gag, grabbing her wrist and pulling it behind her, "Did I say you could remove that? You are still in training, young lady!" His look was stern at first, but turns into a big grin as he keeps her other arm pin behind her back.
There was an awkward moment of silence, sitting behind her again and pulling her into him. He traps her arm between him and her back, thinking he could keep her like this for hours, but knowing she would want out soon. But she didn't struggle, didn't fight him, just seem to relax into him, like it was natural. Letting her rest on his chest a few minutes, then surprising her, tickling her sides again. He couldn't get enough of her struggling and moaning. Wanting to use his rope to bind her to a bed. Tickle and tease her for hours, until she couldn't take it anymore. His own excitement building with every minute. He finally stops tickling her, lifting her chin, so she is looking into his eyes. Losing himself, as he leans in slightly, hearing someone's voice interrupting him. Looking back quickly to see Claire walking up and saying "Don't tell me, you knocked her over again. You Big Bully! Can't you just watch where you are going, you big lug!" Claire smiles looking at Jenny, all wrapped up and sitting with Jon. "Geesh, she looks helpless, what exactly are you doing to her?"
Jon grins "Well, she wondered what would happen if she had other injuries. So I had to show her. But now I find it hard to resist tickling her!"
Claire smiles, "Really? I guess it would be very difficult to stop us both from tickling her." She reaches in and starts to tickle Jenny's sides, while Jon holds her tight. Jenny's eyes wide as she squirms and pulls, trying to get away. Both attacking her, as she sits in Jon's lap, fighting to catch her breath. Being little she could do to stop them, feeling totally helpless for the first time. Her tied legs, stretched out in front of her, one arm pinned to her side with a belt, while the other is pulled behind and secured by Jon. Claire stops, letting her friend catch her breath as she says "This is fun, we need to tie her up more often!"
Jon grins, his cock leaps with excitement. How much fun would it be to tie Jenny everyday? Torment her for hours in his house. Better yet, how much fun would it to be to include her friend some times? Both could pin her easily, tie her down, taking their time tormenting, tickling and teasing her. What could she do? Nothing!
After the long, enjoyable tickle session, Jon reluctantly releases her to the custody of Claire, Handing the bandages back over to him, "For next time." She smiles.
"Next time?" Jon's voice was weak, he could barely speak.
"Yea, for the next time you bump into me in the hall!"
"Oh, Jen, you shouldn't have told him that! Now he'll try to run into you on purpose!"
"No, Claire, he'd never hurt me on purpose. The way he was so concerned about my wrist. He's my protector."
Claire sighs. "I wish I had a protector."
"You've got me!" Jenny giving her a playful punch.
"No, you're the one I need protection from!" Claire rubbing her arm.
Jen laughing as she places her hand over Claire's mouth, palm-gagging her. "Don't listen to her, Jonny. I take good care of my bestie and she knows it!" Claire squealing and giggling, while pointing to her hand over her mouth, as if to say to 'this is what I'm talking about!' Jon finding his pants suddenly very tight and hard to breathe.
"Bye Jonny!" Jen's hand slides down to Taryn's hand, dragging her away. Jon watching as they walk toward her car. Seeing them whispering and giggling, most likely about him. He hopes she isn't kidding about being a next time.
Chapter 2
It isn't long for Jon to get his answer, as Jen finds him at school, asking "Can you help me get back at Claire? For all that tickling the other day. Maybe we can tie her and tickle her for a long time."
"I think that can be arranged. Want me to come over to your house?"
Her face clouding over as she tries to hide her feelings. She didn't want Jon coming over, seeing her living conditions. Convincing him to do it at his house. Smiling as she says, "I'll tell Claire I need to go over because I lent you one of my books."
Jon wasn't able to say, yes, fast enough. Nearly yelling it.
"Great, it's a date, then."
About to say something, but bites his tongue as she walks down the hall towards her next class. He smiles as he turns to head home. He has plans to make, if this ambush is going to work.
Jen gets Claire to head towards Jon's house, so she can get her so called book. Though, it gives Claire a chance to talk to her friend. "Uh huh. Sure. You just happened to have a book he needed. Probably heard he wanted it and raced to the library to check it out first, didn't you?"
"Maybe." Trying not to smile, being no book at all.
"You like him, don't you?" Claire looking quickly at her, then back at the road.
"What? Of course I like him, I like everybody. He's sweet. Plus he's the only one taller than me."
"No, I mean you LIKE, like him?"
"Oh, I don't know, I mean, I hadn't thought about it too much, I'm not in too many classes with him and don't know him all that well."
"Really? This is a lot of trouble to go see someone that you don't even know if you like or not."
"One thing I do know, I like when he had me all wrapped up in his bandages the other day! I had to ask him to demo how he'd save an accident victim, but he really got into it. Having a live practice dummy."
"Jen, you're no dummy."
Smacking her on the arm. "Not that kind of dummy! Like a mannequin, you know, they practice the CPR and mouth to mouth on. Firemen have to put one over their shoulder, climbing up and down fire escapes and ladders. They won't practice with a live person at first, so they don't drop them. Too bad, I'd love to be their practice stunt woman."
"Jen, for the last time, you're not going to move to Hollywood and become a stunt woman. Your mum will worry herself into the grave."
"I know. I just think it would be awesome for a bunch of big, strong men to have to practice carrying me around on their shoulder, checking my body for burns, giving me mouth to mouth. Just think about all that rope they use!"
"Down, girl. He's not a fireman yet. He might not even make it to be a fireman. He just hangs out there all the time. He, oh, this is his place, isn't it?"
"Yea, that's it!" Pointing to his driveway
Arriving, they ring the doorbell, as Jon lets them in and lead them to the living room. Just as Claire gets into the room, they both pounce her. Carrying her to the couch, wrestling her down. Jen pins her, while Jon gets some rope and draws her arms behind her back. He wraps the rope several times around her wrist, pulling it tight and tying it off. She struggles hard, but there's no point, both had gotten the jump on her and were quickly making her helpless.Grabbing her ankles as he binds them together, taking the tail of the rope and bringing it towards her head. He uses the ankle rope to tie it to her wrist and put her into a strict hogtie. Her struggling becoming less as Jen holds her head still, so Jon can pull the gag between her teeth. Tying it off behind her head.With her tied and gagged, they start to tease and watch her struggle on the cough.Glaring up at them, realizing she is helpless. Moving aside some of her friends brunette hair, leaning in and saying, "This is going to be fun. Pay backs, hun!"
They begin tickling her sides and armpits. Screaming and struggling, while both use their knees to hold her on the couch. The ropes binding her so tight, getting tighter each time she pulls. The gag absorbing her screams, trying to suck air through her nose, while her friends attack her helpless form. No matter how hard she squirms, she's unable to get away from them. Laughing so hard, she starts to cry. Then finally stopping their attack. Smiling at each other, as Jon walks to the kitchen for some water.
Meanwhile, Jen takes the opportunity to cut away Claire's bra. Pulling her top down, just as he returns with the dinks. Glancing at Jen with a "what the hell?" look on his face. Seeing her bra on the couch, wondering what she was up too. As he starts to ask, Jen states "It looked very restricting, so I took liberate of removing it for her." Catching the glare from her bound and gagged friend. Jenny smiles seeing how much Jon is enjoying her bra being removed. Her nipples perking prominently under her top, causing Jon's groin to press against his shorts. He slowly makes his way over, placing the drinks down as he whispers into Claire's ear, "No screaming. I don't need my neighbors running in here and asking too many questions about our harmless games. Is that understood?"
Claire nods, wanting the gag removed and being thirsty. Feeling it slipped down around her neck, as he lifts a straw to her lips. Allowing her to drink from the water bottle, and nodding to Jen to drink hers as well. Ensuring both were taken care of, for he has plans for the two of them. This was just the start. His confidence building, wanting to see what he can get away with, while the girls were his for the taking.
Seeing them finish their drinks. He slides her gag back between her teeth, tightening as she whines behind it. Smiling, he stands and makes his way over to Jen. Her eyes looking at him, wondering what he has in mind. Then feeling him grab her wrist and spin her around, "Your turn to be tied with your friend, Jen!"
Pulling Jen against him, holding her wrist, while he gazes into her eyes.She is so much fun to spend time with, enjoying bondage as well. He was very excited when she came to him with plans of tying Claire. Now that she was bound and gagged on the couch, it was time to tie the girl of his dreams. To finally put her in the bonds he imagined her in for the past few months. Not bandages, not this time. He bought several lengths of rope, bandannas and silk scarfs. The same stuff he had seen used in his magazines. Not to mention things he has collected over the years. Some stuff still under his bed.
Wrapping Jen's arms, with a bandanna, making sure it's tight. Her pulling, struggling and moaning has his cock pressing against her. Trying to move so it's not rubbing her, but she leans into him. Teasing him while he makes her helpless. Tying the bandanna off, getting some rope to use on her upper arms and chest. Winding the rope over the top of her breast, then under them. Ensuring it pins her arms to her back, while pushing her breast out. He finishes his knot, making sure she is good and tight. Reaching for more rope, as Jen takes off running and giggling. Jon smiles as he chases her into the other room, grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder. He carries her back to the living room, saying "For that stunt, you've earn yourself a punishment and I'll make sure you both can't get away!"
He places Jen on the floor while putting his knee into her back. Making sure she can't run away again. He slides Claire's hogtied body off the couch, moving her legs between Jens. Wrapping the rope around Jen's right ankle and tying it off to Claire's left. This way, each time she moves her leg, it pulls back on Claire's. Tying the other ankles in the same manner, ensuring the knots are unreachable. He takes Jen's ankles, pulling them toward her wrist and binding her into a tight hogtie.
Claire moans into the gag as her limbs are pulled towards Jen. Fighting her bonds as she yanks back on Jen's ropes, making her moan. Squeezing Jen's breast and stretching her limbs while Claire struggles to get to the knots. A tug of war between two bond women as Jen yells for her to stop pulling! "Damn girl, you're pulling on me. Ouch! Really Claire, stOMMMMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH!" Jon stuffing some cloth into her mouth, pulling a bandanna between her lips and tying it off, "There, that will keep you quiet, so my neighbors don't come over." Grinning at Jen, as she looks up sighing into her gag.
He couldn't help himself, placing his hand on her cheek and rubbing lightly with his thumb. His passion for her, obvious to everyone as he admires her bound body.
She leans into his hand, closing her eyes, while he continues to rub her cheek softly. Enjoying his touch, until Claire pulls hard at her bonds, jerking Jen back. Eyes wide as she screams into her gag. Claire smiling behind her gag, hearing her moan of displeasure.
Jon stands up, as both ladies look up at him. Seeing him smirk. They struggle against each other, knowing he was up to something, while he kneels beside them. Reaching a hand out and tickling them both at the same time. The girls struggling hard against their bonds, while their giggles get absorbed by their gags.Trying to get away from his hands, but the ropes hold them fast. Both feeling helpless, as he torments them. His cock growing hard, listening to them giggle and moan. Their struggles turning him on like never before. Tickling until he can't take it anymore as he stops, taking a deep breath and needing to relax. He's never been on edge like this. Always having his release after a few minutes of watching a girl struggle, but wanting to be more discipline. If he can control his own desire, he could push them further towards theirs. Taking them higher and higher, until they can't take it, willing to do anything for it.
He allows them to catch their breaths, while he calms down. Feeling the pre-cum in his shorts, realizing his excitement. He walks around the girls, like a shark hunting its prey. Both watching intently, eyes pleading with him, but he was in control and enjoying it. He made them anticipate his next move, until he was able to calm himself again. Taking control of the situation and ready for his next attack.
They can't relax, still bound tight and gagged. Watching and waiting, knowing he was coming back for more, but when? Meanwhile their helplessness continues to rise as does their burning desire to be bound. He moves in teasing like he was going to tickle again, but pulls away with a smirk. Moving around again, feeling his power over them increasing. Then moving in to take their shoes off. Both girls pulling hard at their bonds, shaking their heads no. Pleading into the gags as he starts to tickle both girls' feet. Their screams engulf him with desire, seeing them pull on each other. Not letting up as he tickles them, watching them struggle and wiggle on the floor. He can't believe how much he enjoys this, hoping they were as well. Attacking their feet a long time, stopping only when they both start panting. Pleading more into their gags as they chew on them. Their groins Hot and Wet! Slowly realizing the effect bondage has on them.Neither being tied nor tormented like this before. Sure, a few tie up games, but nothing as pleasuring as this.
Jon looks at the time, seeing that his family would be home within the hour. Swatting them playfully on the bottom. "Mmmpppph!" Claire flinching.
"Mmmmm!!" Jen, on the other hand, wriggling her bottom playfully, teasing and enticing him. Jon thinking to himself, "Maybe she likes to be spanked?"
He unties their ankles, sliding them apart and lowering their legs as they moan. Untying Claire first, rubbing her wrist and removing her gag, being tied the longest. Then helping Jen out of her bonds and rubbing her wrist as he looks deep into her eyes. Reaching up and sliding her gag down around her neck. He pulls out the packing, still looking into her eyes as he asks "Did you enjoy?"
Nodding, as she licks her lips, looking back at him. Her eyes locked onto his as he says, "Let me get you both some more water. I'll be right back." Walking out, hearing them whispering, wondering what they were saying. He returns with the water bottles, handing a bottle to each of them. Sitting on the couch together and talking for a while, until he apologies saying "My family will be home in a while and I need to get cleaned up." Smiling, "Though I wouldn't mind doing that again."
Both girls giggling as they agree and stand up to leave. Heading to the door as Jon notices Claire's neck, "Ummm!" Pointing at the bandanna. She just smiles, " A souvenir." Walking out with it still in place. Going to the car and getting in, enjoying the feel of the bandanna.
Chapter 3 (added: 2015/04/08)
Jen seems to wear the bandanna all the time, like a signal, teasing Jon. Making him wonder if she wants him to tie her again. Or just wearing it to keep her hair out of her face. Having only 3 people who knew its true meaning was very exciting to her. Imagining Jon tying them again, but this time having more of a meaning to it. Not just silly tie up games, but more about their desires. After the last time, she couldn't stop thinking about how turned on she was. Could there be more to bondage? What else was there?
Jon walks down the hall, seeing Jen with her bandanna. He imagines sliding it between her lips and tying it off tight. The bandanna pulling at the corners of her mouth, while her lips curl over the gag. Pushing him to his edge, as he tries to focus on his daily activities. Finding it very difficult not only to focus, but to get a date with Jen. Always being with her best friend Claire, no matter what she's doing. The two of them are inseparable. It wasn't easy to work towards a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, as it was more like a threesome. Anytime he asks her to go out with him, she'd feel bad about leaving Claire alone. He wasn't sure if it was just an excuse or if she really likes being with her. Sometimes acting more like a couple then friends, though neither girl could take the next step necessary. He reconsiders the idea from the other day, a trust walk and an innocent game. It might be the trick to help break the ice, and open a door to a new world for all of them.
For him, it might lead to something he's dreamt about, most of his life. Getting to be a Dom and having full control over those who desired it. He was far from being a "Real Dom" but has been doing what he needed to learn all he can. Maybe with another fun session of bondage he could plant the seed necessary to start Doming the girls. Since he couldn't get Jen alone, maybe he could have both. He would have to see how both would react, not only with him, but with other. Would he be allowed to tie them again, or was it a once in a life time opportunity?
Jen turns to see Jon coming down the hall, still thinking to herself. The truth is, Jen didn't mind sharing Jon with Claire. She just likes to hang out with her two favorite people. She hopes Jon can realize, he gets to have the attention of two pretty girls. There's times Jen pictures Jon dominating her alone and then others, he's dominating them both. She couldn't stop thinking about the three of them playing with bondage. Even though, Jon and she have become very close since he tied her in his bandages, there was still some confusion on her part. If the two of them develop into a couple, what happens to Claire? Jen has always been a hugging, playing and palm gagging type person. All innocent and fun, except with Jon. His bondage having a more serious side to it. At least maybe it could be more serious.
During the time she has been bound with her friend, she's noticed Jon getting as excited. Their playful bondage has been fun, but can it be more sexual? He couldn't conceal his cock pressing his shorts while tickling them. Both helplessly tied up in his ropes and gags. But then again, she too has felt something more. Her body desiring the bondage just as much, if not more. Was it natural or normal? Who knows, but she has always believed, one can't control what they desire. So you have to learn to live with it, or find a way to block it out. Either way, one had to deal with it in their own way.
Jen smiles, standing next to Claire, seeing Jon walking up. "Hey you two! How are you?"
"We are good, what have you been up too?" Claire answering.
"Oh you know, keeping busy. Staying out of trouble." He smirks.
"Yeah, too busy! What does one have to do to get tied up these day?" Jen giggles.
Claire clasping her hand over Jen's mouth, palm gaging her tight, "Shhhhhhh, not so loud!"
"What do you make of this outburst?" Asks Claire.
Jon unable to take his eyes off her hand, covering Jen's kissable lips. "Oh, umm, I think she may have a point there. And if she keeps up these outburst, she may find herself tied and gagged for a long time.
"MMm muumva mulm vum mmaf!" Jen pleading with her eyes, gag talking.
"Yes, you could've told him that, if you weren't being such a smartass!" Claire pulling Jen into her chest. "You never learn! Always speaking before thinking. One day it will get you into trouble, Jen! Maybe Jon will teach you a lesson!"
Claire takes her hand off Jen's mouth and pushes her to Jon. Who quickly replaces the palm-gag, looking between Claire and Jen. It seem the two wanted more and he was ready to oblige.
Applying more pressure to the palm gag, looking deep into Jen's eyes. He notices a glimmer he's never seen before. Like she was ready to submit to him. Smiling, while admiring her body and gagged mouth as his groin grows harder. He considers what he'd like to do to her, forgetting Claire was still standing there. Feeling Jen kissing his hand, while gazing into his eyes. Both locked in the moment, until Claire breaks it up with a cough. "Hey, I'll catch you both later, after my last class."
Jon releases Jen's mouth, hearing a sigh slip her lips. Smiling as he kisses her hand saying he'd see her later. For he was already late to his next class. They walk away, smiling and thinking about what this might mean for them.
Jen goes into her room, thinking of a way to get back into Jon's ropes. Flopping into her bed, starring up at the ceiling as she pulls the bandanna free from her hair. Playing with it and placing it between her teeth. She ties it off, closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Walking into the room, closing her door, when she feels a strong hand cover her mouth, "Shhhhhhhhh! You are mine now!"
Struggling as his other arm wraps her tight, making sure she couldn't pull away. She tries to scream for help, confused at what was happening. Her mind races for the answers, as her body reacts to the helplessness. Becoming wet instantly, but fearing for her life at the same time. Where was her friend? Why isn't she helping her? Being half dragged to the other room when she gets her answer. Claire was fighting and twisting in her hogtie as she screams into the gag. Her only hope of escape, now captured by the same man who tied her.
She continues to struggle, but it was useless. She wasn't going anywhere. Watching as Jen is pulled down to the floor. The man straddling her waist, while she squirms under his weight. His hand covering her mouth as she tries to bite him. Just missing as he removes it to grab some cloth. "Heeeelppppp MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHHH!" The cloth being pulled tightly between her teeth, forcing her tongue to the bottom of her mouth. She feels the first pull, as he ties the gag in place. Finishing it off with the second, making sure it was good and tight. She screams in frustration, but it's barely heard. Feeling the ropes wrapping her wrist as she tries to yank them free. One hand slipping out, pulling on the carpet while she wiggles under him. Panting, doing all she can to get away, but it's useless. She can't move. Her arm is swiftly brought back behind her. Using a slip knot, he's able bind her wrists together. Struggling harder, as the rope is wrapped several times, cutting into her skin. He ties a knot just out of reach of her fingers. Then turns his attention to her ankles, kicking wildly in the air.
With a slap to her ass, she stops kicking, moaning and trying to get a look at her attacker. Seeing nothing but shadows. He takes her legs, holding them tight against his side and using more rope to tie them together. Making sure she can't loosen his knots. Then gets up, walking around his new captives, smiling behind his mask. He watches them struggle. His cock growing harder under his pants, her screams only making him more excited. Allowing them to struggle for a while, being more turned on. Using some cloth to bind their eyes, taking their sight away. He lifts Jen up over his shoulder, carrying her to the end of the couch. Setting her down and using a hand to hold her in place. While the other pulls down her pants, "You asked for this and now I will give you what your body craves!"
Pulling back he strikes her ass with his open palm, causing her to jerk in the ropes. Screaming into her effective gag, while he strikes her again. Unable to see when his next attack will come. Moaning and pleading into her gag as his strong hand holds her against the couch. His other hand spanking her. Turning her bottom a slight shade of red. Another spank causes her to moan, but this time in pleasure. Her groin burning, wanting more. Slapping her ass over and over, while he listens to her moans, giving her what she desires. Her struggles slow, as she twist her wrist, needing to feel the rope. Wanting to be completely helpless. He spanks her several times, drawn by her moans. Both connected by the bondage as their desires increase.
Still pinning her, he starts his assault on her side. Tickling, while her moans of pleasure turn to those of laughter. Pulling on the bonds, trying her best to wiggle away. The ropes digger deeper into her flesh, making her more turned on. Fighting for air, as he continues to tickle one side then the next. Unable to do anything about it. Finally stopping, as she sucks in a deep breath. Pulling hard and trying to stand up, but he picks her up, carrying her to the bed. Then tosses her into the middle, climbing on top, before she has time to move. Pinning her to the bed and tying her ankles to it. Ensuring she doesn't roll off.
He climbs off, watching silently and making her anticipate his next move. Hearing him walk away, while she fights the ropes, binding her. She turns her head, trying to hear anything. Then feeling a pair of hands slowly sliding up her legs. Lifting her pants and cutting them off. Panicking as she thrashes in her bonds, trying to roll away. While another set of hands start to stroke her face, calming her. She tries to look around the blindfold, but can't see anything. Hearing herself panting as the smaller, gentler hands caress her. Who is this other person and why aren't they helping? Struggling more at first, but starting to settle into the pillow. The fingertips so soothing. Feeling a calm come over her, allowing her to lay back and feel her bondage. Her clothes being cut away, while the ropes hold her tight. Finding herself more relaxed in bonds than without. A security of sorts.
The small hands, stroking her cheek, sliding to her mouth and tracing her gagged lips. Causing her to moan, while she drifts into total relaxation. The soft finger slides over her upper lip and back across her lower. Her mind and body giving into the bondage and becoming one, body and bonds.
She squirms feeling a breeze flow over her nakedness, shivering with chills and excitement. Testing her bonds to ensure they were still there as a second pair of hands move along her abdomen toward her breast. Finding their target as they rub and squeeze her nipples until they are hard. Making her moan again, unable to stop them from getting her wet, pushing her submission. She twist in the bonds, feeling confused of why her body needs to be bound. Her passion growing very quickly as the hands continue to run across her body, teasing her hot spots. Moaning and squirming, helplessly. Her groin burning out of control, with no way to reach it. Panting, as she pushes her hips into the air, trying to get their attention. Instead getting a hard slap to the leg. Gasping behind the gag, unsure why she is so turned on. Pulling on the ropes as the fire burns wildly. Their touch so gentle one minute and rough the next. Both having an effect on her. Every nerve in her body pushed past their breaking point.
Her arousal growing as the blindfold slips from her face, reveling her good friend. Reaching down and rubbing her right nipple, causing her to moan and push her head into the pillow. Jen closes her eyes, while her nipple becomes hard and sensitive. Feeling her desire increasing, while the other person slides his hand into her folds. Spreading them and finding her to be both hot and wet. He moves up until his finger finds her clit and starts to tease her. Rubbing in small circles, as it engorges with blood. Her moans of pleasure, barely heard through the gag while both continue to pleasure her bound body. Pushing her closer to her climax. Still unable to stop them.
Jen thrust her hips into his fingers, panting as she is close to an orgasm. Feeling another slap, causing her to breathe faster, needing to feel helpless. Again lifting her hips and receiving another slap, pushing her that much closer. Moaning, fighting to breathe, when she sits up. Sweating and wet as she looks around her room, finding herself alone.
Slowly she lays back into her bed, running a hand between her legs and rubbing her swollen clit. Moaning while she imagines how the rest would play out in her head. Building higher, until she has her orgasm. Acting as though the ropes are holding her tight. The bandanna gag, muffing her moans of pleasure as she cums hard. Closing her eyes and picturing Jon getting off her bound body, leaving her tied. Waiting hours before he returns, ready to take her again. Helpless to do anything about it, desiring him to keep her bound and gagged. She sighs as she looks at the time, having to shower and get to class.
Chapter 4 (added: 2015/04/08)
Jon feels his heart leap into his throat as he sees Jen sitting by herself. Her beautiful smile, legs, and of course interest in bondage has him tongue tied. He can't go a minute without thinking, "What's Jen doing? Did she enjoy being tied up?" His thoughts drifting during class, picturing the two girls bound. How they seem to enjoy being tied up tight and teased. Almost as much as he loved tying them up. Not to mention how he enjoyed being in control. Feeling the power over them, while they submit.
Jon has been reading about bondage long before meeting the two girls. Looking at magazines with women bound and gagged and feeling very turned on. Finding his desire at a very young age, but not completely understanding it. Mostly fearing it! Like it was unnatural. The only person in the world who liked to see people tied up. But now, he is finally learning what he needs. Feeding his own appetite while tying and teasing the girls.
After that evening, he read a book, to better understand what a Dom's role was. Reading magazine articles that spelled out what he needed to do. How to care for a sub and to ensure their safety. While giving them what their bodies needed. Could he be the Dom that he imagines himself to be? Only time would tell. For now, he needs to learn what the girls like and how far they are willing to go.
Jen sits on the wall, having a hard time choosing what she wants. Her dream fresh on her mind as she thinks about her two best friends. "What will work? Jon and I or Claire and I? Maybe the three of us, but will each be willing to work it out?" She couldn't see Claire wanting to be involved in some sort of three some. But she didn't want to keep her feeling from her anymore. She is like a sister to her, or maybe more. Meanwhile, her feeling for Jon were increasing very rapidly. Giving her a lot to think about these days as Jen's feelings for Claire have always been cloudy. Sometimes they were more like close friends, but while horsing around she'd feel attracted to her. The palm gags seeming so innocent, until recently. Feeling how powerful bondage can be, even in her dreams.
Jon finally breaks the silence, reaching around and covering her eyes with both hands. "Guess who?" Jen jerks a little, unaware he was sitting next to her. She was thinking so much about her situation and forgetting her surroundings. "Ummmmmm, is it that hot football player guy?" Teasing him.
Pulling her into his chest, placing a hand over her mouth and squeezing tight. His other hand slides over her eyes, covering them. "Now that wasn't very nice! Maybe I should tie and spank you for that!"
"MMMMMM, mmmm mmhmmm mhmmm!" She tries to reply.
"What was that?" Wanting to know if he heard her right, releasing his grip enough so she could speak.
"I said! Don't threaten me with a good time!"
He palm gags her again, his groin hard as a rock. His desire continuing to build. Had he found the girl of his dreams? He holds her tight, "Watch what you wish for!"
Mumbling into his palm as she starts to kiss it gently. He couldn't get over how playful she was. So far, she seems to enjoy the little bit of bondage he's done to her. Again she mumbles something into his hand. Releasing it enough so she could repeat it "Is that a pencil in your pockmmmmmm." Giggling into both of his hands, as he moves his other hand over the first.
Jon blushes, as he tries to adjust, only making her wiggle more. She couldn't stop giggling, knowing it had to be killing him. Imagining how red he must be, unable to turn and look for herself. Wondering if he's just as turned on as she is? Was it the act of controlling her, or was he just a horny male? She has been seeing a pattern though. Anytime he's been in control, his cock would be as hard as a rock.
She giggles more into his palms as she continues to wiggle. Making it worse for him. "I'll give you a reason to wiggle!" As he releases one hand and starts to tickle her. Screaming into his big hand, while he pulls her back into his chest. Holding her tight while he continues to tickle. Making his cock harder while feeling his control over her.
She wiggles around playfully, knowing she could just pull away, but something deep inside kept her in his lap. Wanting to feel his powerful hand covering her mouth and keeping her quiet. Both playing off each other, until Jon releases her. Letting her sit up, as she catches her breath, still laughing. She turns to meet his gaze, locking onto him and becoming more serious.
Jon leans in, turning his head slightly, needing to feel her warm lips against his. Closing his eyes, their lips brushing lightly. Both moaning, pressing into each other and kissing. Feeling Jen's mouth open slightly, allowing his tongue to slip past hers. Kissing passionately, not worried about who was around.
They continue to kiss, their true feelings come to the surface. Enjoying the moment, realizing they have the same feelings for each other. He pulls back slowly, making eye contact again and smiling at her. "I, umm Well, that was nice." His first kiss ever.
Jen grins, "Yes it was! I was wondering if you were ever going to kiss me."
"I just had to make sure you have the same feelings. I love our friendship and wouldn't want to change it. But I honestly am starting to have more feelings for you."
Jen breaks out in laughter.
Puzzled, Jon asks "What is so funny?"
"You didn't think I felt, your interest? I'm lucky your groin isn't sharp, or you would have stabbed me." Laughing more.
Jon blushes, turning his head.
"Awwwwwwwww, come here, I'm sorry! I was just playing." She pulls him into her chest, as he mumbles something into her. "What that?"
"I said you better be sorry, or I'll have to punish you!" He couldn't let his reaction for her embarrass him. Like flipping a switch, he turns on the Dom mode, sitting up and raising an eyebrow. He knows it was time to show his Dominance.
She wasn't sure what to think at first. Was he serious? Standing up, he grabs her wrist and spins it behind her. Pressing her up against the wall as he whispers, "Now young lady, for teasing me and making me blush I think a light spanking is in store." He swats her bottom 5 times. Just enough to get her attention. Still holding her against the wall, when he feels her hand slide into his pants. Finding his cock and giving him a squeeze. "That's right! That's the effect you have on me. Nothing I can do about it." He spins her around, taking both her hands in one of his, leaning down and kissing her deeply. His passion at its highest level. Needing his release, but not here, not now.
With her wrist still behind her, he runs a hand down her chest, brushing lightly. Teasing her while he admires her beauty. Embracing her, as he moves in for another kiss, when a familiar voice calls out, "You all need a room!" Giggling while poking Jon in the side. Claire looks her friend over, as a look of disappointment crosses her face. Saying she needed to get going and asking Jen if she was ready.
Getting one last kiss, before she backs away and slowly lets his hand go. Smiling, she turns to follow Claire to her car. Feeling like she is on cloud nine, while her friend seem to be disappointed. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing! What makes you think something is wrong?"
"I don't know, the look on your face! Like you just seen a friend of yours die or something!"
Looking back at her, "It's just been a long day, that's all! How are you and lover boy doing? Seem like you two are hitting it off."
"Yeah, we are happy, but still getting to know each other."
"So when are you going out on a date with him?"
"Well, he mentioned something about this weekend, going to his parent's cabin in the woods. But not just him and I. The three of us are going."
Claire gives her a look of surprise, opening the door and climbing into her car. She drives Jen home as they talk about what he might have planned for them.
Jon sits at home, imaging the girls all tied up. He really enjoyed having Jen bound and gagged. Having dreams of her lately. Surprised at how much he liked having both girls bound and helpless. He couldn't explain the rush he had watching both squirming and struggling while being tickled. Their muffled moans having such an effect on him.
The other day, he couldn't stop thinking about how animals in the wild had many mates, not just one. Is that what nature had intended for us? A kind of "Pride", where one male took care of the girls he had. Maybe a few men and several women to care for. Seeing so much divorce lately, something in the world seemed off to him. Unsure, he askes a few older, married men at the fire station, what they thought. Some agreeing- life would be easier, more income, more care takers, no need for daycare. Always someone home to care for the kids. Of course, after the talk, most patted him on the shoulder and said "It would never fly, women would get jealous and fight. Meanwhile the rest of the world would never understand." He'd laugh it off, but deep inside, he wondered if it might work with the right people.
Getting back to his bondage thoughts, he came up with a plan: test them both. See how much trust they have in him. Would they be willing to be tied again? What will happen once he gets them to his parent's cabin? Smiling while he imagines what might happen. If all goes well, everyone will take a big step towards a true Domination/submission. His own "Pride". He couldn't see any reason why they wouldn't go along with it. Finding them very interested in bondage already and liking to be teased and tickled. Push the right buttons and he may have both girls pleading to be Dominated. Otherwise, it may all go up in flames. The risk being worth the benefit. He would find out soon enough, while on their trust walk and his test.
Jen thinks about Jon as she rests her head on the book. Reading the same sentence for the 10th time, she figures a break from homework was needed. She lets her mind drift into a dreamy state, thinking about his kiss and how he grabbed her. The command presence he had, while pulling her arms and pinning them. He wasn't so shy after all. Or was he coming out of his shell. She real enjoyed how she felt around him, but what does she do about her feelings for Claire? She couldn't just forget them. Imagining the three of them playing more tie up games. Was Claire into bondage as much as she was, or was it just something fun to do? How much fun could it be if all three would take the next step? Turning innocent games into something more. Something sexual. Would Claire have the same feelings for her? How could she ask, without their friendship being sacrificed? Would Jon like the idea or be appalled by it? She was too afraid to ruin her friendship. She's just going to have to keep her feelings to herself and live with whatever happens.
Chapter 5 (added: 2015/04/08)
The three were hanging out at his house, when he says, we were going on a field trip. A very special trip. He asks them if they were familiar with the term "Trust Walk"- where the class divides into teams of 2, and one person is blindfolded and the other has to lead them. Both girls nod, having done them in the past, but wonders where he is going with this.
"I am going to lead you, blindfolded and gagged, into the woods. You will have to trust me to take care of you."
Wide eyed as both girls star at him. They had no problem trusting him, but what if they were seen or stopped? About to say something when he places a finger on Jen's lips, "Do you trust me?"
She looks down at her feet, then to Claire. Looking back to him as they both slowly nod. "Good, then you will need to agree to something for me. Once agreed upon, there is no turning back, is this understood?"
Both feeling very excited and wanting to know what he has plan, nodding quickly. "Please answer my questions with an answer and not a nod!"
Both saying "Yes!" as he could hear a little excitement and nervousness in their voices.
They both agreed to "absolute trust" protocol. Where they would be blindfolded, having to obey his orders. If he said climb, they would climb. If he said jump, they had to jump. If he had them wade out into a lake up to our necks, then they would do it. It was going to be a very involved blind Simon Says. At this time, they didn't know about "BDSM" and "Dominant" or "Master". It just wasn't in their vocabulary yet, but in essence, his rules were to see if they could submit. Allow themselves to let go and trust him with their lives.
Driving them out to the woods, he has them walk in far enough, so no one could see them from the road. Jon blindfolds them carefully, making sure they couldn't peek under the wide bandannas. Tying them tight so they wouldn't slip, while doing his task. Then tying their hands behind their backs. He could tell, Jen was a bit nervous, as he finishes his knot. He reaches for the socks in his bag, walking to stand in front of Jen, "Open wide!" His order causing a shiver to run down her spine, as she opens without hesitation. Stuffing the sock in and using a handkerchief to hold it in place. Her mouth never being so packed before, testing it by yelling. But only a slight moan escapes past the very through gag. He moves to Claire, ordering the same for her as she clamps her mouth shut. "You better open or else!" Waiting for her to comply, then jabbing her in the side.
Gasping as he pushes the sock into her mouth, "MMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHH!"
"I warn you! Now you know what happens to those who don't obey!" Grumbling into her gag as she waits for the next step. Feeling a collar being placed around her neck, protesting into her gag. Jen getting the same treatment, as she to tries to object. But their gags absorbing any chance they had. He attaches the leashes to them, saying "This is so I can make sure you will follow me and don't wander off the path and get hurt. You have to trust me. Knowing I will not lead you into a dangerous situation. Trusting me with your life, as you will while being tied. For you depend on me for everything while being tied up. Unable to move, nor get free. God forbid a fire broke out, I'd have to get you free and out safely. It's my job as a Dom, your caretaker, to ensure your safety at all times."
Both girls feeling a sense of electricity flowing through their bodies. Being bound, gagged and blindfolded again, but hearing the word Dom for the first time. Standing while they wait for him to start their new adventure. With their hearts pounding so loudly, making it difficult to hear some things he was saying. Having to concentrate on each of his words intently.
He leads them all over, keeping them guessing where they were. Not knowing if they went 10 feet in circles or a mile. Having them do some Simon Says, jumping and hopping over things. Seeing if they would obey and follow his directions. Walking down a gully, which is normally easily done, but unable to see nor use their hands, making it very tricky. Dropping the leashes, he walks behind them, making sure they didn't fall backwards. Keeping a friendly hand on their butts to help push them up the incline. Taking his place back in front, grabbing the leashes and pulling them along again. Listening to their grumbling and moaning every time he yanks on the leashes.
They reach their destination. An unused hunting cabin, back in the woods, that wasn't used anymore. One that Jon's family has owned for many years but never having time to enjoy it. Smiling, as he realizes, so far the test has been a total success. The girls never once objected to anything he had them do. Not only trusting him, but it was like they wanted this more than him. Either way, his next plan would set everything in motion or destroy all that was started.
Jon leads the girls inside, locking the door and having them stand in the center of the room. He removes their blindfolds, sliding the gags around their necks, so he could use them again. Placing the leashes and collars near the door as both girls watch. Wondering what they were doing here, wrist still bound and feeling very excited. Jon trying to take it slow, he didn't want to push anything too fast and scare them. He decides on an innocent game of truth and dare, but with a twist. As he plans to get to know them better. Helping each girl to the floor, sitting as he says "I'll start with Jen. Truth or dare?"
"Hmmmmmm, Truth!"
"Okay, you love the feel of those ropes around your wrist?" She looks down at her feet, trying to find the words.
"I asked you a question and I expect you to answer." His voice stern, testing her submission.
She looks up at him, feeling a little submissive when she answers his question, whispering "Yes! I do enjoy being tied up."
Jon smiles saying "Good, because I enjoy tying you. I want to change the rules of the game a little. When you answer me, for now on you will finish by saying Sir! Understood?"
"Yes Sir." Both answering at the same time.
"Claire." He waits for her to look at him, "Truth or dare?" "Truth Sir!"
Jon looking into her eyes asking "You like feeling totally helpless, bound and gagged?"
Looking at him, replying, "Yes Sir."
Grinning as Jon feels his plan will work. All he needed was one to ask for the dare. Looking at Jen he again asks, "Truth or dare?"
"Truth Sir." Thinking she's already told him the one thing she's concealed most off her life.
"You would do anything I ask, because you want me in control?"
She looks deep into his eyes, responding, "Yes Sir."
Turning his attention back to Claire. "Truth or dare?" Jen speaking up, "Hey when do we get to ask questions?"
Jon gives her a look, "Patients, sub." Placing a hand over her mouth and grinning.
"I am the one in charge here. I get to ask the questions, understood?" Removing his hand and allowing her to answer.
"Now Claire, Truth or Dare?"
Looking at him, she says "Dare Sir!" Like she was testing him, but regretting it as she sees the big smirk on his face. Thinking, "Oh great, what did I get myself into?"
Untying her wrists he says "I dare you to make out with Jen!"
Eyes wide as she looks at him, then over to Jen. Jen, keeping her gaze on anything but them. Trying to focus on the floor, while she waits to see what will happen. Jon wondering if it was because she was nervous or trying to hide her joy.
Claire's heart pounding in her chest, as she can't believe she is about to kiss her good friend. Unsure of how she feels about doing this. They have played around many times. Tickling, pinning and even licking each other, but this seem to be much more. How is Jen going to take it? Moving to Jen's side, embracing her as she giggles a little. Trying to think of it as a game and not something passionate. Taking Jen into her arms, bringing her lips to hers. Slowly leaning in, feeling Jen's warm breath, as she smells her perfume. Both already feeling Hot and Wet, as their lips meet, pressing into each other. Both feeling nervous, as they start to kiss a little. Jen's lips part, allowing Claire's tongue to explore her mouth. Their passion building deep inside, but was it the kiss or the bondage. Both relaxing as they kiss harder, moaning slightly. Forgetting any boundaries they may have had. Their hearts racing, while moans of pleasure escape their lips. The order to kiss each, making them even more excited.
Jon's cock pressing its prison, as he watches them kiss. His excitement building, wanting to start tying them right away, but waiting until they are done. He imagines both girls willing to follow every order. Wanting to submit to him. His own desires coming true, while he pleases them.
Finally pulling apart, as they gaze into each other's eyes wondering what was in store for them.
Standing up and walking over to his bag, he tosses it to the floor. Spilling it contents and watching the girl's reaction. "Okay, I thought you might like to be tied up again, so I took the liberty of bringing some items. First I want to see your natural beauty. For now on, if I plan on tying you, you will either wear what I have laid out, or strip naked. You both are beautiful, so let's get you out of them clothes." He was surprised at how quickly they both undressed, once Claire got Jen's wrist free.
Walking around and admiring the two naked girls. Having them standing in the center of the room, while he feels pretty good about himself. The girl's willingness to be tied by him, increasing his confidence. Walking pass Jen, as she swats his ass.
"Hmmm Jen, you seem to forget your place. Maybe you will need some punishment." Giving her a smirk.
She smiles saying "Is that all I have to do?" Enjoying the little discipline he's given so far.
He walks around the cabin, looking for something, saying "Ahhhh here it is!" Returning with a crop in hand. Making sure he lifts it up for both to view. Getting the look he was searching for. His cock leaping with excitement. Smiling at the girls as he walks over slapping it in his hand, playfully. What he wasn't expecting was the two girl, attacking him. "Offfffhh", Landing on his bottom, with both girl wrestling to get the crop from him.
Giggling as they fight him, trying to get the upper hand. Pulling at his arm, while he moves the crop under him. Ensuring they couldn't get it and then wrapping his leg around Claire's waist, pushing her away. He quickly flips to his side, swatting Jen on the ass. "Now! Now ladies! Let's not take advantage of me. Two against one isn't exactly fair, but then again, I do love a challenge. Now back to your standing locations or I'll crop you more."
Giggling, while moving back to where they were. Both giving a quick high five, before placing their arms to their sides.
Moving around them, crop in hand, giving them his stern look. Making both bite their lower lip and become serious again. Finding it hard to, as they were used to playing around and not taking orders. But something deep inside them, wants to know what else there is. Drawn by Jon's dominance, feeling something stronger than fun games. More passion and desire, while being helpless.
Taking Jen's wrists in his hand, pulling them behind her. He uses some rope, wrapping it around, binding them tightly. He gets another length of rope, slowly wrapping her ankles, hearing a slight moan slip past her lips. "Do you enjoy your ankles being tied?"
Her slow nod affirming what he already knows. "Jen, please answer me properly!" "Yes Sir, I do." She couldn't believe she admitted it. Her own voice seeming very distant, like it wasn't her own.
Tying off the rope, Jon moves to Claire, using more rope to wrap her wrist. Each wrap tighter than the first, ensuring she wouldn't wiggle free. Glancing at Jen, watching as she closes her eyes. He can tell her desire is growing very quickly. Seeing that she wants to be bound as it takes her to some place different. Somewhere far from here, as though the ropes were actual freeing her.
With Claire's wrists tied, Jon begins to wrap rope around her ankles. Giving it a quick yank, making sure the rope was tight and tying it off. Walking in front of her, looking into her eyes and seeing the burning desire she has for bondage. He uses some silk, slowly pulling it over her eyes, listening to her moan. Placing it centered over them and drawing it behind her head. Making sure she couldn't see around it and tying it off. Going back to Jen, he gets another silk scarf, placing it over her eyes. Gently tying it off and running a finger over the silk. Tracing around her eyes and over her nose. Teasing and tormenting her as he tries to push her to the edge.
He moves Claire to sit at Jen's feet and then helping Jen to sit. Leaning them together, until their lips were brushing. So soft as they start to kiss. Jon feeling the electricity filling the room as he wraps a scarf around their heads, holding them in that position. Listening to their moans of pleasure. Both girls enjoying the kiss as they open allowing their tongues to swirl. In effect, becoming their own gags, kissing deeply. He continues by taking some rope, binding their bodies' together. Breast pressing breast, while their heat builds between them. Jon reaches in, playing with their nipples, teasing them as they moan in pleasure. Muffled by their own tongues.
He torments them, feeling their nipples becoming hard. Then backing away, leaving them to their passion, while he watches the squirming. Their moans driving him crazy, as his cock aches to be released. The struggling pushing his own will power. Trying to take it slow with them, but at times, he wants nothing more than passionate sex. Having them bound and gagged and ready to be taken. All desiring it, but wanting to make sure it was the right time. No point in pushing to fast and messing up a good thing. The first step was to ensure the two girls were comfortable kissing and being tied together. Seems his theory was right, so now he needed to test them again.
Sitting beside them as he starts to lightly kiss and blow on Jen's neck. Driving her insane and then moving to Claire. Doing the same to her, as he increases their excitement. The moans telling him that they were enjoying this. Maybe more than he had expected. Using both hands to trace their body's while they still were locked in a kiss. His fingertips sending shivers down their spines. Making them moan into each other, while he torments them. Finally, untying their heads so he can kiss one at a time. Then allowing them to kiss again, as he strokes their cheeks. Watching them kiss each other passionately. Everyone's body tingling with excitement. Pulling on the bonds that Jon has put them in. Blind to the world around them and not wanting it any other way.
The cabin seems to be getting hotter by the minute. All boundaries and walls were being torn down, one by one. Making each feel more comfortable being tied and in the presence of each other. Each whimper driving the other girl higher, while Jon pushes them to their limits and beyond. Testing himself, for self-control. His hormones screaming, "Bind them to the bed and take them both, now." Fighting it back so he can build their trust first.
He finally stands, picking up the crop and tracing it over Claire's right shoulder. Moving over to Jens left and across her back. He strikes her lightly, seeing how she responds. Jerking in her bonds, but not objecting. Walking behind Claire, while both try to listen for him. Then striking Claire's back, just enough to sting. Her reaction being the same. He smiles, really enjoying this, but how hard can he hit them? Something he would have to learn. Setting the crop on the table and moving to Jen, saying "Open!" The order penetrating her like a nail, opening slowly and allowing him to pack her mouth with the sock. Using the gag around her neck to tie it in place. Doing the same to Claire, as he moves to untie them from each other. He swears he hears them sigh, but it was late and he had to lead them back out of the woods. He would love to keep them both overnight, bound and gagged, but there were limits. Perhaps another night.
He unties their ankles so they can walk, guiding them to the door as he replaces their collars and leashes. Taking them back through the woods. This time, the shorter and easier way. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. His confidence building rather quickly. Maybe he can become the Dom he wants to be. Leading two nearly naked, bound and gagged girls around was so exciting. What would be their next adventure?
Chapter 6 (added: 2015/07/04)
It's been over a week, since the three of them were in the cabin. Jenny couldn't stop thinking about their nature hike and trust walk. Not to mention the cabin game and being bound. She and Claire have been talking about it a lot. Thinking, what he might do next and hoping they could have a release while being bound and gagged. Being so turned on and then having to leave feeling sexually frustrated. It wasn't fair, but they have to be patient.
Jen wasn't the only one thinking about the nature of the ménage a trios and where it might lead. Especially now that the tie up games have taken an adult edge. There were a few issues on Claire's mind. One she needed to talk with Jon immediately about and the others, she'd have to deal with on her own. She wasn't sure if going to Jon was for the right reason. Or if she was just trying to scare him off. Either way, she got her nerve and went to him while Jenny was in class. Not wanting her to know about their little talk.
She approaches Jon saying, "We need to talk."
Jon didn't like the sound of that. He might be young, but he still knows that when a woman says, "We need to talk" it means "you need to listen" and usually to something you don't want to hear. Worried that Claire might dial it back, the things he's been doing at the "Love Shack". Going back to innocent tie up games and not the sexual bondage he'd started. Maybe feeling it was getting to serious for them.
"I want you to know that Jenny isn't on any birth control. So, if you two have sex..."
"Use a condom! At least that is what I had planned."
"No! Condoms can break. Do you know how many girls get pregnant, even when he says 'but we used a condom!' No, I'm talking about REAL safe sex. Anal sex."
Jon was shocked. "What???"
"Oral or anal, besides abstinence, are the only ways she won't get pregnant. So I wanted to tell you, that you can't just stick it up her tailpipe. A big guy like you, might seriously hurt her. Anal is more involved. If she's sexually hot, her vagina makes its own lubrication, gets her body ready for action. Her anus doesn't do that. You have to apply lubrication. Vaseline or some sexual lubricants like in sex shops. And she'll need training."
"Anal training. Her ass is designed for things to come out, not things to go in. It'll be uncomfortable for her, unless you get her ass used to it first. That's called anal training. You start small, like a finger. Then you work up to a small butt plug. That's a dildo specially fitted to the ass. Then you can work up to larger plugs, until you have one about the size of your cock. Once she can take that, her ass will be ready for anal."
"Okay! I hadn't thought about that. I will have to research. Get to know the in's and out's first, but I will say, it intrigues me!"
Smiling as she goes on to say, "Of course, it will still feel unnatural to her, pretty freaky. You'll have to be very patient with her and guide her through it. Once you get her tied down, it should be easy, but you'll definitely have to gag her."
"But won't that be...rape?" He could barely say it.
"Not if it's what you both want. But she won't know it, until she's tried it. You will have to push her limit, but it will be worth it."
He was trying to digest this, his mind in turmoil. It was a lot to take in and being surprised that Claire would even come to him and tell him all this stuff.
"Unless, of course, you want her to get pregnant. That wouldn't be a bad thing. It will wreck the rest of her college years, but she'd be happy with a family. I guess it's whatever you want to do."
"Have you talked about this with Jen?"
"Don't be stupid. If I tell her, the only way to avoid getting pregnant is anal sex, she'll be afraid to be around you. But she's definitely thinking about sex with you. She hasn't stopped talking about it. And homecoming is coming up. You haven't asked either one of us, but I had the feeling you'd ask her. Besides, I've been asked a lot, I'm actually going crazy trying to narrow it down to one. Scratching you off the list would help." Her eyes seem a bit sad as she says it.
"I just wanted you to know, before the two of you are alone and get to excited to stop yourselves. It would be a good idea to have a plan. I figured I'd explained the facts of life and about anal sex."
"Thanks for that."
"No worries." She hugs him and leaves.
Jon standing alone, thinking about what Claire has just told him. Was she speaking for Jen, or both of them? Wondering where he would buy such things. He'll have to do some research online and see if he can buy a few different sizes. Chuckling to himself, a few of each size. But first it was time to take the girls out on an official date. He wants to see if they were ready to take the big step and become his, both of them. Planning the whole date out: First a nice dinner, where they could talk about what everyone expected. What he would expect from them, needing to apply his Dominance over them. He was ready to take on two subs, train them and of course learn as he goes. Then taking the girls to his family's cabin for the rest of the night.
Between classes, he sees the girls and walks over to them. Swatting their bottoms as Jen wiggles hers. Jon moans, "MMmm, sexy!" He wants to give each girl a deep kiss, but knew this wasn't the place. Instead he gets their hands and one by one, kisses them gently. Looking up at them as he leans into them, "I was wondering what you ladies had planned for Saturday night?" They look at each other then back at him, "What do you have in mind." Both intrigued, being a week since they last hung out. Leaning closer, so no one can overhear them talking "I'd like to take you both out on a date. Maybe overnight."
Giggling as Jen asks, "And what would we do all night?" Like she didn't know.
He only smiles "Wait and see, I won't ruin the surprise."
"Aww! But we do like surprises!"
He tells them the time he will pick them up. Wrapping his arms around both girls and starts walking them to their next class. His hands slide down their backs, caressing their bottoms and giving them a slight squeeze. He was excited about what the night will bring.
Jon finds a few places online to buy what he needs. Luckily Amazon has overnight delivery, so he won't have to wait long. He unpacks the items, placing them in his new black bag. The bag he bought to keep his supply hidden. Not wanting the wrong people to see what he has been collecting. Having everything ready for this weekend, hoping the girls wouldn't back out. For he was looking forward to the evening. The plans he has for them and wanting to ask the girls to homecoming. Would they both go with him? Would they find it awkward, embarrassed about what others will think? At this point, he wasn't worried about others, his desire outweighed other's opinions.
Jon lays in his bed thinking about this weekend. It was time to show them what he's learn about the Dom/sub relationship. Figuring he'd either have two subs, eager to be his, or something along that line. The day had finally come. After a lot of prep work, reading and studying, Jon was ready. This wouldn't be a step, but a jump in their relationship. He found articles online about Masters, who controlled a few subs at a time, making his cock press against his shorts. Knowing what he wants and hoping they would agree. Feeling as though both girls want the same thing. There was only one way to find out, make them submit and teach them what it meant to be as a submissive. It wouldn't be easy to gain someone's trust overnight, might even take years, but still he was young. He places the last few items into his truck, having most of his toys already at the cabin. He's filled the kitchen with food, drinking water and even beer.
Feeling excited, going into the local restaurant, looking for his girls. Really, he'd love to skip this part and go straight to the tying. Finding them, he has a seat, talking to them about their day and what they were thinking. Having a good time, talking about bondage and giggling. A lot of palm gagging and hands being pulled behind backs. Three people just having fun, until they get kicked out for making too much noise. Taking their dinners to go instead. All 3 laughing as the walk out to their vehicles. Jon asks, "Hey, you all ready?" They giggle saying "We will follow you, since the last time, we were blindfolded." Jon chuckles as he drives off, making sure they didn't lose him.
They drive a ways, until they reach the dirt road that sent them miles into the woods. In the middle of nowhere. Jon parking and carrying a few bags into the cabin. He opens the door, holding it for them, then setting the bags down. He pulls out the beer, tossing a can to each and popping his to. Taking a big gulp, while trying to relax. He sets the can down and places the rest in the refrigerator. The girls sip their beer, wondering what he has in store for them. Pulling out the 2nd bag and placing the food from Outback on the table. He smiles saying "Dinner is served." Claire looking up at him, "You know this isn't real Aussie food, right?"
"Of course not, it was made here, but it's still good." Laughing.
"You don't exceptmmmmmmmmm!" Jen palm gagging her with both hands, "Just eat it and shut up!" She giggles.
Having a seat, they eat and talk about school and Jen's day as a cheerleader. Not a good subject to bring up, but it did allow him to get to know her more. Claire talking about Australia, being born there and which country she liked better. Idle chit chat, while everyone tries to relax, knowing that soon they will be in bondage. The evening being more about the sexual use of ropes and gags than playing around. Jon makes a mental note about a few things the girls had said, thinking he could use it for another day, but now was the time to start their sub training. He is feeling little nervous as he tosses the trash away, taking a deep breath. Time to step up or shut up.
He turns, crossing his arms and looking both girls over. Still talking and giggling, until they see him staring. "Ladies, I asked you out tonight, for a reason. I enjoyed our talks, games and fun with bondage, but I want to ask if you will join me in pursuing our desires further. I really enjoy dominating you and want to take it to another level. If you say no, I'll understand and will not bring it up again. But if you enjoy it as much as I do, I want us to go deeper. Too see how much we all like this and to push our limits. I'll give you a few minutes to decide. When ready, I'll be waiting in the other room. If you want to join me, Strip, and meet me there."
Jon walks out, taking a deep breath. He did it, he asked them the question, that's been burning on his tongue for days. Now he will see if they will reject or join him?
It didn't take long to get his answer as two beautiful girls walk in, with nothing but their socks on. He places two pillows on the floor, asking them to kneel so he can talk to them. Telling them, "You both learn fast and are so obedient!"
"Thank you, Sir!"
Walking to a cabinet, he pulls out his bag, placing it on the floor behind them. Takling out some rope, he binds Claire's wrists. Tugging the ends and tying them off. He moves to Jenny, wrapping the rope around her wrist, ensuring they were tight before tying his knot. "Someone had trouble remembering her place, the last time we were here." He smirks, giving the bonds a quick pull. Groaning, but holding her tongue as he gets another length of rope. Slowly wrapping it around Jen's ankles, remembering how much she enjoys it. Teasing her with each wrap, while tracing a finger over her thin ankles. Then tying the rope off tight. He gets the next length, tying Claire's ankles together, making sure the rope was tight. It was a good thing he was a firemen, having already going through the ropes and knots class.
With both ladies bound, he knows he has their undivided attention. Pulling out a few more items and walking to stand in front of them. He sets the items down, so they can see them, making them anticipate. Both looking at two balled up socks and silk scarfs. Knowing what he was going to do next. Their minds submitting as their bodies begin to crave the helplessness. He looks down at the subs, thinking how wonderful they looked in this position. Making them kneel, waiting for his next move, while building their excitement.
Finally he breaks the silence,
"Ladies, from now on, I'm going to be your Dom. You will submit to me, giving me control of your desires. Over time, I want to know everything that makes you tick. Finding the best ways to drive your sexual edge and keep you there as long as I can. Pushing your desires and your submission in the best possible ways. I will have tasks for you, if done right, I'll reward you. If done wrong, you will be punished. I'll give you a taste of both tonight. That way, if you choose to misbehave, you will know what you are in for. Same for rewards. I will not lie, I love seeing you in bondage, hearing your moans, watching you squirm and struggle. All of these drive me to my to my edge. Together, we will all reach our breaking points, becoming more turned on then thought possible. You will beg me for your release, not from my bondage, but your sexual release. Any questions?"
"No Sir!"
"First rule: I get to bind you, when I am in the mood. You will not be in jeopardy. Only in places where you will always be safe and never left alone! If I need to go, I'll tie you in a way that allows you to get free.
How you are tied and for how long, is all up to me. If you need to be released for any reason, you have two ways to ask for it. One: A safe word, which is "safe word" and 2: a safe gesture. Which is with your index finger, moving it side to side quickly, until I see it, with one long grunt to draw my attention. Using a 10 scale, you will let me know how excited you are or how much you enjoy what I am doing. If you dislike it totally, it's a one and 10 if you really enjoy it. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir!"
"2nd Rule: I may give you tasks to perform, with a time limit to complete it. They will range from games to chores. Some you will do while tied up, others will test your obedience. Rewards for those done correct and punishment for incomplete task."
"Yes Sir" Both girls were becoming very excited listening to the new Dom. Loving the fact that he will be in control. Desiring it.
"3rd Rule: I want to meet here at least once a month, having a sleep over to learn more about your desires. We will plan it in advance and talk about what we might like to try. Learning all I can about you! Becoming a better Dom. I will be in charge, but if you have ideas, I want to hear them. You are my equals! Even while kneeling, I am no greater person than you. I'm just the one you give permission to dominate you. I will make you totally helpless, depending on me and needing me. These nights, we will play out our fantasies, trying them at least once, before being allowed to safe word. If you don't like it, you will safe word and I will stop. If I ask you, scale of 10, telling me a number less than 5, I will consider stopping. Any questions?"
"Sir, what if we're unsure, or don't think we can do it, but don't want to safe word?"
"If you don't safe word, I will not stop. Unless I feel you are forcing it, then I will use my 10 scale. Some things will push you and your submission, but that is why we are here. To take it as far as we can, but always keeping you safe."
"Yes Sir."
"4th Rule: Dress code. You will wear some type of comfortable clothing or nothing. This pertains only while in our session. If I want you in clothes, I'll have them laid out for you. If not, you will strip! Some task will be done in a dress code."
"Yes Sir." The "Sir" rolling off their tongue now, as if natural for them.
"5th Rule: I want you to try everything once, unless it's an absolute limit. Otherwise try it, as you may not like some things at first, but find you love how helpless it makes you feel. Others you may not like at all and if it is a limit, I'll never do it again. You want to feel helpless and sometimes the only way to accomplish this, is to be bound, gagged and forced to do things you dislike. Just remember, it's pushing your limits that provides you with what you need! Understood?"
"Yes Sir!" they shift on their knees, grateful they were kneeling on pillows and not the hard floor.
"Enough rules my subs. It's time to start your training. Do you have any concerns or questions?"
Both remain in position, "No Sir." As they begin to get nervous, giggling, still a little unsure of what to expect. Yet wanting to take it to the next level. They watch intently, as he goes to the counter getting bottles of water. Holding the first under Jen's lips, allowing her to drink. Doing the same for Claire. Then he gets their beers, pouring them slowly so they can drink. Once they were ready, he kneels in front of Jenny. Picking up her sock and holding it near her mouth. She slowly opens, obediently as Jon stuffs the sock into her cheeks. Taking the silk scarf, walking behind her and pulling it between her teeth. The corners of her mouth are drawn back as it's tied off tight. He moves to Claire, holding up the sock. She must have been feeling playful as she keeps her mouth closed. "Open my sub!" Still refusing, he leans down and pinches her nipple, "OwwwwwwwMMMMPPPHHHH!" Jon smiles pushing the sock home and then palm gagging her. "MMMMMMMMMMMM!" Pleading with her eyes and mumbling something into the sock. He pulls the silk between her teeth and yanks it tight. Moaning as she feels it pushing the sock deeper into her mouth.
Jon helps each girl up, guiding them to the couch, watching as they hop. Jenny thinking this was really funny, why not just untie our ankles? But then she realized that was the point of bondage, to take away your freedom. Right now, she didn't even have the freedom to walk across the room, being forced to hop like a bunny. She understood then, what Jon was trying to get her to feel. To experience every part of her helplessness and reinforce who is in charge. Jen having a tingle run through her, loving her ankles tied, from that point on.
Untying her ankles, first moving the right ankle into position and wrapping the rope around the leg of the couch. Tying it off tight and doing the same to the other ankle. The ropes seem extra tight, as it bites into her skin. He bends her over the back of the couch, having her ass exposed in the air. Her arms still bound behind her, as he uses some rope to tie her down to the front of the couch. Ensuring the rope pins her arms and body, unable to move at all. She moans realizing how helpless she was, turning her head to one side, trying to see. Jon next helps Claire over to the couch, right next to Jen. Both able to look at each other. Again he unties the ankles and pulls them wide, tying them off tight. Her right crossed over Jenny's left, ensuring neither has any slack. Tonight will test their limits. He can't afford them getting loose.
With Claire tied down similar to Jen, he was ready. He gets out his new flogger, walking so they can see him. Twirling it in the air, spinning it, as the ends whip around, then dropping it. "Damn!" Picking it back up and turning to walk behind them, to hide his blushing. He shakes his head, just out of sight. He'll need to work on that.
Both girls begin to pull on the restraints, feeling totally helpless. The ropes not giving an inch. It was one thing to think about being spanked while tied, but not knowing how the flogger will feel was another. Each time they pull on the ropes, only tighten them more. They turn to look back, trying to see what he was doing. There bottoms straight in the air, faces into the couch cushions. Who will he strike first? How hard? Will he be too rough?
Taking the ends and draping them over Jenny's bottom. Wiggling them, so they tease her and increase her anticipation. Moving to do the same to Claire. He torments them for a few minutes, then without warning, strikes Jen with the flogger. The ends fanning out and stinging her whole ass. She jerks in her bonds, the shock worse than the sting. The bindings digging deeper into her tender skin.
Striking Claire next, as she moans into her gag. Lifting it again and striking Jen, a little harder. His plan was to strike each harder, until he learns what was too much. Back and forth he strikes each girl. Switching it up, so they weren't sure who was going to get it. Their moans being absorbed by the gags. Helpless to stop his attack. The last few blows, being the hardest ones, finding the breaking point. Each one screaming into the gag. Both bottoms a bright red now. "Okay, subs, that was a taste of discipline. More will be added, as time goes on." Whimpering as their bottoms were sore. Jon rubbing his soft hands over them. Easing some of their pain, making a note to buy some cream to help next time.
"Are you ready for pleasure girls?" He reaches between their legs, running a finger deep inside their folds, finding them not only be Hot, but Wet.
"Hmmmmm looks that way."
They moan closing their eyes. His touch welcomed by both. Going to his bag and pulling two items out. He returns to stand behind them. Both hearing tape being pulled off a roll and torn. More tape was pulled off and another tear. That sound increasing their excitement. Trying their best to look back, unable to see him. Struggling in her bonds, until Claire feels him slide something inside her wet folds, using the tape to hold it in place. Trapping the vibrator deep inside her.
He runs a finger slowly up Jenny's folds, until he finds her clit. Knowing she wasn't sexual active, placing her vibrator over it. Then taping it, using a few more pieces of tape to ensure it wouldn't fall off. He leans in, flipping the switch to medium, doing the same to Claire's vibrator. Both girls pull tight on their bonds. Their body's becoming rigid as they begin to pant. Each building toward an orgasm, while Jon stands back, watching them struggle and moan wildly. His cock, rock hard and wanting its own release. He was having to learn his own limits. How far he could push himself before he too needed an orgasm. He closely watches their facial expressions, wanting to know when they were very close. That way he could stop them and deny his subs what they wanted. Seeing Jenny squirm and pull on her bonds, her expression was like nothing he's seen before. Just as her body jerks and spasms. The orgasm ripping through her body. Her restraints holding her tight. Panting through her nose, as she tries to catch her breath. Claire pulls hard on her bonds, becoming ridged as her orgasm happens shortly after.
Jon learns quickly what to look for. Turning both vibrators off, watching the girls still panting, hearts racing as he says, "That is a rewards, my subs!"
Both nodding, taking a deep breath in and slowly exhaling. Tingling from head to toe.
He leaves them tied down, vibrators in place, walking out of sight. Then bringing a desk over between them and placing the items he needs next, on it. They try to look back, unable to see what he is doing, until he slides his hands into a pair of rubber gloves, snapping them. Both jerking in their bonds, wondering what he was about to do. Still recovering from their orgasms. Jen feels her cheeks being pried apart, eyes wide as she pulls hard on the ropes. He wouldn't dare! Struggling and shaking her head no while his finger slides down to her rose bud, playing with it, then releasing her bottom. Exhaling hoping he was just teasing her. Would he go there, while she was helpless to stop him?
Chapter 7 (added: 2015/07/04)
Jon again pulls her cheeks apart. Eyes wide as she panics, pulling on the bonds that pin her to the couch. Looking back to catch a glimpse of a small plug. His finger lubing it, getting it ready. Her reaction has him hard and ready. Wanting to take her and make love to her, still bound and gagged. He sets the plug down, spreading her again and running his lubed fingers along the crack of her ass. She squeals into her gag, thrashing against her tight bonds. He could imagine how helpless she must feel right now. No way to escape, having something done to her, that she preferred not. Yet there was absolutely nothing she can do to stop him.
His passion to control her, driving him crazy as his groin burns for attention. A fire burning out of control, getting hotter by the moment. The feeling of control over a helpless person, was like no other. Knowing the sub wants you to take them, making it all worth it. He couldn't have imagine how turned on he would feel. Their moans and struggling causing him to push past his edge. In complete bliss.
Claire looks at Jenny, smiling around her gag. Happy Jon is taking her advice. Seeing him give Jen's ass the attention it's been needing. Squirming slightly as she catches a glimpse of the plug, being lubed for Jen's anus. Claire wiggles in her ropes, testing them. Seeing if she could get a way, before it was her turn. But he was a Master of rope work and she couldn't find even one loose knot. Bound, gagged and helpless to stop him from attacking her ass.
His finger slides down to Jen's rosebud, making small circles and then pressing. His finger meeting resistance at first. Then slipping deep into her. She jerks in her bonds, pulling wildly. The moans, would have been screams, if it wasn't for her gag. Shaking her head side to side as she pleads behind the gag. Begging him to stop! His cock pushing against his pants, feeding off her struggles as he slides his finger inside and out. Being so tight! Never having anything inside it before. Removing his finger, to replace it with two. Pressing until she opens, moving them both in deep and then back out. All along her screams and struggles increase.
She looks at Claire, pleading with her eyes. Wanting it to all end. This wasn't right! It's not natural. Nothing is supposed to go in, only out! His finger continues to violate her. Now spreading within her, as she yanks and twist on the ropes. She thinks about her safe gesture. Does she use it? But his rule, you have to try everything at least once. Not wanting to upset her Dom, she continues to fight her bonds, letting him screw her bottom. She didn't like the idea, but feeling more helpless and more submissive than ever before. Having it turn her on, as the ropes bind her and the gag keeps her quiet. There was nothing she could do. He owns her body and she needs to learn to trust him.
Jon leaves his fingers inside, resting his other hand on her back. "My sub, you are okay. Try to relax. Submit to this and me! Let go!" Rubbing his hand around her back gently. "You need to just completely trust me! Know that I will not hurt you. You may find this pleasurable, but you need to relax, first. It's not a natural feeling, but over time, it might be. I'm going to do this to you a lot, because I love seeing you struggle. But if you can relax, it will make it easier on you. Otherwise, keep struggling, you are turning me on. It only make it harder for you, not me!"
Sliding his fingers in and out as she moans. Her struggles decrease, as she realizes there is no escape for her. Feeling his fingers filling her bottom. Closing her eyes, as ordered, but still unsure. This wasn't something she was ready for. Always hearing from vanilla people, that it isn't normal. It isn't natural to enjoy your bottom being pleasured. But they wouldn't approve of any of this. What did they know? Her mind continues to fight, not wanting to relax. His fingers, moving in and out while he tells her, "Deep breath my sub." Jen inhaling slowly, exhaling as his fingers move in deeper and wiggle. His other hand leaving her back, as she feels a little uneasy, until his finger finds her clit, rubbing slowly.
"Oh my God," Jen screams into her tight gag. Trembling and anxious.
Beginning to pant, as he teases her clit, moving his fingers in and out of her rear. Moaning into her gag, so confused. Her pleasure building quickly inside her. She starts to buck in her bonds, needing to cum. Jon tormenting her, watching her intently, until she is close. Her body stiffens, squirming as he slowly removes his hand from her clit. "MMMPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" She screams in frustration, while Jon smirks. Leaving his fingers deep in her ass. Waiting for her to relax. Then again slides them in and out. She pants with excitement, wiggling in her bonds. The torment on her bottom wasn't painful, but pleasurable. Helping her to relax and increasing the feeling of helplessness.
She twists her wrist slowly, drifting deeper into submission. Her desire for bondage, to be controlled, taking a big leap forward. She opens her eyes, looking back at Jon, eyes filled with submission. A glassy look coming over them as she looks adoringly back at him. She will never truly like the plugging, but her passion for submission will only grow from here. Jon pulls his fingers out, hearing a slight moan of displeasure. But soon, her bottom is spread once again, as she feels a rubbery item, placed at her exit. The tip pressing, feeling resistance, but then it starts to spread her open. Creating a wide passage for the plug to be pushed in.
She moans into her gag, feeling the plug spreading her wide as though she will be split in two. This wasn't his fingers, it was something much worse. "Relax my sub! It will hurt less." Telling her to relax, but it was easier said than done. Jen tries to remain calm, but soon the largest part of the plug begins to enter, making her scream into the gag. "MMMMMRRRRRRRRRRRR!"
Then relief, as the plug drives deep inside, filling her. Feeling relieved that it wasn't splitting her in two, but now feeling full. She moans, resting her head on the cushions, drool flowing from her mouth. Her Dom telling her "That my dear, is a small plug. You will need to learn to relax, for larger ones will follow."
Lifting her head and looking back. Was he kidding? The smirk on his face was all she needed. She sighs into the gag, resting her head again, trying to relax into her bonds. Eyes shifting back to Jon, watching him change his gloves and move behind Claire.
Pulling her cheeks, separating them and slowly tracing a finger down her crack. Eyes wide looking at Jen. She told Jon to plug Jen, but said nothing about getting a plug as well. She jerks in her bonds, yelling into her gag. "MMM HHHHNNNNN MMMMMMMMMM!" Mumbling something back to Jon, but he only smirks and says "Fair is fair, Claire!"
Jen smiles at her friend, lips curling the cleave gag. Her ass full, as she gets to watch her friend go through the same ordeal. Thinking, "At least I'm not alone in this, if I had to do it, so does Claire!" Feeling somehow closer to her best friend. Knowing they are sharing this "bonding" experience.
Jon lubes her exit with his finger, pressing it deep inside her. Claire closing her eyes, suddenly feeling excitement building in her groin. Her folds getting very wet, while Jon inserts two fingers inside her. Listening to her panting through her nose. Slowly inserting and pulling his fingers in and out, while Claire starts to rock her hips. Jon watching closely as he notices Claire is getting off on her anal sex. Wondering if she had sex this way before, wanting this all along. He teases her a little more, but stops as she gets close to her release. She moans unhappily into her gag, looking back with a glare. Jon smiles. He'll let her stew in the ropes, allowing time for her to relax.
Once she was relaxed, he places the plug at her exit, slowly twisting and pressing. It slides in a little easier than with Jen, seeing Claire gasp. Panting as the thickest part enters her anus. Then locking itself deep inside, when her sphincter closes up around it. She moans wanting to be pleasured by it, instead of having it locked deep inside her. He wonders how she learned the pleasures of anal sex. Loving how each girl had a different reaction. One, pushing back into him with pleasure, while the other bucks and fights. The best of both words. How will one control his own passion?
He walks around both girls, 'His girls!' Looking at their bound forms, tied down to the couch. His cock wanting to take them, having hot sex with them both. His young hormones rushing through his veins. They are so helpless, with so many things he can do to them. Spank, flog, crop and even force them to cum while their plugs screwed their bottoms. He continues to admire their submission, thinking about what he wants to do next. "Ladies!" Both turning their heads to look at him. "Time for a game. The rules are easy, the first to cum wins, the loser doesn't get her release! Understood?" Both nodding. "Good, now for the fun part. I am going to use the plug to get you off." Claire smiles around her gag, looking into Jen's wide eyes. She moans in frustration, pulling at her bonds, seeing Claire smiling.
Jon places a chair between them, reaching for both plugs. "You two ready?" Claire nodding quickly, as Jen closes her eyes. He quickly wiggles her plug, Jen looking back, slowly nodding. "Good girl!" Jon smirks, wanting to make sure she was ready.
He starts to pull them out, Jen screaming her displeasure, while Claire moans. "Okay ladies, you need to thrust your hips. You will do all the work to get off!" He holds the plugs tight as Claire thrust her hips quickly, forcing the plug to move in and out of her. Meanwhile Jen thrust back, moaning and holds her position. "Come on Jen, try to do this hun." Slowly she thrust forward and back, moaning as she continues to try for her Dom. Starting to feel some pleasure from it.
Stretching them more with each thrust. Jon smiling, his confidence at an all-time high. In total control over both of these ladies. Feeling a frenzy growing inside, along with theirs.
Each girl going at their own pace, as Claire starts to pant, moaning and thrusting faster. Jen watching how excited she was getting. Jenny, building toward her own orgasm, more so from watching Claire's reaction. Pulling hard on her restraints and stiffening like a board. She screams into her gag as her hips pulsate. Claire's orgasm ripping through her like a tidal wave. Continuing to yell into the gag, while her hips slow. Relaxing from one of the biggest orgasms of her life. Jen moaning deeply as Jon lets go of the plug. Feeling her bottom swallowing it whole. She pants from being so close to her orgasm and now being denied! Meanwhile, Jon strokes Claire's bottom softly, helping her to relax again. Taking her head and moving the hair out of her face. "Such a good sub! So obedient! Let's help you up and get you more comfortable." Pulling the plug free, as she moans in disappointment. He unties her from the couch, rubbing the deep rope marks. Helping her to stand and untying her wrists. He removes the tape and slides the drenched vibrator out, hearing her moan. He picks her up in his big arms, carrying her to the bed. Placing her in the center, saying "All bondage I don't remove, will remain until I do so. Understand?" Nodding as she lays back into the pillows, stretching her limbs. The gag, still pulling at the corners of her lips.
He returns to Jen, hearing her whimper behind the gag. "I forgot to mention, the loser not only doesn't get release, but gets a larger plug." A muffled giggle comes from the bed. As Jen, wants to glare at her, but is unable to see her from the tied position. She thrashes in her bonds, pleading into her gag, shaking her head no. "PPPPPPLLEEESSSSSSSSSMMMMMMM!"
Feeling her bottom spread, while he gives the plug a wiggle. Then slowly pulling it out, allowing it to stretch her more, until he pulls it free. It isn't long before Jen feels another tip pressing hard on her anus. Screaming and pleading, hoping he wouldn't do this. She considers the safe gesture, her mind wanting out, but her body refusing. Part of her wanting to end this, the other desiring more. The body winning, as he twists the tip into her. Trying to relax, figuring it would be less painful, but having a difficult time.
He continues to press, stretching her more than the first plug. Screaming, thinking there was no way it would fit. No matter how much she pleads, her Dom wouldn't give in. Placing his hand on the small of her back. "It's okay Jen! Just relax my obedient sub. You can do this! It's almost in!"
Crying as she rests her head on the soft couch. Screaming again, while the widest part pushes past her anus. "MMMMMMMRRRRRMMMM!"
Finally her bottom gets its reprieve when the plug pops inside. She whimpers into her gag, feeling twice as full now.
Jon moves around, wiping tears from her eyes. "Ohhh my beautiful sub, you did such a great job. I know that was hard on you, but I am so proud of you!"
Stroking her face. "You were a good girl. And now I will reward you."
Jen moans slightly into her gag, adjusting in her bonds. Sore from being tied down for so long. Jon turning the vibrator on high as it stimulates her clit. Straining against the ropes as pleasure builds within her loins. Jon sliding a finger just inside her folds, rubbing softly. Thinking about making love to his lovely sub, but needing to wait for another time. For it will be the first for both. Wanting to make it special for her. But, right now she needs an orgasm and he was ready to give it to her.
Her passion increasing, building quickly towards another climax. Her pulse racing, breaths coming in pants, as he rubs her faster. Moving the vibrator in small circles over her clit. She pulls hard on her ropes as she thrust her hips into it. Needing his touch, desiring it while she closes her eyes tight. Squirming in the bonds, feeling totally helpless and loving it! Pushing hard into the vibrator, cumming over and over with waves of pleasure. Feeling her anus spasm around the plug, sending her even higher "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
Moaning into the gag, as she starts to ease back into the couch. Trying to breath, hyperventilating and feeling dizzy. Reacting to her submission like never before. Floating on cloud nine and not wanting to come down.
He slowly pulls everything away and removes the plug. Then untying her from the couch. Unwrapping the bindings from around her ankles. Rubbing them softly. Helping to ease her back down to earth. The rope marks so deep from all of her struggling. Marking what he has claimed for his own. He can only smile, knowing that all three are now on the same page. All getting what they desired, from each other. His little Pride!
He helps her to stand, untying her wrists and rubbing her shoulders. It's been hours bound tight and she is feeling it. Though, she couldn't think of a better way to spend an evening. Then feeling her body shudder, as her little rosette twitches and spasms. Thinking, "Maybe no plug!" But then again, she is now feeling empty and hollow without it. Confused if she likes it or how she feels submitting to it? Smiling around her gag.
Jon removes her vibrator, picking her up into his arms. Meeting her gaze and smiling, while he carries her to the bed. Laying her next to her bondage friend. Then making sure the door is locked and the lights were off. He crawls between them, moving his arms around each, pulling them close. All three very happy as each girl moan.
The girls loving how he is leaving the gags in place. Realizing it was like having their ankles tied and having to hop. There were easier ways, but that was the point, taking their control away. Not allowed to speak, while they think about their evening and the plugs. Plus Jon has a question for them both, not wanting their answers right away. Letting them think it over and tell him in the morning.
Jenny quivers with sexual heat, almost missing Jon's next words, but they were the words she has been waiting weeks for! "Girls, I'd like to take you both to, Homecoming. Think it over and before we leave, I want your answer! Right now, I'll let you take a break. Then we will start something else." Jon smiles, feeling great, laying between two beautiful girls. Two very submissive girls!