Author's Note: This can be read by itself or as a sequel to Brittany Gets Rented by a Sadist
Brittany laid in her latex vac bed waiting to be released. Her mistress Theresa and Theresa's sadistic friend Kelsey, who had branded Brittany with a K the day before, walked in the room and turned the light on.
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Kelsey started looking through her phone as Theresa unzipped the latex vac bed. "I have a friend who trains little bitches like Brittany here. She holds sessions where she trains pathetic slaves to be pets. I would love it if I could take the bitch over to her and have her trained. Would that be ok with you Theresa?" Kelsey asked as she flashed Brittany an evil look. "Yes that'd be fine babe" Theresa replied.
A short while later Brittany was being loaded into the car and Theresa said "I know I don't need to explain what will happen to you if you don't behave today and do whatever Kelsey and her friend say." Brittany nodded and said "Yes Mistress, I'll be a good girl." With that Theresa kissed her slave on the lips and said "I'll see you later"
After about 20 minutes of driving Kelsey and Brittany pulled into a driveway and Kelsey dragged Brittany out of the car. Kelsey rang the doorbell and after a few seconds a woman opened the door. She was wearing a shiny black latex corset with a black latex skirt that barely covered her ass cheeks. She was wearing bright pink lipstick and black eyeliner, giving her a very cruel and seductive look.
Brittany stood there staring at the woman, realizing that she was no amateur when it came to BDSM. The woman glared at Brittany and in a very stern, commanding voice said "Why are you standing? Get on your fucking hands and knees." Brittany looked around and noticed some neighbors looking at her and this mysterious woman in latex. She slowly got on her hands and knees and heard Kelsey say "Sorry hun, she obviously isn't disciplined at home and needs a lot of training." The woman replied "That won't be a problem."
The three of them went inside and Brittany saw another woman, naked, on her hands and knees with a collar around her neck. She was fat, her stomach and tits almost hitting the floor, a huge ass, and fat rolls around her shoulders and armpits. "Are you training a bitch and a pig today?" Kelsey asked the woman. "Yes just these two today. If you'd like to take a seat at the table over there you can watch." the woman replied. Kelsey walked over and sat down by the table on the other side of the room.
Brittany felt a sharp tug as the woman tightened a dog collar around her neck and led her over next to the other girl. "Both of you listen up! You're here because you are pathetic and worthless and your owners decided you need more training. My name is Mistress Madelyn and I'm going to turn you into perfect little pets." said the woman.
"Now it's time for you two to officially meet. Brittany, this is Lora, and Lora this is Brittany. Introduce yourselves to each other."
Brittany turned to Lora and said "Hello Lora" then she felt a hard swat on her ass. "NO! You are nothing more than a dog now, and dogs don't talk." Madelyn yelled before she smacked Brittany's ass again. "Dogs greet each other by sniffing each other's asses."
Brittany looked up at Madelyn with pleading eyes, she hated anything involving asses, but especially sniffing them. Madelyn grabbed Brittany's face and squeezed her cheeks, looked directly in her eyes, and said "Don't fucking try those puppy dog eyes with me bitch. Crawl behind Lora and stick this pretty little face of yours in between her fat, sweaty ass cheeks and sniff her asshole."
As Madelyn glared at her, with her bright pink lips and cruel black eyeliner, Brittany knew she had no choice but to go over and stick her face between Lora's enormous ass cheeks and inhale the scent of her ass. Brittany crawled behind Lora and as she moved her face closer to Lora's crack, Madelyn straddled Lora and grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them wide open. "There's her asshole bitch, I wanna see that nose of yours buried in there nice and deep."
Brittany stuck her head between Lora's ass cheeks, and her nose right against her asshole and inhaled. Madelyn stuck two fingers on the sides of Lora's asshole and spread it open. "I said stick your fucking nose in her fucking asshole. Don't make me ask again!"
As Brittany stuck her nose deeper in Lora's asshole, so her nostrils were completely covered by Lora's hole, Madelyn let go and started pushing Lora's ass cheeks together, squeezing Brittany's face in between the large ass. Brittany could only breathe through her nose, which was forcing her to breathe in nothing but the scent of this fat woman's asshole. The only thing she could feel was the warm, sweaty skin of Lora's ass cheeks against her face.
Madelyn jiggled Lora's fat ass cheeks, shaking Brittany's head back and forth. Although the sound was muffled by Lora's ass covering her ears, Brittany could hear Madelyn and Kelsey laughing. She knew she must look so pathetic with her face stuffed in Lora's ass, sniffing away like a dog.
After they had their sadistic laughs at her expense, Madelyn let go of Lora's ass and said "Ok bitch you can pull your face out and stop sniffing her ass already. Give her a chance to greet you, stop being so greedy."
Lora crawled behind Brittany and Brittany felt her chubby face slide into her ass crack. As Lora positioned her nose up against her asshole, Mistress Madelyn knelt down, grabbed Brittany's hair and yanked her head back. "Did you get a good whiff?" she asked, her bright pink lips grinning cruelly, and her sharp eyes lighting up as she watched Brittany's face flush with humiliation.
Brittany nodded but Madelyn just looked at her and said "You're not getting off that easy. Bark twice for yes and once for no. Now, did you get a good whiff of her ass?"
She couldn't believe this. She hated this whole training day thing enough already, but at least she was sort of used to being used for sexual pleasure. But being forced to bark, that wasn't sexual at all. Madelyn just wanted to humiliate her, and to make things worse, that sadistic bitch Kelsey got to watch too. Before she could think about it anymore, she noticed Kelsey walking behind them carrying an enema kit. Then she felt Lora's nose push even deeper into her ass and knew Kelsey had just started giving Lora the enema.
Brittany knew from experience that Lora would be forced to hold the water in, causing immense pain, but she also thought to herself 'better her than me' as she felt Lora's face wriggle slightly against her ass cheeks as the enema filled Lora up.
Madelyn yanked on her hair again, jolting her out of her thoughts. "Answer me slut!" she commanded. Brittany swallowed whatever little pride she had left and let out a squeaky "ruff ruff". Without any hesitation Madelyn tugged her hair again and said "Did you like it?" Even though Brittany hated it, she knew that wasn't what Madelyn wanted to hear, so again she let out a "ruff ruff".
Then Kelsey walked by them again, holding the enema kit. "Is she holding it in?" asked Madelyn as she stood up and let go of Brittany's hair. "Yeah but who knows how long her bladder will hold with the added pressure" giggled Kelsey. Madelyn snapped her fingers and said "Come" and Brittany and Lora crawled over to the table.
Madelyn looked down at them and grinned, saying "Ooo we're gonna have so much fun with these two, aren't we babe?" Kelsey giggled and said "Yes we are. Unfortunately Brittany's face is filthy from being in Lora's ass so long, I think it needs to be washed off." Madelyn nodded and grabbed Brittany's collar and dragged her behind Lora again, spreading Lora's ass cheeks.
"Get your filthy fucking face in there bitch!" Madelyn commanded. As Brittany pushed her face once again between the large cheeks, Madelyn smacked Lora's ass hard and Lora released her enema, shooting the water all over Brittany's face. As the water from Lora's ass dripped down her face, Brittany could hear Kelsey's sadistic laughter. "That was just for you babe, I know you like to watch her being humiliated." Madelyn said as she walked back to the table.
Immediately after releasing her enema, knowing that she would not be allowed a bathroom break, and therefore had no choice but to just go, Lora started pissing on the floor. Kelsey quickly stood up and grabbed a paddle. Then she grabbed Lora by the hair and shoved her face into the puddle of piss.
"No! Bad girl!" Kelsey shouted as she started smacking Lora's ass with the paddle. Then Madelyn walked over to Brittany and pushed her face into the puddle too, saying "This is such a good opportunity for both of you to learn a lesson." Then she felt the paddle start striking her ass too.
She had been spanked before, even whipped, but never this hard and never while having her face shoved in a puddle of someone else's piss. Madelyn walked behind Kelsey and started rubbing Kelsey's pussy as she continued paddling Lora and Brittany. Kelsey slid her free hand down Madelyn's latex skirt and started rubbing her pussy.
Brittany looked up and when she saw the two dommes fingering each other the humiliation and pain she was already feeling seemed to triple and she looked back at Lora, who didn't seem to be bothered much, in fact she seemed to be enjoying it. This made the whole situation worse, she felt alone, since apparently Lora had volunteered for this degrading experience.
As the smacks from the paddle continued, Madelyn and Kelsey started moaning and each time Madelyn squeezed Kelsey's pussy, she whispered in her ear "Harder, spank them harder" and Kelsey would smack Brittany's already bright red, sore ass even harder then the previous time.
After several minutes of this constant pain, humiliation, and laying in a puddle of piss, Brittany broke down and let out a scream before she started crying uncontrollably. When Kelsey and Madelyn saw Brittany crying, it pushed them both over the edge and they let out simultaneous moans as they both reached orgasm. They made out with each other as their cum ran down each other's fingers. Then they licked their fingers clean as they stared down at Brittany and Lora.
Several hours later, after the mess was cleaned up and Lora and Brittany had been hosed down in the back yard, Madelyn made sandwiches for her and Kelsey. While she was making the sandwiches, Kelsey filled two dog bowls with dry dog food and set them on the floor. "Eat!" she commanded Brittany and Lora.
Lora started shoving her face in the bowl and lapping up the food with her tongue. Brittany stared at the bowl in front of her. She couldn't stand the thought of having to eat actual dog food. Then Madelyn set the sandwiches on the table and grabbed her by the hair and shoved her face just above the bowl. She knelt down and whispered in Brittany's ear "If you don't start gobbling up the meal that Kelsey worked so hard to prepare for you, I'm gonna beat you so hard it's going to make the branding you experienced yesterday feel like a vacation." Then she pushed Brittany's face into the food and went back to the table.
Brittany knew that Madelyn was serious and started trying to pick up the dog food with her tongue. The taste was disgusting and the laughter from Kelsey and Madelyn didn't help. "Look at her. You weren't kidding when you said she was the most pathetic slut you'd ever seen" said Madelyn.
Once Brittany had finished her bowl, Madelyn put a bra and panties on both her and Lora, and placed bondage mittens over their hands. Then she put a harness over their heads which was equipped with a bit gag. "This will make sure you drool like little dogs when we go to the park." Brittany couldn't believe what she had just heard. They were actually going to a park?!
Sure enough, a few minutes later Madelyn attached a leash to each of their collars and tugged the leashes, indicating they were to crawl to the front door. As they left the house Madelyn asked "Did you bring the toys and treats?" and Kelsey said "Of course. How far is the park?" "It's about a mile down the road." Brittany's face turned bright red as she realized she was going to have to crawl a mile in public wearing a harness and crawling around on a leash.
Once they arrived at the park, Kelsey opened her purse and pulled out a dog bone. Madelyn unhooked the leashes and removed the head harnesses. "Time to play fetch. The first one who gets the bone and brings it back to us in their mouth gets a treat." Then Kelsey threw the bone about 20 feet away.
Brittany and Lora started crawling as fast as they could toward the bone. Brittany got to the bone first and picked it up with her mouth. As they crawled back to Madelyn and Kelsey, Brittany saw two ladies in their 50s walking down the sidewalk eating ice cream cones. The ladies stopped when Brittany crawled up and dropped the bone at Madelyn's feet.
"What a cute little puppy" one of the ladies said as she reached down and scratched Brittany behind her ear. Madelyn laughed and said "Well she earned a treat, would you like to give it to her?" The lady giggled and said "Oh I'd love to" Madelyn grinned and handed her a dog treat, saying "Don't be afraid to make her work for it"
The woman held the dog treat over Brittany. "Try and get it! Come on girl!" the woman taunted. Madelyn glared at Brittany and said "On your knees with your mouth open bitch!" Brittany got on her knees and held her hands up by her breasts, then stuck her tongue out and looked up at the treat. "That's it girl, beg for it" the woman taunted again before finally dropping the dog treat in Brittany's mouth.
Brittany reluctantly chewed the dog treat and got back on her hands and knees. By then the heat had melted the woman's ice cream cone as she was feeding Brittany, and a large clump of ice cream slid off the cone and landed on the woman's foot. "Ugh!" the woman said as she looked down at the ice cream running down onto her toes.
"Oh don't worry dear, our little puppy can clean that up for you." Madelyn said as she snapped and pointed to the woman's foot. Brittany crawled over and stared at the 50 year olds foot in disgust. Then she felt a hard smack on her already sore ass and heard Kelsey yell "Hurry up bitch! That foot isn't going to clean itself."
Brittany started licking the ice cream off the top of the woman's foot. "Don't forget to clean in between my toes" the woman said as Kelsey, Madelyn, and the two women started laughing at Brittany. She continued to swirl her tongue around the toes, closing her lips around each one and sucking all the ice cream off. "Mmmm that's a good girl" the woman moaned as Brittany finished licking and sucking her feet clean.
"Good girl!" the woman exclaimed as she patted Brittany on the head. Brittany kissed her clean foot one last time before the woman said "Well that was interesting to say the least, but we must be on our way." "Ok, you ladies have a wonderful day!" Madelyn said as the women walked away.
"So did you enjoy my slave for the day?" Brittany looked up and saw Mistress Theresa walking toward them. "Oh we had some fun. I still recommend more training in the future, but she was a good little bitch today." replied Madelyn.
"I'm sure we can arrange that" Theresa said as she attached the leash to Brittany's collar. "Well don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Madelyn said to Brittany, then she turned around and lifted her latex skirt up exposing her firm, perfect, round ass cheeks. Brittany crawled over and sensually kissed each of Madelyn's ass cheeks.
Then Theresa started walking to the car, and Brittany followed along on the leash behind her, crawling as fast as she could, dreading the next time she came across Mistress Madelyn.