Author's Note: This story was inspired by a Japanese video. I have no back story for why these events are taking place. Feel free to make up your own circumstances.
It was mid morning when I got off the train at a small station in rural Pennsylvania. Three other young guys were already there; the fifth had been on my train several cars back. We didn't know each other but we knew we were all there for the same reason. We were five white guys between 21 and 24. No one looked like an athlete but we weren't too far out of shape. We did not speak to or even make eye contact with one another. We each had a small duffel with a change of clothes in it. That, our ID and $20 were all we were allowed to bring. We had been instructed to wait in the small station until someone came for us. It was nearly an hour before some one did.
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A young Asian man came into the station and looked at us then turned and left. I followed him out, the others followed me. There was a white 12 passenger ford van with the motor running just outside the door. The man climbed in the front seat, I opened the passenger door and climbed in moving to the last seat, the next two sat in the seat in front of me, the last two in front of them. As soon as the door was closed we took off.
I noticed the driver was also Asian. He didn't say anything but the other guy took out a professional looking video camera and started talking.
"Hey boys. Welcome to Pennsyl-fucking-vania, Everybody have a good trip? You sure are in for a wild time!"
He started asking a lot of questions, filming all the time. He tried to sound like some kind of reality show host. He asked us our names and where we were from. What we thought would happen. The others gave simple answers. I wasn't really listening. We didn't use our real names; we had been given "nicknames" for the event. They were colors like in that Tarintino movie. I was Blue. We also had Green, Yellow, White and Black. He teased me about being a hard guy because I didn't talk much. I wasn't really. I wasn't. I was scared and didn't want the others to know. After the initial round of interview questions the van was silent. The trip was over an hour long.
We were only on the highway for a little while then we pulled off onto a more basic road and finally onto a dirt road. We followed the trail through a wooded area and eventually came out next to a large building. It was once part of a agriculture business but had been shut down and sold. It had been refitted for special event. We all knew what it was and seeing it made the whole thing real. We drove another mile before stopping in front of a much smaller building. The cameraman said to wait here until they were ready for us.
A few minutes later the door opened and a woman told us to get out in no uncertain terms. She was a trainer; one of two who were assigned to us. Both were hard looking woman in pseudo military garb. They wore olive fatigue pants bloused inside of combat boots and green tank tops. Their exposed flesh was well muscled. One of the women had dark brown hair with a man's cut. The other was a dirty blond with her hair wrapped up in a bun.
They had us line up in a row.
"We will now do calisthenics," said the dark haired girl. I think she was Russian or maybe some other Slav. "One hundred jumping jacks."
And so it began. The jumping jacks were just the beginning. The jumping jacks were followed by squats, push-up, sit ups and a 20 minute run through the woods. If anyone slacked off the second trainer, the ponytailed blond had an electrical prod to motivate us. We all got motivated and it hurt. I didn't give her a reason to zap me again. Eventually we made it back to the small building and were allowed to go in. There were bottles of water for us and 5 packages of clothing. Each package contained a pair of sneakers, socks, a jockstrap, gym shorts, kmee pads and a t-shirt. Each set was color coordinated with our names. We were told to get dressed, use the bathroom if we needed to and that we had 10 minutes.
When the time came we lined up outside and then ran the mile to the main building. The run was at a fast pace and we were all pretty tired when we entered the building through the back door.k door. It was dark inside but one of the trainer had a small penlight and guided us across gym mat covered floor to the center of the room. She told us to wait and then left. Several of the others took a knee or sat. We were all exhausted but that was the idea behind all the exercises.
From the opposite side of the building from where we came in I heard a door open and the sound of bare feet walking across the padded floor. I saw a few more penlight coming this way. In a minute we could feel ourselves surrounded. Then the lights came on.
We were in a large open gym like space. Like I said we were in the center and there were mats on the floor. Oh yeah there were 20 young Japanese women surrounding us. Most of them looked pretty much like the girl next store if you lived in a middle class neighborhood in Osaka. Nothing flashy, simple make-up and only the most discreet tattoos. Sure they were all just wearing bra and panties, some had garters, some were wearing see through nightware. But nothing you wouldn't expect to find in a nice married woman's lingerie drawer. Most were smiling, a few giggling. However there were a few harder looking woman. These had long blond hair, stripper tits, lots of eye make-up and many more tattoos. They were scary too but just a little scarier then the others. We were in for a rough evening.
Beside the participants there were a half a dozen camera people (four males and two females) , a couple of trainers prowling the edges of the mats and a few dozen people sitting in bleachers along one side of the mats.. Mostly middle aged couples. I don't know who they were. Some people said they were past participants, maybe I just don't know. All the boys stood up. The girls smiled nonchalantly and we waited. Thirty seconds went by and then the horn sounded.
There is no winning strategy for my side. You are expected to resist. As soon as the horn sounded about half the girls moved in grabbing whoever was in reach, I saw a break in their line and made for it but just as I passed through a foot came up and kicked me in the ass and I went sprawling to the floor where upon two of the girls jumped on my back pinning to the floor. As I said half the girls attacked us, the other half went to the "goodie" table. On it was just about every thing a girl could want for the evening. Soon after I was knock down a second pair of girls joined the two on my back. They had some lengths of rope, a ball gag and a various leather paddles. One for each of them. They tried to pull my arms behind my back but I resisted so they started hitting me on my ass with their paddles until I stop resisting. I still had my shorts on so I was able to hold out for awhile but between a the exhaustion and the beating my will gave out and I allowed my arms to be pulled back. They crossed my wrist and used a piece of rope to tie them. They got off me and flipped me over onto my back and then they were on me again. Two of them pushed my shirt up and began sucking hard on my nipples, a third girl brought her mouth down to mine and kissed me. Tongue and all. Then she withdrew, hovered over my face and let a long drip of spit run down onto my face. Then she slapped me and laughed. Then she hit me again. I was helpless. I had forgotten about the fourth girl but I remembered her when her foot came down on my crotch hard.
As I laid there I saw White come crawling past. He was wearing a collar with the leash in the hand of one of the tough looking girls. He still had his shirt and kneepads but the rest was gone. Well not totally true. He still had his jockstrap but now it was over his head, the pouch covering his face and held in place with pink duct tape. She was also carrying a short thick whip and his ass was quite red. As she walked by she paused and held her foot over my mouth and ordered me to lick it. I didn't hesitate for one minute.
Once she was gone the girls pulled off my shorts exposing my bare ass and got me to my feet. Hitting me hard with a strap one of them said "Run!" and I did. They followed me for a few steps hitting me as we ran but soon they dropped away to join a group tormenting Green. I kept running but I've seen the videos recorded by the camera people so I can tell you what was happening to him.
He was on his back and with the exception of his kneepads he was naked. There were six girls "working" on him including a panty-less one sitting on his face. She was rubbing herself back and forth across his face; pausing when she had his nose and mouth covered so he couldn't breathe; causing to gasp in as much as possible when he could. Two of the other girls were jerking him off. One was wanking his cock while the other was twisting his balls. The other girls were twisting his nipples and smacking his belly with leather. The girl on his face suddenly let out a loud groan and had a very wet orgasm all over him. That was all he needed to push him over the edge and he shot a long stream of cum all over himself. This brought on peels of laughter from his tormentors. The girl got off his face and the other started scooping his cum off him and forcing it into his mouth.
Like I said I ran; but there was really nowhere to go. I was free about fifteen seconds before a shove on my back sent me crashing to the floor again where I was quickly set upon by 4 of the ladies. One girl sat down in front of me and pulled my head up by my hair. She scooted in close and then pulled the tiny piece of red cloth away from her sex and pushed my face into it. While this was happening two of the other girls started using those plastic hand held vices you get at Home Depot to painfully pinched the flesh on my ass. The girl that I was licking came and moved on to someone else while another took her place. Suddenly I saw a bunch of girls running but I didn't know why. I found out watching the video later.
Black had kind of freaked out and made a dash for the exit. That was a big no no. Resisting is one thing and expected, trying to escape is something else. Twelve girls, several trainers and two camera people took off after him. He did make it to the door but it was locked of course. He turned looking for another out but that is when the first of the pursuers caught up. She was one of the smaller girls but she had no problem grabbing him and throwing him to the floor. He had made it so far without loosing anything but his shorts but the first thing they did was start kicking him, spitting on him while stripping him naked. He didn't have the nice cushiony mat under him just the hardwood floor. He tried to escape by crawling away on his hands and knees but that just opened up a great target for half a dozen feet. Two of the girls grabbed him and pushed his head down while keeping his ass in the air. The other girls made way for one of the strippers. She was carrying a long leather paddle with a two handed grip. She got in position and started swinging hard. Black started to scream and beg for mercy. Mercy only came after a dozen smacks. But they weren't done with him yet. Ropes had been tied around his cock and balls and he was pulled backwards on his hands and knees while the others continued kicking and spitting on him. They brought him to the middle of the room where the one with the paddle removed her panties and presented her ass to him. Another girl pushed his face into the ladies butt and forced him to lick it. The camera got in close and I could see his tongue digging into her sphincter.
Three girls had rid been riding my face for the better part of a half hour and my tongue and lips were getting very tired. The vice grips on my ass hurt a lot too. When the last girl got up they stood over me and discussed something. There was a lot of npise lot of the noise came from the girls yelling and laughing real hard, some came from the guys who were screaming too for different reasons and a lot but a lot came from the audience who were getting into and cheering every take-down, every smack and every indignity leveled on us. I heard them all cheer at once and I looked over to see what was up. Someone had moved a padded sawhorse directly in front of them and I guess they all knew what that meant. I thought I did to but I hoped it wasn't going to be me.
Black was still being extra abused for his attempted escape. His hands were now tied behind his back and he was being dragged around face down by several women by his ankles. It looked like it was taking all his remaining strength to keep his face from bouncing on the mat. They dragged him in front of the audience and flipped him over onto his back. The girl wearing the Sailor Moon dress came and stood over him. Squatting down a bit she let out a stream of piss directly into his face. After a few seconds it stopped and she told him to open his mouth. He didn't at first so one of the bystanders started to squeeze his cheeks until he opened his mouth. The girl restarted the flow. He tried to close but the pressure was too much. The pee went everywhere but enough went into his mouth to fill it. When the pissing stop another girl put her hand over his mouth while the others chanted "Swallow! Swallow! Swallow!" He had little choice.
Well yeah the saw horse was for me. I One of them tied a rope around my cock and balls and used it as a leash to drag me to it. They untied my hands, bent me over and reattached my wrist on the front crossbar of the horse and my ankles to its rear legs. The audience was reacting to something going on behind me. I found out later while watching the video that one of the women was holding up various whips and paddles. I found out which one they chose when it came cracking down hard on my ass. It was an unusually long crop with a 3" long leather tab. With the second stroke I found out what she was doing. She was knocking the vice grips off my ass. There were lots of other ways to do it, but none more painful.. It took her about three shots per vice grip, there were 5, yes that was pretty harsh. But just incase it wasn't enough another girl approached me from the front, she was naked. She had a pink dildo in her hand. Standing in front of me she spread her legs and slid the dong into her pussy. She did the old in- out, in-out with it for a minute or so before rubbing it on my face. It had a strong odor and was very wet. She told me to lick it. Eventually she worked it into my mouth. It was a pretty long one and she got as much into my mouth as possible causing me to chock and gag. Both she and the audience thought this was quite funny. I was being chocked, and my ass was being destroyed and a whole lot of people thought this was funny. I felt nothing could be worse then I saw the woman with the strap-on heading my way.
While I was bent over the horse Yellow was on another one. He was facing away from the horse with his ankles in heavy metal shackles which were directly attached to the horse's leg. His wrist were also in shackles. They were pulled back tightly making him arch his back in the painfully wrong direction. His cock and balls were forced through a metal ring. The ring had a chain running up from it to a collar around Yellow's neck. This forced his cock and balls to stick out in front of him; making it an easy target for the woman with the strap. She was naked like about half the girls were now. She was very petit. Just a little over 5 feet tall, shoulder length dark hair., small breast and a shaved pussy. No tattoo's or piercings except in her ears where she wore a pair of simple pearl earrings. She looked young and sweet and innocent, which made the long she was using to smack Yellow's cock and balls seem so surreal. She wasn't whipping him hard and only every third or fourth of her easy swings were making contact. But each one that did hit got a strong reaction from him. He was pretty immobile but he did the best he could to get out of the way of his tormentor's strap. He had little success. Several other women were watching and egging her on. I had a feeling this may have been her first time and the others were a support group of sorts. A couple of them decided he wasn't suffering enough so they joined in. One lady had a pair of nipple clamps. She attached them and then added a couple of lead fishing line weights. The other started nuzzling his ear and kissing him. Both girls twisted the clamps on his neck. One girl gave him a hickey on his neck while the other pulled back his head by his hair. And while this went on the original girl just continued her casual cock beating. Once the others had joined in it became only a matter of time before his cock got hard and his orgasm shot cum all over the mat. This did not stop the strapping. I can only imagine how that felt. He was actually crying and begging her to stop. She only did after a dozen post orgasm strokes. She took her weapon and brought it to his lips to clean his cum off of it. When he was done she walked away from him leaving him for further torment from the others.
I had my own problems. The strap-on lady was standing in front of me. She was not smiling. The other woman stepped aside to allow her access to my face. Her cock was black and very realistic looking with veins and all. She slapped me in the face with it, then again and again. Someone handed her a bottle of dishwashing solution. She squirted some of it into her hand then stood in front of me and stroke the rubber cock with it like she was jerking off. She started to moan and I half expected it to explode a load of cum in my face. That didn't happen but what did happen was she pushed the cock into my and pumped it in and out. The soap was awful. I have had one other mouth soaping but it was nothing compared to this foul tasting dick. I was gagging both from the deep penetration and the liquid and didn't know if I was going to be able to not barf. I figured that would be pretty bad. But I didn't and after what seemed like a much longer time than it actually was she withdrew to stand behind me. The vice grips were all off by then so she had a clear pass to my asshole. I thought the upside of the soap would have been it would have acted as a lubricant but in reality not so much. I guess most of it came off in mouth and so the ass fucking was pretty painful. The dildo was not too wide but it was plenty long and she sawed it back and forth its entire length. Two girls kneeled down in front of me and started kissing each other and sucking each others tit. I guess the message was that wouldn't you rather be kissing a pretty girl than getting fucked? We'll too bad you're getting fucked.
While she was fucking me White was dragged into my view. He was, like the rest of us pretty well beaten. Lots of whip marks and bruises. On the video I had seen that earlier they made Yellow crotch down on the floor and had White lay across his back while one girl with a paddle and another with a flogger flailed away on him. They had dressed him up a bit. They had put a pink baby doll top one of the now mostly naked girls had discarded. He was also wearing bright red lipstick. He was crawling on all four following several girls with one in the rear making sure he kept up with well aimed kicks. He was made to lay next to me while one of the girls went into the audience and came back with an older woman. By older I think she was in her late 50's but more likely early 60's. She was not very tall but probably weighed about 180 lbs. She had gray hair tied up in a bun, glasses and a long sleeve, high neck, ankle length black dress. All the other woman showed her much respect bowing and being sure not to get in her way as she approached White. She stood over him for a minute before lifting her dress and squatting down on his face. The dress covered what was going on but I am pretty sure he did the best he could. Every once and a while she would nod to one of them and she would bring a crop down on his dick and yell
"Do better!"
She was on his face for a long time. Eventually her breathing seemed to change minutely and her eyes closed. There was a soft guttural sound coming from her and a tightening of the muscles in her face then a release. A minute later she got up and was escorted back to her seat. White's eyes were closed and his face was red. His lipstick was mostly gone.
At the same time my ass fucker was done. She wiped whatever shit was on the dildo onto my leg and wandered off. Several ladies removed me from the horse and forced me into the middle of the room where I was positioned on my back. One girl sat on my face while another started giving me a blow job. I got hard instantly and a rubber was placed on my dick; and then someone climbed and inserted said dick into herself and started a very energetic fuck.
The girl on my face climbed off and I saw that all the boys had been moved into the center with all the girls and the members of the audience surrounding us. Black was also being fucked by one of the young women, while Green was made to masturbate. White was having his cock roughly stroked by a rubber soled shoe worn by a audience member. Yellow was being assaulted by several girls with vibrators. One was up his ass and a couple on his still red and I am sure sore penis. As each of them a squeal of laughter rose from the crowd. This was followed by being him tied up and left laying there. I was the last to come. The crowd was chanting something but it was in Japanese so I didn't know what it was. And then I had a monstrous orgasm. If they cheered then I didn't hear it all my senses were blocked out by the orgasm. After I stopped bucking the girl removed me from her pussy and removed the condom and brought it up to my mouth. I was aware enough to know I didn't want her to pour it in my mouth and tried to resist. My resistance lasted right up until someone with an electric thingee zapped my balls. Game over. I opened my mouth to scream and got a mouthful of cum. To add insult to injury they used a piece of duct take to tape the rubber on my nose. They rearranged us so we were all on top of one another. My face directly on Greens ass. White and Black were laying next to us in a classic sixty nine position. Yellow was laying face down in a puddle of piss. The girls started to high five each other and hug and started to leave the area but not before indulging in one last kick, spit or smack. And then there was just us.
We were there for about a half hour before two of the camera people came in a untied us. We were still naked when they guided us back to the small building we had been at earlier. Inside we found showers, food and drink. We had an hour to get ready for the trip back to the train station. I spent most of my time in the shower.
Black, White and Green caught a west bound train. We hadn't said much after the event and we didn't say good-bye. We made eye contact but just for a second. Yellow and I were headed East. We rode in different cars. No conversation was necessary.