Chloe and Richard came from Seattle to Portland to attend a funeral for the father of a friend. They were staying in a large downtown hotel that (unbeknownst by them when they booked it) was hosting a comic-con. After the funeral they returned to their hotel and shared the elevator with a zombie, a robot and a young girl wearing harem pants, army boots, a blue feather bra and a shockingly bright orange wig. She also had on a holster with some kind of sci fi weapon in it. Chloe was wearing a simple black dress, pearls and low heeled shoes; Rich wore a black suit, white shirt and striped grey and maroon tie. The robot and zombie got off and just the couple and the girl remained for the rest of the trip.
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"I guess this looks pretty weird to you."
"No" said Chloe. "We've seen weirder."
"Hell" said Richard "We've been weirder.
They looked at each other as they stepped out of the elevator and said simultaneously "San Diego!"
The next morning Chloe and Rich were sitting at a small table at a Starbucks kiosk in the hotel lobby when they were approached by a woman in jeans and a Sailor Moon t-shirt,
"How were you weirder?" she said.
Chloe hadn't finished her morning coffee yet and wasn't fully awake yet so she didn't recognize her at first. Rich did.
"Sister Princess Asphyialla of the Arion battle nuns if I'm not mistaken" he said feeling proud of himself.
"You are mistaken. I was Sister Princess Zarion, Arion's twin. Arion wears a orange feather bra and has blue hair. I wore blue feathers and had orange hair. It would have been pretty obvious to most people who know their manga" she said smiling
"Sister Princess?" said Chloe.
"Yeah. They were princesses who became nuns." Rich said.
"Battle nuns?"
"Yeah, They fight the,,,"
"Never mind." Turning to the girl she asked "What's your name?"
"My friends call me Willow." She said taking a seat at their table.
"Hi I'm Chloe, this is Rich."
"Hi" he said.
"Hi" she said. "What was weirder than a zombie, robot and a battle nun?"
Chloe looked at Rich.
"I'll leave you to your girl talk and go get the car. Meet you out front in ten."
"Well what's weirder than a zombie, robot and a battle nun? Lots... "
Two weeks later Willow, sat in Chloe and Rich's kitchen drinking tea and talking. The house was a remodeled bungalow in the Arbor Heights neighborhood of Seattle. The kitchen was modern yet classic. The stainless steel, dark wood and granite counters looked as if it had been there a hundred years.
"I've been doing cosplay for a long time. When I was in middle school I would start planning my Halloween costumes in January and start making them in August."
"Costumes?" said Chloe.
"Yeah. I would have 3 or 4. Besides allowing me to hit the same houses more than once, mentally I would get into my characters head. So while I would be saying trick or treat and holding our my bag in my head I was thinking "I am Queen Allura, ruler of the universe. Give me tribute or be crushed under the might of my berserker army." She paused for a second. "I guess I was a little weird as a kid and haven't outgrown it."
"But you seem to be looking for change without giving it all up.
"Yeah. There are a few other scenes people are into. I looked into Goth but it didn't feel right. I called myself Banshee and did the whole makeup, Victorian dress thing but it just wasn't me. In anime cosplay you know who you really are. The Goths think they were cool and evil. They really weren't either. And don't get me started on furries. So when you guys said you've done weirder I was curious. I knew what BDSM was but wasn't sure if it was something for me."
"It can be intimidating for single women who just want to explore. Did you do any research since Portland."
"Yeah I read everything you sent me. I found some of it intense, some scary, some funny and some I didn't understand."
"Yeah that describes a lot of parties we go to. Besides what I sent you did you look into anything on your own?"
She paused for a second looking a little embarrassed and said. "Well I watched a few videos."
"Yeah, porn."
"Well porn's porn and shouldn't always be taken as reality. If all you ever saw was straight porn you would think every guy could screw you for an hour with a 9 inch dick. That hasn't been my experience.
She laughed. "Mine either but..." she stopped.
"But what" said Chloe.
"I haven't been with that many guys." she said. "I guess I wasn't in a crowd that I found sexually attractive."
Chloe took stock of her guest. She was about, the same height as herself but the girl was about 30 lbs heavier. She had short auburn hair and a pretty face.
"Nothing wrong with being selective."
They were silent for a little while but then Willow said;
"So are you a dominatrix and Rich your slave?"
"No. It is a bit more complicated. Rich is my husband, partner, lover and best friend, We are both involved in the BDSM community. We do not do it 24/7 and sometime he tops me. More often than not it is the other way around." She paused and then said. "And we have relationships with other people."
Willow looked thoughtful about it but before she could comment on it Chloe said;
"BDSM can be whatever you want it to be but we can get into that later. So you want to get dressed up?"
"Yeah. I do. Got anything in black?"
She took the very agreeable Willow by the hand and took her to the second floor to what she called the dungeon. Willow had visions of some kind of medieval torture chamber but was a bit disappointed to find it was just a bedroom with just a bed, an armoire and a full length mirror on a stand. The only slightly unusual objects in the room were an old heavy oak kitchen chair and a plant hanging from a particularly heavy duty hook.
"Let's get you dressed. Strip down to your undies while I get a few things out."
Chloe went to the closet and opened the double doors. About three quarters of the closet was filled with black things with a punch of reds and purple accents. Willow couldn't tell what a lot of it was but she knew she was going to love this place. The other quarter of the closet was pink and other pastel colored lingerie along with what looked to Willow like some fairly ordinary looking dresses. On the floor were many pairs of shoes and boots. One particular pair caught her eye.
"How high are those heels?" she asked.
"I think they are 7 inches."
"Can you walk in those?"
"Me? No. but he can.
This caught her up a but she decided to let it wait. She quickly stripped down to her pink thong and white sports bra.
"I'm a lot bigger than you. Do you have something that will fit me?" Willow asked
"We have lot of stuff. I'm pretty sure we have something that will fit you." She said this while eyeing her undressed friend's body. "Lose the bra and try this on."
When they were done Willow looked in the mirror with amazement at what she saw. Chloe had replaced her cotton bra with a one size too small leather push up bra that let her boobs spill out in all directions. Around her waist she wore a leather corset with garters which were holding up a pair of fishnet stockings. And a purple leather mini skirt. On her feet were a pair of open toed shoes with 4" heels.
Chloe for her part wore a pair of black leather shorts and a black bra. Her nipples stuck out the two holes cut in the bra.
The two women faced each other checking out the others look. There eyes met. Chloe said;
"Willow have you ever kissed a girl?"
Willow stared back at her. There was a barely perceptible left right shake of her head. She never stopped looking into the other woman's eyes.
"Did you ever want to?
This time the tiny movement was up and down. Then she said;
"What happened?"
"Willow replied in a soft voice, "The first time it wasn't the right time or place and I don't know if she wanted to kiss me.:
"OK. What about the second time?"
"Don't know yet."
"Chloe smiled and crossed the few feet to where the other one was standing, paused a moment and then lined up their noses and kissed her. At first it was just lips but then she felt Willow opening her mouth. Chloe followed suit and soon they were deep into a soulful kiss with their tongues darting in and out of each others mouths. Eventually they broke.
"Why," asked Chloe, "did you wait so long to do that? You're pretty good at it. OK lets go into my bedroom and get our makeup on." She took Willow by the hand and let her across the hall to her and her husbands bedroom. As she did so she called down to Richard "Rooms all yours".
Twenty Minutes later.
"Wow," said Chloe. "You make a real evil looking bitch.
Willow looked in the mirror. She had dressed up so many times but something about this was different. She could never be Sailor Moon or any of the other characters she impersonated because they weren't real but could she reinvent herself as this person? Maybe, just maybe.
Chloe took Willows hand and led her back to the other room. When she got there she saw that Richard had been busy. The bed had been stripped and now had four cuffs attached to short chains in each corner. Across the bed lay a cylindrical pillow covered in black leather. It had a 12" diameter. A chain now hung down from where the plant had been. The armoire was open and whips and floggers hung from hooks on the door. The shelves were covered with all manner of rope and leather things. Willow saw hoods, gags, cuffs and things she could only guess at there purpose. And Richard was there, He was kneeling in front of them and was naked, well mostly.
"What's that thing on his dick?" Willow asked.
"That's his chastity device. It keeps him from cumming when I'm not around."
"Oh. Can I look at it?"
"Sure. Matter of fact you can do anything you want with it or him." She laughed.
As Willow examined the plastic sheath she asked "How long has he been wearing it?"
"How long has it been muttboy"
"Six days and fourteen hours, Mistress."
"They become very conscience of the passing of time." She laughed again. "Do her feet first."
Richard crawled over to Willow and lowered his face onto her feet and began kissing.. Spreading kisses all over her foot; after a minute he switched to the other. After another minute passed Chloe said "make them wet". Richard then began using his tongue. First on the shoes and then on the exposed toes. Chloe let him do this for a minute before ordering him to kiss hers. When she was satisfied he had shown proper subservience she told him to stop.
"Go lay on your belly. Put the pillow underneath you just above your cock."
Once positioned as she said he spread eagle his arms and legs.
"Mistress Willow. If you will do this side I will do the other."
"OK Mistress Chloe," she said not really sure what she meant. She watched as her new friend went to the other side of the bed and began buckling him into the restraints.
"Make it tight. We don't want him to escape."
She fumbled a bit at first but finally got him firmly secured. Chloe came and checked out her work. Judging that he was not going anywhere she went to the armoire and picked up a couple of things. A ball gag and a butt plug.
"We don't want him to listen to him whine do we?" She climbed up on the bed and straddled him and inserted the red ball in his mouth and tightened it.
Willow picked up the butt plug.
"Do you know what that is?"
"Yeah," she said suppressing a giggle. The mighty Mistress Willow did not giggle.
"Well there some lub over there, Just put a dab on and shove it in. It's not very big. He won't complain much.
She did it and was kind of proud of herself. She also noticed moisture was gathering in her crotch. Yes she liked this. She was also thinking about that kiss.
"Here you go Mistress. It's called a slapper. You can hit him pretty hard without hurting him too much. Isn't that right mutt?"
He grunted something to Willow that sounded like no but Chloe insisted he said "Yes Mistress." And so they began.
Willow was tentative about her first few hits and Mistress Chloe encouraged her. She had her own weapon, It was shaped like a ping pong paddle but made of leather. She seemed to swing it very hard but he didn't seem to mind it so she started to hit harder just holding back a little. Soon his ass was bright red and when Willow saw how hard he was breathing she stopped and looked at Chloe.
"Yeah, he had enough. It's not the hardest I've been on him, but pretty close." She stroked his ass and whispered something in his ear. Willow thought she said "I love you."
They released him from the cuffs and gag, leaving the butt plug for him to take care of.
"Thanks honey. You were a champ. We'll see you down stairs in a bit. You can clean up later." She kissed him on the mouth. As he left he turned and smiled at Willow who gave him a hug and thanked him too and he left.
Chloe came over to Willow and wrapped her arms around her cupping her ass in her two hands. Willow leaned in for the kiss but Chloe teasingly pulled back. Willow made a little moaning sound and tried again but was thwarted once more. So instead lowered her head between Chloe's tits and gave her little kisses. She allowed this for a few seconds and then said.
"Willow. What have you learned about yourself today?
She thought about this then said. "I like dressing up as a dominatrix. No more cartoon characters."
"And what else?"
"I like dominating boys."
"Kissing girls. Definitely like kissing girls."
"That's a lot for one day don't you think?"
"Yes I would say so."
"Now the question is if you think you've learned enough about yourself or are you ready to try one more thing?"
Very excited to see what was next she stared into her friend's eyes and said "Yes." Hoping it would be relief from the desire that had built up in her.
"Good. Get naked and go wait on the bed. Let's see how good a subbie you are."
Willow hadn't expected that. She thought they would get in bed and make sweet sweet lesbian love but that wasn't what Mistress Chloe, who now seemed a little scary, had in mind. In a few minutes she found herself naked on the bed waiting. Chloe was out of view but when she returned she saw that she also was naked and when she got closer she could smell a perfume she wasn't wearing earlier. It was very spicy and base and so erotic. She felt herself getting even hornier. Chloe sat down next to her and said;
"I'm going to give you a nice over the knee hand spanking. You can say "red" anytime you want me to stop. OK?"
Willow didn't say anything but complied with her wishes. The feel of her their skin touching made her was almost too much. The tingling sensation of her pubic hair sliding across the others thighs pushed her even further into another plan of existence. She felt she could feel the heat of Chloe's, no Mistress Chloe's, sex bathing her own. Yes this was so right, this was so good. She barely even noticed when she started to spank her. It was all just part of an out of body experience like nothing she ever felt before. The first orgasm was like a super nova going off in her groin quickly spreading out the pleasure throughout her body and it was only the first of many. She wasn't sure when it happened but at one point she realized she was on her back, with the pillow under her ass and Mistress's face planted deep in her pussy bringing on the waves of pure pleasure.
"Come here." She panted breathlessly. "I want to..." she couldn't finish the statement but Chloe heard enough to re-position herself lying next to the other. Willow rolled over and kissed her. Chloe's face and mouth were covered with Willows own cum but she didn't care in the least and kissed her hard, sucking the tongue out of her mouth. Her hand slid down to Chloe's cunt and spread the lips apart before sliding in. She had pleasured herself enough so she knew what a woman wanted. Her hands moved around inside her firing off all the pleasure signals to her brain. Her juices started to flow like a river. Next she sought out her clit. Using her thumb and two fingers she brought her to the edge but then backed off.
"Noooo! Don't fucking stop. Please do me more."
Willow re-positioned herself straddling Chloe's chest and lowering her sex to Chloe's mouth; while at the same time bringing her own face to with inches of the others. She hesitated only a second and thought;
"Well I certainly did think I would be eating pussy when I got up this morning," and then plowed forward. They stayed like that for a very long time.