Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story of this nature. I have been reading these stories for a year, and believe I took quite a bit of influence from a few of a similar nature. I do appreciate constructive criticism, as it will help me grow as a writer. My feelings will not be hurt if you tear this story apart, so please, leave a comment and tell me what you think. Note: Neko's are a thing in this story, Kerry is currently the only one. If you do not like Neko's, as in a fully human body with the small exception of Cat ears, and a long, fluffy cat tail, then I apologize.
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This club is rather an odd one, "The Binding Play" is its name. It's labeled as a "BDSM" club, but has an... odd twist. You can either sign in as an "S" (Submissive), or a "D" (Dominate). An "s"(submissive) on sign-in gets labeled as such to little devices that "D's" carry around thanks to a signal put out by the wristbands everyone wears.
If the "s" is an unowned "s", they're fair game for any of the "D" (dominates) at the club until she or he is claimed. When claimed, the dominate has full reign over their new submissive for the night, or if the dominate pays an extra fee, they can even take the claimed submissive home. This fee usually ranges between $250,000 and $500,000, sometimes larger, just depending on the submissive.
The way people would know if an "S" is claimed or not would be by the wristband they wear, as mentioned earlier. The dominates wear red wristbands, the submissives wear green wristbands, and staff would wear gold wristbands. These wristbands have microchips in them that put out a short band radio signal. Every dominate is issued a little device, no bigger than a cellphone, that can read these signals. The signals are converted so that it shows each "S" and "S" in the club on a little, tappable display. It shows listed information about the "S" or "D", and if they are repeats, people might even have commented on them.
If a submissive is claimed, they are marked as a red "S", when tapped, it will display the owners name, and selling price. If they are not claimed, they are listed as a green "S". If they are open for public use, they are listed as a blue "S". There are rare cases when a submissive is claimed, and turned over to the house. These submissives are claimed by the house, and treated as property of the house.
If these submissives are not sold off, and stay working for the house, they show up as a black "s". These "S" are open for public use to a certain extent. People are not allowed to remove their restraints, which are often locked on by a key anyways. If they last long enough as house property, they are usually turned into a bathroom slave, or a bartender slave, or various other fun and kinky slaves, changing their "S" to a gold color.
Usually, these black "S" are completely willing, sometimes they are not, but after they sign the agreement up front, it doesn't matter. If they are claimed by a Dominate whom leaves them in the houses care, but the Dominate does not come back within a one week period, they are claimed by the house and training begins. Usually, these slaves have reduced price tags, ranging from $20,000 to $150,000 right off the bat, if they are trained up to certain points, they can be worth quite a lot, $750,000 to $1,000,000. When they are upgraded to staff, and almost all staff are listed for sale, they range from $2,500,000 to $10,000,000, depending on worth.
An interesting aspect about this club is the "Buy power" feature. Dominates are usually not claimable, unless you have enough money, that is. These Dominates usually cost quite a lot of money to claim, even more to take home. A dominates lowest over-power price is $550,000. The dominates can pay to have their price raised, but usually they don't. Very few people are willing to take a dominate to begin with, as the "take home" price is an extra $2,500,000.00 flat, if not more. Only two dominates have ever been bought, and it was by a very wealthy woman, who left them in care of the house for training. When she came back three months later, she purchased both of her new willing submissives, and left, not being seen since... but that's another story all on its own.
Chapter 1
Kerry took a deep breath, sitting in her car with her radio turned up loud, and the AC blowing. She had been blushing for the past ten minutes, squirming in her seat, her long black tail swaying around nervously, unsure as to rather she should go into this club or not. She was told by several friends it was "fun" and "kinky"... "Kinky?" Kery thought, "What the hell does that even mean?". However, she was also told it was, "a great way to meet cute guys and girls" but she was embarrassed. Truthfully, Kerry didn't think much of herself, so she wore her overly skimpy clothes tonight... hoping she would catch at least some attention.
Her mid-length black hair was matched by her long sleeved black top, the sleeves were a striped mix, pink and black. A light zipper was in between her two breasts, holding the piece together to give her some modesty... Her shorts were no better though. Her short... short was an understatement, Extremely short shorts had a couple of zippers on it. One to zip up and down to keep it snug around her waist, or to allow her to take the shorts off, as hard as that may be. The other to open her "lower bits", as she always called it.
She thought this was attractive, as the zippers could be locked into place with small padlocks, but Kerry didn't know that. She had no idea what these shorts were, as her friend picked out her outfit for her. She had worn just past knee-length latex stockings, with a tiny pink rim around the near tops of the black stockings, about a half inch down from the top. She had some black short length boots with a heel on them, which raised her tall 5'8" to a giant 5'10". Little did she know, these were actually part of a leather set that one of her friends had been giving her over the course of a year, but she wore them with this outfit. The boots had spots to lock the zippers up that ran along the sides, and little slides to hide the lock so only the person with the key could free her. She never really paid attention, and just thought they were cute.
She decided that it was finally time to go inside, this club had been nerve wracking... and she hadn't even gone in yet! She hopped out of her car, locking the doors of her silver Audie A8. She slowly walked, putting her keys away in her purse as she was heading towards the front door to the club. She walked past the bouncer, who gave her a few looks, and a devilish smile. She blushed, and walked through the door.
She was alone in the signup lobby. As she took a look around the black room, she noticed that the walls were padded with what looks like they use in those "looney bin" rooms, just black in color. She tilted her head, walking over to the wall, and pressing her hand against it. She enjoyed the softness of these pads, as she shook her head, looking back around the room.
A large touch-screen was waiting, it said "Sign-in" in big bold letters. Kerry walked over, and pressed the big button, figuring she came this far... so why not? She was prompted to put her full name, "Kerry Winters", her date of birth, "April 22nd, 1994" and her address, "117 Loretan street." and a few other identifying factors. She was asked for a few personal things as well, her weight, "120 lbs" eye color,"Deep blue", hair color "Black" and her measurements. As she saw this last one, she blushed... hard. Why did it need to know? Why did it care? Still, she put them in. Even though she was alone, she still loved over her shoulder to make sure no one was looking.
She was asked a few more over personal questions such as her Breast size, "34D" if she was a virgin. "A virgin...? W-...Why would it want to know that!?" She thought to herself, but she figured since there was no "back" key, she needs to finish this anyways... otherwise someone else will just continue with her name and address. She tapped "Yes" and another menu popped up, "Which holes are you a virgin in? Anus. Vagina. Mouth." ...Kerry couldn't believe this, but she tapped all three. A smiley face showed on the screen, before a curious question showed up.
"Are you okay with being tied up?"... Kerry paused. She hadn't thought about this for a while... sure, she had seen some pictures... hell, she even fantasized about being tied down by a beautiful woman, but she had never done it. She blushed, as she pressed "yes". Then, a menu popped up asking if she was an "S" or "D"... she had no idea, "S or D?" she thought, "What the hell does that mean? It doesn't explain it anywhere... so... I guess..." Kerry pressed "S", an action she might later regret.
The screen went blank, then showed "loading" for a few seconds. Then the screen said "Done!". The screen then showed a "Terms and conditions" screen, Kerry tried to read it for a few moments, but the bigger words were starting to hurt her head. So, with that, she quickly clicked "accept" on the screen. She would probably come to find later that this was a mistake... she should have read.
A few moments later, a small bracelet popped out of the bottom compartment of the machine. As it did, the screen instructed her to put this on. It would be locked once she entered, making her unable to take it off... when she left, it will unlock. She sighed, placing it on, not really understanding the purpose of this thin, green wristband, as she walked into the club.
Kerry looked around, as her ears was barraged with loud, pounding music, and what she saw put her in a state of shock beyond belief. This was her first time seeing people in much more revealing outfits than her, but not just revealing, some were in weird costumes, wearing boots that looked like... Hooves? She even had a bit in her mouth with reins attached to it!
Some people were being led around like dogs, on all fours, with a collar in leash. In some circumstances, they had leather straps wrapped from their thighs to their ankles, forcing them to crawl around. Others wore weird gloves over their hands, forcing them into ball shapes? That's what Kerry thought at at least. These people had hoods over their heads, and wore full body latex suits, along with having... tails? sticking out of their rears. Kerry was very confused.
Some were completely naked, standing in a corner with their hands behind her back, and their necks collared and leashed. Their leashes were tied to a pole, and their mouths were all gagged, and wore large leather blindfolds. Little did Kerry know, these people were all claimed by different owners, but though they were claimed, their owners had not come to play with them yet, so they were made to wait. "to each their own... I guess." Kerry thought, trying to push down the naughty thoughts going through her head, as she slowly walked over to a small table in the back. She was blushing, staring at the people, as a little green "S" beeps up on most of the "dominates" radars.
Little did Kerry know, she had eyes on her from the moment she walked through the front door...
Chapter 2
Amber had been trying to get Kerry to go to this club for weeks. She had had a crush on Kerry for as long as she could remember, they had gone through middle school, high school... Hell, they even started college together. However, as much as she tried, she could never get Kerry to go out with her.
Amber wasn't unattractive, not in the least. She was a tall, 5'9" with long, luscious gold curls to die for. Her eyes were big and blue, though she usually wore violet contacts just to give her eyes an extra pop. She had smooth skin, a nice set of firm, perky C-cup breasts, a slender body with a nice round ass to complete it all. She was usually fawned over by guys and girls alike, but, as many women as she had been with, that she had dominated... she couldn't get Kerry.
So... Amber hatched a plan. She was devious, giving Kerry gifts over the year, toys that would be at her house that Amber could use on her... she started with a pair of leather "bracelets", or at least, that's what she told Kerry they were. In reality, they were leather cuffs, meant for Kerry's slender wrists one day, when Amber finally had control over her. Amber enjoyed it, maybe a bit too much, when she first saw Kerry wearing those bracelets. Amber gave her a series of gifts, completing a full leather slave outfit over the next few months. Amber watched her work them into her outfits, and just laughed to herself every time.
Amber snapped out of her trance, as she heard the little "boop" on the device. She looks at the little phone like device, tapping on the new green "S". It showed Kerry's information to her, and showed "unclaimed". Amber smirked wildly, before tapping "Claim Slave" next to her name. After a few moments, a little spinning wheel showed up, and the green "S" turned red. "Claimed by Mistress Amber.". Amber smiled, as she went to her rented out back room to gather some toys.
Kerry was looking around, as she saw a bar, with a few cute barmaids... the only thing she noticed odd about these barmaids? Two of them were gagged, with heavy bit gags, with their arms restrained behind them in some kind of latex sleeve. They had their chests exposed, revealing their pierced nipples which had little chains on them, leading onto a tray attached on to the front of their "Kinky Barmaid" outfits. When these girls weren't bringing drinks around, they kneeled up behind the bar in a row.
What Kerry didn't see was that each of these girls placed their restrained arms in a latex and leather arm-binder into compartments behind the bar. This was their clock. They were registered for every moment they carried drinks, and rated on how fast they did. These girls each spread their legs. pressing themselves down onto a large dildo, after having these compartments lock their arms into place. Their legs were bound down into metal cuffs, one at their ankles, one at their knees for each leg, keeping them still. As their legs were now restrained, if they did well, delivering their drinks in an acceptable time, the dildo extending from the ground that was turned on to the "pleasure" setting.
These large dildos inserted into the girls was a tool to reward them, as much as it was a tool to punish them. The girls who went too slow got painful shocks from these dildos, and if they weren't gagged so... effectively, their screams would echo throughout the club, even with the loud music playing. They would stay like this, until they were the next picked to give out drinks. This could be a few minutes... or this could be half an hour, depending on their punishment, never on their pleasure. The dildos would keep the girls aroused, maybe push them close to an orgasm, but they would never push them over. Not once.
Kerry saw something out of the corner of her eye shift colors, and change to a red color. It was her wrist band. Kerry was confused... she didn't know why this happened, but it did. The music had just changed, so she figured it had something to do with that, and just shrugged it off.
Amber, on the other hand, wasn't so naive. She walked over towards Kerry, having a few toys in tow. Kerry, luckily for Amber, had sat herself down in the "Pet-play ready" section. She could easily work with that. Amber walked up to Kerry, wearing a red and black latex Dominatrix suit. Her suit came up, snuggly clinging to her body, covering her breasts fully, and going down into a one piece bathing suit type curve, covering her crotch and ass. She wore a pair of leather pants, firm and fitting, red and black in color as well. The pants came down overtop of a pair of boots. These boots had a four inch stiletto heel on each one, with black and red laces up and down the front. Amber wore some elbow-length red latex gloves.
Amber got behind Kerry, who was back to staring at the bar, as she softly giggled. "How cute..." Kerry blushed hard, spinning her head around to face Amber. She was acting like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Huh, you're like a dog, Kerry... You're sitting there, staring at those girls, wagging your tail... maybe I should put a collar around your neck... before someone else does." Amber says, in a teasing tone.
Kerry was embarrassed to no end. Not only had she worn her sluttiest clothes, which her best friend didn't know about, but she had been caught staring at girls. Kerry heard the collar comment, which just made Kerry mew lightly, and curl her tail up around her leg. "Don't tease me like that..." Kerry says, as she starts to turn away. Amber smiled, having never seen Kerry like this before, but she noticed something... Kerry didn't say no, she just said "Don't tease me..." Amber had a spark go off in her head, as it all started to click.
Amber sat next to Kerry, as she spoke again, "Who said anything about teasing?" Amber said, with a light laugh following it. "Anyways Kerry, I saw you staring at those peoples pets before... then I saw you staring at the slave girls behind the bar... is that interesting you?" Amber says now with a much more serious tone. Kerry seemed to shiver, and blush. Her reaction was all Amber really needed, she knew it did. Kerry was interested... a lot. Otherwise she would have left the club immediately.
Kerry let it all run through her head, as she tried to speak. Kerry was so embarrassed that all that came out of her mouth was a soft mewing noise. She looked down, and simply nodded. Amber was overjoyed, but tried her best not to show it. "Oh?" Amber said, with a more commanding tone than before... much more... dominate, at the very least. "Well... how about I collar you, and put a leash on you. I'll add a few more things, and I'll lead you around the club as my kitten. How does that sound?" Amber says, in a calm, dominate tone. On the inside, she was jumping for joy as Kerry seemed to look at her, and think about it. Amber was hoping that Kerry would say yes, because if she had to forcefully tie her new slave down, it would make her lose a lot of respect in the club.
Kerry was interested, as she squirmed in her seat, rubbing her legs together in hopes to hide her more and more visible wet spot. She looked down, and tried to speak again, but just another mewing noise. Kerry was so embarrassed, it was hard for her to even nod... this would be humiliating, but she had to try, at least once.
Amber almost jumped from her seat, as she set her bag down on the table. She faced it towards herself, and unzipped it, pulling out a collar that said "Property of Mistress Amber" on a small metal plate on the front of it, hiding the metal plate as she showed it to Kerry. Kerry nodded, as Amber fastened it around her neck, before a soft "click" was heard. Kerry jumped when she heard that, as her cat ears were now standing up, at alert. She tapped the back of the collar, and couldn't find where to let the collar off. She tugged at the collar, but it stayed firm on her neck.
The biggest piece of resistance she felt was when Amber swatted at her hand, quickly saying "Bad girl!" as Kerry quickly placed her hands in her lap. Kerry had never been collared before, not even by herself. She didn't wear the one Amber got for her, because it said "Amber's kitty" on it. Kerry thought that was weird... she wasn't Amber's pet, was she?
Amber noticed Kerry was in a daze, and was surprised by how submissive Kerry was actually being. She slowly took Kerry's bag away from her, as Amber slid the bag into her duffle bag. She smirked, as now she had everything of Kerry's... even if she got free, it wouldn't matter. Amber had her. Everything about her. Her phone, her keys, her I.D., her Drivers license... everything. Amber had her.
"Kerry, turn around in your chair, put a leg on either side of the back of the chair, and hold your hands behind your back, wrists together!" Amber said, in a loud, commanding voice that made Kerry jump. She was snapped out of her daze, and quickly did as she was told, spreading her legs on this chair, putting her arms behind her back and touching her wrists together. Kerry didn't know why she obeyed... but Amber's voice scared her. She wasn't sure if Amber was going to hit her, or scold her... but she didn't want either. Kerry was a good Kitty... "Kitty? What the hell?! What am I doing?!" Kerry thought, as she shook her head, "Why am I thinking of myself as a cat? I'm a woman, damnit!"
Amber took advantage of Kerry's situation, slowly sliding a loosened leather armbinder up the girls arms. As Kerry shook her head, Amber tightened the laces, hard, pulling Kerry's arms back painfully into a reverse praying position. Kerry squealed as her elbows were slowly forced to touch. "This is painful... really, really painful!" was all Kerry thought when her arms were being laced up. Amber tied off the laces, and pulled down a leather flap to cover the laces, zipping it up so Kerry had no chance of getting free on her own. For added effect, she closed the two zippers together, and attached them with a small padlock. Amber giggled, as she saw tears roll down Kerry's cheeks.
"Aww, the little Kitty is a crier... A loud crier... That won't do!" Amber said, in a playful voice. She grabbed a leather hood, setting it next to her on the table, directly behind Kerry so she couldn't see. Amber then started pulling Kerry's hair back into one bunch... a pony tail. Kerry didn't fight much, as Amber spoke softly, "I'm going to put something on your head, a mask to make sure no-one recognizes you, alright, Kitty?" Amber's voice is soothing, and relaxing, calming down Kerry considerably, as she nods slowly.
Amber takes this as a "yes", and slowly started pulling the leather hood over Kerry's head. Kerry didn't fight as much as she probably should have, but that was before she lost her sight. Amber had the eye-holes in this hood zipped up, and the mouth hole as well. Amber shushed Kerry as she started to struggle, and try to speak through the hood, pulling Kerry's hair through the hole on the back, and her ears through holes on the top... It's apparent this hood was special made for Kerry, as it fit perfectly. Kerry's eye holes were slowly unzipped, as was her mouth. Amber's smiling face was the first thing Kerry saw when she opened her eyes.
"Open your mouth Kitty, I have a surprise!" Amber said, almost cheerfully. Kerry was scared to hell directly before, but... somehow her friends cheery voice soothed her... reassured her. Even though she hated being called Kitty, it was like she was being verbally petted. Kerry slowly opened her mouth, pressing her ears against her head... this was her best friend, she could trust her... right?
Amber giggled as she pulled a bit gag around her friends... no... her pets head, making sure she saw it as she pulled it into the girls mouth. Kerry tried to close her mouth, but it was too late, it was in, and was pulled back, hard. It had a mouth piece meant to keep Kerry silenced... well, muffled. Amber enjoyed hearing her pets squeal and scream, but she couldn't afford it usually, as there were too many judging ears around, so she gagged them. She used gags that muffled them just enough to prevent them from alerting the Police... or her parents, or her neighbors.
Kerry was struggling wildly now, as she thrashed her head around, trying to get the gag out of her mouth. It was no use, as Amber grabbed Kerry's pony tail, and pushed her knee against the girls back, forcing her head into a bowing position. Amber finished buckling the gag behind Kerry's head, and smacked Kerry's ass once. She leaned in, and whispered quietly into Kerry's ear, "If you do that again, believe me, it'll hurt a lot more than one spanking. Pet's don't do that, other people will discipline you if I don't, just trust me... you asked for this, I'm delivering." Amber said, with a light peck to her friends ear.
Kerry blushed beneath the hood, she was furious that Amber had just... spanked her... but she understood why now, or at least, let herself believe the lie Amber told her. She trusted Amber, more than anyone else. There is no way Amber would hurt Kerry... none. Amber smirked as she noticed the boots Kerry wore. Amber spoke in a commanding voice, as she reached into her bag, looking for something. "Sit correctly in the chair, spread your feet apart about a foot and a half."
Kerry looked at friend, her ears twitching slightly, as the hood prevented her from moving them too far. She was forced to keep them perked up, and alert... for the most part. Kerry turned around, nearly falling out of her chair as she tried, stumbling around to sit down, her arms pressed against the back of the chair as she does. Amber finally finds what she's looking for, a leash and a two foot hobble chain. The first thing she did was clip the hobble chain to the zippers on Kerry's boots. She then pulled up hard on the zippers, pulling them until they slid into the locked position, as Amber smiled. Kerry was in a bit of pain there, a bit of pain still in her arms, but she knew this was so Amber could lead her around... she thinks.
Kerry was unsure, starting to doubt her friends actions as being so much "friendly", and more so... "sexual". Amber was enjoying this, a lot, even Kerry could tell. Amber undid the collar around the girls neck, pressing the hood down as she fastened the collar around the girls neck, overtop of the hoods bottom. This kept the hood locked in place, regardless of what Kerry got free now, she had to have someone else unlock this collar. This scared her, but she was reassured by Amber clipping a leash onto her collar, giving her a few gentle tugs.
Amber zipped up her bag, as she spoke in a commanding, but also teasing voice, "Come along, Kitty. You've got a long night ahead of you, and I want you in bed by one." Ambers saying this just kind of confused Kerry. ""Long night?" "Bed by one?" What does that even mean?" Kerry thought, as she slowly stood up, getting annoyed by the tugs. Kerry found it extremely difficult to walk at first, but Amber went slow, taking her bag over her shoulder as she walked, slowly picking up the pace. Kerry was almost stumbling, trying to keep up.
Amber suddenly stopped as they got about fifteen feet from the table, tapping her hand on head, as if to say "duh" as Amber spoke in a somewhat relieved tone, "Oh yeah! Almost forgot!" Amber said, as she whirled around. "Kitty doesn't need to see, she needs to trust her Mistress, doesn't she?" Amber said, in the same... playful tone. Kerry thought it was playful, but that terrified her, as she shook her head no, trying to pull away. It was no use, as Amber tugged on her leash, nearly making Kerry fall over. Amber caught her, and zipped up her eye holes.
"This damned hood..." Kerry thought, as she struggled lightly. "I can't... I can't see... I can't speak... I can barely hear... what the hell Amber, how can I enjoy this if I'm like this?!" Kerry thought, as she no-longer fought Amber. Kerry tried her best to follow where she was being tugged, hoping she would be okay. Kerry didn't want to get separated from Amber in this state, even though she didn't trust Amber one hundred percent right now, she trusted her more than some random person.
Kerry knew if she found a girl in this state, she might take advantage of her too... so she didn't want to think what others would do to her. Kerry was terrified, as she suddenly stopped feeling the tugs. She stopped moving, as she realized Amber had stopped, and was talking to someone. Amber's voice was muffled to Kerry, but she tried to listen.
"Yeah, she's TOTALLY new to being a slave, I literally convinced her today to come to the club... luckily for me, she clicked "S"! I was so happy. Looks like you've got Kassidy all slaved up too... how long did you work on that?" Amber said, in a happy, sing song voice.
Kerry couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Slave"... Amber couldn't be talking about her, but... she was. Kerry wasn't Amber's slave, she wasn't a slave at all!... w-was she? Had she agreed to be a slave without knowing it? Wait... did Amber say Kassidy? As in, their friend from high school? She heard another girls voice, as she tried to place it... she was sure she heard it before.
"...ah. I spent a while on Kassidy, but once I finally got her, I never let her go. She's been my faithful slave for about a month now. Tell you what, once you get that one trained, we can do a swap for a few days... I'll give you Kassidy, you give me Kerry. I'd love to get some revenge on that little bitch pussy of hers~." Jennifer said. Jennifer... Kerrys old friend. Revenge? Trade? Trained? what the hell were they talking about. Kerry tried to make out more, but the music picked up. The last thing she heard was what sounded like a kiss, and jingling of... chains? bells? she had no idea. She just knew she was being tugged along again. She was led down a hallway where the music was slowly fading out.
"Here we are, Kerry~ Your new life... I really hope you like this soon. You're not leaving this room until you do." Amber says, in a cheery, matter of fact tone. Kerry was terrified as she heard the door click open. She was mortified... what the hell was going on? She tried to pull away, but it was too late, Amber had already grabbed onto her arm, and was pulling her in by her leash and arm into this room. What the hell had Kerry gotten herself into?