- Author - doornik1142
- Rating -
   [ 4.02 actual ]
- Site Rank - 671 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, Other-f, non-consensual, analplay, bondage, chastity, humiliation, latex, machine, sci-fi, toys
- Post Date - 9/13/2014
Stacy swallowed hard as the door hissed open. She had to do it. They had made an agreement. This was the only way. She took a deep breath and stepped over the threshold.
Apart from the light flooding in through the door behind her, the room was pitch black. It was difficult to tell how large the room was, or if there was anything in it. Stacy took another deep breath. The only way to go was forward.
After taking three or four steps into the room there was a hiss and the door Stacy came through slammed shut, then a dull clunking sound as it locked itself automatically. Stacy shivered as the closing door sent a wave of cold air flowing over her naked body. The room was now pitch black.
After about a half-second of oppressive darkness, two lines of soft white lights appeared on the floor.
Stacy jumped at the sudden appearance of this croaky computerized voice. She swallowed, and did as she was told. The lights weren't nearly bright enough to illuminate the whole room, but at least it was better than total blackness.
At what Stacy assumed was the center of the room, she found an illuminated circle about five feet wide, surrounded by a ring that pulsed with a pale green light. An identical circle was visible on the ceiling directly above.
"STEP. INTO. THE. CIRCLE." said the computer voice.
Stacy hesitated, and the voice came back again, louder this time.
Stacy swallowed hard, and stepped into the circle.
"REMAIN. CALM." croaked the computer voice.
The rings on the floor changed from soft green to fluorescent blue. Stacy heard an electrical humming noise from beneath the floor, like a great machine was firing itself up. When the humming reached a crescendo Stacy's body became extremely heavy as an artificial gravity field activated. She fell to her knees as she felt her weight double, then triple.
Once she was on all fours the hum of the generator cut out and Stacy felt herself becoming light again. She tried to sit up but the palms of her hands were stuck to the white circle as if magnetized, and the same was true of her knees.
Stacy heard a noise like running water as an oily black liquid, latex rubber laced with nanomachines, bubbled up from the seam around the circle and converged on her naked body. There was a tingling sensation like goosebumps as the nano-latex flowed up her legs, coating her skin with a black rubbery sheen.
Stacy held her breath as the nano-latex flowed up her neck and enveloped her head. Her hair was pushed into a tight ponytail as the latex sealed her mouth and left her blind and deaf. For a brief moment Stacy feared the latex would suffocate her, but to her relief she felt a tingle in her nose as a pair of holes opened, allowing air to rush in. The tingle moved to her ears and then her eyes, and suddenly she could hear and see again. It moved down to her mouth and the latex unsealed her lips, though she could feel they were now coated with nano-latex.
The invisible force holding Stacy's hands and knees to the floor released. Before she could examine her new body Stacy yelped as the gravity field activated again, this time in reverse. An invisible hand yanked her up off the floor and suspended her in mid-air. The gravity field stretched her out between the floor and ceiling, pulling her arms up and her legs down, pinning her in place.
Mechanical arms emerged the shadows carrying sinister-looking latex items. A pair of stiff black high-heeled boots were forced over her feet and laced up to her knees. A stiff black corset made of metal and rubber was wrapped around her waist and cinched mercilessly tight, and Stacy gasped from the sudden pressure.
The tingling sensation of the nano-latex returned again, this time between her legs. Stacy felt the latex recede slightly, exposing her pussy and anus to the open air. Stacy's eyes widened as she felt an unseen force spreading her cheeks, and once her asshole had been exposed a painfully grooved phallic object was forced up it. As Stacy let out a cry of pain a ring gag and harness were strapped around her head, forcing her mouth wide open. Beneath the latex Stacy's face burned with shame as a chastity harness was locked in place, pushing the intruder deeper inside her.
She closed her eyes as the arms dressed her in a latex dress, then snapped black rubber manacles onto her wrists, ankles, elbows, and knees, topping it off with a wide collar around her neck and a thick rubber belt around her waist.
The gravity field lowered her to the ground and the arms set to work stringing chains between the various cuffs. Stacy's wrists, knees, and ankles were chained together, and her elbow cuffs were chained to her belt.
Stacy stood still as the shock of her experience washed over her. She waited, afraid something else was about to violate her, but nothing else happened. Her body felt so stiff and confined now. Her back was held perfectly straight by the tight corset and the collar kept her head immobilized. She was afraid to move an inch.
Suddenly a door opened on the opposite side of the room, allowing bright light to spill in. A young attractive woman walked in from outside. She wore a skin-tight flight suit with a pistol strapped to her hip, and a red and gold baldric draped over her shoulder emblazoned with the insignia of the Star-Runner Pirates. In her left hand she carried a computer tablet.
The woman circled around her, examining her up and down and nodding approvingly. She stopped in front of Stacy and sighed.
"Well, there you are," she said, "All strapped and bound up and ready to play. Would you like to see the new you?"
Stacy gurgled.
"I'll take that as a yes."
The woman pressed a button on her tablet and a full-length mirror rose up from the floor. Stacy's eyes widened at the sight of her new look.
She was clothed in a skimpy hip-hugging minidress made of pink latex, and beneath that her skin was completely covered in glossy black latex. The only exception was her head. Underneath the gag harness was a clownish mockery of a human face. The glossy black latex was broken up by a white mask, enormous red lips, red circles on her cheeks like blush marks, false eyebrows, and flamboyant artificial eyeshadow. All of that combined with the ring gag holding her mouth open, Stacy realized that she now looked like some kind of novelty sex doll.
"Hold still while I run through the commands. It's been a while since we've done someone up like you and I want to make sure everything works."
She tapped a few keys and Stacy felt a familiar tingle in her hands. She stared at her reflection, fascinated, as the latex fused her fingers together and turned her hands into useless rubbery stumps. The woman pressed another key and they returned to normal.
"Good, good so far..."
She entered more commands and Stacy watched as her body shape-shifted before her eyes. Her heels lengthened and shortened and her dress changed colors and forms, shifting to a bright red microskirt, to a blue knee-length hobble dress, and then to a yellow and black rah-rah skirt before reverting back to the pink minidress. Stacy squeaked in surprise as her latex-covered breasts began slowly expanding, and the latex surrounding them began shifting, forcing her breasts inwards and upwards like a push-up bra.
"I think I'll keep you on that setting for a while," the woman said with a slight smirk.
Stacy moaned pleadingly.
"Oh don't give me that," she said reproachfully, "We both know you brought this on yourself. I didn't make you sneak onto my ship. You should have known this was a pirate frigate and not a colony ship."
Stacy moaned again.
"Well how annoying do you think this is for me? A hot young thing like you would fetch a pretty price on the slave market, but I can't sell you because you're a citizen of the Interstellar Commonwealth. If they knew I'd sold a Commonwealth citizen into slavery they'd cancel my privateering contract and hunt me down. And I can't let you go because you've seen the inside of my ship."
Stacy whined pathetically.
"Don't try those puppy-dog eyes on me. You agreed to this, remember? Stowaways normally get thrown out the airlock, but you begged me not to do it. Said you'd do anything else. So it was either this, or death. I hope you're happy."
Tears trickled down Stacy's cheeks.
"I can still throw you out the airlock if you want."
Stacy's eyes widened and she shook her head vigorously, at least as much as the posture collar would allow.
"Well then, you'll just have to get used to it, won't you? Frankly I'll be glad to have you around. When you're the only woman on a ship full of men who haven't seen port in over a month, things can get a bit tense. I just hope the boys don't fight over you too much."
She leaned in close and squeezed Stacy's latex-covered breast.
"And," she said in a sultry voice, "every once in a while, I'll take you back to my cabin for some...private time."
Stacy closed her eyes and began to cry.
"Okay then," said the captain as she clipped a leash to Stacy's collar, "time to meet the rest of the crew."
Stacy's sobs echoed down the metal halls as the captain dragged her out of the room.
"Relax," she said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life..."