Chapter One
Serendipity is defined as "the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. So let me tell you about my serendipity event . Two years ago during the summer before my final year in college I worked for a middle aged couple, Helen and David Roth in their commercial real estate business. They owned a couple of strip malls and a fairly large apartment building. Mrs. Roth was the power in their business. She worked the deals while David did the grunt work. Physically she was taller, heavier and I think a few years older than him. But it worked for them. I was hired to organize and digitize all their files. David was usually friendly to me, she on the other hand barley knew I was alive. Fast forward to about 10 weeks ago. I was on line and I Googled "Mature Dominatrix". OK. That's what I am into. At least as a fantasy. I live in the middle of nowhere where the closest pro Domme is a couple of hundred miles away. And at that time I doubted I would ever have the nerve to visit such a lady. So imagine the fucking shockwave that went through me when I found an online photo stream featuring Mrs. Roth. At first I thought it was one of those Google things. Maybe someone referred to her as a "Dominatrix of Business" or maybe a less than complimentary comment by an someone she went up against. There were lots of those. The heading on the photo stream said there were well over a thousand pictures. The first fifty or so showed her in her home, dressed in many different outfits. There were a lot more smiles in those pictures than I ever saw in the office. Some with David, some with her puppies. I was about to give up when a series of images of her in various undergarments started to display. Not Vickie's Secret stuff, more like old style foundation garments. Long leg girdles and sturdy bras. Stuff woman of a certain age would have worn in the fifties. I was fascinated to say the least. And not a little excited. I continued through the pictures. More foundation garments with various see through baby dolls and teddies showing up and then I got to the money shot. Mrs. Helen Roth in knee high, high-heeled black leather boots, black fishnet stockings, a short black leather skirt and a un buttoned white blouse hanging open. She wore no bra, but you couldn't quite se her nipples on her large tits. She had a lethal looking leather paddle in her hand and I had my dick in mine. The next three picture were her in the same outfit in various poses. But it was the next one that so surprised me that I actually stopped what my hand was doing. This was not a picture of her. It was someone dressed as a fetish French maid. I didn't really understand it until I read the caption. The maid was David, her husband.
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David was dressed in fairly high heeled black patent leather shoes, black stockings and a short lacy black and white maids uniform. It was low cut, and pushed lower to allow the attachment of a pair of nipple clamps. His ankles and wrist sported red leather cuffs. A 12" chain was locked on his ankles and a shorter one ran between his wrist. That chain was attached to another chain running up to the red posture collar around his neck. His face was covered in makeup including big false eyelashes, he wore a strawberry blond wig in a style that would befit a stylish, conservative middle-aged woman and he had a big rubber ball gag stuck in his bright red lipsticked mouth. The caption told us her name was Bridgette. I was only about halfway through the pictures so I followed them to their conclusion. Many picture of Bridgette followed. She was shown doing housework, waiting on her Mistress or in swvere and uncomfortable looking bondage. I read how David became Bridgette on Saturday from the time he got up at 6AM to dress until Mistress Helen told him he could be David again. The time was spent doing house work and personal service for the lady of the house. Painful and humiliating punishments were also a big part of the day. No safe words were used and there was very little mercy given. Besides what I could see he was wearing I also found out he was plugged and wore a cock cage at all times. I am a coward and totally introverted but I needed somehow to be part of that. I eventually came up with an approach. It was going to be the bravest thing I had ever done in my life.
I still had her e-mail from when I worked for her and sent a message with the title "Online Pictures". Since there named did not appear anywhere in the pictures I knew this would get her attention. In the mail I told her who I was and wondered if I could be so bold as to have a few minutes of her time. If she did not care to meet with me I would be OK with that and would not bother her again. Four days later, it was a Thursday, I found myself sitting in her kitchen having been let in back to her by David, where she sipped a cup of tea. None was offered to me There was no small talk.
"I was kind of surprised when I found your pictures on the Internet." I said hoping this would start a conversation. It didn't she just took a sip of her tea and stared at me. I stumbled through a couple more prepared statements and eventually trailed off into the most uncomfortable silence of my life. Eventually she said:
"And you are here today to blackmail me?"
"Oh no. I would never..."
"So what do you want from me?"
"A small favor. I have tried to use a chastity device for awhile. I have little will power and would usually unlock my self in less than 24 hours. I know there are a lot of ways to keep the key from myself but I would rather it be a real someone who was preventing my release."
"And..." she said.
"And I would ask if you would be the key holder." There I said it.
"Are you wearing the device now?"
"Do you have the keys with you."
"Yes" I took them out of my shirt pocket. I had put them on a fine silver chain with visions of them hanging between her beautiful breast.
She stared at me awhile before saying. "Why should I?"
"I knew you would ask that and to be honest I never came up with a very satisfactory answer. I just hoped that you would find some enjoyment in knowing you had that control over me."
She took another swallow of her tea and seemed to think about it. Eventually she said "No."
I was somewhat disappointed to say the least but I suspected no argument would change her mind. I was about to pick up my keys and leave when she said:
"No. I will not be your key holder. But Bridgette will." This seemed to catch David as off guard as it did me. "Bridgette will be the holder of those keys and to do with you as she sees fit. You will be here at7AM Saturday morning. No free rides, If you want her to hold your keys and release you after a reasonable length of time you will have to earn it. Go home now. Don't be late."
I got up and headed for the door. As I got there Mrs. Roth said "Just an FYI. We don't do things by half measures here. David was once locked in his cage for11 weeks." As I walked back to my car I thought "WTF did I get myself into.
Chapter Two (added: 2014/11/14)
Friday as you can imagine was a fairly unproductive day. I spent half the time thinking about the night before and the other half thinking about tomorrow morning. I didn't sleep well that night. I did spend a lot of time on the computer looking at the pictures trying to imagine what would happen to me tomorrow. I arrived on time at exactly 7:00 and rang the bell. The door opened just a crack and I saw Bridgette's heavily made up face peering out at me. She was wearing her black and white maids uniform and all the cuffs and chains but there was one difference. She wasn't wearing the obsequious red ball gag she had in all the pictures. She stepped back and opened the door all the way so I could enter. I started to say good morning but she held her finger up to her blood red lips and led me to the back of the house.
"You shouldn't have rung the bell. If you woke up Mistress Helen I will be in trouble. If I am in trouble from it you will be in worse."
"I'm sorry. What should I do next time?" I said.
"Just go to the back door and wait. I'll let you in when I am ready."
We had arrived at our destination, a small bathroom. Judging by the items on the counter I suspected this was where David became Bridgette.
"Remove your clothes." Bridgette said.
I was a 25 years old virgin. This was going to be my first time naked in front of anyone since I was a baby and it was going to be a middle aged cross dressed French maid. Who would have thunk it. I did what I was told and in a minute and then I was given a hanger and instructed where to put my clothes. When I was done she took her first good look. Her fingers ran down my skin from my nipple to my crotch, stopping at the plastic cage that encased my cock. She gave it a tug to see how secure it was. It fit well and it wasn't going to come off easily. When she was doing this I noticed for the first time that the silver chain I had bought was around her neck with the lock keys hanging from it.
"You don't have much hair but you should have shaved it off before you came. You will normally do that in the morning before you come."
"Shave what hair?" I said.
"All of it of course. Everything below your head." She turned on the shower and handed me a woman's disposable razor. "Do a good job but don't take too long we have a lot to do before Mistress Helen wakes."
"OK." I said as I stepped into the shower. But before I was all the way in she grabbed me by my ear and twisted it hard.
"We don't say OK. You will speak respectfully towards me at all time and call me Miss Bridgette. Am I clear?" she said all the time twisting my ear.
"Y y yes" I said. This was certainly a different person than the guy I worked with a couple of years ago. Bridgette definitely empowered David to be more than he was. Using some shampoo as a lubricant I tried my best to shave it all off. My arms, belly and chest had next to nothing. My pits were fairly sparse too but my pubes were pretty bushy (years of fertilizing them with masturbatory cum?) and I had to work around the cage. I don't know how woman do their legs. I couldn't see the back and all the curves made it difficult to say the least. I did the best I could and after about ten minutes I stepped out of the shower. Bridgette had brought an 18" high stool and made me stand on it .
"Hands behind your head." She said. I did. Then she slowly examined my handiwork. I must have done a good job since she only used the razor a couple of times to cut off an errant hair here and there. All was good until she told me to bend over and put my hands on the counter. When I did that she spread my ass cheeks and checked it for hair.
"This is unacceptable. Did you even try? Do you know you have hair here?"
I hadn't seen it when I came in so I guess she had it concealed but as soon as she finished speaking to me she brought a wooden paddle down hard on my ass, I screamed louder than I should have.
"Shut up," she said as she brought it down two more times. She ordered me to stand up and hold my cheeks apart. Getting a pair of tweezers from the counter she proceeded to pluck several of the hairs from the most sensitive area before using the razor to get the remaining offenders. When she was done she led me to a small bedroom next to the bathroom. It had a single bed and a table wave with various impact and bondage toys. The bed had chains in the four corners. They called it the playroom. Lying on the bed was what was going to be my outfit for the day.
It wasn't quite a maids outfit. The main dress was what I'd call a "Little Miss Muffet" dress. It was pink with white lace. Very short with a skirt that flared out. Lots of bows made it all the more little girl. Lying next to it was the other parts of my outfit. White stockings, pink ruffles panties and a matching bra. On the other side of the dress was laid out all the bondage accessories I was going to have to wear. I'll skip the details of getting dressed and just say that it did take 10 minutes to get it right. She next spent another 10 minutes doing my make-up. I've never done drag before and Bridgette kept me away from mirrors but once she had put the last piece in place, a red ball gag, she led me over to a full length mirror. I was shocked and a little pleased. Sure it was humiliating to be made to dress like this but I had to admit I thought I looked good. Her color pallet was red lips and blue eye shadow I was more peach and pink. I was also wearing a platinum blond wig on my head and some ill fitting shoes with 2" heels on my feet. When she satisfied she picked up another ball gag and inserted it into her own mouth and buckled it tightly behind her head.
She led me into the kitchen where she turned the fire on under a kettle and put together a tray with a cup and a silver sugar bowl and creamer. At 1 minute to 8 she picked up the tray and went up a flight of stairs
Bridget opened the door just a crack and looked in. I heard Mistress Helens voice say;
"Yeah come in. You already made enough racket this morning."
I followed Bridget into the room. It was dark until she turned on a low wattage light on the dresser.
"Really," said a voice from the bed. "The fucking doorbell at 7 AM."
I immediately recognized Mistress Helen's voice. I also immediately recognized Mrs. Roth's angry voice. She was sitting up in bed. I had never seen her looking anything but professional, not counting the photostream pix, but this morning I was getting the raw Helen Roth, no make up and sleep hair and still scary as shit. She was bare breasted. She had huge tit's with giant aureoles and erect nipples. My presence seemed to be unnoticed. She said;
"You know you'll pay for that later. Give me my tea."
Bridget walked over to her and put the tray and handed her her tea. Although there was sugar and cream on the tray, it was not touched. As she drank her tea she seemed to notice me for the first time.
"Turn on a light I want to see your new slave."
That was the first time I heard that word, slave. I thought maid and maybe sub but I hadn't considered slave.
"What did you want to call her?" Bridget made an undecipherable two syllable sound. "Oh yeah," she said "Ginger." And that's when it kind of settled in. I was a slave maid named Ginger.
"Bring her over here,: she ordered. I was brought next to her at the head of the bed. "Dress fits OK but you'll want her in something more maid-like. Make her pay for it. Lift up her skirt." Bridget did then she pulled down my panties to reveal my cage. It was the same one Bridget wore. It was made of a bright pink plastic. It was small and didn't protrude when I wore my street clothes.
"Another small dick. Aren't there any guys put there with real cocks. Best thing for it is keeping it locked up where it can't embarrass you.
She finished her tea and then told Bridget to go get her shower ready and for me to go stand in the corner. My panties were still down around my ankles and having received no instructions I left them there.
I was in the corner for nearly an hour. During that time I heard the water running, the sound of Mistress moving around and getting in the shower, I heard her barking out instructions for Bridget, I heard Mistress coming out of the shower and her scolding Bridget for improperly drying her and finally I heard Bridget get a half dozen swats with a paddle. They left me there for about 20 minutes before Bridget came and got me.
Downstairs Mistress Helen looked her usual self now. Showered and dressed her makeup just right. She was carrying her purse and I realized she was going out just leaving us "girls" home alone.
"I'll be back in about three hours. I expect you'll have a great deal of the work done. Your new maid is supposed to help not slow you down." She gave me a harsh look and headed out the door.
Bridget was reading a piece of paper she was holding in her hand. Then she handed it to me. It was a list of household chores. It was a very long list. The house was pretty big. Bigger then any I ever lived on. There were five bedrooms upstairs along with two bathrooms and the master bath. On the main floor were the formal living and dinning rooms, kitchen, family room, and an office. There was also a finished basement. All of the rooms were pretty big with lots of stuff.
Bridget took me by the arm and led me to a closet. There was a perceptible change in Bridget once Mistress had left. Although like me he was gagged he was able to exude a certain dominant air with his dealing with me. His grip was firm and his instructions pretty clear when he gave them even if only with nods of his head and pointing. I was able to read a lot in his pretty blue eyes. I'm not sure when I started thinking of his eyes as pretty but...
Again I'll skip the details of the cleaning and just say that any job that did not meet his (or Mistress's) standards resulted in swats with a wooden paddle and that we were not very far into the list when Mistress's Helen came home. She registered her displeasure with our progress with Bridget getting a dozen hits with the paddle while bent over the kitchen table. I knew I would get mine later.
It wasn't until nearly 4:00 when we finished. During the day I had been given a water break every two hours and had a 5 minute break for a sandwich and a piece of fruit but other than that I had been gagged the entire day. That and being on my feet for all that time in shoes with unaccustomed heels and you can see why I was glad when the work was done. I had thoughts of being freed and allowed to go home but they had others plans. At least Bridget had.
She took me to the basement. The basement had a very nice rec- room with a bar and big TV viewing area. We went right through it to a door into an unfinished windowless room.. It had concrete block walls, cement floor, and chains hanging down from the ceiling. I recognized the room from the online pictures. The pictures showed Bridget in very uncomfortable bondage. The commentary for those pictures said that Bridget had spent hours in such bondage. Many of them showed her bound to a heavy wooden chair. The chair had many hooks and eye bolts and various other tie downs. That chair sat in the middle of the room. My day wasn't over yet.
Bridget stood behind me and unfastened my dress. She removed the chains attached to my wrist cuffs so I could take the dress off. She also removed my panties. I was positioned bent over the chair, my arms on the seat. She beat me with a handled wood spoon. I did not know if this was due to her receiving the paddling because of the noise I made or just one because she could but whatever the reason it was as promised worse than hers. When it was over I felt her finger in my butt hole. She was smearing something cold there. I knew what it was and what to expect next. I had a couple of butt plugs but only ever used the smallest. This one was considerably bigger. It hurt going in but once in it felt OK.
She had me sit in the chair. My arms were re-chained behind my back. My legs were chained to the chairs back legs. A belt went around my body just under my bra. The bra was then pushed up so a pair of nipple clamps could be applied. She removed my gag and gave me water. I found this as a great relief and although I wasn't sure what was ahead of me I found myself grateful and thinking how kind she was. I was next blindfolded and left like that for two hours.
When she returned I was a wreck. My joints ached like never before. My nipples had gone from painful, to not bad, and then to almost unbearable. I had to piss real badly and I was exhausted. She quickly released me. She no longer had her gag in. She spoke softly and reassuringly to me. She massaged my shoulders and thighs. The only thing she couldn't help with was the nipple clamps. She could have released the pressure before taking them off, but she didn't. If the belt wasn't still around my chest I would have fell over when she yanked them off. She allowed me 10 minutes to recover before taking me back upstairs to the small bathroom and meticulously cleaned my face of all the makeup. My clothes were there carefully folded placed on the toilet seat. I started removing my girly undies but she stopped me and told me to keep them on under my boy clothes as she called them. And then she led me to the door.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes." I said. Physically tired but emotionally OK.
"Do you want the key back?"
"Than I can expect you here next week?"
I hesitated amount and than said "Absolutely."
She smiled at me and then leaned in and kissed me o the lips. I did not think this was a 40 something year old bald guy. Instead I just enjoyed the kiss from the pretty lady named Bridget.
Chapter 3 (added: 2014/11/14)
I arrived at Mistress Helen and Bridget's home for my fifth service day with them. Ever since my second visit I have been required to arrive with my ladies undies on. Last week they added a corset to my wardrobe. It was pink and girly and looked fairly innocuous but after Bridget tightens it and attaches the four little locks up the back it was anything but. Also my toes and finger nails are painted. Since my basic colors were pinks and peaches I thought I could by with light peach nail polish. Unacceptable. My nails are blood red. I have to walk in and out of my apartment building with my hands in my pockets.
That day saw another new addition to my wardrobe. My custom made dress had arrived. Although it was at least as humiliating as the "Muffet" dress I was glad it was here at last because it was mine. It was pretty much your basic slutty French made dress but they took every opportunity to make it as degrading as possible. First of all it was baby blue satin with white lace everywhere. It was very short. Very very short. My ass and groin were constantly on view. There were bows on short sleeves and lace around the neckline. My feelings were as always mixed. I never really had many fantasies along these lines but the humiliation seemed so right. Same thing with Bridget. I have no interest in men but Bridget...? I just try not to think about it.
Once dressed I started my chores. It was a pretty typical day. While Bridget attended to Mistress I started cleaning the other bathrooms. As far as I could tell two of them hadn't been used since my last visit but I scrubbed them just as hard as if they were in daily use. After the bathrooms I vacuumed all the rooms except the master suite, that was Bridget's domain, I had only been in there on my initial visit. I spent the next three hours working my way down the list. Just before noon I was sent into the basement. Bridget brought me a sandwich and a drink and told me to start cleaning down here when I finished and left. An hour later she returned and brought me upstairs to the dinning room. Mistress sat at the table over the remnants of her lunch. Across the table sat a dark haired man. Bridget brought me over to him for a closer examination.
"This is the new girl?" he said.
"Yes," said Mistress "this is Ginger."
"Pretty. Prettier than the other one."
"Younger. He has a small cock too." Turning to me she said. "Lift up your skirt and let him see what I am talking about.
My face burned with the humiliation as I lifted my new skirt. I had no panties on so he had a clear view of my, yes, small penis in its pink plastic cage. Mistress's guest reached down and ran his hand over my thighs, his knuckles brushing against my balls.
"So nice," he said smiling. Pushing his chair back away from the table he said "Turn around I want to see your ass."
I turned around as instructed. He reached up under my skirt and took my scrotum in hand, his thumb pressing up against my sphincter. I didn't like what was happening but I was totally submissive and did nothing in protest. After a minute he released my balls and grabbing my arm he pulled me over his knee and began spanking me. It was very hard and it went on for a long time. After a while he stopped and asked;
"Was that enough?".
To which Mistress Helen responded. "Hardly."
And the beating continued for some time. Eventually he stopped.
"Let's go," he said to Mistress.
She did not say anything. She got up from the table and went to him. The embraced and kissed hard. They held that kiss for sometime before breaking off and headed to the bedroom.
"Oh," I thought to myself. "Mistress had a fuck buddy."
Of course with the gag in her mouth Bridget was unable to say anything but I had become somewhat skilled at reading her eyes and I could tell he wasn't happy about it. My feelings were better him pounding her than me. We continued our work. After the bull left Mistress took a long lazy bath, followed by a massage from Bridget and then dressed and went to dinner with her some friends, Bridget was hard on me the rest of the day. Making me redo a lot of the work and giving me little (and not so little) smacks and kicks all after noon. But her true emotions didn't come out until she took me into the basement.
We had spent time in the basement torture room each week. Usually about an hour or two. It was pretty much play time for her. She would leave me in some bondage and discomfort for a period of time. This would usually be combined with a flogging. I will admit I found the floggings much to my liking. Afterwards Bridget would chat with me while I changed back from Ginger to me and then give me a good-bye kiss at the door. This day was different.
It started when she grabbed my ear and twisted hard all the way to the basement. Once there she removed her gag and ordered me to get naked. She had me strip off my new dress. stockings and undergarments. Even my gag came out. She also unlocked my wrist and ankle cuffs and the corset. I was naked except for my cock cage, she had even removed my wig. The only part of Ginger remaining was my makeup. I wasn't free for long. She replaced my wrist cuffs with heavy metal shackles. A short chain held my wrist close. Next she put a black leather posture collar which made it difficult to move my head. I was led me over to a heavy duty wood table, maybe it was formally a workbench?. Before she bent me over it she hung a pair of harsh nipple clamps on me. Then she positioned me over the table. My arms were stretched out in front of me and attached to a chain holding me down. She next but two more heavy metal shackles on my ankles and with a stretcher bar separating my legs to their most extreme. Then turning off the light she left me alone.
I heard her coming. She was walking in slowly. She didn't turn on the light but instead lit several candles carefully staying out of my view; and then she was next to me. At first I thought it was someone else. But it was Bridget but a different one. The first thing I saw was different hair. She replaced her Paula Deen wig with a long black one with several streaks if bright red. She had also had changed her make-up. Our make-up has always been over the top drag queen but now hers was subtle, sexy mix of grays. Her usual bright red lips were a much darker shades and her cheekbones were highlighted in a most professional way. Bridget, who I always thought of as pretty, was now drop dead sexy beautiful. She was no longer the maid. She wore a no nonsense black corset, black leather skirt and thigh high 6" hi heeled boots. She had black leather bands on her wrist, a long cruel whip in one hand and a large dildo in the other. I was mesmerized and terrified by her look. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up and brought her face close to mine, I thought she was going to kiss me but she spat in my face instead. She brought the silicon cock to my lips and I opened my mouth so she could push it in. It was an assault. She shoved it in as far as she could, sliding it in and out rapidly causing me to gag and fear I would puke. It went on for some time. When she stopped she left it in my mouth. Next was the whipping. Since going there I had received many bare ass beatings but none as intense as this one or ever with something as harsh as this whip. She seemed to be somewhat of an expert at this.. The first hit was right at the juncture of my legs and my ass with each following hit landing right above or below the previous. Later that night with the aid of a mirror I was able to count the dozen strokes that were spread from the top of my ass down to the back of my knees. After the last stroke she was done. She didn't say a word, she just release me from my bondage, took me by my arm and led me through the house to the back door and pushed me out, naked into their back yard. A moment later she threw my pants, shirt and shoes out to me. I was cold and confused when I got to my car. I had some wet wipes in the car and did the best I could do cleaning off my very smeared makeup before driving home. My apartment building has a rear entrance and stairs which I was able to use without any of my neighbors seeing me. I was home, safe and confused. And wondered what was going to happen next?
Chapter 4 (added: 2014/11/14)
What happened next was...nothing. Still locked in my cage I was still dependent on Bridget to release me so the following Saturday I showed up as usual. Bridget let me in and soon as she closed the door behind me she embraced me. She was gagged so the best thing she could do was rub her cheek with mine. And things were back to normal. That was my sixth week there. Week seven and eight were pretty much the same. Each week had its little wrinkle. Once I was locked in a closet for an hour while Bridget orally pleasured his Mistress. On another occasion we were tied together face to face, arms around each other, without our dresses and given a flogging by Mistress Helen but nothing too outré until week 9. That one was a bizzaro day.
I was left waiting to be admitted on the rear porch longer than usual. When the door opened I was surprised... no I was shocked to see it was Mistress Helen who opened the door for me. But that was just the beginning of a most shocking day. Mistress was wearing the skimpiest of ladies nightwear. A short see-thru red top with a plunging neckline. Her large breast and dark nipples were clearly visible. Covering her snatch was a g string panty with a small red satin triangle in front. Pubic hair stuck out on all sides. I had seen her tits before on a couple of occasions but this is the first time I saw the rest. I gawk like a little kid stumbling in on mom and daddy fucking. I knew I shouldn't look but didn't know how to stop. A nonchalant slap to my face stopped me.
"Go get fucking dressed," was all she said before returning to (SHOCK #3) making breakfast! I rushed to become Ginger to see what further insanity lay ahead. My makeup wasn't perfect but I hurried out to join the mostly naked Mistress Helen as she put the breakfast on a bed tray and took it upstairs to her bedroom. As I followed her up I saw her ass showed the evidence of recently having been spanked. She told me to open the door as I did I wondered who was so entitled that the Queen of this domain would dress like this and serve him breakfast in bed? Another bull? And where was Bridget?
The room was dark as we entered it. Country western music was playing and there was a figure on the bed. Following her command I put the light on as she put the tray down across someone knee. Holy-fucking-moly! It was David. Looking up from the tray he said;
"OK. Now sing the song."
Mistress Helen did not look happy but started to sing (somewhat monotonically) "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear David. Happy birthday to you."
"Thank you Helen. That was wonderful and breakfast looks wonderful. Now I believe you have a list of chores so why don't you get to it and if I need anything Ginger will take care of it."
And with that he dismissed his Domme.
OK. So it's his birthday. He gets to be the king in his wife's queendom? Well judging by the cat that ate the canary look on his face I guess it was?
"Once a year," he told me, "we swap positions for 15 or 16 hours. Within certain bounds of course. She makes me breakfast and lunch, does my chores and dresses the way I want her to. She also has to make me cum whenever and however I I want. Either with her hand or her mouth. Then tonight we will go out to a nice dinner and when we come home she will give me my birthday spanking and put my little guy back in its cage. Pour me another cup of coffee please"
I went to the bed and picked up the stainless steel carafe and filled his mug.
"Just a little milk and one sugar, please."
I complied. As I did he ran his finger over my face. "Ginger, Ginger, Ginger," he said. "Pretty, pretty Ginger." He looked into my eyes. As always my feelings were mixed. I lusted over Bridget, not so much over David.
When he finished his meal he told me to turn the shower on. I did and returned to the bedroom. He had me remove the tray and pull back the blankets. He was naked, this was the first time I saw his cock loose from it pink plastic sheath. It semi hard but looked to be on a hair trigger. It made me wonder about my own dick and how it would respond to freedom. It's been over two month with only a couple of brief reprieves for cleaning with ice cold water and to say the least I wanted to cum. But that wasn't to be that day I was told that while he was in the shower I was to take the tray downstairs and put one of mistress's fluffy towel in the dryer to warm it up and be back waiting in the bathroom in 10 minutes.
When he done washing he stepped out of the shower, held his arm out from his body and said "Well come on Ginger. Dry me."
I took the warm towel and started with his arms, then his chest. I did his back then his butt. He made happy purring sounds when I did. I got down on my knees and did his legs. His ass just inches away from my face. He turned around, his dick was now inches away.
"Missed something."
I reached up with the towel and began slowly rubbing his cock with the towel,,, and it started to grow. When I thought I had sufficiently dried it off I stopped. He made an unhappy moan but (to my relief) walked away. I joined him in the bedroom and dressed him as per his instructions. When he was dressed he sent me downstairs to help with the chores.
I didn't so much help as do them. Mistress Helen was still half heartedly vacuuming when I got there. She immediately told me to get started on the dusting. They have a big wall unit with over a hundred knick-knacks. Most weeks we took each piece out and dusted it along with the glass shelf it sat on then replaced it in its exact position. Bridget had a secret reference picture to work with. I did not have one today. Mistress Helen checked my work, I did not do well. She gave me an over the knee spanking. I corrected what I thought I got wrong, I was spanked again. It was a long day.
As usual at the end of the day I was sent downstairs for some personal one on one torture. After waiting downstairs for 10 minutes to my surprise it was Mistress Helen who joined me there. She was wearing a cup less black leather corset and nothing else. Her pubic were a dark contrast to what was on her heard.
"Why are you standing on not on your knees? Bridget has done a poor fucking job of training you. We will rectify that tonight. Now get down on your fucking sissy knees."
I did immediately. I also lowered my head. She approached me and stopped in front of my. Her exposed cunt just inches away.
"Kiss my toes," she said emphasizing the statement with a not to subtle blow to the side of my head.
I lowered my mouth and began kissing each toe on her left foot. After a few passes I switched to the right. She had been wearing high heels all day and her feet were sweaty and fragrant.
"Use your tongue."
I did; retracing the area I had just kissed. She pulled her foot away then pivoted it up on the heel.
"Lick the bottom of my foot."
This was difficult. I had to lay my head down sideways on the concrete floor and stretch my tongue as far as it would go. Her foot had picked up dirt and some granules from the cellars' concrete floor. I licked them off and had no choice but to swallow them. After I serviced her feet she ordered me to get naked and wait for her to return.
When she returned she had changed her clothing again. I suspect David used his birthday authority to select her outfits. She was topless, her remarkably firm breast jiggled as she walked. She was wearing a black leather miniskirt, black patterend stockings and a pair of "fuckme" red patent leather shoes with suicide heels. Around her wrist were leather gauntlets and she had a spiked collar. Her makeup, usually subtle was Bridget/Ginger like. David had had a good time.
She had me bend over the chair with my hands resting on the seat. I felt her putting something cold on my butt-hole. It was lube. A few seconds later I felt the tip of a dildo pushing in against my mildly resisting sphincter. She would have none of that and quickly shoved it in. It was big and painful and she wasn't gentle but to be honest it wasn't all that bad. So she made it worse. She stopped fucking me and came and stood in front of me. I first I thought she was holding a cup of tea, but when she reached in and pulled out a bar of soap the had been steeping in the water I knew it wasn't tea time.
"Open," she said. I did and she pushed the bar in my mouth. It must have been in the water for a long time because it was all soft and runny. She pushed it in and out a couple of times before making me swallow what was in my mouth. Leaving the bar in my mouth she returned to my ass fucking. It went on for some time. "We don't do things by half measures." I remember her saying.
I received no good-bye kiss that night. I was just told to clean off my make-up and go home.
Chapter 5
Week 10 was a long, long work day. Bridget and I cleaned the whole house. Doing every chore thoroughly. Mistress was very hands on making sure everything was done to her most exacting standards. When I say hands on I mean it quite literally. I was slapped many times that day. Early on I realized something was up but wasn't sure what. We didn't get much time for lunch, and it was pretty skimpy. A couple of pieces of white bread and some peanut butter. Just water to drink. I noticed that the fridge had been emptied. It wasn't until the end of the day would I find out just why.
It was late when we finished. Mistress Helen and Bridget had been in the bedroom for the final hour while I did the already very clean lower level. Bridget, un-gagged, brought me down a couple of slices of pizza that they had had delivered, removed my gag and said she would come back and get me in a few minutes. I scarfed down the pizza and five minutes later she came and led me upstairs to the playroom. Before entering the room I saw four suit cases in the hall outside their room. I had cleaned the playroom many times and I know it was used for sex but by whom I had no idea. She had me strip down to just my garters, stockings and shoes. Then after positioning me on the bed she attached bungee cord connected cuffs to my wrist and ankles and spread me eagle on the bed.
"I'll be back in a little while. Don't go anywhere," she said said giving my nibbles hard twist.
I had no idea what would come next. I did have some paranoia thoughts about being abandoned like this. Maybe they were going to burn the house down. Maybe Mistress and David would do that but not beautiful sweet Bridget. So I tried to relax as best I could.
It was nearly a half hour before she returned. And as shockingly scary different she looked the night of the bull, she was just as shocking but on the other end of the spectrum. She had exchanged her conservative middle age lady wig for a platinum blond page boy which accented her much toned down make-up. The new look made her look 10 years younger. She wore a black baby doll negligee and black stockings. Her perfume was spicy. Around her neck was the chain with my cock cage key. She laid down on top of me and kissed me. Our goodnight kisses had been a little more prolonged each week but nothing like this. She pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. I am sure I tasted of pizza but she was mint and sweetness. Our tongues curled around each other in an erotic wrestling match. When we broke she just looked into my eyes for a second and gave me a little smile. Then she removed the key from around her neck and unlocked my cock.
She repositioned herself so she could take my newly freed member into her mouth. I had never felt anything like it. The warmth and softness after months in the hard plastic was too much. For weeks now I couldn't think of anything but cumming but now I didn't want this feeling to ever end. But way too soon biology won and I shot a massive amount of sperm into Bridget greedy mouth. I guess she swallowed it all because when she brought her lips to mine again all there was was the salty remnant. She released me from the bungees and we cuddled for sometime before she said what I knew she was about to say.
"Ginger, as you probably guessed Mistress and I are going away for awhile. Mistress has been planning a long vacation for some time now and has been working to get the business running without her day to day input. We have never been to Europe or Asia and don't have an exact itinerary planned but we are talking about four months. We'll be back sometime in October." I started to speak but she put her finger on my lips to silence me. "Now you have a decision to make. This could be your last time here. You can have your previous life back, although I think you may have discovered things about yourself you never knew. That's the way it was with me after meeting my wife. So you may wish to explore that." A long pause. I said nothing. "Or you may wish to return to our service. If you do we will expect a lot more out of you. More time and..." he looked very deep into me and smiled a bit "...a lot more in the way of personal service. So the decision is yours. Do what you think is best. We laid there a little longer before she told me it was time to go.
Today is October first. This morning I shaved my whole body for the first time in a while. I recently bought several new sets of delicate undergarments which I will wear everyday from now on and I for the first time since being released from it encased my cock back in it's pink prison. The keys for the lock I put in an envelop and mailed them to a certain address. And now I wait. I hadn't heard from them since they left but that's OK, who am I to expect them to take time off from their busy schedule. After all I'm just the maid.